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Dated October 19, 2015 for the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio and Dated May 1, 2015 for all other funds

Pacific Select Fund (the “Trust”) is an open-end investment management company that is comprised of the following funds (each a “Fund”, together the “Funds”).


U.S. Fixed Income Funds (Class I and Class P Shares)

Core Income Portfolio*

Diversified Bond Portfolio*

Floating Rate Income Portfolio**


Floating Rate Loan Portfolio*

High Yield Bond Portfolio*

Inflation Managed Portfolio*


Inflation Strategy Portfolio*

Managed Bond Portfolio*

Short Duration Bond Portfolio*

Non-U.S. Fixed Income Fund (Class I and Class P Shares)
Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio**    
U.S. Equity Funds (Class I and Class P Shares)

American Funds® Growth Portfolio*

American Funds® Growth-Income Portfolio*

Comstock Portfolio*

Dividend Growth Portfolio*

Equity Index Portfolio*

Focused Growth Portfolio**

Growth Portfolio*


Large-Cap Growth Portfolio*

Large-Cap Value Portfolio*

Long/Short Large-Cap Portfolio*

Main Street® Core Portfolio*

Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio*

Mid-Cap Growth Portfolio*

Mid-Cap Value Portfolio*


Small-Cap Equity Portfolio*

Small-Cap Growth Portfolio*

Small-Cap Index Portfolio*

Small-Cap Value Portfolio*

Value Advantage Portfolio*

Non-U.S. Equity Funds (Class I and Class P Shares)

Emerging Markets Portfolio*

International Large-Cap Portfolio*


International Small-Cap Portfolio*

International Value Portfolio*

Sector Funds (Class I and Class P Shares)
Health Sciences Portfolio*   Real Estate Portfolio**   Technology Portfolio*
Alternative Strategies Funds (Class I and Class P Shares)

Absolute Return Portfolio**

Currency Strategies Portfolio**


Diversified Alternatives Portfolio*#

Equity Long/Short Portfolio*


Global Absolute Return Portfolio**

Precious Metals Portfolio**

Asset Allocation/Balanced Funds (Class I Shares only)

American Funds® Asset Allocation Portfolio*

Pacific Dynamix - Conservative Growth Portfolio*

Pacific Dynamix - Moderate Growth Portfolio*


Pacific Dynamix - Growth Portfolio*

Portfolio Optimization Conservative Portfolio*

Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio*


Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio*

Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio*

Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio*

Pacific Dynamix Underlying Funds (Class P Shares only)

PD 1-3 Year Corporate Bond Portfolio**

PD Aggregate Bond Index Portfolio*

PD High Yield Bond Market Portfolio*


PD Large-Cap Growth Index Portfolio*

PD Large-Cap Value Index Portfolio*

PD Small-Cap Growth Index Portfolio*


PD Small-Cap Value Index Portfolio*

PD Emerging Markets Portfolio*

PD International Large-Cap Portfolio*


* Classified as diversified
** Classified as non-diversified
# Offers Class I Shares only. This is also an asset allocation fund that invests in underlying funds.

The Trust’s investment adviser is Pacific Life Fund Advisors LLC (“PLFA” or “Adviser”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pacific Life Insurance Company (“Pacific Life”). This Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”) has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) as part of the Trust’s Registration Statement and is intended to supplement the information provided to investors in the Trust’s prospectuses and summary prospectuses dated May 1, 2015 and October 19, 2015 and any supplements thereto (“Prospectus” or “Prospectuses”). Investors should note, however, that this SAI is not itself a prospectus and should be read carefully in conjunction with the Prospectuses and retained for future reference. The audited financial statements and financial highlights of each of the Funds as set forth in the Trust’s Annual Reports to shareholders for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014, including the notes thereto, are incorporated into this SAI by reference. The entire content of this SAI is incorporated by reference into the Prospectuses. A copy of the Trust’s Annual Reports dated December 31, 2014 and/or the Prospectuses, may be obtained free of charge from the Trust at the Internet website address or telephone numbers listed below.


Distributor: Pacific Select Distributors, LLC   Adviser: Pacific Life Fund Advisors LLC

700 Newport Center Drive

P.O. Box 9000

Newport Beach, CA 92660


700 Newport Center Drive

P.O. Box 9000

Newport Beach, CA 92660

Pacific Life’s Annuity Contract Owners: 1-800-722-4448

Pacific Life’s Life Insurance Policy Owners: 1-800-347-7787

Pacific Life & Annuity Company’s (“PL&A’s”) Annuity Contract Owners: 1-800-748-6907

Pacific Life’s Annuity Financial Professionals: 1-800-722-2333

PL&A’s Life Insurance Policy Owners: 1-888-595-6997

Website: www.PacificLife.com/PacificSelectFund.htm







Core Income Portfolio


Diversified Bond Portfolio


Floating Rate Income Portfolio


Floating Rate Loan Portfolio


High Yield Bond Portfolio


Inflation Managed Portfolio


Inflation Strategy Portfolio


Managed Bond Portfolio


Short Duration Bond Portfolio


Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio


American Funds Growth Portfolio


American Funds Growth-Income Portfolio


Comstock Portfolio


Dividend Growth Portfolio


Equity Index Portfolio


Focused Growth Portfolio


Growth Portfolio


Large-Cap Growth Portfolio


Large-Cap Value Portfolio


Long/Short Large-Cap Portfolio


Main Street Core Portfolio


Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio


Mid-Cap Growth Portfolio


Mid-Cap Value Portfolio


Small-Cap Equity Portfolio


Small-Cap Growth Portfolio


Small-Cap Index Portfolio


Small-Cap Value Portfolio


Value Advantage Portfolio


Emerging Markets Portfolio


International Large-Cap Portfolio


International Small-Cap Portfolio


International Value Portfolio


Health Sciences Portfolio


Real Estate Portfolio


Technology Portfolio


Absolute Return Portfolio


Currency Strategies Portfolio


Diversified Alternatives Portfolio


Equity Long/Short Portfolio


Global Absolute Return Portfolio


Precious Metals Portfolio


American Funds Asset Allocation Portfolio


Portfolio Optimization Portfolios


Pacific Dynamix Portfolios


PD 1-3 Year Corporate Bond Portfolio


PD Aggregate Bond Index Portfolio




PD High Yield Bond Market Portfolio


PD Large-Cap Growth Index Portfolio


PD Large-Cap Value Index Portfolio


PD Small-Cap Growth Index Portfolio


PD Small-Cap Value Index Portfolio


PD Emerging Markets Portfolio


PD International Large-Cap Portfolio


Diversification Versus Non-Diversification




Equity Securities


Initial Public Offering (“IPO”) and Secondary Offering


U.S. Government Securities


Inflation-Indexed Bonds


Real Estate Investment Trusts


Mortgages and Mortgage-Related Securities


Mortgages (Directly Held)


Mortgage Pass-Through Securities


GNMA Certificates


FNMA and FHLMC Mortgage-Backed Obligations


Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (“CMOs”)


FHLMC Collateralized Mortgage Obligations


Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (“CMBS”)


Adjustable Rate Mortgage-Backed Securities


Other Mortgage-Related Securities


CMO Residuals


Planned Amortization Class Certificates (“PACs”) and Support Bonds


Stripped Mortgage-Backed Securities


Mortgage Dollar Rolls


Other Asset-Backed Securities


Collateralized Bond Obligations (“CBOs”), Collateralized Loan Obligations (“CLOs”) and other Collateralized Debt Obligations (“CDOs”)


Linked Securities


Equity-Linked, Debt-Linked and Index-Linked Securities


Currency-Indexed Securities


Event-Linked Bonds


Zero Coupon, Deferred Interest, Step Coupon and Payment-In-Kind Bonds


High Yield Bonds


Obligations of Stressed, Distressed and Bankrupt Issuers


Participation on Creditors Committees


Bank Obligations


Exchange Traded Notes (“ETNs”)


Trust Preferred Securities


Delayed Funding Loans and Revolving Credit Facilities


Loan Participations and Assignments


Junior Loans


Municipal Securities


Corporate Debt Securities


Tender Option Bonds


Variable and Floating Rate Securities


Custodial Receipts and Trust Certificates


Commercial Paper




Convertible Securities




Repurchase Agreements




Reverse Repurchase Agreements and Other Borrowings


Firm Commitment Agreements and When-Issued or Delayed Delivery Securities


Loans of Portfolio Securities


Short Sales


Short Sales Against the Box


Illiquid and Restricted Securities (including Private Placements)


Private Investment in Public Equity (“PIPE”)


Small-Capitalization Stocks


Precious Metals-Related Securities


Foreign Securities


Emerging Markets


Supranational Entities


Eurozone Risk


Investments in Other Investment Company Securities




Business Development Company (“BDC”)




Foreign Currency Transactions and Forward Foreign Currency Contracts


Transaction Hedge


Position Hedge


Cross Hedge


Proxy Hedge


Non-Hedged Exposure




Purchasing and Writing Options on Securities


Call Options


Put Options


Purchasing and Writing Options on Stock Indices


Risks of Options Transactions


Spread Transactions


Yield Curve Options


Options on Foreign Currencies


Futures Contracts and Options on Futures Contracts


Futures on Securities


Interest Rate Futures


Stock Index Futures


Currency Futures


Futures Options


Options on Currency Futures


Risks Associated with Futures and Futures Options


Foreign Currency Futures and Options Thereon


Swap Agreements and Options on Swap Agreements


Risks of Swap Agreements


Structured Investments and Hybrid Instruments


Master Limited Partnerships (“MLPs”)


Warrants and Rights




Voluntary Actions


Cybersecurity Risk




Fundamental Investment Restrictions


Non-Fundamental Investment Restrictions




Management Information


Interested Persons


Independent Trustees


Board of Trustees


The Role of the Board


Board Structure, Leadership


Board Oversight of Risk Management


Information about Each Trustee’s Qualification, Experience, Attributes or Skills




Deferred Compensation Agreement


Management Ownership


Beneficial Interest of Trustees




Investment Adviser


Investment Advisory Fee Schedules


Investment Advisory Fees Paid or Owed


Other Expenses of the Trust


Service Plan




Management Firms


Sub-Advisory Fee Schedules


Sub-Advisory Fees Paid or Owed


Compensation Structures and Methods


Other Accounts Managed


Material Conflicts of Interest


Beneficial Interest of Portfolio Managers


Investment Adviser to the Master Funds










Investment Decisions


Brokerage and Research Services


Portfolio Turnover


Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings














Shareholder and Trustee Liability


Control Persons and Principal Holders of Securities


Voting Rights


Custodian and Transfer Agency and Dividend Disbursing Services




Financial Statements


Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm




Code of Ethics


Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures


How shares will be voted by the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and Portfolio Optimization Portfolios


How shares will be voted by the Feeder Funds


Registration Statement




Description of Fixed Income/Debt Instrument Ratings

  Appendix A

Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for each of the following Managers:



  Appendix B


  Appendix C


  Appendix D


  Appendix E


  Appendix F

Boston Partners

  Appendix G


  Appendix H


  Appendix I

Eaton Vance

  Appendix J


  Appendix K


  Appendix L


  Appendix M

JP Morgan

  Appendix N


  Appendix O

Lord Abbett

  Appendix P


  Appendix Q


  Appendix R


  Appendix S


  Appendix T


  Appendix U

Pacific Asset Management

  Appendix V


  Appendix W

QS Batterymarch

  Appendix X


  Appendix Y


  Appendix Z

T. Rowe Price

  Appendix AA

UBS Global AM

  Appendix AB


  Appendix AC

Western Asset

  Appendix AD




This SAI is designed to elaborate upon information contained in the Prospectuses and provides additional information about the Funds and the Trust. The more detailed information contained herein is intended for investors who have read the Prospectuses and are interested in additional information about the Funds and the Trust.


The investment goal and principal investment strategies of each Fund are described in the Prospectuses. The following descriptions and the information in the “Investment Restrictions” section provide more detailed information on additional investment policies and investment strategies for each Fund, and are intended to supplement the information provided in the Prospectuses. The Adviser may, in consultation with the relevant sub-adviser/management firm (“Manager”), revise investment policies, strategies and restrictions for a Fund other than fundamental policies of a Fund. Any percentage limitations noted, unless otherwise specified, are based on market value at the time of investment. If net assets are not specified, then percentage limits refer to total assets. Net assets are assets in each Fund, minus any liabilities. Total assets are equal to the fair value of securities owned, cash, receivables, and other assets before deducting liabilities. The Adviser and each Manager may rely on existing or future laws, rules, exemptive orders, and no-action or interpretive positions adopted by the SEC staff (or Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) or other regulatory or self-regulatory agency) in determining whether their actions are in compliance with applicable laws and rules.

The Funds in which the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and Portfolio Optimization Portfolios invest are each generally referred to as an “Underlying Fund” or collectively as “Underlying Funds” in this SAI. When referring only to those Underlying Funds in which the Pacific Dynamix Portfolios invest, the term “Pacific Dynamix Underlying Funds” is used.

The American Funds Asset Allocation Portfolio, American Funds Growth-Income Portfolio and American Funds Growth Portfolio (each a “Feeder Fund” and collectively the “Feeder Funds”) currently do not invest directly in individual securities but rather invest all of their assets in the Asset Allocation Fund, Growth-Income Fund and Growth Fund (each a “Master Fund” and collectively the “Master Funds”), respectively. Each Master Fund is a series of American Funds Insurance Series® and invests directly in individual securities. PLFA may in the future determine to invest the assets of the Feeder Funds in other master funds, manage the assets of the Feeder Funds itself or hire sub-advisers to manage the assets of the Feeder Funds, all without shareholder approval. The investment techniques of each Master Fund are described in the statement of additional information for the Master Funds, which is delivered together with this SAI.

Unless otherwise noted, a Fund may invest in other types of securities and investments and/or the Adviser or Manager may use other investment strategies in managing the Funds, which include those securities, investments and investment techniques not specifically noted or prohibited in the Prospectuses or this SAI that the Adviser or Manager reasonably believes are compatible with the investment goals and policies of that Fund. The Feeder Funds currently limit their investments to shares of the Master Funds, although the Feeder Funds may invest in other instruments as deemed advisable by the Adviser to the extent permissible under existing or future rules, orders or guidance of the SEC.

Unless otherwise noted, a Fund may lend up to 33 1/3% of its assets to broker-dealers and other financial institutions to earn income, may borrow money for administrative or emergency purposes, may invest in restricted securities, and may invest up to 15% of its net assets in illiquid securities.

Each Manager may, in addition to other permissible investments, invest in money market funds, including those it manages, as a means of return on cash, as permitted by the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“1940 Act”) and rules promulgated thereunder.

Core Income Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may also invest non-principally in: mortgage-backed securities; collateralized mortgage obligations (“CMOs”); asset-backed securities; commercial mortgage backed securities (“CMBS”); convertible securities; preferred stocks; trust preferreds; credit default swaps; debt instruments of developed markets denominated in a local currency; emerging market debt instruments denominated in U.S. dollars; commercial paper; money market instruments; and municipal securities. The Fund may also invest up to 5% of its assets in common stocks.

Diversified Bond Portfolio

The Fund may invest, as a principal investment strategy, in debt securities rated lower than Baa by Moody’s Investor Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”) or BBB by Standard and Poor’s Rating Services (“S&P”), or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings.



In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: municipal securities; U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (“TIPS”); American Depositary Receipts (“ADRs”); European Depositary Receipts (“EDRs”); Global Depositary Receipts (“GDRs”); total return swaps; equity securities; preferred stocks; collateralized bond obligations (“CBOs”); collateralized debt obligations (“CDOs”); collateralized loan obligations (“CLOs”); and securities issued by other investment companies. The Fund may also invest up to 5% of its assets in each of the following: short sales and short sales against the box.

Floating Rate Income Portfolio

The Fund is “non-diversified.”

For more information on the Fund’s principal investments in floating rate loans and other holdings that are rated non-investment grade (high yield/high risk debt instruments, sometimes called “junk bonds”), or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the Manager, see the “Description of Fixed Income/Debt Instrument Ratings” in Appendix A and the discussions under “High Yield Bonds” and “Loan Participations and Assignments.”

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: investment grade debt securities, including investment grade short-term debt securities with remaining maturities of one year or less; warrants and equity securities in connection with the Fund’s investments in senior loans or other debt instruments; senior loans, of which the interest rates are fixed and do not float or vary periodically based upon a benchmark indicator, a specified adjustment schedule or prevailing interest rate; senior subordinated bridge loans, senior secured bonds, senior unsecured bonds and unsecured or subordinated bonds, all of varying qualities and maturities, and all of which may be fixed or floating rate; other floating rate debt instruments, such as notes and asset-backed securities (including special purpose trusts investing in bank loans); loans or other debt instruments that pay-in-kind (“PIK”), which are loans or other debt instruments that pay interest through the issuance of additional securities; credit default swaps; and other investment companies, including exchange traded funds and closed-end funds which invest in floating rate instruments. The Fund will indirectly bear its proportionate share of any management fees and other expenses paid by investment companies in which it invests in addition to the advisory fee paid by the Fund.

Floating Rate Loan Portfolio

The Fund principally invests all or substantially all of its assets in senior loans and other debt instruments that are rated non-investment grade (high yield/high risk debt instruments, sometimes called “junk bonds”), or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. For more information on these investments, see the “High Yield Bonds” and “Loan Participations and Assignments” sections, as well as Appendix A for information on debt ratings.

The Fund may invest more than 25% of its total assets in securities of issuers considered to be in the financial services or institutions industries, which include (but are not limited to) commercial banks, bank holding companies, thrift institutions, commercial finance, consumer finance, diversified financial, insurance, and special purpose financial companies. The financial services industry is subject to extensive government regulation which can limit both the amounts and types of loans and other financial commitments that financial services companies can make and the interest rates and fees they can charge. The Fund may also be subject to greater risk with regard to certain occurrences, such as government regulation or credit market events, specifically affecting the financial services sector. Profitability is largely dependent on the availability and cost of capital funds, and can fluctuate significantly when interest rates change. Credit losses resulting from financial difficulties of borrowers can negatively affect financial services companies. The financial services industry is currently undergoing relatively rapid change as existing distinctions between financial service segments become less clear.

The Fund may also invest non-principally in credit default swaps which are used to manage default risk of an issuer and/or gain exposure to a portion of the debt market, loan credit index, or an individual issuer. The Fund may invest up to 5% of its assets in futures contracts and options thereon, interest rate swaps, foreign exchange contracts, and other currency hedging strategies to hedge against fluctuations in currency exchange rates and interest rates. The Fund may also make a commitment to participate in a bridge loan facility, obligating itself to participate in the facility if it funds. In return for this commitment, the Fund may receive a fee. The sub-adviser intends to limit any such commitments to less than 5% of the Fund’s assets. The Fund may also enter into repurchase agreements with respect to its permitted investments. The Fund may also (1) invest up to 10% of its assets in warrants, including those with upfront fees received in connection with purchasing a loan and (2) receive and hold warrants, equities and other debt securities in connection with a loan restructuring. The Fund may also invest in closed-end investment companies which invest in floating rate instruments. The Fund may also invest up to 5% of its assets in each of the following: short sales and short sales against the box.



High Yield Bond Portfolio

The Fund invests principally in debt securities (including corporate debt securities) rated Ba or lower by Moody’s, or BB or lower by S&P, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the Manager. For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section, as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: U.S. government securities (including securities of U.S. agencies and instrumentalities); bank obligations; loan participations and assignments; floating rate loans; commercial paper; mortgage-related securities; asset-backed securities; firm commitment agreements; when-issued securities; ADRs; rights; repurchase agreements; reverse repurchase agreements; and debt securities of foreign issuers denominated in foreign currencies, foreign government and international agencies, including emerging market countries, and foreign branches of U.S. banks. The Fund may also invest up to 10% of its assets in common stocks (including warrants and including up to 5% in non-dividend paying common stocks). In seeking a high level of current income, managing the Fund’s duration, or reducing principal volatility, the Fund may purchase and sell put and call options on securities; purchase or sell interest rate futures contracts and options thereon; enter into interest rate, interest rate index, credit default, and currency exchange rate swap agreements; and invest up to 5% of its assets in spread transactions. The Fund will only enter into futures contracts and futures options which are standardized and traded on a U.S. exchange, board of trade, or similar entity.

Inflation Managed Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: bank obligations; firm commitment agreements; when-issued securities; and repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements. The Fund may invest up to 5% of its net assets in event-linked bonds. The Fund may also invest up to 5% of its assets in municipal securities. The Fund may also engage in short sales and short sales against the box, as part of its overall portfolio management strategies to offset a potential decline in the value of a security. In addition, the Fund may invest up to 10% of its assets in preferred stock. The Fund may invest up to 10% of its assets in debt securities rated lower than Baa (although it may not invest in securities rated lower than B) by Moody’s or equivalently rated by S&P or Fitch, Inc. (“Fitch”), or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. The Fund, except as provided above, may invest only in securities rated Baa or better by Moody’s or equivalently rated by S&P or Fitch, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. The dollar-weighted average quality of all debt securities held by the Fund will be A or higher. In the event that a security owned by the Fund is downgraded to below a B rating, the Fund may nonetheless retain the security. For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section, as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings.

Inflation Strategy Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: structured notes; variable and floating rate debt securities; bank obligations; firm commitment agreements; when-issued securities; government futures; money market futures (such as Eurodollar futures); and emerging markets debt. The Fund may engage in short sales and short sales against the box. The Fund may invest up to 10% of its assets in debt securities rated lower than Baa (although it may not invest in securities rated lower than B) by Moody’s or equivalently rated by S&P or Fitch, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. The Fund, except as provided above, may invest only in securities rated Baa or better by Moody’s or equivalently rated by S&P or Fitch, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. The dollar-weighted average quality of all debt securities held by the Fund will be A or higher. In the event that a security owned by the Fund is downgraded to below a B rating, the Fund may nonetheless retain the security. For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section, as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings.

The Fund may also purchase and sell spread transactions with securities dealers; purchase and sell interest rate futures contracts and options thereon; and enter into currency exchange rate swap agreements and purchase and write credit default swaps (on individual securities and/or a basket of securities), and purchase and sell options thereon. The Fund may trade futures contracts and options on futures contracts not only on U.S. domestic markets, but also on exchanges located outside of the U.S. The Fund may also engage in options on foreign currency futures in anticipation of or to protect itself against fluctuations in currency exchange rates with respect to investments in securities of foreign issuers.

Managed Bond Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: bank obligations; firm commitment agreements; and repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements. The Fund may invest up to 5% of its net assets in event-linked bonds. The Fund may also invest up to 5% of its assets in municipal securities. The Fund may also engage in short sales and short sales against the box, as part of its overall portfolio management strategies to offset a potential decline in the value of a security. In addition, the Fund may invest up to 10% of its total assets in equity related securities and preferred stock.



Equity-related securities share characteristics of both debt and equity, such as convertible securities. The Fund may invest up to 10% of its assets in debt securities rated lower than Baa (although it may not invest in securities rated lower than B) by Moody’s or equivalently rated by S&P or Fitch, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. The Fund, except as provided above, may invest only in securities rated Baa or better by Moody’s or equivalently rated by S&P or Fitch, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser (except that with respect to such 10% limitation, the Fund may invest in mortgage-related securities rated below B by Moody’s or equivalently rated by S&P or Fitch, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser). The dollar-weighted average quality of all debt securities held by the Fund will be A or higher. In the event that a security owned by the Fund is downgraded to below a B rating, the Fund may nonetheless retain the security. For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section, as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings.

Short Duration Bond Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: real estate mortgage investment conduits (“REMICs”); zero coupon bonds; payment-in-kind bonds (“PIKs”); variable and floating rate securities; Yankee bonds; Eurobonds; and preferred stock. The Fund may also engage in short sales against the box and invest up to 5% of its assets in each of the following: credit default swaps; foreign denominated securities and municipal securities. The Fund may invest up to 5% of its assets in debt securities rated Ba or lower by Moody’s or BB or lower by S&P, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section, as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings. The Fund may purchase and write (covered) put and call options on any security in which it may invest, on any securities index consisting of securities in which it may invest, on yield curves and on futures contracts, foreign currencies, and swap agreements.

The Fund may also engage in foreign currency transactions and forward currency contracts; options on foreign currencies; and foreign currency futures and options thereon, to hedge against fluctuations in currency exchange rates with respect to investments in securities of foreign issuers. The Fund may also use foreign currency options and forward contracts to increase exposure to a foreign currency or to shift exposure to foreign currency fluctuations from one country to another.

Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio

The Fund is “non-diversified.”

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: bank capital securities and obligations; commercial paper; convertible securities; credit-linked trust certificates; delayed funding loans and revolving credit facilities; distressed securities; equity securities, including securities of other investment companies, such as exchange traded funds (“ETFs”) and other pooled investment vehicles; floating rate bank loans and debt instruments; hybrid instruments; illiquid securities; inflation-indexed bonds; preferred stock; U.S. government securities; warrants; when-issued and delayed delivery transactions; zero-coupon bonds; and step-ups and payment-in-kind securities. The Fund may also invest non-principally in derivatives such as option contracts, participation notes, options on futures contracts (including on foreign currency), short sales and credit spread trades. These derivatives may be used to attempt to mitigate various risks, hedge existing positions, adjust certain characteristics of the Fund and gain exposure to the particular underlying reference asset as a substitute for direct investment in the reference asset. The Fund may also use foreign currency options to increase exposure to a foreign currency or to shift exposure to foreign currency fluctuations from one country to another. The Fund may also invest up to 5% of its assets in short sales against the box.

American Funds Growth Portfolio

The Growth Fund of the American Funds Insurance Series serves as a Master Fund (“Master Growth Fund”) to the American Funds Growth Portfolio. In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Master Growth Fund may invest non-principally in, among other things: real estate investment trusts (“REITs”); cash and cash equivalents, small-capitalization stocks; debt securities; convertible securities; and private placements. The Master Growth Fund may not invest more than 15% of its net assets in illiquid securities and may not issue senior securities, except as permitted by the 1940 Act. In addition, the Master Growth Fund may invest up to 10% of its assets in non-investment grade (high yield/high risk) debt securities rated BB+ or lower by S&P or Fitch, Ba1 or lower by Moody’s, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the investment adviser to the Master Growth Fund. For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section, as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings.

Please see the American Funds Insurance Series statement of additional information, which is delivered together with this SAI, for more information regarding the investment techniques of the Master Growth Fund.



American Funds Growth-Income Portfolio

The Growth-Income Fund of the American Funds Insurance Series serves as a Master Fund (“Master Growth-Income Fund”) to the American Funds Growth-Income Portfolio. In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Master Growth-Income Fund may invest non-principally in, among other things: REITs; cash and cash equivalents, small-capitalization stocks; debt securities; convertible securities; repurchase agreements; and private placements. Foreign holdings may include emerging market countries. The Master Growth-Income Fund may also hold cash or money market instruments. The percentage of the Master Growth-Income Fund invested in such holdings varies and depends on various factors, including market conditions and purchases and redemptions of Master Growth-Income Fund shares. The Master Growth-Income Fund may not invest more than 15% of its net assets in illiquid securities and may not issue senior securities, except as permitted by the 1940 Act. In addition, the Master Growth-Income Fund may invest up to 5% of its assets in non-investment grade (high yield/high risk) debt securities rated BB+ or lower by S&P or Fitch, Ba1 or lower by Moody’s, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the investment adviser to the Master Growth-Income Fund. For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section, as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings.

Please see the American Funds Insurance Series statement of additional information, which is delivered together with this SAI, for more information regarding the investment techniques of the Master Growth-Income Fund.

Comstock Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: small-capitalization companies; commercial paper; certificates of deposit; repurchase agreements; or other short-term debt obligations. The Fund may also enter into futures contracts to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash. The Fund may also invest up to 10% of its assets in high quality short-term debt securities and investment grade corporate debt securities to provide liquidity and up to 10% of its assets in REITs and Real Estate Operating Companies (“REOCs”). The Fund may also invest up to 5% of its assets in warrants.

Dividend Growth Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: U.S. dollar-denominated corporate debt securities of domestic and foreign issuers; convertible securities; preferred stock; U.S. government securities; REITs, bank obligations; warrants; when-issued securities; commercial paper; repurchase agreements; reverse repurchase agreements; and initial public offerings (“IPOs”). The Fund may also enter into futures contracts to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash. The Fund may also purchase other investment company securities. See “Investments in Other Investment Company Securities” for more information. The Fund may not invest in variable and floating rate securities.

Equity Index Por tfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may, as a non-principal investment strategy, purchase and sell stock index futures, purchase options on stock indices, and purchase and write options on stock index futures that are based on stock indices which the Fund attempts to track or which tend to move together with stocks included in the index. The Fund may also enter into futures contracts and futures options which are standardized and traded on a U.S. exchange, board of trade, or similar entity. In connection with the use of derivative instruments, the Fund may also enter into short sales in order to adjust the weightings of particular securities, represented in a derivative to more accurately reflect the securities weightings in the target index. The Fund may also invest in foreign equity securities if U.S. exchange listed; ADRs; convertible securities; firm commitment agreements; REITs; when-issued securities; reverse repurchase agreements; and up to 5% in rights. The Fund may also invest in securities, issued by other investment companies, including ETFs. The Fund may also invest in warrants; however, not more than 5% of the market value of its assets (at the time of purchase) may be invested in warrants other than warrants acquired in units or attached to other securities. The Fund may temporarily invest cash balances, maintained for liquidity purposes or pending investment, in short-term high quality debt instruments, including: commercial paper; variable and floating rate securities; repurchase agreements; bank obligations; and U.S. government securities, its agencies and instrumentalities. Temporary investments are not made for defensive purposes in the event of or in anticipation of a general decline in the market price of stocks in which the Fund invests. The Fund may not invest in restricted securities (including private placements).

Focused Growth Portfolio

The Fund is “non-diversified.”

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: commercial paper; certificates of deposit; repurchase agreements; or other short-term debt obligations; pass-through securities, such as mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities and participation interests; municipal obligations; variable and floating rate securities; standby commitments; tender option bonds; inverse floaters; strip bonds; reverse repurchase agreements; up to 10% of its assets in



zero coupon, PIK and step coupon bonds; and securities of other investment companies. The Fund is also permitted to invest in ADRs, EDRs, and GDRs, and in debt securities, including bonds rated lower than Baa by Moody’s or BBB by S&P, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section, as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings. The Fund may also engage in short sales against the box.

In addition to the derivatives and other techniques described in the Prospectus, the Fund may purchase and sell futures contracts on securities, interest rate, index, and foreign currency, and options thereon, including eurodollar instruments. The Fund may also enter into interest rate swaps, caps and floors on either an asset-based or a liability-based basis. The Fund may also engage in forward contracts, forward foreign currency contracts and foreign currency transactions and purchase and write options on foreign currencies. The Fund may also engage in the purchase and writing of put and call options on securities that are traded on U.S. and foreign securities exchanges and OTC. The Fund may purchase and write options on the same types of securities that the Fund may purchase directly.

Growth Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: warrants, however, not more than 10% of the market value of its assets may be invested in warrants other than warrants acquired in units or attached to other securities; preferred stocks; certificates of deposit; mortgage-related and asset-backed securities; commercial paper; U.S. government securities; rights; bank obligations (including certain foreign bank obligations); U.S. dollar-denominated obligations of foreign governments, foreign government agencies and international agencies; convertible securities; variable and floating rate securities; firm commitment agreements; when-issued securities; repurchase agreements; and reverse repurchase agreements. The Fund may also invest in small-capitalization stocks; U.S. dollar-denominated corporate debt securities of domestic issuers and debt securities of foreign issuers denominated in foreign currencies rated Baa or better by Moody’s or BBB or better by S&P, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. The Fund may also invest up to 10% of its assets in bonds rated lower than Baa by Moody’s or BBB by S&P, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section, as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings. The Fund may purchase securities on margin and may engage in the purchase and writing of put and call options on securities, stock indices, and foreign currencies. In addition, the Fund may purchase and sell interest rate, stock index, and foreign currency futures contracts and options thereon. The Fund may trade futures contracts and options on futures contracts not only on U.S. domestic markets, but also on exchanges located outside of the U.S. The Fund may also engage in forward foreign currency contracts and foreign currency transactions. The Fund may also purchase ADRs, EDRs, GDRs, and other types of receipts evidencing ownership of the underlying foreign securities.

Large-Cap Growth Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: U.S. government securities, its agencies and instrumentalities; bank and corporate debt securities, which may be denominated in any currency; repurchase agreements; reverse repurchase agreements; private placements; securities issued by other investment companies, including ETFs; convertible securities; warrants; rights; depositary receipts, including ADRs, EDRs, GDRs and other types of receipts evidencing ownership of the underlying foreign securities; exchange-traded index securities; short sales against the box; loan participations; when-issued securities; mortgage-backed securities; and asset-backed securities. The Fund may invest up to 5% of its assets in each of the following: forward currency contracts to hedge against fluctuations in currency exchange rates with respect to investments in securities of foreign issuers; limited partnerships that are publicly traded on a securities exchange; preferred stock; IPOs; restricted securities and other unregistered securities; REITs and REOCs. The Fund may also enter into futures contracts to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash.

Large-Cap Value Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: short-term debt securities, such as repurchase agreements, commercial paper, U.S. government securities, including securities of agencies or instrumentalities of the U.S. government, bank obligations, and cash or cash equivalents, to meet operating expenses, to serve as collateral in connection with certain investment techniques, or to meet anticipated redemption requests. The Fund is also permitted to invest in: mortgage-related securities; small-capitalization stocks; unseasoned issuers; equity REITs; variable and floating rate securities; firm commitment agreements; when-issued securities; illiquid securities; debt securities and securities that can be converted into equity securities. The Fund may also invest in high yield convertible securities, and may, from time to time, invest up to 5% of its net assets in high yield non-convertible debt securities. The Fund may invest up to 5% of its assets (no limit on below investment grade convertible securities) in debt securities rated lower than Baa by Moody’s or BBB by S&P, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section, as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings. The Fund may also engage in short sales against the box. The Fund may also enter into futures contracts to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash.



Long/Short Large-Cap Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: preferred stock; convertible securities; bank obligations such as bankers’ acceptances, certificates of deposits, time deposits and demand instruments; commercial paper; REITs and REOCs; U.S. government securities, its agencies or instrumentalities; corporate debt securities; repurchase agreements; reverse repurchase agreements; rights and warrants; securities issued on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis; mortgage-related securities; limited partnerships that are publicly traded on a securities exchange; and variable and floating rate instruments. The Fund may also enter into futures contracts to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash. The Fund may also invest in other investment companies, including ETFs; emerging market securities; foreign investments including equity and debt securities of foreign sovereigns or foreign entities, ADRs, EDRs and GDRs; IPOs; and private placements, restricted securities and other unregistered securities. The Fund may engage in interfund lending. The Fund may borrow, for temporary and/or investment purposes, and each sub-adviser may invest in cash or cash equivalents for temporary defensive purposes. The Fund may also invest in OTC securities, short-term funding agreements issued by banks or highly rated U.S. insurance companies, and securities issued in connection with reorganizations and corporate restructurings.

Main Street Core Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: common stocks of small companies and in companies located outside the U.S. including emerging market countries and in ADRs; convertible bonds; repurchase agreements; equity-linked and index-linked securities; rights; firm commitment agreements; when-issued securities; and other debt securities including, but not limited to high yield/high risk debt securities rated lower than Baa by Moody’s or BBB by S&P, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section, as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings. The Fund may invest in warrants; however, not more than 10% of the market value of its assets may be invested in warrants other than warrants acquired in units or attached to other securities. The Fund is also permitted to invest in U.S. dollar-denominated corporate debt securities of domestic issuers and debt securities of foreign issuers denominated in foreign currencies. The Fund may also enter into futures contracts to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash. The Fund may invest up to 5% in securities issued by other investment companies, including ETFs. The Fund may also invest up to 5% in Master Limited Partnerships.

To invest temporary cash balances, to maintain liquidity to meet redemptions or expenses, or for temporary defensive purposes, the Fund may invest in: money market instruments, including U.S. government securities, short-term bank obligations rated in the highest two rating categories by Moody’s or S&P, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser; certificates of deposit; time deposits; loans or credit agreements; bankers’ acceptances; short-term debt obligations of savings and loan institutions; and commercial paper and corporate obligations, including variable and floating rate securities that are issued by U.S. and foreign issuers and that are rated in the highest two rating categories by Moody’s or S&P, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser.

Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: large-capitalization companies; small-capitalization companies; preferred stocks; securities convertible into or exchangeable for common stocks; repurchase agreements; reverse repurchase agreements; firm commitment agreements; when-issued securities; and up to 5% of its assets in rights. The Fund may also invest in warrants; however, not more than 10% of the market value of its assets may be invested in warrants other than warrants acquired in units or attached to other securities. The Fund may also purchase securities on margin and may invest a portion of its assets in investment grade debt securities, including: U.S. government securities; commercial paper; mortgage-related securities; variable and floating rate securities; other short-term bank obligations; and U.S. dollar-denominated corporate debt securities (including U.S. dollar-denominated debt securities of foreign issuers, certain foreign bank and government obligations, foreign government and international agencies). The Fund may invest up to 5% of its assets in each of the following: private placements, short sales and short sales against the box. The Fund may also enter into futures contracts to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash. The Fund may also invest in equity REITs.

Mid-Cap Growth Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: short-term instruments; commercial paper; open-end and closed-end funds; U.S. government securities; variable and floating rate securities; repurchase agreements; securities issued on a when-issued basis; corporate debt securities; zero coupon bonds; deferred interest bonds; and PIK bonds. The Fund will not invest more than 10% of its assets in lower rated debt securities (rated Ba or lower by Moody’s or BB or lower by S&P, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser). For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section, as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings. The Fund may also engage in short sales and short sales against the box.



The Fund may also invest up to 10% of its assets collectively in: futures, options, forward contracts and swaps to seek to enhance investment returns, hedge existing positions, provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash position, as a substitute for securities, or to increase or reduce market or credit exposure. The Fund may also invest in ETFs as a means of gaining exposure to a particular segment of the market.

The Fund may invest up to 5% of its assets in each of the following: convertible securities and warrants. The Fund may also invest in, but is not currently anticipated to use: corporate asset-backed securities; indexed securities; structured products; and dollar-denominated foreign debt securities. In addition, the Fund may not invest in Brady Bonds and reverse repurchase agreements. The Fund may invest up to 10% of its assets in REITs and REOCs (including foreign real estate).

Mid-Cap Value Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: when-issued securities; forward commitments; rights; warrants; and REITs. The Fund may also invest in U.S. government securities and in securities issued by other investment companies, including ETFs.

Small-Cap Equity Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: investments in other investment companies; debt securities including but not limited to U.S. government securities; zero coupon bonds; step coupon bonds; PIKs; mortgage-related securities (including stripped mortgage-backed securities) as well as lower quality debt securities; asset-backed securities; CMOs; foreign securities including EDRs and GDRs (for the BlackRock managed portion of the Fund only); firm commitment agreements and when-issued securities. The Fund may also engage in short sales and short sales against the box; repurchase agreements; reverse repurchase agreements; emerging market countries; equity IPOs; REITs; and REOCs. The Fund may also enter into index futures and index options contracts (derivatives) to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash. The Fund may invest up to 5% of its assets in structured notes, trade claims, rights or warrants of which up to 2% can be in warrants not listed on the New York or NYSE Amex Equities Stock Exchange.

Small-Cap Growth Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: high-quality money market instruments; mortgage-related and asset-backed securities; convertible securities; repurchase agreements and reverse repurchase agreements; U.S. government securities and securities of U.S. government agencies or instrumentalities; U.S. dollar-denominated obligations of foreign governments, foreign government agencies and international agencies; variable and floating rate securities; firm commitment agreements; warrants and rights; when-issued securities; IPOs; REITs and REOCs; and illiquid and restricted securities. The Fund may invest up to 10% of its assets collectively in: (i) EDRs, (ii) GDRs and (iii) securities of foreign (including emerging market) companies that are both traded on a foreign exchange and denominated in a foreign currency. The Fund may also invest up to 10% of its assets collectively in: U.S. dollar-denominated corporate debt securities of domestic issuers (including U.S. dollar-denominated debt securities of foreign issuers) and debt securities of foreign issuers denominated in foreign currencies rated Baa or better by Moody’s or BBB or better by S&P, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. For more information on debt ratings, see Appendix A. Bank obligations of foreign banks (including U.S. branches of foreign banks) in which the Fund may invest must, at the time of investment (i) have more than $10 billion, or the equivalent in other currencies, in total assets; (ii) in terms of assets be among the 75 largest foreign banks in the world; (iii) have branches or agencies (limited purpose offices which do not offer all banking services) in the U.S.; and (iv) in the opinion of the sub-adviser, be of an investment quality comparable to obligations of U.S. banks in which the Fund may invest. The Fund may also invest in ETFs, or enter into futures or options contracts to provide equity exposure with respect to the Fund’s cash. The Fund may also engage in short sales against the box.

Small-Cap Index Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may, as a non-principal investment strategy, purchase and sell stock index futures and options thereon and options on stock indices that are based on the Russell 2000 Index or other indices of small-capitalization companies. The Fund may enter into futures contracts and futures options which are standardized and traded on a U.S. exchange, board of trade, or similar entity. The Fund may also invest in foreign equity securities if such securities are U.S. exchange-listed and included in the Russell 2000 Index and may invest in warrants; however, not more than 10% of the market value of its assets (at the time of purchase) may be invested in warrants other than warrants acquired in units or attached to other securities. The Fund is also permitted to invest in ADRs; repurchase agreements; rights; equity REITs; U.S. government securities, its agencies or instrumentalities; bank obligations; commercial paper; variable and floating rate securities; firm commitment agreements; when-issued securities; and securities that are convertible into common stock. The Fund may also invest in securities issued by other investment companies, including ETFs. In connection with the use of derivatives, the Fund may enter into



short sales, in order to adjust the weightings of particular securities represented in a derivative to more accurately reflect the securities’ weightings in the target index. The Fund may also maintain a portion of its assets in short-term debt securities and money market instruments to meet redemption requests or pending investment in the securities of the Russell 2000 Index. These investments will not be made in anticipation of a general decline in the market prices of stocks in which the Fund invests.

Small-Cap Value Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: preferred stock; convertible securities; ETFs; private placements; IPO investments; secondary offerings; U.S. government securities; bank obligations; variable and floating rate securities; when issued or delayed delivery securities; loan participations; warrants; rights; repurchase agreements; and commercial paper. The Fund may also invest in corporate debt securities (including U.S. dollar or foreign currency denominated corporate debt of domestic or foreign issuers); mortgage-related securities; asset-backed securities; and money market instruments. The Fund may also invest in debt securities rated lower than Baa by Moody’s or BBB by S&P, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section, as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings. The Fund may also engage in short sales against the box. The Fund may also enter into futures contracts and options on futures contracts on stock indices to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash. NFJ may also invest up to 10% of its portion of the Fund’s assets in ADRs. AllianceBernstein L.P. (“AB”) may also invest up to 10% of its portion of the Fund’s assets in short-term debt obligations.

Value Advantage Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: convertible securities; trust preferred stock; debt instruments, including Treasury receipts, U.S. government obligations, bank obligations, short-term funding agreements, and commercial paper; specific equity-related investments such as warrants and rights, initial public offerings, and preferred stock; investment company securities including master limited partnerships and ETFs; illiquid and restricted securities (such as private placements); securities issued in connection with reorganizations and corporate restructurings; debt instruments, including corporate debt securities, high yield bonds, inflation-indexed bonds, variable and floating rate instruments, zero coupon bonds, loan participations and assignments; repurchase agreements; reverse repurchase agreements; municipal securities; inverse floating rate instruments (i.e., inverse floaters); demand features; other asset-backed securities and may engage in short sales and short sales against the box; and enter into various swap arrangements or related swap products, including synthetic variable rate instruments and credit default swaps.

Emerging Markets Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: U.S. government securities; high quality debt securities; money market obligations; and cash to meet cash flow needs or if the U.S. government ever imposes restrictions on foreign investing. Such money market obligations may include short-term corporate or U.S. government obligations and bank certificates of deposit. The Fund may also invest in: non-convertible debt securities denominated in foreign currencies; small-capitalization stocks, including small and unseasoned companies; equity index swap agreements; equity-linked securities; GDRs, EDRs, or other securities convertible into equity securities of U.S. or foreign issuers; variable and floating rate securities; warrants and rights; preferred stock; convertible securities; securities issued in connection with reorganizations and corporate restructurings; domestic securities; corporate debt securities of foreign companies in developed and developing countries; debt securities of foreign governments in developed and developing countries; illiquid and restricted securities; repurchase agreements; reverse repurchase agreements; firm commitment agreements; and when-issued securities. The Fund is also permitted to invest in other investment companies, including Optimized Portfolios as Listed Securities (“OPALS”). The debt securities (including commercial paper, foreign government and international agencies) and money market obligations in which the Fund may also invest may be issued by U.S. and foreign issuers and may be denominated in U.S. dollars or foreign currencies. The Fund may also invest in corporate debt securities rated Baa or lower by Moody’s or BBB or lower by S&P (although it may not invest in securities rated C or lower), or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section, as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings. The Fund may also use derivatives (including options, futures contracts and forward foreign currency contracts) to attempt to hedge against the overall level of investment and currency risk associated with its investments. Derivatives are also used to increase returns, to try to hedge against changes in interest rates or market declines, or to otherwise help achieve the Fund’s investment goal. The Fund may invest up to 5% of its assets in direct investments in Russia, which are those investments that are traded on Russian exchanges or held at sub-custodian banks within Russia.



International Large-Cap Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: preferred stock; convertible securities; warrants and rights; repurchase agreements; other investment companies (open-end and/or closed-end funds); and short-term instruments, including U.S. government securities; commercial paper and bank obligations. The Fund may also enter into futures contracts to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash and invest in foreign currency futures, forwards or options, which are purchased or sold to hedge against currency fluctuations.

International Small-Cap Portfolio

The Fund invests principally in common stock or preferred stock of foreign issuers and U.S.-registered equity securities of foreign issuers.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: cash and repurchase agreements; short-term instruments, including U.S. government securities and U.S. dollar-denominated debt securities of domestic issuers with maturities of one year or less for liquidity and reserves only; commercial paper; bank obligations; securities convertible into or exchangeable for common stock; depositary receipts such as ADRs; and up to 5% of its assets in emerging markets securities not included in the Fund’s benchmark. The Fund may also invest in securities issued by other investment companies.

International Value Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: convertible securities; emerging markets issuers; depositary receipts, including GDRs and EDRs; rights and warrants; instruments of supranational entities denominated in foreign currencies; semi-governmental securities; non-convertible debt securities denominated in foreign currencies; purchases or sales on a delayed delivery basis; small-capitalization stocks; variable and floating rate securities; U.S. government securities; bank obligations; currency swaps and currency futures contracts; and repurchase agreements. The Fund’s investments in convertible securities are not subject to the limitations described in the “Bank Obligations” section. The Fund may engage in foreign currency transactions. The Fund may also invest up to 5% of its assets in each of the following: preferred stock, 144A securities, short sales and short sales against the box. The Fund may also enter into futures contracts to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash and invest in foreign currency options, which are purchased or sold to hedge against currency fluctuations. The Fund may also invest in U.S. dollar-denominated corporate debt securities of domestic issuers and foreign issuers, and debt securities of foreign issuers denominated in foreign currencies, rated Baa or better by Moody’s or BBB or better by S&P, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. In addition, the Fund may invest up to 5% of its assets in debt securities that are rated below investment grade, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section, as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings.

Health Sciences Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: debt securities; repurchase agreements; reverse repurchase agreements; U.S. government securities; mortgage-related securities; asset-backed securities; commercial paper; REITs; Standard & Poor’s Depositary Receipts (“SPDRs”); when-issued or delayed delivery securities; convertible and preferred securities; warrants; and rights. The Fund may engage in short sales and short sales against the box. The Fund may also invest in U.S. dollar-denominated certificates of deposit, time deposits and bankers’ acceptances issued by U.S. and foreign banks. The Fund limits its investments in bank obligations to U.S. domestic banks which have more than $5 billion in assets and that otherwise meet the Fund’s credit rating requirements, and in foreign banks which have more than $10 billion in assets with branches or agencies in the U.S. The Fund may also invest in debt securities rated lower than Baa by Moody’s or BBB by S&P (although it may not invest in securities rated lower than Caa or CCC respectively), or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section, as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings. The Fund may also invest up to 5% of its assets in options contracts, which the sub-adviser may use to seek to enhance the return to the Fund. The Fund may also enter into futures contracts to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash. The Fund may also invest in private securities; various business ventures, including partnerships and joint ventures; IPOs; ETFs; structured notes; and money market instruments. The Fund may also borrow money; purchase shares of affiliated investment companies; lend its securities to others for cash management purposes; and hold illiquid securities.

Real Estate Portfolio

The Fund is “non-diversified.”

For purposes of the Fund’s principal investment policies, a company is in the real estate industry if: (1) it derives at least 50% of its revenues or profits from the ownership, construction, management, financing or sale of residential, commercial or industrial real estate; or (2) it has at least 50% of the fair market value of its assets invested in residential, commercial, or industrial real estate.



In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in warrants; however, not more than 10% of the market value of its assets (at the time of purchase) may be invested in warrants other than warrants acquired in units or attached to other securities; and up to 10% of its assets in foreign securities (which may include EDRs and GDRs) including: U.S. dollar-denominated corporate debt securities, certain foreign bank obligations, and foreign government and international agencies. The Fund may also invest non-principally in the following: ADRs; bank obligations; U.S. government securities; convertible securities; commercial paper; variable and floating rate securities; firm commitment agreements; when-issued securities; preferred stock; and repurchase agreements. The Fund may also enter into futures contracts to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash.

Because of the Fund’s policy of concentrating its investments in securities of issuers of REITs and in industries related to real estate, the Fund is significantly impacted by the performance of the real estate industry. In addition to general market conditions, the value of the Fund will be affected by the strength of the real estate markets, and is also subject to the risks associated with the direct ownership of real estate, including: declines in the value of real estate; risks related to general and local economic conditions; possible lack of availability of mortgage funds; overbuilding; extended vacancies of properties; increased competition; increases in property taxes and operating expenses, including insurance; changes in laws, including zoning law; losses due to costs resulting from the clean-up of environmental problems; liabilities to third parties for damages resulting from environmental problems; casualty or condemnation losses; limitations on rents; changes in neighborhood values and the appeal of properties to tenants; and changes in interest rates.

Real property investments are subject to varying degrees of risk. The yields available from investments in real estate depend on the amount of income and capital appreciation generated by the properties. Income and real estate values may also be adversely affected by such factors as applicable laws (e.g., the Americans with Disabilities Act and tax laws), interest rate levels and the availability of financing. If the properties do not generate sufficient income to meet operating expenses, including, where applicable, debt service, ground lease payments, tenant improvements, third-party leasing commissions and other capital expenditures, the income and ability of the real estate company to make payments of any interest and principal on its debt securities will be adversely affected. In addition, real property may be subject to the quality of credit extended and defaults by borrowers and tenants. The performance of the economy in each of the regions in which the investments owned by the Fund are located affects occupancy, market rental rates and expenses and, consequently, has an impact on the income from such properties and their underlying values. The financial results of major local employers may also have an impact on the cash flow and value of certain properties. In addition, real estate investments are relatively illiquid and, therefore, the ability of REITs and REOCs to vary their portfolios promptly in response to changes in economic or other conditions is limited. A REIT or REOC may also have joint venture investments in certain of its properties and, consequently, its ability to control decisions relating to such properties may be limited.

In addition, properties are likely to be adversely affected if a significant tenant ceases operation, voluntarily or otherwise. Certain commercial properties may require their owner to expend significant amounts of capital for general and continuing capital improvements. The value and successful operation of certain commercial properties may be affected by a number of factors such as the location of the property, the ability of management to provide adequate maintenance and insurance, types of services provided by the property, the level of mortgage rates, presence of competing properties, the relocation of tenants to new projects with better amenities and adverse economic conditions in the locale.

Technology Portfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: debt securities; repurchase agreements; reverse repurchase agreements; IPOs; U.S. government securities; mortgage-related securities; asset-backed securities; commercial paper; REITs; when-issued or delayed delivery securities; convertible and preferred securities; warrants; rights; ETFs; and illiquid securities. The Fund may also engage in short sales against the box. The Fund may also invest in U.S. dollar-denominated certificates of deposit, time deposits and bankers’ acceptances issued by U.S. and foreign banks. The Fund limits its investments in bank obligations to U.S. domestic banks which have more than $5 billion in assets and that otherwise meet the Fund’s credit rating requirements, and in foreign banks which have more than $10 billion in assets with branches or agencies in the U.S. The Fund may also invest in debt securities rated lower than Baa by Moody’s or BBB by S&P (although it may not invest in securities rated lower than Caa or CCC respectively), or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section, as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings. The Fund may also use futures, options, forward contracts, and swaps to try to enhance investment returns, hedge existing positions, provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash position, as a substitute for securities, or to increase or reduce market or credit exposure.

Absolute Return Portfolio

The Fund is “non-diversified.”



In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: securities issued by other investment companies, including ETFs; debt securities of emerging markets issuers; convertible securities; and reverse repurchase agreements. The Fund may also invest in short sales against the box.

Currency Strategies Portfolio

The Fund is “non-diversified.”

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: mortgage-related securities; instruments of supranational entities denominated in foreign currency; securities issued by other investment companies, including ETFs; convertible securities; municipal securities; bank obligations; repurchase agreements; and variable and floating rate debt securities. The Fund may also invest up to 5% of its assets in each of the following: short sales and short sales against the box on equity securities.

Diversified Alternatives Portfolio

The Diversified Alternatives Portfolio will generally limit its investments to Class P shares of other Funds of the Trust, U.S. government securities and short-term debt instruments, although the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio may invest in money market instruments, unaffiliated investment companies, and other securities for temporary defensive purposes or otherwise as deemed advisable by the Adviser to the extent permissible under existing or future rules, orders or guidance of the SEC.

Equity Long/Short Por tfolio

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: preferred stock; bank obligations such as bankers’ acceptances, certificates of deposits, time deposits and demand instruments; commercial paper; REITs and REOCs; repurchase agreements; reverse repurchase agreements; rights and warrants; securities issued on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis; mortgage-related securities; limited partnerships that are publicly traded on a securities exchange; and variable and floating rate instruments. The Fund may also invest in other investment companies including ETFs; exchange traded notes; emerging market securities; small cap securities; ADRs, EDRs and GDRs. The Fund may also invest in OTC securities, short-term funding agreements issued by banks or highly rated U.S. insurance companies, and securities issued in connection with reorganizations and corporate restructurings. From time to time, the Fund may acquire additional security types not referenced above as a result of corporate actions, reorganizations or other similar events.

Global Absolute Return Portfolio

The Fund is “non-diversified.”

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: securities issued by other investment companies, including ETFs; equity securities; reverse repurchase agreements; and forward commitments (other than forward commitments described in the Prospectus). The Fund may also invest up to 5% of its assets in short sales against the box.

Precious Metals Portfolio

The Fund is “non-diversified.”

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: securities issued by other investment companies, including ETFs; bank obligations; commercial paper; convertible securities; U.S. government securities; and repurchase agreements.

American Funds Asset Allocation Portfolio

The Asset Allocation Fund of the American Funds Insurance Series serves as a Master Fund (“Master Asset Allocation Fund”) to the American Funds Asset Allocation Portfolio. The Master Asset Allocation Fund may invest principally in non-investment grade (high yield/high risk) debt securities rated BB+ or lower by S&P or Fitch, Ba1 or lower by Moody’s, or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the investment adviser to the Master Asset Allocation Fund. For more information on such securities see the “High Yield Bonds” section, as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings. In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Master Asset Allocation Fund may also invest non-principally in, among other things: REITs; pass-through securities, including mortgage-related securities and CMOs; asset-backed securities; cash and cash equivalents; small-capitalization companies; convertible securities; repurchase agreements; and private placements. The Master Asset Allocation Fund may not invest more than 15% of its net assets in illiquid securities and may not issue senior securities, except as permitted by the 1940 Act.



Please see the American Funds Insurance Series statement of additional information, which is delivered together with this SAI, for more information regarding the investment techniques of the Master Asset Allocation Fund.

Portfolio Optimiza tion Portfolios

The Portfolio Optimization Conservative, Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative, Portfolio Optimization Moderate, Portfolio Optimization Growth and Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolios (together, the “Portfolio Optimization Portfolios”) will generally limit their investments to Class P shares of other Funds of the Trust, U.S. government securities and short-term debt instruments, although the Portfolio Optimization Portfolios may invest in money market instruments, unaffiliated investment companies, and other securities for temporary defensive purposes, or otherwise as deemed advisable by the Adviser to the extent permissible under existing or future rules, orders or guidance of the SEC.

Pacific Dynamix Portfol ios

The Pacific Dynamix - Conservative Growth, Pacific Dynamix - Moderate Growth and Pacific Dynamix - Growth Portfolios (together, the “Pacific Dynamix Portfolios”) will limit their investments to shares of the Pacific Dynamix Underlying Funds, U.S. government securities and short-term debt instruments, although the Pacific Dynamix Portfolios may invest in money market instruments, unaffiliated investment companies, and other securities for temporary defensive purposes or otherwise as deemed advisable by the Adviser to the extent permissible under existing or future rules, orders or guidance of the SEC.

PD 1-3 Year Corporate Bond Portfolio

This Fund is only available through the Pacific Dynamix Portfolios.

The Fund is “non-diversified.”

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: variable and floating rate debt securities; zero coupon, pay-in-kind and deferred payment securities; money market instruments including short-term obligations of foreign sovereign governments, supranational obligations, bank obligations, commercial paper and repurchase agreements. The Fund may also invest in money market funds, including those managed by SSGA FM, as a means of return on cash as permitted by the 1940 Act and rules promulgated thereunder. For information on bond ratings, see Appendix A.

PD Aggregate Bond Index Portfolio

This Fund is only available through the Pacific Dynamix Portfolios.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: obligations of industrial, banking and other financial issuers; municipal bonds and notes; mortgage-related securities including CMOs and REMICs; variable and floating rate debt securities; asset-backed securities; zero coupon, pay-in-kind and deferred payment securities; money market instruments including short-term obligations of foreign sovereign governments, supranational obligations, bank obligations, commercial paper and repurchase agreements. The Fund may also invest in money market funds, including those managed by SSGA FM, as a means of return on cash as permitted by the 1940 Act and rules promulgated thereunder. For information on bond ratings, see Appendix A.

PD High Yield Bond Market Portfolio

This Fund is only available through the Pacific Dynamix Portfolios.

The Fund invests principally in non-investment grade debt securities (including corporate debt securities, medium term notes and 144A securities), or if unrated, are of comparable quality as determined by the sub-adviser. For more information on such securities, see the “High Yield Bonds” section as well as Appendix A for more information on debt ratings. In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: U.S. government securities (including securities of U.S. government agencies and instrumentalities); mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities; debt of trusts collateralized with bonds; trusts collateralized with leveraged loans; traded loans; participation certificates; sovereign and supranational debt; and repurchase agreements. The Fund may also invest in money market funds, including those managed by SSGA FM, as a means of return on cash as permitted by the 1940 Act and rules promulgated thereunder. The Fund may invest in debt securities convertible into equity securities, including REIT common stock and depositary shares. The Fund may also directly hold equity securities, including common stock, REIT common stock, ADRs, EDRs and GDRs, preferred stock and warrants.



PD Large-Cap Growth Index Portfolio

This Fund is only available through the Pacific Dynamix Portfolios.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund, as a non-principal investment strategy, may purchase and sell stock index futures, purchase options on stock indices, and purchase and write options on stock index futures that are based on stock indices which the Fund attempts to track or which tend to move together with stocks included in the index. The Fund may also enter into futures contracts which are standardized and traded on a U.S. exchange, board of trade, or similar entity to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash. The Fund may also invest in foreign equity securities if U.S. exchange listed; ADRs; convertible securities; firm commitment agreements; when-issued securities; reverse repurchase agreements; other investment companies, including ETFs; REITs; and up to 5% in rights. The Fund may also invest in warrants; however, not more than 5% of the market value of its assets (at the time of purchase) may be invested in warrants other than warrants acquired in units or attached to other securities. The Fund may temporarily invest cash balances, maintained for liquidity purposes or pending investment, in short-term high quality debt instruments, including: commercial paper; variable and floating rate securities; repurchase agreements; bank obligations; and U.S. government securities, its agencies and instrumentalities. The Fund may not invest in restricted securities (including private placements).

PD Large-Cap Value Index Portfolio

This Fund is only available through the Pacific Dynamix Portfolios.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund, as a non-principal investment strategy, may purchase and sell stock index futures, purchase options on stock indices, and purchase and write options on stock index futures that are based on stock indices which the Fund attempts to track or which tend to move together with stocks included in the index. The Fund may also enter into futures contracts which are standardized and traded on a U.S. exchange, board of trade, or similar entity to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash. The Fund may also invest in foreign equity securities if U.S. exchange listed; ADRs; convertible securities; firm commitment agreements; when-issued securities; reverse repurchase agreements; other investment companies, including ETFs; and up to 5% in rights. The Fund may also invest in warrants; however, not more than 5% of the market value of its assets (at the time of purchase) may be invested in warrants other than warrants acquired in units or attached to other securities. The Fund may temporarily invest cash balances, maintained for liquidity purposes or pending investment, in short-term high quality debt instruments, including: commercial paper; variable and floating rate securities; repurchase agreements; bank obligations; and U.S. government securities, its agencies and instrumentalities. The Fund may not invest in restricted securities (including private placements).

PD Small-Cap Growth Index Portfolio

This Fund is only available through the Pacific Dynamix Portfolios.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund, as a non-principal investment strategy, may purchase and sell stock index futures and options thereon and options on stock indices that are based on the Russell 2000 Index or other indices of small-capitalization companies. The Fund may also enter into futures contracts which are standardized and traded on a U.S. exchange, board of trade, or similar entity to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash. The Fund may also invest in foreign equity securities if U.S. exchange listed and if they are included in the Russell 2000 Growth Index and may invest in warrants; however, not more than 10% of the market value of its assets (at the time of purchase) may be invested in warrants other than warrants acquired in units or attached to other securities. The Fund is also permitted to invest in ADRs; repurchase agreements; rights; equity REITs; U.S. government securities, its agencies or instrumentalities; bank obligations; commercial paper; variable and floating rate securities; firm commitment agreements; when issued securities; other investment companies, including ETFs; and securities that are convertible into common stock. The Fund may maintain a portion of its assets in short-term debt securities and money market instruments to meet redemption requests or pending investment in the securities of the Russell 2000 Growth Index.

PD Small-Cap Value Index Portfolio

This Fund is only available through the Pacific Dynamix Portfolios.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund, as a non-principal investment strategy, may purchase and sell stock index futures and options thereon and options on stock indices that are based on the Russell 2000 Index or other indices of small-capitalization companies. The Fund may also enter into futures contracts which are standardized and traded on a U.S. exchange, board of trade, or similar entity to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash. The Fund may also invest in foreign equity securities if U.S. exchange listed and if they are included in the Russell 2000 Value Index and may invest in warrants; however, not more than 10% of the market value of its assets (at the time of purchase) may be invested in warrants other than warrants acquired in units or attached to other securities. The Fund is also permitted to invest in ADRs; repurchase agreements; rights;



equity REITs; U.S. government securities, its agencies or instrumentalities; bank obligations; commercial paper; variable and floating rate securities; firm commitment agreements; when issued securities; other investment companies, including ETFs; and securities that are convertible into common stock. The Fund may maintain a portion of its assets in short-term debt securities and money market instruments to meet redemption requests or pending investment in the securities of the Russell 2000 Value Index.

PD Emerging Markets Portfolio

This Fund is only available through the Pacific Dynamix Portfolios.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: repurchase agreements; short-term instruments, including U.S. government securities; commercial paper and bank obligations. The Fund may enter into futures contracts to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash and invest in foreign currency futures, forwards or options, which are purchased or sold to hedge against currency fluctuations. The Fund may also enter into forward currency contracts to facilitate the settlement of anticipated or actual equity security purchases and to exchange one currency for another. Such contracts typically settle within five business days or less and are used primarily as a method to fund purchases of equity securities denominated in currencies other than U.S. dollars, to repatriate excess foreign currencies into U.S. dollars, or to sell foreign currencies that are not expected to be needed in the near future in exchange for other currencies that are expected to be used for future equity purchases. While currency hedging is not a principal investment strategy for the Fund, forward currency contracts that are entered into in connection with the foregoing activities may, but are not intended to, act as a Transaction Hedge during the duration of the forward contract. The Fund may invest up to 10% of its assets in Approved Market equity securities that actively trade on over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets; or in shares of other investment companies (open and/or closed-end funds) that invest in one or more Approved Markets, although it intends to do so only where access to those markets is otherwise significantly limited. An “Approved Market” is a country approved by the sub-adviser. These investment companies may include ETFs and similarly structured pooled investments that provide exposure to Approved Markets or other equity markets, including the U.S., for purposes of gaining exposure to the equity markets while maintaining liquidity. From time to time, the Fund may receive warrants, rights and other derivative securities in connection with corporate actions. Pending the investment of new capital in Approved Markets securities, the Fund will typically invest in money market instruments or other highly liquid debt instruments including those denominated in U.S. dollars (including repurchase agreements). In addition, the Fund may, for liquidity, or for temporary defensive purposes during periods in which market or economic or political conditions warrant, purchase highly liquid debt instruments or hold freely convertible currencies, although the Fund does not expect the aggregate of all such amounts to exceed 10% of its net assets under normal circumstances.

Because the weight of each name in the Fund is generally based on the relative market capitalizations of eligible holdings, it is possible that the Fund might hold at least 5% of the outstanding voting securities of one or more issuers. In such circumstances, the Fund and the issuer would be deemed affiliated persons and certain requirements under the federal securities laws and regulations regulating dealings between mutual funds and their affiliates might become applicable.

PD International Large-Cap Portfolio

This Fund is only available through the Pacific Dynamix Portfolios.

In addition to the principal investment strategies described in the Prospectus, the Fund may invest non-principally in: repurchase agreements; and short-term instruments, including U.S. government securities; commercial paper and bank obligations. The Fund may enter into futures contracts to provide equity exposure to the Fund’s cash and invest in foreign currency futures, forwards or options, which are purchased or sold to hedge against currency fluctuations. The Fund may also enter into forward currency contracts to facilitate the settlement of anticipated or actual equity security purchases and to exchange one currency for another. Such contracts typically settle within five business days or less and are used primarily as a method to fund purchases of equity securities denominated in currencies other than U.S. dollars, to repatriate excess foreign currencies into U.S. dollars, or to sell foreign currencies that are not expected to be needed in the near future in exchange for other currencies that are expected to be used for future equity purchases. While currency hedging is not a principal investment strategy for the Fund, forward currency contracts that are entered into in connection with the foregoing activities may, but are not intended to, act as a Transaction Hedge during the duration of the forward contract. The Fund may invest up to 10% of its assets in Approved Market equity securities that actively trade on over-the-counter (“OTC”) markets; or in shares of other investment companies (open and/or closed-end funds) that invest in one or more Approved Markets, although it intends to do so only where access to those markets is otherwise significantly limited. An “Approved Market” is a country approved by the sub-adviser. These investment companies may include ETFs and similarly structured pooled investments that provide exposure to Approved Markets or other equity markets, including the U.S., for purposes of gaining exposure to the equity markets while maintaining liquidity. From time to time, the Fund may receive warrants, rights and other derivative securities in connection with corporate actions. Pending the investment of new capital in Approved Markets securities, the Fund will typically invest in money market instruments or other highly liquid debt instruments including those denominated in U.S. dollars (including repurchase agreements). In addition, the Fund may, for liquidity, or for temporary defensive purposes during periods in which market or economic or political conditions warrant, purchase highly liquid debt instruments or hold freely convertible currencies, although the Fund does not expect the aggregate of all such amounts to exceed 10% of its net assets under normal circumstances.



Because the weight of each name in the Fund is generally based on the relative market capitalizations of eligible holdings, it is possible that the Funds might include at least 5% of the outstanding voting securities of one or more issuers. In such circumstances, the Fund and the issuer would be deemed affiliated persons and certain requirements under the federal securities laws and regulations regulating dealings between mutual funds and their affiliates might become applicable.

Diversification Versus Non-Diversification

The cover of this SAI sets out which Funds are classified as “diversified” and which are classified as “non-diversified,” as described further below. Each non-diversified fund reserves the right to become a diversified fund by limiting the investments in which more than 5% of the Fund’s assets are invested. Being classified as non-diversified does not prevent a Manager from managing as though it were diversified.

Diversified.    The term “diversified” under the 1940 Act generally means that at least 75% of a Fund’s assets is to be represented by cash and cash items (including receivables), securities issued or guaranteed as to principal or interest by the United States or its agencies or instrumentalities, securities of other investment companies, and other securities and, for purposes of this calculation, it may not invest in other securities if, as a result of such investment (at time of such investment): (a) more than 5% of its assets would be invested in securities of any one issuer, or (b) would hold more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities of any one issuer; except that these restrictions do not apply to U.S. government securities.

Non-diversified.    The term “non-diversified” means that the proportion of a Fund’s assets that may be invested in the securities of a single issuer is not limited by the 1940 Act. However, there are certain Federal tax diversification requirements (for more information, see the “Taxation” section). Because a non-diversified fund may invest in a smaller number of companies than a diversified fund, an investment in a non-diversified fund may, under certain circumstances, present greater risk to an investor than an investment in a diversified fund. This risk includes greater exposure to potential poor earnings or default of fewer issuers than would be the case for a more diversified fund.


Below are descriptions of certain securities and investments that the Funds may use, subject to a particular Fund’s investment restrictions and other limitations, and their related risks as well as other risks to which a Fund may be exposed. Unless otherwise stated in the Prospectuses, many investment strategies, including various hedging techniques and techniques which may be used to help add incremental income, are discretionary. That means Managers may elect to engage or not to engage in the various techniques at their sole discretion. Hedging may not be cost-effective, hedging techniques may not be available when sought to be used by a Manager, or Managers may simply elect not to engage in hedging and have a Fund assume full risk of the investments. Investors should not assume that a Fund will be hedged at all times or that it will be hedged at all; nor should investors assume that any particular discretionary investment technique or strategy will be employed at all times, or ever employed.

The investment strategies described below may be pursued directly by the Underlying Funds. As a general matter, the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and Portfolio Optimization Portfolios do not invest directly in securities. However, the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and Portfolio Optimization Portfolios are subject to the risks described below indirectly through their investment in the Underlying Funds. As a general matter, a Feeder Fund does not invest directly in securities but rather invests directly in its Master Fund. However, the Feeder Funds are subject to the risks described below indirectly through their investment in the Master Funds, which invest directly in securities. The following supplements the discussion in the Master Funds’ prospectus and statement of additional information regarding the investment strategies, policies and risks of the Master Funds.

Equity Securities

Common and preferred stocks represent an ownership interest, or the right to acquire an ownership interest, in an issuer.

The value of a company’s stock may fall as a result of factors directly related to that company, such as decisions made by its management or lower demand for the company’s products or services. A stock’s value also may fall because of factors affecting not just the company, but also companies in the same industry or in a number of different industries, such as increases in production costs. The value of a company’s stock also may be affected by changes in financial markets that are less directly related to the company or its industry, such as changes in interest rates or currency exchange rates.

Preferred stock generally has a greater priority to a company’s earnings and assets. A company generally pays dividends only after the company invests in its own business and makes required payments to holders of its bonds and other debt, and dividends on preferred stock are paid before common stock. For this reason, the value of a company’s common stock will usually react more strongly than its bonds and other debt and preferred stock to actual or perceived changes in the company’s financial condition or outlook. Stocks of companies that the portfolio managers believe are fast-growing may trade at a higher multiple of current earnings than other stocks. The value of such stocks may be more sensitive to changes in current or expected earnings than the values of other stocks.



Common and preferred stocks generally provide different voting rights. Common stock typically entitles the owner to vote on matters related to the company while preferred stock does not typically carry voting rights.

Common and preferred stocks have different priority in the event of the bankruptcy and/or insolvency of the company. In the event the issuer declares bankruptcy or is otherwise insolvent, the claims of secured and unsecured creditors and owners of bonds and other debt take precedence over the claims of those who own common and preferred stock. For this reason, the value of common and preferred stock will usually react more strongly than bonds and other debt to actual or perceived changes in the company’s financial condition or outlook. Preferred stock may entitle the owner to receive, in preference to the holders of common stock, a fixed share of the proceeds resulting from a liquidation of the company.

Common and preferred stocks also generally provide different dividend rights. Common stock owners are typically entitled to receive dividends declared and paid on such shares. Preferred stock, unlike common stock, often has a stated dividend rate payable from the company’s earnings. Preferred stock dividends may pay out at fixed or adjustable rates of return, and can be cumulative or non-cumulative, participating or non-participating. Cumulative dividend provisions require all or a portion of prior unpaid dividends to be paid before dividends can be paid to the company’s common stock, while a dividend on non-cumulative preferred stock that has not been paid on the stated dividend period is typically lost forever. Participating preferred stock may be entitled to a dividend exceeding the declared dividend in certain cases, while non-participating preferred stock is limited to the stated dividend. Adjustable rate preferred stock pays a dividend that is adjustable on a periodic basis, generally based on changes in certain interest rates. If interest rates rise, a fixed dividend on preferred stocks may be less attractive, causing the price of such stocks to decline. Preferred stock may have mandatory sinking fund provisions, as well as provisions allowing the stock to be called or redeemed, which can limit the benefit of a decline in interest rates. Preferred stock is subject to many of the risks to which common stock are subject, including issuer-specific and market risks, but is also subject to many of the risks to which debt securities are subject, such as interest rate risk. The risks of equity securities are generally magnified in the case of equity investments in distressed companies.

Equity-related securities share certain characteristics of equity securities and may include convertible securities and warrants. These instruments are discussed elsewhere in the Prospectuses and this SAI. Equity-related securities are subject to many of the same risks, although possibly to different degrees.

Initial Public Offering (“IPO”) and Secondary Offering.    An IPO is the first sale of stock by a private company to the public. IPOs are often issued by smaller, newer companies seeking capital financing to expand, but can also be done by large privately-owned companies looking to become publicly traded. The volume of IPOs and the levels at which the newly issued stocks trade in the secondary market are affected by the performance of the stock market overall. If IPOs are brought to the market, availability may be limited and a Fund may not be able to buy any shares at the offering price, or if a Fund is able to buy shares, it may not be able to buy as many shares at the offering price as it would like. The values of securities involved in IPOs are subject to greater volatility and unpredictability than more established stocks. For newer companies, there is often little historical data with which to analyze the company, making it more difficult to predict what the stock will do on its initial day of trading and in the near future. Also, most IPOs are done by companies going through transition, and are therefore subject to additional uncertainty regarding their future value. A secondary offering is the issuance of new stock to the public by a company that has already made its IPO. Secondary offerings are usually made by companies seeking to refinance or raise capital for growth.

U.S. Government Securities

All Funds may invest in U.S. government securities. U.S. government securities are obligations of, or guaranteed by, the U.S. government, its agencies, or instrumentalities. Treasury bills, notes, and bonds are direct obligations of the U.S. Treasury and they differ with respect to certain items such as coupons, maturities, and dates of issue. Treasury bills have a maturity of one year or less. Treasury notes have maturities of one to ten years and Treasury bonds generally have a maturity of greater than ten years. Securities guaranteed by the U.S. government include federal agency obligations guaranteed as to principal and interest by the U.S. Treasury (such as Government National Mortgage Association (“GNMA”) certificates (described below) and Federal Housing Administration debentures). With guaranteed securities, the payment of principal and interest is guaranteed by the U.S. government. Direct obligations of and securities guaranteed by the U.S. government are subject to variations in market value due to, among other factors, fluctuations in interest rates and changes to the financial condition or credit rating of the U.S. government.

Securities issued by U.S. government instrumentalities and certain federal agencies are neither direct obligations of, nor guaranteed by, the U.S. Treasury. However, they involve federal sponsorship in one way or another: some are backed by specific types of collateral; some are supported by the issuer’s right to borrow from the U.S. Treasury; some are supported by the discretionary authority of the U.S. Treasury to purchase certain obligations of the issuer; others are supported only by the credit of the issuing government agency or instrumentality. These agencies and instrumentalities include, but are not limited to Federal National Mortgage Association, Federal Home Loan Bank, Federal Land Banks, Farmers Home Administration, Central Bank for Cooperatives, Federal Intermediate Credit Banks, Federal Financing Bank, Farm Credit Banks, and the Tennessee Valley Authority. The maximum potential



liability of the issuers of some U.S. government agencies and instrumentalities may greatly exceed their current resources, including their legal right to support from the U.S. Treasury. It is possible that these issuers will not have the funds to meet their payment obligations in the future.

Inflation-Indexed Bonds

Inflation-indexed bonds are debt securities whose principal value is periodically adjusted according to the rate of inflation. Two structures are common. The U.S. Treasury and some other issuers use a structure that accrues inflation into the principal value of the bond. Most other issuers pay out the Consumer Price Index (“CPI”) accruals as part of a semi-annual coupon. Although inflation-indexed bonds may be somewhat less liquid than Treasury Securities, they are generally as liquid as most other government securities.

Inflation-indexed securities issued by the U.S. Treasury (or “TIPs”) have maturities of five, ten or thirty years, although it is possible that securities with other maturities will be issued in the future. The U.S. Treasury securities pay interest on a semi-annual basis, equal to a fixed percentage of the inflation-adjusted principal amount. For example, if a Fund purchased an inflation-indexed bond with a par value of $1,000 and a 3% real rate of return coupon (payable 1.5% semi-annually), and inflation over the first six months was 1%, the mid-year par value of the bond would be $1,010 and the first semi-annual interest payment would be $15.15 ($1,010 times 1.5%). If inflation during the second half of the year resulted in the whole year’s inflation equaling 3%, the end-of-year par value of the bond would be $1,030 and the second semi-annual interest payment would be $15.45 ($1,030 times 1.5%).

If the periodic adjustment rate measuring inflation falls, the principal value of inflation-indexed bonds will be adjusted downward, and consequently the interest payable on these securities (calculated with respect to a smaller principal amount) will be reduced. Repayment of the original bond principal upon maturity (as adjusted for inflation) is guaranteed in the case of U.S. Treasury inflation-indexed bonds, even during a period of deflation. However, the current market value of the bonds is not guaranteed, and will fluctuate. A Fund may also invest in other inflation related bonds which may or may not provide a similar guarantee. If a guarantee of principal is not provided, the adjusted principal value of the bond repaid at maturity may be less than the original principal.

The value of inflation-indexed bonds is expected to change in response to changes in real interest rates. Real interest rates in turn are tied to the relationship between nominal interest rates and the rate of inflation. Therefore, if inflation were to rise at a faster rate than nominal interest rates, real interest rates might decline, leading to an increase in value of inflation-indexed bonds. In contrast, if nominal interest rates increased at a faster rate than inflation, real interest rates might rise, leading to a decrease in value of inflation-indexed bonds.

While these securities are expected to be protected from long-term inflationary trends, short-term increases in inflation may lead to a decline in value. If interest rates rise due to reasons other than inflation (for example, due to changes in currency exchange rates), investors in these securities may not be protected to the extent that the increase is not reflected in the bond’s inflation measure.

The periodic adjustment of U.S. inflation-indexed bonds is tied to the Consumer Price Index for Urban Consumers (“CPI-U”), which is calculated monthly by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The CPI-U is a measurement of changes in the cost of living, made up of components such as housing, food, transportation and energy. Inflation-indexed bonds issued by a foreign government are generally adjusted to reflect a comparable inflation index, calculated by that government. There can be no assurance that the CPI-U or any foreign inflation index will accurately measure the real rate of inflation in the prices of goods and services. Moreover, there can be no assurance that the rate of inflation in a foreign country will be correlated to the rate of inflation in the United States.

Real Estate Investment Trusts

Real Estate Investment Trusts (“REITs”) pool investors’ funds for investment primarily in income-producing real estate or in loans or interests related to real estate. A REIT is not taxed on income distributed to its shareholders or unit holders if it complies with a regulatory requirement that it distributes to its shareholders or unit holders at least 90% of its taxable income for each taxable year. Generally, REITs can be classified as equity REITs, mortgage REITs or hybrid REITs. Equity REITs invest a majority of their assets directly in real property and derive their income primarily from rents and capital gains from appreciation realized through property sales. Equity REITs are further categorized according to the types of real estate securities they own, e.g., apartment properties, retail shopping centers, office and industrial properties, hotels, health-care facilities, manufactured housing and mixed-property types. Mortgage REITs invest a majority of their assets in real estate mortgages and derive their income primarily from income payments. Hybrid REITs combine the characteristics of both equity and mortgage REITs.

REITs depend generally on their ability to generate cash flow to make distributions to shareholders or unit holders, and may be subject to changes in the value of their underlying properties, defaults by borrowers, and self-liquidations. Some REITs may have limited diversification and may be subject to risks inherent in investments in a limited number of properties, in a narrow geographic area, or in a single property type. Equity REITs may be affected by changes in underlying property values. Mortgage REITs may be affected by the quality of the credit extended. REITs are dependent upon specialized management skills and incur management expenses. In addition, the performance of a REIT may be affected by its failure to qualify for tax-free pass-through of income under



the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), or its failure to maintain an exemption from registration under the 1940 Act. REITs also involve risks such as refinancing, changes in interest rates, changes in property values, general or specific economic risk on the real estate industry, dependency on management skills, and other risks similar to small company investing.

Although a Fund is not allowed to invest in real estate directly, it may acquire real estate as a result of a default on the REIT securities it owns. A Fund, therefore, may be subject to certain risks associated with the direct ownership of real estate including difficulties in valuing and trading real estate, declines in the value of real estate, risks related to general and local economic conditions, adverse changes in the climate for real estate, environmental liability risks, increases in property taxes and operating expenses, changes in zoning laws, casualty or condemnation losses, limitation on rents, changes in neighborhood values, the appeal of properties to tenants and increases in interest rates. Also, real estate can be destroyed by human activities, including criminal acts, or other events such as natural disasters.

Mortgages and Mortgage-Related Securities

Mortgage-related securities are interests in pools of residential or commercial mortgage loans, including mortgage loans made by savings and loan institutions, mortgage banks, commercial banks, and others. Pools of mortgage loans are assembled as securities for sale to investors by various governmental, government-related, and private organizations. Subject to its investment strategies, a Fund may invest in mortgage-related securities as well as debt securities which are secured with collateral consisting of mortgage-related securities, and in other types of mortgage-related securities. For information concerning the characterization of mortgage-related securities (including collateralized mortgage obligations) for various purposes including the Trust’s policies concerning diversification and concentration, see the “Diversification versus Non-Diversification” and “Fundamental Investment Restrictions” sections.

Mortgages (Directly Held).    Mortgages are debt instruments secured by real property. Unlike mortgage-backed securities, which generally represent an interest in a pool of mortgages, direct investments in mortgages involve prepayment and credit risks of an individual issuer and real property. Consequently, these investments require different investment and credit analysis by the Manager.

The directly placed mortgages in which the Funds invest may include residential mortgages, multifamily mortgages, mortgages on cooperative apartment buildings, commercial mortgages, and sale-leasebacks. These investments are backed by assets such as office buildings, shopping centers, retail stores, warehouses, apartment buildings and single-family dwellings. In the event that a Fund forecloses on any non-performing mortgage, and acquires a direct interest in the real property, such Fund will be subject to the risks generally associated with the ownership of real property. There may be fluctuations in the market value of the foreclosed property and its occupancy rates, rent schedules and operating expenses. There may also be adverse changes in local, regional or general economic conditions, deterioration of the real estate market and the financial circumstances of tenants and sellers, unfavorable changes in zoning, building environmental and other laws, increased real property taxes, rising interest rates, reduced availability and increased cost of mortgage borrowings, the need for unanticipated renovations, unexpected increases in the cost of energy, environmental factors, acts of God and other factors which are beyond the control of the Funds or the Managers. Hazardous or toxic substances may be present on, at or under the mortgaged property and adversely affect the value of the property. In addition, the owners of property containing such substances may be held responsible, under various laws, for containing, monitoring, removing or cleaning up such substances. The presence of such substances may also provide a basis for other claims by third parties. Costs or clean up or of liabilities to third parties may exceed the value of the property. In addition, these risks may be uninsurable. In light of these and similar risks, it may be impossible to dispose profitably of properties in foreclosure.

Mortgage Pass-Through Securities.    These are securities representing interests in “pools” of mortgages in which payments of both interest and principal on the securities are made periodically, in effect “passing through” periodic payments made by the individual borrowers on the residential mortgage loans which underlie the securities (net of fees paid to the issuer or guarantor of the securities). Early repayment of principal on mortgage pass-through securities (arising from prepayments of principal due to sale of the underlying property, refinancing, or foreclosure, net of fees and costs which may be incurred) may expose a Fund to a lower rate of return upon reinvestment of principal. Payment of principal and interest on some mortgage pass-through securities may be guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government (such as securities guaranteed by the Government National Mortgage Association, or “GNMAs”); other securities may be guaranteed by agencies or instrumentalities of the U.S. government such as Fannie Mae, formerly known as the Federal National Mortgage Association (“FNMA”) or the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“FHLMC”) and are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. Mortgage pass-through securities created by non-governmental issuers (such as commercial banks, savings and loan institutions, private mortgage insurance companies, mortgage bankers, and other secondary market issuers) may be supported by various forms of insurance or guarantees, including individual loan, title, pool and hazard insurance and letters of credit, which may be issued by governmental entities, private insurers, or the mortgage poolers. Transactions in mortgage pass-through securities occur through standardized contracts for future delivery in which the exact mortgage pools to be delivered are not specified until a few days prior to settlement, referred to as a “to-be-announced



transaction” or “TBA Transaction.” A TBA Transaction is a method of trading mortgage-backed securities. In a TBA Transaction, the buyer and seller agree upon general trade parameters such as issuer, settlement date, par amount and price. The actual pools delivered generally are determined two days prior to the settlement date.

GNMA Certificates.    GNMA certificates are mortgage-backed securities representing part ownership of a pool of mortgage loans on which timely payment of interest and principal is guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. GNMA is a wholly-owned U.S. government corporation within the Department of Housing and Urban Development. GNMA is authorized to guarantee, with the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, the timely payment of principal and interest on securities issued by institutions approved by GNMA (such as savings and loan institutions, commercial banks, and mortgage bankers) and backed by pools of mortgages insured by the Federal Housing Administration (“FHA”), or guaranteed by the Department of Veterans Affairs (“VA”). GNMA certificates differ from typical bonds because principal is repaid monthly over the term of the loan rather than returned in a lump sum at maturity. Because both interest and principal payments (including prepayments) on the underlying mortgage loans are passed through to the holder of the certificate, GNMA certificates are called “pass-through” securities.

Interests in pools of mortgage-related securities differ from other forms of debt securities, which normally provide for periodic payment of interest in fixed amounts with principal payments at maturity or specified call dates. Instead, these securities provide a periodic payment which consists of both interest and principal payments. In effect, these payments are a “pass-through” of the periodic payments made by the individual borrowers on the residential mortgage loans, net of any fees paid to the issuer or guarantor of such securities. Additional payments are caused by repayments of principal resulting from the sale of the underlying residential property, refinancing or foreclosure, net of fees or costs which may be incurred. Mortgage-related securities issued by GNMA are described as “modified pass-through” securities. These securities entitle the holder to receive all interest and principal payments owed on the mortgage pool, net of certain fees, at the scheduled payment dates regardless of whether or not the mortgagor actually makes the payment. Although GNMA guarantees timely payment even if homeowners delay or default, tracking the “pass-through” payments may, at times, be difficult. Expected payments may be delayed due to the delays in registering the newly traded paper securities. The custodian’s policies for crediting missed payments while errant receipts are tracked down may vary. Other mortgage-backed securities such as those of FHLMC and FNMA trade in book-entry form and are not subject to the risk of delays in timely payment of income.

Although the mortgage loans in the pool will have maturities of up to 30 years, the actual average life of the GNMA certificates typically will be substantially less because the mortgages will be subject to normal principal amortization and may be prepaid prior to maturity. Early repayments of principal on the underlying mortgages may expose a Fund to a lower rate of return upon reinvestment of principal. Prepayment rates vary widely and may be affected by changes in market interest rates. In periods of falling interest rates, the rate of prepayment tends to increase, thereby shortening the actual average life of the GNMA certificates. Conversely, when interest rates are rising, the rate of prepayment tends to decrease, thereby lengthening the actual average life of the GNMA certificates. Accordingly, it is not possible to accurately predict the average life of a particular pool. Reinvestment of prepayments may occur at higher or lower rates than the original yield on the certificates. Due to the prepayment feature and the need to reinvest prepayments of principal at current rates, GNMA certificates can be less effective than typical bonds of similar maturities at “locking in” yields during periods of declining interest rates, although they may have comparable risks of decline in value during periods of rising interest rates.

FNMA and FHLMC Mortgage-Backed Obligations.    Government-related guarantors (i.e., not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government) include FNMA and FHLMC. FNMA, a federally chartered and privately-owned corporation, issues pass-through securities representing interests in a pool of conventional mortgage loans. FNMA guarantees the timely payment of principal and interest but this guarantee is not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. FNMA is a government sponsored corporation owned entirely by private stockholders. It is subject to general regulation by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and the U.S. Treasury. FNMA purchases conventional (i.e., not insured or guaranteed by any government agency) residential mortgages from a list of approved seller/servicers which include state and federally-chartered savings and loan associations, mutual savings banks, commercial banks and credit unions, and mortgage bankers. FHLMC, a federally chartered and privately-owned corporation, was created by Congress in 1970 for the purpose of increasing the availability of mortgage credit for residential housing. FHLMC issues Participation Certificates (“PCs”) which represent interests in conventional mortgages from FHLMC’s national fund. FHLMC guarantees the timely payment of interest and ultimate collection of principal and maintains reserves to protect holders against losses due to default, but PCs are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. As is the case with GNMA certificates, the actual maturity of and realized yield on particular FNMA and FHLMC pass-through securities will vary based on the prepayment experience of the underlying pool of mortgages.

In September 2008, FNMA and FHLMC were each placed into conservatorship by the U.S. government under the authority of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (“FHFA”), an agency of the U.S. government, with a stated purpose to preserve and conserve FNMA’s and FHLMC’s assets and property and to put FNMA and FHLMC in a sound and solvent condition. No assurance can be given that the purposes of the conservatorship and related actions under the authority of FHFA will be met.



FHFA has the power to repudiate any contract entered into by FNMA or FHLMC prior to FHFA’s appointment if FHFA determines that performance of the contract is burdensome and the repudiation of the contract promotes the orderly administration of FNMA’s or FHLMC’s affairs. FHFA has indicated that it has no intention to repudiate the guaranty obligations of FNMA or FHLMC. FHFA also has the right to transfer or sell any asset or liability of FNMA or FHLMC without any approval, assignment or consent, although FHFA has stated that is has no present intention to do so. In addition, holders of mortgage-backed securities issued by FNMA and FHLMC may not enforce certain rights related to such securities against FHFA, or the enforcement of such rights may be delayed, during the conservatorship.

Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (“CMOs”).    A CMO is a hybrid between a mortgage-backed bond and a mortgage pass-through security. Similar to a bond, interest and prepaid principal is paid, in most cases, semi-annually. CMOs may be collateralized by whole mortgage loans but are more typically collateralized by portfolios of mortgage pass-through securities guaranteed by GNMA, FHLMC, or FNMA, and their income streams.

CMOs are structured into multiple classes, each bearing a different stated maturity. Actual maturity and average life will depend upon the prepayment experience of the collateral. CMOs provide for a modified form of call protection through a de facto breakdown of the underlying pool of mortgages according to how quickly the loans are repaid. Monthly payment of principal received from the pool of underlying mortgages, including prepayments, generally is first returned to investors holding the shortest maturity class. Investors holding the longer maturity classes receive principal only after the first class has been retired. An investor is partially guarded against a sooner than desired return of principal because of the sequential payments.

In a typical CMO transaction, a corporation (issuer) issues multiple series (e.g., A, B, C, Z) of CMO bonds (“Bonds”). Proceeds of the Bond offering are used to purchase mortgages or mortgage pass-through certificates (“Collateral”). The Collateral is pledged to a third party trustee as security for the Bonds. Principal and interest payments from the Collateral are used to pay principal on the Bonds in the order A, B, C, Z. The series A, B, and C Bonds all bear current interest. Interest on the series Z Bond is accrued and added to principal and a like amount is paid as principal on the series A, B, or C Bond currently being paid off. When the series A, B, and C Bonds are paid in full, interest and principal on the series Z Bond begins to be paid currently. With some CMOs, the issuer serves as a conduit to allow loan originators (primarily builders or savings and loan associations) to borrow against their loan funds.

FHLMC Collateralized Mortgage Obligations.    FHLMC CMOs are debt obligations of FHLMC issued in multiple classes having different maturity dates which are secured by the pledge of a pool of conventional mortgage loans purchased by FHLMC. Unlike FHLMC PCs, payments of principal and interest on the CMOs are made semi-annually, as opposed to monthly. The amount of principal payable on each semi-annual payment date is determined in accordance with FHLMC’s mandatory sinking fund schedule, which, in turn, is equal to approximately 100% of FHA prepayment experience applied to the mortgage collateral pool. All sinking fund payments in the CMOs are allocated to the retirement of the individual classes of bonds in the order of their stated maturities. Payment of principal on the mortgage loans in the collateral pool in excess of the amount of FHLMC’s minimum sinking fund obligation for any payment date are paid to the holders of the CMOs as additional sinking fund payments. Because of the “pass-through” nature of all principal payments received on the collateral pool in excess of FHLMC’s minimum sinking fund requirement, the rate at which principal of the CMOs is actually repaid is likely to be such that each class of bonds will be retired in advance of its scheduled maturity date.

If collection of principal (including prepayments) on the mortgage loans during any semi-annual payment period is not sufficient to meet FHLMC’s minimum sinking fund obligation on the next sinking fund payment date, FHLMC agrees to make up the deficiency from its general funds.

Criteria for the mortgage loans in the pool backing the CMOs are identical to those of FHLMC PCs. FHLMC has the right to substitute collateral in the event of delinquencies and/or defaults.

Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (“CMBS”).    CMBS include securities that reflect an interest in, and are secured by, mortgage loans on commercial real property. Many of the risks of investing in CMBS reflect the risks of investing in the real estate securing the underlying mortgage loans. These risks reflect the effects of local and other economic conditions on real estate markets, the ability of tenants to make loan payments, and the ability of a property to attract and retain tenants. CMBS may be less liquid and exhibit greater price volatility than other types of mortgage- or asset-backed securities.

Adjustable Rate Mortgage-Backed Securities.    Adjustable rate mortgage-backed securities (“ARMBSs”) have interest rates that reset at periodic intervals. Acquiring ARMBSs permits a Fund to participate in increases in prevailing current interest rates through periodic adjustments in the coupons of mortgages underlying the pool on which ARMBSs are based. Such ARMBSs generally have higher current yield and lower price fluctuations than is the case with more traditional debt securities of comparable rating and maturity. In addition, when prepayments of principal are made on the underlying mortgages during periods of rising interest rates, a Fund can reinvest the proceeds of such prepayments at rates higher than those at which they were previously invested. Mortgages underlying most ARMBSs, however, have limits on the allowable annual or lifetime increases that can be made in the interest rate that the mortgagor pays. Therefore, if current interest rates rise above such limits over the period of the limitation, a Fund,



when holding an ARMBS, does not benefit from further increases in interest rates. Moreover, when interest rates are in excess of coupon rates (i.e., the rates being paid by mortgagors) of the mortgages, ARMBSs behave more like debt securities and less like adjustable rate securities and are subject to the risks associated with debt securities. In addition, during periods of rising interest rates, increases in the coupon rate of adjustable rate mortgages generally lag current market interest rates slightly, thereby creating the potential for capital depreciation on such securities.

Other Mortgage-Related Securities.    Commercial banks, savings and loan institutions, private mortgage insurance companies, mortgage bankers, and other secondary market issuers also create pass-through pools of conventional residential mortgage loans. Such issuers may, in addition, be the originators and/or servicers of the underlying mortgage loans as well as the guarantors of the mortgage-related securities. Pools created by such non-governmental issuers generally offer a higher rate of interest than government and government-related pools because there are no direct or indirect government or agency guarantees of payments in the former pools. However, timely payment of interest and principal of these pools may be supported by various forms of insurance or guarantees, including individual loan, title, pool and hazard insurance, and letters of credit. The insurance and guarantees are issued by governmental entities, private insurers, and the mortgage poolers. Such insurance and guarantees and the creditworthiness of the issuers thereof will be considered in determining whether a mortgage-related security meets a Fund’s investment quality standards. There can be no assurance that the private insurers or guarantors can meet their obligations under the insurance policies or guarantee arrangements. A Fund may buy mortgage-related securities without insurance or guarantees, if, in an examination of the loan experience and practices of the originator/servicers and poolers, the Adviser or Manager determines that the securities meet a Fund’s quality standards. Although the market for such securities is becoming increasingly liquid, securities issued by certain private organizations may not be readily marketable. It is expected that governmental, government-related, or private entities may create mortgage loan pools and other mortgage-related securities offering mortgage pass-through and mortgage collateralized investments in addition to those described above. As new types of mortgage-related securities are developed and offered to investors, the Adviser or Manager will, consistent with a Fund’s investment goals, policies, and quality standards, consider making investments in such new types of mortgage-related securities.

CMO Residuals.    CMO residuals are derivative mortgage securities issued by agencies or instrumentalities of the U.S. government or by private originators of, or investors in, mortgage loans, including savings and loan associations, homebuilders, mortgage banks, commercial banks, investment banks and special purpose entities of the foregoing. CMO residuals are risky, volatile and typically unrated.

The cash flow generated by the mortgage assets underlying a series of CMOs is applied first to make required payments of principal and interest on the CMOs and second to pay the related administrative expenses of the issuer. The residual in a CMO structure generally represents the interest in any excess cash flow remaining after making the foregoing payments. Each payment of such excess cash flow to a holder of the related CMO residual represents income and/or a return of capital. The amount of residual cash flow resulting from a CMO will depend on, among other things, the characteristics of the mortgage assets, the coupon rate of each class of CMO, prevailing interest rates, the amount of administrative expenses and the prepayment experience on the mortgage assets. In particular, the yield to maturity on CMO residuals is extremely sensitive to prepayments on the related underlying mortgage assets, in the same manner as an interest-only (“IO”) class of stripped mortgage-backed securities. See “Mortgages and Mortgage-Related Securities — Stripped Mortgage-Backed Securities.” In addition, if a series of a CMO includes a class that bears interest at an adjustable rate, the yield to maturity on the related CMO residual will also be extremely sensitive to changes in the level of the index upon which interest rate adjustments are based. As described below with respect to stripped mortgage-backed securities, in certain circumstances a Fund may fail to recoup fully its initial investment in a CMO residual.

CMO residuals are generally purchased and sold by institutional investors through several investment banking firms acting as brokers or dealers. The CMO residual market has only very recently developed and CMO residuals currently may not have the liquidity of other more established securities trading in other markets. Transactions in CMO residuals are generally completed only after careful review of the characteristics of the securities in question. CMO residuals may or, pursuant to an exemption therefrom, may not have been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (“1933 Act”). CMO residuals, whether or not registered under such Act, may be subject to certain restrictions on transferability, and may be deemed “illiquid” and subject to a Fund’s limitations on investment in illiquid securities.

Planned Amortization Class Certificates (“PACs”) and Support Bonds.    PACs are parallel-pay real estate mortgage investment conduit (“REMIC”) certificates that generally require that specified amounts of principal be applied on each payment date to one or more classes of REMIC certificates, even though all other principal payments and prepayments of the mortgage assets are then required to be applied to one or more other classes of the certificates. The scheduled principal payments for the PAC certificates generally have the highest priority on each payment date after interest due has been paid to all classes entitled to receive interest currently. Shortfalls, if any, are added to the amount payable on the next payment date. The PAC certificate payment schedule is taken into account in calculating the final distribution date of each class of the PAC certificate. In order to create PAC Tranches, generally one or more tranches must be created that absorb most of the volatility in the underlying mortgage assets. These tranches tend to have market prices and yields that are much more volatile than other PAC classes.



Any CMO or multi-class pass through structure that includes PAC securities must also have support tranches — known as support bonds, companion bonds or non-PAC bonds — which lend or absorb principal cash flows to allow the PAC securities to maintain their stated maturities and final distribution dates within a range of actual prepayment experience. These support tranches are subject to a higher level of maturity risk compared to other mortgage-related securities, and usually provide a higher yield to compensate investors. If principal cash flows are received in amounts outside a pre-determined range such that the support bonds cannot lend or absorb sufficient cash flows to the PAC securities as intended, the PAC securities are subject to heightened maturity risk. Consistent with its investment objectives and policies, a Fund may invest in various tranches of CMO bonds, including support bonds.

A PAC IO is a PAC bond that pays an extremely high coupon rate, such as 200%, on its outstanding principal balance, and pays down according to a designated PAC schedule. Due to their high-coupon interest, PAC IO’s are priced at very high premiums to par. Due to the nature of PAC prepayment bands and PAC collars, the PAC IO has a greater call (contraction) potential and thus would be impacted negatively by a sustained increase in prepayment speeds.

Stripped Mortgage-Backed Securities.    Stripped mortgage-backed securities (“SMBS”) are derivative multi-class mortgage securities. SMBS may be issued by agencies or instrumentalities of the U.S. government, or by private originators of, or investors in, mortgage loans, including savings and loan associations, mortgage banks, commercial banks, investment banks and special purpose entities of the foregoing.

SMBS are usually structured with two classes that receive different proportions of the interest and principal distributions on a pool of mortgage assets. A common type of SMBS will have one class receiving some of the interest and most of the principal from the mortgage assets, while the other class will receive most of the interest and the remainder of the principal. In the most extreme case, one class will receive all of the interest (the interest-only or “IO” class), while the other class will receive all of the principal (the principal-only or “PO” class). The yield to maturity on an IO class is extremely sensitive to the rate of principal payments (including prepayments) on the related underlying mortgage assets, and a rapid rate of principal payments may have a material adverse effect on the Fund’s yield to maturity from these securities. If the underlying mortgage assets experience greater than anticipated prepayments of principal, a Fund may fail to fully recoup its initial investment in these securities even if the security is in one of the highest rating categories.

Although SMBS are purchased and sold by institutional investors through several investment banking firms acting as brokers or dealers, secondary markets for these securities may not be as developed or have the same volume as markets for other types of securities. These securities, therefore, may have more limited liquidity and may at times be illiquid and subject to a Fund’s limitations on investment in illiquid securities.

Mortgage Dollar Rolls.    Mortgage “dollar rolls” are contracts in which a Fund sells securities for delivery in the current month and simultaneously contracts with the same counterparty to repurchase substantially similar (same type, coupon and maturity) but not identical securities on a specified future date. During the roll period, a Fund loses the right to receive principal and interest paid on the securities sold. However, a Fund would benefit to the extent of any difference between the price received for the securities sold and the lower forward price for the future purchase or fee income plus the interest earned on the cash proceeds of the securities sold until the settlement date for the forward purchase. Unless such benefits exceed the income, capital appreciation and gain or loss due to mortgage prepayments that would have been realized on the securities sold as part of the mortgage dollar roll, the use of this technique will diminish the investment performance of a Fund. A Fund will hold and maintain in a segregated account until the settlement date cash or liquid assets in an amount equal to the forward purchase price. For financial reporting and tax purposes, a Fund treats mortgage dollar rolls as two separate transactions; one involving the purchase of a security and a separate transaction involving a sale. Funds do not currently intend to enter into mortgage dollar rolls that are accounted for as financing and do not treat them as borrowings.

Other Asset-Backed Securities

Other asset-backed securities are securities that directly or indirectly represent a participation interest in, or are secured by and payable from a stream of payments generated by particular assets such as automobile loans or installment sales contracts, home equity loans, computer and other leases, credit card receivables, or other assets. Generally, the payments from the collateral are passed through to the security holder. Due to the possibility that prepayments (on automobile loans and other collateral) will alter cash flow on asset-backed securities, generally it is not possible to determine in advance the actual final maturity date or average life of many asset-backed securities. Faster prepayment will shorten the average life and slower prepayment will lengthen it. However, it may be possible to determine what the range of that movement could be and to calculate the effect that it will have on the price of the security. Other risks relate to limited interests in applicable collateral. For example, credit card debt receivables are generally unsecured and the debtors are entitled to the protection of a number of state and federal consumer credit laws, many of which give such debtors the right to set off certain amounts on credit card debt thereby reducing the balance due. Additionally, holders of asset-backed securities may also experience delays in payments or losses if the full amounts due on underlying sales contracts are not realized. The securities market for asset-backed securities may not, at times, offer the same degree of liquidity as markets for other types of securities with greater trading volume.



Collateralized Bond Obligations (“CBOs”), Collateralized Loan Obligations (“CLOs”) and other Collateralized Debt Obligations (“CDOs”).    CBOs, CLOs and other CDOs are types of asset-backed securities. A CBO is a trust which is often backed by a diversified pool of high risk, below investment grade debt securities. The collateral can be from many different types of debt securities such as high yield debt, residential privately issued mortgage-related securities, commercial privately issued mortgage-related securities, trust preferred securities and emerging market debt. A CLO is a trust typically collateralized by a pool of loans, which may include, among others, domestic and foreign senior secured loans, senior unsecured loans, and subordinate corporate loans, including loans that may be rated below investment grade or equivalent unrated loans. Other CDOs are trusts backed by other types of assets representing obligations of various parties. CBOs, CLOs and other CDOs may charge management fees and administrative expenses.

For CBOs, CLOs and other CDOs, the cash flows from the trust are split into two or more portions, called tranches, varying in risk and yield. The riskiest portion is the “equity” tranche which bears the bulk of defaults from the bonds or loans in the trust and serves to protect the other, more senior tranches from default in all but the most severe circumstances. Since they are partially protected from defaults, senior tranches from a CBO trust, CLO trust or trust of another CDO typically have higher ratings and lower yields than their underlying securities, and can be rated investment grade. Despite the protection from the equity tranche, CBO, CLO or other CDO tranches can experience substantial losses due to actual defaults, increased sensitivity to defaults due to collateral default and disappearance of protecting tranches, market anticipation of defaults, as well as aversion to CBO, CLO or other CDO securities as a class.

The risks of an investment in a CBO, CLO or other CDO depend largely on the type of the collateral securities and the class of the instrument in which a Fund invests. Normally, CBOs, CLOs and other CDOs are privately offered and sold, and thus, are not registered under the securities laws. As a result, investments in CBOs, CLOs and other CDOs may be characterized as illiquid securities, however an active dealer market may exist for CBOs, CLOs and other CDOs allowing them to qualify for Rule 144A transactions. In addition to the normal risks associated with debt securities discussed elsewhere in this SAI and the Prospectuses (e.g., interest rate risk and default risk), CBOs, CLOs and other CDOs carry additional risks including, but are not limited to: (i) the possibility that distributions from collateral securities will not be adequate to make interest or other payments; (ii) the quality of the collateral may decline in value or default; (iii) investments may be made in CBOs, CLOs or other CDOs that are subordinate to other classes; and (iv) the complex structure of the security may not be fully understood at the time of investment and may produce disputes with the issuer or unexpected investment results.

Linked Securities

Linked securities are debt securities whose value at maturity or interest rate is linked to currencies, interest rates, equity securities, indices, commodity prices or other financial indicators. Among the types of linked securities in which a Fund can invest include:

Equity-Linked, Debt-Linked and Index-Linked Securities.    Equity-linked, debt-linked and index-linked securities are privately issued securities whose investment results are designed to correspond generally to the performance of a specified stock index or “basket” of stocks, or sometimes a single stock. To the extent that a Fund invests in an equity-linked, debt-linked or index-linked security whose return corresponds to the performance of a foreign securities index or one or more foreign stocks, investing in these securities will involve risks similar to the risks of investing in foreign securities. For more information concerning the risks associated with investing in foreign securities, see the “Foreign Securities” section. In addition, a Fund bears the risk that the issuer of these securities may default on its obligation under the security. These securities are often used for many of the same purposes as, and share many of the same risks with, derivative instruments such as stock index futures, warrants and swap agreements. For more information concerning the risks associated with investing in stock index futures, warrants and swap agreements, see “Stock Index Futures” under “Futures Contracts and Options on Futures Contracts,” “Risks of Swap Agreements” under “Swap Agreements and Options on Swap Agreements,” and “Warrants and Rights.”

Currency-Indexed Securities.    Currency-indexed securities typically are short-term or intermediate-term debt securities. Their value at maturity or the rates at which they pay income are determined by the change in value of the U.S. dollar against one or more foreign currencies or an index. In some cases, these securities may pay an amount at maturity based on a multiple of the amount of the relative currency movements. This type of index security offers the potential for increased income or principal payments but at a greater risk of loss than a typical debt security of the same maturity and credit quality.

Event-Linked Bonds.    Event-linked bonds are debt securities, for which the return of principal and payment of interest is contingent on the non-occurrence of a specific “trigger” event, such as a hurricane, earthquake, or other physical or weather-related phenomenon. Some event-linked bonds are commonly referred to as “catastrophe bonds.” They may be issued by government agencies, insurance companies, reinsurers, special purpose corporations or other on-shore or off-shore entities. If a trigger event occurs and causes losses exceeding a specific amount in the geographic region and time period specified in a bond, a Fund investing in the bond may lose a portion or all of its principal invested in the bond. If no trigger event occurs, the Fund will recover its principal



plus interest. For some event-linked bonds, the trigger event or losses may be based on company-wide losses, index-portfolio losses, industry indices, or readings of scientific instruments rather than specified actual losses. Often the event-linked bonds provide for extensions of maturity that are mandatory, or optional at the discretion of the issuer, in order to process and audit loss claims in those cases where a trigger event has, or possibly has, occurred. An extension of maturity may increase volatility. In addition to the specified trigger events, event-linked bonds may also expose a Fund to certain unanticipated risks including but not limited to issuer (credit) default, adverse regulatory or jurisdictional interpretations, and adverse tax consequences. Event-linked bonds may also be subject to liquidity risk.

Event-linked bonds are a relatively new type of financial instrument. As such, there is no significant trading history of these securities, and there can be no assurance that a liquid market in these instruments will develop. See “Illiquid and Restricted Securities” for more information. Lack of a liquid market may impose the risk of higher transaction costs and the possibility that a Fund may be forced to liquidate positions when it would not be advantageous to do so. Event-linked bonds are typically rated, and a Fund will only invest in catastrophe bonds that meet the credit quality requirements for the Fund.

Zero Coupon, Deferred Interest, Step Coupon and Payment-In-Kind Bonds

Zero coupon and deferred interest bonds are issued and traded at a discount from their face value. The discount approximates the total amount of interest the bonds will accrue and compound over the period until maturity or the first interest payment date at a rate of interest reflecting the market rate of the security at the time of issuance. While zero coupon bonds do not require periodic payment of interest, deferred interest bonds provide for a period of delay before the regular payment of interest begins. Step coupon bonds trade at a discount from their face value and pay coupon interest. The coupon rate is low for an initial period and then increases to a higher coupon rate thereafter. The discount from the face amount or par value depends on the time remaining until cash payments begin, prevailing interest rates, liquidity of the security and the perceived credit quality of the issuer. Payment-in-kind bonds normally give the issuer an option to pay cash at a coupon payment date or give the holder of the security a similar bond with the same coupon rate and a face value equal to the amount of the coupon payment that would have been made.

High Yield Bonds

High yield bonds are non-investment grade high risk debt securities (high yield bonds are commonly referred to as “junk bonds”).

In general, high yield bonds are not considered to be investment grade, and investors should consider the risks associated with high yield bonds before investing in the pertinent Fund. Investment in such securities generally provides greater income and increased opportunity for capital appreciation than investments in higher quality securities, but they also typically entail greater price volatility and principal and income risk.

Investment in high yield bonds involves special risks in addition to the risks associated with investments in higher rated debt securities. High yield bonds are regarded as predominately speculative with respect to the issuer’s continuing ability to meet principal and interest payments. Certain Brady Bonds may be considered high yield bonds. For more information on Brady Bonds, see “Foreign Securities.” A severe economic downturn or increase in interest rates might increase defaults in high yield securities issued by highly leveraged companies. An increase in the number of defaults could adversely affect the value of all outstanding high yield securities, thus disrupting the market for such securities. Analysis of the creditworthiness of issuers of debt securities that are high yield bonds may be more complex than for issuers of higher quality debt securities, and the ability of a Fund to achieve its investment goal may, to the extent of investment in high yield bonds, be more dependent upon such creditworthiness analysis than would be the case if the Fund were investing in higher quality bonds.

High yield bonds may be more susceptible to real or perceived adverse economic and competitive industry conditions than investment grade bonds. The prices of high yield bonds have been found to be less sensitive to interest-rate changes than higher-rated investments, but more sensitive to adverse economic downturns or individual corporate developments. A projection of an economic downturn or of a period of rising interest rates, for example, could cause a decline in high yield bond prices because the advent of a recession could lessen the ability of a highly leveraged company to make principal and interest payments on its debt securities. If an issuer of high yield bonds defaults, in addition to risking payment of all or a portion of interest and principal, a Fund may incur additional expenses to seek recovery.

A Fund may purchase defaulted securities only when the Manager believes, based upon analysis of the financial condition, results of operations and economic outlook of an issuer, that there is potential for resumption of income payments and the securities offer an unusual opportunity for capital appreciation. Notwithstanding the Manager’s belief about the resumption of income, however, the purchase of any security on which payment of interest or dividends is suspended involves a high degree of risk.

In the case of high yield bonds structured as zero-coupon or payment-in-kind securities, their market prices are affected to a greater extent by interest rate changes, and therefore tend to be more volatile than securities which pay interest periodically and in cash.



The secondary market on which high yield bonds are traded may be less liquid than the market for higher grade bonds. Less liquidity in the secondary trading market could adversely affect the price at which a Fund could sell a high yield bond, and could adversely affect and cause large fluctuations in the daily net asset value of the Fund’s shares. Adverse publicity and investor perceptions, whether or not based on fundamental analysis, may decrease the values and liquidity of high yield bonds, especially in a thinly-traded market. When secondary markets for high yield bonds are less liquid than the market for higher grade bonds, it may be more difficult to value the securities because such valuation may require more research, and elements of judgment may play a greater role in the valuation because there is less reliable, objective data available. See Appendix A for more information on ratings.

There are also certain risks involved in using credit ratings for evaluating high yield bonds. For example, credit ratings evaluate the safety of principal and interest payments, not the market value risk of high yield bonds. Also, credit rating agencies may fail to timely reflect events and circumstances since a security was last rated.

Obligations of Stressed, Distressed and Bankrupt Issuers

A Fund may invest in securities and other obligations of stressed, distressed and bankrupt issuers, including debt obligations that are in covenant or payment default and equity securities of such issuers. Such debt obligations generally trade significantly below par and are considered speculative. The repayment of defaulted obligations is subject to significant uncertainties. Defaulted obligations might be repaid only after lengthy workout or bankruptcy proceedings, during which the issuer might not make any interest or other payments. Typically such workout or bankruptcy proceedings result in only partial recovery of cash payments or an exchange of the defaulted obligation for other debt or equity securities of the issuer or its affiliates, which may in turn be illiquid or speculative.

There are a number of significant risks inherent in the bankruptcy process: (i) many events in a bankruptcy are the product of contested matters and adversary proceedings and are beyond the control of the creditors. While creditors are generally given an opportunity to object to significant actions, there can be no assurance that a bankruptcy court in the exercise of its broad powers would not approve actions that would be contrary to the interests of a Fund; (ii) a bankruptcy filing by an issuer may adversely and permanently affect the issuer. The issuer may lose its market position and key employees and otherwise become incapable of restoring itself as a viable entity. If for this or any other reason the proceeding is converted to a liquidation, the value of the issuer may not equal the liquidation value that was believed to exist at the time of the investment; (iii) the duration of a bankruptcy proceeding is difficult to predict, and a creditor’s return on investment can be adversely affected by delays while the plan of reorganization is being negotiated, approved by the creditors and confirmed by the bankruptcy court and until it ultimately becomes effective; (iv) the administrative costs in connection with a bankruptcy proceeding are frequently high, for example, if a proceeding involves protracted or difficult litigation, or turns into a liquidation, substantial assets may be devoted to administrative costs and would be paid out of the debtor’s estate prior to any return to creditors; (v) bankruptcy law permits the classification of “substantially similar” claims in determining the classification of claims in a reorganization, and because the standard for classification is vague, there exists the risk that a Fund’s influence with respect to the class of securities or other obligations it owns can be lost by increases in the number and amount of claims in that class or by different classification and treatment; (vi) in the early stages of the bankruptcy process it is often difficult to estimate the extent of, or even to identify, any contingent claims that might be made; (vii) in the case of investments made prior to the commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, creditors can lose their ranking and priority if they exercise “domination and control” over a debtor and other creditors can demonstrate that they have been harmed by such actions; and (viii) certain claims that have priority by law (for example, claims for taxes) may be substantial.

In any investment involving securities and other obligations of stressed, distressed and bankrupt issuers, there exists the risk that the transaction involving such securities or obligations will be unsuccessful, take considerable time or will result in a distribution of cash or a new security or obligation in exchange for the stressed or distressed securities or obligations, the value of which may be less than a Fund’s purchase price of such securities or obligations. Furthermore, if an anticipated transaction does not occur, a Fund may be required to sell its investment at a loss. Given the substantial uncertainties concerning transactions involving stressed and distressed securities or obligations in which a Fund invests, there is a potential risk of loss by a Fund of its entire investment in any particular investment. Additionally, stressed and distressed securities or obligations of government and government-related issuers are subject to special risks, including the inability or unwillingness to repay principal and interest, requests to reschedule or restructure outstanding debt and requests to extend additional loan amounts.

Investments in companies operating in workout modes or under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code are also, in certain circumstances, subject to certain additional liabilities which may exceed the value of a Fund’s original investment in a company. For example, under certain circumstances, creditors who are deemed to have inappropriately exercised control over the management and policies of a debtor may have their claims subordinated or disallowed or may be found liable for damages suffered by parties as a result of such actions. A Manager’s active management style may present a greater risk in this area than would a more passive approach. In addition, under certain circumstances, payments to a Fund and distributions by a Fund or payments on the debt may be reclaimed if any such payment is later determined to have been a fraudulent conveyance or a preferential payment.



Participation on Creditors Committees

A Fund may from time to time participate on committees formed by creditors to negotiate with the management of financially troubled issuers of securities held by a Fund. Such participation may subject a Fund to expenses such as legal fees and may make a Fund an “insider” of the issuer for purposes of the federal securities laws, and therefore may restrict such Fund’s ability to trade in or acquire additional positions in a particular security when it might otherwise desire to do so. Participation by a Fund on such committees also may expose the Fund to potential liabilities under the federal bankruptcy laws or other laws governing the rights of creditors and debtors. Participation on such committees is also increasingly prone to litigation and it is possible that a Fund could be involved in lawsuits related to such activities, which could expose a Fund to additional liabilities that may exceed the value of a Fund’s original investment in the company. See the “Obligations of Stressed, Distressed and Bankrupt Issuers” section above. A Fund will participate on such committees only when a Manager believes that such participation is necessary or desirable to enforce a Fund’s rights as a creditor or to protect the value of securities held by a Fund.

Bank Obligations

Bank obligations include certificates of deposit, bankers’ acceptances, fixed time deposits, loans or credit agreements and bank capital securities. Each Fund may also hold funds on deposit with its sub-custodian bank in an interest-bearing account for temporary purposes.

Certificates of deposit are negotiable certificates issued against funds deposited in a commercial bank for a definite period of time and earning a specified return. Bankers’ acceptances are negotiable drafts or bills of exchange, normally drawn by an importer or exporter to pay for specific merchandise, which are “accepted” by a bank, meaning, in effect, that the bank unconditionally agrees to pay the face value of the instrument on maturity. Fixed time deposits are bank obligations payable at a stated maturity date and bearing interest at a fixed rate. Fixed time deposits may be withdrawn on demand by the investor, but may be subject to early withdrawal penalties which vary depending upon market conditions and the remaining maturity of the obligation. There are no contractual restrictions on the right to transfer a beneficial interest in a fixed time deposit to a third party, although there is no market for such deposits. See the “Illiquid and Restricted Securities (including Private Placements)” section regarding limitations of certain bank obligations.

A Fund may purchase loans or participation interests in loans made by U.S. banks and other financial institutions to large corporate customers. Loans are made by a contract called a credit agreement. Loans are typically secured by assets pledged by the borrower, but there is no guarantee that the value of the collateral will be sufficient to cover the loan, particularly in the case of a decline in value of the collateral. Loans may be floating rate or amortizing. See the “Delayed Funding Loans and Revolving Credit Facilities,” “Loan Participations and Assignments” and “Variable and Floating Rate Securities” sections below for more information. Some loans may be traded in the secondary market among banks, loan funds, and other institutional investors.

Unless otherwise noted, a Fund will not invest in any security or bank loan/credit agreement issued by a commercial bank unless: (i) the bank has total assets of at least U.S. $1 billion, or the equivalent in other currencies, or, in the case of domestic banks which do not have total assets of at least U.S. $1 billion, the aggregate investment made in any one such bank is limited to an amount, currently U.S. $250,000, insured in full by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”); (ii) in the case of U.S. banks, it is a member of the FDIC; and (iii) in the case of foreign banks, the security is, in the opinion of the Adviser or the Manager, of an investment quality comparable with other debt securities of similar maturities which may be purchased by a Fund. These limitations do not prohibit investments in securities issued by foreign branches of U.S. banks, provided such U.S. banks meet the foregoing requirements.

Obligations of foreign banks involve somewhat different investment risks than those affecting obligations of U.S. banks, including: (i) the possibilities that their liquidity could be impaired because of future political and economic developments; (ii) their obligations may be less marketable than comparable obligations of U.S. banks; (iii) a foreign jurisdiction might impose withholding taxes on interest income payable on those obligations; (iv) foreign deposits may be seized or nationalized; (v) foreign governmental restrictions, such as exchange controls, may be adopted which might adversely affect the payment of principal and interest on those obligations; and (vi) the selection of those obligations may be more difficult because there may be less publicly available information concerning foreign banks or the accounting, auditing, and financial reporting standards, practices and requirements applicable to foreign banks may differ from those applicable to U.S. banks. Foreign banks are not generally subject to examination by any U.S. government agency or instrumentality.

Unless otherwise noted, a Fund may invest in short-term debt obligations of savings and loan associations provided that the savings and loan association issuing the security (i) has total assets of at least $1 billion, or, in the case of savings and loan associations which do not have total assets of at least $1 billion, the aggregate investment made in any one savings and loan association is insured in full, currently up to $250,000, by the FDIC; (ii) the savings and loan association issuing the security is a member of the FDIC; and (iii) the institution is insured by the FDIC.




The Funds may invest in bank capital securities. Bank capital securities are issued by banks to help fulfill their regulatory capital requirements. There are two common types of bank capital: Tier I and Tier II. Bank capital is generally, but not always, of investment grade quality. Tier I securities often take the form of trust preferred securities. Tier II securities are commonly thought of as hybrids of debt and preferred stock, are often perpetual (with no maturity date), callable and, under certain conditions, allow for the issuer bank to withhold payment of interest until a later date.

Exchange Traded Notes (“ETNs”)

ETNs are notes representing debt of an issuer, usually a financial institution. The performance of an ETN is based on the performance of one or more underlying assets, reference rates or indices as well as the market for that ETN.

An ETN includes features similar to both an exchange traded fund (“ETF”) and debt securities. Similar to ETFs, ETNs are listed on an exchange and traded in the secondary market. However, unlike an ETF, an ETN can be held until the ETN’s maturity, at which time the issuer will pay a return generally linked to the performance of the specific asset, index or rate (“reference instrument”) to which the ETN is linked. An ETN that is tied to a reference instrument may not exactly replicate the performance of the reference instrument, and they incur certain expenses not incurred by their applicable reference instrument. Unlike some debt securities, ETNs do not make periodic interest payments, and its principal is not protected. ETNs are meant to be held until maturity, and thus may have restrictions on their redemption and secondary market illiquidity.

A Fund bears the risk that the issuer of these securities may default on its obligation under the security, and the value of an ETN could be influenced by the credit rating of the issuer despite no changes in the underlying reference instrument. The value of an ETN may also be impacted by the following: time to maturity; market volatility (for the ETN and/or its underlying reference instrument); market liquidity; changes in the applicable interest rates; the performance of the reference instrument; changes in the issuer’s credit rating; and any impact that economic, legal, political or geographic events may have on the reference instrument. Some ETNs that use leverage can, at times, be relatively illiquid and, thus, they may be difficult to purchase or sell at a current price. ETNs that use leverage allows for greater potential return, but the potential for loss is also greater. Additional losses may be incurred if the investment loses value because, in addition to the money lost on the investment, the note itself may still need to be repaid.

Trust Preferred Securities

Trust preferred securities have the characteristics of both subordinated debt and preferred stock. Generally, trust preferred securities are issued by a trust that is wholly-owned by a financial institution or other corporate entity, typically a bank holding company. The financial institution creates the trust and owns the trust’s common securities. The trust uses the sale proceeds of its common securities to purchase subordinated debt issued by the financial institution. The financial institution uses the proceeds from the subordinated debt sale to increase its capital while the trust receives periodic interest payments from the financial institution for holding the subordinated debt. The trust uses the funds received to make dividend payments to the holders of the trust preferred securities. The primary advantage of this structure is that the trust preferred securities are treated by the financial institution as debt securities for tax purposes and as equity for the calculation of capital requirements.

Trust preferred securities typically bear a market rate coupon comparable to interest rates available on debt of a similarly rated issuer. Typical characteristics include long-term maturities, early redemption by the issuer, periodic fixed or variable interest payments, and maturities at face value. Holders of trust preferred securities have limited voting rights to control the activities of the trust and no voting rights with respect to the financial institution. The market value of trust preferred securities may be more volatile than those of conventional debt securities. Trust preferred securities may be issued in reliance on Rule 144A under the 1933 Act, and subject to restrictions on resale. There can be no assurance as to the liquidity of trust preferred securities and the ability of holders, such as a Fund, to sell their holdings. In identifying the risks of the trust preferred securities, a Manager will look to the condition of the financial institution as the trust typically has no business operations other than to issue the trust preferred securities. If the financial institution defaults on interest payments to the trust, the trust will not be able to make dividend payments to holders of its securities, such as a Fund.

Delayed Funding Loans and Revolving Credit Facilities

A Fund may enter into, or acquire participations in, delayed funding loans and revolving credit facilities. Delayed funding loans and revolving credit facilities are borrowing arrangements in which the lender agrees to make up loans to a maximum amount upon demand by the borrower during a specified term. A revolving credit facility differs from a delayed funding loan in that as the borrower repays the loan, an amount equal to the repayment may be borrowed again during the term of the revolving credit facility. Delayed funding loans and revolving credit facilities usually provide for floating or variable rates of interest. These commitments may have the effect of requiring a Fund to increase its investment in a company at a time when it might not otherwise decide to do so (including at a time when the company’s financial condition makes it unlikely that such amounts will be repaid). To the extent that a Fund is committed to advance additional funds, it will at all times segregate liquid assets.



A Fund may invest in delayed funding loans and revolving credit facilities with credit quality comparable to that of issuers of its securities investments. Delayed funding loans and revolving credit facilities may be subject to restrictions on transfer, and only limited opportunities may exist to resell such instruments. As a result, a Fund may be unable to sell such investments at an opportune time or may have to resell them at less than fair market value. The Funds currently intend to treat delayed funding loans and revolving credit facilities for which there is no readily available markets as illiquid for purposes of the Trust’s limitation on illiquid investments. For a further discussion of the risks involved in investing in loan participations and other forms of direct indebtedness see the “Loan Participations and Assignments” section. Participation interests in revolving credit facilities will be subject to the limitations discussed in the “Loan Participations and Assignments” section. Delayed funding loans and revolving credit facilities are considered to be debt obligations for purposes of the Trust’s investment restriction relating to the lending of funds or assets by a Fund.

Loan Participations and Assignments

A Fund may invest in floating rate senior loans of domestic or foreign borrowers (“Senior Loans”) primarily by purchasing participations or assignments of a portion of a Senior Loan. Floating rate loans are those with interest rates which float, adjust or vary periodically based upon benchmark indicators, specified adjustment schedules or prevailing interest rates. Senior Loans often are secured by specific assets of the borrower, although a Fund may invest in Senior Loans that are not secured by any collateral.

Senior Loans are loans that are typically made to business borrowers to finance leveraged buy-outs, recapitalizations, mergers, stock repurchases, and internal growth. Senior Loans generally hold the most senior position in the capital structure of a borrower and are usually secured by liens on the assets of the borrowers, including tangible assets such as cash, accounts receivable, inventory, property, plant and equipment, common and/or preferred stock of subsidiaries, and intangible assets including trademarks, copyrights, patent rights and franchise value.

By virtue of their senior position and collateral, Senior Loans typically provide lenders with the first right to cash flows or proceeds from the sale of a borrower’s collateral if the borrower becomes insolvent (subject to the limitations of bankruptcy law, which may provide higher priority to certain claims such as, for example, employee salaries, employee pensions, and taxes). This means Senior Loans are generally repaid before unsecured bank loans, corporate bonds, subordinated debt, trade creditors, and preferred or common stockholders.

Senior Loans typically pay interest at least quarterly at rates which equal a fixed percentage spread over a base rate such as the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”). For example, if LIBOR were 1.00% and the borrower were paying a fixed spread of 3.50%, the total interest rate paid by the borrower would be 4.50%. Base rates and, therefore, the total rates paid on Senior Loans float, i.e., they change as market rates of interest change. Although a base rate such as LIBOR can change every day, loan agreements for Senior Loans typically allow the borrower the ability to choose how often the base rate for its loan will change. Such periods can range from one day to one year, with most borrowers choosing monthly or quarterly reset periods. During periods of rising interest rates, borrowers will tend to choose longer reset periods, and during periods of declining interest rates, borrowers will tend to choose shorter reset periods. The fixed spread over the base rate on a Senior Loan typically does not change.

Senior Loans generally are arranged through private negotiations between a borrower and several financial institutions or lending syndicates represented by an agent who is usually one of the originating lenders. In larger transactions, it is common to have several agents; however, generally only one such agent has primary responsibility for ongoing administration of a Senior Loan. Agents are typically paid fees by the borrower for their services. The agent is primarily responsible for negotiating the loan agreement which establishes the terms and conditions of the Senior Loan and the rights of the borrower and the lenders. The agent also is responsible for monitoring collateral and for exercising remedies available to the lenders such as foreclosure upon collateral. The agent is normally responsible for the collection of principal and interest payments from the borrower and the apportionment of these payments to the credit of all institutions which are parties to the loan agreement. Unless, under the terms of the loan, a Fund has direct recourse against the borrower, the Fund may have to rely on the agent or other financial intermediary to apply appropriate credit remedies against a borrower. The Manager will also monitor these aspects of a Fund’s investments and, where a Fund owns an assignment, will be directly involved with the agent and the other lenders regarding the exercise of credit remedies.

A financial institution’s employment as agent might be terminated in the event that it fails to observe a requisite standard of care or becomes insolvent. A successor agent would generally be appointed to replace the terminated agent, and assets held by the agent under the loan agreement should remain available to holders of such indebtedness. However, if assets held by the agent for the benefit of a Fund were determined to be subject to the claims of the agent’s general creditors, the Fund might incur certain costs and delays in realizing payment on a Senior Loan and could suffer a loss of principal and/or interest. In situations involving other interposed financial institutions (e.g., an insurance company or governmental agency) similar risks may arise.

The risks associated with Senior Loans are similar to the risks of “junk” securities. A Fund’s investments in Senior Loans is typically below investment grade and is considered speculative because of the credit risk of their issuers. Moreover, any specific collateral used to secure a loan may decline in value or lose all its value or become illiquid, which would adversely affect the loan’s value. Economic and other events, whether real or perceived, can reduce the demand for certain Senior Loans or Senior Loans



generally, which may reduce market prices and cause a Fund’s net asset value (“NAV”) per share to fall. The frequency and magnitude of such changes cannot be predicted.

Senior Loans and other debt securities are also subject to the risk of price declines and to increases in prevailing interest rates, although floating rate debt instruments are less exposed to this risk than fixed rate debt instruments. Conversely, the floating rate feature of Senior Loans means the Senior Loans will not generally experience capital appreciation in a declining interest rate environment. Declines in interest rates may also increase prepayments of debt obligations and require a Fund to invest assets at lower yields.

Although Senior Loans in which a Fund will invest will often be secured by collateral, there can be no assurance that liquidation of such collateral would satisfy the borrower’s obligation in the event of a default or that such collateral could be readily liquidated. In the event of bankruptcy of a borrower, a Fund could experience delays or limitations in its ability to realize the benefits of any collateral securing a Senior Loan. A Fund may also invest in Senior Loans that are not secured.

Senior Loans and other types of direct indebtedness may not be readily marketable and may be subject to restrictions on resale. In some cases, negotiations involved in disposing of indebtedness may require weeks to complete. Consequently, some indebtedness may be difficult or impossible to dispose of readily at what the Manager believes to be a fair price. In addition, valuation of illiquid indebtedness involves a greater degree of judgment in determining a Fund’s NAV than if that value were based on available market quotations, and could result in significant variations in a Fund’s daily share price. At the same time, some loan interests are traded among certain financial institutions and accordingly may be deemed liquid. As the market for different types of indebtedness develops, the liquidity of these instruments is expected to improve. In addition, a Fund currently intends to treat indebtedness for which there is no readily available market as illiquid for purposes of the Fund’s limitation on illiquid investments.

Interests in Senior Loans generally are not listed on any national securities exchange or automated quotation system and no active market may exist for many of the Senior Loans in which a Fund may invest. If a secondary market exists for certain of the Senior Loans in which a Fund invests, such market may be subject to irregular trading activity, wide bid/ask spreads and extended trade settlement periods. To the extent that legislation or state or federal regulators impose additional requirements or restrictions with respect to the ability of financial institutions to make loans in connection with highly leveraged transactions, the availability of Senior Loan interests for investment by a Fund may be adversely affected.

A Fund may have certain obligations in connection with a loan, such as, under a revolving credit facility that is not fully drawn down, to loan additional funds under the terms of the credit facility. A Fund will maintain a segregated account with its custodian of liquid securities with a value equal to the amount, if any, of the loan that the Fund has obligated itself to make to the borrower, but that the borrower has not yet requested.

A Fund may receive and/or pay certain fees in connection with its activities in buying, selling and holding loans. These fees are in addition to interest payments received, and may include facility fees, commitment fees, commissions and prepayment penalty fees. When a Fund buys a loan, it may receive a facility fee, and when it sells a loan, it may pay a facility fee. A Fund may receive a commitment fee based on the undrawn portion of the underlying line of credit portion of a loan, or, in certain circumstances, a Fund may receive a prepayment penalty fee on the prepayment of a loan by a borrower.

A Fund is not subject to any restrictions with respect to the maturity of Senior Loans it holds, and Senior Loans usually will have rates of interest that are redetermined either daily, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. Investment in Senior Loans with longer interest rate redetermination periods may increase fluctuations in a Fund’s NAV as a result of changes in interest rates. As short-term interest rates increase, interest payable to a Fund from its investments in Senior Loans should increase, and as short-term interest rates decrease, interest payable to a Fund from its investments in Senior Loans should decrease. The amount of time required to pass before a Fund will realize the effects of changing short-term market interest rates on its portfolio will vary depending on the interest rate redetermination period of the Senior Loan.

A Fund may acquire interests in Senior Loans that are designed to provide temporary or “bridge” financing to a borrower pending the sale of identified assets or the arrangement of longer-term loans or the issuance and sale of debt obligations. A borrower’s use of a bridge loan involves a risk that the borrower may be unable to locate permanent financing to replace the bridge loan, which may impair the borrower’s perceived creditworthiness.

A Fund’s investment in loans may take the form of a participation or an assignment. Loan participations typically represent direct participation in a loan to a borrower, and generally are offered by financial institutions or lending syndicates. A Fund may participate in such syndications, or can buy part of a loan, becoming a part lender. When purchasing loan participations, a Fund assumes the credit risk associated with the borrower and may assume the credit risk associated with an interposed financial intermediary. The participation interest and assignments in which a Fund intends to invest may not be rated by any nationally recognized rating service. A Fund may invest in loan participations and assignments with credit quality comparable to that of issuers of its securities investments.



When a Fund is a purchaser of an assignment, it succeeds to all the rights and obligations under the loan agreement of the assigning bank or other financial intermediary and becomes a lender under the loan agreement with the same rights and obligations as the assigning bank or other financial intermediary. For example, if a loan is foreclosed, a Fund could become part owner of any collateral, and would bear the costs and liabilities associated with owning and disposing of the collateral. In addition, it is conceivable that under emerging legal theories of lender liability, a Fund could be held liable as co-lender. It is unclear whether loans and other forms of direct indebtedness offer securities law protections against fraud and misrepresentation. In the absence of definitive regulatory guidance, a Fund will rely on the Manager’s research in an attempt to avoid situations where fraud or misrepresentation could adversely affect the Fund.

When a Fund is a primary lender, it will have a direct contractual relationship with the borrower, may enforce compliance by the borrower with the terms of the loan agreement and may under contractual arrangements among the lenders have rights with respect to any funds acquired by other lenders through set-off. A lender also has full voting and consent rights under the applicable loan agreement. Action subject to lender vote or consent generally requires the vote or consent of the holders of a majority or some greater specified percentage of the outstanding principal amount of the Senior Loan. Certain decisions, such as reducing the amount or increasing the time for payment of interest on or repayment of principal of a Senior Loan, or releasing collateral therefor, frequently require the unanimous vote or consent of all lenders affected. When a Fund is a primary lender originating a Senior Loan, it may share in a fee paid by the borrower to the primary lenders. A Fund will not act as the agent, originator, or principal negotiator or administrator of a Senior Loan, except as otherwise described in this SAI.

Some Funds limit the amount of assets that will be invested in any one issuer or in issuers within the same industry (see the “Investment Restrictions” section). For purposes of these limits, a Fund generally will treat the borrower as the “issuer” of indebtedness held by the Fund. In the case of loan participations where a bank or other lending institution serves as a financial intermediary between a Fund and the borrower, if the participation does not shift to the Fund the direct debtor-creditor relationship with the borrower, SEC interpretations require the Fund to treat both the lending bank or other lending institution and the borrower as “issuers” for the purposes of determining whether the Fund has invested more than 5% of its total assets in a single issuer or more than 25% of its assets in a particular industry. Treating a financial intermediary as an issuer of indebtedness may restrict a Fund’s ability to invest in indebtedness related to a single financial intermediary, or a group of intermediaries engaged in the same industry, even if the underlying borrowers represent many different companies and industries. Investments in loan participations and assignments are considered to be debt obligations for purposes of the Trust’s investment restriction relating to the lending of funds or assets by a Fund.

Junior Loans.    A Fund may invest in secured and unsecured subordinated loans, second lien loans and subordinated bridge loans (“Junior Loans”). Second lien loans are generally second in line in terms of repayment priority. A second lien loan may have a claim on the same collateral pool as the first lien or it may be secured by a separate set of assets, such as property, plants, or equipment. Second lien loans generally give investors priority over general unsecured creditors in the event of an asset sale. Junior Loans are subject to the same general risks inherent to any loan investment, including credit risk, market and liquidity risk, and interest rate risk. Due to their lower place in the Borrower’s capital structure and possible unsecured status, Junior Loans involve a higher degree of overall risk than Senior Loans of the same Borrower. A Fund may purchase Junior Loan interests either in the form of an assignment or a loan participation (see discussion above about “Loan Participations and Assignments”).

Municipal Securities

Municipal securities consist of bonds, notes and other instruments issued by or on behalf of states, territories and possessions of the United States (including the District of Columbia) and their political subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities, the interest on which is exempt from regular federal income tax. Municipal securities are often issued to obtain funds for various public purposes. Municipal securities also include residual interest bonds and “private activity bonds” or industrial development bonds, which are issued by or on behalf of public authorities to obtain funds for privately operated facilities, such as airports and waste disposal facilities, and, in some cases, commercial and industrial facilities.

The yields and market values of municipal securities are determined primarily by the general level of interest rates, the creditworthiness of the issuers of municipal securities and economic and political conditions affecting such issuers. Due to their tax exempt status, the yields and market prices and liquidity of municipal securities may be adversely affected by changes in tax rates and policies, which may have less effect on the market for taxable debt securities. Moreover, certain types of municipal securities, such as housing revenue bonds, involve prepayment risks which could affect the yield on such securities.

Investments in municipal securities are subject to the risk that the issuer could default on its obligations. Such a default could result from the inadequacy of the sources or revenues from which interest and principal payments are to be made or the assets collateralizing such obligations. Revenue bonds, including private activity bonds, are backed only by specific assets or revenue sources and not by the full faith and credit of the governmental issuer.



When a Fund purchases municipal securities, the Fund may acquire stand-by agreements from banks and broker-dealers with respect to those municipal securities. A stand-by commitment may be considered a security independent of the municipal security to which it relates. The amount payable by a bank or broker-dealer during the time a stand-by commitment is exercisable, absent unusual circumstances, would be substantially the same as the market value of the underlying municipal security. As with many principal OTC transactions, there is counter-party risk of default which could result in a loss to the Fund.

From time to time, legislation restricting or limiting the federal income tax exemption for interest on municipal securities is introduced in Congress. There is a risk that changes in the law could result in the municipal security losing its federal income tax exempt status.

Corporate Debt Securities

The debt securities in which a Fund may invest are limited to corporate debt securities (corporate bonds, debentures, notes, and other similar corporate debt instruments) which meet the minimum ratings criteria set forth for that particular Fund, or if unrated, are in the Manager’s opinion, comparable in quality to corporate debt securities in which a Fund may invest. In the event that a security owned by a Fund is downgraded to below the Fund’s respective minimum ratings criteria, the Fund may nonetheless retain the security.

The investment return on corporate debt securities reflects interest earnings and changes in the market value of the security. The market value of corporate debt obligations may be expected to rise and fall inversely with interest rates generally. There also exists the risk that the issuers of the securities may not be able to meet their obligations on interest or principal payments at the time called for by an instrument.

Tender Option Bonds.    Tender option bonds are generally long-term securities that are coupled with the option to tender the securities to a bank, broker-dealer or other financial institution at periodic intervals and receive the face value of the bond. This type of security is commonly used as a means of enhancing the security’s liquidity.

Variable and Floating Rate Securities

Variable and floating rate securities provide for a periodic adjustment in the interest rate paid on obligations. The terms of such obligations must provide that interest rates are adjusted periodically based upon an appropriate interest rate adjustment index as provided in the respective obligations. The adjustment intervals may be regular, and range from daily to annually, or may be event based, such as based on a change in the prime rate.

The interest rate on a floating rate debt instrument (floater) is a variable rate which is tied to another interest rate, such as a money market index or Treasury bill rate. The interest rate on a floater resets periodically, typically every six months. While, because of the interest rate reset feature, floaters provide Funds with a certain degree of protection against rises in interest rates, Funds investing in floaters will participate in any declines in interest rates as well.

The interest rate on a leveraged inverse floating rate debt instrument (inverse floater) resets in the opposite direction from the market rate of interest to which the inverse floater is indexed. An inverse floater may be considered to be leveraged to the extent that its interest rate varies by a magnitude that exceeds the magnitude of the change in the index rate of interest. The higher degree of leverage inherent in inverse floaters is associated with greater volatility in their market values. Accordingly, duration of an inverse floater may exceed its stated final maturity. Certain inverse floaters may be deemed to be illiquid securities for purposes of a Fund’s limitations on investments in such securities.

A super floating rate collateralized mortgage obligation (super floater) is a leveraged floating-rate tranche in a CMO issue. At each monthly reset date, a super floater’s coupon rate is determined by a slated formula. Typically, the rate is a multiple of some index minus a fixed-coupon amount. When interest rates rise, a super floater is expected to outperform regular floating rate CMOs because of its leveraging factor and higher lifetime caps. Conversely, when interest rates fall, a super floater is expected to underperform floating rate CMOs because its coupon rate drops by the leveraging factor. In addition, a super floater may reach its cap as interest rates increase and may no longer provide the benefits associated with increasing coupon rates.

Custodial Receipts and Trust Certificates

Custodial receipts and trust certificates which may be underwritten by securities dealers or banks, representing interests in securities held by a custodian or trustee. The securities may include U.S. government securities, municipal securities or other types of securities in which a Fund may invest. The custodial receipts or trust certificates are underwritten by securities dealers or banks and may evidence ownership of future interest payments, principal payments or both on the underlying securities, or, in some cases, the payment obligation of a third party that has entered into an interest rate swap or other arrangement with the custodian or trustee. For certain securities laws purposes, custodial receipts and trust certificates may not be considered obligations of the U.S. Government or other issuer of the securities held by the custodian or trustee. As a holder of custodial receipts and trust certificates, a Fund will bear



its proportionate share of the fees and expenses charged to the custodial account or trust. A Fund may also invest in separately issued interests in custodial receipts and trust certificates.

Although under the terms of a custodial receipt or trust certificate a Fund would be typically authorized to assert their rights directly against the issuer of the underlying obligation, a Fund could be required to assert through the custodian bank or trustee those rights as may exist against the underlying issuers. Thus, in the event an underlying issuer fails to pay principal and/or interest when due, a Fund may be subject to delays, expenses and risks that are greater than those that would have been involved if the Fund had purchased a direct obligation of the issuer. In addition, in the event that the trust or custodial account in which the underlying securities have been deposited is determined to be an association taxable as a corporation, instead of a non-taxable entity, the yield on the underlying securities would be reduced in recognition of any taxes paid.

Certain custodial receipts and trust certificates may be synthetic or derivative instruments that have interest rates that reset inversely to changing short-term rates and/or have embedded interest rate floors and caps that require the issuer to pay an adjusted interest rate if market rates fall below or rise above a specified rate. Because some of these instruments represent relatively recent innovations, and the trading market for these instruments is less developed than the markets for traditional types of instruments, it is uncertain how these instruments will perform under different economic and interest-rate scenarios. Also, because these instruments may be leveraged, their market values may be more volatile than other types of debt instruments and may present greater potential for capital gain or loss. The possibility of default by an issuer or the issuer’s credit provider may be greater for these derivative instruments than for other types of instruments. In some cases, it may be difficult to determine the fair value of a derivative instrument because of a lack of reliable objective information and an established secondary market for some instruments may not exist. In many cases, the Internal Revenue Service has not ruled on the tax treatment of the interest received on the derivative instruments and, accordingly, purchases of such instruments are based on the opinion of counsel to the sponsors of the instruments.

Commercial Paper

Commercial paper obligations may include variable amount master demand notes. These are obligations that permit the investment of fluctuating amounts at varying rates of interest pursuant to direct arrangements between a Fund, as lender, and the borrower. These notes permit daily changes in the amounts borrowed. The lender has the right to increase the amount under the note at any time up to the full amount provided by the note agreement, or to decrease the amount, and the borrower may prepay up to the full amount of the note without penalty. Because variable amount master demand notes are direct lending arrangements between the lender and borrower, it is not generally contemplated that such instruments will be traded and there is no secondary market for these notes. However, they are redeemable (and thus immediately repayable by the borrower) at face value, plus accrued interest, at any time. In connection with master demand note arrangements, the Adviser or Manager will monitor, on an ongoing basis, the earning power, cash flow, and other liquidity ratios of the borrower and its ability to pay principal and interest on demand. The Adviser or Manager also will consider the extent to which the variable amount master demand notes are backed by bank letters of credit. These notes generally are not rated by a rating agency; a Fund may invest in them only if the Adviser or Manager believes that at the time of investment the notes are of comparable quality to the other commercial paper in which that Fund may invest. See Appendix A for a description of ratings applicable to commercial paper.

Convertible Securities

Convertible securities are debt securities which may be converted or exchanged at a stated exchange ratio into underlying shares of common stock. The exchange ratio for any particular convertible security may be adjusted from time to time due to stock splits, dividends, spin-offs, other corporate distributions, or scheduled changes in the exchange ratio. Convertible bonds and convertible preferred stocks, until converted, have general characteristics similar to both debt and equity securities. Although to a lesser extent than with debt securities generally, the market value of convertible securities tends to decline as interest rates increase and, conversely, tends to increase as interest rates decline. In addition, because of the conversion or exchange feature, the market value of convertible securities tends to vary with fluctuations in the market value of the underlying common stocks, and, therefore, also will react to variations in the general market for equity securities. A unique feature of convertible securities is that as the market price of the underlying common stock declines, convertible securities tend to trade increasingly on a yield basis, and so may not experience market value declines to the same extent as the underlying common stock. When the market price of the underlying common stock increases, the prices of the convertible securities tend to rise as a reflection of the value of the underlying common stock. While no securities investments are without risk, investments in convertible securities generally entail less risk than investments in common stock of the same issuer.

As debt securities, convertible securities are investments which provide for a stable stream of income with generally higher yields than common stocks. Of course, like all debt securities, there can be no assurance of current income because the issuers of the convertible securities may default in their obligations. Convertible securities, however, generally offer lower interest or dividend yields than non-convertible securities of similar quality because of the potential for capital appreciation.



A convertible security, in addition to providing fixed income, offers the potential for capital appreciation through the conversion feature which enables the holder to benefit from increases in the market price of the underlying common stock. In selecting the securities for a Fund, the Adviser or Manager gives substantial consideration to the potential for capital appreciation of the common stock underlying the convertible securities. However, there can be no assurance of capital appreciation because securities prices fluctuate.

Convertible securities generally are subordinated to other similar but non-convertible securities of the same issuer although convertible bonds, as corporate debt obligations, enjoy seniority in right of payment to all equity securities, and convertible preferred stock is senior to common stock, of the same issuer. However, because of the subordination feature, convertible bonds and convertible preferred stock typically have lower ratings than similar non-convertible securities.

A “synthetic convertible” is created by combining distinct securities which possess the two principal characteristics of a true convertible, i.e., fixed income (debt component) and the right to acquire equity securities (convertibility component). This combination is achieved by investing in non-convertible debt securities (non-convertible bonds and preferred stocks) and in warrants, granting the holder the right to purchase a specified quantity of securities within a specified period of time at a specified price.

However, the synthetic convertible differs from the true convertible security in several respects. Unlike a true convertible, which is a single security having a unitary market value, a synthetic convertible is comprised of two distinct securities, each with its own market value. Therefore, the “market value” of a synthetic convertible is the sum of the values of its debt component and its convertibility component. For this reason, the value of a synthetic convertible and a true convertible security will respond differently to market fluctuations.

More flexibility is possible in the assembly of a synthetic convertible than in the purchase of a convertible security in that its two components may be purchased separately. For example, a Manager may purchase a warrant for inclusion in a synthetic convertible but temporarily hold short-term investments while postponing purchase of a corresponding bond pending development of more favorable market conditions.

A holder of a synthetic convertible faces the risk that the price of the stock underlying the convertibility component will decline, causing a decline in the value of the warrant; should the price of the stock fall below the exercise price and remain there throughout the exercise period, the entire amount paid for the warrant would be lost. Since a synthetic convertible includes the debt component as well, the holder of a synthetic convertible also faces the risk that interest rates will rise, causing a decline in the value of the debt instrument.


