DEF 14A 1 mdrx-def14a_20191231.htm DEF 14A mdrx-def14a_20191231.htm



Washington, D.C. 20549


Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities

Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.          )

Filed by the Registrant

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant

Check the appropriate box:

Preliminary Proxy Statement

Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

Definitive Proxy Statement

Definitive Additional Materials

Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12

Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc.

(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)


(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

No fee required.

Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.



Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:




Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:




Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):




Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:




Total fee paid:


Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.



Amount Previously Paid:




Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:




Filing Party:




Date Filed:



Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc.
222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 2024
Chicago, Illinois 60654

TO BE HELD ON MAY 21, 2020

To the stockholders of Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc.:

Notice is hereby given that the 2020 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the “Annual Meeting”) of Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), will be held on Thursday, May 21, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. Central time at the Company’s principal executive offices, located at 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 2024, Chicago, Illinois 60654,1 for the following purposes:

1. To elect the seven directors named in the accompanying proxy statement, each to serve until the Company’s 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and until their successors are duly elected, subject to earlier resignation or removal;

2. To approve the amendment and restatement of the Allscripts Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan;

3. To approve the amendment and restatement of the Allscripts Employee Stock Purchase Plan;

4. To ratify the appointment of Grant Thornton LLP as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2020;

5.  To approve, on an advisory basis, the Company’s named executive officer compensation; and

6. To transact such other business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting or any adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof.

The Board of Directors of the Company unanimously recommends a vote FOR each director nominee and FOR each of Proposals 2, 3, 4 and 5.

These items are described more fully in the accompanying proxy statement. Only stockholders of record as of the close of business on March 27, 2020 are entitled to receive notice of, to attend, and to vote at the Annual Meeting.



Brian P. Farley

Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer,

General Counsel and Corporate Secretary

Chicago, Illinois
April 6, 2020





Note that as part of our precautions regarding the coronavirus or COVID-19, we are planning for the possibility that we may need to change the date, time or place of the meeting. If we take this step, we will announce the decision to do so in advance, and details of the change(s) will be posted on our website and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission as proxy material.



The Company’s Proxy Statement for the 2020 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 are available at:









Why am I receiving these materials?

Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), has made these materials available to you on the Internet or, upon your request, has delivered printed versions of these materials to you by mail, in connection with the Company’s solicitation of proxies for use at the Company’s 2020 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the “Annual Meeting”), to be held on Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 9:00 a.m., Central time, and at any postponement(s) or adjournment(s) thereof. The Annual Meeting will be held at the Company’s principal executive offices, located at 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 2024, Chicago, Illinois 60654.

These materials were first sent or made available to the Company’s stockholders on or about April 6, 2020. You are invited to attend the Annual Meeting and are requested to vote on the proposals described in this proxy statement (this “Proxy Statement”).

What is included in these proxy materials?

These proxy materials include:


The Notice of 2020 Annual Meeting of Stockholders;


This Proxy Statement; and


The Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on March 2, 2020 (the “Annual Report”).

If you requested printed versions by mail, these proxy materials also include the proxy card or voting instruction form for the Annual Meeting.

What items will be voted on at the Annual Meeting?

The Company is aware of five items on which stockholders may vote at the Annual Meeting:


The election to the Company’s Board of Directors (the “Board”) of the seven nominees named in this Proxy Statement (Proposal One);


The approval of the Allscripts Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan (the “2019 Stock Incentive Plan”) (Proposal Two);


The approval of an amendment and restatement of the Allscripts Employee Stock Purchase Plan (the “Allscripts Employee Stock Purchase Plan”) (Proposal Three);


The ratification of the appointment of Grant Thornton LLP (“Grant Thornton”) as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2020 (Proposal Four); and


A non-binding advisory resolution to approve the Company’s named executive officer compensation (Proposal Five).




Will any other business be conducted at the meeting?

The Company knows of no matters to be submitted to the Company’s stockholders at the Annual Meeting, other than the proposals referred to in this Proxy Statement. If any other matters come before the Company’s stockholders at the Annual Meeting, it is the intention of the persons named on the proxy to vote the shares represented thereby on such matters in accordance with their best judgment.

What are the Board’s voting recommendations?

The Board recommends that you vote your shares:


“FOR” election of each of the seven nominees named in this Proxy Statement to the Board (Proposal One);


“FOR” approval of the 2019 Stock Incentive Plan (Proposal Two);


“FOR” approval of the Allscripts Employee Stock Purchase Plan (Proposal Three);


“FOR” ratification of the appointment of Grant Thornton as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2020 (Proposal Four); and


“FOR” approval of the advisory resolution to approve the Company’s named executive officer compensation (Proposal Five).

Why did I receive a one-page notice in the mail regarding the Internet availability of proxy materials instead of a full set of proxy materials?

Pursuant to rules adopted by the SEC, the Company uses the Internet as the primary means of furnishing proxy materials to its stockholders. Accordingly, the Company is sending a Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials (the “Notice”) to its stockholders. All stockholders will have the ability to access the proxy materials on the website indicated in the Notice or request a printed set of the proxy materials. Instructions on how to access the proxy materials over the Internet or how to request a printed set may be found in the Notice. In addition, stockholders may request to receive proxy materials in printed form by mail or electronically by e-mail on an ongoing basis. The Company encourages its stockholders to take advantage of the availability of the proxy materials on the Internet to help reduce the environmental impact of its annual meetings and reduce the cost to the Company associated with the physical printing and mailing of materials.

I share an address with another stockholder, and we received only one paper copy of the proxy materials. How can I obtain an additional copy of the proxy materials?

The Company has adopted an SEC-approved procedure called “householding.” Under this procedure, the Company may deliver a single copy of the Notice and, if applicable, this Proxy Statement and the Annual Report to multiple stockholders who share the same address, unless the Company has received contrary instructions from one or more of the stockholders. This procedure reduces the environmental impact of the Company’s annual meetings and reduces the Company’s printing and mailing costs. Stockholders who participate in householding will continue to receive separate proxy cards. Upon request, the Company will deliver promptly a separate copy of the Notice and, if applicable, this Proxy Statement and the Annual Report to any stockholder at a shared address to which the Company delivered a single copy of any of these documents.

To receive free of charge a separate copy of the Notice and, if applicable, this Proxy Statement and the Annual Report, or separate copies of any future notice, proxy statement, or annual report, stockholders may write or call the Company at: Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc., 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 2024, Chicago, Illinois 60654, Attention: Investor Relations, or (800) 334-8534.





If you are receiving more than one copy of the proxy materials at a single address and would like to participate in householding, please contact the Company using the mailing address or telephone number above. Stockholders who hold shares in “street name” (as described below) may contact their brokerage firm, bank, broker-dealer, or other similar organization to request information about householding.

How can I get electronic access to the proxy materials?

The Notice will provide you with instructions regarding how to use the Internet to view the Company’s proxy materials for the Annual Meeting and instruct the Company to send future proxy materials to you by e-mail. If you choose to receive future proxy materials by e-mail, you will receive an e-mail message next year with instructions containing a link to those materials and a link to the proxy voting website. Your election to receive proxy materials by e-mail will remain in effect until you terminate it.

Who may vote at the Annual Meeting?

Each share of the Company’s common stock has one vote on each matter. Only stockholders of record as of the close of business on March 27, 2020 (the “Record Date”) are entitled to receive notice of, to attend, and to vote on the Annual Meeting. As of the Record Date, there were 161,897,197 shares of the Company’s common stock issued and outstanding. In addition to stockholders of record of the Company’s common stock, beneficial owners of shares held in street name as of the Record Date can vote using the methods described below.

Each share of the Company’s common stock has one vote on each item of business at the Annual Meeting.

What is the difference between a stockholder of record and a beneficial owner of shares held in street name?

Stockholder of Record. If your shares are registered directly in your name with the Company’s transfer agent, Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), you are considered the stockholder of record with respect to those shares, and the Notice was sent directly to you by the Company.

Beneficial Owner of Shares Held in Street Name. If your shares are held in an account at a brokerage firm, bank, broker-dealer, or other similar organization, then you are the “beneficial owner” of shares held in “street name,” and a Notice was forwarded to you by that organization. As a beneficial owner, you have the right to instruct your broker, bank, trustee, or other nominee how to vote your shares.

If I am a stockholder of record of the Company’s shares, how do I vote?

If you are a stockholder of record, there are four ways to vote:


In Person. You may vote in person at the Annual Meeting by requesting a ballot when you arrive. You must bring valid picture identification, such as a driver’s license or passport, and may be requested to provide proof of stock ownership as of the Record Date.


Via the Internet. You may vote by proxy via the Internet by following the instructions provided in the Notice.


By Telephone. If you request printed copies of the proxy materials by mail, you will receive a proxy card and you may vote by proxy by calling the toll-free number found on the proxy card.


By Mail. If you request printed copies of the proxy materials by mail, you will receive a proxy card and you may vote by proxy by filling out the proxy card and returning it in the envelope provided.





If I am a beneficial owner of the Company’s shares held in street name, how do I vote?

If you are a beneficial owner of shares held in street name, there are four ways to vote:


In Person. If you are a beneficial owner of shares held in street name and wish to vote in person at the Annual Meeting, you must obtain a “legal proxy” from the organization that holds your shares. A legal proxy is a written document that will authorize you to vote your shares held in street name at the Annual Meeting. Please contact the organization that holds your shares for instructions regarding obtaining a legal proxy. You must bring a copy of the legal proxy to the Annual Meeting and ask for a ballot from an usher when you arrive. You must also bring valid picture identification, such as a driver’s license or a passport. In order for your vote to be counted, you must hand both the copy of the legal proxy and your completed ballot to an usher who will then provide them to the inspector of election.


Via the Internet. You may vote by proxy via the Internet by visiting and entering the control number found in your Notice. The availability of Internet voting may depend on the voting process of the organization that holds your shares.


By Telephone. If you request printed copies of the proxy materials by mail, you will receive a voting instruction form and you may vote by proxy by calling the toll-free number found on the voting instruction form. The availability of telephone voting may depend on the voting process of the organization that holds your shares.


By Mail. If you request printed copies of the proxy materials by mail, you will receive a voting instruction form and you may vote by proxy by filling out the form and returning it in the envelope provided.

What is the quorum required for the Annual Meeting?

The presence, in person or by proxy, of the holders of not less than one-third of the total number of shares of the Company’s common stock issued and outstanding as of the Record Date and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting will constitute a quorum. You will be considered part of the quorum if you return a signed and dated proxy card, if you vote over the Internet or by telephone, or if you attend and vote at the Annual Meeting. If a quorum is not present, the Company may propose to adjourn the Annual Meeting to solicit additional proxies.

How are proxies voted?

All shares represented by valid proxies received prior to the taking of the vote at the Annual Meeting will be voted and, where a stockholder specifies by means of the proxy a choice with respect to any matter to be acted upon, the shares will be voted in accordance with the stockholder’s instructions.

What happens if I do not give specific voting instructions?

Stockholders of Record. If you are a stockholder of record and you (i) indicate when voting on the Internet or by telephone that you wish to vote as recommended by the Board; or (ii) sign and return a proxy card or vote by Internet or telephone without giving specific voting instructions, then the persons named as proxy holders, Paul M. Black and Richard J. Poulton, will vote your shares in the manner recommended by the Board on all matters presented in this Proxy Statement and as the proxy holders may determine in their discretion with respect to any other matters properly presented for a vote at the Annual Meeting.

Beneficial Owners of Shares Held in Street Name. If you are a beneficial owner of shares held in street name and do not provide the organization that holds your shares with specific voting instructions, then, under applicable rules, the organization that holds your shares may generally vote on “routine” matters but cannot vote on “non-routine” matters. If the organization that holds your shares does not receive instructions from you on how to vote your shares on a non-routine matter, that organization will inform the inspector of election that it does not have the authority to vote on this matter with respect to your shares. This is generally referred to as a “broker non-vote.”




Which proposals are considered “routine” or “non-routine”?

The ratification of the appointment of Grant Thornton as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2020 (Proposal Four) is considered a routine matter under applicable rules. A broker or other nominee may generally vote on routine matters, and therefore no broker non-votes are expected in connection with Proposal Four.

Each of the other proposals, the election of directors (Proposal One), the approval of the 2019 Stock Incentive Plan (Proposal Two), the approval of the Allscripts Employee Stock Purchase Plan (Proposal Three) and the advisory resolution to approve the Company’s named executive officer compensation (Proposal Five) are considered non-routine matters under applicable rules. A broker or other nominee cannot vote without instructions on non-routine matters, and therefore broker non-votes may exist in connection with each of Proposals One, Two, Three and Five.

What is the voting requirement to approve each of the proposals?

With respect to the election of directors (Proposal One), in accordance with the policy of majority voting in uncontested director elections set forth in the Company’s by-laws, if the number of shares voted “FOR” any nominee exceeds the number of shares voted “AGAINST” such nominee, he or she will be elected as a director to serve until the Company’s 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and until his or her successor has been duly elected, or until his or her earlier resignation or removal. If any nominee is an incumbent director and fails to receive a majority of the votes cast with respect to his or her nomination, he or she must tender a resignation as director, and such resignation will be considered by the Nominating and Governance Committee of the Board (the “Nominating Committee”) in accordance with the requirements of the Company’s Corporate Governance Guidelines.

Approval of each of Proposals Two, Three, Four and Five requires the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote on such matter.

How are broker non-votes and abstentions treated?

Broker non-votes and abstentions are counted for purposes of determining whether a quorum is present. With respect to the election of directors (Proposal One), a stockholder abstention or broker non-vote with respect to any nominee will have no effect on that nominee’s election. With respect to Proposals Two, Three, Four and Five, a stockholder abstention will have the effect of a vote “AGAINST” the approval of each proposal, but a broker non-vote will have no effect on the approval of the proposal.

In order to minimize the number of broker non-votes, the Company encourages you to vote or to provide voting instructions with respect to each proposal to the organization that holds your shares by carefully following the instructions provided in the Notice or voting instruction form.

Can I change my vote after I have voted?

You may revoke your proxy and change your vote at any time before the vote is taken at the Annual Meeting. Prior to the applicable cutoff time, you may change your vote using the Internet or telephone methods described above, in which case only your latest Internet or telephone proxy submitted prior to the Annual Meeting will be counted. You may also revoke your proxy and change your vote by signing and returning a new proxy card or voting instruction form dated as of a later date, or by attending the Annual Meeting and voting in person. However, your attendance at the Annual Meeting will not automatically revoke your proxy unless you properly vote at the Annual Meeting or specifically request that your prior proxy be revoked by delivering a written notice of revocation to the Company’s Corporate Secretary at 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 2024, Chicago, Illinois 60654 prior to the Annual Meeting.

Who will serve as the inspector of election?

A representative of Broadridge will serve as the inspector of election.




Where can I find the voting results of the Annual Meeting?

Preliminary voting results will be announced at the Annual Meeting. Final voting results will be tallied by the inspector of election after the taking of the vote at the Annual Meeting. The Company will publish the final voting results in a Current Report on Form 8-K, which the Company is required to file with the SEC within four business days following the Annual Meeting.

Where are the Company’s principal executive offices located, and what is the Company’s main telephone number?

The Company’s principal executive offices are located at 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 2024, Chicago, Illinois 60654. The Company’s main telephone number is (800) 334-8534.

Who is paying the costs of the proxy solicitation?

The Company is providing these proxy materials in connection with the solicitation by the Company’s Board of Directors of proxies to be voted at the Annual Meeting. The Company is paying the costs of the solicitation of proxies. The Company must pay brokerage firms, banks, broker-dealers, or other similar organizations representing beneficial owners of shares held in street name certain fees associated with (i) forwarding the Notice to beneficial owners; (ii) forwarding printed proxy materials by mail to beneficial owners who specifically request them; and (iii) obtaining beneficial owners’ voting instructions. The Company has not, but may in the future decide to, retain a proxy solicitor to assist in the solicitation of proxies. Generally, the fee for such services is approximately $15,000 plus expenses. If the Company does elect to retain a proxy solicitor, the Company will pay the proxy solicitor reasonable and customary fees. In addition to solicitations by mail, the proxy solicitor, if any, and certain of the Company’s directors, officers, and employees, without additional compensation, may solicit proxies on the Company’s behalf in person, by telephone, or by electronic communication.

How can I attend the Annual Meeting?

Only stockholders of record as of the Record Date or their proxies are entitled to attend the Annual Meeting. Each stockholder must present valid picture identification such as a driver’s license or passport and, if asked, provide proof of stock ownership as of the Record Date. The use of mobile phones, recording or photographic equipment, tablets, or computers is not permitted at the Annual Meeting.

Note that as part of our precautions regarding the coronavirus or COVID-19, we are planning for the possibility that we may need to change the date, time or place of the meeting. If we take this step, we will announce the decision to do so in advance, and details of the change(s) will be posted on our website and filed with the SEC as proxy material. The proxies may also be voted at any adjournments or postponements of the meeting.

What is the deadline to propose actions for consideration or to nominate individuals to serve as directors at the 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders?

Requirements for Stockholder Proposals to be Considered for Inclusion in the Company’s Proxy Materials. Proposals that a stockholder intends to present at the Company’s 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and wishes to be considered for inclusion in the Company’s proxy statement and form of proxy related to the Company’s 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders must be received by no later than December 7, 2020. All proposals must comply with Rule 14a-8 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), which lists the requirements for the inclusion of stockholder proposals in company-sponsored proxy materials. Stockholder proposals must be delivered to the Company’s Corporate Secretary by mail at 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 2024, Chicago, Illinois 60654.







Requirements for Other Stockholder Proposals to be Brought Before the 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and Director Nominations. Notice of any director nomination or any proposal that a stockholder intends to present at the Company’s 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, but does not intend to have included in the Company’s proxy statement and form of proxy related to the Company’s 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, as well as any director nominations, must be delivered to the Company’s Corporate Secretary by mail at 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 2024, Chicago, Illinois 60654, not earlier than the close of business on December 22, 2020, and not later than the close of business on January 21, 2021. The notice must be submitted by a stockholder of record and must set forth the information required by the Company’s by-laws with respect to each director nomination or other proposal that the stockholder intends to present at the Company’s 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. If you are a beneficial owner of shares held in street name, you can contact the organization that holds your shares for information about how to register your shares directly in your name as a stockholder of record.





Listed below are the seven nominees for election as a director. Each nominee currently serves on the Board.  As previously announced, Yancey L. Spruill, who has been a member of the Board since 2016, is not standing for re-election at the Annual Meeting.  The Company thanks Mr. Spruill for his dedicated service and valuable contribution to the Board.

At the Annual Meeting, proxies cannot be voted for a greater number of individuals than the seven nominees named in this Proxy Statement. Each of the nominees listed below has consented to serving as a nominee, being named in this Proxy Statement and serving on the Board if elected. Each director elected at the Annual Meeting will serve a one-year term.

The Board comprises a diverse group of leaders in their respective fields. Many of the Company’s directors have senior leadership experience at major domestic and multinational companies. In these positions, they have also gained significant and diverse management experience, including strategic and financial planning, public company reporting, compliance, risk management (including with respect to cybersecurity risk) and leadership development. Many directors also have experience serving as executive officers of, or on boards of directors and board committees of, other public companies, and have an understanding of corporate governance practices and trends. The Board believes that the collective experiences, viewpoints and perspectives of the Company’s nominees for directors result in a Board with the commitment and energy to advance the interests of the Company’s stockholders.




Position with the Company


Age as of the Annual




Director Since

Mara G. Aspinall









Paul M. Black


Director, Chief Executive Officer







P. Gregory Garrison









Jonathan J. Judge









Michael A. Klayko


Chairman of the Board







Dave B. Stevens









David D. Stevens










The Board and the Nominating Committee believe the skills, qualities, attributes, and experience of the nominees provide the Company with business acumen and a diverse range of perspectives to engage each other and the Company’s management to address effectively the Company’s evolving needs and represent the best interests of the Company’s stockholders. The biographies below describe the skills, qualities, attributes, and experience of the nominees that led the Board and the Nominating Committee to determine that it is appropriate to nominate these directors.


Mara G. Aspinall currently serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of HealthCatalysts Group, a private healthcare consulting firm, and Managing Director of BlueStone Venture Partners, a life science-focused venture capital firm focused in the U.S. Southwest. Ms. Aspinall currently serves as a director of Orasure Technologies, Castle Biosciences and Abcam plc, along with other privately-held healthcare technology and medical insurance companies. Ms. Aspinall formerly served as a director of Safeguard Scientifics. From September 2011 until June 2014, Ms. Aspinall was the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Ventana Medical Systems and the Global Head of Roche Tissue Diagnostics, a global leader in the development and commercialization of tissue-based cancer diagnostics. Prior to 2011, Ms. Aspinall served as President of Genzyme Pharmaceuticals and Genzyme Genetics, a leading esoteric drug manufacturer and genetic test provider worldwide, respectively. Among other qualifications, Ms. Aspinall brings extensive international experience and operational expertise in the healthcare technology industry and is frequently recognized as an industry leader and pioneer with a focus on personalized medicine. Ms. Aspinall is certified in Board Oversight of Cybersecurity through the National Association of Corporate Directors and Carnegie Mellon University.




Paul M. Black is the Chief Executive Officer and a director of Allscripts. As Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Black guides the Company’s vision to fulfill its global commitment to build “Open”, connected communities of health. Mr. Black also served as President of Allscripts from December 2012 until October 2015. Prior to joining Allscripts in 2012, Mr. Black spent more than thirteen years with Cerner Corporation in various executive positions, retiring as Cerner’s Chief Operating Officer in 2007. Mr. Black’s career started with International Business Machines Corporation, where he spent twelve years in a variety of leadership positions in sales, product marketing and professional services. Mr. Black has served on multiple publicly-traded, private company and nonprofit boards of directors for companies in healthcare information technology, patient monitoring, healthcare services, health care delivery, healthcare device and consumer internet marketing. In Kansas City, Mr. Black has spent seventeen years as chairman and as an executive officer of Truman Medical Centers, an academic safety net health system. He currently is on the boards of The Advancement Board University of Kansas Health System and the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library. He formerly serviced on the board of Haemonetics Corp. Among other qualifications, Mr. Black brings extensive experience in the healthcare information technology industry, along with experience in the management of worldwide operations, sales, and support.

P. Gregory Garrison was a senior leader of PricewaterhouseCoopers (“PwC”) for over twenty years, most recently serving as its Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer. Earlier in his career, Mr. Garrison also led PwC’s U.S. Assurance & Audit Services practice, the Global Risk Management Solutions practice, and served as the Managing Partner of PwC’s Los Angeles and St. Louis practices. Mr. Garrison has experience in strategic planning, operations, finance, information technology, mergers and acquisitions, human capital and sales and marketing. Over the course of his career, Mr. Garrison has also spent considerable time meeting and working with various regulators, as well as advising numerous boards and audit committees. Among other qualifications, Mr. Garrison brings experience as a successful business and operations leader, professional advisor and recognized financial expert.

Jonathan J. Judge currently serves as a director of FEXCO Holdings Ltd., a global provider of finance and business solutions that is headquartered in Ireland. Mr. Judge served as a director of D&H Corporation, a Toronto-based financial technology company, until its sale in June 2017. From April 2004 to January 2016, Mr. Judge served as a director of PMC-Sierra, Inc., where he was the Chairman of the Board from August 2011 to January 2016 and was Chairman of the compensation committee. From August 2010 until his retirement in January 2013, Mr. Judge served as the Chief Executive Officer of First Data Corporation, a global leader in electronic commerce and payment processing. From October 2004 until August 2010, Mr. Judge served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Paychex Inc., a provider of payroll and human services. Mr. Judge also served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Crystal Decisions, Inc. from October 2002 until the merger of Crystal Decisions with Business Objects S.A. in December 2003. From 1976 until October 2002, Mr. Judge held senior management positions at International Business Machines Corporation, departing as General Manager of its personal computing division. Among other qualifications, Mr. Judge brings more than 45 years of experience in the technology industry and extensive management, leadership and global operations expertise.

Michael A. Klayko has been the Chairman of the Board since March 2014. Mr. Klayko currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of MKA Capital, an investment company focused on technology investments. Previously, Mr. Klayko was Chief Executive Officer of AOptix Technologies, Inc., a privately-held provider of wireless communications and mobile network solutions, from July 2014 until January 2016. From 2005 until 2013, Mr. Klayko served as Chief Executive Officer of Brocade Communications Systems, Inc., a comprehensive network solutions provider. Mr. Klayko previously held executive positions at Rhapsody Networks, Inc. (including as its Chief Executive Officer), McDATA Corp., EMC Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Company, and International Business Machines Corporation. Currently, Mr. Klayko serves as a director of Cyrus One Inc., a publicly-traded real estate investment trust focused on data centers. Within the past five years, Mr. Klayko served as a director of PMC-Sierra, Inc., a public-traded semi-conductor company. Mr.Klayko serves on the board of Virgin Pulse and TIBCO, both of which are privately held companies. Among other qualifications, Mr. Klayko brings over 35 years of leadership experience in the technology industry as well as extensive experience in the management of worldwide operations, sales, and support.




Dave B. Stevens is the founder and managing director of Keelan Capital LLC and currently serves as an advisor to a variety of venture capital and private equity firms and private enterprises in the technology industry. From April 2012 to May 2015, Mr. Stevens served as a director of Imation Corp., a provider of global scalable storage and data security solutions. From September 2008 to June 2013, Mr. Stevens was the Chief Technology Officer of Brocade Communications Systems, Inc., a provider of networking solutions for data centers, enterprises and service providers, having re-joined the company through its acquisition of Rhapsody Networks, where Mr. Stevens was the founding Chief Executive Officer and Vice President of Business Development. Mr. Stevens is co-founder of Palo Alto Networks, Inc., a leader in the development of cyber security and next-generation firewall products, and served as its Chief Executive Officer from October 2005 to June 2008. From January 2003 to June 2004, Mr. Stevens was the Chief Technology Officer of Transport systems for Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Mr. Stevens previously served in senior management positions at Atmosphere Networks, Nortel, Bay Networks and SynOptics Communications. Among other qualifications, Mr. Stevens brings extensive technology experience in the security, computer, and data storage industries.

