Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Anthony V Palermo
Affiliation: Financial Advisor

August 25, 2010

This year Princor took the direction on our Advisory Select Fee Based accounts that our clients had to select one of 5 models based on their risk asssesment. We then could build an investment protfolio based on the type of sectors within the model and the precentages allowed. This is great if they want a personalized managed account.

From a cost stand point, if my client wants a very aggressive or very constervative portfolio outside of one of the models, they have to now choose a brokerage account with a higher costs associated due to break points when using multipal fund families in order to select the best funds with the lowest internal costs. It doesn't make sense, but as I've been told, to comply with the SEC/Meryl Lynch rules, that's the way it is. So the client gets screwed. I thought that's what your were trying to correct.

Someone overlooked this interptation....on the Broker/Dealer side or at the SEC.

Thank you,

Tony Palermo