Voting Authority Market SH/ Invest Other Name Of Issuer Type Cusip Value Shares/PV PRN Disc Mgrs Sole Share None AT&T Inc. Equity 00206R102 6,273,316 219,962 SH Sole 0 217,048 0 2,914 AT&T Inc. Equity 00206R102 290,647 10,191 SH Defined 0 8,430 0 1,761 AT&T Inc 6.375% Pfd Preferred 00211G208 10,684 400 SH Sole 0 400 0 0 Abbott Laboratories Equity 002824100 8,687,714 169,881 SH Sole 0 167,801 0 2,080 Abbott Laboratories Equity 002824100 235,449 4,604 SH Defined 0 3,334 0 1,270 Activision Blizzard, Inc. Equity 00507V109 5,610,231 471,448 SH Sole 0 465,063 0 6,385 Activision Blizzard, Inc. Equity 00507V109 42,662 3,585 SH Defined 0 3,070 0 515 Aetna, Inc. (New) Equity 00817Y108 5,378 148 SH Defined 0 0 0 148 Air Products & Chemicals Inc Equity 009158106 5,483,290 71,799 SH Sole 0 70,879 0 920 Air Products & Chemicals Inc Equity 009158106 109,209 1,430 SH Defined 0 995 0 435 Alcoa, Inc. Equity 013817101 85,412 8,925 SH Sole 0 8,925 0 0 Alcatel-Lucent Sponsored ADR Equity 013904305 889 314 SH Sole 0 314 0 0 Alico, Inc. Equity 016230104 2,357 120 SH Sole 0 120 0 0 Allianz SE Preferred 018805200 25,938 1,000 SH Sole 0 1,000 0 0 Altera Corporation Equity 021441100 15,765 500 SH Sole 0 500 0 0 Altria Group, Inc. Equity 02209S103 50,939 1,900 SH Sole 0 1,900 0 0 Altria Group, Inc. Equity 02209S103 55,202 2,059 SH Defined 0 2,059 0 0 Amazon.Com Inc. Equity 023135106 2,162 10 SH Sole 0 10 0 0 America Movil SA Ser L Equity 02364W105 59,616 2,700 SH Sole 0 2,700 0 0 Sponsored ADR American Electric Power Co., Equity 025537101 38,020 1,000 SH Sole 0 1,000 0 0 Inc. American International Group 7. Preferred 026874859 11,500 500 SH Sole 0 500 0 0 70% Pfd American International Group 7. Preferred 026874859 32,200 1,400 SH Defined 0 1,400 0 0 70% Pfd Amerigas Partners Lp Equity 030975106 35,192 800 SH Sole 0 800 0 0 Amerigas Partners Lp Equity 030975106 21,995 500 SH Defined 0 500 0 0 Amgen Inc. Equity 031162100 110,140 2,004 SH Sole 0 2,004 0 0 Anadarko Petroleum Corp. Equity 032511107 12,925 205 SH Sole 0 205 0 0 Apache Corp Equity 037411105 14,844 185 SH Sole 0 185 0 0 Apple Computer Inc Equity 037833100 118,209 310 SH Sole 0 310 0 0 Apple Computer Inc Equity 037833100 4,576 12 SH Defined 0 12 0 0 Applied Materials, Inc. Equity 038222105 21,445 2,071 SH Sole 0 2,071 0 0 Applied Materials, Inc. Equity 038222105 2,371 229 SH Defined 0 0 0 229 Aqua America, Inc. Equity 03836W103 53,968 2,502 SH Sole 0 2,502 0 0 Aqua America, Inc. Equity 03836W103 10,785 500 SH Defined 0 500 0 0 Automatic Data Processing, Equity 053015103 307,041 6,512 SH Sole 0 6,512 0 0 Inc. Automatic Data Processing, Equity 053015103 9,430 200 SH Defined 0 0 0 200 Inc. Avista Corp Equity 05379B107 4,770 200 SH Sole 0 200 0 0 BB&T Corporation Equity 054937107 5,333 250 SH Sole 0 250 0 0 Bank America Corp Cap Trust V Preferred 055184204 30,096 1,600 SH Defined 0 1,600 0 0 6.00% Pfd Bankamerica Capital Trust 7. Preferred 05518E202 4,160 200 SH Sole 0 0 0 200 00% Pfd BASF AG Spons ADR Equity 055262505 12,367 200 SH Defined 0 200 0 0 BP plc Equity 055622104 145,182 4,025 SH Sole 0 4,025 0 0 BP plc Equity 055622104 19,045 528 SH Defined 0 0 0 528 BMC Software Inc. Equity 055921100 15,424 400 SH Sole 0 400 0 0 Babcock & Wilcox Co. Equity 05615F102 4,888 250 SH Defined 0 0 0 250 Baker Hughes Inc Equity 057224107 9,230 200 SH Defined 0 0 0 200 Bank of America Corp. Equity 060505104 23,892 3,904 SH Sole 0 3,904 0 0 Bank of America Corp. Equity 060505104 93,465 15,272 SH Defined 0 15,272 0 0 Bank of New York Mellon Corp Equity 064058100 10,410 560 SH Sole 0 560 0 0 Bank of New York Mellon Corp Equity 064058100 17,289 930 SH Defined 0 930 0 0 Bar Harbor Bankshares Equity 066849100 207,200 7,400 SH Sole 0 7,400 0 0 Bar Harbor Bankshares Equity 066849100 30,800 1,100 SH Defined 0 500 0 600 Baxter International, Inc. Equity 071813109 6,688,183 119,134 SH Sole 0 117,661 0 1,473 Baxter International, Inc. Equity 071813109 82,470 1,469 SH Defined 0 1,280 0 189 Becton Dickinson & Co. Equity 075887109 36,660 