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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of May, 2006

Commission File Number 1-14668

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Energy Company of Paraná
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Rua Coronel Dulcídio, 800
80420-170 Curitiba, Paraná
Federative Republic of Brazil
(5541) 322-3535
(Address of principal executive offices)

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Curitiba, Brazil, May 15, 2006- Companhia Paranaense de Energia- COPEL (NYSE: ELP / LATIBEX: XCOP / BOVESPA: CPLE3, CPLE5, CPLE6), company that generates, transmits, and distributes power to the State of Paraná, today announces its operating results for the first quarter of 2006. All figures included in this report are in thousands of Reais (R$1,000) and were prepared in accordance with Brazilian GAAP (corporate law).


  • Net Operating Revenues: R$ 1,314 million - a 14% increase compared to the same period of 2005.

  • Operating Income: R$ 273 million – 110% higher than the amount recorded in the previous year.

  • Net Income: R$ 171 million (R$0.62 per thousand shares), 118% higher than the amount recorded in 1Q05 (R$ 78 million).

  • Increase in total electric power consumption: 1.7%

  • EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization): R$ 364 million, 62% higher than the amount recorded in the first quarter of 2005 (R$225 million).

  • Return on Equity: 12.4% p.a.

  • As from June 1, 2005, COPEL has no longer been recording provisions for payment under the gas supply contract between Copel, Petrobras and Compagas, due to its termination.

  • On April 13, 2006, ANEEL approved, through the Order 769/2006, the constitution of guarantees offered by COPEL in order to guarantee the agreement concerning the gas purchase for Araucária Thermoeletric Power Plant. The Company expects to revert in the next quarter the surplus provisions that had been constituted for the gas supply contract. In the first quarter of 2006, COPEL booked the penalties and interest on the provisioned amounts.

  • COPEL’s consolidated balance sheet presents, in addition to the wholly- owned subsidiaries’ figures (COPEL Geração, COPEL Transmissão, COPEL Distribuição, COPEL Telecomunicações and COPEL Participações), Compagas’ and Elejor’s figures.

Copel’s Investor Relations


Net income: In the first quarter of 2006, COPEL recorded a profit of R$ 170.7 million, corresponding to R$ 0,6236 per lot of one thousand shares. This amount is 117.7% higher than the profit recorded for the same period in 2005.

Interest on Capital: The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 27th , 2006, approved the Board’s proposal for distribution of interest on capital in the amount of R$ 123.0 million for the fiscal year of 2005. This amount will be allotted based on the number of shares owned on April 27th, 2006, and the payment will be made within 60 days of the Meeting, as follows: R$ 0.42811 for each lot of one thousand common shares; R$ 1.27167 for each lot of one thousand Class A preferred shares; and R$ 0.47101 for each lot of one thousand Class B preferred shares.

Market expansion: Total power consumption billed by COPEL in the first quarter of 2006 grew by 1.7% as compared to the first quarter of 2005. The residential, commercial, and rural consumer segments grew by 4.4%, 8.6%, and 6.4%, respectively. The industrial class had a decrease of 4.9% .

UEG Araucária: On February 17th, 2006, COPEL and El Paso Energy Araucária Company signed a Letter of Intent following negotiations concerning the Araucária Thermal Power Plant, located in the State of Paraná, with 484 MW of installed capacity.

The main points agreed upon were:

a) COPEL shall acquire all the quotas in UEG Araucária Ltda. owned by El Paso, which represents 60% of the company’s capital, for an amount equal to US$ 190 million;

b) The fulfillment of this Letter of Intent is subject to approval by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL), by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Paraná, and by EL Paso administrative bodies;

c) Furthermore, El Paso and COPEL agree, in their condition of co-owners of UEG Araucária Ltda., to suspend all pending lawsuits in state courts and the arbitration proceedings before the Chamber of International Trade in Paris;

d) The amount resulting from the negotiations shall be paid in full upon signature of the final agreement.

COPEL and El Paso have postponed the signature of the final agreement for another 20 days (until May 20th 2006) since the Parties have to wait for the approval of the transaction by the Legislative Assembly of Paraná.

Gas supply contract: COPEL has signed agreements concerning the pending issues related to the Araucária Thermal Power Plant.

These agreements comprise an Out-of-Court Settlement, a Letter of Consent to the Transfer of Co-ownership, and a Letter of Intent.

Under the Out-of-Court Settlement, signed by COPEL Generation having COPEL as guarantor, the Company has acknowledged a R$ 150 million debt to Petrobras, to be


paid in 60 monthly installments restated by the Selic rate (or any other index replacing the Selic rate), starting in January 2010.

Under the Letter of Consent, Petrobras has declared no opposition to the acquisition, by COPEL, of EL Paso’s co-ownership in UEG Araucária.

Under the Letter of Intent, Petrobras has undertaken to employ its best efforts to meet Araucaria’s fuel needs (natural gas or an alternate fuel) to operate as of 2010.

On April 13th, 2006, ANEEL approved the guarantees put up by COPEL to secure the transaction.

