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Washington, D.C. 20549






Report of Foreign Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of

the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of November, 2014

Commission File Number: 001-12518



Banco Santander, S.A.

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)



Ciudad Grupo Santander

28660 Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) Spain

(Address of principal executive office)



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Banco Santander, S.A.



Items 2 and 3 of this report on Form 6-K shall be deemed to be incorporated by reference into the registration statement on Form F-3 (Registration Number: 333-185153) of Banco Santander, S.A. and to be a part thereof from the date on which this report is filed, to the extent not superseded by documents or reports subsequently filed or furnished.





   Press release regarding the third of quarter 2014 results, dated November 4, 2014.


   Financial report for the third of quarter 2014 results.


   Financial statements for the third quarter of 2014 results.


   Analyst presentation for the third quarter of 2014 results.

Table of Contents




Press Release



Santander made a profit of EUR 4.361 billion, 32%

more than a year earlier


¨ CAPITAL. The comprehensive assessment results (AQR and stress test) carried out by the ECB and the EBA recognises the Group’s conservative approach to provisions, its geographic diversification and its customer-focused commercial and retail banking model. Santander is the international bank with the lowest adjustment in provisions and the financial institution with least capital destruction in an adverse scenario.


¨ BUSINESS. Loans amounted to EUR 749,426 million, an increase of EUR 38,000 million or 3% from the close of 2013. Deposits and mutual funds stood at at EUR 771,242 million, having grown EUR 59,000 million, or 8%, since the close of 2013. Current accounts grew by 12%, or EUR 36,000 million.


¨ EFFICIENCY. Santander has exceeded its cost reduction goal, with EUR 1,000 million of savings compared with a target of EUR 750 million for 2014. These savings should now total EUR 2,000 million in 2016, instead of the announced EUR 1,500 million.


¨ NPLs. The Group’s non-performing loan ratio fell for the third quarter in a row to 5.28%. Spain, the UK, Brazil and the U.S. registered drops in NPLs. In Spain, new corporate NPLs were down for the first time since the start of the crisis.


¨ DIVERSIFICATION. Europe contributed 52% to Group profit (the U.K. 20%, Spain 14%, Poland 6% and Germany 4%), Latin America, 39% (Brazil 20%, México 8% and Chile 6%), and the U.S., 9%.


  ¨ Spain: Attributable profit amounted to EUR 822 million (+124%). Net interest income increased 9% compared with the first nine months of last year, while costs fell 7%. Loans were up 1% compared with December, at EUR 160,187 million. Customer funds (deposits and mutual funds) came in at EUR 222,828 million and were up 4% year-to-date.


  ¨ U.K.: Attributable profit totalled EUR 1,186 million (GBP 962 million, up 43%.) Net interest income grew 19% and costs were up 3%. The process of transforming the franchise continued and loans to companies increased by 9% year-on-year, while current account balances were up 54%.


  ¨ Brazil: Attributable profit amounted to EUR 1,167 million (BRL 3,616 million, +2%.) Basic revenues and costs remained practically flat. Loans were up 6% and customer funds 8% year-on-year.


Comunicación Externa

Ciudad Grupo Santander Edificio Arrecife Pl. 2

28660 Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) Telf.: 34 91 289 52 11

email: comunicacion@gruposantander.com

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Madrid, November 4, 2014 - Banco Santander made an attributable profit of EUR 4.361 billion in the first nine months of the year, an increase of 32% compared with the same period of 2013. Banco Santander’s chairman, Ana Botín, said: “Profit growth in 2014 helped consolidate the earnings recovery, thanks to improving revenues, falling costs and less need for write-downs.”

Third quarter profit was EUR 1,605 million, up 10% compared with the previous quarter and the highest in three years. The Group’s three core markets (Spain, the U.K. and Brazil) all posted profit growth in the January-September period, something that had not happened since 2009.

These results do not include net capital gains from the sale of 85% of Altamira (EUR 385 million), Santander Consumer USA’s IPO (EUR 730 million) or EUR 220 million from excess provisioning of pension funds in the U.K. These capital gains have no impact on profit as they have been fully set aside to cover restructuring costs, amortisation of intangibles and other write-downs.

The improvement in earnings is the result of a 1% increase in revenues, a 2% fall in costs and a 15% fall in loan-loss provisions in the first nine months of the year. This is in a context of business growth, both in loans and customer funds, a falling non-performing loan ratio, an increase in the coverage rate and high solvency and liquidity ratios.

Grupo Santander P&L

In short, profit growth driven by higher net operating income

and normalisation of loan-loss provisions


     3Q’14      Var. / 2Q’14      9M’14      Var. / 9M’13  
EUR million           %             %  

NII + fee income

     9,910         1.4         29,006         0.8   

Gross income

     10,961         4.5         31,572         -1.0   

Operating expenses

     -5,070         3.3         -14,822         -1.8   

Net operating income

     5,891         5.5         16,750         -0.3   

Loan-loss provisions

     -2,777         5.2         -8,110         -15.2   


     2,556         5.0         7,140         22.9   

Attributable profit

     1,605         10.4         4,361         31.7   

Note: Attributable profit does not include the net capital gains expected from the announced transactions of Custody (EUR 410 mill.) and Insurance (EUR 250 mill.), Both transactions are expected to be closed in 4Q’14.


This quarter’s results are set against a backdrop of uneven slowdowns in Latin American economies, doubts about the Euro zone’s recovery, which led to a further ECB interest rate cut to a record low of 0.05%, and favourable growth expectations in the U.K. and the U.S., although interest rates for both the pound and the dollar continued at unprecedentedly low levels.


Comunicación Externa

Ciudad Grupo Santander Edificio Arrecife Pl. 2

28660 Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) Telf.: 34 91 289 52 11

email: comunicacion@gruposantander.com

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At the top of the P&L, net interest income increased by 2% to EUR 21,834 million, while a 22% drop in results from financial transactions, which are more volatile, generated a 1% fall in gross income, to EUR 31,572 million.

Costs were down 2%, enabling net operating income to remain stable at EUR 16,750 million. This performance of revenues and costs put the cost-to-income ratio at 46.9%, 0.4 percentage point better than a year earlier

Cost reductions were greater than expected in the 2014-2016 Efficiency and Productivity Plan, which aims o keep Group costs growing below inflation. According to the plan, costs were expected to come down by EUR 750 million this year, a goal which was achieved in September. Goals were then revised and costs are now expected to fall by EUR 1,000 million in 2014, 1,600 million in 2015 (compared with an initial expectation of EUR 1,250 million) and EUR 2,000 million in 2016, EUR 500 million more than originally planned.



Loan loss provisions, the other item that weighs most on results, amounted to EUR 8,110 million, down 15% thanks to Spain, the U.K., Brazil, Santander Consumer Finance, Chile and Portugal. The fall in provisions helped attributable profit grow 32% in the first nine months, to EUR 4,361 million. Earnings per share rose to EUR 0.37, up 19% from the same period of last year.

Emerging economies (Latin America and Poland) accounted for 45% of profit and mature markets contributed the rest. By country, the largest contribution came from the U.K. and Brazil (both 20%), followed by Spain (14%), the U.S. (9%), Mexico (8%), Chile and Poland (both 6%) and Germany (4%).

Balance sheet

Banco Santander had total assets of EUR 1.24 trillion at the end of September, an increase of 3% compared with the same month of 2013. The balance sheet is well balanced with a loan portfolio the equivalent of 112% of deposits, which gives the bank a very comfortable liquidity position. Before the crisis, the ratio was 150%.


Comunicación Externa

Ciudad Grupo Santander Edificio Arrecife Pl. 2

28660 Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) Telf.: 34 91 289 52 11

email: comunicacion@gruposantander.com

  3   LOGO

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At the end of the third quarter, the loan portfolio was EUR 749,426 million, 3% more than at the end of September 2013 and 5% higher than in December 2013. This means that Grupo Santander increased lending by EUR 38,000 million in the first nine months of this year, with a steady improvement as the year has progressed. Loans grew in eight of the Group’s ten core markets in the third quarter, compared with the previous three months, especially in Brazil (4%), while they fell in Spain and Portugal due to the seasonal effect of the summer.

In Spain, total loans stood at EUR 160,187 million, up 1% from the end of 2013. In the first nine months of this year, loans grew EUR 1,600 million. This increase was mainly due to SME funding, which increased 34%, companies, where the bank achieved 29% growth excluding commercial bills, and retail customers, where mortgages grew 73% and consumer finance 61%, compared with the same period of last year. In the first nine months of this year, the bank provided EUR 72,000 million of corporate lending through various instruments, such as loans and bonds.




One of the Group’s main priorities is to grow in the SME segment. At the end of March, the bank launched its global project Santander Advance, known as Breakthrough in the UK. It is already underway in Spain, Mexico and Portugal. It will be extended to the rest of the Group’s core markets before the end of 2015. Santander Advance provides financial products and support programmes to help SMEs grow, which include advice on training, employment and international expansion.

In the U.K., the loan portfolio was EUR 248,940 million at the end of September, an increase of 1% compared with the previous quarter and with December 2013, thanks to growth in corporate loans, which climbed 9% year-on-year to EUR 23,500 million, of which EUR 12,400 were to SMEs.

This performance has supported business diversification, reducing the weight of mortgages in the portfolio and increasing loans to companies, which already account for 12% of total lending. The bank has continued to open regional business centres, which have increased from 37 in September 2013 to 58 a year later, focused on lending to SMEs. It has also increased the number of managers with expertise in corporates.


Comunicación Externa

Ciudad Grupo Santander Edificio Arrecife Pl. 2

28660 Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) Telf.: 34 91 289 52 11 email: comunicacion@gruposantander.com



Table of Contents



Moving on to customer funds under management, deposits and mutual funds stood at EUR 771,242 million, an increase of 8% or EUR 59,439 million. Deposits came in at EUR 646,331 million and mutual funds at EUR 124,911 million, after posting growth in the first nine months of 6% and 20%, respectively. Nine out of ten core markets grew in terms of deposits and mutual funds this year.




Current accounts, which account for more than half of total deposits, performed well in the Group’s ten core markets. Current accounts amounted to EUR 341,671 million at the end of September, an increase of 12% compared with the end of December. In nine months the bank has captured EUR 35,987 million in current accounts, half of it in the third quarter. Current accounts represent a core product in the bank’s strategy of increasing customer linkage, as they involve most of customers’ transactions.

In Spain, total customer funds (deposits and mutual funds) totalled EUR 222,828 million at the end of September, up 4% in nine months. Deposits remained almost steady, while assets under management in mutual funds grew by 23% in nine months.

In the U.K., total deposits stood at GBP 150,900 million and grew by 2% in twelve months. The improvement is mainly the result of current account growth: balances rose by nearly GBP

10,000 million in nine months, up 36%.

The Santander Select segment, which is part of the Group’s global personal banking strategy, plays a key role in capturing customer funds. In 2013, Santander Select was introduced in Spain, U.K., Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Argentina. It was extended to Portugal and the United States this year.

The Group’s NPL ratio fell for the third quarter in a row to 5.28%. The provision coverage ratio also improved for a third consecutive quarter and reached 68%.


Comunicación Externa

Ciudad Grupo Santander Edificio Arrecife Pl. 2

28660 Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) Telf.: 34 91 289 52 11 email: comunicacion@gruposantander.com



Table of Contents



In Spain, the NPL ratio fell for the second quarter in a row to 7.57%. It is worth noting that new NPLs of non-real estate companies dropped in the year for the first time since 2008. They also declined in Brazil, the U.K., the U.S. and Santander Consumer Finance. The change in the trend in Brazil, where the ratio had risen slightly the two previous quarters is especially significant.


Moving on to capital ratios, Banco Santander’s computable capital stood at EUR 88,154 million at the end of September, EUR 4,200 million more than a year earlier. The bank’s capital ratio stood at 12.59%, with a core capital (CET1) ratio of 11.44%, an increase of 0.52 percentage points in the third quarter. Santander has launched three issues of contingent convertible bonds (cocos) this year, two of them in euros, worth EUR 1,500 million each, and one in dollars, for USD 1,500 million.

The results of the asset quality review (AQR), conducted by the European Central Bank (ECB), and the stress tests, carried out by the ECB in coordination with the European Banking Authority (EBA), were made public on October 26. These exercises mark the conclusion of European banks’ comprehensive assessment, a process that has been very rigorous and demanding. It was the step prior to the ECB taking on supervision of banks in the Euro zone today, November 4th.

The result of this process validates Santander’s management model and diversification strategy. The bank’s management model, based on prudent risk taking and conservative provisioning, has been endorsed in the AQR. After a thorough review process that involved 50% of risk assets, the adjustment in the Group’s provisions would amount to EUR 201 million, an insignificant amount in a balance sheet of EUR 1.1 trillion. Of these 201 million, only 51 million are provisions due to specific transaction reviews and were provisioned in the first quarter; the rest are based on extrapolations. This is the smallest adjustment among the comparable large international banks.

Santander is also the international bank that has suffered least capital destruction during the three years of the stress test, with a fall of 1.4 percentage points. In the adverse scenario, Santander would have a capital ratio of 8.95%. This is 3.5 percentage points above the required minimum of 5.5%, meaning that in this scenario Grupo Santander would exceed the required capital amount by EUR 19,500 million.

Banco Santander has a market capitalisation of around EUR 85,000 million, which makes it the leading bank in the Euro zone and tenth-largest in the world. It has 3,229,672 shareholders and 183,534 employees serving 107 million customers through 13,067 branches.

More information in www.santander.com


Comunicación Externa

Ciudad Grupo Santander Edificio Arrecife Pl. 2

28660 Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) Telf.: 34 91 289 52 11 email: comunicacion@gruposantander.com



Table of Contents
Preliminary note:    |        |   

In order to facilitate the following comparative analysis, the financial information of previous periods has been re-expressed (not audited), as set out on page 24 of this report. The changes were mainly due to taking control of Santander Consumer USA, in 2014, and the loss of control of the fund management companies in 2013, as if they had been effective in the previously presented periods.

Non recurring capital gains and provisions are shown separately as “net capital gains and provisions”.




   Sep’14      Jun’14      (%)      Sep’14      Sep’13      (%)     2013  

Total assets

     1,240,979         1,188,043         4.5         1,240,979         1,210,198         2.5        1,134,003   

Net customer loans

     721,988         706,899         2.1         721,988         702,828         2.7        684,690   

Customer deposits

     646,331         617,761         4.6         646,331         633,433         2.0        607,836   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     1,020,433         982,494         3.9         1,020,433         977,778         4.4        946,210   

Shareholders’ equity

     88,154         87,035         1.3         88,154         83,954         5.0        84,302   

Total managed and marketed funds

     1,402,153         1,342,238         4.5         1,402,153         1,346,697         4.1        1,269,917   


   3Q’14      2Q’14      (%)      9M’14      9M’13      (%)     2013  

Net interest income

     7,471         7,370         1.4         21,834         21,489         1.6        28,419   

Gross income

     10,961         10,488         4.5         31,572         31,903         (1.0     41,931   

Pre-provision profit (net operating income)

     5,891         5,582         5.5         16,750         16,804         (0.3     21,773   

Profit before taxes

     2,556         2,435         5.0         7,140         5,808         22.9        7,637   

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,605         1,453         10.4         4,361         3,311         31.7        4,370   

(*).- Variations w/o exchange rate

Quarterly: Net interest income: -0.2%; Gross income: +3.1%; Pre-provision profit: +4.0%; Attributable profit: +8.5%

Year-on-year: Net interest income: +8.1%; Gross income: +4.9%; Pre-provision profit: +6.6%; Attributable profit: +44.7%



   3Q’14      2Q’14      (%)     9M’14      9M’13      (%)     2013  

EPS (euro)

     0.131         0.122         7.6        0.367         0.309         18.6        0.403   


     7.64         6.90           6.94         5.48           5.42   


     11.27         10.03           10.10         7.98           7.87   


     0.62         0.60           0.59         0.45           0.45   


     1.37         1.28           1.28           

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     46.25         46.78           46.95         47.33           48.07   


   Sep’14      Jun’14      (%)     Sep’14      Sep’13      (%)     2013  


     11.44         10.92           11.44           

NPL ratio

     5.28         5.45           5.28         5.40           5.61   

Coverage ratio

     67.5         66.7           67.5         67.1           64.9   


   Sep’14      Jun’14      (%)     Sep’14      Sep’13      (%)     2013  

Shares (millions at period-end)

     11,988         11,778         1.8        11,988         11,092         8.1        11,333   

Share price (euros)

     7.611         7.630         (0.2     7.611         6.028         26.3        6.506   

Market capitalisation (EUR million)

     91,241         89,867         1.5        91,241         66,863         36.5        73,735   

Book value (euro)

     7.36         7.40           7.36         7.58           7.44   

Price / Book value (X)

     1.03         1.03           1.03         0.79           0.87   

P/E ratio (X)

     15.55         16.20           15.55         14.61           16.13   


   Sep’14      Jun’14      (%)     Sep’14      Sep’13      (%)     2013  

Number of shareholders

     3,229,672         3,279,897         (1.5     3,229,672         3,281,450         (1.6     3,299,026   

Number of employees

     183,534         183,648         (0.1     183,534         188,265         (2.5     186,540   

Number of branches

     13,067         13,225         (1.2     13,067         14,561         (10.3     13,927   


(**) Including impact from the Alternative Standard Approach (ASA) model of Brazil’s operational risk, approved by BACEN (0.29 p.p.) but pending authorisation from the regulator on the consolidated Group.


Note: The financial information in this report has not been audited, but it was approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting on October, 23 2014, following a favourable report from the Audit Committee on October, 20 2014. The Audit Committee verified that the information for 2014 was based on the same principles and practices as those used to draw up the annual financial statements.




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Preliminary note:

In order to facilitate the following comparative analysis, the financial information of previous periods has been re-expressed (not audited), as set out on page 24 of this report. The changes were mainly due to taking control of Santander Consumer USA, in 2014, and the loss of control of the fund management companies in 2013, as if they had been effective in the previously presented periods.

Non recurring capital gains and provisions are shown separately as “net capital gains and provisions”.




   Sep’14      Jun’14      (%)     Sep’14      Sep’13      (%)     2013  

Total assets

     1,240,979         1,188,043         4.5        1,240,979         1,210,198         2.5        1,134,003   

Net customer loans

     721,988         706,899         2.1        721,988         702,828         2.7        684,690   

Customer deposits

     646,331         617,761         4.6        646,331         633,433         2.0        607,836   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     1,020,433         982,494         3.9        1,020,433         977,778         4.4        946,210   

Shareholders’ equity

     88,154         87,035         1.3        88,154         83,954         5.0        84,302   






















Total managed and marketed funds

     1,402,153         1,342,238         4.5        1,402,153         1,346,697         4.1        1,269,917   























   3Q’14      2Q’14      (%)     9M’14      9M’13      (%)     2013  

Net interest income

     7,471         7,370         1.4        21,834         21,489         1.6        28,419   

Gross income

     10,961         10,488         4.5        31,572         31,903         (1.0     41,931   

Pre-provision profit (net operating income)

     5,891         5,582         5.5        16,750         16,804         (0.3     21,773   

Profit before taxes

     2,556         2,435         5.0        7,140         5,808         22.9        7,637   

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,605         1,453         10.4        4,361         3,311         31.7        4,370   
(*).- Variations w/o exchange rate   

Quarterly: Net interest income: -0.2%; Gross income: +3.1%; Pre-provision profit: +4.0%; Attributable profit: +8.5%


Year-on-year: Net interest income: +8.1%; Gross income: +4.9%; Pre-provision profit: +6.6%; Attributable profit: +44.7%



   3Q’14      2Q’14      (%)     9M’14      9M’13      (%)     2013  

EPS (euro)

     0.131         0.122         7.6        0.367         0.309         18.6        0.403   


     7.64         6.90           6.94         5.48           5.42   


     11.27         10.03           10.10         7.98           7.87   


     0.62         0.60           0.59         0.45           0.45   


     1.37         1.28           1.28           

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     46.25         46.78           46.95         47.33           48.07   


   Sep’14      Jun’14      (%)     Sep’14      Sep’13      (%)     2013  


     11.44         10.92           11.44           

NPL ratio

     5.28         5.45           5.28         5.40           5.61   

Coverage ratio

     67.5         66.7           67.5         67.1           64.9   


   Sep’14      Jun’14      (%)     Sep’14      Sep’13      (%)     2013  

Shares (millions at period-end)

     11,988         11,778         1.8        11,988         11,092         8.1        11,333   

Share price (euros)

     7.611         7.630         (0.2     7.611         6.028         26.3        6.506   

Market capitalisation (EUR million)

     91,241         89,867         1.5        91,241         66,863         36.5        73,735   

Book value (euro)

     7.36         7.40           7.36         7.58           7.44   

Price / Book value (X)

     1.03         1.03           1.03         0.79           0.87   

P/E ratio (X)

     15.55         16.20           15.55         14.61           16.13   


   Sep’14      Jun’14      (%)     Sep’14      Sep’13      (%)     2013  

Number of shareholders

     3,229,672         3,279,897         (1.5     3,229,672         3,281,450         (1.6     3,299,026   

Number of employees

     183,534         183,648         (0.1     183,534         188,265         (2.5     186,540   

Number of branches

     13,067         13,225         (1.2     13,067         14,561         (10.3     13,927   


(**) Including impact from the Alternative Standard Approach (ASA) model of Brazil’s operational risk, approved by BACEN (0.29 p.p.) but pending authorisation from the regulator on the consolidated Group.


Note: The financial information in this report has not been audited, but it was approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting on October, 23 2014, following a favourable report from the Audit Committee on October, 20 2014. The Audit Committee verified that the information for 2014 was based on the same principles and practices as those used to draw up the annual financial statements.




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  Income statement: (more detail on pages 7 - 10)



  The third quarter attributable profit of EUR 1,605 million was the highest of the last 10 quarters.


    Profit was 10.4% higher than the second quarter’s, fuelled by higher gross income.


  The attributable profit for the first nine months of 2014 was EUR 4,361 million, up 31.7% year-on-year. Excluding the exchange rate impact, the increase was 44.7%, as follows:


    Gross income rose 4.9% and its quality improved, as 92% came from net interest income and net fee income (+8.1% and +4.4%, respectively).


    Operating expenses reflected the synergies of integrations and implementing productivity and efficiency plans, which are being rolled out ahead of schedule. Of note were Spain and Brazil.


    Loan-loss provisions were 10.0% lower, with notable falls in Brazil, Spain, UK and Portugal. As a result, the Group’s cost of credit improved from 1.89% in the first nine months of 2013 to 1.52% a year later.


  In the year-to-date, the Group recorded various capital gains and provisions considered as non-recurring. To facilitate the comparisons of the various P&L lines with previous periods, all these operations have been incorporated into “Net capital gains and provisions”. Their net amount is zero and so there is no impact on the attributable profit for the first nine months.



  Strong balance sheet: (more detail on pages 11 - 17)



  The Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio phase-in was 11.44% at the end of September (+52 b.p. in the quarter) and the total capital ratio 12.59%, well above the minimum requirement of 8%. The leverage ratio (equity / assets according to CRD IV) was 4.5%.


  The Group’s liquidity ratio (net loan-to-deposit ratio) improved to 112% at the end of September. Spain’s ratio was 85%.


  Volumes reflect the different moment of the countries’ macroeconomic environment and the Group’s various strategies by segments, products and countries. In general they show:


    Rise in the quarter, on a like-for-like basis, in lending in eight of our 10 core markets, and in those where there was no growth this was mainly due to summer’s seasonal factors. Of note was growth in Brazil and Poland.


    Funds also increased in general terms, while the focus remained on continuing to reduce the funding cost. Of note were Poland, Chile and Portugal.


  The Group’s NPL ratio stood at 5.28% and coverage 68%. Both improved for the third quarter running as a result of the good performance of NPL entries, which were 54% lower year-on-year than in the first nine months of 2013.



  AQR and Stress test: (more detail on pages 18 - 19)



  The test results underscored the Group strengths and better performance than our peers.


  AQR has a marginal impact on the Group’s CET1 (4 b.p.), reflecting the correct classification and valuation of assets, as well as the adequate level of provisions for risks.


  In the baseline scenario, Santander increases its CET1 by 1.6%, to 12%, underscoring its capacity to generate capital.


  In the adverse scenario, CET1 is 1.4% lower, showing the capacity of our business model to withstand adverse market situations. CET1 2016 is 9%, with a EUR 19,456 million surplus over the minimum required.



  Commercial strategy: (more detail on page 57)



  The ongoing programme to transform Retail Banking was begun in 2013. The main initiatives have been:


    Launch of Santander Advance: this is an innovative value proposal to support the growth of SMEs. After the launch in Spain and Mexico, it is being rolled out in the UK and Portugal this year and in the rest of countries in 2015. Since its launch in Spain in April, new lending and the capturing of clients has grown, while more than 5,000 SMEs and micro companies took part in non-financial activities.


    Launch of Santander Trade Club, enabling exporters and importers to get to know one another, interact and be connected in order to generate new international business opportunities. The Pasaporte service was also launched.


    Santander Select established in all countries: our global model for the mass affluent segment is already available to customers in 11 countries.




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  The Santander share: (more detail on page 23)



  The share price at the end of September was EUR 7.611 (+17.0% in 2014 and +26.3% y-o-y). The total shareholders’ return, including the dividend remuneration, rose 37.6% in the last 12 months.


  In August, and under the Santander Dividendo Elección programme (scrip dividend), shareholders were able to opt to receive in cash or in shares the amount equivalent to the first dividend for 2014 (EUR 0.152 per share). The second option was chosen by 87.4% of the share capital.


  In the last part of October, shareholders were able to opt to receive the amount equivalent to the second dividend for 2014 (EUR 0.151) in cash or shares.



  Business areas: (more detail on pages 24 - 62)



  Continental Europe: attributable profit of EUR 472 million in the third quarter, maintaining the trend of cutting costs and lowering provisions and affected by the seasonal impact on gross income, reduced trading gains and dividends from wholesale business. Profit of EUR 1,434 million in the first nine months, 72.1% more year-on-year due to a 4.3% rise in commercial revenues and a reduction of 2.7% in costs and 19.1% in provisions.


  United Kingdom: attributable profit of £326 million in the third quarter, virtually unchanged from the second quarter. Net interest income continued to improve for the seventh quarter running, and costs and provisions were basically flat. The first nine months’ profit was £962 million (EUR 1,186 million), 42.5% more than in the same period of 2013 due to net interest income (+19.2%), the good management of costs (+3.5%) and lower provisions (-35.3%).


  Latin America: third quarter attributable profit of EUR 786 million, 3.1% less than the second quarter (excluding the forex impact). Gross income rose 2.4%, which was absorbed by the increase in costs (+4.7%, partly due to salary agreements), and provisions (+3.1%). Profit for the first nine months was EUR 2,298 million (+4.0% y-o-y), improving the trend of previous quarters.


  United States: third quarter attributable profit of $259 million, 5.0% less than the second quarter. SCUSA’s new lending grew strongly and Santander Bank repositioned its balance sheet, reflected in the area as a whole in a moderate rise in gross income and higher provisions at SCUSA, partly linked to its increased new lending. Profit for the first nine months was $747 million (-12.9% y-o-y). Its evolution was similar to that for the third quarter.



  Other significant events: (more detail on page 64)



  During the third quarter and the time elapsed until the release of this report, some significant events have occured and they are detailed on page 64, with a possible impact on the Group’s activity and business:






Table of Contents


General Background



Grupo Santander conducted its business in the third quarter in a varied economic environment, both among developed economies, with the euro zone lagging behind the United States and the United Kingdom, as well among emerging markets. This was due to the different degrees of soundness of each country’s macroeconomic fundamentals and their sensitivity to the international environment.

The US economy continued its recovery in the third quarter (+3.5% quarter-on-quarter annualised; +4.6% in the second quarter) was backed by all components, correcting the distortion at the start of the year (-2.1%). Strong job creation in the third quarter point to a solid second half of the year. With inflation below 2%, the Federal Reserve continued to reduce asset purchases at unchanged interest rates.

Latin America’s slowdown varied from country to country, reflecting an international environment affected by the normalization of the Fed’s monetary policy and lower Chinese growth.

Brazil continued to reduce its activity in the second quarter (-0.6% quarter-on-quarter) and in all sectors. Only exports and private consumption grew in a labour market with very low unemployment rates (4.9% in September). The benchmark Selic rate rose 25 b.p. in October to 11.25%, an increase of 125 b.p. this year (+400 b.p. since the beginning of 2013) in order to contain inflation which was 6.8% in September. The currency depreciated against the euro and the dollar in the quarter, but continued to appreciate against the euro since the start of the year.

The Mexican economy grew 1% in the second quarter over the first quarter (+0.4% in the first quarter) due to external demand and the US recovery. With inflation expectations on target, the central bank held its expansive monetary policy with the benchmark interest rate stable at 3% in the quarter after a cut of 50 b.p. in June. The peso depreciated against the dollar to its levels at the beginning of the year, and continued to appreciate against the euro.

The Chilean economy slowed down in the second quarter (+0.2% quarter-on-quarter; +0.6% in the first quarter) due to reduced domestic demand, particularly investment. With medium-term inflation expectations anchored at 3%, the central bank cut its benchmark rate by 100 b.p. in the quarter (150 b.p. so far this year) to 3% in October. The peso depreciated against the dollar and remained stable against the euro.

The euro zone was stagnant in the second quarter (0.0% as against +0.2% in the first quarter). Significant temporary factors (Germany)

and persistent weaknesses in the other big economies (France, Italy) offset Spain’s growth and that of some small countries. Geopolitical tensions also intensified in the third quarter, with the consequent decline in confidence and impact on activity.

The greater uncertainty means a further deterioration of inflation expectations, which remains at very low levels (0.3% in September). The European Central Bank applied further stimulus measures to those launched in June: the benchmark rate was cut to 0.05% in September and a programme to purchase private sector assets launched as of October. These factors depreciated the euro to 2012 average levels.

Germany, whose economy decelerated in the second quarter (-0.2% quarter-on-quarter; +0.7% in the first quarter) because of temporary factors (construction, investment in equipment) maintains intact its growth fundamentals.

Spain’s recovery continued in the third quarter, according to the first official estimate, with quarter-on-quarter growth of 0.5% in the third quarter (+0.6% in the second quarter). Greater contribution of domestic demand, particularly private consumption and capital goods and construction almost touching bottom. Also good performance of the labour market, as jobs are being created and the unemployment rate is inching down, although it is still very high. The improved domestic demand is limiting the impact of the euro zone slowdown on the country’s GDP.

Portugal recovered in the second quarter the fall suffered at the start of the year (+0.6% over the first quarter after -0.6% in the first quarter). All components are doing better, particularly exports.

In the UK, the GDP continued to grow at a fast pace in the third quarter (0.7% quarter-on-quarter), slightly below that of the second quarter. With no pressure from salaries and prices, the Bank of England maintains a downward message which is leading the market to delay its expectations of interest rates hikes.

Activity in Poland continued to grow at a fast pace in the second quarter, although less than in the first quarter (+0.6% in the second quarter, +1.1% in the first). The leading indicators point to some weakness due to the slowdown in the euro zone and geopolitical uncertainty in neighbouring countries. With negative inflation (-0.3% in August) and the zloty relatively stable against the euro, the central bank reduced its benchmark rate by 50 b.p. in October to 2.0%.







     Average (income statement)      Period-end (balance sheet)  
     9M’14      9M’13      30.09.14      31.12.13      30.09.13  

US $

     1.354         1.317         1.258         1.379         1.351   

Pound sterling

     0.812         0.852         0.777         0.834         0.836   

Brazilian real

     3.099         2.779         3.082         3.258         3.041   

Mexican peso

     17.766         16.678         16.998         18.073         17.846   

Chilean peso

     759.987         642.322         755.823         724.579         682.880   

Argentine peso

     10.787         6.934         10.672         8.990         7.823   

Polish zloty

     4.175         4.200         4.178         4.154         4.229   




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  Third quarter attributable profit of EUR 1,605 million, the highest in the last 10 quarters.


    It was 10.4% more than the second quarter, fuelled by higher gross income.


  The profit for the first nine months was 31.7% higher year-on-year, at EUR 4,361 million. Excluding the fx impact, profit rose 44.7%, as follows:


    Gross income increased 4.9% and is of better quality (92% comes from net interest income and fee income, +8.1% and +4.4%, respectively).


    Operating expenses reflect the synergies of integrations and implementing productivity and efficiency plans, which are ahead of schedule. Of note were Spain and Brazil.


    Loan-loss provisions were 10.0% lower. Noteworthy falls in Brazil, Spain, the UK and Portugal. The cost of credit improved from 1.89% in the first nine months of 2013 to 1.52% a year later.

Attributable profit in the third quarter of EUR 1,605 million was the highest of the last 10 quarters. It was 52.1% higher than the third quarter of 2013 and 10.4% more than the second quarter of 2014.

The latter improvement was due to growth in gross income, which offset higher operating expenses and loan-loss provisions.

Exchange rates had a positive impact on revenues and costs of one percentage point at Group level, due to the euro’s depreciation.

In order to better analyse the Group’s performance in the third quarter, the changes set out below do not include the impact of exchange rates:

Gross income increased 3.1%, as follows:


  Net interest income was stable (-0.2%). The units that grew the most were Spain, the UK, Mexico and Argentina. Decline in Brazil (change of mix to low risk products) and Chile (reduced revenues from the inflation-indexed portfolio).


  Fee income was also unchanged (+0.2%), affected by seasonal factors in Europe, as well as by regulatory impacts in some units.






                Variation                 Variation  
    3Q’14     2Q’14     %     % w/o FX     9M’14     9M’13     %     % w/o FX  

Net interest income

    7,471        7,370        1.4        (0.2     21,834        21,489        1.6        8.1   

Net fees

    2,439        2,403        1.5        0.2        7,172        7,277        (1.5     4.4   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

    952        511        86.2        85.6        2,229        2,842        (21.6     (18.8

Other operating income

    99        204        (51.4     (52.2     337        294        14.8        16.7   


    72        220        (67.3     (67.8     323        276        17.0        19.4   

Income from equity-accounted method

    72        42        70.2        69.0        180        204        (11.9     (1.4

Other operating income/expenses

    (45     (58     (22.9     (24.0     (166     (186     (11.1     1.0   

Gross income

    10,961        10,488        4.5        3.1        31,572        31,903        (1.0     4.9   

Operating expenses

    (5,070     (4,906     3.3        2.0        (14,822     (15,098     (1.8     3.0   

General administrative expenses

    (4,509     (4,360     3.4        2.1        (13,125     (13,363     (1.8     3.1   


    (2,572     (2,515     2.3        0.9        (7,543     (7,716     (2.3     2.4   

Other general administrative expenses

    (1,937     (1,844     5.0        3.7        (5,583     (5,646     (1.1     4.1   

Depreciation and amortisation

    (560     (546     2.6        1.2        (1,697     (1,735     (2.2     1.9   

Net operating income

    5,891        5,582        5.5        4.0        16,750        16,804        (0.3     6.6   

Net loan-loss provisions

    (2,777     (2,638     5.2        3.7        (8,110     (9,566     (15.2     (10.0

Impairment losses on other assets

    (67     (71     (4.8     (4.9     (225     (378     (40.6     (40.3

Other income

    (491     (438     12.2        11.2        (1,275     (1,052     21.2        25.7   

Ordinary profit before taxes

    2,556        2,435        5.0        3.2        7,140        5,808        22.9        34.5   

Tax on profit

    (649     (664     (2.3     (3.9     (1,882     (1,548     21.5        32.6   

Ordinary profit from continuing operations

    1,908        1,771        7.7        5.9        5,258        4,260        23.4        35.2   

Net profit from discontinued operations

    (7     (0     —          —          (7     (14     (52.8     (55.0

Ordinary consolidated profit

    1,901        1,771        7.3        5.5        5,252        4,246        23.7        35.6   

Minority interests

    296        318        (6.9     (8.3     891        935        (4.8     3.5   

Ordinary attributable profit to the Group

    1,605        1,453        10.4        8.5        4,361        3,311        31.7        44.7   

Net capital gains and provisions

    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Attributable profit to the Group

    1,605        1,453        10.4        8.5        4,361        3,311        31.7        44.7   

EPS (euros)

    0.131        0.122        7.6          0.367        0.309        18.6     

Diluted EPS (euros)

    0.131        0.122        7.7          0.366        0.308        19.0     

Pro memoria:


Average total assets

    1,217,552        1,179,715        3.2          1,185,361        1,250,065        (5.2  

Average shareholders’ equity

    84,052        84,224        (0.2       83,834        80,577        4.0     




Table of Contents






     1Q’13     2Q’13     3Q’13     4Q’13     1Q’14     2Q’14     3Q’14  

Net interest income

     7,206        7,339        6,944        6,930        6,992        7,370        7,471   

Net fees

     2,484        2,494        2,300        2,345        2,331        2,403        2,439   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     967        880        995        653        767        511        952   

Other operating income

     66        134        94        100        34        204        99   


     59        145        72        102        31        220        72   

Income from equity-accounted method

     66        58        80        79        65        42        72   

Other operating income/expenses

     (59     (69     (58     (81     (63     (58     (45

Gross income

     10,722        10,847        10,333        10,029        10,124        10,488        10,961   

Operating expenses

     (5,068     (5,088     (4,943     (5,060     (4,847     (4,906     (5,070

General administrative expenses

     (4,497     (4,485     (4,381     (4,395     (4,256     (4,360     (4,509


     (2,631     (2,606     (2,478     (2,559     (2,455     (2,515     (2,572

Other general administrative expenses

     (1,865     (1,879     (1,902     (1,836     (1,801     (1,844     (1,937

Depreciation and amortisation

     (571     (602     (562     (665     (590     (546     (560

Net operating income

     5,655        5,760        5,390        4,968        5,277        5,582        5,891   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (3,142     (3,399     (3,025     (2,774     (2,695     (2,638     (2,777

Impairment losses on other assets

     (110     (126     (141     (146     (87     (71     (67

Other income

     (262     (422     (368     (220     (347     (438     (491

Ordinary profit before taxes

     2,141        1,812        1,856        1,828        2,149        2,435        2,556   

Tax on profit

     (577     (453     (518     (526     (569     (664     (649

Ordinary profit from continuing operations

     1,564        1,359        1,338        1,302        1,579        1,771        1,908   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (14     (0     (1     (0     (0     (7

Ordinary consolidated profit

     1,564        1,345        1,337        1,301        1,579        1,771        1,901   

Minority interests

     359        294        282        242        277        318        296   

Ordinary attributable profit to the Group

     1,205        1,050        1,055        1,060        1,303        1,453        1,605   

Net capital gains and provisions

     —          —          —          —          —          —       

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,205        1,050        1,055        1,060        1,303        1,453        1,605   

EPS (euros)

     0.116        0.098        0.096        0.094        0.113        0.122        0.131   

Diluted EPS (euros)

     0.115        0.098        0.095        0.094        0.113        0.122        0.131   





  In other revenues, dividends were lower than in the second quarter (seasonally high), while trading gains increased strongly compared to a low level in the second quarter and management of interest rate and exchange rate risk.

Operating expenses fell again in Spain and Poland and increased in Brazil, Argentina, Chile and the US. In the first two cases this was linked to salary agreements and contracts indexed to inflation or exchange rates, in the third case it was due to amortisations and in the US to regulatory requirements.

Loan loss provisions increased 3.7% due to Latin America, the US and Santander Consumer Finance. They declined in Spain for the fifth consecutive quarter and remained stable in the UK.

As a result, net operating income after provisions was 4.2% higher and attributable profit 8.5%.

Profit for the first nine months was 31.7% higher year-on-year at EUR 4,361 million (+44.7% excluding the forex impact).

To facilitate the comparisons of the various P&L lines with previous periods, non-recurring capital gains and provisions have been incorporated into “Net capital gains and provisions”.

The capital gains correspond to Altamira (EUR 385 million net), the stock market placement of SCUSA (EUR 730 million net) and the change in pension entitlements in the UK (EUR 220 million). A fund of EUR 744 million was established for restructuring costs, impairment of intangible assets amounted to EUR 512 million and other provisions were EUR 79 million. The impact on profit was zero.





Table of Contents


The exchange rate variations of the various currencies against the euro had a negative impact on gross income and operating expenses in year-on-year terms of between 5 and 6 p.p. for the whole Group. The impact on the UK was positive (+5 p.p.) and negative for the US (-3 p.p.); Mexico (-6 p.p.); Brazil (-10 p.p.) Chile (-17 p.p.); and Argentina (-50 p.p.).

The performance of the income statement and comparisons with the first nine months of 2013 excluding the exchange rate impact was as follows.

Gross income was EUR 31,572 million, 4.9% higher year-on-year. By components:


  Net interest income amounted to EUR 21,834 million (+8.1%), with a good performance by all units except for Brazil which declined 2.9% because of lower spreads from the change of mix. This fall was offset by the improved cost of credit, enabling net operating income after provisions to rise 13.8%.

Volumes continued to grow in Latin America, combined with the moderately positive effect of the better evolution of units in mature markets since the beginning of the year. As regards spreads, positive impact of the strategy of reducing the cost of funds, particularly in Europe and the US. Spreads on loans performed better in mature countries, as in Latin America there is a change of mix toward lower risk products.


  Net fee income was 4.4% higher at EUR 7,172 million, with a better performance of those from advisory and consulting services to entities (+50.7%), securities and custody (+21.0%) and mutual funds (+11.7%), while those from claiming past-due debt were 20.6% lower.


  The aggregate of net interest income and fee income increased 7.2% and represented 92% of the Group’s gross income (90% in the first nine months of 2013).


    Other revenues: trading gains dropped 18.8%; dividend income increased 19.4%, income by the equity accounted method dropped 1.4% and other operating income, including the contribution to the deposit guarantee fund, was EUR 166 million negative.

Operating expenses increased 3.0%, with a varied performance by unit divided into three blocks:



    EUR million



     3Q’14      Var (%)
    9M’14      Var (%)

Fees from services

     1,484         4.1        4,303         (2.4

Mutual & pension funds

     238         10.2        667         4.6   

Securities and custody

     177         (17.5     577         16.4   


     539         (1.3     1,625         (6.3

Net fee income

     2,439         1.5        7,172         (1.5




    EUR million



     3Q’14      Var (%)
    9M’14      Var (%)

Personnel expenses

     2,572         2.3        7,543         (2.3

General expenses

     1,937         5.0        5,583         (1.1

Information technology

     236         17.6        680         (8.3


     121         (11.4     381         (20.0


     153         (13.2     454         3.2   

Buildings and premises

     451         2.0        1,341         (2.4

Printed and office material

     41         14.6        113         (9.1

Taxes (other than profit tax)

     117         1.6        341         1.4   

Other expenses

     818         10.9        2,272         5.6   

Personnel and general expenses

     4,509         3.4        13,125         (1.8

Depreciation and amortisation

     560         2.6        1,697         (2.2













Total operating expenses

     5,070         3.3        14,822         (1.8


















     Employees      Branches  
     9M’14      9M’13      9M’14      9M’13  

Continental Europe

     55,781         59,317         5,616         6,701   

o/w: Spain

     25,136         28,138         3,611         4,573   


     5,515         5,600         620         647   


     11,894         12,499         803         836   


     12,254         11,869         572         635   

United Kingdom

     25,305         25,419         950         1,191   

Latin America

     84,050         85,968         5,689         5,848   

o/w: Brazil

     46,621         50,322         3,427         3,661   


     15,889         14,441         1,299         1,229   


     12,093         12,211         476         488   


     15,795         15,048         812         821   

Operating areas

     180,931         185,752         13,067         14,561   

Corporate Activities

     2,603         2,513         













Total Group

     183,534         188,265         13,067         14,561   



















Table of Contents




  A first block with units in processes of integration (Spain and Poland) or adjusting structures (Portugal). Their costs were stable or declined in nominal terms. Brazil’s expenses rose well below the country’s inflation rate (-5% in real terms), underscoring the effort of the plans to improve efficiency.


  A second block in which the UK is combining investment in its business transformation plan with efficiency improvement. The costs of Santander Consumer Finance and Chile rose in line with inflation.


  Lastly, Mexico and Argentina’s costs rose because of expansion plans or business capacity improvements. Also the US (+8.5%) where Santander Bank’s franchise is being improved, and adapting to regulatory requirements.

Net operating income (pre-provision profit) was 6.6% higher at EUR 16,750 million.






     3Q’14     Var (%)
     9M’14     Var (%)

Non performing loans

     3,076        13.6         9,069        (18.1


     0        —           (4     —     

Recovery of written-off assets

     (300     350.1         (956     (36.5














     2,777        5.2         8,110        (15.2















Loan-loss provisions were EUR 8,110 million, 10.0% lower than the first nine months of 2013. Reduced provisions in Brazil, UK, Spain, Portugal, SCF and Chile and higher in Mexico, partly due to larger volumes, and above all in the US, partly due to the greater provisions linked to SCUSA’s higher growth in new lending and the larger volumes on average over 2013.

Net operating income after provisions rose 29.0% year-on-year to EUR 8,640 million and is on an upward trend during the year.

Other asset impairment losses and other results were EUR 1,500 million negative (EUR 1,391 million in the first nine months of 2013).

Profit before tax was EUR 7,140 million and attributable profit EUR 4,361 million.

Earnings per share were EUR 0.37, up from EUR 0.31 in the first nine months of 2013, affected by the rise in the number of shares associated with the scrip dividend, as this option was well received.

The Group’s ROE was 6.9% and return on tangible equity (ROTE, attributable profit/shareholders’ equity less goodwill) 10.1%. In both cases, the figures were better than for the whole of 2013 (5.4% and 7.9%, respectively).








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     30.09.14     30.09.13     Variation
    (%)     31.12.13  



Cash on hand and deposits at central banks

     76,478        88,099        (11,621     (13.2     77,103   

Trading portfolio

     142,840        153,312        (10,472     (6.8     115,309   

Debt securities

     58,325        43,179        15,147        35.1        40,841   

Customer loans

     524        9,998        (9,474     (94.8     5,079   


     9,770        6,080        3,690        60.7        4,967   

Trading derivatives

     71,533        79,689        (8,156     (10.2     58,920   

Deposits from credit institutions

     2,688        14,367        (11,680     (81.3     5,503   

Other financial assets at fair value

     35,925        38,660        (2,735     (7.1     31,441   

Customer loans

     10,266        11,878        (1,612     (13.6     13,255   

Other (deposits at credit institutions, debt securities and equities)

     25,659        26,782        (1,123     (4.2     18,185   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     99,226        93,346        5,880        6.3        83,799   

Debt securities

     94,333        88,929        5,404        6.1        79,844   


     4,893        4,417        476        10.8        3,955   


     784,406        743,030        41,376        5.6        731,420   

Deposits at credit institutions

     65,372        54,167        11,205        20.7        57,178   

Customer loans

     711,198        680,952        30,246        4.4        666,356   

Debt securities

     7,836        7,911        (75     (0.9     7,886   


     3,619        2,879        740        25.7        3,377   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     21,431        17,784        3,647        20.5        18,137   


     27,364        24,732        2,633        10.6        24,263   


     49,689        48,356        1,333        2.8        49,154   
















Total assets

     1,240,979        1,210,198        30,781        2.5        1,134,003   


















Trading portfolio

     107,225        128,994        (21,769     (16.9     94,695   

Customer deposits

     9,101        15,085        (5,984     (39.7     8,500   

Marketable debt securities

     197        1        197        —          1   

Trading derivatives

     71,858        79,827        (7,969     (10.0     58,910   


     26,068        34,081        (8,013     (23.5     27,285   

Other financial liabilities at fair value

     62,969        48,996        13,973        28.5        42,311   

Customer deposits

     35,247        28,633        6,614        23.1        26,484   

Marketable debt securities

     4,048        6,475        (2,426     (37.5     4,086   

Due to central banks and credit institutions

     23,674        13,889        9,785        70.5        11,741   

Financial liabilities at amortized cost

     939,586        913,433        26,154        2.9        880,115   

Due to central banks and credit institutions

     106,229        104,755        1,474        1.4        92,390   

Customer deposits

     601,983        589,716        12,267        2.1        572,853   

Marketable debt securities

     191,349        186,070        5,279        2.8        182,234   

Subordinated debt

     17,334        15,300        2,034        13.3        16,139   

Other financial liabilities

     22,692        17,592        5,100        29.0        16,499   

Insurance liabilities

     1,671        1,324        348        26.3        1,430   


     14,475        14,671        (196     (1.3     14,485   

Other liability accounts

     26,769        20,496        6,273        30.6        20,409   
















Total liabilities

     1,152,695        1,127,914        24,781        2.2        1,053,444   
















Shareholders’ equity

     88,154        83,954        4,200        5.0        84,740   

Capital stock

     5,994        5,546        448        8.1        5,667   


     78,025        75,320        2,705        3.6        75,109   

Attributable profit to the Group

     4,361        3,311        1,050        31.7        4,370   

Less: dividends

     (226     (223     (3     1.4        (406

Equity adjustments by valuation

     (10,567     (12,133     1,565        (12.9     (14,152

Minority interests

     10,697        10,463        234        2.2        9,972   
















Total equity

     88,284        82,284        6,000        7.3        80,559   
















Total liabilities and equity

     1,240,979        1,210,198        30,781        2.5        1,134,003   


















Table of Contents




  Both lending and funds grew in the third quarter.


    Lending rose on a like-for-like basis in eight of the 10 core markets. It did not do so in Spain and Portugal due to the seasonal impact of summer.


    Also widespread increase in funds while the focus remains on cutting funding costs.


    The Group’s net loan-to-deposit ratio improved by two percentage points in the quarter to 112%.


  Compared to September 2013 and in constant currency:


    Lending rose 2% and in all countries except Spain and Portugal.


    Funds increased 4%. Of note were Poland and Latin American countries.


  Common equity Tier 1 (CET1) was 11.44% at the end of September, 52 b.p. more than in June. The total capital ratio was 12.59%.


  The leverage ratio (CRD IV) remained at 4.5%.



Total managed and marketed funds at the end of September amounted to EUR 1,402,153 million, of which EUR 1,240,979 million (89%) were on-balance sheet and the rest mutual and pension funds and managed portfolios.

At the aggregate level of the whole Group, and regarding the evolution of customer balances, the change in exchange rates of the main currencies in which the Group operates, had a positive impact of two percentage points. In some units the impact was very significant.

Currency appreciations against the euro over June 2014 were as follows: 9% for the dollar, 4% for the Mexican and Argentine peso and 3% for sterling. The Polish zloty and the Chilean peso remained practically stable and the Brazilian real depreciated 3%.

Compared to September 2013, sterling appreciated 8%, the dollar 7%, the Mexican peso 5% and the zloty 1%, while the real depreciated 1%, the Chilean peso 10% and the Argentine peso 27%.

Customer lending

The Group’s gross lending amounted to EUR 749,426 million at the end of September, 2.1% more than June (+0.6% after eliminating repos and the exchange rate impact).

Lending in Continental Europe fell 0.7%. It declined in Spain and Portugal because of the seasonal impact of summer and in real estate activity in run-off in Spain. Growth in Santander Consumer Finance and Poland.

Increases for the UK (+1.3% in the quarter) spurred by credit to corporates and Latin America (+3.0%) with growth in all units, and decline in the US (-2.0%) because of sales and securitisations of portfolios. Excluding this impact, growth was 1%.

Overall lending was 3% higher than in September 2013 and 2% more after eliminating the exchange rate impact and repos. The performance was as follows:







     30.09.14      30.09.13      Variation
    (%)     31.12.13  

Spanish Public sector

     16,204         17,331         (1,127     (6.5     13,374   

Other residents

     158,190         165,571         (7,381     (4.5     160,478   

Commercial bills

     6,459         6,612         (153     (2.3     7,301   

Secured loans

     97,753         97,619         134        0.1        96,420   

Other loans

     53,978         61,340         (7,362     (12.0     56,757   

Non-resident sector

     575,032         547,267         27,765        5.1        537,587   

Secured loans

     351,910         324,631         27,279        8.4        320,629   

Other loans

     223,122         222,636         486        0.2        216,958   

Gross customer loans

     749,426         730,169         19,257        2.6        711,439   

Loan-loss allowances

     27,438         27,341         97        0.4        26,749   

Net customer loans

     721,988         702,828         19,161        2.7        684,690   

Pro memoria: Doubtful loans

     40,440         40,876         (436     (1.1     41,088   

Public sector

     167         172         (6     (3.2     99   

Other residents

     20,360         20,566         (207     (1.0     21,763   

Non-resident sector

     19,914         20,137         (224     (1.1     19,226   



Table of Contents


In Continental Europe, the low demand for loans continued to affect balances in Spain and Portugal. Santander Consumer Finance and Poland increased and there was a sharp fall of 31% in run-off real estate activity in Spain, as a result of maintaining the strategy of reducing this type of risk.


  Gross customer lending in Spain (excluding the run-off real estate unit, commented on below) was 2% lower year-on-year. The distribution was as follows:


    Lending to individuals amounted to EUR 59,922 million, of which EUR 47,782 million are home mortgages (-6% in 12 months). The portfolio is concentrated in financing first homes, with a strong concentration in the lowest tranches of loan-to-value (73% with an LTV of less than 80%).


    Loans directly to SMEs and companies without real estate purpose amounted to EUR 85,000 million and accounted for the largest share of lending (52%). They rose 1% year-on-year, benefiting from the special plan to promote business with SMEs in the last few months.


    Lending to the Spanish public sector stood at EUR 15,500 million compared to EUR 16,600 million in September 2013. The reduction was due to the early amortization in the fourth quarter of 2013 of financing for suppliers, in view of the better and cheaper access of the Treasury to wholesale markets (around EUR 4,000 million).


  In Portugal, lending dropped 4% year-on-year in a deleveraging environment, in which Santander Totta is gaining market share, both in total lending and in individuals and companies.


  In Poland lending increased 5% in the last 12 months in local currency, with credit to SMEs up 11%.


  Santander Consumer Finance’s balances rose 5%, with a varied performance by country. Germany’s lending, which accounted for 51% of the area’s total, rose 1%, the Nordic countries and Poland increased by 12% and 7%, respectively, in local currency, and Spain’s rose 27% (partially due to perimeter).

New lending was 13% higher in the first nine months than in the same period of 2013, with significant rises in direct credit, cards and new auto finance, where we continued to outperform the sector.


  Net lending included in the unit of Spain’s run-off real estate activity amounted to EUR 4,330 million. The balance continued to fall in the third quarter and was EUR 1,916 million lower than in September 2013 (-31%).

In the United Kingdom, the balance of customer loans was 2% higher in sterling year-on-year. In local criteria, home mortgages remained stable, while lending to companies increased 9%, backed by SMEs and corporates.

Lending in Latin America in constant currency increased 9% year-on-year, with growth in all countries: Brazil (+6%), Mexico (+17%), Chile (+8%), Argentina (+20%), Uruguay (+21%) and Peru (+34%). These growth rates were higher than the market’s in most countries.





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     30.09.14      30.09.13      Variation
    (%)     31.12.13  

Resident public sector

     9,689         12,893         (3,204     (24.8     7,745   

Other residents

     162,313         164,101         (1,788     (1.1     161,649   

Demand deposits

     82,530         74,878         7,653        10.2        74,969   

Time deposits

     75,837         83,798         (7,962     (9.5     80,146   


     3,945         5,425         (1,479     (27.3     6,535   

Non-resident sector

     474,329         456,440         17,889        3.9        438,442   

Demand deposits

     259,141         232,721         26,421        11.4        230,715   

Time deposits

     156,448         165,506         (9,059     (5.5     161,300   


     58,739         58,213         527        0.9        46,427   

Customer deposits

     646,331         633,433         12,897        2.0        607,836   

Debt securities*

     195,595         192,545         3,049        1.6        186,321   

Subordinated debt

     17,334         15,300         2,034        13.3        16,139   

On-balance-sheet customer funds

     859,259         841,278         17,980        2.1        810,296   

Mutual funds

     124,911         105,148         19,763        18.8        103,967   

Pension funds

     11,341         10,427         914        8.8        10,879   

Managed portfolios

     24,923         20,925         3,998        19.1        21,068   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     161,174         136,500         24,674        18.1        135,914   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     1,020,433         977,778         42,655        4.4        946,210   


(*).- Including retail commercial paper (EUR million): 663 in September 2014, 4,820 in September 2013 and 3,553 in December 2013


Lastly, lending in the US rose 2% in dollars, conditioned by the sale of assets in the quarter (+5% excluding this). Santander Bank’s rose 1% (+5% ex-sale of assets), SCUSA’s 11%, benefiting from the strategic alliance with Chrysler, and Puerto Rico’s dropped 13%, within the sector’s deleveraging process.

At the end of September, Continental Europe accounted for 36% of the Group’s total net lending (22% Spain), the UK 35%, Latin America 20% (10% Brazil) and the US 9%.

Customer funds under management and marketed

Total managed funds, including mutual funds, pension funds and managed portfolios, amounted to EUR 1,020,433 million, 3.9% higher than June 2014 (+2.5% excluding the exchange rate effect).

Deposits (excluding repos) and mutual funds rose 3.6% (+2.3% excluding the exchange rate impact). The UK’s remained stable and the rest rose (Continental Europe: +2.4%; Latin America: +4.4% and the US: +3.7%).

The general strategy being followed is to increase demand deposits, reduce expensive ones and market mutual funds. As a result the Group’s demand deposits rose 4.0% in the third quarter (nine of the 10 main units rose), time deposits declined 1.4% and mutual funds increased 4.5%.

Customer funds were 2% higher than September 2013 excluding the exchange rate effect (+4% in accounting terms). Decline in debt securities and repos and 4% rise in the aggregate of deposits excluding repos and mutual funds.

Continental Europe’s main units performed as follows:


  Spain’s total funds increased 4% in the first nine months. Deposits excluding repos dropped 1% year-on-year and mutual funds increased 32%, consolidating Grupo Santander’s leadership in this item. This big rise was due to the strategy of reducing expensive deposits and more active marketing of mutual funds.


  Portugal’s deposits excluding repos rose 4%, mainly in the third quarter (+6%). Mutual funds increased 9%.


  Poland’s deposits increased 15% in local currency, reflecting the success of the campaign in the third quarter, and mutual funds rose 6%.


  Santander Consumer Finance’s deposits were stable (-1%), as the decline resulting from the policy of reducing higher cost balances in Germany (85% of the total) was almost fully offset by rises in the rest of units, particularly Austria and the Nordic countries.




    EUR million



     30.09.14      30.09.13      Var (%)      31.12.13  


     40,712         30,989         31.4         33,104   


     1,246         1,141         9.2         1,050   


     3,692         3,431         7.6         3,525   

United Kingdom

     9,849         9,572         2.9         9,645   

Latin America

     67,981         59,129         15.0         55,835   


     1,431         886         61.5         807   














     124,911         105,148         18.8         103,967   















Table of Contents




    EUR million



     30.09.14      30.09.13      Var (%)      31.12.13  


     10,491         9,650         8.7         10,030   


     849         776         9.4         848   














     11,341         10,427         8.8         10,879   













In the UK, customer deposits excluding repos (in sterling) dropped 1%, due to the strategy of replacing expensive and less stable deposits with those that offer a better opportunity of linkage. Demand deposits grew 16% in the last 12 months because of the rise in current accounts as a result of the successful marketing of the 1|2|3 range of products, which offset the reduction in time deposits. Mutual funds dropped 4%.

The aggregate of deposits excluding repos and mutual funds in Latin America increased 11% in constant currency, with Brazil up 8%, Mexico 10%, Chile 12%, Argentina 36%, Uruguay 19% and Peru 20%.

The aggregate of US deposits and mutual funds rose 4%. Demand deposits increased 3% and continued to improve their composition and cost similar to other units (demand: +9%; time:-22%). Mutual funds increased 50%.

Pension plans rose 9% year-on-year in Spain and Portugal, the only countries where Santander markets this product.

Continental Europe accounted for 36% of managed customer funds (25% Spain), the UK 30%, Latin America 27% (Brazil 15%) and the US 7%.

The Group, for strategic reasons, maintains a selective policy of issuing securities in the international fixed income markets and strives to adapt the frequency and volume of operations to the structural liquidity needs of each unit, as well as to the receptiveness of each market.

In the first nine months, medium and long-term issues of senior debt amounted to EUR 19,065 million and covered bonds EUR 4,390 million.

Of note was the EUR 1,750 million placement of Santander Totta in two covered bonds, following four years when it was not present in this market, the EUR 1,500 million senior debt issue in the European market of Banco Santander S.A. in the first quarter, the operations of Santander UK in September placing $1,500 million of senior debt in the US market and EUR 1,500 million of covered bonds in the European market, and the EUR 4,211 million of senior debt issued by various European units of Santander Consumer Finance in more than 70 issues in the local markets in which it operates.





Table of Contents


As regards securitizations, the Group’s subsidiaries placed in the first nine months a total of EUR 11,818 million, mainly via the Group’s specialised consumer finance units.

This issuing activity underscores the Group’s capacity to access the different segments of institutional investors via more than 10 issuance units, including the parent bank, Banco Santander S.A. and the main subsidiaries of the countries where it operates. All this reaffirms the Group’s policy of self-sufficiency in liquidity for its subsidiaries so that each one adapts its issuance programme to the evolution of its balance sheet.

Maturities of medium- and long-term debt amounted to EUR 25,930 million in the first nine months, of which EUR 15,149 million was senior debt, EUR 9,300 million covered bonds, EUR 1,481 million of subordinated debt and EUR 1,720 million of preference shares.

The evolution of loans and funds improved the net loan-to-deposit ratio to 112%. The ratio of deposits plus medium- and long-term funding to the Group’s loans was 117%, underscoring the comfortable funding structure of the Group’s lending.

As regards funding from central banks, the Group took part in September in the European Central Bank’s first auction of long-term liquidity conditioned to the volume and evolution of non-mortgage loans (TLTRO). It took EUR 3,600 million via the banks of Spain and Portugal.

