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Supplement to the
Fidelity® Cash Management Funds:
Government Fund, Prime Fund, Tax-Exempt Fund, and Treasury Fund -
Daily Money Class
December 30, 2014

Effective the close of business on August 21, 2015, new positions in Prime Fund may no longer be opened. Shareholders of the fund on that date may continue to add to their existing fund positions. Investors who did not own shares of the fund on August 21, 2015, generally will not be allowed to buy shares of the fund except that new fund positions may be opened: 1) by participants in most group employer retirement plans (and their successor plans) if the fund had been established (or was in the process of being established) as an investment option under the plans (or under another plan sponsored by the same employer) by August 21, 2015, 2) for accounts managed on a discretionary basis by certain registered investment advisers that have discretionary assets of at least $500 million invested in mutual funds and have included the fund in their discretionary account program since August 21, 2015, 3) by a mutual fund or a qualified tuition program for which FMR or an affiliate serves as investment manager, and 4) by a portfolio manager of the fund. These restrictions generally will apply to investments made directly with Fidelity and investments made through intermediaries. Investors may be required to demonstrate eligibility to buy shares of the fund before an investment is accepted.

Effective May 15, 2015, references to Government Fund throughout this prospectus are no longer applicable.

At a special shareholder meeting of Prime Fund, shareholders approved a proposal to merge Prime Fund into Fidelity Government Money Market Fund. The Reorganization is expected to take place in the fourth quarter of 2015.

Effective May 31, 2015, the principal investment strategy for Treasury Fund as set forth in the "Fund Summary" and "Fund Basics" sections of the prospectus is revised as follows:

Treasury Fund: The Adviser normally invests at least 99.5% of the fund's total assets in cash, U.S. Treasury securities and/or repurchase agreements for those securities.

This policy is subject to change only upon 60 days' prior notice to shareholders.

DMFI-15-06		October 14, 2015

The following information replaces the similar information under the heading "Fee Table" in the "Fund Summary" section on page 10 for Tax-Exempt Fund and updates information contained in the "Fund Services - Fund Management" section.

Annual operating expenses
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)

Management fee


Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees


Other expenses


Total annual operating expenses


Fee waiver and/or expense reimbursementA


Total annual operating expenses after fee waiver and/or expense reimbursement


A Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR) has contractually agreed to reimburse Daily Money Class of the fund to the extent that total operating expenses (excluding interest, certain taxes, certain securities lending costs, brokerage commissions, extraordinary expenses, and acquired fund fees and expenses, if any), as a percentage of its average net assets, exceed 0.70%. This arrangement will remain in effect through December 31, 2018. FMR may not terminate this arrangement before the expiration date without the approval of the Board of Trustees.

1 year

$ 72

3 years

$ 224

5 years

$ 393

10 years

$ 887

The following information supplements information for Tax-Exempt Fund found in the "Fund Summary" section under the heading "Purchase and Sale of Shares" beginning on page 12.

The fund has been designated a retail money market fund, which means that it limits investments to accounts beneficially owned by natural persons. The fund expects to implement the new eligibility requirements on January 1, 2016.

The fund is not yet subject to liquidity fees, nor the temporary suspension of redemptions. The fund expects to implement these features by October 2016.

Effective after the close of business on December 31, 2015, new positions in the fund established through Fidelity brokerage or mutual fund accounts that are not beneficially owned by natural persons, as determined by the fund, may no longer be opened. For more information, see the Additional Information about the Purchase and Sale of Shares section of the prospectus.

On or about January 22, 2016, the fund will begin involuntarily redeeming accounts that are not beneficially owned by natural persons, as determined by the fund, in order to implement the fund's eligibility requirements as a retail money market fund. Shares held by these accounts will be sold at their net asset value per share calculated on the day that the fund closes the account position.

The following information replaces the similar information under the heading "Fee Table" in the "Fund Summary" section on page 14 for Treasury Fund.

Annual operating expenses
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)

Management fee


Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees


Other expenses


Total annual operating expenses


Fee waiver and/or expense reimbursementA


Total annual operating expenses after fee waiver and/or expense reimbursement


A Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR) has contractually agreed to reimburse Daily Money Class of the fund to the extent that total operating expenses (excluding interest, certain taxes, certain securities lending costs, brokerage commissions, extraordinary expenses, and acquired fund fees and expenses, if any), as a percentage of its average net assets, exceed 0.70%. This arrangement will remain in effect through December 31, 2018. FMR may not terminate this arrangement before the expiration date without the approval of the Board of Trustees.

1 year

$ 72

3 years

$ 224

5 years

$ 395

10 years

$ 896

The following information supplements information for Treasury Fund found in the "Fund Summary" section under the heading "Principal Investment Risks" on page 15.