Reversal of provisions for the gas purchase contract: On account of the agreement signed by COPEL, Compagas and Petrobras for the gas supply to Araucaria and the approval by ANEEL, under Decision 769/2006, dated April 13th , 2006, of the guarantees put up by COPEL, the Company expects to revert in the next quarter the surplus provisions that had been constituted for this purpose. During the first quarter of 2006 COPEL continued to record contractual penalties and monetary restatements on the amounts that had been provisioned.

The 1,200 largest corporations: COPEL is one of the world’s 1,200 largest corporations according to a survey conducted by the U.S.’s credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s, which has assessed the stock performance and the market value of the largest and most important international corporations, broken down by continent. The Standard & Poor’s list includes a total of 40 companies in Latin America, out of which 15 based in Brazil.

Workforce: At the end of March 2006, COPEL’s workforce comprised 7,943 employees. As of March 2006, COPEL Distribuição recorded a customer-to-employee ratio of 570 and Compagas, a subsidiary in which COPEL holds a 51% interest, had 65 employees.

COPEL’s workforce has been assigned to different business units as follows:

COPEL Geração = 942 employees
COPEL Transmissão = 927 employees
COPEL Distribuição = 5,747 employees
COPEL Telecomunicações = 300 employees
COPEL Participações = 27 employees



Market Expansion

Total power consumption billed by COPEL in 1Q06 reached 4,704 GWh, a 1.7% growth as compared to the same period in the previous year.

Residential consumption, which accounts for 25.7% of COPEL’s market, grew by 4.4% in 1Q06, as attested by the rate of consumption per residential customer, which reached 156.4 kWh/month in the quarter, or 1.8% higher than the figure recorded in 1Q05 (153.6 KWh/month). Such growth has resulted mostly from higher sales of electronics, due to a credit expansion which began in 2004.

Commercial consumption, which accounts for 19.0% of COPEL’s market, recorded the best performance among major customer categories, with an 8.6% growth. The retail business benefited from the greater availability of credit to individual customers, from the overall increase in the number of customers (2.2% over 1Q05), and from the opening of new businesses, particularly malls.

The 6.4% growth in rural consumption was mainly due to the increase in average consumption which resulted from the increase in producers’ income on account of good harvests in 2002/2003 and 2003/2004, enabling them to invest in electric machinery.

Consumption by the industrial segment, which accounts for 37.5% of COPEL’s market, dropped by 4.9%, as a result of the dollar depreciation, which reflected in the reduction of some industrial activities due to the decrease in exports. The energy consumption was more affected in certain segments of Parana’s industry, such as timber, paper and vehicles. Industrial consumption was also affected by the withdrawal of certain customers that invested in self-generation.

In March 2006, COPEL’s number of customers amounted to 3,277,966, up by 2.3% when compared to March 2005, corresponding to 74,798 new customers.


Consumption per Segment

Segment 1Q06  4Q05  3Q05  2Q05  1Q05 
Residential  1,211  1,167  1,153  1,173  1,160 
Industrial (free customers included) 1,762  1,913  1,914  1,959  1,852 
Commercial  892  820  767  823  821 
Rural  386  338  327  361  363 
Other  454  451  447  454  432 
Total COPEL  4,704  4,689  4,608  4,770  4,628 

COPEL Distribuição’s grid market (TUSD), comprising the captive market and all free customers within the Company’s concession area, increased by 4.5% in 1Q06 (5,133 GWh).


Net operating revenues in 1Q06 reached R$ 1,313.6 million, up by 14.3% the R$ 1,149.3 million recorded in the same period of 2005.

This increase is primarily a result of: (i) the reduction in the discounts afforded to costumers who pay their bill in time, which represented an average rate of 5% as from February, 2005 and 4.41% as from August, 2005; (ii) the 1.7% increase in the consumption of power energy billed by COPEL and (iii) higher “electricity sales to distributors” revenue, due to the termination of the initial contract between COPEL Geração and COPEL Distribuição and the consequent sale of energy from COPEL Geração to the first old energy auction, to the 2006/2013 period.

The “Piped Gas Distribution” line refers to revenues from Compagas’ gas distribution to third-parties.


Gross Revenue

(R$ thousand)
Revenue    1Q06    4Q05    3Q05    2Q05    1Q05 
   Residential    495,912    470,973    478,329    460,160    447,518 
   Industrial    408,338    445,471    445,126    401,322    357,303 
   Commercial    304,707    290,270    274,146    267,053    261,443 
   Rural    68,713    61,032    58,170    60,757    62,229 
   Other    109,942    114,849    113,670    108,174    97,888 
Total Retail    1,387,612    1,382,595    1,369,441    1,297,466    1,226,381 
Supply    281,687    249,428    235,789    237,070    227,650 
Revenue from the use of                     
transmission grid    69,224    67,695    69,473    66,636    64,192 
Telecom    13,873    19,146    12,333    13,118    12,478 
Piped gas distribution    49,952    48,976    47,927    44,119    40,360 
Other    13,277    21,397    20,827    20,842    20,791 
Total    1,815,625    1,789,237    1,755,790    1,679,251    1,591,852 