500 SH Sole 0 500 0 0 Berkshire Hathaway Inc Class A Equity 084670108 106,800 1 SH Defined 0 1 0 0 Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Class B Equity 084670702 202,464 2,850 SH Sole 0 2,600 0 250 Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Class B Equity 084670702 66,849 941 SH Defined 0 841 0 100 Biddeford and Saco Water Equity 088815105 230,167 3,668 SH Sole 0 3,668 0 0 Company BNY Capital Tr IV Preferred 09656G201 12,750 500 SH Sole 0 500 0 0 6.875% 12/1/28 Bank Of NY Cap V Pfd 5.95% Preferred 09656H209 8,813 350 SH Sole 0 200 0 150 Ser F Due 5-1-33 Boeing Co. Equity 097023105 47,742 789 SH Sole 0 789 0 0 BreitBurn Energy Partners L.P. Equity 106776107 12,963 745 SH Defined 0 745 0 0 Briggs & Stratton Corp Equity 109043109 2,702 200 SH Sole 0 200 0 0 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. Equity 110122108 16,318 520 SH Sole 0 520 0 0 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. Equity 110122108 40,982 1,306 SH Defined 0 1,100 0 206 Broadridge Financial Solutions, Equity 11133T103 3,021 150 SH Defined 0 150 0 0 Inc. CBS Corporation 6.75% Pfd Preferred 124857400 50,400 2,000 SH Defined 0 2,000 0 0 Cigna Corp Equity 125509109 20,970 500 SH Sole 0 500 0 0 CSX Corp. Equity 126408103 74,325 3,981 SH Sole 0 3,981 0 0 CVS Corp. Equity 126650100 10,077 300 SH Defined 0 300 0 0 Campbell Soup Equity 134429109 4,948,887 152,885 SH Sole 0 150,940 0 1,945 Campbell Soup Equity 134429109 71,052 2,195 SH Defined 0 1,660 0 535 Canadian Imperial Venture Equity 136076106 429 18,000 SH Sole 0 18,000 0 0 Corporation Carbonite Inc Equity 141337105 1,204 100 SH Sole 0 100 0 0 Caterpillar, Inc. Equity 149123101 507,355 6,871 SH Sole 0 6,871 0 0 Caterpillar, Inc. Equity 149123101 14,768 200 SH Defined 0 200 0 0 Cenovus Energy Inc. Equity 15135U109 12,284 400 SH Sole 0 400 0 0 Chevron Corp Equity 166764100 532,578 5,752 SH Sole 0 5,752 0 0 Chevron Corp Equity 166764100 336,842 3,638 SH Defined 0 3,396 0 242 China Mobile Limited (ADR) Equity 16941M109 6,357,337 130,514 SH Sole 0 128,749 0 1,765 China Mobile Limited (ADR) Equity 16941M109 88,116 1,809 SH Defined 0 1,614 0 195 Chubb Corp. Equity 171232101 6,624,036 110,419 SH Sole 0 109,043 0 1,376 Chubb Corp. Equity 171232101 91,485 1,525 SH Defined 0 1,100 0 425 Cisco Systems, Inc. Equity 17275R102 210,475 13,579 SH Sole 0 13,579 0 0 Cisco Systems, Inc. Equity 17275R102 25,777 1,663 SH Defined 0 1,663 0 0 Citadel Broadcasting Corp Equity 17285T106 0 38 SH Sole 0 38 0 0 Guggenheim Solar ETF Equity 18383M621 323 100 SH Sole 0 100 0 0 Cliffs Natural Resources Inc. Equity 18683k101 17,910 350 SH Sole 0 350 0 0 Coca Cola Co. Equity 191216100 495,215 7,330 SH Sole 0 7,330 0 0 Coca Cola Co. Equity 191216100 196,397 2,907 SH Defined 0 1,285 0 1,622 Colgate Palmolive Co. Equity 194162103 300,714 3,391 SH Sole 0 3,391 0 0 Colgate Palmolive Co. Equity 194162103 50,193 566 SH Defined 0 150 0 416 Comcast Corp New Class A Equity 20030N101 201,983 9,655 SH Sole 0 9,655 0 0 Comcast Corp New Class A Equity 20030N101 9,058 433 SH Defined 0 433 0 0 Comcast Corp Preferred 20030N408 25,620 1,000 SH Defined 0 1,000 0 0 ConocoPhillips Equity 20825C104 66,929 1,057 SH Sole 0 1,057 0 0 ConocoPhillips Equity 20825C104 69,589 1,099 SH Defined 0 1,099 0 0 Consolidated Edison, Inc. Equity 209115104 61,582 1,080 SH Sole 0 1,080 0 0 Consolidated Edison, Inc. Equity 209115104 77,490 1,359 SH Defined 0 1,359 0 0 Corts Trust - J. C. Penney 7. Preferred 21988T207 23,400 1,000 SH Defined 0 1,000 0 0 00% Pfd Corts Trust - Bellsouth 7. Preferred 22080E205 16,776 600 SH Sole 0 600 0 0 00% Pfd Ford Motor Company Corts 7. Preferred 22080Q208 50,400 2,000 SH Sole 0 2,000 0 0 40% Pfd Corts Trust - Boeing Co 6. Preferred 22082Q206 10,264 400 SH Defined 0 0 0 400 125% Pfd Corts Trust - Goldman Sachs 6. Preferred 22083B208 2,292 100 SH Sole 0 100 0 0 00% Pfd Crane Co. Equity 224399105 17,845 500 SH Sole 0 500 0 0 CurrencyShares Australian Equity 23129U101 11,165 115 SH Sole 0 115 0 0 Dollar Trust CurrencyShares