The fund will not impose a fee upon the sale of your shares, nor temporarily suspend your ability to sell shares if the fund's weekly liquid assets fall below 30% of its total assets because of market conditions or other factors.

The following information supplements information for Treasury Fund found in the "Fund Basics" section under the heading "Principal Investment Risks" beginning on page 20.

The fund will not impose a fee upon the sale of your shares, nor temporarily suspend your ability to sell shares if the fund's weekly liquid assets fall below 30% of its total assets because of market conditions or other factors.

The following information supplements information for Tax-Exempt Fund found in the "Shareholder Information" section under the heading "Additional Information about the Purchase and Sale of Shares" on page 23.

The fund has been designated a retail money market fund, which means that it limits investments to accounts beneficially owned by natural persons. The fund expects to implement the new eligibility requirements on January 1, 2016.

The fund is not yet subject to liquidity fees, nor the temporary suspension of redemptions. The fund expects to implement these features by October 2016.

Effective after the close of business on December 31, 2015, new positions in the fund established through Fidelity brokerage or mutual fund accounts that are not beneficially owned by natural persons, as determined by the fund, may no longer be opened. For more information, see the Additional Information about the Purchase and Sale of Shares section of the prospectus.

On or about January 22, 2016, the fund will begin involuntarily redeeming accounts that are not beneficially owned by natural persons, as determined by the fund, in order to implement the fund's eligibility requirements as a retail money market fund. Shares held by these accounts will be sold at their net asset value per share calculated on the day that the fund closes the account position.

The following information supplements information for Tax-Exempt Fund found in the "Shareholder Information" section under the heading "Buying Shares" beginning on page 23.

Effective after the close of business on December 31, 2015, new positions in the fund established through Fidelity brokerage or mutual fund accounts other than those beneficially owned by natural persons (non-retail investors) may no longer be opened. Non-retail investors of the fund on that date may continue to add to their fund positions existing on that date. Non-retail investors that did not own shares of the fund on December 31, 2015, will not be allowed to buy shares of the fund. These restrictions generally will apply to investments made directly with Fidelity. Investors may be required to demonstrate eligibility to buy shares of the fund before an investment is accepted.

Supplement to the
Fidelity® Cash Management Funds:
Government Fund, Prime Fund, Tax-Exempt Fund, and Treasury Fund -
Capital Reserves Class
December 30, 2014

Effective the close of business on August 21, 2015, new positions in Prime Fund may no longer be opened. Shareholders of the fund on that date may continue to add to their existing fund positions. Investors who did not own shares of the fund on August 21, 2015, generally will not be allowed to buy shares of the fund except that new fund positions may be opened: 1) by participants in most group employer retirement plans (and their successor plans) if the fund had been established (or was in the process of being established) as an investment option under the plans (or under another plan sponsored by the same employer) by August 21, 2015, 2) for accounts managed on a discretionary basis by certain registered investment advisers that have discretionary assets of at least $500 million invested in mutual funds and have included the fund in their discretionary account program since August 21, 2015, 3) by a mutual fund or a qualified tuition program for which FMR or an affiliate serves as investment manager, and 4) by a portfolio manager of the fund. These restrictions generally will apply to investments made directly with Fidelity and investments made through intermediaries. Investors may be required to demonstrate eligibility to buy shares of the fund before an investment is accepted.

Effective May 15, 2015, references to Government Fund throughout this prospectus are no longer applicable.

At a special shareholder meeting of Prime Fund, shareholders approved a proposal to merge Prime Fund into Fidelity Government Money Market Fund. The Reorganization is expected to take place in the fourth quarter of 2015.

Effective May 31, 2015, the principal investment strategy for Treasury Fund as set forth in the "Fund Summary" and "Fund Basics" sections of the prospectus is revised as follows:

Treasury Fund: The Adviser normally invests at least 99.5% of the fund's total assets in cash, U.S. Treasury securities and/or repurchase agreements for those securities.

This policy is subject to change only upon 60 days' prior notice to shareholders.

DMFR-15-06		October 14, 2015

The following information replaces the similar information under the heading "Fee Table" in the "Fund Summary" section on page 10 for Tax-Exempt Fund and updates information contained in the "Fund Services - Fund Management" section.