Duration is a measure of the average life of a bond on a present value basis, which was developed to incorporate a bond’s yield, coupons, final maturity and call features into one measure. Duration is one of the fundamental tools that may be used by the Adviser or Manager in debt security selection. In this discussion, the term “bond” is generally used to connote any type of debt instrument.

Most notes and bonds provide interest (coupon) payments in addition to a final (par) payment at maturity. Some obligations also feature call provisions. Depending on the relative magnitude of these payments, debt obligations may respond differently to changes in the level and structure of interest rates. Traditionally, a debt security’s “term to maturity” has been used as a proxy for the sensitivity of the security’s price to changes in interest rates (which is the “interest rate risk” or “volatility” of the security). However, “term to maturity” measures only the time until a debt security provides its final payment, taking no account of the pattern of the security’s payments prior to maturity.

Duration is a measure of the average life of a debt security on a present value basis. Duration takes the length of the time intervals between the present time and the time that the interest and principal payments are scheduled or, in the case of a callable bond, expected to be received, and weights them by the present values of the cash to be received at each future point in time. For any debt security with interest payments occurring prior to the payment of principal, duration is always less than maturity. In general, all other things being the same, the lower the stated or coupon rate of interest of a debt security, the longer the duration of the security; conversely, the higher the stated or coupon rate of interest of a debt security, the shorter the duration of the security.

Although frequently used, the “term of maturity” of a bond may not be a useful measure of the longevity of a bond’s cash flow because it refers only to the time remaining to the repayment of principal or corpus and disregards earlier coupon payments. Stated alternatively, the term of maturity does not provide a prospective investor with a clear understanding of the time profile of cash flows over the life of a bond. Thus, for example, three bonds with the same maturity may not have the same investment characteristics (such as risk or repayment time). One bond may have large coupon payments early in its life, whereas another may have payments distributed evenly throughout its life. Some bonds (such as zero coupon bonds) make no coupon payments until maturity. To assess the value of these bonds, not only the final payment or sum of payments on the bond, but also the timing and magnitude of payments, are important to consider.



Another way of measuring the longevity of a bond’s cash flow is to compute a simple average time to payment, where each year is weighted by the number of dollars the bond pays that year. This concept is termed the “dollar-weighted mean waiting time,” indicating that it is a measure of the average time to payment of a bond’s cash flow. A shortcoming of this approach is that it assigns equal weight to each dollar paid over the life of a bond, regardless of when the dollar is paid. Since the present value of a dollar decreases with the amount of time which must pass before it is paid, a better method might be to weight each year by the present value of the dollars paid that year. This calculation puts the weights on a comparable basis and creates a definition of longevity which is known as duration.

A bond’s duration depends upon three variables: (i) the maturity of the bond; (ii) the coupon payments attached to the bond; and (iii) the bond’s yield to maturity. Yield to maturity, or investment return as used here, represents the approximate return an investor purchasing a bond may expect if he holds that bond to maturity. In essence, yield to maturity is the rate of interest which, if applied to the purchase price of a bond, would be capable of exactly reproducing the entire time schedule of future interest and principal payments.

Increasing the size of the coupon payments on a bond, while leaving the maturity and yield unchanged, will reduce the duration of the bond. This follows because bonds with higher coupon payments pay relatively more of their cash flows sooner. Increasing the yield to maturity on a bond (e.g., by reducing its purchase price), while leaving the term to maturity and coupon payments unchanged, also reduces the duration of the bond. Because a higher yield leads to lower present values for more distant payments relative to earlier payments, and, to relatively lower weights attached to the years remaining to those payments, the duration of the bond is reduced.

There are some situations where the standard duration calculation does not properly reflect the interest rate exposure of a security. For example, floating and variable rate securities often have final maturities of ten or more years; however, their interest rate exposure corresponds to the frequency of the coupon reset. Another example where the interest rate exposure is not properly captured by duration is mortgage pass-throughs. The stated final maturity is generally 30 years but current prepayment rates are more critical in determining the securities’ interest rate exposure. In these and other similar situations, the Adviser or Manager of a Fund may use other analytical techniques which incorporate the economic life of a security into the determination of its interest rate exposure.

Futures, options, and options on futures have durations which, in general, are closely related to the duration of the securities which underlie them. Holding long futures or call option positions will lengthen the duration if interest rates go down and bond prices go up by approximately the same amount that holding an equivalent amount of the underlying securities would.

Short futures or put option positions have durations roughly equal to the negative duration of the securities that underlie those positions, and have the effect of reducing duration if interest rates go up and bond prices go down by approximately the same amount that selling an equivalent amount of the underlying securities would.

Repurchase Agreements

Repurchase agreements entail a Fund’s purchase of a fund eligible security from a bank or broker-dealer that agrees to repurchase the security at the Fund’s cost plus interest within a specified time (normally one day). Repurchase agreements permit an investor to maintain liquidity and earn income over periods of time as short as overnight. The term of such an agreement is generally quite short, possibly overnight or for a few days, although it may extend over a number of months (up to one year) from the date of delivery. The repurchase price is in excess of the Fund’s purchase price by an amount which reflects an agreed upon market rate of return, effective for the period of time a Fund is invested in the security. This results in a fixed rate of return protected from market fluctuations during the period of the agreement. This rate is not tied to the coupon rate on the security subject to the repurchase agreement.

If the party agreeing to repurchase should default and if the value of the underlying securities held by a Fund should fall below the repurchase price, a loss could be incurred. A Fund also might incur disposition costs in connection with liquidating the securities. Repurchase agreements will be entered into only where the underlying security is a type of security in which the Fund may invest, as described in the Prospectus and in this SAI.

Under the 1940 Act, repurchase agreements are considered to be loans by the purchaser collateralized by the underlying securities. Repurchase agreements are commonly used to earn a return on cash held in a Fund. When a repurchase agreement is entered into for the purposes of earning income, the Adviser or Manager to a Fund monitors the value of the underlying securities at the time the repurchase agreement is entered into and during the term of the agreement to ensure that its daily marked-to-market value always equals or exceeds the agreed upon repurchase price to be paid to a Fund. The Adviser or Manager, in accordance with procedures established by the Board of Trustees, also evaluates the creditworthiness and financial responsibility of the banks and brokers or dealers with which a Fund enters into repurchase agreements. For a Fund that is eligible to sell securities short, as described in the Prospectuses and in this SAI, repurchase agreements may also be used to affect the short sale of a security. When using a repurchase agreement to affect the short sale of a security, the Adviser or Manager of the Fund monitors the value of the underlying



securities at the time the repurchase agreement is entered into and during the term of the agreement to ensure that the daily marked-to-market value of the underlying securities always equals or exceeds at least 95% of the agreed upon repurchase price to be paid to the Fund.

A Fund may not enter into a repurchase agreement having more than seven days remaining to maturity if, as a result, such agreements, together with any other securities which are not readily marketable, would exceed 15% of the net assets of a Fund.


Each Fund may borrow up to certain limits. A Fund may not borrow if, as a result of such borrowing, the total amount of all money borrowed, including reverse repurchase agreements, by a Fund exceeds 33 13% of the value of its total assets (at the time of such borrowing). This borrowing may be secured or unsecured. Borrowing may exaggerate the effect on net asset value of any increase or decrease in the market value of a Fund. The cost of borrowing may reduce a Fund’s return. Money borrowed will be subject to interest costs which may or may not be recovered by appreciation of the securities purchased.

A Fund also may be required to maintain minimum average balances in connection with such borrowing or to pay a commitment or other fee to maintain a line of credit; either of these requirements would increase the cost of borrowing over the stated interest rate. Reverse repurchase agreements and the purchase of securities on margin will be included as borrowing subject to the borrowing limitations described above. Each Fund may use short-term credit as necessary for the clearance of purchase and sales of securities.

Reverse Repurchase Agreements and Other Borrowings

Reverse repurchase agreements, among the forms of borrowing, involve the sale of a debt security held by a Fund to another party, such as a bank or broker-dealer, with an agreement by that Fund to repurchase the security at a stated price, date and interest payment. Under a reverse repurchase agreement, the Fund continues to receive any principal and interest payments on the underlying security during the term of the agreement.

A Fund may use the proceeds of a reverse repurchase agreement to purchase other securities. The use of reverse repurchase agreements by a Fund creates leverage which increases a Fund’s investment risk. If the income and gains on securities purchased with the proceeds of reverse repurchase agreements exceed the cost of the agreements, a Fund’s earnings or net asset value will increase faster than otherwise would be the case; conversely, if the income and gains fail to exceed the costs, earnings or net asset value would decline faster than otherwise would be the case. A Fund will typically enter into a reverse repurchase agreement when it anticipates the interest income to be earned from the investment of the proceeds of the transaction will be greater than the interest expense of the transaction. However, reverse repurchase agreements involve the risk that the market value of securities purchased by a Fund may decline below the repurchase price of the securities sold by the Fund which it is obligated to repurchase.

The Fund typically will segregate or “earmark” assets determined to be liquid by the Fund in accordance with procedures established by the Board of Trustees, equal (on a daily mark-to-market basis) to its obligations under reverse repurchase agreements. With respect to reverse repurchase agreements in which banks are counterparties, the Fund may treat such transactions as bank borrowings, which would be subject to the Fund’s limitations on borrowings. Such treatment would, among other things, restrict the aggregate of such transactions (plus any other borrowings) to one third of a Fund’s total assets.

Firm Commitment Agreements and When-Issued or Delayed Delivery Securities

Firm commitment agreements are agreements for the purchase of securities at an agreed upon price on a specified future date. A Fund may purchase new issues of securities on a “when-issued” or “delayed delivery” basis, whereby the payment obligation and interest rate on the instruments are fixed at the time of the transaction or in some cases may be conditioned on a subsequent event. Such transactions might be entered into, for example, when the Adviser or Manager to a Fund anticipates a decline in the yield of securities of a given issuer and is able to obtain a more advantageous yield by committing currently to purchase securities to be issued or delivered later.

Liability for the purchase price — and all the rights and risks of ownership of the securities — accrue to a Fund at the time it becomes obligated to purchase such securities, although delivery and payment occur at a later date. Accordingly, if the market price of the security should decline, the effect of the agreement would be to obligate the Fund to purchase the security at a price above the current market price on the date of delivery and payment. During the time the Fund is obligated to purchase such securities it will segregate assets consisting of U.S. government securities, cash or liquid securities marked-to-market daily of an aggregate current value sufficient to make payment for the securities. Delayed delivery purchases and forward commitments involve a risk of loss if the value of the securities declines prior to the settlement date.



Loans of Portfolio Securities

For the purpose of realizing additional income, each Fund may make secured loans of its portfolio securities to broker-dealers or U.S. banks provided: (i) such loans are secured continuously by collateral consisting of cash, cash equivalents, or U.S. government securities maintained on a daily marked-to-market basis in an amount or at a market value at least equal to the current market value of the securities loaned; (ii) a Fund may at any time call such loans (subject to notice provisions in the loan agreement) and obtain the securities loaned; (iii) a Fund will receive an amount in cash at least equal to the interest or dividends paid on the loaned securities; and (iv) the aggregate market value of securities loaned will not at any time exceed 33 1/3% of the total assets of a Fund. For purposes of determining compliance with the 33 1/3%, total assets may include the value of the collateral. In addition, it is anticipated that a Fund may share with the lending agent some of the income received on the collateral for the loan, which may include interest received on the collateral or the premium, if any, paid for the loan. If the borrower fails to deliver the loaned securities on a timely basis (as defined in the loan agreement), a Fund could use the collateral to replace the securities while holding the borrower liable for any excess of replacement cost over collateral. It should be noted that in connection with the lending of its portfolio securities, a Fund is exposed to the risk of delay in recovery of the securities loaned or that the loaned securities will not be returned, as well as the risk of a possible loss of rights in the collateral should the borrower or lending agent become insolvent or not meet its contractual obligations in the transaction. In determining whether to lend securities, the lending agent considers relevant facts and circumstances, including the creditworthiness of the borrower.

Short Sales

A short sale is a transaction in which a Fund sells a security it does not own in anticipation of a decline in the market price. Even during normal or favorable market conditions, a Fund may make short sales in an attempt to maintain portfolio flexibility and facilitate the rapid implementation of investment strategies if the Manager believes that the price of a particular security or group of securities is likely to decline.

When a Fund makes a short sale, a Fund must arrange through a broker or other institution to borrow the security to deliver to the buyer; and, in so doing, a Fund becomes obligated to replace the security borrowed at its market price at the time of replacement, whatever that price may be. A Fund may have to pay a premium and other transaction costs to borrow the security, which would increase the cost of the security sold short. A Fund must also pay any dividends or interest payable on the security until the Fund replaces the security.

The Fund must normally repay to the lender an amount equal to any dividends or interest that accrues while the loan is outstanding. The amount of any gain will be decreased, and the amount of any loss increased, by the amount of the premium, dividends, interest or expenses the Fund may be required to pay in connection with the short sale. Also, the lender of a security may terminate the loan at a time when the Fund is unable to borrow the same security for delivery. In that case, the Fund would need to purchase a replacement security at the then current market price “buy in” by paying the lender an amount equal to the cost of purchasing the security.

Until the Fund replaces a borrowed security, it is required to maintain a segregated account of cash or liquid assets with a broker or custodian to cover the Fund’s short position by collateral deposited with the broker or the Fund’s custodian, consisting of cash, U.S. government securities or other securities acceptable to the broker. In addition, with respect to any short sale, other than short sales against the box, a Fund will be required to segregate cash or liquid securities, marked-to-market daily, in an amount such that the value of the sum of both collateral deposits is at all times equal to at least 100% of the current market value of the securities sold short. This may limit the Fund’s investment flexibility, as well as its ability to meet redemption requests or other current obligations. While derivative instruments are excluded from the definition of a short sale, a Fund that may enter into short sales on derivative instruments with a counterparty will be subject to counterparty risk (i.e., the risk that the Fund’s counterparty will not satisfy its obligation under the particular derivative contract), in addition to risks relating to derivatives and short sales.

Short Sales Against the Box

A short sale is “against the box” when a Fund enters into a transaction to sell a security short as described above, while at all times during which a short position is open, maintaining an equal amount of such securities, or owning securities giving it the right, without payment of future consideration, to obtain an equal amount of securities sold short. The Fund’s obligation to replace the securities sold short is then completed by purchasing the securities at their market price at time of replacement.

Illiquid and Restricted Securities (including Private Placements)

Generally, a security is considered illiquid if it cannot be disposed of within seven days in the ordinary course of business at approximately the amount at which a Fund has valued its securities. Its illiquidity might prevent the sale of such security at a time when a Manager might wish to sell, and these securities could have the effect of decreasing the overall level of a Fund’s liquidity. High yield/high-risk bonds (including floating rate loans) may be less liquid than higher quality investments. Further, the lack of an



established secondary market may make it more difficult to value illiquid securities, requiring the Trust to rely on judgments that may be somewhat subjective in determining value, which could vary from the amount that a Fund could realize upon disposition. Illiquid securities are considered to include among other things, certain loan participation interests, fixed time deposits which are not subject to prepayment or provide for withdrawal penalties upon prepayment (other than overnight deposits), and other securities whose disposition is restricted under federal securities laws.

A Fund will not acquire restricted securities (including privately placed securities) if they are illiquid and other securities that are illiquid, such as repurchase agreements maturing in more than seven days, if as a result of such purchases, illiquid holdings would comprise more than 15% of the value of the Fund’s net assets. If through the appreciation of illiquid securities or depreciation of liquid securities, the Fund holds a greater percentage of illiquid securities than its applicable limit, the Manager will take appropriate steps to address Fund liquidity.

The privately placed securities in which these Funds may invest are called restricted securities because there are restrictions or conditions attached to their resale. Restricted securities may be sold only in a public offering with respect to which a registration statement is in effect under the 1933 Act or in a transaction exempt from such registration such as certain privately negotiated transactions. Where registration is required, a Fund may be obligated to pay all or part of the registration expenses and a considerable period may elapse between the time of the decision to sell and the time a Fund may be permitted to sell a security under an effective registration statement. If, during such a period, adverse market conditions were to develop, the Fund might obtain a less favorable price than prevailed when it decided to sell. Restricted securities will be priced at fair value as determined in good faith under the direction of the Board of Trustees.

Certain restricted securities may be purchased by certain “qualified institutional buyers” without the necessity for registration of the securities. These securities are often called Rule 144A securities. A Fund may acquire such a security without the security being treated as illiquid for purposes of the above-described limitation on acquisition of illiquid assets if the Manager determines that the security is liquid under guidelines adopted by the Trust’s Board of Trustees. Investing in such restricted securities could have the effect of increasing the level of the Fund’s illiquidity to the extent that qualified institutional buyers become, for a time, uninterested in purchasing these securities.

Private Investment in Public Equity (“PIPE”).    In a typical PIPE transaction, the issuer sells shares of common stock at a discount to current market prices to a Fund and may also issue warrants enabling a Fund to purchase additional shares at a price equal to or at a premium to current market prices. Because the shares issued in a PIPE transaction are “restricted securities” under the federal securities laws, a Fund cannot freely trade the securities until the issuer files a registration statement to provide for the public resale of the shares, which typically occurs shortly after the completion of the PIPE transaction, and the public registration process with the SEC is completed. Generally, such restrictions cause the PIPEs to be illiquid during this time, a period which can last many months. PIPEs may contain provisions that the issuer will pay specified financial penalties to a Fund if the issuer does not publicly register the restricted equity securities within a specified period of time to make a Fund whole for the lack of liquidity, but there is no assurance that the securities will be publicly registered, or that the registration will be maintained.

Small-Capitalization Stocks

Investments in larger companies present certain advantages in that such companies generally have greater financial resources, more extensive research and development, manufacturing, marketing and service capabilities, more stability and greater depth of management and technical personnel. Investments in smaller, less seasoned companies may present greater opportunities for growth but also involve greater risks than customarily are associated with more established companies. The securities of smaller companies may be subject to more abrupt or erratic market movements than larger, more established companies. These companies may have limited product lines, markets or financial resources, or they may be dependent upon a limited management group. Their securities may be traded only in the OTC market or on a regional securities exchange and may not be traded every day or in the volume typical of trading on a major securities exchange. As a result, the disposition by a Fund of securities to meet redemptions, or otherwise, may require a Fund to sell these securities at a discount from market prices or to sell during a period when such disposition is not desirable or to make many small sales over a lengthy period of time.

Precious Metals-Related Securities

Precious metals-related securities are considered equity securities of U.S. and foreign companies involved in the exploration, mining, development, production, or distribution of gold or other minerals and metals such as silver and platinum.

The value of these securities may be affected by worldwide financial and political factors, and prices may fluctuate sharply over short time periods. For example, precious metals securities may be affected by changes in inflation expectations in various countries, metal sales by central banks of governments or international agencies, governmental restrictions on the private ownership of certain precious metals or minerals and other factors.



The price of gold has been and may continue to be subject to substantial price fluctuation over short periods of time. It may be affected by international monetary and political policies, such as currency devaluations or reevaluations, economic conditions within an individual country, trade imbalances or trade or currency restrictions between countries, and global inflation rates and interest rates. The price of gold, in turn, is likely to affect the market prices of securities of companies mining, processing, or dealing in gold and, accordingly, the value of a Fund’s investments in these securities.

Platinum and palladium are part of the same group of metals (platinum group metals) and often are found together in mining operations. Platinum has long been used industrially, but is also used for jewelry fabrication. Palladium’s main use is serving as the primary metal in automobile catalytic converters. It is also used extensively in the electronics sector and in some dental, medicine, chemical and technological applications, such as fuel cells. Other precious metals that are part of the platinum group of metals include but are not limited to palladium, rhodium, ruthenium and iridium. Companies engaged in the mining of platinum group metals are subject to substantial economic and political risks. Most of the world’s known supply of platinum group metals is concentrated in a few countries. Given the concentration of supply, any disruptions may have a marked effect on the prices of platinum or palladium.

Foreign Securities

Foreign securities may be listed or traded in the form of depositary receipts including, but not limited to, ADRs, EDRs, GDRs, International Depositary Receipts (“IDRs”) and non-voting depositary receipts (collectively “Depositary Receipts”). ADRs are dollar-denominated receipts issued generally by domestic banks and representing the deposit with the bank of a security of a foreign issuer. ADRs are publicly-traded on exchanges or OTC in the United States. EDRs, IDRs and GDRs are receipts evidencing an arrangement with a non-U.S. bank similar to that for ADRs and are designed for use in the non-U.S. securities markets. EDRs and GDRs are not necessarily quoted in the same currency as the underlying security. Non-voting depositary receipts (“NVDRs”) have similar financial rights as common stocks but do not have voting rights.

Investing in the securities of foreign issuers involves special risks and considerations not typically associated with investing in U.S. companies. These risks are intensified with respect to investments in emerging market countries. These include differences in accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards, generally higher commission rates on foreign transactions, the possibility of expropriation, nationalization, or confiscatory taxation, adverse changes in investment or exchange control regulations, trade restrictions, political instability (which can affect U.S. investments in foreign countries), the impact of economic sanctions, and potential restrictions on the flow of international capital. It may be more difficult to obtain and enforce judgments against foreign entities. If the United States imposes economic sanctions against a foreign government or issuers, a Fund’s investments in issuers subject to such sanctions may be frozen, prohibiting the Fund from selling or otherwise transacting in these instruments, and a Fund may be prohibited from investing in such issuers. Additionally, income (including dividends and interest) and capital gains from foreign securities may be subject to foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes, and other foreign taxes may apply with respect to securities transactions. Transactions on foreign exchanges or OTC markets may involve greater time from the trade date until settlement than for domestic securities transactions and, if the securities are held abroad, may involve the risk of possible losses through the holding of securities in custodians and depositories in foreign countries. Foreign securities often trade with less frequency and volume than domestic securities and therefore may exhibit greater price volatility. Changes in foreign exchange rates will affect the value of those securities which are denominated or quoted in currencies other than the U.S. dollar. Investing in Depositary Receipts may involve many of the same special risks associated with investing in securities of foreign issuers.

There is generally less publicly available information about foreign companies comparable to reports and ratings that are published about companies in the United States. Foreign companies are also generally not subject to uniform accounting and auditing and financial reporting standards, practices, and requirements comparable to those applicable to U.S. companies.

Semi-governmental securities are securities issued by entities owned by either a national, state or equivalent government or are obligations of one of such government jurisdictions that are not backed by its full faith and credit and general taxing powers. Eurobonds are bonds denominated in U.S. dollars or other currencies and sold to investors outside the country whose currency is used. Yankee bonds are U.S. dollar-denominated obligations issued in the U.S. capital markets by foreign issuers. Yankee bonds are subject to certain sovereign risks.

It is contemplated that most foreign securities will be purchased in OTC markets or on stock exchanges located in the countries in which the respective principal offices of the issuers of the various securities are located, if that is the best available market. Foreign stock markets are generally not as developed or efficient as those in the United States. While growing in volume, they usually have substantially less volume than the New York Stock Exchange, and securities of some foreign companies are less liquid and more volatile than securities of comparable U.S. companies. Similarly, volume and liquidity in most foreign bond markets is less than in the United States and at times, volatility of price can be greater than in the United States. Fixed commissions on foreign stock exchanges are generally higher than negotiated commissions on U.S. exchanges, although the Funds will endeavor to achieve the most favorable net results on their transactions. There is generally less government supervision and regulation of stock exchanges, brokers, and listed companies than in the United States.



With respect to certain foreign countries, there is the possibility of adverse changes in investment or exchange control regulations, nationalization, expropriation or confiscatory taxation, limitations on the removal of funds or other assets of a Fund, political or social instability, or diplomatic developments which could affect United States investments in those countries. Moreover, individual foreign economies may differ favorably or unfavorably from the United States’ economy in such respects as growth of gross national product, rate of inflation, capital reinvestment, resource self-sufficiency, and balance of payments position.

The dividends and interest payable on certain of a Fund’s foreign securities may be subject to foreign withholding taxes, thus reducing the net amount of income available for distribution.

Investment in foreign securities also involves the risk of possible losses through the holding of securities in custodian banks and securities depositories in foreign countries. (See the “Custodian and Transfer Agency and Dividend Disbursing Services” section for more information concerning the Trust’s custodian and foreign sub-custodian.) No assurance can be given that expropriation, nationalization, freezes, or confiscation of assets, which would impact assets of a Fund, will not occur, and shareholders bear the risk of losses arising from these or other events.

There are frequently additional expenses associated with maintaining the custody of foreign investments. Expenses of maintaining custody of Fund investments are paid by each Fund. This may lead to higher expenses for Funds that have foreign investments.

Unless otherwise noted, an issuer of a security may be deemed to be located in or economically tied to a particular country if it meets one or more of the following criteria: (i) the issuer or guarantor of the security is organized under the laws of, or maintains its principal place of business in, such country; (ii) the currency of settlement of the security is the currency of such country; (iii) the principal trading market for the security is in such country; (iv) during the issuer’s most recent fiscal year, it derived at least 50% of its revenues or profits from goods produced or sold, investments made, or services performed in such country or has at least 50% of its assets in that country; or (v) the issuer is included in an index that is representative of that country. In the event that an issuer may be considered to be located in or economically tied to more than one country based on these criteria (for example, where the issuer is organized under the laws of one country but derives at least 50% of its revenues or profits from goods produced or sold in another country), the Manager may classify the issuer in its discretion based on an assessment of the relevant facts and circumstances.

Emerging Markets.    There are greater risks involved in investing in emerging market countries and/or their securities markets, such as less diverse and less mature economic structures, less stable political systems, more restrictive foreign investment policies, smaller-sized securities markets and low trading volumes. Such risks can make investments illiquid and more volatile than investments in developed countries and such securities may be subject to abrupt and severe price declines.

Each of the emerging market countries, including those located in Latin America, the Middle East, Asia and Eastern Europe, and frontier markets (emerging market countries in an earlier stage of development) may be subject to a substantially greater degree of economic, political and social instability and disruption than is the case in the U.S., Japan and most developed markets countries. This instability may result from, among other things, the following: (i) authoritarian governments or military involvement in political and economic decision making, including changes or attempted changes in governments through extra-constitutional means; (ii) popular unrest associated with demands for improved political, economic or social conditions; (iii) internal insurgencies; (iv) hostile relations with neighboring countries; (v) ethnic, religious and racial disaffection or conflict; and (vi) the absence of developed legal structures governing foreign private investments and private property. Such economic, political and social instability could disrupt the principal financial markets in which a Fund may invest and adversely affect the value of a Fund’s assets. A Fund’s investments could in the future be adversely affected by any increase in taxes or by political, economic or diplomatic developments, including the impact of any economic sanctions. Investment opportunities within certain emerging markets, such as countries in Eastern Europe, may be considered “not readily marketable” for purposes of the limitation on illiquid securities set forth above.

Included among the emerging market debt obligations in which a Fund may invest are “Brady Bonds,” which are created through the exchange of existing commercial bank loans to sovereign entities for new obligations in connection with debt restructuring under a plan introduced by former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Nicholas F. Brady (the “Brady Plan”). Brady Bonds are not considered U.S. government securities and are considered speculative. Brady Bonds have been issued relatively recently, and accordingly, do not have a long payment history. They may be collateralized or uncollateralized, or have collateralized or uncollateralized elements, and issued in various currencies (although most are U.S. dollar-denominated), and they are traded in the OTC secondary market.

Brady Bonds involve various risk factors including residual risk and the history of defaults with respect to commercial bank loans by public and private entities of countries issuing Brady Bonds. There can be no assurance that Brady Bonds in which a Fund may invest will not be subject to restructuring arrangements or to requests for new credit, which may cause a Fund to suffer a loss of interest or principal on any of its holdings.

Supranational Entities.    Supranational entities are entities designated or supported by national governments to promote economic reconstruction, development or trade amongst nations. Examples of supranational entities include the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the “World Bank”) and the European Investment Bank. Obligations of supranational entities are



subject to the risk that the governments on whose support the entity depends for its financial backing or repayment may be unable or unwilling to provide that support. Obligations of a supranational entity that are denominated in foreign currencies will also be subject to the risks associated with investments in foreign currencies.

Eurozone Risk.    The European Economic and Monetary Union, often referred to as the “Eurozone,” is a group of member countries that have adopted the euro as their official currency and, as a result, are subject to the monetary policies of the European Central Bank (“ECB”). As a Eurozone member, a country’s ability to address any budgetary and economic issues may be limited due to the restrictions on public debt, inflation and deficits that are placed on member countries, or due to political or fiscal policy considerations.

Certain countries have required financial assistance from other Eurozone countries and may continue to be dependent on the assistance from others such as the ECB, the International Monetary Fund, or other governments and institutions to address those issues. There is no assurance that such financial assistance will be provided to the same or additional countries in the future. The economic difficulties of a Eurozone country may negatively impact other Eurozone countries and euro-denominated securities that are not directly tied to that country.

As a result of economic difficulties, one or more Eurozone countries might abandon the euro and return to a national currency. The effects of such an event might have significant negative impacts on that country, the rest of the European Union, and global markets, including the United States. The abandonment of the euro by any one country would likely have a destabilizing effect on all Eurozone countries and may result in other Eurozone countries returning to a national currency, resulting in further market turmoil. In the event a country abandoned the euro, there may be difficulties determining the valuation of a Fund’s investments in that country. There would also likely be operational difficulties related to the settlement of trades of a Fund’s euro-denominated holdings, including derivatives, in that country, and a Fund’s euro-denominated holdings may be redenominated in another currency. Under such circumstances, investments denominated in euros or redenominated in replacement currencies may be difficult to value, the ability to operate an investment strategy in connection with euro-denominated securities may be significantly impaired, and the value of euro-denominated investments may decline significantly and unpredictably.

Investments in Other Investment Company Securities

Under the 1940 Act, subject to certain exceptions, a Fund (other than the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Portfolio Optimization Portfolios, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and Feeder Funds) may not own more than 3% of the outstanding voting stock of an investment company, invest more than 5% of its total assets in any one investment company, or invest more than 10% of its total assets in the securities of investment companies. Such investments may include open-end investment companies, closed-end investment companies, unit investment trusts (“UITs”) and exchange traded funds (“ETFs”). These limitations do not apply to investments in securities of companies that are excluded from the definition of an investment company under the 1940 Act, such as hedge funds or private investment funds. Underlying Funds may not invest in securities of other investment companies in reliance on Section 12(d)(1)(F) or (G) of the 1940 Act, or any successor provisions. In some instances, a Fund may invest in an investment company, including an unregistered investment company, in excess of these limits. This may occur, for instance, when a Fund invests collateral it receives from loaning its portfolio securities. As the shareholder of another investment company, a Fund would bear, along with other shareholders, its pro rata portion of the other investment company’s expenses, including advisory fees. Such expenses are in addition to the expenses a Fund pays in connection with its own operations.

Despite the possibility of greater fees and expenses, investments in other investment companies may be attractive for several reasons, especially in connection with foreign investments. Because of restrictions on direct investment by U.S. entities in certain countries, investing indirectly in such countries (by purchasing shares of another fund that is permitted to invest in such countries) may be the most practical and efficient way for a Fund to invest in such countries. In other cases, when a Manager desires to make only a relatively small investment in a particular country, investing through another fund that holds a diversified portfolio in that country may be more effective than investing directly in issuers in that country.

ETFs.    Individual investments in ETFs generally are not redeemable, but are instead purchased and sold on a secondary market, such as an exchange, similar to a share of common stock. Large quantities of ETFs, also known as “Creation Units”, are redeemable directly from the ETF. The liquidity of small holdings of ETFs, therefore, will depend upon the existence of a secondary market.

The price of an ETF is based upon the securities held by the ETF. Accordingly, the level of risk involved in the purchase or sale of an ETF is similar to the risk involved in the purchase or sale of the securities held by the ETF. ETFs include, among others, SPDRs, OPALs and iShares. ETFs generally acquire and hold securities of all of the companies, or a representative sampling, that are components of a particular index. ETFs may also be actively managed similar to other types of investment companies. Typically ETFs are intended to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses, generally correspond to the price and yield performance of the target index, and the value of their shares should, under normal circumstances, closely track the value of that index’s underlying component securities. Because an ETF has operating expenses and transaction costs, while a market index does not, ETFs that track particular indices typically will be unable to exactly match the performance of the index. As a security listed on an exchange and



traded in the secondary market, ETF shares may trade at a premium or discount to their NAV, and trading in ETF shares may be suspended or halted by its listing exchange.

Business Development Company (“BDC”).    One type of closed-end investment company available for Fund investment is a BDC. BDCs are registered investment vehicles regulated by the 1940 Act. BDCs typically invest in small and medium sized companies which may be privately owned and may not have access to public equity markets for capital raising purposes. BDCs frequently make available managerial assistance to the issuers of such securities.

Investments in BDCs include risks associated with their holdings of smaller issuers and private companies. Generally, public information for BDC holdings is limited and there is a risk that investors may not be able to make fully informed investment decisions. BDC holdings of small and mid-sized companies are speculative, and generally involve a greater risk than established publicly-traded companies with larger market capitalization. Companies in their developmental stages may have a shorter history of operations, a more limited ability to raise capital, inexperienced management and limited product lines, and more speculative prospects for future growth or sustained earnings or market share than larger, more established companies. Holdings of a BDC may be more adversely affected by economic or market conditions, with greater market volatility risk.

BDCs may also invest in the debt of a company, which involves risk that the company may default on its payments or declare bankruptcy. Many of the debt investments in which a BDC may invest will not be rated by a credit rating agency and may be below investment grade quality. Some BDCs invest substantially, or even exclusively, in one sector or industry group. As a result of this concentration, a BDC will be more susceptible to adverse economic, business, regulatory or other developments affecting an industry or group of related industries, which in turn will increase the risk and volatility of a BDC. A BDC with a smaller number of holdings will have greater exposure to those holdings which could increase potential price volatility as compared to other investment companies with a greater number of holdings. A BDC may utilize leverage to gain additional investment exposure. The loss on a leveraged investment may far exceed the principal amount invested, magnifying gains and losses and therefore increase price volatility. The use of leverage may result in a BDC having to liquidate holdings when it may not be advantageous to do so.

Investments in BDCs are also subject to management risk, as managers of BDCs may be entitled to compensation based on the BDC’s performance, which could result in the manager making riskier or more speculative investments in an effort to maximize incentive compensation and receive higher fees. A BDC’s investments are generally less liquid than publicly traded securities and are subject to restrictions on their resale. The illiquidity of a BDC’s holdings may make it difficult for the BDC to sell such investments if the need arises, and thus the BDC may be unable to take advantage of market opportunities or it may be forced to sell illiquid securities at a loss if it is required to raise cash for operations. Some BDCs are listed and trade on an exchange and other BDCs are not traded on an exchange and trade only in private transactions BDCs that are not traded on an exchange may be less liquid. BDC shares may trade at a discount to the BDC’s NAV.


Derivatives are investments whose values are tied to the value of an underlying security or asset, a group of assets, interest rates, exchange rates, currency or an index. Some forms of derivatives, such as exchange-traded futures and options on securities, commodities, or indices, are traded on regulated exchanges. These types of derivatives which are traded on exchanges have standardized contracts and can generally be bought and sold easily, and their market values are determined and published daily. Non-standardized derivatives (such as swap agreements), tend to be more specialized and more complex, and may be harder to value. Derivatives may create leverage, and may enhance returns and be useful in hedging portfolios. Some common types of derivatives include futures, options on futures, forward currency exchange contracts, forward contracts on securities and securities indices, linked securities and structured products, collateralized mortgage obligations, stripped securities, warrants, swap agreements and swaptions.

Each Manager may use derivatives for a variety of reasons, including for example, (i) to enhance a Fund’s returns; (ii) to attempt to protect against possible changes in the market value of securities held in or to be purchased for a Fund resulting from securities markets or currency exchange rate fluctuations (i.e., to hedge); (iii) to protect a Fund’s unrealized gains reflected in the value of its portfolio securities, (iv) to facilitate the sale of such securities for investment purposes; (v) to reduce transaction costs; (vi) to equitize cash; and/or (vii) to manage the effective maturity or duration of a Fund. In addition, a Fund may receive warrants or other derivatives in connection with corporate actions.

The Managers may use derivatives as a substitute for taking a position in the underlying asset and/or as part of a strategy designed to reduce exposure to other risks, such as interest rate or currency risk. The use of derivative instruments involves risks different from, and possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other traditional securities. The use of derivatives can lead to losses because of adverse movements in the price or value of the underlying security, asset, index or reference rate, which may be magnified by certain features of the derivatives. These risks are heightened when a Fund uses derivatives to enhance its return or as a substitute for a position or security, rather than solely to hedge or offset the risk of a position or security held by a Fund. The use of derivatives to leverage risk also may exaggerate loss, potentially causing a Fund to lose more money than if it had invested in the underlying security, or limit a potential gain. The success of a Manager’s derivative strategies will depend on



its ability to assess and predict the impact of market or economic developments on the underlying security, asset, index or reference rate and the derivative itself, without necessarily having had the benefit of observing the performance of the derivative under all possible market conditions. Derivatives are subject to a number of risks described elsewhere in the Prospectuses and this SAI, such as price volatility risk, foreign investment risk, interest rate risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, market risk and management risk. They also involve the risk of mispricing or improper valuation and the risk that changes in the value of the derivative may not correlate well with the security for which it is substituting. Other risks arise from a Fund’s potential inability to terminate or sell its derivatives positions as a liquid secondary market for such positions may not exist at times when a Fund may wish to terminate or sell them. OTC instruments (investments not traded on the exchange) may be less liquid or illiquid, and transactions in derivatives traded in the OTC are subject to the risk that the counterparty will not meet its obligations.

A Fund may use any or all of the above investment techniques and may purchase different types of derivative instruments at any time and in any combination. There is no particular strategy that dictates the use of one technique over another, as the use of derivatives is a function of numerous variables, including market conditions. There can be no assurance that the use of derivative instruments will benefit the Funds.

PLFA is registered with the CFTC as a commodity pool operator on behalf of the Absolute Return Portfolio, Currency Strategies Portfolio, Equity Long/Short Portfolio and Global Absolute Return Portfolio. These portfolios are considered commodity pools under the Commodity Exchange Act (“CEA”) and operate subject to CFTC regulation in addition to SEC regulation. PLFA, on behalf of all other Funds has claimed an exclusion from the definition of a commodity pool operator and, therefore, is not subject to registration under the CEA. In order for PLFA to claim the exclusion, the Funds are limited in their ability to invest in commodity futures, options on commodities or commodity futures and swaps. To the extent PLFA, on behalf of any Fund, becomes no longer eligible to claim an exclusion from CFTC regulation, such Fund may consider steps, such as substantial investment strategy changes, in order to continue to qualify for exclusion from CFTC regulation, or PLFA may determine that the Fund will operate subject to CFTC regulation. If a Fund operates subject to CFTC regulation, it may incur additional expenses. If a Fund adopts substantial investment strategy changes, it may affect its performance, as well as its fees and expenses.

Foreign Currency Transactions and Forward Foreign Currency Contracts

Generally, foreign exchange transactions will be conducted on a spot, i.e., cash, basis at the spot rate for purchasing or selling currency prevailing in the foreign exchange market. This rate, under normal market conditions, differs from the prevailing exchange rate due to the costs of converting from one currency to another. However, the Funds have authority to deal in forward foreign exchange transactions to hedge and manage currency exposure against possible fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, to facilitate the settlement of foreign equity purchases, to exchange one currency for another and, with respect to certain Funds, to increase exposure to a foreign currency or to shift exposure to foreign currency fluctuations from one country to another. This is accomplished through contractual agreements either (i) to purchase or sell a specified currency at a specified future date and price set at the time of the contract or (ii) whose value is determined by the difference between the spot exchange rate on a specific date in the future and a pre-determined fixing rate. The former type of contract is known as a deliverable forward foreign currency contract and the second is known as a Non-Deliverable Forward Foreign Currency Contract (“NDF”) since no exchange of currencies takes place on settlement but instead a single cash flow is made equal to the market value of the contract. When entering into such contracts, a Fund assumes the credit risk of the counterparty. Dealings in forward foreign exchange transactions may include hedging involving either specific transactions or portfolio positions. A Fund may purchase and sell forward foreign currency contracts in combination with other transactions in order to gain exposure to an investment in lieu of actually purchasing such investment.

A Fund may enter into forward foreign currency contracts under the following circumstances:

Transaction Hedge.    A forward foreign currency contract might be used to hedge: 1) specific receivables or payables of a Fund arising from the purchase or sale of portfolio securities; 2) the redemption of shares of a Fund; or 3) to repatriate dividend or interest payments (collectively, a “Transaction Hedge”). A Transaction Hedge will protect against a loss from an adverse change in the currency exchange rates during the period between the date on which the contract is purchased or sold or on which a payment is declared, and the date on which the payments are made or received. A Transaction Hedge may also prevent a Fund from receiving a gain from the appreciation of a foreign currency against a Fund’s base currency. The use of forward contracts establishes a fixed rate to exchange currencies at a future date but does not eliminate the risk of fluctuations in the prices of the underlying securities.

Position Hedge.    A forward foreign currency contract might be used to try to “lock in” the U.S. dollar price of the security. A Position Hedge is used to protect against a potential decline of the U.S. dollar against a foreign currency by buying a forward contract on that foreign currency for a fixed U.S. dollar amount. Alternatively, the Fund could enter into a forward contract to sell a different foreign currency the Manager believes will fall whenever there is a decline in the U.S. dollar value of the currency in which portfolio securities are denominated.



Cross Hedge.    If a particular currency is expected to substantially decrease against another currency, a Fund may sell the currency expected to decrease and purchase a currency which is expected to increase against the currency sold in an amount approximately equal to some or all of the Fund’s holdings denominated in the currency sold.

Proxy Hedge.    The Manager might choose to use a proxy hedge when it is less costly than a direct hedge or when a currency is difficult to hedge. In this case, a Fund, having purchased a security, will sell a currency whose value is believed to be closely linked to the currency in which the security is denominated. This type of hedging entails greater risk than a direct hedge because it is dependent on a stable relationship between the two currencies paired as proxies and the relationships can be very unstable at times.

There is inherent risk that the above hedge strategies do not fully offset the exposures to currency movements. The precise matching of the forward contract amounts and the value of the securities involved will not generally be possible since the future value of such securities in foreign currencies will change as a consequence of market movements in the value of those securities between the date the forward contract is entered into and the date it matures. The projection of short-term currency market movements is extremely difficult and the successful execution of a short-term hedging strategy is highly uncertain.

Non-Hedged Exposure.    Certain Funds may enter into forward contracts or maintain a net exposure to such contracts, where consummation of the contracts would obligate the Fund to deliver an amount of foreign currency in excess of the value of that Fund’s holdings denominated in or exposed to that foreign currency (or a proxy currency considered to move in correlation with that currency), or exposed to a particular securities market, or futures contracts, options or other derivatives on such holdings.

The Funds will cover outstanding forward currency contracts by maintaining liquid portfolio securities or other assets denominated in or exposed to the currency underlying the forward contract or the currency being hedged. To the extent that a Fund is not able to cover its forward currency positions with underlying portfolio securities, cash or liquid equity or debt securities will be segregated in an amount equal to the value of the Fund’s total assets committed to the consummation of forward foreign currency exchange contracts. Where a Fund may have offsetting long and short positions in identical currencies, the notional amounts of the currency positions may be netted against each other, and the segregated amount is the net notional amount to be delivered under the contract. Settlement processes for deliverable forward currency contracts may further reduce a Fund’s delivery obligation and therefore the segregated amount. Where a settlement arrangement provides that on the expiration date the gross notional delivery amounts across all transactions will be aggregated, the segregated amount is equal to the Fund’s net notional amount owed. An NDF provides that the transaction will be settled on a net cash basis in a single currency per counterparty. The segregated amount for an NDF is equal to the daily marked-to-market (net) obligation of the Fund. If the value of the securities used to cover a position or the value of segregated assets declines, a Fund will find alternative cover or additional cash or securities will be segregated on a daily basis so that the value of the segregated assets will equal the amount of the Fund’s commitments with respect to such contracts.

When a Manager of a Fund believes that the currency of a particular foreign country may suffer a decline against the U.S. dollar, that Fund may enter into a forward contract to sell the amount of foreign currency approximating the value of some or all of the Fund’s holdings denominated in or exposed to such foreign currency. At or before the maturity of the forward contract to sell, the Fund may either sell the security and make delivery of the foreign currency or it may retain the security and terminate its contractual obligation to deliver the foreign currency by purchasing an “offsetting” contract with the same currency trader obligating the Fund to purchase, on the same maturity date, the same amount of the foreign currency.

It is impossible to forecast with absolute precision the market value of securities at the expiration of the contract. Accordingly, it may be necessary for a Fund to purchase additional foreign currency on the spot market (and bear the expense of such purchase) if the market value of the security is less than the amount of foreign currency the Fund is obligated to deliver and if a decision is made to sell the security and make delivery of the foreign currency. Conversely, it may be necessary to sell on the spot market some of the foreign currency received upon the sale of the security if its market value exceeds the amount of foreign currency the Fund is obligated to deliver.

If a Fund retains the security and engages in an offsetting transaction, the Fund will incur a gain or a loss (as described below) to the extent that there has been movement in forward contract prices. If the Fund engages in an offsetting transaction, it may subsequently enter into a new forward contract to sell the foreign currency. Should forward prices decline during the period between the Fund entering into a forward contract for the sale of a foreign currency and the date it enters into an offsetting contract for the purchase of the foreign currency, the Fund will realize a gain to the extent the price of the currency it has agreed to sell exceeds the price of the currency it has agreed to purchase. Should forward prices increase, the Fund will suffer a loss to the extent the price of the currency it has agreed to purchase exceeds the price of the currency it has agreed to sell.

A Fund is not required to enter into such transactions with regard to their foreign currency denominated securities and will not do so unless deemed appropriate by its Manager. It also should be realized that this method of protecting the value of a Fund’s holdings in securities against a decline in the value of a currency does not eliminate fluctuations in the underlying prices of the securities. It simply establishes a rate of exchange which one can achieve at some future point in time. Additionally, although such contracts tend to minimize the risk of loss due to a decline in the value of the hedged currency, at the same time they tend to limit any potential gain which might result from the value of such currency increase.



Although a Fund values its shares in terms of U.S. dollars, it does not intend to convert its holdings of foreign currencies into U.S. dollars on a daily basis. It will do so from time to time, and investors should be aware of the costs of currency conversion. Although foreign exchange dealers do not charge a fee for conversion, they do realize a profit based on the difference (the “spread”) between the prices at which they are buying and selling various currencies. Thus, a dealer may offer to sell a foreign currency to a Fund at one rate, while offering a lesser rate of exchange should the Fund desire to resell that currency to the dealer. Additionally, a Fund may be unable to convert currency due to foreign exchange regulations.


Purchasing and Writing Options on Securities.    A Fund may purchase and sell (write) (i) both put and call options on debt or other securities in standardized contracts traded on national securities exchanges, boards of trade, similar entities, or for which an established OTC market exists; and (ii) agreements, sometimes called cash puts, which may accompany the purchase of a new issue of bonds from a dealer.

An option on a security is a contract that gives the holder of the option, in return for a premium, the right to buy from (in the case of a call) or sell to (in the case of a put) the writer of the option the security underlying the option at a specified exercise price at any time during the term of the option. The writer of an option on a security has the obligation upon exercise of the option to deliver the underlying security upon payment of the exercise price or to pay the exercise price upon delivery of the underlying security. A Fund may purchase put options on securities to protect holdings in an underlying or related security against a substantial decline in market value. Securities are considered related if their price movements generally correlate to one another. For example, the purchase of put options on debt securities held in a Fund will enable a Fund to protect, at least partially, an unrealized gain in an appreciated security without actually selling the security. In addition, the Fund will continue to receive interest income on such security.

A Fund may purchase call options on securities to protect against substantial increases in prices of securities the Fund intends to purchase pending its ability to invest in such securities in an orderly manner. A Fund may sell put or call options it has previously purchased, which could result in a net gain or loss depending on whether the amount realized on the sale is more or less than the premium and other transaction costs paid on the put or call option which is sold. A Fund may also allow options to expire unexercised.

In order to earn additional income on its portfolio securities or to protect partially against declines in the value of such securities, a Fund may write covered call options. The exercise price of a call option may be below, equal to, or above the current market value of the underlying security at the time the option is written. During the option period, a covered call option writer may be assigned an exercise notice by the broker-dealer through whom such call option was sold requiring the writer to deliver the underlying security against payment of the exercise price. This obligation is terminated upon the expiration of the option period or at such earlier time in which the writer effects a closing purchase transaction. Closing purchase transactions will ordinarily be effected to realize a profit on an outstanding call option, to prevent an underlying security from being called, to permit the sale of the underlying security, or to enable the Fund to write another call option on the underlying security with either a different exercise price or expiration date or both.

Secured put options will generally be written in circumstances where the Manager wishes to purchase the underlying security at a price lower than the current market price of the security. In such event, the Fund would write a secured put option at an exercise price which, reduced by the premium received on the option, reflects the lower price that it is willing to pay. During the option period, the writer of a put option may be assigned an exercise notice by the broker-dealer through whom the option was sold requiring the writer to purchase the underlying security at the exercise price. The Fund may effect closing transactions with respect to put options that were previously written.

A Fund may write call options and put options only if they are “covered” or if sufficient liquid assets have been segregated to allow the Fund to acquire the security without additional cash consideration (“secured”).

Call Options.    A call option written (sold) by the Fund is covered if the Fund owns the security underlying the call option or if the Fund holds a call option on the same security if the exercise price of the call option held (i) is equal to or less than the exercise price of the call option written or (ii) is greater than the exercise price of the call option written, if the difference is maintained by the Fund in segregated cash, U.S. government securities or liquid securities marked-to-market daily. The call option is also covered if the Fund maintains segregated cash, U.S. government securities or liquid securities marked-to-market daily with a value equal to the market value of the underlying security.

Put Options.    A put option written (sold) by the Fund is covered if the Fund sells short the security underlying the put option at a price equal to or greater than the exercise price, or holds a put option on the same underlying security with an exercise price equal to or greater than the exercise price of the put option written by the Fund. The put option is also covered if the Fund maintains segregated cash, U.S. government securities or liquid securities marked-to-market daily with a value equal to the exercise price of the written put option.



Prior to the earlier of exercise or expiration, an option may be closed out by an offsetting purchase or sale of an option of the same series (type, exchange, underlying security, exercise price, and expiration). There can be no assurance, however, that a closing purchase or sale transaction can be effected when the Fund desires.

A Fund will realize a capital gain from a closing purchase transaction if the cost of the closing option is less than the premium received from writing the option, or, if it is more, the Fund will realize a capital loss. If the premium received from a closing sale transaction is more than the premium paid to purchase the option, the Fund will realize a capital gain or, if it is less, the Fund will realize a capital loss. The principal factors affecting the market value of a put or a call option include supply and demand, interest rates, the current market price of the underlying security in relation to the exercise price of the option, the volatility of the underlying security, and the time remaining until the expiration date.

The premium paid for a put or call option purchased by a Fund is an asset of the Fund. The premium received for an option written by a Fund is recorded as a deferred credit. The value of an option purchased or written is marked-to-market daily and is valued at the closing price on the exchange on which it is traded or, if not traded on an exchange or no closing price is available, at the mean between the last bid and asked prices.

A Fund may write covered straddles and/or strangles consisting of a combination of a call and a put written on the same underlying security. A straddle and/or a strangle will be covered when sufficient assets are segregated to meet the Fund’s immediate obligations. A Fund may use the same segregated cash, U.S. government securities or liquid securities marked-to-market daily to cover both the call and put options where the exercise price of a call and put are the same, or the exercise price of the call is higher than that of the put. In such cases, the Fund will also segregate cash, U.S. government securities or liquid securities equivalent to the amount, if any, by which the put is “in the money.”

Purchasing and Writing Options on Stock Indices.    A stock index is a method of reflecting in a single number the market values of many different stocks or, in the case of value weighted indices that take into account prices of component stocks and the number of shares outstanding, the market values of many different companies. Stock indices are compiled and published by various sources, including securities exchanges. An index may be designed to be representative of the stock market as a whole, of a broad market sector (e.g., industrials), or of a particular industry (e.g., electronics). An index may be based on the prices of all, or only a sample, of the stocks whose value it is intended to represent.

A stock index is ordinarily expressed in relation to a “base” established when the index was originated. The base may be adjusted from time to time to reflect, for example, capitalization changes affecting component stocks. In addition, stocks may from time to time be dropped from or added to an index group. These changes are within the discretion of the publisher of the index.

Different stock indices are calculated in different ways. Often the market prices of the stocks in the index group are “value weighted;” that is, in calculating the index level, the market price of each component stock is multiplied by the number of shares outstanding. Because of this method of calculation, changes in the stock prices of larger corporations will generally have a greater influence on the level of a value weighted (or sometimes referred to as a capitalization weighted) index than price changes affecting smaller corporations.

In general, index options are very similar to stock options, and are basically traded in the same manner. However, when an index option is exercised, the exercise is settled by the payment of cash — not by the delivery of stock. The assigned writer of a stock option is obligated to pay the exercising holder cash in an amount equal to the difference (expressed in dollars) between the closing level of the underlying index on the exercise date and the exercise price of the option, multiplied by a specified index “multiplier.” A multiplier of 100, for example, means that a one-point difference will yield $100. Like other options listed on United States securities exchanges, index options are issued by the Options Clearing Corporation (“OCC”).

Gains or losses on the Funds’ transactions in securities index options depend primarily on price movements in the stock market generally (or, for narrow market indices, in a particular industry or segment of the market) rather than the price movements of individual securities held by a Fund of the Trust. A Fund may sell securities index options prior to expiration in order to close out its positions in stock index options which it has purchased. A Fund may also allow options to expire unexercised.

Risks of Options Transactions.    There are several risks associated with transactions in options. For example, there are significant differences between the securities and options markets that could result in an imperfect correlation between these markets, causing a given transaction not to achieve its objectives. A decision as to whether, when, and how to use options involves the exercise of skill and judgment, and even a well-conceived transaction may be unsuccessful to some degree because of market behavior or unexpected events.

There can be no assurance that a liquid market will exist when a Fund seeks to close out an option position. If a Fund were unable to close out an option it had purchased on a security, it would have to exercise the option to realize any profit or the option may expire worthless. If a Fund were unable to close out a covered call option it had written on a security, it would not be able to sell the underlying security unless the option expired without exercise. As the writer of a covered call option, a Fund forgoes, during the



option’s life, the opportunity to profit from increases in the market value of the security covering the call option above the sum of the premium and the exercise price of the call.

If trading were suspended in an option purchased by a Fund, the Fund would not be able to close out the option. If restrictions on exercise were imposed, the Fund might be unable to exercise an option it has purchased.

With respect to index options, current index levels will ordinarily continue to be reported even when trading is interrupted in some or all of the stocks in an index group. In that event, the reported index levels will be based on the current market prices of those stocks that are still being traded (if any) and the last reported prices for those stocks that are not currently trading. As a result, reported index levels may at times be based on non-current price information with respect to some or even all of the stocks in an index group. Exchange rules permit (and in some instances require) the trading of index options to be halted when the current value of the underlying index is unavailable or when trading is halted in stocks that account for more than a specified percentage of the value of the underlying index. In addition, as with other types of options, an exchange may halt the trading of index options whenever it considers such action to be appropriate in the interests of maintaining a fair and orderly market and protecting investors. If a trading halt occurs, whether for these or for other reasons, holders of index options may be unable to close out their positions and the options may expire worthless.

Spread Transactions.    Spread transactions are not generally exchange listed or traded. Spread transactions may occur in the form of options, futures, forwards or swap transactions. The purchase of a spread transaction gives a Fund the right to sell or receive a security or a cash payment with respect to an index at a fixed dollar spread or fixed yield spread in relationship to another security or index which is used as a benchmark. The risk to a Fund in purchasing spread transactions is the cost of the premium paid for the spread transaction and any transaction costs. The sale of a spread transaction obligates a Fund to purchase or deliver a security or a cash payment with respect to an index at a fixed dollar spread or fixed yield spread in relationship to another security or index which is used as a benchmark. In addition, there is no assurance that closing transactions will be available. The purchase and sale of spread transactions will be used in furtherance of a Fund’s investment goal and to protect a Fund against adverse changes in prevailing credit quality spreads, i.e., the yield spread between high quality and lower quality securities. Such protection is only provided during the life of the spread transaction. The Trust does not consider a security covered by a spread transaction to be “pledged” as that term is used in the Trust’s policy limiting the pledging or mortgaging of its assets. The sale of spread transactions will be “covered” or “secured” as described in the “Options”, “Options on Foreign Currencies”, “Futures Contracts and Options on Futures Contracts”, and “Swap Agreements and Options on Swap Agreements” sections.

Yield Curve Options

A Fund may enter into options on the yield “spread” or differential between two securities. Such transactions are referred to as “yield curve” options. In contrast to other types of options, a yield curve option is based on the difference between the yields of designated securities, rather than the prices of the individual securities, and is settled through cash payments. Accordingly, a yield curve option is profitable to the holder if this differential widens (in the case of a call) or narrows (in the case of a put), regardless of whether the yields of the underlying securities increase or decrease.

A Fund may purchase or sell (write) yield curve options for the same purposes as other options on securities. For example, a Fund may purchase a call option on the yield spread between two securities if the Fund owns one of the securities and anticipates purchasing the other security and wants to hedge against an adverse change in the yield spread between the two securities. A Fund may also purchase or write yield curve options in an effort to increase current income if, in the judgment of the Manager, the Fund will be able to profit from movements in the spread between the yields of the underlying securities. The trading of yield curve options is subject to all of the risks associated with the trading of other types of options. In addition, however, such options present a risk of loss even if the yield of one of the underlying securities remains constant, or if the spread moves in a direction or to an extent that was not anticipated.

Yield curve options written by a Fund will be “covered.” A call or put option is covered if the Fund holds another call or put option on the spread between the same two securities and segregates cash or liquid assets sufficient to cover the Fund’s net liability under the two options. Therefore, a Fund’s liability for such a covered option is generally limited to the difference between the amount of the Fund’s liability under the option written by the Fund less the value of the option held by the Fund. Yield curve options may also be covered in such other manner as may be in accordance with the requirements of the counterparty with which the option is traded and applicable laws and regulations. Yield curve options are traded over-the-counter, and established trading markets for these options may not exist.

Options on Foreign Currencies

Funds may purchase and sell options on foreign currencies for hedging purposes and, with respect to certain Funds as described in the Prospectuses, to increase exposure to a foreign currency or to shift exposure to foreign currency fluctuations from one country to another, in a manner similar to that in which futures or forward contracts on foreign currencies will be utilized. For example, a



decline in the U.S. dollar value of a foreign currency in which portfolio securities are denominated will reduce the U.S. dollar value of such securities, even if their value in the foreign currency remains constant. In order to protect against such diminutions in the value of portfolio securities, a Fund may buy put options on the foreign currency. If the value of the currency declines, the Fund will have the right to sell such currency for a fixed amount in U.S. dollars and will offset, in whole or in part, the adverse effect on its portfolio.

Conversely, when a rise in the U.S. dollar value of a currency in which securities to be acquired are denominated is projected, thereby increasing the cost of such securities, a Fund may buy call options thereon. The purchase of such options could offset, at least partially, the effects of the adverse movements in exchange rates. As in the case of other types of options, however, the benefit to the Fund from purchases of foreign currency options will be reduced by the amount of the premium and related transaction costs. In addition, if currency exchange rates do not move in the direction or to the extent desired, the Fund could sustain losses on transactions in foreign currency options that would require the Fund to forgo a portion or all of the benefits of advantageous changes in those rates.

A Fund may write options on foreign currencies for hedging purposes and, with respect to certain Funds as described in the Prospectuses, to increase exposure to a foreign currency or to shift exposure to foreign currency fluctuations from one country to another. For example, to hedge against a potential decline in the U.S. dollar value of foreign currency denominated securities due to adverse fluctuations in exchange rates, the Fund could, instead of purchasing a put option, write a call option on the relevant currency. If the expected decline occurs, the option will most likely not be exercised and the diminution in value of portfolio securities will be offset by the amount of the premium received.

Similarly, instead of purchasing a call option to hedge against a potential increase in the U.S. dollar cost of securities to be acquired, the Fund could write a put option on the relevant currency which, if rates move in the manner projected, will expire unexercised and allow the Fund to hedge the increased cost up to the amount of the premium. As in the case of other types of options, however, the writing of a foreign currency option will constitute only a partial hedge up to the amount of the premium. If exchange rates do not move in the expected direction, the option may be exercised and the Fund would be required to buy or sell the underlying currency at a loss which may not be offset by the amount of the premium. Through the writing of options on foreign currencies, the Fund also may lose all or a portion of the benefits which might otherwise have been obtained from favorable movements in exchange rates.

A Fund may write covered call and put options on foreign currencies. A call option written on a foreign currency by the Fund is “covered” if the Fund (i) owns the underlying foreign currency covered by the call; (ii) has an absolute and immediate right to acquire that foreign currency without additional cash consideration (or for additional cash consideration held in segregation) upon conversion or exchange of other foreign currency held in its portfolio; (iii) has a call on the same foreign currency and in the same principal amount as the call written if the exercise price of the call held (a) is equal to or less than the exercise price of the call written, or (b) is greater than the exercise price of the call written, if the difference is maintained by the Fund in segregated government securities, cash or liquid securities marked-to-market daily, and/or cash, U.S. government securities, or liquid securities marked-to-market daily; or (iv) segregates and marks-to-market cash or liquid assets equal to the value of the underlying foreign currency. A put option written on a foreign currency by a Fund is “covered” if the option is secured by (i) segregated government securities, cash or liquid securities marked-to-market daily of that foreign currency, and/or segregated U.S. government securities, cash or liquid securities marked-to-market daily at least equal to the exercise price, (ii) a short sale of the security underlying the put option at an equal or greater exercise price, or (iii) a put on the same underlying currency at an equal or greater exercise price.

A Fund also may write call options on foreign currencies for cross-hedging purposes that would not be deemed to be covered. A written call option on a foreign currency is for cross-hedging purposes if it is not covered but is designed to provide a hedge against a decline due to an adverse change in the exchange rate in the U.S. dollar value of a security which the Fund owns or has the right to acquire and which is denominated in the currency underlying the option. In such circumstances, the Fund collateralizes the option by segregating cash, U.S. government securities, and/or liquid securities marked-to-market daily in an amount not less than the value of the underlying foreign currency in U.S. dollars marked-to-market daily.

Foreign currency options are subject to the risks of the availability of a liquid secondary market described above, as well as the risks regarding adverse market movements, margining of options written, the nature of the foreign currency market, possible intervention by governmental authorities and the effects of other political and economic events. In addition, exchange-traded options on foreign currencies involve certain risks not presented by the OTC market. For example, exercise and settlement of such options must be made exclusively through the OCC, which has established banking relationships in applicable foreign countries for this purpose. As a result, the OCC may, if it determines that foreign governmental restrictions or taxes would prevent the orderly settlement of foreign currency option exercises, or would result in undue burdens on the OCC or its clearing member, impose special procedures on exercise and settlement, such as technical changes in the mechanics of delivery of currency, the fixing of dollar settlement prices or prohibitions on exercise.

In addition, options on foreign currencies may be traded on foreign exchanges and OTC in foreign countries. Such transactions are subject to the risk of governmental actions affecting trading in or the prices of foreign currencies or securities. The value of such positions also could be adversely affected by (i) other complex foreign political and economic factors, (ii) lesser availability than in



the United States of data on which to make trading decisions, (iii) delays in a Fund’s ability to act upon economic events occurring in foreign markets during non-business hours in the United States, (iv) the imposition of different exercise and settlement terms and procedures and margin requirements than in the United States, and (v) low trading volume.

Futures Contracts and Options on Futures Contracts

A futures contract is an agreement that obligates a purchaser to take delivery and a seller to make delivery of a specified quantity of a security or commodity at a specified price at a future date. The value of a futures contract tends to increase and decrease in tandem with the value of its underlying instrument. Therefore, purchasing futures contracts will tend to increase the Fund’s exposure to positive and negative market price fluctuations in the underlying instrument, much as if it had purchased the underlying instrument directly. When a Fund sells a futures contract, by contrast, the value of its futures position will tend to move in a direction opposite to the purchase price of the underlying instrument.

If a purchase or sale of a futures contract is made by a Fund, the Fund is required to deposit a specified amount of cash or U.S. government securities (“initial margin”) with a futures broker, known as a futures commission merchant (“FCM”) or its custodian for the benefit of the FCM. The margin required for a futures contract is set by the exchange on which the contract is traded and may be modified during the term of the contract. The initial margin is in the nature of a performance bond or good faith deposit on the futures contract which is returned to the Fund upon termination of the contract, assuming all contractual obligations have been satisfied. Each investing Fund expects to earn interest income on its initial margin deposits. A futures contract held by a Fund is valued daily at the official settlement price of the exchange on which it is traded. Each day the Fund pays or receives cash, called “variation margin,” equal to the daily change in value of the futures contract. This process is known as “marking-to-market.” Variation margin does not represent a borrowing or loan by a Fund but is instead settlement between the Fund and the FCM of the amount one would owe the other if the futures contract expired that day. In computing daily net asset value, each Fund will mark-to-market its open futures positions.

A Fund is also required to deposit and maintain margin with respect to put and call options on futures contracts written by it. Such margin deposits will vary depending on the nature of the underlying futures contract (and the related initial margin requirements), the current market value of the option, and other futures positions held by the Fund.

Although some futures contracts call for making or taking delivery of the underlying instruments, generally these obligations are closed out prior to delivery by offsetting purchases or sales of matching futures contracts (same exchange, underlying security, and delivery month). If an offsetting purchase price is less than the original sale price, the Fund realizes a capital gain, or if it is more, the Fund realizes a capital loss. Conversely, if an offsetting sale price is more than the original purchase price, the Fund realizes a capital gain, or if it is less, the Fund realizes a capital loss. The transaction costs must also be included in these calculations.

Futures on Securities.    A futures contract on a security is an agreement between two parties (buyer and seller) to take or make delivery of a specified quantity of a security at a specified price at a future date.

If a Fund buys a futures contract to gain exposure to securities, the Fund is exposed to the risk of change in the value of the futures contract, which may be caused by a change in the value of the underlying securities.

Interest Rate Futures.    An interest rate futures contract is an agreement between two parties (buyer and seller) to take or make delivery of a specified quantity of financial instruments (such as GNMA certificates or Treasury bonds) at a specified price at a future date. In the case of futures contracts traded on U.S. exchanges, the exchange itself or an affiliated clearing corporation assumes the opposite side of each transaction (i.e., as buyer or seller). A futures contract may be satisfied or closed out by delivery or purchase, as the case may be, of the financial instrument or by payment of the change in the cash value of the index. Frequently, using futures to effect a particular strategy instead of using the underlying or related security will result in lower transaction costs being incurred. A public market exists in futures contracts covering various financial instruments including U.S. Treasury bonds, U.S. Treasury notes, GNMA certificates, three month U.S. Treasury bills, 90 day commercial paper, bank certificates of deposit, and eurodollar certificates of deposit.

As a hedging strategy a Fund might employ, a Fund may purchase an interest rate futures contract when it is not fully invested in long-term debt securities but wishes to defer their purchase for some time until it can orderly invest in such securities or because short-term yields are higher than long-term yields. Such purchase would enable the Fund to earn the income on a short-term security while at the same time minimizing the effect of all or part of an increase in the market price of the long-term debt security which the Fund intended to purchase in the future. A rise in the price of the long-term debt security prior to its purchase either would be offset by an increase in the value of the futures contract purchased by the Fund or avoided by taking delivery of the debt securities under the futures contract.

A Fund would sell an interest rate futures contract in order to continue to receive the income from a long-term debt security, while endeavoring to avoid part or all of the decline in market value of that security which would accompany an increase in interest rates. If interest rates did rise, a decline in the value of the debt security held by the Fund would be substantially offset by the ability



of the Fund to repurchase at a lower price the interest rate futures contract previously sold. While the Fund could sell the long-term debt security and invest in a short-term security, ordinarily the Fund would give up income on its investment, since long-term rates normally exceed short-term rates.

Stock Index Futures.    A stock index is a method of reflecting in a single number the market values of many different securities or, in the case of capitalization weighted indices that take into account both security prices and the number of shares outstanding, many different companies. An index fluctuates generally with changes in the market values of the securities so included. A stock index futures contract is a bilateral agreement pursuant to which two parties agree to take or make delivery of an amount of cash equal to a specified dollar amount multiplied by the difference between the stock index value at the close of the last trading day of the contract and the price at which the futures contract is originally purchased or sold. No physical delivery of the underlying securities in the index is made.

A Fund may engage in transactions in stock index futures contracts in an effort to protect it against a decline in the value of the Fund’s securities or an increase in the price of securities that the Fund intends to acquire or to gain exposure to an index (equitize cash). For example, a Fund may sell stock index futures to protect against a market decline in an attempt to offset partially or wholly a decrease in the market value of securities that the Fund intends to sell. Similarly, to protect against a market advance when the Fund is not fully invested in the securities market, the Fund may purchase stock index futures that may partly or entirely offset increases in the cost of securities that the Fund intends to purchase.

Currency Futures.    A Fund may seek to enhance returns or hedge against the decline in the value of a currency against the U.S. dollar through use of currency futures or options thereon. Currency futures are similar to forward foreign currency transactions except that futures are standardized, exchange-traded contracts. Currency futures involve substantial currency risk and leverage risk.

Futures Options.    Futures options possess many of the same characteristics as options on securities. A futures option gives the holder the right, in return for the premium paid, to assume a long position (call) or short position (put) in a futures contract at a specified exercise price at any time during the period of the option. Upon exercise of a call option, the holder acquires a long position in the futures contract and the writer is assigned the opposite short position. In the case of a put option, the opposite is true.

Options on stock index futures contracts give the purchaser the right, in return for the premium paid, to assume a position in a stock index futures contract (a long position if the option is a call and a short position if the option is a put) at a specified exercise price at any time during the period of the option. Upon exercise of the option, the delivery of the futures position by the writer of the option to the holder of the option will be accompanied by delivery of the accumulated balance in the writer’s futures margin account which represents the amount by which the market price of the stock index futures contract, at exercise, exceeds (in the case of a call) or is less than (in the case of a put) the exercise price of the option on the stock index futures contract. If an option is exercised on the last trading day prior to the expiration date of the option, the settlement will be made entirely in cash equal to the difference between the exercise price of the option and the closing level of the index on which the futures contract is based on the expiration date. Purchasers of options who fail to exercise their options prior to the exercise date suffer a loss of the premium paid. During the option period, the covered call writer (seller) has given up the opportunity to profit from a price increase in the underlying securities above the exercise price. The writer of an option has no control over the time when it may be required to fulfill its obligation as a writer of the option.

Options on Currency Futures.    A Fund may seek to enhance returns or hedge against the decline in the value of a currency against the U.S. dollar through use of currency options. Currency options are similar to options on securities, but in consideration for an option premium the writer of a currency option is obligated to sell (in the case of a call option) or purchase (in the case of a put option) a specified amount of a specified currency on or before the expiration date for a specified amount of a another currency. A Fund may engage in transactions in options on currencies either on exchanges or OTC markets. Currency futures involve substantial currency risk and may also involve credit, leverage and liquidity risk.

A Fund may write covered straddles and/or strangles consisting of a combination of a call and a put written on the same underlying futures contract. A straddle and/or a strangle will be covered when sufficient assets are segregated to meet the Fund’s immediate obligations. A Fund may use the same segregated cash, U.S. government securities or liquid securities marked-to-market daily to cover both the call and put options where the exercise price of a call and put are the same, or the exercise price of the call is higher than that of the put. In such cases, the Fund will also segregate cash, U.S. government securities or liquid securities equivalent to the amount, if any, by which the put is “in the money.”

When purchasing a futures contract, a Fund must segregate cash, U.S. government securities and/or other liquid securities marked-to-market daily (including any margin) equal to the price of such contract or will “cover” its position by holding a put option permitting the Fund to sell the same futures contract with a strike price equal to or higher than the price of the futures contract held. When writing a call option on a futures contract, the Fund similarly will segregate government securities, cash and/or liquid securities marked-to-market daily of that foreign currency, and/or, U.S. government securities, cash, or other liquid securities marked-to-market daily (including any margin) equal to the value of the futures contract or will “cover” its position by (1) owning the same futures



contract at a price equal to or lower than the strike price of the call option, or (2) owning the commodity (financial or otherwise) underlying the futures contract, or (3) holding a call option permitting the Fund to purchase the same futures contract at a price equal to or lower than the strike price of the call option sold by the Fund. When selling a futures contract or selling a put option on a futures contract, the Fund is required to segregate government securities, cash and/or liquid securities marked-to-market daily of that foreign currency, and/or U.S. government securities, cash, or other liquid securities marked-to-market daily (including any margin) equal to the market value of such contract or exercise price of such option or to “cover” its position, when selling a futures contract, by (1) owning the commodity (financial or otherwise) underlying the futures contract or (2) holding a call option permitting the Fund to purchase the same futures contract at a price equal to or lower than the price at which the short position was established, and, when selling a put option on the futures contract, by (1) selling the futures contract underlying the put option at the same or higher price than the strike price of the put option or (2) purchasing a put option, if the strike price of the purchased option is the same or higher than the strike price of the put option sold by the Fund. However, with respect to futures contracts that are required to “cash settle”, a Fund, to the extent asset coverage is required, is permitted to set aside or “earmark” liquid assets in an amount equal to the Fund’s daily marked-to-market (net) obligation, if any, (in other words, the Fund’s daily net liability from futures contracts, if any). By setting aside assets equal to only its net obligation under cash-settled futures contracts, a Fund will have the ability to employ leverage to a greater extent than if the Fund were required to segregate assets equal to the full market value of the futures contracts.

A Fund reserves the right to engage in other types of futures transactions in the future and to use futures and related options for other than hedging purposes to the extent permitted by regulatory authorities. If other types of options, futures contracts, or futures options are traded in the future, a Fund may also use such investment techniques, provided that the Trust’s Board of Trustees determines that their use is consistent with the Fund’s investment goal.

Risks Associated with Futures and Futures Options.    There are several risks associated with the use of futures and futures options. A purchase or sale of a futures contract may result in losses in excess of the amount invested in the futures contract. While a Fund hedging transactions may protect the Fund against adverse movements in the general level of interest rates or stock or currency prices, such transactions could also preclude the opportunity to benefit from favorable movements in the level of interest rates or stock or currency prices. A hedging transaction may not correlate perfectly with price movements in the assets being hedged, causing the hedge not to achieve its objectives. The degree of imperfection of correlation depends on circumstances such as variations in speculative market demand for futures and futures options on securities, including technical influences in futures trading and futures options, and differences between the portfolio securities being hedged and the instruments underlying the hedging vehicle in such respects as interest rate levels, maturities, conditions affecting particular industries, and creditworthiness of issuers. A decision as to whether, when, and how to hedge involves the exercise of skill and judgment and even a well-conceived hedge may be unsuccessful to some degree because of market behavior or unexpected interest rate trends.

The price of futures contracts may not correlate perfectly with movement in the underlying security or stock index, due to certain market distortions. This might result from decisions by a significant number of market participants holding stock index futures positions to close out their futures contracts through offsetting transactions rather than to make additional margin deposits. Also, increased participation by speculators in the futures market may cause temporary price distortions. These factors may increase the difficulty of effecting a fully successful hedging transaction, particularly over a short time frame. With respect to a stock index futures contract, the price of stock index futures might increase, reflecting a general advance in the market price of the index’s component securities, while some or all of the portfolio securities might decline. If a Fund had hedged its portfolio against a possible decline in the market with a position in futures contracts on an index, it might experience a loss on its futures position until it could be closed out, while not experiencing an increase in the value of its portfolio securities. If a hedging transaction is not successful, the Fund might experience losses which it would not have incurred if it had not established futures positions. Similar risk considerations apply to the use of interest rate and other futures contracts.

An incorrect correlation could result in a loss on both the hedged assets in a Fund and/or the hedging vehicle, so that the Fund’s return might have been better had hedging not been attempted. There can be no assurance that an appropriate hedging instrument will be available when sought by a Manager.

There can be no assurance that a liquid market will exist at a time when a Fund seeks to close out a futures contract or a futures option position. Most futures exchanges and boards of trade limit the amount of fluctuation permitted in futures contract prices during a single day. The daily limit establishes the maximum amount that the price of a futures contract may vary either up or down from the previous day’s settlement price at the end of the current trading session. Once the daily limit has been reached on a particular futures contract subject to the limit, no more trades may be made on that day at a price beyond that limit. The daily limit governs only price movements during a particular trading day and therefore does not limit potential losses because the limit may work to prevent the liquidation of unfavorable positions. For example, futures prices have occasionally moved to the daily limit for several consecutive trading days with little or no trading, thereby preventing prompt liquidation of positions and subjecting some holders of futures contracts to substantial losses. In addition, certain of these instruments are relatively new and lack a deep secondary market. Lack of a liquid market for any reason may prevent a Fund from liquidating an unfavorable position and the Fund would remain obligated to meet margin requirements until the position is closed.



Foreign markets may offer advantages such as trading in indices that are not currently traded in the United States. Foreign markets, however, may have greater risk potential than domestic markets. Unlike trading on domestic commodity exchanges, trading on foreign commodity exchanges is not regulated by the CFTC and may be subject to greater risk than trading on domestic exchanges. For example, some foreign exchanges are principal markets so that no common clearing facility exists and a trader may look only to the broker for performance of the contract. Trading in foreign futures or foreign options contracts may not be afforded certain of the protective measures provided by the Commodity Exchange Act, the CFTC’s regulations, and the rules of the National Futures Association and any domestic exchange, including the right to use reparations proceedings before the CFTC and arbitration proceedings provided by the National Futures Association or any domestic futures exchange. Amounts received for foreign futures or foreign options transactions may not be provided the same protection as funds received in respect of transactions on United States futures exchanges. In addition, any profits that the Fund might realize in trading could be eliminated by adverse changes in the exchange rate of the currency in which the transaction is denominated, or the Fund could incur losses as a result of changes in the exchange rate. Transactions on foreign exchanges may include both commodities that are traded on domestic exchanges or boards of trade and those that are not.

There can be no assurance that a liquid market will exist at a time when a Fund seeks to close out a futures or a futures option position, and that Fund would remain obligated to meet margin requirements until the position is closed. There can be no assurance that an active secondary market will develop or continue to exist.

Foreign Currency Futures and Options Thereon

Foreign currency futures are contracts for the purchase or sale for future delivery of foreign currencies which may also be engaged in for cross-hedging purposes. Cross-hedging involves the sale of a futures contract on one foreign currency to hedge against changes in exchange rates for a different (“proxy”) currency if there is an established historical pattern of correlation between the two currencies. These investment techniques will be used only to hedge against anticipated future changes in exchange rates which otherwise might adversely affect the value of the Fund’s securities or adversely affect the prices of securities that the Fund has purchased or intends to purchase at a later date and, with respect to certain Funds as described in the Prospectuses, to increase exposure to a foreign currency or to shift exposure to foreign currency fluctuations from one country to another. The successful use of foreign currency futures will usually depend on the Manager’s ability to forecast currency exchange rate movements correctly. Should exchange rates move in an unexpected manner, the Fund may not achieve the anticipated benefits of foreign currency futures or may realize losses.

Swap Agreements and Options on Swap Agreements

Swap Agreements are privately negotiated OTC derivative products in which two parties agree to exchange payment streams calculated in relation to a rate, index, instrument or certain securities (referred to as the “underlying”) and a predetermined amount (referred to as the “notional amount”). The underlying reference for a swap may be an interest rate (fixed or floating), a currency exchange rate, a commodity price index, credit of an issuer, a security, group of securities or a securities index, a combination of any of these, or various other rates, assets or indices. Swap agreements generally do not involve the delivery of the underlying or principal, and a party’s obligations generally are equal to only the net amount to be paid or received under the agreement based on the relative values of the positions held by each party to the swap agreement. A great deal of flexibility is possible in the way swaps may be structured. For example, in a simple fixed-to-floating interest rate swap, one party makes payments equivalent to a fixed interest rate, and the other party makes payments calculated with reference to a specified floating interest rate, such as LIBOR or the Prime Rate. Total return swaps may be used to gain exposure to the return of a reference asset, such as an index. In a total return swap, a Fund typically would pay a set rate or a financing cost, which is normally based on a floating rate, in exchange for the return of a particular reference asset. Inflation swaps may be used to transfer inflation-related exposure. In an inflation swap, a Fund typically would pay a financing cost, which is normally based on a floating rate, and in exchange the Fund would receive a specified rate of inflation.

In a currency swap, the parties generally enter into an agreement to pay interest streams in one currency based on a specified rate in exchange for receiving interest streams denominated in another currency. Currency swaps may involve initial and final exchanges that correspond to the agreed upon notional amount. A Fund may engage in simple or more complex swap transactions involving a wide variety of underlyings for various reasons. For example, a Fund may enter into a swap to gain exposure to investments (such as an index of securities in a market) or currencies without actually purchasing those stocks or currencies; to make an investment without owning or taking physical custody of securities or currencies in circumstances in which direct investment is restricted for legal reasons or is otherwise impracticable; to hedge an existing position; to obtain a particular desired return at a lower cost to the Fund than if it had invested directly in an instrument that yielded the desired return; or for various other reasons.

Credit default swaps (“CDS”) involve the receipt of floating or fixed rate payments in exchange for assuming potential credit losses on an underlying security (or group of securities or index). CDS give one party to a transaction (the buyer of the CDS) the right to dispose of an asset (or group of assets), or the right to receive a payment from the other party, upon the occurrence of specified credit events.



A Fund may enter into CDS, as a buyer or a seller. CDS are used to manage default risk of an issuer and/or to gain exposure to a portion of the debt market or an individual issuer. Selling CDS (i.e., selling protection) increases credit exposure; purchasing CDS (i.e., buying protection) decreases credit exposure. The buyer in a credit default contract is obligated to pay the seller a periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract provided no event of default has occurred. If an event of default occurs, the seller generally pays the buyer the full notional value (“par value”) of the underlying in exchange for the underlying. If a Fund is a buyer and no event of default occurs, the Fund will have made a stream of payments to the seller without having benefited from the default protection it purchased. However, if an event of default occurs, the Fund, as buyer, will receive the full notional value of the underlying that may have little or no value following default. As a seller, a Fund receives a fixed rate of income throughout the term of the contract, provided there is no default. If an event of default occurs, the Fund would be obligated to pay the notional value of the underlying in return for the receipt of the underlying. The value of the underlying received by the Fund, coupled with the periodic payments previously received may be less than the full notional value it pays to the buyer, resulting in a loss of value to the Fund. CDS involve additional risks than if a Fund invests in the underlying directly.

For purposes of applying the Funds’ investment strategies and restrictions (as stated in the Prospectuses and this SAI) swap agreements are generally valued by the Funds at market value. In the case of a CDS or total return swap, however, in applying certain of the Funds’ investment policies and restrictions the Fund will generally value these swaps at their notional value or their full exposure value (i.e., the sum of the notional amount for the contract plus the market value; market value for a swap is the current gain or loss of the contract). For purposes of applying certain of the Funds’ other investment policies and restrictions, the Funds may value the credit default or total return swap at market value. For example, a Fund may value a CDS at full exposure value for purposes of the Fund’s credit quality guidelines because such value reflects the Fund’s actual economic exposure during the term of the CDS agreement. In this context, both the notional amount and the market value may be positive or negative depending on whether the Fund is selling or buying protection through the CDS.

To the extent that a Fund uses derivatives or engages in other transactions that involve leverage or potential leverage, such as swaps, the Fund must segregate cash, U.S. government securities and/or other liquid securities marked-to-market daily (including any margin). The amount required for segregation for swaps will generally be the market value of the swap, however certain swaps such as sell protection, CDS (when the portfolio is selling credit protection) will be valued at the notional amount or its full exposure value. Swap agreements may include: (1) “currency exchange rate”, which involve the exchange by a Fund with another party of their respective rights to make or receive payments is specified currencies; (2) “interest rate”, which involve the exchange by a Fund with another party of their respective commitments to pay or receive interest; (3) “interest rate index”, which involve the exchange by a Fund with another party of the respective amounts payable with respect to a notional principal amount at interest rates equal to two specified indices; and other interest rate swap arrangements such as: (i) “caps,” under which, in return for a premium, one party agrees to make payments to the other to the extent that interest rates exceed a specified rate, or “cap”; (ii) “floors,” under which, in return for a premium, one party agrees to make payments to the other to the extent that interest rates fall below a certain level, or “floor”; and (iii) “collars,” under which one party sells a cap and purchases a floor or vice-versa in an attempt to protect itself against interest rate movements exceeding given minimum or maximum levels; (4) “credit default”, which involve an agreement of a Fund to pay the par (or other agreed-upon) value of a referenced debt obligation to the counterparty in the event of a default by a third party in return for a periodic stream of payments over the term of the contract provided that no event of default has occurred; and (5) “total return”, which involves the exchange by a Fund with another party of their respective commitments and the total return side is based on the total return of an equity or debt instrument or loan, or index thereon, with a life longer than the swap. As the seller of a swap, the Fund would be subject to investment exposure on the notional amount of the swap.

Risks of Swap Agreements.    The use of interest rate, mortgage, credit, currency and total return swaps, options on swaps, and interest rate caps, floors and collars, is a highly specialized activity which involves investment techniques and risks different from those associated with ordinary portfolio securities transactions. If the Manager is incorrect in its forecasts of market values, interest rates and currency exchange rates, or in its evaluation of the creditworthiness of swap counterparties and the issuers of the underlying assets, the investment performance of a Fund would be less favorable than it would have been if these investment techniques were not used. Because they are two-party contracts and because they may have terms of greater than seven days, swap agreements may be considered to be illiquid investments. It may not be possible to enter into a reverse swap or close out a swap position prior to its original maturity and, therefore, a Fund may bear the risk of such position until its maturity. Moreover, a Fund bears the risk of loss of the amount expected to be received under a swap agreement in the event of the default or bankruptcy of a swap agreement counterparty. A Fund will enter into swap agreements only with counterparties that meet certain standards for creditworthiness (generally, such counterparties would have to be rated investment grade or better). Certain tax considerations may limit a Fund’s ability to use swap agreements. The swaps market is largely unregulated. It is possible that developments in the swaps market, including potential government regulation, could adversely affect a Fund’s ability to terminate existing swap agreements or to realize amounts to be received under such agreements. There is always the risk that these investments could reduce returns or increase a Fund’s volatility. See the “Taxation” section for more information.



Structured Investments and Hybrid Instruments

Structured investments, including hybrid instruments, are instruments whose principal amount, amount payable upon maturity or interest rate is tied (positively or negatively) to the value of an index, interest rate, commodity, currency or other economic factor, or assets including, equity or debt securities, currencies, commodities, and loans (each a “benchmark”). Structured investments may combine the characteristics of securities, futures, and options. The interest rate or (unlike most debt securities) the amount payable at maturity of a structured investment may be increased or decreased, depending on changes in the value of the benchmark, although a structured investment may also be structured so that the issuer is not required to pay interest if the benchmark rises or falls to a certain level. Structured investments can be used as an efficient means of pursuing a variety of investment goals, including currency hedging, duration management, and increased total return. Structured investments include a wide variety of investments, including credit-linked securities, structured notes, indexed securities and CBOs, CLOs and other CDOs. Structured investments include potentially high-risk derivatives.

The risks presented by structured investments may include market and regulatory risk, price volatility risk, credit risk, derivatives risk, liquidity risk and currency risk, in addition to the risks associated with the benchmark. The value of a structured investment or its interest rate may be a multiple of a benchmark and, as a result, the structured investment may be leveraged and change in value (up or down) in a greater amount and more rapidly than the benchmark. A benchmark may be sensitive to economic and political events, such as commodity shortages and currency devaluations, which cannot be readily foreseen by the purchaser of a structured investment. Under certain conditions, the amount payable upon maturity of a structured investment could be zero. Thus, an investment in a structured investment may entail significant risks that are not associated with an investment in a traditional, U.S. dollar-denominated bond that has a fixed principal amount and pays a fixed rate or floating rate of interest. The purchase of a structured investment also exposes a Fund to the credit risk of the issuer of the structured investment. Structured investments may be subordinated or unsubordinated with respect to other classes of the issuer’s securities. Subordinated structured investments typically have higher yields and present greater risks than unsubordinated investments. Structured investments may also be more difficult to accurately price than less complex securities. Structured investments generally are individually negotiated agreements and are typically sold in private placement transactions; thus, there may not be an active trading market for a structured investment held by a Fund and it may be difficult for the Fund to sell a structured investment.

A structured investment may be structured by depositing specified instruments (such as commercial bank loans) into an entity such as a corporation or trust that issues one or more classes of securities backed by, or representing interest in, the underlying instruments. The cash flow on the underlying instruments may be apportioned among the securities issued to create securities with different investment characteristics, such as varying maturities, payment priorities and interest rate provisions. Amounts payable by such securities, and the value of such securities, will be dependent on the cash flow or value of the underlying instruments. Structured investments created by depositing securities in a corporation or trust typically involve no credit enhancement and their credit risk generally will be linked to that of the underlying instruments.

Certain issuers of structured instruments may be deemed to be investment companies as defined in the 1940 Act. As a result, a Fund’s investments in these products will be subject to limits applicable to investments in investment companies and may be subject to restrictions contained in the 1940 Act.

Master Limited Partnerships (“MLPs”)

MLPs are limited partnerships in which ownership units are publicly traded. Generally, an MLP is operated under the supervision of one or more managing general partners. Limited partners, such as a Fund that invests in an MLP, are not involved in the day-to-day management of the MLP. Investments in MLPs are generally subject to many of the risks that apply to partnerships. For example, holders of the units of MLPs may have limited control and limited voting rights on matters affecting the MLP. There may be fewer investor protections afforded investors in an MLP than investors in a corporation. Conflicts of interest may exist among limited partners and the general partner of an MLP. Holders of units of an MLP are allocated income and capital gains in accordance with the terms of the partnership agreement. MLPs that concentrate in a particular industry or region are subject to risks associated with such industry or region. MLPs holding credit-related investments are subject to interest rate risk and the risk of default on payment obligations by debt issuers. Investments held by MLPs may be illiquid. MLP units may trade infrequently and in limited volume, and they may be subject to abrupt or erratic price movements.

Warrants and Rights

Warrants or rights may be acquired as part of a unit, attached to securities at the time of purchase; or acquired in connection with a corporate action, without limitation and may be deemed to be with or without value. Warrants may be considered speculative in that they have no voting rights, pay no dividends, and have no rights with respect to the assets of the corporation issuing them. Warrants basically are options to purchase equity securities at a specific price valid for a specific period of time. They do not represent ownership of the securities, but only the right to buy them. Warrants differ from call options in that warrants are issued by the issuer



of the security which may be purchased on their exercise, whereas call options may be written or issued by anyone. The prices of warrants do not necessarily move parallel to the prices of the underlying securities. If the market price of the underlying security does not exceed the exercise price of the warrant plus the cost thereof before the expiration date, a Fund could sustain losses on transactions in warrants that would require the Fund to forgo a portion or all of the benefits of advantageous change in the market price of the underlying security.

Warrants may be purchased with values that vary depending on the change in value of one or more specified indices (“index warrants”). Index warrants are generally issued by banks or other financial institutions and give the holder the right, at any time during the term of the warrant, to receive upon exercise of the warrant a cash payment from the issuer based on the value of the underlying index at the time of the exercise.

Voluntary Actions

From time to time, a Fund may voluntarily participate in actions (for example, rights offerings, conversion privileges, exchange offers, credit event settlements) where an issuer or counterparty offers securities or instruments to its holders or counterparties, such as a Fund, and the acquisition is determined by the Manager to be beneficial to Fund shareholders (“Voluntary Action”). Notwithstanding any percentage investment limitation listed within the Trust’s prospectuses or SAI, or any percentage investment limitation of the 1940 Act or rules thereunder, if a Fund has the opportunity to acquire a permitted security or instrument through a Voluntary Action, and a Fund will exceed a percentage investment limitation following the acquisition, it will not constitute a violation if, after announcement of the offering but prior to the receipt of the securities or instruments, a Fund sells an offsetting amount of assets that are subject to the investment limitation in question at least equal to the value of the securities or instruments to be acquired.

Cybersecurity Risk

The use of technology is more prevalent in the financial industry, including the Funds’ management and operations. As a result, the Funds are more susceptible to risks associated with the technologies, processes and practices designed to protect networks, systems, computers, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access, or “cybersecurity.” Such risks may include the theft, loss, misuse, improper release, corruption and/or destruction of, or unauthorized access to, confidential or restricted data relating to the Funds or variable contract owners, and the compromise or failure of systems, networks, devices and applications relating to Fund operations. A cybersecurity breach may result in financial losses to the Funds and variable contract owners; the inability of the Funds to timely process transactions or conduct trades; delays or mistakes in materials provided to variable contract owners; errors or delays in the calculation of Funds’ net asset values; violations of privacy and other laws (including those related to identity theft); regulatory fines, penalties and reputational damage; and compliance and remediation costs, legal fees and other expenses. In addition, the foregoing risks may adversely impact the Adviser, Managers, the Distributor and other service providers to the Funds, as well as financial intermediaries and parties with which the Funds do business, which in turn could result in losses to the Funds and variable contract owners and disruptions to the conduct of business between the Funds, variable contract owners, the Funds’ service providers and/or financial intermediaries.

While measures have been developed that are designed to reduce cybersecurity risks and to mitigate or lessen resulting damages, there is no guarantee that those measures will be effective, particularly because the Funds do not directly control the cybersecurity defenses or plans of their service providers, financial intermediaries and other parties with which the Funds transact.


Fundamental Investment Restrictions

A. The following fundamental investment restrictions are for all Funds except the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Portfolio Optimization Portfolios, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and the Pacific Dynamix Underlying Funds.

Each Fund’s investment goal except for the Value Advantage, Currency Strategies, Global Absolute Return, Precious Metals, Emerging Markets Debt, Floating Rate Income, Long/Short Large-Cap, International Small-Cap, Mid-Cap Value, American Funds Asset Allocation, American Funds Growth-Income, American Funds Growth, Floating Rate Loan, Diversified Bond, Inflation Strategy, Core Income, Absolute Return and Equity Long/Short Portfolios, as set forth in the Prospectus, and the investment restrictions as set forth below, are fundamental policies of each Fund and may not be changed, except as described below, without the approval of a majority of the outstanding voting shares of that Fund. However, PLFA may, in consultation with the relevant Manager, revise investment restrictions that are not fundamental policies of a Fund. The investment goals of the Value Advantage, Currency Strategies, Global Absolute Return, Precious Metals, Emerging Markets Debt, Floating Rate Income, Long/Short Large-Cap, International Small-Cap, Mid-Cap Value, American Funds Asset Allocation, American Funds Growth-Income, American Funds Growth, Floating Rate Loan, Diversified Bond, Inflation Strategy, Core Income, Absolute Return and Equity Long/Short Portfolios



are non-fundamental policies of the Fund and may be changed without shareholder approval. The vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of a Fund means the vote, at an annual or special meeting of (a) 67% or more of the voting securities present at such meeting, if the holders of more than 50% of the outstanding voting securities of such Fund are present or represented by proxy; or (b) more than 50% of the outstanding voting securities of such Fund, whichever is the less. Under these restrictions, a Fund may not:

(i) except for the American Funds Asset Allocation, American Funds Growth-Income, American Funds Growth, Technology, Floating Rate Loan, Health Sciences, Precious Metals and Real Estate Portfolios, invest in a security if, as a result of such investment, more than 25% of its total assets (taken at market value at the time of such investment) would be invested in the securities of issuers in any particular industry, except that this restriction does not apply to securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government or its agencies or instrumentalities (or repurchase agreements with respect thereto). This restriction does not apply to the American Funds Asset Allocation, American Funds Growth-Income and American Funds Growth Portfolios, which under normal circumstances invest substantially all of their assets in the Master Funds. This restriction does not apply to the Floating Rate Loan Portfolio to the extent the Fund is deemed to have invested more than 25% of its total assets in securities of issuers considered to be in the financial services or institutions industries, which include (but are not limited to) commercial banks, bank holding companies, thrift institutions, commercial finance, consumer finance, diversified financial, insurance, and special purpose financial companies. This restriction does not apply to the Real Estate Portfolio, which will normally invest more than 25% of its total assets in securities of issuers of real estate investment trusts and in industries related to real estate. It also doesn’t apply to the other Funds listed above which normally invest more than 25% of their total assets in their particular sectors.

(ii) with respect to 75% of its total assets (except for Funds designated as non-diversified, and in the case of the Real Estate Portfolio with respect to 50% of its assets), purchase a security (excluding securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. Government or its agencies or instrumentalities or securities of investment companies) if, as a result: (a) more than 5% of its total assets would be invested in the securities of any one issuer, or (b) the Fund would hold more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities of any one issuer. Percentages are determined at time of purchase;

(iii) purchase or sell real estate (although it may purchase securities secured by real estate or interests therein, or securities issued by companies which invest in real estate, or interests therein and may hold for prompt sale and sell real estate or interests in real estate acquired through the forfeiture of collateral securing loans or debt securities held by it);

(iv) borrow money or pledge, mortgage or hypothecate its assets, except that a Fund may: (a) borrow from banks but only if immediately after each borrowing and continuing thereafter there is asset coverage of 300%, except for the Value Advantage, Currency Strategies, Global Absolute Return, Precious Metals, Core Income, Absolute Return, Equity Long/Short, Emerging Markets Debt, Inflation Strategy and Floating Rate Income Portfolios; (b) enter into reverse repurchase agreements and transactions in options, futures, and options on futures as described in the Prospectus and in this SAI (the deposit of assets in escrow in connection with the writing of covered put and call options and the purchase of securities on a “when-issued” or delayed delivery basis and collateral arrangements with respect to initial or variation margin deposits will not be deemed to be pledges of a Fund’s assets) and (c) for the Floating Rate Income Portfolio and Equity Long/Short Portfolio, purchase securities on margin as described in the Prospectus and this SAI. The Value Advantage, Currency Strategies, Global Absolute Return, Precious Metals, Core Income, Absolute Return, Equity Long/Short, Emerging Markets Debt, Floating Rate Income and Inflation Strategy Portfolios may borrow from banks but only if immediately after each borrowing and continuing thereafter there is asset coverage of 300%, except where a Fund has borrowed money for temporary purposes in amounts not exceeding 5% of its total assets;

(v) except for the Floating Rate Loan, Core Income and Floating Rate Income Portfolios, lend any funds or other assets, except that a Fund may, consistent with its investment objective and policies: (a) invest in debt obligations including bonds, debentures or other debt securities, bankers’ acceptances, and commercial paper, even though the purchase of such obligations may be deemed to be the making of loans; (b) enter into repurchase agreements and reverse repurchase agreements; and (c) lend its portfolio securities to the extent permitted under applicable law; and

(vi) with respect to the Floating Rate Loan, Core Income and Floating Rate Income Portfolios, make loans, except to the extent consistent with the 1940 Act, as amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder, or as may be permitted from time to time by regulatory authority. Without limiting the foregoing, the Floating Rate Loan Portfolio may: (a) acquire publicly distributed or privately placed debt securities or other debt instruments (including participations and assignments of loans) in which it is authorized to invest in accordance with its respective investment objectives and policies; (b) engage in direct loan activity as originator or as part of a loan syndicate; (c) enter into repurchase agreements and reverse repurchase agreements; and (d) lend its portfolio securities to the extent permitted under applicable law; and

(vii) act as an underwriter of securities of other issuers, except, when in connection with the disposition of portfolio securities, it may be deemed to be an underwriter under the federal securities laws.

With respect to the Value Advantage, Currency Strategies, Global Absolute Return, Precious Metals, Core Income, Absolute Return, Equity Long/Short, Emerging Markets Debt, Floating Rate Income, Long/Short Large-Cap, International Small-Cap, Mid-Cap



Value, American Funds Asset Allocation, American Funds Growth-Income, American Funds Growth, Technology, Floating Rate Loan, Small-Cap Equity, Short Duration Bond, Health Sciences, Mid-Cap Growth, Small-Cap Value, Large-Cap Growth, Diversified Bond and Inflation Strategy Portfolios, the fundamental investment restrictions set forth above may be modified so as to provide those Funds with the ability to operate under new rules, guidelines and interpretations under the 1940 Act or under exemptive relief from the SEC without receiving prior shareholder approval of the change.

With respect to policy (i) above, mortgage-related securities, including CMOs, that are issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government, its agencies or instrumentalities (“government issued”) are considered government securities. The Funds take the position that mortgage-related securities and asset-backed securities, whether government issued or privately issued, do not represent interests in any particular “industry” or group of industries. For purposes of complying with this restriction, the Trust, in consultation with its Managers, utilizes its own industry classifications. With respect to policy (v) and (vi) above regarding making loans, investments in loan participations and assignments are considered to be debt obligations and are therefore, permissible investments for the Funds.

Investment of the assets of the Feeder Funds in its corresponding Master Fund is not a fundamental policy of either Feeder Fund and a shareholder vote is not required for either Fund to withdraw its investment from its corresponding Master Fund.

Please see the Master Funds’ statement of additional information for a description of the fundamental investment restrictions of the Master Funds. If a change to a Master Fund’s investment restrictions is submitted to holders of the Feeder Fund’s outstanding voting securities, the matter will be deemed to be acted upon with respect to a Feeder Fund if a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the Feeder Fund vote for approval of the matter, notwithstanding that the matter has not been approved by the holders of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the Trust.

B. The following fundamental investment restrictions are for the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Portfolio Optimization Portfolios, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and the Pacific Dynamix Underlying Funds only.

The investment goals of each of the Funds, as set forth in the Prospectus, are non-fundamental policies of the Funds and may be changed without shareholder approval. The vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of each of the Funds means the vote, at an annual or special meeting of (a) 67% or more of the voting securities present at such meeting, if the holders of more than 50% of the outstanding voting securities of such Fund are present or represented by proxy; or (b) more than 50% of the outstanding voting securities of such Fund, whichever is the less. Under these restrictions, a Fund may not:

(i) except for the PD 1-3 Year Corporate Bond Portfolio, invest in a security if, as a result of such investment, more than 25% of its total assets (taken at market value at the time of such investment) would be invested in the securities of issuers in any particular industry, except that this restriction does not apply to securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government or its agencies or instrumentalities (or repurchase agreements with respect thereto) or, with respect to the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Portfolio Optimization Portfolios and Pacific Dynamix Portfolios, securities of other investment companies. The PD 1-3 Year Corporate Bond Portfolio may not concentrate (i.e., invest more than 25% of its total assets in the securities of any particular industry or group of industries (taken at market value at the time of such investment)), except that the Fund will concentrate to approximately the same extent that its benchmark index concentrates in the securities of a particular industry or group of industries. This investment restriction for the PD 1-3 Year Corporate Bond Portfolio does not apply to securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government or its agencies or instrumentalities (or repurchase agreements with respect thereto).

(ii) with respect to 75% of its total assets (except for Funds designated as non-diversified), purchase a security (excluding securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government or its agencies or instrumentalities or securities of investment companies) if, as a result: (a) more than 5% of its total assets would be invested in the securities of any one issuer, or (b) the Fund would hold more than 10% of the outstanding voting securities of any one issuer. Percentages are determined at time of purchase.

(iii) purchase or sell real estate (although it may purchase securities secured by real estate or interests therein, or securities issued by companies which invest in real estate, or interests therein and may hold for prompt sale and sell real estate or interests in real estate acquired through the forfeiture of collateral securing loans or debt securities held by it);

(iv) borrow money or pledge, mortgage or hypothecate its assets, except that a Fund may: (a) borrow from banks but only if immediately after each borrowing and continuing thereafter there is asset coverage of 300%, except for the Portfolio Optimization Portfolios and Diversified Alternatives Portfolio; and (b) enter into reverse repurchase agreements and transactions in options, futures, and options on futures as described in the Prospectus and in this SAI (the deposit of assets in escrow in connection with the writing of covered put and call options and the purchase of securities on a “when-issued” or delayed delivery basis and collateral arrangements with respect to initial or variation margin deposits will not be deemed to be pledges of a Fund’s assets). With respect to the Portfolio Optimization Portfolios and Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, borrow from banks but only if immediately after each borrowing and continuing thereafter there is asset coverage of 300%, except where the Fund has borrowed money for temporary purposes in amounts not exceeding 5% of its total assets;



(v) lend any funds or other assets, except that a Fund may, consistent with its investment objective and policies: (a) invest in debt obligations including bonds, debentures or other debt securities, bankers’ acceptances, and commercial paper, even though the purchase of such obligations may be deemed to be the making of loans; (b) enter into repurchase agreements and reverse repurchase agreements; and (c) lend its portfolio securities to the extent permitted under applicable law; and

(vi) act as an underwriter of securities of other issuers, except, when in connection with the disposition of portfolio securities, it may be deemed to be an underwriter under the federal securities laws.

The fundamental investment restrictions set forth above may be modified so as to provide those Funds with the ability to operate under new rules, guidelines and interpretations under the 1940 Act or under exemptive relief from the SEC without receiving prior shareholder approval of the change.

With respect to policy (i) above, government issued mortgage-related securities, including CMOs are considered government securities. The Funds take the position that mortgage-related securities and asset-backed securities, whether government issued or privately issued, do not represent interests in any particular “industry” or group of industries. For purposes of complying with this restriction, the Trust, in consultation with its Managers, utilizes its own industry classifications. With respect to policy (v) above regarding making loans, investments in loan participations and assignments are considered to be debt obligations and are therefore, permissible investments for the Funds.

Non-Fundamental Investment Restrictions

The following non-fundamental investment restrictions apply to all Funds, unless otherwise stated:

1. A Fund may not purchase illiquid securities or repurchase agreements maturing in more than seven days if as a result of such purchase, more than 15% of the Fund’s net assets would be invested in such securities.

2. A Fund may not purchase or sell commodities or commodities contracts, except subject to restrictions described in the Prospectuses and in this SAI that: (a) each Fund may engage in futures contracts and options on futures contracts; and (b) each Fund may enter into forward contracts including forward foreign currency contracts.

3. If a Fund has a policy on investing at least 80% of its net assets (plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes) in a manner consistent with its name, it will provide at least 60 days prior written notice of any change to such policy.

4. A Fund which serves as an Underlying Fund for a fund-of-funds (such as the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Portfolio Optimization Portfolios or Pacific Dynamix Portfolios) may not invest in securities of other investment companies in reliance on Section 12(d)(1)(F) or (G) of the 1940 Act, or any successor provisions.

Unless otherwise specifically stated in a Fund’s Prospectus or above, each Fund’s investment restriction will apply only at the time of investment (and subsequent fluctuations in the value of Fund securities or the sale of Fund securities will not result in a violation of the restriction). For purposes of restriction 2 above, an option on a foreign currency shall not be considered a commodity or commodity contract.




The Trust was organized as a Massachusetts business trust on May 4, 1987, and currently consists of sixty separate Funds. The assets of each Fund are segregated, and your interest is limited to the Fund to which proceeds from your Variable Contract’s Accumulated Value are allocated.

Management Information

The business and affairs of the Trust are managed under the direction of the Board of Trustees under the Trust’s Agreement and Declaration of Trust. Trustees who are not deemed to be “interested persons” of the Trust as defined in the 1940 Act are referred to as “Independent Trustees.” Certain Trustees and officers are deemed to be “interested persons” of the Trust and thus are referred to as “Interested Persons”, because of their positions with PLFA and/or Pacific Life. The Trustees and officers of the Trust and their principal occupations during the past five years and certain additional occupation information concerning them is shown below. The address of each Trustee and officer is c/o Pacific Select Fund, 700 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660. None of the Trustees hold directorships in companies that file periodic reports with the SEC or in other investment companies, other than those listed below.


I. Interested Persons      

Name and Age


Position(s) with the Trust
and Length of Time Served1


Current Directorship(s) Held and

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years

  Number of
in Fund

James T. Morris

Year of birth 1960

  Chairman of the Board and Trustee since 1/11/07 (Chief Executive Officer 1/07 to 12/09)   Director (4/07 to present), Chairman (5/08 to present), Chief Executive Officer (4/07 to present) and President (4/07 to 3/12) of Pacific Mutual Holding Company and Pacific LifeCorp; Director (4/07 to present), Chairman (5/08 to present), Chief Executive Officer (4/07 to present) and President (4/07 to 3/12) of Pacific Life; Chief Executive Officer (5/07 to present) and President (5/07 to 3/12) of Pacific Life Fund Advisors LLC; and Chairman of the Board and Trustee (1/07 to present) and Chief Executive Officer (1/07 to 12/09) of Pacific Funds Series Trust.   96

Mary Ann Brown

Year of birth 1951

  Chief Executive Officer since 1/01/10 (President 1/07 to 12/09)   Executive Vice President (4/10 to present) and Senior Vice President (5/06 to 3/10) of Pacific LifeCorp; Executive Vice President (4/10 to present) and Senior Vice President (3/05 to 3/10) of Pacific Life; Executive Vice President (4/10 to present) and Senior Vice President (5/07 to 3/10) of Pacific Life Fund Advisors LLC; and Chief Executive Officer (1/10 to present) and President (1/07 to 12/09) of Pacific Funds Series Trust.   96

Howard T. Hirakawa

Year of birth 1962

  Senior Vice President since 12/10/14 (Vice President 6/06 to 12/14)   Senior Vice President (4/14 to present) and Vice President (5/07 to 3/14) of Pacific Life Fund Advisors LLC; and Senior Vice President (12/14 to present) and Vice President (6/06 to 12/14) of Pacific Funds Series Trust.   96

Robin S. Yonis

Year of birth 1954

  Vice President and General Counsel since 4/04/05   Vice President, Fund Advisor General Counsel and Assistant Secretary (5/07 to present) of Pacific Life Fund Advisors LLC; and Vice President and General Counsel (6/01 to present) of Pacific Funds Series Trust.   96

Brian D. Klemens

Year of birth 1956

  Vice President and Treasurer since 4/29/96   Vice President and Controller (10/07 to present) of Pacific Mutual Holding Company and Pacific LifeCorp; Vice President and Controller (10/07 to present) of Pacific Life; Vice President and Controller (10/07 to present) of Pacific Life Fund Advisors LLC; Vice President (5/00 to present) and Controller (10/07 to present) of Pacific Select Distributors, LLC; and Vice President and Treasurer (6/01 to present) of Pacific Funds Series Trust.   96

Sharon E. Pacheco

Year of birth 1957

  Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer since 6/04/04   Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer (11/03 to present) of Pacific Mutual Holding Company and Pacific LifeCorp; Vice President (2/00 to present) and Chief Compliance Officer (1/03 to present) of Pacific Life; Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer (5/07 to present) of Pacific Life Fund Advisors LLC; and Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer (6/04 to present) of Pacific Funds Series Trust.   96



Name and Age


Position(s) with the Trust
and Length of Time Served1


Current Directorship(s) Held and

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years

  Number of
in Fund

Jane M. Guon

Year of birth 1964

  Vice President and Secretary since 1/01/11   Vice President and Secretary (1/11 to present), Assistant Vice President (4/06 to 12/10) and Assistant Secretary (6/98 to 12/10) of Pacific Mutual Holding Company and Pacific LifeCorp; Director, Vice President and Secretary (1/11 to present), Assistant Vice President (4/06 to 12/10) and Assistant Secretary (2/95 to 12/10) of Pacific Life; Vice President and Secretary (1/11 to present), Assistant Vice President and Assistant Secretary (5/07 to 12/10) of Pacific Life Fund Advisors LLC; Vice President and Secretary (1/11 to present), Assistant Vice President (5/06 to 12/10) and Assistant Secretary (5/99 to 12/10) of Pacific Select Distributors, LLC; and Vice President and Secretary (1/11 to present) of Pacific Funds Series Trust.   96

Laurene E. MacElwee

Year of birth 1966

  Vice President since 12/13/11 and Assistant Secretary since 4/04/05 (Assistant Vice President 4/05 to 12/11)   Vice President (4/11 to present), Assistant Secretary (5/07 to present) and Assistant Vice President (5/07 to 3/11) of Pacific Life Fund Advisors LLC; and Vice President (4/05 to present) and Assistant Secretary (6/01 to present) of Pacific Funds Series Trust.   96

Carleton J. Muench

Year of birth 1973

  Vice President since 12/10/14 (Assistant Vice President 11/06 to 12/14)   Vice President (4/14 to present) and Assistant Vice President (5/07 to 3/14) of Pacific Life Fund Advisors LLC; and Vice President (11/06 to present) of Pacific Funds Series Trust.   96

Eddie D. Tung

Year of birth 1957

  Assistant Vice President and Assistant Treasurer since 11/14/05   Vice President (4/15 to present) and Assistant Vice President (4/03 to 3/15) of Pacific Life; Vice President (4/15 to present) and Assistant Vice President (5/07 to 3/15) of Pacific Life Fund Advisors LLC; and Vice President and Assistant Treasurer (11/05 to present) of Pacific Funds Series Trust.   96

Kevin W. Steiner

Year of birth 1975

  Assistant Vice President since 1/01/13   Assistant Vice President (4/12 to present), Mutual Funds Compliance Director (4/08 to 3/12) and Mutual Funds Compliance Manager (10/06 to 3/08) of Pacific Life Fund Advisors LLC; and Vice President (1/13 to present) of Pacific Funds Series Trust.   96

Audrey L. Cheng

Year of birth 1975

  Assistant Vice President since 12/11/13   Assistant Vice President (9/11 to present) of Pacific Life; Vice President and Attorney (6/08 to 8/11) of Pacific Investment Management Company LLC (“PIMCO”); and Vice President (12/13 to present) of Pacific Funds Series Trust.   96
II. Independent Trustees    

Name and Age


Position(s) with the Trust
and Length of Time Served1


Current Directorship(s) Held and

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years

(and certain additional occupation information)

  Number of
in Fund

Frederick L. Blackmon

Year of birth 1952

  Trustee since 1/01/05   Trustee (9/05 to present) of Pacific Funds Series Trust; Director (2005 to present) of Trustmark Mutual Holding Company; Former Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (1995 to 2003) of Zurich Life; Former Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (1989 to 1995) of Alexander Hamilton Life Insurance Company (subsidiary of Household International); Member of Board of Trustees (2010 to present) of Cranbrook Educational Community; Former Member of Board of Governors (1994 to 1999) of Cranbrook Schools; and Former Member of Board of Regents (1993 to 1996) of Eastern Michigan University.   96

Gale K. Caruso

Year of birth 1957

  Trustee since 1/01/06   Trustee (1/06 to present) of Pacific Funds Series Trust; Independent Trustee (2/15 to present) of Matthews Asia Funds; Former Member of the Board of Directors (2005 to 2009) of LandAmerica Financial Group, Inc; Former President and Chief Executive Officer (1999 to 2003) of Zurich Life; Former Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer (1994 to 1999) of Scudder Canada Investor Services, Ltd. and Managing Director (1986 to 1999) of Scudder Kemper Investments; Former Member of the Advisory Council to the Trust (2006 to 2009) for Public Land in Maine; and Former Member of the Board of Directors (2005 to 2012) of Make-A-Wish of Maine.   96



Name and Age


Position(s) with the Trust
and Length of Time Served1


Current Directorship(s) Held and

Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years

(and certain additional occupation information)

  Number of
in Fund

Lucie H. Moore

Year of birth 1956

  Trustee since 10/01/98   Trustee (6/01 to present) of Pacific Funds Series Trust; Former Partner (1984 to 1994) with Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher (Law); Member of the Board of Trustees (9/14 to present) of Azusa Pacific University; Former Member of the Board of Trustees (2007 to 2011) of Sage Hill School; Former Member (2000 to 2009) of the Board of Trustees of The Pegasus School; Former Member of the Board of Directors (2005 to 2010) of HomeWord; and Former Member of the Advisory Board (1993 to 2004) of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Orange County.   96

Nooruddin (Rudy)

S. Veerjee

Year of birth 1958

  Trustee since 1/01/05   Trustee (9/05 to present) of Pacific Funds Series Trust; Former President (1997 to 2000) of Transamerica Insurance and Investment Group; Former President (1994 to 1997) of Transamerica Asset Management; Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (1995 to 2000) of Transamerica Premier Funds (Mutual Fund); and Former Director (1994 to 2000) of various Transamerica Life Companies.   96

G. Thomas Willis

Year of birth 1942

  Trustee since 11/17/03   Trustee (2/04 to present) of Pacific Funds Series Trust; Certified Public Accountant in California (1967 to present); Former Partner (Audit) (1976 to 2002) of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (Accounting and Auditing).   96


1  A Trustee serves until he or she resigns, retires, or his or her successor is elected and qualified.
2  Upon commencement of operations of the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, which is expected to occur on or about October 30, 2015, the “Fund Complex” will consist of the Trust (60 Funds) and Pacific Funds Series Trust (36 funds), a Delaware statutory trust that may be referred to as “Pacific Funds.”

Board of Tru stees

Additional Information Concerning the Board of Trustees

The Role of the Board.    The Board of Trustees (“Board”) oversees the management and operations of the Trust. Like most mutual funds, the day-to-day management and operation of the Trust is performed by various service providers to the Trust, such as the Trust’s Adviser, the Managers, the distributor, administrator, custodian, and transfer agent, each of which is discussed in greater detail in this SAI. The Board has appointed senior employees of certain of these service providers as officers of the Trust, with responsibility to monitor and report to the Board on the Trust’s operations. The Board receives regular reports from these officers and service providers regarding the Trust’s operations. For example, the Treasurer provides reports as to financial reporting matters and investment personnel report on the performance of the Funds. The Board has appointed a Trust Chief Compliance Officer who administers the Trust’s compliance program and regularly reports to the Board as to compliance matters. Some of these reports are provided as part of formal Board meetings which are typically held quarterly, in person, and involve the Board’s review of recent Trust operations. From time to time one or more Independent Trustees may also meet with management in less formal settings, between scheduled Board meetings, to discuss various topics. In all cases, however, the role of the Board and of any individual Trustee is one of oversight and not of management of the day-to-day affairs of the Trust and its oversight role does not make the Board a guarantor of the Trust’s investments, operations or activities.

Board Structure, Leadership.    The Board has structured itself in a manner that it believes allows it to perform its oversight function effectively. It has established four standing committees, an Audit Committee, a Policy Committee, a Governance Committee and a Trustee Valuation Committee, which are discussed in greater detail under “Committees” below. More than 75% of the members of the Board are Independent Trustees and each of the Audit, Policy and Governance Committee is comprised entirely of Independent Trustees. The Chairman of the Board is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) of Pacific Life and Pacific Life & Annuity Company (collectively “PacLife Entities”) and of the Adviser. The Board has a Lead Independent Trustee, who acts as the primary liaison between the Independent Trustees and management. The Independent Trustees, including the Lead Independent Trustee, help identify matters for consideration by the Board and the Lead Independent Trustee regularly participates in the agenda setting process for Board meetings. The Lead Independent Trustee serves as Chairman of the Trust’s Policy Committee, which provides a forum for the Independent Trustees to meet in separate session to deliberate on matters relevant to the Trust. The Independent Trustees have also engaged their own independent counsel to advise them on matters relating to their responsibilities in connection with the Trust. The Board reviews its structure annually. In developing its structure, the Board has considered that all shareholders of the Trust are insurance or annuity clients of the PacLife Entities and that the Chairman of the Board, as the Chairman and CEO of the PacLife Entities, can provide valuable input as to, among other things, the role of the Funds of the Trust in the



PacLife Entities’ variable insurance and annuity platforms. The Board has also determined that the structure of the Lead Independent Trustee and the function and composition of the Policy, Audit, Governance and Trustee Valuation Committees are appropriate means to provide effective oversight on behalf of the Trust’s shareholders and address any potential conflicts of interest that may arise from the Chairman’s status as an Interested Trustee.

Board Oversight of Risk Management.    As part of its oversight function, the Board receives and reviews various risk management reports and assessments and discusses these matters with appropriate management and other personnel. The full Board receives reports from the Adviser and Managers as to investment risks as well as other risks that may be also discussed in Policy or Audit Committee. In addition, the Board receives reports from the Adviser’s Risk Oversight Committee regarding its assessments of potential material risks associated with the Trust and the manner in which those risks are addressed. Because risk management is a broad concept comprised of many elements, Board oversight of different types of risks is handled in different ways. For example, the Board and its committees periodically receive reports from the PacLife Entities and its chief risk officer as to the PacLife Entities’ enterprise risk management. The Board and its committees also receive periodic reports as to how the Adviser conducts service provider oversight and how it monitors for other risks, such as derivatives risk, business continuity risks and risks that might be present with individual Managers or specific investment strategies. The Audit Committee meets regularly with the Chief Compliance Officer to discuss compliance and operational risks. The Audit Committee also meets regularly with the Treasurer, and the Trust’s independent registered public accounting firm and, when appropriate, with other PacLife Entities personnel to discuss, among other things, the internal control structure of the Trust’s financial reporting function.

Infor mation about Each Trustee’s Qualification, Experience, Attributes or Skills.    The Board believes that each of the Trustees has the qualifications, experience, attributes and skills (“Trustee Attributes”) appropriate to their continued service as a Trustee of the Trust in light of the Trust’s business and structure. In addition to a demonstrated record of business and/or professional accomplishment, each of the Trustees has served on boards for organizations other than the Trust, and has served on the Board for a number of years. They therefore have substantial board experience and, in their service to the Trust, have gained substantial insight as to the operation of the Trust and have demonstrated a commitment to discharging oversight duties as trustees in the interests of shareholders. The Trust’s Governance Committee annually conducts a “self-assessment” wherein the effectiveness of the Board and its committees is reviewed. In conducting its annual self-assessment, the Governance Committee has determined that the Trustees have the appropriate attributes and experience to continue to serve effectively as Trustees of the Trust.

In addition to the information provided in the charts above, including in particular the many years of mutual fund experience on the Board of the Trust and Pacific Funds Series Trust, certain additional information regarding the Trustees and their Trustee Attributes is provided below. The information is not all-inclusive. Many Trustee Attributes involve intangible elements, such as intelligence, integrity and work ethic, along with the ability to work together, to communicate effectively, to exercise judgment and ask incisive questions, and commitment to shareholder interests.

Mr. Morris is Chairman and CEO of the PacLife Entities and of the Adviser. In these positions, Mr. Morris has intimate knowledge of the PacLife Entities and the Adviser, their products, operations, personnel, and financial resources. His position of influence and responsibility at the PacLife Entities, in addition to his knowledge of the firm, has been determined to be valuable to the Board in its oversight of the Trust.

Mr. Blackmon has insurance company and financial accounting experience as a former Chief Financial Officer of Zurich Life and Alexander Hamilton Life Insurance Company as well as board experience as a director of Trustmark Mutual Holding Company (an insurance company).

Ms. Caruso has executive experience from her former positions as President and Chief Executive Officer of Zurich Life, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Scudder Canada Investor Services, Ltd. and Managing Director of Scudder Kemper Investments. Ms. Caruso also has prior insurance company board experience, having previously served as a director of LandAmerica Financial Group, Inc. (an insurance company) and on the board of directors of the Illinois Life Insurance Council as well as prior insurance fund and mutual fund board experience.

Ms. Moore has significant legal experience as a former Partner with the law firm of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher.

Mr. Veerjee has insurance company executive experience as former President of Transamerica Insurance and Investment Group. He also has executive mutual fund and asset management experience as former President of Transamerica Asset Management and as former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Transamerica Premier Funds.

Mr. Willis has financial accounting experience as a Certified Public Accountant and was a former Audit Partner in the investment company practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

Committees.    The standing committees of the Board are the Audit Committee, the Policy Committee, the Governance Committee and the Trustee Valuation Committee.



The members of the Audit Committee include each Independent Trustee of the Trust. The Audit Committee operates pursuant to a separate charter and is responsible for, among other things, reviewing and recommending to the Board the selection of the Trust’s independent registered public accounting firm, reviewing the scope of the proposed audits of the Trust, reviewing with the independent registered public accounting firm the accounting and financial controls of the Trust, reviewing with the independent registered public accounting firm the results of the annual audits of the Trust’s financial statements, interacting with the Trust’s independent registered public accounting firm on behalf of the full Board, assisting the Board in its oversight of the Trust’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and receiving reports from the Chief Compliance Officer. Mr. Willis serves as Chairman of the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee met 4 times during the year ended December 31, 2014.

The members of the Policy Committee include each Independent Trustee of the Trust. The Policy Committee operates pursuant to a separate charter and its primary responsibility is to provide a forum for its members to meet and deliberate on certain matters to be presented to the Board for its review and/or consideration for approval at Board meetings. Mr. Veerjee serves as Chairman of the Policy Committee. The Policy Committee met 5 times during the year ended December 31, 2014.

The members of the Governance Committee include each Independent Trustee of the Trust. The Governance Committee operates pursuant to a separate charter and is responsible for, among other things, the Trustees’ “self-assessment,” making recommendations to the Board concerning the size and composition of the Board, determining compensation of the Independent Trustees, establishing an Independent Trustee retirement policy and the screening and nomination of new candidates to serve as Trustees. With respect to new Trustee candidates, the Committee may seek referrals from a variety of sources and may engage a search firm to assist it in identifying or evaluating potential candidates. The Committee will consider any candidate for Trustee recommended by a current shareholder if such recommendation contains sufficient background information concerning the candidate to enable the Committee to make a proper judgment as to the candidate’s qualifications. The recommendation must be submitted in writing and addressed to the Committee Chairperson at the Trust’s offices: Pacific Select Fund Governance Committee, c/o Pacific Life Fund Advisors LLC, 700 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660, Attention: Committee Chairperson. Ms. Moore serves as Chairperson of the Governance Committee. The Governance Committee met 3 times during the year ended December 31, 2014.

The members of the Trustee Valuation Committee consist of any two or more Trustees, at least one of whom is an Independent Trustee of the Trust. The two or more Trustees who serve as the members may vary from meeting to meeting. The Trustee Valuation Committee’s primary responsibility is to oversee the implementation of the Trust’s valuation procedures, including valuing securities for which market prices or quotations are not readily available or are deemed to be unreliable, and to review fair value determinations made by the Adviser or a Manager on behalf of the Board, as specified in the Trust’s valuation procedures adopted by the Board. The Trustee Valuation Committee did not meet during the year ended December  31, 2014.

Deferred Compensation Agreement.    Pursuant to the Deferred Compensation Agreement, an Independent Trustee has the option to elect to defer receipt of up to 100% of his or her annual compensation payable by the Trust or any other entity considered a “single employer” under the Code, and such amount is placed into a deferral account. Amounts in the deferral account are obligations of the Trust that are payable in accordance with the Deferred Compensation Agreement. A Trustee who defers compensation has the option to select credit rate options that track the performance, at NAV of Class A and/or P shares of the corresponding series of Pacific Funds Series Trust without a sales load. Accordingly, the market value appreciation or depreciation of a Trustee’s deferral account will cause the expenses of the Trust to increase or decrease due to market fluctuations. Distributions from the Trustees’ deferral accounts will be paid in a cash lump sum in January or, if a participant so elects, in up to 10 annual installments commencing in January on the earlier of either: (i) a specified date within the ten year period commencing one year after the last day of the year for which the compensation was deferred; (ii) the year immediately following the year during which the Trustee ceases to be a Trustee of the Trust. If a Trustee dies before his or her account is paid, the account will be paid in a lump sum within a reasonable time following notice of the Trustee’s death. Effective January 1, 2005, the old Deferred Compensation Agreement was frozen to permit no further deferrals. A new Deferred Compensation Agreement was adopted to comply with Section 409A of the Code. The new Deferred Compensation Agreement is substantially similar to the old Deferred Compensation Agreement, but provides that a Trustee may receive deferred amounts in the event of a disability or unforeseeable emergency. In addition, the new Deferred Compensation Agreement provides that a Trustee may only elect to further defer amounts in a deferral account (whether or not established under the old or new Deferred Compensation Agreement) if: (i) such election is made more than twelve months prior to the date such account would otherwise be paid, and (ii) the revised date of payment selected is no earlier than five years after the date such account would otherwise have been paid.

Management Ownership.    As of April 2, 2015, to the best of the Trust’s knowledge, except for Class I shares of the Precious Metals Portfolio, the Trustees and officers as a group owned Variable Contracts that entitled them to give voting instructions with respect to less than 1% of the outstanding shares of Class I of each Fund of the Trust. With respect to the Class I shares of the Precious Metals Portfolio, as of April 2, 2015, the Trustees and officers as a group owned Variable Contracts that entitled them to give voting instructions with respect to approximately 2.68% of outstanding shares. Class P shares of the Funds are only available for investment by the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Portfolio Optimization Portfolios and Pacific Dynamix Portfolios.



Beneficial Interest of Trustees.    None of the Trustees directly own shares of the Trust. The table below shows the dollar range of each Trustee’s interest in each Fund (any indirect beneficial interest through ownership of a variable contract) as of December 31, 2014 (i) in the Funds of the Trust and (ii) on an aggregate basis, in all registered investment companies overseen by the Trustee within the Family of Investment Companies.


Name of Trustee


Dollar Range of Equity Securities in the Funds of the Trust1


Aggregate Dollar Range of Equity

Securities in All Registered Investment

Companies Overseen by Trustee in the
Family of Investment Companies2

James T. Morris3

  Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth: Over $100,000   Over $100,000

Frederick L. Blackmon

  None   Over $100,000

Gale K. Caruso


Diversified Bond Portfolio: $10,001 to $50,000

Emerging Markets Portfolio: $10,001 to $50,000

Comstock Portfolio: $10,001 to $50,000

Long/Short Large-Cap Portfolio: $10,001 to $50,000

Main Street Core Portfolio: $10,001 to $50,000

Health Sciences Portfolio: $10,001 to $50,000

Emerging Markets Portfolio: $10,001 to $50,000

  Over $100,000

Lucie H. Moore

  None   None

Nooruddin (Rudy) S. Veerjee

  None   $50,001 to $100,000

G. Thomas Willis


American Funds Asset Allocation Portfolio: Over $100,000

Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio: Over $100,000

  Over $100,000


1  A Trustee who defers compensation has the option to select credit rate options that track the performance at NAV of Class A and P shares of the corresponding series of Pacific Funds Series Trust without a sales load. The following shows the dollar range of each Independent Trustee’s deferred compensation allocations for the trust as of December 31, 2014, which tracks the performance of the funds of Pacific Funds Series Trust as described in the “Deferred Compensation Agreement” section: Lucie H. Moore - over $100,000 and Nooruddin S. Veerjee - over $100,000.


2  The family of investment companies includes the Trust and Pacific Funds Series Trust (together, the “Fund Complex”). The following shows the dollar range of each Independent Trustee’s deferred compensation allocations for the Fund Complex as of December 31, 2014: Lucie H. Moore - over $100,000; Nooruddin (Rudy) S. Veerjee - over $100,000. Upon commencement of operations of the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, which is expected to occur on or about October 30, 2015, the Fund Complex consists of 96 funds.


3  James T. Morris is an Interested Person of the Trust because of his positions with PLFA and Pacific Life.

Compensation.    The following table shows the compensation paid to the Trust’s Independent Trustees:



from the Trust
    Pension or
Retirement Benefits

as Part of the Trust’s

from Fund
Complex Paid

to Trustees1

Frederick L. Blackmon

  $ 204,500        N/A      $ 275,000   

Gale K. Caruso

  $ 222,000        N/A      $ 300,000   

Lucie H. Moore

  $ 229,500        N/A      $ 310,000   

Nooruddin (Rudy) S. Veerjee

  $ 172,000        N/A      $ 258,000   

G. Thomas Willis

  $ 252,000        N/A      $ 334,250   









  $ 1,080,000        N/A      $ 1,477,250   











1  Compensation paid by the Trust and Pacific Funds Series Trust is for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2014 and March 31, 2015, respectively. These amounts exclude deferred compensation, if any, because such amounts were not paid during the relevant periods. Upon commencement of operations of the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, which is expected to occur on or about October 30, 2015, the Fund Complex consists of 96 funds.

Investment Adviser

Pacific Life Fund Advisors LLC (“PLFA” or “Adviser”) serves as investment adviser to the Trust pursuant to a transfer agreement dated May 1, 2007, which transferred the Amended and Restated Investment Advisory Agreement dated January 1, 2005, as amended (“Advisory Agreement”), between Pacific Life Insurance Company (“Pacific Life”) and the Trust, from Pacific Life to PLFA, a Delaware limited liability company and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pacific Life. PLFA is located at 700 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, California 92660. PLFA also does business under the name Pacific Asset Management. See the “Information About the Managers” section later in this document for more information.

Pacific Life is a Nebraska domiciled life insurance company that provides life insurance products, individual annuities and mutual funds and offers to individuals, businesses, and pension plans a variety of investment products and services.



Pacific Life was established on January 2, 1868 under the name, “Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company of California”. It was reincorporated as Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company on July 22, 1936. On September 2, 1997, Pacific Life converted from a mutual life insurance company to a stock life insurance company. Pacific Life redomesticated to Nebraska on September 1, 2005. Pacific Life is a subsidiary of Pacific LifeCorp, a holding company, which in turn is a subsidiary of Pacific Mutual Holding Company, a mutual holding company. Under their respective charters, Pacific Mutual Holding Company must always hold at least 51% of the outstanding voting stock of Pacific LifeCorp, and Pacific LifeCorp must always own 100% of the voting stock of Pacific Life. Owners of Pacific Life’s annuity contracts and life insurance policies have certain membership interests in Pacific Mutual Holding Company, consisting principally of the right to vote on the election of the Board of Directors of the mutual holding company and on other matters and certain rights upon liquidation or dissolutions of the mutual holding company.

PLFA is responsible for supervising the investment program for the Trust. PLFA also furnishes to the Board of Trustees, which has responsibility for the business and affairs of the Trust, periodic reports on the investment performance of each Fund. Under the terms of the Advisory Agreement, PLFA is obligated to manage the Trust’s Funds in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The Advisory Agreement will continue in effect until December 31, 2015, and from year to year thereafter, provided such continuance is approved annually by (i) the holders of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of the Trust or by the Board of Trustees, and (ii) a majority of the Independent Trustees who are not parties to such Advisory Agreement. The Advisory Agreement was originally approved by the Board of Trustees, including a majority of the Independent Trustees who are not parties to the Advisory Agreement, at its meeting held on July 21, 1987, and by the shareholders of the Trust at a Meeting of Shareholders held on October 28, 1988. The Advisory Agreement and each sub-advisory agreement may be terminated without penalty by vote of the Trustees or the shareholders of the Trust, or by the Adviser, on 60 days’ written notice by any party to the Advisory Agreement or sub-advisory agreement, respectively, and each agreement will terminate automatically if assigned.

Investment Advisory Fee Schedules

The Trust pays the Adviser a fee for its services under the Advisory Agreement, as reflected in the table below, based on an annual percentage of the average daily net assets of each Fund.




Annual Investment Advisory Fee
(as a percentage of average daily net assets)

Small-Cap Growth Portfolio  

0.60% of first $4 billion

0.58% on excess

Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio  

0.785% of first $1 billion

0.755% of next $1 billion

0.725% of next $2 billion

0.705% on excess

International Small-Cap Portfolio1  

0.85% of first $1 billion

0.82% of next $1 billion

0.79% of next $2 billion

0.77% on excess

Mid-Cap Value Portfolio  

0.70% of first $1 billion

0.65% of next $1 billion

0.60% on excess

Equity Index Portfolio  

0.05% of first $4 billion

0.03% on excess

Small-Cap Index Portfolio  

0.30% of first $4 billion

0.28% on excess

American Funds Asset Allocation Portfolio2

American Funds Growth Portfolio2

American Funds Growth-Income Portfolio2

Floating Rate Loan Portfolio3

Small-Cap Equity Portfolio4

Small-Cap Value Portfolio


0.75% of first $1 billion

0.72% of next $1 billion

0.69% of next $2 billion

0.67% on excess





Annual Investment Advisory Fee
(as a percentage of average daily net assets)

PD Large-Cap Growth Index Portfolio

PD Large-Cap Value Index Portfolio

PD Small-Cap Growth Index Portfolio

PD Small-Cap Value Index Portfolio


0.14% of first $300 million

0.12% on excess

Large-Cap Value Portfolio  

0.65% of first $100 million

0.61% of next $900 million

0.58% of next $3 billion

0.56% on excess

Health Sciences Portfolio

Technology Portfolio


0.90% of first $1 billion

0.87% of next $1 billion

0.84% of next $2 billion

0.82% on excess

Absolute Return Portfolio

Global Absolute Return Portfolio


0.80% of first $3 billion

0.78% on excess

PD Emerging Markets Portfolio  

0.60% of first $50 million

0.35% on excess

PD International Large-Cap Portfolio  

0.25% of first $100 million

0.20% on excess

Comstock Portfolio5

Focused Growth Portfolio

Large-Cap Growth Portfolio6


0.75% of first $100 million

0.71% of next $900 million

0.68% of next $3 billion

0.66% on excess

Equity Long/Short Portfolio7  

1.15% of first $2.5 billion

1.13% on excess

Long/Short Large-Cap Portfolio8  

1.00% of first $4 billion

0.98% on excess

Value Advantage Portfolio  

0.66% of first $4 billion

0.64% on excess

International Value Portfolio

Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio


0.65% of first $4 billion

0.63% on excess

International Large-Cap Portfolio  

0.85% of first $100 million

0.77% of next $900 million

0.75% of next $3 billion

0.73% on excess

Growth Portfolio  

0.55% of first $4 billion

0.53% on excess

Mid-Cap Growth Portfolio9  

0.70% of first $4 billion

0.68% on excess

Real Estate Portfolio  

0.90% of first $100 million

0.82% of next $900 million

0.80% of next $3 billion

0.78% on excess





Annual Investment Advisory Fee
(as a percentage of average daily net assets)

Main Street Core Portfolio  

0.45% of first $4 billion

0.43% on excess

Emerging Markets Portfolio  

0.80% of first $4 billion

0.78% on excess

Floating Rate Income Portfolio  

0.65% of first $1 billion

0.62% of next $1 billion

0.59% of next $2 billion

0.57% on excess

Core Income Portfolio  

0.50% of first $4 billion

0.48% on excess

Diversified Bond Portfolio

High Yield Bond Portfolio

Inflation Managed Portfolio

Managed Bond Portfolio

Short Duration Bond Portfolio


0.40% of first $4 billion

0.38% on excess

Diversified Alternatives Portfolio10

Pacific Dynamix - Conservative Growth Portfolio

Pacific Dynamix - Moderate Growth Portfolio

Pacific Dynamix - Growth Portfolio


Portfolio Optimization Conservative Portfolio

Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

PD 1-3 Year Corporate Bond Portfolio  

0.20% of first $50 million

0.19% of next $50 million

0.14% on excess

PD Aggregate Bond Index Portfolio  

0.16% of first $50 million

0.15% of next $50 million

0.14% on excess

PD High Yield Bond Market Portfolio  

0.35% of first $50 million

0.22% of next $50 million

0.14% on excess

Dividend Growth Portfolio  

0.70% of first $100 million

0.66% of next $900 million

0.63% of next $3 billion

0.61% on excess

Currency Strategies Portfolio  

0.65% of first $3 billion

0.63% on excess





Annual Investment Advisory Fee
(as a percentage of average daily net assets)

Precious Metals Portfolio  

0.75% of first $100 million

0.70% of next $400 million

0.65% of next $500 million

0.60% on excess

Inflation Strategy Portfolio  

0.40% of first $200 million

0.35% of next $800 million

0.34% of next $1 billion

0.33% on excess


1  PLFA has agreed to waive 0.02% of its investment advisory fee through April 30, 2016 as long as QS Batterymarch Financial Management, Inc. remains the sub-adviser of the Fund. There is no guarantee that PLFA will continue such waiver after that date.


2  PLFA has agreed to waive 0.45% of its investment advisory fees for each Feeder Fund until the earlier of April 30, 2016 or such time as the Feeder Funds no longer invest substantially all of their assets in the Master Funds. There is no guarantee that PLFA will continue to waive its investment advisory fees after that date. As a shareholder of the Master Funds, each Feeder Fund also pays an investment advisory fee, and other expenses of the Master Fund.


3  PLFA has agreed to waive 0.10% of its investment advisory fee through April 30, 2016 as long as Boston Management and Research, doing business as Eaton Vance Investment Managers, remains the sub-adviser of the Fund. There is no guarantee that PLFA will continue such waiver after that date.


4  PLFA has agreed to waive 0.10% of its investment advisory fee through April 30, 2016 as long as Franklin Advisory Services, LLC and BlackRock Investment Management, LLC remain the sub-advisers of the Fund. There is no guarantee that PLFA will continue such waiver after that date.


5  PLFA has agreed to waive 0.015% of its investment advisory fee through April 30, 2016 as long as Invesco Advisers, Inc. remains the sub-adviser of the Fund. There is no guarantee that PLFA will continue such waiver after that date.


6  PLFA has agreed to waive 0.045% of its investment advisory fee through April 30, 2016 as long as BlackRock Investment Management, LLC remains the sub-adviser of the Fund. There is no guarantee that PLFA will continue such waiver after that date.


7  PLFA has agreed to waive 0.15% of its investment advisory fee through April 30, 2016 as long as AQR Capital Management, LLC remains the sub-adviser of the fund. There is no guarantee that PLFA will continue such waiver after that date.


8  PLFA has agreed to waive 0.05% of its investment advisory fee through April 30, 2016 as long as J.P. Morgan Investment Management, Inc. remains the sub-adviser of the Fund. There is no guarantee that PLFA will continue such waiver after that date.


9  PLFA has agreed to waive 0.05% of its investment advisory fee through April 30, 2016 as long as Ivy Investment Management Company remains the sub-adviser of the Fund. There is no guarantee the PLFA will continue such waiver after the date.


10  PLFA has agreed to waive 1) 0.025% on net assets above $2 billion through $3 billion; 2) 0.050% on net assets above $3 billion through $5 billion; 3) 0.075% on net assets above $5 billion through $7.5 billion; and 4) 0.100% on net assets above $7.5 billion through October 31, 2016. There is no guarantee that PLFA will continue such waiver after that date.

Investment Advisory Fees Paid or Owed

The chart below reflects the net investment advisory fees paid or owed (i.e., after any advisory fee waivers) for the three most recent fiscal years ended:



  12/31/14     12/31/13     12/31/12  

Small-Cap Value Portfolio

  $ 4,964,036      $ 3,969,768      $ 3,719,861   

Equity Long/Short Portfolio1

    N/A        N/A        N/A   

Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio2

  $ 9,297,046      $ 7,727,366      $ 5,009,699   

Equity Index Portfolio

  $ 704,966      $ 956,717      $ 1,091,550   

Health Sciences Portfolio

  $ 2,654,635      $ 1,942,429      $ 1,369,506   

Large-Cap Growth Portfolio

  $ 8,016,336      $ 7,744,128      $ 8,495,002   

Small-Cap Equity Portfolio

  $ 4,690,314      $ 6,679,898      $ 7,377,469   

Small-Cap Index Portfolio

  $ 2,036,804      $ 2,375,338      $ 1,738,081   

PD Large-Cap Growth Index Portfolio

  $ 467,152      $ 324,660      $ 192,246   

PD Large-Cap Value Index Portfolio

  $ 560,441      $ 398,910      $ 234,825   

PD Small-Cap Growth Index Portfolio

  $ 108,688      $ 75,160      $ 50,858   

PD Small-Cap Value Index Portfolio

  $ 165,435      $ 113,072      $ 69,822   

Absolute Return Portfolio1

    N/A        N/A        N/A   

Mid-Cap Value Portfolio

  $ 9,389,497      $ 9,419,600      $ 9,163,101   

American Funds Asset Allocation Portfolio

  $ 5,287,397      $ 4,179,150      $ 1,647,055   

American Funds Growth-Income Portfolio

  $ 1,837,855      $ 3,051,829      $ 3,862,884   

American Funds Growth Portfolio

  $ 1,081,116      $ 1,225,269      $ 1,952,115   

Large-Cap Value Portfolio

  $ 13,795,315      $ 16,482,587      $ 18,026,947   




  12/31/14     12/31/13     12/31/12  

PD Emerging Markets Portfolio

  $ 497,337      $ 374,796      $ 260,343   

PD International Large-Cap Portfolio

  $ 677,632      $ 492,770      $ 320,184   

Floating Rate Loan Portfolio

  $ 4,959,885      $ 5,355,340      $ 6,518,226   

Global Absolute Return Portfolio3

  $ 13,735,995      $ 15,946,056      $ 4,081,092   

Comstock Portfolio

  $ 11,084,917      $ 13,658,196      $ 15,244,985   

Mid-Cap Growth Portfolio

  $ 5,533,931      $ 5,489,461      $ 6,468,415   

Technology Portfolio

  $ 801,204      $ 677,072      $ 710,733   

International Value Portfolio

  $ 7,795,096      $ 10,148,103      $ 10,271,894   

Long/Short Large-Cap Portfolio

  $ 13,473,831      $ 14,747,383      $ 14,896,798   

Value Advantage Portfolio4

  $ 5,669,172      $ 3,423,918        N/A   

Focused Growth Portfolio

  $ 893,273      $ 855,765      $ 875,928   

Small-Cap Growth Portfolio

  $ 3,657,567      $ 3,297,573      $ 3,153,803   

Currency Strategies Portfolio3

  $ 10,483,375      $ 9,539,679      $ 2,411,763   

Growth Portfolio

  $ 5,665,855      $ 4,596,440      $ 4,108,192   

International Large-Cap Portfolio

  $ 14,191,829      $ 15,488,359      $ 16,719,622   

Real Estate Portfolio

  $ 9,012,173      $ 9,387,076      $ 7,740,965   

Main Street Core Portfolio

  $ 6,969,145      $ 6,904,388      $ 6,611,038   

Emerging Markets Portfolio

  $ 14,944,653      $ 13,129,179      $ 12,149,035   

Core Income Portfolio1

    N/A        N/A        N/A   

Floating Rate Income Portfolio4

  $ 2,330,415      $ 1,226,161        N/A   

High Yield Bond Portfolio

  $ 4,737,477      $ 5,065,361      $ 5,179,954   

Managed Bond Portfolio

  $ 17,386,784      $ 19,351,923      $ 22,170,692   

Inflation Managed Portfolio

  $ 5,423,926      $ 5,903,477      $ 8,291,202   

International Small-Cap Portfolio

  $ 10,845,871      $ 10,709,170      $ 9,699,725   

Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio

  $ 7,267,104      $ 7,432,817      $ 8,913,268   

PD 1-3 Year Corporate Bond Portfolio5

  $ 167,201        N/A        N/A   

PD Aggregate Bond Index Portfolio

  $ 976,720      $ 758,211      $ 450,376   

PD High Yield Bond Market Portfolio

  $ 355,377      $ 309,143      $ 270,516   

Dividend Growth Portfolio

  $ 6,108,036      $ 6,010,324      $ 5,994,553   

Short Duration Bond Portfolio

  $ 8,962,413      $ 9,535,093      $ 9,463,698   

Precious Metals Portfolio3

  $ 3,570,288      $ 4,189,972      $ 1,490,623   

Diversified Bond Portfolio

  $ 12,781,773      $ 12,435,526      $ 13,136,534   

Inflation Strategy Portfolio

  $ 3,207,029      $ 3,759,620      $ 5,091,302   

Diversified Alternatives Portfolio6

    N/A        N/A        N/A   

Pacific Dynamix — Conservative Growth Portfolio

  $ 782,025      $ 600,204      $ 383,602   

Pacific Dynamix — Moderate Growth Portfolio

  $ 2,745,398      $ 1,791,760      $ 914,775   

Pacific Dynamix — Growth Portfolio

  $ 948,715      $ 665,197      $ 485,851   

Portfolio Optimization Conservative Portfolio7

  $ 2,619,490      $ 2,133,777      $   

Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio7

  $ 4,345,355      $ 3,079,946      $   

Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio7

  $ 15,461,729      $ 10,475,414      $   

Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio7

  $ 12,895,326      $ 8,737,823      $   

Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio7

  $ 2,767,669      $ 1,863,657      $   


1  The Equity Long/Short, Absolute Return and Core Income Portfolios are expected to commence operations on or about April 27, 2015.


2  The Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio commenced operations on April 30, 2012.


3  The Global Absolute Return, Currency Strategies and Precious Metals Portfolios commenced operations on September 28, 2012.


4  The Value Advantage and Floating Rate Income Portfolios commenced operations on April 30, 2013.


5  The PD 1-3 Year Corporate Bond Portfolio commenced operations on April 30, 2014.


6  The Diversified Alternatives Portfolio is expected to commence operations on or about October 30, 2015.


7 PLFA waived its investment advisory fee from commencement of operations through April 30, 2013.

All Funds (except the Portfolio Optimization Portfolios, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios, Pacific Dynamix Underlying Funds, and the Absolute Return and Equity Long/Short Portfolios):    To help limit expenses, PLFA has agreed to reimburse each Fund for certain operating expenses that exceed an annual rate of 0.10% of a Fund’s average daily net assets through April 30, 2016, except for the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio which will be 0.10% through October 31, 2016. These operating expenses include, but are not limited to: organizational expenses; domestic custody expenses; expenses for accounting, audit, tax and certain legal services; preparation, printing, filing and distribution to existing shareholders of proxies, prospectuses and shareholder reports and other



regulatory documents, as applicable; Independent Trustees’ fees; and establishing, overseeing and administering the Trust’s compliance program. These operating expenses do not include: advisory fees; service fees; additional costs associated with foreign investing (including foreign taxes on dividends, interest, or gains); interest (including commitment fees); taxes; brokerage commissions and other transactional expenses; dividends on securities sold short; acquired funds’ (including Master Funds) fees and expenses; extraordinary expenses such as litigation expenses and other expenses not incurred in the ordinary course of each Fund’s business; and expenses of counsel or other persons or services retained by the Trust’s Independent Trustees). Any reimbursement is subject to recoupment by PLFA, for a period of time as permitted under regulatory and accounting guidance (currently three years from the end of the fiscal year in which the reimbursement took place), to the extent such operating expenses fall below the expense cap that was in effect at the time of the reimbursement. Any amounts repaid to PLFA will have the effect of increasing such expenses of the applicable Funds, but not above the expense cap. There can be no assurance that the expense limitation agreement will be continued beyond April 30, 2016 (or October 31, 2016 for the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio).

Pacific Dynamix Portfolios:    To help limit expenses, PLFA has agreed to reimburse each Pacific Dynamix Portfolio to the extent the total annual operating expenses (excluding extraordinary expenses) of the Fund and its proportional share of fees and expenses of its Underlying Funds exceed an annual rate of 0.59% of a Fund’s average daily net assets through April 30, 2016. Any reimbursement is subject to recoupment by PLFA, for a period of time as permitted under regulatory and accounting guidance (currently three years from the end of the fiscal year in which the reimbursement took place), to the extent such operating expenses fall below the expense cap that was in effect at the time of the reimbursement. Any amounts repaid to PLFA will have the effect of increasing such expenses of the applicable Funds but not above the expense cap. There can be no assurance that the expense limitation agreement will be continued beyond April 30, 2016 for the Pacific Dynamix Portfolios.