Other items of the balance sheet

Goodwill amounted to EUR 27,364 million, EUR 2,633 million more than September 2013, because of SCUSA, the incorporation of GetNet and the evolution of exchange rates, particularly sterling and the Brazilian real.

The balance of financial assets available for sale amounted to EUR 99,226 million, 6% higher (+EUR 5,880 million) than September 2013.

Trading derivatives amounted to EUR 71,533 million in assets and EUR 71,858 million in liabilities (EUR 8,156 million and EUR 7,969 million lower year-on-year, respectively), due to interest rate movements and the cancellation of positions.

Shareholders’ equity and solvency ratios

Shareholders’ funds, after retained profits, amounted to EUR 88,154 million (+EUR 4,200 million and +5% in the last 12 months).

Both minority interests and valuation adjustments improved between September 2013 and September 2014. Total equity at the end of September was EUR 88,284 million (+EUR 6,000 million and +7%).







     30.09.14     30.09.13     Variation
    (%)     31.12.13  

Capital stock

     5,994        5,546        448        8.1        5,667   

Additional paid-in surplus

     36,411        36,949        (538     (1.5     36,804   


     41,672        38,476        3,196        8.3        38,314   

Treasury stock

     (58     (105     47        (44.7     (9

Shareholders’ equity (before profit and dividends)

     84,019        80,866        3,153        3.9        80,776   

Attributable profit

     4,361        3,311        1,050        31.7        4,370   

Interim dividend distributed

     (226     (223     (3     1.4        (406

Interim dividend not distributed

     —          —          —          —          (438

Shareholders’ equity (after retained profit)

     88,154        83,954        4,200        5.0        84,302   

Valuation adjustments

     (10,567     (12,133     1,565        (12.9     (14,152

Minority interests

     10,697        10,463        234        2.2        9,972   
















Total equity (after retained profit)

     88,284        82,284        6,000        7.3        80,122   
















Preferred shares and securities in subordinated debt

     6,827        4,247        2,580        60.7        4,053   
















Total equity and capital with the nature of financial liabilities

     95,111        86,531        8,580        9.9        84,175   


















Table of Contents


The Group’s eligible equity amounted to EUR 70.674 million at the end of September (EUR 25,758 million above the minimum requirement).

The CET1 (Common Equity Tier 1) is 11.44%, the same as Tier 1 Capital ratio, while total capital ratio is 12.59%.

The CET1 ratio increased by 52 b.p. in the third quarter, from the organic generation of capital, added to which is an issuance of AT1 in September of EUR 1,500 million.

Under the new European regulations on own funds and targeted solely at qualified investors, Banco Santander made three issues in the first nine months of contingent perpetual preferred securities convertible into newly issued ordinary shares of the Bank, which are computable as additional Tier 1 (AT1) capital. This operation bolstered solvency (Tier 1).

These operations were EUR 1,500 million in March, $1,500 million in May and EUR 1,500 million in September, at annual interest rates of 6.25%, 6.375% and 6.25%, respectively, for the first five years in the first two cases and the first seven in the last one. All were notably oversubscribed by international investors, making pro ratas necessary in each case.

The Group has solid capital ratios, tailored to its business model, the balance sheet structure and the Group’s risk profile





    EUR million






Basic capital


Computable capital


Risk-weighted assets


CET1 capital ratio (2)


T1 capital ratio


BIS ratio


Shareholders’ equity surplus



(1).- Considering Spanish regulation on intangibles homogeneous with European one applied as from 2Q14.
(2).- Including impact from the Alternative Standard Approach (ASA) model of Brazil’s operational risk, approved by BACEN (0.29 p.p.) but pending authorization from the regulator on the consolidated Group.


Rating agencies



The Group’s access to wholesale funding markets, as well as the cost of issues, depends to some extent on the ratings accorded by rating agencies.

Rating agencies regularly review the Group’s ratings. Debt classification depends on a series of internal factors (solvency, business model, capacity to generate profits, etc.) and external ones related to the general economic environment, the sector’s situation and the sovereign risk of the countries in which the Group operates.

The rating and outlook for the Kingdom of Spain has improved in the last few quarters. In February 2014 Moody’s upgraded the rating from Baa3 to Baa2 and the outlook from stable to positive, Fitch upgraded the rating in April, from BBB to BBB+, and confirmed it in October, and S&P from BBB- to BBB in May.

The methodology used by the agencies limits the rating of a bank above that of the sovereign of the country in which it is based. This means that despite the Group’s good fundamentals, Santander’s rating can be limited by the sovereign debt rating.

At the end of September, Banco Santander was the only bank in the world with a rating higher than that of the sovereign of the country in which it is based by the four agencies, following

further upgradings in 2014 by Moody’s from Baa2 to Baa1 with stable outlook, Fitch from BBB+ to A- with stable outlook and S&P from BBB to BBB+, also with stable outlook. The rating by DRBS remained at A. These higher ratings than the sovereign recognize Santander’s financial strength and diversification.

During the first quarter of 2014, the Group obtained A+ and A from GBB Rating and Scope, respectively.

The agencies’ good assessment of Santander’s credit profile is reflected in the rating of the Bank’s individual fundamentals, which in the case of S&P is “a-”, a level equivalent to its peers including those based on countries with a better macroeconomic situation.








     A         R1(low)         Negative   

Fitch Ratings

     A-         F2         Stable   

GBB Rating

     A+            Stable   


     Baa1         P-2         Stable   

Standard & Poor’s

     BBB+         A-2         Stable   


     A            Stable   





Table of Contents




The European Central Bank began in October 2013 its comprehensive assessment with a view to launching as of November 4, 2014 the Single Supervisory Mechanism. This exercise submitted banks to an assessment of their risk, an analysis of their asset quality and a stress test. Its objective is to enhance transparency, control and credibility, so that the results strengthen private sector confidence in the solvency of European banks and in the quality of their balance sheets.

The EU’s main banks participated, on the basis of meeting at least one of the following criteria: (1) Assets of more than EUR 30,000 million, (2) assets of more than 20% of the GDP of their country of origin and (3) being one of the three largest banks in a Member State.

The comprehensive assessment was based on three pillars:


  Risk Assessment: prior evaluation of the business model and the main risks, including those related to liquidity, leverage and funding. Each bank’s risk profile was taken into account, their relationship with other banks and their vulnerability to external factors.


  Asset Quality Review-AQR: qualitative and quantitative analysis of credit and market exposure at the end of 2013, including off-balance sheet assets, non-performing loans, refinancings and sovereign risk. Its objective is to assess whether the provisions and valuation of the collateral of credit exposure are adequate, as well as assess the complex instruments and high-risk assets. It was structured in three phases:


    Portfolio selection: at the proposal of each country’s authorities, the portfolios to be included in the analysis were selected, complying with criteria on coverage at the bank level.


    Execution: validation of the integrity of the data provided, assessment of the guarantees, and recalculation of the provisions and risk weighted assets.


    Verification: analysis of the consistency in order to ensure the comparability of the results of all the portfolios and all banks in the European Union. Also included was an analysis of the control of quality, guidelines and definitions.


  Stress Test: analysis of the capacity of each bank to withstand an adverse scenario, carried out in conjunction with the European Banking Authority.

The exercise establishes baseline and adverse scenarios which impact a bank’s performance, including its risks (credit, market, sovereign, securitisation and cost of funding), with a three-year time scale (2014-2016), using data at the end of 2013 and adjusted by the asset quality review. The adverse macroeconomic scenario took into account some systemic risks for the banking sector such as an increase in global bond yields, especially those linked to emerging economies or a further deterioration of asset quality in countries with weaker fundamentals and vulnerable financial sectors.

The minimum capital (CET1) is set at 8% in the baseline scenario and 5.5% in the adverse scenario, in accordance with the definition of Basel III (CRD IV/CRR) and its gradual schedule of introduction (phase-in).

The stress test results are based on scenarios defined in the methodology and are not forecasts of financial performance or capital ratios. The stress test is based on common methodology designed by the European Banking Authority, which includes a key hypothesis for simplifying the exercise (for example, a static balance sheet, a dividend distribution similar to the average of the last three years and valuation adjustments in public debt).




•         123 banks
  EUR 28 trillion of assets (70% of EU banking system)


•         AQR: -40 b.p.
  Adverse scenario: -260 b.p.
  Total: -300 b.p.

Capital shortfall

•         Maximum: EUR 24.6 billion
  Current: EUR 9.5 billion (after 2014 measures)



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  The test results underscored the Group strengths and better performance than its peers1.


  AQR has a marginal impact on the Group’s CET1 (4 b.p.), reflecting the correct classification of assets and adequate provisions.


  In the baseline scenario, Santander increases its CET1 by 161 b.p., to 12%, underscoring its capacity to generate capital.


  In the adverse scenario, CET1 is 143 b.p. lower, showing the capacity of our business model to withstand adverse market situations. CET1 2016 is 9%, with a EUR 19,456 million surplus over the minimum required.

The ECB’s comprehensive assessment of Banco Santander underscored the quality of its portfolios, the correct valuation of assets and adequate provisions, as well as the strength of its business model in the event of adverse macroeconomic scenarios.

As regards the asset quality review, 16 credit portfolios of seven countries and various segments (residential, SMEs, corporates, etc) which represented more than 50% of credit risks were analysed. Procedures and policies were revised, samples taken and cases reviewed, properties and guarantees assessed, as well as reviewing assessment of the trading portfolio.

The adjustment required as a result of this exhaustive analysis was marginal on the CET1 (-4 b.p.), the smallest impact among our peers and far from the average for the Spanish banking system (-40 b.p.). All of this reflects the correct classification and valuation of assets, as well as the adequate level of provisions for risks.


Furthermore, in terms of level 3 assets we are the bank with the least weight among the large European banks (0.13% of total assets), resulting from the low complexity of our balance sheet and our retail banking model.

As regards the stress tests, Santander comfortably exceeded the scenarios, particularly the adverse (and unlikely) one.

In the baseline scenario, Santander is one of the Banks that generates the most capital in the three-year period (+161 b.p.). Its CET1 ratio reaches 12% in 2016. The surplus of capital over the minimum required in this scenario (8%) is close to EUR 22,000 million, among the highest.

In the adverse scenario, Santander is the bank with the least negative impact among the big Banks. Its CET1 ratio in 2016 drops by 143 b.p. to 8.95%, which represents a surplus of 345 b.p. or EUR 19,456 million over the minimum requirement (5.5%). This is also among the system’s highest.

In short, the marginal adjustments of the AQR, the low impact in the stress test scenarios and the surplus of capital make us stand out among our peers and confirm that Grupo Santander operates with the adequate capital levels for its business model and low risk profile.


(1) European listed banks with assets of more than EUR 500,000 million at the end of 2013.



In the adverse scenario we have EUR 19.5 bill. surplus over the minimum required



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  The Group’s NPL ratio was 17 basis points lower in the third quarter than the second at 5.28%:


    Of note was the drop at Brazil (-14 b.p.), UK (-11 b.p,), Spain (-2 b.p.) and Santander Bank (-44 b.p.).


  Net NPL entries (excluding the perimeter and forex effects) were lower for the third straight quarter.


    They were 54% lower in the first nine months year-on-year, with falls in all countries and particularly Spain, Portugal, Poland, UK and Chile.


  The Group’s coverage at the end of September was 68% (+1 p.p. in the quarter).


  Loan-loss provisions amounted to EUR 8,110 million in the first nine months, (-15.2% y-o-y).


  The cost of credit was 1.52% (1.89% in the first nine months of 2013).




Credit risk management


Net NPL entries in the third quarter, excluding the perimeter and forex effects, amounted to EUR 1,959 million, and declined for the third quarter running (-EUR 576 million and -23%). Net entries in the first nine months were EUR 7,029 million (-54% y-o-y), with declines in all countries and particularly Spain, Portugal, Poland, UK and Chile.

Non-performing and doubtful loans fell by EUR 607 million in the third quarter to EUR 41,727 million at the end of September. This balance, together with the current lending levels, put the Group’s NPL ratio at 5.28%, 17 b.p. lower than in the second quarter.

Loan-loss provisions stood at EUR 28,174 million, of which EUR 6,018 million were collectively assessed provisions. Total funds were basically stable in the quarter, with coverage at 68%.

It should be borne in mind that the NPL ratio, particularly in the UK but also in Spain, is affected by the weight of mortgage

balances that require lower provisions, as they have collateral not reflected here. The average LTV of residential mortgage balances in Spain and the UK is 55% and 48%, respectively.

The Group’s net loan loss provisions, deducting write-offs recovered, were EUR 8,110 million at the end of September, compared to EUR 9,566 million a year earlier.

The cost of credit (loan-loss provisions in the last 12 months as a percentage of average lending during this period) was 1.52% (1.89% in September 2013).

The NPL ratios and coverage by countries are set out below:


  Spain’s NPL ratio fell again (-2 b.p.) to 7.57% at the end of September, due to reduction in NPLs, mainly in companies. Coverage remained at 45%.




    EUR Million



    30.09.14     30.09.13     Var. (%)     31.12.13  

Non-performing loans

    41,727        41,899        (0.4     42,420   

NPL ratio (%)

    5.28        5.40          5.61   

Loan-loss allowances

    28,174        28,096        0.3        27,526   


    22,156        22,809        (2.9     22,433   


    6,018        5,287        13.8        5,093   

Coverage ratio (%)

    67.5        67.1          64.9   

Cost of credit (%) **

    1.52        1.89          1.69   


(*) Excluding country-risk
(**) 12 months net loan-loss provisions / average lending

Note: NPL ratio: Non-performing loans / computable assets






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  In the UK, the NPL ratio was 1.80% (+11 b.p. over June). This positive evolution was due to the good performance of all segments, particularly retail, and specially mortgages, favoured by the better macroeconomic environment in a context of low interest rates. Lending rose 2% over December 2013, due mainly to growth to companies, which was partly offset by the reduced exposure to non-core segments such as structured finance and aviation (-17% and -43%, respectively). Coverage remained at more than 40%.


  Brazil’s NPL ratio was 5.64% at the end of September (-14 b.p. in the quarter) and coverage 91%. In both cases, the ratios were much better than at the beginning of 2013 (6.90% and 90%, respectively).


  Mexico’s NPL ratio was 3.74% (+22 b.p. in the quarter), mainly affected by greater regulatory requirements in its financial system and a less favourable macroeconomic environment than expected. Coverage was 90%.


  The NPL ratio of Chile was 5.98% and coverage 52%, both in line with the second quarter figures.
  In addition, there is a separate unit for Spain’s run-off real estate, which includes customer loans mainly for real estate development, and which has a specialised management model, equity stakes related to the property sector (Metrovacesa and SAREB) and foreclosed assets.

The Group’s strategy in the last few years has been to sharply reduce these assets. At the end of September, they stood at EUR 9,262 million net and represented around 3% of loans in Spain and less than 1% of the Group’s total loans. Their evolution was as follows:


    Net loans of EUR 4,330 million, EUR 546 million lower than at the end of June and EUR 1,916 million below September 2013 (-31%). The NPL ratio was 74% with coverage of 65%. Total coverage of these loans, including performing loans, was 53%.


    Net foreclosed assets ended September at EUR 3,530 million. These assets are covered by EUR 4,416 million of provisions (56% of gross assets).


    The stakes in Metrovacesa and SAREB are valued at EUR 1,402 million.


  Portugal’s NPL ratio was 8.49% at the end of September (+33 b.p. more than June), partly affected by lower lending. Coverage was 54% (+1 p.p.).


  Poland’s NPL ratio was 7.43% (+1 b.p. in the quarter), but 41 b.p. below the end of 2013. Coverage was 66%.


  Santander Consumer Finance’s NPL ratio was unchanged throughout the year at 3.97% at the end of September, thanks to the good general performance in all countries. Coverage was 106%.


  The NPL ratio for the US was 2.68% (-25 b.p.) and coverage 184%.






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The ratio for Santander Bank was 1.61%, 44 b.p. less than the second quarter and reflecting the improvement in the composition of the portfolio. This was due to the good performance of retail portfolios because of the rise in household disposable income and the favourable evolution of individualised managed companies. There were continued outflows of NPLs in the latter and contained entries, in a context of a greater appetite for risk by the market when acquiring problematic

loans. This was also motivated by the increase in the valuations of their guarantees due to the positive evolution of real estate prices. Coverage was 96% (+7 b.p.).

Puerto Rico’s NPL ratio was 6.99% (+13 b.p. over June), partly due to the drop in lending. Coverage was 59%.

The NPL ratio of SCUSA was 4.10% (+2 b.p. over June) and coverage very high at 296%, following the significant increase in provisions in recent quarters.







     1Q’13     2Q’13     3Q’13     4Q’13     1Q’14     2Q’14     3Q’14  

Balance at beginning of period

     36,761        38,693        40,712        41,899        42,420        42,300        42,334   

Net additions

     4,167        6,294        4,722        4,517        2,536        2,535        1,959   

Increase in scope of consolidation

     743        —          —          —          148        —          —     

Exchange differences

     300        (1,283     (447     (781     96        293        463   


     (3,278     (2,991     (3,088     (3,215     (2,900     (2,793     (3,029

Balance at period-end

     38,693        40,712        41,899        42,420        42,300        42,334        41,727   


Market risk

The risk of trading activity in the third quarter, measured in daily VaR terms at 99%, averaged EUR 18.7 million. It fluctuated between EUR 14.2 and EUR 23.2 million.

The decline in VaR during the first half of the quarter to a low of EUR 14.2 million was due to the lower exposure to Brazilian short- and long-term interest rates, and to the reduction in interest rate risk, fixed income positions and exposure to the sovereign spread in Spain. Market volatility was also at historically low levels.








Third quarter    2014      2013  

EUR million

   Average      Latest      Average  


     18.7         15.3         15.2   











     11.1         11.4         12.1   

USA and Asia

     0.7         0.5         0.8   

Latin America

     14.9         8.2         9.8   

Global activities

     2.0         2.2         1.4   


(*) Trading activity





Third quarter

EUR million

   Min.     Avg.     Max.     Latest  

VaR total

     14.2        18.7        23.2        15.3   













Diversification effect

     (8.2     (11.8     (15.2     (12.0

Interest rate VaR

     12.4        16.7        20.4        12.4   

Equity VaR

     1.2        2.6        4.7        3.3   


     1.3        2.9        5.8        2.9   

Credit spreads VaR

     4.3        8.0        12.2        8.3   

Commodities VaR

     0.2        0.3        0.4        0.3   


(*) Trading activity



Table of Contents


The Santander share


Shareholder remuneration

Under the Santander Dividendo Elección programme (scrip dividend) for 2014, shareholders could opt to receive in cash or in shares the amount equivalent to the first dividend (EUR 0.152 per share). The latter option was chosen by 87.4% of the share capital.

As part of this programme, shareholders were able to opt to receive the amount equivalent to the second dividend in cash or shares. Each shareholder received a free allotment of new shares for each share they own.

Shareholders were able to sell the rights to the Bank at a set price (EUR 0.151 gross per right), to the stock market between October 20 and November 3 at the market price, or receive new shares in the proportion of one new share for every 46 rights (in the last two cases without withholding tax*).

In order to meet the request for new shares, a capital increase of EUR 130,305,338 will be carried out (represented by 260,610,676 shares). The number of new shares to be issued and, therefore the amount of the capital increase will depend on the number of shareholders who opt to sell their free allotment of shares to the Bank at the set price.

Those shareholders who opted to sell their rights to the Bank are expected to receive the amount in cash on November 6.

Moreover, it is envisaged to implement again the Santander Dividendo Elección program, on the dates on which the third dividend is normally paid (January / February). Thus, subject to the prior agreement of the executive committee of Banco Santander, shareholders can opt to receive cash or new shares on such dates.

Performance of the Santander share

Stock markets ended the third quarter higher, following stimulus measures announced by the European Central Bank to spur the euro zone and avoid deflation, which led to a larger fall in the debt risk premiums of peripheral countries, and Scotland’s referendum, which conditioned the market’s performance until the outcome was known. Geopolitical tensions in the Ukraine and the Middle East were other factors that influenced the markets.

The Santander share ended September at EUR 7.611, 17.0% higher than at the end of 2013 and 26.3% year-on-year. Including the



dividend payments, the total shareholder return was 24.7% and 37.6%, respectively. The share’s performance in the year-to-date and year-on-year was better than that of the Ibex-35, the DJ Stoxx 50 and DJ Stoxx Banks.


At the end of September, Santander was the largest bank in the euro zone by market capitalisation and the 10th in the world (EUR 91,241 million). The share’s weighting in the DJ Stoxx 50 was 2.7%, 8.8% in the DJ Stoxx Banks and 18.6% in the Ibex 35.


The number of shares traded in the first nine months amounted to 12,527 million, for an effective value of EUR 89,440 million, one of the highest in EuroStoxx, and a liquidity ratio of 107%. A daily average of 65.6 million shares were traded for an effective amount of EUR 468 million.

Shareholder base

The total number of shareholders at the end of September was 3,229,672, of which 2,975,465 are European (86.59% of the capital stock) and 237,399 from the Americas (13.04%).


(*) The options, maturities and procedures indicated can present special features for shareholders holding Santander shares in the various foreign stock markets where the Bank is listed. Also, the taxation of the various options can have specific features depending on the shareholder’s personal circumstances.






Shareholders and trading data


Shareholders (number)


Shares (number)


Average daily turnover (no. of shares)


Share liquidity (%) (Number of shares traded during the year / number of shares)



Remuneration per share


Santander Dividendo Elección (Nov.13)


Santander Dividendo Elección (Feb.14)


Santander Dividendo Elección (May.14)


Santander Dividendo Elección (Aug.14)


Santander Dividendo Elección (Nov.14)



Price movements during the year


Beginning (31.12.13)






Last (30.09.14)


Market capitalisation (millions) (30.09.14)



Stock market indicators


Price / Book value (X)


P/E ratio (X)


Yield* (%)



(*).- Last three remunerations paid + one announced / 9M’14 average share price






September 2014

   Shares      %  

The Board of Directors

     174,931,662         1.46   

Institutional investors

     6,255,814,648         52.18   


     5,557,344,820         46.36   








     11,988,091,130         100.00   










Table of Contents


Description of the segments


Grupo Santander is maintaining in 2014 the general criteria applied in 2013, as well as the business segments with the following exceptions:


1) In the Group’s financial statements:


  Some corporate operations recently carried out by the Group involve changes in the consolidation method. On the one hand, taking control of Santander Consumer USA (SCUSA) in 2014 meant changing to consolidation by global integration instead of by the equity accounted method, and, on the other, the loss of control of asset management companies sold at the end of 2013 meant consolidating by the equity accounted method instead of by global integration. Pro-forma information is provided with the Group’s financial statements for previous periods, modified in order to facilitate comparisons as if these changes had been effective in the compared periods presented.


2) In geographic businesses by restructuring:


  The area for the United States includes Santander Bank, Santander Consumer USA, which as indicated, now consolidates by global integration, and Puerto Rico, which was previously included in Latin America.


  The sold units of Santander Asset Management consolidate by the equity accounted method, as commented, in the various countries.


3) Other adjustments:


  Annual adjustment of the perimeter of the Global Customer Relationship Model between Retail Banking and Global Banking and Markets. This change has no impact on the principal segments (or geographic).


  The Asset Management and Insurance area is now called Private Banking, Asset Management and Insurance. As regards the figures published in 2013, the domestic private banking units of Spain, Portugal, Italy, Brazil, Mexico and Chile are incorporated (management shared with local banks). Santander Private Banking in Latin America is also included.

For comparison purposes, the figures of previous periods of the principal and secondary segments have been re-expressed to include the changes in the affected areas.

The financial statements of each business segment have been drawn up by aggregating the Group’s basic operating units. The information relates to both the accounting data of the units in each segment as well as that provided by the management information systems. In all cases, the same general principles as those used in the Group are applied.

The operating business areas are structured into two levels:

Principal level (or geographic). Geographical areas segment the activity of the Group’s operating units. This coincides with the Group’s first level of management and reflects Santander positioning in the world’s three main currency areas (euro, sterling and dollar). The segments reported on are:


  Continental Europe. This covers all retail banking business, wholesale banking, and private banking and asset management and insurance conducted in this region, as well as the unit of run-off real estate activity in Spain. Detailed financial information is provided on Spain, Portugal, Poland and Santander Consumer Finance (which incorporates all the region’s business, including the three countries mentioned herewith).
  United Kingdom. This includes retail and wholesale banking, and private banking asset management and insurance conducted by the Group’s various units and branches in the country.


  Latin America. This embraces all the Group’s financial activities conducted via its subsidiary banks and subsidiaries. It also includes the specialised units of Santander Private Banking, as an independent and globally managed unit, and New York’s business. The financial statements of Brazil, Mexico and Chile are also provided.


  United States. Includes the businesses of Santander Bank, Santander Consumer USA and Puerto Rico.

Secondary level (or business). This segments the activity of the operating units by type of business. The segments are: retail banking, wholesale banking, private banking, asset management and insurance and the unit of run-off real estate activity in Spain.


  Retail Banking. This covers all customer banking businesses, (except those of private banking and corporate banking, managed through the Global Customer Relationship Model). Because of their relative importance, details are also provided by the main geographic areas (Continental Europe, United Kingdom, Latin America and the United States). The results of the hedging positions in each country are also included, conducted within the sphere of each one’s Assets and Liabilities Committee.


  Global Wholesale Banking (GBM). This business reflects the revenues from global corporate banking, investment banking and markets worldwide including all treasuries managed globally, both trading and distribution to customers (always after the appropriate distribution with Retail Banking customers), as well as equities business.


  Private Banking, Asset Management and Insurance. This includes the contribution to the Group for the design and management of mutual and pension funds and insurance, conducted in some cases via wholly-owned units and in other via units in which the Group participates through joint ventures with specialists. In both cases, the units remunerate the distribution networks used to place these products (basically the Group’s, though not exclusively) via agreements. This means that the result recorded in this segment is net for each of the units included, in accordance with their participation and consolidation method, (i.e. deducting the distribution cost of sharing agreements from gross income). It also includes private banking business as defined above.

As well as these operating units, which cover everything by geographic area and by businesses, the Group continues to maintain the area of Corporate Activities. This area incorporates the centralised activities relating to equity stakes in financial companies, financial management of the structural exchange rate position and of the parent bank’s structural interest rate risk, as well as management of liquidity and of shareholders’ equity through issues and securitisations.

As the Group’s holding entity, this area manages all capital and reserves and allocations of capital and liquidity. It also incorporates amortisation of goodwill but not the costs related to the Group’s central services (charged to the areas), except for corporate and institutional expenses related to the Group’s functioning.

The figures of the Group’s units have been drawn up in accordance with these criteria, and so might not coincide with those published individually by each unit.




Table of Contents






           o/ 2Q’14           o/ 9M’13  
     3Q’14     %     % w/o FX     9M’14     %     % w/o FX  

Continental Europe

     1,582        (5.5     (5.4     4,844        5.1        5.3   

o/w: Spain

     878        (3.4     (3.4     2,685        7.9        7.9   


     108        (7.0     (7.0     330        2.0        2.0   


     192        (6.4     (6.3     585        4.4        3.8   

Santander Consumer Finance

     467        (0.6     (0.6     1,371        4.3        4.3   

United Kingdom

     687        4.9        2.2        1,977        22.1        16.4   

Latin America

     2,864        2.2        0.8        8,304        (12.8     (1.4

o/w: Brazil

     1,900        6.1        4.5        5,410        (16.4     (6.7


     471        1.7        (0.8     1,341        (4.6     1.6   


     288        (15.4     (14.8     961        (1.4     16.6   


     941        6.2        2.7        2,658        20.5        24.0   

Operating areas

     6,074        1.0        (0.5     17,783        (1.0     5.5   

Corporate Activities

     (183     (57.8     (57.8     (1,033     (10.3     (10.3



















Total Group

     5,891        5.5        4.0        16,750        (0.3     6.6   
























Continental Europe

     472        (5.4     (5.3     1,434        72.1        72.9   

o/w: Spain

     309        18.4        18.4        822        123.6        123.6   


     42        7.2        7.2        116        50.0        50.0   


     91        4.2        4.4        264        1.1        0.5   

Santander Consumer Finance

     170        (28.4     (28.4     626        7.0        7.0   

United Kingdom

     411        2.9        0.2        1,186        49.6        42.5   

Latin America

     786        (1.8     (3.1     2,298        (9.0     4.0   

o/w: Brazil

     409        3.6        1.9        1,167        (8.6     1.9   


     167        (0.8     (3.4     474        (15.9     (10.4


     92        (30.1     (29.5     347        9.8        29.9   


     195        (1.7     (5.0     552        (15.3     (12.9

Operating areas

     1,864        (1.7     (3.2     5,469        13.9        21.4   

Corporate Activities

     (259     (41.6     (41.6     (1,108     (25.7     (25.7



















Total Group

     1,605        10.4        8.5        4,361        31.7        44.7   
























Continental Europe

     264,280         (1.0     (1.1     264,280         (2.8     (2.9

o/w: Spain

     156,390         (1.8     (1.8     156,390         (5.1     (5.1


     23,333         (3.2     (3.2     23,333         (5.6     (5.6


     17,217         0.9        1.4        17,217         5.6        4.4   

Santander Consumer Finance

     58,596         0.9        0.9        58,596         4.8        4.8   

United Kingdom

     248,940         4.1        0.9        248,940         5.0        (2.4

Latin America

     140,656         3.2        3.4        140,656         6.7        10.0   

o/w: Brazil

     72,918         2.0        4.8        72,918         5.1        6.5   


     26,162         6.7        2.4        26,162         24.5        18.6   


     29,057         1.2        1.5        29,057         (2.2     8.3   


     63,729         6.2        (2.2     63,729         9.5        2.0   

Operating areas

     717,605         2.1        0.4        717,605         2.7        0.0   



















Total Group

     721,988         2.1        0.4        721,988         2.7        0.1   
























Continental Europe

     259,166         1.6        1.7        259,166         (1.4     (1.5

o/w: Spain

     182,273         0.7        0.7        182,273         (3.5     (3.5


     24,131         3.8        3.8        24,131         (0.2     (0.2


     20,224         10.4        10.9        20,224         16.2        14.8   

Santander Consumer Finance

     30,571         (0.5     (0.5     30,571         (0.5     (0.5

United Kingdom

     203,721         5.3        2.1        203,721         3.3        (4.0

Latin America

     137,480         7.5        7.6        137,480         7.1        9.9   

o/w: Brazil

     70,892         3.6        6.4        70,892         7.7        9.2   


     28,691         15.7        11.0        28,691         11.3        6.0   


     21,294         6.9        7.1        21,294         (3.5     6.8   


     44,298         11.1        2.3        44,298         10.8        3.2   

Operating areas

     644,666         4.6        3.1        644,666         2.6        0.2   



















Total Group

     646,331         4.6        3.1        646,331         2.0        (0.3





















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           o/ 2Q’14           o/ 9M’13  
     3Q’14     %     % w/o FX     9M’14     %     % w/o FX  



Net interest income

     2,175        (0.6     (0.6     6,456        6.3        6.6   

Net fees

     838        (5.7     (5.7     2,607        (0.3     (0.3

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     118        88.2        88.3        414        (37.6     (37.7

Other operating income*

     8        (93.2     (93.2     114        (15.7     (15.7

Gross income

     3,139        (3.6     (3.6     9,591        1.1        1.2   

Operating expenses

     (1,557     (1.6     (1.6     (4,746     (2.7     (2.6

General administrative expenses

     (1,387     (1.8     (1.8     (4,218     (2.7     (2.6


     (818     (1.3     (1.2     (2,487     (5.1     (5.0

Other general administrative expenses

     (569     (2.5     (2.5     (1,730     0.9        1.0   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (170     (0.1     (0.1     (529     (2.4     (2.3

Net operating income

     1,582        (5.5     (5.4     4,844        5.1        5.3   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (737     (4.3     (4.3     (2,297     (19.1     (19.0

Other income

     (151     (22.8     (22.8     (499     (13.1     (13.1

Profit before taxes

     694        (1.9     (1.8     2,048        71.6        72.3   

Tax on profit

     (170     (0.7     (0.6     (488     99.5        100.8   

Profit from continuing operations

     524        (2.3     (2.2     1,560        64.4        65.0   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     (7     —          —          (7     —          —     

Consolidated profit

     518        (3.5     (3.4     1,553        63.8        64.3   

Minority interests

     45        21.4        21.6        119        3.5        2.9   

Attributable profit to the Group

     472        (5.4     (5.3     1,434        72.1        72.9   



Customer loans**

     264,280        (1.0     (1.1     264,280        (2.8     (2.9

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     63,548        7.5        7.5        63,548        3.0        3.0   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     47,764        17.0        17.1        47,764        15.2        15.0   

Due from credit institutions**

     60,295        12.7        12.6        60,295        8.7        8.7   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     5,946        8.1        8.1        5,946        (2.3     (2.3

Other assets

     23,748        (13.9     (13.9     23,748        (19.9     (20.0



















Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     465,581        2.6        2.6        465,581        (0.1     (0.2



















Customer deposits**

     259,166        1.6        1.7        259,166        (1.4     (1.5

Marketable debt securities**

     19,909        6.1        5.6        19,909        27.8        27.8   

Subordinated debt**

     403        (1.5     (1.1     403        10.4        9.2   

Insurance liabilities

     1,671        4.3        4.3        1,671        26.3        26.3   

Due to credit institutions**

     75,260        7.2        7.0        75,260        7.9        7.9   

Other liabilities

     84,113        2.2        2.2        84,113        (7.6     (7.6

Shareholders’ equity***

     25,058        (0.9     (1.0     25,058        (0.5     (0.6

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     64,129        3.2        3.3        64,129        21.2        21.1   

Mutual and pension funds

     56,990        3.4        3.5        56,990        23.9        23.8   

Managed portfolios

     7,139        1.6        1.6        7,139        2.8        2.8   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     343,607        2.2        2.2        343,607        3.5        3.5   




     7.57        (0.27 p.       7.57        3.29 p.     

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     49.6        1.0 p.          49.5        (1.9 p.  

NPL ratio

     8.96        (0.08 p.       8.96        0.48 p.     

NPL coverage

     58.1        (0.2 p.       58.1        (3.0 p.  

Number of employees

     55,781        (0.9       55,781        (6.0  

Number of branches

     5,616        (0.4       5,616        (16.2  


(*) Including dividends, income from the equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses
(**) Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***) Not including profit of the year





Table of Contents




  Attributable profit of EUR 472 million, 5.4% less than the second quarter, due to the seasonal impact and the lower contribution of wholesale business.


  Profit was 72.1% higher than in the first nine months of 2013 thanks to the good performance of all the main lines of the income statement:


    Gross income rose 1.1%, due to net interest income (+6.3%).


    Operating expenses were 2.7% lower, with falls in Spain and Portugal.


    Loan-loss provisions declined 19.1%, backed by all units.


  Growth strategy focused on more lending in an environment of still low demand and on reducing the cost of funds.

Continental Europe includes all activities carried out in this zone: retail banking, global wholesale banking, private banking, asset management and insurance, as well as Spain’s run-off real estate activity.


The mergers of retail networks in Spain and of the banks in Poland continued in the third quarter. In addition, and in still weak market environment with low interest rates, the general strategic lines of the last few years were maintained.


  Defending spreads on loans and on deposits.


  Given the comfortable liquidity position, the policy of reducing the cost of deposits in all the area’s units continued.


  Control of costs and exploiting synergies.


  Active risk management

Measures to spur lending in those segments regarded as strategic, especially SMEs, were also continued.


Customer lending excluding repos was 1% lower in the third quarter, due to Spain and Portugal. Over September 2013 it

declined 2%, reflecting the ongoing deleveraging in Spain and Portugal. On the other hand, Poland and Santander Consumer Finance registered growth.

The evolution of deposits excluding repos (+1% year-on-year) reflects the policy of reducing their cost and the greater marketing of mutual funds (+28%). Pension funds increased 9%. In the third quarter mutual funds continued to grow (+4% over June). Deposits excluding repos were 2% higher, with significant rises in Portugal and Poland and more moderate in Spain.


Attributable profit was EUR 472 million in the third quarter, 5.4% lower than in the second quarter.

There was a little seasonal component in net interest income and fee income, as well as a lower contribution of wholesale businesses in Spain.

Operating expenses, on the other hand, continued to improve (-1.6% in the third quarter) and loan-loss provisions (-4.3%), also largely due to Spain.

Compared to the first nine months of 2013, the comparisons were still good in the main lines of the income statement.

Gross income increased 1.1%, spurred by net interest income (+6.3%), which already benefited from the lower cost of deposits in all units. Fee income, on the other hand, remained virtually unchanged as the comparison was still affected by the incorporation of clients from Banesto to the Queremos Ser Tu Banco programme.

Operating expenses declined 2.7%, due to Spain and Portugal.

Net operating income was 5.1% higher and the efficiency ratio improved by 1.9 p.p.

Loan-loss provisions were 19.1% lower than in the first nine months of 2013, with falls in all units except Poland where they were unchanged.

Net operating income after provisions increased 44.1% to EUR 2,547 million and attributable profit was 72.1% higher, due to the smaller impact of the rest of provisions and results.








Table of Contents


n SPAIN (EUR million)


     3Q’14     % o/ 2Q’14     9M’14     %o/ 9M’13  



Net interest income

     1,210        1.4        3,549        9.0   

Net fees

     425        (9.4     1,350        (4.2

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     95        224.8        329        (36.5

Other operating income*

     3        (96.6     79        (41.5

Gross income

     1,733        (2.8     5,307        (0.2

Operating expenses

     (855     (2.1     (2,622     (7.4

General administrative expenses

     (769     (2.3     (2,357     (7.9


     (475     (2.6     (1,461     (8.7

Other general administrative expenses

     (294     (2.0     (896     (6.5

Depreciation and amortisation

     (86     0.4        (265     (2.5

Net operating income

     878        (3.4     2,685        7.9   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (429     (12.0     (1,425     (22.4

Other income

     (9     (82.6     (93     (25.3

Profit before taxes

     440        18.7        1,168        120.9   

Tax on profit

     (130     18.4        (344     115.9   

Profit from continuing operations

     310        18.8        824        123.1   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     310        18.8        824        123.1   

Minority interests

     1        —          2        22.3   

Attributable profit to the Group

     309        18.4        822        123.6   



Customer loans**

     156,390        (1.8     156,390        (5.1

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     60,300        7.4        60,300        6.7   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     32,549        15.3        32,549        7.6   

Due from credit institutions**

     42,614        21.1        42,614        16.1   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     3,542        (1.6     3,542        (11.9

Other assets

     5,749        (42.1     5,749        (54.6













Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     301,144        3.0        301,144        (1.2













Customer deposits**

     182,273        0.7        182,273        (3.5

Marketable debt securities**

     1,077        (18.8     1,077        (77.7

Subordinated debt**

     1        (90.4     1        (96.6

Insurance liabilities

     504        (4.1     504        (8.9

Due to credit institutions**

     38,449        21.2        38,449        44.7   

Other liabilities

     68,177        2.4        68,177        (6.5

Shareholders’ equity***

     10,664        (3.9     10,664        (4.7

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     57,278        3.4        57,278        26.3   

Mutual and pension funds

     51,040        3.7        51,040        26.1   

Managed portfolios

     6,238        1.1        6,238        28.0   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     240,629        1.2        240,629        0.7   




     11.47        2.06 p.        9.97        5.79 p.   

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     49.3        0.3 p.        49.4        (3.8 p.

NPL ratio

     7.57        (0.02 p.     7.57        1.17 p.   

NPL coverage

     45.5        0.6 p.        45.5        0.5 p.   

Number of employees

     25,136        (1.3     25,136        (10.7

Number of branches

     3,611        0.1        3,611        (21.0


(*) Including dividends, income from the equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses
(**) Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***) Not including profit of the year





Table of Contents




  Attributable profit of EUR 309 million in the third quarter, 18.4% more than the second quarter due to a further decline in loan-loss provisions.


  Profit was 123.6% higher than in the first nine months of 2013, due to:


    Growth in net interest income (+9.0%), reflecting the lower cost of deposits.


    Drop of 7.4% in costs, due to synergies from the merger and optimization plans.


    Loan-loss provisions declined 22.4%, due to much lower NPL entries and the better credit quality.




    Higher new lending year-on-year and balances growing.


    Deposits plus mutual funds combined volume growth with the lower cost of funds.

Grupo Santander has a solid presence (3,611 branches, 4,932 ATMs and 12.5 million customers), boosted by global businesses in products and key segments (wholesale and private banking, asset management, insurance and cards).

Economic environment

The units in Spain conducted their business in a more positive environment, characterised by a firming up of the economic recovery and better financial conditions.

Domestic demand was the engine of GDP growth in the first half of 2014, particularly private consumption and investment in capital goods, while the construction sector showed signs of touching bottom. Spain’s economy stands out in the lacklustre euro zone, underlining the fruits of the internal adjustments and the structural reforms over the last couple of years. Jobs are being created, reducing the unemployment rate though it remains very high.

The recovery continued in the third quarter, with a pattern similar to that in the first half though easing up a little due to the modest growth in neighbouring countries.

The adjustment in prices and costs, which is restoring external competitiveness, continues. Unit labour costs did not grow in the second quarter, while inflation rose by only 0.2% y-o-y in the same period. Inflation in the third quarter was slightly negative (-0.3% on average) due to the fall in the prices of the most volatile components.

Financial conditions remained positive, reflected in the risk premium, inward foreign direct investment and the softening of banks’ lending conditions.

The flow of loans continues to improve in retail banking activities: credit to households grew strongly in the first eight months year-on-year (homes, +18%; consumer, +16%) and in SMEs (+7% in loans under EUR 1 million). There was a more moderate fall in the stock of loans which, however, continues to be affected by deleveraging and the use of alternative sources of financing by large companies.

Lastly, the better economic climate is also reflected in non-performing loans, which have fallen for seven consecutive months stabilising the NPL ratio, due to the reduction in the stock of loans.


The integration of Banif’s network was completed in the third quarter and the specialization of the Santander network proceeded through migration of customers and the merging of branches. The optimization of branches and head count is bringing forward cost synergies, improving efficiency and profitability.

Of note was the drive of the Santander Advance strategy. The Bank aims to become the reference in growth of business with SMEs through financial support and commitment to their development.

New lending and customer capturing in its first months accelerated. This represented a turning point in lending to SMEs. Furthermore, more than 5,000 SMEs participated in non-financial activities including on the spot training, workshops, remote, etc. as well as international business promotion (virtual connection of more than 200 companies with potential clients in Mexico and Poland).

In the segment for individual customers, we continued the strategy of specialized customer attention as well as deepening the Queremos Ser Tu Banco plan in order to keep on increasing linkage.

In funds, the Bank maintained its strategy of optimizing their cost begun in the middle of 2013, once high levels of liquidity were achieved. The net loan-to-deposit ratio in September was 85%.

This is making possible to sharply reduce the cost of funds, particularly of time deposits, and increase fee income from the marketing of mutual funds. In this segment, the Bank is positioned in high value funds for clients, which is enabling it to be the leader in net capturing and keep on increasing its market share (over 100 b.p. in the last 12 months).






Table of Contents



Lending continued to recover. Faster growth in new loans to individuals (mortgages: +73% year-on-year in the first nine months; consumer credit: +61%) and to companies (+29% excluding commercial bills). Of note was the 34% increase to SMEs.

Gross lending to customers, excluding repos, declined 1% in the third quarter year-on-year because of the seasonal impact. The balance was EUR 1,600 million higher than at the end of December.

Customer deposits (excluding repos) declined 1% year-on-year (+1% over June 2014). Demand deposits were up 18% and time deposits down 18%.

This evolution reflected the strategy of reducing the cost of funds, which is feeding through to net interest income. In the third quarter, there was a further improvement of 20 b.p. in new time deposits. The cost in new time deposits in the first nine months of the year was 92 b.p. lower, compared to the same period of 2013), which reduced the cost of the stock of deposits by 58 b.p. year-on-year.

Time deposits continued to shift into mutual funds. Mutual funds managed and marketed by Santander Spain increased 32% year-on-year in the first nine months. This was due to the greater demand for these products and the better evolution of markets, and their revaluation.

The aggregate of deposits (excluding repos) and mutual funds increased 2% in the third quarter and 4% in the last 12 months. The balance of pension funds was 9% higher than September 2013.

Repurchase agreements fell by more than EUR 4,000 million in the last 12 months, due to the reduction in clearing house activity. Retail commercial paper also declined (balance of less than EUR 700 million).


Net interest income in the third quarter was EUR 1,210 million, the highest of the last eight quarters, reflecting the good performance of the cost of funds and the start of the recovery in lending.

Drop in the third quarter in the rest of revenues, including fee income, trading gains and dividend income, due to the reduced contribution of businesses linked to wholesale banking and the lower activity in the summer in some activities.

Operating expenses continued to decline quarter-on-quarter (-2.1% over the second quarter).

Loan-loss provisions continued to normalize and amounted to EUR 429 million, 12.0% lower than in the second quarter.

Attributable profit was EUR 309 million, down from EUR 261 million in the second quarter (+18.4%).

Profit in the first nine months more than doubled due to improved net interest income, costs and loan-loss provisions.

Commercial revenues increased 5.0%, of which net interest income rose 9.0%, mainly due to the lower costs of funds. Net fee income was 4.2% lower year-on-year because of the impact of the incorporation of clients from Banesto to the Queremos Ser Tu Banco programme.

Gross income declined 0.2%, mainly due to the smaller contribution of trading gains (largely from wholesale businesses).

Operating expenses declined 7.4%, reflecting the synergies of the integration, and loan-loss provisions were down 22.4%, within the process of returning to normal levels.

The NPL ratio stood at 7.57% (-2 b.p. in the quarter). Coverage was 45% at the end of September. Of note in the year was the decrease in net NPL entries, 94% below those for the same period of 2013.

Net operating income after provisions was 93.2% higher and attributable profit surged 123.6% due to the lower impact of other provisions and results.










Table of Contents



n PORTUGAL (EUR million)



     3Q’14     % o/ 2Q’14     9M’14     % o/ 9M’13  



Net interest income

     136        (1.7     403        5.2   

Net fees

     70        5.6        209        (16.7

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     13        (37.8     53        33.5   

Other operating income*

     11        (4.8     31        58.1   

Gross income

     230        (3.1     695        0.4   

Operating expenses

     (122     0.6        (365     (1.1

General administrative expenses

     (104     0.3        (311     0.4   


     (73     (0.1     (219     (1.7

Other general administrative expenses

     (31     1.3        (92     5.8   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (18     2.7        (54     (8.8

Net operating income

     108        (7.0     330        2.0   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (32     (21.3     (106     (41.4

Other income

     (20     (32.1     (79     119.6   

Profit before taxes

     57        20.9        145        36.5   

Tax on profit

     (15     58.3        (33     15.1   

Profit from continuing operations

     42        11.5        112        44.5   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     42        11.5        112        44.5   

Minority interests

     (0     (89.4     (4     —     

Attributable profit to the Group

     42        7.2        116        50.0   



Customer loans**

     23,333        (3.2     23,333        (5.6

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     1,998        6.2        1,998        11.7   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     8,060        13.2        8,060        72.9   

Due from credit institutions**

     2,466        (1.0     2,466        (10.7

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     749        (1.8     749        (16.4

Other assets

     6,708        6.9        6,708        1.5   













Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     43,313        1.6        43,313        4.5   













Customer deposits**

     24,131        3.8        24,131        (0.2

Marketable debt securities**

     3,793        (0.5     3,793        59.7   

Subordinated debt**

     0        (1.3     0        209.7   

Insurance liabilities

     80        (0.7     80        (8.9

Due to credit institutions**

     12,070        (1.6     12,070        1.6   

Other liabilities

     620        (3.4     620        73.1   

Shareholders’ equity***

     2,619        1.4        2,619        2.9   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     2,347        (2.1     2,347        14.9   

Mutual and pension funds

     2,095        (3.7     2,095        9.3   

Managed portfolios

     252        13.7        252        99.5   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     30,271        2.8        30,271        5.8   




     6.42        0.47 p.        5.92        1.85 p.   

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     53.0        2.0 p.        52.5        (0.8 p.

NPL ratio

     8.49        0.33 p.        8.49        0.63 p.   

NPL coverage

     53.9        0.8 p.        53.9        2.0 p.   

Number of employees

     5,515        —          5,515        (1.5

Number of branches

     620        (1.0     620        (4.2


(*) Including dividends, income from the equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses
(**) Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***) Not including profit of the year





Table of Contents




  Attributable profit of EUR 42 million, 7.2% more than the second quarter, with a positive performance each quarter during the year.


  Profit was 50.0% higher than in the first nine months of 2013, backed by:


    Increase of 5.2% in net interest income thanks to the improvement in the cost of funding.


    Fall in costs (-1.1%) and in provisions (-41.4%), continuing the trends of previous quarters.


  The net loan-to-deposit ratio improved to 97%.

Santander Totta is the country’s third largest bank by assets and focuses on retail banking, It has 620 branches and a 10% market share.

Economic environment

The economy benefited in the third quarter from the recovery of exports and services, the better evolution of unemployment and the restoring of the salaries of civil servants and pensions to the levels of 2010, after the Constitutional Court rejected some of the fiscal adjustment measures.

The government is sticking to its budget deficit target of 4.0% of GDP for this year. Higher spending will be offset by revenues, particularly from income tax and VAT. There are several factors, however, that could affect meeting the target but not in structural terms, such as including some companies in the perimeter of public administrations and the loan to the resolution fund for recapitalizing Novo Banco (former BES).


Santander Totta’s strategy remained very focused on increasing profitability and market shares in the corporate segment.


Management of net interest income, both loans and deposits, and control of NPLs continued to be the centre of attention.


At the end of September, the capital adequacy indicators were still very solid. The Bank returned to the international markets with two issues of covered bonds. The first one in April was EUR 1,000 million at three years and the second, in June, EUR 750 million at five years. Demand for the issues was strong, and the Bank reduced its exposure to the European Central Bank.

Deposits excluding repos rose 4% year-on-year, due to the 6% growth in the third quarter (gain in market share of more than 50 b.p.) Lending continued to fall in a deleveraging environment (-5% year-on-year), despite which there was a gain in market share of 43 b.p. in the last 12 months, both in companies as well as in individuals. The net loan-to-deposit ratio improved to 97%.

The NPL ratio was 8.49% at the end of September and coverage was 54%. In local criteria, the NPL and coverage ratios remained significantly better than Portugal’s average.


Profit for the third quarter was EUR 42 million, 7.2% higher than in the second quarter, due to the lower level of provisions, as net interest income and fee income were unchanged and costs were stable.

Profit in the first nine months rose 50.0% to EUR 116 million, mostly due to reduced needs for loan-loss provisions (-41.4%), which benefited from lower entries of NPLs in the last 12 months.

Net interest income rose 2.0%. Gross income remained unchanged because of lower fee income (-16.7%, affected by reduced activity and regulatory changes), which absorbed the rise in net interest income (+5.2%, reflecting the lower cost of funding, particularly from deposits) and trading gains. Costs were down 1.1%.

With this evolution of revenues and costs, the efficiency ratio improved by 0.8 percentage points year-on-year to 52.5%.






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n POLAND (EUR million)



           o/ 2Q’14           o/ 9M’13  
     3Q’14     %     % w/o FX     9M’14     %     % w/o FX  



Net interest income

     215        (1.3     (1.1     639        11.5        10.8   

Net fees

     107        (3.0     (2.8     328        10.6        9.9   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     13        93.5        94.1        31        (69.7     (69.9

Other operating income*

     0        (98.9     (98.9     24        19.8        19.0   

Gross income

     335        (5.0     (4.8     1,023        2.9        2.3   

Operating expenses

     (143     (3.0     (2.8     (438     0.9        0.3   

General administrative expenses

     (131     (3.2     (3.0     (402     2.2        1.6   


     (77     0.3        0.5        (230     (1.3     (1.9

Other general administrative expenses

     (55     (7.8     (7.6     (172     7.4        6.7   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (12     0.0        0.2        (36     (11.9     (12.5

Net operating income

     192        (6.4     (6.3     585        4.4        3.8   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (44     5.3        5.5        (129     0.4        (0.2

Other income

     8        —          —          (11     788.5        783.2   

Profit before taxes

     156        5.6        5.8        445        3.4        2.8   

Tax on profit

     (33     20.9        21.1        (88     6.9        6.3   

Profit from continuing operations

     122        2.1        2.3        358        2.6        2.0   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     122        2.1        2.3        358        2.6        2.0   

Minority interests

     31        (3.6     (3.4     94        7.1        6.5   

Attributable profit to the Group

     91        4.2        4.4        264        1.1        0.5   



Customer loans**

     17,217        0.9        1.4        17,217        5.6        4.4   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     795        (0.5     0.0        795        41.7        40.0   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     5,920        40.5        41.2        5,920        21.8        20.3   

Due from credit institutions**

     952        56.8        57.6        952        16.0        14.6   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     224        4.9        5.5        224        2.3        1.0   

Other assets

     2,257        (12.2     (11.7     2,257        10.3        9.0   



















Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     27,364        7.5        8.0        27,364        10.3        9.0   



















Customer deposits**

     20,224        10.4        10.9        20,224        16.2        14.8   

Marketable debt securities**

     236        95.6        96.6        236        —          —     

Subordinated debt**

     337        0.3        0.8        337        1.2        (0.1

Insurance liabilities

     79        0.1        0.6        79        —          —     

Due to credit institutions**

     1,072        (31.4     (31.0     1,072        (58.4     (58.9

Other liabilities

     3,452        11.0        11.5        3,452        30.1        28.5   

Shareholders’ equity***

     1,964        1.6        2.1        1,964        6.9        5.6   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     3,782        3.7        4.2        3,782        6.8        5.6   

Mutual and pension funds

     3,692        3.8        4.3        3,692        7.6        6.3   

Managed portfolios

     90        (0.9     (0.4     90        (17.0     (18.0

Managed and marketed customer funds

     24,579        9.6        10.1        24,579        15.5        14.1   




     18.73        0.94 p.          17.75        (0.63 p.  

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     42.7        0.9 p.          42.8        (0.8 p.  

NPL ratio

     7.43        0.01 p.          7.43        (0.32 p.  

NPL coverage

     65.8        0.5 p.          65.8        1.7 p.     

Number of employees

     11,894        (1.4       11,894        (4.8  

Number of branches

     803        (1.7       803        (3.9  


(*) Including dividends, income from the equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses
(**) Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***) Not including profit of the year






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n POLAND (all changes in local currency)


  Attributable profit in the third quarter of EUR 91 million, 4.4% more than the second quarter.


  Attributable profit in the first nine months of EUR 264 million, with a better quality income statement due to the good evolution of commercial revenues.


  Good performance of volumes in the quarter, particularly thanks to the success of a deposit campaign targeted at attracting new customers.


  The integration with Kredyt Bank coming to an end, enhancing productivity and activity.

In two years, BZ WBK has become the third largest bank in Poland in terms of loans and deposits (market shares of 7.4% and 8.3%, respectively). It has 803 branches and 116 agencies.

The Group’s business model in Poland continues to focus on retail banking, complemented by a leading presence in asset management, brokerage of securities, factoring and leasing.

Economic environment

The Polish economy began 2014 with GDP growing more than 3% in the first and second quarters, mainly spurred by buoyant domestic demand and a lower unemployment rate (11.7% in August).

In line with the rest of Europe, the third quarter indicators are beginning to reflect a slower pace of economic growth which, together with a negative inflation rate, led the central bank to cut its benchmark rate in October by 50 b.p. to 2.0%. The zloty fluctuated at between PLN 4.09 and 4.21/Euro.


The merger of BZ WBK and Kredyt Bank has been completed. The integration was carried out with an effective management of costs and advances in improving productivity and commercial activity.

BZ WBK is the market leader in cards, mobile and electronic banking, and continues to offer innovative products and solutions for retail customers as well as for companies. In the third quarter,

several campaigns for deposits and cards were launched and new offers made such as the brokerage loan. This resulted in a gain in market share in deposits and credit cards.

The Next Generation Bank programme is also being continued to develop the Bank at all levels, focused on customer satisfaction, in order to become the bank of first choice.


Both lending (+2%) and especially funds (+10%) grew more quickly following the success of commercial campaigns. Of note was growth in consumer credit, leasing and factoring, and on the liabilities side time deposits and current accounts of affluent clients.

Loans without repos grew 5% year-on-year and funds without repos 13%.

As a result, the funding structure improved and at the end of September and the net loan-to-deposit ratio was 85%.


Attributable profit of EUR 91 million in the third quarter, 4.4% more than in the second.

Gross income fell 4.8%, largely due to the impact of the receipt of dividends that usually occurs in the second quarter. Operating expenses fell 2.8%, following a second quarter when marketing costs were higher.

Attributable profit in the first nine months was EUR 264 million, in line with that of the same period of 2013, and affected by the sharp fall in trading gains (-69.9% due the high gains in 2013 in an environment of low interest rates). Excluding this impact, profit growth would have been more than 20%.

Of note was the growth in commercial revenues (+10.5%), spurred by net interest income (+10.8%) thanks to good management of spreads, mainly on funding. Net fee income rose 9.9%, with notable growth in that from commercial lending, insurance and the higher amount of transactions.

Operating expenses and provisions were stable, producing a further improvement in the cost of credit and the NPL ratio (7.43% in September as against 7.75% a year earlier). Coverage was 66%.








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     3Q’14     % o/ 2Q’14     9M’14     % o/ 9M’13  



Net interest income

     615        0.5        1,807        2.6   

Net fees

     207        (1.7     638        6.8   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     (2     —          (1     —     

Other operating income*

     1        (76.2     4        —     

Gross income

     821        (0.7     2,447        4.0   

Operating expenses

     (354     (0.8     (1,076     3.7   

General administrative expenses

     (305     (0.5     (917     4.1   


     (164     1.1        (491     1.6   

Other general administrative expenses

     (141     (2.2     (426     7.2   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (49     (2.6     (159     1.4   

Net operating income

     467        (0.6     1,371        4.3   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (149     21.3        (401     (12.8

Other income

     (71     314.1        (102     57.4   

Profit before taxes

     247        (25.1     868        9.9   

Tax on profit

     (57     (33.3     (208     16.5   

Profit from continuing operations

     190        (22.3     660        8.0   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     (7     —          (7     —     

Consolidated profit

     184        (24.9     653        6.9   

Minority interests

     14        91.7        27        6.4   

Attributable profit to the Group

     170        (28.4     626        7.0   



Customer loans**

     58,596        0.9        58,596        4.8   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     41        (84.9     41        (95.5

Available-for-sale financial assets

     603        2.1        603        0.9   

Due from credit institutions**

     5,544        (15.1     5,544        (25.4

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     783        (1.6     783        (16.7

Other assets

     3,355        9.2        3,355        40.6   













Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     68,921        (0.6     68,921        1.1   













Customer deposits**

     30,571        (0.5     30,571        (0.5

Marketable debt securities**

     14,803        9.6        14,803        76.6   

Subordinated debt**

     65        0.0        65        544.9   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions**

     12,124        (12.0     12,124        (31.2

Other liabilities

     3,373        (0.1     3,373        (12.5

Shareholders’ equity***

     7,985        1.6        7,985        5.7   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     7        2.4        7        10.0   

Mutual and pension funds

     7        2.4        7        10.0   

Managed portfolios

     —          —          —          —     

Managed and marketed customer funds

     45,446        2.6        45,446        16.2   




     8.70        (3.35 p.     10.72        0.57 p.   

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     43.1        (0.0 p.     44.0        (0.1 p.

NPL ratio

     3.97        (0.10 p.     3.97        0.01 p.   

NPL coverage

     106.4        1.2 p.        106.4        (2.8 p.

Number of employees

     12,254        (0.1     12,254        3.2   

Number of branches

     572        (0.7     572        (9.9


(*) Including dividends, income from the equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses
(**) Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***) Not including profit of the year





Table of Contents




  Third quarter attributable profit of EUR 170 million, 28.4% lower than the second quarter because of the seasonal nature of new car sales and higher provisions, which hide a solid business performance.


  Attributable profit for the first nine months rose 7.0% year-on-year, spurred by:


    Higher gross income (+4.0%) mainly driven by commercial revenues (+3.7%).


    Lower loan-loss provisions (-12.8%) as a result of high credit quality.


  Solid business model that produced further rises in profitable market share.

Economic environment

The units of Santander Consumer Finance (SCF) in Continental Europe conducted their business in an environment of recovery in consumption and new car registrations (+5% y-o-y in our footprint), and also tougher competition.


In this environment SCF continued to gain market share, backed by a business model that has strengthened during the crisis. Its main planks are a high degree of geographic diversification with critical mass in key products, greater efficiency than our peers and a common system of risk control and recoveries, giving SCF high credit quality. The focus in 2014 is on:


  Boosting new lending and crossed-selling, tailored to each market and backed by brand agreements and penetration in the used car market.


  Exploiting its competitive advantages in the European consumer finance market in order to expand its presence.

Several agreements reached and/or materialized this year strengthen our position. In Spain, we are the leaders in consumer credit since the beginning of the year. In the Nordic countries, in the fourth quarter, SCF leadership in auto finance will be added to that of GE Money in direct credit and cards. As of 2015 and in several European countries, including France and Switzerland where SCF does not currently operate, the entry into force of the agreement with Banque PSA Finance will consolidate our auto finance leadership.


SCF’s gross lending stood at EUR 61,000 million in September (+5% y-o-y), driven by units in central and northern Europe and Spain showing signs of improvement.

New loans rose 13% year-on-year, spurred by direct credit and cards (+33% combined) and new-auto finance (+9%), a rate that surpassed the growth in new car registrations. All units increased their business in local currency (Poland: +28%) and peripheral countries grew faster than the area’s average. Slowdown in Germany (+4%) and in the Nordic countries (+10%), although they performed better than their markets.