Annual operating expenses
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)

Management fee


Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees


Other expenses


Total annual operating expenses


Fee waiver and/or expense reimbursementA


Total annual operating expenses after fee waiver and/or expense reimbursement


A Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR) has contractually agreed to reimburse Capital Reserves Class of the fund to the extent that total operating expenses (excluding interest, certain taxes, certain securities lending costs, brokerage commissions, extraordinary expenses, and acquired fund fees and expenses, if any), as a percentage of its average net assets, exceed 0.95%. This arrangement will remain in effect through December 31, 2018. FMR may not terminate this arrangement before the expiration date without the approval of the Board of Trustees.

1 year

$ 97

3 years

$ 303

5 years

$ 529

10 years

$ 1,183

The following information supplements information for Tax-Exempt Fund found in the "Fund Summary" section under the heading "Purchase and Sale of Shares" beginning on page 12.

The fund has been designated a retail money market fund, which means that it limits investments to accounts beneficially owned by natural persons. The fund expects to implement the new eligibility requirements on January 1, 2016.

The fund is not yet subject to liquidity fees, nor the temporary suspension of redemptions. The fund expects to implement these features by October 2016.

Effective after the close of business on December 31, 2015, new positions in the fund established through Fidelity brokerage or mutual fund accounts that are not beneficially owned by natural persons, as determined by the fund, may no longer be opened. For more information, see the Additional Information about the Purchase and Sale of Shares section of the prospectus.

On or about January 22, 2016, the fund will begin involuntarily redeeming accounts that are not beneficially owned by natural persons, as determined by the fund, in order to implement the fund's eligibility requirements as a retail money market fund. Shares held by these accounts will be sold at their net asset value per share calculated on the day that the fund closes the account position.

The following information replaces the similar information under the heading "Fee Table" in the "Fund Summary" section on page 14 for Treasury Fund.

Annual operating expenses
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)

Management fee


Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees


Other expenses


Total annual operating expenses


Fee waiver and/or expense reimbursementA


Total annual operating expenses after fee waiver and/or expense reimbursement


A Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR) has contractually agreed to reimburse Capital Reserves Class of the fund to the extent that total operating expenses (excluding interest, certain taxes, certain securities lending costs, brokerage commissions, extraordinary expenses, and acquired fund fees and expenses, if any), as a percentage of its average net assets, exceed 0.95%. This arrangement will remain in effect through December 31, 2018. FMR may not terminate this arrangement before the expiration date without the approval of the Board of Trustees.

1 year

$ 97

3 years

$ 303

5 years

$ 530

10 years

$ 1,191

The following information supplements information for Treasury Fund found in the "Fund Summary" section under the heading "Principal Investment Risks" on page 15.

The fund will not impose a fee upon the sale of your shares, nor temporarily suspend your ability to sell shares if the fund's weekly liquid assets fall below 30% of its total assets because of market conditions or other factors.

The following information supplements information for Treasury Fund found in the "Fund Basics" section under the heading "Principal Investment Risks" beginning on page 20.

The fund will not impose a fee upon the sale of your shares, nor temporarily suspend your ability to sell shares if the fund's weekly liquid assets fall below 30% of its total assets because of market conditions or other factors.

The following information supplements information for Tax-Exempt Fund found in the "Shareholder Information" section under the heading "Additional Information about the Purchase and Sale of Shares" on page 23.

The fund has been designated a retail money market fund, which means that it limits investments to accounts beneficially owned by natural persons. The fund expects to implement the new eligibility requirements on January 1, 2016.

The fund is not yet subject to liquidity fees, nor the temporary suspension of redemptions. The fund expects to implement these features by October 2016.

Effective after the close of business on December 31, 2015, new positions in the fund established through Fidelity brokerage or mutual fund accounts that are not beneficially owned by natural persons, as determined by the fund, may no longer be opened. For more information, see the Additional Information about the Purchase and Sale of Shares section of the prospectus.

On or about January 22, 2016, the fund will begin involuntarily redeeming accounts that are not beneficially owned by natural persons, as determined by the fund, in order to implement the fund's eligibility requirements as a retail money market fund. Shares held by these accounts will be sold at their net asset value per share calculated on the day that the fund closes the account position.

The following information supplements information for Tax-Exempt Fund found in the "Shareholder Information" section under the heading "Buying Shares" beginning on page 23.

Effective after the close of business on December 31, 2015, new positions in the fund established through Fidelity brokerage or mutual fund accounts other than those beneficially owned by natural persons (non-retail investors) may no longer be opened. Non-retail investors of the fund on that date may continue to add to their fund positions existing on that date. Non-retail investors that did not own shares of the fund on December 31, 2015, will not be allowed to buy shares of the fund. These restrictions generally will apply to investments made directly with Fidelity. Investors may be required to demonstrate eligibility to buy shares of the fund before an investment is accepted.

