Washington, DC 20549








For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012








Commission file number 1-14550



(Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)


China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited   The People’s Republic of China
(Translation of Registrant’s Name Into English)   (Jurisdiction of Incorporation or Organization)


Kong Gang San Lu, Number 92

Shanghai, 200335

People’s Republic of China

Tel: (8621) 6268-6268

Fax: (8621) 6268-6116

(Address and Contact Details of the Board Secretariat's Office)

Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:


    Name of Each Exchange
Title of Each Class   on which Registered
American Depositary Shares   The New York Stock Exchange
Ordinary H Shares, par value RMB1.00 per share   The New York Stock Exchange*


* Not for trading, but only in connection with the registration of American Depositary Shares. The Ordinary H

Shares are also listed and traded on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.


Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:



(Title of Class)

Securities for which there is a reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Act:



(Title of Class)

Indicate the number of outstanding shares of each of the issuer’s classes of capital or common stock as of the close

of the period covered by the annual report.


As of December 31, 2012, 7,782,213,860 Ordinary Domestic Shares, par value RMB1.00 per share, were issued and outstanding, and 3,494,325,000 Ordinary H Shares par value RMB1.00 per share, were issued and outstanding. H Shares are Ordinary Shares of the Company listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. Each American Depositary Share represents 50 Ordinary H Shares.


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act. Yes ¨ No x


If this report is an annual or transition report, indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Yes ¨ No x


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant: (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes x No ¨


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically and posted on its corporate Web site, if any, every Interactive Data File required to be submitted and posted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit and post such files). Yes ¨ No x


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, or a non-accelerated filer. See definition of “accelerated filer and large accelerated filer” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.

Large Accelerated Filer ¨ Accelerated Filer x Non-Accelerated Filer ¨


Indicate by check mark which basis of accounting the registrant has used to prepare the financial statements included in this filing:

International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards
Other ¨


If “Other” has been checked in response to the previous question, indicate by check mark which financial statement item the registrant has elected to follow. Item 17 ¨ Item 18 ¨


If this is an annual report, indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). Yes ¨ No x




    Page No.
  PART I  
Item 1. Identity of Directors, Senior Management and Advisers 4
Item 2. Offer Statistics and Expected Timetable 4
Item 3. Key Information 4
Item 4. Information on the Company 15
Item 4A. Unresolved Staff Comments 29
Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects 29
Item 6. Directors, Senior Management and Employees 40
Item 7. Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions 45
Item 8. Financial Information 50
Item 9. The Offer and Listing 51
Item 10. Additional Information 52
Item 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk 62
Item 12. Description of Securities Other than Equity Securities 63
Item 13. Defaults, Dividend Arrearages and Delinquencies 63
Item 14. Material Modifications to the Rights of Security Holders and Use of Proceeds 63
Item 15. Controls and Procedures 64
Item 16A. Audit Committee Financial Expert 64
Item 16B. Code of Ethics 64
Item 16C. Principal Accountant Fees and Services 65
Item 16D. Exemptions from the Listing Standards for Audit Committees 65
Item 16E. Purchases of Equity Securities by the Issuer and Affiliated Purchasers 65
Item 16F Changes in Registrant’s Certifying Accountant 65
Item 16G Corporate Governance 65
Item 16H Mine Safety Disclosures 66
Item 17. Financial Statements 66
Item 18. Financial Statements 66
Item 19. Exhibits 66






In this Annual Report, unless otherwise specified, the term “dollars”, “U.S. dollars” or “US$” refers to United States dollars, the lawful currency of the United States of America, or the United States or the U.S.; the term “Renminbi” or “RMB” refers to Renminbi, the lawful currency of The People’s Republic of China, or China or the PRC; and the term “Hong Kong dollars” or “HK$” refers to Hong Kong dollars, the lawful currency of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, or Hong Kong.


In this Annual Report, the term “we”, “us”, “our” or “our Company” refers to China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited, a joint stock limited company incorporated under the laws of the PRC on April 14, 1995, and our subsidiaries (collectively, the “Group”), or, in respect of references to any time prior to the incorporation of China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited, the core airline business carried on by its predecessor, China Eastern Airlines, which was assumed by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited pursuant to the restructuring described in this Annual Report. The term “CEA Holding” refers to our parent, China Eastern Air Holding Company, which was established on October 11, 2002 as a result of the merger of our former controlling shareholder, Eastern Air Group Company, or EA Group, with China Northwest Airlines Company and Yunnan Airlines Company.


For the purpose of this Annual Report, references to The People’s Republic of China, China and the PRC do not include Hong Kong, Taiwan, or the Macau Special Administrative Region of China, or Macau.


See “Item 3. Key Information — Exchange Rate Information” for details of exchange rates.




Certain information contained in this Annual Report may be deemed to constitute forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements relating to:


·the impact of changes in the policies of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, or the CAAC, regarding route rights;


·the impact of the CAAC policies regarding the restructuring of the airline industry in China;


·the impact of macroeconomic fluctuations (including the fluctuations of oil prices, and interest and exchange rates);


·certain statements with respect to trends in prices, volumes, operations, margins, risk management, overall market trends and exchange rates;


·our fleet development plans, including, without limitation, related financing, schedule, intended use and planned disposition;


·our expansion plan of the cargo operations;


·our expansion plans, including possible acquisition of other airlines;


·our marketing plans, including the establishment of additional sales offices;


·our plan to add new pilots; and


·the impact of unusual events on our business and operations.


The words or phrases “aim”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “continue”, “could”, “estimate”, “expect”, “going forward”, “intend”, “may”, “ought to”, “plan”, “potential”, “predict”, “project”, “seek”, “should”, “will”, “would”, and similar expressions, as they relate to our Company or its management, are intended to identify “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or the Exchange Act. These forward-looking statements are based on current plans and estimates, and speak only as of the date they are made. We undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement in light of new information, future events or otherwise. Forward-looking statements are, by their nature, subject to inherent risks and uncertainties, some of which are beyond our control, and are based on assumptions and analyses made by us in light of our experience and our perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors we believe are appropriate in particular circumstances. We caution you that a number of important factors could cause actual outcomes to differ, or to differ materially, from those expressed in any forward-looking statement, including, without limitation:


·changes in political, economic, legal and social conditions in China;


·any changes in the regulatory policies of the CAAC;


·the development of the high-speed rail network in the PRC;


·fluctuations of interest rates and foreign exchange rates;


·the availability of qualified flight personnel and airport facilities;


·the effects of competition on the demand for and price of our services;


·the availability and cost of aviation fuel, including but not limited to pricing trends and risks associated with fuel hedging;




·fluctuations of interest rates and foreign exchange rates;


·any significant depreciation of Renminbi or Hong Kong dollars against U.S. dollars, Japanese yen or Euro, the currencies in which the majority of our borrowings are denominated;


·our ability to obtain adequate financing, including any required external debt and acceptable bank guarantees; and


·general economic conditions in markets where our Company operates.




Capacity measurements    
ATK (available tonne-kilometers)   the number of tonnes of capacity available for the carriage of revenue load (passengers and cargo) multiplied by the distance flown
ASK (available seat kilometers)   the number of seats made available for sale multiplied by the distance flown
AFTK (available freight tonne-kilometers)   the number of tonnes of capacity available for the carriage of cargo and mail multiplied by the distance flown
Traffic measurements    
revenue passenger-kilometers or RPK   the number of passengers carried multiplied by the distance flown
revenue freight tonne-kilometers or RFTK   cargo and mail load in tonnes multiplied by the distance flown
revenue passenger tonne-kilometers or RPTK   passenger load in tonnes multiplied by the distance flown
revenue tonne-kilometers or RTK   load (passenger and cargo) in tonnes multiplied by the distance flown
Load factors    
overall load factor   tonne-kilometers expressed as a percentage of ATK
passenger load factor   passenger-kilometers expressed as a percentage of ASK
break-even load factor   the load factor required to equate traffic revenue with our operating costs assuming that our total operating surplus is attributable to scheduled traffic operations
Yield and cost measurements    
passenger yield (revenue per passenger-kilometer)   revenue from passenger operations divided by passenger-kilometers
cargo yield (revenue per cargo tonne-kilometer)   revenue from cargo operations divided by cargo tonne-kilometers
average yield (revenue per total tonne-kilometer)   revenue from airline operations divided by tonne-kilometers
unit cost   operating expenses divided by ATK
Tonne   a metric ton, equivalent to 2,204.6 lbs




Item 1.Identity of Directors, Senior Management and Advisers


Not applicable.


Item 2.Offer Statistics and Expected Timetable


Not applicable.


Item 3.Key Information


A.Selected Financial Data


The selected financial data from the consolidated income statements for the years ended December 31, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 and the selected financial data from the balance sheets as of December 31, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 have been derived from our audited consolidated financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, or IFRS, as adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board, or IASB, and audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers, an independent registered public accounting firm in Hong Kong. PricewaterhouseCoopers’ reports in respect of the consolidated income statements for the years ended December 31, 2010, 2011 and 2012 and the consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2011 and 2012 and the related footnotes are included in this Annual Report.




Pursuant to SEC Release 33-8879 “Acceptance from Foreign Private Issuers of Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards without Reconciliation to U.S. GAAP” eliminating the requirement for foreign private issuers to reconcile their financial statements to U.S. GAAP, we prepare our financial statements based on IFRS and no longer provide a reconciliation between IFRS and U.S. GAAP.


The following information should be read in conjunction with, and is qualified in its entirety by our audited consolidated financial statements included in this Annual Report.


           Year Ended December 31,     
   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012 
   RMB   RMB   RMB   RMB   RMB 
   (in millions, except per share or per ADS data)     
Consolidated Income Statement Data (IFRS):                         
Revenues   41,073    38,989    73,804    82,403    85,253 
Other operating income   672    1,288    658    1,062    1,720 
Operating expenses   (56,828)   (38,456)   (68,765)   (79,292)   (82,745)
Operating profit / (loss)   (15,083)   1,821    5,697    4,173    4,228 
Finance income / (costs), net   (267)   (1,549)   (347)   561    (1,349)
Profit / (loss) before income tax   (15,256)   249    5,418    4,841    3,012 
Profit / (loss) for the year attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company   (15,269)   169    4,958    4,576    2,954 
Basic and fully diluted earnings / (loss) per share (2)   (3.14)   0.03    0.44    0.41    0.26 
Basic and fully diluted earnings / (loss) per ADS   (313.72)   2.63    22.24    20.29    13.10 


(1)Effective January 1, 2012, the pilot program for the transformation from business tax to value-added tax regarding the transportation industry and certain modern service industries has affected certain operating data in 2012. See "Item 5A. — Operating Results — 2012 Compared to 2011 — Revenues".


As at December 31, 2012, the pilot program affected our revenues (excluding tax) which decreased by RMB2,954 million, while operating expenses decreased by RMB3,132 million, and total profit increased by RMB178 million.


(2)The calculation of earnings/(loss) per share for 2008 is based on the consolidated profit/(loss) attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company and 4,866,950,000 shares outstanding. The calculation of earnings per share for 2009 is based on the consolidated profit attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company divided by the weighted average number of 6,436,828,000 shares outstanding. The calculation of earnings per share for 2010 is based on the consolidated profit attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company divided by the weighted average number of 11,149,426,000 shares outstanding. The calculation of earnings per share for 2011 and 2012 is based on consolidated profit attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company divided by the weighted average number of 11,276,538,860 shares outstanding.


               As of December 31, 
   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012 
   RMB   RMB   RMB   RMB   RMB 
               (in millions) 
Consolidated Balance Sheet Data (IFRS):                         
Cash and cash equivalents   3,451    1,735    3,078    3,861    2,512 
Net current liabilities   (43,458)   (28,648)   (27,184)   (29,679)   (35,948)
Non-current assets   62,652    64,988    91,254    101,031    111,144 
Long term borrowings, including current portion   (15,628)   (16,928)   (27,373)   (30,321)   (32,856)
Obligations under finance leases, including current portion   (20,809)   (19,370)   (19,208)   (20,261)   (21,858)
Total share capital and reserves attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company   (13,097)   1,235    15,271    20,126    22,926 
Non-current liabilities   (31,833)   (34,665)   (47,508)   (49,547)   (50,642)
Total assets less current liabilities   16,204    36,341    64,069    71,352    75,196 


(1)The income statement and balance sheet data as of and for the years ended December 31, 2010, 2011 and 2012 include the operating results of Shanghai Airlines.


Exchange Rate Information


We present our historical consolidated financial statements in Renminbi. For the convenience of the reader, certain pricing information is presented in U.S. dollars and certain contractual and other amounts that are in Renminbi or Hong Kong dollars amounts include a U.S. dollar equivalent. Unless otherwise noted, all translations from RMB to U.S. dollars, from Hong Kong dollars to U.S. dollars, from U.S. dollars to RMB and from U.S. dollars to Hong Kong dollars in this Annual Report were made at the rate of RMB6.2301 to US$1.00 and HK$7.7507 to US$1.00, the exchange rate set forth in the H.10 statistical release of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Board on December 31, 2012. We make no representation that the Renminbi, Hong Kong dollar or U.S. dollar amounts referred to in this Annual Report could have been or could be converted into U.S. dollars, Hong Kong dollars or Renminbi, as the case may be, at any particular rate or at all. The PRC government imposes control over its foreign currency reserves in part through direct regulation of the conversion of RMB into foreign exchange and through restrictions on foreign trade.


On April 19, 2013, the exchange rates as set forth in the H.10 statistical release of the Federal Reserve Board were RMB6.1772=US$1.00 and HK$7.7637=US$1.00. The following table sets forth information concerning exchange rates between the RMB, Hong Kong dollar and the U.S. dollar for the periods indicated. The source of these rates is the Federal Reserve Statistical Release.




  RMB per US$1.00 (1)     HK$ per US$1.00 (1)
  High     Low     High   Low
January 2011 6.6364       6.5809     7.7978     7.7683
February 2011 6.5965       6.5520     7.7957     7.7823
March 2011 6.5743       6.5483     7.8012     7.7750
April 2011 6.5477       6.4900     7.7784     7.7669
May 2011 6.5073       6.4786     7.7855     7.7652
June 2011 6.4830       6.4628     7.7976     7.7767
July 2011 6.4720       6.4360     7.7964     7.7802
August 2011 6.4401       6.3778     7.8087     7.7876
September 2011 6.3975       6.3780     7.8040     7.7830
October 2011 6.3825       6.3534     7.7884     7.7634
November 2011 6.3839       6.3400     7.7957     7.7679
December 2011 6.3733       6.2939     7.7851     7.7663
January 2012 6.3330       6.2940     7.7674     7.7538
February 2012 6.3120       6.2935     7.7559     7.7532
March 2012 6.3323       6.2981     7.7685     7.7569
April 2012 6.3123       6.2975     7.7660     7.7592
May 2012 6.3684   6.3052   7.7699     7.7583
June 2012 6.3702   6.3530   7.7610     7.7572
July 2012 6.3879   6.3487   7.7586     7.7538
August 2012 6.3738   6.3484   7.7574     7.7543
September 2012 6.3489   6.2848   7.7569     7.7510
October 2012 6.2877   6.2372   7.7549     7.7494
November 2012 6.2454   6.2221   7.7518     7.7493
December 2012 6.2502   6.2251   7.7515     7.7493
January 2013 6.2303   6.2134   7.7585     7.7503
February 2013 6.2438   6.2213   7.7580     7.7531
March 2013 6.2246   6.2105   7.7640     7.7551
April 2013 (up to April 19, 2013) 6.2078   6.1720   7.7652     7.7615


The following table sets forth the average rates between Renminbi and U.S. dollars and between Hong Kong dollars and U.S. dollars for each of the periods indicated. For all periods prior to January 1, 2009, the exchange rate refers to the noon buying rate as reported by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. For periods beginning on or after January 1, 2009, the exchange rate refers to the exchange rate as set forth in the G. 5A statistical release of the Federal Reserve Board.


   RMB per   HK$ per 
   US$1.00 (1)   US$1.00 
2008   6.9193    7.7814 
2009   6.8307    7.7514 
2010   6.7696    7.7687 
2011   6.4630    7.7841 
2012   6.3093    7.7569 



Source: Federal Reserve Statistical Release


(1)Averages are based on daily noon buying rates for cable transfers in New York City certified for customs purposes by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.


Selected Operating Data


The following table sets forth certain operating data of our Company for the five years ended December 31, 2012, which are not audited. All references in this Annual Report to our cargo operations, cargo statistics or cargo revenues include figures for cargo and mail.


   Year Ended December 31, 
   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012 
Selected Airline Operating Data:                         
ATK (millions)   11,642.2    12,505.5    17,887.4    18,662.5    19,721.4 
ASK (millions)   75,964.3    84,456.4    119,450.9    127,890.8    136,724.0 
AFTK (millions)   4,805.4    4,904.5    7,136.8    7,152.3    7,416.3 
Revenue passenger-kilometers (millions)   53,785.3    60,942.1    93,152.8    100,895.1    109,112.7 
Revenue tonne-kilometers (millions)   7,219.0    7,908.7    12,599.0    13,402.1    14,406.5 
Revenue freight tonne-kilometers (millions)   2,420.1    2,474.2    4,308.5    4,420.6    4,700.9 
Kilometers flown (millions)   467.0    515.2    743.89    793.9    855.1 
Hours flown (thousands)   755.2    838.3    1,195.1    1,288.4    1,404.5 
Number of passengers carried (thousands)   37,231.5    44,043.0    64,930.4    68,725.0    73,077.1 
Weight of cargo carried (millions of kilograms)   889.5    943.9    1,464.9    1,443.1    1,416.5 
Average distance flown (kilometers per passenger)   1,444.6    1,383.7    1,434.7    1,468.1    1,493.1 
Load Factor:                         
Overall load factor (%)   62.0    63.2    70.4    71.8    73.1 
Passenger load factor (%)   70.8    72.2    78.0    78.9    79.8 
Yield and Cost Statistics (RMB):                         
Passenger yield (passenger revenue/ passenger-kilometers)   0.62    0.54    0.63    0.68    0.65 
Cargo yield (cargo revenue/cargo tonne-kilometers)   2.21    1.67    1.95    1.83    1.71 
Average yield (passenger and cargo revenue/ tonne- kilometers)   5.38    4.67    5.35    5.71    5.51 
Unit cost (operating expenses/ATK)   4.88    3.08    3.61    4.25    4.20 




B.Capitalization and Indebtedness


Not applicable.


C.Reasons for the Offer and Use of Proceeds


Not applicable.


D.Risk Factors


Risks Relating to the PRC


Changes in the economic policies of the PRC government may materially affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.


Since the late 1970s, the PRC government has been reforming the Chinese economic system. These reforms have resulted in significant economic growth and social progress. These policies and measures, however, may from time to time be modified or revised. Adverse changes in economic and social conditions in China, in the policies of the PRC government or in the laws and regulations of China, if any, may have a material adverse effect on the overall economic growth of China and investments in the domestic airline industry. These developments, in turn, may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


Foreign exchange regulations in the PRC may result in fluctuations of the Renminbi and affect our ability to pay any dividends or to satisfy our foreign exchange liabilities.


A significant portion of our revenue and operating expenses are denominated in Renminbi, while a portion of our revenue, capital expenditures and debts are denominated in U.S. dollars and other foreign currencies. The Renminbi is currently freely convertible under the current account, which includes dividends, trade and service-related foreign currency transactions, but not under the capital account, which includes foreign direct investment, unless the prior approval of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange of the PRC (the "SAFE"), is obtained. As a foreign invested enterprise approved by the PRC Ministry of Commerce ("MOFCOM"), we can purchase foreign currency without the approval of SAFE for settlement of current account transactions, including payment of dividends, by providing commercial documents evidencing these transactions. We can also retain foreign exchange in our current accounts, subject to a maximum amount approved by SAFE, to satisfy foreign currency liabilities or to pay dividends. The relevant PRC government authorities may limit or eliminate our ability to purchase and retain foreign currencies in the future. Foreign currency transactions under the capital account are still subject to limitations and require approvals from SAFE. This may affect our ability to obtain foreign exchange through debt or equity financing, including by means of loans or capital contributions. We cannot assure you that we will be able to obtain sufficient foreign exchange to pay dividends for overseas shareholders, if any, or satisfy our foreign exchange liabilities.


Furthermore, the value of the Renminbi against the U.S. dollar and other currencies may fluctuate significantly and is affected by, among other things, PRC government policies, domestic and international economies, political conditions and the supply and demand of currency. On July 21, 2005, the PRC government changed its policy of pegging the value of the Renminbi to the U.S. dollar. Under the new policy, the Renminbi is permitted to fluctuate within a narrow and managed band against a basket of certain foreign currencies. This change in policy resulted in an appreciation in the value of the Renminbi against the U.S. dollar of approximately 7.0% in 2008. While there was no material appreciation of the value of Renminbi against the U.S. dollar in 2009, the value of the Renminbi against the U.S. dollar appreciated by approximately 3.0% in 2010 and by approximately 5.1% in 2011. In May 2007, the PRC government widened the daily trading band of the Renminbi against a basket of certain foreign currencies from 0.3% to 0.5%. In April 2012, the People's Bank of China (the “PBOC”) further widened the daily trading band of the Renminbi against the U.S. dollar, and the Renminbi can appreciate or depreciate by 1.0% from the PBOC central parity rate, effective April 16, 2012. It is possible that the PRC government could adopt a more flexible currency policy, which could result in further and more significant revaluations of the Renminbi against the U.S. dollar or any other foreign currency. Any resulting fluctuations in exchange rates as a result of such policy changes may have an adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations.


Our operations may be affected by rising inflation rates within the PRC.


Inflation rates within the PRC have been on a sharp uptrend in recent years. The PRC government has undertaken numerous monetary tightening measures, including raising interest rates and reserve requirement ratios, and curbing bank lending, to slow down economic excessive growth and control price rises. Increasing inflationary rates are due to many factors beyond our control, such as rising food prices, rising production and labor costs, high lending levels, PRC and foreign governmental policy and regulations, and movements in exchange rates and interest rates. PRC inflation rates have been in a general downtrend after peaking in the middle of 2011, and increased to 3.6% as of March 2012. The national consumer price index increased by 2.6% in 2012 compared to 2011. We cannot assure you that inflation rates will not continue to increase in the future. If inflation rates rise beyond our expectations, the costs of our business operations may become significantly higher than we have anticipated, and we may be unable to pass on such higher costs to consumers in amounts that are sufficient to cover those increasing operating costs. As a result, further inflationary pressures within the PRC may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations, as well as our liquidity and profitability.


Any withdrawal of, or changes to, tax incentives in the PRC may adversely affect our results of operations and financial condition.


Prior to January 1, 2008, except for a number of preferential tax treatment schemes available to various enterprises, industries and locations, business enterprises in China were subject to an enterprise income tax rate of 33% under the relevant PRC Enterprise Income Tax Law. On March 16, 2007, China passed a new enterprise income tax law, or the EIT Law, which took effect on January 1, 2008. The EIT Law imposes a uniform income tax rate of 25% for domestic enterprises and foreign invested enterprises. Business enterprises enjoying preferential tax treatment that was extended for a fixed term prior to January 1, 2008 will still be entitled to such treatment until such fixed term expires. Certain of our subsidiaries are entitled to preferential tax treatment, allowing us to enjoy a lower effective tax rate that would not otherwise be available to us. Since January 1, 2010, our revenue from the provision of international transportation services have been exempted from business tax, in accordance with a notice jointly issued by the PRC finance and tax authorities. To the extent that there are any withdrawals of, or changes in, our preferential tax treatment or tax exemptions from which we benefit, or increases in the applicable effective tax rate, our tax liability may increase correspondingly.




Uncertainties embodied in the PRC legal system may limit certain legal protection available to investors.


The PRC legal system is a civil law system based on written statutes. Unlike common law systems, it is a system in which decided legal cases have little precedential value. In 1979, the PRC government began to promulgate a comprehensive system of laws and regulations governing economic matters in general. Legislation over the past 20 years has significantly enhanced the protection afforded to foreign investment in China. However, the interpretation and enforcement of some of these laws, regulations and other legal requirements involve uncertainties that may limit the legal protection available to investors. Such uncertainties arise as the legal system in the PRC is continuing to evolve. Even where adequate laws exist in the PRC, the enforcement of existing laws or contracts based on existing laws may be uncertain and sporadic, and it may be difficult to obtain swift and equitable enforcement or to obtain enforcement of a judgment by a court of another jurisdiction. In addition, the PRC legal system is based on written statutes and their interpretation, and prior court decisions may be cited as reference but have limited roles as precedents. As such, any litigation in the PRC may be protracted and result in substantial costs and diversion of our resources and management attention. We have full or majority board control over the management and operation of all of our subsidiaries established in the PRC. The control over these PRC entities and the exercise of shareholder rights are subject to their respective articles of association and PRC laws applicable to foreign-invested enterprises in the PRC, which may be different from the laws of other developed jurisdictions.


The PRC has not developed a fully integrated legal system and recently enacted laws and regulations may not sufficiently cover all aspects of economic activities in the PRC. The relative inexperience of the PRC’s judiciary in many cases also creates additional uncertainty as to the outcome of any litigation. In addition, interpretation of statutes and regulations may be subject to government policies reflecting domestic political changes. Furthermore, because these laws and regulations are relatively new, and because of the limited volume of published decisions and their non-binding nature, the interpretation, implementation and enforcement of these laws and regulations involve uncertainties due to the lack of established practice available for reference. We cannot predict the effect of future legal development in the PRC, including the promulgation of new laws, changes to existing laws or the interpretation or enforcement thereof, or the inconsistencies between local rules and regulations and national law. In addition, the PRC legal system is based in part on government policies and internal rules (some of which are not published on a timely basis or at all) that may have retroactive effect. As a result, we may not be aware of a violation of these policies and rules until sometime after the violation has occurred. This may also limit the remedies available to investors and to us in the event of any claims or disputes with third parties.


The audit report included in this annual report is prepared by an auditor who is not inspected by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board and, as such, you are deprived of the benefits of such inspection.


Auditors of companies that are registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and traded publicly in the United States, including our independent registered public accounting firm, must be registered with the United States Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (the “PCAOB”) and are required by the laws of the United States to undergo regular inspections by the PCAOB to assess their compliance with the laws of the United States and professional standards in connection with their audits of financial statements filed with the SEC. Because we have substantial operations within the PRC and the PCAOB is currently unable to conduct inspections of the work of our auditors as it relates to those operations without the approval of the Chinese authorities, our auditor’s work related to our operations in China is not currently inspected by the PCAOB.


This lack of PCAOB inspections of audit work performed in China prevents the PCAOB from regularly evaluating audit work of any auditors that was performed in China including that performed by our auditors. As a result, investors are deprived of the full benefits of PCAOB inspections of auditors.


The inability of the PCAOB to conduct inspections of audit work performed in China makes it more difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of our auditor’s audit procedures as compared to auditors in other jurisdictions that are subject to PCAOB inspections on all of their work. Investors may lose confidence in our reported financial information and procedures and the quality of our financial statements.


Proceedings instituted recently by the SEC against five PRC-based accounting firms, including an independent registered public accounting firm which has a substantial role in the audit of our Company, could result in financial statements being determined to not be in compliance with the requirements of the Exchange Act.


Proceedings instituted recently by the SEC against five PRC-based accounting firms, including an independent registered public accounting firm which has a substantial role in the audit of our Company, could result in financial statements being determined to not be in compliance with the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. In December 2012, the SEC instituted administrative proceedings against five PRC-based accounting firms, including an independent registered public accounting firm which has had a substantial role in the audit of our company, alleging that these firms had violated U.S. securities laws and the SEC’s rules and regulations thereunder by failing to provide to the SEC the firms’ work papers related to their audits of certain PRC-based companies that are publicly traded in the United States and which are the subject of certain ongoing SEC investigations.


China Eastern Airlines has not been and is not currently the subject of any SEC investigations, nor are we involved in the proceedings brought by the SEC against these accounting firms. However, if the SEC is successful in the proceedings against these accounting firms, the independent registered public accounting firm, which has had a substantial role in the audit of our Company, could lose temporarily or permanently the ability to practice before the SEC. While we cannot predict the outcome of SEC proceedings, if these accounting firms were denied, temporarily or permanently, the ability to practice before the SEC, and we are unable to find timely another registered public accounting firm which can perform such substantial auditing role of our Company, our financial statements could be determined to not be in compliance with the requirements for financial statements of public companies registered under the Exchange Act. Such a determination could have a material adverse effect on our Company's reputation and share price of the ADSs. In extreme circumstances where we are unable to rectify this situation, our ADSs could ultimately be delisted from the New York Stock Exchange or we could be required to withdraw our registration with the SEC, or both, which would effectively terminate the trading of our ADSs in the United States.


Risks Relating to the Aviation Industry


Our business is subject to extensive government regulation.


The Chinese civil aviation industry is subject to a high degree of regulation by the CAAC. Regulatory policies issued or implemented by the CAAC encompass virtually every aspect of airline operations, including, among other things:


·route allocation;


·pricing of domestic airfares;


·the administration of air traffic control systems and certain airports;


·jet fuel pricing;


·air carrier certifications and air operator certification; and




·aircraft registration and aircraft airworthiness certification.


Our ability to provide services on international routes is subject to a variety of bilateral civil air transport agreements between China and other countries, international aviation conventions and local aviation laws. As a result of government regulations, we may face significant constraints on our flexibility and ability to expand our business operations or to maximize our profitability.


The continued effects of the global recession could affect air travel.


The airline industry is highly cyclical, and the level of demand for air travel is correlated to the strength of domestic and global economies. Robust demand for our air transportation services depends largely on favorable general economic conditions, including the strength of global and local economies, low unemployment levels, strong consumer confidence levels and the availability of consumer and business credit. In 2008 and 2009, the economies of the United States, Europe and certain countries in Asia experienced a severe and prolonged recession and China experienced a slowdown in overall economic growth, which led to a reduction in economic activity. As a result, we continued to experience significantly weaker demand for air travel, especially internationally, in 2009. To respond to this external environment, we reduced our international flights and reallocated our capacity by focusing more on the domestic market.


Although international air travel generally recovered in 2010 to 2011 due to the gradual global economic recovery, ongoing events in 2012 such as the continued instability of European financial markets and sovereign debt crisis in the Euro Zone, as well as the continued political instability and regional turmoil disputes in the Middle East, may continue to materially and adversely affect economic activity and financial markets, which would have an overall effect on international air travel, and would also weaken demand for air travel to and from those areas.


Furthermore, the risk remains that the global economy, including the PRC economy, may continue to suffer from the continued effects of the global recession and the PRC government may have to readjust its macroeconomic control measures accordingly, causing the growth or demand for our air transport services to slow down, which may negatively affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.


In addition, while the PRC government has instituted certain initiatives in response to the slowdown in the PRC economy, a rapid increase in liquidity in the market as a result of fiscal stimulus measures resulted in the PRC government implementing a number of measures to control such increase, including adjusting interest rates. These foregoing factors and any further declines in economic activity may reduce domestic or international demand and the speed at which domestic or international capacity grows may slow down significantly, which would have a material adverse effect on our revenues, results of operations and liquidity. For example, our cargo business is highly dependent upon servicing the logistics needs of the semi-conductor industry. A slowdown in this particular industry could adversely affect this segment of our business.


Our operations are dependent on Chinese aviation infrastructure, which is currently under development and may be insufficient.


The rapid increase in air traffic volume in China in recent years has put pressure on many components of the PRC airline industry, including air traffic control systems, the availability of qualified flight personnel and airport facilities. Our ability to provide safe air transportation depends on the availability of qualified and experienced pilots in China and the improvement of maintenance services, national air traffic control and navigational systems and ground control operations at PRC airports. If any of these is not available or is inadequate, our ability to provide safe air transportation will be compromised and our business, financial condition and results of operations may be materially and adversely affected.


Our results of operations tend to be volatile and fluctuate due to seasonality.


The aviation industry is characterized by annual high and low travel seasons. Our operating revenue is substantially dependent on the passenger and cargo traffic volume carried, which is subject to seasonal and other changes in traffic patterns, the availability of appropriate time slots for our flights and alternative routes, the degree of competition from other airlines and alternate means of transportation, as well as other factors that may influence passenger travel demand and cargo and mail volume. As a result, our results tend to be volatile and subject to rapid and unexpected change.


We expect to face substantial competition from the rapid development of the Chinese rail network.


The PRC government is aggressively implementing the expansion of its high-speed rail network, which will provide train services at a speed of up to 350km per hour connecting major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Qingdao, Guangzhou, Dalian and Hong Kong. The expansion of the coverage of this network and improvements in railway service quality, increased passenger capacity and stations located closer to urban centers than competing airports could enhance the relative competitiveness of the railway service and affect our market share on some of our key routes, in particular our routes of between 500km to 800km. Increased competition and pricing pressures from railway service may have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


Limitations on foreign ownership of PRC airline companies may affect our access to funding in the international equity capital markets or pursuing business opportunities.


The current CAAC policies limit foreign ownership in a PRC airline. Under these limits, non-PRC residents and Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan residents cannot hold a majority equity interest in a PRC airline company. As of December 31, 2012, approximately 30.99% of our total outstanding shares were held by non-PRC, Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan residents or legal entities (excluding the qualified foreign institutional investors that are approved to invest in the A Share market of the PRC). As a result, our access to funding in the international equity capital markets may be limited. This restriction may also limit the opportunities available to our Company to obtain funding or other benefits through the creation of equity-based strategic alliances with foreign carriers. We cannot assure you that the CAAC will increase these limits in the near future or at all.


Any jet fuel shortages or any increase in domestic or international jet fuel prices may materially and adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.


The availability, price volatility and cost of jet fuel has a significant impact on our financial condition and results of operations. In the past, jet fuel shortages have occurred in China and, on limited occasions, required us to delay or cancel flights. Although jet fuel shortages have not occurred since the end of 1993, we cannot assure you that jet fuel shortages will not occur in the future. Fuel prices continue to be susceptible to, among other factors, political unrest in various parts of the world, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries policies, the rapid growth of the economies of certain countries, including China and India, the levels of inventory carried by industries, the amounts of reserves built by governments, disruptions to production and refining facilities and weather conditions. The fuel efficiency of our aircraft decreases as they advance in age which results in an overall increase in our aviation fuel costs. These and other factors that impact the global supply and demand for aviation fuel may affect our financial performance due to its sensitivity to fuel prices.




From 2011 to 2012, our fuel expenses increased by 2.2%, partially as a result of the expansion of our scale of operations, an increase of 2.1% in the average weighted price of jet fuel in 2012 compared to 2011 and our implementation of the policy of transformation from business tax to value-added tax in 2012. Jet fuel prices were volatile in 2011 and into 2012, with heightened political tensions and continued political instability and turmoil in certain Middle Eastern countries. While there was a slight increase during the first quarter of 2012, fuel prices began decreasing and reached its lowest point in July 2012 since January 2012. However, from August to October, fuel prices gradually returned to the same price level as in the first quarter of 2012. In addition, the NDRC has adjusted gasoline and diesel prices in China from time to time, taking into account changes in international oil prices, thereby affecting aviation fuel prices. As such, we cannot assure you that jet fuel prices will not further fluctuate in the future. Due to the highly competitive nature of the airline industry, we may be unable to fully or effectively pass on to our customers any increased jet fuel costs we may encounter in the future.


The airline industry is subject to increasing environmental regulations, which lead to increased costs and affect profitability.


In recent years, regulatory authorities in China and other countries have issued a number of directives and other regulations to address, among other things, aircraft noise and aircraft engine emissions, the use and handling of hazardous materials, aircraft age and environmental contamination remedial clean-up measures. These requirements impose high fees, taxes and substantial ongoing compliance costs on airlines, particularly as new aircraft brought into service will have to meet the environmental requirements during their entire service life.


We have significant expenditures with respect to environmental compliance, which may affect our operations and financial condition. For example, we implemented a low-carbon emissions scheme, through which over 90% of our planes are flying in accordance with the scheme, which aligns with our environmentally-friendly growth strategy to minimize the environmental impact of our operations. We expedited the application of new civil aviation technologies, continuously focused on the development of renewable resources and concentrated on the invention and application of new technologies and applications to achieve “greener” flying. We are working with China National Petroleum Corporation (“CNPC”) to conduct experimental research on bio-fuels, which is being developed as a possible alternative to kerosene jet fuel and could lead to reduced carbon dioxide emissions of 30%. However, these measures have resulted in significant costs and expenditures. We expect to continue to incur significant costs and expenditures on an ongoing basis to comply with environmental regulations, which could restrict our ability to modify or expand facilities or continue operations, or could require us to install additional costly pollution control equipment.


We operate in a highly competitive industry.


We face intense competition in each of the domestic, regional and international markets that we serve. In our domestic markets, we compete against all airline companies that have the same routes, including smaller domestic airline companies that operate with costs that are lower than ours. In our regional and international markets, we compete against international airline companies that have significantly longer operating histories, greater name recognition, more resources or larger sales networks than we do, or utilize more developed reservation systems than ours. See the section headed “Item 4. Information on the Company — Business Overview — Competition” for more details. The public’s perception of the safety records of Chinese airlines also materially and adversely affects our ability to compete against our international competitors. In response to competition, we have, from time to time in the past, lowered our airfares for certain of our routes, and we may do the same in the future. Increased competition and pricing pressures from competition may have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations.


Risks Relating to the Company


We utilize fuel hedging arrangements which may result in losses.


Fuel costs constitute a significant portion of our operating costs and, in 2012, accounted for approximately 36.1% of our total operating costs. Foreign fuel prices were mainly affected by supply and demand dynamics in the global market, while domestic jet fuel prices are primarily controlled by PRC government authorities such as the NDRC and CAAC. We generally alleviate the pressure from the rise in operating costs arising from the increase in aviation fuel by imposing fuel surcharges which, however, are subject to government regulations. In order to control fuel costs, we also enter into fuel hedging transactions using financial derivative products linked to the price of underlying assets such as United States WTI crude oil and Singapore jet fuel during previous years.


In the beginning of 2009, the PRC government required prior approval from the PRC government before we can enter into fuel hedging contracts. In October 2011, we have obtained approval from the PRC government to allow us to enter into overseas fuel hedging contracts. For the year ended December 31, 2011, we hedged 17.0% of our annual fuel consumption. However, these hedging strategies may not always be effective and high fluctuations in aviation fuel prices exceeding the locked-in price ranges may result in losses. Significant declines in fuel prices may substantially increase the costs associated with our fuel hedging arrangements. In addition, where we seek to manage the risk of fuel price increases by using derivative contracts, we cannot assure you that, at any given point in time, our fuel hedging transactions will provide any particular level of protection against increased fuel costs. All crude oil option contracts signed in past years were settled by December 31, 2012.


Our indebtedness and other obligations may have a material adverse effect on our liquidity and operations.


We have a substantial amount of debt, lease and other obligations, and will continue to have a substantial amount of debt, lease and other obligations in the future. During a period of time between the end of 2008 and April 2009, the amount of our total liabilities exceeded our total assets. In 2012, we added a total of 31 aircraft to our fleet, by purchase or finance lease (excluding operating lease), including five A321 aircraft, ten A320 aircraft, six A330-200 aircraft, seven A319 aircraft, two B737-700 aircraft and one B737-800 aircraft. See the section headed “Item 4. Information on the Company — Property, Plant and Equipment — Fleet.” As of December 31, 2012, our total liabilities were RMB99,265.2 million and our accumulated losses were RMB5,426.1 million. As of the same date, our current liabilities exceeded our current assets by RMB35,948.2 million. Our total bank borrowings amounted to RMB45,736.1 million and among which our short-term bank loans and short-term debentures outstanding totaled RMB12,880.0 million as of December 31, 2012. Our substantial indebtedness and other obligations could materially and adversely affect our business and operations, including requiring us to dedicate additional cash flow from operations to the payment of principal and interest on indebtedness, thereby reducing the funds available for operations, maintenance and service improvements and future business opportunities, increasing our vulnerability to economic recessions, reducing our flexibility in responding to changing business and economic conditions, placing us at a disadvantage when compared to competitors that have less debt, limiting our ability to arrange for additional financing for working capital, capital expenditures and other general corporate purposes, at all or on terms that are acceptable to us and limiting our ability to satisfy payment of our existing indebtedness and other obligations under our indebtedness.


Moreover, we are largely dependent upon cash flows generated from our operations and external financing (including short-term bank loans) to meet our debt repayment obligations and working capital requirements, which may reduce the funds available for other business purposes. If our operating cash flow is materially and adversely affected by factors such as increased competition, a significant decrease in demand for our services, or a significant increase in jet fuel prices, our liquidity would be materially and adversely affected. We have arranged financing with domestic and foreign banks in China as necessary to meet our working capital requirements. We have also tried to ensure our liquidity by structuring a substantial portion of our short-term bank loans to be rolled over upon maturity. These efforts, however, may ultimately prove insufficient. Our ability to obtain financing may be affected by our financial position and leverage, our credit rating and investor perception of the aviation industry, as well as by prevailing economic conditions and the cost of financing in general. If we are unable to obtain adequate financing for our capital requirements, our liquidity and operations would be materially and adversely affected.




In addition, the airline industry overall is characterized by a high degree of operating leverage. Due to high fixed costs, including payments made in connection with aircraft leases, and landing and infrastructure fees which are set by government authorities and not within our control, the expenses relating to the operation of any given flight do not vary proportionately with the number of passengers carried, while revenues generated from a particular flight are directly related to the number of passengers carried and the fare structure of the flight. Accordingly, a decrease in revenues may result in a proportionately higher decrease in profits.


We may not be able to secure future financing at terms acceptable to us or at all.


We require significant amounts of external financing to meet our capital commitments for acquiring and upgrading aircraft and flight equipment and for other general corporate needs. As of December 31, 2012, we had total credit facilities of RMB41.2 billion from various banks, of which credit facilities of RMB27.1 billion are not utilized. We expect to roll over these bank facilities in future years. In addition, we generally acquire aircraft through either long-term capital leases or operating leases. In the past, we have obtained guarantees from Chinese banks in respect of payments under our foreign loan and capital lease obligations. However, we cannot assure you that we will be able to roll over our bank facilities or continue to obtain bank guarantees in the future. The unavailability of credit facilities or guarantees from Chinese banks or the increased cost of such guarantees may materially and adversely affect our ability to borrow additional funds or enter into international aircraft lease financings or other additional financing on acceptable terms. Although we have secured financing for our aircraft delivered in 2012, we are still in the process of obtaining financing for some aircraft we have scheduled for delivery in future years. In addition, if we are not able to arrange financing for our aircraft on order, we may seek to defer aircraft deliveries or use cash from operating or other sources to acquire the aircraft.


Our ability to obtain financing may also be impaired by our financial position, our leverage and our credit rating. In addition, factors beyond our control, such as recent global market and economic conditions, volatile oil prices, and the tightening of credit markets may result in a diminished availability of financing and increased volatility in credit and equity markets, which may materially adversely affect our ability to secure financing at reasonable costs or at all. If we are unable to obtain financing for a significant portion of our capital requirements, our ability to expand our operations, purchase new aircraft, pursue business opportunities we believe to be desirable, withstand a continuing or future downturn in our business, or respond to increased competition or changing economic conditions may be impaired. We have and in the future will likely continue to have substantial debts. As a result, the interest cost associated with these debts might impair our future profitability and cause our earnings to be subject to a higher degree of volatility.


We are subject to exchange rate fluctuation risk.


We operate our business in many countries and territories. We generate revenue in different currencies, and our foreign currency liabilities are typically much higher than our foreign currency assets. Our purchases and leases of aircraft are mainly priced and settled in currencies such as U.S. dollars. Fluctuations in exchange rates will affect our costs incurred from foreign purchases such as aircraft, flight equipment and aviation fuel, and take-off and landing charges in foreign airports. As of December 31, 2012, our total interest-bearing liabilities denominated in foreign currencies converted to Renminbi amounted to RMB53,767 million, of which the U.S. dollar liabilities accounted for 93.66%. Therefore, in circumstances with large fluctuations in exchange rates, the exchange loss arising on the translation of foreign currency denominated liabilities will be greater, which in turn affects our profitability and development. We usually use hedging contracts for foreign currencies to reduce the risks in exchange rates for foreign currency revenue from ticket sales and expenses which are to be paid in foreign currencies. Foreign currency hedging mainly involves the sales of Japanese Yen or the purchase of U.S. dollars at fixed exchange rates. As of December 31, 2012, foreign currency hedging contracts held by us which are still open amounted to a notional amount of US$58 million (December 31, 2011: US$46 million), which will expire between 2013 and 2017.


 Our Group recorded an increase in net exchange gains during the reporting period. As of December 31, 2011 and 2012, our Group’s exchange gains were RMB1,872 million and RMB148 million, respectively. As a result of the large value of existing net foreign currency liabilities denominated in U.S. dollars, the Group’s results will be adversely affected if the Renminbi depreciates against the U.S. dollar or the rate of appreciation of the Renminbi against the U.S. dollar decreases in the future. Our foreign exchange fluctuation risks are also subject to other factors beyond our control. See "Item 3D. Risk Factors - Risks Relating to the PRC - Foreign exchange regulations in the PRC may result in fluctuations of the Renminbi and affect our ability to pay any dividends or to satisfy our foreign exchange liabilities."


We are subject to interest rate fluctuation risk.


Our total interest-bearing liabilities (including long-term and short-term loans and finance leases payable) as of December 31, 2011 and 2012 were RMB62,035 million and RMB67,594 million, respectively, of which short-term liabilities accounted for 33.3% and 37.4%, respectively, and long-term liabilities accounted for 66.7% and 62.6%, respectively. A portion of the long-term interest-bearing liabilities carried variable interest rates. Both our variable and fixed rate obligations were affected by fluctuations in current market interest rates.


Our interest-bearing liabilities were mainly denominated in U.S. dollars and Renminbi. As of December 31, 2011 and 2012, our liabilities denominated in U.S. dollars accounted for 69.1% and 74.5%, respectively, of our total liabilities, while liabilities denominated in Renminbi accounted for 28.8% and 20.5%, respectively, of our total liabilities. Fluctuations in U.S. dollar and Renminbi interest rates have significantly affected our financing costs. A substantial majority of our borrowings denominated in Renminbi are linked to benchmark five-year lending rates published by the PBOC. From April 2006 to December 2007, the PBOC raised the benchmark five-year lending rate seven times from 6.39% to 7.83%. Beginning in September 2008, the PBOC decreased the benchmark five-year lending rate five times from 7.83% in September 2008 to 5.94% in December 2008. Since then, the PBOC has raised the benchmark five-year lending rate five times from 5.94% to 7.05% in July 2011, but was reduced twice to 6.55% in July 2012. A substantial majority of our borrowings denominated in U.S. dollars are linked to floating LIBOR rates which decreased overall in 2011 and increased overall in 2012. The relevant lending rates may further increase in the future as a result of reasons beyond our control, and may adversely affect our business, prospects, cash flows, financial condition and results of operations. In addition, we expect to issue bonds and notes or enter into additional loan agreements and aircraft leases in the future to fund our operations and capital expenditures, and the cost of financing for these obligations will depend greatly on market interest rates.


We may suffer losses in the event of an accident or incident involving our aircraft or the aircraft of any other airline.


As an airline company operating a large jet fleet, we are subject to risks relating to the provision of aviation services. An accident or incident involving one of our aircraft could result in delays, require repair or replacement of a damaged aircraft, which could result in consequential temporary or permanent loss from service and/or significant liability to injured passengers and others. Unforeseeable or unpredictable events such as inclement weather, mechanical failures, human error, aircraft defects and other force majeure events may affect flight safety, which could result in accidents and/or incidents of passenger injuries or deaths that could lead to significant injury and loss claims. Although we believe that we currently maintain liability insurance in amounts and of the types generally consistent with industry practice, the amounts of such coverage may not be adequate to fully cover the costs related to the accident or incident, which could result in harm to our results of operations and financial condition. In addition, any aircraft accident or incident, even if fully insured, could cause a public perception that we are not as safe or reliable as other airlines, which would harm our competitive position and result in a decrease in our operating revenues. Moreover, a major accident or incident involving the aircraft of any of our competitors may cause demand for air travel in general to decrease, which would adversely affect our results of operations and financial condition.




Our insurance coverage and costs have increased substantially, and could have an adverse effect on our operations.


As a result of the events of September 11, 2001, aviation insurers have significantly reduced the maximum amount of insurance coverage available to commercial air carriers for liability to persons other than employees or passengers for claims resulting from acts of terrorism, war or similar events, or war-risk coverage. At the same time, they have significantly increased the premiums for such coverage, as well as for aviation insurance in general. In response to the reduced insurance coverage from aviation insurers, the PRC government has provided insurance coverage to PRC airlines for third party war liability claims. Such insurance provided by the government is subject to annual review and approval by the government. We renew our insurance policies on a yearly basis. However, if the insurance carriers further reduce the amount of insurance coverage available or increase the premium for such coverage when we renew our insurance coverage and/or if the PRC government declines to renew our insurance coverage, our financial condition and results of operations may be materially and adversely affected.


 We may experience difficulty integrating our acquisitions, which could result in a material adverse effect on our operations and financial condition.


We may from time to time expand our business through acquisitions of airline companies or airline-related businesses. For example, we entered into an agreement with Shanghai Airlines Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Airlines”) on July 10, 2009 to issue a maximum of 1,694,838,860 A Shares to the shareholders of Shanghai Airlines in exchange for all the existing issued shares of Shanghai Airlines. The acquisition price was RMB9,118 million, which was determined based on the quoted market price of our shares issued as of the date nearest to the acquisition date, with adjustments to reflect specific restrictions to certain shares that were issued. On January 28, 2010, we completed the exchange of 1,694,838,860 A Shares for all existing issued shares of Shanghai Airlines. In addition, on December 20, 2010, our subsidiary, China Cargo Airlines, entered into separate acquisition agreements with Great Wall Airlines and Shanghai Cargo Airlines to acquire each carrier’s cargo business and related assets. China Cargo Airlines also purchased relevant business and assets from Shanghai International Freight Airlines Co., Ltd. These acquisitions and the acquisition of Great Wall Airlines have obtained the approval from CAAC, NDRC, and MOFCOM, and were completed on June 1, 2011. In addition, we entered into an equity transfer agreement on August 22, 2012 with our controlling shareholder, CEA Holding, by which we acquired the remaining 20% of the equity interest in China United Airlines Co., Ltd. (“China United Airlines”) for a consideration of RMB83.95 million (the "China United Airlines Acquisition") from CEA Holding. China United Airlines primarily provides domestic passenger and freight air transportation services, and is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of our Company.


We are devoting significant resources to the integration of our operations in order to achieve the anticipated synergies and benefits of the absorption and acquisitions mentioned above. See “Item 4. Information on the Company” for details. However, such acquisitions involve uncertainties and a number of risks, including:


·difficulty with integrating the assets, operations and technologies of the acquired airline companies or airline-related businesses, including their employees, corporate cultures, managerial systems, processes and procedures and management information systems and services;


·complying with the laws, regulations and policies that are applicable to the acquired businesses;


·failure to achieve the anticipated synergies, cost savings or revenue-enhancing opportunities resulting from the acquisition of such airline companies or airline-related businesses;


·managing relationships with employees, customers and business partners during the course of integration of new businesses;


·attracting, training and motivating members of our management and workforce;


·accessing our debt, equity or other capital resources to fund acquisitions, which may divert financial resources otherwise available for other purposes;


·diverting significant management attention and resources from our other businesses;


·strengthening our operational, financial and management controls, particularly those of our newly acquired assets and subsidiaries, to maintain the reliability of our reporting processes;


·difficulty with exercising control and supervision over the newly acquired operations, including failure to implement and communicate our safety management procedures resulting in additional safety hazards and risks;


·increased financial pressure resulting from the assumption of recorded and unrecorded liabilities of the acquired airline companies or airline-related businesses; and


·the risk that any such acquisitions may not complete due to failure to obtain the required government approvals.


We cannot assure you that we will not have difficulties in assimilating the operations, technologies, services and products of newly acquired companies or businesses. Moreover, the continued integration of Shanghai Airlines, China United Airlines and other acquisitions into our Company depends significantly on integrating the pre-absorption Shanghai Airlines, China United Airlines and other acquired employee groups with our employee groups and on maintaining productive employee relations. In the event that we are unable to efficiently and effectively integrate newly acquired companies or airline-related businesses into our Company, we may be unable to achieve the objectives or anticipated synergies of such acquisitions and such acquisitions may adversely impact the operations and financial results of our existing businesses.


Our planned joint venture airline with Jetstar Airways (a wholly owned subsidiary of Qantas Airlines), Jetstar Hong Kong, may not proceed and if it does proceed, may not be successful.


On March 23, 2012, we entered into a binding memorandum of understanding (the “MOU”) with Jetstar Airways Pty Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Qantas Airlines (“Jetstar Airways”), to establish a joint venture that consists of a new low-cost airline to be based in Hong Kong, Jetstar Hong Kong Airways (“Jetstar Hong Kong”). We and Jetstar Airways have made equal initial capital contributions of US$57.5 million each, and Jetstar Hong Kong will have a total initial capital of US$115 million. Depending on certain terms and conditions, we and Jetstar Airways will equally contribute capital amounts to increase the capital of Jetstar Hong Kong to US$198 million. Under the terms of the MOU, we and Jetstar Airways will have equal equity interests in Jetstar Hong Kong. On August 24, 2012, Eastern Air Overseas (Hong Kong) Corporation Limited (“EAO”) (a wholly owned Hong Kong-based subsidiary of the Company) entered into a shareholders’ agreement (the “Shareholders’ Agreement”) with Jetstar International Group Holdings Co., Limited (“JIGH”), a wholly owned Hong Kong-based subsidiary of Qantas Airlines, pursuant to which EAO and JIGH formally agreed to establish Jetstar Hong Kong. In September 2012, Jetstar Hong Kong obtained the Certificate of Incorporation in Hong Kong.