For the last three fiscal years ended December 31, PLFA reimbursed and/or recouped from the following Funds:


    Investment Adviser
Expense Reimbursements
    Investment Adviser


  12/31/14     12/31/13     12/31/12     12/31/14     12/31/13      12/31/12  

Floating Rate Income

  $      $ 18,455        N/A      $      $ 18,455         N/A   

Pacific Dynamix - Conservative Growth Portfolio

  $ 164,289      $ 130,618      $ 76,176      $      $       $   

Pacific Dynamix - Moderate Growth Portfolio

  $ 580,433      $ 441,533      $ 239,686      $      $       $   

Pacific Dynamix - Growth Portfolio

  $ 242,015      $ 199,018      $ 164,359      $      $       $   

PD Aggregate Bond Index Portfolio

    N/A      $ 40,512      $ 136,128      $      $       $   

PD High Yield Bond Market Portfolio

    N/A      $ 8,547      $ 47,932      $      $       $   

PD Large-Cap Growth Index Portfolio

    N/A      $ 1,761      $ 15,942      $      $       $   

PD Large-Cap Value Index Portfolio

    N/A      $ 696      $ 17,489      $      $       $   

PD Small-Cap Growth Index Portfolio

    N/A      $ 5,204      $ 21,359      $      $       $   

PD Small-Cap Value Index Portfolio

    N/A      $ 1,337      $ 27,181      $      $       $   

PD International Large-Cap Portfolio

    N/A        N/A      $ 100,661      $      $       $   

Other Expenses of the Trust

The Trust bears all costs of its operations. These costs may include expenses for custody, audit and tax fees, fees and expenses of Officers and Trustees, organizational expenses, expenses related to compliance with legal and regulatory requirements (including expenses of the Trust’s Chief Compliance Officer), accounting expenses, on-going compliance and oversight of the Trust’s securities lending program with respect to the Long/Short Large-Cap Portfolio, brokerage expenses, expenses of administrators, transfer agents, pricing agents and other service providers, the expenses of calculating the Trust’s net asset value, recordkeeping expenses, expenses of transitioning to new Managers, and other expenses of its operations, including the cost of support services, and may, if applicable, include extraordinary expenses such as expenses for special consultants or legal expenses.

The Trust is also responsible for bearing the expense of various matters, including, among other things, the expense of registering and qualifying the Trust and its shares on state and federal levels, legal and accounting services, maintaining the Trust’s legal existence, shareholders’ meetings and expenses associated with preparing, printing and distributing reports, proxies and prospectuses to shareholders. Certain fund expenses directly attributable to a particular Fund are charged to that Fund (such as portfolio-specific transactional fees, proxies, liquidations, litigation, and organizational/start-up costs). Generally, other Trust expenses are allocated proportionately among all the Funds in relation to the net assets of each Fund.

The Trust, Pacific Life and PLFA have entered into an agreement for administration and support services, as amended from time to time, (“Agreement”) pursuant to which Pacific Life and/or PLFA provide support services such as those described above, including legal, compliance, accounting, tax, chief compliance officer services, administrative services and on-going compliance and oversight of the Trust’s securities lending program with respect to the Long/Short Large-Cap Portfolio. Under the terms of the Agreement, it is not intended that Pacific Life and PLFA will profit from these services to the Trust.



The Trust paid or owed to Pacific Life and/or PLFA $4,579,918 representing 0.005% of the Trust’s average daily net assets for its services under the Agreement for Support Services during 2014. The Trust paid or owed to Pacific Life $3,882,550 during 2013 and $3,604,700 during 2012, representing 0.004% and 0.004%, respectively, of the Trust’s average daily net assets. The fees anticipated to be paid for 2015 under said Agreement are expected to be approximately 0.005% of the Trust’s average daily net assets.

Service Plan.    The Trust adopted a service plan (the “Service Plan”) for Class I Shares of each applicable Fund, under which, each Fund pays the Distributor an amount at an annual rate of 0.20% of the average daily net assets of the Fund. For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014, the Trust paid $106,057,505 in aggregate to the Distributor.

Under the Service Plan, the servicing fee may be used by the Distributor to provide or procure service activities related to the variable annuity and variable life insurance contract owners (“Contract Owners”) of the participating insurers who use the Trust as the underlying investment Trust for their contracts (“Variable Accounts”), for services related to the Trust and its Funds. These may include, but are not limited to (i) providing electronic, telephonic, and technological servicing support in connection with existing investments in the Trust, including support relating to dollar cost averaging, asset allocation, portfolio rebalancing, and pre-authorized purchase and redemption orders and enhancing processing, technology, providing support for accepting or executing transfer instructions and electronic capability regarding the same insofar as it effects the Trust and its Funds; (ii) answering shareholder and Contract Owner questions regarding the Trust, its Funds, its Managers and/or other service providers; (iii) researching and providing historical Variable Account activity related to the Trust for Variable Accounts requesting it; (iv) responding to inquiries regarding the Prospectuses, including this SAI, and supplements thereto, reports, notices, proxies and proxy statements and other information regarding the Trust; (v) payment of compensation to broker/dealers, including the Distributor itself, and other financial institutions and organizations which assist in providing any of the above services; (vi) overhead and other expenses of the Distributor related to service activities, including but not limited to, telephone and other communications expenses, including broker/dealer communication expenses, and website maintenance expenses; and (vii) provision of other services deemed appropriate by the Distributor. Servicing fees may also be spent on obligations relating to shareholder and Contract Owner servicing that arose prior to the effective date of the Service Plan.

The amounts paid under the Service Plan are intended to be treated as service fees under the applicable rule of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, (“FINRA”) regarding asset-based sales charges for investment companies. The Service Plan is not adopted as a distribution or “12b-1 plan” under Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act. The Service Plan is of the type known as “compensation plans.” This means that, although the Trustees of the Trust are expected to take into account the expenses of the Distributor in their periodic review of the Service Plan, the fees are payable to compensate the Distributor for services rendered even if the amount paid exceeds the Distributor’s expenses.

Many of the Distributor’s servicing efforts involve the Trust as a whole, so that fees paid by the Funds may indirectly support servicing efforts relating to other Funds.

The Service Plan will continue in effect with respect to a Fund for successive one-year periods, provided that each such continuance is specifically approved by the vote of a majority of the Trustees, including the Independent Trustees. If the Service Plan is terminated (or not renewed) with respect to one or more Fund, it may continue in effect with respect to any Fund as to which it has not been terminated (or has been renewed).


Management Firms

PLFA serves as investment adviser for the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Portfolio Optimization Portfolios and Pacific Dynamix Portfolios. PLFA serves as investment adviser for the American Funds Asset Allocation Portfolio, American Funds Growth-Income Portfolio and American Funds Growth Portfolio, which invest in the Master Funds. PLFA also does business under the name Pacific Asset Management and manages the Core Income, High Yield Bond and Floating Rate Income Portfolios under the Pacific Asset Management name. For the remaining Funds, PLFA serves as investment adviser and employs other investment advisory firms as sub-advisers, subject to sub-advisory agreements. PLFA takes on the entrepreneurial risks associated with the launch of each new Fund and its ongoing operations. In addition, PLFA supports the Board oversight process by, among other things, acting on Board instructions relating to the Funds and providing reports and other information requested by the Board from time to time.

Each sub-adviser has entered into a sub-advisory agreement with the Trust and the Adviser. Each sub-adviser provides investment advisory services to the applicable Fund. With respect to the sub-advised Funds, PLFA oversees and monitors the services provided by the sub-advisers. PLFA evaluates the performance of each sub-adviser and the sub-adviser’s execution of a Fund’s investment strategies, as well as the sub-adviser’s adherence to the Fund’s investment objectives and policies. PLFA conducts risk analysis and performance attribution to analyze a Fund’s performance and risk profile, and works with a sub-adviser to implement changes to a Fund’s strategies when appropriate. PLFA’s analysis and oversight of a sub-adviser may result in PLFA’s recommendation to the Board of Trustees that a sub-adviser be terminated and replaced.



PLFA also conducts ongoing due diligence on sub-advisers involving on-site visits, in-person meetings and/or telephonic meetings, including due diligence of each sub-adviser’s written compliance policies and procedures and assessments of each sub-adviser’s compliance program and code of ethics. PLFA also provides services related to, among others, the valuation of Fund securities, risk management, and oversight of trade execution and brokerage services.

PLFA also conducts searches for new sub-advisers for new Funds or to replace existing sub-advisers when appropriate and coordinates the on-boarding process for new sub-advisers, including establishing trading accounts to enable the sub-adviser to begin managing Fund assets. Additionally, in the event that a sub-adviser were to become unable to manage a Fund, PLFA has implemented plans to provide for the continued management of the Fund’s portfolio. PLFA oversees and implements transition management programs when significant changes are made to a Fund, including when a sub-adviser is replaced or when there are large purchases or withdrawals, to seek to reduce transaction costs for a Fund. PLFA also monitors and regulates large purchase and redemption orders to minimize potentially adverse effects on a Fund.

Certain Funds are managed by multiple sub-advisers. For these Funds, PLFA determines the portion of the Fund to be managed by each sub-adviser and may change the allocation from time to time. PLFA may also recommend the addition of a sub-adviser to a Fund when it believes the Fund would benefit from additional investment strategies and sub-advisers.

The information below provides organizational information on each of the sub-advisers, which includes, if applicable, the name of any person(s) who controls the sub-adviser, the basis of the person’s control, and the general nature of the person’s business.

AllianceBernstein L.P. (“AB”)

AB, a leading global investment adviser, is a subsidiary of AXA Financial, Inc., which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of AXA, one of the largest global financial services organizations. At December 31, 2014, AllianceBernstein Holding L.P. (“Holding”) owned approximately 35.4% of the issued and outstanding AB units. AXA Financial was the beneficial owner of approximately 63.1% of the AB units at December 31, 2014 (including those held indirectly through its ownership of approximately 1.5% of the issued and outstanding Holding units) which, including the general partnership interests in AB and Holding, represent an approximate 63.7% economic interest in AB.

AQR Capital Management, LLC (“AQR”)

AQR, a Delaware limited liability company founded in 1998, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of AQR Capital Management Holdings, LLC (“AQR Holdings”), which has no activities other than holding the interests of AQR. Clifford Asness, Ph.D., M.B.A., may be deemed to control AQR through his voting control of the Board of Members of AQR Holdings.

Ashmore Investment Management Limited (“Ashmore”)

Ashmore is indirectly wholly-owned by Ashmore Group plc (“Ashmore Group”), a company incorporated in England and Wales which is listed on the official list of the UK Listing Authority and admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange. Ashmore Group plc, through certain affiliates, currently engages in the asset management business.

BlackRock Investment Management, LLC (“BlackRock”)

BlackRock is a registered investment adviser and an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of BlackRock, Inc., one of the largest publicly traded investment management firms in the United States. BlackRock, Inc. is an affiliate of The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

BlueBay Asset Management LLP (“BlueBay”)

BlueBay operates from offices in London, United Kingdom. Portfolio management services may also be provided by BlueBay Asset Management USA LLC located in Stamford, Connecticut. BlueBay is authorised and regulated by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority. Each of these entities is a registered investment adviser and a wholly owned subsidiary of the Royal Bank of Canada, a publicly listed company.

Boston Partners

Robeco Investment Management, Inc., doing business as Boston Partners, is a registered investment adviser organized in Delaware. Boston Partners is a wholly owned subsidiary of Robeco Group N.V., a Dutch global investment management company (“Robeco Group”). Robeco Group is majority owned by ORIX Corporation, a diversified financial services company based in Japan.



ClearBridge Investments, LLC (“ClearBridge”)

ClearBridge is an investment adviser that has been formed to succeed the equity securities portfolio management business of Citigroup Asset Management (which included Salomon Brothers Asset Management Inc (“SaBam”), the former sub-adviser of the Large-Cap Value Portfolio) and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Legg Mason, Inc, a financial services holding company.

Dimensional Fund Advisors LP (“DFA”)

DFA was founded in April 1981. DFA is registered under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940 and began managing assets on behalf of institutional investors in December 1981. DFA is organized as a Delaware limited partnership and is controlled and operated by its general partner, Dimensional Holdings, Inc., a Delaware Corporation.

Eaton Vance Investment Managers (“Eaton Vance”)

Boston Management and Research, doing business as Eaton Vance Investment Managers, a registered investment adviser, has been managing assets since 1924 and managing mutual funds since 1931. Eaton Vance is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Eaton Vance Corp.

Franklin Advisory Services, LLC (“Franklin”)

Franklin is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Franklin Resources Inc., a publicly owned company engaged in the financial services industry through its subsidiaries.

Invesco Advisers, Inc. (“Invesco”)

Invesco is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Invesco Ltd. Invesco Ltd. and its subsidiaries are an independent investment management group engaged in institutional investment management and retail mutual fund businesses in the United States, Europe and the Pacific Region. Invesco, and/or its affiliates is the investment adviser for mutual funds, separately managed accounts, such as corporate and municipal pension plans, charitable institutions and private individuals.

Ivy Investment Management Company (“Ivy”)

Ivy is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc., a publicly traded company. Ivy is a registered investment adviser with the SEC. Ivy acts as an investment adviser for the Ivy family of funds, as well as an adviser for institutional and other private investors and provides sub-advisory services to other U.S. mutual funds and non-U.S. pooled investment vehicles.

J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc. (“JP Morgan”)

JP Morgan is an investment manager for corporate, public, and union employee benefit funds, foundations, endowments, insurance companies, government agencies and the accounts of other institutional investors. JP Morgan is a wholly-owned subsidiary of JP Morgan Asset Management Holdings, Inc., which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase & Co (“JPMorgan Chase”).

Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus”)

Janus (together with its predecessors) has served as an investment adviser since 1969 and currently serves as investment adviser, or sub-adviser, to separately managed accounts, mutual funds, as well as commingled pools or private funds, and wrap fee accounts. Janus is a direct subsidiary of Janus Capital Group, Inc. (“JCGI”), a publicly traded company with principal operations in financial asset management businesses. JCGI owns approximately 95% of Janus, with the remaining 5% held by Janus Management Holdings Corporation.

Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC (“Lord Abbett”)

Founded in 1929, Lord Abbett is an independent manager of one of the nation’s oldest mutual fund complexes, managing assets across a full range of mutual funds, institutional accounts and separately managed accounts.



Macro Currency Group (“MCG”)

Principal Global Investors, LLC, doing business as Macro Currency Group, is a diversified asset management organization and one of the companies which make up the institutional asset-management arm of Principal Financial Group® (“The Principal®”). The Principal is a public company listed on the NYSE offering a wide range of financial products and services through a diverse family of financial services companies.

MFS Investment Management (“MFS”)

Massachusetts Financial Services Company, doing business as MFS Investment Management, and its predecessor organizations have a history of money management dating from 1924. MFS is a subsidiary of Sun Life of Canada (U.S.) Financial Services Holdings, Inc., which in turn is an indirect majority-owned subsidiary of Sun Life Financial Inc. (a diversified financial services organization).

Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc. (“MSIM”)

MSIM is a subsidiary of Morgan Stanley. MSIM, together with its affiliated asset management companies, conducts a worldwide portfolio management business and provides a broad range of portfolio management services to customers in the U.S. and abroad.

Morgan Stanley, the parent of MSIM, is a global financial services firm engaged in securities trading and brokerage activities, as well as providing investment banking, research and analysis, financing, and financial advisory services. MSIM’s portfolio managers are supported by a network of experienced research professionals based in New York, London and Singapore.

NFJ Investment Group LLC (“NFJ”)

NFJ provides advisory services to mutual funds and institutional accounts. NFJ Investment Group Inc., the predecessor to NFJ, commenced operations in 1989. NFJ Investment Group LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC, which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Allianz Global Investors U.S. Holdings LLC. Allianz Global Investors U.S. Holdings LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Allianz Asset Management of America L.P. Allianz Asset Management of America L.P. is indirectly owned by Allianz SE, a diversified global financial institution.

OppenheimerFunds, Inc. (“Oppenheimer”)

Oppenheimer is wholly owned by Oppenheimer Acquisition Corp., a holding company primarily owned by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company and is one of the largest mutual fund companies in the United States. Oppenheimer has been serving the investment needs of financial advisors and their clients since 1960.

Pacific Investment Management Company LLC (“PIMCO”)

PIMCO is a majority owned subsidiary of Allianz Asset Management with minority interests held by certain of its officers and by PIMCO Partners, LLC, a California limited liability company. Prior to December 31, 2011, Allianz Asset Management was named Allianz Global Investors of America L.P. PIMCO Partners, LLC is owned by certain current and former officers of PIMCO. Through various holding company structures, Allianz Asset Management is majority owned by Allianz SE.

Absent an order from the SEC or other relief, the Managed Bond and Inflation Managed Portfolios generally cannot engage in principal transactions with the affiliated brokers and certain other affiliated entities, and the Managed Bond and Inflation Managed Portfolios’ ability to purchase securities underwritten by an affiliated broker or to utilize affiliated brokers for agency transactions will be subject to regulatory restrictions. PIMCO has advised that it does not believe that the above restrictions on transactions with affiliated brokers would materially adversely affect its ability to provide services to the Funds, the Funds’ ability to take advantage of market opportunities, or their overall performance.

QS Batterymarch Financial Management, Inc. (formerly called Batterymarch Financial Management, Inc.)

(“QS Batterymarch”)

QS Batterymarch is an investment management firm that specializes in equity investments. QS Batterymarch is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Legg Mason, Inc. (“Legg Mason”), a global asset management firm.



Scout Investments, Inc. (“Scout”)

Scout is a nationally recognized institutional investment manager that offers an array of equity and fixed income products. Scout is a wholly-owned subsidiary of UMB Financial Corporation.

SSGA Funds Management, Inc. (“SSGA FM”)

SSGA FM is registered with the SEC as an investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of State Street Corporation, a publicly held bank holding company. SSGA FM and other advisory affiliates of State Street Corporation make up State Street Global Advisors (“SSGA”), the investment management arm of State Street Corporation.

T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. (“T. Rowe Price”)

Founded in 1937 by the late Thomas Rowe Price Jr., T. Rowe Price is a wholly-owned subsidiary of T. Rowe Price Group, Inc., a publicly traded company with offices all over the world. T. Rowe Price and its affiliates manage individual and institutional investor accounts.

UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc. (“UBS Global AM”)

UBS Global AM is an indirect wholly owned asset management subsidiary of UBS Group AG and a member of the UBS Global Asset Management Division. UBS Group AG, with headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland, is an internationally diversified organization with operations in many areas of the financial services industry.

Wells Capital Management Incorporated (“WellsCap”)

WellsCap is a registered investment adviser that provides investment advisory services for registered mutual funds, company retirement plans, foundations, endowments, trust companies, and high net-worth individuals. WellsCap is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., which in turn is indirectly wholly-owned by Wells Fargo & Company, a publicly listed company.

Western Asset Management Company and certain of its affiliated companies (collectively “Western Asset”)

Western Asset Management Company operates from offices in California and New York. Portfolio management services are also provided by Western Asset Management Company Ltd. (Japan), Western Asset Management Company Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) and Western Asset Management Company Limited (United Kingdom). Each of these entities (each a “Western Manager” and collectively “Western Asset”) is a registered investment adviser and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Legg Mason, Inc. Each Western Manager will receive a proportionate share of the fee based on the average daily net assets that it manages.

Sub-Advisory Fee Schedules

For the services provided, the Adviser pays a monthly fee to each sub-adviser based on an annual percentage of the average daily net assets of the Fund(s) they manage according to the following schedules:






Annual Sub-Advisory Fee
(as a percentage of average daily net assets)

AB   Small-Cap Value1,2  

0.40% on first $500 million

0.35% on excess

AQR   Equity Long/Short Portfolio2  

0.65% on first $2.5 billion

0.63% on excess

Ashmore   Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio2  

Fund under $500 million:

0.55% on first $250 million

0.50% on excess

Fund at or above $500 million:








Annual Sub-Advisory Fee
(as a percentage of average daily net assets)


Equity Index Portfolio

Small-Cap Equity Portfolio3

Small-Cap Index Portfolio

PD Large-Cap Growth Index Portfolio

PD Large-Cap Value Index Portfolio

PD Small-Cap Growth Index Portfolio

PD Small-Cap Value Index Portfolio


On combined net assets:

0.04% on first $300 million

0.02% on excess



  Health Sciences Portfolio  

0.50% on first $100 million

0.475% on next $150 million

0.45% on next $250 million

0.425% on excess



  Large-Cap Growth Portfolio2  

0.38% on first $25 million

0.33% on next $225 million

0.23% on next $1.75 billion

0.20% on excess

BlueBay   Absolute Return Portfolio2  

0.50% on first $3 billion

0.48% on excess

Boston Partners   Mid-Cap Value Portfolio  

0.35% on first $1 billion

0.30% on next $1 billion

0.25% on excess

ClearBridge   Large-Cap Value Portfolio2  

0.45% on first $100 million

0.40% on next $100 million

0.35% on next $200 million

0.30% on next $350 million

0.25% on next $250 million

0.20% on excess

DFA   PD Emerging Markets Portfolio  

0.50% on first $50 million

0.25% on excess



  PD International Large-Cap Portfolio  

0.15% on first $100 million

0.10% on excess

Eaton Vance   Floating Rate Loan Portfolio   0.30%


  Global Absolute Return Portfolio2  

0.50% on first $3 billion

0.48% on excess

Franklin   Small-Cap Equity Portfolio3  

0.60% on first $200 million

0.52% on next $300 million

0.50% on excess

Invesco   Comstock Portfolio2  

0.35% on first $1 billion

0.285% on excess

Ivy   Mid-Cap Growth Portfolio2  

0.30% on first $2 billion

0.25% on excess



  Technology Portfolio  

0.50% on first $100 million

0.475% on next $150 million

0.45% on next $250 million

0.425% on excess







Annual Sub-Advisory Fee
(as a percentage of average daily net assets)

JP Morgan   International Value Portfolio2  

0.35% on first $1 billion

0.30% on next $1 billion

0.25% on excess



  Long/Short Large-Cap Portfolio   0.60%


  Value Advantage Portfolio   0.36%
Janus   Focused Growth Portfolio  

0.45% on first $25 million

0.40% on next $125 million

0.35% on next $850 million

0.30% on next $1 billion

0.25% on excess

Lord Abbett   Small-Cap Growth Portfolio2  

0.60% on first $100 million

0.45% on next $150 million

0.40% on excess

MCG   Currency Strategies Portfolio2,4  

0.30% of first $3 billion

0.28% on excess

MFS   Growth Portfolio2  

0.375% on first $250 million

0.325% on next $250 million

0.30% on next $250 million

0.275% on next $250 million

0.25% on next $500 million

0.225% on excess



  International Large-Cap Portfolio2  

0.425% on first $750 million

0.375% on next $750 million

0.325% on next $1.5 billion

0.30% on excess

MSIM   Real Estate Portfolio2  

0.35% on first $2 billion

0.32% on next $1 billion

0.30% on excess

NFJ   Small-Cap Value Portfolio1  

0.40% on first $500 million

0.35% on excess

Oppenheimer   Main Street Core Portfolio   0.23%


  Emerging Markets Portfolio2  

0.55% on first $500 million

0.40% on next $750 million

0.35% on next $1 billion

0.25% on excess







Annual Sub-Advisory Fee
(as a percentage of average daily net assets)

PIMCO   Managed Bond Portfolio2  

From 5/1/15 through 4/30/18:

0.25% on first $1 billion

0.20% on next $2 billion

0.175% on excess

From 5/1/18 and beyond:

0.25% on first $1 billion

0.20% on excess



  Inflation Managed Portfolio2  

0.25% on first $1 billion

0.20% on excess

QS Batterymarch   International Small-Cap Portfolio2  

0.70% on first $100 million

0.60% on next $50 million

0.45% on excess

Scout   Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio2  

0.35% on first $1 billion

0.30% on next $1 billion

0.25% on excess

SSGA FM   PD 1-3 Year Corporate Bond Portfolio  

0.10% on first $50 million

0.09% on next $50 million

0.04% on excess



  PD Aggregate Bond Index Portfolio  

0.06% on first $50 million

0.05% on next $50 million

0.04% on excess



  PD High Yield Bond Market Portfolio  

0.25% on first $50 million

0.12% on next $50 million

0.04% on excess

T. Rowe Price   Dividend Growth Portfolio  

Fund under $100 million:

0.50% on first $50 million

0.45% on next $50 million

Fund at or above $100 million:

0.40% on first $100 million

0.375% on next $150 million

0.325% on next $750 million

0.30% on excess



  Short Duration Bond Portfolio2  

Fund under or equal to $100 million:

0.225% on first $50 million

0.175% on next $50 million

Fund above $100 million, but less than or equal to $250 million:

0.150% on all assets up to $250 million

Fund above $250 million, but less than or equal to $500 million:

0.125% on all assets up to $500 million

Fund above $500 million, but less than or equal to $1 billion:

0.125% on the first $500 million

0.100% on the next $500 million up to $1 billion Fund above $1 billion:

0.100% on all assets







Annual Sub-Advisory Fee
(as a percentage of average daily net assets)

UBS Global AM   Currency Strategies Portfolio2,4  

0.30% on first $3 billion

0.28% on excess

WellsCap   Precious Metals Portfolio2  

0.40% on first $100 million

0.35% on next $400 million

0.30% on next $500 million

0.25% on excess

Western Asset   Diversified Bond Portfolio5  

0.225% on first $300 million

0.15% on next $1.7 billion

0.10% on excess



  Inflation Strategy Portfolio6  

0.125% on first $100 million

0.075% on next $100 million

0.050% on next $800 million

0.040% on next $1 billion

0.030% on excess


1 The Fund is sub-advised by both AB and NFJ. Each sub-adviser is paid based on the average daily net assets of the portion of the Fund it manages.


2  When determining the breakpoint rates, the combined average daily net assets of the Fund are aggregated with the corresponding fund of Pacific Funds Series Trust, provided it is managed by the same sub-adviser.


3  The Fund is sub-advised by both BlackRock and Franklin. Each sub-adviser is paid based on the average daily net assets of the portion of the Fund it manages.


4  The Fund is sub-advised by both MCG and UBS Global AM. Each sub-adviser is paid based on the average daily net assets of the portion of the Fund it manages.


5  When determining the breakpoint rates, the combined average daily net assets of the Western Asset managed Diversified Bond Portfolio are aggregated with the Western Asset managed portion of the PF Managed Bond Fund of Pacific Funds Series Trust, provided it is managed by the same sub-adviser.


6  When determining the breakpoint rates, the combined average daily net assets of the Western Asset managed Inflation Strategy Portfolio are aggregated with the Western Asset managed portion of the PF Inflation Managed Fund of Pacific Funds Series Trust, provided it is managed by the same sub-adviser.

Sub-Advisory Fees Paid or Owed for the fiscal years ended:



  12/31/14     12/31/13     12/31/12  

Small-Cap Value Portfolio1

  $ 2,627,449      $ 2,055,089      $ 1,945,960   

Equity Long/Short Portfolio2

    N/A        N/A        N/A   

Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio3

  $ 5,781,182      $ 4,772,746      $ 3,096,592   

Equity Index Portfolio

  $ 306,867      $ 411,246      $ 474,461   

Health Sciences Portfolio4

  $ 1,415,550      $ 1,051,145      $ 748,150   

Large-Cap Growth Portfolio5

  $ 3,010,051      $ 2,305,771      $ 3,352,088   

Small-Cap Equity Portfolio6

  $ 2,255,164      $ 3,038,100      $ 3,649,174   

Small-Cap Index Portfolio

  $ 148,053      $ 169,795      $ 125,532   

PD Large-Cap Growth Index Portfolio

  $ 73,977      $ 49,757      $ 29,794   

PD Large-Cap Value Index Portfolio

  $ 90,867      $ 61,480      $ 36,391   

PD Small-Cap Growth Index Portfolio

  $ 16,911      $ 11,523      $ 7,882   

PD Small-Cap Value Index Portfolio

  $ 25,737      $ 17,331      $ 10,820   

Absolute Return Portfolio2

    N/A        N/A        N/A   

Mid-Cap Value Portfolio7

  $ 4,603,863      $ 4,523,997      $ 4,490,688   

Large-Cap Value Portfolio

  $ 5,700,271      $ 6,671,862      $ 7,216,871   

PD Emerging Markets Portfolio

  $ 390,851      $ 303,340      $ 217,021   

PD International Large-Cap Portfolio

  $ 363,639      $ 271,437      $ 185,123   

Floating Rate Loan Portfolio

  $ 2,289,474      $ 2,476,036      $ 3,011,900   

Global Absolute Return Portfolio8

  $ 8,587,297      $ 9,966,833      $ 2,550,762   

Comstock Portfolio

  $ 5,157,468      $ 6,292,572      $ 6,974,686   

Mid-Cap Growth Portfolio9

  $ 2,554,989      $ 2,706,497      $ 3,230,146   

Technology Portfolio10

  $ 445,225      $ 376,394      $ 394,873   

International Value Portfolio

  $ 4,033,530      $ 5,146,301      $ 5,202,105   

Long/Short Large-Cap Portfolio

  $ 8,515,558      $ 9,329,537      $ 9,621,348   

Value Advantage Portfolio11

  $ 3,093,742      $ 1,854,120        N/A   




  12/31/14     12/31/13     12/31/12  

Focused Growth Portfolio

  $ 493,435      $ 472,587      $ 483,528   

Small-Cap Growth Portfolio12

  $ 2,686,600      $ 2,450,987      $ 2,360,183   

Currency Strategies Portfolio8

  $ 4,839,450      $ 4,407,108      $ 1,113,078   

Growth Portfolio13

  $ 3,194,379      $ 2,716,315      $ 2,670,169   

International Large-Cap Portfolio

  $ 7,017,338      $ 7,620,620      $ 8,159,914   

Real Estate Portfolio

  $ 3,827,242      $ 3,975,802      $ 3,260,157   

Main Street Core Portfolio

  $ 3,563,814      $ 3,534,208      $ 3,378,955   

Emerging Markets Portfolio

  $ 5,937,635      $ 3,774,182      $ 3,495,108   

Managed Bond Portfolio

  $ 10,060,277      $ 11,209,116      $ 12,883,063   

Inflation Managed Portfolio

  $ 3,156,955      $ 3,401,392      $ 4,593,041   

International Small-Cap Portfolio

  $ 6,257,037      $ 6,184,744      $ 5,616,306   

Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio14

  $ 3,784,396      $ 3,877,608      $ 4,572,437   

PD 1-3 Year Corporate Bond Portfolio15

  $ 74,131        N/A        N/A   

PD Aggregate Bond Index Portfolio

  $ 289,746      $ 227,261      $ 139,312   

PD High Yield Bond Market Portfolio

  $ 205,097      $ 191,904      $ 176,522   

Dividend Growth Portfolio

  $ 3,138,542      $ 3,094,143      $ 3,085,525   

Short Duration Bond Portfolio

  $ 2,240,743      $ 2,384,144      $ 2,366,232   

Precious Metals Portfolio8

  $ 1,769,238      $ 2,060,294      $ 726,069   

Diversified Bond Portfolio

  $ 4,375,364      $ 4,334,188      $ 4,509,635   

Inflation Strategy Portfolio

  $ 543,912      $ 618,290      $ 775,517   


1  AB became the co-sub-adviser of the Small-Cap Value Portfolio on May 1, 2014. NFJ served as the sole sub-adviser of the Fund prior to that date.


2  The Equity Long/Short and Absolute Return Portfolios commenced operations on or about April 27, 2015.


3  The Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio commenced operations on April 30, 2012.


4  BlackRock became the sub-adviser of the Health Sciences Portfolio on May 1, 2014. Jennison Associates LLC served as the sub-adviser prior to that date.


5  BlackRock became the sub-adviser of the Large-Cap Growth Portfolio on January 1, 2013 on an interim basis using the large-cap growth index strategy. Effective May 1, 2013, BlackRock began managing the fund on a non-interim basis and the Fund’s investment policies changed at that time. UBS Global AM served as the sub-adviser prior to that date.


6  BlackRock and Franklin serve as co-sub-advisers of the Small-Cap Equity Portfolio.


7  Boston Partners became the sub-adviser of the Mid-Cap Value Portfolio on or about April 27, 2015. BlackRock Capital Management, Inc. served as the sub-adviser prior to that date.
8  The Global Absolute Return, Currency Strategies and Precious Metals Portfolios commenced operations on September 28, 2012. MCG became the co-sub-adviser of the Currency Strategies Portfolio on November 1, 2013. UBS Global AM served as the sole sub-adviser of the Currency Strategies Portfolio prior to that date.


9  Ivy became the sub-adviser of the Mid-Cap Growth Portfolio on November 1, 2013. MSIM served as the sub-adviser prior to that date.


10  Ivy became the sub-adviser of the Technology Portfolio on May 1, 2014. Columbia Management Investment Advisers, LLC served as the sub-adviser prior to that date.


11  The Value Advantage Portfolio commenced operations on April 30, 2013.


12  Lord Abbett became the sub-adviser of the Small-Cap Growth Portfolio on May 1, 2014. Fred Alger Management, Inc. served as the sub-adviser prior to that date.


13  MFS became the sub-adviser of the Growth Portfolio on May 1, 2013. Janus served as the sub-adviser prior to that date.


14  Scout became the sub-adviser of the Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio on January 1, 2013. Lazard Asset Management LLC served as the sub-adviser prior to that date.


15  The PD 1-3 Year Corporate Bond Portfolio commenced operations on April 30, 2014.

The following provides information regarding each Manager’s compensation, other accounts managed, material conflicts of interests, and any ownership of securities in the Trust. Each individual or team member is referred to as a portfolio manager in this section. The Managers are shown together in this section only for ease in presenting the information and should not be viewed for purposes of comparing the portfolio managers or the Managers against one another. Each Manager is a separate entity that may employ different compensation structures, have different management requirements, and may be affected by different conflicts of interests.

Compensation Structures and Methods

The following describes the structure of, and the method(s) used to determine the different types of compensation (e.g., salary, bonus, deferred compensation, retirement plans and arrangements) for each portfolio manager as of the Trust’s fiscal year ended



December 31, 2014, unless otherwise noted. The descriptions may include compensation benchmarks, which are chosen by the particular Manager and may or may not match a Fund’s benchmark index or other indices presented in the Prospectuses.


Compensation.    AB’s compensation program for portfolio managers and analysts is designed to be competitive and effective in order to attract and retain the highest caliber employees. Portfolio managers receive base compensation, incentive compensation and contributions to AB’s 401(k) plan. Part of the annual incentive compensation is normally paid in the form of a cash bonus and part through an award under the firm’s Incentive Compensation Award Plan (“ICAP”). The ICAP awards vest over a four-year period. Deferred awards are in the form of the firm’s publicly traded equity units, although award recipients have the ability to receive a portion of their awards in deferred cash.

Compensation for Portfolio Managers.    Total compensation is determined by quantitative and qualitative factors. Quantitative factors, which are weighted more heavily, are driven by investment performance to align compensation with client investment returns. Qualitative factors are driven by portfolio managers’ contributions to the investment process and client success.

The quantitative component includes measures of absolute, relative and risk-adjusted investment performance. Relative and risk-adjusted returns, pre-tax, are determined based on the benchmark and versus peers over one-, three- and five-year calendar periods — with more weight given to longer time periods. The benchmark for compensation purposes for the Small-Cap Value Portfolio is the Russell 2000 Value Index. Peer groups are chosen by investment CIOs, who consult with the Product Management team to identify products most similar to our investment style and most relevant within the asset class.

The qualitative component incorporates the manager’s contribution to the overall investment process and our clients’ success. Among the important aspects are: thought leadership, collaboration with other investment professionals at the firm, contributions to risk-adjusted returns in other portfolios, building a strong talent pool, mentoring newer investment professionals, and being a good corporate citizen.

Other factors can play a part in determining portfolio managers’ total compensation (including base compensation). Factors may include complexity of investment strategies managed, volume of assets managed, level of experience and level of officership within the firm. Assessments of investment professionals are formalized in a year-end review process that includes 360-degree feedback from other professionals from across the investment teams and firm.


The compensation for each of the portfolio managers that is a Principal of AQR is in the form of distributions based on the net income generated by AQR and each Principal’s relative ownership interest in AQR for that year. Net income distributions are a function of assets under management and the related fees earned by AQR for the management of funds and accounts, offset by management company expenses, over the applicable fiscal year. A Principal’s relative ownership in AQR is based on cumulative research, leadership and other contributions to AQR. There is no direct linkage between assets under management, performance of funds and accounts and compensation. However, there is an indirect linkage in that superior performance tends to attract assets and thus increase revenues. Each portfolio manager is also eligible to participate in AQR’s 401(k) retirement plan which is offered to all employees of AQR.


The Investment Committee Members are compensated by the Investment Manager through capped annual salaries which are determined in line with their respective positions and seniority, as well as through overall firm performance-based annual bonuses (comprised of cash and deferred shares in Ashmore Group plc) determined at the discretion of the Ashmore Group plc’s Awards Committee and, in the case of the Chief Executive himself as head of the Investment Committee, and in the case of any Investment Committee Members categorised by the UK regulator as ‘Code’ or ‘Identified’ staff, at the discretion of the Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of Ashmore Group plc. The determination of an Investment Committee Member’s variable compensation involves a thorough and on-going assessment of the individual’s performance and contribution to the Investment Manager’s overall annual profitability, including all its funds and accounts with a particular focus on those for which each member is responsible. This assessment is performed on a continuous basis as well as through a formal annual review. Variable compensation is not based upon a formulaic comparison of how a Committee Member’s individual fund or account performs as compared to a benchmark or peer group. Investment Committee Members also receive a pension which is a fixed percentage of base salary.




BlackRock’s financial arrangements with its portfolio managers, its competitive compensation and its career path emphasis at all levels reflect the value senior management places on key resources. Compensation may include a variety of components and may vary from year to year based on a number of factors. The principal components of compensation include a base salary, a performance-based discretionary bonus, participation in various benefits programs and one or more of the incentive compensation programs established by BlackRock.

Base compensation.    Generally, portfolio managers receive base compensation based on their position with the firm.

Discretionary Incentive Compensation — Messrs. Bliss, Mason and Savage

Discretionary incentive compensation is a function of several components: the performance of BlackRock, Inc., the performance of the portfolio manager’s group within BlackRock, the investment performance, including risk-adjusted returns, of the firm’s assets under management or supervision by that portfolio manager relative to predetermined benchmarks, and the individual’s performance and contribution to the overall performance of these portfolios and BlackRock. In most cases, these benchmarks are the same as the benchmark or benchmarks against which the performance of the Funds or other accounts managed by the portfolio managers are measured. Among other things, BlackRock’s Chief Investment Officers make a subjective determination with respect to each portfolio manager’s compensation based on the performance of the Funds and other accounts managed by each portfolio manager relative to the various benchmarks. Performance of fixed income and multi-asset class funds is measured on a pre-tax and/or after-tax basis over various time periods including 1-, 3- and 5- year periods, as applicable. Performance of index funds is based on the performance of such funds relative to pre-determined tolerance bands around a benchmark, as applicable. The performance of Messrs. Bliss, Mason and Savage is not measured against a specific benchmark.

Discretionary Incentive Compensation — Messrs. Callan, Kemp and Ms. Xie

Generally, discretionary incentive compensation for Active Equity portfolio managers is based on a formulaic compensation program. BlackRock’s formulaic portfolio manager compensation program is based on team revenue and pre-tax investment performance relative to appropriate competitors or benchmarks over 1-, 3- and 5-year performance periods, as applicable. In most cases, these benchmarks are the same as the benchmark or benchmarks against which the performance of the Funds or other accounts managed by the portfolio managers are measured. BlackRock’s Chief Investment Officers determine the benchmarks or rankings against which the performance of funds and other accounts managed by each portfolio management team is compared and the period of time over which performance is evaluated. With respect to these portfolio managers, such benchmarks for the Funds and other accounts are:


Portfolio Manager    Benchmarks

Thomas Callan

Erin Xie

   Lipper Mid-Cap Core Fund classification; Lipper International Multi-Cap Core fund classification; Lipper Global/Health/Biotechnology Fund classification
Lawrence Kemp    Lipper Large Cap Growth fund classification and eVestement Alliance US Large Cap Growth Equity category

A smaller element of portfolio manager discretionary compensation may include consideration of: financial results, expense control, profit margins, strategic planning and implementation, quality of client service, market share, corporate reputation, capital allocation, compliance and risk control, leadership, technology and innovation. These factors are considered collectively by BlackRock management and the relevant Chief Investment Officers.

Distribution of Discretionary Incentive Compensation

Discretionary incentive compensation is distributed to portfolio managers in a combination of cash and BlackRock, Inc. restricted stock units which vest ratably over a number of years. For some portfolio managers, discretionary incentive compensation is also distributed in deferred cash awards that notionally track the returns of select BlackRock investment products they manage and that vest ratably over a number of years. The BlackRock, Inc. restricted stock units, upon vesting, will be settled in BlackRock, Inc. common stock. Typically, the cash portion of the discretionary incentive compensation, when combined with base salary, represents more than 60% of total compensation for the portfolio managers. Paying a portion of discretionary incentive compensation in BlackRock, Inc. stock puts compensation earned by a portfolio manager for a given year “at risk” based on BlackRock’s ability to sustain and improve its performance over future periods. Providing a portion of discretionary incentive compensation in deferred cash awards that notionally track the BlackRock investment products they manage provides direct alignment with investment product results.

Long-Term Incentive Plan Awards — From time to time long-term incentive equity awards are granted to certain key employees to aid in retention, align their interests with long-term shareholder interests and motivate performance. Equity awards are generally



granted in the form of BlackRock, Inc. restricted stock units that, once vested, settle in BlackRock, Inc. common stock. Messrs. Bliss, Mason and Savage have unvested long-term incentive awards.

Deferred Compensation Program — A portion of the compensation paid to eligible United States-based BlackRock employees may be voluntarily deferred at their election for defined periods of time into an account that tracks the performance of certain of the firm’s investment products. Any portfolio manager who is either a managing director or director at BlackRock with compensation above a specified threshold is eligible to participate in the deferred compensation program.

Other Compensation Benefits.    In addition to base salary and discretionary incentive compensation, portfolio managers may be eligible to receive or participate in one or more of the following:

Incentive Savings Plans — BlackRock, Inc. has created a variety of incentive savings plans in which BlackRock employees are eligible to participate, including a 401(k) plan, the BlackRock Retirement Savings Plan (“RSP”), and the BlackRock Employee Stock Purchase Plan (“ESPP”). The employer contribution components of the RSP include a company match equal to 50% of the first 8% of eligible pay contributed to the plan capped at $5,000 per year, and a company retirement contribution equal to 3-5% of eligible compensation up to the Internal Revenue Service limit ($260,000 for 2014). The RSP offers a range of investment options, including registered investment companies and collective investment funds managed by the firm. BlackRock contributions follow the investment direction set by participants for their own contributions or, absent participant investment direction, are invested into a target date fund that corresponds to, or is closest to, the year in which the participant attains age 65. The ESPP allows for investment in BlackRock common stock at a 5% discount on the fair market value of the stock on the purchase date. Annual participation in the ESPP is limited to the purchase of 1,000 shares of common stock or a dollar value of $25,000 based on its fair market value on the purchase date. All of the eligible portfolio managers are eligible to participate in these plans.


Senior Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Manager compensation consists of Priority Drawings (Partners) or Salary (Employees) and Discretionary Profit Allocation (Partners) or Discretionary bonus award (Employees). Discretionary profit allocation or bonus awards are subject to deferral arrangements.

All staff are evaluated and rewarded annually during the yearly compensation review process. BlueBay has a Remuneration Committee which reviews the compensation arrangements at least annually. Compensation for any given individual is paid according to both quantitative and qualitative considerations. BlueBay operates a discretionary bonus scheme. Remuneration of all investment professionals is geared to portfolio performance and takes into account the profitable growth of each investment team’s business.

BlueBay operates mandatory deferral arrangements for all partners and employees who are awarded discretionary profit allocations (partners) or discretionary bonuses (employees) over a certain threshold. Deferrals will track BlueBay Funds and/or a combination of BlueBay Funds and the reference index, a shadow equity vehicle aligned to the performance of BlueBay and RBC Global Asset Management. Deferrals will vest on a cliff basis after a period of three years. Limited exceptions apply to BlueBay closed ended funds where there is a variation from standard practice in recognition of the closed end nature of the funds which extends beyond the three year cliff.

Partners and employees may also be given additional discretionary awards which are all deferred awards with a three year vesting period.

Boston Partners

All investment professionals receive a compensation package comprised of an industry competitive base salary and a discretionary bonus and long-term incentives. Through our bonus program, key investment professionals are rewarded primarily for strong investment performance.

Typically, bonuses are based upon a combination of one or more of the following four criteria:


  1. Individual Contribution:    an evaluation of the professional’s individual contribution based on the expectations established at the beginning of each year;


  2. Product Investment Performance:    performance of the investment product(s) with which the individual is involved versus the pre-designed index, based on the excess return;


  3. Investment Team Performance:    the financial results of the investment group; and


  4. Firm-wide Performance:    the overall financial performance of Boston Partners.



Total revenues generated by any particular product affect the total available bonus pool for the analysts and Portfolio Managers associated with that product. The discretionary bonus assessment is done annually. In the case of the Mid-Cap Value Portfolio, product investment performance is based on the fund’s 1-, 3-, and 5-year performance compared to its market benchmark, Russell Midcap Value Index and a consultant peer group for midcap value. Returns are evaluated on a pre-tax basis.

In addition, Boston Partners offers a profit participation plan focused on the firm’s investment professionals whereby participants receive the equivalent of an equity stake in the firm. The incentive plan provides for the issuance of restricted shares and options that vest over multi-year periods.


ClearBridge’s portfolio managers participate in a competitive compensation program that is designed to attract and retain outstanding investment professionals and closely align the interests of its investment professionals with those of its clients and overall firm results. The total compensation program includes a significant incentive component that rewards high performance standards, integrity, and collaboration consistent with the firm’s values. Portfolio manager compensation is reviewed and modified each year as appropriate to reflect changes in the market and to ensure the continued alignment with the goals stated above. ClearBridge’s portfolio managers and other investment professionals receive a combination of base compensation and discretionary compensation, comprising a cash incentive award and deferred incentive plans described below.

Base salary compensation.    Base salary is fixed and primarily determined based on market factors and the experience and responsibilities of the investment professional within the firm.

Discretionary compensation.    In addition to base compensation managers may receive discretionary compensation.

Discretionary compensation can include:


    Cash Incentive Award.


    ClearBridge’s Deferred Incentive Plan (CDIP) — a mandatory program that typically defers 15% of discretionary year-end compensation into ClearBridge managed products. For portfolio managers, one-third of this deferral tracks the performance of their primary managed product, one-third tracks the performance of a composite portfolio of the firm’s new products and one-third can be elected to track the performance of one or more of ClearBridge managed funds. Consequently, portfolio managers can have two-thirds of their CDIP award tracking the performance of their primary managed product.

For centralized research analysts, two-thirds of their deferral is elected to track the performance of one of more of ClearBridge managed funds, while one-third tracks the performance of the new product composite.

ClearBridge then makes a company investment in the proprietary managed funds equal to the deferral amounts by fund. This investment is a company asset held on the balance sheet and paid out to the employees in shares subject to vesting requirements.


    Legg Mason Restricted Stock Deferral — a mandatory program that typically defers 5% of discretionary year-end compensation into Legg Mason restricted stock. The award is paid out to employees in shares subject to vesting requirements.


    Legg Mason Restricted Stock and Stock Option Grants — a discretionary program that may be utilized as part of the total compensation program. These special grants reward and recognize significant contributions to our clients, shareholders and the firm and aid in retaining key talent.

Several factors are considered by ClearBridge Senior Management when determining discretionary compensation for portfolio managers. These include but are not limited to:


    Investment performance. A portfolio manager’s compensation is linked to the pre-tax investment performance of the fund/accounts managed by the portfolio manager. Investment performance is calculated for 1-, 3-, and 5-year periods measured against the applicable product benchmark (e.g., a securities index and, with respect to a fund, the benchmark set forth in the fund’s Prospectus) and relative to applicable industry peer groups. The greatest weight is generally placed on 3- and 5-year performance;


    Appropriate risk positioning that is consistent with ClearBridge’s investment philosophy and the Investment Committee/CIO approach to generation of alpha;


    Overall firm profitability and performance;


    Amount and nature of assets managed by the portfolio manager;


    Contributions for asset retention, gathering and client satisfaction;



    Contribution to mentoring, coaching and/or supervising;


    Contribution and communication of investment ideas in ClearBridge’s Investment Committee meetings and on a day to day basis; and


    Market compensation survey research by independent third parties.

The benchmark used to measure the performance of the portfolio manager for the Large-Cap Value Portfolio is the Russell 1000 Value Index.


Portfolio managers receive a base salary and bonus. Compensation of a portfolio manager is determined at the discretion of DFA and is based on a portfolio manager’s experience, responsibilities, the perception of the quality of his or her work efforts and other subjective factors. The compensation of portfolio managers is not directly based upon the performance of the Funds or other accounts that the portfolio managers manage. DFA reviews the compensation of each portfolio manager annually and may make modifications in compensation as its Compensation Committee deems necessary to reflect changes in the market. Each portfolio manager’s compensation consists of the following:


    Base salary.    Each portfolio manager is paid a base salary. DFA considers the factors described above to determine each portfolio manager’s base salary.


    Semi-Annual Bonus.    Each portfolio manager may receive a semi-annual bonus. The amount of the bonus paid to each portfolio manager is based upon the factors described above.

Portfolio managers may be awarded the right to purchase restricted stock of DFA as determined from time to time by the Board of Directors of DFA or its delegates. Portfolio managers also participate in benefit and retirement plans and other programs available generally to all employees.

In addition, portfolio managers may be given the option of participating in DFA’s Long Term Incentive Plan. The level of participation for eligible employees may be dependent on overall level of compensation, among other considerations. Participation in this program is not based on or related to the performance of any individual strategies or any particular client accounts.

Eaton Vance

Compensation of Eaton Vance’s portfolio managers and other investment professionals has three primary components: (1) a base salary, (2) an annual cash bonus, and (3) annual stock-based compensation consisting of options to purchase shares of Eaton Vance Corp’s (“EVC”) nonvoting common stock and restricted shares of EVC’s nonvoting common stock. Eaton Vance’s investment professionals also receive certain retirement, insurance and other benefits that are broadly available to Eaton Vance’s employees. Compensation of Eaton Vance’s investment professionals is reviewed primarily on an annual basis. Cash bonuses, stock-based compensation awards, and adjustments in base salary are typically paid or put into effect at or shortly after the October 31st fiscal year end of EVC.

Method to Determine Portfolio Manager Compensation.

Eaton Vance compensates its portfolio managers based primarily on the scale and complexity of their portfolio responsibilities and the total return performance of managed funds and accounts versus the benchmark(s), S&P/LSTA Leveraged Loan Index for the Floating Rate Loan Portfolio and BofA Merrill Lynch U.S. 3-Month T-Bill Index for the Global Absolute Return Portfolio, as well as an appropriate peer group (as described below). In addition to rankings within peer groups of funds on the basis of absolute performance, consideration may also be given to relative risk-adjusted performance. Risk-adjusted performance measures include, but are not limited to, the Sharpe Ratio. Performance is normally based on periods ending on the September 30th preceding fiscal year end. Fund performance is normally evaluated primarily versus peer groups of funds as determined by Lipper Inc. and/or Morningstar, Inc. When a fund’s peer group as determined by Lipper or Morningstar is deemed by Eaton Vance’s management not to provide a fair comparison, performance may instead be evaluated primarily against a custom peer group or market index. For open-end floating rate loan portfolios managed by Eaton Vance, including the Floating Rate Loan Portfolio, Eaton Vance currently uses a custom peer group including the funds in the Lipper Loan Participation group and certain other funds that Eaton Vance believes have similar investment objectives and strategies. There is no custom peer group for the Global Absolute Return Portfolio. In evaluating the performance of a fund and its manager, primary emphasis is normally placed on three-year performance, with secondary consideration of performance over longer and shorter periods. For funds that are tax-managed or otherwise have an objective of after-tax returns, performance is measured net of taxes. For other funds, performance is evaluated on a pre-tax basis. For funds with an investment objective other than total return (such as current income), consideration will also be given to the fund’s success in achieving its objective. For managers



responsible for multiple funds and accounts, investment performance is evaluated on an aggregate basis, based on averages or weighted averages among managed funds and accounts. Funds and accounts that have performance-based advisory fees are not accorded disproportionate weightings in measuring aggregate portfolio manager performance.

The compensation of portfolio managers with other job responsibilities (such as heading an investment group or providing analytical support to other portfolios) will include consideration of the scope of such responsibilities and the managers’ performance in meeting them.

Eaton Vance seeks to compensate portfolio managers commensurate with their responsibilities and performance, and competitive with other firms within the investment management industry. Eaton Vance participates in investment-industry compensation surveys and utilizes survey data as a factor in determining salary, bonus and stock-based compensation levels for portfolio managers and other investment professionals. Salaries, bonuses and stock-based compensation are also influenced by the operating performance of Eaton Vance and its parent company. The overall annual cash bonus pool is generally based on a substantially fixed percentage of pre-bonus adjusted operating income. While the salaries of the investment adviser’s portfolio managers are comparatively fixed, cash bonuses and stock-based compensation may fluctuate significantly from year to year, based on changes in manager performance and other factors as described herein. For a high performing portfolio manager, cash bonuses and stock-based compensation may represent a substantial portion of total compensation.


The investment manager seeks to maintain a compensation program that is competitively positioned to attract, retain and motivate top-quality investment professionals. Portfolio managers receive a base salary, a cash incentive bonus opportunity, an equity compensation opportunity, and a benefits package. Portfolio manager compensation is reviewed annually and the level of compensation is based on individual performance, the salary range for a portfolio manager’s level of responsibility and Franklin Templeton guidelines. Portfolio managers are provided no financial incentive to favor one fund or account over another. Each portfolio manager’s compensation consists of the following three elements:

Base salary.    Each portfolio manager is paid a base salary. With respect to base salary, among the factors which may be considered are experience and tenure of the portfolio manager, as well as complexity of the assignments.

Annual bonus.    Annual bonuses are structured to align the interests of the portfolio manager with those of the Fund’s shareholders. Each portfolio manager is eligible to receive an annual bonus. Bonuses generally are split between cash (50% to 65%) and restricted shares of Resources stock (17.5% to 25%) and mutual fund shares (17.5% to 25%). The deferred equity-based compensation is intended to build a vested interest of the portfolio manager in the financial performance of both Resources and mutual funds advised by the investment manager. The bonus plan is intended to provide a competitive level of annual bonus compensation that is tied to the portfolio manager achieving consistently strong investment performance, which aligns the financial incentives of the portfolio manager and Fund shareholders. The Chief Investment Officer of the investment manager and/or other officers of the investment manager, with responsibility for the Fund, have discretion in the granting of annual bonuses to portfolio managers in accordance with Franklin Templeton guidelines. The following factors are generally used in determining bonuses under the plan:


    Investment performance.    Primary consideration is given to the historic investment performance over the 1, 3 and 5 preceding years of all accounts managed by the portfolio manager. The pre-tax performance of each fund managed is measured relative to a relevant peer group and/or applicable benchmark as appropriate.


    Non-investment performance.    The more qualitative contributions of a portfolio manager to the investment manager’s business and the investment management team, including professional knowledge, productivity, responsiveness to client needs and communication, are evaluated in determining the amount of any bonus award.


    Responsibilities. The characteristics and complexity of funds managed by the portfolio manager are factored in the investment manager’s appraisal.

Additional long-term equity-based compensation.    Portfolio managers may also be awarded restricted shares or units of Resources stock or restricted shares or units of one or more mutual funds. Awards of such deferred equity-based compensation typically vest over time, so as to create incentives to retain key talent.

Portfolio managers also participate in benefit plans and programs available generally to all employees of the investment manager.

For the Small-Cap Equity Portfolio, the benchmark for compensation purposes is the Russell 2000 Value and the peer group is the Small Cap Value Equity.




Invesco seeks to maintain a compensation program that is competitively positioned to attract and retain high-caliber investment professionals. Portfolio managers receive a base salary, an incentive bonus opportunity, and an equity compensation opportunity. Portfolio manager compensation is reviewed and may be modified each year as appropriate to reflect changes in the market, as well as to adjust the factors used to determine bonuses to promote competitive fund performance. Invesco evaluates competitive market compensation by reviewing compensation survey results conducted by an independent third party of investment industry compensation. Each portfolio manager’s compensation consists of the following three elements:

Base Salary.    Each portfolio manager is paid a base salary. In setting the base salary, Invesco’s intention is to be competitive in light of the particular portfolio manager’s experience and responsibilities.

Annual Bonus.    The portfolio managers are eligible, along with other employees of Invesco to participate in a discretionary year-end bonus pool. The Compensation Committee of Invesco Ltd. reviews and approves the amount of the bonus pool available considering investment performance and financial results in its review. In addition, while having no direct impact on individual bonuses, assets under management are considered when determining the starting bonus funding levels. Each portfolio manager is eligible to receive an annual cash bonus which is based on quantitative (i.e. investment performance) and non-quantitative factors (which may include, but are not limited to, individual performance, risk management and teamwork).

Each portfolio manager’s compensation is linked to the pre-tax investment performance of the funds/accounts managed by the portfolio manager as compared to the performance of the relevant fund peer group. Comparisons are made on a rolling one-, three- and five-year basis as of each calendar year end. Portfolio managers may be granted a short-term award that vests on a prorate basis over a four-year period and final payments are based on the performance of eligible funds selected by the manager at the time the award is granted.

High investment performance (against applicable peer group and/or benchmarks) would deliver compensation generally associated with top pay in the industry (determined by reference to the third-party provided compensation survey information) and poor investment performance (versus applicable peer group) would result in low bonus compared to the applicable peer group or no bonus at all. These decisions are reviewed and approved collectively by senior leadership which has responsibility for executing the compensation approach across the organization.

Deferred/Long-Term Compensation.    Portfolio managers may be granted an annual deferral award that allows them to select receipt of shares of certain Invesco Funds with a vesting period as well as common shares and/or restricted shares of Invesco Ltd. stock from pools determined from time to time by the Compensation Committee of Invesco Ltd.’s Board of Directors. Awards of deferred/long-term compensation typically vest over time, so as to create incentives to retain key talent.

Portfolio managers also participate in benefit plans and programs available generally to all employees.

For the Comstock Portfolio, the peer group for compensation purposes is the Large Cap Value.


Ivy believes that integral to the retention of investment professionals are: a) a competitive base salary, that is commensurate with the individual’s level of experience and responsibility. In its consideration of an employee’s base salary, Ivy reviews industry specific information regarding compensation in the investment management industry, this information includes data regarding years of experience, asset style managed, etc. Executive management of Ivy is responsible for setting the base salary and for its on-going review; b) an attractive bonus structure linked to investment performance, described below; c) eligibility for a stock incentive plan in shares of Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc. that rewards teamwork (awards of equity-based compensation typically vest over time, so as to create an incentive to retain key talent). All portfolio managers are eligible for restricted stock awards. If company stock is awarded, it will vest over a period of four years, with the first vesting to take place two years after the date of the award; and d) to the extent a portfolio manager also manages institutional separate accounts, a percentage of the revenues earned, on behalf of such accounts, by Ivy.

Portfolio managers can receive significant annual performance-based bonuses. The better the pre-tax performance of the portfolio relative to an appropriate benchmark, the more bonus compensation the manager receives. The primary benchmark is the portfolio manager’s percentile ranking against the performance of managers of the same investment style at other firms. Half of a portfolio manager’s bonus is based upon a three-year period, and half is based upon a one-year period. For truly exceptional results, bonuses can be multiples of base salary. In cases where portfolio managers have more than one portfolio to manage, all the portfolios of similar investment style are taken into account in determining bonuses. With limited exceptions, 30% of annual performance-based bonuses is deferred for a three-year period. During that time, the deferred portion of bonuses is deemed invested in one or more mutual funds managed by Ivy (or its affiliate), with a minimum of 50% of the deferred bonus required to be deemed invested in a mutual fund managed by the portfolio manager. In addition to the deferred portion of bonuses being deemed invested in mutual funds



managed by Ivy (or its affiliate), Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc.’s 401(k) plan offers mutual funds managed by Ivy (or its affiliate) as investment options. No compensation payable to portfolio managers is based upon the amount of the mutual fund assets under management. For the Mid-Cap Growth Portfolio, the benchmark for compensation purposes is the Lipper Mid-Cap Growth Funds Universe Average. For the Technology Portfolio, the benchmark for compensation purposes is the Lipper Science & Technology Funds Universe Average.

Portfolio managers are eligible for the standard retirement benefits and health and welfare benefits available to all Ivy employees.

JP Morgan

JP Morgan’s portfolio managers participate in a competitive compensation program that is designed to attract, retain and motivate talented people and closely link the performance of investment professionals to client investment objectives. JP Morgan manages compensation on a total compensation basis, the components being base salary fixed from year to year and a variable discretionary incentive award. Base salaries are reviewed annually and awarded based on individual performance and business results taking into account level and scope of position, experience and market competitiveness. The variable discretionary performance based incentive award consists of cash incentives and deferred compensation which includes mandatory notional investments (as described below) in selected mutual funds advised by JP Morgan or its affiliates (“Mandatory Investment Plan”). These elements reflect individual performance and the performance of JP Morgan’s business as a whole. Each portfolio manager’s performance is formally evaluated annually based on a variety of factors including the aggregate size and blended performance of the portfolios such portfolio manager manages, individual contribution relative to client risk and return objectives, and adherence with JP Morgan’s compliance, risk and regulatory procedures. In evaluating each portfolio manager’s performance with respect to the mutual funds he or she manages, the pre-tax performance of the funds (or the portion of the funds managed by the portfolio manager) is compared to the appropriate market peer group and to the competitive indices JP Morgan has identified for the investment strategy over one, three and five year periods (or such shorter time as the portfolio manager has managed the funds). Investment performance is generally more heavily weighted to the long-term.

Deferred compensation granted as part of an employee’s annual incentive compensation comprises from 0% to 60% of a portfolio manager’s total performance based incentive. As the level of incentive compensation increases, the percentage of compensation awarded in deferred incentives also increases. JP Morgan’s portfolio managers are required to notionally invest a certain percentage of their deferred compensation (typically 20% to 50% depending on the level of compensation) into the selected funds they manage. The remaining portion of the non-cash incentive is elective and may be notionally invested in any of the other mutual funds available in the Mandatory Investment Plan or can be placed in restricted stock. When these awards vest over time, the portfolio manager receives cash equal to the market value of the notional investment in the selected mutual funds.

For the Long/Short Large-Cap Portfolio, the benchmark for compensation purposes is the S&P 500 and the peer group is the Large Cap Core Equity. For the International Value Portfolio, the benchmark for compensation purposes is the MSCI EAFE Value and the peer group is the International Large Cap Value. For the Value Advantage Portfolio, the benchmark and peer group for compensation purposes is the Russell 3000 Value Index.


Portfolio managers are compensated for managing a Fund and any other funds, portfolios or accounts for which they have exclusive or shared responsibilities (collectively, the “Managed Funds”) through two components: fixed compensation and variable compensation. Compensation (both fixed and variable) is determined on a pre-tax basis.

Fixed Compensation:    Fixed compensation is paid in cash and is comprised of an annual base salary. The base salary is based on factors such as individual and Managed Funds’ performance, the complexity of managing funds, scope of responsibility (including assets under management), skills, knowledge, experience, ability, and market competitiveness.

Variable Compensation:    Variable compensation is paid in the form of cash and long-term incentive awards (consisting of a mixture of Janus Capital Group, Inc. (“JCGI”) restricted stock and a cash-deferred award that is credited with income, gains, and losses based on the pre-tax performance of Janus mutual fund investments selected by the portfolio manager). A portfolio manager’s variable compensation is discretionary and is determined by Janus management. The overall investment team variable compensation pool is funded by an amount equal to a percentage of Janus’ operating income before the payment of incentive compensation. In determining individual awards, both quantitative and qualitative factors are considered. Such factors include, among other things, consistent short-term and long-term fund pre-tax performance (i.e., one-, three-, and five-year performance), client support and investment team support through the sharing of ideas, leadership, development, mentoring, and teamwork.



Newly hired portfolio managers may have guaranteed minimum compensation levels for limited periods. Portfolio managers who take on new responsibilities or who are transitioning or have transitioned their responsibilities may also have guaranteed minimum compensation levels for limited periods.

Portfolio managers may elect to defer payment of a designated percentage of their fixed compensation and/or up to all of their variable compensation in accordance with JCGI’s Executive Income Deferral Program.

Lord Abbett

When used in this section, the term “fund” refers to the Small-Cap Growth Portfolio as well as any other registered investment companies, pooled investment vehicles and accounts managed or subadvised by a Lord Abbett portfolio manager. Each portfolio manager receives compensation from Lord Abbett consisting of salary, bonus and profit sharing plan contributions. The level of base compensation takes into account the portfolio manager’s experience, reputation and competitive market rates.

Fiscal year-end bonuses, which can be a substantial percentage of overall compensation, are determined after an evaluation of various factors. These factors include the portfolio manager’s investment results and style consistency, the dispersion among funds with similar objectives, the risk taken to achieve the fund returns and similar factors. In considering the portfolio manager’s investment results, Lord Abbett’s senior management may evaluate a fund’s performance against one or more benchmarks from among the fund’s primary benchmark and any supplemental benchmarks as disclosed in the Prospectuses, indexes disclosed as performance benchmarks by the portfolio manager’s other accounts, and other indexes within one or more of the fund’s peer groups maintained by rating agencies. For the Lord Abbett portfolio managers named in the Prospectuses, these indexes are the Russell 1000® Growth Index, the Russell 2000® Growth Index, and the Russell Microcap® Growth Index. In particular, investment results are evaluated based on an assessment of the portfolio manager’s one-, three-, and five-year investment returns on a pre-tax basis versus such benchmarks. Finally, there is a component of the bonus that reflects leadership and management of the investment team. The evaluation does not follow a formulaic approach, but rather is reached following a review of these factors. No part of the bonus payment is based on the portfolio manager’s assets under management, the revenues generated by those assets, or the profitability of the portfolio manager’s team. Lord Abbett does not manage hedge funds. In addition, Lord Abbett may designate a bonus payment of a manager for participation in the firm’s senior incentive compensation plan, which provides for a deferred payout over a five-year period. The plan’s earnings are based on the overall asset growth of the firm as a whole. Lord Abbett believes this incentive focuses portfolio managers on the impact their fund’s performance has on the overall reputation of the firm as a whole and encourages exchanges of investment ideas among investment professionals managing different mandates.

Lord Abbett provides a 401(k) profit-sharing plan for all eligible employees. Contributions to a portfolio manager’s profit-sharing account are based on a percentage of the portfolio manager’s total base and bonus paid during the fiscal year, subject to a specified maximum amount. The assets of this profit-sharing plan are entirely invested in Lord Abbett-sponsored funds.


Compensation for all team members is comprised of fixed pay (base salary) and variable incentive. The fixed pay compensation is based upon external market data, obtained from third party data providers, of firms with whom we compete for talent. In considering an individual’s fixed pay, factors that may be considered are the position relative to the market data, their level of expertise and personal performance. Members of the team are also eligible for longer term retentive awards, including deferred cash and Principal Financial Group restricted stock units. Therefore, this creates an alignment for both the short term and long term with members of the team. Pre-tax investment performance is monitored for compensation purposes for various time periods, including the 1 year, 3 year and 5 year time periods. In addition, in times of severe market stress, performance may be reviewed much more frequently. As team members advance in their careers, consistent with industry practice, the variable component represents an increased proportion of total compensation. Variable compensation takes the form of a profit share plan with funding based on operating earnings of the MCG’s currency team. Our profit share plan approach recognizes investment professionals have an impact on both investment performance and boutique profitability. Thus, the plan is designed to provide line-of-sight to these professionals, enabling them to share in current and future business growth while reinforcing delivery of investment performance, collaboration, regulatory compliance, client retention and client satisfaction. Incentive award allocations are based on investment performance of the funds and discretionary factors including market compensation levels, retentive needs, contribution to profitability, and collaborative effort. Incentive compensation is allocated from a bonus pool of pre-bonus profit from revenues generated by the MCG’s currency team. Incentive bonuses are based on the performance of the MCG’s currency team as a whole rather than linked to individual accounts. This ensures that all accounts, regardless of fee schedule, are treated with equality.




Portfolio manager compensation is reviewed annually. As of December 31, 2014, portfolio manager total cash compensation is a combination of base salary and performance bonus:


    Base Salary — Base salary represents a smaller percentage of portfolio manager total cash compensation than performance bonus. Base salary is determined based on factors such as market considerations and the experience and responsibilities of the portfolio manager.


    Performance Bonus — Generally, the performance bonus represents more than a majority of portfolio manager total cash compensation.

The performance bonus is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative factors, generally with more weight given to the former and less weight given to the latter.

The quantitative portion is based on the pre-tax performance of assets managed by the portfolio manager over one-, three-, and five-year periods relative to peer group universes and/or indices (“benchmarks”).

As of December 31, 2014, the following benchmarks were used to measure the following portfolio managers’ performance for the International Large-Cap Portfolio:


  1) For Daniel Ling: MSCI EAFE (Europe, Australasia, Far East) Index.


  2) For Marcus L. Smith: MSCI EAFE (Europe, Australasia, Far East) Index.

As of December 31, 2014, the following benchmarks were used to measure the following portfolio manager’s performance for the Growth Portfolio:


  1) For Eric B. Fischman: Russell 1000 Growth Index.


  2) For Matthew D. Sabel: Russell 1000 Growth Index.

Additional or different benchmarks, including versions of indices, custom indices, and linked indices that combine performance of different indices for different portions of the time period, may also be used. Primary weight is given to portfolio performance over a three-year time period with lesser consideration given to portfolio performance over one- and five-year periods (adjusted as appropriate if the portfolio manager has served for less than five years).

The qualitative portion is based on the results of an annual internal peer review process (conducted by other portfolio managers, analysts, and traders) and management’s assessment of overall portfolio manager contributions to investor relations and the investment process (distinct from fund and other account performance). This performance bonus may be in the form of cash and/or a deferred cash award, at the discretion of management. A deferred cash award is issued for a cash value and becomes payable over a three-year vesting period if the portfolio manager remains in the continuous employ of MFS or its affiliates. During the vesting period, the value of the unfunded deferred cash award will fluctuate as though the portfolio manager had invested the cash value of the award in an MFS Fund(s) selected by the portfolio manager. A selected fund may be, but is not required to be, a fund that is managed by the portfolio manager.

Portfolio managers also typically benefit from the opportunity to participate in the MFS Equity Plan. Equity interests and/or options to acquire equity interests in MFS or its parent company are awarded by management, on a discretionary basis, taking into account tenure at MFS, contribution to the investment process, and other factors.

Finally, portfolio managers also participate in benefit plans (including a defined contribution plan and health and other insurance plans) and programs available generally to other employees of MFS. The percentage such benefits represent of any portfolio manager’s compensation depends upon the length of the individual’s tenure at MFS and salary level, as well as other factors.


Morgan Stanley’s compensation structure is based on a total reward system of base salary and Incentive Compensation which is paid partially as a cash bonus and partially as mandatory deferred compensation. Deferred compensation may be granted as deferred cash under the Adviser’s Investment Management Alignment Plan (“IMAP”), as an equity-based awards or it may be granted under other plans as determined annually by Morgan Stanley’s Compensation, Management Development and Succession Committee subject to vesting and other conditions.

Base salary compensation.    Generally, portfolio managers receive base salary compensation based on the level of their position with the Adviser.



Incentive compensation.    In addition to base compensation, portfolio managers may receive discretionary year-end compensation.

Incentive compensation may include:


    Cash Bonus.


    Deferred Compensation:


    A mandatory program that defers a portion of incentive compensation into restricted stock units or other awards based on Morgan Stanley common stock or other plans that are subject to vesting and other conditions.


    IMAP is a mandatory program that defers a portion of incentive compensation and notionally invests it in designated funds advised by the Adviser or its affiliates. The award is subject to vesting and other conditions. Portfolio managers must notionally invest a minimum of 25% to a maximum of 100% of their IMAP deferral account into a combination of the designated funds they manage that are included in the IMAP fund menu, which may or may not include one of the Portfolios.

All deferred compensation awards are subject to clawback provisions where awards can be cancelled, in whole or in part, if an employee takes any action, or omits to take any action which; causes a restatement of Morgan Stanley’s consolidated financial results; constitutes a violation by the portfolio manager of Morgan Stanley’s Global Risk Management Principles, Policies and Standards; or constitutes violation of internal risk and control policies involving a subsequent loss.

Several factors determine incentive compensation, which can vary by portfolio management team and circumstances. These factors include:


    Revenues generated by the investment companies, pooled investment vehicles and other accounts managed by the portfolio manager.


    The pre-tax investment performance of the funds/accounts managed by the portfolio manager (which is measured against the applicable benchmark(s) over one, three and five year periods). For the Real Estate Portfolio, the benchmark for compensation purposes is the FTSE NAREIT Equity REITs Index.


    Contribution to the business objectives of the Adviser.


    The dollar amount of assets managed by the portfolio manager.


    Market compensation survey research by independent third parties.


    Other qualitative factors, such as contributions to client objectives.


    Performance of Morgan Stanley and Morgan Stanley Investment Management, and the overall performance of the investment team(s) of which the portfolio manager is a member.


NFJ is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC, whose ultimate parent is Allianz Asset Management of America L.P., which itself is indirectly owned by Allianz SE, a diversified global financial institution. NFJ follows the same compensation structures and methods as noted below for Allianz Global Investors.

Allianz Global Investors acknowledges the importance of financial incentives, and rewards employees competitively in line with market practice and local regulations, as applicable. Individual compensation is typically a function of individual, team and company performance, and is also benchmarked against comparable market pay.

The primary components of compensation are the base salary, which typically reflects the scope, responsibilities and experience required in a particular role, and an annual discretionary variable compensation payment. The variable compensation typically includes both an annual cash award that pays out immediately at the end of the performance year and a deferred component for all members of staff whose variable compensation exceeds a certain threshold.

The deferred component consists of a Long-Term Incentive Program Award (LTIPA) but, for those members of staff whose variable compensation exceeds a certain threshold, the deferred component is split 50%/50% between the LTIPA and a Deferral into Funds program (DIF), which enables employees to invest in Allianz Global Investors’ investment strategies.

Deferral rates increase in line with the amount of variable compensation and can reach up to 50%. Awards, splits, components and deferral percentages are regularly reviewed to ensure they meet industry best practice and, where applicable, comply with regulatory standards.



Discretionary variable compensation is primarily designed to reflect the achievements of an individual against set goals over a certain time period. For an investment professional, these goals typically will be 70% quantitative and 30% qualitative. The quantitative element will reflect investment performance over a three-year rolling time period (calculated as one-year plus three-year results at 25% and 75% weightings respectively). For portfolio managers, the performance metric is aligned with the benchmarks of the client portfolios they manage or, if there is no reference benchmark, with the client’s stated investment outcome objective. The qualitative element reflects contributions to broader team goals, such as idea sharing, contributions made to client review meetings, product development or product refinement initiatives, and the way behaviors reflect our core values of excellence, passion, integrity and respect.


    The LTIPA element of the variable compensation, if applicable, cliff vests three years after each (typically annual) award. Its value is directly linked to the operating profit of Allianz Global Investors.


    The DIF element of the variable compensation cliff vests three years after each (typically annual) award and enables qualifying members of staff to invest in a range of Allianz Global Investors’ funds. Investment professionals are encouraged to invest into their own funds or funds of a similar nature to those that they manage. The value of the DIF award is determined by the performance of the fund over the three-year period covering each award.

For the Small-Cap Value Portfolio, the benchmark for compensation purposes is the Russell 2000 Value.


Portfolio managers are employed and compensated by Oppenheimer or an affiliate, not by the Fund. Under the compensation program for portfolio managers and portfolio analysts, compensation is based primarily on the relative investment performance results of the funds or accounts they manage, rather than on the financial success of Oppenheimer. This is intended to align the interests of the portfolio managers and analysts with the success of the funds and accounts of their shareholders. The compensation structure is designed to attract and retain highly qualified investment management professionals and to reward individual and team contributions toward creating shareholder value. A portfolio manager’s compensation is not directly based on the total value of assets they manage; however, higher total compensation potential is likely to align with greater assets under management. The compensation structure is intended to be internally and externally equitable and serve to reduce potential conflicts of interest arising from a portfolio manager’s responsibilities managing different funds or accounts.

Portfolio manager compensation generally consists of three components: a base salary, an annual bonus, and eligibility to participate in long-term awards. In general, the average proportion of total compensation among these three components is as follows: base salary is 15%, annual bonus is 65%, and long-term awards are 20%.

The base pay component for each portfolio manager is reviewed regularly to ensure that it reflects the performance of the individual, is commensurate with the requirements of the particular portfolio, reflects any specific competence or specialty of the individual manager, and is competitive with other comparable positions.

The annual bonus is calculated based on two factors: a formulaic performance portion and a discretionary portion. In general, the formulaic performance portion is a much larger part of the annual bonus than the discretionary portion. The formulaic performance portion of the annual bonus is measured against the one, three and five year performance, or performance since inception, as applicable, of the fund(s) relative to an appropriate Morningstar peer group category selected by senior management. Performance is measured on a pre-tax basis. The compensation structure is weighted towards long-term performance of the funds, with one year performance weighted at 20%, three year performance rated at 30%, and five year performance weighted at 50%. This formula has the effect of rewarding consistently above median performance, which best aligns the interests of the portfolio manager and the shareholder. Below median performance in all three periods results in an extremely low, and in some cases no, formulaic performance based bonus.

The discretionary portion of the annual bonus is determined by senior management of Oppenheimer and is based on a number of factors, including, management quality (such as style consistency, risk management, sector coverage, team leadership and coaching), contributions to marketing efforts and organizational development.

Finally, the long-term award component consists of grants in the form of appreciation rights in regard to the common stock of Oppenheimer’s holding company parent, restricted shares of such common stock, as well as deferred cash investments in the fund(s) managed by a portfolio manager. Portfolio managers must elect to receive either 20% or 40% of their long-term award component in the form of deferred cash investments in the fund(s) managed. Through this long-term award component, portfolio managers’ interests are further aligned with those of fund shareholders.

The compensation structure of other funds and/or accounts managed by a portfolio manager, if any, is generally the same as the compensation structure described above. A portfolio manager’s compensation with regard to other portfolios may be based on the performance of those portfolios compared to a peer group category that may be different from that described below.



The peer group category for Mr. Leverenz with respect to the Emerging Markets Portfolio is Morningstar-Diversified Emerging Markets. The peer group category for Messrs. Govil, Larson, and Ram with respect to the Main Street Core Portfolio is Morningstar-Large Blend.

PLFA/Pacific Asset Management

PLFA/Pacific Asset Management uses a compensation structure that is designed to attract and retain high-caliber investment professionals. Portfolio managers are compensated based primarily on the scale and complexity of all of their job responsibilities, including but not limited to portfolio responsibilities. Portfolio manager compensation is reviewed annually and may be modified at any time as appropriate to adjust the factors used to determine bonuses or other compensation components.

Each portfolio manager is paid a base salary that PLFA/Pacific Asset Management believes is competitive in light of the portfolio manager’s experience and responsibility. The base salary may be increased in recognition of the individual’s performance and/or an increase or change in duties and responsibilities.

In addition to a base salary, investment professionals are eligible to receive an annual variable incentive and a long-term incentive bonus, each of which is derived from both quantitative and non-quantitative factors, as described below. High performing portfolio managers may receive annual bonuses that constitute a substantial portion of their respective total compensation.

Annual Variable Incentive Bonus:


    PLFA portfolio managers (Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and Portfolio Optimization Portfolios)

The financial performance of PLFA and its parent company impact overall funding for annual incentives. Individual incentive awards are determined on a discretionary basis and consider the individual’s target incentive and personal performance, which may include both quantitative and qualitative factors. Fund performance is not a specific factor in determining a PLFA portfolio manager’s incentive compensation. However, several factors, including but not limited to an evaluation of sub-adviser selection, appropriate risk positioning, asset class allocation and investment thesis development, are taken into consideration in determining a PLFA portfolio manager’s incentive pay. Annual incentives are paid in cash with no deferral.


    Pacific Asset Management portfolio managers (Core Income Portfolio, High Yield Bond Portfolio and the Floating Rate Income Portfolio)

Funding for annual incentives is determined based on Pacific Asset Management’s annual revenue. Individual incentive awards are determined on a discretionary basis and consider the individual’s target total compensation and personal performance, which may include both quantitative and qualitative factors. This includes the pre-tax performance of the applicable portfolio compared to the appropriate benchmark index and peer rankings over one, three and five year periods. The benchmark used to measure the performance of the portfolio managers for the Core Income Portfolio is the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate. For the High Yield Bond Portfolio is the Barclays U.S. High-Yield 2% Issuer Capped Bond Index. For the Floating Rate Income Portfolio the benchmark is the Credit Suisse Leveraged Loan Index. Annual incentives are paid in cash with no deferral.

Long-Term Incentive Bonus:


    PLFA portfolio managers (Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and Portfolio Optimization Portfolios)

Investment professionals are eligible to receive long-term incentive awards on an annual basis. Awards pay out at the end of three years based on PLFA’s achievement against both quantitative and qualitative factors, with pre-tax fund performance on a rolling three year time frame as compared against peer benchmarks approved by the Trust’s Board of Trustees, accounting for the majority of the performance measurement. Target incentives are based on the individual’s role and responsibilities. Payments are determined by multiplying the individual’s target award by the PLFA performance factor for the three-year period. The peer group category with respect to the portfolio managers of the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio is Morningstar Multi-Alternative. The peer group category for comparison purposes with respect to measuring the performance of the portfolio managers of the Portfolio Optimization Conservative Portfolio and Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio is Morningstar Conservative Asset Allocation; for Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio, the peer group is the Morningstar Moderate Asset Allocation; and for the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio, the peer group is the Morningstar Aggressive Asset Allocation. The peer group category with respect to the portfolio managers of the Pacific Dynamix-Conservative Growth, Pacific Dynamix — Moderate Growth and Pacific Dynamix — Growth Portfolios are, respectively, the Morningstar Conservative Asset Allocation, Morningstar Moderate Asset Allocation and Morningstar Aggressive Asset Allocation.



    Pacific Asset Management portfolio managers (Core Income Portfolio, High Yield Bond Portfolio and the Floating Rate Income Portfolio)

Investment professionals are eligible to receive long-term incentive awards on an annual basis, with the available incentive pool tied to Pacific Asset Management’s financial performance. Pool allocations are made based on roles and responsibilities and personal performance. One-third of the allocation is paid at the end of each of the subsequent three years, subject to a modifier based on fund performance relative to peers.

Certain senior portfolio managers are also eligible to participate in a non-qualified long-term compensation plan sponsored by Pacific Life Insurance Company, PLFA’s parent company. The long-term compensation plan is awarded on a percentage of salary and is based on the profitability of the parent company, with a vesting period over five years forward.

Portfolio managers also participate in benefit and retirement plans available generally to all employees.


PIMCO has adopted a Total Compensation Plan for its professional level employees, including its portfolio managers, that is designed to pay competitive compensation and reward performance, integrity and teamwork consistent with the firm’s mission statement. The Total Compensation Plan includes an incentive component that rewards high performance standards, work ethic and consistent individual and team contributions to the firm. The compensation of portfolio managers consists of a base salary and discretionary performance bonuses, and may include an equity or long term incentive component.

Certain employees of PIMCO, including portfolio managers, may elect to defer compensation through PIMCO’s deferred compensation plan. PIMCO also offers its employees a non-contributory defined contribution plan through which PIMCO makes a contribution based on the employee’s compensation. PIMCO’s contribution rate increases at a specified compensation level, which is a level that would include portfolio managers.

Key Principles on Compensation Philosophy include:


    PIMCO’s pay practices are designed to attract and retain high performers.


    PIMCO’s pay philosophy embraces a corporate culture of pay-for-performance, a strong work ethic and meritocracy.


    PIMCO’s goal is to ensure key professionals are aligned to PIMCO’s long-term success through equity participation.


    PIMCO’s “Discern and Differentiate” discipline is exercised where individual performance ranking is used for guidance as it relates to total compensation levels.

The Total Compensation Plan consists of three components:


    Base Salary — Base salary is built on core job responsibilities, market factors and internal positions/levels. Base salary levels are reviewed annually, when there is a significant change in job responsibilities or position, or a significant change in market levels. Base salary is paid in regular instalments throughout the year and payment dates are in line with local practice.


    Performance Bonus — Performance bonuses are designed to reward individual performance. Each professional and his or her supervisor will agree upon performance objectives to serve as a basis for evaluation throughout the year. The objectives will outline individual goals according to pre-established measures of the group or department success. Achievement against these goals as measured by the employee and supervisor will be an important, but not exclusive, element of the Compensation Committee’s bonus decision process. Final award amounts are determined at the discretion of the Compensation Committee and will also consider firm performance.


    Equity or Long-term Incentive Compensation — Equity and Long-term incentive compensation allow key professionals to participate in the long-term growth of the firm. M Options and/or Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) are awarded to professionals. Employees who reach a total compensation threshold are delivered their annual compensation in a mix of cash and equity or long-term incentive awards. PIMCO incorporates a progressive allocation of deferred compensation as a percentage of total compensation, which is in line with market practices.


  ¡    The M Unit program provides employees with the potential to acquire an equity stake in PIMCO over their careers and to better align employee incentives with the firm’s long-term results. In the program, options are awarded and vest over a number of years and may convert into PIMCO equity which shares in the profit distributions of the firm. M Units are non-voting common equity of PIMCO and provide a mechanism for individuals to build a significant equity stake in PIMCO over time.



  ¡    The LTIP award provides cash awards that appreciate or depreciate based on PIMCO’s operating earnings over a rolling three-year basis. The plan provides a link between longer term company performance and participant pay, further motivating participants to make a long-term commitment to PIMCO’s success.

Participation in the M Unit Option Plan and LTIP is contingent upon continued employment at PIMCO.

In addition, the following non-exclusive list of qualitative criteria may be considered when specifically determining the total compensation for portfolio managers:


    3-year, 2-year and 1-year dollar-weighted and account-weighted, pre-tax investment performance as judged against the applicable benchmarks for each account managed by a portfolio manager (including the Funds) and relative to applicable industry peer groups. The benchmarks for each portfolio are:

Managed Bond Portfolio — Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index

Inflation Managed Portfolio — Barclays U.S. TIPS Index


    Appropriate risk positioning that is consistent with PIMCO’s investment philosophy and the Investment Committee/CIO approach to the generation of alpha;


    Amount and nature of assets managed by the portfolio manager;


    Consistency of investment performance across portfolios of similar mandate and guidelines (reward low dispersion);


    Generation and contribution of investment ideas in the context of PIMCO’s secular and cyclical forums, portfolio strategy meetings, Investment Committee meetings, and on a day-to-day basis;


    Absence of defaults and price defaults for issues in the portfolios managed by the portfolio manager;


    Contributions to asset retention, gathering and client satisfaction;


    Contributions to mentoring, coaching and/or supervising; and


    Personal growth and skills added.

A portfolio manager’s compensation is not based directly on the performance of any Fund or any other account managed by that portfolio manager.

Profit Sharing Plan.    Portfolio managers who are Managing Directors of PIMCO receive compensation from a non-qualified profit sharing plan consisting of a portion of PIMCO’s net profits. Portfolio managers who are Managing Directors receive an amount determined by the Compensation Committee, based upon an individual’s overall contribution to the firm.

QS Batterymarch

In addition to customary employee benefits (e.g., medical coverage), compensation for investment professionals includes:


    competitive base salaries, taking into consideration both experience and responsibilities;


    individual performance-based bonuses based on the investment professionals’ added value to the products for which they are responsible. This contribution is measured based on the results of an annual review process that takes into account attainment of fund objective (whether relative return or objective specific) as well as the individual’s contributions to model and investment process research, risk management, client service and new business development;


    corporate profit sharing for all employees, tied to the annual success of Legg Mason, the parent company; and


    a long-term retention incentive package applicable to certain senior QS Batterymarch investment professionals through LM restricted stock that vests over multiple years.

Performance is evaluated on an aggregate product basis that the portfolio manager is responsible for and is generally not analyzed by any individual client portfolios. There is no direct link between fund performance and portfolio manager compensation. Further, portfolio manager compensation is not tied to, nor increased or decreased as the direct result of, any performance fees that may be earned by QS Batterymarch. Lastly, portfolio managers do not receive a percentage of the revenue earned on any of QS Batterymarch’s client portfolios.




Scout implements a strategic and comprehensive plan for its portfolio managers that is competitive and within the norm of industry standards. The basic compensation structure combines a fixed base salary, a variable bonus plan that has the potential to exceed base salary, and a long-term incentive plan. Scout places a strong emphasis on portfolio performance and believes the portfolio manager’s compensation should be a reflection of the success provided to clients of Scout. This philosophy is the basis for offering an overall compensation structure in which performance-based compensation can exceed base salary, providing the greatest incentive to align investment management to the client’s success.

The factors that determine base salary include job responsibilities, experience level, position and market comparisons. Base salary is reviewed versus comparable market data and may be adjusted on an annual basis or when a change is warranted based on evolving responsibilities. The variable bonus plan incorporates the investment performance of the management team and a subjective component based on several factors including growth in assets under management. Investment performance is evaluated on a pre-tax basis on a 1-year and 3-year time frame based on two factors. Initially, performance is judged against the unmanaged benchmark index assigned to the investment strategy. Next, performance is measured relative to the median investment manager performance in the strategy’s discipline according to the Lipper Mid-Cap Core Fund Index.

In order to attract and retain key talent, Scout employs a long term incentive plan that awards a combination of cash payments and restricted stock to qualified associates based on the net income growth of Scout. Both the cash payments and the restricted stock vest over a period of three years and require that the associate be employed at Scout at the time of vesting for the payments to be made. Scout does not enter into employment contracts or non-compete agreements with any of its equity investment professionals.


The compensation of SSGA FM’s investment professionals is based on a number of factors, including external benchmarking data and market trends, State Street Corporation performance, SSGA performance, and individual performance. Each year State Street Corporation’s Global Human Resources department participates in compensation surveys in order to provide SSGA with critical, market-based compensation information that helps support individual pay decisions. Additionally, subject to State Street Corporation and SSGA business results, State Street Corporation allocates an incentive pool to SSGA to reward its employees. Because the size of the incentive pool is based on the firm’s overall profitability and performance against risk-related goals, each staff member is motivated to contribute both as an individual and as a team member.

The incentive pool is allocated to the various functions within SSGA. The discretionary determination of the allocation amounts to business units is influenced by market-based compensation data, as well as the overall performance of the group. Individual compensation decisions are made by the employee’s manager, in conjunction with the senior management of the employee’s business unit. These decisions are based on the performance of the employee and, as mentioned above, on the performance of the firm and business unit.

T. Rowe Price

Portfolio manager compensation consists primarily of a base salary, a cash bonus, and an equity incentive that usually comes in the form of a stock option grant or restricted stock grant. A portfolio manager’s total compensation is variable and is determined based on the following factors.

Investment performance over 1-, 3-, 5-, and 10-year periods is the most important input. The weightings for these time periods are generally balanced and are applied consistently across similar strategies. T. Rowe Price (and Price Hong Kong, Price Singapore, and T. Rowe Price International, as appropriate), evaluate performance in absolute, relative, and risk-adjusted terms. Relative performance and risk-adjusted performance are determined with reference to the broad-based index (e.g., Barclays 1-3 Year U.S. Government/Credit Bond Index) and the Lipper index (e.g., Short Investment Grade Debt Funds Average) set forth in the total returns table in the fund’s prospectus, although other benchmarks may be used as well. Investment results are also measured against comparably managed funds of competitive investment management firms. The selection of comparable funds is approved by the applicable investment steering committee and those funds are the same ones presented to the directors of the Price Funds in their regular review of fund performance. Performance is primarily measured on a pretax basis though tax efficiency is considered and is especially important for tax-efficient funds.

Compensation is viewed with a long-term time horizon. The more consistent a manager’s performance over time, the higher the compensation opportunity. The increase or decrease in a fund’s assets due to the purchase or sale of fund shares is not considered a material factor. In reviewing relative performance for fixed-income funds, a fund’s expense ratio is usually taken into account. Contribution to T. Rowe Price’s overall investment process is an important consideration as well. Leveraging ideas and investment insights across the global investment platform, working effectively with and mentoring others, and other contributions to our clients, the firm or our culture are important components of T. Rowe Price’s long-term success and are highly valued.



All employees of T. Rowe Price, including portfolio managers, participate in a 401(k) plan sponsored by T. Rowe Price Group. In addition, all employees are eligible to purchase T. Rowe Price common stock through an employee stock purchase plan that features a limited corporate matching contribution. Eligibility for and participation in these plans is on the same basis as for all employees. Finally, all vice presidents of T. Rowe Price Group, including all portfolio managers, receive supplemental medical/ hospital reimbursement benefits.

This compensation structure is used for all portfolios managed by the portfolio manager.

UBS Global AM

UBS Global AM’s compensation and benefits programs are designed to provide its investment professionals with incentives to excel, and to promote an entrepreneurial, performance-oriented culture with clear accountability. They also align the interests of investment professionals with those of our clients and other stakeholders.

In general, the total compensation received by the portfolio managers and analysts at UBS Global AM consists of two elements: a fixed component (base salary and benefits) and an annual discretionary performance award.

Fixed component (base salary and benefits):


    Set with the aim of being competitive in the industry and monitored and adjusted periodically with reference to the relevant local labor market in order to remain so.


    The fixed component is used to recognize the experience, skills and knowledge that each portfolio manager or analyst brings to their role.

Performance award:


    Determined annually on a discretionary basis.


    Based on the individual’s financial and non-financial contribution—as assessed through a rigorous performance assessment process — as well as on the performance of their respective function, of UBS Global AM and of UBS as a whole.


    Delivered in cash and, when total compensation is over a defined threshold, partly in deferral vehicles.


    For awards subject to deferral, the deferred amount is calculated using graduated marginal deferral rates, which increase as the value of the performance award increases.


    Deferred amounts are then delivered via two deferral vehicles – 75% in the UBS Global AM Equity Ownership Plan (Global AM EOP) and 25% in the Deferred Contingent Capital Plan (DCCP):


    Global AM EOP awards vest over five years with 40% of the award vesting in year two, 40% in year three and 20% in year five, provided the vesting conditions, including continued service, are met and the awards have not been forfeited on or before the vesting dates. The Notional Funds awarded under the Global AM EOP are aligned to selected UBS Global AM funds. They provide for a high level of transparency and correlation between an employee’s compensation and the investment performance of UBS Global AM. This alignment with UBS Global AM funds enhances the alignment of investment professionals’ and other employees’ interests with those of our clients.


    The DCCP was introduced for performance year 2012 onwards as a key component of UBS’s compensation framework to align compensation incentives with the capital strength of the firm. Awards under the DCCP vest 100% in year five, subject to vesting conditions, including continued employment, and subject to forfeiture.

UBS Global AM believes that these deferral plans reinforce the critical importance of creating long-term business value, with both plans serving as alignment and retention tools.

For our Equities, Fixed Income, Structured Beta & Indexing and Global Investment Solutions investment areas:

The portfolio manager Jonathan Davies’ performance award is linked with the investment pre-tax performance of the Currency Strategies Portfolio (for the UBS managed portion) versus the Citigroup 1-Month U.S. Treasury Bill Index benchmark or other investment objectives and, where appropriate, peer strategies over one, three and five years. This is to ensure that long-term performance is the focus and that the interests of the portfolio managers are aligned with those of clients.

For analysts, performance awards are, in general, based on the pre-tax performance of some combination of model and/or client portfolios, generally evaluated over one and three years. This is coupled with a qualitative assessment of their contribution considering factors such as the quality of their research, stock recommendations and their communication within and between teams and with portfolio managers.




The compensation structure for WellsCap’s Portfolio Managers includes a competitive fixed base salary plus variable incentives, payable annually and over a longer term period. WellsCap participates in third party investment management compensation surveys in order to provide WellsCap with market-based compensation information to help support individual pay decisions. In addition to investment management compensation surveys, WellsCap also considers prior professional experience, tenure, seniority and a Portfolio Manager’s team size, scope and assets under management when determining their fixed base salary. Incentive bonuses are typically tied to relative, pre-tax investment performance of the funds or other accounts under his or her management within acceptable risk parameters. Relative investment performance is generally evaluated for 1, 3, and 5 year performance results, with a predominant weighting on the 3- and 5- year time periods, versus the relevant benchmarks and/or peer groups consistent with the investment style. For the Precious Metals Portfolio, portfolio manager compensation is based on how the Fund performs on a peer relative basis. Specifically, the manager’s performance is evaluated on a 1 year, 3 year and 5 year basis relative to the Lipper Precious Metals Equity fund peer universe. In addition, Portfolio Managers who meet the eligibility requirements may participate in Wells Fargo’s 401(k) plan that features a limited matching contribution. Eligibility for and participation in this plan is on the same basis for all employees.

Western Asset

At Western Asset, one compensation methodology covers all products and functional areas, including portfolio managers. Western Asset’s philosophy is to reward its employees through total compensation. Total compensation is reflective of the external market value for skills, experience, ability to produce results and the performance of one’s group and the firm as a whole. Discretionary bonuses make up the variable component of total compensation. These are structured to reward sector specialists for contributions to the firm as well as relative performance of their specific portfolios/product and are determined by the professional’s job function and performance as measured by a formal review process.

For portfolio managers, the formal review process includes a thorough review of portfolios they were assigned to lead, or with which they were otherwise involved, and includes not only investment performance, but maintaining a detailed knowledge of client portfolio objectives and guidelines, monitoring of risks and performance for adherence to these parameters, execution of asset allocation consistent with current firm and portfolio strategy and communication with clients. In reviewing pre-tax investment performance, one-, three- and five-year annualized returns are measured against appropriate market peer groups and to each fund’s benchmark index. For the Diversified Bond Portfolio, the benchmark for compensation purposes is the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index and the peer group is the Lipper Intermediate Investment Grade Debt Funds. For the Inflation Strategy Portfolio, the benchmark for compensation purposes is the Barclays US TIPS Index and the peer group is the Lipper Treasury Inflation Protected Securities.

Other Accounts Managed

The following table includes information for each portfolio manager of the Trust regarding the number and total assets of other accounts managed as of December 31, 2014 (unless otherwise noted) that each portfolio manager has day-to-day management responsibilities for, other than the Funds they manage within the Trust (“Other Accounts Managed”). For these Other Accounts Managed, it is possible that a portfolio manager may only manage a portion of the assets of a particular account and that such portion may be substantially lower than the total assets of such account. See the prospectuses for information on the Funds that each portfolio manager listed in the table manages within the Trust.

Other Accounts Managed are grouped into three categories: (i) registered investment companies, (ii) other pooled investment vehicles, and (iii) other accounts. The table also reflects for each category if any of these Other Accounts Managed have an advisory fee based upon the performance of the account. Table data has been provided by the applicable Manager. Portfolio managers are listed alphabetically by Manager.



Portfolio Manager(s)

   Total Number of
Accounts Managed
     Total Assets
of Other
Accounts Managed
     Number of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying
Performance Fees
     Total Assets of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying



James MacGregor


Registered Investment Companies

     46       $ 4,643,266,644         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     24       $ 393,895,194         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     38       $ 1,605,737,319         None         N/A   

Shri Singhvi


Registered Investment Companies

     46       $ 4,643,266,644         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     24       $ 393,895,194         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     36       $ 145,473,052         None         N/A   




Portfolio Manager(s)

   Total Number of
Accounts Managed
     Total Assets
of Other
Accounts Managed
     Number of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying
Performance Fees
     Total Assets of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying



Andrea Frazzini


Registered Investment Companies

     21       $ 3,522,712,252         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     7       $ 2,213,113,846         5       $ 2,151,805,798   

Other Accounts

     17       $ 6,452,324,086         5       $ 1,092,888,526   

Jacques A. Friedman


Registered Investment Companies

     37       $ 12,172,929,100         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     30       $ 10,375,041,188         26       $ 9,536,414,732   

Other Accounts

     97       $ 42,216,869,619         31       $ 12,445,254,362   

Lars N. Nielsen


Registered Investment Companies

     35       $ 11,702,068,240         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     38       $ 10,510,942,311         34       $ 9,341,459,981   

Other Accounts

     73       $ 31,073,819,478         23       $ 9,246,799,368   



Mark Coombs


Registered Investment Companies

     10       $ 1,434,145,938         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     52       $ 15,199,617,885         17       $ 5,544,742,420   

Other Accounts

     108       $ 43,536,002,308         17       $ 2,836,260,100   

Robin Forrest


Registered Investment Companies

     10       $ 1,434,145,938         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     52       $ 15,199,617,885         17       $ 5,544,742,420   

Other Accounts

     108       $ 43,536,002,308         17       $ 2,836,260,100   

Herbert Saller


Registered Investment Companies

     10       $ 1,434,145,938         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     52       $ 15,199,617,885         17       $ 5,544,742,420   

Other Accounts

     108       $ 43,536,002,308         17       $ 2,836,260,100   

Ricardo Xavier


Registered Investment Companies

     10       $ 1,434,145,938         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     52       $ 15,199,617,885         17       $ 5,544,742,420   

Other Accounts

     108       $ 43,536,002,308         17       $ 2,836,260,100   



Christopher Bliss


Registered Investment Companies

     56       $ 65,338,009,976         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     208       $ 480,432,646,359         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     164       $ 447,771,524,470         None         N/A   

Thomas Callan


Registered Investment Companies

     11       $ 11,119,020,902         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     11       $ 4,692,065,322         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     3       $ 1,196,361,545         2       $ 1,130,533,705   

Lawrence G. Kemp


Registered Investment Companies

     13       $ 11,599,828,777         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     3       $ 1,178,794,772         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     3       $ 857,786,129         None         N/A   

Alan Mason


Registered Investment Companies

     290       $ 664,648,317,752         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     406       $ 500,702,257,273         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     280       $ 476,923,384,717         None         N/A   

Greg Savage


Registered Investment Companies

     299       $ 676,861,478,668         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     89       $ 36,168,606,598         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     2       $ 172,175,285         None         N/A   

Erin Xie


Registered Investment Companies

     4       $ 6,969,971,706         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     2       $ 3,103,118,217         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     2       $ 1,130,533,705         2       $ 1,130,533,705   




Portfolio Manager(s)

   Total Number of
Accounts Managed
     Total Assets
of Other
Accounts Managed
     Number of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying
Performance Fees
     Total Assets of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying



Geraud Charpin


Registered Investment Companies

     1       $ 612,552,684         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     5       $ 8,215,599,352         3       $ 331,326,305   

Other Accounts

     1       $ 237,465,383         None         N/A   

Mark Dowding


Registered Investment Companies

     1       $ 612,552,684         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     13       $ 13,467,360,151         3       $ 331,326,305   

Other Accounts

     5       $ 2,314,916,654         None         N/A   

Raphael Robelin


Registered Investment Companies

     1       $ 612,552,684         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     16       $ 25,155,911,795         4       $ 1,676,097,151   

Other Accounts

     25       $ 9,495,928,985         4       $ 1,757,967,422   

Andrzej Skiba


Registered Investment Companies

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     3       $ 11,688,551,645         1       $ 1,344,770,846   

Other Accounts

     20       $ 7,181,012,331         4       $ 1,757,967,422   

Boston Partners                                             


Steven L. Pollack


Registered Investment Companies

     3       $ 10,575,402,134         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     2       $ 1,976,365,364         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     27       $ 2,152,366,793         1       $ 26,065,269   



Robert Feitler


Registered Investment Companies

     7       $ 2,251,618,264         1       $ 1,584,870,493   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     1,123       $ 520,380,477         None         N/A   

Dmitry Khaykin


Registered Investment Companies

     7       $ 2,251,618,264         1       $ 1,584,870,493   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     1,124       $ 521,685,755         None         N/A   



Joseph H. Chi


Registered Investment Companies

     104       $ 229,907,693,964         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     21       $ 10,328,430,797         1       $ 180,029,317   

Other Accounts

     90       $ 23,560,465,471         3       $ 983,731,950   

Jed S. Fogdall


Registered Investment Companies

     104       $ 229,907,693,964         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     21       $ 10,328,430,797         1       $ 180,029,317   

Other Accounts

     90       $ 23,560,465,471         3       $ 983,731,950   

Henry F. Gray


Registered Investment Companies

     93       $ 229,907,693,964         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     15       $ 10,328,430,797         1       $ 180,029,317   

Other Accounts

     90       $ 23,560,465,471         2       $ 961,095,925   

Karen E. Umland


Registered Investment Companies

     56       $ 107,532,569,168         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     9       $ 2,847,508,014         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     36       $ 14,245,880,209         2       $ 961,095,925   

Eaton Vance                                                  


John R. Baur


Registered Investment Companies

     15       $ 13,846,051,231         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     3       $ 60,214,640         1       $ 19,959,495   

Other Accounts

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Michael A. Cirami


Registered Investment Companies

     15       $ 13,846,051,231         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     3       $ 60,214,640         1       $ 19,959,495   

Other Accounts

     None         N/A         None         N/A   




Portfolio Manager(s)

   Total Number of
Accounts Managed
     Total Assets
of Other
Accounts Managed
     Number of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying
Performance Fees
     Total Assets of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying

Scott H. Page


Registered Investment Companies

     13       $ 28,864,249,370         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     10       $ 11,022,799,854         1       $ 143,730,144   

Other Accounts

     6       $ 2,274,052,505         None         N/A   

Craig P. Russ


Registered Investment Companies

     9       $ 23,983208,477         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     3       $ 7,915,426,265         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     6       $ 2,274,052,505         None         N/A   

Eric A. Stein


Registered Investment Companies

     14       $ 17,731,774,158         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     3       $ 418,575,574         1       $ 19,959,495   

Other Accounts

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Andrew N. Sveen


Registered Investment Companies

     5       $ 2,290,291771         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     None         N/A         None         N/A   



Christopher Meeker


Registered Investment Companies

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Steven B. Raineri


Registered Investment Companies

     6       $ 6,124,569,249         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Donald G. Taylor


Registered Investment Companies

     13       $ 27,589,599,142         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     3       $ 947,638,934         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     None         N/A         None         N/A   



Devin Armstrong


Registered Investment Companies

     11       $ 21,368,988,092         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     3,614       $ 616,482,476         None         N/A   

Kevin Holt


Registered Investment Companies

     11       $ 21,368,998,092         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     1       $ 218,555,203         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     3,614       $ 616,482,476         None         N/A   

Matthew Seinsheimer


Registered Investment Companies

     11       $ 21,368,988,092         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     3,614       $ 616,482,476         None         N/A   

James Warwick


Registered Investment Companies

     11       $ 21,368,988,092         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     3,614       $ 616,482,476         None         N/A   



Kimberly A. Scott


Registered Investment Companies

     6       $ 7,715,306,675         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     1       $ 5,291,483         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     1       $ 133,854,357         None         N/A   

Zachary H. Shafran


Registered Investment Companies

     3       $ 10,251,851,475         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     1       $ 26,133,469         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     None         N/A         None         N/A   




Portfolio Manager(s)

   Total Number of
Accounts Managed
     Total Assets
of Other
Accounts Managed
     Number of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying
Performance Fees
     Total Assets of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying

JP Morgan                                                     


Susan Bao


Registered Investment Companies

     8       $ 14,432,753         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     4       $ 2,284,078         3       $ 10,969,418   

Other Accounts

     31       $ 12,750,800         5       $ 3,676,751   

Gloria Fu


Registered Investment Companies

     9       $ 30,892,308         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     1       $ 999,390         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     18       $ 1,545,312         None         N/A   

Aryeh Glatter


Registered Investment Companies

     10       $ 7,132,364         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     1       $ 278,037         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     2       $ 1,014,037         2       $ 289,954   

Thomas Luddy


Registered Investment Companies

     7       $ 18,372,702         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     7       $ 10,106,806         1       $ 3,721,304   

Other Accounts

     22       $ 3,819,748         5       $ 3,676,751   

Lawrence Playford


Registered Investment Companies

     9       $ 30,892,308         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     1       $ 999,390         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     19       $ 1,749,097         None         N/A   

Jonathan K.L. Simon


Registered Investment Companies

     18       $ 35,695,744         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     8       $ 7,129,930         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     28       $ 3,966,358         None         N/A   

Gerd Woort-Menker


Registered Investment Companies

     11       $ 10,338,846         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     9       $ 5,935,326         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     3       $ 568,335         None         N/A   

Raffaele Zingone


Registered Investment Companies

     24       $ 10,577,252         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     3       $ 1,433,236         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     19       $ 8,174,329         7       $ 11,400,965   



Doug Rao


Registered Investment Companies

     6       $ 4,082,602,146         2       $ 3,186,134,795   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     1       $ 32,615,140         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     2       $ 815,875,209         None         N/A   

Lord Abbett                                                  


F. Thomas O’ Halloran


Registered Investment Companies

     8       $ 5,244,930,806         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     15       $ 876,427,150         1       $ 65,628,102   

Arthur K. Weise


Registered Investment Companies

     8       $ 5,244,930,806         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     15       $ 876,427,150         1       $ 65,628,102   



Mark Farrington


Registered Investment Companies

     6       $ 1,236,147,191         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     5       $ 469,705,868         2       $ 5,035,451   

Other Accounts

     14       $ 6,423,493,957         2       $ 22,500,000   

Dr. Ivan Petej


Registered Investment Companies

     1       $ 100,151,717         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     1       $ 4,043,564         1       $ 4,043,564   

Other Accounts

     1       $ 20,000,000         1       $ 20,000,000   




Portfolio Manager(s)

   Total Number of
Accounts Managed
     Total Assets
of Other
Accounts Managed
     Number of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying
Performance Fees
     Total Assets of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying



Eric B. Fischman


Registered Investment Companies

     7       $ 17,024,243,031         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     1       $ 79,107,050         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     10       $ 1,565,177,000         None         N/A   

Daniel Ling


Registered Investment Companies

     11       $ 12,983,656,078         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     3       $ 2,009,037,651         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     26       $ 5,672,336,315         None         N/A   

Matthew D. Sabel


Registered Investment Companies

     9       $ 17,445,773,767         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     1       $ 79,107,050         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     11       $ 1,595,838,260         None         N/A   

Marcus L. Smith


Registered Investment Companies

     12       $ 13,217,945,972         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     5       $ 2,372,142,034         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     34       $ 7,304,853,481         None         N/A   



Theodore R. Bigman


Registered Investment Companies

     13       $ 6,111,154,279         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     20       $ 9,332,826,194         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     57       $ 7,554,025,448         14       $ 1,373,580,377   

Bill Grant


Registered Investment Companies

     10       $ 5,588,432,263         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     16       $ 7,750,127,914         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     52       $ 6,245,730,935         11       $ 757,828,464   



Morley D. Campbell


Registered Investment Companies

     10       $ 19,575,674,705         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     2       $ 89,101,058         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     36       $ 7,522,418,547         None         N/A   

Benno J. Fischer


Registered Investment Companies

     20       $ 26,549,737,284         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     4       $ 646,570,279         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     64       $ 12,154,687,550         None         N/A   

Paul A. Magnuson


Registered Investment Companies

     17       $ 26,410,329,843         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     4       $ 646,570,279         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     59       $ 11,732,078,374         None         N/A   

John R. Mowrey


Registered Investment Companies

     10       $ 5,668,284,907         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     4       $ 646,570,279         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     32       $ 4,737,183,433         None         N/A   



Manind Govil


Registered Investment Companies

     9       $ 12,660,826,843         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     2       $ 426,514,822         None         N/A   

Paul Larson


Registered Investment Companies

     8       $ 11,108,126,746         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     2       $ 426,514,822         None         N/A   

Justin M. Leverenz


Registered Investment Companies

     7       $ 41,083,863,343         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     3       $ 2,171,290,924         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     3       $ 269,005,985         None         N/A   




Portfolio Manager(s)

   Total Number of
Accounts Managed
     Total Assets
of Other
Accounts Managed
     Number of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying
Performance Fees
     Total Assets of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying

Benjamin Ram


Registered Investment Companies

     8       $ 11,108,126,746         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     2       $ 426,514,822         None         N/A   

Pacific Asset Management                          


C. Robert Boyd


Registered Investment Companies

     1       $ 25,187,762         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

J.P. Leasure


Registered Investment Companies

     1       $ 884,091,959         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     4       $ 618,998,146         None         N/A   

Michael Long


Registered Investment Companies

     1       $ 25,187,762         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Michael Marzouk


Registered Investment Companies

     3       $ 1,071,476,725         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     4       $ 618,998,146         None         N/A   

Brian M. Robertson


Registered Investment Companies

     4       $ 363,728,445         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Jason R. Rosiak


Registered Investment Companies

     4       $ 1,608,817,772         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     1         349,764,175         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     11       $ 1,152,136,755         None         N/A   

David Weismiller


Registered Investment Companies

     2       $ 696,359,585         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     7       $ 882,902,784         None         N/A   



Jeremie Banet


Registered Investment Companies

     5       $ 19,811,825,787         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     3       $ 682,315,950         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     1       $ 722,972,187         None         N/A   

Mark R. Kiesel


Registered Investment Companies

     28       $ 224,541,116,184         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     56       $ 56,473,841,842         10       $ 6,307,874,913   

Other Accounts

     147       $ 75,279,199,800         19       $ 7,055,360,685   

Scott A. Mather


Registered Investment Companies

     27       $ 208,816,550,973         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     23       $ 17,738,239,051         1       $ 405,775,930   

Other Accounts

     32       $ 12,477,747,857         3       $ 1,852,564,168   

Mihir P. Worah


Registered Investment Companies

     47       $ 231,810,115,219         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     35       $ 24,207,541,723         1       $ 152,373,174   

Other Accounts

     64       $ 35,110,769,248         9       $ 4,308,538,345   



Max Gohkman1


Registered Investment Companies

     6       $ 4,164,445,852         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     None         N/A         None         N/A   




Portfolio Manager(s)

   Total Number of
Accounts Managed
     Total Assets
of Other
Accounts Managed
     Number of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying
Performance Fees
     Total Assets of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying

Howard T. Hirakawa1


Registered Investment Companies

     6       $ 4,164,445,852         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Carleton J. Muench1


Registered Investment Companies

     6       $ 4,164,445,852         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Samuel S. Park1


Registered Investment Companies

     6       $ 4,164,445,852         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

QS Batterymarch                                          


Christopher W. Floyd


Registered Investment Companies

     3       $ 400,367,073         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     4       $ 199,445,757         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     3       $ 1,087,002,663         None         N/A   

Stephen A. Lanzendorf


Registered Investment Companies

     12       $ 2,845,066,696         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     9       $ 314,921,844         1       $ 5,719,697   

Other Accounts

     29       $ 3,295,578,655         4       $ 102,411,674   



G. Patrick Dunkerley


Registered Investment Companies

     2       $ 2,262,626,681         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     2       $ 414,840,397         1       $ 281,902,820   

Other Accounts

     6       $ 65,602,797         None         N/A   

John A. Indellicate II


Registered Investment Companies

     2       $ 2,262,626,681         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     2       $ 414,840,397         1       $ 281,902,820   

Other Accounts

     6       $ 65,602,797         None         N/A   

Derek M. Smashey


Registered Investment Companies

     2       $ 2,262,626,681         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     2       $ 414,840,397         1       $ 281,902,820   

Other Accounts

     6       $ 65,602,797         None         N/A   

Jason J. Votruba


Registered Investment Companies

     2       $ 2,262,626,681         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     2       $ 414,840,397         1       $ 281,902,820   

Other Accounts

     6       $ 65,602,797         None         N/A   

SSGA FM                                                      


Peter Breault


Registered Investment Companies

     32       $ 53,006,491,759         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     101       $ 57,828,057,998         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     173       $ 55,008,281,414         None         N/A   

Patrick Bresnehan


Registered Investment Companies

     32       $ 53,006,491,759         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     101       $ 57,828,057,998         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     173       $ 55,008,281,414         None         N/A   

Michael J. Brunell


Registered Investment Companies

     32       $ 53,006,491,759         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     101       $ 57,828,057,998         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     173       $ 55,008,281,414         None         N/A   

Marc DiCosimo


Registered Investment Companies

     32       $ 53,006,491,759         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     101       $ 57,828,057,998         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     173       $ 55,008,281,414         None         N/A   




Portfolio Manager(s)

   Total Number of
Accounts Managed
     Total Assets
of Other
Accounts Managed
     Number of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying
Performance Fees
     Total Assets of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying

Christopher DiStefano


Registered Investment Companies

     32       $ 53,006,491,759         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     101       $ 57,828,057,998         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     173       $ 55,008,281,414         None         N/A   

Kyle Kelly


Registered Investment Companies

     32       $ 53,006,491,759         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     101       $ 57,828,057,998         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     173       $ 55,008,281,414         None         N/A   

T. Rowe Price                                               


Thomas J. Huber


Registered Investment Companies

     2       $ 6,207,340,008         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     1       $ 157,207,358         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     1       $ 101,687,553         None         N/A   

Michael F. Reinartz


Registered Investment Companies

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Edward A. Wiese


Registered Investment Companies

     6       $ 9,356,137,515         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     1       $ 3,372,020,185         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     20       $ 4,466,453,932         None         N/A   

UBS Global AM                                             


Jonathan Davies


Registered Investment Companies

     5       $ 1,609,279,336         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     12       $ 6,891,000,000         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     7       $ 12,159,402,598         None         N/A   



Michael Bradshaw


Registered Investment Companies

     3       $ 399,114,442         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     1       $ 2,583,103         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     None         N/A         None         N/A   

Oleg Makhorine


Registered Investment Companies

     3       $ 510,064,138         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     1       $ 2,583,103         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     1       $ 62,648,411         None         N/A   

Western Asset                                               


Michael C. Buchanan


Registered Investment Companies

     42       $ 35,642,363,612         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     58       $ 31,761,476,004         4       $ 1,277,752,346   

Other Accounts

     192       $ 53,418,347,124         21       $ 7,895,153,691   

Carl L. Eichstaedt


Registered Investment Companies

     13       $ 25,490,602,057         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     10       $ 4,184,639,266         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     167       $ 46,499,696,452         23       $ 7,913,778,958   

S. Kenneth Leech


Registered Investment Companies

     105       $ 199,459,640,505         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     233       $ 84,616,961,692         9       $ 2,059,304,853   

Other Accounts

     667       $ 177,364,618,616         54       $ 17,323,327,497   

Chia-Liang Lian


Registered Investment Companies

     9       $ 3,225,358,310         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     34       $ 12,614,715,313         1       $ 135,467,845   

Other Accounts

     168       $ 37,305,070,105         27       $ 9,134,487,484   

Mark S. Lindbloom


Registered Investment Companies

     14       $ 28,598,424,930         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     10       $ 7,042,267,583         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     152       $ 42,073,125,140         23       $ 8,040,424,547   




Portfolio Manager(s)

   Total Number of
Accounts Managed
     Total Assets
of Other
Accounts Managed
     Number of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying
Performance Fees
     Total Assets of
Other Accounts
Managed Paying

Paul E. Wynn


Registered Investment Companies

     4       $ 2,231,105,068         None         N/A   

Other Pooled Investment Vehicles

     5       $ 883,848,529         None         N/A   

Other Accounts

     21       $ 5,243,988,196         1       $ 37,803   


1  Other Accounts Managed Information as of July 31, 2015.

Material Conflicts of Interest

Actual or apparent conflicts of interest may arise when a portfolio manager has day-to-day management responsibilities with respect to more than one investment account. Portfolio managers who manage other investment accounts in addition to a Fund of the Trust may be presented with the following potential conflicts:


Investment Professional Conflict of Interest Disclosure.    As an investment adviser and fiduciary, AB owes its clients and shareholders an undivided duty of loyalty. We recognize that conflicts of interest are inherent in our business and accordingly have developed policies and procedures (including oversight monitoring) reasonably designed to detect, manage and mitigate the effects of actual or potential conflicts of interest in the area of employee personal trading, managing multiple accounts for multiple clients, including AllianceBernstein Mutual Funds, and allocating investment opportunities. Investment professionals, including portfolio managers and research analysts, are subject to the above-mentioned policies and oversight monitoring to ensure that all clients are treated equitably. We place the interests of our clients first and expect all of our employees to meet their fiduciary duties.

Employee Personal Trading.    AB has adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics that is designed to detect and prevent conflicts of interest when investment professionals and other personnel of AB own, buy or sell securities which may be owned by, or bought or sold for, clients. Personal securities transactions by an employee may raise a potential conflict of interest when an employee owns or trades in a security that is owned or considered for purchase or sale by a client, or recommended for purchase or sale by an employee to a client. Subject to the reporting requirements and other limitations of its Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, AB permits its employees to engage in personal securities transactions, and also allows them to acquire investments in the AllianceBernstein Mutual Funds. AB’s Code of Ethics and Business Conduct requires disclosure of all personal accounts and maintenance of brokerage accounts with designated broker-dealers approved by AB. The Code also requires preclearance of all securities transactions (except transactions in open-end mutual funds) and imposes a 60 day holding period for securities purchased by employees to discourage short-term trading.

Managing Multiple Accounts for Multiple Clients.    AB has compliance policies and oversight monitoring in place to address conflicts of interest relating to the management of multiple accounts for multiple clients. Conflicts of interest may arise when an investment professional has responsibilities for the investments of more than one account because the investment professional may be unable to devote equal time and attention to each account. The investment professional or investment professional teams for each client may have responsibilities for managing all or a portion of the investments of multiple accounts with a common investment strategy, including other registered investment companies, unregistered investment vehicles, such as hedge funds, pension plans, separate accounts, collective trusts and charitable foundations. Among other things, AB’s policies and procedures provide for the prompt dissemination to investment professionals of initial or changed investment recommendations by analysts so that investment professionals are better able to develop investment strategies for all accounts they manage. In addition, investment decisions by investment professionals are reviewed for the purpose of maintaining uniformity among similar accounts and ensuring that accounts are treated equitably. No investment professional that manages client accounts carrying performance fees is compensated directly or specifically for the performance of those accounts. Investment professional compensation reflects a broad contribution in multiple dimensions to long-term investment success for our clients and is not tied specifically to the performance of any particular client’s account, nor is it directly tied to the level or change in level of assets under management.

Allocating Investment Opportunities.    AB has policies and procedures intended to address conflicts of interest relating to the allocation of investment opportunities. These policies and procedures are designed to ensure that information relevant to investment decisions is disseminated promptly within its portfolio management teams and investment opportunities are allocated equitably among different clients. The investment professionals at AB routinely are required to select and allocate investment opportunities among accounts. Portfolio holdings, position sizes, and industry and sector exposures tend to be similar across similar accounts, which minimizes the potential for conflicts of interest relating to the allocation of investment opportunities. Nevertheless, investment



opportunities may be allocated differently among accounts due to the particular characteristics of an account, such as size of the account, cash position, tax status, risk tolerance and investment restrictions or for other reasons.

AB’s procedures are also designed to prevent potential conflicts of interest that may arise when AB has a particular financial incentive, such as a performance-based management fee, relating to an account. An investment professional may perceive that he or she has an incentive to devote more time to developing and analyzing investment strategies and opportunities or allocating securities preferentially to accounts for which AB could share in investment gains.

To address these conflicts of interest, AB’s policies and procedures require, among other things, the prompt dissemination to investment professionals of any initial or changed investment recommendations by analysts; the aggregation of orders to facilitate best execution for all accounts; price averaging for all aggregated orders; objective allocation for limited investment opportunities (e.g., on a rotational basis) to ensure fair and equitable allocation among accounts; and limitations on short sales of securities. These procedures also require documentation and review of justifications for any decisions to make investments for only select accounts.


Each of the portfolio managers is also responsible for managing other accounts in addition to the Fund, including other accounts of AQR, or its affiliates. Other accounts may include, without limitation, separately managed accounts for foundations, endowments, pension plans, and high net-worth families; registered investment companies; unregistered investment companies relying on either Section 3(c)(1) or Section 3(c)(7) of the 1940 Act (such companies are commonly referred to as “hedge funds”); foreign investment companies; and may also include accounts or investments managed or made by the portfolio managers in a personal or other capacity (“Proprietary Accounts”). Management of other accounts in addition to the Fund can present certain conflicts of interest, as described below.

From time to time, potential conflicts of interest may arise between a portfolio manager’s management of the investments of the Fund, on the one hand, and the management of other accounts, on the other. The other accounts might have similar investment objectives or strategies as the Fund, or otherwise hold, purchase, or sell securities that are eligible to be held, purchased or sold by the Fund. Because of their positions with the Fund, the portfolio managers know the size, timing and possible market impact of the Fund’s trades. It is theoretically possible that the portfolio managers could use this information to the advantage of other accounts they manage and to the possible detriment of the Fund.

A potential conflict of interest may arise as a result of a portfolio manager’s management of a number of accounts (including Proprietary Accounts) with similar investment strategies. Often, an investment opportunity may be suitable for both the Fund and other accounts, but may not be available in sufficient quantities for both the Fund and the other accounts to participate fully. Similarly, there may be limited opportunity to sell an investment held by the Fund and another account. In addition, different account guidelines and/or differences within particular investment strategies may lead to the use of different investment practices for portfolios with a similar investment strategy. AQR will not necessarily purchase or sell the same securities at the same time, same direction, or in the same proportionate amounts for all eligible accounts, particularly if different accounts have materially different amounts of capital under management by AQR, different amounts of investable cash available, different strategies, or different risk tolerances. As a result, although AQR manages numerous accounts and/or portfolios with similar or identical investment objectives, or may manage accounts with different objectives that trade in the same securities, the portfolio decisions relating to these accounts, and the performance resulting from such decisions, may differ from account to account.

Whenever decisions are made to buy or sell securities by the Fund and one or more of the other accounts (including Proprietary Accounts) simultaneously, AQR or the portfolio manager may aggregate the purchases and sales of the securities and will allocate the securities transactions in a manner that it believes to be equitable under the circumstances. To this end, AQR has adopted policies and procedures that are intended to ensure that investment opportunities are allocated equitably among accounts over time. As a result of the allocations, there may be instances where the Fund will not participate in a transaction that is allocated among other accounts or the Fund may not be allocated the full amount of the securities sought to be traded. While these aggregation and allocation policies could have a detrimental effect on the price or amount of the securities available to the Fund from time to time, it is the opinion of AQR that the overall benefits outweigh any disadvantages that may arise from this practice. Subject to applicable laws and/or account restrictions, AQR may buy, sell or hold securities for other accounts while entering into a different or opposite investment decision for the Fund.

AQR and the Fund’s portfolio managers may also face a conflict of interest where some accounts pay higher fees to AQR than others, such as by means of performance fees. Specifically, the entitlement to a performance fee in managing one or more accounts may create an incentive for AQR to take risks in managing assets that it would not otherwise take in the absence of such arrangements. Additionally, since performance fees reward AQR for performance in accounts which are subject to such fees, AQR may have an incentive to favor these accounts over those that have only fixed asset-based fees with respect to areas such as trading opportunities, trade allocation, and allocation of new investment opportunities.



AQR has implemented specific policies and procedures (e.g., a code of ethics and trade allocation policies) that seek to address potential conflicts of interest that may arise in connection with the management of the Fund and other accounts and that are designed to ensure that all client accounts are treated fairly and equitably over time.


The following summarizes the policy of Ashmore for managing conflicts of interest. As an investment adviser to multiple client accounts, Ashmore recognizes that potential conflicts of interest may arise in its management of such accounts. Ashmore has adopted compliance policies and procedures that are designed to identify, manage and/or mitigate these conflicts. Although Ashmore believes its policies and procedures are appropriate to eliminate or minimize the harm of many potential conflicts of interest among Ashmore, its affiliates and clients, no set of policies and procedures can anticipate every potential conflict of interest. Accordingly, where a particular conflict that is not covered by such procedures arises, Ashmore will take the course of action most consistent with its policies to eliminate or minimize the harm of such conflict.

Conflicts of interest can arise where: (i) the interests of Ashmore conflict with those of a client (firm vs. client conflicts) and (ii) the interests of one client of Ashmore conflict with those of another of Ashmore’s clients (client vs. client conflicts). Ashmore has policies and arrangements in place to identify and manage conflicts of interest that may arise between Ashmore and its clients or between the Ashmore’s different clients. Ashmore has a policy of independence that requires its staff to disregard any personal interest, relationship or arrangement which gives rise to a conflict of interest and to ensure that the interests of clients prevail.

Ashmore places significant emphasis on its strong compliance culture, and the efficient operation of systems and controls, to manage issues such as conflicts of interest. Ashmore’s compliance department conducts regular monitoring checks to confirm that internal policies and procedures are followed.

Firm vs. client conflicts

Connected entity investment decisions — Ashmore acts as manager, investment manager, advisor or general partner to and may receive different rates of remuneration, including investment management/ advisory fees and performance fees from multiple client accounts. Whilst we may make decisions to buy or sell securities or other investments for one account and not another account, which may affect relative performance and hence the value of our remuneration based thereon, we will at all times have regard to our obligations to each client, taking into account such clients’ investment restrictions and other relevant factors.

Investment as principal — Ashmore has from time to time taken, and may from time to time take a long-term or short-term position in a client fund, in some cases to provide initial capital and establish a solid platform for the future growth of such client fund. We have and may also in the future co-invest in an investment alongside a client or client fund, either directly or indirectly, or invest in any entity which forms part of, or acquires part or all of, a client fund’s assets or client fund itself. Ashmore’s return on investment in a client fund will be determined by reference to the investment decisions we make for such client fund, and in the case of co-investment or other investment, by reference to the change in value of such investment. Principal transactions by Ashmore are made subject to policy and limits specified from time to time by the Board of Ashmore Group plc. Our policies require that all personal interests, relationships or arrangements, including those of our affiliated companies must be disregarded to ensure that the best interests of all clients are served.

Ashmore staff personal investments — certain directors and employees of Ashmore or of an affiliated company may hold or deal for their personal account in securities of a client or of any issuer in which securities or investments are held or dealt in on behalf of a client. They may also deal, outside closed periods, in the securities of the ultimate holding company, Ashmore Group plc or, in the case of joint ventures, hold shares or other investments in an affiliated company. All Ashmore directors and employees are subject to the Ashmore Personal Account Dealing Code.

Client vs. client conflicts

Aggregation of transactions in investments — Ashmore may aggregate purchase and sale transactions in investments (and associated transaction costs) for applicable clients (and as referred to above applicable investments as principal).

The applicable clients may have different or similar investment strategies, objectives and restrictions, and they may be structured differently (such as redemption and subscription (or analogous) terms). Accordingly, aggregation may result in different outcomes for certain such clients, for instance in respect of the holding period for an investment, the size of a client’s exposure to such investment, and the price at which an investment may be acquired or disposed of. Depending on the circumstances, aggregation may be advantageous or disadvantageous to the client.



Allocation of transactions in investments — aggregated transactions as referred to above, including costs and expenses thereof, are allocated to ensure that our clients have broadly equal access to a similar quality and quantity of suitable investment transactions, taking into account the factors mentioned above, amongst others. Our policy further requires all allocations to be effected at the same price, but in very limited instances this may not be achievable due to the mechanics of certain markets.

Transactions between clients — Ashmore may make decisions for one client to buy or sell units, shares or other investments in other funds, investment companies or other entities to which Ashmore or an affiliated company is the manager or investment manager (for example for a fund of fund).

Ashmore may potentially charge the higher of the two management fees and could double-charge performance fees where one fund invests in another emerging markets fund. Ashmore currently elects not to receive double performance fees on any such investments.

Ashmore may in certain circumstances effect a transaction between clients whereby one client buys an asset from another client for reasons that are beneficial to each client, on arms’ length terms. For example, a transaction between clients may be appropriate when a client fund has an obligation to meet applicable investment restrictions or investor redemption requirements, and where Ashmore determines that the investment continues to represent a valid opportunity to generate added value for one or more other clients to acquire the investment.”


BlackRock has built a professional working environment, firm-wide compliance culture and compliance procedures and systems designed to protect against potential incentives that may favor one account over another. BlackRock has adopted policies and procedures that address the allocation of investment opportunities, execution of portfolio transactions, personal trading by employees and other potential conflicts of interest that are designed to ensure that all client accounts are treated equitably over time. Nevertheless, BlackRock furnishes investment management and advisory services to numerous clients in addition to the Funds, and BlackRock may, consistent with applicable law, make investment recommendations to other clients or accounts (including accounts which are hedge funds or have performance or higher fees paid to BlackRock, or in which portfolio managers have a personal interest in the receipt of such fees), which may be the same as or different from those made to the Funds. In addition, BlackRock, its affiliates and significant shareholders and any officer, director, shareholder or employee may or may not have an interest in the securities whose purchase and sale BlackRock recommends to the Fund. BlackRock, or any of its affiliates or significant shareholders, or any officer, director, shareholder, employee or any member of their families may take different actions than those recommended to the Fund by BlackRock with respect to the same securities. Moreover, BlackRock may refrain from rendering any advice or services concerning securities of companies of which any of BlackRock’s (or its affiliates’ or significant shareholders’) officers, directors or employees are directors or officers, or companies as to which BlackRock or any of its affiliates or significant shareholders or the officers, directors and employees of any of them has any substantial economic interest or possesses material non-public information. Certain portfolio managers also may manage accounts whose investment strategies may at times be opposed to the strategy utilized for the Funds. It should also be noted that Mr. Callan and Ms. Xie may be managing hedge fund and/or long only accounts, or may be part of a team managing hedge fund and/or long only accounts, subject to incentive fees. Mr. Callan and Ms. Xie may therefore be entitled to receive a portion of any incentive fees earned on such accounts. Currently, the portfolio managers of these funds are not entitled to receive a portion of incentive fees of other accounts.

As a fiduciary, BlackRock owes a duty of loyalty to its clients and must treat each client fairly. When BlackRock purchases or sells securities for more than one account, the trades must be allocated in a manner consistent with its fiduciary duties. BlackRock attempts to allocate investments in a fair and equitable manner among client accounts, with no account receiving preferential treatment. To this end, BlackRock has adopted policies that are intended to ensure reasonable efficiency in client transactions and provide BlackRock with sufficient flexibility to allocate investments in a manner that is consistent with the particular investment discipline and client base, as appropriate.


BlueBay may provide investment management services for other clients and accounts similar to those provided to the Fund and which may give rise to potential conflicts of interest. BlueBay has established and implemented policies and procedures designed to address such conflicting interests, including a conflicts of interest policy, trade execution and allocation policies and training programs for employees.

A potential conflict of interest may arise as a result of a BlueBay portfolio manager’s responsibility for multiple accounts with similar investment objectives or strategies as the Fund, track the same index or otherwise hold, purchase or sell securities that are permitted for the Fund. A potential investment may be suitable for more than one of the portfolio manager’s accounts, and conflict may arise in respect of the allocation and aggregation of securities transactions to accounts. When allocating transactions among



accounts it is BlueBay’s policy that all clients should be treated fairly and that, to the extent possible, all clients should receive equitable treatment over time and that no account will receive more favorable treatment or be disadvantaged over other accounts managed by BlueBay.

BlueBay seeks best execution with respect to all securities transactions and has implemented policies and procedures that it believes are reasonably designed to mitigate and manage any potential conflicts. When giving effect to decisions to deal on behalf of clients, the exact nature of the best possible result will be determined by BlueBay by using its commercial judgment and experience in light of market information and taking into account the following criteria: the characteristics of the client, the characteristics of the order, the characteristics of the instrument or product and the characteristics of the brokers, counterparties, exchange or trading system to which the order can be directed. BlueBay is a subsidiary of Royal Bank of Canada (“RBC”), a global financial services company with a number of affiliated entities. RBC group entities may be used, where permitted by regulation and the client’s contract, to effect transactions with BlueBay’s clients. Transactions with RBC group entities are executed on an arm’s length basis and in accordance with BlueBay’s best execution obligation.

Other conflicts may arise where a portfolio manager may trade the same trade securities in a personal capacity and also for client accounts. All employees are subject to and must comply with restrictions on engaging in personal transactions pursuant to a personal account dealing policy adopted by BlueBay and which details pre-trade approval, reporting and holding requirements for transactions.

BlueBay has adopted a written code of ethics that is applicable to all employees, partners and staff. Among other things, the code requires BlueBay and its employees, partners and staff to act in clients’ best interest, abide by all applicable regulations, avoid even the appearance of insider trading, and pre-clear and report on many types of personal securities transactions. BlueBay’s restrictions on personal securities trading apply to employees, partners and staff as well as their family members living in the same household. The CCO monitors employee trading, relative to client trading, to ensure that employees do not engage in improper transactions.

The Conflicts of Interest Policy established by BlueBay sets out the most important and/or relevant aspects of the arrangements which BlueBay has put in place to manage potential conflicting interests. BlueBay’s arrangements for managing potential conflicts are reviewed at least annually and whenever a material change occurs that affects BlueBay’s ability to manage its conflicts.

Boston Partners

The compensation paid to Boston Partners for managing the Fund is based on a percentage of assets under management and for certain accounts on a performance fee. Portfolio managers benefit from Boston Partners revenues and profitability. But no Portfolio Managers are compensated based directly on fee revenue earned by Boston Partners on particular accounts in a way that would create a material conflict of interest in favoring particular accounts over other accounts.

Execution and research services provided by brokers may not always be utilized in connection with the Fund or other client accounts that may have provided the commission or a portion of the commission paid to the broker providing the services. Boston Partners allocates brokerage commissions for these services in a manner that it believes is fair and equitable and consistent with its fiduciary obligations to each of its clients.

If a portfolio manager identifies a limited investment opportunity that may be suitable for more than one fund or other client account, the Fund may not be able to take full advantage of that opportunity. To mitigate this conflict of interest, Boston Partners aggregates orders of the funds it advises with orders from each of its other client accounts in order to ensure that all clients are treated fairly and equitably over time and consistent with its fiduciary obligations to each of its clients.


Potential conflicts of interest may arise when a Fund’s portfolio manager has day-to-day management responsibilities with respect to one or more other funds or other accounts, as is the case for certain of the portfolio managers.

The investment adviser and the fund(s) have adopted compliance policies and procedures that are designed to address various conflicts of interest that may arise for the investment adviser and the individuals that it employs. For example, ClearBridge seeks to minimize the effects of competing interests for the time and attention of portfolio managers by assigning portfolio managers to manage funds and accounts that share a similar investment style. ClearBridge has also adopted trade allocation procedures that are designed to facilitate the fair allocation of limited investment opportunities among multiple funds and accounts. There is no guarantee, however, that the policies and procedures adopted by ClearBridge and the fund(s) will be able to detect and/or prevent every situation in which an actual or potential conflict may appear.

These potential conflicts include:

Allocation of Limited Time and Attention.    A portfolio manager who is responsible for managing multiple funds and/or accounts may devote unequal time and attention to the management of those funds and/or accounts. As a result, the portfolio manager may not



be able to formulate as complete a strategy or identify equally attractive investment opportunities for each of those accounts as might be the case if he or she were to devote substantially more attention to the management of a single fund. The effects of this potential conflict may be more pronounced where funds and/or accounts overseen by a particular portfolio manager have different investment strategies.

Allocation of Limited Investment Opportunities.    If a portfolio manager identifies a limited investment opportunity that may be suitable for multiple funds and/or accounts, the opportunity may be allocated among these several funds or accounts, which may limit a fund’s ability to take full advantage of the investment opportunity.

Pursuit of Differing Strategies.    At times, a portfolio manager may determine that an investment opportunity may be appropriate for only some of the funds and/or accounts for which he or she exercises investment responsibility, or may decide that certain of the funds and/or accounts should take differing positions with respect to a particular security. In these cases, the portfolio manager may place separate transactions for one or more funds or accounts which may affect the market price of the security or the execution of the transaction, or both, to the detriment or benefit of one or more other funds and/or accounts.

Variation in Compensation.    A conflict of interest may arise where the financial or other benefits available to the portfolio manager differ among the funds and/or accounts that he or she manages. If the structure of the investment adviser’s management fee and/or the portfolio manager’s compensation differs among funds and/or accounts (such as where certain funds or accounts pay higher management fees or performance-based management fees), the portfolio manager might be motivated to help certain funds and/or accounts over others. The portfolio manager might be motivated to favor funds and/or accounts in which he or she has an interest or in which the investment advisor and/or its affiliates have interests. Similarly, the desire to maintain or raise assets under management or to enhance the portfolio manager’s performance record or to derive other rewards, financial or otherwise, could influence the portfolio manager to lend preferential treatment to those funds and/or accounts that could most significantly benefit the portfolio manager.

Selection of Brokers/Dealers.    Portfolio managers may be able to select or influence the selection of the brokers and dealers that are used to execute securities transactions for the funds and/or accounts that they supervise. In addition to executing trades, some brokers and dealers provide brokerage and research services (as those terms are defined in Section 28(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934), which may result in the payment of higher brokerage fees than might otherwise be available. These services may be more beneficial to certain funds or accounts than to others. Although the payment of brokerage commissions is subject to the requirement that the sub-adviser determines in good faith that the commissions are reasonable in relation to the value of the brokerage and research services provided to the fund, a decision as to the selection of brokers and dealers could yield disproportionate costs and benefits among the funds and/or accounts managed. For this reason, the sub-adviser has formed a brokerage committee that reviews, among other things, the allocation of brokerage to broker/dealers, best execution and soft dollar usage.

Related Business Opportunities.    The investment adviser or its affiliates may provide more services (such as distribution or recordkeeping) for some types of funds or accounts than for others. In such cases, a portfolio manager may benefit, either directly or indirectly, by devoting disproportionate attention to the management of fund and/or accounts that provide greater overall returns to the investment manager and its affiliates.


Actual or apparent conflicts of interest may arise when a portfolio manager has the primary day-to-day responsibilities with respect to more than one fund and other accounts. Other accounts include registered mutual funds (other than PD International Large-Cap Portfolio and PD Emerging Markets Portfolio, or collectively, “the Portfolios”), other unregistered pooled investment vehicles, and other accounts managed for organizations and individuals (collectively, “Accounts”). An Account may have similar investment objectives to the Portfolios, or may purchase, sell, or hold securities that are eligible to be purchased, sold, or held by the Portfolios. Actual or apparent conflicts of interest include:


    Time Management.    The management of multiple Accounts may result in a portfolio manager devoting unequal time and attention to the management of each fund and/or Account. Dimensional seeks to manage such competing interests for the time and attention of portfolio managers by having portfolio managers focus on a particular investment discipline. Certain Accounts managed by a portfolio manager are managed using the same investment approaches that are used in connection with the management of the Portfolios.


    Investment Opportunities.    It is possible that at times identical securities will be held by more than one Account. However, positions in the same security may vary and the length of time that any Account may choose to hold its investment in the same security may likewise vary. If a portfolio manager identifies a limited investment opportunity that may be suitable for more than one Account, the Portfolios may not be able to take full advantage of that opportunity due to an allocation of filled purchase or sale orders across all eligible Accounts. To deal with these situations, Dimensional has adopted procedures for allocating portfolio transactions across multiple Accounts.



    Broker Selection.    With respect to securities transactions for the Portfolios, Dimensional determines which broker to use to execute each order, consistent with Dimensional’s duty to seek best execution of the transaction. However, with respect to certain Accounts (such as separate accounts), Dimensional may be limited by the client with respect to the selection of brokers or may be instructed to direct trades through a particular broker. In these cases, Dimensional or its affiliates may place separate, non-simultaneous, transactions for the Portfolios and another Account that may temporarily affect the market price of the security or the execution of the transaction, or both, to the detriment of the Portfolios or the Account.


    Performance-Based Fees.    For some Accounts, Dimensional may be compensated based on the profitability of the Account, such as by a performance-based management fee. These incentive compensation structures may create a conflict of interest for Dimensional with regard to Accounts where Dimensional is paid based on a percentage of assets because the portfolio manager may have an incentive to allocate securities preferentially to the Accounts where Dimensional might share in investment gains.


    Investment in an Account.    A portfolio manager or his/her relatives may invest in an Account that he or she manages and a conflict may arise where he or she may therefore have an incentive to treat the Account in which the portfolio manager or his/her relatives invest preferentially as compared to the Portfolios or other Accounts for which he or she has portfolio management responsibilities.

Dimensional has adopted certain compliance procedures that are reasonably designed to address these types of conflicts. However, there is no guarantee that such procedures will detect each and every situation in which a conflict arises.

Eaton Vance

It is possible that conflicts of interest may arise in connection with a portfolio manager’s management of the Fund’s investments on the one hand and the investments of other accounts for which the portfolio manager is responsible for on the other. For example, a portfolio manager may have conflicts of interest in allocating management time, resources and investment opportunities among the fund and other accounts he advises. In addition, due to differences in the investment strategies or restrictions between the fund and the other accounts, a portfolio manager may take action with respect to another account that differs from the action taken with respect to the fund. In some cases, another account managed by a portfolio manager may compensate the investment adviser based on the performance of the securities held by that account. The existence of such a performance based fee may create additional conflicts of interest for the portfolio manager in the allocation of management time, resources and investment opportunities. Whenever conflicts of interest arise, the portfolio managers will endeavor to exercise their discretion in a manner that they believe is equitable to all interested persons. Eaton Vance has adopted several policies and procedures designed to address these potential conflicts including a code of ethics and policies which govern Eaton Vance’s trading practices, including among other things the aggregation and allocation of trades among clients, brokerage allocation, cross trades and best execution.


Portfolio managers that provide investment services to the Fund may also provide services to a variety of other investment products, including other funds, institutional accounts and private accounts. The advisory fees for some of such other products and accounts may be different than that charged to the Fund and may include performance based compensation. This may result in fees that are higher (or lower) than the advisory fees paid by the Fund. As a matter of policy, each fund or account is managed solely for the benefit of the beneficial owners thereof. As discussed below, the separation of the trading execution function from the portfolio management function and the application of objectively based trade allocation procedures help to mitigate potential conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of the portfolio managers managing accounts with different advisory fees.

Conflicts.    The management of multiple funds, including the Fund, and accounts may also give rise to potential conflicts of interest if the funds and other accounts have different objectives, benchmarks, time horizons, and fees as the portfolio manager must allocate his or her time and investment ideas across multiple funds and accounts. The Investment manager seeks to manage such competing Interests for the time and attention of portfolio managers by having portfolio managers focus on a particular investment discipline. Most other accounts managed by a portfolio manager are managed using the same investment strategies that are used in connection with the management of the Fund. Accordingly, portfolio holdings, position sizes, and industry and sector exposures tend to be similar across similar portfolios, which may minimize the potential for conflicts of interest. As noted above, the separate management of the trade execution and valuation functions from the portfolio management process also helps to reduce potential conflicts of interest. However, securities selected for funds or accounts other than the Fund may outperform the securities selected for the Fund. Moreover, if a portfolio manager identifies a limited investment opportunity that may be suitable for more than one fund or other account, the Fund may not be able to take full advantage of that opportunity due to an allocation of that opportunity across all eligible funds and other accounts. The investment manager seeks to manage such potential conflicts by using procedures intended to provide a fair allocation of buy and sell opportunities among funds and other accounts.



The structure of a portfolio manager’s compensation may give rise to potential conflicts of interest. A portfolio manager’s base pay and bonus tend to increase with additional and more complex responsibilities that include increased assets under management. As such, there may be an indirect relationship between a portfolio manager’s marketing or sales efforts and his or her bonus.

Finally, the management of personal accounts by a portfolio manager may give rise to potential conflicts of Interest. While the funds and the Investment manager have adopted a code of ethics which they believe contains provisions reasonably necessary to prevent a wide range of prohibited activities by portfolio managers and others with respect to their personal trading activities, there can be no assurance that the code of ethics addresses all individual conduct that could result in conflicts of interest.

The investment manager and the Fund have adopted certain compliance procedures that are designed to address these, and other, types of conflicts. However, there is no guarantee that such procedures will detect each and every situation where a conflict arises.


Actual or apparent conflicts of interest may arise when a portfolio manager has day-to-day management responsibilities with respect to more than one fund or other account. More specifically, portfolio managers who manage multiple funds and/or other accounts may be presented with one or more of the following potential conflicts:


    The management of multiple funds and/or other accounts may result in a portfolio manager devoting unequal time and attention to the management of each fund and/or other account. Invesco seeks to manage such competing interests for the time and attention of portfolio managers by having portfolio managers focus on a particular investment discipline. Most other accounts managed by a portfolio manager are managed using the same investment models that are used in connection with the management of the Fund.


    If a portfolio manager identifies a limited investment opportunity which may be suitable for more than one fund or other account, a fund may not be able to take full advantage of that opportunity due to an allocation of filled purchase or sale orders across all eligible funds and other accounts. To deal with these situations, Invesco and the Invesco Funds have adopted procedures for allocating portfolio transactions across multiple accounts.


    Invesco determines which broker to use to execute each order for securities transactions for the Fund, consistent with its duty to seek best execution of the transaction. However, for certain other accounts (such as mutual funds for which Invesco or an affiliate acts as sub-adviser, other pooled investment vehicles that are not registered mutual funds, and other accounts managed for organizations and individuals), Invesco may be limited by the client with respect to the selection of brokers or may be instructed to direct trades through a particular broker. In these cases, trades for a fund in a particular security may be placed separately from, rather than aggregated with, such other accounts. Having separate transactions with respect to a security may temporarily affect the market price of the security or the execution of the transaction, or both, to the possible detriment of the fund or other account(s) involved.


    Finally, the appearance of a conflict of interest may arise where Invesco has an incentive, such as a performance-based management fee, which relates to the management of one Fund or account but not all Fund’s and accounts for which a portfolio manager has day-to-day management responsibilities.

Invesco has adopted certain compliance procedures which are designed to address these types of conflicts. However, there is no guarantee that such procedures will detect each and every situation in which a conflict arises.


Actual or apparent conflicts of interest may arise when a portfolio manager has day-to-day management responsibilities with respect to more than one fund or account, such as the following:


    The management of multiple funds and/or other accounts may result in a portfolio manager devoting unequal time and attention to the management of each fund and/or other account. Ivy seeks to manage such competing interests for the time and attention of portfolio managers by having a portfolio manager focus on a particular investment discipline. Most other accounts managed by a portfolio manager are managed using the same investment models that are used in connection with the management of the funds.


    The portfolio manager might execute transactions for another fund or account that may adversely impact the value of securities held by the Fund. Securities selected for funds or accounts other than the Fund might outperform the securities selected for the Fund. Ivy seeks to manage this potential conflict by requiring all portfolio transactions to be allocated pursuant to Ivy’s Allocation Procedures.

Ivy and the Funds have adopted certain compliance procedures, including the Code of Ethics, which are designed to address certain types of conflicts. However, there is no guarantee that such procedures will detect each and every situation in which a conflict arises.



Conflicts of Interest Between IVY and the Trust:

Ivy will use the following three-step process to address conflicts of interest: (1) Ivy will attempt to identify any potential conflicts of interest; (2) Ivy will then determine if the conflict as identified is material; and (3) Ivy will follow established procedures, as described generally below, to ensure that its proxy voting decisions are based on the best interests of the Funds and are not the product of a material conflict.

