Subject: File No. 4-606
From: hank tanaka
Affiliation: retired computer analyst

August 16, 2010

The SEC condones flimflam that is undermining the democracy:
Corporations confiscate Americas capital in the stock market.

Manifestations of this thievery:
A decade of brazen tapping of shareholder funds pilfered the base shareholders of hundreds of billions. The now impoverished middle class has been swindled.
Executives are lavishly paid, as are armies of corporate lobbyists.
Executives enjoy sumptuous retirements. Middle class retirements have been forsaken or downgraded.
Transfusing ill-gotten money to the Haves created a shameful wealth gap.
Traitorous corporations are plundering a democracy to build an aristocracy.

The current joblessness and recession is recapped in a one sentence loop.
Companies dilute shareholders at will and they cut jobs when commerce ebbs. Either the scams cease or the victims rebel or the nation falls into servitude.

Will trade the solution for qui tam. Hank Tanaka Tel. 843.557.0464

PS. If the purloined funds are not reclaimed political dynasties will dominate.
PS. I have laid bare the money mystery. The jobs mystery is unsaid for now.