On the funding side, stable customer deposits (almost EUR 31,000 million), differentiating us from our competitors. Greater recourse to wholesale funds (EUR 6,500 million captured in the first nine months via senior issues and securitisations). At the end of September, customer deposits and medium- and long-term issuances and securitisations covered 75% of the area’s net lending.


Of note in the third quarter were solid commercial revenues, at a three-year high absorbing the seasonal nature of the business.

Over the second quarter, operating expenses were slightly lower and provisions rose, partly due to the sale of portfolios in that quarter, and partly to establishing a fund for contingencies.

The cost of credit was below 1% and credit quality maintained its high standards for this type of business (NPL ratio of 3.97%; coverage: 106%).

As a result, attributable profit was 28.4% lower.

In the first nine months year-on-year growth benefiting slightly from the perimeter effect. Of note was higher gross income (+4.0%), spurred by commercial revenues (+3.7%), and lower loan-loss provisions (-12.8%). Attributable profit increased 7.0% year-on-year.

The main units registered good performance of underlying profit, (net operating income after loan-loss provisions). Of note was growth in Poland and the Nordic countries of more than 19%, and the solid recovery of peripheral countries, led by Spain.

The UK (included in Santander UK for accounting purposes) posted an attributable profit of EUR 87 million (+4.6% year-on-year excluding the exchange rate impact).








Table of Contents






           o/ 2Q’14           o/ 9M’13  
     3Q’14     %     % w/o FX     9M’14     %     % w/o FX  



Net interest income

     1,089        5.2        2.4        3,113        25.1        19.2   

Net fees

     260        5.2        2.5        754        0.8        (4.0

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     58        (15.8     (18.6     206        (35.3     (38.4

Other operating income*

     9        122.4        120.6        28        58.5        51.0   

Gross income

     1,417        4.5        1.7        4,101        14.8        9.3   

Operating expenses

     (730     4.1        1.3        (2,125     8.7        3.5   

General administrative expenses

     (636     6.7        3.9        (1,810     9.0        3.9   


     (424     9.5        6.8        (1,190     15.2        9.8   

Other general administrative expenses

     (212     1.5        (1.3     (620     (1.2     (5.8

Depreciation and amortisation

     (94     (10.9     (13.6     (314     6.7        1.7   

Net operating income

     687        4.9        2.2        1,977        22.1        16.4   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (89     1.8        (1.1     (296     (32.1     (35.3

Other income

     (73     16.2        13.4        (182     7.3        2.2   

Profit before taxes

     525        4.1        1.4        1,498        47.9        40.9   

Tax on profit

     (114     8.6        5.9        (313     51.6        44.5   

Profit from continuing operations

     411        2.9        0.2        1,186        47.0        40.0   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          (100.0     (100.0

Consolidated profit

     411        2.9        0.2        1,186        49.6        42.5   

Minority interests

     —          —          —          —          (100.0     (100.0

Attributable profit to the Group

     411        2.9        0.2        1,186        49.6        42.5   



Customer loans**

     248,940        4.1        0.9        248,940        5.0        (2.4

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     35,264        10.8        7.5        35,264        (1.1     (8.0

Available-for-sale financial assets

     10,736        11.0        7.6        10,736        99.3        85.3   

Due from credit institutions**

     16,766        16.5        13.0        16,766        (29.6     (34.5

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     2,502        6.6        3.4        2,502        4.0        (3.3

Other assets

     40,269        1.4        (1.6     40,269        (15.0     (21.0



















Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     354,478        5.1        2.0        354,478        0.8        (6.3



















Customer deposits**

     203,721        5.3        2.1        203,721        3.3        (4.0

Marketable debt securities**

     70,402        7.0        3.7        70,402        4.9        (2.4

Subordinated debt**

     6,121        3.2        0.1        6,121        31.9        22.7   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions**

     25,544        (6.5     (9.3     25,544        (21.2     (26.8

Other liabilities

     33,945        11.2        7.9        33,945        (8.8     (15.2

Shareholders’ equity***

     14,745        4.2        1.0        14,745        12.2        4.3   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     9,994        1.1        (1.9     9,994        4.4        (2.9

Mutual and pension funds

     9,849        1.1        (1.9     9,849        2.9        (4.3

Managed portfolios

     145        0.3        (2.8     145        —          —     

Managed and marketed customer funds

     290,238        5.5        2.3        290,238        4.2        (3.1




     11.44        0.14 p.          11.24        3.14 p.     

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     51.5        (0.2 p.       51.8        (2.9 p.  

NPL ratio

     1.80        (0.11 p.       1.80        (0.18 p.  

NPL coverage

     43.4        2.3 p.          43.4        1.8 p.     

Number of employees

     25,305        (2.3       25,305        (0.4  

Number of branches

     950        (11.3       950        (20.2  


(*) Including dividends, income from the equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses
(**) Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***) Not including profit of the year




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n UNITED KINGDOM (changes in sterling)


  Attributable profit in the third quarter of £326 million, steady compared to the second quarter of 2014:


    Net interest income rose 2.4%, increasing for the seventh consecutive quarter.


    Costs remained broadly stable, increasing 1.3%.


    Loan-loss provisions declined by 1.1% in a benign credit environment.


  Marked increase in attributable profit for the first nine months; £962 million, up 42.5% versus the same period in 2013, underpinned by:


    Net interest income grew 19.2%, with lower funding costs and increased corporate lending.


    Management of costs, up only 3.5%, with efficiency gains to accommodate investment.


    Loan-loss provisions down 35.3%, reflecting good credit quality in retail and corporate banking.


  1|2|3 World continued to grow, reaching 3.3 million customers, up from 2.2 million a year ago.


  9% growth in loans to corporates, clearly above the sector.

Economic environment

The relatively strong pace of economic growth has continued in 2014. GDP grew by 0.7% and 0.9% in the first and second quarters respectively and momentum remained strong into the third quarter, with 0.7% growth recorded.

Monetary policy has continued to be supportive for activity, with the quantitative easing programme maintained at £375 billion whilst Bank Rate has been steady at a record low of 0.5% since March 2009. Unemployment has fallen below the threshold set in the first phase of forward guidance in August 2013, and the Monetary Policy Committee is now monitoring a wider range of labour market and capacity indicators in the economy. The squeeze on real average earnings has continued into the third quarter of 2014.

Households’ borrowing annual growth rate has increased just over 2%. Although the pace has increased, this remains subdued relative to the pre-recession period. Borrowing by non-financial corporates is now broadly steady, having been consistently negative in recent years.


Santander UK’s strategy remains focused on three priorities: loyal and satisfied retail customers; Bank of choice for UK companies; and consistent profitability and a strong balance sheet.

Santander UK continues to support its customers against the backdrop of a UK economy that is showing an increasing positive

momentum across all regions. In Retail Banking this is led by 1|2|3 World (current account, credit card, savings, etc.), which is deepening customer relationships and realising greater transactionality and increased loyalty. This offering remains one of the most successful in the UK market and has contributed to a 54% increase in current account balances over the past twelve months. The Select proposal, for affluent customers, continues to be promoted in order to build customer relationships and offer differentiated products and services for this segment. We are investing further in our digital banking capabilities.

Santander UK is becoming more diversified, with the growth of its Commercial Banking capability, expanding its presence in this market. Support for UK businesses continued with increased commercial lending, rising 9% in the last twelve months, and in addition, positive evolution in customer liabilities and increased account activity.

Balance sheet strength continues to underpin the strategy; capital, funding and liquidity are all robust with Santander UK maintaining a leading capital position among the main UK banks. At the end of September 2014 the CRD IV end point Common Equity Tier 1 Capital ratio stood at 11.9% and the leverage ratio was 3.7%, whilst the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) was 108%.


Santander UK is focused on the United Kingdom. Around 78% of customer loans are prime mortgages for homes in the UK. The portfolio of mortgages is of high quality, with an average stock LTV of 48%. There is no exposure to self-certified or subprime mortgages, while buy to let loans are around 2% of customer loans. In local criteria, customer loans amounted to £190,400 million, 1% higher than in September 2013. This growth was largely due to an increase in Commercial Banking loans and mortgages.

Gross mortgage lending amounted to £20,484 million, 58% more than in the first nine months of 2013, including £4.0bn to first time buyers and £900 million of Help to Buy. This positive trend in balance growth is expected to continue for the remainder the year, growing in line with the market.

Commercial Banking loans increased 9% to £23,500 million, with loan growth in both SMEs and large corporates. SME loans totalled £12,400 million.

Customer deposits of £150,900 million have increased 2% since September 2013. In Retail Banking the managed reduction of more rate sensitive and less stable deposits continued, with their replacement by deposits that offer better relationship opportunities. Commercial Banking deposits have grown by 3%.

At the end of September 2014, there were 3.3 million customers in 1|2|3 World, an increase of more than 1 million customers in a year. The 1|2|3 Current Account attracts more loyal customers, with most of these having their primary bank account with Santander UK, maintaining higher balances and having more products and greater transaction volumes. Total current account balances grew to £37,900 million, up 54% since September 2013 and rising 36% from December 2013.




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Santander UK remains the leading choice for retail customers switching their current account provider. We achieved a net gain of 12% of accounts transferred since the launch of the current account switching service in September 2013, according to independent research. In this period, almost one-in-four of all customers who have moved banks have come to Santander UK.

All this is being recognised with various awards. At the MoneySuperMarket Awards, Santander UK won the “Best Current Account Provider” as well as taking the top award of “Best Overall Provider”. In July 2014 Santander UK received the “Best National Branch network” at the Your Money Award for the third year running and was recognised as providing the best service amongst the High Street banks by Moneysavingsexpert. Santander UK was named “Best Business Current Account Provider” - and “Business Start-Up Bank of the Year” - at the Business Moneyfacts Awards. Santander UK was also awarded with “5* Standard Current Account and Current Account Switching” by Defaqto.


Attributable profit of £326 million in the third quarter, virtually the same as in the second quarter.

Net interest income increased 2.4%. It rose for the seventh quarter running and was the highest in the last eleven quarters. There was

growth in commercial lending, whilst improving mortgage volumes offset some of the pressure on mortgage stock margins. Fees increased slightly in the quarter, reflecting an improved performance in retail.

Operating expenses increased by 1.3%. Management is focused on efficiencies, for costs to grow at a slower pace than revenues and for expenses to absorb increased investment in the business.

Provisions for loan losses amounted to £70 million, the lowest in the last ten quarters, with a broad improvement in credit quality in retail banking and commercial banking.

Compared to the first nine months of 2013, attributable profit was 42.5% higher.

This growth was largely due to commercial revenues (+13.8%), where it is noteworthy that net interest income increased 19.2%. The improved banking NIM particularly reflected the lower cost of retail liabilities. In addition, higher margin commercial lending grew further.

Operating expenses grew +3.5%, reflecting continued investment in the growth of the businesses serving SME and corporate customers as we expanded into new financial centres across the UK. In addition, the investment programmes continued to support the transformation of the business and the improvement of our technology and digital capabilities (with some 25% of sales online). All of this provides the underpinning for future efficiency improvements. The efficiency ratio of 51.8% improved by 2.9 p.p. compared to the first nine months of 2013.

Loan-loss provisions fell 35.3%, with good credit quality across retail and commercial portfolios. The NPL ratio of 1.80% is trending down and compares with 1.98% in December 2013. The stock of residential properties in possession remained very low at 0.04% of the total portfolio.

In short these results demonstrate that we have maintained the steady improvement in our performance and continued the progress evident through 2013 and 2014, particularly in net interest income. Net interest income/average customer assets improved to 1.81% in the first nine months of 2014, from 1.50% in the first nine months of 2013.








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     3Q’14     o/ 2Q’14     9M’14     o/ 9M’13  
       %     % w/o FX       %     % w/o FX  



Net interest income

     3,484        (0.4     (1.8     10,326        (9.6     2.2   

Net fees

     1,176        6.9        5.3        3,324        (5.7     7.6   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     257        123.3        123.4        498        (43.6     (35.3

Other operating income*

     21        (50.5     (52.3     60        35.2        57.5   

Gross income

     4,938        3.9        2.4        14,208        (10.5     1.4   

Operating expenses

     (2,073     6.2        4.7        (5,904     (7.0     5.7   

General administrative expenses

     (1,864     5.4        3.9        (5,310     (6.3     6.4   


     (1,032     4.1        2.7        (2,956     (6.8     6.0   

Other general administrative expenses

     (832     7.1        5.6        (2,354     (5.8     7.0   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (210     13.9        12.4        (594     (12.5     (0.8

Net operating income

     2,864        2.2        0.8        8,304        (12.8     (1.4

Net loan-loss provisions

     (1,340     4.6        3.1        (3,860     (23.6     (14.4

Other income

     (231     28.6        27.2        (571     63.3        88.0   

Profit before taxes

     1,293        (3.6     (4.9     3,873        (6.0     7.4   

Tax on profit

     (304     (6.9     (8.2     (958     4.3        21.3   

Profit from continuing operations

     990        (2.5     (3.8     2,915        (9.0     3.5   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     990        (2.5     (3.8     2,915        (9.0     3.5   

Minority interests

     204        (5.3     (6.5     618        (8.8     1.9   

Attributable profit to the Group

     786        (1.8     (3.1     2,298        (9.0     4.0   



Customer loans**

     140,656        3.2        3.4        140,656        6.7        10.0   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     37,417        10.2        9.3        37,417        39.5        37.1   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     22,724        (9.3     (8.2     22,724        21.3        23.7   

Due from credit institutions**

     31,225        39.1        38.0        31,225        24.7        24.8   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     3,890        1.0        2.1        3,890        (0.6     2.6   

Other assets

     45,020        0.9        1.6        45,020        0.9        2.8   



















Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     280,932        5.5        5.7        280,932        11.9        14.2   



















Customer deposits**

     137,480        7.5        7.6        137,480        7.1        9.9   

Marketable debt securities**

     32,935        3.6        5.0        32,935        15.7        18.8   

Subordinated debt**

     6,574        (2.8     (1.5     6,574        69.3        75.3   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions**

     29,652        (1.9     (1.8     29,652        16.5        18.3   

Other liabilities

     53,033        10.3        10.2        53,033        22.5        22.8   

Shareholders’ equity***

     21,258        (1.1     (1.3     21,258        (1.3     0.0   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     80,196        4.9        5.0        80,196        17.2        17.7   

Mutual and pension funds

     67,981        4.1        5.0        67,981        15.0        15.9   

Managed portfolios

     12,215        9.7        5.3        12,215        31.2        28.8   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     257,185        5.9        6.2        257,185        12.3        14.4   




     14.72        (0.23 p.       14.54        0.06 p.     

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     42.0        0.9 p.          41.6        1.6 p.     

NPL ratio

     4.98        (0.05 p.       4.98        (0.31 p.  

NPL coverage

     83.5        (2.8 p.       83.5        (0.1 p.  

Number of employees

     84,050        0.9          84,050        (2.2  

Number of branches

     5,689        (0.3       5,689        (2.7  


(*) Including dividends, income from the equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses
(**) Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***) Not including profit of the year





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n LATIN AMERICA (all changes in constant currency)


  Attributable profit of EUR 786 million, 3.1% less than the second quarter.


    Gross income rose 2.4% due to higher fee income and trading gains (management of interest and fx rates).


    Costs increased 4.7%, due to greater installed capacity, salary agreements, amortisations and perimeter impact.


    Loan-loss provisions increased 3.1% due to Chile and Mexico.


  Profit was 4.0% higher year-on-year in the first nine months at EUR 2,298 million, marking a change of trend.


    Gross income rose 1.4%. Net interest income and fee income, the most recurring revenues, increased 3.4%, offsetting the lower trading gains.


    Higher costs (+5.7%) from investment in business development (Mexico, Chile and Argentina). Brazil’s rose well below inflation.


    Loan-loss provisions fell 14.4% due to Brazil and, to a lesser extent, Chile.


  Lending increased 9% year-on-year and customer funds 11%, with growth in all units.

Grupo Santander has the region’s largest international franchise. It has 5,689 traditional branches and points of attention, 48.5 million customers and market shares of 9.7% in loans and 9.9% in deposits.

Economic environment

The slowdown started in 2013 intensified this year. GDP growth in the second quarter of 2014 was 0.5% year-on-year, much lower than the growth of more than 2% registered in the three previous quarters. The whole region was weak, but some countries more than others, against a backdrop of an uncertain international environment characterized by the normalization of the US monetary policy and lower growth in China.

Average regional inflation (excluding Argentina) rose slightly in the third quarter to 5.4% from 5.1% in the second quarter and 4.7% in 2013. The rise was across the board, although in some countries, such as Chile and Mexico, the increase is seen as temporary and inflation expectations are anchored at around the goals of central banks.

The monetary policies of the main countries continued to vary, depending on inflationary pressures. In Chile and Mexico, the anchoring of inflation expectations at around the goals of their central banks, enabled monetary policy to become more expansive and support economic activity. In Chile, the official interest rate was cut by 150 b.p. in the year-to-date, to 3.00% in October, while in Mexico it remained stable at 3.00%, following a cut of 50 b.p. in June. Brazil’s Selic rate rose 25 b.p. in October to 11.25%, totaling 400 b.p. since the beginning of 2013. Inflationary pressures are expected to soften in the coming months.

Volatile financial markets and the different focus of monetary policies in the US and the euro zone caused the dollar to appreciate in international markets. Latin American currencies depreciated against the dollar, although they strengthened against the euro in most countries. The evolution was varied, with the Mexican peso and the Peruvian sol strengthening against the euro by more than 4%. The region continued to be well prepared for any possible bouts of volatility: high level of reserves (close to $770,000 million), moderate budget deficits and low levels of public and private external debt.

In the main countries where Santander operates (Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay), the systems’ banking business (loans + deposits) grew 10% year-on-year.

Lending rose 11% and deposits 8%.


The strategy in 2014 continued to focus on expanding, consolidating and continuously improving the business of the commercial franchise. The range of products and services was strengthened in the third quarter and tailored to suit customers’ needs. This will spur long-term growth in business.

Improving customer transactions is a key factor for ensuring growth, particularly recurring revenues, while remaining vigilant of the quality of risks and the measures being put in place to improve efficiency should be reflected in profitability.

The Group’s main developments and results are set out below. All percentage changes exclude the exchange rate impact.


Lending excluding repos rose 9% year-on-year, with all countries growing: Brazil up 6%, Mexico 17%, Chile 8%, Argentina 20%, Uruguay 21% and Peru 34%. Total lending in the third quarter rose 3%, with that in Brazil up 4%, Chile and Argentina 2% and Mexico 1%,

Deposits excluding repos increased 8% year-on-year, with demand deposits up 13% and time deposits 4%, while mutual funds increased 16%. Deposits without repos plus mutual funds increased 4% over the second quarter. Both items performed similarly.


Third quarter gross income was EUR 4,938 million, 2.4% higher than the second quarter (excluding the exchange rate impact).

Net interest income fell 1.8%, due to the change of mix, low interest rates in some countries, a moderate rise in volumes and a smaller contribution from structural UF positions, linked to inflation. Net fee income rose 5.3%, with growth in all countries, except Mexico, and trading gains grew because of greater activity with clients, movements in interest rates and a weak second quarter in Brazil.

Operating expenses increased 4.7%, due to the increase in installed capacity in Mexico and Argentina, salary adjustments from collective bargaining agreements in Brazil and Chile, rise in costs indexed to




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     Net operating income     Attibutable profit to the Group  
           o/ 2Q’14           o/ 9M’13           o/ 2Q’14           o/ 9M’13  
     3Q’14     %     % w/o FX     9M’14     %     % w/o FX     3Q’14     %     % w/o FX     9M’14     %     % w/o FX  


     1,900        6.1        4.5        5,410        (16.4     (6.7     409        3.6        1.9        1,167        (8.6     1.9   


     471        1.7        (0.8     1,341        (4.6     1.6        167        (0.8     (3.4     474        (15.9     (10.4


     288        (15.4     (14.8     961        (1.4     16.6        92        (30.1     (29.5     347        9.8        29.9   


     150        (8.4     (8.2     441        (15.0     32.2        85        7.4        7.6        220        (13.1     35.2   


     26        17.5        16.7        71        (0.0     17.6        15        26.5        25.4        40        (5.8     10.8   


     9        6.1        3.6        24        22.4        32.3        6        5.4        3.0        16        18.8        28.4   


     (18     (2.0     (5.2     (48     (15.9     (13.8     (15     (0.5     (3.9     (40     12.6        16.5   






































     2,826        2.0        0.6        8,200        (12.8     (1.2     759        (2.3     (3.5     2,224        (8.5     5.0   





































Santander Private Banking

     38        21.0        17.1        104        (13.6     (11.1     27        15.5        11.7        73        (22.3     (20.1






































     2,864        2.2        0.8        8,304        (12.8     (1.4     786        (1.8     (3.1     2,298        (9.0     4.0   






































inflation and exchange rates and greater amortisations. Net operating income increased 0.8% to EUR 2,864 million.

Loan-loss provisions increased 3.1%, due to Mexico, Chile and to a lesser extent Brazil. The NPL ratio was 4.98% and coverage 84%.

Profit before tax was EUR 1,293 million and attributable profit EUR 786 million, 3.1% less than in the second quarter.

Gross income in the first nine months was 1.4% more than in the same period of 2013, as follows:


  Net interest income rose 2.2% due to higher volumes, which offset the pressure of spreads and the change of mix to lower cost of credit products, but also with lower spreads, mainly in Brazil and Mexico.


  Fee income increased 7.6%, and was up in all countries.


  Trading gains were down 35.3%, due to lower volatility in 2014 and higher portfolio disposals in 2013.
  Operating expenses increased 5.7% year-on-year, partly due to investment in networks (some traditional and others focused on priority customer segments) and business projects, and partly because of salary agreements and contracted services indexed to inflation and exchange rates.


  Loan-loss provisions were down 14.4% year-on-year, largely due to Brazil and, to a lesser extent, Chile.


  Net operating income after provisions was EUR 4,444 million, 13.7% more than the first nine months of 2013.


  Profit before tax was 7.4% higher at EUR 3,873 million.


  Higher taxes (Brazil, Mexico and Chile) and minority interests, resulted in attributable profit 4.0% higher at EUR 2,298 million (falls in previous quarters).


  Retail Banking’s net profit was 6.5% lower and Global Wholesale Banking’s rose 39.9%.







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n BRAZIL (EUR million)



           o/ 2Q’14           o/ 9M’13  
     3Q’14     %     % w/o FX     9M’14     %     % w/o FX  



Net interest income

     2,277        (0.8     (2.4     6,771        (13.0     (2.9

Net fees

     741        8.3        6.7        2,055        (5.1     5.8   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     147        —          —          127        (73.5     (70.4

Other operating income*

     26        (40.7     (43.1     77        256.3        297.4   

Gross income

     3,192        6.9        5.3        9,029        (13.6     (3.6

Operating expenses

     (1,291     8.0        6.5        (3,620     (9.0     1.5   

General administrative expenses

     (1,154     7.5        5.9        (3,234     (8.6     2.0   


     (621     5.1        3.4        (1,761     (8.2     2.4   

Other general administrative expenses

     (533     10.4        8.9        (1,472     (9.1     1.4   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (137     12.8        11.5        (386     (12.5     (2.5

Net operating income

     1,900        6.1        4.5        5,410        (16.4     (6.7

Net loan-loss provisions

     (958     2.7        1.1        (2,795     (28.5     (20.2

Other income

     (253     52.8        51.6        (561     66.7        86.0   

Profit before taxes

     689        (0.5     (2.1     2,053        (7.7     2.9   

Tax on profit

     (170     (9.8     (11.4     (560     (3.1     8.1   

Profit from continuing operations

     520        3.0        1.4        1,493        (9.3     1.1   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     520        3.0        1.4        1,493        (9.3     1.1   

Minority interests

     111        0.9        (0.7     326        (11.8     (1.7

Attributable profit to the Group

     409        3.6        1.9        1,167        (8.6     1.9   



Customer loans**

     72,918        2.0        4.8        72,918        5.1        6.5   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     18,130        6.9        9.9        18,130        55.4        57.6   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     15,290        (16.7     (14.4     15,290        24.6        26.3   

Due from credit institutions**

     14,982        47.9        51.9        14,982        28.3        30.0   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     2,742        (1.9     0.8        2,742        (4.2     (2.9

Other assets

     30,763        (2.7     (0.0     30,763        (1.6     (0.3



















Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     154,824        2.3        5.1        154,824        11.3        12.8   



















Customer deposits**

     70,892        3.6        6.4        70,892        7.7        9.2   

Marketable debt securities**

     22,999        5.6        8.5        22,999        15.0        16.6   

Subordinated debt**

     4,372        (9.3     (6.8     4,372        52.9        55.0   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions**

     16,651        3.3        6.1        16,651        14.0        15.6   

Other liabilities

     28,368        1.4        4.2        28,368        21.8        23.5   

Shareholders’ equity***

     11,542        (5.2     (2.6     11,542        (8.4     (7.1

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     50,864        2.6        5.4        50,864        11.6        13.1   

Mutual and pension funds

     47,513        2.4        5.2        47,513        11.9        13.5   

Managed portfolios

     3,351        4.8        7.6        3,351        7.2        8.7   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     149,127        3.1        5.9        149,127        11.1        12.6   




     13.73        0.56 p.          13.21        0.66 p.     

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     40.5        0.4 p.          40.1        2.0 p.     

NPL ratio

     5.64        (0.14 p.       5.64        (0.48 p.  

NPL coverage

     91.4        (3.4 p.       91.4        (0.6 p.  

Number of employees

     46,621        (1.2       46,621        (7.4  

Number of branches

     3,427        (0.6       3,427        (6.4  


(*) Including dividends, income from the equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses
(**) Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***) Not including profit of the year




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n BRAZIL (all changes in local currency)

  Attributable profit in the third quarter of EUR 409 million, 1.9% higher than the second quarter due to:


    Gross income increased 5.3%, largely due to fee income and trading gains.


    Operating expenses rose 6.5% (salary agreement and GetNet entry) and provisions 1.1%.


  Attributable profit profit in the first nine months was 1.9% higher y-o-y at EUR 1,167 million, due to a change of trend after declines in previous periods.


    Profit rose due to lower provisions (-20.2%) and control of costs (+1.5%).


    Gross income fell 3.6% because of the change of mix of the portfolio and the squeezing of spreads on loans, which were not offset by the growth in volumes.


  Lending grew 6% year-on-year and funds 8% (4% and 3%, respectively, in the quarter).


  The offer to acquire the minority interests was accepted by 13.65% of share capital. As a result, the Group’s stake reached 88.30%.

Santander Brazil is the country’s third largest private sector bank by assets and the largest foreign bank in the country. It operates in the main regions, with 3,427 branches and points of banking attention, 15,179 ATMs and 30.8 million customers.

Offer to acquire the minority interests of Santander Brasil

On October 30 ended the acceptance period of the exchange offer made for the shares of Banco Santander Brasil that are not held by Grupo Santander, which was formally launched on September 18, 2014.

Securities representing 13.65% of Santander Brasil’s share capital have been tendered in the Offer. Therefore, Grupo Santander’s shareholding in Santander Brasil will increase to 88.30% of its share capital.

Economic environment

Brazil is the world’s seventh largest economy (in nominal GDP terms), according to the World Bank. GDP contracted 0.9% year-on-year in the second quarter due to lower investment and moderate consumption growth. The labour market is still firm, with the jobless rate close to an historic low (4.9% in September).

The central bank’s Selic rate rose 25 b.p. in October to 11.25%, an increase of 125 b.p. this year (+400 b.p. since the beginning of 2013). These hikes should help to contain inflation, which was 6.75% in September and above the upper end of the target range.

The system’s lending rose 1% in September (+12% year-on-year), spurred by earmarked credit (+2% in the month and +21% year-on-year) and mainly mortgages. State banks’ lending grew 17% in the last 12 months and private sector banks 6%.


Santander Brasil is a universal bank focusing on retail banking. It is expanding its businesses via:


  Increasing preferred banking customers and linkage: simple and efficient segmented products and services, which via a multichannel platform seek to maximize customer satisfaction.


  Recurrence and sustainability: growth of businesses with greater revenue diversification, cutting the cost of risk against the sector.


  Productivity: intense agenda of transformation in line with that of the financial industry.


  Disciplined use of capital and liquidity: to remain financially sound, manage regulatory changes and exploit growth opportunities.

The objectives for 2014 are:


  Grow the customer base and improve linkage.


  Focus on lower risk profile products and segments and ones with a high linkage capacity, such as mortgage loans, payroll, agro business, auto finance and SMEs.


  Growth in funds aligned with assets.


  All associated with an increase in business productivity and enhanced efficiency.

Progress was made throughout 2014 in the strategic guidelines. Of note from a commercial standpoint were:


1. Under the strategy to strengthen acquiring business, the acquisition of GetNet was completed. Banco Santander Brasil S.A. has an indirect stake of 88.5%.


2. Reconsidering banking channels (Customer Service, Internet, Mobile Banking, etc.), with an easy-to-use service, more accessible and commercial. New and different proposals of products and services, which are producing growth in the high-medium-income segments.


3. In order to leverage activities in payroll business, a joint venture was formed with Banco Bonsucesso, S.A. to expand the range of products and improve the distribution and marketing capacity.


4. Greater focus on core deposits (demand and savings) in order to increase linkage and customer transactions.


5. Santander Conta Conecta, a current account for the segments of individuals and SMEs enabling payments to be received with cards on smartphones and tablets. Currently it has over 45,000 accounts.


6. New means of payment product, known as Santander Pague Direto, in co-operation with Ambev, Brazil’s leading drinks producer, which offers solutions for SMEs and enables shops to pay for their orders with the Santander terminal more practically, quickly and safely.



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7. The Bank announced the acquisition of a 50% stake in SuperBank, a digital platform offering the sale of financial products and services via a prepaid card. This transaction will boost our strategy in the mass-affluent segment. The transaction, which is pending regulatory approval, is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2014.


Lending accelerated in the third quarter (+4%), while deposits and mutual funds increased 2% and 5%, respectively.

Customer lending grew 6% year-on-year, with the focus on mortgages (+34%), agro business (+19%), BNDEs (+26%) and large companies (+16%). Payroll accounts, SMEs and consumer credit declined 2%, 6% and 3%, respectively, in the last 12 months.

Deposits excluding repos increased 4% year-on-year. Demand and savings deposits rose 12% and mutual funds 13%.

The market shares of Santander Brasil were 8.1% in total lending (12% in non-earmarked lending) and 7.6% in deposits.

The strategy followed in the last few months is pushing up the market share in segments where the Bank is not very active, such as BNDEs (+15 b.p.) or mortgages for individuals (+11 b.p.), as well as auto finance where Santander is the market leader with a market share of 20%.


Attributable profit in the third quarter was EUR 409 million, 1.9% higher than in the second quarter.

Gross income increased 5.3%, mainly due to fee income and trading gains.

Fee income increased 6.7%. Of note was that from mutual funds (+10.4%), foreign trade (+6.4%) and cards, benefiting from the incorporation of GetNet in the quarter.

Trading gains were higher because of greater business with customers and management of assets and liabilities, and market volatility, coupled with reduced revenues in the second quarter.

Net interest income was 2.4% lower, feeling the pinch from the change of mix of loans, which was only partly offset by moderate growth in volumes.

Operating expenses increased 6.5%, impacted by the labour agreement and the perimeter impact (GetNet entry).

Loan-loss provisions rose 1.1%, due to more lending.

Gross income in the first nine months of EUR 9,029 million was 3.6% lower than in the same period of 2013. Trading gains declined 70.4% (very high gains in 2013 because of the sale of portfolios). Net interest income was down 2.9%, due to the change of portfolio mix towards lower risk/spread products and squeezing of spreads on loans.

Of note was fee income which rose 5.8%, driven by cards (+12.4%) and foreign trade (+14.3%).

Excellent evolution of operating expenses, which only increased 1.5% at a time when inflation was running at more than 6%.

Loan-loss provisions were 20.2% lower in the first nine months year-on-year, further improving the cost of credit in recent quarters.

The NPL ratio was 5.64%, improving both, quarter-on-quarter and year-on-year. Of note as the early-warning indicator (15-90 days) in local criteria, was the sharp fall of NPLs (72 b.p.) in the quarter. Coverage was 91%.

Profit before tax was EUR 2,053 million (+2.9%).

Attributable profit rose 1.9% to EUR 1,167 million. This rise was due to a change of trend after year-on-year declines registered in the first quarter and the first half of the year.






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n MEXICO (EUR million)



           o/ 2Q’14           o/ 9M’13  
     3Q’14     %     % w/o FX     9M’14     %     % w/o FX  



Net interest income

     561        6.0        3.4        1,599        0.6        7.1   

Net fees

     192        0.4        (2.2     573        (3.8     2.5   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     53        (14.6     (16.9     142        (1.2     5.2   

Other operating income*

     (15     111.9        109.5        (34     177.2        195.3   

Gross income

     791        2.0        (0.6     2,279        (1.6     4.8   

Operating expenses

     (319     2.3        (0.3     (938     3.0        9.8   

General administrative expenses

     (286     1.8        (0.8     (840     2.8        9.6   


     (156     5.8        3.1        (446     (1.5     4.9   

Other general administrative expenses

     (130     (2.5     (5.1     (395     8.3        15.3   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (33     6.8        4.2        (97     4.7        11.5   

Net operating income

     471        1.7        (0.8     1,341        (4.6     1.6   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (210     10.1        7.4        (579     (0.6     5.9   

Other income

     6        —          —          2        (88.3     (87.5

Profit before taxes

     267        (1.2     (3.8     764        (9.4     (3.5

Tax on profit

     (50     (10.2     (12.7     (155     48.8        58.5   

Profit from continuing operations

     217        1.1        (1.4     609        (17.6     (12.3

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     217        1.1        (1.4     609        (17.6     (12.3

Minority interests

     49        8.3        5.7        135        (23.2     (18.2

Attributable profit to the Group

     167        (0.8     (3.4     474        (15.9     (10.4



Customer loans**

     26,162        6.7        2.4        26,162        24.5        18.6   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     12,469        7.5        3.1        12,469        21.0        15.2   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     4,097        3.9        (0.3     4,097        31.5        25.3   

Due from credit institutions**

     9,606        37.7        32.2        9,606        27.8        21.7   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     392        (1.2     (5.1     392        3.9        (1.0

Other assets

     5,463        (0.6     (4.6     5,463        10.8        5.5   



















Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     58,189        9.9        5.5        58,189        23.1        17.3   



















Customer deposits**

     28,691        15.7        11.0        28,691        11.3        6.0   

Marketable debt securities**

     3,791        (0.7     (4.7     3,791        54.4        47.0   

Subordinated debt**

     1,027        5.8        1.5        1,027        —          —     

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions**

     6,576        (16.1     (19.5     6,576        47.0        40.1   

Other liabilities

     14,142        21.0        16.2        14,142        28.2        22.1   

Shareholders’ equity***

     3,962        4.0        (0.2     3,962        12.7        7.4   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     12,406        5.8        1.5        12,406        20.5        14.8   

Mutual and pension funds

     12,406        5.8        1.5        12,406        20.5        14.8   

Managed portfolios

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Managed and marketed customer funds

     45,915        11.1        6.6        45,915        19.2        13.5   




     17.29        (0.49 p.       17.04        (1.83 p.  

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     40.4        0.1 p.          41.2        1.9 p.     

NPL ratio

     3.74        0.22 p.          3.74        0.16 p.     

NPL coverage

     90.1        (6.5 p.       90.1        (8.9 p.  

Number of employees

     15,889        6.9          15,889        10.0     

Number of branches

     1,299        0.5          1,299        5.7     


(*) Including dividends, income from the equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses
(**) Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***) Not including profit of the year




Table of Contents


n MEXICO (all changes in local currency)


  Attributable profit of EUR 167 million, 3.4% less than in the second quarter:


    Trading gains fell 16.9% after strong results in the second quarter from interest rate cuts.


    Net interest income increased 3.4% backed by higher volumes.


    Operating expenses were unchanged, absorbing the opening of 22 branches.


    Higher loan-loss provisions (+7.4%).


  Attributable profit in the first nine months was EUR 474 million. Profit before tax was 3.5% lower.


    Good dynamics of recurring commercial revenues: net interest income up 7.1% and fee income 2.5%.


    Costs rose 9.8%, due to more installed capacity.


    Loan-loss provisions rose 5.9%, a slower pace than the growth in lending.


  Lending and funds excluding repos grew 17% and 10% year-on-year, respectively.

Santander is the third largest banking group in Mexico by business volume, with a market share in loans of 13.9% and 14.2% in deposits. It has 1,299 branches and more than 11 million customers.

Economic environment

Activity improved in the second and third quarters, thanks to non-oil exports and domestic demand. GDP rose 1.0% in the second quarter over the first.

The peso appreciated 5.0% in the quarter to MXN 17.0/Euro at the end of September. Inflation rose to 4.2% in September due to one-off pressures on processed food and agricultural prices. The Bank of Mexico held its benchmark rate at 3.0%.

Demand for loans is beginning to react. Credit granted by retail banks increased 8% year-on-year and deposits 10%.

The secondary legislation for energy and telecoms was approved and the energy reforms began to be enacted.


The focus on high income and SMEs segments continued, maintaining leadership in the latter in lending through packets of

products and services, as well as attention models tailored to customers’ needs. Also, the platform Santander Advance was launched, and will contribute to boost growth in this segment.

The development of models and processes to attract new clients was reinforced for products such as funds capturing, insurance, credit cards, mortgages and personal loans.

The customer vision was strengthened with CRM tools and greater development of multi-channels through a solid distribution platform. Campaigns to foster transactional linkage were also launched.

The branch expansion plan begun in 2012 continued: 22 new branches were opened in the third quarter for a total of 134 since the project started.

The number of specialized Select offices for high income clients reached 114, up from 66 in 2012.


Lending grew 17% year-on-year. Credit to SMEs increased 26%, mortgages 34% (partly due to the perimeter) and 11% to consumer. Cards grew at a more moderate 6%.

Funds were 10% higher (demand: +18%; time: -13% and mutual funds: +15%). Lending rose 1% in the third quarter and funds 4%.


Attributable profit in the third quarter was 3.4% lower than in the second quarter at EUR 167 million, due to the 16.9% drop in trading gains following the high results in the second quarter stemming from the valuation of the treasury positions after the cut in interest rates.

Net interest income increased 3.4%, fee income fell 2.2%, costs were flat and provisions rose 7.4%.

The NPL ratio was 3.74% and coverage 90%. Credit quality was similar to the system’s average.

Gross income in the first nine months was 4.8% higher. Net interest income was up 7.1% and fee income 2.5%. Costs increased 9.8% because of the increased installed capacity, while provisions rose 5.9% and the cost of credit improved.

The efficiency ratio was 41.2%, the recurrence ratio 68.1% and ROE 17.0%.






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n CHILE (EUR million)



           o/ 2Q’14           o/ 9M’13  
     3Q’14     %     % w/o FX     9M’14     %     % w/o FX  



Net interest income

     387        (13.5     (12.8     1,243        (1.5     16.5   

Net fees

     83        5.9        6.5        243        (14.7     1.0   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     30        50.4        50.9        88        (27.5     (14.2

Other operating income*

     5        (2.6     (2.0     15        0.3        18.7   

Gross income

     505        (8.3     (7.7     1,589        (5.6     11.7   

Operating expenses

     (217     3.1        3.7        (628     (11.3     4.9   

General administrative expenses

     (197     0.2        0.8        (574     (8.2     8.7   


     (122     (0.7     (0.0     (353     (8.5     8.2   

Other general administrative expenses

     (75     1.6        2.2        (221     (7.5     9.4   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (20     46.4        47.0        (54     (35.0     (23.1

Net operating income

     288        (15.4     (14.8     961        (1.4     16.6   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (131     11.0        11.6        (365     (19.9     (5.2

Other income

     3        —          —          (7     —          —     

Profit before taxes

     160        (27.2     (26.6     589        11.8        32.3   

Tax on profit

     (25     (13.9     (13.3     (86     17.9        39.5   

Profit from continuing operations

     136        (29.2     (28.6     503        10.9        31.2   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     136        (29.2     (28.6     503        10.9        31.2   

Minority interests

     43        (27.2     (26.6     156        13.4        34.1   

Attributable profit to the Group

     92        (30.1     (29.5     347        9.8        29.9   



Customer loans**

     29,057        1.2        1.5        29,057        (2.2     8.3   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     2,723        29.3        29.6        2,723        150.9        177.7   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     2,192        22.0        22.3        2,192        (11.8     (2.3

Due from credit institutions**

     3,630        27.3        27.6        3,630        25.7        39.1   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     295        5.0        5.2        295        (8.8     0.9   

Other assets

     2,749        31.5        31.8        2,749        (16.0     (7.1



















Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     40,647        7.5        7.7        40,647        2.2        13.2   



















Customer deposits**

     21,294        6.9        7.1        21,294        (3.5     6.8   

Marketable debt securities**

     6,047        (1.6     (1.4     6,047        1.6        12.5   

Subordinated debt**

     1,152        21.6        21.8        1,152        14.6        26.8   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions**

     5,129        10.5        10.7        5,129        11.1        23.0   

Other liabilities

     4,812        22.1        22.4        4,812        23.6        36.8   

Shareholders’ equity***

     2,213        (0.3     (0.0     2,213        (0.0     10.7   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     6,777        6.8        7.0        6,777        19.5        32.3   

Mutual and pension funds

     5,194        7.1        7.4        5,194        21.1        34.0   

Managed portfolios

     1,583        5.8        6.0        1,583        14.7        26.9   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     35,270        5.7        5.9        35,270        1.6        12.5   




     16.89        (6.38 p.       20.40        3.01 p.     

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     42.9        4.8 p.          39.5        (2.6 p.  

NPL ratio

     5.98        0.04 p.          5.98        (0.02 p.  

NPL coverage

     52.3        0.6 p.          52.3        2.6 p.     

Number of employees

     12,093        1.0          12,093        (1.0  

Number of branches

     476        (1.0       476        (2.5  


(*) Including dividends, income from the equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses
(**) Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***) Not including profit of the year




Table of Contents


n CHILE (all changes in local currency)


  Third quarter attributable profit of EUR 92 million, 29.5% lower than the second quarter:


    Gross income dropped 7.7%, mostly due to the smaller contribution of the portfolio indexed to inflation.


    Operating expenses rose 3.7% due to amortisations.


    Loan-loss provisions increased 11.6% due to the updating of the parameters of the model for SMEs.


  Attributable profit in the first nine months was 29.9% higher year-on-year at EUR 347 million.


    Gross income grew 11.7%, driven by net interest income (+16.5%, from the rise in inflation, the growth of volumes in target segments and better deposit mix).


    Loan-loss provisions were 5.2% lower due to the reduction in the irregular portfolio in consumer credit and corporate loans.


  Lending grew 8% year-on-year and funds excluding repos 12% (+2% and +6% respectively, quarter-on-quarter).

Santander is the leading bank in Chile in terms of assets and customers, with a marked focus on retail activity (individuals and SMEs). Its market share in loans is 19.1% and 17.0% in deposits. Of note is its share of loans to individuals; it is the leader in consumer finance (market share of 24.7%) and mortgages (20.8%). It has 476 branches, 1,692 ATMs and 3.6 million customers.

Economic environment

The economy grew 1.9% year-on-year in the second quarter, a slower pace of growth because of lower private investment and reduced growth in private consumption. The labour market remained strong, with the unemployment rate at 6.7% in August. Year-on-year inflation was 4.9% in September and the central bank’s key rate was 3.00%, following a cut of 25 b.p. in October. The system’s total lending grew 9% year-on-year and deposits 5% (excluding Corpbanca’s lending in Colombia).


The Group continued to focus on ensuring long-term profitability in a scenario of lower spreads and greater regulation. The Strategic Plan puts the customer at the centre and seeks to consolidate the franchise and leadership positions. The objective is to be the best-valued bank in the country through four pillars: improve the quality of customer attention and customer experience; focus on retail

banking, especially retail customers (medium and high income customers and SMEs) and medium-sized companies; manage risks proactively and conservatively, and continuously improve operational processes.


Lending rose 8% year-on-year, with advances in target segments: 17% to the high income segment, 5% to SMEs and 6% to companies. Funds increased 12% (+10% demand deposits and +34% mutual funds).

In funding, the Bank continued its strategy of selective funding, focusing on demand deposits and benefiting from the cut in interest rates, as well as from the bond issues at the beginning of the year in advantageous conditions.


Gross income was 7.7% lower in the third quarter than in the second, due to lower net interest income related to the smaller contribution of the UF portfolio indexed to inflation (0.6% in the third quarter as against 1.8% in the second). Fee income, on the other hand, grew 6.5%, with that from international business up 24.0%, cards 12.7% and cash management 6.0%. Trading gains also increased because of the valuation of treasury positions, following the cut in interest rates and a sustained rise in customer business.

Costs up 3.7% due to the larger amortisations, the new developments of the NEOCRM platform and those indexed to the euro.

Loan-loss provisions were 11.6% higher than in the second quarter due to updating the parameters of the model of the SMEs portfolio.

Gross income increased 11.7% year-on-year in the first nine months, spurred by net interest income (+16.5%), with positive impact of the variation in the UF (3.7% compared to 1.1% in the same period of 2013), growth in target segments and the lower cost of funding. Costs rose 4.9%, in line with inflation, due to technology investments.

Loan-loss provisions dropped 5.2%, due to higher recoveries and a decline in the irregular portfolio in consumer credit and corporate lending. The cost of credit continued to improve to 1.71%. The NPL ratio was 5.98% and coverage 52%, both very stable during the third quarter.

After tax and minority interests, attributable profit increased 29.9% year-on-year.

The efficiency ratio was 39.5%, the recurrence ratio 42.3% and ROE 20.4%.







Table of Contents


Argentina (all changes in local currency)


Attributable profit of EUR 85 million, 7.6% more in local currency than in the second quarter, partly benefiting from the profit made from the sale of properties.

Profit in the first nine months was EUR 220 million, up 35.2% year-on-year. Gross income rose 37.3%, due to net interest income (greater volumes and low cost of funds), as well as fee income (greater activity) and trading gains (volatile exchange rates).

Operating expenses increased 43.1%, mainly due to the increase in the salary agreement, the expansion of branches and inflation.

Loan-loss provisions jumped 67.9% due to larger volumes and higher coverage. The NPL ratio at the end of September was 1.77%, slightly higher because of the macroeconomic scenario. The coverage ratio was 141% (+5 p.p. year-on-year).

Santander Río grew in line with the performance of the sector in the last 12 months. Lending rose 20% and deposits 29%. It is one of the country’s leading banks, with a market share of 8.7% in loans and 9.2% in deposits. It has 391 branches and 2.5 million customers.

GDP remained flat year-on-year in the second quarter. Inflation is high and interest rates on the liabilities side were 21% in September, down from 27% in the first quarter. In this context, liquidity rose sharply. The NPL ratio was 2.0%, coverage 138%, the liquidity index 24.5% and the capital ratio 14.0%.

The Bank continued to focus on transactional services, collections and means of payment through an offer tailored to the needs of each customer segment. The objective is to continue to increase recurring revenues, with low cost and stable demand deposits, and higher income from services.

The commercial strategy continued to focus on strengthening penetration and linkage in the high-income and SMEs segments, improving key products and the quality of service. This is increasing the level of transactions and profitability of these clients.

The Bank is continuing to expand and transform its branch network. It opened three new branches in the third quarter, implemented new mobile banking functionalities and continued to upgrade its website adding new uses and designs to enhance users’ experience.

Uruguay (all changes in local currency)


Attributable profit of EUR 15 million in the third quarter, 25.4% more than the second quarter. Profit in the first nine months was 10.8% higher year-on-year at EUR 40 million. Gross income rose 14.7% and costs 13.0%. Discounting the higher cost of the Bank’s efficiency improvement plan, costs grew 7.9%.

The Group maintained its leadership. Santander is the largest private sector bank in the country, with a market share in lending of 18.7% and 15.9% in deposits. The consumer finance company Creditel is the best positioned and with the highest brand recognition. Overall, the Group has 85 branches and close to 450,000 customers.

GDP grew 3.7% year-on-year in the second quarter due to private consumption (+4.5%) and exports (+8.1%).

Inflation was 8.4% which while continuing the downward trend is still above the target range of 3%-7%. The currency market was very volatile in the third quarter. The peso depreciated against the dollar (8% in the quarter and 12% year-on-year). The system’s loans and deposits grew 20%, a slower pace than in the second quarter.

The Bank’s loans increased 21% and deposits 19%. Of note were retail banking products and segments, the focus of the strategy. Consumer credit increased 23% and loans to SMEs rose 29%. Profitability was the priority in other segments. Retail customer funds continued to account for 75% of the Bank’s funding.

Credit quality continues to be excellent: the NPL ratio was 0.99% and coverage 268%.

The Bank continues to focus on the quality of customer attention and provide products and services tailored to clients’ needs and by the most suitable channel. The improvement in the quality of service can be judged by the decline in complaints and better response times.

Another priority is transaction banking for companies, increasing linkage and developing innovative products.

In short, the Bank continued to advance in its goals of generating more recurring results, with greater customer business, based on growth in retail banking, optimisation of costs and enhanced efficiency.





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Peru (all changes in local currency)


Third quarter attributable profit of EUR 6 million and EUR 16 million in the first nine months (+28.4% year-on-year in local currency).

Activity benefited from business expansion: gross income was 29.7% higher than in the first nine months of 2013, fuelled by higher lending, improved spreads and better treasury results. Costs rose 24.7% after the start-up of a new auto finance company, specialising in auto lending.

The economy grew 3.0% year-on-year in July, a slower pace than in the second quarter, due to the fall in metal prices, reduced external demand and mining output and lower private investment than expected. The economy is expected to expand a little more in the second half of the year, driven by domestic demand, public works and new mining projects underway.

Year-on-year inflation was 2.7% in September and the central bank’s benchmark rate dropped 25 b.p. to 3.50%. It also adopted measures to reduce and make more flexible the cash reserve requirement in order to foster greater liquidity. The sol appreciated 4.8% against the euro during the third quarter (+3.1% in 12 months).

Santander is focusing on retail banking and investment banking with the Group’s global clients, companies and institutions.

Lending rose 34% year-on-year and deposits 20%. The efficiency ratio was 33.5%, the NPL ratio 0.23% and coverage very high.

A new auto finance company began to operate in 2013, together with a well-known international partner with a great deal of experience in Latin America. The company has a specialised business model, focused on service and accessible payments that facilitate the purchase of new cars. Santander operates with all brands and dealers in Peru.






Banco Santander de Negocios Colombia, the Group’s new subsidiary in the country, began to operate in January 2014.

Colombia is a strategically important market for Grupo Santander. It is the third most populated country in Latin America and has a high growth potential due to the country’s plans for infrastructure and economic and social development. The foreign direct investment in the country underscores this potential; there is growing interest among companies to set up in Colombia.

The new bank has capital of $100 million. Its target market is the corporate one, with a special emphasis on global clients, clients of the Group’s International Desk programme and those local clients becoming more international.

Santander de Negocios Colombia has a banking licence that allows it to operate as a local bank for all purposes. It will focus on offering investment banking products, treasury and risk hedging products, foreign trade financing and working capital products in local currency, such as confirming.

It also has a robust online banking channel for clients’ transactions in local payments.





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     3Q’14     o/ 2Q’14     9M’14     o/ 9M’13  
     %     % w/o FX       %     % w/o FX  



Net interest income

     1,185        4.1        0.5        3,422        10.0        13.1   

Net fees

     169        (1.9     (5.4     506        15.0        18.3   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     62        297.5        289.2        105        85.4        90.7   

Other operating income*

     41        28.0        24.8        90        —          —     

Gross income

     1,457        7.2        3.6        4,123        14.7        18.0   

Operating expenses

     (516     9.1        5.4        (1,465     5.5        8.5   

General administrative expenses

     (459     7.4        3.8        (1,304     3.8        6.8   


     (259     5.0        1.5        (741     2.3        5.3   

Other general administrative expenses

     (200     10.6        7.0        (563     5.9        8.9   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (57     24.7        20.4        (162     21.1        24.6   

Net operating income

     941        6.2        2.7        2,658        20.5        24.0   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (611     22.5        18.5        (1,657     60.3        64.9   

Other income

     (14     345.3        337.8        (19     (66.4     (65.4

Profit before taxes

     317        (17.6     (20.6     982        (11.9     (9.4

Tax on profit

     (72     (40.0     (42.7     (271     (14.4     (12.0

Profit from continuing operations

     244        (7.4     (10.6     710        (10.9     (8.4

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     244        (7.4     (10.6     710        (10.9     (8.4

Minority interests

     49        (24.7     (27.6     159        8.4        11.5   

Attributable profit to the Group

     195        (1.7     (5.0     552        (15.3     (12.9



Customer loans**

     63,729        6.2        (2.2     63,729        9.5        2.0   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     240        (3.1     (10.8     240        14.5        6.7   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     11,627        41.3        30.2        11,627        27.7        19.0   

Due from credit institutions**

     2,341        5.1        (3.2     2,341        24.7        16.1   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     5,966        29.9        19.7        5,966        284.3        258.1   

Other assets

     5,723        (12.8     (19.6     5,723        (13.0     (19.0



















Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     89,626        9.5        0.9        89,626        15.6        7.7   



















Customer deposits**

     44,298        11.1        2.3        44,298        10.8        3.2   

Marketable debt securities**

     15,810        10.0        1.3        15,810        28.8        20.0   

Subordinated debt**

     755        11.1        2.3        755        (58.5     (61.3

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions**

     13,717        9.0        0.5        13,717        15.7        7.8   

Other liabilities

     4,950        (2.3     (10.0     4,950        39.6        30.1   

Shareholders’ equity***

     10,096        8.7        0.2        10,096        25.1        16.5   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     6,855        19.6        10.2        6,855        23.3        14.9   

Mutual and pension funds

     1,431        69.5        56.2        1,431        61.5        50.5   

Managed portfolios

     5,424        11.0        2.2        5,424        16.1        8.2   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     67,718        11.6        2.8        67,718        13.6        5.8   




     8.11        (0.43 p.       8.11        (2.59 p.  

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     35.4        0.6 p.          35.5        (3.1 p.  

NPL ratio

     2.68        (0.25 p.       2.68        (0.36 p.  

NPL coverage

     184.1        19.1 p.          184.1        35.2 p.     

Number of employees

     15,795        1.3          15,795        5.0     

Number of branches

     812        0.1          812        (1.1  


(*) Including dividends, income from the equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses
(**) Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***) Not including profit of the year






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n UNITED STATES (all changes in dollars)


  Attributable profit in the third quarter of $259 million, 5.0% less than the second quarter.


    Gross income rose 3.6% spurred by net interest income and trading gains.


    Operating expenses up 5.4%, due mainly to regulatory requirements.


    Loan-loss provisions increased 18.5%, due to growth in new lending at SCUSA and some seasonal factors in the usecured portfolio.


  Profit was 12.9% lower year-on-year in the first nine months at $747 million.


    Net operating income rose 24.0%, spurred by gross income (+18.0%).


    Loan-loss provisions were 64.9% higher because of the greater initial requirement of provisions for SCUSA linked to its new lending and larger volumes than in 2013.


  Lending increased 5% year-on-year (ex-sale and securitisations in the third quarter), mainly due to SCUSA, and funds rose 4%.

Santander Bank in the US includes retail banking activity through Santander Bank and Banco Santander Puerto Rico, as well as consumer finance through the controlling stake in Santander Consumer USA (SCUSA).

Santander Bank, with 706 branches and approximately 2.0 million customers, focuses on retail and commercial banking. It operates in the northeast of the country, one of the most prosperous, accounting for 22% of the U.S. GDP.

Banco Santander Puerto Rico has 54 branches, 414,000 customers and a market share of 10.3% in loans and 11.9% in deposits; it focuses on retail and commercial banking. In addition, in Puerto Rico, Santander Financial Services, Inc. has 52 consumer finance stores.

SCUSA, based in Dallas, specialises in consumer finance, particularly loans and leasing of new and used vehicles. It mainly focuses on vehicle lending through dealers, retail clients, unsecured personal lending and servicing of portfolios for third parties.

Economic environment

The banking sector has operated in a low interest environment with moderate economic growth. The Fed’s moderately optimistic economic expectations1 , similar to those in June (unemployment and inflation at levels envisaged in June and an expected slight slowing of GDP growth), suggest that interest may rise, something that the market is currently factoring2.

The banking sector’s total lending and deposit grew 5% and 7% year-on-year, respectively3.

The sale of new and used vehicles and financing, continued to rise. After growing 8% year-on-year in 2013, sales surged in the third quarter, following a slowdown at the beginning of the year due to bad weather4. The expectations for the whole year remain positive, backed by the age of the existing stock of cars, the favourable macroeconomic conditions and the relatively easy access to financing5.

Retail banking

Banco Santander’s strategy in retail banking in the US is developed through Santander Bank and the units in Puerto Rico.

Santander Bank continued the pattern of previous quarters, with growth in loans to companies. Deposits increased and the mix improved toward higher quality deposits.

In September Santander Bank began to restructure its balance sheet, selling $650 million of unproductive assets and securitizing $1,500 million of mortgages, in order to improve the loan-to-deposit ratio, assets quality ratios and future profitability.

Loans to commercial and industrial companies continued to grow, led by Global Banking and Markets (GBM), after successfully concluding the transfer of large corporates, which is strengthening and reorganizing its customer base.

Of note in the retail segment was the solid performance of the innovative product Extra20 which was launched at the end of 2013. Its main objective is to capture new clients, increase linkage and attract core demand deposits.

Santander Bank launched the Bravo card in the first quarter for high income segments and with a rewards plan that makes it very competitive in the market.

Lending rose 1% in the third quarter and 5% year-on-year in the first nine months, excluding the sale of assets and securitisations, building upon the positive year-on-year trend begun in the second quarter.

In deposits, the strategy continued to concentrate on boosting core demand deposits and reducing time deposits. Progress in capturing deposits from public institutions (government banking) also continued. Total deposits, excluding repos, increased 3% and 5% for the quarter and year-on-year, respectively.

Attributable profit was $125 million in the third quarter, 12.6% more than the previous quarter.

The positive trend in commercial activity was sustained by the continuing improvement in credit quality, as well as by measures taken to restructure the balance sheet.





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Attributable profit was $344 million in the first nine months, 19.3% lower than in the same period of 2013. This decrease was due to lower gross income (-6.5%), affected by the reduction in the investment portfolio and higher costs (+10.9%), reflecting the effort made for improvements in technology (ATMs, mobile banking and cards) and particularly in regulatory compliance and risk management. Provisions were lower year-on-year.

Credit quality remained good, with a NPL ratio of 1.61% (-65 b.p. since September 2013) and coverage ratio of 96%, reflecting the improved composition of the portfolio together with strict risk management.

In Puerto Rico, Santander is recognized among its peer group for its good credit quality, capital ratios, liquidity and quality of service.

In activity in Puerto Rico, the Group’s lending dropped 2% quarter-on-quarter and 13% year-on-year, due to deleveraging in the public sector which was partly offset by growth in consumer credit and SMEs. Deposits declined 4% in the quarter and 12% over September 2013, mainly due to the strategy of reducing confirming facilities which are collateralize with deposits.

The units in Puerto Rico posted attributable profit of $20 million, in line with the first two quarters of this year, and $58 million for the first nine months, 31.2% lower year-on-year. This decrease was mainly due to the recognition of deferred tax assets during the second quarter of 2013. Pre-tax profit was 10.3% higher.

Of note in the quarter was the contribution to net interest income of revenues from credit cards, the strategy of generating fee income from banking services, the lower cost of deposits and constrained spending.

The NPL ratio was 6.99% at the end of September, up from 6.33% in September 2013. Coverage ratio stood at 59%.

Consumer finance

SCUSA completed in the first quarter its IPO and listing on the New York Stock Exchange.

During the third quarter SCUSA maintained the growth trend in new loans shown in previous quarters, but volumes were more stable.

New lending rose 7% quarter-on-quarter while on-balance sheet loans remained mainly flat, as a result of the securitisations made and the sale of portfolios carried out within the agreements with Bank of America and Citizens Bank.

SCUSA kept the servicing of the sold portfolios, and thus revenues rose without increasing volumes and with no additional capital consumption.

In the first nine months new lending increased 34% year-on-year and volumes were 11% higher over September 2013, largely due to the agreement reached with Chrysler in 2013

These rises are reflected in gross income, which rose 6.3% quarter-on-quarter and 37.2% year-on-year in the first nine months. This did not fully feed through to profits because of the greater need for provisions linked to strong new lending and the unsecured portfolio.

SCUSA’s attributable profit was $114 million in the third quarter, 19.1% less than in the second quarter, and $345 million in the first nine months (-0.3% year-on-year).

