Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Robert Magers
Affiliation: MDRT, NAIFA

August 27, 2010

AS registered representatives we are already subject to strict regulation and compliance. Every three years we are required to sit for a three hour proctered, online test of
knowledge and application to protect the consumer in areas of suitability, and client relationships.

At the office, we have an in house compliance officer conducting unannounced annual review of client files, U4 accuracy, along with a several page checklist of our understanding of securities regulations as they pertain to our practice.

My practice is built around the relationship with my client, conducting annual reviews, quarterly updates, email corresponce, where suitable and appropriate. In short, I take care of my clients.

Additional compliance would be redundant and expensive for my practice, and would result in more expense to my clients, and, would probably increase "errors and ommission" coverage.

In short, as I have witnessed with my professionals, many have left their chosen professions because of the weight of
liabilities and expenses has impacted their ability to serve their clents effectively.