Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Dan J Chambers, CPCU

July 30, 2010

I am a registered representataive and I implore you not to place an undue burden on our ability to do business and service our customers by imposing a fiduciary responsibility on us. I have conducted my business relationships with all my client with great integrity over the last 30 years but I will give up my license if this law goes into effect. I am sure that many other reps will do the same which will result in clients receiving less service. This will be an unintended consequence. We are not Bernie Madoff's, we are small business people who are trying to do the right thing for our clients but this is too much of a burden knowing that 10 years later they can sue us if they don't like the way their investments performed. It is simply not acceptable to have that risk hang over my family.

I hope you put some thought and reason into your vote.