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Washington, D.C. 20549





Certified Shareholder Report of

Registered Management Investment Companies


Investment Company Act File Number: 811-00862




The Growth Fund of America

(Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)


One Market, Steuart Tower

Suite 2000

San Francisco, California 94105

(Address of Principal Executive Offices)





Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (415) 421-9360


Date of fiscal year end: August 31


Date of reporting period: February 28, 2015






Michael W. Stockton

The Growth Fund of America

One Market, Steuart Tower

Suite 2000

San Francisco, California 94105

(Name and Address of Agent for Service)



Copies to:

Mark D. Perlow

K&L Gates LLP

Four Embarcadero Center, Suite 1200

San Francisco, California 94111

(Counsel for the Registrant)



ITEM 1 – Reports to Stockholders




The Growth Fund
of America®


Semi-annual report
for the six months ended
February 28, 2015


The Growth Fund of America invests in a wide range of companies that appear to offer superior opportunities for growth of capital.


This fund is one of more than 40 offered by one of the nation’s largest mutual fund families, American Funds, from Capital Group. For more than 80 years, Capital has invested with a long-term focus based on thorough research and attention to risk.


Fund results shown in this report, unless otherwise indicated, are for Class A shares at net asset value. If a sales charge (maximum 5.75%) had been deducted, the results would have been lower. Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Share prices and returns will vary, so investors may lose money. Investing for short periods makes losses more likely. Investments are not FDIC-insured, nor are they deposits of or guaranteed by a bank or any other entity, so they may lose value. For current information and month-end results, visit americanfunds.com.


Here are the average annual total returns on a $1,000 investment with all distributions reinvested for periods ended March 31, 2015 (the most recent calendar quarter-end):


Class A shares  1 year 5 years 10 years
Reflecting 5.75% maximum sales charge 5.51% 11.98% 7.97%


For other share class results, visit americanfunds.com.


The total annual fund operating expense ratio was 0.66% for Class A shares as of the prospectus dated November 1, 2014.


Investment results assume all distributions are reinvested and reflect applicable fees and expenses. When applicable, investment results reflect fee waivers, without which results would have been lower. Visit americanfunds.com for more information.


Refer to the fund prospectus and the Risk Factors section of this report for more information on risks associated with investing in the fund.



The Growth Fund of
America continues
its fundamental
research and long-
term approach to










Fellow investors:


Continued economic growth and improved corporate earnings helped fuel equity-market growth in the first half of The Growth Fund of America’s current fiscal year, a six-month period ended February 28, 2015. This improvement was reflected by gains in the unmanaged Standard & Poor’s 500 Composite Index, a broad measure of the U.S. equity market. A sharp decline in oil prices, however, truncated some of that growth near the end of 2014, particularly among energy stocks.


For the six-month period, The Growth Fund of America (GFA) saw a total return of 4.93%, compared with a return of 6.11% for the S&P 500.


Results at a glance


Total returns for periods ended February 28, 2015, with all distributions reinvested


    Cumulative total returns   Average annual total returns
    6 months   1 year   5 years   10 years   Lifetime1
The Growth Fund of America (Class A shares)     4.93 %     10.50 %     14.80 %     8.54 %     13.79 %
Standard & Poor’s 500 Composite Index2      6.11       15.48       16.17       7.98       11.09  
Lipper Large-Cap Growth Funds Index     7.43       11.80       15.59       8.15       3
Lipper Growth Funds Index     5.74       11.47       15.57       7.56       10.06  
Lipper Large-Cap Core Funds Index     5.13       12.82       14.54       7.32       3
Lipper Capital Appreciation Funds Index     4.91       10.53       14.12       8.50       11.06  


1 Since Capital Research and Management Company (CRMC) began managing the fund on December 1, 1973.
2 The S&P 500 is unmanaged and, therefore, has no expenses. Investors cannot invest directly in an index.
3 This Lipper index was not in existence when CRMC began managing the fund.


The Growth Fund of America    1


We note that the fund’s results, on an absolute and relative basis, remain strong over longer time periods, which we believe illustrates our commitment to long-term investing over short-term tactical moves. The fund’s 10-year and lifetime returns continue to surpass those of the S&P 500, as well as the fund’s four Lipper peer indexes. Over the 41 years since CRMC began managing the fund, GFA has posted an average annual total return of 13.79%, compared to 11.09% for the S&P 500, while the two applicable Lipper indexes posted returns of 11.06% and 10.06% over the same period.


Investment analysis

While economic growth and joblessness improved during the period, a sharp drop in oil prices led to a decline in the energy sector, limiting the gains of both the S&P 500 and the fund. Among sectors, the energy sector was the fund’s leading detractor in both relative and absolute returns. Noble Energy (down 34.1%), for example, was among the fund’s holdings with the worst results.


Information technology, industrials and health care stocks added to returns, both relative and absolute. Top holding Amazon rose 12.1% for the period, leading many consumer discretionary shares, and the technology sector was beneficial to the fund despite slight declines from top-10 holdings Google (down 2.8%) and Microsoft (down 2.2%).


Among large health care holdings, Amgen climbed 14.2% and UnitedHealth Group rose 32.1%, both significantly helping returns during this period. Gilead Sciences, our third-largest holding, declined 3.8% for the period, however, on fears of increased competitive pressures. Among other companies, fourth-largest holding Home Depot gained 24% for the period.


The fund’s biggest overall detractor relative to the S&P 500 during this short period was cash holdings, representing 8.6% of the total portfolio. We do not set a fixed target for how much cash the fund should have on hand, leaving it to the discretion of individual portfolio managers. However, investors should note having liquidity during volatile times allows the managers to seize opportunities to make long-term investments at good short-term prices. In addition, cash can serve as a cushion in the case of market downturns.


The fund continues to hold just over 10% of the portfolio in stocks issued by corporations outside the U.S. The strong dollar, compared to other currencies, further hampered returns from these investments during the period, though we believe our investors will benefit in the long run from our extensive global research which identifies these investments.


2    The Growth Fund of America


The road ahead

We expect the U.S. economy to continue its upward trajectory over the short to medium term. Overseas, concerns remain about economic growth in Europe and China, two major consumers of American exports and the strong dollar which may further impact earnings growth of U.S. exporters. Overall, the American economy is on a good track.


The price of oil remains something of a wild card. While we expect prices to reach a higher equilibrium at some point in the months ahead, it remains to be seen whether OPEC will respond by cutting output, or whether continued crises in the Middle East will have an impact. We continue to assess our energy holdings in this light, with our global research effort focused on which energy companies can withstand further fluctuation in the oil market.


The U.S. equity market is slightly overvalued versus its historical average, but still looks to be attractive compared to bonds and other asset classes. We expect the Federal Reserve to maintain interest rates at current levels through the spring; after that, it remains to be seen whether and by how much the Fed will move rates higher.


The issues above inform our investment decisions, but we remain committed to our investment approach — employing intensive, bottom-up research into individual companies while paying close attention to valuation in order to invest for long-term results. We feel this is where our true competitive advantage lies. We believe the fund remains well positioned to help our investors meet their financial goals.


Once again, we thank both our new and veteran investors for your continuing confidence in The Growth Fund of America. We look forward to reporting to you again in six months.




James F. Rothenberg Donald D. O’Neal
Vice Chairman of the Board President


April 6, 2015


For current information about the fund, visit americanfunds.com.


The Growth Fund of America    3

Summary investment portfolio February 28, 2015 unaudited


Industry sector diversification Percent of net assets




Largest equity holdings Percent of
net assets
Amazon 4.48 %
Google 3.14  
Gilead Sciences 2.40  
Home Depot 1.91  
UnitedHealth Group 1.86  
Comcast 1.85  
Avago Technologies 1.50  
Amgen 1.50  
Microsoft 1.22  
Costco 1.15  


Common stocks 91.15%     Shares       Value
Information technology 20.87%                
Google Inc., Class C1     4,521,797     $ 2,524,972  
Google Inc., Class A1     3,766,097       2,118,919  
Avago Technologies Ltd.2     17,407,082       2,221,492  
Microsoft Corp.     41,077,600       1,801,253  
Oracle Corp.     38,797,000       1,700,084  
Visa Inc., Class A     5,648,000       1,532,359  
ASML Holding NV (New York registered)     8,767,040       944,035  
ASML Holding NV     5,109,442       552,389  
Texas Instruments Inc.     18,520,100       1,088,982  
salesforce.com, inc.1     14,927,697       1,035,684  
Intuit Inc.     10,195,000       995,338  
LinkedIn Corp., Class A1     3,432,500       917,164  
Accenture PLC, Class A     10,000,000       900,300  
Apple Inc.     6,776,213       870,472  
Adobe Systems Inc.1     8,672,800       686,018  
Other securities             10,952,395  
Consumer discretionary 17.53%                
Amazon.com, Inc.1     17,438,095       6,629,266  
Home Depot, Inc.     24,651,200       2,828,725  
Comcast Corp., Class A     38,003,578       2,256,653  


4    The Growth Fund of America

    Shares     Value
Comcast Corp., Class A, special nonvoting shares     8,000,000     $ 471,560  
Priceline Group Inc.1     882,215       1,091,723  
NIKE, Inc., Class B     11,222,000       1,089,881  
Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc., Class A     31,032,200       1,086,127  
Netflix, Inc.1     2,025,767       962,057  
MGM Resorts International1,2     36,299,600       788,790  
Johnson Controls, Inc.     13,625,000       692,286  
Other securities             8,011,238  
Health care 17.13%                
Gilead Sciences, Inc.1     34,239,148       3,544,779  
UnitedHealth Group Inc.     24,139,200       2,742,937  
Amgen Inc.     14,009,100       2,209,515  
Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.1     9,261,061       1,670,418  
Express Scripts Holding Co.1     18,870,600       1,600,038  
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.1     3,362,300       1,391,454  
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc.1     9,337,600       1,115,190  
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.     7,233,052       940,297  
Illumina, Inc.1     4,672,501       913,287  
BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.1     7,860,288       841,601  
Novartis AG1     7,455,000       762,039  
Other securities             7,591,668  
Industrials 8.88%                
Union Pacific Corp.     12,601,600       1,515,468  
Precision Castparts Corp.     6,452,109       1,395,591  
American Airlines Group Inc.     23,370,000       1,119,423  
United Continental Holdings, Inc.1     16,949,000       1,104,736  
Boeing Co.     6,150,000       927,727  
CSX Corp.     21,174,801       726,507  
Other securities             6,334,279  
Financials 7.74%                
Crown Castle International Corp.     13,450,912       1,160,948  
American International Group, Inc.     20,345,000       1,125,689  
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.     3,938,996       747,582  
Other securities             8,397,337  
Energy 6.56%                
EOG Resources, Inc.     18,669,000       1,674,983  
Noble Energy, Inc.2     20,639,621       974,809  
Concho Resources Inc.1,2     8,834,006       962,200  
Pioneer Natural Resources Co.     4,567,700       696,666  
Other securities             5,390,794  


The Growth Fund of America 5
Common stocks (continued)   Shares     Value
Consumer staples 4.22%                
Costco Wholesale Corp.     11,583,183     $ 1,702,265  
Philip Morris International Inc.     20,117,588       1,668,955  
Other securities             2,869,114  
Materials 2.59%                
Monsanto Co.     6,055,000       729,204  
Other securities             3,094,435  
Other 0.63%                
Other securities             921,553  
Miscellaneous 5.00%                
Other common stocks in initial period of acquisition             7,396,359  
Total common stocks (cost: $75,868,819,000)             134,710,009  
Preferred securities 0.01%                
Financials 0.01%                
Fannie Mae, Series S, 8.25% noncumulative1     4,095,858       18,431  
Miscellaneous 0.00%                
Other preferred securities in initial period of acquisition             3,107  
Total preferred securities (cost: $48,162,000)             21,538  
Rights & warrants 0.08%                
Other 0.08%                
Other securities             120,928  
Total rights & warrants (cost: $122,540,000)             120,928  
Convertible bonds 0.03% Principal amount
Telecommunication services 0.03%                
Other securities             47,993  
Total convertible bonds (cost: $43,829,000)             47,993  
Bonds, notes & other debt instruments 0.15%              
U.S. Treasury bonds & notes 0.08%                
Other securities             116,511  
Corporate bonds & notes 0.05%                
Other securities             67,737  


6 The Growth Fund of America
  Principal amount
Federal agency bonds & notes 0.02%                
Other securities           $ 33,499  
Total bonds, notes & other debt instruments (cost: $193,928,000)             217,747  
Short-term securities 8.82%                
Fannie Mae 0.08%–0.24% due 4/1/2015–1/19/2016   $ 2,273,378       2,272,632  
Federal Farm Credit Banks 0.10%–0.24% due 3/2/2015–10/6/2015     780,800       780,501  
Federal Home Loan Bank 0.06%–0.24% due 3/4/2015–1/22/2016     4,686,038       4,685,059  
Freddie Mac 0.09%–0.23% due 3/6/2015–1/20/2016     2,901,837       2,900,863  
Microsoft Corp. 0.10% due 4/15/2015–4/22/20153     93,000       92,991  
Other securities             2,297,739  
Total short-term securities (cost: $13,027,502,000)             13,029,785  
Total investment securities 100.24% (cost: $89,304,780,000)             148,148,000  
Other assets less liabilities (0.24)%             (354,580 )
Net assets 100.00%           $ 147,793,420  


The Growth Fund of America 7

This summary investment portfolio is designed to streamline the report and help investors better focus on the fund’s principal holdings. See the inside back cover for details on how to obtain a complete schedule of portfolio holdings.


