Subject: File#265-28
From: Anthony Espinal

Dec. 01, 2021

Good Evening.

Hope this email finds its way to your Investor Advisory Committee tomorrow. My concern of the SEC is what REALLY is the motive? Who is really being protected? What is your role? Telling us retail investors what to do with our own money? Gary Gensler earlier stated that people should just save their money. He is NOT a financial advisor. Nor am I, but I sure know that saving money will get you no where in life with the way inflation is going. He’s the chairman of the SEC. So stay in that lane. Also its seems like you guys ask companies to come in for guidance or register. How can someone register something when you have yet got clarity of what it is that your telling them to register in terms of crypto. Sounds like your trying to make these companies agree to something that there is no agreement on yet. Like self incriminating kind of tactic. And not only that, instead of giving guidance like your suppose to, you slap a enforcement. That’s like failing a student for going to school. How can there be an enforcement on something that you gave no guidelines on. Guidance have to come first. Break the guidance get an enforcement. Cant get a speeding ticket if there’s no speed limit. We know American companies have came to you numerous of times for clarity, and it seems like only Bitcoin and Ethereum got the go ahead, and you cant tell us how did they pass the Howey Test? How is that “guidance”. As and American I feel like Im being betrayed by the people who are suppose to protect me. Seems like a trend lately in this country. So if you would like to have my opinion as to how I think the SEC should move forward in regards to crypto is either leave it to the CFTC, Have Gary Gensler actually read the Safe Harbor proposal or adopt Ripples policy framework. PDF file attatched. 

Thank You and
Happy Holidays
PDF Link