10-Q 1 f10q2nd2002.htm 10q2nd2002
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                  For the quarterly period ended June 30, 2002
                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                         Commission File Number 0-18311

                              NEUROGEN CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

              Delaware                               22-2845714
   (State or other jurisdiction of                (I.R.S. Employer
   incorporation or organization)                 Identification No.)

                          35 Northeast Industrial Road
                           Branford, Connecticut 06405
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

                                 (203) 488-8201
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                                    Yes X        No
                                       ---         ---

     As of August 14, 2002 the registrant had 17,809,374  shares of Common Stock

                              NEUROGEN CORPORATION


                         Part I - Financial Information

Item 1. Consolidated Financial Statements

        Consolidated Balance Sheets at June 30, 2002 and
         December 31, 2001
        Consolidated Statements of Operations for the three-month and
         six-month periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001
        Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the six-month periods
         ended June 30, 2002 and 2001
        Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
         Results of Operations

Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

                           Part II - Other Information

Item 1. Legal Proceedings

Item 2. Changes in Securities and Use of Proceeds

Item 3. Defaults upon Senior Securities

Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

Item 5. Other Information

Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K


Exhibit Index

                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION


                                                    NEUROGEN CORPORATION
                                                 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                                       (In thousands)

                                                           JUNE 30, 2002                 DECEMBER 31, 2001
                                                           --------------                -----------------


Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                                $      28,846                  $        51,062
   Restricted cash                                                  1,009                            1,500
   Marketable securities                                           60,796                           54,237
   Receivables from corporate partners                              3,285                            1,554
   Other current assets                                             1,235                            3,027
                                                            -------------                  ---------------
       Total current assets                                        95,171                          111,380

Property, plant & equipment:
   Land, building and improvements                                 31,176                           30,489
   Equipment and furniture                                         17,257                           16,162
   Construction in progress                                           142                              462

                                                           ---------------                 ----------------
                                                                   48,575                           47,113
   Less accumulated depreciation & amortization                    14,413                           13,062
                                                           ---------------                 ----------------
       Net property, plant and equipment                           34,162                           34,051

Other assets, net                                                     656                              525
                                                           ---------------                 ----------------
       Total assets                                        $      129,989                  $       145,956
                                                           ===============                 ================

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                                                    NEUROGEN CORPORATION
                                                 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                            (In thousands, except per share data)

                                                               JUNE 30, 2002               DECEMBER 31, 2001
                                                             -----------------             -----------------
            Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity

Current liabilities:
   Accounts payable and accrued expenses                     $          4,746              $           3,595
   Unearned revenue from corporate partners, current portion            2,000                          6,699
   Current portion of loans payable                                     1,372                          1,365
                                                             -----------------             ------------------
       Total current liabilities                                        8,118                         11,659

Unearned revenue from corporate partners, net of
    current portion                                                     6,885                          7,885
Loans payable, net of current portion                                  20,341                         21,029
                                                             -----------------             ------------------
       Total liabilities                                               35,344                         40,573

Commitments and Contingencies

Stockholders' Equity:
   Preferred stock, par value $.025 per share
       Authorized 2,000 shares; none issued                                 -                              -
   Common stock, par value $.025 per share
       Authorized 30,000 shares;  issued and outstanding
       17,859 shares at June 30, 2002 and 17,733 shares
       at December 31, 2001                                               446                            443
   Additional paid-in capital                                         176,568                        174,709
   Accumulated deficit                                                (79,108)                       (67,685)
   Deferred compensation                                               (3,678)                        (2,750)
   Accumulated other comprehensive income                                 417                            666
                                                             -----------------             ------------------
       Total stockholders' equity                                      94,645                        105,383
                                                             -----------------             ------------------
       Total liabilities and stockholders' equity            $        129,989              $         145,956
                                                             =================             ==================

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                                                            NEUROGEN CORPORATION
                                                    CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                                                   (In thousands, except per share data)

                                                               THREE MONTHS       THREE MONTHS       SIX MONTHS       SIX MONTHS
                                                                   ENDED              ENDED             ENDED            ENDED
                                                               JUNE 30, 2002      JUNE 30, 2001     JUNE 30, 2002   JUNE 30, 2001
                                                             ----------------    ---------------   --------------   -------------
Operating revenues:
   License fees                                              $         7,061     $        2,495    $       8,449    $      3,745
   Research and development                                            1,209                720            2,459           1,440
                                                             ----------------    ---------------    -------------   -------------
       Total operating revenues                                        8,270              3,215           10,908           5,185

Operating expenses:
  Research and development:
   Stock compensation                                                     38                 18              (18)            902
   Other research and development                                      9,836              8,659           19,272          17,286
                                                             ----------------    ---------------    -------------   -------------
  Total research and development                                       9,874              8,677           19,254          18,188

  General and administrative:
   Stock compensation                                                    151                 27              290              72
   Other general and administrative                                    1,660              1,442            3,706           3,289
                                                             ----------------    ---------------    -------------   -------------
  Total general and administrative                                     1,811              1,469            3,996           3,361
                                                             ----------------    ---------------    -------------   -------------
       Total operating expenses                                       11,685             10,146           23,250          21,549
                                                             ----------------    ---------------    -------------   -------------
Operating loss                                                        (3,415)            (6,931)         (12,342)        (16,364)

Other income (expense):
  Investment income                                                      811              1,242            1,547           2,751
  Interest expense                                                      (274)                 -             (554)              -
                                                             ----------------    ---------------    -------------   -------------
   Total other income, net                                               537              1,242              993           2,751
                                                             ----------------    ---------------    -------------   -------------

Net loss before provision for income taxes                            (2,878)            (5,689)         (11,349)        (13,613)

Provision for income taxes                                                 -                  -              (73)               -
                                                             ----------------    ---------------    -------------   -------------
Net loss                                                     $        (2,878)    $       (5,689)    $    (11,422)   $    (13,613)
                                                             ================    ===============    =============   =============

Basic and diluted loss per share                             $         (0.16)    $        (0.33)    $      (0.65)   $      (0.78)
                                                             ================    ===============    =============   =============
Shares used in calculation of loss per share:
  Basic and diluted                                                   17,607             17,416           17,600          17,406
                                                             ================    ===============    =============   =============

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                                                             NEUROGEN CORPORATION
                                                      CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                                                (In thousands)

                                                                         SIX MONTHS            SIX MONTHS
                                                                            ENDED                 ENDED
                                                                        JUNE 30, 2002         JUNE 30, 2001
                                                                      -----------------      ---------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net loss                                                           $        (11,422)      $     (13,613)
   Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in
     operating activities:
       Depreciation and amortization expense                                     1,590               1,307
       Stock compensation expense                                                  272                 974
       Other non-cash expense                                                      846                 463
   Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
       Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued expenses              1,151                (897)
       Decrease in unearned revenue from corporate partners                     (5,699)             (1,745)
       (Increase) decrease in receivables from corporate partners               (1,732)              1,418
       Decrease in other assets, net                                             1,598                 733
   Income tax benefits from exercise of stock options                              345                   -
                                                                      -----------------      ---------------
          Net cash used in operating activities                                (13,051)            (11,360)

Cash flows from investing activities:
       Purchases of plant and equipment                                         (1,824)             (5,081)
       Purchases of marketable securities                                      (42,562)            (42,526)
       Maturities and sales of marketable securities                            35,309              34,087
       Proceeds from sales of assets                                               102                  25
                                                                      -----------------      ---------------
          Net cash used in investing activities                                 (8,975)            (13,495)

Cash flows from financing activities:
       Principal payments under loans payable                                     (681)                  -
       Change in restricted cash                                                   491                   -
       Exercise of employee stock options                                            -                 564
                                                                      -----------------      ---------------
          Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities                     (190)                564
                                                                      -----------------      ---------------
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                      (22,216)            (24,291)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                51,062              48,086
                                                                      -----------------      ---------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                            $         28,846       $      23,795
                                                                      =================      ===============

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                              Neurogen Corporation
                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                                  June 30, 2002


               The  unaudited   consolidated   financial  statements  have  been
          prepared   from  the  books  and  records  of   Neurogen   Corporation
          ("Neurogen"  or the "Company") in accordance  with generally  accepted
          accounting  principles for interim financial  information  pursuant to
          Rule 10-01 of Regulation S-X. Accordingly,  they do not include all of
          the   information  and  footnotes   required  by  generally   accepted
          accounting  principles  in the United  States of America for  complete
          consolidated financial statements.  In the opinion of management,  all
          adjustments  (consisting  of  normal  recurring  accruals)  considered
          necessary for a fair  presentation  have been included.  These interim
          consolidated  financial  statements should be read in conjunction with
          the  audited  consolidated  financial  statements  for the year  ended
          December  31, 2001  included in the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form
          10-K.  Interim results are not  necessarily  indicative of the results
          that may be expected for the full fiscal year.

               Comprehensive loss for the six-month periods ending June 30, 2002
          and  2001  were   $11,671,000  and  $13,454,000,   respectively.   The
          differences  between  net  loss and  comprehensive  net loss is due to
          changes in the unrealized gain(loss) on marketable securities.