(1)  Identifying Conflicts of Interest:    Ivy will evaluate the nature of its relationships to assess which, if any, might place its interests, as well as those of its affiliates, in conflict with those of the Fund’s shareholders on a proxy voting matter. Ivy will review any potential conflicts that involve the following three general categories to determine if there is a conflict and if so, if the conflict is material:


    Business Relationships — Ivy will review any situation for a material conflict where Ivy provides investment advisory services for a company or an employee group, manages pension assets, administers employee benefit plans, leases office space from a company, or provides brokerage, underwriting, insurance, banking or consulting services to a company or if it is determined that Ivy (or an affiliate) otherwise has a similar significant relationship with a third party such that the third party might have an incentive to encourage Ivy to vote in favor of management.


    Personal Relationships — Ivy will review any situation where it (or an affiliate) has a personal relationship with other proponents of proxy proposals, participants in proxy contests, corporate directors, or candidates for directorships to determine if a material conflict exists.


    Familial Relationships — Ivy will review any situation where it (or an affiliate) has a known familial relationship relating to a company (for example, a spouse or other relative who serves as a director of a public company or is employed by the company) to determine if a material conflict exists.

Ivy will designate an individual or committee to review and identify proxies for potential conflicts of interest on an ongoing basis.

(2)  “Material Conflicts”:    Ivy will review each relationship identified as having a potential conflict based on the individual facts and circumstances. For purposes of this review, Ivy will attempt to detect those relationships deemed material based on the reasonable likelihood that they would be viewed as important by the average shareholder.

(3)  Procedures to Address Material Conflicts:    Ivy will use the following techniques to vote proxies that have been determined to present a “Material Conflict.”


    Use a Proxy Voting Service for Specific Proposals — As a primary means of voting material conflicts, Ivy will vote in accordance with the recommendation of an independent proxy voting service (Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) or another independent third party if a recommendation from ISS is unavailable).


    Client directed — If the Material Conflict arises from Ivy’s management of a third party account and the client provides voting instructions on a particular vote, Ivy will vote according to the directions provided by the client.


    Use a Predetermined Voting Policy — If no directives are provided by either ISS or the client, Ivy may vote material conflicts pursuant to the pre-determined Proxy Voting Policies, established herein, should such subject matter fall sufficiently within the identified subject matter. If the issue involves a material conflict and Ivy chooses to use a predetermined voting policy, Ivy will not be permitted to vary from the established voting policies established herein.


    Seek Board Guidance — If the Material Conflict does not fall within one of the situations referenced above, Ivy may seek guidance from the Board on matters involving a conflict. Under this method, Ivy will disclose the nature of the conflict to the Board and obtain the Board’s consent or direction to vote the proxies. Ivy may use the Board guidance to vote proxies for its non-mutual fund clients.

JP Morgan

The potential for conflicts of interest exists when portfolio managers manage other accounts with similar investment objectives and strategies as the Fund (“Similar Accounts”). Potential conflicts may include, for example, conflicts between investment strategies and conflicts in the allocation of investment opportunities. Responsibility for managing JP Morgan’s and its affiliates’ clients’ portfolios is organized according to investment strategies within asset classes. Generally, client portfolios with similar strategies are managed by portfolio managers in the same portfolio management group using the same objectives, approach and philosophy. Underlying sectors or strategy allocations within a larger portfolio are likewise managed by portfolio managers who use the same approach and philosophy as similarly managed portfolios. Therefore, portfolio holdings, relative position sizes and industry and sector exposures tend to be similar across similar portfolios and strategies, which minimizes the potential for conflicts of interest.



JP Morgan and/or its affiliates (“JPMorgan Chase”) perform investment services, including rendering investment advice, to varied clients. JP Morgan, JPMorgan Chase and its or their directors, officers, agents, and/or employees may render similar or differing investment advisory services to clients and may give advice or exercise investment responsibility and take such other action with respect to any of its other clients that differs from the advice given or the timing or nature of action taken with respect to another client or group of clients. It is JP Morgan’s policy, to the extent practicable, to allocate, within its reasonable discretion, investment opportunities among clients over a period of time on a fair and equitable basis. One or more of JP Morgan’s other client accounts may at any time hold, acquire, increase, decrease, dispose, or otherwise deal with positions in investments in which another client account may have an interest from time-to-time.

JP Morgan, JPMorgan Chase, and any of its or their directors, partners, officers, agents or employees, may also buy, sell, or trade securities for their own accounts or the proprietary accounts of JP Morgan and/or JPMorgan Chase. JP Morgan and/or JPMorgan Chase, within their discretion, may make different investment decisions and other actions with respect to their own proprietary accounts than those made for client accounts, including the timing or nature of such investment decisions or actions. Further, JP Morgan is not required to purchase or sell for any client account securities that it, JPMorgan Chase, and any of its or their employees, principals, or agents may purchase or sell for their own accounts or the proprietary accounts of JP Morgan, or JPMorgan Chase or its clients.

JP Morgan and/or its affiliates may receive more compensation with respect to certain Similar Accounts than that received with respect to the Fund or may receive compensation based in part on the performance of certain Similar Accounts. This may create a potential conflict of interest for JP Morgan and its affiliates or the portfolio managers by providing an incentive to favor these Similar Accounts when, for example, placing securities transactions. In addition, JP Morgan or its affiliates could be viewed as having a conflict of interest to the extent that JP Morgan or an affiliate has a proprietary investment in Similar Accounts, the portfolio managers have personal investments in Similar Accounts or the Similar Accounts are investment options in JP Morgan’s or its affiliates’ employee benefit plans. Potential conflicts of interest may arise with both the aggregation and allocation of securities transactions and allocation of investment opportunities because of market factors or investment restrictions imposed upon JP Morgan and its affiliates by law, regulation, contract or internal policies. Allocations of aggregated trades, particularly trade orders that were only partially completed due to limited availability and allocation of investment opportunities generally, could raise a potential conflict of interest, as JP Morgan or its affiliates may have an incentive to allocate securities that are expected to increase in value to favored accounts. Initial public offerings, in particular, are frequently of very limited availability. JP Morgan and its affiliates may be perceived as causing accounts they manage to participate in an offering to increase JP Morgan’s and its affiliates’ overall allocation of securities in that offering. A potential conflict of interest also may be perceived to arise if transactions in one account closely follow related transactions in a different account, such as when a purchase increases the value of securities previously purchased by another account, or when a sale in one account lowers the sale price received in a sale by a second account. If JP Morgan or its affiliates manage accounts that engage in short sales of securities of the type in which the Fund invests, JP Morgan or its affiliates could be seen as harming the performance of the Fund for the benefit of the accounts engaging in short sales if the short sales cause the market value of the securities to fall.

As an internal policy matter, JP Morgan or its affiliates may from time to time maintain certain overall investment limitations on the securities positions or positions in other financial instruments JP Morgan or its affiliates will take on behalf of its various clients due to, among other things, liquidity concerns and regulatory restrictions. Such policies may preclude the Fund from purchasing particular securities or financial instruments, even if such securities or financial instruments would otherwise meet the Fund’s objectives.

The goal of JP Morgan and its affiliates is to meet their fiduciary obligation with respect to all clients. JP Morgan and its affiliates have policies and procedures that seek to manage conflicts. JP Morgan and its affiliates monitor a variety of areas, including compliance with fund guidelines, review of allocation decisions and compliance with JP Morgan’s Codes of Ethics and JPMorgan Chase and Co.’s Code of Conduct. With respect to the allocation of investment opportunities, JP Morgan and its affiliates also have certain policies designed to achieve fair and equitable allocation of investment opportunities among its clients over time. For example:

Orders for the same equity security traded through a single trading desk or system are aggregated on a continual basis throughout each trading day consistent with JP Morgan’s and its affiliates’ duty of best execution for their clients. If aggregated trades are fully executed, accounts participating in the trade will be allocated their pro rata share on an average price basis. Partially completed orders generally will be allocated among the participating accounts on a pro-rata average price basis, subject to certain limited exceptions. For example, accounts that would receive a de minimis allocation relative to their size may be excluded from the order. Another exception may occur when thin markets or price volatility require that an aggregated order be completed in multiple executions over several days. If partial completion of the order would result in an uneconomic allocation to an account due to fixed transaction or custody costs, JP Morgan and its affiliates may exclude small orders until 50% of the total order is completed. Then the small orders will be executed. Following this procedure, small orders will lag in the early execution of the order, but will be completed before completion of the total order.



Purchases of money market instruments and fixed income securities cannot always be allocated pro rata across the accounts with the same investment strategy and objective. However, the Adviser and its affiliates attempt to mitigate any potential unfairness by basing non-pro rata allocations traded through a single trading desk or system upon objective predetermined criteria for the selection of investments and a disciplined process for allocating securities with similar duration, credit quality and liquidity in the good faith judgment of the Adviser or its affiliates so that fair and equitable allocation will occur over time.


The portfolio manager may manage other accounts with investment strategies similar to the Fund. Those other accounts may include other Janus funds, private-label mutual funds for which Janus serves as subadviser, and separately managed accounts or pooled investment vehicles, such as hedge funds, which may have materially higher fees than a portfolio or may have performance-based management fees. Fees earned by Janus may vary among these accounts, the portfolio managers may personally invest in some but not all of these accounts, and certain of these accounts may have a greater impact on their compensation than others. In addition, certain portfolio managers may also have roles as research analysts for one or more Janus funds and receive compensation with respect to the analyst role. These factors could create conflicts of interest because a portfolio manager may have incentives to favor certain accounts over others, resulting in the potential for other accounts outperforming a Fund. A conflict may also exist if a portfolio manager identifies a limited investment opportunity that may be appropriate for more than one account, but a Fund is not able to take full advantage of that opportunity due to the need to allocate that opportunity among multiple accounts. In addition, a portfolio manager may execute transactions for another account that may adversely impact the value of securities held by a Fund. However, Janus believes that these conflicts may be mitigated to a certain extent by the fact that accounts with like investment strategies managed by a particular portfolio manager are generally managed in a similar fashion, subject to a variety of exceptions, for example, to account for particular investment restrictions or policies applicable only to certain accounts, certain portfolio holdings that may be transferred in-kind when an account is opened, differences in cash flows and account sizes, and similar factors. In addition, Janus has adopted trade allocation procedures that govern allocation of securities among various Janus accounts.

Lord Abbett

Conflicts of interest may arise in connection with Lord Abbett portfolio managers’ management of the investments of the Small-Cap Growth Portfolio and the investments of the portfolio managers’ other accounts included in the table above. Such conflicts may arise with respect to the allocation of investment opportunities among the Fund and other accounts with similar investment objectives and policies. A portfolio manager potentially could use information concerning the Fund’s transactions to the advantage of other accounts and to the detriment of the Fund. To address these potential conflicts of interest, Lord Abbett has adopted and implemented a number of policies and procedures. Lord Abbett has adopted Policies and Procedures Relating to Client Brokerage and Soft Dollars, as well as Evaluation of Proprietary Research Policy and Procedures. The objective of these policies and procedures is to ensure the fair and equitable treatment of transactions and allocation of investment opportunities on behalf of all accounts managed by Lord Abbett. In addition, Lord Abbett’s Code of Ethics sets forth general principles for the conduct of employee personal securities transactions in a manner that avoids any actual or potential conflicts of interest with the interests of Lord Abbett’s clients including the Fund. Moreover, Lord Abbett’s Insider Trading and Receipt of Material Non-Public Information Policy and Procedure sets forth procedures for personnel to follow when they have inside information. Lord Abbett is not affiliated with a full service broker-dealer and therefore does not execute any portfolio transactions through such an entity, a structure that could give rise to additional conflicts. Lord Abbett does not conduct any investment bank functions and does not manage any hedge funds. Lord Abbett does not believe that any material conflicts of interest exist in connection with the portfolio managers’ management of the investments of the Fund and the investments of the portfolio managers’ other accounts referenced in the table above.


MCG acts as investment adviser for a variety of individual accounts, ERISA accounts, mutual funds, other commingled funds insurance company separate accounts, and public employee retirement plans and places orders to trade portfolio securities for each of these accounts. Managing multiple accounts may give rise to potential conflicts of interest including, for example, conflicts among investment strategies and conflicts in the allocation of investment opportunities. MCG has adopted and implemented policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to address the potential conflicts associated with managing accounts for multiple clients, including the Fund, and are designed to ensure that all clients are treated fairly and equitably. MCG also has adopted and implemented policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to prevent conflicts of interests or the appearance of such conflicts when portfolio managers or other personnel own or engage in transactions involving certain commingled funds managed by MCG.




MFS seeks to identify potential conflicts of interest resulting from a portfolio manager’s management of the Growth Portfolio and the International Large-Cap Portfolio and other accounts and has adopted policies and procedures designed to address such potential conflicts.

The management of multiple portfolios and accounts (including proprietary accounts) gives rise to conflicts of interest if the portfolios and accounts have different objectives and strategies, benchmarks, time horizons and fees as a portfolio manager must allocate his or her time and investment ideas across multiple portfolios and accounts. In certain instances there are securities which are suitable for the Fund’s portfolio as well as for accounts of MFS or its subsidiaries with similar investment objectives. MFS’s trade allocation policies may give rise to conflicts of interest if the Fund’s orders do not get fully executed or are delayed in getting executed due to being aggregated with those of other accounts of MFS or its subsidiaries. A portfolio manager may execute transactions for another fund or account that may adversely affect the value of the Fund’s investments. Investments selected for funds or accounts other than the Fund may outperform investments selected for the Fund.

When two or more clients are simultaneously engaged in the purchase or sale of the same security, the securities are allocated among clients in a manner believed by MFS to be fair and equitable to each. Allocations may be based on many factors and may not always be pro rata based on assets managed. The allocation methodology could have a detrimental effect on the price or volume of the security as far as the Fund is concerned.

MFS and/or a portfolio manager may have a financial incentive to allocate favorable or limited opportunity investments or structure the timing of investments to favor accounts other than the Fund, for instance, those that pay a higher advisory fee and/or have a performance adjustment and/or include an investment by the portfolio manager.


Because the portfolio managers may manage assets for other investment companies, pooled investment vehicles, and/or other accounts (including institutional clients, pension plans and certain high net worth individuals), there may be an incentive to favor one client over another resulting in conflicts of interest. For instance, MSIM may receive fees from certain accounts that are higher than the fee it receives from the Fund, or it may receive a performance-based fee on certain accounts. In those instances, the portfolio managers may have an incentive to favor the higher and/or performance-based fee accounts over the Fund. In addition, a conflict of interest could exist to the extent MSIM has proprietary investments in certain accounts, where portfolio managers have personal investments in certain accounts or when certain accounts are investment options in MSIM’s employee benefits and/or deferred compensation plans. The portfolio manager may have an incentive to favor these accounts over others. If MSIM manages accounts that engage in short sales of securities of the type in which the Fund invests, MSIM could be seen as harming the performance of the Fund for the benefit of the accounts engaging in short sales if the short sales cause the market value of the securities to fall. MSIM has adopted trade allocation and other policies and procedures that it believes are reasonably designed to address these and other conflicts of interest.


NFJ is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC, whose ultimate parent is Allianz Asset Management of America L.P., which itself is indirectly owned by Allianz SE, a diversified global financial institution. NFJ follows the same compliance policies and procedures as noted below for Allianz Global Investors.

The Company, Allianz Global Investors has adopted compliance policies and procedures that attempt to address different sources of conflicts of interest. These include, but are not limited to, conflicts arising from:


    Different fee rates / structures;


    Accounts that wish to buy and / or sell the same securities;


    Different investment objectives and strategies;


    The management of multiple funds / accounts resulting in unequal attention from a portfolio manager;


    Influence on the selection of brokers and dealers used to execute transactions;


    Personal trading; and


    Front running.

In addition, certain employees, including investment personnel, are subject to restrictions on engaging in personal securities transactions pursuant to Allianz Global Investors’ Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics contains provisions and requirements designed to identify and address certain conflicts of interest between personal investments activities and the interest of our clients.



The Company has also adopted Conflict of Interest Standards (the “Standards”) that apply to all Allianz Global Investors’ Global Executive Committee Members. Certain provisions of the Standards also apply to all permanent guests who regularly attend the Global Executive Committee meetings (“Participants”). The Standards have been established to account for the fact that the Global Executive Committee Members and Participants (or other senior executives) may be exposed to certain conflicts due to their multi-layered and cross-jurisdictional management responsibilities within Allianz Global Investors and its subsidiaries.

The following topics are covered by the Standards:


    Personal account dealings;


    Inside information;


    Outside business activities / external board memberships; and


    Gifts and business entertainment.


The Company has adopted compliance policies and procedures that attempt to address different sources of conflicts of interest. These include, but are not limited to, conflicts arising from:


    Different fee rates / structures;


    Accounts that wish to buy and / or sell the same securities;


    Different investment objectives and strategies;


    The management of multiple funds / accounts resulting in unequal attention from a portfolio manager;


    Influence on the selection of brokers and dealers used to execute transactions;


    Personal trading; and


    Front running.

In addition, certain employees of the Company, including investment personnel, are subject to restrictions on engaging in personal securities transactions pursuant to a Code of Ethics adopted by the Company, which contains provisions and requirements designed to identify and address certain conflicts of interest between personal investments activities and the interest of our clients.


As indicated previously in the “Other Accounts Managed” sub-section, a portfolio manager may also manage other funds and accounts. At different times, a portfolio manager may manage other funds or accounts with investment objectives and strategies similar to, or different from, those of the Fund. At times, those responsibilities could potentially conflict with the interests of the Fund. That may occur whether the investment objectives and strategies of the other funds and accounts are the same as, or different from, the Fund’s investment objectives and strategies. For example, a portfolio manager may need to allocate investment opportunities between the Fund and another fund or account having similar objectives or strategies, or may need to execute transactions for another fund or account that could have a negative impact on the value of securities held by the Fund. Not all funds and accounts advised by Oppenheimer have the same management fee. If the management fee structure of another fund or account is more advantageous to Oppenheimer than the fee structure of the Fund, Oppenheimer could have an incentive to favor the other fund or account. However, Oppenheimer’s compliance procedures and Code of Ethics recognize Oppenheimer’s obligation to treat all of its clients, including the Fund, fairly and equitably, and are designed to preclude a portfolio manager from favoring one client over another. It is possible, of course, that those compliance procedures and the Code of Ethics may not always be adequate to do so.


From time to time, a potential conflict of interest may arise between a portfolio manager’s management of the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, a Portfolio Optimization Portfolio or a Pacific Dynamix Portfolio, on the one hand, and the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, other Portfolio Optimization Portfolios, other Pacific Dynamix Portfolios or the Underlying Funds on the other hand. This might occur, for example, if an Underlying Fund in which the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio and/or multiple Portfolio Optimization Portfolios and/or multiple Pacific Dynamix Portfolios invest has limited capacity for further investment; or if certain Underlying Funds are more profitable than others. PLFA has a process in place to address these types of risks.



Pacific Asset Management

Pacific Asset Management may manage client assets with similar investment strategies, creating the potential for conflicts of interest as the fees for managing client accounts may differ from one another. As a registered investment adviser and a fiduciary, Pacific Asset Management exercises due care to ensure that investment opportunities are allocated equitably among all participating clients.

In general, investment decisions for each client will be made independently from those of other clients, with specific reference to the individual needs and objectives of each client. Different account guidelines and/or differences within particular investment strategies may lead to the use of different investment practices for client accounts within a similar investment strategy. In addition, Pacific Asset Management will not necessarily purchase or sell the same securities at the same time or in the same proportionate amounts for all accounts, particularly if different accounts have materially different amounts of capital under management by Pacific Asset Management or different amounts of investable cash available. As a result, although Pacific Asset Management manages multiple accounts with similar or identical investment objectives, or may manage accounts with different objectives that trade in the same securities, the portfolio management decisions relating to these accounts, and the performance resulting from such decisions, may differ from account to account. Pacific Asset Management has implemented policies and procedures to address trade allocation and aggregation decisions. These policies and procedures seek to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all participating clients over time. The policies and procedures include compliance monitoring and oversight of allocation and aggregation practices.


From time to time, potential and actual conflicts of interest may arise between a portfolio manager’s management of the investments of a Portfolio, on the one hand, and the management of other accounts, on the other. Potential and actual conflicts of interest may also arise as a result of PIMCO’s other business activities and PIMCO’s possession of material non-public information about an issuer. Other accounts managed by a portfolio manager might have similar investment objectives or strategies as the Portfolios, track the same index a Portfolio tracks or otherwise hold, purchase, or sell securities that are eligible to be held, purchased or sold by the Portfolios. The other accounts might also have different investment objectives or strategies than the Portfolios. Potential and actual conflicts of interest may also arise as a result of PIMCO serving as investment adviser to accounts that invest in the Portfolios. In this case, such conflicts of interest could in theory give rise to incentives for PIMCO to, among other things, vote proxies or redeem shares of a Portfolio in a manner beneficial to the investing account but detrimental to the Portfolio. Conversely, PIMCO’s duties to the Portfolios, as well as regulatory or other limitations applicable to the Portfolios, may affect the courses of action available to PIMCO-advised accounts (including certain Portfolios) that invest in the Portfolios in a manner that is detrimental to such investing accounts.

Because PIMCO is affiliated with Allianz, a large multi-national financial institution, conflicts similar to those described below may occur between the Portfolios or other accounts managed by PIMCO and PIMCO’s affiliates or accounts managed by those affiliates. Those affiliates (or their clients), which generally operate autonomously from PIMCO, may take actions that are adverse to the Portfolios or other accounts managed by PIMCO. In many cases, PIMCO will not be in a position to mitigate those actions or address those conflicts, which could adversely affect the performance of the Portfolios or other accounts managed by PIMCO.

Knowledge and Timing of Fund Trades.    A potential conflict of interest may arise as a result of the portfolio manager’s day-to-day management of a Portfolio. Because of their positions with the Portfolios, the portfolio managers know the size, timing and possible market impact of a Portfolio’s trades. It is theoretically possible that the portfolio managers could use this information to the advantage of other accounts they manage and to the possible detriment of a Portfolio.

Investment Opportunities.    A potential conflict of interest may arise as a result of the portfolio manager’s management of a number of accounts with varying investment guidelines. Often, an investment opportunity may be suitable for both a Portfolio and other accounts managed by the portfolio manager, but may not be available in sufficient quantities for both the Portfolio and the other accounts to participate fully. In addition, regulatory issues applicable to PIMCO or one or more Portfolios or other accounts may result in certain Portfolios not receiving securities that may otherwise be appropriate for them. Similarly, there may be limited opportunity to sell an investment held by a Portfolio and another account. PIMCO has adopted policies and procedures reasonably designed to allocate investment opportunities on a fair and equitable basis over time.

Under PIMCO’s allocation procedures, investment opportunities are allocated among various investment strategies based on individual account investment guidelines and PIMCO’s investment outlook. PIMCO has also adopted additional procedures to complement the general trade allocation policy that are designed to address potential conflicts of interest due to the side-by-side management of the Portfolios and certain pooled investment vehicles, including investment opportunity allocation issues.

Conflicts potentially limiting a Portfolio’s investment opportunities may also arise when the Portfolio and other PIMCO clients invest in different parts of an issuer’s capital structure, such as when the Portfolio owns senior debt obligations of an issuer and other clients own junior tranches of the same issuer. In such circumstances, decisions over whether to trigger an event of default, over the



terms of any workout, or how to exit an investment may result in conflicts of interest. In order to minimize such conflicts, a portfolio manager may avoid certain investment opportunities that would potentially give rise to conflicts with other PIMCO clients or PIMCO may enact internal procedures designed to minimize such conflicts, which could have the effect of limiting a Portfolio’s investment opportunities. Additionally, if PIMCO acquires material non-public confidential information in connection with its business activities for other clients, a portfolio manager may be restricted from purchasing securities or selling securities for a Portfolio. Moreover, a Portfolio or other account managed by PIMCO may invest in a transaction in which one or more other Portfolios or accounts managed by PIMCO are expected to participate, or already have made or will seek to make, an investment. Such Portfolios or accounts may have conflicting interests and objectives in connection with such investments, including, for example and without limitation, with respect to views on the operations or activities of the issuer involved, the targeted returns from the investment, and the timeframe for, and method of, exiting the investment. When making investment decisions where a conflict of interest may arise, PIMCO will endeavor to act in a fair and equitable manner as between a Portfolio and other clients; however, in certain instances the resolution of the conflict may result in PIMCO acting on behalf of another client in a manner that may not be in the best interest, or may be opposed to the best interest, of a Portfolio.

Performance Fees.    A portfolio manager may advise certain accounts with respect to which the advisory fee is based entirely or partially on performance. Performance fee arrangements may create a conflict of interest for the portfolio manager in that the portfolio manager may have an incentive to allocate the investment opportunities that he or she believes might be the most profitable to such other accounts instead of allocating them to a Portfolio. PIMCO has adopted policies and procedures reasonably designed to allocate investment opportunities between the Portfolios and such other accounts on a fair and equitable basis over time.

QS Batterymarch

QS Batterymarch maintains policies and procedures reasonably designed to detect and minimize material conflicts of interest inherent in circumstances when a portfolio manager has day-to-day portfolio management responsibilities for multiple portfolios. Nevertheless, no set of policies and procedures can possibly anticipate or relieve all potential conflicts of interest. These conflicts may be real, potential, or perceived; certain of these conflicts are described in detail below.

Allocation of Limited Investment Opportunities.    If a portfolio manager identifies a limited investment opportunity (including initial public offerings) that may be suitable for multiple funds and/or accounts, the investment opportunity may be allocated among these several funds or accounts, which may limit a client’s ability to take full advantage of the investment opportunity, due to liquidity constraints or other factors.

QS Batterymarch has adopted trade allocation procedures designed to ensure that allocations of limited investment opportunities are conducted in a fair and equitable manner between client accounts. Nevertheless, investment opportunities may be allocated differently among client accounts due to the particular characteristics of an account, such as the size of the account, cash position, investment guidelines and restrictions or its sector/country/region exposure or other risk controls, market restrictions or for other reasons.

Similar Investment Strategies.    QS Batterymarch and its portfolio management team may manage multiple portfolios with similar investment strategies. Investment decisions for each portfolio are generally made based on each portfolio’s investment objectives and guidelines, cash availability, and current holdings. Purchases or sales of securities for the portfolios may be appropriate for other portfolios with like objectives and may be bought or sold in different amounts and at different times in multiple portfolios. In these cases, transactions are allocated to portfolios in a manner believed by QS Batterymarch to be the most equitable to each client, generally utilizing a pro rata allocation methodology. Purchase and sale orders for a portfolio may be combined with those of other portfolios in the interest of achieving the most favorable net results for all clients.

Different Investment Strategies.    QS Batterymarch may manage long-short strategies alongside long only strategies. As such, the potential exists for short sales of securities in certain portfolios while the same security is held long in one or more other portfolios. In an attempt to mitigate the inherent risks of simultaneous management of long-short and long-only strategies, QS Batterymarch has established and implemented procedures to promote fair and equitable treatment of all portfolios. The procedures include monitoring and surveillance, supervisory reviews, and compliance oversight of short sale activity.

Differences in Financial Incentives.    A conflict of interest may arise where the financial or other benefits available to a portfolio manager or an investment adviser differ among the funds and/or accounts under management. For example, when the structure of an investment adviser’s management fee differs among the funds and/or accounts under its management (such as where certain funds or accounts pay higher management fees or performance-based management fees), a portfolio manager might be motivated to favor certain funds and/or accounts over others. Performance based fees could also create an incentive for an investment adviser to make investments that are riskier or more speculative. In addition, a portfolio manager might be motivated to favor funds and/or accounts in which he or she or the investment adviser and/or its affiliates have a financial interest. Similarly, the desire to maintain or raise assets under management or to enhance the portfolio manager’s performance record in a particular investment strategy or to derive other



rewards, financial or otherwise, could influence a portfolio manager to lend preferential treatment to those funds and/or accounts that could most significantly benefit the portfolio manager. To manage conflicts that may arise from management of portfolios with performance-based fees, performance in portfolios with like strategies is regularly reviewed by management.

Investment professionals employed by QS Batterymarch may manage personal accounts in which they have a fiduciary interest with holdings similar to those of client accounts. QS Batterymarch has implemented a Code of Ethics which is designed to address the possibility that these professionals could place their own interests ahead of those of clients. The Code of Ethics addresses this potential conflict of interest by imposing reporting requirements, blackout periods, supervisory oversight and other measures designed to reduce conflict.

QS Batterymarch allows its employees to trade in securities that it recommends to advisory clients. QS Batterymarch’s employees may buy, hold or sell securities at or about the same time that QS Batterymarch is purchasing, holding or selling the same or similar securities for client account portfolios and the actions taken by such individuals on a personal basis may differ from, or be inconsistent with, the nature and timing of advice or actions taken by QS Batterymarch for its client accounts. QS Batterymarch and its employees may also invest in mutual funds and other pooled investment vehicles that are managed by QS Batterymarch. This may result in a potential conflict of interest since QS Batterymarch’s employees have knowledge of such funds’ investment holdings, which is non-public information.


Scout and its affiliates may have proprietary interests in, and may manage or advise with respect to, accounts or funds (including separate accounts and other funds and collective investment vehicles) that have investment objectives similar to those of the Fund and/or that engage in transactions in the same types of securities and instruments as the Fund. Scout has adopted policies and procedures to address the allocation of investment opportunities, the execution of portfolio transactions and other potential conflicts of interest that are designed to ensure that all clients are treated fair and equitably over time. Scout and its affiliates or their clients are or may be actively engaged in transactions in the same securities and instruments in which the Fund invests. Such activities could affect the prices and availability of the securities and instruments in which the Fund invests, which could have an adverse impact on the Fund’s performance. When Scout or an affiliate seeks to purchase or sell the same assets for their managed accounts, including the Fund, the assets actually purchased or sold may be allocated among the accounts on a basis determined in their good faith discretion to be equitable in accordance with Scout’s policies and procedures. In some cases, these transactions may adversely affect the size or price of the assets purchased or sold for the Fund. Further, transactions in investments by one or more other accounts or clients advised by Scout may have the effect of diluting or otherwise disadvantaging the values, prices or investment strategies of the Fund. This may occur when investment decisions regarding the Fund are based on research or other information that is also used to support decisions or advice for other accounts. When Scout or one of its other clients implements a portfolio decision or strategy on behalf of another account ahead of, or contemporaneously with, similar decisions or strategies for the Fund, market impact, liquidity constraints or other factors could result in the Fund receiving less favorable trading results and the costs of implementing such decisions or strategies could be increased or the Fund could otherwise be disadvantaged. Such transactions, particularly in respect of most proprietary accounts or customer accounts, may be executed independently of the Fund’s transactions and thus at prices or rates that may be more or less favorable than those obtained by the Fund. Employees of Scout, including investment personnel, may buy and sell securities for their own personal accounts that are also bought and sold for the Fund. Scout has adopted and enforces a Code of Ethics that requires employees to follow standards of conduct when conducting these personal transactions.


A portfolio manager that has responsibility for managing more than one account may be subject to potential conflicts of interest because he or she is responsible for other accounts in addition to the Funds. Those conflicts could include preferential treatment of one account over others in terms of: (a) the portfolio manager’s execution of different investment strategies for various accounts; or (b) the allocation of resources or of investment opportunities.

Portfolio managers may manage numerous accounts for multiple clients. These accounts may include registered investment companies, other types of pooled accounts (e.g., collective investment funds), and separate accounts (i.e., accounts managed on behalf of individuals or public or private institutions). Portfolio managers make investment decisions for each account based on the investment objectives and policies and other relevant investment considerations applicable to that portfolio. A potential conflict of interest may arise as a result of the portfolio managers’ responsibility for multiple accounts with similar investment guidelines. Under these circumstances, a potential investment may be suitable for more than one of the portfolio managers’ accounts, but the quantity of the investment available for purchase is less than the aggregate amount the accounts would ideally devote to the opportunity. Similar conflicts may arise when multiple accounts seek to dispose of the same investment. The portfolio managers may also manage accounts whose objectives and policies differ from that of the Funds. These differences may be such that under certain circumstances, trading activity appropriate for one account managed by the portfolio manager may have adverse consequences for another account



managed by the portfolio manager. For example, an account may sell a significant position in a security, which could cause the market price of that security to decrease, while a Fund maintained its position in that security.

A potential conflict may arise when the portfolio managers are responsible for accounts that have different advisory fees — the difference in fees could create an incentive for the portfolio manager to favor one account over another, for example, in terms of access to investment opportunities. Another potential conflict may arise when the portfolio manager has an investment in one or more accounts that participate in transactions with other accounts. His or her investment(s) may create an incentive for the portfolio manager to favor one account over another.

SSGA FM has adopted policies and procedures reasonably designed to address these potential material conflicts. For instance, portfolio managers are normally responsible for all accounts within a certain investment discipline, and do not, absent special circumstances, differentiate among the various accounts when allocating resources. Additionally, SSGA FM and its advisory affiliates have processes and procedures for allocating investment opportunities among portfolios that are designed to provide a fair and equitable allocation.

T. Rowe Price

Portfolio managers at T. Rowe Price and its affiliates typically manage multiple accounts. These accounts may include, among others, mutual funds, separate accounts (assets managed on behalf of institutions such as pension funds, colleges and universities, foundations), offshore funds and commingled trust accounts. Portfolio managers make investment decisions for each portfolio based on the investment objectives, policies, practices, and other relevant investment considerations that the managers believe are applicable to that portfolio. Consequently, portfolio managers may purchase (or sell) securities for one portfolio and not another portfolio. T. Rowe Price and its affiliates have adopted brokerage and trade allocation policies and procedures which they believe are reasonably designed to address any potential conflicts associated with managing multiple accounts for multiple clients. Also, as disclosed under the “Compensation Structures and Methods — T. Rowe Price” section within this SAI, our portfolio managers’ compensation is determined in the same manner with respect to all portfolios managed by the portfolio manager.

T. Rowe Price Funds may, from time to time, own shares of Morningstar, Inc. Morningstar is a provider of investment research to individual and institutional investors, and publishes ratings on mutual funds, including the T. Rowe Price Funds. T. Rowe Price manages the Morningstar retirement plan and T. Rowe Price and its affiliates pay Morningstar for a variety of products and services. In addition, Morningstar may provide investment consulting and investment management services to clients of T. Rowe Price or its affiliates.

UBS Global AM

The portfolio management team’s management of the Fund and other accounts could result in potential conflicts of interest if the Fund and other accounts have different objectives, benchmarks and fees because the portfolio management team must allocate its time and investment expertise across multiple accounts, including the Fund. A portfolio manager and his or her team manage the Fund and other accounts utilizing a model portfolio approach that groups similar accounts within a model portfolio. UBS Global AM manages accounts according to the appropriate model portfolio, including where possible, those accounts that have specific investment restrictions. Accordingly, portfolio holdings, position sizes and industry and sector exposures tend to be similar across accounts, which may minimize the potential for conflicts of interest.

If a portfolio manager identifies a limited investment opportunity that may be suitable for more than one account or model portfolio, the Fund may not be able to take full advantage of that opportunity due to an allocation of filled purchase or sale orders across all eligible model portfolios and accounts. To deal with these situations, UBS Global AM has adopted procedures for allocating portfolio trades across multiple accounts to provide fair treatment to all accounts.

The management of personal accounts by a portfolio manager may also give rise to potential conflicts of interest. UBS Global AM has adopted a Code of Ethics that governs such personal trading but there is no assurance that the Code will adequately address all such conflicts.

UBS Group AG (“UBS”) is a worldwide full-service investment banking, broker-dealer, asset management and financial services organization. As a result, UBS Global AM and UBS (including, for these purposes, their directors, partners, officers and employees) worldwide, including the entities and personnel who may be involved in the investment activities and business operations of the Fund are engaged in businesses and have interests other than that of managing the Fund. These activities and interests include potential multiple advisory, transactional, financial, consultative, and other interests in transactions, companies, securities and other instruments that may be engaged in, purchased or sold by the Fund.



UBS Global AM may purchase or sell, or recommend for purchase or sale, for the Fund or its other accounts securities of companies: (i) with respect to which its affiliates act as an investment banker or financial adviser; (ii) with which its affiliates have other confidential relationships; (iii) in which its affiliates maintain a position or (iv) for which its affiliates make a market; or in which it or its officers, directors or employees or those of its affiliates own securities or otherwise have an interest. Except to the extent prohibited by law or regulation or by client instruction, UBS Global AM may recommend to the Fund or its other clients, or purchase for the Fund or its other clients, securities of issuers in which UBS has an interest as described in this paragraph.

From time to time and subject to client approval, UBS Global AM may rely on certain affiliates to execute trades for the Fund or its other accounts. For each security transaction effected by UBS, UBS Global AM may compensate and UBS may retain such compensation for effecting the transaction, and UBS Global AM may receive affiliated group credit for generating such business.

Transactions undertaken by UBS or client accounts managed by UBS (“Client Accounts”) may adversely impact the Fund. UBS and one or more Client Accounts may buy or sell positions while the Fund is undertaking the same or a differing, including potentially opposite, strategy, which could disadvantage the Fund.

UBS Global AM and its advisory affiliates utilize a common portfolio and trading platform for its clients. Certain investment professionals and other employees of UBS Global AM are officers of advisory affiliates and related persons and may provide investment advisory services to clients of such affiliated entities. UBS Global AM’s personnel also provide research and trading support to personnel of certain advisory affiliates. Research-related costs may be shared by advisory affiliates and related persons and may benefit the clients of such advisory affiliates. Since research services are shared between UBS Global AM and its advisory affiliates, UBS Global AM and its advisory affiliates maintain an aggregated soft dollar budget. Therefore, research services that benefit UBS Global AM’s clients may be paid for with commissions generated by clients of its advisory affiliates. Similarly, research services paid for by commissions generated by UBS Global AM’s clients may benefit advisory affiliates and their clients. UBS Global AM does not allocate the relative costs or benefits of research received from brokers or dealers among its clients because UBS Global AM believes that the research received is, in the aggregate, of assistance in fulfilling UBS Global AM’s overall responsibilities to its clients. The research may be used in connection with the management of accounts other than those for which trades are executed by the brokers or dealers providing the research. For example, equity research may be used for fixed income funds and accounts.

While we select brokers primarily on the basis of the execution capabilities, UBS Global AM, in its discretion, may cause a client to pay a commission to brokers or dealers for effecting a transaction for that client in excess of the amount another broker or dealer would have charged for effecting that transaction. This may be done when we have determined in good faith that the commission is reasonable in relation to the value of the execution, brokerage and/or research services provided by the broker. Our arrangements for the receipt of research services from brokers may create conflicts of interest, in that we have an incentive to choose a broker or dealer that provides research services, instead of one that charges a lower commission rate but does not provide any research.


WellsCap’s Portfolio Managers often provide investment management for separate accounts advised in the same or similar investment style as that provided to mutual funds. While management of multiple accounts could potentially lead to conflicts of interest over various issues such as trade allocation, fee disparities and research acquisition, WellsCap has implemented policies and procedures for the express purpose of ensuring that clients are treated fairly and that potential conflicts of interest are minimized.

Western Asset

Western Asset has adopted compliance policies and procedures to address a wide range of potential conflicts of interest that could directly impact client portfolios. For example, potential conflicts of interest may arise in connection with the management of multiple portfolios (including portfolios managed in a personal capacity). These could include potential conflicts of interest related to the knowledge and timing of a portfolio’s trades, investment opportunities and broker selection. Portfolio managers are privy to the size, timing, and possible market impact of a portfolio’s trades.

It is possible that an investment opportunity may be suitable for both a portfolio and other accounts managed by a portfolio manager, but may not be available in sufficient quantities for both the portfolio and the other accounts to participate fully. Similarly, there may be limited opportunity to sell an investment held by a portfolio and another account. A conflict may arise where the portfolio manager may have an incentive to treat an account preferentially as compared to a portfolio because the account pays a performance-based fee or the portfolio manager, the Advisers or an affiliate has an interest in the account. The Firm has adopted procedures for allocation of portfolio transactions and investment opportunities across multiple client accounts on a fair and equitable basis over time. All eligible accounts that can participate in a trade share the same price on a pro-rata allocation basis to ensure that no conflict of interest occurs. Trades are allocated among similarly managed accounts to maintain consistency of portfolio strategy, taking into account cash availability, investment restrictions and guidelines, and portfolio composition versus strategy.



With respect to securities transactions, the Adviser determines which broker or dealer to use to execute each order, consistent with their duty to seek best execution of the transaction. However, with respect to certain other accounts (such as pooled investment vehicles that are not registered investment companies and other accounts managed for organizations and individuals), the Firm may be limited by the client with respect to the selection of brokers or dealers or may be instructed to direct trades through a particular broker or dealer. In these cases, trades for a portfolio in a particular security may be placed separately from, rather than aggregated with, such other accounts. Having separate transactions with respect to a security may temporarily affect the market price of the security or the execution of the transaction, or both, to the possible detriment of a portfolio or the other account(s) involved. Additionally, the management of multiple portfolios and/or other accounts may result in a portfolio manager devoting unequal time and attention to the management of each portfolio and/or other account. Western Asset’s team approach to portfolio management and block trading approach works to limit this potential risk.

The Firm also maintains a gift and entertainment policy to address the potential for a business contact to give gifts or host entertainment events that may influence the business judgment of an employee. Employees are permitted to retain gifts of only a nominal value and are required to make reimbursement for entertainment events above a certain value. All gifts (except those of a de minimus value) and entertainment events that are given or sponsored by a business contact are required to be reported in a gift and entertainment log which is reviewed on a regular basis for possible issues.

Employees of the Firm have access to transactions and holdings information regarding client accounts and the Firm’s overall trading activities. This information represents a potential conflict of interest because employees may take advantage of this information as they trade in their personal accounts. Accordingly, the Firm maintains a Code of Ethics that is compliant with Rule 17j-1 and Rule 204A-1 to address personal trading. In addition, the Code of Ethics seeks to establish broader principles of good conduct and fiduciary responsibility in all aspects of the Firm’s business. The Code of Ethics is administered by the Legal and Compliance Department and monitored through the Firm’s compliance monitoring program.

Western Asset may also face other potential conflicts of interest with respect to managing client assets, and the description above is not a complete description of every conflict of interest that could be deemed to exist. The Firm also maintains a compliance monitoring program and engages independent auditors to conduct a SOC1/ISAE 3402 audit on an annual basis. These steps help to ensure that potential conflicts of interest have been addressed.

Beneficial Interest of Portfolio Managers

Portfolio managers are not required to own shares of the Fund(s) that they manage on behalf of the Trust. In addition, although the level of a portfolio manager’s securities ownership may be an indicator of his or her confidence in a Fund’s investment strategy, it does not necessarily follow that a portfolio manager who owns few or no securities has any less confidence or is any less concerned about the applicable Fund’s performance. In order to own Funds of the Trust, a portfolio manager would need to own a Pacific Life or Pacific Life & Annuity variable life insurance policy or variable annuity contract. As of the Trust’s fiscal year end, December 31, 2014, there were no Trust shares beneficially owned by any portfolio managers in the Funds they manage on behalf of the Trust except for the following (in dollar range of equity securities): Howard Hirakawa: Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio, $50,001 — $100,000.

Investment Adviser to the Master Funds

The investment adviser to the Master Funds, Capital Research and Management Company (“CRMC”), located at 333 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071 and 6455 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine, CA 92618, founded in 1931, maintains research facilities in the United States and abroad (Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Washington, D.C., London, Geneva, Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo) with a staff of experienced investment professionals. CRMC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Capital Group Companies, Inc., a holding company for several investment management subsidiaries.

The Investment Advisory and Service Agreement (the “CRMC Agreement”) between the Master Funds and CRMC will continue in effect until January 31, 2016, unless sooner terminated, and may be renewed from year to year thereafter, provided that any such renewal has been specifically approved at least annually by (i) the board of trustees, or by the vote of a majority (as defined in the 1940 Act) of the outstanding voting securities of the Master Fund, and (ii) the vote of a majority of the trustees of the Master Fund who are not parties to the CRMC Agreement or interested persons (as defined in the 1940 Act) of any such party, cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval. The CRMC Agreement provides that CRMC has no liability to the Master Fund for its acts or omissions in the performance of its obligations to the Master Fund not involving willful misconduct, bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard of its obligations under the CRMC Agreement. The CRMC Agreement also provides that either party has the right to terminate it, without penalty, upon 60 days’ written notice to the other party, and that the CRMC Agreement automatically terminates in the event of its assignment (as defined in the 1940 Act).

As compensation for its services, CRMC receives a monthly investment advisory fee which is accrued daily, from each Master Fund, and indirectly from each Feeder Fund as a shareholder in its corresponding Master Fund, calculated at the annual rates of:



For the Master Asset Allocation Fund, CRMC receives 0.50% on the first $600 million of net assets; plus 0.42% on net assets greater than $600 million but not exceeding $1.2 billion; plus 0.36% on net assets greater than $1.2 billion but not exceeding $2.0 billion; plus 0.32% on net assets greater than $2.0 billion but not exceeding $3.0 billion; plus 0.28% on net assets greater than $3.0 billion but not exceeding $5.0 billion; plus 0.26% on net assets greater than $5.0 billion but not exceeding $8.0 billion; plus 0.25% on net assets greater than $8.0 billion but not exceeding $13.0 billion; plus 0.244% on net assets in excess of $13.0 billion.

For the Master Growth Fund, CRMC receives 0.50% of the first $600 million of net assets; plus 0.45% on net assets greater than $600 million but not exceeding $1.0 billion; plus 0.42% on net assets greater than $1.0 billion but not exceeding $2.0 billion; plus 0.37% on net assets greater than $2.0 billion but not exceeding $3.0 billion; plus 0.35% on net assets greater than $3.0 billion but not exceeding $5.0 billion; plus 0.33% on net assets greater than $5.0 billion but not exceeding $8.0 billion; plus 0.315% on net assets greater than $8.0 billion but not exceeding $13.0 billion; plus 0.30% on net assets greater than $13.0 billion but not exceeding $21.0 billion; plus 0.29% on net assets greater than $21.0 billion but not exceeding $27.0 billion; plus 0.285% on net assets in excess of $27.0 billion but not exceeding $34.0 billion; plus 0.28% on net assets in excess of $34.0 billion.

For the Master Growth-Income Fund, CRMC receives 0.50% of the first $600 million of net assets; plus 0.45% on net assets greater than $600 million but not exceeding $1.5 billion; plus 0.40% on net assets greater than $1.5 billion but not exceeding $2.5 billion; plus 0.32% on net assets greater than $2.5 billion but not exceeding $4.0 billion; plus 0.285% on net assets greater than $4.0 billion but not exceeding $6.5 billion; plus 0.256% on net assets greater than $6.5 billion but not exceeding $10.5 billion; plus 0.242% on net assets greater than $10.5 billion but not exceeding $13.0 billion; plus 0.235% on net assets greater than $13.0 billion but not exceeding $17.0 billion; plus 0.23% on net assets greater than $17.0 billion but not exceeding $21.0 billion; plus 0.225% on net assets greater than $21.0 billion but not exceeding $27.0 billion; plus 0.222% on net assets in excess of $27.0 billion but not exceeding $34.0 billion; plus 0.219% on net assets in excess of $34.0 billion.

For more information regarding CRMC, the investment adviser to the Master Funds, see the Master Funds’ statement of additional information which is delivered together with this SAI.


Pacific Select Distributors, LLC (“PSD”) serves as the Trust’s principal underwriter and distributor (“Distributor”) pursuant to a Distribution Agreement (“Distribution Agreement”) with the Trust. PSD is located at 700 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660. The Trust’s shares are offered on a continuous basis. The Distributor is not obligated to sell any specific amount of Trust shares. PSD bears all expenses of providing services pursuant to the Distribution Agreement including the costs of sales presentations, mailings, advertising, and any other marketing efforts by PSD in connection with the distribution or sale of the shares. PSD is not paid any compensation from the Trust under the Distribution Agreement, although PSD is paid or its expenses are covered by Pacific Life or Pacific Life & Annuity in connection with the offering of variable contracts issued by those insurers. PSD is an affiliate of Pacific Life and PLFA.

Managers may from time to time bear all or a portion of the expenses of conferences or meetings sponsored by Pacific Life or PSD that are attended by, among others, registered representatives of PSD, who would receive information and/or training regarding the Funds and their management by the Managers. Other persons may also attend all or a portion of any such conferences or meetings, including directors, officers and employees of Pacific Life, officers and Trustees of the Trust, and spouses/guests of the foregoing. The Trust’s Board of Trustees may hold meetings concurrently with such a conference or meeting. The Trust pays for the expenses of the meetings of its Board of Trustees, including the pro rata share of expenses for attendance by the Trustees at the concurrent conferences or meetings sponsored by Pacific Life or PSD. Additional expenses and promotional items may be paid for by Pacific Life and/or Managers. PSD serves as the Trust’s Distributor.


Shares of the Trust are not sold directly to the general public. Class I Shares of the Trust are currently offered only for purchase by the separate accounts to serve as an investment medium for the variable contracts issued or administered by Pacific Life or its affiliates. Class P Shares of the Trust are only available to the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and Portfolio Optimization Portfolios. Certain Funds of the Trust may not be available as an underlying investment option for your variable contract. For available investment options, consult a variable contract prospectus or the separate account annual report. For variable contract purchase information, consult a variable contract prospectus by contacting your financial representative or visiting www.PacificLife.com.

Shares of any Fund may be redeemed on any business day upon receipt of a request for redemption from the insurance company whose separate account owns the shares. Redemptions are effected at the per share net asset value next determined after receipt of the redemption request. Redemption proceeds will ordinarily be paid within seven days following receipt of instructions in proper form, or sooner, if required by law. The right of redemption may be suspended by the Trust or the payment date postponed beyond seven



days when the New York Stock Exchange is closed (other than customary weekend and holiday closings) or for any period during which trading thereon is restricted because an emergency exists, as determined by the SEC, making disposal of portfolio securities or valuation of net assets not reasonably practicable, and whenever the SEC has by order permitted such suspension or postponement for the protection of shareholders, and at any other time when the Trust may, under applicable laws and regulations, suspend payment on the redemption of its shares. If the Board of Trustees should determine that it would be detrimental to the best interests of the remaining shareholders of a Fund to make payment wholly or partly in cash, the Fund may pay the redemption price in whole or part by a distribution in kind of securities from the Fund, in lieu of cash, in conformity with applicable rules of the SEC. If shares are redeemed in kind, the redeeming shareholder might incur brokerage costs in converting the assets into cash. Under the 1940 Act, the Trust is obligated to redeem shares solely in cash up to the lesser of $250,000 or 1% of its net assets during any 90-day period for any one shareholder.


Variable contract owners do not deal directly with the Trust to purchase, redeem, or exchange shares of a Fund, and variable contract owners should refer to the prospectus for the applicable Separate Account for information on the allocation of net premiums and on transfers of accumulated value among options available under the contract. The Trust has a policy with respect to limitations on transfers. Please refer to the Trust’s Prospectuses for more information on the policy.


Investment Decisions

Investment decisions for the Trust and for the other investment advisory clients of the Adviser, or applicable Manager, are made with a view to achieving their respective investment goals. Investment decisions are the product of many factors in addition to basic suitability for the particular client involved (including the Trust). Thus, a particular security may be bought or sold for certain clients even though it could have been bought or sold for other clients at the same time. There may be circumstances when purchases or sales of securities for one or more clients will have an adverse effect on other clients, including a Fund.

It also sometimes happens that the Adviser or Manager may simultaneously purchase or sell the same security for two or more clients. In such instances, transactions in securities will be allocated between the Fund and the Adviser’s or Manager’s other clients in a manner deemed fair and reasonable by the Adviser or Manager. To the extent any Fund seeks to acquire the same security at the same time as another Adviser or Manager client, such Fund may not be able to acquire as large a portion of such security as it desires, or it may have to pay a higher price for such security. It is recognized that in some cases this could have a detrimental effect on the price or value of the security insofar as a specific Fund is concerned. The Adviser or Manager may, at its discretion, aggregate orders for the same security for two or more clients, and then allocate purchases or sales in an equitable manner, providing average prices to all such clients.

Brokerage and Research Services

The Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and Portfolio Optimization Portfolios invest primarily in the Underlying Funds and do not incur commissions or sales charges in connection with investments in the Underlying Funds, but they may incur such costs if they invest directly in other types of securities, and they bear such costs indirectly through their investment in the Underlying Funds. Accordingly the following description is relevant for all Funds.

The Adviser or Manager for a Fund places all orders for the purchase and sale of securities, options, and futures contracts and other investments for a Fund through a substantial number of brokers and dealers or futures commission merchants selected at its discretion. In executing transactions, the Adviser or Manager will attempt to obtain the best net results for a Fund taking into account such factors as price (including the applicable brokerage commission or dollar spread), size of order, the nature of the market for the security, the timing of the transaction, the reputation, experience and financial stability of the broker-dealer involved, the quality of the service, the difficulty of execution and operational facilities of the firms involved, and the firm’s risk in positioning a block of securities. In transactions on stock exchanges in the U.S., payments of brokerage commissions are negotiated. In effecting purchases and sales of securities in transactions on U.S. stock exchanges for a Fund, the Adviser or Manager may pay higher commission rates than the lowest available when the Adviser or Manager believes it is reasonable to do so in light of the value of the brokerage and research services provided by the broker effecting the transaction. In the case of securities traded on some foreign stock exchanges, brokerage commissions may be fixed and the Adviser or Manager may be unable to negotiate commission rates for these transactions. In the case of securities traded on the OTC markets, there is generally no stated commission, but the price includes an undisclosed commission or markup. Consistent with the policy of obtaining the best net results, a portion of a Fund’s brokerage and futures transactions, including transactions on a national securities exchange, may be conducted through an affiliated broker, subject to compliance with Trust policies, applicable law, and approval by the Board.



There is generally no stated commission in the case of debt securities, which are traded in the OTC markets, but the price paid by the Trust usually includes an undisclosed dealer commission or mark-up. In underwritten offerings, the price paid by the Trust includes a disclosed, fixed commission or discount retained by the underwriter or dealer. Transactions on U.S. stock exchanges and other agency transactions involve the payment by the Trust of negotiated brokerage commissions. Such commissions vary among different brokers. Also, a particular broker may charge different commissions according to such factors as the difficulty and size of the transaction. In the case of securities traded on some foreign stock exchanges, brokerage commissions may be fixed and the Adviser or Manager may be unable to negotiate commission rates for these transactions.

As permitted by Section 28(e) of the 1934 Act, the Adviser or Manager may cause a Fund to pay a broker-dealer, which provides “brokerage and research services” (as defined in the 1934 Act) to the Adviser or Manager, a commission amount which includes payment for both brokerage and research. For many years, it has been a common practice in the investment advisory business for advisers of investment companies and other institutional investors to receive research services from broker-dealers which execute transactions for the clients of such advisers. Consistent with this practice, the Adviser or Manager for a Fund may receive research services from many broker-dealers with which the Adviser or Manager places the Fund’s transactions. The Adviser or Manager for a Fund may also receive research or research credits from brokers which are generated from underwriting commissions when purchasing new issues of debt securities or other assets for a Fund. These services, which in some cases may also be purchased for cash, include such matters as general economic and security market reviews, industry and company reviews, evaluations of securities and recommendations as to the purchase and sale of securities. Some of these services may be of value to the Adviser or Manager in advising its various clients (including the Trust), although not all of these services are necessarily useful and of value in managing a Fund within the Trust. The advisory fee paid by a Fund is not reduced because the Adviser or Manager and its affiliates receive such services.

As noted above, the Adviser or Manager may purchase new issues of securities for a Fund in underwritten fixed price offerings. In those situations, the underwriter or selling group member may provide the Adviser or Manager with research in addition to selling the securities (at the fixed public offering price) to the Fund or other advisory clients. Because the offerings are conducted at a fixed price, the ability to obtain research from a broker-dealer in this situation provides knowledge that may benefit the Fund, or other advisory clients, and the Adviser without incurring additional costs. These arrangements may not fall within the safe harbor of Section 28(e) because the broker-dealer is considered to be acting in a principal capacity in underwritten transactions. However, FINRA has adopted rules expressly permitting broker-dealers to provide bona fide research to advisers in connection with fixed price offerings under certain circumstances, although compliance with these rules does not necessarily ensure compliance with all federal securities laws. As a general matter in these situations, the underwriter or selling group member will provide research credits at a rate that is higher than that which is available for secondary market transactions.

The following table lists Funds that incurred brokerage commissions during the fiscal years ended:



  12/31/141     12/31/131     12/31/121  

Small-Cap Value Portfolio2

  $ 816,712      $ 332,200      $ 349,479   

Equity Long/Short Portfolio3

    N/A        N/A        N/A   

Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio4

  $      $      $   

Equity Index Portfolio

  $ 14,327      $ 57,820      $ 80,481   

Health Sciences Portfolio5

  $ 158,256      $ 233,970      $ 198,523   

Large-Cap Growth Portfolio6

  $ 1,126,963      $ 1,061,379      $ 1,109,645   

Small-Cap Equity Portfolio

  $ 144,323      $ 170,244      $ 128,726   

Small-Cap Index Portfolio

  $ 66,051      $ 53,349      $ 22,599   

PD Large-Cap Growth Index Portfolio

  $ 8,536      $ 10,086      $ 10,453   

PD Large-Cap Value Index Portfolio

  $ 10,501      $ 14,458      $ 20,060   

PD Small-Cap Growth Index Portfolio

  $ 4,847      $ 3,254      $ 18,154   

PD Small-Cap Value Index Portfolio

  $ 10,541      $ 7,124      $ 34,954   

Absolute Return Portfolio3

    N/A        N/A        N/A   

Mid-Cap Value Portfolio7

  $ 1,770,490      $ 2,098,151      $ 2,491,532   

Large-Cap Value Portfolio

  $ 527,687      $ 392,467      $ 705,485   

PD Emerging Markets Portfolio

  $ 33,139      $ 35,645      $ 12,199   

PD International Large-Cap Portfolio

  $ 53,746      $ 32,876      $ 36,045   

Global Absolute Return Portfolio8

  $ 272,840      $ 126,545      $ 3,344,821   

Comstock Portfolio

  $ 650,254      $ 614,185      $ 988,363   

Mid-Cap Growth Portfolio9

  $ 725,501      $ 550,978 9    $ 504,080 9 

Technology Portfolio10

  $ 94,094      $ 93,860      $ 134,894   




  12/31/141     12/31/131     12/31/121  

International Value Portfolio

  $ 937,526      $ 1,284,099      $ 1,403,833   

Long/Short Large-Cap Portfolio

  $ 1,837,124      $ 2,094,789      $ 2,539,804   

Value Advantage Portfolio11

  $ 423,504      $ 270,249        N/A   

Focused Growth Portfolio

  $ 74,625      $ 95,880      $ 40,343   

Small-Cap Growth Portfolio12

  $ 694,676 12    $ 1,066,413 12    $ 1,069,751 12 

Currency Strategies Portfolio8

  $      $      $   

Growth Portfolio13

  $ 321,766      $ 352,895      $ 467,420   

International Large-Cap Portfolio

  $ 581,643      $ 836,611      $ 1,123,828   

Real Estate Portfolio

  $ 662,663      $ 429,746      $ 548,853 14 

Main Street Core Portfolio

  $ 766,996      $ 938,890      $ 789,650   

Emerging Markets Portfolio

  $ 1,836,799      $ 2,174,778      $ 1,459,421   

Core Income Portfolio3

    N/A        N/A        N/A   

Floating Rate Income Portfolio15

  $      $ 9,689      $   

High Yield Bond Portfolio

  $ 38,302      $ 12,090      $ 22,800   

Managed Bond Portfolio

  $ 193,370      $ 90,051      $ 74,619   

Inflation Managed Portfolio

  $ 13,887      $ 7,316      $ 16,879   

International Small-Cap Portfolio

  $ 1,578,026      $ 1,824,806      $ 1,575,521   

Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio16

  $ 1,900,463      $ 1,824,874      $ 1,946,255   

PD 1-3 Year Corporate Bond Portfolio17

  $      $        N/A   

PD Aggregate Bond Index Portfolio

  $      $      $   

PD High Yield Bond Market Portfolio

  $      $      $   

Dividend Growth Portfolio

  $ 107,641      $ 109,694      $ 123,487   

Short Duration Bond Portfolio

  $      $      $ 4,894   

Precious Metals Portfolio7

  $ 590,390      $ 547,524      $ 1,140,430   

Diversified Bond Portfolio

  $ 736,495      $ 378,430      $ 261,816   

Inflation Strategy Portfolio

  $ 476,422      $ 211,495      $ 137,544   


1  Increases/decreases in brokerage commissions from one year to the next are generally due to increased/decreased trading activity and/or an increase or decrease in portfolio assets.


2  AB and NFJ became co-sub-advisers of the Small-Cap Value Portfolio on May 1, 2014. NFJ served as the sole sub-adviser prior to that date.


3  The Equity Long/Short, Absolute Return and Core Income Portfolios commenced operations on or about April 27, 2015.


4  The Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio commenced operations on April 30, 2012.


5  BlackRock became the sub-adviser of the Health Sciences Portfolio on May 1, 2014. Jennison Associates LLC served as the sub-adviser prior to that date.


6  UBS Global AM became the sub-adviser of the Large-Cap Growth Portfolio on January 1, 2013. BlackRock served as the sub-adviser prior to that date.


7  Boston Partners became the sub-adviser of the Mid-Cap Value Portfolio on or about April 27, 2015. BlackRock Capital Management, Inc. served as the sub-adviser prior to that date.


8  The Global Absolute Return, Currency Strategies and Precious Metals Portfolios commenced operations on September 28, 2012. MCG and UBS Global AM became co-sub-advisers of the Currency Strategies Portfolio on November 1, 2013. UBS Global AM served as the sole sub-adviser prior to that date.


9  of which $3,492 and $1,361 was paid in 2013 and 2012, respectively to Morgan Stanley & Co., an affiliate of MSIM. Ivy became the sub-adviser of the Mid-Cap Growth Portfolio on November 1, 2013. MSIM served as the sub-adviser prior to that date.


10  Ivy became the sub-adviser of the Technology Portfolio on May 1, 2014. Columbia Management Investment Advisers, LLC served as the sub-adviser prior to that date.


11  The Value Advantage Portfolio commenced operations on April 30, 2013.


12  of which $108,378, $83,380 and $159,109 was paid in 2014, 2013 and 2012, respectively, to Fred Alger & Company, Incorporated, an affiliate of Fred Alger Management, Inc. For 2014, 29.3% of the aggregate brokerage commissions were paid to, and 23.8% of the aggregate dollar amount of transactions involving payment of commissions was effected through, Fred Alger & Company, Incorporated. Lord Abbett became the sub-adviser of the Small-Cap Growth Portfolio on May 1, 2014. Fred Alger Management, Inc. served as the sub-adviser prior to that date.


13  MFS became the sub-adviser of the Growth Portfolio on May 1, 2013. Janus served as the sub-adviser prior to that date.


14  of which $739 was paid in 2012, respectively to Morgan Stanley & Co., an affiliate of MSIM.


15  The Floating Rate Income Portfolio commenced operations on April 30, 2013.


16  Scout became the sub-adviser of the Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio on January 1, 2013. Lazard Asset Management LLC served as the sub-adviser prior to that date.


17  The PD 1-3 Year Corporate Bond Portfolio commenced operations on April 30, 2014.

During the year ended December 31, 2014, the Equity Index, Small-Cap Equity, Small-Cap Index, PD Large-Cap Value Index, Large-Cap Value, PD International Large-Cap, Comstock, International Value, Long/Short Large-Cap, Value Advantage, Growth, International Large-Cap, Main Street Core, Managed Bond, Inflation Managed, PD 1-3 Year Corporate Bond, PD Aggregate Bond Index, PD High Yield Bond Market, Dividend Growth, Short Duration Bond, Diversified Bond and Inflation Strategy Portfolios



acquired and sold securities of their Regular Broker-Dealers1 (as defined in the table below) and/or their Regular Broker-Dealers’ parent company.

As of December 31, 2014, each Fund listed below held securities of certain of its Regular Broker-Dealers and/or their Regular Broker-Dealers’ parent company:




Regular Broker-Dealers1

   Value of
(in thousands)

Equity Index Portfolio

   Bank of America Corp    $ 20,925   
   Citigroup Inc    $ 18,232   
   Goldman Sachs Group Inc    $ 8,732   
   JPMorgan Chase & Co    $ 26,019   

Small-Cap Equity Portfolio

   Investment Technology Group Inc.    $ 231   

Small-Cap Index Portfolio

   FBR Capital Markets & Co.    $ 71   

PD Large-Cap Value Index Portfolio

   Bank of America Corp    $ 8,068   
   Citigroup Inc    $ 7,049   
   Goldman Sachs Group Inc    $ 3,717   
   JPMorgan Chase & Co    $ 10,157   

Large-Cap Value Portfolio

   JPMorgan Chase & Co    $ 87,215   

PD International Large-Cap Portfolio

   Nomura/Instinet    $ 464   
   Societe Generale    $ 753   

Comstock Portfolio

   Bank of America Corp    $ 32,231   
   Citigroup Inc    $ 72,968   
   Morgan Stanley    $ 29,095   
   JP Morgan Chase & Co    $ 53,700   

International Value Portfolio

   UBS Limited    $ 128   
   Goldman Sachs International    $ 95   
   Citigroup Global Markets Ltd    $ 84   
   Daiwa Capital Markets Hong Kong    $ 76   
   Merrill Lynch International London    $ 50   
   Deutsche Bank AG London    $ 47   
   Redburn Partners    $ 44   
   Sanford C Bernstein Ltd London    $ 39   
   Morgan Stanley & Co. International    $ 36   
   UBS Securities Asia Ltd    $ 30   

Long/Short Large-Cap Portfolio

   Morgan Stanley    $ 222   
   Citigroup    $ 210   
   Goldman Sachs    $ 175   
   Credit Suisse    $ 165   
   Banc of America — Merrill Lynch    $ 163   
   Deutsche Bank    $ 141   
   UBS    $ 119   
   Trade Informatics    $ 101   
   Barclays    $ 84   
   Knight    $ 71   

Value Advantage Portfolio

   Jefferies    $ 31   
   UBS    $ 24   
   Citigroup    $ 422   
   Credit Suisse    $ 17   
   Goldman Sachs    $ 16   
   Deutsche Bank    $ 16   
   Morgan Stanley    $ 16   
   Banc of America — Merrill Lynch    $ 12   
   Liquidnet    $ 10   
   RBC Capital Markets    $ 4   





Regular Broker-Dealers1

   Value of
(in thousands)

Growth Portfolio

   Morgan Stanley    $ 7,899   

International Large-Cap Portfolio

   Barclays    $ 26,976   
   HSBC    $ 60,998   
   UBS    $ 51,524   

Main Street Core Portfolio

   Citigroup    $ 54,823   
   JPMorgan Chase    $ 30,690   

Managed Bond Portfolio

   Bank of America Corp    $ 158,999   
   Barclays Bank PLC    $ 29,595   
   Citigroup INC    $ 71,198   
   JP Morgan Chase    $ 128,454   

Inflation Managed Portfolio

   Barclays PLC    $ 2,843   
   Citigroup INC    $ 33,775   
   J.P. Morgan Chase & Co    $ 33,699   

PD 1-3 Year Corporate Bond Portfolio

   Bank of America Corp Mtn    $ 6,111   
   Citigroup Inc    $ 4,646   
   JPMorgan Chase & Co    $ 4,451   
   Wells Fargo & Company Mtn    $ 3,626   
   Goldman Sachs Group Inc    $ 3,356   
   Morgan Stanley    $ 2,653   
   Royal Bank of Canada    $ 1,756   
   Deutsche Bank AG    $ 1,612   
   BNP Paribas Mtn    $ 1,158   
   Bank of Nova Scotia    $ 1,151   

PD Aggregate Bond Index Portfolio

   JPMorgan Chase & Co    $ 7,462   
   Bank of America Corp    $ 5,665   
   Morgan Stanley    $ 4,063   
   Citigroup Inc    $ 3,912   
   Goldman Sachs Group Inc    $ 3,312   
   Wells Fargo & Company    $ 2,632   
   UBS    $ 1,930   
   HSBC Holdings Plc    $ 1,573   
   Deutsche Bank AG London    $ 999   
   Royal Bank of Canada    $ 899   

PD High Yield Bond Market Portfolio

   Royal Bk Scotlnd Grp Plc    $ 1,514   
   CIT Group Inc    $ 1,466   
   Barclays Plc    $ 359   
   Credit Agricole Sa    $ 272   
   BNP Paribas    $ 232   
   Jefferies Fin LLC    $ 186   
   UBS    $ 155   
   Morgan Stanley    $ 104   
   Deutsche Bk Cap    $ 102   

Dividend Growth Portfolio

   J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.    $ 18,248   
   Morgan Stanley    $ 9,483   
   Wells Fargo Company    $ 17,499   

Short Duration Bond Portfolio

   JP Morgan Chase HQ    $ 12,200   
   Goldman Sachs & Company    $ 17,287   
   Morgan Stanley & Company    $ 20,376   
   Bank of America Merrill Lynch    $ 25,882   
   Citigroup Global Markets    $ 9,329   
   Barclays Capital    $ 1,424   





Regular Broker-Dealers1

   Value of
(in thousands)

Diversified Bond Portfolio

   Citigroup Global Markets    $ 48,716   
   Goldman Sachs Group    $ 64,760   
   Barclays Capital    $ 188   
   Morgan Stanley & Co    $ 9,853   
   JP Morgan Securities    $ 93,203   
   Bank of America Merrill Lynch    $ 166,442   
   Credit Suisse First Boston    $ 42,281   
   Wells Fargo Securities    $ 42,650   

Inflation Strategy Portfolio

   Citigroup Global Markets    $ 5,002   
   JP Morgan Securities    $ 1,500   


1  “Regular Broker-Dealers” means the top ten firms which the Manager uses, as determined and provided by the Manager, to execute transactions for the Fund(s) it manages. For purposes of determining the top ten firms, transactions executed by the Trust’s transitioning agent (in connection with manager transitions, reorganizations, asset allocation rebalancing, etc.), are excluded.

Portfolio Turnover

For reporting purposes, each Fund’s portfolio turnover rate is calculated by dividing the value of the lesser of purchases or sales of portfolio securities for the fiscal year by the monthly average of the value of portfolio securities owned by the Fund during the fiscal year. In determining such portfolio turnover, long-term U.S. government securities are included. Short-term U.S. government securities and all other securities whose maturities at the time of acquisition were one year or less are excluded. A 100% portfolio turnover rate would occur, for example, if all of the securities in a Fund (other than short-term securities) were replaced once during the fiscal year. The portfolio turnover rate for each of the Funds will vary from year to year, depending on market conditions and trading opportunities. Such changes do not necessarily reflect a change in long-term trading strategies of the Managers. Any changes in portfolio turnover rates which are less than 100% change from the prior year’s rates are not considered significant. Changes in Managers and investment personnel and reorganizations of Funds, may result in the sale of portfolio securities, which may increase trading costs and the portfolio turnover for the affected Funds. Significant changes in turnover rates may occur in certain Funds for reasons other than market conditions and trading opportunities. All Funds may engage in active and frequent trading which could result in higher trading costs and reduce performance. The trading strategies of the Diversified Bond Portfolio and Managed Bond Portfolio generally result in very high and fluctuating turnover rates and changes of approximately 200% in the turnover rates for these Funds are generally not considered significant. The investment strategy of the Long/Short Large-Cap Portfolio allows for shorting securities which may lead to a higher turnover rate.

The portfolio turnover rate for the Large-Cap Growth Portfolio decreased significantly for the period ended December 31, 2014 compared to the period ended December 31, 2013, reflecting the sub-adviser’s regular portfolio management of this Fund after replacing the then sub-adviser of the Fund on January 1, 2013. The portfolio turnover rate for the Small-Cap Growth Portfolio increased significantly for the period ended December 31, 2014 compared to the period ended December 31, 2013 in connection with a new sub-adviser for the Fund replacing the existing sub-adviser during the period and implementing buy and sell recommendations for the Fund in connection with this transition.

The Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and Portfolio Optimization Portfolios invest in Underlying Funds, and changes to the allocations of the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and/or Portfolio Optimization Portfolios may result in the transfer of assets from one Underlying Fund to another. These changes, as well as changes in Managers and investment personnel and reorganizations of the Underlying Funds, may result in the purchase or sale of portfolio securities, which may increase trading costs and the portfolio turnover for the affected Underlying Funds. Significant changes in turnover rates may occur in certain Underlying Funds for reasons other than market conditions and trading opportunities.

Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings

The Trust may publicly disclose portfolio holdings periodically on the Trust’s website. The website address is www.PacificLife.com/PacificSelectFundMonthlyHoldings.htm. Unaudited month-end holdings for each Fund are generally posted approximately three to five business days following month-end. There may be delays in reporting month-end holdings for certain Funds as noted on the website (“lag time”). The Trust reserves the right to post holdings for any Fund more frequently than monthly, but may subsequently resume monthly posting. Holdings information will remain available on the Trust’s website until the next period’s holdings are posted or longer if required by law. Portfolio holdings may also be included in periodic filings with the SEC.

More current, non-public holdings information is available to certain Trust service providers in order for such providers to fulfill their contractual obligations to the Trust. Such service providers, including (but not limited to) the Adviser, each Manager, the Trust’s



custodian, auditors, counsel and Independent Trustees’ counsel, may receive or have access to non-public portfolio holdings without any lag time. Each of these service providers has a contractual duty to maintain the confidentiality of such non-public information, as well as not to trade on such information.

It is the policy of the Trust to maintain the confidentiality of non-public portfolio holdings information and not to divulge non-public portfolio holdings information to other parties except for legitimate business purposes and then only in accordance with the Trust’s disclosure of portfolio holdings policy and related procedures (“Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings Policy”). The Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings Policy is meant to protect the interests of the Trust’s shareholders and to address potential conflicts of interest that could arise between the interests of the Trust’s shareholders and those of a Trust service provider, including the Adviser, a Manager, the Distributor or their affiliates.

In addition to the Adviser and each Manager, the following parties have agreements with the Trust or the Adviser pursuant to which they may receive or have access to non-public portfolio holdings information without any lag time:


Advent Software Inc.    Institutional Services Inc. (“ISS”)
Automated Securities Clearance LLC    ITG Solutions Network, Inc. (“ITG”)
Barra, LLC    Markit WSO Corporation
Bloomberg Finance L.P.    Paul Hastings LLP
Dechert LLP    R. R. Donnelley
Deloitte & Touche LLP    Russell Implementation Services Inc.
Diligent Board Member Services, Inc.    Securities Class Action Services, LLC
Ernst & Young LLP    State Street Bank and Trust Company
FactSet Research Systems Inc.    Zeno Consulting Group
Ibbotson Associates Inc.   

The release of portfolio holdings information to a party, including the parties listed above, in advance of its release to all shareholders or the general public is permitted by the Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings Policy only when (i) the Trust, the Adviser, or the Manager or other Trust service provider releasing the information has a legitimate business purpose for releasing the information to the recipient, (ii) the release of information is believed not to violate the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws or the Adviser’s or applicable Manager’s fiduciary duties, and (iii) the recipient is subject to a contractual duty of confidentiality with substantially the same terms and conditions as that of a Trust service provider, including a duty not to trade on the information (which duty may be encompassed by broader language, such as a duty to comply with anti-fraud provisions of, or applicable provisions of, federal securities laws), provided, however that the Adviser or Manager may not trade on such information in a manner inconsistent with applicable law or inconsistent with any internal policy adopted by the firm to govern trading by its employees.

In addition, when the Trust, the Adviser or Managers purchase and sell securities through broker-dealers, request bids on securities, or obtain price quotations on securities, the Trust may disclose one or more of its holdings. Companies which clear and settle trades may also have access to portfolio holdings information. The Trust has not entered into formal confidentiality agreements in connection with such situations; however, the Trust would not continue to conduct business with an entity believed to be misusing the disclosed information.

The Trust, or its duly authorized service providers, may disclose portfolio holdings to analysts, rating agencies, or other parties, the day after it has been posted to the Trust’s website or immediately after it has been filed with the SEC in a filing requiring the portfolio holdings to be included. There are no specific individuals or categories of individuals who authorize the release of portfolio holdings.

If the Trust or one of its duly authorized service providers seeks to disclose portfolio holdings to analysts, rating agencies, pricing services, trade and settlement or administrative services companies or any other parties prior to the time such information is made public, such disclosure would be conditioned on the recipient (e.g., a service provider to a Trust service provider) agreeing in writing to treat such portfolio holdings as confidential under substantially the same terms and conditions as that of the Trust’s service providers.

The Trust relies on the contractual obligations of the Trust’s service providers to maintain confidentiality of portfolio holdings information, and currently does not independently monitor the use of such information by service providers. The Trust has an established process whereby Managers are asked to provide written confirmation as to their compliance with the Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings Policy.

No compensation is received by the Trust or the Adviser in connection with the disclosure of portfolio holdings information.

Notwithstanding anything in the Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings Policy to the contrary, the Trust’s Board of Trustees, its General Counsel or its Chief Compliance Officer (“CCO”) may, on a case-by-case basis, authorize disclosure of the Trust’s portfolio securities, provided that, in their judgment, such disclosure is not inconsistent with the best interests of shareholders and, unless



otherwise required by law, subject to the confidentiality requirements set forth in the Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings Policy. Each may also impose additional restrictions on the dissemination of portfolio information beyond those found in the Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings Policy.

Non-public portfolio holdings information may, from time to time, be released to Pacific Life and PL&A (affiliates of the Adviser), RGA Reinsurance Company, Swiss Re Life, Union Hamilton Reinsurance, Ltd. and any other reinsurance companies with which Pacific Life and PL&A may contract (together, the “Insurers”) in connection with their hedging activities to mitigate certain risks and exposures borne by the Insurers that are associated with variable annuity product riders and the Funds offered as underlying investment options. This information is released to the Insurers only in accordance with the Trust’s Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings Policy (including exceptions from the Policy as permitted therein) and provided subject to written confirmation by the Insurers of their confidentiality obligations and use of the information only for their hedging purposes. Pacific Life has represented to the Trust that the Insurers’ hedging activity, generally accomplished through the trading of index futures, is highly unlikely to have an adverse impact on the Trust or its Funds.

The Trust’s CCO receives reports of violations of the Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings Policy by the Trust, the Adviser, its service providers, and Managers. If such a report is received, and if the CCO, in the exercise of his or her duties, deems that such violation constitutes a “Material Compliance Matter” within the meaning of Rule 38a-1 under the 1940 Act, he or she will report it to the Trust’s Board of Trustees, as required by Rule 38a-1.


Each Fund of the Trust is divided into shares and share classes, if applicable. The price per share of each class of a Fund’s shares is called its NAV. The NAV forms the basis for all transactions involving buying, selling, exchanging or reinvesting shares. Each Fund’s NAV is calculated by taking the total value of a Fund’s assets subtracting a Fund’s liabilities, and dividing by the total number of shares outstanding.

Each Fund’s NAV is calculated once a day, every day the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) is open, including days when foreign markets and/or bond markets are closed. For purposes of calculating the NAV, the value of investments held by each Fund is generally determined as of the time of the close of the NYSE, which is usually 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Information that becomes known to the Trust or its agents after the close of the NYSE on a particular day will not normally be used to retroactively adjust the price of an investment for that same business day. Such information may include late dividend notifications, legal or regulatory matters, corporate actions, and corrected/adjusted last sales prices or official closing prices from an exchange.

Each Fund’s shares are purchased, sold or exchanged at the Fund’s NAV next calculated after a request to buy, sell or exchange shares is received by Pacific Life or PL&A in proper form. The insurance companies pay for shares they purchase in cash. Similarly, when shares are sold or exchanged, the Trust generally pays the insurance companies for the shares in cash. However, a Fund may, subject to approval by the Board, pay for a sale or exchange, in whole or in part, by a distribution of investments from a Fund, in lieu of cash, in accordance with applicable rules.

Each Fund’s NAV will not be calculated on days when the NYSE is closed. There may be a delay in calculating the NAV if: (i) the NYSE is closed on a day other than a regular holiday or weekend, (ii) trading on the NYSE is restricted, (iii) an emergency exists (as determined by the SEC), making the sale of investments or determinations of NAV not practicable, or (iv) the SEC permits a delay for the protection of shareholders.

Certain Funds may hold investments that are primarily listed on foreign exchanges. Because those investments trade on weekends and other days when the Funds do not calculate their NAVs, the value of those investments may change on days when a shareholder will not be able to purchase or redeem shares of those Funds.

The value of each security or other investment is the amount which a Fund might reasonably expect to receive for the investment upon its current sale in the ordinary course of business. For purposes of calculating the NAV, the value of investments held by each Fund is based primarily on pricing data obtained from various sources approved by the Board. Valuation of investments held by the Funds is discussed in the Prospectuses.


The Trust may, from time to time, include the yield of the Funds and the Master Funds, and the total return of all Funds and the Master Funds in advertisements, sales literature, or reports to shareholders or prospective investors. Total return information for the Trust advertised or included in sales literature may be accompanied by comparable performance information for a separate account to which the Trust offers its shares.




The following is a summary of certain United States federal income tax consequences relating to the ownership of shares in each Fund by the separate accounts of life insurance companies for the purpose of funding variable insurance policies. Unless otherwise stated, this summary deals only with the status of each Fund as a partnership for federal income tax purposes under Subchapter K of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”) and the application of the diversification rules under section 817(h) of the Code. It does not deal with any other federal, state, local or foreign tax consequences, including the possible effect of leveraged investments or the treatment of hedging devices. It also does not deal with insurance companies that are not domiciled in the United States. This summary is based on the Code, United States Treasury regulations thereunder (the “Treasury Regulations”) and administrative and judicial interpretations thereof, as of the date hereof, all of which are subject to change, possibly on a retroactive basis. Any such changes may be applied retroactively in a manner that could cause the tax consequences to vary substantially from the consequences described below, possibly adversely affecting a beneficial owner of each Fund.

The Trust currently intends that each Fund will be treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes. A Fund that elects to be treated as a partnership is not subject to income tax; and any income, gains, losses, deductions, and credits of the Fund would instead be taken into account by its partners, which would be the insurance companies whose separate accounts invest in the Fund or certain funds of funds the only shareholders of which are insurance companies offering variable products (a “Fund of Funds”). It is expected that a variable annuity or variable life insurance contract owner would not be affected by a Fund electing to be treated as a partnership. Pacific Life and PL&A may get certain tax benefits from a Fund electing to be treated as a partnership.

A Fund which has elected to be taxed as a partnership would not be subject to income tax and any income or gains would instead be taken into account by its partners, Pacific Life and PL&A any other insurance company separate accounts and any Fund of Funds that may invest in the Funds. For a Fund taxed as a partnership, ownership of the shares of a Fund by a separate account could have tax consequences or tax benefits to the insurance companies.

Each Fund also intends to comply with diversification regulations under Section 817(h) of the Code, that apply to mutual funds or partnerships underlying variable contracts. Generally, a Fund will be required to diversify its investments so that on the last day of each quarter of a calendar year no more than 55% of the value of its total assets is represented by any one investment, no more than 70% is represented by any two investments, no more than 80% is represented by any three investments, and no more than 90% is represented by any four investments. For this purpose, securities of a given issuer generally are treated as one investment, but each U.S. government agency and instrumentality is treated as a separate issuer. Compliance with the diversification rules under Section 817(h) of the Code generally will limit the ability of any Fund, and in particular, the Inflation Managed Portfolio, to invest greater than 55% of its total assets in direct obligations of the U.S. Treasury (or any other issuer) or to invest primarily in securities issued by a single agency or instrumentality of the U.S. government. The Feeder Funds intend to comply with these requirements through their investment in the Master Funds.

If a Fund taxed as a partnership invests in shares of a passive foreign investment company there may be tax consequences to the insurance company partners or a Fund of Funds that is a partner.

Under the Code, gains or losses attributable to fluctuations in exchange rates which occur between the time a Fund accrues income or other receivables or accrues expenses or other liabilities denominated in a foreign currency and the time that Fund actually collects such receivables or pays such liabilities generally are treated as ordinary income or ordinary loss. Similarly, on disposition of debt securities denominated in a foreign currency and on disposition of certain futures contracts, forward contracts, options and similar financial instruments gains or losses attributable to fluctuations in the value of foreign currency between the date of acquisition of the security or contract and the date of disposition also are treated as ordinary gain or loss.

For a variable life insurance contract or a variable annuity contract to qualify for tax deferral, assets in the separate accounts supporting the contract must be considered to be owned by the insurance company and not by the contract owner. Under current U.S. tax law, if a contract owner has excessive control over the investments made by a separate account, or the underlying fund, the contract owner will be taxed currently on income and gains from the account or fund. In other words, in such a case of “investor control” the contract owner would not derive the tax benefits normally associated with variable life insurance or variable annuities.

Generally, according to the IRS, there are two ways that impermissible investor control may exist. The first relates to the design of the contract or the relationship between the contract and a separate account or underlying fund. For example, at various times, the IRS has focused on, among other factors, the number and type of investment choices available pursuant to a given variable contract, whether the contract offers access to funds that are available to the general public, the number of transfers that a contract owner may make from one investment option to another, and the degree to which a contract owner may select or control particular investments.

The second way that impermissible investor control might exist concerns your actions. Under the IRS pronouncements, you may not select or control particular investments, other than choosing among broad investment choices such as selecting a particular Fund. You may not select or direct the purchase or sale of a particular investment of a Fund. All investment decisions concerning the Funds must be made by the Manager for such Fund in his or her sole and absolute discretion, and not by the contract owner. Furthermore,



under the IRS pronouncements, you may not communicate directly or indirectly with such a Manager or any related investment officers concerning the selection, quality, or rate of return of any specific investment or group of investments held by a Fund.

Finally, the IRS may issue additional guidance on the investor control doctrine, which might further restrict your actions or features of the variable contract. Such guidance could be applied retroactively. If any of the rules outlined above are not complied with, the IRS may seek to tax contract owners currently on income and gains from a Fund such that contract owners would not derive the tax benefits normally associated with variable life insurance or variable annuities. Although highly unlikely, such an event may have an adverse impact on the fund and other variable contracts.

Shareholders of the Funds should consult their own tax advisers with regard to the federal tax consequences of the purchase, ownership and disposition of Trust shares, as well as the tax consequences arising under the laws of any state, foreign country, or other taxing jurisdiction. For information concerning the federal income tax consequences to the holder of a variable contract, such holders should consult the prospectus for the particular contract.


Funds treated as partnerships for federal income tax purposes are not required to distribute taxable income. A Separate Account (the “Partner”) is required to report its respective share of ordinary income, dividends, interest, and short or long term capital gains.



The Trust is a Massachusetts business trust established under a Declaration of Trust dated May 4, 1987. The capitalization of the Trust consists solely of an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest with a par value of $0.001 each. The Board of Trustees may establish additional Funds (with different investment goals and fundamental policies) at any time in the future. Establishment and offering of additional Funds will not alter the rights of the Trust’s shareholders. When issued, shares are fully paid, redeemable, freely transferable, and non-assessable by the Trust. Shares do not have preemptive rights or subscription rights. In liquidation of a Fund of the Trust, each shareholder is entitled to receive his pro rata share of the net assets of that Fund.

Shareholder and Trustee Liability

Under Massachusetts law, shareholders could, under certain circumstances, be held personally liable for the obligations of the Trust. However, the Declaration of Trust disclaims liability of the shareholders, Trustees, or officers of the Trust for acts or obligations of the Trust, which are binding only on the assets and property of the Trust and requires that notice of the disclaimer be given in each contract or obligation entered into or executed by the Trust or the Trustees. The Declaration of Trust provides for indemnification out of Trust property for all loss and expense of any shareholder held personally liable for the obligations of the Trust. The risk of a shareholder incurring financial loss on account of shareholder liability is limited to circumstances in which the Trust itself would be unable to meet its obligations and thus should be considered remote.

Under the Trust’s organizational documents, the Trustees and the officers of the Trust shall be advanced expenses, held harmless and indemnified in certain circumstances in connection with their service to the Trust. However, they are not protected from liability by reason of their willful misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence, or reckless disregard. In addition, the Trust has entered into an agreement with each Trustee which provides that the Trust will indemnify and hold harmless each Trustee against any expenses actually and reasonably incurred by any Independent Trustee in any proceeding arising out of or in connection with the Trustee’s services to the Trust to the fullest extent authorized by its organizational documents, state law, the 1940 Act and the 1933 Act.

Control Persons and Principal Holders of Securities

With respect to Class I shares of the Funds.    Because Class I shares of the Funds are only available as underlying investment options for variable life insurance and variable annuity products offered by Pacific Life and PL&A, the applicable separate accounts of Pacific Life and PL&A that own Class I shares of a Fund could be deemed to control the voting securities of such Fund (i.e., by owning more than 25%). However, Pacific Life and PL&A would exercise voting rights attributable to any Class I shares of the Funds owned by it (directly or indirectly) in accordance with voting instructions received by owners of the variable life policies and variable annuity contracts issued by Pacific Life and/or PL&A.

With respect to Class P shares of the Funds.    Because Class P shares of the Funds are only available for investment by the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Portfolio Optimization Portfolios and Pacific Dynamix Portfolios (and PLFA and certain of its affiliates), the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, any Portfolio Optimization Portfolio or any Pacific Dynamix Portfolio owning more than 25% of the Class P shares of a Fund could be deemed to control the voting securities of Class P shares of that particular Fund. However, the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, each of the Portfolio Optimization Portfolios and each of the Pacific Dynamix



Portfolios would exercise voting rights attributable to any Class P shares of a Fund owned by it in accordance with the proxy voting policies established by the Trust. See the “How shares will be voted by the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and Portfolio Optimization Portfolios” sub-section of the “Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures” section of this SAI for more information. In addition, any initial capital for the Pacific Dynamix Underlying Funds (which offer Class P shares only) was provided by Pacific Life. As such, Pacific Life is deemed to control certain Pacific Dynamix Underlying Funds in which it owns more than 25% of the voting securities. Pacific Life is a Nebraska domiciled life insurance company and a subsidiary of Pacific LifeCorp, a holding company, which in turn is a subsidiary of Pacific Mutual Holding Company, a mutual holding company. In the event a vote is required, Pacific Life could control the vote depending on its ownership interest at that time.

The list below reflects the shareholders of record (or known by the Trust to own beneficially) as of April 2, 2015 that own 5% or more (principal holders) of any Class of a Fund’s outstanding securities. The list also reflects the beneficial owners of more than 25% (control owners) of any Class of a Fund’s outstanding securities. Each shareholder’s address is c/o 700 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660.

Diversified Bond Portfolio

7.08% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life & Annuity Company

92.92% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

11.72% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Conservative Portfolio

17.23% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

41.94% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

26.19% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

Floating Rate Income Portfolio

95.85% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

16.59% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Conservative Portfolio

22.28% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

40.53% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

20.60% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

Floating Rate Loan Portfolio

6.21% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life & Annuity Company

93.79% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

14.29% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Conservative Portfolio

21.49% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

45.26% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

18.96% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

High Yield Bond Portfolio

98.10% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

15.64% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Conservative Portfolio

25.02% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

59.34% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

Inflation Managed Portfolio

97.81% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

12.55% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Conservative Portfolio

13.88% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

48.91% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

24.66% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

Inflation Strategy Portfolio

96.06% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

12.98% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Conservative Portfolio

14.24% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

50.79% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

21.99% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio



Managed Bond Portfolio

98.46% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

11.78% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Conservative Portfolio

17.22% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

41.95% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

26.16% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

Short Duration Bond Portfolio

97.39% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

20.47% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Conservative Portfolio

23.66% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

45.47% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

10.40% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

Emerging Markets Debt Portfolio

95.15% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

13.82% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Conservative Portfolio

16.86% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

46.96% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

19.32% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

American Funds Growth Portfolio

97.72% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

73.38% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

26.62% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

American Funds Growth-Income Portfolio

98.12% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

11.20% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

43.65% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

36.86% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

8.29% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Comstock Portfolio

98.70% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

5.28% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Conservative Portfolio

9.92% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

38.42% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

37.85% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

8.53% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Dividend Growth Portfolio

97.29% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

9.36% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

36.52% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

40.92% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

11.55% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Equity Index Portfolio

96.69% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

11.38% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

40.75% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

33.94% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

9.12% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio



Focused Growth Portfolio

98.08% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

100.00% of Class P shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

Growth Portfolio

99.48% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

10.72% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

42.15% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

35.42% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

7.97% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Large-Cap Growth Portfolio

97.84% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

9.96% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

38.77% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

39.27% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

8.88% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Large-Cap Value Portfolio

98.62% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

9.17% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

40.02% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

37.47% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

8.47% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Long/Short Large-Cap Portfolio

97.52% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

36.80% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

51.55% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

11.65% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Main Street Core Portfolio

99.38% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

8.94% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

43.66% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

36.73% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

8.30% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Mid-Cap Equity Portfolio

98.49% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

5.32% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

30.18% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

50.50% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

10.87% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Mid-Cap Growth Portfolio

98.10% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

7.01% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

37.71% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

42.00% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

11.30% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Mid-Cap Value Portfolio

97.58% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

10.20% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

36.45% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

40.56% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

10.90% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio



Small-Cap Equity Portfolio

98.00% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

8.04% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

28.70% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

47.83% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

15.43% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Small-Cap Growth Portfolio

97.80% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

44.19% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

37.00% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

15.92% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Small-Cap Index Portfolio

98.99% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

11.76% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

41.91% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

31.19% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

15.14% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Small-Cap Value Portfolio

96.84% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

7.11% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

28.96% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

48.34% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

15.59% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Value Advantage Portfolio

97.92% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

9.77% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

43.34% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

36.34% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

7.82% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Health Sciences Portfolio

96.23% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

100.00% of Class P shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

Real Estate Portfolio

96.66% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

29.93% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

52.96% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

17.11% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Technology Portfolio

97.28% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

100.00% of Class P shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

Emerging Markets Portfolio

97.00% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

6.04% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

40.78% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

42.32% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

10.86% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio



International Large-Cap Portfolio

95.88% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

5.63% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

39.11% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

41.96% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

9.21% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

International Small-Cap Portfolio

98.21% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

7.04% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

38.14% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

42.31% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

12.51% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

International Value Portfolio

98.85% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

6.63% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

35.00% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

45.57% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

9.70% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Currency Strategies Portfolio

5.92% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life & Annuity Company

94.08% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

9.79% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

42.89% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

36.04% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

7.06% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Global Absolute Return Portfolio

6.05% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life & Annuity Company

93.95% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

7.72% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Conservative Portfolio

13.74% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

38.86% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

32.65% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

7.03% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

Precious Metals Portfolio

9.01% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life & Annuity Company

90.99% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

6.68% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Conservative Portfolio

5.87% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

36.57% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

35.71% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

15.17% of Class P shares were held by the Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

American Funds Asset Allocation Portfolio

6.39% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life & Annuity Company

93.61% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

Pacific Dynamix — Conservative Growth Portfolio

7.63% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life & Annuity Company

92.37% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

Pacific Dynamix — Moderate Growth Portfolio

5.36% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life & Annuity Company

94.64% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company



Pacific Dynamix — Growth Portfolio

96.45% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

Portfolio Optimization Conservative Portfolio

95.82% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

Portfolio Optimization Moderate-Conservative Portfolio

95.40% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

Portfolio Optimization Moderate Portfolio

95.34% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

Portfolio Optimization Growth Portfolio

95.82% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

Portfolio Optimization Aggressive-Growth Portfolio

5.08% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life & Annuity Company

94.92% of Class I shares were held by Pacific Life Insurance Company

PD 1-3 Year Corporate Bond Portfolio

25.79% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Conservative Growth Portfolio

63.92% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Moderate Growth Portfolio

10.29% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Growth Portfolio

PD Aggregate Bond Index Portfolio

26.31% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Conservative Growth Portfolio

63.15% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Moderate Growth Portfolio

10.54% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Growth Portfolio

PD High Yield Bond Market Portfolio

22.24% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Conservative Growth Portfolio

69.06% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Moderate Growth Portfolio

8.70% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Growth Portfolio

PD Large-Cap Growth Index Portfolio

12.36% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Conservative Growth Portfolio

62.22% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Moderate Growth Portfolio

25.42% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Growth Portfolio

PD Large-Cap Value Index Portfolio

11.85% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Conservative Growth Portfolio

63.98% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Moderate Growth Portfolio

24.17% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Growth Portfolio

PD Small-Cap Growth Index Portfolio

10.14% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Conservative Growth Portfolio

53.78% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Moderate Growth Portfolio

36.08% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Growth Portfolio

PD Small-Cap Value Index Portfolio

9.72% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Conservative Growth Portfolio

59.26% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Moderate Growth Portfolio

31.02% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Growth Portfolio

PD Emerging Markets Portfolio

7.97% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Conservative Growth Portfolio

61.97% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Moderate Growth Portfolio

30.06% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Growth Portfolio



PD International Large-Cap Portfolio

10.76% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Conservative Growth Portfolio

62.07% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Moderate Growth Portfolio

27.17% of Class P shares were held by the Pacific Dynamix — Growth Portfolio

Voting Rights

Shareholders of the Trust are given certain voting rights. Each share of each Fund will be given one vote, unless a different allocation of voting rights is required under applicable law for a mutual fund that is an investment medium for variable insurance products.

Under the Declaration of Trust and Massachusetts business trust law, the Trust is not required to hold annual meetings of Trust shareholders to elect Trustees or for other purposes. It is not anticipated that the Trust will hold shareholders’ meetings unless required by law, although special meetings may be called for a specific Fund, or for the Trust as a whole, for purposes such as electing or removing Trustees, changing fundamental policies, or approving a new or amended Advisory Agreement or sub-advisory agreement. In this regard, the Trust will be required to hold a meeting to elect Trustees to fill any existing vacancies on the Board if, at any time, fewer than a majority of the Trustees have been elected by the shareholders of the Trust. In addition, the Declaration of Trust provides that the holders of not less than two-thirds of the outstanding shares or other voting interests of the Trust may remove a person serving as Trustee either by declaration in writing or at a meeting called for such purpose. The Trustees are required to call a meeting for the purpose of considering the removal of a person serving as Trustee, if requested in writing to do so by the holders of not less than 10% of the outstanding shares or other voting interests of the Trust.

In accordance with current laws, it is anticipated that an insurance company issuing a Variable Contract that participates in the Trust (excluding the Pacific Dynamix Underlying Funds) will request voting instructions from Variable Contract Owners and will vote shares or other voting interests in the Separate Account in accordance with voting instructions received, and will vote shares or other voting interests not received in proportion to the voting instructions received by all Separate Accounts. The Trust’s shares do not have cumulative voting rights. As a result of proportional voting, the vote of a small number of contract holders could determine the outcome of a shareholder vote. For additional information regarding the Pacific Dynamix Underlying Funds, see the “Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures” section in this SAI.

Custodian and Transfer Agency and Dividend Disbursing Services

State Street Bank and Trust Company (“State Street”), a Massachusetts banking corporation with a principal place of business at One Lincoln Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02111-2900, serves as custodian of the Trust. Under the agreement with the Trust, State Street is permitted to hold assets of the Trust in an account that it maintains. Pursuant to rules or other exemptions under the 1940 Act, the Trust may maintain foreign securities and cash for the Trust in the custody of certain eligible foreign banks and securities depositories.

State Street will place and maintain the foreign assets of the Trust in the care of eligible foreign custodians determined by State Street and will monitor the appropriateness of maintaining foreign assets with eligible custodians, which does not include mandatory securities depositories.

Pacific Life provides dividend disbursing and certain transfer agency services to the Trust. Pacific Life does not receive compensation for providing these dividend disbursing and transfer agency services but does receive reimbursement for expenses incurred in providing these services. State Street provides transfer agency services for Class P shares of the Underlying Funds.

Financial Statements

The financial statements and financial highlights of each of the Funds of the Trust as of December 31, 2014 are incorporated by reference in this SAI from the Annual Reports of the Trust dated as of December 31, 2014. The financial statements and financial highlights have been audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm. Because the Core Income Portfolio, Absolute Return Portfolio, Diversified Alternatives Portfolio and Equity Long/Short Portfolio did not commence operations prior to December 31, 2014, the financial statements and financial highlights referenced above are not available.

Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

Deloitte & Touche LLP serves as the independent registered public accounting firm for the Trust. The address of Deloitte & Touche LLP is 695 Town Center Drive, Suite 1200, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Deloitte & Touche LLP provides audit services and review of certain documents to be filed with the SEC. For information regarding the Master Funds’ independent registered public accounting firm, please consult the Master Funds’ statement of additional information.




Dechert LLP, 1900 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006, passes upon certain legal matters in connection with the shares offered by the Trust and also acts as outside counsel to the Trust.

Code of Ethics

The Trust, the Adviser, PSD and each Manager have adopted codes of ethics which have been approved by the Trust’s Board of Trustees. Subject to certain limitations and procedures, these codes permit personnel that they cover, including employees of the Adviser, PSD or Managers who regularly have access to information about securities purchased for the Trust, to invest in securities for their own accounts. This could include securities that may be purchased by Funds of the Trust. The codes are intended to prevent these personnel from taking inappropriate advantage of their positions and to prevent fraud upon the Trust. The Trust’s Code of Ethics requires reporting to the Board of Trustees on compliance violations.

The Master Funds’ Investment Adviser has also adopted a Code of Ethics.

Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures

The Board has delegated proxy voting responsibilities with respect to each Fund to such Fund’s Manager, subject to the Board’s general oversight, with the direction that proxies should be voted consistent with the Fund’s best interests as determined by the Manager and applicable regulations. Each Manager has adopted its own Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures (“Policies”) for this purpose. The Policies address, among other things, conflicts of interest that may arise between the interests of the Fund and the interests of the Manager and its affiliates. Due to the nature of the assets in which certain of the Funds invest (e.g., debt, currency, or derivatives), actions requiring proxy voting may not arise. In the event that proxy voting is required, the Manager’s Policies would apply.

The Policies set forth each Manager’s general position on various proposals. However, a Manager may, consistent with the Fund’s best interests, determine under some circumstances to vote contrary to those positions. The Policies on a particular issue may or may not reflect the view of individual members of the Board or of a majority of the Board. In addition, the Policies may reflect a voting position that differs from the actual practices of other investment companies or advisory clients for which a Manager or its affiliates serve as investment manager. Because each Manager will vote proxies consistent with its own Policies, it is possible that different Funds will vote differently on the same proposals or categories of proposals.

Set forth in the Appendices are the Policies for each Manager as prepared and provided by each Manager. The Trust files, by August 31 of each year, information regarding how each Fund has voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30. Such information is available after filing (i) on the Trust’s website at www.pacificlife.com; and (ii) on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

When a Fund’s securities are held in a sub-account within a State Street umbrella account at State Street’s subcustodian banks the Managers may not be able to exercise their proxy voting rights with respect to such securities. In addition, the portfolio manager may choose not to vote in certain situations. This may occur, for example, in situations where the exercise of voting rights could restrict the ability to freely trade the security in question (as in the case, for example, in certain foreign jurisdictions known as “share blocking markets”).

How shares will be voted by the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and Portfolio Optimization Portfolios.    The Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and Portfolio Optimization Portfolios, each in its capacity as a shareholder of the Underlying Funds, may be requested to vote on matters pertaining to the Underlying Funds. If an Underlying Fund calls a shareholder meeting and solicits proxies, the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and Portfolio Optimization Portfolios will vote their shares in accordance with the following: (1) If there are shareholders of an Underlying Fund other than one or more of the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and Portfolio Optimization Portfolios, the Trust may vote any proxies of an Underlying Fund in the same proportion as the vote of all shareholders of the Underlying Fund other than the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and/or Portfolio Optimization Portfolios, as applicable; (2) If the only shareholders of an Underlying Fund are one or more of the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and/or Portfolio Optimization Portfolios, as applicable, the Trust may seek voting instructions from the shareholders of the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and/or Portfolio Optimization Portfolios, as applicable, in which case the Trust will vote proxies in the same proportion as the instructions timely received from shareholders of the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and/or Portfolio Optimization Portfolios, as applicable; (3) In the event the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, a Pacific Dynamix Portfolio and/or a Portfolio Optimization Portfolio, and an Underlying Fund solicit a proxy for an identical proposal and the only shareholders of an Underlying Fund are the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio and/or one or more Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and/or one or more Portfolio Optimization Portfolios, the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and/or Portfolio Optimization Portfolios, may vote its proxies of the Underlying



Funds in the same proportions as the votes cast on the proposal by the shareholders of the Diversified Alternatives Portfolio, Pacific Dynamix Portfolios and/or Portfolio Optimization Portfolios, as applicable; or (4) In a manner as determined by the Board of Trustees of the Trust.

How shares will be voted by the Feeder Funds.    The Feeder Funds, in their capacity as a shareholder of the Master Funds, may be requested to vote on matters pertaining to the Master Funds. If a Master Fund calls a shareholder meeting and solicits proxies, the Feeder Funds will vote their shares in accordance with the following: (1) The Trust shall seek voting instructions from the shareholders of a Feeder Fund, in which case the Trust will vote proxies in the same proportion as the instructions timely received from shareholders of the Feeder Fund; (2) In a manner as determined by the Board of Trustees of the Trust.

Registration Statement

This SAI and the Prospectuses do not contain all the information included in the Trust’s Registration Statement filed with the SEC under the 1933 Act, with respect to the securities offered hereby, certain portions of which have been omitted pursuant to the rules and regulations of the SEC. The Registration Statement, including the exhibits filed therewith (and including specifically all applicable Codes of Ethics), are on file with and may be examined at the offices of the SEC in Washington, D.C. Their website address is www.sec.gov.

Statements contained herein and in the Prospectuses as to the contents of any contract or other documents referred to are not necessarily complete, and, in each instance, reference is made to the copy of such contract or other documents filed as an exhibit to the Registration Statement, each such statement being qualified in all respects by such reference.




Description of Fixed Income/Debt Instrument Ratings

Three of the most common nationally recognized statistical rating organizations (“Rating Agencies”) are Standard & Poor’s Rating Services (“Standard & Poor’s”), Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”) and Fitch, Inc. (“Fitch”). Information regarding ratings from each of these Rating Agencies is listed below.

Long-Term Ratings

Long-term debt instruments include notes, bond, loans and other debt instruments generally with maturities in excess of thirteen months as defined more specifically by each Rating Agency.

Investment Grade

Standard & Poor’s

(The ratings from ‘AA’ to ‘BBB’ may be modified by the addition of a plus (+) or minus (–) sign to show relative standing within the rating categories.)



An obligation rated ‘AAA’ has the highest rating assigned by Standard & Poor’s. The obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is extremely strong.



An obligation rated ‘AA’ differs from the highest-rated obligations only to a small degree. The obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is very strong.



An obligation rated ‘A’ is somewhat more susceptible to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions than obligations in higher-rated categories. However, the obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is still strong.



An obligation rated ‘BBB’ exhibits adequate protection parameters. However, adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to lead to a weakened capacity of the obligor to meet its financial commitment on the obligation.


(Moody’s appends numerical modifiers 1, 2, and 3 to each generic rating classification from ‘Aa’ through ‘Caa’. The modifier 1 indicates that the obligation ranks in the higher end of its generic rating category; the modifier 2 indicates a mid-range ranking; and the modifier 3 indicates a ranking in the lower end of that generic rating category.)



Obligations rated ‘Aaa’ are judged to be of the highest quality, subject to the lowest level of credit risk.



Obligations rated ‘Aa’ are judged to be of high quality and are subject to very low credit risk.



Obligations rated ‘A’ are judged to be upper-medium grade and are subject to low credit risk.



Obligations rated ‘Baa’ are judged to be medium-grade and subject to moderate credit risk and as such may possess certain speculative characteristics.


(The ratings from ‘AA’ to ‘BBB’ may be modified by the addition of a plus (+) or minus (–) sign to show relative standing within the rating categories.)



Highest credit quality.     ‘AAA’ ratings denote the lowest expectation of credit risk. They are assigned only in cases of exceptionally strong capacity for payment of financial commitments. This capacity is highly unlikely to be adversely affected by foreseeable events.



Very high credit quality.     ‘AA’ ratings denote expectations of very low credit risk. They indicate very strong capacity for payment of financial commitments. This capacity is not significantly vulnerable to foreseeable events.



High Credit quality.     ‘A’ ratings denote expectations of low credit risk. The capacity for payment of financial commitments is considered strong. This capacity may, nevertheless, be more vulnerable to adverse business or economic conditions than is the case for higher ratings.



Good credit quality.     ‘BBB’ ratings indicate that expectations of credit risk are currently low. The capacity for payment of financial commitments is considered adequate, but adverse business or economic conditions are more likely to impair this capacity.



Non-Investment Grade

Standard & Poor’s

Obligations rated ‘BB’, ‘B’, ‘CCC’, ‘CC’, and ‘C’ are regarded as having significant speculative characteristics. ‘BB’ indicates the least degree of speculation and C the highest. While such obligations will likely have some quality and protective characteristics, these may be outweighed by large uncertainties or major exposures to adverse conditions.

(The ratings from ‘BB’ to ‘CCC’ may be modified by the addition of a plus (+) or minus (–) sign to show relative standing within the rating categories.)



An obligation rated ‘BB’ is less vulnerable to nonpayment than other speculative issues. However, it faces major ongoing uncertainties or exposure to adverse business, financial, or economic conditions which could lead to the obligor’s inadequate capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation.



An obligation rated ‘B’ is more vulnerable to nonpayment than obligations rated BB, but the obligor currently has the capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation. Adverse business, financial, or economic conditions will likely impair the obligor’s capacity or willingness to meet its financial commitment on the obligation.



An obligation rated ‘CCC’ is currently vulnerable to nonpayment and is dependent upon favorable business, financial, and economic conditions for the obligor to meet its financial commitment on the obligation. In the event of adverse business, financial, or economic conditions, the obligor is not likely to have the capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation.



An obligation rated ‘CC’ is currently highly vulnerable to nonpayment. The ‘CC’ rating is used when a default has not yet occurred, but Standard & Poor’s expects default to be a virtual certainty, regardless of the anticipated time to default.



An obligation rated ‘C’ is currently highly vulnerable to nonpayment, and the obligation is expected to have lower relative seniority or lower ultimate recovery compared to obligations that are rated higher.



An obligation rated ‘D’ is in default or in breach of an imputed promise. For non-hybrid capital instruments, the ‘D’ rating category is used when payments on an obligation are not made on the date due, unless Standard & Poor’s believes that such payments will be made within five business days in the absence of a stated grace period or within the earlier of the stated grace period or 30 calendar days. The ‘D’ rating also will be used upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition or the taking of similar action and where default on an obligation is a virtual certainty, for example due to automatic stay provisions. An obligation’s rating is lowered to ‘D’ if it is subject to a distressed exchange offer.


(Moody’s also applies numerical indicators 1, 2 and 3 to rating categories. The modifier 1 indicates that the security is in the higher end of its rating category; 2 indicates a mid-range ranking; and 3 indicates a ranking toward the lower end of the category.)



Obligations rated ‘Ba’ are judged to be speculative and are subject to substantial credit risk.



Obligations rated ‘B’ are considered speculative and are subject to high credit risk.



Obligations rated ‘Caa’ are judged to be speculative of poor standing and are subject to very high credit risk.



Obligations rated ‘Ca’ are highly speculative and are likely in, or very near, default, with some prospect of recovery of principal and interest.



Obligations rated ‘C’ are the lowest rated and are typically in default, with little prospect for recovery of principal or interest.


(The ratings from ‘BB’ to ‘CCC’ may be modified by the addition of a plus (+) or minus (–) sign to show relative standing within the rating categories.)



Speculative.     ‘BB’ ratings indicate an elevated vulnerability to credit risk, particularly in the event of adverse changes in business or economic conditions over time; however, business or financial alternatives may be available to allow financial commitments to be met.



Highly speculative.     ‘B’ ratings indicate that material credit risk is present.



Substantial credit risk.     ‘CCC’ ratings indicate that substantial credit risk is present.



Very high levels of credit risk.     ‘CC’ ratings indicate very high levels of credit risk.



Exceptionally high levels of credit risk.     ‘C’ indicates exceptionally high levels of credit risk.



Short-Term Ratings

Short-term instruments include those instruments such as commercial paper and other instruments with maturities of thirteen months or less as defined more specifically by each Rating Agency.

Standard & Poor’s



A short-term obligation rated ‘A-1’ is rated in the highest category by Standard & Poor’s. The obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is strong. Within this category, certain obligations are designated with a plus sign (+). This indicates that the obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitment on these obligations is extremely strong.



A short-term obligation rated ‘A-2’ is somewhat more susceptible to the adverse effects of changes in circumstances and economic conditions than obligations in higher rating categories. However, the obligor’s capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is satisfactory.



A short-term obligation rated ‘A-3’ exhibits adequate protection parameters. However, adverse economic conditions or changing circumstances are more likely to lead to a weakened capacity of the obligor to meet its financial commitment on the obligation.



A short-term obligation rated ‘B’ is regarded as vulnerable and has significant speculative characteristics. The obligor currently has the capacity to meet its financial commitments; however, it faces major ongoing uncertainties which could lead to the obligor’s inadequate capacity to meet its financial commitments.



A short-term obligation rated ‘C’ is currently vulnerable to nonpayment and is dependent upon favorable business, financial, and economic conditions for the obligor to meet its financial commitment on the obligation.



A short-term obligation rated ‘D’ is in default or in breach of an imputed promise. For non-hybrid capital instruments, the ‘D’ rating category is used when payments on an obligation are not made on the date due, unless Standard & Poor’s believes that such payments will be made within any stated grace period. However, any stated grace period longer than five business days will be treated as five business days. The ‘D’ rating also will be used upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition or the taking of a similar action and where default on an obligation is a virtual certainty, for example due to automatic stay provisions. An obligation’s rating is lowered to ‘D’ if it is subject to a distressed exchange offer.




Issuers (or supporting institutions) rated Prime-1 have a superior ability to repay short-term debt obligations.



Issuers (or supporting institutions) rated Prime-2 have a strong ability to repay short-term debt obligations.



Issuers (or supporting institutions) rated Prime-3 have an acceptable ability to repay short-term obligations.



Issuers (or supporting institutions) rated Not Prime do not fall within any of the Prime rating categories.




Highest credit quality.     Indicates the strongest intrinsic capacity for timely payment of financial commitments; may have an added “+” to denote any exceptionally strong credit feature.



Good credit quality.     Good intrinsic capacity for timely payment of financial commitments.



Fair credit quality.     The intrinsic capacity for timely payment of financial commitments is adequate.



Speculative short-term credit quality.     Minimal capacity for timely payment of financial commitments, plus heightened vulnerability to near term adverse changes in financial and economic conditions.



High short-term default risk.     Default is a real possibility.



Restricted default.     Indicates an entity that has defaulted on one or more of its financial commitments, although it continues to meet other financial obligations. Typically applicable to entity ratings only.



Default.     Indicates a broad-based default event for an entity, or the default of a short-term obligation.






Statement of Policies and Procedures for Proxy Voting

(Dated: August 2014)


1. Introduction

As an investment adviser, we are shareholder advocates and have a fiduciary duty to make investment decisions that are in our clients’ best interests by maximizing the value of their shares. Proxy voting is an integral part of this process, through which we support strong corporate governance structures, shareholder rights, and transparency.

We have an obligation to vote proxies in a timely manner and we apply the principles in this policy to our proxy decisions. We believe a company’s environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) practices may have a significant effect on the value of the company, and we take these factors into consideration when voting. For additional information regarding our ESG policies and practices, please refer to our firm’s Statement of Policy Regarding Responsible Investment (“RI Policy”).

This Proxy Voting Policy (“Proxy Voting Policy” or “Policy”), which outlines our policies for proxy voting and includes a wide range of issues that often appear on proxies, applies to all of AB’s investment management subsidiaries and investment services groups investing on behalf of clients globally. It is intended for use by those involved in the proxy voting decision-making process and those responsible for the administration of proxy voting (“Proxy Managers”), in order to ensure that our proxy voting policies and procedures are implemented consistently.

We sometimes manage accounts where proxy voting is directed by clients or newly-acquired subsidiary companies. In these cases, voting decisions may deviate from this Policy.


2. Research Underpins Decision Making

As a research-driven firm, we approach our proxy voting responsibilities with the same commitment to rigorous research and engagement that we apply to all of our investment activities. The different investment philosophies utilized by our investment teams may occasionally result in different conclusions being drawn regarding certain proposals and, in turn, may result in the Proxy Manager making different voting decisions on the same proposal. Nevertheless, the Proxy Manager votes proxies with the goal of maximizing the value of the securities in client portfolios.

In addition to our firm-wide proxy voting policies, we have a Proxy Committee, which provides oversight and includes senior investment professionals from Equities, Legal personnel and Operations personnel. It is the responsibility of the Proxy Committee to evaluate and maintain proxy voting procedures and guidelines, to evaluate proposals and issues not covered by these guidelines, to consider changes in policy, and to review the Proxy Voting Policy no less frequently than annually. In addition, the Proxy Committee meets as necessary to address special situations.

Research Services

We subscribe to the corporate governance and proxy research services of Institutional Shareholder Services (“ISS”). All our investment professionals can access these materials via the Proxy Manager and/or Proxy Committee.


In evaluating proxy issues and determining our votes, we welcome and seek out the points of view of various parties. Internally, the Proxy Manager may consult the Proxy Committee, Chief Investment Officers, Directors of Research, and/or Research Analysts across our equities platforms, and Portfolio Managers in whose managed accounts a stock is held. Externally, the Proxy Manager may engage with company management, company directors, interest groups, shareholder activists, other shareholders and research providers.


3. Proxy Voting Guidelines

Our proxy voting guidelines are principles-based rather than rules-based. We adhere to a core set of principles that are described in this Proxy Voting Policy. We assess each proxy proposal in light of these principles. Our proxy voting “litmus test” will always be what we view as most likely to maximize long-term shareholder value. We believe that authority and accountability for setting and executing corporate policies, goals and compensation generally should rest with the board of directors and senior management. In return, we support strong investor rights that allow shareholders to hold directors and management accountable if they fail to act in the best interests of shareholders.



With this as a backdrop, our proxy voting guidelines pertaining to specific issues are set forth below. We generally vote proposals in accordance with these guidelines but, consistent with our “principles-based” approach to proxy voting, we may deviate from the guidelines if warranted by the specific facts and circumstances of the situation (i.e., if, under the circumstances, we believe that deviating from our stated policy is necessary to help maximize long-term shareholder value). In addition, these guidelines are not intended to address all issues that may appear on all proxy ballots. Proposals not specifically addressed by these guidelines, whether submitted by management or shareholders, will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, always keeping in mind our fiduciary duty to make voting decisions that, by maximizing long-term shareholder value, are in our clients’ best interests.

3.1         Board and Director Proposals


1.     Changes in Board Structure and Amending the Articles of  Incorporation



Companies may propose various provisions with respect to the structure of the board of directors, including changing the manner in which board vacancies are filled, directors are nominated and the number of directors. Such proposals may require amending the charter or by-laws or may otherwise require shareholder approval. When these proposals are not controversial or meant as an anti-takeover device, which is generally the case, we vote in their favor. However, if we believe a proposal is intended as an anti-takeover device, we generally vote against.

Other changes in a company’s charter, articles of incorporation or by-laws are usually technical or administrative in nature. Absent a compelling reason to the contrary, we will support such proposals. However, we may oppose proposals that would permit management to establish the size of the board outside a specified range without shareholder approval.


2.     Classified Boards



A classified board typically is divided into three separate classes. Each class holds office for a term of two or three years. Only a portion of the board can be elected or replaced each year. Because this type of proposal has fundamental anti-takeover implications, we oppose the adoption of classified boards unless there is a justifiable financial reason or an adequate sunset provision exists. However, where a classified board already exists, we will not oppose directors who sit on such boards for that reason. We will vote against directors that fail to implement shareholder approved proposals to declassify boards.


3.     Director Liability and Indemnification



Some companies argue that increased indemnification and decreased liability for directors are important to ensure the continued availability of competent directors. However, others argue that the risk of such personal liability minimizes the propensity for corruption and recklessness.

We generally support indemnification provisions that are consistent with the local jurisdiction in which the company has been formed. We vote in favor of proposals adopting indemnification for directors with respect to acts conducted in the normal course of business. We also vote in favor of proposals that expand coverage for directors and officers where, despite an unsuccessful legal defense, we believe the director or officer acted in good faith and in the best interests of the company. We oppose indemnification for gross negligence.


4.     Disclose CEO Succession Plan (SHP)



Proposals like these are often suggested by shareholders of companies with long-tenured CEOs and/or high employee turnover rates. Even though some markets might not require the disclosure of a CEO succession plan, we do think it is good business practice and will support these proposals.


5.     Election of Directors



We generally vote in favor of the management-proposed slate of directors. However, we may not do so if we determine that there are compelling reasons to oppose directors (see below) or there is a proxy contest for seats on the board.

We believe that directors have a duty to respond to shareholder actions that have received significant shareholder support. We may vote against directors (or withhold votes for directors if plurality voting applies) who fail to act on key issues, such as failure to implement proposals to declassify boards, failure to implement a majority vote requirement, failure to submit a rights plan to a shareholder vote and failure to act on tender offers where a majority of shareholders have tendered their shares (provided we supported, or would have supported, the original proposal). In addition, we oppose directors who fail to attend at least 75% of board meetings within a given year without a reasonable excuse. Also, we may consider the number of boards on which a director sits and/or their length of service on a particular board. Finally, we may abstain or vote against (depending on a company’s history of disclosure in this regard) directors of issuers where there is insufficient information about the nominees disclosed in the proxy statement.



We believe companies should have a majority of independent directors and independent key committees. However, we will consider local market regulation as part of our decision. We will generally regard a director as independent if the director satisfies the criteria for independence (i) espoused by the primary exchange on which the company’s shares are traded, or (ii) set forth in the code we determine to be best practice in the country where the subject company is domiciled. We generally vote against directors who, during the previous fiscal year, failed to act on a majority supported shareholder proposal or engaged in what we believe to be a poor governance practice. We may also consider engaging company management (by phone, in writing and in person), until any issues have been satisfactorily resolved.

We may vote against directors for poor compensation practices. In our view, poor compensation practices include, for example, permitting option re-pricing without prior shareholder approval, providing continuous perquisites to an executive officer and his or her dependents after the officer is no longer employed by the company, adjusting performance-based diminished payouts with supplemental cash payments, eliminating performance goals for executive officers and crediting additional years of service to current executives for the purpose of enhancing the executive’s pension benefit. However, because we do not believe that permitting executive officers to receive dividends on unearned performance shares is a poor compensation practice, we will not oppose directors who permit this practice.

We consider the election of directors who are “bundled” on a single slate on a case-by-case basis considering the amount of information available and an assessment of the group’s qualifications.


  a. Controlled Company Exemption                                                                                                   Case-by-case

Companies where more than 50% of the voting power is held by an individual, group or another company, need not comply with the requirement to have a majority of independent directors and independent key committees. Conversely, we will vote against directors for failure to adhere to such independence standards where shareholders with a majority voting interest have a minority economic interest.

Exchanges in certain jurisdictions do not have a controlled company exemption (or something similar). In such a jurisdiction, if a company has a majority shareholder or group of related majority shareholders with a majority economic interest, we generally will not oppose that company’s directors simply because the board does not include a majority of independent members. We will, however, consider these directors in a negative light if the company has a history of violating the rights of minority shareholders.


  b. Voting for Director Nominees in a Contested Election                                                                  Case-by-case

Votes in a contested election of directors are evaluated on a case-by-case basis with the goal of maximizing shareholder value.


6.     Establish Additional Board Committees (SHP)



We believe that establishing committees should be the prerogative of a well-functioning board of directors. However, we may support shareholder proposals to establish additional board committees to address specific shareholder issues, including ESG issues.


7.     Independent Lead Director (SHP)



We support shareholder proposals that request a company to amend its by-laws to establish an independent lead director, if the positions of chairman and CEO are not separated. We view the existence of an independent lead director as a good example of the sufficient counter-balancing governance. If a company has an independent lead director in place, we will generally oppose a proposal to separate the positions of chairman and CEO.


8.     Limit Term of Directorship; Establish Mandatory Retirement Age (SHP)



These proposals seek to limit the term during which a director may serve on a board to a set number of years and/or establish an age at which a director is no longer eligible to serve on the board. Proponents believe term limits and forced retirement help ensure that new ideas are introduced to the company. Opponents argue that director turnover decreases board stability.

Taking into consideration local market practice, we generally believe that a director’s qualifications, not length of service, should be the primary factor considered. Accordingly, we generally oppose proposals that seek to either limit the term during which a director may serve on a company’s board or force a director’s retirement at a certain age.



9.     Majority of Independent1 Directors (SHP)



Each company’s board of directors has a duty to act in the best interest of the company’s shareholders at all times. We believe that these interests are best served by having directors who bring objectivity to the company and are free from potential conflicts of interests. Accordingly, we support proposals seeking a majority of independent directors on the board. While we are aware of the listing requirements of the NYSE and NASDAQ (which require companies to have a majority of independent directors on their board), we will support such proposals regardless of where the company is listed.


10.   Majority of Independent Directors on Key Committees (SHP)



In order to ensure that those who evaluate management’s performance, recruit directors and set management’s compensation are free from conflicts of interests, we believe that the audit2, nominating/governance, and compensation committees should be composed of a majority of independent directors. While we are aware of the listing requirements of the NYSE and NASDAQ (that generally require fully independent nominating and compensation committees), we will support such proposals regardless of where the company is listed. However, in order to allow companies an opportunity to select qualified candidates for these important board positions, at this time we will not oppose inside directors that sit on these committees.


11.   Majority Votes for Directors (SHP)



We believe that good corporate governance requires shareholders to have a meaningful voice in the affairs of the company. This objective is strengthened if directors are elected by a majority of votes cast at an annual meeting rather than by the plurality method commonly used. With plurality voting a director could be elected by a single affirmative vote even if the rest of the votes were withheld.

We further believe that majority voting provisions will lead to greater director accountability. Therefore, we support shareholder proposals that companies amend their by-laws to provide that director nominees be elected by an affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast, provided the proposal includes a carve-out to provide for plurality voting in contested elections where the number of nominees exceeds the number of directors to be elected.


12.   Prohibit CEOs from Serving on Compensation Committees (SHP)



These proposals seek to require a board of directors to adopt a policy prohibiting current and former chief executive officers of other public companies from serving on that company’s compensation committee. Proponents argue that having a current or former CEO serving on a compensation committee presents an inherent conflict of interest because the CEO is likely to support inflated compensation for his or her peers. Opponents argue, and we agree, that permitting CEOs to serve on compensation committees has merit because their experience with compensation matters (including oversight of executive pay) may be invaluable to a board. Accordingly, we generally oppose proposals seeking to prohibit CEOs from serving on compensation committees.


13.   Removal of Directors Without Cause (SHP)



Company by-laws sometimes define cause very narrowly, including only conditions of criminal indictment, final adverse adjudication that fiduciary duties were breached or incapacitation, while also providing shareholders with the right to remove directors only upon “cause”.

We believe that the circumstances under which shareholders have the right to remove directors should not be limited to those traditionally defined by companies as “cause”. We also believe that shareholders should have the right to conduct a vote to remove directors who fail to perform in a manner consistent with their fiduciary duties or representative of shareholders’ best interests. And, while we would prefer shareholder proposals that seek to broaden the definition of “cause” to include situations like these, we generally support proposals that would provide shareholders with the right to remove directors without cause.


14.   Require Independent Board Chairman (SHP)



We believe there can be benefits to having the positions of chairman and CEO combined as well as split. When the position is combined the company must have sufficient counter-balancing governance in place, generally through a strong lead director. Also, for companies with smaller market capitalizations, separate chairman and CEO positions may not be practical.


1  For purposes of this Policy, an independent director is one that meets the requirements of independence pursuant to the listing standards of the exchange on which the common stock is listed.
2  Pursuant to the SEC rules, adopted pursuant to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as of October 31, 2004, each U.S. listed issuer must have a fully independent audit committee.



15.   Require Two Candidates for Each Board Seat (SHP)



We believe that proposals like these are detrimental to a company’s ability to attract highly qualified candidates. Accordingly, we oppose them.


16.   Stock Ownership Requirement (SHP)



These proposals require directors to own a minimum amount of company stock in order to qualify as a director, or to remain on the board. We do not believe stock ownership is necessary to align the interests of directors and shareholders. Accordingly, we oppose these proposals.

3.2         Compensation Proposals


17.   Accelerated Vesting of Equity Compensation Awards-Change of Control (SHP)



We examine proposals to prohibit accelerated vesting of equity awards in the event of a change in control on a case-by-case basis. If a change in control is triggered at or above a 50% ownership level, we generally support accelerated vesting. If, however, a change in control is triggered at less than 50% ownership, we generally oppose accelerated vesting.


18.   Adopt Form of Employment Contract (SHP)



These proposals ask companies to adhere to certain principles when drafting employment contracts for executives. We will review the criteria requested and consider these proposals on a case-by-case basis.


19.   Adopt Policies to Prohibit any Death Benefits to Senior Executives (SHP)



We view these bundled proposals as too restrictive and conclude that blanket restrictions on any and all such benefits, including the payment of life insurance premiums for senior executives, could put a company at a competitive disadvantage.


20.   Advisory Vote to Ratify Directors’ Compensation (SHP)



Similar to advisory votes on executive compensation, shareholders may request a non-binding advisory vote to approve compensation given to board members which we evaluate on a case-by-case basis.


21.   Amend Executive Compensation Plan tied to Performance (Bonus Banking) (SHP)



These proposals seek to force a company to amend executive compensation plans such that compensation awards tied to performance are deferred for shareholder specified and extended periods of time. As a result, awards may be adjusted downward if performance goals achieved during the vesting period are not sustained during the added deferral period.

We believe that most companies have adequate vesting schedules and clawbacks in place. Under such circumstances, we will oppose these proposals. However, if a company does not have what we believe to be adequate vesting and/or clawback requirements, we decide these proposals on a case-by-case basis.


22.   Approve Remuneration for Directors and Auditors



We will vote on a case-by-case basis where we are asked to approve remuneration for directors or auditors. However, where disclosure relating to the details of such remuneration is inadequate or provided without sufficient time for us to consider our vote, we may abstain or vote against, depending on the adequacy of the company’s prior disclosures in this regard. Where appropriate, we engage the company directly.


23.   Approve Remuneration Reports



In certain markets, (e.g., Australia, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States), publicly traded issuers are required by law to submit their company’s remuneration report to a non-binding shareholder vote. The report contains, among other things, the nature and amount of the compensation of the directors and certain executive officers as well as a discussion of the company’s performance.



We evaluate remuneration reports on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the reasonableness of the company’s compensation structure and the adequacy of the disclosure. Where a compensation plan permits retesting of performance-based awards, we will consider the specific terms of the plan, including the volatility of the industry and the number and duration of the retests. We may abstain or vote against a plan if disclosure of the remuneration details is inadequate or the report is not provided to shareholders with sufficient time prior to the meeting to consider its terms.

In markets where remuneration reports are not required for all companies, we will support shareholder proposals asking the board to adopt a policy (i.e., “say on pay”) that the company’s shareholders be given the opportunity to vote on an advisory resolution to approve the compensation committee’s report. Although say on pay votes are by nature only broad indications of shareholder views, they do lead to more compensation-related dialogue between management and shareholders and help ensure that management and shareholders meet their common objective: maximizing the value of the company.


24.   Approve Retirement Bonuses for Directors (Japan and South Korea)



Retirement bonuses are normal practice in Japan and South Korea. Companies seek approval to give the board authority to grant retirement bonuses for directors and/or auditors and to leave the exact amount of bonuses to the board’s discretion. We will analyze such proposals on a case-by-case basis, considering management’s commitment to maximizing long-term shareholder value.


25.   Approve Special Payments to Continuing Directors and Auditors (Japan)



In conjunction with the abolition of a company’s retirement allowance system, we will generally support special payment allowances for continuing directors and auditors if there is no evidence of their independence becoming impaired.


26.   Disclose Executive and Director Pay (SHP)



In December 2006 and again in February 2010, the SEC adopted rules requiring increased and/or enhanced compensation-related and corporate governance-related disclosure in proxy statements and Forms 10-K. Similar steps have been taken by regulators in foreign jurisdictions. We believe the rules enacted by the SEC and various foreign regulators generally ensure more complete and transparent disclosure. Therefore, while we will consider them on a case-by-case basis (analyzing whether there are any relevant disclosure concerns), we generally vote against shareholder proposals seeking additional disclosure of executive and director compensation, including proposals that seek to specify the measurement of performance-based compensation, if the company is subject to SEC rules or similar rules espoused by a regulator in a foreign jurisdiction. Similarly, we generally support proposals seeking additional disclosure of executive and director compensation if the company is not subject to any such rules.


27.   Exclude Pension Income from Performance-based Compensation (SHP)



We are aware that companies may seek to artificially inflate earnings based on questionable assumptions about pension income. Even though these practices are acceptable under the relevant accounting rules, we believe that pension income is not an acceptable way to increase executive pay and that management’s discretion in estimating pension income is a potential conflict of interest. Accordingly, we support such proposals.


28.   Executive and Employee Compensation Plans



Executive and employee compensation plans (“Compensation Plans”) usually are complex and are a major corporate expense, so we evaluate them carefully and on a case-by-case basis. In all cases, however, we assess each proposed Compensation Plan within the framework of four guiding principles, each of which ensures a company’s Compensation Plan helps to align the long-term interests of management with shareholders:


    Valid measures of business performance tied to the firm’s strategy and shareholder value creation, which are clearly articulated and incorporate appropriate time periods, should be utilized;


    Compensation costs should be managed in the same way as any other expense;


    Compensation should reflect management’s handling, or failure to handle, any recent social, environmental, governance, ethical or legal issue that had a significant adverse financial or reputational effect on the company; and


    In granting compensatory awards, management should exhibit a history of integrity and decision-making based on logic and well thought out processes.

Where disclosure relating to the details of Compensation Plans is inadequate or provided without sufficient time for us to consider our vote, we may abstain or vote against, depending on the adequacy of the company’s prior disclosures in this regard. Where appropriate, we may raise the issue with the company directly or take other steps.



29.   Limit Dividend Payments to Executives (SHP)



We believe that management, within reason, should be given latitude in determining the mix and types of awards offered to executive officers. Therefore, we oppose withholding the dividend payment on restricted stock awards, even if the stock is unvested, when these awards are used as part of incentive compensation; we believe these awards serve as an effective means of executive reward and retention. We do, however, believe that it is acceptable for a company to accumulate dividends and tie their payment to the achievement of performance goals and to stipulate that the dividends are forfeited if the employee does not achieve his or her goal.


30.   Limit Executive Pay (SHP)



We believe that management and directors, within reason, should be given latitude in determining the mix and types of awards offered to executive officers. We vote against shareholder proposals seeking to limit executive pay if we deem them too restrictive. Depending on our analysis of the specific circumstances, we are generally against requiring a company to adopt a policy prohibiting tax gross up payments to senior executives.


31.   Mandatory Holding Periods (SHP)



We generally vote against shareholder proposals asking companies to require a company’s executives to hold stock for a specified period of time after acquiring that stock by exercising company-issued stock options (i.e., precluding “cashless” option exercises), unless we believe implementing a mandatory holding period is necessary to help resolve underlying problems at a company that have hurt, and may continue to hurt, shareholder value.


32.   Pay Directors Only in Stock (SHP)



As noted immediately above, we do not believe that stock ownership is necessary to align the interests of directors and shareholders. Further, we believe that the board should be given latitude in determining the mix and types of compensation offered to its members. Accordingly, we oppose these proposals.


33.   Performance-based Stock Option Plans (SHP)



These shareholder proposals require a company to adopt a policy that all or a portion of future stock options granted to executives be performance-based. Performance-based options usually take the form of indexed options (where the option sale price is linked to the company’s stock performance versus an industry index), premium priced options (where the strike price is significantly above the market price at the time of the grant) or performance vesting options (where options vest when the company’s stock price exceeds a specific target). Proponents argue that performance-based options provide an incentive for executives to outperform the market as a whole and prevent management from being rewarded for average performance. We believe that management, within reason, should be given latitude in determining the mix and types of awards it offers. However, we recognize the benefit of linking a portion of executive compensation to certain types of performance benchmarks. While we will not support proposals that require all options to be performance-based, we will generally support proposals that require a portion of options granted to senior executives be performance-based. However, because performance-based options can also result in unfavorable tax treatment and the company may already have in place an option plan that sufficiently ties executive stock option plans to the company’s performance, we will consider such proposals on a case-by-case basis.


34.   Prohibit Relocation Benefits to Senior Executives (SHP)



We do not consider such perquisites to be problematic pay practices as long as they are properly disclosed. Therefore we will vote against shareholder proposals asking to prohibit relocation benefits.


35.   Recovery of Performance-based Compensation (SHP)



We generally support shareholder proposals requiring the board to seek recovery of performance-based compensation awards to senior management and directors in the event of a financial restatement (whether for fraud or other reasons) that resulted in their failure to achieve past performance targets. In deciding how to vote, we consider the adequacy of existing company clawback policy, if any.


36.   Single Trigger Change-in-Control Agreements (SHP)



Companies often include single trigger change-in-control provisions (e.g., a provision stipulating that an employee’s unvested equity awards become fully vested upon a change-in-control of the company without any additional requirement) in employment agreements and compensation plans.



We will not oppose directors who establish these provisions, nor will we oppose compensation plans that include them. However, we will examine on a case-by-case basis shareholder proposals calling for future employment agreements and compensation plans to include double trigger change-in-control provisions (e.g., a provision stipulating that an employee’s unvested equity awards become fully vested only after a change-in-control of the company and termination of employment).


37.   Submit Golden Parachutes / Severance Plans to a Shareholder Vote (SHP)



Golden Parachutes assure key officers of a company lucrative compensation packages if the company is acquired and/or if the new owners terminate such officers. We recognize that offering generous compensation packages that are triggered by a change in control may help attract qualified officers. However, such compensation packages cannot be so excessive that they are unfair to shareholders or make the company unattractive to potential bidders, thereby serving as a constructive anti-takeover mechanism. Accordingly, we support proposals to submit severance plans (including supplemental retirement plans) that exceed 2.99 times the sum of an executive officer’s base salary plus bonus, and that are triggered by a change in control, to a shareholder vote, but we review proposals to ratify or redeem such plans on a case-by-case basis.


38.   Submit Golden Parachutes / Severance Plans to a Shareholder Vote prior to their being Negotiated by Management (SHP)



We believe that in order to attract qualified employees, companies must be free to negotiate compensation packages without shareholder interference. Shareholders must then be given an opportunity to analyze a compensation plan’s final, material terms in order to ensure it is within acceptable limits. Accordingly, we generally oppose proposals that require submitting severance plans and/or employment contracts for a shareholder vote prior to being negotiated by management.


39.   Submit Option Re-pricing to a Shareholder Vote (SHP)



Re-pricing underwater options reduces the incentive value of stock compensation plans and dilutes shareholder value. Consequently, we support shareholder proposals that seek to require a company to submit option re-pricing to a shareholder vote.


40.   Submit Survivor Benefit Compensation Plan to Shareholder Vote (SHP)



Survivor benefit compensation plans, or “golden coffins”, can require a company to make substantial payments or awards to a senior executive’s beneficiaries following the death of the senior executive. The compensation can take the form of unearned salary or bonuses, accelerated vesting or the continuation in force of unvested equity grants, perquisites and other payments or awards. This compensation would not include compensation that the senior executive chooses to defer during his or her lifetime.

We recognize that offering generous compensation packages that are triggered by the passing of senior executives may help attract qualified officers. However, such compensation packages cannot be so excessive that they are unfair to shareholders or make the company unattractive to potential bidders, thereby serving as a constructive anti-takeover mechanism.

3.3         Capital Changes and Anti-Takeover Proposals


41.   Amend Exclusive Forum Bylaw (SHP)



We will generally oppose proposals that ask the board to repeal the company’s exclusive forum bylaw. Such bylaws require certain legal action against the company to take place in the state of the company’s incorporation. The courts within the state of incorporation are considered best suited to interpret that state’s laws.


42.   Amend Net Operating Loss (“NOL”) Rights Plans



NOL Rights Plans are established to protect a company’s net operating loss carry forwards and tax credits, which can be used to offset future income. We believe this is a reasonable strategy for a company to employ. Accordingly, we will vote in favor of NOL Rights Plans unless we believe the terms of the NOL Rights Plan may provide for a long-term anti-takeover device.


43.   Authorize Share Repurchase



We generally support share repurchase proposals that are part of a well-articulated and well-conceived capital strategy. We assess proposals to give the board unlimited authorization to repurchase shares on a case-by-case basis. Furthermore, we would generally support the use of derivative instruments (e.g., put options and call options) as part of a share repurchase plan absent a compelling reason to the contrary. Also, absent a specific concern at the company, we will generally support a repurchase plan that could be continued during a takeover period.



44.   Blank Check Preferred Stock



Blank check preferred stock proposals authorize the issuance of certain preferred stock at some future point in time and allow the board to establish voting, dividend, conversion and other rights at the time of issuance. While blank check preferred stock can provide a corporation with the flexibility needed to meet changing financial conditions, it also may be used as the vehicle for implementing a “poison pill” defense or some other entrenchment device.

We are concerned that, once this stock has been authorized, shareholders have no further power to determine how or when it will be allocated. Accordingly, we generally oppose this type of proposal.


45.   Corporate Restructurings, Merger Proposals and Spin-Offs



Proposals requesting shareholder approval of corporate restructurings, merger proposals and spin-offs are determined on a case-by-case basis. In evaluating these proposals and determining our votes, we are singularly focused on meeting our goal of maximizing long-term shareholder value.


46.   Elimination of Preemptive Rights



Preemptive rights allow the shareholders of the company to buy newly-issued shares before they are offered to the public in order to maintain their percentage ownership. AB believes that, because preemptive rights are an important shareholder right, careful scrutiny must be given to management’s attempts to eliminate them. However, because preemptive rights can be prohibitively expensive to widely-held companies, the benefit of such rights will be weighed against the economic effect of maintaining them.


47.   Expensing Stock Options (SHP)



U.S. generally-accepted accounting principles require companies to expense stock options, as do the accounting rules in many other jurisdictions (including those jurisdictions that have adopted IFRS — international financial reporting standards). If a company is domiciled in a jurisdiction where the accounting rules do not already require the expensing of stock options, we will support shareholder proposals requiring this practice and disclosing information about it.


48.   Fair Price Provisions



A fair price provision in the company’s charter or by laws is designed to ensure that each shareholder’s securities will be purchased at the same price if the corporation is acquired under a plan not agreed to by the board. In most instances, the provision requires that any tender offer made by a third party must be made to all shareholders at the same price.

Fair pricing provisions attempt to prevent the “two tiered front loaded offer” where the acquirer of a company initially offers a premium for a sufficient percentage of shares of the company to gain control and subsequently makes an offer for the remaining shares at a much lower price. The remaining shareholders have no choice but to accept the offer. The two tiered approach is coercive as it compels a shareholder to sell his or her shares immediately in order to receive the higher price per share. This type of tactic has caused many states to adopt fair price provision statutes to restrict this practice.

We consider fair price provisions on a case-by-case basis. We oppose any provision where there is evidence that management intends to use the provision as an anti-takeover device as well as any provision where the shareholder vote requirement is greater than a majority of disinterested shares (i.e., shares beneficially owned by individuals other than the acquiring party).


49.   Increase Authorized Common Stock



In general we regard increases in authorized common stock as serving a legitimate corporate purpose when used to: implement a stock split, aid in a recapitalization or acquisition, raise needed capital for the firm, or provide for employee savings plans, stock option plans or executive compensation plans. That said, we may oppose a particular proposed increase if we consider the authorization likely to lower the share price (this would happen, for example, if the firm were proposing to use the proceeds to overpay for an acquisition, to invest in a project unlikely to earn the firm’s cost of capital, or to compensate employees well above market rates). . We oppose increases in authorized common stock where there is evidence that the shares are to be used to implement a “poison pill” or another form of anti-takeover device, or if the issuance of new shares would, in our judgment, excessively dilute the value of the outstanding shares upon issuance. In addition, a satisfactory explanation of a company’s intentions – going beyond the standard “general corporate purposes” – must be disclosed in the proxy statement for proposals requesting an increase of greater than 100% of the shares outstanding. We view the use of derivatives, particularly warrants, as legitimate capital-raising instruments and apply these same principles to their use as we do to the authorization of common stock. Under certain circumstances where we believe



it is important for shareholders to have an opportunity to maintain their proportional ownership, we may oppose proposals requesting shareholders approve the issuance of additional shares if those shares do not include preemptive rights.

In Hong Kong, it is common for companies to request board authority to issue new shares up to 20% of outstanding share capital. The authority typically lapses after one year. We may vote against plans that do not prohibit issuing shares at a discount, taking into account whether a company has a history of doing so.


50.   Issuance of Equity without Preemptive Rights



We are generally in favor of issuances of equity without preemptive rights of up to 30% of a company’s outstanding shares unless there is concern that the issuance will be used in a manner that could hurt shareholder value (e.g., issuing the equity at a discount from the current market price or using the equity to help create a “poison pill” mechanism).


51.   Issuance of Stock with Unequal Voting Rights



Unequal voting rights plans are designed to reduce the voting power of existing shareholders and concentrate a significant amount of voting power in the hands of management. In the majority of instances, they serve as an effective deterrent to takeover attempts. These structures, however, may be beneficial, allowing management to focus on longer-term value creation, which benefits all shareholders. AB evaluates these proposals on a case-by-case basis and takes into consideration the alignment of management incentives with appropriate performance, metrics, and the effectiveness of the company’s strategy.


52.   Net Long Position Requirement



We support proposals that require the ownership level needed to call a special meeting to be based on the net long position of a shareholder or shareholder group. This standard ensures that a significant economic interest accompanies the voting power.


53.   Opt Out of State Anti-takeover Law (US) (SHP)



Many states have enacted anti-takeover laws requiring an acquirer to obtain a supermajority of a company’s stock in order to exercise control. For example, under Delaware law, absent board approval, a bidder must acquire at least 85% of a company’s stock before the bidder can exercise control. Such laws represent a formidable takeover defense for companies because by simply placing 15% of the stock in “friendly” hands, a company can block an otherwise successful takeover attempt that may be in the best interests of the shareholders. These statutes often allow companies to opt-out of this law with the approval of a majority of the outstanding shares.

Shareholders proposing opt out resolutions argue that these anti-takeover laws grant the board too much power to determine a matter that should be left to the shareholders. Critics of such proposals argue that opt-out provisions do not prevent takeovers but, rather, provide the board with an opportunity to negotiate a better deal for all shareholders. Because each state’s anti-takeover laws are different and must be considered in the totality of all of a company’s takeover defenses, we review these proposals on a case-by-case basis.


54.   Reincorporation



There are many valid business reasons a corporation may choose to reincorporate in another jurisdiction. We perform a case-by-case review of such proposals, taking into consideration management’s stated reasons for the proposed move.

Careful scrutiny also will be given to proposals that seek approval to reincorporate in countries that serve as tax havens. We recognize that such provisions can help facilitate the growth of a company’s business and potentially can benefit shareholders when a company lowers its tax liability. When evaluating such proposals, we consider factors such as the location of the company’s business, the statutory protections available in the country to enforce shareholder rights and the tax consequences of the reincorporation to shareholders.


55.   Reincorporation to Another jurisdiction to Permit Majority Voting or Other Changes in Corporate Governance (SHP)



If a shareholder proposes that a company move to a jurisdiction where majority voting (among other shareholder-friendly conditions) is permitted, we will generally oppose the move notwithstanding the fact that we favor majority voting for directors. Our rationale is that the legal costs, taxes, other expenses and other factors, such as business disruption, in almost all cases would be material and outweigh the benefit of majority voting. If, however, we should find that these costs are not material and/or do not



outweigh the benefit of majority voting, we may vote in favor of this kind of proposal. We will evaluate similarly proposals that would require reincorporation in another state to accomplish other changes in corporate governance.


56.   Stock Splits



Stock splits are intended to increase the liquidity of a company’s common stock by lowering the price, thereby making the stock seem more attractive to small investors. We generally vote in favor of stock split proposals.


57.   Submit Company’s Shareholder Rights Plan to Shareholder Vote (SHP)



Most shareholder rights plans (also known as “poison pills”) permit the shareholders of a target company involved in a hostile takeover to acquire shares of the target company, the acquiring company, or both, at a substantial discount once a “triggering event” occurs. A triggering event is usually a hostile tender offer or the acquisition by an outside party of a certain percentage of the target company’s stock. Because most plans exclude the hostile bidder from the purchase, the effect in most instances is to dilute the equity interest and the voting rights of the potential acquirer once the plan is triggered. A shareholder rights plan is designed to discourage potential acquirers from acquiring shares to make a bid for the issuer. We believe that measures that impede takeovers or entrench management not only infringe on the rights of shareholders but also may have a detrimental effect on the value of the company.

We support shareholder proposals that seek to require the company to submit a shareholder rights plan to a shareholder vote. We evaluate on a case-by-case basis proposals to implement or eliminate a shareholder rights plan.


58.   Transferrable Stock Options



In cases where a compensation plan includes a transferable stock option program, we will consider the plan on a case-by-case basis.

These programs allow stock options to be transferred to third parties in exchange for cash or stock. In effect, management becomes insulated from the downside risk of holding a stock option, while the ordinary shareholder remains exposed to downside risk. This insulation may unacceptably remove management’s exposure to downside risk, which significantly misaligns management and shareholder interests. Accordingly, we generally vote against these programs if the transfer can be executed without shareholder approval, is available to executive officers or non-employee directors, or we consider the available disclosure relating to the mechanics and structure of the program to be insufficient to determine the costs, benefits and key terms of the program.

3.4        Auditor Proposals


59.   Appointment of Auditors



We believe that the company is in the best position to choose its accounting firm, and we generally support management’s recommendation.

We recognize that there may be inherent conflicts when a company’s independent auditors perform substantial non-audit related services for the company. Therefore, in reviewing a proposed auditor, we will consider the amount of fees paid for non-audit related services performed compared to the total audit fees paid by the company to the auditing firm, and whether there are any other reasons for us to question the independence or performance of the firm’s auditor. We generally will deem as excessive the non-audit fees paid by a company to its auditor if those fees account for 50% or more of total fees paid. The UK market is an exception where 100% is the threshold due to market demanded auditing. Under these circumstances, we generally vote against the auditor and the directors, in particular the members of the company’s audit committee. In addition, we generally vote against authorizing the audit committee to set the remuneration of such auditors. We exclude from this analysis non-audit fees related to IPOs, bankruptcy emergence, and spin-offs and other extraordinary events. We may abstain due to a lack of disclosure of who the auditor is.


60.   Approval of Financial Statements



In some markets, companies are required to submit their financial statements for shareholder approval. This is generally a routine item and, as such, we will vote for the approval of financial statements unless there are appropriate reasons to vote otherwise. We may abstain if the information is not available in advance of the meeting.



61.   Approval of Internal Statutory Auditors



Some markets (e.g., Japan) require the annual election of internal statutory auditors. Internal statutory auditors have a number of duties, including supervising management, ensuring compliance with the articles of association and reporting to a company’s board on certain financial issues. In most cases, the election of internal statutory auditors is a routine item and we will support management’s nominee provided that the nominee meets the regulatory requirements for serving as internal statutory auditors. However, we may vote against nominees who are designated independent statutory auditors who serve as executives of a subsidiary or affiliate of the issuer or if there are other reasons to question the independence of the nominees.


