Subject: Comments for the File of 265-28
From: J Smith

Dec. 01, 2021

Re: Spot Bitcoin ETF 

This is regarding the pressing need for a spot BTC ETF in the US.  

Many other respectable countries already have a spot Bitcoin ETF. Making it harder for regular Americans to invest via a regulated spot EFT is doing the entire country a disservice, and reducing our relative wealth as a population compared to the countries that allow their citizens to easily invest. 

Our national currency is being debased through reckless money printing, and the population requires a means to reduce their loss of wealth through inflation. If we as a country lose our purchasing power - the entire country suffers. Whether you agree with this point is irrelevant. We have the right to hold this view if we wish and invest accordingly. The SEC is basically trying to hold back the tide as this asset spreads and it just looks unreasonable at this point.  
Most people realize there are much more manipulated markets that currently have ETFs permitted by the SEC. There really is no reasonable excuse to not allow one immediately.  

American adults deserve to make their own decisions regarding their investments. The SEC is overstepping by limiting our investment options to the detriment of our welfare. 

In summary - please approve a spot Bitcoin ETF straight away. 

J Smith