Swiss Franc Equity 23129V109 21,810 200 SH Sole 0 200 0 0 CurrencyShares Canadian Dollar Equity 23129X105 18,976 200 SH Sole 0 200 0 0 Trust Damariscotta Bankshares, Inc. Equity 235688108 69,140 6,914 SH Sole 0 6,914 0 0 Danaher Corp Equity 235851102 52,425 1,250 SH Sole 0 1,250 0 0 Dendreon Corp Equity 24823Q107 900 100 SH Sole 0 100 0 0 Deutsche Bank Cap Trust II 6. Preferred 25153X208 6,195 300 SH Defined 0 300 0 0 55% Pfd Diageo plc Sponsored ADR New Equity 25243Q205 19,362 255 SH Sole 0 255 0 0 Diageo plc Sponsored ADR New Equity 25243Q205 15,186 200 SH Defined 0 0 0 200 Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc. Equity 25271C102 21,896 400 SH Defined 0 400 0 0 Disney, (Walt.) Co. Equity 254687106 112,441 3,728 SH Sole 0 3,728 0 0 Disney, (Walt.) Co. Equity 254687106 27,325 906 SH Defined 0 600 0 306 DIRECTV - Class A Equity 25490A101 24,305 575 SH Sole 0 575 0 0 Dominion Resources Inc VA New Equity 25746U109 296,598 5,842 SH Sole 0 5,842 0 0 Dominion Resources Inc VA New Equity 25746U109 89,355 1,760 SH Defined 0 1,060 0 700 Du Pont (E.I.) de Nemours & Co. Equity 263534109 228,868 5,726 SH Sole 0 5,726 0 0 Du Pont (E.I.) de Nemours & Co. Equity 263534109 38,411 961 SH Defined 0 495 0 466 Richard Dudgeon, Inc. Equity 2641781A2 0 11 SH Sole 0 11 0 0 Duke Realty Corporation 6. Preferred 264411760 9,704 400 SH Defined 0 400 0 0 50% Pfd Duke Energy Corp New Equity 26441C105 56,472 2,825 SH Sole 0 2,825 0 0 Duke Energy Corp New Equity 26441C105 19,990 1,000 SH Defined 0 1,000 0 0 EMC Corp. Equity 268648102 20,129 959 SH Sole 0 959 0 0 Eaton Corp Equity 278058102 133,125 3,750 SH Sole 0 3,750 0 0 Edison International Equity 281020107 7,650 200 SH Sole 0 200 0 0 Emerson Electric Co. Equity 291011104 239,722 5,803 SH Sole 0 5,803 0 0 Emerson Electric Co. Equity 291011104 24,786 600 SH Defined 0 400 0 200 EnCana Corp. Equity 292505104 3,581,032 186,415 SH Sole 0 183,232 0 3,183 EnCana Corp. Equity 292505104 52,635 2,740 SH Defined 0 2,405 0 335 Endurance Specialty Holding 7. Preferred 29267H208 25,350 1,000 SH Sole 0 1,000 0 0 75% Pfd Energy Transfer Partners, L.P. Equity 29273R109 12,959 316 SH Defined 0 316 0 0 Enterprise Prods Partners LP Equity 293792107 68,496 1,706 SH Defined 0 1,706 0 0 Equifax Inc. Equity 294429105 144,632 4,705 SH Sole 0 4,705 0 0 Delhaize Group ADR Equity 29759W101 10,227 175 SH Sole 0 175 0 0 Exelon Corporation Equity 30161N101 34,088 800 SH Sole 0 800 0 0 Exxon Mobil Corp. Equity 30231G102 8,303,643 114,328 SH Sole 0 113,382 0 946 Exxon Mobil Corp. Equity 30231G102 1,270,517 17,493 SH Defined 0 13,411 300 3,782 Federal Realty Investment Trust Equity 313747206 16,482 200 SH Defined 0 0 0 200 Federal Signal Corp. Equity 313855108 11,536 2,610 SH Sole 0 2,610 0 0 FedEx Corp Equity 31428X106 32,013 473 SH Sole 0 473 0 0 Fifth Third Bank Cap Tr VI 7. Preferred 31678V206 25,180 1,000 SH Sole 0 1,000 0 0 25% Pfd Fifth Third Bank Cap Tr VI 7. Preferred 31678V206 50,360 2,000 SH Defined 0 1,200 0 800 25% Pfd First Bancorp, Inc. Equity 31866P102 112,051 8,900 SH Sole 0 8,900 0 0 First Solar, Inc. Equity 336433107 11,378 180 SH Sole 0 180 0 0 First Trust S&P REIT Index Fund Equity 33734G108 1,942 143 SH Sole 0 143 0 0 First Trust Large Cap Growth Equity 33735K108 1,761 70 SH Sole 0 70 0 0 Fluor Corp. (New) Equity 343412102 14,151 304 SH Sole 0 304 0 0 Fluor Corp. (New) Equity 343412102 20,948 450 SH Defined 0 0 0 450 Ford Motor Company Equity 345370860 12,571 1,300 SH Sole 0 1,300 0 0 Ford Motor Company Equity 345370860 13,393 1,385 SH Defined 0 385 0 1,000 Forest Labs Inc Equity 345838106 34,485 1,120 SH Sole 0 1,120 0 0 Frontier Communications Corp Equity 35906A108 1,705 279 SH Sole 0 279 0 0 Frontier Communications Corp Equity 35906A108 1,332 218 SH Defined 0 218 0 0 General Electric Co. Equity 369604103 868,316 57,051 SH Sole 0 57,051 0 0 General Electric Co. Equity 369604103 180,479 11,858 SH Defined 0 7,380 200 4,278 GE Capital Corporation 6. Preferred 369622519 30,336 1,200 SH Defined 0 1,200 0 0 