EX-10.5 11 g64587ex10-5.txt SERVICES AGREEMENT 1 Exhibit 10.5 TECHNOLOGY HOMES WIRING SYSTEMS SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS TECHNOLOGY HOMES WIRING SYSTEMS SERVICES AGREEMENT ("Agreement") made and entered into this 17th day of November, 1999, by and between ARVIDA/JMB PARTNERS, a Florida general partnership ("Arvida") whose address is 1205 Arvida Parkway, Weston, Florida 33327, and INTEGRATED HOMES OF FLORIDA, INC., a Florida corporation, whose address is Boca Corporate Plaza, 1801 Clint Moore Road, Suite 204, Boca Raton, Florida 33487 ("Integrated"). AGREEMENT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF the mutual covenants set forth below, Arvida and Integrated hereby agree as follows: 1. General. Integrated shall install a structured wiring system in homes to be built by Arvida in Weston as designated by Arvida during the term of this Agreement. The structured wiring system shall be in accordance with the Arvida's specifications and pricing for residential low voltage specification ("Structured Wiring System") as set forth on EXHIBIT "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Integrated shall install a security wiring system, as applicable, in homes to be built by Arvida in Weston as designated by Arvida during the term of this Agreement. The security wiring system shall be in accordance with the Arvida's specifications and pricing for such security wiring system ("Security Wiring System") as set forth on EXHIBIT "A-1" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Integrated's Services and Additional Integrated's Services shall collectively be referred to herein as Integrated's Services. 2. Obligations of Integrated and Arvida. I. Obligations of Integrated A. Integrated's Services. (i) Integrated shall be responsible for installing the Structured Wiring System and the Security Wiring System, as applicable, in homes to be built by Arvida in Weston as designated by Arvida during the term of this Agreement ("Integrated's Services"). 1 2 equipment for such Arvida Technology Sales Centers shall be completed within ten (10) working days after Arvida makes the Arvida Technology Sales Centers available to Integrated. Integrated shall provide furniture and staff as Arvida deems necessary to properly operate the Arvida Technology Sales Centers. Pursuant to Article 3 of this Agreement, Integrated shall, at its own cost and expense, maintain insurance coverage for any occurrences in connection with the use of the Arvida Technology Sales Centers. Such equipment to be installed in the Arvida Technology Sales Centers shall be as set forth on EXHIBIT "D-1" attached hereto and made a part hereof. b. Integrated shall install, at its sole cost and expense, equipment in the model homes, as set forth on EXHIBIT "D", attached hereto and made a part hereof ("Technology Model Homes"). Integrated's installation of equipment for such Technology Model Homes shall be completed within ten (10) working days after Arvida makes the Technology Model Homes available to Integrated. Integrated shall provide furniture and staff as Arvida deems necessary to properly operate the Technology Model Homes. Pursuant to Article 3 of this Agreement, Integrated shall, at its own cost and expense, maintain insurance coverage for any occurrences in connection with the use of the Technology Model Homes. Such equipment to be installed in the Technology Model Homes shall be as set forth on EXHIBIT "D-1" attached hereto and made a part hereof. At the time the respective Technology Model Homes are placed on the market for sale, Arvida shall agree to the reasonable cost of the equipment, which such equipment cost shall not exceed $4,000 for the Aspen model and $13,000 for both the Estes model and the Eagle model (which are located in the Parcel 26 model trap). C. Integrated's Monitoring Security System Contract. Integrated shall not enter into a monitoring security system contract directly with home buyers for future monitoring services, until after the closing of title of the home for such respective home buyer ("Monitoring Security System Contract"). Integrated shall, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, indemnify, defend and hold harmless Arvida, and its affiliated companies, partners, successors, assigns, heirs, legal representatives, devisees, officers, directors, shareholders, employees, insurers and agents (herein collectively called "Indemnitees") from and against all claims, demands, actions, liens, compensatory damages, punitive damages, liability, costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees of any nature, kind or description of any person or entity, directly or indirectly arising out of, caused by, or resulting from (in whole or in part): (i) Integrated's services performed under the Monitoring Security System Contract; or (ii) any act, omission or negligence of Integrated under the Monitoring Security System Contract. Integrated acknowledges that this indemnification provision is a significant part of the inducement for Arvida to enter into this Agreement. 3 3 D. Integrated's Warranty. Unless otherwise provided elsewhere in this Agreement, all materials and equipment incorporated into any installation covered by this Agreement shall be new and, where not specified, of the most suitable grade of their respective kinds for their intended use, and all workmanship shall be in accordance with construction practices acceptable to Arvida. Integrated warrants to Arvida all equipment, materials and labor furnished or performed under this Agreement against defects in materials and workmanship (unless furnished by Arvida), for a period of one (1) year or longer as required under ss.718.302, Florida Statutes, and Integrated further warrants to Arvida those warranties which Integrated otherwise warrants to others and the duration of such warranties, as provided by Florida law, including ss.718.302, F.S., unless longer guarantees or warranties are provided for elsewhere in the specifications (in which case the longer periods of time shall prevail) from and after issuance of the certificate of occupancy regardless of whether the same were furnished or performed by Integrated or by any of its subcontractors of any tier. Upon receipt of written notice from Arvida of any defect in any such equipment, materials or labor during the applicable warranty period, the affected item or parts thereof shall be repaired or replaced by Integrated at a time acceptable to Arvida and the respective home buyer; provided, however, all repairs shall be commenced within twenty-four (24) hours and Integrated shall complete the repairs at the earliest possible time. Integrated shall ensure that warranty work complies with the requirements of this Agreement, and any applicable specifications. All costs incidental to such repair or replacement, including the removal, replacement and reinstallation of equipment and materials necessary to gain access, shall be borne by Integrated. Should Integrated fail to promptly make the necessary repair and replacement Arvida may perform or cause to be performed the same at Integrated's expense. Integrated shall be liable for the satisfaction and full performance of the warranties as set forth herein. II. Obligations of Arvida. Arvida's shall be responsible for the following: (i) Arvida shall provide, as its sole cost and expense, electrical power, heat, air conditioning and finished floors and walls in the Arvida Technology Sales Centers. (ii) Arvida shall Provide access to Integrated's staff to the Arvida Technology Sales Centers and the Technology Model Homes. (iii) Arvida shall provide adequate roads and walk-ways for delivery of materials, equipment and supplies to the Technology Sales Centers and the Technology Model Homes. (iv) Coordination with Integrated in the Presentation of the Technology Home Package Options; 4 4 (v) Coordination of Arvida's business unit's construction superintendent with Integrated in connection with the installation of the Technology Home Package Options; and (vi) Coordination with follow-up meetings with the home buyers concerning installation and operation of the Technology Home Package Options. 