David D. Stevens currently serves as a private advisor and investor in private equity in the healthcare services industry. From 1983 until 2006, Mr. Stevens served in various executive roles at Accredo Health Group, Inc. (formerly Accredo Health, Inc.) and its predecessor companies, serving as its Chief Executive Officer from 1995 until 2006, its Chairman of the Board from 1995 until 2005, and its President and Chief Operating Officer from 1993 until 1996. Accredo Health Group, Inc. was acquired by Medco Health Solutions, Inc. in 2005. Mr. Stevens currently serves as a director of Wright Medical Group, Inc., a publicly-traded orthopedic company that designs, manufactures, and distributes extremity and biologic solutions; and several privately-held healthcare companies. In the past five years, Mr. Stevens also has served as a director of Viasystems Group, Inc., a leading manufacturer of complex multi-layer printed circuit boards and electro-mechanical solutions that was publicly-traded prior to its acquisition by TTM Technologies, Inc. in 2015. Among other qualifications, Mr. Stevens brings extensive financial and operating expertise, leadership experience, experience with serving on boards of directors, and significant experience in the healthcare industry.





Role of the Board

The Board oversees the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and other senior management in the competent and ethical operation of the Company in support of the long-term interests of the Company’s stockholders. The Company’s Corporate Governance Guidelines are available at the “Corporate Governance” section at

Board Leadership Structure

The Board believes that its current leadership structure best serves the objectives of the Board’s oversight of management, the Board’s ability to carry out its roles and responsibilities on behalf of the Company’s stockholders, and the Company’s overall corporate governance. The Board currently believes that the separation of the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer roles allows the Company’s Chief Executive Officer to focus his time and energy on operating and managing the Company. The Board periodically reviews this leadership structure to determine whether it continues to best serve the Company and its stockholders.

Board Meetings

The Board met a total of fifteen times during 2019. The Board has determined that all the following incumbent directors who are standing for re-election at the Annual Meeting are independent under applicable rules of the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (“Nasdaq”) and the SEC: Ms. Aspinall and Messrs. Garrison, Judge, Klayko, Dave B. Stevens and David D. Stevens. Mr. Spruill, who is not standing for re-election at the Annual Meeting, is also independent under the applicable rules of the Nasdaq and the SEC. Mr. Black, who serves as the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, is not independent under such rules.

Executive Sessions of Independent Directors

The independent directors of the Company meet regularly in executive session, i.e., with no management directors or management present. These executive sessions may include such topics as the independent directors determine. During these executive sessions, the independent directors have access to members of management and other guests as the independent directors determine.

Annual Board and Committee Evaluations

In accordance with the Company’s Corporate Governance Guidelines, the Nominating Committee is responsible for facilitating an annual evaluation of the Board. The Nominating Committee also oversees the annual performance evaluation of the committees of the Board.

Committees of the Board

The Board has a standing Audit Committee (the “Audit Committee”) and Compensation Committee (the “Compensation Committee”), in addition to the Nominating Committee. The Board has determined that each of the committee members is independent under applicable Nasdaq and SEC rules for committee memberships. The members of the committees are shown in the tables below.



Audit Committee







Nominating and








Mara G. Aspinall














Paul M. Black















P. Gregory Garrison














Jonathan J. Judge














Michael A. Klayko














Yancey L. Spruill
















Dave B. Stevens















David D. Stevens


















The Audit Committee is primarily responsible for assisting the Board in fulfilling its oversight and monitoring responsibility of reviewing the financial information that will be provided to the Company’s stockholders and others; appointing and overseeing the services performed by the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm, as well as pre-approving all services and fees related thereto; overseeing and periodically evaluating the performance and responsibilities of the Company’s internal audit department, including approving the Company’s annual internal audit plan and reviewing the results of internal audits, including management’s responses thereto; reviewing with the Company’s management, internal audit department, and independent registered public accounting firm the Company’s critical accounting policies and its system of internal controls over financial reporting; and overseeing the risk assessments related to the Company conducted by the Company’s management (including assessments relating to cybersecurity risk). The Audit Committee is also responsible for reviewing all related party transactions and has the authority to approve all such transactions. The Audit Committee met a total of ten times during 2019.

The Compensation Committee is primarily responsible for reviewing the compensation arrangements for the Company’s executive officers, administering the Company’s equity compensation plans, and reviewing the Board’s compensation. For a further description of the Compensation Committee’s processes and procedures, including the roles of the Company’s management and independent compensation consultants in the Compensation Committee’s decision-making process, see the “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” section below. The Compensation Committee met a total of four times during 2019.

The Nominating Committee assists the Board in identifying qualified individuals to become directors, makes recommendations to the Board concerning the size, structure, and composition of the Board and its committees, monitors the process to assess the Board’s effectiveness, and is primarily responsible for the oversight of corporate governance at the Company, including implementation of the Company’s Corporate Governance Guidelines. In March 2020, the Nominating Committee recommended to the full Board each of the nominees named in this Proxy Statement for election to the Board. The Nominating Committee met a total of two times during 2019.

Each of the Audit Committee, the Compensation Committee, and the Nominating Committee operates under written charters adopted by the Board. These charters are available at the “Corporate Governance” section at

During 2019, each member of the Board attended or participated in 75% or more of the aggregate of (i) the total number of meetings of the Board (held during the period for which such person has been a director) and (ii) the total number of meetings held by each committee of the Board on which such person served (during the period that such person served).

There are no family relationships among the Company’s executive officers and directors.

Consideration of Director Nominees

Stockholder Nominees

The Nominating Committee considers properly submitted stockholder nominations for candidates for membership on the Board in accordance with the Company’s by-laws. Stockholders who wish to nominate directors should follow the instructions under “Requirements for Other Stockholder Proposals to be Brought Before the 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and Director Nominations” in this Proxy Statement.




Director Qualifications

The Nominating Committee and the Board consider on an annual basis the appropriate characteristics, skills and experiences for the Board as a whole and its individual members. In evaluating the suitability of individual Board members, the Board takes into account many factors, including their business and professional accomplishments, integrity, demonstrated ability to make independent analytical inquiries, ability to understand the Company’s business and willingness to devote the necessary time to Board duties. In addition, the Nominating Committee endeavors to identify and evaluate candidates based on their specific healthcare and related industry experience and any other areas that may be expected to contribute to an effective Board. With respect to diversity, the Nominating Committee may consider such factors as differences in viewpoint, professional experience, education, skills, and other individual qualifications that contribute to Board heterogeneity, including characteristics such as gender, race, and national origin.

Identifying and Evaluating Nominees for Directors

The Nominating Committee utilizes a variety of methods for identifying and evaluating nominees for directors. Candidates may come to the attention of the Nominating Committee through management, current Company directors, Company stockholders, or other persons. These candidates are evaluated and discussed by members of the Nominating Committee from time to time. Candidates may be considered at any point during the year.

The Nominating Committee considers stockholder recommendations for candidates to the Board in the same manner as candidates identified by the Nominating Committee. Any such recommendation should be delivered to the Company’s Corporate Secretary by mail at 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 2024, Chicago, Illinois 60654. Following verification of the stockholder status of persons proposing candidates, recommendations are aggregated and considered by the Nominating Committee. If any materials are provided by a Company stockholder in connection with the recommendation of a director candidate, such materials are forwarded to the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee also may review materials provided by professional search firms or other parties in connection with a nominee.

Mandatory Retirement Age

The Board has implemented a policy providing that no director who has reached the age of 72 should stand for re-election to the Board, unless the Nominating Committee and the Board, in their discretion, believe an extension would best serve the interests of the Company.

Board Oversight of Risk Management

The Board believes that evaluating how the Company’s senior management team manages the various risks confronting the Company is one of its most important areas of oversight. In carrying out this critical responsibility, the Board has designated the Audit Committee with primary responsibility for overseeing enterprise risk management.

In accordance with this responsibility, the Audit Committee monitors the Company’s major financial, operational, privacy, security (including cybersecurity), business continuity, legal and regulatory, and reputational exposures, and reviews the steps management has taken to monitor and control these exposures. The Audit Committee’s oversight includes, among other things, the review of regular reports from the Company’s Senior Vice President, Chief Compliance Counsel; the Company’s Vice President, Corporate Audit; the Company’s Vice President, Chief Security Officer; and other members of the Company’s management as to the identification and status of risks to the Company, including financial risks and litigation claims and risks. As with other matters, the Audit Committee regularly discusses these topics with the Board. Most recently, the Audit Committee has been focused on, among other things, cybersecurity risk and the policies and procedures developed by the Company to facilitate the compliance by Practice Fusion, Inc., a subsidiary of the Company, with its obligations under the deferred prosecution and other agreements it signed with the U.S. Attorney for the District of Vermont on January 27, 2020. In addition, the Board has requested




and has been receiving regular updates from management regarding the Company’s response to the coronavirus, or COVID-19, and its impacts on the Company and its clients, employees and other stakeholders.

Additionally, when determined by the Board or by the Company’s management to be advisable, the Board or selected committees of the Board may undertake a formal enterprise risk assessment, at which risks facing the Company and associated responses are evaluated in detail. The Board also receives regular financial and business updates from the Company’s senior management, which updates involve detailed reports on financial and business risks facing the Company when applicable.

While the Audit Committee has primary responsibility for overseeing enterprise risk management, each of the other Board committees also considers risk within its area of responsibility. For example, the Nominating Committee reviews legal and regulatory compliance risks as they relate to corporate governance structure and processes, and the Compensation Committee reviews risks related to compensation matters. The Chairman of each of these committees periodically apprises the Board of significant risks and the Company’s management’s response to these risks, as appropriate.

In establishing and reviewing the Company’s executive compensation program, the Compensation Committee considers whether the program encourages unnecessary or excessive risk-taking and has concluded that it does not. The Company’s executive officers’ base salaries are fixed in amount and thus do not encourage risk-taking, and the majority of compensation provided to the Company’s executive officers is in the form of long-term equity awards that help align executive pay with the long-term interests of the Company’s stockholders. The Compensation Committee believes that these awards do not encourage unnecessary or excessive risk-taking because the ultimate value of the awards is tied to the Company’s financial or stock price performance, and because awards are subject to regular vesting schedules to help ensure that a significant component of executive compensation is tied to long-term stockholder value creation.

The Compensation Committee has also reviewed the Company’s compensation programs for employees generally, and has concluded that these programs do not create risks that are reasonably likely to have a material adverse effect on the Company. The Compensation Committee believes that the Company’s annual cash and long-term equity awards provide an effective and appropriate mix of incentives to help ensure the Company’s performance is focused on long-term stockholder value creation and do not encourage short-term risk-taking at the expense of long-term results.

While the Board and its committees oversee risk management strategy, the Company’s management is responsible for implementing and supervising day-to-day risk management processes and reporting to the Board and its committees on such matters.

Audit Committee Financial Experts

The Board has determined that each of Ms. Aspinall, Mr. Garrison, Mr. Spruill and Mr. David D. Stevens qualifies as an “audit committee financial expert” as defined under applicable SEC rules. The Board has also determined that each member of the Audit Committee meets the additional criteria for independence of audit committee members set forth in Rule 10A-3(b)(1) under the Exchange Act.

Code of Conduct

The Company has adopted a Code of Conduct that applies to all of its employees, including the Company’s principal executive officer, principal financial officer, and senior accounting officers, as well as to the Board. The Code of Conduct is available at the “Corporate Governance” section at The Company intends to comply with any disclosure obligation regarding any changes in, or waivers from, the Code of Conduct by posting such information on the same website or by filing a Form 8-K with the SEC.




Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires the Company’s officers and directors, and persons who own more than 10% of a registered class of the Company’s equity securities, to file reports of securities ownership and changes in such ownership with the SEC. Officers, directors, and greater than 10% stockholders also are required by SEC rules to furnish the Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.

Based solely upon a review of the copies of such forms furnished to the Company, and on written representations from the reporting persons, the Company believes that all Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to the Company’s directors and officers were timely met during 2019.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

The Company, or one or more of its subsidiaries, may occasionally enter into transactions with certain “related persons.” Related persons include the Company’s executive officers, directors, beneficial owners of more than 5% of the Company’s common stock, immediate family members of any of these persons, and entities in which one or more of these persons has a direct or indirect material interest. The Company refers to transactions with these related persons as “related party transactions.”

In accordance with the Company’s written policy, the Audit Committee (or, in certain circumstances, disinterested members of the Board) is responsible for the review and approval of each related party transaction exceeding $120,000 in which a related person has a direct or indirect material interest. The Audit Committee considers all relevant factors when determining whether to approve a related party transaction, including, without limitation:


The size of the transaction and the amount of consideration payable to a related person;


The nature of the interest of the applicable related person;


Whether the transaction may involve a conflict of interest;


Whether the transaction involves the provision of goods or services to the Company that are available from unaffiliated third parties; and


Whether the proposed transaction is on terms and made under circumstances that are at least as favorable to the Company as would be available in comparable transactions with or involving unaffiliated third parties.

Since January 1, 2019, neither the Board nor the Audit Committee has been made aware of or asked to review and approve any “related party transactions.”

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

None of the members of the Compensation Committee is or has been an executive officer of the Company. None of the Company’s executive officers served as a director or a member of a compensation committee (or other committee serving an equivalent function) of any other entity, an executive officer of which served as a director of the Company or member of the Compensation Committee during 2019.

Attendance of Directors at Annual Meeting of Stockholders

The Company expects all of its directors and director nominees to attend its annual meetings of stockholders, barring emergencies or unusual circumstances.  Where a director is unable to attend an annual meeting in person but is able to do so by electronic conferencing, the Company will arrange for the director’s participation by means where the director can hear and be heard by those present at the meeting. All of the Company’s then-current directors attended the Company’s 2019 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.




Communications with the Board

Any correspondence intended for the Board, or for any individual member or members of the Board, should be directed to the Company’s Corporate Secretary at 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 2024, Chicago, Illinois 60654, with a request to forward the communication to the intended recipient(s). In general, any stockholder communication delivered to the Corporate Secretary for forwarding to the Board or specified Board member(s) will be forwarded in accordance with the stockholder’s instructions. However, the Company reserves the right not to forward to Board members any abusive, threatening, or otherwise inappropriate materials.

Information regarding the submission of comments or complaints relating to the Company’s accounting, internal accounting controls, or auditing matters can be found in the Company’s Code of Conduct, which is available at the “Corporate Governance” section at

Compensation of Directors

The Compensation Committee is responsible for reviewing and approving the compensation program for the Company’s non-employee directors. The Compensation Committee utilizes a combination of cash and equity as a way to attract and retain qualified directors.

Cash Compensation

For 2019, the annual retainer paid to the Company’s non-employee directors was $60,000, payable in equal quarterly installments. Non-employee directors also received a retainer of $2,000 for attendance at Board meetings in excess of ten per year, and $1,500 for attendance at each committee meeting. The Chairman of the Board may waive the additional $2,000 fee for the entire Board, and may waive the $1,500 fee for any applicable committee meeting for the attendees thereof. The Chairman of each committee may also waive the $1,500 fee for any committee meeting he chairs. Each non-employee director of the Company is also reimbursed for expenses incurred when attending Board and committee meetings and other Board-related activities.

The Chairman of the Board receives an additional annual retainer in the amount of $100,000, payable in equal quarterly installments. Each Chairman of the Audit Committee, Compensation Committee, and Nominating Committee receives an additional annual retainer of $25,000, $25,000, and $15,000, respectively, for his service as Chairman of the respective committees, payable in equal quarterly installments. Each member of the Audit Committee, Compensation Committee, and Nominating Committee also receives an additional annual retainer of $2,500 per committee served. In addition, each member of the Transaction Advisory Committee receives an additional annual retainer of $5,000 for serving on that committee. All of the foregoing payments are pro-rated for the dates of applicable service.

Prior to the beginning of each calendar year, non-employee directors may elect to receive all or a portion of their quarterly cash retainer payment in the form of deferred stock units (“DSUs”). DSUs represent the right to receive shares of the Company’s common stock at the time the director’s Board service ends. The number of DSUs granted is determined by dividing the portion of the cash compensation with respect to which the election is made by the closing price of the Company’s common stock on the date the cash compensation is due to be paid. DSUs issued in lieu of cash compensation are fully-vested.

Equity Compensation

Under the Company’s 2019 Stock Incentive Plan, the Company’s non-employee directors are eligible to receive equity awards in the form of stock options, restricted stock, or restricted stock units (“RSUs”) at the discretion of the Board or the Compensation Committee. For 2019, the value of each annual equity award was $200,000, delivered in the form of RSUs, which fully vest on the first anniversary of the grant date or, if earlier, upon a change of control of the Company. If a non-employee director retires from the Board prior to the first anniversary of the grant date, a pro-rata portion of the RSUs will vest based on the time elapsed from the grant date to the date of retirement. Annual director equity awards are granted immediately following the Company’s annual meeting of stockholders to coincide with the commencement of director terms.




Director Compensation – 2019

The following table shows information regarding the compensation earned during 2019 by the Company’s non-employee directors who served on the Board during the year. The compensation paid to Mr. Black is shown in the table entitled “Summary Compensation Table – 2019, 2018 and 2017” and the related explanatory tables in the “Executive Compensation” section below. Mr. Black does not receive any compensation for his service as a member of the Board.



Fees Earned or

Paid in Cash (1)




Stock Awards (2)







Mara G. Aspinall













P. Gregory Garrison













Jonathan J. Judge













Michael A. Klayko













Yancey L. Spruill













Dave B. Stevens













David D. Stevens
















This column reports the amount of cash compensation earned by each director during 2019 for his or her Board and committee service. As described above, non-employee directors may elect to convert all or a portion of their cash compensation into fully-vested DSUs. None of the non-employee directors elected to do so in 2019.


In accordance with SEC rules, the amounts shown reflect the aggregate grant date fair value of RSU awards granted to non-employee directors during 2019, computed in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718, Stock Compensation (“FASB ASC Topic 718”). The grant date fair value of RSUs is measured based on the closing fair market value of the Company’s common stock on the date of grant. The aggregate number of equity awards outstanding, including DSUs issued in lieu of cash compensation, as of December 31, 2019 for each of the Company’s non-employee directors are as follows:




Number of Shares

Subject to


RSUs/DSUs as of



Mara G. Aspinall





P. Gregory Garrison





Jonathan J. Judge





Michael A. Klayko





Yancey L. Spruill





Dave B. Stevens





David D. Stevens












The following tables show certain information as of March 27, 2020 (the “Table Date”), unless otherwise indicated, with respect to the beneficial ownership of the Company’s common stock by: (i) each person the Company believes beneficially holds more than 5% of the outstanding shares of the Company’s common stock based solely on the Company’s review of SEC filings; (ii) each director and nominee; (iii) each named executive officer listed in the table entitled “Summary Compensation Table – 2019, 2018 and 2017” under the section entitled “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” below; and (iv) all directors and executive officers as a group.

Unless otherwise indicated, all persons named as beneficial owners of the Company’s common stock have sole voting power and sole investment power with respect to the shares indicated as beneficially owned.


>5% Stockholders


Shares of

Common Stock





Percent of





Wellington Management Group LLP (1)









Blackrock, Inc. (2)









The Vanguard Group (3)









Shapiro Capital Management, LLC (4)









Dimensional Fund Advisors LP (5)



















Named Executive Officers, Directors and Director



Shares of


Stock Beneficially





Exercisable, Stock

Awards Vesting,

and DSUs



60 Days (6)






Percent of


Stock Outstanding


Paul M. Black (8)
















Richard J. Poulton
















Brian P. Farley
















Lisa Khorey
















Mara G. Aspinall
















P. Gregory Garrison
















Jonathan J. Judge
















Michael A. Klayko (8)
















Yancey L. Spruill
















Dave B. Stevens
















David D. Stevens
















All directors, director nominees and

   current executive officers as a group

   (11 persons)



















Represents less than 1% of the issued and outstanding shares of the Company’s common stock as of the Table Date.





This information is derived from a Schedule 13G/A filed by Wellington Management Group LLP, Wellington Group Holdings LLP, Wellington Investment Advisors Holdings LLP and Wellington Management Company LLP (collectively, the “Wellington Reporting Persons”) on January 27, 2020. According to the Schedule 13G/A, each Wellington Reporting Person, with the exception of Wellington Management Company LLP, had sole power to vote or direct the vote of zero shares, sole power to dispose of or direct the disposition of zero shares, shared power to vote or direct the vote of 21,188,718 shares, and shared power to dispose of or direct the disposition of 22,499,616 shares. Wellington Management Company LLP had sole power to vote or direct the vote of zero shares, sole power to dispose of or direct the disposition of zero shares, shared power to vote or direct the vote of 21,090,834 shares, and shared power to dispose of or direct the disposition of 22,254,920 shares. According to the Schedule 13G/A, each Wellington Reporting Person lists its address as c/o Wellington Management Company LLP, 280 Congress Street, Boston, MA 02210.


This information is derived from a Schedule 13G/A filed by BlackRock, Inc. on February 4, 2020. According to the Schedule 13G/A, BlackRock, Inc. had sole power to vote or direct the vote of 20,522,453 shares, sole power to dispose of or direct the disposition of 21,200,086 shares, shared power to vote or direct the vote of zero shares, and shared power to dispose of or direct the disposition of zero shares. According to the Schedule 13G/A, BlackRock, Inc. lists its address as 55 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10055.


This information is derived from a Schedule 13G/A filed by The Vanguard Group (“Vanguard Group”) on February 10, 2020. According to the Schedule 13G/A, Vanguard Group had sole power to vote or direct the vote of 175,997 shares, sole power to dispose of or direct the disposition of 16,204,120 shares, shared power to vote or direct the vote of 26,536 shares, and shared power to dispose of or direct the disposition of 162,417 shares. According to the Schedule 13G/A, Vanguard Group lists its address as 100 Vanguard Blvd., Malvern, PA 19355.  


This information is derived from a Schedule 13G filed by Samuel R. Shapiro and Shapiro Capital Management LLC (collectively, the “Shapiro Reporting Persons”) on February 14, 2020. According to the Schedule 13G, the Shapiro Reporting Persons had sole power to vote or direct the vote of 10,104,136 shares, sole power to dispose of or direct the disposition of 11,679,857 shares, shared power to vote or direct the vote of 1,575,721 shares, and shared power to dispose of or direct the disposition of zero shares. According to the Schedule 13G, each Shapiro Reporting Person lists its address as 3060 Peachtree Road N.W., Suite 1555, Atlanta, GA 30305.


This information is derived from a Schedule 13G/A filed by Dimensional Fund Advisors LP (“DFA”) on February 12, 2020. According to the Schedule 13G/A, DFA had sole power to vote or direct the vote of 9,920,047 shares, sole power to dispose of or direct the disposition of 10,359,633 shares, shared power to vote or direct the vote of zero shares, and shared power to dispose of or direct the disposition of zero shares. According to the Schedule 13G/A, DFA lists its address as Building One, 6300 Bee Cave Road, Austin, TX 78746.


Represents shares of the Company’s common stock underlying stock awards held that were vesting, options held that were exercisable and DSUs held that were convertible at the Table Date or within 60 days thereafter. Does not include RSUs that vest more than 60 days after the Table Date. RSUs are awards granted by the Company and payable, subject to vesting requirements, in shares of the Company’s common stock.


Voting and dispositive power over 59,794 shares of common stock presented for Mr. Black are shared with Mr. Black’s wife.


The shares of common stock presented for Mr. Klayko are held in a family trust in which he shares voting and dispositive power.





The following table shows information, as of December 31, 2019, concerning shares of the Company’s common stock authorized for issuance under the Company’s equity compensation plans.




Number of

Securities to be

issued upon

Exercise of


Options, Warrants

and Rights





Exercise Price of


Options, Warrants

and Rights




Number of

Securities Remaining

Available for Future

Issuance Under


Compensation Plans


Securities Reflected

in Column(a))




Equity compensation plans approved by















Equity compensation plans not approved

   by stockholders


























The weighted-average exercise price excludes a total of 8,914,571 RSUs and awards granted under equity compensation plans approved by stockholders with no exercise price but with a weighted-average grant date fair market value of approximately $11.53 as of December 31, 2019.


Includes 518,785 shares available for issuance under the Amended and Restated Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc. Employee Stock Purchase Plan. Also, includes 7,154,212 shares available for issuance pursuant to the 2019 Stock Incentive Plan.









































Paul Black




Chief Executive Officer

Brian Farley




Executive Vice President, General Counsel & Chief Administrative Officer

Lisa Khorey




Executive Vice President, Chief Client Delivery Officer

Richard Poulton




President and Chief Financial Officer






Paul Black is the Chief Executive Officer and a director of Allscripts. Prior to joining Allscripts as its President in 2012, Mr. Black spent more than thirteen years with Cerner Corporation in various executive positions, retiring as Cerner’s Chief Operating Officer in 2007. Mr. Black’s career started with International Business Machines Corporation, where he spent twelve years in a variety of leadership positions in sales, product marketing and professional services. In Kansas City, Mr. Black has spent sixteen years as chairman and as an executive officer of Truman Medical Centers, an academic safety net health system. He currently is on the boards of The Advancement Board University of Kansas Health System and the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library.

Brian Farley has served as our Executive Vice President, General Counsel & Chief Administrative Officer since August 2017 and prior to that served as our Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary since May 2013. From 2005 to 2013, Mr. Farley served in various positions at Motorola Mobility LLC, a provider of mobile communication devices and video and data delivery solutions. His most recent role at Motorola Mobility LLC was Corporate Vice President and General Counsel of Motorola’s Home business.

Lisa Khorey has served as our Executive Vice President, Chief Client Delivery Officer since November 2016. Prior to joining Allscripts, Ms. Khorey was the executive director of Ernst & Young’s National Provider Practice, specializing in analytics. Previously, Ms. Khorey held a variety of technical and executive leadership roles at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

Richard Poulton has served as our President since October 2015 and as our President and Chief Financial Officer since March 3, 2020. Mr. Poulton had also previously served as our Chief Financial Officer from October 2012 to March 2016. From October 2012 to September 2015, Mr. Poulton served as our Executive Vice President. From 2006 to 2012, Mr. Poulton served in various positions at AAR Corp., a provider of products and services to commercial aviation and the government and defense industries. His most recent role at AAR Corp. was Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer. Mr. Poulton also spent more than ten years at UAL Corporation in a variety of financial and business development roles, including Senior Vice President of Business Development as well as President and Chief Financial Officer of its client-focused Loyalty Services subsidiary.






