EX1A-2A CHARTER 3 e2a.txt CHARTER (ART. OF INCORPORATION) EXHIBIT 2 - ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION; BYLAWS 5000000001457703 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION FOR A STOCK CORPORATION FIRST: The undersigned Simon Riveles whose address(es) is/are: 40 Wall Street, 28th Floor, New York, NY, 10005 being at least eighteen years of age, do(es) hereby form a corporation under the laws of the State of Maryland. SECOND: The name of the corporation is: Multi-Housing Income REIT, Inc. THIRD: The purposes for which the corporation is formed are as follows: The corporation may be engaged in any lawful business or activity. FOURTH: The street address of the principal office of the corporation in Maryland is: 5000 Thayer Center, Suite C, Oakland, MD, 21550 FIFTH: The name(s) of the Resident Agent(s) of the corporation in Maryland is/are: Registered Agents Inc. whose address(es) is/are: 5000 Thayer Center, Suite C, Oakland, MD, 21550 SIXTH: The corporation has authority to issue 10000000 shares at $ 0.001 par value per share. SEVENTH: The number of directors of the corporation shall be which number may be increased or decreased pursuant to the bylaws of the corporation. The name(s) of the director(s) who shall act until the first meeting or until their successors are duly chosen and qualified is/are: Yuen Yung IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed these articles and acknowledge the same to be my act. I hereby consent to my designation in this document as Resident Agent(s) for this corporation. SIGNATURE(S) OF INCORPORATOR(S): Simon Riveles SIGNATURE OF RESIDENT AGENT(S) LISTED IN FIFTH: Bill Havre, Officer Filing Party's Name and Return Address: Simon Riveles, 40 Wall Street, 28th Floor, New York, NY, 10005 SDAT: 3/2007