Subject: File No. 4-606
From: M. Wayne Neff, CFP
Affiliation: Senior Partner, Heritage Wealth Advisers, LLC

August 22, 2010

I find it inexcusable that the financial service industry leaders are opposing the proposed fiduciary standards that would basically put their clients' interests ahead of their own. I do not, however, find it hard to believe. The insurance companies and broker dealers who have been the most vocal opposition to this basic consumer good practice have shown their true colors. They continue to protect their ability to promote and sell products services without regard to the consumers best interest. This is not to say that they are promoting or selling bad products, but rather they do not want their sales practices to be hindered by being required to have their sales forces make the consumers well being a primary concern.

I derive my income from both advisory fees and commissions. I am a Certified Financial Planner and adhere to the CFP Code of Ethics. I strongly support the proposed fiduciary standards and believe it is a reasonable minimum standard for all financial service professionals.