3. Insurance. 3.1. Integrated shall, at its own cost and expense, maintain insurance coverage as described below: 3.1.1. Commercial General Liability Insurance and Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance for liability from damages because of injuries, including death, suffered by persons and for damage to property arising from Integrated's operations under this Agreement in limits of not less than Two Million and 00/100 Dollars ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence or combined single limit, as designated by Arvida. Insurance furnished by Integrated under this Agreement will include broad form contractual liability insurance and coverage for independent contractors and completed operations. The policy or policies will be endorsed to include Arvida as an additional insured, and will state that the insurance is primary insurance as regards to any other insurance carried by Arvida. 3.1.2. Worker's compensation insurance as required by applicable law and employer's liability insurance with minimum limits of One Million Dollars and 00/100 ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence with respect to any employee not covered by worker's compensation. 3.1.3. All insurance coverages required by this Agreement shall be issued by companies with an A-VIII rating or better in the Best Guide and on forms acceptable to Arvida, shall name Arvida as an additional insured, and shall be written on an occurrence basis, and shall provide that the coverage thereunder may not be reduced or canceled unless thirty (30) days prior written notice thereof is furnished to Arvida. Certificates of Insurance or copies of policies shall be furnished to Arvida upon execution of this Agreement. 3.1.4. Integrated hereby agrees that in any insurance policy procured by Integrated on its own account the policy will contain a waiver of any right of subrogation by the insurance carrier against Arvida, its respective agents, servants, and employees. 5 5 4. Payments. A. Payment for Integrated's Services. (i) Subject to the terms, conditions and requirements set forth in this Agreement, Arvida agrees to pay Integrated for Integrated's complete performance of installing the Structured Wiring System, as installed pursuant to the amounts stated as "Arvida Structured Wiring Pricing", as set forth on EXHIBIT "F" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Payment to Integrated for the Structured Wiring System shall be pursuant to EXHIBIT "E" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Arvida herein reserves the right to amend this EXHIBIT "E", or hold payments in accordance with this Agreement. (ii) Subject to the terms, conditions and requirements set forth in this Agreement, Arvida agrees to pay Integrated for Integrated's complete performance of installing the Technology Home Package Options, as installed pursuant to the amounts stated on the "Package Cost & Retail Pricing", as set forth on EXHIBIT "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof. Payment to Integrated for the Technology Home Package Options shall be pursuant to EXHIBIT "E", attached hereto and made a part hereof. Arvida herein reserves the right to amend this EXHIBIT "E", or hold payments in accordance with this Agreement. (iii) Subject to the terms, conditions and requirements set forth in this Agreement, Arvida agrees to pay Integrated for Integrated's complete performance of installing the Security Wiring System, as installed pursuant to the amounts stated as "Arvida Security Wiring Pricing", as set forth on EXHIBIT "F", attached hereto and made a part hereof. 5. Severability. If any one or more provisions of this Agreement or in any instrument or other document delivered pursuant to this Agreement, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall to any extent be invalid or unenforceable, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement, or the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is invalid, or unenforceable shall not be affected or impaired thereby, and each provision of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 6. Performance of Integrated's Services. This Agreement is for the personal services of Integrated and shall actually be performed by Integrated and its designated staff and installation crew. If in the performance of Integrated's Services herein, Integrated requires the assistance of subcontractors, then Integrated shall inform Arvida as to the portion of such Integrated's Services that will be performed by individuals other than Integrated and Integrated shall request Arvida's prior written consent thereto. 6 6 7. Arbitration. Without limiting the operation of this Agreement, Integrated and Arvida agree to submit any disputes arising under this Agreement to non-binding mediation; provided, that applicable statute of limitations will be tolled during the pendency of such mediation. In the event Arvida and Integrated cannot in good faith agree on a mediator within fifteen (15) days of the request of either party for mediation, or, if the parties remain in dispute following mediation, any such dispute will be resolved by binding arbitration by the American Arbitration Association. There shall be no interruption of such Integrated's Services pending the arbitration. It is agreed that the initiation or continuance of a proceeding already initiated by Integrated is expressly conditioned upon such non-interruption of Integrated's performance and the arbitrators' jurisdiction shall be limited accordingly. The parties consent that any arbitration may be consolidated with any other arbitration concerned with any project or contract to which Arvida or Integrated is a party and that a dispute shall not be submitted to such binding arbitration if there are any third parties who are not subject to such binding arbitration but who are proper parties to such dispute. 8. Arvida's Cancellation. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Arvida reserves the right at any time, in its sole and absolute discretion, to cancel this Agreement by notice to Integrated setting forth a date for the ending of this Agreement not less than thirty (30) days from the date of service of the notice. In that circumstance, Arvida's liability shall be to pay for the reasonable value of labor and materials, as determined by Arvida, already procured by Integrated (provided such materials have been installed in the Arvida Technology Sales Centers and the Technology Model Homes, or if such materials are not installed in the Arvida Technology Sales Centers, the Technology Model Homes, then if such materials are transferred to Arvida) up to the effective date of cancellation was given, less payments already made to Integrated. Any termination under this Article shall not impair or affect Article 7 or Article 11 hereof. 