(An exploration and development company)
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Condensed Interim Consolidated Statements of Financial Position
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars – Unaudited)
At March 31
At December 31
Current assets:
Marketable securities
Amounts receivable
Prepaid expenses and deposits
Non-current assets:
Restricted cash
Prepaid expenses and deposits
Property and equipment
Mineral property interests
Total assets
Liabilities and Equity
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Flow-through share premium liability
Advances received for exploration
Lease liability
Non-current liabilities:
Lease liability
Provision for site reclamation and closure
Total liabilities
Share capital
Share option and warrant reserve
Total equity
Total liabilities and equity
Subsequent events (note 16)
Approved on behalf of the Board of Directors:
“Michael Timmins”                          
“Steve Cook” 
President & Chief Executive Officer
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these condensed interim consolidated financial statements.
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Condensed Interim Consolidated Statements of Loss and Comprehensive Loss
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except per share amounts – Unaudited)
Three months ended March 31
Operating expenses:
Exploration and evaluation costs
Fees, salaries and other employee benefits
Legal and professional fees
Marketing and investor relations
Office and administration
Regulatory and compliance costs
Other (income) expenses:
Unrealized net loss on marketable securities
Amortization of flow-through share premium
Finance expense on bridge loan
Loss on bridge loan
Accretion of provision for site reclamation and closure
Interest expense on lease liability
Interest and other income
Foreign exchange loss (gain)
Loss from continuing operations before taxes
Income tax recovery
Loss from continuing operations
Loss from discontinued operations
Loss for the period
Other comprehensive income, net of tax
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Unrealized currency gain on translation of
foreign operations
Other comprehensive income for the period
Total comprehensive loss for the period
Loss per share from continuing operations:
Basic and diluted loss per share
Loss per share:
Basic and diluted loss per share
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these condensed interim consolidated financial statements.
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Condensed Interim Consolidated Statements of Equity
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except share amounts – Unaudited)
Number of common shares(1)
Share capital
Share option and warrant reserve
Accumulated other comprehensive income
Balance at December 31, 2019
Comprehensive loss for the period
Shares issued pursuant to offering, net of share issue costs
Share options exercised
Fair value of conversion feature, net of tax
Share-based compensation
Balance at March 31, 2020
Balance at December 31, 2020
Comprehensive loss for the period
Warrants exercised (note 10, 11)
Share-based compensation (note 11)
Balance at March 31, 2021
(1) Share information restated retroactively to reflect the share consolidation on October 9, 2020 (note 2).
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these condensed interim consolidated financial statements.
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Condensed Interim Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars – Unaudited)
Three months ended March 31
Operating activities:
Loss for the period from continuing operations
Adjusted for:
      Interest and other income
Items not involving cash:
Unrealized net loss on marketable securities
Amortization of flow-through share premium
Finance expense on bridge loan
Loss on bridge loan
Accretion of provision for site reclamation and closure
Share-based compensation
Changes in non-cash working capital
Cash used in operating activities, continuing operations
Cash used in operating activities, discontinued operations
Investing activities:
Interest received
Acquisition of Eastmain, net of cash acquired
Plant and equipment additions
Cash (used in) provided by investing activities, continuing operations
Cash used in investing activities, discontinued operations
Financing activities:
Proceeds from issuance of common shares,
net of cash share issuance costs
Transaction costs on loan amendment
Lease payments
Proceeds from share option and warrant exercises
Cash (used in) provided by financing activities, continuing operations
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash
(Decrease) increase in cash
Cash, beginning of the period
Cash, end of the period
Supplemental cash flow information (note 13)
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these condensed interim consolidated financial statements.
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Note 1: Nature of operations