10% Pfd General Electric Capital Corp Preferred 369622527 51,980 2,000 SH Sole 0 2,000 0 0 6.625% Pfd General Mills Inc Equity 370334104 550,484 14,302 SH Sole 0 14,302 0 0 General Mills Inc Equity 370334104 50,576 1,314 SH Defined 0 800 0 514 Genesee & Wyoming, Inc. Equity 371559105 3,489 75 SH Sole 0 75 0 0 Genuine Parts Co. Equity 372460105 6,458,610 127,138 SH Sole 0 125,741 0 1,397 Genuine Parts Co. Equity 372460105 62,230 1,225 SH Defined 0 785 0 440 Global Partners LP Equity 37946R109 26,370 1,500 SH Defined 0 1,500 0 0 Goldcorp, Inc. Equity 380956409 6,212,471 136,119 SH Sole 0 134,339 0 1,780 Goldcorp, Inc. Equity 380956409 97,350 2,133 SH Defined 0 1,918 0 215 Google Inc. - CL A Equity 38259P508 53,564 104 SH Sole 0 104 0 0 HCP, Inc. Equity 40414L109 13,148 375 SH Sole 0 375 0 0 HCP, Inc. Equity 40414L109 12,271 350 SH Defined 0 350 0 0 HSBC Holdings PLC 6.20% Preferred 404280604 45,540 2,000 SH Defined 0 2,000 0 0 Series A Pfd Harley-Davidson, Inc. Equity 412822108 14,522 423 SH Sole 0 423 0 0 Harsco Corp. Equity 415864107 7,756 400 SH Defined 0 400 0 0 Health Care Reit Inc Equity 42217K106 14,508 310 SH Defined 0 310 0 0 H.J. Heinz, Co. Equity 423074103 35,336 700 SH Sole 0 700 0 0 H.J. Heinz, Co. Equity 423074103 41,646 825 SH Defined 0 0 0 825 Hershey Foods Corp. Equity 427866108 113,978 1,924 SH Sole 0 1,924 0 0 Hershey Foods Corp. Equity 427866108 11,848 200 SH Defined 0 200 0 0 Hewlett Packard Co. Equity 428236103 3,663,840 163,200 SH Sole 0 160,600 0 2,600 Hewlett Packard Co. Equity 428236103 106,211 4,731 SH Defined 0 4,094 0 637 Home Depot, Inc. Equity 437076102 298,690 9,087 SH Sole 0 9,087 0 0 Home Depot, Inc. Equity 437076102 70,671 2,150 SH Defined 0 1,550 0 600 Honeywell International, Inc. Equity 438516106 330,423 7,525 SH Sole 0 7,525 0 0 Honeywell International, Inc. Equity 438516106 38,773 883 SH Defined 0 698 0 185 Hubbell Inc. Class B Common Equity 443510201 156,051 3,150 SH Sole 0 3,150 0 0 Istar Financial Inc Ser D 8% Preferred 45031U408 43,704 2,400 SH Defined 0 2,400 0 0 Preferred ITT Corporation Equity 450911102 5,351,262 127,411 SH Sole 0 125,782 0 1,629 ITT Corporation Equity 450911102 91,014 2,167 SH Defined 0 1,910 0 257 Idearc, Inc. Equity 451663108 0 42 SH Sole 0 42 0 0 Idearc, Inc. Equity 451663108 0 20 SH Defined 0 20 0 0 Idexx Laboratories, Inc. Equity 45168D104 3,449 50 SH Sole 0 50 0 0 Illinois Tool Works Inc Equity 452308109 29,578 711 SH Sole 0 711 0 0 Illinois Tool Works Inc Equity 452308109 7,821 188 SH Defined 0 0 0 188 ING Groep N.V. 6.375% Pfd Preferred 456837608 16,990 1,000 SH Sole 0 1,000 0 0 ING Groep 7.375% Pfd Preferred 456837707 22,944 1,200 SH Defined 0 1,200 0 0 Intel Corp. Equity 458140100 266,538 12,493 SH Sole 0 12,493 0 0 Intel Corp. Equity 458140100 38,936 1,825 SH Defined 0 1,525 0 300 International Business Equity 459200101 1,290,541 7,380 SH Sole 0 7,380 0 0 Machines Corp. International Business Equity 459200101 169,449 969 SH Defined 0 869 0 100 Machines Corp. Intuitive Surgical Inc. Equity 46120E602 32,785 90 SH Sole 0 90 0 0 iShares MSCI Brazil Index Equity 464286400 7,802 150 SH Sole 0 150 0 0 iShares MSCI Canada Index Fund Equity 464286509 8,922 350 SH Sole 0 350 0 0 iShares DJ Select Dividend Equity 464287168 17,125 355 SH Sole 0 0 0 355 Index iShares DJ Select Dividend Equity 464287168 53,305 1,105 SH Defined 0 1,105 0 0 Index iShares Barclays US TIP Bond Equity 464287176 5,304,434 46,408 SH Sole 0 44,400 0 2,008 Fund iShares Lehman 7-10 Year Equity 464287440 153,087 1,457 SH Sole 0 1,107 0 350 Treasury Bond Fund iShares Barclays 1-3 Year Equity 464287457 355,448 4,203 SH Sole 0 2,494 0 1,709 Treas. Bd iShares Barclays 1-3 Year Equity 464287457 8,457 100 SH Defined 0 100 0 0 Treas. Bd iShares Russell 3000 Index Fund Equity 464287689 92,755 1,390 SH Sole 0 1,390 0 0 iShares Barclays 3-7 Year Equity 464288661 29,034 239 SH Sole 0 239 0 0 Treasury Bond Fund iShares Barclays Short Equity 464288679 19,514 177 SH Sole 0 177 0 0 Treasury Bond Fund iShares Global Inflation