Supplement to the
Fidelity® Cash Management Funds: Treasury Fund - Advisor B Class and Advisor C Class
December 30, 2014

Effective May 31, 2015, the principal investment strategy for the fund as set forth in the "Fund Summary" and "Fund Basics" sections of the prospectus is revised as follows:

Treasury Fund: The Adviser normally invests at least 99.5% of the fund's total assets in cash, U.S. Treasury securities and/or repurchase agreements for those securities.

This policy is subject to change only upon 60 days' prior notice to shareholders.

The following information replaces the similar information under the heading "Fee Table" in the "Fund Summary" section beginning on page 3.

Annual operating expenses
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)


Class B
Class C

Management fee




Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees




Other expenses




Total annual operating expenses




Fee waiver and/or expense reimbursementA




Total annual operating expenses after fee waiver and/or expense reimbursement




A Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR) has contractually agreed to reimburse Class B and Class C of the fund to the extent that total operating expenses (excluding interest, certain taxes, certain securities lending costs, brokerage commissions, extraordinary expenses, and acquired fund fees and expenses, if any), as a percentage of their respective average net assets, exceed 1.45% and 1.45%. These arrangements will remain in effect through December 31, 2018. FMR may not terminate these arrangements before the expiration date without the approval of the Board of Trustees.

DMFB-DMFC-15-03		October 14, 2015
Class B
Class C


Sell All


Sell All


1 year

$ 665

$ 148

$ 251

$ 148

3 years

$ 1,014

$ 459

$ 570

$ 459

5 years

$ 1,392

$ 797

$ 916

$ 797

10 years

$ 2,466

$ 1,759

$ 1,900

$ 1,759

The following information supplements information found in the "Fund Summary" section under the heading "Principal Investment Risks" on page 4.

The fund will not impose a fee upon the sale of your shares, nor temporarily suspend your ability to sell shares if the fund's weekly liquid assets fall below 30% of its total assets because of market conditions or other factors.

The following information supplements information found in the "Fund Basics" section under the heading "Principal Investment Risks" beginning on page 8.

The fund will not impose a fee upon the sale of your shares, nor temporarily suspend your ability to sell shares if the fund's weekly liquid assets fall below 30% of its total assets because of market conditions or other factors.

Supplement to
Fidelity® Cash Management Funds Treasury Fund
March 31, 2015
As Revised April 6, 2015

The following information supplements information found in the "Fund Summary" section under the heading "Principal Investment Risks" on page 4.

The fund will not impose a fee upon the sale of your shares, nor temporarily suspend your ability to sell shares if the fund's weekly liquid assets fall below 30% of its total assets because of market conditions or other factors.

The following information supplements information found in the "Fund Basics" section under the heading "Principal Investment Risks" beginning on page 7.

The fund will not impose a fee upon the sale of your shares, nor temporarily suspend your ability to sell shares if the fund's weekly liquid assets fall below 30% of its total assets because of market conditions or other factors.

P11-15-01		October 14, 2015

Supplement to the
Fidelity® Cash Management Funds: Tax-Exempt Fund - Premium Class March 31, 2015

The following information supplements information found in the "Fund Summary" section under the heading "Purchase and Sale of Shares" on page 6.

The fund has been designated a retail money market fund, which means that it limits investments to accounts beneficially owned by natural persons. The fund expects to implement the new eligibility requirements on January 1, 2016.

The fund is not yet subject to liquidity fees, nor the temporary suspension of redemptions. The fund expects to implement these features by October 2016.

Effective after the close of business on December 31, 2015, new positions in the fund established through Fidelity brokerage or mutual fund accounts that are not beneficially owned by natural persons, as determined by the fund, may no longer be opened. For more information, see the Additional Information about the Purchase and Sale of Shares section of the prospectus.

On or about January 22, 2016, the fund will begin involuntarily redeeming accounts that are not beneficially owned by natural persons, as determined by the fund, in order to implement the fund's eligibility requirements as a retail money market fund. Shares held by these accounts will be sold at their net asset value per share calculated on the day that the fund closes the account position.

The following information supplements information found in the "Shareholder Information" section under the heading "Additional Information about the Purchase and Sale of Shares" beginning on page 12.

The fund has been designated a retail money market fund, which means that it limits investments to accounts beneficially owned by natural persons. The fund expects to implement the new eligibility requirements on January 1, 2016.

The fund is not yet subject to liquidity fees, nor the temporary suspension of redemptions. The fund expects to implement these features by October 2016.

Effective after the close of business on December 31, 2015, new positions in the fund established through Fidelity brokerage or mutual fund accounts that are not beneficially owned by natural persons, as determined by the fund, may no longer be opened. For more information, see the Additional Information about the Purchase and Sale of Shares section of the prospectus.