Fury Gold Mines Limited (the “Company” or “Fury Gold”) is a Canadian-focused exploration and development company, positioned in three prolific gold mining regions. The Company’s principal business activity is the acquisition, exploration, and development of resource properties in Canada. At March 31, 2021, the Company had three principal projects: Eau Claire in Québec, Homestake Ridge in British Columbia, and Committee Bay in Nunavut. The Eau Claire project is viewed as the Company’s lead asset.
The Company was incorporated on June 9, 2008, under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) and is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the NYSE-American, with its common shares trading under the symbol FURY. The registered office is 595 Burrard Street, Suite 2600, Vancouver, British Columbia (“BC”), V7X 1L3, and the mailing address is 34 King Street East, Suite 900, Toronto, Ontario (“ON”), M5C 2X8.
Acquisition of Eastmain and transfer of Peruvian exploration properties
On October 9, 2020, the Company acquired Eastmain Resources Inc. (“Eastmain”), including Eastmain’s principal asset, the 100%-owned Eau Claire gold project located in James Bay, Québec. Prior to October 9, 2020, the Company, formerly Auryn Resources Inc. (“Auryn”), also held secured rights to various mining concessions in southern Peru which included the Sombrero, Curibaya, and Huilacollo projects. These projects were transferred to two new companies, Tier One Silver Inc. and Sombrero Resources Inc. (collectively, the “Spincos”), as part of the arrangement agreement to acquire Eastmain (note 3).
Response to COVID-19
The situation in Canada regarding COVID-19 remains fluid and permitted activities are subject to change. The Company is continually monitoring the situation, along with provincial and government guidelines, and allowing work to be undertaken once it is confident that it is safe for its employees and stakeholders to do so. The Company continues to have full access to its properties in Canada and measures have been taken to enhance the safety of employees and contractors at all active sites, including COVID-19 screening of all on-site employees. At the Company’s Eau Claire project, the community vaccination program already underway in northern Québec was made available in February 2021 to any persons working in the area and, as of March 2021, all on-site employees have received their first dose of the two-dose Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. The Company’s corporate offices remain closed, and all employees continue to work remotely.
Note 2: Basis of presentation

Statement of compliance
These unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements (the “interim financial statements”) have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 – Interim Financial Reporting (“IAS 34”) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”). Certain disclosures included in the Company’s annual consolidated financial statements (the “consolidated financial statements”) prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as issued by the IASB and interpretations issued by the IFRS Interpretations Committee (“IFRICs”) have been condensed or omitted herein. Accordingly, these interim financial statements should be read in conjunction with the Company’s consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2020.
These interim financial statements were approved and authorized for issuance by the Board of Directors of the Company on May 13, 2021.
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)
Basis of preparation and consolidation
These interim financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the Company and entities controlled by the Company (its subsidiaries). Control exists when the Company has power over an investee, exposure or rights to variable returns from its involvement with the investee, and the ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of the Company’s returns. The Company’s interim results are not necessarily indicative of its results for a full year.
The principal subsidiaries of the Company at March 31, 2021 were as follows:
Place of incorporation
Functional currency
 Beneficial interest
North Country Gold Corp. (“North Country”)
BC, Canada
Homestake Resource Corporation (“Homestake”)
BC, Canada
Eastmain Resources Inc. (“Eastmain”)
ON, Canada
Eastmain Mines Inc. (“Eastmain Mines”) (1)
Homestake Royalty Corporation (inactive)
BC, Canada
(1) Company incorporated federally in Canada.
These interim financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis except for certain financial instruments that have been measured at fair value (note 15). All amounts are expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted. Reference to US$ are to United States dollars. All intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated.
Share consolidation
On October 9, 2020, pursuant to the acquisition of Eastmain, the Company consolidated the 112,340,434 common shares outstanding as of that date to 75,900,000 common shares and the exercise price of share options issued prior to that date were adjusted downwards by $0.95 to reflect the fair value of the Peruvian projects allocated to the Spincos (note 3). As such, all share and per share data presented in these interim financial statements have been retroactively adjusted to reflect the share consolidation unless otherwise noted.
Critical accounting estimates, judgements, and policies
The preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires management to select accounting policies and make estimates and judgments that may have a significant impact on consolidated financial statements. Estimates are continuously evaluated and are based on management’s experience and expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. Actual outcomes may differ from these estimates.
In preparing the Company’s interim financial statements for the three months ended March 31, 2021, the Company applied the critical accounting judgements and estimates and accounting policies disclosed in notes 2 and 3, respectively, of its consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2020, except as noted below:
Credit on duties refundable for loss and refundable tax credits for resource investment
The Company is entitled to a refundable credit on duties of 16% for eligible losses under the Québec Mining Duties Act and a refundable resource investment tax credit of 31% under the Québec Income Tax Act. These credits are applicable to qualified exploration expenditures on properties located within the province of Québec. Application for these credits is subject to verification and, as such, they are recognized only when they are received or when a notice of assessment confirming the amount to be paid is issued. During the three months ended March 31, 2021, the Company received a refund of $1,717, consisting of $1,670 principal and $47 interest.
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)
New and amended standards not yet effective
Certain pronouncements have been issued by the IASB that are mandatory for accounting periods beginning after December 31, 2021. The Company has not early adopted any of these pronouncements, and they are not expected to have a significant impact in the foreseeable future on the Company's consolidated financial statements once adopted.
Segmented information
The Company’s operating segments are reviewed by the key decision maker to make decisions about resources to be allocated to the segments and to assess their performance. The Company operates in one reportable operating segment, being the acquisition, exploration, and development of mineral resource properties, and in one geographical location, Canada.
Prior to October 9, 2020, the Company also held secured rights to various mining concessions in southern Peru. These projects were transferred to the Spincos as part of the arrangement agreement to acquire Eastmain (note 3).
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)
Note 3: Acquisition of Eastmain and transfer of Peruvian properties