Revenue Deductions

The table below shows COPEL’s operating revenue deductions:

(R$ thousand)
Revenue Deductions   1Q06    4Q05    3Q05    2Q05    1Q05 
   ICMS    356,766    361,963    355,696    336,326    319,509 
   PASEP/COFINS    128,862    127,887    137,503    97,458    78,544 
   RGR    15,100    16,169    16,169    12,150    19,329 
   Other    1,292    12,609    19,834    26,305    25,143 
TOTAL    502,020    518,628    529,202    472,239    442,525 


Operating Expenses

In 1Q06, total operating expenses reached R$ 1,035.0 million, up 3.1% the R$ 1,003.6 million recorded in the same period in 2005. The main variations were:

  • Energy purchased for resale” was stable in the quarter. The energy purchased by COPEL Distribuição in the first old energy auction for the period of 2006 to 2013 was offset by the reduction in the volumes of booked energy purchased from Itaipu and by the passive CVA reversion. The main amounts booked are: R$ 93.8 million from ITAIPU, R$ 75.2 million from CIEN, R$ 21.0 million from Itiquira and R$154.4 million from the energy auction. Also, R$ 12.4 million was booked as passive CVA.
  • The 41.3% variation in the “charges for the use of transmission grid” line is a result of the 9.1% tariff readjustment confirmed by ANEEL Resolution 150, from July 1, 2005, as well as for the addition of new transmission assets and to the effects of CVA costs (R$ 23.6 million)
  • The 4.4% decrease in the “payroll” account is due to the payment, in March 2005, of the agreement on the bonus for hazardous working conditions – a non-recurring expense.
  • The 30.1% variation registered in “pension plan and other benefits” is a result of the appropriation of the estimated costs for 2006, according to actuarial criteria, in compliance with CVM Deliberation 371/2000.
  • The “raw material and supply for generation of electricity” line is a result of the amount spent with fuels and other supplies purchased by COPEL. The increase is especially due to a higher coal acquisition for Figueira Thermoelectric Power Plant.
  • The “natural gas and supply for the gas business” line refers to the total natural gas acquired by Compagas from Petrobras. The decrease registered is a result of the termination of the contract for the purchase for UEG Araucária. As from June 1, 2005, Compagas has no longer billed the events to the agreement for the supply of gas and transport.
  • The increase in “third-party services” is due to the increase in costs with the mail, technical consulting and telephone.



  • The 19.2% increase in “regulatory charges”, under which R$ 75.9 million was booked as Fuel Consumption Account – CCC, R$ 13.5 as financial compensation for the use of water resources, R$ 44.1 million as Energy Development Account – CDE, and R$3.8 million as ANEEL’s oversight fees and other services.

Operating Expenses Breakdown

R$ thousand
Operating Expenses    1Q 06    4Q 05    3Q 05    2Q 05    1Q 05 
   Energy purchased for resale    359,555    295,439    356,272    424,802    359,817 
   Use of transmission grid    158,060    156,280    151,549    111,132    111,837 
   Personnel    130,513    189,960    122,471    117,505    136,519 
   Pension plan and other benefits    31,505    25,616    24,736    24,811    24,218 
   Material    16,078    18,197    13,544    17,149    13,575 
   Raw material and supply for electric    6,146    2,469    50,269    5,908    3,424 
   power production                     
   Natural gas purchased for resale    23,681    24,698    (23,124)   55,079    85,641 
   and supplies for the gas business                     
   Third-party services    51,097    53,762    49,916    51,542    41,923 
   Depreciation and amortization    85,437    85,634    81,726    82,386    79,160 
   Regulatory charges    137,316    98,169    113,646    102,802    115,224 
   Taxes    4,976    (1,226)   34,167    5,298    4,096 
   Other operating expenses    30,643    62,146    17,792    27,832    28,148 
Total    1,035,007    1,011,144    992,964    1,026,246    1,003,582 


CVA (Deferred Regulatory Asset)

The following table shows the charges in balances from deferred tariff costs updated by the SELIC rate in the first quarter of 2006:

R$ Thousand
Parcel A movement    Balance
  Deferreal   Amortization   Monetary
  Transfer   Balance
 Purchased electric power (Itaipu)   22,712      (14,677)   3,321      11,356 
 Transp. of purchased elect. capacity    3,227    974    (919)   311      3,593 
 Use of transmission grid    70,293    (7,481)   (38,628)   4,287    5,821    34,292 
 Energy Development Account – CDE    16,525    5,511    (8,401)   1,973      15,608 
 Electric Power Services Fee - ESS    10,443    766    (6,327)   1,770      6,652 
 Fuel Consumption Account – CCC    13,546    4,274    (2,847)   791      15,764 
   Proinfa      7,488          7,488 
 Total    136,746    11,532    (71,799)   12,453    5,821    94,753 
     Energy purchased for resale                         
         Auction    45,677    9,682    (9,084)   2,659      48,934 
         Cien    18,743    (4,053)   (3,970)   1,083      11,803 
         Itiquira    (15,484)   (5,203)   202    (983)     (21,468)
         Itaipu    41,640    (460)   (9,495)   1,793      33,478 
 Use of transmission grid            5,821    5,821 
 Total    90,576    (34)   (22,347)   4,552    5,821    78,568 


Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization – EBITDA reached R$364.0 million in the first quarter of 2006, up 61.9% over the figure posted in the same period of the previous year (R$224.9 million).