As permitted by U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission regulations, “Miscellaneous” securities include holdings in their first year of acquisition that have not previously been publicly disclosed.


“Other securities” includes all issues that are not disclosed separately in the summary investment portfolio, including securities which were valued under fair value procedures adopted by authority of the board of trustees. The securities which were valued under fair value procedures (with an aggregate value of $325,155,000, an aggregate cost of $281,325,000, and which represented .22% of the net assets of the fund) were acquired from 7/7/2000 to 6/26/2014 through private placement transactions exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, which may subject them to legal or contractual restrictions on resale.


8 The Growth Fund of America

Investments in affiliates


A company is an affiliate of the fund under the Investment Company Act of 1940 if the fund’s holdings in that company represent 5% or more of the outstanding voting shares. The value of the fund’s affiliated-company holdings is either shown in the summary investment portfolio or included in the value of “Other securities” under the respective industry sectors. Further details on such holdings and related transactions during the six months ended February 28, 2015, appear below.


    Additions     Reductions     Ending
    Value of
affiliates at
Avago Technologies Ltd.     17,601,820       555,262       750,000       17,407,082     $ 11,988     $ 2,221,492  
Noble Energy, Inc.     16,677,621       3,962,000             20,639,621       6,267       974,809  
Concho Resources Inc.1     8,578,506       255,500             8,834,006             962,200  
MGM Resorts International1     29,412,600       6,887,000             36,299,600             788,790  
AutoNation, Inc.1     6,000,000                   6,000,000             369,000  
Sprouts Farmers Market, Inc.1     8,270,446       1,167,554             9,438,000             347,413  
athenahealth, Inc.1     2,522,484       7,377             2,529,861             321,469  
Oshkosh Corp.     4,368,000                   4,368,000       1,485       213,115  
Finisar Corp.1     4,930,000       3,343,000             8,273,000             173,816  
Cheniere Energy, Inc.1,4     11,859,300             10,075,720       1,783,580              
Edwards Lifesciences Corp.1,4     6,132,700             1,631,228       4,501,472              
FMC Technologies, Inc.1,4     15,179,100             4,972,312       10,206,788              
Herbalife Ltd.4     5,442,001       800,000       2,055,601       4,186,400              
Hologic, Inc.1,4     17,126,960       134,800       3,295,660       13,966,100              
Toll Brothers, Inc.1,4     10,628,300             8,803,300       1,825,000              
Towers Watson & Co., Class A4     3,825,000       131,937       1,925,000       2,031,937       603        
                                    $ 20,343     $ 6,372,104  


The following footnotes apply to either the individual securities noted or one or more of the securities aggregated and listed as a single line item.


1 Security did not produce income during the last 12 months.
2 Represents an affiliated company as defined under the Investment Company Act of 1940.
3 Acquired in a transaction exempt from registration under Rule 144A or Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. May be resold in the U.S. in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. The total value of all such securities, including those in “Other securities,” was $1,799,234,000, which represented 1.22% of the net assets of the fund.
4 Unaffiliated issuer at 2/28/2015.


See Notes to Financial Statements


The Growth Fund of America 9

Financial statements


Statement of assets and liabilities   unaudited  
at February 28, 2015   (dollars in thousands)  
Investment securities, at value:                
Unaffiliated issuers (cost: $85,268,519)   $ 141,775,896          
Affiliated issuers (cost: $4,036,261)     6,372,104     $ 148,148,000  
Cash             1,469  
Receivables for:                
Sales of investments     354,073          
Sales of fund’s shares     137,824          
Dividends and interest     110,088       601,985  
Payables for:                
Purchases of investments     676,386          
Repurchases of fund’s shares     170,260          
Investment advisory services     30,538          
Services provided by related parties     67,783          
Trustees’ deferred compensation     5,652          
Other     7,415       958,034  
Net assets at February 28, 2015           $ 147,793,420  
Net assets consist of:                
Capital paid in on shares of beneficial interest           $ 82,391,248  
Undistributed net investment income             90,151  
Undistributed net realized gain             6,473,369  
Net unrealized appreciation             58,838,652  
Net assets at February 28, 2015           $ 147,793,420  



(dollars and shares in thousands, except per-share amounts)


Shares of beneficial interest issued and outstanding (no stated par value) —
unlimited shares authorized (3,341,085 total shares outstanding)


          Shares     Net asset value  
    Net assets     outstanding     per share  
Class A   $ 75,553,447       1,697,920     $ 44.50  
Class B     701,130       16,476       42.55  
Class C     6,048,167       143,676       42.10  
Class F-1     8,829,277       199,526       44.25  
Class F-2     10,910,567       245,537       44.44  
Class 529-A     6,078,320       137,689       44.15  
Class 529-B     129,383       3,052       42.40  
Class 529-C     1,491,605       35,291       42.27  
Class 529-E     271,596       6,203       43.78  
Class 529-F-1     213,332       4,841       44.07  
Class R-1     529,487       12,430       42.60  
Class R-2     2,462,216       57,375       42.91  
Class R-2E     76       2       44.35  
Class R-3     8,082,076       184,537       43.80  
Class R-4     7,743,480       175,281       44.18  
Class R-5     5,259,912       118,292       44.47  
Class R-6     13,489,349       302,957       44.53  


See Notes to Financial Statements


10 The Growth Fund of America
Statement of operations   unaudited  
for the six months ended February 28, 2015   (dollars in thousands)  
Investment income:                
Dividends (net of non-U.S. taxes of $8,368; also includes $20,343 from affiliates)   $ 767,980          
Interest     9,795     $ 777,775  
Fees and expenses*:                
Investment advisory services     194,132          
Distribution services     186,505          
Transfer agent services     80,188          
Administrative services     20,755          
Reports to shareholders     2,977          
Registration statement and prospectus     2,962          
Trustees’ compensation     341          
Auditing and legal     90          
Custodian     1,161          
Other     3,671       492,782  
Net investment income             284,993  
Net realized gain and unrealized depreciation on investments, forward currency contracts and currency:                
Net realized gain (loss) on:                
Investments (includes $1,826,187 net gain from affiliates)     7,105,220          
Forward currency contracts     11,032          
Currency transactions     (2,836 )     7,113,416  
Net unrealized depreciation on:                
Investments (net of non-U.S. taxes of $4,002)     (490,758 )        
Forward currency contracts     (1,264 )        
Currency translations     (362 )     (492,384 )
Net realized gain and unrealized depreciation on investments, forward currency contracts and currency             6,621,032  
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations           $ 6,906,025  


*Additional information related to class-specific fees and expenses is included in the Notes to Financial Statements.


See Notes to Financial Statements


The Growth Fund of America 11

Statements of changes in net assets

(dollars in thousands)


    Six months ended     Year ended  
    February 28, 2015*     August 31, 2014  
Net investment income   $ 284,993     $ 471,645  
Net realized gain on investments, forward currency contracts and currency transactions     7,113,416       13,458,166  
Net unrealized (depreciation) appreciation on investments, forward currency contracts and currency translations     (492,384 )     16,096,277  
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations     6,906,025       30,026,088  
Dividends and distributions paid to shareholders:                
Dividends from net investment income     (510,334 )     (409,908 )
Distributions from net realized gain on investments     (12,500,232 )     (8,412,644 )
Total dividends and distributions paid to shareholders     (13,010,566 )     (8,822,552 )
Net capital share transactions     8,696,201       507,086  
Total increase in net assets     2,591,660       21,710,622  
Net assets:                
Beginning of period     145,201,760       123,491,138  
End of period (including undistributed net investment income: $90,151 and $315,492, respectively)   $ 147,793,420     $ 145,201,760  




See Notes to Financial Statements


12 The Growth Fund of America
Notes to financial statements unaudited


1. Organization


The Growth Fund of America (the “fund”) is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end, diversified investment company. The fund invests in a wide range of companies that appear to offer superior opportunities for growth of capital.


The fund has 17 share classes consisting of five retail share classes (Classes A, B and C, as well as two F share classes, F-1 and F-2), five 529 college savings plan share classes (Classes 529-A, 529-B, 529-C, 529-E and 529-F-1) and seven retirement plan share classes (Classes R-1, R-2, R-2E, R-3, R-4, R-5 and R-6). The 529 college savings plan share classes can be used to save for college education. The retirement plan share classes are generally offered only through eligible employer-sponsored retirement plans. The fund’s share classes are described further in the following table:


Share class   Initial sales
  Contingent deferred sales
charge upon redemption
  Conversion feature
Classes A and 529-A   Up to 5.75%   None (except 1% for certain redemptions within one year of purchase without an initial sales charge)   None
Classes B and 529-B*   None   Declines from 5% to 0% for redemptions within six years of purchase   Classes B and 529-B convert to Classes A and 529-A, respectively, after eight years
Class C   None   1% for redemptions within one year of purchase   Class C converts to Class F-1 after 10 years
Class 529-C   None   1% for redemptions within one year of purchase   None
Class 529-E   None   None   None
Classes F-1, F-2 and 529-F-1   None   None   None
Classes R-1, R-2, R-2E, R-3, R-4, R-5 and R-6   None   None   None

*Class B and 529-B shares of the fund are not available for purchase.


Holders of all share classes have equal pro rata rights to the assets, dividends and liquidation proceeds of the fund. Each share class has identical voting rights, except for the exclusive right to vote on matters affecting only its class. Share classes have different fees and expenses (“class-specific fees and expenses”), primarily due to different arrangements for distribution, transfer agent and administrative services. Differences in class-specific fees and expenses will result in differences in net investment income and, therefore, the payment of different per-share dividends by each share class.


2. Significant accounting policies


The fund is an investment company that applies the accounting and reporting guidance issued in Topic 946 by the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board. The fund’s financial statements have been prepared to comply with U.S. generally accepted accounting


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principles (“U.S. GAAP”). These principles require the fund’s investment adviser to make estimates and assumptions that affect reported amounts and disclosures. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The fund follows the significant accounting policies described in this section, as well as the valuation policies described in the next section on valuation.


Security transactions and related investment income — Security transactions are recorded by the fund as of the date the trades are executed with brokers. Realized gains and losses from security transactions are determined based on the specific identified cost of the securities. In the event a security is purchased with a delayed payment date, the fund will segregate liquid assets sufficient to meet its payment obligations. Dividend income is recognized on the ex-dividend date and interest income is recognized on an accrual basis. Market discounts, premiums and original issue discounts on fixed-income securities are amortized daily over the expected life of the security.


Class allocations — Income, fees and expenses (other than class-specific fees and expenses) and realized and unrealized gains and losses are allocated daily among the various share classes based on their relative net assets. Class-specific fees and expenses, such as distribution, transfer agent and administrative services, are charged directly to the respective share class.


Dividends and distributions to shareholders — Dividends and distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date.


Currency translation — Assets and liabilities, including investment securities, denominated in currencies other than U.S. dollars are translated into U.S. dollars at the exchange rates supplied by one or more pricing vendors on the valuation date. Purchases and sales of investment securities and income and expenses are translated into U.S. dollars at the exchange rates on the dates of such transactions. The effects of changes in exchange rates on investment securities are included with the net realized gain or loss and net unrealized appreciation or depreciation on investments in the fund’s statement of operations. The realized gain or loss and unrealized appreciation or depreciation resulting from all other transactions denominated in currencies other than U.S. dollars are disclosed separately.


3. Valuation


Capital Research and Management Company (“CRMC”), the fund’s investment adviser, values the fund’s investments at fair value as defined by U.S. GAAP. The net asset value of each share class of the fund is generally determined as of approximately 4:00 p.m. New York time each day the New York Stock Exchange is open.


