Subject: Comments for the File of 265-28
From: Taylor Cathcart

Dec. 02, 2021

To Whom It May Concern, With Respect:
As a Lebanese and Scottish American citizen, I am tremendously proud of our financial markets and their leading position in the world. I believe the quality of our financial system is attributable to its robustness, efficiency, accessibility, and lack of corruption. Even as the unipolar world we were promised at the turn of the millennium becomes more and more difficult to recognize amidst the noise of global current events, US innovation, entrepreneurship, and participatory economics are still shining lights for our nation.
However, we have yet to fully realize American exceptionalist ideals of freedom, liberty, justice, and equality in our troubled and triumphant history. In a culture so driven by commerce as ours, it seems reasonable to look to such commerce for solutions to the problems which have plagued our society. 
The right approach – for those who seek to protect and enhance individual freedoms, for those who seek to address wealth inequality (whether ethnic, socioeconomic, or generational), and for everyone who wants a better life for all Americans – is to embrace those free-thinking, free-market American principles that have engendered our greatest successes. 
Blockchain, cryptography, and digital assets disclose new heuristics for social and financial organization that will undoubtedly become increasingly important during this decade and beyond. While our markets may lead the world, there are meaningful improvements on offer and our government is duty-bound to better understand, reckon with, and enable these new technologies.
The United States can and will lead in this new era of disintermediated, democratic, and tech-enabled financial infrastructure. 
We, as Americans, are uniquely situated to win here. So let us play.
With kind regards,
Taylor David Cathcart
CEO, Decentralized Crypto Research Collective
Managing Partner, Plastic Beach