This Compensation Discussion and Analysis explains the Company’s executive compensation philosophy and program, the decisions the Compensation Committee made with respect to the Company’s executive compensation program for 2019, and the factors that the Compensation Committee considered in making those decisions. The Compensation Committee has the principal responsibility for establishing, implementing and monitoring the Company’s executive compensation program in accordance with the Company’s executive compensation philosophy and what the Compensation Committee believes to be best practices with respect to executive compensation. This Compensation Discussion and Analysis focuses on the compensation of the Company’s named executive officers (our “NEOs”) for 2019, who were:


Paul M. Black, Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”);


Richard J. Poulton, President;


Dennis M. Olis, Chief Financial Officer;


Brian P. Farley, Executive Vice President, General Counsel & Chief Administrative Officer; and


Lisa Khorey, Executive Vice President, Chief Client Delivery Officer.

On March 2, 2020, the Company announced that Mr. Olis would no longer serve as Chief Financial Officer, effective March 3, 2020, with Mr. Poulton assuming the role of Chief Financial Officer as of such date.

Executive Summary

In 2019, the Company continued to make progress on its strategic, financial and operational imperatives that drive higher client satisfaction, improve the Company’s competitive positioning by expanding the depth and breadth of the Company’s products, and, as a result, position the Company for sustainable long-term growth both domestically and globally. As described in more detail in the Company’s Form 10-K, these initiatives resulted in both certain operational and financial successes in 2019; however, the Company’s stock price performance in 2019 was disappointing.

Importantly, the Company’s executive compensation program is designed to ensure rigorous pay-for-performance accountability and strongly align realizable compensation outcomes with key financial metrics and valuation, including stock price performance. As a result of the Company’s relatively disappointing stock price and financial performance, the Company’s NEOs realized materially lower compensation in 2019 than their target total compensation. This lower than target compensation is highlighted in two primary areas: (1) the number of performance stock units (“PSUs”) that vested in 2019, and (2) amount of the NEO’s 2019 annual cash incentive bonus payments.

Specifically, and as described in greater detail below, for each of the NEOs who received a PSU grant in 2016, which had a cliff vest in 2019, none (0%) of such PSUs actually vested in 2019 given the Company’s relative total shareholder return (“TSR”) measured against a peer group of companies over the grant’s three-year vesting period. In addition, PSUs granted to the Company’s NEOs in 2017, 2018 and 2019 (which are scheduled to vest in 2020, 2021 and 2022, respectively) are also based on relative TSR performance and are currently tracking at an expected payout of 0% as of the end of 2019. Finally, the Compensation Committee exercised its discretion to reduce the annual incentive cash bonuses paid to the Company’s NEOs for 2019. We believe that these outcomes are evidence of a direct alignment between pay and performance as well as rigorous incentive compensation program design.






The chart below compares the average for the three previous years of the target total compensation opportunity provided to Mr. Black, including base salary, annual bonus and equity awards, to the value for each element of compensation that was realized or realizable by Mr. Black as of the end of 2019. For the three-year period from 2017 to 2019, roughly 54% of Mr. Black’s target compensation has either been realized or is realizable. For the chart below, Mr. Black’s annual bonus amount in the column on the right reflects the average of the actual annual bonuses that he earned during the three-year period, as disclosed in the Summary Compensation Table – 2019, 2018 and 2017. Mr. Black’s 2017, 2018 and 2019 realized or realizable equity includes PSUs and restricted stock units (“RSUs”) either earned and vested or eligible to vest in the future under awards granted in 2017, 2018 and 2019.  All equity awards are valued using $9.82 per share, the closing price of the Company’s common stock on December 31, 2019.


CEO Three-Year Average Target Versus Realized or Realizable Compensation  


The Compensation Committee considered financial and operational results, as well as the Company’s stock price performance, when making compensation decisions for 2019. In designing and overseeing the various elements of the 2019 executive compensation program, the Compensation Committee focused on aligning executive compensation with financial metrics that the Compensation Committee believes are indicative of the Company’s ability to build and sustain growth.




The charts below illustrate the 2019 target total direct compensation opportunities (i.e., base salary and target short- and long-term incentive opportunities) for the CEO, as well as the average of such opportunities for the Company’s other NEOs. As shown below, 86% of the CEO’s 2019 target total direct compensation, and 85% of the average of the other NEOs’ target total direct compensation is at-risk compensation that is dependent on either the Company’s financial performance or stock price. Total direct compensation includes annual cash incentive bonus opportunities and PSUs, each of which are dependent on the Company’s financial or stock price performance, and service-based RSUs, the value of which is dependent on the Company’s stock price.





Values illustrated reflect the percentage of each compensation element at target.


“At-Risk Compensation” is compensation where the value is either based upon the Company’s financial performance or stock price.


“Performance-Based Compensation” is compensation that is dependent on achievement against pre-established quantitative performance goals.

The at-risk elements of the Company’s 2019 executive compensation program are annual incentive cash bonuses and long-term incentive equity awards. With respect to annual incentive cash bonuses, the Compensation Committee approved the Company’s annual incentive cash bonus plan (the “2019 Bonus Plan”) with potential payouts that are fully contingent on the Company’s non-GAAP EPS performance. A threshold level of non-GAAP EPS performance must be attained before payment of any bonuses under the 2019 Bonus Plan.




With respect to equity awards, in 2019 the Compensation Committee approved annual equity grants to the NEOs in the form of:


50% service-based RSUs, which vest, subject to continuous service, 1/3 per year over three years; and


50% PSUs, the number of which may be earned based on the Company’s TSR relative to a pre-established peer group, measured over a single three-year performance period.

As in recent years, the Compensation Committee chose to structure a significant portion of each NEO’s compensation as at-risk compensation, with the compensation actually realized by each NEO significantly impacted by the financial or stock price performance of the Company.  

Executive Compensation Philosophy

The Compensation Committee engages in an ongoing review of the Company’s executive compensation program to evaluate whether the program supports the Company’s compensation objectives and is aligned with the long-term interests of the Company’s stockholders, taking into account input from stockholders and the results of the annual say-on-pay vote. In connection with this ongoing review, the Compensation Committee has continued to monitor the Company’s executive compensation program to ensure that the Company maintains best practices with respect to executive compensation.

The Company’s primary objective for its executive compensation program is to attract, retain, and motivate outstanding leaders who will drive the Company’s long-term success. The Compensation Committee seeks to establish and implement a compensation program for the Company’s NEOs that emphasizes pay-for-performance, and is designed to meet the following objectives:


Reward outstanding performance for an individual’s performance against corporate goals;


Provide long-term incentive compensation through equity awards, a significant portion of which are performance-based;


Provide executive compensation levels and structures that are both competitive in the executive market and internally equitable; and


Align the Company’s executive compensation with the Company’s financial performance in order to incentivize the creation of sustainable value for the Company’s stockholders.




The Company maintains the following balance of compensation practices that it believes enhances its pay-for-performance philosophy and aligns the Company’s executives’ interests with the long-term interests of the Company’s stockholders:


The Company HAS This Practice


          Pay aligned with the Company’s financial performance and stockholder returns


          Significant at-risk compensation for NEOs


          A significant portion of NEO annual equity awards are performance contingent and tied to rigorous, long-term relative stock price goals


          Double-trigger change of control severance benefits


          Stock ownership requirements for officers (CEO 6x base salary and other NEOs 2x base salary) and non-employee directors (5x cash retainer)


          Limited perquisites


          Anti-hedging and anti-pledging policies


          Clawback policy

The Company Does NOT Have This Practice


X          Repricing of options without stockholder approval


X          Tax gross-ups for NEOs


X          Excise tax gross-ups for change of control benefits


X          Single-trigger or otherwise excessive change of control severance benefits


X          Dividend payments on unearned equity awards


X          Excessive perquisites


X          Supplemental executive retirement benefits


X          Guaranteed annual bonuses or equity rights


Consideration of Stockholder Say-on-Pay Vote

The Compensation Committee considers the outcome of the Company’s annual say-on-pay vote when making decisions regarding the Company’s executive compensation program. At the Company’s 2019 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, approximately 99% of the votes cast on the Company’s 2019 say-on-pay vote were cast in favor of approving the compensation of its NEOs. This 99% approval from stockholders at the Company’s 2019 annual meeting of stockholders follows similar say-on-pay results from 2017 and 2018, which was 94% for each of those years. The Compensation Committee viewed the outcome of the say-on-pay vote as indicative that a significant majority of the Company’s stockholders view the Company’s approach to executive compensation favorably. Accordingly, the Compensation Committee did not make any changes to the Company’s executive compensation program in response to the 2019 say-on-pay vote. The Company’s management continues to engage in dialogue with many of the Company’s largest stockholders, and the Compensation Committee will continue to consider stockholder feedback and the results of the Company’s say-on-pay votes when making future executive compensation decisions.

Compensation Procedures

Compensation Committee

During 2019, Jonathan J. Judge (Chairman), Michael A. Klayko, and Dave B. Stevens served on the Compensation Committee. Mr. Judge joined in May 2016 and became Chairman in May 2018, Mr. Klayko joined in May 2013, and Mr. Stevens joined in May 2017.




Role of Management

The primary objective of the Company’s executive compensation program is to align the program with the Company’s financial performance and the long-term interests of the Company’s stockholders. The Compensation Committee believes that this alignment is best achieved through consultations with members of the Company’s senior management, because management is familiar with the Company’s day-to-day operations and responsible for creating and executing the Company’s business plan. As such, the Company’s management provides the Compensation Committee with valuable insights into the Company’s day-to-day operations and future expectations, which the Company believes are supported by the rewards and incentives in the compensation program. In 2019, the Compensation Committee consulted with Messrs. Black and Farley in formulating compensation plans. Members of that group attended Compensation Committee meetings during which NEO and employee compensation decisions were made, but each was not present during the Compensation Committee’s discussions regarding his own compensation. The Compensation Committee also regularly meets in executive session without any members of management present.

Role of Compensation Consultant

The Compensation Committee retained Compensia to serve as its independent compensation consultant with respect to decisions regarding 2019 compensation. Compensia reported directly to the Compensation Committee and participated in Compensation Committee meetings. Compensia did not perform any other services for the Company in 2019. After considering Compensia’s relationship with the Company, the services provided by Compensia, and information provided to the Committee by Compensia, the Compensation Committee determined that Compensia met the independence requirements to serve as its independent compensation consultant and that Compensia’s work did not raise any conflict of interest.

Specifically, Compensia:


Advised on the design of the Company’s executive compensation program in order to assist the Compensation Committee in evaluating the linkage between pay and performance;


Provided and reviewed market compensation and performance data to assist the Compensation Committee in setting 2019 executive compensation relative to competitive market data;


Advised the Compensation Committee regarding the elements of the Company’s 2019 executive compensation program, equity grants, and equity compensation-related dilution levels relative to the Company’s peers; and


Advised the Compensation Committee regarding the Company’s compensation risk assessment, which assessment concluded that the compensation programs of the Company in 2019 did not create incentives that were reasonably likely to materially harm the Company.













Market Analysis

The Compensation Committee considers relevant market pay practices and relative performance when setting executive compensation and incentive goals. Market practices, or benchmarks, are based on peer group disclosure. When making compensation decisions, the Compensation Committee considers the market data in conjunction with other factors, such as an officer’s individual tenure and performance, unique qualifications and role within the Company. Working with Compensia, the Compensation Committee established a peer group in 2018 to be used in designing the Company’s 2019 executive compensation program. The peer group used to evaluate the Company’s 2019 compensation decisions included companies with the following characteristics:


Software and business services companies generally in the technology sector, with a focus on direct healthcare technology competitors to the extent available;


Revenues ranging generally between 0.5x and 2.5x of the Company’s trailing four quarter revenues, with median revenues of approximately $1.3 billion (the Company’s trailing four quarter revenues, when the peer group was determined, was approximately $2 billion); and


A market capitalization range generally between 0.25x and 4.0x of the Company’s market capitalization, with median market capitalization of $4.8 billion (for reference, the Company’s market capitalization, as of October 2018 when the peer group was determined, was approximately $2.0 billion). Although Cerner Corporation has a market capitalization outside of this range, it was included because Cerner is viewed as a healthcare technology competitor that competes directly with the Company for customers and executive talent.

The peer group used to evaluate 2019 compensation decisions consisted of the 22 U.S.-based publicly traded healthcare technology companies and general software companies listed below (the “2019 peer group”). For 2019, the Compensation Committee chose to remove DST Systems, Inc. and The Advisory Board Co., which were acquired. To replace those companies, the Compensation Committee chose to add AMN Healthcare Services, Inc., Huron Consulting Group Inc. and Navigant Consulting, Inc. AMN Healthcare Services, Inc. is a healthcare solutions and staffing services provider.  Huron Consulting and Navigant Consulting are both professional services firms that provide a range of advisory, technology and analytic solutions to clients. The Compensation Committee considers each of those companies to be financially comparable to the Company.


Healthcare Technology



Software Companies

AMN Healthcare Services, Inc.


Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

athenahealth, Inc.


CDK Global, Inc.

Cerner Corporation


Fair Isaac

Haemonetics Corporation


Huron Consulting Group Inc.

Hill-Rom Holdings Inc.



HMS Holdings Corp.


Navigant Consulting, Inc.

Inovalon Holdings, Inc.


Nuance Communications

Medidata Solutions, Inc.


Parametric Technology Corporation

Omnicell, Inc.


Synopsys, Inc.

Premier Inc.



Veeva Systems, Inc.


Verint Systems








Elements of Compensation

The Compensation Committee believes that the Company’s compensation programs for its NEOs are competitive and appropriately designed to attract and retain key employees, reward performance, and promote long-term stockholder value. This section describes the elements of the Company’s compensation program for NEOs, together with a discussion of various compensation decisions.

The principal components of the Company’s 2019 executive compensation program were base salary, annual incentive cash bonuses, and long-term incentive equity awards. The Company also provides a 401(k) retirement savings plan with certain matching contributions, group health and welfare plans, and group term life insurance. In addition, the Company provides the NEOs with severance benefits upon a termination of employment under certain circumstances, including following a change of control of the Company, as more fully described elsewhere in this Proxy Statement. The Company does not maintain defined benefit pension plans for its NEOs because the Compensation Committee believes that the existing compensation arrangements enable the Company’s NEOs to adequately plan for their retirement and that wealth creation should primarily be a function of performance for the Company’s stockholders.


Base Salary

Base salaries are paid to the NEOs to compensate them for the performance of their respective job duties and responsibilities. The Compensation Committee reviews base salaries of the NEOs on an annual basis. In setting annual base salaries, the Compensation Committee takes into consideration the Company’s overall financial and operating performance in the prior year, the Company-wide target for base salary increases for all employees, market and competitive salary information, changes in the scope of an NEO’s job responsibilities, and other relevant factors. When considering market and competitive salary information, the Compensation Committee has historically reviewed peer compensation data, although there is no target compensation level. The Compensation Committee also reviews each NEO’s role and performance, as well as the performance of the business units and departments for which he or she is responsible, to the extent applicable. For Mr. Black, the Compensation Committee evaluates his performance and recommends any salary adjustment for approval by the Board. For each of the other NEOs, the Compensation Committee receives a performance evaluation from the CEO and a recommendation for any salary adjustment. For 2019, the Compensation Committee determined that the Company’s overall financial and operating performance did not warrant an increase in any NEO’s base salary.  Accordingly, each NEO continued to receive the same base salary as he or she received in 2018.

The following table sets forth the base salary rate in effect as of December 31, 2019 for each NEO:




Salary Rate as

of December 31,





% Increase From 2018 Base Salary


Paul M. Black









Richard J. Poulton









Dennis M. Olis









Brian P. Farley









Lisa Khorey














Annual Incentive Cash Bonuses

Consistent with its approach since 2016, the Compensation Committee chose non-GAAP EPS as the financial performance measure for the 2019 Bonus Plan. The non-GAAP EPS targets established by the Committee tied the 2019 Bonus Plan to a rigorous goal based on a key measure stockholders consider when evaluating the performance of the Company. Non-GAAP EPS is defined as non-GAAP net income divided by weighted shares outstanding, diluted in the applicable period. Non-GAAP net income consists of GAAP net income/(loss) as reported, and adds back deferred revenue and other adjustments, acquisition-related amortization, stock-based compensation expense, nonrecurring expenses and transaction-related costs, non-cash charges, and non-cash asset impairment charges, and equity in earnings of unconsolidated investments, in each case net of any related tax effects. Non-GAAP net income also includes a tax rate alignment adjustment.  

Each NEO’s bonus target, as a percentage of base salary, did not change for 2019. Mr. Black’s target cash bonus was 150% of his base salary, Mr. Poulton’s target cash bonus was 100% of his base salary, and Mr. Olis, Mr. Farley and Ms. Khorey each had a target cash bonus of 75% of their respective base salaries.  

The chart below shows the non-GAAP EPS performance range that the Compensation Committee approved for 2019:




Adjusted EPS($)(1)



% Payout





















































































































































The non-GAAP EPS performance levels approved by the Compensation Committee took into account the divestiture of OneContent, which occurred in February 2018.

Bonus payments for the NEOs under the 2019 Bonus Plan were based on the Company’s non-GAAP EPS performance for the year. Pursuant to the approved non-GAAP EPS performance range, the Company’s reported fiscal 2019 non-GAAP EPS of $0.67 would have resulted in a bonus payment equal to 81% of their target bonus for each NEO. Given the Company’s overall performance for the year, however, the Compensation Committee approved management’s recommendation that the bonus payments for the NEOs be reduced to just 15% of their 2019 target bonuses; an amount significantly below the amounts otherwise earned under the 2019 Bonus Plan. After reducing the proposed bonus payment for each NEO based on the Company’s performance, the Compensation Committee also considered the performance of each individual NEO.  As a result, the Compensation Committee determined that Ms. Khorey’s formulaic payout would be reduced to a bonus payment equal to 47.5% of her target amount given the performance of the business unit that she leads. The Compensation Committee did not make further adjustments based on individual performance and each remaining NEO received a bonus equal to 15% of his target bonus for 2019.  







2019 Bonus







2019 Actual





Paul M. Black









Richard J. Poulton









Dennis M. Olis









Brian P. Farley









Lisa Khorey











The target amount reported for each NEO reflects the NEO’s actual earnings in 2019.      

Equity Awards

Under the 2019 Stock Incentive Plan, the Compensation Committee may grant incentive and non-qualified stock options, PSUs, RSUs, and other forms of equity compensation. The Compensation Committee believes that the issuance of equity-based long-term incentive awards to the Company’s NEOs is consistent with its stated objective of establishing an executive compensation program that aligns executives’ interests with the long-term interests of the Company’s stockholders.

In considering annual equity awards, the Compensation Committee conducts an annual review of the Company’s overall equity program, including items such as the Company’s total projected equity budget for the year, the Company’s aggregate equity usage relative to peers, and the available share pool; and it factors that review into its annual award decisions. The Compensation Committee also considers market data for the Company’s peer group, individual factors such as the performance, responsibilities and qualifications of each NEO, each NEO’s past equity awards, and the unvested retention value attributable to past awards when considering the amount and structure of equity awarded to each NEO annually.

For 2019, each of the NEOs was provided 50% of his or her annual equity award in the form of PSUs that may be earned based on the Company’s TSR relative to a peer group of broadly comparable companies in terms of industry and revenue range measured over a single three-year performance period. Using three-year relative TSR as the performance measure is consistent with the PSUs granted to the Company’s NEOs since 2015. The Company’s relative TSR is determined by comparing the change in the Company’s stock price over the three-year performance period beginning on the grant date, taking into account any dividends paid (which are assumed to be reinvested in the stock). The change in value over the performance period is then used to calculate a TSR gain/loss percentage for the performance period. That gain/loss percentage is then compared to the TSR gain/loss percentages of the peer group companies to calculate the Company’s relative TSR percentile. The Compensation Committee believes that using relative TSR as a performance measure provides an objective measure of the Company’s performance relative to other investment alternatives similar to the Company both within the Company’s industry and in the broader market.  

The 2019 TSR PSU awards require performance to be at the 60th percentile relative to the peer group for target vesting, and performance to be at the 31st percentile relative to the peer group for any vesting to occur.  The maximum payout of 200% of target requires TSR performance to be at the 90th percentile or greater relative to the peer group.  In addition, if the Company’s TSR is negative at the end of the three-year performance period, the 2019 TSR PSU awards will be capped at the target payout level even if the Company significantly outperforms the peer group.  




The peer group for measuring relative TSR performance under the 2019 TSR PSU awards consists of the following companies:



ACI Worldwide




Navigant Consulting

AMN Healthcare Services


Hill-Rom Holdings


NextGen Healthcare



HMS Holdings


Nuance Communications

CDK Global


Huron Consulting Group





Inovalon Holdings


PRA Health Sciences

Computer Programs & Sys.


j2 Global





LiveRamp Holdings



Endurance International


Mantech International


TTEC Holdings

Euronet Worldwide




Verint Systems

Fair Isaac


Medidata Solutions




The Compensation Committee selected the 2019 relative TSR peer group based on its review of comparability to the Company on key selection criteria including industry, revenue, market capitalization and stage/time from initial public offering.  The Compensation Committee chose the group of companies listed above because the Compensation Committee determined that those companies are most aligned with the Company when considering the key selection criteria.

The remaining 50% of the annual equity award made to each NEO for 2019 was in the form of service-based RSUs that vest 1/3 each year for three years.  This structure is also consistent with 50% of the annual equity award made to each NEO since 2015.

When determining the amount of the annual equity award to each NEO for 2019, the Compensation Committee chose to award equity in the same amounts awarded to the NEOs in 2018.  The individual grant decisions reflect a review of quantitative market data and relevant qualitative factors including individual performance, time in role, scope and breadth of duties, and internal pay equity.

The following table illustrates the annual equity awards made to the NEOs in 2019:





RSUs (1)




Relative TSR

PSUs (1)




Total 2019

Grant Value (1)



Paul M. Black













Richard J. Poulton













Dennis M. Olis













Brian P. Farley













Lisa Khorey















Represents the target equity award opportunity approved by the Compensation Committee as the annual equity award for each NEO included in the table. The target award values are not the same as the grant date fair values computed for financial reporting purposes and reported in the “2019 Grants of Plan-Based Awards” table included in the section entitled “Executive Compensation” below because the target value of the PSUs reported for financial reporting purposes is determined based on the application of a Monte Carlo simulation method, while the amounts reported above represented the target compensation opportunity approved by the Compensation Committee. These amounts do not include the service-based RSUs granted in recognition of the successful divestiture of the Company’s investment in Netsmart LLC, described below.




In addition to the annual equity awards, the Compensation Committee also made an equity award to each NEO in recognition of the successful divestiture of the Company’s investment in Netsmart LLC. The sale was completed in December of 2018 in exchange for $566.6 million in cash. It resulted in a pre-tax gain of $500 million. The equity award made to each NEO was in the form of service-based RSUs that cliff vest after two years, subject to the NEO’s continued service.  Mr. Black received an award of $1,000,000, Mr. Poulton received an award of $1,200,000 and Mr. Olis, Mr. Farley and Ms. Khorey received awards of $350,000.

Pre-2019 Equity Award Vesting Results

The Company granted certain performance-based equity awards prior to 2019 that vest, based in part, on the Company’s 2019 performance. In 2016, the Company granted PSUs to the NEOs that vest based on the Company’s relative TSR over a single three-year performance period through February 24, 2019. The awards required the Company’s TSR relative to the peer group to be at the 35th percentile for any vesting to occur, and TSR relative to the peer group to be at the 65th percentile for target vesting. The Company’s TSR for the three-year performance period ended February 24, 2019 was -13.79%, which placed the Company at the 15th percentile relative to the peer group. That performance was below the threshold required for any vesting to occur and therefore no portion of the awards vested at the end of the performance period.  

In 2015, the Company also granted PSUs to Mr. Black that vest based on the Company’s cumulative TSR growth over a four-year performance period, with the ability to accelerate vesting based on the Company’s cumulative TSR growth over a three-year performance period. Performance at the end of the three-year performance period was below the minimum threshold for any vesting. For any vesting to occur at the end of the four-year performance period, the Company must achieve 22% cumulative TSR growth. As of March 6, 2019, the Company achieved TSR growth of -7.17% for the four-year performance period. That performance was below the minimum vesting threshold and therefore resulted in vesting of 0% of the shares eligible to vest under the award for the four-year performance period.

Benefits and Perquisites

Each of the NEOs participates in the health and welfare benefit plans and fringe benefit programs generally available to all other Company employees. Beyond this, the Company generally does not provide the NEOs with significant perquisites and personal benefits in excess of $10,000. Under certain circumstances, however, the Compensation Committee recognizes that special arrangements may be necessary or desirable. The total perquisites provided to each NEO are described in the “2019 All Other Compensation” table included below.

Severance Arrangements in Employment Agreements

The Company has entered into severance arrangements as a component of the employment agreements with certain members of its senior management team, including the NEOs. These severance arrangements provide for payments and other benefits if the officer’s employment terminates for a qualifying event or circumstance, such as being terminated without “Cause” or leaving employment for “Constructive Discharge,” as these terms are defined in the employment agreements. A termination following a “Change of Control” (as defined in the employment agreements) generally results in the NEOs receiving additional compensation under the employment agreements.

The Company has eliminated single trigger change of control benefits and tax gross-up payments on change of control benefits. Any change of control benefit is “double trigger,” requiring termination of employment under all circumstances, including a situation where the officer is not offered a “Comparable Job” (as defined in each employment agreement) in connection with a “Change of Control,” and the officer terminates employment within 10 days after the “Change of Control.” Additional information regarding the above-referenced employment agreements, including a quantification of benefits that would have been received by each of the NEOs had termination or change of control occurred on December 31, 2019, is found under the heading “—2019 Potential Payments upon Termination or Change of Control” section below.




The Compensation Committee believes that these severance and change of control arrangements are an important part of overall compensation for the NEOs, because these arrangements help to secure the continued employment and dedication of the NEOs, notwithstanding any concern that they might have at such time regarding their own continued employment, prior to or following a change of control. The Compensation Committee also believes that these arrangements are important as a recruitment and retention device, as many of the companies with which the Company competes for executive talent have similar arrangements in place for their senior employees.

Stock Ownership Requirements

The Board has approved stock ownership requirements for the Company’s non-employee directors and for certain executives of the Company, including each of the NEOs. The CEO is required to maintain an ownership level with a fair market value equal to six times (6x) his base salary, while the other NEOs are required to maintain an ownership level with a fair market value equal to two times (2x) his or her respective base salary. The initial measurement date is five years from the date on which the NEO became subject to the guidelines. Common stock owned outright, service-based awards outstanding, and deferred stock units are included when determining the ownership level. Stock options and performance-based awards are excluded. If the stock ownership requirement is not met after five years, the NEO will be required to retain shares equal in value to no less than half of the after-tax value of shares vesting from any equity award until the stock ownership requirement is satisfied. The stock ownership requirement for the Company’s non-employee directors is five times (5x) the annual cash retainer then paid to each such director, with no specific period for achievement.