Methods and inputs — The fund’s investment adviser uses the following methods and inputs to establish the fair value of the fund’s assets and liabilities. Use of particular methods and inputs may vary over time based on availability and relevance as market and economic conditions evolve.


14 The Growth Fund of America

Equity securities are generally valued at the official closing price of, or the last reported sale price on, the exchange or market on which such securities are traded, as of the close of business on the day the securities are being valued or, lacking any sales, at the last available bid price. Prices for each security are taken from the principal exchange or market on which the security trades.


Fixed-income securities, including short-term securities, are generally valued at prices obtained from one or more pricing vendors. Vendors value such securities based on one or more of the inputs described in the following table. The table provides examples of inputs that are commonly relevant for valuing particular classes of fixed-income securities in which the fund is authorized to invest. However, these classifications are not exclusive, and any of the inputs may be used to value any other class of fixed-income security.


Fixed-income class Examples of standard inputs
All Benchmark yields, transactions, bids, offers, quotations from dealers and trading systems, new issues, spreads and other relationships observed in the markets among comparable securities; and proprietary pricing models such as yield measures calculated using factors such as cash flows, financial or collateral performance and other reference data (collectively referred to as “standard inputs”)
Corporate bonds & notes; convertible securities Standard inputs and underlying equity of the issuer
Bonds & notes of governments & government agencies Standard inputs and interest rate volatilities


When the fund’s investment adviser deems it appropriate to do so (such as when vendor prices are unavailable or deemed to be not representative), fixed-income securities will be valued in good faith at the mean quoted bid and ask prices that are reasonably and timely available (or bid prices, if ask prices are not available) or at prices for securities of comparable maturity, quality and type.


Securities with both fixed-income and equity characteristics, or equity securities traded principally among fixed-income dealers, are generally valued in the manner described for either equity or fixed-income securities, depending on which method is deemed most appropriate by the fund’s investment adviser. Forward currency contracts are valued at the mean of representative quoted bid and ask prices, generally based on prices supplied by one or more pricing vendors.


Securities and other assets for which representative market quotations are not readily available or are considered unreliable by the fund’s investment adviser are fair valued as determined in good faith under fair valuation guidelines adopted by authority of the fund’s board of trustees as further described. The investment adviser follows fair valuation guidelines, consistent with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rules and guidance, to consider relevant principles and factors when making fair value determinations. The investment adviser considers relevant indications of value that are reasonably and timely available to it in determining the fair value to be assigned to a particular security, such as


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the type and cost of the security; contractual or legal restrictions on resale of the security; relevant financial or business developments of the issuer; actively traded similar or related securities; conversion or exchange rights on the security; related corporate actions; significant events occurring after the close of trading in the security; and changes in overall market conditions. In addition, the closing prices of equity securities that trade in markets outside U.S. time zones may be adjusted to reflect significant events that occur after the close of local trading but before the net asset value of each share class of the fund is determined. Fair valuations and valuations of investments that are not actively trading involve judgment and may differ materially from valuations that would have been used had greater market activity occurred.


Processes and structure — The fund’s board of trustees has delegated authority to the fund’s investment adviser to make fair value determinations, subject to board oversight. The investment adviser has established a Joint Fair Valuation Committee (the “Fair Valuation Committee”) to administer, implement and oversee the fair valuation process, and to make fair value decisions. The Fair Valuation Committee regularly reviews its own fair value decisions, as well as decisions made under its standing instructions to the investment adviser’s valuation teams. The Fair Valuation Committee reviews changes in fair value measurements from period to period and may, as deemed appropriate, update the fair valuation guidelines to better reflect the results of back testing and address new or evolving issues. The Fair Valuation Committee reports any changes to the fair valuation guidelines to the board of trustees with supplemental information to support the changes. The fund’s board and audit committee also regularly review reports that describe fair value determinations and methods.


The fund’s investment adviser has also established a Fixed-Income Pricing Review Group to administer and oversee the fixed-income valuation process, including the use of fixed-income pricing vendors. This group regularly reviews pricing vendor information and market data. Pricing decisions, processes and controls over security valuation are also subject to additional internal reviews, including an annual control self-evaluation program facilitated by the investment adviser’s compliance group.


Classifications — The fund’s investment adviser classifies the fund’s assets and liabilities into three levels based on the inputs used to value the assets or liabilities. Level 1 values are based on quoted prices in active markets for identical securities. Level 2 values are based on significant observable market inputs, such as quoted prices for similar securities and quoted prices in inactive markets. Certain securities trading outside the U.S. may transfer between Level 1 and Level 2 due to valuation adjustments resulting from significant market movements following the close of local trading. Level 3 values are based on significant unobservable inputs that reflect the investment adviser’s determination of assumptions that market participants might reasonably use in valuing the securities. The valuation levels are not necessarily an indication of the risk or liquidity associated with the underlying investment. For example, U.S. government securities are


16 The Growth Fund of America

reflected as Level 2 because the inputs used to determine fair value may not always be quoted prices in an active market. The following table presents the fund’s valuation levels as of February 28, 2015 (dollars in thousands):


    Investment securities  
Investment securities   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total  
Common stocks:                                
Information technology   $ 30,518,981     $     $ 322,875     $ 30,841,856  
Consumer discretionary     25,908,306                   25,908,306  
Health care     25,323,223                   25,323,223  
Industrials     13,123,731                   13,123,731  
Financials     11,431,556                   11,431,556  
Energy     9,697,172             2,280       9,699,452  
Consumer staples     6,240,334                   6,240,334  
Materials     3,823,639                   3,823,639  
Other     921,553                   921,553  
Miscellaneous     7,396,359                   7,396,359  
Preferred securities     21,538                   21,538  
Rights & warrants     120,928                   120,928  
Convertible bonds           47,993             47,993  
Bonds, notes & other debt instruments           217,747             217,747  
Short-term securities           13,029,785             13,029,785  
Total   $ 134,527,320     $ 13,295,525     $ 325,155     $ 148,148,000  


4. Risk factors


Investing in the fund may involve certain risks including, but not limited to, those described below.


Market conditions — The prices of, and the income generated by, the common stocks and other securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental or governmental agency responses to economic conditions; and currency, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.


Issuer risks — The values of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may also decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiative.


Investing in growth-oriented stocks — Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments.


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Investing outside the U.S. — Securities of issuers domiciled outside the U.S., or with significant operations outside the U.S., may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers are domiciled or operate. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the U.S. Investments outside the U.S. may also be subject to different accounting practices and different regulatory, legal and reporting standards, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the U.S. In addition, the value of investments outside the U.S. may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund. The risks of investing outside the U.S. may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.


Management — The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses employed by the investment adviser in this process may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.


5. Certain investment techniques


Loan transactions — The fund has entered into loan transactions in which the fund acquires a loan either through an agent, by assignment from another holder, or as a participation interest in another holder’s portion of a loan. The loan is often administered by a financial institution that acts as agent for the holders of the loan, and the fund may be required to receive approval from the agent and/or borrower prior to the sale of the investment. The loan’s interest rate and maturity date may change based on the terms of the loan, including potential early payments of principal.


Forward currency contracts — The fund has entered into forward currency contracts, which represent agreements to exchange currencies on specific future dates at predetermined rates. The fund’s investment adviser uses forward currency contracts to manage the fund’s exposure to changes in exchange rates. Upon entering into these contracts, risks may arise from the potential inability of counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts and from possible movements in exchange rates.


On a daily basis, the fund’s investment adviser values forward currency contracts and records unrealized appreciation or depreciation for open forward currency contracts in the fund’s statement of assets and liabilities. Realized gains or losses are recorded at the time the forward currency contract is closed or offset by another contract with the same broker for the same settlement date and currency.


Closed forward currency contracts that have not reached their settlement date are included in the respective receivables or payables for closed forward currency contracts in the fund’s statement of assets and liabilities. Net realized gains or losses from closed


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forward currency contracts and net unrealized appreciation or depreciation from open forward currency contracts are recorded in the fund’s statement of operations. As of February 28, 2015, the fund did not have any open forward currency contracts.


The following table presents the financial statement impacts resulting from the fund’s use of forward currency contracts as of February 28, 2015 (dollars in thousands):


    Net realized gain   Net unrealized depreciation
    Location on statement of       Location on statement of      
Contract   operations   Value   operations   Value  
Forward currency   Net realized gain on forward currency contracts   $11,032   Net unrealized depreciation on forward currency contracts   $(1,264 )


Collateral — The fund participates in a collateral program due to its use of forward currency contracts. The program calls for the fund to either receive or pledge collateral based on the net gain or loss on unsettled forward currency contracts by counterparty. The purpose of the collateral is to cover potential losses that could occur in the event that either party cannot meet its contractual obligations.


6. Taxation and distributions


Federal income taxation — The fund complies with the requirements under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to mutual funds and intends to distribute substantially all of its net taxable income and net capital gains each year. The fund is not subject to income taxes to the extent such distributions are made. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required.


As of and during the period ended February 28, 2015, the fund did not have a liability for any unrecognized tax benefits. The fund recognizes interest and penalties, if any, related to unrecognized tax benefits as income tax expense in the statement of operations. During the period, the fund did not incur any interest or penalties.


The fund is not subject to examination by U.S. federal tax authorities for tax years before 2010, by state tax authorities for tax years before 2009 and by tax authorities outside the U.S. for tax years before 2007.


Non-U.S. taxation — Dividend and interest income are recorded net of non-U.S. taxes paid. Gains realized by the fund on the sale of securities in certain countries are subject to non-U.S. taxes. The fund records a liability based on unrealized gains to provide for potential non-U.S. taxes payable upon the sale of these securities.


Distributions — Distributions paid to shareholders are based on net investment income and net realized gains determined on a tax basis, which may differ from net investment income and net realized gains for financial reporting purposes. These differences are due primarily to different treatment for items such as currency gains and losses; short-term


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capital gains and losses; capital losses related to sales of certain securities within 30 days of purchase; and unrealized appreciation of certain investments in securities outside the U.S. The fiscal year in which amounts are distributed may differ from the year in which the net investment income and net realized gains are recorded by the fund for financial reporting purposes.


The components of distributable earnings on a tax basis are reported as of the fund’s most recent year-end. As of August 31, 2014, the fund had tax basis undistributed ordinary income of $335,585,000 and undistributed long-term capital gains of $12,065,769,000.


As of February 28, 2015, the tax basis unrealized appreciation (depreciation) and cost of investment securities were as follows (dollars in thousands):


Gross unrealized appreciation on investment securities   $ 60,547,860  
Gross unrealized depreciation on investment securities     (1,873,117 )
Net unrealized appreciation on investment securities     58,674,743  
Cost of investment securities     89,473,257  


The tax character of distributions paid to shareholders was as follows (dollars in thousands):


    Six months ended February 28, 2015     Year ended August 31, 2014  
                Total                 Total  
    Ordinary     Long-term     distributions     Ordinary     Long-term     distributions  
Share class   income     capital gains     paid     income     capital gains     paid  
Class A   $ 262,559     $ 6,340,498     $ 6,603,057     $ 213,008     $ 4,257,047     $ 4,470,055  
Class B           67,369       67,369             73,067       73,067  
Class C     *     544,071       544,071             405,551       405,551  
Class F-1     18,273       755,708       773,981       31,682       746,681       778,363  
Class F-2     65,863       914,144       980,007       29,050       328,248       357,298  
Class 529-A     16,901       507,145       524,046       13,249       324,205       337,454  
Class 529-B     *     12,440       12,440             12,376       12,376  
Class 529-C           130,678       130,678             84,925       84,925  
Class 529-E     130       23,003       23,133       78       15,116       15,194  
Class 529-F-1     1,021       17,658       18,679       791       10,945       11,736  
Class R-1           47,645       47,645             33,348       33,348  
Class R-2     *     216,665       216,665             155,143       155,143  
Class R-2E     *     1       1                    
Class R-3     2,227       705,934       708,161       2,312       516,611       518,923  
Class R-4     25,099       666,839       691,938       23,161       477,099       500,260  
Class R-5     33,323       464,423       497,746       32,633       346,504       379,137  
Class R-6     84,938       1,086,011       1,170,949       63,944       625,778       689,722  
Total   $ 510,334     $ 12,500,232     $ 13,010,566     $ 409,908     $ 8,412,644     $ 8,822,552  


*Amount less than one thousand.

Class R-2E shares were offered beginning August 29, 2014.


