6-K 1 d711283d6k.htm FORM 6-K FORM 6-K



Washington, D.C. 20549


Report of Foreign Private Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 under the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of May, 2014

Commission File Number 1-8910


(Translation of registrant’s name into English)




(Address of principal executive office)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.

Form 20-F  x    Form 40-F  ¨

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1):             

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On May 13, 2014, the registrant filed with the Tokyo Stock Exchange information as to the registrant’s financial condition and results of operations at and for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014. Attached hereto is a copy of the press release and supplementary data relating thereto, both dated May 13, 2014, pertaining to such financial condition and results of operations, as well as forecasts for the registrant’s operations for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015. The consolidated financial information of the registrant and that of its subsidiary, NTT DOCOMO, INC., included in the press release and the supplementary data relating thereto were prepared on the basis of accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. The non-consolidated financial information of the registrant and that of each of the registrant’s three wholly-owned subsidiaries, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation and NTT Communications Corporation, as well as the consolidated financial information of its subsidiary, NTT DATA CORPORATION, included in the press release and the supplementary data relating thereto were prepared on the basis of accounting principles generally accepted in Japan. The consolidated financial information of the registrant’s subsidiary, Dimension Data Holdings plc, included in the supplementary data relating to the press release was prepared on the basis of International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). The financial results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 are currently being audited, and the actual results could differ materially from those set forth in the press release.

The earnings projections of the registrant and its subsidiaries for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015 included in the press release contain forward-looking statements. The registrant desires to qualify for the “safe-harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, and consequently is hereby filing cautionary statements identifying important factors that could cause the registrant’s actual results to differ materially from those set forth in the attachment.

The registrant’s forward-looking statements are based on a series of assumptions, projections, estimates, judgments and beliefs of the management of the registrant in light of information currently available to it regarding the registrant and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the economy and the telecommunications industry in Japan and overseas, and other factors. These projections and estimates may be affected by the future business operations of the registrant and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the state of the economy in Japan and abroad, possible fluctuations in the securities markets, the pricing of services, the effects of competition, the performance of new products, services and new businesses, changes to laws and regulations affecting the telecommunications industry in Japan and elsewhere, other changes in circumstances that could cause actual results to differ materially from any future results that may be derived from the forward-looking statements, as well as other risks included in the registrant’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings and submissions with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

No assurance can be given that the registrant’s actual results will not vary significantly from any expectation of future results that may be derived from the forward-looking statements included herein.

The information on any website referenced herein or in the attached material is not incorporated by reference herein or therein.

The attached material is a translation of the Japanese original. The Japanese original is authoritative.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.




  /s/ Kazuhiko Nakayama

  Name:   Kazuhiko Nakayama
  Title:   General Manager

Investor Relations Office

Date: May 13, 2014

Financial Results Release    May 13, 2014

For the Year Ended March 31, 2014

   [U.S. GAAP]

Name of registrant: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (“NTT”)

Code No.: 9432

Stock exchange on which the Company’s shares are listed: Tokyo

(URL http://www.ntt.co.jp/ir/)

Representative: Hiroo Unoura, President and Chief Executive Officer

Contact: Kazuhiko Nakayama, Head of IR, Finance and Accounting Department/ TEL +81-3-6838-5481

Scheduled date of the ordinary general meeting of shareholders: June 26, 2014

Scheduled date of dividend payment: June 27, 2014

Scheduled filing date of securities report: June 30, 2014

Supplemental material on financial results: Yes

Presentation on financial results: Yes (for institutional investors and analysts)


1. Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2014 (April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014)

Amounts are rounded off to nearest million yen.

(1) Consolidated Results of Operations


     (Millions of yen)  
     Operating Revenues     Operating Income     Income (Loss)
before Income Taxes
    Net Income (Loss)  

Year ended March 31, 2014

     10,925,174         2.1     1,213,653         1.0     1,294,195         8.1     585,473         12.2

Year ended March 31, 2013

     10,700,740         1.8     1,201,968         (1.7 )%      1,197,647         (3.4 )%      521,932         11.6

Note: Percentages above represent changes from the previous year.


     Earnings (Loss)
per Share
    Diluted Earnings
per Share
(Ratio of
Net Income to
(Ratio of
Income  (Loss)

Income Taxes
to Total Assets)
    Operating  Income
(Ratio of
Operating Income
to Operating

Year ended March 31, 2014

     509.21  (yen)      —  (yen)      7.0     6.5     11.1

Year ended March 31, 2013

     430.68  (yen)      —  (yen)      6.5     6.2     11.2



  Comprehensive income (loss) attributable to NTT:   For the year ended March 31, 2014:   873,371 million yen (27.2%)
    For the year ended March 31, 2013:   686,843 million yen (66.1%)
  Equity in earnings (losses) of affiliated companies:   For the year ended March 31, 2014:   (50,792) million yen
    For the year ended March 31, 2013:   (16,093) million yen
  Figures for Year ended March 31, 2013 have been revised from those disclosed on May 10, 2013, as described in “4. CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (7) Change in Significant Matters Serving as a Basis for the Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements” on page 29.

(2) Consolidated Financial Position


      (Millions of yen, except per share amounts)  
     Total Assets      Total Equity      Shareholders’
     Equity Ratio
(Ratio of Shareholders’

Equity to Total Assets)
    Shareholders’ Equity
per Share

March 31, 2014

     20,284,949         10,924,806         8,511,354         42.0     7,667.57 (yen)   

March 31, 2013

     19,549,067         10,522,003         8,231,439         42.1     6,944.17 (yen)   


Note:       Figures for March 31, 2013 have been revised from those disclosed on May 10, 2013, as described in “4. CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (7) Change in Significant Matters Serving as a Basis for the Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements” on page 29.

(3) Consolidated Cash Flows


      (Millions of yen)  
     Cash Flows from
Operating Activities
     Cash Flows from
Investing Activities
    Cash Flows from
Financing Activities
    Cash and Cash Equivalents
at End of Year

Year ended March 31, 2014

     2,727,904         (2,106,806     (622,440     984,463   

Year ended March 31, 2013

     2,453,682         (1,776,253     (745,181     961,433   


2. Dividends


    Dividends per Share                 Ratio of
Dividends to
    End of
the  First

    End of the
  End of
the Third
    Year-end     Total     Total Annual
    Payout Ratio

Year ended March 31, 2013

    —        80.00 (yen)     —          80.00 (yen)        160.00 (yen)        192,571 (Millions of yen)        37.2     2.4

Year ended March 31, 2014

    —        80.00 (yen)     —          90.00 (yen)        170.00 (yen)        191,249 (Millions of yen)        33.4     2.3

Year ending March 31, 2015 (Forecasts)

    —        90.00 (yen)     —          90.00 (yen)        180.00 (yen)        —          33.6     —     


3. Consolidated Financial Results Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2015 (April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Operating Revenues     Operating
    Income before
Income Taxes
    Net Income
Attributable to NTT
    Basic Earnings per  Share
Attributable to NTT

Year ending March 31, 2015

     11,200,000         2.5     1,215,000         0.1     1,195,000         (7.7 )%      586,000         0.1     536.00  (yen) 

Note: Percentages above represent changes from the previous year.


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* Notes


  (1) Change in reporting entities (change in significant consolidated subsidiaries): None


  (2) Change of accounting policy


  1. Change due to revision of accounting standards and other regulations: Yes


  2. Others: None


     (For further details, please see “(7) Change in significant matters serving as a basis for the preparation of consolidated financial statements” on page 29.)


  (3) Number of shares outstanding (common stock)


  1. Number of shares outstanding (including treasury stock) at end of year:

March 31, 2014: 1,136,697,235 shares


March 31, 2013: 1,323,197,235 shares


  2. Number of treasury stock at end of year:

March 31, 2014: 26,650,807 shares


March 31, 2013: 137,822,603 shares


  3. Weighted average number of shares outstanding:

For the year ended March 31, 2014: 1,149,758,214 shares


For the year ended March 31, 2013: 1,211,880,769 shares

(Reference) Non-Consolidated Financial Results

For the Year Ended March 31, 2014

     [Japanese GAAP


1. Non-consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2014 (April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014)

Amounts are rounded off per 1 million yen.

(1) Non-consolidated Results of Operations


     (Millions of yen, except per share amounts)  
     Operating Revenues     Operating Income     Recurring Profit     Net Income  

Year ended March 31, 2014

     430,843         (0.4 )%      283,530         1.8     277,322         1.1     279,224         2.8

Year ended March 31, 2013

     432,785         5.2     278,610         8.1     274,429         5.8     271,527         5.5

Note: Percentages above represent changes from the previous year.


     Earnings per Share     Earnings per Share after
Potential Dilution Adjustments

Year ended March 31, 2014

     242.86  (yen)      —   (yen) 

Year ended March 31, 2013

     224.05  (yen)      —   (yen) 

(2) Non-consolidated Financial Position


     (Millions of yen, except per share amounts)  
     Total Assets      Net Assets      Equity Ratio
(Ratio of Shareholders’ Equity
to Total Assets)
    Net Assets
per Share

March 31, 2014

     7,302,096         4,329,004         59.3     3,899.84  (yen) 

March 31, 2013

     7,467,851         4,641,171         62.1     3,915.36  (yen) 


(Reference) Shareholders’ equity:

   For the year ended March 31, 2014:      4,329,004 million yen   
   For the year ended March 31, 2013:      4,641,171 million yen   


2. Non-consolidated Financial Results Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2015 (April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015)


     (Millions of yen, except per share amounts)  
     Operating Revenues     Operating Income     Recurring Profit     Net Income     Earnings
per Share

Year ending March 31, 2015

     422,000         (2.1 )%      277,000         (2.3 )%      272,000         (1.9 )%      274,000         (1.9 )%      250.00  (yen) 

Note: Percentages above represent changes from the previous year.

* The figures for the payout ratio (consolidated) and the earnings per share (consolidated/non-consolidated) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015 (forecasts) are based on the assumption that NTT will repurchase up to 44 million shares for up to 250 billion yen, as resolved at the board of directors’ meeting held on May 13, 2014, and retain these shares as treasury stock.

* Presentation on the status of audit process:

This financial results release is not subject to the audit process as required by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan. As of the date when this financial results release was issued, the audit process on financial statements as required by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act was still ongoing.

* Explanation for forecasts of operation and other notes:

With regard to the assumptions and other related matters concerning the above estimated results, please refer to page 46. As NTT evaluates its business performance on an annual basis, prospects on a semi-annual basis are not provided.

On Tuesday, May 13, 2014, NTT will hold a presentation on its financial results for institutional investors and analysts. Shortly thereafter, NTT plans to post on its website explanatory details, along with the materials used at the presentation.


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(1) Analysis Concerning Business Results

Overview of Consolidated Business Results (April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Fiscal Year Ended
March  31, 2013
(April 1, 2012 –
March 31, 2013)
     Fiscal Year Ended
March  31, 2014
(April 1, 2013 –
March 31, 2014)
     Change      Percent Change  

Operating revenues

     10,700.7         10,925.2         224.4         2.1

Operating expenses

     9,498.8         9,711.5         212.7         2.2

Operating income

     1,202.0         1,213.7         11.7         1.0

Income before income taxes

     1,197.6         1,294.2         96.5         8.1

Net income attributable to NTT

     521.9         585.5         63.5         12.2

In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014, while the US economy was buoyant and there were also indications of recovery in Europe, there was only modest growth overall in the global economy due to a slowdown in China and other emerging countries. Against a backdrop of government and other policy stimulus measures, the Japanese economy continued to make a gentle recovery, centered around domestic demand.

In the information and telecommunications market, optical broadband services, LTE services and Wi-Fi- based broadband speeds, as well as the permeation of smartphones, tablets and various other devices have all increased, and the use of social media and cloud services continued to expand. There has also been a worldwide trend of various new participants, in addition to telecommunications companies, entering the market, and rapid growth in the variety and sophistication of services.

In light of these circumstances, NTT Group worked to expand its global cloud services and strengthen its network service competitiveness in line with its Medium-Term Management Strategy adopted in November 2012, entitled “Towards the Next Stage.”



Expansion of Global Cloud Services

NTT Group worked to expand its provision of global cloud services by taking advantage of its strengths as a corporate group to provide comprehensive cloud services from the information and telecommunications platforms stage, such as data centers and the IP backbone, to the ICT management and applications stage.

In the field of research and development, a new research and development base, NTT Innovation Institute, Inc. (NTT I3), was established in North America—the most competitive market—in order to rapidly develop and bring to market top-level global security and cloud technologies. The unique consulting tools developed by NTT I3 have led to the receipt of new orders from customers.

To reinforce the structure by which global cloud services are provided, NTT Group acquired the following subsidiaries: security services provider Solutionary, Inc. (head office: United States), data center service provider RagingWire Data Centers (head office: United States), and network service provider Virtela Technology Services Incorporated (head office: United States). To strengthen the provision of teleconferencing services, NTT Group acquired Arkadin International SAS (head office: France), a provider of teleconference, Web conference and video conference services in 32 countries worldwide. In addition, NTT Group acquired everis Group (head office: Spain), a comprehensive provider of ICT services, to strengthen NTT Group’s operating base in Europe and Latin America.

In order to strengthen its provision of data center services, NTT Group established new data centers in Hong Kong, which has a high concentration of financial institutions with significant requirements for high-quality and stable ICT environments, as well as in Malaysia, where there is little impact from natural disasters, and in Tokyo, with its highly convenient transportation systems. The strengths of these data centers include safe facilities and high-quality networks.

Various NTT Group companies collaborated to obtain orders from companies such as Yum! Brands, Inc. (head office: United States), one of the world’s largest restaurant chain operators, whose portfolio includes Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut, for the provision of cloud-based collective systems for operations and outsourcing services, and from the Texas Department of Transportation, for optimization solutions and operation services for its core systems.


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Strengthening Network Service Competitiveness

In the fixed-line communications field, NTT Group worked to increase new subscriptions for its FLET’S Hikari service, including provision of the new service “Donto wari,” which offers subscribers a discount on monthly charges commencing from the start of use for a maximum of two years.

In the mobile communications field, NTT Group worked to expand the use of smartphones, including the launch of sales of the iPhone*, and at the same time further expanded the service area of its Xi service (LTE service). In addition, NTT Group launched a Quad-Band LTE service supporting the following four frequency bands: 800MHz, 1.5GHz, 1.7GHz and 2GHz, providing an environment with even greater network convenience for users.

To strengthen competitiveness in network services, NTT Group endeavored to cut costs in fixed-line and mobile communications services. Specifically, NTT Group has worked to further enhance infrastructure efficiency by introducing high-performance equipment and by making effective use of existing equipment, while cutting the cost of laying optical transmission lines by increasing construction projects that do not require the dispatch of NTT employees and working to further improve the efficiency of its maintenance and operations business.



Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

In order to contribute to the sustainable development of society, NTT Group companies undertook a range of activities and engaged in proactive information disclosure based on the eight Priority Activities of the “NTT Group CSR Priority Activities” plan and quantitative indicators, which were established in accordance with the “NTT Group CSR Charter” to promote collective group initiatives.

Specifically, to “contribute to a sustainable society by providing customers with value,” NTT Group’s solutions, which enable the resolution of issues, including those associated with Japan’s aging population and lack of medical resources, while also facilitating continuity of medical operations in the event of a natural disaster, were adopted, constructed and deployed in the Ishinomaki/Kesennuma medical care districts of Miyagi Prefecture.

Furthermore, as a result of NTT Group’s initiatives to reduce greenhouse gases utilizing ICT as a means of “creating a low-carbon society,” NTT Group was recognized by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the world’s largest organization for the evaluation of companies in the context of climate change issues, as one of the leading companies in Japan for climate change disclosure. NTT Group was also the only Japanese telecommunications provider to achieve a position in the Climate Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI).

Moreover, NTT Group continued to promote initiatives aimed at “securing high-level stability and reliability in key infrastructure,” including improving the earthquake resistance and water resistance of exchange offices and re-examining transmission lines in light of lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake.

As a result of the above efforts, NTT Group’s consolidated operating revenues for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 were 10,925.2 billion yen (an increase of 2.1% from the previous fiscal year). Consolidated operating expenses were 9,711.5 billion yen (an increase of 2.2% from the previous fiscal year). As a result, consolidated operating income was 1,213.7 billion yen (an increase of 1.0% from the previous fiscal year), consolidated income before income taxes was 1,294.2 billion yen (an increase of 8.1% from the previous fiscal year), and consolidated net income attributable to NTT was 585.5 billion yen (an increase of 12.2% from the previous fiscal year).

The forecast for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015 is as follows: operating revenues of 11,200.0 billion yen (an increase of 2.5% year-over-year), operating income of 1,215.0 billion yen (an increase of 0.1% year-over-year), income before income taxes of 1,195.0 billion yen (a decrease of 7.7% year-over-year), and net income attributable to NTT of 586.0 billion yen (an increase of 0.1% year-over-year).


Notes: 1. The consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States.


           2. Figures from the same period of the previous fiscal year have been revised due to the effect of the retrospective application of the equity method to investments.


* TM and © 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc. The iPhone trademark is used under license from AIPHONE CO., LTD.

The business results for NTT (Holding Company) and each of its business segments for the consolidated fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 are as follows.


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Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (Holding Company)

Overview of Non-consolidated Business Results (April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Fiscal Year Ended
March  31, 2013
(April 1, 2012 –
March 31, 2013)
     Fiscal Year Ended
March  31, 2014
(April 1, 2013 –
March 31, 2014)
     Change     Percent Change  

Operating revenues

     432.7         430.8         (1.9     (0.4 )% 

Operating expenses

     154.1         147.3         (6.8     (4.5 )% 

Operating income

     278.6         283.5         4.9        1.8

Recurring profit

     274.4         277.3         2.8        1.1

Net income

     271.5         279.2         7.6        2.8

In its capacity as the holding company of the NTT Group companies, during the past fiscal year, NTT continued working to plan group-wide strategies and redistribute managerial resources in line with changes in the business environment. NTT also conducted fundamental research and development and provided the results to each group company for their broader dissemination, while planning and promoting the commercialization of fundamental technologies. Furthermore, NTT exercised voting and other shareholder rights at the general shareholders’ meetings of each group company.

During fiscal 2013, NTT repurchased 48,737,200 shares of its common stock for an aggregate of 250 billion yen pursuant to a resolution passed at its board of directors’ meeting held on May 10, 2013. In addition, on November 15, 2013, NTT cancelled 186,500,000 shares held as treasury stock pursuant to a resolution passed at its board of directors’ meeting held on November 8, 2013, and repurchased a further 26,556,800 shares of its common stock for an aggregate of 156.5 billion yen pursuant to a resolution passed at its board of directors’ meeting held on February 6, 2014.

NTT plans to set its annual dividends at 170 yen per share for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014.

[1] Provision of Advice and Intermediary Services to Group Companies

NTT continues to provide appropriate and timely advice and intermediary services to group companies to facilitate the performance of their business activities in line with group policies and objectives.

Specifically, NTT Group provided advice and intermediary services aimed at expanding its provision of global cloud services and strengthening its network service competitiveness in line with its Medium-Term Management Strategy “Towards the Next Stage.” As compensation for these services, NTT received 18.4 billion yen in group management and administration revenues for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 (a decrease of 2.6% from the previous fiscal year).

[2] Fundamental Research & Development Activities

Pursuant to its Medium-Term Management Strategy “Towards the Next Stage,” NTT Group has worked on research and development on fundamental technologies that contribute to the provision of safe and secure cloud services, the realization of an enjoyable user experience for each and every user, and the provision of highly competitive network services, to contribute toward realizing a more comfortable and enriched society serviced by a wide range of devices connected to the cloud. NTT worked to achieve technological development based on market trends and formulate business plans through the “General Production System” to promptly commercialize the results of its research and development. In addition, to create new value, NTT promoted open innovation through collaboration with other companies and engaged in cutting-edge future-oriented research.



Research & Development Contributing to the Provision of Safe and Secure Cloud Services



By participating in the community that develops the open source software “OpenStack” to build a cloud computing platform, NTT Group efficiently met its customers’ requirements and developed functions for differentiating NTT Group from its competitors, contributing to the early provision of a user- friendly cloud service in which customers can effortlessly put in place their network architectures in the cloud.



NTT became the world’s first company to develop a statistical analysis system incorporating Secure Computation Technologies at the commercial level as a security platform for the secure use of cloud services, which enables confidential data to undergo statistical processing while maintaining the confidentiality of the data.


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In the big data field, where the privacy of personal data is paramount, NTT Group developed an anonymization system that maintains the usability of personal data while ensuring advanced security.



To promote further dissemination of Jubatus, an open source processing platform for real-time analytical processing of big data, NTT launched a support service to provide installation and operational support in response to customer requests.



Research & Development Contributing to Realizing a Superior User Experience



Against a background of growing requirements for the distribution of ultra-high definition 4K and 8K video, NTT developed compression software that offers the highest level of video compression performance in the world.



NTT developed “Dialogue Engine” technology that enables natural conversation between humans and computers, through computers’ correct recognition of the conversation topic and context, and creation and selection of responses from a vast amount of data.



Research & Development Contributing to Provision of Highly Competitive Network Services



To strengthen its network service competitiveness, NTT undertook research and development aimed at realizing carrier networks that utilize virtualization technology, including developing technology for achieving highly reliable network services on an inexpensive general-purpose server, technology that automatically provides necessary services in a flexible and rapid manner, and elemental technology to realize the world’s fastest transfer speeds on a general-purpose server using a software switch.



NTT continued to develop “edge computing technology”—the installation of an edge server close to smartphones or other devices to disperse certain processes. This is a new form of network technology used for the provision of services required in real time and traffic reduction between M2M equipment involving frequent communications and servers. It is also used for achieving faster application speeds in a way that is not equipment-dependent.



Based on lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake, NTT has developed an “ICT Car,” a vehicle that provides the apparatus necessary for the provision of an ICT environment for telecommunications and information processing, etc. in compact form, to enable the immediate recovery of communications in the event of a natural disaster.



Promoting Open Innovation



NTT collaborated with Toray Industries, Inc. to develop the advanced nanofiber material “hitoe,” a fabric coated with a conductive resin which, when worn, can acquire the wearer’s biometric information such as heart rate and electrocardiogram waveform.



In partnership with DWANGO Co., Ltd., NTT created an immersive visual experience through the high-quality distribution of images from ceiling-wide cameras installed in the Nicofarre performance venue, and developed viewing quality optimization technology that optimizes quality during the distribution of images according to customers’ equipment environment and the degree of network congestion.



Through joint research with Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), NTT succeeded in the world’s first microwave electric-field measurement in plasma within a microwave discharge ion engine using on-board asteroid probes, etc., utilizing a sensor combining optical fiber and electro-optic crystal, thereby contributing to the understanding of the plasma production mechanism.



Promoting Advanced Research



NTT developed “Buru-Navi 3,” a far more compact version of its “Buru-Navi” technology that uses the characteristics of human perception to guide the user by generating the sense of being drawn along by special vibrations.



NTT developed a novel integration technology based on nanophotonics, the first of its kind in the world, aimed at a drastic reduction in power consumption in the ICT field, which makes it possible to replace the electrical wiring on a processor chip with a high-density optical network.



NTT developed sensor equipment incorporating a wireless circuit operating at nanowatt-level (1 nanowatt = 1 billionth of 1 watt ) power consumption, with the goal of realizing new services utilizing sensor equipment that requires less maintenance.


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As a result of these research and development activities, NTT’s total expenditures on research and development during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 were 119.9 billion yen (a decrease of 5.6% from the previous fiscal year), and NTT received basic research and development revenues of 114.4 billion yen (a decrease of 5.4% from the previous fiscal year) as compensation for these research and development activities.

[3] Share Ownership and Exercise of Voting Rights

NTT exercises its rights as a shareholder based on the principle that each group company should conduct its business activities in line with NTT Group’s policies and objectives, while maintaining its independence and autonomy. When exercising voting rights as a shareholder at the general shareholders’ meetings of each group company during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014, NTT determined that the business practices, financial conditions, retained earnings, and other conditions during the previous consolidated fiscal year (the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013) were appropriate and, accordingly, NTT voted to approve the disposition of unappropriated retained earnings based on proposals from each group company as well as the election of directors and other matters. As a result, NTT received 288.1 billion yen in dividends (an increase of 1.9% from the previous fiscal year).

As a result of the above, NTT’s operating revenues for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 were 430.8 billion yen (a decrease of 0.4% from the previous fiscal year), recurring profit was 277.3 billion yen (an increase of 1.1% from the previous fiscal year), and net income was 279.2 billion yen (an increase of 2.8% from the previous fiscal year).


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Regional Communications Business Segment

Overview of Business Results by Business Segment (April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2013
(April 1, 2012 –
March 31, 2013)
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2014
(April 1, 2013 –
March 31, 2014)
     Change     Percent Change  

Operating revenues

     3,659.8         3,572.3         (87.5     (2.4 )% 

Operating expenses

     3,566.9         3,445.1         (121.8     (3.4 )% 

Operating income

     93.0         127.2         34.3        36.9

Number of Subscriptions


     March 31, 2013      March 31, 2014      Change      Percent Change  

FLET’S Hikari

     17,300         18,050         750         4.3

NTT East

     9,750         10,187         437         4.5

NTT West

     7,550         7,863         313         4.1

Hikari Denwa

     15,169         16,256         1,087         7.2

NTT East

     8,085         8,694         610         7.5

NTT West

     7,084         7,562         477         6.7



1. Number of “FLET’S Hikari” subscribers includes subscribers to “B FLET’S,” “FLET’S Hikari Next,” “FLET’S Hikari Light” and “FLET’S Hikari WiFi Access” provided by NTT East, and subscribers to “B FLET’S,” “FLET’S Hikari Premium,” “FLET’S Hikari Mytown,” “FLET’S Hikari Next,” “FLET’S Hikari Light” and “FLET’S Hikari WiFi Access” provided by NTT West.
2. The figures for Hikari Denwa indicate the number of channels (in thousands).

NTT East and NTT West, the main subsidiaries of NTT in the regional communications business segment, worked to secure solid revenue streams by collaborating with other business operators, expanding their respective FLET’S Hikari service offerings, promoting fiber-optic and IP-related services through the expansion of opportunities for use of Hikari utilizing Wi-Fi, and improving support services to increase customer retention. The main initiatives are set out below.

[1] Number of Subscriptions for Major Services



FLET’S Hikari: 18.05 million subscriptions (an increase of 0.75 million subscriptions from the previous fiscal year)



Hikari Denwa: 16.26 million channels (an increase of 1.09 million channels from the previous fiscal year)



FLET’S TV: 1.16 million subscriptions (an increase of 0.16 million subscriptions from the previous fiscal year)


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[2] Promotion of Fiber-optic and IP Services

Major Services Launched in the Fiscal Year Under Review


Service or Product



FLET’S Hikari Next Prio

(NTT East)

   An optical broadband service for corporate customers, with a maximum communication speed of around 1Gbps and priority bandwidth for stable communications.

Donto Wari

(NTT West)

   A service aimed at promoting new subscriptions to FLET’S Hikari by providing further discounts on monthly charges after applying “Hikari Motto2 Wari,” for a maximum of two years from commencement of use of FLET’S Hikari.

FLET’S Azukeru

(NTT East)

   A service for users of FLET’S Hikari that allows users to store data such as photos and video via online storage and to share and view their data.

FLET’S Smart Pay

(NTT East)

   A simple and easy-to-install payment service for stores that use FLET’S Hikari, which aims to help stimulate business in downtown stores by further spreading and increasing the use of non-cash payment.

Major Collaborative Projects with Other Businesses Relating to Provision of Services Entered into During the Fiscal Year Under Review


Business Partner



T-MEDIA Holdings Co., Ltd.

(NTT East)

   Launched the smart TV device “TSUTAYA Stick,” which allows customers to view “TSUTAYA TV,” a video distribution service from T-MEDIA Holdings, via NTT East’s FLET’S Hikari.

Sohgo Security Services Co., Ltd.

(NTT West)

   Launched a security service co-developed with Sohgo Security for autonomous crime prevention measures, utilizing a camera equipped with a sensor and an information device such as a PC or smartphone.

[3] Improving Customer Service

Expanding and Enhancing Customer Support



Subscriptions for “Remote Support Service,” which provides remote responses to a broad range of customer inquiries concerning all aspects of broadband services, reached 4.60 million. (NTT East/NTT West).



Subscriptions to the “FLET’S Hikari Members Club” (for NTT East) and “CLUB NTT-West” (for NTT West) membership privilege programs, which offer special content and points based on monthly usage, reached a total of 10.61 million.

As a result of the above, and despite an increase in IP / packet communications revenues attributable to the increase in “FLET’S Hikari” and “Hikari Denwa” subscriptions, consolidated operating revenues in the regional communications business segment for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 decreased to 3,572.3 billion yen (a decrease of 2.4% from the previous fiscal year) due to a decrease in fixed voice related revenues resulting from the decline in fixed-line telephone subscriptions. On the other hand, due to a decrease in personnel expenses and operating expenses, among other factors, consolidated operating expenses were 3,445.1 billion yen in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 (a decrease of 3.4% from the previous fiscal year). As a result, consolidated operating income was 127.2 billion yen (an increase of 36.9% from the previous fiscal year).


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Long-distance and International Communications Business Segment

Overview of Business Results by Business Segment (April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2013
(April 1, 2012 –
March 31, 2013)
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2014
(April 1, 2013 –
March 31, 2014)
     Change      Percent Change  

Operating revenues

     1,657.9         1,809.9         152.0         9.2

Operating expenses

     1,536.7         1,682.4         145.8         9.5

Operating income

     121.3         127.5         6.2         5.1

Pursuant to its “Vision 2015” business strategy, NTT Communications worked to become the optimal business partner that global customers choose to work with and a true leading global player (Global ICT Partner). For corporate clients, NTT Communications worked to provide total global ICT outsourcing services unique to telecommunication providers that combine networks, data centers, applications and security. For individual customers, NTT Communications worked to provide more convenient applications and rich content, enabling new lifestyles. The main initiatives are set out below.

[1] Number of Subscriptions for Major Services



Hikari TV: 2.82 million subscriptions (an increase of 0.37 million subscriptions from the previous fiscal year)



OCN: 8.15 million subscriptions (a decrease of 0.06 million subscriptions from the previous fiscal year)



Plala: 2.97 million subscriptions (a decrease of 0.10 million subscriptions from the previous fiscal year)

[2] Development of Global Business

Strengthening of Systems for Service Provision



NTT Communications launched the operation of Tokyo No. 6 Data Center, the city’s largest data center with a total floor area of about 20,000m2, and Hong Kong Financial Data Centre, which has Tier IV-compatible infrastructure – the highest global quality level in the data center sector – and a total floor area of about 70,000m2. In addition, NTT Communications established NexcenterTM as a unified global brand name for its data center services.



To expand the available server room area of high-quality data centers in the United States and meet demand for cloud services, NTT Communications acquired RagingWire Data Centers (head office: United States), a data center provider.



To achieve greater business efficiency through the integration of operations and expand services that utilize network virtualization technology, NTT Communications acquired Virtela Technology Services, Incorporated (head office: United States), a provider of network services and cloud-based managed network services.



To enhance the functions offered by videoconferencing services and accelerate expansion of the range of countries in which it offers services, NTT Communications acquired Arkadin International SAS (head office: France), a provider of collaborative services including voice, Web and teleconferencing services.



NTT Communications established “WideAngle” as the unified global brand name for its security services.

Network Expansion



To meet the demand for high-quality, highly reliable IP backbones, NTT Communications established new connection points as part of its Global Internet Access service “Global IP Network” in six cities across four countries, including Jakarta.