62.   Limit Compensation Consultant Services (SHP)



These proposals seek to restrict a company from engaging a consultant retained to advise the board on compensation matters to provide the company with other services other than compensation consulting if such consultant already has been engaged to provide compensation consulting.

In February 2010, the SEC adopted final rules regarding disclosure enhancements in proxy statements and Forms 10-K. One such rule requires disclosure of the fees paid to compensation consultants and their affiliates if they provide consulting services relating to executive officer compensation and additional services, if the cost of such additional services exceeds $120,000. The rule does not, however, restrict a company from acquiring both kinds of services from a compensation consultant.

We agree with the SEC that companies should be required to disclose payments exceeding $120,000 to compensation consultants for services other than executive compensation consulting services, and we do not believe company boards should be subject to any additional restrictions or requirements. Accordingly, we oppose these proposals.

We generally apply these principles for non-US companies as well.


63.   Limitation of Liability of External Statutory Auditors (Japan)



In Japan, companies may limit the liability of external statutory auditors in the event of a shareholder lawsuit through any of three mechanisms: (i) submitting the proposed limits to shareholder vote; (ii) setting limits by modifying the company’s articles of incorporation; and (iii) setting limits in contracts with outside directors, outside statutory auditors and external audit firms (requires a modification to the company’s articles of incorporation). A vote by 3% or more of shareholders can nullify a limit set through the second mechanism. The third mechanism has historically been the most prevalent.

We review proposals to set limits on auditor liability on a case-by-case basis, considering whether such a provision is necessary to secure appointment and whether it helps to maximize long-term shareholder value.


64.   Separating Auditors and Consultants (SHP)



We believe that a company serves its shareholders’ interests by avoiding potential conflicts of interest that might interfere with an auditor’s independent judgment. SEC rules adopted as a result of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 attempted to address these concerns by prohibiting certain services by a company’s independent auditors and requiring additional disclosure of others services.

We evaluate on a case-by-case basis proposals that go beyond the SEC rules or other local market standards by prohibiting auditors from performing other non-audit services or calling for the board to adopt a policy to ensure auditor independence.

We take into consideration the policies and procedures the company already has in place to ensure auditor independence and non-audit fees as a percentage of total fees paid to the auditor are not excessive.

3.5        Shareholder Access and Voting Proposals


65.   A Shareholder’s Right to Call Special Meetings (SHP)



Most state corporation statutes (though not Delaware, where many U.S. issuers are domiciled) allow shareholders to call a special meeting when they want to take action on certain matters that arise between regularly-scheduled annual meetings. This right may apply only if a shareholder, or a group of shareholders, owns a specified percentage of the outstanding shares. (Ten percent is common among states, although one state sets the threshold as high as forty percent.)

We recognize the importance of the right of shareholders to remove poorly-performing directors, respond to takeover offers and take other actions without having to wait for the next annual meeting. However, we also believe it is important to protect companies and shareholders from nuisance proposals. We further believe that striking a balance between these competing interests will maximize



shareholder value. Accordingly, we will generally support a proposal to call a special meeting if the proposing shareholder owns, or the proposing shareholders as a group own, 10% or more of the outstanding voting equity of the company.

From time to time we may receive requests to join with other shareholders for purposes of meeting an ownership requirement necessary to call a special meeting. Similarly, we may receive other requests to join a voting block for purposes of influencing management. If the third parties requesting our participation are not affiliated with us and have no business relationships with us, we will consider the request on a case-by-case basis. However, where the requesting party has a business relationship with us (e.g., the requesting party is a client or a significant service provider), agreeing to such a request may pose a potential conflict of interest. As a fiduciary we have an obligation to vote proxies in the best interest of our clients (without regard to our own interests in generating and maintaining business with our other clients) and given our desire to avoid even the appearance of a conflict, we will generally decline such a request.


66.   Adopt Cumulative Voting (SHP)



Cumulative voting is a method of electing directors that enables each shareholder to multiply the number of his or her shares by the number of directors being considered. A shareholder may then cast the total votes for any one director or a selected group of directors. For example, a holder of 10 shares normally casts 10 votes for each of 12 nominees to the board thus giving the shareholder 120 (10 x 12) votes. Under cumulative voting, the shareholder may cast all 120 votes for a single nominee, 60 for two, 40 for three, or any other combination that the shareholder may choose.

We believe that encouraging activism among shareholders generally is beneficial to shareholders and helps maximize shareholder value. Cumulative voting supports the interests of minority shareholders in contested elections by enabling them to concentrate their votes and dramatically increase their chances of electing a dissident director to a board. Accordingly, we generally will support shareholder proposals to restore or provide for cumulative voting and we generally will oppose management proposals to eliminate cumulative voting. However, we may oppose cumulative voting if a company has in place both proxy access, which allows shareholders to nominate directors to the company’s ballot, and majority voting (with a carve-out for plurality voting in situations where there are more nominees than seats), which requires each director to receive the affirmative vote of a majority of votes cast and, we believe, leads to greater director accountability to shareholders.

Also, we support cumulative voting at controlled companies regardless of any other shareholder protections that may be in place.


67.   Adopt Cumulative Voting in Dual Shareholder Class Structures (SHP)



In dual class structures (such as A&B shares) where the shareholders with a majority economic interest have a minority voting interest, we generally vote in favor of cumulative voting for those shareholders.


68.   Early Disclosure of Voting Results (SHP)



These proposals seek to require a company to disclose votes sooner than is required by the local market. In the US, the SEC requires disclosure in the first periodic report filed after the company’s annual meeting which we believe is reasonable. We do not support requests that require disclosure earlier than the time required by the local regulator.


69.   Implement Confidential Voting (SHP)



Proponents of confidential voting argue that proxy voting should be conducted under the same rules of confidentiality as voting in political and other elections (by secret ballot), with an independent party verifying the results. They also argue that open balloting allows management to re-solicit shareholders and to urge — or sometimes coerce — them into changing their votes. Opponents argue that confidential voting makes it more difficult for a company to garner the necessary votes to conduct business (especially where a supermajority vote is required) because proxy solicitors cannot determine how individual shareholders voted.

We support confidential voting before the actual vote has been cast, because we believe that voting on shareholder matters should be free of any potential for coercion or undue influence from the company or other interested parties.


70.   Limiting a Shareholder’s Right to Call Special Meetings



Companies contend that limitations on shareholders’ rights to call special meetings are needed to prevent minority shareholders from taking control of the company’s agenda. However, such limits also have anti-takeover implications because they prevent a shareholder or a group of shareholders who have acquired a significant stake in the company from forcing management to address urgent issues, such as the potential sale of the company. Because most states prohibit shareholders from abusing this right, we see no justifiable reason for management to eliminate this fundamental shareholder right. Accordingly, we generally will vote against such proposals.



In addition, if the board of directors, without shareholder consent, raises the ownership threshold a shareholder must reach before the shareholder can call a special meeting, we will vote against those directors.


71.   Permit a Shareholder’s Right to Act by Written Consent (SHP)



Action by written consent enables a large shareholder or group of shareholders to initiate votes on corporate matters prior to the annual meeting. We believe this is a fundamental shareholder right and, accordingly, will support shareholder proposals seeking to restore this right. However, in cases where a company has a majority shareholder or group of related majority shareholders with majority economic interest, we will oppose proposals seeking to restore this right as there is a potential risk of abuse by the majority shareholder or group of majority shareholders.


72.   Proxy Access for Annual Meetings (SHP)



These proposals ask companies to give shareholders equal access to proxy materials in order to express their views on various proxy issues.

Management often argues that shareholders already have significant access to the proxy as provided by law (i.e., the right to have shareholder proposals included in the proxy statement and the right to suggest director candidates to the nominating committee). Management also argues that it would be unworkable to open the proxy process because of the large number of shareholders who might wish to comment and because it would be impossible to screen out “nuisance” proposals.

We have voted in favor of certain resolutions calling for enhancement of shareholders’ ability to access proxy materials to increase corporate boards’ attention to shareholder concerns. While we recognize that access must be limited in order to discourage frivolous proposals and those put forward by shareholders who may not have the best interests of all shareholders in mind, we believe that shareholders should have a meaningful ability to exercise their rights to vote for and nominate directors of the companies in which they invest.

To this end, in the United States we supported SEC proxy reform in 2003 and 2007, and we supported the SEC’s proposed proxy reform in 2009 intended to solve the problem of shareholders’ limited ability to exercise their rights to nominate directors and have the nominations disclosed to and considered by shareholders. In 2010, the SEC adopted new rules requiring companies to include the nominees of “significant, long-term shareholders” in their proxy materials, alongside the nominees of management. Under the rules, shareholders are deemed “significant and long-term” if they own at least three percent of the company’s shares continuously for at least the prior three years. However, in July 2011, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals vacated the SEC’s 2010 rules (Exchange Act Rule 14a-11), finding that, in adopting the rule, the SEC violated the Administrative Procedure Act by failing to adequately consider the rule’s effect on efficiency, competition and capital formation. We continue to monitor the situation.

From time to time we may receive requests to join with other shareholders to support a shareholder action. We may, for example, receive requests to join a voting block for purposes of influencing management. If the third parties requesting our participation are not affiliated with us and have no business relationships with us, we will consider the request on a case-by-case basis. However, where the requesting party has a business relationship with us (e.g., the requesting party is a client or a significant service provider), agreeing to such a request may pose a potential conflict of interest. As a fiduciary we have an obligation to vote proxies in the best interest of our clients (without regard to our own interests in generating and maintaining business with our other clients) and given our desire to avoid even the appearance of a conflict, we will generally decline such a request.


73.   Reduce Meeting Notification from 21 Days to 14 Days (U.K.)



Companies in the United Kingdom may, with shareholder approval, reduce the notice period for extraordinary general meetings from 21 days to 14 days.

A reduced notice period expedites the process of obtaining shareholder approval of additional financing needs and other important matters. Accordingly, we support these proposals.


74.   Rotation of Locale for Annual Meeting (SHP)



Proponents contend that the site of the annual meeting should be moved each year to a different locale in order to allow as many shareholders as possible to attend the annual meeting. Conversely, we believe the location of a company’s annual meeting is best left to the discretion of management, unless there is evidence that the location of previous meetings was specifically chosen with the intention of making it more difficult for shareholders to participate in the meeting. Consequently, we generally oppose proposals calling for the locale of the annual meeting to rotate.



75.   Shareholder Proponent Engagement Process (SHP)



We believe that proper corporate governance requires that proposals receiving support from a majority of shareholders be considered and implemented by the company. Accordingly, we support establishing an engagement process between shareholders and management to ensure proponents of majority-supported proposals, have an established means of communicating with management.


76.   Supermajority Vote Requirements



A supermajority vote requirement is a charter or by-law requirement that, when implemented, raises the percentage (higher than the customary simple majority) of shareholder votes needed to approve certain proposals, such as mergers, changes of control, or proposals to amend or repeal a portion of the Articles of Incorporation.

In most instances, we oppose these proposals and support shareholder proposals that seek to reinstate the simple majority vote requirement.

3.6         Environmental, Social and Disclosure Proposals


77.   Adopt a Special Corporate Policy for SEC Rule 10b5-1 and Other Trading Plans (US) (SHP)



These shareholder proposals ask a company to adopt a special policy for trading by senior executives in addition to the requirements of SEC Rule 10b5-1 and other trading plans that govern their trading. Subject to the history of the company and any record of abuses, we are generally against requiring a company to adopt additional requirements.


78.   Adopt Guidelines for Country Selection (SHP)



These proposals seek to require a company to prepare a special report on how it selects the countries in which it operates. We will evaluate whether sufficient information about why a company operates in various jurisdictions is provided in annual reports and other company documents.


79.   Amend EEO Statement to Include a Reference to Sexual Orientation (US) (SHP)



We support proposals requiring a company to amend its Equal Employment Opportunity policies to specifically reference sexual orientation.


80.   Animal Testing (SHP)



Proposals requiring companies to reduce reliance on animals for consumer product safety testing will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, taking into account practicality and business impact. Proposals requiring increased disclosure on the numbers of animals tested, the types of animals used and the types of tests performed will be generally voted in favor, while carefully considering any policies that are already in place at the company, and to what extent such policies meet the national standards.


81.   Anti-Greenmail Proposal (SHP)



Greenmails, commonly referred to as “legal corporate blackmail,” are payments made to a potential hostile acquirer who has accumulated a significant percentage of a company’s stock. The company acquires the raider’s stock at a premium in exchange for an agreement that the raider will not attempt to acquire control for a certain number of years. This practice discriminates against all other shareholders as only the hostile party receives payment, which is usually at a substantial premium over the market value of its shares. Anti-greenmail proposals seek to prevent greenmail by adopting amendments to the company’s charter or by-laws that limit the ability of that company’s board to acquire blocks of another company’s stock at above-market prices.

We vote in favor of an anti-greenmail proposal, provided the proposal has no other management initiated anti-takeover features.


82.   Charitable Contributions (SHP)



We generally support shareholder proposals relating to reporting charitable contributions. We will evaluate proposals seeking to restrict charitable contributions on a case-by-case basis.. Proponents of such proposals argue that charitable contributions are an inappropriate use of company assets because the purpose of any corporation is to make a profit. Opponents argue that charitable contributions are a useful means for a company to create goodwill.



83.   Genetically Altered or Engineered Food (SHP)



These proposals seek to require companies to label genetically modified organisms in a company’s products or in some cases completely eliminate their use. Proponents argue that such measures should be required due to the possible health and safety issues surrounding the use of such products. Opponents point out that the use of such products helps improve crop yield, and implementing such proposals could have immediate negative economic effects on the company.


84.   Global Labor Standards (SHP)



These proposals ask companies to issue reports on their corporate standards for doing business abroad and to adopt mechanisms for ensuring vendor compliance with these standards. The standards include policies to ensure that workers are paid sustainable living wages and children are not used as forced labor. Generally, we vote in favor, but we carefully consider any policies that are already in place at the company, to what extent such policies meet the standards espoused by the International Labor Organization’s Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (and other relevant ILO conventions), and any evidence of prior abuse by the company. We will also ensure the practicality of such proposals.


85.   Global Warming; Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (SHP)



Proposals addressing environmental and energy concerns are plentiful. We will generally support proposals requesting greater disclosure, but proposals seeking to adopt specific emissions or environmental goals or metrics will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Topics can range from general environmental reports to more specific reports on topics such as greenhouse gas emissions, the release of radioactive materials, and the generation or use of nuclear energy. The scope of the requested reports or policies can also vary. Proponents of these proposals may seek information on the steps the company has taken to address the environmental concern in question, or they may also ask the company to detail any financial risk associated with environmental issues. Opponents of these proposals claim that complying with proponents’ requests would be overly costly for, or unduly burdensome on, the company.


86.   Implement the MacBride Principles (Northern Ireland) (SHP)



The MacBride Principles aim to fight discriminatory anti Catholic employment practices in the British state of Northern Ireland. The Principles encourage U.S. companies to actively recruit Catholic employees and, where possible, groom them for management responsibilities. Companies are also asked to ensure job security for their Catholic employees and to abolish the use of inflammatory religious emblems.

Supporters argue that the MacBride Principles effectively address Northern Ireland’s inequalities in employment (in Northern Ireland, unemployment among Catholic men is twice as high as among Protestant men). Opponents contend that the adoption of the MacBride Principles is itself a form of reverse discrimination, which may violate British law. The British government is concerned that adoption of the MacBride Principles may increase the “hassle factor” of doing business in the economically troubled area and reduce the attractiveness of investments.


87.   Include Sustainability as a Performance Measure (SHP)



We believe management and directors should be given latitude in determining appropriate performance measurements. Therefore, we will evaluate on a case-by-case basis proposals requesting companies to consider incorporating specific, measurable, practical goals consisting of sustainability principles and environmental impacts as metrics for incentive compensation.


88.   Military Issues (SHP)



These proposals ask companies involved in military production to report on future plans and to diversify or convert to the production of civilian goods and services. Opponents of these resolutions are concerned that conversion is not economically rational, and view the proposals as intrusions into management’s decision making prerogative. Opponents also point to the imperative of a strong defense as reason enough to continue military production.


89.   Nuclear Waste Disposal (SHP)



These resolutions ask companies to allocate a portion of the cost of building nuclear power plants for research into nuclear waste disposal. Proponents argue that, because the life span of certain waste byproducts exceeds current containment capabilities, the industry should concentrate more on waste management and disposal. While opponents acknowledge the need for research, they contend that the problem is overstated, and that some suggested containment programs are unnecessarily expensive.



90.   Other Business



In certain jurisdictions, these proposals allow management to act on issues that shareholders may raise at the annual meeting. Because it is impossible to know what issues may be raised, we will vote against these proposals.


91.   Pharmaceutical Pricing (US) (SHP)



These proposals seek to require a company to implement pricing restraints to make prescription drugs more affordable, both domestically and in third-world countries. Proponents argue that drug prices in the United States, considered to be among the highest in the world, make adequate medical care inaccessible to those other than the most affluent. Critics of such proposals argue that artificial price controls would reduce revenues, deter investors and ultimately reduce funds available for future research and development.


92.   Plant Closings (US) (SHP)



These proposals ask companies to create or expand programs to relocate workers displaced by a plant closing. Supporters of plant closing resolutions argue management should be more sensitive to employees both during the decision on closing a plant and in efforts at relocation. Companies generally respond that they already have programs to accommodate displaced workers. In addition, federal law now requires 60 days’ advance notice of a major plant closing or layoff and a number of states also have applicable regulations.


93.   Reimbursement of Shareholder Proposal Expenses (SHP)



These shareholder proposals would require companies to reimburse the expenses of shareholders who submit proposals that receive a majority of votes cast. We generally vote against these proposals.


94.   Report on Pay Disparity (SHP)



A report on pay disparity compares the total compensation of a company’s executive officers with that of the company’s lowest paid workers, including statistics and rationale pertaining to changes in the size of the gap, information on whether executive compensation is “excessive”, and information on whether greater oversight is needed over certain aspects of the company’s compensation policies.

Proponents may note that executive compensation, in general, and the gap between executive compensation and the pay of a company’s lowest paid employees, has grown significantly in recent years. They may also note that the gap between executive salary and the wage of the average employee at the company is significantly higher.


95.   Report on Water Pollution Prevention Measures (SHP)



We will generally support proposals requesting a company report to shareholders on measures taken by the company to prevent runoff, wastewater and other forms of water pollution from the company’s own (and its contractors’) facilities, taking into account national legislation and practicality.


96.   Report on Workplace Diversity and/or Employment Policies (SHP)



Equal employment may refer to the right to be free from discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age or disability in the work force. Resolutions generally ask companies to report progress in complying with affirmative action laws. In assessing these proposals, we carefully consider any policies that are already in place at the company. However, we will also assure the practicality of such proposals.


97.   Reporting Political Contributions; Lobbying Expenses (SHP)



We generally vote in favor of proposals requesting increased disclosure of political contributions and lobbying expenses. By requiring reports to shareholders, proponents of these shareholder resolutions contend investors can help police wrongdoings in the political system and better evaluate the use of company resources. Critics of these proposals contend that reformers overstate the problem and that a company should play an active role in expressing its opinion about relevant legislation.



98.   Submit Political Spending Program to Shareholder Advisory Vote (SHP)



We generally vote against shareholder proposals requiring the board of directors to adopt a policy to provide shareholders with the opportunity to ratify a company’s political spending program. We believe such proposals are overly intrusive on management’s discretion.


99.   Sustainability Report (SHP)



We generally support shareholder proposals calling for a sustainability report while taking into account the current reporting policies of the company as they relate to sustainability and whether having a report provides added benefits to shareholders.

Sustainability is a business model that requires companies to balance the needs and interests of various stakeholders while concurrently sustaining their business, communities and the environment for future generations. Although many argue that the sustainable development concept is constantly evolving, core issues continue to revolve around ensuring the rights of future generations, adopting a long-term approach to business problems and strengthening the connections between the environment, society and the economy. This “triple bottom line” can be used as a framework for measuring and reporting corporate performance against economic, social and environmental parameters. However, the term can also encompass a set of values, issues and practices that companies must address in order to minimize harm, while simultaneously creating economic, social and environmental value. We evaluate these proposals on a case-by-case basis.

Proponents of these proposals argue that investors are justified in seeking additional disclosure on companies’ social and environmental performance because they affect shareholder value. Opponents argue that companies already include much of the information contained in a sustainability report in workplace policies and/or codes of ethics and post this information on their websites; supporting these proposals would therefore be unduly burdensome.


100. The CERES Principles (SHP)



Many environmental proposals include a recommendation that companies adopt and report their compliance with the Coalition of Environmentally Responsible Economies (the “CERES” Principles). The CERES Principles are a set of ten principles committing the company to environmental improvement. Proponents argue that endorsement of the CERES principles gives a company greater public credibility than standards created by industry or government regulation alone. Companies argue that implementing the CERES Principles only duplicates their current environmental policies and is unduly burdensome


101. Tobacco (SHP)


Proposals relating to tobacco issues are wide-ranging. They include proposals to have a company issue warnings on the environmental risks of tobacco smoke and the risks of smoking-related diseases, as well as proposals to link executive compensation with reductions in teen smoking.

a.    End Production of Tobacco Products                                                                      Against

These proposals seek to phase-out all production, promotion and marketing of tobacco products by a specified date. Proponents argue that tobacco companies have acknowledged the serious health risks related to smoking cigarettes yet they continue to distribute them. When evaluating these resolutions, we must consider the company’s risks and liabilities associated with those lines of business, and evaluate the overall strategic business plans and how those plans will serve to maximize long-term shareholder value.

Because phasing out all tobacco-related operations by a tobacco company is very likely to result in the end of the company, which clearly is not in the best interests of shareholders, we will generally oppose these proposals.

b.    Spin-off Tobacco-related Business                                                                      Case-by-case

The motivation for these proposals is generally in line with what we have described immediately above — proponents seek for the subject company to phase-out all production, promotion and marketing of tobacco products by a specified date, citing health risks and tobacco companies’ systemic failure to honestly inform the public about these health risks until recently. The key difference is that, unlike the above type of proposal, which would be put to a company that derives most, if not all, of its revenues from tobacco-related operations, a spin-off proposal would request that a company that derives only a portion (often a substantial portion) of its revenues from tobacco-related operations spin-off its tobacco-related operating segment / subsidiary.

When evaluating resolutions requesting a company divest itself from one or more lines of business, we must consider the company’s risks and liabilities associated with those lines of business, evaluate the overall strategic business plans and determine how those plans will serve to maximize long-term shareholder value



4. Conflicts of Interest


  4.1 Introduction

As a fiduciary, we always must act in our clients’ best interests. We strive to avoid even the appearance of a conflict that may compromise the trust our clients have placed in us, and we insist on strict adherence to fiduciary standards and compliance with all applicable federal and state securities laws. We have adopted a comprehensive Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (“Code”) to help us meet these obligations. As part of this responsibility and as expressed throughout the Code, we place the interests of our clients first and attempt to avoid any perceived or actual conflicts of interest.

We recognize that there may be a potential material conflict of interest when we vote a proxy solicited by an issuer whose retirement plan we manage, or we administer, who distributes AB-sponsored mutual funds, or with whom we or an employee has another business or personal relationship that may affect how we vote on the issuer’s proxy. Similarly, we may have a potential material conflict of interest when deciding how to vote on a proposal sponsored or supported by a shareholder group that is a client. In order to avoid any perceived or actual conflict of interest, the procedures set forth below in sections 3.2 through 3.7 have been established for use when we encounter a potential conflict to ensure that our voting decisions are based on our clients’ best interests and are not the product of a conflict.


  4.2 Adherence to Stated Proxy Voting Policies

Votes generally are cast in accordance with this policy3. In situations where our policy is case-by-case, this Manual often provides criteria that will guide our decision. In situations where our policy on a particular issue is case-by-case and the vote cannot be clearly decided by an application of our stated policy, a member of the Proxy Committee or his/her designee will make the voting decision in accordance with the basic principle of our policy to vote proxies with the intention of maximizing the value of the securities in our client accounts. In these situations, the voting rationale must be documented either on the voting platform of ISS, by retaining relevant emails or another appropriate method. Where appropriate, the views of investment professionals are considered. All votes cast contrary to our stated voting policy on specific issues must be documented. On an annual basis, the Proxy Committee will receive a report of all such votes so as to confirm adherence of the policy.


  4.3 Disclosure of Conflicts

When considering a proxy proposal, members of the Proxy Committee or investment professionals involved in the decision-making process must disclose to the Proxy Committee any potential conflict (including personal relationships) of which they are aware and any substantive contact that they have had with any interested outside party (including the issuer or shareholder group sponsoring a proposal) regarding the proposal. Any previously unknown conflict will be recorded on the Potential Conflicts List (discussed below). If a member of the Proxy Committee has a conflict of interest, he or she must also remove himself or herself from the decision-making process.


  4.4 Potential Conflicts List

No less frequently than annually, a list of companies and organizations whose proxies may pose potential conflicts of interest is compiled by the Legal and Compliance Department (the “Potential Conflicts List”). The Potential Conflicts List includes:


    Publicly-traded Clients from the Russell 3000 Index, the Morgan Stanley Capital International (“MSCI”) Europe Australia Far East Index (MSCI EAFE), the MSCI Canada Index and the MSCI Emerging Markets Index;


    Publicly-traded companies that distribute AB mutual funds;


    Bernstein private clients who are directors, officers or 10% shareholders of publicly traded companies;


    Clients who sponsor, publicly support or have material interest in a proposal upon which we will be eligible to vote;


    Publicly-traded affiliated companies;


    Companies where an employee of AB or AXA Financial has identified an interest;


    Any other conflict of which a Proxy Committee member becomes aware4.

We determine our votes for all meetings of companies on the Potential Conflicts List by applying the tests described in Section 3.6 below. We document all instances when the independent compliance officer determines our vote.


3  From time to time a client may request that we vote their proxies consistent with AFL-CIO guidelines or the policy of the National Association of Pension Funds. In those situations, AB reserves the right to depart from those policies if we believe it to be in the client’s best interests.
4  The Proxy Committee must notify the Legal and Compliance Department promptly of any previously unknown conflict.



  4.5 Determine Existence of Conflict of Interest

When we encounter a potential conflict of interest, we review our proposed vote using the following analysis to ensure our voting decision does not generate a conflict of interest:


    If our proposed vote is consistent with our Proxy Voting Policy, no further review is necessary.


    If our proposed vote is contrary to our Proxy Voting Policy and our client’s position on the proposal, no further review is necessary.


    If our proposed vote is contrary to our Proxy Voting Policy or is not covered herein, is consistent with our client’s position, and is also consistent with the views of ISS, no further review is necessary.


    If our proposed vote is contrary to our Proxy Voting Policy or is not covered herein, is consistent with our client’s position and is contrary to the views of ISS, the vote will be presented to an independent compliance officer (“ICO”). The ICO will determine whether the proposed vote is reasonable. If the ICO cannot determine that the proposed vote is reasonable, the ICO may instruct AB to refer the votes back to the client(s) or take other actions as the ICO deems appropriate. The ICO’s review will be documented using a Proxy Voting Conflict of Interest Form (a copy of which is attached hereto).


  4.6 Review of Third Party Research Service Conflicts of Interest

We consider the research of ISS, so the Proxy Committee takes reasonable steps to verify that ISS is, in fact, independent based on all of the relevant facts and circumstances. This includes reviewing ISS’s conflict management procedures on an annual basis. When reviewing these conflict management procedures, we will consider, among other things, whether ISS (i) has the capacity and competency to adequately analyze proxy issues; and (ii) can offer research in an impartial manner and in the best interests of our clients.


  4.7 Confidential Voting

It is AB’s policy to support confidentiality before the actual vote has been cast. Employees are prohibited from revealing how we intend to vote except to (i) members of the Proxy Committee; (ii) Portfolio managers that hold the security in their managed accounts; (iii) the Research Analyst(s) who cover(s) the security; and (iv) clients, upon request, for the securities held in their portfolio. Once the votes have been cast, they are made public in accordance with mutual fund proxy vote disclosures required by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), and we generally post all votes to our public website the quarter after the vote has been cast.

We may participate in proxy surveys conducted by shareholder groups or consultants so long as such participation does not compromise our confidential voting policy. Specifically, prior to our required SEC disclosures each year, we may respond to surveys asking about our proxy voting policies, but not any specific votes. After our mutual fund proxy vote disclosures required by the SEC each year have been made public and/or votes have been posted to our public website, we may respond to surveys that cover specific votes in addition to our voting policies.

On occasion, clients for whom we do not have proxy voting authority may ask us for advice on proxy votes that they cast. A member of the Proxy Committee or a Proxy Manager may offer such advice subject to an understanding with the client that the advice shall remain confidential.

Any substantive contact regarding proxy issues from the issuer, the issuer’s agent or a shareholder group sponsoring a proposal must be reported to the Proxy Committee if such contact was material to a decision to vote contrary to this Policy. Routine administrative inquiries from proxy solicitors need not be reported.


  4.8 A Note Regarding AB’s Structure

AB and AllianceBernstein Holding L.P. (“AB Holding”) are Delaware limited partnerships. As limited partnerships, neither company is required to produce an annual proxy statement or hold an annual shareholder meeting. In addition, the general partner of AB and AB Holding, AllianceBernstein Corporation, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of AXA, a French holding company for an international group of insurance and related financial services companies.

As a result, most of the positions we express in this Proxy Voting Policy are inapplicable to our business. For example, although units in AB Holding are publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”), the NYSE Listed Company Manual exempts limited partnerships and controlled companies from compliance with various listing requirements, including the requirement that our board have a majority of independent directors.



5. Voting Transparency

We publish our voting records on our website quarterly, 30 days after the end of the previous quarter. Many clients have requested that we provide them with periodic reports on how we voted their proxies. Clients may obtain information about how we voted proxies on their behalf by contacting their Advisor. Alternatively, clients may make a written request to the Chief Compliance Officer.


6. Recordkeeping

All of the records referenced below will be kept in an easily accessible place for at least the length of time required by local regulation and custom, and, if such local regulation requires that records are kept for less than five years from the end of the fiscal year during which the last entry was made on such record, we will follow the U.S. rule of five years. We maintain the vast majority of these records electronically. We will keep paper records, if any, in one of our offices for at least two years.


  6.1 Proxy Voting Policy

The Proxy Voting Policy shall be maintained in the Legal and Compliance Department and posted on our company intranet and the AB website.


  6.2 Proxy Statements Received Regarding Client Securities

For U.S. Securities5, AB relies on the SEC to maintain copies of each proxy statement we receive regarding client securities. For Non-U.S. Securities, we rely on ISS, our proxy voting agent, to retain such proxy statements.


  6.3 Records of Votes Cast on Behalf of Clients

Records of votes cast by AB are retained electronically by our proxy voting agent, ISS.



  6.4 Records of Clients Requests for Proxy Voting Information

Copies of written requests from clients for information on how AB voted their proxies shall be maintained by the Legal and Compliance Department. Responses to written and oral requests for information on how we voted clients’ proxies will be kept in the Client Group.


  6.5 Documents Prepared by AB that are Material to Voting Decisions

The Proxy Committee is responsible for maintaining documents prepared by the Committee or any AB employee that were material to a voting decision. Therefore, where an investment professional’s opinion is essential to the voting decision, the recommendation from investment professionals must be made in writing to the Proxy Manager.


7. Proxy Voting Procedures


  7.1 Vote Administration

In an effort to increase the efficiency of voting proxies, AB uses ISS to act as its voting agent for our clients’ holdings globally.

Issuers initially send proxy information to the custodians of our client accounts. We instruct these custodian banks to direct proxy related materials to ISS’s offices. ISS provides us with research related to each resolution. A Proxy Manager reviews the ballots via ISS’s web platform, Proxy Exchange (For separately managed account programs, Proxy Managers use Broadridge’s Proxy Edge platform.). Using Proxy Exchange (or Proxy Edge), the Proxy Manager submits our voting decision. ISS (or Broadridge) then returns the proxy ballot forms to the designated returnee for tabulation. Clients may request that, when voting their proxies, we utilize an ISS recommendation or ISS’s Taft-Hartley Voting Policy.

If necessary, any paper ballots we receive will be voted online using Proxy Vote or via mail or fax.


  7.2 Share blocking

Proxy voting in certain countries requires “share blocking.” Shareholders wishing to vote their proxies must deposit their shares shortly before the date of the meeting (usually one week) with a designated depositary. During this blocking period, shares that will be voted at the meeting cannot be sold until the meeting has taken place and the shares are returned to the clients’ custodian banks. We may determine that the value of exercising the vote is outweighed by the detriment of not being able to sell the shares during this period. In cases where we want to retain the ability to trade shares, we may abstain from voting those shares.


5  U.S. securities are defined as securities of issuers required to make reports pursuant to §12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Non-U.S. securities are defined as all other securities.



We seek to vote all proxies for securities held in client accounts for which we have proxy voting authority. However, in some markets administrative issues beyond our control may sometimes prevent us from voting such proxies. For example, we may receive meeting notices after the cut-off date for voting or without enough time to fully consider the proxy. Similarly, proxy materials for some issuers may not contain disclosure sufficient to arrive at a voting decision, in which cases we may abstain from voting. Some markets outside the U.S. require periodic renewals of powers of attorney that local agents must have from our clients prior to implementing our voting instructions.


  7.3 Loaned Securities

Many of our clients have entered into securities lending arrangements with agent lenders to generate additional revenue. We will not be able to vote securities that are on loan under these types of arrangements. However, under rare circumstances, for voting issues that may have a significant impact on the investment, we may request that clients or custodians recall securities that are on loan if we determine that the benefit of voting outweighs the costs and lost revenue to the client or fund and the administrative burden of retrieving the securities.







1. General

Investment Advisers Act of 1940 Rule 206(4)-6 imposes a number of requirements on investment advisers that have voting authority with respect to securities held in their clients’ accounts. The SEC states that the duty of care requires an adviser with proxy voting authority to monitor corporate actions and to vote the proxies. To satisfy its duty of loyalty, an adviser must cast the proxy votes in a manner consistent with the best interests of its clients, and must never put the adviser’s own interests above those of its clients.

These written policies and procedures are designed to reasonably ensure that AQR Capital Management, LLC (“AQR”) votes proxies in the best interest of clients over whom AQR has voting authority; and describes how AQR addresses material conflicts between its interests and those of its clients with respect to proxy voting.


2. Proxy Guidelines

Generally, AQR will vote based upon the recommendations of ISS Governance Services (“ISS”), an unaffiliated third party corporate governance research service that provides in-depth analyses of shareholder meeting agendas, vote recommendations, recordkeeping and vote disclosure services. AQR has adopted the Proxy Voting Guidelines employed by ISS for voting proxies. Although ISS’ analyses are reviewed and considered in making a final voting decision, AQR will make the ultimate decision. As a matter of policy, the employees, officers, or principals of AQR will not be influenced by outside sources whose interests conflict with the interests of its Clients.

In addition, unless prior approval is obtained from AQR’s CCO the following must be adhered to:


  (a) AQR shall not engage in conduct that involves an attempt to change or influence the control of a public company. In addition, all communications regarding proxy issues or corporate actions between companies or their agents, or with fellow shareholders shall be for the sole purpose of expressing and discussing AQR’s concerns for its advisory clients’ interests and not for an attempt to influence or control management.


  (b) AQR will not announce its voting intentions and the reasons therefore.


  (c) AQR shall not participate in a proxy solicitation or otherwise seek proxy-voting authority from any other public company shareholder.

AQR has the responsibility to process proxies and maintain proxy records pursuant to SEC rules and regulations. Therefore, AQR will attempt to process every vote it receives for all domestic and foreign proxies. However, there may be situations in which AQR cannot vote proxies. For example:


    If the cost of voting a proxy outweighs the benefit of voting, AQR may refrain from processing that vote.


    AQR may not be given enough time to process the vote. For example ISS through no fault of its own, may receive a meeting notice from the company too late, or may be unable to obtain a timely translation of the agenda.


    If AQR has outstanding sell orders or intends to sell, the proxies for those meetings may not be voted in order to facilitate the sale of those securities. Although AQR may hold shares on a company’s record date, should it sell them prior to the company’s meeting date, AQR ultimately may decide not to vote those shares.


    AQR will generally refrain from voting proxies on foreign securities that are subject to share blocking restrictions.

AQR may vote against an agenda item where no further information is provided, particularly in non-U.S. markets. AQR may also enter an “abstain” vote on the election of certain directors from time to time based on individual situations, particularly where AQR is not in favor of electing a director and there is no provision for voting against such director.

If an AQR portfolio manager determines that the interests of clients are best served by voting differently from the ISS recommended vote, approval must be obtained from the CCO or designee. AQR will adhere to the Conflict of Interest (below) section of this policy in all instances where the recommended vote is not taken.

AQR will periodically review the outside party’s voting standards and guidelines to make certain that proxy issues are voted in accordance with the adopted proxy voting guidelines and the avoidance of conflicts of interest.



3. Proxy Procedures

AQR has engaged ISS to assist in the administrative aspects for the voting of proxies. ISS is responsible for coordinating with Clients’ custodians to ensure that all proxy materials received by the custodians relating to the Clients’ portfolio securities are processed in a timely fashion. To the extent applicable, ISS votes all proxies in accordance with its own proxy voting guidelines (please see Proxy Guidelines above), which have been reviewed and adopted by AQR. The CCO shall supervise the proxy voting process.

Upon request, AQR will furnish a copy of the policies and procedures to the requesting client and information on how the client’s proxies were voted.


4. Conflicts of Interest

Occasions may arise where a person or organization involved in the proxy voting process may have a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest may exist, for example, if AQR has a business relationship with (or is actively soliciting business from) either the company soliciting the proxy or a third party that has a material interest in the outcome of a proxy vote or that is actively lobbying for a particular outcome of a proxy vote. Any individual with knowledge of a personal conflict of interest (e.g., familial relationship with company management) relating to a particular referral item shall disclose that conflict to the CCO and otherwise remove him or herself from the proxy voting process. The CCO will review each item referred to by AQR’s investment professionals to determine if a conflict of interest exists and will draft a Conflicts Report for each referral item that (1) describes any conflict of interest; (2) discusses the procedures used to address such conflict of interest; and (3) discloses any contacts from parties outside AQR (other than routine communications from proxy solicitors) with respect to the referral item not otherwise reported in an investment professional’s recommendation. The Conflicts Report will also include written confirmation that any recommendation from an investment professional provided under circumstances where a conflict of interest exists was made solely on the investment merits and without regard to any other consideration.





Proxy Voting Policy

Date: February 18, 2013


1 Purpose


  1.1 Subject to specific mandate restrictions, Ashmore Investment Management Limited (“Ashmore”) is generally responsible for voting proxies and taking decisions in connection with corporate actions (referred to herein as “proxies” or a “proxy”) with respect to equities, bonds, loans or other debt instruments (referred to herein as “Securities”) held by or held on behalf of the clients for which it serves as investment manager/adviser (“Clients”).


  1.2 The purpose of this document is to provide appropriate information on Ashmore’s proxy voting policy.


2 Scope


  2.1 Ashmore will, at its discretion, apply its proxy voting policy for all Clients, which may include collective investment schemes, investment companies, limited partnerships and other investment funds and vehicles established by Ashmore (“Ashmore Funds”), and segregated institutional client accounts, white label accounts (public funds branded or co-branded in the name of a third party where the third party provides some or all of local infrastructure, marketing, compliance and regulatory framework), structured products, and other accounts established by third parties (“Segregated Accounts”).


  2.2 Ashmore will apply its proxy voting policy in a manner that takes account of the different circumstances associated with its investment management duties and responsibilities or with any investment objectives, guidelines or restrictions applicable to a particular Client.


  2.3 The following forms of proxy votes are typical (but not exhaustive) of those Ashmore is presented with:


    Debt — accelerations, exchanges and restructurings, corporate reorganisations, restructurings, events of default, accelerations, bankruptcy proceedings and buy backs;


    Equities — election of directors, ratification of auditors, management and director compensation, changes to capital structures, takeovers, mergers and corporate restructurings, social, environmental and corporate policy issues.


3 Policy


  3.1 Where Ashmore is given responsibility for proxy voting, it will take reasonable steps under the circumstances to ensure that proxies are voted in the best interests of its Clients. Protecting the financial interests of its Clients is the primary consideration for Ashmore in determining how to protect such interests. This generally means proxy voting with a view to enhancing the value of the securities held by or on behalf of Ashmore’s Clients, through maximising the value of securities, taken either individually or as a whole.


  3.2 When considering how to vote a proxy, Ashmore will consider those factors that relate to a Client’s interests, primarily economic, which may result in it voting for a proposal, against a proposal, abstaining from voting or submitting pricing tenders or other commercial undertakings in respect of a proposal.


  3.3 Ashmore may also refrain from voting in routine proxy voting issues such as ratification of auditors, particularly if the Ashmore Clients’ aggregate holdings in a particular company are not deemed material in the context of such a vote. For this purpose, “routine” proposals could typically include matters such as an uncontested election of directors, meeting formalities or the approval of an annual report or financial statement.


  3.4 Ashmore’s standard form investment management agreement will provide that Ashmore is generally responsible for proxy voting unless the Client has specifically directed Ashmore to the contrary in writing.


4 Conflicts of Interest


  4.1 From time to time, proxy voting proposals may raise conflicts between the interests of Ashmore (including its employees, and/ or its affiliates) and its Clients.



Ashmore’s Compliance Department will take certain steps to determine whether such conflict is material and, if so, Ashmore will either vote in favour of the Client or manage the conflict in accordance with Ashmore’s conflicts of interest policy, which may include disclosure of such conflict to the Client for its prior approval as to Ashmore’s proposed vote. If



  the Client does not respond to such a request or declines the request, Ashmore shall abstain from voting the relevant securities.


  4.3 If Ashmore is prohibited from disclosing such conflict to a Client (for example, due to confidentiality restrictions) Ashmore shall determine whether to vote in the Client’s interest or abstain from voting.


  4.4 Routine proxy proposals shall be presumed not to involve a material conflict of interest for Ashmore, unless Ashmore’s Compliance Department has actual knowledge that a routine proposal should be treated differently.


5 Specific Client Instructions


  5.1 Where, under any circumstances, a Client provides Ashmore with specific voting instructions, Ashmore will vote in accordance with those specific instructions, and will not vote in accordance with this policy.


  5.2 Where a Client’s instructions do not relate to all matters to be voted upon, Ashmore will continue to apply its proxy voting policy to those matters not covered by such specific instructions.


  5.3 Clients should be aware that providing specific instructions to Ashmore in relation to a particular matter may prevent Ashmore from taking the steps set out in its proxy voting policy to obtain the best possible result in respect of the matters covered by those instructions.


  5.4 Ashmore will accept no responsibility in connection with proxy voting matters which it has received no notice of, or has not received timely notice of from a Client’s custodian or relevant service provider responsible for the holding of its Securities.


6 Monitoring and Review


  6.1 Ashmore will monitor the effectiveness of its proxy voting policy on a regular basis, and, where appropriate, correct any deficiencies.


  6.2 Any changes to this proxy voting policy must be approved by the Compliance Officer, and Ashmore’s Risk and Compliance Committee.


7 Operational Guidelines


  7.1 In circumstances where Ashmore has been advised of a requirement for a proxy vote relating to a Security held by or on behalf of a Client, the following guidelines will be adopted.


  7.2 All proxy votes will be received in, logged and responded to by Ashmore’s Transaction Processing team using ‘ProxyExchange’, a web portal for voting in AGM’s and EGM’s administered by Risk Metrics Group. ProxyExchange keeps a record of the vote made or decision not to vote, as the case may be, or other action in response thereto.


  7.3 The requirement for a proxy vote will be advised by the Transaction Processing team to the Ashmore Portfolio Manager who has primary responsibility for the Security in question, and who will instruct the Transaction Processing team how to respond. In the absence of the primary Portfolio Manager, it will be referred to the secondary responsible Portfolio Manager.


  7.4 It is the responsibility of the Portfolio Manager to determine whether or not to raise a proposal with Ashmore’s Investment Committee for discussion and recommendation. This may be the regular weekly Investment Committee meeting or, in relevant circumstances (e.g. a short deadline for response), a quorum of the Investment Committee members who are in the office at the relevant time. Matters referred to the Investment Committee will also be noted in the Investment Committee’s minutes.


  7.5 Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the Portfolio Manager to determine whether or not a matter related to a required proxy vote requires review and input from Ashmore’s Legal and Transaction Processing and/or Compliance departments.


  7.6 It is also the responsibility of the Portfolio Manager to determine whether or not discuss a corporate action with other market participants, issuers and agents, but Ashmore will not disclose how it intends to vote on any particular proxy proposal without the advance approval of Ashmore’s Compliance Department. This does not restrict communications in the ordinary course of business with custodians or other agents of Ashmore’s Clients.





(Updated June 2014)

Introduction to BlackRock

BlackRock is the world’s preeminent asset management firm and a premier provider of global investment management, risk management and advisory services to institutional and individual clients around the world. BlackRock offers a wide range of investment strategies and product structures to meet clients’ needs, including individual and institutional separate accounts, mutual funds, closed-end funds, and other pooled investment vehicles and the industry-leading iShares exchange traded funds. Through BlackRock Solutions®, we offer risk management, strategic advisory and enterprise investment system services to a broad base of clients.

Philosophy on corporate governance

BlackRock’s corporate governance program is focused on protecting and enhancing the economic value of the companies in which it invests on behalf of clients. We do this through engagement with boards and management of investee companies and, for those clients who have given us authority, through voting at shareholder meetings.

We believe that there are certain fundamental rights attached to share ownership. Companies and their boards should be accountable to shareholders and structured with appropriate checks and balances to ensure that they operate in shareholders’ interests. Effective voting rights are central to the rights of ownership and there should be one vote for one share. Shareholders should have the right to elect, remove and nominate directors, approve the appointment of the auditor and to amend the corporate charter or by-laws. Shareholders should be able to vote on matters that are material to the protection of their investment including but not limited to changes to the purpose of the business, dilution levels and pre-emptive rights, the distribution of income and the capital structure. In order to exercise these rights effectively, we believe shareholders have the right to sufficient and timely information to be able to take an informed view of the proposals, and of the performance of the company and management.

Our focus is on the board of directors, as the agent of shareholders, which should set the company’s strategic aims within a framework of prudent and effective controls which enables risk to be assessed and managed. The board should provide direction and leadership to the management and oversee management’s performance. Our starting position is to be supportive of boards in their oversight efforts on our behalf and we would generally expect to support the items of business they put to a vote at shareholder meetings. Votes cast against or withheld from resolutions proposed by the board are a signal that we are concerned that the directors or management have either not acted in the interests of shareholders or have not responded adequately to shareholder concerns regarding strategy or performance.

These principles set out our approach to engaging with companies, provide guidance on our position on corporate governance and outline how our views might be reflected in our voting decisions. Corporate governance practices vary internationally and our expectations in relation to individual companies are based on the legal and regulatory framework of each market. However, as noted above, we do believe that there are some overarching principles of corporate governance that apply globally. We assess voting matters on a case-by-case basis and in light of each company’s unique circumstances. We are interested to understand from the company’s reporting its approach to corporate governance, particularly where it is different from the usual market practice, and how it benefits shareholders.

BlackRock also believes that shareholders have responsibilities in relation to monitoring and providing feedback to companies, sometimes known as stewardship. These ownership responsibilities include, in our view, engaging with management or board members on corporate governance matters, voting proxies in the best long-term economic interests of shareholders and engaging with regulatory bodies to ensure a sound policy framework consistent with promoting long-term shareholder value creation. Institutional shareholders also have responsibilities to their clients to have appropriate resources and oversight structures. Our own approach to oversight in relation to our corporate governance activities is set out in the section below titled “BlackRock’s oversight of its corporate governance activities”.

Corporate governance, engagement and voting

We recognize that accepted standards of corporate governance differ between markets but we believe that there are sufficient common threads globally to identify an overarching set of principles. The primary objective of our corporate governance activities is the protection and enhancement of the value of our clients’ investments in public corporations. Thus, these principles focus on practices and structures that we consider to be supportive of long-term value creation. We discuss below the principles under six key themes. In our regional and market-specific voting guidelines we explain how these principles inform our voting decisions in relation to specific resolutions that may appear on the agenda of a shareholder meeting in the relevant market.



The six key themes are:


    Boards and directors


    Auditors and audit-related issues


    Capital structure, mergers, asset sales and other special transactions


    Remuneration and benefits


    Social, ethical and environmental issues


    General corporate governance matters

At a minimum we would expect companies to observe the accepted corporate governance standard in their domestic market or to explain why doing so is not in the interests of shareholders. Where company reporting and disclosure is inadequate or the approach taken is inconsistent with our view of what is in the best interests of shareholders, we will engage with the company and/or use our vote to encourage a change in practice. In making voting decisions, we take into account research from proxy advisors, other internal and external research, information published by the company or provided through engagement and the views of our equity portfolio managers.

BlackRock views engagement as an important activity; engagement provides BlackRock with the opportunity to improve our understanding of investee companies and their governance structures, so that our voting decisions may be better informed. Engagement also allows us to share our philosophy and approach to investment and corporate governance with companies to enhance their understanding of our objectives. There are a range of approaches we may take in engaging companies depending on the nature of the issue under consideration, the company and the market.

Boards and directors

The performance of the board is critical to the economic success of the company and to the protection of shareholders’ interests. Board members serve as agents of shareholders in overseeing the strategic direction and operation of the company. For this reason, BlackRock focuses on directors in many of its engagements and sees the election of directors as one of its most important responsibilities in the proxy voting context.

We expect the board of directors to promote and protect shareholder interests by:


    establishing an appropriate corporate governance structure;


    supporting and overseeing management in setting strategy;


    ensuring the integrity of financial statements;


    making decisions regarding mergers, acquisitions and disposals;


    establishing appropriate executive compensation structures; and


    addressing business issues including social, ethical and environmental issues when they have the potential to materially impact company reputation and performance.

There should be clear definitions of the role of the board, the sub-committees of the board and the senior management such that the responsibilities of each are well understood and accepted. Companies should report publicly the approach taken to governance (including in relation to board structure) and why this approach is in the interest of shareholders. We will engage with the appropriate directors where we have concerns about the performance of the board or the company, the broad strategy of the company or the performance of individual board members. Concerns about directors may include their role on the board of a different company where that board has performed poorly and failed to protect shareholder interests.

BlackRock believes that directors should stand for re-election on a regular basis. We assess directors nominated for election or re-election in the context of the composition of the board as a whole. There should be detailed disclosure of the relevant credentials of the individual directors in order that shareholders can assess the caliber of an individual nominee. We expect there to be a sufficient number of independent directors on the board to ensure the protection of the interests of all shareholders. Common impediments to independence may include but are not limited to:


    current employment at the company or a subsidiary;


    former employment within the past several years as an executive of the company;


    providing substantial professional services to the company and/or members of the company’s management;



    having had a substantial business relationship in the past three years;


    having, or representing a shareholder with, a substantial shareholding in the company;


    being an immediate family member of any of the aforementioned; and


    interlocking directorships.

BlackRock believes that the operation of the board is enhanced when there is a clearly independent, senior non-executive director to lead it. Where the chairman is also the CEO or is otherwise not independent the company should have an independent lead director. The role of this director is to enhance the effectiveness of the independent members of the board through shaping the agenda, ensuring adequate information is provided to the board and encouraging independent participation in board deliberations. The lead independent board director should be available to shareholders if they have concerns that they wish to discuss.

To ensure that the board remains effective, regular reviews of board performance should be carried out and assessments made of gaps in skills or experience amongst the members. BlackRock believes it is beneficial for new directors to be brought onto the board periodically to refresh the group’s thinking and to ensure both continuity and adequate succession planning. In identifying potential candidates, boards should take into consideration the diversity of experience and expertise of the current directors and how that might be augmented by incoming directors. We believe that directors are in the best position to assess the optimal size for the board but we would be concerned if a board seemed too small to have an appropriate balance of directors or too large to be effective.

There are matters for which the board has responsibility that may involve a conflict of interest for executives or for affiliated directors. BlackRock believes that shareholders’ interests are best served when the independent members of the board form a sub-committee to deal with such matters. In many markets, these sub-committees of the board specialize in audit, director nominations and compensation matters. An ad hoc committee might also be formed to decide on a special transaction, particularly one with a related party.

Auditors and audit-related issues

BlackRock recognizes the critical importance of financial statements which should provide a complete and accurate picture of a company’s financial condition. We will hold the members of the audit committee or equivalent responsible for overseeing the management of the audit function. We take particular note of cases involving significant financial restatements or ad hoc notifications of material financial weakness.

The integrity of financial statements depends on the auditor being free of any impediments to being an effective check on management. To that end, we believe it is important that auditors are, and are seen to be, independent. Where the audit firm provides services to the company in addition to the audit, the fees earned should be disclosed and explained. Audit committees should also have in place a procedure for assuring annually the independence of the auditor.

Capital structure, mergers, asset sales and other special transactions

The capital structure of a company is critical to its owners, the shareholders, as it impacts the value of their investment and the priority of their interest in the company relative to that of other equity or debt investors. Pre-emption rights are a key protection for shareholders against the dilution of their interests.

In assessing mergers, asset sales or other special transactions, BlackRock’s primary consideration is the long-term economic interests of shareholders. Boards proposing a transaction need to clearly explain the economic and strategic rationale behind it. We will review a proposed transaction to determine the degree to which it enhances long-term shareholder value. We would prefer that proposed transactions have the unanimous support of the board and have been negotiated at arm’s length. We may seek reassurance from the board that executive and/or board members’ financial interests in a given transaction have not affected their ability to place shareholders’ interests before their own. Where the transaction involves related parties, we would expect the recommendation to support it to come from the independent directors and would prefer only non-conflicted shareholders to vote on the proposal.

BlackRock believes that shareholders have a right to dispose of company shares in the open market without unnecessary restriction. In our view, corporate mechanisms designed to limit shareholders’ ability to sell their shares are contrary to basic property rights. Such mechanisms can serve to protect and entrench interests other than those of the shareholders. We believe that shareholders are broadly capable of making decisions in their own best interests. We would expect any so-called “shareholder rights plans” being proposed by a board to be subject to shareholder approval on introduction and periodically thereafter for continuation.

Remuneration and benefits

BlackRock expects a company’s board of directors to put in place a compensation structure that incentivizes and rewards executives appropriately and is aligned with shareholder interests, particularly long-term shareholder returns. We would expect the



compensation committee to take into account the specific circumstances of the company and the key individuals the board is trying to incentivize. We encourage companies to ensure that their compensation packages incorporate appropriate and challenging performance conditions consistent with corporate strategy and market practice. We use third party research, in addition to our own analysis, to evaluate existing and proposed compensation structures. We hold members of the compensation committee or equivalent accountable for poor compensation practices or structures.

BlackRock believes that there should be a clear link between variable pay and company performance as reflected in returns to shareholders. We are not supportive of one-off or special bonuses unrelated to company or individual performance. We support incentive plans that pay out rewards earned over multiple and extended time periods. We believe consideration should be given to building claw back provisions into incentive plans such that executives would be required to repay rewards where they were not justified by actual performance. Compensation committees should guard against contractual arrangements that would entitle executives to material compensation for early termination of their contract. Finally, pension contributions should be reasonable in light of market practice.

Outside directors should be compensated in a manner that does not risk compromising their independence or aligning their interests too closely with those of the management, whom they are charged with overseeing.

Social, ethical, and environmental issues

Our fiduciary duty to clients is to protect and enhance their economic interest in the companies in which we invest on their behalf. It is within this context that we undertake our corporate governance activities. We believe that well-managed companies will deal effectively with the social, ethical and environmental (“SEE”) aspects of their businesses.

BlackRock expects companies to identify and report on the material, business-specific SEE risks and opportunities and to explain how these are managed. This explanation should make clear how the approach taken by the company best serves the interests of shareholders and protects and enhances the long-term economic value of the company. The key performance indicators in relation to SEE matters should also be disclosed and performance against them discussed, along with any peer group benchmarking and verification processes in place. This helps shareholders assess how well management is dealing with the SEE aspects of the business. Any global standards adopted should also be disclosed and discussed in this context.

We may vote against the election of directors where we have concerns that a company might not be dealing with SEE issues appropriately. Sometimes we may reflect such concerns by supporting a shareholder proposal on the issue, where there seems to be either a significant potential threat or realized harm to shareholders’ interests caused by poor management of SEE matters. In deciding our course of action, we will assess whether the company has already taken sufficient steps to address the concern and whether there is a clear and material economic disadvantage to the company if the issue is not addressed.

More commonly, given that these are often not voting issues, we will engage directly with the board or management. The trigger for engagement on a particular SEE concern is our assessment that there is potential for material economic ramifications for shareholders.

We do not see it as our role to make social, ethical or political judgments on behalf of clients. We expect investee companies to comply, at a minimum, with the laws and regulations of the jurisdictions in which they operate. They should explain how they manage situations where such laws or regulations are contradictory or ambiguous.

General corporate governance matters

BlackRock believes that shareholders have a right to timely and detailed information on the financial performance and viability of the companies in which they invest. In addition, companies should also publish information on the governance structures in place and the rights of shareholders to influence these. The reporting and disclosure provided by companies helps shareholders assess whether the economic interests of shareholders have been protected and the quality of the board’s oversight of management. BlackRock believes shareholders should have the right to vote on key corporate governance matters, including on changes to governance mechanisms, to submit proposals to the shareholders’ meeting and to call special meetings of shareholders.

BlackRock’s oversight of its corporate governance activities


BlackRock holds itself to a very high standard in its corporate governance activities, including in relation to executing proxy votes. This function is executed by a team of dedicated BlackRock employees without sales responsibilities (the “Corporate Governance Group”), and which is considered an investment function. BlackRock maintains three regional oversight committees (“Corporate Governance Committees”) for the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and Asia-Pacific, consisting of senior BlackRock investment professionals. All of the regional Corporate Governance Committees report to a Global Corporate



Governance Oversight Committee which is a risk-focused committee composed of senior representatives of the active and index equity investment businesses, the Deputy General Counsel, the Global Executive Committee member to whom the Corporate Governance Group reports and the head of the Corporate Governance Group. The Corporate Governance Committees review and approve amendments to their respective proxy voting guidelines (“Guidelines”) and grant authority to the Global Head of Corporate Governance (“Global Head”), a dedicated BlackRock employee without sales responsibilities, to vote in accordance with the Guidelines. The Global Head leads the Corporate Governance Group to carry out engagement, voting and vote operations in a manner consistent with the relevant Corporate Governance Committee’s mandate. The Corporate Governance Group engages companies in conjunction with the portfolio managers in discussions of significant governance issues, conducts research on corporate governance issues and participates in industry discussions to keep abreast of the field of corporate governance. The Corporate Governance Group, or vendors overseen by the Corporate Governance Group, also monitor upcoming proxy votes, execute proxy votes and maintain records of votes cast. The Corporate Governance Group may refer complicated or particularly controversial matters or discussions to the appropriate investors and/or regional Corporate Governance Committees for their review, discussion and guidance prior to making a voting decision. BlackRock’s Equity Policy Oversight Committee (EPOC) is informed of certain aspects of the work of the Global Corporate Governance Oversight Committee and the Corporate Governance Group..

Vote execution

BlackRock carefully considers proxies submitted to funds and other fiduciary accounts (“Funds”) for which it has voting authority. BlackRock votes (or refrains from voting) proxies for each Fund for which it has voting authority based on BlackRock’s evaluation of the best long-term economic interests of shareholders, in the exercise of its independent business judgment, and without regard to the relationship of the issuer of the proxy (or any dissident shareholder) to the Fund, the Fund’s affiliates (if any), BlackRock or BlackRock’s affiliates.

When exercising voting rights, BlackRock will normally vote on specific proxy issues in accordance with its Guidelines for the relevant market. The Guidelines are reviewed regularly and are amended consistent with changes in the local market practice, as developments in corporate governance occur, or as otherwise deemed advisable by BlackRock’s Corporate Governance Committees. The Corporate Governance Committees may, in the exercise of their business judgment, conclude that the Guidelines do not cover the specific matter upon which a proxy vote is requested or that an exception to the Guidelines would be in the best long-term economic interests of BlackRock’s clients.

In the uncommon circumstance of there being a vote with respect to fixed income securities or the securities of privately held issuers the decision generally will be made by a Fund’s portfolio managers and/or the Corporate Governance Group based on their assessment of the particular transactions or other matters at issue.

In certain markets, proxy voting involves logistical issues which can affect BlackRock’s ability to vote such proxies, as well as the desirability of voting such proxies. These issues include but are not limited to: (i) untimely notice of shareholder meetings; (ii) restrictions on a foreigner’s ability to exercise votes; (iii) requirements to vote proxies in person; (iv) “share-blocking” (requirements that investors who exercise their voting rights surrender the right to dispose of their holdings for some specified period in proximity to the shareholder meeting); (v) potential difficulties in translating the proxy; and (vi) requirements to provide local agents with unrestricted powers of attorney to facilitate voting instructions. We are not supportive of impediments to the exercise of voting rights such as shareblocking or overly burdensome administrative requirements.

As a consequence, BlackRock votes proxies in these markets only on a “best-efforts” basis. In addition, the Corporate Governance Committees may determine that it is generally in the best interests of BlackRock clients not to vote proxies of companies in certain countries if the committee determines that the costs (including but not limited to opportunity costs associated with shareblocking constraints) associated with exercising a vote are expected to outweigh the benefit the client would derive by voting on the issuer’s proposal.

While it is expected that BlackRock, as a fiduciary, will generally seek to vote proxies over which BlackRock exercises voting authority in a uniform manner for all BlackRock clients, the relevant Corporate Governance Committee, in conjunction with the portfolio manager of an account, may determine that the specific circumstances of such an account require that such account’s proxies be voted differently due to such account’s investment objective or other factors that differentiate it from other accounts. In addition, BlackRock believes portfolio managers may from time to time legitimately reach differing but equally valid views, as fiduciaries for their funds and the client assets in those Funds, on how best to maximize economic value in respect of a particular investment. Accordingly, portfolio managers retain full discretion to vote the shares in the Funds they manage based on their analysis of the economic impact of a particular ballot item.



Conflicts management

BlackRock maintains policies and procedures that are designed to prevent undue influence on BlackRock’s proxy voting activity that might stem from any relationship between the issuer of a proxy (or any dissident shareholder) and BlackRock, BlackRock’s affiliates, a Fund or a Fund’s affiliates. Some of the steps BlackRock has taken to prevent conflicts include, but are not limited to:


    BlackRock has adopted a proxy voting oversight structure whereby the Corporate Governance Committees oversee the voting decisions and other activities of the Corporate Governance Group, and particularly its activities with respect to voting in the relevant region of each Corporate Governance Committee’s jurisdiction.


    The Corporate Governance Committees have adopted Guidelines for each region, which set forth the firm’s views with respect to certain corporate governance and other issues that typically arise in the proxy voting context. The Corporate Governance Committees receive periodic reports regarding the specific votes cast by the Corporate Governance Group and regular updates on material process issues, procedural changes and other matters of concern to the Corporate Governance Committees.


    BlackRock’s Global Corporate Governance Oversight Committee oversees the Global Head, the Corporate Governance Group and the Corporate Governance Committees. The Global Corporate Governance Oversight Committee conducts a review, at least annually, of the proxy voting process to ensure compliance with BlackRock’s risk policies and procedures.


    BlackRock maintains a reporting structure that separates the Global Head and Corporate Governance Group from employees with sales responsibilities. In addition, BlackRock maintains procedures intended to ensure that all engagements with corporate issuers or dissident shareholders are managed consistently and without regard to BlackRock’s relationship with the issuer of the proxy or dissident shareholder. Within the normal course of business, the Global Head or Corporate Governance Group may engage directly with BlackRock clients, and with employees with sales responsibilities, in discussions regarding general corporate governance policy matters, and to otherwise ensure that proxy-related client service levels are met. The Global Head or Corporate Governance Group does not discuss any specific voting matter with a client prior to the disclosure of the vote decision to all applicable clients after the shareholder meeting has taken place, except if the client is acting in the capacity as issuer of the proxy or dissident shareholder and is engaging through the established procedures independent of the client relationship.


    In certain instances, BlackRock may determine to engage an independent fiduciary to vote proxies as a further safeguard to avoid potential conflicts of interest or as otherwise required by applicable law. The independent fiduciary may either vote such proxies or provide BlackRock with instructions as to how to vote such proxies. In the latter case, BlackRock votes the proxy in accordance with the independent fiduciary’s determination. Use of an independent fiduciary has been adopted for voting the proxies related to any company that is affiliated with BlackRock or any company that includes BlackRock employees on its board of directors.

With regard to the relationship between securities lending and proxy voting, BlackRock’s approach is driven by our clients’ economic interests. The evaluation of the economic desirability of recalling loans involves balancing the revenue producing value of loans against the likely economic value of casting votes. Based on our evaluation of this relationship, we believe that generally the likely economic value of casting most votes is less than the securities lending income, either because the votes will not have significant economic consequences or because the outcome of the vote would not be affected by BlackRock recalling loaned securities in order to ensure they are voted. Periodically, BlackRock analyzes the process and benefits of voting proxies for securities on loan, and will consider whether any modification of its proxy voting policies or procedures is necessary in light of future conditions. In addition, BlackRock may in its discretion determine that the value of voting outweighs the cost of recalling shares, and thus recall shares to vote in that instance.

Voting guidelines

The issue-specific voting Guidelines published for each region/country in which we vote are intended to summarize BlackRock’s general philosophy and approach to issues that may commonly arise in the proxy voting context in each market where we invest. These Guidelines are not intended to be exhaustive. BlackRock applies the Guidelines on a case-by-case basis, in the context of the individual circumstances of each company and the specific issue under review. As such, these Guidelines do not provide a guide to how BlackRock will vote in every instance. Rather, they share our view about corporate governance issues generally, and provide insight into how we typically approach issues that commonly arise on corporate ballots.


We report our proxy voting activity directly to clients and publically as required. In addition, we publish for clients a more detailed discussion of our corporate governance activities, including engagement with companies and with other relevant parties.




January 2013


BlackRock, Inc. and its subsidiaries (collectively, “BlackRock”) seek to make proxy voting decisions in the manner most likely to protect and promote the economic value of the securities held in client accounts. The following issue-specific proxy voting guidelines (the “Guidelines”) are intended to summarize BlackRock’s general philosophy and approach to issues that may commonly arise in the proxy voting context for U.S. Securities. These Guidelines are not intended to limit the analysis of individual issues at specific companies and are not intended to provide a guide to how BlackRock will vote in every instance. Rather, they share our view about corporate governance issues generally, and provide insight into how we typically approach issues that commonly arise on corporate ballots. They are applied with discretion, taking into consideration the range of issues and facts specific to the company and the individual ballot item.


These guidelines are divided into six key themes which group together the issues that frequently appear on the agenda of annual and extraordinary meetings of shareholders.

The six key themes are:


    Boards and directors


    Auditors and audit-related issues


    Capital structure, mergers, asset sales and other special transactions


    Remuneration and benefits


    Social, ethical and environmental issues


    General corporate governance matters

Boards and directors

Director elections

BlackRock generally supports board nominees in most uncontested elections. BlackRock may withhold votes from certain directors on the board or members of particular board committees (or prior members, as the case may be) in certain situations, including, but not limited to:


    The independent chair or lead independent director and members of the governance committee, where a board fails to implement shareholder proposals that receive a majority of votes cast at a prior shareholder meeting, and the proposals, in our view, have a direct and substantial impact on shareholders’ fundamental rights or long-term economic interests.


    The independent chair or lead independent director and members of the governance committee, where a board implements or renews a poison pill without seeking shareholder approval beforehand or within a reasonable period of time after implementation.


    An insider or affiliated outsider who sits on the board’s audit, compensation, nominating or governance committees, which we believe generally should be entirely independent. However, BlackRock will examine a board’s complete profile when questions of independence arise prior to casting a withhold vote for any director. For controlled companies, as defined by the U.S. stock exchanges, we will only vote against insiders or affiliates who sit on the audit committee, but not other key committees.


    Members of the audit committee during a period when the board failed to facilitate quality, independent auditing, for example, if substantial accounting irregularities suggest insufficient oversight by that committee.


    Members of the audit committee during a period in which we believe the company has aggressively accounted for its equity compensation plans.


    Members of the compensation committee during a period in which executive compensation appears excessive relative to performance and peers, and where we believe the compensation committee has not already substantially addressed this issue.


    Members of the compensation committee where the company has repriced options without contemporaneous shareholder approval.



    The chair of the nominating committee, or where no chair exists, the nominating committee member with the longest tenure, where board member(s) at the most recent election of directors have received withhold votes from more than 30% of shares voting and the board has not taken appropriate action to respond to shareholder concerns. This may not apply in cases where BlackRock did not support the initial withhold vote.


    The chair of the nominating committee, or where no chair exists, the nominating committee member with the longest tenure, where the board is not composed of a majority of independent directors. However, this would not apply in the case of a controlled company.


    Where BlackRock obtains evidence that casts significant doubt on a director’s qualifications or ability to represent shareholders.


    Where it appears the director has acted (at the company or at other companies) in a manner that compromises his or her reliability in representing the best long-term economic interests of shareholders.


    Where a director has a pattern over a period of years of attending less than 75% of combined board and applicable key committee meetings.


    Where a director has committed himself or herself to service on a large number of boards, such that we deem it unlikely that the director will be able to commit sufficient focus and time to a particular company (commonly referred to as “over-boarding”). While each situation will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, BlackRock is most likely to withhold votes for over-boarding where a director is: 1) serving on more than four public company boards; or 2) is a chief executive officer at a public company and is serving on more than two public company boards in addition to the board of the company where they serve as chief executive officer.

If a board maintains a classified structure, it is possible that the director(s) with whom we have a particular concern may not be subject to election in the year that the concern arises. In such situations, if we have a concern regarding a committee or committee chair, we generally register our concern by withholding votes from all members of the relevant committee who are subject to election that year.

Director independence

We expect that a board should be majority independent. We believe that an independent board faces fewer conflicts and is best prepared to protect shareholder interests. Common impediments to independence in the U.S. include but are not limited to:


    Employment by the company or a subsidiary as a senior executive within the previous five years


    Status as a founder of the company


    Substantial business or personal relationships with the company or the company’s senior executives


    Family relationships with senior executives or founders of the company


    An equity ownership in the company in excess of 20%

Age limits / term limits

We encourage boards to routinely refresh their membership to ensure that new viewpoints are included in the boardroom. We believe that the nominating committee of the board has the ability to implement such refreshment. As a result, we typically oppose shareholder proposals imposing arbitrary limits on the pool of directors from which shareholders can choose their representatives. However, where boards find that age limits or term limits are the most efficient mechanism for ensuring routine board refreshment, we generally defer to the board’s determination in setting such limits.

Board size

We generally defer to the board in setting the appropriate size. We believe directors are generally in the best position to assess what size is optimal to ensure a board’s effectiveness. However, we may oppose boards that appear too small to allow for effective shareholder representation or too large to function efficiently.

Classified board of directors/staggered terms

A classified board of directors is one that is divided into classes (generally three), each of which is elected on a staggered schedule (generally for three years). At each annual meeting, only a single class of directors is subject to reelection (generally one-third of the entire board).



We believe that classification of the board dilutes shareholders’ right to evaluate promptly a board’s performance and limits shareholder selection of their representatives. By not having the mechanism to immediately address concerns we may have with any specific director, we may be required to register our concerns through our vote on the directors who are subject to election that year (see “Director elections” for additional detail). Furthermore, where boards are classified, director entrenchment is more likely, because review of board service generally only occurs every three years. Therefore, we typically vote against classification and for proposals to eliminate board classification.

Contested director elections

Most director elections are not competitive, but shareholders are sometimes presented with competing slates of director candidates. Generally, such proxy contests are the result of a shareholder (or group of shareholders) seeking to change the company’s strategy or address failures in the board’s oversight of management. The details of proxy contests are assessed on a case-by-case basis. We evaluate a number of factors, which may include, but are not limited to: the qualifications of the dissident and management candidates; the validity of the concerns identified by the dissident; the viability of both the dissident’s and management’s plans; the likelihood that the dissident’s solutions will produce the desired change; and whether the dissidents represent the best option for enhancing long term shareholder value.

Cumulative voting for directors

Cumulative voting allocates one vote for each share of stock held, times the number of directors subject to election. A shareholder may cumulate his/her votes and cast all of them in favor of a single candidate, or split them among any combination of candidates. By making it possible to use their cumulated votes to elect at least one board member, cumulative voting is typically a mechanism through which minority shareholders attempt to secure board representation.

We typically oppose proposals that further the candidacy of minority shareholders whose interests do not coincide with our fiduciary responsibility. We may support cumulative voting proposals at companies where the board is not majority independent. We may support cumulative voting at companies that have a controlling shareholder. A cumulative voting structure is not consistent with a majority voting requirement, as it may interfere with the capacity of director candidates to achieve the required level of support. We may not support a cumulative voting proposal at a company that has adopted a majority voting standard.

Director compensation and equity programs

We believe that compensation for independent directors should be structured to align the interests of the directors with those of shareholders, whom the directors have been elected to represent. We believe that independent director compensation packages based on the company’s long-term performance and that include some form of long-term equity compensation are more likely to meet this goal; therefore, we typically support proposals to provide such compensation packages. However, we will generally oppose shareholder proposals requiring directors to own a minimum amount of company stock, as we believe that companies should maintain flexibility in administering compensation and equity programs for independent directors, given each company’s and director’s unique circumstances. As discussed in further detail under the heading “Equity compensation plans” below, we believe that companies should prohibit directors from engaging in transactions with respect to their long term compensation that might disrupt the intended economic alignment between equity plan beneficiaries and shareholders.

Indemnification of directors and officers

We generally support reasonable but balanced protection of directors and officers. We believe that failure to provide protection to directors and officers might severely limit a company’s ability to attract and retain competent leadership. We generally support proposals to provide indemnification that is limited to coverage of legal expenses. However, we may oppose proposals that provide indemnity for: breaches of the duty of loyalty; transactions from which a director derives an improper personal benefit; and actions or omissions not in good faith or those that involve intentional misconduct.

Majority vote requirements

BlackRock generally supports proposals seeking to require director election by majority vote. Majority voting standards assist in ensuring that directors who are not broadly supported by shareholders are not elected to serve as their representatives. We note that majority voting is not appropriate in all circumstances, for example, in the context of a contested election. We also recognize that some companies with a plurality voting standard have adopted a resignation policy for directors who do not receive support from at least a majority of votes cast, and we believe that such a requirement can be generally equivalent to a majority voting regime. Where we believe that the company already has a sufficiently robust majority voting process in place, we may not support a shareholder proposal seeking an alternative mechanism.



Separation of chairman and CEO positions

We believe that independent leadership is important in the board room. In the US there are two commonly accepted structures for independent board leadership: 1) an independent chairman; or 2) a lead independent director. We generally consider the designation of a lead independent director as an acceptable alternative to an independent chair if the lead independent director has a term of at least one year and has powers to: 1) set board meeting agendas; 2) call meetings of the independent directors; and 3) preside at meetings of independent directors. Where a company does not have a lead independent director that meets these criteria, we generally support the separation of chairman and CEO.

Shareholder access to the proxy

We believe that long-term shareholders should have the opportunity, when necessary and under reasonable conditions, to nominate individuals to stand for election to the boards of the companies they own and to have those nominees included on the company’s proxy card. This right is commonly referred to as “proxy access”. In our view, securing a right of shareholders to nominate directors without engaging in a control contest can enhance shareholders’ ability to participate meaningfully in the director election process, stimulate board attention to shareholder interests, and provide shareholders an effective means of directing that attention where it is lacking. Given the complexity of structuring an appropriate proxy access mechanism and the brevity required of shareholder proposals, we generally expect that a shareholder proposal to adopt proxy access will describe general parameters for the mechanism, while providing the board with flexibility to design a process that is appropriate in light of the company’s specific circumstances. Proxy access mechanisms should provide shareholders with assurances that the mechanism will not be subject to abuse by short term investors, investors without a substantial investment in the company, or investors seeking to take control of the board. We will review proposals regarding the adoption of proxy access on a case-by-case basis in light of the specific terms of the proposal and the circumstances of the company.

Auditors and audit-related issues

BlackRock recognizes the critical importance of financial statements that provide a complete and accurate portrayal of a company’s financial condition. Consistent with our approach to voting on boards of directors, we seek to hold the audit committee of the board responsible for overseeing the management of the audit function at a company, and may withhold votes from the audit committee’s members where the board has failed to facilitate quality, independent auditing. We take particular note of cases involving significant financial restatements or material weakness disclosures.

The integrity of financial statements depends on the auditor effectively fulfilling its role. To that end, we favor an independent auditor. In addition, to the extent that an auditor fails to reasonably identify and address issues that eventually lead to a significant financial restatement, or the audit firm has violated standards of practice that protect the interests of shareholders, we may also vote against ratification.

From time to time, shareholder proposals may be presented to promote auditor independence or the rotation of audit firms. We may support these proposals when they are consistent with our views as described above.

Capital structure proposals

Blank check preferred

We frequently oppose proposals requesting authorization of a class of preferred stock with unspecified voting, conversion, dividend distribution and other rights (“blank check” preferred stock) because they may serve as a transfer of authority from shareholders to the board and a possible entrenchment device. We generally view the board’s discretion to establish voting rights on a when-issued basis as a potential anti-takeover device, as it affords the board the ability to place a block of stock with an investor sympathetic to management, thereby foiling a takeover bid without a shareholder vote. Nonetheless, where the company appears to have a legitimate financing motive for requesting blank check authority, has committed publicly that blank check preferred shares will not be used for anti-takeover purposes, has a history of using blank check preferred stock for financings, or has blank check preferred stock previously outstanding such that an increase would not necessarily provide further anti-takeover protection but may provide greater financing flexibility, we may support the proposal.

Equal voting rights

BlackRock supports the concept of equal voting rights for all shareholders. Some management proposals request authorization to allow a class of common stock to have superior voting rights over the existing common or to allow a class of common to elect a majority of the board. We oppose such differential voting power as it may have the effect of denying shareholders the opportunity to vote on matters of critical economic importance to them.



However, when a management or shareholder proposal requests to eliminate an existing dual-class voting structure, we seek to determine whether this action is warranted at that company at that time, and whether the cost of restructuring will have a clear economic benefit to shareholders. We evaluate these proposals on a case-by-case basis, and we consider the level and nature of control associated with the dual-class voting structure as well as the company’s history of responsiveness to shareholders in determining whether support of such a measure is appropriate.

Increase in authorized common shares

BlackRock considers industry specific norms in our analysis of these proposals, as well as a company’s history with respect to the use of its common shares. Generally, we are predisposed to support a company if the board believes additional common shares are necessary to carry out the firm’s business. The most substantial concern we might have with an increase is the possibility of use of common shares to fund a poison pill plan that is not in the economic interests of shareholders.

Increase or issuance of preferred stock

These proposals generally request either authorization of a class of preferred stock or an increase in previously authorized preferred stock. Preferred stock may be used to provide management with the flexibility to consummate beneficial acquisitions, combinations or financings on terms not necessarily available via other means of financing. We generally support these proposals in cases where the company specifies the voting, dividend, conversion and other rights of such stock where the terms of the preferred stock appear reasonable.

Stock splits and reverse stock splits

We generally support stock splits that are not likely to negatively affect the ability to trade shares or the economic value of a share. We generally support reverse splits that are designed to avoid delisting or to facilitate trading in the stock, where the reverse split will not have a negative impact on share value (e.g. one class is reduced while others remain at pre-split levels). In the event of a proposal to reverse split that would not also proportionately reduce the company’s authorized stock, we apply the same analysis we would use for a proposal to increase authorized stock.

Mergers, asset sales, and other special transactions

In reviewing merger and asset sale proposals, BlackRock’s primary concern is the best long-term economic interests of shareholders. While these proposals vary widely in scope and substance, we closely examine certain salient features in our analyses. The varied nature of these proposals ensures that the following list will be incomplete. However, the key factors that we typically evaluate in considering these proposals include:


    For mergers and asset sales, we assess the degree to which the proposed transaction represents a premium to the company’s trading price. In order to filter out the effects of pre-merger news leaks on the parties’ share prices, we consider a share price from multiple time periods prior to the date of the merger announcement. In most cases, business combinations should provide a premium. We may consider comparable transaction analyses provided by the parties’ financial advisors and our own valuation assessments. For companies facing insolvency or bankruptcy, a premium may not apply.


    There should be a favorable business reason for the combination.


    Unanimous board approval and arm’s-length negotiations are preferred. We will consider whether the transaction involves a dissenting board or does not appear to be the result of an arm’s-length bidding process. We may also consider whether executive and/or board members’ financial interests in a given transaction appear likely to affect their ability to place shareholders’ interests before their own.


    We prefer transaction proposals that include the fairness opinion of a reputable financial advisor assessing the value of the transaction to shareholders in comparison to recent similar transactions.

Poison pill plans

Also known as Shareholder Rights Plans, these plans generally involve issuance of call options to purchase securities in a target firm on favorable terms. The options are exercisable only under certain circumstances, usually accumulation of a specified percentage of shares in a relevant company or launch of a hostile tender offer. These plans are often adopted by the board without being subject to shareholder vote.

Poison pill proposals generally appear on the proxy as shareholder proposals requesting that existing plans be put to a vote. This vote is typically advisory and therefore non-binding. We generally vote in favor of shareholder proposals to rescind poison pills.



Where a poison pill is put to a shareholder vote, our policy is to examine these plans individually. Although we oppose most plans, we may support plans that include a reasonable ‘qualifying offer clause.’ Such clauses typically require shareholder ratification of the pill, and stipulate a sunset provision whereby the pill expires unless it is renewed. These clauses also tend to specify that an all cash bid for all shares that includes a fairness opinion and evidence of financing does not trigger the pill, but forces either a special meeting at which the offer is put to a shareholder vote, or the board to seek the written consent of shareholders where shareholders could rescind the pill in their discretion. We may also support a pill where it is the only effective method for protecting tax or other economic benefits that may be associated with limiting the ownership changes of individual shareholders.

Reimbursement of expenses for successful shareholder campaigns

Proxy contests and other public campaigns can be valuable mechanisms for holding boards of underperforming companies accountable to their shareholders. However, these campaigns can also lead to unwarranted cost and distraction for boards and management teams, and may be imposed by investors whose interests are not aligned with other investors. Therefore, we generally do not support proposals seeking the reimbursement of proxy contest expenses, even in situations where we support the shareholder campaign, as we believe that introducing the possibility of such reimbursement may incentivize disruptive and unnecessary shareholder campaigns.

Remuneration and benefits

We note that there are both management and shareholder proposals related to executive compensation that appear on corporate ballots. We generally vote on these proposals as described below, except that we typically oppose shareholder proposals on issues where the company already has a reasonable policy in place that we believe is sufficient to address the issue. We may also oppose a shareholder proposal regarding executive compensation if the company’s history suggests that the issue raised is not likely to present a problem for that company.

Advisory resolutions on executive compensation (“Say on Pay”)

In cases where there is a Say on Pay vote, BlackRock will respond to the proposal as informed by our evaluation of compensation practices at that particular company, and in a manner that appropriately addresses the specific question posed to shareholders. We believe that compensation committees are in the best position to make compensation decisions and should maintain significant flexibility in administering compensation programs, given their knowledge of the wealth profiles of the executives they seek to incentivize, the appropriate performance measures for the company, and other issues internal and/or unique to the company. We understand that compensation committees are undertaking their analysis in the context of a competitive marketplace for executive talent. We also believe that shareholders can express concern regarding executive compensation practices through their vote on directors, and our preferred approach to managing pay-for-performance disconnects is via a withhold vote for the compensation committee. As a result, our Say on Pay vote is likely to correspond with our vote on the directors who are compensation committee members responsible for making compensation decisions.

Advisory votes on the frequency of Say on Pay resolutions (“Say When on Pay”)

BlackRock will generally opt for a triennial vote on Say on Pay. We believe that shareholders should undertake an annual review of executive compensation and express their concerns through their vote on the members of the compensation committee. As a result, it is generally not necessary to hold a Say on Pay vote on an annual basis, as the Say on Pay vote merely supplements the shareholder’s vote on Compensation Committee members. However, we may support annual Say on Pay votes in some situations, for example, where we conclude that a company has failed to align pay with performance.

Claw back proposals

Claw back proposals are generally shareholder sponsored and seek recoupment of bonuses paid to senior executives if those bonuses were based on financial results that are later restated or were otherwise awarded as a result of deceptive business practices. We generally favor recoupment from any senior executive whose compensation was based on faulty financial reporting or deceptive business practices, regardless of that particular executive’s role in the faulty reporting. We typically support these proposals unless the company already has a robust claw back policy that sufficiently addresses our concerns.

Employee stock purchase plans

An employee stock purchase plan (“ESPP”) gives the issuer’s employees the opportunity to purchase stock in the issuer, typically at a discount to market value. We believe these plans can provide performance incentives and help align employees’ interests with those of shareholders. The most common form of ESPP qualifies for favorable tax treatment under Section 423 of the



Internal Revenue Code. Section 423 plans must permit all full-time employees to participate, carry restrictions on the maximum number of shares that can be purchased, carry an exercise price of at least 85 percent of fair market value on grant date with offering periods of 27 months or less, and be approved by shareholders. We will typically support qualified ESPP proposals.

Equity compensation plans

BlackRock supports equity plans that align the economic interests of directors, managers and other employees with those of shareholders. We believe that boards should establish policies prohibiting use of equity awards in a manner that could disrupt the intended alignment with shareholder interests, for example: use of the stock as collateral for a loan; use of the stock in a margin account; use of the stock (or an unvested award) in hedging or derivative transactions. We may support shareholder proposals requesting the board to establish such policies.

Our evaluation of equity compensation plans is based on a company’s executive pay and performance relative to peers and whether the plan plays a significant role in a pay-for-performance disconnect. We generally oppose plans that contain “evergreen” provisions allowing for the unlimited increase of shares reserved without requiring further shareholder approval after a reasonable time period. We also generally oppose plans that allow for repricing without shareholder approval. We may also oppose plans that provide for the acceleration of vesting of equity awards even in situations where an actual change of control may not occur. We encourage companies to structure their change of control provisions to require the termination of the covered employee before acceleration or special payments are triggered. Finally, we may oppose plans where we believe that the company is aggressively accounting for the equity delivered through their stock plans.

Golden parachutes

Golden parachutes provide for compensation to management in the event of a change in control. We generally view golden parachutes as encouragement to management to consider transactions that might be beneficial to shareholders. However, a large potential payout under a golden parachute arrangement also presents the risk of motivating a management team to support a sub-optimal sale price for a company.

We may support shareholder proposals requesting that implementation of such arrangements require shareholder approval. We generally support proposals requiring shareholder approval of plans that exceed 2.99 times an executive’s current salary and bonus, including equity compensation.

When determining whether to support or oppose an advisory vote on a golden parachute plan (“Say on Golden Parachutes”), we normally support the plan unless it appears to result in payments that are excessive or detrimental to shareholders. In evaluating golden parachute plans, BlackRock may consider several factors, including:


    whether we believe that the triggering event is in the best interest of shareholders;


    an evaluation of whether management attempted to maximize shareholder value in the triggering event;


    the percentage of total transaction value that will be transferred to the management team, rather than shareholders, as a result of the golden parachute payment;


    whether excessively large excise tax gross up payments are part of the payout;


    whether the pay package that serves as the basis for calculating the golden parachute payment was reasonable in light of performance and peers; and/or


    whether the golden parachute payment will have the effect of rewarding a management team that has failed to effectively manage the company.

It may be difficult to anticipate the results of a plan until after it has been triggered; as a result, BlackRock may vote against a Say on Golden Parachute proposal even if the golden parachute plan under review was approved by shareholders when it was implemented.

Option exchanges

BlackRock may support a request to exchange underwater options under the following circumstances: the company has experienced significant stock price decline as a result of macroeconomic trends, not individual company performance; directors and executive officers are excluded; the exchange is value neutral or value creative to shareholders; and there is clear evidence that absent repricing the company will suffer serious employee incentive or retention and recruiting problems. BlackRock may also support a request to exchange underwater options in other circumstances, if we determine that the exchange is in the best interest of shareholders.



Pay-for-Performance plans

In order for executive compensation exceeding $1 million to qualify for federal tax deductions, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) requires companies to link that compensation, for the Company’s top five executives, to disclosed performance goals and submit the plans for shareholder approval. The law further requires that a compensation committee comprised solely of outside directors administer these plans. Because the primary objective of these proposals is to preserve the deductibility of such compensation, we generally favor approval in order to preserve net income.


These are typically shareholder proposals requesting that compensation committees adopt policies under which a portion of equity compensation requires the achievement of performance goals as a prerequisite to vesting. We generally believe these matters are best left to the compensation committee of the board and that shareholders should not set executive compensation or dictate the terms thereof. We may support these proposals if we have a substantial concern regarding the company’s compensation practices over a significant period of time, the proposals are not overly prescriptive, and we believe the proposed approach is likely to lead to substantial improvement.

Supplemental executive retirement plans

BlackRock may support shareholder proposals requesting to put extraordinary benefits contained in Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans (“SERP”) agreements to a shareholder vote unless the company’s executive pension plans do not contain excessive benefits beyond what is offered under employee-wide plans.

Social, ethical and environmental issues

See “Global Corporate Governance and Engagement Principles.”

General corporate governance matters

Adjourn meeting to solicit additional votes

We generally support such proposals unless the agenda contains items that we judge to be detrimental to shareholders’ best long-term economic interests.

Bundled proposals

We believe that shareholders should have the opportunity to review substantial governance changes individually without having to accept bundled proposals. Where several measures are grouped into one proposal, BlackRock may reject certain positive changes when linked with proposals that generally contradict or impede the rights and economic interests of shareholders.

Corporate political activities

Portfolio companies may engage in certain political activities, within legal and regulatory limits, in order to influence public policy consistent with the companies’ values and strategies, and thus serve shareholders’ best long-term economic interests. These activities can create risks, including: the potential for allegations of corruption; the potential for reputational issues associated with a candidate, party or issue; and risks that arise from the complex legal, regulatory and compliance considerations associated with corporate political activity. We believe that companies which choose to engage in political activities should develop and maintain robust processes to guide these activities and to mitigate risks, including a level of board oversight.

When presented with shareholder proposals requesting increased disclosure on corporate political activities, we may consider the political activities of that company and its peers, the existing level of disclosure, and our view regarding the associated risks. We generally believe that it is the duty of boards and management to determine the appropriate level of disclosure of all types of corporate activity, and we are generally not supportive of proposals that are overly prescriptive in nature. We may determine to support a shareholder proposal requesting additional reporting of corporate political activities where there seems to be either a significant potential threat or actual harm to shareholders’ interests and where we believe the company has not already provided shareholders with sufficient information to assess the company’s management of the risk.

Finally, we believe that it is not the role of shareholders to suggest or approve corporate political activities; therefore we generally do not support proposals requesting a shareholder vote on political activities or expenditures.

Other business

We oppose giving companies our proxy to vote on matters where we are not given the opportunity to review and understand those measures and carry out an appropriate level of shareholder oversight.




Proposals to reincorporate from one state or country to another are most frequently motivated by considerations of anti-takeover protections or cost savings. Where cost savings are the sole issue, we will typically favor reincorporating. In all instances, we will evaluate the changes to shareholder protection under the new charter/articles/by-laws to assess whether the move increases or decreases shareholder protections. Where we find that shareholder protections are diminished, we will support reincorporation if we determine that the overall benefits outweigh the diminished rights.

Shareholders’ right to act by written consent

In exceptional circumstances and with sufficiently broad support, shareholders should have the opportunity to raise issues of substantial importance without having to wait for management to schedule a meeting. We therefore believe that shareholders should have the right to solicit votes by written consent provided that: 1) there are reasonable requirements to initiate the consent solicitation process in order to avoid the waste of corporate resources in addressing narrowly supported interests; and 2) support from a minimum of 50% of outstanding shares is required to effectuate the action by written consent. We may oppose shareholder proposals requesting the right to act by written consent in cases where the proposal is structured for the benefit of a dominant shareholder to the exclusion of others, or if the proposal is written to discourage the board from incorporating appropriate mechanisms to avoid the waste of corporate resources when establishing a right to act by written consent. Additionally, we may oppose shareholder proposals requesting the right to act by written consent if the company already provides a shareholder right to call a special meeting that we believe offers shareholders a reasonable opportunity to raise issues of substantial importance without having to wait for management to schedule a meeting.

Shareholders’ right to call a special meeting

In exceptional circumstances and with sufficiently broad support, shareholders should have the opportunity to raise issues of substantial importance without having to wait for management to schedule a meeting. We therefore believe that shareholders should have the right to call a special meeting in cases where a reasonably high proportion of shareholders (typically a minimum of 15% but no higher than 25%) are required to agree to such a meeting before it is called, in order to avoid the waste of corporate resources in addressing narrowly supported interests. However, we may oppose this right in cases where the proposal is structured for the benefit of a dominant shareholder to the exclusion of others. We generally believe that a right to act via written consent is not a sufficient alternative to the right to call a special meeting.

Simple majority voting

We generally favor a simple majority voting requirement to pass proposals. Therefore, we will support the reduction or the elimination of supermajority voting requirements to the extent that we determine shareholders’ ability to protect their economic interests is improved. Nonetheless, in situations where there is a substantial or dominant shareholder, supermajority voting may be protective of public shareholder interests and we may support supermajority requirements in those situations.





Proxy Voting Policy on Corporate Governance & Corporate Responsibility


This paper outlines BlueBay Asset Management LLP’s (“BlueBay”) overall policy (and procedure on corporate governance and corporate responsibility (CR) proxy voting for client securities within managed portfolios, in the Appendix). It does not set out guidelines on voting position on specific corporate governance and Corporate Responsible issues.

It should be noted that given BlueBay’s specialist focus on fixed income assets, the number of occasions in which BlueBay will be engaged in proxy voting will be limited. Where this may occur is most likely with regards Convertible Bond and High Yield bond investments, where an investment may take on formal voting rights.

This Policy is reviewed annually, and updated where necessary to reflect changes in circumstances and actual practice.


The main objective of a company should be to optimise over time, the returns to its investors, this means ensuring the long-term viability of its business (through prudent management of material corporate governance and corporate responsibility issues), and to manage effectively its relationships with stakeholders.

BlueBay has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of its clients and manages clients’ assets with the objective of achieving the greatest possible return consistent with their investment objectives.

BlueBay, on behalf of itself and other entities within the BlueBay group (including BlueBay Funds Management Company S.A.), has established a series of principles to be applied when exercising voting rights attached to client securities within managed portfolios. These are that:


    In reaching a recommendation as to how a proxy should be voted, BlueBay must act prudently and in the best interests of the affected clients, and will ensure that voting rights are exercised in accordance with the portfolio’s objectives and investment policies.


    BlueBay may depart from the principles to avoid voting decisions that may be contrary to clients’ best interests in particular cases.


    BlueBay may also choose not to vote where voting may be detrimental to the best interests of clients, such as due to high administrative costs associated with voting or share blocking requirements that “lock up” securities, which would limit liquidity or access to market opportunities.

BlueBay notes UK and international corporate governance systems vary according to factors such as the legal system, the extent of shareholder rights and the level of dispersed ownership. As such in forming a position on the governance of companies, how they meet good practice guidelines according to general as well as local market codes of best practice must be considered.


Reporting on the use of voting rights, where this has occurred, will be available to clients upon request.

Contact details

For more information on our corporate governance and corporate responsibility proxy voting policy and procedure, please contact: Compliance Department, BlueBay Asset Management LLP, 77 Grosvenor Street, London, W1K 3JR.



December 2014

APPENDIX: Proxy voting procedure

Receipt and notification of proxy rights

The ProxyEdge system is used for voting and the Operations department receive notifications with regards to holdings of BlueBay funds. Operations then promptly submit such materials to the relevant member(s) of the BlueBay portfolio management team.

Persons authorised to exercise voting rights

The relevant members of BlueBay’s portfolio management team will be responsible for recommending how proxies relating to securities held by clients in managed portfolios should be voted.

The relevant personnel will consider each exercise of rights and in particular will take into consideration the best interests of clients, with voting on specific events or issues associated with the board and its committees (e.g. such as board independence and diversity), shareholder rights, audit and internal control, executive remuneration, use of capital (e.g. M&As) and other business, being considered on a case by case basis.

With regards to the voting decision, investment teams retain discretion but will consult with the ESG Specialist for advice and guidance, especially around corporate responsibility matters. Once a recommendation on how to vote has been determined, this will be communicated to Operations to handle the voting process. The voting decision is documented by Operations.

Segregated mandates

The approach to be taken will be determined by the Investment Management Agreement (IMA) and this will be agreed with relevant departments as part of the account opening process.

Conflicts of interest

When evaluating any given proxy, the portfolio management team will consider whether or not BlueBay has a potential conflict relating to the security being voted, such as if a BlueBay Portfolio Manager sits on the Board of Directors of the company. Any such conflict of interest will be notified to the BlueBay Compliance team.

If Compliance deems the conflict to be material, Compliance will determine whether the vote proposed by the portfolio management team is in the best interests of all clients. If Compliance cannot conclusively determine that the vote is in the best interest of the affected client, Compliance will seek the advice of an independent third-party service to provide the proxy voting recommendation. The process will be documented.


For regulatory purposes, BlueBay’s Compliance department maintains a record of all past proxy voting decisions covering a minimum period of the last five years. Reporting on the use of voting rights, where this has occurred, will be available to clients upon request.




Boston Partners


Effective March 2013

The Boston Partners (“BP”) Proxy Policy Committee (the “Committee”) is responsible for administering and overseeing BP’s proxy voting process. The Committee makes decisions on proxy policy, establishes formal Proxy Voting Policies (the “Guidelines”) and updates the Guidelines as necessary, but no less frequently than annually. In addition, the Committee, in its sole discretion, may delegate certain functions to internal departments and/or engage third-party vendors to assist in the proxy voting process. Finally, selected members of the Committee will be responsible for evaluating and resolving conflicts of interest relating to BP’s proxy voting process.

To assist BP in carrying out our responsibilities with respect to proxy activities, the firm has engaged Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (“ISS”), a third party corporate governance research service, which is registered as an investment adviser. ISS receives all proxy-related materials for securities held in client accounts and votes the proposals in accordance with BP’s Guidelines. While BP may consider ISS’s recommendations on proxy issues, BP bears ultimate responsibility for proxy voting decisions. ISS also provides recordkeeping and vote-reporting services.

How BP Votes

BP’s Guidelines were developed in conjunction with ISS and predominantly follow a combination of their standard and PVS (Taft-Hartley) guidelines. In determining how proxies should be voted, BP primarily focuses on maximizing the economic value of its clients’ investments. In the case of social and political responsibility issues that, in its view, do not primarily involve financial considerations, it is BP’s objective to support shareholder proposals that it believes promote good corporate citizenship.

BP has identified for ISS certain routine issues that enable them to vote in a consistent manner with regard to those proposals. In addition, BP has outlined certain criteria for addressing non-routine issues. ISS performs in-depth research and analysis and, where required by the Guidelines, performs a case-by-case evaluation prior to casting a ballot on BP’s behalf. Although BP has instructed ISS to vote in accordance with the Guidelines, BP retains the right to deviate from those Guidelines if, in its estimation, doing so would be in the best interest of clients. BP may refrain from voting proxies where it is unable or unwilling to do so because of legal or operational difficulties or because it believes the administrative burden and/or associated cost exceeds the expected benefit to a client.


ISS is a third-party service provider engaged to make recommendations and to vote proxies in accordance with BP’s predetermined Guidelines. Because BP votes proxies based on predetermined Guidelines, BP believes clients are sufficiently insulated from any actual or perceived conflicts BP may encounter between its interests and those of its clients. However, BP may deviate from the Guidelines in certain circumstances or its Guidelines may not address certain proxy voting proposals. If a member of BP’s research or portfolio management team recommends that it vote a particular proxy proposal in a manner inconsistent with the Guidelines or if its Guidelines do not address a particular proposal, BP will adhere to certain procedures designed to ensure that the decision to vote the particular proxy proposal is based on the best interest of BP’s clients. In summary, these procedures require the individual requesting a deviation from the Guidelines to complete a Conflicts Questionnaire (the “Questionnaire”) along with written document of the economic rationale supporting the request. The Questionnaire seeks to identify possible relationships with the parties involved in the proxy that may not be readily apparent. Based on the responses to the Questionnaire, the Committee (or a subset of the Committee) will determine whether it believes a material conflict of interest is present. If a material conflict of interest is found to exist, BP will vote in accordance with the instructions of the client, seek the recommendation of an independent third party or resolve the conflict in such other manner as BP believes is appropriate, including by making its own determination that a particular vote is, notwithstanding the conflict, in the best interest of clients.


A copy of BP’s Proxy Voting Procedures, as updated from time to time, as well as information regarding the voting of securities for a client account is available upon request from BP’s relationship manager.

Wrap Program account clients may obtain information regarding BP’s policies and procedures or their voting record by contacting BP at (866) 762-6699.





Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures

(Amended as of January 7, 2013)



ClearBridge votes proxies for each client that has specifically authorized us to vote them in the investment management contract or otherwise and votes proxies for each ERISA account unless the plan document or investment advisory agreement specifically reserves the responsibility to vote proxies to the plan trustees or other named fiduciary. These policies and procedures are intended to fulfill applicable requirements imposed on ClearBridge by the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended, the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, and the rules and regulations adopted under these laws.



In voting proxies, we are guided by general fiduciary principles. Our goal is to act prudently, solely in the best interest of the beneficial owners of the accounts we manage and, in the case of ERISA accounts, for the exclusive purpose of providing economic benefits to such persons. We attempt to provide for the consideration of all factors that could affect the value of the investment and will vote proxies in the manner that we believe will be consistent with efforts to maximize shareholder values.



Section V of these policies and procedures sets forth certain stated positions. In the case of a proxy issue for which there is a stated position, we generally vote in accordance with the stated position. In the case of a proxy issue for which there is a list of factors set forth in Section V that we consider in voting on such issue, we consider those factors and vote on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the general principles set forth above. In the case of a proxy issue for which there is no stated position or list of factors that we consider in voting on such issue, we vote on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the general principles set forth above. We may utilize an external service provider to provide us with information and/or a recommendation with regard to proxy votes but we are not required to follow any such recommendations. The use of an external service provider does not relieve us of our responsibility for the proxy vote.

For routine matters, we usually vote according to our policy or the external service provider’s recommendation, although we are not obligated to do so and an individual portfolio manager may vote contrary to our policy or the recommendation of the external service provider. If a matter is non-routine, e.g., management’s recommendation is different than that of the external service provider and ClearBridge is a significant holder or it is a significant holding for ClearBridge, the issues will be highlighted to the appropriate investment teams and their views solicited by members of the Proxy Committee. Different investment teams may vote differently on the same issue, depending upon their assessment of clients’ best interests.

ClearBridge’s proxy voting process is overseen and coordinated by its Proxy Committee.



In furtherance of ClearBridge’s goal to vote proxies in the best interests of clients, ClearBridge follows procedures designed to identify and address material conflicts that may arise between ClearBridge’s interests and those of its clients before voting proxies on behalf of such clients.


A. Procedures for Identifying Conflicts of Interest

ClearBridge relies on the following to seek to identify conflicts of interest with respect to proxy voting:


  1. ClearBridge’s employees are periodically reminded of their obligation (i) to be aware of the potential for conflicts of interest on the part of ClearBridge with respect to voting proxies on behalf of client accounts both as a result of their personal relationships or personal or business relationships relating to another Legg Mason business unit, and (ii) to bring conflicts of interest of which they become aware to the attention of ClearBridge’s General Counsel/Chief Compliance Officer.


1  This policy pertains to ClearBridge Investments, LLC and ClearBridge, LLC (collectively, “ClearBridge Investments” or “ClearBridge”).



  2. ClearBridge’s finance area maintains and provides to ClearBridge Compliance and proxy voting personnel an up- to-date list of all client relationships that have historically accounted for or are projected to account for greater than 1% of ClearBridge’s net revenues.


  3. As a general matter, ClearBridge takes the position that relationships between a non-ClearBridge Legg Mason unit and an issuer (e.g., investment management relationship between an issuer and a non-ClearBridge Legg Mason affiliate) do not present a conflict of interest for ClearBridge in voting proxies with respect to such issuer because ClearBridge operates as an independent business unit from other Legg Mason business units and because of the existence of informational barriers between ClearBridge and certain other Legg Mason business units. As noted above, ClearBridge employees are under an obligation to bring such conflicts of interest, including conflicts of interest which may arise because of an attempt by another Legg Mason business unit or non-ClearBridge Legg Mason officer or employee to influence proxy voting by ClearBridge to the attention of ClearBridge Compliance.


  4. A list of issuers with respect to which ClearBridge has a potential conflict of interest in voting proxies on behalf of client accounts will be maintained by ClearBridge proxy voting personnel. ClearBridge will not vote proxies relating to such issuers until it has been determined that the conflict of interest is not material or a method for resolving the conflict of interest has been agreed upon and implemented, as described in Section IV below.


B. Procedures for Assessing Materiality of Conflicts of Interest and for Addressing Material Conflicts of Interest


  1. ClearBridge maintains a Proxy Committee which, among other things, reviews and addresses conflicts of interest brought to its attention. The Proxy Committee is comprised of such ClearBridge personnel (and others, at ClearBridge’s request), as are designated from time to time. The current members of the Proxy Committee are set forth in the Proxy Committee’s Terms of Reference.


  2. All conflicts of interest identified pursuant to the procedures outlined in Section IV. A. must be brought to the attention of the Proxy Committee for resolution. A proxy issue that will be voted in accordance with a stated ClearBridge position on such issue or in accordance with the recommendation of an independent third party generally is not brought to the attention of the Proxy Committee for a conflict of interest review because ClearBridge’s position is that any conflict of interest issues are resolved by voting in accordance with a pre-determined policy or in accordance with the recommendation of an independent third party.


  3. The Proxy Committee will determine whether a conflict of interest is material. A conflict of interest will be considered material to the extent that it is determined that such conflict is likely to influence, or appear to influence, ClearBridge’s decision-making in voting the proxy. All materiality determinations will be based on an assessment of the particular facts and circumstances. A written record of all materiality determinations made by the Proxy Committee will be maintained.


  4. If it is determined by the Proxy Committee that a conflict of interest is not material, ClearBridge may vote proxies notwithstanding the existence of the conflict.


  5. If it is determined by the Proxy Committee that a conflict of interest is material, the Proxy Committee will determine an appropriate method to resolve such conflict of interest before the proxy affected by the conflict of interest is voted. Such determination shall be based on the particular facts and circumstances, including the importance of the proxy issue, the nature of the conflict of interest, etc. Such methods may include:


    disclosing the conflict to clients and obtaining their consent before voting;


    suggesting to clients that they engage another party to vote the proxy on their behalf;


    in the case of a conflict of interest resulting from a particular employee’s personal relationships, removing such employee from the decision-making process with respect to such proxy vote; or


    such other method as is deemed appropriate given the particular facts and circumstances, including the importance of the proxy issue, the nature of the conflict of interest, etc.*

A written record of the method used to resolve a material conflict of interest shall be maintained.


C. Third Party Proxy Voting Firm — Conflicts of Interest

With respect to a third party proxy voting firm described herein, the Proxy Committee will periodically review and assess such firm’s policies, procedures and practices with respect to the disclosure and handling of conflicts of interest.


*  Especially in the case of an apparent, as opposed to actual, conflict of interest, the Proxy Committee may resolve such conflict of interest by satisfying itself that ClearBridge’s proposed vote on a proxy issue is in the best interest of client accounts and is not being influenced by the conflict of interest.




These are policy guidelines that can always be superseded, subject to the duty to act solely in the best interest of the beneficial owners of accounts, by the investment management professionals responsible for the account holding the shares being voted. There may be occasions when different investment teams vote differently on the same issue. A ClearBridge investment team (e.g., ClearBridge’s Social Awareness Investment team) may adopt proxy voting policies that supplement these policies and procedures. In addition, in the case of Taft-Hartley clients, ClearBridge will comply with a client direction to vote proxies in accordance with Institutional Shareholder Services’ (ISS) PVS Proxy Voting Guidelines, which ISS represents to be fully consistent with AFL-CIO guidelines.


A. Election of Directors


  1. Voting on Director Nominees in Uncontested Elections.


  a. We withhold our vote from a director nominee who:


    attended less than 75 percent of the company’s board and committee meetings without a valid excuse (illness, service to the nation/local government, work on behalf of the company);


    were members of the company’s board when such board failed to act on a shareholder proposal that received approval of a majority of shares cast for the previous two consecutive years;


    received more than 50 percent withheld votes of the shares cast at the previous board election, and the company has failed to address the issue as to why;


    is an insider where: (1) such person serves on any of the audit, compensation or nominating committees of the company’s board, (2) the company’s board performs the functions typically performed by a company’s audit, compensation and nominating committees, or (3) the full board is less than a majority independent (unless the director nominee is also the company CEO, in which case we will vote FOR);


    is a member of the company’s audit committee, when excessive non-audit fees were paid to the auditor, or there are chronic control issues and an absence of established effective control mechanisms.


  b. We vote for all other director nominees.


  2. Chairman and CEO is the Same Person.

We vote on a case-by-case basis on shareholder proposals that would require the positions of the Chairman and CEO to be held by different persons. We would generally vote FOR such a proposal unless there are compelling reasons to vote against the proposal, including:


    Designation of a lead director


    Majority of independent directors (supermajority)


    All independent key committees


    Size of the company (based on market capitalization)


    Established governance guidelines


    Company performance


  3. Majority of Independent Directors


  a. We vote for shareholder proposals that request that the board be comprised of a majority of independent directors. Generally that would require that the director have no connection to the company other than the board seat. In determining whether an independent director is truly independent (e.g. when voting on a slate of director candidates), we consider certain factors including, but not necessarily limited to, the following: whether the director or his/her company provided professional services to the company or its affiliates either currently or in the past year; whether the director has any transactional relationship with the company; whether the director is a significant customer or supplier of the company; whether the director is employed by a foundation or university that received significant grants or endowments from the company or its affiliates; and whether there are interlocking directorships.


  b. We vote for shareholder proposals that request that the board audit, compensation and/or nominating committees include independent directors exclusively.



  4. Stock Ownership Requirements

We vote against shareholder proposals requiring directors to own a minimum amount of company stock in order to qualify as a director, or to remain on the board.


  5. Term of Office

We vote against shareholder proposals to limit the tenure of independent directors.


  6. Director and Officer Indemnification and Liability Protection


  a. Subject to subparagraphs 2, 3, and 4 below, we vote for proposals concerning director and officer indemnification and liability protection.


  b. We vote for proposals to limit and against proposals to eliminate entirely director and officer liability for monetary damages for violating the duty of care.


  c. We vote against indemnification proposals that would expand coverage beyond just legal expenses to acts, such as negligence, that are more serious violations of fiduciary obligations than mere carelessness.


  d. We vote for only those proposals that provide such expanded coverage noted in subparagraph 3 above in cases when a director’s or officer’s legal defense was unsuccessful if: (1) the director was found to have acted in good faith and in a manner that he reasonably believed was in the best interests of the company, and (2) if only the director’s legal expenses would be covered.


  7. Director Qualifications


  a. We vote case-by-case on proposals that establish or amend director qualifications. Considerations include how reasonable the criteria are and to what degree they may preclude dissident nominees from joining the board.


  b. We vote against shareholder proposals requiring two candidates per board seat.


B. Proxy Contests


  1. Voting for Director Nominees in Contested Elections

We vote on a case-by-case basis in contested elections of directors. Considerations include: chronology of events leading up to the proxy contest; qualifications of director nominees (incumbents and dissidents); for incumbents, whether the board is comprised of a majority of outside directors; whether key committees (i.e.: nominating, audit, compensation) comprise solely of independent outsiders; discussion with the respective portfolio manager(s).


  2. Reimburse Proxy Solicitation Expenses

We vote on a case-by-case basis on proposals to provide full reimbursement for dissidents waging a proxy contest. Considerations include: identity of persons who will pay solicitation expenses; cost of solicitation; percentage that will be paid to proxy solicitation firms.


C. Auditors


  1. Ratifying Auditors

We vote for proposals to ratify auditors, unless an auditor has a financial interest in or association with the company, and is therefore not independent; or there is reason to believe that the independent auditor has rendered an opinion that is neither accurate nor indicative of the company’s financial position or there is reason to believe the independent auditor has not followed the highest level of ethical conduct. Specifically, we will vote to ratify auditors if the auditors only provide the company audit services and such other audit-related and non-audit services the provision of which will not cause such auditors to lose their independence under applicable laws, rules and regulations.


  2. Financial Statements and Director and Auditor Reports

We generally vote for management proposals seeking approval of financial accounts and reports and the discharge of management and supervisory board members, unless there is concern about the past actions of the company’s auditors or directors.


  3. Remuneration of Auditors

We vote for proposals to authorize the board or an audit committee of the board to determine the remuneration of auditors, unless there is evidence of excessive compensation relative to the size and nature of the company.



  4. Indemnification of Auditors

We vote against proposals to indemnify auditors.


D. Proxy Contest Defenses


  1. Board Structure: Staggered vs. Annual Elections


  a. We vote against proposals to classify the board.


  b. We vote for proposals to repeal classified boards and to elect all directors annually.


  2. Shareholder Ability to Remove Directors


  a. We vote against proposals that provide that directors may be removed only for cause.


  b. We vote for proposals to restore shareholder ability to remove directors with or without cause.


  c. We vote against proposals that provide that only continuing directors may elect replacements to fill board vacancies.


  d. We vote for proposals that permit shareholders to elect directors to fill board vacancies.


  3. Cumulative Voting


  a. If plurality voting is in place for uncontested director elections, we vote for proposals to permit or restore cumulative voting.


  b. If majority voting is in place for uncontested director elections, we vote against cumulative voting.


  c. If plurality voting is in place for uncontested director elections, and proposals to adopt both cumulative voting and majority voting are on the same slate, we vote for majority voting and against cumulative voting.


  4. Majority Voting

We vote for non-binding and/or binding resolutions requesting that the board amend a company’s by-laws to stipulate that directors need to be elected with an affirmative majority of the votes cast, provided that it does not conflict with the state law where the company is incorporated. In addition, all resolutions need to provide for a carve-out for a plurality vote standard when there are more nominees than board seats (i.e. contested election). In addition, ClearBridge strongly encourages companies to adopt a post-election director resignation policy setting guidelines for the company to follow to promptly address situations involving holdover directors.


  5. Shareholder Ability to Call Special Meetings


  a. We vote against proposals to restrict or prohibit shareholder ability to call special meetings.


  b. We vote for proposals that provide shareholders with the ability to call special meetings, taking into account a minimum ownership threshold of 10 percent (and investor ownership structure, depending on bylaws).


  6. Shareholder Ability to Act by Written Consent


  a. We vote against proposals to restrict or prohibit shareholder ability to take action by written consent.


  b. We vote for proposals to allow or make easier shareholder action by written consent.


  7. Shareholder Ability to Alter the Size of the Board


  a. We vote for proposals that seek to fix the size of the board.


  b. We vote against proposals that give management the ability to alter the size of the board without shareholder approval.


  8. Advance Notice Proposals

We vote on advance notice proposals on a case-by-case basis, giving support to those proposals which allow shareholders to submit proposals as close to the meeting date as reasonably possible and within the broadest window possible.



  9. Amendment of By-Laws


  a. We vote against proposals giving the board exclusive authority to amend the by-laws.


  b. We vote for proposals giving the board the ability to amend the by-laws in addition to shareholders.


  10. Article Amendments (not otherwise covered by ClearBridge Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures).

We review on a case-by-case basis all proposals seeking amendments to the articles of association.

We vote for article amendments if:


    shareholder rights are protected;


    there is negligible or positive impact on shareholder value;


    management provides adequate reasons for the amendments; and


    the company is required to do so by law (if applicable).


E. Tender Offer Defenses


  1. Poison Pills


  a. We vote for shareholder proposals that ask a company to submit its poison pill for shareholder ratification.


  b. We vote on a case-by-case basis on shareholder proposals to redeem a company’s poison pill. Considerations include: when the plan was originally adopted; financial condition of the company; terms of the poison pill.


  c. We vote on a case-by-case basis on management proposals to ratify a poison pill. Considerations include: sunset provision — poison pill is submitted to shareholders for ratification or rejection every 2 to 3 years; shareholder redemption feature -10% of the shares may call a special meeting or seek a written consent to vote on rescinding the rights plan.


  2. Fair Price Provisions


  a. We vote for fair price proposals, as long as the shareholder vote requirement embedded in the provision is no more than a majority of disinterested shares.


  b. We vote for shareholder proposals to lower the shareholder vote requirement in existing fair price provisions.


  3. Greenmail


  a. We vote for proposals to adopt anti-greenmail charter or bylaw amendments or otherwise restrict a company’s ability to make greenmail payments.


  b. We vote on a case-by-case basis on anti-greenmail proposals when they are bundled with other charter or bylaw amendments.


  4. Unequal Voting Rights


  a. We vote against dual class exchange offers.


  b. We vote against dual class re-capitalization.


  5. Supermajority Shareholder Vote Requirement to Amend the Charter or Bylaws


  a. We vote against management proposals to require a supermajority shareholder vote to approve charter and bylaw amendments.


  b. We vote for shareholder proposals to lower supermajority shareholder vote requirements for charter and bylaw amendments.


  6. Supermajority Shareholder Vote Requirement to Approve Mergers


  a. We vote against management proposals to require a supermajority shareholder vote to approve mergers and other significant business combinations.


  b. We vote for shareholder proposals to lower supermajority shareholder vote requirements for mergers and other significant business combinations.



  7. White Squire Placements

We vote for shareholder proposals to require approval of blank check preferred stock issues.


F. Miscellaneous Governance Provisions


  1. Confidential Voting


  a. We vote for shareholder proposals that request corporations to adopt confidential voting, use independent tabulators and use independent inspectors of election as long as the proposals include clauses for proxy contests as follows: in the case of a contested election, management is permitted to request that the dissident group honor its confidential voting policy. If the dissidents agree, the policy remains in place. If the dissidents do not agree, the confidential voting policy is waived.


  b. We vote for management proposals to adopt confidential voting subject to the proviso for contested elections set forth in sub-paragraph A.1 above.


  2. Equal Access

We vote for shareholder proposals that would allow significant company shareholders equal access to management’s proxy material in order to evaluate and propose voting recommendations on proxy proposals and director nominees, and in order to nominate their own candidates to the board.


  3. Bundled Proposals

We vote on a case-by-case basis on bundled or “conditioned” proxy proposals. In the case of items that are conditioned upon each other, we examine the benefits and costs of the packaged items. In instances when the joint effect of the conditioned items is not in shareholders’ best interests and therefore not in the best interests of the beneficial owners of accounts, we vote against the proposals. If the combined effect is positive, we support such proposals.


  4. Shareholder Advisory Committees

We vote on a case-by-case basis on proposals to establish a shareholder advisory committee. Considerations include: rationale and cost to the firm to form such a committee. We generally vote against such proposals if the board and key nominating committees are comprised solely of independent/outside directors.


  5. Other Business

We vote for proposals that seek to bring forth other business matters.


  6. Adjourn Meeting

We vote on a case-by-case basis on proposals that seek to adjourn a shareholder meeting in order to solicit additional votes.


  7. Lack of Information

We vote against proposals if a company fails to provide shareholders with adequate information upon which to base their voting decision.


G. Capital Structure


  1. Common Stock Authorization


  a. We vote on a case-by-case basis on proposals to increase the number of shares of common stock authorized for issue, except as described in paragraph 2 below.


  b. Subject to paragraph 3, below we vote for the approval requesting increases in authorized shares if the company meets certain criteria:


    Company has already issued a certain percentage (i.e. greater than 50%) of the company’s allotment.


    The proposed increase is reasonable (i.e. less than 150% of current inventory) based on an analysis of the company’s historical stock management or future growth outlook of the company.


  c. We vote on a case-by-case basis, based on the input of affected portfolio managers, if holding is greater than 1% of an account.



  2. Stock Distributions: Splits and Dividends

We vote on a case-by-case basis on management proposals to increase common share authorization for a stock split, provided that the split does not result in an increase of authorized but unissued shares of more than 100% after giving effect to the shares needed for the split.


  3. Reverse Stock Splits

We vote for management proposals to implement a reverse stock split, provided that the reverse split does not result in an increase of authorized but unissued shares of more than 100% after giving effect to the shares needed for the reverse split.


  4. Blank Check Preferred Stock


  a. We vote against proposals to create, authorize or increase the number of shares with regard to blank check preferred stock with unspecified voting, conversion, dividend distribution and other rights.


  b. We vote for proposals to create “declawed” blank check preferred stock (stock that cannot be used as a takeover defense).


  c. We vote for proposals to authorize preferred stock in cases where the company specifies the voting, dividend, conversion, and other rights of such stock and the terms of the preferred stock appear reasonable.


  d. We vote for proposals requiring a shareholder vote for blank check preferred stock issues.


  5. Adjust Par Value of Common Stock

We vote for management proposals to reduce the par value of common stock.


  6. Preemptive Rights


  a. We vote on a case-by-case basis for shareholder proposals seeking to establish them and consider the following factors:


    Size of the Company.


    Characteristics of the size of the holding (holder owning more than 1% of the outstanding shares).


    Percentage of the rights offering (rule of thumb less than 5%).


  b. We vote on a case-by-case basis for shareholder proposals seeking the elimination of pre-emptive rights.


  7. Debt Restructuring

We vote on a case-by-case basis for proposals to increase common and/or preferred shares and to issue shares as part of a debt-restructuring plan. Generally, we approve proposals that facilitate debt restructuring.


  8. Share Repurchase Programs

We vote for management proposals to institute open-market share repurchase plans in which all shareholders may participate on equal terms.


  9. Dual-Class Stock

We vote for proposals to create a new class of nonvoting or sub voting common stock if:


    It is intended for financing purposes with minimal or no dilution to current shareholders


    It is not designed to preserve the voting power of an insider or significant shareholder


  10. Issue Stock for Use with Rights Plan

We vote against proposals that increase authorized common stock for the explicit purpose of implementing a shareholder rights plan (poison pill).


  11. Debt Issuance Requests

When evaluating a debt issuance request, the issuing company’s present financial situation is examined. The main factor for analysis is the company’s current debt-to-equity ratio, or gearing level. A high gearing level may incline markets and financial analysts to downgrade the company’s bond rating, increasing its investment risk factor in the process. A gearing level up to 100 percent is considered acceptable.



We vote for debt issuances for companies when the gearing level is between zero and 100 percent.

We view on a case-by-case basis proposals where the issuance of debt will result in the gearing level being greater than 100 percent. Any proposed debt issuance is compared to industry and market standards.


  12. Financing Plans

We generally vote for the adopting of financing plans if we believe they are in the best economic interests of shareholders.


H. Executive and Director Compensation

In general, we vote for executive and director compensation plans, with the view that viable compensation programs reward the creation of stockholder wealth by having high payout sensitivity to increases in shareholder value. Certain factors, however, such as repricing underwater stock options without shareholder approval, would cause us to vote against a plan. Additionally, in some cases we would vote against a plan deemed unnecessary.


  1. OBRA-Related Compensation Proposals


  a. Amendments that Place a Cap on Annual Grant or Amend Administrative Features

We vote for plans that simply amend shareholder-approved plans to include administrative features or place a cap on the annual grants any one participant may receive to comply with the provisions of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code.


  b. Amendments to Added Performance-Based Goals

We vote for amendments to add performance goals to existing compensation plans to comply with the provisions of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code.


  c. Amendments to Increase Shares and Retain Tax Deductions Under OBRA

We vote for amendments to existing plans to increase shares reserved and to qualify the plan for favorable tax treatment under the provisions of Section 162(m) the Internal Revenue Code.


  d. Approval of Cash or Cash-and-Stock Bonus Plans

We vote for cash or cash-and-stock bonus plans to exempt the compensation from taxes under the provisions of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code.


  2. Expensing of Options

We vote for proposals to expense stock options on financial statements.


  3. Index Stock Options

We vote on a case by case basis with respect to proposals seeking to index stock options. Considerations include whether the issuer expenses stock options on its financial statements and whether the issuer’s compensation committee is comprised solely of independent directors.


  4. Shareholder Proposals to Limit Executive and Director Pay


  a. We vote on a case-by-case basis on all shareholder proposals that seek additional disclosure of executive and director pay information. Considerations include: cost and form of disclosure. We vote for such proposals if additional disclosure is relevant to shareholder’s needs and would not put the company at a competitive disadvantage relative to its industry.


  b. We vote on a case-by-case basis on all other shareholder proposals that seek to limit executive and director pay.

We have a policy of voting to reasonably limit the level of options and other equity-based compensation arrangements available to management to reasonably limit shareholder dilution and management compensation. For options and equity-based compensation arrangements, we vote FOR proposals or amendments that would result in the available awards being less than 10% of fully diluted outstanding shares (i.e. if the combined total of shares, common share equivalents and options available to be awarded under all current and proposed compensation plans is less than 10% of fully diluted shares). In the event the available awards exceed the 10% threshold, we would also consider the % relative to the common practice of its specific industry (e.g. technology firms). Other considerations would include, without limitation, the following:


    Compensation committee comprised of independent outside directors


    Maximum award limits



    Repricing without shareholder approval prohibited


    3-year average burn rate for company


    Plan administrator has authority to accelerate the vesting of awards


    Shares under the plan subject to performance criteria


  5. Golden Parachutes


  a. We vote for shareholder proposals to have golden parachutes submitted for shareholder ratification.


  b. We vote on a case-by-case basis on all proposals to ratify or cancel golden parachutes. Considerations include: the amount should not exceed 3 times average base salary plus guaranteed benefits; golden parachute should be less attractive than an ongoing employment opportunity with the firm.


  6. Golden Coffins


  a. We vote for shareholder proposals that request a company not to make any death benefit payments to senior executives’ estates or beneficiaries, or pay premiums in respect to any life insurance policy covering a senior executive’s life (“golden coffin”). We carve out benefits provided under a plan, policy or arrangement applicable to a broader group of employees, such as offering group universal life insurance.


  b. We vote for shareholder proposals that request shareholder approval of survivor benefits for future agreements that, following the death of a senior executive, would obligate the company to make payments or awards not earned.


  7. Anti Tax Gross-up Policy


  a. We vote for proposals that ask a company to adopt a policy whereby it will not make, or promise to make, any tax gross-up payment to its senior executives, except for tax gross-ups provided pursuant to a plan, policy, or arrangement applicable to management employees of the company generally, such as relocation or expatriate tax equalization policy; we also vote for proposals that ask management to put gross-up payments to a shareholder vote.


  b. We vote against proposals where a company will make, or promise to make, any tax gross-up payment to its senior executives without a shareholder vote, except for tax gross-ups provided pursuant to a plan, policy, or arrangement applicable to management employees of the company generally, such as relocation or expatriate tax equalization policy.


  8. Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs)

We vote for proposals that request shareholder approval in order to implement an ESOP or to increase authorized shares for existing ESOPs, except in cases when the number of shares allocated to the ESOP is “excessive” (i.e., generally greater than five percent of outstanding shares).


  9. Employee Stock Purchase Plans


  a. We vote for qualified plans where all of the following apply:


    The purchase price is at least 85 percent of fair market value


    The offering period is 27 months or less


    The number of shares allocated to the plan is five percent or less of outstanding shares

If the above do not apply, we vote on a case-by-case basis.


  b. We vote for non-qualified plans where all of the following apply:


    All employees of the company are eligible to participate (excluding 5 percent or more beneficial owners)


    There are limits on employee contribution (ex: fixed dollar amount)


    There is a company matching contribution with a maximum of 25 percent of an employee’s contribution


    There is no discount on the stock price on purchase date (since there is a company match)

If the above do not apply, we vote against the non-qualified employee stock purchase plan.



  10. 401(k) Employee Benefit Plans

We vote for proposals to implement a 401(k) savings plan for employees.


  11. Stock Compensation Plans


  a. We vote for stock compensation plans which provide a dollar-for-dollar cash for stock exchange.


  b. We vote on a case-by-case basis for stock compensation plans which do not provide a dollar-for-dollar cash for stock exchange using a quantitative model.


  12. Directors Retirement Plans


  a. We vote against retirement plans for non-employee directors.


  b. We vote for shareholder proposals to eliminate retirement plans for non-employee directors.


  13. Management Proposals to Reprice Options

We vote on a case-by-case basis on management proposals seeking approval to reprice options. Considerations include the following:


    Historic trading patterns


    Rationale for the repricing


    Value-for-value exchange


    Option vesting


    Term of the option


    Exercise price




  14. Shareholder Proposals Recording Executive and Director Pay


  a. We vote against shareholder proposals seeking to set absolute levels on compensation or otherwise dictate the amount or form of compensation.


  b. We vote against shareholder proposals requiring director fees be paid in stock only.


  c. We vote for shareholder proposals to put option repricing to a shareholder vote.


  d. We vote for shareholder proposals that call for a non-binding advisory vote on executive pay (“say-on-pay”). Company boards would adopt a policy giving shareholders the opportunity at each annual meeting to vote on an advisory resolution to ratify the compensation of the named executive officers set forth in the proxy statement’s summary compensation table.


  e. We vote “annual” for the frequency of say-on-pay proposals rather than once every two or three years.


  f. We vote on a case-by-case basis for all other shareholder proposals regarding executive and director pay, taking into account company performance, pay level versus peers, pay level versus industry, and long term corporate outlook.


  15. Management Proposals On Executive Compensation


  a. For non-binding advisory votes on executive officer compensation, when management and the external service provider agree, we vote for the proposal. When management and the external service provider disagree, the proposal becomes a refer item. In the case of a Refer item, the factors under consideration will include the following:


    Company performance over the last 1-, 3- and 5-year periods on a total shareholder return basis


    Performance metrics for short- and long-term incentive programs


    CEO pay relative to company performance (is there a misalignment)


    Tax gross-ups to senior executives


    Change-in-control arrangements


    Presence of a clawback provision, ownership guidelines, or stock holding requirements for senior executives



  b. We vote “annual” for the frequency of say-on-pay proposals rather than once every two or three years.


  16. Stock Retention / Holding Period of Equity Awards

We vote on a case-by-case basis on shareholder proposals asking companies to adopt policies requiring senior executives to retain all or a significant (>50 percent) portion of their shares acquired through equity compensation plans, either:


    While employed and/or for one to two years following the termination of their employment; or


    For a substantial period following the lapse of all other vesting requirements for the award, with ratable release of a portion of the shares annually during the lock-up period

The following factors will be taken into consideration:


    Whether the company has any holding period, retention ratio, or named executive officer ownership requirements currently in place


    Actual stock ownership of the company’s named executive officers


    Policies aimed at mitigating risk taking by senior executives


    Pay practices at the company that we deem problematic


I. State/Country of Incorporation


  1. Voting on State Takeover Statutes


  a. We vote for proposals to opt out of state freeze-out provisions.


  b. We vote for proposals to opt out of state disgorgement provisions.


  2. Voting on Re-incorporation Proposals

We vote on a case-by-case basis on proposals to change a company’s state or country of incorporation. Considerations include: reasons for re-incorporation (i.e. financial, restructuring, etc); advantages/benefits for change (i.e. lower taxes); compare the differences in state/country laws governing the corporation.


  3. Control Share Acquisition Provisions


  a. We vote against proposals to amend the charter to include control share acquisition provisions.


  b. We vote for proposals to opt out of control share acquisition statutes unless doing so would enable the completion of a takeover that would be detrimental to shareholders.


  c. We vote for proposals to restore voting rights to the control shares.


  d. We vote for proposals to opt out of control share cashout statutes.


J. Mergers and Corporate Restructuring


  1. Mergers and Acquisitions

We vote on a case-by-case basis on mergers and acquisitions. Considerations include: benefits/advantages of the combined companies (i.e. economies of scale, operating synergies, increase in market power/share, etc…); offer price (premium or discount); change in the capital structure; impact on shareholder rights.


  2. Corporate Restructuring

We vote on a case-by-case basis on corporate restructuring proposals involving minority squeeze outs and leveraged buyouts. Considerations include: offer price, other alternatives/offers considered and review of fairness opinions.


  3. Spin-offs

We vote on a case-by-case basis on spin-offs. Considerations include the tax and regulatory advantages, planned use of sale proceeds, market focus, and managerial incentives.



  4. Asset Sales

We vote on a case-by-case basis on asset sales. Considerations include the impact on the balance sheet/working capital, value received for the asset, and potential elimination of diseconomies.


  5. Liquidations

We vote on a case-by-case basis on liquidations after reviewing management’s efforts to pursue other alternatives, appraisal value of assets, and the compensation plan for executives managing the liquidation.


  6. Appraisal Rights

We vote for proposals to restore, or provide shareholders with, rights of appraisal.


  7. Changing Corporate Name

We vote for proposals to change the “corporate name”, unless the proposed name change bears a negative connotation.


  8. Conversion of Securities

We vote on a case-by-case basis on proposals regarding conversion of securities. Considerations include the dilution to existing shareholders, the conversion price relative to market value, financial issues, control issues, termination penalties, and conflicts of interest.


  9. Stakeholder Provisions

We vote against proposals that ask the board to consider non-shareholder constituencies or other non-financial effects when evaluating a merger or business combination.


K. Social and Environmental Issues


  1. In general we vote on a case-by-case basis on shareholder social and environmental proposals, on the basis that their impact on share value may be difficult to quantify. In most cases, however, we vote for disclosure reports that seek additional information, particularly when it appears the company has not adequately addressed shareholders’ social and environmental concerns. In determining our vote on shareholder social and environmental proposals, we also analyze the following factors:


  a. whether adoption of the proposal would have either a positive or negative impact on the company’s short-term or long-term share value;


  b. the percentage of sales, assets and earnings affected;


  c. the degree to which the company’s stated position on the issues could affect its reputation or sales, or leave it vulnerable to boycott or selective purchasing;


  d. whether the issues presented should be dealt with through government or company-specific action;


  e. whether the company has already responded in some appropriate manner to the request embodied in a proposal;


  f. whether the company’s analysis and voting recommendation to shareholders is persuasive;


  g. what other companies have done in response to the issue;


  h. whether the proposal itself is well framed and reasonable;


  i. whether implementation of the proposal would achieve the objectives sought in the proposal; and


  j. whether the subject of the proposal is best left to the discretion of the board.


  2. Among the social and environmental issues to which we apply this analysis are the following:


  a. Energy Efficiency and Resource Utilization


  b. Environmental Impact and Climate Change


  c. Human Rights and Impact on Communities of Corporate Activities


  d. Equal Employment Opportunity and Non Discrimination



  e. ILO Standards and Child/Slave Labor


  f. Product Integrity and Marketing


  g. Sustainability Reporting


  h. Board Representation


  i. Animal Welfare


L. Miscellaneous


  1. Charitable Contributions

We vote against proposals to eliminate, direct or otherwise restrict charitable contributions.


  2. Political Contributions

In general, we vote on a case-by-case basis on shareholder proposals pertaining to political contributions. In determining our vote on political contribution proposals we consider, among other things, the following:


    Does the company have a political contributions policy publicly available


    How extensive is the disclosure on these documents


    What oversight mechanisms the company has in place for approving/reviewing political contributions and expenditures


    Does the company provide information on its trade association expenditures


    Total amount of political expenditure by the company in recent history


  3. Operational Items


  a. We vote against proposals to provide management with the authority to adjourn an annual or special meeting absent compelling reasons to support the proposal.


  b. We vote against proposals to reduce quorum requirements for shareholder meetings below a majority of the shares outstanding unless there are compelling reasons to support the proposal.


  c. We vote for by-law or charter changes that are of a housekeeping nature (updates or corrections).


  d. We vote for management proposals to change the date/time/location of the annual meeting unless the proposed change is unreasonable.


  e. We vote against shareholder proposals to change the date/time/location of the annual meeting unless the current scheduling or location is unreasonable.


  f. We vote against proposals to approve other business when it appears as voting item.


  4. Routine Agenda Items

In some markets, shareholders are routinely asked to approve:


    the opening of the shareholder meeting


    that the meeting has been convened under local regulatory requirements


    the presence of a quorum


    the agenda for the shareholder meeting


    the election of the chair of the meeting


    regulatory filings


    the allowance of questions


    the publication of minutes


    the closing of the shareholder meeting

We generally vote for these and similar routine management proposals.



  5. Allocation of Income and Dividends

We generally vote for management proposals concerning allocation of income and the distribution of dividends, unless the amount of the distribution is consistently and unusually small or large.


  6. Stock (Scrip) Dividend Alternatives


  a. We vote for most stock (scrip) dividend proposals.


  b. We vote against proposals that do not allow for a cash option unless management demonstrates that the cash option is harmful to shareholder value.

ClearBridge has determined that registered investment companies, particularly closed end investment companies, raise special policy issues making specific voting guidelines frequently inapplicable. To the extent that ClearBridge has proxy voting authority with respect to shares of registered investment companies, ClearBridge shall vote such shares in the best interest of client accounts and subject to the general fiduciary principles set forth herein without regard to the specific voting guidelines set forth in Section V. A. through L.

The voting policy guidelines set forth in Section V may be changed from time to time by ClearBridge in its sole discretion.



In certain situations, ClearBridge may determine not to vote proxies on behalf of a client because ClearBridge believes that the expected benefit to the client of voting shares is outweighed by countervailing considerations. Examples of situations in which ClearBridge may determine not to vote proxies on behalf of a client include:


A. Share Blocking

Proxy voting in certain countries requires “share blocking.” This means that shareholders wishing to vote their proxies must deposit their shares shortly before the date of the meeting (e.g. one week) with a designated depositary. During the blocking period, shares that will be voted at the meeting cannot be sold until the meeting has taken place and the shares have been returned to client accounts by the designated depositary. In deciding whether to vote shares subject to share blocking, ClearBridge will consider and weigh, based on the particular facts and circumstances, the expected benefit to clients of voting in relation to the detriment to clients of not being able to sell such shares during the applicable period.


B Securities on Loan

Certain clients of ClearBridge, such as an institutional client or a mutual fund for which ClearBridge acts as a sub-adviser, may engage in securities lending with respect to the securities in their accounts. ClearBridge typically does not direct or oversee such securities lending activities. To the extent feasible and practical under the circumstances, ClearBridge will request that the client recall shares that are on loan so that such shares can be voted if ClearBridge believes that the expected benefit to the client of voting such shares outweighs the detriment to the client of recalling such shares (e.g., foregone income). The ability to timely recall shares for proxy voting purposes typically is not entirely within the control of ClearBridge and requires the cooperation of the client and its other service providers. Under certain circumstances, the recall of shares in time for such shares to be voted may not be possible due to applicable proxy voting record dates and administrative considerations.



ClearBridge employees may not disclose to others outside of ClearBridge (including employees of other Legg Mason business units) how ClearBridge intends to vote a proxy absent prior approval from ClearBridge’s General Counsel/Chief Compliance Officer, except that a ClearBridge investment professional may disclose to a third party (other than an employee of another Legg Mason business unit) how s/he intends to vote without obtaining prior approval from ClearBridge’s General Counsel/Chief Compliance Officer if (1) the disclosure is intended to facilitate a discussion of publicly available information by ClearBridge personnel with a representative of a company whose securities are the subject of the proxy, (2) the company’s market capitalization exceeds $1 billion and (3) ClearBridge has voting power with respect to less than 5% of the outstanding common stock of the company.

If a ClearBridge employee receives a request to disclose ClearBridge’s proxy voting intentions to, or is otherwise contacted by, another person outside of ClearBridge (including an employee of another Legg Mason business unit) in connection with an upcoming proxy voting matter, he/she should immediately notify ClearBridge’s General Counsel/Chief Compliance Officer.

If a portfolio manager wants to take a public stance with regards to a proxy, s/he must consult with ClearBridge’s General Counsel/Chief Compliance Officer before making or issuing a public statement.




ClearBridge shall maintain the following records relating to proxy voting:


    a copy of these policies and procedures;


    a copy of each proxy form (as voted);


    a copy of each proxy solicitation (including proxy statements) and related materials with regard to each vote;


    documentation relating to the identification and resolution of conflicts of interest;


    any documents created by ClearBridge that were material to a proxy voting decision or that memorialized the basis for that decision; and


    a copy of each written client request for information on how ClearBridge voted proxies on behalf of the client, and a copy of any written response by ClearBridge to any (written or oral) client request for information on how ClearBridge voted proxies on behalf of the requesting client.

Such records shall be maintained and preserved in an easily accessible place for a period of not less than six years from the end of the fiscal year during which the last entry was made on such record, the first two years in an appropriate office of the ClearBridge adviser.

To the extent that ClearBridge is authorized to vote proxies for a United States Registered Investment Company, ClearBridge shall maintain such records as are necessary to allow such fund to comply with its recordkeeping, reporting and disclosure obligations under applicable laws, rules and regulations.

In lieu of keeping copies of proxy statements, ClearBridge may rely on proxy statements filed on the EDGAR system as well as on third party records of proxy statements and votes cast if the third party provides an undertaking to provide the documents promptly upon request.







Effective Date: February 17, 2015


Dimensional Fund Advisors LP (“Dimensional”) is an investment adviser registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) pursuant to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the “Advisers Act”). Dimensional controls Dimensional Fund Advisors Ltd. (“DFAL”), DFA Australia Limited (“DFAA”), Dimensional Fund Advisors Pte. Ltd. (“DFAP”) and Dimensional Japan Ltd. (“DFAJ”) (Dimensional, DFAL, DFAA, DFAP and DFAJ are collectively referred to as the “Advisors”). DFAL and DFAA are also investment advisors registered under the Advisers Act.

The Advisors provide investment advisory or subadvisory services to various types of clients, including registered funds, unregistered commingled funds, defined benefit plans, defined contribution plans, private and public pension funds, foundations, endowment funds and other types of investors. These clients frequently give the Advisors the authority and discretion to vote proxy statements relating to the underlying securities that are held on behalf of such clients. Also, a client may, at times, ask an Advisor to provide voting advice on certain proxies without delegating full voting discretion to the Advisor. Depending on the client, the Advisors’ duties may include making decisions regarding whether and how to vote proxies as part of an investment manager’s fiduciary duty under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (“ERISA”).

The following Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures (the “Policy”) address the Advisors’ objectives for voting proxies received by the Advisors on behalf of client accounts to the extent that relationships with such clients are subject to the Advisers Act or ERISA or clients that are registered investment companies under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “40 Act”), including The DFA Investment Trust Company, DFA Investment Dimensions Group Inc., Dimensional Investment Group Inc. and Dimensional Emerging Markets Value Fund (together, the “Dimensional Investment Companies”). The Advisors believe that this Policy is reasonably designed to meet their goal of ensuring that the Advisors endeavor to vote (or refrain from voting) proxies in a manner consistent with the best interests of their clients, as understood by the Advisors at the time of the vote.

Exhibit A to this Policy includes a summary of the Advisors’ current Proxy Voting Guidelines and will change from time to time (the “Guidelines”). The Guidelines are largely based on those developed by Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc. (“ISS”), an independent third party, except with respect to certain matters which are generally described in Exhibit A. The Investment Committee of Dimensional has determined that, in general, voting proxies pursuant to the Guidelines should be in the best interests of clients. Therefore, an Advisor will usually instruct voting of proxies in accordance with the Guidelines. The Guidelines provide a framework for analysis and decision making, but do not address all potential issues. In order to be able to address all the relevant facts and circumstances related to a proxy vote, the Advisors reserve the right to instruct votes counter to the Guidelines if, after a review of the matter, an Advisor believes that a client’s best interests would be served by such a vote. In such circumstance, the analysis will be documented in writing and periodically presented to the Committee (as hereinafter defined). To the extent that the Guidelines do not cover potential voting issues, an Advisor will instruct the vote on such issues in a manner that is consistent with the spirit of the Guidelines and that the Advisor believes would be in the best interests of the client.

The Advisors may, but will not ordinarily, take social concerns into account in voting proxies with respect to securities held by clients, including those held by socially screened portfolios or accounts. The Advisors will ordinarily take environmental concerns into account in voting proxies with respect to securities held by certain sustainability screened portfolios or accounts, to the extent permitted by applicable law and guidance.

The Advisors have retained ISS to provide information on shareholder meeting dates and proxy materials, translate proxy materials printed in a foreign language, provide research on proxy proposals and voting recommendations in accordance with the Guidelines, effect votes on behalf of the clients for whom the Advisors have proxy voting responsibility and provide reports concerning the proxies voted (“Proxy Voting Services”). In addition, the Advisors may obtain Proxy Voting Services from supplemental third-party proxy service providers to provide, among other things, research on proxy proposals and voting recommendations for certain shareholder meetings, as identified in the Guidelines. Although the Advisors retain third-party service providers for proxy issues, the Advisors remain responsible for proxy voting decisions. ISS and other third-party proxy service providers are herein referred to as “Proxy Advisory Firms.” In this regard, the Advisors use commercially reasonable efforts to oversee the directed delegation to Proxy Advisory Firms, upon which the Advisors rely to carry out the Proxy Voting Services. In the event that the Guidelines are not implemented precisely as the Advisors intend because of the actions or omissions of any third-party service providers, custodians or sub-custodians or other agents, or any such persons experience any irregularities (e.g. misvotes or missed votes), then such instances will not necessarily be deemed by the Advisors as a breach of this Policy.



Prior to the selection of any new Proxy Advisory Firms and annually thereafter or more frequently if deemed necessary by Dimensional, the Corporate Governance Committee (as defined below) will consider whether the Proxy Advisory Firm: (i) has the capacity and competency to adequately analyze proxy issues and (ii) can make its recommendations in an impartial manner and in the best interests of the Advisors’ clients. Such considerations may include some or all of the following: (i) periodic sampling of votes cast by the Proxy Advisory Firm to ensure that the Guidelines adopted by the Advisors are being followed, (ii) onsite visits to the Proxy Advisory Firm office and/or discussions with the Proxy Advisory Firm to determine whether the Proxy Advisory Firm continues to have capacity and competency to carry out its proxy obligations to the Advisors, (iii) a review of the Proxy Advisory Firm’s policies and procedures, with a particular focus on those relating to identifying and addressing conflicts of interest and ensuring that current and accurate information is used in creating recommendations, (iv) requesting the Proxy Advisory Firm to notify the Advisors if there is a change in the Proxy Advisory Firm’s material policies and procedures, particularly with respect to conflicts, or material business practices (e.g. entering or exiting new lines of business), and reviewing any such change, and (v) in case of an error made by the Proxy Advisory Firm, discussing the error with the Proxy Advisory Firm and determining whether appropriate corrective and preventive action is being taken.

Procedures for Voting Proxies

The Investment Committee at Dimensional is generally responsible for overseeing each Advisor’s proxy voting process. The Investment Committee has formed a Corporate Governance Committee (the “Corporate Governance Committee” or the “Committee”) composed of certain officers, directors and other personnel of the Advisors and has delegated to its members authority to (i) oversee the voting of proxies and the Proxy Advisory Firms, (ii) make determinations as to how to instruct the vote on certain specific proxies, (iii) verify the on-going compliance with this Policy and (iv) review this Policy from time to time and recommend changes to the Investment Committee. The Committee may designate one or more of its members to oversee specific, ongoing compliance with respect to these Procedures and may designate other personnel of each Advisor to instruct the vote on proxies on behalf of the Advisors’ clients, including all authorized traders of the Advisors (“Authorized Persons”). The Committee may modify this Policy from time to time to meet the goal of acting in a manner consistent with the best interests of the clients.

Generally, the Advisors analyze proxy statements on behalf of their clients and instruct the vote (or refrain from voting) proxies in accordance with this Policy and the Guidelines. Therefore, an Advisor generally will not instruct votes differently for different clients unless a client has expressly directed the Advisor to vote differently for such client’s account. In the case of separate accounts, where an Advisor has contractually agreed to follow a client’s individualized proxy voting guidelines, the Advisor will instruct such vote on the client’s proxies pursuant to the client’s guidelines.

Each Advisor seeks to vote (or refrain from voting) proxies for its clients in a manner that the Advisor determines is in the best interests of its clients and which seeks to maximize the value of the client’s investments. In some cases, the Advisor may determine that it is in the best interests of clients to refrain from exercising the clients’ proxy voting rights. The Advisor may determine that voting is not in the best interest of a client and refrain from voting if the costs, including the opportunity costs, of voting would, in the view of the Advisor, exceed the expected benefits of voting to the client. For securities on loan, the Advisor will balance the revenue-producing value of loans against the difficult-to-assess value of casting votes. It is the Advisors’ belief that the expected value of casting a vote generally will be less than the securities lending income, either because the votes will not have significant economic consequences or because the outcome of the vote would not be affected by the Advisor recalling loaned securities in order to ensure they are voted. The Advisor does intend to recall securities on loan if, based upon information in the Advisor’s possession, it determines that voting the securities is likely to materially affect the value of a client’s investment and that it is in the client’s best interests to do so.

In cases where the Advisor does not receive a solicitation or enough information within a sufficient time (as reasonably determined by the Advisor) prior to the proxy-voting deadline, the Advisor or its service provider may be unable to vote.

Generally, the Advisors do not intend to engage in shareholder activism with respect to a pending vote. However, if an issuer’s management, shareholders or proxy solicitors contact the Advisors with respect to a pending vote, a member of the Committee may discuss the vote with such party and report to the full Committee.

International Proxy Voting

While the Advisors utilize the Policy and Guidelines for both their international and domestic portfolios and clients, there are some significant differences between voting U.S. company proxies and voting non-U.S. company proxies. For U.S. companies, it is relatively easy to vote proxies, as the proxies are typically received automatically and may be voted by mail or electronically. In most cases, the officers of a U.S. company soliciting a proxy act as proxies for the company’s shareholders.

With respect to non-U.S. companies, however, it is typically both difficult and costly to vote proxies due to local regulations, customs or other requirements or restrictions, and such circumstances may outweigh any anticipated economic benefit of voting. The major difficulties and costs may include: (i) appointing a proxy; (ii) obtaining reliable information about the time and location of a meeting; (iii) obtaining relevant information about voting procedures for foreign shareholders; (iv) restrictions on trading securities



that are subject to proxy votes (share-blocking periods); (v) arranging for a proxy to vote locally in person; (vi) fees charged by custody banks for providing certain services with regard to voting proxies; and (vii) foregone income from securities lending programs. The Advisors do not intend to vote proxies of non-U.S. companies if they determine that the expected costs of voting outweigh any anticipated economic benefit to the client of voting.1 The Advisors intend to make their determination on whether to vote proxies of non-U.S. companies on a client by client basis, and generally seek to implement uniform voting procedures for all proxies of companies in each country. The Advisors periodically review voting logistics, including costs and other voting difficulties, on a client by client and country by country basis, in order to determine if there have been any material changes that would affect the Advisors’ decision of whether or not to vote. In the event an Advisor is made aware of and believes that an issue to be voted is likely to materially affect the economic value of a portfolio, that its vote is reasonably likely to influence the ultimate outcome of the contest, and that the expected benefits to the client of voting the proxies exceed the expected costs, the Advisor will seek to make every reasonable effort to vote such proxies.

Conflicts of Interest

Occasions may arise where an Authorized Person, the Committee, an Advisor, or an affiliated person of the Advisor may have a conflict of interest in connection with the proxy voting process. A conflict of interest may exist, for example, if an Advisor is actively soliciting investment advisory business from the company soliciting the proxy. However, proxies that the Advisors receive on behalf of their clients generally will be voted in accordance with the predetermined Guidelines. Therefore, proxies voted should not be affected by any conflicts of interest.