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7. Fees and transactions with related parties


CRMC, the fund’s investment adviser, is the parent company of American Funds Distributors,® Inc. (“AFD”), the principal underwriter of the fund’s shares, and American Funds Service Company® (“AFS”), the fund’s transfer agent. CRMC, AFD and AFS are considered related parties to the fund.


Investment advisory services — The fund has an investment advisory and service agreement with CRMC that provides for monthly fees accrued daily. These fees are based on a series of decreasing annual rates beginning with 0.500% on the first $1 billion of daily net assets and decreasing to 0.233% on such assets in excess of $210 billion. For the six months ended February 28, 2015, the investment advisory services fee was $194,132,000, which was equivalent to an annualized rate of 0.274% of average daily net assets.


Class-specific fees and expenses — Expenses that are specific to individual share classes are accrued directly to the respective share class. The principal class-specific fees and expenses are further described below:


Distribution services — The fund has plans of distribution for all share classes, except Class F-2, R-5 and R-6 shares. Under the plans, the board of trustees approves certain categories of expenses that are used to finance activities primarily intended to sell fund shares and service existing accounts. The plans provide for payments, based on an annualized percentage of average daily net assets, ranging from 0.25% to 1.00% as noted in this section. In some cases, the board of trustees has limited the amounts that may be paid to less than the maximum allowed by the plans. All share classes with a plan may use up to 0.25% of average daily net assets to pay service fees, or to compensate AFD for paying service fees, to firms that have entered into agreements with AFD to provide certain shareholder services. The remaining amounts available to be paid under each plan are paid to dealers to compensate them for their sales activities.


For Class A and 529-A shares, distribution-related expenses include the reimbursement of dealer and wholesaler commissions paid by AFD for certain shares sold without a sales charge. These share classes reimburse AFD for amounts


The Growth Fund of America 21

billed within the prior 15 months but only to the extent that the overall annual expense limit of 0.25% is not exceeded. As of February 28, 2015, there were no unreimbursed expenses subject to reimbursement for Class A or 529-A shares.


Share class   Currently approved limits   Plan limits
Class A     0.25 %     0.25 %
Class 529-A     0.25       0.50  
Classes B and 529-B     1.00       1.00  
Classes C, 529-C and R-1     1.00       1.00  
Class R-2     0.75       1.00  
Class R-2E     0.60       0.85  
Classes 529-E and R-3     0.50       0.75  
Classes F-1, 529-F-1 and R-4     0.25       0.50  


Transfer agent services — The fund has a shareholder services agreement with AFS under which the fund compensates AFS for providing transfer agent services to each of the fund’s share classes. These services include recordkeeping, shareholder communications and transaction processing. In addition, the fund reimburses AFS for amounts paid to third parties for performing transfer agent services on behalf of fund shareholders.


Administrative services — The fund has an administrative services agreement with CRMC under which the fund compensates CRMC for providing administrative services to Class A, C, F, 529 and R shares. These services include, but are not limited to, coordinating, monitoring, assisting and overseeing third parties that provide services to fund shareholders. Under the agreement, Class A shares pay an annual fee of 0.01% and Class C, F, 529 and R shares pay an annual fee of 0.05% of their respective average daily net assets.


529 plan services — Each 529 share class is subject to service fees to compensate the Virginia College Savings Plan (“Virginia529“) for its oversight and administration of the 529 college savings plan. The quarterly fee is based on a series of decreasing annual rates beginning with 0.10% on the first $30 billion of the net assets invested in Class 529 shares of the American Funds and decreasing to 0.05% on such assets in excess of $70 billion. The fee for any given calendar quarter is accrued and calculated on the basis of the average net assets of Class 529 shares of the American Funds for the last month of the prior calendar quarter. The fee is included in other expenses in the fund’s statement of operations. Virginia529 is not considered a related party to the fund.


22 The Growth Fund of America

For the six months ended February 28, 2015, class-specific expenses under the agreements were as follows (dollars in thousands):


Share class   Distribution
  Transfer agent
  529 plan
Class A   $86,441     $47,772     $3,609     Not applicable
Class B   3,781     533     Not applicable     Not applicable
Class C   29,560     3,888     1,482     Not applicable
Class F-1   11,446     5,803     2,300     Not applicable
Class F-2   Not applicable     4,662     2,411     Not applicable
Class 529-A   6,357     2,866     1,433     $2,565
Class 529-B   693     84     35     63
Class 529-C   7,034     749     354     634
Class 529-E   642     89     65     115
Class 529-F-1       99     50     89
Class R-1   2,590     238     130     Not applicable
Class R-2   8,903     3,366     598     Not applicable
Class R-2E   *   *   *   Not applicable
Class R-3   19,714     5,393     1,983     Not applicable
Class R-4   9,344     3,432     1,886     Not applicable
Class R-5   Not applicable     1,192     1,314     Not applicable
Class R-6   Not applicable     22     3,105     Not applicable
Total class-specific expenses   $186,505     $80,188     $20,755     $3,466


*Amount less than one thousand.


Trustees’ deferred compensation — Trustees who are unaffiliated with CRMC may elect to defer the cash payment of part or all of their compensation. These deferred amounts, which remain as liabilities of the fund, are treated as if invested in shares of the fund or other American Funds. These amounts represent general, unsecured liabilities of the fund and vary according to the total returns of the selected funds. Trustees’ compensation of $341,000 in the fund’s statement of operations includes $195,000 in current fees (either paid in cash or deferred) and a net increase of $146,000 in the value of the deferred amounts.


Affiliated officers and trustees — Officers and certain trustees of the fund are or may be considered to be affiliated with CRMC, AFD and AFS. No affiliated officers or trustees received any compensation directly from the fund.


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 8. Capital share transactions


Capital share transactions in the fund were as follows (dollars and shares in thousands):


    Sales1     Reinvestments of
dividends and distributions
    Repurchases1     Net increase
Share class   Amount     Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount     Shares  
Six months ended February 28, 2015
Class A   $ 2,531,396       56,894     $ 6,497,797       155,673     $ (4,389,460 )     (98,760 )   $ 4,639,733       113,807  
Class B     3,446       81       66,738       1,669       (202,904 )     (4,750 )     (132,720 )     (3,000 )
Class C     314,247       7,451       531,474       13,438       (741,377 )     (17,546 )     104,344       3,343  
Class F-1     683,017       15,435       758,009       18,257       (2,838,754 )     (61,945 )     (1,397,728 )     (28,253 )
Class F-2     2,843,529       61,450       935,000       22,438       (1,026,205 )     (23,241 )     2,752,324       60,647  
Class 529-A     288,836       6,559       523,935       12,649       (293,332 )     (6,644 )     519,439       12,564  
Class 529-B     995       24       12,435       312       (35,657 )     (838 )     (22,227 )     (502 )
Class 529-C     74,652       1,765       130,646       3,289       (87,356 )     (2,064 )     117,942       2,990  
Class 529-E     12,690       291       23,130       563       (16,688 )     (381 )     19,132       473  
Class 529-F-1     20,009       454       18,675       452       (16,493 )     (378 )     22,191       528  
Class R-1     24,391       567       47,586       1,189       (59,619 )     (1,402 )     12,358       354  
Class R-2     207,120       4,821       216,483       5,371       (347,567 )     (8,078 )     76,036       2,114  
Class R-2E     65       2                               65       2  
Class R-3     544,316       12,433       706,137       17,177       (1,151,265 )     (26,300 )     99,188       3,310  
Class R-4     618,783       13,953       691,521       16,687       (1,073,904 )     (24,297 )     236,400       6,343  
Class R-5     422,809       9,427       496,393       11,907       (866,376 )     (19,662 )     52,826       1,672  
Class R-6     1,656,602       37,706       1,169,078       28,009       (1,228,782 )     (27,845 )     1,596,898       37,870  
Total net increase (decrease)   $ 10,246,903       229,313     $ 12,825,037       309,080     $ (14,375,739 )     (324,131 )   $ 8,696,201       214,262  


24 The Growth Fund of America
    Sales1     Reinvestments of
dividends and distributions
    Repurchases1     Net increase
Share class   Amount     Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount     Shares  
Year ended August 31, 2014
Class A   $ 4,872,369       112,000     $ 4,400,188       104,866     $ (8,746,833 )     (200,482 )   $ 525,724       16,384  
Class B     11,914       283       72,274       1,785       (539,076 )     (12,858 )     (454,888 )     (10,790 )
Class C     589,215       14,177       395,280       9,852       (1,669,594 )     (40,112 )     (685,099 )     (16,083 )
Class F-1     1,966,996       45,494       766,656       18,385       (5,162,516 )     (117,797 )     (2,428,864 )     (53,918 )
Class F-2     4,197,627       94,539       336,879       8,040       (1,163,863 )     (26,782 )     3,370,643       75,797  
Class 529-A     520,202       12,020       337,362       8,098       (547,317 )     (12,568 )     310,247       7,550  
Class 529-B     2,827       67       12,374       306       (79,301 )     (1,891 )     (64,100 )     (1,518 )
Class 529-C     141,556       3,384       84,892       2,107       (172,142 )     (4,094 )     54,306       1,397  
Class 529-E     22,555       526       15,192       367       (29,542 )     (683 )     8,205       210  
Class 529-F-1     33,200       767       11,729       282       (29,923 )     (689 )     15,006       360  
Class R-1     51,488       1,227       33,311       822       (104,301 )     (2,481 )     (19,502 )     (432 )
Class R-2     408,882       9,666       155,043       3,801       (711,243 )     (16,802 )     (147,318 )     (3,335 )
Class R-2E2     10       3                             10       3
Class R-3     1,103,363       25,691       517,551       12,510       (2,337,394 )     (54,505 )     (716,480 )     (16,304 )
Class R-4     1,226,995       28,344       499,936       11,995       (2,251,635 )     (52,055 )     (524,704 )     (11,716 )
Class R-5     832,003       19,162       378,067       9,023       (1,890,849 )     (43,521 )     (680,779 )     (15,336 )
Class R-6     3,126,918       71,442       689,522       16,437       (1,871,761 )     (42,841 )     1,944,679       45,038  
Total net increase (decrease)   $ 19,108,120       438,789     $ 8,706,256       208,676     $ (27,307,290 )     (630,161 )   $ 507,086       17,304  


1 Includes exchanges between share classes of the fund.

2 Class R-2E shares were offered beginning August 29, 2014.

3 Amount less than one thousand.


9. Investment transactions


The fund made purchases and sales of investment securities, excluding short-term securities and U.S. government obligations, if any, of $15,861,116,000 and $21,554,579,000, respectively, during the six months ended February 28, 2015.


The Growth Fund of America 25

Financial highlights


          Income from investment operations1  
    Net asset
of period
    Net gains
on securities
(both realized
and unrealized)
    Total from
Class A:                                
Six months ended 2/28/20154,5   $ 46.70     $ .10     $ 1.93     $ 2.03  
Year ended 8/31/2014     39.93       .17       9.49       9.66  
Year ended 8/31/2013     32.80       .22       7.19       7.41  
Year ended 8/31/2012     29.23       .20       3.59       3.79  
Year ended 8/31/2011     25.53       .20       3.75       3.95  
Year ended 8/31/2010     24.93       .21       .60       .81  
Class B:                                
Six months ended 2/28/20154,5     44.84       (.07 )     1.84       1.77  
Year ended 8/31/2014     38.60       (.15 )     9.14       8.99  
Year ended 8/31/2013     31.69       (.05 )     6.96       6.91  
Year ended 8/31/2012     28.23       (.03 )     3.49       3.46  
Year ended 8/31/2011     24.65       (.03 )     3.61       3.58  
Year ended 8/31/2010     24.08       7     .58       .58  
Class C:                                
Six months ended 2/28/20154,5     44.41       (.08 )     1.83       1.75  
Year ended 8/31/2014     38.27       (.17 )     9.06       8.89  
Year ended 8/31/2013     31.44       (.07 )     6.91       6.84  
Year ended 8/31/2012     28.02       (.04 )     3.46       3.42  
Year ended 8/31/2011     24.49       (.03 )     3.58       3.55  
Year ended 8/31/2010     23.96       7     .57       .57  
Class F-1:                                
Six months ended 2/28/20154,5     46.40       .09       1.92       2.01  
Year ended 8/31/2014     39.69       .15       9.43       9.58  
Year ended 8/31/2013     32.61       .21       7.15       7.36  
Year ended 8/31/2012     29.04       .21       3.58       3.79  
Year ended 8/31/2011     25.37       .20       3.72       3.92  
Year ended 8/31/2010     24.78       .21       .60       .81  
Class F-2:                                
Six months ended 2/28/20154,5     46.71       .15       1.93       2.08  
Year ended 8/31/2014     39.95       .27       9.48       9.75  
Year ended 8/31/2013     32.83       .32       7.19       7.51  
Year ended 8/31/2012     29.25       .28       3.60       3.88  
Year ended 8/31/2011     25.55       .28       3.74       4.02  
Year ended 8/31/2010     24.97       .28       .59       .87  
Class 529-A:                                
Six months ended 2/28/20154,5     46.35       .08       1.92       2.00  
Year ended 8/31/2014     39.66       .13       9.42       9.55  
Year ended 8/31/2013     32.59       .19       7.15       7.34  
Year ended 8/31/2012     29.06       .18       3.57       3.75  
Year ended 8/31/2011     25.39       .19       3.72       3.91  
Year ended 8/31/2010     24.81       .20       .59       .79  