9. Notice. No notice or other communication will be deemed given unless sent in any of the manners, and to the persons, specified in this Agreement. All notices and other communications hereunder will be in writing and will be deemed given: (a) upon receipt if delivered personally [unless subject to clause (b)] or if mailed by registered or certified mail, (b) at noon on the date after dispatch if sent by overnight courier, or (c) upon the completion of transmission (which is confirmed by telephone or by a statement generated by the transmitting machine) if transmitted by telecopy or other means of facsimile which provides immediate or near immediate transmission to compatible equipment in the possession of the recipient, in any case to the parties at the following addresses or telecopy numbers (or at such other address or telecopy number for a party as will be specified by like notice): 7 7 if to Integrated: Integrated Homes of Florida, Inc. Attn. Philip W. Sergeant, President Boca Corporate Plaza 1801 Clint Moore Road, Suite 204 Boca Raton, Florida 33487 Telecopy Number: (561) 338-6401 Confirmation Number: (561) 395-7424 if to Arvida: Tom Siegel/Kevin Grossman ARVIDA/JMB Partners 1205 Arvida Parkway Weston, Florida 33327 Telecopy Number: (954) 389-2975 Confirmation Number: (954) 384-3026 with a copy to: Ms. Renee M. Wilmot Senior Counsel ARVIDA/JMB Partners 1205 Arvida Parkway Weston, Florida 33327 Telecopy Number: (954) 349-2571 Confirmation Number: (954) 349-8189 10. Promotion. Integrated will not use Arvida's or any of Arvida's affiliates' names, marks, logos or other designations for any reason (including, without limitation, advertising, publicity and promotional materials) without Arvida's express prior written consent in each instance, and all such names, marks, logos and other designations of Arvida will at all times be and remain the sole and exclusive property of Arvida. 11. Default. 11.1 In connection with Integrated's performance of Integrated's Services under this Agreement, if Integrated fails to perform the Integrated's Services, or to comply with any time or performance standards, pursuant to this Agreement, or to maintain the insurance required by this Agreement, or to withhold any taxes or contributions required by federal or state law, or if Integrated breaches any other provision of this Agreement or any provision of any other contract or agreement between Arvida and Integrated, Arvida may declare Integrated in default of this Agreement and exercise its rights under this Agreement. 11.2 In the event of a default or breach of this Agreement by Integrated, in addition to, and without limitation or prejudice to, any other rights or remedies of Arvida hereunder, at law or in equity, Arvida at its option may: 8 8 11.2.1 instruct Integrated to re-perform at no additional cost to Arvida such Integrated's Services that do not conform with this Agreement; 11.2.2 upon three (3) day's written notice terminate Integrated's Services hereunder and: take possession of all of Integrated's original Integrated's Services product; and/or complete the Integrated's Services of Integrated by whatever reasonable method Arvida deems expedient. 11.2.3 withhold, or seek reimbursement for, any payment to Integrated on account of any default or breach by Integrated hereunder to the extent Arvida deems necessary to protect Arvida from loss or claims or to secure re-performance of nonconforming Integrated's Services. 12. Ownership of Deliverables. Integrated hereby expressly assigns to Arvida all of Integrated's right, title and interest in and to all Deliverables. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "Deliverables" means all Integrated's Services product produced by or for Integrated pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement, including, without limitation, all plans, drawings, designs, specifications, systems, reports, data, materials, models, prototypes, ideas, concepts, methodologies, know-how, information, knowledge, software, source code, object code, programs, studies, techniques, procedures, methods, processes, formulae, inventions, improvements, sketches, documents, diagrams, graphs, charts, notes, writings, discoveries, models, flow charts and research. All Deliverables shall be and at all times remain the sole and exclusive property of Arvida. All Deliverables will be, where applicable, considered "works made for hire" as provided by applicable law. Integrated will mark all Deliverables with Arvida's copyright or other proprietary notice as directed by Arvida and will take all actions deemed necessary by Arvida to perfect Arvida's rights therein. The provisions of this Article shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 13. Confidentiality. All information, materials or documents in any way regarding or relating to Arvida or any of its affiliates or their respective businesses including, without limitation, any information requested by or provided to Integrated and all information developed or obtained by Integrated (collectively, "Arvida Information"): (i) shall be and at all times remain the sole and exclusive property of Arvida, (ii) shall not be used by Integrated for any reason or purpose except in direct connection with Integrated's performance of Integrated's Services; and (iii) shall not, without the express prior written consent and approval of Arvida, be disclosed in whole or in part to any person or entity. Integrated acknowledges that money damages would be an inadequate remedy for the 9 9 injuries and damage that would be suffered by Arvida in the case of Integrated's breach of this Article. Therefore, Arvida, in addition to any other remedies it may have at law or in equity, will be entitled to injunctive relief to enforce the provisions of this Article. Integrated's duties and obligations under this Article shall survive the termination or cancellation of this Agreement for any reason. Integrated's liability for any breach of this Article shall not be subject to any limitation of liability provision contained elsewhere in this Agreement. 14. Indemnity. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Integrated agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Arvida, and its affiliated companies, partners, successors, assigns, heirs, legal representatives, devisees, officers, directors, shareholders, employees, insurers and agents (herein collectively called "Indemnitees") from and against all claims, demands, actions, liens, compensatory damages, punitive damages, liability, costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees of any nature, kind or description of any person or entity, directly or indirectly arising out of, caused by, or resulting from (in whole or in part): (i) Integrated Services performed hereunder; or (ii) any act, omission or negligence of Integrated. Integrated acknowledges that One Hundred and 00/100 U.S. Dollars ($100.00) of the Integrated Services Fee is given by Arvida and accepted by Integrated as specific consideration for the indemnification provided for in this Agreement, and further acknowledges that this indemnification provision is a significant part of the inducement for Arvida to enter into this Agreement. 15. General. 15.1 Effect of Payment. No payment made under this Agreement will be conclusive evidence of the performance of this Agreement by Integrated, either wholly or in part, and no payment will be construed to be an acceptance of, or to relieve Integrated of liability for, Integrated's failure to perform its duties and obligations under this Agreement in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 15.2 Governing Law. This Agreement and the respective rights and obligations of the parties hereto will be governed and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. 15.3 Independent Contractor. Integrated will at all times be an independent contractor and nothing in this Agreement will at any time be construed so as to create the relationship of employer and employee, principal and agent, partnership or joint venture between Integrated and Arvida. Integrated acknowledges that it will have no authority to bind Arvida to any contractual or other obligation. 