In the limited instances where (i) an Authorized Person is considering voting a proxy contrary to the Guidelines (or in cases for which the Guidelines do not prescribe a particular vote and the proposed vote is contrary to the recommendation of ISS), and (ii) the Authorized Person believes a potential conflict of interest exists, the Authorized Person will disclose the potential conflict to a member of the Committee. Such disclosure will describe the proposal to be voted upon and disclose any potential conflict of interest including but not limited to any potential personal conflict of interest (e.g., familial relationship with company management) the Authorized Person may have relating to the proxy vote, in which case the Authorized Person will remove himself or herself from the proxy voting process.

If the Committee member has actual knowledge of a conflict of interest and recommends a vote contrary to the Guidelines (or in the case where the Guidelines do not prescribe a particular vote and the proposed vote is contrary to the recommendation of ISS), the Committee member will bring the vote to the Committee which will (a) determine how the vote should be cast keeping in mind the principle of preserving shareholder value or (b) determine to abstain from voting, unless abstaining would be materially adverse to the Client’s interest. To the extent the Committee makes a determination regarding how to vote or to abstain for a proxy on behalf of a Dimensional Investment Company in the circumstances described in this paragraph, the Advisor will report annually on such determinations to the respective Board of Directors/Trustees of the Dimensional Investment Company.

Availability of Proxy Voting Information and Recordkeeping

Each Advisor will inform its clients on how to obtain information regarding the Advisor’s voting of its clients’ securities. The Advisor will provide its clients with a summary of its proxy voting guidelines, process and policies and will inform its clients of how they can obtain a copy of the complete Policy upon request. If the Advisor is registered under the Advisers Act, the Advisor will include such information described in the preceding two sentences in Part 2A of its Form ADV. The Advisor will also provide its existing clients with the above information.


The Advisors will also keep records of the following items: (i) their proxy voting guidelines, policies and procedures; (ii) proxy statements received regarding client securities (unless such statements are available on the SEC’s Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) system); (iii) records of votes they cast on behalf of clients, which may be maintained by a third party service provider if the service provider undertakes to provide copies of those records promptly upon request; (iv) records of written client requests for proxy voting information and the Advisors’ responses (whether a client’s request was oral or in writing); (v) any documents prepared by the Advisors that were material to making a decision how to vote, or that memorialized the basis for


1  As the SEC has stated, “There may even be times when refraining from voting a proxy is in the client’s best interest, such as when the adviser determines that the cost of voting the proxy exceeds the expected benefit to the client…For example, casting a vote on a foreign security may involve additional costs such as hiring a translator or traveling to the foreign country to vote the security in person.” See Proxy Voting by Investment Advisers, Release No. IA-2106 (Jan. 31, 2003). Additionally, the Department of Labor has stated it “interprets ERISA§ 404(a)(1) to require the responsible plan fiduciary to weigh the costs and benefits of voting on proxy proposals relating to foreign securities and make an informed decision with respect to whether voting a given proxy proposal is prudent and solely in the interest of the plan’s participants and beneficiaries.” See Preamble to Department of Labor Interpretative Bulletin 94-2, 59 FR 38860 (July 29, 1994) 19,971, CCH, 22,485-23 to 22,485-24 (1994).



the decision; (vi) a record of any testing conducted on any Proxy Advisory Firm’s votes; and (vii) a copy of each version of the Proxy Advisory Firm’s policies and procedures provided to the Advisors. The Advisors will maintain these records in an easily accessible place for at least six years from the end of the fiscal year during which the last entry was made on such records. For the first two years, each Advisor will store such records at one of its principal offices.


Dimensional shall disclose in the statements of additional information of the Dimensional Investment Companies a summary of procedures which Dimensional uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities of the Dimensional Investment Companies. The disclosure will include a description of the procedures used when a vote presents a conflict of interest between shareholders and Dimensional, DFA Securities LLC (“DFAS”) or an affiliate of Dimensional or DFAS.

The semi-annual reports of the Dimensional Investment Companies shall indicate that the procedures are available: (i) by calling Dimensional collect; or (ii) on the SEC’s website. If a request for the procedures is received, the requested description must be sent within three business days by a prompt method of delivery.

Dimensional, on behalf of each Dimensional Investment Company it advises, shall file its proxy voting record with the SEC on Form N-PX no later than August 31 of each year, for the twelve-month period ending June 30 of the current year. Such filings shall contain all information required to be disclosed on Form N-PX.




Eaton Vance



I. Introduction

Eaton Vance Management, Boston Management and Research, Eaton Vance Investment Counsel and Eaton Vance Trust Company (each an “Adviser” and collectively the “Advisers”) have each adopted and implemented policies and procedures that each Adviser believes are reasonably designed to ensure that proxies are voted in the best interest of clients, in accordance with its fiduciary duties and, to the extent applicable, Rule 206(4)-6 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended. The Advisers’ authority to vote the proxies of their clients is established by their advisory contracts or similar documentation, such as the Eaton Vance Funds Proxy Voting Policy and Procedures. These proxy policies and procedures reflect the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) requirements governing advisers and the long-standing fiduciary standards and responsibilities for ERISA accounts set out in the Department of Labor Bulletin 94-2 C.F.R. 2509.94-2 (July 29, 1994).


II. Overview

Each Adviser manages its clients’ assets with the overriding goal of seeking to provide the greatest possible return to such clients consistent with governing laws and the investment policies of each client. In pursuing that goal, each Adviser seeks to exercise its clients’ rights as shareholders of voting securities to support sound corporate governance of the companies issuing those securities with the principle aim of maintaining or enhancing the companies’ economic value.

The exercise of shareholder rights is generally done by casting votes by proxy at shareholder meetings on matters submitted to shareholders for approval (for example, the election of directors or the approval of a company’s stock option plans for directors, officers or employees). Each Adviser is adopting the formal written Guidelines described in detail below and will utilize such Guidelines in voting proxies on behalf of its clients. These Guidelines are designed to promote accountability of a company’s management and board of directors to its shareholders and to align the interests of management with those of shareholders.

Each Adviser will vote any proxies received by a client for which it has sole investment discretion through a third-party proxy voting service (“Agent”) in accordance with customized policies, as approved by the Boards of Trustees of the Eaton Vance Funds (with respect to proxies received by or on behalf of such Funds) and, with respect to proxies referred back to the Adviser by the Agent pursuant to the Guidelines, in a manner that is reasonably designed to eliminate any potential conflicts of interest, as described more fully below. The Agent is currently Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. Proxies will be voted in accordance with client-specific guidelines and an Eaton Vance Fund’s sub-adviser’s proxy voting policies and procedures, if applicable.

No set of guidelines can anticipate all situations that may arise. In special cases, the Proxy Administrator (the person specifically charged with the responsibility to oversee the Agent and coordinate the voting of proxies referred back to the Adviser by the Agent) may seek insight from the Proxy Group established by the Advisers. The Proxy Group will assist in the review of the Agent’s recommendation when a proxy voting issue is referred to the Proxy Group through the Proxy Administrator. The members of the Proxy Group, which may include employees of the Advisers’ affiliates, may change at the Advisers’ discretion.


III. Roles and Responsibilities

A.    Proxy Administrator

The Proxy Administrator will assist in the coordination of the voting of each client’s proxy in accordance with the Guidelines below and the Funds’ Proxy Voting Policy and Procedures, to the extent applicable. The Proxy Administrator is authorized to direct the Agent to vote a proxy in accordance with the Guidelines. Responsibilities assigned herein to the Proxy Administrator, or activities in support thereof, may be performed by such members of the Proxy Group or employees of the Advisers’ affiliates as are deemed appropriate by the Proxy Group.

B.    Agent

An independent proxy voting service (the “Agent”), as approved by the Board of each Fund, to the extent applicable, shall be engaged to assist in the voting of proxies. The Agent is currently Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. The Agent is responsible for coordinating with the clients’ custodians and the Advisers to ensure that all proxy materials received by the custodians relating to the portfolio securities are processed in a timely fashion. The Agent is required to vote and/or refer all proxies in accordance with the Guidelines below. The Agent shall retain a record of all proxy votes handled by the Agent. Such record must reflect all of the information required to be disclosed in a Fund’s Form N-PX pursuant to Rule 30b1-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940, to



the extent applicable. In addition, the Agent is responsible for maintaining copies of all proxy statements received by issuers and to promptly provide such materials to an Adviser upon request.

Subject to the oversight of the Advisers, the Agent shall establish and maintain adequate internal controls and policies in connection with the provision of proxy voting services to the Advisers, including methods to reasonably ensure that its analysis and recommendations are not influenced by a conflict of interest, and shall disclose such controls and policies to the Advisers when and as provided for herein. Unless otherwise specified, references herein to recommendations of the Agent shall refer to those in which no conflict of interest has been identified.

C.    Proxy Group

The Adviser shall establish a Proxy Group which shall assist in the review of the Agent’s recommendations when a proxy voting issue has been referred to the Proxy Administrator by the Agent. The members of the Proxy Group, which may include employees of the Advisers’ affiliates, may be amended from time to time at the Advisers’ discretion.

For each proposal referred to the Proxy Group, the Proxy Group will review the (i) Guidelines, (ii) recommendations of the Agent, and (iii) any other resources that any member of the Proxy Group deems appropriate to aid in a determination of the recommendation.

If the Proxy Group recommends a vote in accordance with the Guidelines, or the recommendation of the Agent, where applicable, it shall instruct the Proxy Administrator to so advise the Agent.

If the Proxy Group recommends a vote contrary to the Guidelines, or the recommendation of the Agent, where applicable, or if the proxy statement relates to a conflicted company of the Agent, as determined by the Advisers, it shall follow the procedures for such voting outlined below.

The Proxy Administrator shall use best efforts to convene the Proxy Group with respect to all matters requiring its consideration. In the event the Proxy Group cannot meet in a timely manner in connection with a voting deadline, the Proxy Administrator shall follow the procedures for such voting outlined below.


IV. Proxy Voting Guidelines (“Guidelines”)

A.    General Policies

It shall generally be the policy of the Advisers to take no action on a proxy for which no client holds a position or otherwise maintains an economic interest in the relevant security at the time the vote is to be cast.

In all cases except those highlighted below, it shall generally be the policy of the Advisers to vote in accordance with the recommendation by the Agent, Institutional Shareholder Services Inc.

When a fund client participates in the lending of its securities and the securities are on loan at the record date, proxies related to such securities generally will not be forwarded to the relevant Adviser by the fund’s custodian and therefore will not be voted. In the event that the Adviser determines that the matters involved would have a material effect on the applicable fund’s investment in the loaned securities, the fund will exercise its best efforts to terminate the loan in time to be able to cast such vote or exercise such consent.

Interpretation and application of these Guidelines is not intended to supersede any law, regulation, binding agreement or other legal requirement to which an issuer may be or become subject. The Guidelines relate to the types of proposals that are most frequently presented in proxy statements to shareholders. Absent unusual circumstances, each Adviser will utilize these Guidelines when voting proxies on behalf of its clients. The Guidelines may be revised at any time, provided such revisions are reported to the Boards of Trustees of the Eaton Vance Funds.

B.    Proposals Regarding Mergers and Corporate Restructurings

The Agent shall be directed to refer proxy proposals accompanied by its written analysis and voting recommendation to the Proxy Administrator for all proposals relating to Mergers and Corporate Restructurings.

C.    Proposals Regarding Mutual Fund Proxies — Disposition of Assets/Termination/Liquidation and Mergers

The Agent shall be directed to refer proxy proposals accompanied by its written analysis and voting recommendation to the Proxy Administrator for all proposals relating to the Disposition of Assets/Termination/Liquidation and Mergers contained in mutual fund proxies.



D.    Corporate Structure Matters/Anti-Takeover Defenses

As a general matter, the Advisers will normally vote against anti-takeover measures and other proposals designed to limit the ability of shareholders to act on possible transactions (except in the case of closed-end management investment companies).

E.    Social and Environmental Issues

The Advisers generally support management on social and environmental proposals.

F.    Voting Procedures

Upon receipt of a referral from the Agent or upon advice from an Eaton Vance investment professional, the Proxy Administrator may solicit additional research from the Agent, as well as from any other source or service.

1. WITHIN-GUIDELINES VOTES: Votes in Accordance with the Guidelines and/or, where applicable, Agent Recommendation

In the event the Proxy Administrator recommends a vote within Guidelines and/or, where applicable, in accordance with the Agent’s recommendation, the Proxy Administrator will instruct the Agent to vote in this manner.

2. NON-VOTES: Votes in Which No Action is Taken

The Proxy Administrator may recommend that a client refrain from voting under the following circumstances: (i) if the economic effect on shareholders’ interests or the value of the portfolio holding is indeterminable or insignificant, e.g., proxies in connection with securities no longer held in the portfolio of a client or proxies being considered on behalf of a client that is no longer in existence; or (ii) if the cost of voting a proxy outweighs the benefits, e.g., certain international proxies, particularly in cases in which share blocking practices may impose trading restrictions on the relevant portfolio security. In such instances, and to the extent permissible under applicable law, the Proxy Administrator may instruct the Agent not to vote such proxy.

Reasonable efforts shall be made to secure and vote all other proxies for the clients, but, particularly in markets in which shareholders’ rights are limited, Non-Votes may also occur in connection with a client’s related inability to timely access ballots or other proxy information in connection with its portfolio securities.

Non-Votes may also result in certain cases in which the Agent’s recommendation has been deemed to be conflicted, as provided for herein.

3. OUT-OF-GUIDELINES VOTES: Votes Contrary to Guidelines, or Agent Recommendation, where applicable, Where No Recommendation is Provided by Agent, or Where Agent’s Recommendation is Conflicted

If the Proxy Administrator recommends that a client vote contrary to the Guidelines, or the recommendation of the Agent, where applicable, if the Agent has made no recommendation on a matter requiring case-by-case consideration and the Guidelines are silent, or the Agent’s recommendation on a matter requiring case-by-case consideration is deemed to be conflicted, the Proxy Administrator will forward the Agent’s analysis and recommendation and any research obtained from the Agent or any other source to the Proxy Group. The Proxy Group may consult with the Agent as it deems necessary. The Proxy Administrator will instruct the Agent to vote the proxy as recommended by the Proxy Group. The Adviser will provide a report to the Boards of Trustees of the Eaton Vance Funds reflecting any votes cast on behalf of the Eaton Vance Funds contrary to the Guidelines or Agent Recommendation, as applicable, and shall do so no less than annually.

The Proxy Administrator will maintain a record of all proxy questions that have been referred by the Agent, all applicable recommendations, analysis and research received and any resolution of the matter.


V. Recordkeeping

The Advisers will maintain records relating to the proxies they vote on behalf of their clients in accordance with Section 204-2 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended. Those records will include:


    A copy of the Advisers’ proxy voting policies and procedures;


    Proxy statements received regarding client securities. Such proxy statements received from issuers are either in the SEC’s EDGAR database or are kept by the Agent and are available upon request;


    A record of each vote cast;


    A copy of any document created by the Advisers that was material to making a decision on how to vote a proxy for a client or that memorializes the basis for such a decision; and


    Each written client request for proxy voting records and the Advisers’ written response to any client request (whether written or oral) for such records.



All records described above will be maintained in an easily accessible place for five years and will be maintained in the offices of the Advisers or their Agent for two years after they are created.

Notwithstanding anything contained in this Section V, Eaton Vance Trust Company shall maintain records relating to the proxies it votes on behalf of its clients in accordance with laws and regulations applicable to it and its activities.


VI. Assessment of Agent and Identification and Resolution of Conflicts with Clients

A.    Assessment of Agent

The Advisers shall establish that the Agent (i) is independent from the Advisers, (ii) has resources that indicate it can competently provide analysis of proxy issues, and (iii) can make recommendations in an impartial manner and in the best interests of the clients and, where applicable, their beneficial owners. The Advisers shall utilize, and the Agent shall comply with, such methods for establishing the foregoing as the Advisers may deem reasonably appropriate and shall do so not less than annually as well as prior to engaging the services of any new proxy voting service. The Agent shall also notify the Advisers in writing within fifteen (15) calendar days of any material change to information previously provided to an Adviser in connection with establishing the Agent’s independence, competence or impartiality.

B.    Conflicts of Interest

As fiduciaries to their clients, each Adviser puts the interests of its clients ahead of its own. In order to ensure that relevant personnel of the Advisers are able to identify potential material conflicts of interest, each Adviser will take the following steps:


    Quarterly, the Eaton Vance Legal and Compliance Department will seek information from the department heads of each department of the Advisers and of Eaton Vance Distributors, Inc. (“EVD”) (an affiliate of the Advisers and principal underwriter of certain Eaton Vance Funds). Each department head will be asked to provide a list of significant clients or prospective clients of the Advisers or EVD.


    A representative of the Legal and Compliance Department will compile a list of the companies identified (the “Conflicted Companies”) and provide that list to the Proxy Administrator.


    The Proxy Administrator will compare the list of Conflicted Companies with the names of companies for which he or she has been referred a proxy statement (the “Proxy Companies”). If a Conflicted Company is also a Proxy Company, the Proxy Administrator will report that fact to the Proxy Group.


    If the Proxy Administrator expects to instruct the Agent to vote the proxy of the Conflicted Company strictly according to the Guidelines contained in these Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures (the “Policies”) or the recommendation of the Agent, as applicable, he or she will (i) inform the Proxy Group of that fact, (ii) instruct the Agent to vote the proxies and (iii) record the existence of the material conflict and the resolution of the matter.


    If the Proxy Administrator intends to instruct the Agent to vote in a manner inconsistent with the Guidelines contained herein or the recommendation of the Agent, as applicable, the Proxy Group, in consultation with Eaton Vance senior management, will then determine if a material conflict of interest exists between the relevant Adviser and its clients. If the Proxy Group, in consultation with Eaton Vance senior management, determines that a material conflict exists, prior to instructing the Agent to vote any proxies relating to these Conflicted Companies the Adviser will seek instruction on how the proxy should be voted from:


    The client, in the case of an individual, corporate, institutional or benefit plan client;


    In the case of a Fund, its board of directors, any committee, sub-committee or group of Independent Trustees (as long as such committee, sub-committee or group contains at least two or more Independent Trustees); or


    The adviser, in situations where the Adviser acts as a sub-adviser to such adviser.

The Adviser will provide all reasonable assistance to each party to enable such party to make an informed decision.

If the client, Fund board or adviser, as the case may be, fails to instruct the Adviser on how to vote the proxy, the Adviser will generally instruct the Agent, through the Proxy Administrator, to abstain from voting in order to avoid the appearance of impropriety. If however, the failure of the Adviser to vote its clients’ proxies would have a material adverse economic impact on the Advisers’ clients’ securities holdings in the Conflicted Company, the Adviser may instruct the Agent, through the Proxy Administrator, to vote such proxies in order to protect its clients’ interests. In either case, the Proxy Administrator will record the existence of the material conflict and the resolution of the matter.

The Advisers shall also identify and address conflicts that may arise from time to time concerning the Agent. Upon the Advisers’ request, which shall be not less than annually, and within fifteen (15) calendar days of any material change to such information



previously provided to an Adviser, the Agent shall provide the Advisers with such information as the Advisers deem reasonable and appropriate for use in determining material relationships of the Agent that may pose a conflict of interest with respect to the Agent’s proxy analysis or recommendations. Such information shall include, but is not limited to, a monthly report from the Agent detailing the Agent’s Corporate Securities Division clients and related revenue data. The Advisers shall review such information on a monthly basis. The Proxy Administrator shall instruct the Agent to refer any proxies for which a material conflict of the Agent is deemed to be present to the Proxy Administrator. Any such proxy referred by the Agent shall be referred to the Proxy Group for consideration accompanied by the Agent’s written analysis and voting recommendation. The Proxy Administrator will instruct the Agent to vote the proxy as recommended by the Proxy Group.

Adopted June 6, 2003

As Revised January 20, 2005

As Revised August 8, 2005

As Revised February 1, 2006

As Revised August 10, 2009

As Revised March 14, 2014





Proxy Voting Policies & Procedures

An SEC Compliance Rule Policy and Procedures*

(As of January 5, 2015)


Franklin Advisory Services, LLC (hereinafter “Investment Manager”) has delegated its administrative duties with respect to voting proxies for equity securities to the Proxy Group within Franklin Templeton Companies, LLC (the “Proxy Group”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Franklin Resources, Inc. Franklin Templeton Companies, LLC provides a variety of general corporate services to its affiliates, including, but not limited to, legal and compliance activities. Proxy duties consist of analyzing proxy statements of issuers whose stock is owned by any client (including both investment companies and any separate accounts managed by Investment Manager) that has either delegated proxy voting administrative responsibility to Investment Manager or has asked for information and/or recommendations on the issues to be voted.

The Proxy Group will process proxy votes on behalf of, and Investment Manager votes proxies solely in the best interests of, separate account clients, Investment Manager-managed investment company shareholders, or shareholders of funds that have appointed Franklin Templeton International Services S.à. r.l. (“FTIS S.à.r.l.”) as the Management Company, provided such funds or clients have properly delegated such responsibility in writing, or, where employee benefit plan assets subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, are involved (“ERISA accounts”), in the best interests of the plan participants and beneficiaries (collectively, “Advisory Clients”), unless (i) the power to vote has been specifically retained by the named fiduciary in the documents in which the named fiduciary appointed the Investment Manager or (ii) the documents otherwise expressly prohibit the Investment Manager from voting proxies. The Investment Manager recognizes that the exercise of voting rights on securities held by ERISA plans for which the Investment Manager has voting responsibility is a fiduciary duty that must be exercised with care, skill, prudence and diligence. The Investment Manager will inform Advisory Clients that have not delegated the voting responsibility but that have requested voting advice about Investment Manager’s views on such proxy votes. The Proxy Group also provides these services to other advisory affiliates of Investment Manager.

The Investment Manager has adopted and implemented proxy voting policies and procedures that it believes are reasonably designed to ensure that proxies are voted in the best interest of Advisory Clients in accordance with its fiduciary duties and rule 206(4)-6 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. To the extent that the Investment Manager has a subadvisory agreement with an affiliated investment manager (the “Affiliated Subadviser”) with respect to a particular Advisory Client, the Investment Manager may delegate proxy voting responsibility to the Affiliated Subadviser. The Investment Manager’s Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures are substantially similar to those of its affiliated investment managers.


Fiduciary Considerations

All proxies received by the Proxy Group will be voted based upon Investment Manager’s instructions and/or policies. To assist it in analyzing proxies, Investment Manager subscribes to Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (“ISS”), an unaffiliated third party corporate governance research service that provides in-depth analyses of shareholder meeting agendas and vote recommendations. In addition, the Investment Manager subscribes to ISS’s Proxy Voting Service and Vote Disclosure Service. These services include receipt of proxy ballots, custodian bank relations, account maintenance, vote execution, ballot reconciliation, vote record maintenance, comprehensive reporting capabilities, and vote disclosure services. Also, Investment Manager subscribes to Glass, Lewis & Co., LLC (“Glass Lewis”), an unaffiliated third party analytical research firm, to receive analyses and vote recommendations on the shareholder meetings of publicly held U.S. companies, as well as a limited subscription to its international research. Also, Investment Manager has a supplemental subscription to Egan Jones Proxy Services (“Egan Jones”), an unaffiliated third party proxy advisory firm, to receive analyses and vote recommendations. Although analyses provided by ISS, Glass Lewis, Egan Jones, or another independent third party proxy service provider (each a “Proxy Service”) are thoroughly reviewed and considered in making a final voting decision, Investment Manager does not consider recommendations from a Proxy Service or any third party to be


*  Rule 38a-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“1940 Act”) and Rule 206(4)-7 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (“Advisers Act”) (together the “Compliance Rule”) require registered investment companies and registered investment advisers to, among other things, adopt and implement written policies and procedures reasonably designed to prevent violations of the federal securities laws (“Compliance Rule Policies and Procedures”).



determinative of Investment Manager’s ultimate decision. Rather, Investment Manager exercises its independent judgment in making voting decisions. As a matter of policy, the officers, directors and employees of Investment Manager and the Proxy Group will not be influenced by outside sources whose interests conflict with the interests of Advisory Clients.

Conflicts of Interest

All conflicts of interest will be resolved in the best interests of the Advisory Clients. Investment Manager is an affiliate of a large, diverse financial services firm with many affiliates and makes its best efforts to avoid conflicts of interest. However, conflicts of interest can arise in situations where:


  1. The issuer is a client1 of Investment Manager or its affiliates;


  2. The issuer is a vendor whose products or services are material or significant to the business of Investment Manager or its affiliates; 2


  3. The issuer is an entity participating to a material extent in the distribution of proprietary investment products advised, administered or sponsored by Investment Manager or its affiliates (e.g., a broker, dealer or bank); 3


  4. The issuer is a significant executing broker dealer; 4


  5. An Access Person5 of Investment Manager or its affiliates also serves as a director or officer of the issuer;


  6. A director or trustee of Franklin Resources, Inc. or any of its subsidiaries or of a Franklin Templeton investment product, or an immediate family member6 of such director or trustee, also serves as an officer or director of the issuer; or


  7. The issuer is Franklin Resources, Inc. or any of its proprietary investment products that are offered to the public as a direct investment.

Nonetheless, even though a potential conflict of interest may exist: (1) the Investment Manager may vote in opposition to the recommendations of an issuer’s management even if contrary to the recommendations of a third party proxy voting research provider; (2) if management has made no recommendations, the Proxy Group may defer to the voting instructions of the Investment Manager; and (3) with respect to shares held by Franklin Resources, Inc. or its affiliates for their own corporate accounts, such shares may be voted without regard to these conflict procedures.

Material conflicts of interest are identified by the Proxy Group based upon analyses of client, distributor, broker dealer, and vendor lists, information periodically gathered from directors and officers, and information derived from other sources, including public filings. The Proxy Group gathers and analyzes this information on a best efforts basis, as much of this information is provided directly by individuals and groups other than the Proxy Group, and the Proxy Group relies on the accuracy of the information it receives from such parties.

In situations where a material conflict of interest is identified between the Investment Manager or one of its affiliates and an issuer, the Proxy Group may vote consistent with the voting recommendation of a Proxy Service or send the proxy directly to the relevant Advisory Clients with the Investment Manager’s recommendation regarding the vote for approval.

Where the Proxy Group refers a matter to an Advisory Client, it may rely upon the instructions of a representative of the Advisory Client, such as the board of directors or trustees, a committee of the board, or an appointed delegate in the case of a U. S. registered investment company, a conducting officer in the case of a fund that has appointed FTIS S.à.r.l as its Management Company, the Independent Review Committee for Canadian investment funds, or a plan administrator in the case of an employee benefit plan. The Proxy Group may determine to vote all shares held by Advisory Clients of the Investment Manager and affiliated Investment Managers in accordance with the instructions of one or more of the Advisory Clients.

The Investment Manager may also decide whether to vote proxies for securities deemed to present conflicts of interest that are sold following a record date, but before a shareholder meeting date The Investment Manager may consider various factors in deciding whether to vote such proxies, including Investment Manager’s long-term view of the issuer’s securities for investment, or it may defer the decision to vote to the applicable Advisory Client. The Investment Manager also may be unable to vote, or choose not to vote, a


1  For purposes of this section, a “client” does not include underlying investors in a collective investment trust, Canadian pooled fund, or other pooled investment vehicle managed by the Investment Manager or its affiliates. Sponsors of funds sub-advised by Investment Manager or its affiliates will be considered a “client.”
2  The top 50 vendors will be considered to present a potential conflict of interest.
3  The top 40 distributors (based on aggregate gross sales) will be considered to present a potential conflict of interest. In addition, any insurance company that has entered into a participation agreement with a Franklin Templeton entity to distribute the Franklin Templeton Variable Insurance Products Trust or other variable products will be considered to present a potential conflict of interest.
4  The top 40 executing broker-dealers (based on gross brokerage commissions and client commissions) will be considered to present a potential conflict of interest.
5  “Access Person” shall have the meaning provided under the current Code of Ethics of Franklin Resources, Inc.
6  The term “immediate family member” means a person’s spouse; child residing in the person’s household (including step and adoptive children); and any dependent of the person, as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 152).



proxy for securities deemed to present a conflict of interest for any of the reasons outlined in the first paragraph of the section of these policies entitled “Proxy Procedures.”

Where a material conflict of interest has been identified, but the items on which the Investment Manager’s vote recommendations differ from a Proxy Service relate specifically to (1) shareholder proposals regarding social or environmental issues, (2) “Other Business” without describing the matters that might be considered, or (3) items the Investment Manager wishes to vote in opposition to the recommendations of an issuer’s management, the Proxy Group may defer to the vote recommendations of the Investment Manager rather than sending the proxy directly to the relevant Advisory Clients for approval.

To avoid certain potential conflicts of interest, the Investment Manager will employ echo voting, if possible, in the following instances: (1) when a Franklin Templeton registered investment company invests in an underlying fund in reliance on any one of Sections 12(d)(1)(E), (F), or (G) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, (“1940 Act”), the rules thereunder, or pursuant to a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) exemptive order thereunder; (2) when a Franklin Templeton registered investment company invests uninvested cash in affiliated money market funds pursuant to the rules under the 1940 Act or any exemptive orders thereunder (“cash sweep arrangement”); or (3) when required pursuant to the fund’s governing documents or applicable law. Echo voting means that the Investment Manager will vote the shares in the same proportion as the vote of all of the other holders of the fund’s shares.

Weight Given Management Recommendations

One of the primary factors Investment Manager considers when determining the desirability of investing in a particular company is the quality and depth of that company’s management. Accordingly, the recommendation of management on any issue is a factor that Investment Manager considers in determining how proxies should be voted. However, Investment Manager does not consider recommendations from management to be determinative of Investment Manager’s ultimate decision. As a matter of practice, the votes with respect to most issues are cast in accordance with the position of the company’s management. Each issue, however, is considered on its own merits, and Investment Manager will not support the position of a company’s management in any situation where it determines that the ratification of management’s position would adversely affect the investment merits of owning that company’s shares.


The Proxy Group is part of the Franklin Templeton Companies, LLC Legal Department and is overseen by legal counsel. Full-time staff members are devoted to proxy voting administration and oversight and providing support and assistance where needed. On a daily basis, the Proxy Group will review each proxy upon receipt as well as any agendas, materials and recommendations that they receive from a Proxy Service or other sources. The Proxy Group maintains a log of all shareholder meetings that are scheduled for companies whose securities are held by Investment Manager’s managed funds and accounts. For each shareholder meeting, a member of the Proxy Group will consult with the research analyst that follows the security and provide the analyst with the agenda, analyses of one or more Proxy Services, recommendations and any other information provided to the Proxy Group. Except in situations identified as presenting material conflicts of interest, Investment Manager’s research analyst and relevant portfolio manager(s) are responsible for making the final voting decision based on their review of the agenda, analyses of one or more Proxy Services, proxy statements, their knowledge of the company and any other information publicly available.

In situations where the Investment Manager has not responded with vote recommendations to the Proxy Group by the deadline date, the Proxy Group may vote consistent with the vote recommendations of a Proxy Service. Except in cases where the Proxy Group is voting consistent with the voting recommendation of a Proxy Service, the Proxy Group must obtain voting instructions from Investment Manager’s research analyst, relevant portfolio manager(s), legal counsel and/or the Advisory Client prior to submitting the vote. In the event that an account holds a security that the Investment Manager did not purchase on its behalf, and the Investment Manager does not normally consider the security as a potential investment for other accounts, the Proxy Group may vote consistent with the voting recommendations of a Proxy Service or take no action on the meeting.


Investment Manager has adopted general guidelines for voting proxies as summarized below. In keeping with its fiduciary obligations to its Advisory Clients, Investment Manager reviews all proposals, even those that may be considered to be routine matters. Although these guidelines are to be followed as a general policy, in all cases each proxy and proposal will be considered based on the relevant facts and circumstances on a case-by-case basis. Investment Manager may deviate from the general policies and procedures when it determines that the particular facts and circumstances warrant such deviation to protect the best interests of the Advisory Clients. These guidelines cannot provide an exhaustive list of all the issues that may arise nor can Investment Manager anticipate all future situations. Corporate governance issues are diverse and continually evolving and Investment Manager devotes significant time and resources to monitor these changes.




Investment Manager’s proxy voting positions have been developed based on years of experience with proxy voting and corporate governance issues. These principles have been reviewed by various members of Investment Manager’s organization, including portfolio management, legal counsel, and Investment Manager’s officers. The Board of Directors of Franklin Templeton’s U.S.-registered investment companies will approve the proxy voting policies and procedures annually.

The following guidelines reflect what Investment Manager believes to be good corporate governance and behavior:

Board of Directors:    The election of directors and an independent board are key to good corporate governance. Directors are expected to be competent individuals and they should be accountable and responsive to shareholders. Investment Manager supports an independent, diverse board of directors, and prefers that key committees such as audit, nominating, and compensation committees be comprised of independent directors. Investment Manager will generally vote against management efforts to classify a board and will generally support proposals to declassify the board of directors. Investment Manager will consider withholding votes from directors who have attended less than 75% of meetings without a valid reason. Investment Manager will review the issue of separating Chairman and CEO positions on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration other factors including the corporate governance guidelines and performance. Investment Manager evaluates proposals to restore or provide for cumulative voting on a case-by-case basis and considers such factors as corporate governance provisions as well as relative performance. The Investment Manager generally will support non-binding shareholder proposals to require a majority vote standard for the election of directors; however, if these proposals are binding, the Investment Manager will give careful review on a case-by-case basis of the potential ramifications of such implementation.

In the event of a contested election, the Investment Manager will review a number of factors in making a decision including management’s track record, the company’s financial performance, qualifications of candidates on both slates, and the strategic plan of the dissidents.

Ratification of Auditors:    Investment Manager will closely scrutinize the independence, role, and performance of auditors. On a case-by-case basis, Investment Manager will examine proposals relating to non-audit relationships and non-audit fees. Investment Manager will also consider, on a case-by-case basis, proposals to rotate auditors, and will vote against the ratification of auditors when there is clear and compelling evidence of a lack of independence, accounting irregularities or negligence attributable to the auditors. The Investment Manager may also consider whether the ratification of auditors has been approved by an appropriate audit committee that meets applicable composition and independence requirements.

Management & Director Compensation:    A company’s equity-based compensation plan should be in alignment with the shareholders’ long-term interests. Investment Manager believes that executive compensation should be directly linked to the performance of the company. Investment Manager evaluates plans on a case-by-case basis by considering several factors to determine whether the plan is fair and reasonable. Investment Manager reviews the ISS quantitative model utilized to assess such plans and/or the Glass Lewis evaluation of the plan. Investment Manager will generally oppose plans that have the potential to be excessively dilutive, and will almost always oppose plans that are structured to allow the repricing of underwater options, or plans that have an automatic share replenishment “evergreen” feature. Investment Manager will generally support employee stock option plans in which the purchase price is at least 85% of fair market value, and when potential dilution is 5% or less.

Severance compensation arrangements will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, although Investment Manager will generally oppose “golden parachutes” that are considered excessive. Investment Manager will normally support proposals that require that a percentage of directors’ compensation be in the form of common stock, as it aligns their interests with those of the shareholders.

Investment Manager will review non-binding say-on-pay proposals on a case-by-case basis, and will generally vote in favor of such proposals unless compensation is misaligned with performance and/or shareholders’ interests, the company has not provided reasonably clear disclosure regarding its compensation practices, or there are concerns with the company’s remuneration practices.

Anti-Takeover Mechanisms and Related Issues:    Investment Manager generally opposes anti-takeover measures since they tend to reduce shareholder rights. However, as with all proxy issues, Investment Manager conducts an independent review of each anti-takeover proposal. On occasion, Investment Manager may vote with management when the research analyst has concluded that the proposal is not onerous and would not harm Advisory Clients’ interests as stockholders. Investment Manager generally supports proposals that require shareholder rights plans (“poison pills”) to be subject to a shareholder vote. Investment Manager will closely evaluate shareholder rights’ plans on a case-by-case basis to determine whether or not they warrant support. Investment Manager will generally vote against any proposal to issue stock that has unequal or subordinate voting rights. In addition, Investment Manager generally opposes any supermajority voting requirements as well as the payment of “greenmail.” Investment Manager usually supports “fair price” provisions and confidential voting. The Investment Manager will review a company’s proposal to reincorporate to a different state or country on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration financial benefits such as tax treatment as well as comparing corporate governance provisions and general business laws that may result from the change in domicile.



Changes to Capital Structure:    Investment Manager realizes that a company’s financing decisions have a significant impact on its shareholders, particularly when they involve the issuance of additional shares of common or preferred stock or the assumption of additional debt. Investment Manager will carefully review, on a case-by-case basis, proposals by companies to increase authorized shares and the purpose for the increase. Investment Manager will generally not vote in favor of dual-class capital structures to increase the number of authorized shares where that class of stock would have superior voting rights. Investment Manager will generally vote in favor of the issuance of preferred stock in cases where the company specifies the voting, dividend, conversion and other rights of such stock and the terms of the preferred stock issuance are deemed reasonable. Investment Manager will review proposals seeking preemptive rights on a case-by-case basis.

Mergers and Corporate Restructuring:    Mergers and acquisitions will be subject to careful review by the research analyst to determine whether they would be beneficial to shareholders. Investment Manager will analyze various economic and strategic factors in making the final decision on a merger or acquisition. Corporate restructuring proposals are also subject to a thorough examination on a case-by-case basis.

Environmental and Social Issues:    The Investment Manager considers environmental and social issues alongside traditional financial measures to provide a more comprehensive view of the value, risk and return potential of an investment. Companies may face significant financial, legal and reputational risks resulting from poor environmental and social practices, or negligent oversight of environmental or social issues. Franklin Templeton’s “Responsible Investment Principles and Policies” describes Investment Manager’s approach to consideration of environmental, social and governance issues within Investment Manager’s processes and ownership practices.

In Investment Manager’s experience, those companies that are managed well are often effective in dealing with the relevant environmental and social issues that pertain to their business. As such, Investment Manager will generally give management discretion with regard to environmental and social issues. However, in cases where management and the board have not demonstrated adequate efforts to mitigate material environmental or social risks, have engaged in inappropriate or illegal conduct, or have failed to adequately address current or emergent risks that threaten shareholder value, Investment Manager may choose to support well-crafted shareholder proposals that serve to promote or protect shareholder value. This may include seeking appropriate disclosure regarding material environmental and social issues. Investment Manager will review shareholder proposals on a case-by-case basis and may support those that serve to enhance value or mitigate risk, are drafted appropriately, and do not disrupt the course of business or require a disproportionate or inappropriate use of company resources.

The Investment Manager will consider supporting a shareholder proposal seeking disclosure and greater board oversight of lobbying and corporate political contributions if Investment Manager believes that there is evidence of inadequate oversight by the company’s board, if the company’s current disclosure is significantly deficient, or if the disclosure is notably lacking in comparison to the company’s peers.

Governance Matters:    Investment Manager generally supports the right of shareholders to call special meetings and act by written consent. However, Investment Manager will review such shareholder proposals on a case-by-case basis in an effort to ensure that such proposals do not disrupt the course of business or require a disproportionate or inappropriate use of company resources. The Investment Manager will consider on a case-by-case basis any well-drafted and reasonable proposals for proxy access considering such factors as the size of the company, ownership thresholds and holding periods, responsiveness of management, intentions of the shareholder proponent, company performance, and shareholder base.

Global Corporate Governance:    Investment Manager manages investments in countries worldwide. Many of the tenets discussed above are applied to Investment Manager’s proxy voting decisions for international investments. However, Investment Manager must be flexible in these worldwide markets. Principles of good corporate governance may vary by country, given the constraints of a country’s laws and acceptable practices in the markets. As a result, it is on occasion difficult to apply a consistent set of governance practices to all issuers. As experienced money managers, Investment Manager’s analysts are skilled in understanding the complexities of the regions in which they specialize and are trained to analyze proxy issues germane to their regions.


The Proxy Group is fully cognizant of its responsibility to process proxies and maintain proxy records pursuant to SEC and Canadian Securities Administrators (“CSA”) rules and regulations. In addition, Investment Manager understands its fiduciary duty to vote proxies and that proxy voting decisions may affect the value of shareholdings. Therefore, Investment Manager will generally attempt to process every proxy it receives for all domestic and foreign securities. However, there may be situations in which Investment Manager may be unable to vote a proxy, or may chose not to vote a proxy, such as where: (i) a proxy ballot was not received from the custodian bank; (ii) a meeting notice was received too late; (iii) there are fees imposed upon the exercise of a vote and it is determined that such fees outweigh the benefit of voting; (iv) there are legal encumbrances to voting, including blocking restrictions in certain markets that preclude the ability to dispose of a security if Investment Manager votes a proxy or where



Investment Manager is prohibited from voting by applicable law or other regulatory or market requirements, including but not limited to, effective Powers of Attorney; (v) the Investment Manager held shares on the record date but has sold them prior to the meeting date; (vi) a proxy voting service is not offered by the custodian in the market; (vii) the Investment Manager believes it is not in the best interest of the Advisory Client to vote the proxy for any other reason not enumerated herein; or (viii) a security is subject to a securities lending or similar program that has transferred legal title to the security to another person.

In some foreign jurisdictions, even if Investment Manager uses reasonable efforts to vote a proxy on behalf of its Advisory Clients, such vote or proxy may be rejected because of (a) operational or procedural issues experienced by one or more third parties involved in voting proxies in such jurisdictions; (b) changes in the process or agenda for the meeting by the issuer for which Investment Manager does not have sufficient notice; or (c) the exercise by the issuer of its discretion to reject the vote of Investment Manager. In addition, despite the best efforts of the Proxy Group and its agents, there may be situations where the Investment Manager’s votes are not received, or properly tabulated, by an issuer or the issuer’s agent.

Investment Manager or its affiliates may, on behalf of one or more of the proprietary registered investment companies advised by Investment Manager or its affiliates, determine to use its best efforts to recall any security on loan where Investment Manager or its affiliates (a) learn of a vote on a material event that may affect a security on loan and (b) determine that it is in the best interests of such proprietary registered investment companies to recall the security for voting purposes. Investment Managers will not generally make such efforts on behalf of other Advisory Clients, or notify such Advisory Clients or their custodians that Investment Manager or its affiliates has learned of such a vote.

There may be instances in certain non-U.S. markets where split voting is not allowed. Split voting occurs when a position held within an account is voted in accordance with two differing instructions. Some markets and/or issuers only allow voting on an entire position and do not accept split voting. In certain cases, when more than one Franklin Templeton Investment Manager has accounts holding shares of an issuer that are held in an omnibus structure, the Proxy Group will seek direction from an appropriate representative of the Advisory Client with multiple Investment Managers (such as a conducting officer of the Management Company in the case of an open-ended collective investment scheme formed as a Société d’investissement à capital variable (SICAV)), or the Proxy Group will submit the vote based on the voting instructions provided by the Investment Manager with accounts holding the greatest number of shares of the security within the omnibus structure.

Investment Manager may vote against an agenda item where no further information is provided, particularly in non-U.S. markets. For example, if “Other Business” is listed on the agenda with no further information included in the proxy materials, Investment Manager may vote against the item as no information has been provided prior to the meeting in order to make an informed decision. Investment Manager may also enter a “withhold” vote on the election of certain directors from time to time based on individual situations, particularly where Investment Manager is not in favor of electing a director and there is no provision for voting against such director.

If several issues are bundled together in a single voting item, the Investment Manager will assess the total benefit to shareholders and the extent that such issues should be subject to separate voting proposals.

The following describes the standard procedures that are to be followed with respect to carrying out Investment Manager’s proxy policy:


  1. The Proxy Group will identify all Advisory Clients, maintain a list of those clients, and indicate those Advisory Clients who have delegated proxy voting authority in writing to the Investment Manager. The Proxy Group will periodically review and update this list. If the agreement with an Advisory Client permits the Advisory Client to provide instructions to the Investment Manager regarding how to vote the client’s shares, the Investment Manager will make a best-efforts attempt to vote per the Advisory Client’s instructions.


  2. All relevant information in the proxy materials received (e.g., the record date of the meeting) will be recorded promptly by the Proxy Group in a database to maintain control over such materials.


  3. The Proxy Group will review and compile information on each proxy upon receipt of any agendas, materials, reports, recommendations from a Proxy Service, or other information. The Proxy Group will then forward this information to the appropriate research analyst for review and voting instructions.


  4. In determining how to vote, Investment Manager’s analysts and relevant portfolio manager(s) will consider the General Proxy Voting Guidelines set forth above, their in-depth knowledge of the company, any readily available information and research about the company and its agenda items, and the recommendations of a Proxy Service.



The Proxy Group is responsible for maintaining the documentation that supports Investment Manager’s voting decision. Such documentation may include, but is not limited to, any information provided by a Proxy Service and, with respect to an issuer that presents a potential conflict of interest, any board or audit committee memoranda describing the position it has taken. Additionally, the Proxy Group may include documentation obtained from the research analyst, portfolio manager



  and/or legal counsel; however, the relevant research analyst may, but is not required to, maintain additional documentation that was used or created as part of the analysis to reach a voting decision, such as certain financial statements of an issuer, press releases, or notes from discussions with an issuer’s management.


  6. After the proxy is completed but before it is returned to the issuer and/or its agent, the Proxy Group may review those situations including special or unique documentation to determine that the appropriate documentation has been created, including conflict of interest screening.


  7. The Proxy Group will make every effort to submit Investment Manager’s vote on all proxies to ISS by the cut-off date. However, in certain foreign jurisdictions or instances where the Proxy Group did not receive sufficient notice of the meeting, the Proxy Group will use its best efforts to send the voting instructions to ISS in time for the vote to be processed.


  8. With respect to proprietary products, the Proxy Group will file Powers of Attorney in all jurisdictions that require such documentation on a best efforts basis. On occasion, the Investment Manager may wish to attend and vote at a shareholder meeting in person. In such cases, the Proxy Group will use its best efforts to facilitate the attendance of the designated Franklin Templeton employee by coordinating with the relevant custodian bank.


  9. The Proxy Group prepares reports for each Advisory Client that has requested a record of votes cast. The report specifies the proxy issues that have been voted for the Advisory Client during the requested period and the position taken with respect to each issue. The Proxy Group sends one copy to the Advisory Client, retains a copy in the Proxy Group’s files and forwards a copy to either the appropriate portfolio manager or the client service representative. While many Advisory Clients prefer quarterly or annual reports, the Proxy Group will provide reports for any timeframe requested by an Advisory Client.


  10. If the Franklin Templeton Services, LLC Global Trade Services learns of a vote on a potentially material event that may affect a security on loan from a proprietary registered investment company, Global Trade Services will notify Investment Manager. If the Investment Manager decides that the vote is material and it would be in the best interests of shareholders to recall the security, the Investment Manager will advise Global Trade Services to contact the custodian bank in an effort to retrieve the security. If so requested by Investment Manager, Global Trade Services shall use its best efforts to recall any security on loan and will use other practicable and legally enforceable means to ensure that Investment Manager is able to fulfill its fiduciary duty to vote proxies for proprietary registered investment companies with respect to such loaned securities. However, there can be no guarantee that the securities can be retrieved for such purposes. Global Trade Services will advise the Proxy Group of all recalled securities. Many Advisory Clients have entered into securities lending arrangements with agent lenders to generate additional revenue. Under normal circumstances, the Investment Manager will not make efforts to recall any security on loan for voting purposes on behalf of other Advisory Clients, or notify such clients or their custodians that the Investment Manager or its affiliates have learned of such a vote.


  11. The Proxy Group participates in Franklin Templeton Investment’s Business Continuity and Disaster Preparedness programs. The Proxy Group will conduct disaster recovery testing on a periodic basis in an effort to ensure continued operations of the Proxy Group in the event of a disaster. Should the Proxy Group not be fully operational, then the Proxy Group will instruct ISS to vote all meetings immediately due per the recommendations of the appropriate third-party proxy voting service provider.


  12. The Proxy Group, in conjunction with Legal Staff responsible for coordinating Fund disclosure, on a timely basis, will file all required Form N-PXs, with respect to proprietary registered investment companies, disclose that each fund’s proxy voting record is available on the Franklin Templeton web site, and will make available the information disclosed in each fund’s Form N-PX as soon as is reasonably practicable after filing Form N-PX with the SEC.


  13. The Proxy Group, in conjunction with Legal Staff responsible for coordinating Fund disclosure, will ensure that all required disclosure about proxy voting of the proprietary registered investment companies is made in such clients’ disclosure documents.


  14. The Proxy Group is subject to periodic review by Internal Audit, compliance groups, and external auditors.


  15. The Investment Manager will review the guidelines of each Proxy Service, with special emphasis on the factors they use with respect to proxy voting recommendations.


  16. The Proxy Group will update the proxy voting policies and procedures as necessary for review and approval by legal, compliance, investment officers, and/or other relevant staff.



The Proxy Group will familiarize itself with the procedures of ISS that govern the transmission of proxy voting information from the Proxy Group to ISS and periodically review how well this process is functioning. The Proxy Group, in conjunction with the compliance department, will conduct periodic due diligence reviews of each Proxy Service via on-site visits or by written questionnaires. As part of the periodic due diligence process, the Investment Manager assesses the adequacy and



  quality of each Proxy Service’s staffing and personnel to ensure each Proxy Service has the capacity and competency to adequately analyze proxy issues and the ability to make proxy voting recommendations based on material accurate information. In the event the Investment Manager discovers an error in the research or voting recommendations provided by a Proxy Service, it will take reasonable steps to investigate the error and seek to determine whether the Proxy Service is taking reasonable steps to reduce similar errors in the future. In addition, the Investment Manager assesses the robustness of Proxy Service’s policies regarding (1) ensuring proxy voting recommendations are based on current and accurate information, and (2) identifying and addressing any conflicts of interest. To the extent enhanced disclosure of conflicts is required of Proxy Services, the Proxy Group will seek to ensure that each Proxy Service complies with such disclosure obligations and review the conflicts disclosed. The Investment Manager also considers the independence of each Proxy Service on an on-going basis.


  18. The Proxy Group will investigate, or cause others to investigate, any and all instances where these Procedures have been violated or there is evidence that they are not being followed. Based upon the findings of these investigations, the Proxy Group, if practicable, will recommend amendments to these Procedures to minimize the likelihood of the reoccurrence of non-compliance.


  19. At least annually, the Proxy Group will verify that:


  a. A sampling of proxies received by Franklin Templeton Investments has been voted in a manner consistent with the Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures;


  b. A sampling of proxies received by Franklin Templeton Investments has been voted in accordance with the instructions of the Investment Manager;


  c. Adequate disclosure has been made to clients and fund shareholders about the procedures and how proxies were voted in markets where such disclosures are required by law or regulation; and


  d. Timely filings were made with applicable regulators, as required by law or regulation, related to proxy voting.

The Proxy Group is responsible for maintaining appropriate proxy voting records. Such records will include, but are not limited to, a copy of all materials returned to the issuer and/or its agent, the documentation described above, listings of proxies voted by issuer and by client, each written client request for proxy voting policies/records and the Investment Manager’s written response to any client request for such records, and any other relevant information. The Proxy Group may use an outside service such as ISS to support this recordkeeping function. All records will be retained for at least five years, the first two of which will be on-site. Advisory Clients may request copies of their proxy voting records by calling the Proxy Group collect at 1-954-527-7678, or by sending a written request to: Franklin Templeton Companies, LLC, 300 S.E. 2nd Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301, Attention: Proxy Group. The Investment Manager does not disclose to third parties (other than ISS) the proxy voting records of its Advisory Clients, except to the extent such disclosure is required by applicable law or regulation or court order. Advisory Clients may review Investment Manager’s proxy voting policies and procedures on-line at www.franklintempleton.com and may request additional copies by calling the number above. For U.S. proprietary registered investment companies, an annual proxy voting record for the period ending June 30 of each year will be posted to www.franklintempleton.com no later than August 31 of each year. For proprietary Canadian mutual fund products, an annual proxy voting record for the period ending June 30 of each year will be posted to www.franklintempleton.ca no later than August 31 of each year. The Proxy Group will periodically review the web site posting and update the posting when necessary. In addition, the Proxy Group is responsible for ensuring that the proxy voting policies, procedures and records of the Investment Manager are available as required by law and is responsible for overseeing the filing of such investment company voting records with the SEC.






Updated: October 2014


Applicable to


All Advisory Clients, including the Invesco Funds

Risk Addressed by Policy   Breach of fiduciary duty to client under Investment Advisers Act of 1940 by placing Invesco personal interests ahead of client’s best interests in voting proxies
Relevant Law and Other Sources   Investment Advisers Act of 1940
Last Reviewed by Compliance for Accuracy   October 21, 2014
Policy/Procedure Owner   Advisory Compliance
Policy Approver   Invesco Advisers, Inc., Invesco Funds Board
Approved/Adopted Date   October 21, 2014

The following policies and procedures apply to all institutional and retail funds and accounts that have explicitly authorized Invesco Advisers, Inc. to vote proxies associated with securities held on their behalf (collectively, “Clients”).



Public companies hold meetings for shareholders, during which important issues, such as appointments to the company’s board of directors, executive compensation, and the selection of auditors, are addressed and, where applicable, voted on by shareholders. Proxy voting gives shareholders the opportunity to vote on issues that impact a company’s operations and policies without attending the meetings.

Invesco views proxy voting as an integral part of its investment management responsibilities and believes that the right to vote proxies should be managed with the same high standards of care and fiduciary duty to its Clients as all other elements of the investment process. Invesco’s proxy voting philosophy, governance structure and process are designed to ensure that proxy votes are cast in accordance with Clients’ best interests, which Invesco interprets to mean Clients’ best economic interests, and Invesco’s established proxy voting policies and procedures.

The primary aim of Invesco’s proxy policies is to encourage a culture of performance among the companies in which Invesco invests on behalf of Clients, rather than one of mere conformance with a prescriptive set of rules and constraints. Rigid adherence to a checklist approach to corporate governance issues is, in itself, unlikely to maximize shareholder value.

The proxy voting process at Invesco, which is driven by investment professionals, focuses on the following:


    maximizing long-term value for Clients and protecting Clients’ rights and promoting governance structures and practices that reinforce the accountability of corporate management and boards of directors to shareholders;


    reflecting Invesco’s belief that environmental, social and corporate governance proposals can influence long-term shareholder value and should be voted in a manner where such long-term shareholder value is maximized; and


    addressing potential conflicts of interest that may arise from time to time in the proxy voting process.



Proxy Administration — In General

Guided by its philosophy that proxy voting is an asset that is to be managed by each investment team, consistent with that team’s view as to the best economic interest of Clients, Invesco has created the Invesco US Proxy Advisory Committee (“IUPAC”). The IUPAC is an investments -driven committee comprised of representatives from each investment management team and Invesco’s Head of Proxy Administration. IUPAC provides a forum for investment teams to monitor, understand and discuss key proxy issues and voting trends within the Invesco complex, and to vote proxies where Invesco as a firm has a conflict of interest with an issuer or an investment professional has a personal conflict of interest with an issuer whose proxy he or she is charged with voting. Absent a conflict of interest, the IUPAC representative for each investment team, in consultation with his or her team, is responsible for voting proxies for the securities the team manages. In addition to IUPAC, the Invesco mutual fund board of trustees provides oversight of the proxy process through quarterly reporting and an annual in-person presentation by the Head of Proxy Administration. IUPAC and Invesco’s proxy administration, compliance and legal teams regularly communicate and review Invesco’s proxy policies and procedures to ensure that they remain consistent with Clients’ best interests, regulatory requirements and industry best practices.



Use of Third Party Proxy Advisory Services

Representatives of the IUPAC have direct access to third party proxy advisory analyses and recommendations (currently provided by Glass Lewis (“GL”) and Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc. (“ISS”)), among other research tools, and use the information gleaned from those sources to make independent voting decisions.

Invesco’s proxy administration group performs extensive initial and ongoing due diligence on the proxy advisory firms that it engages. When deemed appropriate, representatives from the firms are asked to deliver updates directly to the mutual fund board of trustees. IUPAC conducts semi-annual, in-person policy roundtables with key heads of research from ISS and GL to ensure transparency, dialogue and engagement with the firms. These meetings provide Invesco with an opportunity to assess the firms’ capabilities, conflicts of interest and service levels, as well as provide investment professionals with direct insight into the advisory firms’ stances on key governance and proxy topics and their policy framework/methodologies. Invesco’s proxy administration team also reviews the annual SSAE 16 reports for, and the periodic proxy guideline updates published by, each proxy advisory firm to ensure that their guidelines remain consistent with Invesco’s policies and procedures.

If Invesco becomes aware of any material inaccuracies in the information provided by ISS or GL, Invesco’s proxy administration team will investigate the matter to determine the cause, evaluate the adequacy of the proxy advisory firm’s control structure and assess the efficacy of the measures instituted to prevent further errors.

ISS and GL provide updates to previously issued proxy reports when necessary to incorporate newly available information or to correct factual errors. ISS also has a Feedback Review Board, which provides a mechanism for stakeholders to communicate with ISS about issues related to proxy voting and policy formulation, research, and the accuracy of data contained in ISS reports.

Proxy Voting Platform and Administration

Invesco maintains a proprietary global proxy administration platform, supported by the Head of Proxy Administration and a dedicated team of internal proxy specialists. The platform streamlines the proxy voting and ballot reconciliation processes, as well as related functions such as share blocking and issuer/shareholder engagement. Invesco believes that managing these processes internally, as opposed to relying on third parties, gives Invesco greater quality control, oversight and independence in the proxy administration process.

The platform also includes advanced global reporting and record-keeping capabilities regarding proxy matters (including reporting by business unit, issuer or issue) that enable Invesco to satisfy client, regulatory and management requirements. Historical proxy voting information, including commentary by investment professionals regarding the votes they cast, is stored in order to build institutional knowledge over time across the Invesco complex with respect to individual companies and proxy issues. Investment professionals also use the platform to access third-party proxy research.


C. Proxy Voting Guidelines (the “Guidelines”)

The following guidelines describe Invesco’s general positions with regard to various common proxy issues. The guidelines are not intended to be exhaustive or prescriptive. As noted above, Invesco’s proxy process is investor-driven, and each investment team retains ultimate discretion to vote proxies in the manner they deem to be the most appropriate, consistent with the proxy voting principles and philosophy discussed above. Individual proxy votes therefore will differ from these guidelines from time to time.


I. Corporate Governance

Management teams of companies are accountable to the boards of directors and directors of publicly held companies are accountable to shareholders. Invesco endeavors to vote the proxies of companies in a manner that will reinforce the notion of a board’s accountability. Consequently, Invesco generally votes against any actions that would impair the rights of shareholders or would reduce shareholders’ influence over the board.

The following are specific voting issues that illustrate how Invesco applies this principle of accountability.


    Elections of directors.    In uncontested director elections for companies that do not have a controlling shareholder, Invesco generally votes in favor of slates if they are comprised of at least a majority of independent directors and if the boards’ key committees are fully independent. Key committees include the audit, compensation and governance or nominating Committees. Invesco’s standard of independence excludes directors who, in addition to the directorship, have any material business or family relationships with the companies they serve. Contested director elections are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.



Director performance.    Invesco generally withholds votes from directors who exhibit a lack of accountability to shareholders, either through their level of attendance at meetings or by adopting or approving egregious corporate-governance or other policies. In cases of material financial restatements, accounting fraud, habitually late filings, adopting shareholder rights plan




(“poison pills”) without shareholder approval, or other areas of poor performance, Invesco may withhold votes from some or all of a company’s directors. In situations where directors’ performance is a concern, Invesco may also support shareholder proposals to take corrective actions, such as so-called “clawback” provisions.


    Auditors and Audit Committee members.    Invesco believes a company’s audit committee has a high degree of responsibility to shareholders in matters of financial disclosure, integrity of the financial statements and effectiveness of a company’s internal controls. Independence, experience and financial expertise are critical elements of a well-functioning audit committee. When electing directors who are members of a company’s audit committee, or when ratifying a company’s auditors, Invesco considers the past performance of the committee and holds its members accountable for the quality of the company’s financial statements and reports.


    Majority standard in director elections.    The right to elect directors is the single most important mechanism shareholders have to promote accountability. Invesco supports the nascent effort to reform the U.S. convention of electing directors, and generally votes in favor of proposals to elect directors by a majority vote.


    Staggered Boards/Annual Election of Directors.    Invesco generally supports proposals to elect each director annually rather than electing directors to staggered multi-year terms because annual elections increase a board’s level of accountability to its shareholders.


    Supermajority voting requirements.    Unless required by law in the state of incorporation, Invesco generally votes against actions that would impose any supermajority voting requirement, and generally supports actions to dismantle existing supermajority requirements.


    Responsiveness of Directors.    Invesco generally withholds votes for directors who do not adequately respond to shareholder proposals that were approved by a majority of votes cast the prior year.


    Cumulative voting.    The practice of cumulative voting can enable minority shareholders to have representation on a company’s board. Invesco generally supports proposals to institute the practice of cumulative voting at companies whose overall corporate-governance standards indicate a particular need to protect the interests of minority shareholders.


    Shareholder access.    On business matters with potential financial consequences, Invesco generally votes in favor of proposals that would increase shareholders’ opportunities to express their views to boards of directors, proposals that would lower barriers to shareholder action and proposals to promote the adoption of generally accepted best practices in corporate governance. Furthermore, Invesco generally votes for shareholder proposals that are designed to protect shareholder rights if a company’s corporate governance standards indicate that such additional protections are warranted.


II. Compensation and Incentives

Invesco believes properly constructed compensation plans that include equity ownership are effective in creating incentives that induce management and employees of companies to create greater shareholder wealth. Invesco generally supports equity compensation plans that promote the proper alignment of incentives with shareholders’ long-term interests, and generally votes against plans that are overly dilutive to existing shareholders, plans that contain objectionable structural features, and plans that appear likely to reduce the value of the Client’s investment.

Following are specific voting issues that illustrate how Invesco evaluates incentive plans.


    Executive compensation.    Invesco evaluates executive compensation plans within the context of the company’s performance under the executives’ tenure. Invesco believes independent compensation committees are best positioned to craft executive-compensation plans that are suitable for their company-specific circumstances. Invesco views the election of independent compensation committee members as the appropriate mechanism for shareholders to express their approval or disapproval of a company’s compensation practices. Therefore, Invesco generally does not support shareholder proposals to limit or eliminate certain forms of executive compensation. In the interest of reinforcing the notion of a compensation committee’s accountability to shareholders, Invesco generally supports proposals requesting that companies subject each year’s compensation record to an advisory shareholder vote, or so-called “say on pay” proposals.


    Equity-based compensation plans.    Invesco generally votes against plans that contain structural features that would impair the alignment of incentives between shareholders and management. Such features include the ability to reprice or reload options without shareholder approval, the ability to issue options below the stock’s current market price, or the ability automatically to replenish shares without shareholder approval.


    Employee stock-purchase plans.    Invesco generally supports employee stock-purchase plans that are reasonably designed to provide proper incentives to a broad base of employees, provided that the price at which employees may acquire stock is at most a 15 percent discount from the market price.



    Severance agreements.    Invesco generally votes in favor of proposals requiring advisory shareholder ratification of executives’ severance agreements. However, Invesco generally opposes proposals requiring such agreements to be ratified by shareholders in advance of their adoption. Given the vast differences that may occur in these agreements, some severance agreements are evaluated on an individual basis.


III. Capitalization

Examples of management proposals related to a company’s capital structure include authorizing or issuing additional equity capital, repurchasing outstanding stock, or enacting a stock split or reverse stock split. On requests for additional capital stock, Invesco analyzes the company’s stated reasons for the request. Except where the request could adversely affect the Client’s ownership stake or voting rights, Invesco generally supports a board’s decisions on its needs for additional capital stock. Some capitalization proposals require a case-by-case analysis. Examples of such proposals include authorizing common or preferred stock with special voting rights, or issuing additional stock in connection with an acquisition.


IV. Mergers, Acquisitions and Other Corporate Actions

Issuers occasionally require shareholder approval to engage in certain corporate actions such as mergers, acquisitions, name changes, dissolutions, reorganizations, divestitures and reincorporations and the votes for these types of corporate actions are generally determined on a case-by-case basis.


V. Anti-Takeover Measures

Practices designed to protect a company from unsolicited bids can adversely affect shareholder value and voting rights, and they potentially create conflicts of interests among directors, management and shareholders. Except under special issuer-specific circumstances, Invesco generally votes to reduce or eliminate such measures. These measures include adopting or renewing “poison pills”, requiring supermajority voting on certain corporate actions, classifying the election of directors instead of electing each director to an annual term, or creating separate classes of common or preferred stock with special voting rights. Invesco generally votes against management proposals to impose these types of measures, and generally votes for shareholder proposals designed to reduce such measures. Invesco generally supports shareholder proposals directing companies to subject their anti-takeover provisions to a shareholder vote.


VI. Environmental, Social and Corporate Responsibility Issues

Invesco believes that a company’s response to environmental, social and corporate responsibility issues and the risks attendant to them can have a significant effect on its long-term shareholder value. Invesco recognizes that to manage a corporation effectively, directors and management must consider not only the interest of shareholders, but also the interests of employees, customers, suppliers and creditors, among others. While Invesco generally affords management discretion with respect to the operation of a company’s business, Invesco will evaluate such proposals on a case-by-case basis and will vote proposals relating to these issues in a manner intended to maximize long-term shareholder value.


VII. Routine Business Matters

Routine business matters rarely have the potential to have a material effect on the economic prospects of Clients’ holdings, so Invesco generally supports a board’s discretion on these items. However, Invesco generally votes against proposals where there is insufficient information to make a decision about the nature of the proposal. Similarly, Invesco generally votes against proposals to conduct other unidentified business at shareholder meetings.



Client Maintains Right to Vote Proxies

In the case of institutional or sub-advised Clients, Invesco will vote the proxies in accordance with these Guidelines unless the Client retains, in writing, the right to vote or the named fiduciary of a Client (e.g., the plan sponsor of an ERISA Client) retains in writing the right to direct the plan trustee or a third party to vote proxies.

Voting for Certain Investment Strategies

For proxies held by certain Client accounts managed in accordance with fixed income, money market and index strategies, Invesco will typically vote in line with the majority of the rest of the shares voted by Invesco outside of those strategies (“Majority Voting”). In this manner Invesco seeks to leverage the expertise and comprehensive proxy voting reviews conducted by teams employing active equity strategies, which typically incorporate analysis of proxy issues as a core component of the investment process. Portfolio managers for accounts employing Majority Voting still retain full discretion to override Majority Voting and to vote the shares as they determine to be in the best interest of Clients, absent certain types of conflicts of interest, which are discussed elsewhere in these policies and procedures.



Proxy Constraints

In certain circumstances, Invesco may refrain from voting where the economic or other opportunity cost of voting a company’s proxy exceeds any anticipated benefits of that proxy proposal. In addition, there may be instances in which Invesco is unable to vote all of its Clients’ proxies despite using commercially reasonable efforts to do so. Particular examples of such instances include, but are not limited to, the following:


    When securities are participating in an Invesco securities lending program, Invesco determines whether to terminate the loan by weighing the benefit to the Client of voting a particular proxy versus the revenue lost by terminating the loan and recalling the securities.


    In some countries the exercise of voting rights requires the Client to submit to “share-blocking.” Invesco generally refrains from voting proxies in share-blocking countries unless the portfolio manager determines that the benefit to the Client(s) of voting a specific proxy outweighs the Client’s temporary inability to sell the security.


    An inability to receive proxy materials from our Clients’ custodians with sufficient time and information to make an informed voting decision.


    Some non-U.S. companies require a representative to attend meetings in person in order to vote a proxy. In such cases, Invesco may determine that the costs of sending a representative or signing a power-of-attorney outweigh the benefit of voting a particular proxy.

In the great majority of instances Invesco is able to vote U.S. and non-U.S. proxies successfully. It is important to note that Invesco makes voting decisions for non-U.S. issuers using these Guidelines as its framework, but also takes into account the corporate governance standards, regulatory environment and generally reasonable and governance-minded practices of the local market.



Firm Level Conflicts of Interest.    A potential conflict of interest arises when Invesco votes a proxy for an issuer with which it also maintains a material business relationship. Examples could include issuers that are distributors of Invesco’s products, or issuers that employ Invesco to manage portions of their retirement plans or treasury accounts.

Invesco generally resolves such potential conflicts in one of the following ways: (1) if the proposal that gives rise to the potential conflict is specifically addressed by the Guidelines, Invesco may vote the proxy in accordance with the predetermined Guidelines; (2) Invesco may engage an independent third party to determine how the proxy should be voted; or (3) Invesco may establish an ethical wall or other informational barrier between the persons involved in the potential conflict and the persons making the proxy-voting decision in order to insulate the potential conflict from the decision makers.

Because the Guidelines are pre-determined and crafted to be in the best economic interest of Clients, applying the Guidelines to vote Client proxies should, in most instances, adequately resolve any potential conflict of interest. As an additional safeguard against potential conflicts, persons from Invesco’s marketing, distribution and other customer-facing functions are not members of IUPAC.

Voting of Proxies Related to Invesco Ltd.    In order to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest, Invesco will not vote proxies issued by, or related to matters involving, Invesco Ltd. that may be held by Clients from time to time.

Personal Conflicts of Interest.    If any member of IUPAC has a personal conflict of interest with respect to a company or an issue presented for voting, that IUPAC member will inform IUPAC of such conflict and will abstain from voting on that company or issue. All IUPAC members shall sign an annual conflicts of interest memorandum.

Funds of Funds.    Some Invesco Funds offering diversified asset allocation within one investment vehicle own shares in other Invesco Funds. A potential conflict of interest could arise if an underlying Invesco Fund has a shareholder meeting with any proxy issues to be voted on, because Invesco’s asset-allocation funds or target-maturity funds may be large shareholders of the underlying fund. In order to avoid any potential for a conflict, the asset-allocation funds and target maturity funds vote their shares in the same proportion as the votes of the external shareholders of the underlying fund.



The Investments Administration team will be responsible for all Proxy Voting record keeping.


G. Policies and Vote Disclosure

A copy of these Guidelines and the voting record of each Invesco Retail Fund are available on Invesco’s web site, www.invesco.com. In accordance with Securities and Exchange Commission regulations, all Invesco Funds file a record of all proxy-voting activity for the prior 12 months ending June 30th. That filing is made on or before August 31st of each year. In the case of institutional and sub-advised Clients, Clients may obtain information about how Invesco voted proxies on their behalf by contacting their client services representative.






(Dated: February 2015)



It is the policy of both Waddell & Reed Investment Management Company (“WRIMCO”) and Ivy Investment Management Company (“Ivy”) (hereinafter referred to as the “Investment Manager”) to vote each proxy solicited by security issuers through Institutional Shareholder Services (herein after referred to as “Service Provider”), according to the policies set forth herein. The Investment Manager strives to vote each proxy issue in the best interest of the client and/or the client’s plan participants. The Investment Manager has provided these proxy policies to its Service Provider who will vote each proxy accordingly. If a proxy is received by the Investment Manager or its Service Provider that is not specifically covered by the policies herein, the Investment Manager will receive notice from the Service Provider of the issue and the Investment Manager will review the proxy and attempt to supply the Service Provider with voting instructions. If, however, the Service Provider does not receive any instructions back from the Investment Manager before the vote deadline, the Service Provider has standing instructions to vote the proxy in the direction favored by Management.

These policies do not apply to any client that explicitly retains authority and discretion to vote its own proxies or had delegated such authority and discretion to a third party. All proxies received will, whenever possible, be voted and transmitted by means necessary to ensure timely receipt by the tabulating agent prior to the annual or special meeting of shareholders. It is the general policy of the Investment Manager to vote on all matters presented to security holders in any proxy, but the Investment Manager reserves the right to abstain on any particular vote or otherwise withhold its vote on any matter if, in its judgment, the costs associated with voting such proxy outweigh the benefits to clients or if circumstances make such an abstention or withholding otherwise advisable and in the best interest of clients. Voting proxies with respect to shares of foreign securities may be significantly more difficult than with respect to domestic securities, for instance, there may be situations in which the Investment Manager cannot process proxies where a meeting notice was received too late or where the Investment Manager has not received adequate information from the company to make an informed decision.

An annual report to the client and/or trustees of any plan client regarding proxies voted on shares held in that plan’s investment portfolio will be provided upon request within three business days of such request. Written records of all proxies received and a copy of any report made to trustees will be maintained in client files. In addition, a record of each client’s written request for copies of their respective proxy voting records and the Investment Manager’s written response to any written or oral request will be kept by the Investment Manager.

The Investment Manager welcomes inquiries and input on any specific proxy issue of concern to any client, the trustees of any client plan or their authorized representatives.

The following state the general policies of the Investment Manager; however, exceptions to the policies may be deemed appropriate.



It is the Investment Manager’s responsibility to vote proxy issues solely in the best interests of the clients to whom it has a fiduciary responsibility. In doing so, it is the Investment Manager’s policy to consider the economic cost or benefit to the clients as investors. For client accounts subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (‘ERISA”) for which it votes proxies, the Investment Manager shall not subordinate the interests of an ERISA plan’s participants and beneficiaries in their retirement income to unrelated objectives. The role of shareholders in corporate governance is typically limited. A majority of the decisions regarding the daily operations and business strategies of most corporations, including the businesses in which the corporation is engaged, the manner and means in which the corporation chooses to do business, and the determination of the users of its products and services, should primarily be left to management’s discretion. It is the Investment Manager’s policy that the shareholder should become involved with these matters only when management has failed and the corporation’s performance has suffered, or to protect the rights of shareholders to act.

Some shareholders use the proxy voting process as a platform to reflect political, moral or religious beliefs. Although the Investment Manager may share the beliefs expressed by means of these proposals, as fiduciaries charged with investing for the exclusive benefit of the clients the Investment Manager serves, as a practical matter, it is impossible for the Investment Manager’s decisions in these matters to reflect the divergent views of a plan’s participants. Further, ERISA’s prudence and exclusive purpose requirements preclude the use of plan assets to further policy or political issues through proxy resolutions that have no connection to



enhancing the economic value of a plan’s investment in a corporation. For the foregoing reasons the Investment Manager generally restricts its consideration of a proposal to the economic viewpoint and the effect of the proposal on share value.

The above notwithstanding, it is not the Investment Manager’s intent to consider only the immediate impact of each proposal on the corporation’s bottom line. For example, corporations would save money by not having independent directors, who must be compensated. It is clear, however, that it is in the best interest of shareholders to have their interests represented by directors independent of management. Consequently, the Investment Manager recognizes that, while economic factors are of material concern, other considerations may in some cases be of equal or greater importance with respect to the security of shareholders’ investments over the longer term.

The following are the general proxy voting policies for clients of the Investment Manager. The policies are intended to be guidelines only and each vote will be analyzed based upon all relevant factors; therefore, a vote may vary from the guidelines from time to time.



The Investment Manager will use the following three-step process to identify and address conflicts of interest:


  (1) The Investment Manager will attempt to identify any potential conflicts of interest;


  (2) The Investment Manager will then determine if the conflict as identified is material; and


  (3) The Investment Manager will follow the procedures established below to ensure that its proxy voting decisions are based on the best interests of clients and are not the product of a material conflict.


I. Identifying Conflicts of Interest

The Investment Manager will evaluate the nature of its relationships to assess which, if any, might place the interests of the Investment Manager, as well as those of its affiliates, in conflict with those of the client or the fund’s shareholders on a proxy voting matter. The Investment Manager will review the following three general categories with respect to any proxy voting matter to determine if there is a conflict:


    Business Relationships — The Investment Manager will review any matter for a material conflict where it (or an affiliate) manages money for a company or an employee group, manages pension assets, administers employee benefit plans, leases office space from a company, or provides brokerage, underwriting, insurance, banking or consulting services to a company or if it (or an affiliate) is actively soliciting any such business from a company; or if the Investment Manager has determined that it (or an affiliate) otherwise has a similar significant relationship with a third party.


    Personal Relationships — The Investment Manager will review any matter where it (or an affiliate) has a personal relationship with the issuer’s management or other proponents of proxy proposals, participants in proxy contests, corporate directors, or candidates for directorships to determine if a material conflict exists.


    Familial Relationships — The Investment Manager will review any matter where it (or an affiliate) has a known familial relationship relating to a company (e.g., a spouse or other relative who serves as a director of a public company or is employed by the company) to determine if a material conflict exists. Any person with knowledge of a potential conflict of interest of the Investment Manager (or an affiliate) for a particular item shall disclose that conflict to the Director of Research of the Investment Manager. Any person with a known potential conflict of interest for a particular item shall disclose that conflict to the Director of Research and otherwise remove himself or herself from the proxy voting process with respect to that item. The Investment Manager or the Director of Research will also review all known relationships of portfolio managers and senior management for potential conflicts. The Investment Manager will designate an individual or committee to review all proxies to be voted by the Investment Manager on behalf of a client and identify any potential conflicts of interest on an ongoing basis.


II. Determining “Material Conflicts”

The Investment Manager will review each relationship identified as having a potential conflict based on the individual facts and circumstances. For purposes of this review, the Investment Manager will determine materiality based on the reasonable likelihood that the relationship, in the particular context, would be viewed as important by the average shareholder.



III. Procedures to Address Material Conflicts

The Investment Manager will use one or more of the following methods to vote proxies that have been determined to present a “Material Conflict.”


    Use a Proxy Voting Service for Specific Proposals — As a primary means of voting proxies where there is a Material Conflict if no client direction is provided, the Investment Manager will vote per the recommendation of an independent proxy voting service Risk Metrics or another independent third party if a recommendation from Risk Metrics is unavailable).


    Client directed — If the Material Conflict arises on a proxy to be voted for a third-party account and the client provides voting instructions on a particular vote, the Investment Manager will vote according to the directions provided by the client.


    Use a Predetermined Voting Policy — If no directives are provided by an independent proxy voting service or, alternatively, by the client, the Investment Manager may vote Material Conflicts pursuant to the pre-determined Proxy Voting Policies, established herein, should such subject matter fall sufficiently within the identified subject matter. If the issue involves a Material Conflict and the Investment Manager uses this method, the Investment Manager will not be permitted to vary from the established Voting Policies established herein.


    Seek Client or Board Guidance — Finally, if the Material Conflict does not fall within one of the situations referenced above, the Investment Manager may seek guidance from the client or the fund’s board of directors on voting the proxy for such matters. Under this method, the Investment Manager will disclose the nature of the conflict to the client or the fund board (or a committee of the board of directors consisting primarily of disinterested directors and to whom authority to direct proxy voting has been delegated) and obtain consent or direction to vote the proxies.




JP Morgan

(Updated April 1, 2015)

Proxy Voting Guidelines

The Board of Trustees has delegated to JPMIM and its affiliated advisers, proxy voting authority with respect to the fund’s portfolio securities. To ensure that the proxies of portfolio companies are voted in the best interests of the fund, the fund’s Board of Trustees has adopted JPMIM’s detailed proxy voting procedures (the “Procedures”) that incorporate guidelines (“Guidelines”) for voting proxies on specific types of issues.

JPMIM and its affiliated advisers are part of a global asset management organization with the capability to invest in securities of issuers located around the globe. Because the regulatory framework and the business cultures and practices vary from region to region, the Guidelines are customized for each region to take into account such variations. Separate Guidelines cover the regions of (1) North America, (2) Europe, Middle East, Africa, Central America and South America, (3) Asia (ex-Japan) and (4) Japan, respectively.

Notwithstanding the variations among the Guidelines, all of the Guidelines have been designed with the uniform objective of encouraging corporate action that enhances shareholder value. As a general rule, in voting proxies of a particular security, JPMIM and its affiliated advisers will apply the Guidelines of the region in which the issuer of such security is organized. Except as noted below, proxy voting decisions will be made in accordance with the Guidelines covering a multitude of both routine and non-routine matters that JPMIM and its affiliated adviser have encountered globally, based on many years of collective investment management experience.

To oversee and monitor the proxy-voting process, JPMIM has established a proxy committee and appointed a proxy administrator in each global location where proxies are voted. The primary function of each proxy committee is to review periodically general proxy-voting matters, review and approve the Guidelines annually, and provide advice and recommendations on general proxy-voting matters as well as on specific voting issues. The procedures permit an independent voting service, to perform certain services otherwise carried out or coordinated by the proxy administrator.

Although for many matters the Guidelines specify the votes to be cast, for many others, the Guidelines contemplate case-by-case determinations. In addition, there will undoubtedly be proxy matters that are not contemplated by the Guidelines. For both of these categories of matters and to override the Guidelines, the Procedures require a certification and review process to be completed before the vote is cast. That process is designed to identify actual or potential material conflicts of interest (between the fund on the one hand, and JPMIM and its affiliates on the other hand) and ensure that the proxy vote is cast in the best interests of the fund. A conflict is deemed to exist when the proxy is for JPMorgan Chase & Co. stock or for J.P. Morgan Funds, or when the proxy administrator has actual knowledge indicating that a JPMorgan affiliate is an investment banker or rendered a fairness opinion with respect to the matter that is the subject of the proxy vote. When such conflicts are identified, the proxy will be voted by an independent third party either in accordance with JPMorgan proxy voting guidelines or by the third party using its own guidelines.

When other types of potential material conflicts of interest are identified, the proxy administrator and, as necessary, JPMorgan Asset Management’s Chief Fiduciary Officer will evaluate the potential conflict of interest and determine whether such conflict actually exists, and if so, will recommend how JPMIM will vote the proxy. In addressing any material conflict, JPMIM may take one or more of the following measures (or other appropriate action): removing or “walling off” from the proxy voting process certain JPMIM personnel with knowledge of the conflict, voting in accordance with any applicable Guideline if the application of the Guideline would objectively result in the casting of a proxy vote in a predetermined manner, or deferring the vote to or obtaining a recommendation from a third independent party, in which case the proxy will be voted by, or in accordance with the recommendation of, the independent third party.

The following summarizes some of the more noteworthy types of proxy voting policies of the non-U.S. Guidelines:


    Corporate governance procedures differ among the countries. Because of time constraints and local customs, it is not always possible for JPMIM to receive and review all proxy materials in connection with each item submitted for a vote. Many proxy statements are in foreign languages. Proxy materials are generally mailed by the issuer to the sub-custodian which holds the securities for the client in the country where the portfolio company is organized, and there may not be sufficient time for such materials to be transmitted to JPMIM in time for a vote to be cast. In some countries, proxy statements are not mailed at all, and in some locations, the deadline for voting is two to four days after the initial announcement that a vote is to be solicited and it may not always be possible to obtain sufficient information to make an informed decision in good time to vote.



    Certain markets require that shares being tendered for voting purposes are temporarily immobilized from trading until after the shareholder meeting has taken place. Elsewhere, notably emerging markets, it may not always be possible to obtain sufficient information to make an informed decision in good time to vote. Some markets require a local representative to be hired in order to attend the meeting and vote in person on our behalf, which can result in considerable cost. JPMIM also considers the cost of voting in light of the expected benefit of the vote. In certain instances, it may sometimes be in the Fund’s best interests to intentionally refrain from voting in certain overseas markets from time to time.


    Where proxy issues concern corporate governance, takeover defense measures, compensation plans, capital structure changes and so forth, JPMIM pays particular attention to management’s arguments for promoting the prospective change JPMIM’s sole criterion in determining its voting stance is whether such changes will be to the economic benefit of the beneficial owners of the shares.


    JPMIM is in favor of a unitary board structure of the type found in the United Kingdom as opposed to tiered board structures. Thus, JPMIM will generally vote to encourage the gradual phasing out of tiered board structures, in favor of unitary boards. However, since tiered boards are still very prevalent in markets outside of the United Kingdom, local market practice will always be taken into account.


    JPMIM will use its voting powers to encourage appropriate levels of board independence, taking into account local market practice.


    JPMIM will usually vote against discharging the board from responsibility in cases of pending litigation, or if there is evidence of wrongdoing for which the board must be held accountable.


    JPMIM will vote in favor of increases in capital which enhance a company’s long-term prospects. JPMIM will also vote in favor of the partial suspension of preemptive rights if they are for purely technical reasons (e.g., rights offers which may not be legally offered to shareholders in certain jurisdictions). However, JPMIM will vote against increases in capital which would allow the company to adopt “poison pill” takeover defense tactics, or where the increase in authorized capital would dilute shareholder value in the long term.


    JPMIM will vote in favor of proposals which will enhance a company’s long-term prospects. JPMIM will vote against an increase in bank borrowing powers which would result in the company reaching an unacceptable level of financial leverage, where such borrowing is expressly intended as part of a takeover defense, or where there is a material reduction in shareholder value.


    JPMIM will generally vote against anti-takeover devices.


    Where social or environmental issues are the subject of a proxy vote, JPMIM will consider the issue on a case-by-case basis, keeping in mind at all times the best economic interests of its clients.

The following summarizes some of the more noteworthy types of proxy voting policies of the U.S. Guidelines:


    JPMIM considers votes on director nominees on a case-by-case basis. Votes generally will be withheld from directors who: (a) attend less than 75% of board and committee meetings without a valid excuse; (b) implement or renew a dead-hand poison pill; (c) are affiliated directors who serve on audit, compensation or nominating committees or are affiliated directors and the full board serves on such committees or the company does not have such committees; (d) ignore a shareholder proposal that is approved by a majority of either the shares outstanding or the votes cast based on a review over a consecutive two year time frame; (e) unilaterally adopt a litigation fee-shifting by-law without shareholder approval; (f) are insiders and affiliated outsiders on boards that are not at least majority independent; or (g) are CEOs of publically-traded companies who serve on more than three public boards or serve on more than four public company boards. In addition, votes are generally withheld for directors who serve on committees in certain cases. For example, the Adviser generally withholds votes from audit committee members in circumstances in which there is evidence that there exists material weaknesses in the company’s internal controls.


    JPMIM considers vote proposals with respect to compensation plans on a case-by-case basis. The analysis of compensation plans focuses primarily on the transfer of shareholder wealth (the dollar cost of pay plans to shareholders) and includes an analysis of the structure of the plan and pay practices of other companies in the relevant industry and peer companies. Other matters included in the analysis are the amount of the company’s outstanding stock to be reserved for the award of stock options, whether the exercise price of an option is less than the stock’s fair market value at the date of the grant of the options, and whether the plan provides for the exchange of outstanding options for new ones at lower exercise prices.


    JPMIM votes proposals to classify boards on a case-by-case basis, but normally will vote in favor of such proposal if the issuer’s governing documents contain each of eight enumerated safeguards (for example, a majority of the board is composed of independent directors and the nominating committee is composed solely of such directors).



    JPMIM also considers management poison pill proposals on a case-by-case basis, looking for shareholder-friendly provisions before voting in favor.


    JPMIM votes against proposals for a super-majority vote to approve a merger.


    JPMIM considers proposals to increase common and/or preferred shares and to issue shares as part of a debt restructuring plan on a case-by-case basis, taking into account such factors as the extent of dilution and whether the transaction will result in a change in control.


    JPMIM also considers on a case-by-case basis proposals to change an issuer’s state of incorporation, mergers and acquisitions and other corporate restructuring proposals and certain social issue proposals.


    JPMIM generally votes for management proposals which seek shareholder approval to make the state of incorporation the exclusive forum for disputes if the company is a Delaware corporation; otherwise, JPMIM votes on a case by case basis.


    JPMIM generally supports management disclosure practices for environmental issues except for those companies that have been involved in significant controversies, fines or litigation related to environmental issues.


    JPMIM reviews Say on Pay proposals on a case by case basis with additional review of proposals where the issuer’s previous year’s proposal received a low level of support.





Proxy Voting Guidelines

February 2015

The Janus Proxy Voting Guidelines (the “Guidelines”) below summarize Janus Capital Management LLC’s (“Janus”) positions on various issues of concern to investors and are intended to provide a general indication of how portfolio securities may be voted on proposals dealing with particular issues. The Guidelines, together with the Janus Proxy Voting Procedures (the “Procedures”), will be used for voting proxies on behalf of all Janus clients (including mutual funds) for which Janus has voting authority, except as noted below. Subject to specific provisions in a client’s account documentation related to exception voting, Janus only accepts direction from a client to vote proxies for that client’s account pursuant to: 1) the Guidelines; 2) the Benchmark Policy recommendations of Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (“ISS”) (the “Proxy Voting Service”); or 3) upon request by a client as set forth in a client’s investment management agreement, the ISS Taft-Hartley voting guidelines (“Taft-Hartley Guidelines”). Janus Capital Singapore Pte. Limited and Perkins Investment Management LLC have each adopted the Guidelines.

Janus has retained the services of the Proxy Voting Service, an industry expert in proxy issues and corporate governance matters. The Proxy Voting Service provides Janus with in-depth analysis and recommendations on complex proxy issues. While Janus attempts to apply the following Guidelines to proxy proposals, Janus reserves the right to use the Proxy Voting Service’s expertise and recommendations on a variety of proxy voting issues, including foreign issuer proxies and proposals that may not otherwise be addressed by the Guidelines. The Proxy Voting Service is instructed to vote all proxies relating to portfolio securities in accordance with these Guidelines, except as otherwise instructed by Janus. The Proxy Voting Service, may not, in all instances, have or provide research, analysis and recommendations on proxy issues. For example, the Proxy Voting Service may not provide such analysis and research for privately held companies. In such instances, the Proxy Administrator shall refer such proxy proposal to the portfolio manager.

The Guidelines are not exhaustive and do not include all potential voting issues. Because proxy issues and the circumstances of individual companies are so varied, there may be instances when Janus may not vote in strict adherence to the Guidelines. In addition, Janus portfolio managers, assistant portfolio managers, and analysts covering specific companies are responsible for monitoring significant corporate developments, including proxy proposals submitted to shareholders and notifying the Proxy Administrator in Securities Operations of circumstances where the interests of Janus’ clients may warrant a vote contrary to the Guidelines. In such instances, the portfolio manager, assistant portfolio manager or analyst will submit a written rationale to the Proxy Administrator. The Proxy Voting Committee periodically reviews rationales provided to determine: i) whether the rationales appear reasonable; and ii) whether any business relationship with the issuer of the proxy could have created a conflict of interest influencing the votes (see Procedures for additional Conflicts of Interest details).

In many foreign markets, shareholders who vote proxies for shares of a foreign issuer are not able to trade in that company’s stock within a given period of time on or around the shareholder meeting date. This practice is known as “share blocking.” In countries where share blocking is practiced, Janus will only vote proxies if the portfolio manager or assistant portfolio manager determines that the shareholder benefit of voting the proxies outweighs the risk of not being able to sell the securities. In addition, international issuers may be subject to corporate governance standards and a proxy solicitation process that substantially differs from domestic standards and practices. Janus will generally vote international issuer proxies using the Guidelines unless the application of the Guidelines is inconsistent with corporate governance standards and practices in the foreign market, in which case Janus may refer to the research, analysis and recommendations provided by the Proxy Voting Service.

The Janus funds may participate in a securities lending program under which shares of an issuer may be on loan while that issuer is conducting a proxy solicitation. Generally, if shares of an issuer are on loan during a proxy solicitation, a fund cannot vote the shares. Janus fund managers have discretion to instruct the Proxy Administrator to pull back lent shares before proxy record dates and vote proxies.

In circumstances where the Janus funds held a security as of record date, but Janus sells its holdings prior to the shareholder meeting, Janus may abstain from voting that proxy.

The following guidelines are grouped according to the types of proposals generally presented to shareholders.

Board of Directors Issues

The quality of management is a key consideration in the decision to invest in a company. Because management is in the best possible position to evaluate the qualifications and needs of a particular board, Janus considers the recommendation of management to be an important factor in making these decisions.



1.    For domestic market and applicable foreign market issuers, Janus will generally vote in favor of slates of director candidates that have a majority of independent directors (as determined by the Proxy Voting Service) and oppose slates of director candidates that do not have a majority of independent directors.

2.    After taking into consideration country-specific practices, Janus will generally vote in favor of uncontested director candidates, unless they:


    attend less than 75% of the board and committee meetings without a valid excuse; ignore or otherwise fail to support shareholder proposals as determined by the proxy voting service;


    are not responsive to advisory votes on executive compensation matters (as determined by the proxy voting service);


    fail to provide appropriate oversight of company’s risk management practices (as determined by the proxy voting service);


    are non-independent directors and sit on the audit, compensation or nominating committees;


    are non-independent directors and the board does not have an audit, compensation, or nominating committees;


    are audit committee members and the non-audit fees paid to the auditor are excessive (as determined by the Proxy Voting Service);


    are audit committee members and poor accounting practices rise to a level of serious concern, or other serious issues surrounding the audit process or arrangement exist (as determined by the Proxy Voting Service);


    serve as directors on an excessive number of boards (“Overboarded”) (as determined by the Proxy Voting Service);


    are compensation committee members and the company has poor compensation practices (as determined by the Proxy Voting Service); or adopt a long-term poison pill without shareholder approval or make material adverse changes to an existing poison pill (as determined by the Proxy Voting Service);


    amend the company’s bylaws or charter without shareholder approval in a manner that materially diminishes shareholders’ rights or that could adversely impact shareholders.

3.    Janus will evaluate proposals relating to contested director candidates and/or contested slates of directors on case-by-case basis.*

4.    Janus will generally vote in favor of proposals to increase the minimum number of independent directors.

5.    Janus believes that attracting qualified director candidates is important to overall company success and effective corporate governance. As such, Janus will generally vote in favor of proposals regarding director indemnification arrangements.

6.    Janus will generally vote in favor of proposals to increase the size of a board of directors so long as the board has a majority of independent directors.

7.    If the purpose of the proposal is to promote anti-takeover measures, Janus will generally vote against proposals relating to decreasing the size of a board of directors.

8.    Janus will generally vote against proposals advocating classified or staggered boards of directors.

9.    Janus will generally vote with management regarding proposals to declassify a board.

10.    Janus will generally vote in favor of proposals to separate the role of the Chairman from the role of the CEO.


11.    Janus will vote in favor of proposals asking for approval of auditors, unless: (1) an auditor has a financial interest in or association with the company, and is therefore not independent; (2) fees for non-audit services are excessive (as determined by the Proxy Voting Service); (3) there is reason to believe that the independent auditor has rendered an opinion, which is neither accurate nor indicative of the company’s financial position; or (4) the auditors are being changed without explanation or are not named.

12.    Janus will evaluate proposals relating to contested auditors on a case-by-case basis.*

13.    Janus will generally vote in favor of proposals to appoint internal statutory auditors.


*  All discretionary votes of this nature are cast solely in the interests of shareholders and without regard to any other Janus relationship, business or otherwise.



Equity Based Compensation Plans

14.    Equity based compensation plans are important tools in attracting and retaining desirable employees. Janus believes these plans should be carefully applied with the intention of maximizing shareholder value. With this in mind, Janus will evaluate proposals relating to executive and director compensation plans on a case-by-case basis, utilizing the research of the Proxy Voting Service.

The Proxy Voting Service research is designed to estimate the total cost of a proposed plan and identify plan features and grant practices that demonstrate good stewardship of investors’ interests regarding executive compensation. The Proxy Voting Service evaluates whether the estimated cost is reasonable by comparing the cost to an allowable cap. The allowable cap is industry-specific, market cap-based, and pegged to the average amount paid by companies performing in the top quartile of their peer groups. Janus will generally vote against plans if the estimated cost is above the allowable cap and/or plan features and grant practices are determined to be misaligned with maximizing shareholder value.

Janus will generally oppose plans that:


    provide for re-pricing of underwater options;


    provide for automatic replenishment (“evergreen”) or reload options;


    create an inconsistent relationship between long term share performance and compensation increases; and/or


    are proposed by management and do not demonstrate good stewardship of investors’ interests regarding executive compensation or are a vehicle for poor compensation practices.

Other Compensation Related Proposals

15.    Janus will generally vote in favor of proposals relating to ESPPs — so long as shares purchased through plans are priced no less than 15% below market value.

16.    Janus will generally vote in favor of proposals requiring the expensing of options.

17.    Janus will generally oppose proposals requesting approval to make material amendments to equity based compensation plans without shareholder approval.

18.    Janus will generally oppose proposals regarding the re-pricing of underwater options.

19.    Janus will generally oppose proposals requesting approval of loans to officers, executives and board members of an issuer.

20.    Janus will generally oppose proposals requesting approval of automatic share replenishment (“evergreen”) features of equity based compensation plans.

21.    Janus will generally oppose the issuance of reload options (stock option that is automatically granted if an outstanding stock option is exercised during a window period).

22.    Janus will generally vote in favor of annual advisory votes on executive compensation (say-on-frequency).

23.    Janus will generally vote in favor with regard to advisory votes on executive compensation (say-on-pay), unless Janus determines problematic pay practices are maintained;

24.    Janus will vote in favor of proposals to require golden parachutes or executive severance agreements to be submitted for shareholder approval, unless the proposal requires shareholder approval prior to entering into employment contracts.

25.    Janus will vote on a case-by-case basis on proposals to approve or cancel golden or tin parachutes.* An acceptable parachute should include the following:


    The parachute should be less attractive than an ongoing employment opportunity with the firm;


    The triggering mechanism should be beyond the control of management; and


    The amount should not exceed three times base salary plus guaranteed benefits.

26.    Janus will generally vote in favor of proposals intended to increase long-term stock ownership by executives, officers and directors. These may include:


    requiring executive officers and directors to hold a minimum amount of stock in the company;


    requiring stock acquired through exercised options to be held for a certain period of time; and


    using restricted stock grants instead of options.


*  All discretionary votes of this nature are cast solely in the interests of shareholders and without regard to any other Janus relationship, business or otherwise.



Other Corporate Matters

27.    Janus will generally vote in favor of proposals relating to the issuance of dividends.

28.    Janus will evaluate proposals relating to stock splits on a case-by-case basis.*

29.    Janus will generally vote against proposals regarding supermajority voting rights (for example to approve acquisitions or mergers).

30.    Janus will generally oppose proposals for different classes of stock with different voting rights.

31.    Janus will evaluate proposals relating to issuances with and without preemptive rights on a case-by-case basis. For foreign issuer proxies, Janus will solicit research from the Proxy Voting Service.*

32.    Janus will generally vote against proposals seeking to implement measures designed to prevent or obstruct corporate takeovers (includes poison pills), unless such measures are designed primarily as a short-term means to protect a tax benefit.

33.    Janus will evaluate proposals seeking to increase the number of shares of common or preferred stock authorized for issue on a case-by-case basis. For domestic issuers, Janus will use quantitative criteria provided by the Proxy Voting Service to measure the reasonableness of the proposed share increase as compared against a measure of industry peers. For foreign issuer proxies, Janus will solicit research from the Proxy Voting Service.*

34.    Janus will evaluate proposals regarding the issuance of debt, including convertible debt, on a case-by-case basis.*

35.    Janus will generally vote in favor of proposals regarding the authorization of the issuer’s Board of Directors to repurchase shares.

36.    Janus will evaluate plans of reorganization on a case-by-case basis.*

37.    Janus will generally vote in favor of proposals regarding changes in the state of incorporation of an issuer.

38.    Janus will generally vote in favor of proposals regarding changes in company name.

39.    Janus will evaluate proposals relating to the continuance of a company on a case-by-case basis.*

40.    Janus will evaluate proposals regarding acquisitions, mergers, tender offers or changes in control on a case-by-case basis, including any related advisory votes on golden parachutes.*

41.    Janus will generally oppose proposals to authorize preferred stock whose voting, conversion, dividend and other rights are determined at the discretion of the Board of Directors when the stock is issued (“blank check stock”).

42.    Janus will generally vote in favor of proposals to lower the barriers to shareholder action (i.e., limited rights to call special meetings, limited rights to act by written consents) and against proposals restricting or prohibiting the ability to act by written consent.

43.    Janus will generally vote in favor of proposals to adopt cumulative voting unless otherwise recommended by the Proxy Voting Service.

44.    Janus will generally vote in favor of proposals to require that voting be confidential.

45.    Janus will generally oppose proposals requesting authorization of political contributions (mainly foreign), except for proposals designed to insure that the charitable giving does not violate laws on political contributions.

46.    Janus will generally vote in favor of proposals relating to the administration of an annual shareholder meeting.

47.    Janus will generally vote against proposals to approve “other business” when it appears as a voting item.

48.    Janus will evaluate proposals related to proxy access on a case-by-case basis.*

Shareholder Proposals

49.    Janus is primarily concerned with the economic impact of shareholder proposals on a company’s short and long-term share value. Janus will generally apply the Guidelines to shareholder proposals while weighing the following considerations:

50.    Janus will generally abstain from voting on shareholder proposals that relate to social, moral or ethical issues, or issues that place arbitrary constraints on the board or management of a company.

51.    For shareholder proposals outside the scope of the Guidelines, Janus will solicit additional research and a recommendation from the Proxy Voting Service. Janus will always reserve the right to over-ride a recommendation provided by the Proxy Voting Service.*


*  All discretionary votes of this nature are cast solely in the interests of shareholders and without regard to any other Janus relationship, business or otherwise.



Proxy Voting Procedures

February 2015

The following represents the Proxy Voting Procedures (“Procedures”) for Janus Capital Management LLC (“Janus”) with respect to the voting of proxies on behalf of all clients, including mutual funds advised by Janus, for which Janus has voting responsibility and the keeping of records relating to proxy voting. Janus Capital Singapore Pte. Limited (“Janus Singapore”), and Perkins Investment Management LLC (“Perkins”) have each adopted the Procedures.

General Policy.    Janus seeks to vote proxies in the best interest of its clients. Janus will not accept direction as to how to vote individual proxies for which it has voting responsibility from any other person or organization (other than the research and information provided by the Proxy Voting Service (as hereinafter defined)). Subject to specific provisions in a client’s account documentation related to exception voting, Janus only accepts direction from a client to vote proxies for that client’s account pursuant to: 1) the Janus Capital Management LLC Proxy Voting Guidelines (“Guidelines”); 2) the Benchmark Policy recommendations of Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (“ISS”) (the “Proxy Voting Service”); or 3) upon request by a client as set forth in a client’s investment management agreement, the ISS Taft-Hartley voting guidelines (“Taft-Hartley Guidelines”).

ERISA Plan Policy.    On behalf of client accounts subject to ERISA, Janus seeks to discharge its fiduciary duty by voting proxies solely in the best interest of the participants and beneficiaries of such plans. Janus recognizes that the exercise of voting rights on securities held by ERISA plans for which Janus has voting responsibility is a fiduciary duty that must be exercised with care, skill, prudence and diligence. In voting proxies for ERISA accounts, Janus will exercise its fiduciary responsibility to vote all proxies for shares for which it has investment discretion as investment manager unless the power to vote such shares has been retained by the appointing fiduciary as set forth in the documents in which the named fiduciary has appointed Janus as investment manager.

Proxy Voting Committee.    The Janus Proxy Voting Committee (the “Committee”) develops Janus’ positions on all major corporate issues, creates guidelines and oversees the voting process. The Committee is comprised of a Vice President of Investment Accounting, a representative from Compliance, and one or more portfolio management representatives (or their respective designees) who provide input on behalf of the portfolio management team. Internal legal counsel serves as a consultant to the Committee and is a non-voting member. A quorum is required for all Committee meetings. In formulating proxy voting recommendations, the Committee analyzes proxy proposals from the Proxy Voting Service from the prior year, and evaluates whether those proposals would adversely or beneficially affect clients’ interests. The Committee also reviews policy rationale provided by the Proxy Voting Service related to voting recommendations for the upcoming proxy season. Once the Committee establishes its recommendations and revises the Guidelines, they are distributed to Janus’ portfolio managers1 for review and implementation. While the Committee sets the Guidelines and serves as a resource for Janus portfolio management, it does not have proxy voting authority for any proprietary or non-proprietary mutual fund or any investment advisory client. The portfolio managers are responsible for proxy votes on securities they own in the portfolios they manage. Most portfolio managers vote consistently with the Guidelines. However, a portfolio manager may choose to vote contrary to the Guidelines. When portfolio managers cast votes which are contrary to the Guidelines, the manager is required to document the reasons in writing for the Committee. In many cases, a security may be held by multiple portfolio managers. Portfolio managers are not required to cast consistent votes. Annually the Janus Funds Board of Trustees, or a committee thereof, will review Janus’ proxy voting process, policies and voting records.

Securities Operations Group.    The Securities Operations Group is responsible for administering the proxy voting process as set forth in these procedures, the Guidelines, and as applicable, the Taft-Hartley Guidelines The Proxy Administrator in the Securities Operations Group works with the Proxy Voting Service and is responsible for ensuring that all meeting notices are reviewed against the Guidelines, and as applicable, the Taft-Hartley Guidelines, and proxy matters are communicated to the portfolio managers and analysts for consideration pursuant to the Guidelines.

Voting and Use of Proxy Voting Service.    Janus has engaged an independent proxy voting service, ISS, to assist in the voting of proxies. The Proxy Voting Service is responsible for coordinating with the clients’ custodians to ensure that all proxy materials received by the custodians relating to the clients’ portfolio securities are processed in a timely fashion. In addition, the Proxy Voting Service is responsible for maintaining copies of all proxy statements received by issuers and to promptly provide such materials to Janus upon request.

To the extent applicable, the Proxy Voting Service will process all proxy votes in accordance with the Guidelines. Portfolio managers may decide to vote their proxies consistent with the Guidelines and instruct the Proxy Administrator to vote all proxies accordingly. He or she may also request to review all vote recommendations prior to the meeting cut-off date, or may choose to review only those votes to be cast against management. Notwithstanding the above, with respect to clients who have instructed Janus to vote proxies in accordance with the Taft-Hartley Guidelines, the Proxy Voting Service will process all proxy votes in strict accordance with the Taft-Hartley Guidelines. In all cases, the portfolio managers receive a monthly report summarizing all proxy votes in his or her client accounts. The Proxy Administrator is responsible for maintaining this documentation.


1  All references to portfolio managers include assistant portfolio managers.



The Proxy Voting Service will refer proxy questions to the Proxy Administrator for instructions under circumstances where: (1) the application of the Guidelines is unclear; (2) the proxy question relates to a company and/or issue in which the Proxy Voting Services does not have research, analysis and/or a recommendation available, or (3) the Guidelines call for Janus portfolio manager input. The Proxy Administrator solicits feedback from the Portfolio Manager or the Committee as required. Janus also utilizes research services relating to proxy questions provided by the Proxy Voting Service.

Procedures for Proxy Issues Outside the Guidelines.    In situations where the Proxy Voting Service refers a proxy question to the Proxy Administrator, the Proxy Administrator will consult with the portfolio manager regarding how the shares will be voted. The Proxy Administrator will refer such questions, through a written request, to the portfolio manager(s) who hold(s) the security for a voting recommendation. The Proxy Administrator may also refer such questions, through a written request to any member of the Committee, but the Committee cannot direct the Proxy Administrator how to vote. If the proxy issue raises a conflict of interest (see Conflict of Interest discussion below), the portfolio manager will document how the proxy should be voted and the rationale for such recommendation. If the portfolio manager has had any contact with persons outside of Janus (excluding routine communications with proxy solicitors) regarding the proxy issue, the portfolio manager will disclose that contact to the Committee. In such cases, the Committee will review the portfolio manager’s voting recommendation. If the Committee believes a conflict exists and that the portfolio manager’s voting recommendation is not in the best interests of the clients, the Committee will refer the issue to the appropriate Chief Investment Officer(s) (or the Director of Research in his/her absence) to determine how to vote.

Procedures for Voting Janus “Fund of Funds”.    Janus advises certain portfolios or “fund of funds” that invest in other Janus funds. From time to time, a fund of funds may be required to vote proxies for the underlying Janus funds in which it is invested. Accordingly, if an underlying Janus fund submits a matter to a vote of its shareholders, votes for and against such matters on behalf of the owner fund of funds will be cast in the same proportion as the votes of the other shareholders in the underlying fund (also known as “echo-voting”).

Conflicts of Interest.    The Committee is responsible for monitoring and resolving possible material conflicts with respect to proxy voting. Because the Guidelines are pre-determined and designed to be in the best interests of shareholders, application of the Guidelines to vote client proxies should, in most cases, adequately address any possible conflicts of interest. On a quarterly basis, the Committee reviews records of votes that were cast inconsistently with the Guidelines and the related rationale for such votes. Additionally, and in instances where a portfolio manager has discretion to vote differently than the Guidelines and proposes to vote a proxy inconsistent with the Guidelines and a potential conflict of interest is identified, the Committee will review the proxy votes to determine whether the portfolio manager’s voting rationale appears reasonable and no material conflict exists. Similarly, the Taft-Hartley Guidelines are pre-determined, so application of the Taft-Hartley Guidelines to vote client proxies should, in most cases, adequately address any possible conflicts of interest. In the unusual circumstance that the Proxy Voting Service seeks direction on any matter, the matter shall be handled in accordance with the Procedures for Proxy Issues Outside the Guidelines set forth above, and reviewed by the Committee.

A conflict of interest may exist, for example, if Janus has a business relationship with (or is actively soliciting business from) either the company soliciting the proxy or a third party that has a material interest in the outcome of a proxy vote or that is actively lobbying for a particular outcome of a proxy vote. In addition, any portfolio manager with knowledge of a personal conflict of interest (i.e., a family member in a company’s management) relating to a particular referral item shall disclose that conflict to the Committee and may be required to recuse himself or herself from the proxy voting process. Issues raising possible conflicts of interest are referred by the Proxy Administrator to the Committee for resolution. If the Committee does not agree that the portfolio manager’s rationale is reasonable, the Committee will refer the matter to the appropriate Chief Investment Officer(s) (or the Director of Research) to vote the proxy.

If a matter is referred to the Chief Investment Officer(s) (or the Director of Research) the decision made and basis for the decision will be documented by the Committee.

Reporting and Record Retention.    Upon request, on an annual basis, Janus will provide its non-mutual fund clients with the proxy voting record for that client’s account.

On an annual basis, Janus will provide its proxy voting record for each proprietary mutual fund for the one-year period ending on June 30th on Janus’ website at www.janus.com/proxyvoting. Such voting record, on Form N-PX, is also available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. A complete copy of Janus Capital’s proxy voting policies and procedures, including specific guidelines, is available at www.janus.com/proxyvoting.

Janus retains proxy statements received regarding client securities, records of votes cast on behalf of clients, records of client requests for proxy voting information and all documents prepared by Janus regarding votes cast in contradiction to the Janus Guidelines. In addition, any document prepared by Janus that is material to a proxy voting decision such as the Guidelines, Proxy Voting Committee materials and other internal research relating to voting decisions will be kept. Proxy statements received from issuers are either available on the SEC’s EDGAR database or are kept by a third party voting service and are available on request. All proxy voting materials and supporting documentation are retained for a minimum of 6 years.



Appendix P

Lord Abbett


Amended:     September 19, 2014


Under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended, Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC (“Lord Abbett” or “we”) acts as a fiduciary that owes each of its clients duties of care and loyalty with respect to all services undertaken on the client’s behalf, including proxy voting. This means that Lord Abbett is required to vote proxies in the manner we believe is in the best interests of each client, including the Lord Abbett Funds (the “Funds”) and their shareholders. We take a long-term perspective in investing our clients’ assets and employ the same perspective in voting proxies on their behalf. Accordingly, we tend to support proxy proposals that we believe are likely to maximize shareholder value over time, whether such proposals were initiated by a company or its shareholders.

Proxy Voting Process Overview

Lord Abbett has a Proxy Group within its Operations Department (the “Proxy Group”) that oversees proxy voting mechanics on a day-to-day basis and provides Lord Abbett’s Proxy Policy Committee (the “Proxy Policy Committee”) and Investment Department personnel with information regarding proxy voting. The Proxy Policy Committee consists of Lord Abbett’s Chief Investment Officer, Director of Domestic Equity Portfolio Management, Director of International Equity, Director of Domestic Equity Research, Chief Administrative Officer for the Investment Department, and General Counsel. Voting decisions are made by the Investment Department in accordance with these policies and procedures and are carried out by the Proxy Group.

Lord Abbett has implemented the following approach to the proxy voting process:


    In cases where we deem any client’s position in a company to be material,1 the relevant investment team is responsible for determining how to vote the security. Once a voting decision has been made, the investment team provides instructions to the Proxy Group, which is responsible for submitting Lord Abbett’s vote.


    In cases where we deem all clients’ positions in a company to be non-material, the Chief Administrative Officer for the Investment Department is responsible for determining how to vote the security. The Chief Administrative Officer may seek guidance from the relevant investment team, the Proxy Policy Committee or any of its members, the Proxy Advisor (defined below), or other sources to determine how to vote. Once a voting decision has been made, the Chief Administrative Officer provides instructions to the Proxy Group, which is responsible for submitting Lord Abbett’s vote.


    Lord Abbett has identified certain types of proxy proposals that it considers purely administrative in nature and as to which it always will vote in the same manner. The Proxy Group is authorized to vote on such proposals without receiving instructions from the Investment Department, regardless of the materiality of any client’s position. Lord Abbett presently considers the following specific types of proposals to fall within this category: (1) proposals to change a company’s name, as to which Lord Abbett always votes in favor; (2) proposals regarding formalities of shareholder meetings (namely, changes to a meeting’s date, time, or location), as to which Lord Abbett always votes in favor; and (3) proposals to allow shareholders to transact other business at a meeting, as to which Lord Abbett always votes against.


    When multiple investment teams manage one or more portfolios that hold the same voting security, the investment team that manages the largest number of shares of the security will be considered to have the dominant position. Lord Abbett will vote all shares on behalf of all clients that hold the security in accordance with the vote determined by the investment team with the dominant position.

Retention and Oversight of Proxy Advisor

Lord Abbett has retained an independent third party service provider (the “Proxy Advisor”) to analyze proxy issues and recommend how to vote on those issues, and to provide assistance in the administration of the proxy process, including maintaining


1  We presently consider a position in a particular company to be material if: (1) it represents more than 1% of any client’s portfolio holdings and all clients’ positions in the company together represent more than 1% of the company’s outstanding shares; or (2) all clients’ (continued from page 1) positions in the company together represent more than 5% of the company’s outstanding shares. For purposes of determining materiality, we exclude shares held by clients with respect to which Lord Abbett does not have authority to vote proxies. We also exclude shares with respect to which Lord Abbett’s vote is restricted or limited due to super-voting share structures (where one class of shares has super-voting rights that effectively disenfranchise other classes of shares), vote limitation policies, and other similar measures. This definition of materiality is subject to change at our discretion.



complete proxy voting records.2 While Lord Abbett takes into consideration the information and recommendations of the Proxy Advisor, Lord Abbett votes all proxies based on its own proxy voting policies, including Lord Abbett’s conclusions regarding the best interests of the Funds, their shareholders, and other advisory clients, rather than basing decisions solely on the Proxy Advisor’s recommendations.

Lord Abbett monitors the Proxy Advisor’s capacity, competency, and conflicts of interest to ensure that Lord Abbett continues to vote proxies in the best interests of its clients. As part of its ongoing oversight of the Proxy Advisor, Lord Abbett performs periodic due diligence on the Proxy Advisor. Such due diligence may be conducted in Lord Abbett’s offices or at the Proxy Advisor’s offices. The topics included in these due diligence reviews include conflicts of interest, methodologies for developing vote recommendations, and resources, among other things.

Conflicts of Interest

Lord Abbett is an independent, privately held firm with a singular focus on the management of money. Although Lord Abbett does not face the conflicts of interest inherent in being part of a larger financial institution, conflicts of interest nevertheless may arise in the proxy voting process. Such a conflict may exist, for example, when a client’s account holds shares of a company that also is a client of Lord Abbett. We have adopted safeguards designed to ensure that conflicts of interest are identified and resolved in our clients’ best interests rather than our own. These safeguards include, but are not limited to, the following:


    Lord Abbett has implemented special voting measures with respect to companies for which one of the Funds’ independent directors/trustees also serves on the board of directors or is a nominee for election to the board of directors. If a Fund owns stock in such a company, Lord Abbett will notify the Funds’ Proxy Committees3 (the “Proxy Committees”) and seek voting instructions from the Committees only in those situations where Lord Abbett proposes not to follow the Proxy Advisor’s recommendations. In these instances, if applicable, the independent director/trustee will abstain from any discussions by the Funds’ Proxy Committees regarding the company.


    Lord Abbett also has implemented special voting measures with respect to companies that have a significant business relationship with Lord Abbett (including any subsidiaries of such companies). For this purpose, a “significant business relationship” means: (1) a broker dealer firm that is responsible for one percent or more of the Funds’ total dollar amount of shares sold for the last 12 months; (2) a firm that is a sponsor firm with respect to Lord Abbett’s separately managed account business; (3) an institutional account client that has an investment management agreement with Lord Abbett; (4) an institutional investor that, to Lord Abbett’s knowledge, holds at least $5 million in shares of the Funds; and (5) a retirement plan client that, to Lord Abbett’s knowledge, has at least $5 million invested in the Funds. If a Fund owns stock in such a company, Lord Abbett will notify the Funds’ Proxy Committees and seek voting instructions from the Committees only in those situations where Lord Abbett proposes not to follow the Proxy Advisor’s recommendations.


    Absent explicit instructions from an institutional account client to resolve proxy voting conflicts in a different manner, Lord Abbett will vote all shares on behalf of all clients that hold a security that presents a conflict of interest for the Funds in accordance with the voting instructions received from the Funds’ Proxy Committees, unless Lord Abbett proposes to follow the Proxy Advisor’s recommendation.

Proxy Voting Guidelines

A general summary of the guidelines that we normally follow in voting proxies appears below. These voting guidelines reflect our general views. We reserve the flexibility to vote in a manner contrary to our general views on particular issues if we believe doing so is in the best interests of our clients, including the Funds and their shareholders. Many different specific types of proposals may arise under the broad categories discussed below, and it is not possible to contemplate every issue on which we may be asked to vote. Accordingly, we will vote on proposals concerning issues not expressly covered by these guidelines based on the specific factors that we believe are relevant.


  A. Auditors — Auditors are responsible for examining, correcting, and verifying the accuracy of a company’s financial statements. Lord Abbett believes that companies normally are in the best position to select their auditors and, therefore, we generally support management’s recommendations concerning the ratification of the selection of auditors. However, we may evaluate such proposals on a case-by-case basis due to concerns about impaired independence, accounting irregularities, or failure of the auditors to act in shareholders’ best economic interests, among other factors we may deem relevant.


2  Lord Abbett currently retains Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. as the Proxy Advisor.


3  The Boards of Directors and Trustees of the Funds have delegated oversight of proxy voting to separate Proxy Committees comprised solely of independent directors and/or trustees, as the case may be. Each Proxy Committee is responsible for, among other things: (1) monitoring Lord Abbett’s actions in voting securities owned by the related Fund; (2) evaluating Lord Abbett’s policies in voting securities; and (3) meeting with Lord Abbett to review the policies in voting securities, the sources of information used in determining how to vote on particular matters, and the procedures used to determine the votes in any situation where there may be a conflict of interest.



  B. Directors


  1. Election of directors — The board of directors of a company oversees all aspects of the company’s business. Companies and, under certain circumstances, their shareholders, may nominate directors for election by shareholders. Lord Abbett believes that the independent directors currently serving on a company’s board of directors (or a nominating committee comprised of such independent directors) generally are in the best position to identify qualified director nominees. Accordingly, we normally vote in accordance with management’s recommendations on the election of directors. In evaluating a director nominee’s candidacy, however, Lord Abbett may consider the following factors, among others: (1) the nominee’s experience, qualifications, attributes, and skills, as disclosed in the company’s proxy statement; (2) the composition of the board and its committees; (3) whether the nominee is independent of company management; (4) the nominee’s board meeting attendance; (5) the nominee’s history of representing shareholder interests on the company’s board or other boards; (6) the nominee’s investment in the company; (7) the company’s long-term performance relative to a market index; and (8) takeover activity. In evaluating a compensation committee nominee’s candidacy, Lord Abbett may consider additional factors including the nominee’s record on various compensation issues such as tax gross-ups, severance payments, options repricing, and pay for performance, although the nominee’s record as to any single compensation issue alone will not necessarily be determinative. Lord Abbett may withhold votes for some or all of a company’s director nominees on a case-by-case basis.


  2. Majority voting — Under a majority voting standard, director nominees must be elected by an affirmative majority of the votes cast at a meeting. Majority voting establishes a higher threshold for director election than plurality voting, in which nominees who receive the most votes are elected, regardless of how small the number of votes received is relative to the total number of shares voted. Lord Abbett generally supports proposals that seek to adopt a majority voting standard.


  3. Board classification — A “classified” or “staggered” board is a structure in which only a portion of a company’s board of directors (typically one-third) is elected each year. A company may employ such a structure to promote continuity of leadership and thwart takeover attempts. Lord Abbett generally votes against proposals to classify a board, absent special circumstances indicating that shareholder interests would be better served by such a structure. In evaluating a classified board proposal, Lord Abbett may consider the following factors, among others: (1) the company’s long-term strategic plan; (2) the extent to which continuity of leadership is necessary to advance that plan; and (3) the need to guard against takeover attempts.


  4. Independent board and committee members — An independent director is one who serves on a company’s board but is not employed by the company or affiliated with it in any other capacity. While company boards may apply different standards in assessing director independence, including any applicable standards prescribed by stock exchanges and the federal securities laws, a director generally is determined to qualify as independent if the director does not have any material relationship with the company (either directly or indirectly) based on all relevant facts and circumstances. Material relationships can include employment, business, and familial relationships, among others. Lord Abbett believes that independent board and committee membership often helps to mitigate the inherent conflicts of interest that arise when a company’s executive officers also serve on its board and committees. Therefore, we generally support the election of board or committee nominees if such election would cause a majority of a company’s board or committee members to be independent. However, a nominee’s effect on the independent composition of the board or any committee is one of many factors Lord Abbett considers in voting on the nominee and will not necessarily be dispositive.


  5. Independent board chairman — Proponents of proposals to require independent board chairmen (formerly often referred to as “separation of chairman and chief executive officer” proposals) seek to enhance board accountability and mitigate a company’s risk-taking behavior by requiring that the role of the chairman of the company’s board of directors be filled by an independent director. We generally vote with management on proposals that call for independent board chairmen. We may vote in favor of such proposals on a case-by-case basis, despite management opposition, if we believe that a company’s governance structure does not promote independent oversight through other means, such as a lead director, a board composed of a majority of independent directors, and/or independent board committees. In evaluating independent chairman proposals, we will focus in particular on the presence of a lead director, which is an independent director designated by a board with a non-independent chairman to serve as the primary liaison between company management and the independent directors and act as the independent directors’ spokesperson.


  C. Compensation and Benefits



General — In the wake of recent corporate scandals and market volatility, shareholders increasingly have scrutinized the nature and amount of compensation paid by a company to its executive officers and other employees. Lord Abbett believes that because a company has exclusive knowledge of material information not available to shareholders



  regarding its business, financial condition, and prospects, the company itself usually is in the best position to make decisions about compensation and benefits. Accordingly, we generally vote with management on such matters. However, we may oppose management on a case-by-case basis if we deem a company’s compensation to be excessive or inconsistent with its peer companies’ compensation, we believe a company’s compensation measures do not foster a long-term focus among its executive officers and other employees, or we believe a company has not met performance expectations, among other reasons. Discussed below are some specific types of compensation-related proposals that we may encounter.


  2. Incentive compensation plans — An incentive compensation plan rewards an executive’s performance through a combination of cash compensation and stock awards. Incentive compensation plans are designed to align an executive’s compensation with a company’s long-term performance. As noted above, Lord Abbett believes that management generally is in the best position to assess executive compensation levels and, therefore, generally votes with management on proposals relating to incentive compensation plans. In evaluating such a proposal, however, Lord Abbett may consider the following factors, among others: (1) the executive’s expertise and the value he or she brings to the company; (2) the company’s performance, particularly during the executive’s tenure; (3) the percentage of overall compensation that consists of stock; (4) whether and/or to what extent the incentive compensation plan has any potential to dilute the voting power or economic interests of other shareholders; (5) the features of the plan and costs associated with it; (6) whether the plan provides for repricing or replacement of underwater stock options; and (7) quantitative data from the Proxy Advisor regarding compensation ranges by industry and company size. We also scrutinize very closely the proposed repricing or replacement of underwater stock options, taking into consideration the stock’s volatility, management’s rationale for the repricing or replacement, the new exercise price, and any other factors we deem relevant.


  3. Say on pay — “Say on pay” proposals give shareholders a nonbinding vote on executive compensation. These proposals are designed to serve as a means of conveying to company management shareholder concerns, if any, about executive compensation. Lord Abbett believes that management generally is in the best position to assess executive compensation. Thus, we generally vote with management on say on pay proposals unless we believe that compensation has been excessive or direct feedback to management about compensation has not resulted in any changes. We also generally vote with management on proposals regarding the frequency of say on pay votes. However, any particular vote will be based on the specific facts and circumstances we deem relevant.


  4. Pay for performance — “Pay for performance” proposals are shareholder proposals that seek to achieve greater alignment between executive compensation and company performance. Shareholders initiating these proposals tend to focus on board compensation committees’ accountability, the use of independent compensation consultants, enhanced disclosure of compensation packages, and perquisites given to executives. Because Lord Abbett believes that management generally is in the best position to assess executive compensation, we generally follow management’s voting recommendations regarding pay for performance proposals. However, we may evaluate such proposals on a case-by-case basis if we believe a company’s long-term interests and its executives’ financial incentives are not properly aligned or if we question the methodology a company followed in setting executive compensation, among other reasons.


  5. Clawback provisions — A clawback provision allows a company to recoup or “claw back” incentive compensation paid to an executive if the company later determines that the executive did not actually meet applicable performance goals. For example, such provisions might be used when a company calculated an executive’s compensation based on materially inaccurate or fraudulent financial statements. Some clawback provisions are triggered only if the misalignment between compensation and performance is attributable to improper conduct on the part of the executive. Shareholder proponents of clawback proposals believe that they encourage executive accountability and mitigate a company’s risk-taking behavior. Because Lord Abbett believes that management generally is in the best position to assess executive compensation, we generally vote with management on clawback proposals. We may, however, evaluate such a proposal on a case-by-case basis due to concerns about the amount of compensation paid to the executive, the executive’s or the company’s performance, or accounting irregularities, among other factors we may deem relevant.


  6. Anti-gross-up policies — Tax “gross-ups” are payments by a company to an executive intended to reimburse some or all of the executive’s tax liability with respect to compensation, perquisites, and other benefits. Because the gross-up payment also is taxable, it typically is inflated to cover the amount of the tax liability and the gross-up payment itself. Critics of such payments argue that they often are not transparent to shareholders and can substantially enhance an executive’s overall compensation. Thus, shareholders increasingly are urging companies to establish policies prohibiting tax gross-ups. Lord Abbett generally favors adoption of anti-tax gross-up policies themselves, but will not automatically vote against a compensation committee nominee solely because the nominee approved a gross-up.



  7. Severance agreements and executive death benefits — Severance or so-called “golden parachute” payments sometimes are made to departing executives after termination or upon a company’s change in control. Similarly, companies sometimes make executive death benefit or so-called “golden coffin” payments to an executive’s estate. Both practices increasingly are coming under shareholder scrutiny. While we generally vote with management on compensation matters and acknowledge that companies may have contractual obligations to pay severance or executive death benefits, we scrutinize cases in which such benefits are especially lucrative or are granted despite the executive’s or the company’s poor performance, and may vote against management on a case-by-case basis as we deem appropriate. We also generally support proposals to require that companies submit severance agreements and executive death benefits for shareholder ratification.


  8. Executive pay limits — Lord Abbett believes that a company’s flexibility with regard to its compensation practices is critical to its ability to recruit, retain, and motivate key talent. Accordingly, we generally vote with management on shareholder proposals that seek to impose limits on executive compensation.


  9. Employee stock purchase plans — Employee stock purchase plans permit employees to purchase company stock at discounted prices and, under certain circumstances, receive favorable tax treatment when they sell the stock. Lord Abbett generally follows management’s voting recommendation concerning employee stock purchase plans, although we generally do not support plans that are dilutive.


  D. Corporate Matters


  1. Charter amendments — A company’s charter documents, which may consist of articles of incorporation or a declaration of trust and bylaws, govern the company’s organizational matters and affairs. Lord Abbett believes that management normally is in the best position to determine appropriate amendments to a company’s governing documents. Some charter amendment proposals involve routine matters, such as changing a company’s name or procedures relating to the conduct of shareholder meetings. Lord Abbett believes that such routine matters do not materially affect shareholder interests and, therefore, we vote with management with respect to them in all cases. Other types of charter amendments, however, are more substantive in nature and may impact shareholder interests. We consider such proposals on a case-by-case basis to the extent they are not explicitly covered by these guidelines.


  2. Changes to capital structure — A company may propose amendments to its charter documents to change the number of authorized shares or create new classes of stock. We generally support proposals to increase a company’s number of authorized shares when the company has articulated a clear and reasonable purpose for the increase (for example, to facilitate a stock split, merger, acquisition, or restructuring). However, we generally oppose share capital increases that would have a dilutive effect. We also generally oppose proposals to create a new class of stock with superior voting rights.


  3. Reincorporation — We generally follow management’s recommendation regarding proposals to change a company’s state of incorporation, although we consider the rationale for the reincorporation and the financial, legal, and corporate governance implications of the reincorporation. We will vote against reincorporation proposals that we believe contravene shareholders’ interests.


  4. Mergers, acquisitions, and restructurings — A merger or acquisition involves combining two distinct companies into a single corporate entity. A restructuring involves a significant change in a company’s legal, operational, or structural features. After these kinds of transactions are completed, shareholders typically will own stock in a company that differs from the company whose shares they initially purchased. Thus, Lord Abbett views the decision to approve or reject a potential merger, acquisition, or restructuring as being equivalent to an investment decision. In evaluating such a proposal, Lord Abbett may consider the following factors, among others: (1) the anticipated financial and operating benefits; (2) the offer price; (3) the prospects of the resulting company; and (4) any expected changes in corporate governance and their impact on shareholder rights. We generally vote against management proposals to require a supermajority shareholder vote to approve mergers or other significant business combinations. We generally vote for shareholder proposals to lower supermajority vote requirements for mergers and acquisitions. We also generally vote against charter amendments that attempt to eliminate shareholder approval for acquisitions involving the issuance of more than 10% of a company’s voting stock.


  E. Anti-Takeover Issues and Shareholder Rights


  1. Proxy access — Proxy access proposals advocate permitting shareholders to have their nominees for election to a company’s board of directors included in the company’s proxy statement in opposition to the company’s own nominees. Proxy access initiatives enable shareholders to nominate their own directors without incurring the often substantial cost of preparing and mailing a proxy statement, making it less expensive and easier for shareholders to challenge incumbent directors. Lord Abbett generally votes with management on proposals that seek to allow proxy access.



  2. Shareholder rights plans — Shareholder rights plans or “poison pills” are a mechanism of defending a company against takeover efforts. Poison pills allow current shareholders to purchase stock at discounted prices or redeem shares at a premium after a takeover, effectively making the company more expensive and less attractive to potential acquirers. Companies may employ other defensive tactics in combination with poison pills, such as golden parachutes that take effect upon a company’s change in control and therefore increase the cost of a takeover. Because poison pills can serve to entrench management and discourage takeover offers that may be attractive to shareholders, we generally vote in favor of proposals to eliminate poison pills and proposals to require that companies submit poison pills for shareholder ratification. In evaluating a poison pill proposal, however, Lord Abbett may consider the following factors, among others: (1) the duration of the poison pill; (2) whether we believe the poison pill facilitates a legitimate business strategy that is likely to enhance shareholder value; (3) our level of confidence in management; (4) whether we believe the poison pill will be used to force potential acquirers to negotiate with management and assure a degree of stability that will support good long-range corporate goals; and (5) the need to guard against takeover attempts.


  3. Chewable pill provisions — A “chewable pill” is a variant of the poison pill that mandates a shareholder vote in certain situations, preventing management from automatically discouraging takeover offers that may be attractive to shareholders. We generally support chewable pill provisions that balance management’s and shareholders’ interests by including: (1) a redemption clause allowing the board to rescind a pill after a potential acquirer’s holdings exceed the applicable ownership threshold; (2) no dead-hand or no-hand pills, which would allow the incumbent board and their approved successors to control the pill even after they have been voted out of office; (3) sunset provisions that allow shareholders to review and reaffirm or redeem a pill after a predetermined time frame; and (4) a qualifying offer clause, which gives shareholders the ability to redeem a poison pill when faced with a bona fide takeover offer.


  4. Anti-greenmail provisions — An anti-greenmail provision is a special charter provision that prohibits a company’s management from buying back shares at above market prices from potential acquirers without shareholder approval. We generally support such provisions, provided that they are not bundled with other measures that serve to entrench management or discourage attractive takeover offers.


  5. Fair price provisions — A fair price provision is a special charter provision that requires that all selling shareholders receive the same price from a buyer. Fair price provisions are designed to protect shareholders from inequitable two-tier stock acquisition offers in which some shareholders may be bought out on disadvantageous terms. We generally support such provisions, provided that they are not bundled with other measures that serve to entrench management or discourage attractive takeover offers.


  6. Rights to call special shareholder meetings — Proposals regarding rights to call special shareholder meetings normally seek approval of amendments to a company’s charter documents. Lord Abbett generally votes with management on proposals concerning rights to call special shareholder meetings. In evaluating such a proposal, Lord Abbett may consider the following factors, among others: (1) the stock ownership threshold required to call a special meeting; (2) the purposes for which shareholders may call a special meeting; (3) whether the company’s annual meetings offer an adequate forum in which shareholders may raise their concerns; and (4) the anticipated economic impact on the company of having to hold additional shareholder meetings.


  7. Supermajority vote requirements — A proposal that is subject to a supermajority vote must receive the support of more than a simple majority in order to pass. Supermajority vote requirements can have the effect of entrenching management by making it more difficult to effect change regarding a company and its corporate governance practices. Lord Abbett normally supports shareholders’ ability to approve or reject proposals based on a simple majority vote. Thus, we generally vote for proposals to remove supermajority vote requirements and against proposals to add them.


  8. Cumulative voting — Under cumulative or proportional voting, each shareholder is allotted a number of votes equal to the number of shares owned multiplied by the number of directors to be elected. This voting regime strengthens the voting power of minority shareholders because it enables shareholders to cast multiple votes for a single nominee. Lord Abbett believes that a shareholder or group of shareholders using this technique to elect a director may seek to have the director represent a narrow special interest rather than the interests of the broader shareholder population. Accordingly, we generally vote against cumulative voting proposals.


  9. Confidential voting — In a confidential voting system, all proxies, ballots, and voting tabulations that identify individual shareholders are kept confidential. An open voting system, by contrast, gives management the ability to identify shareholders who oppose its proposals. Lord Abbett believes that confidential voting allows shareholders to vote without fear of retribution or coercion based on their views. Thus, we generally support proposals that seek to preserve shareholders’ anonymity.



  10. Reimbursing proxy solicitation expenses — Lord Abbett generally votes with management on shareholder proposals to require a company to reimburse reasonable expenses incurred by one or more shareholders in a successful proxy contest, and may consider factors including whether the board has a plurality or majority vote standard for the election of directors, the percentage of directors to be elected in the contest, and shareholders’ ability to cumulate their votes for the directors.


  11. Transacting other business — Lord Abbett believes that proposals to allow shareholders to transact other business at a meeting deprive other shareholders of sufficient time and information to carefully evaluate the relevant business issues and determine how to vote with respect to them. Therefore, Lord Abbett always votes against such proposals.


  F. Social, Political, and Environmental Issues — Proposals relating to social, political, or environmental issues typically are initiated by shareholders and urge a company to disclose certain information or change certain business practices. Lord Abbett evaluates such proposals based on their effect on shareholder value rather than on their ideological merits. We generally follow management’s recommendation on social, political, and environmental proposals and tend to vote against proposals that are unduly burdensome or impose substantial costs on a company with no countervailing economic benefits to the company’s shareholders. Nonetheless, we pay particular attention to highly controversial issues, as well as instances where management has failed repeatedly to take corrective actions with respect to an issue.


  G. Share Blocking — Certain foreign countries impose share blocking restrictions that would prohibit Lord Abbett from trading a company’s stock during a specified period before the company’s shareholder meeting. Lord Abbett believes that in these situations, the benefit of maintaining liquidity during the share blocking period outweighs the benefit of exercising our right to vote. Therefore, it is Lord Abbett’s general policy to not vote securities in cases where share blocking restrictions apply.





Proxy Voting Policies

(Revised 12/2012)


Rule 206(4)-6 under the Advisers Act requires every investment adviser who exercises voting authority with respect to client securities to adopt and implement written policies and procedures, reasonably designed to ensure that the adviser votes proxies in the best interest of its clients. The procedures must address material conflicts that may arise in connection with proxy voting. The Rule further requires the adviser to provide a concise summary of the adviser’s proxy voting process and offer to provide copies of the complete proxy voting policy and procedures to clients upon request. Lastly, the Rule requires that the adviser disclose to clients how they may obtain information on how the adviser voted their proxies.


In developing this policy and procedures, the Macro Currency Group, considered numerous risks associated with their voting of client proxies. This analysis includes risks such as:


    The Macro Currency Group does not maintain a written proxy voting policy as required by Rule 206(4)-6.


    Proxies are not voted in Clients’ best interests.


    Proxies are not identified and voted in a timely manner.


    Conflicts between the Macro Currency Group’s interests and the Client are not identified; therefore, proxies are not voted appropriately.


    The third-party proxy voting services utilized by the Macro Currency Group are not independent.


    Proxy voting records and Client requests to review proxy votes are not maintained.

The Macro Currency Group has established the following guidelines as an attempt to mitigate these risks.


The Macro Currency Group believes that proxy voting and the analysis of corporate governance issues, in general, are important elements of the portfolio management services provided to advisory clients. The Macro Currency Group’s guiding principles in performing proxy voting are to make decisions that (i) favor proposals that tend to maximize a company’s shareholder value and (ii) are not influenced by conflicts of interest. These principles reflect the Macro Currency Group’s belief that sound corporate governance creates a framework within which a company can be managed in the interests of its shareholders.

In addition, as a fiduciary, the Macro Currency Group also monitors Clients’ ability to participate in class action events through the regular portfolio management process. Accordingly, the Macro Currency Group has adopted the policies and procedures set out below, which are designed to ensure that the Macro Currency Group complies with legal, fiduciary, and contractual obligations with respect to proxy voting and class actions.

Proxy Voting Procedures

The Macro Currency Group has implemented these procedures with the premise that portfolio management personnel base their determinations of whether to invest in a particular company on a variety of factors, and while corporate governance is one such factor, it may not be the primary consideration. As such, the principles and positions reflected in the procedures are designed to guide in the voting of proxies, and not necessarily in making investment decisions.

The Investment Accounting Department has assigned a Proxy Voting Team to manage the proxy voting process. The Investment Accounting Department has delegated the handling of class action activities to a Senior Investment Accounting Leader.

Institutional Shareholder Services

Based on the Macro Currency Group’s investment philosophy and approach to portfolio construction, and given the complexity of the issues that may be raised in connection with proxy votes, the Macro Currency Group has retained the services of Institutional



Shareholder Services (“ISS”). ISS is a wholly owned subsidiary MSCI, Inc. which is a leading global provider of investment decision support tools. ISS offers proxy voting solutions to institutional clients globally. The services provided to the Macro Currency Group include in-depth research, voting recommendations, vote execution, recordkeeping, and reporting.

The Macro Currency Group has elected to follow the ISS Standard Proxy Voting Guidelines (the “Guidelines”), which embody the positions and factors that the Macro Currency Group’s Portfolio Management Teams (“PM Teams”) generally consider important in casting proxy votes.1 The Guidelines address a wide variety of individual topics, including, among other matters, shareholder voting rights, anti-takeover defenses, board structures, the election of directors, executive and director compensation, reorganizations, mergers, and various shareholder proposals. In connection with each proxy vote, ISS prepares a written analysis and recommendation (“ISS Recommendation”) that reflects ISS’s application of the Guidelines to the particular proxy issues. ISS Proxy Voting Guidelines Summaries are accessible to all PM Teams on the ISS system. They are also available from the Proxy Voting Team.

Voting Against ISS Recommendations

On any particular proxy vote, Portfolio Managers may decide to diverge from the Guidelines. Where the Guidelines do not direct a particular response and instead list relevant factors, the ISS Recommendation will reflect ISS’s own evaluation of the factors.

If the Portfolio Manager’s judgment differs from that of ISS, a written record is created reflecting the process (See Appendix titled “Report for Proxy Vote(s) Against the ISS Recommendation(s)”), including:


  1. The requesting PM Team’s reasons for the decision;


  2. The approval of the lead Portfolio Manager for the requesting PM Team;


  3. Notification to the Proxy Voting Team and other appropriate personnel (including other Macro Currency Group portfolio managers who may own the particular security);


  4. A determination that the decision is not influenced by any conflict of interest; and review and approval by the Compliance Department.

Conflicts of Interest

The Macro Currency Group has implemented procedures designed to prevent conflicts of interest from influencing proxy voting decisions. These procedures include our use of the Guidelines and ISS Recommendations. Proxy votes cast by the Macro Currency Group in accordance with the Guidelines and ISS Recommendations are generally not viewed as being the product of any conflicts of interest because the Macro Currency Group cast such votes pursuant to a pre-determined policy based upon the recommendations of an independent third party.

Our procedures also prohibit the influence of conflicts of interest where a PM Team decides to vote against an ISS Recommendation, as described above. In exceptional circumstances, the approval process may also include consultation with the Macro Currency Group’s senior management, the Law Department, Outside Counsel, and/or the Client whose account may be affected by the conflict. The Macro Currency Group maintains records of the resolution of any proxy voting conflict of interest.

Proxy Voting Instructions and New Accounts

Institutional Accounts

As part of the new account opening process for discretionary institutional Clients, the Marco Currency Group’s Investment Accounting Department is responsible for sending a proxy letter to the Client’s custodian. This letter instructs the custodian to send the Client’s proxy materials to ISS for voting. The custodian must complete the letter and fax it to ISS, with a copy to the Marco Currency Group’s Investment Accounting Department. This process is designed to ensure and document that the custodian is aware of its responsibility to send proxies to ISS.

The Investment Accounting Department is responsible for maintaining this proxy instruction letter in the Client’s file and for scanning it into the Marco Currency Group’s OnBase system. These steps are part of the Marco Currency Group’s Account Opening Process.

SMA — Wrap Accounts

The Marco Currency Group’s SMA Operations Department is responsible for servicing wrap accounts, which includes setting up the accounts for proxy voting with ISS. The SMA Operations Department is responsible for sending a letter to the Client’s custodian, with instructions to send the Client’s proxy materials to ISS for voting. The custodian must complete the letter and fax it to ISS, with a


1  The Macro Currency Group has various Portfolio Manager Teams organized by asset classes and investment strategies.



copy to the SMA Operations Department and the Proxy Voting Team. The SMA Operations Department coordinates with the respective wrap program sponsor and the Investment Accounting Department to ensure that proxies are voted in accordance with Clients’ instructions.

Fixed Income and Private Investments

Voting decisions with respect to Client investments in fixed income securities and the securities of privately-held issuers will generally be made by the relevant Portfolio Managers based on their assessment of the particular transactions or other matters at issue.

Client Direction

Clients may choose to vote proxies themselves, in which case they must arrange for their custodians to send proxy materials directly to them. Upon request, the Macro Currency Group can accommodate individual Clients that have developed their own guidelines with ISS or another proxy service. Clients may also discuss with the Macro Currency Group the possibility of receiving individualized reports or other individualized services regarding proxy voting conducted on their behalf. Such requests should be centralized through the Macro Currency Group’s Proxy Voting Team.

Securities Lending

At times, neither the Macro Currency Group nor ISS will be allowed to vote proxies on behalf of Clients when those Clients have adopted a securities lending program. Typically, Clients who have adopted securities lending programs have made a general determination that the lending program provides a greater economic benefit than retaining the ability to vote proxies. Notwithstanding this fact, in the event that a proxy voting matter has the potential to materially enhance the economic value of the Client’s position and that position is lent out, the Macro Currency Group will make reasonable efforts to inform the Client that neither the Macro Currency Group nor ISS is able to vote the proxy until the lent security is recalled.

Abstaining from Voting Certain Proxies

The Macro Currency Group shall at no time ignore or neglect their proxy voting responsibilities. However, there may be times when refraining from voting is in the Client’s best interest, such as when the Macro Currency Group’s analysis of a particular proxy issue reveals that the cost of voting the proxy may exceed the expected benefit to the Client. Such proxies may be voted on a best-efforts basis. These issues may include, but are not limited to:


    Restrictions for share blocking countries2;


    Casting a vote on a foreign security may require that the Macro Currency Group engage a translator;


    Restrictions on foreigners’ ability to exercise votes;


    Requirements to vote proxies in person;


    Requirements to provide local agents with power of attorney to facilitate the voting instructions;


    Untimely notice of shareholder meeting;


    Restrictions on the sale of securities for a period of time in proximity to the shareholder meeting.

Proxy Solicitation

Employees must promptly inform the Macro Currency Group’s Proxy Voting Team of the receipt of any solicitation from any person related to Clients’ proxies. As a matter of practice, the Macro Currency Group does not reveal or disclose to any third party how the Macro Currency Group may have voted (or intend to vote) on a particular proxy until after such proxies have been counted at a shareholder’s meeting. However, the Proxy Voting Team may disclose that it is the Macro Currency Group’s general policy to follow the ISS Guidelines. At no time may any Employee accept any remuneration in the solicitation of proxies.

Handling of Information Requests Regarding Proxies

Employees may be contacted by various entities that request or provide information related to particular proxy issues. Specifically, investor relations, proxy solicitation, and corporate/financial communications firms (e.g., Ipreo, Richard Davies, DF King, Georgeson Shareholder) may contact the Macro Currency Group to ask questions regarding total holdings of a particular stock


2  In certain markets where share blocking occurs, shares must be “frozen” for trading purposes at the custodian or sub-custodian in order to vote. During the time that shares are blocked, any pending trades will not settle. Depending on the market, this period can last from one day to three weeks. Any sales that must be executed will settle late and potentially be subject to interest charges or other punitive fees.



across advisory Clients, or how the Macro Currency Group intends to vote on a particular proxy. In addition, issuers may call (or hire third parties to call) with intentions to influence the Macro Currency Group’s votes (i.e., to vote against ISS).

Employees that receive information requests related to proxy votes should forward such communications (e.g., calls, e-mails, etc.) to the Macro Currency Group’s Proxy Voting Team. The Proxy Voting Team will take steps to verify the identity of the caller and his/her firm prior to exchanging any information. In addition, the Proxy Voting Team may consult with the appropriate Portfolio Manager(s) and/or the CCO or CCO NA with respect to the type of information that can be disclosed. Certain information may have to be provided pursuant to foreign legal requirements (e.g., Section 793 of the UK Companies Act).

External Managers

Where Client assets are placed with managers outside of the Macro Currency Group, whether through separate accounts, funds-of-funds or other structures, such external managers are responsible for voting proxies in accordance with the managers’ own policies. The Macro Currency Group may, however, retain such responsibilities where deemed appropriate.

Proxy Voting Errors

In the event that any Employee becomes aware of an error related to proxy voting, he/she must promptly report that matter to the Macro Currency Group’s Proxy Voting Team. The Proxy Voting Team will take immediate steps to determine whether the impact of the error is material and to address the matter. The Proxy Voting Team, with the assistance of the CCO or CCO NA (or their designee), will generally prepare a memo describing the analysis and the resolution of the matter. Supporting documentation (e.g., correspondence with ISS, Client, Portfolio Managers/ analysts, etc.) will be maintained by the Compliance Department. Depending on the severity of the issue, the Law Department, Outside Counsel, and/or affected Clients may be contacted. However, the Macro Currency Group may opt to refrain from notifying non-material de minimis errors to Clients.


The Macro Currency Group must maintain the documentation described in the following section for a period of not less than five (5) years, the first two (2) years at the principal place of business. The Proxy Voting Team, in coordination with ISS, is responsible for the following procedures and for ensuring that the required documentation is retained.

Client request to review proxy votes:


    Any request, whether written (including e-mail) or oral, received by any Employee of the Macro Currency Group, must be promptly reported to the Proxy Voting Team. All written requests must be retained in the Client’s permanent file.


    The Proxy Voting Team records the identity of the Client, the date of the request, and the disposition (e.g., provided a written or oral response to Client’s request, referred to third party, not a proxy voting client, other dispositions, etc.) in a suitable place.


    The Proxy Voting Team furnishes the information requested to the Client within a reasonable time period (generally within 10 business days). The Macro Currency Group maintains a copy of the written record provided in response to Client’s written (including e-mail) or oral request. A copy of the written response should be attached and maintained with the Client’s written request, if applicable and maintained in the permanent file.


    Clients are permitted to request the proxy voting record for the 5 year period prior to their request.

Proxy statements received regarding client securities:


    Upon inadvertent receipt of a proxy, the Macro Currency Group forwards the proxy to ISS for voting, unless the client has instructed otherwise.

Note: The Macro Currency Group is permitted to rely on proxy statements filed on the SEC’s EDGAR system instead of keeping their own copies.

Proxy voting records:


    The Macro Currency Group’s proxy voting record is maintained by ISS. The Proxy Voting Team, with the assistance of the Investment Accounting and SMA Operations Departments, periodically ensures that ISS has complete, accurate, and current records of Clients who have instructed the Macro Currency Group to vote proxies on their behalf.


    The Macro Currency Group maintains documentation to support the decision to vote against the ISS recommendation.



    The Macro Currency Group maintains documentation or any communications received from third parties, other industry analysts, third party service providers, company’s management discussions, etc. that were material in the basis for any voting decision.

Procedures for Class Actions

In general, it is the Macro Currency Group’s policy not to file class action claims on behalf of Clients. The Macro Currency Group specifically does not act on behalf of former Clients who may have owned the affected security but subsequently terminated their relationship with the Macro Currency Group. The Macro Currency Group only files class actions on behalf of Clients if that responsibility is specifically stated in the advisory contract, as it is the Macro Currency Group’s general policy not to act as lead plaintiff in class actions. The process of class action claims is carried out by the Investment Accounting Department. In the event the Macro Currency Group opts out of a class action settlement, the Macro Currency Group will maintain documentation of any cost/benefit analysis to support that decision.

The Macro Currency Group is mindful that they have a duty to avoid and detect conflicts of interest that may arise in the class action claim process. Where actual, potential or apparent conflicts are identified regarding any material matter, the Macro Currency Group manages the conflict by seeking instruction from the Law Department and/or outside counsel.


The Macro Currency Group ensures that Part 2A of Form ADV is updated as necessary to reflect: (i) all material changes to this policy; and (ii) regulatory requirements.


Various individuals and departments are responsible for carrying out the Macro Currency Group’s proxy voting and class action practices, as mentioned throughout these policies and procedures. The Investment Accounting Department has assigned a Proxy Voting Team to manage the proxy voting process. The Investment Accounting Department has delegated the handling of class action activities to a Senior Investment Accounting Leader.

In general, the Macro Currency Group’s CCO or CCO NA (or their designee) oversees the decisions related to proxy voting, class actions, conflicts of interest, and applicable record keeping and disclosures. In addition, the Compliance Department periodically reviews the voting of proxies to ensure that all such votes — particularly those diverging from the judgment of ISS — were voted in a manner consistent with the Macro Currency Group’s fiduciary duties.