However, the establishment of Jetstar Hong Kong remains subject to the execution of certain agreements and the receipt of other relevant regulatory and governmental approvals. As such, we cannot assure you that we and Jetstar Airways will proceed, or will be able to execute such agreements and obtain such approvals and form Jetstar Hong Kong within the timeframe contemplated by the MOU. In addition, Jetstar Hong Kong may not be able to secure the relevant licenses and approvals for its operations, or which are necessary for it to commence operations.


In addition, even if we and Jetstar Airways decide to proceed with the definitive agreements for the establishment of Jetstar Hong Kong, and before Jetstar Hong Kong can actually commence operations, it will need to:


·secure the relevant licenses, permits and approvals for its operations;


·establish suitable route networks, which involves securing the necessary airport time slots, landing rights and related approvals and clearances for routes and flight times;


·acquire the necessary aircraft fleet, through acquisitions or leases, to support its operations;


·comply with the relevant laws and regulations;


·identify and acquire suitable facilities and properties and secure land use rights; and


·hire competent and qualified management, flight crew, ground personnel and employees.


We cannot assure you that we will be able to complete these tasks in a timely manner, within the expected budget, or at all. Failure to do so could result in a material adverse effect on the business, financial condition and reputation of Jetstar Hong Kong and possibly our own. In addition, given the intended geographic coverage of Jetstar Hong Kong, overlapping coverage and competition on some routes may occur, which could affect our market share on certain routes. In addition, there is intense competition in the PRC from existing carriers, who generally service the same routes that are contemplated for Jetstar Hong Kong. We cannot assure you that Jetstar Hong Kong will be able to adequately compete against these existing carriers, which may have better brand recognition, financial resources, developed route networks, fares and product offerings.


Furthermore, we do not have experience operating in the low-cost market and may therefore be required to rely on our joint venture partner, Jetstar Airways, for its expertise, experience and knowledge with respect to the daily operations of a low-cost carrier. The overall success of this venture is uncertain, and we cannot assure you that Jetstar Hong Kong will be profitable or successful or that its results of operations will not materially adversely affect our results of operations and financial condition.


We may be unable to retain key management personnel or pilots.


We are dependent on the experience and industry knowledge of our key management and pilots, and there can be no assurance that we will be able to retain them. Any inability to retain our key management employees or pilots, or attract and retain additional qualified management employees or pilots, could have a negative impact on us.


Our controlling shareholder, CEA Holding, holds a majority interest in our Company, and its interests may not be aligned with other shareholders.


Most of the major airline companies in China are currently majority-owned either by the central government of China or by provincial or municipal governments in China. CEA Holding currently holds directly or indirectly 59.93% of our Company’s equity interests on behalf of the PRC government. As a result, CEA Holding could potentially elect the majority of our Board of Directors and otherwise be able to control us. CEA Holding also has sufficient voting control to effect transactions without the concurrence of our minority shareholders. The interests of the PRC government as the ultimate controlling person of our Company and most of the other major PRC airlines could conflict with the interests of our minority shareholders. Although the CAAC currently has a policy of equal treatment of all PRC airlines, we cannot assure you that the CAAC will not favor other PRC airlines over our Company.


As a controlling shareholder, CEA Holding has the ability to exercise a controlling influence over our business and affairs, including, but not limited to, decisions with respect to:


·mergers or other business combinations;


·the acquisition or disposition of assets;


·the issuance of any additional shares or other equity securities;


·the timing and amount of dividend payments; and


·the management of our Company.


We engage in related party transactions, which may result in conflict of interests.


We have engaged in, from time to time, and may continue to engage in, in the future, a variety of transactions with CEA Holding and its various members, from whom we receive a number of important services, including support for in-flight catering and assistance with importation of aircraft, flight equipment and spare parts. Our transactions with CEA Holding and its members are conducted through a series of arm’s length contracts, which we have entered into with CEA Holding and its members in the ordinary course of business. However, because we are controlled by CEA Holding and CEA Holding may have interests that are different from our interests, we cannot assure you that CEA Holding will not take actions that will serve its interests or the interests of its members over our interests.




We may not be able to accurately report our financial results or prevent fraud if we fail to maintain effective internal controls over financial reporting, resulting in adverse investor perception, which in turn could have a material adverse effect on our reputation and the performance of our shares and ADSs.


We are required under relevant United States securities rules and regulations to disclose in the reports that we file or submit under the Exchange Act to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, including our annual report on Form 20-F, a management report assessing the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting as of the end of the fiscal year. Our registered public accounting firm is also required to provide an attestation report on the effectiveness of our internal controls over financial reporting. Our management concluded that our internal controls over financial reporting were effective as of December 31, 2012. However, we may discover other deficiencies or material weaknesses in the course of our future evaluation of our internal controls over financial reporting and we may be unable to address and rectify such deficiencies in a timely manner. Any failure to maintain effective internal controls over financial reporting could lead to a decline in investor confidence in the reliability of our financial statements, thereby adversely affecting our business, operations, and reputation, including negatively affecting our market performance in the securities markets and decreasing potential opportunities to obtain financing in the capital markets.


As part of our business strategy, we have adopted various measures for the internationalization of our business and to enhance our competitiveness in the international long-distance flight routes. Due to the differences in certain legal and market environments, we have encountered certain challenges during the course of developing our overseas business. We have also discovered that an individual overseas sales department had certain deficiencies in implementing its internal controls. We have already adopted and will continue to implement measures in order to enhance the internal control of our overseas offices and to ensure the continued development of our overseas business.


We are currently involved in legal proceedings, the outcome of which is uncertain.


On November 21, 2004, a CRJ-200 Bombardier-supplied aircraft then owned and operated by China Eastern Air Yunnan Company, or CEA Yunnan, crashed shortly after leaving Baotou city in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. All 53 people aboard died in the aircraft accident. In 2005, family members of the deceased sued, among other defendants, our Company in a U.S. court for compensation, the amount of which had not been determined. In July 2007, the Superior Court of the State of California ordered the action stayed on the grounds of forum non conveniens in order to permit proceedings in the PRC. In February 2009, the Court of Appeal of California dismissed the plaintiffs’ appeal and affirmed the original order. On March 16, 2009, the plaintiffs sued the Company in the Beijing No. 2 Intermediate People’s Court. Legal documents including summons, prosecution notifications and others have been served on the Company, and trial began on October 10, 2012. We cannot assure you that the court will rule in favor of our Company with respect to the procedure or substance of the litigation, or what amount of damages may be assessed against us should the court find in favor of the plaintiffs.


Any failure or disruption of our computer, communications, flight equipment or other technology systems could have an adverse impact on our business operations, profitability, reputation and customer services.


We rely heavily on computer, communications, flight equipment and other technology systems to operate our business and enhance customer service. Substantially all of our tickets are issued to passengers as electronic tickets, and we depend on our computerized reservation system to be able to issue, track and accept these electronic tickets. In addition, we rely on other automated systems for crew scheduling, flight dispatch and other operational needs. These systems could be disrupted due to various events, including natural disasters, power failures, terrorist attacks, equipment failures, software failures, computer viruses, and other events beyond our control. We cannot assure you that the measures we have taken to reduce the risk of some of these potential disruptions are adequate to prevent disruptions or failures of these systems. Any substantial or repeated failure or disruption in or breach of these systems could result in the loss of important data and/or delays in our flights, and could have an adverse impact on our business operations, profitability, reputation and customer services, including resulting in liability on our part to pay compensation to customers.


Interruptions or disruptions in service at one or more of our primary market airports could have an adverse impact on us.


Our business is heavily dependent on our operations at our primary market airports in Shanghai, namely, Hongqiao International Airport and Pudong International Airport and our regional hub airports in Xi’an and Kunming. Each of these operations includes flights that gather and distribute traffic from markets in the geographic region around the primary market to other major cities. A significant interruption or disruption in service at one or more of our primary market airports could adversely impact our operations.


Any adverse public health developments, including SARS, avian flu, or influenza A (H1N1), or the occurrence of natural disasters may, among other things, lead to travel restrictions and reduced levels of economic activity in the affected areas, which may in turn significantly reduce demand for our services and have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations.


Adverse public health epidemics or pandemics could disrupt businesses and the national economies of China and other countries where we do business. The outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS, in early 2003 led to a significant decline in travel volumes and business activities and substantially affected businesses in Asia. Moreover, some Asian countries, including China, have encountered incidents of the H5N1 strain of avian flu, many of which have resulted in fatalities. In addition, outbreaks of, and sporadic human infection with, influenza A (H1N1) in 2009, a highly contagious acute respiratory disease, were reported in Mexico and an increasing number of countries around the world, some cases resulting in fatalities. In addition, in April 2013, there has been an ongoing outbreak of the H7N9 strain of avian flu, which has largely been centered in eastern China, and has resulted in fatalities in that region, including Shanghai. We are unable to predict the potential impact, if any, that the outbreak of influenza A (H1N1) or any other serious contagious disease or the effects of another outbreak of SARS or any strain of avian flu may have on our business.


 Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, snowstorms, floods or volcanic eruptions such as that of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland in April and May of 2010 and the natural disasters in Japan in early 2011 may disrupt or seriously affect air travel activity. Any period of sustained disruption to the airline industry may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


 Terrorist attacks or the fear of such attacks, even if not made directly on the airline industry, could negatively affect the Company and the airline industry as a whole. The travel industry continues to face on-going security concerns and cost burdens.


The aviation industry as a whole has been beset with high-profile terrorist attacks, most notably on September 11, 2001 in the United States. The CAAC has also implemented increased security measures in relation to the potential threat of terrorist attacks. Terrorist attacks, even if not made directly towards us or on the airline industry, or the fear of or the precautions taken in anticipation of such attacks (including elevated threat warnings or selective cancellation or redirection of flights) could materially and adversely affect us and the airline industry. In addition, potential or actual terrorist attacks may result in substantial flight disruption costs caused by grounding of fleet, significant increase of security costs and associated passenger inconvenience, increased insurance costs, substantially higher ticket refunds and significantly decreased traffic and RPK.




Item 4.Information on the Company


A.History and Development of the Company


Our registered office is located at 66 Airport Street, Pudong International Airport, Shanghai, China, 201202. Our principal executive office and mailing address is Kong Gang San Lu, Number 92, Shanghai, 200335, China. The telephone number of our principal executive office is (86-21) 6268-6268 and the fax number for the Board Secretariat’s office is (86-21) 6268-6116. We currently do not have an agent for service of process in the United States.


Our Company was established on April 14, 1995 under the laws of China as a company limited by shares in connection with the restructuring of our predecessor and our initial public offering. Our predecessor was one of the six original airlines established in 1988 as part of the decentralization of the airline industry in China undertaken in connection with China’s overall economic reform efforts. Prior to 1988, the CAAC was responsible for all aspects of civil aviation in China, including the regulation and operation of China’s airlines and airports. In connection with our initial public offering, our predecessor was restructured into two separate legal entities, our Company and EA Group. According to the restructuring arrangement, by operation of law, our Company succeeded to substantially all of the assets and liabilities relating to the airline business of our predecessor. EA Group succeeded to our predecessor’s assets and liabilities that do not directly relate to the airline operations and do not compete with our businesses. Assets transferred to EA Group included our predecessor’s equity interests in companies engaged in import and export, real estate, advertising, in-flight catering, tourism and certain other businesses. In connection with the restructuring, we entered into various agreements with EA Group and its subsidiaries for the provision of certain services to our Company. CEA Holding assumed the rights and liabilities of EA Group under these agreements after it was formed by merging EA Group, Yunnan Airlines Company and China Northwest Airlines Company in October 2002. See “Item 7. Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions” for more details. The following chart sets forth the organizational structure of our Company and our significant subsidiaries as of April 20, 2013:




In February 1997, we completed our initial public offering of 1,566,950,000 ordinary H Shares, par value RMB1.00 per share, and listed our ordinary H Shares on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, or the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and American Depositary Shares, or ADSs, representing our H Shares, on the New York Stock Exchange. In October 1997, we completed a public offering of 300,000,000 new ordinary domestic shares in the form of A Shares to public shareholders in China and listed such new shares on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. H Shares are our ordinary shares listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and A Shares are our ordinary shares listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Our H Shares and A Shares are identical in respect of all rights and preferences, except that the listed A Shares may only be held by Chinese domestic investors and certain qualified foreign institutional investors. For information regarding our share capital structure, see “Item 10.B Memorandum and Articles of Association – Description of Shares.” In addition, dividends on the A Shares are payable in Renminbi.


Since our initial public offering, we have expanded our operations through acquisitions and joint ventures. In July 1998, our Company and China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company jointly established China Cargo Airlines Co., Ltd., which specializes in the air freight business. In addition, we purchased from EA Group the assets and liabilities relating to airline operations of China General Aviation Company. China General Aviation Company was based in Shanxi Province in China and served primarily the northern region of China. Moreover, we completed our acquisition of Air Great Wall in June 2001 and established our Ningbo Branch following the acquisition. Air Great Wall was based in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province in China and served primarily the southeastern region of China.


In August 2002, our Company, jointly with Wuhan Municipal State-owned Assets Management Committee Office and two other independent third parties, established China Eastern Airlines Wuhan Limited, or CEA Wuhan, in which our Company held a 40% equity interest. CEA Wuhan’s operating results were consolidated with ours from January 2006, when we obtained control of CEA Wuhan. In March 2006, we completed our acquisition of a 38% equity interest and a 18% equity interest in CEA Wuhan from Wuhan Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Committee and Shanghai Junyao Aviation Investment Company Limited, respectively, for an aggregate consideration of approximately RMB418 million. In 2012, the existed shareholders of CEA Wuhan and certain new shareholders decided to increase the registered capital of CEA Wuhan from RMB600 million to RMB1,750 million. As of December 31, 2012, we contributed capital of RMB525 million in cash, among which RMB237 million was recognized as registered capital and RMB288 million was credited to the share premium of CEA Wuhan; and the other investors have contributed capital of RMB300 million, among which RMB288 million was recognized as registered capital and RMB12 million was recognized as share premium of CEA Wuhan. Upon completion of aforementioned capital injections, our share percentage in CEA Wuhan will be 60%. CEA Wuhan primarily serves the market in Central China.




Pursuant to the CAAC’s airline industry restructuring plan, EA Group merged with Yunnan Airlines Company and China Northwest Airlines Company and formed CEA Holding in October 2002. Yunnan Airlines Company and China Northwest Airlines Company were restructured as wholly-owned subsidiaries of CEA Holding after the merger and renamed as China Eastern Air Yunnan Company, or CEA Yunnan, and China Eastern Air Northwest Company, or CEA Northwest, respectively. CEA Northwest is based in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province in China and serves primarily the southwestern region of China.


In order to further expand our business and enhance our market competitiveness, we acquired from CEA Holding certain selected assets and liabilities relating to the aviation businesses of CEA Yunnan and CEA Northwest on May 12, 2005. The certain selected assets acquired by our Company included aircraft, engines and aviation equipment and facilities, certain employees and operating contracts, and other fixed and current assets (whether owned or leased assets). We assumed and took over the aviation operations and businesses previously carried out by CEA Yunnan and CEA Northwest in accordance with the Acquisition Agreement. The air routes of CEA Yunnan and CEA Northwest were also injected into our Company with such assets and liabilities.


 On March 14, 2006, we entered into an official sponsorship agreement with the Bureau of 2010 Expo Shanghai (the “Bureau”), which designated our Company as the exclusive airline passenger carrier in China to sponsor the 2010 Shanghai Expo. Pursuant to the agreement, we were entitled to a number of rights, including the use of the Bureau’s logos and trademarks and the slogan “Better City, Better Life”, and priority to purchase advertising space at the Expo site. We were also able to enjoy the privileges of being a market development participant of the World Expo.


On December 10, 2008, we entered into an A Share Subscription Agreement with CEA Holding for CEA Holding to subscribe for new A shares to be issued by our Company, and entered into an H Share Subscription Agreement with CES Global for CES Global to subscribe for new H shares to be issued by our Company. Both of these agreements were amended on December 29, 2008. Under the amended agreements, we agreed to issue 1,437,375,000 new A shares to CEA Holding and 1,437,375,000 new H shares to CES Global for an agreed-upon subscription price. On February 26, 2009, we received the approval for the non-public issuances of the A and H shares in a class meeting of A Share Shareholders, a class meeting of H Share Shareholders, and an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders. We completed the issuances of 1,437,375,000 new A Shares to CES Holding and 1,437,375,000 new H shares to CES Global on June 25, 2009 and June 26, 2009, respectively. See “Item 7.B. Related Party Transactions – Subscription Agreements with CEA Holding, CES Global and CES Finance.”


On July 10, 2009, our Board approved an issuance of 1,350,000,000 new A shares of the Company to a limited number of specific investors, including CEA Holding, and the issuance of 490,000,000 new H shares of the Company to CES Global. The issuances of the A shares and H shares were completed on December 23, 2009 and December 10, 2009, respectively. See “Item 7.B. Related Party Transactions – Subscription Agreements with CEA Holding, CES Global and CES Finance.”


On July 10, 2009, we entered into an absorption agreement with Shanghai Airlines in relation to the proposed acquisition of Shanghai Airlines. The proposed acquisition was approved in a shareholders meeting of our Company on October 9, 2009. On December 30, 2009, we received approval of our proposed acquisition of Shanghai Airlines from the China Securities Regulatory Commission, or the CSRC. On January 28, 2010, we issued 1,694,838,860 A shares to the shareholders of Shanghai Airlines in exchange for all existing issued shares of Shanghai Airlines. In 2010, we integrated the operations of Shanghai Airlines by undertaking and completing various post-acquisition administrative measures, such as the transfer and registration of properties and other assets, as well as the integration of each respective airline’s frequent flyer mileage programs. As of the filing date, certain post-acquisition measures are still in progress. Because our Company and Shanghai Airlines were each airline carriers based in Shanghai with overlapping route operations, we believe that our acquisition of Shanghai Airlines will strengthen our market positioning in the growing air transportation market in China through cost synergies, the creation of economies of scale and improved optimization of route plans, flight schedules and route networks. In addition, we expect the improved operational efficiency and our increased competitiveness resulting from the combination of our Company and Shanghai Airlines will facilitate the promotion of Shanghai as a vital transportation hub in the international air transportation market.


On July 26, 2010, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the People’s Government of Yunnan Province, or Yunnan SASAC, entered into an agreement with our Company to jointly establish Eastern Airlines Yunnan Limited Corporation, or EA Yunnan. We will contribute 65% of the registered capital of EA Yunnan, with the remaining 35% contributed by Yunnan SASAC. As of December 31, 2012, we have completed our capital contribution while Yunnan SASAC has not yet completed its capital contribtion. EA Yunnan will focus on the provision of general civil aviation transportation and maintenance services. We believe that EA Yunnan will allow us to further enhance the existing provision of aviation services in Yunnan Province and surrounding regions in eastern China, and enhance our overall competitiveness and business development in the area.


On December 20, 2010, China Cargo Airlines, a subsidiary of our Company, as purchaser, and Great Wall Airlines, as vendor, entered into an agreement for the acquisition of the assets, being all valuable business carried on by, and all valuable assets of, Great Wall Airlines, at RMB386.9 million (subject to adjustments). The acquisition aligns with the development strategy of our Company and enhances China Cargo Airlines’ capability for sustainable development, while avoiding horizontal competition. China Cargo Airlines also purchased relevant business and assets from Shanghai International Freight Airlines Co., Ltd. Both acquisitions have obtained the requisite approvals from CAAC, NDRC, and MOC, and were completed on June 1, 2011.


On August 11, 2011, our wholly-owned subsidiary Eastern Air Overseas (Hong Kong) Corporation Limited issued offshore CNY-denominated bonds in an amount of CNY2.5 billion at 4% due 2014 and are listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the “SGX-ST”). Our Company guaranteed the bond issue.


On March 23, 2012, we entered into a binding MOU with Jetstar Airways, a wholly owned subsidiary of Qantas, to establish a joint venture that will consist of a new low-cost airline to be based in Hong Kong, Jetstar Airways. On August 24, 2012, EAO, a wholly owned Hong Kong-based subsidiary of the Company, entered into a Shareholders’ Agreement with JIGH, a wholly owned Hong Kong-based subsidiary of Qantas Airlines, pursuant to which EAO and JIGH formally agreed to establish Jetstar Hong Kong. We and Jetstar Airways have made equal initial capital contributions of US$57.5 million each, and the joint venture, Jetstar Hong Kong, will has a total initial capital of US$115 million. Depending on certain terms and conditions, we and Jetstar Airways will each contribute equal capital amounts to increase the capital of Jetstar Hong Kong to US$198 million. Under the terms of the MOU and Shareholders Agreement, we and Jetstar Airways will hold equal equity interests in Jetstar Hong Kong. In September 2012, Jetstar Hong Kong received the Certificate of Incorporation issued by the relevant Hong Kong government authorities.


On April 27, 2012, the Board resolved and approved to issue short-term commercial paper in the aggregate principal amount of not more than RMB10 billion and for a term of not more than 270 days for each issuance, which can be issued in multiple tranches on a rolling basis. On September 13, 2012, we issued the first tranche of short-term commercial paper in the amount of RMB4 billion at 4.1%, due within 270 days of the issuance. The use of proceeds from this issuance were to repay bank loans, improve our financing structure and replenish short-term working capital.


On June 12, 2012, the Board resolved and approved to issue corporate bonds in the aggregate principal amount of not more than RMB8.8 billion and for a term of not more than ten years for a single or multiple issuances. We received CSRC approval for this issuance on December 12, 2012. On March 20, 2013, we issued the first tranche of corporate bonds in the amount of RMB4.8 billion at 5.05% due 2023. The use of proceeds from this issuance were to repay bank loans, improve our financing structure and replenish short-term working capital.





On September 11, 2012, the Board resolved and approved the “Proposal for the non-public issuance of A Shares to specific placees by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited” and the “Proposal for the non-public issuance of H Shares to specific placees by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited,” according to which, (i) CEA Holdings and CES Finance would subscribe in cash for 241,547,927 and 457,317,073 new A Shares, respectively, at the subscription price of RMB3.28 per share; and (ii) CES Global would subscribe in cash for 698,865,000 new H Shares (nominal value of RMB1.00 each) at the subscription price of HK$2.32 per share. On January 31, 2013, the CSRC approved our proposed issue of no more than 698,865,000 new H Shares with a nominal value of RMB1.00 each. The Public Offering Review Committee of CSRC reviewed and conditionally approved our application relating to the non-public issue of new A Shares of the Company on February 25, 2012.


 The table below sets forth details of our operating fleet as of December 31, 2010, 2011 and 2012:


   No. of
   No. of
   No. of
   No. of
   No. of
   No. of
   2010   2011   2012 
A340-600   5        5        5     
A340-300   5        5             
A330-300   8    7    8    7    8    7 
A330-200   2    3    4    3    10    3 
A300-600R   7        7        7     
A321   20        22        27     
A320   71    24    88    24    98    33 
A319   5    10    5    10    12    8 
B737-800   15    46    16    48    17    56 
B737-700   33    19    35    19    37    18 
B737-300   16        16        16     
B757-200   5    5    5    5    5    5 
B767   9    1    6    1    6    1 
EMB-145LR   10        10        10     
CRJ-200   8    2    8        8     
Hawker800   1        1             
A300-600R   3        3        3     
B747-400ER   2        2    3    2    3 
MD-11F       7        3        3 
B757-200F       2        2        2 
B777F       4        6        6 
Total   225    130    246    131    271    145 


B.Business Overview


Our Company was one of the three largest air carriers in China in terms of revenue-tonne-kilometers and number of passengers carried in 2012, and is an important domestic airline based in and serving Shanghai, which is considered to be the international financial center and the international shipping center of China. We serve a route network that covers 1,000 domestic and foreign destinations in 187 countries through Skyteam. We operate primarily from Shanghai’s Hongqiao International Airport and Pudong International Airport, which collectively ranked the first and second largest airport in terms of cargo and mail traffic and passenger traffic (as measured in total freight weight and total passenger number in China in 2012), respectively. In 2012, we accounted for 50.2% and 38.4% of the market share at Hongqiao International Airport and Pudong International Airport, respectively, in terms of flight take-off and landing statistics, and accounted for 48.2% and 36.6% of the market share at Hongqiao International Airport and Pudong International Airport, respectively, in terms of passenger throughput.


We have received many awards, recognitions and accolades through the years. We were recognized as one of the “Most Innovative PRC Companies” by Fortune Magazine in 2011, and our “China Eastern Airlines” brand was awarded China’s Famous Trademark by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce in 2011. In addition, in 2012 we received various recognitions and awards, including “Golden Tripod Prize”, which was the highest award awarded at the 8th Annual Meeting of China’s Securities Market, Golden Bauhinia Award for "The Listed Company with Best Brand Value 2012" by China Securities, "2012 Best Mid-Cap Company and Best Managed Company in China" by Asiamoney Magazine ,“Top 50 Most Valuable Chinese Brands" by WPP, a global brand communication and public relations firm, “2012 TOP 25 CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Ranking” by Fortune China Magazine, “2012 China State-owned Listed Enterprise Social Responsibility Rankings Top 20” by Southern Weekly, “The Best Board of Directors of State-owned Listed Holding Companies of China Top 20” by various major financial media, including Moneyweek, “Healthy China – Best Employee Health & Benefit Unit” by Health Times, a major newspaper in China focusing on health and lifestyle, and Tsinghua University, “Internal Audit Leading Enterprises in terms of Risk Management and Internal Audit” by China Institute of Internal Audit, “Best 100 Employer” by Zhilian Zhaopin, a major online recruiting website in China, and “The World’s Most Improved Airline” by SKYTRAX, a United Kingdom-based aviation research organization.


Compared to 2011, our traffic volume (as measured in RTKs) increased by 7.5%, from 13,402 million in 2011 to 14,406 million in 2012. Our passenger traffic volume (as measured in revenue passenger-kilometers, or RPKs) increased from 100,895 million in 2011 to 109,113 million in 2012, or 8.1%. Our cargo and mail traffic volume (as measured in revenue freight tonne-kilometers, or RFTKs) increased by 6.3%, from 4,421 million in 2011 to 4,701 million in 2012.




Our Operations by Activity


The following table sets forth our traffic revenues by activity for each of the three years ended December 31, 2012:


   Year Ended December 31, 
   2010   2011   2012 
   (Millions   (Millions   (Millions 
   of RMB)   of RMB)   of RMB) 
Traffic revenues               
Passenger   54,625    60,383    61,038 
Cargo and mail   5,810    5,482    5,237 
Fuel surcharges   6,956    10,649    13,169 
Total traffic revenues   67,391    76,514    79,444 


Passenger Operations


The following table sets forth certain passenger operating statistics of our Company by route for each of the three years ended December 31, 2012:


   Year Ended December 31, 
   2010   2011   2012 
Passenger Traffic (in RPKs) (millions)   93,153    100,895    109,113 
Domestic   66,310    70,933    76,156 
Regional (Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)   4,074    3,811    3,852 
International   22,769    26,151    29,105 
Passenger Capacity (in ASKs) (millions)   119,451    127,891    136,724 
Domestic   83,421    88,013    95,168 
Regional (Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)   5,576    5,193    5,084 
International   30,453    34,685    36,472 
Passenger Yield (RMB)   0.63    0.68    0.65 
Domestic   0.64    0.69    0.66 
Regional (Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)   0.78    0.81    0.84 
International   0.60    0.63    0.62 
Passenger Load Factor (%)   77.98    78.89    79.81 
Domestic   79.49    80.59    80.02 
Regional (Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)   73.05    73.39    75.77 
International   74.77    75.40    79.80 


The primary focus of our business is the provision of domestic, regional and international passenger airline services. Currently we serve a route network that covers 1,000 domestic and foreign destinations in 187 countries through SkyTeam.


Our domestic routes generated approximately 70.2% of our passenger revenues. Our most heavily traveled domestic routes generally link Shanghai to the large commercial and business centers of China, such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.


We also operated approximately 21 flight routes between mainland China and Hong Kong. In addition, we operated approximately 19 routes between mainland China and Taiwan and two routes between China and Macau. Our regional routes accounted for approximately 4.5% of our passenger revenues in 2012. In April 2010, we entered into a strategic framework agreement with China Airlines of Taiwan to cooperate on routes to and from the PRC and Taiwan.


In 2012, we introduced several new international routes, including Shanghai-to-Cairns, Zhengzhou-to-Shanghai-to-Osaka, Wuhan-to-Pudong-to-Shizuoka, Qingdao-to-Wuhan-Singapore, Hangzhou-to-Phuket and Hangzhou-to-Bangkok. We have also increased the number of flights for certain international routes during peak travel seasons. In addition, due to the change of relationship between China and Japan, certain flights and jet fleet resources that were originally allocated for routes to and from Chinese and Japanese destinations were diverted and re-allocated to China-to-Southeast Asia routes. Revenues derived from our operations on international routes accounted for approximately 25.3% of our passenger revenues.


Most of our international and regional flights and a substantial portion of our domestic flights either originate or terminate in Shanghai, the central hub of our route network. Our operations in Shanghai are conducted primarily at Hongqiao International Airport and Pudong International Airport. Most of our international flights to or from Shanghai originate or terminate at Pudong International Airport. Pudong International Airport is located approximately 30 kilometers from the central business district of Shanghai. We moved our operations at Hongqiao International Airport to terminal two of Hongqiao International Airport on March 16, 2010.


We operate most of our flights through our three hubs located in eastern, northwestern and southwestern China, namely Shanghai, Xi’an and Kunming, respectively. With Shanghai as our main hub and Xi’an and Kunming as our regional hubs, we believe that we will benefit from the level of development and growth opportunities in eastern, northern and western China as a whole by providing direct services between various cities in those regions and between those regions and other major cities in China. We have steadily fostered the construction of flight system for these core hubs by introducing new flight destinations and increasing the frequency of certain flights, thereby enhancing our transfer and connection capability in these hub markets. By the end of 2012, we established a preliminary flight frequency of “four-in-four-out” at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, with “four-in-four-out” currently also being established at Kunming Airport, both of which are expected to increase the transfer and connection services via Kunming to Southeast Asia, South Asia and Western Asia. Xi’an Airport is also in the process of establishing a “three-in-three-out” flight frequency.


We will also continue to develop our operations in Beijing and Guangzhou as our principal bases for northern China and southern China, respectively. In particular, we have actively strengthened our position in the Beijing market. Facing the relatively saturated time slot resources of flights at Beijing Capital International Airport, we integrated China United Airlines, the sole operator of Beijing Nanyuan Airport and the Hebei Branch of the Company, to establish the new China United Airlines, which has fully utilized the time slots at Nanyuan Airport. China United Airlines has added six B737 aircraft, which has led to increased flight frequency from Beijing Nanyuan Airport to Shenzhen, Xiamen and Changsha, and has enhanced our market share in Beijing market.




Cargo and Mail Operations


The following table sets forth certain cargo and mail operating statistics of our Company by route for each of the three years ended December 31, 2012:


   Year Ended December 31, 
   2010   2011   2012 
Cargo and Mail Traffic (in RFTKs) (millions)   4,308    4,421    4,701 
Domestic   980    934    923 
Regional (Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)   155    148    117 
International   3,173    3,338    3,661 
Cargo and Mail Capacity (in AFTKs) (millions)   7,137    7,152    7,416 
Domestic   2,031    1,987    1,966 
Regional (Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)   313    312    239 
International   4,792    4,853    5,211 
Cargo and Mail Yield (RMB)   1.95    1.83    1.71 
Domestic   1.28    1.44    1.44 
Regional (Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)   4.54    4.49    3.94 
International   2.04    1.82    1.70 
Cargo and Mail Load Factor (%)   60.37    61.81    63.39 
Domestic   48.27    47.01    46.92 
Regional (Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)   49.59    47.60    48.91 
International   66.20    68.78    70.26 


We are required to obtain from the CAAC the right to carry passengers or cargo on any domestic or international route. Our cargo and mail business generally utilizes the same route network used by our passenger airline business. We carry cargo and mail on our freight aircraft as well as in available cargo space on our passenger aircraft. Our most significant cargo and mail routes are international routes.


The development of cargo operations is an important part of our Company’s growth strategy. We have three MD-11F, two B757-200F, three B747-400ER and six B777F freight aircraft under operating leases for cargo and mail operations. We also have three A300-600R aircraft as well as two B747-400ER freighters for our cargo operations. In December 2010, China Cargo Airlines entered into a purchase agreement to acquire the relevant air cargo assets of Great Wall Airlines. China Cargo Airlines also purchased relevant business and assets from Shanghai International Freight Airlines Co., Ltd. Both acquisitions have obtained the requisite approvals from CAAC, NDRC, and MOC, and were completed on May 31, 2011. After the completion of these acquisitions and reorganizations, the New China Cargo Airlines, which is 51% owned by us, officially began its operation on May 1, 2011 and became the largest air cargo transportation company in the PRC in terms of cargo and mail capacity.


Our Operations by Geographical Segment


Our revenues (net of business tax) by geographical segment are analyzed based on the following criteria:


·Traffic revenue from services within the PRC (excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, collectively, “Regional”) is classified as domestic operations. Traffic revenue from inbound and outbound services between the PRC, regional or overseas markets is attributed to the segments based on the origin and destination of each flight segment.


·Revenue from ticket handling services, airport ground services and other miscellaneous services are classified on the basis of where the services are performed.


   The following table sets forth our revenues by geographical segment for each of the three years ended December 31, 2012:


   2010   2011   2012 
   (millions of RMB)   (millions of RMB)   (millions of RMB) 
Domestic   49,692    56,014    57,282 
Regional (Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)   3,901    3,771    3,682 
International   20,211    22,618    24,289 
Total   73,804    82,403    85,253 




The PRC Civil Aviation Law provides the framework for regulation of many important aspects of civil aviation activities in China, including:


  · the administration of airports and air traffic control systems;


  · aircraft registration and aircraft airworthiness certification;


  · operational safety standards; and


  · the liabilities of carriers.


The Chinese airline industry is also subject to a high degree of regulation by the CAAC. Regulations issued or implemented by the CAAC encompass virtually every aspect of airline operations, including route allocation, domestic airfare, licensing of pilots, operational safety standards, aircraft acquisition, aircraft airworthiness certification, fuel prices, standards for aircraft maintenance and air traffic control and standards for airport operations. Although China’s airlines operate under the supervision and regulation of the CAAC, they are accorded a significant degree of operational autonomy. These areas of operational autonomy include:


·whether to apply for any route;


·the allocation of aircraft among routes;


·the airfare pricing for the international and regional passenger routes;


·the airfare pricing within the limit provided by the CAAC for the domestic passenger routes;




·the acquisition of aircraft and spare parts;


·the training and supervision of personnel; and


·many other areas of day-to-day operations.


Although we have generally been allocated adequate routes in the past to accommodate our expansion plans and other changes in our operations, those routes are subject to allocation and re-allocation in response to changes in governmental policies or otherwise at the discretion of the CAAC. Consequently, we cannot assure you that our route structure will be adequate to satisfy our expansion plans.


The CAAC has established regulatory policies intended to promote controlled growth of the Chinese airline industry. We believe those policies will be beneficial to the development of and prospects for the Chinese airline industry as a whole. Nevertheless, those regulatory policies could limit our flexibility to respond to changes in market conditions, competition or our cost structure. Moreover, while our Company generally benefits from regulatory policies that are beneficial to the airline industry in China as a whole, the implementation of specific regulatory policies may from time to time materially and adversely affect our business operations.


Because our Company provides services on international routes, we are also subject to a variety of bilateral civil air transport agreements between China and other countries. In addition, China is a contracting state as well as a permanent member of the International Civil Aviation Organization, an agency of the United Nations established in 1947 to assist in the planning and development of the international air transportation. The International Civil Aviation Organization establishes technical standards for the international airline industry. China is also a party to a number of other international aviation conventions. The business operations of our Company are also subject to these international aviation conventions, as well as certain foreign country aviation regulations and local aviation laws with respect to route allocation, landing rights and related flight operation regulation.


 Domestic Route Rights


Chinese airlines must obtain from the CAAC the right to carry passengers or cargo on any domestic route. The CAAC’s policy on domestic route rights is to assign routes to the airline or airlines suitable for a particular route. The CAAC will take into account whether an applicant for a route is based at the point of origin or termination of a particular route. This policy benefits airlines, such as our Company, that have a hub located at each of the active air traffic centers in China. The CAAC also considers other factors that will make a particular airline suitable for an additional route, including the applicant’s safety record, previous on-time performance and level of service and availability of aircraft and pilots. The CAAC will consider the market conditions applicable to any given route before such route is allocated to one or more airlines. Generally, the CAAC will permit additional airlines to service a route that is already being serviced only when there is strong demand for a particular route relative to the available supply. The CAAC’s current general policy is to require the passenger load factor of one or two airlines on a particular route to reach a certain level before another carrier is permitted to commence operations on such route.


Regional Route Rights


Hong Kong routes and the corresponding landing rights were formerly derived from the Sino-British air services agreement. In February 2000, the PRC government, acting through the CAAC, and Hong Kong signed the Air Transportation Arrangement between mainland China and Hong Kong. The Air Transportation Arrangement provides for equal opportunity for airlines based in Hong Kong and mainland China. Competition from airlines based in Hong Kong increased after the execution of the Air Transportation Arrangement. The CAAC normally will not allocate an international route or a Hong Kong route to more than one domestic airline unless certain criteria, including minimum load factors on existing flights, are met. There is more than one Chinese airline company on certain of our Hong Kong routes.


The CAAC and the Economic Development and Labor Bureau of Hong Kong entered into an agreement in 2007 to further expand the Air Transportation Arrangement. This agreement increases the routes between Hong Kong and mainland China to expand coverage to most major cities in mainland China. The capacity limits for passenger and/or cargo services on most routes will also be gradually lifted. Beginning in 2007, each side designated three airline companies to operate passenger and/or cargo flights and another airline company to operate all-cargo flights on the majority of the routes between Hong Kong and mainland China.


Prior to 2003, there was no direct air link between mainland China and Taiwan. Following a series of limited chartered flights operated between a number of mainland Chinese cities and Taiwan, from July 2008, 36 direct flights between Taiwan and mainland China were permitted on weekends from Fridays through Mondays on a regular basis. On December 15, 2008, mainland China and Taiwan commenced direct air and sea transport and postal services, ending a nearly six-decade ban on regular links between the two sides since 1949. Under a historic agreement signed by the governments of mainland China and Taiwan in early November 2008, the new air links expanded from weekend charters to a daily service, with the two sides operating a total of 108 flights per week in 2008 and approximately 270 and 370 regular direct flights per week in 2009 and 2010, respectively. Mainland China and Taiwan agreed to increase flight destinations for air links between the two sides in mainland China to 33 airports in various PRC cities in 2010, while flight destinations in Taiwan continue to include eight airports in various cities in Taiwan. At the end of 2011, the two sides agreed to increase the total number of flights to 616 per week and to increase the total number of destination airports in mainland China and Taiwan to 50. The two sides also previously agreed to launch chartered cargo flights between two terminals in mainland China, namely, Shanghai Pudong and Guangzhou airports, and two terminals in Taiwan, namely, Taoyuan and Kaohsiung airports.


International Route Rights


International route rights, along with the corresponding landing rights, are derived from air services agreements negotiated between the PRC government, acting through the CAAC, and the government of the relevant foreign country. Each government grants to the other the right to designate one or more domestic airlines to operate scheduled services between certain points within each country. The CAAC awards the relevant route to an airline based on various criteria, including:


·availability of appropriate aircraft and flight personnel;


·safety record;


·on-time performance; and


·hub location.




Although hub location is an important criterion, an airline may be awarded a route which does not originate from an airport where it has a hub. The route rights awarded do not have a fixed expiry date and can be terminated at the discretion of the CAAC.


Airfare Pricing Policy


The PRC Civil Aviation Law provides that airfares for domestic routes are determined jointly by the CAAC and the agency of the State Council responsible for price control, primarily based upon average airline operating costs and market conditions. From February 1999 to March 2001, all domestic airlines were required to adhere to unified domestic airfares published by the CAAC from time to time and discounted sales were prohibited. In 2001, the CAAC gradually relaxed its control over domestic airfare pricing and, effective March 1, 2001, domestic airlines were permitted to offer discounts on several major domestic routes.


On March 17, 2004, China’s State Council approved the Pricing Reform Plan for the Domestic Civil Aviation Industry, or the Pricing Reform Plan, effective April 20, 2004. Pursuant to the Pricing Reform Plan, the governmental authorities responsible for price control no longer directly set the airfares for domestic routes, but indirectly control the airfares for domestic routes by setting basic airfare levels and permitted ranges within which the actual fares charged by Chinese airlines can deviate from such basic airfare levels. Chinese airlines are able to set their own airfares for their domestic routes within the permitted ranges and adopt more flexible sales policies to promote their services.


The CAAC and the National Development and Reform Commission, or NDRC, jointly publish pricing guidelines from time to time, which set forth the basic airfare levels and permitted ranges. Pursuant to the current pricing guidelines, the basic airfares for most domestic routes are the published airfares implemented by Chinese airlines immediately prior to the approval of the Pricing Reform Plan. Except for certain domestic routes, the actual airfare set by each Chinese airline for its domestic routes cannot be 25% higher or 45% lower than the basic airfare. Domestic routes that are not subject to the deviation range restrictions include short-haul routes between cities in the same province or autonomous region, or between a municipality and adjacent provinces, autonomous regions or another municipality. Certain tourist routes and routes served by only one Chinese airline are not subject to the bottom range restriction. The CAAC and the NDRC will announce the routes that are not subject to the deviation range restrictions through the airfare information system known as Airtis.net. Chinese airlines may apply to the CAAC and the NDRC for exemption from the bottom range restriction for a particular route. Chinese airlines are also required to file the actual airfare they set for their domestic routes within the ranges through Airtis.net 30 days prior to its implementation.


The CAAC and the NDRC will regularly review the average operating costs of Chinese airlines, and may adjust the basic airfare for particular domestic routes which, in their view, is not at a reasonable level. The CAAC and NDRC issued a notice on April 13, 2010, effective on June 1, 2010, pursuant to which airlines may set first-class and business-class airfares in accordance with market prices, subject to relevant PRC laws. Such pricing must be filed 30 days before effectiveness with the CAAC and NDRC. We expect that, as this and other reforms continue into 2010, we will have more flexibility in operating our aviation business in the future. The promotion by Chinese regulators of a regulated and orderly market and a fair and positive competition mechanism will also provide a favorable environment for the growth of our business.


Under the PRC Civil Aviation Law, maximum airfares on regional and international routes are set in accordance with the terms of the air services agreements pursuant to which these routes are operated. In the absence of an air services agreement, airfares are set by the airlines themselves or by the CAAC with reference to comparable market prices, taking into account the international airfare standards established through the coordination of the International Air Transport Association, which organizes periodic air traffic conferences for the purpose of coordinating international airfares. Discounts are permitted on regional and international routes. For the airline industry in China as a whole, the airfare per kilometer is substantially higher for regional and international routes than for domestic routes.


Acquisition of Aircraft and Spare Parts


Our Company is permitted to import aircraft, aircraft spare parts and other equipment for our own use from manufacturers through EAIEC, which is 55% owned by CEA Holding and 45% owned by our Company. This gives us freedom in rationalizing our maintenance practices by allowing us to maintain a relatively lower overall inventory level of aircraft parts and equipment than we otherwise would have to maintain. We are still required to obtain an approval from the NDRC for any import of aircraft. We generally pay a commission to EAIEC in connection with these imports.


Domestic Fuel Supply and Pricing


The Civil Aviation Oil Supply Company, or CAOSC, which is supervised by SASAC, is currently the dominant civil aviation fuel supply company in China. We currently purchase a significant portion of our domestic fuel supply from CAOSC. The PRC government determines the fuel price at which the CAOSC acquires fuel from domestic suppliers and the CAAC issues a guidance price. The retail price at which the CAOSC resells fuel to airline customers is set within a specified range based on this guidance price.


 In 2005, the NDRC, the CAAC and the China Air Transport Association jointly launched the linkage mechanism for aviation fuel prices and transportation prices by airline companies. The fuel surcharge standards for domestic passenger routes were adjusted according to a series of notices regarding the adjustments of passenger fuel surcharges on domestic routes issued by the NDRC and CAAC from 2006 to 2008. In the second half of 2008, international crude oil prices decreased significantly, leading the NDRC and the CAAC to release an announcement on January 14, 2009 to suspend fuel surcharges for domestic passenger routes with effect from January 15, 2009. A Notice Concerning the Relevant Issues on Establishment Linkage Mechanism for Passenger Fuel Surcharges on Domestic Routes and the Price of Domestic Aviation Coal Oil Fuel (the “2009 Notice”) by NDRC and CAAC, with effect from November 14, 2009, provided that fuel surcharges shall be charged by the airlines, at the airline’s discretion, but within certain limits for imposing fuel surcharges as set forth in the 2009 Notice. On March 31, 2010, the NDRC and CAAC issued the Notice Regarding the Publication of Passenger Fuel Surcharges Rate on Domestic Routes, which reduced the standard fuel surcharge by 3.1% for domestic routes. In addition, on March 31, 2011, the NDRC and CAAC issued another similar notice, which further adjusted the standard fuel surcharge downwards. From August 1, 2011, according to the Announcement on the Linking Mechanism for Fuel Surcharges and Aviation Coal Oil Fuel, issued by the NDRC and CAAC, the rate of domestic route fuel surcharges will be adjusted each month if the difference in consolidated purchase costs for domestic aviation coal oil fuel exceeds RMB250 per ton.




The CAAC has made the continued improvement of air traffic safety in China a high priority. The CAAC is responsible for the establishment of operational safety, maintenance and training standards for all Chinese airlines, which have been formulated based on international standards. Each Chinese airline is required to provide flight safety reports to the CAAC, including reports of flight incidents or accidents involving its aircraft which occurred during the relevant reporting period and other safety related problems. The CAAC conducts safety inspections on each airline periodically.


The CAAC oversees the training of most Chinese airline pilots through its operation of the pilot training college. The CAAC implements a unified pilot certification process applicable to all Chinese airline pilots and is responsible for the issuance, renewal, suspension and cancellation of pilot licenses. Each pilot is required to pass the CAAC-administered examinations before obtaining a pilot license and is subject to an annual examination in order to have such certification renewed.




All aircraft operated by Chinese airlines, other than a limited number of leased aircraft registered in foreign countries, are required to be registered with the CAAC. All of our aircraft are registered with the CAAC. All aircraft operated by Chinese airlines must have a valid certificate of airworthiness issued and annually renewed by the CAAC. In addition, maintenance permits are issued to a Chinese airline only after the maintenance capabilities of that Chinese airline have been examined and assessed by the CAAC. These maintenance permits are renewed annually. All aircraft operated by Chinese airlines may be maintained and repaired only by CAAC certified maintenance facilities, whether located within or outside China. Aircraft maintenance personnel must be certified by the CAAC before assuming aircraft maintenance posts.


In early 2013, the CAAC amended the original Civil Aviation Incidents Standards and published the new Civil Aviation Incidents Standards (MH/T2001-2013), which became effective as of March 1, 2013. We will ensure our relevant employees implement the new standards, which will enable us to enhance our daily operations. For more information on the safety standards and measures implemented by us, see “– Maintenance and Safety – Safety.”




The CAAC establishes and oversees the implementation of security standards and regulations based on the PRC laws and standards established by international civil aviation organizations. Each airline is required to submit to the CAAC an aviation security handbook describing specific security procedures established by the airline for the day-to-day operations and security training for staff. Such security procedures must be formulated based on the relevant CAAC regulations. Chinese airlines that operate international routes must also adopt security measures in accordance with the requirements of the relevant international agreements and applicable local laws. We believe that our Company is in compliance with all applicable security regulations.


Noise and Environmental Regulation


All airlines and airports in China are required to comply with noise and environmental regulations of the State Environmental Protection Agency that are modeled on international standards. The CAAC regulations allow Chinese airports to refuse take-off and landing rights to any aircraft that does not comply with State noise regulations. We believe that our Company is in compliance with all applicable noise and environmental regulations.


Chinese Airport Policy


Prior to September 2003, all civilian airports in China were operated directly by the CAAC or by provincial or municipal governments. In September 2003, as part of the restructuring of the aviation industry in China, the CAAC transferred 93 civilian airports to provincial or municipal governments. The CAAC retained the authority to determine the take-off and landing charges, as well as charges on airlines for the use of airports and airport services. Prior to 2004, Chinese airlines were generally required to collect from their passengers on behalf of the CAAC a levy for contribution to the civil aviation infrastructure fund, which was used for improving China’s civilian airport facilities. Our revenue for the previous years is shown net of this levy. In 2003, the levy was 5% of domestic airfares and 2% of international airfares. The levy was waived by the CAAC from May 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003. With effect from September 2004, the civil aviation infrastructure levies, now paid to the Ministry of Finance, have been reflected in air fares of Chinese airlines rather than collected as a separate levy.


On December 28, 2007, the CAAC and the NDRC released the Implementing Scheme for the Civil Aviation Airport Charges Reform Implementation Plan, which was implemented on March 1, 2008. This new plan divides airport charges into three parts: charges related to airline businesses; charges related to important non-airline items; and other non-airline charges. The charges related to airline businesses and important non-airline items must follow the national guided prices, in which the standard prices are rarely increased, while reduced rates can be negotiated between the airport or the service provider and the users. The plan grants us the right to negotiate with airports on the airport charges.


The civil aviation infrastructure levy was paid to the Ministry of Finance and refunded again from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009, according to one of the ten measures announced by the CAAC in December 2008 in response to the global economic downturn. The refunded levy for China’s aviation industry will amount to approximately RMB4,000 million in total. The ten measures also include measures to enhance safety, reduce taxes, invest in infrastructure and optimize the airspace and air routes.


Limitation on Foreign Ownership


The CAAC’s present policies limit foreign ownership in Chinese airlines. Under these limits, non-Chinese residents and Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan residents cannot individually or together hold a majority of our total outstanding shares. As of December 31, 2012, approximately 30.99% of our total outstanding shares were held by non-Chinese residents and Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan residents or legal entities (excluding the qualified foreign institutional investors that are approved to invest in the A Share market of the PRC). For PRC air transportation companies, pursuant to the Catalog of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment, jointly promulgated by the NDRC and MOC on December 24, 2011, Chinese investors should be the controlling shareholders of a PRC air transportation company.






Our Company competes against our domestic competitors primarily on the basis of safety, quality of service and frequency of scheduled flights. With the combination of our dominant position in Shanghai, our route network and our continued commitment to safety and service quality, we believe that our Company is well-positioned to compete against our domestic competitors in the growing airline industry in China. However, domestic competition from other Chinese airlines has been increasing recently as our competitors have increased capacity and expanded operations by adding new routes or additional flights to existing routes and acquiring other airlines. In addition, we have faced intense competition from entrants to our domestic markets as new investments into China’s civil aviation industry have been made following the CAAC’s relaxation of certain private-sector investment rules in July 2005. In December 2008, the CAAC announced ten measures to protect and encourage the domestic aviation industry, one of which provides that no new Chinese airlines will be licensed to incorporate and operate aviation businesses before 2010. In October 2010, the CAAC announced that the suspension of approvals for new Chinese airlines companies would continue for an indefinite time period. However, if the restriction is lifted in the future, we expect that competition from other Chinese airlines on our routes will further intensify.


There are currently over 30 Chinese airlines in mainland China, and our Company competes with many of them on various domestic routes. All of these airlines operate under the regulatory supervision of the CAAC. Our Company, Air China Limited, or Air China, which is based in Beijing and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange, and China Southern Airlines Company Limited, or China Southern, which is based in Guangzhou and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange, are the three leading air carriers in China, both in terms of revenue tonne-kilometers and size of operations.




Each of the domestic airlines competes against other airlines operating the same routes or flying indirect routes to the same destinations. Our principal competitors in the domestic market are China Southern and Air China, which also provide transportation services on some of our routes, principally routes originating from the major air transportation hubs in China, such as Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing. Some of these routes are among our most heavily traveled routes. Since most of the major domestic airlines operate routes from their respective hubs to Shanghai, our Company also competes against virtually all of the major domestic airlines on these routes. In addition, we are facing increasing competition from certain low-cost carriers, such as Spring Airlines, in the domestic market. Spring Airlines competes with us, as it operates daily domestic routes to certain destinations such as Harbin, Shenyang, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Sanya, Kunming and Chongqing, which are covered in our domestic routes. However, we believe we are well-positioned to compete against domestic low-cost carriers due to our expansive route network, competitive pricing, greater availability of flight services to these destinations and strong brand name.


We also face competition from other domestic carriers in our air cargo business. However, we believe our absorption of Shanghai Airlines in early 2010 will strengthen our market positioning within the domestic market, particularly with respect to routes to and from Shanghai. In addition, we believe that relevant air cargo assets of Shanghai Airlines, Great Wall Airlines and Shanghai International Freight Airlines Co., Ltd. have strengthened our competitive position in the domestic air cargo sector. We have also recently initiated a strategy to accelerate the transition of our role from air cargo transportation enterprise to aviation and logistics services provider. On December 26, 2012, we established China Eastern Airlines Logistic Company by merging China Cargo Airlines and Eastern Logistics, which we believe will facilitate our development of services with respect to courier, logistics solutions and aviation trade and on-site logistics services platforms.


Domestic Rail


The PRC government is aggressively implementing the expansion of its domestic high-speed rail network, which will provide train services at a speed of up to 350km per hour connecting major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Qingdao, Guangzhou, Dalian and Hong Kong. The expansion of the coverage of this network and improvements in railway service quality, increased passenger capacity and stations located closer to urban centers than competing airports could enhance the relative competitiveness of the railway service and affect our market share on some of our key routes, in particular our routes of between 500km to 800km. The high-speed railway connecting Beijing and Shanghai commenced operations in July 2011, and has substantially affected our Beijing and Shanghai routes, as well as routes between Shanghai and Jinan, Beijing and Nanjing, Shanghai and Xuzhou, Shanghai and Tianjin and Beijing and Changzhou.