Summary Compensation Table – 2019, 2018 and 2017

The following table shows information regarding the compensation of each of the Company’s NEOs for 2019, 2018 and 2017.


Name and Principal Position











Awards (1)









Incentive Plan

Compensation (2)



All Other

Compensation (3)





Paul M. Black

















   Chief Executive Officer



















































Richard J. Poulton




































































Dennis M. Olis

















Chief Financial Officer



















































Brian P. Farley

















EVP, General Counsel &

















Chief Administrative Officer


































Lisa Khorey

















EVP, Chief Client Delivery






















































The amounts in this column represent equity awards granted under the 2011 and 2019 Stock Incentive Plan. The amounts reported are valued based on the aggregate grant date fair value computed in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718, with awards subject to performance or market-based vesting conditions calculated based on the probable achievement of such vesting conditions at the time of grant.  In the first quarter of 2019, all NEOs were provided 50% of their equity award opportunity in PSUs that vest based on the Company’s relative TSR compared to a peer group of companies over a single three-year performance period. The grant date fair value for these PSUs was $11.74 per share. The grant date fair values of the PSUs that vest based on the Company’s relative TSR were calculated based on the application of a Monte Carlo simulation model. The weighted averages of the assumptions used during the first quarter of 2019 were: risk-free interest rate of 2.48%; no dividend yield; and expected volatility using the historical volatility over the most recent three-year period for the peer group and implied volatility at 38.20%. In calculating the fair market value, three years was used to be commensurate with the three-year performance period of the awards. The interest rate is equal to the yield, as of the measurement date, of the zero-coupon U.S. Treasury bill that is commensurate with the overall performance period. The grant date fair value of the PSUs does not correspond to the actual value that may be recognized by an NEO with respect to the award, which may be higher or lower based on a number of factors, including the Company’s performance, the performance of the companies in the peer group, stock price fluctuations and applicable vesting. Under FASB ASC Topic 718, the vesting conditions related to the 2019 PSUs are considered market conditions and not performance conditions. Accordingly, there is no grant date fair value below or in excess of the amount reflected in the table above for the PSUs that could be calculated and disclosed based on achievement of market conditions. The amount also includes the grant date fair value of service-based RSU awards. The service-based awards granted to all NEOs in the first quarter of 2019 was $10.72 per share.  The service-based awards were calculated based on the market value of the




Company’s stock on the date of grant. See Note 11 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included in the Annual Report for a discussion of the relevant assumptions used in calculating these amounts pursuant to FASB ASC Topic 718.


Amounts included in this column for 2019 represent cash incentive bonuses payable under the 2019 Bonus Plan based on the Company’s achievement of non-GAAP EPS goals.


Amounts included in this column for 2019 are set forth by category in the “2019 All Other Compensation” table below.



2019 All Other Compensation






























Paul M. Black





















Richard J. Poulton





















Dennis M. Olis





















Brian P. Farley





















Lisa Khorey






















2019 Grants of Plan-Based Awards

The following table provides information regarding non-equity incentive awards and equity-based awards granted by the Company in 2019.








Estimated Possible Payouts Under

Non-Equity Incentive Plan

Awards (1)



Estimated Future Payouts Under

Equity Incentive Plan






Number of

Shares of



Grant Date

Fair Value

of Stock




































Stock or





and Option

Award (2)



Paul M.




































































































































































































Richard J.




































































































































































































Dennis M.




































































































































































































Brian P.













































































































































































































































































































































































































For each of the NEOs, these amounts reflect the cash incentive compensation award opportunities granted under the 2019 Bonus Plan. Actual payout under the 2019 Bonus Plan was based on the achievement of 2019 non-GAAP EPS and individual executive performance goals. Please see the “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” section for further information regarding this award.


The amounts shown in this column are valued based on the grant date fair value computed in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718. See Note 11 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included in the Annual Report for a discussion of the relevant assumptions used in calculating these amounts pursuant to FASB ASC Topic 718.


This award represents a PSU award granted under the 2019 Stock Incentive Plan, which will vest based on the Company’s relative TSR versus a peer group over a single three-year performance period ending on February 28, 2022. Please see the “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” section for further information regarding this award.


Award of service-based RSUs granted under the 2019 Stock Incentive Plan that vest equally on the first three anniversaries of the date of grant. Please see the “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” section for further information regarding this award.


Award of service-based RSUs granted under the 2019 Stock Incentive Plan that cliff vest on the second anniversary of the date of grant.  Please see the “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” section for further information regarding this award.







Outstanding Equity Awards as of December 31, 2019

The following table shows information regarding the outstanding equity awards (consisting of stock option, PSU and RSU awards) held by each of the NEOs as of December 31, 2019.






Option Awards





Stock Awards




Grant Date


Number of









Number of


















Number of

Shares or

Units of

Stock That

Have Not






Value of

Shares or

Units of

Stock That

Have Not

Vested (1)




Equity Incentive

Plan Awards:

Number of

Unearned Shares,

Units or Other

Rights That

Have Not





Equity Incentive

Plan Awards:

Market or

Payout Value of

Unearned Shares,

Units or Other

Rights That

Have Not

Vested (1)



Paul M.

























































































































































































































Richard J.
























































































































































































































































































  Dennis M.

























































































































































































































































Brian P.



























































































































































































































































































































































The dollar amounts shown in each of these columns are determined by multiplying (i) the number of shares or units shown in such column by (ii) $9.82 (the closing price of the Company’s common stock on December 31, 2019).





This RSU award vests in three equal installments on each of the first three anniversaries of the grant date, provided that the NEO continues to be employed with the Company through the applicable vesting date. The vesting of this RSU award is also subject to a performance-based vesting requirement intended to qualify these awards as performance-based compensation under Section 162(m) of the Code.


This PSU award vests based on the Company’s relative TSR performance over a single three-year performance period ending on the third anniversary of the grant date and the NEO’s continued service during the performance period.


This RSU award vests in three equal installments on each of the first three anniversaries of the grant date, provided that the NEO continues to be employed with the company through the applicable vesting date.


This RSU award vests over a single two-year period ending on the second anniversary of the grant date, provided that the NEO continues to be employed with the Company through the applicable vesting date.


This non-qualified stock option award vests in four equal installments on each of the first four anniversaries of the grant date, provided that the NEO continues to be employed with the Company through the applicable vesting date.


This RSU award vests in four equal installments on each of the first four anniversaries of the grant date, provided that the NEO continues to be employed with Company through the applicable vesting date.


This PSU award vests based on the Company’s relative TSR performance over a single 2.83-year performance period ending on the third anniversary of the grant date and the NEO’s service during the performance period.


2019 Option Exercises and Stock Vested

The following table shows information regarding the vesting during 2019 of stock awards previously granted to the NEOs. No options were exercised by the NEOs during 2019.




Stock Awards




Number of Shares Acquired on Vesting




Value Realized on Vesting (1)



Paul M. Black









Richard J. Poulton









Dennis M. Olis









Brian P. Farley









Lisa Khorey











The value realized equals the fair market value of the Company’s common stock on the vesting date multiplied by the number of shares vested. Upon release of the RSUs, shares may be surrendered to satisfy minimum income tax-withholding requirements. The amounts shown are gross amounts absent netting for shares surrendered.

Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change of Control

The Company has entered into employment agreements with each of the NEOs that provide for payments in connection with such NEO’s termination, whether upon a change of control or otherwise. The estimated benefits to be provided to the NEOs under the employment agreements in each of those situations are described below, including a summary of payments that would have been required had a termination or change of control taken place on December 31, 2019, based upon the per share closing price of the Company’s common stock ($9.82) on the last trading day of the year:




Payments Made Upon Termination

The employment agreements provide for payments of certain benefits, as described above, upon the termination of the employment of an NEO. Each NEO’s rights upon a termination of his or her employment depend upon the circumstances of his or her termination. Central to an understanding of the rights of each NEO under the employment agreements is an understanding of the definitions of “Cause” and “Constructive Discharge” that are used in those agreements. For purposes of the employment agreements with each of the NEOs:


The Company has “Cause” to terminate an NEO for such NEO’s: (i) willful or grossly negligent failure to perform duties; (ii) violation of law that is materially injurious to the operations or reputation of the Company; (iii) conviction of a crime involving the Company’s property or constituting a felony or involving fraud or moral turpitude; or (iv) material violation of a general Company policy or refusal to follow lawful directions of the Board.


A “Constructive Discharge” under each of the employment agreements generally means: (i) a failure of the Company to meet its obligations, in any material respect, under the employment agreement, including, without limitation, a reduction of or failure to pay base salary; (ii) a material diminution in or other substantial adverse alteration in the nature or scope of an NEO’s responsibilities; or (iii) the relocation by more than fifty miles of an NEO’s principal place of business.

The employment agreements require, as a precondition to the receipt of these payments, that the NEO sign a standard form of release of employment claims. They also include non-competition and non-solicitation provisions that apply for one year following such NEO’s termination of employment and a confidentiality provision.

Payment Obligations for Termination by the Company with Cause or upon Death or Disability or by the NEO Without Constructive Discharge

If an NEO is terminated by the Company for Cause or as a result of such NEO’s death or disability (as defined in the respective employment agreement), or if an NEO terminates his or her employment without Constructive Discharge, he or she is entitled to receive:


Accrued but unpaid base salary through the date of termination;


Earned but unpaid annual cash incentive compensation in respect of the fiscal year prior to the fiscal year in which the termination occurs; and


As provided in the award agreements governing the PSUs granted to such NEOs in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019, accelerated vesting of such awards at 100% of target level in the case of a termination due to such NEO’s death or disability.

Payment Obligations for Termination by the Company Without Cause or Due to Constructive Discharge

If an NEO is terminated by the Company without Cause or an NEO terminates his or her employment for Constructive Discharge (except during the two-year period following a change of control), he or she is entitled to receive:


Accrued but unpaid base salary through the date of termination;


Earned but unpaid annual cash incentive compensation in respect of the fiscal year prior to the fiscal year in which the termination occurs (as determined and payable had there been no termination);





Severance equal to 1x the sum of base salary plus target cash incentive bonus opportunity, with such severance to be paid in 12 equal monthly installments or, in the case of Mr. Black, severance equal to 2x the sum of base salary plus target cash incentive bonus opportunity, with such severance to be paid in 24 equal monthly installments;


Continuation of health benefits, if applicable, for 12 months or, in the case of Mr. Black, for 24 months; and


Pro-rata vesting of any unvested stock option or stock awards equal to (i) the number of shares of such award that would vest on the normal vesting date, but prorated to reflect such NEO’s period of service since the last regular vesting date (or grant date if termination occurs prior to the regular vesting of any shares subject to the award); and (ii) one additional year of vesting; provided, however, that for performance-based awards, vesting will be subject to the satisfaction of, and based on the level of performance achieved of, performance conditions; provided, further, that the vesting of RSU awards, other than the RSU awards granted to Mr. Black, do not accelerate upon the executive’s termination of employment due to a constructive discharge.

Payment Obligations Upon Resignation Due to No Comparable Job Following a Change of Control

Pursuant to the employment agreements with Mr. Poulton and Mr. Olis, if a change of control occurs and prior to such event the NEO is not offered a comparable job by the Company (or its successor), and the NEO resigns on or within ten days of the change of control, then the NEO is entitled to:


Full vesting of outstanding equity awards, with such vesting at target levels for unearned performance-based share awards; and


A lump sum payment equal to 1x the value of his base salary plus target cash incentive bonus opportunity.

A “comparable job” under either Mr. Poulton or Mr. Olis’ employment agreement means employment following a change of control (i) with substantially the same duties and responsibilities as were held by the NEO immediately prior to the change of control; (ii) within 50 miles of the location at which the NEO provides services prior to such change of control; and (iii) at the same or increased base salary and target cash incentive bonus opportunity level as were in effect prior to such change of control. None of the other NEOs are eligible to receive severance upon a resignation due to no comparable job following a change of control.

Severance Upon Termination Without Cause or Due to Constructive Discharge Following a Change of Control

Pursuant to the employment agreements with each of the NEOs, if a change of control occurs and the NEO’s employment is terminated without Cause or due to Constructive Discharge within two years of a change of control or within 180 days before a change of control in connection with such change of control, the NEO will receive:


Full vesting of outstanding equity awards, with such vesting at target levels for unearned performance-based share awards;


A lump sum payment equal to 2x the value of his or her base salary plus target cash incentive bonus opportunity; and


Continuation of health benefits, if applicable, for 12 months or, in the case of Mr. Black, 24 months.








Base Severance Pay




Accelerated Vesting of Equity Awards ($)



Continued Health Benefits







Paul M. Black

















Death or Disability

















By Allscripts for Cause or Executive without Constructive Discharge

















By Allscripts without Cause

















By Executive for Constructive Discharge

















Change of Control (no comparable job and termination)

















Change of Control (constructive discharge and termination)

















Change of Control with Termination

















Richard J. Poulton

















Death or Disability

















By Allscripts for Cause or Executive without Constructive Discharge

















By Allscripts without Cause

















By Executive for Constructive Discharge

















Change of Control (no comparable job and termination)

















Change of Control (constructive discharge and termination)

















Change of Control with Termination

















Dennis M. Olis

















Death or Disability

















By Allscripts for Cause or Executive without Constructive Discharge

















By Allscripts without Cause

















By Executive for Constructive Discharge

















Change of Control (no comparable job and termination)

















Change of Control (constructive discharge and termination)

















Change of Control with Termination

















Brian P. Farley

















Death or Disability

















By Allscripts for Cause or Executive without Constructive Discharge

















By Allscripts without Cause

















By Executive for Constructive Discharge

















Change of Control (no comparable job and termination)

















Change of Control (constructive discharge and termination)

















Change of Control with Termination

















Lisa Khorey

















Death or Disability

















By Allscripts for Cause or Executive without Constructive Discharge

















By Allscripts without Cause

















By Executive for Constructive Discharge

















Change of Control (no comparable job and termination)

















Change of Control (constructive discharge and termination)

















Change of Control with Termination























CEO Pay Ratio

As required by Section 953(b) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the Company is providing the following disclosure about the relationship of the annual total compensation of our employees to the annual total compensation of Mr. Black, our Chief Executive Officer.  

We believe that the pay ratio disclosed below is a reasonable estimate calculated in a manner consistent with Item 402(u) of Regulation S-K.  SEC rules for identifying the median employee and calculating the pay ratio allow companies to apply various methodologies and apply various assumptions and, as result, the pay ratio reported by us may not be comparable to the pay ratio reported by other companies.


For 2019:


The median of the annual total compensation of all of our employees, other than Mr. Black, was $73,903.


Mr. Black’s annual total compensation, as reported in the Total column of the 2018 Summary Compensation Table, was $7,508,613.


Based on this information, the ratio of the annual total compensation of Mr. Black to the median of the annual total compensation of all employees is estimated to be 98 to 1.

Identification of Median Employee

We selected December 31, 2019 as the date on which to determine our median employee.  As of that date, we had approximately 9,673 employees.  Approximately 6,278 employees in the United States and 3,395 employees located outside of the United States were considered for identifying the median employee.

For purposes of identifying the median employee from the employee population base, we considered base salary, bonuses, commissions and overtime for calendar year 2019.  In addition, for employees that commenced employment with the Company after January 1, 2019, we annualized their compensation.  

In determining the annual total compensation of the median employee, such employee’s compensation was calculated in accordance with Item 402(c)(2)(x) of Regulation S-K, as required pursuant to the SEC executive compensation disclosure rules. This calculation is the same calculation used to determine total compensation for purposes of the 2019 Summary Compensation Table with respect to each of the NEOs.





The information contained in the following report of the Compensation Committee shall not be deemed to be “soliciting material” or to otherwise be considered “filed” with the SEC, and such information shall not be incorporated by reference into any future filing under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or the Exchange Act, except to the extent that the Company specifically incorporates such information by reference in such filing.

The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed with management the disclosures contained in the preceding section entitled “Compensation Discussion and Analysis.” Based on this review and discussion, the Compensation Committee recommended to the Board that the section entitled “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” be included in this Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting and in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019.


Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors


Jonathan J. Judge, Chairman

Michael A. Klayko

Dave B. Stevens




The following is the report of the Audit Committee with respect to the Company’s audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019. The information contained in this report shall not be deemed to be “soliciting material” or to otherwise be considered “filed” with the SEC, and such information shall not be incorporated by reference into any future filing under the Securities Act or the Exchange Act, except to the extent that the Company specifically incorporates such information by reference in such filing.

Audit Committee Report

The Audit Committee consists of five members: Mara G. Aspinall, P. Gregory Garrison, Yancey L. Spruill, Dave B. Stevens and David D. Stevens. All of the members are independent directors as defined in Nasdaq’s listing standards and SEC regulations.  Four of the members are “audit committee financial experts” as defined under applicable SEC rules, and one member is an expert in matters related to technology, security and data storage. The Audit Committee has certain duties and powers as described in its written charter adopted by the Board. A copy of the charter can be found on the Company’s website at The Audit Committee met ten times during the year ended December 31, 2019.

The Audit Committee is primarily responsible for:


assisting the Board in fulfilling its oversight and monitoring responsibility of reviewing the financial information that will be provided to the Company’s stockholders and others;


appointing and overseeing the services performed by the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm, as well as pre-approving all services and fees related thereto;


overseeing and periodically evaluating the performance and responsibilities of the Company’s internal audit department, including approving the Company’s annual internal audit plan and reviewing the results of internal audits, including management’s responses thereto;


reviewing with the Company’s management, internal audit department, and independent registered public accounting firm the Company’s critical accounting policies and its system of internal control over financial reporting; and


overseeing the risk assessments related to the Company conducted by the Company’s management.




During 2019, on no less than a quarterly basis during regularly scheduled meetings, the Audit Committee met with the senior members of the Company’s financial management team. Additionally, the Audit Committee had separate executive sessions  with Grant Thornton, the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the year ended December 31, 2019, as well as with the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Compliance Counsel, Corporate Controller and Head of Internal Audit, at which candid discussions regarding financial management, legal, compliance, security accounting, auditing, and internal control matters took place. In addition, during 2019, the Audit Committee began scheduling additional quarterly meetings exclusively dedicated to meeting with the Company’s Chief Compliance Counsel and Chief Security Officer to discuss the effectiveness of the Company’s compliance program and to receive status reports regarding certain compliance and risk matters, including cybersecurity. The Audit Committee’s agenda is established by the Audit Committee’s Chairman.

Throughout the year ended December 31, 2019, the Company’s management completed documentation, testing, and evaluation of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting pursuant to the requirements set forth in Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and related regulations. No less than quarterly, the Company’s management provided updates to the Audit Committee regarding progress made to complete management’s assessment of its internal control over financial reporting. The Company’s management concluded that the internal control over financial reporting was effective as of December 31, 2019. Management’s assessment, and Grant Thornton’s report on its audit, of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting were included in the Company’s Annual Report on 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019, which was filed on March 2, 2020 with the SEC. The Audit Committee continues to oversee the Company’s efforts related to its internal control over financial reporting and the Company’s management’s preparations for the evaluation in 2020.

The Audit Committee is responsible for overseeing the risk assessments conducted by the Company’s management, particularly risks that could present a negative impact, prevent value creation, or erode existing value. These risk assessments include:


discussing the Company’s policies and procedures regarding risk assessment and risk management regarding certain operational risks including cybersecurity risk;


reviewing management’s assessment of risks identified in the Company’s legal and regulatory compliance programs and actions to be taken to mitigate these risks;


reviewing management’s assessment of risks related to financial reporting and actions to be taken to mitigate these risks; and


regularly reporting to the Board on its risk-related reviews and discussions and, as appropriate, recommending to the Board such actions as it deems necessary.

In fulfilling its responsibility of appointing and reviewing the services performed by the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm, the Audit Committee carefully reviews the scope of the audit, audit fees, auditor independence matters, and the extent to which the independent registered public accounting firm may be retained to perform non-audit services.

In deciding to engage Grant Thornton as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the year ended December 31, 2019, as well as to reappoint Grant Thornton as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2020, the Audit Committee took into consideration a number of factors, including the professional qualifications of Grant Thornton and its deep institutional knowledge of our business and industry, the qualifications and performance of the lead audit partner, the successor lead audit partner and other key engagement partners, which are regularly rotated in accordance with SEC rules, the quality of the Audit Committee’s ongoing discussions with the firm, and the support available to the Company from Grant Thornton’s regional and national offices.




The Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed the Company’s audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019 with the Company’s management and Grant Thornton. The Audit Committee has also discussed with Grant Thornton the matters required to be discussed by the applicable requirements of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (“PCAOB”) and the SEC. The Audit Committee has also received and reviewed the written disclosures and the letter from Grant Thornton required by applicable requirements of the PCAOB regarding Grant Thornton’s communications with the Audit Committee concerning independence, and has discussed with Grant Thornton its independence from the Company.

In performing all of these functions, the Audit Committee does not itself prepare financial statements or perform audits, and its members are not auditors or certifiers of the Company’s financial statements. In its oversight role, the Audit Committee relies on the work and assurances of the Company’s management, which has the primary responsibility for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting and for preparing the Company’s financial statements and other reports; and of the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm, who are engaged to audit and report on the consolidated financial statements of the Company and the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.

In reliance on these reviews and discussions, and the reports of Grant Thornton, the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the year ended December 31, 2019, the Audit Committee recommended to the Board that the audited financial statements referred to above be included in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019.

Audit Committee of the Board of Directors

P. Gregory Garrison, Chairman

Mara G. Aspinall

Yancey L. Spruill

Dave B. Stevens

David D. Stevens






Overview of Proposals

This Proxy Statement contains five proposals requiring stockholder action:


Proposal One requests the election to the Board of the seven nominees named in this Proxy Statement.


Proposal Two requests the approval of the amendment and restatement of the Allscripts 2019 Stock Incentive Plan.


Proposal Three requests the approval of the amendment and restatement of the Allscripts Employee Stock Purchase Plan.


Proposal Four requests the ratification of the appointment of Grant Thornton as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2020.


Proposal Five requests that stockholders vote on an advisory resolution approving the Company’s NEO compensation.

Each proposal is discussed in more detail in the pages that follow.

Proposal One – Election of Directors

The Board has nominated current directors Ms. Aspinall and Messrs. Black, Garrison, Judge, Klayko, Stevens and Stevens to be elected to serve until the next annual meeting of stockholders and until his or her successor has been duly elected, or until his or her earlier resignation or removal.

At the Annual Meeting, proxies cannot be voted for a greater number of individuals than the seven nominees named in this Proxy Statement. Holders of proxies solicited by this Proxy Statement will vote the proxies received by them as directed on the proxy card or, if no direction is made, for the election of the Board’s seven nominees. If any nominee is unable or declines to serve as a director at the time of the Annual Meeting, the proxy holders may vote for any nominee designated by the present Board to fill the vacancy.

Vote Required

In accordance with the policy of majority voting in uncontested director elections set forth in the Company’s by-laws, if the number of shares voted “FOR” any nominee exceeds the number of shares voted “AGAINST” such nominee, then he or she will be elected as a director to serve until the Company’s 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and until his or her successor has been duly elected, or until his or her earlier resignation or removal. If any nominee is an incumbent director and fails to receive a majority of the votes cast with respect to his or her nomination, then he or she must tender a resignation as director, and such resignation will be considered by the Nominating Committee in accordance with the requirements of the Company’s Corporate Governance Guidelines.

Recommendations of the Board

The Board unanimously recommends that stockholders vote FOR the election of directors Aspinall, Black, Garrison, Judge, Klayko, Stevens and Stevens.




Proposal Two – Approval of the amendment and restatement of the Allscripts 2019 Stock Incentive Plan


At the Annual Meeting, stockholders will be requested to approve an amendment and restatement of the 2019Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan (the “2019 Stock Incentive Plan” and, as amended and restated, the “Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan”) that would, among other things, increase by 5,100,000 the number of shares of common stock available for issuance under the 2019 Stock Incentive Plan.  Under the terms of the 2019 Stock Incentive Plan, 5,500,000 shares were originally authorized for issuance under the plan. In addition, the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan extends the expiration date of the plan, as described below.

If stockholders approve the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan, a total of 10,600,000 shares would be authorized for issuance under the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan, of which approximately 7,000,563 shares (1,900,563 shares available for grant as of December 31, 2019 plus 5,100,000 shares being requested under this proposal) would be available for new awards, not including any shares that would become available again upon the expiration, termination, cancellation, cash settlement or forfeiture of certain previously-issued awards, as described below.  We expect that the number of shares available for issuance under the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan would be sufficient to allow us to make equity awards in the amounts we believe are necessary to achieve the purposes of the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan for the next two years.  We do not maintain any other equity compensation plan under which future awards are authorized for issuance.


Historical Award Data

The table below summarizes overhang data for the Company as of December 31, 2019.



















Stock Options














Restricted stock units












Performance-based restricted stock units


























Shares Available for Grant














Record Date Shares of Common Stock Outstanding















The following table summarizes the Company’s gross burn rate over the prior three fiscal years (2017-2019):

Fiscal Year


Option Grants



RSU Grants



PSUs Earned (1)



WASO (2)



Burn Rate


































































The Company granted 613,550 PSUs in 2017, 524,429 PSUs in 2018 and 699,629 PSUs in 2019.


WASO means the weighted average common shares outstanding for each fiscal year.

The Company’s burn rate for 2019 was 2.45%, with a three-year average burn rate of 2.1%. This compares with a median burn rate of 1.7% for the Company’s peer group described in the “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” section of this proxy statement. The peer group data was compiled by Compensia based on publicly available data as of January 2020. Burn rate is calculated by dividing (a) the number of shares subject to stock option, RSU and PSU awards earned during the period under Company equity plans by (b) the weighted-average number of shares outstanding for each fiscal year during the period.




The following table summarizes, as of December 31, 2019, the Company’s issued and total equity overhang as compared with the Company’s peer group described in the “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” section of this proxy statement. The peer group data was compiled by Compensia based on publicly available data as of January 2020.




Issued Overhang (1)



Total Overhang (2)



Allscripts (no additional share authorization)










Allscripts (with additional share authorization)










Peer Group – 75%










Peer Group – 50%










Peer Group – 25%












Issued overhang is calculated by dividing (a) the number of shares subject to equity awards outstanding at the end of the period by (b) the number of shares outstanding at the end of the period.