26 The Growth Fund of America
Dividends and distributions                                
(from net
(from capital
    Net asset
value, end
of period
    Net assets,
end of period
(in millions)
    Ratio of
to average
net assets
    Ratio of net
income (loss)
to average
net assets
$ (.17 )   $ (4.06 )   $ (4.23 )   $ 44.50       4.93 %   $ 75,553       .67 %6     .43 %6
  (.14 )     (2.75 )     (2.89 )     46.70       25.00       73,975       .66       .39  
  (.28 )           (.28 )     39.93       22.74       62,602       .70       .60  
  (.22 )           (.22 )     32.80       13.07       55,441       .71       .66  
  (.25 )           (.25 )     29.23       15.42       57,082       .68       .67  
  (.21 )           (.21 )     25.53       3.20       57,890       .69       .76  
        (4.06 )     (4.06 )     42.55       4.52       701       1.42 6     (.32 )6
        (2.75 )     (2.75 )     44.84       24.05       873       1.41       (.37 )
                    38.60       21.81       1,168       1.46       (.14 )
                    31.69       12.26       1,503       1.46       (.10 )
                    28.23       14.52       2,228       1.43       (.09 )
  (.01 )           (.01 )     24.65       2.42       2,911       1.45       (.01 )
        (4.06 )     (4.06 )     42.10       4.52       6,048       1.46 6     (.36 )6
        (2.75 )     (2.75 )     44.41       23.99       6,232       1.45       (.41 )
  (.01 )           (.01 )     38.27       21.76       5,986       1.50       (.20 )
                    31.44       12.21       5,741       1.49       (.13 )
  (.02 )           (.02 )     28.02       14.51       6,539       1.46       (.12 )
  (.04 )           (.04 )     24.49       2.38       6,959       1.47       (.02 )
  (.10 )     (4.06 )     (4.16 )     44.25       4.91       8,829       .71 6     .39 6
  (.12 )     (2.75 )     (2.87 )     46.40       24.93       10,569       .69       .36  
  (.28 )           (.28 )     39.69       22.71       11,180       .71       .59  
  (.22 )           (.22 )     32.61       13.15       11,323       .68       .69  
  (.25 )           (.25 )     29.04       15.40       13,023       .67       .67  
  (.22 )           (.22 )     25.37       3.22       14,714       .67       .79  
  (.29 )     (4.06 )     (4.35 )     44.44       5.07       10,911       .43 6     .67 6
  (.24 )     (2.75 )     (2.99 )     46.71       25.27       8,637       .43       .62  
  (.39 )           (.39 )     39.95       23.05       4,358       .44       .86  
  (.30 )           (.30 )     32.83       13.42       2,855       .44       .93  
  (.32 )           (.32 )     29.25       15.69       3,717       .43       .91  
  (.29 )           (.29 )     25.55       3.43       3,884       .44       1.02  
  (.14 )     (4.06 )     (4.20 )     44.15       4.89       6,078       .75 6     .35 6
  (.11 )     (2.75 )     (2.86 )     46.35       24.89       5,799       .74       .31  
  (.27 )           (.27 )     39.66       22.65       4,663       .77       .52  
  (.22 )           (.22 )     32.59       13.00       3,822       .77       .60  
  (.24 )           (.24 )     29.06       15.38       3,358       .73       .62  
  (.21 )           (.21 )     25.39       3.14       2,793       .73       .73  


See page 31 for footnotes.


The Growth Fund of America 27

Financial highlights (continued)


          Income from investment operations1  
    Net asset
of period
    Net gains
on securities
(both realized
and unrealized)
    Total from
Class 529-B:                                
Six months ended 2/28/20154,5   $ 44.71     $ (.09 )   $ 1.84     $ 1.75  
Year ended 8/31/2014     38.54       (.20 )     9.12       8.92  
Year ended 8/31/2013     31.67       (.09 )     6.96       6.87  
Year ended 8/31/2012     28.25       (.06 )     3.48       3.42  
Year ended 8/31/2011     24.69       (.06 )     3.62       3.56  
Year ended 8/31/2010     24.14       (.02 )     .59       .57  
Class 529-C:                                
Six months ended 2/28/20154,5     44.58       (.09 )     1.84       1.75  
Year ended 8/31/2014     38.43       (.20 )     9.10       8.90  
Year ended 8/31/2013     31.60       (.09 )     6.94       6.85  
Year ended 8/31/2012     28.18       (.06 )     3.48       3.42  
Year ended 8/31/2011     24.66       (.05 )     3.60       3.55  
Year ended 8/31/2010     24.13       (.02 )     .59       .57  
Class 529-E:                                
Six months ended 2/28/20154,5     45.94       .02       1.90       1.92  
Year ended 8/31/2014     39.34       .03       9.33       9.36  
Year ended 8/31/2013     32.33       .10       7.10       7.20  
Year ended 8/31/2012     28.82       .10       3.54       3.64  
Year ended 8/31/2011     25.19       .10       3.69       3.79  
Year ended 8/31/2010     24.63       .12       .59       .71  
Class 529-F-1:                                
Six months ended 2/28/20154,5     46.33       .13       1.90       2.03  
Year ended 8/31/2014     39.64       .23       9.41       9.64  
Year ended 8/31/2013     32.57       .27       7.14       7.41  
Year ended 8/31/2012     29.04       .25       3.56       3.81  
Year ended 8/31/2011     25.38       .25       3.71       3.96  
Year ended 8/31/2010     24.79       .25       .60       .85  
Class R-1:                                
Six months ended 2/28/20154,5     44.88       (.07 )     1.85       1.78  
Year ended 8/31/2014     38.64       (.16 )     9.15       8.99  
Year ended 8/31/2013     31.72       (.05 )     6.98       6.93  
Year ended 8/31/2012     28.26       (.02 )     3.48       3.46  
Year ended 8/31/2011     24.72       (.03 )     3.63       3.60  
Year ended 8/31/2010     24.19       7     .60       .60  
Class R-2:                                
Six months ended 2/28/20154,5     45.17       (.06 )     1.86       1.80  
Year ended 8/31/2014     38.85       (.14 )     9.21       9.07  
Year ended 8/31/2013     31.91       (.02 )     7.01       6.99  
Year ended 8/31/2012     28.42       (.01 )     3.50       3.49  
Year ended 8/31/2011     24.84       (.01 )     3.64       3.63  
Year ended 8/31/2010     24.30       .01       .59       .60  


28 The Growth Fund of America
Dividends and distributions                                
(from net
(from capital
    Net asset
value, end
of period
    Net assets,
end of period
(in millions)
    Ratio of
to average
net assets
    Ratio of net
income (loss)
to average
net assets
$     $ (4.06 )   $ (4.06 )   $ 42.40       4.49 %   $ 129       1.54 %6     (.44 )%6
        (2.75 )     (2.75 )     44.71       23.90       159       1.53       (.49 )
                    38.54       21.69       195       1.56       (.25 )
                    31.67       12.11       237       1.57       (.21 )
                    28.25       14.42       310       1.53       (.19 )
  (.02 )           (.02 )     24.69       2.36       358       1.53       (.08 )
        (4.06 )     (4.06 )     42.27       4.50       1,492       1.52 6     (.42 )6
        (2.75 )     (2.75 )     44.58       23.91       1,440       1.52       (.47 )
  (.02 )           (.02 )     38.43       21.69       1,188       1.56       (.26 )
                    31.60       12.14       1,008       1.56       (.19 )
  (.03 )           (.03 )     28.18       14.40       934       1.53       (.18 )
  (.04 )           (.04 )     24.66       2.33       811       1.53       (.07 )
  (.02 )     (4.06 )     (4.08 )     43.78       4.76       272       .99 6     .11 6
  (.01 )     (2.75 )     (2.76 )     45.94       24.57       263       .99       .06  
  (.19 )           (.19 )     39.34       22.36       217       1.02       .28  
  (.13 )           (.13 )     32.33       12.71       182       1.03       .35  
  (.16 )           (.16 )     28.82       15.04       165       1.01       .34  
  (.15 )           (.15 )     25.19       2.83       142       1.02       .44  
  (.23 )     (4.06 )     (4.29 )     44.07       5.00       213       .52 6     .57 6
  (.20 )     (2.75 )     (2.95 )     46.33       25.16       200       .52       .53  
  (.34 )           (.34 )     39.64       22.92       157       .56       .74  
  (.28 )           (.28 )     32.57       13.27       125       .56       .81  
  (.30 )           (.30 )     29.04       15.56       106       .52       .83  
  (.26 )           (.26 )     25.38       3.37       92       .52       .94  
        (4.06 )     (4.06 )     42.60       4.54       530       1.42 6     (.32 )6
        (2.75 )     (2.75 )     44.88       24.02       542       1.43       (.38 )
  (.01 )           (.01 )     38.64       21.86       483       1.44       (.13 )
                    31.72       12.24       497       1.44       (.07 )
  (.06 )           (.06 )     28.26       14.54       561       1.43       (.09 )
  (.07 )           (.07 )     24.72       2.45       539       1.44       .02  
        (4.06 )     (4.06 )     42.91       4.58       2,462       1.36 6     (.26 )6
        (2.75 )     (2.75 )     45.17       24.10       2,496       1.38       (.33 )
  (.05 )           (.05 )     38.85       21.92       2,277       1.37       (.07 )
                    31.91       12.28       2,182       1.41       (.04 )
  (.05 )           (.05 )     28.42       14.60       2,337       1.39       (.04 )
  (.06 )           (.06 )     24.84       2.44       2,327       1.41       .04  


See page 31 for footnotes.


The Growth Fund of America 29

Financial highlights (continued)


          Income from investment operations1  
    Net asset
of period
    Net gains
on securities
(both realized
and unrealized)
    Total from
Class R-2E:                                
Six months ended 2/28/20154,5   $ 46.70     $ .03     $ 1.98     $ 2.01  
Period from 8/29/2014 to 8/31/20145,10     46.70                    
Class R-3:                                
Six months ended 2/28/20154,5     45.94       .03       1.90       1.93  
Year ended 8/31/2014     39.33       .03       9.34       9.37  
Year ended 8/31/2013     32.29       .12       7.08       7.20  
Year ended 8/31/2012     28.74       .11       3.55       3.66  
Year ended 8/31/2011     25.12       .11       3.68       3.79  
Year ended 8/31/2010     24.55       .13       .60       .73  
Class R-4:                                
Six months ended 2/28/20154,5     46.38       .09       1.92       2.01  
Year ended 8/31/2014     39.68       .16       9.42       9.58  
Year ended 8/31/2013     32.56       .23       7.14       7.37  
Year ended 8/31/2012     28.99       .20       3.57       3.77  
Year ended 8/31/2011     25.33       .20       3.71       3.91  
Year ended 8/31/2010     24.75       .21       .60       .81  
Class R-5:                                
Six months ended 2/28/20154,5     46.73       .16       1.93       2.09  
Year ended 8/31/2014     39.96       .29       9.49       9.78  
Year ended 8/31/2013     32.82       .34       7.18       7.52  
Year ended 8/31/2012     29.24       .29       3.60       3.89  
Year ended 8/31/2011     25.54       .29       3.74       4.03  
Year ended 8/31/2010     24.94       .29       .60       .89  
Class R-6:                                
Six months ended 2/28/20154,5     46.80       .17       1.94       2.11  
Year ended 8/31/2014     40.02       .31       9.50       9.81  
Year ended 8/31/2013     32.87       .35       7.21       7.56  
Year ended 8/31/2012     29.30       .31       3.60       3.91  
Year ended 8/31/2011     25.60       .31       3.74       4.05  
Year ended 8/31/2010     24.97       .31       .60       .91  


