Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Donald G. Wheeler, Sr.
Affiliation: Member of FPA

August 18, 2010

-Dear Sirs:

I am a practicing Financial Advisor and have been for almost 20 years. During that time I have always put the interests of my clients before my own. This has stood me in good stead with my clients and has generated many referals.
On more than one occasion I have observed other advisors who regularly did such things as recommend investments in many fund companies so break points would not accrue to the client and maximum commission would be to the advisor. I have observed the sale of an annuity to an elderly person with the guise of greater return and tax savings without knowing that the client paid no taxes due to extrordinary medical expenses, and had an immediate need for the income.
For these reasons and many others I recommend you requier the enforcement of a fiduciary standard for all of us who give the public advice and recommend appropriate investment or insurance products.
I am a Certified Financial Planner and hold a MBA degree