Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Thomas M Nowak, CFP
Affiliation: Principal, Quantum Financial Planning LLC

July 28, 2010

I am writing to support the adoption of a uniform fiduciary standard applicable to all individuals holding themselves out as financial advisors, financial planners or investment advisors. I encourage the adoption of a high standard rather than a watered-down one, perhaps comparable or identical to the standard registered investment advisors are currently held to. I was motivated to change careers over 7 years ago in response to the lack of availability of independent and affordable financial advice that could be offered without the inherent biases that result when a service provider is obliged to put their personal, and their firms interest, ahead of the client. As an independent hourly, fee-only, advisor for over the past 5 years, I continue to see many, many examples where the consumer of financial services isn't being served and are placed into products and situations that only make it more difficult for them to reach their financial goals. The current SEC mandate offers an opportunity to help clients of financial services by improving disclosure requirements and applying a world class fiduciary standard.