               The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the
          parent  company  and a  subsidiary,  Neurogen  Properties  LLC,  after
          elimination of intercompany transactions.


               The Company has entered into  collaborative  research  agreements
          which  provide  for the  partial  funding  of  specified  projects  in
          exchange  for the grant of  certain  rights  related  to  discoveries.
          Revenue   under  these   arrangements   typically   includes   upfront
          non-refundable fees, ongoing payments for specified levels of staffing
          for research and  milestone  payments  upon the  occurrence of certain
          events. Since the adoption of the Securities and Exchange Commission's
          Staff  Accounting  Bulletin No. 101,  the upfront  fees are  generally
          recognized as revenue ratably over the period of performance under the
          research  agreement.  The research funding is recognized as revenue as
          the related  research  effort is performed.  Revenue  derived from the
          achievement  of  milestones is  recognized  when the  milestone  event

               Neurogen has also entered into one technology  transfer agreement
          under  which  revenue is  recognized  when a  contractual  arrangement
          exists,  fees are fixed and  determinable,  delivery of the technology
          has occurred and collectibility is reasonably  assured.  When customer
          acceptance is required,  revenue is deferred until acceptance  occurs.
          Where there are  on-going  services  or  obligations  after  delivery,
          revenue  is  recognized  over the  related  term of the  service  on a
          percentage of completion basis, unless such obligation is maintenance,
          which is recognized on a straight line basis. Generally, the agreement
          includes  multiple  elements and total  contract fees are allocated to
          the different elements based on evidence of fair value.

               Revenue  resulting  from  up-front   non-refundable   fees  under
          collaborative  research  agreements  and all fees under the technology
          transfer agreement is recorded as License Fees revenue for purposes of
          the financial statements.  Research funding for the Company's staffing
          on projects and milestone payments under collaborative  agreements are
          recorded as Research and Development revenues. Deferred revenue arises
          from  the  payments  received  for  research  and  development  to  be
          conducted in future  periods or for licenses of  Neurogen's  rights or
          technology where Neurogen has continuing involvement.


               In May 2002, an aggregate of 100,000  shares of restricted  stock
          were granted to certain newly hired officers and one existing officer.
          Of the total shares  granted,  50% vest after four years and 50% after
          five years from date of grant provided the officer remains an employee
          of the Company.  In January 2002,  15,000  options to purchase  common
          stock at the  exercise  price of $14.30 were  granted to a director of
          the Company for  consulting  services to be  performed.  In the second
          quarter,   the  Company  recorded   deferred   compensation   totaling
          $1,380,000,  which is being amortized  ratably over the service period
          required for awards to vest.  For the six months ending June 30, 2002,
          the Company recorded $44,000 in non-cash  compensation expense related
          to 2002 awards.


               Since its inception in September 1987,  Neurogen has been engaged
          in the discovery and development of drugs. The Company has not derived
          any revenue from product sales and expects to incur significant losses
          in most years prior to deriving any such product revenues. Revenues to
          date  have  come  from five  collaborative  research  agreements,  one
          license agreement and one technology transfer agreement.


               Results of operations may vary from period to period depending on
          numerous factors, including the timing of income earned under existing
          or future strategic alliances,  technology transfer agreements,  joint
          ventures or financings, if any, the progress of the Company's research
          and  development  and  technology  transfer  projects,   technological
          advances and determinations as to the commercial potential of proposed
          products.  Neurogen expects research and development costs to increase
          significantly  over the  next  several  years as its drug  development
          programs progress.  In addition,  general and administrative  expenses
          necessary to support the expanded research and development  activities
          are generally expected to increase for the foreseeable future.

          THREE MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2002 AND 2001

               The Company's  operating  revenues  increased to $8.3 million for
          the three  months  ended June 30, 2002 as compared to $3.2 million for
          the same  period  in  2001.  This  increase  is  primarily  due to the
          recognition  of $4.2 million in revenue  deferred  until the June 2002
          completion  of  a  technology   transfer  agreement  with  Pfizer  Inc
          ("Pfizer"),  described  below,  and the $2.0  million  recognition  of
          revenues  under such  agreement  for the  achievement  of a  milestone
          event.  License fee revenue in 2002 also includes the  recognition  of
          $0.5 million of a total up-front  payment of $10.0 million received as
          part  of  our   collaboration   with  Aventis   Pharmaceuticals   Inc.
          ("Aventis")  in  December  2001 (the  "Aventis  Agreement"),  which is
          described below.  Research and development  revenue recognized in 2002
          relates to research funding earned from the Aventis Agreement, whereas
          the revenue for 2001 represents the recognition of discovery  research
          funding under a collaboration  with Pfizer which concluded on December
          31, 2001.

               Research and  development  expenses  increased 14 percent to $9.8
          million for the three-month  period ended June 30, 2002 as compared to
          $8.7  million for the same  period in 2001  excluding  non-cash  stock
          compensation  charges.  The  increase  is  primarily  due  to  further
          development  of potential  drug  candidates,  including the funding of
          clinical  trials for the  Company's  candidate  for the  treatment  of
          certain inflammatory disorders, the Company's continued utilization of
          its  AIDD  (Accelerated  Intelligent  Drug  Design)  Program  for  the
          discovery  of new drug  candidates  and an increase  in  research  and
          development  personnel.  Research and development expenses represented
          86 percent of total  expenses in each of the three month periods ended
          June 30, 2002 and 2001, excluding non-cash stock compensation charges.

               General and  administrative  expenses,  excluding  non-cash stock
          compensation  charges,  increased  15 percent to $1.7  million for the
          three-month  period  ended June 30, 2002  compared to $1.4 million for
          the same  period  in 2001.  The  increase  is a result  of  additional
          business  operations  and  technical  services  required to facilitate
          Neurogen's continued drug discovery and drug development  activity, as
          well as to expand the Company's intellectual property estate.

               Other  income  decreased  from $1.2  million  in the  three-month
          period ended June 30, 2001 to $0.5 million in the same period of 2002.
          This  difference is primarily  due to an increase in interest  expense
          associated  with a $17.5  million first  mortgage  debt  financing the
          Company  entered into in December 2001 and to lower overall returns on
          invested funds.

               The Company  recognized  a net loss of $2.9 million for the three
          months ended June 30, 2002 as compared with a net loss of $5.7 million
          for the same period in 2001. The decrease in net loss is primarily due
          to the increase in revenues partly offset by the increase in operating
          expenses and decrease in other income described above.

          SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2002 AND 2001

               The Company's  operating  revenues increased to $10.9 million for
          the six months  ended  June 30,  2002 from $5.2  million  for the same
          period in 2001.  This increase is primarily due to the  recognition of
          $4.2 million in revenue  deferred until the June 2002  completion of a
          technology  transfer  agreement with Pfizer,  described below, and the
          $2.0 million  recognition  of revenues  under such  agreement  for the
          achievement  of a  milestone  event.  License fee revenue in 2002 also
          includes the  recognition of $1.0 million of a total up-front  payment
          of $10.0 million received as part of the Aventis  Agreement,  which is
          described below.  Research and development  revenue recognized in 2002
          relates to research funding earned from the Aventis Agreement, whereas
          the revenue for 2001 represents the recognition of discovery  research
          funding under a collaboration  with Pfizer which concluded on December
          31, 2001.

               Research  and  development  expenses,  excluding  non-cash  stock
          compensation  charges,  increased 11 percent to $19.3  million for the
          six-month  period ended June 30, 2002 as compared to $17.3 million for
          the same  period in 2001.  The  increase is  primarily  due to further
          development  of potential  drug  candidates,  including the funding of
          clinical  trials for the  Company's  candidate  for the  treatment  of
          certain inflammatory disorders, the Company's continued utilization of
          its AIDD  Program  for the  discovery  of new drug  candidates  and an
          increase  in  research  and   development   personnel.   Research  and
          development   expenses  represented  84  percent  of  total  operating
          expenses (excluding non-cash stock compensation charges)in each of the
          six-month periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001.

               General and  administrative  expenses,  excluding  non-cash stock
          compensation  charges,  increased  13 percent to $3.7  million for the
          six-month  period ended June 30, 2002 compared to $3.3 million for the
          same period in 2001.  The increase is a result of additional  business
          operations and technical  services  required to facilitate  Neurogen's
          continued drug discovery and drug development  activity, as well as to
          expand the Company's intellectual property estate.

               Total stock compensation expenses decreased from $1.0 million for
          the six-month  period ended June 30, 2001 to $0.3 million for the same
          period  in  2002.  The  2002  compensation   expense  is  composed  of
          continuing  non-cash  charges  to income  related to grants of certain
          stock  awards  in  1997,  2001  and 2002 to  certain  officers  of the
          Company, while the 2001 expense included a one-time non-cash charge of
          $0.8 million for the  modification  of certain stock options held by a
          retiring executive officer.

