Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Norbert F Mayer
Affiliation: NAIF

August 30, 2010

Members of the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission

I am a Registered Representative of the Thrivent Investment Management Company. I hold a Series 7 and 26 license.

As a Registered Representative I must complete an annual certification demonstrating my understanding of securities regulations and am subject to an annual office inspection by an officer of Thrivent Investment Management.

I must complete annual FINRA continuing securites education requirements and demonstrate through testing that I am current in my understanding of securities regulations.

Prior to discussing equity investments with my clients I must provide them with the appropriate prospectus and do an assessment to help determine what their prior investment experiences have been and what their risk tolerance is.

Than I do a financial analysis, determing what assets and investments they currently own and what financial obligations they have to help determine what a suitable investment would be.

This is a forward looking procedure where I am monitored to make sure that I am offering suitable investments for my clients.

The fiduciary standard looks backwards, determining years after the securites were sold to determine if those were the best recommendations. Unfortunately too much time passes from the time a security is sold until irregularities are uncovered and often the client can no longer be compensated for the losses incurred.

I feel that the way we are currently regulated is a much more effective tool to help assure that our clients are being offered suitable investments.

I urge you to continue monitoring registered representatives as we are currently monitored.