Acquisition of Eastmain
On October 9, 2020, the Company acquired Eastmain including its principal asset, the 100%-owned Eau Claire gold project located in James Bay, Québec, by issuing 34,100,000 shares of the Company to the Eastmain shareholders with a total fair value of $124,169. Acquisition costs of $3,029 and the expense of $3,450 arising from 1,570,754 share options and 1,297,591 warrants issued to former Eastmain share option and warrant holders were included in the total purchase price. The key net assets acquired included marketable securities ($1,662) and mineral property interests in Québec ($125,606), offset by accounts payable and accrued liabilities ($1,203) and a provision for site reclamation and closure ($1,849).
The Eastmain purchase price of $124,169 was calculated on the basis of the market capitalization of Auryn on October 9, 2020, adjusted for the fair value of the Peruvian assets distributed to the Spincos as of that date. The fair value of the Peruvian assets was determined through a valuation assessment undertaken by an independent specialist. Calculation of the fair value required application of significant judgment with regards to the determination of the probability of economic recoverability (see note 3i of the Company’s consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2020).
Spin off of Peruvian exploration projects
In 2020, the Company accounted for the transfer of the Peruvian exploration projects to the Spincos as a common control transaction based on the carrying value of the investments in the Peruvian subsidiaries and certain intercompany loans held by Fury Gold at the transaction date. This transfer is presented as a discontinued operation in these interim financial statements and comparative figures for the three months ended March 31, 2020 have been restated, where applicable.
The loss from the discontinued operations for the three months ended March 31, 2020 was as follows:
Three months ended
March 31, 2020
Operating expenses:
Exploration and evaluation costs (note 9)
Fees, salaries and other employee benefits
Legal and professional fees
Office and administration
Other expenses:
Project investigation costs
Foreign exchange loss
Loss from discontinued operations
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)
Note 4: Marketable securities
The marketable securities held by the Company were as follows:
Balance at December 31, 2019
Additions (1)
Unrealized net gain (1)
Balance at December 31, 2020
Unrealized net loss
Balance at March 31, 2021
(1) As part of the acquisition of Eastmain on October 9, 2020, the Company acquired certain shares and warrants in publicly traded entities valued at $1,662 (note 3). The change in fair value for the acquired securities recognized during the year ended December 31, 2020 was calculated for the period from acquisition date of October 9, 2020 to December 31, 2020 and is included in unrealized net gain.
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)
Note 5: Mineral property interests