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[3] Development of Services for Corporate Customers

Main Services Launched in the Fiscal Year Under Review





Biz Hosting Enterprise Cloud


On-premises connection

   Cloud migration service that provides for smooth and flexible migration from a client’s premises to the cloud via a virtual network.

Colocation connection

   A service connecting NTT Communications’ specified cloud and colocation in the same segment via a virtual network.

WideAngle Professional Services

   Highly specialized security services provided by security consultants and engineers with extensive experience in security.

[4] Development of Services for Individual Customers

Main Services Launched in the Fiscal Year Under Review





OCN Mobile ONE

   An LTE-compatible mobile data communications service that allows the user to select the best option for accommodating his or her communication volume and speed.

As a result of the above, and despite a decline in fixed voice related revenues, consolidated operating revenues in the long-distance and international communications business segment for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 were 1,809.9 billion yen (an increase of 9.2% from the previous fiscal year) due to the depreciation of the yen and an increase in system integration revenues, in addition to an increase in the number of consolidated subsidiaries. On the other hand, despite a decrease in operating expenses as a result of improved operating efficiency, consolidated operating expenses for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 were 1,682.4 billion yen (an increase of 9.5% from the previous fiscal year) due to the depreciation of the yen, an increase in revenue-linked expenses and an increase in the number of consolidated subsidiaries. As a result, consolidated operating income was 127.5 billion yen (an increase of 5.1% from the previous fiscal year).


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Mobile Communications Business Segment

Overview of Business Results by Business Segment (April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2013
(April 1, 2012 –
March 31, 2013)
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2014
(April 1, 2013 –
March 31, 2014)
     Change     Percent Change  

Operating revenues

     4,470.1         4,461.2         (8.9     (0.2 )% 

Operating expenses

     3,633.7         3,644.0         10.3        0.3

Operating income

     836.4         817.2         (19.2     (2.3 )% 
Number of Subscriptions           
     March 31, 2013      March 31, 2014      Change     Percent Change  

Mobile phone services

     61,536         63,105         1,569        2.6

FOMA services

     49,970         41,140         (8,830     (17.7 )% 

Xi services

     11,566         21,965         10,399        89.9

i-mode services

     32,688         26,415         (6,273     (19.2 )% 

sp-mode services

     18,285         23,781         5,497        30.1


1. Figures for mobile phone service subscriptions, FOMA service subscriptions and mova service subscriptions include communications module service subscriptions.
2. Effective March 3, 2008, the use of the “2-in-1” service, in principle, requires a “FOMA” subscription; the number of mobile phone service subscriptions and the number of “FOMA” service subscriptions include such “FOMA” subscriptions.

Based on its medium-term management policy, “Medium-Term Vision 2015: Shaping a Smart Life,” NTT DOCOMO worked to strengthen its total capability in the four areas of “devices,” “networks,” “services” and “fees and channels,” and to expand new services in its “dmarket,” to encourage even more customers to choose NTT DOCOMO as their “Smart Life Partner.” The main initiatives are set out below.

[1] Number of Subscriptions to Main Services

To meet customers’ wide-ranging needs and encourage even more customers to use NTT DOCOMO’s unique services, NTT DOCOMO launched sales of the iPhone* and expanded its smartphone lineup.


* TM and © 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc. The iPhone trademark is used under license from AIPHONE CO, Ltd.



Number of mobile phone service subscriptions: 63.11 million (an increase of 1.57 million subscriptions from the previous fiscal year)

(Partial listing only) FOMA service subscriptions: 41.14 million (a decrease of 8.83 million subscriptions from the previous fiscal year)

(Partial listing only) Xi (LTE service) subscriptions: 21.97 million (an increase of 10.40 million subscriptions from the previous fiscal year)

(Note) Number of subscriptions to mobile phone services and “FOMA” services includes communication module service subscriptions.


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Main Services Launched in the Fiscal Year Under Review


Service, etc.






d creators

   A service for displaying and offering for purchase items such as accessories and novels created by aspiring artists and writers, etc.

d fashion

   A dedicated fashion e-commerce site operated jointly with MAGASeek Corporation, an online fashion retailer.

d kids

   A service offering educational content such as picture books and illustrated reference books for kids.

d travel

   A service provided in partnership with JTB Corporation offering comprehensive support to customers from the trip-planning stage to the trip itself

docomo mail

   A service that allows for the storing of sent and received emails on the cloud and the use of the same email address from multiple devices.

Pet Fit

   A service that allows for the management of a pet dog’s health and the confirmation of its current location by attaching a tag equipped with telecommunication functionality.

[2] Expansion of Service Area



The number of Xi service (LTE service) base stations nationwide increased to 55,300 stations as of the end of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 (an increase of 30,900 stations compared with the end of the previous fiscal year). NTT DOCOMO also worked to further expand its service area, including subway stations and Shinkansen stations, commercial facilities and schools, and Mount Fuji (during the July-August climbing season), which has been registered as a World Heritage site.



NTT DOCOMO launched the operation of Quad-Band LTE, which facilitates the provision of a convenient high-speed, high-volume communication environment by utilizing the characteristics of four frequency bands (800MHz, 1.5GHz, 1.7GHz, and 2GHz).

[3] Efforts in New Fields



docomo Healthcare, Inc. launched the new health management service “WM” (Watashi Move).



To provide a variety of payment services in the European online goods market, NTT DOCOMO acquired fine trade gmbh (head office: Austria), a payment services provider.

As a result of the above, and despite an increase in revenues from communications handset sales as a result of robust smartphone sales efforts and an increase in revenues associated with operations in new business sectors, consolidated operating revenues for the mobile communications business segment for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 were 4,461.2 billion yen (a decrease of 0.2% from the previous fiscal year) due to a decline in voice revenues as a result of the impact of “Monthly Support” discount programs and a decrease in billable MOU(*1). On the other hand, despite a decrease in operating expenses due to the promotion of cost-cutting efforts, consolidated operating expenses for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 were 3,644.0 billion yen (an increase of 0.3% from the previous fiscal year) due to an increase in depreciation expenses from the expansion of “Xi” service base stations and the enhancement of network facilities, an increase in the wholesale unit prices of handsets in conjunction with the increase in smartphone sales and an increase in expenses associated with operations in new business sectors. As a result, consolidated operating income was 817.2 billion yen (a decrease of 2.3% from the previous fiscal year).


(*1) MOU (Minutes Of Use): average monthly minutes of use per subscriber.


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Data Communications Business Segment

Overview of Business Results by Business Segment (April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2013
(April 1, 2012 –
March 31, 2013)
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2014
(April 1, 2013 –
March 31, 2014)
     Change     Percent

Operating revenues

     1,303.5         1,343.9         40.3        3.1

Operating expenses

     1,217.7         1,275.9         58.2        4.8

Operating income

     85.8         67.9         (17.9     (20.9 )% 

NTT DATA has evolved into a corporate group that efficiently provides a wide range of ICT services on a global scale, and is working to achieve its business goals of “Global Top 5 (Revenue over 1,500 billion yen)” and “EPS (Earnings Per Share) of 200 yen*.” NTT DATA’s Medium-Term Management Plan for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013 through the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016 has the following focus areas: “Expansion of new fields and reinforcement of product competitiveness,” “Expansion, enhancement and reinforcement of global business” and “Pursuit of overall optimization.” The main initiatives are set out below.


   On October 1, 2013, NTT DATA carried out a 100-for-1 stock split. As a result, it amended its target EPS to 200 yen from 20,000 yen.

[1] Management Policies



To expand its global business, NTT DATA acquired the following companies: everis Group (head office: Spain), a provider of a wide range of ICT services, mainly in Spain and Latin America, including consulting, systems integration and outsourcing; and Optimal Solutions Integration Inc.*(head office: United States), a leading provider of SAP expert services in the North America region.



NTT DATA promoted “remarketing” and “strategic R&D” to redefine existing concepts and rebuild the market in response to recent changes in the business environment and ICT.



With a view to making management more efficient, NTT DATA organized its in-house “Group Business Management Core System” in order to optimize allocation of management resources according to the specifics of each project, achieve expeditious management and enhance the precision of decision-making information, thereby creating additional group synergies.


* Optimal Solutions Integration Inc. changed its business name to NTT DATA Enterprise Services, Inc. on March 31, 2014.

[2] Status of Business Activity Measures



NTT DATA, which is recognized for its track record in providing services to a wide range of industries, began providing ICT support services to the Texas Department of Transportation, including application development and maintenance and service desk operations, maintenance of network and communications systems, and end-user support.



NTT DATA launched a Service Delivery Center in Louisville, Kentucky to provide business processes and ICT outsourcing services to U.S. corporations, and began providing outsourcing services for administrative tasks and related information systems in areas such as finance, general affairs, and human resources to Yum! Brands, Inc. (head office: United States), an operator of restaurant chains worldwide including Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut.



NTT DATA entered into an initial agreement with the Vatican Apostolic Library (location: Vatican City) to carry out digital archiving and long-term storage of approximately 80,000 manuscripts stored on-site, a legacy of human history spanning the second to the twentieth centuries, amounting to some 40 million pages.


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Main Services Launched in the Fiscal Year Under Review





Multi-Cloud Infrastructure Service

   A service that allows for the provision and selection of the cloud service that best meets the diverse needs of the customer.

As a result of the above, and despite a decrease in revenues caused by the scaling down of existing large-scale systems, consolidated operating revenues from the data communications business segment for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 were 1,343.9 billion yen (an increase of 3.1% from the previous fiscal year) due to, among other things, an increase in operating revenues of NTT’s overseas subsidiaries and the depreciation of the yen. On the other hand, consolidated operating expenses were 1,275.9 billion yen (an increase of 4.8% from the previous fiscal year) due to, among other things, the effects of an increase in unprofitable transactions, the depreciation of the yen and an increase in personnel expenses attributable to the increase in number of employees. As a result, consolidated operating income was 67.9 billion yen (a decrease of 20.9% from the previous fiscal year).

Other Business Segment

Overview of Business Results by Business Segment (April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2013
(April 1, 2012 –
March 31, 2013)
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2014
(April 1, 2013 –
March 31, 2014)
     Change      Percent

Operating revenues

     1,251.9         1,328.5         76.7         6.1

Operating expenses

     1,198.6         1,272.4         73.8         6.2

Operating income

     53.3         56.1         2.8         5.3

In the other business segment, due to increased revenues in the finance business, increased revenues in the real estate business as a result of an increase in the number of apartments delivered and increased revenues in the construction and power businesses, consolidated operating revenues for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 were 1,328.5 billion yen (an increase of 6.1% from the previous fiscal year). On the other hand, consolidated operating expenses for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 were 1,272.4 billion yen (an increase of 6.1% from the previous fiscal year) due to, among other things, an increase in revenue-linked expenses. As a result, consolidated operating income was 56.1 billion yen (an increase of 5.3% from the previous fiscal year).


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(2) Analysis of Financial Position

Consolidated cash flow from operating activities for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 was 2,727.9 billion yen. Compared to the previous fiscal year, cash flow increased 274.2 billion yen (11.2%) due to, among other factors, a decrease in payments of sales commissions to resellers in addition to the impact from the bank holidays.

Consolidated cash flow from investment activities amounted to 2,106.8 billion yen in cash outlays. Compared to the previous fiscal year, cash outlays increased 330.6 billion yen (18.6%). This increase was due to, among other factors, a decrease in income from the redemption of short-term investments associated with cash management activities exceeding three months in duration and an increase in payments for the purchase of non- current investments and other such investments, despite a decrease in capital investments.

Consolidated cash flow from financing activities amounted to cash outlays of 622.4 billion yen. Compared to the previous fiscal year, cash outlays decreased 122.7 billion yen (16.5%). This decrease was due to, among

other factors, an increase in borrowings that offset an increase in stock repurchases.

As a result of the above, NTT Group’s consolidated cash and cash equivalents at the end of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 totaled 984.5 billion yen, an increase of 23.0 billion yen (2.4%) compared with the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013.


     (Billions of yen)  
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2013
(April 1, 2012 –
March 31, 2013)
    Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2014
(April 1, 2013 –
March 31, 2014)
    Change     Percent

Cash flow from operating activities

     2,453.7        2,727.9        274.2        11.2

Cash flow from investment activities

     (1,776.3     (2,106.8     (330.6     (18.6 )% 

Cash flow from financing activities

     (745.2     (622.4     122.7        16.5

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year

     961.4        984.5        23.0        2.4

(3) Basic Policy Concerning Profit Distribution; Dividends in the Current Term and Next Term

In addition to increasing corporate value over the medium- and long-term, NTT has identified the return of profits to shareholders as an important management goal. In determining the level of dividends, NTT, while giving consideration to stability and sustainability, takes into account a full range of factors, including business performance, financial standing and dividend payout ratio.

It is planned that dividends for the current annual period will be 170 yen per share, comprising a 90-yen end-of-term dividend and a 80-yen interim dividend. For the next annual period, dividends are planned to be 180 yen for the full year.

While maintaining a good financial standing and as part of a capital policy to improve capital efficiency, NTT intends to use internal funds for investments in new business opportunities.


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NTT Group consists of NTT (Holding Company), its 946 subsidiaries and 123 affiliated companies (as of March 31, 2014). The principal businesses of NTT Group are its regional communications business, long-distance and international communications business, mobile communications business, and data communications business.

The principal elements of NTT Group’s businesses and the main consolidated subsidiaries in each business are as follows.

Among NTT’s main consolidated subsidiaries, NTT DOCOMO, INC. (NTT DOCOMO), NTT DATA CORPORATION (NTT DATA), NTT URBAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (NTTUD) and XNET Corporation are listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, NJK Corporation is listed on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and NTT DATA INTRAMART CORPORATION is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers.

(1) Regional Communications Business

The principal elements in this business are intra-prefectural communications services and related ancillary services pertaining to domestic communications services.


(2) Long-distance and International Communications Business

The principal elements in this business are inter-prefectural communications services, international communications services, solution services and related services thereof.

The consolidated subsidiaries in the long-distance and international communications business are NTT COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION (NTT Communications), Dimension Data Holdings plc (Dimension Data), NTT PC Communications Incorporated, NTT Plala Inc., NTT Resonant Inc., NTT America, Inc., NTT EUROPE LTD., NTT AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD., Verio Inc., NTT Com Security AG(*2), Virtela Technology Services Incorporated, RagingWire Data Centers, Inc., RW Holdco, Inc., RW Midco, Inc., Arkadin International SAS, Spectrum Holdings Inc, Dimension Data Commerce Centre Ltd, Dimension Data (US) II Inc, Dimension Data (US) Inc, Dimension Data North America, Inc, and 319 other companies.


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(3) Mobile Communications Business

The principal elements in this business are mobile telephone services and related services.

The consolidated subsidiaries in the mobile communications business are NTT DOCOMO, DOCOMO Service Inc., DOCOMO Engineering Inc., DOCOMO Mobile Inc., DOCOMO Support Inc., DOCOMO Systems, Inc., DOCOMO Technology, Inc., DOCOMO Business Net, Inc., DOCOMO Guam Holdings, Inc., MCV Guam Holding Corp., D2C Inc., mmbi, Inc., OAK LAWN MARKETING, INC., Tower Records Japan Inc., NTT DOCOMO Ventures, Inc. (*3), ABC HOLDINGS Co., Ltd., DOCOMO Deutschland GmbH, Buongiorno S.p.A., net mobile AG, DOCOMO interTouch Pte. Ltd., and 175 other companies.

(4) Data Communications Business

The principal elements in this business are systems integration services and network system services.

The consolidated subsidiaries in the data communications business are NTT DATA, NTT DATA i CORPORATION, NTT DATA KANSAI CORPORATION, XNET Corporation, Japan Information Processing Service Co., Ltd., NTT DATA INTRAMART CORPORATION, JSOL CORPORATION, NJK Corporation, NTT DATA CUSTOMER SERVICE CORPORATION, NTT DATA INTERNATIONAL L.L.C., NTT DATA EUROPE GmbH & Co. KG, itelligence AG, NTT DATA Deutschland GmbH, NTT DATA International Services, Inc., NTT DATA, Inc., NTT DATA Italia S.p.A., NTT DATA EMEA Ltd., NTT DATA Enterprise Services Holding, Inc., NTT DATA Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., Everis Participaciones, S.L., and 243 other companies.

(5) Other Business

The principal elements in this business are the real estate business, financing business, construction and electricity business, system development business and advanced technology development business.

Other consolidated subsidiaries of NTT are NTTUD, UD EUROPE LIMITED, NTT FINANCE CORPORATION, NTT FACILITIES, INC., NTT COMWARE CORPORATION, NTT ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION, NTT Electronics Corporation, NTT Software Corporation, NTT ADVERTISING, INC., InfoCom Research, Inc., NTT Human Solutions Corporation, NTT LEARNING SYSTEMS CORPORATION, NTT BUSINESS ASSOCIE Corporation, NTT LOGISCO Inc., NTT Broadband Platform, Inc., and 67 other companies.


*2: Integralis AG changed its name to NTT Com Security AG on June 24, 2013.
*3: DOCOMO Innovation Ventures, Inc. changed its name to NTT DOCOMO Ventures, Inc. on July 1, 2013.

A group organizational chart appears on the following page.


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(1) Basic Business Operation Policy and Medium-Term Management Objectives

For over 100 years, NTT Group has been the mainstay behind the growth and development of Japanese telecommunications; this track record, the confidence that comes with it, and one of the world’s leading R&D capabilities serve as the foundation from which we will “continue to provide safe and secure services, and continue to always earn the trust of our customers and stakeholders.” In order to do so, we will fulfill the legal responsibilities and social mission demanded of each of our businesses in a market environment characterized by intense competition, and at the same time move proactively to develop our businesses to meet the needs of the diversifying and expanding ICT industry. Our aim is for sustainable development backed always by a high level of trust from both our customers and our shareholders.

In furtherance of this basic business operation policy, in November 2012, NTT Group formulated its Medium-Term Strategy, entitled “Towards the Next Stage,” in order to respond to the increasingly faster globalization of the market and the development of cloud services. Based on this new management strategy, NTT Group will make global cloud services, which are expected to grow going forward, the cornerstone of its efforts to accelerate global business development, support the transformation of the business models of its corporate customers and to provide support for the various lifestyles of individual customers. Through these efforts, NTT Group will promote collaboration and innovation with various customers, endeavor to become the “valued partner” that customers continue to select, and contribute to the development of society.

(2) Issues Facing the Corporate Group

In terms of the overall global economy, the trend of gradual recovery is expected to continue, with the United States and China expected to stage a gradual recovery, and Europe also expected to move toward recovery. The recovery of the Japanese economy is also expected to continue, underpinned by the positive effects of various government policy measures.

A number of both domestic and foreign companies have entered the information and telecommunications market, and as services and equipment rapidly diversify and become increasingly sophisticated, changes in the market, centered around cloud services, are expected to accelerate going forward. Moreover, fierce market competition above and beyond existing business sector boundaries is expected to further intensify globally.

Based on the Medium-Term Management Strategy “Toward the Next Stage,” NTT Group is committed to creating new services and generating business opportunities through collaboration with a wide range of market players with the aim of becoming a “valued partner” that customers continue to choose over others.

Specifically, NTT Group will implement the following initiatives.

- Expansion of Global Cloud Services

NTT Group continues to provide cloud migration services to meet its customers’ wide-ranging needs, including pre-migration consulting and post-migration operations and management, and will work to further strengthen the framework for its provision of a broad lineup of global cloud services, from the information and telecommunications platforms stage, such as networks and data centers, through to cloud platforms, ICT management and applications.

In addition, to address the critical issue of security, which relates to the safe and secure use of cloud services, NTT Group will work to implement effective and efficient research and development by promoting collaboration among NTT Group research and development bases including NTT I3, which was established during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014, and with external business partners.

As a result of the above, NTT aims to reach US$20 billion in overseas sales by the end of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017, which reached US$12.2 billion by the end of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014, and to increase the proportion of corporate sales represented by overseas sales, which reached 36.6% at the end of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014, to 50% or more by the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017.


- 20 -

- Strengthening Network Service Competitiveness

In the fixed-line communications field, NTT Group aims to achieve further penetration and expansion of fiber-optic lines by creating new lifestyle-based ICT use scenarios. In the mobile communications field, NTT Group is aiming to further strengthen “devices,” “networks,” “services” and “charges and channels.”

In addition, NTT Group will work to control capital investment as appropriate according to changes in business models and the market. To handle rapidly increasing traffic volumes, NTT Group will seek to anticipate fluctuations in demand and promote research and development aimed at realizing technologies that can be efficiently controlled by software, thereby building efficient infrastructure. NTT Group will also work to establish streamlined, highly efficient business operations through continued efforts to cut costs associated with laying optical transmission lines by increasing construction projects that do not require the dispatch of NTT employees, and to further improve the efficiency of its maintenance and operations business.

As a result of the above efforts, NTT Group expects to further reduce fixed-line and mobile communications services-related costs, which it cut by ¥412.0 billion as of the end of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 compared with the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012. NTT Group will continue to comprehensively strengthen the competitiveness of its existing network services.

In addition to the foregoing, NTT Group aims to reduce its capex to sales ratio, which was 16.7% at the end of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014, to 15% by the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016 through drastic streamlining of capital investments. Funds generated through increased efficiency will be utilized effectively in areas such as M&A focused on cloud services and on returns to shareholders.

Through these efforts, NTT Group will work toward earnings per share (EPS) growth of 60% or more (compared with the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012) by the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016.

- Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Based on its social mission to contribute to society through ICT in order to help resolve the many social issues that exist both in and outside Japan, NTT Group will continue to make a collective effort to promote CSR in accordance with the guidelines set out in the “NTT Group CSR Charter.” NTT Group will also work to increase management transparency by further enhancing the content of CSR reports and website content and promoting information disclosure relating to NTT Group’s initiatives.

With respect to environmental issues, which are a global concern, NTT Group will work to reduce the environmental burden associated with its own business activities and contribute to reducing the environmental burden on society as a whole through the utilization of ICT services, and will further undertake environmental contribution initiatives involving NTT Group employees.

Furthermore, in light of the extent of the predicted damage expected to occur as a result of a future large-scale earthquake, NTT Group will work to achieve stable network operation by promoting initiatives that include ensuring power supply for telecommunication facilities in the event of prolonged power outages. NTT Group also plans to build security countermeasures necessary to handle wide-scale and diversified cyberattacks.


- 21 -




     Millions of yen  
     March 31,
    March 31,



Current assets:


Cash and cash equivalents

   ¥ 961,433      ¥ 984,463      ¥ 23,030   

Short-term investments

     53,753        38,949        (14,804

Notes and accounts receivable, trade

     2,428,099        2,509,030        80,931   

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (44,961     (46,893     (1,932

Accounts receivable, other

     357,255        345,197        (12,058


     350,721        415,309        64,588   

Prepaid expenses and other current assets

     338,794        394,294        55,500   

Deferred income taxes

     224,194        220,662        (3,532










Total current assets

     4,669,288        4,861,011        191,723   










Property, plant and equipment:


Telecommunications equipment

     13,432,047        12,959,564        (472,483

Telecommunications service lines

     15,143,239        15,408,604        265,365   

Buildings and structures

     5,993,215        6,060,129        66,914   

Machinery, vessels and tools

     1,868,972        1,949,903        80,931   


     1,139,636        1,238,742        99,106   

Construction in progress

     334,326        359,014        24,688   









     37,911,435        37,975,956        64,521   

Accumulated depreciation

     (28,134,748     (28,136,268     (1,520










Net property, plant and equipment

     9,776,687        9,839,688        63,001   










Investments and other assets:


Investments in affiliated companies

     551,883        521,634        (30,249

Marketable securities and other investments

     357,222        407,766        50,544   


     824,216        1,086,636        262,420   


     1,340,682        1,309,912        (30,770

Other intangibles

     278,272        401,194        122,922   

Other assets

     997,989        1,195,608        197,619   

Deferred income taxes

     752,828        661,500        (91,328










Total investments and other assets

     5,103,092        5,584,250        481,158   










Total assets

   ¥ 19,549,067      ¥ 20,284,949      ¥ 735,882   











- 22 -

     Millions of yen  
     March 31,
    March 31,



Current liabilities:


Short-term borrowings

   ¥ 77,455      ¥ 269,444      ¥ 191,989   

Current portion of long-term debt

     703,304        425,351        (277,953

Accounts payable, trade

     1,436,643        1,540,249        103,606   

Current portion of obligations under capital leases

     16,368        16,929        561   

Accrued payroll

     437,609        448,061        10,452   

Accrued interest

     8,971        7,925        (1,046

Accrued taxes on income

     228,736        256,994        28,258   

Accrued consumption tax

     54,667        47,376        (7,291

Advances received

     183,723        266,743        83,020   


     351,913        397,752        45,839   










Total current liabilities

     3,499,389        3,676,824        177,435   










Long-term liabilities:


Long-term debt

     3,234,631        3,483,673        249,042   

Obligations under capital leases

     36,254        35,951        (303

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     1,505,571        1,327,873        (177,698

Accrued liabilities for point programs

     156,233        130,466        (25,767

Deferred income taxes

     198,824        233,151        34,327   


     396,162        446,293        50,131   










Total long-term liabilities

     5,527,675        5,657,407        129,732   










Redeemable noncontrolling interests

     —          25,912        25,912   












NTT shareholders’ equity


Common stock, no par value

     937,950        937,950        —     

Additional paid-in capital

     2,827,612        2,827,010        (602

Retained earnings

     5,227,268        4,808,361        (418,907

Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)

     (192,932     94,966        287,898   

Treasury stock, at cost

     (568,459     (156,933     411,526   










Total NTT shareholders’ equity

     8,231,439        8,511,354        279,915   










Noncontrolling interests

     2,290,564        2,413,452        122,888   










Total equity

     10,522,003        10,924,806        402,803   










Total liabilities and equity

   ¥ 19,549,067      ¥ 20,284,949      ¥ 735,882   












- 23 -


Consolidated Statements of Income


     Millions of yen  
     2013     2014     Increase

Operating revenues:


Fixed voice related services

   ¥ 1,712,877      ¥ 1,578,941      ¥ (133,936

Mobile voice related services

     1,257,490        1,052,622        (204,868

IP / packet communications services

     3,712,766        3,711,866        (900

Sale of telecommunication equipment

     844,883        969,664        124,781   

System integration

     2,009,953        2,275,034        265,081   


     1,162,771        1,337,047        174,276   









     10,700,740        10,925,174        224,434   










Operating expenses:


Cost of services (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     2,303,672        2,360,916        57,244   

Cost of equipment sold (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     864,251        885,288        21,037   

Cost of system integration (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     1,402,259        1,643,988        241,729   

Depreciation and amortization

     1,899,245        1,880,293        (18,952

Impairment losses

     5,416        5,738        322   

Selling, general and administrative expenses

     2,992,588        2,929,111        (63,477

Goodwill and other intangible assets impairments

     31,341        6,187        (25,154









     9,498,772        9,711,521        212,749   










Operating income

     1,201,968        1,213,653        11,685   










Other income (expenses):


Interest and amortization of bond discounts and issue costs

     (54,339     (47,684     6,655   

Interest income

     17,638        17,632        (6

Other, net

     32,380        110,594        78,214   









     (4,321     80,542        84,863   










Income before income taxes and equity in earnings (losses) of affiliated companies

     1,197,647        1,294,195        96,548   










Income tax expense (benefit):



     461,995        483,113        21,118   


     11,959        3,433        (8,526









     473,954        486,546        12,592   










Income before equity in earnings (losses) of affiliated companies

     723,693        807,649        83,956   










Equity in earnings (losses) of affiliated companies

     (16,093     (50,792     (34,699










Net income

     707,600        756,857        49,257   










Less – Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests

     185,668        171,384        (14,284










Net income attributable to NTT

   ¥ 521,932      ¥ 585,473      ¥ 63,541   










Per share of common stock:


Weighted average number of shares outstanding (Shares)

     1,211,880,769        1,149,758,214     

Net income attributable to NTT (Yen)

   ¥ 430.68      ¥ 509.21     








- 24 -

Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income


     Millions of yen  
     2013     2014     Increase

Net income

   ¥ 707,600      ¥ 756,857      ¥ 49,257   

Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax:


Unrealized gain (loss) on securities

     47,509        16,057        (31,452

Unrealized gain (loss) on derivative instruments

     (4,736     (4,895     (159

Foreign currency translation adjustments

     112,388        156,471        44,083   

Pension liability adjustments

     35,646        163,241        127,595   

Total other comprehensive income (loss)

     190,807        330,874        140,067   

Total comprehensive income (loss)

     898,407        1,087,731        189,324   

Less – Comprehensive income attributable to noncontrolling interests

     211,564        214,360        2,796   










Total comprehensive income (loss) attributable to NTT

   ¥ 686,843      ¥ 873,371      ¥ 186,528   











- 25 -




    Millions of yen  
    NTT shareholders’ equity              
income (loss)
stock, at cost
    Total     Noncontrolling

At beginning of year

  ¥ 937,950      ¥ 2,832,165      ¥ 4,888,746      ¥ (357,843   ¥ (418,431   ¥ 7,882,587      ¥ 2,165,142      ¥ 10,047,729   

Net income

        521,932            521,932        185,668        707,600   

Other comprehensive income (loss)

          164,911          164,911        25,896        190,807   

Cash dividends

        (183,405         (183,405     (92,012     (275,417

Changes in NTT’s ownership interest in subsidiaries

      (4,553           (4,553     5,870        1,317   

Acquisition of treasury stocks

            (150,066     (150,066       (150,066

Resale of treasury stocks

        (5       38        33          33   

At end of year

  ¥ 937,950      ¥ 2,827,612      ¥ 5,227,268      ¥ (192,932   ¥ (568,459   ¥ 8,231,439      ¥ 2,290,564      ¥ 10,522,003   



























    Millions of yen  
    NTT shareholders’ equity              
income (loss)
stock, at cost
    Total     Noncontrolling

At beginning of year

  ¥ 937,950      ¥ 2,827,612      ¥ 5,227,268      ¥ (192,932   ¥ (568,459   ¥ 8,231,439      ¥ 2,290,564      ¥ 10,522,003   

Net income

        585,473            585,473        171,384        756,857   

Other comprehensive income (loss)

          287,898          287,898        42,976        330,874   

Cash dividends

        (186,174         (186,174     (96,203     (282,377

Changes in NTT’s ownership interest in subsidiaries

      (1,069           (1,069     4,731        3,662   

Stock compensation transactions

      467              467          467   

Acquisition of treasury stocks

            (406,696     (406,696       (406,696

Resale of treasury stocks

      3            13        16          16   

Cancellation of treasury stock

      (3     (818,206       818,209        —            —     

At end of year

  ¥ 937,950      ¥ 2,827,010      ¥ 4,808,361      ¥ 94,966      ¥ (156,933   ¥ 8,511,354      ¥ 2,413,452      ¥ 10,924,806   


























- 26 -




     Millions of yen  
     2013     2014     Increase

Cash flows from operating activities:


Net income

   ¥ 707,600      ¥ 756,857      ¥ 49,257   

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities -


Depreciation and amortization

     1,899,245        1,880,293        (18,952

Impairment losses

     5,416        5,738        322   

Deferred taxes

     11,959        3,433        (8,526

Goodwill and other intangible assets impairments

     31,341        6,187        (25,154

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

     106,215        98,317        (7,898

Gains on sales of property, plant and equipment

     (18,469     (33,119     (14,650

The gains resulting from the exchange of rights

     —          (59,996     (59,996

Equity in (earnings) losses of affiliated companies

     16,093        50,792        34,699   

(Increase) decrease in notes and accounts receivable, trade

     (119,381     17,415        136,796   

(Increase) decrease in inventories

     (2,139     (38,913     (36,774

(Increase) decrease in other current assets

     (90,565     (16,658     73,907   

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable, trade and accrued payroll

     (81,297     66,032        147,329   

Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption tax

     7,236        (11,621     (18,857

Increase (decrease) in accrued interest

     (1,089     (1,555     (466

Increase (decrease) in advances received

     (9,770     37,691        47,461   

Increase (decrease) in accrued taxes on income

     28,449        20,909        (7,540

Increase (decrease) in other current liabilities

     4,489        (20,351     (24,840

Increase (decrease) in liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     26,476        42,964        16,488   

Increase (decrease) in other long-term liabilities

     (50,234     (33,122     17,112   


     (17,893     (43,389     (25,496










Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

   ¥ 2,453,682      ¥ 2,727,904      ¥ 274,222   











- 27 -

     Millions of yen  
     2013     2014     Increase

Cash flows from investing activities:


Payments for property, plant and equipment

   ¥ (1,538,115   ¥ (1,486,651   ¥ 51,464   

Payments for intangibles

     (446,588     (416,583     30,005   

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment

     38,929        50,625        11,696   

Payments for purchase of non-current investments

     (35,309     (50,517     (15,208

Proceeds from sale and redemption of non-current investments

     19,812        15,444        (4,368

Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired

     (38,490     (211,195     (172,705

Payments for purchase of short-term investments

     (682,359     (60,485     621,874   

Proceeds from redemption of short-term investments

     936,211        92,396        (843,815


     (30,344     (39,840     (9,496










Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

     (1,776,253     (2,106,806     (330,553










Cash flows from financing activities:


Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt

     402,271        637,253        234,982   

Payments for settlement of long-term debt

     (675,295     (735,894     (60,599

Proceeds from issuance of short-term debt

     3,015,099        4,872,714        1,857,615   

Payments for settlement of short-term debt

     (3,029,279     (4,713,795     (1,684,516

Dividends paid

     (183,405     (186,174     (2,769

Proceeds from sale of (payments for acquisition of) treasury stock, net

     (150,033     (406,680     (256,647

Acquisition of treasury stocks by subsidiary

     (15,558     (5,834     9,724   


     (108,981     (84,030     24,951   










Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

     (745,181     (622,440     122,741   










Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

     9,042        24,372        15,330   










Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     (58,710     23,030        81,740   

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year

     1,020,143        961,433        (58,710










Cash and cash equivalents at end of year

   ¥ 961,433      ¥ 984,463      ¥ 23,030   










Cash paid during the year for:



   ¥ 55,200      ¥ 48,836      ¥ (6,364

Income taxes, net

     433,344        610,549        177,205   

Noncash investing and financing activities:


Capital lease obligations incurred during the year

     24,022        14,933        (9,089

Cancellation of treasury stock

     —          818,209        818,209   

Assets acquired through exchange of rights

     —          62,221        62,221   


- 28 -

(5) Going Concern Assumption


(6) Significant Matters Serving as a Basis for the Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements

The consolidated financial statements of NTT have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”), etc.).