15.4 Non-Waiver of Rights. All rights available to either party under this Agreement or any other document delivered hereunder or in connection herewith, or allowed it by law or equity, are and will be cumulative and may be exercised separately or concurrently and from time to time without waiver of any other remedies. No party hereto will be deemed to waive any right, power or privilege under this Agreement unless such 10 10 waiver is expressed in a written instrument signed by the waiving party. The failure of any party hereto to enforce any provision of this Agreement will in no way be construed as a waiver of such provision or a right of such party to thereafter enforce such provision or any other provision of this Agreement. 15.5 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, representations, proposals, discussions and communications, whether oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. EXHIBITS "A", "A-1", "B", "C", "D", "D-1", "E" AND "F", to this Agreement are is hereby incorporated into this Agreement in their entirety by this reference. This Agreement may not be amended or modified in any manner except by a written agreement executed by each of the parties hereto. 15.6 Invalidity. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such provision will be conformed to prevailing law rather than voided, if possible, in order to achieve the intent of the parties and, in any event, the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect and will be binding upon the parties hereto. 15.7 Headings. The enumeration and headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and will not control or affect the meaning or interpretation of any of the provisions of this Agreement. 15.8 Jury Trial. THE PARTIES HERETO HEREBY KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY WAIVE THEIR RIGHT, IF ANY, WHICH EITHER OR BOTH OF THEM WILL HAVE TO RECEIVE A TRIAL BY JURY WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS, CONTROVERSIES OR DISPUTES WHICH WILL ARISE OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT OR THE SUBJECT MATTER HEREOF. 15.9 Limitation of Liability. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL ARVIDA BE LIABLE TO INTEGRATED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES. 15.10 Number and Gender. Where appropriate to the construction hereof, the singular and plural number, and the masculine and feminine gender, shall be interchangeable. 15.11 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. In addition, this Agreement may contain more than one counterpart of the signature pages, and this Agreement may be executed by the affixing of the signature of each of the parties hereto to any of such counterpart signature pages; all of such counterpart signature pages shall be read as though one, and they shall have the same force and effect as though all of the signers had signed a single signature page. 11 11 15.12 Assignment. This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of Arvida. This Agreement is for the personal services of Integrated and may not be assigned by Integrated, nor shall it be assignable by operation of law without the prior written consent of Arvida, which consent Arvida may withhold in its sole and absolute discretion. Arvida may assign or transfer its rights and obligations related to or arising out of this Agreement. 15.13 Time. Time is of the essence with respect to all matters contained in this Agreement. 15.14 Attorneys' Fees and Costs. In the event of any litigation between the parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all costs incurred and reasonable attorneys' fees, including attorneys' fees in all investigations, trials, bankruptcies and appeals. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Arvida and Integrated have caused this Agreement to executed by and through their authorized representatives as of the day and year first set forth above. ARVIDA: ARVIDA/JMB PARTNERS, a Florida general partnership By: Arvida/JMB Managers Inc., a Delaware corporation, as general partner By: /s/ George E. Casey, Jr. ----------------------------- Name: George E. Casey, Jr. Title: Vice President Date: November 17, 1999 INTEGRATED: INTEGRATED HOMES OF FLORIDA, INC., a Florida corporation By: /s/ Philip W. Sergeant ----------------------------- Name: Philip W. Sergeant Title: President Date: November 5, 1999 12 12 EXHIBIT "A" STRUCTURED WIRING SYSTEM The Structured Wiring System shall incorporate the following: i. a central wiring distribution panel; ii. home run and labeled category 5, four pair and RG-6 cabling plus two dual outlets in each bedroom; iii. one quad outlet and one dual outlet in the media room and the home office; and iv. a dual outlet in the kitchen. Additionally, as part of the Structured Wiring System, "Future Proofing" wiring will be installed in accordance with the Broadband Specification. The four (4) "Future Proofing" wires shall be installed and labeled, which shall include the following: i. a wire in conduit from the panel into the attic space; ii. a wire to the security panel; iii. a wire to the electrical service panel; and iv. a wire to the thermostat. 13 13 Exhibit A [INTEGRATED HOMES LOGO] Structured Wiring Spec Level II - UStec FX100 Panel - UStec FX210 Module - UStec 410 Cover - 2 Quad Port Phone/Data/Video Jacks - Dual Port Phone/Video Jacks in all other locations - Expansion Possibilities inside Panel - Best Standard Locations for "future proofing" 14 INTEGRATED HOMES Exhibit A Basic Structured Wiring / Security Installation SCOPE OF INSTALLATION WISED STRUCTURED WIRING
TBG "Low Voltage" notes FULL PARTIAL MINIMUM Guidelines Central Distribution Panels (CDP) UStec FX-100/410/TG8.1AR Dimensions 14.5" x 22" x 3.5" X Requires 4 lines in- 8 TV out, 12 telephones out X Exceeds UStec FX-100/210/410 Dimensions 14.5" x 22" x 3.5" X Requires 2 lines in- 4 TV out, 6 telephones out X Exceeds AMP 14" Panel Dimensions 14.25" x 14"x 4" X 2 lines in- 4 TV out, 6 telephones out X Exceeds Embedded Non-GFI 110VAC outlet X X Requires Accommodates Cable modem X X Requires Accommodates ethernet hub X X Requires Accommodates video amplifier X X X Requires Upgradeable for future applications X X X Requires Installed in climate controlled location 1 X X X Requires WIRES AND CABLING CAT 5 twisted pair X X X Requires RG-6 coaxial (dual shield) X X Requires RG-6 coaxial (tri/quad shield) X Recommends No hard fasteners/staples/hex crimps only X X Requires 6" separation from 110VAC X X X Requires Routed separately from 110VAC X X X Requires Common sheath 2 Recommends Penetrate firewalls via EMT X X X Requires CABLING DISTRIBUTION (RUNS) NIDs to Wised service panel X X X Requires Conduits from NIDs to, CDP, to ceiling 3 Requires Home run to all modular jacks X X X Requires Extra 18" CAT 5 coil each outlet X X X Requires Exit house at NIDs, 30" of extra cabling X X X Requires Additional "futureproof runs" package 4 X Requires Security system pre-wire 5 Requires MODULAR JACKS (OUTLETS) DUAL modular (phone/data, video/data) 6 Exceeds Locations: Kitchen 1 1 1 Recommends Family/media room 1 1 1 Recommends Each bedroom 1 2 2 Recommends Home office 1 1 1 Recommends QUAD modular (2 x phone/data, 2 x video, data) 7 Exceeds Family/media room X 2 1 Exceeds Custom 6 port modular jacks 8 Exceeds "Universal" jacks (2 minimum) 2 X X Requires Single data/voice jacks (2 minimum) 11 2 X X Requires