With a PRC national high-speed railway network expected to be established and fully functional sometime in 2013, we will inevitably face increasing competition and pricing pressures from this railway service. Therefore, we have been taking active measures in decreasing the number of short-haul routes that overlap with such high-speed train routes, as well as adjusting certain airfare prices on affected routes, facilitating “air-to-railway” transfers and allocating flight resources to alternative routes or medium-to-long-haul routes that have higher profitability, higher demand and lessened competition. We expect to continue exploring cooperation opportunities with domestic railway authorities, while maintaining and strengthening our other competitive advantages, which include providing high quality services, increasing our pre-sale product promotions and developing our transfer services.




Our Hong Kong routes are highly competitive. The primary competitor on our Hong Kong routes is Cathay Pacific Airways ("Cathay"), and Hong Kong Dragon Airlines Limited ("Dragonair"). We currently operate approximately 21 flight routes between Chinese cities and Hong Kong. Cathay and Dragonair compete with us on several of these routes, particularly the Shanghai-Hong Kong route. We also face competition from Spring Airlines on our ShanghaiHong Kong, Hangzhou-Hong Kong, Nanjing-Hong Kong and Shanghai-Macau routes. The Air Transportation Arrangement signed between the PRC government and the administrative government of Hong Kong in February 2000 provides for equal opportunity for airlines based in Hong Kong and mainland China. As a result, Dragonair has increased the frequency of its flights on several of our Hong Kong routes, resulting in intensified competition. Our Company also faces competition from Dragonair in our Hong Kong cargo operations. Cathay, which owns Dragonair, also cooperates with Air China and operates all passenger services of Cathay and Air China between Hong Kong and mainland China as joint venture routes under code-share and revenue and cost-pooling arrangements. This may further intensify the competition on the routes between Hong Kong and mainland China and impose greater competitive pressure on the other airline companies operating on these routes.


Prior to 2003, there was no direct air link between mainland China and Taiwan. As such, our operations on the regional routes benefited from traffic between Hong Kong and mainland China ultimately originating in Taiwan. Following a series of limited chartered flights operated between a number of mainland Chinese cities and Taiwan, from July 2008, 36 direct flights between Taiwan and mainland China were permitted on weekends from Fridays through Mondays on a regular basis. On December 15, 2008, mainland China and Taiwan commenced direct air and sea transport and postal services, ending a nearly six-decade ban on regular links between the two sides since 1949. Under a historic agreement signed by mainland China and Taiwan in early November 2008, the new air links expanded from weekend charters to a daily service, 108 flights per week in 2008 and approximately 270 and 370 regular direct flights per week in 2009 and 2010, respectively. At the end of 2011, the two sides agreed to increase the total number of flights to 616 per week and to increase the total number of destination airports in mainland China and Taiwan to 50. The two sides also previously agreed to launch chartered cargo flights between two terminals in mainland China, namely, Shanghai Pudong and Guangzhou airports, and two terminals in Taiwan, namely, Taoyuan and Kaohsiung airports. Previously, a substantial number of our passengers travelled on our Hong Kong routes in order to connect flights to and/or from Taiwan. However, with the increasing availability of direct flights between mainland China and Taiwan, we may experience a significant decline in passenger traffic volumes on our Hong Kong routes and, as such, our revenues derived from operating such routes could be materially and adversely affected. We currently operate flights to Taipei from Shanghai, Nanjing, Xi’an, Kunming, Wuhan, Hefei, Nanchang, Ningbo, Taiyuan, Shijiazhuang and Qingdao. Through our absorption of Shanghai Airlines in 2010, we have added three additional direct routes to Taipei from Shanghai, Tianjin and Nanjing. In addition, we signed a strategic framework agreement in April 2010 with China Airlines of Taiwan to cooperate on routes to and from the PRC and Taiwan. However, as one of the several airlines offering Taiwan-mainland China direct flight services, we cannot assure you that our Company has obtained or will continue to be allocated sufficient Taiwan-mainland China routes or that the yields on these routes would be adequate to offset any material adverse effect on our revenues derived from operating our Hong Kong routes.


We previously competed with Air Macau on the Shanghai Pudong-Macau route but ceased to operate that route in October 2008. Air Macau’s routes also provide an alternative to our Hong Kong routes for passengers travelling between Taiwan and mainland China.




We compete with Air China, China Southern and many other well-established foreign carriers on our international routes. Most of our international competitors are very well-known international carriers and are substantially larger than we are and have substantially greater financial resources than we do. Many of our international competitors also have significantly longer operating histories and greater name recognition than we do. Some international passengers, who may perceive these airlines to be safer and provide better service than Chinese airlines in general, may prefer to travel on these airlines. In addition, many of our international competitors have more extensive sales networks and utilize more developed reservation systems than ours, or engage in promotional activities, such as frequent flyer programs, that may be more popular than ours and effectively enhance their ability to attract international passengers.




We also face significant competition in our international cargo operations. Moreover, China and the United States entered into an air service agreement on July 24, 2004. Pursuant to this agreement, five additional airlines from each country are allowed to serve the China-U.S. market over the next few years. Another air transport agreement was signed between China and the United States on July 9, 2007 in order to increase travel and tourism and promote cultural, business and governmental exchanges between China and the United States, as well as to promote the ultimate objective of full liberalization of the bilateral air transport market. A trade services agreement was also signed between China and ASEAN countries in January 2007 and became effective in July 2007 to remove the restrictions on China’s entry into foreign freight markets.


Air China operates the largest number of international routes among all Chinese airlines. Beijing, the hub of Air China’s operations, is the destination for most international flights to China. We primarily compete with Air China, All Nippon Airways, Japan Airlines, and Spring Airlines on our passenger routes to Japan. On our Korean routes, we compete with China Southern Airlines, Air China and Asiana Airlines and Korean Air. Our principal competitors on our flights to Southeast Asia include Thai Airways International, Singapore Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Air Asia and Vietnam Airlines. On our passenger flights to the United States, our principal competitors include Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, American Airlines, Air China and Air Canada. On our European routes, our competitors include Air China, the Air France-KLM Group, Virgin Atlantic Airways, British Airways, Lufthansa German Airlines and Alitalia. We compete with Air China, China Southern Airlines and Qantas Airways on our Australian routes. We compete in the international market on the basis of price, service quality, frequency of scheduled flights and convenient sales arrangements. To improve our competitive position in international markets, we have established additional dedicated overseas sales offices, launched our own frequent flyer program, participated in “Asia Miles”, a popular frequent flyer program in Asia, and entered into code-sharing arrangements with a number of foreign airlines. We have also improved our online reservation and payment system. In 2012, we implemented code-sharing programs covering 274 destinations along 429 routes with SkyTeam member airlines. See “ – Marketing and Sales – SkyTeam Alliance.”


In addition, in June 2011, we joined SkyTeam, an international airlines alliance and frequent flyer mileage program that includes, among others, international carriers such as Delta, China Southern, Alitalia, Air France and KLM. As a member of SkyTeam alliance, our Elite members can enjoy over 525 lounges world-wide.


Maintenance and Safety


The rapid increase in air traffic volume in China in recent years has put pressure on many components of China’s airline industry, including air traffic control systems, the availability of qualified flight personnel and airport facilities. In recent years, the CAAC has placed increasing emphasis on the safety of airline operations in China and has implemented a number of measures aimed at improving the safety record of the airlines. Our ability to provide safe air transportation in the future depends on the availability of qualified and experienced pilots in China and the improvement of maintenance services, national air traffic control and navigational systems and ground control operations at Chinese airports. We have a good safety record and regard the safety of our flights as the most important component of our operations.


Maintenance Capability


Through our cooperation with service providers and ventures with other companies, we currently perform regular repair and maintenance checks on all of our aircraft, which include D1 checks, C checks and other maintenance services for certain aircraft and other flight equipment. We also perform certain maintenance services for other Chinese airlines. Our primary aircraft maintenance base is at Hongqiao International Airport. In 2011, we commenced use of a newly constructed wide-body aviation hangar at Hongqiao International Airport, which can accommodate the maintenance of two of our wide-body aircraft and one narrow-body aircraft. We have additional maintenance bases at Pudong International Airport and some of our provincial hubs. Our maintenance staff in Shanghai supervises the operation of our regional maintenance facilities. We employed approximately 12,698 workers as maintenance and engineering personnel as of December 31, 2012. Some of our aircraft maintenance personnel have participated in the manufacturer training and support programs sponsored by Airbus and Boeing. In order to enhance our maintenance capabilities and to reduce our maintenance costs, we have, over the past few years, acquired additional maintenance equipment, tools and fixtures and other assets, such as airborne testing and aircraft data recovery and analysis equipment. Our avionics equipment is primarily maintained and repaired at our electronic maintenance equipment center located in Shanghai.


 We entered into a joint venture with Honeywell International Inc., formerly Allied Signal Inc., in Shanghai for the purpose of performing maintenance and repairs on aircraft wheel assemblies and brakes. Since October 1997, we have operated a maintenance hangar at Hongqiao International Airport which has the capacity to house two wide-body aircraft. Our Company and Rockwell Collins International Inc. of the United States have also co-established Collins Aviation Maintenance Service Shanghai Limited, which is primarily engaged in the provision of repair and maintenance services for avionics and aircraft in-flight entertainment facilities in China. Our Company and Rockwell Collins International Inc. hold 35% and 65%, respectively, of the equity interests in the joint venture. Moreover, in November 2002, our Company, jointly with Aircraft Engineering Investment Limited, established Shanghai Eastern Aircraft Maintenance Limited, in which our Company holds 60% of the equity interests, to provide supplemental avionics and other maintenance services to our Company. STA, which was established in 2004 by our Company and Singapore Technologies Aerospace Ltd. under a joint venture agreement dated March 10, 2003, also provides us with aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul services.


On November 6, 2007, we entered into a joint venture with United Technologies Corp., or UTC, to establish Shanghai Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Engine Maintenance Co., Ltd., or Pratt & Whitney, for the purpose of performing maintenance and repairs on aircraft engines. Our Company and UTC contributed US$20,145,000 and US$19,355,000, respectively, to the registered capital and hold 51% and 49%, respectively, of the equity interests in the joint venture. Moreover, after our absorption of Shanghai Airlines, we took over its 15% equity interest in Boeing Shanghai Aviation Services Co., Ltd. (“Boeing Shanghai”). As of December 31, 2012, Boeing (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Shanghai Airport (Group) Co., Ltd. and Boeing (Asia) Services Investment Limited hold 35.3%, 25.0% and 24.7%, respectively, of the remaining equity interest. Boeing Shanghai was founded in 2006 with a registered capital of US$85,000,000, and operates a maintenance hangar with the capacity to provide aircraft modification and maintenance services for two wide-body aircraft and one narrow-body aircraft and provides aircraft modification and maintenance services. In addition, we also hold 50% of Shanghai Airlines’ previous equity interest in Shanghai Hute Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Hute”). The remaining equity interest is held by Sichuan Haite High-Tech Co., Ltd. Shanghai Hute was founded in 2003 with a registered capital of RMB30,000,000, and provides maintenance services for aviation equipment. The enhancement of our maintenance capabilities allows our Company to perform various maintenance operations in-house and continue to maintain lower spare parts inventory levels.




The provision of safe and reliable air services for all of our customers is one of our primary operational objectives. We implement uniform safety standards and safety-related training programs in all operations. Our flight safety management division monitors and supervises our Company’s flight safety. We have had a flight safety committee since the commencement of our business, comprised of members of our senior management, to formulate policies and implement routine safety checks at our Shanghai headquarters and all provincial hubs. The flight safety committee meets monthly to review our overall operation safety record during the most recent quarter and to adopt measures to improve flight safety based upon these reviews. We have also implemented an employee incentive program, using a system of monetary rewards and discipline, to encourage compliance with the CAAC safety standards and our safety procedures. We periodically evaluate the skills, experience and safety records of our pilots in order to maintain strict control over the quality of our pilot crews. In 2011, we were awarded the “Flight Safety Five-star Award” by CAAC for our commitment to aviation and operations safety.




In 2012, we continued to strengthen our Safety Management System ("SMS"). We issued work implementation plans that provided specific measures to address risks such as lighting strikes, hard aircraft landings and communication systems failures. In addition, we established the Nantong Airport training base to provide additional training programs for our flight crews. Furthermore, we formulated the “Assessment and Remuneration Packages of Star-rating flight Crew Members”, which commenced star-rating assessment of all flight crew members in terms of flight safety, flight quality, discipline and provision of services.


The management of each of our provincial hub operations is responsible for the flight safety operations at the respective hub under the supervision of our flight safety management division. We prepare monthly safety bulletins detailing recent developments in safety practices and procedures and distribute them to each of our flight crew, the maintenance department and the flight safety management department. The CAAC also requires our Company to prepare and submit semi-annual and annual flight safety reports.


All of our jet passenger aircraft pilots participated in the manufacturer training and support programs sponsored by Airbus and Boeing and are required to undergo recurrent flight simulator training and to participate in a flight theory course periodically. We use flight simulators for A300-600R, A320 and A330/340 aircraft at our own training facility, the training facility located in the CAAC training center or overseas training facilities.




With respect to our internal policies on cyber-security and internet safety, we have established an information safety management system and issued internal regulations on cyber-security, internal hardware and data safety systems to prevent loss of information due to cyber-security incidents, network outages or hardware incidents. We also plan to implement measures relating to the office environment information safety management and information system emergency management, information system access control, protection from any malicious software, management of information exchange tools and internal review and audit of information safety risks. Furthermore, we have entered into a strategic cooperation plan with the China Information Technology Security Evaluation Center by which their trained engineers evaluate our internal data security policies and cyber-security measures. In 2012, we established and announced two internal regulations relating to cyber-security, namely, China Eastern Airlines Information Security Management Regulation, and China Eastern Airlines Information System Application and Development Safety Regulation, which we believe will strengthen our information safety management systems and overall cyber-security defenses. During the year ended December 31, 2012, we did not experience any material cyber-security incidents or related losses.


Fuel Supplies


Fuel costs represented approximately 36.10% of our operating expenses in 2012. We currently purchase a significant portion of the aviation fuel for our domestic routes from regional branches of the CAOSC. Fuel costs in China are affected by costs at domestic refineries and limitations in the transportation infrastructure, as well as by insufficient storage facilities for aviation fuel in certain regions of China. Fuel prices at six designated major airports in China, namely, the airports in Shanghai Pudong, Shanghai Hongqiao, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Tianjin, are set and adjusted once a month by the CAAC in accordance with prevailing fuel prices on the international market. For our international routes, we purchase a portion of our aviation fuel from foreign fuel suppliers located at the destinations of these routes, generally at international market prices.


In 2012, we consumed approximately 4.2 million tonnes of fuel, an increase of 7.2% from 2011. Our aviation fuel expenditures reached RMB29,872 million (based on value-added tax), representing an increase of 2.20% from RMB29,229 million last year, as a result of the expansion of our operations and an increase of approximately 2.14% in the average weighted price of aviation fuel in 2012. We implemented the policy of transformation from business tax to value-added tax in 2012. If calculated in line with the business tax, aviation fuel costs for 2012 grew by 9.52% from last year, and the increase in price of jet fuel increased aviation fuel expenditures by approximately RMB671 million. The increase in aviation fuel consumption resulted in an increase in aviation fuel expenditures of approximately RMB2,111 million. Jet fuel prices were volatile in 2011 and into 2012, with heightened political tensions between certain Middle Eastern countries and the United States, as well as continued political instability and turmoil in certain Middle Eastern countries. While there was a slight increase during the first quarter of 2012, fuel prices began decreasing and reached its lowest point in July 2012 since January 2012. However, from August to October, the fuel prices gradually returned to the same price level as in the first quarter of 2012. We cannot assure you that fuel prices will not further fluctuate in the future. Further, due to the highly competitive nature of the airline industry and government regulation on airfare pricing, we may be unable to fully or effectively pass on to our customers any increased fuel costs we may encounter in the future. However, we intend to continue focusing on enhancing our jet fuel procurement policies and developing additional internal cost-control measures, which include streamlining the number of aircraft models in our fleet and optimizing route structures, which we believe will enable us to control our fuel costs.


Ground Facilities and Services


The center of our operations is Shanghai, one of China’s principal air transportation hubs. Our Shanghai operations are based at Hongqiao International Airport and Pudong International Airport. We currently also operate from various other airports in China, including Yaoqiang Airport in Jinan, Lukou Airport in Nanjing, Liuting Airport in Qingdao, Luogang Airport in Hefei, Changbei Airport in Nanchang, Wushu Airport in Taiyuan, Zhengding Airport in Shijiazhuang, Lishe Airport in Ningbo, Tianhe Airport in Wuhan, Wujiaba Airport in Kunming and Xianyang Airport in Xi’an. We own hangars, aircraft parking and other airport service facilities at these airports, and also provide ground services in these locations. We lease from CEA Holding certain buildings at Hongqiao International Airport where our principal executive offices are located.


We have our own ground services and other operational services, such as aircraft cleaning and refueling and the handling of passengers and cargo for our operations at Hongqiao International Airport and Pudong International Airport. We also provide ground services for many other airlines that operate to and from Hongqiao International Airport and Pudong International Airport.


In-flight meals and other catering services for our Shanghai-originated flights are provided primarily by Shanghai Eastern Air Catering Limited Liability Company, a joint venture company affiliated with CEA Holding. We generally contract with local catering companies for flights originating from other airports.


We incur certain airport usage fees and other charges for services performed by the airports from which we operate flights, such as air traffic control charges, take-off and landing fees, aircraft parking fees and fees payable in connection with the use of passenger waiting rooms and check-in counter space. At domestic airports, such fees are generally charged at rates prescribed by the CAAC, which are lower than rates generally in effect at airports outside China.




Marketing And Sales


Passenger Operations


Our marketing strategy with respect to passenger operations is primarily aimed at increasing our market share for all categories of air travelers. With respect to our Hong Kong and international routes, we are permitted to market our services on the basis of price. We have limited flexibility in setting our airfares for domestic routes and adjust our domestic airfares in response to market demand. As part of our overall marketing strategy, we emphasize our commitment to safety and service quality. We believe that emphasis on safety is a critical component of our ability to compete successfully.


We have also adopted customized strategies to market our services to particular travelers. We seek to establish long-term customer relationships with business entities that have significant air travel requirements. In order to attract and retain business travelers, we focus on the frequency of flights between major business centers, convenient transit services and an extensive sales network. We launched our initial frequent flyer program in 1998 and joined the “Asia Miles” frequent flyer program in April 2001 to attract and retain travelers. In August 2003, we upgraded and rebranded our frequent flyer program to “Eastern Miles” and introduced a series of new services, including, among others, instant registration of membership and mileage, online registration of mileage, and accumulation of mileage on expenses at certain hotels, restaurants and other service providers that are our strategic partners. As a result of our continual efforts to develop the “Eastern Miles” program, the number of members of the frequent flyer program reached over 18 million in 2012. The special services hotline “95530” call center was established and came into operation in 2004. In addition, in 2012, we further expanded our marketing efforts to certain travelers by offering four frequent-flyer products that target different levels of demand and consumption, which include the "Eastern Premium", which provides concierge-style services to business travelers; "Eastern Privileges", which provide door-to-door services for potential high-net worth travelers; "Eastern Far Reach", which provides services to special-needs travelers; and "Eastern Shuttle", which provides travelers bound for Yunnan with itinerary design, transit and other value-added services.


In light of the expansion of national high-speed railway network, we have cooperated with the Shanghai Railway Bureau to launch “Air-Rail Pass Transportation” products in 13 cities in the Yangtze River Delta including Nanjing, Hangzhou and Suzhou in 2012. Our domestic and international flights together with its high-speed railway products at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport and Shanghai Pudong International Airport have formed a air-rail two-way transportation product, which has helped us broaden our customer resources. Meanwhile, in response to the low seasons, we have launched travel products such as “Journey to the Three Regions in Southern China” (Yunnan, Hainan and Jiangnan) and “Journey to the West” (trip to greater western China via Xi’an), which has effectively enhanced passenger load factor for flights during low seasons.


In terms of our customer resources, we have actively explored and expanded our customer base of high-end business travelers to accelerate the development of group clients. In 2012, we added over 200 group clients, of which 15 are global group clients, and the total number of our group clients amounts to over 4,500. In addition, we have fully promoted the expansion of Eastern Miles membership. In order to attract more members and to provide members with better experience in terms of diversity, comprehensiveness and flexibility, we have strengthened our cooperation with retail store owners by increasing the number of co-operative stores to 74, covering various industries such as financial services, hotel, car rental and health services. Our Eastern Miles members may accumulate and redeem points in these retail stores and the total number of exchangeable goods through this program has increased to over 850 items. By the end of 2012, we had over 3 million new Eastern Miles members, with a total of 18 million members.


Our advertising, marketing and other promotional activities include the use of radio, television and print advertisements. We plan to continue to use advertising and promotional campaigns to increase sales on new routes and competitive routes.


Ticket Booking Systems


In 2002 and again in 2012, we upgraded our online ticket booking and payment system to facilitate customer purchases of tickets via the Internet. In 2012, we also expedited the construction of nine overseas websites in a variety of languages. Currently, our global website covers North America, Australia, Europe and Asia Pacific. We continue to encourage our customers to book and purchase tickets via the Internet by initiating various promotional campaigns and upgrading and expanding the services offered by our online sales system. In 2012, we introduced "China Eastern Mobile E", a smartphone application that provides mobile flight booking, flight status and online checking services, which we believe will provide our customers with additional convenient, value-added services.


We also maintain an extensive domestic network of sales agents and representatives in order to promote in-person ticket sales and to assist customers. The majority of our airline tickets are sold by domestic and international sales agents. Our tickets are sold throughout China through over 8,400 large and mid-sized sales agencies and travel agencies who have contractual relationships with us. Currently, our direct domestic ticket sales are handled primarily through employees based at our ticket counters located at airports such as Hongqiao International Airport and Pudong International Airport in Shanghai and in Anhui, Zhejiang, Shandong and Yunnan provinces, as well as at airports in Beijing, Chengdu, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Xiamen and Yantai. Direct sales are also promoted through the availability of our telephone reservation and confirmation services. In addition to our domestic sales agents located in various cities in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, we maintain overseas sales or representative offices worldwide, including: (i) North American locations such as Honolulu, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Vancouver; (ii) European and Middle Eastern locations such as Frankfurt, Hamburg London, Moscow, Paris, Rome, Madrid, Brussels and Munich; (iii) Asia-Pacific locations such as Seoul, Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Sapporo, Niigata, Fukushima, Okinawa, Shizuoka, Kanazawa, Toyama, Nagasaki, Kagoshima, Okayama, Matsuyama, Singapore, Bangkok, Phuket, New Delhi, Kolkata, Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Minh, Bali, Dubai, Dhaka, Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Vientiane, Yangon, Mandalay, Kathmandu and Maldives; and (iv) Australian locations such as Melbourne and Sydney. We maintain around 50 overseas sales or representative offices as of December 31, 2012.


As of June 1, 2008, we stopped issuing paper tickets for air travel in accordance with a mandate from the International Air Transport Association (“IATA”). The IATA represents approximately 240 airlines and comprises approximately 94% of scheduled international air traffic. As a result of the mandate, we now issue electronic itineraries and receipts as well as electronic tickets to our passengers. We believe the transition to 100% electronic ticketing will decrease administrative costs and increase flexibility and travel options for passengers in addition to benefiting the environment through the reduced need for paper. All of our direct passenger ticket sales are recorded on our computer systems. Most Chinese airlines, including us, are required to use the passenger reservation service system provided by the CAAC’s computer information management center, which is linked with the computer systems of major Chinese commercial airlines. We have also entered into membership agreements with several international reservation systems, including ABACUS, the largest computer reservation system in southeast Asia, TOPAS of Korea, SABRE, GALILEO and WORLDSPAN of the United States, AMADEUS of Europe, INFINI and AXESS of Japan and Sirena-Travel of Russia, which have made it easier for customers and sales agents to make reservations and purchase tickets for our international flights.


SkyTeam Alliance


We officially joined SkyTeam, an international airlines alliance and frequent flyer mileage program that includes international carriers such as, among others, Delta, China Southern, Alitalia, Air France and KLM, on June 21, 2011. As of the date of this Annual Report, we have entered into frequent flyer and airport lounges agreements with 19 SkyTeam member airlines and implemented code-sharing programs covering 274 destinations along 429 routes with SkyTeam member airlines, as well as 130 destinations along 142 routes with non-SkyTeam member airlines, which has further broadened the coverage of the Group’s route network.




By connecting to the route networks of other SkyTeam member airlines, we are able to offer its passengers seamless transit to over 1000 destinations in 187 countries under a single plane ticket with direct luggage services. Passengers may also enjoy the comfort of more than 490 VIP airport lounges of SkyTeam around the world. The entry of our Company as well as Shanghai Airlines into SkyTeam became effective on June 21, 2011. We believe this will be another benefit for our passengers, as they will be afforded additional flight options and frequent flyer mileage benefits through our SkyTeam alliance partners. In addition, our Company will benefit from possible codeshare and cooperative flight options, reduced costs and increased alliance-related marketing and promotion overseas.


Cargo Operations


We maintain a network of cargo sales agents domestically and internationally. We and our cooperative partners in our cargo operations have established domestic cargo sales offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen and other major transportation hubs in China, and international cargo sales offices in various locations in the U.S., Europe and the Asia-Pacific Region. In 2005, we established our northern China, southern China, southeastern China and overseas sales management centers to improve coordination among our sales offices. In addition, we work closely with two major international freight forwarders, DHL Global Forwarding Co., Ltd. (“DHL Global”) and E.I. Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. (“EI”), to operate international cargo lines that originate from Shanghai. We have entered into global rewards agreements with DHL Global and EI, granting them certain incentive rewards for increases in freight volume.


In 2012, we established a global freight transportation command center, which enables us to fully control and manage our operations at over 58 freight terminals, as well as implemented certain international quality benchmarks in accordance with Cargo2000, a quality control management standard for international aviation freight transportation operations, which we will believe will enable us to strengthen the cargo transportation services that we are able to provide.


Our subsidiary, China Cargo Airlines, formally signed a letter of intent on June 6, 2012 to join SkyTeam Cargo, currently the world’s only airline cargo alliance, which will enable it to further expand its cargo network coverage, strengthen its transit capacity, provide better and more efficient ground services, while lowering operational costs. We expect China Cargo Airlines to receive formal SkyTeam Cargo membership in late 2013.


 Tourism and Travel Services, Logistics Services and Ancillary Activities


In addition to our airline operations, we also generate commission revenues from tickets sold on behalf of other airlines. Commission rates for these sales are determined by the CAAC and are based on the price of the tickets sold. In December 2003, we acquired 10% of SEDC’s then equity interest and 35% of CEA Holding’s then equity interest in Shanghai Dong Mei Aviation Travel Corporation Limited, a company that is primarily engaged in the business of selling air tickets, hotel reservation, travel agency and other related services.


With our subsidiary, Shanghai Airlines, we derive revenue from tourism and travel services through Shanghai Airlines Tours International (Group) Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Tours”). Shanghai Tours provides various business and leisure travel services, including inbound, outbound and domestic travel, conference and exhibition planning, flight chartering and plane ticket reservation, tour bus and hotel reservation and other related services. Shanghai Tours is a member of the China Association of Travel Services and Shanghai Association of Tourism (International and Domestic Travel Services divisions), as well as a member of Shanghai Association of Quality, and has been admitted into many international travel organizations including the IATA. Shanghai Tours has won several awards as a travel services provider, as well as awards and honors for its professional staff and vacation package offerings.


We also derive revenues from the provision of airport ground services for airlines operating to or from Hongqiao International Airport and Pudong International Airport, including aircraft cleaning, loading, unloading, storage and ground transportation of cargo and passenger luggage. At present we are the principal provider of these services at Hongqiao International Airport and Pudong International Airport. We provide these services to foreign carriers generally pursuant to one-year renewable contracts. In 2012, we generated net revenues of approximately RMB2,119 million from our airport ground services and cargo handling services (2011:RMB2,383 million; 2010:RMB2,631 million).


We have other ancillary activities, including investments in other industrial projects and provision consulting services under Shanghai Eastern Airlines Investment Co., Ltd. Along with CEA Holding, we also established China Eastern Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd., which is primarily engaged in the real estate business, including the development and sales of commercial premises and property leasing in Shanghai, China.


In 2012, we leveraged on our internal resources to establish a business platform that provides diversified logistics and management solutions and services under the Shanghai Eastern Airlines Logistics Co., Ltd. ("Eastern Logistics"), which includes the integrated operations of China Cargo Airlines and Shanghai Far Eastern Airlines Logistics Co., Ltd. Eastern Logistics is expected to engage in shipping agency, ground cargo handling, logistics, road freight transport (general freight), warehousing and property management. We believe Eastern Logistics will enable us to develop new revenue sources and diversify our ancillary operations, while responding to customer demand for one-stop cargo transportation and logistics services. See "Item 7. Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions."


Patents and Trademarks


We own or have obtained licenses to use various domestic and foreign patents, patent applications and trademarks related to our business. While patents, patent applications and trademarks are important to our competitive position, no single one is material to us as a whole.  In addition, we own various trademarks related to our business. The most important trademark is the service trademark of China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited. All of our trademarks are registered in China.




The CAAC purchases fleet insurance from PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited ("PICC"), and China Pacific Property Insurance Company Ltd., on behalf of all Chinese airlines. PICC has reinsured a substantial portion of its aircraft insurance business through Lloyd’s of London. The fleet insurance is subject to certain deductibles. The premium payable in connection with the insurance is allocated among all Chinese airlines based on the aircraft owned or leased by these airlines. Under the relevant PRC laws, the maximum civil liability of Chinese airlines for injuries to passengers traveling on domestic flights has been increased to RMB400,000 per passenger in March 2006, for which our Company also purchases insurance. As of July 31, 2006, the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air of 1999, or Montreal Convention, became effective in China. Under the Montreal Convention, carriers of international flights are strictly liable for proven damages up to 100,000 Special Drawing Rights and beyond that, carriers are only able to exclude liability if they can prove that the damage was not due to negligence or other wrongful act of the carrier (and its agents) or if the damage solely arose from the negligence or other wrongful act of a third party. We believe that we maintain adequate insurance coverage for the civil liability that can be imposed due to injuries to passengers under Chinese law, the Montreal Convention and any agreement we are subject to. We also maintain hull all risk, hull war risk and aircraft legal liability insurance, including third party liability insurance, of the types and in amounts customary for Chinese airlines. See also “Item 3. Key Information — Risk Factors — Risks Relating to the Company — Our insurance coverage and costs have increased substantially, and could have an adverse effect on our operations” for more information on our Company’s insurance coverage.”




 C. Organizational Structure


See the section headed “Item 4. Information on the Company — History and Development of the Company”.


D. Property, Plant And Equipment




As of December 31, 2012, we operated a fleet of 428 aircraft, including 397 passenger aircraft, most with a seating capacity of over 100 seats, 19 freighters and 12 business aircraft in custody. In 2012, we completed: (i) the purchase and finance-lease of a total of 31 aircraft, including five A321 aircraft, ten A320 aircraft, six A330–200 aircraft, seven A319 aircraft, two B737–700 aircraft and one B737–800 aircraft; (ii) the operating- lease of 18 aircraft, including nine A320 aircraft and nine B737–800 aircraft; and (iii) the retirement of ten aircraft, including disposal of five A340–300 aircraft and one Hawker800 aircraft; and surrender of the lease of two A319 aircraft, one B737–800 aircraft and one B737–700 aircraft.


On April 27, 2012, we entered into a purchase agreement with Boeing Company in Shanghai, China regarding the purchase of 20 Boeing B777- 300ER aircraft. On the same date, we entered into a disposal agreement with Boeing Company regarding the disposal of five Airbus A340-600 aircraft. On November 23, 2012, we entered into a purchase agreement with Airbus SAS in Shanghai, China regarding the purchase of 60 Airbus A320 series aircraft. On the same date, we entered into a disposal agreement with Airbus SAS regarding the disposal of eight CRJ aircraft and ten EMB aircraft. For details, please refer to the announcements furnished to the SEC on Form 6-K dated April 27, 2012 and November 23, 2012. We plan to continue to expand our scale in 2013 and to adjust and optimize our route network, thereby increasing our competitiveness and ability to create more attractive products and services to meet the needs of the market.


Existing Fleet


As of December 31, 2012, we had a fleet of 428 aircraft, including 397 passenger aircraft each with a seating capacity of over 100 seats, 19 freighters and 12 business aircraft in custody. The following table sets forth the details of our fleet as of December 31, 2012:


of Aircraft
   Number of
Number of
Age (in
years) (1)
Jet Passenger Aircraft:                         
A340-600   5    5        322    8.3 
A330-300   15    8    7    300    5.0 
A330-200   7    10    3    264    4.0 
A300-600R   7    7        271    17.3 
B767   7    6    1    253    11.0 
A321   27    27        177    4.1 
A320   131    98    33    158    6.7 
A319   20    12    8    122    9.0 
B737-800   73    17    56    164    4.6 
B737-700   55    37    18    134    6.6 
B757-200   10    5    5    184    6.4 
B737-300   16    16        136    16.4 
EMB 145LR   10    10        50    5.5 
CRJ-200   8    8        50    10 
Total Passenger Aircraft:   397    266    131    N/A    N/A 
Cargo Aircraft:                         
MD-11F   3        3        4.6 
A300-600R   3    3            21.8 
B747   5    2    3        4.8 
B757-200F   2        2        5.7 
B777F   6        6        1.5 
Total Cargo Aircraft:   19    5    14    N/A    N/A 
Total number of passenger aircraft and freighters   416    271    145    N/A    N/A 
    No. of custody                
Business Aircraft   12                     
Total Fleet   428                     


(1)The average aircraft age is weighted by the number of available seats.




Our daily average aircraft utilization rate was 9.8 hours in 2012, remaining the same as in 2011. The table below sets forth the daily average utilization rates of our jet passenger aircraft for each of the three years ended December 31, 2012:


   2010   2011   2012 
   (in hours)         
A340-600   11.9    12.0    12.3 
A330-300   9.4    9.4    9.2 
A330-200   13.8    14    13.7 
A300-600   8.5    8.1    7.5 
B767-300   9.1    10.2    10.8 
A321   9.6    9.5    9.1 
A320   10    10.3    10.3 
A319   9.5    9.2    8.5 
B737-800   10.3    10.1    10.3 
B737-700   9.7    9.9    9.9 
B737-300   9.3    9.4    9.0 
EMB 145   8.3    9.7    9.7 
CRJ-200   6.6    6.7    5.9 
B757-200   8.9    8.3    7.9 
Total Passenger Aircraft Average    9.7    9.8    9.9 


Most of our jet passenger aircraft were manufactured by either Airbus or Boeing. Our Airbus A340-600 aircraft are primarily used for our routes to the United States, Europe, Korea and other international destinations, including Los Angeles, New York, London, Paris, Seoul, and Bangkok, and on major domestic routes to cities. Our Airbus A330 aircraft are primarily used for our Beijing-Shanghai and Singapore, Australia, India, Japan and Korea routes. Our Airbus A320 and Boeing B737 aircraft are suitable for middle and short distance flights and are primarily used for our domestic routes. Our Airbus A320 aircraft are also used primarily on our Hong Kong routes. Our EMB145LR and CRJ-200 aircraft are mainly used on our domestic short-distance routes.


Our MD-11F, A300-600R, B777F and B747-400ER aircraft are used for our cargo operations and carry cargo to the United States, Europe and Japan.


Future Fleet Development


Our aircraft acquisition program focuses on aircraft that will modernize and rationalize our fleet to better meet the anticipated requirements of our route structure, taking into account aircraft size and fuel efficiency. Our aircraft acquisition program, however, is subject to the approval of the CAAC and the NDRC. The following table summarizes our currently anticipated introduction and retirement of aircraft from 2013 to 2017 as of December 31, 2012:


  2013E   2014E   2015E   2016E   2017E 
Model  Introduction   Retirement   Introduction   Retirement   Introduction   Retirement   Introduction   Retirement   Introduction   Retirement 
A320 Series   22    4    26    -    31    -    20    -    15    - 
A330 Series   8    -    8    -    7    -    -    -    -    - 
A340 Series   -    -    -    1    -    4    -    -    -    - 
B737NG   26    5    24    -    35    -    15    -    -    - 
B757   -    -    -    1    -    1    -    -    -    - 
B777-300ER   -    -    4    -    5    -    5    -    3    - 
Regional Aircraft   -    -    -    8    -    5    -    5    -    - 
A300-600F   -    3    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
B747   -    -    -    1    -    1    -    -    -    1 
B757F   -    -    -    -    -    2    -    -    -    - 
MD11   -    2    -    -    -    0    -    -    -    - 
Total   56    14    62    11    78    13    40    5    18    1 


The actual quantity and time for the introduction and retirement of any of these aircraft or any additional aircraft may depend on such factors as general economic conditions, the levels of prevailing interest rates, foreign exchange rates, the level of inflation, credit conditions in the domestic and international markets, conditions in the aviation industry in China and globally, our financial condition and results of operations, our financing requirements, the terms of any financing arrangements, such as finance leases, and other capital requirements. We believe that our aircraft acquisition plan will help us accomplish our expansion plans while maintaining an efficient fleet and ensuring alternative sources of supply.


Fleet Financing Arrangements


We generally acquire aircraft through either long-term capital leases or operating leases. Under the terms of most capital leases, we generally are obligated to make lease payments that finance most of the purchase price of the aircraft over the lease term. Upon the expiration of the lease term, we must either purchase the aircraft at a specified price or pay any amount by which such price exceeds the proceeds from the disposition of the aircraft to third parties. Alternatively, some capital leases provide for ownership of the aircraft to pass to us upon satisfaction of the final lease payment. Under capital leases, aircraft are generally leased for approximately the whole of their estimated working life, and the leases are either non-cancelable or cancelable only on a payment of a major penalty by the lessee. As a result, we bear substantially all of the economic risks and rewards of ownership of the aircraft held under capital leases. Operating leases, however, are customarily cancelable by the lessee on short notice and without major penalty. Leases in which a significant portion of the risks and rewards of ownership are retained by the lessor are classified as operating leases.


Operating Facilities


Our Company (including subsidiaries and branches) had operations on 39 parcels of land, occupying a total area of approximately 1.8 million square meters, as of December 31, 2012. In addition, as of December 31, 2012, our Company (including subsidiaries and branches) owned approximately 1,618 buildings with a total gross floor area of approximately 639,802.37 square meters. Our Company and major subsidiaries have obtained the land use rights certificates and building ownership certificates for certain parcels of land and buildings, and are currently in the process of applying for the certificates with respect to the remaining parcels and buildings.


Item 4A.                Unresolved Staff Comments




Item 5.                  Operating and Financial Review and Prospects


You should read the following discussion in conjunction with our audited consolidated financial statements, together with the related notes, included elsewhere in this Annual Report. Our consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS. This discussion may include forward-looking statements based upon current expectations that involve risks and uncertainties. Our actual results may differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including those set forth under “Item 3. Key information — D. Risk Factors” or in other parts of this Annual Report.






Our primary business is the provision of domestic, regional (which includes Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) and international passenger and cargo airline services. Our overall capacity on an available tonne kilometer, or ATK, basis increased by 5.7%, from 18,662.5 ATKs in 2011 to 19,721.4 ATKs in 2012, and our passenger capacity on an available seat kilometer, or ASK, basis increased by 6.9%, from 127,890.8 ASKs in 2011 to 136,724.0 ASKs in 2012. Total traffic on a revenue tonne kilometer, or RTK, basis increased by 7.5%, from 13,402.1 RTKs in 2011 to 14,406.5 RTKs in 2012.


The historical results of operations discussed in this Annual Report may not be indicative of our future operating performance. Like those of other airlines, our operations depend substantially on overall passenger and cargo traffic volumes and are subject to seasonal and other variations that may influence passenger travel demand and cargo volume and may not be under our control, including unusual political events, changes in the domestic and global economies and other unforeseen events. Our operations will be affected by, among other things, fluctuations in aviation fuel prices, aircraft acquisition and leasing costs, maintenance expenses, take-off and landing charges, wages, salaries and benefits, other operating expenses and the rates of income taxes paid.


 Our financial performance is also significantly affected by factors associated with operating in a highly regulated industry, as well as a number of other external variables, including political and economic conditions in China, competition, foreign exchange fluctuations and public perceptions of the safety of air travel with Chinese airlines. Because nearly every aspect of our airline operations is subject to the regulation of the CAAC, our operating revenues and expenses are directly affected by the CAAC regulations with respect to, among other things, domestic airfares, level of commissions paid to sales agents, the aviation fuel price, take-off and landing charges and route allocations. The nature and extent of airline competition and the ability of Chinese airlines to expand are also significantly affected by various CAAC regulations and policies. Changes in the CAAC’s regulatory policies, or in the implementation of such policies, are therefore likely to have a significant impact on our future operations.


Operating Segments


The Company presents segment information in a manner that is similar to the management’s internal reporting. The Company is principally engaged in the operation of civil aviation, including the provision of passenger, cargo and other extended transportation services and are managed as a single business unit. The Company has one reportable operating segment, reported as “airline transportation operations”. See Note 7 to our audited consolidated financial statements.




We entered into an agreement with Shanghai Airlines on July 10, 2009 to issue a maximum of 1,694,838,860 A Shares to the shareholders of Shanghai Airlines in exchange for all existing issued shares of Shanghai Airlines. The acquisition price was RMB9,118 million, which was determined based on the quoted market price of our shares issued as of the date nearest to the acquisition date, with adjustments to reflect specific restrictions to certain shares that were issued. On January 28, 2010, we completed the exchange of 1,694,838,860 A Shares for all existing issued shares of Shanghai Airlines and Shanghai Airlines became a wholly-owned subsidiary of our Company.


A.Operating Results


The following tables set forth our summary income statement and balance sheet data as of and for the years indicated:


       Year Ended December 31, 
   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012 
   RMB   RMB   RMB   RMB   RMB 
       (in millions, except per share data) 
Summary Income Statement Data (IFRS)                         
Revenues   41,073    38,989    73,804    82,403    85,253 
Other operating income   672    1,288    658    1,062    1,720 
Operating expenses   (56,828)   (38,456)   (68,765)   (79,292)   (82,745)
Operating profit/(loss)   (15,083)   1,821    5,697    4,173    4,228 
Finance (costs)/income, net   (267)   (1,549)   (347)   561    (1,349)
Profit/(loss) before income tax   (15,256)   249    5,418    4,841    3,012 
Profit/(loss) for the year attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company   (15,269)   169    4,958    4,576    2,954 
Earnings/(loss) per share attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company (1)   (3.14)   0.03    0.44    0.41    0.26 


   As of December 31, 
   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012 
   RMB   RMB   RMB   RMB   RMB 
   (in millions) 
Summary Balance Sheet Data (IFRS)                         
Cash and cash equivalents   3,451    1,735    3,078    3,861    2,512 
Net current liabilities   (43,458)   (28,648)   (27,184)   (29,679)   (35,948)
Non-current assets   62,652    64,988    91,254    101,031    111,144 
Long term borrowings, including current portion   (15,628)   (16,928)   (27,373)   (30,321)   (32,856)
Obligations under finance leases, including current portion   (20,809)   (19,370)   (19,208)   (20,261)   (21,858)
Total share capital and reserves attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company   (13,097)   1,235    15,271    20,126    22,926 
Non-current liabilities   (31,833)   (34,665)   (47,508)   (49,547)   (50,642)
Total assets less current liabilities   16,204    36,341    64,069    71,352    75,196 


(1)The calculation of loss per share for 2008 is based on the consolidated loss attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company and 4,866,950,000 shares in issue. The calculation of earnings per share for 2009 is based on the consolidated profit attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company divided by the weighted average number of shares of 6,436,828,000; The calculation of earnings per share for 2010 is based on the consolidated profit attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company divided by the weighted average number of 11,149,426,000 ordinary shares outstanding. The calculation of earnings per share for 2011 and 2012 are based on consolidated profit attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company divided by the weighted average number of 11,276,538,860 ordinary shares outstanding.




2012 Compared to 2011




Our revenues increased by 3.5%, from RMB82,403 million in 2011 to RMB85,253 million in 2012 (net of the applicable PRC business tax). Revenues increased in our passenger business operation, primarily due to increased passenger demand, aircraft utilization rates and increase in scheduled flights, while revenue decreased in our cargo and mail business operation, primarily due to a general slowdown of the global economy that affected cargo demand and, consequently, our cargo volumes.


In 2012, we transported a total of 73,077 million passengers, representing an increase of 6.3%, from 68,725 million passengers in 2011. Our total passenger traffic (as measured in RPKs) increased by 8.1%, from 100,895 million passenger-kilometers in 2011 to 109,113 million passenger-kilometers in 2012 and our total cargo and mail traffic (as measured in RFTKs) increased by 6.3%, from 4,421 million freight tonne-kilometers in 2011 to 4,701 million freight tonne-kilometers in 2012. Our average yield for our passenger operations decreased by 4.4%, from RMB0.68 per passenger-kilometer in 2011 to RMB0.65 per passenger-kilometer in 2012 primarily due to increased yields resulting the PRC transportation industry-wise conversion from business tax to value-added tax, effective January 1, 2012.


Our average yield for our cargo and mail operations decreased by 6.4%, from RMB1.83 per tonne-kilometer in 2011 to RMB1.71 per tonne-kilometer in 2012, primarily due to the general slowdown of the global economy that affected cargo demand and, consequently, our cargo volumes.


The following chart sets forth our revenue breakdown for 2011 and 2012:


                2012 vs. 2011  
    Year Ended December 31,     Increase     % Increase  
    2011     2012     (Decrease)     (Decrease)  
    (in millions of RMB)  
Traffic revenues (1)     76,514       79,444       2,930       3.8  
Passenger     68,434       71,419       2,985       4.4  
Passenger revenue excluding fuel surcharges     60,383       61,038       655       1.1  
Fuel surcharges     8,051       10,381       2,330       28.9  
Cargo and mail     8,080       8,025       (55 )     (0.7 )
Cargo and mail revenue excluding fuel surcharges     5,482       5,237       (245 )     (4.5 )
Fuel surcharges     2,598       2,788       190       7.3  
Others (2)     5,889       5,809       (80 )     (1.4 )
Total Operating Revenue     82,403       85,253       2,850       3.5  


(1)Before January 1, 2012, the major elements of our revenues were subject to business tax levied at rates of 3% or 5%. Pursuant to the Notice of Exemption of Business Tax on the Provision of International Transportation Services (Cai Shui [2010] No. 8), jointly issued by the MOF and the SAT, our revenues from the provision of international transportation services were exempt from business tax as of January 1, 2010. Pursuant to the Notice of the Pilot Program for the Transformation of Transportation and Certain Modern Service Industries in Shanghai from Business Tax (“BT”) to Value Added Tax (“VAT”) (Cai Shui [2011] No. 111), issued by the MOF and SAT (the "Shanghai Notice"), traffic revenue of the Company and subsidiaries located in Shanghai and other revenues (including ground service income, cargo handling income, commission income and certain other income) generated in Shanghai are subjected to VAT levied at rates of 11% or 6% from January 1, 2012, rather than BT rates.


Pursuant to the Notice of the Pilot Program for the Transformation of Transportation and Certain Modern Service Industries from BT to VAT in Beijing and Eight Other Provinces and Cities (Cai Shui [2012] No.71), issued by MOF and SAT (the "Beijing Notice" and collectively with the Shanghai Notice, the "Notices"), traffic revenue and other revenues (including ground service income, cargo handling income, commission income and certain other income) generated by subsidiaries located in Beijing and other eight provinces/cities included in the notice are subjected to VAT levied at rates of 11% or 6% with different effective date ranging from September 1, 2012 to December 1, 2012.


VAT generated from purchase of fuel, take-off and landing services, food and beverages, property, plant and equipment, and certain BT paid by the branches of the Company that are beyond the scope of the Notices can be used to deduct the VAT output generated from taxable revenue. The traffic revenue and other revenue generated from operations located in other locations of China will continue to be subject to BT at rates of 3% or 5%. As a result of the implementation of aforementioned Notices and changes from BT to VAT, the relevant results of operations from the affected portions of our operations have been changed to VAT from BT. As such, our revenues for the year ended December 31, 2012 decreased by RMB2,954 million and our operating expenses decreased by RMB3,132 million, which resulted in an increase in profit before income tax of RMB178 million for the year ended December 31, 2012. BT incurred and offset against revenues for the year ended December 31, 2012 amounted to approximately RMB670 million (2011: approximately RMB1,803 million).


(2)Includes ground service income, cargo handling income, commission income and others.


Passenger revenues


Our passenger traffic revenues increased by RMB2,985 million, or 4.4%, from RMB68,434 million in 2011 to RMB71,419 million in 2012. This increase was primarily due to increased passenger demand, aircraft utilization rates and increase in scheduled flights.


Our domestic passenger traffic revenues (excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan passenger revenues), which accounted for 70.2% of our total passenger traffic revenues in 2012, increased by 2.4%, from RMB48,963 million in 2011 to RMB50,141 million in 2012. The increase was primarily due to increased flight capacity on domestic routes and steady demand from the continued growth of the PRC economy. Compared to 2011, our domestic passenger traffic (as measured in RPKs) increased by 7.4%, from 70,933 million in 2011 to 76,156 million in 2012. The number of passengers carried on domestic routes increased by 6.1%, from 58.8 million in 2011 to 62.4 million in 2012. Our passenger-kilometers yield for domestic routes decreased from RMB0.69 per passenger-kilometer in 2011 to RMB0.66 per passenger-kilometer in 2012.


Our regional passenger traffic revenues (representing Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan passenger revenues) which accounted for 4.5% of our total passenger traffic revenues in 2012, increased by 4.7%, from RMB3,078 million in 2011 to RMB3,221 million in 2012. The increase was primarily due to increased ticket prices, which led to a increase of 1.1%, from 3,811 million in 2011 to 3,852 million in 2012, in our regional passenger traffic (as measured in RPKs). The number of passengers carried on Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan routes increased by 3.6%, from 2.7 million in 2011 to 2.8 million in 2012. Our passenger-kilometers yield for regional routes increased from RMB0.81 per passenger-kilometer in 2011 to RMB0.84 per passenger-kilometer in 2012.




International passenger traffic revenues, which accounted for 25.3% of our total passenger traffic revenues in 2012, increased by 10.2%, from RMB16,393 million in 2011 to RMB18,056 million in 2012. The increase was primarily due to increased international passenger demand, increased aircraft utilization rates and increase in our scheduled flights on international routes. Our international passenger traffic (as measured in RPKs) increased by 11.3% in 2011, from 26,151 million in 2011 to 29,105 million in 2012. The number of passengers carried on international routes increased by 9.1%, from 7.2 million in 2011 to 7.9 million in 2012. Our passenger-kilometers yield for international routes decreased from RMB0.63 per passenger-kilometer in 2011 to RMB0.62 per passenger-kilometer in 2012.


Cargo and mail revenues


Our cargo and mail traffic revenues decreased by 0.7%, from RMB8,080 million in 2011 to RMB8,025 million in 2012, which accounted for 9.4% of our total operating revenues in 2012. Revenue from cargo and mail traffic via belly-hold cargo space on the Company’s passenger aircraft was RMB2,389 million, which accounted for 29.8% of total freight revenue and 3.0% of total traffic revenue in 2012. Cargo and mail yield decreased from RMB1.83 in 2011 to RMB1.71 in 2012 per cargo tonne-kilometer, or 6.56% compared to the same period in 2011, primarily as a result of the general slowdown of the global economy that affected cargo volumes.


Our domestic cargo and mail traffic revenues (excluding Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau cargo and mail revenues), which accounted for 16.6% of our total cargo and mail traffic revenues in 2012, decreased by 1.3%, from RMB1,350 million in 2011 to RMB1,332 million in 2012. This decrease was primarily due to the increased competition from other cargo carriers which resulted in decreased shipping fees and cargo and mail volume. Our freight tonne-kilometers yield for domestic routes remained RMB1.44 per tonne-kilometer in 2011 and 2012.


Our regional cargo and mail traffic revenues (representing Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan cargo and mail traffic revenues), which accounted for 5.7% of our total cargo and mail traffic revenues in 2012, decreased by 30.9%, from RMB666 million in 2011 to RMB461 million in 2012. This decrease was primarily due to decreased demand in the regional cargo and mail freight market as a result of the general slowdown of the regional freight market. Our freight tonne-kilometers yield for regional routes decreased from RMB4.49 per tonne-kilometer to RMB3.94 per tonne-kilometer.


International cargo and mail traffic revenues, which accounted for 77.7% of our total cargo and mail traffic revenues in 2012, increased by 2.6%, from RMB6,064 million in 2011 to RMB6,233 million in 2012, due to increased demand in the international freight market as a result of the gradual recovery of global economy. Our prices for cargo and mail transportation on international routes also decreased as our freight tonne-kilometers yield for international routes decreased from RMB1.82 per tonne-kilometer in 2011 to RMB1.70 per tonne-kilometer in 2012.


Other revenues


We also generated revenues from other services, including airport ground services, cargo handling services and ticket handling services. These services include loading and unloading of cargo, aircraft cleaning and ground transportation of cargo and passenger luggage for aircraft arriving at or departing from Hongqiao International Airport and Pudong International Airport of Shanghai. We are currently the principal provider of airport ground services at both Hongqiao International Airport and Pudong International Airport. Our total other revenues decreased by 1.4%, from RMB5,889 million in 2011 to RMB5,809 million in 2012.