Principal Accounting Policies, etc.

Marketable Securities

ASC320, “Investments – Debt and Equity Securities” applies.


Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. The cost of telecommunications equipment to be sold is determined by the first-in first-out method.

Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost. Depreciation is computed principally using the declining- balance method with the exception of buildings for which the straight-line method is used.

Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets

ASC350, “Intangibles – Goodwill and Other” applies.

Liability for Employees Retirement Benefits

ASC715, “Compensation – Retirement Benefits” applies.

Derivative Financial Instruments

ASC815, “Derivatives and Hedging” applies.

Income Taxes

Income taxes are computed based on income before income taxes in the consolidated statements of income. According to the asset and liability approach, the expected future tax consequences of temporary differences between the carrying amounts and the tax basis of assets and liabilities and of operating loss carryforward are recognized as deferred tax assets or liabilities.

(7) Change in Significant Matters Serving as a Basis for the Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements

Change in accounting estimate

Effective April 1, 2013, NTT Group has revised its estimate of the expected useful life of metal cables based on actual utilization to reflect an extended expected useful life. This modification complies with FASB Accounting Standards Codification Topic 250, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections, and will be applied going forward as a change in accounting estimates.

The financial impact from this change in accounting estimate on the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 to “Income before income taxes and equity in earnings (losses) of affiliated companies,” “Net income attributable to NTT” and “Per share of common stock” of “Net income attributable to NTT” is ¥23,264 million, ¥14,392 million, and ¥12.52, respectively.


- 29 -

Retrospective application of equity method for an investee

As a result of the application of the equity method for NTT Group’s investment in Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company from the beginning of the three months ended June 30, 2013, the equity method of accounting was applied retrospectively, in accordance with Accounting Standards Codification Topic 323, Investments – Equity Method and Joint Ventures, issued by the FASB. Consequently, the reported consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013 have been revised in NTT Group’s consolidated financial statements for this retrospective application as follows.

The impact on major items on the consolidated balance sheet as of March 31, 2013 was a ¥140,512 million increase in “Investments in affiliated companies,” a ¥303,601 million decrease in “Marketable securities and other investments,” a ¥58,467 million increase in “Deferred income taxes” under “Investments and other assets” and a ¥85,456 million decrease in “Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss).”

The impact on major items on the consolidated statements of income for the year ended March 31, 2013 was a ¥3,452 million decrease in “Other, net” under “Other income (expenses),” a ¥1,614 million increase in “Equity in earnings (losses) of affiliated companies” and a ¥2,139 million decrease in “Net income attributable to NTT.”

The impact on “Net income attributable to NTT” under “Per share of common stock” was a decrease of ¥1.77.


Effective as of the three months ended June 30, 2013, in connection with NTT Group’s current state of business and initiatives such as efforts to expand into new business areas in the mobile communications business, NTT has reclassified, among other things, part of its Mobile Voice Related Services revenues and IP/Packet Communications Services revenues as Other revenues, and part of its Other revenues as System Integration revenues. Results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013 have been revised reflect such reclassification.


- 30 -

(8) Business Segments

1. Operating revenues

      (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2013
    Year ended
March 31, 2014

Regional communications business


External customers

     3,204,258        3,129,362        (74,896


     455,562        442,948        (12,614











     3,659,820        3,572,310        (87,510










Long-distance and international communications business


External customers

     1,554,706        1,713,439        158,733   


     103,241        96,463        (6,778











     1,657,947        1,809,902        151,955   










Mobile communications business


External customers

     4,431,032        4,422,614        (8,418


     39,090        38,589        (501











     4,470,122        4,461,203        (8,919










Data communications business


External customers

     1,154,143        1,221,481        67,338   


     149,373        122,374        (26,999











     1,303,516        1,343,855        40,339   












External customers

     356,601        438,278        81,677   


     895,261        890,248        (5,013











     1,251,862        1,328,526        76,664   











     (1,642,527     (1,590,622     51,905   










Consolidated total

     10,700,740        10,925,174        224,434   











- 31 -

2. Segment profit


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2013
     Year ended
March 31, 2014

Segment profit


Regional communications business

     92,965         127,240         34,275   

Long-distance and international communications business

     121,293         127,476         6,183   

Mobile communications business

     836,446         817,230         (19,216

Data communications business

     85,818         67,916         (17,902


     53,257         56,098         2,841   










Total segment profit

     1,189,779         1,195,960         6,181   


     12,189         17,693         5,504   










Consolidated total

     1,201,968         1,213,653         11,685   










3. Segment assets


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2013     March 31, 2014     Increase

Segment assets


Regional communications business

     7,337,100        7,162,076        (175,024

Long-distance and international communications business

     1,871,626        2,314,780        443,154   

Mobile communications business

     7,336,070        7,676,820        340,750   

Data communications business

     1,597,446        1,774,562        177,116   


     10,422,450        10,664,076        241,626   










Total segment assets

     28,564,692        29,592,314        1,027,622   


     (9,015,625     (9,307,365     (291,740










Consolidated total

     19,549,067        20,284,949        735,882   











- 32 -

4. Other significant items


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2013
     Year ended
March 31, 2014

Depreciation and amortization


Regional communications business

     794,246         751,906         (42,340

Long-distance and international communications business

     142,309         149,734         7,425   

Mobile communications business

     701,658         719,132         17,474   

Data communications business

     137,961         135,358         (2,603


     117,451         118,415         964   










Total segment

     1,893,625         1,874,545         (19,080


     5,620         5,748         128   










Consolidated total

     1,899,245         1,880,293         (18,952











     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2013
     Year ended
March 31, 2014

Capital investments for segment assets (*)


Regional communications business

     786,004         722,829         (63,175

Long-distance and international communications business

     147,503         168,413         20,910   

Mobile communications business

     753,660         703,124         (50,536

Data communications business

     122,113         147,725         25,612   


     160,695         150,672         (10,023










Consolidated total

     1,969,975         1,892,763         (77,212











(*) The figures for capital investments are the accrual-based amounts required for acquisition of property, plant and equipment, and intangibles. The differences from the figures for “Payments for property, plant and equipment” and “Payments for intangibles” in the consolidated statements of cash flows are as follows:


     Millions of yen  
      Year ended
March 31, 2013
     Year ended
March 31, 2014

Payments for property, plant and equipment

     1,538,115         1,486,651         (51,464

Payments for intangibles

     446,588         416,583         (30,005











     1,984,703         1,903,234         (81,469

Difference from the total of capital investments

     14,728         10,471         (4,257


- 33 -

(9) Income Taxes

Significant components of deferred tax assets and liabilities:


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2013     March 31, 2014  

Deferred tax assets:


Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     543,520        474,772   

Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets principally due to differences in depreciation

     382,626        381,764   

Operating loss carryforwards

     170,523        197,012   


     461,066        479,089   







Total gross deferred tax assets

     1,557,735        1,532,637   







Less – Valuation allowance

     (253,693     (259,921







Total deferred tax assets

     1,304,042        1,272,716   







Deferred tax liabilities:


Unrealized gain on securities

     (30,232     (40,267

Issuance of subsidiaries common stock etc.

     (301,832     (300,554


     (198,552     (288,500







Total gross deferred tax liabilities

     (530,616     (629,321







Net deferred tax assets

     773,426        643,395   








- 34 -

(10) Employees’ Retirement Benefits

Retirement Benefits and Contract-type Corporate Pension Plan

1. Benefit obligations


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2013     March 31, 2014  

Benefit obligation, end of year

     (2,012,924     (1,903,160

Fair value of plan assets, end of year

     1,125,165        1,130,188   

Under funded status

     (887,759     (772,972

The following table provides the amounts recognized in the consolidated balance sheets:


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2013     March 31, 2014  

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     (887,816     (831,192

Other assets

     57        58,220   

Accumulated other comprehensive loss (income)

     277,469        189,737   







Net amount recognized

     (610,290     (583,235







The following table provides the amounts recognized as accumulated other comprehensive loss (income):


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2013     March 31, 2014  

Net actuarial loss

     298,130        193,727   

Transition obligation

     776        609   

Prior service cost

     (21,437     (4,599








     277,469        189,737   







2. Cost for employees’ retirement benefits


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2013
    Year ended
March 31, 2014

Service cost

     72,628        72,631   

Interest cost on projected benefit obligation

     37,511        30,021   

Expected return on plan assets

     (21,179     (22,069

Net amortization

     11,792        3,864   

Curtailment gain from the change in pension plans

     —          (12,966








     100,752        71,481   







3. Assumptions in determination of benefit obligations and costs


     Year ended
March 31, 2013
    Year ended
March 31, 2014

Discount rate

   Projected benefit obligation      1.5     1.4
   Net pension cost      1.9     1.5

Rate of compensation increase

     2.4-3.4     2.4-4.0

Expected long-term return on plan assets

     2.0     2.0


- 35 -

The NTT Kigyou-Nenkin-Kikin (NTT Corporate Defined Benefit Pension Plan)

1. Benefit obligations


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2013     March 31, 2014  

Benefit obligation, end of year

     (1,601,091     (1,553,265

Fair value of plan assets, end of year

     983,336        1,056,584   

Under funded status

     (617,755     (496,681

The following table provides the amounts recognized in the consolidated balance sheets:


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2013     March 31, 2014  

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     (617,755     (496,681

Accumulated other comprehensive loss (income)

     181,536        23,188   







Net amount recognized

     (436,219     (473,493







The following table provides the amounts recognized as accumulated other comprehensive loss (income):


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2013     March 31, 2014  

Net actuarial loss

     183,359        95,549   

Prior service cost

     (1,823     (72,361








     181,536        23,188   







2. Cost for employees’ retirement benefits


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2013
    Year ended
March 31, 2014

Service cost

     37,647        39,098   

Interest cost on projected benefit obligation

     27,260        22,961   

Expected return on plan assets

     (21,743     (23,871

Net amortization

     12,795        9,753   

Employee contributions

     (3,573     (3,557








     52,386        44,384   







3. Assumptions in determination of benefit obligations and costs


     Year ended
March 31, 2013
    Year ended
March 31, 2014

Discount rate

   Projected benefit obligation      1.5     1.4
   Net pension cost      1.9     1.5

Rate of compensation increase

     3.9     3.4

Expected long-term return on plan assets

     2.5     2.5


- 36 -

(11) Investment Property

1. Investment Property

NTT Group maintains investment properties including office buildings.

2. Fair Value of Investment Property


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2013
     Year ended
March 31, 2014

Amount included in the consolidated balance sheets (1)


Balance at beginning of year

     801,869         832,372   

Increase (Decrease)

     30,503         67,505   

Balance at end of year

     832,372         899,877   

Fair value at end of year (2)

     1,489,989         1,524,282   


(1) “Amount included in the consolidated balance sheets” represents the original acquisition cost reduced by the accumulated depreciation amount and the accumulated impairment loss.
(2) “Fair value at end of year” is calculated primarily through real estate appraisal standards.

(12) Investments In Affiliated Companies

“Equity in earnings (losses) of affiliated companies” for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 includes impairment losses of ¥51,244 million, recognized on Indian telecommunications carrier Tata Teleservices Limited (“TTSL”).

(13) Subsequent Events

Decision to exercise option for sale of stake in TTSL

On April 25, 2014, the board of directors of NTT DOCOMO, a subsidiary of NTT, resolved to exercise option for the sale of NTT DOCOMO’s entire stake (1,248,974,378 shares, or about 26.5% of outstanding shares) in TTSL, a NTT DOCOMO-affiliated company accounted for by the equity method, as soon as the conditions for such exercise are met.

NTT DOCOMO, TTSL and Tata Sons Limited, Tata Group’s holding company, concluded a shareholder agreement when NTT DOCOMO entered into a business alliance with TTSL in March 2009. Under the agreement, NTT DOCOMO holds the right to require that its TTSL shares be acquired for 50% of the acquisition price, which amounts to 72,500 million Indian rupees (or ¥125,400 million*) or a fair market price, whichever is higher, in the event that TTSL fails to achieve certain specified performance targets (the above-mentioned option).

In the event that TTSL fails to achieve these performance targets by the end of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014, NTT DOCOMO plans to exercise the above-mentioned right in or before June 2014. NTT DOCOMO expects to sell its TTSL shares in accordance with the agreement. It is uncertain how the option will be performed, however, and NTT DOCOMO is not able to predict how events will unfold. An estimate of this financial effect cannot be made due to these uncertainties. NTT may recognize gain or loss upon disposition of TTSL shares or if the transaction as described above will not be carried out.


* 1 rupee = ¥1.73 as of March 31, 2014

NTT DOCOMO’s resolution of share repurchase up to prescribed maximum limit

On April 25, 2014, the board of directors of NTT DOCOMO, a subsidiary of NTT, resolved that NTT DOCOMO may repurchase up to 320 million shares of its common stock for an amount in total not exceeding ¥500 billion during the period from April 26, 2014 through March 31, 2015.

Resolution regarding NTT’s repurchase of its common stock

On May 13, 2014, the board of directors of NTT resolved that NTT may acquire up to 44 million shares of its outstanding common stock for an amount in total not exceeding ¥250 billion from July 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015.


- 37 -



(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     Millions of yen  
     March 31,
     March 31,



Current assets:


Cash and bank deposits

     20,869         10,308   

Accounts receivable, trade

     2,769         2,695   


     227         220   

Advance payment

     772         828   

Deferred income taxes

     918         789   

Short-term loans receivable

     355,474         290,523   

Accounts receivable, other

     69,536         67,730   

Subsidiary deposits

     101,312         2,340   


     4,330         5,705   







Total current assets

     556,211         381,143   







Fixed assets:


Property, plant and equipment



     115,285         110,612   


     4,617         4,589   

Machinery, equipment and vehicles

     486         419   

Tools, furniture and fixtures

     17,145         17,048   


     29,674         31,320   

Lease assets

     424         412   

Construction in progress

     2,153         1,658   







Total property, plant and equipment

     169,788         166,062   







Intangible fixed assets

     43,905         37,520   

Investments and other assets


Investment securities

     8,718         15,756   

Investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies

     5,073,510         5,094,091   

Other securities of subsidiaries and affiliated companies

     8,562         8,869   

Contributions to affiliated companies

     159         146   

Long-term loans receivable to subsidiaries

     1,588,072         1,579,922   

Prepaid pension costs

     1,947         1,962   

Deferred income taxes

     15,858         15,104   


     1,117         1,515   







Total investments and other assets

     6,697,946         6,717,369   







Total fixed assets

     6,911,640         6,920,952   








     7,467,851         7,302,096   








- 38 -

     Millions of yen  
     March 31,
    March 31,



Current liabilities:


Accounts payable, trade

     184        249   

Current portion of corporate bonds

     120,000        139,998   

Current portion of long-term borrowings

     223,300        138,150   

Short-term borrowings

     —          150,000   

Lease obligations

     41        42   

Accounts payable, other

     22,716        21,476   

Accrued expenses

     8,164        7,071   

Accrued taxes on income

     19,708        13,077   

Advance received

     871        141   

Deposit received

     355        263   

Deposit received from subsidiaries

     89,376        82,698   

Unearned revenue

     0        1   


     2        34,003   







Total current liabilities

     484,720        587,173   







Long-term liabilities:


Corporate bonds

     1,046,258        1,006,277   

Long-term borrowings

     1,021,530        1,104,380   

Long-term borrowings from subsidiary

     240,000        240,000   

Lease obligations

     757        749   

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     31,858        32,773   

Asset retirement obligations

     1,140        1,390   


     413        347   







Total long-term liabilities

     2,341,959        2,385,918   








     2,826,680        2,973,091   









Shareholders equity:


Common stock

     937,950        937,950   

Capital surplus


Additional paid-in capital

     2,672,826        2,672,826   







Total capital surplus

     2,672,826        2,672,826   







Earned surplus


Legal reserve

     135,333        135,333   

Other earned surplus


Other reserve

     531,000        531,000   

Accumulated earned surplus

     932,528        207,372   







Total earned surplus

     1,598,861        873,705   







Treasury stock

     (568,458     (156,932







Total shareholders’ equity

     4,641,179        4,327,549   







Unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others:


Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities

     (7     1,455   







Total unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others

     (7     1,455   








     4,641,171        4,329,004   








     7,467,851        7,302,096   








- 39 -



(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     Millions of yen  
     2013     2014  

Operating revenues:


Dividends received

     282,679        288,155   

Revenues from group management

     19,000        18,499   

Revenues from basic R&D

     120,999        114,499   

Other services

     10,105        9,687   







Total operating revenues

     432,785        430,843   







Operating expenses:



     21,603        21,629   

Experiment and research

     92,297        86,949   

Depreciation and amortization

     36,364        35,083   

Retirement of fixed assets

     1,219        1,056   

Miscellaneous taxes

     2,689        2,594   







Total operating expenses

     154,174        147,313   







Operating income

     278,610        283,530   







Non-operating revenues:


Interest income

     24,997        21,366   

Lease and rental income

     11,537        11,163   

Miscellaneous income

     1,473        1,393   







Total non-operating revenues

     38,008        33,924   







Non-operating expenses:


Interest expenses

     16,650        14,969   

Corporate bond interest expenses

     17,849        15,597   

Lease and rental expenses

     5,659        5,633   

Miscellaneous expenses

     2,029        3,931   







Total non-operating expenses

     42,189        40,131   







Recurring profit

     274,429        277,322   







Special losses:


Write-off of investments in affiliated companies

     4,530        —     







Total special losses

     4,530        —     







Income before income taxes

     269,898        277,322   







Corporation, inhabitant and enterprise taxes

     (1,142     (1,977

Deferred tax expenses (benefits)

     (486     75   







Total income taxes

     (1,629     (1,902







Net income

     271,527        279,224   








- 40 -


(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)



    Millions of yen  
    NTT shareholders’ equity  
          Capital surplus     Earned surplus  
                                  Other earned surplus        
    Other capital
    Legal reserve     Other

At beginning of year

  ¥ 937,950      ¥ 2,672,826      ¥ —        ¥ 2,672,826      ¥ 135,333      ¥ 531,000      ¥ 844,410      ¥ 1,510,743   

Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

                (183,404     (183,404

Net income

                271,527        271,527   

Payments to acquire treasury stock


Resale of treasury stocks

                (4     (4

Others, net


Total net change during the annual period

    —          —          —          —          —          —          88,118        88,118   

At end of year

  ¥ 937,950      ¥ 2,672,826      ¥ —        ¥ 2,672,826      ¥ 135,333      ¥ 531,000      ¥ 932,528      ¥ 1,598,861   


























     Millions of yen  
     NTT shareholders’ equity     Unrealized gains
(losses), translation
adjustments, and others

(losses) on
and others
    Total net

At beginning of year

   ¥ (418,431   ¥ 4,703,088      ¥ (60   ¥ (60   ¥ 4,703,028   

Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

       (183,404         (183,404

Net income

       271,527            271,527   

Payments to acquire treasury stock

     (150,066     (150,066         (150,066

Resale of treasury stocks

     38        33            33   

Others, net

         53        53        53   

Total net change during the annual period

     (150,027     (61,909     53        53        (61,856

At end of year

   ¥ (568,458   ¥ 4,641,179      ¥ (7   ¥ (7   ¥ 4,641,171   

















- 41 -



    Millions of yen  
    NTT shareholders’ equity  
          Capital surplus     Earned surplus  
                                  Other earned surplus        
    Other capital
    Legal reserve     Other

At beginning of year

  ¥ 937,950      ¥ 2,672,826      ¥ —        ¥ 2,672,826      ¥ 135,333      ¥ 531,000      ¥ 932,528      ¥ 1,598,861   

Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

                (186,174     (186,174

Net income

                279,224        279,224   

Payments to acquire treasury stock


Resale of treasury stocks

        2        2           

Cancellation of treasury stock

        (2     (2         (818,206     (818,206

Others, net


Total net change during the annual period

    —          —          —          —          —          —          (725,156     (725,156

At end of year

  ¥ 937,950      ¥ 2,672,826      ¥ —        ¥ 2,672,826      ¥ 135,333      ¥ 531,000      ¥ 207,372      ¥ 873,705   


























     Millions of yen  
     NTT shareholders’ equity     Unrealized gains
(losses), translation
adjustments, and others

(losses) on
and others
    Total net

At beginning of year

   ¥ (568,458   ¥ 4,641,179      ¥ (7   ¥ (7   ¥ 4,641,171   

Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

       (186,174         (186,174

Net income

       279,224            279,224   

Payments to acquire treasury stock

     (406,696     (406,696         (406,696

Resale of treasury stocks

     13        15            15   

Cancellation of treasury stock

     818,209        —              —     

Others, net

         1,462        1,462        1,462   

Total net change during the annual period

     411,526        (313,629     1,462        1,462        (312,167

At end of year

   ¥ (156,932   ¥ 4,327,549      ¥ 1,455      ¥ 1,455      ¥ 4,329,004   

















- 42 -



(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     Millions of yen  
     2013     2014  

Cash flows from operating activities:


Income before income taxes

     269,898        277,322   

Depreciation and amortization

     38,951        37,583   

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

     833        741   

Dividends received

     (282,679     (288,155

Write-off of investments in affiliated companies

     4,530        —     

Increase (decrease) in liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     1,182        915   

(Increase) decrease in accounts receivable

     (15,204     1,878   

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued expenses

     (6,128     (1,720

Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption tax

     165        (201

(Increase) decrease in other current assets

     6        (2,387

(Increase) decrease in subsidiary deposits

     10,000        —     

Increase (decrease) in deposit received from subsidiaries

     (8,885     (6,678


     10,438        11,070   








     23,108        30,368   







Interest and dividends received

     308,072        310,612   

Interest paid

     (35,249     (31,541

Income taxes received (paid)

     16,888        (4,771







Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

     312,820        304,668   







Cash flows from investing activities:


Payments for property, plant and equipment

     (32,359     (27,192

Payments for purchase of investment securities

     (8,256     (28,938

Proceeds from sale of investment securities

     536        —     

Payments for long-term loans

     (299,542     (280,000

Proceeds from long-term loans receivable

     325,135        353,800   


     (981     27   







Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

     (15,468     17,696   







Cash flows from financing activities:


Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt

     449,422        320,950   

Payments for settlement of long-term debt

     (445,135     (343,300

Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings

     —          183,971   

Payments for settlement of lease obligations

     (39     (44

Dividends paid

     (183,404     (186,174

Proceeds from sale of (payments for acquisition of) treasury stock, net

     (150,032     (406,680







Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

     (329,189     (431,277







Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

     (9     80   







Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     (31,846     (108,832







Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year

     155,702        123,856   







Cash and cash equivalents at end of year

     123,856        15,023   








- 43 -

6. Other


(1) Candidates for Members of the Board

Jun Sawada (Senior Executive Vice President, NTT Communications Corporation)

Hiroki Kuriyama (Vice President of President’s office, General Affairs Department)

(2) Candidates for Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Akiko Ide (Senior Vice President, NTT DOCOMO, INC.)

Takashi Iida (Lawyer, The Daini Tokyo Bar Association)

(3) Members of the Board scheduled to resign from office

Yasuyoshi Katayama (Senior Executive Vice President; scheduled to take office as Advisor)

Hiroki Watanabe (Senior Executive Vice President; scheduled to take office at The Japan Telecommunications Welfare Association)

Yoshikiyo Sakai (Member of the Board; scheduled to take office as Senior Executive Vice President, NTT DOCOMO, INC.)

(4) Audit & Supervisory Board Members scheduled to resign from office

Toru Motobayashi (Audit & Supervisory Board Member)

Yoshitaka Makitani (Audit & Supervisory Board Member)

(5) Candidates for Executive Officers

 Candidate scheduled to be re-elected as Chairman

Satoshi Miura (Chairman)

Candidate scheduled to be re-elected as President and Chief Executive Officer

Hiroo Unoura (President and Chief Executive Officer)

ƒ Candidates scheduled to take office as Senior Executive Vice President

Hiromichi Shinohara (Executive Vice President)

Jun Sawada

Candidate scheduled to take office as Executive Vice President

Mitsuyoshi Kobayashi (Member of the Board)


- 44 -

(6) New Executive Positions and Organizational Responsibilities


New Position(s) and Organizational Responsibilities




Current Position(s) and Organizational Responsibilities

Senior Executive Vice President    Hiromichi Shinohara    Executive Vice President
In charge of technical strategy       Senior Vice President of Research and
In charge of international standardization       Development Planning
Senior Vice President of Research and       In charge of international standardization
Development Planning      
Senior Executive Vice President    Jun Sawada   
In charge of business strategy      
In charge of risk management      
Executive Vice President    Mitsuyoshi Kobayashi    Member of the Board
Senior Vice President of Technology       Senior Vice President of Technology
Planning       Planning and Strategic Business
Member of the Board    Akira Shimada    Member of the Board
Senior Vice President of General Affairs       Senior Vice President of General Affairs and
      Internal Control
Member of the Board    Hiroshi Tsujigami    Member of the Board
Senior Vice President of Corporate Strategy       Senior Vice President of Corporate Strategy
Planning       Planning
Member of the Board    Tsunehisa Okuno    Member of the Board
Senior Vice President of Global Business       Senior Vice President of Global Business
Member of the Board    Hiroki Kuriyama   
Senior Vice President of Strategic Business      
In charge of 2020 project      
Member of the Board    Katsuhiko Shirai    Member of the Board
Member of the Board    Sadayuki Sakakibara    Member of the Board


The following candidates shall assume responsibilities as follows:

Satoshi Miura as Chairman of the Board, Hiroo Unoura as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Hiromichi Shinohara as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Jun Sawada as Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) and Chief Information Officer (CIO).

Of the candidates for Directors, Katsuhiko Shirai and Sadayuki Sakakibara are candidates for external directors.

The candidate for Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Takashi Iida, is a candidate for external Audit & Supervisory Board


The Audit & Supervisory Board Members scheduled to resign from office will resign at the close of the 29th Ordinary

General Meeting of Shareholders (to be held on June 26, 2014).


- 45 -





The forward-looking statements and projected figures concerning the future performance of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates contained or referred to herein are based on a series of assumptions, projections, estimates, judgments and beliefs of the management of NTT in light of information currently available to it regarding NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the economy and telecommunications industry in Japan and overseas, and other factors. These projections and estimates may be affected by the future business operations of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the state of the economy in Japan and abroad, possible fluctuations in the securities markets, the pricing of services, the effects of competition, the performance of new products, services and new businesses, changes to laws and regulations affecting the telecommunications industry in Japan and elsewhere, other changes in circumstances that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forecasts contained or referred to herein, as well as other risks included in NTT’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings and submissions with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.





- 46 -


Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

May 13, 2014

NTT’s Shares and Shareholders (as of March 31, 2014)


1. Classification of Shareholders


      NTT’s Shares and Shareholders (1 unit = 100 shares)      Shares
Less Than
One Unit


and Public
     Foreign Corporations, etc.      Domestic

Total Holders

     4         259         66         6,604         1,154         868         803,848         812,303         —     

Total Shares (Units)

     4,052,317         1,714,413         120,717         156,383         3,092,519         5,473         2,208,311         11,350,133         1,683,935   


     35.70         15.10         1.06         1.38         27.25         0.05         19.46         100.00         —     


(1) “Domestic Individuals, etc.” includes 266,511 units of treasury stock, and “Shares Representing Less Than One Unit” includes 7 shares of treasury stock. 26,651,107 shares of treasury stock represents the number of shares of treasury stock recorded in the shareholders’ register; the actual number of treasury stock shares at the end of March 31, 2014 was 26,650,807.
(2) “Other Domestic Corporations” includes 156 units under the name of the Japan Securities Depository Center, and “Shares Representing Less Than One Unit” includes 72 shares under the name of the Japan Securities Depository Center.
(3) The number of shareholders who only own shares representing less than one unit is 228,705.


2. Classification by Number of Shares


      NTT’s Shares and Shareholders (1 unit =100 shares)      Shares
Less Than
One Unit


   At Least
1,000 Units
     At Least
500 Units
     At Least
100 Units
     At Least
50 Units
     At Least
10 Units
     At Least
5 Units
     At Least
1 Unit

Number of Holders

     385         164         809         950         22,569         52,423         735,003         812,303         —     


     0.05         0.02         0.10         0.12         2.78         6.45         90.48         100.00         —     

Total Shares (Units)

     9,215,422         111,699         166,167         61,131         345,523         318,274         1,131,917         11,350,133         1,683,935   


     81.19         0.98         1.46         0.54         3.04         2.80         9.97         100.00         —     


(1) “At Least 1,000 Units” includes 266,511 units of treasury stock, and “Shares Representing Less Than One Unit” includes 7 shares of treasury stock.
(2) “At Least 100 Units” includes 156 units under the name of the Japan Securities Depository Center, and “Shares Representing Less Than One Unit” includes 72 shares under the name of the Japan Securities Depository Center.