The Company’s principal resource properties are located in Canada and prior to October 9, 2020, in Peru (note 3).
Pursuant to the acquisition of Eastmain in October 2020, the Company acquired interests in 12 properties within the James Bay region of Québec (note 3). The principal projects acquired were:
Eau Claire
The Company owns a 100% interest in the Eau Claire project located immediately north of the Eastmain reservoir, approximately 10 kilometres (“km”) northeast of Hydro Québec’s EM-1 hydroelectric power facility, 80 km north of the town of Nemaska, 320 km northeast of the town of Matagami, and 800 km north of Montreal, in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay region of Québec. The property consists of map-designated claims totaling approximately 233 square kilometres (“km2”).
Eastmain Mine
The Eastmain Mine project hosts the Eastmain Mine gold deposit. The past-producing Eastmain Mine project comprises 152 mineral claims and an industrial lease. Located on the eastern most part of the Upper Eastmain River Greenstone Belt of the James Bay region of northern Québec, the property covers approximately 80 km2 of highly prospective terrain.
In 2019, Benz Mining Corp. (“Benz Mining”) entered into an option agreement with Eastmain to allow Benz Mining the option to earn a 75% interest in the Eastmain Mine property in return for making option payments of $2,320 between October 2019 and October 2023, and incurring exploration expenditures of $3,500 on the property. The option payments may be settled in both cash and shares. Upon completion of the first option to earn 75%, Benz Mining may acquire the remaining 25% interest upon payment of $1,000. This option agreement was subsequently amended in April 2020 to grant Benz Mining the option to earn up to 75% of the Ruby Hill properties located to the west of the Eastmain Mine project. In October 2020, the Company received option payments from Benz Mining totaling $150 in cash and Benz Mining shares with a fair value upon receipt of $102. These option payments are due annually in October.
Éléonore South Joint Venture
The Éléonore South Joint Venture project consists of two separate blocks of map-designated claims, comprising a total of 282 claims covering approximately 147 km2 of the Opinaca area of James Bay, Québec. The Éléonore West block consists of 34 mineral claims covering approximately 18 km2, while the Éléonore South block contains 248 claims extending over an area of approximately 130 km2. The project is a three-way joint venture agreement between Eastmain, Azimut Exploration Inc. (“Azimut”), and Goldcorp Canada Ltd. (“Goldcorp Canada”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Newmont Corporation. Project ownership is based on participation in the funding of annual exploration programs. As such, the project is held by the joint operation partners approximately as follows: Fury Gold 36.7%, Goldcorp Canada 36.7%, and Azimut 26.6%. The Company is currently designated as operator.
Committee Bay
The Company, through its wholly owned subsidiary North Country, owns a 100% interest in the Committee Bay project located in Nunavut, Canada. The Committee Bay project includes approximately 280,000 hectares situated along the Committee Bay Greenstone Belt located within the Western Churchill province of Nunavut. The Committee Bay project is subject to a 1% Net Smelter Royalty (“NSR”) on gold production, with certain portions subject to an additional 1.5% NSR. The 1.5% NSR is payable on only 7,596 hectares and can be purchased by the Company within two years of commencement of commercial production for $2,000 for each one-third (0.5%) of the 1.5% NSR.
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)
Gibson MacQuoid
In 2017, the Company acquired a number of prospecting permits and mineral claims along the Gibson MacQuoid Greenstone Belt in Nunavut, Canada. In 2019, the Company staked additional claims, which overlapped the Company’s prospecting claims that expired in February 2020, to maintain a contiguous land package over the Company’s current areas of interest. The Company’s claims, which are located between the Meliadine deposit and Meadowbank mine, cover approximately 120 km of strike length of the prospective greenstone belt and total 51,622 hectares collectively.
British Columbia
Homestake Ridge
The Company, through its wholly owned subsidiary Homestake, owns a 100% interest in the Homestake Ridge project subject to various royalty interests held by third parties not exceeding 2%. The project covers approximately 7,500 hectares and is located in the Iskut-Stewart-Kisault gold belt in northwestern British Columbia.
Costs capitalized as mineral property interests
The following is a continuity of the Company’s mineral property acquisition costs:
 British Columbia
Balance at December 31, 2019
Eastmain acquisition, mineral property interests acquired
Option payment received (2)
Dispositions (note 3)
Change in estimate of provision for site reclamation and closure (note 8)
Currency translation adjustment
Balance at December 31, 2020
Change in estimate of provision for site reclamation and closure (note 8)
Balance at March 31, 2021
(1) Peruvian operations were spun out to the Spincos as part of the Eastmain acquisition on October 9, 2020 and are disclosed as discontinued operations in these interim financial statements (note 3).
(2) During the fourth quarter of 2020, the Company received an option payment comprising $150 cash and 124,177 shares in Benz Mining with a fair value upon date of receipt of $102 for the Ruby Hill property.
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)
Note 6: Leases and right-of use assets

On October 9, 2020, as part of the Eastmain acquisition, the Company acquired a right-of-use asset (“ROU asset”) for a 5-year lease of office space that commenced on April 1, 2019. At the date of the acquisition, the ROU asset and corresponding lease liability were measured at fair value as part of the purchase price allocation (note 3).
Effective January 1, 2021, the Company amended the lease agreement, expanding the floor space and extending the term of the current lease by one year. The amendment was accounted for as a separate lease liability and additional ROU asset, with the original lease and ROU asset remaining unchanged. The new ROU asset was measured at the fair value of the lease liability at inception of the lease amendment and will be depreciated over the new lease term of 4.33 years on a straight-line basis. The new lease liability reflects the present value of the additional square footage, discounted over the new lease term at an interest rate of 10%, which approximates the Company’s incremental borrowing rate.
The Company’s ROU assets, recorded in property and equipment, and the corresponding lease liabilities were as follows:
ROU Assets
Lease Liabilities
Balance at December 31, 2020
Interest expense
Lease payments
Balance at March 31, 2021
ROU Asset
Lease Liability
Balance at December 31, 2019
Interest expense
Lease payments
Balance at December 31, 2020
March 31
December 31
Lease liabilities classified as:
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)
Note 7: Flow-through share premium liability