Operating Expenses


The following chart sets forth a breakdown of our operating expenses for the years ended December 31, 2011 and 2012:


                2012 vs. 2011  
    Year Ended December 31,     Increase     % increase  
    2011     2012     (decrease)     (decrease)  
    (in millions of RMB)  
Operating Expenses:                                
Aircraft fuel expenses     29,229       29,872       643       2.2  
Gain on fair value movements of derivatives financial instruments     (87 )     (25 )     62       (71.4 )
Takeoff and landing charges     8,350       9,066       716       8.6  
Depreciation and amortization     6,966       7,557       591       8.5  
Wages, salaries and benefits     8,665       10,059       1,394       16.1  
Office, administration and others     8,854       8,983       129       1.5  
Aircraft maintenance     4,406       4,433       27       0.6  
Aircraft operating lease expenses     4,128       4,438       310       7.5  
Impairment losses for assets     638       (13     (651 )     (102.0 )
Selling and marketing expenses     3,740       3,727       (13 )     (0.3 )
Other     4,403       4,648       245       5.6  
Total Operating Expense     79,292       82,745       3,453       4.4  


(1)   Due to the implementation of the pilot program for the transformation from business tax to value-added tax regarding the transportation industry, certain expenses in 2012 are not comparable to the corresponding expenses in 2011.


Our total operating expenses increased by 4.4%, from RMB79,292 million in 2011 to RMB82,745 million in 2012 primarily due to the expansion of our business which is in line with the increase of our fleet size. Our total operating expenses as a percentage of our revenues slightly increased from 96.2% in 2011 to 97.1% in 2012.


Aircraft fuel expenses increased by 2.2%, from RMB29,229 million in 2011 to RMB29,872 million (based on value-added tax) in 2012. The increase was primarily due to our business expansion and the increase of average aircraft fuel price by 2.1% compared with that of 2011. In 2012, we consumed a total of approximately 4.2 million tonnes of aviation fuel, representing an increase of 7.2% compared to 2011. Aircraft fuel expenses accounted for 36.1% of our total operating expenses in 2012, as compared to 36.9% in 2011. We implemented a policy of transforming business tax to value-added tax in 2012. If calculated in line with the business tax, aviation fuel costs for 2012 will be increased by 9.5% from 2011, and the impact of the increase in the jet fuel price on aviation fuel expenditures was approximately RMB671 million. The increase in aviation fuel consumption resulted in an increase in aviation fuel expenditures of approximately RMB2,111 million.


Changes in fair value of financial derivatives decreased from a gain of RMB87 million in 2011 to a gain of RMB25 million in 2012. The difference was mainly due to the decrease in gains arising from fair value movement of crude oil option contracts, which was resulted from a decrease in the notional amount of unsettled crude oil option. In 2012, the net gain on change in fair value of crude oil option contracts (inclusive of cash outflow upon settlement) was approximately RMB9 million. In 2012, the fair value movements of financial derivatives charged to the income statement accounted for 0.03% of our total operating expenses.Take-off and landing charges, which accounted for 11.0% of our total operating expenses in 2012, increased by 8.6%, from RMB8,350 million in 2011 to RMB9,066 million in 2012, primarily due to an increase in the number of take-off and landings, as well as an increase in average unit price of take-off and landing charges.




Depreciation and amortization increased by 8.5%, from RMB6,966 in 2011 to RMB7,557 million in 2012, primarily due to the addition of new aircraft and engines by the Group in 2012, resulting in a greater base number for depreciation and amortisation.


Wages, salaries and benefits, which accounted for 12.2% of our total operating expenses in 2012, increased by 16.1%, from RMB8,665 million in 2011 to RMB10,059 million in 2012, primarily due to an increase in the number of staff and the increase in hours flown.


Office, administration and other expenses increased by 1.5%, from RMB8,854 million in 2011 to RMB8,983 million in 2012, primarily due to the expansion of our overall business operations and an increase in the number of staff.


Aircraft maintenance expenses, which accounted for 5.4% of our total operating expenses in 2012, increased by 0.6%, from RMB4,406 million in 2011 to RMB4,433 million in 2012, primarily due to an increase in the number of aircraft held through an operating lease in 2012.


Aircraft operating lease expenses increased by 7.5%, from RMB4,128 million in 2011 to RMB4,438 million in 2012, primarily due to an increase in the number of aircraft that we operate under operating leases.


Impairment losses for assets decreased by 102.0%, from a loss of RMB638 million in 2011 to a reversal of RMB13 million in 2012.


Selling and marketing expenses, which accounted for 4.5% of our total operating expenses in 2012, decreased by 0.33%, from RMB3,740 million in 2011 to RMB3,727 million in 2012.


Other Operating Income


Our other operating income and other gains were primarily generated from government subsidies. The total amount of our other operating income and other gains increased from RMB1,061 million in 2011 to RMB1,720 million in 2012, primarily due to an increase in government subsidy income in 2012. Other government subsidies represent subsidies granted to us by the PRC government and local governments as well as other subsidies granted by various local municipalities to encourage our Company to operate certain routes to cities where these municipalities are located.


Net Finance Costs


In 2012, our finance income was RMB349 million, a decrease of RMB1,675 million from the same period last year, primarily due to the minimal appreciation of the Renminbi against the U.S. dollar in 2012, which had substantially appreciated in 2011. Finance costs amounted to RMB1,697 million, an increase of RMB235 million, primarily due to an increase in interest expenses arising from increased borrowings and finance leases.


Profit attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company


As a result of the foregoing, the net profit attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company decreased to RMB2,954 million in 2012, or 35.5%, as compared to a net profit of RMB4,576 million in 2011.


Fixed Assets


Our Company had approximately RMB82,519 million of fixed assets and construction in progress as of December 31, 2012, including, among other assets, aircraft, engines and flight equipment, representing a 11.9% increase from RMB73,758 million in 2011.


2011 Compared to 2010




Our revenues increased by 11.7%, from RMB73,804 million in 2010 to RMB82,403 million in 2011 (net of the applicable PRC business tax). Revenues increased in our passenger business operation, primarily due to increased passenger demand, aircraft utilization rates and increase in scheduled flights, while revenue decreased in our cargo and mail business operation, primarily due to the general slowdown of the global economy that affected cargo volumes.


In 2011, we transported a total of 68,725 million passengers, representing an increase of 5.8%, from 64,930 million passengers in 2010. Our total passenger traffic (as measured in RPKs) increased by 8.3%, from 93,153 million passenger-kilometers in 2010 to 100,895 million passenger-kilometers in 2011 and our total cargo and mail traffic (as measured in RFTKs) increased by 2.6%, from 4,308 million freight tonne-kilometers in 2010 to 4,421 million freight tonne-kilometers in 2011. Our average yield for our passenger operations increased by 7.9%, from RMB0.63 per passenger-kilometer in 2010 to RMB0.68 per passenger-kilometer in 2011 primarily due to increased passenger demand, aircraft utilization rates and increase in scheduled flights.


Our average yield for our cargo and mail operations decreased by 6.2%, from RMB1.95per tonne-kilometer in 2010 to RMB1.83 per tonne-kilometer in 2011, primarily due to the general slowdown of the global economy that affected cargo volumes.


The following chart sets forth our revenue breakdown for 2010 and 2011:


          2011 vs. 2010  
    Year Ended December 31,     Increase     % Increase  
    2010     2011     (Decrease)     (Decrease)  
    (in millions of RMB)  
Traffic revenues (1)     67,391       76,514       9,123       13.5  
Passenger     58,968       68,434       9,466       16.1  
Passenger revenue excluding fuel surcharges     54,625       60,383       5,758       10.5  
Fuel surcharges     4,343       8,051       3,708       85.4  
Cargo and mail     8,423       8,080       (343 )     (4.1 )
Cargo and mail revenue excluding fuel surcharges     5,810       5,482       (328 )     (5.6 )
Fuel surcharges     2,613       2,598       (15 )     (0.6 )
Others (2)     6,413       5,794       (619 )     (10.4 )
Total Operating Revenue     73,804       82,403       8,599       11.7  


  (1) Pursuant to relevant tax rules and regulations in the PRC, the major elements of the Company’s traffic revenues, commission income, ground service income, cargo handling income and other revenues are subject to business tax levied at rates of 3% or 5%. Pursuant to the notice of exemption of business tax on the provision of international transportation services (Cai Shui [2010] No. 8), jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Tax Bureau, our revenues from the provision of international transportation services were exempt from business tax as of 1 January 2010. The business tax incurred and set off against the above revenues for the year ended December 31, 2011 amounted to approximately RMB1,803 million (2010: RMB1,463 million).




(2)Includes ground service income, cargo handling income, commission income and others.


Passenger revenues


Our passenger traffic revenues increased by RMB9,466 million, or 16.1%, from RMB58,968 million in 2010 to RMB68,434 million in 2011. The increase was primarily due to increased passenger demand, aircraft utilization rates and increase in scheduled flights.


 Our domestic passenger traffic revenues (excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan passenger revenues), which accounted for 71.6% of our total passenger traffic revenues in 2011, increased by 16.2%, from RMB42,143 million in 2010 to RMB48,963 million in 2011. The increase was primarily due to increased ticket prices, increased flight capacity on domestic routes and steady demand from the continued growth of the PRC economy. Compared to 2010, our domestic passenger traffic (as measured in RPKs) increased by 7.0%, from 66,310 million in 2010 to 70,933 million in 2011. The number of passengers carried on domestic routes increased by 6.0%, from 55.5 million in 2010 to 58.8 million in 2011. Our passenger-kilometers yield for domestic routes increased from RMB0.64 per passenger-kilometer in 2010 to RMB0.69 per passenger-kilometer in 2011.


Our regional passenger traffic revenues (representing Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan passenger revenues) which accounted for 4.5% of our total passenger traffic revenues in 2011, decreased by 3.1%, from RMB3,176 million in 2010 to RMB3,078 million in 2011. The decrease was primarily due to reduced flight capacity on our Hong Kong routes resulting from reduced flights to and from Hong Kong, as well as increased competition on our Hong Kong routes, which led to a decrease of 6.5%, from 4,074 million in 2010 to 3,811 million in 2011, in our regional passenger traffic (as measured in RPKs). The number of passengers carried on Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan routes decreased by 5.5%, from 2.9 million in 2010 to 2.7 million in 2011. Our passenger-kilometers yield for regional routes increased from RMB0.78 per passenger-kilometer in 2010 to RMB0.81 per passenger-kilometer in 2011.


International passenger traffic revenues, which accounted for 24.0% of our total passenger traffic revenues in 2011, increased by 20.1%, from RMB13,650 million in 2010 to RMB16,393 million in 2011. The increase was primarily due to increased international passenger demand, increased aircraft utilization rates and increase in our scheduled flights on international routes. Our international passenger traffic (as measured in RPKs) increased by 14.9% in 2011, from 22,769 million in 2010 to 26,151 million in 2011. The number of passengers carried on international routes increased by 9.8%, from 6.6 million in 2010 to 7.2 million in 2011. Our passenger-kilometers yield for international routes increased from RMB0.60 per passenger-kilometer in 2010 to RMB0.63 per passenger-kilometer in 2011.


Cargo and mail revenues


Our cargo and mail traffic revenues decreased by 4.1%, from RMB8,423 million in 2010 to RMB8,080 million in 2011, which accounted for 10.6% of our total traffic revenues in 2011. Revenue from cargo and mail traffic via belly-hold cargo space on the Company’s passenger aircraft was RMB2,998 million, which accounted for 37.1% of total freight revenue and 3.9% of total traffic revenue in 2011. Cargo and mail yield decreased from RMB1.95 in 2010 to RMB1.83 in 2011 per cargo tonne-kilometer, or 6.2% compared to the same period in 2010, primarily as a result of the general slowdown of the global economy that affected cargo volumes.


Our domestic cargo and mail traffic revenues (excluding Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau cargo and mail revenues), which accounted for 16.7% of our total cargo and mail traffic revenues in 2011, increased by 7.4%, from RMB1,257 million in 2010 to RMB1,350 million in 2011. This increase was primarily due to the continued economic growth in China which resulted in increased cargo and mail volume and demand. Our freight tonne-kilometers yield for domestic routes increased from RMB1.28 per tonne-kilometer in 2010 to RMB1.44 per tonne-kilometer in 2011.


Our regional cargo and mail traffic revenues (representing Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan cargo and mail traffic revenues), which accounted for 8.2% of our total cargo and mail traffic revenues in 2011, decreased by 5.7%, from RMB706 million in 2010 to RMB666 million in 2011. This decrease was primarily due to decreased demand in the regional cargo and mail freight market as a result of the general slowdown of the regional freight market. Our freight tonne-kilometers yield for regional routes decreased from RMB4.54 per tonne-kilometer to RMB4.49 per tonne-kilometer.


International cargo and mail traffic revenues, which accounted for 75.1% of our total cargo and mail traffic revenues in 2011, decreased by 6.1%, from RMB6,460 million in 2010 to RMB6,064 million in 2011, due to reduced demand in the international freight market as a result of decreased global economic activity . Our prices for cargo and mail transportation on international routes also increased as our freight tonne-kilometers yield for international routes decreased from RMB2.04 per tonne-kilometer in 2010 to RMB1.82 per tonne-kilometer in 2011.


Other revenues


We also generated revenues from other services, including airport ground services, cargo handling services and ticket handling services. These services include loading and unloading of cargo, aircraft cleaning and ground transportation of cargo and passenger luggage for aircraft arriving at or departing from Hongqiao International Airport and Pudong International Airport of Shanghai. We are currently the principal provider of airport ground services at both Hongqiao International Airport and Pudong International Airport. Our total other revenues decreased by 10.4%, from RMB6,413 million in 2010 to RMB5,749 million in 2011, as a result of decreased cargo handling income.


 Operating Expenses


The following chart sets forth a breakdown of our operating expenses for the years 2010 and 2011:


                2011 vs. 2010  
    Year Ended December 31,     Increase     % increase  
    2010     2011     (decrease)     (decrease)  
    (in millions of RMB)  
Operating Expenses:                                
Aircraft fuel expenses     21,606       29,229       7,623       35.3  
Gain on fair value movements of derivatives financial instruments     (833 )     (87 )     746       (89.6 )
Takeoff and landing charges     7,455       8,350       895       12.0  
Depreciation and amortization     6,758       6,966       208       3.7  
Wages, salaries and benefits     8,941       8,665       (276 )     (3.1 )
Office, administration and others     8,588       8,854       266       3.1  
Aircraft maintenance     4,614       4,406       (208 )     (4.51 )
Aircraft operating lease expenses     3,976       4,128       153       3.9  
Impairment losses for assets     405       638       233       57.5  
Selling and marketing expenses     3,324       3,740       416       12.5  
Other     3,931       4,403       472       12.0  
Total Operating Expense     68,765       79,292       10,527       15.3  




Our total operating expenses increased by 15.3%, from RMB68,765 million in 2010 to RMB79,292 million in 2011 primarily due to the substantial increase of the aircraft fuel expenses. Our total operating expenses as a percentage of our revenues increased from 93.2% in 2010 to 96.2% in 2011.


Aircraft fuel expenses increased by 35.3%, from RMB21,606 million in 2010 to RMB29,229 million in 2011. The increase was primarily due to our business expansion and the increase of average aircraft fuel price by 27.4% compared with that of 2010. In 2011, we consumed a total of approximately 3.9 million tonnes of aviation fuel, representing an increase of 6.2% compared to 2010. Aircraft fuel expenses accounted for 31.4% of our total operating expenses in 2011, as compared to 36.9% in 2010.


Changes in fair value of financial derivatives decreased from a gain of RMB833 million in 2010 to a gain of RMB87 million in 2011. The difference was mainly due to the decrease in gains arising from fair value movement of crude oil option contracts, which was resulted from a decrease in the notional amount of unsettled crude oil option. In 2011, the net gain on change in fair value of crude oil option contracts (inclusive of cash outflow upon settlement) was approximately RMB67 million. In 2011, the fair value movements of financial derivatives charged to the income statement accounted for 0.1% of our total operating expenses.


Take-off and landing charges, which accounted for 10.5% of our total operating expenses in 2011, increased by 12.0%, from RMB7,455 million in 2010 to RMB8,350 million in 2011, primarily due to an increase in scheduled flights.


Depreciation and amortization increased by 3.1%, from RMB6,758 in 2010 to RMB6,966 million in 2011, primarily due to increased number of aircraft in our fleet and increased aircraft utilization rates, which resulted in the corresponding costs.


Wages, salaries and benefits, which accounted for 10.9% of our total operating expenses in 2011, decreased by 3.1%, from RMB8,941 million in 2010 to RMB8,665 million in 2011, primarily due to reduced staff bonuses resulting from reduced operating profits in 2011, as well as various cost-saving measures that we implemented.


Office, administration and other expenses increased by 3.1%, from RMB8,588 million in 2010 to RMB8,854 million in 2011, primarily due to the expansion of our overall business operations.


Aircraft maintenance expenses, which accounted for 5.6% of our total operating expenses in 2011, decreased by 4.5%, from RMB4,614 million in 2010 to RMB4,406 million in 2011, primarily due to the reduced number of aircraft and engines that required scheduled major overhaul services.


Aircraft operating lease expenses increased by 3.8%, from RMB3,976 million in 2010 to RMB4,128 million in 2011, primarily due to an increase in the number of aircraft that we operate under operating leases.


Impairment losses for assets increased by 57.5%, from a loss of RMB405 million in 2010 to a loss of RMB638 million in 2011, primarily due to impairment provisions made for certain aircraft to be disposed of in 2012, which referenced the contracted selling price less costs to sell. We have planned to dispose of these aircraft in an effort to increase the operational efficiency of, and reduce the related maintenance fees for, our fleet.


 Selling and marketing expenses, which accounted for 4.7% of our total operating expenses in 2011, increased by 12.5%, from RMB3,324 million in 2010 to RMB3,740 million in 2011, primarily a result of increases in ticketing system service fees and agency handling fees due to increases in traffic revenue.


Other Operating Income


Our other operating income and other gains were primarily generated from government subsidies and gains on disposal of aircraft and relevant assets. The total amount of our other operating income and other gains increased from RMB658 million in 2010 to RMB1,061 million in 2011, primarily due to an increase in government subsidy income in 2011. Other government subsidies represent subsidies granted to us by the PRC government and local government as well as other subsidies granted by various local municipalities to encourage our Company to operate certain routes to cities where these municipalities are located.


Net Finance Costs


Our finance costs (net of finance income) decreased by 2.6%, from RMB1,502 million in 2010 to RMB1,463 million in 2011, primarily due to improvement in our capital structure and a reduction on the interest rates of our foreign currency borrowings. Approximately 69.1% of our indebtedness is U.S. dollar denominated borrowings, which are generally tied to LIBOR rates. In 2011, our finance income was RMB2,024 million, primarily due to the increase in exchange gain resulting from the appreciation of the Renminbi against the U.S. dollar.


Profit / (Loss) attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company


As a result of the foregoing, the net profit attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company increased to RMB4,576 million in 2011, representing a 7.7% decrease as compared to a net profit of RMB4,958 million in 2010.


Fixed Assets


Our Company had approximately RMB73,758 million of fixed assets and construction in progress as of December 31, 2011, including, among other assets, aircraft, engines and flight equipment, representing a 7.2% increase from RMB68,822 million in 2010.


B.Liquidity and Capital Resources


We typically finance our working capital requirements through a combination of funds generated from operations, short-term bank loans and the issuance of corporate bonds. As a result, our liquidity could be materially and adversely affected to the extent there is a significant decrease in demand for our services or if there is any delay in obtaining bank loans.




As of December 31, 2010, 2011 and 2012, we had RMB3,078 million, RMB3,861 million and RMB2,512 million, respectively, in cash and cash equivalents; RMB38,566 million, RMB41,775 million and RMB45,736 million, respectively, in outstanding borrowings; and RMB1,486 million, RMB278 million and RMB69 million, respectively, in restricted bank deposits. Our cash and cash equivalents primarily consist of cash on hand and deposits that are placed with banks and other financial institutions. We plan to use the remaining available cash for other capital expenditures, including expenditures for aircraft, engines and related equipment, as well as for working capital and other day-to-day operating purposes.


As of December 31, 2012, our accumulated losses amounted to approximately RMB5,426 million. In addition, our current liabilities exceeded our current assets by approximately RMB35,948 million. As a consequence, our Directors have taken active steps to seek additional sources of financing to improve our liquidity position. As of December 31, 2012, we had total credit facilities of RMB41.2 billion from various banks, of which RMB27.1 billion are not utilized. See the discussion below under “– Working Capital and Liabilities”.


We believe that our current cash, cash equivalents, short-term and long-term borrowings and anticipated cash flow from operations will be sufficient to meet our anticipated cash needs for working capital and capital expenditures, for at least the next 12 months. We may, however, require additional cash due to changing business conditions or other future developments, including any investments or acquisitions that we may decide to pursue.


Cash Flows from Operating Activities


In 2012, we generated a net cash inflow from operating activities of RMB12,617 million as a result of cash generated from operations of RMB12,823 million less income tax we paid in 2012. Our cash generated from operations was mainly due to operating profit before working capital changes of RMB13,770 million and negative changes in working capital of RMB947 million. The operating profit before working capital changes of RMB13,770 million was a result of the profit before income tax of RMB3,012 million, mainly adjusted for: (i) depreciation of property, plant and equipment of RMB7,509 million, (ii) interest expenses of RMB1,697 million, (iii) consumption of flight equipment spare parts of RMB747 million, (iv) provision for return condition checks for aircraft and engines under operating leases of RMB793 million and partly offset by net foreign exchange gains of RMB201 million. Negative changes in working capital mainly consisted of (i) an increase in flight equipment and spare parts of RMB1,176 million, (ii) a decrease in trade payables and notes payables of RMB428 million, (iii) a decrease in other long-term liabilities of RMB384 million and (iv) a decrease in provision for return condition checks for aircraft and engines under operating leases of RMB293 million. These negative changes were partly offset by (i) a decrease in restricted bank deposits and short-term bank deposits of RMB1,168 million, (ii) an increase in trade payables and notes payables of RMB388 million. .


In 2011, we generated a net cash inflow from operating activities of RMB13,623 million as a result of cash generated from operations of RMB13,781 million less income tax we paid in 2011. Our cash generated from operations was mainly due to operating profit before working capital changes of RMB13,751 million and changes in working capital of RMB30 million. The operating profit before working capital changes of RMB13,751 million was a result of the profit before income tax of RMB4,841 million, mainly adjusted for: (i) depreciation of property, plant and equipment of RMB6,912 million, (ii) interest expenses of RMB1,463 million, (iii) consumption of flight equipment spare parts of RMB 740 million, (iv) provision for return condition checks for aircraft and engines under operating leases of RMB695 million and (v) impairment loss of RMB638 million, partly offset by net foreign exchange gains of RMB1,872 million. Changes in working capital mainly consisted of (i) an increase in other payables and accrued expenses of RMB1,681 million, (ii) an increase in prepayments, deposits and other receivables of RMB668 million and (iii) an increase in sales in advance of carriage of RMB620 million. These negative changes were partly offset by (i) a decrease in trade payables and notes payables of RMB1,602 million, (ii) a decrease in flight equipment and spare parts of RMB1,023 million and (iii) a decrease in provision for return condition checks for aircraft and engines under operating leases of RMB317 million.


In 2010, we generated a net cash inflow from operating activities of RMB10,641 million as a result of cash generated from operations of RMB10,740 million less income tax we paid in 2010. Our cash generated from operations was mainly due to operating profit before working capital changes of RMB13,585 million and negative changes in working capital of RMB2,845 million. The operating profit before working capital changes of RMB13,585 million was a result of the profit before income tax of RMB5,418 million, mainly adjusted for: (i) depreciation of property, plant and equipment of RMB6,727 million, (ii) interest expenses of RMB1,502 million, (iii) consumption of flight equipment spare parts of RMB601 million, and (iv) provision for return condition checks for aircraft and engines under operating leases of RMB586 million, partly offset by (i) net foreign exchange gains of RMB1,075 million and (ii) gains arising from fair value movements of derivative financial instruments of RMB915 million. Negative changes in working capital mainly consisted of (i) a decrease in trade payables and notes payables of RMB3,418 million, (ii) a decrease in flight equipment and spare parts of RMB777 million and (iii) a decrease in provision for return condition checks for aircraft and engines under operating leases of RMB306 million. These negative changes were partly offset by (i) an increase in sales in advance of carriage of RMB847 million and (ii) an increase in other long-term liabilities of RMB570 million.


Cash Flows from Investing Activities


In 2012, our net cash outflow from investing activities was RMB11,789 million. Our net cash outflow for investing activities mainly consisted of (i) advanced payments on acquisition of new aircraft of RMB7,329 million and (ii) increased property, plant and equipment of RMB6,148 million, primarily due to the purchase of 31 aircraft in 2012. These cash outflows were partly offset by (i) proceeds of short-term deposits with original maturities over three months of RMB958 million, (ii) interest received on bank deposit of RMB216 million, and (iii) proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment of RMB182 million.


In 2011, our net cash outflow from investing activities was RMB14,939 million. Our net cash outflow for investing activities mainly consisted of (i) additions of property, plant and equipment of RMB5,368 million, primarily due to the purchase of 24 aircraft in 2011, (ii) advanced payments on acquisition of new aircraft of RMB8,180 million, and (iii) payment of short-term deposits with original maturity over three months of RMB1,963 million. These cash outflows were partly offset by (i) proceeds from disposal of non-current assets held for sale of RMB412 million and (ii) bank deposit interest received of RMB147 million.


In 2010, our net cash outflow from investing activities was RMB8,633 million. Our net cash outflow for investing activities mainly consisted of (i) additions of property, plant and equipment of RMB6,523 million, primarily due to the purchase of 25 aircraft in 2010, (ii) advanced payments on acquisition of new aircraft of RMB3,462 million, and (iii) payment of short-term deposits with original maturity over three months of RMB434 million. These cash outflows were partly offset by (i) net cash acquired through acquisition of Shanghai Airlines Co., Ltd, (ii) proceeds from disposal of non-current assets held for sale of RMB430 million and (iii) proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment of RMB102 million.


Cash Flows from Financing Activities


In 2012, our net cash outflow from financing activities was RMB2,174 million. Our net cash outflow for financing activities mainly consisted of (i) repayments of short-term bank loans of RMB25,620 million, (ii) repayments of long-term bank loans of RMB8,352 million, (iii) principal repayments of financial lease obligations of RMB4,095 million, (iv) interest paid of RMB1,937 million, and (v) acquisition of non-controlling interests of RMB671 million. These cash outflows were partly offset by (i) proceeds from draw down of short-term bank loans of RMB23,101 million, (ii) proceeds from draw down of long-term bank loans of RMB10,887 million, (iii) proceeds from issuance of short-term debentures of RMB4,000 million, (iv) capital contribution from non-controlling interests of subsidiaries of RMB454 million and (v) receipts of restricted bank deposits of RMB236 million.




In 2011, our net cash inflow from financing activities was RMB2,136 million. Our net cash inflow for financing activities mainly consisted of (i) proceeds from draw down of short-term bank loans of RMB19,647 million, (ii) proceeds from draw down of long-term bank loans of RMB5,693 million, (iii) proceeds from issuance of bonds of RMB2,490 million, (iv) Receipts of restricted bank deposits of RMB1,109 million and (v) capital contribution from non-controlling interests of subsidiaries of RMB1,005 million. These cash inflows were partly offset by (i) repayments of short-term bank loans of RMB18,514 million, (ii) repayments of long-term bank loans of RMB5,245 million and (iii) principal repayments of financial lease obligations of RMB2,191 million.


In 2010, our net cash outflow from financing activities was RMB652 million. Our net cash outflow for financing activities mainly consisted of (i) repayments of short-term bank loans of RMB21,943 million, (ii) repayments of long-term bank loans of RMB6,527 million and (iii) principal repayments of financial lease obligations of RMB2,201 million. These cash outflows were partly offset by (i) proceeds from draw down of short-term bank loans of RMB20,803 million and (ii) proceeds from draw down of long-term bank loans of RMB11,556 million.


 Working Capital and Liabilities


We have, and in the future may continue to have, substantial debts. In addition, we generally operate with a working capital deficit. As of December 31, 2012, our current liabilities exceeded our current assets by RMB35,948 million. In comparison, our current liabilities exceeded our current assets by RMB29,679 million as of December 31, 2011. The increase in our current liabilities in 2012 was primarily due to the increase in the current portion of borrowings. The decrease in our current assets in 2012 was primarily due to a decrease in cash and cash equivalents. Short-term loans outstanding totaled RMB11,454 million and RMB12,880 million as of December 31, 2011 and 2012, respectively. Long-term outstanding bank loans totaled RMB30,321 million and RMB32,856 million as of December 31, 2011 and 2012, respectively.


As of December 31, 2012, our long-term debt to equity ratio was 1.34 to 1. The interest expenses associated with these debts may impair our future profitability. We expect that cash from operations and bank borrowings will be sufficient to meet our operating cash flow requirements, although events that materially and adversely affect our operating results can also have a negative impact on liquidity.


Our consolidated interest-bearing borrowings as of December 31, 2011 and 2012 for the purpose of calculating the indebtedness of our Company, were as follows:


    As of December 31,  
    2011     2012  
    (RMB in millions)  
Secured bank loans     14,185       18,393  
Unsecured bank loans     27,590       27,343  
Total     41,775       45,736  


The maturity profile of interest-bearing borrowings of our Company as of December 31, 2011 and 2012 was as follows:


    As of December 31,  
    2011     2012  
    (RMB in millions)  
Within one year     18,171       22,640  
In the second year     8,408       7,273  
In the third to fifth year inclusive     9,392       7,905  
After the fifth year     5,804       7,918  
Total     41,775       45,736  


As of December 31, 2012, our interest rates relating to short-term borrowings ranged from 1.1% to 6.6%, while our fixed interest rates on our interest-bearing borrowings for long-term bank loans ranged from 4.84% to 6.4%. Our bank loans are denominated in Renminbi, U.S. dollars and Euro. As of December 31, 2012, our total bank loans denominated in Renminbi amounted to RMB13,827 million, while our total bank loans denominated in U.S. dollars amounted to USD5,028 million. On August 11, 2011, our wholly-owned subsidiary Eastern Air Overseas (Hong Kong) Corporation Limited issued offshore CNY-denominated bonds in an amount of CNY2.5 billion at 4% due 2014, listed on the SGX-ST. Our Company guaranteed the bond issue. See Note 33 to the consolidated financial statements for more information on our borrowings.


We have entered into credit facility agreements to meet our future working capital needs. However, our ability to obtain financing may be affected by: (i) our results of operations, financial condition, cash flows and credit ratings; (ii) costs of financing in line with prevailing economic conditions and the status of the global financial markets; and (iii) our ability to obtain PRC government approvals required to access domestic or international financing or to undertake any project involving significant capital investment, which may include one or more approvals from the NDRC, SAFE, MOFCOM and/or the CSRC depending on the circumstances. If we are unable to obtain financing, for whatever reason, for a significant portion of our capital requirements, our ability to acquire new aircraft and to expand our operations may be materially and adversely affected.


 Capital Expenditures


As of December 31, 2012, according to the relevant agreements, we expect our capital expenditures for aircraft, engines and related equipment to be in aggregate approximately RMB172,092 million, including RMB26,321 million in 2013 and RMB44,435 million in 2014, in each case subject to contractually stipulated increases or any increase relating to inflation. We plan to finance our other capital commitments through a combination of funds generated from operations, existing credit facilities, bank loans, leasing arrangements and other external financing arrangements.


C.    Research and Development, Patents and Licenses, etc.




D.    Trend Information


Other than as disclosed elsewhere in this Annual Report, we are not aware of any trends, uncertainties, demands, commitments or events for the period from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012 that are reasonably likely to have a material effect on our net revenues, income, profitability, liquidity or capital resources, or that caused the disclosed financial information to be not necessarily indicative of future operating results or financial conditions.




E.    Off-balance Sheet Arrangements


We have not entered into any off-balance sheet arrangements other than our operating lease arrangements:


·We have not entered into any financial guarantees or other commitments to guarantee the payment obligations of any unconsolidated entity;


·We have not entered into any obligations under any derivative contracts that are indexed to our own shares and classified as shareholder’s equity, or that are not reflected in our consolidated financial statements; and


·We do not have any retained or contingent interest in assets transferred to an unconsolidated entity that serves as credit, liquidity or market risk support to such entity.


F.    Tabular Disclosure of Contractual Obligations


Contractual Obligations and Commercial Commitments


The following tables set forth selected information regarding our outstanding contractual and commercial commitments as of December 31, 2012:

   Total   Less Than 1
   1-2 Years   2-5 Years   More
5 Years
Long-Term Debt (1)   32,856    9,760    7,273    7,905    7,918 
Capital Leases (2)   21,858    2,605    2,704    7,925    8,624 
Operating Leases (3)   24,580    4,074    3,682    8,313    8,511 
Unconditional Purchase Obligations (4)   172,092    26,321    44,435    101,336     
Other Long-term Obligations (5)(6)   1,636                 
Post-retirement Benefit Obligations (5)   3,260                 
Deferred Tax Liabilities (5)   29                 
Short-term Bank Loans (7)   12,880    12,880             
Interest Obligations   5,239    1,450    864    1,702    1,223 
Under Finance Leases   1,920    399    356    761    404 
Under Bank Loans   3,319    1,051    508    941    819 
Fixed Rate   349    241    108    -    - 
Variable Rate (8)   2,970    810    400    941    819 
Total   274,430    57,090    58,958    127,181    26,276 


(1)Excludes interest.


(2)Primarily comprise amounts paid/due under leases for the acquisition of aircraft.


(3)Primarily comprise amounts paid/due under leases for the rental of aircraft, engines and flight equipment.


(4)Primarily comprise capital expenditures.


(5)Figures of payments due by period are not available.


(6)Other long-term obligations include long-term duties and levies payable, and fair value of unredeemed points awarded under our Group’s frequent flyer programs.


(7)Short-term bank loans are generally repayable within one year. As of December 31, 2012, the weighted average interest rate of our short-term bank loans was 5.0% per annum (2011: 4.6%).


(8)For our variable rate loans, interest rates range from six month LIBOR + 0.03% to six months LIBOR + 5.3%. Interest obligations relating to variable rate loans are calculated based on the relevant LIBOR rates as of December 31, 2012. A 25 basis points increase in the interest rate would increase interest expenses by RMB123 million.


   Amount of Commitment Expiration Per Period 
Other Commercial
Commitments/Credit Facilities
      Less Than 1
   1-3 Years   4-5 Years   After 5
   (RMB in millions) 
Lines of Credit   27,082    7,283    19,799         
Standby Letters of Credit                    
Total   27,082    7,283    19,799         


Critical Accounting Estimates and Judgments


Estimates and judgments used in preparing the financial statements are continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. The Group makes estimates and assumptions concerning the future. The resulting accounting estimates will, by definition, seldom equal the related actual results. The estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are discussed below.


Revenue recognition


The Group recognizes traffic revenues in accordance with the accounting policy stated in Note 2(e) to the financial statements. Unused tickets are recognized in traffic revenues based on current estimates. Management annually evaluates the balance in the SIAC and records any adjustments, which can be material, in the period the evaluation is completed.


These adjustments result from differences between the estimates of certain revenue transactions and the timing of recognizing revenue for any unused air tickets and the related sales price, and are impacted by various factors, including a complex pricing structure and interline agreements throughout the industry, which affect the timing of revenue recognition.




Frequent flyer program


The Group operates frequent flyer programs that provide travel awards to program members based on accumulated miles. A portion of passenger revenue attributable to the award of frequent flyer benefits is deferred and recognized when the miles have been redeemed or have expired. The deferment of revenue is estimated based on historical trends of redemptions, which is then used to project the expected utilization of these benefits and estimated fair values of the unredeemed miles. Different judgments or estimates could significantly affect the estimated provision for frequent flyer programs and the results of operations.


Provision for costs of return condition checks for aircraft under operating leases


Provision for the estimated costs of return condition checks for aircraft under operating leases is made based on the estimated costs for such return condition checks and taking into account anticipated flying hours, flying cycle and timeframe between each overhaul. These judgments or estimates are based on historical experience on returning similar airframe models, actual costs incurred and aircraft status. Different judgments or estimates could significantly affect the estimated provision for costs of return condition checks.


Retirement benefits


The Group operates and maintains defined retirement benefit plans which provide retirees with benefits including transportation subsidies, social activity subsidies as well as other welfare. The cost of providing the aforementioned benefits in the defined retirement benefit plan is actuarially determined and recognized over the employees’ service period by utilizing various actuarial assumptions and using the projected unit credit method in accordance with the accounting policy stated in Note 2(y) to the financial statements. These assumptions include, without limitation, the selection of discount rate, annual rate of increase of per capita benefit payment and employees’ turnover rate. The discount rate is based on management’s review of government bonds. The annual rate of increase of benefit payments is based on the general local economic conditions. The employees’ turnover rate is based on historical trends of the Group. Additional information regarding the retirement benefit plans is disclosed in Note 37 to the financial statements.


Deferred income tax


In assessing the amount of deferred tax assets that need to be recognized in accordance with the accounting policy stated in Note 2(j) to the financial statements, the Group considers future taxable income and ongoing prudent and feasible tax planning strategies. In the event that the Group’s estimates of projected future taxable income and benefits from available tax strategies are changed, or changes in current tax regulations are enacted that would impact the timing or extent of the Group’s ability to utilize the tax benefits of net operating loss carry forwards in the future, adjustments to the recorded amount of net deferred tax assets and taxation expense would be made.


Provision for flight equipment spare parts


Provision for flight equipment spare parts is made based on the difference between the carrying amount and the net realizable value. The net realizable value is estimated based on current market condition, historical experience and Company’s future operation plan for the aircraft and related spare parts. The net realizable value may be adjusted significantly due to the change of market condition and the future plan for the aircraft and related spare parts.


Depreciation of property, plant and equipment


Depreciation of components related to airframe and engine overhaul costs are based on the Group’s historical experience with similar airframe and engine models and taking into account anticipated overhauls costs, timeframe between each overhaul, ratio of actual flying hours and estimated flying hours between overhauls. Different judgments or estimates could significantly affect the estimated depreciation charge and the results of operations.


Except for components related to airframe and engine overhaul costs, other property, plant and equipment are depreciated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives, after taking into account the estimated residual value. The useful lives are based on the Group’s historical experience with similar assets and taking into account anticipated technological changes. The Group reviews the estimated useful lives of assets regularly in order to determine the amount of depreciation expense to be recorded during any reporting period. The depreciation expense for future periods is adjusted if there are significant changes from previous estimates.


Estimated impairment of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets


The Group tests whether property, plant and equipment and intangible assets have been impaired in accordance with the accounting policy stated in Note 2(k) and Note 2(m) to the financial statements. The recoverable amounts of cash generating units have been determined based on fair value less cost to sell and value-in-use calculations. Value-in-use calculations use cash flow projections based on financial budgets approved by management and certain key assumptions, such as passenger-kilometers yield level, load factor, aircraft utilization rate and discount rates, etc.




We had carried forward tax losses of approximately RMB6,169 million as of December 31, 2012, which can be used to set off against future taxable income between 2013 and 2017.


Prior to 2008, the Company and certain of its subsidiaries located in Pudong District, Shanghai, were entitled to a reduced rate of 15% pursuant to the preferential tax policy in Pudong District, Shanghai. Under China’s EIT Law, which was approved by the National People’s Congress on March 16, 2007 and became effective from January 1, 2008, the Company and its Pudong subsidiaries are entitled to a transitional arrangement to gradually increase the applicable corporate income tax rate to 25% over the next five years from 2008. For the year ended December 31, 2012, the corporate income tax rate applicable to the Company and these subsidiaries was 25%. The net deferred tax position of the Company and its subsidiaries as of December 31, 2012 is insignificant and the change in tax rate has no material impact on our deferred tax position. Except for those subsidiaries that are incorporated in Hong Kong and therefore subject to a Hong Kong corporate income tax rate of 16.5%, other subsidiaries of the Company are generally subject to the PRC standard income tax rate of 25%.






In recent years, China has been experiencing increasing levels of inflation. According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, China’s overall national inflation rate, as represented by the general consumer price index, increased by approximately 3.3% in 2010, 5.4% in 2011 and in 2.6% in 2012. Although neither inflation nor deflation in the past had any material adverse impact on our results of operations, we cannot assure you that the deflation or inflation of the Chinese economy in the future would not materially and adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.


New Pronouncements


The following standards, amendments and interpretations to existing standards, which have been published and are relevant to our Company’s operations, are mandatory for accounting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2013 or later periods. These new/revised standards and interpretations were not expected to have material impact on the Group’s or the Company’s financial statements.


·IAS 19 (Amendment) (effective from 1 January 2013)


·IFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments’ (effective from January 1, 2013)


·IFRS 10 “Consolidated financial statements” (effective from 1 January 2013)


·IFRS 13 “Fair value measurement” (effective from 1 January 2013)


·IAS 1 “Financial statements presentation” (Amendment) (effective from 1 July 2013)


·IFRS 11 “Joint arrangement” (effective from 1 January 2013)


·IAS 28 “Associates and joint ventures” (Revised 2011) (effective from 1 January 2013)


·IFRS 12 “Disclosure of interests in other entities” (effective from 1 January 2013)


·IAS 27 “Separate financial statements” (revised 2011) (effective from 1 January 2013)


G.    Safe Harbor


See the section headed “Cautionary Statement With Respect To Forward-Looking Statements”.


Item 6.                Directors, Senior Management and Employees


A.    Directors and Senior Management


The following table sets forth certain information concerning our current Directors, supervisors and senior management members. Except as disclosed below, none of our Directors, supervisors or members of our senior management was selected or chosen as a result of any arrangement or understanding with any major shareholders, customers, suppliers or others. There is no family relationship between any Director, supervisor or senior management member and any other Director, supervisor or senior management member of our Company.







Shares Owned (1)



Liu Shaoyong   54   -   Chairman of the Board of Directors
Ma Xulun   49   -   Director, President and Vice Chairman
Xu Zhao   44     Director
Gu Jiadan   57   -   Director
Li Yangmin   50   3,960 A Shares     Director and Vice President
Tang Bing   46   -   Director and Vice President
Luo Zhuping   60   11,616 A Shares   Director
Sandy Ke-Yaw Liu   65   -   Independent Non-executive Director
Wu Xiaogen   47   -   Independent Non-executive Director
Ji Weidong   56   -   Independent Non-executive Director
Shao Ruiqing   56   -   Independent Non-executive Director
Yu Faming   59   -   Chairman of the Supervisory Committee
Xi Sheng   50       Supervisor
Liu Jiashun   56   3,960 A Shares   Supervisor
Feng Jinxiong   51   -   Supervisor
Yan Taisheng   59   -   Supervisor
Shu Mingjiang   45   -   Vice President
Wu Yongliang   50   3,696 A Shares   Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Tian Liuwen   54   -   Vice President
Wang Jian   40   -   Board Secretary and Joint Company Secretary




Mr. LIU Shaoyong is currently the Chairman of the Company and president and deputy party secretary of CEA Holding. Mr. Liu joined the civil aviation industry in 1978 and was appointed as vice president of China General Aviation Corporation, deputy director of Shanxi Provincial Civil Aviation Administration of the PRC, general manager of the Shanxi Branch of the Company, and director general of Flight Standard Department of CAAC. Mr. Liu served as President of the Company from December 2000 to October 2002, vice minister of the CAAC from October 2002 to August 2004, president of China Southern Air Holding Company from August 2004 to December 2008, chairman of China Southern Airlines Co., Ltd. (a company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange) from November 2004 to December 2008. In December 2008, Mr. Liu was appointed as president and deputy party secretary of CEA Holding, and became the Chairman of the Company since 3 February 2009. Mr. Liu is also currently the board member of International Air Transport Association, the board member of Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits and the vice chairman of the first session of the supervisory committee of China’s Listed Companies Association. Mr. Liu graduated from the China Civil Aviation Flight College and obtained an Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) degree from Tsinghua University. Mr. Liu holds the title of commanding pilot. 




Mr. MA Xulun is currently the Vice Chairman, President and Deputy Party Secretary of the Company, and party secretary of CEA Holding. Mr. Ma was previously vice president of China Commodities Storing and Transportation Corporation, deputy director general of the Finance Department of the CAAC and vice president of Air China International Corporation Limited. In 2002, after the restructuring of civil aviation industry he was appointed as vice president of general affairs of Air China International Corporation Limited. Later on, Mr. Ma served as president and deputy party secretary of Air China International Corporation Limited (a company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange) from September 2004 to January 2007. Mr. Ma became a party member of China National Aviation Holding Company from December 2004 to December 2008, and deputy general manager of China National Aviation Holding Company from January 2007 to December 2008. In December 2008, Mr. Ma was appointed as President and Deputy Party Secretary of the Company and deputy party secretary of CEA Holding. Since February 2009, Mr. Ma has become a Director of the Company. Mr. Ma served as party secretary of CEA Holding and Vice Chairman of the Company with effect from November 2011. Mr Ma is also currently the Deputy Director- General of Association of Shanghai Listed Companies. Mr. Ma graduated from Shanxi University of Finance and Economics and Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Mr. Ma holds a master’s degree and is a certified accountant.


Mr. XU Zhao is currently a Director of the Company, and the chief accountant of CEA Holding. Mr. Xu served as engineer and accountant of Dongfeng Motor Group Company Limited, manager of the finance department of Shanghai Yanhua High Technology Limited Company, and chief financial officer of Shaanxi Heavy Duty Automobile Co., Limited. Since November 2006, Mr. Xu has served as the chief accountant of CEA Holding. He was a Supervisor of the Company from June 2007 to November 2011. Mr. Xu was appointed as an independent non-executive director of Yingde Gases Group Company Limited (a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange) with effect from September 2009. He has served as a Director of the Company since June 2012. Mr. Xu graduated from Chongqing University, majoring in moulding, and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in accounting, and holds a master’s degree. Mr. Xu is qualified as an engineer and an accountant, and is a certified public accountant in the PRC.


Mr. GU Jiadan is currently a Director of the Company, and vice president and a party member of CEA Holding. Mr. Gu was the assistant to president, and the general manager and the party secretary of the commerce department of Shanghai Airlines Co., Ltd. From May 2005 to August 2009, he was a party member and vice president of Shanghai Airlines Co., Ltd.. From August 2009 to January 2010, he was the acting president of Shanghai Airlines Co., Ltd.. From January 2010 to July 2011, he was vice president and a party member of CEA Holding and the party secretary of Shanghai Airlines. Since July 2011, Mr. Gu has served as the vice president and a party member of CEA Holding. He was appointed a Director of the Company with effect from June 2012. Mr. Gu Jiadan holds a master’s degree and is a senior economist.


Mr. LI Yangmin is currently a Director, Party Secretary and Vice President of the Company, and a party member of CEA Holding. Mr. Li joined the civil aviation industry in 1985. He was previously deputy general manager of the aircraft maintenance base and the manager of air route department of Northwest Company, general manager of the aircraft maintenance base of China Eastern Air Northwest Company and vice president of China Eastern Air Northwest Company. Since October 2005, he has also been a Vice President of the Company. He served as Safety Director of the Company from July 2010 to December 2012. He has become a party member of CEA Holding since May 2011. He was appointed the Party Secretary and Director of the Company with effect from June 2011. He was the chairman of China Cargo Airlines, a subsidiary of the Company, from February 2012 to January 2013. Mr. Li graduated from Northwestern Polytechnical University with a master’s degree. He is a qualified senior engineer.


Mr. TANG Bing is currently a Director, Vice President of the Company, and party member of CEA Holding. Mr. Tang joined the civil aviation industry in 1993. He served as vice executive president (general manager in China Office) of MTU Maintenance Zhuhai Co., Ltd., office director of China Southern Airlines Holding Company and president of Chongqing Airlines Company Limited. From December 2007 to May 2009, he served as chief engineer and general manager of the Aircraft Engineering Department of China Southern Airlines Company Limited (a company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange). From May 2009 to December 2009, he was appointed as president of the Beijing Branch of the Company and was the president of Shanghai Airlines from January 2010 to December 2011. He was appointed as the chairman of Shanghai Airlines in January 2012. He served as a Vice President of the Company since February 2010, and was appointed a party member of CEA Holding in May 2011 and a Director of the Company in June 2012. Mr. Tang graduated from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics majoring in electrical technology. He obtained a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from the Administration Institute of Sun Yat-sen University and an EMBA degree from the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University.


Mr. LUO Zhuping is currently a Director of the Company. Mr. Luo joined CEA in 1988. He was Deputy Chief and then Chief of the Enterprise Management Department and Deputy Head of the Share System Office of China Eastern Airlines. He served as the Board Secretary of the Company for 15 years from December 1996 to April 2012. He was also the Head of the Board Secretariat of the Company from 1997 to 2008. He was appointed a Director of the Company with effect from June 2004. Mr. Luo has been responsible for domestic and overseas exchange listing and capital management of the Company since 1993. He has gained rich experience in certain value-added measures of an enterprise, such as enterprise reform, stock issuance, corporate governance, merger and acquisition and reorganization. Mr. Luo graduated from Anhui University majoring in Philosophy and Law. He also holds a Master in Global Economics from Eastern China Normal University. He participated in the training program for senior managers of large scale enterprises organized in the U.S. by the State Economic and Trade Commission and Morgan Stanley.


Mr. Sandy Ke-Yaw LIU is currently an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company. Mr. Sandy Ke-Yaw Liu joined the civil aviation industry in Taiwan in 1969. He served in China Airlines in various capacities, including airport manager in Honolulu Airport, marketing director for the Americas, general manager for Hawaii District, regional director for Europe, director of corporate planning and director of marketing planning in its Corporate Office in Taiwan. With China Airlines, he also served as vice president for marketing and sales and vice president for commerce, and president in the Corporate Office. In addition, Mr. Liu served as a director of Taiwan Mandarin Airlines, Taiwan Far Eastern Air Transport, Taiwan China Pacific Catering Service and Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Service Company, as well as chairman of Taiwan Air Cargo Terminal. He relocated to Hong Kong to act as chief operating officer for the Asia Region in Expeditors International of Washington, Inc., a global logistics company. Mr. Liu graduated from Taiwan Shih Hsin University and attended advanced study programs at Stanford University in 1990 and 1993.


Mr. WU Xiaogen is currently an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company. Mr. Wu previously served as assistant to the general manager and deputy general manager of the securities department of China Jingu International Trust Investment Company Limited, deputy general manager of the securities management department and general manager of the institutional management department of China Technology International Trust Investment Company, and head of the audit teaching and research unit and deputy dean of the School of Accountancy of Central University of Finance and Economics. He was chief accountant of China First Heavy Industries from November 2004 to June 2010. He has been a professional external director for central enterprises since June 2010 and holds the title of researcher. Mr. Wu served as an independent non-executive director of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (a company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange) from May 2010 to May 2012. Mr. Wu is also a director and a member of the Ethics Committee of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants, an external director of China National Machinery Industry Corporation and an external director of China Three Gorges Corporation. Mr. Wu graduated from the Department of Economics and Management of the Central University of Finance and Economics and also obtained a Doctoral Degree in Economics.


Mr. JI Weidong is currently an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company. Mr. Ji was an associate professor and professor at the School of Law of Kobe University, Japan. Since 2008, he has been the dean and chair professor of Koguan Law School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. In addition, he is currently an honorary professor at Kobe University, Japan. Mr. Ji graduated from the Department of Law of Peking University. Mr. Ji completed his Master and Doctoral Degrees in Law at the Graduate School of Kyoto University, Japan and obtained his doctoral degree from Kyoto University, Japan. From September 1991 to July 1992, he was a visiting scholar at Stanford Law School.




Mr. SHAO Ruiqing is currently an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company. Mr. Shao was deputy dean and dean of the School of Economics and Management of Shanghai Maritime University. He served as deputy dean at Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce since March 2004, and was also a professor in accounting and mentor to doctoral students. From June 2007 to August 2011, Mr. Shao served as an external supervisor of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. (a company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange). Mr. Shao served as an independent nonexecutive director of SAIC Motor Corporation Limited (a company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange) from June 2008 to May 2012. Mr. Shao was awarded the special allowance by the State Council of the PRC in 1995. He is currently a consultative committee member of the Ministry of Transport of the PRC, as an expert in finance and accounting. Mr. Shao graduated from Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and Tongji University with a Bachelor Degree in Economics, and Master and Doctoral Degrees in Management. Mr. Shao has spent two and a half years studying and being senior visiting scholar in the U.K. and Australia.


 Supervisory Committee


As required by the PRC Company Law and our Articles of Association, our Company has a supervisory committee (the “Supervisory Committee”), whose primary duty is the supervision of our senior management, including our Board of Directors, managers and senior officers. The Supervisory Committee consists of five supervisors.


Mr. YU Faming is currently the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Company, and a party member and the head of party disciplinary inspection group of CEA Holding. Mr. Yu served as deputy head of the Survey and Research Department of the Policy Research Office of the Ministry of Labor and Human Resources of the PRC, head of the Integration Division of the Department of Policy and Regulation of the Ministry of Labour of the PRC, deputy head of the Labor Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Labor of the PRC, deputy head and head of the Labor Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Labor Protection of the PRC and head of the Training and Employment Department of the Ministry of Labor Protection of the PRC. From June 2008 to May 2011, he served as head of the Employment Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the PRC. Since May 2011, he has been party member and head of party disciplinary inspection group of CEA Holding. Since June 2011, he has served as the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Company. Mr. Yu graduated from Shandong University majoring in philosophy. He holds the title of associate research fellow.