February 1, 2015

Massachusetts Financial Services Company, MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc., MFS International (UK) Limited, MFS Heritage Trust Company, MFS Investment Management (Canada) Limited, MFS Investment Management Company (Lux) S.à r.l., MFS International Singapore Pte. Ltd., MFS Investment Management K.K., and MFS’ other subsidiaries that perform discretionary investment management activities (collectively, “MFS”) have adopted proxy voting policies and procedures, as set forth below (“MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures”), with respect to securities owned by the clients for which MFS serves as investment adviser and has the power to vote proxies, including the pooled investment vehicles sponsored by MFS (the “MFS Funds”). References to “clients” in these policies and procedures include the MFS Funds and other clients of MFS, such as funds organized offshore, sub-advised funds and separate account clients, to the extent these clients have delegated to MFS the responsibility to vote proxies on their behalf under the MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures.

The MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures include:


  A. Voting Guidelines;


  B. Administrative Procedures;


  C. Records Retention; and


  D. Reports.




  1. General Policy; Potential Conflicts of Interest

MFS’ policy is that proxy voting decisions are made in what MFS believes to be the best long-term economic interests of MFS’ clients, and not in the interests of any other party or in MFS’ corporate interests, including interests such as the distribution of MFS Fund shares and institutional client relationships.

MFS reviews corporate governance issues and proxy voting matters that are presented for shareholder vote by either management or shareholders of public companies. Based on the overall principle that all votes cast by MFS on behalf of its clients must be in what MFS believes to be the best long-term economic interests of such clients, MFS has adopted proxy voting guidelines, set forth below, that govern how MFS generally will vote on specific matters presented for shareholder vote.

As a general matter, MFS votes consistently on similar proxy proposals across all shareholder meetings. However, some proxy proposals, such as certain excessive executive compensation, environmental, social and governance matters, are analyzed on a case-by-case basis in light of all the relevant facts and circumstances of the proposal. Therefore, MFS may vote similar proposals differently at different shareholder meetings based on the specific facts and circumstances of the issuer or the terms of the proposal. In addition, MFS also reserves the right to override the guidelines with respect to a particular proxy proposal when such an override is, in MFS’ best judgment, consistent with the overall principle of voting proxies in the best long-term economic interests of MFS’ clients.

MFS also generally votes consistently on the same matter when securities of an issuer are held by multiple client accounts, unless MFS has received explicit voting instructions to vote differently from a client for its own account. From time to time, MFS may also receive comments on the MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures from its clients. These comments are carefully considered by MFS when it reviews these guidelines and revises them as appropriate.

These policies and procedures are intended to address any potential material conflicts of interest on the part of MFS or its subsidiaries that are likely to arise in connection with the voting of proxies on behalf of MFS’ clients. If such potential material conflicts of interest do arise, MFS will analyze, document and report on such potential material conflicts of interest (see Sections B.2 and D below), and shall ultimately vote the relevant proxies in what MFS believes to be the best long-term economic interests of its clients. The MFS Proxy Voting Committee is responsible for monitoring and reporting with respect to such potential material conflicts of interest.

MFS is also a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment. In developing these guidelines, MFS considered environmental, social and corporate governance issues in light of MFS’ fiduciary obligation to vote proxies in the best long-term economic interest of its clients.



2. MFS’ Policy on Specific Issues

Election of Directors

MFS believes that good governance should be based on a board with at least a simple majority of directors who are “independent” of management, and whose key committees (e.g., compensation, nominating, and audit committees) consist entirely of “independent” directors. While MFS generally supports the board’s nominees in uncontested or non-contentious elections, we will not support a nominee to a board of a U.S. issuer (or issuer listed on a U.S. exchange) if, as a result of such nominee being elected to the board, the board would consist of a simple majority of members who are not “independent” or, alternatively, the compensation, nominating (including instances in which the full board serves as the compensation or nominating committee) or audit committees would include members who are not “independent.”

MFS will also not support a nominee to a board if we can determine that he or she attended less than 75% of the board and/or relevant committee meetings in the previous year without a valid reason stated in the proxy materials or other company communications. In addition, MFS may not support some or all nominees standing for re-election to a board if we can determine: (1) the board or its compensation committee has re-priced or exchanged underwater stock options since the last annual meeting of shareholders and without shareholder approval; (2) the board or relevant committee has not taken adequately responsive action to an issue that received majority support or opposition from shareholders; (3) the board has implemented a poison pill without shareholder approval since the last annual meeting and such poison pill is not on the subsequent shareholder meeting’s agenda, (including those related to net-operating loss carryforwards); (4) the board or relevant committee has failed to adequately oversee risk by allowing the hedging and/or significant pledging of company shares by executives; or (5) there are governance concerns with a director or issuer.

MFS may not support certain board nominees of U.S. issuers under certain circumstances where MFS deems compensation to be egregious due to pay-for-performance issues and/or poor pay practices. Please see the section below titled “MFS’ Policy on Specific Issues — Advisory Votes on Executive Compensation” for further details.

MFS evaluates a contested or contentious election of directors on a case-by-case basis considering the long-term financial performance of the company relative to its industry, management’s track record, the qualifications of all nominees, and an evaluation of what each side is offering shareholders.

Majority Voting and Director Elections

MFS votes for reasonably crafted proposals calling for directors to be elected with an affirmative majority of votes cast and/or the elimination of the plurality standard for electing directors (including binding resolutions requesting that the board amend the company’s bylaws), provided the proposal includes a carve-out for a plurality voting standard when there are more director nominees than board seats (e.g., contested elections) (“Majority Vote Proposals”).

Classified Boards

MFS generally supports proposals to declassify a board (i.e.; a board in which only one-third of board members is elected each year) for all issuers other than for certain closed-end investment companies. MFS generally opposes proposals to classify a board for issuers other than for certain closed-end investment companies.

Proxy Access

MFS believes that the ability of qualifying shareholders to nominate a certain number of directors on the company’s proxy statement (“Proxy Access”) may have corporate governance benefits. However, such potential benefits must be balanced by its potential misuse by shareholders. Therefore, we support Proxy Access proposals at U.S. issuers that establish an ownership criteria of 3% of the company held continuously for a period of 3 years. MFS analyzes all other proposals seeking Proxy Access on a case-by-case basis. In its analysis, MFS will consider the proposed ownership criteria for qualifying shareholders (such as ownership threshold and holding period) as well as the proponent’s rationale for seeking Proxy Access.

Stock Plans

MFS opposes stock option programs and restricted stock plans that provide unduly generous compensation for officers, directors or employees, or that could result in excessive dilution to other shareholders. As a general guideline, MFS votes against restricted stock, stock option, non-employee director, omnibus stock plans and any other stock plan if all such plans for a particular company involve potential dilution, in the aggregate, of more than 15%. However, MFS will also vote against stock plans that involve potential dilution, in aggregate, of more than 10% at U.S. issuers that are listed in the Standard and Poor’s 100 index as of December 31 of the previous year. In the cases where a stock plan amendment is seeking qualitative changes and not additional shares, MFS will vote its shares on a case-by-case basis.



MFS also opposes stock option programs that allow the board or the compensation committee to re-price underwater options or to automatically replenish shares without shareholder approval. MFS also votes against stock option programs for officers, employees or non-employee directors that do not require an investment by the optionee, that give “free rides” on the stock price, or that permit grants of stock options with an exercise price below fair market value on the date the options are granted. MFS will consider proposals to exchange existing options for newly issued options, restricted stock or cash on a case-by-case basis, taking into account certain factors, including, but not limited to, whether there is a reasonable value-for-value exchange and whether senior executives are excluded from participating in the exchange.

MFS supports the use of a broad-based employee stock purchase plans to increase company stock ownership by employees, provided that shares purchased under the plan are acquired for no less than 85% of their market value and do not result in excessive dilution.

Shareholder Proposals on Executive Compensation

MFS believes that competitive compensation packages are necessary to attract, motivate and retain executives. However, MFS also recognizes that certain executive compensation practices can be “excessive” and not in the best, long-term economic interest of a company’s shareholders. We believe that the election of an issuer’s board of directors (as outlined above), votes on stock plans (as outlined above) and advisory votes on pay (as outlined below) are typically the most effective mechanisms to express our view on a company’s compensation practices.

MFS generally opposes shareholder proposals that seek to set rigid restrictions on executive compensation as MFS believes that compensation committees should retain some flexibility to determine the appropriate pay package for executives. Although we support linking executive stock option grants to a company’s performance, MFS also opposes shareholder proposals that mandate a link of performance-based pay to a specific metric. MFS generally supports reasonably crafted shareholder proposals that (i) require the issuer to adopt a policy to recover the portion of performance-based bonuses and awards paid to senior executives that were not earned based upon a significant negative restatement of earnings unless the company already has adopted a satisfactory policy on the matter, (ii) expressly prohibit the backdating of stock options, and (iii) prohibit the acceleration of vesting of equity awards upon a broad definition of a “change-in-control” (e.g.; single or modified single-trigger).

Advisory Votes on Executive Compensation

MFS will analyze advisory votes on executive compensation on a case-by-case basis. MFS will vote against an advisory vote on executive compensation if MFS determines that the issuer has adopted excessive executive compensation practices and will vote in favor of an advisory vote on executive compensation if MFS has not determined that the issuer has adopted excessive executive compensation practices. Examples of excessive executive compensation practices may include, but are not limited to, a pay-for-performance disconnect, employment contract terms such as guaranteed bonus provisions, unwarranted pension payouts, backdated stock options, overly generous hiring bonuses for chief executive officers, unnecessary perquisites, or the potential reimbursement of excise taxes to an executive in regards to a severance package. In cases where MFS (i) votes against consecutive advisory pay votes, or (ii) determines that a particularly egregious excessive executive compensation practice has occurred, then MFS may also vote against certain or all board nominees. MFS may also vote against certain or all board nominees if an advisory pay vote for a U.S. issuer is not on the agenda, or the company has not implemented the advisory vote frequency supported by a plurality/ majority of shareholders.

MFS generally supports proposals to include an advisory shareholder vote on an issuer’s executive compensation practices on an annual basis.

“Golden Parachutes”

From time to time, MFS may evaluate a separate, advisory vote on severance packages or “golden parachutes” to certain executives at the same time as a vote on a proposed merger or acquisition. MFS will support an advisory vote on a severance package on a on a case-by-case basis, and MFS may vote against the severance package regardless of whether MFS supports the proposed merger or acquisition.

Shareholders of companies may also submit proxy proposals that would require shareholder approval of severance packages for executive officers that exceed certain predetermined thresholds. MFS votes in favor of such shareholder proposals when they would require shareholder approval of any severance package for an executive officer that exceeds a certain multiple of such officer’s annual compensation that is not determined in MFS’ judgment to be excessive.



Anti-Takeover Measures

In general, MFS votes against any measure that inhibits capital appreciation in a stock, including proposals that protect management from action by shareholders. These types of proposals take many forms, ranging from “poison pills” and “shark repellents” to super-majority requirements.

MFS generally votes for proposals to rescind existing “poison pills” and proposals that would require shareholder approval to adopt prospective “poison pills,” unless the company already has adopted a clearly satisfactory policy on the matter. MFS may consider the adoption of a prospective “poison pill” or the continuation of an existing “poison pill” if we can determine that the following two conditions are met: (1) the “poison pill” allows MFS clients to hold an aggregate position of up to 15% of a company’s total voting securities (and of any class of voting securities); and (2) either (a) the “poison pill” has a term of not longer than five years, provided that MFS will consider voting in favor of the “poison pill” if the term does not exceed seven years and the “poison pill” is linked to a business strategy or purpose that MFS believes is likely to result in greater value for shareholders; or (b) the terms of the “poison pill” allow MFS clients the opportunity to accept a fairly structured and attractively priced tender offer (e.g. a “chewable poison pill” that automatically dissolves in the event of an all cash, all shares tender offer at a premium price). MFS will also consider on a case-by-case basis proposals designed to prevent tenders which are disadvantageous to shareholders such as tenders at below market prices and tenders for substantially less than all shares of an issuer.

MFS will consider any poison pills designed to protect a company’s net-operating loss carryforwards on a case-by-case basis, weighing the accounting and tax benefits of such a pill against the risk of deterring future acquisition candidates.

Reincorporation and Reorganization Proposals

When presented with a proposal to reincorporate a company under the laws of a different state, or to effect some other type of corporate reorganization, MFS considers the underlying purpose and ultimate effect of such a proposal in determining whether or not to support such a measure. MFS generally votes with management in regards to these types of proposals, however, if MFS believes the proposal is in the best long-term economic interests of its clients, then MFS may vote against management (e.g. the intent or effect would be to create additional inappropriate impediments to possible acquisitions or takeovers).

Issuance of Stock

There are many legitimate reasons for the issuance of stock. Nevertheless, as noted above under “Stock Plans,” when a stock option plan (either individually or when aggregated with other plans of the same company) would substantially dilute the existing equity (e.g. by approximately 10-15% as described above), MFS generally votes against the plan. In addition, MFS typically votes against proposals where management is asking for authorization to issue common or preferred stock with no reason stated (a “blank check”) because the unexplained authorization could work as a potential anti-takeover device. MFS may also vote against the authorization or issuance of common or preferred stock if MFS determines that the requested authorization is excessive or not warranted.

Repurchase Programs

MFS supports proposals to institute share repurchase plans in which all shareholders have the opportunity to participate on an equal basis. Such plans may include a company acquiring its own shares on the open market, or a company making a tender offer to its own shareholders.

Cumulative Voting

MFS opposes proposals that seek to introduce cumulative voting and for proposals that seek to eliminate cumulative voting. In either case, MFS will consider whether cumulative voting is likely to enhance the interests of MFS’ clients as minority shareholders.

Written Consent and Special Meetings

The right to call a special meeting or act by written consent can be a powerful tool for shareholders. As such, MFS supports proposals requesting the right for shareholders who hold at least 10% of the issuer’s outstanding stock to call a special meeting. MFS also supports proposals requesting the right for shareholders to act by written consent.

Independent Auditors

MFS believes that the appointment of auditors for U.S. issuers is best left to the board of directors of the company and therefore supports the ratification of the board’s selection of an auditor for the company. Some shareholder groups have submitted proposals to limit the non-audit activities of a company’s audit firm or prohibit any non-audit services by a company’s auditors to that company. MFS opposes proposals recommending the prohibition or limitation of the performance of non-audit services by an auditor, and



proposals recommending the removal of a company’s auditor due to the performance of non-audit work for the company by its auditor. MFS believes that the board, or its audit committee, should have the discretion to hire the company’s auditor for specific pieces of non-audit work in the limited situations permitted under current law.

Other Business

MFS generally votes against “other business” proposals as the content of any such matter is not known at the time of our vote.

Adjourn Shareholder Meeting

MFS generally supports proposals to adjourn a shareholder meeting if we support the other ballot items on the meeting’s agenda. MFS generally votes against proposals to adjourn a meeting if we do not support the other ballot items on the meeting’s agenda.

Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) Issues

MFS believes that a company’s ESG practices may have an impact on the company’s long-term economic financial performance and will generally support proposals relating to ESG issues that MFS believes are in the best long-term economic interest of the company’s shareholders. For those ESG proposals for which a specific policy has not been adopted, MFS considers such ESG proposals on a case-by-case basis. As a result, it may vote similar proposals differently at various shareholder meetings based on the specific facts and circumstances of such proposal.

MFS generally supports proposals that seek to remove governance structures that insulate management from shareholders (i.e., anti-takeover measures) or that seek to enhance shareholder rights. Many of these governance-related issues, including compensation issues, are outlined within the context of the above guidelines. In addition, MFS typically supports proposals that require an issuer to reimburse successful dissident shareholders (who are not seeking control of the company) for reasonable expenses that such dissident incurred in soliciting an alternative slate of director candidates. MFS also generally supports reasonably crafted shareholder proposals requesting increased disclosure around the company’s use of collateral in derivatives trading. MFS typically supports proposals for an independent board chairperson. However, we may not support such proposals if we determine there to be an appropriate and effective counter-balancing leadership structure in place (e.g.; a strong, independent lead director with an appropriate level of powers and duties). For any governance-related proposal for which an explicit guideline is not provided above, MFS will consider such proposals on a case-by-case basis and will support such proposals if MFS believes that it is in the best long-term economic interest of the company’s shareholders.

MFS generally supports proposals that request disclosure on the impact of environmental issues on the company’s operations, sales, and capital investments. However, MFS may not support such proposals based on the facts and circumstances surrounding a specific proposal, including, but not limited to, whether (i) the proposal is unduly costly, restrictive, or burdensome, (ii) the company already provides publicly-available information that is sufficient to enable shareholders to evaluate the potential opportunities and risks that environmental matters pose to the company’s operations, sales and capital investments, or (iii) the proposal seeks a level of disclosure that exceeds that provided by the company’s industry peers. MFS will analyze all other environmental proposals on a case-by-case basis and will support such proposals if MFS believes such proposal is in the best long-term economic interest of the company’s shareholders.

MFS will analyze social proposals on a case-by-case basis. MFS will support such proposals if MFS believes that such proposal is in the best long-term economic interest of the company’s shareholders. Generally, MFS will support shareholder proposals that (i) seek to amend a company’s equal employment opportunity policy to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity; and (ii) request additional disclosure regarding a company’s political contributions (including trade organizations and lobbying activity) (unless the company already provides publicly-available information that is sufficient to enable shareholders to evaluate the potential opportunities and risks that such contributions pose to the company’s operations, sales and capital investments).

The laws of various states or countries may regulate how the interests of certain clients subject to those laws (e.g. state pension plans) are voted with respect to social issues. Thus, it may be necessary to cast ballots differently for certain clients than MFS might normally do for other clients.

Foreign Issuers

MFS generally supports the election of a director nominee standing for re-election in uncontested or non-contentious elections unless it can be determined that (1) he or she failed to attend at least 75% of the board and/or relevant committee meetings in the previous year without a valid reason given in the proxy materials; (2) since the last annual meeting of shareholders and without shareholder approval, the board or its compensation committee has re-priced underwater stock options; or (3) since the last annual meeting, the board has either implemented a poison pill without shareholder approval or has not taken responsive action to a majority shareholder approved resolution recommending that the “poison pill” be rescinded. In such circumstances, we will vote against



director nominee(s). Also, certain markets outside of the U.S. have adopted best practice guidelines relating to corporate governance matters (e.g. the United Kingdom’s Corporate Governance Code). Many of these guidelines operate on a “comply or explain” basis. As such, MFS will evaluate any explanations by companies relating to their compliance with a particular corporate governance guideline on a case-by-case basis and may vote against the board nominees or other relevant ballot item if such explanation is not satisfactory. In some circumstances, MFS may submit a vote to abstain from certain director nominees or the relevant ballot items if we have concerns with the nominee or ballot item, but do not believe these concerns rise to the level where a vote against is warranted.

MFS generally supports the election of auditors, but may determine to vote against the election of a statutory auditor in certain markets if MFS reasonably believes that the statutory auditor is not truly independent.

Some international markets have also adopted mandatory requirements for all companies to hold shareholder votes on executive compensation. MFS will vote against such proposals if MFS determines that a company’s executive compensation practices are excessive, considering such factors as the specific market’s best practices that seek to maintain appropriate pay-for-performance alignment and to create long-term shareholder value. We may alternatively submit an abstention vote on such proposals in circumstances where our executive compensation concerns are not as severe.

Many other items on foreign proxies involve repetitive, non-controversial matters that are mandated by local law. Accordingly, the items that are generally deemed routine and which do not require the exercise of judgment under these guidelines (and therefore voted with management) for foreign issuers include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) receiving financial statements or other reports from the board; (ii) approval of declarations of dividends; (iii) appointment of shareholders to sign board meeting minutes; (iv) discharge of management and supervisory boards; and (v) approval of share repurchase programs (absent any anti-takeover or other concerns). MFS will evaluate all other items on proxies for foreign companies in the context of the guidelines described above, but will generally vote against an item if there is not sufficient information disclosed in order to make an informed voting decision. For any ballot item where MFS wishes to express a more moderate level of concern than a vote of against, we will cast a vote to abstain.

In accordance with local law or business practices, some foreign companies or custodians prevent the sale of shares that have been voted for a certain period beginning prior to the shareholder meeting and ending on the day following the meeting (“share blocking”). Depending on the country in which a company is domiciled, the blocking period may begin a stated number of days prior or subsequent to the meeting (e.g. one, three or five days) or on a date established by the company. While practices vary, in many countries the block period can be continued for a longer period if the shareholder meeting is adjourned and postponed to a later date. Similarly, practices vary widely as to the ability of a shareholder to have the “block” restriction lifted early (e.g. in some countries shares generally can be “unblocked” up to two days prior to the meeting whereas in other countries the removal of the block appears to be discretionary with the issuer’s transfer agent). Due to these restrictions, MFS must balance the benefits to its clients of voting proxies against the potentially serious portfolio management consequences of a reduced flexibility to sell the underlying shares at the most advantageous time. For companies in countries with share blocking periods or in markets where some custodians may block shares, the disadvantage of being unable to sell the stock regardless of changing conditions generally outweighs the advantages of voting at the shareholder meeting for routine items. Accordingly, MFS will not vote those proxies in the absence of an unusual, significant vote that outweighs the disadvantage of being unable to sell the stock.

From time to time, governments may impose economic sanctions which may prohibit us from transacting business with certain companies or individuals. These sanctions may also prohibit the voting of proxies at certain companies or on certain individuals. In such instances, MFS will not vote at certain companies or on certain individuals if it determines that doing so is in violation of the sanctions.

In limited circumstances, other market specific impediments to voting shares may limit our ability to cast votes, including, but not limited to, late delivery of proxy materials, untimely vote cut-off dates, power of attorney and share re-registration requirements, or any other unusual voting requirements. In these limited instances, MFS votes securities on a best efforts basis in the context of the guidelines described above.




  1. MFS Proxy Voting Committee

The administration of these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures is overseen by the MFS Proxy Voting Committee, which includes senior personnel from the MFS Legal and Global Investment Support Departments. The Proxy Voting Committee does not include individuals whose primary duties relate to client relationship management, marketing, or sales. The MFS Proxy Voting Committee:

a. Reviews these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures at least annually and recommends any amendments considered to be necessary or advisable;



b. Determines whether any potential material conflict of interest exists with respect to instances in which MFS (i) seeks to override these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures; (ii) votes on ballot items not governed by these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures; (iii) evaluates an excessive executive compensation issue in relation to the election of directors; or (iv) requests a vote recommendation from an MFS portfolio manager or investment analyst (e.g. mergers and acquisitions); and

c. Considers special proxy issues as they may arise from time to time.


  2. Potential Conflicts of Interest

The MFS Proxy Voting Committee is responsible for monitoring potential material conflicts of interest on the part of MFS or its subsidiaries that could arise in connection with the voting of proxies on behalf of MFS’ clients. Due to the client focus of our investment management business, we believe that the potential for actual material conflict of interest issues is small. Nonetheless, we have developed precautions to assure that all proxy votes are cast in the best long-term economic interest of shareholders.1 Other MFS internal policies require all MFS employees to avoid actual and potential conflicts of interests between personal activities and MFS’ client activities. If an employee (including investment professionals) identifies an actual or potential conflict of interest with respect to any voting decision (including the ownership of securities in their individual portfolio), then that employee must recuse himself/herself from participating in the voting process. Any significant attempt by an employee of MFS or its subsidiaries to unduly influence MFS’ voting on a particular proxy matter should also be reported to the MFS Proxy Voting Committee.

In cases where proxies are voted in accordance with these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures, no material conflict of interest will be deemed to exist. In cases where (i) MFS is considering overriding these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures, (ii) matters presented for vote are not governed by these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures, (iii) MFS evaluates a

potentially excessive executive compensation issue in relation to the election of directors or advisory pay or severance package vote, (iv) a vote recommendation is requested from an MFS portfolio manager or investment analyst (e.g. mergers and acquisitions); or (v) MFS evaluates a director nominee who also serves as a director of the MFS Funds (collectively, “Non-Standard Votes”); the MFS Proxy Voting Committee will follow these procedures:

a. Compare the name of the issuer of such proxy against a list of significant current (i) distributors of MFS Fund shares, and (ii) MFS institutional clients (the “MFS Significant Distributor and Client List”);

b. If the name of the issuer does not appear on the MFS Significant Distributor and Client List, then no material conflict of interest will be deemed to exist, and the proxy will be voted as otherwise determined by the MFS Proxy Voting Committee;

c. If the name of the issuer appears on the MFS Significant Distributor and Client List, then the MFS Proxy Voting Committee will be apprised of that fact and each member of the MFS Proxy Voting Committee will carefully evaluate the proposed vote in order to ensure that the proxy ultimately is voted in what MFS believes to be the best long-term economic interests of MFS’ clients, and not in MFS’ corporate interests; and

d. For all potential material conflicts of interest identified under clause (c) above, the MFS Proxy Voting Committee will document: the name of the issuer, the issuer’s relationship to MFS, the analysis of the matters submitted for proxy vote, the votes as to be cast and the reasons why the MFS Proxy Voting Committee determined that the votes were cast in the best long-term economic interests of MFS’ clients, and not in MFS’ corporate interests. A copy of the foregoing documentation will be provided to MFS’ Conflicts Officer.

The members of the MFS Proxy Voting Committee are responsible for creating and maintaining the MFS Significant Distributor and Client List, in consultation with MFS’ distribution and institutional business units. The MFS Significant Distributor and Client List will be reviewed and updated periodically, as appropriate.

If an MFS client has the right to vote on a matter submitted to shareholders by Sun Life Financial, Inc. or any of its affiliates (collectively “Sun Life”), MFS will cast a vote on behalf of such MFS client pursuant to the recommendations of Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc.’s (“ISS”) benchmark policy, or as required by law.

Except as described in the MFS Fund’s prospectus, from time to time, certain MFS Funds (the “top tier fund”) may own shares of other MFS Funds (the “underlying fund”). If an underlying fund submits a matter to a shareholder vote, the top tier fund will generally vote its shares in the same proportion as the other shareholders of the underlying fund. If there are no other shareholders in the underlying fund, the top tier fund will vote in what MFS believes to be in the top tier fund’s best long-term economic interest. If an MFS client has the right to vote on a matter submitted to shareholders by a pooled investment vehicle advised by MFS, MFS will cast a vote on behalf of such MFS client in the same proportion as the other shareholders of the pooled investment vehicle.



1  For clarification purposes, note that MFS votes in what we believe to be the best, long-term economic interest of our clients entitled to vote at the shareholder meeting, regardless of whether other MFS clients hold “short” positions in the same issuer.



  3. Gathering Proxies

Most proxies received by MFS and its clients originate at Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”). Broadridge and other service providers, on behalf of custodians, send proxy related material to the record holders of the shares beneficially owned by MFS’ clients, usually to the client’s proxy voting administrator or, less commonly, to the client itself. This material will include proxy ballots reflecting the shareholdings of Funds and of clients on the record dates for such shareholder meetings, as well as proxy materials with the issuer’s explanation of the items to be voted upon.

MFS, on behalf of itself and certain of its clients (including the MFS Funds) has entered into an agreement with an independent proxy administration firm pursuant to which the proxy administration firm performs various proxy vote related administrative services such as vote processing and recordkeeping functions. Except as noted below, the proxy administration firm for MFS and its clients, including the MFS Funds, is ISS. The proxy administration firm for MFS Development Funds, LLC is Glass, Lewis & Co., Inc. (“Glass Lewis”; Glass Lewis and ISS are each hereinafter referred to as the “Proxy Administrator”).

The Proxy Administrator receives proxy statements and proxy ballots directly or indirectly from various custodians, logs these materials into its database and matches upcoming meetings with MFS Fund and client portfolio holdings, which are input into the Proxy Administrator’s system by an MFS holdings data-feed. Through the use of the Proxy Administrator system, ballots and proxy material summaries for all upcoming shareholders’ meetings are available on-line to certain MFS employees and members of the MFS Proxy Voting Committee.

It is the responsibility of the Proxy Administrator and MFS to monitor the receipt of ballots. When proxy ballots and materials for clients are received by the Proxy Administrator, they are input into the Proxy Administrator’s on-line system. The Proxy Administrator then reconciles a list of all MFS accounts that hold shares of a company’s stock and the number of shares held on the record date by these accounts with the Proxy Administrator’s list of any upcoming shareholder’s meeting of that company. If a proxy ballot has not been received, the Proxy Administrator contacts the custodian requesting the reason as to why a ballot has not been received.


  4. Analyzing Proxies

Proxies are voted in accordance with these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures. The Proxy Administrator, at the prior direction of MFS, automatically votes all proxy matters that do not require the particular exercise of discretion or judgment with respect to these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures as determined by MFS. With respect to proxy matters that require the particular exercise of discretion or judgment, the MFS Proxy Voting Committee considers and votes on those proxy matters. MFS also receives research and recommendations from the Proxy Administrator which it may take into account in deciding how to vote. MFS uses the research of ISS to identify (i) circumstances in which a board may have approved excessive executive compensation, (ii) environmental and social proposals that warrant further consideration or (iii) circumstances in which a non-U.S. company is not in compliance with local governance or compensation best practices. In those situations where the only MFS fund that is eligible to vote at a shareholder meeting has Glass Lewis as its Proxy Administrator, then we will utilize research from Glass Lewis to identify such issues. MFS analyzes such issues independently and does not necessarily vote with the ISS or Glass Lewis recommendations on these issues. MFS may also use other research tools in order to identify the circumstances described above. Representatives of the MFS Proxy Voting Committee review, as appropriate, votes cast to ensure conformity with these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures.

As a general matter, portfolio managers and investment analysts have little involvement in most votes taken by MFS. This is designed to promote consistency in the application of MFS’ voting guidelines, to promote consistency in voting on the same or similar issues (for the same or for multiple issuers) across all client accounts, and to minimize the potential that proxy solicitors, issuers, or third parties might attempt to exert inappropriate influence on the vote. In limited types of votes (e.g. mergers and acquisitions, capitalization matters, potentially excessive executive compensation issues, or shareholder proposals relating to environmental and social issues), a representative of MFS Proxy Voting Committee may consult with or seek recommendations from MFS portfolio managers or investment analysts.2 However, the MFS Proxy Voting Committee would ultimately determine the manner in which all proxies are voted.

As noted above, MFS reserves the right to override the guidelines when such an override is, in MFS’ best judgment, consistent with the overall principle of voting proxies in the best long-term economic interests of MFS’ clients. Any such override of the guidelines shall be analyzed, documented and reported in accordance with the procedures set forth in these policies.


2  From time to time, due to travel schedules and other commitments, an appropriate portfolio manager or research analyst may not be available to provide a vote recommendation. If such a recommendation cannot be obtained within a reasonable time prior to the cut-off date of the shareholder meeting, the MFS Proxy Voting Committee may determine to abstain from voting.



  5. Voting Proxies

In accordance with its contract with MFS, the Proxy Administrator also generates a variety of reports for the MFS Proxy Voting Committee, and makes available on-line various other types of information so that the MFS Proxy Voting Committee or proxy team may review and monitor the votes cast by the Proxy Administrator on behalf of MFS’ clients.

For those markets that utilize a “record date” to determine which shareholders are eligible to vote, MFS generally will vote all eligible shares pursuant to these guidelines regardless of whether all (or a portion of) the shares held by our clients have been sold prior to the meeting date.


  6. Securities Lending

From time to time, the MFS Funds or other pooled investment vehicles sponsored by MFS may participate in a securities lending program. In the event MFS or its agent receives timely notice of a shareholder meeting for a U.S. security, MFS and its agent will attempt to recall any securities on loan before the meeting’s record date so that MFS will be entitled to vote these shares. However, there may be instances in which MFS is unable to timely recall securities on loan for a U.S. security, in which cases MFS will not be able to vote these shares. MFS will report to the appropriate board of the MFS Funds those instances in which MFS is not able to timely recall the loaned securities. MFS generally does not recall non-U.S. securities on loan because there may be insufficient advance notice of proxy materials, record dates, or vote cut-off dates to allow MFS to timely recall the shares in certain markets on an automated basis. As a result, non-U.S. securities that are on loan will not generally be voted. If MFS receives timely notice of what MFS determines to be an unusual, significant vote for a non-U.S. security whereas MFS shares are on loan, and determines that voting is in the best long-term economic interest of shareholders, then MFS will attempt to timely recall the loaned shares.


  7. Engagement

The MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures are available on www.mfs.com and may be accessed by both MFS’ clients and the companies in which MFS’ clients invest. From time to time, MFS may determine that it is appropriate and beneficial for representatives from the MFS Proxy Voting Committee to engage in a dialogue or written communication with a company or other shareholders regarding certain matters on the company’s proxy statement that are of concern to shareholders, including environmental, social and governance matters. A company or shareholder may also seek to engage with representatives of the MFS

Proxy Voting Committee in advance of the company’s formal proxy solicitation to review issues more generally or gauge support for certain contemplated proposals.



MFS will retain copies of these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures in effect from time to time and will retain all proxy voting reports submitted to the Board of Trustees of the MFS Funds for the period required by applicable law. Proxy solicitation materials, including electronic versions of the proxy ballots completed by representatives of the MFS Proxy Voting Committee, together with their respective notes and comments, are maintained in an electronic format by the Proxy Administrator and are accessible on-line by the MFS Proxy Voting Committee. All proxy voting materials and supporting documentation, including records generated by the Proxy Administrator’s system as to proxies processed, including the dates when proxy ballots were received and submitted, and the votes on each company’s proxy issues, are retained as required by applicable law.



U.S. Registered MFS Funds

MFS publicly discloses the proxy voting records of the U.S. registered MFS Funds on a quarterly basis. MFS will also report the results of its voting to the Board of Trustees of the U.S. registered MFS Funds. These reports will include: (i) a summary of how votes were cast (including advisory votes on pay and “golden parachutes”); (ii) a summary of votes against management’s recommendation; (iii) a review of situations where MFS did not vote in accordance with the guidelines and the rationale therefore; (iv) a review of the procedures used by MFS to identify material conflicts of interest and any matters identified as a material conflict of interest; (v) a review of these policies and the guidelines; (vi) a review of our proxy engagement activity; (vii) a report and impact assessment of instances in which the recall of loaned securities of a U.S. issuer was unsuccessful; and (viii) as necessary or appropriate, any proposed modifications thereto to reflect new developments in corporate governance and other issues. Based on these reviews, the Trustees of the U.S. registered MFS Funds will consider possible modifications to these policies to the extent necessary or advisable.

Other MFS Clients

MFS may publicly disclose the proxy voting records of certain other clients (including certain MFS Funds) or the votes it casts with respect to certain matters as required by law. A report can also be printed by MFS for each client who has requested that MFS



furnish a record of votes cast. The report specifies the proxy issues which have been voted for the client during the year and the position taken with respect to each issue and, upon request, may identify situations where MFS did not vote in accordance with the MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures.

Except as described above, MFS generally will not divulge actual voting practices to any party other than the client or its representatives because we consider that information to be confidential and proprietary to the client. However, as noted above, MFS may determine that it is appropriate and beneficial to engage in a dialogue with a company regarding certain matters. During such dialogue with the company, MFS may disclose the vote it intends to cast in order to potentially effect positive change at a company in regards to environmental, social or governance issues.






(Revised: September 2014)


I. Policy Statement

Morgan Stanley Investment Management’s (“MSIM”) policy and procedures for voting proxies (“Policy”) with respect to securities held in the accounts of clients applies to those MSIM entities that provide discretionary investment management services and for which an MSIM entity has authority to vote proxies. This Policy is reviewed and updated as necessary to address new and evolving proxy voting issues and standards.

The MSIM entities covered by this Policy currently include the following: Morgan Stanley AIP GP LP, Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc., Morgan Stanley Investment Management Limited, Morgan Stanley Investment Management Company, Morgan Stanley Investment Management (Japan) Co., Limited, Morgan Stanley Investment Management Private Limited and Private Investment Partners Inc. (each an “MSIM Affiliate” and collectively referred to as the “MSIM Affiliates” or as “we” below).

Each MSIM Affiliate will use its best efforts to vote proxies as part of its authority to manage, acquire and dispose of account assets. With respect to the MSIM registered management investment companies (“MSIM Funds”), each MSIM Affiliate will vote proxies under this Policy pursuant to authority granted under its applicable investment advisory agreement or, in the absence of such authority, as authorized by the Board of Directors/Trustees of the MSIM Funds. An MSIM Affiliate will not vote proxies unless the investment management or investment advisory agreement explicitly authorizes the MSIM Affiliate to vote proxies.

MSIM Affiliates will vote proxies in a prudent and diligent manner and in the best interests of clients, including beneficiaries of and participants in a client’s benefit plan(s) for which the MSIM Affiliates manage assets, consistent with the objective of maximizing long-term investment returns (“Client Proxy Standard”). In addition to voting proxies at portfolio companies, MSIM routinely engages with the management and may also engage with the board, of companies in which we invest on a range of governance issues. Governance is a window into or proxy for management and board quality. MSIM engages with companies where we have larger positions, voting issues are material or where we believe we can make a positive impact on the governance structure. MSIM’s engagement process, through private communication with companies, allows us to understand the governance structures at investee companies and better inform our voting decisions. In certain situations, a client or its fiduciary may provide an MSIM Affiliate with a proxy voting policy. In these situations, the MSIM Affiliate will comply with the client’s policy.

Proxy Research Services — ISS and Glass Lewis (together with other proxy research providers as we may retain from time to time, the “Research Providers”) are independent advisers that specialize in providing a variety of fiduciary-level proxy-related services to institutional investment managers, plan sponsors, custodians, consultants, and other institutional investors. The services provided include in-depth research, global issuer analysis, and voting recommendations. While we may review and utilize the recommendations of one or more Research Providers in making proxy voting decisions, we are in no way obligated to follow such recommendations. In addition to research, ISS provides vote execution, reporting, and recordkeeping services.

Voting Proxies for Certain Non-U.S. Companies — Voting proxies of companies located in some jurisdictions may involve several problems that can restrict or prevent the ability to vote such proxies or entail significant costs. These problems include, but are not limited to: (i) proxy statements and ballots being written in a language other than English; (ii) untimely and/or inadequate notice of shareholder meetings; (iii) restrictions on the ability of holders outside the issuer’s jurisdiction of organization to exercise votes; (iv) requirements to vote proxies in person; (v) the imposition of restrictions on the sale of the securities for a period of time in proximity to the shareholder meeting; and (vi) requirements to provide local agents with power of attorney to facilitate our voting instructions. As a result, we vote clients’ non-U.S. proxies on a best efforts basis only, after weighing the costs and benefits of voting such proxies, consistent with the Client Proxy Standard. ISS has been retained to provide assistance in connection with voting non-U.S. proxies.


II. General Proxy Voting Guidelines

To promote consistency in voting proxies on behalf of its clients, we follow this Policy (subject to any exception set forth herein). The Policy addresses a broad range of issues, and provides general voting parameters on proposals that arise most frequently. However, details of specific proposals vary, and those details affect particular voting decisions, as do factors specific to a given company. Pursuant to the procedures set forth herein, we may vote in a manner that is not in accordance with the following general guidelines, provided the vote is approved by the Proxy Review Committee (see Section III for description) and is consistent with the Client Proxy Standard. Morgan Stanley AIP GP LP will follow the procedures as described in Appendix A.



We endeavor to integrate governance and proxy voting policy with investment goals, using the vote to encourage portfolio companies to enhance long-term shareholder value and to provide a high standard of transparency such that equity markets can value corporate assets appropriately.

We seek to follow the Client Proxy Standard for each client. At times, this may result in split votes, for example when different clients have varying economic interests in the outcome of a particular voting matter (such as a case in which varied ownership interests in two companies involved in a merger result in different stakes in the outcome). We also may split votes at times based on differing views of portfolio managers.

We may abstain on matters for which disclosure is inadequate.

A. Routine Matters. We generally support routine management proposals. The following are examples of routine management proposals:


    Approval of financial statements and auditor reports if delivered with an unqualified auditor’s opinion.


    General updating/corrective amendments to the charter, articles of association or bylaws, unless we believe that such amendments would diminish shareholder rights.


    Most proposals related to the conduct of the annual meeting, with the following exceptions. We generally oppose proposals that relate to “the transaction of such other business which may come before the meeting,” and open-ended requests for adjournment. However, where management specifically states the reason for requesting an adjournment and the requested adjournment would facilitate passage of a proposal that would otherwise be supported under this Policy (i.e. an uncontested corporate transaction), the adjournment request will be supported. Also, we do not support proposals that allow companies to call a special meeting with a short-time frame for review.

We generally support shareholder proposals advocating confidential voting procedures and independent tabulation of voting results.

B. Board of Directors.

  1. Election of directors: Votes on board nominees can involve balancing a variety of considerations. In vote decisions, we may take into consideration whether the company has a majority voting policy in place that we believe makes the director vote more meaningful. In the absence of a proxy contest, we generally support the board’s nominees for director except as follows:


  a. We consider withholding support from or voting against a nominee if we believe a direct conflict exists between the interests of the nominee and the public shareholders, including failure to meet fiduciary standards of care and/or loyalty. We may oppose directors where we conclude that actions of directors are unlawful, unethical or negligent. We consider opposing individual board members or an entire slate if we believe the board is entrenched and/or dealing inadequately with performance problems; if we believe the board is acting with insufficient independence between the board and management; or if we believe the board has not been sufficiently forthcoming with information on key governance or other material matters.


  b. We consider withholding support from or voting against interested directors if the company’s board does not meet market standards for director independence, or if otherwise we believe board independence is insufficient. We refer to prevalent market standards as promulgated by a stock exchange or other authority within a given market (e.g., New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq rules for most U.S. companies, and The Combined Code on Corporate Governance in the United Kingdom). Thus, for an NYSE company with no controlling shareholder, we would expect that at a minimum a majority of directors should be independent as defined by NYSE. Where we view market standards as inadequate, we may withhold votes based on stronger independence standards. Market standards notwithstanding, we generally do not view long board tenure alone as a basis to classify a director as non-independent.


  i. At a company with a shareholder or group that controls the company by virtue of a majority economic interest in the company, we have a reduced expectation for board independence, although we believe the presence of independent directors can be helpful, particularly in staffing the audit committee, and at times we may withhold support from or vote against a nominee on the view the board or its committees are not sufficiently independent. In markets where board independence is not the norm (e.g. Japan), however, we consider factors including whether a board of a controlled company includes independent members who can be expected to look out for interests of minority holders.


  ii. We consider withholding support from or voting against a nominee if he or she is affiliated with a major shareholder that has representation on a board disproportionate to its economic interest.



  c. Depending on market standards, we consider withholding support from or voting against a nominee who is interested and who is standing for election as a member of the company’s compensation/remuneration, nominating/governance or audit committee.


  d. We consider withholding support from or voting against nominees if the term for which they are nominated is excessive. We consider this issue on a market-specific basis.


  e. We consider withholding support from or voting against nominees if in our view there has been insufficient board renewal (turnover), particularly in the context of extended poor company performance.


  f. We consider withholding support from or voting against a nominee standing for election if the board has not taken action to implement generally accepted governance practices for which there is a “bright line” test. For example, in the context of the U.S. market, failure to eliminate a dead hand or slow hand poison pill would be seen as a basis for opposing one or more incumbent nominees.


  g. In markets that encourage designated audit committee financial experts, we consider voting against members of an audit committee if no members are designated as such. We also consider voting against the audit committee members if the company has faced financial reporting issues and/or does not put the auditor up for ratification by shareholders.


  h. We believe investors should have the ability to vote on individual nominees, and may abstain or vote against a slate of nominees where we are not given the opportunity to vote on individual nominees.


  i. We consider withholding support from or voting against a nominee who has failed to attend at least 75% of the nominee’s board and board committee meetings within a given year without a reasonable excuse. We also consider opposing nominees if the company does not meet market standards for disclosure on attendance.


  j. We consider withholding support from or voting against a nominee who appears overcommitted, particularly through service on an excessive number of boards. Market expectations are incorporated into this analysis; for U.S. boards, we generally oppose election of a nominee who serves on more than six public company boards (excluding investment companies), although we also may reference National Association of Corporate Directors guidance suggesting that public company CEOs, for example, should serve on no more than two outside boards given level of time commitment required in their primary job.


  k. We consider withholding support from or voting against a nominee where we believe executive remuneration practices are poor, particularly if the company does not offer shareholders a separate “say-on-pay” advisory vote on pay.


  2. Discharge of directors’ duties: In markets where an annual discharge of directors’ responsibility is a routine agenda item, we generally support such discharge. However, we may vote against discharge or abstain from voting where there are serious findings of fraud or other unethical behavior for which the individual bears responsibility. The annual discharge of responsibility represents shareholder approval of disclosed actions taken by the board during the year and may make future shareholder action against the board difficult to pursue.


  3. Board independence: We generally support U.S. shareholder proposals requiring that a certain percentage (up to 66 23%) of the company’s board members be independent directors, and promoting all-independent audit, compensation and nominating/governance committees.


  4. Board diversity: We consider on a case-by-case basis shareholder proposals urging diversity of board membership with respect to gender, race or other factors.


  5. Majority voting: We generally support proposals requesting or requiring majority voting policies in election of directors, so long as there is a carve-out for plurality voting in the case of contested elections.


  6. Proxy access: We consider on a case-by-case basis shareholder proposals on particular procedures for inclusion of shareholder nominees in company proxy statements.


  7. Reimbursement for dissident nominees: We generally support well-crafted U.S. shareholder proposals that would provide for reimbursement of dissident nominees elected to a board, as the cost to shareholders in electing such nominees can be factored into the voting decision on those nominees.


  8. Proposals to elect directors more frequently: In the U.S. public company context, we usually support shareholder and management proposals to elect all directors annually (to “declassify” the board), although we make an exception to this policy where we believe that long-term shareholder value may be harmed by this change given particular circumstances at the company at the time of the vote on such proposal. As indicated above, outside the United States we generally support greater accountability to shareholders that comes through more frequent director elections, but recognize that many markets embrace longer term lengths, sometimes for valid reasons given other aspects of the legal context in electing boards.



  9. Cumulative voting: We generally support proposals to eliminate cumulative voting in the U.S. market context. (Cumulative voting provides that shareholders may concentrate their votes for one or a handful of candidates, a system that can enable a minority bloc to place representation on a board.) U.S. proposals to establish cumulative voting in the election of directors generally will not be supported.


  10. Separation of Chairman and CEO positions: We vote on shareholder proposals to separate the Chairman and CEO positions and/or to appoint an independent Chairman based in part on prevailing practice in particular markets, since the context for such a practice varies. In many non-U.S. markets, we view separation of the roles as a market standard practice, and support division of the roles in that context. In the United States, we consider such proposals on a case-by-case basis, considering, among other things, the existing board leadership structure, company performance, and any evidence of entrenchment or perceived risk that power is overly concentrated in a single individual.


  11. Director retirement age and term limits: Proposals setting or recommending director retirement ages or director term limits are voted on a case-by-case basis that includes consideration of company performance, the rate of board renewal, evidence of effective individual director evaluation processes, and any indications of entrenchment.


  12. Proposals to limit directors’ liability and/or broaden indemnification of officers and directors: Generally, we will support such proposals provided that an individual is eligible only if he or she has not acted in bad faith, with gross negligence or with reckless disregard of their duties.

C. Statutory auditor boards.    The statutory auditor board, which is separate from the main board of directors, plays a role in corporate governance in several markets. These boards are elected by shareholders to provide assurance on compliance with legal and accounting standards and the company’s articles of association. We generally vote for statutory auditor nominees if they meet independence standards. In markets that require disclosure on attendance by internal statutory auditors, however, we consider voting against nominees for these positions who failed to attend at least 75% of meetings in the previous year. We also consider opposing nominees if the company does not meet market standards for disclosure on attendance.

D. Corporate transactions and proxy fights.    We examine proposals relating to mergers, acquisitions and other special corporate transactions (i.e., takeovers, spin-offs, sales of assets, reorganizations, restructurings and recapitalizations) on a case-by-case basis in the interests of each fund or other account. Proposals for mergers or other significant transactions that are friendly and approved by the Research Providers usually are supported if there is no portfolio manager objection. We also analyze proxy contests on a case-by-case basis.


E. Changes in capital structure.

1. We generally support the following:


    Management and shareholder proposals aimed at eliminating unequal voting rights, assuming fair economic treatment of classes of shares we hold.


    U.S. management proposals to increase the authorization of existing classes of common stock (or securities convertible into common stock) if: (i) a clear business purpose is stated that we can support and the number of shares requested is reasonable in relation to the purpose for which authorization is requested; and/or (ii) the authorization does not exceed 100% of shares currently authorized and at least 30% of the total new authorization will be outstanding. (We consider proposals that do not meet these criteria on a case-by-case basis.)


    U.S. management proposals to create a new class of preferred stock or for issuances of preferred stock up to 50% of issued capital, unless we have concerns about use of the authority for anti-takeover purposes.


    Proposals in non-U.S. markets that in our view appropriately limit potential dilution of existing shareholders. A major consideration is whether existing shareholders would have preemptive rights for any issuance under a proposal for standing share issuance authority. We generally consider market-specific guidance in making these decisions; for example, in the U.K. market we usually follow Association of British Insurers’ (“ABI”) guidance, although company-specific factors may be considered and for example, may sometimes lead us to voting against share authorization proposals even if they meet ABI guidance.


    Management proposals to authorize share repurchase plans, except in some cases in which we believe there are insufficient protections against use of an authorization for anti-takeover purposes.


    Management proposals to reduce the number of authorized shares of common or preferred stock, or to eliminate classes of preferred stock.


    Management proposals to effect stock splits.



    Management proposals to effect reverse stock splits if management proportionately reduces the authorized share amount set forth in the corporate charter. Reverse stock splits that do not adjust proportionately to the authorized share amount generally will be approved if the resulting increase in authorized shares coincides with the proxy guidelines set forth above for common stock increases.


    Management dividend payout proposals, except where we perceive company payouts to shareholders as inadequate.

2. We generally oppose the following (notwithstanding management support):


    Proposals to add classes of stock that would substantially dilute the voting interests of existing shareholders.


    Proposals to increase the authorized or issued number of shares of existing classes of stock that are unreasonably dilutive, particularly if there are no preemptive rights for existing shareholders. However, depending on market practices, we consider voting for proposals giving general authorization for issuance of shares not subject to pre-emptive rights if the authority is limited.


    Proposals that authorize share issuance at a discount to market rates, except where authority for such issuance is de minimis, or if there is a special situation that we believe justifies such authorization (as may be the case, for example, at a company under severe stress and risk of bankruptcy).


    Proposals relating to changes in capitalization by 100% or more.

We consider on a case-by-case basis shareholder proposals to increase dividend payout ratios, in light of market practice and perceived market weaknesses, as well as individual company payout history and current circumstances. For example, currently we perceive low payouts to shareholders as a concern at some Japanese companies, but may deem a low payout ratio as appropriate for a growth company making good use of its cash, notwithstanding the broader market concern.

F. Takeover Defenses and Shareholder Rights.


  1. Shareholder rights plans: We generally support proposals to require shareholder approval or ratification of shareholder rights plans (poison pills). In voting on rights plans or similar takeover defenses, we consider on a case-by-case basis whether the company has demonstrated a need for the defense in the context of promoting long-term share value; whether provisions of the defense are in line with generally accepted governance principles in the market (and specifically the presence of an adequate qualified offer provision that would exempt offers meeting certain conditions from the pill); and the specific context if the proposal is made in the midst of a takeover bid or contest for control.


  2. Supermajority voting requirements: We generally oppose requirements for supermajority votes to amend the charter or bylaws, unless the provisions protect minority shareholders where there is a large shareholder. In line with this view, in the absence of a large shareholder we support reasonable shareholder proposals to limit such supermajority voting requirements.


  3. Shareholders right to call a special meeting: We consider proposals to enhance a shareholder’s rights to call meetings on a case-by-case basis. At large-cap U.S. companies, we generally support efforts to establish the right of holders of 10% or more of shares to call special meetings, unless the board or state law has set a policy or law establishing such rights at a threshold that we believe to be acceptable.


  4. Written consent rights: In the U.S. context, we examine proposals for shareholder written consent rights on a case-by-case basis.


  5. Reincorporation: We consider management and shareholder proposals to reincorporate to a different jurisdiction on a case-by-case basis. We oppose such proposals if we believe the main purpose is to take advantage of laws or judicial precedents that reduce shareholder rights.


  6. Anti-greenmail provisions: Proposals relating to the adoption of anti-greenmail provisions will be supported, provided that the proposal: (i) defines greenmail; (ii) prohibits buyback offers to large block holders (holders of at least 1% of the outstanding shares and in certain cases, a greater amount) not made to all shareholders or not approved by disinterested shareholders; and (iii) contains no anti-takeover measures or other provisions restricting the rights of shareholders.


  7. Bundled proposals: We may consider opposing or abstaining on proposals if disparate issues are “bundled” and presented for a single vote.

G. Auditors.    We generally support management proposals for selection or ratification of independent auditors. However, we may consider opposing such proposals with reference to incumbent audit firms if the company has suffered from serious accounting irregularities and we believe rotation of the audit firm is appropriate, or if fees paid to the auditor for non-audit-related services are excessive. Generally, to determine if non-audit fees are excessive, a 50% test will be applied (i.e., non-audit-related fees should be less than 50% of the total fees paid to the auditor). We generally vote against proposals to indemnify auditors.



H. Executive and Director Remuneration.


1. We generally support the following:


    Proposals for employee equity compensation plans and other employee ownership plans, provided that our research does not indicate that approval of the plan would be against shareholder interest. Such approval may be against shareholder interest if it authorizes excessive dilution and shareholder cost, particularly in the context of high usage (“run rate”) of equity compensation in the recent past; or if there are objectionable plan design and provisions.


    Proposals relating to fees to outside directors, provided the amounts are not excessive relative to other companies in the country or industry, and provided that the structure is appropriate within the market context. While stock-based compensation to outside directors is positive if moderate and appropriately structured, we are wary of significant stock option awards or other performance-based awards for outside directors, as well as provisions that could result in significant forfeiture of value on a director’s decision to resign from a board (such forfeiture can undercut director independence).


    Proposals for employee stock purchase plans that permit discounts, but only for grants that are part of a broad-based employee plan, including all non-executive employees, and only if the discounts are limited to a reasonable market standard or less.


    Proposals for the establishment of employee retirement and severance plans, provided that our research does not indicate that approval of the plan would be against shareholder interest.


2. We generally oppose retirement plans and bonuses for non-executive directors and independent statutory auditors.


3. In the U.S. context, we generally vote against shareholder proposals requiring shareholder approval of all severance agreements, but we generally support proposals that require shareholder approval for agreements in excess of three times the annual compensation (salary and bonus) or proposals that require companies to add a double-trigger change-in-control provision. We generally oppose shareholder proposals that would establish arbitrary caps on pay. We consider on a case-by-case basis shareholder proposals that seek to limit Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans (SERPs), but support such shareholder proposals where we consider SERPs excessive.


4. Shareholder proposals advocating stronger and/or particular pay-for-performance models will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, with consideration of the merits of the individual proposal within the context of the particular company and its labor markets, and the company’s current and past practices. While we generally support emphasis on long-term components of senior executive pay and strong linkage of pay to performance, we consider factors including whether a proposal may be overly prescriptive, and the impact of the proposal, if implemented as written, on recruitment and retention.


5. We generally support proposals advocating reasonable senior executive and director stock ownership guidelines and holding requirements for shares gained in executive equity compensation programs.


6. We generally support shareholder proposals for reasonable “claw-back” provisions that provide for company recovery of senior executive bonuses to the extent they were based on achieving financial benchmarks that were not actually met in light of subsequent restatements.


7. Management proposals effectively to re-price stock options are considered on a case-by-case basis. Considerations include the company’s reasons and justifications for a re-pricing, the company’s competitive position, whether senior executives and outside directors are excluded, potential cost to shareholders, whether the re-pricing or share exchange is on a value-for-value basis, and whether vesting requirements are extended.


8. Say-on-Pay: We consider proposals relating to an advisory vote on remuneration on a case-by-case basis. Considerations include a review of the relationship between executive remuneration and performance based on operating trends and total shareholder return over multiple performance periods. In addition, we review remuneration structures and potential poor pay practices, including relative magnitude of pay, discretionary bonus awards, tax gross ups, change-in-control features, internal pay equity and peer group construction. As long-term investors, we support remuneration policies that align with long-term shareholder returns.

I. Social, Political and Environmental Issues.

Shareholders in the United States and certain other markets submit proposals encouraging changes in company disclosure and practices related to particular corporate social, political and environmental matters. We consider how to vote on the proposals on a case-by-case basis to determine likely impacts on shareholder value. We seek to balance concerns on reputational and other risks that lie behind a proposal against costs of implementation, while considering appropriate shareholder and management prerogatives. We may abstain from voting on proposals that do not have a readily determinable financial impact on shareholder value. We support proposals that if implemented would enhance useful disclosure, but we generally vote against proposals requesting reports that we



believe are duplicative, related to matters not material to the business, or that would impose unnecessary or excessive costs. We believe that certain social and environmental shareholder proposals may intrude excessively on management prerogatives, which can lead us to oppose them.

J. Fund of Funds.

Certain Funds advised by an MSIM Affiliate invest only in other MSIM Funds. If an underlying fund has a shareholder meeting, in order to avoid any potential conflict of interest, such proposals will be voted in the same proportion as the votes of the other shareholders of the underlying fund, unless otherwise determined by the Proxy Review Committee. Other MSIM Funds invest in unaffiliated funds. If an unaffiliated underlying fund has a shareholder meeting and the MSIM Fund owns more than 25% of the voting shares of the underlying fund, the MSIM Fund will vote its shares in the unaffiliated underlying fund in the same proportion as the votes of the other shareholders of the underlying fund.


III. Administration Of Policy

The MSIM Proxy Review Committee (the “Committee”) has overall responsibility for the Policy. The Committee, which is appointed by MSIM’s Long-Only Executive Committee, consists of investment professionals who represent the different investment disciplines and geographic locations of the firm, and is chaired by the director of the Corporate Governance Team (“CGT”). Because proxy voting is an investment responsibility and impacts shareholder value, and because of their knowledge of companies and markets, portfolio managers and other members of investment staff play a key role in proxy voting, although the Committee has final authority over proxy votes.

The CGT Director is responsible for identifying issues that require Committee deliberation or ratification. The CGT, working with advice of investment teams and the Committee, is responsible for voting on routine items and on matters that can be addressed in line with these Policy guidelines. The CGT has responsibility for voting case-by-case where guidelines and precedent provide adequate guidance.

The Committee will periodically review and have the authority to amend, as necessary, the Policy and establish and direct voting positions consistent with the Client Proxy Standard.

CGT and members of the Committee may take into account Research Providers’ recommendations and research as well as any other relevant information they may request or receive, including portfolio manager and/or analyst comments and research, as applicable. Generally, proxies related to securities held in accounts that are managed pursuant to quantitative, index or index-like strategies (“Index Strategies”) will be voted in the same manner as those held in actively managed accounts, unless economic interests of the accounts differ. Because accounts managed using Index Strategies are passively managed accounts, research from portfolio managers and/or analysts related to securities held in these accounts may not be available. If the affected securities are held only in accounts that are managed pursuant to Index Strategies, and the proxy relates to a matter that is not described in this Policy, the CGT will consider all available information from the Research Providers, and to the extent that the holdings are significant, from the portfolio managers and/or analysts.

A. Committee Procedures

The Committee meets at least quarterly, and reviews and considers changes to the Policy at least annually. Through meetings and/or written communications, the Committee is responsible for monitoring and ratifying “split votes” (i.e., allowing certain shares of the same issuer that are the subject of the same proxy solicitation and held by one or more MSIM portfolios to be voted differently than other shares) and/or “override voting” (i.e., voting all MSIM portfolio shares in a manner contrary to the Policy). The Committee will review developing issues and approve upcoming votes, as appropriate, for matters as requested by CGT.

The Committee reserves the right to review voting decisions at any time and to make voting decisions as necessary to ensure the independence and integrity of the votes.

B. Material Conflicts of Interest

In addition to the procedures discussed above, if the CGT Director determines that an issue raises a material conflict of interest, the CGT Director may request a special committee to review, and recommend a course of action with respect to, the conflict(s) in question (“Special Committee”).



A potential material conflict of interest could exist in the following situations, among others:


  1. The issuer soliciting the vote is a client of MSIM or an affiliate of MSIM and the vote is on a matter that materially affects the issuer.


  2. The proxy relates to Morgan Stanley common stock or any other security issued by Morgan Stanley or its affiliates except if echo voting is used, as with MSIM Funds, as described herein.


  3. Morgan Stanley has a material pecuniary interest in the matter submitted for a vote (e.g., acting as a financial advisor to a party to a merger or acquisition for which Morgan Stanley will be paid a success fee if completed).

If the CGT Director determines that an issue raises a potential material conflict of interest, depending on the facts and circumstances, the issue will be addressed as follows:


  1. If the matter relates to a topic that is discussed in this Policy, the proposal will be voted as per the Policy.


  2. If the matter is not discussed in this Policy or the Policy indicates that the issue is to be decided case-by-case, the proposal will be voted in a manner consistent with the Research Providers, provided that all the Research Providers consulted have the same recommendation, no portfolio manager objects to that vote, and the vote is consistent with MSIM’s Client Proxy Standard.


  3. If the Research Providers’ recommendations differ, the CGT Director will refer the matter to a Special Committee to vote on the proposal, as appropriate.

Any Special Committee shall be comprised of the CGT Director, and at least two portfolio managers (preferably members of the Committee), as approved by the Committee. The CGT Director may request non-voting participation by MSIM’s General Counsel or his/her designee and the Chief Compliance Officer or his/her designee. In addition to the research provided by Research Providers, the Special Committee may request analysis from MSIM Affiliate investment professionals and outside sources to the extent it deems appropriate.

C. Proxy Voting Reporting

The CGT will document in writing all Committee and Special Committee decisions and actions, which documentation will be maintained by the CGT for a period of at least six years. To the extent these decisions relate to a security held by an MSIM Fund, the CGT will report the decisions to each applicable Board of Trustees/Directors of those Funds at each Board’s next regularly scheduled Board meeting. The report will contain information concerning decisions made during the most recently ended calendar quarter immediately preceding the Board meeting.

MSIM will promptly provide a copy of this Policy to any client requesting it. MSIM will also, upon client request, promptly provide a report indicating how each proxy was voted with respect to securities held in that client’s account.

MSIM’s Legal Department is responsible for filing an annual Form N-PX on behalf of each MSIM Fund for which such filing is required, indicating how all proxies were voted with respect to such Fund’s holdings.


Appendix A applies to the following accounts managed by Morgan Stanley AIP GP LP or Private Investment Partners Inc. (“AIP”): (i) closed-end funds registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, (ii) separate accounts and (iii) unregistered funds.

Generally, AIP will follow the guidelines set forth in Section II of MSIM’s Proxy Voting Policy and Procedures. To the extent that such guidelines do not provide specific direction, or AIP determines that consistent with the Client Proxy Standard, the guidelines should not be followed, the Proxy Review Committee has delegated the voting authority to vote securities held by accounts managed by AIP to the Fund of Hedge Funds investment team, the Private Equity Fund of Funds investment team or the Private Equity Real Estate Fund of Funds investment team of AIP. A summary of decisions made by the investment teams will be made available to the Proxy Review Committee for its information at the next scheduled meeting of the Proxy Review Committee.

In certain cases, AIP may determine to abstain from determining (or recommending) how a proxy should be voted (and therefore abstain from voting such proxy or recommending how such proxy should be voted), such as where the expected cost of giving due consideration to the proxy does not justify the potential benefits to the affected account(s) that might result from adopting or rejecting (as the case may be) the measure in question.



Waiver of Voting Rights

For regulatory reasons, AIP may either 1) invest in a class of securities of an underlying fund (the “Fund”) that does not provide for voting rights; or 2) waive 100% of its voting rights with respect to the following:


  1. Any rights with respect to the removal or replacement of a director, general partner, managing member or other person acting in a similar capacity for or on behalf of the Fund (each individually a “Designated Person,” and collectively, the “Designated Persons”), which may include, but are not limited to, voting on the election or removal of a Designated Person in the event of such Designated Person’s death, disability, insolvency, bankruptcy, incapacity, or other event requiring a vote of interest holders of the Fund to remove or replace a Designated Person; and


  2. Any rights in connection with a determination to renew, dissolve, liquidate, or otherwise terminate or continue the Fund, which may include, but are not limited to, voting on the renewal, dissolution, liquidation, termination or continuance of the Fund upon the occurrence of an event described in the Fund’s organizational documents; provided, however, that, if the Fund’s organizational documents require the consent of the Fund’s general partner or manager, as the case may be, for any such termination or continuation of the Fund to be effective, then AIP may exercise its voting rights with respect to such matter.





NFJ is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Allianz Global Investors U.S. LLC, whose ultimate parent is Allianz Asset Management of America L.P., which itself is indirectly owned by Allianz SE, a diversified global financial institution. NFJ follows the same Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures, Global Corporate Governance Guidelines and Proxy Voting Policy as noted below for Allianz Global Investors.

Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures

(Revised 4/1/13)

Policy Statement

AGI US’s Global Corporate Governance Guidelines and Proxy Voting Policy (together the “Proxy Guidelines”) is designed and implemented in a manner reasonably expected to ensure that voting and consent rights are exercised in the best interest of AGI US’s clients and in compliance with Rule 206(4)-6 of the Advisers Act, other applicable SEC rules and AGI US’s fiduciary responsibilities. Each proxy is voted on an individual basis taking into consideration any relevant contractual obligations as well as other relevant facts and circumstances. AGI US votes proxies as part of its authority to manage, acquire, and dispose of client account assets, unless the client explicitly reserves that authority for itself or a third party. AGI US seeks to make voting decisions solely in the best interests of its clients and to enhance the economic value of the underlying portfolio securities held in its clients’ accounts. AGI US will not be responsible for voting of proxies that AGI US has not been notified of on a timely basis by the client’s custodian.

In certain circumstances, a client may request in writing that AGI US vote proxies for its account in accordance with a set of guidelines which differs from the Proxy Guidelines. For example, a client may wish to have proxies voted for its account in accordance with the Taft-Hartley proxy voting guidelines. In that case, AGI US will vote the shares held by such client accounts in accordance with their direction, which may be different from the vote cast for shares held on behalf of other client accounts that vote in accordance with the Proxy Guidelines.

The Proxy Guidelines set forth the general standards and guidelines for proxy voting where AGI US has the authority to vote its clients’ proxies with respect to portfolio securities held in the accounts of its clients for whom it provides discretionary investment management services.

AGI US may abstain from voting a proxy under the following circumstances and certain other circumstances as described in AGI US’s procedures, for example, in cases:


    When the economic effect on shareholders’ interests or the value of the portfolio holding is indeterminable or insignificant;


    When the voting of proxies are subject to “share-blocking” restrictions;


    When voting the proxy would unduly impair the investment management process; or


    When the cost of voting the proxies outweighs the benefits or is otherwise impractical.

AGI US has retained independent third party service providers to assist in the proxy voting process by implementing the votes in accordance with the Proxy Policy as well as assisting in the proxy voting administration process.

Policy Standards


    AGI US has established and implemented a Proxy Policy that (i) is reasonably designed to ensure that AGI US votes each client’s proxies in that client’s best interest; (ii) includes procedures to identify and address material conflicts of interest that may arise between AGI US and clients; (iii) describes how proxies will be voted or the factors that will be taken into account; and (iv) otherwise comply with Rule 206(4)-6 under the Advisers Act.


    AGI US is responsible for conducting and providing oversight of proxy voting decisions to ensure that voting is done in accordance with the Proxy Guidelines;


    AGI US has established a Proxy Committee responsible for implementing the Proxy Policy and addressing proxy voting conflicts and other issues that may arise.


    For any material conflict of interest that arises between AGI US’s interests and a client’s interests, votes will only be cast in the best interest of the client, regardless of the situation.



    AGI US must clearly establish in the investment management agreement or by other written means that AGI US votes proxies as part of its authority to manage, acquire, and dispose of account assets, unless the client explicitly reserves that authority for itself or a third party;


    AGI US discloses a summary of the proxy voting policies and procedures to clients and Fund shareholders;


    AGI US informs clients and Fund shareholders how they can obtain information from AGI US on how their securities were voted and provides clients access to AGI US’s proxy voting policies and applicable voting records upon request;


    AGI US maintains the required proxy voting books and records pursuant to Rule 204-2 under the Advisers Act; and


    AGI US has procedures to assist with timely filings with the SEC regarding proxy voting including, if applicable, Form N-PX.



Allianz Global Investors

Global Corporate Governance Guidelines

April 2013


Allianz Global Investors is a trusted partner for clients across all major asset classes. Our teams can be found in 19 markets worldwide, with a strong presence in the US, Europe and Asia-Pacific. With an integrated investment platform consisting of approximately 500 investment professionals, we cover all major business centres and growth markets. Our global capabilities are delivered through local teams to ensure best-in-class service.

Our parent company, Allianz SE, is one of the leading financial service providers worldwide with strong business fundamentals. Allianz SE operates in 70 countries, serving more than 76 million customers around the globe.

This document lays out the Global Corporate Governance Guidelines and Proxy Voting Policy for Allianz Global Investors. An international standard is particularly difficult to formulate, as it has to deal with our fiduciary duty, as well as differences in local regulations and market practices.

The Global Corporate Governance Guidelines and Proxy Voting Policy are detailed as follows in the form of voting criteria, which provide a framework for analysis but are not necessarily applied systematically in the form of box-ticking. Their objective is to give a generally applicable answer for the all points, as well as indications to help each entity with regard to those voting criteria that need to be modified to reflect local corporate governance “Best Practice”. We will evaluate governance issues on a case-by-case basis, using the Global Corporate Governance Guidelines and Proxy Voting Policy but taking into account the variances across markets in regulatory and legal frameworks, best practices, actual market practices, and disclosure regimes (including, but not limited to, the UK Corporate Governance Code and the NAPF Corporate Governance Policy and Voting Guidelines, the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (Australia), the Dutch Corporate Governance Code, AFEP Corporate Governance Code of Listed Corporations (France), the German Corporate Governance Code, the Hong Kong Code on Corporate Governance, the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance, and the Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance).

While the Global Corporate Governance Guidelines and Proxy Voting Policy often provide explicit guidance on how to vote proxies with regard to specific issues that appear on the ballot, they are not intended to be exhaustive. Rather, these guidelines are intended to address the most significant and frequent proxy issues that arise. Each proxy issue will be subject to rigorous analysis of the economic impact of that issue on the long-term share value. All votes shall be cast solely in the long-term interest of shareholders.


The Allianz Global Investors Corporate Governance Guidelines and Proxy Voting Policy represent a set of recommendations that were agreed upon by Allianz Global Investors’s Global Executive Committee. These Guidelines and Policy were developed to provide Allianz Global Investors entities with a comprehensive list of recommendations that provide guidance to each Allianz Global Investors entity in determining how to vote proxies for its clients. These guidelines allow each Allianz Global Investors entity the discretion to vote proxies in accordance with local laws, standards and client requirements, as appropriate, independently of influence either directly or indirectly by parent or affiliated companies. The governance structures of each of the Allianz Global Investors legal entities allows that entity to execute proxy voting rights on behalf of clients independently of any Allianz Global Investors’ parent or affiliated company. The individuals that make proxy voting decisions are also free to act independently, subject to the normal and customary supervision by the management/boards of these legal entities and to our fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of our clients. These Guidelines and Policy represent the views and guidance of Allianz Global Investors as at the date of publication. They may be subject to change at any time. The Guidelines and Policy are for Allianz Global Investors internal guidance purposes only and are not intended to be relied upon by any third party.


1.1 Composition and Structure of the Board


  1.1.1 Chairman and CEO

Allianz Global Investors believes that the roles of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer should be separate, as there should be a clearly accepted division of responsibility at the head of the company.



  1.1.2 Independence of the Board of Directors

Allianz Global Investors believes that there should be a majority of independent directors on the board, as far as legal regulations do not impose constraints on the composition of the board by law. In markets where independence of directors is currently not standard market practice, Allianz Global Investors will encourage moves towards a more independent board.

Allianz Global Investors considers independence to be an important criterion when voting for board members but will take into account other factors as well, as described elsewhere in these guidelines.

Allianz Global Investors expects companies to appoint a senior independent director, who acts as a crucial conduit for shareholders to raise issues of particular concern.

While dealing with specific corporate structures, Allianz Global Investors also considers the following points:


    State-owned companies: there should be a sufficient number of directors independent from the company and the government.


    Subsidiary of multinational organisations: there should be a sufficient number of directors independent from the group.


    Family-controlled companies should provide sufficient information, which makes the relationship of non-dependent directors to the family more transparent.


  1.1.3 Competence and Experience of the Board

The board should have a requisite balance of special skills, competence, experience, and knowledge of the company and of the industry the company is active in. Section 1: Board of Directors This should enable the directors to discharge their duties and responsibilities in an effective way.


  1.1.4 Diversity of the Board

While the board members’ independence, competence, skills and experience are of high importance, the board of directors is also encouraged to have a diversified representation in terms of education, age, nationality, gender, etc.

In this respect Allianz Global Investors generally votes in favour of requests for reports on the company’s efforts to diversify the board, unless the board composition is reasonably diversified in relation to companies of similar size and industry as well as local laws and practices.


  1.1.5 Size of the Board

Allianz Global Investors generally supports proposals requiring shareholder approval to fix or alter the size of the board. Allianz Global Investors supports boards of between four and 18 directors.


  1.1.6 Classified Boards

Allianz Global Investors votes against the introduction of classified/staggered boards and supports efforts to declassify boards.


  1.1.7 Age Limits and Tenure Limits

Allianz Global Investors generally does not support minimum or maximum age or tenure limits.


  1.1.8 Board Committees

Allianz Global Investors believes that there should be three key committees specialising in audit, director nomination and compensation issues. Such committees constitute a critical component of corporate governance and contribute to the proper functioning of the board of directors.

The remuneration committee should be responsible for setting remuneration for all executive directors and the chairman.

Allianz Global Investors support having two audit committee members with some auditing/accounting expertise on audit committees at large cap firms. In addition Allianz Global Investors strongly supports the establishment of a separate and independent risk committee responsible for supervision of risks within the company.

The members of these committees should in general be independent non-executive directors.

Any committee should have the authority to engage independent advisers where appropriate at the company’s expense.



  1.1.9 Director Conflicts of Interest

Allianz Global Investors expects companies to have a process for identifying and managing conflicts of interest directors may have. Individual directors should seek to avoid situations where there might be an appearance of a conflict of interest. If a director has an interest in a matter under consideration by the board, then the director should recuse himself from those discussions.


1.2 Election of Board of Directors


  1.2.1 Information on Directors

Allianz Global Investors expects companies to provide comprehensive and timely information on their directors, in order to be enabled to assess the value they provide. The company should also disclose the positions and mandates of the directors in the annual report.

The disclosure should include but not limited to the biographical information, information on core competencies and qualifications, professional or other background, recent and current board and management mandates at other companies, factors affecting independence as well as board and committee meetings attendance.

The list of candidates should be available in a timely manner.

While Allianz Global Investors encourages the possibility to vote for each director individually, a bundled proposition on the election (or discharge) of the directors may be considered if Allianz Global Investors is satisfied with the performance of every director. Nevertheless, sufficient information should be provided, and all the directors should fulfil also other criteria, as mentioned in 1.2.4., in such a case.


  1.2.2 Term of Directors’ Contract

For executive directors, long-term incentives are considered key. Overly short-term contracts may be counterproductive in this respect. Allianz Global Investors encourages instead that the contract terms state clear performance measurement criteria, while refraining from stipulating excessive severance packages.

For non-executive directors, Allianz Global Investors generally supports minimum contract terms of three years and maximum contract terms of five years with annual approval, except when local market practices differ. In markets where shorter or longer terms are industry standard, Allianz Global Investors will consider voting against directors with terms which substantially deviate from best practice in those markets.


  1.2.3 Attendance of Board and Committee Meetings

Allianz Global Investors believes that all directors should be able to allocate sufficient time and effort to the company to discharge their responsibilities efficiently. Thus, the board members should attend at least 75% of board and — in cases where directors are board committee members - committee meetings.

Allianz Global Investors expects information about attendance of the board and committee meetings to be disclosed, and will support initiatives to in this sense in markets where it is not yet standard practice.


  1.2.4 Discharge of the Board

Allianz Global Investors will consider the criteria on attendance, performance, competence etc. when voting on propositions to discharge the board.

Allianz Global Investors will vote against single directors or the whole board in cases of established fraud, misstatements of accounts and other illegal acts.


  1.2.5 Multiple Directorships

Allianz Global Investors believes that directors should be able to allocate sufficient time to performing their duties as board members efficiently. Therefore, Allianz Global Investors will question whether directors are able to perform their duties whilst already being members of other boards, membership on more than 6 of which is viewed as excessive if the director is not a CEO, and more than 3 of which is viewed as excessive if the director is a CEO.



  1.2.6 Majority Voting for Directors

Allianz Global Investors believes that one of the fundamental rights shareholders have is the power to elect or remove corporate directors. Allianz Global Investors generally believes that a majority voting standard is an appropriate mechanism to provide greater board accountability.

Based on our beliefs, Allianz Global Investors would in general vote in favour of proposals that would require the implementation of a majority voting standard for elections of directors in uncontested director elections.

There should be no provisions in place that hamper modifications to the composition of the board or impede the ability to adapt quickly to changing environments.

Allianz Global Investors would support cumulative voting in case it substantially enhances minority shareholders’ rights in a particular company and has the potential to add value.


  1.2.7 Shareholders Access to Board of Directors

Shareholders should be able to nominate director candidates for the board.


  1.2.8 Legal Indemnification of Board Members

Allianz Global Investors will consider voting against proposals that would limit or eliminate all liability for monetary damages, for directors and officers who violate the duty of care.

Allianz Global Investors would also consider voting against proposals that would expand indemnification to cover acts, such as negligence, that are more serious violations of fiduciary obligations than mere carelessness.

If, however, a director was found to have acted in good faith and in a manner that he reasonably believed was in the best interest of the company, and if only the director’s legal expenses would be covered, Allianz Global Investors may consider voting for expanded coverage.


  1.2.9 Proxy Contests

Proxy contests are among the most difficult and most crucial corporate governance decisions because an investor must attempt to determine which group is best suited to manage the company. Allianz Global Investors will vote case-by-¬case on proxy contests, considering the following factors:


    Past performance relative to its peers;


    Market in which fund invests;


    Measures taken by the board to address the issues;


    Past shareholder activism, board activity, and votes on related proposals;


    Strategy of the incumbents versus the dissidents;


    Independence of directors;


    Experience and skills of director candidates;


    Governance profile of the company;


    Evidence of management entrenchment.


  1.2.10   Reimburse Proxy Solicitation Expenses

Allianz Global Investors will vote case-by-case on proposals to reimburse proxy solicitation expenses. When voting in conjunction with support of a dissident slate, Allianz Global Investors will support the reimbursement of all appropriate proxy solicitation expenses associated with the election.

Allianz Global Investors will generally support shareholder proposals calling for the reimbursement of reasonable costs incurred in connection with nominating one or more candidates in a contested election where the following apply:


    The election of fewer than 50% of the directors to be elected is contested in the election;


    One or more of the dissident’s candidates is elected;



    Shareholders are not permitted to cumulate their votes for directors; and


    The election occurred, and the expenses were incurred, after the adoption of this bylaw.



2.1 Executive and Director Compensation


  2.1.1 Compensation of Executive Directors and Senior Managers

Compensation should contain both a short-term and long-term element, which fully aligns the executive with shareholders and where superior awards can only be achieved by attaining truly superior performance.

Allianz Global Investors believes that executive directors should be encouraged to receive a certain percentage of their salary in form of company stock. Therefore Allianz Global Investors would generally support the use of reasonably designed stock-related compensation plans, including appropriate deferrals.

Each director’s share option schemes should be clearly explained and fully disclosed (including exercise prices, expiry dates and the market price of the shares at the date of exercise) to both shareholders and participants, and should be subject to shareholder approval. They should also take into account appropriate levels of dilution. Overall, share options plans should be structured in a way to reward abovemedian performance.

Allianz Global Investors would generally vote against equity award plans or amendments that are too dilutive and expensive to existing shareholders, may be materially altered (cancellation and re-issue, re-testing and especially re-pricing of options, or the backdating of options) without shareholder approval, allow management significant discretion in granting certain awards, or are otherwise inconsistent with the interests of shareholders.


  2.1.2 Performance Measurement and Disclosure of Performance Criteria and Achievement

Allianz Global Investors reserves the right to vote against boards or individual directors if performance has been significantly unsatisfactory for a prolonged time.

For performance measurement different criteria should be taken into consideration:


    The management goals should be linked to the mid- and long-term goals of the company.


    It is not sensible to define companies’ performance by only one dimension or key indicator (such as EPS). Therefore, a healthy mixture of various indicators should be considered.


    A very important criterion is the sustainability of companies’ performance. Social, environmental and governance issues should be integrated into the companies’ performance measurement to the degree possible.


    Performance measurement should incorporate risk considerations so that there are no rewards for taking inappropriate risks at the expense of the company and its shareholders.


    Performance should be measured over timescales which are sufficient to determine that value has in fact been added for the company and its shareholders.

The performance criteria used by the companies as well as their achievement should be disclosed to the shareholders.


  2.1.3 Compensation of Non-Executive Directors

Allianz Global Investors believes that compensation for non-executive directors should be structured in a way which aligns their interests with the long-term interests of the shareholders, does not compromise their independence from management or from controlling shareholders of the company and does not encourage excessive risk-taking behaviour.

In particular the following elements should be taken into account:


    Compensation should be in line with industry practice, with no performance link.


    The amount of time and effort that the directors can invest in the company, given other directorships they may have.


  2.1.4 Remuneration Committee and “Say on Pay”

Any remuneration policy should be determined by independent remuneration committees, be transparent and fully disclosed (to shareholders for every executive and non-executive director) in a separate Remuneration Report within the Annual Report. In markets for which proposals to approve the company’s remuneration policy or the company’s Remuneration Report, Allianz



Global Investors will evaluate such proposals on a case-by-case basis, taking into account Allianz Global Investors’s approach to executive and non-executive director compensation as described elsewhere in these guidelines.

In the US market, the Dodd-Frank Act requires advisory votes on pay (MSOP), and requires that the proxy for the first annual or other meeting of the shareholders occurring after the enactment includes vote item to determine going forward, the frequency of the say-on-pay vote by shareholders to approve compensation.

Allianz Global Investors will support annual advisory votes on compensation, which provide the most consistent and clear communication channel for shareholder concerns about companies’ executive pay programs.

Allianz Global Investors encourages companies to increase transparency in this respect, and furthermore in general supports moves to empower shareholders with regard to having a say on the remuneration policy. Allianz Global Investors pays close attention to perquisites, including pension arrangements, and will vote against them if deemed excessive.


  2.1.5 Special Provisions

Special provisions whereby additional payment becomes due in the event of a change of control are an inappropriate use of shareholder funds and should be discouraged.

Transaction bonuses, executive severance agreements, poison pills or other retrospective exgratia payments should be subject to shareholder approval and should not be excessive.

Allianz Global Investors believes that clawbacks should be used in order to better align long-term incentives of executive directors with the interests of the shareholders.

Allianz Global Investors also:


    Votes against retirement benefits for nonexecutive directors.


    Believes that severance pay should not exceed one year’s fixed salary or two years if the executive is dismissed during his first term of office.


2.2 Employee Remuneration

Remuneration structures and frameworks for the employees should reinforce the corporate culture and foster above-average performance. In this respect and as per Dodd Frank legislation (US) Allianz Global Investors encourages companies to provide shareholders with the information on the ratio between senior management and median employee compensation.

Performance measurement for staff remuneration should incorporate risk considerations to ensure that there are no rewards for taking inappropriate risks at the expense of the company and its shareholders.

Allianz Global Investors will consider voting against stock purchase plans with discounts exceeding 15%. Allianz Global Investors will also vote against share issues to employees which appear to excessively dilute existing shareholder capital.



3.1 Role of Audit

Allianz Global Investors recognizes the critical importance of financial statements which provide a complete and precise picture of a company’s financial status.

Allianz Global Investors would generally support the audit committee to scrutinize auditor fees and the independence of the audit function. Independence and scepticism is vital for audit quality.


3.2 Role of Audit Committee

Allianz Global Investors believes that the most important responsibilities of the Audit Committee are:


    Assuring itself and shareholders of the quality of the audit carried out by the auditors as well as reviewing and monitoring their independence and objectivity.


    Requiring to set a maximum tenure period for auditors of 15 years in order to safeguard shareholders’ long term interests. Audit committees should establish a system of mandatory tendering every 5-7 years, combined with mandatory rotation after no more than 15 years. The tender should involve at least two candidates (other than the incumbent) to ensure genuine competition and to open the market to new entrants. There should be a “clear water” period of at least 5 years before an auditor can be re-appointed.



    Ensuring that audit reports outline the key areas of judgment and audit risk, assumptions underlying fair value estimates and items of disagreements with management.


    Reviewing and monitoring key auditing and accounting decisions.


    Making recommendations to the board for consideration and acceptance by shareholders, in relation to the appointment, reappointment and, if necessary, the removal of the external auditors.


    Approval of the remuneration and terms of engagement of external auditors.

The board should disclose and explain the main role and responsibilities of the audit committee and the process by which the audit committee reviews and monitors the independence of the external auditors.


3.3 Independence of Auditors

Allianz Global Investors believes that annual audits should be carried out by an independent, external audit firm. The audit committee should have on-going dialogue with the external audit firm without presence of management. Any resignation of an auditor as well as the reasons for such resignation should be publicly disclosed. Allianz Global Investors favours restrictions on non-audit work for audit clients. We support the value of non-audit work representing 50% maximum of audit fees. If the ratio rises above 50% the audit committee must bring down the ratio within 12 months, or select a new audit firm at the next tender. Whichever action is taken must be disclosed in the next annual report.


3.4 Remuneration of Auditors

Companies should be encouraged to delineate clearly between audit and non-audit fees. The breakdown of the fees should be disclosed.

Audit committees should keep under review the nonaudit fees paid to the auditor and in relation to the company’s total expenditure on consultancy. Audit fees should never be excessive.



4.1 Role of Risk Management

Allianz Global Investors believes that boards with high standards of corporate governance will be better able to make sound strategic decisions and to oversee the approach to risk management. Boards need to understand and ensure that proper risk management is put in place for all material and relevant risks that the company faces.


4.2 Risk Management Process

The board has the responsibility to ensure that the company has implemented an effective and dynamic ongoing process to identify risks, measure their potential outcomes, and proactively manage those risks to the extent appropriate.

The Chief Risk Officer should be a member of the main Board.


4.3 Risk Management Documentation

Companies should maintain a documented risk management plan. The board should approve the risk management plan, which it is then the responsibility of management to implement. Risk identification should adopt a broad approach and not be limited to financial reporting; this will require consideration of relevant financial, operational and reputational risks.

Allianz Global Investors in general supports proposals which require the board to conduct a review of the effectiveness of the company’s risk management and internal control systems and the risk management plan at least annually.


4.4 Risk Committee

Allianz Global Investors strongly supports the establishment of a risk committee responsible for supervision of risks within the company. If necessary the board or the risk committee should seek independent external support to supplement internal resources.


Allianz Global Investors customarily reviews shareholder proposals concerning sustainability issues. Consideration should be given to the circumstances of a particular environment, social, governance or ethical issue and whether this may have financial consequences, either directly or indirectly for the company.



In these cases, Allianz Global Investors would consider:


    whether adoption of the proposal would have either a positive or negative impact on the company’s short-term or long-term share value;


    whether the company has already responded in some appropriate manner to the request embodied in the proposal;


    what other companies have done in response to the issue in question.

Allianz Global Investors generally supports proposals that encourage increased transparency on forward-looking and strategy-related sustainability issues deemed material to the financial performance of the company.

Allianz Global Investors can leverage its dedicated Sustainability Research team to formulate coherent and insightful opinions reflecting best practice for all industries globally, guided by national and international law and voluntary codes of good practice developed by authoritative bodies.

As a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI), Allianz Global Investors is committed where appropriate, to actively implementing the principles into its voting activities.



6.1 Capital Increases


  6.1.1 Increase in Authorised Common Stock

Allianz Global Investors in general considers acceptable capital increases for purposes which aim to increase shareholder value in the long term. Any capital increase should take into consideration appropriate levels of dilution.

Allianz Global Investors regards the protection of minority and existing shareholders as a fundamental task for companies, and generally favours pre-emptive rights — i.e. for any new issue of shares to be first offered to existing shareholders. For companies in markets which have conditional capital systems (e.g. Germany, South Africa, etc.) Allianz Global Investors will in general support nonspecific capital increases (i.e. not tied to any particular transaction) with pre-emptive rights to a maximum of 100% of the current authorised capital. Capital increases without pre-emptive rights will in general be accepted to a maximum of 20% of the current authorised capital. Only in exceptional circumstances will Allianz Global Investors consider voting for higher ceilings.

However, given wide variations of local market practices, Allianz Global Investors will support lower ceilings in markets where they are industry standard (e.g. in the UK, where NAPF guidelines stipulate an amount for share issuances with preemptive rights no more than 33% of the current issued share capital that could be used under the general issuance and no more than an additional 33% pursuant to a rights issue, and for share issuances without pre-emptive rights up to a maximum of 5% of the current issued share capital).

An issuance period for a capital increase is favoured to be limited to a reasonable amount of time in line with local market practice, but normally not longer than 18 months.

For companies in markets which have authorized capital systems (e.g. US, Brazil, etc.), Allianz Global Investors will in general support proposals to increase authorized capital up to 100% over the current authorization unless the increase would leave the company with less than 30% of its new authorization outstanding.


  6.1.2 Issuance or Increase of Preferred Stock

Allianz Global Investors generally votes against issuance of securities conferring special rights conflicting with the principle of “one share, one vote” (e.g. preferred shares).

Allianz Global Investors will in general support the issuance or the increase of preferred stock if its conditions are clearly defined (in terms of voting, dividend and conversion possibility, as well as other rights and terms associated with the stock) and are considered reasonable with a view of the overall capital structure of the firm, as well as with previously issued preferred stock.

Allianz Global Investors will in this respect also consider the impact of issuance/increase of preferred stock on the current and future rights of common shareholders.

Allianz Global Investors will generally oppose “blank check” preferred stock where the conditions are left at the discretion of the board, in particular when no clear statement is provided by the board that the preferred stock will not be used to prevent a takeover. Allianz Global Investors will only approve preferred stock deemed reasonable in light of the overall capital structure of the company, as well as previously issued preferred stock.



6.2 Issuance of Debt

Allianz Global Investors is in favour of proposals that enhance a company’s long-term prospects and do not result in the company reaching unacceptable levels of financial leverage. Allianz Global Investors is in favour that shareholders should be consulted on the significant issuance of debt and the raising of borrowing limits.

When convertible debt is to be issued, Allianz Global Investors will analyse such a proposal also in light of its criteria to approve issuance of common shares.


6.3 Issues Related to Mergers, Takeovers and Restructurings


  6.3.1 General Criteria for Mergers and Restructurings

A merger, restructuring, or spin-off in some way affects a change in control of the company’s assets. Allianz Global Investors expects companies to provide sufficient information to be able to evaluate the merits of such transactions considering various factors such as valuation, strategic rationale, conflicts of interest and corporate governance. Allianz Global Investors expects significant changes in the structure of a company to be approved by the shareholders.

Allianz Global Investors may support a merger or restructuring where the transaction appears to offer fair value and the shareholders presumably cannot realise greater value through other means, where equal treatment of all shareholders is ensured and where the corporate governance profile is not significantly altered for the worse.


  6.3.2 Poison Pill Plans

In general, Allianz Global Investors will not support Poison Pill plans and similar anti-takeover measures. Allianz Global Investors is clearly in favour of putting all poison pill plans to shareholder vote.


  6.3.3 Anti-Greenmail Provisions

Greenmail is the practise of buying shares owned by a corporate raider back at a premium to the market price.

Allianz Global Investors will generally support anti-greenmail provisions that do not include other anti-takeover provisions. Allianz Global Investors believe that paying greenmail in favour of a corporate raider discriminates against other shareholders.


  6.3.4 Fair Price Provisions

Allianz Global Investors will generally favour fair price provisions that protect minority shareholders and that are not merely designed for the purpose of imposing barriers to transactions.

Allianz Global Investors will vote against “standard fair price provisions” that are from Allianz Global Investors’s view marginally favourable to the remaining disinterested shareholders.

Allianz Global Investors will vote against fair price provisions if the shareholder vote requirement imbedded in the provision is greater than a majority of disinterested shares.

Allianz Global Investors will vote for shareholder proposals to lower the shareholder vote requirement embedded in existing fair price provisions.


  6.3.5 Control Share Acquisition and Cash-Out Provisions

Control share acquisition statutes function by denying shares their voting rights when they contribute to ownership in excess of certain thresholds. Voting rights for those shares exceeding ownership limits may only be restored by approval of either a majority or supermajority of disinterested shares. Thus, control share acquisition statutes effectively require a hostile bidder to put its offer to a shareholder vote or risk voting disenfranchisement if the bidder continues buying up a large block of shares.

Allianz Global Investors will support proposals to opt out of control share acquisition statutes unless doing so would enable the completion of a takeover that would be detrimental to shareholders. Allianz Global Investors will oppose proposals to amend the charter to include control share acquisition provisions. Allianz Global Investors will support proposals to restore voting rights to the control shares.

Control share cash-out statutes give dissident shareholders the right to “cash-out” of their position in a company at the expense of the shareholder who has taken a control position. In other words, when an investor crosses a preset threshold level, remaining shareholders are given the right to sell their shares to the acquirer, who must buy them at the highest acquiring price.

Allianz Global Investors will generally support proposals to opt out of control share cash-out statutes.



  6.3.6 Going Private/Going Dark Transactions

Allianz Global Investors will vote case-by-case on going private transactions, taking into account the following:


    Offer price/premium;


    Fairness opinion;


    How the deal was negotiated;


    Conflicts of interest;


    Other alternatives/offers considered; and


    Non-completion risk. Allianz Global Investors will vote case-by-case on going dark transactions, determining whether the transaction enhances shareholder value by taking into consideration:


    Whether the company has attained benefits from being publicly-traded (examination of trading volume, liquidity, and market research of the stock);


    Balanced interests of continuing vs. cashed-out shareholders, taking into account the following:


    Are all shareholders able to participate in the transaction?


    Will there be a liquid market for remaining shareholders following the transaction?


    Does the company have strong corporate governance?


    Will insiders reap the gains of control following the proposed transaction?


    Does the state of incorporation have laws requiring continued reporting that may benefit shareholders?


  6.3.7 Joint Ventures

When voting on proposals to form joint ventures, Allianz Global Investors will consider the following factors:


    Percentage of assets/business contributed;


    Percentage ownership;


    Financial and strategic benefits;


    Governance structure;


    Conflicts of interest;


    Other alternatives; and


    Non-completion risk.


  6.3.8 Liquidations

Allianz Global Investors will consider liquidations on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the following:


    Management’s efforts to pursue other alternatives;


    Appraisal value of assets; and


    The compensation plan for executives managing the liquidation.

Allianz Global Investors will support the liquidation if the company will file for bankruptcy if the proposal is not approved.


  6.3.9 Special Purpose Acquisition Corporations (SPACs)

Allianz Global Investors will consider SPAC mergers and acquisitions on a case-by-case basis taking into account the following:


    Valuation — Is the value being paid by the SPAC reasonable?


    Market reaction — How has the market responded to the proposed deal?


    Deal timing — A main driver for most transactions is that the SPAC charter typically requires the deal to be complete within 18 to 24 months, or the SPAC is to be liquidated.



    Negotiations and process — What was the process undertaken to identify potential target companies within specified industry or location specified in charter?


    Conflicts of interest — How are sponsors benefiting from the transaction compared to IPO shareholders? Potential conflicts could arise if a fairness opinion is issued by the insiders to qualify the deal rather than a third party or if management is encouraged to pay a higher price for the target because of an 80% rule (the charter requires that the fair market value of the target is at least equal to 80% of net assets of the SPAC).


    Voting agreements — Are the sponsors entering into enter into any voting agreements/ tender offers with shareholders who are likely to vote against the proposed merger or exercise conversion rights?


6.4 Other Corporate Finance Issues


  6.4.1 Stock Splits and Reverse Stock Splits

In general Allianz Global Investors will support stock splits.

Regarding reverse stock splits, Allianz Global Investors will support them in case their purpose is to fulfil a minimum stock exchange listing requirement.


  6.4.2 Share Repurchase Programs

Allianz Global Investors will approve share repurchase programs when they are in the best interest of the shareholders, when all shareholders can participate on equal terms in the buyback program and where Allianz Global Investors agrees that the company cannot use the cash in a more useful way.

Allianz Global Investors will also view such programs in conjunction with the company’s dividend policy.


  6.4.3 Dividend Policy

Allianz Global Investors believes that the proposed dividend payments should be disclosed in advance to shareholders and be put to a vote.


  6.4.4 Creating Classes with Different Voting Rights/Dual-Voting Share Class Structures

Allianz Global Investors will in general support the principle “one-share, one-vote” as unequal voting rights allow for voting power to potentially be concentrated in the hands of a limited number of shareholders.

Therefore, Allianz Global Investors will normally favour a conversion to a “one-share, one-vote” capital structure and will in principle not support the introduction of multiple-class capital structures or the creation of new or additional super-voting shares.


  6.4.5 Conversion of Securities

Allianz Global Investors will vote case-by-case on proposals regarding conversion of securities. When evaluating these proposals the investor should review the dilution to existing shareholders, the conversion price relative to market value, financial issues, control issues, termination penalties, and conflicts of interest.

Allianz Global Investors will support the conversion if it is expected that the company will be subject to onerous penalties or will be forced to file for bankruptcy if the transaction is not approved.


  6.4.6 Private Placements/Warrants/Convertible Debentures

Allianz Global Investors will consider proposals regarding private placements, warrants, and convertible debentures on a case-by¬case basis, taking into consideration:


    Dilution to existing shareholders’ position;.


    Terms of the offer (discount/premium in purchase price to investor, including any fairness opinion, conversion features, termination penalties, exit strategy);


    Financial issues (the company’s financial condition, degree of need for capital, use of proceeds, effect of the financing on the company’s cost of capital, current and proposed cash burn rate, going concern viability, and the state of the capital and credit markets);


    Management’s efforts to pursue alternatives and whether the company engaged in a process to evaluate alternatives;



    Control issues (potential change in management/board seats, change in control, standstill provisions, voting agreements, veto power over certain corporate actions, and minority versus majority ownership and corresponding minority discount or majority control premium);


    Conflicts of interest (as viewed from the perspective of the company and the investor), considering whether the terms of the transaction were negotiated at arm’s length, and whether managerial incentives are aligned with shareholder interests;


    Market reaction — How has the market responded to the proposed deal?

Allianz Global Investors will support the private placement or the issuance of warrants and/or convertible debentures in a private placement, if it is expected that the company will file for bankruptcy if the transaction is not approved.



7.1 General Issues regarding Voting


  7.1.1 Bundled Proposals

Allianz Global Investors in general favours voting on individual issues and therefore votes against bundled resolutions.

Agenda items at shareholder meetings should be presented in such a way that they can be voted upon clearly, distinctly and unambiguously.


  7.1.2 “Other Business” Proposals

Allianz Global Investors in general opposes “Other Business” proposals unless there is full and clear information about the exact nature of the business to be voted on.


  7.1.3 Simple Majority Voting/Elimination of Supermajority

Allianz Global Investors in general supports simple majority voting and the elimination of supermajority. In certain cases, Allianz Global Investors may consider favouring supermajority in cases where it protects minority shareholders from dominant large shareholders.


7.2 Miscellaneous


  7.2.1 Re-domiciliation

Allianz Global Investors will oppose redomiciliation if the reason is to take advantage of a protective status and if the change will incur a significant loss of shareholder power.


  7.2.2 Shareholder Right to Call Special Meeting/Act by Written Consent

Allianz Global Investors believes that companies should enable holders of a specified portion of its outstanding shares or a specified number of shareholders to call a meeting of shareholders for the purpose of transacting the legitimate business of the company. While it is appropriate to limit abuses, these hurdles should nevertheless be low enough to enable appropriate accountability of the company to its shareholders. Shareholders should be enabled to work together to make such a proposal.


  7.2.3 Disclosure and Transparency

Allianz Global Investors believes that companies should apply high standards of disclosure and transparency. In this regards, Allianz Global Investors shows a preference for:


    at least half-year or full-year reports;


    adherence to consistent internationally accepted financial standards;


    availability of financial information and investor communication in a Business English translation;


    personal accessibility and availability of top management for investors;


    preparation of two reports (simplified and detailed versions) in at least two commonly used languages;


    full disclosure on political donations, ideally with prior approval by shareholders, or by subsequent endorsement if prior approval is not possible;


    a guide to reading financial statements and clear explanations of proposed resolutions;



    publication of documents on the Internet;


    mandatory presence of directors at general meetings;


    video link for shareholders not physically present;


    adoption of electronic voting;


    standardisation of voting forms.


  7.2.4 Proposals to Adjourn Meeting

Allianz Global Investors will generally oppose proposals to provide management with the authority to adjourn an annual or special meeting absent compelling reasons to support the proposal.

However, Allianz Global Investors will support proposals that relate specifically to soliciting votes for a merger or transaction if supporting that merger or transaction.


  7.2.5 Amend Bylaws without Shareholder Consent

Providing the board with the sole ability to amend a company’s bylaws could serve as an entrenchment mechanism and could limit shareholder rights. As such, Allianz Global Investors will oppose proposals giving the board exclusive authority to amend the bylaws. However, Allianz Global Investors will support proposals giving the board the ability to amend the bylaws in addition to shareholders.


  7.2.6 Routine Agenda Items

Many routine proposals are operational issues of a non-controversial nature. The list of operational issues includes, but is not limited to: changing date, time, or location of the annual meeting; amending quorum requirements; amending minor bylaws; approving financial results, director reports, and auditor reports; approving allocation of income; changing the company’s fiscal term; and lowering disclosure threshold for stock ownership.

While these proposals are considered to be routine, they are not inconsequential. Fiduciaries remain charged with casting their votes, so these proposals must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, taking into account shareholders’ rights and the potential economic benefits that would be derived from implementation of the proposal.


  7.2.7 Succession Planning

All companies should have succession planning policies and succession plans in place, and boards should periodically review and update them. Guidelines for disclosure of a company’s succession planning process should balance the board’s interest in keeping business strategies confidential with shareholders’ interests in ensuring that the board is performing its planning duties adequately.

Allianz Global Investors will generally support proposals seeking disclosure on a CEO succession planning policy, considering at a minimum, the following factors:


    The reasonableness/scope of the request; and


    The company’s existing disclosure on its current CEO succession planning process.











These Portfolio Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures (the “Policies and Procedures”), which include the attached “Portfolio Proxy Voting Guidelines” (the “Guidelines”), set forth the proxy voting policies, procedures and guidelines.


These Policies, Procedures and Guidelines apply to OppenheimerFunds, Inc. (“OFI”) and its investment advisory subsidiaries—OFI Global Asset Management, Inc., OFI SteelPath, Inc., OFI Global Institutional Asset Management, Inc., OFI Private Investments Inc., and HarbourView Asset Management Corporation (OFI and each of its advisory subsidiaries are each an “OFI Adviser”) Unless noted otherwise and for ease of reference, OFI and each OFI Adviser are collectively referred to herein as “OFI”.


OFI will follow these Policies, Procedures and Guidelines in voting portfolio proxies relating to securities held by clients, which may include, but is not limited to, separately managed accounts, collective investment trusts, 529 college savings plans, and registered and non-registered investment companies advised or sub-advised by an OFI Adviser (“Fund(s)”).

To the extent that these Policies, Procedures and Guidelines establish a standard, OFI’s compliance with such standard, or failure to comply with such standard, will be subject to OFI’s judgment.



Under Rule 206(4)-6 of the Investment Advisers Act, an investment adviser that exercises voting authority with respect to client securities are required to adopt and implement written policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to ensure that the adviser votes proxies in the best interest of its clients, including investment companies registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.


A. Funds for which OFI has Proxy Voting Responsibility

OFI Registered Funds.    Each Board of Directors/Trustees (the “Board”) of the Funds registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and advised by OFI (“OFI Registered Funds”) has delegated to OFI the authority to vote portfolio proxies pursuant to these Policies and Procedures and subject to Board supervision. Any reference herein to “Board” shall only apply to OFI Registered Funds.

Sub-Advised Funds.    OFI also serves as an investment sub-adviser for a number of Funds registered with the SEC and not overseen by the Boards (“Sub-Advised Funds”). Generally, pursuant to contractual arrangements between OFI and many of those Sub-Advised Funds’ managers, OFI is responsible for portfolio proxy voting of the portfolio proxies held by those Sub-Advised Funds. When voting on matters for which the Guidelines dictate a vote be decided on a case-by-case basis, OFI may refer the vote to the portfolio manager of the Sub-Advised Fund.


1  Form N-1A is the registration form used by registered investment companies to register under the Investment Company Act and to register their shares under the Securities Act of 1933. Form N-1A requires open-end registered investment companies to disclose the policies and procedures that it uses to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities.



Other Funds.    OFI also serves as an investment adviser for a number of Funds that are not identified as Registered Funds or Sub-Advised Funds, which may include, but are not limited to, separately managed accounts, collective investment trusts, non-registered investment companies and 529 college savings plans (“Other Funds”). Generally, pursuant to contractual arrangements between OFI and those Other Funds, OFI is responsible for portfolio proxy voting of the portfolio proxies held by those Other Funds.


B. Proxy Voting Committee

OFI’s internal proxy voting committee (the “Committee”) is responsible for overseeing the proxy voting process and ensuring that OFI and the Funds meet their regulatory and corporate governance obligations for voting of portfolio proxies. The Committee has adopted a written charter that outlines its responsibilities.

The Committee shall oversee the proxy voting agent’s compliance with these Policies and Procedures and the Guidelines, including any deviations by the proxy voting agent from the Guidelines.


C. Administration and Voting of Portfolio Proxies

1.    Fiduciary Duty and Objective

As an investment adviser that has been granted the authority to vote portfolio proxies, OFI owes a fiduciary duty to the Funds to monitor corporate events and to vote portfolio proxies consistent with the best interests of the Funds and their shareholders. In this regard, OFI seeks to ensure that all votes are free from unwarranted and inappropriate influences. Accordingly, OFI generally votes portfolio proxies in a uniform manner for the Funds and in accordance with these Policies and Procedures and the Guidelines. If a portfolio manager requests that OFI vote in a manner inconsistent with the Guidelines, the portfolio manager must submit his/her rationale for voting in this manner to the Committee. The Committee will review the portfolio manager’s rationale to determine that such a request is in the best interests of the Fund (and, if applicable, its shareholders).

In meeting its fiduciary duty, OFI generally undertakes to vote portfolio proxies with a view to enhancing the value of the company’s stock held by the Funds. Similarly, when voting on matters for which the Guidelines dictate a vote be decided on a case-by-case basis, OFI’s primary consideration is the economic interests of the Funds and their shareholders.

From time to time, a Fund may be asked to enter into an arrangement, in the context of a corporate action (e.g., a corporate reorganization), whereby the Fund becomes contractually obligated to vote in a particular manner with respect to certain agenda items at future shareholders’ meetings. To the extent practicable, portfolio managers must notify the Committee of these proposed arrangements prior to contractually committing a Fund to vote in a set manner with respect to future agenda items. The Committee will review these arrangements to determine that such arrangements are in the best interests of the Funds (and, if applicable, their shareholders), and the Committee may ask a portfolio manager to present his/her rationale in support of their proposed course of action.

2.    Proxy Voting Agent

On behalf of the Funds, OFI retains an independent, third party proxy voting agent to assist OFI in its proxy voting responsibilities in accordance with these Policies and Procedures and, in particular, with the Guidelines. As discussed above, the Committee is responsible for monitoring the proxy voting agent.

In general, OFI may consider the proxy voting agent’s research and analysis as part of OFI’s own review of a proxy proposal in which the Guidelines recommend that the vote be considered on a case-by-case basis. OFI bears ultimate responsibility for how portfolio proxies are voted. Unless instructed otherwise by OFI, the proxy voting agent will vote each portfolio proxy in accordance with the Guidelines. The proxy voting agent also will assist OFI in maintaining records of OFI’s and the OFI Registered and Sub-Advised Funds’ portfolio proxy votes, including the appropriate records necessary for the Funds’ to meet their regulatory obligations regarding the annual filing of proxy voting records on Form N-PX with the SEC as required by Rule 30b1-4 under the Investment Company Act.

3.    Material Conflicts of Interest

OFI votes portfolio proxies without regard to any other business relationship between OFI (or its affiliates) and the company to which the portfolio proxy relates. To this end, OFI must identify material conflicts of interest that may arise between the interests of a Fund (and, if applicable, its shareholders) and OFI, its affiliates or their business relationships. A material conflict of interest may arise from a business relationship between a portfolio company or its affiliates (together the “company”), on one hand, and OFI or any of its affiliates (together “OFI”), on the other, including, but not limited to, the following relationships:


    OFI provides significant investment advisory or other services to a company whose management is soliciting proxies or OFI is seeking to provide such services;



    a company that is a significant selling agent of OFI’s products and services solicits proxies;


    OFI serves as an investment adviser to the pension or other investment account of the portfolio company or OFI is seeking to serve in that capacity; or


    OFI and the company have a lending or other financial-related relationship.

In each of these situations, voting against company management’s recommendation may cause OFI a loss of revenue or other benefit.

OFI and its affiliates generally seek to avoid such material conflicts of interest by maintaining separate investment decision making processes to prevent the sharing of business objectives with respect to proposed or actual actions regarding portfolio proxy voting decisions. The Committee maintains a list of companies that, based on business relationships, may potentially give rise to a conflict of interest (“Conflicts List”). In addition, OFI and the Committee employ the following procedures to further minimize any potential conflict of interest, as long as the Committee determines that the course of action is consistent with the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders:


    If the proposal for a company on the Conflicts List is specifically addressed in the Guidelines, OFI will vote the portfolio proxy in accordance with the Guidelines. If the proposal for the company on the Conflicts List is not specifically addressed in the Guidelines, or if the Guidelines provide discretion to OFI on how to vote (i.e., on a case-by-case basis), OFI will vote in accordance with its proxy voting agent’s general recommended guidelines on the proposal provided that OFI has reasonably determined there is no conflict of interest on the part of the proxy voting agent.


    With respect to proposals of a company on the Conflicts List where a portfolio manager has requested that OFI vote (i) in a manner inconsistent with the Guidelines, or (ii) if the proposal is not specifically addressed in the Guidelines, in a manner inconsistent with the proxy voting agent’s general recommended guidelines, the Committee may determine that such a request is in the best interests of the Fund (and, if applicable, its shareholders) and does not pose an actual material conflict of interest. In making its determination, the Committee may consider, among other things, whether the portfolio manager is aware of the business relationship with the company, and/or is sufficiently independent from the business relationship, and to the Committee’s knowledge, whether OFI has been contacted or influenced by the company in connection with the proposal.

If none of the previous procedures provides an appropriate voting recommendation, the Committee may: (i) determine how to vote on the proposal; (ii) recommend that OFI retain an independent fiduciary to advise OFI on how to vote the proposal; or (iii) determine that voting on the particular proposal is impracticable and/or is outweighed by the cost of voting and direct OFI to abstain from voting.

4.    Certain Foreign Securities

Portfolio proxies relating to foreign securities held by the Funds are subject to these Policies and Procedures. In certain foreign jurisdictions, however, the voting of portfolio proxies can result in additional restrictions that have an economic impact or cost to the security, such as “share-blocking.” Share-blocking would prevent OFI from selling the shares of the foreign security for a period of time if OFI votes the portfolio proxy relating to the foreign security. In determining whether to vote portfolio proxies subject to such restrictions, OFI, in consultation with the Committee, considers whether the vote, either itself or together with the votes of other shareholders, is expected to have an effect on the value of the investment that will outweigh the cost of voting. Accordingly, OFI may determine not to vote such securities. If OFI determines to vote a portfolio proxy and during the “share-blocking period” OFI would like to sell an affected foreign security for one or more Funds, OFI, in consultation with the Committee, will attempt to recall the shares (as allowable within the market time-frame and practices).

5.    Securities Lending Programs

The Funds may participate in securities lending programs with various counterparties. Under most securities lending arrangements, proxy voting rights during the lending period generally are transferred to the borrower, and thus proxies received in connection with the securities on loan may not be voted by the lender (i.e., the Fund) unless the loan is recalled in advance of the record date. If a Fund participates in a securities lending program, OFI will attempt to recall the Funds’ portfolio securities on loan and vote proxies relating to such securities if OFI has knowledge of a shareholder vote in time to recall such loaned securities and if OFI determines that the votes involve matters that would have a material effect on the Fund’s investment in such loaned securities.

6.    Shares of Registered Investment Companies (Fund of Funds)

Certain OFI Registered Funds are structured as funds of funds and invest their assets primarily in other underlying OFI Registered Funds (the “Fund of Funds”). Accordingly, the Fund of Funds is a shareholder in the underlying OFI Registered Funds and may be requested to vote on a matter pertaining to those underlying OFI Registered Funds. With respect to any such matter the Fund



of Funds shall vote its shares on each matter submitted to shareholders of the underlying OFI Registered Funds for a vote in accordance with the recommendation of the board of trustees of the underlying OFI Registered Fund, except as otherwise determined by the board of trustees of the Fund of Funds.


D. Fund Board Reports and Recordkeeping

OFI will prepare periodic reports for submission to the Board of OFI Registered Funds describing:


    any issues arising under these Policies and Procedures since the last report to the Board and the resolution of such issues, including but not limited to, information about conflicts of interest not addressed in the Policies and Procedures; and


    any proxy votes taken by OFI on behalf of the Funds since the last report to the Board which were deviations from the Policies and Procedures and the reasons for any such deviations.

In addition, no less frequently than annually, OFI will provide the Boards a written report identifying any recommended changes in existing policies based upon OFI’s experience under these Policies and Procedures, evolving industry practices and developments in applicable laws or regulations.

OFI will maintain all records required to be maintained under, and in accordance with, the Investment Company Act of 1940 and the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 with respect to OFI’s voting of portfolio proxies, including, but not limited to:


    these Policies and Procedures, as amended from time to time;


    records of votes cast with respect to portfolio proxies, reflecting the information required to be included in Form N-PX;


    records of written client requests for proxy voting information and any written responses of OFI to such requests; and


    any written materials prepared by OFI that were material to making a decision in how to vote, or that memorialized the basis for the decision.


E. Amendments to these Procedures

In addition to the Committee’s responsibilities as set forth in the Committee’s Charter, the Committee shall periodically review and update these Policies and Procedures as necessary. Any amendments to these Procedures and Policies (including the Guidelines) shall be provided to the Boards for review, approval and ratification at the Boards’ next regularly scheduled meetings.


F. Proxy Voting Guidelines

The Guidelines adopted by OFI and the Boards of the OFI Registered Funds are attached as Appendix A. The importance of various issues shifts as political, economic and corporate governance issues come to the forefront and then recede. Accordingly, the Guidelines address the issues OFI has most frequently encountered in the past several years.

Adopted as of the Dates Set Forth Below by:

Approved by the New York Board of the Oppenheimer Funds on April 8, 2014.

Approved by the Denver Board of the Oppenheimer Funds on April 9, 2014.

Approved by OFI’s Proxy Voting Committee on March 18, 2014.

Ratified by OFI’s Legal Department on April 9, 2014 and by OFI’s Compliance Department on April 10, 2014.



Appendix A



(dated as of March 18, 2014)



1.1.1    Amend Quorum Requirements.


    Vote AGAINST proposals to reduce quorum requirements for shareholder meetings below a majority of the shares outstanding unless there are compelling reasons to support the proposal.


    Generally vote AGAINST proposals to establish two different quorum levels, unless there are compelling reasons to support the proposal.

1.1.2    Amend Articles of Incorporation/Association or Bylaws


    Vote amendments to the bylaws/charter on a CASE-BY-CASE basis.


    Vote FOR bylaw/charter changes if:


    shareholder rights are protected;


    there is a negligible or positive impact on shareholder value;


    management provides sufficiently valid reasons for the amendments; and/or


    the company is required to do so by law (if applicable); and


    they are of a housekeeping nature (updates or corrections).

1.1.3    Change Company Name.


    Vote WITH Management.

1.1.4    Change Date, Time, or Location of Annual Meeting.


    Vote FOR management proposals to change the date/time/location of the annual meeting unless the proposed change is unreasonable.


    Vote AGAINST shareholder proposals to change the date/time/location of the annual meeting unless the current scheduling or location is unreasonable.

1.1.5    Transact Other Business.


    Vote AGAINST proposals to approve other business when it appears as voting item.

1.1.6    Change in Company Fiscal Term


    Vote FOR resolutions to change a company’s fiscal term for sufficiently valid business reasons.


    Vote AGAINST if a company’s motivation for the change is to postpone its AGM.

1.1.7    Adjourn Meeting


    Generally vote AGAINST proposals to provide management with the authority to adjourn an annual or special meeting, unless there are compelling reasons to support the proposal.


1.2  Ratifying Auditors


    Vote FOR Proposals to ratify auditors, unless any of the following apply:


    an auditor has a financial interest in or association with the company, and is therefore not independent;


    fees for non-audit services are excessive;


    there is reason to believe that the independent auditor has rendered an opinion which is neither accurate nor indicative of the company’s financial position; or


    poor accounting practices are identified that rise to a serious level of concern, such as: fraud; misapplication of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”) or International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”); or material weaknesses identified in Section 404 disclosures.



    Vote AGAINST shareholder proposals asking companies to prohibit or limit their auditors from engaging in non-audit services.


    Vote AGAINST shareholder proposals asking for audit firm rotation.


    Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on shareholder proposals asking the company to discharge the auditor(s).


    Proposals are adequately covered under applicable provisions of Sarbanes-Oxley Act or NYSE or SEC regulations.


    Vote AGAINST the appointment of external auditors if they have previously served the company in an executive capacity or can otherwise be considered affiliated with the company.



2.1  Voting on Director Nominees


    Vote on director nominees should be made on a CASE-BY-CASE basis, examining the following factors:


    composition of the board and key board committees;


    attendance at board meetings;


    corporate governance provisions and takeover activity;


    long-term company performance relative to a market index;


    directors’ investment in the company;


    whether the chairman is also serving as CEO;


    whether a retired CEO sits on the board.


    whether the company or director is targeted in connection with public “vote no” campaigns.


    There are some actions by directors that should result in votes being WITHHELD/AGAINST (whichever vote option is applicable on the ballot). These instances include directors who:


    attend less than 75% of the board and committee meetings without a valid excuse;


    implement or renew a dead-hand or modified dead-hand poison pill;


    failed to adequately respond to a majority supported shareholder proposal;


    failed to act on takeover offers where the majority of the shareholders tendered their shares;


    are inside directors or affiliated outsiders; and sit on the audit, compensation, or nominating committees or the company does not have one of these committees;


    re audit committee members and any of the following has applied and become public information since the last vote, and has not been otherwise corrected or proper controls have not been put in place:


    the non-audit fees paid to the auditor are excessive;


    a material weakness is identified in the Section 404 Sarbanes-Oxley Act disclosures which rises to a level of serious concern, there are chronic internal control issues and an absence of established effective control mechanisms;


    there is persuasive evidence that the audit committee entered into an inappropriate indemnification agreement with its auditor that limits the ability of the company, or its shareholders, to pursue legitimate legal recourse against the audit firm; or


    the company receives an adverse opinion on the company’s financial statements from its auditors.


    are compensation committee members and any of the following has applied and become public information since the last vote, and has not been otherwise corrected or proper controls have not been put in place:


    there is a clearly negative correlation between the chief executive’s pay and company performance under standards adopted in this policy;


    the company reprices underwater options for stock, cash or other consideration without prior shareholder approval, even if allowed in their equity plan;


    the company fails to submit one-time transfers of stock options to a shareholder vote;



    the company fails to fulfill the terms of a burn rate commitment they made to shareholders;


    the company has inappropriately backdated options; or


    the company has egregious compensation practices including, but not limited to, the following:


    egregious employment contracts;


    excessive perks/tax reimbursements;


    abnormally large bonus payouts without justifiable performance linkage or proper disclosure;


    egregious pension/supplemental executive retirement plan (SERP) payouts;


    new CEO with overly generous new hire package;


    excessive severance and/or change in control provisions; or


    dividends or dividend equivalents paid on unvested performance shares or units.


    enacted egregious corporate governance policies or failed to replace management as appropriate;


    are inside directors or affiliated outside directors; and the full board is less than majority independent;


    are CEOs of public companies who serve on more than three public company boards, i.e., more than two public company boards other than their own board (the term “public company” excludes an investment company).Vote should be WITHHELD only at their outside board elections;


    serve on more than five public company boards. (The term “public company” excludes an investment company.)


    WITHHOLD/AGAINST on all incumbents if the board clearly lacks accountability and oversight, coupled with sustained poor performance relative to its peers.


    Additionally, the following should result in votes being WITHHELD/AGAINST (except from new nominees):


    if the director(s) receive more than 50% withhold votes of votes cast and the issue that was the underlying cause of the high level of withhold votes in the prior election has not been addressed; or


    if the company has adopted or renewed a poison pill without shareholder approval since the company’s last annual meeting, does not put the pill to a vote at the current annual meeting, and there is no requirement to put the pill to shareholder vote within 12 months of its adoption;


    if a company that triggers this policy commits to putting its pill to a shareholder vote within 12 months of its adoption, OFI will not recommend a WITHHOLD vote.

2.2  Board Size


    Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on shareholder proposals to maintain or improve ratio of independent versus non-independent directors.


    Vote FOR proposals seeking to fix the board size or designate a range for the board size.


    Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on proposals that give management the ability to alter the size of the board outside of a specified range without shareholder approval.

2.3  Classification/Declassification of the Board


    Vote AGAINST proposals to classify the board.


    Vote FOR proposals to repeal classified boards and to elect all directors annually. In addition, if 50% of voting shareholders request repeal of the classified board and the board remains classified, WITHHOLD votes for those directors at the next meeting at which directors are elected, provided however, if the company has majority voting for directors that meets the standards under this policy, WITHHOLD votes only from directors having responsibility to promulgate classification/declassification policies, such as directors serving on the governance committee, nominating committee or either of its equivalent.

2.4  Cumulative Voting


    Vote FOR proposal to eliminate cumulative voting.


    Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on cumulative voting proposals at controlled companies (where insider voting power is greater than 50%).



2.5  Establishment of Board Committees


    Generally vote AGAINST shareholder proposals to establish a new board committee, as such proposals seek a specific oversight mechanism/structure that potentially limits a company’s ability to maintain its own affairs. However, exceptions may be made if determined that it would be in the best interest of the company’s governance structure.

2.6  Require Majority Vote for Approval of Directors


    OFI will generally vote FOR precatory and binding resolutions requesting that the board change the company’s bylaws to stipulate that directors need to be elected with an affirmative majority of votes cast, provided it does not conflict with state law where the company is incorporated. Binding resolutions need to allow for a carve-out for a plurality vote standard when there are more nominees than board seats.


    Companies are strongly encouraged to also adopt a post-election policy (also known as a director resignation policy) that will provide guidelines so that the company will promptly address the situation of a holdover director.

2.7  Director and Officer Indemnification and Liability Protection


    Proposals on director and officer indemnification and liability protection should be evaluated on a CASE-BY-CASE basis, using Delaware law as the standard.


    Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on proposals to eliminate entirely directors’ and officers’ liability for monetary damages for violating the duty of care, provided the liability for gross negligence is not eliminated.


    Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on indemnification proposals that would expand coverage beyond just legal expenses to acts, such as negligence, that are more serious violations of fiduciary obligation than mere carelessness, provided coverage is not provided for gross negligence acts.


    Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on proposals to expand the scope of indemnification to provide for mandatory indemnification of company officials in connection with acts that previously the company was permitted to provide indemnification for at the discretion of the company’s board (i.e. “permissive indemnification”) but that previously the company was not required to indemnify.


    Vote FOR only those proposals providing such expanded coverage in cases when a director’s or officer’s legal defense was unsuccessful if both of the following apply:


    the director was found to have acted in good faith and in a manner that he reasonable believed was in the best interests of the company; and


    only if the director’s legal expenses would be covered.

2.8  Establish/Amend Nominee Qualifications


    Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on proposals that establish or amend director qualifications.


    Votes should be based on how reasonable the criteria are and to what degree they may preclude dissident nominees from joining the board.


    Vote AGAINST shareholder proposals requiring two candidates per board seat.

2.9  Filling Vacancies/Removal of Directors.


    Vote AGAINST proposals that provide that directors may be removed only for cause.


    Vote FOR proposals to restore shareholder ability to remove directors with or without cause.


    Vote AGAINST proposals that provide that only continuing directors may elect replacements to fill board vacancies.


    Vote FOR proposals that permit shareholders to elect directors to fill board vacancies.

2.10  Independent Chairman (Separate Chairman/CEO)


    Generally vote FOR shareholder proposals requiring the position of chairman to be filled by an independent director unless there are compelling reasons to recommend against the proposal such as a counterbalancing governance structure. This should include all of the following:


    designated lead director, elected by and from the independent board members with clearly delineated and comprehensive duties;


    two-thirds independent board;



    all-independent key committees;


    established governance guidelines;


    the company should not have underperformed its peers and index on a one-year and three-year basis, unless there has been a change in the Chairman/CEO position within that time (performance will be measured according to shareholder returns against index and peers from the performance summary table);


    the company does not have any problematic governance or management issues, examples of which include, but are not limited to:


    egregious compensation practices;


    multiple related-party transactions or other issues putting director independence at risk;


    corporate and/or management scandal;


    excessive problematic corporate governance provisions; or


    flagrant actions by management or the board with potential or realized negative impacts on shareholders.

2.11  Majority of Independent Directors/Establishment of Committees


    Vote FOR shareholder proposals asking that a majority of directors be independent but vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals that more than a majority of directors be independent. NYSE and NASDAQ already require that listed companies have a majority of independent directors.


    Vote FOR shareholder proposals asking that board audit, compensation, and/or nominating committees be composed exclusively of independent directors if they currently do not meet that standard.


    For purposes of Special Purpose Acquisition Corporations (SPAC), when a former CEO of a SPAC company serves on the board of an acquired company, that director will generally be classified as independent unless determined otherwise taking into account the following factors:


    the applicable listing standards determination of such director’s independence;


    any operating ties to the firm; and


    if there are any other conflicting relationships or related party transactions.


    A director who is a party to an agreement to vote in line with management on proposals being brought to a shareholder vote shall be classified as an affiliated outside director. However, when dissident directors are parties to a voting agreement pursuant to a settlement arrangement, such directors shall be classified as independent unless determined otherwise taking into account the following factors:


    the terms of the agreement;


    the duration of the standstill provision in the agreement;


    the limitations and requirements of actions that are agreed upon;


    if the dissident director nominee(s) is subject to the standstill; and


    if there are any conflicting relationships or related party transactions.

2.12  Require More Nominees than Open Seats


    Vote AGAINST shareholder proposals that would require a company to nominate more candidates than the number of open board seats.

2.13  Open Access


    Vote CASE-BY-CASE on shareholder proposals asking for open access taking into account the ownership threshold specified in the proposal and the proponent’s rationale for targeting the company in terms of board and director conduct.

2.14  Stock Ownership Requirements


    Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on shareholder proposals that mandate a minimum amount of stock that a director must own in order to qualify as a director or to remain on the board. While stock ownership on the part of directors is favored, the company should determine the appropriate ownership requirement.



    Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on shareholder proposals asking companies to adopt holding periods or retention ratios for their executives, taking into account:


    actual officer stock ownership and the degree to which it meets or exceeds the proponent’s suggested holding period/retention ratio or the company’s own stock ownership or retention requirements.


    problematic pay practices, current and past.

2.15  Age or Term Limits


    Vote AGAINST shareholder or management proposals to limit the tenure of directors either through term limits or mandatory retirement ages. OFI views as management decision.



3.1  Voting for Director Nominees in Contested Elections


    Votes in a contested election of directors must be evaluated on a CASE-BY-CASE basis considering the following factors:


    long-term financial performance of the target company relative to its industry;


    management’s track record;


    background to the proxy contest;


    qualifications of director nominees (both slates);


    evaluation of what each side is offering shareholders as well as the likelihood that the proposed objectives and goals can be met; and


    stock ownership position.

3.2  Reimbursing Proxy Solicitation Expenses


    Voting to reimburse proxy solicitation expenses should be analyzed on a CASE-BY-CASE basis. In cases, which OFI recommends in favor of the dissidents, OFI also recommends voting for reimbursing proxy solicitation expenses.

3.3  Confidential Voting and Vote Tabulation


    Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on shareholder proposals regarding proxy voting mechanics including, but not limited to, confidential voting of individual proxies and ballots, confidentiality of running vote tallies, and the treatment of abstentions and/or broker non-votes in the company’s vote counting methodology. The factors considered, as applicable to the proposal, may include:


    The scope and structure of the proposal;


    The company’s stated confidential voting policy (or other relevant policies) and whether it ensures a “level playing field” by providing shareholder proponents with equal access to vote information prior to the annual meeting;


    The company’s vote standard for management and shareholder proposals and whether it ensures consistency and fairness in the proxy voting process and maintains the integrity of vote results;


    Whether the company’s disclosure regarding its vote counting method and other relevant voting policies with respect to management and shareholder proposals are consistent and clear;


    Any recent controversies or concerns related to the company’s proxy voting mechanics;


    Any unintended consequences resulting from implementation of the proposal; and


    Any other factors that may be relevant.



4.1  Advance Notice Requirements for Shareholder Proposals/Nominations


    Votes on advance notice proposals are determined on a CASE-BY-CASE basis, generally giving support to those proposals which allow shareholders to submit proposals as close to the meeting date as reasonably possible and within the broadest window possible.



4.2  Amend Bylaws without Shareholder Consent


    Vote AGAINST proposals giving the board exclusive authority to amend the bylaws.


    Vote FOR proposals giving the board the ability to amend the bylaws in addition to shareholders.

4.3  Poison Pills


    Vote AGAINST proposals that increase authorized common stock for the explicit purpose of implementing a shareholder rights plan (poison pill).


    Vote FOR shareholder proposals requesting that the company submit its poison pill to a shareholder vote or redeem it.


    Vote FOR shareholder proposals asking that any future pill be put to a shareholder vote.


    Votes regarding management proposals to ratify a poison pill should be determined on a CASE-BY-CASE basis. Ideally, plans should embody the following attributes:


    20% or higher flip-in or flip-over;


    two to three-year sunset provision;


    no dead-hand, slow-hand, no-hand or similar features;


    shareholder redemption feature-if the board refuses to redeem the pill 90 days after an offer is announced, ten percent of the shares may call a special meeting or seek a written consent to vote on rescinding the pill;


    considerations of the company’s existing governance structure including: board independence, existing takeover defenses, and any problematic governance concerns;


    for management proposals to adopt a poison pill for the stated purpose of preserving a company’s net operating losses (“NOL pills”), the following factors will be considered:


    the trigger (NOL pills generally have a trigger slightly below 5%);


    the value of the NOLs;


    the term;


    shareholder protection mechanisms (sunset provision, causing expiration of the pill upon exhaustion or expiration of NOLs); and


    other factors that may be applicable.

4.4  Net Operating Loss (NOL) Protective Amendments


    OFI will evaluate amendments to the company’s NOL using the same criteria as a NOL pill.

4.5  Shareholder Ability to Act by Written Consent


    Vote AGAINST proposals to restrict or prohibit shareholder ability to take action by written consent.


    Generally vote FOR proposals that remove restrictions on or provide the right of shareholders to act by written consent independently of management taking into account the company’s specific governance provisions including right to call special meetings, poison pills, vote standards, etc. on a CASE-BY-CASE basis.

4.6  Shareholder Ability to Call Special Meetings


    Vote AGAINST proposals to restrict or prohibit shareholder ability to call special meetings.


    Generally vote FOR proposals that remove restrictions on or provide the right of shareholders to call special meetings and act independently of management taking into account the company’s specific governance provisions.

4.7  Establish Shareholder Advisory Committee


    Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis.

4.8  Supermajority Vote Requirements


    Vote AGAINST proposals to require a supermajority shareholder vote.


    Vote FOR management or shareholder proposals to reduce supermajority vote requirements. However, for companies with shareholder(s) who have significant ownership levels, vote CASE-BY-CASE.




5.1  Appraisal Rights


    Vote FOR proposals to restore, or provide shareholders with, rights of appraisal.

5.2  Asset Purchases


    Vote CASE-BY-CASE on asset purchase proposals, considering the following factors:


    purchase price;


    fairness opinion;


    financial and strategic benefits;


    how the deal was negotiated;


    conflicts of interest;


    other alternatives for the business; and


    non-completion risk.

5.3  Asset Sales


    Vote CASE-BY-CASE on asset sale proposals, considering the following factors:


    impact on the balance sheet/working capital;


    potential elimination of diseconomies;


    anticipated financial and operating benefits;


    anticipated use of funds;


    value received for the asset;


    fairness opinion;


    how the deal was negotiated; and


    conflicts of interest.

5.4  Bundled Proposals


    Review on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on bundled or “conditioned” proxy proposals. In the case of items that are conditioned upon each other, examine the benefits and costs of the packaged items. In instances when the joint effect of the conditioned items is not in shareholders’ best interests, vote against the proposals. If the combined effect is positive, support such proposals.

5.5  Conversion of Securities


    Votes on proposals regarding conversion of securities are determined on a CASE-BY-CASE basis. When evaluating these proposals, the investor should review the dilution to existing shareholders, the conversion price relative to the market value, financial issues, control issues, termination penalties, and conflicts of interest.


    Vote FOR the conversion if it is expected that the company will be subject to onerous penalties or will be forced to file for bankruptcy if the transaction is not approved.

5.6  Corporate Reorganization/Debt Restructuring/Prepackaged Bankruptcy Plans/Reverse Leveraged Buyouts/Wrap Plans


    Votes on proposals to increase common and/or preferred shares and to issue shares as part of a debt restructuring plan are determined on a CASE-BY-CASE basis, taking into consideration the following:


    dilution to existing shareholders’ position;


    terms of the offer;


    financial issues;


    management’s efforts to pursue other alternatives;



    control issues; and


    conflicts of interest.


    Vote FOR the debt restructuring if it is expected that the company will file for bankruptcy if the transaction is not approved.

5.7  Formation of Holding Company


    Votes on proposals regarding the formation of a holding company should be determined on a CASE-BY-CASE basis, taking into consideration the following:


    the reasons for the change;


    any financial or tax benefits;


    regulatory benefits;


    increases in capital structure; and


    changes to the articles of incorporation or bylaws of the company.


    Absent compelling financial reasons to recommend the transaction, vote AGAINST the formation of a holding company if the transaction would include either of the following:


    increases in common or preferred stock in excess of the allowable maximum as calculated by the RMG Capital Structure Model; and/or


    adverse changes in shareholder rights.

5.8  Going Private Transactions (LBOs, Minority Squeezeouts) and Going Dark Transactions


    Vote on going private transactions on a CASE-BY-CASE basis, taking into account the following:


    offer price/premium;


    fairness opinion;


    how the deal was negotiated;


    conflicts of interests;


    other alternatives/offers considered; and


    non-completion risk.


    Vote CASE-BY-CASE on going dark transactions, determining whether the transaction enhances shareholder value by taking into consideration:


    whether the company has attained benefits from being publicly-traded (examination of trading volume, liquidity, and market research of the stock);


    cash-out value;


    whether the interests of continuing and cashed-out shareholders are balanced; and


    the market reaction to public announcement of the transaction.

5.9  Joint Venture


    Votes on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on proposals to form joint ventures, taking into account the following:


    percentage of assets/business contributed;


    percentage of ownership;


    financial and strategic benefits;


    governance structure;


    conflicts of interest;


    other alternatives; and


    non-completion risk.



5.10  Liquidations


    Votes on liquidations should be made on a CASE-BY-CASE basis after reviewing management’s efforts to pursue other alternatives, appraisal value of assets, and the compensation plan for executives managing the liquidation.


    Vote FOR the liquidation if the company will file for bankruptcy if the proposal is not approved.

5.11  Mergers and Acquisitions/Issuance of Shares to Facilitate Merger or Acquisition


    Votes on mergers and acquisitions should be considered on a CASE-BY-CASE basis, determining whether the transaction enhances shareholder value by giving consideration to the following:


    prospects of the combined company anticipated financial and operating benefits;


    offer price (premium or discount);


    fairness opinion;


    how the deal was negotiated;


    changes in corporate governance;


    changes in the capital structure; and


    conflicts of interest.

5.12  Private Placements/Warrants/Convertible Debenture


    Votes on proposals regarding private placements should be determined on a CASE-BY-CASE basis. When evaluating these proposals the invest should review:


    dilution to existing shareholders’ position;


    terms of the offer;


    financial issues;


    management’s efforts to pursue other alternatives;


    control issues; and


    conflicts of interest.


    Vote FOR the private placement if it is expected that the company will file for bankruptcy if the transaction is not approved.

5.13  Spinoffs


    Votes on spinoffs should be considered on a CASE-BY-CASE basis depending on:


    tax and regulatory advantages;


    planned use of the sale proceeds;


    valuation of spinoff;


    fairness opinion;


    benefits to the parent company;


    conflicts of interest;


    managerial incentives;


    corporate governance changes; and


    changes in the capital structure.

5.14  Value Maximization Proposals


    Votes on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on shareholder proposals seeking to maximize shareholder value by hiring a financial advisor to explore strategic alternatives, selling the company or liquidating the company and distributing the proceeds to shareholders. These proposals should be evaluated based on the following factors: prolonged poor performance with no turnaround in sight, signs of entrenched board and management, strategic plan in place for improving value, likelihood of receiving reasonable value in a sale or dissolution and whether the company is actively exploring its strategic options, including retaining a financial advisor.



5.15  Severance Agreements that are Operative in Event of Change in Control


    Review CASE-BY-CASE, with consideration give to RMG “transfer-of-wealth” analysis. (See section 8.2).

5.16  Special Purpose Acquisition Corporations (SPACs)


    Vote on mergers and acquisitions involving SPAC will be voted on a CASE-BY-CASE using a model developed by RMG which takes in consideration:




    market reaction;


    deal timing;


    negotiations and process;


    conflicts of interest;


    voting agreements; and





6.1  Control Share Acquisition Provisions


    Vote FOR proposals to opt out of control share acquisition statutes unless doing so would enable the completion of a takeover that would be detrimental to shareholders.


    Vote AGAINST proposals to amend the charter to include control share acquisition provisions.


    Vote FOR proposals to restore voting rights to the control shares.

6.2  Control Share Cashout Provisions


    Vote FOR proposals to opt out of control share cashout statutes.

6.3  Disgorgement Provisions


    Vote FOR proposals to opt out of state disgorgement provisions.

6.4  Fair Price Provisions


    Vote proposals to adopt fair price provisions on a CASE-BY-CASE basis, evaluating factors such as the vote required to approve the proposed acquisition, the vote required to repeal the fair price provision, and the mechanism for determining the fair price.


    Generally vote AGAINST fair price provisions with shareholder vote requirements greater than a majority of disinterested shares.

6.5  Freezeout Provisions


    Vote FOR proposals to opt out of state freezeout provisions.

6.6  Greenmail


    Vote FOR proposals to adopt anti-greenmail charter of bylaw amendments or otherwise restrict a company’s ability to make greenmail payments.


    Review on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on anti-greenmail proposals when they are bundled with other charter or bylaw amendments.

6.7  Reincorporation Proposals


    Proposals to change a company’s state of incorporation should be evaluated on a CASE-BY-CASE basis, giving consideration to both financial and corporate governance concerns, including the reasons for reincorporating, a comparison of the governance provisions, and a comparison of the jurisdictional laws.


    Vote FOR reincorporation when the economic factors outweigh any neutral or negative governance changes.

6.8  Stakeholder Provisions


    Vote AGAINST proposals that ask the board to consider non-shareholder constituencies or other non-financial effects when evaluating a merger or business combination.



6.9  State Anti-takeover Statutes


    Review on a CASE-BY-CASE basis proposals to opt in or out of state takeover statutes (including control share acquisition statutes, control share cash-out statutes, freezeout provisions, fair price provisions, stakeholder laws, poison pill endorsements, severance pay and labor contract provisions, anti-greenmail provisions, and disgorgement provisions).



7.1  Adjustments to Par Value of Common Stock


    Vote FOR management proposals to reduce the par value of common stock.

7.2  Common Stock Authorization


    Votes on proposals to increase the number of shares of common stock authorized for issuance are determined on a CASE-BY-CASE basis using a model developed by RMG which considers the following factors:


    specific reasons/rationale for the proposed increase;


    the dilutive impact of the request as determined through an allowable cap generated by RiskMetrics’ quantitative model;


    the board’s governance structure and practices; and


    risks to shareholders of not approving the request.


    Vote AGAINST proposals at companies with dual-class capital structures to increase the number of authorized shares of the class of stock that has superior voting rights. Vote FOR proposals to approve increases beyond the allowable increase when a company’s shares are in danger of being delisted or if a company’s ability to continue to operate as a going concern is uncertain.

7.3  Dual-Class Stock


    Vote AGAINST proposals to create a new class of common stock with superior voting rights.


    Vote FOR proposals to create a new class of non-voting or sub-voting common stock if:


    it is intended for financing purposes with minimal or no dilution to current shareholders; and


    it is not designed to preserve the voting power of an insider or significant shareholder.

7.4  Issue Stock for Use with Rights Plan


    Vote AGAINST proposals that increase authorized common stock for the explicit purpose of implementing a non-shareholder approved shareholder rights plan (poison pill).

7.5  Preemptive Rights


    Review on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on shareholder proposals that seek preemptive rights. In evaluating proposals on preemptive right, consider the size of a company, the characteristics of its shareholder base, and the liquidity of the stock.

7.6  Preferred Stock


    OFI will vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals to increase the number of shares of preferred stock authorized for issuance using a model developed by ISS, taking into account company-specific factors including past board performance and governance structure as well as whether the stock is “blank check” (preferred stock with unspecified voting, conversion, dividend distribution, and other rights) or “declawed” (preferred stock that cannot be used as takeover defense).

7.7  Recapitalization


    Votes CASE-BY-CASE on recapitalizations (reclassification of securities), taking into account the following:


    more simplified capital structure;


    enhanced liquidity;


    fairness of conversion terms;


    impact on voting power and dividends;


    reasons for the reclassification;



    conflicts of interest; and


    other alternatives considered.

7.8  Reverse Stock Splits


    Vote FOR management proposals to implement a reverse stock split when the number of authorized shares will be proportionately reduced.


    Vote FOR management proposals to implement a reverse stock split to avoid delisting.


    Votes on proposals to implement a reverse stock split that do not proportionately reduce the number of shares authorized for issue should be determined on a CASE-BY-CASE basis using a model developed by RMG.

7.9  Share Purchase Programs


    Vote FOR management proposals to institute open-market share repurchase plans in which all shareholders may participate on equal terms.

7.10  Stock Distributions: Splits and Dividends


    Vote FOR management proposals to increase the common share authorization for a stock split or share dividend, provided that the increase in authorized shares would not result in an excessive number of shares available for issuance as determined using a model developed by RMG.

7.11  Tracking Stock


    Votes on the creation of tracking stock are determined on a CASE-BY-CASE basis, weighing the strategic value of the transaction against such factors as: adverse governance changes, excessive increases in authorized capital stock, unfair method of distribution, diminution of voting rights, adverse conversion features, negative impact on stock option plans, and other alternatives such as spinoff.



8.1  Equity-based Compensation Plans


    Vote compensation proposals on a CASE-BY-CASE basis.


    OFI analyzes stock option plans, paying particular attention to their dilutive effect. OFI opposes compensation proposals that OFI believes to be excessive, with consideration of factors including the company’s industry, market capitalization, revenues and cash flow.


    Vote AGAINST equity proposal and compensation committee members if any of the following factors apply:


    the total cost of the company’s equity plans is unreasonable;


    the plan expressly permits the repricing of stock options/stock appreciate rights (SARs) without prior shareholder approval;


    the CEO is a participant in the proposed equity-based compensation plan and there is a disconnect between CEO pay and the company’s performance where over 50 percent of the year-over-year increase is attributed to equity awards;


    the plan provides for the acceleration of vesting of equity awards even though an actual change in control may not occur (e.g., upon shareholder approval of a transaction or the announcement of a tender offer); or


    the plan is a vehicle for poor pay practices.


    For Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), common shares issuable upon conversion of outstanding Operating Partnership (OP) units will be included in the share count for the purposes of determining: (1) market capitalization in the Shareholder Value Transfer (SVT) analysis and (2) shares outstanding in the burn rate analysis.

8.2  Director Compensation


    Vote CASE-BY-CASE on stock plans or non-cash compensation plans for non-employee directors, based on the cost of the plans against the company’s allowable cap. On occasion, director stock plans that set aside a relatively small number of shares when combined with employee or executive stock compensation plans will exceed the allowable cap.


    Vote FOR the plan if ALL of the following qualitative factors in the board’s compensation are met and disclosed in the proxy statement:


    director stock ownership guidelines with a minimum of three times the annual cash retainer;



    vesting schedule or mandatory holding/deferral period:


    a minimum vesting of three years for stock options or restricted stock; or


    deferred stock payable at the end of a three-year deferral period;


    mix between cash and equity:


    a balanced mix of cash and equity, for example 40% cash/60% equity or 50% cash/50% equity; or


    if the mix is heavier on the equity component, the vesting schedule or deferral period should be more stringent, with the lesser of five years or the term of directorship;


    no retirement/benefits and perquisites provided to non-employee directors; and


    detailed disclosure provided on cash and equity compensation delivered to each non-employee director for the most recent fiscal year in a table. The column headers for the table may include the following: name of each non-employee director, annual retainer, board meeting fees, committee retainer, committee-meeting fees, and equity grants.

8.3  Bonus for Retiring Director


    Examine on a CASE-BY CASE basis. Factors we consider typically include length of service, company’s accomplishments during the Director’s tenure, and whether we believe the bonus is commensurate with the Director’s contribution to the company.

8.4  Cash Bonus Plan


    Consider on a CASE-BY-CASE basis. In general, OFI considers compensation questions such as cash bonus plans to be ordinary business activity. While we generally support management proposals, we oppose compensation proposals we believe are excessive.

8.5  Stock Plans in Lieu of Cash


    Generally vote FOR management proposals, unless OFI believe the proposal is excessive.


    In casting its vote, OFI reviews the RMG recommendation per a “transfer of wealth” binomial formula that determines an appropriate cap for the wealth transfer based upon the company’s industry peers.


    Vote FOR plans which provide participants with the option of taking all or a portion of their cash compensation in the form of stock are determined on a CASE-BY-CASE basis.


    Vote FOR plans which provide a dollar-for-dollar cash for stock exchange.

8.6  Pre-Arranged Trading Plans (10b5-1 Plans)


    Generally vote FOR shareholder proposals calling for certain principles regarding the use of prearranged trading plans (10b5-1 plans) for executives. These principles include:


    adoption, amendment, or termination of a 10b5-1 Plan must be disclosed within two business days in a Form 8-K;


    amendment or early termination of a 10b5-1 Plan is allowed only under extraordinary circumstances, as determined by the board;


    ninety days must elapse between adoption or amendment of a 10b5-1 Plan and initial trading under the plan;


    reports on Form 4 must identify transactions made pursuant to a 10b5-1 Plan;


    an executive may not trade in company stock outside the 10b5-1 Plan; and


    trades under a 10b5-1 Plan must be handled by a broker who does not handle other securities transactions for the executive.

8.7  Management Proposals Seeking Approval to Reprice Options


    Votes on management proposals seeking approval to exchange/reprice options are evaluated on a CASE-BY-CASE basis giving consideration to the following:


    historic trading patterns;


    rationale for the repricing;


    value-for-value exchange;



    option vesting;


    term of the option;


    exercise price;


    participation; and


    market best practices

Transfer Stock Option (TSO) Programs

Vote FOR if One-time Transfers:


    executive officers and non-employee directors are excluded from participating;


    stock options are purchased by third-party financial institutions at a discount to their fair value using option pricing models;


    there is a two-year minimum holding period for sale proceeds.


    Vote AGAINST equity plan proposals if the details of ongoing TSO programs are not provided to shareholders.

8.8   Employee Stock Purchase Plans

Qualified Plans


    Votes on employee stock purchase plans should be determined on a CASE-BY-CASE basis.


    Votes FOR employee stock purchase plans where all of the following apply:


    purchase price is at least 85% of fair market value;


    offering period is 27 months or less; and


    the number of shares allocated to the plan is 10% or less of the outstanding shares.


    Votes AGAINST employee stock purchase plans where any of the following apply:


    purchase price is not at least 85% of fair market value;


    offering period is greater than 27 months; and


    the number of shares allocated to the plan is more than 10% of the outstanding shares.

Non-Qualified Plans


    Vote FOR nonqualified employee stock purchase plans with all the following features:


    broad-based participation;


    limits on employee contribution;


    company matching contribution up to 25 percent;


    no discount on the stock price on the date of purchase.

8.9  Incentive Bonus Plans and Tax Deductibility Proposals (OBRA-Related Compensation Proposals)


    Vote FOR proposals that simply amend shareholder-approved compensation plans to include administrative features or place a cap on the annual grants any one participant may receive to comply with the provisions of Section 162(m).


    Vote FOR proposals to add performance goals to existing compensation plans to comply with the provisions of Section 162(m) unless they are clearly inappropriate.


    Votes to amend existing plans to increase shares reserved and to qualify for favorable tax treatment under the provisions of Section 162(m) should be considered on a CASE-BY-CASE basis using a proprietary, quantitative model developed by RMG.


    Generally vote FOR cash or cash and stock bonus plans that are submitted to shareholders for the purpose of exempting compensation from taxes under the provisions of Section 162(m) if no increase in shares is requested.


    Vote AGAINST proposals if the compensation committee does not fully consist of independent outsiders, as defined in RMG’s definition of director independence.



8.10  Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs)


    Vote FOR proposals to implement an ESOP or increase authorized shares for existing ESOPs, unless the number of shares allocated to the ESOP is excessive (more than 5% of outstanding shares).

8.11  Shareholder Proposal to Submit Executive Compensation to Shareholder Vote


    Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis.

8.12  Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation (Say-on-Pay) Management Proposal


    Evaluate executive pay and practices, as well as certain aspects of outside director compensation, on a CASE-BY-CASE basis.


    Vote AGAINST management say on pay (MSOP) proposals, AGAINST/WITHHOLD on compensation committee members (or, in rare cases where the full board is deemed responsible, all directors including the CEO), and/or AGAINST an equity-based incentive plan proposal if:


    There is a misalignment between CEO pay and company performance (pay for performance);


    The company maintains problematic pay practices;


    The board exhibits poor communication and responsiveness to shareholders.


    Additional CASE-BY-CASE considerations for the management say on pay (MSOP) proposals:


    Evaluation of performance metrics in short-term and long-term plans, as discussed and explained in the Compensation Discussion & Analysis (CD&A);


    Evaluation of peer group benchmarking used to set target pay or award opportunities; and


    Balance of performance-based versus non-performance-based pay.


    Frequency of Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation (Management “Say on Pay”)


    Vote FOR annual advisory votes on compensation, which provide the most consistent and clear communication channel for shareholder concerns about companies’ executive pay programs.