Flow-through shares are issued at a premium, calculated as the difference between the price of a flow-through share and the price of a common share at that date. Tax deductions generated by eligible expenditures are passed through to the shareholders of the flow-through shares once the eligible expenditures are incurred and renounced. In July 2020, in response to the economic impact of COVID-19, the Government of Canada extended the timelines for eligible expenditures from 24 to 36 months.
As a result of the acquisition of Eastmain in October 2020 (note 3), the Company assumed a flow-through share premium liability of $590, representing the remaining expenditures to be incurred on the Québec projects before December 31, 2022, and which was renounced to investors in December 2020. This obligation was extinguished during the three months ended March 31, 2021.
In September 2020, the Company completed an equity financing by raising $23 million through the issuance of 7,750,000 subscription receipts (the “September 2020 Offering”); gross proceeds were held in escrow until the completion of the acquisition on October 9, 2020. Out of the subscription receipts sold, 5,000,000 were flow-through receipts for gross proceeds of $17.5 million and were exchanged for Fury Gold common shares designated as flow-through shares, while 2,750,000 subscription receipts were sold as non-flow-through for gross proceeds of $5.5 million and exchanged for Fury Gold common shares. The flow-through proceeds will be used for mineral exploration in Québec. The Company is committed to incur the remaining exploration expenditures of $14,984 (December 31, 2020 – $17,500) before December 31, 2022, which was renounced to investors in December 2020.
The flow-through share funding and expenditures, along with the corresponding impact on the flow-through share premium liability, were as follows:
Flow-through funding and expenditures
British Columbia
premium liability

Balance at December 31, 2019
Flow-through liability assumed
Flow-through funds raised
Flow-through eligible expenditures
Balance at December 31, 2020
Flow-through eligible expenditures
Balance at March 31, 2021
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)
Note 8: Provision for site reclamation and closure
The Company recognizes a provision for site reclamation and closure, which reflects the present value of the estimated amount of cash flows required to satisfy the asset retirement obligation in respect of the Committee Bay project and Québec properties. The components of this obligation are the removal of equipment currently being used at the site as well as costs associated with the reclamation of the camp housing and work sites on the property. The estimate of future asset retirement obligations is subject to change based on amendments to applicable laws, management’s intentions, and mining lease renewals.
The key assumptions used to calculate the present value of the future estimated cash flows of the Company’s projects are as follows:
Undiscounted cash flow obligation for site reclamation of $5,060 (December 31, 2020 – $5,060);
Expected timing of future cash flows is based on mining leases expiration, which is between the years 2026 and 2041;
Annual inflation rate of 2% (December 31, 2020 – 2%); and
Risk-free interest rate of 1.97% (December 31, 2020 – 1.21%).
The present value of the liability for the site reclamation and closure provision for the Company’s projects was as follows:
Balance at December 31, 2019
Provision, assumed on acquisition of Eastmain (note 3)
Change in estimate
Balance at December 31, 2020
Change in estimate
Balance at March 31, 2021
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)
Note 9: Exploration and evaluation costs
For the three months ended March 31, 2021 and 2020, the Company’s exploration and evaluation costs were as follows:
British Columbia
Exploration drilling
Camp cost, equipment and
field supplies
Geological consulting services
Geophysical analysis
Permitting, environmental and community costs
Expediting and mobilization
Salaries and wages
Fuel and consumables
Aircraft and travel
Share-based compensation
Three months ended
March 31, 2021
British Columbia
Exploration drilling
Camp cost, equipment and
field supplies
Geological consulting services
Permitting, environmental and community costs
Expediting and mobilization
Salaries and wages
Fuel and consumables
Aircraft and travel
Share-based compensation
Three months ended
March 31, 2020
(1) Peruvian operations were spun out to the Spincos as part of the Eastmain acquisition on October 9, 2020 and are disclosed as discontinued operations in these interim financial statements (note 3).
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)
Note 10: Share capital

