Subject: File No. 10-222
From: Karel Sevcik
Affiliation: The little guy

December 14, 2015

Dear U.S. Securities and Exchange Comission,

as many others I too support the idea of Investors' Exchange LLC becoming official exchange. I am aware of the fact that the stockmarket is nowadays very complicated and if a claim comes up, it is very hard to decide who is right and who is not. However, in cases when facts can not complete the picture, one has to look at incentives of both sides.

If I look back to the history of Investors Exhange LLC and people who found this company, the only thing I see is attempt to make the market more transparent and fair even after taking great personal risks. Every one of the steps that they made from the begining untill now conviced me that their incentives are beneficial for both investors and market place.

Thank you for this opportunity.

Karel Sevcik