8.13  401(k) Employee Benefit Plans


    Vote FOR proposals to implement a 401(k) savings plan for employees.

8.14  Shareholder Proposals Regarding Executive and Director Pay


    Generally, vote FOR shareholder proposals seeking additional disclosure of executive and director pay information, provided the information requested is relevant to shareholders’ needs, would not put the company at a competitive disadvantage relative to its industry, and is not unduly burdensome to the company.


    Generally vote FOR shareholder proposals seeking disclosure regarding the company’s, board’s, or committee’s use of compensation consultants, such as company name, business relationship(s) and fees paid.


    Vote WITH MANAGEMENT on shareholder proposals requiring director fees be paid in stock only.


    Vote FOR shareholder proposals to put option repricings to a shareholder vote.


    Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis for all other shareholder proposals regarding executive and director pay, taking into account company performance, pay level versus peers, pay level versus industry, and long term corporate outlook.

8.15  Performance-Based Stock Options


    Generally vote FOR shareholder proposals advocating the use of performance-based stock options (indexed, premium-priced, and performance-vested options), unless:


    the proposal is overly restrictive (e.g., it mandates that awards to all employees must be performance-based or all awards to top executives must be a particular type, such as indexed options); or


    the company demonstrates that it is using a substantial portion of performance-based awards for its top executives.

8.16  Pay-for-Performance


    Generally vote FOR shareholder proposals that align a significant portion of total compensation of senior executives to company performance. In evaluating the proposals, the following factors will be analyzed:


    What aspects of the company’s short-term and long-term incentive programs are performance-driven?



    Can shareholders assess the correlation between pay and performance based on the company’s disclosure?


    What type of industry does the company belong to?


    Which stage of the business cycle does the company belong to?

8.17  Pay-for-Superior-Performance Standard


    Generally vote FOR shareholder proposals based on a case-by-case analysis that requests the board establish a pay-for-superior-performance standard in the company’s executive compensation plan for senior executives.

8.18  Golden Parachutes and Executive Severance Agreements


    Vote FOR shareholder proposals to require golden parachutes or executive severance agreements to be submitted for shareholder ratification, unless the proposal requires shareholder approval prior to entering into employment contracts.


    Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on proposals to ratify or cancel golden parachutes. An acceptable parachute should include the following:


    the parachute should be less attractive than an ongoing employment opportunity with the firm;


    the triggering mechanism should be beyond the control of management;


    the amount should not exceed three times base salary plus guaranteed benefits; and


    change-in-control payments should be double-triggered, i.e., (1) after a change in control has taken place, and (2) termination of the executive as a result of the change in control. Change in control is defined as a change in the company ownership structure.


    Voting on Golden Parachutes in an Acquisition, Merger, Consolidation, or Proposed Sale


    If presented as a separate voting item, OFI will apply the same policy as above.


    In cases where the golden parachute vote is incorporated into a company’s separate advisory vote on compensation (“management say on pay”), OFI will evaluate the “say on pay” proposal in accordance with these guidelines, which may give higher weight to that component of the overall evaluation.

8.19  Pension Plan Income Accounting


    Generally vote FOR shareholder proposals to exclude pension plan income in the calculation of earnings used in determining executive bonuses/compensation.

8.20  Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans (SERPs)


    Generally vote FOR shareholder proposals requesting to put extraordinary benefits contained in SERP agreement to a shareholder vote unless the company’s executive pension plans do not contain excessive benefits beyond what it offered under employee-wide plans.


    Generally vote FOR shareholder proposals requesting to limit the executive benefits provided under the company’s supplemental executive retirement plan (SERP) by limiting covered compensation to a senior executive’s annual salary and excluding all incentive or bonus pay from the plan’s definition of covered compensation used to establish such benefits.

8.21  Claw-back of Payments under Restatements


    Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on shareholder proposals requesting clawbacks or recoupment of bonuses or equity, considering factors such as:


    the coverage of employees, whether it applies to all employees, senior executives or only employees committing fraud which resulted in the restatement;


    the nature of the proposal where financial restatement is due to fraud;


    whether or not the company has had material financial problems resulting in chronic restatements; and/or


    the adoption of a robust and formal bonus/equity recoupment policy.


    If a company’s bonus recoupment policy provides overly broad discretion to the board in recovering compensation, generally vote FOR the proposal.


    If the proposal seeks bonus recoupment from senior executives or employees committing fraud, generally vote FOR the proposal.



8.22  Tax Gross-Up Proposals


    Generally vote FOR shareholder proposals calling for companies to adopt a policy of not providing tax gross-up payments, except in limited situations for broadly accepted business practices, such as reasonable relocation or expatriate tax equalization arrangements applicable to substantially all or a class of management employees of the company.

8.23  Bonus Banking/Bonus Banking “Plus”


    Vote CASE-BY-CASE on proposals seeking deferral of a portion of annual bonus pay, with ultimate payout linked to sustained results for the performance metrics on which the bonus was earned, taking into account the company’s past practices regarding equity and cash compensation, whether the company has a holding period or stock ownership requirements in place, and whether the company has a rigorous claw-back policy in place.


  8.24  Golden Coffins/Executive Death Benefits


    Generally vote FOR proposals calling companies to adopt a policy of obtaining shareholder approval for any future agreements and corporate policies that could oblige the company to make payments or awards following the death of a senior executive in the form of unearned salary or bonuses, accelerated vesting or the continuation in force of unvested equity grants, perquisites and other payments or awards made in lieu of compensation. This would not apply to any benefit programs or equity plan proposals that the broad-based employee population is eligible.


  8.25  Eliminate Accelerated Vesting of Unvested Equity


    Generally vote FOR proposals seeking a policy that prohibits acceleration of the vesting of equity awards to senior executives in the event of a change in control (except for pro rata vesting considering the time elapsed and attainment of any related performance goals between the award date and the change in control).



In the case of social, political and environmental responsibility issues, OFI will generally ABSTAIN where there could be a detrimental impact on share value or where the perceived value if the proposal was adopted is unclear or unsubstantiated.


    OFI will only vote “FOR” a proposal that would clearly:


    have a discernable positive impact on short-term or long-term share value; or


    have a presently indiscernible impact on short or long-term share value but promotes general long-term interests of the company and its shareholders, such as:


    prudent business practices which support the long-term sustainability of natural resources within the company’s business lines, including reasonable disclosure on environmental policy issues that are particularly relevant to the company’s business;


    reasonable and necessary measures to mitigate business operations from having disproportionately adverse impacts on the environment, absent which could potentially lead to onerous government sanctions, restrictions, or taxation regimes, major customer backlash, or other significant negative ramifications.

In the evaluation of social, political, and environmental proposals, the following factors may be considered:


    what percentage of sales, assets and earnings will be affected;


    the degree to which the company’s stated position on the issues could affect its reputation or sales, leave it vulnerable to boycott, selective purchasing, government sanctions, viable class action or shareholder derivative lawsuits;


    whether the issues presented should be dealt with through government or company-specific action;


    whether the company has already responded in some appropriate manner to the request embodied in the proposal;


    whether the company’s analysis and voting recommendation to shareholders is persuasive;


    what other companies have done in response to the issue;


    whether the proposal itself is well framed and reasonable;


    whether implementation of the proposal would achieve the objectives sought in the proposal;


    whether the subject of the proposal is best left to the discretion of the board;


    whether the requested information is available to shareholders either from the company or from a publicly available source; and


    whether providing this information would reveal proprietary or confidential information that would place the company at a competitive disadvantage.




These international voting guidelines shall apply in non-US markets only as a supplement to the general OFI voting guidelines. The general guidelines shall be applied to the greatest extent possible in non-US markets, taking into account best market practice, with the overall goal of maximizing the primary principles of board accountability and independence and protection of shareholder rights. In cases where the international guidelines and the primary guidelines conflict, the international guidelines shall take precedence for non-US market proposals. If the international guidelines do not cover the subject matter of a non-US market proposal, the primary guidelines should be followed.



1.1.1    Routine Items


    Vote FOR proposals to Open Meeting, Close Meeting, Allow Questions, Elect Chairman of Meeting, Prepare and Approve List of Shareholders, Acknowledge Proper Convening of Meeting, and other routine procedural proposals.

1.1.2    Financial Results/Director and Auditor Reports


    Vote FOR approval of financial statements and director and auditor reports, unless:


    there are material concerns about the financials presented or audit procedures used; or


    the company is not responsive to shareholder questions about specific items that should be publicly disclosed.

1.1.3    Allocation of Income and Dividends


    Vote FOR approval of allocation of income and distribution of dividends, unless:


    the dividend payout ratio has been consistently below 30% without an adequate explanation; or


    the payout ratio is excessive given the company’s financial position.

1.1.4    Stock (Scrip) Dividend Alternative


    Vote FOR reasonable stock (scrip) dividend proposals that allow for cash options.


    Vote AGAINST proposals that do not allow for a cash option unless management demonstrates that the cash option is harmful to shareholder value.

1.1.5    Lower Disclosure Threshold for Stock Ownership


    Vote AGAINST resolutions to lower the stock ownership disclosure threshold below 5% unless compelling reasons exist to implement a lower threshold.

1.1.5    Controlling Shareholder / Personal Interest


    Generally vote AGAINST proposals requesting shareholders to indicate whether they are a controlling shareholder, as defined by statute, or possess a personal interest in any resolutions on the agenda, unless such an affiliation or interest has been identified.


1.2  Appointment of Internal Statutory Auditors


    Vote FOR the appointment and reelection of statutory auditors, unless:


    there are serious concerns about the statutory reports presented or the audit procedures used;


    questions exist concerning any of the statutory auditors being appointed; or


    the auditors have previously served the company is an executive capacity or can otherwise be considered affiliated with the company.

1.3  Remuneration of Auditors


    Vote FOR proposals to authorize the board to determine the remuneration of auditors, unless there is evidence of excessive compensation relative to the size and nature of the company or the scope of the services provided.



1.4  Indemnification of Auditors


    Vote AGAINST proposals to indemnify auditors.



2.1  Discharge of Board and Management


    Vote FOR discharge from responsibility of the board and management, unless:


    there are serious questions about actions of the board or management for the year in questions, including reservations from auditors; or


    material legal or regulatory action is being taken against the company or the board by shareholders or regulators.

2.2  Voting on Director Nominees


    Vote on director nominees should be made on a CASE-BY-CASE basis, taking into account company practices, corporate governance codes, disclosure, and best practices, examining factors such as:


    Composition of the board and key board committees;


    Long-term company performance relative to a market index;


    Corporate governance provisions and takeover activity; and


    Company practices and corporate governance codes.


    There are some actions by directors that should result in votes being WITHHELD/AGAINST (whichever vote option is applicable on the ballot). Such instances generally fall into the following categories:


    The board fails to meet minimum corporate governance standards;


    Adequate disclosure has not been provided in a timely manner;


    There are clear concerns over questionable finances or restatements;


    There have been questionable transactions with conflicts of interest;


    There are any records of abuses against minority shareholder interests;


    There are specific concerns about the individual, such as criminal wrongdoing or breach of fiduciary responsibilities;


    Material failures of governance, stewardship, risk oversight, or fiduciary responsibilities at the company;


    Failure to replace management as appropriate; or


    Egregious actions related to the director(s)’ service on other boards that raise substantial doubt about his or her ability to effectively oversee management and serve the best interests of shareholders at any company.



3.1  Poison Pills


    Votes on poison pills or shareholder rights plans, are determined on a CASE-BY-CASE basis. A plan is supportable if its scope is limited to the following two purposes and it conforms to ‘new generation’ rights plan guidelines:


    to give the board more time to find an alternative value enhancing transaction; and


    to ensure the equal treatment of shareholders.


    Vote AGAINST plans that go beyond this purpose by giving discretion to the board to either:


    determine whether actions by shareholders constitute a change in control;


    amend material provisions without shareholder approval;


    interpret other provisions;


    redeem the plan without a shareholder vote; or


    prevent a bid from going to shareholders.



    Vote AGAINST plans that have any of the following characteristics:


    unacceptable key definitions;


    flip-over provision;


    permitted bid period greater than 60 days;


    maximum triggering threshold set at less than 20% of outstanding shares;


    does not permit partial bids;


    bidder must frequently update holdings;


    requirement for a shareholder meeting to approve a bid; or


    requirement that the bidder provide evidence of financing.


    In addition to the above, a plan must include:


    an exemption for a “permitted lock up agreement”;


    clear exemptions for money managers, pension funds, mutual funds, trustees and custodians who are not making a takeover bid; and


    exclude reference to voting agreements among shareholders.

3.2  Renew Partial Takeover Provision


    Vote FOR proposals to renew partial takeover provision.

3.3  Depositary Receipts and Priority Shares


    Vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis on the introduction of depositary receipts.


    Vote AGAINST the introduction of priority shares.

3.4  Issuance of Free Warrants


    Vote AGAINST the issuance of free warrants.

3.5  Defensive Use of Share Issuances


    Vote AGAINST management requests to issue shares in the event of a takeover offer or exchange bid for the company’s shares.



4.1  Mandatory Takeover Bid Waivers


    Vote proposals to waive mandatory takeover bid requirements on a CASE-BY-CASE basis.

4.2  Related-Party Transactions


    In evaluating resolutions that seek shareholder approval on related-party transactions (RPTs), vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis, considering factors including, but not limited to, the parties, assets, and pricing of the transactions.

4.3  Expansion of Business Activities


    Vote favorable expansion of business lines WITH MANAGEMENT unless the proposed new business takes the company into endeavors that are not justified from a shareholder risk/reward perspective. If the risk/reward is unclear, vote on a CASE-BY-CASE basis.

4.4  Independent Appraisals


    Generally vote FOR proposals to appoint independent appraisal firms and approve associated appraisal reports, unless there are compelling reasons to oppose the proposal.



5.1  Pledge of Assets for Debt


    OFI will consider these proposals on a CASE-BY-CASE basis. Generally, OFI will support increasing the debt-to-equity ratio to 100%. Any increase beyond 100% will require further assessment, with a comparison of the company to its industry peers or country of origin.



In certain foreign markets, such as France, Latin America and India, companies often propose to pledge assets for debt, or seek to issue bonds which increase debt-to-equity ratios up to 300%.

5.2  Increase in Authorized Capital


    Vote FOR nonspecific proposals to increase authorized capital up to 100% over the current authorization unless the increase would leave the company with less than 30% of its new authorization outstanding.


    Vote FOR specific proposals to increase authorized capital to any amount, unless:


    the specific purpose of the increase (such as a share-based acquisition or merger) does not meet OFI guidelines for the purpose being proposed; or


    the increase would leave the company with less than 30% of its new authorization outstanding after adjusting for all proposed issuances.


    Vote AGAINST proposals to adopt unlimited capital authorization.

5.3  Share Issuance Requests

General issuance requests under both authorized and conditional capital systems allow companies to issue shares to raise funds for general financing purposes. Issuances can be carried out with or without preemptive rights. Corporate law in many countries recognizes preemptive rights and requires shareholder approval for the disapplication of such rights.


    Vote FOR issuance requests with preemptive rights to a maximum of 100%* over currently issued capital.


    Vote FOR issuance requests without preemptive rights to a maximum of 20%* of currently issued capital.

5.4  Reduction of Capital


    Vote FOR proposals to reduce capital for routine accounting purposes unless the terms are unfavorable to shareholders. Examples of routine capital reduction proposals found overseas include:


    reduction in the stated capital of the company’s common shares to effect a reduction in a company’s deficit and create a contributed surplus. If net assets are in danger of falling below the aggregate of a company’s liabilities and stated capital, some corporate law statutes prohibit the company from paying dividends on its shares.


    Reduction in connection with a previous buyback authorization, as typically seen in Scandinavia, Japan, Spain, and some Latin American markets. In most instances, the amount of equity that may be cancelled is usually limited to 10% by national law.


    Vote proposals to reduce capital in connection with corporate restructuring on a CASE-BY-CASE basis, considering individual merits of each request.

5.5  Convertible Debt Issuance Requests


    Vote FOR the creation/issuance of convertible debt instruments as long as the maximum number of common shares that could be issued upon conversion meets the above guidelines on equity issuance requests.

5.6  Debt Issuance Requests (Non-convertible)

When evaluating a debt issuance request, the issuing company’s present financial situation is examined. The main factor for analysis is the company’s current debt-to-equity ratio, or gearing level. A high gearing level may incline markets and financial analysts to downgrade the company’s bond rating, increasing its investment risk factor in the process. A gearing level up to100% is considered acceptable.


    Vote FOR debt issuances for companies when the gearing level is between zero and 100%.


    Proposals involving the issuance of debt that result in the gearing level being greater than 100% are considered on a CASE-BY-CASE basis. Any proposed debt issuance is compared to industry and market standards.

5.7  Reissuance of Shares Repurchased


    Vote FOR requests to reissue any repurchased shares unless there is clear evidence of abuse of this authority in the recent past.


*  In the absence of a best practice recommendation on volume of shares to be issued, apply the above guidelines. In markets where the best practice recommends, or where company practice necessitates it (e.g. France, UK, and Hong Kong), the stricter guideline(s) will be applied.



5.8  Capitalization of Reserves for Bonus Issues/Increase in Par Value


    Vote FOR requests to capitalize reserves for bonus issues of shares or to increase par value.

5.9  Control and Profit Agreements/Affiliation Agreements with Subsidiaries


    Vote FOR management proposals to approve parent-subsidiary affiliation agreements including, but not limited to control and profit transfer agreements, unless there are compelling reasons to oppose the proposal.



6.1  Director Remuneration


    Vote FOR proposals to award cash fees to non-executive directors, unless the amounts are excessive relative to other companies in the country or industry.


    Vote non-executive director compensation proposals that include both cash and share-based components on a CASE-BY-CASE basis.


    Vote proposals that bundle compensation for both non-executive and executive directors into a single resolution on a CASE-BY-CASE basis.


    Vote AGAINST proposals to introduce retirement benefits for non-executive directors.

6.2  Retirement Bonuses for Directors and Statutory Auditors


    Vote AGAINST the payment of retirement bonuses to directors and statutory auditors when one or more of the individuals to whom the grants are being proposed has not served in an executive capacity for the company or where one or more of the individuals to whom the grants are being proposed has not served in their current role with the company for the last five consecutive years.


    Vote AGAINST the payment of retirement bonuses to any directors or statutory auditors who have been designated by the company as independent.

6.2  Executive Remuneration Report or Policy


    Vote AGAINST such proposals in cases where:


    The company does not provide shareholders with clear, comprehensive compensation disclosures;


    The company does not maintain an appropriate pay-for-performance alignment and there is not an emphasis on long-term shareholder value;


    The arrangement creates the risk of a “pay for failure” scenario;


    The company does not maintain an independent and effective compensation committee;


    The company provides inappropriate pay to non-executive directors; or


    The company maintains other problematic pay practices.




Pacific Asset Management

Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures

Last Updated

December 31, 2014


Pacific Asset Management has implemented Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures that are designed to reasonably ensure that Pacific Asset Management votes proxies prudently and in the best interest of our clients for whom we have voting authority. Pacific Asset Management generally has discretionary authority over our clients’ accounts and is responsible for voting proxies of securities held in those client accounts who have given us voting authority as determined by our obligations under the advisory contracts. Our proxy voting policy is tailored to suit the nature of our institutional fixed income business; and since Pacific Asset Management does not typically invest in equity securities, the volume of proxies is relatively low.

Conflicts of Interest

Material conflicts of interest in regards to proxy voting are resolved in the best interest of our clients. Pacific Asset Management takes reasonable measures to identify the existence of any material conflicts of interest relating to the securities to be voted. A potential conflict of interest may exist when Pacific Asset Management votes a proxy for an issuer with whom we also maintain a material business relationship or a personal relationship with our portfolio managers, traders or analysts. Conflicts based on business relationships or dealings with affiliates of Pacific Asset Management will only be considered to the extent that Pacific Asset Management has actual knowledge of such business relationships. Pacific Asset Management employees are periodically reminded of their obligation to be aware of the potential for conflicts of interest with respect to voting proxies on behalf of client accounts both as a result of their personal relationships or personal or business relationships relating to Pacific Asset Management and to bring conflicts of interest of which they become aware of to the attention of the CCO. Additionally, certain officers of Pacific Asset Management, including the portfolio managers and senior managing directors, are requested to complete an annual conflicts of interest survey in order to self-report known personal conflicts of interest. Pacific Asset Management will not vote proxies relating to such issuers identified as being involved in a potential conflict of interest until it has been determined that the conflict of interest is not material or a method for resolving the conflict of interest has been agreed upon and implemented.

When a material conflict of interest exists, Pacific Asset Management will choose among the following options to eliminate such conflict: (1) vote in accordance with the Policies if doing so involves little or no discretion; (2) if possible, erect information barriers around the person or persons making voting decisions sufficient to insulate the decision from the conflict; (3) if practical, notify affected clients of the conflict of interest and seek a waiver of the conflict or the proxy to be voted; or (4) if agreed upon in writing with the client, forward the proxies to the affected client and allow the client to vote the proxies. The resolution of all potential and actual material conflicts of interest issues is documented in order to demonstrate that Pacific Asset Management acted in the best interest of our clients.

Abstaining from Proxy Voting

There are times when Pacific Asset Management may choose to abstain from voting a client proxy because we believe that the expected benefit to the client of voting proxies is outweighed by the cost. Pacific Asset Management may abstain or refrain from voting a client proxy on behalf of our clients’ accounts under certain circumstances. These include:


    When the cost of voting the proxies outweighs the benefits or is otherwise impractical;


    International constraints for timing and meeting deadlines; and/or


    Restrictions on foreign securities including shareblocking (restrictions on the sale of securities for a period of time in proximity to the shareholder meeting).

Such proxies are voted on a best efforts basis. Any proxies that we choose not to vote will be documented along with our rationale prior to the date of the shareholder’s meeting for that particular proxy.

Client Instruction

If there are times when a client provides Pacific Asset Management with specific voting instructions, we will vote in accordance with those specific instructions and will not vote in accordance with our policy. Clients should be aware that providing specific instructions to Pacific Asset Management in relation to a particular matter may prevent us from taking the steps set out in our proxy voting policy to obtain the best possible result in regards to the matters covered by the proxy vote in relation to the client’s account.



Differences in Proxy Vote Determinations

We may determine that specific circumstances surrounding a proxy vote require that the proxies in our client accounts be voted differently due to the accounts’ investments objectives or other factors that differentiate it from other accounts. Pacific Asset Management may from time to time reach differing but equally valid views on how best to maximize economic value in respect to a particular investment. This may result in situations in which a client of ours may be invested in different portfolios and those portfolios have different proxy outcomes. In those situations, the different accounts may be invested in strategies having different investment objectives, investment styles or investment professionals. As a result Pacific Asset Management may cast different votes on behalf of different accounts. However, Pacific Asset Management generally votes consistently on the same matter when securities of an issuer are held by multiple client accounts and portfolios. Any differences among proxies for different portfolios will be reviewed, approved and documented by senior management and the CCO prior to the vote being cast.

Types of Proxy Proposals

Proxy proposals generally fall into one of the three following categories: routine matters, social issues, and business proposals. Routine proxy proposals, amendments, or resolutions are defined as those which do not change the structure, by-laws, or operations of the corporation. With regards to routine matters, Pacific Asset Management has determined to vote with management on routine matters and will generally vote for the proposals that are reflective of reasonable and equitable corporate standards. Pacific Asset Management generally votes with the recommendations of a company’s Board of Directors on standard or non-controversial items, unless otherwise warranted following a review of the issues involved. Social issues appear in proxy proposals that attempt to deal with activities of social conscience. Shareholders’ groups sometimes submit proposals to change lawful corporate activities in order to meet the goals of certain groups or private interests that they represent. As a fiduciary, Pacific Asset Management must serve exclusively the financial interests of our clients. Pacific Asset Management will support management in areas where acceptable efforts are made on behalf of special interest of social conscience, which are not detrimental to our clients. Pacific Asset Management believes the burden of social responsibility rests with management. Business proposals are resolutions that change the status of the corporation, its individual securities, or the ownership status of those securities. Pacific Asset Management will vote in favor of business proposals as long as the client position or value is either preserved or enhanced.

Client Disclosure and Availability of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures

We provide a copy of our proxy voting policy and procedure to our clients upon request. Clients can obtain information on how their proxies were voted by us upon request. Compliance provides proxy filing information to the adviser of our mutual funds as requested for the purpose of filing proxy information annually with the SEC.


All proxies are sent to the appropriate Pacific Asset Management portfolio manager, trader or analyst responsible for the security held in a client account for their review and recommendation. They research the financial implications of proxy proposals and make voting recommendations specific for each account that holds the related security. Pacific Asset Management uses information gathered from our own research, company management, Pacific Asset Management portfolio managers and outside shareholder groups to reach our voting decisions. In determining how to vote proxy issues, we vote proxies in a manner intended to protect and enhance the economic value of the securities held in our clients’ accounts.

Proxies in certain of our client accounts are voted using a proxy management system called ProxyEdge that is used exclusively to assist with the administrative processes for proxy voting such as tracking and management of proxy records, vote execution, reporting, and auditing. ProxyEdge generates a variety of reports and makes available various other types of information to assist in the review and monitoring of votes cast. The holdings in our client accounts are electronically sent over to the ProxyEdge system automatically by the custodians who ensure that we are voting the most current share position for our clients. Our process dictates that once Compliance receives email notification from ProxyEdge that there are proxies in the system for our accounts to be voted, an unvoted ballot is created as a distributable unmarked ballot and sent via email to the respective portfolio managers for their vote selection. The portfolio managers respond with their selections. Compliance has the responsibility to vote the proxies according to the portfolio manager selections following our policies and procedures. Once voted, an email confirmation is sent as an electronic voting confirmation that our proxies have been voted.

For those accounts not on the ProxyEdge system, all Custodian banks and Trustees are notified of their responsibility to forward to Compliance all proxy materials. When Compliance is notified of an upcoming proxy for the accounts on ProxyEdge, the proxy material is verified to have been received for the accounts not on ProxyEdge as well. If an expected proxy is not received by the voting deadline, Compliance will direct the Custodian or Trustee to vote in accordance with Pacific Asset Management’s instructions. The final authority and responsibility for proxy voting remains with Pacific Asset Management.





Proxy Voting Policies & Procedures

Effective Date:        August 2003

Revised Date:         May 2007

                                 May 2010

                                 October 2012

                                 June 2014

These proxy voting policies and procedures (“Policies and Procedures”) are intended to foster PIMCO’s compliance with its fiduciary obligations and applicable law. These Policies and Procedures apply to any voting or consent rights with respect to securities held in accounts over which PIMCO has discretionary voting authority.1

PIMCO will vote proxies in accordance with these Policies and Procedures for each of its clients unless expressly directed by a client in writing to refrain from voting that client’s proxies. PIMCO’s authority to vote proxies on behalf of its clients results from its advisory contracts, comparable documents or by an overall delegation of discretionary authority over its client’s assets.

A.    General Statements of Policy

These Policies and Procedures are designed in a manner reasonably expected to ensure that voting and consent rights are exercised in the best interests of PIMCO’s clients. As a general matter, when PIMCO has proxy voting authority, PIMCO has a fiduciary obligation to monitor corporate events and to vote all client proxies that come to its attention. If it is consistent with PIMCO’s contractual obligations to the client, however, PIMCO may determine not to vote a proxy if it believes that: (1) the effect on the client’s economic interests or the value of the portfolio holding is insignificant in relation to the client’s account; (2) the cost of voting the proxy outweighs the possible benefit to the client, including, without limitation, situations where a jurisdiction imposes share blocking restrictions which may affect the ability of the portfolio manager (“PM”) to effect trades in the related security; or (3) the Legal and Compliance department has determined that it is consistent with PIMCO’s fiduciary obligations not to vote.

B.    Conflicts of Interest

1.  Identification of Material Conflicts of Interest


  a) In General. PIMCO has a fiduciary obligation to vote all client proxies in good faith and in the best interests of the client. Conflicts of interest, however, may, or may appear to, interfere with PIMCO’s ability to vote proxies in accordance with this fiduciary standard. Actual or potential conflicts of interest when PIMCO votes client proxies could arise in many ways, such as (i) if PIMCO has a material business relationship with the issuer to which the proxy relates; (ii) if a credit analyst assigned to recommend how to vote a fixed income proxy or a PM responsible for voting proxies has a material personal or business relationship with the issuer; (iii) if PIMCO clients have divergent interests in the proxy vote; and (iv) if the PM voting a proxy becomes aware of a material business relationship between the issuer and a PIMCO affiliate before voting.

PIMCO seeks to prevent conflicts of interest from interfering with its voting of client proxies by identifying such conflicts and resolving them as described in these Policies and Procedures.


  b) Equity Securities.2 PIMCO has retained an Industry Service Provider (“ISP”)3 to provide recommendations on how to vote proxies with respect to Equity Securities. PIMCO will follow the recommendations of the ISP unless: (i) the ISP is unable to vote a proxy (such as if the ISP has a disabling conflict of interest); or (ii) a PM decides to override the ISP’s voting recommendation. In either such case as described below, the Legal and Compliance department will review the proxy to determine whether a material conflict of interest, or the appearance of one, exists. Each PM has a duty to disclose to the Legal and Compliance department any potential, actual or apparent material conflict of interest known to the PM relating to a proxy vote in relation to an equity security (whether the proxy will be voted by the ISP or PIMCO). If no potential, actual or apparent material conflict of interest is identified by, or disclosed to, the Legal and Compliance department, the proxy may be voted by the responsible PM in good faith and in the best interests of the client.


1  Voting or consent rights shall not include matters which are primarily decisions to buy or sell investments, such as tender offers, exchange offers, conversions, put options, redemptions, and Dutch auctions.
2  The term “equity securities” means common and preferred stock, including common and preferred shares issued by investment companies; it does not include debt securities convertible into equity securities.
3  The ISP for Equity Securities proxy voting is Institutional Shareholder Services (“ISS”), Inc., One Chase Manhattan Plaza, 44th Floor, New York, NY 10005.



If a potential, actual or apparent material conflict of interest is identified by, or disclosed to, the Legal and Compliance department, it will be resolved either by applying: (i) the policies and procedures set forth herein; (ii) a protocol previously established by a conflicts committee (“Conflicts Committee”); (iii) a direct decision of the Conflicts Committee; or (iv) such other procedure(s) approved by the Legal and Compliance department. See Section B.2 below.


  c) Fixed Income Securities. PIMCO’s Credit Research Group is responsible for issuing recommendations on how to vote proxies and consents (collectively referred to herein as proxies) with respect to fixed income securities. Each member of the Credit Research Group assigned to issue a voting recommendation has a duty to disclose to the Legal and Compliance department any such potential, actual or apparent material conflict of interest known to such person relating to that voting recommendation. If no such potential, actual or apparent material conflict of interest is disclosed to the Legal and Compliance department, the Credit Research Group may issue a recommendation as to how to vote the proxy. If such a potential, actual or apparent material conflict is disclosed to the Legal and Compliance department, it will be resolved either by applying: (i) the policies and procedures set forth herein; (ii) a protocol previously established by the Conflicts Committee; (iii) a direct decision of the Conflicts Committee; or (iv) such other procedure(s) approved by the Legal and Compliance department. See Section B.2 below.

Where the Credit Research Group issues a recommendation, PIMCO will follow the recommendation, unless a PM decides to override the Credit Research Group’s voting recommendation. If a PM decides to override the recommendation, the Legal and Compliance department may review the proxy to determine whether a material conflict of interest, or the appearance of one, exists with respect to the PM’s voting of the proxy. Each PM has a duty to disclose to the Legal and Compliance department, any potential, actual or apparent material conflict of interest known to the PM relating to a proxy vote. If no such potential, actual or apparent material conflict of interest is identified by, or disclosed to, the Legal and Compliance department, the proxy may be voted by the responsible PM in good faith and in the best interests of the client. If such a potential, actual or apparent material conflict is identified by, or disclosed to, the Legal and Compliance department, it will be resolved either by applying: (i) the policies and procedures set forth herein; (ii) a protocol previously established by the Conflicts Committee; (iii) a direct decision of the Conflicts Committee; or (iv) such other procedure(s) approved by the Legal and Compliance department. See Section B.2 below.

2.  Resolution of Identified Conflicts of Interest


  a) Equity Securities Voted by ISP. The ISP, an independent research and voting service, makes voting recommendations for proxies relating to equity securities in accordance with ISP’s guidelines which have been adopted by PIMCO (“ISP Guidelines”). PIMCO has determined to follow the ISP Guidelines. By following the guidelines of an independent third party, PIMCO intends to eliminate any conflict of interest PIMCO may have with respect to proxies covered by the ISP.


  b) Fixed Income Securities. By following the recommendations of the Credit Research Group, PIMCO intends to eliminate any conflict of interest that might arise if a PM voted a fixed income proxy for a client account.

If a material conflict of interest (or the appearance of one) with respect to the Credit Research analyst issuing a voting recommendation is disclosed to the Legal and Compliance department, such conflict will be resolved either by: (i) applying the policies and procedures set forth herein; (ii) applying a protocol previously established by the Conflicts Committee; (iii) if no such protocol covers the conflict at hand, elevation to the Conflicts Committee for direct resolution by it; or (iv) applying such other procedure(s) approved by the Legal and Compliance department. The Legal and Compliance department will record the manner in which each such conflict is resolved (including, in the case of direct resolution by the Conflicts Committee, the procedure applied by the Conflicts Committee).


  c) PIMCO-Affiliated Fund Shares Voted by ISP. The ISP may make voting recommendations for proxies relating to PIMCO-affiliated fund shares in accordance with the ISP guidelines. Pursuant to Section B.2.f, PIMCO may determine to resolve a conflict of interest with respect to a PIMCO-managed separate account, fund or other collective investment vehicle holding such PIMCO-affiliated fund shares by following the recommendation of the ISP.


  d) All Securities Not Voted Pursuant to a recommendation of the ISP or Credit Research Group. The following applies to: (i) proxies received in relation to securities for which the ISP or the Credit Research Group (as applicable) is unable to provide recommendations on how to vote; and (ii) proxies for which, as described below, a PM determines to override the ISP’s or Credit Research Group’s (as applicable) voting recommendation. In each case, such proxy will be reviewed by the Legal and Compliance department to determine whether a material conflict of interest, or the appearance of one, exists with respect to the voting of such proxy by the responsible PM. If no such material conflict of interest (or appearance of one) is identified by, or disclosed to, the Legal and Compliance department, the proxy will be voted by the responsible PM in good faith and in the best interest of the client.



If such a material conflict of interest (or the appearance of one) is identified by, or disclosed to, the Legal and Compliance department, such conflict will be resolved either by: (i) applying the policies and procedures set forth herein; (ii) applying a protocol previously established by the Conflicts Committee; (iii) if no such protocol covers the conflict at hand, elevation to the Conflicts Committee for direct resolution by it; or (iv) applying such other procedure(s) approved by the Legal and Compliance department. The Legal and Compliance department will record the manner in which each such conflict is resolved (including, in the case of direct resolution by the Conflicts Committee, the procedure applied by the Conflicts Committee).


  e) Methods for Resolving Identified Conflicts of Interest.


  1) Conflicting Client Interests. Where the conflict at issue has arisen because PIMCO clients have divergent interests, the applicable PM or another PM may vote the proxy as follows:


    If the conflict exists between the accounts of one or more PMs on the one hand, and accounts of one or more different PMs on the other, each PM (if the conflict does not also exist among the PM’s accounts) will vote on behalf of his or her accounts in such accounts’ best interests.


    If the conflict exists among the accounts of a PM, such PM shall notify the Legal and Compliance department and the head of the PM’s desk (or such PM’s manager, if different). The desk head or manager of such PM will then designate another PM without a conflict to vote on behalf of those accounts.


  2) Direct Resolution by the Conflicts Committee. When a conflict is brought to the Conflicts Committee for direct resolution, the Conflicts Committee will seek to mitigate the actual or apparent conflict in the best interest of clients by, for example:


    Permitting the applicable PM to vote after receiving the consent of the client after providing notice and disclosure of the conflict to that client; or


    Voting the proxy in accordance with the recommendation of, or delegating the vote to, an independent third-party service provider; or


    Having the client direct the vote (and, if deemed appropriate by the Conflicts Committee, suggesting that the client engage another party to assist the client in determining how the proxy should be voted).

In considering the manner in which to mitigate a material conflict of interest, the Conflicts Committee may consider various factors, including:


    The extent and nature of the actual or apparent conflict of interest;


    If the client is a fund, whether it has an independent body (such as a board of directors) that is willing to give direction to PIMCO;


    The nature of the relationship of the issuer with PIMCO (if any);


    Whether there has been any attempt to directly or indirectly influence PIMCO’s voting decision; and


    Whether the direction of the proposed vote would appear to benefit PIMCO, a related party or another PIMCO client.


  3) The Conflicts Committee Protocol. To permit the more efficient resolution of conflicts of interest, the Conflicts Committee may establish a protocol (the “Conflicts Committee Protocol”) that directs the methods of resolution for specific types of conflicts, provided that such methods comply with Section B.2. Once a protocol has been established for a certain type of conflict, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Legal and Compliance department, all conflicts of that type will be resolved pursuant to the protocol, subject to the Conflict Committee’s ability to rescind or amend such protocol.


  f) Investments by Clients in Affiliated Funds. Conflicts of interest with respect to the voting of proxies may also arise when PIMCO-managed separate accounts (including wrap program accounts advised or managed in whole or in part by PIMCO and other wrap program accounts for which PIMCO has proxy voting authority), funds or other collective investment vehicles are shareholders of PIMCO-affiliated funds that are the subject of proxies. PIMCO will vote client proxies relating to a PIMCO-affiliated fund in accordance with the offering or other disclosure documents or any applicable contract for the PIMCO-managed separate account, fund or other investment vehicle holding shares of the PIMCO-affiliated fund. Where such documents are silent on the issue, PIMCO will vote client proxies relating to a PIMCO-affiliated fund by “echoing” or “mirroring” the vote of the other shareholders in the underlying funds, by voting in accordance with the ISP recommendation, or by applying other conflicts resolution procedures set forth in Section B.2.



  g) Information Barriers. To reduce the occurrence of actual or apparent conflicts of interest, PIMCO and PIMCO’s agents are prohibited from disclosing information regarding PIMCO’s voting intentions to any affiliate other than PIMCO-named affiliates.

C.    Proxy Voting Process

PIMCO’s process for voting proxies with respect to equity and other securities is described below.

1.  Proxy Voting Process: Equity Securities


  a) The Role of the ISP.

PIMCO has selected the ISP to assist it in researching and voting proxies. The ISP researches the financial implications of proxy proposals and assists institutional investors with casting votes in a manner intended to protect and enhance shareholder returns, consistent with the particular guidelines of the institutional investor. PIMCO utilizes the research and analytical services, operational implementation and recordkeeping and reporting services provided by the ISP with respect to proxies relating to equity securities.

The ISP will provide a recommendation to PIMCO as to how to vote on each proposal based on its research of the individual facts and circumstances of each proposal and its application to the ISP Guidelines. Except for newly established accounts that have not yet migrated to the ISP’s systems, the ISP will cast votes as PIMCO’s agent on behalf of clients in accordance with its recommendations, subject to any override of such recommendation by the PM. For accounts not yet migrated to the ISP’s system, PIMCO Operations will manually cast votes in accordance with the ISP’s recommendations, subject to any override of such recommendations by the PM.


  b) Overrides of ISP’s Recommendations.


  1) Portfolio Manager Review. Each PM is responsible for reviewing proxies relating to equity securities and determining whether to accept or reject the recommendation of the ISP, in accordance with the best interests of the client. If a PM determines that overriding the recommendation of the ISP would be in the best interests of the client based on all the facts and circumstances, the PM, with the assistance of the Operations Group, as appropriate, must prepare or arrange for the preparation of a report (the “Override Report”) containing the information set forth below and any other information the PM and the Legal and Compliance department deem relevant:


    Name and ticker symbol of issuer;


    Percentage of the outstanding shares of the issuer held;


    The name(s) of the fund(s) or account(s) holding the securities;


    A summary of the proposal;


    The date of the shareholder meeting and the response deadline;


    Whether the proposal is being made by management or a shareholder;


    Management’s recommendation with respect to the proposal;


    The ISP recommendation with respect to the proposal;


    The reasoning behind the PM’s decision to recommend the override;


    Whether the PM is aware of any actual or apparent conflict of interest with respect to the issuer or proponent of the proposal (see Section B above). The PM should explain any such actual or apparent conflicts; and


    Whether the PM has been contacted by an outside party regarding the vote.


  2) Compliance Review. The Legal and Compliance department will review the Override Report to determine whether an actual or apparent conflict of interest exists with respect to the vote. If the Legal and Compliance department determines that no such conflict of interest exists, the PM’s recommendation will be implemented. If the Legal and Compliance department determines that such a conflict of interest exists, the conflict will be resolved in accordance with the policies described above in Section B.2 of these Policies and Procedures. In no event will PIMCO abstain from a vote solely to avoid a conflict of interest.


  3) Override. If the result of this process is a decision to vote differently than proposed by the ISP, the PM, with the assistance of the Operations Group, will inform the ISP of the voting decision for implementation by the ISP.



  c) When the ISP Does Not Provide a Recommendation.

In certain circumstances, the ISP, as a result of technical or other difficulties, may be unable to provide a recommendation with respect to a client proxy. Where the ISP is unable to provide a recommendation for an equity security proxy, PIMCO shall vote such proxy in accordance with Section C.3.

2.  Proxy Voting Process: Fixed Income Securities


  a) The Role of the Credit Research Group. The Credit Research Group is responsible for researching and issuing proxy voting recommendations with respect to fixed income securities. The Credit Research Group researches the financial implications of proxy proposals and makes voting recommendations specific for each account that holds the related fixed income security.

The Credit Research Group will provide a recommendation, for each account, as to how to vote on each proposal based on the needs of the account and the Credit Research Group’s research of the individual facts and circumstances of each proposal. PIMCO Operations will manually cast votes in accordance with the Credit Research Group’s recommendations, subject to any override of such recommendations by the PM.


  b) Overrides of the Credit Research Group’s Recommendations.


  1) Portfolio Manager Review. Each PM is responsible for reviewing proxies relating to fixed income securities and determining whether to accept or reject the recommendation of the Credit Research Group, in accordance with the best interests of the client. If a PM determines that overriding the recommendation of the Credit Research Group would be in the best interests of the client based on all the facts and circumstances, the PM, with the assistance of the Operations Group, as appropriate, must prepare or arrange for the preparation of an Override Report containing the information set forth below and any other information the PM and the Legal and Compliance department deem relevant:


    Name and ticker symbol of issuer;


    Percentages of the outstanding securities (equity and fixed income) of the issuer held;


    The name(s) of the fund(s) or account(s) holding the securities;


    A summary of the proposal;


    The date of the security holder meeting and the response deadline;


    Whether the proposal is being made by management or a security holder;


    Management’s recommendation with respect to the proposal;


    The Credit Research Group recommendation with respect to the proposal;


    The reasoning behind the PM’s decision to recommend the override;


    Whether the PM is aware of any actual or apparent conflict of interest with respect to the issuer or proponent of the proposal (see Section B above). The PM should explain any such actual or apparent conflicts; and


    Whether the PM has been contacted by an outside party regarding the vote.


  2) Compliance Review. The Legal and Compliance department will review the Override Report to determine whether an actual or apparent conflict of interest exists with respect to the vote. If the Legal and Compliance department determines that no such conflict of interest exists, the PM’s recommendation will be implemented. If the Legal and Compliance department determines that such a conflict of interest exists, the conflict will be resolved in accordance with the policies described above in Section B.2 of these Policies and Procedures. In no event will PIMCO abstain from a vote solely to avoid a conflict of interest.


  3) Override. If the result of this process is a decision to vote differently than proposed by the Credit Research Group, the Operations Group will manually cast such vote.


  c) When the Credit Research Group Does Not Provide a Recommendation.

In certain circumstances, the Credit Research Group, as a result of conflicts or other reasons, may be unable to provide a recommendation with respect to a client proxy. Where the Credit Research Group is unable to provide a recommendation for a fixed income security proxy, PIMCO shall vote such proxy in accordance with Section C.3.

3.  Proxy Voting Process: All Other Securities (including those not covered by the ISP or the Credit Research Group)

The ISP covers the majority of equity securities and the Credit Research Group covers fixed income securities. In certain circumstances, such as when an equity security issuer does not have a contractual relationship with the ISP or when the Credit



Research Group has a conflict, a proxy will not be covered by the ISP or the Credit Research Group. Proxies not covered by the ISP or the Credit Research Group (collectively “OS Proxies”) may be received by PIMCO Operations, the PM or by State Street Investment Management Solutions (“IMS West”). Upon receipt of any proxy voting ballots, all OS Proxies should be forwarded to PIMCO Operations, which coordinates with the Legal and Compliance department, and the PM(s) as appropriate, to vote such OS Proxies manually in accordance with the procedures set forth below.


  a) Identify and Seek to Resolve any Material Conflicts of Interest. As described in Section B.1, PIMCO’s Legal and Compliance department will review each OS Proxy to determine whether PIMCO may have an actual or apparent material conflict of interest in voting. If no such conflict is identified, the Legal and Compliance department will forward each OS Proxy to PIMCO Operations, which will coordinate consideration of such proxy by the appropriate PM(s). However, if such a conflict is identified, the Legal and Compliance department will, in accordance with Section B.2 above, resolve such conflict: (i) by applying the policies and procedures set forth herein; (ii) pursuant to a protocol previously established by the Conflicts Committee; (iii) if no such protocol is applicable to the conflict at hand, elevate such conflict to the Conflicts Committee for direct resolution; or (iv) by applying such other procedure(s) approved by the Legal and Compliance department.


  b) Vote. (i) Where no material conflict of interest is identified, the PM will review the proxy information, vote the OS Proxy in accordance with these policies and procedures and return the voted OS Proxy to PIMCO Operations; (ii) Where a material conflict of interest is identified, the OS Proxy will be voted in accordance with the conflict resolution procedures in Section B.2 and the voted OS Proxy will be returned to PIMCO Operations.


  c) Review. PIMCO Operations will review for proper completion each OS Proxy that was submitted to it. PIMCO Operations will forward the voted OS Proxy to the ballot collection agency with the decision as to how it should be voted.


  d) Transmittal to Third Parties. PIMCO Operations will document the decision for each OS Proxy received in a format designated by the ballot collection agency or other third party service provider. PIMCO Operations will maintain a log of all OS Proxy voting, which indicates, among other things, the date the notice was received and verified, PIMCO’s response, the date and time the custodian bank or other third party service provider was notified, the expiration date and any action taken.


  e) Recordkeeping. PIMCO Operations will log the proxy voting results into the ISP application for all manual ballots.

4.  Abstentions

If it is consistent with PIMCO’s contractual obligations to the client, PIMCO may determine not to vote a proxy if it believes that: (1) the effect on the client’s economic interests or the value of the portfolio holding is insignificant in relation to the client’s account; (2) the cost of voting the proxy outweighs the possible benefit to the client, including, without limitation, situations where a jurisdiction imposes share blocking restrictions which may affect the PM’s ability to effect trades in the related security; or (3) the Legal and Compliance department has determined that it is consistent with PIMCO’s fiduciary obligations not to vote.

For example, these factors may result in PIMCO not voting proxies relating to non-U.S. issuers in some situations. This is because, in the case of such proxies, PIMCO may, for example, receive meeting notices after the cut-off time for voting or without enough time to fully consider the proxy, or PIMCO may be required in some jurisdictions to provide local agents with power of attorney prior to implementing PIMCO’s voting instructions.

5.  Proxies Relating to Securities on Loan

Where a security is on loan, PIMCO may, but is not required to, request that the loaned securities be recalled and that the security be blocked from lending prior to the meeting record date in order to vote the proxy. In determining whether to recall a loaned security, the relevant PM(s) shall consider whether the benefit to the client in voting the matter outweighs the benefit to the client in keeping the security on loan. The recall decision should be made in the best interests of the client based on a consideration of various factors, which may include the following: (1) whether the matter to be voted on may significantly affect the value of the security; (2) the relative cost and/or administrative inconvenience of recalling the security; (3) the significance of the holding; and (4) whether the security is considered a long-term holding.

D.    U.S. Reporting and Disclosure Requirements and the Availability of Proxy Voting Records

Except to the extent required by applicable law (including with respect to the filing of any Form N-PX) or otherwise approved by PIMCO, PIMCO will not disclose to third parties how it voted a proxy on behalf of a client. However, upon request from an appropriately authorized individual, PIMCO will disclose to its clients or the entity delegating the voting authority to PIMCO for such clients (e.g., trustees or consultants retained by the client), how PIMCO voted such client’s proxy. In addition, PIMCO provides its clients with a copy of these Policies and Procedures or a concise summary of these Policies and Procedures: (i) in Part II of Form



ADV; (ii) together with a periodic account statement in a separate mailing; or (iii) any other means as determined by PIMCO. The summary will state that these Policies and Procedures are available upon request and will inform clients that information about how PIMCO voted that client’s proxies is available upon request.

For each U.S. registered investment company (“fund”) that PIMCO sponsors and manages, PIMCO will ensure that the proxy voting record for the twelve-month period ending June 30 is properly reported on Form N-PX which is filed with the SEC no later than August 31 of each year. PIMCO will also ensure that each fund states in its Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”) (or, with respect to Private Account Portfolio Series of PIMCO Funds (“PAPS Portfolios”), the Offering Memorandum Supplement) and its annual and semiannual report to shareholders that information concerning how the fund voted proxies relating to its portfolio securities for the most recent twelve-month period ending June 30 is available without charge through the fund’s website and on the SEC’s website, as required by Form N-1A (for open-end funds) or Form N-2 (for closed-end funds). PIMCO’s Fund Administration Group is responsible for ensuring that this information is posted on each fund’s website in accordance with the foregoing disclosure. PIMCO will ensure that proper disclosure is made in each fund’s SAI (or, with respect to the PAPS Portfolios, the Offering Memorandum Supplement) and annual and semiannual reports describing the policies and procedures used to determine how to vote proxies relating to such fund’s portfolio securities, also as required by Form N-1A (for open-end funds) and Form N-2 (for closed-end funds).

E.    PIMCO Record Keeping

PIMCO or its agent (e.g., IMS West or the ISP) maintains proxy voting records as required by applicable rules. The records maintained by PIMCO include: (1) a copy of all proxy voting policies and procedures; (2) a copy of any document created by PIMCO that was material to making a decision on how to vote proxies on behalf of a client or that memorializes the basis for that decision; (3) a copy of each written client request for proxy voting records and any written response from PIMCO to any (written or oral) client request for such records; and (4) any documentation related to an identified material conflict of interest. Additionally, PIMCO or its agent (if the agent has undertaken to provide a copy to PIMCO upon request) maintains: (1) proxy statements (or other disclosures accompanying requests for client consent) received regarding client securities (which may be satisfied in the U.S. by relying on obtaining a copy of a proxy statement from the SEC’s Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) system); and (2) a record of each vote cast by PIMCO on behalf of a client.

Proxy voting books and records are maintained by PIMCO or its agent in an easily accessible place for a period of five years from the end of the fiscal year during which the last entry was made on such record, the first two years in the offices of PIMCO or its agent.

F.    Review and Oversight

PIMCO’s Legal and Compliance department will provide for the supervision and periodic review, no less than on an annual basis, of PIMCO’s proxy voting activities and the implementation of these Policies and Procedures. Such review process will include a review of PM overrides of the ISP’s voting recommendations.




QS Batterymarch

Proxy Voting Policy


QS Batterymarch Financial Management (“QS Batterymarch”) has adopted and implemented policies and procedures, which it believes are reasonably designed to ensure that proxies are voted in the best economic interest of its clients and in accordance with its fiduciary duties and applicable regulations. This Policy shall apply to all accounts managed by QS Batterymarch. In addition, QS Batterymarch’s Proxy Policy reflects the fiduciary standards and responsibilities for ERISA accounts managed by QS Batterymarch.


Proxy votes are the property of QS Batterymarch’s advisory clients.1 As such, QS Batterymarch’s authority and responsibility to vote such proxies depends upon its contractual relationships with its clients. QS Batterymarch has delegated responsibility for effecting its advisory clients’ proxy votes to Institutional Shareholder Services (“ISS”), an independent third-party proxy voting specialist. ISS votes QS Batterymarch’s advisory clients’ proxies in accordance with their (ISS’s) proxy guidelines or, in extremely limited circumstances, QS Batterymarch’s specific instructions. Where a client has given specific instructions as to how a proxy should be voted, QS Batterymarch will notify and direct ISS to carry out those instructions. Where no specific instruction exists, QS Batterymarch will follow the procedures set forth in this document and vote such proxies in accordance with ISS’s guidelines. Certain Taft-Hartley clients may direct QS Batterymarch to have ISS vote their proxies in accordance with ISS’s (or other specific) Taft Hartley voting Guidelines.

Alternatively, clients may elect to retain proxy voting authority and responsibility. These and other proxy related instructions must be outlined in the investment management agreement or other contractual arrangements with each client.

Clients may in certain instances contract with their custodial agent and notify QS Batterymarch that they wish to engage in securities lending transactions. QS Batterymarch will not vote proxies relating to securities in client accounts that are on loan. In such cases, it is the responsibility of the custodian to deduct the number of shares that are on loan to ensure they are not voted by multiple parties.


Proxy voting activities are conducted in the best economic interest of clients.

QS Batterymarch works with ISS to ensure that all proxies are voted in accordance with what we believe to be the best economic interest of QS Batterymarch’s clients. In addition to proxy voting services provided by ISS, QS Batterymarch has also contracted with ISS to provide proxy advisory services. These services include research and other activities designed to gain insight into ballot decisions and make informed voting recommendations consistent with our fiduciary duty to our clients. ISS has developed and maintains Proxy Voting Guidelines (the “Guidelines”) consisting of standard voting positions on a comprehensive list of common proxy voting matters. ISS updates these Guidelines based on consideration of current corporate governance principles, industry standards, client feedback, and a number of other relevant factors. Changes to these Guidelines are communicated to QS Batterymarch upon implementation.

While ISS has been instructed to vote our clients’ proxies in accordance with the Guidelines, QS Batterymarch and our clients retain the right to instruct ISS to vote differently.

Underlying Funds

Certain QS Batterymarch client accounts, including clients that are “Funds of Funds,” invest in underlying investment funds, including U.S. registered investment companies (“Underlying Funds”). Proxy voting with respect to shares, units or interests in Underlying Funds present diverse and complex policy issues that make the establishment of standard proxy voting guidelines impractical. To the extent that QS Batterymarch has proxy voting authority with respect to shares, units or interests in Underlying Funds, QS Batterymarch shall vote such shares, units or interests in the best interest of client accounts and subject to the general fiduciary principles set forth above rather than in accordance with the Guidelines.

QS Batterymarch’s proxy voting authority on behalf of client accounts (including a Fund of Funds) with respect to shares, units or interests in Underlying Funds is subject to the provisions below in Proxy Voting of Underlying Funds.


1  For purposes of these Policies and Procedures, “clients” refers to persons or entities: for which QS Batterymarch serves as investment adviser or sub-adviser; for which QS Batterymarch votes proxies; and that have an economic or beneficial ownership interest in the portfolio securities of issuers soliciting such proxies.



Manager of Manager Arrangements

QS Batterymarch advises certain client accounts that are structured as “Manager of Managers” arrangements in which various segments of the accounts are individually managed by a number of underlying investment advisers (“Underlying Managers”). In such arrangements, QS Batterymarch generally does not exercise any proxy voting authority with respect to securities held in the client’s account. Proxy voting authority in such arrangements is typically assigned to the Underlying Managers.

Management Oversight

Management is responsible for overseeing QS Batterymarch’s proxy voting activities, including reviewing and monitoring the Guidelines that provide how ISS will generally vote proxies on behalf of QS Batterymarch clients no less frequently than annually. Compliance is responsible for coordinating with ISS to administer the proxy voting process and overseeing ISS’s proxy responsibilities. Compliance monitors voting activity to ensure that votes are cast in accordance with the Guidelines or client-specific guidelines and/or any applicable regulatory requirements.

Availability of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures and Proxy Voting Record

Copies of this Policy, as it may be updated from time to time, are made available to clients as required by law and otherwise at QS Batterymarch’s discretion. Clients may also obtain information on how their proxies were voted by QS Batterymarch as required by law and otherwise at QS Batterymarch’s discretion; however, QS Batterymarch must not selectively disclose its investment company clients’ proxy voting records. QS Batterymarch will make proxy voting reports available to advisory clients upon request.

ISS’s current Guidelines, summaries, amendments, and other pertinent information can be accessed by visiting their website at the following address: http://www.issgovernance.com/policy.


Proxy Voting Guidelines

QS Batterymarch will review ISS’s Guidelines as necessary to support the best economic interests of QS Batterymarch’s clients but generally no less frequently than annually. QS Batterymarch will choose to re-adopt or amend portions of or the entirety of the Guidelines, whether as a result of the annual review or otherwise, taking solely into account the best economic interests of QS Batterymarch’s clients. Before re-adopting or amending the Guidelines, Compliance, in consultation with Management, will thoroughly review and evaluate the proposed change(s) and rationale to evaluate potential conflicts with client or employee interests. Rationale for any decisions not to re-adopt ISS’s Guidelines will be fully documented.

Proxy Voting of Underlying Funds

Proxy Voting of Affiliated Funds

With respect to proxy voting for a client account (including a Fund of Funds) investing in shares, units or interests of Underlying Funds advised by QS Batterymarch or an affiliate of QS Batterymarch (including ETFs, open-end mutual funds and closed-end investment companies), proxies relating to any of such affiliated Underlying Funds generally will be voted in accordance with an echo voting procedure under which such proxies are voted in the same proportion as the votes from other shareholders of such affiliated Underlying Fund. QS Batterymarch may vote such proxies in accordance with other voting procedures approved by Management and Compliance, provided such procedures comply with applicable law and/or regulatory requirements.

Proxy Voting of Unaffiliated Funds

With respect to proxy voting for a client account (including a Fund of Funds) investing in shares, units or interests of an Underlying Fund advised by an adviser which is unaffiliated with QS Batterymarch (including ETFs, open-end mutual funds and closed-end investment companies), QS Batterymarch will vote such proxies in accordance with the general fiduciary principles set forth above; provided that QS Batterymarch: (i) will vote proxies relating to shares of ETFs in accordance with an echo voting procedure to the extent required by QS Batterymarch’s Procedures Relating to Compliance with ETF Exemptive Orders under Section 12(d)(1) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, and (ii) will vote proxies relating to shares of open-end mutual funds and closed-end investment companies in accordance with an echo voting procedure to the extent required in order to comply with Section 12(d)(1) under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and rules thereunder. Voting procedures are intended to be in the best interest of client accounts and subject to the general fiduciary principles set forth above, and such procedures are subject to review by Management and Compliance.



Specific proxy voting decisions made by Management

Proxy proposals (i) that are not covered by specific client instructions or the Guidelines; or (ii) that, according to the Guidelines, should be evaluated and voted on a case-by-case basis will be referred to Management and Portfolio Management for review and to provide a voting instruction.

Certain proxy votes may not be cast

In extremely limited cases, QS Batterymarch may determine that it is in the best economic interests of its clients not to vote certain proxies. QS Batterymarch will abstain from voting if:


    Neither the Guidelines nor specific client instructions cover an issue;


    ISS does not make a recommendation on the issue; and


    QS Batterymarch cannot make a good faith determination as to what would be in the client’s best interest (e.g., material conflict cannot be mitigated).

In other cases, it may not be possible to vote certain proxies, despite good faith efforts to do so. Examples may include:


    Proxy ballot was not received from the custodian;


    Meeting notice was not received with adequate time for processing; or


    Legal restrictions, including share blocking, that may restrict liquidity or otherwise limit trading.

ISS will coordinate with Compliance regarding any specific proxies and any categories of proxies that will not or cannot be voted. The reasons for not voting any proxy shall be documented.

Conflict of Interest Procedures

QS Batterymarch seeks to mitigate conflicts inherent in proxy voting and maintain independence by partnering with ISS for voting and administration of all client ballots. These conflicts may include:


    The issuer is a client of QS Batterymarch;


    The issuer is a material business partner of QS Batterymarch; or


    An employee, or an immediate family member of an employee, of QS Batterymarch serves as an officer or director of the issuer.

QS Batterymarch believes that this Policy and our reliance on ISS for independent proxy decision-making reasonably ensure that these and other potential material conflicts are minimized, consistent with our fiduciary duty. Accordingly, proxies that will be voted in accordance with the Guidelines or in accordance with specific client instructions are not subject to the conflicts of interest procedures described below for items that are referred to QS Batterymarch by ISS.

As a general matter, QS Batterymarch takes the position that relationships between a non-QS Batterymarch Legg Mason business unit and an issuer do not present a conflict of interest for QS Batterymarch in voting proxies with respect to such issuer because QS Batterymarch operates as an independent business unit from other Legg Mason business units and because of the existence of informational barriers between QS Batterymarch and such business units.

Procedures to Address Conflicts of Interest and Improper Influence

Note: This section addresses the limited circumstances in which items that are referred to QS Batterymarch by ISS.

Overriding Principle: ISS will vote all proxies in accordance with the Guidelines. In the limited circumstances where ISS refers items to QS Batterymarch for input or a voting decision, QS Batterymarch will vote those proxies in accordance with what it, in good faith, determines to be the best economic interests of QS Batterymarch’s clients.2

Independence: Compensation for all employees, particularly those with the ability to influence proxy voting in these limited circumstances, cannot be based upon their contribution to any business activity outside of QS Batterymarch without prior approval from Management. Furthermore, they may not discuss proxy votes with any person outside of QS Batterymarch (and within QS Batterymarch only on a need to know basis).

Conflict Review Procedures: For items that are referred to QS Batterymarch from ISS, Compliance will monitor for potential material conflicts of interest in connection with proxy proposals. Promptly upon a determination that a conflict exists in connection


2  Any contact from external parties interested in a particular vote that attempts to exert improper pressure or influence shall be reported to Compliance.



with a proxy proposal, the vote shall be escalated to Management. Management will collect and review any information deemed reasonably appropriate to evaluate, in its reasonable judgment, if QS Batterymarch or any person participating in the proxy voting process has, or has the appearance of, a material conflict of interest. For the purposes of this policy, a conflict of interest shall be considered “material” to the extent that a reasonable person could expect the conflict to influence, or appear to influence, QS Batterymarch’s decision on the particular vote at issue.

The information considered may include without limitation information regarding (i) client relationships; (ii) any relevant personal conflict known or brought to their attention; (iii) and any communications with members of QS Batterymarch and any person or entity outside of the organization that identifies itself as a QS Batterymarch advisory client regarding the vote at issue.

If notified that QS Batterymarch has a material conflict of interest, QS Batterymarch will obtain instructions as to how the proxies should be voted, if time permits, from the affected clients, if notified that certain individuals should be recused from the proxy vote at issue, QS Batterymarch shall do so in accordance with the procedures set forth below.

Note: Any QS Batterymarch employee who becomes aware of a potential material conflict of interest in respect of any proxy vote to be made on behalf of clients shall notify Management and Compliance to evaluate such conflict and determine a recommended course of action.

At the beginning of any discussion regarding how to vote any proxy, Compliance will inquire as to whether any employee or any person participating in the proxy voting process has a personal conflict of interest or has actual knowledge of an actual or apparent conflict that has not been reported to Management and/or Compliance.

Compliance also will inquire of these same parties whether they have actual knowledge regarding whether any director, officer or employee outside of QS Batterymarch that identifies itself as a QS Batterymarch advisory client, has: (i) requested that QS Batterymarch vote a particular proxy in a certain manner; (ii) attempted to influence QS Batterymarch in connection with proxy voting activities; or (iii) otherwise communicated with QS Batterymarch regarding the particular proxy vote at issue, and which incident has not yet been reported to management and/or Compliance.

Compliance will determine whether anyone should be recused from the proxy voting process, or whether QS Batterymarch should seek instructions as to how to vote the proxy at issue if time permits, from the effected clients. These inquiries and discussions will be properly documented.

Duty to Report: Any QS Batterymarch employee that is aware of any actual or apparent conflict of interest relevant to, or any attempt by any person outside of organization or any entity that identifies itself as a QS Batterymarch advisory client to influence, how QS Batterymarch votes its proxies has a duty to disclose the existence of the situation to their manager and the details of the matter to the Compliance. In the case of any person participating in the deliberations on a specific vote, such disclosure should be made before engaging in any activities or participating in any discussion pertaining to that vote.

Recusal of Members: Compliance will recuse any employee from participating in a specific proxy vote referred to QS Batterymarch if he/she (i) is personally involved in a material conflict of interest; or (ii) as determined by Management and Compliance, has actual knowledge of a circumstance or fact that could affect their independent judgment, in respect of such vote. Management will also exclude from consideration the views of any person (whether requested or volunteered) if Management knows, or if Compliance has determined that such other person has a material conflict of interest with respect to the particular proxy, or has attempted to influence the vote in any manner prohibited by these policies.

Other Procedures That Limit Conflicts of Interest

QS Batterymarch has adopted a number of policies, procedures and internal controls that are designed to avoid various conflicts of interest, including those that may arise in connection with proxy voting, including but not limited to the Confidential Information Policy and the Code of Ethics. QS Batterymarch expects that these policies, procedures and internal controls will greatly reduce the chance that QS Batterymarch (or, its employees) would be involved in, aware of or influenced by, an actual or apparent conflict of interest.


QS Batterymarch will retain records of client requests for proxy voting information and any written responses thereto provided by QS Batterymarch, and will retain any documents QS Batterymarch or Compliance prepared that were material to making a voting decision or that memorialized the basis for a proxy voting decision.

QS Batterymarch also will create and maintain appropriate records documenting its compliance with this Policy, including records of its deliberations and decisions regarding conflicts of interest and their resolution.

With respect to QS Batterymarch’s investment company clients, ISS will create and maintain such records as are necessary to allow such investment company clients to comply with their recordkeeping, reporting and disclosure obligations under applicable law.



QS Batterymarch will also maintain the following records relating to proxy voting:


    The name of the issuer of the portfolio security;  


    The exchange ticker symbol of the portfolio security (if symbol is available through reasonably practicable means);  


    The Council on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number for the portfolio security (if the number is available through reasonably practicable means);  


    The shareholder meeting date;


    A copy of each proxy statement received by QS Batterymarch;


    A brief identification of the matter voted on;


    Whether the matter was proposed by the issuer or by a security holder;


    Whether QS Batterymarch cast its vote on the matter;


    How QS Batterymarch cast its vote (e.g., for or against proposal, or abstain; for or withhold regarding election of directors); and


    Whether QS Batterymarch cast its vote for or against management.

In lieu of keeping copies of proxy statements, QS Batterymarch may rely on proxy statements filed on the EDGAR system. QS Batterymarch also may rely on third party records of proxy statements and votes cast by QS Batterymarch if the third party provides an undertaking to QS Batterymarch to provide such records promptly upon request.





Proxy Voting Policy

May 2012

Policy Objective

Scout Investments (“SI”) as an investment adviser and a fiduciary to its investment advisory clients has adopted this Policy with the objective of: (i) ensuring that SI votes client securities in the best interest of its clients; and (ii) addressing material conflicts that may arise between SI’s interests and those of its clients


SI will vote securities for each client account for which it has authority in a manner solely in the best interest of the client. Voting rights will be exercised on all decisions that have any effect on the value of the security and will be exercised so as to attempt to maximize or protect the value of the security looking at both the short-term and long-term consequences. The exclusive purpose will be to provide benefits to the client by considering those factors that affect the value of the security and give the greatest benefit to the client. Unless the power to vote securities held in a client’s account has been reserved in writing by that client, SI will have the responsibility and authority for voting securities in that client’s account in accordance with this Policy. Notwithstanding the foregoing, SI may not vote every proxy when it determines in good faith that refraining from voting is in the client’s best interests. Examples include, but are not limited to:


  1. Where casting a vote may require extraordinary expense, such as traveling to a foreign country to vote in person or retaining local powers of attorney;


  2. Ballots that are not received on a timely basis;


  3. Inadequate information on the proxy item or where it appears to be no relationship between the proxy vote and underlying investment’s value; or


  4. Where casting a vote may require suspension of the ability to trade the security.

SI may also accept different voting guidelines provided by a client to be use exclusively for voting securities in that client’s account.

Proxy Voting Committee

The Proxy Voting Committee will consist of those individuals designated from time to time by SI’s Chief Executive Officer. Members of the committee will serve at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer subject to removal or resignation, or termination of the member’s employment with SI.


Scout has adopted General Proxy Voting Standards and Guidelines (“Guidelines”). SI has also retained a third-party proxy advisory firm (“Third-Party Proxy Advisory Firm”) to assist in the collection and review of ballots and to provide SI with voting recommendations based upon the Guidelines.

The Proxy Voting Committee will review the Voting Guidelines periodically, but no less often than annually. In conjunction with the Third-Party Proxy Advisory Firm, the Chief Operating Officer will ensure that the following procedures relating to the voting of securities in client accounts are followed:


  1. Collecting voting materials including research, recommendation, other communications relating to the voting and proxy statements or ballots upon receipt;


  2. Providing the voting materials to the appropriate SI associates;


  3. Collecting voting instructions and transmitting the instructions to the appropriate custodian, broker, nominee or other person;


  4. Developing voting records as described in this Policy; and



  5. Provide in writing to any client requesting information on voting of proxies with respect to portfolio securities, the information on how SI voted with respect to the securities held in the client’s account.

It is intended that the Voting Guidelines will be applied with a measure of flexibility. SI may vote securities other than as described in the Guidelines, if SI reasonably believe that it is in its clients’ best interest to do so consistent with the Policy. In these situations, a portfolio manager will submit the voting determination to the Proxy Voting Committee for review and approval. Prior to approving the voting determination, the Proxy Voting Committee will perform a conflicts of interest check on the proxy issue. If a material conflict of interest is identified, the Proxy Voting Committee will follow the procedures described below under Conflicts of Interest. In making these determinations, portfolio managers may rely upon the proxy statement, analysis, commentary and other information respecting the proxy vote in formulating its voting instruction.

Review of Third-Party Proxy Advisory Firm

SI shall review any Third-Party Proxy Advisory Firm periodically, but no less often than annually, consistent with the following measures:


  1. Obtain and review the voting recommendation of the Third Party Proxy Advisory Firm (or their voting guidelines), and review these documents for consistency with this Policy,


  2. Determine that the Third Party Proxy Advisory Firm has the capacity and competency to analyze proxy issues;


  3. Analyze potential conflicts of interest of the Third Party Proxy Advisory Firm with respect to companies the securities of which are the subject of voting recommendations, including procedures to minimize any potential conflicts of interest;


  4. Review the performance of the Third Party Proxy Advisory firm including the record of recommendations and the timeliness of communicating proxy votes.

Conflicts of Interest

Conflicts of interest may include, but are not limited to, where: (i) the issuer of securities is a client of SI, or its affiliates; (ii) the issuer has a material interest in SI or its affiliates; (iii) an officer or director of the issuer is an officer or director of SI or its affiliates; or (iv) the issuer is SI or an affiliate. If in the case a security vote presents the potential for a material conflict of interest between SI and a client, SI will vote the matter in accordance with the recommendation of the Third-Party Proxy Advisory Firm based upon the Guidelines. If no such recommendation is available and the Guidelines do not cover the matter, SI will refer the vote to the client and SI will vote in accordance with the client’s response. For any avoidance of doubt, if the vote is for any UMB Financial Corporation security, the Scout Funds or the securities of any their affiliates, SI will follow the procedures contained in this section.


SI will maintain the following books and records:


  1. A copy of each proxy statement that SI receives regarding client securities. SI may rely on obtaining a copy of a proxy statement from the SEC’s EDGAR system; and


  2. A record of each vote cast by SI on behalf of a client.

SI may rely on a third party to make and retain these records, on SI’s behalf, provided that SI has obtained an undertaking from the third party to provide a copy of the records promptly upon request

SI will also maintain the following books and records:


  1. Each version of this Policy in effect from time to time;


  2. A list of each client account for which SI has been authorized to vote proxies for the client’s securities;


  3. A copy of any document created by SI that was material to making a decision how to vote proxies on behalf of a client or that memorializes the basis for that decision; and


  4. A copy of each written client request for information on how SI voted proxies on behalf of the client, and a copy of any written response by SI to any (written or oral) client request for information on how SI voted proxies on behalf of the requesting client.


  5. A copy of each Guidelines in effect.





March 2015

SSGA FM’s Approach to Proxy Voting and Issuer Engagement

At SSGA FM, we take our fiduciary duties as an asset manager very seriously. We have a dedicated team of corporate governance professionals who help us carry out our duties as a responsible investor. These duties include engaging with companies, developing and enhancing in-house corporate governance policies, analyzing corporate governance issues on a case-by-case basis at the company level, and exercising our voting rights—all to maximize shareholder value.

SSGA FM’s Global Proxy Voting and Engagement Principles (the “Principles”) may take different perspectives on common governance issues that vary from one market to another and, likewise, engagement activity may take different forms in order to best achieve long-term engagement goals. We believe that proxy voting and engagement with portfolio companies is often the most direct and productive way shareholders can exercise their ownership rights, and taken together, we view these tools to be an integral part of the overall investment process.

We believe engagement and voting activity have a direct relationship. As a result, the integration of our engagement activities, while leveraging the exercise of our voting rights, provides a meaningful shareholder tool that we believe protects and enhances the long-term economic value of the holdings in our client accounts. SSGA FM maximizes its voting power and engagement by maintaining a centralized proxy voting and active ownership process covering all holdings, regardless of strategy. Despite the different investment views and objectives across SSGA FM, depending on the product or strategy, the fiduciary responsibilities of share ownership and voting for which SSGA FM has voting discretion are carried out with a single voice and objective.

The Principles support governance structures that we believe add to, or maximize shareholder value at the companies held in our clients’ portfolios. SSGA FM conducts issuer specific engagements with companies to discuss our principles, including sustainability related risks. In addition, we encourage issuers to find ways of increasing the amount of direct communication board members have with shareholders. We believe direct communication with executive board members and independent non-executive directors is critical to helping companies understand shareholder concerns. Conversely, where appropriate, we conduct collaborative engagement activities with multiple shareholders and communicate with company representatives about common concerns.

In conducting our engagements, SSGA FM also evaluates the various factors that play into the corporate governance framework of a country, including the macroeconomic conditions and broader political system, the quality of regulatory oversight, the enforcement of property and shareholder rights and the independence of the judiciary to name a few. SSGA FM understands that regulatory requirements and investor expectations relating to governance practices and engagement activities differ from country-to-country. As a result, SSGA FM engages with issuers, regulators, or both, depending on the market. SSGA FM also is a member of various investor associations that seek to address broader corporate governance related policy at the country level as well as issuer specific concerns at a company level.

To help mitigate company specific risk, the team may collaborate with members of the active investment teams to engage with companies on corporate governance issues and address any specific concerns, or to get more information regarding shareholder items that are to be voted on at upcoming shareholder meetings. Outside of proxy voting season, SSGA FM conducts issuer specific engagements with companies covering various corporate governance and sustainability related topics.

The SSGA FM Governance Team uses a blend of quantitative and qualitative research and data to support screens to help identify issuers where active engagement may be necessary to protect and promote shareholder value. Issuer engagement may also be event driven, focusing on issuer specific corporate governance, sustainability concerns or wider industry related trends. SSGA FM also gives consideration to the size of our total position of the issuer in question and/or the potential negative governance, performance profile, and circumstance at hand. As a result, SSGA FM believes issuer engagement can take many forms and be triggered under numerous circumstances. The following methods represent how SSGA FM defines engagement methods:


SSGA FM uses screening tools designed to capture a mix of company specific data including governance and sustainability profiles to help us focus our voting and engagement activity.

SSGA FM will actively seek direct dialogue with the board and management of companies we have identified through our screening processes. Such engagements may lead to further monitoring to ensure the company improves its governance or sustainability practices. In these cases, the engagement process represents the most meaningful opportunity for SSGA FM to protect long-term shareholder value from excessive risk due to poor governance and sustainability practices.




SSGA FM has ongoing dialogue with its largest holdings on corporate governance and sustainability issues. SSGA FM maintains regular face-to-face meetings with these issuers, allowing SSGA FM to reinforce key tenets of good corporate governance and actively advise these issuers around concerns that SSGA FM feels may negatively impact long-terms shareholder value.


Reactive engagement is initiated by the issuers. SSGA FM routinely discusses specific voting issues and items with the issuer community. Reactive engagement is an opportunity to address not only voting items, but also a wide range of governance and sustainability issues.

SSGA FM has established an engagement protocol that further describes our approach to issuer engagement.


Assessing the effectiveness of our issuer engagement process is often difficult. To limit the subjectivity of measuring our success we actively seek issuer feedback and monitor the actions issuers take post-engagement to identify tangible changes. By doing so, we are able to establish indicators to gauge how issuers respond to our concerns and to what degree these responses satisfy our requests. It is also important to note that successful engagement activity can be measured over differing time periods depending on the facts and circumstances involved. Engagements can last as short as a single meeting or span multiple years.

Depending on the issue and whether the engagement activity is reactive, recurring, or active, engagement with issuers can take the form of written communication, conference calls, or face-to-face meetings. SSGA FM believes active engagement is best conducted directly with company management or board members. Collaborative engagement, where multiple shareholders communicate with company representatives, can serve as a potential forum for issues that are not identified by SSGA FM as requiring active engagement, such as shareholder conference calls.

Proxy Voting Procedure


The SSGA FM Corporate Governance Team is responsible for developing and implementing the Proxy Voting and Engagement Guidelines (the “Guidelines”), case-by-case voting items, issuer engagement activities, and research and analysis of governance-related issues. The implementation of the Guidelines is overseen by the SSGA Global Proxy Review Committee (“SSGA PRC”), a committee of investment, compliance and legal professionals, who provide guidance on proxy issues as described in greater detail below. Oversight of the proxy voting process is ultimately the responsibility of the SSGA Investment Committee. The SSGA Investment Committee reviews and approves amendments to the Guidelines. The SSGA PRC reports to the SSGA Investment Committee, and may refer certain significant proxy items to that committee.

Proxy Voting Process

In order to facilitate SSGA FM’s proxy voting process, SSGA FM retains Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (“ISS”), a firm with expertise in proxy voting and corporate governance. SSGA FM utilizes ISS’s services in three ways: (1) as SSGA FM’s proxy voting agent (providing SSGA FM with vote execution and administration services); (2) for applying the Guidelines; and (3) as providers of research and analysis relating to general corporate governance issues and specific proxy items.

The SSGA FM Corporate Governance Team reviews the Guidelines with ISS on an annual basis or on a case-by-case basis as needed. On most routine proxy voting items (e.g., ratification of auditors), ISS will affect the proxy votes in accordance with the Guidelines.

In other cases, the Corporate Governance Team will evaluate the proxy solicitation to determine how to vote based on facts and circumstances, consistent with the Principles, and the accompanying Guidelines, that seek to maximize the value of our client accounts.

In some instances, the Corporate Governance Team may refer significant issues to the SSGA PRC for a determination of the proxy vote. In addition, in determining whether to refer a proxy vote to the SSGA PRC, the Corporate Governance. Team will consider whether a material conflict of interest exists between the interests of our client and those of SSGA FM or its affiliates (as explained in greater detail in our “Conflict of Interest” Policy).

SSGA FM votes in all markets where it is feasible; however, SSGA FM may refrain from voting meetings when power of attorney documentation is required, where voting will have a material impact on our ability to trade the security, where issuer-specific special documentation is required or where various market or issuer certifications are required. SSGA FM is unable to vote proxies when certain custodians, used by our clients, do not offer proxy voting in a jurisdiction, or when they charge a meeting specific fee in excess of the typical custody service agreement.



Proxy Voting and Engagement Principles

Directors and Boards

The election of directors is one of the most important fiduciary duties SSGA FM performs as a shareholder. SSGA FM believes that well-governed companies can protect and pursue shareholder interests better and withstand the challenges of an uncertain economic environment. As such, SSGA FM seeks to vote director elections in a way which we, as a fiduciary, believe will maximize the long-term value of each portfolio’s holdings.

Principally, a board acts on behalf of shareholders by protecting their interests and preserving their rights. This concept establishes the standard by which board and director performance is measured. To achieve this fundamental principle, the role of the board, in SSGA FM’s view, is to carry out its responsibilities in the best long-term interest of the company and its shareholders. An independent and effective board oversees management, provides guidance on strategic matters, selects the CEO and other senior executives, creates a succession plan for the board and management, provides risk oversight and assesses the performance of the CEO and management. In contrast, management implements the business and capital allocation strategies and runs the company’s day-to-day operations. As part of SSGA FM’s engagement process, SSGA FM routinely discusses the importance of these responsibilities with the boards of issuers.

SSGA FM believes the quality of a board is a measure of director independence, director succession planning, board evaluations and refreshment and company governance practices. In voting to elect nominees, SSGA FM considers many factors. SSGA FM believes independent directors are crucial to good corporate governance and help management establish sound corporate governance policies and practices. A sufficiently independent board will effectively monitor management, maintain appropriate governance practices, and perform oversight functions necessary to protect shareholder interests. SSGA FM also believes the right mix of skills, independence and qualifications among directors provides boards with the knowledge and direct experience to deal with risks and operating structures that are often unique and complex from one industry to another.

Accounting and Audit Related Issues

SSGA FM believes audit committees are critical and necessary as part of the board’s risk oversight role. The audit committee is responsible for setting out an internal audit function to provide robust audit and internal control systems designed to effectively manage potential and emerging risks to the company’s operations and strategy. SSGA FM believes audit committees should have independent directors as members, and SSGA FM will hold the members of the audit committee responsible for overseeing the management of the audit function.

The disclosure and availability of reliable financial statements in a timely manner is imperative for the investment process. As a result, board oversight of the internal controls and the independence of the audit process are essential if investors are to rely on financial statements. Also, it is important for the audit committee to appoint external auditors who are independent from management as we expect auditors to provide assurance as of a company’s financial condition.

Capital Structure, Reorganization and Mergers

The ability to raise capital is critical for companies to carry out strategy, grow and achieve returns above their cost of capital. The approval of capital raising activities is fundamental to a shareholder’s ability to monitor the amounts of proceeds and to ensure capital is deployed efficiently. Altering the capital structure of a company is a critical decision for boards and in making such a critical decision, SSGA FM believes the company should have a well explained business rationale that is consistent with corporate strategy and not overly dilute its shareholders.

Mergers or reorganizing the structure of a company often involve proposals relating to reincorporation, restructurings, mergers, liquidations, and other major changes to the corporation.

Proposals that are in the best interests of the shareholders, demonstrated by enhancing share value or improving the effectiveness of the company’s operations, will be supported. In evaluating mergers and acquisitions, SSGA FM considers the adequacy of the consideration and the impact of the corporate governance provisions to shareholders. In all cases, SSGA FM uses its discretion in order to maximize shareholder value.

Occasionally, companies add anti-takeover provisions that reduce the chances of a potential acquirer making an offer, or reducing the likelihood of a successful offer. SSGA FM does not support proposals that reduce shareholders’ rights, entrench management or reduce the likelihood of shareholder’s right to vote on reasonable offers.


SSGA FM considers the board’s responsibility to include setting the appropriate level of executive compensation. Despite the differences among the types of plans and the awards possible, there is a simple underlying philosophy that guides SSGA FM’s analysis of executive compensation; SSGA FM believes that there should be a direct relationship between executive compensation and company performance over the long-term.



Shareholders should have the opportunity to assess whether pay structures and levels are aligned with business performance. When assessing remuneration reports, SSGA FM considers factors such as adequate disclosure of different remuneration elements, absolute and relative pay levels, peer selection and benchmarking, the mix of long-term and short-term incentives, alignment of pay structures with shareholder interests, as well as with corporate strategy and performance. SSGA FM may oppose remuneration reports where pay seems misaligned with shareholders’ interests. SSGA FM may also consider executive compensation practices when re-electing members of the remuneration committee.

SSGA FM recognizes that compensation policies and practices are unique from market to market; often with significant differences between the level of disclosures, the amount and forms of compensation paid, and the ability of shareholders to approve executive compensation practices. As a result, our ability to assess the appropriateness of executive compensation is often dependent on market practices and laws.

Environmental and Social Issues

As a fiduciary, SSGA FM considers the financial and economic implications of environmental and social issues first and foremost. Environmental and social factors may not only have an impact on the reputation of companies but may also represent significant operational risks and costs to business. Well-developed environmental and social management systems can generate efficiencies and enhance productivity, both of which impact shareholder value in the long-term.

SSGA FM encourages companies to be transparent about the environmental and social risks and opportunities they face and adopt robust policies and processes to manage such issues. In our view, companies that manage all risks and consider opportunities related to environmental and social issues are able to adapt faster to changes and appear to be better placed to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in the long-term. Similarly, companies with good risk management systems, which include environmental and social policies, have a stronger position relative to their peers to manage risk and change, which could be the result of anything from regulation and litigation, physical threats (severe weather, climate change), economic trends to shifts in consumer behavior.

In their public reporting, we expect companies to disclose information on relevant management tools and material environmental and social performance metrics. We support efforts by companies to demonstrate how sustainability fits into operations and business activities. SSGA FM’s team of analysts evaluates these risks and shareholder proposals relating to them on an issuer by issuer basis; understanding that environmental and social risks can vary widely depending on a company, its industry, operations, and geographic footprint. SSGA FM may also take action against the re-election of board members if we have serious concerns over ESG practices and the company has not been responsive to shareholder requests to amend them.


Although SSGA FM does not seek involvement in the day-to-day operations of an organization, SSGA FM recognizes the need for conscientious oversight and input into management decisions that may affect a company’s value. SSGA FM supports proposals that encourage economically advantageous corporate practices and governance, while leaving decisions that are deemed to be routine or constitute ordinary business to management and the board of directors.

Securities on Loan

For funds where SSGA FM acts as trustee, SSGA FM may recall securities in instances where SSGA FM believes that a particular vote will have a material impact on the fund(s). Several factors shape this process. First, SSGA FM must receive notice of the vote in sufficient time to recall the shares on or before the record date. In many cases, SSGA FM does not receive timely notice, and is unable to recall the shares on or before the record date. Second, SSGA FM, exercising its discretion may recall shares if it believes the benefit of voting shares will outweigh the foregone lending income. This determination requires SSGA FM, with the information available at the time, to form judgments about events or outcomes that are difficult to quantify. Given past experience in this area, however, we believe that the recall of securities will rarely provide an economic benefit that outweighs the cost of the foregone lending income.


Any client who wishes to receive information on how its proxies were voted should contact its SSGA FM relationship manager.

Managing Conflicts of Interest Related to Proxy Voting

SSGA has policies and procedures designed to prevent undue influence on SSGA’s voting activities that may arise from relationships between proxy issuers or companies and State Street Corporation (“STT”) SSGA, SSGA affiliates, SSGA Funds or SSGA Fund affiliates.



Protocols designed to help mitigate potential conflicts of interest include:


    Providing sole voting discretion to members of SSGA’s Corporate Governance Team. Members of the corporate governance team may from time to time discuss views on proxy voting matters, company performance, strategy etc. with other STT or SSGA employees including portfolio managers, senior executives and relationship managers. However, final voting decisions are made solely by the corporate governance team, in a manner that is consistent with the best interests of all clients, taking into account various perspectives on risks and opportunities with a view of maximizing the value of client assets;


    Exercising a singular vote decision for each ballot item regardless of SSGA’s investment strategy;


    Prohibiting members of SSGA’s corporate governance team from disclosing SSGA’s voting decision to any individual not affiliated with the proxy voting process prior to the meeting or date of written consent, as the case may be;


    Mandatory disclosure by members of the SSGA’s Corporate Governance Team, Global Proxy Review Committee (“PRC”) and Investment Committee (“IC”) of any personal conflict of interest (e.g., familial relationship with company management) to the Head of the Corporate Governance Team. Members are required to recuse themselves from any engagement or proxy voting activities related to the conflict;


    In certain instances, client accounts and/or SSGA pooled funds, where SSGA acts as trustee, may hold shares in STT or other SSGA affiliated entities, such as mutual funds affiliated with SSGA Funds Management, Inc. In general, SSGA will outsource any voting decision relating to a shareholder meeting of STT or other SSGA affiliated entities to independent outside third parties. Delegated third parties exercise vote decisions based upon SSGA’s in-house policies; and


    Reporting of voting policy overrides, if any, to the PRC on a quarterly basis.

In general, we do not believe matters that fall within the Guidelines and are voted consistently with the Guidelines present any potential conflicts, since the vote on the matter has effectively been determined without reference to the soliciting entity. However, where matters do not fall within the Guidelines or where we believe that voting in accordance with the Guidelines is unwarranted, we conduct an additional review to determine whether there is a conflict of interest. In circumstances where a conflict has been identified and either: (i) the matter does not fall clearly within the Guidelines; or (ii) SSGA determines that voting in accordance with such policies or guidance is not in the best interests of its clients, the Head of SSGA’s Corporate Governance Team will determine whether a Material Relationship exists. If so, the matter is referred to the SSGA PRC. The SSGA PRC then reviews the matter and determines whether a conflict of interest exists, and if so, how to best resolve such conflict. For example, the SSGA PRC may (i) determine that the proxy vote does not give rise to a conflict due to the issues presented, (ii) refer the matter to the SSGA Investment Committee for further evaluation or (iii) retain an independent fiduciary to determine the appropriate vote.




T. Rowe Price


Updated: February 2015


T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc., T. Rowe Price International Ltd, T. Rowe Price (Canada), Inc., T. Rowe Price Hong Kong Limited, and T. Rowe Price Singapore Private Ltd. (collectively, “T. Rowe Price”) recognize and adhere to the principle that one of the privileges of owning stock in a company is the right to vote in the election of the company’s directors and on matters affecting certain important aspects of the company’s structure and operations that are submitted to shareholder vote. As an investment adviser with a fiduciary responsibility to its clients, T. Rowe Price analyzes the proxy statements of issuers whose stock is owned by the U.S.-registered investment companies which it sponsors and serves as investment adviser (“Price Funds”) and by common trust funds, offshore funds, institutional and private counsel clients who have requested that T. Rowe Price be involved in the proxy process. T. Rowe Price has assumed the responsibility for voting proxies on behalf of the T. Rowe Price Funds and certain counsel clients who have delegated such responsibility to T. Rowe Price. In addition, T. Rowe Price makes recommendations regarding proxy voting to counsel clients who have not delegated the voting responsibility but who have requested voting advice. T. Rowe Price reserves the right to decline to vote proxies in accordance with client-specific voting guidelines.

T. Rowe Price has adopted these Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures (“Policies and Procedures”) for the purpose of establishing formal policies and procedures for performing and documenting its fiduciary duty with regard to the voting of client proxies. This document is updated annually.

Fiduciary Considerations. It is the policy of T. Rowe Price that decisions with respect to proxy issues will be made in light of the anticipated impact of the issue on the desirability of investing in the portfolio company from the viewpoint of the particular client or Price Fund. Proxies are voted solely in the interests of the client, Price Fund shareholders or, where employee benefit plan assets are involved, in the interests of plan participants and beneficiaries. Our intent has always been to vote proxies, where possible to do so, in a manner consistent with our fiduciary obligations and responsibilities. Practicalities and costs involved with international investing may make it impossible at times, and at other times disadvantageous, to vote proxies in every instance.

Other Considerations. One of the primary factors T. Rowe Price considers when determining the desirability of investing in a particular company is the quality and depth of its management. We recognize that a company’s management is entrusted with the day-to-day operations of the company, as well as its long-term direction and strategic planning, subject to the oversight of the company’s board of directors. Accordingly, our proxy voting guidelines are not intended to substitute our judgment for management’s with respect to the company’s day-to-day operations. Rather, our proxy voting guidelines are designed to promote accountability of a company’s management and board of directors to its shareholders; to align the interests of management with those of shareholders; and to encourage companies to adopt best practices in terms of their corporate governance. In addition to our proxy voting guidelines, we rely on a company’s disclosures, its board’s recommendations, a company’s track record, country-specific best practices codes, our research providers and, most importantly, our investment professionals’ views, in making voting decisions.


Proxy Committee. T. Rowe Price’s Proxy Committee (“Proxy Committee”) is responsible for establishing positions with respect to corporate governance and other proxy issues, including those involving corporate social responsibility issues. Certain delegated members of the Proxy Committee also review questions and respond to inquiries from clients and mutual fund shareholders pertaining to proxy issues. While the Proxy Committee sets voting guidelines and serves as a resource for T. Rowe Price portfolio management, it does not have proxy voting authority for any Price Fund or counsel client. Rather, this responsibility is held by the Chairperson of the Price Fund’s Investment Advisory Committee or counsel client’s portfolio manager.

Global Proxy Services Group. The Global Proxy Services Group is responsible for administering the proxy voting process as set forth in the Policies and Procedures.

Proxy Administrator. The Global Proxy Services Group will assign a Proxy Administrator who will be responsible for ensuring that all meeting notices are reviewed and important proxy matters are communicated to the portfolio managers for consideration.

Global Corporate Governance Analyst. Our Global Corporate Governance Analyst is responsible for reviewing the proxy agendas for all upcoming meetings and making company-specific recommendations to our global industry analysts and portfolio managers with regard to the voting decisions in their portfolios.




In order to facilitate the proxy voting process, T. Rowe Price has retained Institutional Shareholder Services (“ISS”) as an expert in the proxy voting and corporate governance area. ISS specializes in providing a variety of fiduciary-level proxy advisory and voting services. These services include voting recommendations as well as vote execution, reporting, auditing and consulting assistance for the handling of proxy voting responsibility. In order to reflect T. Rowe Price’s issue-by-issue voting guidelines as approved each year by the Proxy Committee, ISS maintains and implements a custom voting policy for the Price Funds and other client accounts. From time to time, T. Rowe Price may also obtain certain proxy voting research from Glass, Lewis & Co., LLC.

Meeting Notification

T. Rowe Price utilizes ISS’s voting agent services to notify us of upcoming shareholder meetings for portfolio companies held in client accounts and to transmit votes to the various custodian banks of our clients. ISS tracks and reconciles T. Rowe Price holdings against incoming proxy ballots. If ballots do not arrive on time, ISS procures them from the appropriate custodian or proxy distribution agent. Meeting and record date information is updated daily, and transmitted to T. Rowe Price through Proxy Exchange, ISS’s web-based application.

Vote Determination

Each day, ISS delivers into T. Rowe Price’s proprietary proxy research platform a comprehensive summary of upcoming meetings, proxy proposals, publications discussing key proxy voting issues, and custom vote recommendations to assist us with proxy research and processing. The final authority and responsibility for proxy voting decisions remains with T. Rowe Price. Decisions with respect to proxy matters are made primarily in light of the anticipated impact of the issue on the desirability of investing in the company from the perspective of our clients.

Portfolio managers may decide to vote their proxies consistent with the Policies and Procedures, as set by the Proxy Committee, and instruct our Proxy Administrator to vote all proxies accordingly. Alternatively, portfolio managers may request to review the vote recommendations and sign off on all proxies before the votes are cast, or they may choose only to sign off on those votes cast against management. The portfolio managers are also given the option of reviewing and determining the votes on all proxies without utilizing the vote guidelines of the Proxy Committee. In all cases, the portfolio managers may elect to receive current reports summarizing all proxy votes in their client accounts. Portfolio managers who vote their proxies inconsistent with T. Rowe Price guidelines are required to document the rationale for their votes. The Proxy Administrator is responsible for maintaining this documentation and assuring that it adequately reflects the basis for any vote which is cast contrary to our proxy voting guidelines.

T. Rowe Price Voting Policies

Specific proxy voting guidelines have been adopted by the Proxy Committee for all regularly occurring categories of management and shareholder proposals. A detailed set of proxy voting guidelines is available on the T. Rowe Price web site, www.troweprice.com. The following is a summary of our guidelines on the most significant proxy voting topics:

Election of Directors — For U.S. companies, T. Rowe Price generally supports slates with a majority of independent directors. However, T. Rowe Price may vote against outside directors who do not meet our criteria relating to their independence, particularly when they serve on key board committees, such as compensation and nominating committees, for which we believe that all directors should be independent. Outside of the U.S., we expect companies to adhere to the minimum independence standard established by regional corporate governance codes. At a minimum, however, we believe boards in all regions should include a blend of executive and non-executive members, and we are likely to vote against senior executives at companies without any independent directors. We also vote against directors who are unable to dedicate sufficient time to their board duties due to their commitments to other boards. We may vote against certain directors who have served on company boards where we believe there has been a gross failure in governance or oversight. Additionally, we may vote against compensation committee members who approve excessive executive compensation or severance arrangements. We support efforts to elect all board members annually because boards with staggered terms lessen directors’ accountability to shareholders and act as deterrents to takeover proposals. To strengthen boards’ accountability, T. Rowe Price supports proposals calling for a majority vote threshold for the election of directors and we may withhold votes from an entire board if they fail to implement shareholder proposals that receive majority support.

Anti-Takeover, Capital Structure and Corporate Governance Issues — T. Rowe Price generally opposes anti-takeover measures since they adversely impact shareholder rights and limit the ability of shareholders to act on potential value-enhancing transactions. Such anti-takeover mechanisms include classified boards, supermajority voting requirements, dual share classes, and poison pills. When voting on capital structure proposals, T. Rowe Price will consider the dilutive impact to shareholders and the effect on shareholder rights. We may support shareholder proposals that call for the separation of the Chairman and CEO positions if we determine that insufficient governance safeguards are in place at the company.



Executive Compensation Issues — T. Rowe Price’s goal is to assure that a company’s equity-based compensation plan is aligned with shareholders’ long-term interests. We evaluate plans on a case-by-case basis, using a proprietary, scorecard-based approach that employs a number of factors, including dilution to shareholders, problematic plan features, burn rate, and the equity compensation mix. Plans that are constructed to effectively and fairly align executives’ and shareholders’ incentives generally earn our approval. Conversely, we oppose compensation packages that provide what we view as excessive awards to few senior executives, contain the potential for excessive dilution relative to the company’s peers, or rely on an inappropriate mix of options and full-value awards. We also may oppose equity plans at any company where we deem the overall compensation practices to be problematic. We generally oppose efforts to reprice options in the event of a decline in value of the underlying stock unless such plans appropriately balance shareholder and employee interests. For companies with particularly egregious pay practices such as excessive severance packages, executives with outsized pledged/hedged stock positions, executive perks, and bonuses that are not adequately linked to performance, we may vote against compensation committee members. We analyze management proposals requesting ratification of a company’s executive compensation practices (“Say-on-Pay” proposals) on a case-by-case basis, using a proprietary scorecard-based approach that assesses the long-term linkage between executive compensation and company performance as well as the presence of objectionable structural features in compensation plans. With respect to the frequency in which companies should seek advisory votes on compensation, we believe shareholders should be offered the opportunity to vote annually. Finally, we may withhold votes from compensation committee members or even the entire board if we have cast votes against a company’s “Say-on-Pay” vote in consecutive years.

Mergers and Acquisitions — T. Rowe Price considers takeover offers, mergers, and other extraordinary corporate transactions on a case-by-case basis to determine if they are beneficial to shareholders’ current and future earnings stream and to ensure that our Price Funds and clients are receiving fair consideration for their securities. We generally oppose proposals for the ratification of executive severance packages (“Say on Golden Parachute” proposals) in conjunction with merger transactions because we believe these arrangements are, by and large, unnecessary, and they reduce the alignment of executives’ incentives with shareholders’ interests.

Corporate Social Responsibility Issues — Vote recommendations for corporate responsibility issues are generated by the Global Corporate Governance Analyst using ISS’s proxy research and company reports. T. Rowe Price generally votes with a company’s management on social, environmental and corporate responsibility issues unless the issue has substantial investment implications for the company’s business or operations which have not been adequately addressed by management. T. Rowe Price supports well-targeted shareholder proposals on environmental and other public policy issues that are particularly relevant to a company’s businesses.

Global Portfolio Companies — ISS applies a two-tier approach to determining and applying global proxy voting policies. The first tier establishes baseline policy guidelines for the most fundamental issues, which span the corporate governance spectrum without regard to a company’s domicile. The second tier takes into account various idiosyncrasies of different countries, making allowances for standard market practices, as long as they do not violate the fundamental goals of good corporate governance. The goal is to enhance shareholder value through effective use of the shareholder franchise, recognizing that application of policies developed for U.S. corporate governance issues are not appropriate for all markets. The Proxy Committee has reviewed ISS’s general global policies and has developed international proxy voting guidelines which in most instances are consistent with ISS recommendations.

Fixed Income, Index and Passively Managed Accounts — Proxy voting for fixed income, index and other passively-managed portfolios is administered by the Proxy Services Group using T. Rowe Price’s policies as set by the Proxy Committee. If a portfolio company is held in both an actively managed account and an index account, the index account will default to the vote as determined by the actively managed proxy voting process. In addition, fixed income accounts will generally follow the proxy vote determinations on security holdings held by our equity accounts unless the matter is specific to a particular fixed income security (i.e., consents, restructurings, reorganization proposals).

Divided Votes — In situations where a decision is made which is contrary to the policies established by the Proxy Committee, or differs from the vote for any other client or Price Fund, the Proxy Services Group advises the portfolio managers involved of the divided vote. The persons representing opposing views may wish to confer to discuss their positions. In such instances, it is the normal practice for the portfolio manager to document the reasons for the vote if it is against our proxy voting guidelines. The Proxy Administrator is responsible for assuring that adequate documentation is maintained to reflect the basis for any vote which is cast in opposition to our proxy voting guidelines.

Shareblocking — Shareblocking is the practice in certain foreign countries of “freezing” shares for trading purposes in order to vote proxies relating to those shares. In markets where shareblocking applies, the custodian or sub-custodian automatically freezes shares prior to a shareholder meeting once a proxy has been voted. Shareblocking typically takes place between one and fifteen (15) days before the shareholder meeting, depending on the market. In markets where shareblocking applies, there is a potential for a pending trade to fail if trade settlement takes place during the blocking period. T. Rowe Price’s policy is generally to abstain from voting shares in shareblocking countries unless the matter has compelling economic consequences that outweigh the loss of liquidity in the blocked shares.



Securities on Loan — The Price Funds and our institutional clients may participate in securities lending programs to generate income. Generally, the voting rights pass with the securities on loan; however, lending agreements give the lender the right to terminate the loan and pull back the loaned shares provided sufficient notice is given to the custodian bank in advance of the voting deadline. T. Rowe Price’s policy is generally not to vote securities on loan unless the portfolio manager has knowledge of a material voting event that could affect the value of the loaned securities. In this event, the portfolio manager has the discretion to instruct the Proxy Administrator to pull back the loaned securities in order to cast a vote at an upcoming shareholder meeting.

Monitoring and Resolving Conflicts of Interest

The Proxy Committee is also responsible for monitoring and resolving potential material conflicts between the interests of T. Rowe Price and those of its clients with respect to proxy voting. We have adopted safeguards to ensure that our proxy voting is not influenced by interests other than those of our fund shareholders. While membership on the Proxy Committee is diverse, it does not include individuals whose primary duties relate to client relationship management, marketing, or sales. Since T. Rowe Price’s voting guidelines are predetermined by the Proxy Committee, application of the guidelines by fund portfolio managers to vote fund proxies should in most instances adequately address any potential conflicts of interest. However, consistent with the terms of the Policies and Procedures, which allow portfolio managers to vote proxies opposite our general voting guidelines, the Proxy Committee regularly reviews all such proxy votes that are inconsistent with the proxy voting guidelines to determine whether the portfolio manager’s voting rationale appears reasonable. The Proxy Committee also assesses whether any business or other material relationships between T. Rowe Price and a portfolio company (unrelated to the ownership of the portfolio company’s securities) could have influenced an inconsistent vote on that company’s proxy.

Issues raising potential conflicts of interest are referred to designated members of the Proxy Committee for immediate resolution prior to the time T. Rowe Price casts its vote. With respect to personal conflicts of interest, T. Rowe Price’s Code of Ethics and Conduct requires all employees to avoid placing themselves in a “compromising position” in which their interests may conflict with those of our clients and restrict their ability to engage in certain outside business activities. Portfolio managers or Proxy Committee members with a personal conflict of interest regarding a particular proxy vote must recuse themselves and not participate in the voting decisions with respect to that proxy.

Specific Conflict of Interest Situations — Voting of T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. common stock (sym: TROW) by certain T. Rowe Price Index Funds will be done in all instances in accordance with T. Rowe Price policy, and votes inconsistent with policy will not be permitted. In addition, T. Rowe Price has voting authority for proxies of the holdings of certain Price Funds that invest in other Price Funds. In cases where the underlying fund of an investing Price Fund, including a fund-of-funds, holds a proxy vote, T. Rowe Price will mirror vote the fund shares held by the upper-tier fund in the same proportion as the votes cast by the shareholders of the underlying funds (other than the T. Rowe Price Reserve Investment Funds).


The Proxy Committee, and certain personnel under the direction of the Proxy Committee, perform the following oversight and assurance functions, among others, over T. Rowe Price’s proxy voting: (1) periodically samples proxy votes to ensure that they were cast in compliance with T. Rowe Price’s proxy voting guidelines; (2) reviews, no less frequently than annually, the adequacy of the Policies and Procedures to make sure that they have been implemented effectively, including whether they continue to be reasonably designed to ensure that proxies are voted in the best interests of our clients; (3) performs due diligence on whether a retained proxy advisory firm has the capacity and competency to adequately analyze proxy issues, including the adequacy and quality of the proxy advisory firm’s staffing and personnel and its policies; and (4) oversees any retained proxy advisory firms and their procedures regarding their capabilities to (i) produce proxy research that is based on current and accurate information and (ii) identify and address any conflicts of interest and any other considerations that we believe would be appropriate in considering the nature and quality of the services provided by the proxy advisory firm.

Vote Summary Reports will be generated for each client that requests T. Rowe Price to furnish proxy voting records. The report specifies the portfolio companies, meeting dates, proxy proposals, and votes which have been cast for the client during the period and the position taken with respect to each issue. Reports normally cover quarterly or annual periods and are provided to clients upon request.

T. Rowe Price retains proxy solicitation materials, memoranda regarding votes cast in opposition to the position of a company’s management, and documentation on shares voted differently. In addition, any document which is material to a proxy voting decision such as the T. Rowe Price proxy voting guidelines, Proxy Committee meeting materials, and other internal research relating to voting decisions will be kept. All proxy voting materials and supporting documentation are retained for six years (except for proxy statements available on the SEC’s EDGAR database).




UBS Global AM


A. Global Corporate Governance Principles


These principles describe the approach of UBS Global Asset Management (Americas) Inc., (UBS Global AM) to corporate governance and to the exercise of voting rights on behalf of its clients (which include funds, individuals, pension schemes, and all other advisory clients).

Where clients of UBS Global AM have delegated the discretion to exercise the voting rights for shares they beneficially own, UBS Global AM has a fiduciary duty to vote shares in the clients’ best interests. These principles set forth UBS Global AM’s approach to corporate governance and to the exercise of voting rights when clients have delegated their voting rights to UBS Global AM. UBS Global AM believes that these principles are reasonably designed to ensure that proxies are voted in the best interest of clients.

Key principles

UBS Global AM’s global corporate governance principles are based on our active investment style and structure whereby we have detailed knowledge of the investments we make on behalf of our clients and therefore are in a position to judge what is in the best interests of our clients as beneficial owners.

We believe voting rights have economic value and should be treated accordingly. Where we have been given the discretion to vote on clients’ behalves, we will exercise our delegated fiduciary responsibility by voting in a manner we believe will most favorably impact the economic value of their investments.

Good corporate governance should, in the long term, lead towards both better corporate performance and improved shareholder value. Thus, we expect board members of companies in which we have invested to act in the service of the shareholders, view themselves as stewards of the company, exercise good judgment and practice diligent oversight of the management of the company. A commitment to acting in as transparent a manner as possible is fundamental to good governance.

Underlying our voting and corporate governance principles we have two fundamental objectives:


  1. We seek to act in the best financial interests of our clients to enhance the long-term value of their investments.


  2. As an investment advisor, we have a strong commercial interest that companies in which we invest, on behalf of our clients are successful. We promote best practice in the boardroom.

To achieve these objectives, we have established this Policy, which we believe is reasonably designed to guide our exercise of voting rights and the taking of other appropriate actions, and to support and encourage sound corporate governance practice. These Principles are implemented globally to harmonize our philosophies across UBS Global AM offices worldwide. However, these Principles permit individual regions or countries within UBS Global AM the discretion to reflect local laws or standards where appropriate.

While there is no absolute set of standards that determine appropriate governance under all circumstances and no set of values will guarantee ethical board behavior, there are certain principles, which provide evidence of good corporate governance. We will, therefore, generally exercise voting rights on behalf of clients in accordance with the following principles.

Board Structure

Some significant factors for an effective board structure include:


    An effective Chairman is key;


    The roles of Chairman and Chief Executive generally should be separated;


    Board members should have appropriate and diverse experience and be capable of providing good judgment and diligent oversight of the management of the company;


    The Board should include executive and non-executive directors; and


    Non-executive directors should provide a challenging, but generally supportive environment for the executive directors.



Board Responsibilities

Some significant factors for effective discharge of board responsibilities include:


    The whole Board should be fully involved in endorsing strategy and in all major strategic decisions (e.g., mergers and acquisitions).


    The Board should ensure that at all times:


    Appropriate management succession plans are in place;


    The interests of executives and shareholders are aligned;


    The financial audit is independent and accurate;


    The brand and reputation of the company is protected and enhanced;


    A constructive dialogue with shareholders is encouraged; and


    It receives all the information necessary to hold management to account.

Areas of Focus

Some examples of areas of concern related to our Corporate Governance focus include the following:


    Economic value resulting from acquisitions or disposals;


    Operational performance;


    Quality of management;


    Independent non-executive directors not holding executive management to account;


    Quality of internal controls;


    Lack of transparency;


    Inadequate succession planning;


    Poor approach to corporate social responsibility;


    Inefficient management structure; and


    Corporate activity designed to frustrate the ability of shareholders to hold the Board to account or realize the maximum value of their investment.


B. Macro-Rationales and Explanations for Proxy Voting


These macro-rationales and explanations detail UBS Global AM’s approach to the exercise of voting rights on behalf of its clients (which includes funds, individuals, pension schemes, and all other advisory clients). The basis of the macro rationales and explanations is to define guidelines for voting shares held on behalf of our advisory clients in their best interests.

Macro-Rationales are used to help explain our proxy vote. The Macro-Rationales reflect our global governance principles and local policies, enables voting consistency and provides flexibility our analyst can reflect specific knowledge of the company as it relates to a proposal. Explanations are associated with each Macro-Rationale and are used in our proxy voting operations to communicate our voting decision internally and on client reports.





Macro Rationale



1. General Guidelines   

a. When our view of the management is favorable, we generally support current management initiatives. When our view is that changes to the management structure would probably increase shareholder value, we may not support existing management proposals.


1. View of management is Favorable.


2. View of management is Un-Favorable.

b. If management’s performance has been questionable we may abstain or vote against specific proxy proposals.

   1. Management performance is questionable.

c. Where there is a clear conflict between management and shareholder interests, even in those cases where management has been doing a good job, we may elect to vote against management.

   1. A conflict exists between the board and shareholder interests.

d. In general, we oppose proposals, which in our view, act to entrench management.

   1. Proposal entrenches management.

e. In some instances, even though we strongly support management, there are some corporate governance issues that, in spite of management objections, we believe should be subject to shareholder approval.


1. While we support management, this proposal should be voted on by shareholders.

2. Board of Directors and Auditors   

a. Unless our objection to management’s recommendation is strenuous, if we believe auditors are competent and professional, we support continuity in the appointed auditing firm subject to regular review.


1. We believe the auditors are competent.


2. We object to these auditors.


3. Nominee for independent Internal Statutory Auditor not considered independent.

b. We generally vote for proposals that seek to fix the size of the board and/or require shareholder approval to alter the size of the board and that allow shareholders to remove directors with or without cause.

   1. Shareholders should be able to set the size of the board.

c. We generally vote for proposals that permit shareholders to act by written consent and/or give the right to shareholders to call a special meeting.

   1. Shareholders should have the right to call a special meeting.

d. We will vote for separation of Chairman and CEO if we believe it will lead to better company management, otherwise, we will support an outside lead director board structure.


1. Company does not have a lead director.


2. Company has a lead director.


3. Combined Chairman and Chief Executive, contrary to best practice.

e. We will normally vote for all board members unless we determine conflicts exist or the board is not independent.


1. Board ignored shareholder vote.


2. Executive contract exceeds 1 year in length.


3. Not considered independent insufficient independent non-executives.


4. Member of the Audit or Remuneration Committee(s), not considered Independent.


5. Bundled resolution for election of Directors not appropriate.


6. Not Independent, serves on the Compensation and Nomination Committees.


7. Executive contract exceeds 4 years.


8. Not in shareholders’ interests.



Macro Rationale



3. Compensation   

a. We will not try to micro-manage compensation schemes; however, we believe remuneration should not be excessive, and we will not support compensation plans that are poorly structured or otherwise egregious.


1. We will not-micro manage compensation.


2. The overall quantum of remuneration is too high.

b. Senior management compensation should be set by independent directors according to industry standards, taking advice from benefits consultants where appropriate.

   1. Compensation should be set by the board, not shareholders.

c. All senior management and board compensation should be disclosed within annual financial statements, including the value of fringe benefits, company pension contributions, deferred compensation and any company loans.

   1. Transparency in compensation is desired.

d. We may vote against a compensation or incentive program if it is not adequately tied to a company’s fundamental financial performance; is vague; is not in line with market practices; allows for option re-pricing; does not have adequate performance hurdles or is highly dilutive.


1. Remuneration policy insufficiently aligned with shareholder interests.


2. The vesting conditions are inappropriate.


3. The vesting conditions are insufficiently challenging.


4. The matching awards are too generous.


5. The re-pricing of options is against best practice.


6. Dilution of executive remuneration scheme exceeds best practice guidelines.


7. Plan structure does not provide suitable long term incentive.


8. Performance conditions unsatisfactory.


9. Contrary to best market practice.

e. Where company and management’s performance has been poor, we may object to the issuance of additional shares for option purposes such that management is rewarded for poor performance or further entrenches its position.

   1. Rewards for poor performance are unacceptable.

f.  Given the increased level of responsibility and oversight required of directors, it is reasonable to expect that compensation should increase commensurably. We consider that there should be an appropriate balance between fixed and variable elements of compensation and between short and long term incentives.

   1. Compensation should be balanced.

g. In order to increase reporting transparency and approximate accuracy, we believe stock options should be expensed.

   1. Stock Options should be expensed.
4. Governance Provisions   

a. We believe that votes at company meetings should be determined on the basis of one share one vote. We will vote against cumulative voting proposals.

   1. One Share, One Vote.

b. We believe that “poison pill” proposals, which dilute an issuer’s stock when triggered by particular events, such as take-over bids or buy-outs, should be voted on by the shareholders and will support attempts to bring them before the shareholders.


1. Poison Pill proposals should have shareholder approval.


2. Current anti-takeover provisions are adequate.

c. Any substantial new share issuance should require prior shareholder approval.

   1. Significant share increase should have shareholder approval.

d. We believe proposals that authorize the issuance of new stock without defined terms or have conditions that are intended to thwart a take-over or restrict effective control by shareholders should be discouraged.


1. Blank check stock issuance is not acceptable.


2. Anti-takeover defense, not in shareholders interests.


3. General authority to issue shares without pre-emption rights not in shareholders interests.



Macro Rationale



e. We will support directives to increase the independence of the board of directors when we believe that the measures will improve shareholder value.

   1. We support efforts to improve board independence.

f.  We generally do not oppose management’s recommendation to implement a staggered or classified board and generally support the regular re-election of directors on a rotational basis as it may provide some continuity of oversight.


1. Staggered or classified boards provide continuity.


2. Annual election of directors agreeable with management approval.

g. We will support reasonable proposals that enable shareholders to directly nominate directors.


1. Proposal to nominate directors is reasonable.


2. Proposal to nominate directors is questionable.

h. We will vote for shareholder proposals requesting directors be elected by a Majority Vote unless the company has cumulative voting, a director resignation policy in place or is very likely to have one in place by the next meeting.


1. A director resignation policy is in place.


2. A director resignation policy is not in place.

i.  We will normally vote for proposals that reduce supermajority voting limits.


1. We support reductions in super majority voting.


2. Existing super majority voting conditions are reasonable.

j.  We will vote in favour of shareholder resolutions for confidential voting.

   1. We encourage confidential voting.
5. Capital Structure and Corporate Restructuring   

a. It is difficult to direct where a company should incorporate, however, in instances where a move is motivated solely to entrench management or restrict effective corporate governance, we will vote accordingly.


1. Companies are free to incorporate anywhere.


2. Actions motivated to entrench management.

b. In general we will oppose management initiatives to create dual classes of stock, which serves to insulate company management from shareholder opinion and action. We support shareholder proposals to eliminate dual class schemes.

   1. Dual classes of stock are inappropriate.
6. Mergers, Tenders Offers & Proxy Contests   

a. Based on our analysis and research we will support proposals that increase shareholder value and vote against proposals that do not.


1. We agree with the merger.


2. We object to the merger.

7. Social, Environmental, Political & Cultural   

a. Depending on the situation, we do not typically vote to prohibit a company from doing business anywhere in the world.


1. Companies should feel free to compete anywhere in the world.

b. There are occasional issues, we support, that encourage management to make changes or adopt more constructive policies with respect to social, environmental, political and other special interest issues, but in many cases we believe that the shareholder proposal may be too binding or restrict management’s ability to find an optimal solution. While we wish to remain sensitive to these issues, we believe there are better ways to resolve them than through a proxy proposal. We prefer to address these issues through engagement.


1. Special interest proposals should not be addressed in the proxy.

c. Unless directed by clients to vote in favour of social, environmental, political and other special interest proposals, we are generally opposed to special interest proposals that involve an economic cost to the company or that restrict the freedom of management to operate in the best interest of the company and its shareholders.


1. Proposal poses an unnecessary economic cost on the company.



Macro Rationale



8. Administrative and Operations   

a. Occasionally, stockholder proposals, such as asking for reports, conducting studies and making donations to the poor, are presented in a way that appear to be honest attempts at bringing up a worthwhile issue. Nevertheless, judgment must be exercised with care, as we do not expect our shareholder companies to be charitable institutions.


1. Special reports, studies and disclosures are not considered economic.

b. We are sympathetic to shareholders who are long-term holders of a company’s stock, who desire to make concise statements about the long-term operations of the company in the proxy statement. However, because regulatory agencies do not require such actions, we may abstain unless we believe there are compelling reasons to vote for or against.

   1. Regulatory agencies do not require this action.
9. Miscellaneous   

a. Where a client has given specific direction as to how to exercise voting rights on its behalf, we will vote in accordance with a client’s direction.

   1. Voted in accordance with a client guideline.

b. Where we have determined that the voting of a particular proxy is of limited benefit to clients or where the costs of voting a proxy outweigh the benefit to clients, we may abstain or choose not to vote. Among others, such costs may include the cost of translating a proxy, a requirement to vote in person at a shareholders meeting or if the process of voting restricts our ability to sell for a period of time (an opportunity cost).


1. Obstacles exist to effectively voting this proxy.


2. Local voting practices could restrict our ability to manage the portfolio.

c. For holdings managed pursuant to quantitative, index or index-like strategies, we may delegate the authority to exercise voting rights for such strategies to an independent proxy voting and research service with the direction that the votes be exercised in accordance with this Policy. If such holdings are also held in an actively managed strategy, we will exercise the voting rights for the passive holdings according to the active strategy.


1. Voting delegated to a proxy voting service per our guidelines.

d. In certain instances when we do not have enough information we may choose to abstain or vote against a particular proposal.

   1. Lack of details on proposals.


C. Global Voting and Corporate Governance Procedures


Where clients have delegated the discretion to exercise the voting rights for shares they beneficially own to UBS Global AM, we have a fiduciary duty to vote shares in the clients’ best interests. These procedures provide a structure for appropriately discharging this duty, including the handling of conflicts of interest between UBS Global AM and our clients’ best interests.


I. Corporate Governance Committees


The UBS Global Asset Management Global Corporate Governance Committee (the “Global Committee) will approve the membership of the UBS Global AM Corporate Governance Committee (the “Americas Committee”). The membership in the Global Committee will be approved by the Equities Investment Committee of UBS Global Asset Management.

Responsibilities of the Global Committee


    To review, approve and oversee the implementation of the Global Corporate Governance Principles.


    Keep abreast of and share trends in corporate governance and update these principles as necessary.


    To provide a forum for discussing corporate governance issues between regions.


    Coordinate with the Communications group on all corporate or other communication related to global proxy issues.



    Consult with Analysts, Research Directors and others regarding issues relevant to portfolio companies.


    Engage and oversee any independent proxy voting services being used.


    Oversee the activities of the Local Corporate Governance Committees.


    Review and resolve conflicts of interest by ensuring that the voting decision taken would remain the same irrespective of the fact that, for instance, a company is also a client of UBS Global AM.


Meetings will be held at least quarterly.

Local Corporate Governance Committees

Each office or region, as applicable, will set up a Local Corporate Governance Committee to discuss local corporate governance issues and to review proxies. Each Local Corporate Governance Committee will set its own agenda. The Global Committee will nominate the chairs for the Local Corporate Governance Committees. The local chair will nominate, for approval by the Global Committee, additional persons as candidates for membership on the local committee.

Responsibilities of the Americas Committee

The Americas Committee will serve as the local committee and is responsible for implementing this Policy in the Americas Region.


    Keep abreast of and share trends in corporate governance and update local policy as necessary.


    Provide a forum for discussing corporate governance issues within a region.


    Oversee the proxy voting process.


    Coordinate with the Communications group all corporate or other communication related to local proxy issues.


    Consult with Analysts, Research Directors and others regarding issues relevant to portfolio companies.


    Interpret the Global Corporate Governance Principles in the context of local legal requirements and practice, updating local policy as necessary.


    Minutes of meetings to be sent to the Global Committee.


Meetings will be held at least twice a year.


II. Interaction with Company and Board of Directors

Relationship with the Company and the Board of Directors


    On behalf of our clients, we aim to be supportive, long-term shareholders. We seek to develop both a long-term relationship and an understanding of mutual objectives and concerns with the companies in which we invest.


    We do this through meetings between our investment analysts and portfolio managers, on the one hand, and company management and the board of directors, on the other.


    These meetings enable us to have discussions with company management and the board of directors about corporate strategy and objectives and to make an assessment of management’s performance. They also allow us to monitor a particular company’s development over time and assess progress against our expectations as investors. They also give us an opportunity to outline what our expectations are and to explain our views on important issues.

Formal Communications with the Board


    Where we suspect poor corporate governance may negatively impact the long-term valuation of the company (including loss of confidence in senior management), we will attempt to gather further information from the company and standard information sources.


    If action is considered necessary, we will attempt to arrange an informal meeting with one or more non-executive (outside) directors to gather additional information and to learn more about the company’s corporate governance practices. The intent of the meeting with non-executive (outside) directors is to understand the company better and to communicate our concerns.



    All efforts to contact management or the board of directors regarding specific corporate governance issues should be approved by the Global Committee or if time is of the essence the Head or Deputy Head of Global Equity, and the Legal & Compliance Department.


    If it is determined that appropriate corporate governance practices are not present or likely to be put in place, then we may


    Formally communicate with the Chairman of the Board or the full Board of Directors;


    Withdraw our support for the common stock;


    Reflect our positions in our proxy vote opportunities; or


    Contact other shareholders regarding our concerns.

Any such steps may only be taken in compliance with applicable law.


III. Contacting the Media

UBS Global AM generally will not comment on any matters relating to corporate governance or proxy issues of any individual company. This policy is based on issues of client privilege as well as assuring compliance with various regulations. Requests from the media for general information relating to this Policy, comments on corporate governance or proxy issues relating to a specific security or general, non-specific issues related to corporate governance, must be directed via Communications/Marketing (country/region/ business/investment/global) to the relevant investment area and Legal & Compliance Department. They will determine if there is to be an exception to this rule and inform the relevant Marketing/Communications team. The situation will be explained to UBS Media Relations who will notify the journalist of our position.


IV. Proxy Voting Process

Given the magnitude of the effort, availability of resources and local customs, certain functions and responsibilities may be delegated to the Local Corporate Governance Committees or others for the efficient processing of the votes. All operational proxy voting matters will be managed by a dedicated team located in the London office, irrespective of where the underlying client is managed.

The Global and Local Corporate Governance Committees, as appropriate, will bring Legal & Compliance into the decision making process on complex issues and on issues involving conflicts of interests.

The Americas Committee will appoint a deputy who is responsible for voting of all routine proxy matters in accordance with these policies and procedures. The deputy will contact the appropriate industry analyst and/or the members of the Americas Committee for guidance on how to vote non-routine matters.

The Americas Committee, or its delegate, will:


    Take necessary steps to determine that we are receiving ballots for all accounts over which we have voting authority and where we intend to vote;


    Instruct the Head of Operations to recall, if possible, securities that are currently on loan so that they may be voted on non-routine proxy matters;


    Implement procedures to identify conflicts and vote such proxies in accordance with Section VI of these procedures;


    Implement procedures to vote proxies in accordance with client direction if applicable; and


    Conduct periodic due diligence on any proxy voting services being employed.


V. Proxy Voting Disclosure Guidelines



    Upon request or as required by law or regulation, UBS Global AM will disclose to a client or client’s fiduciaries, the manner in which we exercised voting rights on behalf of the client.


    Upon request, we will inform a client of our intended vote. Note, however, in some cases, because of the controversial nature of a particular proxy, our intended vote may not be available until just prior to the deadline. If the request involves a conflict due to the client’s relationship with the company that has issued the proxy, the Legal & Compliance Department should be contacted immediately to ensure adherence to UBS Global AM Corporate Governance principles. (See Proxy Voting Conflict Guidelines below).



    Other than as described herein, we will not disclose our voting intentions or make public statements to any third party (except electronically to our proxy vote processor or regulatory agencies) including but not limited to proxy solicitors, non-clients, the media, or other UBS divisions, but we may inform such parties of the provisions of our Policy. We may communicate with other shareholders regarding a specific proposal but will not disclose our voting intentions or agree to vote in concert with another shareholder without approval from the Chairman of the Global Corporate Governance Committee and regional Legal & Compliance Department.


    Any employee, officer or director of UBS Global Asset Management receiving an inquiry directly from a company will notify the appropriate industry analyst and persons responsible for voting the company’s proxies.


    Companies may be provided with the number of shares we own in them.


    Proxy solicitors will not be provided with either our votes or the number of shares we own in a particular company.


    In response to a proxy solicitor or company agent, we will acknowledge receipt of the proxy materials, inform them of our intent to vote or that we have voted, but not the manner in which we voted.


    We may inform the company (not their agent) where we have decided to vote against any material resolution at their company.

The Chairman of the Global Committee and the Chair of the Americas Committee must approve exceptions to this disclosure policy.


VI. Proxy Voting Conflict Guidelines

In addition to the Proxy Voting Disclosure Guidelines above, UBS Global AM has implemented the following guidelines to address conflicts of interests that arise in connection with our exercise of voting rights on behalf of clients. A conflict of interest is a relationship or activity engaged in by UBS Global AM that creates an incentive, or appearance thereof, to favor the interests of UBS Global AM over the interests of the client. A conflict of interest is “material” if a reasonable person could expect the conflict to influence UBS Global AM’s proxy vote. The principal conflict process covered by this policy is where the issuer being voted upon is a client of UBS Global AM.

The following guidelines seek to address the conflicts of interest in a manner that promotes the client’s best interest:


    Under no circumstances will general business, sales or marketing issues influence our proxy votes.


    UBS Global AM and its affiliates engaged in banking, broker-dealer and investment banking activities (“Affiliates”) have policies in place prohibiting the sharing of certain sensitive information. These policies prohibit our personnel from disclosing information regarding our voting intentions to any Affiliate. Any of our personnel involved in the proxy voting process who are contacted by an Affiliate regarding the manner in which we intend to vote on a specific issue, must terminate the contact and notify the Legal & Compliance Department immediately. {Note: Legal & Compliance personnel may have contact with their counterparts working for an Affiliate on matters involving information barriers.} In the event of any issue arising in relation to Affiliates, the Chair of the Global Committee must be advised, who will in turn advise the Chief Risk Officer.


    Where UBS Global AM is aware of a conflict of interest in voting a particular proxy, the Americas Committee will be notified of the conflict and will determine how such proxy should be voted.


VII. Record Keeping

UBS Global AM will maintain records of proxies voted. Such records include copies of:


    Our policies and procedures;


    Proxy statements received;


    Votes cast per client;


    Number of shares voted;


    Communications received and internal documents created that were material to the voting decision; and


    A list of all proxies where it was determined a conflict existed and any written rationale created or approved by the Local Corporate Governance Committee supporting its voting decision.

Nothing in these procedures should be interpreted to prevent dialogue with the company and its advisers by the industry analyst, proxy voting delegates or other appropriate senior investment personnel when a company approaches us to discuss governance issues or resolutions they wish to include in their policy statement.

Effective March 2013





Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures

Date Issued: December 2014

Date Last Revised: December 2014


I. Introduction:

As a fiduciary, Wells Capital Management (“WellsCap”) is obligated to vote proxies in the best interests of its clients. WellsCap has developed a structure that is designed to ensure that proxy voting is conducted in an appropriate manner, consistent with the clients’ best interest and within the framework of this Proxy Voting Policy and Procedures (“Policy”). WellsCap has adopted this Policy in order to satisfy its fiduciary obligation. It is intended that this Policy also satisfies the requirements of Rule 206(4)-6 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the “Advisers’ Act”).

WellsCap manages assets for a variety of clients: Taft-Hartley plans, governmental plans, foundations and endowments, corporations, and investment companies and other collective investment vehicles. Unless the client specifically reserves the right to vote their own proxies, WellsCap will vote proxies with a goal of maximizing shareholder value as a long-term investor and consistent with the governing laws and investment policies of each portfolio. While securities are not purchased to exercise control or to seek to effect corporate change through share ownership, WellsCap supports sound corporate governance practices within companies in which they invest.


II. Voting

A.    Philosophy:

When WellsCap accepts delegation from its clients to vote proxies, it does not delegate that authority to any other person or entity, but retains complete authority for voting all proxies on behalf of its clients. Not all clients delegate proxy-voting authority to WellsCap, however, and WellsCap will not vote proxies, or provide advice to clients on how to vote proxies in the absence of specific delegation of authority, a pre-existing contractual agreement, or an obligation under the applicable law. For example, securities that are held in an investment advisory account for which WellsCap exercises no investment discretion are not voted by WellsCap. Also, WellsCap may not exercise discretion over shares that the client has committed to a stock loan program, which passes voting rights to the party with possession of the shares. From time to time, WellsCap may participate with a dissident group to vote proxies. In such case, WellsCap’s appointment of an agent for limited purposes will not be deemed a delegation of authority under this Policy. WellsCap relies on a third party to provide research, administration, and executing votes based on their published guidelines. Notwithstanding, WellsCap retains final authority and fiduciary responsibility for proxy voting.

B.    Responsibilities

1. Proxy Administrator

WellsCap’s proxy voting process is administered by its Operations Department (“Proxy Administrator”), who reports to WellsCap’s Chief Operations Officer. The Proxy Administrator is responsible for administering and overseeing the proxy voting process to ensure the implementation of the Procedures. The Proxy Administrator monitors third party voting of proxies to ensure it is being done in a timely and responsible manner. The Proxy Administrator in conjunction with the Proxy Committee reviews the continuing appropriateness of the Procedures set forth herein, recommends revisions as necessary and provides an annual update on the proxy voting process.

2. The Proxy Committee: The Proxy Committee is chaired by the Head of Equity Investments. The Committee members are selected from portfolio management groups and include investment risk personnel. Members of the Committee are subject to change upon approval from the Committee Chair.

3. WellsCap Legal/Compliance Department provides oversight and guidance to the Committee as necessary.

4. Third Parties

To assist in its proxy-voting responsibilities, WellsCap subscribes to research and other proxy-administration services. Currently, WellsCap has contracted with Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) a provider of proxy-voting services, to provide the following services to WellsCap:


    Independently analyze and make recommendations for proxy proposals in accordance with the relevant voting platform;



    Receive all proxy information sent by custodians that hold securities of WellsCap’s Proxy Clients;
    Posts proxy information on its password-protected website, including meeting dates, agendas, and ISS’s analysis;


    Provides WellsCap with vote administration and execution, recordkeeping (proxy statements and votes), and reporting support services; and


    Annual analysis and rationale for guideline amendments.

C.    Methodology

Except in instances where clients have retained voting authority, WellsCap will instruct custodians of client accounts to forward all proxy statements and materials received in respect of client accounts to ISS. The Proxy Administrator reviews this information regularly and communicates with representatives of ISS to ensure that all agendas are considered and proxies are voted on a timely basis.

1. Voting Guidelines. WellsCap, through its agent (ISS), votes proxies on different platforms subject to the client’s expressed goals. The two key platforms are: (i) the ISS’s Proxy Voting Guidelines, and (ii) ISS’S Taft Hartley Advisory Services platform, which researches recommendations made by the AFL-CIO. These Guidelines set forth how proxies will be voted on the issues specified. Depending upon the proposal and the platform, the guidelines may provide that proxies be voted “for” or “against” the proposal, or that the proposal should be considered on a case-by-case basis. The guideline may also be silent on a particular proposal, especially regarding foreign securities. ISS will vote proxies for or against as directed by the guidelines. Where the guidelines specify a “case by case” determination for a particular issue, ISS will evaluate the proxies based on thresholds established in the proxy guidelines relative to the platform. In addition, for proxies relating to issues not addressed in the guidelines, ISS will refer the vote to WellsCap. Finally, the Proxy Administrator shall have the authority to direct ISS to forward the proxy to him or her for a discretionary vote, in consultation with the Proxy Committee or the portfolio manager covering the subject security, if the Proxy Committee or the portfolio manager determines that a case-by-case review of such matter is warranted. Where a potential conflict of interest is identified (as described herein), WellsCap may not deviate from the Procedures unless it has a documented compelling purpose to do so.

2. Voting Discretion. In all cases, the Proxy Administrator will exercise its voting discretion in accordance with the voting philosophy of the selected guideline. In cases where a proxy is forwarded by ISS to the Proxy Administrator, the Proxy Administrator may be assisted in its voting decision through receipt of: (i) independent research and voting recommendations provided by ISS, Portfolio Management or other independent sources; or (ii) information provided by company managements and shareholder groups. WellsCap believes that input from a portfolio manager or research analyst with knowledge of the issuer and its securities (collectively “Portfolio Manager”) is essential. Portfolio Management is, in WellsCap’s view, best able to evaluate the impact that the outcome on a particular proposal will have on the value of the issues shares. In the event that the Proxy Administrator is aware of a material conflict of interest involving Wells Fargo/WellsCap or any of its affiliates regarding a proxy that has been forwarded to him or her, the Proxy Administrator will, absent compelling circumstances, return the proxy to ISS to be voted in conformance with the voting guidelines of ISS.

Voting decisions made by the Proxy Administrator will be reported to ISS to ensure that the vote is registered in a timely manner.

3. Securities on Loan. As a general matter, securities on loan will not be recalled to facilitate proxy voting (in which case the borrower of the security shall be entitled to vote the proxy).

4. Share Blocking. Proxy voting in certain countries requires ‘share blocking’. Shareholders wishing to vote their proxies must deposit their shares with a designated depositary before the date of the meeting. Consequently, the shares may not be sold in the period preceding the proxy vote. Absent compelling reasons, WellsCap believes that the benefit derived from voting these shares is outweighed by the burden of limited trading. Therefore, if share blocking is required in certain markets, WellsCap will not participate and refrain from voting proxies for those clients impacted by share blocking.

5. Conflicts of Interest. WellsCap has obtained a copy of ISS policies, procedures and practices regarding potential conflicts of interest that could arise in ISS proxy voting services to WellsCap as a result of business conducted by ISS. WellsCap believes that potential conflicts of interest by ISS are minimized by these policies, procedures and practices. In addition, Wells Fargo and/or WellsCap may have a conflict of interest regarding a proxy to be voted upon if, for example, Wells Fargo and/or WellsCap or its affiliates have other relationships with the issuer of the proxy. WellsCap believes that, in most instances, any material conflicts of interest will be minimized through a strict and objective application by ISS of the voting guidelines. However, when the Proxy Administrator is aware of a material conflict of interest regarding a matter that would otherwise require a vote by WellsCap, the Proxy Administrator shall defer to ISS to vote in conformance with the voting guidelines of ISS. In addition, the Proxy Administrator will seek to avoid any undue influence as a result of any material conflict of interest that exists between the interest of a client and WellsCap or any of its affiliates. To this end, an independent fiduciary engaged by Wells Fargo will direct the Proxy Administrator on voting instructions for the Wells Fargo proxy.



6. Regulatory Conflicts/Restrictions. When the Proxy Administrator is aware of regulatory conflicts or restrictions, the Proxy Administrator shall defer to ISS to vote in conformance with ISS’s voting guidelines to avoid any regulatory violations.


III. Other Provisions

Guideline Review

The Proxy Committee meets at least annually to review this Policy and consider changes to it. Meetings may be convened more frequently (for example, to discuss a specific proxy agenda or proposal) as requested by the Manager of Proxy Administration, any member of the Proxy Committee, or WellsCap’s Chief Compliance Officer. A representative of WellsCap’s Compliance Department will be present (on a best efforts basis) at all Proxy Committee meetings, but will not vote on the proxies.

Record Retention

WellsCap will maintain the following records relating to the implementation of the Procedures:


    A copy of these proxy voting polices and procedures;


    Proxy statements received for client securities (which will be satisfied by relying on ISS);


    Records of votes cast on behalf of clients (which ISS maintains on behalf of WellsCap);


    Records of each written client request for proxy voting records and WellsCap’s written response to any client request (written or oral) for such records; and


    Any documents prepared by WellsCap or ISS that were material to making a proxy voting decision.

Such proxy voting books and records shall be maintained at an office of WellsCap in an easily accessible place for a period of five years.




Western Asset


(Effective 11/3/13)


An investment adviser is required to adopt and implement policies and procedures that we believe are reasonably designed to ensure that proxies are voted in the best interest of clients, in accordance with fiduciary duties and SEC Rule 206(4)-6 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (“Advisers Act”). The authority to vote the proxies of our clients is established through investment management agreements or comparable documents. In addition to SEC requirements governing advisers, long-standing fiduciary standards and responsibilities have been established for ERISA accounts. Unless a manager of ERISA assets has been expressly precluded from voting proxies, the Department of Labor has determined that the responsibility for these votes lies with the investment manager.


As a fixed income only manager, the occasion to vote proxies is very rare. However, the Firm has adopted and implemented policies and procedures that we believe are reasonably designed to ensure that proxies are voted in the best interest of clients, in accordance with our fiduciary duties and SEC Rule 206(4)-6 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (“Advisers Act”). In addition to SEC requirements governing advisers, our proxy voting policies reflect the long-standing fiduciary standards and responsibilities for ERISA accounts. Unless a manager of ERISA assets has been expressly precluded from voting proxies, the Department of Labor has determined that the responsibility for these votes lies with the Investment Manager.

While the guidelines included in the procedures are intended to provide a benchmark for voting standards, each vote is ultimately cast on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the Firm’s contractual obligations to our clients and all other relevant facts and circumstances at the time of the vote (such that these guidelines may be overridden to the extent the Firm deems appropriate).

In exercising its voting authority, Western Asset will not consult or enter into agreements with officers, directors or employees of Legg Mason Inc. or any of its affiliates (other than Western Asset affiliated companies) regarding the voting of any securities owned by its clients.


Responsibility and Oversight

The Western Asset Legal and Compliance Department (“Compliance Department”) is responsible for administering and overseeing the proxy voting process. The gathering of proxies is coordinated through the Corporate Actions area of Investment Support (“Corporate Actions”). Research analysts and portfolio managers are responsible for determining appropriate voting positions on each proxy utilizing any applicable guidelines contained in these procedures.

Client Authority

The Investment Management Agreement for each client is reviewed at account start-up for proxy voting instructions. If an agreement is silent on proxy voting, but contains an overall delegation of discretionary authority or if the account represents assets of an ERISA plan, Western Asset will assume responsibility for proxy voting. The Legal and Compliance Department maintains a matrix of proxy voting authority.

Proxy Gathering

Registered owners of record, client custodians, client banks and trustees (“Proxy Recipients”) that receive proxy materials on behalf of clients should forward them to Corporate Actions. Proxy Recipients for new clients (or, if Western Asset becomes aware that the applicable Proxy Recipient for an existing client has changed, the Proxy Recipient for the existing client) are notified at start-up of appropriate routing to Corporate Actions of proxy materials received and reminded of their responsibility to forward all proxy materials on a timely basis. If Western Asset personnel other than Corporate Actions receive proxy materials, they should promptly forward the materials to Corporate Actions.



Proxy Voting

Once proxy materials are received by Corporate Actions, they are forwarded to the Legal and Compliance Department for coordination and the following actions:


  a. Proxies are reviewed to determine accounts impacted.


  b. Impacted accounts are checked to confirm Western Asset voting authority.


  c. Legal and Compliance Department staff reviews proxy issues to determine any material conflicts of interest. (See conflicts of interest section of these procedures for further information on determining material conflicts of interest.)


  d. If a material conflict of interest exists, (i) to the extent reasonably practicable and permitted by applicable law, the client is promptly notified, the conflict is disclosed and Western Asset obtains the client’s proxy voting instructions, and (ii) to the extent that it is not reasonably practicable or permitted by applicable law to notify the client and obtain such instructions (e.g., the client is a mutual fund or other commingled vehicle or is an ERISA plan client), Western Asset seeks voting instructions from an independent third party.


  e. Legal and Compliance Department staff provides proxy material to the appropriate research analyst or portfolio manager to obtain their recommended vote. Research analysts and portfolio managers determine votes on a case-by-case basis taking into account the voting guidelines contained in these procedures. For avoidance of doubt, depending on the best interest of each individual client, Western Asset may vote the same proxy differently for different clients. The analyst’s or portfolio manager’s basis for their decision is documented and maintained by the Legal and Compliance Department.


  f. Legal and Compliance Department staff votes the proxy pursuant to the instructions received in (d) or (e) and returns the voted proxy as indicated in the proxy materials.


Western Asset personnel act in such a manner to ensure that, absent special circumstances, the proxy gathering and proxy voting steps noted above can be completed before the applicable deadline for returning proxy votes.


Western Asset maintains records of proxies voted pursuant to Section 204-2 of the Advisers Act and ERISA DOL Bulletin 94-2. These records include:


  a. A copy of Western Asset’s policies and procedures.


  b. Copies of proxy statements received regarding client securities.


  c. A copy of any document created by Western Asset that was material to making a decision how to vote proxies.


  d. Each written client request for proxy voting records and Western Asset’s written response to both verbal and written client requests.


  e. A proxy log including:


  1. Issuer name;


  2. Exchange ticker symbol of the issuer’s shares to be voted;


  3. Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures (“CUSIP”) number for the shares to be voted;


  4. A brief identification of the matter voted on;


  5. Whether the matter was proposed by the issuer or by a shareholder of the issuer;


  6. Whether a vote was cast on the matter;


  7. A record of how the vote was cast; and


  8. Whether the vote was cast for or against the recommendation of the issuer’s management team.

Records are maintained in an easily accessible place for five years, the first two in Western Asset’s offices.


Western Asset’s proxy policies are described in the firm’s Part 2A of Form ADV. Clients will be provided a copy of these policies and procedures upon request. In addition, upon request, clients may receive reports on how their proxies have been voted.



Conflicts of Interest

All proxies are reviewed by the Legal and Compliance Department for material conflicts of interest. Issues to be reviewed include, but are not limited to:


  1. Whether Western (or, to the extent required to be considered by applicable law, its affiliates) manages assets for the company or an employee group of the company or otherwise has an interest in the company;


  2. Whether Western or an officer or director of Western or the applicable portfolio manager or analyst responsible for recommending the proxy vote (together, “Voting Persons”) is a close relative of or has a personal or business relationship with an executive, director or person who is a candidate for director of the company or is a participant in a proxy contest; and


  3. Whether there is any other business or personal relationship where a Voting Person has a personal interest in the outcome of the matter before shareholders.

Voting Guidelines

Western Asset’s substantive voting decisions turn on the particular facts and circumstances of each proxy vote and are evaluated by the designated research analyst or portfolio manager. The examples outlined below are meant as guidelines to aid in the decision making process.

Guidelines are grouped according to the types of proposals generally presented to shareholders. Part I deals with proposals which have been approved and are recommended by a company’s board of directors; Part II deals with proposals submitted by shareholders for inclusion in proxy statements; Part III addresses issues relating to voting shares of investment companies; and Part IV addresses unique considerations pertaining to foreign issuers.


I. Board Approved Proposals

The vast majority of matters presented to shareholders for a vote involve proposals made by a company itself that have been approved and recommended by its board of directors. In view of the enhanced corporate governance practices currently being implemented in public companies, Western Asset generally votes in support of decisions reached by independent boards of directors. More specific guidelines related to certain board-approved proposals are as follows:


  1. Matters relating to the Board of Directors

Western Asset votes proxies for the election of the company’s nominees for directors and for board-approved proposals on other matters relating to the board of directors with the following exceptions:


  a. Votes are withheld for the entire board of directors if the board does not have a majority of independent directors or the board does not have nominating, audit and compensation committees composed solely of independent directors.


  b. Votes are withheld for any nominee for director who is considered an independent director by the company and who has received compensation from the company other than for service as a director.


  c. Votes are withheld for any nominee for director who attends less than 75% of board and committee meetings without valid reasons for absences.


  d. Votes are cast on a case-by-case basis in contested elections of directors.


  2. Matters relating to Executive Compensation

Western Asset generally favors compensation programs that relate executive compensation to a company’s long-term performance. Votes are cast on a case-by-case basis on board-approved proposals relating to executive compensation, except as follows:


  a. Except where the firm is otherwise withholding votes for the entire board of directors, Western Asset votes for stock option plans that will result in a minimal annual dilution.


  b. Western Asset votes against stock option plans or proposals that permit replacing or repricing of underwater options.


  c. Western Asset votes against stock option plans that permit issuance of options with an exercise price below the stock’s current market price.



  d. Except where the firm is otherwise withholding votes for the entire board of directors, Western Asset votes for employee stock purchase plans that limit the discount for shares purchased under the plan to no more than 15% of their market value, have an offering period of 27 months or less and result in dilution of 10% or less.


  3. Matters relating to Capitalization

The management of a company’s capital structure involves a number of important issues, including cash flows, financing needs and market conditions that are unique to the circumstances of each company. As a result, Western Asset votes on a case-by-case basis on board-approved proposals involving changes to a company’s capitalization except where Western Asset is otherwise withholding votes for the entire board of directors.


  a. Western Asset votes for proposals relating to the authorization of additional common stock.


  b. Western Asset votes for proposals to effect stock splits (excluding reverse stock splits).


  c. Western Asset votes for proposals authorizing share repurchase programs.


  4. Matters relating to Acquisitions, Mergers, Reorganizations and Other Transactions

Western Asset votes these issues on a case-by-case basis on board-approved transactions.


  5. Matters relating to Anti-Takeover Measures

Western Asset votes against board-approved proposals to adopt anti-takeover measures except as follows:


  a. Western Asset votes on a case-by-case basis on proposals to ratify or approve shareholder rights plans.


  b. Western Asset votes on a case-by-case basis on proposals to adopt fair price provisions.


  6. Other Business Matters

Western Asset votes for board-approved proposals approving such routine business matters such as changing the company’s name, ratifying the appointment of auditors and procedural matters relating to the shareholder meeting.


  a. Western Asset votes on a case-by-case basis on proposals to amend a company’s charter or bylaws.


  b. Western Asset votes against authorization to transact other unidentified, substantive business at the meeting.


II. Shareholder Proposals

SEC regulations permit shareholders to submit proposals for inclusion in a company’s proxy statement. These proposals generally seek to change some aspect of a company’s corporate governance structure or to change some aspect of its business operations. Western Asset votes in accordance with the recommendation of the company’s board of directors on all shareholder proposals, except as follows:


  1. Western Asset votes for shareholder proposals to require shareholder approval of shareholder rights plans.


  2. Western Asset votes for shareholder proposals that are consistent with Western Asset’s proxy voting guidelines for board-approved proposals.


  3. Western Asset votes on a case-by-case basis on other shareholder proposals where the firm is otherwise withholding votes for the entire board of directors.


III. Voting Shares of Investment Companies

Western Asset may utilize shares of open or closed-end investment companies to implement its investment strategies. Shareholder votes for investment companies that fall within the categories listed in Parts I and II above are voted in accordance with those guidelines.


  1. Western Asset votes on a case-by-case basis on proposals relating to changes in the investment objectives of an investment company taking into account the original intent of the fund and the role the fund plays in the clients’ portfolios.


  2. Western Asset votes on a case-by-case basis all proposals that would result in increases in expenses (e.g., proposals to adopt 12b-1 plans, alter investment advisory arrangements or approve fund mergers) taking into account comparable expenses for similar funds and the services to be provided.



IV. Voting Shares of Foreign Issuers

In the event Western Asset is required to vote on securities held in non-U.S. issuers — i.e. issuers that are incorporated under the laws of a foreign jurisdiction and that are not listed on a U.S. securities exchange or the NASDAQ stock market, the following guidelines are used, which are premised on the existence of a sound corporate governance and disclosure framework. These guidelines, however, may not be appropriate under some circumstances for foreign issuers and therefore apply only where applicable.


  1. Western Asset votes for shareholder proposals calling for a majority of the directors to be independent of management.


  2. Western Asset votes for shareholder proposals seeking to increase the independence of board nominating, audit and compensation committees.


  3. Western Asset votes for shareholder proposals that implement corporate governance standards similar to those established under U.S. federal law and the listing requirements of U.S. stock exchanges, and that do not otherwise violate the laws of the jurisdiction under which the company is incorporated.


  4. Western Asset votes on a case-by-case basis on proposals relating to (1) the issuance of common stock in excess of 20% of a company’s outstanding common stock where shareholders do not have preemptive rights, or (2) the issuance of common stock in excess of 100% of a company’s outstanding common stock where shareholders have preemptive rights.

Retirement Accounts

For accounts subject to ERISA, as well as other Retirement Accounts, Western Asset is presumed to have the responsibility to vote proxies for the client. The Department of Labor (“DOL”) has issued a bulletin that states that investment managers have the responsibility to vote proxies on behalf of Retirement Accounts unless the authority to vote proxies has been specifically reserved to another named fiduciary. Furthermore, unless Western Asset is expressly precluded from voting the proxies, the DOL has determined that the responsibility remains with the investment manager.

In order to comply with the DOL’s position, Western Asset will be presumed to have the obligation to vote proxies for its Retirement Accounts unless Western Asset has obtained a specific written instruction indicating that: (a) the right to vote proxies has been reserved to a named fiduciary of the client, and (b) Western Asset is precluded from voting proxies on behalf of the client. If Western Asset does not receive such an instruction, Western Asset will be responsible for voting proxies in the best interests of the Retirement Account client and in accordance with any proxy voting guidelines provided by the client.








Form No. 15-17595-36