Mr. XI Sheng is currently a Supervisor of the Company and chief auditor of CEA Holding. Mr. Xi served as the deputy head of the foreign affairs department II of the foreign funds utilization and application audit department and the head of the liaison and reception office of the foreign affairs department of the National Audit Office of the PRC and the deputy head of the PRC Audit Institute. He was also the head of the fixed assets investment audit department of the National Audit Office of the PRC, and the party secretary and a special commissioner of the Harbin office of the National Audit Office of the PRC. He served as the head of the personnel and education department of the National Audit Office of the PRC from January 2007 to September 2009. He was the head of the audit department of CEA Holding from September 2009 to November 2012. Mr. Xi has served as the chief auditor of CEA Holding since September 2009. Mr. Xi is also the council member of China Institute of Internal Audit and a member of International Institute of Internal Auditors. Mr. Xi graduated from Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics with undergraduate education background. He is a senior auditor.


Mr. LIU Jiashun is currently a Supervisor of the Company. Mr. Liu was party secretary, deputy president and secretary of the disciplinary committee of China Aviation Fuel Hainan Company, as well as chairman of the board and president of Hainan Nanyang Air Transport Co., Ltd. He was also the chief director in charge of fuel supply engineering at Haikou’s Meilan Airport and served as a director of Meilan Airport Co., Ltd. and the vice chairman of the board and president of Meiya Company. From 1999 to 2007 he was deputy party secretary, and subsequently the secretary of the disciplinary committee of China Aviation Fuel East China Company and he served as the general manager of Shanghai Pudong Airport Fuel Co., Ltd from 2006 to March 2009. Since October 2009, Mr. Liu has served as the party secretary of China Aviation Fuel Huadong Company). He was appointed a Supervisor of the Company in 2000. Mr. Liu received post-graduate education and is qualified as a senior political work instructor.


Mr. FENG Jinxiong is currently a Supervisor and General Manager of the Audit Department of the Company and a deputy general manager of the Audit Department of CEA Holding. Mr. Feng joined the civil aviation industry in 1982, and served as Deputy Head and Head of the Planning Department of the Company, head of the Finance Department and deputy chief accountant of CEA Holding, Manager of the Human Resources Department of the Company, vice president of CES Finance Holding Co. Ltd, and Deputy General Manager of the Shanghai Security Department of the Company. He also served as president of the China Eastern Airlines Wuhan Co., Ltd. from 2007 to 2009. Since February 2009, he has been General Manager of the Audit Department of the Company. He has been a Supervisor of the Company since March 2009. Mr. Feng graduated from the Civil Aviation University of China and the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, holding a master’s degree.


Mr. YAN Taisheng is currently a Supervisor and the Vice Chairman of the Labor Union of the Company. Mr. Yan joined the civil aviation industry in 1973, and served as Chief of the Board Secretariat of the General Office of the Company, general manager of Shanghai Civil Aviation Dong Da Industry Company and Deputy Head and Head of the General Office of the Labor Union of the Company. He has been the Vice Chairman of the Labor Union of the Company since 2005. He served as a Supervisor since March 2009. Mr. Yan graduated from East China Normal University.


Senior Management


Mr. SHU Mingjiang is currently a Vice President of the Company. Mr. Shu joined the civil aviation industry in 1989. He served as vice president of general affairs of Shanghai Eastern Flight Training Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, Deputy Head of the Safety Monitoring Division, Vice Manager and subsequently Manager of the Safety Monitoring Department of the Company, Deputy General Manager of the Shanghai Flight Division of the Company and Vice President of the Yunnan Branch of the Company. From November 2006 to December 2009, he was the Chief Pilot and General Manager of the Operating Control Division of the Company. From December 2009 to November 2011, Mr. Shu was President of the Beijing Branch of the Company. He has been a Vice President of the Company since December 2011. Mr. Shu graduated from the Flight College of Civil Aviation Flight University of China, majoring in aviation flying, and obtained a Master in Flight Safety Management jointly held by Civil Aviation University of China, ENAC, France and ENSICA, France, and an Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) degree from School of Management of Fudan University.


Mr. WU Yongliang is currently a Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Company. Mr. Wu joined the civil aviation industry in 1984 and served as Deputy Head and subsequently Head of the Finance Department of the Company, Head of Planning and Finance Department of the Company and head of the Finance Department of CEA Holding. From 2001 to March 2009, he served as deputy chief accountant and head of the Finance Department of CEA Holding. From April 2009 onwards, he has served as Chief Financial Officer of the Company. He has been a Vice President of the Company since December 2011. Mr. Wu graduated from the Faculty of Economic Management of Civil Aviation University of China, majoring in planning and finance. He also graduated from Fudan University, majoring in business administration (MBA). Mr. Wu was awarded the postgraduate qualification and is a certified accountant.




 Mr. TIAN Liuwen is currently a Vice President of the Company and president of Shanghai Airlines. Mr. Tian served as manager of the Beijing Sales Department under the Marketing and Sales Division of China General Aviation Corporation. He was also the Head of the General Manager Office and Chairman of the Labour Union and Deputy General Manager of the Shanxi Branch of the Company. From June 2002 to January 2008, he was the Vice President and subsequently President of the Hebei Branch of the Company. From April 2005 to January 2008, he was President of the Beijing Base of the Company. He served as general manager of China Eastern Airlines Jiangsu Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of the Company, since January 2008. Since December 2011, he has been Vice President of the Company and president of Shanghai Airlines. He obtained an EMBA degree from Nanjing University and is qualified as senior economist.


Mr. WANG Jian is currently the Board Secretary, Joint Company Secretary and the Head of the Board secretariat of the Company. Mr. Wang joined the Company in 1995 and served as Deputy Head of the Company’s office and Deputy General Manager of the Shanghai Business Office of the Company. From September 2006 to May 2009, he was the deputy general manager in the Shanghai Base of China Southern Airlines Company Limited (a company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange). Since May 2009, he has served as the Head of the Board secretariat of the Company. He was a representative of the Company’s Securities affairs from May 2009 to April 2012. He was appointed as the Board Secretary and Joint Company Secretary of the Company in April 2012. Mr. Wang graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and has an MBA postgraduate degree from East China University of Science and Technology and an EMBA degree from Tsinghua University as well as a qualification certificate for board secretaries of listed companies issued by the Shanghai Stock Exchange.


MR. NGAI Wai Fung is currently a Joint Company Secretary of the Company. Mr. Ngai is a fellow and vice president of the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries, and a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators in the United Kingdom. Mr. Ngai is currently a director and chief executive officer of SW Corporate Services Group Limited. Mr. Ngai has become an adjunct professor of the Faculty of Law of Hong Kong Shue Yan University in September 2012. He was appointed as a non-official member of the Working Group on Professional Services of the Economic Development Commission by the chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and also a committee member of Qualification and Examination Board by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accounts in January 2013. He used to serve as joint company secretary in several companies and has rich experience in being a company secretary, as well as in enterprise management, legal matters, finance and corporate governance. He is also a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and a fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants in the United Kingdom. In April 2012, Mr. Ngai was appointed as the Joint Company Secretary of the Company. Mr. Ngai has a Doctorate in Finance from the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, a Master in Corporate Finance from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, an MBA from Andrews University in the United States and a Bachelor’s degree (Honors) in Law from the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom.




The aggregate amount of cash compensation paid by us to our Directors, supervisors and the senior management during 2012 for services performed as Directors, supervisors and officers or employees of our Company was approximately RMB6.7 million. In addition, Directors and supervisors who are also officers or employees of our Company receive certain other in-kind benefits which are provided to all of our employees. Our Company does not have any bonus or profit sharing plan or any stock option plan.


Details of the emoluments paid to our Directors, supervisors and senior management for the year 2012 are as follows:


Name and Principal Position  Salaries
   Bonus   Total 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Liu Shaoyong*            
Ma Xulun   697        697 
Xu Zhao*&**            
Gu Jiadan*&**            
Li Yangmin   625        625 
Tang Bing**   592        592 
Luo Zhuping   402        402 
Independent non-executive Directors               
Wu Xiaogen            
Ji Weidong   120        120 
Shao Ruiqing   120        120 
Sandy Ke-Yaw Liu   97        97 
Yu Faming*            
Xi Sheng*&**            
Liu Jiashun            
Feng Jinxiong   396        396 
Yan Taisheng   344        344 
Senior Management               
Tang Bing   592        592 
Shu Mingjiang   1,268        1,268 
Wu Yongliang   544        544 
Tian Liuwen   544        544 
Wang Jian**   386        386 
Total   6,727        6,727 


*Certain Directors and supervisors of our Company received emoluments from CEA Holding, our parent company, part of which is in respect of their services to our Company and our subsidiaries. No apportionment has been made as it is impracticable to apportion this amount between their services to our Company and their services to CEA Holding.


**These directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company were newly appointed during the year ended December 31, 2012.


During the year ended December 31, 2012, no Directors or supervisors waived their compensation.




C.Board Practices


All of our Directors and supervisors serve a term of three years or until such later date as their successors are elected or appointed. Directors and supervisors may serve consecutive terms. Two of the supervisors are employee representatives appointed by our employees, and the rest are appointed by the shareholders. The following table sets forth the number of years our current Directors, executive officers and supervisors have held their positions and the expiration of their current term.





Held Position Since

Expiration of Term

Liu Shaoyong   Chairman of the Board of Directors   June 28, 2010   June 28, 2013
Ma Xulun   Vice Chairman   November 11, 2011   June 28, 2013
    President   June 28, 2010   June 28, 2013
Xu Zhao   Director   June 28, 2012   June 28, 2013
Gu Jiadan   Director   June 28, 2012   June 28, 2013
Li Yangmin   Director   June 29, 2011   June 28, 2013
    Vice President   June 28, 2010   June 28, 2013
Tang Bing   Director   June 28, 2012   June 28, 2013
    Vice President   June 28, 2010   June 28, 2013
Luo Zhuping   Director   June 28, 2010   June 28, 2013
Sandy Ke-Yaw Liu   Independent non-executive Director   June 28, 2010   June 28, 2013
Wu Xiaogen   Independent non-executive Director   June 28, 2010   June 28, 2013
Ji Weidong   Independent non-executive Director   June 28, 2010   June 28, 2013
Shao Ruiqing   Independent non-executive Director   June 28, 2010   June 28, 2013
Yu Faming   Chairman of the Supervisory Committee   June 29, 2011   June 28, 2013
Xi Sheng   Supervisor   June 28, 2012   June 28, 2013
Liu Jiashun   Supervisor   June 28, 2010   June 28, 2013
Feng Jinxiong   Supervisor   June 28, 2010   June 28, 2013
Yan Taisheng   Supervisor   June 28, 2010   June 28, 2013
Shu Mingjiang   Vice President   December 13, 2011   June 28, 2013
Wu Yongliang   Vice President   December 13, 2011   June 28, 2013
    Chief Financial Officer   June 28, 2010   June 28, 2013
Tian Liuwen   Vice President   December 13, 2011   June 28, 2013
Wang Jian   Board Secretary and Joint Company Secretary   April 6, 2012   June 28, 2013


None of our Directors, supervisors or members of our senior management has entered into any agreement or reached any understanding with us requiring our Company to pay any benefits as a result of termination of their services.


Audit and Risk Management Committee


Our Board of Directors established the audit committee in August 2000 in accordance with the listing rules of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. On August 10, 2009, our Board of Directors approved a resolution to change the audit committee to the audit and risk management committee. On March 19, 2010, the Board of our Company approved the appointment of Mr. Wu Xiaogen and Mr. Ji Weidong to serve as members of the audit and risk management committee, whereas Mr. Hu Honggao and Mr. Zhou Ruijin ceased to be members of the audit and risk management committee. Mr. Shao Ruiqing serves as the chairman of the audit and risk management committee. All of the members of the audit and risk management committee are independent non-executive directors. Our audit and risk management committee satisfies the requirements of Rule 10A-3 of the Exchange Act and NYSE Rule 303A.06 relating to audit committees, including the requirements relating to independence of the audit committee members.


The audit and risk management committee is authorized to, among other things, examine our internal control system, review auditing procedures and financial reports with our auditors, evaluate the overall risk management and corporate governance of our Company and prepare relevant recommendations to our Board of Directors. Subject to the approval of the shareholders’ meeting, the audit and risk management committee of our Company is also directly responsible for the appointment, compensation, retention and oversight of our external auditors, including resolving disagreements between management and the auditor regarding financial reporting. The external auditors report directly to the audit and risk management committee. The audit and risk management committee holds at least three meetings each year. The audit and risk management committee has established procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received by our Company regarding accounting, internal controls or auditing matters, and procedures for the confidential, anonymous submission by employees of concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters. The audit and risk management committee has the authority to engage independent counsel and other advisors, as it determines necessary, to carry out its duties. Our Company provides appropriate funding, as determined by the audit and risk management committee, for payment of compensation to the external auditors, advisors employed by the audit committee, if any, and ordinary administrative expenses of the audit committee that are necessary or appropriate in carrying out its duties. The audit and risk management committee held eight meetings in 2012.


 Nominations and Remuneration Committee


On June 29, 2007, the fifth session of the Board of the Company held the first meeting for 2007 and initially appointed Mr. Zhou Ruijin, Mr. Luo Chaogeng and Mr. Wu Baiwang as the remuneration and appraisal committee of the Company (the “Remuneration and Appraisal Committee”), and Mr. Zhou Ruijin was elected as the chairman of the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee. On March 19, 2010, the Board of the Company passed a resolution to merge the Nominations Committee of our Company and the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee to form the Nominations and Remuneration Committee. On March 19, 2010, the Board approved the appointment of Mr. Liu Shaoyong, Mr. Sandy Ke-Yaw Liu and Mr. Ji Weidong as the members of the Nominations and Remuneration Committee of the fifth session of the Board. Mr. Liu Shaoyong was elected as the chairman of the Nominations and Remuneration Committee. On April 27, 2012, we amended the Detailed Working Rules for the Nominations and Remuneration Committee, with retroactive effect from April 1, 2012. For remuneration related matters considered and approved by the Nominations and Remuneration Committee, duties of the Chairman shall be performed by an independent non-executive director from among the members of the Nominations and Remuneration Committee. See the announcement furnished to the SEC on Form 6-K dated April 27, 2012. 


The Nominations and Remuneration committee is authorized to determine standards and procedures for the nomination of Directors and senior management of the Company, examine the remuneration policies of Directors and senior management of the Company, review the performance of our Directors and senior management as well as determine their annual compensation level. The Nominations and Remuneration Committee submits to our Board of Directors or shareholders’ meeting for approval compensation plans and oversee the implementation of approved compensation plans. The Nominations and Remuneration Committee may consult financial, legal or other outside professional firms in carrying out its duties. Prior to the establishment of the Nominations and Remuneration Committee, the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee did not hold any meetings in 2009. Under the guidance of the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee, we renewed liability insurance for our Directors, supervisors and senior management in August 2009. The Nominations and Remuneration Committee held five meetings in 2012.




We follow our home country practice in relation to the composition of our Nominations and Remuneration Committee in reliance on the exemption provided under NYSE Corporate Governance Rule 303A.00 available to foreign private issuers. Our home country practice does not require us to establish a remuneration committee composed entirely of independent directors.


Planning and Development Committee


As of December 31, 2012, the three members of the Planning and Development Committee were Mr. Li Yangmin, Mr. Luo Zhuping and Mr. Shao Ruiqing. Mr. Li Yangmin is the Chairman of the committee. On June 29, 2011, the Board of our Company approved the appointment of Mr. Li Yangmin to serve as a member and the Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee, whereas Mr. Luo Chaogeng ceased to be the member of the Planning and Development Committee.


The Planning and Development Committee, a specialized committee under our Board of Directors, is responsible for studying, considering, and developing plans and making recommendations with regard to the long-term development plans and material investment decisions of the Company. The members of the committee also oversee the implementation of such plans. The Planning and Development Committee held seven meetings in 2012.


Aviation Safety and Environment Committee


As of December 31, 2012, the three members of the Aviation Safety and Environment Committee were Mr. Ma Xulun, Mr. Sandy, Ke-Yaw Liu and Mr. Li Yangmin. Mr. Ma Xulun is the Chairman of the committee. On June 29, 2011, the Board of our Company approved the appointment of Mr. Li Yangmin to serve as a member of the Aviation Safety and Environment Committee, whereas Mr. Luo Chaogeng ceased to be the member of the Aviation Safety and Environment Committee.


The Aviation Safety and Environment Committee, a specialized committee under our Board of Directors, is responsible for consistent implementation of relevant laws or regulations regarding national aviation safety and environmental protection, examining and overseeing the aviation safety management of the Company, studying, considering and making recommendations with regard to aviation safety duty plans and significant issues resulting from related safety duties as well as implementing such safety duty plans. In addition, the Aviation Safety and Environment Committee performs studies, and makes recommendations on significant environmental protection issues, including carbon emissions on our domestic and international aviation routes and carbon emission programs, and overseeing their implementation. The Aviation Safety and Environment Committee held two meetings in 2012.




Through arrangements with CEA Holding and others, we provide certain benefits to our employees, including housing, retirement benefits and hospital, maternity, disability and dependent medical care benefits. Our Company does not have any bonus or profit sharing plan or any stock option plan. See Notes 37 and 38 to our audited consolidated financial statements. Our employees are members of a labor association which represents employees with respect to labor disputes and certain other employee matters. We believe that we maintain good relations with our employees and with their labor association.


 The table below sets forth the number of our employees as of December 31, 2010, 2011 and 2012, respectively:


   As of December 31, 
   2010   2011   2012 
Pilots   4,587    4,601    5,562 
Flight attendants   7,200    7,327    7,715 
Maintenance personnel   10,446    10,635    12,698 
Sales and marketing   4,105    4,183    3,960 
Management and others (1)   30,758    33,126    36,272 
Management   6,259    6,291    5,462 
Ground Services and others   24,499    26,835    30,810 
Total   57,096    59,872    66,207 


(1)Others include outsourced non-skilled and semi-skilled personnel employed by third-party employment staffing companies and other entities. These personnel remain employees of their respective employment staffing company or other entity.


E.    Share Ownership


See Item 6.A and Item 6.B above.


Item 7.                Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions


A.    Major Shareholders


The following table sets forth certain information regarding ownership of our capital stock as of December 31, 2012 by all persons who were known to us to be the beneficial owners of 5% or more of our capital stock:


Title of Class  Identity of Person or Group  Amount Owned   Percent of Class   Percent of
Domestic A Shares  CEA Holding   4,831,375,000    62.08%   42.84%
H Shares  CEA Holding (1)   1,927,375,000    55.16%   17.09%
H Shares  HKSCC Nominees Limited (2)   3,478,100,299    99.54%   30.85%


(1)Such H shares were held by CES Global Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited (“CES Global”), in the capacity of beneficial owner, which in turn was 100% held by CEA Holding.


(2)As custodian of the Depositary for American Depositary Shares representing H Shares. Amount of shares owned by HKSCC Nominees Limited also includes 1,927,375,000 H shares held by CES Global, of which 1,437,375,000 H shares are subject to a trading moratorium until June 26, 2012.




As of December 31, 2012, CEA Holding directly or indirectly held 59.93% of our issued and outstanding capital stock, and neither it nor HKSCC Nominees Limited has any voting rights different from those of other shareholders. We are not aware of any arrangement which may at a subsequent date result in a change of control of our Company.


As of December 31, 2012, there were 3,494,325,000 H Shares issued and outstanding. As of December 31, 2012 and April 19, 2013, there were, respectively, 42 and 41 registered holders of American depositary receipts evidencing 1,194,494 and 1,089,374 ADSs, respectively. Since certain of the ADSs are held by nominees, the above number may not be representative of the actual number of U.S. beneficial holders of ADSs or the number of ADSs beneficially held by U.S. persons.


Our Company is currently a majority-owned subsidiary of CEA Holding. CEA Holding itself is a wholly state-owned enterprise under the administrative control of China State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, or SASAC. CEA Holding’s shareholding in our Company is in the form of ordinary domestic shares, through which it, under the supervision of the SASAC, enjoys shareholders’ rights and benefits on behalf of the PRC government.


B.    Related Party Transactions


Relationship with CEA Holding and Associated Companies


We enter into transactions from time to time with CEA Holding and its subsidiaries. For a description of such transactions, see Note 46 to our audited consolidated financial statements.


 Related Business Transactions


As our Company and EA Group and its subsidiaries were a single group prior to the restructuring in 2002, certain arrangements among us have continued after the restructuring and the establishment of CEA Holding. Although we do not currently intend to enter into any equivalent contracts with third parties, each of these arrangements is non-exclusive.


Eastern Aviation Import and Export Corporation (“ EAIEC”), a 55% owned subsidiary of CEA Holding


Import and Export Agency Services


On October 15, 2010, the Company entered into an agreement relating to the renewal of the existing import and export agency agreement with the with EAIEC on substantially the same terms, pursuant to which EAIEC and its subsidiaries will from time to time as its agent provide us with agency services for the import and export of aircraft and related raw materials, accessories, machinery and equipment required in our daily airlines operations and civil aviation business. The Import and Export Agency Renewal Agreement will be effective for a term of three years commencing from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2013. The agreement is subject to renewal.


For the year ended December 31, 2012, we paid handling charges to EAIEC of approximately RMB78.8 million. We currently have certain balances with EAIEC, which are unsecured, interest-free and have no fixed term of repayment. See Note 46(b) to our audited consolidated financial statements for more details.


SA Import and Export Disposal


On July 28, 2010, Shanghai Airlines and Shanghai Airlines Tours, International (Group) Co., Ltd., or Shanghai Tours, entered into the SA Import and Export Share Transfer Agreement with EAIEC, pursuant to which Shanghai Airlines agreed to sell and EAIEC agreed to purchase the SA Import & Export Equity Interests, representing 89.7% of the entire issued share capital of SA Import & Export, and Shanghai Tours agreed to sell and EAIEC agreed to purchase the SA Import & Export Equity Interests II, representing 10.3% of the entire issued share capital of SA Import & Export.


Eastern Aviation Advertising Service Co., Ltd. (“ Eastern Aviation Advertising”), a 55% owned subsidiary of CEA Holding


Advertising Service Agreement


On April 29, 2008, we entered into an agreement to renew our agreement entered into with Eastern Aviation Advertising dated May 12, 2005 regarding the provision of advertising services on substantially the same terms, for an additional term of three years commencing from July 1, 2008. On October 15, 2010, we entered into an agreement relating to the renewal of the existing Advertising Services Agreement with Eastern Aviation Advertising on substantially the same terms, pursuant to which Eastern Aviation Advertising and its subsidiaries will, from time to time, provide us with multi-media advertising services to promote its business and to organize promotional functions and campaigns to enhance its reputation in the civil aviation industry. The advertising services renewal agreement will be effective for a term of three years, commencing from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2013. For the year ended December 31, 2012, we paid to Eastern Aviation Advertising approximately RMB38.8 million for advertising services.


Media Resources Agreement


On March 24, 2010, our Company and Eastern Aviation Advertising, which is 55% owned by CEA Holding, entered into an exclusive media resources agreement in which we granted Eastern Aviation Advertising the exclusive rights to operate the media resources of the Company. Pursuant to the agreement, Eastern Aviation Advertising will have the exclusive rights to: (i) distribute in-flight reading materials; (ii) operate aircraft cabin-based, in-flight and facilities advertising; and (iii) purchase in-flight entertainment programming from third parties or to self-produce such programming. The term of this agreement is for three years, commencing March 24, 2010, with the relevant terms to increase the fees payable to the Company in accordance with the expansion of the Company’s aircraft fleet.


On October 15, 2010, we entered into an agreement relating to the renewal of the existing Media Resources Agreement with Eastern Aviation Advertising on substantially the same terms, pursuant to which we agreed to grant Eastern Aviation Advertising and its subsidiaries exclusive rights to operate our media resources. The Media Resources Renewal Agreement will be effective for a term of three years, commencing from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2013. For the year ended December 31, 2012, Eastern Aviation Advertising paid approximately RMB36.0 million for media royalty fee.


SA Media Disposal


On July 28, 2010, Shanghai Airlines and Shanghai Tours entered into the SA Media Share Transfer Agreement with Eastern Aviation Advertising, pursuant to which Shanghai Airlines agreed to sell and Eastern Aviation Advertising agreed to purchase the SA Media Equity Interests I, representing 49% of the entire issued share capital of SA Media, and Shanghai Tours agreed to sell and Eastern Aviation Advertising agreed to purchase the SA Media Equity Interests II, representing 51% of the entire issued share capital of SA Media.




 China Eastern Air Catering Investment Co., Ltd. (“CEA Catering”), a 55% owned subsidiary of CEA Holding with the remaining 45% by our Company


Catering Service Agreements


On May 12, 2005, our Company entered into certain catering service agreements with a number of subsidiaries of CEA Catering (including Shanghai Eastern Air Catering Co., Ltd.) regarding the provision of in-flight catering services (including the supply of in-flight meals and beverages, cutlery and tableware) and related storage and complementary services required in our Company’s daily airline operations and civil aviation business.


On April 29, 2008, we entered into a service agreement with CEA Catering in substantially the same terms to supersede our agreements dated May 12, 2005. The agreement, regarding the provision of in-flight catering services (including the supply of in-flight meals and beverages, cutlery and tableware) and related storage and complementary services required in our Company’s daily airline operations and civil aviation business, was for a term of three years commencing from July 1, 2008.


On October 15, 2010, the Company entered into an agreement relating to the renewal of the existing catering services agreement with the CEA Catering on substantially the same terms pursuant to which CEA Catering and the subsidiaries of CEA Catering will from time to time provide our Group with in-flight catering services (including the supply of in-flight meals and beverages, cutlery and tableware) and related storage and complementary services required in the daily airline operations and civil aviation business of our Group. CEA Catering and its subsidiaries provide their services in accordance with the specifications and schedules as from time to time specified by the relevant member(s) of our Group to accommodate its operation needs. The catering services renewal agreement will be effective for a term of three years, commencing from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2013. For the year ended December 31, 2012, we paid approximately RMB783.4 million to the subsidiaries of CEA Catering for the supply of in-flight meals and other services.


SA Catering Disposal


On July 28, 2010, Shanghai Airlines and SA Industry entered into the SA Catering Share Transfer Agreement with CEA Catering, pursuant to which Shanghai Airlines agreed to sell and CEA Catering agreed to purchase the SA Catering Equity Interests I, representing 50% of the entire issued share capital of SA Catering, and SA Industry agreed to sell and CEA Catering agreed to purchase the SA Catering Equity Interests II, representing 20% of the entire issued share capital of SA Catering.


Eastern Air Group Finance Co., Ltd., (“Eastern Finance”), a 53.75% owned subsidiary of CEA Holding


Our Company and Eastern Finance have entered into a financial services agreement dated May 12, 2005 to supersede our agreement with Eastern Finance dated January 8, 1997, regarding the provision of deposit services, loan and financing services and certain other financial services such as the provision of trust loans, financial guarantees and credit facilities and credit references for a term of three years commencing from July 1, 2005. The agreement is subject to renewal. Pursuant to this agreement, we may place deposits with, and obtain loans from, Eastern Finance.


Pursuant to the financial services agreement, Eastern Finance shall deposit all monies deposited by our Company under the agreement with commercial bank(s) in China, including, for example, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Agriculture Bank of China and Bank of Communications. Eastern Finance has also undertaken under the financial services agreement that all outstanding loans it provides to CEA Holding and its subsidiaries (other than our Company) will not at any time and from time to time exceed the aggregate amount of its equity capital, surplus reserves and deposits received from other parties.


On April 29, 2008, we entered into a financial services agreement to renew our agreement dated May 12, 2005 regarding the provision of deposit services, loan and financing services and certain other financial services such as the provision of trust loans, financial guarantees and credit facilities and credit references, in substantially the same terms, for an additional term of three years commencing from July 1, 2008.


On October 15, 2010, the Company entered into an agreement relating to the renewal of the existing financial services agreement with the Eastern Finance, pursuant to which the Eastern Finance and its subsidiaries will from time to time provide us with a range of financial services including: (i) deposit services; (ii) loan and financing services; and (iii) other financial services such as the provision of trust loans, financial guarantees and credit references (the scope of “other financial services” is not limited and different services may be provided to us as and when they are needed). The financial services renewal agreement will be effective for a term of three years commencing from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2013.


 As of December 31, 2012, we had short-term deposits amounting to RMB1,451.5 million placed with Eastern Finance, which paid interest to us at 0.39% per annum. In addition, our Company had short-term loans of RMB675.4 million from Eastern Finance. During the year ended December 31, 2012, the weighted average interest rate on the loan was 4.98% per annum. As of December 31, 2012, we had long-term loans of RMB165.0 million with Eastern Finance, which had had a weighted average interest rate of 5.64% per annum.


On January 16, 2013, the Company entered into a supplemental agreement with Eastern Finance to further regulate the balances of the our deposits and loans with the Eastern Finance and its subsidiaries on a pre-condition that the agreed maximum daily balance of each of the deposits and the loans under the financial services agreement dated October 15, 2010 remains unchanged. For details, please refer to the our announcement filed with the SEC dated January 16, 2013.


CEA Development Co. (“CEA Development”), a 95% owned subsidiary of CEA Holding


On October 28, 2008, our Company and CEA Development Co. entered into an automobile repair service agreement, pursuant to which CEA Development Co. will, from time to time, provide maintenance and repair services for our automobiles that are used in our ground services and daily operations for a term commencing from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010. On April 29, 2008, we entered into a service agreement with Shanghai Eastern Aviation Equipment Manufacturing Corporation, or SEAEMC, a wholly owned subsidiary of CEA Development Co., to renew our agreement with SEAEMC dated May 12, 2005, in substantially the same terms. The agreement regarding the provision of comprehensive services in relation to maintenance, repair and overhaul of aircraft and aviation equipment, and procurement of related equipment and materials required in our daily operations extends for an additional term of three years commencing from July 1, 2008.


On October 15, 2010, the Company entered into an agreement relating to the consolidation and renewal of the existing maintenance services agreement and the existing automobile repairing services agreement on substantially the same terms with CEA Development Co. pursuant to which CEA Development Co. and its subsidiaries will from time to time provide certain services to the Company, including: (i) maintenance and repair services to the Company’s automobiles that are used in ground services and daily operations; (ii) comprehensive services in relation to maintenance, repair and overhaul of aircraft and aviation equipment, and procurement of related equipment and materials required in the daily operations of our Group; (iii) various special vehicles and equipment for airline use, such as air stairs, freight cars, luggage trailers, garbage truck, food cars, freight containers, freight board; and (iv) aircraft on-board supplies. The maintenance and repair services renewal agreement will be effective for a term of three years commencing from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2013. For the year ended December 31, 2012, production and maintenance services fees paid to CEA Development Entity amounted were approximately RMB121.9 million.




Great Wall Airlines, a non-wholly owned subsidiary of CEA Holding


On December 20, 2010, China Cargo Airlines, a subsidiary of our Company, as purchaser, and Great Wall Airlines, as vendor, entered into a purchase agreement for the acquisition of the assets, being all valuable business carried on by, and all valuable assets of, Great Wall Airlines, at RMB386.9 million (subject to adjustments). The acquisition obtained the approval from CAAC, NDRC and MOFCOM, and was completed on June 1, 2011. The acquisition is to align with the development strategy of our Company and enhances China Cargo Airlines’ capability for sustainable development, while avoiding horizontal competition.


Shanghai Eastern Airlines Investment Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Eastern Investment”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of CEA Holding


On November 4, 2011, our Company entered into an agreement with Shanghai Eastern Investment, pursuant to which Shanghai Eastern Investment acquired 5% of the entire issued share capital of CEA Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd. (“CEA Real Estate”), an entity held by our Company, for a consideration of RMB100.7 million. The terms and conditions of the transaction were agreed to after arm’s length negotiations between the parties. The transaction was conducted in accordance to the requirements of the relevant laws and regulations of the PRC and the relevant requirements of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. We believe this transaction will not only lower the risks of our external investments but will also allow us to focus more on our core aviation business and related businesses. For the year ended December 31, 2012, we received approximately RMB93,7 million from Shanghai Eastern Investment for the disposal of 5% of the entire share capital of CEA Real Estate.


Shanghai Dongmei Aviation Tourism Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Dongmei”), a 72.84% owned subsidiary of CEA Holding


On May 12, 2005, our Company entered into certain sales agency services agreements with several subsidiaries of CEA Holding regarding the sales of our air tickets by such subsidiaries of CEA Holding as our sales agents and the provision of complementary services for a term of three years commencing from July 1, 2005. The agreement is subject to renewal. Under such agreements, the sales agents charge commissions at rates with reference to those prescribed by the CAAC and the International Aviation Transportation Association, as determined following arm’s length negotiations. Such commissions are payable monthly in arrears. The parties will perform an annual review of the then prevailing commission rate before December 31 of each calendar year, and agree on any required adjustments to such commission rate in respect of the next calendar year.


 On April 29, 2008, we entered into certain sales agency service agreements to renew our agreements dated May 12, 2005 regarding the sales of our air tickets by certain subsidiaries of CEA Holding as our sales agents and the provision of complementary services, in substantially the same terms, for an additional term of three years commencing from July 1, 2008.


On October 15, 2010, our Company entered into an agreement relating to the renewal of the existing sales agency services agreements with Shanghai Dongmei on substantially the same terms, pursuant to which the Shanghai Dongmei Entities will from time to time provide our Group as its agents with services for sale of air tickets and the provision of complementary services required in the daily airline operations and civil aviation business of our Group. The Sales Agency Services Renewal Agreement will be effective for a term of three years commencing from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2013.


On December 27, 2012, Shanghai Airlines Tours, International (Group) Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Tours”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, entered into an equity transfer agreement with Eastern Air Tourism Investment Group Co., Ltd (“Eastern Tourism”) and Shanghai Dongmei Aviation Travel Co., Ltd (“Shanghai Dongmei”), pursuant to which Shanghai Tours agreed to acquire the entired equity interests in Xi’an Dongmei Aviation Travel Co., Ltd (“Xi’an Dongmei”) from Eastern Tourism and Shanghai Dongmei in consideration of RMB3,300,400 in total (the “Xi’an Dongmei Acquisition”).


On December 27, 2012, Shanghai Tours entered into an equity transfer agreement with Eastern Tourism and Shanghai Dongmei, pursuant to which Shanghai Tours agreed to acquire the entired equity interests of Kunming Dongmei Aviation Travel Co., Ltd (“Kunming Dongmei”) from Eastern Tourism and Shanghai Dongmei in consideration of RMB10,551,000 in total (the “Kunming Dongmei Acquisition”). For the year ended December 31, 2012, we paid to Shanghai Dongmei, Kunming Dongmei and Xi’an Dongmei an aggregate amount of approximately RMB19.8 million of commissions for the agency services of air tickets sales.


On January 10, 2013, Shanghai Tours entered into an equity transfer agreement with Eastern Tourism, pursuant to which Shanghai Tours agreed to acquire the entire equity interests of Shanghai Eastern Air International Travel Service Co., Ltd (“Eastern Travel”) from Eastern Tourism in consideration of RMB11,876,200 in total (the “Eastern Travel Acquisition”). Based on the valuation prices, we paid RMB13,9 million for the Eastern Travel Acquisition for the year ended December 31, 2012.


Eastern Tourism is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CEA Holding, which in turn is a controlling shareholder of the Company. Eastern Tourism is thus a connected person of the Company under the Listing Rules. Shanghai Dongmei is interested as to 72.84% by, and is thus an associate of, CEA Holding. Shanghai Dongmei is thus a connected person of the Company under the Listing Rules. Therefore, each of the Xi’an Dongmei Acquisition, the Kunming Dongmei Acquisition and the Eastern Travel Acquisition constitutes a connected transaction of the Company. The main purpose of Xi’an Dongmei Acquisition, the Kunming Dongmei Acquisition and the Eastern Travel Acquisition is to reorganize and intergrade the tourism business of the Group. For details, please refer to the announcements of the Company issued in Hon g Kong dated January 10, 2013.


Shanghai Aviation Import & Export Com. Ltd. (“SA Import & Export”), which is indirectly held as to 55% by CEA Holding and 45% by our Company


On December 6, 2012, we entered into an agreement with SA Import & Export, pursuant to which we agreed to purchase and SA Import & Export agreed to sell the 13.98% of the entire issued share capital of Shanghai Tours held by SA Import & Export. Shanghai Tours was previously directly held as to 86.02% by our Company and 13.98% by SA Import & Export, and after completion of the acquisition, it has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of our Company. We paid to SA Import & Export RMB20.7 million for the acquisition as of December 31, 2012.


The main purpose of the acquisition is to resolve the issue of intra-group competition. The acquisition is not expected to have a material impact on our normal operations and financial condition. The terms and conditions of the acquisition are agreed after arm’s length negotiations between the parties.


Property Leases


Our Company and EA Group had entered into an office lease agreement dated January 7, 1997 in respect of office premises located at Kong Gang San Lu, Number 92, Shanghai, China. The lease term is one year and renewable by the parties, subject to mutual agreement with respect to rental terms. The total rental payment is approximately RMB158,342 per month. In addition, our Company and EA Group had entered into a staff dormitory lease agreement dated December 31, 1996, pursuant to which EA Group had agreed to enter into lease arrangements with our employees for dormitories in Shanghai, Anhui Province, Shandong Province and Jiangxi Province. The term of the lease and the rental payments are set in accordance with Chinese regulations and the rate prescribed by the Shanghai Municipal Government. CEA Holding has assumed EA Group’s rights and liabilities under those lease agreements after its establishment.




On May 12, 2005, we entered into a property leasing agreement with CEA Holding, CEA Northwest and CEA Yunnan for a term of three years, subject to renewal of another three years.


On April 29, 2008, we entered into an agreement to renew the property leasing agreement dated May 12, 2005 for an additional term of three years commencing July 1, 2008. Pursuant to the agreement, we will renew our lease on all properties covered by the previous property leasing agreement entered into on May 12, 2005, except that where we previously leased 81 building properties and related construction, infrastructure and facilities, we will instead lease 77 building properties and related construction, infrastructure and facilities covering an aggregate floor area of approximately 452,949 square meters. In addition, CEA Holding will be the only counterparty in the property leasing renewal agreement. Under the property leasing renewal agreement, our Company will pay annual rentals of approximately RMB55.1 million.


On October 15, 2010, the Company entered into an agreement relating to the renewal of the existing property leasing agreement with CEA Holding on substantially the same terms. Pursuant to this property leasing renewal agreement, we leased from CEA Holding, for our use in daily business operations: (i) 33 land properties owned by CEA Northwest, covering an aggregate site area of approximately 692,539 square meters primarily located in Xi’an, Xianyang and Lanzhou, with a total of 225 building properties and related construction, infrastructure and facilities occupying an aggregate floor area of approximately 269,148 square meters; (ii) seven land properties owned by CEA Yunnan, covering an aggregate site area of approximately 420,768 square meters primarily located in Kunming, together with a total of 77 building properties and related construction, infrastructure and facilities occupying an aggregate floor area of approximately 452,949 square meters; (iii) building properties and related construction, infrastructure and facilities owned by CEA Holding, occupying an aggregate floor area of approximately 8,853 square meters located in Shijiazhuang; building properties and related construction, infrastructure and facilities owned by CEA Holding, occupying an aggregate floor area of approximately 63,552 square meters located in Taiyuan; (iv) seven building properties and related construction, infrastructure and facilities owned by CEA Holding, occupying an aggregate floor area of approximately 13,195 square meters located in Shanghai; (v) 29 guest rooms and two suites at the Eastern Hotel owned by CEA Holding, occupying an aggregate floor area of approximately 1,500 square meters located in Shanghai; and (vi) other property facilities owned by CEA Holding and/or its subsidiaries that are leased to us from time to time for various operational needs. Under the property leasing agreement, we are required to pay annual rental payments to CEA Holding. The rentals are payable half-yearly in advance, and are subject to review and adjustments provided that the adjustments shall not exceed the applicable inflation rates published by the relevant local PRC authorities. The Property Leasing Renewal Agreement will be effective for a term of three years commencing from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2013.


For the year ended December 31, 2012, we paid a rental of RMB66.76 million under this property leasing renewal agreement.


Guarantee by CEA Holding


As of December 31, 2012, certain unsecured long-term bank loans of our Group with an aggregate amount of RMB95 million were guaranteed by CEA Holding. See Note 46(d) to our audited consolidated financial statements.


 Subscription Agreements with CEA Holding, CES Global and CES Finance


On December 10, 2008, CEA Holding entered into an A Share Subscription Agreement (the “Original A Share Subscription Agreement”) with our Company to subscribe for new A shares to be issued by our Company. Simultaneously with entering into the Original A Share Subscription Agreement, CES Global entered into an H Share Subscription Agreement with our Company (the “Original H Share Subscription Agreement”) to subscribe for new H shares to be issued by our Company. Subsequently, the parties made amendments to certain terms of the Original A Share Subscription Agreement and the Original H Share Subscription Agreement; and on December 29, 2008, CEA Holding entered into a revised A Share Subscription Agreement with our Company to subscribe in cash for 1,437,375,000 new A shares in our Company at the subscription price of RMB3.87 per share with a total subscription price of approximately RMB5,563 million, and CES Global entered into a revised H Share Subscription Agreement with our Company to subscribe in cash for 1,437,375,000 new H shares in our Company at the subscription price of RMB1.00 per share with a total subscription price of approximately RMB1,437 million, respectively. The Original A Share Subscription Agreement and the Original H Share Subscription Agreement were cancelled accordingly.


On February 26, 2009, we convened a class meeting of A Share Shareholders, a class meeting of H Share Shareholders, and an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, at which special resolutions were passed to approve both the non-public issuance of 1,437,375,000 new A Shares at subscription price of approximately RMB5,563 million to CEA Holding and the issuance of 1,437,375,000 new H Shares at subscription price of approximately RMB1,437 million to CES Global. On May 22, 2009, we had received an approval issued by CSRC dated May 19, 2009 in relation to our proposed issue of 1,437,375,000 new H Shares at a price of RMB1.00 per share to CES Global. In June 2009, the CSRC approved the non-public issuance of 1,437,375,000 new A Shares. We issued 1,437,375,000 new A Shares to CES Holding and 1,437,375,000 new H shares to CES Global on June 25, 2009 and June 26, 2009, respectively.


On July 10, 2009, our Board approved an issuance of not more than 1,350,000,000 new A shares of the Company to 10 or less specific investors and the issuance of not more than 490,000,000 new H shares of the Company to CES Global. As part of this contemplated new A share issuance, CEA Holding entered into a subscription agreement with the Company on July 10, 2009, pursuant to which CEA Holding would subscribe in cash for not more than 490,000,000 new A shares at a subscription price of not less than RMB4.75 per A share. CES Global entered into another subscription agreement with the Company on the same day, pursuant to which CES Global would subscribe in cash for not more than 490,000,000 new H shares at the subscription price of not less than HK$1.40 per H share. The issuances of the A shares to CEA Holding and H shares to CES Global were completed on December 23, 2009 and December 10, 2009, respectively.


On September 11, 2012, CEA Holding and CES Finance entered into an A Shares Subscription Agreement with our Company. Pursuant to the A Shares Subscription Agreement: (i) CEA Holding, at the subscription price of RMB3.28 per share, subscribed in cash for 241,547,927 new A Shares with a total subscription price of RMB792,277,200.56; and (ii) CES Finance, at the subscription price of RMB3.28 per share, subscribed in cash for 457,317,073 new A Shares with a total subscription price of RMB1,499,999,999.44.


Simultaneously with the entering into of the A Shares Subscription Agreement, CES Global entered into the H Shares Subscription Agreement with the Company. Pursuant to the H Shares Subscription Agreement, CES Global, at the subscription price of HK$2.32 per share, subscribed in cash for 698,865,000 new H Shares with a total subscription price of HK$1,621,366,800.


Both CES Finance and CES Global are wholly-owned subsidiaries of CEA Holding. The subscriptions will significantly enhance the capital structure and financial position of our Company by improving our balance sheet and leverage ratios, and thus strengthen the core competitiveness and risk-resistance capability of our Company. The terms and conditions of the Subscriptions are agreed after arm’s length negotiations between the parties. For details, please refer to the announcement furnished to the SEC on Form 6-K dated September 24, 2012. 




Equity Transfer Agreements with CEA Holding


On October 29, 2010, the Company entered into two equity transfer agreements with CEA Holding in Shanghai. Pursuant to these agreements, the Company acquired 5% of the equity interest in Flight Training Company and 14.14% of the equity interest in Eastern Airlines Hotel held by CEA Holding by way of cash. The acquisition prices were determined on the basis of the appraised net asset value as of June 30, 2010, being the record date in respect of their respective valuations. The resolutions in respect of the said connected transactions were unanimously approved by the independent directors of the Company present at the meeting, who also expressed their independent opinions.


Upon the completion of the equity transfers under these connected transactions, Flight Training Company and Eastern Airlines Hotel will become wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company. The Company will be able to direct and manage Flight Training Company and Eastern Airlines Hotel in a more flexible manner, so as to ensure that they better serve the Company’s requirements by providing protection and services to the air crew and to endeavor to open up external markets.


On August 22, 2012, we entered into an agreement with CEA Holding, pursuant to which we agreed to purchase and CEA Holding agreed to sell means 20% of the entire issued share capital of the China United Airlines held by CEA Holding. China United Airlines was held 80% by the Company and 20% by CEA Holding before the transaction. After the completion of the acquisition, China United Airlines has become our wholly-owned subsidiary, which will enable us to manage and conduct internal integration of the Group. The terms and conditions of the acquisition are agreed after arm's length negotiations between the parties.


Subscription Agreement with China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company ("COSCO"), which is a substantial shareholder of Shanghai Eastern Airlines Logistics Co., Ltd., which in turn is a subsidiary of the Company


On December 6, 2012, we entered into an agreement with COSCO, pursuant to which we agreed to purchase and COSCO agreed to sell 29.7% of the entire issued share capital of Shanghai Eastern Airlines Logistics Co., Ltd. held by COSCO. On the same day, we also entered into an agreement with China Cargo Airlines Co., Ltd., or China Cargo, pursuant to which we agreed to purchase and China Cargo agreed to sell its 1% equity interests in Shanghai Eastern Airlines Logistics Co., Ltd. COSCO is a substantial shareholder of Shanghai Eastern Airlines Logistics Co., Ltd., which in turn is a subsidiary of the Company, and COSCO is thus a connected person of the Company.


COSCO is principally engaged in the business of global passenger and cargo shipping, charter booking, voyage charter, time charter, leasing, ship building, purchase and sale of ships, container manufacturing and repairing and accessory making, warehousing, forwarding, multimodal transport and door-to-door transport, and other approved overseas futures business.


Shanghai Eastern Airlines Logistics Co., Ltd. is principally engaged in the business of shipping agency, ground cargo handling, road freight transport (general freight), warehousing and property management. In order to integrate the freight transportation business of the Group, expand the business of air-ground transportation, and provide “end-to-end, door-to-door” service, we acquired the equity interests in Shanghai Eastern Airlines Logistics Co., Ltd. held by COSCO and China Cargo. After the completion of the acquisitions, Shanghai Eastern Airlines Logistics Co., Ltd. has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.


The terms and conditions of the acquisitions are agreed after arm's length negotiations between the parties. The resolution regarding considering and approving the acquisitions has been passed at the 2012 fifth regular meeting of the Board held on October 30, 2012.


C.Interests of Experts and Counsel


Not applicable.


Item 8.        Financial Information


A.Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information


Financial Statements


You should read “Item 18. Financial Statements” for information regarding our audited consolidated financial statements and other financial information.


 Legal Proceedings


We are involved in routine litigation and other proceedings in the ordinary course of our business. We do not believe that any of these proceedings are likely to be material to our business operations, financial condition or results of operations. In 2005, the family members of certain victims in the aircraft accident (the aircraft was then owned and operated by China Eastern Air Yunnan Company), which occurred in Baotou city in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on November 21, 2004, sued, among other defendants, our Company in a U.S. court for compensation, the amount of which has not been determined. As of December 31, 2006, we had filed a motion to contest the claim in the U.S. court because we expressly did not assume the legal liability of such incident in our acquisition of certain selected assets relating to the aviation business of CEA Yunnan. In July 2007, the Superior Court of the State of California ordered the action stayed on the grounds of forum non conveniens in order to permit proceedings in the PRC. Following the plaintiffs’ appeals, in February 2009 the Court of Appeal of California affirmed the original order. On March 16, 2009, the plaintiffs sued the Company in the Beijing No. 2 Intermediate People’s Court. Legal documents including summons, prosecution notifications and related materials have been served on our Company and trial began on October 10, 2012. The management of our Group believes that any outcome for this case will not have an adverse effect on the financial condition and results of operations of our Company. Save as disclosed above, we were not involved in any other new material litigation in the period of this report.


Dividends and Dividend Policy


For the fiscal years ended December 31, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, our Board of Directors did not recommend any dividend payouts due to our total accumulated losses of RMB18,082 million, RMB17,913 million, RMB12,956 million, RMB8,380 million and RMB5,426 million, respectively. The Directors expect the balance of accumulated losses will be carried forward to next year. Under PRC law, we cannot convert funds from the common reserve to increase our share capital during this period.


Our Board declares dividends, if any, in Renminbi with respect to H Shares on a per share basis and pays such dividends in HK dollars. Any final dividend for a fiscal year is subject to shareholders’ approval. BNYM, as depositary, converts the HK dollar dividend payments and distributes them to holders of ADSs in U.S. dollars, less expenses of conversion. Under the Company Law of the PRC and our Articles of Association, all of our shareholders have equal rights to dividends and distributions. The holders of the H Shares share proportionately on a per share basis in all dividends and other distributions declared by our Board, if any, based on the foreign exchange conversion rate published by the People’s Bank of China, or PBOC, on the date of the distribution of the cash dividend.




We believe that our dividend policy strikes a balance between two important goals providing our shareholders with a competitive return on investment and assuring sufficient reinvestment of profits to enable us to achieve our strategic objectives. The declaration of dividends is subject to the discretion of our Board, which takes into account the following factors:


·our financial results;


·capital requirements;


·contractual restrictions on the payment of dividends by us to our shareholders or by our subsidiaries to us;


·our shareholders interests;


·the effect on our creditworthiness;


·general business and economic conditions; and


·other factors our Board may deem relevant.


Pursuant to PRC laws and regulations, dividends may only be distributed after allowance has been made for: (i) recovery of losses, if any and (ii) allocations to the statutory surplus reserve. The allocations to the statutory surplus reserve is 10% of our net profit determined in accordance with PRC Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Our distributable profits for the current fiscal year will be equal to our net profits determined in accordance with IFRS, less allocations to the statutory surplus reserve.


B.Significant Changes


Significant Post Financial Statements Events


Not applicable.


Item 9.The Offer and Listing


A.Offer and Listing Details


The principal trading market for our H Shares is the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The ADSs, each representing 50 H Shares, have been issued by The Bank of New York Mellon (“BNYM”) as the Depositary and are listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Prior to our initial public offering and subsequent listings on the New York Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on February 4 and 5, 1997, respectively, there was no market for our H Shares or ADSs. Our publicly traded domestic shares, or A shares, have been listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange since November 5, 1997.


As of December 31, 2012, there were 3,494,325,000H Shares issued and outstanding. As of December 31, 2012 and April 19, 2013, there were, respectively, 42 and 41 registered holders of American depositary receipts evidencing 1,194,494 and 1,089,374, ADSs, respectively. Since certain of the ADSs are held by nominees, the above number may not be representative of the actual number of U.S. beneficial holders of ADSs or the number of ADSs beneficially held by U.S. persons. A total of 7,782,213,860 domestic ordinary shares were also outstanding as of December 31, 2012.


The table below sets forth certain market information relating to the trading prices of our H Shares and ADSs in respect of the period from 2008 to April 19, 2013.


   Hong Kong Stock Exchange   New York Stock Exchange 
   Price Per H Share 
   Price Per ADS
   High   Low   High   Low 
2008   8.11    0.65    102.99    8.47 
2009   3.12    0.91    52.75    12.00 
2010   5.38    2.53    58.79    23.10 
First Quarter 2010   4.10    2.53    52.75    32.68 
Second Quarter 2010   4.51    2.96    57.10    38.11 
Third Quarter 2010   4.83    3.09    58.79    25.00 
Fourth Quarter 2010   5.38    3.55    34.58    23.10 
2011   4.46    2.10    27.49    13.25 
First Quarter 2011   4.46    2.88    27.49    18.53 
Second Quarter 2011   3.79    2.84    24.15    18.21 
Third Quarter 2011   4.09    2.46    25.92    15.00 
Fourth Quarter 2011   3.39    2.10    21.67    13.25 
January 2012   2.95    2.63    19.19    17.09 
February 2012   3.15    2.75    19.88    17.97 
March 2012   3.03    2.42    19.39    16.00 
April 2012   2.59    2.21    16.77    14.57 
May 2012   2.77    2.17    17.82    14.05 
June 2012   2.62    2.12    16.4    13.92 
July 2012   2.77    2.4    17.94    15.29 
August 2012   2.77    2.3    17.62    14.99 
September 2012   2.48    2.27    15.84    14.7 
October 2012   2.85    2.32    17.86    15.03 
November 2012   2.93    2.56    18.72    16.73 
December 2012   3.21    2.56    20.71    16.7 
January 2013   3.73    3.08    23.83    20.25 
February 2013   3.66    3.08    23.32    20.11 
March 2013   3.58    3.16    22.87    20.47 
April 2013 (up to April 19, 2013)   3.48    2.99    22.20    19.78 




B.Plan of Distribution


Not applicable.




Our H shares are listed for trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Code: 00670), our ADSs are listed for trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “CEA” and our A shares are listed for trading on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (Code: 600115).


D.Selling Shareholders


Not applicable.




Not applicable.


F.Expenses of the Issue


Not applicable.


Item 10.Additional Information


A.Share Capital


Not applicable.


B.Memorandum and Articles of Association


The following is a brief summary of certain provisions of our Articles of Association, as amended. Such summary does not purport to be complete. For further information, you and your advisors should refer to the text of our Articles of Association, as amended, and to the texts of applicable laws and regulations. A copy of the English translation of our Articles of Association, as amended on November 9, 2012, is attached as an exhibit to this Annual Report on Form 20-F.


