Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Michael J Lanspery
Affiliation: Registered Representative

August 24, 2010

-As a registered rep. with over 26 yrs experience in the industry and many hundreds of clients with whom I have had a long and beneficial business relationship, we are required, as a matter of course to exercise the suitabilty requirements of NY Life and Nylife Secuities as a prerequisite to completing each investment. We do our utmost to determine the clients risk tolerance based on a myriad number of factors, such as: age,income , assets, financial goals, etc. I take exception to the implication that somehow I do not do my job thoroughly and therefore should be more highly regulated. Americans as a whole are not ignorant of the fact that many investments contain a certain amount of risk which they decide to assume or not. Additonal risk can result in higher growth, but or course results are not guaranteed.