               Other income  decreased from $2.8 million in the six-month period
          ended June 30, 2001 to $1.0  million in the same period of 2002.  This
          difference  is  primarily  due  to an  increase  in  interest  expense
          associated  with a $17.5  million  first  morgage debt  financing  the
          Company  entered into in December 2001 and to lower overall returns on
          invested funds.

               The Company  recognized  a net loss of $11.4  million for the six
          months  ended  June  30,  2002 as  compared  with a net  loss of $13.6
          million  for the same  period  in 2001.  The  decrease  in net loss is
          primarily  due  to the  increase  in  revenues  partly  offset  by the
          increase in operating  expenses and decrease in other income  descibed


               At June 30, 2002 and December 31, 2001,  cash,  cash  equivalents
          (including  restricted  cash) and  marketable  securities  were in the
          aggregate  $90.7 million and $106.8  million ,  respectively.  A total
          amount of $27.2 million of the marketable  securities at June 30, 2002
          have maturities  greater than one year.  However,  the Company can and
          may  liquidate  such  investments   prior  to  maturity  to  meet  its
          strategies and/or investment objectives. The Company's aggregate level
          of cash, cash equivalents and marketable  securities  decreased during
          the first half of 2002. These levels have fluctuated  significantly in
          the past and are  expected  to do so in the  future as a result of the
          factors described below.

               Neurogen's  cash  requirements  to  date  have  been  met  by the
          proceeds of its equity financing activities, amounts received pursuant
          to   collaborative   research,   licensing  or   technology   transfer
          arrangements,   certain  debt  arrangements  and  interest  earned  on
          invested  funds.  The  Company's  equity  financing   activities  have
          included  underwritten  public  offerings  of  common  stock,  private
          placement  offerings of common stock and private sales of common stock
          in connection with  collaborative  research and licensing  agreements.
          Total  funding   received   from  these   financing   activities   was
          approximately  $146.6 million.  The Company's  expenditures  have been
          primarily   to  fund   research  and   development   and  general  and
          administrative  expenses and to  construct  and equip its research and
          development facilities.

               The debt agreements entered into by the Company to date include a
          first  mortgage loan  financing in December  2001,  and a construction
          loan entered into in October 1999. Total proceeds received under these
          agreements  was $22.5  million.  As of June 30, 2002,  Neurogen is not
          engaged in any significant lease or capital expenditure commitments.

               The  Company  plans  to  use  its  cash,  cash   equivalents  and
          marketable  securities  for its research and  development  activities,
          working capital and general corporate purposes.  Neurogen  anticipates
          that its current cash balance,  as  supplemented  by research  funding
          pursuant  to its  collaborative  research,  licensing  and  technology
          transfer  agreements,  will be  sufficient  to fund  its  current  and
          planned operations through at least 2004. However,  Neurogen's funding
          requirements  may  change  and  will  depend  upon  numerous  factors,
          including but not limited to, the progress of the  Company's  research
          and  development  programs,  the  timing and  results  of  preclinical
          testing and  clinical  studies,  the timing of  regulatory  approvals,
          technological advances,  determinations as to the commercial potential
          of its proposed products,  the status of competitive  products and the
          ability  of  the  Company  to  establish  and  maintain  collaborative
          arrangements  with others for the purpose of funding certain  research
          and  development  programs,  conducting  clinical  studies,  obtaining
          regulatory   approvals   and,   if  such   approvals   are   obtained,
          manufacturing  and  marketing  products.  Many of these  factors could
          significantly  increase the  Company's  expenses and use of cash.  The
          Company  anticipates  that it may  augment  its cash  balance  through
          financing  transactions,  including  the  issuance  of debt or  equity
          securities and further corporate alliances. No assurances can be given
          that  adequate  levels  of  additional  funding  can  be  obtained  on
          favorable terms, if at all.

               As of December  31,  2001,  the Company had  approximately  $83.6
          million  and $6.1  million  of net  operating  loss and  research  and
          development credit carryfowards,  respectively,  available for federal
          income tax purposes  which expire in the years 2004 through 2021.  The
          Company  also had  approximately  $73.3  million  and $3.5  million of
          Connecticut  state tax net operating loss and research and development
          credit  carryfowards,  respectively,  which  expire in the years  2002
          through 2021.  The Company  applied to exchange year 2000  Connecticut
          research  and   development   credits  for  cash  proceeds  under  new
          Connecticut  tax law  provisions and received a payment from the State
          of  Connecticut  of $2.2  million  in April  2002  for this  exchange.
          Because of "change in  ownership"  provisions of the Tax Reform Act of
          1986, the Company's utilization of its net operating loss and research
          and  development  credit  carryforwards  may be  subject  to an annual
          limitation in future periods.



               In December  2001,  Neurogen  entered  into a  collaboration  and
          license  agreement  with  Aventis  pursuant to which  Aventis  made an
          initial payment of $10 million and agreed, among other things, to fund
          a specified level of resources for at least three years for Neurogen's
          program for the  discovery and research of CRF1  receptor-based  drugs
          for a broad range of applications, including the therapeutic treatment
          of depression and anxiety disorders.  Aventis has the option to extend
          the discovery and research  effort for up to an additional  two years.
          As of June 30,  2002,  Aventis has  provided  $1.5 million of research
          funding to the Company. Neurogen is also eligible to receive milestone
          payments  if  certain  compound  discovery,   product  development  or
          regulatory  objectives are achieved subject to the  collaboration.  In
          return,  Aventis  received the exclusive  worldwide rights to develop,
          manufacture and market  collaboration  drugs that act through the CRF1
          receptor,  for all therapeutic  indications for which the drugs may be
          used. Aventis will pay Neurogen royalties based upon net sales levels,
          if any, for collaboration products. Also under the agreement,  Aventis
          is responsible for funding the cost of development, including clinical
          trials, manufacturing and marketing of collaboration products, if any.


               In June 1999,  Neurogen  and  Pfizer  entered  into a  technology
          transfer agreement (the "Pfizer Technology Transfer Agreement"). Under
          the terms of this agreement,  Pfizer agreed to pay Neurogen a total of
          up to $27.0  million  over a three year period for the  licensing  and
          transfer to Pfizer of certain of Neurogen's AIDD  technologies for the
          discovery of new drugs, along with the installation of an AIDD system.
          Additional   payments  are  also  possible  upon  Pfizer's  successful
          utilization  of  this  technology.  Pfizer  received  a  non-exclusive
          license to certain AIDD intellectual  property and the right to employ
          this technology in its own drug development  programs.  As of June 30,
          2002,  Pfizer had provided  $25.0  million in license fees pursuant to
          the Pfizer  Technology  Transfer  Agreement,  which culminated in June


               Interest rate risk. The Company's  investment  portfolio includes
          investment  grade debt  instruments.  These  securities are subject to
          interest  rate  risk,  and could  decline in value if  interest  rates
          fluctuate.  Due to the short duration and conservative nature of these
          instruments,  the  Company  does not  believe  that it has a  material
          exposure to interest rate risk.  Additionally,  funds  available  from
          investment  activities are dependent upon available  investment rates.
          These  funds may be higher or lower than  anticipated  due to interest
          rate volatility.

               Capital  market  risk.  The  Company  currently  has  no  product
          revenues and is dependent on funds raised through other  sources.  One
          source of funding is through further equity offerings.  The ability of
          the Company to raise funds in this manner is  dependent  upon  capital
          market forces affecting the stock price of the Company.

                           Part II - Other Information

Item 1. Legal Proceedings

               Not applicable for the second quarter ended June 30, 2002.

Item 2. Changes in Securities and Use of Proceeds

               Not applicable for the second quarter ended June 30, 2002.

Item 3. Defaults upon Senior Securities

               Not applicable for the second quarter ended June 30, 2002.

Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

               Not applicable for the second quarter ended June 30, 2002.

Item 5. Other Information

               Certifications  pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
               of 2002 accompany this report.

Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

               (a) See Exhibit Index.

               (b) None.


     Statements which are not historical facts,  including  statements about the
Company's  confidence and strategies,  the status of various product development
programs,  the sufficiency of cash to fund planned  operations and the Company's
expectations  concerning its development compounds,  drug discovery technologies
and  opportunities  in  the  pharmaceutical  marketplace  are  "forward  looking
statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities  Litigations Reform Act
of 1995 that involve risks and  uncertainties  and are not  guarantees of future
performance. These risks include, but are not limited to, difficulties or delays
in development, testing, regulatory approval, production and marketing of any of
the  Company's  drug  candidates,  the  failure to attract or retain  scientific
management  personnel,   any  unexpected  adverse  side  effects  or  inadequate
therapeutic  efficacy  of the  Company's  drug  candidates  which  could slow or
prevent  product   development   efforts,   competition   within  the  Company's
anticipated product markets, the Company's dependence on corporate partners with
respect  to  research   and   development   funding,   regulatory   filings  and
manufacturing and marketing expertise, the uncertainty of product development in
the pharmaceutical industry, inability to obtain sufficient funds through future
collaborative  arrangements,  equity  or debt  financings  or other  sources  to
continue  the  operation  of the  Company's  business,  risk  that  patents  and
confidentiality   agreements   will  not   adequately   protect  the   Company's
intellectual  property or trade secrets,  dependence  upon third parties for the
manufacture of potential  products,  inexperience in  manufacturing  and lack of
internal  manufacturing  capabilities,  dependence  on third  parties  to market
potential  products,  lack  of  sales  and  marketing  capabilities,   potential
unavailability   or  inadequacy  of  medical   insurance  or  other  third-party
reimbursement  for the cost of purchases of the  Company's  products,  and other
risks  detailed in the Company's  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  filings,
including its Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31, 2001,
each of which could adversely affect the Company's  business and the accuracy of
the forward-looking statements contained herein.