Financial Result

Financial expenses went up by 21.7% when compared to the same period of 2005, especially due to higher interest from financial applications due to a higher cash position in the period. This result was offset by the monetary variation drop due to the decrease of in IGP-DI index used for readjusting CRC transferred to the State Government.



Financial expenses went up by 7.0% as a result, mainly, of the booking of fines and monetary restatement referring to the gas purchase contract (R$55.1 million), offset by the valuation of the real against the dollar.

Operating Result

COPEL’s operating result recorded in the first quarter of 2006 totaled R$ 273.2 million, 109.8 above the reported in the first quarter of the previous year.

Non-Operating Result

The non-operating result recorded in the period reflects mainly the net effect of the write-offs of assets and rights registered under permanent assets.

Net Income

In the first quarter of 2006, COPEL recorded net income of R$ 170.7 million, 117.7% above the same period of the previous year (R$ 78.4 million).

Balance Sheet and Capex (Assets)

On 03.31.2006, COPEL’s total assets amounted to R$ 10,975.6 million.

COPEL’s capex in 2006 reached R$118.1 million, in which R$0.9 million were allocated to power generation projects, R$39.3 million to transmission projects, R$72.0 million to distribution improvement works, R$5.8 million to telecommunications, R$0.1 million to partnerships. Elejor and Compagas, which balance sheet are consolidated with Copel, invested R$28.0 million and R$3.5 million, respectively.

Balance Sheet (Liabilities)

As of March 31, 2006, COPEL’s total debt amounted to R$1,909.6 million, representing a debt/shareholders’ equity ratio of 33.8% . Not considering Elejor’s debt, COPEL’s debt/shareholders’s equity ratio would be 28.4% .

COPEL’s shareholders’ equity was R$5,657.8 million, representing an 8.5% increase over March 2005 and equivalent to R$20.68 per thousand shares.



Debt Profile

R$ thousand
   >    >    >  
   Foreign Currency    Short-Term    Long-Term    Total 
   >    >    >  
   BID    21,323    81,742    103,065 
     National Treasury    12,293    102,179    114,472 
   Eletrobras      58    67 
   Banco do Brasil S/A    4,638    11,415    16,053 
Total Foreign Currency    38,263    195.394    233.657 
   Local Currency    Short-Term    Long-Term    Total 
   Eletrobras – COPEL    46,154    301,778    347,932 
   Eletrobras – Elejor      36,874    36,874 
   BNDES    6,366    30,292    36,658 
   Copel’s Debentures    718,030    266,680    984,710 
 Elejor’s Debentures    5,013    263,572    268,585 
     Other    141    1,001    1,142 
   Total Local Currency    775,704    900,197    1,675,901 
 TOTAL    813,967    1,095,591    1,909,558 




Main Operational and Financial Highlights

    As of March 31, 2006
   Number of power plants of COPEL Geração:    18 (17 hydro and 1 thermal plant)
   Number of power plants of Copel Participações:    5 (3 hydro, 1 thermal and 1 eolic)
   Total installed capacity of COPEL Geração:    4,550 MW 
  Total installed capacity of COPEL Participações:    221 MW 
   Number of automated power plants of COPEL Geração:    10 
   Number of step up substations of COPEL Geração:    11 
   Number of automated step up substations of COPEL Geração:    10 
   Availability of COPEL’s generating units over 10 MW:    95.46% 
   Transmission lines:    7,047 km 
   Number of substations:    127 
   Number of automated substations:    127 
   Installed capacity:    15,252 MVA 
   Distribution lines:    165,576 km 
   Number of substations:    231 
   Number of automated substations:    204 
   Installed capacity in substations of 13.8kV and 34.5kV:    1,434 MVA 
   Number of localities served:    1.109 
   Number of municipalities served:    393 
   Number of consumers:    3,277,966 
   DEC (outage duration per customer):    4.38 
   FEC (outage frequency per customer):    4.25 times 
   Optical cable – main ring:    4,475 km 
   Self-sustained optical cable:    3,922 km 
   Number of cities served:    146 
   Number of customers:    264 
   Number of employees (wholly-owned subsidiaries):    7,943 
   Customer per distribution branch employee:    570 
   Book value per 1,000 shares:    R$ 20.68 
   EBITDA:    R$ 364 milhões 
   Liquidity (current ratio):    0.85 



Average Tariffs for Energy Purchase

Energy purchase tariffs    March 2006    March 2005    Chg
Auction – CCEAR 2005-2012                            57.69    57.51    0.3 
Auction – CCEAR 2006-2013                            67.81     
CIEN                            88.24    92.67    (4.8)
Itaipu *                            84.82    91.54    (7.3)
(*)Furnas tariff included