LKD Equity 46429B812 2,802 57 SH Sole 0 57 0 0 Ivanhoe Mines Ltd Equity 46579N103 20,550 1,500 SH Defined 0 1,500 0 0 J P Morgan Chase Capital 7. Preferred 46623D200 5,058 200 SH Sole 0 0 0 200 00% Pfd J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. Equity 46625H100 22,500 747 SH Defined 0 225 0 522 J P Morgan Chase Series K 5. Preferred 46626V207 42,313 1,700 SH Defined 0 1,700 0 0 875% Pfd Johnson & Johnson Equity 478160104 8,734,574 137,142 SH Sole 0 135,271 0 1,871 Johnson & Johnson Equity 478160104 396,661 6,228 SH Defined 0 4,063 340 1,825 Johnson Controls Inc Equity 478366107 22,415 850 SH Sole 0 850 0 0 J P Morgan Chase Cap Tr Ser Preferred 48123W209 30,348 1,200 SH Sole 0 1,200 0 0 Xxiv 6.875% Pfd KeyCorp Equity 493267108 14,825 2,500 SH Sole 0 2,500 0 0 Kimberly Clark Corp. Equity 494368103 6,204,428 87,374 SH Sole 0 86,018 0 1,356 Kimberly Clark Corp. Equity 494368103 136,978 1,929 SH Defined 0 1,355 0 574 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, Equity 494550106 87,595 1,281 SH Sole 0 1,031 0 250 L.P. Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, Equity 494550106 89,168 1,304 SH Defined 0 1,304 0 0 L.P. Kraft Foods, Inc. Equity 50075N104 32,170 958 SH Sole 0 958 0 0 Kraft Foods, Inc. Equity 50075N104 40,766 1,214 SH Defined 0 1,214 0 0 Kroger & CO Equity 501044101 19,764 900 SH Sole 0 900 0 0 LCA-Vision Inc. Equity 501803308 45 21 SH Sole 0 21 0 0 Lsi Logic Corporation Equity 502161102 1,575 304 SH Sole 0 304 0 0 Liberty Property Trust REIT Equity 531172104 2,474 85 SH Sole 0 85 0 0 Lilly, Eli and Company Equity 532457108 73,940 2,000 SH Sole 0 2,000 0 0 Lilly, Eli and Company Equity 532457108 189,286 5,120 SH Defined 0 3,520 0 1,600 Linear Technology Corp Equity 535678106 4,148 150 SH Sole 0 150 0 0 Lockheed Martin Corp. Equity 539830109 5,237,126 72,097 SH Sole 0 70,777 0 1,320 Lockheed Martin Corp. Equity 539830109 80,122 1,103 SH Defined 0 818 0 285 Lowes Companies Inc Equity 548661107 35,779 1,850 SH Sole 0 1,850 0 0 Marathon Oil Corporation Equity 565849106 2,374 110 SH Sole 0 110 0 0 Marathon Petroleum Corp Equity 56585A102 1,488 55 SH Sole 0 55 0 0 Market Vectors Gold Miners Equity 57060U100 36,701 665 SH Sole 0 665 0 0 McDermott International, Inc. Equity 580037109 5,380 500 SH Defined 0 0 0 500 McDonalds Corp. Equity 580135101 148,855 1,695 SH Sole 0 1,695 0 0 McDonalds Corp. Equity 580135101 63,230 720 SH Defined 0 520 0 200 Medco Health Solutions, Inc. Equity 58405U102 71,085 1,516 SH Sole 0 1,516 0 0 Medtronic, Inc. Equity 585055106 6,395,509 192,404 SH Sole 0 189,719 0 2,685 Medtronic, Inc. Equity 585055106 86,490 2,602 SH Defined 0 2,282 0 320 Merck & Co. Inc. (New) Equity 58933Y105 5,692,089 174,070 SH Sole 0 171,945 0 2,125 Merck & Co. Inc. (New) Equity 58933Y105 83,647 2,558 SH Defined 0 2,107 0 451 Merrill Lynch Capital Trust Preferred 59021F206 5,895 300 SH Sole 0 300 0 0 Series III 7% Pfd Microsoft Corp. Equity 594918104 6,430,804 258,369 SH Sole 0 255,369 0 3,000 Microsoft Corp. Equity 594918104 103,766 4,169 SH Defined 0 3,212 0 957 Morgan Stanley Cap Tr VI 6. Preferred 617461207 21,790 1,000 SH Defined 0 1,000 0 0 60% Pfd 2/1/46 Morgan Stanley Cap Trust 6. Preferred 617462205 2,064 100 SH Sole 0 100 0 0 25% Pfd Morgan Stanley 6.45% Pfd Preferred 61753R200 10,464 480 SH Defined 0 480 0 0 Motorola Solutions Inc Equity 620076307 309,390 7,384 SH Sole 0 7,384 0 0 Motorola Mobility Holdings Equity 620097105 310,212 8,211 SH Sole 0 8,211 0 0 Muni Bond Trust Ser 6 Equity 626201180 464 20 SH Defined 0 20 0 0 Murphy Oil Corp Equity 626717102 5,190,566 117,540 SH Sole 0 116,140 0 1,400 Murphy Oil Corp Equity 626717102 61,382 1,390 SH Defined 0 920 0 470 Mylan Labs Equity 628530107 15,291 900 SH Sole 0 900 0 0 National Presto Industries, Equity 637215104 15,209 175 SH Sole 0 175 0 0 Inc. Naturally Advanced Equity 63902D108 4,875 2,500 SH Sole 0 2,500 0 0 Technologies, Inc. Nestle' S.A. Representing Reg. Equity 641069406 392,339 7,113 SH Sole 0 7,113 0 0 Shares ADR Newmont Mining Corp