Total overhang is calculated by dividing (a) the sum of (x) the number of shares subject to equity awards outstanding at the end of the period and (y) the number of shares available for future grant under equity plans, by (b) the number of shares outstanding at the end of the period.


The Company repurchased 10,464,532 shares under the existing stock repurchase program during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. The issued and total overhang percentages within the table are as of December 31, 2019 and therefore reflect the impacts of the stock repurchases in 2019. Because share repurchases reduce the denominator in the issued and total overhang calculations, they increase our overhang percentages. If we had not repurchased any shares during 2019, issued and total overhang as of December 31, 2019 would have been 5.27% and 6.37%, respectively, assuming no additional share authorization and 5.27% and 9.20%, respectively, including the additional share authorization.


Description of the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan

The following summary of the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan is qualified in its entirety by reference to the complete text of the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan, a copy of which is attached to this proxy statement as Appendix A.


The purposes of the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan are:


To align the interests of the Company’s stockholders and recipients of awards under the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan by increasing the proprietary interest of such recipients in the Company’s growth and success;


To advance the interests of the Company by attracting and retaining officers, other key management employees, directors and independent contractors; and


To motivate such persons to act in the long-term best interests of the Company and its stockholders.




Types of Awards

Under the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan, the Company may grant:


non-qualified stock options;


“incentive stock options” (within the meaning of Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code);


stock appreciation rights (“SARs”);


restricted stock and restricted stock units (“Stock Awards”); and


performance units.

Under the terms of the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan, officers, other employees, non-employee directors, independent contractors, and persons expected to become officers, other employees, non-employee directors and independent contractors, of the Company or any of its subsidiaries, as selected by the Plan Committee (as described below), are eligible to participate in the plan. As of December 31, 2019, approximately 9,673 employees were eligible to participate in the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan. The closing price of our common stock on December 31, 2019 was $9.82.

Administration of the Plan

The Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan will be administered by a committee designated by the Board of Directors or a subcommittee thereof (the “Plan Committee”), consisting of two or more members of the Board. Each member of the Plan Committee is intended to be (i) a “non-employee director” within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act, and (ii) “independent” within the meaning of the rules of NASDAQ. Subject to the express provisions of the 2019 Stock Incentive Plan, the Plan Committee will have the authority to select eligible persons to receive awards and determine all of the terms and conditions of each award. The Plan Committee may delegate some or all of its power and authority under the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan to the Board, a subcommittee of the Board, a member of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer or other executive officer of the Company as the Plan Committee deems appropriate, except that the Plan Committee may not delegate its power and authority to a member of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer or other executive officer of the Company with regard to the selection for participation in the plan of an officer, director or other person subject to Section 16 of the Exchange Act or decisions concerning the timing, pricing or amount of an award to such an officer, director or other person.




Shares Reserved under the Plan

Under the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan, the maximum number of shares of common stock available for awards is 10,600,000, of which approximately 7,000,563 shares (1,900,563 shares available for grant as of December 31, 2019 plus 5,100,000 shares being requested under this proposal) would be available for new awards, not including any shares that would become available again upon the expiration, termination, cancellation, cash settlement or forfeiture of certain previously-issued awards, as described below. The number of shares available for awards is subject to adjustment in the event of a stock split, stock dividend, recapitalization, reorganization, merger, spin-off or other similar change or event. The number of available shares is reduced by the sum of the aggregate number of shares of common stock which become subject to Stock Awards or are issued in settlement of performance units granted under the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan. To the extent that shares of common stock subject to an outstanding option, free-standing SAR or Stock Award granted under either the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan or any prior plan previously maintained by the Company under which equity awards remained outstanding as of the effective date of the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan are not issued or delivered by reason of (i) the expiration, termination, cancellation or forfeiture of such award (excluding shares of common stock subject to an option cancelled upon settlement of a related tandem SAR or subject to a tandem SAR cancelled upon exercise of a related option) or (ii) the settlement of such award in cash, then such shares of common stock will again be available under the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan; provided, however, that shares of common stock subject to an award under the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan shall not again be available under the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan if such shares are (x) shares that are subject to a stock-settled SAR and were not issued or delivered upon the net settlement of such SAR, (y) shares delivered to or withheld by the Company to pay the exercise price or the withholding taxes related to an outstanding award and (z) shares repurchased by the Company on the open market with proceeds of an option exercise. The number of shares that will again become available will be one-half of one share for each share subject to an option or free-standing SAR and one share for each share subject to a Stock Award or Performance Unit Award.  

Change of Control

Unless otherwise determined by the Plan Committee pursuant to the terms of the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan or provided in an award agreement or other agreement, in the event of change of control of the Company and a termination of employment or service under circumstances determined by the Board or the Plan Committee within 24 months following such change of control or within three months prior thereto in connection with such change of control (i) the outstanding options and SARs shall immediately become exercisable in full or in part, (ii) the restriction period applicable to the outstanding Stock Awards shall lapse in full or in part, (iii) the performance period applicable to the outstanding awards shall lapse in full or in part and (iv) the performance measures applicable to the outstanding awards shall be deemed satisfied at the target, maximum or any interim other level. In addition, in the event of a change of control, the Board or the Plan Committee may, in its discretion, require that shares of stock of the company resulting from such change of control, or the parent thereof, be substituted for some or all of the shares of common stock subject to outstanding awards as determined by the Board of Directors, and/or require outstanding awards to be surrendered to the Company in exchange for a payment of cash, shares of common stock in the company resulting from the change of control, or the parent thereof, or a combination of cash and shares.





Under the terms of the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan, a change of control is generally defined as (i) any acquisition by a person or entity of more than 30% of the combined voting power of the Company’s then outstanding shares, with certain exceptions, (ii) an unapproved change in the majority of the Board members, (iii) a merger, reorganization or consolidation of the Company, unless, in any such case, the holders of the outstanding voting stock of the Company immediately prior to such merger, reorganization or consolidation holds more than 50% of the voting power of the surviving company; or (iv) a sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company other than to an entity of which the company owns at least 50% of the voting power of such company or to a company with respect to the holders of the outstanding voting stock of the Company immediately prior to such sale or other disposition holds more than 50% of the voting power of such company.

Effective Date, Termination and Amendment

If approved by stockholders at the 2020 annual meeting, the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan will become effective immediately. The Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan will terminate as of the first annual meeting of the Company’s stockholders to occur on or after the tenth anniversary of its effective date, unless earlier terminated by the Board of Directors. Thus, approval of the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive plan would extend the term of the plan by approximately one-year as compared to the 2019 Stock Incentive Plan. The Board may amend the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan at any time, subject to any requirement of stockholder approval required by applicable law, rule or regulation, including any rule of NASDAQ, and provided that no amendment may be made that materially impairs the rights of a holder of an outstanding award without the consent of such holder.

Stock Options and SARs

The Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan provides for the grant of stock options and SARs. The Plan Committee will determine the conditions to the exercisability of each option and SAR.

Each SAR shall be exercisable for no more than 7 years after its date of grant. The exercise price of a non-qualified stock option and the base price of an SAR will not be less than 100% of the fair market value of a share of common stock on the date of grant, provided that the base price of an SAR granted in tandem with an option (a “tandem SAR”) will be the exercise price of the related option. An SAR entitles the holder to receive upon exercise (subject to withholding taxes with respect to an employee) shares of common stock (which may be restricted stock), cash or a combination thereof with a value equal to the difference between the fair market value of the common stock on the exercise date and the base price of the SAR.

Each option will be exercisable for no more than 7 years after its date of grant, unless the optionee owns greater than 10% of the voting power of all shares of capital stock of the Company (a “ten percent holder”), in which case the option will be exercisable for no more than five years after its date of grant. The exercise price of an incentive stock option will not be less than the fair market value of a share of common stock on its date of grant, unless the optionee is a ten percent holder, in which case the option exercise price will be the price required by the Internal Revenue Code, currently 110% of fair market value.

All of the terms relating to the exercise, cancellation or other disposition of stock options and SARs following the termination of employment of a participant, whether by reason of disability, retirement, death or any other reason, will be determined by the Plan Committee. No dividend equivalents will be paid with respect to options or SARS




Stock Awards

The Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan provides for the grant of Stock Awards. The Plan Committee may grant a Stock Award either as a restricted stock award or a restricted stock unit award. Stock Awards will be non-transferable and subject to forfeiture if the holder does not remain continuously in the employment of the Company during the restriction period or if specified performance measures (if any) are not attained during the performance period. Except as otherwise specified in the award agreement, the restriction period of a Stock Award not subject to performance measures shall not be less than one year, subject to pro-rata vesting during such one-year restriction period, and the performance period of a Stock Award subject to performance measures shall not be less than one year. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the minimum restriction period and minimum performance period shall not be applicable to Stock Awards granted under the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan with respect to the number of shares of common stock which, in the aggregate, do not exceed five percent of the total number of shares available under the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan.

The agreement awarding restricted stock units will specify (1) whether such award may be settled in shares of common stock, cash or a combination thereof and (2) whether the holder will be entitled to receive, dividend equivalents, with respect to such award. Any dividend equivalents with respect to restricted stock units shall be subject to the same restrictions as such restricted stock units.

Prior to settlement of a restricted stock unit, the holder of a restricted stock unit will have no rights as a stockholder of the Company.

Unless otherwise set forth in a restricted stock award agreement, the holder of shares of restricted stock awarded will have rights as a stockholder of the Company, including the right to vote and receive dividends with respect to the shares of restricted stock. Notwithstanding anything in the plan or an award agreement to the contrary, any dividends or other distributions with respect to shares of common stock will be deposited with the Company and will be subject to the same restrictions as the restricted stock.

All of the terms relating to the satisfaction of performance measures and the termination of a restriction period, or the forfeiture and cancellation of a Stock Award upon a termination of employment will be determined by the Plan Committee in accordance with the terms of the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan.

Performance Unit Awards

The Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan also provides for the grant of performance unit awards. The agreement relating to a performance unit award shall specify whether such award may be settled in shares of common stock (including shares of restricted stock) or cash or a combination thereof. The agreement relating to a performance unit award shall provide, in the manner determined by the Plan Committee, for the vesting of such performance unit award if the specified performance measures are satisfied or met during the specified performance period. The performance period of a performance unit shall not be less than one year. Prior to the settlement of a performance unit award in shares of common stock, the holder of such award will have no rights as a stockholder of the Company with respect to such shares. Any dividend equivalents with respect to Performance Units shall be subject to same restrictions as such Performance Units. All of the terms relating to the satisfaction of performance measures and the termination of a performance period, or the forfeiture and cancellation of a performance unit award upon a termination of employment, whether by reason of disability, retirement, death or any other reason, will be determined by the Plan Committee.




Performance Measures

Under the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan, the vesting, exercisability or payment of certain awards may be made subject to the satisfaction of performance measures. The performance goals applicable to a particular award will be determined by the Plan Committee at the time of grant. One or more of the following corporate-wide or subsidiary, division, operating unit or individual measures may be used by the Committee in establishing performance measures under the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan: earnings; earnings per share; earnings before interest and taxes (“EBIT”); earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (“EBITDA”); stock price; financial return ratios, consisting of return on equity, return on assets and return on invested capital; the ratio of EBIT to capital; the ratio of EBITDA to capital; net income; operating income; bookings; revenues; profit margin; cash flow(s); expense reduction; working capital ratios; customer satisfaction measures; and successful integration of acquisitions; or any other measure selected by the Committee whether or not listed in the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan. Each such performance measure may be expressed on a pre-tax or post-tax basis or on an absolute or relative basis and may include comparisons based on current internal targets, the past performance of the Company (including the performance of one or more subsidiaries, divisions, or operating units) or the past or current performance of other companies or market indices (or a combination of such past and current performance). Performance measures may be determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) or otherwise than in accordance with GAAP. In the case of earnings-based measures, in addition to the ratios specifically enumerated above, performance measures may include comparisons relating to capital (including, but not limited to, the cost of capital), stockholders’ equity, shares outstanding, assets or net assets, sales, or any combination thereof. In the sole discretion of the Plan Committee, the Plan Committee may amend or adjust the performance measures to include or exclude components of any performance measure, including, without limitation, foreign exchange gains and losses, asset write-downs, acquisitions and divestitures, change in fiscal year, unbudgeted capital expenditures, special charges such as restructuring or impairment charges, debt refinancing costs, extraordinary or noncash items, unusual, infrequently occurring  or other terms and conditions of an outstanding award in recognition of unusual, nonrecurring or one-time events affecting the Company or its financial statements or changes in law or accounting principles. Performance measures are subject to such other special rules and conditions as the Plan Committee may establish at any time.

Award Agreements

All awards will be evidenced by a written agreement containing such provisions not inconsistent with the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan as the Plan Committee will approve. An agreement (or an employment agreement referred to therein) may provide that, or the committee may, in its sole discretion at any time, take action such that in the event of a termination of employment or in the event of a change of control or as otherwise provided by the Plan Committee (i) any outstanding options and SARs become exercisable in part or in full, (ii) all or any portion of a restriction period on any restricted stock, restricted stock units or performance units lapse, (iii) all or a portion of any performance period applicable to any outstanding awards lapse, and (iv) any performance measures applicable to any outstanding award be deemed satisfied at the target, maximum or any other interim level.

Federal Income Tax Consequences

The following is a brief summary of certain United States federal income tax consequences generally arising with respect to awards under the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan. This discussion does not address all aspects of the United States federal income tax consequences of participating in the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan that may be relevant to participants in light of their personal investment or tax circumstances and does not discuss any state, local or non-United States tax consequences of participating in the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan. Each participant is advised to consult his or her personal tax advisor concerning the application of the United States federal income tax laws to such participant’s particular situation, as well as the applicability and effect of any state, local or non-United States tax laws before taking any actions with respect to any awards.




Section 162(m) of the Code

Section 162(m) of the Code limits to $1 million the amount that a publicly held corporation is allowed each year to deduct for compensation paid to the corporation’s “covered employees.”  “Covered employees” include the corporation’s chief executive officer, chief financial officer and three next most highly compensated executive officers.  If an individual is determined to be a covered employee for any year beginning after December 31, 2016, then that individual will continue to be a covered employee for future years, regardless of changes in the individual’s compensation or position.

Stock Options

A participant will not recognize taxable income at the time an option is granted and the Company will not be entitled to a tax deduction at that time. A participant will recognize compensation taxable as ordinary income (and subject to income tax withholding in respect of an employee) upon exercise of a non-qualified stock option equal to the excess of the fair market value of the shares purchased over their exercise price, and the Company will be entitled to a corresponding deduction, except to the extent the deduction limits of Section 162(m) of the Code apply. A participant will not recognize income (except for purposes of the alternative minimum tax) upon exercise of an incentive stock option. If the shares acquired by exercise of an incentive stock option are held for the longer of two years from the date the option was granted and one year from the date it was exercised, any gain or loss arising from a subsequent disposition of those shares will be taxed as long-term capital gain or loss, and the Company will not be entitled to any deduction. If, however, those shares are disposed of within the above-described period, then in the year of that disposition the participant will recognize compensation taxable as ordinary income equal to the excess of the lesser of (1) the amount realized upon that disposition and (2) the fair market value of those shares on the date of exercise over the exercise price, and the Company will be entitled to a corresponding deduction, except to the extent the deduction limits of Section 162(m) of the Code apply.


A participant will not recognize taxable income at the time SARs are granted and the Company will not be entitled to a tax deduction at that time. Upon exercise, the participant will recognize compensation taxable as ordinary income (and subject to income tax withholding in respect of an employee) in an amount equal to the fair market value of any shares delivered and the amount of cash paid by the Company. This amount is deductible by the Company as compensation expense, except to the extent the deduction limits of Section 162(m) of the Code apply.

Stock Awards

A participant will not recognize taxable income at the time restricted stock is granted and the Company will not be entitled to a tax deduction at that time, unless the participant makes an election to be taxed at that time. If such election is made, the participant will recognize compensation taxable as ordinary income (and subject to income tax withholding in respect of an employee) at the time of the grant in an amount equal to the excess of the fair market value of the shares at such time over the amount, if any, paid for those shares. If such election is not made, the participant will recognize compensation taxable as ordinary income (and subject to income tax withholding in respect of an employee) at the time the restrictions constituting a substantial risk of forfeiture lapse in an amount equal to the excess of the fair market value of the shares at such time over the amount, if any, paid for those shares. The amount of ordinary income recognized by making the above-described election or upon the lapse of restrictions constituting a substantial risk of forfeiture is deductible by the Company as compensation expense, except to the extent the deduction limits of Section 162(m) of the Code apply. In addition, a participant receiving dividends with respect to restricted stock for which the above-described election has not been made and prior to the time the restrictions lapse will recognize compensation taxable as ordinary income (and subject to income tax withholding in respect of an employee), rather than dividend income, in an amount equal to the dividends paid and the Company will be entitled to a corresponding deduction, except to the extent the deduction limits of Section 162(m) of the Code apply.




A participant will not recognize taxable income at the time a restricted stock unit is granted and the Company will not be entitled to a tax deduction at that time. Upon settlement of restricted stock units, the participant will recognize compensation taxable as ordinary income (and subject to income tax withholding in respect of an employee) in an amount equal to the fair market value of any shares delivered and the amount of any cash paid by the Company. The amount of ordinary income recognized is deductible by the Company as compensation expense, except to the extent the deduction limits of Section 162(m) of the Code apply.

Performance Unit Awards

A participant will not recognize taxable income at the time performance units are granted and the Company will not be entitled to a tax deduction at that time. Upon settlement of performance units, the participant will recognize compensation taxable as ordinary income (and subject to income tax withholding in respect of an employee) in an amount equal to the fair market value of any shares delivered and the amount of cash paid by the Company. This amount is deductible by the Company as compensation expense, except to the extent the deduction limits of Section 162(m) of the Code apply.

Awards to Directors, Named Executive Officers and Employees Under the 2019 Stock Incentive Plan

The following table sets forth the number of restricted stock units (including performance-based restricted stock units at target level of performance and service-based restricted stock units) and stock options that have been granted under the 2019 Stock Incentive Plan to the NEOs and the other individuals and groups indicated. The actual equity awards for the remainder of 2020 (none of which are currently expected to be awarded to current executive officers) are not determinable and will depend on many factors including board authorization, future stock prices, and the mix of restricted stock unit awards and stock option awards.

Name and Position


Restricted Stock Units



Stock Options

Paul M. Black, Chief Executive Officer







Richard J. Poulton, President and Chief Financial Officer








Lisa Khorey, EVP, Chief Client Delivery Officer








Brian P. Farley, EVP, General Counsel and Chief Admin. Officer








All current executive officers








All current non-employee directors







All employees (other than current executive officers)









Vote Required

The affirmative vote of holders of a majority of the shares of common stock represented at the meeting is required to approve the Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan.

Recommendation of the Board

The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote FOR the approval of the Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc. Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan.




Proposal Three – Approval of the Amendment and Restatement Allscripts Employee Stock Purchase Plan

The Company’s stockholders are being asked to approve the amendment and restatement of the Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc. Employee Stock Purchase Plan (the “ESPP”), which would increase by 7,500,000 the number of shares of the Company’s common stock available for issuance under the ESPP.

The ESPP was originally adopted by the Board on April 4, 2006. At the Company’s 2012, 2014 and 2018 Annual Meetings of Stockholders, the Company’s stockholders approved amendments and restatements of the ESPP to, among other items, increase the number of shares available under the ESPP by 1,000,000, 3,000,000, and 4,000,000 respectively. Subject to stockholder approval at the Annual Meeting, the amendment and restatement of the ESPP will (i) increase the number of shares available under the ESPP by 7,500,000 shares of common stock and (ii) extend the term of the ESPP until April 1, 2030.

The purpose of the ESPP is to provide employees of the Company and participating subsidiaries added incentive to promote the best interests of the Company by permitting eligible employees to purchase shares of the Company’s common stock through payroll deductions. The ESPP is intended to qualify as an “employee stock purchase plan” under Section 423 of the Code.

Description of the Plan

Key Provisions


Plan Term: The ESPP will terminate on April 1, 2030, unless earlier terminated by the Board.


Eligible Participants: Only employees of the Company and participating subsidiaries will be eligible to be granted options to purchase shares of common stock under the ESPP, subject to certain restrictions as stated in the ESPP.


Shares Authorized: Subject to adjustment upon changes in capitalization of the Company as provided in the ESPP, the additional number of shares that will be made available for sale under the ESPP after giving effect to this amendment and restatement will be 7,501,351 shares (1,351 shares available for purchase as of the Record Date plus 7,500,000 shares being requested under this proposal). Such number represents approximately 4.6% of the common stock outstanding as of the Record Date. As of the Record Date, the closing price of a share of the Company’s common stock was $6.59.


Purchase Price of Shares: The purchase price per share will be the lesser of (i) 85% of the fair market value of a share of the Company’s common stock on the first day of the applicable offering period or (ii) 85% of the fair market value of a share of the Company’s common stock on the exercise date.


The ESPP will be administered by the Compensation Committee. The Compensation Committee will have full power and authority to interpret and administer the ESPP, to establish rules and regulations relating to the ESPP, and to make all other determinations it deems appropriate for the proper administration of the ESPP.

Shares Reserved

After giving effect to this amendment and restatement, the number of shares of the Company’s common stock available for purchase under the ESPP will not exceed 16,000,000, subject to adjustment by the Compensation Committee upon changes in capitalization as provided in the ESPP. The ESPP permits the Company to satisfy the exercise of all participant options under the ESPP through (i) the issuance of authorized but unissued shares, (ii) the transfer of treasury shares, (iii) the Company’s purchase of shares on the open market through an independent broker, and (iv) a combination of the foregoing.





In the event of certain changes in the capitalization of the Company as provided in the ESPP, the maximum number of shares of the Company’s common stock available for purchase under the ESPP, the purchase price, and the number of shares of the Company’s common stock covered by each outstanding option under the ESPP will be appropriately adjusted by the Board or the Compensation Committee, whose determination will be final, binding, and conclusive.

Eligible Participants

All employees of the Company and its participating subsidiaries who are regularly scheduled to work at least 20 hours per week and for more than five months per calendar year will be eligible to participate in the ESPP, except for certain limitations imposed by Section 423 of the Code. Under the Code, no employee will be granted an option under the ESPP if such employee, immediately after the grant of such option, would own shares possessing 5% or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company and its subsidiaries, and no employee may purchase any shares under all employee stock purchase plans of the Company and its related corporations at a rate that exceeds $25,000 in fair market value of the shares (determined at the time the option is granted) for each calendar year in which any option granted to the employee is outstanding at any time. In addition, in no event may a participant purchase more than 1,000 shares during any offering period (as adjusted pursuant to the terms of the ESPP, if applicable); provided, however, that the Compensation Committee may, in its discretion, change such maximum number prior to the beginning of an offering period. As of the Record Date, approximately 9,673 employees were eligible to participate in the ESPP.


An employee shall be eligible to participate on the first day of the first offering period that begins after such employee’s first date of employment with the Company or a participating subsidiary. The ESPP allows eligible employees to authorize payroll deductions of up to 20% of their base salary (or such greater percentage as approved by the Compensation Committee) to be applied toward the purchase of full shares of the Company’s common stock on the last day of the offering period. Offering periods under the ESPP will be approximately three months in duration and will begin on each March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1, or such other period designated by the Compensation Committee; provided, that in no event will an offering period exceed 27 months. Shares will be purchased on the last day of each offering period at a price specified by the Compensation Committee prior to the beginning of the offering period, but in any event not less than a per share price equal to the lesser of (i) 85% of the fair market value of a share on the first day of the offering period or (ii) 85% of the fair market value of a share on the exercise date.

Payroll Deduction Changes and Withdrawal

Except as otherwise provided by the Compensation Committee, a participant may change his or her payroll deduction percentage by properly completing and submitting an election change to the Compensation Committee, with such change in election to be effective as of the first enrollment date following the date of filing of the election change form. A participant may also withdraw from participation in the ESPP at any time during an offering period and receive a refund of any cash amounts credited to his or her account. A participant’s withdrawal from an offering period will not have any effect upon his or her ability to participate in any subsequent offering periods.


A participant’s rights under the ESPP are not transferable by the participant except by will or the laws of descent and distribution.




Termination of Employment

When a participant terminates employment for any reason, including voluntary termination, retirement, or death, the cash amounts credited to such participant’s account that have not been used to purchase shares will be returned to the participant or, in the case of such participant’s death, to the person’s designated beneficiary.

Amendments and Termination

The Board or the Compensation Committee may, at any time and for any reason, amend, modify, suspend, discontinue, or terminate the ESPP without notice; provided, that no participant’s existing rights in respect of existing options are adversely affected thereby. To the extent necessary to comply with Section 423 of the Code (or any other applicable law, regulation, or stock exchange rule), the Company will obtain stockholder approval in such a manner and to such a degree as required.

New Plan Benefits

The benefits that might be received by participating employees under the ESPP cannot be determined because the benefits depend upon the degree of participation by employees and the trading price of the Company’s common stock in future offering periods.

Federal Income Tax Consequences

The following is a brief summary of certain federal income tax consequences under the ESPP, based upon the laws in effect on the date hereof. Changes to these laws could alter the tax consequences described below. This summary is general in nature and does not discuss a number of considerations that may apply in light of the circumstances of a particular participant under the ESPP. The income tax consequences under applicable state and local tax laws may not be the same as under federal income tax laws.

The ESPP is intended to be an “employee stock purchase plan” within the meaning of Section 423 of the Code. Under Section 423 of the Code, an eligible employee who elects to participate in the ESPP will not recognize any taxable income and the Company will not be entitled to a deduction at the time shares of the Company’s common stock are purchased for the employee under the ESPP.  If an employee disposes of the common stock purchased under the ESPP within two years after the grant date (i.e., the first day of the offering period) or one year after the purchase date if later, the employee will recognize compensation taxable as ordinary income, and the Company will be entitled to a corresponding deduction, in an amount equal to the excess of the fair market value of the stock on the purchase date over the purchase price. The employee’s cost basis in the shares will be increased by the amount of ordinary income recognized by the employee, and the employee will recognize capital gain or loss equal to the difference between the price at which the shares are later sold (or otherwise disposed) and the cost basis for the shares, as so increased. The Company will not be entitled to any deduction with respect to the amount recognized by such participant as capital gain.