Selected Summary of the Articles of Association


We are a joint stock limited company established in accordance with the “Company Law of the People’s Republic of China” (the “Company Law”), the “State Council’s Special Regulations Regarding the Issue of Shares Overseas and the Listing of Shares Overseas by Companies Limited by Share” (the “Special Regulations”) and other relevant laws and regulations of the State. We were established by way of promotion with the approval under the document “Ti Gai Sheng” 1994 No. 140 of the PRC State Commission for Restructuring the Economic System. We are registered with and have obtained a business license from China’s State Administration Bureau of Industry and Commerce on April 14, 1995. Our business license number is: 10001767-8. We changed our registration with Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce on October 18, 2002. The number of our Company’s business license is: Qi Gu Hu Zong Zi No. 032138.


We were incorporated in the PRC for the purpose of providing the public with safe, punctual, comfortable, fast and convenient air transport services and other ancillary services, to enhance the cost-effectiveness of the services and to protect the lawful rights and interests of shareholders.


Board of Directors


The Board of Directors shall consist of eleven (11) directors, who are to be elected at the shareholders’ general meeting and will hold a term of office for three (3) years. At least one-third of the members of the Board of Directors shall be independent directors. The Directors are not required to hold shares of our Company.


Directors who are directly or indirectly materially interested in a contract, transaction or arrangement or proposed contract, transaction or arrangement with our Company (other than his contract of service with our Company) shall declare the nature and extent of his interests to the Board of Directors at the earliest opportunity, whether or not the contract, transaction or arrangement or proposal therefore is otherwise subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.


In accordance with our Articles, a director shall abstain from voting at a board meeting the purpose of which is to approve contracts, transactions or arrangements that such director or any of his or her associates (as defined in the relevant rules governing the listing of securities) has a material interest. Such director shall not be counted in the quorum for the relevant board meeting.


Unless the interested director discloses his interests in accordance with our Articles of Association and the contract, transaction or arrangement is approved by the Board of Directors at a meeting in which the interested director is not counted in the quorum and refrains from voting, a contract, transaction or arrangement in which that director is materially interested is voidable at the instance of our Company except as against a bona fide party thereto acting without notice of the breach of duty by the interested director. A director is also deemed to be interested in a contract, transaction or arrangement in which an associate of the director is interested.


Our Articles provide that our Company shall not in any manner pay taxes for or on behalf of a director or make directly or indirectly a loan to or provide any guarantee in connection with the making of a loan to a director of our Company or of our Company’s holding company or any of their respective associates. However, the following transactions are not subject to such prohibition: (1) the provision by our Company of a loan or a guarantee of a loan to a company which is a subsidiary of our Company; (2) the provision by our Company of a loan or a guarantee in connection with the making of a loan or any other funds to any of its directors, administrative officers to meet expenditure incurred or to be incurred by him for the purposes of our Company or for the purpose of enabling him to perform his duties properly, in accordance with the terms of a service contract approved by the shareholders in general meeting; (3) our Company may make a loan to or provide a guarantee in connection with the making of a loan to any of the relevant directors or their respective associates in the ordinary course of its business on normal commercial terms, provided that the ordinary course of business of our Company includes the lending of money or the giving of guarantees.




Our Articles do not contain any requirements for (i) the directors’ power to vote compensation to themselves or any members of their body, in the absence of an independent quorum or (ii) the directors to retire by a specified age.


Description of the Shares


As of December 31, 2012, our share capital structure was as follows: 11,276,538,860 ordinary shares of which (a) 5,120,263,860 A shares subject to trading moratorium, which represented 45.4% of our share capital, were held by CEA Holding and Jin Jiang International Holdings Company Limited; (b) 2,661,950,000 A shares, which represented 23.6% of our share capital, were issued to investors in China; and (c) 3,494,325,000 H shares, which represented 31.0% of our share capital, were issued to foreign investors including CES Global, a wholly owned subsidiary of CEA Holding.


Our ordinary shareholders shall enjoy the following rights:


(i)the right to dividends and other distributions in proportion to the number of shares held;


(ii)the right to attend or appoint a proxy to attend Shareholders’ general meetings and to vote thereat;


(iii)the right of supervisory management over the Company’s business operations, and the right to present proposals or enquiries;


(iv)the right to transfer shares in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and provisions of these Articles of Association;


(v)the right to obtain relevant information in accordance with the provisions of these Articles of Association, including:


(1)the right to obtain a copy of these Articles of Association, subject to payment of the cost of such copy;


(2)the right to inspect and copy, subject to payment of a reasonable charge;


(vi)all parts of the register of shareholders;


(vii)personal particulars of each of the Company’s directors, supervisors, general manager, deputy general managers and other senior administrative officers, including:


(aa)present name and alias and any former name or alias;


(bb)principal address (residence);




(dd)primary and all other part-time occupations and duties;


(ee)identification documents and their relevant numbers;


(viii)state of the Company’s share capital;


(ix)reports showing the aggregate par value, quantity, highest and lowest price paid in respect of each class of shares repurchased by the Company since the end of the last accounting year and the aggregate amount paid by the Company for this purpose;


(x)minutes of Shareholders’ general meetings and the accountant’s report,


(xi)in the event of the termination or liquidation of the Company, to participate in the distribution of surplus assets of the Company in accordance with the number of shares held; or


(xii)other rights conferred by laws, administrative regulations and these Articles of Association.


A shareholder (including a proxy), when voting at a Shareholders’ general meeting, may exercise such voting rights in accordance with the number of shares carrying the right to vote and each share shall have one vote. Resolutions of shareholders’ general meetings shall be divided into ordinary resolutions and special resolutions. To adopt an ordinary resolution, votes representing more than one half of the voting rights represented by the shareholders (including proxies) present at the meeting must be exercised in favor of the resolution in order for it to be passed. To adopt a special resolution, votes representing more than two-thirds of the voting rights represented by the shareholders (including proxies) present at the meeting must be exercised in favor of the resolution in order for it to be passed. Our ordinary shareholders are entitled to the right to dividends and other distributions in proportion to the number of shares held, and they are not liable for making any further contribution to the share capital other than as agreed by the subscriber of the relevant shares on subscription. Our Articles provide that a controlling shareholder (as defined in the Articles) shall not approve certain matters which will be prejudicial to the interests of all or some of other shareholders by exercising his/her voting rights.


The Listing Agreement between us and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange further provides that we may not permit amendments to certain sections of the Articles of Association subject to the Mandatory Provisions for the Articles of Association of Companies Listed Overseas promulgated by the State Council Securities Commission and the State Restructuring Commission on August 27, 1994 (the “Mandatory Provisions”). These sections include provisions relating to (i) varying the rights of existing classes of shares; (ii) voting rights; (iii) our power to purchase our own shares; (iv) rights of minority shareholders; and (v) procedures upon liquidation. In addition, certain amendments to the Articles of Association require the approval and assent of relevant PRC authorities.


Shareholders’ Meetings


Shareholders’ general meetings are divided into annual general meetings and extraordinary general meetings. Shareholders’ general meetings shall be convened by the Board of Directors. Annual general meetings are held once every year and within six (6) months from the end of the preceding financial year. The Board of Directors shall convene an extraordinary general meeting within two (2) months of the occurrence of any one of the following events:


(i)where the number of Directors is less than the number of Directors required by the Company Law or two-thirds of the number of Directors specified in these Articles of Association;


(ii)where the unrecovered losses of the Company amount to one-third of the total amount of its share capital;




(iii)where shareholder(s) holding 10 per cent or more of the Company’s issued and outstanding shares carrying voting rights request(s) in writing the convening of an extraordinary general meeting; or


(iv)when deemed necessary by the Board of Directors or as requested by the supervisory committee.


When we convene a shareholders’ general meeting, written notice of the meeting shall be given forty five (45) days before the date of the meeting to notify all of the shareholders in the share register of the matters to be considered and the date and place of the meeting. A shareholder who intends to attend the meeting shall deliver his written reply concerning the attendance of the meeting to us twenty (20) days before the date of the meeting. When we convene a shareholders’ annual general meeting, shareholders holding three per cent or more of the total voting shares of the Company shall have the right to propose new motions in writing, and we shall place those matters in the proposed motions within the scope of functions and powers of the Shareholders’ general meeting on the agenda.


Shareholders’ Rights


Set forth below is certain information relating to the H Shares, including a brief summary of certain provisions of the Articles, and selected laws and regulations applicable to us.


Sources of Shareholders’ Rights


The rights and obligations of holders of H Shares and other provisions relating to shareholder protection are principally provided in the Articles of Association and the PRC Company Law. The Articles of Association incorporate mandatory provisions in accordance with the Mandatory Provisions. We are further subject to management ordinances applicable to the listed companies in Hong Kong SAR and the United States, as our H Shares are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange (in the form of ADSs).


In addition, for so long as the H Shares are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, we are subject to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “HKSE Rules”), the Securities and Futures Ordinance of Hong Kong (the “SFO”) and the Hong Kong Code on Takeovers and Mergers and Share Repurchases.


 Unless otherwise specified, all rights, obligations and protections discussed below are derived from the Articles of Association, the PRC Company Law and abovementioned laws and regulations.


Significant Differences in the H Shares and A Shares


Holders of H Shares and A Shares, with minor exceptions, are entitled to the same economic and voting rights. The Articles of Association provide that dividends or other payments payable to H Share holders shall be declared and calculated in Renminbi and paid in Renminbi, while those to A Share holders shall be declared and calculated in Renminbi and paid in the local currency at the place where such A Shares are listed (if there is more than one place of listing, then the principal place of listing as determined by the Board of Directors). In addition, the H Shares can only be traded by investors of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and any country other than the PRC, while A Shares may be traded only by investors within the territory of the PRC.


Restrictions on Transferability and the Share Register


H Shares may be traded only among investors who are not PRC persons, and may not be sold to PRC investors. There are no restrictions on the ability of investors who are not PRC residents to hold H Shares.


Pursuant to the Articles of Association, we may refuse to register a transfer of H Shares unless:


(1)a fee (for each instrument of transfer) of two Hong Kong dollars and fifty cents or any higher fee as agreed by the Stock Exchange has been paid to us for registration of any transfer or any other document which is related to or will affect ownership of or change of ownership of the shares;


(2)the instrument of transfer only involves H Shares;


(3)the stamp duty chargeable on the instrument of transfer has been paid;


(4)the relevant share certificate and upon the reasonable request of the Board of Directors any evidence in relation to the right of the transferor to transfer the shares have been submitted;


(5)if it is intended to transfer the shares to joint owners, then the maximum number of joint owners shall not exceed four (4); or


(6)we do not have any lien on the relevant shares.


If we refuse to register any transfer of shares, we shall within two months of the formal application for the transfer provide the transferor and the transferee with a notice of refusal to register such transfer. No changes in the shareholders’ register due to the transfer of shares may be made within thirty (30) days before the date of a Shareholders’ general meeting or within five (5) days before the record date established for the purpose of distributing a dividend.


Merger and Acquisitions


In the event of the merger or division of our Company, a plan shall be presented by our Board of Directors and shall be approved in accordance with the procedures stipulated in our Articles of Association and then the relevant examining and approving formalities shall be processed as required by law. A shareholder who objects to the plan of merger or division shall have the right to demand that we or the shareholders who consent to the plan of merger or division acquire such dissenting shareholders’ shareholding at a fair price. The contents of the resolution of merger or division of our Company shall be made into special documents for shareholders’ inspection.


Repurchase of Shares


We may, with approval according to the procedures provided in these Articles of Association and subject to the approval of the relevant governing authority of the State, repurchase our issued shares under the following circumstances:


(i)cancellation of shares for the reduction of capital;




(ii)merging with another company that holds shares in our Company; or


(iii)other circumstances permitted by relevant laws and administrative regulations.


We shall not repurchase our issued shares except under the circumstances stated above.


We may, with the approval of the relevant State governing authority for repurchasing shares, conduct the repurchase in one of the following ways:


(i)making a pro rata general offer of repurchase to all our shareholders;


(ii)repurchasing shares through public dealing on a stock exchange; or


(iii)repurchasing shares by an off-market agreement off of a stock exchange.


Interested Shareholders


Articles 88 and 89 of our Articles of Association provide the following:


Article 88: the following circumstances shall be deemed to be a variation or abrogation of the class rights of a class:


(i)to increase or decrease the number of shares of such class, or increase or decrease the number of shares of a class having voting or equity rights or privileges equal or superior to those of the shares of that class;


(ii)to effect an exchange of all or part of the shares of such class into shares of another class or to effect an exchange or create a right of exchange of all or part of the shares of another class into the shares of such class;


(iii)to remove or reduce rights to accrued dividends or rights to cumulative dividends attached to shares of such class;


(iv)to reduce or remove a dividend preference or a liquidation preference attached to shares of such class;


(v)to add, remove or reduce conversion privileges, options, voting rights, transfer or pre-emptive rights, or rights to acquire securities of the Company attached to shares of such class;


(vi)to remove or reduce rights to receive payment payable by the Company in particular currencies attached to shares of such class;


(vii)to create a new class of shares having voting or equity rights or privileges equal or superior to those of the shares of such class;


(viii)to restrict the transfer or ownership of the shares of such class or add to such restrictions;


(ix)to allot and issue rights to subscribe for, or convert into, shares in the Company of such class or another class;


(x)to increase the rights or privileges of shares of another class;


(xi)to restructure the Company where the proposed restructuring will result in different classes of shareholders bearing a disproportionate burden of such proposed restructuring;


(xii)to vary or abrogate the provisions of this Chapter.


Article 89. Shareholders of the affected class, whether or not otherwise having the right to vote at Shareholders’ general meetings, shall nevertheless have the right to vote at class meetings in respect of matters concerning sub-paragraphs (2) to (8), (11) and (12) of Article 88, but interested shareholder(s) shall not be entitled to vote at class meetings.


The meaning of “interested shareholder(s)” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph is:


(i)in the case of a repurchase of shares by offers to all shareholders or public dealing on a stock exchange under Article 30, a “controlling shareholder” within the meaning of Article 53;


(ii)in the case of a repurchase of shares by an off-market contract under Article 30, a holder of the shares to which the proposed contract relates; and


(iii)in the case of a restructuring of the Company, a shareholder within a class who bears less than a proportionate obligation imposed on that class under the proposed restructuring or who has an interest in the proposed restructuring different from the interest of shareholders of that class.


Ownership Threshold


There are no ownership thresholds above which shareholder ownership is required to be disclosed.


Changes in Capital


Article 78(1) provides that any increase or reduction in share capital shall be resolved by a special resolution at a shareholders’ general meeting.


Changes in Registered Capital


The Company may reduce its registered share capital. It shall do so in accordance with the Company Law, any other relevant regulatory provisions and the Articles of Association.





Recent Amendments to the Articles of Association


On February 2, 2010, our shareholders approved amendments to the Articles of Association, which was amended, respectively, as follows:


Article 20: “As approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the total amount of shares of the Company is 11,276,538,860 shares.”


Article 21: “The Company has issued a total of 11,276,538,860 ordinary shares, comprising a total of 7,782,213,860 A shares, representing 69.01% of the total share capital of the Company, a total of 3,494,325,000 H shares, representing 30.99% of the total share capital of the Company.”


Article 24: “The Company’s registered capital is Renminbi 11,276,538,860.”


The CSRC has enacted regulations in recent years which affect the corporate governance of PRC listed companies and the PRC Company Law has also been amended in various areas. As such, the Board proposed to amend certain provisions in our Articles of Association in accordance with the rules and regulations applicable to our Company. Such amendments relate to the general provisions of the Articles of Association, reduction of capital and repurchase of shares, shareholders and register of shareholders, shareholders’ general meeting, board of directors, supervisory committee, financial and accounting systems and profit distribution, merger and division and dissolution and liquidation of our Company. All such amendments were approved at our Annual General Meeting that took place on June 13, 2010.


On November 9, 2012, our shareholders approved further amendments to the Articles of Association, which was amended, respectively, as follows:


Article 146: “The financial statements of the Company shall, in addition to being prepared in accordance with PRC accounting standards and regulations, be prepared in accordance with either international accounting standards, or that of the place outside the PRC where the Company’s shares are listed. If there is any material difference between the financial statements prepared respectively in accordance with the two accounting standards, such difference shall be stated in the financial statements. When the Company is to distribute its after-tax profits, the lower of the after-tax profits as shown in the two financial statements shall be adopted. According to the relevant laws and regulations, profit distribution by the Company shall be based on the distributable profit of the Company (non-consolidated statements). ”


Article 157: “The Company’s profit distribution policy should pay close attention to ensuring a reasonable return of investment to investors, and such profit distribution policy should maintain continuity and stability. The Company shall reasonably distribute cash dividends according to laws and regulations and requirements of securities regulatory authorities, as well as the Company’s own operating performance and financial condition. ”


Article 157 (A): “Profit distribution manner: The Company may distribute dividends by way of cash, shares, a combination of cash and shares or in other reasonable manner in compliance with laws and regulations. ”


Article 157 (B): “Procedures for decision-making on profit distribution by the Company: After the end of each accounting year, the board of directors shall carefully study and examine the profit distribution plan and listen fully to the views of independent directors. The independent directors shall fulfill their responsibilities and play their roles to give specific views. After consideration and approval by the board of directors, the profit distribution plan shall be proposed to the general meeting for voting. Implementation of the profit distribution plan shall be subject to consideration and approval at the general meeting. The board of directors of the Company shall finish distributing the profit within two months after the general meeting is held. ”


When considering the profit distribution plan at the general meeting of the Company, the board of directors shall communicate and exchange opinions with shareholders, especially minority shareholders, in a proactive manner, fully consider the opinions and requests from minority shareholders and respond to the issues which are of concern to them on a timely basis.


Article 157 (C): “Amendments to profit distribution policy of the Company: The board of directors of the Company shall carefully study and examine and strictly follow the decision-making procedures in the event that the profit distribution policy needs to be adjusted by reason of any changes in PRC laws and regulations and regulatory policies, or significant changes of external operating environment or operating condition of the Company. In the event of amendments to the profit distribution policy of the Company, the board of directors shall consider the revised plan and the independent directors shall express their independent opinions thereon. Such amendments shall be disclosed to the public upon consideration and approval at the general meeting. ”


Article 157 (D): “Conditions and proportion of distribution of cash dividends by the Company:

Proposal and implementation of cash dividends distribution by the Company shall be subject to the following conditions:


(1) The Company records a profit for the year, and the audit institution issues an unqualified audited report o n the Company’s financial statements for that particular year;


(2) The distributable profit (i.e. the after-tax profit of the Company after making up for losses, allocation to the statutory common reserve fund and discretionary common reserve fund) realized by the Company for the year is positive in value;


(3) The Company has sufficient cash flow, and distribution of cash dividends will not affect the Company’s normal operation and sustainable development.


Provided that the Company is in good operating condition and has sufficient cash flow to meet the needs for its normal operation and sustainable development, the Company will proactively distribute cash dividends in return to its shareholders, and the accumulated profit distribution made in cash by the Company in the latest three years shall not be less than 30% of the average annual distributable profit in the latest three years. In the event that the said payout ratio of cash dividends cannot be met due to special reasons, the board of directors may adjust the payout ratio of dividends according to actual circumstances and state the reasons therefor. ”


Article 157 (E): “Conditions of profit distribution by way of share dividends by the Company:

Provided that reasonable scale of share capital and shareholding structure of the Company are ensured, the Company may consider distributing profits by way of share dividends according to its profitability, cash flow position and business growth for the year. ”


Article 157 (F): “Intervals for profit distribution by the Company: Provided that the conditions of profit distribution are met and the Company’s normal operation and sustainable development are ensured, the Company shall generally distribute profit on an annual basis. The board of directors of the Company may also propose interim profit distribution based on the profitability and capital position of the Company. ”




Article 157 (G): “Information disclosure if the Company fails to distribute cash dividends: In the event that the board of directors of the Company does not propose any profit distribution plan, the board of directors of the Company shall disclose the reasons therefor and the use of such retained funds that would have been otherwise available for distribution in its periodic report. ”


C.Material Contracts


For a summary of any material contracts entered into by our Company or any of our consolidated subsidiaries outside of the ordinary course of business during the last two years, see “Item 4. Information on the Company”, “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects” and “Item 7. Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions”.


In addition, we entered into the following agreements to purchase aircraft or to issue new shares, which are filed with this Annual Report as exhibits:


·an aircraft purchase agreement, dated as of December 30, 2010, between our Company and Airbus SAS regarding the purchase of 50 A320 aircraft.


·Boeing 787 Aircraft Delivery Delay Settlement Agreement, dated as of September 15, 2011, between our Company and the Boeing Company.


·A330 Family Aircraft Purchase Agreement, dated as of October 17, 2011, between our Company and Airbus SAS.


·Buyback Agreement relating to Five Airbus A340-300 Aircraft, dated as of October 17, 2011, between our Company and Airbus SAS.


·Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement relating to the disposal of Eight (8) Bombardier CRJ-200 Aircraft and Ten (10) Embraer ERJ-145 Aircraft, dated November 23, 2012, among our Company, Airbus SAS, China Eastern Aviation Import and Export Corporation, China Eastern Airlines, Wuhan Company, China Eastern Yunnan Airlines, China Eastern Airlines Jiangsu Ltd. and Shanghai Airlines Company Limited.


·Amendment No. 2 to the A 320 Family Purchase Agreement dated December 30, 2010, dated November 23, 2012, between our Company and Airbus SAS.


·Acquisition Agreement for Used Aircraft relating to Five (5) Airbus Model A340-642 Aircraft, dated April 27, 2012, between our Company and Boeing Aircraft Holding Company


·Purchase Agreement Number PA-03746 relating to Boeing Model 777-300ER Aircraft, dated April 27, 2012, between our Company and the Boeing Company


D.Exchange Controls


The Renminbi is not currently a freely convertible currency. SAFE, under the authority of PBOC, controls the conversion of Renminbi into foreign currency. Prior to January 1, 1994, Renminbi could be converted to foreign currency through the Bank of China or other authorized institutions at official rates fixed daily by SAFE. Renminbi could also be converted at swap centers open to Chinese enterprises and foreign invested enterprises, or FIEs, subject to SAFE approval of each foreign currency trade, at exchange rates negotiated by the parties for each transaction. Effective January 1, 1994, a unitary exchange rate system was introduced in China, replacing the dual-rate system previously in effect. In connection with the creation of a unitary exchange rate, the PRC government announced the establishment of an inter-bank foreign exchange market, the China Foreign Exchange Trading System, or CFETS, and the phasing out of the swap centers. Effective December 1, 1998, the swap centers were abolished by the PRC government.


On July 21, 2005, the PRC government changed its decade-old policy of pegging the value of the Renminbi to the U.S. dollar. Under the new policy, the Renminbi is permitted to fluctuate within a narrow and managed band against a basket of certain foreign currencies. This change in policy has resulted in a significant appreciation of the Renminbi against the U.S. dollar. While the international reaction to Renminbi revaluation has generally been positive, there remains significant international pressure on the PRC government to adopt an even more flexible currency policy, which could result in a further and more significant appreciation of Renminbi against the U.S. dollar.


In general, under existing foreign exchange regulations, domestic enterprises operating in China must price and sell their goods and services in China in Renminbi. Any foreign exchange received by such enterprises must be sold to authorized foreign exchange banks in China. A significant portion of our revenue and operating expenses are denominated in Renminbi, while a portion of our revenue, capital expenditures and debts are denominated in U.S. dollars and other foreign currencies. Renminbi is currently freely convertible under the current account, which includes dividends, trade and service-related foreign currency transactions, but not under the capital account, which includes foreign direct investment, unless the prior approval of the SAFE, is obtained. As a foreign investment enterprise approved by the MOC, we can purchase foreign currency without the approval of SAFE for settlement of current account transactions, including payment of dividends, by providing commercial documents evidencing these transactions. We can also retain foreign exchange in our current accounts, subject to a maximum amount approved by SAFE, to satisfy foreign currency liabilities or to pay dividends. However, the relevant PRC government authorities may limit or eliminate our ability to purchase and retain foreign currencies in the future. Foreign currency transactions under the capital account are still subject to limitations and require approvals from SAFE. This may affect our ability to obtain foreign exchange through debt or equity financing, including by means of loans or capital contributions. We cannot assure you that we will be able to obtain sufficient foreign exchange to pay dividends or satisfy our foreign exchange liabilities.




The taxation of income and capital gains of holders of H Shares or ADSs is subject to the laws and practices of China and of jurisdictions in which holders of H Shares or ADSs are resident or otherwise subject to tax. The following summary of certain relevant taxation provisions is based on current law and practice, is subject to change and does not constitute legal or tax advice. The discussion does not deal with all possible tax consequences relating to an investment in the H Shares or ADSs. In particular, the discussion does not address the tax consequences under state, local and other laws, such as non-U.S. federal laws. Accordingly, you should consult your own tax adviser regarding the tax consequences of an investment in the H Shares and ADSs. The discussion is based upon laws and relevant interpretations in effect as of the date of this Annual Report, all of which are subject to change.




Hong Kong Taxation


The following discussion summarizes the material Hong Kong tax provisions relating to the ownership of H shares or ADSs purchased in connection with the global offering and held by you.




Under current Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department practice, no Hong Kong tax is payable by the recipient in respect of dividends paid by us.


Taxation of Capital Gains


No Hong Kong tax is imposed on capital gains arising from the sale of property (such as H shares) acquired and held as investment assets. However, if a person carries on a trade, profession or business in Hong Kong (e.g., trading and dealing in securities) and derives trading gains from that trade, profession or business in or from Hong Kong, Hong Kong profits tax will be payable. Gains from sales of H shares effected on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange are considered to derive from or arise in Hong Kong for this purpose. Hong Kong profits tax is currently charged at the rate of 16.5% for corporations and at the rate of 15% for individuals.


No Hong Kong tax liability will arise on capital or trading gains arising from the sale of ADSs where the purchase and sale is effected outside Hong Kong, e.g. on the NYSE.


 Hong Kong Stamp Duty


Hong Kong stamp duty is payable by each of the seller and the purchaser for every sold note and every bought note created for every sale and purchase of the H shares. Stamp duty is charged at the total rate of 0.2% (0.1% for each of sold note and bought note) of the value of the H shares transferred (the buyer and seller each paying half of such stamp duty). In addition, a fixed duty of HK$5 is currently payable on an instrument of transfer of H shares. If one of the parties to a sale is a non-resident of Hong Kong and does not pay the required stamp duty, the stamp duty not paid will be assessed on the instrument of transfer (if any), and the transferee will be liable for payment of such stamp duty.


If the withdrawal of H shares when ADSs are surrendered or the issuance of ADSs when H shares are deposited results in a change of beneficial ownership in the H shares under Hong Kong law, Hong Kong stamp duty at the rate described above for sale and purchase transaction will apply. The issuance of ADSs for deposited H shares issued directly to the depositary or for the account of the depositary should not lead to a Hong Kong stamp duty liability. Holders of the ADSs are not liable for the Hong Kong stamp duty on transfers of ADSs outside of Hong Kong so long as the transfers do not result in a change of beneficial interest in the H shares under Hong Kong law.


Hong Kong Estate Duty


Hong Kong estate duty was abolished with respect to persons passing away on or after February 11, 2006.


China Taxation


The following is a general summary of certain Chinese tax consequences of the acquisition, ownership and disposition of the H Shares and ADSs. This summary does not purport to address all material tax consequences of the ownership of Shares or ADSs, and does not take into account the specific circumstances of any particular investors. This summary is based on the tax laws of China as in effect on the date of this Annual Report, as well as on the U.S.-China Treaty, all of which are subject to change (or changes in interpretation), possibly with retroactive effect.


In general, and taking into account the earlier assumptions, for Chinese tax purposes, holders of ADRs evidencing ADSs will be treated as the owners of the H Shares represented by those ADSs, and exchanges of H Shares for ADSs, and ADSs for H Shares, will not be subject to Chinese tax.


Taxation of Dividends by China


Individual investors


The Provisional Regulations of China Concerning Questions of Taxation on Enterprises Experimenting with the Share System, or the Provisional Regulations, provide that dividends from Chinese companies are ordinarily subject to a Chinese withholding tax levied at a flat rate of 20%. However, the Chinese State Tax Bureau issued, on July 21, 1993, a Notice Concerning the Taxation of Gains on Transfer and Dividends from Shares (Equities) Received by Foreign Investment Enterprises, Foreign Enterprises and Foreign Individuals Numbered Guo Shui Fa [1993] No. 045, or No. 45 Document which provides that dividends from a Chinese company on shares listed on an overseas stock exchange, or Overseas Shares, such as H Shares (including H Shares represented by ADSs), would not be subject to Chinese withholding tax. The relevant tax authority has not collected withholding tax on dividend payments on Overseas Shares.


Nevertheless, No.45 Document was abolished on January 4, 2011 and the Chinese State Tax Bureau issued, on June 28, 2011, a Notice on Issues Concerning the Levy of Individual Income Tax Following the Abolishment of the Document Numbered Guo Shui Fa [1993] No. 045, according to which dividends from a Chinese company are ordinarily subject to a Chinese withholding tax levied at a flat rate of 20% unless otherwise provided in applicable tax treaties between PRC and jurisdiction in which the relevant non-resident shareholder resides. The tax rate of dividends income tax applicable to Hong Kong residents and U.S. residents is 10% of the gross amount of interest.




Under the newly enacted PRC Enterprise Income Tax Law, or the EIT Law, and the implementation regulations to the EIT Law, effective January 1, 2008, PRC income tax at the rate of 10% is applicable to dividends payable to investors that are “non-resident enterprises”, which do not have an establishment or place of business in the PRC, or which have such establishment or place of business but the relevant income is not effectively connected with the establishment or place of business. The rate could be reduced or eliminated pursuant to an applicable double taxation treaty.


Tax Treaties


Non-Chinese investors resident in countries which have entered into double-taxation treaties with China may be entitled to a reduction of the withholding tax imposed on the payment of dividends to non-Chinese investors of our Company. China currently has double-taxation treaties with a number of other countries, including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States.




Under the U.S.-China Treaty, China may tax a dividend paid by our Company to a U.S. holder of H Shares or ADSs only up to a maximum of 10% of the gross amount of such dividend.


Taxation of Capital Gains by China


Individual Investors


The Tax Notice provides that gains realized upon the sale of Overseas Shares are not subject to taxes on capital gains. Although the Ministry of Finance has been empowered to collect a tax of 20% on gains derived from the sale of equity shares, a joint notice issued in February 1996 by the Ministry of Finance and the State Tax Bureau indicated that no capital gains tax would be imposed on gains from the sale of shares until the Ministry of Finance and the State Tax Bureau promulgate new rules. Therefore, holders of H Shares or ADSs have not been subject to taxation on gains realized upon the sale or disposition of such shares currently. However, holders of H Shares or ADSs could become subject to a 20% capital gains tax in the future, unless reduced or eliminated pursuant to an applicable double taxation treaty.


Under the U.S.-China Treaty, China may only tax gains from the sale or disposition by a U.S. holder of H Shares or ADSs representing an interest in the company of 25% or more.




Under the EIT Law and the implementation regulations to the EIT Law, gains realized upon the sale of Overseas Shares by “non-resident enterprises” may be subject to PRC taxation at the rate of 10% (or lower treaty rate).


Chinese Stamp Tax


Chinese stamp tax imposed on the transfer of shares of Chinese publicly traded companies under the Share System Tax Regulations should not apply to the acquisition or disposition by non-Chinese investors of H Shares or ADSs outside of China by virtue of the Provisional Regulations of The People’s Republic of China Concerning Stamp Tax, which provides that Chinese stamp tax is imposed only on documents executed or received within China or that should be considered as having been executed or received within China.


United States Federal Income Taxation


Each potential investor is strongly urged to consult his or her own tax advisor to determine the particular United States federal, state, local, treaty and foreign tax consequences of acquiring, owning or disposing of the H Shares or ADSs.


The following is a general discussion of material United States federal income tax consequences of purchasing, owning and disposing of the H Shares or ADSs if you are a U.S. Holder, as defined below, and hold the H Shares or ADSs as capital assets within the meaning of Section 1221 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended (the “Code”). This discussion does not address all of the tax consequences relating to the purchase, ownership and disposition of the H Shares or ADSs, and does not take into account U.S. Holders (defined below) who may be subject to special rules including:


·tax-exempt entities;


·banks, financial institutions, and insurance companies;


·real estate investment trusts, regulated investment companies and grantor trusts;


·dealers or traders in securities, commodities or currencies;


·U.S. Holders that own, actually or constructively, 10% or more of our voting stock;


·persons who receive the H Shares or ADSs as compensation for services;


·U.S. Holders that hold the H Shares or ADSs as part of a straddle or a hedging or conversion transaction;


·certain U.S. expatriates;


·dual resident corporations; or


·U.S. Holders whose functional currency is not the U.S. dollar.


Moreover, this description does not address United States federal estate, gift or alternative minimum taxes or any state or local tax consequences of the acquisition, ownership and disposition of the H Shares or ADSs.


This discussion is based on the Code, its legislative history, final, temporary and proposed United States Treasury regulations promulgated thereunder, published rulings and court decisions as in effect on the date hereof, all of which are subject to change, or changes in interpretation, possibly with retroactive effect. In addition, this discussion is based in part upon representations of the depositary and the assumption that each obligation in the deposit agreement and any related agreements will be performed according to its terms.


You are a “U.S. Holder” if you are a beneficial owner of H Shares or ADSs and are:


·an individual citizen or resident of the United States for United States federal income tax purposes;


·a corporation, or other entity treated as a corporation for United States federal income tax purposes, created or organized under the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof;


·an estate the income of which is subject to United States federal income tax without regard to its source; or


·a trust if (i) a court within the United States is able to exercise primary supervision over its administration, and one or more U.S. persons have the authority to control all of the substantial decisions of such trust, or (ii) such trust has a valid election in effect to be treated as a United States person for U.S. federal income tax purposes.




If a partnership (including any entity treated as a partnership for United States federal tax purposes) is a beneficial owner of the H Shares or ADSs, the treatment of the partner in such partnership will generally depend upon the status of the partner and the activities of the partnership. If an investor is a partner in a partnership that holds H Shares or ADSs, such investor should consult its tax advisor.


In general, if you hold ADRs evidencing ADSs, you will be treated as the owner of the H Shares represented by the ADSs. Exchanges of H shares for ADRs, and ADRs for H shares, generally will not be subject to United States federal income tax.




Distributions on the H Shares or ADSs


Subject to the discussions below under “— Passive Foreign Investment Company”, the gross amount of any distribution (without reduction for any PRC tax withheld) we make on the H Shares or ADSs out of our current or accumulated earnings and profits (as determined for United States federal income tax purposes) will be includible in your gross income as ordinary dividend income when the distribution is actually or constructively received by you, or by the depositary in the case of ADSs. Distributions that exceed our current and accumulated earnings and profits will be treated as a return of capital to you to the extent of your basis in the H Shares or ADSs and thereafter as capital gain. We, however, may not calculate earnings and profits in accordance with U.S. tax principles. Accordingly, all distributions by us to U.S. Holders will generally be treated as dividends. Any dividend will not be eligible for the dividends-received deduction generally allowed to United States corporations in respect of dividends received from United States corporations. The amount of any distribution of property other than cash will be the fair market value of such property on the date of such distribution.


 Subject to certain exceptions for short-term and hedged positions, the U.S. dollar amount of dividends received by an individual, trust or estate in a taxable year beginning after December 31, 2012 with respect to the H Shares or ADSs will be subject to taxation at a maximum rate of 15% if the dividends are “qualified dividends.” Dividends paid on H Shares or ADSs will be treated as qualified dividends if either (i) we are eligible for the benefits of a comprehensive income tax treaty with the United States that the Internal Revenue Service, or IRS, has approved for the purposes of the qualified dividend rules, or (ii) the dividends are with respect to ADSs readily tradable on a U.S. securities market, provided that we were not, in the year prior to the year in which the dividend was paid, and are not, in the year in which the dividend is paid, a passive foreign investment company, or PFIC. The Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the People’s Republic of China for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Tax Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income (the “Treaty”) has been approved for the purposes of the qualified dividend rules, and we expect to qualify for benefits under the Treaty. We are considered a qualified foreign corporation with respect to the ADSs because our ADSs are listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Finally, based on our audited financial statements and relevant market data, we believe that we did not satisfy the definition for PFIC status for U.S. federal income tax purposes with respect to our 2012 taxable year. In addition, based on our audited financial statements and our current expectations regarding the value and nature of our assets, the sources and nature of our income, and relevant market data, we do not anticipate becoming a PFIC for our 2013 taxable year or any future year. However, our status in the current year and future years will depend on our income and assets (which for this purpose depends in part on the market value of the H Shares or ADSs) in those years. See the discussion below under “— Passive Foreign Investment Company”.


Holders of H Shares or ADSs should consult their own tax advisers regarding the availability of the reduced dividend tax rate in light of their own particular circumstances.


If we make a distribution paid in HK dollars, you will be considered to receive the U.S. dollar value of the distribution determined at the spot HK dollar/U.S. dollar rate on the date such distribution is received by you or by the depositary, regardless of whether you or the depositary convert the distribution into U.S. dollars. Any gain or loss resulting from currency exchange fluctuations during the period from the date the dividend payment is includible in your income to the date you or the depositary convert the distribution into U.S. dollars will be treated as ordinary income or loss from U.S. sources.


Subject to various limitations, any PRC tax withheld from distributions in accordance with the Treaty will be deductible or creditable against your United States federal income tax liability. Dividends paid by us generally will constitute income from sources outside the United States for U.S. foreign tax credit limitation purposes and will be categorized as “passive category income” or, in the case of certain U.S. Holders as “general category income” for U.S. foreign tax credit purposes.


In the event we are required to withhold PRC income tax on dividends paid to U.S. Holders on the H Shares or ADSs (see discussion under “China Taxation”), you may be able to claim a reduced 10% rate of PRC withholding tax if you are eligible for benefits under the Treaty. You should consult your own tax advisor about the eligibility for reduction of PRC withholding tax.


You may not be able to claim a foreign tax credit (and instead may claim a deduction) for non-United States taxes imposed on dividends paid on the H Shares or ADSs if you (i) have held the H Shares or ADSs for less than a specified minimum period during which you are not protected from risk of loss with respect to such shares, or (ii) are obligated to make payments related to the dividends (for example, pursuant to a short sale). The rules relating to the U.S. foreign tax credit are complex. U.S. Holders should consult their own tax advisors regarding the effect of these rules in their particular circumstance.


Sale, Exchange or Other Disposition


Subject to the discussions below under “— Passive Foreign Investment Company”, upon a sale, exchange or other disposition of the H Shares or ADSs, you will generally recognize capital gain or loss for United States federal income tax purposes in an amount equal to the difference between the U.S. dollar value of the amount realized and your tax basis, determined in U.S. dollars, in such H Shares or ADSs determined on (i) the date of receipt of payment in the case of a cash basis U.S. Holder and (ii) the date of disposition in the case of an accrual basis U.S. Holder. If Shares are treated as traded on an “established securities market”, a cash basis taxpayer or, if it so elects, an accrual basis taxpayer, will determine the U.S. dollar value of the amount realized by translating the amount received at the spot rate of exchange on the settlement date of the sale. A U.S. Holder will have a tax basis in the foreign currency received equal to the U.S. dollar amount realized. Any currency exchange gain or loss realized on a subsequent conversion of the foreign currency into U.S. dollars for a different amount generally will be treated as ordinary income or loss from sources within the United States. However, if such foreign currency is converted into U.S. dollars on the date received by the U.S. Holder, a cash basis or electing accrual basis U.S. Holder should not recognize any gain or loss on such conversion.




Any gain or loss will generally be United States source gain or loss for foreign tax credit limitation purposes and as a result of the U.S. foreign tax credit limitation, foreign taxes, if any, imposed upon capital gains in respect of H Shares or ADSs may not be currently creditable. Under the Treaty, however, if any PRC tax was to be imposed on any gain from the disposition of H Shares or ADSs, the gain may be treated as PRC-source income. U.S. Holders are urged to consult their tax advisors regarding the tax consequences if a foreign withholding tax is imposed on a disposition of H Shares or ADSs, including the availability of the foreign tax credit under their particular circumstances.


Passive Foreign Investment Company


In general, a foreign corporation is a PFIC for any taxable year in which, after applying relevant look-through rules with respect to the income and assets of subsidiaries:


·75% or more of its gross income consists of passive income, such as dividends, interest, rents, royalties, and gains from the sale of assets that give rise to such income; or


·50% or more of the average quarterly value of its assets consists of assets that produce, or are held for the production of, passive income.


Passive income does not include rents and royalties derived from the active conduct of a trade or business. If we own at least 25% (by value) of the stock of another corporation, we will be treated, for purposes of the PFIC tests, as owning our proportionate share of the other corporation’s assets and receiving our proportionate share of the other corporation’s income.


Based on the composition of our assets and income and the current expectations regarding the price of the H Shares and ADSs, we believe that we should not be treated as a PFIC for U.S. federal income tax purposes with respect to our 2012 taxable year and we do not intend or anticipate becoming a PFIC for any future taxable year. The determination of PFIC status is a factual determination that must be made annually at the close of each taxable year and therefore, there can be no certainty as to our status in this regard until the close of the 2012 taxable year. Changes in the nature of our income or assets or a decrease in the trading price of the H Shares or ADSs may cause us to be considered a PFIC in the current or any subsequent year.


If we were a PFIC in any taxable year that you held the H Shares or ADSs, you generally would be subject to special rules with respect to “excess distributions” made by us on the H Shares or ADSs and with respect to gain from your disposition of the H Shares or ADSs. An “excess distribution” generally is defined as the excess of the distributions you receive with respect to the H Shares or ADSs in any taxable year over 125% of the average annual distributions you have received from us during the shorter of the three preceding years, or your holding period for the H Shares or ADSs. Generally, you would be required to allocate any excess distribution or gain from the disposition of the H Shares or ADSs ratably over your holding period for the H Shares or ADSs. The portion of the excess distribution or gain allocated to a prior taxable year, other than a year prior to the first year in which we became a PFIC, would be taxed at the highest United States federal income tax rate on ordinary income in effect for such taxable year, and you would be subject to an interest charge on the resulting tax liability, determined as if the tax liability had been due with respect to such particular taxable years. The portion of the excess distribution or gain that is not allocated to prior taxable years, together with the portion allocated to the years prior to the first year in which we became a PFIC, would be included in your gross income for the taxable year of the excess distribution or disposition and taxed as ordinary income. If we were a PFIC in any year during a U.S. Holder’s holding period, we would generally be treated as a PFIC for each subsequent year absent a “purging” election by the U.S. Holder.


These adverse tax consequences may be avoided if the U.S. Holder is eligible to and does elect to annually mark-to-market the H Shares or ADSs. If a U.S. Holder makes a mark-to-market election, such holder will generally include as ordinary income the excess, if any, of the fair market value of the H Shares or ADSs at the end of each taxable year over their adjusted basis, and will be permitted an ordinary loss in respect of the excess, if any, of the adjusted basis of the H Shares or ADSs over their fair market value at the end of the taxable year (but only to the extent of the net amount of income previously included as a result of the mark-to-market election). Any gain recognized on the sale or other disposition of the H Shares or ADSs will be treated as ordinary income. The mark-to-market election is available only for “marketable stock,” which is stock that is traded in other than de minimis quantities on at least 15 days during each calendar quarter on a qualified exchange or other market, as defined in the applicable Treasury regulations. The H Shares or ADSs may qualify as “marketable stock” because the ADSs are listed on the New York Stock Exchange.


A U.S. Holder’s adjusted tax basis in the H Shares or ADSs will be increased by the amount of any income inclusion and decreased by the amount of any deductions under the mark-to-market rules. If a U.S. Holder makes a mark-to-market election it will be effective for the taxable year for which the election is made and all subsequent taxable years unless the H Shares or ADSs are no longer regularly traded on a qualified exchange or the IRS consents to the revocation of the election. U.S. Holders are urged to consult their tax advisors about the availability of the mark-to-market election, and whether making the election would be advisable in their particular circumstances.


Alternatively, a timely election to treat us as a qualified electing fund could be made to avoid the foregoing rules with respect to excess distributions and dispositions. You should be aware, however, that if we become a PFIC, we do not intend to satisfy record keeping requirements that would permit you to make a qualified electing fund election.


 If you own the H Shares or ADSs during any year that we are a PFIC, you must file IRS Form 8621. The reduced tax rate for dividend income, as discussed above under “— Distributions on the H Shares or ADSs,” is not applicable to a dividend paid by us if we are a PFIC for either our taxable year in which the dividend is paid or the preceding year. We encourage you to consult your own tax advisor concerning the United States federal income tax consequences of holding the H Shares or ADSs that would arise if we were considered a PFIC.


Additional Taxes After 2012


For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2012, U.S. Holders that are individuals, estates or trusts and whose income exceeds certain thresholds generally will be subject to a 3.8% Medicare contribution tax on unearned income, including, among other things, dividends on, and capital gains from the sale or other taxable disposition of, the H Shares or ADSs, subject to certain limitations and exceptions. U.S. Holders should consult their own tax advisors regarding the effect, if any, of such tax on their ownership and disposition of our securities.


Backup Withholding and Information Reporting


In general, information reporting requirements will apply to dividends in respect of the H Shares or ADSs or the proceeds of the sale, exchange, or redemption of the H Shares or ADSs paid within the United States, and in some cases, outside of the United States, other than to various exempt recipients, including corporations. In addition, you may, under some circumstances, be subject to “backup withholding” (currently at a 28% rate) with respect to dividends paid on the H Shares or ADSs or the proceeds of any sale, exchange or transfer of the H Shares or ADSs, unless you


·are a corporation or fall within various other exempt categories, and, when required, demonstrate this fact; or


·provide a correct taxpayer identification number on a properly completed IRS Form W-9 or a substitute form, certify that you are exempt from backup withholding and otherwise comply with applicable requirements of the backup withholding rules.




Any amount withheld under the backup withholding rules generally will be creditable against your United States federal income tax liability provided that you furnish the required information to the IRS in a timely manner. If you do not provide a correct taxpayer identification number you may be subject to penalties imposed by the IRS.


For taxable years beginning after March 18, 2010, new legislation requires certain U.S. Holders who are individuals to report information relating to stock of a non-U.S. person, subject to certain exceptions (including an exception for stock held in custodial accounts maintained by a U.S. financial institution). U.S. Holders are urged to consult their tax advisors regarding the effect, if any, of this legislation on their ownership and disposition of the H Shares or ADSs.


F.Dividends and Paying Agents


Not applicable.


G.Statement by Experts


Not applicable.


H.Documents on Display


You may read and copy documents referred to in this Annual Report on Form 20-F that have been filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission at the SEC’s public reference room located at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549. Please call the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330 for further information on the public reference rooms and their copy charges. The SEC also maintains a website at http://www.sec.gov that contains reports, proxy statements and other information regarding registrants that file electronically with the SEC.


As a foreign private issuer, we are exempt from the rules under the Exchange Act prescribing the furnishing and content of quarterly reports and proxy statements, and officers, directors and principal shareholders are exempt from the reporting and short-swing profit recovery provisions contained in Section 16 of the Exchange Act.


The SEC allows us to “incorporate by reference” the information we file with the SEC. This means that we can disclose important information to you by referring you to another document filed separately with the SEC. The information incorporated by reference is considered to be part of this Annual Report on Form 20-F.


I.Subsidiary Information


For a listing of our significant subsidiaries, see “Item 4. Information on the Company — History and Development of the Company”.


Item 11.Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk


Interest Rate Risk


Our debts include both fixed-rate and variable-rate long-term loans and other loans. As a result, we are subject to the market risk of fluctuation of interest rates which may affect the estimated fair value of our debt liabilities or result in losses in cash flow. We use interest rate swaps to reduce risks related to changes in market interest rates. As of December 31, 2012, the notional amount of the outstanding interest rate swap agreements was approximately US$929 million. The fair value of the outstanding interest rate swap agreements was approximately US$(47) million. These interest rate swap agreements will expire between 2013 and 2021. If the interest rate had been 25 basic points higher with all other variables held constant, interest expenses on our floating rate instruments would have increased by RMB119.0 million in 2011 and RMB122.5 million in 2012.


Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Risk


Although we derive most of our income from China in Renminbi, our financial lease obligations as well as certain bank loans are denominated in U.S. dollars, Japanese yen, Euro or Renminbi. Pursuant to current foreign exchange regulations in China, we may retain our foreign currency earnings generated from ticket sales made in our overseas offices subject to the approval of SAFE. We use forward contracts to reduce risks related to changes in currency exchange rates in respect of ticket sales and expenses denominated in foreign currencies. As of December 31, 2012, the notional amount and fair value of the outstanding currency forward contracts was approximately US$58 million and US$(4) million, respectively, which will expire between 2013 and 2017.


Pursuant to IFRS, our monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are required to be translated into Renminbi at the year end at exchange rates announced by PBOC. Transactions in currencies other than the Renminbi during the year are converted into Renminbi at the applicable rates of exchange prevailing at the dates of the transaction. Transaction gains and losses are recognized in our profit and loss account. In 2011 and 2012, we had foreign exchange gains of RMB1,872 million and RMB148 million, respectively. Any fluctuation of the exchange rates between Renminbi and foreign currencies may materially and adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations. Following the measures introduced by the PRC government in July 2005 to reform the Renminbi exchange rate regime, the Renminbi has appreciated significantly against certain foreign currencies, including the U.S. dollar and Japanese yen. The following table shows the effect on our profit and loss account as a result of the impact on our non-Renminbi denominated monetary assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2012 as a consequence of a fluctuation in value of the following major foreign currencies.


   Profit and Loss Account
U.S. dollar depreciates by 1%   483,962 
Japanese yen depreciates by 1%   (2,042)
Euro depreciates by 1%   7,429 


Fuel Hedging Risk


In order to control fuel costs, we entered into fuel hedging transactions using financial derivative products linked to the price of underlying assets such as United States WTI crude oil and Singapore jet fuel. In the face of continuing increases in fuel prices, we reduced the impact of the fluctuation in aviation fuel prices through various financial derivative instruments. For 2011, we hedged 17.0% of our annual fuel consumption.




We engage in aviation fuel hedging for the purpose of locking in aviation fuel costs. By selecting appropriate instruments, we lock in costs within a hedged price range. However, high fluctuations in aviation fuel prices exceeding the locked-in price ranges has resulted in our Company incurring actual realized and unrealized settlement losses. If the oil price had increased or decreased by 5% compared to the closing price as of December 31, 2012, the fair value gain as of December 31, 2012 would have increased or decreased by approximately RMB1,494 million. All crude oil option contracts signed in past years were settled before December 31, 2012.


Item 12.Description of Securities Other than Equity Securities


A.Debt Securities


Not applicable.


B.Warrants and Rights


Not applicable.


C.Other Securities


Not applicable.


D.American Depositary Shares


Our ADSs, each representing 50 H shares, are traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “CEA.” The ADSs are evidenced by American Depositary Receipts, or ADRs, issued by BNYM, as depositary under the Deposit Agreement, dated as of February 5, 1997, among the Company, BNYM and holders and beneficial owners of ADSs. ADS holders are required to pay the following service fees to BNYM:


  Service   Fees (in U.S. dollars)
· Issuance of ADSs, including issuances resulting from a distribution of shares or rights or other property   US$5.00 (or less) per ADSs (or portion of 100 ADSs)
· Cancellation of ADSs for the purpose of withdrawal, including if the deposit agreement terminates   Cancellation fees
· Any cash distribution to ADS registered holders   N/A
· Distribution of securities distributed to holders of deposited securities which are distributed by the depositary to ADS registered holders   A fee equivalent to the fee that would be payable if securities distributed to you had been shares and the shares had been deposited for issuance of ADSs
· Depositary services   N/A
· Transfer and registration of shares on our share register to or from the name of the depositary or its agent when you deposit or withdraw shares   Registration or transfer fees
· Cable, telex and facsimile transmissions (when expressly provided in the deposit agreement)   Expenses of the depositary
· Converting foreign currency to U.S. dollars   Foreign exchange fees
· As necessary   Taxes and other governmental charges the depositary or the custodian have to pay on any ADS or share underlying an ADS, for example, stock transfer taxes, stamp duty or withholding taxes
· As necessary   Any charges incurred by the depositary or its agents for servicing the deposited securities


For the past annual period, from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012, the Company received from the depositary an aggregate of US$77,658.31 for continuing stock exchange annual listing fees and reimbursement fees, and waived standard out-of-pocket maintenance costs for the ADRs (consisting of administrative expenses) of US$130,065.05.


BNYM, as depositary, has agreed to reimburse the Company for expenses incurred in the future in relation to the establishment and maintenance of the ADS program, which include standard out-of-pocket expenses such as postage and envelopes for mailing annual and interim financial reports and all related administrative and documentary expenses. BNYM has agreed to reimburse the Company annually for certain investor relationship programs and promotional activities. There are limits as to the amount of reimbursable expenses and this amount is not necessarily commensurate with the amount of fees BNYM collects from ADS investors. BNYM collects fees for delivery and surrender of ADSs directly from investors depositing shares or surrendering ADSs for the purpose of withdrawal. BNYM collects fees for making distributions to investors by deducting those fees from the amounts distributed or by selling a portion of distributable property to pay fees. BNYM may also collect its annual fee by deducting cash distributions or by directly billing investors, or by charging the book-entry system accounts of participants acting for investors.




Item 13.Defaults, Dividend Arrearages and Delinquencies




Item 14.Material Modifications to the Rights of Security Holders and Use Of Proceeds


On August 10, 2010, we effected an ADS split whereby each ADS now represents 50 H shares. There was no change to the rights and preferences of the underlying H shares.