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                            NEUROGEN CORPORATION

                                               By:/s/   STEPHEN R. DAVIS
                                                    Stephen R. Davis
                                                    Executive Vice President
                                                    and Chief Business Officer

Date:  August 14, 2002

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

10.1    - Employment Agreement between the Company and Edmund P. Harrigan, dated
          as of May 13, 2002.

10.2    - Form   of   Proprietary  Information    and    Inventions   Agreement.

                                                                    EXHIBIT 10.1

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

     This  EMPLOYMENT  AGREEMENT,  effective as of May 13, 2002,  is made by and
between Neurogen  Corporation,  a Delaware  corporation  (the  "Company"),  with
offices at 35 Northeast Industrial Road, Branford, Connecticut 06405, and Edmund
P. Harrigan, M.D. (the "Employee").

     WHEREAS,  the Company and the Employee  desire to enter into an  employment
relationship; and

     WHEREAS,  the Company and the Employee  desire to enter into this Agreement
to address, on the terms and conditions  hereinafter set forth,  certain matters
relating to such employment.

     NOW, THEREFORE, the Company and the Employee agree as follows:


(a)  Cause

     For purposes of this Agreement "cause" means:

     (i) the  Employee  is  convicted  of a  felony  or  entry of a plea of nolo
contendere (or similar plea) in a criminal proceeding for commission of a felony
or serious misdemeanor;

     (ii) any willful act or omission by the Employee  which  constitutes  gross
misconduct or gross  negligence and which results in demonstrable  material harm
to the Company;

     (iii) the Employee's  willful and continuous  failure to perform his duties
with the Company after reasonable notice of such failure;

     (iv) the  Employee's  participation  in any act of  dishonesty  intended to
result in his material personal enrichment at the expense of the Company; or

     (v) the Employee's failure to substantially comply with the terms set forth
in the Proprietary Information and Inventions Agreement between the Employee and
the Company.

     No act, or failure to act, by the Employee  shall be  considered  "willful"
unless  committed in bad faith and without a  reasonable  belief that the act or
omission was in the Company's best interest.

(b)  Good Reason

     For purposes of this  Agreement  "good reason" means and shall be deemed to
exist if, without the prior written consent of the Employee,

     (i) the Company  permanently  relocates the primary place of performance of
the duties  specified  in Section 3 of this  Agreement  to a location  more than
fifty (50) miles from its current offices located in Branford, Connecticut;

     (ii) the  Employee  suffers a  material  reduction  in  Employee's  duties,
responsibilities or effective authority as a result of any action or inaction on
the part of the Company typically  associated with his title and position as set
forth and described in Section 3 of this Agreement;

     (iii) the  Employee's  rate of Base  Salary  (as  hereinafter  defined)  is
materially decreased by the Company (other than in connection with an across the
board salary reduction agreed to by the Employee);

     (iv) the Company fails to obtain the full assumption of this Agreement by a
successor entity in accordance with Section 12(b) of this Agreement; or

     (v) the Board of Directors of the Company  (the  "Board") or the  Company's
stockholders,  either or both, as may be required to authorize  the same,  shall
approve any  liquidation or  dissolution  of the Company,  or the sale of all or
substantially all of the assets of the Company.

2.   TERM

     The term of  Employee's  employment  under  this  Agreement  shall,  unless
earlier  terminated under Section 7 herein or extended as hereinafter  provided,
be for a period  commencing  as of May 13,  2002 (the  "Commencement  Date") and
terminating on May 12, 2004,  subject to the terms and  conditions  contained in
this  Agreement  (the  "Employment   Period").   The  Employment   Period  shall
automatically  be extended,  commencing  on May 13, 2004 and  thereafter  on the
relevant alternate  anniversary of the Commencement Date, for successive two (2)
year  periods  unless,  not later than ninety (90) days prior to May 13, 2004 or
any such  anniversary,  either party to this Agreement shall give written notice
to the other  that such  party  does not wish to extend or  further  extend  the
Employment Period beyond its then already automatically extended term, if any.


     During the Employment  Period,  the Employee shall be employed as Executive
Vice President and Chief Development  Officer of the Company.  In such position,
the Employee  shall have the duties,  responsibilities  and  authority  normally
associated  with, or otherwise  appropriate  to, the offices and positions of an
Executive Vice President and Chief Development Officer of a corporation.  In the
performance of his duties and  responsibilities  as Executive Vice President and
Chief  Development  Officer,  the Employee  shall  report only to the  President
and/or the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. During the Employment Period,
the Employee shall devote  substantially all of his business time, during normal
business  hours,  to the  business  and affairs of the Company and the  Employee
shall use his best efforts to perform  faithfully and efficiently the duties and
responsibilities contemplated by this Agreement; provided, however, the Employee
may  manage  his  personal,  financial  and  legal  affairs  and  engage  in any
activities of a volunteer,  civic or business nature, as long as such activities
do not materially  interfere with Employee's  responsibilities as Executive Vice
President and Chief Development Officer.


(a)  Salary

     As compensation for the Employee's services under this Agreement, beginning
the Commencement  Date and until the termination of the Employment  Period,  the
Employee  shall be paid by the Company a base salary of  $300,000.00  per annum,
payable in equal  semi-monthly  installments  in  accordance  with the Company's
normal payroll  practices,  which base salary may be increased but not decreased
during  the  Employment  Period by the Board in its sole  discretion  (the "Base
Salary"). Such increased Base Salary shall then constitute the "Base Salary" for
purposes of this Agreement.

(b)  Annual Bonus

     In  addition  to the Base  Salary,  the  Employee  is  eligible to receive,
subject to certain objective and/or subjective performance goals approved by the
President and Chief Executive Officer, such annual bonuses during the Employment
Period as the Board may approve.

(c)  Benefits

     During the Employment Period, the Employee shall be eligible to participate
in all employee pension and incentive benefit plans and programs maintained from
time to time by the  Company for the  benefit of senior  executives.  During the
Employment Period,  the Employee,  Employee's spouse, if any, and their eligible
dependents, if any, shall be eligible to participate in and be covered under all
the  employee  and  dependent  health  and  welfare  benefit  plans or  programs
maintained from time to time by the Company.  However, the Company shall have no
obligations  under this  Section  4(c) unless and until the Employee has met any
generally  applicable  eligibility  requirements for participation in such plans
and programs.

(d)  Loan

     As of the  Commencement  Date,  the  Company  will  loan  to the  Employee,
interest free,  $250,000 (the "Loan").  On each  anniversary of the Commencement
Date the Company will forgive  $50,000 of the outstanding  principal  balance of
the Loan,  provided  the  Employee  remains an  employee  of the Company on such
anniversary date. Should the Employee's employment relationship with the Company
terminate for any reason,  any remaining  principal balance of the loan shall be
due and payable within thirty (30) days of such termination.  While the Employee
remains an  employee  of the  Company,  the  Company  will "gross up" and pay on
behalf of the  employee  the actual  federal and state  income taxes owed by the
Employee as a consequence of any interest which, due to the interest-free nature
of the Loan, is required to be imputed in calculating the Employee's  taxes. The
Employee will be  responsible  for paying any taxes owed as a consequence of any
principal amounts forgiven.

(e)  Equity

     As of the Commencement Date, the Company will grant to the Employee:

     (i) Forty  thousand  (40,000)  shares of  Neurogen  Corporation  restricted
common  stock,  par  value  $.025  per  share,  (the  "Restricted  Stock").  The
Restricted Stock shall vest and become unrestricted and freely tradable, subject
to any governmental law, rule,  regulation or order which would be applicable to
the Employee  generally  (e.g. the Employee's  knowledge of material  non-public
information  regarding the Company) in two equal  installments,  twenty thousand
(20,000) shares on May 13, 2006 and twenty  thousand  (20,000) shares on May 13,
2007. If for any reason the Employee's employment with the Company is terminated
prior to either of the dates indicated in the preceding  sentence,  any unvested
shares of  Restricted  Stock  shall be  forfeited  to the  Company  for zero (0)

     (ii) An employee  stock option (the "Stock  Option") to acquire one hundred
and twenty-five  thousand (125,000) shares of Neurogen  Corporation common stock
at the  then-current  NASDAQ  market  price as of the date of  grant.  The Stock
Option  shall vest in five equal  annual  installments  commencing  on the first
anniversary of the date of grant.


