Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Jonathan D Haymes
Affiliation: Haymes Insurance Agency Inc.

August 24, 2010

I am writing to you concerning your study examining the effectiveness of regulations governing broker-dealers and investment advisers.

I am a registered represenative and hold a property/Casualty and Life/Health license and securities registration 6/63. By far I spend more time with continuing education, compliance, field office inspections, extra paperwork and manpower keeping on top of the requirements of my securities registration than I do on all my other licenses combined.

If another layer of regulation is imposed upon me I really don't see how I will be able to continue to provide a service to my clients because of the time cost constraints that you will have imposed on me.

Under the current system their are more people that look at a piece of business that is submitted for compliance and making sure that we have done the right thing for the client in all situations. I just don't see how another standard is going to improve but only impede the success and access for clients.

Please consider very carefully the FULL impact that your decision will have on a lot of Reps and clients.

Thank You

David Haymes