(1) Source: Federal Reserve FOMC Statement, October 29, 2014

(2) Source: CNN Money, “Fed ends 6-year effort to stimulate economy”, October 29, 2014

(3) Source: FDIC, “Quarterly Banking Profile”

(4) Source: National Automobile Dealers Association

(5) Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis; Equifax








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     3Q’14     2Q’14     %     9M’14     9M’13     %  



Net interest income

     (461     (489     (5.7     (1,484     (1,606     (7.6

Net fees

     (5     (6     (15.0     (19     (49     (61.4

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     456        248        83.8        1,007        921        9.2   

Other operating income

     20        10        105.2        45        111        (58.9


     11        10        6.8        25        31        (19.0

Income from equity-accounted method

     (10     (15     (35.8     (25     (12     113.1   

Other operating income/expenses

     19        15        26.6        45        91        (50.4

Gross income

     10        (237     —          (451     (623     (27.6

Operating expenses

     (194     (197     (1.9     (582     (529     10.1   

General administrative expenses

     (163     (156     4.7        (483     (442     9.4   


     (39     (62     (36.8     (168     (168     (0.1

Other general administrative expenses

     (124     (94     31.9        (316     (274     15.3   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (30     (41     (26.6     (99     (87     13.7   

Net operating income

     (183     (434     (57.8     (1,033     (1,152     (10.3

Net loan-loss provisions

     0        (1     —          0        (203     —     

Other income

     (90     (67     33.7        (229     (279     (17.9

Ordinary profit before taxes

     (273     (502     (45.7     (1,262     (1,634     (22.8

Tax on profit

     11        59        (81.0     148        138        7.4   

Ordinary profit from continuing operations

     (262     (444     (41.1     (1,113     (1,495     (25.6

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Ordinary consolidated profit

     (262     (444     (41.1     (1,113     (1,495     (25.6

Minority interests

     (2     (0     —          (5     (4     39.6   

Ordinary attributable profit to the Group

     (259     (444     (41.6     (1,108     (1,492     (25.7

Net capital gains and provisions

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Attributable profit to the Group

     (259     (444     (41.6     (1,108     (1,492     (25.7



Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     3,934        3,297        19.3        3,934        4,772        (17.6

Available-for-sale financial assets

     6,375        6,863        (7.1     6,375        18,655        (65.8


     593        542        9.4        593        237        150.0   


     27,364        26,663        2.6        27,364        24,729        10.7   

Liquidity lent to the Group

     26,437        24,882        6.3        26,437        23,866        10.8   

Capital assigned to Group areas

     71,157        70,229        1.3        71,157        67,927        4.8   

Other assets

     52,007        53,467        (2.7     52,007        62,225        (16.4



















Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     187,867        185,943        1.0        187,867        202,411        (7.2



















Customer deposits*

     1,665        1,563        6.5        1,665        4,916        (66.1

Marketable debt securities*

     56,539        60,754        (6.9     56,539        69,149        (18.2

Subordinated debt*

     3,481        5,263        (33.9     3,481        4,593        (24.2

Other liabilities

     42,164        34,084        23.7        42,164        42,888        (1.7

Group capital and reserves**

     84,019        84,279        (0.3     84,019        80,866        3.9   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Mutual and pension funds

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Managed and marketed customer funds

     61,685        67,580        (8.7     61,685        78,657        (21.6



Number of employees

     2,603        2,556        1.8        2,603        2,513        3.6   


(*) Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(**) Not including profit of the year



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  Corporate Activities registered a loss of EUR 259 million in the third quarter (-EUR 444 million in the second quarter).


  The loss in the first nine months was EUR 1,108 million, 26% better than the EUR 1,492 million loss in the same period of 2013, due to:


    A charge in 2013 related to the integration of the banks in Spain.


    Improved net interest income from the lower cost of issues.


    Better results from management of assets and liabilities.

Within Corporate Activities, the Financial Management area conducts the global functions of balance sheet management, both structural interest rate and liquidity risk (the latter via issues and securitizations), as well as the structural position of exchange rates:


  Interest rate risk is actively managed by taking market positions. This management seeks to soften the impact of interest rate changes on net interest income, and is done via bonds and derivatives of high credit quality and liquidity and low consumption of capital.


  The objective of structural liquidity management is to finance the Group’s recurring activity in optimum conditions of maturity and cost, maintaining an appropriate profile (in volumes and maturities) by diversifying the funding sources.


  Management of the exposure to exchange rate movements in equity and in the units results in euros, is also carried out on a centralized basis. This management (dynamic) is conducted through exchange-rate derivatives, optimizing at all times the financial cost of hedging

Hedging of net investments in the capital of businesses abroad aims to neutralize the impact on capital of converting into euros the balances of the main institutions that are consolidated whose currency is not the euro.

The Group’s policy immunizes the impact, which, in situations of high volatility in the markets, sudden changes in interest rates would have on these exposures of a permanent nature. The investments that are currently hedged are those in Brazil, UK, Mexico, Chile, USA and Poland and the instruments used are spot, fx forwards or tunnel options. EUR 15,749 million are currently hedged.

Exposures of a temporary nature – those regarding results that the Group’s units will contribute in the next 12 months in non-euro currencies – are also managed on a centralized basis in order to limit their volatility in euros.

Meanwhile and separately from the financial management described here, Corporate Activities manages all capital and reserves and allocations of capital to each of the units, as well as providing the liquidity that some of the business units might need. The price at which these operations are carried out is the market rate (euribor or swap) plus the risk premium, which in concept of liquidity, the Group supports for immobilizing the funds during the life of the operation.

Lastly, and marginally, the equity stakes of a financial nature that the Group takes within its policy of optimizing investments are reflected in Corporate Activities.

The main developments were:


  Net interest income was EUR 461 million negative compared to EUR 489 million negative in the second quarter. The loss in the first nine months was EUR 1,484 million, 7.6% lower than the same period of 2013. This improvement was partly due to the lower cost of issuances as a result of lower recourse to the market (directly related to reduced funding needs from the gap between loans and deposits).


  Trading gains, which incorporate those derived from the centralized management of the interest rate and exchange rate risk of the parent bank as well as that from equities, were EUR 1,007 million positive in the first nine months, 9.2% more than in the same period of 2013.


  Operating expenses were lower in the third quarter than in the second but higher in the first nine months year-on-year due to the combined effect of stable personnel costs (where the efficiency plans are producing the first fruits), and the higher costs related to ongoing corporate transactions, which are recorded in the Corporate Centre until their effective entry into force. Costs related to the implementation of the various regulations are also recorded here.


  Net loan-loss provisions were zero in the first nine months compared to EUR 203 million in the same period of 2013 when a charged related to the integration process in Spain was made.


  Other income includes the net between various provisions and writedowns and positive results. This figure was EUR 229 million negative in the first nine months compared to EUR 279 million negative in the same period of 2013.


  Lastly, the tax line recorded a recovery of EUR 148 million for the first nine months (EUR 138 million in 2013).



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  Third quarter attributable profit of EUR 1,394 million, 3.9% less than the second quarter


    Excluding the exchange rate impact, profit was 5.4% lower due to higher costs and provisions as gross income increased 1.4%.


  Profit in the first nine months was EUR 4,086 million, 9.6% more than in the same period of 2013:


    Excluding the exchange rate impact, profit growth was 15.9% thanks to higher gross income.


  The Bank continues to make progress in deepening retail banking through three planks:


    Specialised management of segments: rolling out of Santander Advance, Santander Trade Club and Santander Passport, and Santander Select.


    Development of a multi-channel distribution model.


    Improving the customer experience.

Retail banking generated 84% of the Group’s operating areas gross income and 69% of attributable profit in the first nine months of 2014.


The Bank continued to make progress in the programme of transforming Retail Banking begun in 2013. The overriding objective is to strengthen customer relations and linkage and through this make a positive impact on Group results.

The main planks are specialised management of each segment, development of a multi-channel distribution model, which is

more efficient and tailored to changing clients’ needs, and continuous improvement in the customer experience. At the same time, innovation will be fostered and maximum advantage taken of the opportunities linked to the Group’s international positioning.

There are three areas where measures have been taken in the sphere of specialised models for segments:

1. Santander Advance: in order to transform the Bank into a partner for the growth of SMEs. The programme has a strong financial offer, as well as non-financial support measures for SMEs to support internationalization, foster job creation (a dedicated portal and Santander Scholarship Programme) and initiatives to strengthen talent and training.

A total of 19,600 new clients have been captured since Santander Advance was launched in Spain in April and the trend in granting loans has improved. More than 5,000 SMEs have already participated in workshops and courses (directly or online), as part of the non-financial offer.

After being launched in Spain, Santander Advance was rolled out in Mexico at the end of August to continue enhancing the product range for SMEs. It is the largest financing and integral services program for this sector in Mexico.

The Advance Programme will be launched during the fourth quarter in the UK (backed by the Breakthrough programme) and in Portugal, and extended to the rest of the Group’s countries in 2015.

2. Santander Trade Club and Santander Passport: the Club enables exporters and importers to get to know one another, interact and be connected in order to generate new international business opportunities. The portal receives more than 125,000 visits a month. Many benefits in the field of internationalization have been incorporated. More than 5,500 corporate members are active beneficiaries.







           o/ 2Q’14           o/ 9M’13  
     3Q’14     %     % w/o FX     9M’14     %     % w/o FX  



Net interest income

     7,195        1.4        (0.2     21,121        0.8        6.7   

Net fees

     1,945        3.0        1.7        5,690        (3.9     2.2   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     209        162.1        162.1        396        (57.0     (54.4

Other operating income*

     (51     91.4        100.9        (158     (39.4     (36.6

Gross income

     9,299        2.8        1.4        27,048        (1.8     4.1   

Operating expenses

     (4,209     3.5        2.1        (12,296     (3.0     2.1   

Net operating income

     5,090        2.3        0.7        14,752        (0.7     5.8   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (2,582     8.8        7.3        (7,441     (10.4     (4.2

Other income

     (404     19.6        18.3        (1,009     34.3        41.6   

Profit before taxes

     2,104        (7.1     (8.7     6,302        8.5        15.3   

Tax on profit

     (475     (15.3     (16.9     (1,509     16.4        24.5   

Profit from continuing operations

     1,629        (4.4     (6.0     4,793        6.2        12.6   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     (7     —          —          (7     (52.8     (55.0

Consolidated profit

     1,622        (4.8     (6.3     4,786        6.4        12.9   

Minority interests

     228        (10.2     (11.7     700        (9.0     (1.8

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,394        (3.9     (5.4     4,086        9.6        15.9   



Customer loans

     621,898        2.0        0.1        621,898        4.4        1.5   

Customer deposits

     519,873        2.2        0.6        519,873        (0.1     (2.8


(*) Including dividends, income from the equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses



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     Net operating income     Attibutable profit to the Group  
   3Q’14      o/ 2Q’14     9M’14      o/ 9M’13     3Q’14      o/ 2Q’14     9M’14      o/ 9M’13  
      %     % w/o FX        %     % w/o FX        %     % w/o FX        %     % w/o FX  

Continental Europe

     1,223         (2.0     (2.0     3,614         10.6        10.9        363         (4.8     (4.7     1,093         44.5        45.3   

United Kingdom

     636         6.2        3.4        1,814         24.4        18.5        374         5.8        3.1        1,062         58.6        51.1   

Latin America

     2,320         2.5        1.1        6,748         (16.0     (5.0     468         (8.7     (10.0     1,411         (18.2     (6.6


     911         5.3        1.7        2,577         22.3        25.8        188         (6.9     (9.9     521         (9.7     (7.1





































Total Retail Banking

     5,090         2.3        0.7        14,752         (0.7     5.8        1,394         (3.9     (5.4     4,086         9.6        15.9   






































Santander Passport is a specialised attention model, which is free of charge for customers. It provides advantages for companies with international activities of recognition and assistance in all Santander’s subsidiaries around the world on the same basis, thanks to its global franchise. More than 4,000 business groups belong to the programme and benefit from the advantages.

3. Santander Select: this global model for the mass-affluent segment is already available to clients in 11 countries. It is a specialised attention model and an exclusive value offer for these clients. One of the benefits for Select clients is the recently launched Global Select debit card which can be used for cash withdrawals free of commissions in Santander’s more than 30,000 ATMs.

The model was launched in Germany and Uruguay during the third quarter where it has been well received. In Uruguay, Santander consolidated itself as the leading bank for high-income clients and in Germany the first exclusive proposal for high-income clients, which fits perfectly with the consumer offer, was marketed. More than two million clients are already benefiting from this attention model.

At the same time, other retail banking channels continued to be developed so that clients can operate with the Bank in the most suitable way for them. Specific examples are the new websites in Brazil, Spain, Portugal and the UK, the new applications for mobile phones in Germany, Argentina, Brazil and Smartbank in the UK and the use of voiceprint in the contact centre and notifications via mobile phone in Mexico, among others. These achievements have been recognized by the prizes awarded by Global Finance to




Santander in Chile for the best Latin American website offering financial products and bill payments and to Santander Rio as the best online bank in Argentina.

The Group continues to work in all countries to improve the customer experience, increasing thereby their satisfaction levels. Of note is the case of the UK where the Simple, Personal and Fair programme and the success of the 1|2|3 account are improving customer satisfaction levels, according to the industry’s reference indices (+2.5 points since 2013, according to the FRS satisfaction index).

The SANTANDER ideas:) project was launched as part of the fostering of work culture focused on innovation. It is a corporate social network that seeks to take better advantage of diversity, talent and the collective intelligence of all employees around the world. The first challenge – “to make Santander a closer, simpler and more direct bank for our clients” – succeeded in involving close to 13,000 employees. They generated 4,000 ideas, which were assessed by a team of experts and resulted in the shaping of around 250 projects in all countries where we operate.

The second challenge – “ideas to build a better bank for professionals” – was also well received. Of the ideas presented, 109 were selected for implementation (79 at the country level and 30 at the global level of human resources).

The emphasis in the coming months is to continue the process of transforming the Group’s retail banks and evolve toward a more customer-focused model.


Attributable profit was 3.9% less in the third quarter than in the second quarter at EUR 1,394 million (-5.4% excluding the exchange rate impact). This was due to higher provisions, mainly at Santander Consumer USA, and a slight rise in costs (linked to salary agreements and inflation), as gross income rose 1.4%.

Profit was 9.6% higher year-on-year in the first nine months at EUR 4,086 million (+15.9% in constant currency), due to higher gross income, largely thanks to net interest income.




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  Attributable profit of EUR 426 million in the third quarter, 0.5% less than the second quarter and EUR 1,328 million in the first nine months (+22.6% year-on-year; +31.4% in constant euros). Of note:


    Quarter-on-quarter fall due to seasonal impact in Europe.


    Solid year-on-year gross income (+6.7% without the exchange rate impact) and lower provisions.


    Higher costs from strengthening the franchise, maintaining efficiency levels that are a reference for the sector (35%).


  Focus on clients continued (87% of revenues) and management of risks, liquidity and capital.

Santander Global Banking & Markets (SGB&M) generated 12% of the Group’s operating areas’ gross income and 22% of attributable profit in the first nine months.


SGB&M is maintaining the key pillars of its business model, focused on the client, its global reach and interconnection with local units, within management of risk, capital and liquidity. Notable developments this year are:


  The development together with Retail Banking of offers and advice in high value products for various client segments in all of the Group’s units.


  The push given to transaction business in the UK, US and Poland, which complements the strengthening of the franchise of clients in all countries.
  The creation of the Financing Solutions and Advisory unit to provide an integral solution for the advisory and structural financing needs of clients.


  The drive in custody business in Spain and Latin America through a strategic agreement with an investor group.

Results and activity

Attributable profit was EUR 426 million in the third quarter, 0.5% lower than the second quarter due to the seasonal nature of revenues, particularly the activities of markets in Europe, in an environment of high liquidity and low volatility. Provisions continued to normalize.

Profit was 22.6% higher year-on-year in the first nine months at EUR 1,328 million. Excluding the exchange rate impact, especially in Latin America, profit increased 31.4%, due to solid revenues (+6.7% in constant euros) and a sharp fall in provisions, particularly in Spain and Mexico.

The efficiency ratio remained a reference (34.5%) for the sector, after absorbing the increase in costs from business development in core markets such as the UK, the US and Poland.

These results emanated from the strength and diversification of customer revenues, which accounted for 87% of total gross income, which rose 2.2% year-on-year excluding the exchange rate impact (-2.5% in euros), although varying by business sub areas:

Transaction Banking

Global Transaction Banking1 had lower customer revenues (-3.8% year-on-year), due to the depreciation of Latin American currencies. In constant currencies, they increased 2.5% thanks to a good contribution from most of the activities in an environment of containment of spreads and low interest rates.







           o/ 2Q’14           o/ 9M’13  
     3Q’14     %     % w/o FX     9M’14     %     % w/o FX  



Net interest income

     619        (5.6     (6.6     1,854        7.5        14.9   

Net fees

     342        (7.8     (8.9     1,053        7.0        12.1   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     280        63.3        61.8        801        (16.9     (12.9

Other operating income*

     43        (68.7     (68.7     210        4.7        4.8   

Gross income

     1,284        (3.8     (4.8     3,918        1.1        6.7   

Operating expenses

     (468     5.0        3.8        (1,353     1.8        6.0   

Net operating income

     816        (8.3     (9.2     2,564        0.8        7.0   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (130     (34.9     (35.9     (438     (44.6     (43.3

Other income

     (3     (86.7     (87.2     (41     (9.8     (10.1

Profit before taxes

     683        1.9        1.1        2,085        22.2        32.2   

Tax on profit

     (193     5.5        4.8        (576     22.1        33.6   

Profit from continuing operations

     491        0.6        (0.2     1,509        22.2        31.6   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     491        0.6        (0.2     1,509        22.2        31.6   

Minority interests

     65        8.3        7.0        181        19.3        33.3   

Attributable profit to the Group

     426        (0.5     (1.3     1,328        22.6        31.4   



Customer loans

     81,942        3.5        2.9        81,942        (7.8     (8.6

Customer deposits

     89,248        21.8        21.2        89,248        21.7        21.6   


(*) Including dividends, income from the equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses



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By business, better evolution of trade finance, with strong year-on-year growth in all countries in local currencies, particularly in Asia, the UK and the three large Latin American countries. Of note was the contribution of cash management in Brazil and Mexico, spurred by a local offer combined with regional treasury management solutions, and the high contribution from European units in the last few quarters.

Custody-settlement also performed well, backed by the recovery in Spain and Brazil’s solid contribution. On the other hand, lower contribution of basic financing due to the general containment of spreads, particularly in Spain and Portugal, which was not offset by a stronger contribution from most Latin American countries.

Financing Solutions & Advisory

Financing Solutions & Advisory2 increased its customer revenues 9.0% year-on-year (+12.8% without the exchange rate impact).

In syndicated corporate loans, Santander maintained its reference positions in Europe and Latin America with major participations in significant transactions. Of note was the syndicated loan for Imperial Tobacco ($13,000 million) in which Santander was the underwriter, mandated lead arranger and bookrunner. Also in Project Finance, where the Group continued to foster the transformation of the market in order to adjust it to the new regulatory and funding reality with operations that are less capital intensive.

In the capital markets, Santander continued to consolidate its business. In Europe, it led major operations in the corporate segment (Carrefour, Ferrovial, Vodafone, Fiat, EDP, Galp Energia, BayerAG, Diageo, BSkyB, WM Morrisons and Hammerson) and in banks (Barclays, HSBC and Société Générale). In Latin America, the Group took advantage of its leading presence in the region to attract various issuers to the international debt market. Santander participated in the big operations of Odebrecht (as global coordinator) as well as joint bookrunner for the issues of Gol Luxco, OAS, Minerva, GNL Quintero, Entel and Codelco.

In Corporate Finance, the upward trend remained. Of note was Santander’s participation as adviser in Orange’s offer to buy 100% of Spanish operator Jazztel, as well as for the acquisitions of a subsidiary of Elecnor by APG and Grupo El Arbol by Día.

Lastly, Asset & Capital Structuring continued to increase its contribution to the Group and grow its portfolio of clients in all

countries, including Asia. Particularly noteworthy in the third quarter were various structured operational leasing operations with Cathay Pacific Airways, where Santander acted as mandated lead arranger and financer.

Global Markets

The customer revenues of Global Markets3 were 7.9% lower year-on-year (-3.4% excluding the exchange rate impact), largely due to reduced activity in the euro zone.

Positive evolution of revenues from the sales business, fuelled by growth in Spain and Latin America (mainly Brazil and Chile) at constant exchange rates. Of note was the increase in commercial banking segments in all units compared to a more unequal contribution from the rest of segments (institutions, corporate, etc.).

Lower year-on-year contribution from the management of books, mainly due to Spain because of low volatility, which was partly offset by the rise in Latin America as a whole. There was a notable rise of the distribution of loans in the primary market and a fall of books of cash products in Europe.

The contribution of equities was higher in customer revenues in constant euros because of Europe. The better evolution in the primary market than in the secondary offset the declines in Latin America. In organized derivatives markets, the leadership positions in Spain (MEFF – Spanish financial futures market) and Mexico were maintained, with a share of more than 20% in settlements.


(1) Global Transaction Banking: includes the business of cash management, trade finance, basic financing and custody.
(2) Financing Solutions & Advisory: includes the units of origination and distribution of corporate loans and structured financings, bond and securitisation origination teams, corporate finance units (mergers and acquisitions, primary markets of equities, investment solutions for corporate clients via derivatives), and asset & capital structuring.
(3) Global Markets: includes the sale and distribution of fixed income and equity derivatives, interest rates and inflation; the trading and hedging of exchange rates, and short-term money markets for the Group’s wholesale and retail clients; management of books associated with distribution; and brokerage of equities, and derivatives for investment and hedging solutions.







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  Attributable profit of EUR 189 million in the third quarter (+4.9% quarter-on-quarter) and EUR 506 million in the first nine months (+4.5% year-on-year).


    Excluding the perimeter effect (sale of 50% of fund management entities in 2013) and the fx impact, profit in the first nine months was 18.3% higher.


  Total gross income (including that paid to the networks) accounted for 10% of the operating areas’ total (+3.5% year-on-year and at constant exchange rates and perimeter).


  Private Banking: more stable gross income and lower provisions increased profit by 7.8% year-on-year in constant euros.


  Asset Management: higher gross income on a like- for-like basis and constant exchange rates (+14.4%).


  Insurance: gross income spurred attributable profit (+21.9% year-on-year in constant euros).

Attributable profit for the whole division in the first nine months was EUR 506 million (9% of the Group operating areas’ total).


Private Banking continues to advance in installing a homogeneous model that provides integral solutions for the financial needs of the Group’s high-income clients, with specialised units by country. The model is based on three pillars:


  Segmentation, as a tool to define a tailored and efficient value offer that also tends to the needs of the next generations.


  Linkage and satisfaction of all customer needs.


  Commitment to multi-channel banking in an increasingly digitalized environment.


Asset Management, after the global alliance with Warburg Pincus and General Atlantic to foster business in funds, continued to strengthen its marketing model via:


  Reviewing and adjusting the offer, with a greater focus on clients and their investment saving needs.


  A model that covers clients’ savings needs for retirement, with a special focus in some markets.


  A segmented offer of investment products for clients in specific markets such as Portugal and Poland.

Insurance, backed by alliances in core European and Latin American countries with specialists, continued to develop a sustainable business model that ensures customer protection. There are two basic pillars:


  Amore complete open market insurance range, better segmented and multi-channel, with a particular focus on Select clients and on SMEs.


  The Programme for Excellence and Customer Satisfaction in Insurance (Progress) was put into effect to strengthen long-term relations with clients and make possible optimum management of portfolios.

The joint venture with CNP to distribute insurance products via some of Santander Consumer Finance units, and the agreement with Aegon to generate and distribute life-risk and non-life insurance in Portugal, both of them in the third quarter, are further steps in this strategy.

Results and activity

Attributable profit was 4.9% higher than in the second quarter. Higher gross income from insurance and private banking pushed profit to a two-year quarterly high.

Compared to the first nine months of 2013, gross income was 1.3% lower, absorbing the lower perimeter (sale of 50% of the fund management entities in the fourth quarter of 2013) and the







     3Q’14     o/ 2Q’14     9M’14     o/ 9M’13  
     %     % w/o FX       %     % w/o FX  



Net interest income

     119        9.1        7.9        346        (7.2     (4.5

Net fees

     154        4.5        3.0        441        8.3        11.9   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     6        (46.8     (48.5     26        (27.7     (25.0

Other operating income*

     99        3.8        2.9        279        (3.9     1.7   

Gross income

     378        4.1        2.8        1,092        (1.3     2.5   

Operating expenses

     (147     2.1        0.7        (432     0.6        3.3   

Net operating income

     232        5.3        4.2        660        (2.5     2.0   

Net loan-loss provisions

     18        52.9        52.9        4        —          —     

Other income

     (2     264.5        294.0        (6     (0.1     8.6   

Profit before taxes

     248        7.1        6.0        659        4.5        9.5   

Tax on profit

     (53     13.1        11.9        (139     7.1        10.0   

Profit from continuing operations

     194        5.5        4.4        520        3.8        9.4   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     194        5.5        4.4        520        3.8        9.4   

Minority interests

     5        34.5        34.5        15        (15.6     (6.3

Attributable profit to the Group

     189        4.9        3.8        506        4.5        9.9   


(*) Including dividends, income from the equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses



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depreciation of Latin American currencies. Growth in costs below inflation and lower provisions resulted in a 4.5% rise year-on-year in attributable profit. Isolating these effects, both items grew significantly (+6.1% and +18.3%, respectively).

The area’s total revenues including those recorded by the distribution networks amounted to EUR 3,320 million (-2.3% year-on-year; +3.5% on a like-for-like basis and constant exchange rates). These revenues accounted for 10% of the operating areas’ total.

Private Banking generated an attributable profit of EUR 234 million in the first nine months, 5.2% more than in the same period of 2013 (+7.8% in constant euros), due to the recovery in gross income and lower provisions. The efficiency ratio of 47%, with costs under control, is a benchmark for the sector.

A higher growth in gross income than in costs in the third quarter and the release of provisions put attributable profit at a two-year high after rises in Europe and Latin America.

Asset Management posted an attributable profit of EUR 79 million in the first nine months (-10.3% year-on-year), due to the reduced perimeter and exchange rates. On a like-for-like basis, attributable profit was 38.4% higher, due to the greater contribution of jointly shared fund management entities.

Including the fees recorded by the networks, total gross income for the Group was EUR 753 million in the first nine months, 4,2% higher than in the same period of 2013 (+13.6% higher on a like-for-like basis and constant exchange rates).

Business volumes were higher. Managed and marketed funds amounted to EUR 161,000 million, 15% more than at the end of

2013 at constant exchange rates. Of this, EUR 136,000 million were mutual and pension funds and the rest clients’ portfolios other than funds. Three countries concentrate over three-quarters of these funds:


  Spain, with more than EUR 58,000 million under management, increased 19%. Santander Asset Management, backed by mixed and profiled products (four funds in the year’s Top 10), consolidated its leadership with a market share gain of more than 100 b.p. in 12 months.


  In Latin America, Brazil increased its assets to EUR 51,000 million (+13% in local currency in the first nine months), spurred by the high income and corporate segments.


  Mexico increased its assets in pesos by 13% since the end of 2013 to more than EUR 12,000 million, thanks to the robust demand for Select and Elite profiled funds during the year.


  Of note in the rest of units was the high growth of volumes in local currency in Chile (+29%), Portugal (+15%) and the US (+16%) since the beginning of the year.

Insurance posted an attributable profit of EUR 193 million in the first nine months (+11.1% year-on-year), after a third quarter slightly better than the second (+1.3%). Excluding the exchange rate impact, profit was 21.9% higher because of 11.0% growth in revenues and basically flat costs.

Total gross income generated by this business including fee income recorded in the commercial networks was EUR 1,920 million, 1.4% higher at constant exchange rates (-4.1% in euros).

The total result for the Group (profit before taxes plus fee income paid to the networks) increased 1.3% at constant exchange rates. The performance excluding the exchange rate impact was as follows:


  Europe contributed less year-on-year (-3.3%). The better evolution of Santander Consumer Finance (+3.9%) and Poland (+43.8%) partly offset the falls in Spain, Portugal and the UK.


  Latin America’s profit was up 6.7%, with growth in all countries except for Chile which remained unchanged due to a restrictive regulatory environment. Of note was Mexico (+17.4%) in local currency.


  The US profit was 10.5% higher, backed by fee income from the distribution of Santander Bank’s third party insurance and the units in Puerto Rico.






     Net operating income     Attibutable profit to the Group  
   3Q’14      o/ 2Q’14     9M’14      o/ 9M’13     3Q’14      o/ 2Q’14     9M’14      o/ 9M’13  
      %     % w/o FX        %     % w/o FX        %     % w/o FX        %     % w/o FX  

Private Banking

     121         12.3        10.9        346         (5.7     (3.5     94         16.2        14.9        234         5.2        7.8   

Asset Management

     28         (12.7     (13.6     79         (9.2     (5.7     28         (15.9     (16.8     79         (10.3     (6.9


     82         3.2        2.3        235         5.5        14.7        67         1.3        0.3        193         11.1        21.9   






































     232         5.3        4.2        660         (2.5     2.0        189         4.9        3.8        506         4.5        9.9   







































Table of Contents


Corporate Governance



Ana Botín appointed the new executive chairman

The Bank’s board, following the death of Mr. Emilio Botín, the executive chairman, met on September 10, 2014, and unanimously agreed to appoint Ana Botín the new executive chairman.

The appointments and remuneration committee drew up the proposal for this appointment at its meeting on this same day, in accordance with article 24 of the board’s regulations. After analyzing the suitability of Mrs. Botín, the committee considered she was the best person for the job given her professional and personal qualities, her experience, years in the Group and unanimous international and national recognition.

The new chairman will head the executive committee, the international committee, and the technology, productivity and quality committee.

Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting

Banco Santander held an extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting on September 15, 2014, which approved the board’s proposal to increase the share capital for the acquisition of all Banco Santander Brasil shares not held by Grupo Santander (24.75% of its share capital). The operation, announced on April 29, will be paid for in Banco Santander shares, with those of Santander Brasil valued at the market price on the day prior to the announcement of the offer plus a premium of 20%.

A total of 262,139 shareholders, present or represented, attended the meeting, holding 6,255,472,979 shares (quorum of 52.18% of the Bank’s share capital). The agreements submitted to a vote were approved by an average of 98.74% of favourable votes.




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Significant events in the quarter and subsequent ones



Alliance to develop Santander Consumer Finance’s insurance business

Banco Santander and CNP announced on July 10 they had reached an agreement by which the French insurance company will acquire a 51% stake in the companies that service Santander Consumer Finance (SCF). The partnership will enable SCF to boost its future insurance business and will deliver better products and quality of service for customers, particularly in credit insurance and payment protection.

The agreement, subject to relevant regulatory authorisations, is expected to be completed by the end of the year and will generate a net capital gain for Grupo Santander of EUR 250 million.

Agreement with Banque PSA Finance

Grupo Santander, through its subsidiary Santander Consumer Finance, S.A., and Banque PSA Finance, the auto finance unit of Group PSA Peugeot Citroën, have reached agreement to provide auto finance in 11 European countries.

Under the terms of the agreement, the Group would provide funding, under certain conditions, for the business originated from the moment the transaction is closed, which is expected during 2015 or at the start of 2016. In some countries, Santander would buy part of the loan book owned by Banque PSA Finance. It also includes a co-operation agreement in business insurance in all these countries. The transaction is subject to the relevant regulatory and anti-trust authorisations.

Issue of additional Tier 1 capital instruments

In September, Banco Santander made the third issue of contingent perpetual preferred securities (PCCS) convertible into newly issued ordinary shares, eligible as additional Tier 1 capital (AT1) under the new European regulation on equity.

Targeted solely at qualified investors, the final amount of the issue was EUR 1,500 million. The PCCS were issued at par and the remuneration, whose payment is subject to certain conditions and to the discretion of the Bank, has been set at 6.25% on an annual basis for the first seven years. After that, it will be reviewed by applying a margin of 564 basis points on the five-year Mid-Swap Rate.

Offer to acquire the minority interests of Banco Santander Brazil

Banco Santander informed on October 31 of the termination of the acceptance period of the exchange offer made for the shares of Banco Santander Brasil that are not held by Grupo Santander, which was formally launched on September 18, 2014. Securities representing 13.65% of Santander Brasil’s share capital have been tendered in the Offer. Therefore, Grupo Santander’s shareholding in Santander Brasil will increase to 88.30% of its share capital.

To satisfy the exchange Banco Santander, pursuant to the resolution passed by the extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting held on September 15, 2014, will issue 370,937,066 shares, which represent about 3.09% of Banco Santander’s share capital as of this date.

The percentage of shares tendered is below the threshold provided in the documentation relating to the Offer published in Brazil and the United States for the holders of securities of Santander Brasil who have not tendered in the Offer to have the right to sell them to Banco Santander during a 3-month subsequent offering period at the same exchange ratio. Hence, such right shall not exist.

Agreement to acquire Canadian auto finance company

Banco Santander announced on September 16 that it had reached agreement to acquire the listed Canadian company Carfinco Financial Group Inc. (“Carfinco”) for CAD 298 million (approximately EUR 210 million). Santander will pay CAD 11.25 per share, which represents a premium of 32% on the share price during the last 90 trading sessions. The board of directors of Carfinco has approved the transaction and will recommend to its shareholders that they vote in favour of the same at the general meeting to be called for such purpose.

Carfinco is a company specializing in automobile financing. This transaction gives continuity to the growth strategy in the consumer finance business.

The impact of the transaction on the Group’s shareholders’ equity is not significant.

It is expected that the transaction, which is subject to regulatory authorization, will be concluded in the second half of 2014.




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Corporate Social Responsibility



Grupo Santander continued to develop new initiatives under its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility. The highlights of the third quarter were:

Presence in sustainability indexes

Banco Santander renewed its presence in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, one of the most prestigious socially responsible investment indices in the international sphere. Santander continues to be among the best assessed companies, with a total score of 86 points, two more than in 2013. Furthermore, it obtained excellent scores in the three areas of analysis: economic, environmental and social.

These results are an important recognition of Santander’s strategy in sustainability, which makes it one of the world’s 10 best banks in this sphere and the leader in Spain, according to the rating agency RobecoSAM.

Social investment


  Santander Universities

Banco Banco Santander supports higher education, research and entrepreneurship through more than 1,100 co-operation agreements with universities throughout the world, developing different scholarship and study aid programmes that foster the international travel of students and teachers.

The third international meeting of rectors of Universia in Río de Janeiro had as its leitmotif “The university of the 21st century: a reflection from Latin America” in which 1,103 rectors from 33 countries participated. The meeting’s main objectives centred on giving an impetus to and modernizing universities, fostering their internationalization and innovation, strengthening the social leadership of universities and maximizing their value as an instrument of economic and social development.

Banco Santander announced at the meeting that it will assign EUR 700 million over the next four years to university projects, 40% of which will go on scholarships and international and domestic travel of students and teachers, 30% on fostering research, innovation and entrepreneurship and 30% on supporting academic projects and initiatives to modernize and incorporate new technologies.

For the third year running, Grupo Santander City hosted various activities that the Madrid Complutense University organized as part of its 27th Summer Courses, whose main sponsor is Banco Santander. Particularly noteworthy were four courses on innovation at the service of customers, human rights in business activity, the financial education of citizens and managing the commitment of employees in companies.


  Investment in the community

Banco Santander runs many local programmes to support the communities in which it operates in order to contribute to their

economic and social development. Many of these programmes involve the Group’s employees.

As part of the financial education program developed in Santander in Chile, the Bank introduced Sanodelucas SMEs, a digital platform that includes financial information for entrepreneurs and small business people with the objective to homogenize the knowledge about the financial products. This platform includes contents that follow the guidelines of the OECD in the promotion of behaviors to improve the quality of life of people and contribute to the country’s sustainable development.

Banco Santander joined as a sponsor the third edition of the solidarity campaign SOMOS, an initiative of 33 Spanish NGOs, under the Spanish Association of Fundraising, to promote a culture of solidarity in Spain. On this occasion SOMOS fostered citizens participation through the sending of solidarity SMS as a first step in collaborating with the NGOs involved in the campaign, and whose activities focus on six main causes: hunger and poverty, children, education, emergencies, health and research, disability and social exclusion.

The environment and climate change

Banco Santander contributes to improving the environment through initiatives and strategic plans to cut energy consumption and emission of greenhouse gases in all its buildings and offices, as well as fostering the use of alternative energy.

Banco Santander signed a new financing line of EUR 114 million with the European Investment Bank, which will be used to fund projects by companies that impact on energy saving and efficiency. This pioneering initiative in Spain will be managed via European Commission structural funds.

Reflecting its commitment to the environment and to sustainable development Banco Santander was recognised for the third time as the “World’s Greenest Bank” in the ranking that Bloomberg Markets has been drawing up for the last four years.

Prizes and recognitions


Euromoney magazine named Banco Santander as the best bank in Western Europe. It called Santander “unique” for having a higher credit rating than the sovereign debt rating of its country of origin. The magazine also highlighted its geographic diversification based on a model of autonomous subsidiaries in capital, some of them listed outside of Spain, as well as retail and consumer banking units in Europe that generate a significant share of profits.    LOGO  

Santander was also awarded “2014 Best Bank” in five of its core markets: Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Argentina and Puerto Rico.




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Table of Contents



Key consolidated data


     9M ’14      9M ’13      Amount     %     2013  

Balance sheet (EUR million)


Total assets

     1,240,979         1,210,198         30,781        2.5        1,134,003   

Net customer loans

     721,988         702,828         19,161        2.7        684,690   

Customer deposits

     646,331         633,433         12,897        2.0        607,836   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     1,020,433         977,778         42,655        4.4        946,210   

Shareholders’ equity

     88,154         83,954         4,200        5.0        84,302   

Total managed and marketed funds

     1,402,153         1,346,697         55,455        4.1        1,269,917   

Income statement * (EUR million)


Net interest income

     21,834         21,489         345        1.6        28,419   

Gross income

     31,572         31,903         (330     (1.0     41,931   

Pre-provision profit (net operating income)

     16,750         16,804         (55     (0.3     21,773   

Profit before taxes

     7,140         5,808         1,331        22.9        7,637   

Attributable profit to the Group

     4,361         3,311         1,050        31.7        4,370   


(*).- Variations w/o exchange rate

Net interest income: +8.1%; Gross income: +4.9%; Pre-provision profit: +6.6%; Attributable profit: +44.7%


EPS, profitability and efficiency (%)


EPS (euro)

     0.367         0.309         0.058        18.6        0.403   


     6.94         5.48             5.42   


     10.10         7.98             7.87   


     0.59         0.45             0.45   



Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     46.95         47.33             48.07   

Solvency and NPL ratios (%)




NPL ratio

     5.28         5.40             5.61   

Coverage ratio

     67.5         67.1             64.9   

Market capitalisation and shares


Shares (millions at period-end)

     11,988         11,092         896        8.1        11,333   

Share price (euros)

     7.611         6.028         1.583        26.3        6.506   

Market capitalisation (EUR million)

     91,241         66,863         24,378        36.5        73,735   

Book value (euro)

     7.36         7.58             7.44   

Price / Book value (X)

     1.03         0.79             0.87   

P/E ratio (X)

     15.55         14.61             16.13   

Other data


Number of shareholders

     3,229,672         3,281,450         (51,778     (1.6     3,299,026   

Number of employees

     183,534         188,265         (4,731     (2.5     186,540   

Number of branches

     13,067         14,561         (1,494     (10.3     13,927   


(**).- Including impact from the Alternative Standard Approach (ASA) model of Brazil’s operational risk, approved by BACEN (0.29 p.p.) but pending authorization from the regulator on the consolidated Group.

Note: The financial information in this report has not been audited, but it was approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting on October, 23 2014, following a favourable report from the Audit Committee on October, 20 2014. The Audit Committee verified that the information for 2014 was based on the same principles and practices as those used to draw up the annual financial statements.

Table of Contents



Income statement

EUR million


     9M ’14     9M ’13     Amount     %  

Net interest income

     21,834        21,489        345        1.6   

Net fees

     7,172        7,277        (106     (1.5

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     2,229        2,842        (613     (21.6

Other operating income

     337        294        43        14.8   


     323        276        47        17.0   

Income from equity-accounted method

     180        204        (24     (11.9

Other operating income/expenses

     (166     (186     21        (11.1

Gross income

     31,572        31,903        (330     (1.0

Operating expenses

     (14,822     (15,098     276        (1.8

General administrative expenses

     (13,125     (13,363     237        (1.8


     (7,543     (7,716     174        (2.3

Other general administrative expenses

     (5,583     (5,646     64        (1.1

Depreciation and amortisation

     (1,697     (1,735     38        (2.2

Net operating income

     16,750        16,804        (55     (0.3

Net loan-loss provisions

     (8,110     (9,566     1,456        (15.2

Impairment losses on other assets

     (225     (378     153        (40.6

Other income

     (1,275     (1,052     (223     21.2   

Ordinary profit before taxes

     7,140        5,808        1,331        22.9   

Tax on profit

     (1,882     (1,548     (333     21.5   

Ordinary profit from continuing operations

     5,258        4,260        998        23.4   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     (7     (14     8        (52.8

Ordinary consolidated profit

     5,252        4,246        1,006        23.7   

Minority interests

     891        935        (45     (4.8

Ordinary attributable profit to the Group

     4,361        3,311        1,050        31.7   

Net capital gains and provisions

     —          —          —          —     

Attributable profit to the Group

     4,361        3,311        1,050        31.7   

EPS (euros)

     0.367        0.309        0.058        18.6   

Diluted EPS (euros)

     0.366        0.308        0.058        19.0   

Pro memoria:


Average total assets

     1,185,361        1,250,065        (64,704     (5.2

Average shareholders’ equity

     83,834        80,577        3,256        4.0   

Table of Contents



Quarterly income statement

EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Net interest income

     7,206        7,339        6,944        6,930        6,992        7,370        7,471   

Net fees

     2,484        2,494        2,300        2,345        2,331        2,403        2,439   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     967        880        995        653        767        511        952   

Other operating income

     66        134        94        100        34        204        99   


     59        145        72        102        31        220        72   

Income from equity-accounted method

     66        58        80        79        65        42        72   

Other operating income/expenses

     (59     (69     (58     (81     (63     (58     (45

Gross income

     10,722        10,847        10,333        10,029        10,124        10,488        10,961   

Operating expenses

     (5,068     (5,088     (4,943     (5,060     (4,847     (4,906     (5,070

General administrative expenses

     (4,497     (4,485     (4,381     (4,395     (4,256     (4,360     (4,509


     (2,631     (2,606     (2,478     (2,559     (2,455     (2,515     (2,572

Other general administrative expenses

     (1,865     (1,879     (1,902     (1,836     (1,801     (1,844     (1,937

Depreciation and amortisation

     (571     (602     (562     (665     (590     (546     (560

Net operating income

     5,655        5,760        5,390        4,968        5,277        5,582        5,891   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (3,142     (3,399     (3,025     (2,774     (2,695     (2,638     (2,777

Impairment losses on other assets

     (110     (126     (141     (146     (87     (71     (67

Other income

     (262     (422     (368     (220     (347     (438     (491

Ordinary profit before taxes

     2,141        1,812        1,856        1,828        2,149        2,435        2,556   

Tax on profit

     (577     (453     (518     (526     (569     (664     (649

Ordinary profit from continuing operations

     1,564        1,359        1,338        1,302        1,579        1,771        1,908   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (14     (0     (1     (0     (0     (7

Ordinary consolidated profit

     1,564        1,345        1,337        1,301        1,579        1,771        1,901   

Minority interests

     359        294        282        242        277        318        296   

Ordinary attributable profit to the Group

     1,205        1,050        1,055        1,060        1,303        1,453        1,605   

Net capital gains and provisions

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,205        1,050        1,055        1,060        1,303        1,453        1,605   

EPS (euros)

     0.116        0.098        0.096        0.094        0.113        0.122        0.131   

Diluted EPS (euros)

     0.115        0.098        0.095        0.094        0.113        0.122        0.131   

Table of Contents



Income statement

Constant EUR million


     9M ’14     9M ’13     Amount     %  

Net interest income

     21,834        20,199        1,634        8.1   

Net fees

     7,172        6,869        303        4.4   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     2,229        2,745        (515     (18.8

Other operating income

     337        289        48        16.7   


     323        271        53        19.4   

Income from equity-accounted method

     180        182        (3     (1.4

Other operating income/expenses

     (166     (164     (2     1.0   

Gross income

     31,572        30,102        1,470        4.9   

Operating expenses

     (14,822     (14,392     (431     3.0   

General administrative expenses

     (13,125     (12,726     (399     3.1   


     (7,543     (7,365     (178     2.4   

Other general administrative expenses

     (5,583     (5,361     (221     4.1   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (1,697     (1,666     (31     1.9   

Net operating income

     16,750        15,710        1,040        6.6   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (8,110     (9,011     901        (10.0

Impairment losses on other assets

     (225     (376     151        (40.3

Other income

     (1,275     (1,015     (260     25.7   

Ordinary profit before taxes

     7,140        5,308        1,832        34.5   

Tax on profit

     (1,882     (1,419     (462     32.6   

Ordinary profit from continuing operations

     5,258        3,889        1,370        35.2   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     (7     (15     8        (55.0

Ordinary consolidated profit

     5,252        3,874        1,378        35.6   

Minority interests

     891        861        30        3.5   

Ordinary attributable profit to the Group

     4,361        3,013        1,348        44.7   

Net capital gains and provisions

     —          —          —          —     

Attributable profit to the Group

     4,361        3,013        1,348        44.7   

Table of Contents



Quarterly income statement

Constant EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Net interest income

     6,608        6,789        6,803        6,888        7,126        7,362        7,346   

Net fees

     2,300        2,320        2,249        2,316        2,366        2,400        2,406   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     919        857        968        649        768        511        949   

Other operating income

     64        133        92        101        35        205        98   


     58        142        71        102        32        220        71   

Income from equity-accounted method

     57        49        76        76        67        42        70   

Other operating income/expenses

     (51     (58     (55     (76     (64     (57     (44

Gross income

     9,891        10,098        10,112        9,954        10,295        10,478        10,798   

Operating expenses

     (4,754     (4,790     (4,848     (5,013     (4,917     (4,903     (5,002

General administrative expenses

     (4,216     (4,217     (4,293     (4,351     (4,318     (4,358     (4,450


     (2,475     (2,458     (2,432     (2,540     (2,490     (2,515     (2,538

Other general administrative expenses

     (1,741     (1,760     (1,861     (1,811     (1,828     (1,843     (1,912

Depreciation and amortisation

     (539     (572     (555     (663     (599     (546     (552

Net operating income

     5,137        5,309        5,264        4,940        5,378        5,575        5,797   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (2,875     (3,160     (2,977     (2,771     (2,746     (2,633     (2,731

Impairment losses on other assets

     (109     (125     (142     (142     (87     (70     (67

Other income

     (251     (406     (357     (216     (353     (437     (485

Ordinary profit before taxes

     1,902        1,618        1,788        1,812        2,192        2,435        2,513   

Tax on profit

     (519     (405     (496     (519     (581     (663     (637

Ordinary profit from continuing operations

     1,384        1,213        1,292        1,293        1,611        1,772        1,876   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (15     (0     (0     (0     (0     (7

Ordinary consolidated profit

     1,384        1,198        1,292        1,293        1,611        1,771        1,869   

Minority interests

     322        266        273        240        282        317        291   

Ordinary attributable profit to the Group

     1,062        932        1,019        1,053        1,329        1,454        1,578   

Net capital gains and provisions

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,062        932        1,019        1,053        1,329        1,454        1,578   

Table of Contents



Exchange rates: 1 euro / currency parity


     Average (income statement)      Period-end (balance sheet)  
     9M ’14      9M ’13      30.09.14      31.12.13      30.09.13  


     1.354         1.317         1.258         1.379         1.351   

Pound sterling

     0.812         0.852         0.777         0.834         0.836   

Brazilian real

     3.099         2.779         3.082         3.258         3.041   

Mexican peso

     17.766         16.678         16.998         18.073         17.846   

Chilean peso

     759.987         642.322         755.823         724.579         682.880   

Argentine peso

     10.787         6.934         10.672         8.990         7.823   

Polish zloty

     4.175         4.200         4.178         4.154         4.229   

Table of Contents



Net fees

EUR million


     9M ’14      9M ’13      Amount     %  

Fees from services

     4,303         4,409         (107     (2.4

Mutual & pension funds

     667         638         29        4.6   

Securities and custody

     577         496         81        16.4   


     1,625         1,734         (109     (6.3

Net fee income

     7,172         7,277         (106     (1.5

Table of Contents



Operating expenses

EUR million


     9M ’14      9M ’13      Amount     %  

Personnel expenses

     7,543         7,716         (174     (2.3

General expenses

     5,583         5,646         (64     (1.1

Information technology

     680         742         (62     (8.3


     381         476         (96     (20.0


     454         440         14        3.2   

Buildings and premises

     1,341         1,375         (34     (2.4

Printed and office material

     113         124         (11     (9.1

Taxes (other than profit tax)

     341         336         5        1.4   

Other expenses

     2,272         2,153         120        5.6   

Personnel and general expenses

     13,125         13,363         (237     (1.8

Depreciation and amortisation

     1,697         1,735         (38     (2.2

Total operating expenses

     14,822         15,098         (276     (1.8

Table of Contents



Net loan-loss provisions

EUR million


     9M ’14     9M ’13     Amount     %  

Non performing loans

     9,069        11,070        (2,001     (18.1


     (4     2        (5     —     

Recovery of written-off assets

     (956     (1,506     550        (36.5


     8,110        9,566        (1,456     (15.2

Table of Contents



Balance sheet

EUR million


     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %     31.12.13  



Cash on hand and deposits at central banks

     76,478        88,099        (11,621     (13.2     77,103   

Trading portfolio

     142,840        153,312        (10,472     (6.8     115,309   

Debt securities

     58,325        43,179        15,147        35.1        40,841   

Customer loans

     524        9,998        (9,474     (94.8     5,079   


     9,770        6,080        3,690        60.7        4,967   

Trading derivatives

     71,533        79,689        (8,156     (10.2     58,920   

Deposits from credit institutions

     2,688        14,367        (11,680     (81.3     5,503   

Other financial assets at fair value

     35,925        38,660        (2,735     (7.1     31,441   

Customer loans

     10,266        11,878        (1,612     (13.6     13,255   

Other (deposits at credit institutions, debt securities and

     25,659        26,782        (1,123     (4.2     18,185   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     99,226        93,346        5,880        6.3        83,799   

Debt securities

     94,333        88,929        5,404        6.1        79,844   


     4,893        4,417        476        10.8        3,955   


     784,406        743,030        41,376        5.6        731,420   

Deposits at credit institutions

     65,372        54,167        11,205        20.7        57,178   

Customer loans

     711,198        680,952        30,246        4.4        666,356   

Debt securities

     7,836        7,911        (75     (0.9     7,886   


     3,619        2,879        740        25.7        3,377   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     21,431        17,784        3,647        20.5        18,137   


     27,364        24,732        2,633        10.6        24,263   


     49,689        48,356        1,333        2.8        49,154   

Total assets

     1,240,979        1,210,198        30,781        2.5        1,134,003   

Liabilities and shareholders’ equity


Trading portfolio

     107,225        128,994        (21,769     (16.9     94,695   

Customer deposits

     9,101        15,085        (5,984     (39.7     8,500   

Marketable debt securities

     197        1        197        —          1   

Trading derivatives

     71,858        79,827        (7,969     (10.0     58,910   


     26,068        34,081        (8,013     (23.5     27,285   

Other financial liabilities at fair value

     62,969        48,996        13,973        28.5        42,311   

Customer deposits

     35,247        28,633        6,614        23.1        26,484   

Marketable debt securities

     4,048        6,475        (2,426     (37.5     4,086   

Due to central banks and credit institutions

     23,674        13,889        9,785        70.5        11,741   

Financial liabilities at amortized cost

     939,586        913,433        26,154        2.9        880,115   

Due to central banks and credit institutions

     106,229        104,755        1,474        1.4        92,390   

Customer deposits

     601,983        589,716        12,267        2.1        572,853   

Marketable debt securities

     191,349        186,070        5,279        2.8        182,234   

Subordinated debt

     17,334        15,300        2,034        13.3        16,139   

Other financial liabilities

     22,692        17,592        5,100        29.0        16,499   

Insurance liabilities

     1,671        1,324        348        26.3        1,430   


     14,475        14,671        (196     (1.3     14,485   

Other liability accounts

     26,769        20,496        6,273        30.6        20,409   

Total liabilities

     1,152,695        1,127,914        24,781        2.2        1,053,444   

Shareholders’ equity

     88,154        83,954        4,200        5.0        84,740   

Capital stock

     5,994        5,546        448        8.1        5,667   


     78,025        75,320        2,705        3.6        75,109   

Attributable profit to the Group

     4,361        3,311        1,050        31.7        4,370   

Less: dividends

     (226     (223     (3     1.4        (406

Equity adjustments by valuation

     (10,567     (12,133     1,565        (12.9     (14,152

Minority interests

     10,697        10,463        234        2.2        9,972   

Total equity

     88,284        82,284        6,000        7.3        80,559   
















Total liabilities and equity

     1,240,979        1,210,198        30,781        2.5        1,134,003   

Table of Contents



Balance sheet

EUR million


     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  



Cash on hand and deposits at central banks

     79,202        81,673        88,099        77,103        82,402        83,877        76,478   

Trading portfolio

     184,803        169,729        153,312        115,309        128,631        130,773        142,840   

Debt securities

     49,703        51,275        43,179        40,841        48,765        54,115        58,325   

Customer loans

     13,089        13,776        9,998        5,079        5,902        1,637        524   


     5,294        5,090        6,080        4,967        8,200        9,399        9,770   

Trading derivatives

     105,391        91,437        79,689        58,920        60,252        64,335        71,533   

Deposits from credit institutions

     11,326        8,151        14,367        5,503        5,511        1,287        2,688   

Other financial assets at fair value

     44,972        40,118        38,660        31,441        38,992        30,421        35,925   

Customer loans

     13,821        14,389        11,878        13,255        11,054        11,031        10,266   

Other (deposits at credit institutions, debt securities and

     31,151        25,728        26,782        18,185        27,939        19,390        25,659   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     107,184        105,661        93,346        83,799        90,889        90,637        99,226   

Debt securities

     102,570        100,855        88,929        79,844        86,849        85,773        94,333   


     4,614        4,805        4,417        3,955        4,039        4,864        4,893   


     780,819        746,773        743,030        731,420        731,597        755,264        784,406   

Deposits at credit institutions

     63,258        52,132        54,167        57,178        46,357        53,232        65,372   

Customer loans

     710,044        686,858        680,952        666,356        677,639        694,231        711,198   

Debt securities

     7,517        7,784        7,911        7,886        7,600        7,801        7,836   


     2,524        2,917        2,879        3,377        3,502        3,603        3,619   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     17,280        17,445        17,784        18,137        19,035        19,739        21,431   


     26,127        24,913        24,732        24,263        26,056        26,663        27,364   


     52,883        50,186        48,356        49,154        47,613        47,066        49,689   

Total assets

     1,295,794        1,239,415        1,210,198        1,134,003        1,168,718        1,188,043        1,240,979   

Liabilities and shareholders’ equity


Trading portfolio

     154,092        139,906        128,994        94,695        105,947        96,621        107,225   

Customer deposits

     13,200        17,569        15,085        8,500        13,197        5,250        9,101   

Marketable debt securities

     1        1        1        1        1        —          197   

Trading derivatives

     105,627        89,937        79,827        58,910        59,664        64,255        71,858   


     35,264        32,399        34,081        27,285        33,084        27,116        26,068   

Other financial liabilities at fair value

     59,422        54,779        48,996        42,311        51,500        50,446        62,969   

Customer deposits

     31,473        32,427        28,633        26,484        33,683        32,103        35,247   

Marketable debt securities

     5,650        6,154        6,475        4,086        5,088        3,864        4,048   

Deposits at credit institutions

     22,298        16,198        13,889        11,741        12,730        14,479        23,674   

Financial liabilities at amortized cost

     956,059        925,497        913,433        880,115        889,288        914,107        939,586   

Due to central banks and credit institutions

     106,002        103,360        104,755        92,390        98,113        104,111        106,229   

Customer deposits

     608,555        594,938        589,716        572,853        573,255        580,408        601,983   

Marketable debt securities

     205,384        192,441        186,070        182,234        179,446        187,631        191,349   

Subordinated debt

     17,828        16,118        15,300        16,139        17,738        19,043        17,334   

Other financial liabilities

     18,290        18,640        17,592        16,499        20,735        22,914        22,692   

Insurance liabilities

     1,263        1,091        1,324        1,430        1,548        1,602        1,671   


     16,039        15,148        14,671        14,485        14,900        15,205        14,475   

Other liability accounts

     23,727        21,005        20,496        20,409        23,014        24,346        26,769   

Total liabilities

     1,210,601        1,157,425        1,127,914        1,053,444        1,086,197        1,102,327        1,152,695   

Shareholders’ equity

     82,158        83,202        83,954        84,740        85,631        87,035        88,154   

Capital stock

     5,269        5,405        5,546        5,667        5,781        5,889        5,994   


     75,683        75,542        75,320        75,109        78,548        78,390        78,025   

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,205        2,255        3,311        4,370        1,303        2,756        4,361   

Less: dividends

     —          —          (223     (406     —          —          (226

Equity adjustments by valuation

     (9,013     (11,903     (12,133     (14,152     (13,253     (11,857     (10,567

Minority interests

     12,048        10,691        10,463        9,972        10,142        10,538        10,697   

Total equity

     85,193        81,990        82,284        80,559        82,520        85,716        88,284   






















Total liabilities and equity

     1,295,794        1,239,415        1,210,198        1,134,003        1,168,718        1,188,043        1,240,979   

Table of Contents



Customer loans

EUR million

     30.09.14      30.09.13      Amount     %     31.12.13  

Spanish Public sector

     16,204         17,331         (1,127     (6.5     13,374   

Other residents

     158,190         165,571         (7,381     (4.5     160,478   

Commercial bills

     6,459         6,612         (153     (2.3     7,301   

Secured loans

     97,753         97,619         134        0.1        96,420   

Other loans

     53,978         61,340         (7,362     (12.0     56,757   

Non-resident sector

     575,032         547,267         27,765        5.1        537,587   

Secured loans

     351,910         324,631         27,279        8.4        320,629   

Other loans

     223,122         222,636         486        0.2        216,958   

Gross customer loans

     749,426         730,169         19,257        2.6        711,439   

Loan-loss allowances

     27,438         27,341         97        0.4        26,749   

Net customer loans

     721,988         702,828         19,161        2.7        684,690   

Pro memoria: Doubtful loans

     40,440         40,876         (436     (1.1     41,088   

Public sector

     167         172         (6     (3.2     99   

Other residents

     20,360         20,566         (207     (1.0     21,763   

Non-resident sector

     19,914         20,137         (224     (1.1     19,226   

Table of Contents



Customer loans

EUR million


     31.03.13      30.06.13      30.09.13      31.12.13      31.03.14      30.06.14      30.09.14  

Spanish Public sector

     17,561         17,634         17,331         13,374         15,409         16,227         16,204   

Other residents

     178,460         171,494         165,571         160,478         162,693         162,352         158,190   

Commercial bills

     8,007         7,654         6,612         7,301         6,797         6,689         6,459   

Secured loans

     101,863         97,997         97,619         96,420         97,648         98,962         97,753   

Other loans

     68,590         65,843         61,340         56,757         58,248         56,701         53,978   

Non-resident sector

     568,772         553,546         547,267         537,587         543,753         555,784         575,032   

Secured loans

     340,486         329,471         324,631         320,629         323,789         339,213         351,910   

Other loans

     228,287         224,075         222,636         216,958         219,964         216,571         223,122   

Gross customer loans

     764,793         742,675         730,169         711,439         721,856         734,363         749,426   

Loan-loss allowances

     27,839         27,652         27,341         26,749         27,261         27,464         27,438   

Net customer loans

     736,954         715,023         702,828         684,690         694,595         706,899         721,988   

Pro memoria: Doubtful loans

     37,780         39,681         40,876         41,088         41,101         40,948         40,440   

Public sector

     103         117         172         99         88         126         167   

Other residents

     16,613         19,201         20,566         21,763         21,741         21,003         20,360   

Non-resident sector

     21,064         20,363         20,137         19,226         19,272         19,819         19,914   

Table of Contents



Credit risk management *

EUR million


     30.09.14      30.09.13      Amount     %     31.12.13  

Non-performing loans

     41,727         41,899         (172     (0.4     42,420   

NPL ratio (%)

     5.28         5.40         (0.12 p.       5.61   

Loan-loss allowances

     28,174         28,096         79        0.3        27,526   


     22,156         22,809         (653     (2.9     22,433   


     6,018         5,287         732        13.8        5,093   

Coverage ratio (%)

     67.5         67.1         0.5 p.          64.9   

Cost of credit (%) **

     1.52         1.89         (0.37 p.       1.69   

(*).- Excluding country-risk

(**).- 12 months net loan-loss provisions / average lending?

Note: NPL ratio: Non-performing loans / computable assets

Table of Contents



Credit risk management *

EUR million


     31.03.13      30.06.13      30.09.13      31.12.13      31.03.14      30.06.14      30.09.14  

Non-performing loans

     38,693         40,712         41,899         42,420         42,300         42,334         41,727   

NPL ratio (%)

     4.75         5.15         5.40         5.61         5.52         5.45         5.28   

Loan-loss allowances

     28,652         28,373         28,096         27,526         28,037         28,256         28,174   


     22,950         22,988         22,809         22,433         22,562         22,660         22,156   


     5,702         5,385         5,287         5,093         5,475         5,596         6,018   

Coverage ratio (%)

     74.1         69.7         67.1         64.9         66.3         66.7         67.5   

Cost of credit (%) **

     2.45         2.14         1.89         1.69         1.65         1.56         1.52   

(*).- Excluding country-risk

(**).- 12 months net loan-loss provisions / average lending?