3. Principal Shareholders



   Share Holdings
(in thousands
of shares)
     Percentage of
Total Shares
Issued (%)

The Minister of Finance

     405,221         35.65   

Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account)

     39,280         3.46   

The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account)

     32,138         2.83   

Moxley and Co LLC

     17,102         1.50   

The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV 10

     10,404         0.92   

NTT Employee Share-Holding Association

     10,357         0.91   

Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account 1)

     8,834         0.78   

The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. London Secs Lending Omnibus Account

     8,648         0.76   

Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account 9)

     8,591         0.76   

State Street Bank and Trust Company 505225

     8,407         0.74   








     548,985         48.30   







Note: The Company’s holdings of treasury stock (26,650,807 shares) are not included in the above table.



Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

May 13, 2014



The forward-looking statements and projected figures concerning the future performance of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates contained or referred to herein are based on a series of assumptions, projections, estimates, judgments and beliefs of the management of NTT in light of information currently available to it regarding NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the economy and telecommunications industry in Japan and overseas, and other factors. These projections and estimates may be affected by the future business operations of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the state of the economy in Japan and abroad, possible fluctuations in the securities markets, the pricing of services, the effects of competition, the performance of new products, services and new businesses, changes to laws and regulations affecting the telecommunications industry in Japan and elsewhere, other changes in circumstances that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forecasts contained or referred to herein, as well as other risks included in NTT’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings and submissions with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

* “E” in this material represents that the figure is a plan or projection for operation.

** “FY” in this material indicates the fiscal year ending March 31 of the succeeding year.

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




FY2013 Highlights

FY2013 saw an increase in Operating Revenues and Operating Income. Operating Revenues increased for the fourth consecutive year, and Net Income reached a six-year peak. Earnings Per Share (EPS) increased to 509 yen (increase of 18% year-on-year) Expansion of global cloud services

Overseas sales increased to 1,196.0 billion yen (increase of 241.9 billion yen year-on-year)

Enhanced competitiveness of network services

Expansion of NTT’s user base

13.78 million smartphone sales and 21.97 million Xi subscribers (net increase of 10.40 million subscribers) 18.05 million FLET’S Hikari subscribers (net increase of 0.75 million subscribers) Number of subscribers to Hikari TV and FLET’S TV : 3.98 million Number of “d video” subscribers: 4.41 million The number of Wi-Fi area owners increased to three times the FY2012 amount

Cost reductions

Cost reductions related to fixed-line and mobile access services: NTT reached approx. 80% of its medium-term target of a 500 billion yen reduction by the end of FY2014

Increased shareholder returns

Completed 156.5 billion yen of stock repurchases, mainly from the Japanese government in March, for a total of 406.5 billion yen in stock repurchases in FY2013.

Increased year-end dividend by 10 yen per share compared to FY2012. Distributed dividends of 170 yen per share for the year.

Operating Revenues & Overseas Sales

(Billions of yen)

Operating Income Overseas sales

10,925.2 10,700.7 954.1 1,196.0 FY2012 FY2013

Operating Income & Net Income

(Billions of yen)

Operating Income Net Income

1,213.7 1,202.0 521.9 585.5 FY2012 FY2013

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




FY2013 Consolidated Results Highlights and Forecasts (U.S. GAAP)

NTT as a group made up for the decrease in Operating Income of its mobile communications and data communications businesses and as a result, Operating Revenues and Operating Income both increased. Net Income reached a six-year peak.

Both Operating Revenues and Operating Income fell short of FY2013 forecasts due to the decrease in Operating Income in the mobile communications business.

Achieved EPS of 509.21 yen, an increase of 18% year-on-year.

(Billions of yen)


FY2013 FY2012 Forecasts

Change from the


[%] Revised year-on-year



10,925.2 +224.4 +2.1% (74.8) 10,700.7 11,000.0

Revenues Operating

9,711.5 +212.7 +2.2% (58.5) 9,498.8 9,770.0

Expenses Operating

1,213.7 +11.7 +1.0% (16.3) 1,202.0 1,230.0


Net Income 585.5 +63.5 +12.2% +0.5 521.9 585.0

EPS 509.21 +78.53 +18.2% +5.99 430.68 503.22


Net Income represents net income attributable to NTT, excluding noncontrolling interests.

Net Income for FY2012 has been revised to reflect the retroactive application of the equity method of accounting for Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company.

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Consolidated Results and Forecasts (U.S. GAAP)

FY2013 Contributing Factors by Segment

Regional communications business: Operating Income increased due to, among other things, efforts to limit Hikari subscription cancellations, improvements in business efficiency, and a decrease in pension costs.

Long-distance and international communications business: Operating Income increased due to growth in NTT’s overseas business and improvements in cost efficiency.

Mobile communications business: Although strong iPhone sales mitigated mobile number portability (MNP) losses to an extent, Operating Income decreased due to, among other things, “Monthly Support” discount programs.

Data communications business: Despite the effect of unprofitable business deals, the decline in profit margins slowed due to cost reductions in the latter half of the year.

Operating [year-on-year+224.4]

Revenues Long distance and Data (Billions of yen)

international Mobile communications

communications communications business 51.9

business business 40.3 76.7 Elimination of

87.5 152.0 8.9 Other intersegment/Others 10,925.2

10,700.7 business




FY2012 FY2013

Operating [year-on-year+212.7] Data

Expenses Long-distance and Mobile communications

Regional international communications business 46.4

communications communications business 73.8 Elimination of

business business 10.3 58.2 Other intersegment/Others

9,498.8 121.8 145.8 business 9,711.5

FY2012 FY2013

Operating [year-on-year+11.7]


Regional Long-distance and Mobile Data Other business Elimination of

communications international communications communications intersegment/

FY2012 business communications business business Others FY2013


1,202.0 34.3 6.2 19.2 17.9 2.8 5.5 1,213.7

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Consolidated Results and Forecasts (U.S. GAAP)

FY2014 Forecast Summary

Operating Revenues increased for the fifth consecutive year, reaching a record 11,200.0 billion yen. Operating Income remained relatively unchanged from the previous fiscal year at 1,215.0 billion yen.

Achieved EPS of 536 yen, a 5% increase year-on-year.

(Billions of Yen)

FY2014 Forecasts



year-on-year [%]

Operating 10,925.2 11,200.0 +274.8 +2.5%


Operating 9,711.5 9,985.0 +273.5 +2.8%


Operating 1,213.7 1,215.0 +1.3 +0.1%


Net Income 585.5 586.0 +0.5 +0.1%

EPS 509.21 536.00 +26.79 +5.3%


Net income represents net income attributable to NTT, excluding noncontrolling interests.

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Shareholder Returns

Share repurchases: 250.0 billion yen repurchase from the Japanese government planned for FY2014 Dividends: Dividends of 180 yen per share planned for FY2014

Share repurchases 406.5 (Billions of yen)


Up to 250.0




FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014E

Dividends per share 180 (yen)


Pay-out ratio 160


120 120

90 110

38.2% 37.2%





19.5% 27.5%

FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014E

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Progress of the Medium-Term Strategy “Towards the Next Stage”



Progress Expansion of the Medium-Term of Strategy of Global “Towards the Next Cloud Stage” Services

Overseas Sales




¥954.1 Billion Billion


$12.2 Billion


Billion Billion

43.1% 36.6%

31.8% Proportion of corporate sales represented by overseas sales

FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E

Order Volume from Cross-Selling $700


$62 $85 $143 Million Million Million

FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Overseas Sales: $20.0 billion by FY2016

Proportion of corporate sales represented by overseas sales: 50% or more by FY2016 “Overseas Sales are leading NTT Group’s top-line (growth)”


Overseas Sales: $12.2 billion (¥1,196.0 billion) Proportion of corporate sales represented by overseas sales: 37%

FY2014 Targets

Overseas Sales: $15.0 billion (¥1,530.0 billion) Proportion of corporate sales represented by overseas sales: 43%

Note: Exchange rate used for FY2013: $1 dollar = ¥97.73 Exchange rate used for FY2014: $1 dollar = ¥102 (estimate)

“Order volume from cross-selling for the latter half of the year: $200 million”

FY2013 $700 million

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Strengthening Progress of the Medium-Term the Strategy Competitiveness “Towards the Next Stage” of Network Services

Access Network Cost Reductions

(billions of yen)

FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E




Capex to Sales Capital Investment

*2 Amounts (billions of yen)

18.5% 18.4%*2





Includes amount 16.7% related to real estate 15.9%

1,946.6 1,970.0

1,892.8 1,850.0

1,906.5 1,907.5



FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Access Network Cost Reduction: Targeting decrease of 500.0 billion yen by FY2014

“Revision of cost reduction target to ¥600.0 billion”

¥410.0 billion decrease in FY2013*1

¥600.0 billion decrease in FY2014*1

*1 Compared to FY2011

Capex to Sales Ratio: Target of 15 by FY2015

“Enhance efficiency in capital investment, and reach a ratio in the 15% range this year”

Target of ¥1,795.7 billion by FY2013 (¥111.8 billion decrease from previous year), resulting in a 16.7% Capex to Sales ratio

Target of ¥1,750.0 billion by FY2014 (¥45.7 billion decrease from previous year), resulting in a 15.9% Capex to Sales ratio

*2 Amounts include sales and investments related to real estate and solar power generation operations

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Progress of the Medium-Term Strategy “Towards the Next Stage”

EPS Growth

Earnings Per Share

(EPS) (yen/share)

Excludes special factors 536

509 EPS: Targeting growth of 60% or more

46%* by FY2015



30%* “Expand steadily toward achieving the target”



FY2013: 509 yen (39% increase*)

FY2014: 536 yen (46% increase*)

FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E * Compared to FY2011

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Progress of Broadband Services



Progress of Broadband Services

Number of Subscribers for Fixed Broadband Services

Number of subscribers


20,000 15,000 10,000 5000 0

19,078 2,206 16,872 14,252 19,118 2,098 17,020 14,557 19,130 1,968 17,162 14,852 19,148 1,848 17,300 15,169 19,271 1,751 17,521 15,412 19,335 1,663 17,672 15,664 19,444 1,572 17,873 15,950 19,534 1,483 18,050 16,256 19,954 1,203 18,750 17,106

2012.6 2012.9 2012.12 2013.3 2013.9 2013.12 2014.3 2015.3E

Changes from the preceding quarter

FLET’S Hikari 1 FY2012 FY2013 FY 2013 FY2014E

Number of opened connections 2 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3

FLET’S ADSL Hikari Denwa 3 307 148 143 138 220 152 200 178 750 700 982 762 750 848 870 707 743 811 3,131 3,000

(115) (108) (131) (119) (98) (88) (91) (89) (365) (280)

351 305 295 318 242 252 287 305 1,087 850

1 Number of FLET’S Hikari subscribers includes B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Next, FLET’S Hikari Light and FLET’S Hikari WiFi Access provided by NTT East and B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium,

FLET’S Hikari Mytown, FLET’S Hikari Next, FLET’S Hikari Light and FLET’S Hikari WiFi Access provided by NTT West.

2 Number of opened connections excludes openings due to relocations.

3 Number of Hikari Denwa subscribers is presented in thousands of channels.

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Progress of Broadband Services

Number of Subscribers for Mobile Broadband Services

Number of subscribers



70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0

60,396 3,317 57,079 2012.6 60,787 6,198 54,588 2012.9

60,988 8,678 52,310 2012.12 61,536 11,566 49,970 2013.3

61,623 14,198 47,425 2013.6 61,772 16,398 45,374 2013.9 62,182 19,021 43,160 2013.12 63,105 21,965 41,140 2014.3 66,800

29,800 37,000 2015.3E

Changes from the preceding quarter

4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 FY2012 FY2013 FY2013 FY2014E (Thousands)

FOMA+Xi 266 391 201 548 87 149 410 924 1,569 3,700

The number of FOMA subscribers includes communications module service subscribers

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Progress of Broadband Services

ARPU of Fixed Broadband Services (FLET’S Hikari)

NTT East Optional Service Basic Monthly Charges

(Yen) 6,000 4,000 2,000 0

5,890 5,880 5,860 5,800 5,750 5,680 5,650 5,570 5,660 5,500 1,670 1,690 1,760 1,740 1,760 1,760 1,790 1,770 1,770 1,800 4,220 4,190 4,100 4,060 3,990 3,920 3,860 3,800 3,890 3,700

FY2012 FY2013 FY2013 FY2014 E 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3

NTT West

(Yen) 6,000 4,000 2,000 0

5,910 5,900 5,870 5,840 5,840 5,850 5,850 5,800 5,830 5,740 1,700 1,720 1,750 1,740 1,770 1,790 1,820 1,810 1,800 1,840 4,210 4,180 4,120 4,100 4,070 4,060 4,030 3,990 4,030 3,900

FY2012 FY2013 FY2013 FY2014 E 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3

FLET’S Hikari includes B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Next, FLET’S Hikari Light and FLET’S Hikari WiFi Access provided by NTT East and B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium, FLET’S Hikari Mytown, FLET’S Hikari Next, FLET’S Hikari Light and FLET’S Hikari WiFi Access provided by NTT West. Commencing in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014, NTT East and NTT West began including in their respective FLET’S Hikari ARPU calculations revenues from NTT East’s and NTT West‘s “FLET’S VPN WIDE” virtual private network option. NTT East‘s and NTT West’s FLET’S Hikari ARPU for the three months ended June 30, 2012, September 30, 2012, December 31, 2012 and March 31, 2013 have been revised to include revenues from “FLET’S VPN WIDE.” Please see page 29 regarding the calculation of ARPU.

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Progress of Broadband Services

ARPU of Mobile Broadband Services (FOMA, Xi)


Smart ARPU

Packet ARPU

Voice ARPU

6,000 4,930 4,870 4,850 4,670 4,610 4,590 4,510 4,320 4,500 4,390

5,000 370 390 420 460 460 490 500 500 490 530


3,000 2,660 2,670 2,720 2,690 2,680 2,670 2,640 2,600 2,640 2,620


1,000 1,900 1,810 1,710 1,520 1,470 1,430 1,370 1,220 1,370 1,240


FY2012 FY2013

4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 FY2013 FY 2014 E

The calculation of mobile broadband services ARPU does not include communications module service subscribers and the revenues therefrom. Please see page 29 regarding the calculation of ARPU.

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Progress of Broadband Services

Number of Subscribers for Video Services



Hikari TV

4,500 3,020 3,168 3,297 3,457 3,552 3,692 3,841 3,984 4,546



3,000 898 933 967 1,003 1,032 1,067 1,113 1,161 1,346


2,000 2,122 2,235 2,330 2,435 2,520 2,625 2,727 2,823 3,200





2012.6 2012.9 2012.12 2013.3 2013.6 2013.9 2013.12 2014.3 FY2014 E

“FLET’S TV” requires a subscription to “FLET’S TV Transmission Service,” provided by NTT East and NTT West, and a subscription to Opticast Inc.’s “Opticast Facility Use Services” broadcast service.

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Financial Information



Subsidiaries’ Results (JPN GAAP Non-Consolidated)

NTT East Financial Results

(Billion of yen)

Operating Revenues



revised Change forecast: from +1.8



1,831.7 Voice Transmission Services (60.8) 1,773.8 Voice Transmission Services (54.3) 1,771.0

IP Services +5.4 IP Services (1.3)

Others (2.5) Others +52.8

FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E

Operating 59.6

Expenses Change from

(3.4)% revised forecast: 26.0

+5.0 (1.5)%

1,766.7 Personnel expenses (2.0) 1,707.0 Personnel expenses (4.9) 1,681.0

Expenses for purchase of goods Expenses for purchase of goods

and services and other expenses (45.5) and services and other expenses (24.2)

Depreciation expenses and loss Depreciation expenses and loss

on disposal of assets (12.0) on disposal of assets +3.1

FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E

Operating Change from

revised forecast:

Income 1.6(3.2) 23.2

65.0 +2.5% 66.7 +34.9% 90.0

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Subsidiaries’ Results (JPN GAAP Non-Consolidated)

NTT West Financial Results

(Billions of yen)

operating 38.3

(Billion of Yen)

Revenues Change from 7.6

(2.4)% revised forecast:

+8.6 (0.5)%

1,627.9 Voice Transmission Services (56.5) 1,589.6 Voice Transmission Services (50.3) 1,582.0

IP Services +10.7 IP Services +13.3

Others +7.4 Others +29.3

FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E

Operating 35.5

Expenses Change from

(2.2)% revised forecast: 26.2


1,608.7 Personnel expenses (6.9) 1,573.2 Personnel expenses +0.5 1,547.0

Expenses for purchase of goods Expenses for purchase of goods

and services and other expenses (11.3) and services and other expenses (27.8)

Depreciation expenses and loss Depreciation expenses and loss

on disposal of assets (17.2) on disposal of assets +1.1

FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E

Operating Change from

revised forecast:

Income 2.8 (3.6) 18.6

19.2 (14.7)% 16.3 +113.7% 35.0

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Subsidiaries’ Results (JPN GAAP Non-Consolidated)

NTT Communications Financial Results

Operating 0.7 Change from

Revenues revised forecast: 34.0

(Billions of yen)

(0.1)% +19.0 (3.6)%

944.8 Cloud Computing Platforms +10.9 944.0 Cloud Computing Platforms +13.0 910.0

Data Networks (12.1) Data Networks (8.5)

Voice Communications (21.6) Voice Communications (20.4)

Solution Services +23.1 Solution Services (20.6)

Others (1.0) Others +2.4

FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E

Operating 3.8 revised Change forecast: from 23.5


+0.5% +17.5(2.8)%

826.6 Personnel expenses (6.1) 830.5 Personnel expenses +0.6 807.0

Expenses for purchase of goods Expenses for purchase of goods

and services and other expenses +16.0 and services and other expenses (30.2)

Depreciation expenses and loss Depreciation expenses and loss

on disposal of assets (6.0) on disposal of assets +6.0

FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E

Operating Change from

revised forecast:

Income 4.6 +1.4 10.4

118.1 (4.0)% 113.4 (9.2)% 103.0

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Subsidiaries’ Results (JPN GAAP Consolidated)

NTT DATA Financial Results

Operating 116.2 (Billions of yen)

Revenues Change from +8.6%

41.8 revised forecast:

+3.2% +13.7


1,301.9 1,343.7

FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E

Operating 93.8

Expenses Change from +7.3%

64.9 revised forecast:

+5.3% +11.1


1,216.2 1,281.1

FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E

Operating Change from

revised forecast:

Income 23.1 +2.5 22.4

85.6(27.0)% 62.5 +35.8% 85.0

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Subsidiaries’ Results (U.S. GAAP Consolidated)

NTT DOCOMO Financial Results

(Billions of yen)

Operating 128.8


8.9 Change from +2.9%

revised forecast:



4,470. 1 4,461.2

FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E

Operating Expenses 198.0



9.1 revised Change forecast:



3,632.9 3,642.0

FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E

Operating Change from

revised forecast:

Income 18.0 (20.8) 69.2

837.2 (2.1)% 819.2 (8.4)% 750.0

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Details of Difference Between Consolidated Operating Income and Total Operating Income of

5 Major Subsidiaries

(Billions of yen)




Pension (actuarial difference, etc): (4.8)

NTT (Holding Company): (4.0) Depreciation of engineering facilities: (28.4) 1,202.0

NTT URBAN DEVELOPMENT (Consolidated): 27.4 Adjustments between operating and non-operating

1,125.3 NTT COMWARE: 3.4 items, including eliminations, etc.

NTT FINANCE (Consolidated): 19.4

Outsourcing companies (East): 5.0

Outsourcing companies (West): 3.0

Other companies: 30.6

Total operating income Total operating income of subsidiaries other than Elimination and Consolidated operating

of 5 major subsidiaries the 5 major ones (excluding the effect of U.S. GAAP income

(JPN GAAP) dividends received by NTT (Holding Company)) adjustments (U.S. GAAP)




Pension (actuarial difference, etc.): 26.1

Depreciation of engineering facilities: (24.4) 1,213.7

1,078.3 NTT (Holding Company): (4.6) Adjustments between operating and non-operating

NTT URBAN DEVELOPMENT (Consolidated): 30.4 items, including eliminations, etc.


NTT FINANCE (Consolidated): 18.2

Outsourcing companies (East): 9.2

Outsourcing companies (West): (0.9)

Other companies: 60.7

Total operating income Total operating income of subsidiaries other than Elimination and Consolidated operating

of 5 major subsidiaries the 5 major subsidiaries (excluding the effect of U.S. GAAP income

(JPN GAAP) dividends received by NTT (Holding Company)) adjustments (U.S. GAAP)

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Details of Consolidated Cash Flows

Cash flows from Cash flows from FCF Cash flows from Interest-bearing debt

operating investing(A) + (B) financing

activities activities activities


(Billions of yen)

3,000 2,453.7 2,727.9

2,000 +274.2 (330.6) (56.3) (+122.7)

1,000 (1,776.3) (2,106.8) 677.4 621.1 (745.2) (622.4)







4,500.0 4,036.0 4,200.0 4,300.0

4,000.0 2013.3

3,500.0 2014.3

3,000.0 2015.3E

Increase/Decrease from the same period of the previous fiscal year

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Capital Investment

FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E

Capital Investment (Billions of yen)


NTT DATA (Consolidated)

NTT Communications

NTT West

NTT East

NTT DOCOMO (Consolidated)

1,907.5 1,970.0 111.8 1,892.8 45.7 1,850.0

1,795.7 1,750.0 (5.9)% (2.5)%

168.6 112.4 160.0

122.1 147.7 140.0

108.2 141.8 120.0

358.4 339.4 320.0

396.5 351.3 320.0

753.7 703.1 690.0

Includes consolidated capital investments real estate-related amounts

Capex to Sales Ratio

18.1% 16.7% 15.9%

Capex to Sales

* (includes real estate-related amounts) 18.4% 17.3% 16.5%

* Amounts include sales and investments related to real estate and solar power generation operations

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation








FY2013 Details of Financial Results (Per Item)

Operating Fixed IP/packet: +1.7 (Billions of yen)

Revenues [year-on-year+224.4] Mobile IP/packet:(3.3)

Other: +0.7

Fixed voice: (133.9)

Mobile voice: (204.9) SI revenues and sales IP/packet

of telecommunications communications Other revenues

Voice-related equipment services revenues

services revenues 389.9 0.9 174.3


Systems Integration 10,925.2

Fixed voice

10,700.7 Telecommunications

Mobile voice equipment

Systems Integration: +265.1

Telecommunications equipment (Fixed-line): + 8.3

Telecommunications equipment (Mobile): +116.4

FY2012 FY2013


Expenses [year-on-year:+212.7]

Depreciation 27.8 22.6

expenses and loss on

disposal of assets 233.4 Personnel expenses Other expenses


9,498.8 Expenses for purchase 9,711.5

of goods and services

and other expenses

FY2012 FY2013

* Beginning with FY2013, NTT Group revised a portion of its breakdown of Operating Revenue components. As a result, each of the components of Operating Revenues for FY2012 has been adjusted to reflect this change.

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





Details of Consolidated Balance Sheet

March 31, 2013 March 31, 2014

(Billions of yen)







Depreciable Assets

(property, plant and equipment)


Interest-Bearing Debt 4,036.0

Liability for Employees’ Retirement Benefits


Deferred Tax Assets (non-current) 752.8



Treasury Stock (568.5)







Interest-Bearing Debt 4,200.0 [+164.0]

Depreciable Assets (property, plant and equipment) 8,241.9 [(60.8)]

Liability for Employees’ Retirement Benefits 1,327.9 [(177.7)]

Other 25.9 [+25.9]




Deferred Tax Assets (non-current)

661.5 [(91.3)]

Treasury Stock (156.9)


Figures for March 31, 2013 have been revised to reflect the retroactive application of the equity method of accounting for Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company.

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





Consolidated and Main Subsidiaries’ Financial Results for FY2013

(Billions of yen)



Consolidated (Holding Company)

Non-Consolidated Non-Consolidated Non-Consolidated Non-Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated


Operating Revenues 10,925.2 430.8 1,773.8 1,589.6 944.0 1,343.7 4,461.2

Change year-on-year 224.4 (1.9) (57.9) (38.3) (0.7) 41.8 (8.9)

(% change) 2.1% (0.4)% (3.2)% (2.4)% (0.1)% 3.2% (0.2)%

Forecasts for FY2013 11,000.0 431.0 1,772.0 1,581.0 925.0 1,330.0 4,640.0

(% progress) 99.3% 100.0% 100.1% 100.5% 102.1% 101.0% 96.1%

Operating Expenses 9,711.5 147.3 1,707.0 1,573.2 830.5 1,281.1 3,642.0

Change year-on-year 212.7 (6.8) (59.6) (35.5) 3.8 64.9 9.1

(% change) 2.2% (4.5)% (3.4)% (2.2)% 0.5% 5.3% 0.2%

Forecasts for FY2013 9,770.0 147.0 1,702.0 1,561.0 813.0 1,270.0 3,800.0

(% progress) 99.4% 100.2% 100.3% 100.8% 102.2% 100.9% 95.8%

Operating Income 1,213.7 283.5 66.7 16.3 113.4 62.5 819.2

Change year-on-year 11.7 4.9 1.6 (2.8) (4.6) (23.1) (18.0)

(% change) 1.0% 1.8% 2.5% (14.7)% (4.0)% (27.0)% (2.1)%

Forecasts for FY2013 1,230.0 284.0 70.0 20.0 112.0 60.0 840.0

(% progress) 98.7% 99.8% 95.3% 81.9% 101.3% 104.3% 97.5%

Income Before (2) 1,294.2 277.3 91.7 26.0 132.5 62.1 833.0

Income Taxes

Change year-on-year 96.5 (5) 2.8 2.8 (2.3) 2.8 (19.7) (0.3) (5)

(% change) 8.1% 1.1% 3.2% (8.2)% 2.2% (24.1)% (0.0)%

Forecasts for FY2013 1,280.0 278.0 90.0 28.0 122.0 49.0 842.0

(% progress) 101.1% 99.8% 101.9% 93.1% 108.7% 126.8% 98.9%

Net Income 585.5 (3) 279.2 53.9 18.7 88.9 23.2 464.7(4)

Change year-on-year 63.5(5) 7.6 1.1(2.2) 23.6(20.2)(26.3) (5)

(% change) 12.2% 2.8% 2.1% (10.7)% 36.2% (46.5)% (5.4)%

Forecasts for FY2013 585.0 280.0 52.0 19.0 84.0 23.0 510.0

(% progress) 100.1% 99.7% 103.8% 98.5% 105.9% 101.2% 91.1%

(1) NTT has 946 consolidated subsidiaries and accounts for 123 companies under the equity method.

(2) “Income Before Income Taxes” for NTT (Holding Company), NTT East, NTT West, NTT Communications and NTT DATA represent their recurring profits. (3) “Net Income” for NTT Consolidated represents “Net income attributable to NTT, excluding noncontrolling interests.” (4) “Net Income” for NTT DOCOMO represents “Net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, excluding noncontrolling interests.”

(5) “Change year-on-year (% change)” of “Net Income” and “Income Before Income Taxes” for NTT Consolidated and NTT DOCOMO reflect the retroactive application of the equity method of accounting for Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company.

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





Consolidated and Main Subsidiaries’ Financial Forecasts for FY2014

(Billions of yen)


Consolidated (Holding Company)

Non-Consolidated Non-Consolidated Non-Consolidated Non-Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated


Operating Revenues 11,200.0 422.0 1,771.0 1,582.0 910.0 1,460.0 4,590.0

Change year-on-year 274.8 (8.8) (2.8) (7.6) (34.0) 116.2 128.8

(% change) 2.5% (2.1)% (0.2)% (0.5)% (3.6)% 8.6% 2.9%

Operating Expenses 9,985.0 145.0 1,681.0 1,547.0 807.0 1,375.0 3,840.0

Change year-on-year 273.5 (2.3) (26.0) (26.2) (23.5) 93.8 198.0

(% change) 2.8% (1.6)% (1.5)% (1.7)% (2.8)% 7.3% 5.4%

Operating Income 1,215.0 277.0 90.0 35.0 103.0 85.0 750.0

Change year-on-year 1.3 (6.5) 23.2 18.6 (10.4) 22.4 (69.2)

(% change) 0.1% (2.3)% 34.9% 113.7% (9.2)% 35.8% (8.4)%

Income Before (1) 1,195.0 272.0 90.0 28.0 113.0 75.0 758.0

Income Taxes

Change year-on-year (99.2) (5.3) (1.7) 1.9 (19.5) 12.8 (75.0)

(% change) (7.7)% (1.9)% (1.9)% 7.4% (14.8)% 20.7% (9.0)%

Net Income 586.0 (2) 274.0 58.0 25.0 72.0 37.0 480.0(3)

Change year-on-year 0.5 (5.2) 4.0 6.2 (16.9) 13.7 15.3

(% change) 0.1% (1.9)% 7.5% 33.6% (19.1)% 58.9% 3.3%

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

(1) “Income Before Income Taxes” for NTT (Holding Company), NTT East, NTT West, NTT Communications and NTT DATA represent their recurring profits. (2) “Net Income” for NTT Consolidated represents “Net income attributable to NTT, excluding noncontrolling interests.” (3) “Net Income” for NTT DOCOMO represents “Net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, excluding noncontrolling interests.”

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015





Financial Indices

FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E

EBITDA 3,207.4 billion yen 3,192.3 billion yen 3,207.0 billion yen

EBITDA Margin 30.0% 29.2% 28.6%

Operating Free 1,237.5 billion yen 1,299.5 billion yen 1,357.0 billion yen

Cash Flow

ROCE 6.1% 6.0% 6.1%

EPS 431 yen 509 yen 536 yen

1. EBITDA = Operating Income + Depreciation, Amortization and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

2. EBITDA Margin = (Operating Income + Depreciation, Amortization and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment)/Operating Revenues

3. Operating Free Cash Flow = Operating Income + Depreciation, Amortization and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment – Capital Investments

4. ROCE = Operating Income× (1 – Normal Statutory Tax Rate)/Operating Capital Employed [Note] Please see next page for reconciliation of financial indices.

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





Reconciliation of Financial Indices

(Billions of yen)

Items FY2012 FY2013 FY2014E

(1) Operating Income 1,202.0 1,213.7 1,215.0

EBITDA (2) Depreciation, Amortization, and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment 2,005.5 1,978.6 1,992.0

EBITDA [(1)+(2)] 3,207.4 3,192.3 3,207.0

(1) Operating Income 1,202.0 1,213.7 1,215.0

EBITDA (2) Depreciation, Amortization, and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment 2,005.5 1,978.6 1,992.0

(3) EBITDA [(1)+(2)] 3,207.4 3,192.3 3,207.0

Margin(4) Operating Revenues 10,700.7 10,925.2 11,200.0

EBITDA Margin [(3)/(4)×100] 30.0% 29.2% 28.6%

(1) Operating Income 1,202.0 1,213.7 1,215.0

Operating Free(2) Depreciation, Amortization, and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment 2,005.5 1,978.6 1,992.0

(3) EBITDA [ (1)+(2) ] 3,207.4 3,192.3 3,207.0

Cash Flow(4) Capital Investment * 1,970.0 1,892.8 1,850.0

Operating Free Cash Flow [(3)-(4)] 1,237.5 1,299.5 1,357.0

(1) Operating Income 1,202.0 1,213.7 1,215.0

Normal Statutory Tax Rate 38% 38% 36%

ROCE(2) Operating Income× (1-Normal Statutory Tax Rate) 742.1 749.3 778.8

(3) Operating Capital Employed 12,212.0 12,489.4 12,831.5

ROCE [(2)/(3) ×100] 6.1% 6.0% 6.1%

* “Capital investment” is the accrual-based amount required for any acquisition of property, plant and equipment or intangibles. The differences from the

amounts of “Payments for property, plant and equipment” and “Payments for intangibles” in the consolidated statements of cash flows are as follows:

FY2012 FY2013

Payments for Property, Plant and Equipment 1,538.1 1,486.7

Payments for Intangibles 446.6 416.6

Total 1,984.7 1,903.2

Difference from Capital Investment 14.7 10.5

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





Calculation of ARPU

Average monthly revenue per unit, or ARPU, is used to measure average monthly operating revenues attributable to each designated service on a per user basis. In the case of NTT Group’s fixed-line business, ARPU is calculated by dividing revenue items included in the operating revenues of NTT

Group’s regional communications business segment, that is, telephone subscriber lines, “INS-NET” and “FLET’S Hikari,” by the number of Active Subscribers to the relevant services.