P12-15-01		October 14, 2015

On or about January 22, 2016, the fund will begin involuntarily redeeming accounts that are not beneficially owned by natural persons, as determined by the fund, in order to implement the fund's eligibility requirements as a retail money market fund. Shares held by these accounts will be sold at their net asset value per share calculated on the day that the fund closes the account position.

The following information supplements information found in the "Shareholder Information" section under the heading "Buying Shares" on page 13.

Effective after the close of business on December 31, 2015, new positions in the fund established through Fidelity brokerage or mutual fund accounts other than those beneficially owned by natural persons (non-retail investors) may no longer be opened. Non-retail investors of the fund on that date may continue to add to their fund positions existing on that date. Non-retail investors that did not own shares of the fund on December 31, 2015, will not be allowed to buy shares of the fund. These restrictions generally will apply to investments made directly with Fidelity. Investors may be required to demonstrate eligibility to buy shares of the fund before an investment is accepted.

Supplement to the
Fidelity® Tax-Free Money Market Fund
December 30, 2014

The following information replaces the similar information under the heading "Fee Table" in the "Fund Summary" section on page 3 and updates information contained in the "Fund Services - Fund Management" section.

Annual operating expenses
(expenses that you pay each year as a % of the value of your investment)

Management fee


Distribution and/or Service (12b-1) fees


Other expenses


Total annual operating expenses


Fee waiver and/or expense reimbursementA


Total annual operating expenses after fee waiver and/or expense reimbursement


A Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR) has contractually agreed to reimburse the class of shares of the fund to the extent that total operating expenses (excluding interest, certain taxes, certain securities lending costs, brokerage commissions, extraordinary expenses, and acquired fund fees and expenses, if any), as a percentage of its average net assets, exceed 0.45%. This arrangement will remain in effect through December 31, 2018. FMR may not terminate this arrangement before the expiration date without the approval of the Board of Trustees.

1 year

$ 46

3 years

$ 144

5 years

$ 255

10 years

$ 584

TFM-15-02		October 14, 2015

The following information supplements information found in the "Fund Summary" section under the heading "Purchase and Sale of Shares" beginning on page 5.

The fund has been designated a retail money market fund, which means that it limits investments to accounts beneficially owned by natural persons. The fund expects to implement the new eligibility requirements on January 1, 2016.

The fund is not yet subject to liquidity fees, nor the temporary suspension of redemptions. The fund expects to implement these features by October 2016.

Effective after the close of business on December 31, 2015, new positions in the fund established through Fidelity brokerage or mutual fund accounts that are not beneficially owned by natural persons, as determined by the fund, may no longer be opened. For more information, see the Additional Information about the Purchase and Sale of Shares section of the prospectus.

On or about January 22, 2016, the fund will begin involuntarily redeeming accounts that are not beneficially owned by natural persons, as determined by the fund, in order to implement the fund's eligibility requirements as a retail money market fund. Shares held by these accounts will be sold at their net asset value per share calculated on the day that the fund closes the account position.

The following information supplements information found in the "Shareholder Information" section under the heading "Additional Information about the Purchase and Sale of Shares" beginning on page 11.

The fund has been designated a retail money market fund, which means that it limits investments to accounts beneficially owned by natural persons. The fund expects to implement the new eligibility requirements on January 1, 2016.

The fund is not yet subject to liquidity fees, nor the temporary suspension of redemptions. The fund expects to implement these features by October 2016.

Effective after the close of business on December 31, 2015, new positions in the fund established through Fidelity brokerage or mutual fund accounts that are not beneficially owned by natural persons, as determined by the fund, may no longer be opened. For more information, see the Additional Information about the Purchase and Sale of Shares section of the prospectus.

On or about January 22, 2016, the fund will begin involuntarily redeeming accounts that are not beneficially owned by natural persons, as determined by the fund, in order to implement the fund's eligibility requirements as a retail money market fund. Shares held by these accounts will be sold at their net asset value per share calculated on the day that the fund closes the account position.

The following information supplements information found in the "Shareholder Information" section under the heading "Buying Shares" on page 12.

Effective after the close of business on December 31, 2015, new positions in the fund established through Fidelity brokerage or mutual fund accounts other than those beneficially owned by natural persons (non-retail investors) may no longer be opened. Non-retail investors of the fund on that date may continue to add to their fund positions existing on that date. Non-retail investors that did not own shares of the fund on December 31, 2015, will not be allowed to buy shares of the fund. These restrictions generally will apply to investments made directly with Fidelity. Investors may be required to demonstrate eligibility to buy shares of the fund before an investment is accepted.