Retail Tariffs

Tariffs   March 2006    March 2005    Chg
Residential    268.95     269.18    (0.1)
Industrial    176.29    148.75    18.5 
Commercial    232.27    228.69    1.6 
Rural    164.43    162.36    1.3 
Other    177.14    172.41    2.7 
Total    211.59    199.27   6.2
ICMS not included                                 

Energy Supply Tariff

Energy supply tariffs    March 2006    March 2005    Chg
Small wholesale concessionaries    86.08    78.59    9.5 
Auction – CCEAR 2005-2012    57.53    57.50    0.1 
Auction - CCEAR 2006-2013    67.65     


Energy Flow

Source  1Q 2006 
Own Generation  3,576 
Purchased Energy  6,151 
   Itaipu  1,146 
   Auction – CCEAR  2,986 
   Cien  864 
   Itiquira  232 
   MRE  604 
   Other  316 
Total available power  9,727 
State demand  4,520 
       Retail  4,409 
       Wholesale  111 
Free customers  295 
Bilateral Contracts  1,072 
Auction – CCEAR  2,817 
MRE  0 
CCEE  283 
Losses  740 
   Basic grid losses  206 
   Distribution losses  486 
   CG contracts allocation  48 
CCEAR = Energy purchase agreements in the regulated market
MRE = Energy Reallocation Mechanism 
CCEE = Electric Power Trade Chamber
CG = Center of gravity of the Submarket (difference between billed energy and energy received from CG).
Amounts subject to changes after settlement by CCEE. 

Shareholders’ Structure (in thousand shares)

As of March 31, 2006




CNPJ 76.483.817/0001-20
Public Company - CVM 1431-1
www.copel.com    copel@copel.com


Translation from the original in portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)

    1Q2006    4Q2005    3Q2005    2Q2005    1Q2005 
   Cash in hand    1,150,459    1,131,766    813,558    575,895    510,305 
   Customers and distributors    988,606    945,577    1,047,456    964,507    909,847 
   Allowance for doubtfull accounts    (81,978)   (79,073)   (138,238)   (128,838)   (109,980)
   Third-parties services, net    8,489    7,349    5,226    3,395    4,591 
   Dividends receivable    2,573    3,665    2,152    2,152    2,886 
   Services in progress    11,625    12,132    9,748    6,863    5,592 
   CRC transferred to State Government    32,338    31,804    30,961    30,660    30,069 
   Taxes and social contributions paid in advance    103,682    131,038    82,632    112,476    112,150 
   Account for compensation of "Portion A"    86,018    128,187    150,134    204,621    208,470 
   Regulatory Assets - PASEP/COFINS    25,081    43,876    56,382     
   Bonds and linked deposits    44,271    43,746        38,076 
   Material and supplies    44,344    36,590    33,208    32,106    32,678 
   Other    43,858    33,587    76,796    72,486    39,571 
    2,459,366    2,470,244    2,170,015    1,876,323    1,784,255 
Long-term assets                     
   Customers and distributors    99,996    104,483    99,318    105,883    104,039 
   CRC transferred to State Government    1,144,591    1,150,464    1,146,764    1,170,108    1,180,383 
   Taxes and social contributions paid in advance    523,615    526,505    563,123    539,851    525,910 
   Judicial Deposits    149,775    145,183    165,319    158,735    151,690 
   Account for compensation of "Portion A"    8,735    8,559    14,280    1,659    55,171 
   Regulatory Assets - PASEP/COFINS    49,173    43,608    32,680    111,925    99,807 
   Bonds and linked deposits    25,096    27,041        27,141 
   Intercompany receivables    35,722    35,357    204,737    195,288    33,990 
   Other    15,350    16,576    48,204    48,921    22,735 
    2,052,053    2,057,776    2,274,425    2,332,370    2,200,866 
   Investments    416,375    414,320    465,499    461,442    411,933 
   Property, plant and equipment    6,042,542    5,991,291    5,409,481    5,410,588    5,770,635 
   Deferred    5,314    5,375    205    49    5,122 
    6,464,231    6,410,986    5,875,185    5,872,079    6,187,690 
Total    10,975,650    10,939,006    10,319,625    10,080,772    10,172,811 




Translation from the original in portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)