Note: NPL ratio: Non-performing loans / computable assets

Table of Contents



Non-performing loans by quarter

EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Balance at beginning of period

     36,761        38,693        40,712        41,899        42,420        42,300        42,334   

Net additions

     4,167        6,294        4,722        4,517        2,536        2,535        1,959   

Increase in scope of consolidation

     743        —          —          —          148        —          —     

Exchange differences

     300        (1,283     (447     (781     96        293        463   


     (3,278     (2,991     (3,088     (3,215     (2,900     (2,793     (3,029

Balance at period-end

     38,693        40,712        41,899        42,420        42,300        42,334        41,727   

Table of Contents



Managed and marketed customer funds

EUR million


     30.09.14      30.09.13      Amount     %     31.12.13  

Resident public sector

     9,689         12,893         (3,204     (24.8     7,745   

Other residents

     162,313         164,101         (1,788     (1.1     161,649   

Demand deposits

     82,530         74,878         7,653        10.2        74,969   

Time deposits

     75,837         83,798         (7,962     (9.5     80,146   


     3,945         5,425         (1,479     (27.3     6,535   

Non-resident sector

     474,329         456,440         17,889        3.9        438,442   

Demand deposits

     259,141         232,721         26,421        11.4        230,715   

Time deposits

     156,448         165,506         (9,059     (5.5     161,300   


     58,739         58,213         527        0.9        46,427   

Customer deposits

     646,331         633,433         12,897        2.0        607,836   

Debt securities*

     195,595         192,545         3,049        1.6        186,321   

Subordinated debt

     17,334         15,300         2,034        13.3        16,139   

On-balance-sheet customer funds

     859,259         841,278         17,980        2.1        810,296   

Mutual funds

     124,911         105,148         19,763        18.8        103,967   

Pension funds

     11,341         10,427         914        8.8        10,879   

Managed portfolios

     24,923         20,925         3,998        19.1        21,068   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     161,174         136,500         24,674        18.1        135,914   
















Managed and marketed customer funds

     1,020,433         977,778         42,655        4.4        946,210   


(*).- Including retail commercial paper (EUR million): 663 in September 2014, 4,820 in September 2013 and 3,553 in December 2013

Table of Contents



Managed and marketed mutual funds

EUR million


     30.09.14      30.09.13      Amount      %      31.12.13  


     40,712         30,989         9,723         31.4         33,104   


     1,246         1,141         105         9.2         1,050   


     3,692         3,431         261         7.6         3,525   

United Kingdom

     9,849         9,572         277         2.9         9,645   

Latin America

     67,981         59,129         8,852         15.0         55,835   


     1,431         886         545         61.5         807   


     124,911         105,148         19,763         18.8         103,967   

Table of Contents



Managed and marketed pension funds

EUR million


     30.09.14      30.09.13      Amount      %      31.12.13  


     10,491         9,650         841         8.7         10,030   


     849         776         73         9.4         848   


     11,341         10,427         914         8.8         10,879   

Table of Contents



Managed and marketed customer funds

EUR million


     31.03.13      30.06.13      30.09.13      31.12.13      31.03.14      30.06.14      30.09.14  

Resident public sector

     13,198         10,734         12,893         7,745         7,856         7,357         9,689   

Other residents

     164,090         167,266         164,101         161,649         158,292         163,548         162,313   

Demand deposits

     73,015         76,274         74,878         74,969         76,468         79,661         82,530   

Time deposits

     82,772         83,227         83,798         80,146         76,823         77,913         75,837   


     8,302         7,764         5,425         6,535         5,000         5,974         3,945   

Non-resident sector

     475,940         466,934         456,440         438,442         453,988         446,855         474,329   

Demand deposits

     235,522         232,969         232,721         230,715         232,123         244,068         259,141   

Time deposits

     179,587         168,611         165,506         161,300         163,845         155,736         156,448   


     60,831         65,354         58,213         46,427         58,020         47,052         58,739   

Customer deposits

     653,228         644,934         633,433         607,836         620,135         617,761         646,331   

Debt securities*

     211,035         198,595         192,545         186,321         184,534         191,495         195,595   

Subordinated debt

     17,828         16,118         15,300         16,139         17,738         19,043         17,334   

On-balance-sheet customer funds

     882,091         859,647         841,278         810,296         822,408         828,299         859,259   

Mutual funds

     107,393         101,598         105,148         103,967         111,392         119,739         124,911   

Pension funds

     10,181         10,135         10,427         10,879         11,064         11,258         11,341   

Managed portfolios

     20,988         20,393         20,925         21,068         21,839         23,198         24,923   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     138,562         132,127         136,500         135,914         144,296         154,195         161,174   






















Managed and marketed customer funds

     1,020,653         991,774         977,778         946,210         966,704         982,494         1,020,433   


(*).- Including retail commercial paper (in EUR million): 10,153 in March 2013, 7,471 in June 2013, 4.820 in September 2013, 3,553 in December 2013, 2,015 in March 2014, 1.318 in June 2014 and 663 in September 2014

Table of Contents



Managed and marketed mutual funds

EUR million


     31.03.13      30.06.13      30.09.13      31.12.13      31.03.14      30.06.14      30.09.14  


     27,361         28,497         30,989         33,104         36,164         38,973         40,712   


     1,437         1,281         1,141         1,050         1,185         1,311         1,246   


     3,342         3,294         3,431         3,525         3,455         3,556         3,692   

United Kingdom

     12,638         10,687         9,572         9,645         9,490         9,740         9,849   

Latin America

     61,256         56,411         59,129         55,835         60,256         65,315         67,981   


     1,360         1,429         886         807         843         844         1,431   


     107,393         101,598         105,148         103,967         111,392         119,739         124,911   

Table of Contents



Managed and marketed pension funds

EUR million


     31.03.13      30.06.13      30.09.13      31.12.13      31.03.14      30.06.14      30.09.14  


     9,401         9,366         9,650         10,030         10,202         10,394         10,491   


     780         768         776         848         862         864         849   


     10,181         10,135         10,427         10,879         11,064         11,258         11,341   

Table of Contents



Total equity and capital with the nature of financial liabilities

EUR million


     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %     31.12.13  

Capital stock

     5,994        5,546        448        8.1        5,667   

Additional paid-in surplus

     36,411        36,949        (538     (1.5     36,804   


     41,672        38,476        3,196        8.3        38,314   

Treasury stock

     (58     (105     47        (44.7     (9

Shareholders’ equity (before profit and dividends)

     84,019        80,866        3,153        3.9        80,776   

Attributable profit

     4,361        3,311        1,050        31.7        4,370   

Interim dividend distributed

     (226     (223     (3     1.4        (406

Interim dividend not distributed

     —          —          —          —          (438

Shareholders’ equity (after retained profit)

     88,154        83,954        4,200        5.0        84,302   

Valuation adjustments

     (10,567     (12,133     1,565        (12.9     (14,152

Minority interests

     10,697        10,463        234        2.2        9,972   

Total equity (after retained profit)

     88,284        82,284        6,000        7.3        80,122   

Preferred shares and securities in subordinated debt

     6,827        4,247        2,580        60.7        4,053   

Total equity and capital with the nature of financial liabilities

     95,111        86,531        8,580        9.9        84,175   

Table of Contents



Computable capital

EUR million





Basic capital


Computable capital


Risk-weighted assets


CET1 capital ratio (1)


T1 capital ratio


BIS ratio


Shareholders’ equity surplus



(1).- Including impact from the Alternative Standard Approach (ASA) model of Brazil’s operational risk, approved by BACEN (0.29 p.p.) but pending authorization from the regulator on the consolidated Group

Table of Contents



Key data by principal segments


     Net operating income     Attributable profit to the Group     Efficiency ratio (%)      ROE (%)  
     9M ’14     9M ’13     Var (%)     9M ’14     9M ’13     Var (%)     9M ’14      9M ’13      9M ’14      9M ’13  

Income statement (EUR million)


Continental Europe

     4,844        4,608        5.1        1,434        833        72.1        49.5         51.4         7.57         4.29   

o/w: Spain

     2,685        2,488        7.9        822        368        123.6        49.4         53.2         9.97         4.18   


     330        324        2.0        116        77        50.0        52.5         53.3         5.92         4.06   


     585        560        4.4        264        261        1.1        42.8         43.6         17.75         18.39   

Santander Consumer Finance

     1,371        1,315        4.3        626        585        7.0        44.0         44.1         10.72         10.15   

United Kingdom

     1,977        1,618        22.1        1,186        793        49.6        51.8         54.7         11.24         8.09   































Latin America

     8,304        9,524        (12.8     2,298        2,525        (9.0     41.6         40.0         14.54         14.48   

o/w: Brazil

     5,410        6,470        (16.4     1,167        1,277        (8.6     40.1         38.1         13.21         12.55   


     1,341        1,406        (4.6     474        564        (15.9     41.2         39.3         17.04         18.88   


     961        975        (1.4     347        316        9.8        39.5         42.1         20.40         17.39   


     2,658        2,206        20.5        552        651        (15.3     35.5         38.6         8.11         10.69   































Operating areas

     17,783        17,956        (1.0     5,469        4,802        13.9        44.5         44.8         7.57         4.29   

Corporate Activities

     (1,033     (1,152     (10.3     (1,108     (1,492     (25.7           

Total Group

     16,750        16,804        (0.3     4,361        3,310        31.7        46.9         47.3         6.94         5.48   


     Net customer loans     Customer deposits     NPL ratio (%)      NPL coverage (%)  
     30.09.14      30.09.13      Var (%)     30.09.14      30.09.13      Var (%)     30.09.14      30.09.13      30.09.14      30.09.13  

Activity (EUR million)


Continental Europe

     264,280         271,834         (2.8     259,166         262,970         (1.4     8.96         8.48         58.1         61.1   

o/w: Spain

     156,390         164,775         (5.1     182,273         188,824         (3.5     7.57         6.40         45.5         45.0   


     23,333         24,712         (5.6     24,131         24,185         (0.2     8.49         7.86         53.9         51.9   


     17,217         16,298         5.6        20,224         17,404         16.2        7.43         7.75         65.8         64.1   

Santander Consumer Finance

     58,596         55,898         4.8        30,571         30,726         (0.5     3.97         3.96         106.4         109.2   

United Kingdom

     248,940         237,138         5.0        203,721         197,252         3.3        1.80         1.98         43.4         41.6   































Latin America

     140,656         131,809         6.7        137,480         128,319         7.1        4.98         5.29         83.5         83.6   































o/w: Brazil

     72,918         69,395         5.1        70,892         65,801         7.7        5.64         6.12         91.4         92.0   


     26,162         21,007         24.5        28,691         25,783         11.3        3.74         3.58         90.1         99.0   


     29,057         29,697         (2.2     21,294         22,076         (3.5     5.98         6.00         52.3         49.7   


     63,729         58,214         9.5        44,298         39,977         10.8        2.68         3.04         184.1         148.9   































Operating areas

     717,605         698,995         2.7        644,666         628,518         2.6        5.29         5.39         67.0         67.2   































Total Group

     721,988         702,828         2.7        646,331         633,433         2.0        5.28         5.40         67.5         67.1   


     Employees      Branches  
     30.09.14      30.09.13      30.09.14      30.09.13  

Operating means


Continental Europe

     55,781         59,317         5,616         6,701   

o/w: Spain

     25,136         28,138         3,611         4,573   


     5,515         5,600         620         647   


     11,894         12,499         803         836   

Santander Consumer Finance

     12,254         11,869         572         635   

United Kingdom

     25,305         25,419         950         1,191   













Latin America

     84,050         85,968         5,689         5,848   

o/w: Brazil

     46,621         50,322         3,427         3,661   


     15,889         14,441         1,299         1,229   


     12,093         12,211         476         488   


     15,795         15,048         812         821   













Operating areas

     180,931         185,752         13,067         14,561   

Corporate Activities

     2,603         2,513         

Total Group

     183,534         188,265         13,067         14,561   

Table of Contents



Operating areas

EUR million


     9M ’14     9M ’13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     23,318        23,095        223        1.0   

Net fees

     7,191        7,326        (135     (1.8

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     1,223        1,921        (698     (36.3

Other operating income *

     292        183        109        59.3   

Gross income

     32,023        32,525        (503     (1.5

Operating expenses

     (14,240     (14,569     329        (2.3

General administrative expenses

     (12,642     (12,921     279        (2.2


     (7,375     (7,548     173        (2.3

Other general administrative expenses

     (5,267     (5,373     106        (2.0

Depreciation and amortisation

     (1,598     (1,649     50        (3.1

Net operating income

     17,783        17,956        (173     (1.0

Net loan-loss provisions

     (8,110     (9,362     1,252        (13.4

Other income

     (1,271     (1,151     (120     10.4   

Profit before taxes

     8,402        7,442        960        12.9   

Tax on profit

     (2,030     (1,687     (343     20.4   

Profit from continuing operations

     6,372        5,755        616        10.7   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     (7     (14     8        (52.8

Consolidated profit

     6,365        5,741        624        10.9   

Minority interests

     896        939        (43     (4.6

Attributable profit to the Group

     5,469        4,802        667        13.9   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14      30.09.13      Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     717,605         698,995         18,610        2.7   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     136,469         124,380         12,089        9.7   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     92,851         74,690         18,161        24.3   

Due from credit institutions **

     110,627         106,193         4,434        4.2   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     18,304         13,954         4,350        31.2   

Other assets

     114,760         128,235         (13,475     (10.5

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     1,190,617         1,146,448         44,169        3.9   

Customer deposits **

     644,666         628,518         16,148        2.6   

Marketable debt securities **

     139,056         123,397         15,659        12.7   

Subordinated debt **

     13,853         10,707         3,146        29.4   

Insurance liabilities

     1,671         1,324         348        26.3   

Due to credit institutions **

     144,173         139,458         4,716        3.4   

Other liabilities

     176,041         175,118         922        0.5   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     71,157         67,927         3,230        4.8   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     161,174         136,500         24,674        18.1   

Mutual funds

     124,911         105,148         19,763        18.8   

Pension funds

     11,341         10,427         914        8.8   

Managed portfolios

     24,923         20,925         3,998        19.1   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     958,748         899,121         59,627        6.6   


(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***).- Not including profit of the year


Ratios (%) and other data



     7.57         4.29         3.29 p.     

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     44.5         44.8         (0.3 p.  

NPL ratio

     5.29         5.39         (0.10 p.  

NPL coverage

     67.0         67.2         (0.2 p.  

Number of employees

     180,931         185,752         (4,821     (2.6

Number of branches

     13,067         14,561         (1,494     (10.3

Table of Contents



Operating areas

EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     7,781        7,846        7,467        7,547        7,526        7,859        7,933   

Net fees

     2,496        2,512        2,318        2,346        2,339        2,409        2,444   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     736        521        663        388        465        263        495   

Other operating income *

     31        106        47        61        18        194        79   

Gross income

     11,044        10,985        10,496        10,343        10,348        10,724        10,950   

Operating expenses

     (4,891     (4,912     (4,767     (4,893     (4,655     (4,709     (4,876

General administrative expenses

     (4,341     (4,357     (4,223     (4,282     (4,092     (4,204     (4,346


     (2,564     (2,543     (2,441     (2,506     (2,388     (2,453     (2,533

Other general administrative expenses

     (1,777     (1,813     (1,782     (1,776     (1,704     (1,750     (1,813

Depreciation and amortisation

     (549     (555     (544     (610     (563     (505     (530

Net operating income

     6,153        6,073        5,729        5,450        5,693        6,016        6,074   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (3,112     (3,211     (3,039     (2,777     (2,696     (2,637     (2,777

Other income

     (306     (460     (386     (471     (361     (441     (469

Profit before taxes

     2,735        2,403        2,304        2,202        2,635        2,937        2,829   

Tax on profit

     (628     (524     (535     (526     (648     (722     (660

Profit from continuing operations

     2,107        1,879        1,769        1,676        1,987        2,215        2,169   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (14     (0     (1     (0     (0     (7

Consolidated profit

     2,107        1,865        1,769        1,675        1,987        2,215        2,163   

Minority interests

     359        296        284        231        279        318        299   

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,748        1,570        1,485        1,444        1,708        1,897        1,864   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13      30.06.13      30.09.13      31.12.13      31.03.14      30.06.14      30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     733,717         711,374         698,995         683,460         687,983         702,640         717,605   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     154,901         143,239         124,380         102,395         114,653         125,128         136,469   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     89,663         83,168         74,690         73,123         83,996         83,773         92,851   

Due from credit institutions **

     117,584         97,012         106,193         85,405         97,654         92,561         110,627   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     13,220         13,474         13,954         14,685         15,404         16,294         18,304   

Other assets

     116,931         123,688         128,235         124,959         123,799         118,478         114,760   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     1,226,017         1,171,955         1,146,448         1,084,025         1,123,490         1,138,874         1,190,617   

Customer deposits **

     649,288         637,275         628,518         604,985         618,756         616,197         644,666   

Marketable debt securities **

     132,728         125,384         123,397         121,850         122,433         130,742         139,056   

Subordinated debt **

     13,358         11,706         10,707         12,268         13,565         13,780         13,853   

Insurance liabilities

     1,263         1,091         1,324         1,430         1,548         1,602         1,671   

Due to credit institutions **

     148,856         135,910         139,458         122,777         133,264         140,361         144,173   

Other liabilities

     206,491         190,486         175,118         155,627         163,381         165,962         176,041   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     74,035         70,103         67,927         65,088         70,542         70,229         71,157   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     138,562         132,127         136,500         135,914         144,296         154,195         161,174   

Mutual funds

     107,393         101,598         105,148         103,967         111,392         119,739         124,911   

Pension funds

     10,181         10,135         10,427         10,879         11,064         11,258         11,341   

Managed portfolios

     20,988         20,393         20,925         21,068         21,839         23,198         24,923   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     933,934         906,492         899,121         875,018         899,050         914,914         958,748   

(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item

(***).- Not including profit of the year


Other information


NPL ratio

     4.70         5.13         5.39         5.61         5.54         5.46         5.29   

NPL coverage

     75.0         69.6         67.2         64.6         66.0         66.4         67.0   

Cost of credit

     2.49         2.15         1.85         1.65         1.61         1.55         1.50   

Table of Contents



Operating areas

Constant EUR million


     9M ’14     9M ’13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     23,318        21,805        1,512        6.9   

Net fees

     7,191        6,918        273        3.9   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     1,223        1,823        (600     (32.9

Other operating income *

     292        178        114        63.7   

Gross income

     32,023        30,724        1,298        4.2   

Operating expenses

     (14,240     (13,863     (377     2.7   

General administrative expenses

     (12,642     (12,284     (358     2.9   


     (7,375     (7,197     (178     2.5   

Other general administrative expenses

     (5,267     (5,088     (180     3.5   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (1,598     (1,579     (19     1.2   

Net operating income

     17,783        16,861        921        5.5   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (8,110     (8,808     698        (7.9

Other income

     (1,271     (1,112     (159     14.3   

Profit before taxes

     8,402        6,942        1,460        21.0   

Tax on profit

     (2,030     (1,557     (473     30.3   

Profit from continuing operations

     6,372        5,384        987        18.3   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     (7     (15     8        (55.0

Consolidated profit

     6,365        5,369        996        18.5   

Minority interests

     896        865        31        3.6   

Attributable profit to the Group

     5,469        4,504        965        21.4   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14      30.09.13      Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     717,605         717,433         172        0.0   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     136,469         127,578         8,891        7.0   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     92,851         75,461         17,390        23.0   

Due from credit institutions **

     110,627         108,113         2,514        2.3   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     18,304         14,132         4,172        29.5   

Other assets

     114,760         131,467         (16,707     (12.7

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     1,190,617         1,174,184         16,432        1.4   

Customer deposits **

     644,666         643,396         1,270        0.2   

Marketable debt securities **

     139,056         128,637         10,419        8.1   

Subordinated debt **

     13,853         11,061         2,792        25.2   

Insurance liabilities

     1,671         1,324         348        26.3   

Due to credit institutions **

     144,173         142,424         1,749        1.2   

Other liabilities

     176,041         178,098         (2,058     (1.2

Shareholders’ equity ***

     71,157         69,245         1,912        2.8   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     161,174         137,353         23,821        17.3   

Mutual funds

     124,911         105,481         19,430        18.4   

Pension funds

     11,341         10,427         914        8.8   

Managed portfolios

     24,923         21,445         3,477        16.2   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     958,748         920,446         38,302        4.2   

(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item

(***).- Not including profit of the year

Table of Contents



Operating areas

Constant EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     7,183        7,296        7,326        7,505        7,660        7,851        7,807   

Net fees

     2,312        2,338        2,267        2,318        2,374        2,406        2,411   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     688        498        637        384        467        263        493   

Other operating income *

     29        104        45        62        19        195        78   

Gross income

     10,213        10,236        10,275        10,268        10,520        10,715        10,788   

Operating expenses

     (4,577     (4,614     (4,672     (4,846     (4,726     (4,706     (4,808

General administrative expenses

     (4,060     (4,089     (4,136     (4,238     (4,154     (4,202     (4,286


     (2,407     (2,395     (2,395     (2,487     (2,423     (2,453     (2,499

Other general administrative expenses

     (1,653     (1,694     (1,740     (1,751     (1,731     (1,749     (1,788

Depreciation and amortisation

     (517     (525     (536     (608     (572     (504     (522

Net operating income

     5,636        5,623        5,603        5,422        5,794        6,009        5,980   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (2,845     (2,971     (2,991     (2,773     (2,747     (2,632     (2,731

Other income

     (294     (442     (376     (463     (368     (440     (463

Profit before taxes

     2,496        2,209        2,236        2,185        2,679        2,937        2,786   

Tax on profit

     (569     (475     (513     (519     (660     (722     (649

Profit from continuing operations

     1,927        1,734        1,724        1,667        2,019        2,215        2,137   

Net profit from discontinued operations

            (15     (0     (0     (0     (0     (7

Consolidated profit

     1,927        1,719        1,723        1,667        2,019        2,215        2,131   

Minority interests

     322        268        275        229        285        318        293   

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,605        1,451        1,449        1,438        1,734        1,898        1,837   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13      30.06.13      30.09.13      31.12.13      31.03.14      30.06.14      30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     732,149         728,545         717,433         709,291         712,240         715,032         717,605   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     154,899         145,981         127,578         105,801         117,838         126,423         136,469   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     86,563         82,970         75,461         75,254         85,952         84,463         92,851   

Due from credit institutions **

     115,044         97,609         108,113         88,172         99,847         93,416         110,627   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     12,679         13,451         14,132         15,198         15,960         16,717         18,304   

Other assets

     113,466         126,066         131,467         129,992         128,334         119,952         114,760   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     1,214,800         1,194,621         1,174,184         1,123,707         1,160,171         1,156,003         1,190,617   

Customer deposits **

     644,990         650,266         643,396         625,901         638,751         625,482         644,666   

Marketable debt securities **

     133,728         130,572         128,637         128,782         128,501         133,677         139,056   

Subordinated debt **

     12,896         12,007         11,061         12,974         14,147         13,933         13,853   

Insurance liabilities

     1,263         1,091         1,324         1,429         1,548         1,602         1,671   

Due to credit institutions **

     146,423         137,747         142,424         126,964         137,034         142,381         144,173   

Other liabilities

     204,000         192,494         178,098         160,086         167,169         167,408         176,041   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     71,500         70,446         69,245         67,570         73,019         71,520         71,157   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     129,989         130,415         137,353         140,511         147,579         154,861         161,174   

Mutual funds

     99,530         99,868         105,481         107,495         113,597         119,522         124,911   

Pension funds

     10,181         10,135         10,427         10,879         11,064         11,258         11,341   

Managed portfolios

     20,278         20,412         21,445         22,137         22,918         24,082         24,923   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     921,603         923,259         920,446         908,168         928,978         927,953         958,748   

(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item

(***).- Not including profit of the year

Table of Contents



Continental Europe

EUR million


     9M ’14     9M ’13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     6,456        6,072        384        6.3   

Net fees

     2,607        2,614        (8     (0.3

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     414        664        (250     (37.6

Other operating income *

     114        135        (21     (15.7

Gross income

     9,591        9,485        105        1.1   

Operating expenses

     (4,746     (4,877     131        (2.7

General administrative expenses

     (4,218     (4,335     118        (2.7


     (2,487     (2,621     133        (5.1

Other general administrative expenses

     (1,730     (1,714     (16     0.9   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (529     (542     13        (2.4

Net operating income

     4,844        4,608        236        5.1   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (2,297     (2,840     543        (19.1

Other income

     (499     (574     75        (13.1

Profit before taxes

     2,048        1,193        855        71.6   

Tax on profit

     (488     (245     (243     99.5   

Profit from continuing operations

     1,560        949        611        64.4   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     (7     (0     (6       

Consolidated profit

     1,553        949        605        63.8   

Minority interests

     119        115        4        3.5   

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,434        833        601        72.1   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14      30.09.13      Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     264,280         271,834         (7,554     (2.8

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     63,548         61,710         1,838        3.0   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     47,764         41,455         6,309        15.2   

Due from credit institutions **

     60,295         55,455         4,840        8.7   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     5,946         6,084         (138     (2.3

Other assets

     23,748         29,646         (5,898     (19.9

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     465,581         466,183         (603     (0.1

Customer deposits **

     259,166         262,970         (3,804     (1.4

Marketable debt securities **

     19,909         15,578         4,330        27.8   

Subordinated debt **

     403         365         38        10.4   

Insurance liabilities

     1,671         1,324         348        26.3   

Due to credit institutions **

     75,260         69,727         5,533        7.9   

Other liabilities

     84,113         91,044         (6,931     (7.6

Shareholders’ equity ***

     25,058         25,175         (117     (0.5

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     64,129         52,931         11,198        21.2   

Mutual funds

     45,649         35,561         10,089        28.4   

Pension funds

     11,341         10,427         914        8.8   

Managed portfolios

     7,139         6,943         195        2.8   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     343,607         331,844         11,763        3.5   

(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item

(***).- Not including profit of the year


Ratios (%) and other data



     7.57         4.29         3.29 p.     

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     49.5         51.4         (1.9 p.  

NPL ratio

     8.96         8.48         0.48 p.     

NPL coverage

     58.1         61.1         (3.0 p.  

Number of employees

     55,781         59,317         (3,536     (6.0

Number of branches

     5,616         6,701         (1,085     (16.2

Table of Contents



Continental Europe

EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     1,999        2,063        2,010        2,035        2,093        2,188        2,175   

Net fees

     879        887        849        805        880        889        838   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     264        131        268        110        233        63        118   

Other operating income *

     29        82        25        28        (10     116        8   

Gross income

     3,171        3,163        3,152        2,979        3,196        3,256        3,139   

Operating expenses

     (1,651     (1,619     (1,607     (1,618     (1,607     (1,582     (1,557

General administrative expenses

     (1,470     (1,437     (1,428     (1,402     (1,417     (1,413     (1,387


     (896     (867     (859     (867     (841     (829     (818

Other general administrative expenses

     (575     (571     (569     (535     (577     (584     (569

Depreciation and amortisation

     (180     (182     (180     (216     (189     (170     (170

Net operating income

     1,520        1,543        1,545        1,361        1,589        1,673        1,582   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (901     (993     (946     (763     (791     (770     (737

Other income

     (192     (194     (188     (185     (152     (196     (151

Profit before taxes

     427        356        411        413        647        707        694   

Tax on profit

     (96     (66     (83     (106     (148     (171     (170

Profit from continuing operations

     331        290        328        307        500        536        524   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (0     (0     (6     (0     (0     (7

Consolidated profit

     331        290        327        301        499        536        518   

Minority interests

     29        42        45        20        37        37        45   

Attributable profit to the Group

     303        248        283        282        463        499        472   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses



     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     287,156        278,512        271,834        266,355        265,216        267,071        264,280   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     84,960        78,032        61,710        50,317        55,733        59,106        63,548   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     45,367        44,188        41,455        37,319        39,969        40,818        47,764   

Due from credit institutions **

     59,434        55,652        55,455        38,547        55,163        53,500        60,295   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     5,662        6,099        6,084        6,148        5,801        5,500        5,946   

Other assets

     21,520        23,517        29,646        39,902        30,987        27,596        23,748   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     504,098        485,999        466,183        438,589        452,869        453,591        465,581   

Customer deposits **

     272,221        267,427        262,970        256,138        258,043        254,985        259,166   

Marketable debt securities **

     19,990        16,916        15,578        16,781        15,783        18,761        19,909   

Subordinated debt **

     351        349        365        406        407        409        403   

Insurance liabilities

     1,263        1,091        1,324        1,430        1,548        1,602        1,671   

Due to credit institutions **

     74,813        67,974        69,727        59,440        66,716        70,234        75,260   

Other liabilities

     109,065        106,641        91,044        79,309        84,544        82,307        84,113   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     26,394        25,601        25,175        25,086        25,827        25,292        25,058   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     48,709        49,642        52,931        55,278        58,443        62,125        64,129   

Mutual funds

     32,140        33,072        35,561        37,680        40,804        43,840        45,649   

Pension funds

     10,181        10,135        10,427        10,879        11,064        11,258        11,341   

Managed portfolios

     6,388        6,435        6,943        6,719        6,574        7,027        7,139   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     341,271        334,334        331,844        328,602        332,675        336,280        343,607   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item


(***).-   Not including profit of the year


Other information



NPL ratio

     6.62        7.83        8.48        9.13        9.12        9.04        8.96   

NPL coverage

     71.0        63.3        61.1        57.3        58.0        58.3        58.1   

Cost of credit

     3.13        2.33        1.71        1.23        1.21        1.14        1.08   

Table of Contents



Continental Europe

Constant EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     6,456        6,058        398        6.6   

Net fees

     2,607        2,616        (9     (0.3

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     414        664        (250     (37.7

Other operating income *

     114        135        (21     (15.7

Gross income

     9,591        9,474        117        1.2   

Operating expenses

     (4,746     (4,873     127        (2.6

General administrative expenses

     (4,218     (4,332     115        (2.6


     (2,487     (2,619     132        (5.0

Other general administrative expenses

     (1,730     (1,713     (17     1.0   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (529     (541     13        (2.3

Net operating income

     4,844        4,600        244        5.3   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (2,297     (2,837     540        (19.0

Other income

     (499     (574     75        (13.1

Profit before taxes

     2,048        1,189        860        72.3   

Tax on profit

     (488     (243     (245     100.8   

Profit from continuing operations

     1,560        946        615        65.0   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     (7     (0     (6     —     

Consolidated profit

     1,553        945        608        64.3   

Minority interests

     119        116        3        2.9   

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,434        829        605        72.9   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses



     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     264,280        272,061        (7,781     (2.9

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     63,548        61,716        1,831        3.0   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     47,764        41,520        6,244        15.0   

Due from credit institutions **

     60,295        55,466        4,829        8.7   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     5,946        6,087        (141     (2.3

Other assets

     23,748        29,670        (5,922     (20.0

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     465,581        466,521        (940     (0.2

Customer deposits **

     259,166        263,202        (4,035     (1.5

Marketable debt securities **

     19,909        15,583        4,326        27.8   

Subordinated debt **

     403        369        34        9.2   

Insurance liabilities

     1,671        1,324        348        26.3   

Due to credit institutions **

     75,260        69,762        5,498        7.9   

Other liabilities

     84,113        91,080        (6,967     (7.6

Shareholders’ equity ***

     25,058        25,201        (143     (0.6

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     64,129        52,974        11,155        21.1   

Mutual funds

     45,649        35,603        10,047        28.2   

Pension funds

     11,341        10,427        914        8.8   

Managed portfolios

     7,139        6,945        194        2.8   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     343,607        332,128        11,479        3.5   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item


(***).-  Not including profit of the year


Table of Contents



Continental Europe

Constant EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     1,990        2,058        2,011        2,035        2,095        2,187        2,174   

Net fees

     878        887        851        806        880        888        838   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     264        131        269        110        233        63        118   

Other operating income *

     29        82        25        28        (10     116        8   

Gross income

     3,160        3,158        3,155        2,980        3,198        3,254        3,139   

Operating expenses

     (1,646     (1,618     (1,609     (1,618     (1,607     (1,582     (1,557

General administrative expenses

     (1,467     (1,436     (1,429     (1,402     (1,418     (1,412     (1,387


     (894     (866     (860     (867     (841     (828     (818

Other general administrative expenses

     (573     (570     (570     (535     (577     (584     (569

Depreciation and amortisation

     (180     (182     (180     (216     (189     (170     (170

Net operating income

     1,514        1,540        1,546        1,362        1,590        1,672        1,582   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (899     (993     (946     (764     (791     (770     (737

Other income

     (192     (194     (188     (185     (152     (196     (151

Profit before taxes

     423        353        413        413        648        707        694   

Tax on profit

     (95     (65     (84     (106     (148     (171     (170

Profit from continuing operations

     328        288        329        307        500        536        524   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (0     (0     (5     (0     (0     (7

Consolidated profit

     328        288        329        302        500        536        518   

Minority interests

     29        42        45        20        37        37        45   

Attributable profit to the Group

     300        246        284        282        463        499        472   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13      30.06.13      30.09.13      31.12.13      31.03.14      30.06.14      30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     286,640         279,016         272,061         266,467         265,314         267,239         264,280   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     84,959         78,056         61,716         50,315         55,732         59,103         63,548   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     45,370         44,376         41,520         37,291         39,964         40,799         47,764   

Due from credit institutions **

     59,395         55,658         55,466         38,560         55,169         53,527         60,295   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     5,658         6,108         6,087         6,148         5,801         5,500         5,946   

Other assets

     21,510         23,562         29,670         39,893         30,986         27,588         23,748   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     503,533         486,776         466,521         438,673         452,968         453,756         465,581   

Customer deposits **

     272,223         268,104         263,202         256,059         258,039         254,940         259,166   

Marketable debt securities **

     19,860         16,885         15,583         16,849         15,821         18,850         19,909   

Subordinated debt **

     351         362         369         404         406         407         403   

Insurance liabilities

     1,263         1,091         1,324         1,429         1,548         1,602         1,671   

Due to credit institutions **

     74,439         67,922         69,762         59,540         66,773         70,350         75,260   

Other liabilities

     109,049         106,749         91,080         79,300         84,544         82,301         84,113   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     26,348         25,663         25,201         25,092         25,837         25,306         25,058   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     48,711         49,772         52,974         55,257         58,438         62,106         64,129   

Mutual funds

     32,142         33,198         35,603         37,660         40,799         43,823         45,649   

Pension funds

     10,181         10,135         10,427         10,879         11,064         11,258         11,341   

Managed portfolios

     6,388         6,439         6,945         6,719         6,574         7,026         7,139   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     341,145         335,123         332,128         328,569         332,703         336,303         343,607   


(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***).-  Not including profit of the year

Table of Contents




EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     3,549        3,257        293        9.0   

Net fees

     1,350        1,410        (60     (4.2

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     329        519        (189     (36.5

Other operating income *

     79        135        (56     (41.5

Gross income

     5,307        5,319        (12     (0.2

Operating expenses

     (2,622     (2,831     209        (7.4

General administrative expenses

     (2,357     (2,559     202        (7.9


     (1,461     (1,601     140        (8.7

Other general administrative expenses

     (896     (958     62        (6.5

Depreciation and amortisation

     (265     (272     7        (2.5

Net operating income

     2,685        2,488        197        7.9   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (1,425     (1,836     411        (22.4

Other income

     (93     (124     31        (25.3

Profit before taxes

     1,168        529        639        120.9   

Tax on profit

     (344     (159     (185     115.9   

Profit from continuing operations

     824        369        455        123.1   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     824        369        455        123.1   

Minority interests

     2        2        0        22.3   

Attributable profit to the Group

     822        368        454        123.6   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     156,390        164,775        (8,385     (5.1

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     60,300        56,508        3,792        6.7   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     32,549        30,246        2,303        7.6   

Due from credit institutions **

     42,614        36,702        5,912        16.1   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     3,542        4,019        (477     (11.9

Other assets

     5,749        12,661        (6,911     (54.6

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     301,144        304,910        (3,765     (1.2

Customer deposits **

     182,273        188,824        (6,551     (3.5

Marketable debt securities **

     1,077        4,821        (3,743     (77.7

Subordinated debt **

     1        22        (21     (96.6

Insurance liabilities

     504        554        (49     (8.9

Due to credit institutions **

     38,449        26,574        11,875        44.7   

Other liabilities

     68,177        72,921        (4,744     (6.5

Shareholders’ equity ***

     10,664        11,195        (531     (4.7

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     57,278        45,355        11,924        26.3   

Mutual funds

     40,555        30,834        9,721        31.5   

Pension funds

     10,486        9,645        840        8.7   

Managed portfolios

     6,238        4,875        1,363        28.0   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     240,629        239,021        1,608        0.7   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item


(***).-  Not including profit of the year



Ratios (%) and other data



     9.97        4.18        5.79 p.     

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     49.4        53.2        (3.8 p.  

NPL ratio

     7.57        6.40        1.17 p.     

NPL coverage

     45.5        45.0        0.5 p.     

Number of employees

     25,136        28,138        (3,002     (10.7

Number of branches

     3,611        4,573        (962     (21.0

Table of Contents




EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     1,073        1,119        1,065        1,101        1,146        1,193        1,210   

Net fees

     484        483        443        423        456        469        425   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     206        96        217        92        205        29        95   

Other operating income *

     35        82        17        19        (15     91        3   

Gross income

     1,798        1,780        1,742        1,634        1,792        1,782        1,733   

Operating expenses

     (953     (941     (936     (902     (894     (873     (855

General administrative expenses

     (863     (850     (847     (790     (801     (787     (769


     (548     (532     (521     (514     (499     (488     (475

Other general administrative expenses

     (315     (318     (326     (276     (302     (300     (294

Depreciation and amortisation

     (91     (92     (90     (112     (93     (86     (86

Net operating income

     844        838        805        732        898        909        878   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (516     (690     (630     (575     (507     (488     (429

Other income

     (36     (29     (59     (11     (33     (51     (9

Profit before taxes

     293        119        116        145        358        370        440   

Tax on profit

     (89     (35     (35     (48     (104     (110     (130

Profit from continuing operations

     204        84        81        98        253        261        310   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          0        —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     204        84        81        98        253        261        310   

Minority interests

     1        1        0        (1     2        (0     1   

Attributable profit to the Group

     203        84        81        98        251        261        309   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     176,431        171,176        164,775        159,753        157,458        159,264        156,390   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     73,971        70,625        56,508        47,062        51,605        56,119        60,300   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     33,228        32,908        30,246        25,608        26,932        28,230        32,549   

Due from credit institutions **

     37,557        36,946        36,702        25,092        37,314        35,178        42,614   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     4,033        3,995        4,019        4,111        3,856        3,600        3,542   

Other assets

     3,794        8,171        12,661        21,183        13,969        9,936        5,749   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     329,013        323,821        304,910        282,808        291,134        292,328        301,144   

Customer deposits **

     197,464        194,330        188,824        181,117        183,196        181,065        182,273   

Marketable debt securities **

     10,153        7,471        4,821        3,953        2,196        1,327        1,077   

Subordinated debt **

     7        7        22        8        8        8        1   

Insurance liabilities

     708        475        554        525        551        526        504   

Due to credit institutions **

     21,224        22,933        26,574        22,759        25,847        31,736        38,449   

Other liabilities

     87,567        87,042        72,921        62,926        68,088        66,570        68,177   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     11,891        11,562        11,195        11,521        11,249        11,095        10,664   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     40,902        42,112        45,355        48,267        51,969        55,383        57,278   

Mutual funds

     27,199        28,337        30,834        32,951        36,018        38,827        40,555   

Pension funds

     9,396        9,362        9,645        10,025        10,197        10,388        10,486   

Managed portfolios

     4,307        4,413        4,875        5,291        5,754        6,167        6,238   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     248,525        243,921        239,021        233,344        237,369        237,783        240,629   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item

(***).-  Not including profit of the year



Other information


NPL ratio

     4.12        5.75        6.40        7.49        7.61        7.59        7.57   

NPL coverage

     50.3        43.1        45.0        44.0        44.6        44.9        45.5   

Cost of credit

     1.23        1.26        1.36        1.36        1.37        1.31        1.21   

Spread (Retail Banking)

     2.37        2.54        2.48        2.63        2.84        2.83        2.78   

Loan spreads

     2.21        2.26        2.33        2.43        2.39        2.36        2.37   

Deposit spreads

     0.16        0.28        0.15        0.20        0.45        0.47        0.41   

Table of Contents




EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     403        383        20        5.2   

Net fees

     209        251        (42     (16.7

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     53        40        13        33.5   

Other operating income *

     31        19        11        58.1   

Gross income

     695        693        3        0.4   

Operating expenses

     (365     (369     4        (1.1

General administrative expenses

     (311     (310     (1     0.4   


     (219     (223     4        (1.7

Other general administrative expenses

     (92     (87     (5     5.8   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (54     (59     5        (8.8

Net operating income

     330        324        7        2.0   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (106     (182     75        (41.4

Other income

     (79     (36     (43     119.6   

Profit before taxes

     145        106        39        36.5   

Tax on profit

     (33     (29     (4     15.1   

Profit from continuing operations

     112        77        34        44.5   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     112        77        34        44.5   

Minority interests

     (4     0        (4     —     

Attributable profit to the Group

     116        77        39        50.0   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     23,333        24,712        (1,380     (5.6

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     1,998        1,788        210        11.7   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     8,060        4,662        3,398        72.9   

Due from credit institutions **

     2,466        2,761        (295     (10.7

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     749        896        (147     (16.4

Other assets

     6,708        6,610        98        1.5   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     43,313        41,429        1,884        4.5   

Customer deposits **

     24,131        24,185        (54     (0.2

Marketable debt securities **

     3,793        2,375        1,418        59.7   

Subordinated debt **

     0        0        0        209.7   

Insurance liabilities

     80        88        (8     (8.9

Due to credit institutions **

     12,070        11,880        191        1.6   

Other liabilities

     620        358        262        73.1   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     2,619        2,544        75        2.9   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     2,347        2,043        304        14.9   

Mutual funds

     1,246        1,141        105        9.2   

Pension funds

     849        776        73        9.4   

Managed portfolios

     252        126        126        99.5   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     30,271        28,603        1,668        5.8   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item

(***).-  Not including profit of the year



Ratios (%) and other data



     5.92        4.06        1.85 p.     

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     52.5        53.3        (0.8 p.  

NPL ratio

     8.49        7.86        0.63 p.     

NPL coverage

     53.9        51.9        2.0 p.     

Number of employees

     5,515        5,600        (85     (1.5

Number of branches

     620        647        (27     (4.2

Table of Contents




EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     117        134        132        131        129        138        136   

Net fees

     85        87        79        67        73        66        70   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     23        7        10        11        18        22        13   

Other operating income *

     6        6        7        15        9        11        11   

Gross income

     231        233        228        224        228        237        230   

Operating expenses

     (124     (122     (123     (126     (122     (121     (122

General administrative expenses

     (104     (102     (103     (107     (103     (104     (104


     (75     (74     (74     (76     (73     (73     (73

Other general administrative expenses

     (29     (28     (29     (31     (30     (31     (31

Depreciation and amortisation

     (20     (20     (20     (19     (19     (17     (18

Net operating income

     107        112        105        97        106        116        108   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (64     (62     (56     (11     (34     (40     (32

Other income

     (13     (17     (6     (42     (30     (29     (20

Profit before taxes

     31        32        44        44        42        47        57   

Tax on profit

     (10     (7     (12     (15     (9     (9     (15

Profit from continuing operations

     21        25        32        29        33        37        42   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     21        25        32        29        33        37        42   

Minority interests

     0        0        (0     (8     (2     (2     (0

Attributable profit to the Group

     21        25        32        37        36        39        42   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     25,518        25,210        24,712        24,482        24,240        24,111        23,333   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     1,905        1,794        1,788        1,831        1,884        1,880        1,998   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     4,675        4,934        4,662        4,724        6,711        7,119        8,060   

Due from credit institutions **

     3,447        3,566        2,761        2,895        2,540        2,491        2,466   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     392        906        896        821        800        763        749   

Other assets

     6,198        5,829        6,610        7,096        5,810        6,276        6,708   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     42,136        42,239        41,429        41,848        41,986        42,640        43,313   

Customer deposits **

     23,703        23,577        24,185        24,191        23,586        23,253        24,131   

Marketable debt securities **

     3,411        2,396        2,375        2,329        2,248        3,811        3,793   

Subordinated debt **

     0        0        0        0        0        0        0   

Insurance liabilities

     88        87        88        75        80        80        80   

Due to credit institutions **

     12,203        13,336        11,880        12,319        12,915        12,271        12,070   

Other liabilities

     180        296        358        356        501        641        620   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     2,550        2,547        2,544        2,579        2,656        2,583        2,619   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     2,316        2,158        2,043        2,041        2,227        2,396        2,347   

Mutual funds

     1,437        1,281        1,141        1,050        1,185        1,311        1,246   

Pension funds

     780        768        776        848        862        864        849   

Managed portfolios

     99        109        126        142        179        222        252   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     29,430        28,131        28,603        28,560        28,061        29,460        30,271   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item

(***).-  Not including profit of the year



Other information


NPL ratio

     6.88        7.41        7.86        8.12        8.26        8.16        8.49   

NPL coverage

     52.9        52.4        51.9        50.0        50.6        53.1        53.9   

Cost of credit

     1.18        1.10        0.93        0.73        0.63        0.55        0.47   

Spread (Retail Banking)

     1.22        1.26        1.38        1.43        1.51        1.55        1.47   

Loan spreads

     2.44        2.44        2.44        2.42        2.44        2.39        2.36   

Deposit spreads

     (1.22     (1.18     (1.06     (0.99     (0.93     (0.84     (0.89

Table of Contents




EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     639        574        66        11.5   

Net fees

     328        296        31        10.6   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     31        104        (72     (69.7

Other operating income *

     24        20        4        19.8   

Gross income

     1,023        994        29        2.9   

Operating expenses

     (438     (434     (4     0.9   

General administrative expenses

     (402     (393     (9     2.2   


     (230     (233     3        (1.3

Other general administrative expenses

     (172     (160     (12     7.4   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (36     (41     5        (11.9

Net operating income

     585        560        25        4.4   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (129     (128     (0     0.4   

Other income

     (11     (1     (10     788.5   

Profit before taxes

     445        431        15        3.4   

Tax on profit

     (88     (82     (6     6.9   

Profit from continuing operations

     358        349        9        2.6   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     358        349        9        2.6   

Minority interests

     94        87        6        7.1   

Attributable profit to the Group

     264        261        3        1.1   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14      30.09.13      Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     17,217         16,298         919        5.6   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     795         561         234        41.7   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     5,920         4,861         1,059        21.8   

Due from credit institutions **

     952         821         131        16.0   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     224         220         5        2.3   

Other assets

     2,257         2,046         211        10.3   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     27,364         24,805         2,559        10.3   

Customer deposits **

     20,224         17,404         2,821        16.2   

Marketable debt securities **

     236         —           236        —     

Subordinated debt **

     337         333         4        1.2   

Insurance liabilities

     79         —           79        —     

Due to credit institutions **

     1,072         2,577         (1,505     (58.4

Other liabilities

     3,452         2,654         799        30.1   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     1,964         1,837         127        6.9   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     3,782         3,540         242        6.8   

Mutual funds

     3,692         3,431         261        7.6   

Pension funds

     —           —           —          —     

Managed portfolios

     90         109         (18     (17.0

Managed and marketed customer funds

     24,579         21,277         3,302        15.5   


(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item

(***).-  Not including profit of the year



Ratios (%) and other data



     17.75         18.39         (0.63 p.  

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     42.8         43.6         (0.8 p.  

NPL ratio

     7.43         7.75         (0.32 p.  

NPL coverage

     65.8         64.1         1.7 p.     

Number of employees

     11,894         12,499         (605     (4.8

Number of branches

     803         836         (33     (3.9

Table of Contents




EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     180        191        203        206        208        217        215   

Net fees

     98        100        99        104        109        111        107   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     35        29        39        15        11        7        13   

Other operating income *

     2        17        1        (1     6        18        0   

Gross income

     315        337        342        323        334        353        335   

Operating expenses

     (156     (142     (136     (159     (147     (148     (143

General administrative expenses

     (142     (128     (123     (146     (135     (136     (131


     (83     (76     (74     (79     (77     (76     (77

Other general administrative expenses

     (59     (52     (50     (67     (58     (59     (55

Depreciation and amortisation

     (14     (14     (13     (13     (12     (12     (12

Net operating income

     159        195        206        165        188        205        192   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (42     (51     (35     (39     (43     (42     (44

Other income

     (5     6        (2     (4     (3     (16     8   

Profit before taxes

     112        149        169        121        142        147        156   

Tax on profit

     (22     (27     (34     (25     (27     (28     (33

Profit from continuing operations

     90        123        135        96        115        120        122   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     90        123        135        96        115        120        122   

Minority interests

     20        32        35        24        31        32        31   

Attributable profit to the Group

     70        91        100        72        85        88        91   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13      30.06.13      30.09.13      31.12.13      31.03.14      30.06.14      30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     16,188         15,983         16,298         16,214         16,728         17,064         17,217   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     665         658         561         532         809         799         795   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     5,150         4,596         4,861         5,325         5,127         4,214         5,920   

Due from credit institutions **

     352         421         821         667         1,256         607         952   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     242         223         220         273         223         214         224   

Other assets

     1,938         1,252         2,046         2,095         2,286         2,570         2,257   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     24,535         23,133         24,805         25,106         26,428         25,467         27,364   

Customer deposits **

     17,794         16,591         17,404         18,503         18,803         18,325         20,224   

Marketable debt securities **

     —           —           —           121         121         120         236   

Subordinated debt **

     335         331         333         333         335         336         337   

Insurance liabilities

     —           —           —           84         81         79         79   

Due to credit institutions **

     1,578         1,712         2,577         1,206         2,217         1,562         1,072   

Other liabilities

     2,839         2,708         2,654         2,984         2,772         3,111         3,452   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     1,989         1,791         1,837         1,875         2,099         1,933         1,964   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     3,468         3,396         3,540         3,631         3,555         3,647         3,782   

Mutual funds

     3,342         3,294         3,431         3,525         3,455         3,556         3,692   

Pension funds

     —           —           —           —           —           —           —     

Managed portfolios

     126         102         109         106         101         91         90   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     21,597         20,319         21,277         22,588         22,815         22,429         24,579   


(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item

(***).-  Not including profit of the year




Other information


NPL ratio

     7.39         8.08         7.75         7.84         7.35         7.42         7.43   

NPL coverage

     67.6         59.3         64.1         61.8         64.6         65.3         65.8   

Cost of credit

     1.22         1.18         1.09         1.01         0.98         0.92         0.95   

Spread (Retail Banking)

     3.14         3.17         3.16         3.51         3.63         3.69         3.61   

Loan spreads

     2.41         2.45         2.43         2.53         2.51         2.47         2.45   

Deposit spreads

     0.73         0.72         0.73         0.98         1.12         1.22         1.16   

Table of Contents




Constant EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     639        577        62        10.8   

Net fees

     328        298        29        9.9   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     31        104        (73     (69.9

Other operating income *

     24        20        4        19.0   

Gross income

     1,023        1,000        23        2.3   

Operating expenses

     (438     (436     (1     0.3   

General administrative expenses

     (402     (395     (6     1.6   


     (230     (235     5        (1.9

Other general administrative expenses

     (172     (161     (11     6.7   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (36     (41     5        (12.5

Net operating income

     585        564        21        3.8   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (129     (129     0        (0.2

Other income

     (11     (1     (10     783.2   

Profit before taxes

     445        433        12        2.8   

Tax on profit

     (88     (82     (5     6.3   

Profit from continuing operations

     358        351        7        2.0   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     358        351        7        2.0   

Minority interests

     94        88        6        6.5   

Attributable profit to the Group

     264        263        1        0.5   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     17,217        16,498        719        4.4   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     795        568        227        40.0   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     5,920        4,920        1,000        20.3   

Due from credit institutions **

     952        831        121        14.6   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     224        222        2        1.0   

Other assets

     2,257        2,071        186        9.0   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     27,364        25,109        2,255        9.0   

Customer deposits **

     20,224        17,617        2,607        14.8   

Marketable debt securities **

     236        —          236        —     

Subordinated debt **

     337        337        (0     (0.1

Insurance liabilities

     79        —          79        —     

Due to credit institutions **

     1,072        2,609        (1,537     (58.9

Other liabilities

     3,452        2,686        766        28.5   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     1,964        1,860        104        5.6   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     3,782        3,583        199        5.6   

Mutual funds

     3,692        3,473        219        6.3   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     90        110        (20     (18.0

Managed and marketed customer funds

     24,579        21,537        3,042        14.1   


(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***).- Not including profit of the year

Table of Contents




Constant EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     179        191        207        206        208        217        215   

Net fees

     97        100        100        104        110        111        107   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     35        29        40        15        11        7        13   

Other operating income *

     2        17        1        (1     6        18        0   

Gross income

     313        338        348        324        335        352        335   

Operating expenses

     (155     (142     (139     (159     (147     (147     (143

General administrative expenses

     (141     (128     (126     (146     (135     (135     (131


     (83     (77     (75     (79     (77     (76     (77

Other general administrative expenses

     (58     (52     (50     (67     (58     (59     (55

Depreciation and amortisation

     (14     (14     (13     (13     (12     (12     (12

Net operating income

     158        196        209        165        188        205        192   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (42     (52     (36     (39     (43     (42     (44

Other income

     (5     6        (2     (4     (3     (16     8   

Profit before taxes

     112        150        172        122        142        147        156   

Tax on profit

     (22     (27     (34     (25     (27     (28     (33

Profit from continuing operations

     90        123        138        96        116        120        122   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     90        123        138        96        116        120        122   

Minority interests

     20        32        36        24        31        32        31   

Attributable profit to the Group

     70        91        102        73        85        88        91   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     16,199        16,595        16,498        16,124        16,705        16,979        17,217   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     666        683        568        529        808        795        795   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     5,154        4,772        4,920        5,295        5,120        4,193        5,920   

Due from credit institutions **

     352        437        831        663        1,254        604        952   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     243        231        222        271        223        213        224   

Other assets

     1,939        1,300        2,071        2,083        2,283        2,557        2,257   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     24,551        24,019        25,109        24,966        26,392        25,340        27,364   

Customer deposits **

     17,806        17,227        17,617        18,400        18,778        18,234        20,224   

Marketable debt securities **

     —          —          —          120        121        120        236   

Subordinated debt **

     335        344        337        331        334        335        337   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          83        81        78        79   

Due to credit institutions **

     1,579        1,777        2,609        1,199        2,214        1,554        1,072   

Other liabilities

     2,841        2,811        2,686        2,968        2,768        3,096        3,452   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     1,990        1,859        1,860        1,865        2,096        1,924        1,964   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     3,470        3,526        3,583        3,611        3,551        3,629        3,782   

Mutual funds

     3,344        3,420        3,473        3,506        3,450        3,538        3,692   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     126        106        110        105        100        90        90   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     21,612        21,097        21,537        22,462        22,784        22,317        24,579   


(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***).-  Not including profit of the year


Table of Contents



Santander Consumer Finance

EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     1,807        1,761        46        2.6   

Net fees

     638        597        41        6.8   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     (1     1        (2     —     

Other operating income *

     4        (7     11        —     

Gross income

     2,447        2,352        95        4.0   

Operating expenses

     (1,076     (1,038     (38     3.7   

General administrative expenses

     (917     (881     (36     4.1   


     (491     (483     (8     1.6   

Other general administrative expenses

     (426     (398     (29     7.2   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (159     (157     (2     1.4   

Net operating income

     1,371        1,315        57        4.3   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (401     (460     59        (12.8

Other income

     (102     (65     (37     57.4   

Profit before taxes

     868        790        78        9.9   

Tax on profit

     (208     (179     (30     16.5   

Profit from continuing operations

     660        611        49        8.0   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     (7     (0     (6     —     

Consolidated profit

     653        611        42        6.9   

Minority interests

     27        26        2        6.4   

Attributable profit to the Group

     626        585        41        7.0   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     58,596        55,898        2,698        4.8   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     41        904        (863     (95.5

Available-for-sale financial assets

     603        598        6        0.9   

Due from credit institutions **

     5,544        7,426        (1,883     (25.4

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     783        940        (157     (16.7

Other assets

     3,355        2,386        969        40.6   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     68,921        68,152        769        1.1   

Customer deposits **

     30,571        30,726        (155     (0.5

Marketable debt securities **

     14,803        8,380        6,422        76.6   

Subordinated debt **

     65        10        55        544.9   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     12,124        17,627        (5,503     (31.2

Other liabilities

     3,373        3,853        (480     (12.5

Shareholders’ equity ***

     7,985        7,554        431        5.7   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     7        6        1        10.0   

Mutual funds

     2        2        0        3.5   

Pension funds

     5        4        1        12.8   

Managed portfolios

     —          —          —          —     

Managed and marketed customer funds

     45,446        39,123        6,323        16.2   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item


(***).-  Not including profit of the year


Ratios (%) and other data



     10.72        10.15        0.57 p.     

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     44.0        44.1        (0.1 p.  

NPL ratio

     3.97        3.96        0.01 p.     

NPL coverage

     106.4        109.2        (2.8 p.  

Number of employees

     12,254        11,869        385        3.2   

Number of branches

     572        635        (63     (9.9

Table of Contents



Santander Consumer Finance

EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     587        582        592        573        580        612        615   

Net fees

     192        197        207        190        220        211        207   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     0        (1     2        (8     0        1        (2

Other operating income *

     (3     (4     (0     5        (1     4        1   

Gross income

     776        775        801        759        800        827        821   

Operating expenses

     (351     (341     (345     (353     (366     (357     (354

General administrative expenses

     (300     (288     (292     (291     (305     (307     (305


     (161     (159     (163     (162     (164     (163     (164

Other general administrative expenses

     (139     (129     (130     (129     (141     (144     (141

Depreciation and amortisation

     (51     (53     (53     (63     (60     (50     (49

Net operating income

     425        434        456        405        434        470        467   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (171     (131     (158     (105     (130     (123     (149

Other income

     (21     (29     (15     (5     (14     (17     (71

Profit before taxes

     233        274        283        295        291        330        247   

Tax on profit

     (49     (64     (66     (76     (66     (85     (57

Profit from continuing operations

     184        210        217        219        225        245        190   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (0     (0     (6     (0     (0     (7

Consolidated profit

     184        210        217        213        225        245        184   

Minority interests

     7        9        9        5        6        7        14   

Attributable profit to the Group

     176        201        208        209        219        237        170   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     56,241        55,995        55,898        56,024        57,433        58,058        58,596   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     1,224        925        904        864        878        270        41   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     553        606        598        705        478        591        603   

Due from credit institutions **

     6,796        6,931        7,426        8,158        7,245        6,528        5,544   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     984        966        940        934        913        795        783   

Other assets

     2,704        2,596        2,386        3,723        3,165        3,073        3,355   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     68,501        68,019        68,152        70,409        70,112        69,315        68,921   

Customer deposits **

     31,496        30,986        30,726        30,878        30,611        30,736        30,571   

Marketable debt securities **

     6,420        7,045        8,380        10,377        11,217        13,503        14,803   

Subordinated debt **

     9        11        10        64        64        65        65   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     18,839        18,668        17,627        18,060        16,598        13,772        12,124   

Other liabilities

     3,898        3,695        3,853        3,901        3,711        3,378        3,373   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     7,839        7,614        7,554        7,128        7,911        7,861        7,985   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     6        6        6        6        7        7        7   

Mutual funds

     2        2        2        2        2        2        2   

Pension funds

     4        4        4        5        5        5        5   

Managed portfolios

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Managed and marketed customer funds

     37,931        38,049        39,123        41,326        41,899        44,310        45,446   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item


(***).-  Not including profit of the year


Other information


NPL ratio

     3.98        4.04        3.96        4.01        4.14        4.07        3.97   

NPL coverage

     108.7        106.9        109.2        105.3        105.1        105.2        106.4   

Cost of credit

     1.26        1.15        1.13        0.96        0.89        0.87        0.85   

Loan spreads

     4.76        4.83        4.93        4.91        5.04        5.03        5.06   

Table of Contents



Spain’s run-off real estate

EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     (3     37        (39     —     

Net fees

     6        14        (8     (55.2

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     0        1        (1     (87.5

Other operating income *

     (39     (46     7        (16.0

Gross income

     (35     6        (41     —     

Operating expenses

     (159     (131     (28     21.3   

General administrative expenses

     (150     (124     (26     20.5   


     (28     (33     5        (14.4

Other general administrative expenses

     (122     (92     (30     33.0   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (9     (6     (2     35.3   

Net operating income

     (194     (125     (68     54.6   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (235     (230     (6     2.4   

Other income

     (215     (349     133        (38.3

Profit before taxes

     (644     (704     59        (8.4

Tax on profit

     193        211        (18     (8.4

Profit from continuing operations

     (451     (493     42        (8.4

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     (451     (493     42        (8.4

Minority interests

     —          —          —          —     

Attributable profit to the Group

     (451     (493     42        (8.4

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     4,330        6,246        (1,916     (30.7

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     —          —          —          —     

Available-for-sale financial assets

     207        207        —          —     

Due from credit institutions **

     —          —          —          —     

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     —          —          —          —     

Other assets

     4,725        4,966        (241     (4.9

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     9,262        11,420        (2,157     (18.9

Customer deposits **

     192        217        (25     (11.7

Marketable debt securities **

     —          2        (2     (100.0

Subordinated debt **

     —          —          —          —     

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     0        0        0        40.0   

Other liabilities

     7,882        9,743        (1,862     (19.1

Shareholders’ equity ***

     1,189        1,457        (268     (18.4

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     156        154        2        1.3   

Mutual funds

     155        153        2        1.3   

Pension funds

     1        1        0        13.4   

Managed portfolios

     —          —          —          —     

Managed and marketed customer funds

     347        373        (26     (6.9


(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***).- Not including profit of the year

Table of Contents



Spain’s run-off real estate

EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     27        12        (3     1        3        (5     (1

Net fees

     9        2        3        1        2        2        2   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     1        (0     (0     0        0        0        0   

Other operating income *

     (16     (23     (8     (2     (13     (13     (13

Gross income

     22        (8     (8     1        (8     (16     (11

Operating expenses

     (40     (49     (41     (44     (52     (54     (53

General administrative expenses

     (38     (47     (39     (38     (49     (51     (50


     (11     (10     (11     (15     (10     (9     (9

Other general administrative expenses

     (26     (37     (28     (23     (39     (42     (41

Depreciation and amortisation

     (2     (2     (2     (7     (3     (3     (3

Net operating income

     (19     (57     (50     (44     (59     (70     (64

Net loan-loss provisions

     (114     (49     (67     (32     (77     (76     (82

Other income

     (118     (125     (106     (128     (72     (83     (60

Profit before taxes

     (250     (231     (222     (204     (208     (230     (206

Tax on profit

     75        69        67        61        62        69        62   

Profit from continuing operations

     (175     (162     (156     (143     (146     (161     (144

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     (175     (162     (156     (143     (146     (161     (144

Minority interests

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Attributable profit to the Group

     (175     (162     (156     (143     (146     (161     (144


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13      30.06.13      30.09.13      31.12.13      31.03.14      30.06.14      30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     6,844         6,507         6,246         5,735         5,208         4,876         4,330   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     —           —           —           —           —           —           —     

Available-for-sale financial assets

     207         207         207         207         207         207         207   

Due from credit institutions **

     —           —           —           —           —           —           —     

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     —           —           —           —           —           —           —     

Other assets

     4,885         4,866         4,966         4,839         4,857         4,735         4,725   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     11,936         11,580         11,420         10,781         10,273         9,818         9,262   

Customer deposits **

     225         199         217         210         204         195         192   

Marketable debt securities **

     6         4         2         2         1         0         —     

Subordinated debt **

     —           —           —           —           —           —           —     

Insurance liabilities

     —           —           —           —           —           —           —     

Due to credit institutions **

     0         0         0         200         0         0         0   

Other liabilities

     10,150         9,864         9,743         8,979         8,786         8,361         7,882   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     1,555         1,513         1,457         1,390         1,282         1,262         1,189   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     161         159         154         153         145         145         156   

Mutual funds

     160         158         153         152         144         144         155   

Pension funds

     1         0         1         1         1         1         1   

Managed portfolios

     —           —           —           —           —           —           —     

Managed and marketed customer funds

     392         361         373         365         350         340         347   


(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***).- Not including profit of the year

Table of Contents



United Kingdom

EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     3,113        2,489        624        25.1   

Net fees

     754        749        6        0.8   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     206        318        (112     (35.3

Other operating income *

     28        18        10        58.5   

Gross income

     4,101        3,573        528        14.8   

Operating expenses

     (2,125     (1,955     (170     8.7   

General administrative expenses

     (1,810     (1,661     (150     9.0   


     (1,190     (1,033     (157     15.2   

Other general administrative expenses

     (620     (627     7        (1.2

Depreciation and amortisation

     (314     (294     (20     6.7   

Net operating income

     1,977        1,618        358        22.1   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (296     (436     140        (32.1

Other income

     (182     (170     (12     7.3   

Profit before taxes

     1,498        1,013        485        47.9   

Tax on profit

     (313     (206     (106     51.6   

Profit from continuing operations

     1,186        807        379        47.0   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (14     14        (100.0

Consolidated profit

     1,186        793        393        49.6   

Minority interests

     —          0        (0     (100.0

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,186        793        393        49.6   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     248,940        237,138        11,801        5.0   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     35,264        35,645        (382     (1.1

Available-for-sale financial assets

     10,736        5,387        5,349        99.3   

Due from credit institutions **

     16,766        23,814        (7,047     (29.6

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     2,502        2,406        96        4.0   

Other assets

     40,269        47,379        (7,110     (15.0

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     354,478        351,771        2,707        0.8   

Customer deposits **

     203,721        197,252        6,469        3.3   

Marketable debt securities **

     70,402        67,086        3,316        4.9   

Subordinated debt **

     6,121        4,640        1,481        31.9   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     25,544        32,434        (6,889     (21.2

Other liabilities

     33,945        37,221        (3,276     (8.8

Shareholders’ equity ***

     14,745        13,138        1,607        12.2   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     9,994        9,572        422        4.4   

Mutual funds

     9,849        9,572        277        2.9   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     145        —          145        —     

Managed and marketed customer funds

     290,238        278,550        11,688        4.2   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item

(***).- Not including profit of the year



Ratios (%) and other data



     11.24        8.09        3.14 p.     