In the case of NTT Group’s mobile communications business, ARPU is calculated by dividing revenue items included in operating revenues from its mobile communications business segment, such as revenues from FOMA mobile phone services and Xi mobile phone services, that are incurred consistently each month (i.e., basic monthly charges and voice/packet transmission charges), by the number of Active Subscribers to the relevant services. The calculation of these figures excludes revenues that are not representative of monthly average usage, such as telecommunications equipment sales, activation fees and universal service charges.

NTT believes that its ARPU figures calculated in this way provide useful information regarding the monthly average usage of its subscribers. The revenue items included in the numerators of NTT Group’s ARPU figures are based on its financial results comprising its U.S. GAAP results of operations.


(1) We compute the following four categories of ARPU for business conducted by each of NTT East and NTT West.

Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines): Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for Telephone Subscriber Lines and INS-NET Subscriber Lines, which are included in operating revenues from Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP Services), and revenues from “FLET’S ADSL” and “FLET’S ISDN,” which are included in operating revenues from IP Services.

Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for Telephone Subscriber Lines and revenues from “FLET’S ADSL.”INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for “INS-NET” Subscriber Lines and revenues from “FLET’S ISDN.”

FLET’S Hikari ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from “FLET’S Hikari” (including “FLET’S Hikari” optional services), which are included in operating revenues from IP Services, revenues from monthly charges, call charges and connection device charges for “Hikari Denwa,” and revenues from “FLET’S Hikari” optional services, which are included in Supplementary Business revenues.

“FLET’S Hikari” includes “B FLET’S,” “FLET’S Hikari Next,” “FLET’S Hikari Light” and “FLET’S Hikari WiFi Access” provided by NTT East, and “B FLET’S,” “FLET’S Hikari Premium,” “FLET’S Hikari Mytown,” “FLET’S Hikari Next,” “FLET’S Hikari Light” and “FLET’S Hikari WiFi Access” provided by NTT West.

Commencing in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014, NTT East and NTT West began including in their respective FLET’S Hikari ARPU calculations revenues from NTT East’s and NTT West’s “FLET’S VPN WIDE” virtual private network option. These revenues are part of NTT East’s and NTT West’s operating revenues from IP services. As a result of this new calculation methodology, NTT East’s and NTT West’s

FLET’S Hikari ARPU for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013 include revenues of 20 yen for NTT East and NTT West from “FLET’S VPN WIDE.” (2)Revenues from interconnection charges are excluded from the calculation of Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines), Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU, INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU, and FLET’S Hikari ARPU.

(3) For purposes of calculating Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines), Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU and INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU, the number of subscribers is determined based on the number of subscriptions for each service.

(4) In terms of number of channels, transmission rate, and line use rate (base rate), INS-Net 1500 is in all cases roughly ten times greater than INS-Net 64. For this reason, for the purpose of calculating Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines) and INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU, one INS-Net 1500 subscription is calculated as ten INS-Net 64 subscriptions.

(5) For purposes of calculating FLET’S Hikari ARPU, number of subscribers is determined based on the number of “FLET’S Hikari” subscribers, including subscribers to “B FLET’S,” “FLET’S Hikari Next,” “FLET’S Hikari Light” and “FLET’S Hikari WiFi Access” provided by NTT East, and subscribers to “B FLET’S,” “FLET’S Hikari Premium,” “FLET’S Hikari Mytown,” “FLET’S Hikari Next,” “FLET’S Hikari Light” and “FLET’S Hikari WiFi Access” provided by NTT West.

(6) The following is the formula we use to compute ARPU for mobile business conducted by NTT DOCOMO.

Mobile Aggregate ARPU (“FOMA”+“Xi”) = Voice ARPU (“FOMA”+“Xi”) + Packet ARPU (“FOMA”+“Xi”) + Smart ARPU (“FOMA”+“Xi”).

NTT DOCOMO’s Voice ARPU (“FOMA”+“Xi”) is based on operating revenues related to voice services, such as basic monthly charges and voice communication charges attributable to our “FOMA” and “Xi” services, and our Packet ARPU (“FOMA”+“Xi”) is based on operating revenues related to packet services, such as flat monthly fees and packet communication charges attributable to our “FOMA” and “Xi” services and our Smart ARPU (“FOMA”+“Xi”) is based on operating revenues from a part of Other Operating Revenues attributable to “FOMA” and “Xi” wireless communications services (revenues from content, collection of charges, mobile phone insurance service, advertising and others).

(7) Communications module service, phone number storage service, mail address storage service and docomo Business Transceiver subscribers and the revenues therefrom are not included in the calculations of Mobile Aggregate ARPU. (8) Number of active subscribers used in the ARPU calculation of NTT East and NTT West are as below.

1Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from April to June.

2Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from July to September.

3Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from October to December.

4Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from January to March.

FY Results : Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from April to March.

FY Forecast: Sum of the average expected active number of subscribers during the fiscal year ((number of subscribers at March 31, 2014 + number of expected subscribers at March 31, 2015)/2)x12 (9) Number of active subscribers used in the ARPU calculation of NTT DOCOMO are as below.

1Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from April to June.

2Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from July to September.

3Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from October to December.

4Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from January to March.

FY Results/FY Forecast: Sum of number of active subscribers**/ expected number of active subscribers** for each month from April to March.

**active subscribers = (number of subscribers at end of previous month + number of subscribers at end of the current month)/2

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2015

Copyright (c) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation


May 13, 2014


Settlement for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014

The results of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation (NTT East) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 are presented in the following attachments.



1. Summary of Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014


2. Non-Consolidated Comparative Balance Sheets


3. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Income


4. Non-Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity and Other Net Assets


5. Business Results (Non-Consolidated Operating Revenues)


6. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Cash Flows


7. Changes in Board of Directors

For inquiries, please contact:

Mr. Yasuhiro Kawamori or Mr. Chikashi Sakurai

Accounting Section, Finance Division

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation

Tel: +81-3-5359-3331

E-mail: kessan_info@sinoa.east.ntt.co.jp

1. Summary of Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014

In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014, the U.S. was stable, and Europe showed signs of recovery, but the economies of China and other emerging nations slowed, so the overall pace of growth of the global economy was gradual. The Japanese economy continued to show signs of mild recovery driven mainly by domestic demand, stimulated by the effects of government policies.

The information and communications market is growing due to an increasing shift to broadband services and globalization. The market is undergoing structural changes beyond the existing framework, including fixed-mobile convergence, cloud computing(*1) and smart TV development, penetration of high-speed wireless and Wi-Fi(*2) compatible devices, such as smartphones and tablet devices, and widespread use of applications that enable free phone calls and messaging. Regional telecommunications markets are also changing dramatically, with intensifying competition in broadband service facilities and services centered around the shift to fiber-optic access, and increasing offloading(*3) needs due to the expansion of the volume of data communications. New services that leverage a variety of wireless devices are also expanding, which in turn leads to diversification in the way that customers are using these devices.

Amid such a difficult and volatile business environment, as a carrier with an important leadership role in the information and communications industry, NTT East strove to ensure that it strictly complies with any applicable rules and regulations, abiding by the requirements of fair competition. At the same time, NTT East has aimed to secure a stable and solid foundation for its business, worked to provide high-quality, stable universal services and aimed to ensure the reliability in social infrastructure, such as the prompt restoration of services in times of large-scale natural disasters and other calamities.

In line with NTT Group’s Medium-Term Management Strategy “Towards the Next Stage” adopted by NTT in November 2012, NTT East has devoted its energy to enhancing broadband/ubiquitous environments and to expanding fiber-optic access service user demographics through the provision of new services and products, as well as the provision of customer-friendly rate menus and rate menus which encourage subscribers to use its services for longer terms.

(1) Efforts to Promote Fiber-optic and IP Services

Amid intensifying competition with respect to broadband services, NTT East launched new services, which promote the expansion and continued use of “FLET’S Hikari”(*4) and aim to meet customer needs when using their Wi-Fi-compatible devices.

Ever since “FLET’S Hikari” was launched in 2001 as “B-FLET’S,” the service has become ever faster and cheaper, with an enhanced product lineup. Through proactive initiatives, such as forming alliances with a variety of vendors, and by working hard to expand the range of situations where optical fiber can be used, NTT East reached 10 million subscribers on October 12, 2013.

i. NTT East’s largest-ever discount campaign, “Omoikkiri-Wari,” for customers who newly subscribe to “FLET’S Hikari,” was started in December 2012, and continued until the end of January 2014. Starting in October 2013, the “FLET’S Hikari Light Family Type” was added to the services covered by this campaign.


– 1 –

In addition, to encourage communication between people living alone and their other family members, NTT East started the “Tanshin & Kazoku O-en Wari,” offering discounted monthly fees for the “FLET’S Hikari” service for groups on a single bill.

Further, to meet the needs of corporate customers, NTT East began offering, in limited geographic areas, the “FLET’S Hikari Next Prio,” with bandwidth priority that enables stable, high-speed, high-quality communications, even at times of network congestion.

ii. In order to increase the use of smart TV services, NTT East launched the TSUTAYA Stick(*6), a smart TV device that allows the video streaming service TSUTAYA TV(*5) offered by T-MEDIA HOLDINGS Co., Ltd. to be used with FLET’S Hikari. This service makes it easier for customers to enjoy their favorite movies and television dramas at home over the Internet.

iii. NTT East introduced the “FLET’S Azukeru” online storage service(*7), by which customers can store and share on the Internet various types of data, such as photos and videos, etc. they have stored on their PCs, smartphones and tablets. They can also perform automatic backups of data at set intervals. Stored data can be accessed from anywhere using a mobile device through indoor / outdoor Wi-Fi, therefore increasing customer convenience.

iv. NTT East also initiated its “Rakureji” tablet POS service(*8), allowing retailers to manage their sales and accounting on the cloud network. Compared with conventional POS registers, this costs less and uses less space, and in addition, increased convenience as a result of the tangible operation involved when using a tablet.

NTT East also began offering “Raku Pop Board,” a digital signage service that can support a wide range of POP advertising(*9), transmitting video and image content and other information to tablets in a timely fashion.

v. With the growing popularity of smartphones and tablets, NTT East worked with local governments and other public agencies in Yamanashi Prefecture and the Tohoku region to provide Wi-Fi environments in tourist destinations and commercial areas and which foreign tourists can also access. As a result, NTT East has enhanced user convenience by enabling visitors from overseas and others to access information distributed by tourism centers, stores, and lodging facilities. NTT East has also worked with Recruit Lifestyle Co. Ltd. on a trial offer of a free application for tourists in Hakone, one of Japan’s premier tourist destinations, called “Tabi-Navi Hakone.” This app uses geo-fence technology(*10) to deliver information and special offers concerning tourists’ locations to tourists automatically to their smartphones, so they can plan their trip and time more effectively, and enjoy travel in a new way. For tourist destinations and retailers, this service offers a new way to attract customers, by guiding them directly to shops and hotels.

vi. As online shopping has become more and more a part of everyday life, NTT East has developed “FLET’S Hikari Otoku Market,” on the website of the “FLET’S Hikari Member’s Club,” a membership program for “FLET’S Hikari” users, to enable people of all ages to take advantage of secure and convenient online shopping. This new service allows members to buy everyday products offered by participating companies at special prices, or with specific benefits attached. Operators of NTT East also offer support services, so that even users who are new to the Internet can be at ease when they shop online.


– 2 –

(2) Initiatives Relating to the Solutions Business

NTT East launched business operations in fields such as local government, medicine, and education, centered around industry-specific solutions that take into account each industry’s characteristics and trends, for the satisfaction of its regional customers through the promotion of ICT(*11) utilization.

i. In the field of local government, NTT East launched “Biz Hikari Cloud Anpi Kakunin Service,” a service that allows officials to verify government workers’ well-being during major disasters. This service uses applications that were proven to be reliable and effective when access was needed to large quantities of data during the Great East Japan Earthquake. NTT East provides this service from its Biz Hikari cloud platform installed in data centers, which are built to withstand powerful earthquakes up to magnitude 6 (on the Japanese Shindo scale). This service provides reassurance that officials can confirm workers’ safety and make emergency contact even at times of major disasters.

ii. In the field of medicine, NTT East launched “Biz Hikari Cloud Future Clinic 21Warp,” an electronic records service for medical clinics, as it has become increasingly important for local hospitals and clinics to collaborate and provide integrated patient treatment. This new service helps keep initial implementation costs down, while allowing medical clinics to enter data in the electronic records as easily as writing by hand. Electronic medical records are centrally managed and stored at data centers which provides for disaster countermeasures and risk management, enhancing convenience for medical clinics.

iii. In the field of education, NTT East is working with elementary and junior high schools to ease the massive administrative burden of educators and has continued to provide total support for the installation, operation and maintenance of in-school administrative systems. In consideration of requests by the customers of such services, NTT East has started offering an elementary and junior high school administration support service(*12) called “Biz Hikari Cloud Omakase Kohmu.” Offering this service on a cloud platform helps educators keep initial implementation costs low, take less time installing systems, and make the service easier to use.

For educational systems(*13) used as core systems in the university sector, there is a growing need for cloud computing as a means of easing the burden of systems management, reducing costs and following its business continuity plan (BCP). NTT East is working to realize these goals, agreeing to collaborate with educational systems specialists Japan System Technology Co., SystemD Inc. and NTT Data Kyushu Corp. to make cloud computing a reality in this context.

iv. As the new lineup for “Office Marugoto Support,” the support service for small- to medium-sized businesses, NTT East began offering “IT Support Type I” to customers who use an Internet connection besides “FLET’S Hikari,” and “Fukugouki Omakase Support,” for customers who use multifunction printers.

(3) Status of Business Operation Structure

Regarding the structure of NTT East’s business operations, in July 2013, NTT East reorganized its head office structure, in order to respond to the rapidly changing market environment and business environment, provide services based on customer needs on a timely basis, create new business markets, and to make business operations even more efficient.

From the perspective of responding to a rapidly changing environment, the main details of this reorganization were revisions to the service development systems on a market-by-market basis, such that the company now has four divisions. The New Business Development Headquarters was established, with a unified grasp of the full range of the company’s activities from development of services for consumers and business users to marketing (pre-sales); to enhance the company’s sales power and productivity, the Sales Promotion Headquarters now covers sales of services to mass users and SOHOs; the Corporate Sales Promotion Headquarters handles sales of services and solutions for business users; and the Network Business Promotion Headquarters handles development, design, construction and maintenance of network equipment.


– 3 –

(4) Corporate Social Responsibility Activities

NTT East considers Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) activities to be one of the most important pillars in the management of the company. NTT East believes that it is the social responsibility of a company to contribute to the environmentally-friendly, healthy and sustainable development of society. To this end, pursuant to the NTT Group CSR Charter (adopted in June 2006), NTT East sought to comply with the law and address its efforts towards reducing the environmental burden of its operations.

i. NTT East continued to direct its efforts towards compliance with laws and regulations to ensure fair competition, protect personal information, make correct representations in advertising, and regarding the dispatch of workers. As part of our ongoing efforts to raise employee awareness, following the arrest and indictment of an employee on suspicion of violating the Act concerning Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, etc. (“NTT Law”) in December 2013, NTT East has redoubled its efforts to strengthen checks on contract operations, raise employee awareness, and prevent recurrence.

ii. In view of the national state of supply and demand of electricity, NTT East worked, as it did in the last fiscal year, to save electricity used by communication facilities to the greatest extent possible while ensuring the maintenance of communications services. To conserve power in its own offices, NTT East added to its energy conservation efforts to date by expanding installation of thin client systems, installing LED lighting, and making further efforts to conserve electricity.

iii. To realize CSR activities befitting its position as the leading company in Japan’s information and communications industry, NTT East established the “Shape the NTT East Group Is Aiming For,” worked to achieve greater penetration of the “NTT Group CSR Charter,” and strove to set up specific practices for the PDCA cycle based on key performance indicators (KPI *14). As a result, the NTT East Group succeeded in systematically establishing a new framework for its CSR activities

iv. To promote the principles of such CSR activities, NTT East issued the NTT East Group CSR Report 2013, among other things, to proactively disclose relevant information to its stakeholders.

(5) Efforts towards Improved Reliability and a Full-fledged Restoration from the Great East Japan Earthquake

i. In efforts directed towards full-fledged restoration from the Great East Japan Earthquake, NTT East worked to further improve service reliability, moving exchange offices that were hit by the tsunami to higher ground.

ii. In addition, to prepare for an earthquake directly beneath Tokyo, NTT East is working with local governments and the Japan Self-Defense Forces, and other companies in the NTT Group in disaster training programs to strengthen cooperation and enhance disaster-response skills.


– 4 –

(6) Financial Standing

As a result of these and other cost reduction efforts during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014, operating revenues totaled 1,773.8 billion yen (a decrease of 3.2% from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013), operating income totaled 66.7 billion yen (an increase of 2.5% from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012), recurring profit was 91.7 billion yen (an increase of 3.2% from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013), and net income totaled 53.9 billion yen (an increase of 2.1% from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013).


*1: A new form of computer network usage where users can access data and software contained in a group of servers on a network “from wherever, whenever needed, and only for the functions needed” without processing or saving data on their own computers.


*2: An abbreviation for Wireless Fidelity. This is a brand name for ensuring compatibility, so that wireless LAN equipment can connect effortlessly with other equipment. Now this term is used to signify the wireless LAN environment itself in which Wi-Fi –compatible equipment interacts with other equipment.


*3: A mechanism for lightening the load on a given system by splitting processing among other systems.


*4: A collective name for FLET’S Hikari Next, B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Light and FLET’S Hikari Wi-Fi Access.


*5: A Video On Demand (VOD) and Electronic Sell-Through (EST) service that streams high definition video content.


*6: A stick-type set top box (STB) that enables access to the “TSUTAYA TV” Video On Demand (VOD) service by connecting to the HDMI interface on a television.


*7: A service that lends disk space for saving files on the Internet.


*8: An abbreviation for Point of Sales. This is a system that records sales information for each product sold in-store, and uses the compiled information for inventory management and marketing purposes.


*9: An abbreviation for Point of Purchase Advertising. These are ads that are placed in the storefront of retail stores or on products, such as posters, price cards and displays.


*10: This feature enables dynamic information acquisition, including receiving new information and acquisition of points, when a person carrying a smartphone enters the geographic area.


*11: An abbreviation for Information and Communication Technology, referring to technology in the information and communication industry.


*12: A system that allows staff at elementary and junior high schools to conduct administrative activities in the staffroom using information communication technology. Information that was previously recorded by hand (student information and grades etc.), is instead added to a database, which enables the centralization of processes and improves efficiency.


*13: A collective name for systems that handle functions necessary for the running of universities, such as centrally managing universities’ student registers and managing students’ grades.


*14: An abbreviation for Key Performance Indicator. This is a quantitative indicator that measures the degree to which goals have been achieved.


– 5 –

2. Non-Consolidated Comparative Balance Sheets

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2013     March 31, 2014     Increase



Fixed assets:


Fixed assets - telecommunications businesses


Property, plant and equipment


Machinery and equipment

     484,112        474,554        (9,557

Antenna facilities

     4,643        4,325        (317

Terminal equipment

     55,006        45,756        (9,249

Local line facilities

     846,814        862,315        15,500   

Long-distance line facilities

     4,608        4,107        (500

Engineering facilities

     621,339        612,405        (8,934

Submarine line facilities

     1,520        1,421        (98


     455,586        438,137        (17,448


     16,625        16,807        181   

Other machinery and equipment

     4,860        4,062        (797

Vehicles and vessels

     463        322        (141

Tools, furniture and fixtures

     41,962        40,745        (1,216


     203,553        197,026        (6,527

Lease assets

     546        475        (70

Construction in progress

     36,097        19,885        (16,211

Total property, plant and equipment

     2,777,740        2,722,349        (55,390

Intangible fixed assets

     92,108        88,386        (3,722

Total fixed assets - telecommunications businesses

     2,869,848        2,810,736        (59,112

Investments and other assets


Investment securities

     7,386        8,231        845   

Investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies

     48,253        48,253        —     

Other investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies

     4,312        4,089        (222

Investment in capital

     458        343        (115

Long-term prepaid expenses

     4,230        4,114        (115

Prepaid pension cost

     5,215        13,576        8,361   

Deferred income taxes

     135,083        130,509        (4,574

Other investments and assets

     5,712        4,771        (941

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (898     (1,030     (132

Total investments and other assets

     209,754        212,859        3,104   

Total fixed assets

     3,079,602        3,023,595        (56,007

Current assets:


Cash and bank deposits

     59,223        25,765        (33,457

Notes receivable

     7        171        163   

Accounts receivable, trade

     261,400        238,999        (22,401

Accounts receivable, other

     110,017        113,953        3,936   


     10        —          (10


     36,206        33,852        (2,353

Advance payment

     1,911        1,616        (294

Prepaid expenses

     7,944        7,237        (707

Deferred income taxes

     7,659        5,541        (2,118


     76,588        91,534        14,945   

Other current assets

     11,101        13,920        2,819   

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (1,826     (622     1,204   

Total current assets

     570,243        531,969        (38,273











     3,649,846        3,555,565        (94,281











– 6 –

     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2013      March 31, 2014      Increase



Long-term liabilities:


Long-term borrowings from parent company

     576,195         548,775         (27,420

Lease obligations

     1,114         987         (126

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     222,469         231,328         8,858   

Reserve for point services

     6,658         7,074         415   

Reserve for unused telephone cards

     12,647         11,082         (1,565

Allowance for environmental measures

     —           4,511         4,511   

Asset retirement obligations

     602         1,110         507   

Other long-term liabilities

     10,742         8,613         (2,128

Total long-term liabilities

     830,430         813,483         (16,946

Current liabilities:


Current portion of long-term borrowings from parent company

     168,155         127,420         (40,735

Accounts payable, trade

     93,597         77,246         (16,351

Lease obligations

     538         482         (56

Accounts payable, other

     246,935         212,539         (34,395

Accrued expenses

     15,551         14,951         (600

Accrued taxes on income

     7,681         5,746         (1,935

Advance received

     5,997         5,300         (697

Deposit received

     129,211         125,491         (3,720

Unearned revenue

     287         374         87   

Asset retirement obligations

     —           149         149   

Other current liabilities

     3,173         3,123         (50

Total current liabilities

     671,132         572,826         (98,306











     1,501,563         1,386,310         (115,253












Shareholders’ equity:


Common stock

     335,000         335,000         —     

Capital surplus


Additional paid-in capital

     1,499,726         1,499,726         —     

Total capital surplus

     1,499,726         1,499,726         —     

Earned surplus


Other earned surplus


Reserve for special depreciation

     2,997         2,648         (349

Reserve for reduction entry

     9,901         11,405         1,503   

Accumulated earned surplus

     300,384         319,686         19,301   

Total earned surplus

     313,284         333,740         20,456   

Total shareholders’ equity

     2,148,011         2,168,467         20,456   

Unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others:


Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities

     271         787         515   

Total unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others

     271         787         515   











     2,148,283         2,169,255         20,971   











     3,649,846         3,555,565         (94,281











– 7 –

3. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Income

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


      (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31,  2013
     Year ended
March 31,  2014

Telecommunications businesses:


Operating revenues

     1,689,238         1,630,523         (58,715

Operating expenses


Business expenses

     454,359         423,552         (30,807


     10,247         9,397         (849

Maintenance expenses

     411,146         409,979         (1,166

Overhead expenses

     93,456         90,607         (2,849


     96,521         90,679         (5,841

Experiment and research

     49,071         45,341         (3,729

Depreciation and amortization

     374,117         359,020         (15,096

Retirement of fixed assets

     43,504         45,645         2,141   

Access charges

     32,906         31,944         (962

Miscellaneous taxes

     70,762         71,654         892   

Total operating expenses

     1,636,091         1,577,823         (58,268

Operating income from telecommunications businesses

     53,146         52,699         (446

Supplementary businesses:


Operating revenues

     142,559         143,286         727   

Operating expenses

     130,634         129,271         (1,363

Operating income from supplementary businesses

     11,924         14,014         2,090   

Operating income

     65,071         66,714         1,643   

Non-operating revenues:


Interest income

     51         76         24   

Interest on securities

     10         0         (9

Dividends received

     2,494         3,690         1,196   

Lease and rental income

     43,166         44,296         1,129   

Miscellaneous income

     14,467         9,964         (4,503

Total non-operating revenues

     60,190         58,027         (2,162

Non-operating expenses:


Interest expenses

     8,792         7,203         (1,588

Lease and rental expenses

     24,063         23,253         (810

Miscellaneous expenses

     3,512         2,536         (976

Total non-operating expenses

     36,368         32,993         (3,375

Recurring profit

     88,893         91,749         2,856   

Special losses:


Impairment loss

     —           4,909         4,909   

Special loss on disaster

     7,980         —           (7,980

Provision for Allowance for environmental measures

     —           3,382         3,382   

Total special losses

     7,980         8,292         312   

Income before income taxes

     80,912         83,457         2,544   

Corporation, inhabitant, and enterprise taxes

     18,513         23,033         4,520   

Deferred tax expenses (benefits)

     9,577         6,467         (3,109

Net income

     52,822         53,956         1,133   


– 8 –

4. Non-Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity and Other Net Assets

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


Year ended March 31, 2013

  (Millions of yen)  
    Shareholders’ equity     Unrealized gains
(losses), translation
adjustments, and others
    Capital surplus     Earned surplus     Total
(losses) on
and others
    Other earned surplus     Total
account for

April 1, 2012

    211,763        131,615        131,615        1,921        2,347        352,056        356,324        699,703        45,010        45,010        744,714   


































Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

              (30,500     (30,500     (30,500         (30,500

Net income

              65,311        65,311        65,311            65,311   

Decrease by corporate division

              (31     (31     (31         (31

Provision of reserve for special account for property replacement

          1,619          (1,619             —     

Return of reserve for special account for property replacement

          (1,921       1,921                —     

Provision of reserve for reduction entry

            600        (600             —     

Others, net

                    32,105        32,105        32,105   


































Total net change during the annual period

    —          —          —          (301     600        34,481        34,780        34,780        32,105        32,105        66,885   


































March 31, 2013

    211,763        131,615        131,615        1,619        2,947        386,537        391,104        734,483        77,116        77,116        811,600   



































Year ended March 31, 2014

  (Millions of yen)  
     Shareholders’ equity     Unrealized gains
(losses), translation
adjustments, and others
    Capital surplus     Earned surplus     Total
(losses) on
and others
    Other earned surplus     Total
        Reserve for
account for

April 1, 2013

    211,763        131,615        131,615        1,619        2,947        386,537        391,104        734,483        77,116        77,116        811,600   


































Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

              (33,500     (33,500     (33,500         (33,500

Net income

              88,959        88,959        88,959            88,959   

Provision of reserve for special account for property replacement

          8,344          (8,344             —     

Return of reserve for special account for property replacement

          (1,619       1,619                —     

Provision of reserve for reduction entry

            1,155        (1,155             —     

Return of reserve for reduction entry

            (0     0                —     

Others, net

                    (2,711     (2,711     (2,711


































Total net change during the annual period

    —          —          —          6,725        1,155        47,578        55,458        55,458        (2,711     (2,711     52,746   


































March 31, 2014

    211,763        131,615        131,615        8,344        4,102        434,116        446,563        789,942        74,404        74,404        864,347   



































– 9 –

5. Business Results (Non-Consolidated Operating Revenues)

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2013
     Year ended
March 31, 2014

Voice transmission services revenues
(excluding IP services revenues)

     579,196         518,346         (60,850     (10.5

Monthly charge revenues*

     417,852         378,089         (39,763     (9.5

Call rates revenues*

     47,939         42,044         (5,895     (12.3

Interconnection call revenues*

     72,378         63,210         (9,167     (12.7

IP services revenues

     835,886         841,334         5,448        0.7   

Leased circuit services revenues
(excluding IP services revenues)

     122,777         117,286         (5,491     (4.5

Telegram services revenues

     16,107         14,951         (1,155     (7.2

Other telecommunications services revenues

     135,270         138,604         3,334        2.5   













Telecommunications total revenues

     1,689,238         1,630,523         (58,715     (3.5













Supplementary business total revenues

     142,559         143,286         727        0.5   













Total operating revenues

     1,831,797         1,773,809         (57,987     (3.2














* Partial listing only


– 10 –

6. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Cash Flows

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2013
    Year ended
March 31, 2014

Cash flows from operating activities:


Income before income taxes

     80,912        83,457        2,544   

Depreciation and amortization

     386,554        372,285        (14,268

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

     26,311        23,031        (3,279

Increase (decrease) in liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     (4,994     8,858        13,853   

(Increase) decrease in accounts receivable

     (48,176     18,301        66,477   

(Increase) decrease in inventories

     9,312        484        (8,827

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued expenses

     (618     (28,439     (27,821

Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption tax

     7,491        (3,721     (11,212


     (12,351     755        13,106   











     444,442        475,013        30,570   

Interest and dividends received

     2,556        3,767        1,210   

Interest paid

     (8,889     (7,810     1,078   

Income taxes received (paid)

     650        (21,779     (22,429










Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

     438,760        449,190        10,430   

Cash flows from investing activities:


Payments for property, plant and equipment

     (405,241     (362,549     42,692   

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment

     10,856        7,679        (3,177

Payments for purchase of investment securities

     (510     (167     343   

Proceeds from sale of investment securities

     506        358        (147


     (5,014     (7,373     (2,358










Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

     (399,403     (362,051     37,351   

Cash flows from financing activities:


Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt

     126,635        100,000        (26,635

Payments for settlement of long-term debt

     (148,339     (168,155     (19,816

Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings

     (30,000     —          30,000   

Payments for settlement of lease obligations

     (1,176     (599     577   

Dividends paid

     (33,500     (33,500     —     










Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

     (86,381     (102,255     (15,873

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     (47,024     (15,116     31,908   

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year

     185,925        138,901        (47,024










Cash and cash equivalents at end of year

     138,901        123,785        (15,116











– 11 –



(1) Candidates for Senior Vice President   

Masao Seki

   (Executive Manager, Marketing Strategy Department, Sales Promotion Headquarters)

Shinji Yano

   (General Manager, Chiba Branch)

Yuichi Kouyama

   (Executive Manager, Office Users Business Department, Corporate Sales Promotion Headquarters)

Naoki Shibutani

   (Executive Manager, Corporate Business Strategy Office, Corporate Strategy Planning Department)
(2) Candidates for Corporate Auditor   

Hideharu Sasaki

   (Full-time Counselor to the President, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation)

Wataru Kagawa

   (Executive Vice President, NTT DOCOMO, INC.)