     (a)  During  the  Employment  Period and for one year after the date of any
such  termination of  employment,  the Employee  agrees that,  without the prior
express  written consent of the Company,  he shall not,  directly or indirectly,
for his own benefit or as an employee, owner, shareholder,  partner, consultant,
(or  in  any  other  representative   capacity)  for  any  other  person,  firm,
partnership,  corporation  or other entity  (other than the  Company),  (i) with
respect to the United  States of  America  or Canada,  engage in the  discovery,
research and/or development of therapeutic,  diagnostic or prophylactic products
which work through the same biological  mechanisms as products which at the time
of such  termination are under active  clinical or  pre-clinical  development or
have been  pre-clinically  or clinically  developed by the Company and which the
Company  has not  abandoned  ("Related  Programs")  or (ii)  solicit or hire (or
direct  another to solicit or hire) the  services of any employee of the Company
or attempt to induce any such employee or any consultant to the Company to leave
the employ of the Company  (except when such acts are performed in good faith by
the  Employee  on  behalf  of the  Company).  Notwithstanding  the  above,  this
provision shall not prevent or prohibit Employee from being employed during such
one year  period by  another  entity in a  managerial  role where  Employee  has
overall  responsibility for managing a research and development  portfolio which
includes one or more Related  Programs,  provided that Employee does not violate
the terms of Section 6 hereof and does not  during  such one year term  actively
advise or direct the discovery,  research or  development  efforts of such other
entity in the Related  Program(s).  During the Employment  Period,  the Employee
shall not own more than 2% of the outstanding  common stock of any  corporation.
The  provisions  of this  Section 5 shall not be deemed to reduce in any way any
other fiduciary,  contractual or other legal obligation the Employee may have to
the Company,  including  without  limitation any  obligation  which may arise by
virtue of any corporation law,  securities law, patent or intellectual  property
law or right, the common law, other agreements with the Company or otherwise.

     For purposes of Section 5 of this Agreement,  the term "solicit" shall mean
any  communication  of any kind  whatsoever,  regardless  of by whom  initiated,
inviting,  encouraging,  or  requesting  any person or entity to take or refrain
from taking any action.

     (b) The  Employee  agrees  to  comply  with the  terms of set  forth in the
Proprietary Information and Inventions Agreement.

     (c) If at any time within  twenty-four  (24) months after the date on which
the Employee exercises a Company stock option or stock appreciation right, or on
which  Company  restricted  stock  vests,  or on which income is realized by the
Employee in connection with any other Company  equity-based award (each of which
events is a "Realization Event"), the Employee breaches any provision of Section
5(a) or 5(b) of the Agreement in more than a minor,  deminimus or trivial manner
that causes or is likely it cause, more than deminimus financial or reputational
harm to the Company (and, if such breach is  susceptible  to cure,  the Employee
does not cure such  breach and harm  within  ten (10) days after the  Employee's
receipt of written  notice of such  breach of the  Company  which  specifies  in
reasonable detail the facts and  circumstances  claimed to be the basis for such
breach),  then (i) the  Employee  shall  forfeit all of  Employee's  unexercised
(including unvested) Neurogen Corporation stock options and restricted stock and
(ii) any gain realized within the  twenty-four  (24) months prior to such breach
from the  exercise  of any Company  stock  options or the vesting of any Company
restricted  stock  or  other  equity-based  awards  by  the  Employee  from  the
Realization  Event shall be paid by the  Employee to the  Company  upon  written
notice from the Company  within  ninety (90) days of such notice (such  payments
may be made in increments over such period). Such gain shall be determined after
reduction for any taxes paid (or, if such gain is  determined  before such taxes
are paid, owing,  provided that such taxes are actually paid in a timely manner)
by the  Employee  which  are  attributable  to such  gain as of the  date of the
Realization  Event,  and  without  regard to any  subsequent  change in the Fair
Market Value (as defined  below) of a share of Company  common  stock;  provided
that any federal or state income tax benefit  actually  realized by the Employee
as a result of making  payments to the Company under this Section 5(c) (relating
to any of the next ten (10) tax year periods)  shall also be paid to the Company
within  fifteen  (15) days of such  realization.  Such gain shall be paid by the
Employee  delivering to the Company  shares of Company  Common Stock with a Fair
Market  Value on the date of  delivery  equal to the  amount of such  gain.  The
Company  shall have the right to offset such gain against any amounts  otherwise
owed to the Employee by the Company (whether as wages, vacation pay, or pursuant
to any benefit  plan or other  compensatory  arrangement).  For purposes of this
Section 5(c),  the "Fair Market Value" of a share of Company Common Stock on any
date  shall be (i) the  closing  sale price per share of  Company  Common  Stock
during  normal  trading hours on the national  securities  exchange on which the
Company Common Stock is  principally  traded for such date or the last preceding
date on which there was a sale of such Company  Common Stock on such exchange or
(ii) if the shares of Company  Common  Stock are then traded on the NASDAQ Stock
Market or any other over-the-counter  market, the average of the closing bid and
asked prices for the shares of Company  Common Stock during normal trading hours
in such  over-the-counter  market  for such date or the last  preceding  date on
which there was a sale of such Company Common Stock in such market,  or (iii) if
the shares of Company Common Stock are not then listed on a national  securities
exchange or traded in an over-the-counter market, such value as the Compensation
Committee, in its sole discretion, shall reasonably determine. In the event that
the Company  seeks to enforce the  provisions  of this  Section  5(c),  and such
enforcement is contested by the Employee,  and it is finally determined that the
Employee is not subject to the provisions of this Section 5(c), then the Company
shall (i) reimburse the Employee for reasonable  attorneys' fees incurred by the
Employee  in  connection  with such  contest;  and (ii) pay to the  Employee  an
additional amount equal to one (1) times the amount in clause (i); provided that
such payment under this clause (ii) shall not exceed $250,000.

     (d) Any termination of the Employee's employment or of this Agreement shall
have no effect on the continuing operation of this Section 5.

     (e) The  Employee  acknowledges  and agrees that the  Company  will have no
adequate  remedy  at law,  and  could be  irreparably  harmed,  if the  Employee
breaches or  threatens  to breach any of the  provisions  of this Section 5. The
Employee  agrees  that  the  Company  shall  be  entitled  to  equitable  and/or
injunctive  relief to prevent any breach or threatened breach of this Section 5,
and to specific performance of each of the terms hereof in addition to any other
legal or equitable  remedies  that the Company may have.  The  Employee  further
agrees  that  Employee  shall not,  in any  equity  proceeding  relating  to the
enforcement  of the terms of this  Section 5, raise the defense that the Company
has an adequate remedy at law.

     (f) The terms and  provisions of this Section 5 are intended to be separate
and divisible provisions and if, for any reason, any one or more of them is held
to be invalid or unenforceable,  neither the validity nor the  enforceability of
any other  provision of this  Agreement  shall thereby be affected.  The parties
hereto  acknowledge  that the potential  restrictions  on the Employee's  future
employment  imposed  by this  Section  5 are  reasonable  in both  duration  and
geographic  scope  and in all other  respects.  If for any  reason  any court of
competent  jurisdiction shall find any provisions of this Section 5 unreasonable
in duration or geographic scope or otherwise, the Employee and the Company agree
that the restrictions  and  prohibitions  contained herein shall be effective to
the fullest extent allowed under applicable law in such jurisdiction.

     (g) The parties acknowledge that this Agreement would not have been entered
into and the benefits  described in Section 4 of this  Agreement  would not have
been promised in the absence of the Employee's promises under this Section 5.


     The Employee agrees to substantially comply with the terms set forth in the
Proprietary  Information and Inventions  Agreement  between the Employee and the
Company,  a copy of which is attached  hereto as Exhibit A and  incorporated  by
reference herein.


 (a) Termination by the Company for Cause

     The Company may terminate the Employee's employment hereunder for cause. If
the Company  terminates  the  Employee's  employment  hereunder  for cause,  the
Employment  Period shall end and the Employee shall only be entitled to any Base
Salary  accrued or annual  bonus  awarded  and earned but not yet paid as of the
date of termination of the Employee's employment with the Company.

     If the  Employee's  employment is to be terminated  for cause,  the Company
shall give written notice of such termination to the Employee. Such notice shall
specify the particular act or acts, or failure to act, which is or are the basis
for the decision to so terminate the Employee's employment for cause.

(b)  Termination Without Cause or Termination For Good Reason

     The Company may terminate the Employee's employment hereunder without cause
and the Employee may terminate Employee's  employment hereunder for good reason.
If the Company terminates the Employee's  employment hereunder without cause, or
if the Employee terminates  Employee's employment hereunder for good reason, the
Employment  Period shall end and the Employee  shall only be entitled to (i) any
Base Salary  accrued or annual  bonus  awarded and earned but not yet paid as of
the actual date of termination of the  Employee's  employment  with the Company;
(ii) a lump sum payment in an amount equal to the Employee's  annual Base Salary
as provided in Section 4(a) above;  (iii) continuation of the health and welfare
benefits of the  Employee,  as set forth in Section 4(c) above,  or the economic
equivalent  thereof,  at the  same  cost  and  level  in  effect  on the date of
termination of the Employee's employment with the Company for one (1) year after
such date of termination;  and (iv) the right to exercise  immediately any stock
options and to freely trade any restricted  stock granted to the Employee which,
but for such termination, would have become exercisable or tradable, as the case
may be,  within one year of the date of such  termination  without  cause or for
good reason.