If an employee does not dispose of the common stock purchased under the ESPP until after the holding period described above, the employee will recognize compensation taxable as ordinary income in an amount equal to the lesser of (i) the excess of the fair market value of the shares at the time of disposition over the purchase price or (ii) assuming the Compensation Committee has not specified a different price prior to the beginning of the offering period, 15% of the fair market value of the shares on the grant date (i.e., the first day of the offering period). The employee’s cost basis in the shares will be increased by the amount of ordinary income recognized by the employee. The portion of the gain that is in excess of the amount recognized as ordinary income, if any, is taxed as long-term capital gain. If the shares are sold (or otherwise disposed) at a price below the purchase price under the ESPP, the loss will be treated as long-term capital loss. The Company will not be entitled to any deduction with respect to a disposition of shares occurring under these circumstances.




All of the foregoing description in this Proposal Three is qualified in its entirety by reference to, and should be read in conjunction with, the full text of the ESPP as proposed to be amended and restated, which is attached to this Proxy Statement as Annex A. Furthermore, the foregoing general tax description is intended for the information of the Company’s stockholders considering how to vote with respect to this Proposal Three, and not as tax guidance to participants in the ESPP. Participants are strongly urged to consult their own tax advisors regarding the federal, state, local, foreign, and other tax consequences to them of participating in the ESPP.

Vote Required

The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote thereon is required to approve the amendment and restatement of the Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc. Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

Recommendation of the Board

The Board unanimously recommends that stockholders vote FOR the amendment and restatement of the Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc. Employee Stock Purchase Plan.




Proposal Four - Ratification of Appointment of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

The Audit Committee has re-appointed Grant Thornton as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm and as auditors of the Company’s consolidated financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2020. Grant Thornton has served as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm since March 2014.

At the Annual Meeting, the stockholders are being asked to ratify the appointment of Grant Thornton as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2020. In the event the appointment is not ratified, the Audit Committee will reconsider its selection. Even if this appointment is ratified, the Audit Committee, in its discretion, may direct the appointment of a different independent registered public accounting firm at any time during the year if the Audit Committee determines that such a change would be in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders. A representative of Grant Thornton is expected to be present at the Annual Meeting, will have an opportunity to make a statement if he or she desires to do so, and will be available to respond to questions.

Fees and Related Expenses Paid to Auditors

The following table shows the fees accrued or paid to the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the years ended December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018.


(In thousands)











Audit Fees (1)









Audit-Related Fees (2)









Tax Fees (3)









All Other Fees




















Audit fees relate to professional services rendered in connection with the audit of the Company’s annual financial statements and internal control over financial reporting, quarterly review of financial statements included in the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, and audit services provided in connection with other statutory and regulatory filings or engagements. The amounts shown for 2018 include audit fees related to Netsmart, Inc., of which Allscripts divested its entire investment on December 31, 2018.


Audit-related fees relate to professional services performed in connection with the Company’s Service Organization Controls (SOC) reports, HITRUST certification and acquisition related procedures.


Tax fees relate to professional services rendered in connection with tax audits, international tax compliance, and international tax consulting and planning services.


Pre-Approval of Audit and Permissible Non-Audit Services of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

The Audit Committee has established a policy to pre-approve all audit and permissible non-audit services provided by the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm within the four categories identified above.

Prior to engagement, the Audit Committee pre-approves all services to be performed by the independent registered public accounting firm. The fees are budgeted and the Audit Committee has established procedures to pre-approve fee adjustments due to changes in the scope of work or for other reasons. The Audit Committee may delegate pre-approval authority to one or more of its members.




Vote Required

The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote thereon is required to approve this Proposal Four.

Recommendation of the Audit Committee and the Board

The Audit Committee and the Board unanimously recommend that stockholders vote FOR Proposal Four.




Proposal Five – Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer Compensation

The Company provides its stockholders with the opportunity to cast an annual advisory vote to approve the compensation of its named executive officers as disclosed pursuant to the SEC’s compensation disclosure rules (which disclosure includes the “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” and “Executive Compensation” sections above). The Company believes it is appropriate to seek and take into account the views of its stockholders on the design and effectiveness of the Company’s executive compensation program.

The Compensation Committee seeks to establish and implement a compensation program for the Company’s named executive officers that emphasizes pay-for-performance, and is designed to meet the following objectives: (a) reward outstanding performance for an individual’s performance against corporate goals; (b) provide long-term incentive compensation through equity grants, a material portion of which are performance-based; (c) provide for compensation that is both competitive in the executive market and internally equitable; and (d) align the Company’s named executive officer compensation with the Company’s financial performance and the long-term interests of the Company’s stockholders.

In accordance with the requirements of Section 14A of the Exchange Act and the related rules of the SEC, the Board requests that the Company’s stockholders vote to approve the following resolution at the Annual Meeting:

RESOLVED, that the compensation paid to the named executive officers, as disclosed in this Proxy Statement pursuant to the SEC’s executive compensation disclosure rules (which disclosure includes the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, the compensation tables, and the narrative disclosures that accompany the compensation tables), is hereby approved.

As an advisory vote, this proposal is not binding on the Company, the Board, or the Compensation Committee, and will not be construed as overruling a decision by the Company, the Board, or the Compensation Committee or creating or implying any additional fiduciary duty for the Company, the Board, or the Compensation Committee. However, the Compensation Committee and the Board value the opinions expressed by the Company’s stockholders in their votes on this proposal, and considers the outcome of the Company’s annual say-on-pay vote when making decisions regarding the Company’s executive compensation program. The Company’s management continues to engage in dialogue with many of the Company’s largest stockholders, and the Compensation Committee will continue to consider material stockholder feedback and the results of the Company’s say-on-pay votes when making future compensation decisions for the Company’s named executive officers.

The Company’s current policy is to provide stockholders with an opportunity to approve the compensation of the Company’s named executive officers each year at the Company’s annual meeting of stockholders. It is expected that the next say-on-pay vote will occur at the Company’s 2021 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.

Vote Required

The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote thereon is required to approve this Proposal Five.

Recommendation of the Board

The Board unanimously recommends that stockholders vote FOR Proposal Five.





Other Matters

The Company knows of no matters to be submitted to the Company’s stockholders at the Annual Meeting, other than the proposals referred to in this Proxy Statement. If any other matters properly come before the stockholders at the Annual Meeting, it is the intention of the persons named on the proxy to vote the shares represented thereby on such matters in accordance with their best judgment.

Dated: April 6, 2020








1.1.Purposes. The purposes of the Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc. Amended and Restated 2019 Stock Incentive Plan (this “Plan”) are (i) to align the interests of the Company’s stockholders and the recipients of awards under this Plan by increasing the proprietary interest of such recipients in the Company’s growth and success, (ii) to advance the interests of the Company by attracting and retaining officers, other employees, Non-Employee Directors and independent contractors and (iii) to motivate such persons to act in the long-term best interests of the Company and its stockholders.


1.2.Certain Definitions.

Agreement shall mean the written or electronic agreement evidencing an award hereunder between the Company and the recipient of such award.

Board shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.

Change in Controlshall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.8(c).

Code shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

Committee shall mean the Committee designated by the Board or a subcommittee thereof, in each case, consisting of two or more members of the Board, each of whom is intended to be (i) a “Non-Employee Director” within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act and (ii) “independent” within the meaning of the rules of the Nasdaq Global Select Market or any other stock exchange on which the Common Stock is then traded.

Common Stock shall mean the common stock, par value $0.01 per share, of the Company, and all rights appurtenant thereto.

Company shall mean Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc., a Delaware corporation, or any successor thereto.

“Effective Date” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.1.

Exchange Act shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. 

Fair Market Value shall mean the closing transaction price of a share of Common Stock as reported on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on the date as of which such value is being determined or, if the Common Stock is not listed on the Nasdaq Global Select Market, the closing transaction price of a share of Common Stock on the principal national stock exchange on which the Common Stock is traded on the date as of which such value is being determined or, if there shall be no reported transactions for such date, on the next preceding date for which transactions were reported; providedhowever, that if the Common Stock is not listed on a national stock exchange or if Fair Market Value for any date cannot be so determined, Fair Market Value shall be determined by the Committee in good faith and in accordance with Section 409A of the Code.




Free-Standing SAR shall mean an SAR which is not granted in tandem with, or by reference to, an option, which entitles the holder thereof to receive, upon exercise, shares of Common Stock (which may be Restricted Stock) or, in the discretion of the Committee and to the extent set forth in the Agreement, cash or a combination thereof, with an aggregate value equal to the excess of the Fair Market Value of one share of Common Stock on the date of exercise over the base price of such SAR, multiplied by the number of such SARs which are exercised.

Incentive Stock Option shall mean an option to purchase shares of Common Stock that meets the requirements of Section 422 of the Code, or any successor provision, which is intended by the Committee to constitute an Incentive Stock Option.

Incumbent Boardshall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.8(c).

Non-Employee Director” shall mean any director of the Company who is not an officer or employee of the Company or any Subsidiary.

Nonqualified Stock Option shall mean an option to purchase shares of Common Stock which is not an Incentive Stock Option.

Performance Measures shall mean any criteria and objectives, established by the Committee, which shall be satisfied or met (i) as a condition to the grant or exercisability of all or a portion of an option or SAR or (ii) during the applicable Restriction Period or Performance Period as a condition (x) in the case of a Restricted Stock Award, to the vesting of the holder’s interest in the shares of Common Stock subject to such award, or (y) in the case of a Restricted Stock Unit Award or Performance Unit Award, to the holder’s receipt of the shares of Common Stock subject to such award or of payment with respect to such award. One or more of the following corporate-wide or subsidiary, division, operating unit or individual measures may be used by the Committee in establishing Performance Measures under this Plan: earnings; earnings per share; earnings before interest and taxes (“EBIT”); earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (“EBITDA”); stock price; financial return ratios, consisting of return on equity, return on assets and return on invested capital; the ratio of EBIT to capital; the ratio of EBITDA to capital; net income; operating income; bookings; revenues; profit margin; cash flow(s); expense reduction; working capital ratios; achievement of balance sheet or income statement objectives; successful implementation of strategic initiatives; customer satisfaction measures; successful integration of acquisitions; or any other measure selected by the Committee whether or not listed herein. Each such Performance Measure may be expressed on a pre-tax or post-tax basis or on an absolute or relative basis, and may include comparisons based on current internal targets, the past performance of the Company (including the performance of one or more subsidiaries, divisions, or operating units) or the past or current performance of other companies or market indices (or a combination of such past and current performance). Performance Measures may be determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) or otherwise than in accordance with GAAP. In the case of earnings-based measures, in addition to the ratios specifically enumerated above, Performance Measures may include comparisons relating to capital (including, but not limited to, the cost of capital), stockholders’ equity, shares outstanding, assets or net assets, sales, or any combination thereof. In the sole discretion of the Committee, the Committee may amend or adjust the Performance Measures to include or exclude components of any Performance Measure, including, without limitation, foreign exchange gains and losses, asset write-downs, acquisitions and divestitures, change in fiscal year, unbudgeted capital expenditures, special charges such as restructuring or impairment charges, debt refinancing costs, extraordinary or noncash items, unusual, infrequently occurring or other terms and conditions of an outstanding award in recognition of unusual, nonrecurring or one-time events affecting the Company or its financial statements or changes in law or accounting principles.  Performance Measures shall be subject to such other special rules and conditions as the Committee may establish at any time.




Performance Option shall mean an Incentive Stock Option or Nonqualified Stock Option, the grant of which or the exercisability of all or a portion of which is contingent upon the attainment of specified Performance Measures within a specified Performance Period.

Performance Period shall mean any period designated by the Committee during which (i) the Performance Measures applicable to an award shall be measured and (ii) the conditions to vesting applicable to an award shall remain in effect.

Performance Unit shall mean a right to receive, contingent upon the attainment of specified Performance Measures within a specified Performance Period, a specified cash amount or, in lieu thereof, shares of Common Stock having a Fair Market Value equal to such cash amount.

Performance Unit Award shall mean an award of Performance Units under this Plan.

Prior Plan shall mean the Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc. Second Amended and Restated 2011 Stock Incentive Plan, and each other plan previously maintained by the Company under which equity awards remain outstanding as of the Effective Date.

Restricted Stock shall mean shares of Common Stock which are subject to a Restriction Period and which may, in addition thereto, be subject to the attainment of specified Performance Measures within a specified Performance Period.

Restricted Stock Award shall mean an award of Restricted Stock under this Plan.

Restricted Stock Unit shall mean a right to receive one share of Common Stock or, in lieu thereof and to the extent set forth in the Agreement, the Fair Market Value of such share of Common Stock in cash, which shall be contingent upon the expiration of a specified Restriction Period and which may, in addition thereto, be contingent upon the attainment of specified Performance Measures within a specified Performance Period.

Restricted Stock Unit Award shall mean an award of Restricted Stock Units under this Plan.

Restriction Period shall mean any period designated by the Committee during which (i) the Common Stock subject to a Restricted Stock Award may not be sold, transferred, assigned, pledged, hypothecated or otherwise encumbered or disposed of, except as provided in this Plan or the Agreement relating to such award, or (ii) the conditions to vesting applicable to a Restricted Stock Unit Award shall remain in effect.

SAR shall mean a stock appreciation right which may be a Free-Standing SAR or a Tandem SAR.

Stock Award shall mean a Restricted Stock Award or a Restricted Stock Unit Award.

Subsidiary shall mean any corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture or similar entity in which the Company owns, directly or indirectly, an equity interest possessing more than 50% of the combined voting power of the total outstanding equity interests of such entity.






Substitute Award” shall mean an award granted under this Plan upon the assumption of, or in substitution for, outstanding equity awards previously granted by a company or other entity in connection with a corporate transaction, including a merger, combination, consolidation or acquisition of property or stock; providedhowever, that in no event shall the term “Substitute Award” be construed to refer to an award made in connection with the cancellation and repricing of an option or SAR.

Tandem SAR shall mean an SAR which is granted in tandem with, or by reference to, an option (including a Nonqualified Stock Option granted prior to the date of grant of the SAR), which entitles the holder thereof to receive, upon exercise of such SAR and surrender or cancellation of all or a portion of such option, shares of Common Stock (which may be Restricted Stock) or, in the discretion of the Committee and to the extent set forth in the Agreement, cash or a combination thereof, with an aggregate value equal to the excess of the Fair Market Value of one share of Common Stock on the date of exercise over the base price of such SAR, multiplied by the number of shares of Common Stock subject to such option, or portion thereof, which is surrendered.

Tax Date shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.5.

Ten Percent Holder shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1(a).

Voting Power” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.8(c).

1.3.Administration. This Plan shall be administered by the Committee. Any one or a combination of the following awards may be made under this Plan to eligible persons: (i) options to purchase shares of Common Stock in the form of Incentive Stock Options or Nonqualified Stock Options (which may include Performance Options), (ii) SARs in the form of Tandem SARs or Free-Standing SARs, (iii) Stock Awards in the form of Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units and (iv) Performance Units. The Committee shall, subject to the terms of this Plan, select eligible persons for participation in this Plan and determine the form, amount and timing of each award to such persons and, if applicable, the number of shares of Common Stock, the number of SARs, the number of Restricted Stock Units and the number of Performance Units subject to such an award, the purchase price or base price associated with the award, the time and conditions of exercise or settlement of the award and all other terms and conditions of the award, including, without limitation, the form of the Agreement evidencing the award. The Committee shall, subject to the terms of this Plan, interpret this Plan and the application thereof, establish rules and regulations it deems necessary or desirable for the administration of this Plan and may impose, incidental to the grant of an award, conditions with respect to the award, such as limiting competitive employment or other activities. All such interpretations, rules, regulations and conditions shall be conclusive and binding on all parties.

The Committee may delegate some or all of its power and authority hereunder to the Board or, subject to applicable law, to a subcommittee of the Board, a member of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer or other executive officer of the Company as the Committee deems appropriate; providedhowever, that the Committee may not delegate its power and authority to a member of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer or other executive officer of the Company with regard to the selection for participation in this Plan of an officer, director or other person subject to Section 16 of the Exchange Act or decisions concerning the timing, pricing or amount of an award to such an officer, director or other person.









No member of the Board or Committee, and neither the Chief Executive Officer nor any other executive officer to whom the Committee delegates any of its power and authority hereunder, shall be liable for any act, omission, interpretation, construction or determination made in connection with this Plan in good faith, and the members of the Board and the Committee and the Chief Executive Officer or other executive officer shall be entitled to indemnification and reimbursement by the Company in respect of any claim, loss, damage or expense (including attorneys’ fees) arising therefrom to the full extent permitted by law (except as otherwise may be provided in the Company’s Certificate of Incorporation and/or By-laws) and under any directors’ and officers’ liability insurance that may be in effect from time to time.


1.4.Eligibility. Participants in this Plan shall consist of such officers, other employees, Non-Employee Directors, independent contractors, and persons expected to become officers, other employees, Non-Employee Directors and independent contractors, of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries as the Committee in its sole discretion may select from time to time. The Committee’s selection of a person to participate in this Plan at any time shall not require the Committee to select such person to participate in this Plan at any other time. Except as otherwise provided in an Agreement, for purposes of this Plan, references to employment by the Company shall also mean employment by a Subsidiary, and references to employment shall include service as a Non-Employee Director or independent contractor. The Company may determine, in its sole discretion, whether a participant is deemed to be employed during a leave of absence.  The aggregate value of cash compensation and the grant date fair value of shares of Common Stock that may be awarded or granted during any fiscal year of the Company to any Non-Employee Director shall not exceed $750,000.


1.5.Shares Available. Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 5.7 and to all other limits set forth in this Section 1.5, the number of shares of Common Stock that shall initially be available for all awards under this Plan shall be (i) 10,600,000, plus (ii) the number of available shares of Common Stock under the Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc. Second Amended and Restated 2011 Stock Incentive Plan as of the Effective Date.  The number of shares of Common Stock that remain available for future grants under the Plan shall be reduced by the sum of the aggregate number of shares of Common Stock that become subject to outstanding options, outstanding Free-Standing SARs, outstanding Stock Awards and outstanding Performance Units denominated in shares of Common Stock, other than Substitute Awards.   If this Plan is approved by the stockholders of the Company, no further awards may be granted under any Prior Plan.


To the extent that shares of Common Stock subject to an outstanding option, SAR or stock award granted under this Plan or under any Prior Plan are not issued or delivered by reason of (i) the expiration, termination, cancellation or forfeiture of such award (excluding shares subject to an option cancelled upon settlement in shares of a related tandem SAR or shares subject to a tandem SAR cancelled upon exercise of a related option) or (ii) the settlement of such award in cash, then such shares of Common Stock shall again be available under this Plan; providedhowever, that shares of Common Stock subject to an award under this Plan or any Prior Plan shall not again be available under this Plan if such shares are (x) shares that were subject to a stock-settled SAR and were not issued or delivered upon the net settlement of such SAR, (y) shares delivered to or withheld by the Company to pay the purchase price or the withholding taxes related to an outstanding award and (z) shares repurchased by the Company on the open market with the proceeds of an option exercise. The number of shares subject to outstanding awards granted under a Prior Plan that shall become available under this Plan pursuant to this paragraph shall be based on whatever factor or factors that were applied to determine the number of shares originally deducted from the available shares under the Prior Plan.   The number of shares of Common Stock available for awards under this Plan shall not be reduced by (i) the number of shares of Common Stock subject to Substitute Awards or (ii) available shares under a stockholder approved plan of a company or other entity which was a party to a corporate transaction with the Company (as appropriately adjusted to reflect such corporate transaction) which become subject to awards granted under this Plan (subject to applicable stock exchange requirements).




Shares of Common Stock to be delivered under this Plan shall be made available from authorized and unissued shares of Common Stock, or authorized and issued shares of Common Stock reacquired and held as treasury shares or otherwise or a combination thereof.


2.1Stock Options. The Committee may, in its discretion, grant options to purchase shares of Common Stock to such eligible persons as may be selected by the Committee. Each option, or portion thereof, that is not an Incentive Stock Option, shall be a Nonqualified Stock Option. To the extent that the aggregate Fair Market Value (determined as of the date of grant) of shares of Common Stock with respect to which options designated as Incentive Stock Options are exercisable for the first time by a participant during any calendar year (under this Plan or any other plan of the Company, or any parent or Subsidiary) exceeds the amount (currently $100,000) established by the Code, such options shall constitute Nonqualified Stock Options.

Options may be granted in addition to, or in lieu of, any other compensation payable to officers, other employees, Non-Employee Directors and independent contractors, and in all cases shall be subject to the following terms and conditions and shall contain such additional terms and conditions, not inconsistent with the terms of this Plan, as the Committee shall deem advisable:

(a)Number of Shares and Purchase Price. The number of shares of Common Stock subject to an option and the purchase price per share of Common Stock purchasable upon exercise of the option shall be determined by the Committee; providedhowever, that the purchase price per share of Common Stock purchasable upon exercise of a Nonqualified Stock Option or an Incentive Stock Option shall not be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock on the date of grant of such option; provided further, that if an Incentive Stock Option shall be granted to any person who, at the time such option is granted, owns capital stock possessing more than 10 percent of the total combined voting power of all classes of capital stock of the Company (or of any parent or Subsidiary) (a “Ten Percent Holder”), the purchase price per share of Common Stock shall not be less than the price (currently 110% of Fair Market Value) required by the Code in order to constitute an Incentive Stock Option.  

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case of an option that is a Substitute Award, the purchase price per share of the shares subject to such option may be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value per share on the date of grant, provided, that the excess of: (a) the aggregate Fair Market Value (as of the date such Substitute Award is granted) of the shares subject to the Substitute Award, over (b) the aggregate purchase price thereof does not exceed the excess of: (x) the aggregate fair market value (as of the time immediately preceding the transaction giving rise to the Substitute Award, such fair market value to be determined by the Committee) of the shares of the predecessor company or other entity that were subject to the grant assumed or substituted for by the Company, over (y) the aggregate purchase price of such shares.

(b)Option Period and Exercisability. The period during which an option may be exercised shall be determined by the Committee; providedhowever, that no option shall be exercised later than seven (7) years after its date of grant; provided further, that if an Incentive Stock Option shall be granted to a Ten Percent Holder, such option shall not be exercised later than five (5) years after its date of grant. The Committee may, in its discretion, determine that an option is to be granted as a Performance Option and may establish an applicable Performance Period and Performance Measures which shall be satisfied or met as a condition to the grant of such option or to the exercisability of all or a portion of such option. The Committee shall determine whether an option shall become exercisable in cumulative or non-cumulative installments and in part or in full at any time. An exercisable option, or portion thereof, may be exercised only with respect to whole shares of Common Stock.




(c)Method of Exercise. An option may be exercised (i) by giving written notice to the Company specifying the number of whole shares of Common Stock to be purchased and accompanying such notice with payment therefor in full (or arrangement made for such payment to the Company’s satisfaction) either (A) in cash, (B) by delivery (either actual delivery or by attestation procedures established by the Company) of shares of Common Stock having a Fair Market Value, determined as of the date of exercise, equal to the aggregate purchase price payable by reason of such exercise, (C) authorizing the Company to withhold whole shares of Common Stock which would otherwise be delivered having an aggregate Fair Market Value, determined as of the date of exercise, equal to the amount necessary to satisfy such obligation, (D) in cash by a broker-dealer acceptable to the Company to whom the optionee has submitted an irrevocable notice of exercise or (E) a combination of (A), (B) and (C), in each case to the extent set forth in the Agreement relating to the option, (ii) if applicable, by surrendering to the Company any Tandem SARs which are cancelled by reason of the exercise of the option and (iii) by executing such documents as the Company may reasonably request. Any fraction of a share of Common Stock which would be required to pay such purchase price shall be disregarded and the remaining amount due shall be paid in cash by the optionee. No shares of Common Stock shall be issued and no certificate representing Common Stock shall be delivered until the full purchase price therefor and any withholding taxes thereon, as described in Section 5.5, have been paid (or arrangement made for such payment to the Company’s satisfaction).

2.2Stock Appreciation Rights. The Committee may, in its discretion, grant SARs to such eligible persons as may be selected by the Committee. The Agreement relating to an SAR shall specify whether the SAR is a Tandem SAR or a Free-Standing SAR.

SARs shall be subject to the following terms and conditions and shall contain such additional terms and conditions, not inconsistent with the terms of this Plan, as the Committee shall deem advisable:

(a)Number of SARs and Base Price. The number of SARs subject to an award shall be determined by the Committee. Any Tandem SAR related to an Incentive Stock Option shall be granted at the same time that such Incentive Stock Option is granted. The base price of a Tandem SAR shall be the purchase price per share of Common Stock of the related option. The base price of a Free-Standing SAR shall be determined by the Committee; providedhowever, that such base price shall not be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock on the date of grant of such SAR (or, if earlier, the date of grant of the option for which the SAR is exchanged or substituted).

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case of an SAR that is a Substitute Award, the base price per share of the shares subject to such SAR may be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value per share on the date of grant, provided, that the excess of: (a) the aggregate Fair Market Value (as of the date such Substitute Award is granted) of the shares subject to the Substitute Award, over (b) the aggregate base price thereof does not exceed the excess of: (x) the aggregate fair market value (as of the time immediately preceding the transaction giving rise to the Substitute Award, such fair market value to be determined by the Committee) of the shares of the predecessor company or other entity that were subject to the grant assumed or substituted for by the Company, over (y) the aggregate base price of such shares.




(b)Exercise Period and Exercisability. The period for the exercise of an SAR shall be determined by the Committee; providedhowever, that no SAR shall be exercised later than seven (7) years after its date of grant; and provided further, that no Tandem SAR shall be exercised later than the expiration, cancellation, forfeiture or other termination of the related option. The Committee may, in its discretion, establish Performance Measures which shall be satisfied or met as a condition to the grant of an SAR or to the exercisability of all or a portion of an SAR. The Committee shall determine whether an SAR may be exercised in cumulative or non-cumulative installments and in part or in full at any time. An exercisable SAR, or portion thereof, may be exercised, in the case of a Tandem SAR, only with respect to whole shares of Common Stock and, in the case of a Free-Standing SAR, only with respect to a whole number of SARs. If an SAR is exercised for shares of Restricted Stock, a certificate or certificates representing such Restricted Stock shall be issued in accordance with Section 3.2(c), or such shares shall be transferred to the holder in book entry form with restrictions on the shares duly noted, and the holder of such Restricted Stock shall have such rights of a stockholder of the Company as determined pursuant to Section 3.2(d). Prior to the exercise of a stock-settled SAR, the holder of such SAR shall have no rights as a stockholder of the Company with respect to the shares of Common Stock subject to such SAR.