Hisashi Mimura

(3) Senior Vice Presidents scheduled to resign from office   

Yoshihisa Omura

   (Executive Vice President; scheduled to take office at Nippon COMSYS Corporation)

Yasuo Otsubo

   (Senior Vice President; scheduled to take office at KYOWA EXEO CORPORATION)

Tsutomu Ebe

   (Senior Vice President; scheduled to take office at Counselor to the President)
(4) Corporate Auditors scheduled to resign from office   

Yukihiro Ozaki

   (Full-time Corporate Auditor)

Hikaru Chono

   (Full-time Corporate Auditor)

Mitsuhiro Takase

   (Corporate Auditor)
(5) Candidates for Executive Officers   

1       Candidate scheduled to be re-elected as President


Masayuki Yamamura


2       Candidates scheduled to be re-elected as Senior Executive Vice President

Hiroshi Nakagawa

   (Senior Executive Vice President)

Masahide Oka

   (Senior Executive Vice President)

3       Candidates scheduled to be re-elected/take office as Executive Vice President

Takashi Kagaya

   (Executive Vice President)

Fukuzo Inoue

   (Member of the Board)


– 12 –

(6) New Executive Positions and Organizational Responsibilities

Scheduled appointment date: June 20, 2014


New Position(s) and Organizational





Current Position(s) and Organizational


Senior Executive Vice President;

Executive Manager of Corporate Strategy Planning Department;

in charge of risk management; in charge of general affairs and personnel; in charge of finance; in charge of information security

   Hiroshi Nakagawa   

Senior Executive Vice President;

Executive Manager of Corporate Strategy Planning Department;

in charge of risk management; in charge of general affairs and personnel; in charge of finance; in charge of information security

Senior Executive Vice President;

Senior Executive Manager, Network Business Headquarters;

in charge of IT innovation; in charge of interconnection promotion; in charge of procurement and supply; in charge of Tohoku future network design and reconstruction; Head of Plant Department Established pursuant to the Regulations for Enforcement of the Telecommunications Business Law; in charge of information management pursuant to the Regulations for Enforcement of the Telecommunications Business Law

   Masahide Oka   

Senior Executive Vice President;

Senior Executive Manager, Network Business Headquarters;

in charge of IT innovation; in charge of interconnection promotion; in charge of procurement and supply; in charge of Tohoku future network design and reconstruction; Head of Plant Department Established pursuant to the Regulations for Enforcement of the Telecommunications Business Law; in charge of information management pursuant to the Regulations for Enforcement of the Telecommunications Business Law

Executive Vice President;

General Manager, Tokyo Branch

   Takashi Kagaya   

Executive Vice President;

General Manager, Tokyo Branch

Senior Vice President;

Senior Executive Manager, New Business Development Headquarters

   Fukuzo Inoue   

Senior Vice President

Senior Executive Manager, New Business Development Headquarters

Senior Vice President;

Senior Executive Manager, Corporate Sales Promotion Headquarters

   Motoyuki Ii   

Senior Vice President;

Executive Manager, Plant Planning Department, Network Business Headquarters

Senior Vice President;

Senior Executive Manager, Sales Promotion Headquarters;

Executive Manager of Sales Planning Department, Sales Promotion Headquarters

   Sakuo Sakamoto   

Senior Vice President;

Senior Executive Manager, Sales Promotion Headquarters;

Executive Manager of Sales Planning Department, Sales Promotion Headquarters

Senior Vice President;

Deputy Senior Executive Manager, Corporate Sales Promotion Headquarters; Executive Manager, Corporate Sales Department, Corporate Sales Promotion Headquarters

   Yasuhiro Yamamoto   

Senior Vice President;

Deputy Senior Executive Manager, Corporate Sales Promotion Headquarters; Executive Manager, Corporate Sales Department, Corporate Sales Promotion Headquarters

Senior Vice President;

Executive Manager, Service Operation Department, Network Business Headquarters; Executive Manager, Strategic Network Management Department, Network Business Headquarters

   Masayuki Takahashi   

Senior Vice President;

Executive Manager, Service Operation Department, Network Business Headquarters; Executive Manager, Strategic Network Management Department, Network Business Headquarters

New Position(s) and Organizational




Current Position(s) and Organizational

Senior Vice President;
Executive Manager, General Affairs and Personnel Department; General Manager, Medical and Health Administration Center
   Motoyasu Shibata   

Senior Vice President;

Executive Manager, General Affairs and Personnel Department; General Manager, Medical and Health Administration Center

Senior Vice President;

General Manager, Saitama Branch

   Sumito Kasai   

Senior Vice President;

General Manager, Saitama Branch

Senior Vice President;

Executive Manager, Sales Department, Sales Promotion Headquarters

   Masao Seki   

Senior Vice President

General Manager, Chiba Branch

   Shinji Yano   
Senior Vice President; Deputy Senior Executive Manager, Corporate Sales Promotion Headquarters; Executive Manager, Office Users Business Department, Corporate Sales Promotion Headquarters    Yuichi Kouyama   
Senior Vice President; Executive Manager, Plant Planning Department, Network Business Headquarters; in charge of 2020 project    Naoki Shibutani   
Senior Vice President    Hiroshi Tsujigami    Senior Vice President
Scheduled appointment date: July 1, 2014      

New Position(s) and Organizational




Current Position(s) and Organizational

Executive Vice President;

General Manager, Tokyo Division

   Takashi Kagaya   

Executive Vice President;

General Manager, Tokyo Branch

Senior Vice President;

General Manager, Miyagi Division; General Manager, Miyagi Branch, Miyagi Division; Executive Manager, Tohoku Future Network Design and Reconstruction Office

   Motoyasu Shibata   

Senior Vice President;

Executive Manager, General Affairs and Personnel Department; General Manager, Medical and Health Administration Center

Senior Vice President;

General Manager, Saitama Division; General Manager, Saitama Branch, Saitama Division

   Sumito Kasai   

Senior Vice President;

General Manager, Saitama Branch

Senior Vice President;

General Manager, Chiba Division; General Manager, Chiba Branch, Chiba Division

   Shinji Yano   

Senior Vice President;

General Manager, Chiba Branch

May 13, 2014


Settlement for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014

The results of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation (NTT West) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 are presented in the following attachments.



1. Summary of Results for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014


2. Non-Consolidated Comparative Balance Sheets


3. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Income


4. Non-Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity and Other Net Assets


5. Business Results (Non-Consolidated Operating Revenues)


6. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Cash Flows


7. Changes in Board of Directors

For inquiries, please contact:

Takashi Sasaki or Yusuke Umeda

Accounting Section, Finance Division

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation

Tel: +81-6-4793-3141

E-mail: kessan-info@west.ntt.co.jp

1. Summary of Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014

In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014, the U.S. was stable, and Europe showed signs of recovery, but the economies of China and other emerging nations slowed, so the overall pace of growth of the global economy was gradual. The Japanese economy continued to show signs of mild recovery driven mainly by domestic demand, stimulated by the effects of government policies.

Information and communications services are expected to make significant contributions to invigorating and increasing the efficiency of social and economic activities and to improving lifestyle convenience. Accordingly, the government and the private sector are working in partnership to achieve the development of a ubiquitous broadband network society in which there is an advanced level of utilization of information communication technology (“ICT”). Moreover, the information and telecommunications market is undergoing a structural change as a result of the shift to broadband and globalization, as well as the spread of smartphones, tablets and social media. The market is catering to increasingly sophisticated and diversified needs by, among other things, expanding platform services and cloud services. Regional telecommunications markets are also undergoing significant changes, such as the convergence of fixed and mobile services, and of telecommunications and broadcasting, and the introduction of new services as a result of the use of a diverse range of wireless devices. This is due in part to an increase in competition not only between the providers of fiber-optic access services and cable television-based broadband services but also between the various services made available by faster mobile connections.

Within this challenging and dramatically changing business environment, NTT West strove to ensure the reliability and public utilization in the information and communications market, such as to promote the smooth migration to optical, IP-based networks and to enhance the fiber-optic access network that is the backbone of broadband services, while continuing to provide and maintain high-quality, stable universal services. NTT West also aimed to realize a broadband and ubiquitous network environment that enables customers to connect “anytime, anywhere and with anyone or anything” “in comfort, safety and with peace of mind,” and to provide various reasonably-priced services that match each customer’s patterns of usage.

(1) Efforts to Promote Fiber-optic and IP services

NTT West worked to provide a more comfortable, safer and more secure next-generation network (NGN) to promote its fiber-optic and IP services. In addition, NTT West was committed to expanding use of optical services, including optical IP telephone and video distribution services that make use of fiber-optic access lines, collaborated with businesses in a variety of fields to create new services, and strove to realize a broadband and ubiquitous network environment, including enhancing Wi-Fi platforms.

NTT West has worked to expand new subscriptions for “FLET’S Hikari,” including the launch of “Donto Wari,” which offers an additional discount to new subscribers of “FLET’S Hikari,” and has also endeavored to enhance the services it offers including products such as “Web Hikari Motto Motto Wari,” which offers an additional discount when new subscribers apply via the official website. Additionally, in the small- and medium-sized business market, NTT West promoted sales of “FLET’S Hikari Light,” and also launched the simple and easy-to-install payment service “FLET’S Smart Pay,” which aims to help stimulate business in downtown stores and further spread and increase use of non-cash payments.


– 1 –

With respect to optical IP telephony, the corporate IP telephone services “Hikari Denwa Office A (Ace),” “Hikari Denwa Office Type” and “Hikari Denwa Business Type” have been well received by customers. The accelerated growth of these services resulted in the total number of subscriptions to the three services exceeding 1.5 million channels in November 2013. NTT West also worked to enhance its content for the “Hikari Denwa” service, including expanding the specifications of its “TV Denwa Choice Teigaku” flat rate service for high-quality video phone calls.

In video distribution services, NTT West launched the next-generation set top box “Hikari BOX+” and provided a wide range of applications using business alliances. Efforts were also made to create new lifestyles, including enhancing the features of “Hikari Danran TV,” which enables space-sharing communication.

NTT West developed ICT-based alliance businesses in a variety of fields, including “Net Super,” which was developed in collaboration with local supermarkets, utilizing “Hikari BOX+,” as well as the launch of “FLET’S de ALSOK,” an autonomous crime prevention service for households, in partnership with Sohgo Security Services Co., Ltd.

NTT West worked to achieve further diffusion and expansion of Wi-Fi services, including the launch of the new “Hikari Portable LTE” rental service to complement its existing “Home Gateway Wireless LAN Card” and “Hikari Portable” services. As a result of these efforts, the number of subscriptions to indoor Wi-Fi services exceeding one million in November 2013. To meet the growing needs of public Wi-Fi access, NTT West worked to increase the number of access points of “FLET’S Spot (web authentication),” a roaming service utilizing other carriers’ public wireless LAN services. In addition, NTT West made efforts to enhance Wi-Fi platforms, including upgrading Wi-Fi environments in collaboration with local governments.

With regard to support services, NTT West launched the “FLET’S Anshin Pack” to provide total support and make customers’ broadband life more convenient. This package comes at a special package price and comprises the existing “Remote Support Service,” “Security Function License Plus” and “Hikari Equipment Guarantee.”

(2) Efforts Concerning Solutions Business

As part of its initiatives for expanding its service coverage for both large businesses as well as small- and medium-sized businesses, NTT West provided a wide range of solutions to facilitate resolution of business issues facing local governments and companies, focused on the “Biz Hikari Cloud” service with its data center and platform service menus.

To expand usage of cloud services, NTT West launched “Smart Connect Managed Server,” a new service as part of the “Biz Hikari Cloud” service lineup. This is a managed hosting service with both cloud scalability and the ability to conveniently use Web and mail functions.

NTT West has several collaborative efforts with local governments. As part of the “Smart Hikari Town Kumamoto” project launched in February 2012 in conjunction with Kumamoto prefecture and Kumamoto city, NTT West conducted a field trial of the “Citizen Participation Hazard Map Creation Service,” and based on the results of the service’s effectiveness and improved awareness of disaster readiness among citizens, a “Local Disaster Preparedness Hazard Map” was added to the “Biz Hikari Cloud” service lineup, allowing local residents to easily create and share local disaster preparedness maps. In addition, based on the results of the “Health Promotion, Monitoring and Lifestyle Support for the Elderly Trial,” monitoring and lifestyle support services were added to the “Senior Life Support Service.” In these ways, by utilizing ICT NTT West has contributed not only to the realization of a safe, secure and convenient lifestyle but also to the revitalization of local areas.

NTT West has also worked to enhance its customer support services for small- and medium-sized businesses, adding the new “Windows XP Data Migration Omakase Plan” to provide on-site support for customers to migrate their PC data as part of “Office Net Omakase Support Service” following termination of Microsoft’s support for Windows XP in April 2014.


– 2 –

(3) Business Operation Structures

In October 2013, the NTT West group carried out a review of its business management structure and established a structure for promoting rapid and efficient group management. In particular, in July 2013, the corporate business structure was restructured, with the “Corporate Business Headquarters” and “Sales Headquarters, Office Department” becoming the “Business Sales Department,” and in October 2013, NTT Business Solutions Corporation was newly established to focus on corporate sales. The purpose of this restructuring is to increase earnings from the business market by seamlessly covering the entire business market – from large, small- and medium-sized businesses to SOHOs – and redirecting management resources to highly profitable markets .

In the area of facility maintenance, NTT West worked to enhance its disaster preparedness framework by conducting blocbased disaster drills to prepare for a large-scale natural disaster such as a typhoon, and a preparedness exercise designed to simulate events in the event of a large earthquake along the Nankai Trough, as well as practical exercises aimed at maintaining and enhancing service quality and strengthening IP service operations. NTT West executed measures to prevent accidents involving facilities, such as planned facility inspections with the goal of eliminating third-party accidents caused by fallen lines. To prevent site accidents involving physical injury, NTT West drew up work safety manuals and promoted safety measures by holding work safety promotion campaigns in NTT West offices.

As part of its comprehensive cost control efforts to maintain profitable management, NTT West worked to further enhance the efficiency of fiber-optic service installation work, including reducing material costs by utilizing terminal equipment and streamlining procurement operations for materials, increasing construction projects that do not require the dispatch of NTT West employees, and reducing the number of back orders resulting from emergency pipe work. NTT West also worked to achieve greater efficiency in its maintenance and operational work, including increasingly having customer repair faults by replacing equipment themselves.

(4) Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) Activities

The “NTT Group CSR Charter (adopted in June 2006)” stipulates that, as responsible members of the information and communication industry, NTT Group companies will provide services of the highest quality and trust and contribute to the development of a safe, secure and prosperous society where people, society and the earth are connected through communications. Based on the CSR Charter, NTT West set up three core CSR principles – “thorough compliance,” “development of a safe and secure society,” and “creation of value through business activities” – and set a “visualization” benchmark. Each NTT West employee takes part in CSR activities, including working to maintain legal compliance, providing safe and reliable communication services and reducing the burden on the environment.


– 3 –

To ensure “thorough compliance,” NTT Group has focused on promoting groupwide initiatives in five high risk areas that have the potential to erode consumer trust in NTT West group companies, namely “misconduct in performing services,” “driving under the influence,” “information security breaches,” “power harassment” and “respect for human rights.” In January 2014, an NTT employee was arrested on suspicion of bribery under the “Act on Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, etc.,” and was charged in February 2014. In light of this event, NTT West has promoted companywide initiatives to ensure even greater compliance awareness among employees to prevent such transgressions from recurring in the future and also to further improve its corporate culture.

Based on the “Green NTT West Strategy” drawn up in June 2012, in order to “achieve its environmental grand design,” NTT West has been working to decrease power usage, the amount of paper it uses, and the volume of waste it produces. In addition, with respect to “developing the environment and energy business,” NTT West launched “Mieru Eco-Bata,” a hydroponic farm where users can rent space for cultivation and check on cultivation conditions at any time via ICT. NTT West also continued its foresting activities in the “NTT West Midori Ippai Project” to “promote biodiversity preservation activities.” In these ways, NTT West is striving to realize a society that reduces its burden on the environment.

While promoting the principles of the NTT Group CSR Charter, NTT West promoted its groupwide CSR activities and enhanced its environmental management and issued the “NTT West Group CSR Report 2013” and the “NTT West Group Environmental Report 2013” to proactively disclose relevant information to its stakeholders.

(5) Financial Standing

As a result of these efforts during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014, operating revenues totaled 1,589.6 billion yen (a decrease of 2.4% from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013), operating income was 16.3 billion yen (a decrease of 14.7% from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013), recurring profit was 26.0 billion yen (a decrease of 8.2% from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013), and net profit totaled 18.7 billion yen (a decrease of 2.2% from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013).


– 4 –

2. Non-Consolidated Comparative Balance Sheets

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2013     March 31, 2014     Increase



Fixed assets:


Fixed assets - telecommunications businesses


Property, plant and equipment


Machinery and equipment

     468,937        446,003        (22,934

Antenna facilities

     6,816        6,212        (603

Terminal equipment

     18,408        18,194        (213

Local line facilities

     923,767        956,384        32,616   

Long-distance line facilities

     2,597        2,432        (164

Engineering facilities

     562,018        551,357        (10,661

Submarine line facilities

     2,096        3,067        971   


     376,023        363,292        (12,730


     14,064        13,966        (97

Other machinery and equipment

     1,335        1,395        59   

Vehicles and vessels

     220        263        43   

Tools, furniture and fixtures

     35,418        34,020        (1,397


     174,819        174,439        (379

Lease assets

     735        261        (474

Construction in progress

     30,453        17,498        (12,954

Total property, plant and equipment

     2,617,712        2,588,791        (28,921

Intangible fixed assets

     71,968        74,244        2,275   

Total fixed assets - telecommunications businesses

     2,689,681        2,663,036        (26,645

Investments and other assets


Investment securities

     4,067        4,576        509   

Investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies

     39,348        39,373        24   

Investment in capital

     667        532        (135

Long-term prepaid expenses

     3,033        3,471        437   

Prepaid pension cost

     4,542        12,673        8,131   

Deferred income taxes

     91,761        93,664        1,903   

Other investments and assets

     7,493        7,271        (221

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (249     (551     (301

Total investments and other assets

     150,665        161,012        10,346   

Total fixed assets

     2,840,347        2,824,048        (16,298

Current assets:


Cash and bank deposits

     29,799        33,273        3,474   

Notes receivable

     8        443        435   

Accounts receivable, trade

     219,908        201,606        (18,302

Accounts receivable, other

     102,512        96,278        (6,233


     6        16        10   


     38,222        35,234        (2,988

Advance payment

     1,334        2,315        981   

Prepaid expenses

     6,096        6,342        246   

Deferred income taxes

     2,871        3,313        442   


     55,000        55,000        (0

Other current assets

     9,023        7,691        (1,332

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (1,362     (518     844   

Total current assets

     463,421        440,998        (22,422











     3,303,768        3,265,047        (38,721











– 5 –

     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2013      March 31, 2014      Increase



Long-term liabilities:


Long-term borrowings from parent company

     951,797         884,427         (67,370

Lease obligations

     917         691         (225

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     221,270         228,337         7,067   

Reserve for point services

     4,882         7,178         2,295   

Reserve for unused telephone cards

     11,960         10,480         (1,480

Allowance for environmental measures

     —           5,721         5,721   

Asset retirement obligations

     309         342         32   

Other long-term liabilities

     9,531         6,734         (2,796

Total long-term liabilities

     1,200,669         1,143,913         (56,755

Current liabilities:


Current portion of long-term borrowings from parent company

     182,057         157,370         (24,687

Accounts payable, trade

     72,315         61,883         (10,431

Short-term borrowings

     —           72,000         72,000   

Lease obligations

     1,681         471         (1,210

Accounts payable, other

     201,642         180,853         (20,789

Accrued expenses

     14,391         14,188         (202

Accrued taxes on income

     1,005         1,133         128   

Advance received

     3,076         3,110         34   

Deposit received

     113,953         121,302         7,349   

Unearned revenue

     100         123         22   

Allowance for environmental measures

     —           2,370         2,370   

Asset retirement obligations

     —           4         4   

Other current liabilities

     2,006         4,579         2,573   

Total current liabilities

     592,231         619,391         27,160   











     1,792,900         1,763,305         (29,595












Shareholders’ equity:


Common stock

     312,000         312,000         —     

Capital surplus


Additional paid-in capital

     1,170,054         1,170,054         —     

Total capital surplus

     1,170,054         1,170,054         —     

Earned surplus


Other earned surplus


Accumulated earned surplus

     28,645         19,272         (9,372

Total earned surplus

     28,645         19,272         (9,372

Total shareholders’ equity

     1,510,699         1,501,326         (9,372

Unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others:


Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities

     169         415         245   

Total unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others

     169         415         245   











     1,510,868         1,501,742         (9,126











     3,303,768         3,265,047         (38,721











– 6 –

3. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Income

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2013
    Year ended
March 31, 2014

Telecommunications businesses:


Operating revenues

     1,482,982        1,425,666        (57,316

Operating expenses


Business expenses

     401,378        394,094        (7,283


     12,745        11,979        (766

Maintenance expenses

     380,522        361,952        (18,569

Overhead expenses

     60,961        60,644        (317


     86,007        82,814        (3,193

Experiment and research

     47,790        44,982        (2,808

Depreciation and amortization

     345,711        326,391        (19,319

Retirement of fixed assets

     43,835        45,954        2,119   

Access charges

     30,282        29,788        (493

Miscellaneous taxes

     65,224        64,822        (402

Total operating expenses

     1,474,459        1,423,424        (51,034

Operating income from telecommunications businesses

     8,523        2,241        (6,281

Supplementary businesses:


Operating revenues

     144,998        163,934        18,935   

Operating expenses

     134,317        149,795        15,478   

Operating income from supplementary businesses

     10,681        14,138        3,456   

Operating income

     19,205        16,379        (2,825

Non-operating revenues:


Interest income

     4        13        8   

Interest on securities

     5        4        (0

Dividends received

     858        1,902        1,043   

Lease and rental income

     37,029        35,907        (1,122

Miscellaneous income

     4,887        3,853        (1,033

Total non-operating revenues

     42,785        41,680        (1,104

Non-operating expenses:


Interest expenses

     14,942        13,212        (1,729

Lease and rental expenses

     16,727        16,755        28   

Miscellaneous expenses

     1,938        2,030        92   

Total non-operating expenses

     33,607        31,998        (1,608

Recurring profit

     28,382        26,061        (2,321

Special losses:


Provision for Allowance for environmental measures

     —          6,087        6,087   

Total special losses

     —          6,087        6,087   

Income before income taxes

     28,382        19,973        (8,408

Corporation, inhabitant, and enterprise taxes

     (494     3,735        4,230   

Deferred tax expenses (benefits)

     7,938        (2,469     (10,407

Net income

     20,939        18,707        (2,231


– 7 –

4. Non-Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity and Other Net Assets

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


Year ended March 31, 2013

   (Millions of yen)  
     Shareholders’ equity     Unrealized gains
(losses), translation
adjustments, and others
     Total net
     Capital surplus      Earned surplus     Total
(losses) on
and others

April 1, 2012

     312,000         1,170,054         1,170,054         38,905        38,905        1,520,959        24         24         1,520,983   




























Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

              (31,200     (31,200     (31,200           (31,200

Net income

              20,939        20,939        20,939              20,939   

Others, net

                    145         145         145   




























Total net change during the annual period

     —           —           —           (10,260     (10,260     (10,260     145         145         (10,115




























March 31, 2013

     312,000         1,170,054         1,170,054         28,645        28,645        1,510,699        169         169         1,510,868   





























Year ended March 31, 2014

   (Millions of yen)  
     Shareholders’ equity     Unrealized gains
(losses), translation
adjustments, and others
     Total net
     Capital surplus      Earned surplus     Total
(losses) on
and others

April 1, 2013

     312,000         1,170,054         1,170,054         28,645        28,645        1,510,699        169         169         1,510,868   




























Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

              (28,080     (28,080     (28,080           (28,080

Net income

              18,707        18,707        18,707              18,707   

Others, net

                    245         245         245   




























Total net change during the annual period

     —           —           —           (9,372     (9,372     (9,372     245         245         (9,126




























March 31, 2014

     312,000         1,170,054         1,170,054         19,272        19,272        1,501,326        415         415         1,501,742   





























– 8 –

5. Business Results (Non-Consolidated Operating Revenues)

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2013
     Year ended
March 31, 2014


Voice transmission services revenues
(excluding IP services revenues)

     579,801         523,300         (56,500     (9.7

Monthly charge revenues*

     416,088         379,607         (36,481     (8.8

Call rates revenues*

     43,864         38,890         (4,973     (11.3

Interconnection call revenues*

     80,143         70,441         (9,702     (12.1

IP services revenues

     660,902         671,614         10,711        1.6   

Leased circuit services revenues
(excluding IP services revenues)

     112,172         104,361         (7,810     (7.0

Telegram services revenues

     18,484         17,121         (1,363     (7.4

Other telecommunications services revenues

     111,621         109,269         (2,352     (2.1













Telecommunications total revenues

     1,482,982         1,425,666         (57,316     (3.9













Supplementary business total revenues

     144,998         163,934         18,935        13.1   













Total operating revenues

     1,627,981         1,589,600         (38,381     (2.4














* Partial listing only


– 9 –

6. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Cash Flows

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2013
    Year ended
March 31, 2014

Cash flows from operating activities:


Income before income taxes

     28,382        19,973        (8,408

Depreciation and amortization

     354,981        335,867        (19,113

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

     18,365        20,776        2,410   

Increase (decrease) in liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     (3,424     7,067        10,491   

(Increase) decrease in accounts receivable

     (10,489     23,022        33,511   

(Increase) decrease in inventories

     (3,041     5,097        8,138   

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued expenses

     (17,279     (21,842     (4,562

Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption tax

     1,384        (1,832     (3,217


     653        23,678        23,024   











     369,533        411,808        42,275   

Interest and dividends received

     868        1,919        1,051   

Interest paid

     (15,241     (13,733     1,508   

Income taxes received (paid)

     4,902        231        (4,671










Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

     360,061        400,226        40,164   

Cash flows from investing activities:


Payments for property, plant and equipment

     (353,694     (342,994     10,699   

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment

     2,650        3,909        1,259   

Payments for purchase of investment securities

     (411     (167     244   

Proceeds from sale of investment securities

     135        16        (119


     (3,888     (8,346     (4,458










Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

     (355,207     (347,582     7,625   

Cash flows from financing activities:


Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt

     172,907        90,000        (82,907

Payments for settlement of long-term debt

     (133,151     (182,057     (48,905

Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings

     (30,000     71,994        101,994   

Payments for settlement of lease obligations

     (1,846     (1,693     152   

Dividends paid

     (31,200     (28,080     3,120   










Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

     (23,290     (49,836     (26,545

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     (18,436     2,808        21,244   

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year

     104,148        85,711        (18,436










Cash and cash equivalents at end of year

     85,711        88,520        2,808   











– 10 –


Scheduled appointment date: June 20, 2014


(1)   Candidates for Senior Vice President
    Kazunari Furugen    (Executive Manager of Cloud Solutions Department, Corporate Business Headquarters)
    Shozo Ito    (Executive Manager of Personnel Department)
    Shuji Oota    (Executive Manager of Business Partner Sales Department, Marketing Headquarters)
    Yasushi Tohtake    (President of NTT FIELDTECHNO CORPORATION)
    Mikihiro Kitamura    (Executive Manager of Marketing Department, Marketing Headquarters)
(2)   Senior Vice Presidents scheduled to resign from office
    Kouichi Takahatake    (Senior Executive Vice President; scheduled to take office at MIRAIT Holdings Corporation)
    Yujirou Hirose    (Executive Vice President; scheduled to take office at Nippon Information and Communication Corporation)
    Hidenori Fukumoto    (Senior Vice President; scheduled to take office at NISHINIPPON SYSTEM INSTALLATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD.)
    Shinichi Ohtake    (Senior Vice President; scheduled to take office as Counselor to the President)
(3)   Candidates for Executive Officers
     Candidate scheduled to be re-elected as President
    Kazutoshi Murao    (President)
    Candidates scheduled to be re-elected/take office as Senior Executive Vice President
    Toshikatsu Ogura    (Senior Executive Vice President)
    Toshihiko Kumamoto    (Senior Vice President)
  ƒ   Candidates scheduled to take office as Executive Vice President
    Norio Sakai    (Senior Vice President)
    Joji Kimura    (Senior Vice President)

New Executive Positions and Organizational Responsibilities

Scheduled appointment date: June 20, 2014


New Position(s) and Organizational



Current Position(s) and Organizational


Senior Executive Vice President

Senior Executive Manager, Marketing Headquarters

In charge of Corporate Business Headquarters

In charge of Business Design Department

In charge of Corporate Strategy Planning Department

In charge of Accounts and Finance Department

In charge of Personnel Department

In charge of General Affairs Department

In charge of compliance and CSR

  Toshikatsu Ogura   

Senior Executive Vice President

Senior Executive Manager, Marketing Headquarters

In charge of Business Design Department

In charge of Corporate Strategy Planning Department

In charge of Accounts and Finance Department

In charge of Personnel Department

In charge of General Affairs Department

In charge of compliance and CSR


– 11 –

Senior Executive Vice President

Senior Executive Manager, Plant Headquarters

  Toshihiko Kumamoto   

Senior Vice President

Executive Manager of Network Department, Plant Headquarters

Executive Vice President

Executive Manager of Corporate Strategy Planning

In charge of Information Security Department

  Norio Sakai   

Senior Vice President

Executive Manager of Corporate Strategy Planning

In charge of Information Security Department

Executive Vice President

Executive Manager of Technology Innovation Department

  Joji Kimura   

Senior Vice President

Executive Manager of Technology Innovation Department

Senior Vice President

Executive Manager of Network Department, Plant Headquarters

  Yoshihiro Kuroda   

Senior Vice President

General Manager, Chugoku Division

General Manager, Hiroshima Branch

Senior Vice President

General Manager, Kansai Division

General Manager, Osaka Branch

  Shinji Oota   

Senior Vice President

General Manager, Kansai Division

General Manager, Osaka Branch

Senior Vice President

General Manager, Tokai Division

General Manager, Nagoya Branch

  Masaharu Higashitamori   

Senior Vice President

General Manager, Tokai Division

General Manager, Nagoya Branch

Senior Vice President

General Manager, Kyusyu Division

General Manager, Fukuoka Branch

  Satoshi Tamamura   

Senior Vice President

General Manager, Kyusyu Division

General Manager, Fukuoka Branch

Senior Vice President

Senior Executive Manager, Corporate Business Headquarters

  Kazunari Furugen   

Senior Vice President

Executive Manager of Personnel Department

  Shozo Ito   

Senior Vice President

Executive Manager of Business Partner

Sales Department, Marketing Headquarters

  Shuji Oota   

Senior Vice President

Executive Manager of Service Management Department, Plant Headquarters

  Yasushi Tohtake   

Senior Vice President

Executive Manager of Marketing Department, Marketing Headquarters

  Mikihiro Kitamura   
Senior Vice President   Akira Shimada    Senior Vice President


– 12 –

May 13, 2014


NTT Com Announces Financial Results for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014

TOKYO, JAPAN – NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) announced today its financial results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014. Please see the following attachments for further details:


I. Results for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014


II. Non-Consolidated Comparative Balance Sheets


III. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Income


IV. Non-Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity and Other Net Assets


V. Business Results (Non-Consolidated Operating Revenues)


VI. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Cash Flows


VII. Financial Results of NTT Communications Group


VIII. Changes in NTT Communications Directors (Subject to Shareholders’ Approval)

#     #     #

About NTT Communications Corporation

NTT Communications provides consultancy, architecture, security and cloud services to optimize the information and communications technology (ICT) environments of enterprises. These offerings are backed by the company’s worldwide infrastructure, including a leading global tier-1 IP network, the Arcstar Universal One™ VPN network, reaching 196 countries/regions, and over 150 secure data centers. NTT Communications’ solutions leverage the global resources of NTT Group companies, including Dimension Data, NTT DOCOMO and NTT DATA.

www.ntt.com | Twitter@NTT Communications | Facebook@NTT Communications | LinkedIn@NTT

For more information

(Mr.) Masaya Okazaki or (Mr.) Masato Uchiyama

Accounting and Taxation, Finance, NTT Communications

Tel: +81 3 6700 4311

Email: info-af@ntt.com

I. Results for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014


Although the economies of some emerging nations slowed, the overall picture for the global economy generally was one of recovery: the U.S. showed signs of a sound recovery, the economic recession in Europe was bottoming out, and Japan’s economy appears headed in the direction of recovery. In this economic environment, many companies throughout the world are taking a more active business approach and are focused on further strengthening their own competitiveness. They are entering new fields and investing in growth markets and building strong and flexible ICT foundations needed to support these activities.