     If the Employee's employment is to be terminated without cause, the Company
shall give the Employee  thirty (30) days prior written  notice of its intent to
so terminate the  Employee's  employment.  If the Employee  intends to terminate
Employee's  employment for good reason,  the Employee agrees to give the Company
at least thirty (30) days prior written notice.

(c)  Termination Due to Death or Disability

     The Company may terminate the  Employee's  employment  hereunder due to the
Employee's  inability to render,  for a period of three consecutive months or an
aggregate of any on hundred  twenty (120) days within any six (6) month  period,
services  hereunder  by reason of permanent  disability,  as  determined  by the
written medical  opinion of an independent  medical  physician  selected in good
faith by the Company  ("Disability").  In the event of the Employee's death or a
termination of the Employee's  employment by the Company due to Disability,  the
Employment  Period shall end and the  Employee,  Employee's  estate or Empoyee's
legal representative,  as the case may be, shall only be entitled to (i) (a) any
Base Salary  accrued or annual  bonus  awarded and earned but not yet paid as of
the actual date of termination of the  Employee's  employment  with the Company,
and (b) any other  compensation  and  benefits as may be provided in  accordance
with the terms and  provisions  of any  applicable  plans  and  programs  of the
Company; and (ii) in the case of Disability,  (a) continuation of payment of the
Employee's Base Salary,  as set forth in Section 4(a) above,  until the Employee
commences to receive payments under the Company's long-term disability plan, (b)
continuation of the health and welfare benefits of the Employee, as set forth in
Section 4(c) above,  or the economic  equivalent  thereof,  at the same cost and
level in effect on the date of  termination  for one (1) year  after the date of
termination  and (c) the right to exercise  immediately  that  proportion of the
stock options  (rounded up to the nearest whole number of shares) granted to the
Employee  which would  become  exercisable  on or before the May 13  immediately
following the date of termination of the Employee's  employment with the Company
due to  Disability  which is equal to the number of days worked by the  Employee
from, but excluding,  the May 13 immediately preceding such termination date to,
and including, such termination date divided by 365 days.

(d)  Voluntary Termination

     The Employee may affect a Voluntary  Termination  of Employee's  employment
with the Company hereunder.  A "Voluntary  Termination" shall mean a termination
of  employment  by the  Employee  on  Employee's  own  initiative  other  than a
termination  due to death or  Disability  or a  termination  for good reason.  A
Voluntary  Termination  shall not be, and shall not be deemed to be, a breach of
this  Agreement  and shall result in the end of the  Employment  Period and only
entitle the Employee to all of the rights and benefits  which the Employee would
be entitled in the event of a termination  of the  Employee's  employment by the
Company for cause.

(e)  Termination by the Company at End of Employment Period

     Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, if (a) the
Employment Period (i) is not terminated early under Sections 7(a), 7(b), 7(c) or
7(d)  above  and (ii) the  Company  provides  written  notice  to the  Employee,
pursuant to Section 2 above,  that it does not wish to extend or further  extend
the Employment  Period,  and (b) the Employee's  employment  with the Company is
subsequently  terminated at the end of the Employment Period, the Employee shall
be entitled to (x)  continuation  of payment of the Employee's  Base Salary,  as
provided in Section 4(a) above,  as of the date of termination of the Employee's
employment  with the Company for a period  equal to (1) one year less the number
of days  notice  given by the Company to the  Employee  that it does not wish to
extend or further  extend the  Employment  Period (such  notice  period shall be
deemed to commence as of the date of such written  notice by the  Company);  (y)
continuation of the health and welfare benefits of the Employee, as set forth in
4(c) above, or the economic  equivalent  thereof,  at the same cost and level in
effect on the date of termination of the Employee's  employment with the Company
for one  (1)  year  after  such  termination;  and (z)  the  right  to  exercise
immediately  any stock options and to trade freely any restricted  stock granted
to the Employee which, but for such termination,  would have become  exercisable
or freely  tradable,  as the case may be, on or  before  the May 13  immediately
following  the date on which the one (1) year period  referred to the  preceding
subclause (x) ends; provided, however, that the severance payment by the Company
to the Employee  under  subclause  (x) of this Section 7(e) shall be offset on a
dollar for dollar basis by any cash,  or the fair market value of any  non-cash,
remuneration, benefit or other entitlement earned, received or receivable by the
Employee in  connection  with the  employment  of such Employee in any capacity,
other than dividends,  interest income or other passive investment income earned
as a result of an interest in a business  or entity of which the  Employee  owns
less than 2% of the beneficial  ownership.  If the Employee shall be entitled to
any such  severance  payment  from the  Company  after  the  termination  of the
Employment  Period, the Employee shall have the obligation to notify the Company
of any  employment,  consultation  or  other  activity  which  may  involve  any
remuneration, benefits or other entitlements as described above, and as to which
the Company may be entitled to an offset.


     The rights and  obligations  of the  parties  hereunder  shall  survive the
termination of the Employee's  employment  hereunder and the termination of this
Agreement to the extent  necessary to the intended  preservation  of such rights
and obligations.


     This Agreement  sets forth the entire  agreement and  understanding  of the
parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein,  and supersedes all
prior and existing agreements,  whether written or oral, between them concerning
the subject matter  contained  herein.  This Agreement may be modified only by a
written agreement executed by each party to this Agreement.


     Any notice or other  communication  required or permitted to be given under
this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be mailed by certified mail, return
receipt requested, or delivered against receipt to the party to whom it is to be
given at the address of such party set forth  above or to such other  address as
the party shall have  furnished in writing in  accordance  with this  provision.
Notice to the estate of the  Employee  shall be  sufficient  if addressed to the
Employee in accordance  with this provision.  Any notice or other  communication
given by  certified  mail shall be deemed  given  three (3) days after  posting.
However,  a notice  changing a party's address shall be deemed given at the time
of the receipt of the notice.


     Any waiver by either party of a breach of any  provision of this  Agreement
shall not operate as or be  construed to be a waiver of any other breach of such
provision or of any breach of any other provision of this Agreement. The failure
of a party to insist upon strict  adherence to any term of this Agreement on one
or more occasions  shall not be considered a waiver or deprive that party of the
right  thereafter to insist upon strict adherence to that term or any other term
of this  Agreement.  Any waiver must be in writing,  signed by the party  giving
such waiver.


(a)  Effect on Employee

     This  Agreement is personal to the Employee and,  without the prior express
written consent of the Company, shall not be assignable by the Employee,  except
that the Employee's  rights to receive any  compensation  or benefits under this
Agreement  may  be   transferred   or  disposed  of  pursuant  to   testamentary
disposition, intestate succession or pursuant to a domestic relations order of a
court of competent  jurisdiction.  This Agreement  shall inure to the benefit of
and  be  enforceable  by  the  Employee's  heirs,   beneficiaries  and/or  legal

(b)  Effect on Company

     This Agreement  shall inure to the benefit of and be binding on the Company
and its  successors  and  assigns.  The  Company  shall  reasonably  require any
successor  to all or  substantially  all of the  business  and/or  assets of the
Company,  whether  direct  or  indirect,  by  purchase,  merger,  consolidation,
acquisition  of stock,  or  otherwise,  by an  agreement  in form and  substance
reasonably  satisfactory  to the  Employee,  expressly  to  assume  and agree to
perform this  Agreement in the same manner and to the same extent as the Company
would be required to perform if no such succession had taken place.


     This Agreement does not create, and shall not be construed as creating, any
rights  enforceable  by any  person  not a party  to this  Agreement  except  as
provided in Section 12 of this Agreement.


     This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which
shall be deemed an original,  but all of which together shall constitute one and
the same instrument.


     This  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in accordance  with the
laws of the State of  Connecticut,  without  giving effect to the  principles of
conflict of laws thereof.


     The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall
not  affect  the  validity  or  enforceability  of any other  provision  of this


     Employee  hereby  warrants  that the  execution of this  Agreement  and the
performance  of his duties  hereunder do not and will not violate any  agreement
with any other person or entity.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have duly executed this  Agreement  which
shall be effective as of the effective date noted above.

                                                 NEUROGEN  CORPORATION

                                                 By: /s/ STEPHEN R. DAVIS

                                                 /s/ EDMUND P. HARRIGAN
                                                 Edmund P. Harrigan, M.D.