Equity 651639106 29,901 475 SH Defined 0 0 0 475 NFJ Dividend, Interest & Equity 65337H109 7,380 500 SH Sole 0 500 0 0 Premium Strategy Fd NextEra Energy Inc Equity 65339F101 5,844,262 108,187 SH Sole 0 106,767 0 1,420 NextEra Energy Inc Equity 65339F101 84,163 1,558 SH Defined 0 1,215 0 343 NextEra Energy 7.450% Pfd Preferred 65339K407 5,416 200 SH Sole 0 200 0 0 9/1/67 Series E Nordstrom Inc Equity 655664100 260,056 5,693 SH Sole 0 5,693 0 0 Norfolk Southern Corp Equity 655844108 15,255 250 SH Sole 0 250 0 0 Nortel Networks Corporation Equity 656568508 0 10 SH Sole 0 10 0 0 Nucor Corp Equity 670346105 4,869,238 153,895 SH Sole 0 152,245 0 1,650 Nucor Corp Equity 670346105 56,477 1,785 SH Defined 0 1,560 0 225 Omnicom Group, Inc. Equity 681919106 5,637,588 153,029 SH Sole 0 150,648 0 2,381 Omnicom Group, Inc. Equity 681919106 98,547 2,675 SH Defined 0 1,875 0 800 ONEOK Partners, L.P. Equity 68268N103 46,620 1,000 SH Defined 0 1,000 0 0 Oracle Corp. Equity 68389X105 208,997 7,272 SH Sole 0 7,272 0 0 Oracle Corp. Equity 68389X105 16,152 562 SH Defined 0 305 0 257 PPL Corporation Equity 69351T106 16,268 570 SH Sole 0 570 0 0 PS Business Parks, Inc. 7.0% Preferred 69360J875 12,490 500 SH Sole 0 500 0 0 Pfd Series H Penn Virginia Resource Equity 707884102 4,678 200 SH Sole 0 200 0 0 Partners, L.P. Penn West Petroleum LTD Com Equity 707887105 18,595 1,259 SH Defined 0 1,259 0 0 Peoples United Financial Inc Equity 712704105 34,200 3,000 SH Defined 0 3,000 0 0 Pepsico, Inc. Equity 713448108 6,299,130 101,763 SH Sole 0 100,337 0 1,426 Pepsico, Inc. Equity 713448108 162,178 2,620 SH Defined 0 2,100 0 520 Petsmart Inc Equity 716768106 2,218 52 SH Sole 0 52 0 0 Pfizer, Inc. Equity 717081103 217,552 12,305 SH Sole 0 12,305 0 0 Pfizer, Inc. Equity 717081103 44,448 2,514 SH Defined 0 695 0 1,819 Philip Morris International, Equity 718172109 84,837 1,360 SH Sole 0 1,360 0 0 Inc. Philip Morris International, Equity 718172109 102,927 1,650 SH Defined 0 1,650 0 0 Inc. Phoenix Companies Inc 7. Preferred 71902E208 19,100 1,000 SH Defined 0 1,000 0 0 5% Pfd Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Equity 720186105 6,394,195 221,329 SH Sole 0 219,101 0 2,228 Inc. Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Equity 720186105 29,641 1,026 SH Defined 0 926 0 100 Inc. Plains All American Pipeline, Equity 726503105 15,614 265 SH Defined 0 265 0 0 L.P. Plum Creek Timber Co., Inc. Equity 729251108 20,826 600 SH Sole 0 600 0 0 Plum Creek Timber Co., Inc. Equity 729251108 46,963 1,353 SH Defined 0 1,353 0 0 PowerShares Global Clean Equity 73936T615 30,695 3,500 SH Sole 0 3,500 0 0 Energy Portfolio PowerShares Global Water Equity 73936T623 3,124 200 SH Sole 0 200 0 0 Portfolio PowerShares Global Water Equity 73936T623 5,233 335 SH Defined 0 335 0 0 Portfolio Precision Castparts Corp. Equity 740189105 31,869 205 SH Sole 0 205 0 0 Procter & Gamble Co. Equity 742718109 10,372,892 164,180 SH Sole 0 162,118 0 2,062 Procter & Gamble Co. Equity 742718109 473,218 7,490 SH Defined 0 4,832 0 2,658 Prudential Financial, Inc. Equity 744320102 20,900 446 SH Sole 0 446 0 0 Public Service Enterprise Equity 744573106 32,402 971 SH Sole 0 971 0 0 Group, Inc. Public Storage, Inc. Equity 74460D109 18,261 164 SH Sole 0 164 0 0 Pure Transit Technologies, Inc. Equity 74622A100 2 655 SH Sole 0 655 0 0 Raytheon Co. Equity 755111507 40,870 1,000 SH Sole 0 1,000 0 0 Reaves Utility Income Fund Equity 756158101 5,807 238 SH Sole 0 238 0 0 (CEF) Reaves Utility Income Fund Equity 756158101 60,146 2,465 SH Defined 0 2,465 0 0 (CEF) Republic Services Inc Equity 760759100 5,419,957 193,156 SH Sole 0 190,686 0 2,470 Republic Services Inc Equity 760759100 74,976 2,672 SH Defined 0 2,382 0 290 RevenueShares Mid Cap ETF Equity 761396209 1,495 60 SH Sole 0 60 0 0 Rio Tinto plc Spon ADR Equity 767204100 22,040 500 SH Defined 0 500 0 0 Rite Aid Corp Equity 767754104 833 850 SH Sole 0 850 0 0 Rockwell Automation Inc. Equity 773903109 60,200 1,075 SH Sole 0 1,075 0 0 Rockwell Automation