In accordance with NTT Com’s “Vision 2015” growth strategy and corporate slogan “Global ICT Partner,” NTT Com aims to achieve consolidated revenues of over 1.5 trillion yen by the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016, including a more than twofold increase in sales from outside of Japan compared with the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011.

NTT Com designated the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 as a year for transforming its business structure and accelerating growth to achieve its “Vision 2015” goals. Based on its “Global Cloud Vision 2013,” NTT Com sought to put its growing businesses, such as global and cloud services strategies, on the right track.

In services, NTT Com strived to provide global seamless services and enhance its service lineups.

Specific measures taken by type of service were as follows:



Cloud Computing Platforms

Using network virtualization technology, NTT Com’s private cloud service “Enterprise Cloud” launched the world’s first cloud migration service in June 2013, providing support for smooth migration from an on-premises environment to cloud networks. In October, it significantly bolstered cloud functions and performance in areas such as database clustering and high-speed storage, which customers require for broader use of cloud-based functionality in their core systems. The service opened in locations in Australia and Germany, expanding its service areas to 11 locations in nine countries/regions. For e-commerce and other kinds of websites requiring high security and large-scale access capacity, the public cloud service “Cloudn” launched the “Compute (VPC Type)” service in January 2014.

Under the “Nexcenter” brand, which was established to further improve the level of services and to standardize service quality at the global level, NTT Com commenced provision of data center services at its Tokyo No. 6 Data Center in Tokyo in April 2013, at the Hong Kong Financial Data Centre and the U.K. Slough 2 Data Center in May 2013, and at its second data center in Bangalore, India in March 2014. In addition, in January 2014, NTT Com acquired U.S.-based RagingWire Data Centers, further expanding its group of data centers in Japan and abroad.


– 1 –


Data Networks

NTT Com strengthened its services that match the needs of its customers. In August 2013, NTT Com relaunched “OCN Mobile Entry d LTE 980,” a service introduced in April 2013, as “OCN Mobile ONE,” a mobile data communication service using NTT DOCOMO’s LTE service, offering five alternative plans based on levels of data volume and transmission speeds. To further facilitate customer access to the service, in December 2013, NTT Com became the first company to sell the service through convenience stores in Japan. In March 2014, NTT Com launched “OCN Hikari Mobile Wari,” a discount plan for customers who subscribe to both “OCN Hikari Service” for home use and “OCN Mobile ONE” for use away from home.

To enhance business efficiency through integration of operations and to expand its range of services based on network virtualization technologies, in January 2014, NTT Com acquired U.S.-based Virtela Technology Services, a company with strengths in managed services and virtualization technologies. NTT Com also expanded the service area of its “Arcstar Universal One” corporate network service from 160 countries and regions to 196.

In addition, NTT Com established new connection points to its “Global IP Network” global internet access service in six cities across four countries, including Jakarta, Indonesia, in response to customer needs for a high-quality, highly reliable IP backbone.



Voice Communications

NTT Com began supplying its “Web Directory” functionality – which allows corporate customers to manage telephone numbers and other business contact information on the cloud – to Arcstar UCaaS in April 2013, and to 050 plus for Biz in October 2013. For individual customers who use the 050IP app “050 plus,” NTT Com worked to expand functions and enhance the quality of its services to make them easier to use by providing an automatic adjustment of the volume level audible to the other party on voice calls, and added the capability for “050 plus” phone app users to exchange text messages. In February 2014, NTT Com established new “Arcstar UCaaS” platforms in Europe and the U.S. to build a foundation for speedy global communications services with low latency and high reliability.

In addition, in January 2014, NTT Com acquired France-based Arkadin International, which has a global customer base and capabilities in global conferencing services and accelerated the enhancement of conferencing service functions and the expansion of its service areas.


– 2 –


Applications and Content

In efforts to expand cloud services for supporting corporate customers in restructuring their work practices, NTT Com added new functionality to its “Enterprise Mail” cloud-based e-mail service, offering the option to enable e-mail access via a mobile device when away from the office under a secure external environment, and the option to link mobile with the scheduler and office-based functions. In October 2013, NTT Com added “Gridow on NTT Communications,” an application that facilitates the creation and secure sharing of video content. In December 2013, it launched “Biz Password,” for the integrated management of corporate user IDs and passwords, and optimal corporate SNS “Biz Groupwork,” for facilitating internal and external business communications and enhancing efficiency in project management.

NTT Com also began overseas sales of “Enterprise Mail” in Taiwan in March 2014. For individual customers, NTT Com added many functions and features enhancing security and ease-of-use for its “OCN Kakeibo” free online household bookkeeping service, which became available as “Kakeibon” in December 2013. NTT Com also aggressively moved into new business areas, which included the launch of “Visual Learning.Japanese,” a cloud-based Japanese-language education service, in October 2013.



Solution Services

In its cloud migration services, where NTT Com offers one-stop services from systems consulting to design, engineering and systems migration for the transition to cloud computing, NTT Com actively promoted the globalization and increased sophistication of its services both in Japan and overseas through the provision of core systems solutions with cloud-based ERP packages.

NTT Com also revamped its security services under the new unified global brandname “WideAngle” and commenced provision of services in June 2013. Further, to ensure a seamless global expansion of NTT Com Group’s security business, NTT Com changed the name of the Integralis Group to NTT Com Security.

In sales, NTT Com accelerated its efforts at global integration through its Global Account Management Systems (GAMS), where the Global Account Manager (GAM) and National Account Manager (NAM) in each country work together to provide solutions for issues encountered by customers seeking to develop their businesses globally. Regularly scheduled Global One Meetings aimed at more advanced account plans by GAM/NAM and sales promotions based on lively communications using global integrated sales force automation (SFA) resulted in a steady increase in orders for large-scale projects.

In operations, in addition to NTT Com’s own operations, the service operations of NTT America and NTT Europe services are being undertaken by Emerio GlobeSoft and Netmagic Solutions, which are also member companies of the NTT Com Group. This is helping to facilitate the standardization and automation of operations and accelerating efforts to optimize operations as a group.


– 3 –

In addition, to promote global seamless management, NTT Com’s ICT systems are building ERP systems that are shared globally. In October 2013, NTT Singapore began the introduction of ERP systems’ pilots program, facilitated the standardization of operational processes such as accounting and purchasing globally and integrated ICT systems. In purchasing, NTT Com also strengthened its competitiveness by cutting costs through the leveraging of global unified procurement. In personnel management, NTT Com continued its efforts in global human resource development by continuing to hire foreign nationals and increasing the number of trainees, including recent graduates.

In security management, NTT Com made efforts to enhance the level of its security-risk management by undertaking a company-wide audit of its ICT systems, addressing software vulnerabilities, applying “WideAngle” integrated risk-management services to ICT systems throughout the company and putting in place measures to mitigate security risks. NTT Com also enhanced its incident-response processes by integrating management of its company-wide ICT systems using the Information Security Management Platform (ISMP) for providing information on determining security vulnerabilities.

During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014, the development of global seamless services and sales and optimization of operations resulted in NTT Com receiving high assessments in comparative reports on vendors by analysts. NTT Com was even described as a “leader” in the field in the U.S.-based Gartner report on the assessment of global network service providers, and in the U.S.-based IDC report assessing cloud and DC services in the Asia-Pacific region.


Although revenues from the cloud computing platforms business unit increased 10.9 billion yen (26.2%) over the prior fiscal year to 52.9 billion yen and revenues from the solutions services business increased 23.1 billion yen (18.1%) over the prior fiscal year to 150.6 billion yen, data networks revenues decreased 12.1 billion yen (3.0%) over the prior fiscal year to 391.5 billion yen and voice communications revenues decreased 21.6 billion yen (6.8%) to 296.4 billion yen. As a result, NTT Communications’ total non-consolidated operating revenues decreased 0.7 billion yen (0.1%) over the prior fiscal year to 944.0 billion yen.

Total operating expenses increased 3.8 billion yen (0.5%) to 830.5 billion yen due to an increase in costs associated with the solutions services business of 25.4 billion yen (6.3%) over the prior fiscal year to 426.0 billion yen and a decrease in communication network charges of 9.3 billion yen (4.4%) over the prior fiscal year to 204.1 billion yen as a result of the impact of lower voice communications revenues, among other things.


– 4 –

As a result of the above, operating income decreased 4.6 billion yen (4.0%) over the prior fiscal year to 113.4 billion yen. Net income increased 23.6 billion yen (36.2%) over the prior fiscal year to 88.9 billion yen, due to a 16.1 billion yen extraordinary gain on the sale of real estate, in spite of recording a 6 billion yen extraordinary loss from the stock valuation of NTT Communications’ overseas subsidiaries.

NTT Communications Group’s consolidated operating revenues increased 35.7 billion yen (3.0%) over the prior fiscal year to 1,230.4 billion yen, the first increase in six years, due to the strength of its overseas subsidiaries as well as a smaller decrease in NTT Communications’ non-consolidated revenues. In addition, operating income increased 11.6 billion yen (9.9%) over the prior fiscal year to 127.9 billion yen.


– 5 –

II. Non-Consolidated Comparative Balance Sheets

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2013     March 31, 2014     Increase



Fixed assets:


Fixed assets - telecommunications businesses


Property, plant and equipment


Machinery and equipment

     145,637        139,476        (6,161

Antenna facilities

     1,459        1,682        223   

Terminal equipment

     764        736        (28

Local line facilities

     810        748        (61

Long-distance line facilities

     7,122        6,778        (344

Engineering facilities

     54,238        53,122        (1,116

Submarine line facilities

     20,482        16,018        (4,464


     138,995        177,326        38,331   


     3,058        3,461        403   

Other machinery and equipment

     140        131        (8

Vehicles and vessels

     79        130        50   

Tools, furniture and fixtures

     34,416        33,607        (809


     38,918        40,961        2,043   

Lease assets

     9,008        6,470        (2,538

Construction in progress

     8,303        24,265        15,961   

Total property, plant and equipment

     463,434        504,916        41,481   

Intangible fixed assets

     82,864        87,002        4,138   

Total fixed assets - telecommunications businesses

     546,299        591,918        45,619   

Investments and other assets


Investment securities

     166,291        162,857        (3,433

Investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies

     167,637        277,600        109,963   

Other investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies

     —          500        500   

Investment in capital

     258        191        (67

Contributions to affiliated companies

     2,226        2,226        —     

Long-term loans receivable to subsidiaries

     1,725        1,725        —     

Long-term prepaid expenses

     1,984        2,661        676   

Prepaid pension cost

     5,639        5,792        152   

Deferred income taxes

     1,243        —          (1,243

Submarine line use rights

     12,567        11,811        (756

Other investments and assets

     16,944        16,089        (855

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (232     (218     13   

Total investments and other assets

     376,287        481,237        104,949   

Total fixed assets

     922,587        1,073,156        150,569   

Current assets:


Cash and bank deposits

     9,593        17,218        7,625   

Notes receivable

     25        266        241   

Accounts receivable, trade

     181,157        163,644        (17,512

Accounts receivable, other

     52,183        49,368        (2,814

Lease investment assets

     333        49        (284


     8,024        10,201        2,176   

Advance payment

     1,336        2,204        868   

Prepaid expenses

     4,328        3,734        (594

Deferred income taxes

     6,951        4,664        (2,286

Short-term loans receivable

     13,927        17,840        3,913   

Subsidiary deposits

     35,598        19,513        (16,084

Other current assets

     4,639        5,079        440   

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (2,148     (1,582     566   

Total current assets

     315,951        292,204        (23,746











     1,238,538        1,365,361        126,822   











– 6 –

     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2013      March 31, 2014      Increase



Long-term liabilities:


Long-term borrowings from parent company

     60,080         146,720         86,640   

Lease obligations

     10,665         8,525         (2,139

Deferred tax liabilities

     —           2,542         2,542   

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     84,126         86,833         2,706   

Reserve for point services

     3,674         3,063         (610

Reserve for unused telephone cards

     5,292         4,637         (654

Asset retirement obligations

     600         1,467         866   

Other long-term liabilities

     6,943         6,107         (836

Total long-term liabilities

     171,383         259,897         88,513   

Current liabilities:


Current portion of long-term borrowings from parent company

     3,586         3,360         (226

Accounts payable, trade

     25,136         37,246         12,110   

Short-term borrowings

     730         8,736         8,006   

Lease obligations

     4,485         3,875         (610

Accounts payable, other

     176,150         149,387         (26,763

Accrued expenses

     4,899         4,842         (57

Accrued taxes on income

     15,134         6,190         (8,944

Advance received

     5,137         3,289         (1,848

Deposit received

     19,609         22,456         2,846   

Unearned revenue

     76         77         1   

Allowance for losses on construction

     21         1,188         1,167   

Allowance for loss on disaster

     6         —           (6

Other current liabilities

     579         465         (113

Total current liabilities

     255,554         241,116         (14,438











     426,938         501,014         74,075   












Shareholders’ equity:


Common stock

     211,763         211,763         —     

Capital surplus


Additional paid-in capital

     131,615         131,615         —     

Total capital surplus

     131,615         131,615         —     

Earned surplus


Other earned surplus


Reserve for special account for property replacement

     1,619         8,344         6,725   

Reserve for reduction entry

     2,947         4,102         1,155   

Accumulated earned surplus

     386,537         434,116         47,578   

Total earned surplus

     391,104         446,563         55,458   

Total shareholders’ equity

     734,483         789,942         55,458   

Unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others:


Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities

     77,116         74,404         (2,711

Total unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others

     77,116         74,404         (2,711











     811,600         864,347         52,746   











     1,238,538         1,365,361         126,822   











– 7 –

III. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Income

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2013
     Year ended
March 31, 2014

Telecommunications businesses:


Operating revenues

     775,217         742,669         (32,547

Operating expenses


Business expenses

     176,985         170,694         (6,291

Maintenance expenses

     80,131         80,945         814   

Overhead expenses

     11,389         10,750         (638


     72,127         72,180         53   

Experiment and research

     13,719         13,271         (447

Depreciation and amortization

     90,788         88,822         (1,966

Retirement of fixed assets

     9,647         4,652         (4,995

Access charges

     197,989         184,242         (13,746

Miscellaneous taxes

     11,383         10,813         (570

Total operating expenses

     664,162         636,374         (27,788

Operating income from telecommunications businesses

     111,054         106,295         (4,759

Supplementary businesses:


Operating revenues

     169,594         201,359         31,764   

Operating expenses

     162,512         194,188         31,676   

Operating income from supplementary businesses

     7,082         7,171         88   

Operating income

     118,137         113,466         (4,671

Non-operating revenues:


Interest income

     227         280         52   

Dividends received

     7,517         10,244         2,727   

Lease and rental income

     13,099         12,987         (111

Miscellaneous income

     3,868         3,988         119   

Total non-operating revenues

     24,712         27,499         2,787   

Non-operating expenses:


Interest expenses

     1,690         1,569         (121

Lease and rental expenses

     6,967         5,731         (1,236

Miscellaneous expenses

     4,463         1,081         (3,381

Total non-operating expenses

     13,121         8,382         (4,739

Recurring profit

     129,728         132,583         2,855   

Special profits:


Gains on sales of fixed assets

     8,965         16,169         7,204   

Gain on settlement of interconnection charges

     12,706         —           (12,706


     2,348         —           (2,348

Total special profits

     24,021         16,169         (7,851

Special losses:


Write-off of investments in affiliated companies

     31,895         3,774         (28,121

Loss on settlement of interconnection charges

     —           1,152         1,152   


     —           1,092         1,092   

Total special losses

     31,895         6,019         (25,876

Income before income taxes

     121,853         142,733         20,880   

Corporation, inhabitant, and enterprise taxes

     56,254         46,199         (10,055

Deferred tax expenses (benefits)

     287         7,574         7,287   

Net income

     65,311         88,959         23,648   


– 8 –

IV. Non-Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity and Other Net Assets

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


Year ended
March 31, 2013

  (Millions of yen)  
    Shareholders’ equity     Unrealized gains
(losses), translation
adjustments, and
    Capital surplus     Earned surplus     Total
(losses) on
    Other earned surplus     Total
and others
        Reserve  for



April 1, 2012

    211,763        131,615        131,615        1,921        2,347        352,056        356,324        699,703        45,010        45,010        744,714   


































Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

              (30,500     (30,500     (30,500         (30,500

Net income

              65,311        65,311        65,311            65,311   

Decrease by corporate division

              (31     (31     (31         (31

Provision of reserve for special account for property replacement

          1,619          (1,619             —     

Return of reserve for special account for property replacement

          (1,921       1,921                —     

Provision of reserve for reduction entry

            600        (600             —     

Others, net

                    32,105        32,105        32,105   


































Total net change during the annual period

    —          —          —          (301     600        34,481        34,780        34,780        32,105        32,105        66,885   


































March 31, 2013

    211,763        131,615        131,615        1,619        2,947        386,537        391,104        734,483        77,116        77,116        811,600   


































Year ended
March 31, 2014

  (Millions of yen)  
    Shareholders’ equity     Unrealized gains
(losses), translation
adjustments, and
    Capital surplus     Earned surplus     Total
(losses) on
    Other earned surplus     Total
and others
        Reserve  for


April 1, 2013

    211,763        131,615        131,615        1,619        2,947        386,537        391,104        734,483        77,116        77,116        811,600   


































Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

              (33,500     (33,500     (33,500         (33,500

Net income

              88,959        88,959        88,959            88,959   

Provision of reserve for special account for property replacement

          8,344          (8,344             —     

Return of reserve for special account for property replacement

          (1,619       1,619                —     

Provision of reserve for reduction entry

            1,155        (1,155             —     

Return of reserve for reduction entry

            (0     0                —     

Others, net

                    (2,711     (2,711     (2,711


































Total net change during the annual period

    —          —          —          6,725        1,155        47,578        55,458        55,458        (2,711     (2,711     52,746   


































March 31, 2014

    211,763        131,615        131,615        8,344        4,102        434,116        446,563        789,942        74,404        74,404        864,347   



































– 9 –

V. Business Results (Non-Consolidated Operating Revenues)

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31,  2013
     Year ended
March 31,  2014

Cloud Computing Platforms

     41,945         52,922         10,977        26.2   

Data Networks

     403,666         391,505         (12,161     (3.0

Voice Communications

     318,050         296,438         (21,612     (6.8

Applications & Content

     36,832         36,906         74        0.2   

Solution Services

     127,542         150,651         23,108        18.1   


     16,774         15,604         (1,170     (7.0













Total operating revenues

     944,812         944,028         (783     (0.1














* Details of business results are represented by business line from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014.

Business results per item are shown below.

(Reference) Business Results (Per item)

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31,  2013
     Year ended
March 31,  2014

Voice transmission services revenues
(excluding IP services revenues)

     293,931         272,179         (21,752     (7.4

IP services revenues

     371,860         367,015         (4,845     (1.3

Open computer network services revenues*

     155,892         153,580         (2,311     (1.5

VPN services revenues*

     158,732         159,024         291        0.2   

Data communications revenues
(excluding IP services revenues)

     67,670         61,232         (6,437     (9.5

Leased circuit services revenues*

     50,328         44,628         (5,699     (11.3

Solution services revenues

     183,960         217,746         33,785        18.4   


     27,388         25,854         (1,534     (5.6













Total operating revenues

     944,812         944,028         (783     (0.1














* Partial listing only


– 10 –

VI. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Cash Flows

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2013
    Year ended
March 31, 2014

Cash flows from operating activities:


Income before income taxes

     121,853        142,733        20,880   

Depreciation and amortization

     104,986        104,343        (642

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

     8,189        3,295        (4,894

Gains on sales of fixed assets

     (9,474     (17,465     (7,991

Increase (decrease) in allowance for doubtful accounts

     (133     (580     (447

Increase (decrease) in liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     1,593        2,706        1,112   

Write-off of investments in affiliated companies

     31,895        3,774        (28,121

(Increase) decrease in accounts receivable

     (36,255     19,685        55,940   

(Increase) decrease in inventories

     1,395        (1,753     (3,148

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued expenses

     (1,005     (5,501     (4,496

Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption tax

     840        (2,078     (2,919


     (6,310     (11,513     (5,203











     217,575        237,645        20,070   

Interest and dividends received

     7,702        10,565        2,863   

Interest paid

     (1,682     (1,569     112   

Income taxes received (paid)

     (45,932     (62,849     (16,916










Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

     177,662        183,792        6,129   

Cash flows from investing activities:


Payments for property, plant and equipment

     (111,263     (140,615     (29,352

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment

     17,845        18,601        755   

Payments for purchase of investment securities

     (21,967     (145,747     (123,780

Proceeds from sale of investment securities

     4,726        70        (4,655

Payments for long-term loans

     (1,725     —          1,725   

Net increase (decrease) in short-term loans

     (3,345     6,994        10,340   


     (3,932     20,817        24,749   










Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

     (119,661     (239,878     (120,216

Cash flows from financing activities:


Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt

     —          90,000        90,000   

Payments for settlement of long-term debt

     (43,643     (3,586     40,056   

Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings

     730        8,006        7,276   

Payments for settlement of lease obligations

     (4,249     (4,756     (506

Dividends paid

     (30,500     (33,500     (3,000










Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

     (77,663     56,162        133,825   

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

     1,327        2,371        1,044   

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     (18,334     2,448        20,782   

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year

     70,459        52,124        (18,334










Cash and cash equivalents at end of year

     52,124        54,573        2,448   











– 11 –

VII. Financial Results of NTT Communications Group


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2013
     Year ended
March 31, 2014

Operating revenues

     1,194,721         1,230,389         35,668         3.0   

Operating expenses

     1,078,399         1,102,511         24,112         2.2   

Operating income

     116,322         127,878         11,556         9.9   


– 12 –

VIII. Changes in NTT Communications Directors (Subject to Shareholders’ Approval)


1. Candidates scheduled to take office as Directors


Akihiko Higashi      Head of Human Resources and Head of General Affairs
Denji Sakurai      Head of First Sales Division
Motoo Tanaka      Head of Cloud Services
Takashi Ooi      Head of Enterprise Networks and Network Services and Head of Global Network Integration Task Force, Corporate Planning
Masaaki Moribayashi      Managing Director of NTT Europe Ltd.


2. Candidate scheduled to take office as Statutory Auditor


Yoko Kobayashi              President, NTT Com CHEO Corporation


3. Directors scheduled to resign


Jun Sawada      Senior Executive Vice President (scheduled to take office as Senior Executive Vice President of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation)
Toshiharu Hasebe            Executive Vice President (scheduled to transfer to NTT ADVERTISING, INC.)
Koichi Furukawa      Executive Vice President (scheduled to transfer to NTT Com Technology Corporation)
Ryuichi Hara      Senior Vice President (scheduled to transfer to MIRAIT Corporation)
Atsushi Ichihoshi      Senior Vice President (scheduled to take office as Senior Executive Vice President of NTT FACILITIES, INC.)


4. Statutory Auditor scheduled to resign


Tetsuo Nakayama            Statutory Auditor


5. Candidates scheduled to take office as Representative Directors


i.    Candidate scheduled to be re-elected as President and CEO
   Akira Arima      President and CEO
ii.    Candidates scheduled to be re-elected/take office as Senior Executive Vice Presidents
   Tetsuya Shoji      Senior Executive Vice President
   Tetsuya Funabashi      Senior Vice President
iii.    Candidates scheduled to be re-elected/take office as Executive Vice Presidents
   Kiyoshi Mori      Executive Vice President
   Katsumi Nakata      Senior Vice President


– 13 –

6. New Executive Positions and Organizational Responsibilities



New Position(s) and Organizational





Current Position(s) and Organizational



Senior Executive Vice President

In charge of sales

In charge of corporate

  Tetsuya Shoji   

Senior Executive Vice President

In charge of sales

In charge of information security


Senior Executive Vice President

In charge of technology

In charge of operations

In charge of information security

  Tetsuya Funabashi   

Senior Vice President

Head of Customer Services


Executive Vice President

In charge of CSR

  Kiyoshi Mori   

Executive Vice President

In charge of CSR


Executive Vice President

In charge of global business

Head of Global Business

  Katsumi Nakata   

Senior Vice President

Head of Global Business


Senior Vice President

Head of Third Sales Division

  Masayoshi Hosokawa   

Senior Vice President

Head of Third Sales Division


Senior Vice President

Head of Service Infrastructure

  Yukio Ito   

Senior Vice President

Head of Service Infrastructure


Senior Vice President

Head of Voice and Video

  Toru Maruoka   

Senior Vice President

Head of Voice and Video


Senior Vice President

Head of Second Sales Division

  Kazuhiko Aramoto   

Senior Vice President

Head of Second Sales Division


Senior Vice President

President and CEO of NTT America, Inc.

  Kazuhiro Gomi   

Senior Vice President

President and CEO of NTT America, Inc.


Senior Vice President

Head of West Japan Sales Division

  Akihiko Higashi   

Head of Human Resources

Head of General Affairs


Senior Vice President

Head of Fourth Sales Division

  Denji Sakurai    Head of First Sales Division

Senior Vice President

Head of Cloud Services

  Motoo Tanaka    Head of Cloud Services

Senior Vice President

Head of Network Services

  Takashi Ooi   

Head of Enterprise Networks and Network Services

Head of Global Network Integration Task Force, Corporate Planning


Senior Vice President

Managing Director of NTT Europe Ltd.

  Masaaki Moribayashi    Managing Director of NTT Europe Ltd.
  Senior Vice President   Kazuhisa Igasaki    Senior Vice President



The Statutory Auditor scheduled to resign from office will resign at the close of the 15th Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting (to be held on June 20, 2014).


– 14 –

May 13, 2014

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

Supplementary Data for

the Annual Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2014




1.     Number of Subscribers


2.     Number of Employees


3.     Capital Investment


4.     Financial Results and Projections


5.     Average Monthly Revenue per Unit (ARPU)


6.     Interest-Bearing Liabilities (Consolidated)


7.     Indices (Consolidated)


8.     Reconciliation of Financial Indices (Consolidated)


The projected figures concerning the future performance of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates contained herein are based on a series of assumptions, projections, estimates, judgments and beliefs of the management of NTT in light of information currently available to it regarding NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the economy and telecommunications industry in Japan and overseas, and other factors. These projections and estimates may be affected by the future business operations of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the state of the economy in Japan and abroad, possible fluctuations in the securities markets, the pricing of services, the effects of competition, the performance of new products, services and new businesses, changes to laws and regulations affecting the telecommunications industry in Japan and elsewhere, other changes in circumstances that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forecasts contained herein, as well as other risks included in NTT’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings and submissions with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

1. Number of Subscribers


     (in thousands except for Public Telephones)  
As of
Mar. 31, 2013
As of
Mar. 31, 2014
As of
Mar. 31, 2015

                   Change            Change  
                   B-A            C-B  

Telephone Subscriber Lines(1)

     25,042         23,000         (2,043     21,120         (1,880

NTT East

     12,289         11,272         (1,017     10,342         (930

NTT West

     12,753         11,727         (1,026     10,777         (950


     3,724         3,366         (358     3,046         (320

NTT East

     1,914         1,719         (195     1,549         (170

NTT West

     1,810         1,647         (163     1,497         (150

Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-Net

     28,766         26,366         (2,401     24,166         (2,200

NTT East

     14,203         12,992         (1,211     11,892         (1,100

NTT West

     14,563         13,374         (1,189     12,274         (1,100

Public Telephones

     210,448         195,514         (14,934     183,914         (11,600

NTT East

     100,564         93,424         (7,140     87,724         (5,700

NTT West

     109,884         102,090         (7,794     96,190         (5,900


     127         109         (18     96         (13

NTT East

     58         48         (10     41         (7

NTT West

     69         61         (8     55         (6


     1,848         1,483         (365     1,203         (280

NTT East

     858         667         (191     517         (150

NTT West

     990         816         (174     686         (130

FLET’S Hikari(3)

     17,300         18,050         750        18,750         700   

NTT East

     9,750         10,187         437        10,487         300   

NTT West

     7,550         7,863         313        8,263         400   


     661         875         214        1,100         225   

NTT East

     437         542         105        617         75   

NTT West

     224         333         109        483         150   

Hikari Denwa

     15,169         16,256         1,087        17,106         850   

NTT East

     8,085         8,694         610        9,144         450   

NTT West

     7,084         7,562         477        7,962         400   

Conventional Leased Circuit Services

     260         250         (10     239         (11

NTT East

     128         122         (6     117         (5

NTT West

     132         128         (4     122         (6

High Speed Digital Services

     152         144         (8     140         (4

NTT East

     80         74         (5     71         (3

NTT West

     72         69         (3     68         (1

NTT Group Major ISPs(4)

     11,611         11,466         (145     11,884         418   


     8,207         8,155         (53     8,539         385   


     3,071         2,974         (97     3,000         26   

Hikari TV

     2,453         2,823         370        3,200         377   

FLET’S TV Transmission Services

     1,003         1,161         158        1,346         185   

NTT East

     714         802         87        892         90   

NTT West

     289         359         70        454         95   


     61,536         63,105         1,569        66,800         3,695   


     11,566         21,965         10,399        29,800         7,835   


     49,970         41,140         (8,830     37,000         (4,140


     18,285         23,781         5,497        28,700         4,919   


     32,688         26,415         (6,273     22,700         (3,715


Notes :    (1)   Number of Telephone Subscriber Lines is the total of individual lines and central station lines (Subscriber Telephone Light Plan is included).
   (2)   “INS-Net” includes “INS-Net 64” and “INS-Net 1500.” In terms of number of channels, transmission rate, and line use rate (base rate), “INS-Net 1500” is in all cases roughly ten times greater than “INS-Net 64.” For this reason, one “INS-Net 1500” subscription is calculated as ten “INS-Net 64” subscriptions (“INS-Net 64 Lite Plan” is included).
   (3)   Number of FLET’S Hikari subscribers includes subscribers to “B FLET’S,” “FLET’S Hikari Next,” “FLET’S Hikari Light” and “FLET’S Hikari WiFi Access” provided by NTT East, and subscribers to “B FLET’S,” “FLET’S Hikari Premium,” “FLET’S Hikari Mytown,” “FLET’S Hikari Next,” “FLET’S Hikari Light” and “FLET’S Hikari WiFi Access” provided by NTT West.
   (4)   “NTT Group Major ISPs” includes “WAKWAK” and “InfoSphere,” in addition to “OCN” and “Plala.”
   (5)   Number of Mobile (including “FOMA”) service subscribers includes communication module service subscribers.
   (6)   Effective March 3, 2008, FOMA services became mandatory for subscription to “2in1” services. Such FOMA service subscriptions to “2in1” services are included in the number of Mobile service subscribers and also in the number of FOMA service subscribers.



