Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Robert R Schroth

August 24, 2010

Unfortunately i have not had the opportunity to review in detail the proposed changes. I can however tell you that there is not one day that goes by that i do not spend at least an hour doing due diligence of some sort in behalf of my client. I am not a fee paid financial planner so I get paid strictly on what I sell. Most of the work that i do for my clients, I do because I respect my clients and want to make sure that they get more than what they are paying for. It is a personal insult to me to think that a regulatory body believes that i would put my own compensation above the product that is the best for my client. It is a bigger personal insult to think that regulatory body has the ablility to tell me what should be best for my client, when they have never met or talked with my client. I would certainly like to be able to make judgement about the value of what the SEC is giving to me and wheter it is worth my tax dollar.