    1Q2006    4Q2005    3Q2005    2Q2005    1Q2005 
   Loans and financing    90,924    99,253    94,419    99,016    523,597 
   Debentures    723,043    115,703    51,500    61,055    6,727 
   Suppliers    1,265,631    1,162,415    1,108,984    1,047,355    966,423 
   Taxes and social contributions    207,193    310,942    318,013    245,933    218,881 
   Interest on own capital    115,429    114,467    27,047    27,050    90,697 
   Accrued payroll costs    109,482    108,326    93,549    81,733    102,765 
   Pension plan and other post-retirement benefits    126,415    132,902    123,704    127,587    135,135 
   Account for compensation of "Portion A"    64,020    65,664    40,686    46,871   
   Regulatory charges    59,429    41,280    66,382    68,751    75,251 
   Swap operations            136,982 
   Other    124,822    107,388    22,691    19,109    29,273 
    2,886,388    2,258,340    1,946,975    1,824,460    2,285,731 
Long-term liabilities                     
   Loans and financing    565,339    602,624    576,053    614,761    671,523 
   Debentures    530,252    1,226,525    958,351    965,391    564,484 
   Provision for contingencies    496,200    495,292    500,419    498,659    496,960 
   Suppliers    152,251    176,609    191,492    206,372    223,474 
   Taxes and social contributions    38,809    37,236    94,368    61,197    67,962 
   Pension plan and other post-retirement benefits    486,198    486,854    508,066    514,991    520,071 
   Customers    1,465         
   Account for compensation of "Portion A"    14,548    24,912    40,874    7,647   
    2,285,062    3,050,052    2,869,623    2,869,018    2,544,474 
Minority interest    146,363    143,431    57,648    54,317    127,882 
Shareholders' equity                     
   Capital stock    3,480,000    3,480,000    3,480,000    3,480,000    3,480,000 
   Capital reserves    817,293    817,293    817,293    817,293    817,293 
   Income reserves    1,360,544    1,189,890    1,148,086    1,035,684    917,431 
    5,657,837    5,487,183    5,445,379    5,332,977    5,214,724 
Total    10,975,650    10,939,006    10,319,625    10,080,772    10,172,811 




Translation from the original in portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)

    1Q2006    4Q2005    3Q2005    2Q2005    1Q2005 
Operating revenues                     
   Electricity sales to final customers    1,387,612    1,382,595    1,369,441    1,297,466    1,226,381 
   Electricity sales to distributors    281,687    249,428    235,789    237,070    227,650 
   Use of transmission plant    69,224    67,695    69,473    66,636    64,192 
   Telecom revenues    13,873    19,146    12,333    13,118    12,478 
   Piped gas distribution    49,952    48,976    47,927    44,119    40,360 
   Other revenues    13,277    21,397    20,827    20,842    20,791 
    1,815,625    1,789,237    1,755,790    1,679,251    1,591,852 
Deductions from operating revenues    (502,020)   (518,628)   (529,202)   (472,239)   (442,525)
Net operating revenues    1,313,605    1,270,609    1,226,588    1,207,012    1,149,327 
Operating expenses                     
   Payroll    (130,513)   (189,960)   (122,471)   (117,505)   (136,519)
   Pension plan    (31,505)   (25,616)   (24,736)   (24,811)   (24,218)
   Material    (16,078)   (18,197)   (13,544)   (17,149)   (13,575)
   Raw material and supplies for generation of electricity    (6,146)   (2,469)   (50,269)   (5,908)   (3,424)
   Third-party services    (51,097)   (53,762)   (49,916)   (51,542)   (41,923)
   Eletricity purchased for resale    (359,555)   (295,439)   (356,272)   (424,802)   (359,817)
   Charges for the use of transmission grid    (158,060)   (156,280)   (151,549)   (111,132)   (111,837)
   Depreciation and amortization    (85,437)   (85,634)   (81,726)   (82,386)   (79,160)
   Regulatory charges    (137,316)   (98,169)   (113,646)   (102,802)   (115,224)
   Taxes    (4,976)   1,226    (34,167)   (5,298)   (4,096)
   Natural gas and supplies for the gas business    (23,681)   (24,698)   23,124    (55,079)   (85,641)
   Other expenses    (30,643)   (62,146)   (17,792)   (27,832)   (28,148)
    (1,035,007)   (1,011,144)   (992,964)   (1,026,246)   (1,003,582)
Result of operations    278,598    259,465    233,624    180,766    145,745 
Financial income (expenses)                    
   Financial income    115,308    125,639    81,178    94,685    94,777 
   Financial expenses    (122,645)   (137,483)   (136,974)   (85,694)   (114,613)
    (7,337)   (11,844)   (55,796)   8,991    (19,836)
Equity investment    1,930    (21,269)   1,731    1,768    4,302 
Operating income (expenses)   273,191    226,352    179,559    191,525    130,211 
Non-operating income (expenses)   (3,652)   (1,547)   (3,869)   (1,382)   (3,848)
Income (loss) before income tax    269,539    224,805    175,690    190,143    126,363 
Income tax and Social contribution                     
   Income tax    (69,739)   (20,182)   (43,623)   (50,101)   (30,998)
   Social contribution    (25,246)   (7,789)   (16,333)   (17,028)   (12,146)
    (94,985)   (27,971)   (59,956)   (67,129)   (43,144)
Net income (loss) before    174,554    196,834    115,734    123,014    83,219 
 Minority interest                     
Minority interest    (3,900)   (3,519)   (3,332)   (4,761)   (4,812)
Net income (loss)   170,654    193,315    112,402    118,253    78,407 
Earning per thousand shares    0.6236    0.7064    0.4107    0.4321    0.2865 