(c)Method of Exercise. A Tandem SAR may be exercised (i) by giving written notice to the Company specifying the number of whole SARs which are being exercised, (ii) by surrendering to the Company any options which are cancelled by reason of the exercise of the Tandem SAR and (iii) by executing such documents as the Company may reasonably request. A Free-Standing SAR may be exercised (A) by giving written notice to the Company specifying the whole number of SARs which are being exercised and (B) by executing such documents as the Company may reasonably request.  No shares of Common Stock shall be issued and no certificate representing Common Stock shall be delivered until any withholding taxes thereon, as described in Section 5.5, have been paid (or arrangement made for such payment to the Company’s satisfaction).

2.3Termination of Employment or Service. All of the terms relating to the exercise, cancellation or other disposition of an option or SAR upon a termination of employment with or service to the Company of the holder of such option or SAR, as the case may be, whether by reason of disability, retirement, death or any other reason, shall be determined by the Committee and set forth in the applicable award Agreement. 

2.4No Repricing. Notwithstanding anything in this Plan to the contrary and subject to Section 5.7, the Committee shall not (i) reduce the purchase price or base price of any previously granted option or SAR, (ii) cancel any previously granted option or SAR in exchange for another option or SAR with a lower purchase price or base price or (iii) cancel any previously granted option or SAR in exchange for cash or another award if the purchase price of such option or the base price of such SAR exceeds the Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock on the date of such cancellation, in each case other than in connection with a Change in Control, without the approval of the stockholders of the Company.

2.5Dividend Equivalents. Notwithstanding anything in an Agreement to the contrary, the holder of an option or SAR shall not be entitled to receive dividend equivalents with respect to the number of shares of Common Stock subject to such option or SAR.


3.1Stock Awards. The Committee may, in its discretion, grant Stock Awards to such eligible persons as may be selected by the Committee. The minimum Restriction Period and the minimum Performance Period specified in Section 3.2(b) relating to Restricted Stock Awards and specified in Section 3.3(b) relating to Restricted Stock Unit Awards shall not be applicable to awards granted under this Plan with respect to the number of shares of Common Stock which, in the aggregate, does not exceed five percent (5%) of the total number of shares available for awards under this Plan. The Agreement relating to a Stock Award shall specify whether the Stock Award is a Restricted Stock Award or a Restricted Stock Unit Award.




3.2Terms of Restricted Stock Awards. Restricted Stock Awards shall be subject to the following terms and conditions and shall contain such additional terms and conditions, not inconsistent with the terms of this Plan, as the Committee shall deem advisable.

(a)Number of Shares and Other Terms. The number of shares of Common Stock subject to a Restricted Stock Award and the Restriction Period, Performance Period (if any) and Performance Measures (if any) applicable to a Restricted Stock Award shall be determined by the Committee.

(b)Vesting and Forfeiture. The Agreement relating to a Restricted Stock Award shall provide, in the manner determined by the Committee, in its discretion, and subject to the provisions of this Plan, for the vesting of the shares of Common Stock subject to such award (i) if the holder of such award remains continuously in the employment of the Company during the specified Restriction Period or (ii) if specified Performance Measures (if any) are satisfied or met during a specified Performance Period, and for the forfeiture of the shares of Common Stock subject to such award (x) if the holder of such award does not remain continuously in the employment of the Company during the specified Restriction Period or (y) if specified Performance Measures (if any) are not satisfied or met during a specified Performance Period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, but subject to Sections 3.1, 5.3 and 5.8 (i) the Restriction Period of a Restricted Stock Award not subject to Performance Measures shall not be less than one (1) year, subject to pro-rata vesting during such one-year Restriction Period, and (ii) the Performance Period of a Restricted Stock Award subject to Performance Measures shall not be less that one (1) year. 

(c)Stock Issuance. During the Restriction Period, the shares of Restricted Stock shall be held by a custodian in book entry form with restrictions on such shares duly noted or, alternatively, a certificate or certificates representing a Restricted Stock Award shall be registered in the holder’s name and may bear a legend, in addition to any legend which may be required pursuant to Section 5.6, indicating that the ownership of the shares of Common Stock represented by such certificate is subject to the restrictions, terms and conditions of this Plan and the Agreement relating to the Restricted Stock Award. All such certificates shall be deposited with the Company, together with stock powers or other instruments of assignment (including a power of attorney), each endorsed in blank with a guarantee of signature if deemed necessary or appropriate, which would permit transfer to the Company of all or a portion of the shares of Common Stock subject to the Restricted Stock Award in the event such award is forfeited in whole or in part. Upon termination of any applicable Restriction Period (and the satisfaction or attainment of applicable Performance Measures), subject to the Company’s right to require payment of any taxes in accordance with Section 5.5, the restrictions shall be removed from the requisite number of any shares of Common Stock that are held in book entry form, and all certificates evidencing ownership of the requisite number of shares of Common Stock shall be delivered to the holder of such award.

(d)Rights with Respect to Restricted Stock Awards. Unless otherwise set forth in the Agreement relating to a Restricted Stock Award, and subject to the terms and conditions of a Restricted Stock Award, the holder of such award shall have all rights as a stockholder of the Company, including, but not limited to, voting rights, the right to receive dividends and the right to participate in any capital adjustment applicable to all holders of Common Stock. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all distributions and dividends with respect to shares of Common Stock, including a regular cash dividend, shall be deposited with the Company and shall be subject to the same restrictions as the shares of Common Stock with respect to which such distribution or dividend was made.

3.3Terms of Restricted Stock Unit Awards. Restricted Stock Unit Awards shall be subject to the following terms and conditions and shall contain such additional terms and conditions, not inconsistent with the terms of this Plan, as the Committee shall deem advisable.

(a)Number of Shares and Other Terms. The number of shares of Common Stock subject to a Restricted Stock Unit Award and the Restriction Period, Performance Period (if any) and Performance Measures (if any) applicable to a Restricted Stock Unit Award shall be determined by the Committee.




(b)Vesting and Forfeiture. The Agreement relating to a Restricted Stock Unit Award shall provide, in the manner determined by the Committee, in its discretion, and subject to the provisions of this Plan, for the vesting of such Restricted Stock Unit Award (i) if the holder of such award remains continuously in the employment of the Company during the specified Restriction Period or (ii) if specified Performance Measures (if any) are satisfied or met during a specified Performance Period, and for the forfeiture of the shares of Common Stock subject to such award (x) if the holder of such award does not remain continuously in the employment of the Company during the specified Restriction Period or (y) if specified Performance Measures (if any) are not satisfied or met during a specified Performance Period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, but subject to Sections 3.1, 5.3 and 5.8 (i) the Restriction Period of a Restricted Stock Unit Award not subject to Performance Measures shall not be less than one (1) year, subject to pro-rata vesting during such one-year Restriction Period, and (ii) the Performance Period of a Restricted Stock Unit Award subject to Performance Measures shall not be less that one (1) year.

(c)Settlement of Vested Restricted Stock Unit Awards. The Agreement relating to a Restricted Stock Unit Award shall specify (i) whether such award may be settled in shares of Common Stock or cash or a combination thereof and (ii) whether the holder thereof shall be entitled to receive dividend equivalents, and, if determined by the Committee, interest on, or the deemed reinvestment of, any deferred dividend equivalents, with respect to the number of shares of Common Stock subject to such award. Any dividend equivalents with respect to Restricted Stock Units shall be subject to the same vesting conditions as the underlying awards. Prior to the settlement of a Restricted Stock Unit Award, the holder of such award shall have no rights as a stockholder of the Company with respect to the shares of Common Stock subject to such award.

3.4Termination of Employment or Service. All of the terms relating to the satisfaction of Performance Measures and the termination of the Restriction Period or the Performance Period relating to a Stock Award, or any forfeiture and cancellation of such award upon a termination of employment with or service to the Company of the holder of such award, whether by reason of disability, retirement, death or any other reason,  shall be determined by the Committee in accordance with the terms of this Plan, including Sections 1.3, 3.2(b), 3.3(b) and 5.3, and set forth in the applicable award Agreement.


4.1Performance Unit Awards. The Committee may, in its discretion, grant Performance Unit Awards to such eligible persons as may be selected by the Committee.

4.2Terms of Performance Unit AwardsPerformance Unit Awards shall be subject to the following terms and conditions and shall contain such additional terms and conditions, not inconsistent with the terms of this Plan, as the Committee shall deem advisable.

(a)Number of Performance Units and Performance Measures. The number of Performance Units subject to a Performance Unit Award, the method of determining the value of each Performance Unit and the Performance Measures and Performance Period applicable to a Performance Unit Award shall be determined by the Committee.

(b)Vesting and Forfeiture. The Agreement relating to a Performance Unit Award shall provide, in the manner determined by the Committee, in its discretion, and subject to the provisions of this Plan, for the vesting of such Performance Unit Award if the specified Performance Measures are satisfied or met during the specified Performance Period and for the forfeiture of such award if the specified Performance Measures are not satisfied or met during the specified Performance Period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, but subject to Sections 5.3 and 5.8, the Performance Period of a Performance Unit Award that may be settled in shares of Common Stock shall not be less than one (1) year.




(c)Settlement of Vested Performance Unit Awards. The Agreement relating to a Performance Unit Award shall specify whether such award may be settled in shares of Common Stock (including shares of Restricted Stock) or cash or a combination thereof. If a Performance Unit Award is settled in shares of Restricted Stock, such shares of Restricted Stock shall be issued to the holder in book entry form or a certificate or certificates representing such Restricted Stock shall be issued in accordance with Section 3.2(c) and the holder of such Restricted Stock shall have such rights as a stockholder of the Company as determined pursuant to Section 3.2(d). Any dividends or dividend equivalents with respect to a Performance Unit Award shall be subject to the same restrictions as such Performance Unit Award. Prior to the settlement of a Performance Unit Award in shares of Common Stock, including Restricted Stock, the holder of such award shall have no rights as a stockholder of the Company.

4.3Termination of Employment or Service. All of the terms relating to the satisfaction of Performance Measures and the termination of the Performance Period relating to a Performance Unit Award, or any forfeiture and cancellation of such award upon a termination of employment with or service to the Company of the holder of such award, whether by reason of disability, retirement, death or any other reason, shall be determined by the Committee and set forth in the applicable award Agreement.


5.1Effective Date and Term of PlanThis Plan, as amended and restated, shall be submitted to the stockholders of the Company for approval at the Company’s 2020 annual meeting of stockholders and, if so approved, shall become effective on May 21, 2020 (the “Effective Date”). This Plan shall terminate as of the first annual meeting of the Company’s stockholders to occur on or after May 21, 2030, unless terminated earlier by the Board. Termination of this Plan shall not affect the terms or conditions of any award granted prior to termination.

Awards hereunder may be made at any time prior to the termination of this Plan, provided that no Incentive Stock Option may be granted later than ten (10) years after the date on which the Plan was approved by the Board. In the event that this Plan is not approved by the stockholders of the Company, this Plan and any awards hereunder shall be void and of no force or effect.

5.2Amendments. The Board may amend this Plan as it shall deem advisable; provided, however, that no amendment to the Plan shall be effective without the approval of the Company’s stockholders if (i), subject to any requirement of stockholder approval is required by Section 2.4 or by applicable law, rule or regulation, including any rule of the Nasdaq Global Select Market, or any other stock exchange on which the shares of Common Stock are then traded, or (ii) the Non-Employee Director compensation limit set forth in Section 1.3; provided further, that no amendment may materially impair the rights of a holder of an outstanding award without the consent of such holder.

5.3Agreement. Each award under this Plan shall be evidenced by an Agreement setting forth the terms and conditions applicable to such award. An Agreement (or an employment agreement referred to therein) may provide that, or the Committee may, in its sole discretion at any time, take action such that in the event of a termination of employment or service, in the event of a Change in Control or as otherwise determined by the Committee (i) any or all outstanding options and SARs shall become exercisable in part or in full, (ii) all or a portion of the Restriction Period applicable to any outstanding Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units or Performance Units shall lapse, (iii) all or a portion of the Performance Period applicable to any outstanding award shall lapse, and (iv) the Performance Measures (if any) applicable to any outstanding award shall be deemed to be satisfied at the target, maximum or any other interim level. No award shall be valid until an Agreement is executed by the Company and, to the extent required by the Company, the recipient of such award and, upon such execution and delivery of the Agreement to the Company within the time period specified by the Company, such award shall be effective as of the effective date set forth in the Agreement.




5.4Non-Transferability. No award shall be transferable other than by will, the laws of descent and distribution or pursuant to beneficiary designation procedures approved by the Company or, to the extent expressly permitted in the Agreement relating to such award, to the holder’s family members, a trust or entity established by the holder for estate planning purposes or a charitable organization designated by the holder, in each case, without consideration. Except to the extent permitted by the foregoing sentence or the Agreement relating to an award, each award may be exercised or settled during the holder’s lifetime only by the holder or the holder’s legal representative or similar person. Except as permitted by the second preceding sentence, no award may be sold, transferred, assigned, pledged, hypothecated, encumbered or otherwise disposed of (whether by operation of law or otherwise) or be subject to execution, attachment or similar process. Upon any attempt to so sell, transfer, assign, pledge, hypothecate, encumber or otherwise dispose of any award, such award and all rights thereunder shall immediately become null and void.

5.5Tax Withholding. The Company shall have the right to require, prior to the issuance or delivery of any shares of Common Stock or the payment of any cash pursuant to an award made hereunder, payment by the holder of such award of any federal, state, local or other taxes which may be required to be withheld or paid in connection with such award. An Agreement may provide that (a) the Company shall withhold whole shares of Common Stock which would otherwise be delivered to a holder, having an aggregate Fair Market Value determined as of the date the obligation to withhold or pay taxes arises in connection with an award (the “Tax Date”), or withhold an amount of cash which would otherwise be payable to a holder, in the amount necessary to satisfy any such obligation or (b) the holder may satisfy any such obligation by any of the following means: (i) a cash payment to the Company, (ii) delivery (either actual delivery or by attestation procedures established by the Company) to the Company of previously owned whole shares of Common Stock having an aggregate Fair Market Value, determined as of the Tax Date, equal to the amount necessary to satisfy any such obligation, (iii) authorizing the Company to withhold whole shares of Common Stock which would otherwise be delivered having an aggregate Fair Market Value, determined as of the Tax Date, or withhold an amount of cash which would otherwise be payable to a holder, in either case equal to the amount necessary to satisfy any such obligation, (iv) in the case of the exercise of an option, a cash payment by a broker-dealer acceptable to the Company to whom the optionee has submitted an irrevocable notice of exercise or (v) any combination of (i), (ii) and (iii), in each case to the extent set forth in the Agreement relating to the award. Shares of Common Stock to be delivered or withheld may not have an aggregate Fair Market Value in excess of the amount determined by applying the minimum statutory withholding rate (or, if permitted by the Company, such other rate as will not cause adverse accounting consequences under the accounting rules then in effect). Any fraction of a share of Common Stock which would be required to satisfy such an obligation shall be disregarded and the remaining amount due shall be paid in cash by the holder. 

5.6Restrictions on Shares. Each award made hereunder shall be subject to the requirement that if at any time the Company determines that the listing, registration or qualification of the shares of Common Stock subject to such award upon any securities exchange or under any law, or the consent or approval of any governmental body, or the taking of any other action is necessary or desirable as a condition of, or in connection with, the delivery of shares thereunder, such shares shall not be delivered unless such listing, registration, qualification, consent, approval or other action shall have been effected or obtained, free of any conditions not acceptable to the Company. The Company may require that certificates evidencing shares of Common Stock delivered pursuant to any award made hereunder bear a legend indicating that the sale, transfer or other disposition thereof by the holder is prohibited except in compliance with the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder.




5.7Adjustment. In the event of any equity restructuring (within the meaning of Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Topic 718, Compensation—Stock Compensation or any successor or replacement accounting standard) that causes the per share value of shares of Common Stock to change, such as a stock dividend, stock split, spinoff, rights offering or recapitalization through an extraordinary cash dividend, the number and class of securities available under this Plan, the terms of each outstanding option and SAR (including the number and class of securities subject to each outstanding option or SAR and the purchase price or base price per share), the terms of each outstanding Stock Award (including the number and class of securities subject thereto), and the terms of each outstanding Performance Unit (including the number and class of securities subject thereto, if applicable), shall be appropriately adjusted by the Committee, such adjustments to be made in the case of outstanding options and SARs in accordance with Section 409A of the Code.  In the event of any other change in corporate capitalization, including a merger, consolidation, reorganization, or partial or complete liquidation of the Company, such equitable adjustments described in the foregoing sentence may be made as determined to be appropriate and equitable by the Committee to prevent dilution or enlargement of rights of participants. In either case, the decision of the Committee regarding any such adjustment shall be final, binding and conclusive.

5.8Change in Control.

(a)Double-Trigger Vesting. Unless otherwise determined by the Committee pursuant to Section 5.3 or provided in an Agreement or another agreement, in the event of a Change in Control of the Company and a termination of employment or service under circumstances determined by the Board or the Committee and set forth in the Agreement within 24 months following such Change in Control or within three months prior thereto in connection with such Change in Control (i) the outstanding options and SARs shall immediately become exercisable in full or in part, (ii) the Restriction Period applicable to the outstanding Restricted Stock Awards and Restricted Stock Unit Awards shall lapse in full or in part, (iii) the Performance Period applicable to the outstanding awards shall lapse in full or in part, and (iv) the Performance Measures applicable to the outstanding awards shall be deemed to be satisfied at the target, maximum or any other interim level.

(b)Board and Committee Discretion. In the event of a Change in Control of the Company, the Board or the Committee may, in its discretion:



require that shares of capital stock of the corporation resulting from or succeeding to the business of the Company pursuant to such Change in Control, or a parent corporation thereof, be substituted for some or all of the shares of Common Stock subject to an outstanding award, with an appropriate and equitable adjustment to such award as determined by the Board in accordance with Section 5.7; and/or 



require outstanding awards, in whole or in part, to be surrendered to the Company by the holder, and to be immediately cancelled by the Company, and to provide for the holder to receive (A) a cash payment in an amount equal to (x) in the case of an option or an SAR, the number of shares of Common Stock then subject to the portion of such option or SAR surrendered, to the extent such option or SAR is then exercisable or becomes exercisable pursuant to Section 5.3 or the terms of an award Agreement or other agreement, multiplied by the excess, if any, of the Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock as of the date of the Change in Control, over the purchase price or base price per share of Common Stock subject to such option or SAR, (y) in the case of a Stock Award, the number of shares of Common Stock then subject to the portion of such award surrendered, to the extent the Restriction Period and Performance Period, if any, on such Stock Award have lapsed or will lapse pursuant to Section 5.3 or the terms of an award Agreement or other agreement and to the extent that the Performance Measures, if any, have been satisfied or are deemed satisfied pursuant to Section 5.3 or the terms of an award Agreement or other agreement, multiplied by the Fair Market Value of a share of





Common Stock as of the date of the Change in Control, and (z) in the case of a Performance Unit Award, the value of the Performance Units then subject to the portion of such award surrendered, to the extent the Performance Period applicable so such award has lapsed or will lapse pursuant to Section 5.3 or the terms of an award Agreement or other agreement and to the extent the Performance Measures applicable to such award have been satisfied or are deemed satisfied pursuant to Section 5.3 or the terms of an award Agreement or other agreement; (B) shares of capital stock of the corporation resulting from or succeeding to the business of the Company pursuant to such Change in Control, or a parent corporation thereof, having a Fair Market Value not less than the amount determined under clause (A) above; or (C) a combination of the payment of cash pursuant to clause (A) above and the issuance of shares pursuant to clause (B) above. 

(c)Definition of Change in Control. A “Change in Control” shall mean and be determined to have occurred upon any one of the following events: (i) the date any person or group other than any Subsidiary (or any employee benefit plans (or related trust) of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries) acquires beneficial ownership of securities possessing more than thirty percent (30%) of the total combined voting power of the Company’s then outstanding voting securities which generally entitle the holder thereof to vote for the election of directors (“Voting Power”); providedhowever, that no Change in Control shall be deemed to have occurred solely by reason of any such acquisition by a corporation with respect to which, after such acquisition, more than sixty percent (60%) of the then outstanding shares of common stock of such corporation and the Voting Power of such corporation are then beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, by the persons who were the beneficial owners of the stock and Voting Power of Company immediately before such acquisition, in substantially the same proportions as their ownership immediately before such acquisition; or (ii) the date the individuals who constitute the Board as of the date of the approval of this Plan by the Board (the “Incumbent Board”) cease for any reason other than their deaths to constitute at least a majority of the Board; provided that any individual who becomes a director after the date of the approval of this Plan by the Board whose election or nomination for election by Company’s stockholders was approved by a vote of at least a majority of the directors then comprising the Incumbent Board shall be considered, for purposes of this definition, as though such individual were a member of the Incumbent Board, but excluding, for this purpose, any such individual whose initial assumption of office is in connection with an actual or threatened solicitation by a person or group other than the Board for the purpose of opposing a solicitation by any other person or group with respect to the election or removal of directors of the Company; or (iii) the Company effects (A) a merger, reorganization or consolidation of Company with one or more corporations or entities, unless, in any such case, immediately after such merger, reorganization or consolidation, more than 50% of the Voting Power of the then outstanding securities of the corporation resulting from such merger, reorganization or consolidation is then owned, directly or indirectly, by all or substantially all of the persons who were the beneficial owners, respectively, of the outstanding Voting Stock of Company immediately prior to such merger, reorganization or consolidation and in substantially the same proportions relative to each other as their ownership, immediately prior to such merger, reorganization or consolidation, of the outstanding Voting Stock of the Company; or (B) a sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of Company (x) other than to an entity of which Company owns at least 50% of the Voting Power or (y) other than to a corporation with respect to which, immediately after such sale or other disposition, more than 50% of the Voting Power of the then outstanding securities thereof is then beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, by all or substantially all of the persons who were the beneficial owners, respectively, of the Voting Stock of the Company immediately prior to such sale or other disposition and in substantially the same proportions relative to each other as their ownership, immediately prior to such sale or other disposition, of the outstanding Voting Stock of the Company. For purposes of the foregoing definition, the terms “beneficially owned” and “beneficial ownership” shall have the meanings ascribed to them in Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, the term “person” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 13(d)(3) or Section 14(d)(2) of the Exchange Act and “group” means two or more persons acting together in such a way to be deemed a person for purposes of Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act.




5.9DeferralsThe Committee may determine that the delivery of shares of Common Stock or the payment of cash, or a combination thereof, upon the settlement of all or a portion of any award made hereunder shall be deferred, or the Committee may, in its sole discretion, approve deferral elections made by holders of awards. Deferrals shall be for such periods and upon such terms as the Committee may determine in its sole discretion, subject to the requirements of Section 409A of the Code.

5.10No Right of Participation, Employment or Service. Unless otherwise set forth in an employment agreement, no person shall have any right to participate in this Plan. Neither this Plan nor any award made hereunder shall confer upon any person any right to continued employment by or service with the Company, any Subsidiary or any affiliate of the Company or affect in any manner the right of the Company, any Subsidiary or any affiliate of the Company to terminate the employment or service of any person at any time without liability hereunder.

5.11Rights as Stockholder. No person shall have any right as a stockholder of the Company with respect to any shares of Common Stock or other equity security of the Company which is subject to an award hereunder unless and until such person becomes a stockholder of record with respect to such shares of Common Stock or equity security.

5.12Designation of Beneficiary. To the extent permitted by the Committee, a holder of an award may file with the Company a written designation of one or more persons as such holder’s beneficiary or beneficiaries (both primary and contingent) in the event of the holder’s death or incapacity. To the extent an outstanding option or SAR granted hereunder is exercisable, such beneficiary or beneficiaries shall be entitled to exercise such option or SAR pursuant to procedures prescribed by the Company. Each beneficiary designation shall become effective only when filed in writing with the Company during the holder’s lifetime on a form prescribed by the Company. The spouse of a married holder domiciled in a community property jurisdiction shall join in any designation of a beneficiary other than such spouse. The filing with the Company of a new beneficiary designation shall cancel all previously filed beneficiary designations. If a holder fails to designate a beneficiary, or if all designated beneficiaries of a holder predecease the holder, then each outstanding award held by such holder, to the extent vested or exercisable, shall be payable to or may be exercised by such holder’s executor, administrator, legal representative or similar person.

5.13Awards Subject to Clawback.  The awards granted under this Plan and any cash payment or shares of Common Stock delivered pursuant to such an award are subject to forfeiture, recovery by the Company or other action pursuant to the applicable award Agreement or any clawback or recoupment policy which the Company may adopt from time to time, including without limitation any such policy which the Company may be required to adopt under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and implementing rules and regulations thereunder, or as otherwise required by law.

5.14Governing Law. This Plan, each award hereunder and the related Agreement, and all determinations made and actions taken pursuant thereto, to the extent not otherwise governed by the Code or the laws of the United States, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware and construed in accordance therewith without giving effect to principles of conflicts of laws.




5.15Section 409A. To the extent that the Committee determines that any award granted under this Plan is subject to Section 409A of the Code, the award Agreement evidencing such award shall incorporate the terms and conditions required by Section 409A of the Code. To the extent applicable, this Plan and the award Agreements shall be interpreted in accordance with Section 409A of the Code and Department of Treasury regulations and other interpretive guidance issued thereunder, including without limitation any such regulations or other guidance that may be issued after the Effective Date. Notwithstanding any provision of this Plan to the contrary, in the event that following the Effective Date, the Committee determines that any award may be subject to Section 409A of the Code and related Department of Treasury guidance (including such Department of Treasury guidance as may be issued after the Effective Date), the Committee may adopt such amendments to this Plan and the applicable award Agreement or adopt other policies and procedures (including amendments, policies and procedures with retroactive effect), or take any other actions, that the Committee determines are necessary or appropriate to (i) exempt the award from Section 409A of the Code and/or preserve the intended tax treatment of the benefits provided with respect to the award, or (ii) comply with the requirements of Section 409A of the Code and related Department of Treasury guidance and thereby avoid the application of any penalty taxes under Section 409A.

5.16Foreign Employees. Without amending this Plan, the Committee may grant awards to eligible persons who are foreign nationals and/or reside outside of the United States on such terms and conditions different from those specified in this Plan as may in the judgment of the Committee be necessary or desirable to foster and promote achievement of the purposes of this Plan and, in furtherance of such purposes the Committee may make such modifications, amendments, procedures, subplans and the like as may be necessary or advisable to comply with provisions of laws in other countries or jurisdictions in which the Company or its Subsidiaries operates or has employees.