notes FULL PARTIAL MINIMUM COREACT Security System NAPCO Gemini GEM-1632 9 X X NAPCO Gemini GEM-P8OO 9 X Battery back up (4 amp-hour) X Battery back up (7 amp-hour) X X Requires Additional keypad pre-wire 8 wire/22 guage X X Requires 6 detection zones (minimum) X X X Exceeds PLC interface X X X Requires On same non-GFI circuit as low voltage X X Requires Minimum one motion detector X X X Requires Minimum one interior siren X X X Requires Sensors; all A/C movable openings X X X Requires Doors wired with independent homeruns X X X Requires Window openings looped (same room) X X X Requires Sensors venting capability X Requires 4 wire/22 gauge for switches & sensors X X X Requires Telephone interface (RJ31X) X X X Requires Panel co-located with CDP (16") X X X Requires Conduit between security/CD Panels 10 Requires Lockable panel X X Requires
Notes 1 Recommend location, master bedroom closet co-located with security panel 2 Common sheath cabling available but not necessary 3 Runs are not normally routed via conduits. Labor/material not justified for application. 4 Unterminated CAT 5 runs to vicinity of thermostat, 110VAC service panel, security panel 5 Standard only when contracted for security monitoring 6 Contains 1 home run CAT 5 for phone or data, and 1 home run RG-6 for video or data 7 Contains 2 home runs CAT 5 for phone or data, and 2 home runs RG-6 for video or data 8 Modular custom outlets of up to 6 positions can be accommodated 9 Includes 1 digital keypad, transformer, panel and interior siren 10 Supplied if contracted for security system installation 11 Dual jacks exceed TBG guidelines 17 ARVIDA'S WESTON ARVIDA STRUCTURED WIRING PRICING BUSINESS UNIT #1
PRODUCT SERIES ARVIDA PRICE ARVIDA PRICE Town Homes...... San Mateo Model Floors STRUCTURED WIRE SECURITY The following is the standard Andros 2 $570 $655 Structured Wiring Package for Bahia 2 $570 $655 ALL WESTON HOMES: Cordoba 2 $570 $655 Dorado 2 $590 $655 Dorado end 2 $590 $655 1 QUAD AND 1 DUAL IN MEDIA/ Ensenada 2 $600 $655 FAMILY ROOM. Ensenada Elite 2 $600 $655 1 QUAD AND 1 DUAL IN HOME SUITABLE FOR HOME OFFICE) OFFICE (OR BEDROOM Duplex......... Celestial Aries 1 $570 $655 1 DUAL IN KITCHEN Borealis 1 $590 $655 Borealis(25) 1 $590 $655 2 DUALS IN EACH BEDROOM Columbia 1 $590 $655 Electra 1 $590 $655 PHONE: 4 INCOMING LINES FOR Orion 1 $590 $655 USE WITH VOICE, DATA, FAX - Polaris 1 $590 $655 (10 DEDICATED, LIVE CONNECTIONS BEFORE UP-GRADE) Single Family... Palm Alexander 1 $590 $655 CABLE: 4 LIVE OUTLETS - ALL OTHERS ARE WIRED BUT Canary 1 $590 $655 NOT CONNECTED. LIVE OUTLET Foxtail 1 $590 $655 #5 AND UP WILL REQUIRE Royal 2 $590 $655 A VIDEO AMPLIFIER. Sabal 2 $600 $655 SPEC HOMES ARE $150.00 Windmill 2 $600 $655 MORE FOR STRUCTURED WIRING. SECURITY IS OPTIONAL IN BU#1
PRODUCT SERIES Single Family... Arbor STRUCTURED WIRE SECURITY Aspen 2 $660 $870 The following is the standard Birch 1 $645 $870 Structured Wiring Package for Cassia 1 $660 $870 ALL WESTON HOMES: Fir 1 $660 $870 Maple 2 $660 $870 Poplar 2 $660 $870 1 QUAD AND 1 DUAL IN MEDIA/FAMILY ROOM. Sycamore 2 $740 $870 1 QUAD AND 1 DUAL IN HOME OFFICE (OR BEDROOM SUITABLE FOR HOME OFFICE) Single Family... Flora Alamanda 1 $640 $870 1 DUAL IN KITCHEN Bougainvillea 1 $640 $870 Clover 1 $640 $870 Daffodil 2 $640 $870 2 DUALS IN EACH BEDROOM Fuschia 2 $740 $870 Gladiola 2 $740 $870 PHONE: 4 INCOMING LINES FOR USE Heather 2 $740 $870 WITH VOICE, DATA, FAX-(10 DEDICATED, LIVE Jasmine 2 $740 $870 CONNECTIONS BEFORE UP-GRADE) Lilly 2 $760 $870 CABLE: 4 LIVE OUTLETS-ALL OTHERS ARE WIRED BUT NOT CONNECTED. Single Family... Audubon LIVE OUTLET #5 AND UP WILL REQUIRE A VIDEO AMPLIFIER. Crane 1 $740 $475 Dove 1 $740 $475 Eagle 1 $760 $475 Heron 1 $760 $475 SPEC HOMES ARE $150.00 MORE FOR STRUCTURED Jacana 2 $740 $475 Kestrel 2 $740 $475 SECURITY IS STANDARD IN THE AUDUBON Lark 2 $760 $475 SERIES, OPTIONAL IN ALL OTHER BU2 SERIES. Mallard 2 $740 $475 Nightingale 2 $740 $475 Sandpiper 2 $760 $475
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRODUCT SERIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MODEL FLOORS STRUCTURED SECURITY WIRE Single Family...... Lake Ridge Brighton 1 $740 $475 The following is the standard Chelsea 1 $660 $475 Structured Wiring Package for Chelsea Alt 1 $740 $475 ALL WESTON HOMES: Hampton 1 $660 $475 Windsor 2 $740 $475 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 QUAD AND 1 DUAL IN MEDIA/FAMILY ROOM. Single Family....... Hunters Pointe 1 QUAD AND 1 DUAL IN HOME OFFICE (OR Ainsley 1 $645 $475 BEDROOM SUITABLE FOR HOME OFFICE) Beechwood 1 $660 $475 Fairmont 1 $740 $475 1 DUAL IN KITCHEN Fairmont Ext 1 $740 $475 Courtland 1 $740 $475 1 DUAL IN KITCHEN Glendale 1 2 $660 $475 Glendale 2 2 $740 $475 2 DUALS IN EACH BEDROOM Heatherglen 2 $660 $475 Heatherglen 2 2 $740 $475 PHONE: 4 INCOMING LINES FOR USE Heatherglen 3 2 $740 $475 WITH VOICE, DATA, FAX-(10 DEDICATED, LIVE CONNECTIONS BEFORE UP-GRADE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Single Family....... Victoria Pointe Ashby 1 $660 $475 CABLE: 4 LIVE OUTLETS -- ALL OTHERS Alto 2 $760 $475 ARE WIRED BUT NOT CONNECTED. Bryant 1 $740 $475 LIVE OUTLET #5 AND UP WILL REQUIRE Carlton 1 $660 $475 A VIDEO AMPLIFIER. Charlotte 1 $740 $475 Concord 2 $740 $475 SPEC HOMES ARE $150.00 MORE FOR STRUCTURED Crystal 2 $760 $475 Denton 2 $740 $475 SECURITY IS STANDARD IN BU#3. Estes 2 $740 $475 Eaton 2 $760 $475 East Bay 2 $760 $475 Fairview 2 $740 $475 Florence 2 $740 $475 Francis 2 $760 $475 Holden 1 $760 $475 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Single Family...... Victoria Isle Melrose 1 $660 $475 Mystic 1 $740 $475 Olympia 1 $645 $475 Osceola 2 $760 $475 Sanibel 2 $660 $475 Sawyer 2 $760 $475 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Single Family...... The Retreat Augusta 44 1 $660 $475 Augusta 55 1 $740 $475 Grd. Cyp 44 1 $660 $475 Grd. Cyp 54 1 $740 $475 Gr. Cy 44-21 2 $760 $475 Gr. Cy 44-32 2 $760 $475 St. Andrews 1 $660 $475 St. And. Exp. 1 $740 $475 Turnberry 1 $740 $475 Turn. Ultra 1 $660 $475 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ARVIDA PAK-# PART# TYPE OF SYSTEM/ITEM Selling Sell % Retail Specials Footnotes ----- ------ ---------------------------------------------- ---------- ------- ------ -------- --------- A. Structured Wiring Systems AA-1-10 Clear Cover for IH Central Distribution Panel $ 62.00 37.1% $ 85.00 AA-1-4-AW Upgrade Panel to 4 line/12 Phone (surge)/8 Video (amplified) $ 725.00 22.2% $ 886.00 AA-1-5 Upgrade Panel to 4 line/12 Phone (surge)/8 Video/4 Ethernet $ 825.00 21.1% $ 999.00 AA-1-7 Upgrade Panel to 4 line/8 Phone/8 Video (amplified) $ 375.00 20.0% $ 450.00 A-1 Additional Modular Dual Wall Plate-Assembly $ 80.00 100.0% $ 160.00 A-2 Additional Modular Quad Wall Plate-Assembly $ 135.00 77.8% $ 240.00 A-2A Modular Quad Wall Plate-Upgrade from Standard Dual $ 80.00 100.0% $ 160.00 A-2B Modular Custom Wall Plate (6 Jacks) $ 180.00 38.9% $ 250.00 A-4 Front Entranceway B/W Camera $ 455.00 20.9% $ 550.00 A-5 Front Entranceway Color Camera $ 536.00 27.8% $ 685.00 A-8 Ball Camera-B/W with modulator $ 455.00 20.9% $ 550.00 A-8A Additional Ball Camera-B/W with modulator $ 430.00 20.9% $ 520.00 A-9 Ball Camera-Color with modulator $ 645.00 20.2% $ 775.00 A-9A Additional Ball Camera-Color with modulator $ 625.00 19.2% $ 745.00 A-10 Whole House Infrared Remote Target $ 75.00 20.0% $ 90.00 A-10-2 Whole House Infrared Remote Repeater/Emitter $ 35.00 28.6% $ 45.00 A-10A AUDIO/Video Modulator 2 sources (Amplified) $ 370.00 20.3% $ 445.00 A-10B AUDIO/Video Modulator 4 sources (Amplified) $ 530.00 18.9% $ 630.00 A-11 Computer Networking Hub -- 4 Port Ethernet (stand-alone) $ 130.00 30.8% $ 170.00 A-12 Wall Mounted -- Telephone Wall Plate $ 50.00 100.0% $ 100.00 A-13 Outside weather-proof Wall Plate for TV $ 85.00 23.5% $ 105.00 A-14 Caller ID Overlay System $ 145.00 34.5% $ 195.00 A-16 Video 2 source to 6 zone Amplifier (stand-alone) $ 195.00 25.6% $ 245.00 A-19 Video 3 source to 8 zone Amplifier (stand-alone) $ 242.00 21.9% $ 