Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Wayne Lunday
Affiliation: National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors

July 30, 2010

Dear SEC Commissioners:

I know you'll be inundated with responses, so I'll keep this brief...

The imposition of a more strict fiduciary standard, above and beyond the current checks and balances already in place will create an undue hardship on my practice, most likely causing me to drop my securities license. I operate a 4-person multiline office, offering property and casualty insurance, life, health, disability and long-term care insurance for our little community of Castle Rock, WA.(pop. 2100). I am the only agent here, and provide the securities related services and products to the community more as a public service than an income generator. I've been in business for 31 years, securities licensed for 27 years and have NEVER caused a client to file a grievence. I'm proud of the due diligence I now do for each client, and for you to impose additional "fiduciary" demands would cause our little town to lose any representation at all.

Commissioners, in my opinion your consideration if these standards are a case of "a solution looking for a problem" as any individual violations that might occur would easily and throughly be dealt with within the existing regulations. Thank you.

Wayne Lunday, LUTCF, CLU, ChFC
High Cascades Agency
Castle Rock, WA