2. Number of Employees


As of
Mar. 31, 2013
As of
Mar. 31, 2014
As of
Mar. 31, 2015
                   Change            Change  
                   B-A            C-B  

NTT Consolidated

     227,150         239,750         12,600        241,350         1,600   

Core Group Companies


NTT (Holding Company)

     2,900         2,850         (50     2,850         0   

NTT East

     5,800         5,650         (150     5,300         (350

NTT West

     5,100         4,900         (200     4,700         (200

NTT Communications

     6,850         6,850         0        6,850         0   

NTT DATA (Consolidated)

     61,350         75,000         13,650        77,550         2,550   

NTT DOCOMO (Consolidated)

     23,900         24,850         950        26,100         1,250   

(Reference) Outsourcing Companies


East Outsourcing Companies(1)

     30,350         27,800         (2,550     26,650         (1,150

West Outsourcing Companies(2)

     30,400         28,550         (2,850     26,450         (2,100


Notes :

     (1   Figures for East Outsourcing Companies under “A. As of Mar. 31, 2013” and “B. As of Mar. 31, 2014” include employees from the consolidated prefectural outsourcing companies (NTT EAST-TOKYO and others), NTT-ME and NTT EAST SOLUTIONS.
     (2   NTT plans to revise the scope of the term “East Outsourcing Companies” as of July 1 2014, due to a reorganization within NTT East Group. As a result of this anticipated change, the figures for East Outsourcing Companies under “C. As of Mar. 31, 2015 (Forecast)” include employees from the consolidated regional outsourcing companies (NTT EAST-MINAMIKANTO and others), NTT-ME and NTT EAST SERVICE. Further, employees of NTT EAST SERVICE include 750 employees who will be transferred from NTT SOLCO, NTT HOKKAIDO TELEMART and Telwel East Japan, in addition to the employees who will be transferred from the consolidated prefectural outsourcing companies. NTT EAST SOLUTIONS plans to merge into NTT EAST-MINAMIKANTO.
     (3   Figures for West Outsourcing Companies under “A. As of Mar. 31, 2013” include employees from the consolidated regional outsourcing companies (NTT WEST-KANSAI and others), NTT MARKETING ACT, NTT NEOMEIT, NTT HOMETECHNO, NTT IT MATE (NTT IT MATE KANSAI and others) and NTT BUSINESS ASSOCIE WEST.
     (4   NTT revised the scope of the term “West Outsourcing Companies” as of October 1, 2013, due to a reorganization within NTT West Group. As a result of this change, the revised figures for West Outsourcing Companies under “B. As of Mar. 31, 2014” and “C. As of Mar. 31, 2015 (Forecast)” include employees from NTT BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, NTT MARKETING ACT, NTT NEOMEIT, NTT FIELDTECHNO and NTT BUSINESS ASSOCIE WEST.


3. Capital Investment


     (Billions of yen)  
Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2013
Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2014
Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2015

                 Change           Change  
                 B-A           C-B  

NTT Consolidated

     1,970.0        1,892.8        (77.2     1,850.0        (42.8

Core Group Companies


NTT (Holding Company)

     32.6        28.3        (4.3     22.0        (6.3

NTT East

     396.5        351.3        (45.2     320.0        (31.3

NTT West

     358.4        339.4        (19.0     320.0        (19.4

NTT Communications

     108.2        141.8        33.5        120.0        (21.8

NTT DATA (Consolidated)

     122.1        147.7        25.6        140.0        (7.7

NTT DOCOMO (Consolidated)

     753.7        703.1        (50.5     690.0        (13.1

Details of Capital Investment


NTT (Holding Company)

     32.6        28.3        (4.3     22.0        (6.3

R&D Facilities

     29.1        24.7        (4.4     19.0        (5.7

Joint Facilities

     3.4        3.5        0.0        3.0        (0.5

NTT East

     396.5        351.3        (45.2     320.0        (31.3

Service Expansion and Improvement

     363.6        333.1        (30.4     300.0        (33.1

Voice Transmission

     166.1        152.2        (13.9     144.0        (8.2

Data Transmission

     29.4        37.6        8.1        30.0        (7.6

Leased Circuit

     168.0        143.0        (24.9     125.0        (18.0


     0.0        0.2        0.2        1.0        0.8   

R&D Facilities

     2.1        1.7        (0.4     2.0        0.3   

Joint Facilities

     30.7        16.4        (14.3     18.0        1.6   

NTT West

     358.4        339.4        (19.0     320.0        (19.4

Service Expansion and Improvement

     342.3        322.8        (19.4     305.0        (17.8

Voice Transmission

     169.3        163.4        (5.8     159.0        (4.4

Data Transmission

     27.4        22.5        (4.8     18.0        (4.5

Leased Circuit

     145.5        136.6        (8.8     127.0        (9.6


     0.0        0.2        0.1        1.0        0.8   

R&D Facilities

     1.9        1.9        0.0        2.0        0.1   

Joint Facilities

     14.2        14.5        0.3        13.0        (1.5

NTT Communications

     108.2        141.8        33.5        120.0        (21.8

Service Expansion and Improvement

     77.1        107.0        29.9        82.4        (24.6

Voice Transmission

     63.9        90.7        26.8        66.0        (24.7

Data Transmission

     10.9        13.9        3.0        13.7        (0.2

Leased Circuit

     2.2        2.3        0.0        2.5        0.2   

R&D Facilities

     0.5        0.3        (0.1     0.5        0.2   

Joint Facilities

     30.6        34.3        3.7        36.9        2.6   

Optical Access Network Investment


NTT East

     160.0        138.0        (22.0     Approx. 125.0        (13.0

coverage rate (%) 

     94     95       95  

NTT West

     131.0        125.0        (6.0     Approx. 115.0        (10.0

coverage rate (%)

     91     92       92  


Notes :

     (1   Figures for NTT East and NTT West include figures for Optical Access Network Investment.
     (2   The coverage rates for NTT East and NTT West represent the percentage of wiring points (feeder points) that were shifted to fiber-optics.
     (3   NTT Consolidated Capital Investment figures, excluding investments related to real estate and solar power generation operations, for “A. Year Ended Mar. 31, 2013,” “B. Year Ended Mar. 31, 2014” and “C. Year Ending Mar. 31, 2015 (Forecast)” are 1,907.5 billion yen, 1,795.7 billion yen and 1,750.0 billion yen, respectively.



4. Financial Results and Projections (NTT Consolidated, NTT (Holding Company))


     (Billions of yen)  
Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2013(2)
Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2014
Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2015
                   Change            Change  
                   B-A            C-B  

NTT Consolidated (US GAAP)


Operating Revenues(1)

     10,700.7         10,925.2         224.4        11,200.0         274.8   

Fixed Voice Related Services

     1,712.9         1,578.9         (133.9     —           —     

Mobile Voice Related Services

     1,257.5         1,052.6         (204.9     —           —     

IP/Packet Communications Services

     3,712.8         3,711.9         (0.9     —           —     

Sales of Telecommunications Equipment

     844.9         969.7         124.8        —           —     

System Integration

     2,010.0         2,275.0         265.1        —           —     


     1,162.8         1,337.0         174.3        —           —     

Operating Expenses(1)

     9,498.8         9,711.5         212.7        9,985.0         273.5   

Cost of Services (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     2,303.7         2,360.9         57.2        —           —     

Cost of Equipment Sold (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     864.3         885.3         21.0        —           —     

Cost of System Integration (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     1,402.3         1,644.0         241.7        —           —     

Depreciation and Amortization

     1,899.2         1,880.3         (19.0     —           —     

Impairment Loss

     5.4         5.7         0.3        —           —     

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     2,992.6         2,929.1         (63.5     —           —     

Goodwill and other intangible assets impairment

     31.3         6.2         (25.2     —           —     

Operating Income

     1,202.0         1,213.7         11.7        1,215.0         1.3   

Income Before Income Taxes

     1,197.6         1,294.2         96.5        1,195.0         (99.2

Net Income Attributable to NTT(2)

     521.9         585.5         63.5        586.0         0.5   

(Ref.) Details of “Cost of Services,” “Cost of Equipment Sold,” “Cost of System Integration” and “Selling, General and Administrative Expenses”



     2,130.8         2,158.6         27.8        —           —     

Cost of Services and Equipment Sold, and Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     5,026.1         5,259.5         233.4        —           —     

Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     182.0         175.0         (6.9     —           —     

Other Expenses

     223.9         226.1         2.3        —           —     


     7,562.8         7,819.3         256.5        —           —     

NTT (Holding Company) (JPN GAAP)


Operating Revenues

     432.7         430.8         (1.9     422.0         (8.8

Operating Expenses

     154.1         147.3         (6.8     145.0         (2.3

Operating Income

     278.6         283.5         4.9        277.0         (6.5

Non-Operating Revenues

     38.0         33.9         (4.0     33.0         (0.9

Non-Operating Expenses

     42.1         40.1         (2.0     38.0         (2.1

Recurring Profit

     274.4         277.3         2.8        272.0         (5.3

Net Income

     271.5         279.2         7.6        274.0         (5.2


Notes :

     (1   Effective as of the three months ended June 30, 2013, in connection with NTT Group’s current state of business and initiatives such as efforts to expand into new business areas in the mobile communications business, NTT has reclassified, among other things, part of its “Mobile Voice Related Services revenues” and “IP/Packet Communications Services revenues” as “Other revenues,” and part of its Other revenues as “System Integration revenues.” Results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013 reflect such reclassification.
     (2   As a result of the application of the equity method for NTT Group’s investment in Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company from the beginning of the three months ended June 30, 2013, the equity method of accounting was applied retrospectively to the figures in “A. Year Ended Mar. 31, 2013” in accordance with Accounting Standards Codification Topic 323, Investments-Equity Method and Joint Ventures, issued by the FASB.



4. Financial Results and Projections (NTT East, NTT West)


      (Billions of yen)  
Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2013
Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2014
Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2015
                   Change            Change  
                   B-A            C-B  



Operating Revenues

     1,831.7         1,773.8         (57.9     1,771.0         (2.8

Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP)(1)

     579.1         518.3         (60.8     464.0         (54.3

IP Services(2)

     835.8         841.3         5.4        840.0         (1.3

Leased Circuit (excluding IP)

     122.7         117.2         (5.4     116.0         (1.2


     16.1         14.9         (1.1     14.0         (0.9


     135.2         138.6         3.3        337.0         55.1   

Supplementary Business

     142.5         143.2         0.7        

Operating Expenses

     1,766.7         1,707.0         (59.6     1,681.0         (26.0


     108.9         106.9         (2.0     102.0         (4.9

Cost of Services and Equipment Sold, and Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     1,162.8         1,117.2         (45.5     1,093.0         (24.2

Depreciation and Amortization

     379.6         364.6         (15.0     363.0         (1.6

Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     43.7         45.8         2.0        49.0         3.1   

Taxes and Public Dues

     71.5         72.4         0.9        74.0         1.5   

Operating Income

     65.0         66.7         1.6        90.0         23.2   

Non-Operating Revenues

     60.1         58.0         (2.1     8.0         (50.0

Non-Operating Expenses

     36.3         32.9         (3.3     8.0         (24.9

Recurring Profit

     88.8         91.7         2.8        90.0         (1.7

Net Income

     52.8         53.9         1.1        58.0         4.0   



Operating Revenues

     1,627.9         1,589.6         (38.3     1,582.0         (7.6

Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP)(1)

     579.8         523.3         (56.5     473.0         (50.3

IP Services(2)

     660.9         671.6         10.7        685.0         13.3   

Leased Circuit (excluding IP)

     112.1         104.3         (7.8     107.0         2.6   


     18.4         17.1         (1.3     15.0         (2.1


     111.6         109.2         (2.3     302.0         28.7   

Supplementary Business

     144.9         163.9         18.9        

Operating Expenses

     1,608.7         1,573.2         (35.5     1,547.0         (26.2


     105.4         98.4         (6.9     99.0         0.5   

Cost of Services and Equipment Sold, and Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     1,044.1         1,032.8         (11.3     1,005.0         (27.8

Depreciation and Amortization

     349.2         330.1         (19.0     329.0         (1.1

Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     43.9         46.1         2.1        47.0         0.8   

Taxes and Public Dues

     65.9         65.6         (0.3     67.0         1.3   

Operating Income

     19.2         16.3         (2.8     35.0         18.6   

Non-Operating Revenues

     42.7         41.6         (1.1     7.0         (34.6

Non-Operating Expenses

     33.6         31.9         (1.6     14.0         (17.9

Recurring Profit

     28.3         26.0         (2.3     28.0         1.9   

Net Income

     20.9         18.7         (2.2     25.0         6.2   


Notes :

     (1   Operating Revenues from Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP) of NTT East and NTT West for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 include monthly charges, call charges and interconnection charges of 378.0 billion yen, 42.0 billion yen and 63.2 billion yen for NTT East, and 379.6 billion yen, 38.8 billion yen and 70.4 billion yen for NTT West, respectively.
     (2   Operating Revenues from IP Services of NTT East and NTT West for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 include “FLET’S Hikari” and “Hikari Denwa” charges (including monthly charges, call charges and connection device charges) of 472.5 billion yen and 179.1 billion yen for NTT East, and 377.9 billion yen and 148.1 billion yen for NTT West, respectively. “FLET’S Hikari” includes “B FLET’S,” “FLET’S Hikari Next,” “FLET’S Hikari Light” and “FLET’S Hikari WiFi Access” provided by NTT East, and “B FLET’S,” “FLET’S Hikari Premium,” “FLET’S Hikari Mytown,” “FLET’S Hikari Next,” “FLET’S Hikari Light” and “FLET’S Hikari WiFi Access” provided by NTT West.
     (3   Beginning on April 1, 2013, NTT Group revised its estimate of the expected useful life of metal cables based on actual utilization to reflect an extended expected life. Figures for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 and for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015 (Forecast) reflect these revisions.
     (4   NTT East and NTT West will revise their respective allocations of revenues and expenses from real estate leases from Non-Operating Revenues and Non-Operating Expenses to Operating Revenues and Operating Expenses, respectively, as of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015. Operating Revenues from real estate leases of 44 billion yen and 32 billion yen are included in NTT East’s and NTT West’s forecast figures, respectively, for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015, and Operating Expenses from real estate leases of 24 billion yen and 17 billion yen are included in NTT East’s and NTT West’s forecast figures, respectively, for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015.



4. Financial Results and Projections (NTT Communications, Dimension Data)




(Billions of yen)

Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2013
Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2014
Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2015
                   Change            Change  
                   B-A            C-B  

NTT Communications (JPN GAAP)


Operating Revenues(1)

     944.8         944.0         (0.7     910.0         (34.0

Cloud Computing Platforms

     41.9         52.9         10.9       66.0         13.0   

Data Networks

     403.6         391.5         (12.1     383.0         (8.5

Voice Communications

     318.0         296.4         (21.6     276.0         (20.4

Applications & Content

     36.8         36.9         0.0        40.0         3.0   

Solution Services

     127.5         150.6         23.1        130.0         (20.6


     16.7         15.6         (1.1     15.0         (0.6

Operating Expenses

     826.6         830.5         3.8       807.0         (23.5


     87.4         81.3         (6.1     82.0         0.6   

Cost of Services, Cost of Equipment Sold, and Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     400.6         426.0         25.4        600.0         (30.2

Communication Network Charges

     213.5         204.1         (9.3     

Depreciation and Amortization

     102.4         102.1         (0.3     107.0         4.8   

Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     10.2         4.8         (5.3     6.0         1.1   

Taxes and Public Dues

     12.3         11.9         (0.4 )     12.0         0.0   

Operating Income

     118.1         113.4         (4.6 )     103.0         (10.4

Non-Operating Revenues

     24.7         27.4         2.7       23.0         (4.4

Non-Operating Expenses

     13.1         8.3         (4.7 )     13.0         4.6   

Recurring Profit

     129.7         132.5         2.8       113.0         (19.5

Net Income

     65.3         88.9         23.6       72.0         (16.9

Reference (Operating Revenues)(1)

     944.8         944.0         (0.7     910.0         (34.0

Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP)

     293.9         272.1         (21.7     —           —     

IP Services

     371.8         367.0         (4.8     —           —     

Data Transmission Services (excluding IP)

     67.6         61.2         (6.4     —           —     

Leased Circuit

     50.3         44.6         (5.6     —           —     

Solutions Business

     183.9         217.7         33.7        —           —     


     27.3         25.8         (1.5     —           —     

Dimension Data (IFRS)(2)(3)


Operating Revenues

     467.2         581.0         113.8       735.0         154.0   

Operating Expenses(4)

     452.5         567.6         115.1        721.5         153.9   

Operating Income(5)

     14.8         13.5         (1.3 )     13.5         0.0   

Net Income Attributable to NTT

     10.0         9.0         (1.0     —           —     


Notes :    (1)     

NTT Com has revised certain of its line items from the three months ended March 31, 2014. Operating revenues figures for “A. Year Ended Mar. 31, 2013” and “B. Year Ended Mar. 31, 2014” using line items used prior to the three months ended March 31, 2014 are also provided for reference.


The following are the main services included in each of the new line items.

         Cloud Computing Platforms: “Data center service” and “Private Cloud (Enterprise Cloud, etc.)”
         Data Networks: “Closed network service (Arcstar Universal One, etc.)” and “Open network service (OCN, etc.)”
         Voice Communications: “Telephone service” and “VoIP service (050plus, etc.)”
         Applications & Content: “Application service (Mail service, etc.)”
         Solution Services: “System integration service”
      With respect to the line items used prior to the three months ended March 31, 2014, beginning with the three months ended June 30, 2013, NTT consolidated IP-VPN and Wide-area Ethernet operating revenues into VPN operating revenues. Operating Revenues from Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP) of NTT Communications for the fiscal year ended Mar. 31, 2014 include revenues from telephone subscriber lines (138.0 billion yen). Operating Revenues from IP Services include revenues from OCN (153.5 billion yen) and VPN (159.0 billion yen). Operating Revenues from Leased Circuit include revenues from conventional leased circuits (2.6 billion yen) and high-speed digital (16.5 billion yen). IP-VPN and Wide-area Ethernet operating revenues for the fiscal year ended Mar. 31, 2014 were 62.3 billion yen and 41.0 billion yen, respectively.
   (2)    Since Dimension Data’s statements of income from January 1 to December 31, 2013 are consolidated into NTT’s consolidated statements of income from April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014, Dimension Data’s financial results for the twelve months ended December 31, 2013 are included under “B. Year Ended Mar. 31, 2014” and Dimension Data’s forecast for the twelve months ending December 31, 2014 is included under “C. Year Ending Mar. 31 2015 (Forecast).”
   (3)    Conversion rate for Dimension Data figures for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 : USD1.00 = JPY97.73
   (4)    Operating Expenses include costs associated with the acquisition of Dimension Data by NTT.
   (5)    Operating Income for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 under US GAAP is 1.8 billion yen.



4. Financial Results and Projections (NTT DATA, NTT DOCOMO)




(Billions of yen)

Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2013
Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2014
Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2015
                 Change           Change  
                 B-A           C-B  

NTT DATA Consolidated (JPN GAAP)


Operating Revenues

     1,301.9        1,343.7        41.8        1,460.0        116.2   

Public & Financial IT Services

     728.8        721.6        (7.1     728.0        6.3   

Enterprise IT Services

     301.1        279.3        (21.7     282.0        2.6   

Solutions & Technologies

     167.0        179.1        12.0        185.0        5.8   

Global Business

     244.9        314.5        69.6        422.0        107.4   

Elimination or Corporate

     (140.0     (150.9     (10.8     (157.0     (6.0

Cost of Sales

     980.5        1,031.2        50.6        1,100.0        68.7   

Gross Profit

     321.4        312.5        (8.8     360.0        47.4   

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     235.7        249.9        14.2        275.0        25.0   

Operating Income

     85.6        62.5        (23.1     85.0        22.4   

Non-Operating Income (Loss)

     (3.8     (0.4     3.3        (10.0     (9.5

Recurring Profit

     81.8        62.1        (19.7     75.0        12.8   

Net Income

     43.5        23.2        (20.2     37.0        13.7   

NTT DOCOMO Consolidated (US GAAP)(*)


Operating Revenues

     4,470.1        4,461.2        (8.9     4,590.0        128.8   

Mobile Communications Services

     3,168.5        2,955.8        (212.7     2,881.0        (74.8

Voice Revenues

     1,274.6        1,065.2        (209.4     950.0        (115.2

Packet Communications Revenues

     1,893.9        1,890.6        (3.3     1,931.0        40.4   

Equipment Sales

     758.1        872.0        113.9        935.0        63.0   

Other Operating Revenues

     543.6        633.4        89.9        774.0        140.6   

Operating Expenses

     3,632.9        3,642.0        9.1        3,840.0        198.0   


     280.1        275.9        (4.2     288.0        12.1   

Cost of Services, Cost of Equipment Sold, and Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     2,342.4        2,338.2        (4.2     2,504.0        165.8   

Depreciation and Amortization

     700.2        718.7        18.5        715.0        (3.7

Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     64.2        65.4        1.2        71.0        5.6   

Communication Network Charges

     207.5        204.7        (2.7     223.0        18.3   

Taxes and Public Dues

     38.6        39.1        0.5        39.0        (0.1

Operating Income

     837.2        819.2        (18.0     750.0        (69.2

Non-Operating Income (Loss)

     (3.8     13.9        17.7        8.0        (5.9

Income Before Income Taxes

     833.3        833.0        (0.3     758.0        (75.0

Net Income Attributable to NTT DOCOMO

     491.0        464.7        (26.3     480.0        15.3   


* As a result of the application of the equity method for NTT Group’s investment in Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company from the beginning of the three months ended June 30, 2013, the equity method of accounting was applied retrospectively to NTT DOCOMO’s figures in “A. Year Ended Mar. 31, 2013” in accordance with Accounting Standards Codification Topic 323, Investments-Equity Method and Joint Ventures, issued by the FASB.



5. Average Monthly Revenue per Unit (ARPU)

Average monthly revenue per unit, or ARPU, is used to measure average monthly operating revenues attributable to each designated service on a per user basis. In the case of NTT Group’s fixed-line business, ARPU is calculated by dividing revenue items included in the operating revenues of NTT Group’s regional communications business segment, that is, telephone subscriber lines, INS-NET and FLET’S Hikari, by the number of Active Subscribers to the relevant services.

In the case of NTT Group’s mobile communications business, ARPU is calculated by dividing revenue items included in operating revenues from its mobile communications business segment, such as revenues from FOMA mobile phone services and Xi mobile phone services, that are incurred consistently each month (i.e., basic monthly charges and voice/packet transmission charges), by the number of Active Subscribers to the relevant services. The calculation of these figures excludes revenues that are not representative of monthly average usage, such as telecommunications equipment sales, activation fees and universal service charges.

NTT believes that its ARPU figures calculated in this way provide useful information regarding the monthly average usage of its subscribers. The revenue items included in the numerators of NTT Group’s ARPU figures are based on its financial results comprising its U.S. GAAP results of operations.


    Three Months

Jun. 30, 2013
(From Apr. to
Jun., 2013)
    Three Months

Sept.  30, 2013
(From Jul. to
Sept., 2013)
    Three Months

Dec.  31, 2013
(From Oct. to
Dec., 2013)
    Three Months

Mar.  31, 2014
(From Jan. to
Mar., 2014)
    Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2013
    Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2014
    Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2015


NTT East


Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU
(Telephone Subscriber Line +
INS-NET Subscriber Line)

    2,760        2,760        2,760        2,730        2,810        2,760        2,700   

Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU

    2,410        2,410        2,410        2,390        2,450        2,400        2,360   

INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU

    5,030        5,030        5,040        5,000        5,060        5,030        5,010   


    5,750        5,680        5,650        5,570        5,860        5,660        5,500   

NTT West


Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU
(Telephone Subscriber Line +
INS-NET Subscriber Line)

    2,690        2,700        2,700        2,670        2,720        2,690        2,660   

Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU

    2,380        2,390        2,390        2,370        2,410        2,380        2,350   

INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU

    4,880        4,890        4,900        4,870        4,890        4,890        4,860   


    5,840        5,850        5,850        5,800        5,880        5,830        5,740   



Mobile Aggregate ARPU (FOMA+Xi)

    4,610        4,590        4,510        4,320        4,840        4,500        4,390   

Voice ARPU (FOMA+Xi)

    1,470        1,430        1,370        1,220        1,730        1,370        1,240   

Packet ARPU (FOMA+Xi)

    2,680        2,670        2,640        2,600        2,690        2,640        2,620   

Smart ARPU (FOMA+Xi)

    460        490        500        500        420        490        530   


Notes :    (1)      We compute the following four categories of ARPU for business conducted by each of NTT East and NTT West.
         Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines): Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for Telephone Subscriber Lines and INS-NET Subscriber Lines, which are included in operating revenues from Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP Services), and revenues from “FLET’S ADSL” and “FLET’S ISDN,” which are included in operating revenues from IP Services.
         Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for Telephone Subscriber Lines and revenues from “FLET’S ADSL.”
         INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for “INS-NET” Subscriber Lines and revenues from “FLET’S ISDN.”
         FLET’S Hikari ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from “FLET’S Hikari” (including “FLET’S Hikari” optional services), which are included in operating revenues from IP Services, revenues from monthly charges, call charges and connection device charges for “Hikari Denwa,” and revenues from “FLET’S Hikari” optional services, which are included in Supplementary Business revenues.
         “FLET’S Hikari” includes “B FLET’S,” “FLET’S Hikari Next,” “FLET’S Hikari Light” and “FLET’S Hikari WiFi Access” provided by NTT East, and “B FLET’S,” “FLET’S Hikari Premium,” “FLET’S Hikari Mytown,” “FLET’S Hikari Next,” “FLET’S Hikari Light” and “FLET’S Hikari WiFi Access” provided by NTT West.
         Commencing in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014, NTT East and NTT West began including in their respective FLET’S Hikari ARPU calculations revenues from NTT East’s and NTT West’s “FLET’S VPN WIDE” virtual private network option. These revenues are part of NTT East’s and NTT West’s operating revenues from IP services. As a result of this new calculation methodology, NTT East’s and NTT West’s FLET’S Hikari ARPU for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013 include revenues of 20 yen for each of NTT East and NTT West from “FLET’S VPN WIDE.”
   (2)    Revenues from interconnection charges are excluded from the calculation of Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines), Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU, INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU, and FLET’S Hikari ARPU.
   (3)    For purposes of calculating Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines), Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU and INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU, the number of subscribers is determined based on the number of subscriptions for each service.
   (4)    In terms of number of channels, transmission rate, and line use rate (base rate), INS-Net 1500 is in all cases roughly ten times greater than INS-Net 64. For this reason, for the purpose of calculating Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines) and INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU, one INS-Net 1500 subscription is calculated as ten INS-Net 64 subscriptions.
   (5)    For purposes of calculating FLET’S Hikari ARPU, number of subscribers is determined based on the number of “FLET’S Hikari” subscribers, including subscribers to “B FLET’S,” “FLET’S Hikari Next,” “FLET’S Hikari Light” and “FLET’S Hikari WiFi Access” provided by NTT East, and subscribers to “B FLET’S,” “FLET’S Hikari Premium,” “FLET’S Hikari Mytown,” “FLET’S Hikari Next,” “FLET’S Hikari Light” and “FLET’S Hikari WiFi Access” provided by NTT West.
   (6)    The following is the formula we use to compute ARPU for mobile business conducted by NTT DOCOMO.
         Mobile Aggregate ARPU (“FOMA”+“Xi”) = Voice ARPU (“FOMA”+“Xi”) + Packet ARPU (“FOMA”+“Xi”) + Smart ARPU (“FOMA”+“Xi”).
            NTT DOCOMO’s Voice ARPU (“FOMA”+“Xi”) is based on operating revenues related to voice services, such as basic monthly charges and voice communication charges attributable to our “FOMA” and “Xi” services, and our Packet ARPU (“FOMA”+“Xi”) is based on operating revenues related to packet services, such as flat monthly fees and packet communication charges attributable to our “FOMA” and “Xi” services and our Smart ARPU (“FOMA”+“Xi”) is based on operating revenues from a part of Other Operating Revenues attributable to “FOMA” and “Xi” wireless communications services (revenues from content, collection of charges, mobile phone insurance service, advertising and others).
   (7)    Communications module service, phone number storage service, mail address storage service and docomo Business Transceiver subscribers and the revenues therefrom are not included in the calculations of Mobile Aggregate ARPU.
   (8)    Number of active subscribers used in the ARPU calculation of NTT East and NTT West are as below.
            1Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers* for each month from April to June
            2Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers* for each month from July to September
            3Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers* for each month from October to December
            4Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers* for each month from January to March
            FY Results : Sum of number of active subscribers* for each month from April to March
            FY Forecast: Sum of the average expected active number of subscribers during the fiscal year ((number of subscribers at March 31, 2014 + number of expected subscribers at March 31, 2015)/2)x12
   (9)    Number of active subscribers used in the ARPU calculation of NTT DOCOMO are as below.
            1Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers* for each month from April to June
            2Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers* for each month from July to September
            3Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers* for each month from October to December
            4Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers* for each month from January to March
            FY Results/FY Forecast: Sum of number of active subscribers*/expected number of active subscribers* for each month from April to March.
         * active subscribers = (number of subscribers at end of previous month + number of subscribers at end of the current month)/2



6. Interest-Bearing Liabilities (Consolidated)


            (Billions of yen)   
             As of Mar. 31, 2013      As of Mar. 31, 2014      As of Mar. 31, 2015

Interest-Bearing Liabilities

     4,036.0         4,200.0         4,300.0   

7.      Indices (Consolidated)

     Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2013
     Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2014
     Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2015


     3,207.4 billion yen         3,192.3 billion yen         3,207.0 billion yen   


     30.0 %                        29.2 %                        28.6 %                  

Operating FCF

     1,237.5 billion yen         1,299.5 billion yen         1,357.0 billion yen   


     6.1 %                        6.0 %                        6.1 %                  



Note  :

  Reconciliation of Indices are as follows.         

8.      Reconciliation of Financial Indices (Consolidated)

             Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2013
     Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2014
     Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2015
EBITDA (a+b)      3,207.4 billion yen         3,192.3 billion yen         3,207.0 billion yen   


  Operating Income      1,202.0 billion yen         1,213.7 billion yen         1,215.0 billion yen   



Depreciation and Amortization, and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     2,005.5 billion yen         1,978.6 billion yen         1,992.0 billion yen   
EBITDA Margin [(c/d)X100]      30.0 %                        29.2 %                        28.6 %                  


  Operating Income      1,202.0 billion yen         1,213.7 billion yen         1,215.0 billion yen   



Depreciation and Amortization, and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     2,005.5 billion yen         1,978.6 billion yen         1,992.0 billion yen   



EBITDA (a+b)

     3,207.4 billion yen         3,192.3 billion yen         3,207.0 billion yen   



Operating Revenues

     10,700.7 billion yen         10,925.2 billion yen         11,200.0 billion yen   
Operating FCF [(c-d)]      1,237.5 billion yen         1,299.5 billion yen         1,357.0 billion yen   


  Operating Income      1,202.0 billion yen         1,213.7 billion yen         1,215.0 billion yen   



Depreciation and Amortization, and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     2,005.5 billion yen         1,978.6 billion yen         1,992.0 billion yen   


  EBITDA (a+b)      3,207.4 billion yen         3,192.3 billion yen         3,207.0 billion yen   


  Capital Investment(1)      1,970.0 billion yen         1,892.8 billion yen         1,850.0 billion yen   
ROCE [(b/c)X100]      6.1 %                        6.0 %                        6.1 %                  


  Operating Income      1,202.0 billion yen         1,213.7 billion yen         1,215.0 billion yen   
  (Normal Statutory Tax Rate)      38 %                        38 %                        36 %                  


  Operating Income X (1 - Normal Statutory Tax Rate)      742.1 billion yen         749.3 billion yen         778.8 billion yen   


  Operating Capital Employed(2)      12,212.0 billion yen         12,489.4 billion yen         12,831.5 billion yen   



Notes  :



  Figures for capital investment are the accrual-based amounts required for acquisition of Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets. The differences from the figures for “Payments for Property, Plant and Equipment” and “Payments for Acquisition of Intangible Assets” in the consolidated statements of cash flows are as described in the reconciliation below.      


  Figures for operating capital employed for the “Year Ended Mar. 31, 2013” have been revised from those announced in the financial results on May 10, 2013 to reflect the retroactive application of the equity method of accounting.    
                    (Billions of yen)  
                    Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2013
     Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2014

Payments for Property, Plant and Equipment

        1,538.1         1,486.7   

Payments for intangibles

        446.6         416.6   


        1,984.7         1,903.2   

Difference from Capital Investment

        14.7         10.5   