295.00 B. Security Systems Promotional Discount BA-1-AW#1 Security System 1000/ 8 zone $ 655.00 59.5% $ 1,045.00 for item BA-1 -AW#1 15 Amp Outlet BA-1-AW#2 Security System 2000/ 8 zone $ 870.00 42.5% $ 1,240.00 for item BA-1 -AW#2 15 Amp Outlet BA-1-AW#3 Security System 3000/16 zone $ 475.00 $ 0.00 for item BA-1 -AW#3 15 Amp Outlet B-1-AW#1 Additional digital Keypad (for 8 Zone System) $ 140.00 71.4% $ 240.00 B-1-AW#3 Additional digital Keypad (for 16 zone system) $ 155.00 65.2% $ 256.00 B-2 Homegate Key Chain & RF Receiver -- Assembly $ 275.00 20.0% $ 330.00 B-2-3 Relay for Garage Door Opener operation $ 55.00 18.2% $ 65.00 B-3 Additional remote control/ key fob (for B-2) $ 80.00 50.0% $ 120.00 B-4 Wizard II Telephone Remote System Access $ 190.00 55.3% $ 295.00 B-5 EVA Electronic Voice Annunciator $ 90.00 111.1% $ 190.00 B-6 Smoke Detector $ 100.00 25.0% $ 125.00 B-7 Glass Break Audio Discriminator/sensor $ 95.00 26.3% $ 120.00 B-8 Motion Sensor (70 x 60 PIR) $ 95.00 26.3% $ 120.00 B-9 X-10 Activation Module -- Receiver Switch $ 95.00 21.1% $ 115.00 B-9-2 X-10 Activation Module Interface Kit $ 90.00 33.3% $ 120.00 B-10-1 Axis 200+ Web Camera (Single) $ 1,085.00 21.2% $ 1,315.00 B-10-2 Axis 240 Web Camera Server (for Four cameras) $ 1,152.00 21.1% $ 1,395.00 B-10-3 Axis 2400 Web Video Camera Server (for Four cams) $ 1,559.00 25.6% $ 1,958.00 B-11 Exterior Siren $ 100.00 35.0% $ 135.00 D. Distributed Audio Systems D-1 Premiere Package w/speakers -- Assembly (2 Rooms) $ 540.00 20.4% $ 650.00 D-2-AW Supreme Package w/speakers -- Assembly (2 Rooms) $ 1,825.00 21.1% $ 2,210.00 D-3-AW Elite Package w/speakers -- Assembly (4 Rooms) $ 4,850.00 22.9% $ 5,960.00 D-3PP Elite Plus Package w/speakers -- Ass. (8 Rooms) plus Features $10,850.00 21.2% $13,150.00 D-10 Elite (basic) IR Upgrade package $ 585.00 25.6% $ 735.00 D-3-11 Programmable Learning Remote $ 125.00 24.0% $ 155.00 D-4 Premiere per room expansion w/vol. control $ 260.00 19.2% $ 310.00 D-4A Supreme per room expansion w/vol. control $ 310.00 19.4% $ 370.00 D-4B Elite per four room expansion w/vol. control $ 4,500.00 22.1% $ 5,495.00 D-11-1 Source Control Learning Keypad for Elite (PR-4Z) $ 265.00 22.6% $ 325.00 D-11-2 Source Control Learning Keypad for Supreme (4 zone) $ 275.00 21.8% $ 335.00 D-11-3 Source Control Learning Keypad for Supreme (6 zone) $ 275.00 21.8% $ 335.00 D-5 Speaker Upgrade -- Premiere to Supreme (per room) $ 55.00 36.4% $ 75.00 D-6 Speaker Upgrade -- Supreme to Elite (per room) $ 155.00 35.5% $ 210.00 D-7 Speaker Craft Outdoor Speakers -- upgrade (per pair) $ 310.00 16.1% $ 360.00 D-8 JBL Outdoor Speakers -- upgrade (per pair) $ 355.00 18.3% $ 420.00
PAK-# ARVIDA PART # TYPE OF SYSTEM/ITEM Selling Sell % Retail Specials Footnotes ----- ------------- ------------------- ---------- ------ ---------- -------- --------- D-9-1 Pro Omni, Green Outdoor Can Speaker - upgrade (per pair) $ 245.00 24.5% $ 305.00 D-9-2 Granite River Rock Plus Outdoor Speaker - upgrade each $ 345.00 24.3% $ 429.00 F. Home Theater Packages F-1 Grand Package Monitor/Surround $ 3,658.00 19.1% $ 4,358.00 F-1A JBL, "Simply Cinema" Speakers Stands per pair $ 55.00 18.2% $65.00 F-1B MTX, 6.5" Ceiling Speaker, 35 Watt RMS per pair $ 195.00 17.9% $230.00 F-2 Premier Package Monitor/Sound $ 4,670.00 15.1% $ 5,375.00 F-2A JBL, "Simply Cinema" Speakers Stands per pair $ 55.00 18.2% $ 65.00 F-2B MTX, 6.5" Ceiling Speaker, 35 Watt RMS per pair $ 195.00 17.9% $ 230.00 F-3 Supreme Package Monitor/ Surround $ 6,120.00 16.4% $ 7,125.00 F-4 Elite Package Monitor/ Surround $ 8,210.00 15.0% $ 9,445.00 F-4A-2 32" ProScan Stand $ 320.00 20.3% $ 385.00 F. Big Screen Theater Packages F-5-10 Premiere Big Screen Package $ 4,000.00 25.3% $ 5,010.00 for item F-5-10 - 15 Amp Outlet F-5-10SS Premiere Big Screen Package with surround sound & sources $ 6,230.00 17.3% $ 7,310.00 for item F-5-10SS - 15 Amp Outlet F-5-20 Supreme Big Screen Package $ 5,000.00 20.2% $ 6,010.00 for item F-5-20 - 15 Amp Outlet F-5-20SS Supreme Big Screen Package with surround sound & sources $ 7,895.00 17.2% $ 9,255.00 for item F-5-20SS - 15 Amp Outlet F-5-30 Elite Big Screen Package $ 5,950.00 17.8% $ 7,010.00 for item F-5-30 - 15 Amp Outlet F-5-30SS Elite Big Screen Package with surround sound & sources $11,695.00 19.8% $14,010.00 for item F-5-30SS - 15 Amp Outlet F-8 Recessed Rear Speakers (additional cost per pair) $ 260.00 30.8% $ 340.00 F. Multi Media Packages F-9-1 Personal Interactive Television Receiver - 30 hr. $ 999.00 25.1% $ 1,250.00 F-9-2 Personal Interactive Television Receiver - 14 hr. $ 555.00 22.5% $ 680.00 G. Intercoms G-1 M&S Integrated / Intercom Systems - Assembly $ 525.00 54.3% $ 810.00 for item G-1 - 15 Amp Outlet G-2 M&S Outdoor Speaker w/Music Scan - Assembly $ 120.00 45.8% $ 175.00 G-3 M&S Indoor Speaker w/Music Scan - Assembly $ 70.00 42.9% $ 100.00 G-4 M&S Front Door Speaker w/Bell Button - Assembly $ 95.00 31.6% $ 125.00 for item G-4 - Remove Front Door Bell G-5 M&S Cassette Player - Assembly $ 330.00 25.8% $ 415.00 G-6 M&S 6-Compact Disc Player - Assembly $ 650.00 24.6% $ 810.00 H. Telephones H-1 KSU Switch Station-3 Lines/8 Ext (Expand. to 6 x 24) $ 650.00 31.2% $ 853.00 for item H-1 - 15 Amp Outlet H-2 Basic Per/Phone $ 110.00 31.8% $ 145.00 H-3 LCD Speaker Phone Per/Phone $ 175.00 20.0% $ 210.00 H-4 Intercom Station (2/System) $ 80.00 18.8% $ 95.00 for item H-4 - Remove Front Door Bell H-5 Intercom Adaptor (1/System) $ 95.00 15.8% $ 110.00 H-6 Cordless Phone/Intercom w/Answering & 1st handset $ 395.00 26.3% $ 499.00 H-7 Cordless Phone/Intercom System with first handset $ 255.00 23.5% $ 315.00 H-8 Cordless Phone - additional Handset $ 138.00 15.2% $ 159.00 H-9 Cordless Phone/Intercom w/Answering & 1st Handset B&W $ 255.00 19.6% $ 305.00 H-10 Cordless Phone/Intercom System with first handset B&W $ 219.00 21.0% $ 265.00 H-11 Cordless Phone - additional Handset B&W $ 115.00 17.4% $ 135.00 I. Distributed Audio - Pre-wire I-1 Two Room Audio Pre-wire $ 250.00 50.0% $ 375.00 I-2 Additional Room Pre-wire (2 room min.) $ 165.00 54.5% $ 255.00 J. Home Theater - Pre-wire J-1 Home Theater Pre-wire $ 190.00 18.4% $ 225.00 J-2 Sub-Woofer Pre-wire Jack Plate $ 90.00 50.0% $ 135.00 J-3 Projector/Screen Pre-wire $ 210.00 52.4% $ 320.00 K. Central Vacuum System K-3 M&S No. 3500 Upgrade $ 90.00 16.7% $ 105.00 K-4-1 M&S Upgrade - Powerhead & Hose, Tool Kit $ 400.00 15.0% $ 460.00 K-4-2 M&S Standard Electric Powerhead & Tool Kit $ 365.00 15.1% $ 420.00 K-4-3 M&S Value Electric Powerhead & Tool Kit $ 335.00 16.4% $ 390.00 K-5 M&S Turbo Air Driven Brush - Assembly $ 120.00 16.7% $ 140.00 K-6 M&S Deluxe Garage/Car Tool Kit $ 90.00 16.7% $ 105.00 KK-1-AW#1 Central Vac 3 Inlet - M&S AV2500 $ 715.00 46.9% $ 1,050.00 for item KK-1-AW#1 - 15 Amp Outlet KK-2-AW#2 Central Vac 4 Inlet = M&S AV2500 $ 770.00 45.5% $ 1,120.00 for item KK-2-AW#2 - 15 Amp Outlet KK-4-AW#2 Central Vac 5 Inlet = M&S AV2500 $ 815.00 52.1% $ 1,240.00 for item KK-4-AW#2 - 15 Amp Outlet KK-5-AW#3 Central Vac 6 Inlet = M&S AV2500 $ 845.00 55.6% $ 1,315.00 for item KK-5-AW#3 - 15 Amp Outlet