Unlimited common shares without par value.
Unlimited preferred shares – nil issued and outstanding.
Share issuances
Three months ended March 31, 2021:
The Company did not have any new share issuances during the three months ended March 31, 2021.
During the three months ended March 31, 2021, 10,793 shares were issued as a result of share warrants being exercised with a weighted average exercise price of $1.46 for gross proceeds of $16. An amount of $1 attributed to the fair value of these share warrants was transferred from the equity reserves and recorded against share capital.
Three months ended March 31, 2020:
On February 6, 2020, the Company closed the “February 2020 Offering”, a non-brokered private equity placement, for gross proceeds of $15 million which was closed in two tranches and consisted of 6,333,984 (9,375,000 pre-consolidation) common shares priced at $2.37 ($1.60 pre-consolidation) per share.
Share issue costs related to the February 2020 Offering totaled $229 as at March 31, 2020 and included $59 in commissions and $170 in other issuance costs. A reconciliation of the impact of the February 2020 Offering on share capital was as follows:
Number of common shares
Impact on
share capital
Common shares issued at $2.37 per share
Cash share issue costs
Proceeds, net of share issue costs
During the three months ended March 31, 2020, 50,672 shares (75,000 pre-consolidation) were issued as a result of share options being exercised with a weighted average exercise price of $2.11 ($1.42 pre-consolidation) for gross proceeds of $107. An amount of $49 attributed to these share options was transferred from the equity reserves and recorded against share capital.
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)
Note 11: Share option and warrant reserves

Share-based compensation expense
The Company uses the fair value method of accounting for all share-based payments to directors, officers, employees, and other service providers. During the three months ended March 31, 2021 and 2020, no share options or warrants were granted to directors, officers, employees, and other service providers, and the share-based compensation expense was as follows:
Three months ended March 31
Recognized in net loss from continuing operations and included in:
Exploration and evaluation costs
Fees, salaries and other employee benefits
Recognized in net loss from discontinued operations
Total share-based compensation expense
Share option plan
The Company maintains a rolling share option plan providing for the issuance of share options up to 10% of the Company’s issued and outstanding common shares at the time of the grant. The Company may grant share options from time to time to its directors, officers, employees, and other service providers. The share options vest as to 25% on the date of the grant and 12.5% every three months thereafter for a total vesting period of 18 months.
The number of share options issued and outstanding and the weighted average exercise price were as follows:
Number of
share options
exercise price
Outstanding, December 31, 2019
Granted (2)
Outstanding, December 31, 2020
Outstanding, March 31, 2021
(1) The exercise price of issued share options prior to October 9, 2020 were adjusted downwards by $0.95, pursuant to the acquisition of Eastmain, reflecting the fair value of the Peruvian projects allocated to the Spincos (note 3). The above weighted average exercise prices were retrospectively adjusted to reflect this change.
(2) As part of the acquisition, Eastmain’s 14.3 million share options outstanding at October 9, 2020 were converted to approximately 1.6 million of Fury Gold share options for a value of $1,890 (note 3).
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)
As at March 31, 2021, the number of share options outstanding was as follows:
Options outstanding
Options exercisable
price ($/option)
Number of shares
Weighted average exercise price ($/option)
Weighted average remaining life (years)
Number of shares
Weighted average exercise price ($/option)
Weighted average remaining life (years)
 $0.56 – $1.95 
 $2.05 – $5.31 
 $7.54 – $9.86 
Share purchase warrants
The number of share purchase warrants outstanding at March 31, 2021 was as follows:
price ($/share)
Outstanding at December 31, 2019
Issued (1)
Outstanding at December 31, 2020
Outstanding at March 31, 2021
(1) As part of the acquisition of Eastmain in October 2020, 11.1 million warrants were converted to approximately 1.3 million of Fury Gold warrants for a value of $1,560 (note 3).
The following table reflects the warrants issued and outstanding as of March 31, 2021:
Expiry date
Exercise price ($/share)
May 8, 2021
October 24, 2021
March 6, 2022
March 9, 2022
September 12, 2022
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)
Note 12: Related party balances and transactions