Inc. Equity 773903109 12,600 225 SH Defined 0 225 0 0 Rockwell Collins, Inc. Equity 774341101 135,857 2,575 SH Sole 0 2,575 0 0 Royal Bank Of Scotland Preferred 780097788 22,386 1,400 SH Defined 0 1,400 0 0 Series L Pref Shs Royal Dutch Shell plc ADR A Equity 780259206 468,659 7,618 SH Sole 0 7,618 0 0 Royce Value Trust 5.90% Pfd Preferred 780910402 12,870 500 SH Sole 0 250 0 250 Rydex S&P Equal Weight ETF Equity 78355W106 3,519 85 SH Sole 0 85 0 0 Rydex S&P 500 Pure Value ETF Equity 78355W304 2,670 105 SH Sole 0 105 0 0 Rydex S&P 500 Pure Growth ETF Equity 78355W403 2,729 69 SH Sole 0 69 0 0 SPDR Gold Trust Equity 78463V107 244,677 1,548 SH Sole 0 1,548 0 0 SPDR S&P Emerging Asia Pacific Equity 78463X301 1,222 19 SH Sole 0 19 0 0 ETF SPDR S&P Emerging Latin Equity 78463X707 698 11 SH Sole 0 11 0 0 America ETF SPDR S&P Mid-Cap 400 ETF Trust Equity 78467Y107 72,486 510 SH Sole 0 510 0 0 St. Jude Medical, Inc. Equity 790849103 1,990 55 SH Sole 0 55 0 0 San Juan Basin Royalty Trust Equity 798241105 22,970 1,000 SH Defined 0 1,000 0 0 Saturns-Goldman Sachs 6. Preferred 80412A200 17,893 800 SH Defined 0 800 0 0 125% Pfd SCANA Corporation Equity 80589M102 6,030,852 149,094 SH Sole 0 147,139 0 1,955 SCANA Corporation Equity 80589M102 72,810 1,800 SH Defined 0 765 0 1,035 Schlumberger Ltd. Equity 806857108 771,771 12,921 SH Sole 0 12,921 0 0 Schlumberger Ltd. Equity 806857108 11,946 200 SH Defined 0 200 0 0 Health Care Select SPDR Fund Equity 81369Y209 6,187 195 SH Sole 0 0 0 195 Select Sector SPDR Fund - Equity 81369Y308 22,838 770 SH Sole 0 770 0 0 Consumer Staples Select Sector SPDR Fund - Equity 81369Y506 80,159 1,370 SH Sole 0 1,370 0 0 Energy Industrial Select Sector Equity 81369Y704 5,406 185 SH Sole 0 185 0 0 Spider Fund Servotronics Inc Equity 817732100 21,350 2,500 SH Sole 0 2,500 0 0 Sigma-Aldrich, Corp. Equity 826552101 285,593 4,622 SH Sole 0 4,622 0 0 Sirius XM Radio, Inc. Equity 82967N108 1,510 1,000 SH Sole 0 1,000 0 0 Smucker (J.M.) Co. Equity 832696405 4,373 60 SH Sole 0 60 0 0 Smucker (J.M.) Co. Equity 832696405 21,867 300 SH Defined 0 300 0 0 Southern Co. Equity 842587107 34,701 819 SH Sole 0 819 0 0 Southern Co. Equity 842587107 4,873 115 SH Defined 0 115 0 0 Southwest Energy Co Equity 845467109 18,798 564 SH Sole 0 564 0 0 Spectra Energy Corp Equity 847560109 26,983 1,100 SH Sole 0 1,100 0 0 Stanley Black & Decker Inc. Equity 854502101 24,550 500 SH Sole 0 500 0 0 Staples, Inc. Equity 855030102 6,650 500 SH Sole 0 500 0 0 Stryker Corporation Equity 863667101 21,209 450 SH Sole 0 450 0 0 Suburban Propane L.P Equity 864482104 64,974 1,400 SH Sole 0 1,400 0 0 Sunoco Logistics Partners L.P. Equity 86764L108 15,486 175 SH Defined 0 175 0 0 SunPower Corporation - Class A Equity 867652109 243 30 SH Sole 0 30 0 0 Sysco Corp Equity 871829107 5,353,193 206,687 SH Sole 0 204,012 0 2,675 Sysco Corp Equity 871829107 67,599 2,610 SH Defined 0 2,285 0 325 Teco Energy, Inc. Equity 872375100 28,265 1,650 SH Defined 0 1,650 0 0 TJX Companies Inc Equity 872540109 11,094 200 SH Defined 0 200 0 0 Target Corp. Equity 87612E106 5,885 120 SH Sole 0 120 0 0 Target Corp. Equity 87612E106 9,808 200 SH Defined 0 200 0 0 Telefonos de Mexico - Class L Equity 879403780 23,920 1,600 SH Sole 0 1,600 0 0 ADR Templeton Global Income Fund, Equity 880198106 44,982 4,760 SH Sole 0 4,760 0 0 Inc. (MFC) Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Equity 881624209 5,924,866 159,185 SH Sole 0 156,698 0 2,487 Ltd ADR Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Equity 881624209 115,084 3,092 SH Defined 0 2,587 0 505 Ltd ADR Teton Energy Corp Equity 881628101 23 1,000 SH Sole 0 1,000 0 0 3M Co. Equity 88579Y101 531,390 7,402 SH Sole 0 7,402 0 0 3M Co. Equity 88579Y101 130,155 1,813 SH Defined 0 535 0 1,278 Tidewater, Inc. Equity 886423102 4,836 115 SH Sole 0 115 0 0 Time Warner, Inc. Equity 887317303 42,497 1,418 SH Sole 0 1,418 0 0 Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. Equity 890516107 7,260 301 SH Sole 0 301 0 0 Toronto-Dominion Bank Equity 