PAK # ARVIDA PART # TYPE OF SYSTEM/ITEM SELLING SELL % RETAIL SPECIALS FOOTNOTES ------ ------------- ------------------- --------- ------ ------ -------- ------------------------ N. ENTRYWAY SYSTEMS ------------------- N-1 Front Door Color Camera System $2,650.00 17.0% $3,100.00 for Item N-1 - Remove Front Door Bell N-3 Desk Mount For Color Monitor $ 95.00 15.8% $ 110.00 N-4 Desk Mount For Handset $ 120.00 16.7% $ 140.00 N-5-B Complete Audio Only Entryway System $ 295.00 18.6% $ 350.00 for item N5-B - Remove Front Door Bell N-2 Extra Handset (Phone) Standard White $ 75.00 26.7% $ 95.00 N-6 Video Door & Telephone System (B&W) $ 665.00 18.8% $ 790.00 for item N-6 - Remove Front Door Bell N-6B Weather-Resistant Outdoor Camera (B&W) $ 420.00 17.9% $ 495.00 N-7 Front Door / Telephone Intercom $ 475.00 18.9% $ 565.00 for item N-7 - Remove Front Door Bell O. HOME MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS -------------------------- O-1 Omni System Complete w/2 Keypads/ Thermo/ $1,425.00 26.0% $1,795.00 for item O-1 - 15 Amp Outlet O-1-1 Additional Omni Thermostat $ 257.00 14.8% $ 295.00 O-1-2 Additional Omni Keypad $ 268.00 15.3% $ 309.00 O-1-3 Outside Temp Sensor (optional) $ 206.00 14.1% $ 235.00 O-2 (First) (O&A) Light Dimmer $ 435.00 12.4% $ 489.00 O-2-2 (Additional) (O&A) Light Dimmers $ 145.00 20.7% $ 175.00 O-2-3 (O&A) Relay Switches $ 138.00 21.7% $ 168.00 O-2-4 (O&A) Scene Switches $ 185.00 21.6% $ 225.00 O-3 Aegis Upgrade from Omni System $ 895.00 21.2% $1,085.00 O-3-1 (Additional) Aegis Thermostat $ 257.00 14.8% $ 295.00 O-3-2 (Additional) Aegis Keypad $ 325.00 18.5% $ 385.00 $ 160.00 FOOTNOTES --------- 355114 *Customer requires Dedicated 20 Amp Outlet
3 24 EXHIBIT "C" WORK AUTHORIZATION PURCHASE ORDER 16 25 WESTON, FL 33327 EXHIBIT C (305) 384-3030 APPROVED FOR DRAW PAYMENT: COMPLETE: AMOUNT -------- --------- ------ 13066 Lot/B1 006 02 PINE R VILLA Shell Contract ________ ________ P.O.#-Draw: 169578- 1 SLAB 2,378.55 ________ ________ P.O.#-Draw: 169578- 2 MASONRY 2,378.55 ________ ________ P.O.#-Draw: 169578- 3 TIE BEAM 3,171.40 ________ ________ P.O.#-Draw: 169578- 4 ROOF 7,611.36 ________ ________ P.O.#-Draw: 169578- 5 FLATWORK 632.14 BASE CONTRACT AMOUNT: 15,857.00 COLORS/UPGRADES/CREDITS: STRUCTURE Two (2) care garage option 315.00 TOTAL UPGRADES: 315.00 (Upgrade Total included in last (final) draw.) GRAND TOTAL: 16,172.00
COM-# TYPE OF SYSTEM / ITEM QUANTITY PRO. / PART # SUPP. / MANUF. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. WISED - STRUCTURED WIRING SYSTEMS Enclosure AA-1-1 UStec Cabinet 1 FX-100 UStec / UStec AA-1-2 UStec Cover (Metal) 1 FX-410 UStec / UStec AA-1-3B UStec Basic Service Module 1 UX-220 UStec / UStec AA-1-2A Clear UStec Cover 1 FX-400C UStec / UStec ? Port Network Hub 1 ? ? AA-1-5 Ustec Complete Demo Unit 1 TGS800DEMO UStec / UStec A-5-1 Front Door camera - Color "Cat Cam" 1 9520 ADI / Channel Plus A-5-2 Video Modulator, 1 Audio+ 1Video In X 1 F-Conn. Out Included ADI / Channel Plus Clear Lens 1 2522 ADI / Channel Plus A-9-1 Room Cameras - Color "Ball Camera" 2 GBC-BC-935C ADI / GBC A-9-2 Video Modulator, 1 Audio+1 Video In X 1 F-Conn. Out ? MM70 NetMedia Caller ID Overlay System 2 CTV1 NetMedia B. COREACT - SECURITY BA SECURITY SYSTEM BA-1-1 Security Panel Kit with transformer (Napco) 1 NA-GEMP1632INPK ADI / Napco Includes - Panel, Transformer, & Key Pad Digital Keypad 1 NA-GEMRP3DGTL ADI / Napco BC-1 Battery back-up 1 YA-NP412 ADI B-2-1 (2) Homegate Key Chain Remotes (@36.25) 1 NA-GEMKEYFOB ADI / Napco B-2-2 RF Receiver for Wireless Remote 1 NA-GEMRCVR8 ADI / Napco B-4 Wizard II Telephone interface 1 NA-WIZARD II ADI / Napco B-5 EVA Electronic Voice Annunciator 1 NA-GEMEVAI ADI / Napco B-8 Motion Sensor (70 x 60 PIR) 1 NA-PIR1 II 710 ADI / Napco
1 29 Exhibit D-1
COM-# TYPE OF SYSTEM / ITEM QUANTITY PRO. / PART # SUPP. / MANUF. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B-10-1 Axis 200+ Web Camera (Single) 1 200+ ADI/AXIS C. TELEVISIONS - ALL COLOR Philips 13" (Kitchen) Color TV 1 13PT30B Just in Time D. AUROUND - DIST. AUD. SYSTEMS D-3-3 Russound 6 Zone 4 Source Controller/ Amplifier 1 CA6.4 Russound D-3-4 Russound CA6.4 Learning Keypad 1 CA6.4L-RN Russound D-7-1 (2) Speaker Craft, Outdoor 2-Way Speaker 1 Pair ASM90811 Speaker Craft 6.1 CRS Round Speakers, 5 -60 Watts 6 Pair ASM90620 Speaker Craft F. THEXTRE -- HOME THEATER F-1-1 JBL, "Simply Cinema" Home Entertainment System 1 JBL ESC333 ADI / JBL Gateway Destination, 35.5" Monitor 1 Gateway F-4-2 Gateway Destination, DVD, CD, PC 1 Gateway F-3-2 Sony CD / DVD Player 1 DVP-C650 Brandsmart F-3-3 Sony Audio Video Control Center 1 STR-DE935 Brandsmart F-3-5 Sony HI-FI VCR 1 SLV-779HF Brandsmart F-3-6 (4) Sound Dyn, 2 Way Speaker (Stand or Shelf Mounted) 1 RTS-3 Hot Distrib. F-3-6-A (2) Euro Foundation 30" Black-Stand 4 Front Speakers 1 SANEF30 Hot Distrib. F-3-7 (1) Sound Dyn, 2 Way Vented, Shielded Center Channel 1 RTSC-2 Hot Distrib. F-3-8 (1) Sound Dyn, Active Vented Box 10" Subwoofer System 1 RTS 1000 Hot Distrib. F-3-4 Sony 5 CD Changer 1 CDP-CE335 Brandsmart H. TELEPHONES Siemens Gigaset 2402 1 2402 Target Distributors Siemens Gigaset 2420 1 2420 Target Distributors
2 30 Exhibit D-1
COM-# TYPE OF SYSTEM / ITEM QUANTITY PRO. / PART # SUPP. / MANUF. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ENTRYWAY SYSTEMS COMPONENT PROPOSAL ON 4 INTERNAL/1 EXTERNAL AUDIO INTERCOM SYSTEM N-2 Siedle - Extrat Handset (Phone) Standard White 4? HTS711-01 Siedle N-4 Siedle - Desk Mount For Handset 2 ZT711-0/4W Siedle Siedle - Desk Mount Junction Box 2 AD711-0/4 Siedle N-5-B Siedle - Audio Entryway Intercom 1 CTB711-2 Siedle Siedle - Audio Entryway Intercom Cover (White) 1 CTB711-0W Siedle Siedle - 23.3VDC. 12VAC Power Supply 1 NG602-1 Siedle - Group Controller 1 GC602 G. INTERCOMS G-1-1 M&S Intercom Systems Display Panel 1 M&S Systems O. HOME MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS O-1 Aegis Complete System 1 AEG200-MH HSP, Inc Aegis Transformer 1 AEGXFRMR HSP, Inc Aegis Battery 1 AEGBAT HSP, Inc Aegis Flush Voice Console keypad 1 AEGOONFV HSP, Inc Aegis Speaker 1 MP111 HSP, Inc Aegis Speaker Driver 1 MPI-35F HSP, Inc O-1-1 Thermostat 1 HAIRC80 HSP, Inc O-1-2 Additional Keypad 1 HAI11A00-1A HSP, Inc O-1-3 Outside Temp Sensor (optional) 1 HAI14A00 HSP, Inc O-2 (First) Light Dimmer 15 HSP363143-01 HSP, Inc O-2-1 Lighting Interface Module HSP363440-02 HSP, Inc O-2-3 Relay Switches HSP363142-01 HSP, Inc O-2-4 Scene Switches HSPSCENE-01 HSP, Inc O-2-5 RS232 Interphase Card HSP10A17-1 HSP, Inc
3 31 Exhibit D-1
COM-# TYPE OF SYSTEM / ITEM QUANTITY PRO. / PART # SUPP. / MANUF. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. PERSONAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS Q-1 Apple - iMac 333Mhz Computer (Lime) 1 IMAC Club Mac Q-2 Zoom Cam USB for Mac - Model 1596 ZOOMCAM Club Mac Epson Stylus Color Printer 740i (iMac Lime) E047107 Club Mac R. AUTOMATIC DRAPERIES R-1 Silhouette Motorized Control Window Shadings Hunter Douglas
COM-# TYPE OF SYSTEM / ITEM QUANTITY PRO. / PART # SUPP. / MANUF. COMMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. WISED - STRUCTURED WIRING SYSTEMS AA-1-1 UStec Cabinet 1 FX-100 UStec / UStec AA-1-2 UStec Cover (Metal) 1 FX-410 UStec / UStec AA-1-3B UStec Basic Service Module 1 UX-220 UStec / UStec AA-1-2A Clear UStec Cover 1 FX400C UStec / UStec AA-1-5 Ustec Complete Demo Unit 1 TGS800DEMO UStec / UStec B. COREACRT - SECURITY BA SECURITY SYSTEM BA-1-1 Security Panel Kit: with transformer (Napco) NA-GEMP1632INPK ADI / Napco Includes - Panel, Transformer, & Key Pad B-1 Additional ... Digital Keypad NA-GEMRP3DGTL ADI / Napco BC-1 Battery back-up YA-NP412 ADI B-2-1 (2) Homegate Key Chain Remotes (@36.25) NA-GEMKEYFOB ADI / Napco B-2-2 RF Receiver for Wireless Remote NA-GEMRCVR8 ADI / Napco B-5 EVA Electronic Voice Annunciator NA-GEMEVAI ADI / Napco A-5-1 Front Door camera - Color "Cat Cam" 1 9520 ADI / Channel Plus Clear Lens 1 2522 ADI / Channel Plus A-9-1 Room Cameras - Color "Ball Camera" 1 GBC-BC-935C ADI / GBC B-8 Motion Sensor (70 x 60 PIR) 1 NA-PIR1710 ADI / Napco Caller ID Overlay System 1 CTV1 NetMedia D. AUROUND - DIST. AUD. SYSTEMS D-2-2 Russound 4 Zone 4 Source system with 4 source/vo 1 CA4.4 Russound D-2-2A Russound CA4.4 source/volume keypads 0 CA4.4KP Russound D-11-2 Russound CA4.4 Learning Keypad 1 CA4.4LRN Russound D-3-4 Russound Room Controller w/6 Function 1 PR-4ZKP Russound D-3-6 Russound Paging Keypad 1 PR4ZPG Russound D-3-12 Preprogrammed and learning remote 1 PRC-1 Russound D-11-4 Russound Volume Control 1 LPT-2DU Russound