Item 15.Controls and Procedures


Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures


Under the supervision and with the participation of our President and Chief Financial Officer, our management conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of our Company’s disclosure controls and procedures (as such term is defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”)), as of December 31, 2012 the end of the fiscal year covered by this Annual Report. Our management, with the participation of President and Chief Financial Officer, after evaluating the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures, have concluded that as of the end of the period covered by this Form 20-F, our disclosure controls and procedures were effective to ensure that material information required to be disclosed in the reports that we file and furnish under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rules and regulations.


Disclosure controls and procedures means controls and other procedures that are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by us in the reports that we file or submit under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rules and forms and that such information required to be disclosed by us in the reports that we file or submit under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our President and Chief Financial Officer, or persons performing similar functions, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosures.


Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting


Our management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting, as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) and have designed internal control over financial reporting or caused internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision in order to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, as applicable. Under the supervision and with the participation of our President and our Chief Financial Officer, our management conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2012 based upon the criteria in the Internal Control-Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). Based on that evaluation, our management has concluded that our internal control over financial reporting was effective as of December 31, 2012 in providing reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.


Due to its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. In addition, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies and procedures may deteriorate.


Attestation Report of the Registered Public Accounting Firm


The effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2012 has been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers, an independent registered public accounting firm, as stated in their report which is included herein.


Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting


During 2012, we have implemented certain measures to enhance our internal controls over financial reporting, which include the following initiatives:


·To enhance our overall management of financial matters, we issued our internal regulations “Capital Authorization Management Policy” and amended “Financial Derivatives Risk Management Policy”.


·We performed risk analysis to improve certain areas of existing accounting and financial reporting policies, inspected key accounting controls and journal entries, studied 175 internal control-related working procedures and conducted regular inspections according to our Internal Control Manual.


·To strengthen the financial control of our overseas operating branches, we completed inspections of our operating branches and offices in Paris, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Vancouver, New York and Sydney, and rectified on time potential issues we found during the inspections.


·Our subsidiary, China United Airlines, established the Oracle financial management system, in line with that of our Company; Our subsidiary, Shanghai Airlines, established the TravelSky settlement system, in line with that of our Company.


·We expanded the application of our SAP system to integrate multiple business processes and functions into one comprehensive system, which we believe reduced risks relating to duplication, mistakes and inconsistent data.


Item 16A.Audit Committee Financial Expert


Our Board of Directors has determined that Mr. Shao Ruiqing, the chairman of our audit committee, is an independent financial expert serving on our audit committee, given his experience in the academic aspects of accounting and notable achievements in accounting education and academic research. Mr. Shao is independent of the Board of Directors, senior management, Supervisors or substantial shareholders of our Company.


Item 16B.Code of Ethics


We have adopted a code of ethics that applies to our Directors, supervisors, President, Chief Financial Officer and other senior managers of our Company. We have filed this code of ethics as Exhibit 11.1 to this annual Report. A copy of our code of ethics will be provided to any person free of charge upon written request to Wang Jian, Secretary Office of the Board of Directors, China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited at Kong Gang San Lu, Number 92, Shanghai 200335, the People’s Republic of China.




Item 16C. Principal Accountant Fees and Services


The following table sets forth the aggregate audit fees, audit-related fees and tax fees of our principal accountants, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and all other fees billed for products and services provided by our principal accountants other than the audit fees, audit-related fees and tax fees for each of the two years ended December 31, 2011 and 2012:


   Audit Fees   Audit-
Related Fees
   Tax Fees   All Other
   (RMB)   (RMB)   (RMB)   (RMB) 
2011   16,400,000    1,100,000    108,000     
2012   14,380,000    2,900,000    108,000     


Before our principal accountants were engaged by our Company or our subsidiaries to render audit or non-audit services, the engagements were approved by our audit committee.


Audit Fees


Audit fees primarily consist of fees for the audits of the Company’s financial statements prepared under both of IFRS & PRC Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises as of and for the years ended December 31, 2011 and 2012.


Audit-Related Fees


Audit-related fees for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012 primarily consist of fees for and services provided in connection with the Company's bond offerings and proposed non-public offerings. Audit-related fees for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2011 primarily consist of fees for and services provided in connection with the Company’s bond offerings.


Tax Fees


Tax fees primarily consist of fees for tax compliance services.


Item 16D. Exemptions from the Listing Standards for Audit Committees


Not applicable.


Item 16E. Purchase of Equity Securities by the Issuer and Affiliated Purchasers


The Company and its affiliates have not purchased any issued shares of the Company during 2012 and up to the date of this Annual Report. However, on November 9, 2012, we held an extraordinary general meeting to approve, among other things, the proposals for the non-public issuance of A Shares and H Shares to specific placees.


A total of 698,865,000 new A Shares are expected to be issued to CEA Holding and CES Finance with a total subscription price of RMB1,499,999,999.44. In addition, 698,865,000 new H Shares are expected to be issued to CES Global with a subscription price of HK$1,621,366,800. The A Shares and H Shares subscriptions and the completion thereof will ultimately require approval from the relevant governmental and regulatory authorities such as CSRC.


Item 16F. Changes in Registrant’s Certifying Accountant


There has not been a change in the Company’s certifying accountant during 2011 and 2012.


(a) Change of Principal Accountant


On March 26, 2013, the Board approved not to re-appoint our independent registered public accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian CPAs Limited ("PwC") as the Company’s PRC auditors and PricewaterhouseCoopers as the Company’s international auditors for the year 2013, due to the relevant regulations issued by the MOF and the SASAC in December 2011. The relevant regulations restrict and limit the number of years that audit services can be continuously provided by an accounting firm to a PRC state-owned enterprise and its subsidiaries.


The independent audit reports of PwC as to our consolidated financial statements for the two fiscal years ended December 31, 2011 and 2012 did not contain any adverse opinion or a disclaimer of opinion, nor were such reports qualified or modified in any way as to any uncertainty, audit scope, or accounting principles.


During the two fiscal years ended December 31, 2011 and 2012 and up to April 24, 2013, there were no disagreements (as that term is used in Item 16F (a)(1)(iv) of Form 20-F and the related instructions to Item 16F) with PwC on any matter of accounting principles or practices, financial statement disclosure, or auditing scope or procedure, which disagreements, if not resolved to the satisfaction of PwC, would have caused PwC to make reference to the subject matter of the disagreements in its reports on the consolidated financial statements during the end of such fiscal years.


During the two fiscal years ended December 31, 2011 and 2012 and up to April 24, 2013, there were no “reportable events” (defined below) requiring disclosure pursuant to Item 16F(a)(1)(v) of Form 20-F. As used herein, the term “reportable event” means any of the items listed in paragraphs (a)(1)(v)(A)-(D) of Item 16F of Form 20-F.


We have provided PwC with a copy of the disclosures under Item 16F(a) as included herein and have requested that PwC furnish us with a letter addressed to the SEC stating whether PwC agrees with the foregoing statements. A copy of the letter dated April 24, 2013, furnished by PwC in response to that request was filed as Exhibit 13.3 to this Form 20-F.


(b) Engagement of New Principal Accountant


On March 26, 2013, the Board agreed to appoint Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP ("E&Y") and Ernst & Young as the Company’s auditors for financial reports prepared for the PRC and the United States and Hong Kong, respectively for the year ended December 31, 2013. The proposed change of auditors is subject to the consideration and approval by the shareholders of the Company at the annual general meeting expected to be held in June 2013.


During the two fiscal years ended December 31, 2011 and 2012 and up to April 24, 2013, we have not, and have not authorized anyone on our behalf, to consult with E&Y with respect to either: (i) the application of accounting principles to a specified transaction, either completed or proposed, or the type of audit opinion that might be rendered on our consolidated financial statements, and neither a written report nor oral advice was provided to us that E&Y concluded was an important factor considered by us in reaching a decision as to any accounting, auditing or financial reporting issue; or (ii) any matter that was either the subject of a "disagreement" with PwC (as that term is used in Item 16F (a)(1)(iv) of Form 20-F and the related instructions to Item 16F) or a "reportable event" (as described in Item 16F (a)(1)(v) of Form 20-F).


Item 16G. Corporate Governance


The NYSE has imposed a series of corporate governance listing standards for companies listed on the NYSE in Section 303A of its listing rules. However, the NYSE provides that listed companies that are foreign private issuers, subject to certain limitations and conditions, are permitted to follow “home country” practice in lieu of the provisions of Section 303A of the NYSE Listed Company Manual. To qualify for this exemption, a listed foreign private issuer must disclose any significant differences between their corporate governance practices and the requirements of the NYSE corporate governance standards.


As a foreign private issuer, we are subject to more than one set of corporate governance requirements. In the table below, we set out material differences between our corporate governance practices and the NYSE’s corporate governance requirements as set out in Section 303A of the Listed Company Manual:




    NYSE Listed Company
Manual Requirements on
Corporate Governance
  Company’s Practices
Majority independent requirement of the Board of Directors   Section 303A.01 of the Listed Company Manual requires that listed companies must have a majority of independent Directors.   We currently have four independent Directors out of a total of eleven Directors. The standards for establishing independence set forth under the Independent Director Guidance of the PRC differ, to some extent, from those set forth in the NYSE Listed Company Manual.
Non-management directors must meet at regularly scheduled executive sessions without management   Section 303A.03 of the Listed Company Manual requires non-management directors of each listed company to meet at regularly scheduled executive sessions without management participation.   There is no identical corporate governance requirement in the PRC.
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee   Section 303A.04 of the Listed Company Manual requires that (i) listed companies must have a nominating/corporate governance committee composed entirely of independent directors and (ii) the nominating/corporate governance committee must have a written charter that addresses the committee’s purposes and responsibilities and an annual performance evaluation of the committee.  

The Company has established a nomination committee. As of December 31, 2012, the Nominations and Remuneration Committee consists of three members, two of which are independent non-executive Directors of the Company. The merger of the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee into the Nominations and Remuneration Committee was agreed at the ordinary meeting of the Board of the Company held on March 19, 2010.

        The Nominations and Remuneration Committee is a specialized committee under the Board. It is responsible for the discussion in regard to nominees, standards and procedures for selecting directors and senior management of the Company and making recommendations; responsible for studying and examining the remuneration policy and solutions of directors and senior management of the Company; responsible for studying the performance appraisal standards for directors and senior management of the Company, conducting appraisals and making recommendation.
Compensation Committee   Section 303A.05 of the Listed Company Manual requires that listed companies must (i) have a compensation committee composed entirely of independent directors and (ii) the compensation committee must have a written charter that addresses the committee’s purposes and responsibilities and an annual performance evaluation of the committee.  

The Company has established a remuneration and appraisal committee. As of December 31, 2012, the Nominations and Remuneration Committee consists of three members, two of which are independent non-executive Directors of the Company. The merger of the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee into the Nominations and Remuneration Committee was agreed at the ordinary meeting of the Board of the Company held on March 19, 2010.

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics   Section 303A.10 requires a listed company to adopt and disclose a code of business conduct and ethics for directors, officers and employees, and promptly disclose any waivers from the code for directors or executive officers.   As required under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the Company has adopted a code of ethics that is applicable to the Company’s Directors, Supervisors, President, Chief Financial Officer and other senior managers.


In addition, we have posted a description of such differences under the section entitled “Report of Directors” of our 2012 Hong Kong Annual Report, which can be accessed through the following link on our website:




Item 16H. Mine Safety Disclosures


Not applicable.




Item 17. Financial Statements


We have elected to provide the financial statements and related information specified in Item 18 in lieu of Item 17.


Item 18. Financial Statements


Reference is made to pages F-1 to F-96.


Item 19. Exhibits


  (a) See Item 18 for a list of the financial statements filed as part of this Annual Report.


  (b) Exhibits to this Annual Report:




Exhibit Index


Exhibits   Description
1.1   Articles of Association as amended on November 9, 2012 (English translation). (10)
2.1   Specimen Certificate for the H Shares. (1)
2.2   Form of Deposit Agreement among the Registrant, The Bank of New York, as depositary, and Owners and Beneficial Owners from time to time of American Depositary Receipts. (2)
4.1   Office Space Lease Agreement between our Company and Eastern Air Group Company (together with English translation). (1)
4.10   Amendment No. 9 to the A320 Purchase Agreement, dated as of April 21, 2005, between our Company and Airbus SAS. (3) (9)
4.11   Assets Transfer Agreement, dated as of May 12, 2005, between our Company, CEA Holding, CEA Northwest and CEA Yunnan (English translation). (3)
4.12   Aircraft Purchase Agreement, dated as of August 8, 2005, between our Company and The Boeing Company. (4) (9)
4.13   Aircraft Purchase Agreement, dated as of December 20, 2005, as amended by a supplemental agreement dated as of April 10, 2006, between our Company and The Boeing Company. (4) (9)
4.14   Amendment No. 10 to the A320 Purchase Agreement, dated as of June 26, 2006, between our Company and Airbus SAS. (4) (9)
4.15   Aircraft Purchase Agreement, dated as of January 30, 2008, between our Company and The Boeing Company. (5) (8)
4.16   Share Issue and Subscription Agreement, dated as of December 29, 2008, between our Company and CES Global Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited, in relation to the placing of 1,437,375,000 new H shares to CES Global Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited by our Company. (6)
4.17   Share Issue and Subscription Agreement, dated as of December 29, 2008, between our Company and CES Global Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited, in relation to the placing of 1,437,375,000 new A shares to China Eastern Air Holding Company by our Company. (6)
4.18   Aircraft Purchase Agreement, dated as of June 15, 2009, between our Company and Airbus SAS. (7) (9)
4.19   Share Subscription Agreement, dated as of July 10, 2009, between our Company and CES Global, in relation to the placing of 490,000,000 new H shares to CES Global. (7)
4.20   Share Subscription Agreement, dated as of July 10, 2009, between our Company and CEA Holding, in relation to the placing of 490,000,000 new A shares to CEA Holding. (7)
4.21   Agreement in relation to the absorption of Shanghai Airlines by way of Share Exchange by our Company, dated as of July 10, 2009. (7)
4.22   Aircraft Purchase Agreement, dated as of December 23, 2009, between our Company and Airbus SAS. (7) (9)
4.23   A320 Family Aircraft Purchase Agreement, dated as of December 30, 2010, between our Company and Airbus SAS. (8) (9)
4.24   Boeing 787 Aircraft Delivery Delay Settlement Agreement, dated as of September 15,2011, between our Company and the Boeing Company. (9)
4.25   A330 Family Aircraft Purchase Agreement, dated as of October 17, 2011, between our Company and Airbus SAS. (9)

Buyback Agreement relating to Five Airbus A340-300 Aircraft, dated as of October 17, 2011, between our Company and Airbus SAS. (9)



Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement relating to the disposal of eight Bombardier CRJ-200 Aircraft and ten Embraer ERJ-145 Aircraft, dated November 23, 2012, among our Company, Airbus SAS and other parties. (11)



Amendment No. 2 to the A 320 Family Purchase Agreement dated December 30, 2010, dated November 23, 2012, between our Company and Airbus SAS. (11)



Acquisition Agreement for Used Aircraft relating to five Airbus Model A340-642 Aircraft, dated April 27, 2012, between our Company and Boeing Aircraft Holding Company. (11)



Purchase Agreement Number PA-03746 relating to Boeing Model 777-300ER Aircraft, dated April 27, 2012, between our Company and the Boeing Company. (11)


8.1   List of Subsidiaries (as of April 20, 2013).
11.1   Code of Ethics (English translation). (5)
12.1   Certification of the President pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a).
12.2   Certification of the Chief Financial Officer pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a).
13.1   Certification of the President pursuant to Rule 13a-14(b).
13.2   Certification of the Chief Financial Officer pursuant to Rule 13a-14(b).
13.3   Letter from PWC to the Securities and Exchange Commission with respect to the disclosures under Item 16F(a).




(1)Incorporated by reference to our Registration Statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-6260), filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on January 9, 1997.


(2)Incorporated by reference to our Registration Statement on Form F-6 (File No. 333-6284), filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission with respect to American Depositary Shares representing our H Shares.


(3)Incorporated by reference to our annual report on Form 20-F (File No. 001-14550), filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 24, 2005.


(4)Incorporated by reference to our annual report on Form 20-F (File No. 001-14550), filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 7, 2006.


(5)Incorporated by reference to our annual report on Form 20-F (File No. 001-14550), filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 24, 2008.


(6)Incorporated by reference to our annual report on Form 20-F (File No.001-14550), filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 11, 2009.


(7)Incorporated by reference to our annual report on Form 20-F (File No.001-14550), filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 24, 2010.


(8)Incorporated by reference to our annual report on Form 20-F (File No.001-14550), filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 29, 2011.


(9)Incorporated by reference to our annual report on Form 20-F (File No.001-14550), filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on April 24, 2012.



Incorporated by reference to our announcement furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 6-K dated November 13, 2012.


(11)Portions of this document have been omitted pursuant to a confidential treatment request, and the full, unredacted document has been separately submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission with a confidential treatment request.




The registrant hereby certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form 20-F and that it has duly caused and authorized the undersigned to sign this Annual Report on its behalf.


By: /s/ Liu Shaoyong  
  Name: Liu Shaoyong  
  Title: Chairman of the Board of Directors  


Date: April 24, 2013











DECEMBER 31, 2012, 2011 AND 2010






Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm  F-1
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for each of the three years ended December 31, 2012  F-2
Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2012 and 2011  F-4
Consolidated Statements of Cash flows for each of the three years ended December 31, 2012  F-6
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity for each of the three years ended December 31, 2012  F-8
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements  F-11




Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm 


To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited:


In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated balance sheets and the related consolidated statements of comprehensive income, of changes in equity and of cash flows present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited (“the Company”) and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”) at December 31, 2012 and 2011, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2012 in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. Also in our opinion, the Company maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2012, based on criteria established in Internal Control — Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). The Company’s management is responsible for these financial statements, for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, included in the accompanying Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements and on the Company’s internal control over financial reporting based on our integrated audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement and whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audits of the financial statements included examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our audit of internal control over financial reporting included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. Our audits also included performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinions.


A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (i) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (ii) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (iii) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.


Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.



Certified Public Accountants

Hong Kong, April 24, 2013








(Amounts in thousands except for per share data)


      Year ended December 31, 
      2012   2011   2010 
   Note  RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Revenues  5   85,253,317    82,403,130    73,803,659 
Other operating income  6   1,719,626    1,061,451    658,620 
Operating expenses                  
Aircraft fuel      (29,871,506)   (29,229,011)   (21,605,611)
Gain on fair value movements of derivatives financial instruments  8   24,831    86,851    833,384 
Take-off and landing charges      (9,065,649)   (8,350,181)   (7,454,637)
Depreciation and amortization      (7,556,910)   (6,965,570)   (6,757,837)
Wages, salaries and benefits  9   (10,059,043)   (8,664,854)   (8,940,786)
Aircraft maintenance      (4,432,741)   (4,405,900)   (4,614,093)
Impairment reversals/(charges)  10   13,467    (638,316)   (405,391)
Food and beverages      (2,031,425)   (2,022,367)   (1,596,454)
Aircraft operating lease rentals      (4,438,169)   (4,128,420)   (3,975,557)
Other operating lease rentals      (609,111)   (491,901)   (601,742)
Selling and marketing expenses      (3,727,437)   (3,739,682)   (3,323,830)
Civil aviation infrastructure levies      (1,414,457)   (1,321,373)   (1,295,612)
Ground services and other charges      (594,057)   (567,552)   (439,664)
Office, administrative and other expenses      (8,982,628)   (8,853,751)   (8,587,503)
Total operating expenses      (82,744,835)   (79,292,027)   (68,765,333)
Operating profit  11   4,228,108    4,172,554    5,696,946 
Share of results of associates  22   103,209    75,435    39,228 
Share of results of jointly controlled entities  23   29,960    31,437    28,154 
Finance income  12   348,601    2,024,002    1,155,384 
Finance costs  13   (1,697,474)   (1,462,727)   (1,501,900)
Profit before income tax      3,012,404    4,840,701    5,417,812 
Income tax  14   (204,801)   (264,229)   (133,491)
Profit for the year      2,807,603    4,576,472    5,284,321 








(Amounts in thousands except for per share data)


      Year ended December 31, 
      2012   2011   2010 
   Note  RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Other comprehensive (loss)/income for the year                  
Cash flow hedges, net of tax  39   (9,211)   (132,446)   (17,016)
Fair value movements of available-for-sale investments      (389)   486    (534)
Fair value movements of available-for-sale investments held by associates  22   2,188    (2,701)   1,543 
Total comprehensive income for the year      2,800,191    4,441,811    5,268,314 
Profit attributable to:                  
Equity shareholders of the Company      2,953,645    4,575,732    4,957,989 
Non-controlling interests      (146,042)   740    326,332 
       2,807,603    4,576,472    5,284,321 
Total comprehensive income attributable to                  
Equity shareholders of the Company      2,946,271    4,441,071    4,941,982 
Non-controlling interests      (146,080)   740    326,332 
       2,800,191    4,441,811    5,268,314 
Earnings per share attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company during the year                  
– Basic and diluted (RMB)  17   0.26    0.41    0.44 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


      2012   2011   2010 
   Note  RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Dividends  15   -    -    - 






AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011

(Amounts in thousands)


      December 31, 
      2012   2011 
   Note  RMB’000   RMB’000 
Non-current assets             
Intangible assets  18   11,449,099    11,353,590 
Property, plant and equipment  19   82,518,761    73,757,795 
Lease prepayments  20   1,781,846    1,471,272 
Advanced payments on acquisition of aircraft  21   11,894,891    10,968,344 
Investments in associates  22   833,472    837,589 
Investments in jointly controlled entities  23   418,159    423,256 
Available-for-sale financial assets      234,690    240,380 
Other long-term assets  24   1,958,256    1,929,834 
Deferred tax assets  36   54,561    44,418 
Derivative assets  39   -    4,365 
       111,143,735    101,030,843 
Current assets             
Flight equipment spare parts  25   2,087,978    1,555,544 
Trade receivables  26   2,962,181    2,504,026 
Prepayments and other receivables  27   3,368,648    2,410,895 
Derivative assets  39   18,074    - 
Restricted bank deposits and short-term bank deposits  28   1,726,251    2,894,287 
Cash and cash equivalents  29   2,511,696    3,860,973 
Assets held for sale  43   -    482,313 
       12,674,828    13,708,038 
Current liabilities             
Sales in advance of carriage      3,094,427    3,197,649 
Trade payables and notes payable  30   3,075,325    2,692,624 
Other payables and accrued expenses  31   16,256,225    16,267,287 
Current portion of obligations under finance leases  32   2,605,269    2,459,259 
Current portion of borrowings  33   22,639,955    18,171,130 
Income tax payable      181,788    172,319 
Current portion of provision for return condition checks for aircraft under operating leases  34   734,205    375,409 
Derivative liabilities  39   35,813    51,063 
       48,623,007    43,386,740 
Net current liabilities      (35,948,179)   (29,678,702)
Total assets less current liabilities      75,195,556    71,352,141 







AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011

(Amounts in thousands)


      December 31, 
      2012   2011 
   Note  RMB’000   RMB’000 
Non-current liabilities             
Obligations under finance leases  32   19,252,709    17,801,563 
Borrowings  33   23,096,163    23,603,463 
Provision for return condition checks for aircraft under operating leases  34   3,064,557    2,923,717 
Other long-term liabilities  35   1,635,537    2,047,099 
Deferred tax liabilities  36   29,326    29,326 
Post-retirement benefit obligations  37(b)   3,259,529    2,859,945 
Derivative liabilities  39   304,338    281,921 
       50,642,159    49,547,034 
Net assets      24,553,397    21,805,107 
Capital and reserves attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company             
Share capital  41   11,276,539    11,276,539 
Reserves  42   11,649,259    8,849,353 
       22,925,798    20,125,892 
Non-controlling interests      1,627,599    1,679,215 
Total equity      24,553,397    21,805,107 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.








(Amounts in thousands)


      Year ended December 31, 
      2012   2011   2010 
   Note  RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Cash flows from operating activities                  
Cash generated from operations  44(a)   12,822,835    13,781,419    10,739,839 
Income tax paid      (205,476)   (158,394)   (98,591)
Net cash inflow from operating activities      12,617,359    13,623,025    10,641,248 
Cash flows from investing activities                  
Additions of property, plant and equipment      (6,148,139)   (5,414,101)   (6,522,951)
Payments of short-term deposits with original maturity over three months      -    (1,963,289)   (434,314)
Advanced payments on acquisition of aircraft  21   (7,328,529)   (8,180,128)   (3,461,737)
Disposal of subsidiaries      -    -    (9,730)
Investment in available-for-sale financial assets      -    (1,472)   (2,737)
Acquisition of cargo business of Great Wall Airlines Co., Ltd. (“Great Wall Airlines”), net of cash acquired      (87,316)   (60,736)   - 
Net cash acquired through acquisition of Shanghai Airlines Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Airlines”)      -    -    1,167,565 
Proceeds from disposal of assets held for sale      209,586    411,535    430,110 
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment      181,246    33,881    101,894 
Proceeds of short-term deposits with original maturity over three months  28   958,489    -    - 
Interest received      215,789    146,529    64,359 
Dividends received      112,446    82,294    30,443 
Proceeds from disposal of interests in an associate      2,439    -    4,405 
Proceeds from disposal of interests in available-for -sale financial assets      94,890    6,426    - 
Net cash outflow from investing activities      (11,789,099)   (14,939,061)   (8,632,693)








(Amounts in thousands)


      Year ended December 31, 
      2012   2011   2010 
   Note  RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Cash flows from financing activities                  
Proceeds from draw down of short-term bank loans      23,101,136    19,647,120    20,803,369 
Proceeds from issuance of short-term debentures and bonds      4,000,000    2,490,417    - 
Repayments of short-term bank loans      (25,619,898)   (18,514,150)   (21,942,900)
Proceeds from draw down of long-term bank loans      10,887,474    5,693,281    11,556,258 
Repayments of long-term bank loans      (8,352,313)   (5,245,147)   (6,526,565)
Principal repayments of finance lease obligations      (4,094,636)   (2,191,369)   (2,201,176)
Receipts/(payments) of restricted bank deposits      236,475    1,108,726    (1,174,066)
Interest paid      (1,936,842)   (1,701,253)   (1,644,924)
Capital contribution from non-controlling interests of subsidiaries      453,850    1,004,500    519,300 
Acquisition of non-controlling    interests in subsidiaries      (670,956)   -    - 
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests of subsidiaries      (178,580)   (156,526)   (41,738)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing activities      (2,174,290)   2,135,599    (652,442)
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents      (1,346,030)   819,563    1,356,113 
Cash and cash equivalents at January 1      3,860,973    3,078,228    1,735,248 
Exchange adjustments      (3,247)   (36,818)   (13,133)
Cash and cash equivalents at December 31  29   2,511,696    3,860,973    3,078,228 


Notes to consolidated cash flow statements is set out in Note 44 to the financial statements.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.








(Amounts in thousands)


   Attributable to equity shareholders of the Company         
   Subtotal   Non-controlling
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Balance at January 1, 2010   9,581,700    9,566,349    (17,913,496)   1,234,553    441,628    1,676,181 
Total comprehensive income for the year   -    (16,007)   4,957,989    4,941,982    326,332    5,268,314 
  - Profit for the  year   -    -    4,957,989    4,957,989    326,332    5,284,321 
  - Other   comprehensive loss   -    (16,007)   -    (16,007)   -    (16,007)
Issuance of new shares for the acquisition of Shanghai Airlines   1,694,839    7,399,913    -    9,094,752    -    9,094,752 
Non-controlling interests addition through the acquisition of Shanghai Airlines   -    -    -    -    53,920    53,920 
Dividend paid to non-controlling interests in subsidiaries   -    -    -    -    (41,738)   (41,738)
Capital contribution by non-controlling interests in subsidiaries   -    -    -    -    519,300    519,300 
Disposal of subsidiaries   -    -    -    -    (8,843)   (8,843)
Balance at December 31, 2010   11,276,539    16,950,255    (12,955,507)   15,271,287    1,290,599    16,561,886 








(Amounts in thousands)


   Attributable to equity shareholders of the Company         
   Subtotal   Non-controlling
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Balance at January 1, 2011   11,276,539    16,950,255    (12,955,507)   15,271,287    1,290,599    16,561,886 
Total comprehensive income for the year   -    (134,661)   4,575,732    4,441,071    740    4,441,811 
- Profit for the year   -    -    4,575,732    4,575,732    740    4,576,472 
- Other comprehensive loss   -    (134,661)   -    (134,661)   -    (134,661)
Accumulated losses shared by non-controlling interests after capital injection in a subsidiary   -    426,439    -    426,439    (427,264)   (825)
Dividend paid to non-controlling interests in subsidiaries   -    -    -    -    (156,526)   (156,526)
Capital contribution by non-controlling interests in subsidiaries   -    -    -    -    1,004,500    1,004,500 
Acquisition of non-controlling interests in subsidiaries   -    (12,905)   -    (12,905)   (32,834)   (45,739)
Balance at December 31, 2011   11,276,539    17,229,128    (8,379,775)   20,125,892    1,679,215    21,805,107 








(Amounts in thousands)


   Attributable to equity shareholders of the Company         
   Subtotal   Non-controlling
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Balance at January 1, 2012   11,276,539    17,229,128    (8,379,775)   20,125,892    1,679,215    21,805,107 
Total comprehensive income for the year   -    (7,374)   2,953,645    2,946,271    (146,080)   2,800,191 
- Profit for the year   -    -    2,953,645    2,953,645    (146,042)   2,807,603 
- Other comprehensive loss   -    (7,374)   -    (7,374)   (38)   (7,412)
Dividend paid to non-controlling interests in subsidiaries   -    -    -    -    (178,580)   (178,580)
Capital contribution by non-controlling interests in subsidiaries   -    -    -    -    453,850    453,850 
Acquisition of non-controlling interests in subsidiaries   -    (490,151)   -    (490,151)   (180,806)   (670,957)
Others   -    343,786    -    343,786    -    343,786 
Balance at December 31, 2012   11,276,539    17,075,389    (5,426,130)   22,925,798    1,627,599    24,553,397 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements










China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited (the “Company”), a joint stock company limited by shares was incorporated in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) on April 14, 1995. The address of the Company’s registered office is 66 Airport Street, Pudong International Airport, Shanghai, the PRC. The Company and its subsidiaries (together, the “Group”) are principally engaged in the operation of civil aviation, including the provision of passenger, cargo, mail delivery, tour operations and other extended transportation services.


The Company is majority owned by China Eastern Air Holding Company (“CEA Holding”), a state-owned enterprise incorporated in the PRC.


The Company’s shares are traded on Shanghai Stock Exchange, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and The New York Stock Exchange.


These financial statements were approved for issue by the Company’s Board of Directors (the “Board”) on March 26, 2013.




The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these financial statements are set out below. These policies have been consistently applied to all the years presented, unless otherwise stated.


  (a) Basis of preparation


The financial statements of the Group have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as issued by the International Accounting Standard Board and the disclosure requirements of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance. The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation of available-for-sale financial assets, and financial assets and financial liabilities (including derivative instruments) at fair value through profit or loss.



Going concern


As at December 31, 2012, the Group’s accumulated losses were approximately RMB5.43 billion and its current liabilities exceeded its current assets by approximately RMB35.95 billion. For the year ended December 31, 2012, cash and cash equivalents of the Group decreased by RMB1.35 billion. In preparing the financial statements, the Board considers the adequacy of cash inflows from operations and financing to meet its financial obligations as and when they fall due.


As at December 31, 2012, the Group had total unutilized credit facilities of approximately RMB27.09 billion from banks. The Board believes that, based on experience to date, it is likely that these facilities will be rolled over in future years if required.


With the cash inflows from operations and available credit facilities, the Board considers that the Group will be able to obtain sufficient financing to enable it to operate, as well as to meet its liabilities as and when they become due, and the capital expenditure requirements for the upcoming twelve months. Accordingly, the Board believes that it is appropriate to prepare these financial statements on a going concern basis without including any adjustments that would be required should the Group fail to continue as a going concern.










  (a) Basis of preparation (continued)


  (ii) New and amended standards adopted by the Group
    The Group has adopted the following new standards and amendments to existing standards which are relevant for the Group’s existed business and mandatory for the first time for the financial year beginning January 1, 2012:


  § Amendments to IFRS 7, Financial instruments: Disclosures – Transfer of financial assets: this amendment promotes transparency in the reporting of transfer transactions and improve users’ understanding of the risk exposures relating to transfers of financial assets and the effect of those risks on the Company’s financial position. The Group did not have any significant transfers of financial assets in previous year or the current year which require disclosures in current accounting year under the amendments and these amendments have had no material impact on the Group.
  § Amendment related to IAS12, “Income taxes”. Currently IAS 12, 'Income taxes' requires an entity to measure the deferred tax relating to an asset depending on whether the entity expects to recover the carrying amount of the asset through use or sale. It can be difficult and subjective to assess whether recovery will be through use or through sale when the asset is measured using the fair value model in IAS 40 “Investment Property”. Hence, this amendment introduces an exception to the existing principle for the measurement of deferred tax assets or liabilities arising on investment property measured at fair value. As a result of the amendments, SIC 21, 'Income tax - recovery of revalued non-depreciable assets', would no longer apply to investment properties carried at fair value. The amendments also incorporate into IAS 12 the remaining guidance previously contained in SIC 21, which is accordingly withdrawn. This improvement has no material impact on the Group.










  (a) Basis of preparation (continued)


  (iii) New and amended standards, and interpretations mandatory for the first time for the financial year beginning  January 1, 2012 but not currently relevant to the Group


  IFRS 1 (Amendment) First-time Adoption of IFRSs - Limited Exemptions from Comparative IFRS 7 Disclosures for First-time Adopters
  IFRS 1 (Amendment) First time adoption on hyperinflation and fixed dates










  (a) Basis of preparation (continued)


  (iv) New standards, amendments and interpretations to existing standards have been issued but not yet effective for the financial year beginning January 1, 2012 and which are relevant for the Group’s operations


The following standards and amendments to existing standards have been published and are mandatory for the Group’s accounting periods beginning on after January 1, 2013, but the Group has not early adopted them:


  § IAS 19 (Amendment) (effective from January 1, 2013). This amendment eliminates the corridor approach and calculates finance costs on a net funding basis. "Remeasurements" replace "actuarial gains and losses" and include the difference between actual investment returns and the return implied by the net interest cost and any effect of an asset ceiling. They are recognized in other comprehensive income and not recycled to income. The "corridor" method and the option to recognize immediately in the income statement are no longer available. This will increase balance sheet volatility for many entities. The Group will apply the standard retrospectively from January 1, 2013 and the "actuarial gains and losses" will be recognized in other comprehensive income. As at December 31, 2012, the Unrecognized actuarial losses is RMB2.89 billion.


  § IFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments’ (effective from January 1, 2013). The standard addresses classification and measurement of financial assets, introducing the following changes: (i) Introduces a single model that has only two classification categories: amortized cost and fair value, which are driven by the entity’s business model for managing the financial assets and the contractual characteristics of the financial assets. (ii) Removes the requirement to separate embedded derivatives from financial asset hosts, and requires a hybrid contract to be classified in its entirety at either amortized cost or fair value. (iii) Prohibits reclassifications except in rare circumstances when the entity’s business model changes and the changes apply prospectively. (iv) Provides specific guidance for contractually linked instruments that create concentrations of credit risk, which is often the case with investment tranches in a securitization. (v) Indicates that all equity investments should be measured at fair value. However, management has an option to present in other comprehensive income unrealized and realized fair value gains and losses on equity investments that are not held for trading. (vi) Removes the cost exemption for unquoted equities and derivatives on unquoted equities but provides guidance on when cost may be an appropriate estimate of fair value. The management is in the process of evaluating the impact of IFRS 9 on the Group and will apply the standard from January 1, 2013.


  § IFRS 10 “Consolidated financial statements” (effective from January 1, 2013). The objective of IFRS 10 is to establish principles for the presentation and preparation of consolidated financial statements when an entity controls one or more other entity (an entity that controls one or more other entities) to present consolidated financial statements. Defines the principle of control, and establishes controls as the basis for consolidation. Set out how to apply the principle of control to identify whether an investor controls an investee and therefore must consolidate the investee. Sets out the accounting requirements for the preparation of consolidated financial statements. The management is in the process of evaluating the impact of IFRS 10 on the Group and will apply the standard from January 1, 2013.


  § IFRS 13 “Fair value measurement” (effective from January 1, 2013). IFRS 13 aims to improve consistency and reduce complexity by providing a precise definition of fair value and a single source of fair value measurement and disclosure requirements for use across IFRSs. The requirements, which are largely aligned between IFRSs and United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“US GAAP”), do not extend the use of fair value accounting but provide guidance on how it should be applied where its use is already required or permitted by other standards within IFRSs or US GAAP. The management is in the process of evaluating the impact of IFRS 13 on the Group and will apply the standard from January 1, 2013.


  § IAS 1(Amendment) (effective from July 1, 2013) “Financial statements presentation” regarding other comprehensive income. The main change resulting from these amendments is a requirement for entities to group items presented in “other comprehensive income” (OCI) on the basis of whether they are potentially reclassifiable to profit or loss subsequently (reclassification adjustments). The amendments do not address which items are presented in OCI. The Group will apply the standard from July 1, 2013 and it is not expected to have material impact on the Group’s financial statement.











  (a) Basis of preparation (continued)


  (iv) New standards, amendments and interpretations to existing standards have been issued but not yet effective for the financial year beginning January 1, 2012 and which are relevant for the Group’s operations(continued)


  § IFRS 11 (effective from January 1, 2013) “Joint arrangement”. IFRS 11 is a more realistic reflection of joint arrangement by focusing on the right and obligation of the arrangement rather than its legal form. There are two types of joint arrangement: joint operations and joint ventures. Joint operations arise where a joint operation has right to assets and obligations relating to the arrangement and hence accounts for its interest in assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses. Joint ventures arise where the joint operation has rights to the net assets of the arrangement and hence equity accounts for its interest. Proportional consolidation of joint ventures is no longer allowed. The Group will apply the standard from January 1, 2013 and it is not expected to have material impact on the Group’s financial statement.


  § IAS 28 (Revised 2011) (effective from January 1, 2013) “Associates and joint ventures”. The amendment includes the requirements for joint ventures, as well as associates, to be equity accounted following the issue of IFRS 11. The management is in the process of evaluating the impact of IAS 28 on the Group and will apply the standard from January 1, 2013.


  § IFRS 12 (effective from January 1, 2013) “Disclosure of interests in other entities”. The amendment includes the disclosure requirements for all forms of interests in other entities, including joint arrangements, associates, special purpose vehicles and other off balance sheet vehicles. The management is in the process of evaluating the impact of IFRS 12 on the Group and will apply the standard from January 1, 2013.


  § IAS 27 (revised 2011) (effective from January 1, 2013) “Separate financial statements”. The amendment includes the provisions on separate financial statements that are left after the control provisions of IAS 27 have been included in the new IFRS 10. The management is in the process of evaluating the impact of IAS 27 on the Group and will apply the standard from January 1, 2013.


  (b) Consolidation


The Group’s consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of the Company and all of its subsidiaries made up to December 31.


  (i) Subsidiaries


Subsidiaries are all entities (including special purpose entities) over which the Group has the power to govern the financial and operating policies, generally accompanying a shareholding of more than one half of the voting rights. The existence and effect of potential voting rights that are currently exercisable or convertible are considered when assessing whether the Group controls another entity. The Group also assesses existence of control where it does not have more than 50% of the voting power but is able to govern the financial and operating policies by virtue of de-facto control. De-facto control may arise in circumstances where the size of the Group’s voting rights relative to the size and dispersion of holdings of other shareholders give the Group the power to govern the financial and operating policies, etc.


Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Group. They are de-consolidated from the date that control ceases.


The Group applies the acquisition method of accounting to account for business combinations. The consideration transferred for the acquisition of a subsidiary is the fair values of the assets transferred, the liabilities incurred and the equity interests issued by the Group. The consideration transferred includes the fair value of any asset or liability resulting from a contingent consideration arrangement. The Group recognizes any non-controlling interest in the acquiree on an acquisition- by-acquisition basis, either at fair value or at the non-controlling interest’s proportionate share of the recognized amounts of acquiree’s identifiable net assets.


Acquisition-related costs are expensed as incurred. Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed in a business combination are measured initially at their fair values at the acquisition date.




If the business combination is achieved in stages, the acquisition date fair value of the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree is remeasured to fair value at the acquisition date through profit or loss.


Any contingent consideration to be transferred by the Group is recognized at fair value at the acquisition date. Subsequent changes to the fair value of the contingent consideration that is deemed to be an asset or liability is recognized in accordance with IAS 39 either in profit or loss or as a change to other comprehensive income. Contingent consideration that is classified as equity is not remeasured, and its subsequent settlement is accounted for within equity.


Investments in subsidiaries are accounted for at cost less impairment. Cost is adjusted to reflect changes in consideration arising from contingent consideration amendments. Cost also includes direct attributable costs of investment.


Goodwill is initially measured as the excess of the aggregate of the consideration transferred and the fair value of non-controlling interest over the net identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed (Note (k)(i)). If this consideration is lower than the fair value of the net assets of the subsidiary acquired, the difference is recognized in profit or loss.


Inter-company transactions, balances, income and expenses on transactions between Group companies are eliminated. Profits and losses resulting from inter-company transactions that are recognized in assets are also eliminated. Accounting policies of subsidiaries have been changed where necessary to ensure consistency with the policies adopted by the Group.










  (b) Consolidation (continued)


  (ii) Changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries without change of control


Transactions with non-controlling interests that do not result in loss of control are accounted for as equity transactions – that is, as transactions with the owners in their capacity as owners. The difference between fair value of any consideration paid and the relevant share acquired of the carrying value of net assets of the subsidiary is recorded in equity. Gains or losses on disposals to non-controlling interests are also recorded in equity.


  (iii) Disposal of subsidiaries


When the Group ceases to have control, any retained interest in the entity is re-measured to its fair value at the date when control is lost, with the change in carrying amount recognized in profit or loss. The fair value is the initial carrying amount for the purposes of subsequently accounting for the retained interest as an associate, joint venture or financial asset. In addition, any amounts previously recognized in other comprehensive income in respect of that entity are accounted for as if the Group had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities. This may mean that amounts previously recognized in other comprehensive income are reclassified to profit or loss.










  (b) Consolidation (continued)


  (iv) Associates


Associates are all entities over which the Group has significant influence but not control, generally accompanying a shareholding of between 20% and 50% of the voting rights. Investments in associates are accounted for using the equity method of accounting and are initially recognized at cost. The Group’s investment in associates includes goodwill identified on acquisition, net of any accumulated impairment loss.


The Group’s share of its associates’ post-acquisition profits or losses is recognized in the consolidated income statement, and its share of post-acquisition movements in other comprehensive income is recognized in reserves. The cumulative post-acquisition movements are adjusted against the carrying amount of the investment. When the Group’s share of losses in an associate equals or exceeds its interest in the associate, including any other unsecured receivables, the Group does not recognize further losses, unless it has incurred obligations or made payments on behalf of the associate.


Unrealized gains on transactions between the Group and its associates are eliminated to the extent of the Group’s interest in the associates. Unrealized losses are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of an impairment of the asset transferred. Accounting policies of associates have been changed where necessary to ensure consistency with the policies adopted by the Group.


Dilution gains and losses in associates are recognized in the consolidated income statement.


In the Company’s balance sheet, the investments in associates are stated at cost less provision for impairment losses (Note 2(n)). The results of associates are accounted for by the Company on the basis of dividend received and receivable.


  (v) Jointly controlled entities


A jointly controlled entity is an entity in which the Group has joint control over its economic activity established under a contractual arrangement. The Group’s investments in jointly controlled entities includes goodwill (net of any accumulated impairment loss) identified on acquisition.


The Group’s interests in jointly controlled entities are accounted for by the equity method of accounting based on the audited financial statements or management accounts of the jointly controlled entities. The Group’s share of its jointly controlled entities’ post-acquisition profits or losses is recognized in the consolidated income statement, and its share of post-acquisition movements is adjusted against the carrying amount of the investment. When the Group’s share of losses in a jointly controlled entity equals or exceeds its interest in that entity, including any other unsecured receivables, the Group does not recognize further losses, unless it has incurred obligations or made payments on behalf of the jointly controlled entity.


The Group recognizes the portion of gains or losses on the sale of assets by the Group to the joint venture that it is attributable to the other venturers. The Group does not recognize its share of profits or losses from the joint venture that result from the Group’s purchase of assets from the joint venture until it resells the assets to an independent party. However, a loss on the transaction is recognized immediately if the loss provides evidence of a reduction in the net realizable value of current assets, or an impairment loss.


In the Company’s balance sheet, the investments in jointly controlled entities are stated at cost less provision for impairment losses (Note 2(n)). The results of jointly controlled entities are accounted for by the Company on the basis of dividend received and receivable.











(c)Segmental reporting


Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to the chief operating decision-maker (“CODM”). The CODM, who is responsible for allocating resources and assessing performance of the operating segments, has been identified as the office of the General Manager that makes strategic decisions.


(d)Foreign currency translation


(i)Functional and presentation currency


Items included in the financial statements of each of the Group’s entities are measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates (the “functional currency”). The financial statements are presented in Chinese Renminbi (“RMB”), which is the functional and presentation currency of the Group’s entities.


  (ii) Transactions and balances


Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the translation at year-end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognized in the income statement, except when deferred in other comprehensive income as qualifying cash flow hedges or qualifying net investment hedges.


Foreign exchange gains and losses that relate to borrowings and cash and cash equivalents are presented in the income statement within ‘finance income or costs’.


(e)Revenue recognition and sales in advance of carriage


Revenue comprises the fair value of the consideration received or receivable for the sale of goods and the provision of services in the ordinary course of the Group’s activities. Revenue is shown net of business taxes or value-added taxes, returns, rebates and discounts and after eliminating sales within the Group.


The Group recognizes revenue when the amount of revenue can be reliably measured, it is probable that future economic benefits will flow to the entity and specific criteria have been met for each of the Group’s activities as described below. The amount of revenue is not considered to be reliably measurable until all contingencies relating to the sale have been resolved. The Group bases its estimates on historical results, taking into consideration the type of customer, the type of transaction and the specifics of each arrangement.


The Group operates frequent flyer programs that provide travel awards to program members based on accumulated miles. A portion of passengers revenue attributable to the award of frequent flyer benefits is deferred and recognized when the miles have been redeemed or have expired.










(e)Revenue recognition and sales in advance of carriage (continued)


  (i) Traffic revenues


Passenger, cargo and mail revenues are recognized as traffic revenues when the transportation services are provided. The value of sold but unused tickets is recognized as sales in advance of carriage (“SIAC”).


  (ii) Ground service income


Revenues from the provision of ground services are recognized when the services are rendered.


  (iii) Tour operation revenues


Revenues from tour and travel services and other travel related services are recognized when the services are rendered.


  (iv) Cargo handling income


Revenues from the provision of cargo handling income are recognized when the service are rendered.


  (v) Commission income


Commission income represents amounts earned from other carriers in respect of sales made by the Group on their behalf, and is recognized in the income statement upon ticket sales.


  (vi) Other revenue


Revenues from other operating businesses, including income derived from the provision of freight forwarding, are recognized when the services are rendered.










(f)Government grants


Grants from the government are recognized at their fair value where there is a reasonable assurance that the grant will be received and the Group will comply with all attached conditions.


Government grants relating to costs are deferred and recognized in the income statement over the period necessary to match them with the costs that they are intended to compensate.


Government grants relating to property, plant and equipment are included in non-current liabilities as deferred government grants and are credited to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the expected lives of the related assets.


  (g) Maintenance and overhaul costs


In respect of aircraft and engines under operating leases, the Group has obligations to fulfill certain return conditions under the leases. Provision for the estimated cost of these return condition checks is made on a straight line basis over the term of the leases.


In respect of aircraft and engines owned by the Group or held under finance leases, overhaul costs are capitalized as a component of property, plant and equipment and are depreciated over the appropriate maintenance cycles (Note 2(l)).


All other repairs and maintenance costs are charged to the income statement as and when incurred.


  (h) Interest income


Interest income is recognized on a time-proportion basis using the effective interest method. When a loan and receivable is impaired, the Group reduces the carrying amount to its recoverable amount, being the estimated future cash flow discounted at the original effective interest rate of the instrument, and continues unwinding the discount as interest income. Interest income on impaired loan and receivables are recognized using the original effective interest rate.


  (i) Borrowing costs


Borrowing costs incurred for the construction of any qualifying asset, including the interest attributable to loans for advance payments used to finance the acquisition of aircraft, are capitalized during the period of time that is required to complete and prepare the asset for its intended use. Other borrowing costs are expensed.










(j)Current and deferred tax


The tax expense for the period comprises current and deferred tax. Tax is recognized in the income statement, except to the extent that it relates to items recognized in other comprehensive income or directly in equity. In this case the tax is also recognized in other comprehensive income or directly in equity, respectively.


The current income tax charge is calculated on the basis of the tax laws enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date in the jurisdictions where the Company and its subsidiaries, associates and jointly controlled entities operate and generate taxable income. Management periodically evaluates positions taken in tax returns with respect to situations in which applicable tax regulation is subject to interpretation and establishes provisions where appropriate on the basis of amounts expected to be paid to the tax authorities.


Deferred income tax is recognized, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial statements. However, deferred tax liabilities are not recognized if they arise from the initial recognition of goodwill and deferred income tax is not accounted for if it arises from initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction other than a business combination that at the time of the transaction affects neither accounting nor taxable profit or loss. Deferred tax is determined using tax rates (and laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date and are expected to apply when the related deferred income tax asset is realized or the deferred income tax liability is settled.


Deferred tax assets are recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilized.


Deferred income tax is provided on temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries, associates and jointly controlled entities, except where the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference is controlled by the Group and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future.










(k)Intangible assets




Goodwill represents the excess of the cost of an acquisition over the fair value of the Group’s share of the net identifiable assets of the acquired subsidiary, associate or jointly controlled entity at the date of acquisition. Goodwill on acquisition of subsidiaries is included in “intangible assets”. Goodwill on acquisition of associates and jointly controlled entities is included in “investments in associates” and “investments in jointly controlled entities” and is tested for impairment as part of the overall balances. Separately recognized goodwill is tested for impairment at least annually or whenever there is an indication of impairment and carried at cost less accumulated impairment losses. Impairment losses on goodwill are not reversed. Gains and losses on the disposal of an entity include the carrying amount of goodwill relating to the entity sold.


Goodwill is allocated to cash-generating units for the purpose of impairment testing. The allocation is made to those cash-generating units or Groups of cash-generating units according to the identified operating segements that are expected to benefit from the business combination in which the goodwill arose.


  (ii) Computer software costs


Acquired computer software licenses are capitalized on the basis of the costs incurred to acquire and bring to use the specific software. These costs are amortized using the straight-line method over their estimated useful lives of 5 years. Costs associated with developing or maintaining computer software programs are recognized as expense when incurred.


(l)Deferred pilot recruitment costs


Deferred pilot recruitment costs represent the cost bore by the Group in connection with securing certain minimum period of employment of pilots and are amortized on a straight-line basis over the anticipated beneficial period of five years, starting from the pilot joins the Group.










(m)Property, plant and equipment


Property, plant and equipment is recognized initially at cost which comprises purchase price, and any directly attributable costs of bringing the assets to the condition for their intended use.


Where parts of an item of property, plant and equipment have different useful lives, the cost of that item is allocated on a reasonable basis among the parts and each part is depreciated separately.


When each major aircraft overhaul is performed, its cost is recognized in the carrying amount of the item of property, plant and equipment and is depreciated over the appropriate maintenance cycles. Components related to airframe overhaul cost, are depreciated on a straight-line basis over 5 to 7.5 years. Components related to engine overhaul costs, are depreciated between each overhaul period using the ratio of actual flying hours and estimated flying hours between overhauls (equivalent to approximately 2 to 5 years). Upon completion of an overhaul, any remaining carrying amount of the cost of the previous overhaul is derecognized and charged to the income statement.


Except for components related to overhaul costs, the depreciation method of which has been described in the preceding paragraph, other depreciation of property, plant and equipment is calculated using the straight-line method to write down their costs or revalued amounts to their residual values over their estimated useful lives, as follows:


Owned and finance leased aircraft and engines 15 to 20 years
Other flight equipment, including rotables 10 years
Buildings 15 to 45 years
Other property, plant and equipment 5 to 20 years


The assets’ residual values and useful lives are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each balance sheet date. An asset’s carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset’s carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount.


Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing the proceeds with the assets’ carrying amount and are recognized in the income statement.


Construction in progress represents buildings under construction and equipment pending installation. This includes the costs of construction or acquisition and interest capitalized. No depreciation is provided on construction in progress until the asset is completed and ready for use.










(n)Impairment of investments in subsidiaries, associates, jointly controlled entities and non-financial assets


Assets that have an indefinite useful life or which are not yet available for use are not subject to amortization and are tested for impairment at least annually or whenever there is indication of impairment. Other assets are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and value in use. For the purposes of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest levels for which there are separately identifiable cash flows (cash-generating units). Non-financial assets other than goodwill that have suffered an impairment are reviewed for possible reversal of the impairment at each balance sheet date.


  (o) Assets held for sale


Non-current assets are classified as assets held for sale when their carrying amount is to be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use and a sale is considered highly probable. They are stated at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell and are classified as assets held for sale.


  (p) Lease prepayments


Lease prepayments represent acquisition costs of land use rights less accumulated amortization. Amortization is provided over the lease period of the land use rights on a straight-line basis.


  (q) Advanced payments on acquisition of aircraft


Advanced payments on acquisition of aircraft represent payments to aircraft manufacturers to secure deliveries of aircraft in future years, including attributable finance costs, and are included in non-current assets. The balance is transferred to property, plant and equipment upon delivery of the aircraft.


