Subject: File No. 265-24
From: Ralph D Allen
Affiliation: Managing Partner, BeaconAdvisors, Financial Communication experts

August 1, 2007

My purpose in writing to Mr. Pozen and the committee is to suggest a knowledgeable source for their deliberations. Mr. Louis Thompson, is a person highly qualified, perhaps uniquely so, to provide insight into the committes stated purpose. He has spent his career helping shape and improve the financial communications of public companies. He has done this as CEO of National Investor Relations Institute. I have attached some background information about Mr. Thompson.

I would strongly urge Mr. Pozen to seek input from Mr. Thompson as a member or advisor to his committee. He lives nearby in VA. and he has considerable experience it the ways of Washington. Chairman Pozen is very likely acquainted with Mr. Thompson.

My personal experience in communicating directly with public company investors dates back to 1970. After a 30 year career with large public companies, I now consult with public companies on proper and effective communications with investors and the public. You can learn more of this on our website:
During the course of my career, I have had many opportunities to work with Mr. Thompson and I have developed a high regard for his analytical and communication skills.

Of course I am happy to provide additional information upon request.

Respectfully submitted,
Ralph Allen