1 33
COM-# TYPE OF SYSTEM / ITEM QUANTITY PRO. / PART # SUPP. / MANUF. COMMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-3-1 (2) Speaker Craft, 8" Ceiling Speaker, 5 - 100 Watts 1 #8.2CRS Speaker Craft D-3-1A (2) Speaker Craft, Ceiling Speaker Bracket 1 BKT90681 Speaker Craft D-4A-1 (2) MTX, 8" Ceiling Speaker, 45 Watt RMS 1 810CM Hot Distrib. D-4A-1A (2) MTX, Ceiling Speaker Bracket 1 PCK-85C Hot Distrib. F-2B (2) MTX, 6.5" Ceiling Speaker, 35 Watt RMS 1 610CM Hot Distrib. (2) MTX, Ceiling Speaker Bracket 1 PCK-65C Hot Distrib. F. THEXTRE - HOME THEATER F-3-2 Sony CD / DVD Player 1 DVP-C650 Brandsmart F-3-3 Sony Audio Video Control Center 1 STR-DE935 Brandsmart F-3-4 Sony 5 CD Changer 1 CDP-CE335 Brandsmart F-4-4 Sony HI-FI VCR 1 SLV-779HF Brandsmart F-4 Mitsubishi, 42" Multiscan Multimedia Monitor AM4201R Electrograph F-4-2 Gateway Destination, DVD, CD, PC DTV-450XL Gateway F-1-1 JBL, "Simply Cinema" Home Entertainment System 1 JBL-ESC333 ADI / JBL F-2A (2) JBL, "Simply Cinema" Speakers Stands 1 JB-FS300BKL ADI / JBL F-3-6 (4) Sound Dyn, 2 Way Speaker (Stand or Shelf Mount) 1 RTS-3 Hot Distrib. F-3-7 (1) Sound Dyn, 2 Way Vented, Shielded Center Char 1 RTSC-2 Hot Distrib. F-3-8 (1) Sound Dyn, Active Vented Box 10" Subwoofer 1 RTS 1000 Hot Distrib. PROJECTORS AND PROJECTION SCREENS F-6-6 F-6-6 Sharp - 100" Deluxe Electric Motor Down Screen 1 XS-1OOEMMR Fine Sales F-5-3A Sharp - Ultra-High, DVD, PC and MacII Ready, Projector XV-S96U Fine Sales F-5-3B Sharp - Mounting Bracket For XV-Series AN-CM200 Fine Sales G. INTERCOMS G-1-1 M&S Integrated / Intercom Systems 1 MC602 M&S Systems G-1-2 M&S Integrated / Intercom Mount Housing 1 H6X M&S Systems Includes TE5 Transformer and AM/FM Antennas M&S Systems G-3-1 M&S Indoor Speaker w/Music Scan 1 N65RS M&S Systems G-3-2 M&S Indoor Speaker Mount Housing 1 NMR5 M&S Systems G-4 G-4-1 M&S Front Door Speaker w/ Bell Button 1 BD3B M&S Systems G-4-2 M&S Front Door Speaker Mount Housing 1 ME3 M&S Systems G-4-3 M&S 3-Note Modular Door Chime for Front Bell 1 MC3 M&S Systems
2 34 EXHIBIT D-1
COM-# TYPE OF SYSTEM / ITEM QUANTITY PRO. / PART # SUPP. / MANUF. COMMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTRYWAY SYSTEMS N-1 SIEDLE FRONT DOOR COLOR CAMERA SYSTEM N-1-1 Siedle - Handset (Phone) Standard White 1 HTS711-01 Siedle N-1-2 Siedle - LCD Color Monitor, For Next To The Handset 1 MOC611-1 Siedle N-1-4 Siedle - Color Camera Module For Outside The Door 1 CMC611 Siedle N-1-5 Siedle - Speaker Amplifier and Door Bell 1 TLM612-0 Siedle N-1-6 Siedle - Video Relay Interface For Camera 1 VAR602-0 Siedle N-1-7 Siedle - Power Supply To Camera, 125V 1 NG602-1 Siedle N-1-10 Siedle - Mounting Frame For 2 Module Box 1 MR611-3/1 Siedle N-1-11 Siedle - Surface Mounting 1 GA611-3/1 Siedle N-1-12 Siedle - Speaker Amplifier and Door Bell 1 TM611-1 Siedle N-1-13 Siedle - (2) Power Supply 1 NG3004 Siedle N-3 Siedle - Desk Mount For Monitor, MOM/MOC611 1 ZM0711-0 Siedle N-4 Siedle - Desk Mount For Handset 1 ZT711-0/16 Siedle N-5-B Siedle - Complete Audio Only Entryway System 1 SET711-1W Siedle N-7 N-7A Viking - Front Door/Telephone Interface (Inside Unit) 1 VK-C1000 ADI / Viking N-7B Viking - Front Door Hands Free Box (Outside Unit) 1 VK-W2000 ADI / Viking H-1 H. Telephones H-1 Panasonic KSU Switch Station (3 Lines/8 ext) 1 PA-KXTA624 ADI / Panas. Pan. Upgraded Per/Phone, LCO Speaker Phone 1 PA-KXT7030 ADI / Panas. H-6 Siemens Cordless Phone/ Intercom System with Ansv 1 2420 Target Distributors H-7 Siemens Cordless Phone/ Intercom System with first 1 2402 Target Distributors K. Central Vacuum System K-1-1 M&S Central Vacuum 3500 1 AV3500 M&S / ADI M&S UPGRADE - POWERHEAD K-4-1A M&S Deluxe Electric Powerhead Carpet Brush 1 VM454 M&S / ADI K-4-1B M&S Deluxe 30' Crush-Proof Hose 1 V500PS M&S / ADI
3 35 EXHIBIT D-1
COM-# TYPE OF SYSTEM / ITEM QUANTITY PRO. / PART # SUPP. / MANUF. COMMENTS K-4-1C M&S Cord Management Kit 1 CM200 M&S / ADI K-4-1E M7S Standard Plastic Tool Kit 1 VMTKS M&S / ADI O. HOME MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS O-1 O-1 Aegis System - Model Program AEGIS2000-MH HSP, Inc. (Additional components necessary for complete system) Transformer AEGXFRMR Battery AEGBAT Keypad (flush voice consule) AEGCONFV Speaker MPI-35F Siren Driver MPI-11 O-1-1 Thermostat 1 HAIRC80 HSP, Inc O-1-2 Additional Keypad 1 HAI11A00-1A HSP, Inc O-1-3 Outside Temp Sensor (optional) 1 HAI14A00 HSP, Inc O-2 (First) Light Dimmer 1 HSP363143-01 HSP, Inc O-2-1 Lighting Interface Module 1 HSP363440-02 HSP, Inc O-2-4 Scene Switches 1 HSPSCENE-01 HSP, Inc O-2-5 RS232 Interphase Card 1 HSP10A17-1 HSP, Inc O-3 Relay switch 1 HSP363142-01 HSP, Inc Q. PERSONAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS Q-1 Q-1 Apple - iMac 333Mhz Computer (Tangerine) 1 IMAC Club Mac Q-2 Zoom Cam USB for Mac - Model 1596 1 ZOOMCAM Club Mac
4 36 EXHIBIT "D-1" EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED IN PARCEL 26 MODEL HOMES (THE EQUIPMENT LIST FOR THE ESTES AND THE EAGLE SHALL BE DELIVERED TO ARVIDA NOT LATER THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE SAME AND FIXED COSTS NOT TO EXCEED $13,000) 19 37 EXHIBIT "E" STRUCTURED WIRING PRICING 50% at completion of rough inspection 50% at completion of final inspection by Arvida TECHNOLOGY HOME PACKAGE OPTIONS 35% at completion of rough inspection 35% at completion of final inspection by Arvida 30% at acceptance by Arvida pursuant to homeowner final sign-off Arvida herein reserves the right to amend this EXHIBIT "E", or hold payments in accordance with this Agreement. 20 38 EXHIBIT "F" ARVIDA STRUCTURED WIRING PRICING AND ARVIDA SECURITY WIRING PRICING 21 39 Exhibit F ARVIDA'S WESTON ARVIDA STRUCTURED WIRING PRICING BUSINESS UNIT #1
BUSINESS UNIT #3 PRODUCT SERIES ------- ------ structured Single Family Lake Ridge MODEL floors wire security ------------- ---------- ----- ------ ---------- -------- Brighton 1 $ 740 $ 475 The following is the standard Chelsea 1 $ 660 $ 475 Structured Wiring Package for Chelsea Alt 1 $ 740 $ 475 ALL WESTON HOMES: Hampton 1 $ 660 $ 475 Windsor 2 $ 740 $ 475 1 QUAD AND 1 DUAL I MEDIA/ FAMILY ROOM. 1 QUAD AND 1 DUAL Single Family Hunters Pointe IN HOME OFFICE (OR BEDROOM Ainsley 1 $ 645 $ 475 SUITABLE FOR HOME OFFICE) Beechwood 1 $ 660 $ 475 Fairmont 1 $ 740 $ 475 1 DUAL IN KITCHEN Fairmont E.t. 1 $ 740 $ 475 Courtland 1 $ 740 $ 475 1 DUAL IN KITCHEN Glendale 1 2 $ 660 $ 475 Glendale 2 2 $ 740 $ 475 2 DUALS IN EACH BEDROOM Heatherglen 2 $ 660 $ 475 Heatherglen 2 2 $ 740 $ 475 PHONE: 4 INCOMING LINES FOR USE Heatherglen 3 2 $ 740 $ 475 WITH VOICE, DATA, FAX-(10 DEDICATED, LIVE CONNECTIONS BEFORE UP-GRADE) Single Family Victoria Pointe Ashby 1 $ 660 $ 475 CABLE: 4 LIVE OUTLETS - ALL Alto 2 $ 760 $ 475 OTHERS ARE WIRED BUT NOT Bryant 1 $ 740 $ 475 CONNECTED.LIVE OUTLET #5 AND UP Carlton 1 $ 660 $ 475 WILL REQUIRE A VIDEO AMPLIFIER. Charlotte 1 $ 740 $ 475 Concord 2 $ 740 $ 475 SPEC HOMES ARE $150.00 MORE FOR Crystal 2 $ 760 $ 475 STRUCTURED Denton 2 $ 740 $ 475 SECURITY IS STANDARD IN BU#3. Estes 2 $ 740 $ 475 Eaton 2 $ 760 $ 475 East Bay 2 $ 760 $ 475 Fairview 2 $ 740 $ 475 Florence 2 $ 740 $ 475 Francis 2 $ 760 $ 475 Holden 1 $ 760 $ 475 Single Family Victoria Isle Melrose 1 $ 660 $ 475 Mystic 1 $ 740 $ 475 Olympia 1 $ 645 $ 475 Osceola 2 $ 760 $ 475 Sanibel 2 $ 660 $ 475 Sawyer 2 $ 760 $ 475 Single Family The Retreat Augusta 44 1 $ 660 $ 475 Augusta 55 1 $ 740 $ 475 Grd. Cyp 44 1 $ 660 $ 475 Grd. Cyp 54 1 $ 740 $ 475 Gr.Cy44-21 2 $ 760 $ 475 Gr.Cy44-32 2 $ 760 $ 475 St. Andrews 1 $ 660 $ 475 St. And. E p. 1 $ 740 $ 475 Turnberry 1 $ 740 $ 475 Turn. Ultra 1 $ 660 $ 475