                                                                    EXHIBIT 10.2

                              NEUROGEN CORPORATION

This  Agreement  shall be effective as of the date  executed as indicated  below
(the "Effective Date")

     I recognize that Neurogen  Corporation,  a Delaware  corporation,  together
with its  subsidiaries,  (hereinafter  collectively  called  the  "Company")  is
engaged in a  continuous  program of  research  and  development  as part of its
business,  present and  future,  including  the  generation  of new  inventions,
(patentable  or not) and other  trade  secret  information,  which I  understand
constitutes  one of the most valuable  assets of the Company and must be treated
as such and:

I further understand and agree that:

     A.   As part of my  employment  by the Company I am (or may be) expected to
          make new  contributions  and inventions that may constitute  important
          trade secrets:

     B.   The Company  possesses and will continue to possess  information  that
          has been created, discovered,  developed, or otherwise become known to
          the Company (including information created, discovered,  developed, or
          made known by me during the period of or arising out of my  employment
          by the  Company) or in which  property  rights  have been  assigned or
          otherwise  conveyed to the Company,  which  information has commercial
          value in the  business  in which the  Company is engaged or relates to
          the Company's actual or demonstrably  anticipated business or research
          and  development  activities.  All  such  information  is  hereinafter
          referred to as "Proprietary Information." By way of illustration,  but
          not limitation,  Proprietary Information includes trade secrets (which
          may further include any of the following);  and also includes computer
          programs  and  modeling  strategies;   marketing  plans;   strategies;
          unpublished  financial  statements;   forecasts;  employee,  customer,
          collaborator  and  supplier  lists  and   information;   improvements;
          inventions;  formulas;  chemical  structures  and  structure  activity
          relationships,  chemical or biological processes;  techniques; assays;
          know-how; data; organisms;  plasmids; expression vectors and the like.
          Proprietary Information does not include information that:

          (i)  is in or becomes a part of the public  domain (other than through
               unauthorized disclosure by me);

          (ii) is  disclosed  by  the  Company  to  third  parties  free  of any
               obligation of confidentiality;

          (iii)is learned  outside  the scope of my  employment  from an outside
               source that is not under any obligation of  confidentiality  with
               respect to such information to the Company or any of its business

     C.   My employment  creates a relationship  of confidence and trust between
          me and the Company with respect to all Proprietary  Information or any
          other information that is:

          (1)  applicable to the business of the Company; or

          (2)  applicable  to  the  business  of  any  business  partner  of the
               Company, which information may be made known to me by the Company
               or by any business  partner of the  Company,  or learned by me in
               the course of my employment; or

          (3)  applicable to the valuation of the Company's Common Stock,  which
               information could affect the stock's price, sales, or purchases.

     D.   As used in this  Agreement,  the period of my employment  includes any
          time during which I may be retained by the Company as a consultant.

     In consideration of my employment and the compensation to be received by me
from the Company from time to time, I hereby agree as follows:

     1.   All Proprietary  Information shall be the sole property of the Company
          and its  assigns,  and the Company  and its assigns  shall be the sole
          owners  of all  patents  and  other  rights  in  connection  with such
          Proprietary  Information.  At all times,  both during my employment by
          the Company and after its  termination,  I will keep in confidence and
          trust all  Proprietary  Information and I will not use or disclose any
          Proprietary  Information  or  anything  relating  to such  information
          without the prior  written  consent of the  Company,  except as may be
          necessary  in the  ordinary  course  of  performing  my  duties  as an
          employee of the Company.

     2.   I agree that at no time will I reveal to any third  party  Proprietary
          Information or other  information  not available to the general public
          that  could  cause a third  party or  other  parties  relying  on this
          information to purchase or sell the Company stock.

     3.   I agree that at no time will I purchase or sell Company stock based on
          Proprietary  Information or on any other  information not known to the
          general public.

     4.   I agree that during the period of my  employment by the Company I will
          not,  without the prior written consent of the Company,  engage in any
          employment or activity,  either as an individual proprietor,  partner,
          stockholder,  officer, employee, director, consultant, or in any other
          capacity  whatsoever  (except as the holder of not more than 1% of the
          total outstanding stock of a publicly held company), for any profit or
          non-profit  institution  which  competes  with the Company or involves
          either the  business  in which the Company is engaged or its actual or
          demonstrably anticipated research and development.

     5.   I shall not at any time, during or for two (2) years after the term of
          my employment by the Company,  recruit or otherwise  solicit or induce
          any employee(s) of the Company to terminate their  employment with, or
          otherwise cease their relationship(s) with, the Company.

     6.   During the term of my  employment  with the  Company,  I will keep and
          maintain  adequate  and  current  written  records of all  Proprietary
          Information (in the form of notes, sketches, drawings, on paper and in
          computer  files as may be specified by the Company),  which records in
          any form shall be  available  to and remain the sole  property  of the
          Company at all times.  I agree  that I will not,  at any time,  remove
          from the  Company's  premises  such  records  and  related  documents,
          prepared  by me or any other  employee  of the  Company,  without  the
          Company's prior written consent.

     7.   In the  event  of the  termination  of my  employment  by me or by the
          Company  for any reason  whatsoever,  I will  promptly  deliver to the
          Company  all  notes,  documents,   reports  and  data  of  any  nature
          pertaining  to my work with the Company.  I  understand  that all such
          documents and information  are the exclusive  property of the Company,
          and I will not, without the prior written consent of the Company, take
          with me upon the  termination  of my employment any documents or data,
          or  any  reproduction   thereof,   containing  or  pertaining  to  any
          Proprietary Information.

     8.   Except as otherwise  provided in paragraph 13(b) of this Agreement,  I
          will  promptly  and fully  disclose  to the  Company,  or any  persons
          designated by it, all  improvements,  inventions,  formulas,  chemical
          structures   and   structure   activity   relationships,    processes,
          techniques,   assays,   computer  programs  and  modeling  strategies,
          original works of authorship,  know-how,  data,  organisms,  plasmids,
          expression  vectors and the like,  whether or not patentable,  made or
          conceived  or reduced to  practice or learned by me,  either  alone or
          jointly with others, during the period of my employment,  knowledge of

          (a)  is  related  to  or  useful  in  the  business  of  the  Company,
               including,   but  not  limited  to  drug   discovery,   research,
               development and  commercialization  and other  pharmaceutical and
               biomedical  activities  generally  or any other of its  actual or
               demonstrably  anticipated  business,   research  and  development
               activities; or

          (b)  result from tasks assigned to me by the Company; or

          (c)  result from use of Proprietary Information,  equipment,  supplies
               or  facilities  of the Company or property  contained on premises
               owned, leased, or contracted for by the Company.

          All such improvements,  inventions,  formulas, chemical structures and
          structure  activity  relationships,   processes,  techniques,  assays,
          computer programs and modeling strategies,  know-how, data, organisms,
          plasmids,  expression vectors and the like are hereinafter referred to
          as "Inventions". All such original works of authorship are hereinafter
          referred to as "Works."

     9.   (a) Subject to paragraph 9(c) below, I agree that all Inventions shall
          be the sole  property  of the Company  and its  assigns,  and that the
          Company  and its  assigns  shall be the sole owners of all patents and
          other rights in connection  with such  Inventions.  I hereby assign to
          the Company,  its  successors  and  assigns,  any rights I may have or
          acquire in any country in such  Inventions.  I further  agree that all
          such Works  which are  protectable  by  copyright  are "works made for
          hire," as that term is defined in the United States  Copyright Act and
          assign all rights in such Works to the Company.

          (b) I further agree as to all such Inventions to assist the Company in
          every proper way, without any additional  charge (but at the Company's
          expense) to obtain and from time to time enforce  patents,  copyrights
          and other forms of legal protection for such Inventions in any and all
          countries.  To  that  end I will  execute  all  documents  for  use in
          applying  for and  obtaining  patents,  copyrights  and other forms of
          legal  protection  for such  Inventions,  and I will  take  any  steps
          reasonably  deemed necessary by the Company to enforce such rights and
          protections,  as the Company may desire, together with any assignments
          of them to the Company or persons  designated  by it. My obligation to
          assist the Company in obtaining and enforcing patents,  copyrights and
          other legal  protections  for such Inventions in any and all countries
          shall  continue after the  termination  of my  employment,  but, at my
          written request,  the Company shall compensate me at a reasonable rate
          after my termination for time (other than the time required to execute
          documents  for use in applying for and obtaining  patents,  copyrights
          and other  forms of legal  protection)  that I spend at the  Company's
          request on such  assistance.  If the  Company is unable  because of my
          mental or  physical  incapacity  or for any other  reason to secure my
          signature  to apply for or to pursue  any  application  of any  United
          States  or  foreign  patents  or  copyright   registrations   covering
          Inventions or original  works of  authorship  assigned to the Company,
          then I hereby  irrevocably  designate  and appoint the Company and its
          duly authorized  officers and agents as my agent and attorney in fact,
          to act for and in my  behalf  and stead to  execute  and file any such
          applications and to do all other lawfully permitted acts in the United
          States or any other country to further the prosecution and issuance of
          letters patent or copyright  registrations thereon with the same legal
          force and effect as if executed by me.