891160509 14,474 204 SH Sole 0 204 0 0 Total Fina Elf SA ADR Equity 89151E109 4,185,900 95,416 SH Sole 0 94,165 0 1,251 (Sponsored) Total Fina Elf SA ADR Equity 89151E109 81,116 1,849 SH Defined 0 849 0 1,000 (Sponsored) The Travelers Companies, Inc. Equity 89417E109 5,905,930 121,197 SH Sole 0 119,571 0 1,626 The Travelers Companies, Inc. Equity 89417E109 56,429 1,158 SH Defined 0 941 0 217 UGI Corp Equity 902681105 5,159,559 196,405 SH Sole 0 194,115 0 2,290 UGI Corp Equity 902681105 63,048 2,400 SH Defined 0 1,790 0 610 U.S. Bancorp Inc. Equity 902973304 165,133 7,015 SH Sole 0 7,015 0 0 Unilever plc Sponsored ADR Equity 904767704 2,776 89 SH Sole 0 89 0 0 Union Pacific Corp. Equity 907818108 65,336 800 SH Sole 0 800 0 0 Unit Corp Equity 909218109 40,612 1,100 SH Sole 0 1,100 0 0 United Parcel Service, Inc. Cl Equity 911312106 139,814 2,214 SH Sole 0 2,214 0 0 B United Technologies Corp Equity 913017109 199,822 2,840 SH Sole 0 2,840 0 0 United Technologies Corp Equity 913017109 19,138 272 SH Defined 0 150 0 122 Unum Group Equity 91529Y106 22,763 1,086 SH Sole 0 1,086 0 0 Unum Group Equity 91529Y106 8,384 400 SH Defined 0 400 0 0 Vanguard Dividend Appreciation Equity 921908844 2,779 57 SH Sole 0 57 0 0 Index Fund Vanguard Short-Term Bond ETF Equity 921937827 1,540,466 18,920 SH Sole 0 16,228 0 2,692 Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF Equity 921937835 52,338 625 SH Sole 0 625 0 0 Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US Equity 922042775 7,744 200 SH Sole 0 200 0 0 Index Fund ETF Vanguard Total Stock Market Equity 922908769 30,014 520 SH Sole 0 520 0 0 Verizon Communications Equity 92343V104 148,598 4,038 SH Sole 0 4,038 0 0 Verizon Communications Equity 92343V104 72,570 1,972 SH Defined 0 1,772 200 0 Visa Inc. Class A Equity 92826C839 51,432 600 SH Defined 0 600 0 0 Vodafone Group plc SP ADR Equity 92857W209 11,213 437 SH Sole 0 437 0 0 Vodafone Group plc SP ADR Equity 92857W209 5,260 205 SH Defined 0 205 0 0 WGL Holdings, Inc. Equity 92924F106 28,326 725 SH Sole 0 725 0 0 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Equity 931142103 7,132,254 137,423 SH Sole 0 135,845 0 1,578 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Equity 931142103 124,508 2,399 SH Defined 0 2,019 0 380 Walgreen Co. Equity 931422109 65,780 2,000 SH Sole 0 2,000 0 0 Waters Corp Equity 941848103 22,647 300 SH Sole 0 300 0 0 Weingarten Realty Investors Equity 948741103 11,644 550 SH Sole 0 550 0 0 Western Digital Corporation Equity 958102105 12,860 500 SH Sole 0 500 0 0 Wet Seal, Inc. Equity 961840105 4,480 1,000 SH Sole 0 1,000 0 0 Whirlpool Corp Equity 963320106 18,716 375 SH Defined 0 375 0 0 Windstream Corporation Equity 97381W104 23,300 2,000 SH Sole 0 2,000 0 0 WisdomTree EM Small Cap Div Equity 97717W281 967 25 SH Sole 0 25 0 0 Fund WorldCom, Inc. - WorldCom Equity 98157D106 0 900 SH Sole 0 900 0 0 Group WorldCom, Inc. - MCI Group Equity 98157D304 0 36 SH Sole 0 36 0 0 Xcel Energy, Inc. Equity 98389B100 13,333 540 SH Sole 0 540 0 0 Yum! Brands, Inc. Equity 988498101 3,062 62 SH Sole 0 62 0 0 Zimmer Holdings Inc. Equity 98956P102 1,872 35 SH Defined 0 0 0 35 Accenture PLC Equity G1151C101 5,906,271 112,116 SH Sole 0 110,918 0 1,198 Accenture PLC Equity G1151C101 53,101 1,008 SH Defined 0 490 0 518 Covidien PLC Equity G2554F113 188,307 4,270 SH Sole 0 4,270 0 0 Covidien PLC Equity G2554F113 19,845 450 SH Defined 0 450 0 0 Endurance Specialty Holdings Equity G30397106 422,982 12,386 SH Sole 0 12,386 0 0 Endurance Specialty Hldg 7.5% Preferred G30397304 73,830 3,000 SH Sole 0 3,000 0 0 Garmin Ltd. Equity H2906T109 6,354 200 SH Sole 0 200 0 0 Units of Fract'l Shares Wells Preferred KEK746889 0 60,000 SH Sole 0 60,000 0 0 Fargo & Co. DEP Aegon N.V. 7.25% Perpetual Preferred N00927348 32,385 1,500 SH Sole 0 1,500 0 0 Cumulative Pfd Aegon N.V. 7.25% Perpetual Preferred N00927348 21,590 1,000 SH Defined 0 1,000 0 0 Cumulative Pfd BYD Electronic International Equity Y1045N107 1,788 6,500 SH Defined 0 0 0 6,500 Co., Ltd.