All transactions with related parties have occurred in the normal course of operations. All amounts are unsecured, non-interest bearing, and have no specific terms of settlement, unless otherwise noted.
Related parties
Three months ended March 31
Universal Mineral Services Ltd.(1)
Exploration and evaluation costs:
British Columbia
Fees, salaries and other employee benefits
Legal and professional fees
Marketing and investor relations
Office and administration
Project investigation costs
Total transactions for the period
(1) Universal Mineral Services Ltd. (“UMS”) is a private company with one director in common, Mr. Ivan Bebek. UMS provides geological, financial, and transactional advisory services as well as administrative services to the Company on an ongoing, cost recovery basis. Having these services available through UMS, on an as needed basis, allows the Company to maintain a more efficient and cost-effective corporate overhead structure by hiring fewer full-time employees and engaging outside professional advisory firms less frequently. The agreement has an indefinite term and can be terminated by either party upon providing due notice. 
The outstanding balance owing at March 31, 2021, was $24 (December 31, 2020 – $109) which is included in accounts payable. In addition, the Company had $150 on deposit with UMS as at March 31, 2021 (December 31, 2020 – $150) which is included in prepaid expenses and deposits.
Key management personnel
Pursuant to the acquisition of Eastmain and the creation of the Fury Gold in October 2020, key management personnel was redefined by the Company to include Fury Gold’s board of directors and certain executive officers of the Company, including the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer.
The remuneration of the Company’s directors and other key management personnel was as follows:
Three months ended March 31
Short-term benefits provided to executives (1)(2)
Directors’ fees paid to non-executive directors
Share-based payments (2)
 Total (3)
(1) Short-term employee benefits include salaries, bonuses payable within twelve months of the date of the condensed interim consolidated statement of financial position, and other annual employee benefits.
(2) As a result of the acquisition of Eastmain and the formation of a new board of directors and management team, certain former key management personnel of the Company were provided with transition contracts to support the formation of Fury Gold. For the three months ended March 31, 2021, $87 of short-term benefits (October 9 to December 31, 2020 – $79) and $54 of share-based payment expense (October 9 to December 31, 2020 – $283) were recognized in the condensed interim consolidated statement of loss and comprehensive loss in respect of these transition arrangements. 
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)
(3) The renumeration for key management personnel for the three months ended March 31, 2020 is comprised of those individuals who were key management personnel as at March 31, 2020 and is the combined total for both continuing operations and the discontinued operation of the Peru properties transferred to the Spincos (note 3).
Note 13: Supplemental cash flow information

The impact of changes in non-cash working capital was as follows:
Three months ended March 31
Amounts receivable
Prepaid expenses and deposits
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Change in non-cash working capital
Operating activities include the following cash received:
Three months ended March 31
Income taxes refunded (note 2)
Note 14: Loss per share

For the three months ended March 31, 2021 and 2020, the weighted average number of shares outstanding and loss per share from continuing operations were as follows:
Three months ended March 31
Loss for the period from continuing operations
Loss for the period
Weighted average number of shares outstanding
Basic and diluted loss per share from continuing operations
Basic and diluted loss per share
All of the outstanding share options and share purchase warrants at March 31, 2021 and 2020 were anti-dilutive for the periods then ended as the Company was in a loss position.
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)
Note 15: Financial instruments

The Company’s financial instruments as at March 31, 2021 consisted of cash, marketable securities, amounts receivable, deposits, and accounts payable and accrued liabilities. The fair values of these financial instruments approximate their carrying values, unless otherwise noted.
Financial assets and liabilities by categories
At March 31, 2021
At December 31, 2020
Amortized Cost
Amortized Cost
Marketable securities
Total financial assets
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Total financial liabilities
Bridge Loan
In February 2020, the Company amended the original Bridge Loan (“Amended Bridge Loan”) to provide mutual conversion rights to the lender and the Company, and also reduce the annual interest rate from 10% to 5% from the date of amendment. The Amended Bridge Loan was identified as a compound instrument and the Company used the residual method to determine the allocation of the Amended Bridge Loan between the liability and equity component, by first determining the fair value of the debt ($2,912), discounted at an effective interest rate of 18%, and allocating the residual value, net of deferred taxes, to the equity component ($154). The loss on derecognition of the original Bridge Loan was $159.
In July 2020, the Amended Bridge Loan was converted to 1,318,877 (1,952,084 pre-consolidation) common shares at a price of $2.37 ($1.60 pre-consolidation) per share for the $3 million principal loan and the $123 of interest that accrued at a rate of 10% per annum up to the date of the loan amendment. The balance of the interest on the loan, that accrued at a rate of 5% per annum, was then settled in cash to the lender. The loss on derecognition of the Amended Bridge Loan was $65.
Financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value
The categories of the fair value hierarchy that reflect the significance of inputs used in making fair value measurements are as follows:
Level 1 – fair values based on unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities;
Level 2 – fair values based on inputs that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly; and
Level 3 – fair values based on inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data.
The Company’s policy to determine when a transfer occurs between levels is to assess the impact at the date of the event or the change in circumstances that could result in a transfer. No transfers occurred between the levels during the period.

Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)
The Company’s financial instruments measured at fair value on a recurring basis were as follows:
At March 31, 2021
At December 31, 2020
Level 1
Level 2(1)
Level 1
Level 2(1)
Marketable securities
(1) Marketable securities included in level 2 include warrants that are valued using an option pricing model which utilizes a combination of quoted prices and market-derived inputs, including volatility estimates.
As at March 31, 2021, there were no financial assets or financial liabilities measured and recognized in the condensed interim consolidated statement of financial position at fair value that would be categorized as level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.
Financial instruments and related risks
The Company’s financial instruments are exposed to credit risk, liquidity risk, and market risks, which include currency risk and interest rate risk. As at March 31, 2021, the primary risks were as follows:
Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will encounter difficulty in meeting obligations associated with financial liabilities. The Company proactively manages its capital resources and has in place a budgeting and cash management process to help determine the funds required to ensure the Company has the appropriate liquidity to meet its current project development plans and achieve its growth objectives. The Company ensures that there is sufficient liquidity available to meet its short-term business requirements, taking into account its anticipated cash outflows from exploration and development activities, and its holdings of cash and marketable securities. The Company monitors and adjusts, when required, these exploration and development programs as well as corporate administrative costs to ensure that adequate levels of working capital are maintained.
As at March 31, 2021, the Company had unrestricted cash of $10,215 (December 31, 2020 – $15,361), working capital of $4,341 (December 31, 2020 – working capital of $8,353), which the Company defines as current assets less current liabilities, and an accumulated deficit of $144,884 (December 31, 2020 – $139,959). The Company notes that the flow-through share premium liability, which reduced the Company’s working capital by $6,421 (December 31, 2020 – $7,644), is not settled through cash payment. Instead, the flow-through share premium liability will be drawn down as the Company incurs exploration expenditures for the Eau Claire project. During the three months ended March 31, 2021, Fury Gold incurred a loss of $4,925 (three months ended March 31, 2020 – $2,715) and expects to continue to incur operating losses in relation to exploration activities. With no source of operating cash flow, there is no assurance that sufficient funding will be available to conduct further exploration and development of its mineral properties.
The Company’s contractual obligations are as follows:
 1 year
2 to 3
Over 3
At March 31
At December 31
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Québec flow-through expenditure requirements
Undiscounted lease payments
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)
Additionally, the Company is obligated to pay in perpetuity an annual payment of $50 pursuant to certain royalty arrangements on the Homestake Ridge project. The Company also makes certain payments arising on mineral claims and leases on an annual or bi-annual basis to ensure the properties remain in good standing. In 2021, the Company estimates expenditures of $470 in respect of these claims and leases at the Company’s projects. Cash payments of $266 were made during the first quarter of 2021 in respect of these mineral claims, with $242 recognized in prepaid expenses as at March 31, 2021 (December 31, 2020 – $65).
Market risk
This is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market prices. Significant market risks to which the Company is exposed are as follows:
Currency risk
The Company is exposed to currency risk by having balances and transactions in currencies that are different from its functional currency (the Canadian dollar). The Company’s foreign currency exposure related to its financial assets and liabilities held in US dollars was as follows:
 At March 31
 At December 31
Financial assets
US$ bank accounts
Financial liabilities
Accounts payable
A 10% increase or decrease in the US dollar to Canadian dollar exchange rate would not have a material impact on the Company’s net loss.
Price risk
The Company holds certain investments in marketable securities (note 4) which are measured at fair value, being the closing share price of each equity security at the date of the condensed interim consolidated statement of financial position. The Company is exposed to changes in share prices which would result in gains and losses being recognized in the loss for the period. A 10% increase or decrease in the Company’s marketable securities’ share prices would not have a material impact on the Company’s net loss.
Note 16: Subsequent events

On April 30, 2021, the Company filed a preliminary short form base shelf prospectus (the “Prospectus”) with the securities commissions in all provinces in Canada and the Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States to maintain financial flexibility as it advances its flagship projects in Canada. The final Prospectus was filed on May 10, 2021. The Prospectus will allow the Company to offer and issue up to $200 million of common shares, subscription receipts, warrants, units, or any combination of such securities during the 25-month period that the Prospectus is effective.
Fury Gold Mines Limited
Notes to Q1 2021 Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements
(Expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except where noted – Unaudited)