    Six months
February 28,
  Year ended August 31
    20152, 4, 5   2014   2013   2012   2011   2010
Portfolio turnover rate for all share classes     12 %     26%     27%     18%       34%       33%  


See Notes to Financial Statements


30 The Growth Fund of America
Dividends and distributions                                
(from net
(from capital
    Net asset
value, end
of period
    Net assets,
end of period
(in millions)
    Ratio of
to average
net assets
    Ratio of net
income (loss)
to average
net assets
$ (.30 )   $ (4.06 )   $ (4.36 )   $ 44.35       4.90 %8   $ 9     .92 %6,8     .14 %6,8
                    46.70       .00       9            
  (.01 )     (4.06 )     (4.07 )     43.80       4.78       8,082       .97 6     .13 6
  (.01 )     (2.75 )     (2.76 )     45.94       24.60       8,325       .98       .07  
  (.16 )           (.16 )     39.33       22.38       7,769       .98       .33  
  (.11 )           (.11 )     32.29       12.78       7,916       .98       .38  
  (.17 )           (.17 )     28.74       15.06       10,765       .97       .38  
  (.16 )           (.16 )     25.12       2.94       11,422       .97       .48  
  (.15 )     (4.06 )     (4.21 )     44.18       4.93       7,744       .67 6     .42 6
  (.13 )     (2.75 )     (2.88 )     46.38       24.97       7,835       .68       .37  
  (.25 )           (.25 )     39.68       22.77       7,169       .68       .63  
  (.20 )           (.20 )     32.56       13.10       8,093       .69       .66  
  (.25 )           (.25 )     28.99       15.40       14,937       .68       .66  
  (.23 )           (.23 )     25.33       3.20       16,442       .68       .77  
  (.29 )     (4.06 )     (4.35 )     44.47       5.09       5,260       .38 6     .72 6
  (.26 )     (2.75 )     (3.01 )     46.73       25.33       5,450       .38       .67  
  (.38 )           (.38 )     39.96       23.11       5,273       .39       .92  
  (.31 )           (.31 )     32.82       13.48       6,312       .39       .97  
  (.33 )           (.33 )     29.24       15.75       11,366       .38       .96  
  (.29 )           (.29 )     25.54       3.51       12,874       .39       1.07  
  (.32 )     (4.06 )     (4.38 )     44.53       5.12       13,489       .34 6     .76 6
  (.28 )     (2.75 )     (3.03 )     46.80       25.39       12,407       .33       .72  
  (.41 )           (.41 )     40.02       23.19       8,806       .34       .96  
  (.34 )           (.34 )     32.87       13.52       7,537       .34       1.02  
  (.35 )           (.35 )     29.30       15.78       10,059       .33       1.02  
  (.28 )           (.28 )     25.60       3.58       6,061       .34       1.16  


1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Not annualized.
3 Total returns exclude any applicable sales charges, including contingent deferred sales charges.
4 Unaudited.
5 Based on operations for the period shown and, accordingly, is not representative of a full year.
6 Annualized.
7 Amount less than $.01.
8 Although the fund has a plan of distribution for Class R-2E shares, fees for distribution services are not paid by the fund on accounts for which a broker-dealer (or other financial intermediary) has not been assigned, including amounts invested in the fund by CRMC and/or its affiliates. If fees for distribution services were charged on these assets, fund expenses would be higher and net income and total return would be lower.
9 Amount less than $1 million.
10 Class R-2E shares were offered beginning August 29, 2014.


The Growth Fund of America 31
Expense example unaudited


As a fund shareholder, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, such as initial sales charges on purchase payments and contingent deferred sales charges on redemptions (loads), and (2) ongoing costs, including management fees, distribution and service (12b-1) fees, and other expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the fund so you can compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire six-month period (September 1, 2014, through February 28, 2015).


Actual expenses:

The first line of each share class in the table on the following page provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first line under the heading entitled “Expenses paid during period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.


Hypothetical example for comparison purposes:

The second line of each share class in the table on the following page provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the actual expense ratio for the share class and an assumed rate of return of 5.00% per year before expenses, which is not the actual return of the share class. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5.00% hypothetical example with the 5.00% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.



Retirement plan participants may be subject to certain fees charged by the plan sponsor, and Class F-1, F-2 and 529-F-1 shareholders may be subject to fees charged by financial intermediaries, typically ranging from 0.75% to 1.50% of assets annually depending on services offered. You can estimate the impact of these fees by adding the amount of the fees to the total estimated expenses you paid on your account during the period as calculated above. In addition, your ending account value would be lower by the amount of these fees.


Note that the expenses shown in the table on the following page are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as sales charges (loads). Therefore, the second line of each share class in the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.


32 The Growth Fund of America
account value
account value
    Expenses paid
during period*
expense ratio
Class A - actual return   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,049.31     $ 3.40       .67 %
Class A - assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,021.47       3.36       .67  
Class B - actual return     1,000.00       1,045.24       7.20       1.42  
Class B - assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,017.75       7.10       1.42  
Class C - actual return     1,000.00       1,045.22       7.40       1.46  
Class C - assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,017.55       7.30       1.46  
Class F-1 - actual return     1,000.00       1,049.12       3.61       .71  
Class F-1 - assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,021.27       3.56       .71  
Class F-2 - actual return     1,000.00       1,050.69       2.19       .43  
Class F-2 - assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,022.66       2.16       .43  
Class 529-A - actual return     1,000.00       1,048.92       3.81       .75  
Class 529-A - assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,021.08       3.76       .75  
Class 529-B - actual return     1,000.00       1,044.91       7.81       1.54  
Class 529-B - assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,017.16       7.70       1.54  
Class 529-C - actual return     1,000.00       1,045.04       7.71       1.52  
Class 529-C - assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,017.26       7.60       1.52  
Class 529-E - actual return     1,000.00       1,047.61       5.03       .99  
Class 529-E - assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,019.89       4.96       .99  
Class 529-F-1 - actual return     1,000.00       1,049.97       2.64       .52  
Class 529-F-1 - assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,022.22       2.61       .52  
Class R-1 - actual return     1,000.00       1,045.45       7.20       1.42  
Class R-1 - assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,017.75       7.10       1.42  
Class R-2 - actual return     1,000.00       1,045.83       6.90       1.36  
Class R-2 - assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,018.05       6.80       1.36  
Class R-2E - actual return     1,000.00       1,048.97       4.67       .92  
Class R-2E - assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,020.23       4.61       .92  
Class R-3 - actual return     1,000.00       1,047.83       4.93       .97  
Class R-3 - assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,019.98       4.86       .97  
Class R-4 - actual return     1,000.00       1,049.32       3.40       .67  
Class R-4 - assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,021.47       3.36       .67  
Class R-5 - actual return     1,000.00       1,050.92       1.93       .38  
Class R-5 - assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,022.91       1.91       .38  
Class R-6 - actual return     1,000.00       1,051.22       1.73       .34  
Class R-6 - assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,023.11       1.71       .34  


* The “expenses paid during period” are equal to the “annualized expense ratio,” multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by the number of days in the period, and divided by 365 (to reflect the one-half year period).


The Growth Fund of America 33

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34 The Growth Fund of America

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The Growth Fund of America 35

Office of the fund
One Market
Steuart Tower, Suite 2000
San Francisco, CA 94105-1409


Investment adviser
Capital Research and Management Company
333 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071-1406


6455 Irvine Center Drive
Irvine, CA 92618-4518


Transfer agent for shareholder accounts
American Funds Service Company
(Write to the address near you.)


P.O. Box 6007
Indianapolis, IN 46206-6007


P.O. Box 2280
Norfolk, VA 23501-2280


Custodian of assets
State Street Bank and Trust Company
One Lincoln Street
Boston, MA 02111


K&L Gates LLP
Four Embarcadero Center, Suite 1200
San Francisco, CA 94111-5994


Independent registered public accounting firm
Deloitte & Touche LLP
695 Town Center Drive
Suite 1200
Costa Mesa, CA 92626-7188


Principal underwriter

American Funds Distributors, Inc.
333 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071-1406


36 The Growth Fund of America

Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other important information is contained in the fund prospectus and summary prospectus, which can be obtained from your financial professional and should be read carefully before investing. You may also call American Funds Service Company (AFS) at (800) 421-4225 or visit the American Funds website at americanfunds.com.


“American Funds Proxy Voting Procedures and Principles” — which describes how we vote proxies relating to portfolio securities — is available on the American Funds website or upon request by calling AFS. The fund files its proxy voting record with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the 12 months ended June 30 by August 31. The proxy voting record is available free of charge on the SEC website at sec.gov and on the American Funds website.


A complete February 28, 2015, portfolio of The Growth Fund of America’s investments is available free of charge by calling AFS or visiting the SEC website (where it is part of Form N-CSR).


The Growth Fund of America files a complete list of its portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. This filing is available free of charge on the SEC website. You may also review or, for a fee, copy this filing at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. Additional information regarding the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling the SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy at (800) SEC-0330. Additionally, the list of portfolio holdings is available by calling AFS.


This report is for the information of shareholders of The Growth Fund of America, but it also may be used as sales literature when preceded or accompanied by the current prospectus or summary prospectus, which gives details about charges, expenses, investment objectives and operating policies of the fund. If used as sales material after June 30, 2015, this report must be accompanied by an American Funds statistical update for the most recently completed calendar quarter.


The American Funds Advantage


Since 1931, American Funds, part of Capital Group, has helped investors pursue long-term investment success. Our consistent approach — in combination with The Capital SystemSM — has resulted in a superior long-term track record.


  Aligned with investor success
  We base our decisions on a long-term perspective, which we believe aligns our goals with the interests of our clients. Our portfolio managers average 27 years of investment experience, including 22 years at our company, reflecting a career commitment to our long-term approach.1
  The Capital SystemSM
  Our investment process, The Capital System, combines individual accountability with teamwork. Each fund is divided into portions that are managed independently by investment professionals with diverse backgrounds, ages and investment approaches. An extensive global research effort is the backbone of our system.
  Superior long-term track record
  Our equity funds have beaten their Lipper peer indexes in 91% of 10-year periods and 96% of 20-year periods. Our fixed-income funds have beaten their Lipper indexes in 54% of 10-year periods and 57% of 20-year periods.2 Our fund management fees have been among the lowest in the industry.3


  1 Portfolio manager experience as of December 31, 2014.
  2 Based on Class A share results for rolling periods through December 31, 2014. Periods covered are the shorter of the fund’s lifetime or since the comparable Lipper index inception date (except SMALLCAP World Fund, for which the Lipper average was used).
  3 On average, our management fees were in the lowest quintile 70% of the time, based on the 20-year period ended December 31, 2014, versus comparable Lipper categories, excluding funds of funds.





ITEM 2 – Code of Ethics


Not applicable for filing of semi-annual reports to shareholders.



ITEM 3 – Audit Committee Financial Expert


Not applicable for filing of semi-annual reports to shareholders.



ITEM 4 – Principal Accountant Fees and Services


Not applicable for filing of semi-annual reports to shareholders.



ITEM 5 – Audit Committee of Listed Registrants


Not applicable to this Registrant, insofar as the Registrant is not a listed issuer as defined in Rule 10A-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.