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     51.8        54.7        (2.9 p.  

NPL ratio

     1.80        1.98        (0.18 p.  

NPL coverage

     43.4        41.6        1.8 p.     

Number of employees

     25,305        25,419        (114     (0.4

Number of branches

     950        1,191        (241     (20.2

Table of Contents



United Kingdom

EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     803        809        877        962        989        1,035        1,089   

Net fees

     249        256        243        244        247        247        260   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     86        161        71        85        78        69        58   

Other operating income *

     6        7        6        18        15        4        9   

Gross income

     1,144        1,233        1,197        1,308        1,329        1,356        1,417   

Operating expenses

     (658     (667     (630     (650     (693     (701     (730

General administrative expenses

     (560     (571     (529     (520     (579     (596     (636


     (354     (352     (327     (368     (380     (387     (424

Other general administrative expenses

     (206     (219     (202     (153     (200     (209     (212

Depreciation and amortisation

     (98     (96     (100     (130     (114     (106     (94

Net operating income

     486        566        567        657        635        654        687   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (160     (121     (154     (145     (120     (87     (89

Other income

     (42     (103     (25     (66     (46     (63     (73

Profit before taxes

     284        342        387        447        469        504        525   

Tax on profit

     (60     (65     (81     (95     (93     (105     (114

Profit from continuing operations

     224        277        306        352        376        399        411   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (14     (0     5        —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     224        263        306        357        376        399        411   

Minority interests

     0        —          0        (0     —          —          —     

Attributable profit to the Group

     224        263        306        357        376        399        411   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     242,425        238,223        237,138        231,046        233,937        239,237        248,940   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     37,669        34,501        35,645        28,831        31,492        31,814        35,264   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     6,400        6,041        5,387        6,003        8,358        9,675        10,736   

Due from credit institutions **

     21,002        16,081        23,814        17,136        17,772        14,391        16,766   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     2,445        2,379        2,406        2,498        2,510        2,347        2,502   

Other assets

     44,836        49,670        47,379        38,229        44,325        39,704        40,269   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     354,778        346,894        351,771        323,743        338,393        337,169        354,478   

Customer deposits **

     194,378        195,995        197,252        187,467        194,923        193,431        203,721   

Marketable debt securities **

     69,625        66,940        67,086        64,092        66,366        65,816        70,402   

Subordinated debt **

     5,369        5,197        4,640        5,805        5,814        5,931        6,121   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     28,579        28,207        32,434        26,882        29,008        27,320        25,544   

Other liabilities

     43,596        37,458        37,221        26,855        28,164        30,517        33,945   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     13,231        13,097        13,138        12,642        14,118        14,153        14,745   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     12,638        10,687        9,572        9,645        9,630        9,885        9,994   

Mutual funds

     12,638        10,687        9,572        9,645        9,490        9,740        9,849   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     —          —          —          —          140        145        145   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     282,009        278,820        278,550        267,010        276,734        275,063        290,238   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item

(***).-  Not including profit of the year



Other information


NPL ratio

     2.03        2.01        1.98        1.98        1.88        1.91        1.80   

NPL coverage

     42.1        42.1        41.6        41.6        42.9        41.1        43.4   

Cost of credit

     0.29        0.26        0.26        0.24        0.23        0.22        0.19   

Spread (Retail Banking)

     1.53        1.63        1.85        1.98        2.01        2.06        2.08   

Loan spreads

     2.78        2.80        2.85        2.84        2.83        2.76        2.69   

Deposit spreads

     (1.25     (1.17     (1.00     (0.86     (0.82     (0.70     (0.61

Table of Contents



United Kingdom

Constant EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     3,113        2,613        500        19.2   

Net fees

     754        786        (31     (4.0

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     206        334        (128     (38.4

Other operating income *

     28        19        9        51.0   

Gross income

     4,101        3,751        350        9.3   

Operating expenses

     (2,125     (2,052     (73     3.5   

General administrative expenses

     (1,810     (1,743     (67     3.9   


     (1,190     (1,085     (106     9.8   

Other general administrative expenses

     (620     (658     38        (5.8

Depreciation and amortisation

     (314     (309     (5     1.7   

Net operating income

     1,977        1,699        278        16.4   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (296     (457     161        (35.3

Other income

     (182     (178     (4     2.2   

Profit before taxes

     1,498        1,063        435        40.9   

Tax on profit

     (313     (216     (96     44.5   

Profit from continuing operations

     1,186        847        339        40.0   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (15     15        (100.0

Consolidated profit

     1,186        832        354        42.5   

Minority interests

     —          0        (0     (100.0

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,186        832        354        42.5   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     248,940        255,062        (6,122     (2.4

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     35,264        38,340        (3,076     (8.0

Available-for-sale financial assets

     10,736        5,795        4,941        85.3   

Due from credit institutions **

     16,766        25,614        (8,847     (34.5

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     2,502        2,588        (86     (3.3

Other assets

     40,269        50,960        (10,691     (21.0

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     354,478        378,358        (23,880     (6.3

Customer deposits **

     203,721        212,161        (8,440     (4.0

Marketable debt securities **

     70,402        72,156        (1,755     (2.4

Subordinated debt **

     6,121        4,990        1,130        22.7   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     25,544        34,885        (9,341     (26.8

Other liabilities

     33,945        40,035        (6,089     (15.2

Shareholders’ equity ***

     14,745        14,131        614        4.3   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     9,994        10,296        (301     (2.9

Mutual funds

     9,849        10,296        (447     (4.3

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     145        —          145        —     

Managed and marketed customer funds

     290,238        299,603        (9,366     (3.1

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item

(***).-  Not including profit of the year



Table of Contents



United Kingdom

Constant EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     842        848        923        997        1,009        1,039        1,065   

Net fees

     261        268        256        252        252        248        254   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     90        169        75        87        80        69        57   

Other operating income *

     6        7        6        19        15        4        9   

Gross income

     1,199        1,292        1,260        1,355        1,355        1,361        1,385   

Operating expenses

     (690     (699     (663     (673     (707     (704     (713

General administrative expenses

     (587     (599     (557     (538     (591     (598     (622


     (371     (369     (344     (381     (387     (388     (415

Other general administrative expenses

     (216     (230     (213     (157     (204     (210     (207

Depreciation and amortisation

     (103     (100     (106     (135     (117     (106     (92

Net operating income

     509        593        597        682        648        657        671   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (168     (126     (163     (150     (123     (87     (86

Other income

     (44     (108     (27     (68     (47     (63     (72

Profit before taxes

     297        359        407        464        478        507        513   

Tax on profit

     (62     (69     (85     (99     (95     (106     (112

Profit from continuing operations

     235        290        322        365        383        401        402   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (15     (0     5        —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     235        276        321        370        383        401        402   

Minority interests

     0        (0     0        (0     —          —          —     

Attributable profit to the Group

     235        276        321        370        383        401        402   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     263,726        262,710        255,062        247,810        249,256        246,686        248,940   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     40,979        38,047        38,340        30,923        33,554        32,804        35,264   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     6,963        6,662        5,795        6,439        8,906        9,977        10,736   

Due from credit institutions **

     22,848        17,734        25,614        18,379        18,935        14,839        16,766   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     2,660        2,623        2,588        2,679        2,674        2,420        2,502   

Other assets

     48,775        54,776        50,960        41,003        47,227        40,940        40,269   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     385,951        382,552        378,358        347,233        360,552        347,666        354,478   

Customer deposits **

     211,457        216,142        212,161        201,069        207,688        199,453        203,721   

Marketable debt securities **

     75,743        73,821        72,156        68,743        70,712        67,865        70,402   

Subordinated debt **

     5,841        5,731        4,990        6,226        6,195        6,116        6,121   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     31,090        31,106        34,885        28,833        30,907        28,171        25,544   

Other liabilities

     47,427        41,308        40,035        28,803        30,008        31,467        33,945   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     14,394        14,443        14,131        13,559        15,042        14,594        14,745   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     13,748        11,785        10,296        10,345        10,261        10,193        9,994   

Mutual funds

     13,748        11,785        10,296        10,345        10,111        10,044        9,849   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     —          —          —          —          150        149        145   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     306,789        307,480        299,603        286,384        294,855        283,627        290,238   


(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***).- Not including profit of the year

Table of Contents



United Kingdom

£ million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     2,526        2,120        406        19.2   

Net fees

     612        638        (25     (4.0

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     167        271        (104     (38.4

Other operating income *

     23        15        8        51.0   

Gross income

     3,328        3,044        284        9.3   

Operating expenses

     (1,724     (1,665     (59     3.5   

General administrative expenses

     (1,469     (1,415     (55     3.9   


     (966     (880     (86     9.8   

Other general administrative expenses

     (503     (534     31        (5.8

Depreciation and amortisation

     (255     (251     (4     1.7   

Net operating income

     1,604        1,379        225        16.4   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (240     (371     131        (35.3

Other income

     (148     (145     (3     2.2   

Profit before taxes

     1,216        863        353        40.9   

Tax on profit

     (254     (176     (78     44.5   

Profit from continuing operations

     962        687        275        40.0   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (12     12        (100.0

Consolidated profit

     962        675        287        42.5   

Minority interests

     —          0        (0     (100.0

Attributable profit to the Group

     962        675        287        42.5   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14      30.09.13      Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     193,501         198,260         (4,759     (2.4

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     27,411         29,801         (2,391     (8.0

Available-for-sale financial assets

     8,345         4,504         3,841        85.3   

Due from credit institutions **

     13,033         19,910         (6,877     (34.5

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     1,945         2,012         (67     (3.3

Other assets

     31,301         39,611         (8,310     (21.0

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     275,536         294,098         (18,562     (6.3

Customer deposits **

     158,352         164,913         (6,561     (4.0

Marketable debt securities **

     54,723         56,087         (1,364     (2.4

Subordinated debt **

     4,758         3,879         879        22.7   

Insurance liabilities

     —           —           —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     19,856         27,116         (7,261     (26.8

Other liabilities

     26,386         31,119         (4,733     (15.2

Shareholders’ equity ***

     11,461         10,984         477        4.3   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     7,769         8,003         (234     (2.9

Mutual funds

     7,656         8,003         (347     (4.3

Pension funds

     —           —           —          —     

Managed portfolios

     113         —           113        —     

Managed and marketed customer funds

     225,602         232,882         (7,280     (3.1


(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***).- Not including profit of the year


Table of Contents



United Kingdom

£ million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     683        688        749        809        819        844        864   

Net fees

     212        218        208        205        205        201        206   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     73        137        61        71        65        56        46   

Other operating income *

     5        6        5        15        12        3        7   

Gross income

     973        1,048        1,022        1,100        1,100        1,105        1,124   

Operating expenses

     (560     (567     (538     (547     (574     (571     (579

General administrative expenses

     (476     (486     (452     (437     (479     (485     (505


     (301     (300     (279     (309     (314     (315     (337

Other general administrative expenses

     (175     (186     (173     (128     (165     (170     (168

Depreciation and amortisation

     (83     (81     (86     (110     (95     (86     (74

Net operating income

     413        481        484        553        526        533        545   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (137     (103     (132     (121     (99     (71     (70

Other income

     (35     (87     (22     (55     (38     (51     (58

Profit before taxes

     241        291        330        377        388        411        417   

Tax on profit

     (51     (56     (69     (80     (77     (86     (91

Profit from continuing operations

     191        235        261        296        311        325        326   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (12     (0     4        —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     191        224        261        301        311        325        326   

Minority interests

     0        (0     0        (0     —          —          —     

Attributable profit to the Group

     191        224        261        301        311        325        326   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     204,994        204,204        198,260        192,623        193,746        191,749        193,501   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     31,853        29,574        29,801        24,037        26,082        25,499        27,411   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     5,412        5,178        4,504        5,005        6,922        7,755        8,345   

Due from credit institutions **

     17,759        13,784        19,910        14,286        14,718        11,534        13,033   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     2,068        2,039        2,012        2,082        2,078        1,881        1,945   

Other assets

     37,913        42,577        39,611        31,871        36,710        31,823        31,301   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     300,000        297,358        294,098        269,904        280,257        270,241        275,536   

Customer deposits **

     164,366        168,007        164,913        156,291        161,436        155,035        158,352   

Marketable debt securities **

     58,875        57,381        56,087        53,434        54,964        52,751        54,723   

Subordinated debt **

     4,540        4,455        3,879        4,840        4,815        4,754        4,758   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     24,166        24,179        27,116        22,412        24,024        21,897        19,856   

Other liabilities

     36,865        32,109        31,119        22,389        23,325        24,460        26,386   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     11,188        11,227        10,984        10,539        11,692        11,344        11,461   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     10,686        9,161        8,003        8,041        7,976        7,923        7,769   

Mutual funds

     10,686        9,161        8,003        8,041        7,859        7,807        7,656   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     —          —          —          —          116        116        113   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     238,467        239,004        232,882        222,606        229,191        220,463        225,602   


(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***).- Not including profit of the year

Table of Contents



Latin America

EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     10,326        11,422        (1,096     (9.6

Net fees

     3,324        3,524        (199     (5.7

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     498        882        (385     (43.6

Other operating income *

     60        44        16        35.2   

Gross income

     14,208        15,872        (1,664     (10.5

Operating expenses

     (5,904     (6,348     444        (7.0

General administrative expenses

     (5,310     (5,669     359        (6.3


     (2,956     (3,170     214        (6.8

Other general administrative expenses

     (2,354     (2,499     145        (5.8

Depreciation and amortisation

     (594     (679     85        (12.5

Net operating income

     8,304        9,524        (1,220     (12.8

Net loan-loss provisions

     (3,860     (5,053     1,193        (23.6

Other income

     (571     (349     (221     63.3   

Profit before taxes

     3,873        4,121        (248     (6.0

Tax on profit

     (958     (919     (39     4.3   

Profit from continuing operations

     2,915        3,202        (287     (9.0

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     2,915        3,202        (287     (9.0

Minority interests

     618        677        (59     (8.8

Attributable profit to the Group

     2,298        2,525        (227     (9.0


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14      30.09.13     Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     140,656         131,809        8,847        6.7   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     37,417         26,816        10,602        39.5   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     22,724         18,741        3,983        21.3   

Due from credit institutions **

     31,225         25,046        6,179        24.7   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     3,890         3,912        (22     (0.6

Other assets

     45,020         44,628        391        0.9   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     280,932         250,952        29,980        11.9   

Customer deposits **

     137,480         128,319        9,162        7.1   

Marketable debt securities **

     32,935         28,455        4,480        15.7   

Subordinated debt **

     6,574         3,884        2,690        69.3   

Insurance liabilities

     —           —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     29,652         25,445        4,207        16.5   

Other liabilities

     53,033         43,308        9,725        22.5   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     21,258         21,541        (284     (1.3

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     80,196         68,439        11,757        17.2   

Mutual funds

     67,981         59,129        8,852        15.0   

Pension funds

     —           (0     0        (100.0

Managed portfolios

     12,215         9,310        2,905        31.2   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     257,185         229,096        28,089        12.3   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item

(***).-  Not including profit of the year



Ratios (%) and other data



     14.54         14.48        0.06 p.     

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     41.6         40.0        1.6 p.     

NPL ratio

     4.98         5.29        (0.31 p.  

NPL coverage

     83.5         83.6        (0.1 p.  

Number of employees

     84,050         85,968        (1,918     (2.2

Number of branches

     5,689         5,848        (159     (2.7

Table of Contents



Latin America

EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     3,991        3,927        3,503        3,491        3,346        3,496        3,484   

Net fees

     1,228        1,223        1,073        1,137        1,048        1,100        1,176   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     337        212        333        155        126        115        257   

Other operating income *

     8        22        14        6        (2     42        21   

Gross income

     5,564        5,385        4,923        4,789        4,517        4,753        4,938   

Operating expenses

     (2,138     (2,162     (2,049     (2,127     (1,879     (1,952     (2,073

General administrative expenses

     (1,907     (1,928     (1,834     (1,911     (1,679     (1,768     (1,864


     (1,080     (1,078     (1,012     (1,037     (933     (991     (1,032

Other general administrative expenses

     (827     (850     (822     (874     (746     (777     (832

Depreciation and amortisation

     (231     (234     (214     (216     (200     (184     (210

Net operating income

     3,426        3,223        2,874        2,662        2,638        2,802        2,864   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (1,795     (1,743     (1,515     (1,382     (1,239     (1,281     (1,340

Other income

     (62     (144     (144     (194     (161     (179     (231

Profit before taxes

     1,569        1,336        1,216        1,087        1,238        1,341        1,293   

Tax on profit

     (331     (291     (297     (247     (328     (326     (304

Profit from continuing operations

     1,238        1,045        919        840        910        1,015        990   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          0        —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     1,238        1,045        919        840        910        1,015        990   

Minority interests

     270        210        198        184        199        215        204   

Attributable profit to the Group

     969        835        721        656        712        800        786   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     144,798        135,931        131,809        128,684        129,743        136,325        140,656   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     31,914        30,457        26,816        23,097        27,301        33,960        37,417   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     23,437        21,541        18,741        20,822        26,698        25,052        22,724   

Due from credit institutions **

     35,184        23,601        25,046        28,073        22,655        22,442        31,225   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     4,454        4,019        3,912        3,895        3,848        3,852        3,890   

Other assets

     45,951        44,133        44,628        40,354        43,344        44,619        45,020   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     285,738        259,683        250,952        244,925        253,589        266,251        280,932   

Customer deposits **

     138,957        132,214        128,319        122,176        126,239        127,903        137,480   

Marketable debt securities **

     31,978        30,717        28,455        28,987        27,848        31,792        32,935   

Subordinated debt **

     5,622        4,190        3,884        4,833        6,661        6,760        6,574   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     32,951        26,345        25,445        24,489        25,487        30,227        29,652   

Other liabilities

     50,405        43,021        43,308        44,999        45,949        48,071        53,033   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     25,824        23,196        21,541        19,442        21,405        21,497        21,258   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     70,913        65,527        68,439        65,599        70,867        76,454        80,196   

Mutual funds

     61,256        56,411        59,129        55,835        60,256        65,315        67,981   

Pension funds

     0        —          (0     0        —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     9,657        9,116        9,310        9,764        10,611        11,140        12,215   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     247,469        232,647        229,096        221,595        231,615        242,910        257,185   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item


(***).-  Not including profit of the year


Other information


NPL ratio

     5.40        5.23        5.29        5.00        5.06        5.03        4.98   

NPL coverage

     87.4        86.1        83.6        85.4        86.1        86.3        83.5   

Cost of credit

     5.07        4.87        4.73        4.53        4.24        3.95        3.77   

Table of Contents



Latin America

Constant EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     10,326        10,109        217        2.2   

Net fees

     3,324        3,089        235        7.6   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     498        770        (272     (35.3

Other operating income *

     60        38        22        57.5   

Gross income

     14,208        14,006        202        1.4   

Operating expenses

     (5,904     (5,588     (316     5.7   

General administrative expenses

     (5,310     (4,989     (321     6.4   


     (2,956     (2,790     (167     6.0   

Other general administrative expenses

     (2,354     (2,199     (155     7.0   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (594     (599     5        (0.8

Net operating income

     8,304        8,418        (114     (1.4

Net loan-loss provisions

     (3,860     (4,509     649        (14.4

Other income

     (571     (303     (267     88.0   

Profit before taxes

     3,873        3,606        267        7.4   

Tax on profit

     (958     (790     (168     21.3   

Profit from continuing operations

     2,915        2,816        99        3.5   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     2,915        2,816        99        3.5   

Minority interests

     618        606        11        1.9   

Attributable profit to the Group

     2,298        2,210        87        4.0   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14      30.09.13      Amount      %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     140,656         127,830         12,826         10.0   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     37,417         27,297         10,120         37.1   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     22,724         18,373         4,351         23.7   

Due from credit institutions **

     31,225         25,018         6,207         24.8   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     3,890         3,791         99         2.6   

Other assets

     45,020         43,773         1,247         2.8   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     280,932         246,082         34,850         14.2   

Customer deposits **

     137,480         125,127         12,353         9.9   

Marketable debt securities **

     32,935         27,721         5,214         18.8   

Subordinated debt **

     6,574         3,750         2,824         75.3   

Insurance liabilities

     —           —           —           —     

Due to credit institutions **

     29,652         25,057         4,596         18.3   

Other liabilities

     53,033         43,179         9,854         22.8   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     21,258         21,249         9         0.0   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     80,196         68,118         12,078         17.7   

Mutual funds

     67,981         58,631         9,350         15.9   

Pension funds

     —           —           —           —     

Managed portfolios

     12,215         9,487         2,728         28.8   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     257,185         224,716         32,469         14.4   


(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***).- Not including profit of the year

Table of Contents



Latin America

Constant EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     3,389        3,381        3,339        3,409        3,446        3,471        3,408   

Net fees

     1,037        1,042        1,010        1,099        1,076        1,095        1,153   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     286        182        302        148        126        115        257   

Other operating income *

     7        20        12        7        (2     42        20   

Gross income

     4,718        4,625        4,663        4,663        4,646        4,724        4,839   

Operating expenses

     (1,808     (1,850     (1,930     (2,056     (1,929     (1,941     (2,033

General administrative expenses

     (1,613     (1,649     (1,727     (1,847     (1,723     (1,759     (1,828


     (914     (922     (953     (1,003     (957     (986     (1,013

Other general administrative expenses

     (699     (727     (774     (844     (766     (772     (815

Depreciation and amortisation

     (195     (201     (202     (209     (206     (183     (205

Net operating income

     2,910        2,775        2,733        2,607        2,716        2,782        2,805   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (1,529     (1,511     (1,469     (1,375     (1,281     (1,270     (1,310

Other income

     (48     (122     (133     (183     (167     (178     (226

Profit before taxes

     1,332        1,142        1,132        1,049        1,268        1,335        1,270   

Tax on profit

     (274     (244     (271     (234     (337     (324     (297

Profit from continuing operations

     1,058        898        861        815        932        1,011        973   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          0        —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     1,058        898        861        815        932        1,011        973   

Minority interests

     234        183        189        182        204        214        200   

Attributable profit to the Group

     824        714        672        633        728        797        773   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13      30.06.13      30.09.13      31.12.13      31.03.14      30.06.14      30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     121,398         125,791         127,830         132,132         132,924         135,976         140,656   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     28,597         29,619         27,297         24,400         28,413         34,247         37,417   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     19,515         20,083         18,373         21,684         27,253         24,756         22,724   

Due from credit institutions **

     30,802         22,472         25,018         29,426         23,479         22,631         31,225   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     3,690         3,704         3,791         4,021         3,929         3,810         3,890   

Other assets

     38,473         41,109         43,773         42,000         44,484         44,304         45,020   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     242,476         242,779         246,082         253,662         260,482         265,724         280,932   

Customer deposits **

     116,807         122,735         125,127         125,804         129,687         127,804         137,480   

Marketable debt securities **

     26,795         28,627         27,721         30,050         28,342         31,362         32,935   

Subordinated debt **

     4,652         3,865         3,750         5,002         6,798         6,673         6,574   

Insurance liabilities

     —           —           —           —           —           —           —     

Due to credit institutions **

     28,161         24,806         25,057         25,477         26,147         30,206         29,652   

Other liabilities

     44,039         40,938         43,179         47,090         47,440         48,140         53,033   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     22,022         21,807         21,249         20,241         22,068         21,539         21,258   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     61,116         62,339         68,118         68,999         73,011         76,341         80,196   

Mutual funds

     52,256         53,400         58,631         58,606         61,763         64,740         67,981   

Pension funds

     0         —           —           0         —           —           —     

Managed portfolios

     8,860         8,939         9,487         10,393         11,248         11,602         12,215   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     209,370         217,567         224,716         229,854         237,838         242,179         257,185   


(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***).- Not including profit of the year

Table of Contents



Latin America. Results
EUR million


     Gross income     Net operating income     Attributable profit to the Group  
     9M ‘14      9M ‘13      Var. (%)     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Var. (%)     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Var. (%)  


     9,029         10,448         (13.6     5,410        6,470        (16.4     1,167        1,277        (8.6


     2,279         2,316         (1.6     1,341        1,406        (4.6     474        564        (15.9


     1,589         1,683         (5.6     961        975        (1.4     347        316        9.8   


     854         967         (11.8     441        519        (15.0     220        254        (13.1


     187         192         (2.4     71        71        (0.0     40        42        (5.8


     36         30         19.9        24        20        22.4        16        14        18.8   


     21         8         164.0        (48     (57     (15.9     (40     (36     12.6   


     13,995         15,644         (10.5     8,200        9,403        (12.8     2,224        2,431        (8.5

Santander Private Banking

     213         228         (6.7     104        121        (13.6     73        94        (22.3


     14,208         15,872         (10.5     8,304        9,524        (12.8     2,298        2,525        (9.0

Table of Contents



Latin America. Results

Constant EUR million


     Gross income     Net operating income     Attributable profit to the Group  
     9M ‘14      9M ‘13      Var. (%)     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Var. (%)     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Var. (%)  


     9,029         9,367         (3.6     5,410        5,801        (6.7     1,167        1,145        1.9   


     2,279         2,174         4.8        1,341        1,320        1.6        474        529        (10.4


     1,589         1,422         11.7        961        824        16.6        347        267        29.9   


     854         622         37.3        441        334        32.2        220        163        35.2   


     187         163         14.7        71        60        17.6        40        36        10.8   


     36         28         29.7        24        18        32.3        16        13        28.4   


     21         7         183.3        (48     (55     (13.8     (40     (35     16.5   


     13,995         13,784         1.5        8,200        8,301        (1.2     2,224        2,118        5.0   

Santander Private Banking

     213         222         (4.0     104        117        (11.1     73        92        (20.1


     14,208         14,006         1.4        8,304        8,418        (1.4     2,298        2,210        4.0   

Table of Contents




EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     6,771        7,780        (1,009     (13.0

Net fees

     2,055        2,166        (111     (5.1

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     127        481        (353     (73.5

Other operating income *

     77        21        55        256.3   

Gross income

     9,029        10,448        (1,418     (13.6

Operating expenses

     (3,620     (3,978     358        (9.0

General administrative expenses

     (3,234     (3,536     303        (8.6


     (1,761     (1,918     156        (8.2

Other general administrative expenses

     (1,472     (1,619     147        (9.1

Depreciation and amortisation

     (386     (441     55        (12.5

Net operating income

     5,410        6,470        (1,060     (16.4

Net loan-loss provisions

     (2,795     (3,908     1,113        (28.5

Other income

     (561     (336     (225     66.7   

Profit before taxes

     2,053        2,225        (172     (7.7

Tax on profit

     (560     (578     18        (3.1

Profit from continuing operations

     1,493        1,647        (154     (9.3

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     1,493        1,647        (154     (9.3

Minority interests

     326        370        (44     (11.8

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,167        1,277        (110     (8.6


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14      30.09.13      Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     72,918         69,395         3,523        5.1   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     18,130         11,663         6,466        55.4   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     15,290         12,273         3,017        24.6   

Due from credit institutions **

     14,982         11,681         3,301        28.3   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     2,742         2,863         (121     (4.2

Other assets

     30,763         31,265         (502     (1.6

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     154,824         139,140         15,684        11.3   

Customer deposits **

     70,892         65,801         5,092        7.7   

Marketable debt securities **

     22,999         20,000         2,999        15.0   

Subordinated debt **

     4,372         2,858         1,513        52.9   

Insurance liabilities

     —           —           —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     16,651         14,601         2,050        14.0   

Other liabilities

     28,368         23,286         5,082        21.8   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     11,542         12,595         (1,053     (8.4

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     50,864         45,571         5,292        11.6   

Mutual funds

     47,513         42,445         5,067        11.9   

Pension funds

     —           —           —          —     

Managed portfolios

     3,351         3,126         225        7.2   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     149,127         134,230         14,897        11.1   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item

(***).-  Not including profit of the year



Ratios (%) and other data



     13.21         12.55         0.66 p.     

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     40.1         38.1         2.0 p.     

NPL ratio

     5.64         6.12         (0.48 p.  

NPL coverage

     91.4         92.0         (0.6 p.  

Number of employees

     46,621         50,322         (3,701     (7.4

Number of branches

     3,427         3,661         (234     (6.4

Table of Contents




EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     2,801        2,712        2,266        2,287        2,199        2,295        2,277   

Net fees

     762        772        633        705        629        685        741   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     215        62        203        60        17        (37     147   

Other operating income *

     3        6        12        19        7        44        26   

Gross income

     3,781        3,552        3,115        3,070        2,851        2,986        3,192   

Operating expenses

     (1,359     (1,356     (1,263     (1,346     (1,133     (1,196     (1,291

General administrative expenses

     (1,207     (1,202     (1,127     (1,207     (1,006     (1,074     (1,154


     (674     (647     (597     (645     (550     (591     (621

Other general administrative expenses

     (534     (555     (530     (561     (456     (483     (533

Depreciation and amortisation

     (152     (154     (136     (139     (127     (122     (137

Net operating income

     2,422        2,196        1,852        1,724        1,719        1,791        1,900   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (1,471     (1,372     (1,065     (985     (905     (933     (958

Other income

     (78     (133     (126     (162     (143     (166     (253

Profit before taxes

     873        691        661        577        671        693        689   

Tax on profit

     (221     (165     (192     (185     (202     (188     (170

Profit from continuing operations

     652        525        469        392        469        504        520   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     652        525        469        392        469        504        520   

Minority interests

     154        105        111        91        106        110        111   

Attributable profit to the Group

     499        420        358        301        364        395        409   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     77,918        71,296        69,395        66,446        68,518        71,475        72,918   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     11,824        12,276        11,663        10,321        11,314        16,954        18,130   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     16,766        14,848        12,273        14,175        19,790        18,352        15,290   

Due from credit institutions **

     15,402        11,171        11,681        14,734        9,048        10,129        14,982   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     3,330        2,965        2,863        2,793        2,797        2,796        2,742   

Other assets

     33,640        32,258        31,265        25,456        29,629        31,608        30,763   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     158,880        144,814        139,140        133,925        141,097        151,315        154,824   

Customer deposits **

     75,162        69,199        65,801        61,490        65,934        68,450        70,892   

Marketable debt securities **

     21,850        21,453        20,000        20,002        19,898        21,772        22,999   

Subordinated debt **

     4,438        3,130        2,858        2,734        4,585        4,821        4,372   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     18,084        14,571        14,601        12,929        13,824        16,122        16,651   

Other liabilities

     24,354        23,075        23,286        25,229        25,066        27,974        28,368   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     14,992        13,386        12,595        11,542        11,789        12,176        11,542   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     45,783        41,585        45,571        42,640        45,749        49,593        50,864   

Mutual funds

     42,227        38,469        42,445        39,675        42,602        46,394        47,513   

Pension funds

     0        —          —          —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     3,556        3,116        3,126        2,965        3,147        3,199        3,351   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     147,233        135,368        134,230        126,866        136,165        144,636        149,127   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item

(***).-  Not including profit of the year



Other information


NPL ratio

     6.90        6.49        6.12        5.64        5.74        5.78        5.64   

NPL coverage

     90.4        91.3        92.0        95.1        95.2        94.8        91.4   

Cost of credit

     7.46        7.07        6.72        6.34        5.82        5.38        5.14   

Spread (Retail Banking)

     13.81        13.26        12.77        12.77        12.66        12.52        11.98   

Loan spreads

     13.09        12.51        11.93        11.82        11.76        11.60        10.98   

Deposit spreads

     0.72        0.75        0.84        0.95        0.90        0.92        1.00   

Table of Contents




Constant EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     6,771        6,975        (204     (2.9

Net fees

     2,055        1,942        113        5.8   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     127        431        (304     (70.4

Other operating income *

     77        19        57        297.4   

Gross income

     9,029        9,367        (338     (3.6

Operating expenses

     (3,620     (3,566     (53     1.5   

General administrative expenses

     (3,234     (3,171     (63     2.0   


     (1,761     (1,719     (42     2.4   

Other general administrative expenses

     (1,472     (1,451     (21     1.4   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (386     (396     10        (2.5

Net operating income

     5,410        5,801        (391     (6.7

Net loan-loss provisions

     (2,795     (3,504     709        (20.2

Other income

     (561     (302     (259     86.0   

Profit before taxes

     2,053        1,995        58        2.9   

Tax on profit

     (560     (518     (42     8.1   

Profit from continuing operations

     1,493        1,477        17        1.1   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     1,493        1,477        17        1.1   

Minority interests

     326        332        (5     (1.7

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,167        1,145        22        1.9   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     72,918        68,460        4,457        6.5   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     18,130        11,506        6,623        57.6   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     15,290        12,108        3,182        26.3   

Due from credit institutions **

     14,982        11,523        3,458        30.0   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     2,742        2,825        (83     (2.9

Other assets

     30,763        30,844        (81     (0.3

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     154,824        137,267        17,557        12.8   

Customer deposits **

     70,892        64,915        5,978        9.2   

Marketable debt securities **

     22,999        19,731        3,269        16.6   

Subordinated debt **

     4,372        2,820        1,552        55.0   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     16,651        14,404        2,246        15.6   

Other liabilities

     28,368        22,972        5,396        23.5   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     11,542        12,425        (883     (7.1

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     50,864        44,958        5,906        13.1   

Mutual funds

     47,513        41,874        5,639        13.5   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     3,351        3,084        267        8.7   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     149,127        132,423        16,704        12.6   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item

(***).-  Not including profit of the year



Table of Contents




Constant EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     2,382        2,357        2,236        2,288        2,298        2,263        2,209   

Net fees

     648        670        624        700        657        676        721   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     183        55        193        66        17        (38     148   

Other operating income *

     3        5        11        18        7        44        25   

Gross income

     3,215        3,088        3,064        3,072        2,980        2,946        3,103   

Operating expenses

     (1,156     (1,178     (1,233     (1,332     (1,184     (1,180     (1,256

General administrative expenses

     (1,027     (1,044     (1,100     (1,194     (1,051     (1,060     (1,122


     (573     (563     (584     (639     (574     (583     (603

Other general administrative expenses

     (454     (482     (516     (555     (477     (477     (519

Depreciation and amortisation

     (129     (134     (133     (139     (133     (120     (134

Net operating income

     2,060        1,910        1,831        1,739        1,796        1,767        1,847   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (1,251     (1,193     (1,060     (999     (946     (920     (930

Other income

     (66     (115     (121     (157     (149     (164     (248

Profit before taxes

     743        602        651        583        702        683        669   

Tax on profit

     (188     (144     (187     (184     (211     (185     (164

Profit from continuing operations

     555        458        464        399        490        498        505   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     555        458        464        399        490        498        505   

Minority interests

     131        92        109        93        110        108        108   

Attributable profit to the Group

     424        366        355        307        380        390        397   
(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses   
     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     64,979        66,850        68,460        70,230        69,530        69,576        72,918   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     9,861        11,510        11,506        10,909        11,481        16,504        18,130   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     13,982        13,923        12,108        14,982        20,083        17,865        15,290   

Due from credit institutions **

     12,844        10,474        11,523        15,573        9,182        9,860        14,982   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     2,777        2,780        2,825        2,952        2,839        2,722        2,742   

Other assets

     28,054        30,246        30,844        26,906        30,066        30,768        30,763   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     132,497        135,784        137,267        141,551        143,180        147,294        154,824   

Customer deposits **

     62,681        64,884        64,915        64,991        66,907        66,631        70,892   

Marketable debt securities **

     18,221        20,115        19,731        21,141        20,192        21,194        22,999   

Subordinated debt **

     3,701        2,935        2,820        2,890        4,652        4,693        4,372   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     15,081        13,662        14,404        13,665        14,028        15,693        16,651   

Other liabilities

     20,310        21,636        22,972        26,665        25,437        27,230        28,368   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     12,503        12,551        12,425        12,199        11,963        11,853        11,542   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     38,181        38,992        44,958        45,068        46,424        48,275        50,864   

Mutual funds

     35,215        36,070        41,874        41,934        43,231        45,161        47,513   

Pension funds

     0        —          —          —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     2,966        2,922        3,084        3,134        3,193        3,114        3,351   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     122,784        126,926        132,423        134,090        138,176        140,793        149,127   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item

(***).-  Not including profit of the year



Table of Contents




EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     1,599        1,590        9        0.6   

Net fees

     573        595        (22     (3.8

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     142        144        (2     (1.2

Other operating income *

     (34     (12     (22     177.2   

Gross income

     2,279        2,316        (37     (1.6

Operating expenses

     (938     (910     (28     3.0   

General administrative expenses

     (840     (817     (23     2.8   


     (446     (452     7        (1.5

Other general administrative expenses

     (395     (365     (30     8.3   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (97     (93     (4     4.7   

Net operating income

     1,341        1,406        (65     (4.6

Net loan-loss provisions

     (579     (583     4        (0.6

Other income

     2        21        (19     (88.3

Profit before taxes

     764        844        (80     (9.4

Tax on profit

     (155     (104     (51     48.8   

Profit from continuing operations

     609        740        (130     (17.6

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     609        740        (130     (17.6

Minority interests

     135        176        (41     (23.2

Attributable profit to the Group

     474        564        (90     (15.9

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     26,162        21,007        5,155        24.5   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     12,469        10,306        2,164        21.0   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     4,097        3,116        982        31.5   

Due from credit institutions **

     9,606        7,518        2,088        27.8   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     392        377        15        3.9   

Other assets

     5,463        4,931        533        10.8   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     58,189        47,254        10,935        23.1   

Customer deposits **

     28,691        25,783        2,908        11.3   

Marketable debt securities **

     3,791        2,456        1,335        54.4   

Subordinated debt **

     1,027        —          1,027        —     

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     6,576        4,472        2,104        47.0   

Other liabilities

     14,142        11,028        3,114        28.2   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     3,962        3,515        448        12.7   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     12,406        10,293        2,112        20.5   

Mutual funds

     12,406        10,293        2,112        20.5   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     —          —          —          —     

Managed and marketed customer funds

     45,915        38,532        7,383        19.2   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item


(***).-  Not including profit of the year


Ratios (%) and other data



     17.04        18.88        (1.83 p.  

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     41.2        39.3        1.9 p.     

NPL ratio

     3.74        3.58        0.16 p.     

NPL coverage

     90.1        99.0        (8.9 p.  

Number of employees

     15,889        14,441        1,448        10.0   

Number of branches

     1,299        1,229        70        5.7   

Table of Contents




EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     516        541        533        531        509        529        561   

Net fees

     208        189        197        188        190        191        192   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     54        59        31        (3     27        62        53   

Other operating income *

     (8     5        (10     (11     (12     (7     (15

Gross income

     770        795        751        705        713        775        791   

Operating expenses

     (299     (304     (307     (315     (307     (312     (319

General administrative expenses

     (268     (272     (277     (288     (273     (281     (286


     (147     (151     (155     (141     (142     (148     (156

Other general administrative expenses

     (122     (121     (122     (148     (131     (133     (130

Depreciation and amortisation

     (30     (33     (30     (27     (33     (31     (33

Net operating income

     472        490        444        390        407        463        471   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (142     (184     (257     (218     (179     (191     (210

Other income

     26        (2     (3     (4     (2     (2     6   

Profit before taxes

     355        305        184        168        226        271        267   

Tax on profit

     (40     (42     (22     25        (48     (56     (50

Profit from continuing operations

     315        263        162        193        178        214        217   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     315        263        162        193        178        214        217   

Minority interests

     74        63        39        44        40        46        49   

Attributable profit to the Group

     241        199        123        149        138        169        167   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     23,279        22,440        21,007        22,269        22,381        24,516        26,162   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     14,661        12,644        10,306        8,685        11,293        11,603        12,469   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     2,386        3,192        3,116        3,387        3,475        3,944        4,097   

Due from credit institutions **

     12,927        5,857        7,518        7,975        8,347        6,975        9,606   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     400        380        377        402        395        397        392   

Other assets

     5,131        4,774        4,931        5,681        5,637        5,494        5,463   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     58,785        49,287        47,254        48,398        51,529        52,928        58,189   

Customer deposits **

     26,014        26,497        25,783        24,663        25,592        24,803        28,691   

Marketable debt securities **

     3,642        3,214        2,456        2,896        2,496        3,818        3,791   

Subordinated debt **

     —          —          —          931        946        971        1,027   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     8,085        4,828        4,472        5,494        5,922        7,840        6,576   

Other liabilities

     16,580        10,676        11,028        11,601        12,808        11,684        14,142   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     4,463        4,072        3,515        2,814        3,765        3,812        3,962   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     11,300        10,789        10,293        10,349        11,016        11,724        12,406   

Mutual funds

     11,300        10,789        10,293        10,349        11,016        11,724        12,406   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          0        —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Managed and marketed customer funds

     40,957        40,500        38,532        38,838        40,049        41,316        45,915   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item


(***).-  Not including profit of the year


Other information


NPL ratio

     1.92        2.20        3.58        3.66        3.62        3.52        3.74   

NPL coverage

     157.1        142.7        99.0        97.5        98.6        96.6        90.1   

Cost of credit

     2.46        2.73        3.27        3.47        3.59        3.58        3.26   

Spread (Retail Banking)

     10.32        10.05        9.90        9.74        9.69        9.29        9.07   

Loan spreads

     8.46        8.41        8.34        8.23        8.17        7.83        7.69   

Deposit spreads

     1.86        1.64        1.56        1.51        1.52        1.46        1.38   

Table of Contents




Constant EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     1,599        1,492        106        7.1   

Net fees

     573        559        14        2.5   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     142        135        7        5.2   

Other operating income *

     (34     (12     (23     195.3   

Gross income

     2,279        2,174        105        4.8   

Operating expenses

     (938     (854     (83     9.8   

General administrative expenses

     (840     (767     (73     9.6   


     (446     (425     (21     4.9   

Other general administrative expenses

     (395     (342     (52     15.3   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (97     (87     (10     11.5   

Net operating income

     1,341        1,320        21        1.6   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (579     (547     (32     5.9   

Other income

     2        20        (17     (87.5

Profit before taxes

     764        792        (28     (3.5

Tax on profit

     (155     (98     (57     58.5   

Profit from continuing operations

     609        694        (85     (12.3

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     609        694        (85     (12.3

Minority interests

     135        165        (30     (18.2

Attributable profit to the Group

     474        529        (55     (10.4

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     26,162        22,055        4,107        18.6   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     12,469        10,820        1,649        15.2   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     4,097        3,271        826        25.3   

Due from credit institutions **

     9,606        7,893        1,712        21.7   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     392        396        (4     (1.0

Other assets

     5,463        5,177        286        5.5   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     58,189        49,613        8,577        17.3   

Customer deposits **

     28,691        27,070        1,621        6.0   

Marketable debt securities **

     3,791        2,579        1,212        47.0   

Subordinated debt **

     1,027        —          1,027        —     

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     6,576        4,695        1,881        40.1   

Other liabilities

     14,142        11,578        2,563        22.1   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     3,962        3,690        272        7.4   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     12,406        10,807        1,598        14.8   

Mutual funds

     12,406        10,807        1,598        14.8   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     —          —          —          —     

Managed and marketed customer funds

     45,915        40,456        5,459        13.5   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item


(***).-  Not including profit of the year


Table of Contents




Constant EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     485        495        512        529        520        531        549   

Net fees

     196        173        190        187        193        192        187   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     50        54        30        (1     27        63        52   

Other operating income *

     (8     5        (9     (10     (13     (7     (15

Gross income

     724        727        723        705        728        778        773   

Operating expenses

     (281     (279     (295     (313     (313     (313     (312

General administrative expenses

     (252     (248     (267     (286     (279     (282     (280


     (138     (138     (149     (140     (145     (148     (153

Other general administrative expenses

     (114     (110     (118     (146     (134     (134     (127

Depreciation and amortisation

     (29     (30     (29     (27     (34     (31     (32

Net operating income

     443        449        428        392        415        465        461   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (133     (169     (245     (216     (182     (191     (206

Other income

     24        (2     (3     (3     (2     (2     6   

Profit before taxes

     334        278        180        172        231        272        261   

Tax on profit

     (38     (39     (21     22        (49     (56     (49

Profit from continuing operations

     296        240        159        195        182        215        212   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     296        240        159        195        182        215        212   

Minority interests

     69        58        38        45        41        46        48   

Attributable profit to the Group

     227        182        121        150        141        170        164   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     21,658        22,498        22,055        23,678        23,720        25,547        26,162   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     13,640        12,676        10,820        9,234        11,969        12,091        12,469   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     2,220        3,200        3,271        3,601        3,683        4,110        4,097   

Due from credit institutions **

     12,028        5,872        7,893        8,479        8,847        7,268        9,606   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     373        381        396        427        419        413        392   

Other assets

     4,774        4,786        5,177        6,040        5,974        5,725        5,463   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     54,693        49,413        49,613        51,460        54,612        55,154        58,189   

Customer deposits **

     24,204        26,565        27,070        26,223        27,123        25,846        28,691   

Marketable debt securities **

     3,389        3,222        2,579        3,079        2,645        3,979        3,791   

Subordinated debt **

     —          —          —          990        1,003        1,011        1,027   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     7,523        4,840        4,695        5,841        6,277        8,170        6,576   

Other liabilities

     15,426        10,704        11,578        12,335        13,575        12,175        14,142   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     4,152        4,082        3,690        2,992        3,990        3,972        3,962   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     10,513        10,816        10,807        11,004        11,675        12,217        12,406   

Mutual funds

     10,513        10,816        10,807        11,004        11,675        12,217        12,406   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          0        —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Managed and marketed customer funds

     38,106        40,604        40,456        41,296        42,445        43,053        45,915   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item


(***).-  Not including profit of the year


Table of Contents




EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     1,243        1,262        (19     (1.5

Net fees

     243        284        (42     (14.7

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     88        122        (33     (27.5

Other operating income *

     15        15        0        0.3   

Gross income

     1,589        1,683        (94     (5.6

Operating expenses

     (628     (708     80        (11.3

General administrative expenses

     (574     (625     51        (8.2


     (353     (386     33        (8.5

Other general administrative expenses

     (221     (239     18        (7.5

Depreciation and amortisation

     (54     (83     29        (35.0

Net operating income

     961        975        (14     (1.4

Net loan-loss provisions

     (365     (456     91        (19.9

Other income

     (7     8        (14     —     

Profit before taxes

     589        527        62        11.8   

Tax on profit

     (86     (73     (13     17.9   

Profit from continuing operations

     503        454        49        10.9   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     503        454        49        10.9   

Minority interests

     156        137        18        13.4   

Attributable profit to the Group

     347        316        31        9.8   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     29,057        29,697        (640     (2.2

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     2,723        1,086        1,638        150.9   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     2,192        2,485        (292     (11.8

Due from credit institutions **

     3,630        2,888        742        25.7   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     295        324        (29     (8.8

Other assets

     2,749        3,274        (525     (16.0

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     40,647        39,753        894        2.2   

Customer deposits **

     21,294        22,076        (782     (3.5

Marketable debt securities **

     6,047        5,949        98        1.6   

Subordinated debt **

     1,152        1,005        147        14.6   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     5,129        4,615        514        11.1   

Other liabilities

     4,812        3,894        917        23.6   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     2,213        2,213        (1     (0.0

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     6,777        5,670        1,107        19.5   

Mutual funds

     5,194        4,290        905        21.1   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     1,583        1,380        203        14.7   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     35,270        34,700        570        1.6   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item


(***).-  Not including profit of the year


Ratios (%) and other data



     20.40        17.39        3.01 p.     

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     39.5        42.1        (2.6 p.  

NPL ratio

     5.98        6.00        (0.02 p.  

NPL coverage

     52.3        49.7        2.6 p.     

Number of employees

     12,093        12,211        (118     (1.0

Number of branches

     476        488        (12     (2.5

Table of Contents




EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     410        406        446        434        408        447        387   

Net fees

     102        96        87        87        81        78        83   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     31        53        38        45        39        20        30   

Other operating income *

     7        5        2        (0     5        5        5   

Gross income

     550        560        573        566        533        551        505   

Operating expenses

     (232     (245     (231     (218     (201     (210     (217

General administrative expenses

     (203     (219     (203     (194     (180     (197     (197


     (124     (136     (126     (121     (108     (123     (122

Other general administrative expenses

     (78     (83     (78     (73     (72     (74     (75

Depreciation and amortisation

     (29     (27     (27     (24     (21     (13     (20

Net operating income

     319        314        342        348        332        341        288   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (155     (147     (153     (142     (116     (118     (131

Other income

     (1     3        6        (4     (7     (3     3   

Profit before taxes

     163        170        194        203        209        220        160   

Tax on profit

     (15     (30     (28     (34     (33     (29     (25

Profit from continuing operations

     148        140        166        169        176        192        136   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     148        140        166        169        176        192        136   

Minority interests

     44        43        50        50        53        59        43   

Attributable profit to the Group

     103        97        116        119        123        132        92   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     31,615        30,085        29,697        28,783        27,993        28,701        29,057   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     1,549        1,470        1,086        1,388        1,764        2,106        2,723   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     3,133        2,368        2,485        2,385        2,454        1,796        2,192   

Due from credit institutions **

     3,720        3,122        2,888        2,599        2,922        2,851        3,630   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     376        341        324        327        313        281        295   

Other assets

     2,764        2,661        3,274        3,072        2,562        2,091        2,749   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     43,156        40,046        39,753        38,553        38,009        37,826        40,647   

Customer deposits **

     23,224        21,961        22,076        20,988        20,436        19,929        21,294   

Marketable debt securities **

     6,461        6,026        5,949        6,022        5,399        6,146        6,047   

Subordinated debt **

     1,164        1,039        1,005        1,147        1,110        948        1,152   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     5,284        4,691        4,615        4,253        4,548        4,643        5,129   

Other liabilities

     4,174        4,015        3,894        4,021        4,041        3,941        4,812   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     2,849        2,313        2,213        2,122        2,476        2,219        2,213   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     6,286        5,686        5,670        5,469        5,864        6,346        6,777   

Mutual funds

     4,844        4,349        4,290        4,067        4,427        4,850        5,194   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     1,442        1,337        1,380        1,402        1,437        1,496        1,583   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     37,135        34,712        34,700        33,626        32,808        33,368        35,270   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item



(***).-  Not including profit of the year



Other information


NPL ratio

     5.51        5.81        6.00        5.91        5.99        5.94        5.98   

NPL coverage

     53.9        49.9        49.7        51.1        50.7        51.7        52.3   

Cost of credit

     1.95        2.00        1.96        1.92        1.82        1.76        1.71   

Spread (Retail Banking)

     6.70        6.74        6.43        6.29        6.33        6.37        6.32   

Loan spreads

     4.31        4.27        4.01        3.98        3.98        4.00        3.97   

Deposit spreads

     2.39        2.47        2.42        2.31        2.35        2.37        2.35   

Table of Contents




Constant EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     1,243        1,066        176        16.5   

Net fees

     243        240        2        1.0   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     88        103        (15     (14.2

Other operating income *

     15        12        2        18.7   

Gross income

     1,589        1,422        166        11.7   

Operating expenses

     (628     (598     (30     4.9   

General administrative expenses

     (574     (528     (46     8.7   


     (353     (326     (27     8.2   

Other general administrative expenses

     (221     (202     (19     9.4   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (54     (70     16        (23.1

Net operating income

     961        824        137        16.6   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (365     (385     20        (5.2

Other income

     (7     7        (13     —     

Profit before taxes

     589        445        144        32.3   

Tax on profit

     (86     (62     (24     39.5   

Profit from continuing operations

     503        383        120        31.2   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     503        383        120        31.2   

Minority interests

     156        116        40        34.1   

Attributable profit to the Group

     347        267        80        29.9   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     29,057        26,831        2,226        8.3   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     2,723        981        1,742        177.7   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     2,192        2,245        (53     (2.3

Due from credit institutions **

     3,630        2,609        1,021        39.1   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     295        293        3        0.9   

Other assets

     2,749        2,958        (209     (7.1

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     40,647        35,917        4,730        13.2   

Customer deposits **

     21,294        19,946        1,349        6.8   

Marketable debt securities **

     6,047        5,375        672        12.5   

Subordinated debt **

     1,152        908        244        26.8   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     5,129        4,170        959        23.0   

Other liabilities

     4,812        3,518        1,293        36.8   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     2,213        2,000        213        10.7   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     6,777        5,123        1,654        32.3   

Mutual funds

     5,194        3,876        1,319        34.0   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     1,583        1,247        336        26.9   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     35,270        31,352        3,919        12.5   


(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***).- Not including profit of the year

Table of Contents




Constant EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     336        338        392        399        406        447        390   

Net fees

     84        80        77        80        81        78        84   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     26        44        34        41        39        20        30   

Other operating income *

     6        5        2        (0     4        5        5   

Gross income

     452        466        505        521        530        551        508   

Operating expenses

     (190     (204     (204     (202     (200     (210     (218

General administrative expenses

     (166     (182     (180     (179     (179     (197     (198


     (102     (113     (111     (112     (107     (123     (123

Other general administrative expenses

     (64     (69     (69     (67     (72     (74     (75

Depreciation and amortisation

     (24     (22     (24     (23     (21     (13     (20

Net operating income

     262        261        301        319        330        341        290   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (127     (123     (135     (131     (115     (118     (132

Other income

     (1     3        5        (3     (7     (3     3   

Profit before taxes

     134        142        170        185        208        220        161   

Tax on profit

     (13     (25     (24     (30     (33     (29     (25

Profit from continuing operations

     121        117        146        155        175        192        137   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     121        117        146        155        175        192        137   

Minority interests

     36        36        44        46        53        59        44   

Attributable profit to the Group

     85        81        102        109        122        132        93   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     25,295        26,331        26,831        27,593        28,250        28,634        29,057   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     1,239        1,286        981        1,331        1,781        2,101        2,723   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     2,506        2,072        2,245        2,286        2,476        1,792        2,192   

Due from credit institutions **

     2,976        2,733        2,609        2,491        2,949        2,845        3,630   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     301        298        293        313        316        281        295   

Other assets

     2,211        2,329        2,958        2,945        2,586        2,086        2,749   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     34,528        35,049        35,917        36,960        38,357        37,738        40,647   

Customer deposits **

     18,581        19,221        19,946        20,120        20,623        19,882        21,294   

Marketable debt securities **

     5,169        5,275        5,375        5,773        5,448        6,131        6,047   

Subordinated debt **

     931        910        908        1,100        1,120        946        1,152   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     4,227        4,106        4,170        4,077        4,589        4,632        5,129   

Other liabilities

     3,340        3,514        3,518        3,855        4,078        3,932        4,812   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     2,279        2,025        2,000        2,034        2,498        2,214        2,213   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     5,029        4,976        5,123        5,243        5,917        6,331        6,777   

Mutual funds

     3,875        3,807        3,876        3,899        4,468        4,838        5,194   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —            —        —          —     

Managed portfolios

     1,154        1,170        1,247        1,344        1,450        1,492        1,583   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     29,711        30,382        31,352        32,236        33,109        33,290        35,270   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item



(***).-  Not including profit of the year


Table of Contents




EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     3,422        3,112        310        10.0   

Net fees

     506        440        66        15.0   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     105        57        48        85.4   

Other operating income *

     90        (14     104        —     

Gross income

     4,123        3,595        528        14.7   

Operating expenses

     (1,465     (1,389     (76     5.5   

General administrative expenses

     (1,304     (1,256     (48     3.8   


     (741     (724     (17     2.3   

Other general administrative expenses

     (563     (532     (31     5.9   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (162     (133     (28     21.1   

Net operating income

     2,658        2,206        452        20.5   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (1,657     (1,033     (623     60.3   

Other income

     (19     (58     38        (66.4

Profit before taxes

     982        1,115        (133     (11.9

Tax on profit

     (271     (317     46        (14.4

Profit from continuing operations

     710        798        (87     (10.9

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     710        798        (87     (10.9

Minority interests

     159        146        12        8.4   

Attributable profit to the Group

     552        651        (100     (15.3

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     63,729        58,214        5,514        9.5   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     240        210        31        14.5   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     11,627        9,106        2,521        27.7   

Due from credit institutions **

     2,341        1,878        463        24.7   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     5,966        1,553        4,414        284.3   

Other assets

     5,723        6,582        (859     (13.0

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     89,626        77,542        12,084        15.6   

Customer deposits **

     44,298        39,977        4,322        10.8   

Marketable debt securities **

     15,810        12,277        3,533        28.8   

Subordinated debt **

     755        1,818        (1,063     (58.5

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     13,717        11,852        1,864        15.7   

Other liabilities

     4,950        3,545        1,405        39.6   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     10,096        8,072        2,024        25.1   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     6,855        5,558        1,297        23.3   

Mutual funds

     1,431        886        545        61.5   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     5,424        4,672        752        16.1   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     67,718        59,630        8,088        13.6   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item


(***).-  Not including profit of the year


Ratios (%) and other data



     8.11        10.69        (2.59 p.  

Efficiency ratio (with amortisations)

     35.5        38.6        (3.1 p.  

NPL ratio

     2.68        3.04        (0.36 p.  

NPL coverage

     184.1        148.9        35.2 p.     