CNPJ 76.483.817/0001-20
Public Company - CVM 1431-1
www.copel.com    copel@copel.com

as of March 31, 2006
Translation from the original in portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)

ASSETS    GER    TRA    DIS    TEL    PAR    COM    ELE 
   Cash in hand    604,927    10,632    437,656    2,655    4,775    32,370    56,426 
   Customers and distributors, net    163,572    47,103    726,190        39,317    6,600 
   Third-parties services, net    1,331    183    35    9,321       
   Dividends receivable            7,568     
   Services in progress    3,453    2,342    4,539      231     
   CRC transferred to State Government        32,337         
   Taxes and social contributions paid in advance    12,183    10,002    85,933    2,338    10,056    831    856 
   Account for compensation of "Portion A"        86,018         
   Regulatory Assets - PASEP/COFINS      6,938    18,143         
   Bonds and linked deposits    22,529      21,506        236   
   Other    10,843    6,324    17,537    1,459    163    951    3,108 
   Material and supplies    68    10,033    26,231    7,381      630   
    818,906    93,557    1,456,125    23,154    22,793    74,335    66,990 
Long-term assets                             
   Customers and distributors    138,324      71,123         
   CRC transferred to State Government        1,144,591         
   Taxes and social contributions paid in advance    58,606    36,123    253,929    10,306    8,122    2,456   
   Judicial Deposits    7,336    16,676    63,340    289       
   Account for compensation of "Portion A"        8,735         
   Regulatory Assets - PASEP/COFINS      16,493    32,680         
   Bonds and linked deposits      5,238    19,859         
   Intercompany receivables    124,839          187,189     
   Prepaid receivables    3,592            49    751 
   Other    936    56    8,272      1,694     
    333,633    74,586    1,602,529    10,595    197,005    2,505    753 
   Investments    4,150    2,257    419      516,624     
   Property, plant and equipment    2,897,319    1,145,092    1,121,401    181,309    143    121,761    575,517 
   Deferred              5,314   
    2,901,469    1,147,349    1,121,820    181,309    516,767    127,077    575,517 
Total    4,054,008    1,315,492    4,180,474    215,058    736,565    203,917    643,260 
GER: Generation, TRA: Transmition, DIS: Distribution, TEL: Telecommunication, PAR: Partnership, COM: Compagas, ELE: Elejor


   Loans and financing    48,252    15,562    20,744        6,366   
   Debentures        572,825          5,013 
   Suppliers    877,923    6,662    435,362    1,355    43    18,748    4,180 
   Taxes and social contributions    33,103    16,994    166,679    932      4,302    713 
   Interest on own capital      69,217      916    61,526    9,732    154 
   Accrued payroll costs    17,770    15,984    68,604    5,299    871    795    64 
   Pension plan and other post-retirement benefits    24,319    22,935    73,550    5,466    144     
   Account for compensation of "Portion A"        64,020         
   Regulatory charges    12,018    2,074    45,134    16        187 
   Concession charges - Aneel' consent                9,319 
   Other    11,922    5,073    96,892    132    189    677    763 
    1,025,307    154,501    1,543,810    14,116    62,780    40,620    20,393 
Long-term liabilities                             
   Loans and financing    330,831    74,305    93,037        30,292    36,874 
   Debentures                263,572 
   Provision for contingencies    64,317    41,977    97,978    753       
   Intercompany receivables      -    245,246    -    -      187,189 
   Advance for future capital increase      20,400      67,243    256,257     
   Suppliers    889      260,545        267   
   Taxes and social contributions      5,608    24,243        8,957   
   Pension plan and other post-retirement benefits    92,013    81,740    293,856    17,062    615    912   
   Customers        1,465         
   Account for compensation of "Portion A"        14,548         
    488,050    224,030    1,030,918    85,058    256,872    40,428    487,635 
Shareholders' equity                             
   Capital stock    2,338,932    751,989    1,607,168    120,650    330,718    50,012    113,800 
   Capital reserves          701        21,443 
   Income reserves    129,472    151,739        74,657    64,228    32 
   Accrued (losses) income    72,247    33,233    (1,422)   (5,467)   11,538    8,629    (43)
    2,540,651    936,961    1,605,746    115,884    416,913    122,869    135,232 
Total    4,054,008    1,315,492    4,180,474    215,058    736,565    203,917    643,260 
GER: Generation, TRA: Transmition, DIS: Distribution, TEL: Telecommunication, PAR: Partnership, COM: Compagas, ELE: Elejor



as of March 31, 2006
Translation from the original in portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)