1. Purpose. The purpose of the Plan is to provide Employees of the Company and Participating Subsidiaries with an opportunity to purchase common stock of the Company through accumulated payroll deductions. It is the intention of the Company to have the Plan qualify as an “Employee Stock Purchase Plan” under Section 423 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The provisions of the Plan, accordingly, shall be construed so as to extend and limit participation in a manner consistent with the requirements of that Section of the Code.

2. Definitions. As used herein, the terms set forth below have the meanings assigned to them in this Section 2 and shall include the plural as well as the singular.

1933 Act means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

1934 Act means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

Administrator means the brokerage firm or financial institution (if any) retained to perform administrative services described in Section 10(b).

Board of Directors or Board means the board of directors of Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc.

Business Day shall mean a day on which The NASDAQ Global Select Market (“NASDAQ”) is open for trading.

Brokerage Account means the account in which the Purchased Shares are held.

Code means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time.

Committee means the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors, or the designee of the Compensation Committee.

Company means Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc., a Delaware corporation.

Compensation means the base pay received by a Participant, including commissions, overtime and bonuses, but excluding stock option awards, stock grants, other equity incentive awards, expense reimbursements, relocation-related payments and automobile allowances. Forms of compensation not specifically listed herein shall be included or excluded from “Compensation” as determined in the sole discretion of the Committee and applied uniformly to all Participants with respect to the applicable offering.

Effective Date means April 4, 2006, as amended and restated on July 12, 2011, March 31, 2014, April 6, 2018, and April 1, 2020 respectively.

Employee means any individual who is a common law employee of the Company or any other Participating Subsidiary whose customary employment with such entity is (i) at least twenty (20) hours per week and (ii) for more than five (5) months per calendar year. For purposes of the Plan, the employment relationship shall be treated as continuing intact while the individual is on sick leave or other leave of absence approved by the Company or the Participating Subsidiary, as appropriate, and only to the extent permitted under Section 423 of the Code. For purposes of the Plan, an individual who performs services for the Company or a Participating Subsidiary pursuant to an agreement (written or oral) that classifies such individual’s relationship with the Company or a Participating Subsidiary as other than a common law employee shall not be considered an “employee” with respect to any period preceding the date on which a court or administrative agency issues a final determination that such individual is an “employee.”

Enrollment Date means the first Business Day of each Offering Period.

Exercise Date means the last Business Day of each Offering Period.

Fair Market Value on or as of any date means the “NASDAQ Official Closing Price” (as defined on (or such substantially similar successor price thereto) for a Share as reported on (or a substantially similar successor website) on the relevant valuation date or, if no NASDAQ Official Closing Price is reported on such date, on the preceding day on which a NASDAQ Official Closing Price was reported; or, if the Shares are no longer listed on NASDAQ, the closing price for Shares as reported on the official website for such other exchange on which the Shares are listed.





Offering Period means every three (3) month period beginning each March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1 or such other period designated by the Committee; provided that in no event shall an Offering Period exceed twenty-seven (27) months.

Option means an option granted under this Plan that entitles a Participant to purchase Shares.

Participant means an Employee who satisfies the requirements of Sections 3 and 5 of the Plan.

Participating Subsidiary means a Subsidiary that has been authorized by the Committee or the Board to extend the benefits of the Plan to its Employees.

Plan means this Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc. Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

Purchase Account means the account used to purchase Shares through the exercise of Options under the Plan.

Purchase Price shall be the lesser of (i) 85% of the Fair Market Value of a Share on the Enrollment Date for such Offering Period or (ii) 85% of the Fair Market Value of a Share on the Exercise Date for such Offering Period; provided, however, that the Committee may determine a different per share Purchase Price provided that such per share Purchase Price is communicated to Participants prior to the beginning of the Offering Period and provided that in no event shall such per share Purchase Price be less than the lesser of (i) 85% of the Fair Market Value of a Share on the applicable Enrollment Date or (ii) 85% of the Fair Market Value of a Share on the Exercise Date.

Purchased Shares means the full Shares issued or delivered pursuant to the exercise of Options under the Plan.

Shares means the common stock, par value $0.01 per share, of the Company.

Subsidiary means an entity, domestic or foreign, of which not less than 50% of the voting equity is held by the Company or a Subsidiary, whether or not such entity now exists or is hereafter organized or acquired by the Company or a Subsidiary.

Termination Date means the date on which a Participant voluntarily terminates employment or on which the Participant ceases to provide services to the Company or a Subsidiary as an employee, and specifically does not include any period following that date which the Participant may be eligible for or in receipt of other payments from the Company including in lieu of notice or termination or severance pay or as wrongful dismissal damages.

3. Eligibility.

(a) Only Employees of the Company or a Participating Subsidiary shall be eligible to be granted Options under the Plan and, in no event may a Participant be granted an Option under the Plan following his or her Termination Date.

(b) Any provisions of the Plan to the contrary notwithstanding, no Employee shall be granted an Option under the Plan if (i) immediately after the grant, such Employee (or any other person whose stock would be attributed to such Employee pursuant to Section 424(d) of the Code) would own capital stock of the Company and/or hold outstanding Options or options to purchase stock possessing five percent (5%) or more of the total combined voting power or value of all classes of stock of the Company or of any of its Subsidiaries, or (ii) such Option would permit his or her rights to purchase stock under all employee stock purchase plans (described in Section 423 of the Code) of the Company and its Subsidiaries to accrue at a rate that exceeds twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) of the Fair Market Value of such stock (determined at the time each such Option is granted) for each calendar year in which such Option is outstanding at any time. In addition, in no event may a Participant purchase more than 1,000 Shares during any Offering Period (as adjusted pursuant to Section 18, if applicable); provided, however, that the Committee may in its discretion change such maximum number prior to the beginning of an Offering Period.

4. Exercise of an Option. Options shall be exercised on behalf of Participants in the Plan every Exercise Date, using payroll deductions that have accumulated in the Participants’ Purchase Accounts during the immediately preceding Offering Period or that have been retained from a prior Offering Period pursuant to Section 8 hereof.

5. Participation.

(a) An Employee shall be eligible to participate on the first Enrollment Date that occurs after such Employee’s first date of employment with the Company or a Participating Subsidiary; provided, that such Employee properly completes and submits an election form by the deadline prescribed by the Company.





(b) An Employee who does not become a Participant on the first Enrollment Date on which he or she is eligible may thereafter become a Participant on any subsequent Enrollment Date by properly completing and submitting an election form by the deadline prescribed by the Company.

(c) Payroll deductions for a Participant shall commence on the first payroll date following the Enrollment Date and shall end on the last payroll date in the Offering Period to which such authorization is applicable, unless sooner terminated by the Participant as provided in Section 11 hereof.

6. Payroll Deductions.

(a) A Participant shall elect to have payroll deductions made during an Offering Period equal to no less than 1% of the Participant’s Compensation up to a maximum of 20% (or such greater amount as the Committee establishes from time to time). The amount of such payroll deductions shall be in whole percentages (for example, 3%, 12%, 20%). All payroll deductions made by a Participant shall be credited to his or her Purchase Account. A Participant may not make any additional payments into his or her Purchase Account.

(b) A Participant may change his or her payroll deduction percentage under subsection (a) above by properly completing and submitting an election change form in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the Committee. The change in amount shall be effective as of the first Enrollment Date following the date of filing of the election change form.

(c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent necessary to comply with Section 423(b)(8) of the Code and Section 3(b) hereof, a Participant’s payroll deductions may be decreased to zero percent (0%) at any time during an Offering Period. Payroll deductions shall recommence at the rate provided in such Participant’s election form at the beginning of the first Offering Period which is scheduled to end in the following calendar year, unless terminated by the Participant as provided in Section 11 hereof.

7. Grant of Option. On the applicable Enrollment Date, each Participant in an Offering Period shall be granted an Option to purchase on the next following Exercise Date a number of full Shares determined by dividing such Participant’s payroll deductions accumulated prior to such Exercise Date and retained in the Participant’s Purchase Account as of the Exercise Date by the applicable Purchase Price.

8. Exercise of Option. A Participant’s Option for the purchase of Shares shall be exercised automatically on the Exercise Date, and the maximum number of Shares subject to the Option shall be purchased for such Participant at the applicable Purchase Price with the accumulated payroll deductions in his or her Purchase Account. No fractional Shares shall be purchased; any payroll deductions accumulated in a Participant’s Purchase Account which are not sufficient to purchase a full Share shall be retained in the Purchase Account for the next subsequent Offering Period, subject to earlier withdrawal by the Participant as provided in Section 11 hereof. All other payroll deductions accumulated in a Participant’s Purchase Account and not used to purchase Shares on an Exercise Date shall be distributed to the Participant. During a Participant’s lifetime, a Participant’s Option is exercisable only by him or her. The Company shall satisfy the exercise of all Participants’ Options for the purchase of Shares through (a) the issuance of authorized but unissued Shares, (b) the transfer of treasury Shares, (c) the purchase of Shares on behalf of the applicable Participants on the open market through an independent broker and/or (d) a combination of the foregoing.

9. Approval by Shareholders. This amendment and restatement of the Plan shall be submitted to the shareholders of the Company for approval within twelve (12) months after the date this amendment and restatement is adopted by the Board. Such shareholder approval may be obtained at a duly held shareholders’ meeting by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the Shares of the Company present at the meeting or represented and entitled to vote thereon. If such shareholder approval is not obtained, then the Plan shall terminate as of the 12-month anniversary of the date this amendment and restatement is adopted by the Board, and any Shares theretofore purchased under the Plan shall be treated as having been purchased under a plan that is not qualified under Section 423 of the Code.




10. Administration.

(a) Powers and Duties of the Committee. The Plan shall be administered by the Committee. Subject to the provisions of the Plan, Section 423 of the Code and the regulations thereunder, the Committee shall have the discretionary authority to determine the time and frequency of granting Options, the terms and conditions of the Options and the number of Shares subject to each Option. The Committee shall also have the discretionary authority to do everything necessary and appropriate to administer the Plan, including, without limitation, interpreting the provisions of the Plan (but any such interpretation shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of Section 423 of the Code). All actions, decisions and determinations of, and interpretations by the Committee with respect to the Plan shall be final and binding upon all Participants and upon their executors, administrators, personal representatives, heirs and legatees. No member of the Board of Directors or the Committee shall be liable for any action, decision, determination or interpretation made in good faith with respect to the Plan or any Option granted hereunder. The Plan shall be administered so as to ensure that all Participants have the same rights and privileges as are provided by Section 423(b)(5) of the Code.

(b) Administrator. The Company, Board or the Committee may engage the services of a brokerage firm or financial institution (the “Administrator”) to perform certain ministerial and procedural duties under the Plan including, but not limited to, mailing and receiving notices contemplated under the Plan, determining the number of Purchased Shares for each Participant, maintaining or causing to be maintained the Purchase Account and the Brokerage Account, disbursing funds maintained in the Purchase Account or proceeds from the sale of Shares through the Brokerage Account, and filing with the appropriate tax authorities proper tax returns and forms (including information returns) and providing to each Participant statements as required by law or regulation.

(c) Indemnification. Each person who is or shall have been (a) a member of the Board, (b) a member of the Committee, or (c) an officer or employee of the Company to whom authority was delegated in relation to this Plan, shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Company against and from any loss, cost, liability or expense that may be imposed upon or reasonably incurred by him or her in connection with or resulting from any claim, action, suit or proceeding to which he or she may be a party or in which he or she may be involved by reason of any action taken or failure to act under the Plan and against and from any and all amounts paid by him or her in settlement thereof, with the Company’s approval, or paid by him or her in satisfaction of any judgment in any such claim, action, suit or proceeding against him or her; provided, however, that he or she shall give the Company an opportunity, at its own expense, to handle and defend the same before he or she undertakes to handle and defend it on his or her own behalf, unless such loss, cost, liability or expense is a result of his or her own willful misconduct or except as expressly provided by statute.

The foregoing right of indemnification shall not be exclusive of any other rights of indemnification to which such persons may be entitled under the Company’s certificate of incorporation or bylaws, any contract with the Company, as a matter of law, or otherwise, or of any power that the Company may have to indemnify them or hold them harmless.

11. Withdrawal. A Participant may withdraw from the Plan by properly completing and submitting to the Company a withdrawal form in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the Committee. Upon withdrawal, any payroll deductions credited to the Participant’s Purchase Account prior to the effective date of the Participant’s withdrawal from the Plan will be returned to the Participant. No further payroll deductions for the purchase of Shares will be made during subsequent Offering Periods, unless the Participant properly completes and submits an election form, by the deadline prescribed by the Company. A Participant’s withdrawal from an offering will not have any effect upon his or her eligibility to participate in the Plan or in any similar plan that may hereafter be adopted by the Company.

12. Termination of Employment. On the Termination Date of a Participant for any reason prior to the applicable Exercise Date, whether voluntary or involuntary, and including termination of employment due to retirement, death or as a result of liquidation, dissolution, sale, merger or a similar event affecting the Company or a Participating Subsidiary, the corresponding payroll deductions credited to his or her Purchase Account will be returned to him or her or, in the case of the Participant’s death, to the person or persons entitled thereto under Section 15, and his or her Option will be automatically terminated.

13. Interest. No interest shall accrue on the payroll deductions of a Participant in the Plan.





14. Stock.

(a) The stock subject to Options shall be common stock of the Company as traded on the NASDAQ or on such other exchange as the Shares may be listed.

(b) Subject to adjustment upon changes in capitalization of the Company as provided in Section 17 hereof, the maximum number of Shares which shall be made available for sale under the Plan shall be sixteen million (16,000,000) Shares, with seven and one-half million (7,5000,000) Shares of such maximum number of Shares to be made available for sale under the Plan for Offering Periods ending after April 1, 2020. If, on a given Exercise Date, the number of Shares with respect to which Options are to be exercised exceeds the number of Shares then available under the Plan, the Committee shall make a pro rata allocation of the Shares remaining available for purchase in as uniform a manner as shall be practicable and as it shall determine to be equitable.

(c) A Participant shall have no interest or voting right in Shares covered by his or her Option until such Option has been exercised and the Participant has become a holder of record of Shares acquired pursuant to such exercise.

15. Designation of Beneficiary. A Participant may designate a beneficiary who is to receive any Purchased Shares or payroll deductions, if any, in the Participant’s accounts under the Plan in the event of such Participant’s death. Beneficiary designations shall be made in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Committee. If no properly designated beneficiary survives the Participant, the Purchased Shares and payroll deductions, if any, will be distributed to the Participant’s estate.

16. Assignability of Options. Neither payroll deductions credited to a Participant’s Purchase Account nor any rights with regard to the exercise of an Option or to receive Shares under the Plan may be assigned, transferred, pledged or otherwise disposed of in any way (other than by will, the laws of descent and distribution or as provided in Section 15 hereof) by the Participant. Any such attempt at assignment, transfer, pledge or other disposition shall be without effect, except that the Company may treat such act as an election to withdraw from an Offering Period in accordance with Section 11 hereof.

17. Adjustment of Number of Shares Subject to Options.

(a) Adjustment. Subject to any required action by the stockholders of the Company, the maximum number of securities available for purchase under the Plan, as well as the price per security and the number of securities covered by each Option under the Plan which has not yet been exercised shall be appropriately adjusted in the event of any a stock split, reverse stock split, stock dividend, combination or reclassification of the common stock of the Company, or any other increase or decrease in the number of Shares effected without receipt of consideration by the Company; provided, however, that conversion of any convertible securities of the Company shall not be deemed to have been “effected without receipt of consideration.” Such adjustment shall be made by the Board or the Committee, whose determination in that respect shall be final, binding and conclusive. If any such adjustment would result in a fractional security being available under the Plan, such fractional security shall be disregarded. Except as expressly provided herein, no issuance by the Company of shares of stock of any class, or securities convertible into shares of stock of any class, shall affect, and no adjustment by reason thereof shall be made with respect to, the number or price of Shares subject to an Option. The Options granted pursuant to the Plan shall not be adjusted in a manner that causes the Options to fail to qualify as options issued pursuant to an “employee stock purchase plan” within the meaning of Section 423.

(b) Dissolution or Liquidation. In the event of the proposed dissolution or liquidation of the Company, the Offering Period then in progress shall be shortened by setting a new Exercise Date (the “New Exercise Date”). The New Exercise Date shall be before the date of the Company’s proposed dissolution or liquidation and shall be set by the Committee. The Company will notify each Participant in writing, as soon as administratively practicable prior to the New Exercise Date, that the Exercise Date for the Participant’s Option has been changed to the New Exercise Date and that the Participant’s Option shall be exercised automatically on the New Exercise Date, unless prior to such date the Participant has withdrawn from the Offering Period as provided in Section 11 hereof.




(c) Merger or Asset Sale. In the event of a proposed sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company, or the merger of the Company with or into another corporation, each outstanding Option shall be assumed or an equivalent option substituted by the successor corporation or a parent or subsidiary of the successor corporation. In the event that the successor corporation refuses to assume or substitute for the Option, the Offering Period then in progress shall be shortened by setting a new Exercise Date (the “New Exercise Date”). The New Exercise Date shall be before the date of the Company’s proposed sale or merger and shall be set by the Committee. The Company will notify each Participant in writing, as soon as administratively practicable prior to the New Exercise Date, that the Exercise Date for the Participant’s Option has been changed to the New Exercise Date and that the Participant’s Option shall be exercised automatically on the New Exercise Date, unless prior to such date the Participant has withdrawn from the Offering Period as provided in Section 11 hereof.

18. Amendments or Termination of the Plan.

(a) The Board of Directors or the Committee may at any time and for any reason amend, modify, suspend, discontinue or terminate the Plan without notice; provided that no Participant’s existing rights in respect of existing Options are adversely affected thereby. To the extent necessary to comply with Section 423 of the Code (or any other applicable law, regulation or stock exchange rule), the Company shall obtain shareholder approval in such a manner and to such a degree as required.

(b) Without shareholder consent and without regard to whether any Participant rights may be considered to have been “adversely affected,” the Board or the Committee shall be entitled to change the Offering Periods, limit or increase the frequency and/or number of changes in the amount withheld during an Offering Period, establish the exchange ratio applicable to amounts withheld in a currency other than U.S. dollars, permit payroll withholding in an amount less than or greater than the amount designated by a Participant in order to adjust for delays or mistakes in the Company’s processing of properly completed withholding elections, establish reasonable waiting and adjustment periods and/or accounting and crediting procedures to ensure that amounts applied toward the purchase of Shares for each Participant properly correspond with amounts withheld from the Participant’s Compensation, and establish such other limitations or procedures as the Board or the Committee determines in its sole discretion advisable which are consistent with the Plan; provided, however, that changes to (i) the Purchase Price, (ii) the Offering Period, or (iii) the maximum of percentage of Compensation that may be deducted pursuant to Section 6(a), shall not be effective until communicated to Participants in a reasonable manner, with the determination of such reasonable manner in the sole discretion of the Board or the Committee.

19. No Other Obligations. The receipt of an Option pursuant to the Plan shall impose no obligation upon the Participant to purchase any Shares covered by such Option. Nor shall the granting of an Option pursuant to the Plan constitute an agreement or an understanding, express or implied, on the part of the Company to employ the Participant for any specified period.

20. Notices and Communication. Any notice or other form of communication which the Company or a Participant may be required or permitted to give to the other shall be provided through such means as designated by the Committee, including but not limited to any paper or electronic method.

21. Condition Upon Issuance of Shares.

(a) Shares shall not be issued with respect to an Option unless the exercise of such Option and the issuance and delivery of such Shares pursuant thereto shall comply with all applicable provisions of law, domestic or foreign, including, without limitation, the 1933 Act and the 1934 Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and the requirements of any stock exchange upon which the Shares may then be listed, and shall be further subject to the approval of counsel for the Company with respect to such compliance.

(b) As a condition to the exercise of an Option, the Company may require the person exercising such Option to represent and warrant at the time of any such exercise that the Shares are being purchased only for investment and without any present intention to sell or distribute such Shares if, in the opinion of counsel for the Company, such a representation is required by any of the aforementioned applicable provisions of law.

22. General Compliance. The Plan will be administered and Options will be exercised in compliance with the 1933 Act, 1934 Act and all other applicable securities laws and Company policies, including without limitation, the Company’s Insider Trading Policy.

23. Term of the Plan. The Plan shall continue in effect for a term of ten (10) years unless sooner terminated under Section 18.

24. Governing Law. The Plan and all Options granted hereunder shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Delaware without reference to choice of law principles and subject in all cases to the




Code and the regulations thereunder.

25. Non-U.S. Participants. To the extent permitted under Section 423 of the Code, without the amendment of the Plan, the Company may provide for the participation in the Plan by Employees who are subject to the laws of foreign countries or jurisdictions on such terms and conditions different from those specified in the Plan as may in the judgment of the Company be necessary or desirable to foster and promote achievement of the purposes of the Plan and, in furtherance of such purposes the Company may make such modifications, amendments, procedures, subplans and the like as may be necessary or advisable to comply with provisions of laws of other countries or jurisdictions in which the Company or the Participating Subsidiaries operate or have employees. Each subplan shall constitute a separate “offering” under this Plan in accordance with Treas. Reg. §1.423-2(a).




P.O. BOX 1342 BRENTWOOD, NY 11717


Use the Internet to transmit your voting instructions and for electronic delivery of information up until 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time the day before the meeting date. Have your proxy card in hand when you access the web site and follow the instructions to obtain your records and to create an electronic voting instruction form.







ALLSCRIPTS HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS, INC. C/O BROADRIDGE P.O. BOX 1342 BRENTWOOD, NY 11717 Use the Internet to transmit your voting instructions and for electronic delivery of information. Vote by 11:59 P.M. ET on 05/22/2019. Have your proxy card in hand when you access the web site and follow the instructions to obtain your records and to create an electronic voting instruction form. ELECTRONIC DELIVERY OF FUTURE PROXY MATERIALS If you would like to reduce the costs incurred by our company in mailing proxy materials, you can consent to receiving all future proxy statements, proxy cards and annual reports electronically via e-mail or the Internet. To sign up for electronic delivery, please follow the instructions above to vote using the Internet and, when prompted, indicate that you agree to receive or access proxy materials electronically in future years. VOTE BY PHONE - 1-800-690-6903 Use any touch-tone telephone to transmit your voting instructions. Vote by 11:59 P.M. ET on 05/22/2019. Have your proxy card in hand when you call and then follow the instructions. VOTE BY MAIL Mark, sign and date your proxy card and return it in the postage-paid envelope we have provided or return it to Vote Processing, c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717. VOTE BY INTERNET - TO VOTE, MARK BLOCKS BELOW IN BLUE OR BLACK INK AS FOLLOWS: KEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS DETACH AND RETURN THIS PORTION ONLY THIS PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED AND DATED. The Board of Directors recommends you vote FOR the following: 1. Election of Directors Nominees For Against Abstain 1A Mara G. Aspinall 1B Paul M. Black 1C P. Gregory Garrison 1D Jonathan J. Judge 1E Michael A. Klayko 1F Yancey L. Spruill 1G Dave B. Stevens 1H David D. Stevens The Board of Directors recommends you vote FOR proposals 2, 3 and 4. For Against Abstain 2 To approve the Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc. 2019 Stock Incentive Plan. For Against Abstain 3 To ratify the appointment of Grant Thornton LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2019. 4 To approve, on an advisory basis, the Company's named executive officer compensation. NOTE: Such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof. Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) hereon. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, or other fiduciary, please give full title as such. Joint owners should each sign personally. All holders must sign. If a corporation or partnership, please sign in full corporate or partnership name, by authorized officer. Signature [PLEASE SIGN WITHIN BOX] Date Signature (Joint Owners) Date 0000414545_1 R1.0.1.18







Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Annual Meeting: The Notice & Proxy Statement, Form 10-K is/are available at ALLSCRIPTS HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS, INC. This proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors Annual Meeting of Stockholders May 23, 2019 9:00 AM The undersigned hereby appoints Paul M. Black, Richard J. Poulton and Dennis M. Olis as proxies, each with the power to appoint his or her substitute, and hereby authorizes them, and each of them acting singly, to represent and vote, as designated below, all the shares of common stock of Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Allscripts"), held of record by the undersigned at the close of business on March 29, 2019 at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on May 23, 2019, 9:00 am Central time at Allscripts' principal offices located at 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 2024, Chicago, Illinois 60654, or any adjournment or postponement thereof (the "Annual Meeting"), and authorizes and instructs said proxies to vote in the manner directed below. This proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed by the undersigned stockholder. If no direction is made, this proxy will be voted FOR ALL director nominees and FOR proposals 2, 3 and 4. In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such other matters as may properly come before the Annual Meeting. If you wish to vote by telephone or via the Internet, please read the directions on the reverse side. WHETHER OR NOT YOU PLAN TO ATTEND THIS MEETING, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR PROXY PROMPTLY BY TELEPHONE OR THROUGH THE INTERNET OR BY SIGNING, DATING AND RETURNING THE PROXY CARD IN THE ENCLOSED PREPAID ENVELOPE. Continued and to be signed on reverse side 0000414545_2 R1.0.1.18


Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Annual Meeting: The Notice & Proxy Statement, Form 10-K is/are available at ALLSCRIPTS HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS, INC. This proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors Annual Meeting of Stockholders May 21, 2018 9:00 AM The undersigned hereby appoints Paul M. Black, Richard J. Poulton and Dennis M. Olis as proxies, each with the power to appoint his or her substitute, and hereby authorizes them, and each of them acting singly, to represent and vote, as designated below, all the shares of common stock of Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Allscripts"), held of record by the undersigned at the close of business on March 26, 2018 at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on May 21, 2018, 9:00 am Central time at Allscripts' principal offices located at 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 2024, Chicago, Illinois 60654, or any adjournment or postponement thereof (the "Annual Meeting"), and authorizes and instructs said proxies to vote in the manner directed below. This proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed by the undersigned stockholder. If no direction is made, this proxy will be voted FOR ALL director nominees and FOR proposals 2, 3 and 4. In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such other matters as may properly come before the Annual Meeting. If you wish to vote by telephone or via the Internet, please read the directions on the reverse side. WHETHER OR NOT YOU PLAN TO ATTEND THIS MEETING, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR PROXY PROMPTLY BY TELEPHONE OR THROUGH THE INTERNET OR BY SIGNING, DATING AND RETURNING THE PROXY CARD IN THE ENCLOSED PREPAID ENVELOPE. Continued and to be signed on reverse side