Number of employees

     15,795        15,048        747        5.0   

Number of branches

     812        821        (9     (1.1

Table of Contents




EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     988        1,047        1,078        1,059        1,098        1,139        1,185   

Net fees

     139        146        154        160        164        173        169   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     50        17        (10     39        28        15        62   

Other operating income *

     (12     (5     3        8        16        32        41   

Gross income

     1,165        1,205        1,225        1,267        1,306        1,359        1,457   

Operating expenses

     (444     (464     (481     (498     (476     (473     (516

General administrative expenses

     (404     (420     (432     (450     (417     (428     (459


     (234     (246     (244     (235     (235     (247     (259

Other general administrative expenses

     (170     (174     (188     (215     (182     (181     (200

Depreciation and amortisation

     (40     (43     (49     (48     (60     (45     (57

Net operating income

     721        741        744        769        830        886        941   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (256     (353     (424     (487     (547     (499     (611

Other income

     (10     (19     (29     (27     (2     (3     (14

Profit before taxes

     455        369        291        255        281        384        317   

Tax on profit

     (142     (102     (74     (78     (79     (120     (72

Profit from continuing operations

     313        268        217        177        202        264        244   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     313        268        217        177        202        264        244   

Minority interests

     61        44        41        27        44        65        49   

Attributable profit to the Group

     252        224        175        150        158        199        195   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     59,339        58,708        58,214        57,374        59,088        60,006        63,729   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     358        249        210        149        127        248        240   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     14,459        11,399        9,106        8,978        8,971        8,228        11,627   

Due from credit institutions **

     1,964        1,679        1,878        1,649        2,065        2,228        2,341   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     659        977        1,553        2,144        3,245        4,594        5,966   

Other assets

     4,625        6,367        6,582        6,474        5,144        6,559        5,723   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     81,404        79,380        77,542        76,768        78,639        81,864        89,626   

Customer deposits **

     43,732        41,639        39,977        39,206        39,551        39,878        44,298   

Marketable debt securities **

     11,135        10,811        12,277        11,989        12,436        14,373        15,810   

Subordinated debt **

     2,016        1,970        1,818        1,225        683        680        755   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     12,513        13,384        11,852        11,966        12,053        12,580        13,717   

Other liabilities

     3,425        3,366        3,545        4,464        4,725        5,067        4,950   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     8,585        8,209        8,072        7,918        9,192        9,287        10,096   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     6,303        6,271        5,558        5,392        5,356        5,731        6,855   

Mutual funds

     1,360        1,429        886        807        843        844        1,431   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     4,943        4,842        4,672        4,585        4,514        4,887        5,424   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     63,184        60,691        59,630        57,811        58,025        60,661        67,718   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item


(***).-  Notincluding profit of the year


Other information


NPL ratio

     3.01        2.96        3.04        3.09        2.88        2.93        2.68   

NPL coverage

     149.6        156.5        148.9        148.1        163.3        165.0        184.1   

Cost of credit

     1.89        1.95        2.17        2.48        2.94        3.15        3.40   

Spread (Retail Banking)

     2.85        2.85        3.09        2.90        3.17        3.22        3.25   

Loan spreads

     2.51        2.52        2.52        2.49        2.44        2.57        2.61   

Deposit spreads

     0.34        0.33        0.57        0.41        0.73        0.65        0.64   

Table of Contents




Constant EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     3,422        3,026        397        13.1   

Net fees

     506        427        78        18.3   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     105        55        50        90.7   

Other operating income *

     90        (14     104        —     

Gross income

     4,123        3,494        629        18.0   

Operating expenses

     (1,465     (1,350     (115     8.5   

General administrative expenses

     (1,304     (1,221     (83     6.8   


     (741     (703     (37     5.3   

Other general administrative expenses

     (563     (517     (46     8.9   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (162     (130     (32     24.6   

Net operating income

     2,658        2,144        514        24.0   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (1,657     (1,005     (652     64.9   

Other income

     (19     (56     37        (65.4

Profit before taxes

     982        1,084        (102     (9.4

Tax on profit

     (271     (308     37        (12.0

Profit from continuing operations

     710        775        (65     (8.4

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     710        775        (65     (8.4

Minority interests

     159        142        16        11.5   

Attributable profit to the Group

     552        633        (81     (12.9

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     63,729        62,480        1,249        2.0   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     240        225        15        6.7   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     11,627        9,773        1,854        19.0   

Due from credit institutions **

     2,341        2,016        325        16.1   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     5,966        1,666        4,300        258.1   

Other assets

     5,723        7,064        (1,341     (19.0

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     89,626        83,224        6,402        7.7   

Customer deposits **

     44,298        42,906        1,392        3.2   

Marketable debt securities **

     15,810        13,177        2,633        20.0   

Subordinated debt **

     755        1,952        (1,197     (61.3

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     13,717        12,721        996        7.8   

Other liabilities

     4,950        3,805        1,145        30.1   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     10,096        8,664        1,432        16.5   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     6,855        5,965        890        14.9   

Mutual funds

     1,431        951        480        50.5   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     5,424        5,014        410        8.2   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     67,718        64,000        3,719        5.8   

(**).-    Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item


(***).-  Notincluding profit of the year


Table of Contents




Constant EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     963        1,009        1,054        1,063        1,110        1,153        1,159   

Net fees

     136        141        150        161        166        175        165   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     48        16        (9     38        29        16        61   

Other operating income *

     (12     (5     3        8        17        33        41   

Gross income

     1,136        1,161        1,197        1,270        1,321        1,376        1,426   

Operating expenses

     (433     (447     (470     (499     (482     (479     (505

General administrative expenses

     (394     (405     (422     (451     (421     (433     (449


     (228     (237     (238     (236     (237     (250     (253

Other general administrative expenses

     (166     (168     (184     (215     (184     (183     (196

Depreciation and amortisation

     (39     (42     (48     (48     (60     (46     (55

Net operating income

     703        714        727        772        839        897        921   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (249     (341     (414     (485     (553     (505     (599

Other income

     (10     (18     (28     (27     (2     (3     (14

Profit before taxes

     443        355        285        259        284        389        309   

Tax on profit

     (138     (98     (72     (79     (80     (122     (70

Profit from continuing operations

     305        258        212        180        204        267        239   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     305        258        212        180        204        267        239   

Minority interests

     60        42        40        28        44        66        48   

Attributable profit to the Group

     246        215        172        152        160        201        191   

(*).-    Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     60,386        61,027        62,480        62,882        64,746        65,132        63,729   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     364        259        225        163        139        269        240   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     14,714        11,849        9,773        9,840        9,830        8,931        11,627   

Due from credit institutions **

     1,999        1,745        2,016        1,807        2,262        2,419        2,341   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     671        1,016        1,666        2,349        3,556        4,986        5,966   

Other assets

     4,707        6,619        7,064        7,096        5,636        7,120        5,723   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     82,841        82,515        83,224        84,138        86,170        88,857        89,626   

Customer deposits **

     44,503        43,284        42,906        42,970        43,338        43,285        44,298   

Marketable debt securities **

     11,331        11,238        13,177        13,140        13,626        15,601        15,810   

Subordinated debt **

     2,051        2,048        1,952        1,342        748        738        755   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     12,733        13,913        12,721        13,115        13,207        13,655        13,717   

Other liabilities

     3,486        3,499        3,805        4,893        5,177        5,500        4,950   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     8,736        8,533        8,664        8,679        10,073        10,080        10,096   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     6,414        6,518        5,965        5,909        5,869        6,221        6,855   

Mutual funds

     1,384        1,485        951        884        923        916        1,431   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     5,030        5,033        5,014        5,025        4,946        5,305        5,424   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     64,299        63,089        64,000        63,361        63,582        65,844        67,718   


(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***).-   Not including profit of the year


Table of Contents




US$ million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     4,635        4,098        537        13.1   

Net fees

     685        579        106        18.3   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     143        75        68        90.7   

Other operating income *

     122        (19     140        —     

Gross income

     5,585        4,733        852        18.0   

Operating expenses

     (1,985     (1,829     (156     8.5   

General administrative expenses

     (1,766     (1,653     (113     6.8   


     (1,003     (953     (50     5.3   

Other general administrative expenses

     (763     (700     (63     8.9   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (219     (176     (43     24.6   

Net operating income

     3,600        2,904        696        24.0   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (2,244     (1,361     (883     64.9   

Other income

     (26     (76     50        (65.4

Profit before taxes

     1,330        1,468        (138     (9.4

Tax on profit

     (368     (418     50        (12.0

Profit from continuing operations

     962        1,050        (88     (8.4

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     962        1,050        (88     (8.4

Minority interests

     215        193        22        11.5   

Attributable profit to the Group

     747        857        (110     (12.9

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     80,190        78,618        1,571        2.0   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     302        283        19        6.7   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     14,630        12,298        2,333        19.0   

Due from credit institutions **

     2,946        2,536        410        16.1   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     7,507        2,097        5,411        258.1   

Other assets

     7,201        8,888        (1,687     (19.0

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     112,777        104,721        8,056        7.7   

Customer deposits **

     55,740        53,988        1,752        3.2   

Marketable debt securities **

     19,894        16,581        3,313        20.0   

Subordinated debt **

     950        2,456        (1,506     (61.3

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     17,260        16,007        1,253        7.8   

Other liabilities

     6,228        4,787        1,441        30.1   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     12,704        10,902        1,802        16.5   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     8,626        7,506        1,120        14.9   

Mutual funds

     1,801        1,197        604        50.5   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     6,825        6,309        516        8.2   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     85,210        80,531        4,679        5.8   


(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***).-  Not including profit of the year


Table of Contents




US$ million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     1,304        1,367        1,427        1,440        1,504        1,562        1,570   

Net fees

     184        191        204        218        224        237        224   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     66        22        (13     52        39        21        83   

Other operating income *

     (16     (7     4        11        22        44        55   

Gross income

     1,538        1,573        1,622        1,721        1,789        1,864        1,931   

Operating expenses

     (586     (605     (637     (676     (652     (649     (684

General administrative expenses

     (533     (549     (571     (611     (571     (587     (609


     (308     (322     (323     (319     (321     (338     (343

Other general administrative expenses

     (225     (227     (249     (292     (249     (248     (266

Depreciation and amortisation

     (53     (57     (65     (65     (82     (62     (75

Net operating income

     952        968        985        1,045        1,137        1,215        1,248   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (337     (462     (561     (657     (749     (684     (811

Other income

     (14     (24     (38     (37     (3     (4     (19

Profit before taxes

     601        481        386        351        385        527        418   

Tax on profit

     (187     (132     (98     (107     (108     (165     (94

Profit from continuing operations

     413        349        288        244        276        362        324   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     413        349        288        244        276        362        324   

Minority interests

     81        57        55        38        60        90        65   

Attributable profit to the Group

     333        292        233        206        216        272        259   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Customer loans **

     75,983        76,791        78,618        79,125        81,470        81,956        80,190   

Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     458        326        283        205        174        339        302   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     18,515        14,910        12,298        12,382        12,369        11,238        14,630   

Due from credit institutions **

     2,515        2,196        2,536        2,274        2,847        3,043        2,946   

Intangible assets and property and equipment

     844        1,278        2,097        2,956        4,475        6,274        7,507   

Other assets

     5,923        8,328        8,888        8,928        7,092        8,959        7,201   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     104,238        103,829        104,721        105,871        108,427        111,809        112,777   

Customer deposits **

     55,998        54,464        53,988        54,069        54,532        54,465        55,740   

Marketable debt securities **

     14,258        14,141        16,581        16,535        17,146        19,630        19,894   

Subordinated debt **

     2,581        2,577        2,456        1,689        941        928        950   

Insurance liabilities

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Due to credit institutions **

     16,022        17,506        16,007        16,502        16,619        17,182        17,260   

Other liabilities

     4,386        4,402        4,787        6,157        6,514        6,920        6,228   

Shareholders’ equity ***

     10,993        10,738        10,902        10,920        12,674        12,684        12,704   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     8,070        8,202        7,506        7,436        7,385        7,828        8,626   

Mutual funds

     1,741        1,869        1,197        1,112        1,162        1,153        1,801   

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     6,329        6,333        6,309        6,323        6,224        6,675        6,825   

Managed and marketed customer funds

     80,908        79,384        80,531        79,728        80,005        82,851        85,210   


(**).- Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item
(***).-  Not including profit of the year


Table of Contents



Corporate Activities

EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     (1,484     (1,606     122        (7.6

Net fees

     (19     (49     30        (61.4

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     1,007        921        85        9.2   

Other operating income

     45        111        (65     (58.9


     25        31        (6     (19.0

Income from equity-accounted method

     (25     (12     (13     113.1   

Other operating income/expenses

     45        91        (46     (50.4

Gross income

     (451     (623     172        (27.6

Operating expenses

     (582     (529     (54     10.1   

General administrative expenses

     (483     (442     (42     9.4   


     (168     (168     0        (0.1

Other general administrative expenses

     (316     (274     (42     15.3   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (99     (87     (12     13.7   

Net operating income

     (1,033     (1,152     118        (10.3

Net loan-loss provisions

     0        (203     203        —     

Other income

     (229     (279     50        (17.9

Ordinary profit before taxes

     (1,262     (1,634     372        (22.8

Tax on profit

     148        138        10        7.4   

Ordinary profit from continuing operations

     (1,113     (1,495     382        (25.6

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Ordinary consolidated profit

     (1,113     (1,495     382        (25.6

Minority interests

     (5     (4     (1     39.6   

Ordinary attributable profit to the Group

     (1,108     (1,492     384        (25.7

Net capital gains and provisions

     —          —          —          —     

Attributable profit to the Group

     (1,108     (1,492     384        (25.7
     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %  

Balance sheet


Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     3,934        4,772        (839     (17.6

Available-for-sale financial assets

     6,375        18,655        (12,281     (65.8


     593        237        356        150.0   


     27,364        24,729        2,635        10.7   

Liquidity lent to the Group

     26,437        23,866        2,571        10.8   

Capital assigned to Group areas

     71,157        67,927        3,230        4.8   

Other assets

     52,007        62,225        (10,218     (16.4

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     187,867        202,411        (14,544     (7.2

Customer deposits *

     1,665        4,916        (3,251     (66.1

Marketable debt securities *

     56,539        69,149        (12,610     (18.2

Subordinated debt

     3,481        4,593        (1,112     (24.2

Other liabilities

     42,164        42,888        (724     (1.7

Group capital and reserves **

     84,019        80,866        3,153        3.9   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     —          —          —          —     

Mutual funds

     —          —          —          —     

Pension funds

     —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     —          —          —          —     

Managed and marketed customer funds

     61,685        78,657        (16,973     (21.6

(*).-      Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item

(**).-    Not including profit of the year





Number of employees

     2,603        2,513        90        3.6   

Table of Contents



Corporate Activities

EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     (576     (507     (523     (617     (534     (489     (461

Net fees

     (12     (19     (18     (1     (8     (6     (5

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     231        359        331        265        302        248        456   

Other operating income

     35        29        47        39        16        10        20   


     4        4        23        4        5        10        11   

Income from equity-accounted method

     (3     (3     (6     1        0        (15     (10

Other operating income/expenses

     34        27        30        34        10        15        19   

Gross income

     (322     (138     (163     (314     (224     (237     10   

Operating expenses

     (177     (176     (176     (167     (191     (197     (194

General administrative expenses

     (155     (129     (158     (113     (164     (156     (163


     (68     (63     (37     (53     (67     (62     (39

Other general administrative expenses

     (88     (66     (120     (60     (97     (94     (124

Depreciation and amortisation

     (21     (47     (18     (54     (27     (41     (30

Net operating income

     (499     (314     (339     (482     (416     (434     (183

Net loan-loss provisions

     (29     (189     14        2        1        (1     0   

Other income

     (66     (89     (124     106        (72     (67     (90

Ordinary profit before taxes

     (594     (591     (448     (374     (487     (502     (273

Tax on profit

     51        71        17        (0     79        59        11   

Ordinary profit from continuing operations

     (543     (521     (432     (374     (408     (444     (262

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          (0     —          —          —     

Ordinary consolidated profit

     (543     (521     (432     (374     (408     (444     (262

Minority interests

     (0     (2     (2     11        (3     (0     (2

Ordinary attributable profit to the Group

     (543     (519     (430     (384     (405     (444     (259

Net capital gains and provisions

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Attributable profit to the Group

     (543     (519     (430     (384     (405     (444     (259
     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Balance sheet


Trading portfolio (w/o loans)

     6,167        5,291        4,772        2,743        2,947        3,297        3,934   

Available-for-sale financial assets

     17,521        22,492        18,655        10,676        6,892        6,863        6,375   


     83        206        237        477        276        542        593   


     26,124        24,910        24,729        24,254        26,056        26,663        27,364   

Liquidity lent to the Group

     26,732        30,605        23,866        17,712        28,985        24,882        26,437   

Capital assigned to Group areas

     74,035        70,103        67,927        65,088        70,542        70,229        71,157   

Other assets

     72,248        57,661        62,225        61,755        49,007        53,467        52,007   

Total assets/liabilities & shareholders’ equity

     222,911        211,269        202,411        182,704        184,706        185,943        187,867   

Customer deposits*

     3,940        7,658        4,916        2,851        1,379        1,563        1,665   

Marketable debt securities*

     78,308        73,211        69,149        64,470        62,102        60,754        56,539   

Subordinated debt

     4,471        4,412        4,593        3,871        4,173        5,263        3,481   

Other liabilities

     55,239        45,040        42,888        30,736        32,724        34,084        42,164   

Group capital and reserves**

     80,953        80,947        80,866        80,776        84,328        84,279        84,019   

Other managed and marketed customer funds

     0        —          —          —          —          —          —     

Mutual funds

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Pension funds

     0        —          —          —          —          —          —     

Managed portfolios

     0        —          —          —          —          —          —     

Managed and marketed customer funds

     86,719        85,282        78,657        71,192        67,654        67,580        61,685   

(*).-      Including all on-balance sheet balances for this item


(**).-    Not including profit of the year


Table of Contents



Retail Banking

EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     21,121        20,961        160        0.8   

Net fees

     5,690        5,920        (231     (3.9

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     396        920        (524     (57.0

Other operating income *

     (158     (261     103        (39.4

Gross income

     27,048        27,540        (492     (1.8

Operating expenses

     (12,296     (12,679     383        (3.0

General administrative expenses

     (10,901     (11,213     312        (2.8


     (6,335     (6,515     180        (2.8

Other general administrative expenses

     (4,566     (4,698     132        (2.8

Depreciation and amortisation

     (1,395     (1,466     71        (4.9

Net operating income

     14,752        14,861        (109     (0.7

Net loan-loss provisions

     (7,441     (8,301     860        (10.4

Other income

     (1,009     (752     (258     34.3   

Profit before taxes

     6,302        5,808        493        8.5   

Tax on profit

     (1,509     (1,297     (212     16.4   

Profit from continuing operations

     4,793        4,512        281        6.2   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     (7     (14     8        (52.8

Consolidated profit

     4,786        4,497        289        6.4   

Minority interests

     700        770        (70     (9.0

Attributable profit to the Group

     4,086        3,727        359        9.6   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14      30.09.13      Amount     %  

Business volumes


Customer loans

     621,898         595,423         26,475        4.4   

Customer deposits

     519,873         520,638         (766     (0.1

Table of Contents



Retail Banking

EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     7,019        7,126        6,816        6,784        6,826        7,099        7,195   

Net fees

     1,995        2,029        1,896        1,897        1,855        1,889        1,945   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     372        334        214        191        107        80        209   

Other operating income *

     (108     (75     (79     (69     (81     (26     (51

Gross income

     9,279        9,414        8,847        8,803        8,707        9,041        9,299   

Operating expenses

     (4,265     (4,270     (4,144     (4,269     (4,022     (4,065     (4,209

General administrative expenses

     (3,778     (3,776     (3,659     (3,730     (3,523     (3,629     (3,749


     (2,212     (2,201     (2,103     (2,170     (2,049     (2,107     (2,179

Other general administrative expenses

     (1,566     (1,575     (1,557     (1,559     (1,475     (1,521     (1,570

Depreciation and amortisation

     (487     (494     (485     (539     (499     (437     (459

Net operating income

     5,013        5,145        4,703        4,534        4,685        4,976        5,090   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (2,827     (2,991     (2,483     (2,573     (2,486     (2,372     (2,582

Other income

     (171     (320     (261     (305     (267     (338     (404

Profit before taxes

     2,015        1,834        1,959        1,656        1,932        2,266        2,104   

Tax on profit

     (441     (385     (471     (381     (472     (561     (475

Profit from continuing operations

     1,574        1,449        1,489        1,275        1,460        1,704        1,629   

Net profit from discontinued operations

            (14     (0     (1     (0     (0     (7

Consolidated profit

     1,574        1,435        1,488        1,274        1,460        1,704        1,622   

Minority interests

     297        238        234        182        217        254        228   

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,277        1,196        1,254        1,092        1,242        1,450        1,394   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13      30.06.13      30.09.13      31.12.13      31.03.14      30.06.14      30.09.14  

Business volumes


Customer loans

     627,341         599,271         595,423         583,915         594,689         609,679         621,898   

Customer deposits

     537,261         521,124         520,638         508,237         515,856         508,459         519,873   

Table of Contents



Retail Banking

Constant EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     21,121        19,793        1,328        6.7   

Net fees

     5,690        5,570        120        2.2   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     396        868        (473     (54.4

Other operating income *

     (158     (250     91        (36.6

Gross income

     27,048        25,981        1,067        4.1   

Operating expenses

     (12,296     (12,038     (258     2.1   

General administrative expenses

     (10,901     (10,634     (268     2.5   


     (6,335     (6,201     (134     2.2   

Other general administrative expenses

     (4,566     (4,433     (133     3.0   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (1,395     (1,404     9        (0.6

Net operating income

     14,752        13,943        808        5.8   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (7,441     (7,764     324        (4.2

Other income

     (1,009     (713     (297     41.6   

Profit before taxes

     6,302        5,466        835        15.3   

Tax on profit

     (1,509     (1,211     (297     24.5   

Profit from continuing operations

     4,793        4,255        538        12.6   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     (7     (15     8        (55.0

Consolidated profit

     4,786        4,240        547        12.9   

Minority interests

     700        713        (13     (1.8

Attributable profit to the Group

     4,086        3,527        560        15.9   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses



     30.09.14     30.09.13     Amount     %  

Business volumes


Customer loans

     621,898        612,862        9,035        1.5   

Customer deposits

     519,873        535,094        (15,221     (2.8

Table of Contents



Retail Banking

Constant EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     6,474        6,624        6,694        6,761        6,950        7,092        7,078   

Net fees

     1,838        1,881        1,851        1,869        1,884        1,886        1,919   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     334        330        204        187        107        80        209   

Other operating income *

     (101     (70     (79     (67     (83     (25     (51

Gross income

     8,544        8,766        8,671        8,748        8,859        9,033        9,155   

Operating expenses

     (3,979     (3,999     (4,059     (4,227     (4,086     (4,063     (4,148

General administrative expenses

     (3,521     (3,532     (3,580     (3,689     (3,579     (3,626     (3,696


     (2,071     (2,068     (2,062     (2,153     (2,079     (2,107     (2,149

Other general administrative expenses

     (1,450     (1,464     (1,519     (1,537     (1,499     (1,520     (1,547

Depreciation and amortisation

     (459     (467     (479     (538     (507     (436     (452

Net operating income

     4,565        4,767        4,612        4,521        4,774        4,971        5,007   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (2,562     (2,762     (2,440     (2,572     (2,537     (2,366     (2,538

Other income

     (159     (303     (251     (295     (274     (337     (398

Profit before taxes

     1,844        1,702        1,921        1,654        1,963        2,268        2,071   

Tax on profit

     (401     (354     (456     (378     (481     (562     (467

Profit from continuing operations

     1,443        1,348        1,464        1,276        1,482        1,706        1,605   

Net profit from discontinued operations

            (15     (0     (0     (0     (0     (7

Consolidated profit

     1,443        1,333        1,464        1,275        1,482        1,706        1,598   

Minority interests

     268        218        227        181        221        254        225   

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,175        1,115        1,236        1,095        1,261        1,452        1,374   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses



     31.03.13     30.06.13     30.09.13     31.12.13     31.03.14     30.06.14     30.09.14  

Business volumes


Customer loans

     629,152        616,074        612,862        607,325        617,061        621,352        621,898   

Customer deposits

     538,461        534,875        535,094        527,237        533,986        516,911        519,873   

Table of Contents



Retail Banking Continental Europe

EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     5,527        5,021        506        10.1   

Net fees

     1,933        2,077        (143     (6.9

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     127        287        (160     (55.7

Other operating income *

     (166     (150     (16     10.6   

Gross income

     7,422        7,235        187        2.6   

Operating expenses

     (3,808     (3,968     160        (4.0

General administrative expenses

     (3,404     (3,531     127        (3.6


     (2,065     (2,191     126        (5.8

Other general administrative expenses

     (1,339     (1,340     0        (0.0

Depreciation and amortisation

     (403     (437     34        (7.7

Net operating income

     3,614        3,267        347        10.6   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (1,781     (1,980     198        (10.0

Other income

     (246     (189     (57     30.2   

Profit before taxes

     1,587        1,099        488        44.4   

Tax on profit

     (375     (229     (146     63.7   

Profit from continuing operations

     1,212        870        342        39.3   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     (7     (0     (6     —     

Consolidated profit

     1,205        869        336        38.6   

Minority interests

     112        113        (1     (0.6

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,093        757        336        44.5   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


Table of Contents



Retail Banking Continental Europe

EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     1,614        1,715        1,692        1,701        1,793        1,875        1,859   

Net fees

     685        710        682        637        661        643        629   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     70        111        106        39        37        48        41   

Other operating income *

     (56     (40     (53     (52     (53     (50     (63

Gross income

     2,313        2,496        2,426        2,326        2,439        2,517        2,466   

Operating expenses

     (1,351     (1,308     (1,309     (1,333     (1,296     (1,269     (1,243

General administrative expenses

     (1,206     (1,161     (1,164     (1,162     (1,147     (1,141     (1,116


     (747     (725     (719     (736     (700     (686     (678

Other general administrative expenses

     (459     (436     (444     (426     (447     (455     (438

Depreciation and amortisation

     (145     (147     (145     (171     (149     (128     (127

Net operating income

     962        1,188        1,117        993        1,143        1,248        1,223   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (634     (846     (499     (635     (594     (601     (587

Other income

     (64     (60     (65     (16     (62     (95     (88

Profit before taxes

     264        281        553        341        487        552        548   

Tax on profit

     (50     (48     (132     (84     (104     (135     (136

Profit from continuing operations

     214        233        422        257        383        417        412   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (0     (0     (6     (0     (0     (7

Consolidated profit

     214        233        422        251        383        417        405   

Minority interests

     28        41        44        20        34        35        42   

Attributable profit to the Group

     187        192        378        232        349        381        363   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents



Retail Banking Continental Europe

Constant EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     5,527        5,008        519        10.4   

Net fees

     1,933        2,078        (144     (6.9

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     127        287        (160     (55.8

Other operating income *

     (166     (150     (16     10.5   

Gross income

     7,422        7,223        199        2.8   

Operating expenses

     (3,808     (3,964     156        (3.9

General administrative expenses

     (3,404     (3,527     123        (3.5


     (2,065     (2,189     125        (5.7

Other general administrative expenses

     (1,339     (1,338     (1     0.1   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (403     (436     33        (7.6

Net operating income

     3,614        3,259        355        10.9   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (1,781     (1,977     195        (9.9

Other income

     (246     (189     (57     30.2   

Profit before taxes

     1,587        1,094        493        45.1   

Tax on profit

     (375     (228     (148     64.8   

Profit from continuing operations

     1,212        866        346        39.9   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     (7     (0     (6     —     

Consolidated profit

     1,205        866        339        39.2   

Minority interests

     112        113        (1     (1.2

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,093        752        341        45.3   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents



Retail Banking Continental Europe

Constant EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     1,605        1,710        1,693        1,702        1,794        1,874        1,859   

Net fees

     685        710        683        637        661        643        629   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     69        112        106        39        37        48        41   

Other operating income *

     (56     (40     (53     (52     (53     (50     (63

Gross income

     2,302        2,491        2,429        2,326        2,440        2,516        2,466   

Operating expenses

     (1,347     (1,307     (1,311     (1,333     (1,296     (1,269     (1,243

General administrative expenses

     (1,202     (1,160     (1,165     (1,162     (1,148     (1,141     (1,116


     (745     (725     (720     (736     (701     (686     (678

Other general administrative expenses

     (458     (435     (445     (426     (447     (455     (438

Depreciation and amortisation

     (144     (147     (146     (171     (149     (128     (127

Net operating income

     956        1,185        1,118        993        1,144        1,247        1,223   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (632     (846     (499     (636     (594     (600     (587

Other income

     (64     (60     (65     (16     (62     (95     (88

Profit before taxes

     260        279        554        341        488        552        548   

Tax on profit

     (49     (47     (132     (84     (104     (135     (136

Profit from continuing operations

     211        232        423        257        384        416        412   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (0     (0     (5     (0     (0     (7

Consolidated profit

     211        232        423        251        383        416        405   

Minority interests

     28        41        44        20        34        35        42   

Attributable profit to the Group

     184        190        378        232        349        381        363   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents



Retail Banking United Kingdom

EUR million


     9M ‘14     9M ‘13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     3,058        2,454        605        24.6   

Net fees

     591        609        (18     (2.9

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     36        147        (111     (75.5

Other operating income *

     14        8        6        68.2   

Gross income

     3,699        3,218        482        15.0   

Operating expenses

     (1,886     (1,759     (126     7.2   

General administrative expenses

     (1,575     (1,468     (107     7.3   


     (1,042     (911     (131     14.4   

Other general administrative expenses

     (533     (557     24        (4.3

Depreciation and amortisation

     (310     (291     (19     6.4   

Net operating income

     1,814        1,459        355        24.4   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (294     (423     129        (30.5

Other income

     (173     (164     (9     5.2   

Profit before taxes

     1,348        872        476        54.6   

Tax on profit

     (286     (188     (98     51.9   

Profit from continuing operations

     1,062        684        378        55.3   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (14     14        (100.0

Consolidated profit

     1,062        669        392        58.6   

Minority interests

     —          0        (0     (100.0

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,062        669        392        58.6   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Retail Banking United Kingdom

EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     795        796        862        936        972        1,015        1,072   

Net fees

     202        198        209        187        197        192        202   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     16        145        (14     28        21        19        (4

Other operating income *

     2        3        3        7        7        0        7   

Gross income

     1,015        1,143        1,060        1,158        1,198        1,226        1,276   

Operating expenses

     (592     (602     (565     (577     (619     (626     (640

General administrative expenses

     (495     (507     (465     (448     (506     (522     (547


     (313     (312     (285     (320     (334     (341     (368

Other general administrative expenses

     (182     (195     (180     (129     (173     (181     (179

Depreciation and amortisation

     (97     (95     (100     (129     (113     (105     (93

Net operating income

     422        541        495        581        578        599        636   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (154     (122     (147     (137     (116     (91     (87

Other income

     (37     (100     (27     (58     (43     (60     (70

Profit before taxes

     232        319        321        385        419        449        480   

Tax on profit

     (49     (69     (70     (84     (86     (95     (105

Profit from continuing operations

     182        250        251        301        333        354        374   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (14     (0     5        —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     182        236        251        306        333        354        374   

Minority interests

     0        —          0        (0     —          —          —     

Attributable profit to the Group

     182        236        251        306        333        354        374   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Retail Banking United Kingdom

Constant EUR million


     9M ’14     9M ’13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     3,058        2,575        483        18.7   

Net fees

     591        639        (48     (7.5

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     36        154        (118     (76.7

Other operating income *

     14        9        5        60.3   

Gross income

     3,699        3,378        322        9.5   

Operating expenses

     (1,886     (1,847     (39     2.1   

General administrative expenses

     (1,575     (1,541     (35     2.2   


     (1,042     (956     (86     9.0   

Other general administrative expenses

     (533     (585     52        (8.8

Depreciation and amortisation

     (310     (306     (4     1.4   

Net operating income

     1,814        1,531        283        18.5   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (294     (444     150        (33.8

Other income

     (173     (172     (0     0.2   

Profit before taxes

     1,348        915        433        47.3   

Tax on profit

     (286     (198     (88     44.7   

Profit from continuing operations

     1,062        717        344        48.0   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (15     15        (100.0

Consolidated profit

     1,062        703        359        51.1   

Minority interests

     —          0        (0     (100.0

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,062        703        359        51.1   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Retail Banking United Kingdom

Constant EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     833        834        908        970        991        1,019        1,048   

Net fees

     211        208        220        194        201        192        197   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     17        152        (14     29        21        19        (4

Other operating income *

     3        4        3        7        8        0        6   

Gross income

     1,064        1,198        1,116        1,200        1,222        1,231        1,247   

Operating expenses

     (621     (631     (595     (598     (632     (629     (625

General administrative expenses

     (519     (532     (490     (464     (517     (524     (535


     (329     (327     (300     (331     (340     (342     (359

Other general administrative expenses

     (191     (204     (190     (133     (176     (181     (175

Depreciation and amortisation

     (102     (99     (105     (134     (115     (105     (90

Net operating income

     443        567        521        603        590        602        622   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (161     (128     (155     (142     (119     (91     (84

Other income

     (39     (105     (29     (60     (44     (60     (69

Profit before taxes

     243        334        338        400        427        451        469   

Tax on profit

     (52     (72     (74     (88     (87     (95     (103

Profit from continuing operations

     191        262        264        312        340        355        366   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (15     (0     5        —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     191        248        264        317        340        355        366   

Minority interests

     0        (0     0        (0     —          —          —     

Attributable profit to the Group

     191        248        264        317        340        355        366   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Retail Banking United Kingdom

£ million


     9M ’14     9M ’13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     2,482        2,090        392        18.7   

Net fees

     480        518        (39     (7.5

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     29        125        (96     (76.7

Other operating income *

     12        7        4        60.3   

Gross income

     3,002        2,741        261        9.5   

Operating expenses

     (1,530     (1,499     (32     2.1   

General administrative expenses

     (1,278     (1,250     (28     2.2   


     (846     (776     (70     9.0   

Other general administrative expenses

     (433     (475     42        (8.8

Depreciation and amortisation

     (252     (248     (3     1.4   

Net operating income

     1,472        1,242        230        18.5   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (238     (360     122        (33.8

Other income

     (140     (140     (0     0.2   

Profit before taxes

     1,094        743        351        47.3   

Tax on profit

     (232     (160     (72     44.7   

Profit from continuing operations

     862        582        279        48.0   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (12     12        (100.0

Consolidated profit

     862        570        291        51.1   

Minority interests

     —          0        (0     (100.0

Attributable profit to the Group

     862        570        291        51.1   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Retail Banking United Kingdom

£ million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     676        677        737        787        804        827        850   

Net fees

     171        169        178        157        163        156        160   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     13        123        (12     23        17        15        (4

Other operating income *

     2        3        2        6        6        0        5   

Gross income

     863        972        906        974        991        999        1,012   

Operating expenses

     (504     (512     (483     (485     (513     (510     (507

General administrative expenses

     (421     (431     (398     (377     (419     (425     (434


     (267     (266     (244     (269     (276     (278     (292

Other general administrative expenses

     (155     (166     (154     (108     (143     (147     (142

Depreciation and amortisation

     (83     (81     (85     (109     (93     (85     (73

Net operating income

     359        460        423        489        479        488        505   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (131     (104     (126     (115     (96     (74     (68

Other income

     (31     (85     (23     (49     (35     (49     (56

Profit before taxes

     197        271        274        324        347        366        381   

Tax on profit

     (42     (59     (60     (71     (71     (77     (84

Profit from continuing operations

     155        213        214        253        276        288        297   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          (12     (0     4        —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     155        201        214        258        276        288        297   

Minority interests

     0        (0     0        (0     —          —          —     

Attributable profit to the Group

     155        201        214        258        276        288        297   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Retail Banking Latin America

EUR million


     9M ’14     9M ’13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     9,173        10,437        (1,264     (12.1

Net fees

     2,714        2,849        (135     (4.7

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     137        439        (302     (68.7

Other operating income *

     (93     (95     2        (1.9

Gross income

     11,931        13,630        (1,699     (12.5

Operating expenses

     (5,184     (5,601     418        (7.5

General administrative expenses

     (4,663     (4,996     333        (6.7


     (2,516     (2,714     198        (7.3

Other general administrative expenses

     (2,146     (2,282     135        (5.9

Depreciation and amortisation

     (521     (606     85        (14.0

Net operating income

     6,748        8,029        (1,281     (16.0

Net loan-loss provisions

     (3,757     (4,868     1,111        (22.8

Other income

     (572     (342     (230     67.4   

Profit before taxes

     2,419        2,819        (401     (14.2

Tax on profit

     (578     (584     6        (1.0

Profit from continuing operations

     1,840        2,235        (395     (17.7

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     1,840        2,235        (395     (17.7

Minority interests

     430        511        (81     (15.9

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,411        1,725        (314     (18.2


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Retail Banking Latin America

EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     3,645        3,590        3,202        3,106        2,982        3,089        3,102   

Net fees

     991        990        868        927        854        897        963   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     240        66        133        99        23        (0     114   

Other operating income *

     (39     (28     (28     (34     (51     (10     (33

Gross income

     4,836        4,619        4,175        4,098        3,809        3,975        4,147   

Operating expenses

     (1,890     (1,908     (1,804     (1,879     (1,645     (1,712     (1,826

General administrative expenses

     (1,684     (1,699     (1,612     (1,687     (1,468     (1,552     (1,643


     (926     (924     (864     (890     (789     (843     (884

Other general administrative expenses

     (758     (776     (749     (797     (679     (709     (759

Depreciation and amortisation

     (206     (209     (191     (193     (177     (160     (184

Net operating income

     2,947        2,711        2,371        2,219        2,164        2,263        2,320   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (1,788     (1,669     (1,411     (1,318     (1,225     (1,211     (1,321

Other income

     (60     (142     (140     (203     (160     (180     (232

Profit before taxes

     1,099        900        820        697        778        873        768   

Tax on profit

     (208     (175     (201     (138     (209     (207     (163

Profit from continuing operations

     891        725        620        560        569        666        605   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          0        —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     891        725        620        560        569        666        605   

Minority interests

     208        153        149        135        139        153        137   

Attributable profit to the Group

     683        572        470        425        430        513        468   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Retail Banking Latin America

Constant EUR million


     9M ’14     9M ’13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     9,173        9,246        (73     (0.8

Net fees

     2,714        2,478        237        9.5   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     137        381        (243     (63.9

Other operating income *

     (93     (85     (9     10.3   

Gross income

     11,931        12,020        (89     (0.7

Operating expenses

     (5,184     (4,914     (269     5.5   

General administrative expenses

     (4,663     (4,381     (282     6.4   


     (2,516     (2,376     (141     5.9   

Other general administrative expenses

     (2,146     (2,005     (141     7.0   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (521     (533     12        (2.3

Net operating income

     6,748        7,106        (358     (5.0

Net loan-loss provisions

     (3,757     (4,342     585        (13.5

Other income

     (572     (296     (276     93.1   

Profit before taxes

     2,419        2,468        (49     (2.0

Tax on profit

     (578     (499     (79     15.8   

Profit from continuing operations

     1,840        1,968        (128     (6.5

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     1,840        1,968        (128     (6.5

Minority interests

     430        458        (28     (6.1

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,411        1,511        (100     (6.6


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Retail Banking Latin America

Constant EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     3,094        3,093        3,059        3,044        3,074        3,065        3,034   

Net fees

     827        837        813        892        877        892        945   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     203        55        122        93        22        (0     115   

Other operating income *

     (33     (23     (28     (32     (52     (9     (32

Gross income

     4,091        3,962        3,966        3,997        3,921        3,947        4,062   

Operating expenses

     (1,590     (1,627     (1,697     (1,815     (1,691     (1,702     (1,792

General administrative expenses

     (1,417     (1,448     (1,517     (1,629     (1,508     (1,543     (1,611


     (778     (785     (812     (859     (810     (839     (868

Other general administrative expenses

     (638     (662     (705     (770     (698     (705     (744

Depreciation and amortisation

     (174     (179     (180     (186     (183     (158     (180

Net operating income

     2,501        2,336        2,269        2,182        2,231        2,246        2,271   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (1,523     (1,447     (1,371     (1,313     (1,268     (1,198     (1,291

Other income

     (47     (120     (129     (191     (166     (179     (227

Profit before taxes

     931        768        769        678        797        869        753   

Tax on profit

     (170     (146     (184     (131     (215     (205     (158

Profit from continuing operations

     761        622        585        547        582        664        594   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          0        —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     761        622        585        547        582        664        594   

Minority interests

     181        134        143        133        143        153        134   

Attributable profit to the Group

     580        488        442        414        439        511        460   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Retail Banking USA

EUR million


     9M ’14     9M ’13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     3,362        3,049        314        10.3   

Net fees

     451        386        65        16.8   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     96        47        48        102.7   

Other operating income *

     87        (25     111        —     

Gross income

     3,996        3,457        538        15.6   

Operating expenses

     (1,419     (1,351     (69     5.1   

General administrative expenses

     (1,259     (1,219     (40     3.3   


     (712     (699     (12     1.8   

Other general administrative expenses

     (547     (519     (28     5.3   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (160     (132     (28     21.5   

Net operating income

     2,577        2,107        470        22.3   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (1,608     (1,031     (578     56.1   

Other income

     (19     (58     38        (66.3

Profit before taxes

     949        1,019        (70     (6.8

Tax on profit

     (270     (295     26        (8.7

Profit from continuing operations

     679        723        (44     (6.1

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     679        723        (44     (6.1

Minority interests

     159        146        12        8.4   

Attributable profit to the Group

     521        577        (56     (9.7


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Retail Banking USA

EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     966        1,024        1,059        1,041        1,079        1,120        1,163   

Net fees

     118        131        138        145        143        157        151   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     46        12        (11     25        26        13        57   

Other operating income *

     (15     (10     0        10        15        33        39   

Gross income

     1,115        1,156        1,186        1,221        1,262        1,323        1,411   

Operating expenses

     (432     (451     (467     (480     (462     (458     (500

General administrative expenses

     (393     (408     (418     (433     (402     (413     (444


     (225     (240     (235     (225     (226     (236     (249

Other general administrative expenses

     (168     (168     (183     (208     (176     (177     (194

Depreciation and amortisation

     (40     (43     (49     (46     (60     (45     (56

Net operating income

     683        705        719        742        800        865        911   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (252     (353     (426     (482     (550     (470     (588

Other income

     (10     (19     (29     (27     (2     (3     (14

Profit before taxes

     420        333        265        232        248        392        309   

Tax on profit

     (134     (93     (69     (75     (73     (125     (72

Profit from continuing operations

     287        240        196        157        174        267        237   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     287        240        196        157        174        267        237   

Minority interests

     61        44        41        27        44        65        49   

Attributable profit to the Group

     225        196        155        130        130        202        188   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Retail Banking USA

Constant EUR million


     9M ’14     9M ’13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     3,362        2,964        399        13.5   

Net fees

     451        375        76        20.2   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     96        46        50        108.6   

Other operating income *

     87        (24     111        —     

Gross income

     3,996        3,361        635        18.9   

Operating expenses

     (1,419     (1,313     (106     8.1   

General administrative expenses

     (1,259     (1,184     (74     6.3   


     (712     (680     (32     4.7   

Other general administrative expenses

     (547     (505     (42     8.4   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (160     (128     (32     25.0   

Net operating income

     2,577        2,048        529        25.8   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (1,608     (1,002     (607     60.5   

Other income

     (19     (56     37        (65.4

Profit before taxes

     949        990        (41     (4.2

Tax on profit

     (270     (287     18        (6.1

Profit from continuing operations

     679        703        (24     (3.4

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     679        703        (24     (3.4

Minority interests

     159        142        16        11.5   

Attributable profit to the Group

     521        561        (40     (7.1


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Retail Banking USA

Constant EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     942        987        1,035        1,045        1,091        1,134        1,137   

Net fees

     115        126        134        145        144        159        148   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     45        11        (10     25        26        13        57   

Other operating income *

     (14     (10     0        9        15        33        39   

Gross income

     1,087        1,114        1,159        1,225        1,276        1,340        1,380   

Operating expenses

     (422     (435     (456     (481     (467     (464     (489

General administrative expenses

     (383     (393     (409     (434     (407     (418     (434


     (219     (231     (230     (226     (229     (239     (244

Other general administrative expenses

     (163     (162     (179     (208     (178     (179     (190

Depreciation and amortisation

     (39     (42     (48     (47     (60     (45     (55

Net operating income

     665        680        703        744        809        876        891   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (246     (341     (415     (481     (556     (476     (576

Other income

     (10     (18     (28     (27     (2     (3     (14

Profit before taxes

     409        321        260        236        250        397        302   

Tax on profit

     (130     (89     (67     (76     (74     (126     (69

Profit from continuing operations

     279        231        192        160        176        271        232   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     279        231        192        160        176        271        232   

Minority interests

     60        42        40        28        44        66        48   

Attributable profit to the Group

     220        189        152        132        132        204        184   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Retail Banking USA

US$ million


     9M ’14     9M ’13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     4,554        4,014        540        13.5   

Net fees

     611        508        103        20.2   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     129        62        67        108.6   

Other operating income *

     118        (32     150        —     

Gross income

     5,412        4,552        860        18.9   

Operating expenses

     (1,922     (1,778     (144     8.1   

General administrative expenses

     (1,705     (1,604     (100     6.3   


     (964     (921     (43     4.7   

Other general administrative expenses

     (741     (684     (57     8.4   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (217     (174     (43     25.0   

Net operating income

     3,490        2,774        716        25.8   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (2,178     (1,357     (821     60.5   

Other income

     (26     (76     50        (65.4

Profit before taxes

     1,285        1,341        (56     (4.2

Tax on profit

     (365     (389     24        (6.1

Profit from continuing operations

     920        952        (32     (3.4

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     920        952        (32     (3.4

Minority interests

     215        193        22        11.5   

Attributable profit to the Group

     705        759        (54     (7.1


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Retail Banking USA

US$ million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     1,275        1,337        1,402        1,415        1,478        1,536        1,540   

Net fees

     156        170        182        197        195        215        200   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     60        16        (14     34        35        18        77   

Other operating income *

     (19     (13     0        12        20        45        52   

Gross income

     1,472        1,509        1,570        1,659        1,728        1,814        1,869   

Operating expenses

     (571     (589     (618     (651     (632     (628     (662

General administrative expenses

     (518     (533     (553     (588     (551     (566     (588


     (297     (313     (311     (307     (310     (324     (330

Other general administrative expenses

     (221     (220     (242     (282     (241     (242     (258

Depreciation and amortisation

     (53     (56     (65     (63     (82     (62     (74

Net operating income

     901        920        952        1,007        1,096        1,186        1,207   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (333     (462     (563     (651     (754     (645     (780

Other income

     (14     (24     (38     (37     (3     (4     (19

Profit before taxes

     555        435        352        320        339        537        408   

Tax on profit

     (176     (121     (91     (103     (100     (171     (94

Profit from continuing operations

     378        313        260        216        239        367        314   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     378        313        260        216        239        367        314   

Minority interests

     81        57        55        38        60        90        65   

Attributable profit to the Group

     298        256        206        179        179        277        249   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Global Wholesale Banking

EUR million


     9M ’14     9M ’13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     1,854        1,725        129        7.5   

Net fees

     1,053        985        69        7.0   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     801        964        (163     (16.9

Other operating income *

     210        200        9        4.7   

Gross income

     3,918        3,873        44        1.1   

Operating expenses

     (1,353     (1,330     (23     1.8   

General administrative expenses

     (1,201     (1,192     (9     0.7   


     (759     (749     (10     1.4   

Other general administrative expenses

     (442     (444     2        (0.4

Depreciation and amortisation

     (153     (138     (15     10.8   

Net operating income

     2,564        2,543        21        0.8   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (438     (791     353        (44.6

Other income

     (41     (45     4        (9.8

Profit before taxes

     2,085        1,707        378        22.2   

Tax on profit

     (576     (472     (104     22.1   

Profit from continuing operations

     1,509        1,235        274        22.2   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     1,509        1,235        274        22.2   

Minority interests

     181        152        29        19.3   

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,328        1,083        245        22.6   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14      30.09.13      Amount     %  

Business volumes


Customer loans

     81,942         88,842         (6,899     (7.8

Customer deposits

     89,248         73,338         15,910        21.7   

Table of Contents


Global Wholesale Banking

EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     609        584        532        636        579        656        619   

Net fees

     355        338        292        308        342        370        342   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     353        170        441        191        349        172        280   

Other operating income *

     54        105        42        79        29        138        43   

Gross income

     1,371        1,196        1,306        1,214        1,298        1,335        1,284   

Operating expenses

     (441     (450     (440     (434     (440     (445     (468

General administrative expenses

     (394     (402     (396     (382     (391     (394     (415


     (256     (249     (244     (245     (247     (251     (261

Other general administrative expenses

     (138     (153     (152     (138     (144     (143     (155

Depreciation and amortisation

     (47     (47     (44     (51     (49     (51     (52

Net operating income

     930        747        866        780        858        890        816   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (165     (154     (473     (161     (108     (200     (130

Other income

     (17     (13     (15     (25     (19     (19     (3

Profit before taxes

     749        579        378        594        731        670        683   

Tax on profit

     (214     (158     (99     (165     (200     (183     (193

Profit from continuing operations

     535        421        279        429        531        488        491   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     535        421        279        429        531        488        491   

Minority interests

     57        51        44        45        57        60        65   

Attributable profit to the Group

     478        370        236        384        474        428        426   

(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13      30.06.13      30.09.13      31.12.13      31.03.14      30.06.14      30.09.14  

Business volumes


Customer loans

     90,824         96,918         88,842         85,390         79,645         79,191         81,942   

Customer deposits

     79,484         81,786         73,338         61,427         67,851         73,272         89,248   

Table of Contents


Global Wholesale Banking

Constant EUR million


     9M ’14     9M ’13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     1,854        1,614        240        14.9   

Net fees

     1,053        940        114        12.1   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     801        919        (118     (12.9

Other operating income *

     210        200        10        4.8   

Gross income

     3,918        3,673        245        6.7   

Operating expenses

     (1,353     (1,276     (77     6.0   

General administrative expenses

     (1,201     (1,145     (56     4.9   


     (759     (719     (40     5.6   

Other general administrative expenses

     (442     (426     (16     3.7   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (153     (131     (21     16.3   

Net operating income

     2,564        2,396        168        7.0   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (438     (773     335        (43.3

Other income

     (41     (46     5        (10.1

Profit before taxes

     2,085        1,578        507        32.2   

Tax on profit

     (576     (431     (145     33.6   

Profit from continuing operations

     1,509        1,147        363        31.6   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     1,509        1,147        363        31.6   

Minority interests

     181        136        45        33.3   

Attributable profit to the Group

     1,328        1,011        317        31.4   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     30.09.14      30.09.13      Amount     %  

Business volumes


Customer loans

     81,942         89,622         (7,679     (8.6

Customer deposits

     89,248         73,395         15,854        21.6   

Table of Contents


Global Wholesale Banking

Constant EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     561        539        513        618        587        655        612   

Net fees

     334        318        287        308        347        370        337   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     344        151        424        190        351        172        278   

Other operating income *

     53        104        42        80        29        138        43   

Gross income

     1,292        1,113        1,268        1,195        1,314        1,334        1,270   

Operating expenses

     (418     (427     (432     (429     (446     (445     (462

General administrative expenses

     (374     (382     (389     (378     (396     (394     (410


     (242     (236     (240     (243     (250     (251     (257

Other general administrative expenses

     (132     (146     (149     (136     (146     (143     (153

Depreciation and amortisation

     (44     (44     (43     (51     (50     (51     (52

Net operating income

     874        686        836        766        868        889        807   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (163     (143     (467     (159     (108     (201     (129

Other income

     (17     (13     (15     (26     (19     (19     (2

Profit before taxes

     694        530        353        581        741        668        676   

Tax on profit

     (197     (143     (91     (160     (203     (182     (191

Profit from continuing operations

     497        387        263        421        538        486        485   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     497        387        263        421        538        486        485   

Minority interests

     50        44        42        44        58        59        63   

Attributable profit to the Group

     447        343        221        376        480        427        421   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses


     31.03.13      30.06.13      30.09.13      31.12.13      31.03.14      30.06.14      30.09.14  

Business volumes


Customer loans

     87,481         97,196         89,622         87,484         81,193         79,597         81,942   

Customer deposits

     74,774         81,166         73,395         62,512         69,014         73,651         89,248   

Table of Contents


Private Banking, Asset Management and Insurance

EUR million


     9M ’14     9M ’13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     346        373        (27     (7.2

Net fees

     441        407        34        8.3   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     26        36        (10     (27.7

Other operating income *

     279        290        (11     (3.9

Gross income

     1,092        1,106        (14     (1.3

Operating expenses

     (432     (429     (3     0.6   

General administrative expenses

     (390     (391     1        (0.3


     (253     (252     (1     0.4   

Other general administrative expenses

     (137     (139     2        (1.4

Depreciation and amortisation

     (42     (38     (4     9.5   

Net operating income

     660        677        (17     (2.5

Net loan-loss provisions

     4        (40     45        —     

Other income

     (6     (6     0        (0.1

Profit before taxes

     659        631        28        4.5   

Tax on profit

     (139     (130     (9     7.1   

Profit from continuing operations

     520        501        19        3.8   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     520        501        19        3.8   

Minority interests

     15        17        (3     (15.6

Attributable profit to the Group

     506        484        22        4.5   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Private Banking, Asset Management and Insurance

EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     126        124        123        125        118        109        119   

Net fees

     136        143        128        140        140        148        154   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     10        17        9        7        8        11        6   

Other operating income *

     100        99        91        53        84        96        99   

Gross income

     372        383        351        325        350        364        378   

Operating expenses

     (144     (144     (141     (146     (141     (144     (147

General administrative expenses

     (131     (131     (129     (132     (129     (130     (132


     (85     (83     (83     (76     (83     (86     (85

Other general administrative expenses

     (46     (48     (45     (56     (46     (44     (47

Depreciation and amortisation

     (13     (13     (13     (13     (13     (14     (15

Net operating income

     228        239        210        180        209        220        232   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (7     (17     (17     (10     (26     12        18   

Other income

     (0     (1     (4     (14     (2     (1     (2

Profit before taxes

     221        221        189        156        180        231        248   

Tax on profit

     (48     (50     (32     (41     (38     (47     (53

Profit from continuing operations

     173        172        157        115        142        184        194   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     173        172        157        115        142        184        194   

Minority interests

     5        7        6        4        5        4        5   

Attributable profit to the Group

     168        165        151        110        137        180        189   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Private Banking, Asset Management and Insurance

Constant EUR million


     9M ’14     9M ’13     Amount     %  

Income statement


Net interest income

     346        362        (16     (4.5

Net fees

     441        395        47        11.9   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     26        35        (9     (25.0

Other operating income *

     279        274        5        1.7   

Gross income

     1,092        1,066        26        2.5   

Operating expenses

     (432     (418     (14     3.3   

General administrative expenses

     (390     (381     (9     2.3   


     (253     (244     (8     3.4   

Other general administrative expenses

     (137     (137     (0     0.2   

Depreciation and amortisation

     (42     (37     (5     13.3   

Net operating income

     660        647        13        2.0   

Net loan-loss provisions

     4        (40     45        —     

Other income

     (6     (5     (0     8.6   

Profit before taxes

     659        602        57        9.5   

Tax on profit

     (139     (126     (13     10.0   

Profit from continuing operations

     520        476        45        9.4   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     520        476        45        9.4   

Minority interests

     15        16        (1     (6.3

Attributable profit to the Group

     506        460        46        9.9   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

Table of Contents


Private Banking, Asset Management and Insurance

Constant EUR million


     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Income statement


Net interest income

     121        120        121        125        119        109        118   

Net fees

     131        137        126        140        141        148        152   

Gains (losses) on financial transactions

     10        16        9        7        9        11        6   

Other operating income *

     93        92        89        51        85        95        98   

Gross income

     355        365        345        323        354        364        374   

Operating expenses

     (140     (139     (140     (146     (143     (144     (145

General administrative expenses

     (127     (127     (127     (133     (130     (130     (130


     (82     (80     (82     (77     (83     (86     (84

Other general administrative expenses

     (45     (47     (45     (56     (47     (44     (46

Depreciation and amortisation

     (13     (12     (12     (13     (13     (14     (15

Net operating income

     215        227        205        178        211        220        229   

Net loan-loss provisions

     (7     (17     (17     (10     (26     12        18   

Other income

     (0     (1     (4     (14     (3     (1     (2

Profit before taxes

     208        209        185        154        183        231        245   

Tax on profit

     (46     (48     (32     (41     (38     (47     (53

Profit from continuing operations

     162        161        153        113        144        184        192   

Net profit from discontinued operations

     —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Consolidated profit

     162        161        153        113        144        184        192   

Minority interests

     4        6        6        4        5        4        5   

Attributable profit to the Group

     158        155        147        109        139        180        187   


(*).- Including dividends, income from equity-accounted method and other operating income/expenses

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NPL ratio



     31.03.13      30.06.13      30.09.13      31.12.13      31.03.14      30.06.14      30.09.14  

Continental Europe

     6.62         7.83         8.48         9.13         9.12         9.04         8.96   


     4.12         5.75         6.40         7.49         7.61         7.59         7.57   


     6.88         7.41         7.86         8.12         8.26         8.16         8.49   


     7.39         8.08         7.75         7.84         7.35         7.42         7.43   

Santander Consumer Finance

     3.98         4.04         3.96         4.01         4.14         4.07         3.97   

United Kingdom

     2.03         2.01         1.98         1.98         1.88         1.91         1.80   

Latin America

     5.40         5.23         5.29         5.00         5.06         5.03         4.98   


     6.90         6.49         6.12         5.64         5.74         5.78         5.64   


     1.92         2.20         3.58         3.66         3.62         3.52         3.74   


     5.51         5.81         6.00         5.91         5.99         5.94         5.98   


     3.01         2.96         3.04         3.09         2.88         2.93         2.68   

Operating Areas

     4.70         5.13         5.39         5.61         5.54         5.46         5.29   

Total Group

     4.75         5.15         5.40         5.61         5.52         5.45         5.28   

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Coverage ratio



     31.03.13      30.06.13      30.09.13      31.12.13      31.03.14      30.06.14      30.09.14  

Continental Europe

     71.0         63.3         61.1         57.3         58.0         58.3         58.1   


     50.3         43.1         45.0         44.0         44.6         44.9         45.5   


     52.9         52.4         51.9         50.0         50.6         53.1         53.9   


     67.6         59.3         64.1         61.8         64.6         65.3         65.8   

Santander Consumer Finance

     108.7         106.9         109.2         105.3         105.1         105.2         106.4   

United Kingdom

     42.1         42.1         41.6         41.6         42.9         41.1         43.4   

Latin America

     87.4         86.1         83.6         85.4         86.1         86.3         83.5   


     90.4         91.3         92.0         95.1         95.2         94.8         91.4   


     157.1         142.7         99.0         97.5         98.6         96.6         90.1   


     53.9         49.9         49.7         51.1         50.7         51.7         52.3   


     149.6         156.5         148.9         148.1         163.3         165.0         184.1   

Operating Areas

     75.0         69.6         67.2         64.6         66.0         66.4         67.0   

Total Group

     74.1         69.7         67.1         64.9         66.3         66.7         67.5   

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Cost of credit



     31.03.13      30.06.13      30.09.13      31.12.13      31.03.14      30.06.14      30.09.14  

Continental Europe

     3.13         2.33         1.71         1.23         1.21         1.14         1.08   


     1.23         1.26         1.36         1.36         1.37         1.31         1.21   


     1.18         1.10         0.93         0.73         0.63         0.55         0.47   


     1.22         1.18         1.09         1.01         0.98         0.92         0.95   

Santander Consumer Finance

     1.26         1.15         1.13         0.96         0.89         0.87         0.85   

United Kingdom

     0.29         0.26         0.26         0.24         0.23         0.22         0.19   

Latin America

     5.07         4.87         4.73         4.53         4.24         3.95         3.77   


     7.46         7.07         6.72         6.34         5.82         5.38         5.14   


     2.46         2.73         3.27         3.47         3.59         3.58         3.26   


     1.95         2.00         1.96         1.92         1.82         1.76         1.71   


     1.89         1.95         2.17         2.48         2.94         3.15         3.40   

Operating Areas

     2.49         2.15         1.85         1.65         1.61         1.55         1.50   

Total Group

     2.45         2.14         1.89         1.69         1.65         1.56         1.52   

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Spreads on loans and deposits



     1Q 13     2Q 13     3Q 13     4Q 13     1Q 14     2Q 14     3Q 14  

Retail Banking Spain


Loan spreads

     2.21        2.26        2.33        2.43        2.39        2.36        2.37   

Deposit spreads

     0.16        0.28        0.15        0.20        0.45        0.47        0.41   


     2.37        2.54        2.48        2.63        2.84        2.83        2.78   

Retail Banking Portugal


Loan spreads

     2.44        2.44        2.44        2.42        2.44        2.39        2.36   

Deposit spreads

     (1.22     (1.18     (1.06     (0.99     (0.93     (0.84     (0.89


     1.22        1.26        1.38        1.43        1.51        1.55        1.47   

Retail Banking Poland


Loan spreads

     2.41        2.45        2.43        2.53        2.51        2.47        2.45   

Deposit spreads

     0.73        0.72        0.73        0.98        1.12        1.22        1.16   


     3.14        3.17        3.16        3.51        3.63        3.69        3.61   

Santander Consumer Finance


Loan spreads

     4.76        4.83        4.93        4.91        5.04        5.03        5.06   

Retail Banking United Kingdom


Loan spreads

     2.78        2.80        2.85        2.84        2.83        2.76        2.69   

Deposit spreads

     (1.25     (1.17     (1.00     (0.86     (0.82     (0.70     (0.61


     1.53        1.63        1.85        1.98        2.01        2.06        2.08   

Retail Banking Brazil


Loan spreads

     13.09        12.51        11.93        11.82        11.76        11.60        10.98   

Deposit spreads

     0.72        0.75        0.84        0.95        0.90        0.92        1.00   


     13.81        13.26        12.77        12.77        12.66        12.52        11.98   

Retail Banking Mexico


Loan spreads

     8.46        8.41        8.34        8.23        8.17        7.83        7.69   

Deposit spreads

     1.86        1.64        1.56        1.51        1.52        1.46        1.38   


     10.32        10.05        9.90        9.74        9.69        9.29        9.07   

Retail Banking Chile


Loan spreads

     4.31        4.27        4.01        3.98        3.98        4.00        3.97   

Deposit spreads

     2.39        2.47        2.42        2.31        2.35        2.37        2.35   


     6.70        6.74        6.43        6.29        6.33        6.37        6.32   

Retail Banking USA


Loan spreads

     2.51        2.52        2.52        2.49        2.44        2.57        2.61   

Deposit spreads

     0.34        0.33        0.57        0.41        0.73        0.65        0.64   


     2.85        2.85        3.09        2.90        3.17        3.22        3.25   

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Risk-weighted assets

EUR million


     31.03.14 (1)      30.06.14      30.09.14  

Continental Europe

     208,030         207,629         205,734   


     110,020         109,401         107,570   


     16,646         16,776         16,266   


     16,131         16,285         16,575   

Santander Consumer Finance

     49,191         49,420         49,908   

Spain’s run-off real estate

     10,913         10,834         10,085   

United Kingdom

     95,469         99,475         103,264   

Latin America

     142,647         151,654         154,565   


     80,300         86,235         84,846   


     23,666         25,841         27,742   


     25,158         26,013         27,220   


     57,490         60,771         67,442   

Operating Areas

     503,636         519,529         531,005   

Corporate Activities

     36,199         39,365         30,449   

Total Group

     539,835         558,894         561,454   


(1).- Considering Spanish regulation on intangibles homogeneous with European one applied as from 2Q14

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4       November 2014

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Important information 2 Banco Santander, S.A. (“Santander”) cautions that this presentation contains forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are found in various places throughout this presentation and include, without limitation, statements concerning our future business development and economic performance. While these forward-looking statements represent our judgment and future expectations concerning the development of our business, a number of risks, uncertainties and other important factors could cause actual developments and results to differ materially from our expectations. These factors include, but are not limited to: (1) general market, macroeconomic, governmental and regulatory trends; (2) movements in local and international securities markets, currency exchange rates and interest rates; (3) competitive pressures; (4) technological developments; and (5) changes in the financial position or credit worthiness of our customers, obligors and counterparties. The risk factors that we have indicated in our past and future filings and reports, including those with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States of America (the “SEC”) could adversely affect our business and financial performance. Other unknown or unpredictable factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and are based on the knowledge, information available and views taken on the date on which they are made; such knowledge, information and views may change at any time. Santander does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. The information contained in this presentation is subject to, and must be read in conjunction with, all other publicly available information, including, where relevant any fuller disclosure document published by Santander. Any person at any time acquiring securities must do so only on the basis of such person’s own judgment as to the merits or the suitability of the securities for its purpose and only on such information as is contained in such public information having taken all such professional or other advice as it considers necessary or appropriate in the circumstances and not in reliance on the information contained in the presentation. In making this presentation available, Santander gives no advice and makes no recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise deal in shares in Santander or in any other securities or investments whatsoever. Neither this presentation nor any of the information contained therein constitutes an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. No offering of securities shall be made in the United States except pursuant to registration under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or an exemption therefrom. Nothing contained in this presentation is intended to constitute an invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity for the purposes of the prohibition on financial promotion in the U.K. Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. Note: Statements as to historical performance or financial accretion are not intended to mean that future performance, share price or future earnings (including earnings per share) for any period will necessarily match or exceed those of any prior year. Nothing in this presentation should be construed as a profit forecast. The businesses included in each of our geographic segments and the accounting principles under which their results are presented here may differ from the included businesses and local applicable accounting principles of our public subsidiaries in such geographies. Accordingly, the results of operations and trends shown for our geographic segments my differ materially from those of such subsidiaries.