Operating revenues                             
   Electricity sales to final customers    37,929      1,350,120          555 
   Electricity sales to distributors    283,411      14,512          18,606 
   Use of transmission plant      105,305    35,400         
   Receita de telecomunicações          21,037       
   Distribuição de gás canalizado              50,050   
   Other    1,560    656    11,698        20    35 
Deductions from operating revenues    (38,303)   (14,844)   (435,673)   (2,932)     (9,451)   (816)
Net operating revenues    284,597    91,117    976,057    18,105    -    40,619    18,380 
Operating expenses                             
   Pessoal e planos previdenciário e assistencial    (25,090)   (21,521)   (105,224)   (6,461)   (1,164)   (1,167)   (233)
   Material    (1,881)   (973)   (12,641)   (526)   (3)   (44)   (9)
   Raw material and supplies for generation of electricity    (6,244)            
   Natural gas purchased for resale and supplies for the              (23,681)  
   Third-party services    (11,410)   (4,404)   (38,764)   (1,542)   (137)   (718)   (1,147)
   Electricity purchase for resale    (16,389)     (377,526)         (482)
   Charges for the use of transmission grid    (44,213)     (183,800)         (1,531)
   Depreciation and amortization    (25,781)   (10,084)   (39,082)   (6,682)   (8)   (1,618)   (2,181)
   Regulatory charges    (14,500)   (830)   (121,559)   (134)       (293)
   Taxes    (373)   (481)   (2,013)   (158)   (97)   (88)   (7)
   Concession charges - Aneel' consent                (3,572)
   Other expenses    1,222    (3,275)   (21,432)   (702)   (34)   (332)   (1,193)
    (144,659)   (41,568)   (902,041)   (16,205)   (1,443)   (27,648)   (10,648)
Result of operations    139,938    49,549    74,016    1,900    (1,443)   12,971    7,732 
Financial income (expenses)                            
   Financial income    30,366    1,968    76,342    167    9,020    1,406    2,071 
   Financial expenses    (58,859)   454    (33,192)   (117)   (91)   (1,314)   (10,309)
    (28,493)   2,422    43,150    50    8,929    92    (8,238)
Equity investment    -    -    -    -    6,150    -    - 
Operating income (expenses)   111,445    51,971    117,166    1,950    13,636    13,063    (506)
   Non-operating income    (41)   (407)   (3,186)   (34)     (1)  
Income (loss) before income tax    111,404    51,564    113,980    1,916    13,636    13,062    (506)
   Income tax and Social contribution    (39,157)   (18,331)   (40,740)   (756)   (2,098)   (4,433)  
Net income (loss)   72,247    33,233    73,240    1,160    11,538    8,629    (506)
GER: Generation, TRA: Transmition, DIS: Distribution, TEL: Telecommunication, PAR: Partnership, COM: Compagas, ELE: Elejor



AS OF MARCH 31, 2006 AND 2005
Translation from the original in portuguese (amounts expressed in thousands of Brazilian Reais)

    2006    2005 
 Net income for the period    170,654    78,407 
 Non-cash expenses (revenues):         
     Provision (reversion) for possible loan losses    3,197    24,652 
     Depreciation and Amortization    85,437    79,160 
     Long-term monetary variation - net    (1,375)   (21,592)
     Equity Result    (3,223)   (5,503)
     Deferred Income tax and social contribution    5,830    (7,911)
     Provision for long-term liabilities    25,487    20,408 
     Long-term assets write-offs    21    21 
     Permanent asset at service write-off - net    5,883    4,604 
     Investment goodwill    1,297    1,202 
     Minority interest    2,932    7,079 
    125,486    102,120 
 Current asset variation    41,282    (124,543)
 Current liability variation    (29,324)   141,115 
 Long-term asset increase    (16,965)   (24,237)
Total from Operating Activities    291,133    172,862 
 Interest in Subsidiaries:         
     Copel Transmissão S.A.         
     Copel Participações S.A.         
     Other coligated companies    (129)   (5)
     Dividends and interest on own capital    1,092   
 Permanent Assets investment         
     In generation    (856)   (3,776)
     In generation (Centrais Elétricas do Rio Jordão S.A. - Elejor)   (27,963)   (37,814)
     In transmission    (39,294)   (30,813)
     In distribution    (72,010)   (53,063)
     In telecom    (5,805)   (5,315)
     In gas plumbing    (3,530)   (2,375)
 Consumers contribution    8,431    9,355 
 Difered investment    (18)   (163)
Total from Investing Activities    (140,082)   (123,969)
 Loans and financing    (35,122)   (21,132)
 Debentures    (98,198)   (49,893)
 Dividends    962    (655)
Total from Financing Activities    (132,358)   (71,680)
TOTAL CHANGE IN CASH POSITION    18,693    (22,787)
 Cash position - beginning of the period    1,131,766    533,092 
 Cash position - end of the period    1,150,459    510,305 
Cash variation    18,693    (22,787)




Presentation:    Mr. Paulo Roberto Trompczynski, CFO and IRO 
Date & Time:    Tuesday, May 16, 2005 
    10:00 am (US EST)
    11:00 am (Brasília Time)
Phone:    (55-11)2101-1490 
Access code:    Copel 

Statements contained in this press release may contain information which is forward-looking and reflects management’s current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance, and financial results. Any statements, expectations, capabilities, plans and assumptions contained in this press release that do not describe historical facts, such as statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the direction of future operations, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that these results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: May 16, 2006

/S/  Rubens Ghilardi

Rubens Ghilardi
CEO and Principal Financial Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.