ITEM 6 – Schedule of Investments


The Growth Fund of America®
Investment portfolio
February 28, 2015
Common stocks 91.15%
Information technology 20.87%
Shares Value
Google Inc., Class C1 4,521,797 $2,524,972
Google Inc., Class A1 3,766,097 2,118,919
Avago Technologies Ltd.2 17,407,082 2,221,492
Microsoft Corp. 41,077,600 1,801,253
Oracle Corp. 38,797,000 1,700,084
Visa Inc., Class A 5,648,000 1,532,359
ASML Holding NV (New York registered) 8,767,040 944,035
ASML Holding NV 5,109,442 552,389
Texas Instruments Inc. 18,520,100 1,088,982
salesforce.com, inc.1 14,927,697 1,035,684
Intuit Inc. 10,195,000 995,338
LinkedIn Corp., Class A1 3,432,500 917,164
Accenture PLC, Class A 10,000,000 900,300
Apple Inc. 6,776,213 870,472
Adobe Systems Inc.1 8,672,800 686,018
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 96,121,000 460,634
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (ADR) 4,160,000 102,045
Palo Alto Networks, Inc.1 3,803,400 540,920
Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 4,174,300 514,525
EMC Corp. 16,120,000 466,513
TE Connectivity Ltd. 6,223,000 448,865
Yahoo! Inc.1 10,025,000 443,907
Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., Class A1 6,692,000 418,150
Freescale Semiconductor, Ltd.1 10,755,500 388,381
Qorvo, Inc.1 5,336,243 370,335
Cisco Systems, Inc. 11,780,500 347,643
FireEye, Inc.1 7,486,250 331,416
Amphenol Corp., Class A 5,854,500 330,545
MasterCard Inc., Class A 3,650,000 328,974
Nintendo Co., Ltd. 3,064,940 327,439
First Data Holdings, Inc., Class B1,3,4 56,250,000 322,875
Autodesk, Inc.1 4,930,000 316,703
VeriSign, Inc.1 4,745,000 303,775
Hewlett-Packard Co. 8,500,000 296,140
Baidu, Inc., Class A (ADR)1 1,425,000 290,344
Altera Corp. 7,750,000 286,827
Motorola Solutions, Inc. 4,142,300 281,428
Hexagon AB, Class B 7,041,102 254,297
KLA-Tencor Corp. 3,750,000 243,581
Facebook, Inc., Class A1 3,000,000 236,910
Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. 1,650,000 205,207
NetSuite Inc.1 2,122,874 204,687
VMware, Inc., Class A1 2,400,000 204,168
Finisar Corp.1,2 8,273,000 173,816
Broadcom Corp., Class A 3,690,000 166,899
Linear Technology Corp. 3,280,000 158,047
Gemalto NV 1,870,000 151,799
The Growth Fund of America — Page 1 of 9

Common stocks
Information technology (continued)
Shares Value
MercadoLibre, Inc. 965,000 $126,386
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. 99,200 122,650
Twitter, Inc.1 2,500,000 120,200
Dolby Laboratories, Inc., Class A 2,650,000 107,245
ARM Holdings PLC 5,685,000 101,723
National Instruments Corp. 3,135,000 97,624
CommScope Holding Co., Inc.1 3,000,000 94,500
Automatic Data Processing, Inc. 1,000,000 88,840
Demandware, Inc.1 1,210,000 76,460
Analog Devices, Inc. 875,000 51,222
Mail.Ru Group Ltd. (GDR)1 1,199,085 22,771
Workday, Inc., Class A1 180,000 15,390
ASM Pacific Technology Ltd. 945,000 9,589
Consumer discretionary 17.53%    
Amazon.com, Inc.1 17,438,095 6,629,266
Home Depot, Inc. 24,651,200 2,828,725
Comcast Corp., Class A 38,003,578 2,256,653
Comcast Corp., Class A, special nonvoting shares 8,000,000 471,560
Priceline Group Inc.1 882,215 1,091,723
NIKE, Inc., Class B 11,222,000 1,089,881
Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc., Class A 31,032,200 1,086,127
Netflix, Inc.1 2,025,767 962,057
MGM Resorts International1,2 36,299,600 788,790
Johnson Controls, Inc. 13,625,000 692,286
Walt Disney Co. 5,905,000 614,592
Time Warner Inc. 7,160,000 586,118
CBS Corp., Class B 8,439,012 498,746
BorgWarner Inc. 7,100,000 436,366
Liberty Global PLC, Class C1 4,976,520 259,625
Liberty Global PLC, Class A1 2,894,280 156,465
Tesla Motors, Inc.1 2,014,800 409,689
Naspers Ltd., Class N 2,630,000 385,996
Toyota Motor Corp. 5,690,000 383,519
AutoNation, Inc.1,2 6,000,000 369,000
Ralph Lauren Corp., Class A 2,675,000 367,572
Lowe’s Companies, Inc. 4,950,000 366,746
Expedia, Inc. 2,599,000 238,458
DIRECTV1 2,471,200 218,948
TJX Companies, Inc. 3,000,000 205,920
Starbucks Corp. 2,050,000 191,644
D.R. Horton, Inc. 6,685,000 182,567
Viacom Inc., Class B 2,411,000 168,625
Luxottica Group SpA 2,458,300 151,716
Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. 4,619,393 150,546
Carnival Corp., units 3,353,700 147,529
Tiffany & Co. 1,640,000 144,681
lululemon athletica inc.1 1,915,000 131,063
Wynn Resorts, Ltd. 898,623 128,054
Darden Restaurants, Inc. 2,000,000 128,000
Volkswagen AG, nonvoting preferred 505,000 127,435
General Motors Co. 3,175,000 118,459
PulteGroup, Inc. 5,000,000 112,800
Daimler AG 1,133,000 109,685
The Growth Fund of America — Page 2 of 9

Common stocks
Consumer discretionary (continued)
Shares Value
Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd. 20,000,000 $101,601
Renault SA 1,000,000 96,070
Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd.1 1,500,000 73,980
Toll Brothers, Inc.1 1,825,000 69,916
Lennar Corp., Class A 1,000,000 50,210
Las Vegas Sands Corp. 828,000 47,113
zulily, inc., Class A1 2,166,130 30,348
Hermès International 84,000 27,105
Five Below, Inc.1 766,702 24,331
Health care 17.13%    
Gilead Sciences, Inc.1 34,239,148 3,544,779
UnitedHealth Group Inc. 24,139,200 2,742,937
Amgen Inc. 14,009,100 2,209,515
Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.1 9,261,061 1,670,418
Express Scripts Holding Co.1 18,870,600 1,600,038
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.1 3,362,300 1,391,454
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc.1 9,337,600 1,115,190
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 7,233,052 940,297
Illumina, Inc.1 4,672,501 913,287
BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.1 7,860,288 841,601
Novartis AG1 7,455,000 762,039
St. Jude Medical, Inc. 10,207,000 680,603
Stryker Corp. 6,778,376 642,251
Endo International PLC1 7,201,154 616,419
Humana Inc. 3,706,305 609,242
Edwards Lifesciences Corp.1 4,501,472 598,786
Hologic, Inc.1 13,966,100 452,222
Boston Scientific Corp.1 24,800,000 419,120
Incyte Corp.1 4,445,100 381,612
athenahealth, Inc.1,2 2,529,861 321,469
Biogen Idec Inc.1 775,200 317,514
Merck & Co., Inc. 5,414,800 316,982
Puma Biotechnology Inc1 1,383,000 294,593
Grifols, SA, Class B (ADR) 4,366,508 143,047
Grifols, SA, Class B, preferred nonvoting, non-registered shares 3,870,000 128,189
Brookdale Senior Living Inc.1 5,278,000 197,978
Baxter International Inc. 2,818,910 194,928
Aetna Inc. 1,938,800 193,007
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (ADR) 2,510,000 143,120
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. 2,214,100 134,883
ResMed Inc. 1,960,000 126,146
Myriad Genetics, Inc.1 3,640,000 124,015
Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc.1 500,000 110,685
Pharmacyclics, Inc.1 471,800 101,876
Novo Nordisk A/S, Class B 1,935,000 92,769
Synageva BioPharma Corp.1 938,698 92,678
PerkinElmer, Inc. 1,891,922 88,920
DaVita HealthCare Partners Inc.1 590,000 44,014
Intuitive Surgical, Inc.1 49,200 24,600
The Growth Fund of America — Page 3 of 9

Common stocks
Industrials 8.88%
Shares Value
Union Pacific Corp. 12,601,600 $1,515,468
Precision Castparts Corp. 6,452,109 1,395,591
American Airlines Group Inc. 23,370,000 1,119,423
United Continental Holdings, Inc.1 16,949,000 1,104,736
Boeing Co. 6,150,000 927,727
CSX Corp. 21,174,801 726,507
General Dynamics Corp. 4,030,200 559,311
Cummins Inc. 3,720,000 529,096
Delta Air Lines, Inc. 11,003,823 489,890
Nielsen NV 10,499,551 474,685
Ryanair Holdings PLC (ADR) 5,538,214 350,846
Rockwell Collins, Inc. 3,845,000 342,513
Sensata Technologies Holding NV1 5,900,000 317,066
Danaher Corp. 3,509,448 306,305
Textron Inc. 6,658,866 295,054
Towers Watson & Co., Class A 2,031,937 267,200
FedEx Corp. 1,500,000 265,470
Meggitt PLC 26,054,666 219,224
Oshkosh Corp.2 4,368,000 213,115
United Technologies Corp. 1,640,000 199,932
Lockheed Martin Corp. 877,000 175,444
Robert Half International Inc. 2,627,000 162,769
TransDigm Group Inc. 728,000 157,874
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.1 3,484,698 154,512
Verisk Analytics, Inc., Class A1 2,138,000 153,530
Fastenal Co. 3,655,000 151,865
MTU Aero Engines AG 1,540,000 146,449
Caterpillar Inc. 1,330,000 110,257
KONE Oyj, Class B 1,920,000 88,478
Honeywell International Inc. 700,000 71,946
Bureau Veritas SA 2,256,040 53,169
KBR, Inc. 2,757,023 44,912
United Parcel Service, Inc., Class B 328,000 33,367
Financials 7.74%    
Crown Castle International Corp. 13,450,912 1,160,948
American International Group, Inc. 20,345,000 1,125,689
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 3,938,996 747,582
Wells Fargo & Co. 12,014,178 658,257
American Express Co. 6,730,000 549,101
JPMorgan Chase & Co. 8,800,000 539,264
Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Class B1 2,000,000 294,820
Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Class A1 970 214,544
HDFC Bank Ltd. 23,293,408 397,237
HDFC Bank Ltd. (ADR) 1,612,000 99,960
Legal & General Group PLC 111,984,892 483,222
CME Group Inc., Class A 4,442,419 426,161
ACE Ltd. 3,696,000 421,381
Capital One Financial Corp. 5,348,000 420,941
AIA Group Ltd. 67,400,000 396,711
American Tower Corp. 3,915,000 388,133
Bank of America Corp. 24,500,000 387,345
CIT Group Inc. 7,011,000 324,259
Progressive Corp. 10,850,000 289,152
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Common stocks
Financials (continued)
Shares Value
Charles Schwab Corp. 8,557,000 $251,062
Onex Corp. 4,200,000 237,096
Morgan Stanley 6,500,000 232,635
Citigroup Inc. 3,305,000 173,248
McGraw Hill Financial, Inc. 1,585,595 163,475
Signature Bank1 1,206,970 148,880
Bank of Ireland1 383,200,000 145,799
UBS Group AG1 6,765,666 118,870
Fifth Third Bancorp 4,750,000 91,960
U.S. Bancorp 2,025,000 90,335
Bankia, SA1 55,495,000 80,608
First Republic Bank 1,370,200 78,101
W. R. Berkley Corp. 1,560,000 77,860
Leucadia National Corp. 2,589,787 61,456
Financial Engines, Inc. 1,360,000 54,808
ICICI Bank Ltd. (ADR) 4,000,000 46,600
Prudential PLC 1,096,900 27,595
Weyerhaeuser Co.1 422,321 14,828
Moody’s Corp. 120,000 11,633
Energy 6.56%    
EOG Resources, Inc. 18,669,000 1,674,983
Noble Energy, Inc.2 20,639,621 974,809
Concho Resources Inc.1,2 8,834,006 962,200
Pioneer Natural Resources Co. 4,567,700 696,666
Canadian Natural Resources, Ltd. 17,351,300 504,674
Schlumberger Ltd. 5,850,000 492,336
Suncor Energy Inc. 14,247,520 427,733
FMC Technologies, Inc.1 10,206,788 407,557
BG Group PLC 26,139,000 386,598
Southwestern Energy Co.1 14,753,752 370,024
Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. 11,719,330 339,861
Weatherford International PLC1 21,968,900 278,785
Plains GP Holdings, LP, Class A 9,526,264 272,832
Enbridge Inc. 4,645,529 216,018
CONSOL Energy Inc. 6,235,000 200,767
Cobalt International Energy, Inc.1 16,482,353 168,779
Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Class B (ADR) 2,428,800 165,523
Chesapeake Energy Corp. 9,890,877 164,980
Apache Corp. 2,320,000 152,749
Cimarex Energy Co. 1,325,000 145,326
Cheniere Energy, Inc.1 1,783,580 143,810
Murphy Oil Corp. 2,556,000 130,075
Tourmaline Oil Corp.1 3,854,600 119,822
BP PLC 7,100,000 49,112
BP PLC (ADR) 1,138,700 47,188
Baker Hughes Inc. 1,300,477 81,293
Oil States International, Inc.1 1,006,931 43,781
Paramount Resources Ltd.1 1,440,000 35,836
Core Laboratories NV 197,555 21,715
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. 730,000 20,415
The Growth Fund of America — Page 5 of 9

