Subject: File No. 265-28
From: Douglas V Roberts

May 10, 2016


I recently read an article published on the web site, authored by Christine Benz, about the common-sense fees disclosure laid out in the April 14 'Recommendation of the Investor Advisory Committee'. As a financial consumer, I have been puzzled for many years over how, exactly, to find and interpret the fees disclosure documents available to me by the firms that I use for investing, as well as the 401K documents available to me through my employers. In fact, these fee disclosures are hard to find, difficult to interpret, and not uniform, such as are the food labels we find at our grocery stores. I would very much like for the fees that I pay to have a uniform 'look and feel' amongst my various financial investments so that I can readily understand and compare my options from different financial providers. I would be very interested to see such 'common sense' fee disclosure statements made available to me from all of my financial services providers.

Thank you,

Doug Roberts