          (c) I understand  that  paragraph 9(a) does not apply to Inventions or
          Works for  which no  equipment,  supplies,  facility  or trade  secret
          information of the Company was used,  that were developed  entirely on
          my own time and without using any of the Company's equipment, supplies
          or facilities or any property contained on premises owned,  leased, or
          contracted  for by the  Company  and  that do not  relate  to any work
          performed  by me for the Company or  otherwise  to the business of the
          Company,  including,  but  not  limited  to drug  discovery,  research
          development  and   commercialization   and  other  pharmaceutical  and
          biomedical  research   generally,   or  to  the  Company's  actual  or
          demonstrably anticipated business, research or development activities.

          (d)  I  further  agree  that,  if  I  claim  to  have   conceived  any
          Invention(s) within a six (6) month period following termination of my
          employment by the Company, the burden of proving conception after such
          termination shall be on me, and not on the Company.

     10.  As a matter of record I have  identified on Exhibit A attached to this
          Agreement all inventions or  improvements  relevant to the business of
          the Company or its actual or  demonstrably  anticipated  research  and
          development  that were made or conceived or first  reduced to practice
          by me alone or  jointly  with  others  prior to my  employment  by the
          Company,  for which patent  applications have not yet been filed as of
          the Execution Date. The inventions and  improvements I have designated
          on Exhibit A shall be removed from the operation of this Agreement.  I
          represent  and  warrant  that such list is  complete.  If there are no
          inventions or improvements designated to be removed from the operation
          of the  Agreement on Exhibit A, I represent and warrant that there are
          no such  inventions  and  improvements  at the  time of  signing  this
          Agreement.  In consideration of my becoming employed by the Company, I
          hereby  assign to the  Company any rights I may have or acquire in any
          inventions  or  improvements  not so  designated in Exhibit A that are
          relevant to the business of the Company,  including but not limited to
          drug  discovery  and  other  pharmaceutical  and  biomedical  research
          generally  or any  other of its  actual  or  demonstrably  anticipated
          business  research  and  development  activities,  that  were  made or
          conceived  or first  reduced to practice  by me alone or jointly  with
          others prior to my employment by the Company.

     11.  I  understand  that the Company has  received,  and in the future will
          receive,  confidential or proprietary  information  from third parties
          ("Third Party Information").  I further understand that the Company is
          under a duty to maintain the  confidentiality  of such information and
          to use it only for  certain  limited  purposes.  During the term of my
          employment and thereafter,  I will hold Third Party Information in the
          strictest  confidence  and  will  not  disclose  or  use  Third  Party
          Information  except as permitted by the agreement  between the Company
          and such third party,  unless  expressly  authorized in writing to act
          otherwise by an officer of the Company.

     12.  I represent that the performance of my duties under this Agreement and
          as an  employee  of the  Company  does  not and will  not  breach  any
          agreement to keep in confidence Proprietary Information acquired by me
          in confidence  or in trust prior to my  employment  by the Company.  I
          have  not  entered  into,  and I  agree I will  not  enter  into,  any
          agreement,  either written or oral, in conflict with this Agreement. I
          represent  that I  have  provided  the  Company  with  a  copy  of any
          restrictive  covenants,  covenants  not  to  compete,  confidentiality
          agreements,   non-disclosure   agreements,   assignment  of  invention
          agreements  or any other  contractual  obligations  between me and any
          other entity engaged in pharmaceutical or biomedical research.

     13.  (a) I understand  that, as part of the  consideration  of the offer of
          employment extended to me by the Company,  of my employment,  or of my
          continued  employment by the Company,  I will not bring with me to the
          Company  or use  in  the  performance  of my  responsibilities  at the
          Company any  materials or documents of a former  employer that are not
          generally  available to the public,  unless I obtain and submit to the
          Company  written  authorization  from  the  former  employer  for  the
          possession and use of such materials in the course of my employment by
          the Company, and the Company agrees to such bringing and use. The only
          materials  or documents of a former  employer  that are not  generally
          available  to the public that I will bring to the Company or use in my
          employment are identified on Exhibit A attached to this  Agreement.  I
          represent that,  prior to the effective date of my employment with the
          Company,  I  have  obtained  and  submitted  to  the  Company  written
          authorization  for the  possession  and use of each of such items,  if
          any, listed on Exhibit A.

          (b) I also  understand  that, in my employment with the Company and in
          the  performance  of  my  duties  under  this   Agreement,   including
          paragraphs  8, 10 and  13(a),  I am not to breach  any  obligation  of
          confidentiality  that  I have  to  former  employers  or  other  third
          parties. I agree that I shall continue to fulfill all such obligations
          during my employment with the Company.

     14.  This  Agreement  shall be  effective  as of the  Effective  Date as so
          designated above,  unless my first day of my employment by the Company
          precedes such date, in which case my first date of employment shall be
          considered the Effective Date.

     15.  This Agreement shall be binding upon me, my heirs, executors, assigns,
          and administrators, and shall inure to the benefit of the Company, its
          successors, and assigns.

     16.  I agree  that in the  event of a breach  or  threatened  breach of the
          provisions of this Agreement,  monetary damages would be inadequate to
          compensate  the Company  and,  in  addition  to any other  remedies or
          rights  it may  have,  the  Company  shall be  entitled  to  obtain an
          injunction  or other  equitable  relief to  enforce  the terms of this
          Employee  Agreement and shall be entitled to recover from me all costs
          (including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees)  incurred  by the Company in
          establishing  that  breach  and  in  otherwise  enforcing  any  of the
          covenants or  provisions  of this  Agreement.  I further agree that no
          bond or other security shall be required in obtaining such  injunction
          or  other  equitable  relief  and  consent  to the  issuance  of  such
          injunction or other  equitable  relief and to the ordering of specific

     17.  This  Agreement  will  be  governed  by  the  laws  of  the  State  of
          Connecticut,  where not  superceded  by federal  law,  and the parties
          expressly  consent to the exclusive and personal  jurisdiction  of the
          state and federal courts  located in the State of Connecticut  for any
          claims  relating  to  this  Agreement  or  otherwise  arising  from my
          employment  with the Company.  If any  provision in this  Agreement is
          determined  to be in  violation  of any  law,  rule or  regulation  or
          otherwise  unenforceable,  and cannot be modified  to be  enforceable,
          such  determination  shall  not  affect  the  validity  of  any  other
          provision of this Agreement, but such other provisions shall remain in
          full force and effect.  Each provision,  paragraph and subparagraph of
          this Agreement is severable from every other provision,  paragraph and
          subparagraph and constitutes a separate and distinct covenant.  If the
          scope or  enforceability  of this  Agreement is in any way disputed at
          any time, a court shall modify and enforce the Agreement to the extent
          it believes to be reasonable under the circumstances.

     18.  Except as may be  expressly  provided  in a  separate  signed  written
          agreement  between the Company and me, my  employment is "at will" and
          the  Company  or I may  terminate  my  employment  at any time with or
          without  cause.  There  are no  representations  or  promises  that my
          employment  will continue for a set period of time,  nor are there any
          representations or promises that my employment will be terminated only
          under particular  circumstances.  I understand that the nature of this
          relationship  may only be  changed  by an  express  written  agreement
          signed by a duly authorized officer of the Company and me.

     19.  This  Agreement  constitutes  the entire  agreement and  understanding
          between the Company and me concerning  the subject  matters  contained
          herein and,  from the  Effective  Date,  supersedes  any and all prior
          understandings  and agreements  between the parties  concerning  these
          subject  matters;  provided,  that any such prior  agreement(s)  shall
          concurrently  continue  in full force and effect  with  respect to any
          Proprietary  Information or other confidential  information  disclosed
          prior to the  Effective  Date.  This  Agreement  may not be  modified,
          terminated, waived altered or amended except in a writing signed by me
          and a duly  authorized  officer  of the  Company.  This  Agreement  is
          intended  to  supplement  and not  replace  or reduce  any  rights the
          Company may have under the  Connecticut  Uniform  Trade Secrets Act or
          other applicable intellectual property laws.

Dated:  __________________________              By:   __________________________



By:  ___________________________

Title:  _________________________


Neurogen Corporation
35 Northeast Industrial Road
Branford, Connecticut 06405

     1. The  following  is a complete  list of all  Inventions  relevant  to the
subject matter of the Proprietary Information and Inventions Agreement regarding
my employment by Neurogen  (the  "Company")  that have been made or conceived or
first  reduced  to  practice  by me alone or  jointly  with  others  prior to my
employment by the Company, for which patent applications have not yet been filed
as of the Execution Date. I desire to remove these  inventions and  improvements
listed, if any, from the operation of the Company's Proprietary  Information and
Inventions Agreement.

_______  No inventions or improvements.

_______  See below:





______   Additional sheets attached.

Dated:_______________________       By:_________________________________________

     2. I  propose  to  bring  to my  employment  the  following  materials  and
documents of a former  employer that are not generally  available to the public,
which materials and documents may be used in employment.

______   No materials and documents.

______   See below:





______   Additional sheets attached.

     My signature  below  confirms that my continued use and possession of these
materials and documents, if any, are authorized by my former employer.

Dated  :_____________________       By:  _______________________________________