Common stocks
Energy (continued)
Shares Value
Laricina Energy Ltd.1,3,4 950,000 $2,280
Denbury Resources Inc. 110,100 925
Consumer staples 4.22%    
Costco Wholesale Corp. 11,583,183 1,702,265
Philip Morris International Inc. 20,117,588 1,668,955
Kerry Group PLC, Class A 6,065,824 441,217
Keurig Green Mountain, Inc. 2,765,663 352,843
Sprouts Farmers Market, Inc.1,2 9,438,000 347,413
Coca-Cola Co. 6,020,400 260,683
Whole Foods Market, Inc. 4,179,700 236,111
Mead Johnson Nutrition Co. 1,864,600 195,336
Procter & Gamble Co. 2,195,000 186,860
Nestlé SA 2,387,600 186,330
Glanbia PLC 8,320,000 151,761
Herbalife Ltd. 4,186,400 129,820
Pernod Ricard SA 1,056,000 125,203
Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc., Class A 1,920,000 104,026
British American Tobacco PLC 1,493,000 87,174
PepsiCo, Inc. 650,000 64,337
Materials 2.59%    
Monsanto Co. 6,055,000 729,204
Praxair, Inc. 5,186,537 663,358
Celanese Corp., Series A 6,300,000 359,793
Rio Tinto PLC 5,292,000 260,788
LyondellBasell Industries NV 2,890,000 248,280
Newmont Mining Corp. 9,280,000 244,342
Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc. 6,459,000 231,878
Barrick Gold Corp. 15,680,000 204,154
Mosaic Co. 3,420,000 182,149
Syngenta AG 510,000 179,638
Sigma-Aldrich Corp. 1,200,000 165,672
FMC Corp. 1,700,000 107,797
First Quantum Minerals Ltd. 5,640,000 71,510
Dow Chemical Co. 1,430,000 70,413
ArcelorMittal 5,710,000 62,428
James Hardie Industries PLC (CDI) 3,570,000 42,235
Telecommunication services 0.57%    
SoftBank Corp. 7,096,000 437,001
T-Mobile US, Inc.1 12,065,000 398,507
Utilities 0.06%    
NRG Energy, Inc. 3,588,200 86,045
Miscellaneous 5.00%    
Other common stocks in initial period of acquisition   7,396,359
Total common stocks (cost: $75,868,819,000)   134,710,009
The Growth Fund of America — Page 6 of 9

Preferred securities 0.01%
Financials 0.01%
Shares Value
Fannie Mae, Series S, 8.25% noncumulative1 4,095,858 $18,431
Miscellaneous 0.00%    
Other preferred securities in initial period of acquisition   3,107
Total preferred securities (cost: $48,162,000)   21,538
Rights & warrants 0.08%
Financials 0.04%
JP Morgan Chase & Co., warrants, expire 20181 2,350,000 49,514
Citigroup Inc., Class A, warrants, expire 20191 25,500,000 17,850
Energy 0.04%    
Kinder Morgan, Inc., warrants, expire 20171 13,876,600 53,564
Telecommunication services 0.00%    
Broadview Networks Holdings, Inc., Series A1, warrants, expire 20201,3,4 4,414
Broadview Networks Holdings, Inc., Series A2, warrants, expire 20201,3,4 1,672
Total rights & warrants (cost: $122,540,000)   120,928
Convertible bonds 0.03%
Telecommunication services 0.03%
Principal amount
Clearwire Corp. 8.25% convertible notes 20405 $ 47,993
Total convertible bonds (cost: $43,829,000)   47,993
Bonds, notes & other debt instruments 0.15%
U.S. Treasury bonds & notes 0.08%
U.S. Treasury 0.08%
U.S. Treasury 0.125% 2015 10,100 10,101
U.S. Treasury 0.25% 2015 90,685 90,726
U.S. Treasury 0.25% 2015 15,675 15,684
Total U.S. Treasury bonds & notes   116,511
Corporate bonds & notes 0.05%
Telecommunication services 0.05%
NII Capital Corp. 10.00% 20166 32,300 18,088
NII Capital Corp. 7.875% 20195,6 27,500 26,469
NII Capital Corp. 8.875% 20196 1,025 574
NII Capital Corp. 11.375% 20195,6 19,800 19,305
NII Capital Corp. 7.625% 20216 9,300 3,301
Total corporate bonds & notes   67,737
Federal agency bonds & notes 0.02%    
Federal Farm Credit Banks 0.13% 2015 33,500 33,499
Total bonds, notes & other debt instruments (cost: $193,928,000)   217,747
The Growth Fund of America — Page 7 of 9

Short-term securities 8.82% Principal amount
3M Co. 0.10% due 3/18/2015–3/23/20155 $106,000 $105,993
Abbott Laboratories 0.13% due 4/7/20155 40,000 39,998
Apple Inc. 0.10% due 3/24/20155 21,600 21,598
CAFCO, LLC 0.18%–0.24% due 3/24/2015–5/4/2015 42,600 42,590
Caterpillar Financial Services Corp. 0.13% due 3/9/2015 50,000 49,998
Chariot Funding, LLC 0.21%–0.27% due 3/10/2015–5/21/20155 304,200 304,101
Chevron Corp. 0.14% due 4/13/2015–7/17/20155 100,000 99,955
Citicorp 0.20% due 3/9/2015 36,000 35,999
Coca-Cola Co. 0.12%–0.19% due 3/17/2015–5/12/20155 161,000 160,975
Emerson Electric Co. 0.11%–0.12% due 4/20/2015–5/28/20155 32,100 32,093
ExxonMobil Corp. 0.12% due 5/19/2015 50,000 49,980
Fannie Mae 0.08%–0.24% due 4/1/2015–1/19/2016 2,273,378 2,272,632
Federal Farm Credit Banks 0.10%–0.24% due 3/2/2015–10/6/2015 780,800 780,501
Federal Home Loan Bank 0.06%–0.24% due 3/4/2015–1/22/2016 4,686,038 4,685,059
Freddie Mac 0.09%–0.23% due 3/6/2015–1/20/2016 2,901,837 2,900,863
General Electric Capital Corp. 0.20%–0.24% due 5/13/2015–7/15/2015 75,000 74,964
General Electric Co. 0.18%–0.24% due 4/22/2015–7/14/2015 100,000 99,950
John Deere Capital Corp. 0.10% due 3/11/20155 97,500 97,496
John Deere Financial Ltd. 0.12% due 3/4/20155 36,000 35,999
JPMorgan Chase & Co. 0.27% due 7/9/20155 25,000 24,976
Jupiter Securitization Co., LLC 0.25% due 5/18/20155 57,000 56,974
Kimberly-Clark Corp. 0.11% due 3/16/20155 34,900 34,898
Merck & Co. Inc. 0.08% due 3/26/20155 20,000 19,999
Microsoft Corp. 0.10% due 4/15/2015–4/22/20155 93,000 92,991
National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp. 0.10%–0.11% due 3/2/2015–3/19/2015 56,000 55,998
Paccar Financial Corp. 0.12% due 3/6/2015 32,100 32,099
Pfizer Inc 0.11%–0.15% due 5/7/2015–7/16/20155 150,000 149,945
Precision Castpart Corp. 0.13% due 7/1/20155 40,000 39,965
Private Export Funding Corp. 0.12%–0.26% due 3/2/2015–9/23/20155 122,700 122,655
Procter & Gamble Co. 0.11% due 5/12/2015–5/26/20155 150,000 149,967
U.S. Treasury Bills 0.10%–0.13% due 6/25/2015–7/23/2015 108,700 108,686
United Parcel Service Inc. 0.11%–0.13% due 4/16/2015–5/5/20155 35,200 35,193
Walt Disney Co. 0.12% due 3/20/2015–3/25/20155 79,700 79,696
Wells Fargo & Co. 0.23% due 4/8/2015 50,000 49,992
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 0.00% due 6/3/2015–8/7/2015 85,000 85,007
Total short-term securities (cost: $13,027,502,000)   13,029,785
Total investment securities 100.24% (cost: $89,304,780,000)   148,148,000
Other assets less liabilities (0.24)%   (354,580)
Net assets 100.00%   $147,793,420
As permitted by U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission regulations, “Miscellaneous” securities include holdings in their first year of acquisition that have not previously been publicly disclosed.
1 Security did not produce income during the last 12 months.
2 Represents an affiliated company as defined under the Investment Company Act of 1940.
3 Valued under fair value procedures adopted by authority of the board of trustees. The total value of all such securities, including those in “Miscellaneous,“ was $325,155,000, which represented .22% of the net assets of the fund. This entire amount relates to certain securities trading outside the U.S. whose values were adjustedas a result of significant market movements following the close of local trading.
4 Acquired through a private placement transaction exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933. May be subject to legal or contractual restrictions on resale. Further details on these holdings appear below.
5 Acquired in a transaction exempt from registration under Rule 144A or Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. May be resold in the U.S. in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. The total value of all such securities was $1,799,234,000, which represented 1.22% of the net assets of the fund.
6 Scheduled interest and/or principal payment was not received.
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Private placement securities Acquisition
of net
First Data Holdings, Inc., Class B 6/26/2014 $225,000 $322,875 .22%
Laricina Energy Ltd. 6/21/2011 41,523 2,280 .00
Broadview Networks Holdings, Inc., Series A1, warrants, expire 2020 7/7/2000-3/6/2002 11,176 .00
Broadview Networks Holdings, Inc., Series A2, warrants, expire 2020 7/7/2000-3/6/2002 3,623 .00
Total private placement securities   $281,325 $325,155 .22%
Key to abbreviations
ADR = American Depositary Receipts
CDI = CREST Depository Interest
GDR = Global Depositary Receipts
Investments are not FDIC-insured, nor are they deposits of or guaranteed by a bank or any other entity, so they may lose value.
Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other important information is contained in the fund prospectus and summary prospectus, which can be obtained from your financial professional and should be read carefully before investing. You may also call American Funds Service Company (AFS) at (800) 421-4225 or visit the American Funds website at americanfunds.com.
MFGEFPX-005-0415O-S42190 The Growth Fund of America — Page 9 of 9



ITEM 7 – Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies


Not applicable to this Registrant, insofar as the Registrant is not a closed-end management investment company.



ITEM 8 – Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies


Not applicable to this Registrant, insofar as the Registrant is not a closed-end management investment company.



ITEM 9 – Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers



Not applicable to this Registrant, insofar as the Registrant is not a closed-end management investment company.



ITEM 10 – Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


There have been no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the Registrant’s board of trustees since the Registrant last submitted a proxy statement to its shareholders. The procedures are as follows. The Registrant has a nominating and governance committee comprised solely of persons who are not considered ‘‘interested persons’’ of the Registrant within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. The committee periodically reviews such issues as the board’s composition, responsibilities, committees, compensation and other relevant issues, and recommends any appropriate changes to the full board of trustees. While the committee normally is able to identify from its own resources an ample number of qualified candidates, it will consider shareholder suggestions of persons to be considered as nominees to fill future vacancies on the board. Such suggestions must be sent in writing to the nominating and governance committee of the Registrant, c/o the Registrant’s Secretary, and must be accompanied by complete biographical and occupational data on the prospective nominee, along with a written consent of the prospective nominee for consideration of his or her name by the nominating and governance committee.



ITEM 11 – Controls and Procedures


(a) The Registrant’s Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer have concluded, based on their evaluation of the Registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as such term is defined in Rule 30a-3 under the Investment Company Act of 1940), that such controls and procedures are adequate and reasonably designed to achieve the purposes described in paragraph (c) of such rule.

There were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting during the quarter ended February 28, 2015, which were identified in connection with management's evaluation required by paragraph (d) of Rule 13a-15 and 15d-15 under the Exchange Act, that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting, other than as provided below.


Effective November 10, 2014, the The Growth Fund of America’s investment adviser implemented a new accounting system. In connection with introducing this new system, additional automated and manual controls were implemented and some existing controls were modified. None of these changes were in response to any identified deficiency or weakness in the The Growth Fund of America’s internal control over financial reporting.



ITEM 12 – Exhibits




(a)(1) Not applicable for filing of semi-annual reports to shareholders.
(a)(2) The certifications required by Rule 30a-2 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 and Sections 302 and 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached as exhibits hereto.





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


  By /s/ Paul F. Roye

Paul F. Roye, Executive Vice President and

Principal Executive Officer

  Date: April 30, 2015




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.



By /s/ Paul F. Roye

Paul F. Roye, Executive Vice President and

Principal Executive Officer

Date: April 30, 2015




By _/s/ Jeffrey P. Regal

Jeffrey P. Regal, Treasurer and

Principal Financial Officer

Date: April 30, 2015