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Group performance 9M’14 Highlights Results Business areas performance 9M’14 Conclusions Appendix

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INCOME STATEMENT Sharp increase in 3Q’14: EUR 1,605 mill. (+10% / 2Q’14) ATTRIBUTABLE PROFIT 9M’14: EUR 4,361 mill. (+32% / 9M’13) Higher gross income and lower costs NII + fee income (+1%) and provisions / 9M’13 costs (-2%) and provisions (-15%) BALANCE SHEET VOLUMES consolidate trend with Loans: +2% Deposits: +3% further increase over 2Q’14 Mutual funds: +4% Improved CREDIT QUALITY NPL ratio: 5.28% (5.45% in June’14) and lower cost of credit in 3Q CET1 ratio: 11.44% Total BIS ratio: 12.59% Solid CAPITAL and LIQUIDITY ratios LTD: 112% NOTE: Loans and deposits excluding repos

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Income statement

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Profit recovery over previous quarters continues EUR million Quarterly attributable profit Year-to-date attributable profit +10%* +32%* 4,361 1,605 1,453 1,303 3,310 1,205 1,050 1,055 1,060 1Q’13 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q 9M’13 9M’14 (*) Excluding fx impact: +9% vs. 2Q’14 (*) Excluding fx impact: +45%

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Further GROSS INCOME growth in the third quarter, with the most commercial revenues stable and higher trading gains Gross income—Group Net interest income and fee income—Group Constant EUR million 10,798 10,295 10,478 9,891 10,098 10,112 9,954 7,126 7,362 7,346 6,608 6,789 6,803 6,888 10,847 10,961 Net interest income 10,722 10,488 10,333 10,029 10,124 2,366 2,400 2,406 2,300 2,320 2,249 2,316 Fee income 1Q’13 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q 1Q’13 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q EUR million Constant EUR million

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The Group’s OPERATING EXPENSES reflected integration synergies and the results of productivity and efficiency plans Group operating expenses 9M’14 / 9M’13 change by principal unit % in constant euros 4,848 5,013 4,917 4,903 5,002 4,754 4,790 Costs Average Costs (nominal) inflation1 (real terms) Spain -7.4 0.0 -7.4 5,068 5,088 4,943 5,060 4,906 5,070 4,847 Portugal -1.1 -0.3 -0.8 Poland 0.3 0.3 0.0 Brazil 1.5 6.3 -4.8 SCF (excl. perimeter) 0.1 0.5 -0.4 UK 3.5 1.6 1.9 Mexico 9.8 4.0 5.8 Chile 4.9 4.1 0.8 1Q’13 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q USA 8.5 1.8 6.7 EUR million Constant EUR million (1) Average year-on-year inflation for the period January–September (Source: Thomson Datastream)

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9 2014-16 efficiency and productivity Plan: we raised the 2016 target to EUR 2.0 bill. after surpassing 2014 expectations EUR million Efficiency plan target Expected savings for 2014(e) Brazil 430 (in real terms) 2,000 Spain 300 1,600 (integration and efficiency plan) Sep’14: 1,500 EUR 710 reached 1,250 Central Services / Holding 50 1,000 (Zero base) 750 Other units 220 (Poland integration, UK plan, etc.) 1,000 2014 2015 2016 Initial* Revised Group target: grow below inflation in the coming years (*) Including integrations synergies Note: Savings calculated over 2013 costs plus vegetative evolution (inflation, upward/downward movements, ongoing investments). Excluding perimeter and new projects

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Sustained improvement of COST OF CREDIT due to widespread reduction in provisions over 2013 Loan-loss provisions Cost of credit (%) 2.45 2.14 3,399 1.89 3,142 3,025 1.69 1.65 1.56 2,774 2,695 2,638 2,777 1.52 1Q’13 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q 1Q’13 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q EUR million Constant EUR million Note: Cost of credit = 12 month loan-loss provisions / average lending, calculated in current euros

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Grupo Santander P&L 11 In short, profit growth driven by higher net operating income and normalisation of loan-loss provisions 3Q’14 Var. / 2Q’14 9M’14 Var. / 9M’13 % %* % %* NII + fee income 9,910 1.4 -0.1 29,006 0.8 7.2 Gross income 10,961 4.5 3.1 31,572 -1.0 4.9 Operating expenses -5,070 3.3 2.0 -14,822 -1.8 3.0 Net operating income 5,891 5.5 4.0 16,750 -0.3 6.6 Loan-loss provisions -2,777 5.2 3.7 -8,110 -15.2 -10.0 PBT 2,556 5.0 3.2 7,140 22.9 34.5 Attributable profit 1,605 10.4 8.5 4,361 31.7 44.7 (*) Changes excluding fx impact Note: Attributable profit does not include the net capital gains expected from the announced transactions of Custody (EUR 410 mill.) and Insurance (EUR 250 mill.), Both transactions are expected to be closed in 4Q’14.

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Balance sheet

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Recovery in loans and faster growth in funds continued in 3Q’14 Gross loans Deposits + Mutual funds % Var. Sep’14 / Jun’14 in constant euros1 % Var. Sep’14 / Jun’14 in constant euros1 Spain -1% Spain +2% Portugal -3% Portugal +6% Poland +2% Poland +10% SCF +1% UK 0% UK +1% USA +4% USA(2) +1% Brazil +3% Brazil +4% Mexico +1% Mexico +4% Chile +6% Chile +2% Group Total +1% Group Total +2% Group: +3.0% Group: +4.7% / Dec’13 / Dec’13 (1) Excluding repos (2) Excluding portfolio and securitisation disposals: Including them: -2%

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Further improvement in the Group’s credit quality in 3Q’14 NPL ratio (%) Coverage ratio (%) 67 66 67 68 65 5.61 5.52 5.40 5.45 5.28 S’13 D’13 M’14 J’14 S’14 S’13 D’13 M’14 J’14 S’14 ¡ NPL ratio on downward trend ¡ Increased coverage ratio in every ¡ Sharp drop of NPL entries in recent quarter of 2014 quarters

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Widespread NPL ratio improvement by unit The Group’s four largest units Net loans to customers % Spain UK Other LatAm Chile 4% 2% Spain Mexico 4% 22% 7.49 7.61 7.59 7.57 6.40 Brazil 10% 1.98 1.98 1.88 1.91 1.80 Portugal 3% USA S’13 D’13 M’14 J’14 S’14 S’13 D’13 M’14 J’14 S’14 9% Poland 2% Germany 4% Run-off real Brazil USA estate 1% Other Europe UK 4% 35% 6.12 5.64 5.74 5.78 5.64 3.04 3.09 2.88 2.93 2.68 S’13 D’13 M’14 J’14 S’14 S’13 D’13 M’14 J’14 S’14

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High ratios of solvency, leverage and liquidity Capital ratios Capital 12.59% 12.05% 12.07% ratio 1.15% Tier2 1.28% 1.15% 52 b.p. more in the quarter 11.44% CET12 10.77% 10.92% ¡ Organic capital generation ¡ AT1 issuance Mar’141 Jun’14 Sep’14 Above 100% in the Group Leverage ratio September 14: 4.5% LCR and principal units CRDIV (stable in the quarter) (vs. 60% required by Oct.1, 2015) (1) Considering Spanish regulation on intangibles homogeneous with European one applied as from 2Q14. (2) Including impact from the Alternative Standard Approach (ASA) model of Brazil’s operational risk, approved by BACEN (0.29 p.p.) but pending authorization from the regulator on the consolidated Group.

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ECB Comprehensive Assessment. Summary 17 The test results underscored the Group’s good management and balance sheet quality, as well as the diversification benefits AQR ratio (%) ST Baseline ratio (%) ST Adverse ratio (%) + 161 bp 11.99% 10.38%—4 bp 10.34% 10.38%—143 bp 10.38% 8.95% CET1 ratio Adjustment Adjusted CET1 ratio Impact CET1 ratio CET1 ratio Impact CET1 ratio Dec’13 CET1 ratio Dec’13 Dec’16 Dec’13 Dec’16 Dec’13 Accurate valuation of Reduced impact due to Strong capital assets and adequate low risk profile and generation provisions diversification In the adverse scenario we have a EUR 19.4 bill. surplus over the minimum required

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AQR. Adjustments resulting from balance sheet review 18 Santander registered the lowest adjustment among its peers, which shows risks correctly classified and adequate coverage ratios AQR impact on CET1 (b.p.) AQR impact on CET1 (EUR mill.) Santander -4 Santander -201 Deutsche -7 Deutsche -252 BNP -15 Intesa Sp. -662 C. Agricole -18 BBVA -676 UniCredit -19 UniCredit -736 BBVA -21 S. Generale -739 S. Generale -22 ING -781 Intesa Sp. -25 BNP -839 ING -29 C. Agricole -865 Commerzbank -55 Commerzbank -1,068 Listed EU entities with assets > EUR 500,000 million (Dec’13). Note. AQR exercise considers only euro zone entities

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Stress test. Impact on CET1 in baseline and adverse scenarios (2013-2016) 19 In the baseline scenario, Santander is among the banks generating the most capital. In the adverse scenario, is the one with the lowest impact among peers Stress test impact* on CET1 baseline scenario (b.p.) Stress test impact* on CET1 adverse scenario (b.p.) Lloyds 338 Santander -143 Nordea 165 HSBC -149 Santander 161 Nordea -156 HSBC 121 ING -172 RBS 110 BBVA -178 ING 100 RBS -189 C. Agricole 93 Barclays -195 Barclays 72 C. Agricole -214 Commer. 32 BNP -261 BNP -14 S. Generale -274 BBVA -14 UniCredit -298 UniCredit -16 Commer. -343 S. Generale -32 Intesa Sp. -364 Intesa Sp. -72 Lloyds -399 Deutsche -73 Deutsche -453 (*) Difference between CET1 pre AQR 2013 and CET1 2016 baseline scenario (*) Difference between CET1 pre AQR 2013 and CET1 2016 adverse scenario Listed EU entities with assets > EUR 500,000 million (Dec’13).

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Stress test. 2016 surplus / shortfall over minimum CET1 requirement 20 Both, in the baseline and adverse scenarios, Santander is among the banks with the largest capital surplus Surplus / Shortfall over 8% Surplus / Shortfall over 5.5% of baseline scenario (EUR mill.) of adverse scenario (EUR mill.) HSBC 36,948 HSBC 41,061 C. Agricole 22,351 C. Agricole 20,714 Santander 21,982 Santander 19,456 Lloyds 18,852 BNP 17,595 Deutsche 17,561 Deutsche 15,857 BNP 16,331 BBVA 13,223 Nordea 11,885 Nordea 11,311 ING 10,938 ING 10,847 Barclays 10,024 Barclays 10,607 Intesa Sp. 9,419 S. Generale 9,981 BBVA 9,341 Intesa Sp. 8,724 S. Generale 9,122 Commerzbank 6,011 Commerzbank 7,711 RBS 5,622 RBS 7,513 UniCredit 5,580 UniCredit 6,658 Lloyds 2,705 Listed EU entities with assets > EUR 500,000 million (Dec’13).

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Stress test. Impact on fully loaded CET1 in baseline and adverse scenarios (2013-2016) 21 Santander performed better than peers also in fully loaded, reflecting a lower risk and more diversified business model Stress test impact* on fully loaded CET1 Stress test impact* on fully loaded CET1 baseline scenario (b.p.) adverse scenario (b.p.) Lloyds 353 Santander -33 Santander 291 BBVA -102 Nordea 165 ING -142 Commer. 164 Nordea -156 ING 147 HSBC -160 Deutsche 136 RBS -189 HSBC 121 Barclays -199 RBS 110 Commer. -200 C. Agricole 96 Deutsche -214 BBVA 73 C. Agricole -225 Barclays 68 UniCredit -250 UniCredit 34 S. Generale -253 S. Generale 12 BNP -272 BNP 4 Intesa Sp. -300 Intesa Sp. 1 Lloyds -410 (*) Difference between fully loaded CET1 2013 and fully loaded CET1 2016 (*) Difference between fully loaded CET1 2013 and fully loaded CET1 2016 baseline scenario adverse scenario Listed EU entities with assets > EUR 500,000 million (Dec’13).

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Agenda Group performance 9M’14 — Highlights — Results Business areas performance 9M’14 Conclusions Appendix Santander

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Business areas 23 High diversification by country in profit generation Attributable profit by country in 9M’14 Portugal, 2% Poland, 6% Spain, 14% Germany, 4% Brazil, 20% Other Europe, 6% Mexico, 8% UK, 20% Chile, 6% Other LatAm, 5% USA, 9% Percentage over operating areas attributable profit, excluding Spain’s run-off real estate

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Spain 24 Activity P&L EUR million Volumes1 Cost of new time deposits Var. Sep’14 / Sep’13 3Q’14 %2Q’14 9M’14 %9M’13 NII + Fee income 1,635 -1.7 4,899 5.0 -1% +2% 1.41% 1.36% Gross income 1,733 -2.8 5,307 -0.2 / 2Q’14 / 2Q’14 Operating expenses -855 -2.1 -2,622 -7.4 4% 0.91% Net op. income 878 -3.4 2,685 7.9 0.75% -2% 0.55% LLPs -429 -12.0 -1,425 -22.4 Loans Funds 3Q’13 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q Attributable profit 309 18.4 822 123.6 Rise in deposits consistent with lower cost of funds. Lending impacted by seasonal factors Higher profit driven by lower costs (integration and efficiency plan) and provisions Gross income registered lower trading gains and dividend income from wholesale business Net interest income rose over 2Q’14 and grew at a faster pace year-on-year (+9%) (1) Loans excluding repos. Funds: deposits excluding repos + marketed mutual funds

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Spain 25 Gross loans Deposits EUR billion EUR billion Loans Deposits 2 178 (excl. repos1) 162 (excl. repos ) 159 160 160 1 15 Retail commercial paper Public sector 13 14 15 Household 78 mortgages 50 50 50 48 Time deposits Other individuals loans to 13 13 12 12 Spain LTD: 99 85% Companies 83 83 85 85 Demand deposits Dec’13 Mar’14 Jun’14 Sep’14 Sep’14(1) Repos 7 4 3 2 (2) Repos 5 Higher lending in 2014: +1,600 mill. (excl. repos) Growth in funds with focus on profitability driven by companies and institutions Higher deposits driven by demand deposits Increased new lending* in SMEs (+34%, due to (EUR 5,200 mill. in 3Q’14) Santander Advance) and large corporates (+23%) Mutual funds continued to increase (+4% q-o-q; Higher new lending of home mortgages (+73%) +32% y-o-y), gaining market share although it did not offset the maturities (*) Excluding commercial bills

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Spain. NPL ratio and entries 26 NPL and coverage ratios (%) NPL entries1 > 90 days Base 100: 2008 45 44 45 45 45 Companies w/o real estate purpose Coverage ratio 170 179 179 142 141 123 100 NPL ratio Mortgages to individuals 7.49 7.61 7.59 7.57 6.40 100 102 74 83 78 71 51 Sep’13 Dec’13 Mar’14 Jun’14 Sep’14Individuals Cards + Consumer loans 100 97 Sharp fall in net entries (-94% /9M’13) 53 44 42 35 28 NPL ratio improved in recent quarters 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 9M’14(1) Gross NPL entries by date (before recoveries), annualised. Provisional

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Portugal 27 Activity P&L EUR million Volumes1 Cost of new term deposits Var. Sep’14/Sep’13 3Q’14 %2Q’14 9M’14 %9M’13 NII + Fee income 206 0.7 612 -3.5 -3% +6% / 2Q’14 / 2Q’14 Gross income 230 -3.1 695 0.4 1.84% 1.70% 1.72% 1.69% +4% 1.36% Operating expenses -122 0.6 -365 -1.1 Net op. income 108 -7.0 330 2.0 -5% LLPs -32 -21.3 -106 -41.4 Loans Funds 3Q’13 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q Attributable profit 42 7.2 116 50.0 Sharp deposit capturing in the quarter with further reduction of the cost of funding Profit continues to normalise. 50% increase year-on-year Commercial revenues driven by lower cost of funds Costs under control and sustained trend in cost of credit reduction (1) Loans excluding repos. Funds: deposits excluding repos + marketed mutual funds

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Poland 28 Activity P&L EUR million Volumes1 Stock deposit cost Var. Sep’14/Sep’13 3Q’14 %2Q’14* 9M’14 %9M’13* NII + Fee income 322 -1.7 967 10.5 +2% +10% / 2Q’14 / 2Q’14 Gross income 335 -4.8 1,023 2.3 1.81% 1.69% 1.69% +13% 1.56% 1.64% Operating expenses -143 -2.8 -438 0.3 Net op. income 192 -6.3 585 3.8 +5% LLPs -44 5.5 -129 -0.2 3Q’13 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q Attributable profit 91 4.4 264 0.5 Loans Funds(*) Changes excluding fx impact Integration completed with enhanced productivity and commercial activity Higher loans and deposits in the quarter reflected the success of the business strategy Management of NII in a lower interest rate environment. Lower dividend income over 2Q’14 Lower costs (integration) and cost of credit (drop in NPL ratio) (1) Local currency. Loans excluding repos. Funds: deposits excluding repos + mutual funds

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Santander Consumer Finance – Continental Europe 29 Activity P&L EUR million Volumes NII – Provisions / ATAs 3Q’14 %2Q’14 9M’14 %9M’13 Var. Sep’14 / Sep’13 NII + Fee income 822 0.0 2,444 3.7 +1% +2% 2.8% 2.7% 2.6% 2.7% 2.6% / 2Q’14 / 2Q’14 Gross income 821 -0.7 2,447 4.0 Operating expenses -354 -0.8 -1,076 3.7 +13% Net op. income 467 -0.6 1,371 4.3 +5% 3Q’13 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q LLPs -149 21.3 -401 -12.8 Gross loans New loans NII 3.48% 3.31% 3.33% 3.50% 3.54% Attributable profit 170 -28.4 626 7.0 Prov. 0.93% 0.61% 0.74% 0.70% 0.86% Double-digit growth in new lending enabled market share gain in a recovering market In the area as a whole: solid gross income, costs under control and lower cost of credit The main units improved net operating income after provisions over 2013 Higher provisions in 3Q’14 (partly due to portfolio sales in 2Q’14) Strategic agreements (GE Nordics and PSA) will drive future growth Note: Not including Santander Consumer UK profit, as it is recorded in Santander UK results. If included, attributable profit in 3Q’14: EUR 196 mill. (-26% q-o-q); 9M’14: EUR 713 mill. (+7% y-o-y)

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Spain run-off real estate 30 Total balance sheet Coverage ratio EUR billion Net loans Net foreclosures Equity stakes 11.4 10.8 10.3 9.8 9.3 56% 3.7 53% 3.6 3.6 Buildings: 3.5 3.5 43% 6.2 5.7 5.2 4.9 Land: 4.3 62% Sep’13 Dec’13 Mar’14 Jun’14 Sep’14 Loans Foreclosures Total exposure dropped 19% in the last twelve months (loans -31%) Coverage ratios for loans and foreclosures rose in the quarter 9M’14 attributable profit: -EUR 451 mill. (-EUR 493 mill. in 9M’13)

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United Kingdom 31 Activity P&L £ million Volumes1 Banking NIM2 Var. Sep’14 / Sep’13 3Q’14 %2Q’14 9M’14 %9M’13 1.81% 1.82% NII + Fee income 1,070 2.4 3,139 13.8 1.79% +1% 0% 1.71% Gross income 1,124 1.7 3,328 9.3 / 2Q’14 / 2Q’14 +2% 1.59% Operating expenses -579 1.3 -1,724 3.5 Net op. income 545 2.2 1,604 16.4 -1% LLPs -70 -1.1 -240 -35.3 3Q’13 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q Attributable profit 326 0.2 962 42.5 Loans Funds Continuing transformation of our retail and commercial banking franchise, reflected in the results Improving volume trends Higher commercial revenues due to reduced cost of deposits and increased lending Costs efficiency accommodating investment in the business transformation Provisions reflect good management and a benign credit environment in the UK (1) Volumes in local currency. Loans excluding repos. Funds: deposits excluding repos + marketed mutual funds (2) In local criteria

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United Kingdom 32 Boosting retail customers … … and corporates 1|2|3 World Customers Current accounts Corporate loans Business centres / Relationship Managers Million £ billion £ billion 3.3 37.9 709 Launch C/A 23.5 582 (March’12) 21.5 2.2 24.6 19.3 503 1|2|3 58 14.4 +54% 37 1.1 +9% +11% 35 +71% Sep’12 Sep’13 Sep’14 Sep’12 Sep’13 Sep’14 Sep’12 Sep’13 Sep’14 Sep’12 Sep’13 Sep’14 Business Relationship centres Managers Further progress in business diversification; First choice for customers switching1 their growth in loans, in a contracting market, and current account provider to Santander UK (almost 1 in 4) increased deposits Total deposits held by primary banking Building our capability; additional investment in customers up 36% over 12 months business centres and rollout of enhanced platform (1) Since the introduction in Sep’13 of the new system to guarantee customers with their current account switching

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USA 33 Activity P&L US$ million Santander Bank1 SCUSA Var. Sep’14 / Sep’13 Var. Sep’14 / Sep’13 3Q’14 %2Q’14 9M’14 %9M’13 +1% +4% +0.5% +7% NII + Fee income 1,794 -0.3 5,320 13.8 / 2Q’14 / 2Q’14 / 2Q’14 / 2Q’14 Gross income 1,931 3.6 5,585 18.0 +34% +5% Operating expenses -684 5.4 -1,985 8.5 +4% +11% Net op. income 1,248 2.7 3,600 24.0 LLPs -811 18.5 -2,244 64.9 Gross loans New loans Attributable profit 259 -5.0 747 -12.9 Loans 2 Funds In activity, growth of SCUSA new lending and improved trend of Santander Bank Gross income driven by volume growth Costs impacted by the various regulatory processes Higher provisions due to larger SCUSA volumes (coverage ratio: 296%) (1) Local currency. Loans excluding repos. Funds: deposits excluding repos + marketed mutual funds. (2) Excluding repositioning transactions. Including them: -2% /2Q’14; +2% /Sep’13

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Brazil 34 Activity P&L EUR million Volumes1 NII – Provisions / ATAs Var. Sep’14/Sep’13 3Q’14 %2Q’14* 9M’14 %9M’13* 3.5% 3.7% 3.8% 3.7% +4% +3% 3.4% NII + Fee income 3,018 -0.3 8,826 -1.0 / 2Q’14 / 2Q’14 Gross income 3,192 5.3 9,029 -3.6 +8% Operating expenses -1,291 6.5 -3,620 1.5 +6% 3Q’13 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q Net op. income 1,900 4.5 5,410 -6.7 NII 6.56% 6.59% 6.48% 6.27% 5.88% LLPs -958 1.1 -2,795 -20.2 Prov. Loans Funds 3.11% 2.88% 2.67% 2.55% 2.47% Attributable profit 409 1.9 1,167 1.9 (*) Changes excluding fx impact In 3Q’14 funds continued to increase and lending grew at a faster pace Profit registered growth in the year-to-date after rising for the third straight quarter: – Costs well below inflation (higher in 3Q’14 due to GetNet and anticipation of salary agreement) – Cost of credit continued to decline – Stable commercial revenues, with trading gains reflecting management of hedging 13.65% participated in the voluntary tender offer (Grupo Santander stake after that: 88.30%) (1) Local currency. Loans excluding repos. Funds: deposits excluding repos + marketed mutual funds

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Brazil 35 Net Interest Income Credit quality NII and loan spreads NPL ratio (%) Constant EUR million 2,382 2,357 2,288 2,298 2,236 2,263 2,209 11.1 10.5 6.90 9.9 9.8 9.9 9.8 6.49 9.1 6.12 5.64 5.74 5.78 5.64 1Q’13 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q M’13 J’13 S’13 D’13 M’14 J’14 S’14 Net interest income Loan spreads Lending portfolio LLPs and cost of credit Constant EUR million Var. Sep’14/Jun’14 1,251 +11% 1,193 1,060 +8% 999 946 920 930 7.5% +4% 7.1% 6.7% 6.3% 5.8% 5.4% 5.1% -0.1% 0% Mortgages Other 1 SMEs / Large Total 1Q’13 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q individuals Companies companies Net loan-loss provisions Cost of credit Net interest income still affected by Lower cost of credit, driven by reduced lending growth and change of mix improved credit quality (1) Rest = Consumer, payrolls, auto, cards, cheque and personal loans

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Mexico 36 Activity P&L EUR million Volumes1 NII – Provisions / ATAs Var. Sep’14/Sep’13 3Q’14 %2Q’14* 9M’14 %9M’13* NII + Fee income 752 1.9 2,171 5.9 +1% +4% 2.7% 2.6% 2.5% 2.5% / 2Q’14 / 2Q’14 2.3% Gross income 791 -0.6 2,279 4.8 Operating expenses -319 -0.3 -938 9.8 +17% Net op. income 471 -0.8 1,341 1.6 +10% 3Q’13 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q LLPs -210 7.4 -579 5.9 NII 4.37% 4.42% 4.10% 3.98% 3.98% BAI 267 -3.8 764 -3.5 Prov. Loans Funds 2.09% 1.81% 1.44% 1.43% 1.49% Attributable profit 167 -3.4 474 -10.4 (*) Changes excluding fx impact Expansion plan reflected in market share gain y-o-y in loans and demand deposits Higher commercial revenues absorbing historically low interest rates and change of mix Costs grew year-on-year due to expansion plan Provisions grew at a slower pace than loans Profit affected in the year-on-year comparison due to the higher tax rate (1) Local currency. Loans excluding repos. Funds: deposits excluding repos + marketed mutual funds

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Chile 37 Activity P&L EUR million Volumes1 NII – Provisions / ATAs Var. Sep’14/Sep’13 3Q’14 %2Q’14* 9M’14 %9M’13* 3.5% 2.9% 2.9% 3.0% +2% +6% 2.6% NII + Fee income 470 -10.0 1,486 13.7 / 2Q’14 / 2Q’14 Gross income 505 -7.7 1,589 11.7 +12% Operating expenses -217 3.7 -628 4.9 +8% 3Q’13 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q Net op. income 288 -14.8 961 16.6 NII 4.39% 4.38% 4.26% 4.69% 3.97% LLPs -131 11.6 -365 -5.2 Prov. Loans Funds 1.52% 1.44% 1.21% 1.24% 1.34% Attributable profit 92 -29.5 347 29.9 (*) Changes excluding fx impact The effort in business transformation is reflected in market share gains in target segments Higher profit growth over 2013 driven by higher gross income (volumes, cost of funds and inflation) and lower cost of credit In 3Q’14 profit impacted by lower inflation (already anticipated). Net interest income excluding UF remained at its highest (1) Local currency. Loans excluding repos. Funds: deposits excluding repos + marketed mutual funds

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Other Latin American countries 38 Attributable profit Constant EUR million Argentina Uruguay Peru 220 163 40 36 13 16 9M’13 9M’14 9M’13 9M’14 9M’13 9M’14 Focus on linkage, transactional business and target segments Volumes growing at double-digit rates P&L driven by higher gross income

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Corporate Activities 39 P&L EUR million 9M’14 9M’13 Gross income -451 -623 Operating expenses -582 -529 Provisions, tax and minority interests -75 -340 Attributable profit -1,108 -1,492 Lower losses than in 9M’13, when a charge for the integration of the banks in Spain was recorded Higher net interest income due to lower issuance costs Higher trading gains due to management of interest and exchange rates hedging

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Agenda Group performance 9M’14 — Highlights — Results Business areas performance 9M’14 Conclusions Appendix

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Third quarter summary 41 The Group’s profit rose offering better-quality results OPERATING PROFIT - GROUP (Net operating income after provisions) Year-on-year change in constant euros Solid gross income trend amid an environment of lower interest rates and some economic slowdown. Drivers: +29.0% - Lending growth Lower cost of funds - Good performance of operating expenses -9.5% -18.2% Provisions on a downward trend, with leeway towards normalisation 2012 / 2011 2013 / 2012 9M’14/9M’13 Current euros -18.1% -16.2% +19.4% Plans to improve productivity, efficiency and linkage Business portfolio and ongoing transactions offer future growth potential

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42 1 Actions to enhance integrated customer view Targets Improve data quality and analytical capacities Maximize business effectiveness with powerful commercial tools More custom-fit value proposals for each customer Actions Improve data quality together with IT & Operations and Risk Data Aggregator (RDA) Implement advanced business management tools (Front/Neo) Create specialised models for value segments

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43 1 We are leveraging Chile’s Neo CRM as an advanced business tool model (commercial front) Chile Neo CRM 360º customer view Channels integration Business intelligence Useful and user-friendly Being implemented: Brazil USA UK Spain In 2015 Improved commercial productivity (53% in Chile) and management teams satisfaction Mexico Poland Portugal

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1 Actions to enhance integrated customer view Targets Improve data quality and analytical capacities Maximize business effectiveness with powerful commercial tools More custom-fit value proposals for each customer Actions Improve data quality together with IT & Operations and Risk Data Aggregator (RDA) Implement advanced business management tools (Front/Neo) Create specialised models for value segments 44 2 Distribution models updating Targets Redefine the branch model as a more valuable channel Enhance digital channels Evolve to a simple banking model, to improve customer experience Actions Review branch model Corporate projects to develop channels Projects to improve the critical processes experienced by customers every day (such as account openings)

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45 2 Update distribution models with multichannel transformation plans implemented across all countries, in order to serve customers via their channel of choice Mobile First Branch model 2H15: 1. Personal Finance Manager 03/15 2. mWallet 4Q14 Prototype 4Q15 4Q14 OPB1Q15 1H15 2H15 2Q15 3. Notifications and Alerts Others 6: 2015 4. Wall 3Q14 4Q14 Contact Center 4Q14 2H15 1. Voice print 2Q15 2H15 ATM / Self-service 2. Speech analytics 2Q15 2Q15 PTC Multichannel 2Q14 4Q14 2Q15 4Q15 Digitizing banking services Internet 1. Channel analysis 11/14 2H15 2. Pull sales 4Q14 OPB 1H15 01/15 Mobile 4Q14 Web 2015 2H15 Digital companies platform / SMEs WiFi in branches New Home: Mobile App 2014: 2H15 Empresas 4Q14 2H15 2015: extent of pilot tests

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Agenda Group performance 9M’14 — Highlights — Results Business areas performance 9M’14 Conclusions Appendix

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Appendix Group balance sheet Liquidity and funding Secondary segment results NPL, coverage ratios and cost of credit Spreads Quarterly income statements

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48 Group balance sheet

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Highlights of the Group balance sheet 49 Retail balance sheet, appropriate for a low risk business model, liquid and well capitalised EUR billion Balance sheet at September 2014 1 Lending: 58% of balance sheet 1,241 1,241 Credit Cash and credit 137 institutions 182 2 institutions 2 Cash, central banks and credit Derivatives 99 institutions: 15% Derivatives 79 3 Other 42 AFS portfolio 83 4 Trading portfolio 68 3 5 Derivatives (with counterparty on the Other* 107 6 liabilities side): 6% of balance sheet Customer deposits 646 4 Available for sale portfolio (AFS): 7% Net loans to 722 1 customers 5 Issues and Trading portfolio: 5% subordinated 213 liabilities Shareholders’ equity 104 6 & fixed liabilities Other (goodwill, fixed assets, accruals): Assets Liabilities 9% (*) Other assets: Goodwill EUR 27 bn., tangible and intangible assets EUR 21 bn., other capital instruments at fair value EUR 1 bn., accruals and other accounts EUR 58 bn.

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50 Liquidity and funding

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Liquidity and funding 51 Well-funded balance sheet with high structural liquidity surplus September 2014. EUR billion Santander Group liquidity balance sheet Net loans to 646 Deposits customers 722 Commercial Gap: EUR 76 bill. 62 Securitisations Structural liquidity1 surplus: Fixed assets 72 EUR 166 bill. (17% net liabilities) & other 137 M/L term funding Financial assets 190 115 Equity (86) and other (27) 24 ST Funding Assets Liabilities Note: Liquidity balance sheet for management purposes (net of trading derivatives and interbank balances). Provisional (1) Financial assets – short term wholesale funding markets

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Liquidity and funding 52 Adequate liquidity structure of stand-alone units September 2014 Main units and liquidity ratios LTD ratio Deposits + M/L term funding / (net loans / deposits) net loans Spain 85% 155% Portugal 97% 119% Santander Consumer Finance 192% 75% Poland 85% 121% UK 122% 109% Brazil 103% 128% Mexico 91% 115% Chile 136% 97% Argentina 81% 126% USA* 144% 106% Group Total 112% 117% (*) Including Santander Bank, Puerto Rico and SCUSA

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Liquidity and funding 53 Higher recourse to wholesale funding at the start of the year, backed by improved markets conditions September 2014 Diversified issuances 9M’2014 39 27 US$ Total area, Sterling 27 27% area, 30% 16 Euro M/L term issuance area, 43% 1 11 12 Securitisations 9M’13 9M’14 (1) Placed in the market and including structured finance Note: 2013 data on a like-for-like basis

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54 Secondary segment results

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Retail Banking 55 Activity P&L EUR billion EUR million Net loans Deposits 3Q’14 %2Q’14* 9M’14 %9M’13* NII + Fee income 9,141 0.2 26,810 5.7 +4%* 0%* 622 Gross income 9,299 1.4 27,048 4.1 521 520 595 Operating expenses -4,209 2.1 -12,296 2.1 Net op. income 5,090 0.7 14,752 5.8 Sep’13 Sep’14 Sep’13 Sep’14 LLPs -2,582 7.3 -7,441 -4.2 (*) +1% excluding FX impact (*) -3% excluding FX impact Attributable profit 1,394 -5.4 4,086 15.9 Gross income (*) excluding FX impact EUR million Sharp exchange rate impact in recent quarters 9,279 9,414 8,847 8,803 8,707 9,041 9,299 Excluding this impact:–Recovery of net interest income + fee income, (+6% / 9M’13)–Costs below inflation 1Q’13 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q–Provisions: lower year-on-year

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Consumer Business 56 Includes Continental Europe, United Kingdom and USA (SCUSA) Basic data Gross loans (Sep’14): EUR 87 bn. EUR billion Top 31 in Continental12 countries 61 14 Countries Europe Agreements with manufacturers UK 5 67 for “captive” financing USA (SCUSA) 21 19.0 Million customers Attributable profit 9M’14: EUR 967mill. 157,000 Dealers-participants EUR million 87,509 EUR million in loans Continental 626 Europe 30,571 EUR million in deposits UK 87 967 EUR million in 9M’14 USA (SCUSA) 254 attributable profit (1) Market share of new auto-lending and/or durable goods loans

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Global Wholesale Banking (GBM) 57 Gross income P&L EUR million EUR million * 3Q’14 %2Q’14* 9M’14 %9M’13* +1%TOTAL 3,873 3,918 Trading and capital NII + Fee income 961 -7.4 2,907 13.9 394 527 Gross income 1,284 -4.8 3,918 6.7 Global Markets 1,344 -8% 1,237 Operating expenses -468 3.8 -1,353 6.0 Financing solutions +9% Customers Net op. income 816 -9.2 2,564 7.0 & advisory 780 850 -3%* Global Transaction LLPs -130 -35.9 -438 -43.3 Services 1,356 -4% 1,304 Attributable profit 426 -1.3 1,328 31.4 (*) excluding FX impact 9M’13 9M’14(*) Excluding FX impact: total revenues: +7%; customer revenues +2% TOTAL Customer revenues account for 87% 1,371 1,335 1,306 1,298 of the total Trading 1,196 1,214 1,284 and capital Gross income growth in constant euros (+7% / 9M’13) Customers 1,253 1,169 1,168 1,174 1,057 1,092 1,049 Excellent efficiency ratio: 35% Provisions normalising 1Q’13 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q 57

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Private Banking, Asset Management and Insurance 58 Total revenues for the Group1 P&L EUR million EUR million 3Q’14 %2Q’14* 9M’14 %9M’13* -2%2 TOTAL 3,399 3,320 NII + Fee income 273 5.1 787 4.0 Insurance 2,002 -4% 1,920 Gross income 378 2.8 1,092 2.5 Operating expenses -147 0.7 -432 3.3 Asset Management 722 +4% 753 Net op. income 232 4.2 660 2.0 Private Banking 675 -4% 647 LLPs 18 52.9 4 — 9M’13 9M’14 Attributable profit 189 3.8 506 9.9 (2) At constant perimeter and FX rates: Total +3%; Insurance 1%; Asset Mgmt.+14%: (*) excluding FX impact Private Banking: -2% TOTAL 1,161 1,161 1,107 1,133 1,078 1,044 1,080 Impacted by fx rates and reduced perimeter due to sale of 50% of mgmt. companies Insurance 706 678 631 648 641 618 643 High gross income contribution to the Asset Group (10% of operating areas total) Management 234 246 243 233 251 269 195 At fx rates, constant perimeter and Private Banking 221 237 217 206 215 208 224 total gross income for the Group increased 1Q’13 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q’14 2Q 3Q (+3% / 9M’13) (1) Including fees paid to the Group retail networks

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59 NPL, coverage ratios and cost of credit

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60 NPL ratio %31.03.13 30.06.13 30.09.13 31.12.13 31.03.14 30.06.14 30.09.14 Continental Europe 6.62 7.83 8.48 9.13 9.12 9.04 8.96 Spain 4.12 5.75 6.40 7.49 7.61 7.59 7.57 Portugal 6.88 7.41 7.86 8.12 8.26 8.16 8.49 Poland 7.39 8.08 7.75 7.84 7.35 7.42 7.43 Santander Consumer Finance 3.98 4.04 3.96 4.01 4.14 4.07 3.97 United Kingdom 2.03 2.01 1.98 1.98 1.88 1.91 1.80 Latin America 5.40 5.23 5.29 5.00 5.06 5.03 4.98 Brazil 6.90 6.49 6.12 5.64 5.74 5.78 5.64 Mexico 1.92 2.20 3.58 3.66 3.62 3.52 3.74 Chile 5.51 5.81 6.00 5.91 5.99 5.94 5.98 USA 3.01 2.96 3.04 3.09 2.88 2.93 2.68 Operating Areas 4.70 5.13 5.39 5.61 5.54 5.46 5.29 Total Group 4.75 5.15 5.40 5.61 5.52 5.45 5.28

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61 Coverage ratio % 31.03.13 30.06.13 30.09.13 31.12.13 31.03.14 30.06.14 30.09.14 Continental Europe 71.0 63.3 61.1 57.3 58.0 58.3 58.1 Spain 50.3 43.1 45.0 44.0 44.6 44.9 45.5 Portugal 52.9 52.4 51.9 50.0 50.6 53.1 53.9 Poland 67.6 59.3 64.1 61.8 64.6 65.3 65.8 Santander Consumer Finance 108.7 106.9 109.2 105.3 105.1 105.2 106.4 United Kingdom 42.1 42.1 41.6 41.6 42.9 41.1 43.4 Latin America 87.4 86.1 83.6 85.4 86.1 86.3 83.5 Brazil 90.4 91.3 92.0 95.1 95.2 94.8 91.4 Mexico 157.1 142.7 99.0 97.5 98.6 96.6 90.1 Chile 53.9 49.9 49.7 51.1 50.7 51.7 52.3 USA 149.6 156.5 148.9 148.1 163.3 165.0 184.1 Operating Areas 75.0 69.6 67.2 64.6 66.0 66.4 67.0 Total Group 74.1 69.7 67.1 64.9 66.3 66.7 67.5

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62 Cost of credit%31.03.13 30.06.13 30.09.13 31.12.13 31.03.14 30.06.14 30.09.14 Continental Europe 3.13 2.33 1.71 1.23 1.21 1.14 1.08 Spain 1.23 1.26 1.36 1.36 1.37 1.31 1.21 Portugal 1.18 1.10 0.93 0.73 0.63 0.55 0.47 Poland 1.22 1.18 1.09 1.01 0.98 0.92 0.95 Santander Consumer Finance 1.26 1.15 1.13 0.96 0.89 0.87 0.85 United Kingdom 0.29 0.26 0.26 0.24 0.23 0.22 0.19Latin America 5.07 4.87 4.73 4.53 4.24 3.95 3.77 Brazil 7.46 7.07 6.72 6.34 5.82 5.38 5.14 Mexico 2.46 2.73 3.27 3.47 3.59 3.58 3.26 Chile 1.95 2.00 1.96 1.92 1.82 1.76 1.71 USA 1.89 1.95 2.17 2.48 2.94 3.15 3.40Operating Areas 2.49 2.15 1.85 1.65 1.61 1.55 1.50Total Group 2.45 2.14 1.89 1.69 1.65 1.56 1.52Cost of credit = 12 month loan-loss provisions / average lending

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Spain run-off real estate. Exposure and coverage ratios 63 Coverage by borrowers’ situation Total coverage (September 2014) (problematic assets + performing loans) EUR Million provisions / exposure (%) 54% Total real estate Gross risk Coverage Net exposure Fund Risk Non-performing 7,235 4,251 2,984 Substandard1 1,775 636 1,139 Sep’14 Foreclosed real estate 7,946 4,416 3,530 Non-performing 59% Substandard1 36% Total problematic assets 16,956 9,303 7,653 2 Foreclosed real estate 56% Performing loans 207 0 207 Total problematic assets 55% Real estate exposure 17,163 9,303 7,860 Performing loans2 0% (1) 100% up-to-date with payments (2) Performing loans: loans up-to-date with payments

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Spain run-off real estate. Loans and foreclosures 64 LOANS with real estate purpose Foreclosed REAL ESTATE (Sep. 2014) EUR Million EUR Million Gross Net amount Coverage amount Sep’14 Dec’13 Var. Finished buildings 3,850 4,673 -823 Finished buildings 2,329 43% 1,335 Buildings under constr. 345 614 -269 Buildings under constr. 559 47% 298 Developed land 2,949 3,124 -175 Developed land 2,523 61% 988 Building and other land 803 1,116 -313 Building land 2,467 64% 884 Non mortgage guarantee 1,270 1,828 -558 Other land 68 62% 25 Total 9,217 11,355 -2,138 Total 7,946 56% 3,530

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65 Spreads

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66 Spreads on loans and deposits % 1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 Retail Banking Spain Loan spreads 2.21 2.26 2.33 2.43 2.39 2.36 2.37 Deposit spreads 0.16 0.28 0.15 0.20 0.45 0.47 0.41 TOTAL 2.37 2.54 2.48 2.63 2.84 2.83 2.78 Retail Banking Portugal Loan spreads 2.44 2.44 2.44 2.42 2.44 2.39 2.36 Deposit spreads (1.22) (1.18) (1.06) (0.99) (0.93) (0.84) (0.89) TOTAL 1.22 1.26 1.38 1.43 1.51 1.55 1.47 Retail Banking Poland Loan spreads 2.41 2.45 2.43 2.53 2.51 2.47 2.45 Deposit spreads 0.73 0.72 0.73 0.98 1.12 1.22 1.16 TOTAL 3.14 3.17 3.16 3.51 3.63 3.69 3.61 Santander Consumer Finance Loan spreads 4.76 4.83 4.93 4.91 5.04 5.03 5.06 Retail Banking United Kingdom Loan spreads 2.78 2.80 2.85 2.84 2.83 2.76 2.69 Deposit spreads (1.25) (1.17) (1.00) (0.86) (0.82) (0.70) (0.61) TOTAL 1.53 1.63 1.85 1.98 2.01 2.06 2.08

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67 Spreads on loans and deposits%1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 Retail Banking Brazil Loan spreads 13.09 12.51 11.93 11.82 11.76 11.60 10.98 Deposit spreads 0.72 0.75 0.84 0.95 0.90 0.92 1.00 TOTAL 13.81 13.26 12.77 12.77 12.66 12.52 11.98Retail Banking Mexico Loan spreads 8.46 8.41 8.34 8.23 8.17 7.83 7.69 Deposit spreads 1.86 1.64 1.56 1.51 1.52 1.46 1.38 TOTAL 10.32 10.05 9.90 9.74 9.69 9.29 9.07Retail Banking Chile Loan spreads 4.31 4.27 4.01 3.98 3.98 4.00 3.97 Deposit spreads 2.39 2.47 2.42 2.31 2.35 2.37 2.35 TOTAL 6.70 6.74 6.43 6.29 6.33 6.37 6.32Retail Banking USA Loan spreads 2.51 2.52 2.52 2.49 2.44 2.57 2.61 Deposit spreads 0.34 0.33 0.57 0.41 0.73 0.65 0.64 TOTAL 2.85 2.85 3.09 2.90 3.17 3.22 3.25

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68 Quarterly Income Statements

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69 Santander Group EUR million1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 9M 13 9M 14 NII + Fee income 9,689 9,833 9,245 9,275 9,323 9,773 9,910 28,766 29,006 Gross income 10,722 10,847 10,333 10,029 10,124 10,488 10,961 31,903 31,572 Operating expenses (5,068) (5,088) (4,943) (5,060) (4,847) (4,906) (5,070) (15,098) (14,822) Net operating income 5,655 5,760 5,390 4,968 5,277 5,582 5,891 16,804 16,750 Net loan-loss provisions (3,142) (3,399) (3,025) (2,774) (2,695) (2,638) (2,777) (9,566) (8,110) Other (372) (549) (509) (366) (433) (508) (558) (1,430) (1,500) Profit before taxes 2,141 1,812 1,856 1,828 2,149 2,435 2,556 5,808 7,140Consolidated profit 1,564 1,345 1,337 1,301 1,579 1,771 1,901 4,246 5,252Attributable profit 1,205 1,050 1,055 1,060 1,303 1,453 1,605 3,310 4,361

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70 Santander Group Constant EUR million1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 9M 13 9M 14 NII + Fee income 8,908 9,109 9,052 9,204 9,492 9,762 9,751 27,068 29,006 Gross income 9,891 10,098 10,112 9,954 10,295 10,478 10,798 30,102 31,572 Operating expenses (4,754) (4,790) (4,848) (5,013) (4,917) (4,903) (5,002) (14,392) (14,822) Net operating income 5,137 5,309 5,264 4,940 5,378 5,575 5,797 15,710 16,750 Net loan-loss provisions (2,875) (3,160) (2,977) (2,771) (2,746) (2,633) (2,731) (9,011) (8,110) Other (360) (531) (500) (358) (440) (507) (552) (1,391) (1,500) Profit before taxes 1,902 1,618 1,788 1,812 2,192 2,435 2,513 5,308 7,140Consolidated profit 1,384 1,198 1,292 1,293 1,611 1,771 1,869 3,874 5,252Attributable profit 1,062 932 1,019 1,053 1,329 1,454 1,578 3,013 4,361

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71 Continental Europe EUR million1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 9M 13 9M 14 NII + Fee income 2,878 2,950 2,859 2,841 2,973 3,077 3,013 8,686 9,063 Gross income 3,171 3,163 3,152 2,979 3,196 3,256 3,139 9,485 9,591 Operating expenses (1,651) (1,619) (1,607) (1,618) (1,607) (1,582) (1,557) (4,877) (4,746) Net operating income 1,520 1,543 1,545 1,361 1,589 1,673 1,582 4,608 4,844 Net loan-loss provisions (901) (993) (946) (763) (791) (770) (737) (2,840) (2,297) Other (192) (194) (188) (185) (152) (196) (151) (574) (499) Profit before taxes 427 356 411 413 647 707 694 1,193 2,048Consolidated profit 331 290 327 301 499 536 518 949 1,553Attributable profit 303 248 283 282 463 499 472 833 1,434

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72 Spain EUR million1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 9M 13 9M 14 NII + Fee income 1,557 1,602 1,508 1,524 1,602 1,663 1,635 4,666 4,899 Gross income 1,798 1,780 1,742 1,634 1,792 1,782 1,733 5,319 5,307 Operating expenses (953) (941) (936) (902) (894) (873) (855) (2,831) (2,622) Net operating income 844 838 805 732 898 909 878 2,488 2,685 Net loan-loss provisions (516) (690) (630) (575) (507) (488) (429) (1,836) (1,425) Other (36) (29) (59) (11) (33) (51) (9) (124) (93) Profit before taxes 293 119 116 145 358 370 440 529 1,168Consolidated profit 204 84 81 98 253 261 310 369 824Attributable profit 203 84 81 98 251 261 309 368 822

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73 Portugal EUR million1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 9M 13 9M 14 NII + Fee income 202 221 211 198 202 204 206 634 612 Gross income 231 233 228 224 228 237 230 693 695 Operating expenses (124) (122) (123) (126) (122) (121) (122) (369) (365) Net operating income 107 112 105 97 106 116 108 324 330 Net loan-loss provisions (64) (62) (56) (11) (34) (40) (32) (182) (106) Other (13) (17) (6) (42) (30) (29) (20) (36) (79) Profit before taxes 31 32 44 44 42 47 57 106 145Consolidated profit 21 25 32 29 33 37 42 77 112Attributable profit 21 25 32 37 36 39 42 77 116

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74 Poland EUR million1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 9M 13 9M 14 NII + Fee income 278 290 302 310 317 328 322 870 967 Gross income 315 337 342 323 334 353 335 994 1,023 Operating expenses (156) (142) (136) (159) (147) (148) (143) (434) (438) Net operating income 159 195 206 165 188 205 192 560 585 Net loan-loss provisions (42) (51) (35) (39) (43) (42) (44) (128) (129) Other (5) 6 (2) (4) (3) (16) 8 (1) (11) Profit before taxes 112 149 169 121 142 147 156 431 445Consolidated profit 90 123 135 96 115 120 122 349 358Attributable profit 70 91 100 72 85 88 91 261 264

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75 Poland Constant EUR million1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 9M 13 9M 14 NII + Fee income 276 292 307 310 318 327 322 875 967 Gross income 313 338 348 324 335 352 335 1,000 1,023 Operating expenses (155) (142) (139) (159) (147) (147) (143) (436) (438) Net operating income 158 196 209 165 188 205 192 564 585 Net loan-loss provisions (42) (52) (36) (39) (43) (42) (44) (129) (129) Other (5) 6 (2) (4) (3) (16) 8 (1) (11) Profit before taxes 112 150 172 122 142 147 156 433 445Consolidated profit 90 123 138 96 116 120 122 351 358Attributable profit 70 91 102 73 85 88 91 263 264

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76 Santander Consumer Finance EUR million1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 9M 13 9M 14 NII + Fee income 779 779 799 762 800 822 822 2,358 2,444 Gross income 776 775 801 759 800 827 821 2,352 2,447 Operating expenses (351) (341) (345) (353) (366) (357) (354) (1,038) (1,076) Net operating income 425 434 456 405 434 470 467 1,315 1,371 Net loan-loss provisions (171) (131) (158) (105) (130) (123) (149) (460) (401) Other (21) (29) (15) (5) (14) (17) (71) (65) (102) Profit before taxes 233 274 283 295 291 330 247 790 868Consolidated profit 184 210 217 213 225 245 184 611 653Attributable profit 176 201 208 209 219 237 170 585 626

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77 United Kingdom GBP million1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 9M 13 9M 14 NII + Fee income 896 906 956 1,014 1,023 1,045 1,070 2,758 3,139 Gross income 973 1,048 1,022 1,100 1,100 1,105 1,124 3,044 3,328 Operating expenses (560) (567) (538) (547) (574) (571) (579) (1,665) (1,724) Net operating income 413 481 484 553 526 533 545 1,379 1,604 Net loan-loss provisions (137) (103) (132) (121) (99) (71) (70) (371) (240) Other (35) (87) (22) (55) (38) (51) (58) (145) (148) Profit before taxes 241 291 330 377 388 411 417 863 1,216Consolidated profit 191 224 261 301 311 325 326 675 962Attributable profit 191 224 261 301 311 325 326 675 962

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78 United States USD million 1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 9M 13 9M 14 NII + Fee income 1,488 1,558 1,631 1,658 1,728 1,798 1,794 4,677 5,320 Gross income 1,538 1,573 1,622 1,721 1,789 1,864 1,931 4,733 5,585 Operating expenses (586) (605) (637) (676) (652) (649) (684) (1,829) (1,985) Net operating income 952 968 985 1,045 1,137 1,215 1,248 2,904 3,600 Net loan-loss provisions (337) (462) (561) (657) (749) (684) (811) (1,361) (2,244) Other (14) (24) (38) (37) (3) (4) (19) (76) (26) Profit before taxes 601 481 386 351 385 527 418 1,468 1,330 Consolidated profit 413 349 288 244 276 362 324 1,050 962 Attributable profit 333 292 233 206 216 272 259 857 747

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79 Brazil EUR million 1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 9M 13 9M 14 NII + Fee income 3,563 3,484 2,899 2,992 2,828 2,979 3,018 9,946 8,826 Gross income 3,781 3,552 3,115 3,070 2,851 2,986 3,192 10,448 9,029 Operating expenses (1,359) (1,356) (1,263) (1,346) (1,133) (1,196) (1,291) (3,978) (3,620) Net operating income 2,422 2,196 1,852 1,724 1,719 1,791 1,900 6,470 5,410 Net loan-loss provisions (1,471) (1,372) (1,065) (985) (905) (933) (958) (3,908) (2,795) Other (78) (133) (126) (162) (143) (166) (253) (336) (561) Profit before taxes 873 691 661 577 671 693 689 2,225 2,053 Consolidated profit 652 525 469 392 469 504 520 1,647 1,493 Attributable profit 499 420 358 301 364 395 409 1,277 1,167

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80 Brazil Constant EUR million 1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 9M 13 9M 14 NII + Fee income 3,030 3,027 2,860 2,987 2,956 2,940 2,930 8,917 8,826 Gross income 3,215 3,088 3,064 3,072 2,980 2,946 3,103 9,367 9,029 Operating expenses (1,156) (1,178) (1,233) (1,332) (1,184) (1,180) (1,256) (3,566) (3,620) Net operating income 2,060 1,910 1,831 1,739 1,796 1,767 1,847 5,801 5,410 Net loan-loss provisions (1,251) (1,193) (1,060) (999) (946) (920) (930) (3,504) (2,795) Other (66) (115) (121) (157) (149) (164) (248) (302) (561) Profit before taxes 743 602 651 583 702 683 669 1,995 2,053 Consolidated profit 555 458 464 399 490 498 505 1,477 1,493 Attributable profit 424 366 355 307 380 390 397 1,145 1,167

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81 Mexico EUR million 1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 9M 13 9M 14 NII + Fee income 725 730 730 718 699 720 752 2,185 2,171 Gross income 770 795 751 705 713 775 791 2,316 2,279 Operating expenses (299) (304) (307) (315) (307) (312) (319) (910) (938) Net operating income 472 490 444 390 407 463 471 1,406 1,341 Net loan-loss provisions (142) (184) (257) (218) (179) (191) (210) (583) (579) Other 26 (2) (3) (4) (2) (2) 6 21 2 Profit before taxes 355 305 184 168 226 271 267 844 764 Consolidated profit 315 263 162 193 178 214 217 740 609 Attributable profit 241 199 123 149 138 169 167 564 474

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82 Mexico Constant EUR million 1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 9M 13 9M 14 NII + Fee income 681 668 702 716 713 722 736 2,051 2,171 Gross income 724 727 723 705 728 778 773 2,174 2,279 Operating expenses (281) (279) (295) (313) (313) (313) (312) (854) (938) Net operating income 443 449 428 392 415 465 461 1,320 1,341 Net loan-loss provisions (133) (169) (245) (216) (182) (191) (206) (547) (579) Other 24 (2) (3) (3) (2) (2) 6 20 2 Profit before taxes 334 278 180 172 231 272 261 792 764 Consolidated profit 296 240 159 195 182 215 212 694 609 Attributable profit 227 182 121 150 141 170 164 529 474

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83 Chile EUR million 1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 9M 13 9M 14 NII + Fee income 512 502 533 521 489 526 470 1,546 1,486 Gross income 550 560 573 566 533 551 505 1,683 1,589 Operating expenses (232) (245) (231) (218) (201) (210) (217) (708) (628) Net operating income 319 314 342 348 332 341 288 975 961 Net loan-loss provisions (155) (147) (153) (142) (116) (118) (131) (456) (365) Other (1) 3 6 (4) (7) (3) 3 8 (7) Profit before taxes 163 170 194 203 209 220 160 527 589 Consolidated profit 148 140 166 169 176 192 136 454 503 Attributable profit 103 97 116 119 123 132 92 316 347

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84 Chile Constant EUR million 1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 9M 13 9M 14 NII + Fee income 420 417 469 479 486 526 473 1,307 1,486 Gross income 452 466 505 521 530 551 508 1,422 1,589 Operating expenses (190) (204) (204) (202) (200) (210) (218) (598) (628) Net operating income 262 261 301 319 330 341 290 824 961 Net loan-loss provisions (127) (123) (135) (131) (115) (118) (132) (385) (365) Other (1) 3 5 (3) (7) (3) 3 7 (7) Profit before taxes 134 142 170 185 208 220 161 445 589 Consolidated profit 121 117 146 155 175 192 137 383 503 Attributable profit 85 81 102 109 122 132 93 267 347

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85 Corporate Activities EUR million1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 13 1Q 14 2Q 14 3Q 14 9M 13 9M 14 NII + Fee income (588) (526) (541) (618) (542) (495) (466) (1,655) (1,503) Gross income (322) (138) (163) (314) (224) (237) 10 (623) (451) Operating expenses (177) (176) (176) (167) (191) (197) (194) (529) (582) Net operating income (499) (314) (339) (482) (416) (434) (183) (1,152) (1,033) Net loan-loss provisions (29) (189) 14 2 1 (1) 0 (203) 0 Other (66) (89) (124) 106 (72) (67) (90) (279) (229) Ordinary profit before taxes (594) (591) (448) (374) (487) (502) (273) (1,634) (1,262)Ordinary consolidated profit (543) (521) (432) (374) (408) (444) (262) (1,495) (1,113) Ordinary attributable profit (543) (519) (430) (384) (405) (444) (259) (1,492) (1,108) Attributable profit (543) (519) (430) (384) (405) (444) (259) (1,492) (1,108)

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      Banco Santander, S.A.
Date: November 5, 2014       By:  

/s/ José Antonio Álvarez

      Name:   José Antonio Álvarez
      Title:   Executive Vice President