  (r) Flight equipment spare parts


Flight equipment spare parts are stated at the lower of cost and net realizable value. Cost is determined using the weighted average method. The cost of flight equipment spare parts comprises the purchase price (net of discounts), freight charges, duty and value added tax and other miscellaneous charges. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price of the flight equipment in the ordinary course of business, less applicable selling expenses.


  (s) Trade receivables


Trade receivables are recognized initially at fair value and subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method, less provision for impairment. A provision for impairment of trade receivables is established when there is objective evidence that the Group will not be able to collect all amounts due according to the original terms of the receivables. Significant financial difficulties of the debtor, probability that the debtor will enter bankruptcy or financial reorganization, and default or delinquency in payments are considered indicators that the trade receivable is impaired. The amount of the provision is the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted at the original effective interest rate. The carrying amount of the assets is reduced through the use of an allowance account, and the amount of the loss is recognized in the income statement. When a trade receivable is uncollectible, it is written off against the provision account for trade receivables. Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off are credited in the income statement.


  (t) Cash and cash equivalents


Cash and cash equivalents includes cash in hand, deposits held at call with banks and other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less.










  (u) Trade payables


Trade payables are obligations to pay for goods or services that have been acquired in the ordinary course of business from suppliers. Trade payables are classified as current liabilities if payment is due within one year or less (or in the normal operating cycle of the business if longer). If not, they are presented as non-current liabilities.


Trade payables are recognized initially at fair value and subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method.


  (v) Borrowings


Borrowings are recognized initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred. Borrowings are subsequently stated at amortized cost; any differences between the proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the redemption value is recognized in the income statement over the period of the borrowings using the effective interest method.


Borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the Group has an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least 12 months after the balance sheet date in which case such borrowings are classified as non-current liabilities.


  (w) Provisions


Provisions are recognized when the Group has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of past events; it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation; and the amount can be reliably estimated.


Where there are a number of similar obligations, the likelihood that an outflow will be required in settlement is determined by considering the class of obligations as a whole. A provision is recognized even if the likelihood of an outflow with respect to any one item included in the same class of obligations may be small.


Provisions are measured at the present value of the expenditures expected to be required to settle the obligation using a pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the obligation. The increase in the provision due to passage of time is recognized as interest expense.


For the contract under which the unavoidable costs of meeting the obligations under the contract exceed the economic benefits expected to be received under it, the present obligation under the contract is recognized and measured as a provision.


  (x) Leases


(i)A Group company is the lessee


Finance leases


The Group leases certain property, plant and equipment. Leases of property, plant and equipment where the Group has acquired substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership are classified as finance leases. Finance leases are capitalized at the lease’s commencement at the lower of the fair value of the leased property and the present value of the minimum lease payments.


Each lease payment is allocated between the liability and finance charges. The corresponding rental obligations, net of finance charges, are included in other short-term and other long-term payables. The interest element of the finance cost is charged to the income statement over the lease period so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability for each period. Leased assets are depreciated using a straight-line basis over their expected useful lives to residual values.


For sale and leaseback transactions resulting in a finance lease, differences between sales proceeds and net book values are deferred and amortized over the minimum lease terms.










  (x) Leases (continued)


(i)A Group company is the lessee (continued)


Operating leases


Leases in which a significant portion of the risks and rewards of ownership are retained by the lessor are classified as operating leases. Payments made under operating leases (net of any incentives received from the lessor) are charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.


For sale and leaseback transactions resulting in an operating lease, differences between sales proceeds and net book values are recognized immediately in the income statement, except to the extent that any profit or loss is compensated for by future lease payments at above or below market value, then the profit or loss is deferred and amortized over the period for which the asset is expected to be used.


(ii)A Group company is the lessor


Assets leased out under operating leases are included in property, plant and equipment in the balance sheet. They are depreciated over their expected useful lives on a basis consistent with similar property, plant and equipment. Rental income is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term.


  (y) Retirement benefits


The Group participates in defined contribution retirement schemes regarding pension and medical benefits for employees organized by the municipal governments of the relevant provinces. The contributions to the schemes are charged to the income statement as and when incurred.


In addition, the Group provides retirees with certain post-retirement benefits including retirement subsidies, transportation subsidies, social function activity subsidies as well as other welfare. The liability recognized in the balance sheet in respect of defined benefit pension plans is the present value of the defined benefit obligation at the balance sheet date less the fair value of plan assets, together with adjustments for unrecognized actuarial gains or losses and past service costs. The defined benefit obligation is calculated annually using the projected unit credit method. The present value of the defined benefit obligation is determined by discounting the estimated future cash outflows using interest rates of government bonds that are denominated in the currency in which the benefits will be paid, and that have terms to maturity approximating to the terms of the related pension liability. Actuarial gains and losses arising from experience adjustments and changes in actuarial assumptions in excess of the greater of 10% of the value of plan assets or 10% of the defined benefit obligation are charged or credited to the income statement over the employees’ expected average remaining working lives.


Past-service costs are recognized immediately in the income statement, unless the changes to the pension plan are conditional on the employees remaining in service for a specified period of time (the vesting period). In this case, the past-service costs are amortized on a straight-line basis over the vesting period.










  (z) Derivative financial instruments


Derivative financial instruments are initially recognized in the balance sheet at fair value on the date a derivative contract is entered into and are subsequently remeasured at their fair value. The accounting for subsequent changes in fair value depends on whether the derivative is designated as a hedging instrument, and if so, the nature of the item being hedged.


The Group documents, at the inception of the transaction, the relationship between hedging instruments and hedged items, as well as its risk management objectives and strategy for undertaking various hedge transactions. The Group also documents its assessment, both at hedge inception and on an ongoing basis, of whether the derivatives that are used in hedging transactions are highly effective in offsetting changes in fair values or cash flows of hedged items.


Derivative financial instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting are accounted for as trading instruments and any unrealized gains or losses, being changes in fair value of the derivatives, are recognized in the income statement immediately.


Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as fair value hedges and that are highly effective, are recorded in the income statement, along with any changes in the fair value of the hedged assets or liabilities that are attributable to the hedged risk.


Derivative financial instruments that qualify for hedge accounting and which are designated as a specific hedge of the variability in cash flows of a highly probable forecast transaction, are accounted for as follows:


(i)the effective portion of any change in fair value of the derivative financial instrument is recognized directly in equity. Where the forecast transaction or firm commitment results in the recognition of an asset or a liability, the gains and losses previously deferred in equity are included in the initial measurement of the cost of the asset or liability. Otherwise, the cumulative gain or loss on the derivative financial instrument is removed from equity and recognized in the income statement in the same period during which the hedged forecast transaction affects net profit or loss.


(ii)the ineffective portion of any change in fair value is recognized in the income statement immediately.


The full fair value of a hedging derivative is classified as a non-current asset or liability when the remaining maturity of the hedged items is more than 12 months and as a current asset or liability when the remaining maturity of the hedged item is less than 12 months. Trading derivatives are classified as a current asset or liability.


When a hedging instrument expires or is sold, or when a hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting, any cumulative gain or loss existing in equity at that time remains in equity and is recognized in the income statement when the committed or forecast transaction ultimately occurs. When a committed or forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss that was recorded in equity is immediately transferred to the income statement.










  (aa) Available-for-sale financial assets


Investments in securities other than subsidiaries, associates and jointly controlled entities, being held for non-trading purposes, are classified as available-for-sale financial assets and are recognized on the trade-date - the date on which the Group commits to purchase or sell the asset. Investments are initially recognized at fair value plus transaction costs. At each balance sheet date, the fair value is remeasured, with any resulting gain or loss being recognized directly in other comprehensive income, except for impairment losses. When these investments are derecognized, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognized directly in equity is recognized in the income statement.


The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired. In the case of equity securities classified as available for sale, a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of the securities below its cost is considered an indicator that the securities are impaired. If any such evidence exists for available-for-sale financial assets, the cumulative loss, measured as the difference between the acquisition cost and the current fair value less any impairment loss on that financial asset previously recognized in the income statement, is removed from equity and recognized in the income statement. Impairment losses recognized in the income statement on equity instruments are not reversed through the income statement.


  (ab) Dividend distribution


Dividend distribution to the Company’s shareholders is recognized as a liability in the financial statements in the period in which the dividends are approved by the Company’s shareholders.


  (ac) Share Capital


Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of new shares or options are shown in equity as a deduction, net of tax, from the proceeds.










  (a) Financial risk factors


The Group’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (including currency risk, fair value interest rate risk, cash flow interest rate risk and fuel price risk), credit risk, and liquidity risk. The Group’s overall risk management program focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to minimize potential adverse effects on the Group’s financial performance. The Group uses derivative financial instruments to manage risk exposures whenever management consider necessary.


Risk management is carried out by a central treasury department (the “Group Treasury”) under policies approved by the Board. The Group Treasury identifies, evaluates and hedges financial risks in close co-operation with the Group’s operating units. The overall risk management strategies, as well as written policies covering specific areas, such as foreign exchange risk, interest-rate risk, credit risk, use of derivative financial instruments and non-derivative financial instruments were approved by the Board.


(i)Foreign currency risk


The Group operates its business in many countries and territories. The Group generates its revenue in different currencies, and its foreign currency liabilities at the end of the period are much higher than its foreign currency assets. The Group’s major liability item (resulting from purchases and leases of aircraft) is mainly priced and settled in foreign currencies, primarily US dollars. The Group is exposed to currency risks from fluctuations in various foreign currency exchange rates against RMB.


RMB is not a freely convertible currency and is regulated by the PRC government. Limitation on foreign exchange transaction imposed by the PRC government could cause future exchange rates to vary significantly from current or historical exchange rates.


In addition, fluctuations in exchange rates will affect the Group’s future costs for purchases of aircraft, flight equipment and aviation fuel, and take-off and landing charges in foreign airports.


The Group entered into certain foreign exchange forward option contracts to manage part of these foreign currency risks. Details of foreign currency forward contracts are disclosed in Note 39(b) to the financial statements.










  (a) Financial risk factors (continued)


(i)Foreign currency risk (continued)


The following table details the Group’s exposure at the balance sheet date to major currency risk.


    2012   2011  
    USD   Euro   JPY   USD   Euro   JPY  
    RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000  
Trade and other receivables     1,259,043     156,354     161,020     1,308,300     121,646     140,143  
Restricted bank deposits and  short-term bank deposits     16,082     9,818     39,724     16,145     9,302     24,637  
Cash and cash equivalents     372,387     38,175     30,451     520,976     19,753     5,425  
Deposits relating to aircraft under operating leases     562,199     -     -     594,354     -     -  
Trade and other payables     (248,604 )   (166 )   (3,355 )   (448,593 )   (278 )   (2,754 )
Obligation under finance leases     (18,751,982 )   -     (667,351 )   (17,891,918 )   -     -  
Borrowings     (31,605,345 )   -     (303,433 )   (24,994,674 )   -     -  
Currency derivatives at notional value     364,559     -     -     289,841     -     -  

Net balance sheet exposure

    (48,031,661 )   204,181     (742,944 )   (40,605,569 )   150,423     167,451  


The following table indicates the approximate change in the Group’s profit and loss and other components of consolidated equity in response to a 1% appreciation of the RMB against the following major currencies at the balance sheet date.


    2012   2011  

Effect on profit

and loss


Effect on other

components of



Effect on profit

and loss


Effect on other

components of


    RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000  
US dollars     483,962     988     406,797     (222
Euro     (2,042 )   -     (1,504 )   -  
Japanese Yen     7,429     -     (1,675 )   -  










  (a) Financial risk factors (continued)


(ii)Interest rate risk


The Group’s interest-rate risk primarily arises from borrowings and obligations under finance leases. Borrowings issued at variable rates expose the Group to cash flow interest-rate risk. Borrowings issued at fixed rates expose the Group to fair value interest-rate risk. The interest rates and terms of repayment of borrowings made to the Group and interest rate swaps are disclosed in Notes 33 and 39(a) to the financial statements.


To hedge against the variability in the cash flows arising from a change in market interest rates, the Group has entered into certain interest rate swaps to swap variable rates into fixed rates.


The following table details the interest rate profiles of the Group’s interest-bearing financial instruments at the balance sheet date.


    2012   2011  
    RMB’000   RMB’000  
Floating rate instruments              
Cash and cash equivalents     2,503,079     3,852,681  
Restricted bank deposits and short-term bank deposits     1,726,251     2,894,287  
Borrowings     (35,256,709 )   (35,256,801 )
Obligations under finance leases     (21,857,978 )   (20,260,822 )
      (52,885,357 )   (48,770,655 )
Interest rate swaps at notional amount     5,598,774     4,075,758  
      (47,286,583 )   (44,694,897 )


    2012   2011  
    RMB’000   RMB’000  
Fixed rate instruments              
Borrowings     (10,479,409 )   (6,517,792 )
Interest rate swaps at notional amount     240,307     303,368  
      (10,239,102 )   (6,214,424 )










(a)Financial risk factors (continued)


(ii)Interest rate risk (continued)


The following table indicates the approximate change in the Group’s profit and loss and other components of equity, taking into the consideration of the interest rate swap, if interest rate had been 25 basis points higher with all other variables held constant.


  2012   2011  

Effect on

profit and



Effect on



of equity


Effect on

profit and



Effect on



of equity

  RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000  
Floating rate instruments     (122,532 )   (13,997 )   (118,952 )   (10,189 )


  (iii) Fuel price risk


The Group’s results of operations may be significantly affected by fluctuations in fuel prices which is a significant expense component for the Group. Aircraft fuel accounts for 36% of the Group’s operating expenses (2011: 37%).


As at December 31, 2012, the Group had no open crude oil option contracts, and all the contracts signed in past years had been settled before December 31, 2012.


For the year ended December 31, 2012, if fuel price had been 5% higher/lower with all other variables held constant (excluding the impact of crude oil option contracts), the Group’s fuel cost would have been RMB1,494 million higher/lower.










  (a) Financial risk factors (continued)


  (iv) Credit risk


The Group’s credit risk is primarily attributable to cash and cash equivalents, deposits and derivative financial instruments with banks and financial institutions, as well as credit exposures to sales agents.


A significant portion of the Group’s air tickets are sold by sales agents participating in the Billing and Settlements Plan (“BSP”), a clearing system between airlines and sales agents organized by the International Air Transportation Association. The balance due from BSP agents amounted to approximately RMB812 million as at December 31, 2012 (2011: approximately RMB756 million). The credit risk exposure to BSP and the remaining trade receivables are maintained by the Group on an on-going basis and the allowance for impairment of doubtful debts is within management’s expectations.


The Group’s cash management policy is to deposit cash and cash equivalents mainly in state-owned banks and other banks, which are highly rated by international credit rating companies. The Group also deposits cash and cash equivalents in an associate financial institution owned by its holding company (Note 46(c)(iii)). The management does not expect any loss to arise from non-performance by these banks and the financial institution.


Transactions in relation to derivative financial instruments are only carried out with financial institutions of high credit rating. The Group has policies that limit the amount of credit exposure to any one financial institution. Management does not expect any losses from non-performance by these banks.










  (a) Financial risk factors (continued)


  (v) Liquidity risk


The Group’s primary cash requirements have been for day-to-day operations, additions of and upgrades to aircraft, engines and flight equipment and payments on related borrowings. The Group finances its working capital requirements through a combination of funds generated from operations, bonds and bank loans (both short and long term). The Group generally finances the acquisition of aircraft through long-term finance leases or bank loans.


The Group operates with a working capital deficit. As at December 31, 2012, the Group’s net current liabilities amounted to RMB35,948 million (2011: RMB29,679 million). For the year ended December 31, 2012, the Group recorded a net cash inflow from operating activities of RMB12,617 million (2011: inflow RMB13,623 million), a net cash outflow from investing activities and financing activities of RMB13,963 million (2011: outflow RMB12,803 million), and a decrease in cash and cash equivalents of RMB1,349 million (2011: increase of RMB820 million).


The Directors of the Company believe that cash from operations and short and long term borrowings will be sufficient to meet the Group’s operating cash flow. Due to the dynamic nature of the underlying businesses, the Group’s treasury policy aims at maintaining flexibility in funding by keeping credit lines available. The Directors of the Company believe that the Group has obtained sufficient general credit facilities from PRC banks for financing future capital commitments and for working capital purposes (see Note 2(a)).


The table below analyses the Group’s financial liabilities that will be settled into relevant maturity groupings based on the remaining period at the balance sheet to the contractual maturity date. The amounts disclosed in the table are the contractual undiscounted cash flows. Balances due within 12 months equal their carrying balances, as the impact of discounting is not significant.



Less than 1




1 and 2




2 and 5



Over 5


    RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000  
At December 31, 2012                          
Borrowings     23,690,528     7,780,344     8,846,834     8,736,557   
Derivative financial instruments     504     -     122,751     216,895  
Obligations under finance leases     3,004,452     3,059,744     8,685,669     9,027,940  
Trade and other payables     18,871,661     71,236     329,988     58,665  
Provision for return condition checks for aircraft under operating lease     734,205     818,199     1,381,893     864,465  
Other long term liability     26,500     26,988     76,610     79,629  
Total     46,327,850     11,756,511     19,443,745     18,984,151  
At December 31, 2011                          
Borrowings     19,129,172     8,959,738     10,053,089     6,255,055  
Derivative financial instruments     1,099     1,987     110,487     219,411  
Obligations under finance leases     2,790,844     2,846,797     7,836,047     8,448,826  
Trade and other payables     18,650,034     71,410     148,515     67,210  
Other long term liability     115,645     117,963     324,703     350,095  
Total     40,686,794     11,997,895     18,472,841     15,340,597  










  (b) Capital risk management


The Group’s objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern in order to provide returns for shareholders and benefits for other stakeholders and to maintain an optimal capital structure to reduce the cost of capital.


In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Group may adjust the amount of dividends paid to shareholders, issue new shares or sell assets to reduce debt.


The Group monitors capital on the basis of the debt ratio, which is calculated as total liabilities divided by total assets. The debt ratio at December 31, 2012 and 2011 were as follows:


   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Total liabilities   99,265,166    92,933,774 
Total assets   123,818,563    114,738,881 
Debt ratio   0.80    0.81 


  (c) Fair value estimation of financial assets and liabilities


The table below analyses financial instruments carried at fair value by valuation method. The different levels have been defined as follows:


Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (level 1).


Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices) (level 2).


Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (that is, unobservable inputs) (level 3).










  (c) Fair value estimation of financial assets and liabilities (continued)


The following table presents the Group’s assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value at December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2011.


    Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total  
    RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000  
At December 31, 2012                          
Derivative financial instruments                          
     Forward foreign exchange contracts (Note 39(b))     -     18,074     -     18,074  
Available-for-sale financial assets     1,955     -     232,735     234,690  
Total     1,955     18,074     232,735     252,764  
Derivative financial instruments                          

     Interest rate swaps (Note 39(a))

    -     295,005     -     295,005  
     Forward foreign exchange contracts (Note 39(b))     -     45,146     -     45,146  
Total     -     340,151     -     340,151  


    Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total  
    RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000  
At December 31, 2011                  
Derivative financial instruments                          

     Crude oil option contracts (Note 39(a))

    -     4,279     -     4,279  

     Interest rate swaps (Note 39(b))

    -     86     -     86  
Available-for-sale financial assets     2,344     -        238,036     240,380  
Total     2,344     4,365     238,036     244,745  
Derivative financial instruments                          

    Interest rate swaps (Note 39(a))

    -     267,909     -     267,909  
    Forward foreign exchange contracts (Note 39(b))     -     65,075     -     65,075  
Total     -     332,984     -     332,984  










  (c) Fair value estimation of financial assets and liabilities (continued)


The fair value of financial instruments traded in active markets is based on quoted market prices at the balance sheet date. A market is regarded as active if quoted prices are readily and regularly available from an exchange, dealer, broker, industry Group, pricing service, or regulatory agency, and those prices represent actual and regularly occurring market transactions on an arm’s length basis. The quoted market price used for financial assets held by the Group is the current bid price.


The fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an active market (for example, over-the-counter derivatives) is determined by using valuation techniques. These valuation techniques maximise the use of observable market data where it is available and rely as little as possible on entity specific estimates. If all significant inputs required to fair value an instrument are observable, these instruments are included in level 2 of the above table.


If one or more of the significant inputs is not based on observable market data, the instrument is included in level 3.


Specific valuation techniques used to value financial instruments include:


nQuoted market prices or dealer quotes for similar instruments.


nThe fair value of interest rate swaps is calculated as the present value of the estimated future cash flows based on observable yield curves.


nThe fair value of forward foreign exchange contracts is determined using forward exchange rates at the balance sheet date, with the resulting value discounted back to present value.


nOther techniques, such as discounted cash flow analysis, are used to determine fair value for the remaining financial instruments.











Estimates and judgments used in preparing the financial statements are continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. The Group makes estimates and assumptions concerning the future. The resulting accounting estimates will, by definition, seldom equal the related actual results. The estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are discussed below.


(a)Revenue recognition


The Group recognizes traffic revenues in accordance with the accounting policy stated in Note 2(e) to the financial statements. Unused tickets are recognized in traffic revenues based on current estimates. Management annually evaluates the balance in the SIAC and records any adjustments, which can be material, in the period the evaluation is completed.


These adjustments result from differences between the estimates of certain revenue transactions and the timing of recognizing revenue for any unused air tickets and the related sales price, and are impacted by various factors, including a complex pricing structure and interline agreements throughout the industry, which affect the timing of revenue recognition.


  (b) Frequent flyer program


The Group operates frequent flyer programs that provide travel awards to program members based on accumulated miles. A portion of passenger revenue attributable to the award of frequent flyer benefits is deferred and recognized when the miles have been redeemed or have expired. The deferment of revenue is estimated based on historical trends of redemptions, which is then used to project the expected utilization of these benefits and estimated fair values of the unredeemed miles. Different judgments or estimates could significantly affect the estimated provision for frequent flyer programs and the results of operations.


  (c) Provision for costs of return condition checks for aircraft under operating leases


Provision for the estimated costs of return condition checks for aircraft under operating leases is made based on the estimated costs for such return condition checks and taking into account anticipated flying hours, flying cycle and timeframe between each overhaul. These judgments or estimates are based on historical experience on returning similar airframe models, actual costs incurred and aircraft status. Different judgments or estimates could significantly affect the estimated provision for costs of return condition checks.


  (d) Retirement benefits


The Group operates and maintains defined retirement benefit plans which provide retirees with benefits including transportation subsidies, social activity subsidies as well as other welfare. The cost of providing the aforementioned benefits in the defined retirement benefit plan is actuarially determined and recognized over the employees’ service period by utilizing various actuarial assumptions and using the projected unit credit method in accordance with the accounting policy stated in Note 2(y) to the financial statements. These assumptions include, without limitation, the selection of discount rate, annual rate of increase of per capita benefit payment and employees’ turnover rate. The discount rate is based on management’s review of government bonds. The annual rate of increase of benefit payments is based on the general local economic conditions. The employees’ turnover rate is based on historical trends of the Group. Additional information regarding the retirement benefit plans is disclosed in Note 37 to the financial statements.


  (e) Deferred income tax


In assessing the amount of deferred tax assets that need to be recognized in accordance with the accounting policy stated in Note 2(j) to the financial statements, the Group considers future taxable income and ongoing prudent and feasible tax planning strategies. In the event that the Group’s estimates of projected future taxable income and benefits from available tax strategies are changed, or changes in current tax regulations are enacted that would impact the timing or extent of the Group’s ability to utilize the tax benefits of net operating loss carry forwards in the future, adjustments to the recorded amount of net deferred tax assets and taxation expense would be made.










  (f) Provision for flight equipment spare parts


Provision for flight equipment spare parts is made based on the difference between the carrying amount and the net realizable value. The net realizable value is estimated based on current market condition, historical experience and Company’s future operation plan for the aircraft and related spare parts. The net realizable value may be adjusted significantly due to the change of market condition and the future plan for the aircraft and related spare parts.


  (g) Depreciation of property, plant and equipment


Depreciation of components related to airframe and engine overhaul costs are based on the Group’s historical experience with similar airframe and engine models and taking into account anticipated overhauls costs, timeframe between each overhaul, ratio of actual flying hours and estimated flying hours between overhauls. Different judgments or estimates could significantly affect the estimated depreciation charge and the results of operations.


Except for components related to airframe and engine overhaul costs, other property, plant and equipment are depreciated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives, after taking into account the estimated residual value. The useful lives are based on the Group’s historical experience with similar assets and taking into account anticipated technological changes. The Group reviews the estimated useful lives of assets regularly in order to determine the amount of depreciation expense to be recorded during any reporting period. The depreciation expense for future periods is adjusted if there are significant changes from previous estimates.


  (h) Estimated impairment of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets


The Group tests whether property, plant and equipment and intangible assets have been impaired in accordance with the accounting policy stated in Note 2(k) and Note 2(m) to the financial statements. The recoverable amounts of cash generating units have been determined based on fair value less cost to sell and value-in-use calculations. Value-in-use calculations use cash flow projections based on financial budgets approved by management and certain key assumptions, such as passenger-kilometers yield level, load factor, aircraft utilization rate and discount rates, etc.










The Group is principally engaged in the operation of civil aviation, including the provision of passenger, cargo, mail delivery, tour operations and other extended transportation services.


   Year ended December 31, 
   2012   2011   2010 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Traffic revenues   79,444,443    76,513,636    67,390,909 
– Passenger   71,418,995    68,433,970    58,968,019 
– Cargo and mail   8,025,448    8,079,666    8,422,890 
Ground service income   1,959,107    2,104,604    1,957,610 
Tour operations income   2,111,051    2,115,520    1,932,510 
Cargo handling income   160,328    278,724    673,329 
Commission income   96,418    95,426    100,016 
Others   1,481,970    1,295,220    1,749,285 
    85,253,317    82,403,130    73,803,659 












Before January 1, 2012, the major elements of the Group’s revenues were subject to business tax levied at rates of 3% or 5%. The Group’s revenues from the provision of international transportation services are exempted from business tax from January 1, 2010, pursuant to the notice of exemption of business tax on the provision of international transportation services (Cai Shui [2010] No. 8) jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance (“MoF”) and the State Administration of Taxation (“SAT”).


Pursuant to the notice of the pilot program for the transformation of transportation and certain modern service industries in Shanghai from business tax ("BT") to Value Added Tax (“VAT”) (Cai Shui [2011] No. 111) issued by MoF and SAT, traffic revenue of the Company and subsidiaries located in Shanghai and other revenues (including ground service income, cargo handling income, commission income and part of others) generated in Shanghai are subjected to VAT levied at rates of 11% or 6% from January 1, 2012, instead of BT.


Pursuant to the notice of the pilot program for the transformation of transportation and certain modern service industries from BT to VAT in Beijing and other eight provinces/cities (Cai Shui [2012] No.71) issued by MoF and SAT, traffic revenue and other revenues (including ground service income, cargo handling income, commission income and part of others) generated by subsidiaries located in Beijing and other eight provinces/cities scoped in the notice are subjected to VAT levied at rates of 11% or 6% with different effective date ranging from 1 September 2012 to 1 December 2012.


The VAT input generated from purchase of fuel, take-off and landing services, food and beverages, property, plant and equipment, and certain BT paid by the branches of the Company outside above notice scope can be used to deduct the VAT output generated from taxable revenue.


The traffic revenue and other revenue generated in other locations of China will continue to be subject to business tax at rates of 3% or 5%.


As a result of the implementation of aforementioned reform from BT to VAT (i.e. the relevant portion of the Group's operations have been changed to VAT instead of BT as they were in prior year), revenue of the Group for the year ended December 31, 2012 decreased by RMB2,954 million and operating expenses of the Group decreased by RMB3,132 million resulting in an increase in profit before income tax of RMB178 million for the year ended December 31, 2012.


The business tax incurred and offset against the above Group’s revenues for the year ended December 31, 2012 amounted to approximately RMB670 million (2011: approximately RMB1,803 million).










   Year ended December 31, 
   2012   2011   2010 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Other operating income (Note)               
- Other government subsidies   1,719,626    1,061,451    658,620 
    1,719,626    1,061,451    658,620 




Government subsidies represent (i) subsidies of RMB353 million (2011: RMB78 million) based on certain amount of tax paid granted by governments to the Group; and (ii) subsidies granted by various local governments to encourage the Group to operate certain routes to cities where these governments are located.


There are no unfulfilled conditions and other contingencies related to subsidies that have been recognized for the year ended December 31, 2012.










  (a) Chief Operating Decision-maker (“CODM”), office of the General Manager, reviews the Group’s internal reporting in order to assess performance and allocate resources.


The Group has one reportable operating segment, reported as “airline transportation operations”, which comprises the provision of passenger, cargo, mail delivery, ground service and cargo handling income.


Other services including primarily tour operations, air catering and other miscellaneous services are not included within the airline transportation operations segment, as their internal reports are separately provided to the CODM. The results of these operations are included in the “other segments” column.


Inter-segment transactions are entered into under normal commercial terms and conditions that would be available to unrelated third parties.


In accordance with IFRS 8, segment disclosure has been presented in a manner that is consistent with the information used by the Group’s CODM. The Group’s CODM monitors the results, assets and liabilities attributable to each reportable segment based on financial results prepared under the PRC Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (the “PRC Accounting Standards”), which differ from IFRS in certain aspects. The amount of each material reconciling items from the Group’s reportable segment revenue and profit or loss, arising from different accounting policies are set out in Note 7(c) below.


The segment results for the year ended December 31, 2012 are as follows:


   Airline transportation
   Other Segments   Elimination   Unallocated*   Total 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Reportable segment revenue from external customers   83,127,233    2,442,017    -    -    85,569,250 
Inter-segment sales   -    261,631    (261,631)   -    - 
Reportable segment revenue   83,127,233    2,703,648    (261,631)   -    85,569,250 
Reportable segment profit before income tax   3,176,660    104,938    -    234,058    3,515,656 
Other segment information                         
Depreciation and amortization   7,892,045    114,430    -    -    8,006,475 
Capital expenditure   18,490,801    116,212    -    -    18,607,013 










(a)CODM, office of the General Manager, reviews the Group’s internal reporting in order to assess performance and allocate resources (continued).


The segment results for the year ended December 31, 2011 are as follows:


   Airline transportation
   Other Segments   Elimination   Unallocated*   Total 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Reportable segment revenue from external customers   81,597,560    2,376,945    -    -    83,974,505 
Inter-segment sales   -    201,989    (201,989)   -    - 
Reportable segment revenue   81,597,560    2,578,934    (201,989)   -    83,974,505 
Reportable segment profit before income tax   4,997,606    41,986    -    128,122    5,167,714 
Other segment information                         
Depreciation and amortization   7,282,227    88,500    -    -    7,370,727 
Impairment losses   799,105    259    -    -    799,364 
Capital expenditure   18,159,708    91,985    -    -    18,251,693 


The segment results for the year ended December 31, 2010 are as follows:


   Airline transportation
   Other Segments   Elimination   Unallocated*   Total 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Reportable segment revenue from external customers   72,029,550    2,928,558    -    -    74,958,108 
Inter-segment sales   427,141    295,335    (722,476)   -    - 
Reportable segment revenue   72,456,691    3,223,893    (722,476)   -    74,958,108 
Reportable segment profit before income tax   5,633,323    88,407    -    119,363    5,841,093 
Other segment information                         
Depreciation and amortization   6,916,308    69,397    -    -    6,985,705 
Impairment losses   425,772    1,289    -    -    427,061 
Capital expenditure   22,752,632    336,978    -    -    23,089,610 










  (a) CODM, office of the General Manager, reviews the Group’s internal reporting in order to assess performance and allocate resources (continued).


The segment assets and liabilities as at December 31, 2012, 2011 and 2010 are as follows:


   Airline transportation 
   Other Segments   Elimination   Unallocated*   Total 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
At December 31, 2012                         
Reportable segment assets   116,461,666    4,706,382    (1,691,890)   1,486,321    120,962,479 
Reportable segment liabilities   94,047,698    3,564,029    (1,691,890)   -    95,919,837 
At December 31, 2011                         
Reportable segment assets   106,818,323    4,658,780    (763,176)   1,501,225    112,215,152 
Reportable segment liabilities   87,272,414    3,560,501    (763,176)   -    90,069,739 
At December 31, 2010                         
Reportable segment assets   97,500,563    2,045,617    (191,907)   1,455,844    100,810,117 
Reportable segment liabilities   83,387,701    1,038,146    (191,907)   -    84,233,940 


*Unallocated assets primarily represent investments in associates and jointly controlled entities, and available-for-sale financial assets. Unallocated results primarily represent the share of results of associates and jointly controlled entities, and also the gain arisen from available-for-sale financial assets.










  (b) The Group’s business segments operate in three main geographical areas, even though they are managed on a worldwide basis.


The Group’s revenues by geographical are analyzed based on the following criteria:


(1)Traffic revenue from services within the PRC (excluding the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“Hong Kong”), Macau Special Administrative Region (“Macau”) and Taiwan (collectively known as “Regional”)) is classified as domestic operations. Traffic revenue generated from international routes (excluding regional routes) is classified as international operations.


(2)Revenue from ticket handling services, ground services, cargo handling service and other miscellaneous services are classified on the basis of where the services are performed.


   2012   2011   2010 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Domestic (the PRC, excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)   57,612,675    57,675,579    51,060,489 
Regional (Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)   3,704,064    3,771,339    3,900,952 
International   24,252,511    22,527,587    19,996,667 
 Total   85,569,250    83,974,505    74,958,108 


The major revenue-earning assets of the Group are its aircraft, all of which are registered in the PRC. Majority of the Group’s other assets are also located in the PRC. Since the Group’s aircraft are deployed flexibly across its route network, there is no suitable basis of allocating such assets and the related liabilities by geography and hence segment assets and capital expenditure by geography have not been presented.


  (c) Reconciliation of reportable segment revenue, profit, assets and liabilities to the consolidated figures as reported in the consolidated financial statements.


       2012   2011   2010 
       RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Reportable segment revenue        85,569,250    83,974,505    74,958,108 
–Reclassification of business tax and expired sales in advance of carriage   (i)    (315,933)   (1,571,375)   (1,154,449)
Consolidated revenue        85,253,317    82,403,130    73,803,659 










  (c) Reconciliation of reportable segment revenue, profit or loss, assets and liabilities to the consolidated figures as reported in the consolidated financial statements (continued).


       2012   2011   2010 
       RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Profit before income tax                    
Reportable segment profit        3,515,656    5,167,714    5,841,093 
–Difference in depreciation charges for aircraft due to different depreciation lives   (ii)    (21,958)   (9,288)   (83,765)
–Provision for post-retirement benefits   (iii)    (401,901)   (326,145)   (347,936)
–Others        (79,393)   8,420    8,420 
Consolidated profit before income tax        3,012,404    4,840,701    5,417,812 


       2012   2011   2010 
       RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Reportable segment assets        120,962,479    112,215,152    100,810,117 
–Difference in depreciation charges for aircraft due to different depreciation lives   (ii)    52,901    74,859    84,147 
–Difference in intangible asset (goodwill) arising from the acquisition of Shanghai Airlines   (iv)    2,760,665    2,760,665    2,760,665 
–Others        42,518    (311,795)   (321,213)
Consolidated total assets        123,818,563    114,738,881    103,333,716 


       2012   2011   2010 
       RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Reportable segment liabilities        95,919,837    90,069,739    84,233,940 
–Provision for post-retirement benefits   (iii)    3,345,329    2,943,428    2,617,283 
–Others        -    (79,393)   (79,393)
Consolidated total liabilities        99,265,166    92,933,774    86,771,830 








7.Segment information (continued)


  (c) Reconciliation of reportable segment revenue, profit or loss, assets and liabilities to the consolidated figures as reported in the consolidated financial statements (continued).




(i)The difference represents the different classification of business tax and expired sales in advance of carriage under PRC Accounting Standards and IFRS.


(ii)The difference is attributable to the differences in the useful lives and residual values of aircraft and engines adopted for depreciation purpose in prior years under PRC Accounting Standards and IFRS. Despite the depreciation policies of these assets have been unified under IFRS and the PRC Accounting Standards in recent years, the changes were applied prospectively as changes in accounting estimates which results in the differences in the carrying amounts and related depreciation changes under IFRS and PRC Accounting Standards.


(iii)In accordance with the PRC Accounting Standards, certain employees’ post-retirement benefits are recognized upon payment. Under IFRS, such post-retirement benefits under defined benefit schemes are required to be recognized over the employees’ service period using projected unit credit method.


(iv)The determination of the fair values of the acquisition costs and identifiable assets and liabilities of Shanghai Airlines acquired is different under IFRS and the PRC Accounting Standards, which results in difference in the intangibles/goodwill recognized arising from the acquisition.










   Year ended December 31, 
   2012   2011   2010 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Gain arising from fair value movements of derivatives  financial instruments               
- Interest rate swap and forward foreign exchange contracts (Note 39(a) & (b))   15,755    19,541    33,189 
- Crude oil option contracts   9,076    67,310    800,195 
    24,831    86,851    833,384 




   Year ended December 31, 
   2012   2011   2010 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Wages, salaries, bonus and allowances   7,007,883    5,992,672    6,567,729 
Employee welfare and benefits   428,791    335,464    361,149 
Defined contribution retirement schemes (Note 37(a))   1,262,017    1,142,167    996,326 
Post-retirement benefits (Note 37(b))   581,775    478,502    479,514 
Staff housing fund (Note 38 (a))   607,336    544,674    422,167 
Staff housing allowance (Note 38 (b))   171,241    171,375    113,901 
    10,059,043    8,664,854    8,940,786 










   Year ended December 31, 
   2012   2011   2010 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Impairment charges on assets held for sale (Note (b))   -    612,216    256,694 
(Reversal of)/provision for impairment charges on flight equipment spare parts(Note (a))   (103,337)   26,100    148,697 
Impairment charge on property, plant and equipment   89,870    -    - 
    (13,467)   638,316    405,391 




(a)After acquisition of Shanghai Airlines Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Airlines”) in 2010, the Company has reviewed the composition of its aircraft fleet, aiming to simply the models of aircraft and maximizes operation efficiencies. In 2012, the Company has defined the main model of aircraft for future operation and signed series of contracts to dispose other models of aircraft between 2014 and 2016. As a consequence, the Company has reassessed the provision for the flight equipment spare parts in relation to the main models of aircraft and also the spare parts in relation to the aircraft to be disposed, and reversed provision of RMB103 million during the year ended December 31, 2012 in accordance with the reassessment results.


(b)In December 2011, the Group management entered into an agreement with a third party to dispose certain aircraft and related engines in the forthcoming 12 months in view of high maintenance costs of those aircraft. The aircraft and engines has been classified as assets held for sale at December 31, 2011, and an impairment loss of approximately RMB612 million was made against those aircraft and engines by reference to the contracted selling price less estimated cost to sell (Note 43).










Operating profit is stated after charging the following items:


   Year ended December 31, 
   2012   2011   2010 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Amortization of intangible assets   38,404    26,167    49,681 
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment               
- Owned   5,073,307    4,523,903    4,353,668 
- Leased (finance leases)   2,397,541    2,361,919    2,323,302 
Amortization of lease prepayments   47,658    41,777    31,186 
Consumption of flight equipment spare parts   747,268    739,663    601,407 
(Reversal)/provision of impairment of trade and other receivables   (6,872)   161,048    1,545 
Auditors’ remuneration   12,880    16,100    16,680 




   Year ended December 31, 
   2012   2011   2010 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Exchange gains, net (Note)   147,836    1,872,369    1,074,796 
Interest income   200,765    151,633    80,588 
    348,601    2,024,002    1,155,384 




The exchange gain primarily related to the translation of the Group’s foreign currency denominated borrowings and obligations under finance leases.










   Year ended December 31, 
   2012   2011   2010 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Interest on bank borrowings   1,359,644    1,379,452    1,234,837 
Interest relating to obligations under finance leases   411,547    268,487    279,095 
Interest on bonds and debentures   149,425    40,833    - 
Interest relating to notes payable   73,855    34,289    143,482 
    1,994,471    1,723,061    1,657,414 
Less:  Amounts capitalized into advanced payments on acquisition of aircraft (Note)   (296,997)   (253,027)   (150,668)
  Amounts capitalized into construction in progress (Note)   -    (7,307)   (4,846)
    1,697,474    1,462,727    1,501,900 




The average interest rate used for interest capitalization is 3.73% per annum for the year ended December 31, 2012 (2011: 3.84%, 2010: 3.75%).




Income tax charged to the consolidated income statement is as follows:


   Year ended December 31, 
   2012   2011   2010 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Provision for PRC income tax   214,944    255,947    125,309 
Deferred taxation (Note 36)   (10,143)   8,282    8,182 
    204,801    264,229    133,491 


Prior to 2008, the Company and certain of its subsidiaries (the “Pudong Subsidiaries”) located in Pudong District, Shanghai, were entitled to a reduced rate of 15% pursuant to the preferential tax policy in Pudong District, Shanghai. Under the Corporate Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China (the “New CIT Law”), which was approved by the National People’s Congress on 16 March 2007 and became effective from January 1, 2008, the Company and the Pudong Subsidiaries are entitled to a transitional arrangement to gradually increase the applicable corporate income tax rate to 25% over five years from 2008. For the year ended December 31, 2012, the corporate income tax rate applicable to the Company and the Pudong Subsidiaries was 25% (2011: 24%, 2010: 22%). Other subsidiaries of the Company, except for those incorporated in Hong Kong, which are subject to Hong Kong corporate income tax rate of 16.5% (2011: 16.5%, 2010: 16.5%), are generally subject to the PRC standard corporate tax rate of 25 % (2011: 25%, 2010: 25%) under the New CIT Law.


Pursuant to the "Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and the General Administration of Customs on Issues Concerning Relevant Tax Policies for Enhancing the Implementation of Western Region Development Strategy" (Cai Shui [2011] No.58), and other serious of tax regulations, the enterprises, located in the western regions and engaged in the industrial activities as listed in the "Catalogue of Encouraged Industries in Western Regions", will be entitled to a reduced income tax rate of 15% from 2011 to 2020 upon approval from tax authorities. In 2012, China Eastern Yunnan Airlines Co., Ltd. (“CEA Yunnan”), a subsidiary of the Group, obtained approval from tax authorities and enjoy the reduced tax rate of 15% from January 1, 2011.










Tax on the Group’s consolidated income statement differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using the standard taxation rate of the Company as follows:


   Year ended December 31, 
   2012   2011   2010 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Profit before income tax   3,012,404    4,840,701    5,417,812 
Adjusted by:               
Share of result of associates and jointly controlled entities   (133,169)   (106,872)   (67,382)
    2,879,235    4,733,829    5,350,430 
Tax calculated at the tax rate of 25% (2011: 24%; 2010: 22%)   719,809    1,136,119    1,177,095 
Effect attributable to subsidiaries charged at tax rates of 15% or 16.5% (2011: 25% or 16.5%; 2010: 25% or 16.5%)   (48,669)   10,637    1,170 
Income not subject to tax   -    (12,426)   (14,829)
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes   12,989    31,858    21,009 
Utilization of previously unrecognized tax losses   (654,996)   (1,222,570)   (1,682,357)
Unrecognized tax losses for the year   210,777    95,291    30,273 
Realization deductible temporary differences which were not recognized deferred tax in previous years   -    -    (349,606)
(Realization of)/Unrecognized deductible temporary differences for the year   (35,109)   225,320    950,736 
Tax charge   204,801    264,229    133,491 


The Group operates international flights to overseas destinations. There was no material overseas taxation for the year ended December 31, 2012 and 2011, as there are avoidance of double tax treaties between the PRC and the corresponding jurisdictions (including Hong Kong) relating to aviation businesses.










The Board has not recommended any dividend for the years ended December 31, 2012, 2011 and 2010.




The profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company is dealt with in the financial statements of the Company to the extent of RMB2,661 million (2011: RMB4,523 million; 2010: RMB4,422 million).




The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on the profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company of RMB2,954 million (2011: RMB4,576 million; 2010: RMB4,958 million) and the weighted average number of shares of 11,276,538,860 (2011: 11,276,538,860; 2010: 11,149,426,000) in issue during the year ended December 31, 2012. The Company has no potentially dilutive option or other instruments relating to the ordinary shares.










(Note (a))



   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
At January 1, 2011   11,269,695    217,411    11,487,106 
Additions   -    46,381    46,381 
At December 31, 2011   11,269,695    263,792    11,533,487 
At January 1, 2012   11,269,695    263,792    11,533,487 
Additions   -    133,913    133,913 
At December 31, 2012   11,269,695    397,705    11,667,400 
Accumulated amortization               
At January 1, 2011   -    153,730    153,730 
Charge for the year   -    26,167    26,167 
At December 31, 2011   -    179,897    179,897 
At January 1, 2012   -    179,897    179,897 
Charge for the year   -    38,404    38,404 
At December 31, 2012   -    218,301    218,301 
Net book amount               
At December 31, 2011   11,269,695    83,895    11,353,590 
At December 31, 2012   11,269,695    179,404    11,449,099 












(a)The balance represents the goodwill arising from the acquisition of Shanghai Airlines. The goodwill is attributable to strengthening the competitiveness of the Group’s airlines operation business, attaining synergy through integration of the resources and providing the evolution of Shanghai international air transportation center. For the purpose of impairment assessment, the goodwill is allocated to the airline operation business, the principal cash-generating-unit (“CGU”) that the Group operates and benefits from the acquisition.


The recoverable amount of the CGU is principally based on the Company’s fair value, which is determined by reference to the observable quoted market price of the Company’s shares less the costs of disposal. No impairment for the goodwill is required based on the Company’s fair value as at the balance sheet date.










   Aircraft, engines and
flight equipment
   Owned   Held under finance
   Buildings   Other property, plant
and equipment
   Construction in
    RMB’000    RMB’000    RMB’000    RMB’000    RMB’000    RMB’000 
At January 1, 2012   59,860,668    37,640,743    5,237,670    5,632,102    2,139,160    110,510,343 
Transfers from construction in progress   -    -    1,584,745    69,657    (1,654,402)   - 
Transfers from advanced payments on acquisition of aircraft (Note 21)   4,716,802    1,982,177    -    -    -    6,698,979 
Sales and finance leased back   (1,583,999)   1,583,999    -    -    -    - 
Additions   5,443,597    2,862,007    3,721    562,357    1,576,395    10,448,077 
Other decrease   (25,656)   (664,141)   -    -    -    (689,797)
Transfer to other long term assets   -    -    -    -    (55,506)   (55,506)
Disposals   (906,650)   (486,316)   (7,079)   (195,284)   -    (1,595,329)
At December 31, 2012   67,504,762    42,918,469    6,819,057    6,068,832    2,005,647    125,316,767 
Accumulated depreciation                              
At January 1, 2012   22,677,254    8,391,720    1,293,602    3,538,955    -    35,901,531 
Charge for the year   4,394,601    2,397,541    234,749    443,957    -    7,470,848 
Sales and finance leased back   (32,363)   32,363    -    -    -    - 
Disposals   (855,457)   (486,315)   (5,062)   (148,301)   -    (1,495,135)
At December 31, 2012   26,184,035    10,335,309    1,523,289    3,834,611    -    41,877,244 
At January 1, 2012   721,101    107,770    -    550    21,596    851,017 
Charge for the year   89,870    -    -    -    -    89,870 
Disposals   (20,125)   -    -    -    -    (20,125)
At December 31, 2012   790,846    107,770    -    550    21,596    920,762 
Net book amount                              
At December 31, 2012   40,529,881    32,475,390    5,295,768    2,233,671    1,984,051    82,518,761 
At January 1, 2012   36,462,313    29,141,253    3,944,068    2,092,597    2,117,564    73,757,795 












   Aircraft, engines and
flight equipment
   Owned   Held under finance
   Buildings   Other property, plant
and equipment
   Construction in
    RMB’000    RMB’000    RMB’000    RMB’000    RMB’000    RMB’000 
At January 1, 2011   55,025,526    36,728,572    4,881,463    5,256,126    1,063,659    102,955,346 
Transfers from construction in progress   -    -    310,006    179,927    (489,933)   - 
Transfers from advanced payments on acquisition of aircraft (Note 21)   1,591,142    2,230,271    -    -    -    3,821,413 
Additions   4,022,991    2,967,931    78,279    533,186    1,720,738    9,323,125 
Transfer to assets held for sale (Note 43)   -    (3,863,025)   -    -    -    (3,863,025)
Transfer to lease prepayments   -    -    -    -    (153,880)   (153,880)
Disposals   (778,991)   (423,006)   (32,078)   (337,137)   (1,424)   (1,572,636)
At December 31, 2011   59,860,668    37,640,743    5,237,670    5,632,102    2,139,160    110,510,343 
Accumulated depreciation                              
At January 1, 2011   19,584,570    8,855,680    1,125,373    3,349,386    -    32,915,009 
Charge for the year   3,871,675    2,361,919    177,049    475,179    -    6,885,822 
Transfer to assets held for sale (Note 43)   -    (2,402,873)   -    -    -    (2,402,873)
Disposals   (778,991)   (423,006)   (8,820)   (285,610)   -    (1,496,427)
At December 31, 2011   22,677,254    8,391,720    1,293,602    3,538,955    -    35,901,531 










   Aircraft, engines and
flight equipment
   Owned   Held under finance
   Buildings   Other property, plant
and equipment
   Construction in
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
At January 1, 2011   721,101    473,393    -    550    23,020    1,218,064 
Transfer to assets     held for sale (Note 43)   -    (365,623)   -    -    -    (365,623)
 Disposals   -    -    -    -    (1,424)   (1,424)
At December 31, 2012   721,101    107,770    -    550    21,596    851,017 
Net book amount                              
At December 31, 2011   36,462,313    29,141,253    3,944,068    2,092,597    2,117,564    73,757,795 
At January 1, 2011   34,719,855    27,399,499    3,756,090    1,906,190    1,040,639    68,822,273 




  (a) As at December 31, 2012, certain aircraft and buildings owned by the Group with an aggregate net book amount of approximately RMB22,544 million (2011: approximately RMB18,317 million, 2010: approximately RMB20,800 million) were pledged as collateral under certain loan arrangements (Note 33).




   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
    RMB’000    RMB’000 
At January 1   1,796,276    1,696,575 
Additions   358,232    159,306 
Disposals   -    (59,605)
At December 31   2,154,508    1,796,276 
Accumulated amortization          
At January 1   325,004    290,419 
Charge for the year   47,658    41,777 
Disposals   -    (7,192)
At December 31   372,662    325,004 
Net book amount          
At December 31   1,781,846    1,471,272 


Lease prepayments represent unamortized prepayments for land use rights.


The Group’s land use rights are located in the PRC and the majority of these land use rights have terms of 50 years from the date of grant. As at December 31, 2012, the majority of these land use rights had remaining terms ranging from 34 to 50 years (2011: from 35 to 50 years).










   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
At January 1   10,968,344    6,356,602 
Payment during the year   7,328,529    8,180,128 
Interest capitalized (Note 13)   296,997    253,027 
Transfers to property,  plant and equipment (Note 19)   (6,698,979)   (3,821,413)
At December 31   11,894,891    10,968,344 


Included in the Group’s balance as at December 31, 2012, the amount of accumulated interest capitalized was approximately RMB630 million (2011: RMB632 million).




   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Unlisted investments, at cost   620,329    622,768 
Share of results/reserves   213,143    214,821 
    833,472    837,589 


The movement on investments in associates is as follows:


   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
At January 1   837,589    807,669 
Share of results of associates   103,209    75,435 
Share of revaluation on available-for-sale investments held by an associate   2,188    (2,701)
Disposal of associates   (2,439)   - 
Dividend received/declared during the year   (107,075)   (42,814)
At December 31   833,472    837,589 










Particulars of the principal associates which are limited liability companies established and operating in the PRC, are as follows:



Place and

date of












        2012   2011   2012   2011      
        RMB’000   RMB’000              
Eastern Air Group Finance Co., Ltd.  (“Eastern Finance”)    


December 6, 1995

    400,000     400,000     25 %   25 %   Provision of financial services to Group companies of CEA Holding  
China Eastern Air Catering Investment Co., Ltd.    


November 17, 2003

    350,000     350,000     45 %   45 %   Provision of air catering services  

Shanghai Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Engine Maintenance Company Limited

(“Shanghai P&W”) (Note(a))



March 28, 2008





    51 %   51 %   Provision of maintenance  of aircraft, engine and other related components maintenance  services  
New Shanghai International Tower Co., Ltd.    


November 17, 1992

    166,575     166,575     20 %   20 %   Provision of Property development and management  
Eastern Aviation Import & Export Co., Ltd (“Eastern Import & Export”)    



9, 1993

    80,000     80,000     45 %   45 %   Provision of aviation equipment, spare parts purchase  
Shanghai Dongmei Aviation Travel Co., Ltd. (“Dongmei Travel”)    


October 17, 2004

    51,369     51,369     27 %   27 %   Provision of traveling and accommodation agency services  
Eastern Aviation Advertising Service Co., Ltd. (“Eastern Advertising”)    


March 4,1986

    50,000     50,000     45 %   45 %   Provision of aviation advertising agency services  











Place and

date of












        2012   2011   2012   2011      
        RMB’000   RMB’000              
Shanghai Hongpu Civil Airport Communication Co., Ltd.    


October 18, 2002

    25,000     25,000     30 %   30 %   Provision of cable and wireless communication services  
Collins Aviation Maintenance Service Shanghai Ltd.    


September 27, 2002





    35 %   35 %   Provision of airline electronic product maintenance services  




(a)In 2008, the Company entered into an agreement with United Technologies International Corporation (“Technologies International”) to establish Shanghai Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Engine Maintenance Company Limited (”Shanghai P&W”). Shanghai P&W has a registered capital of USD40 million in which the Company holds 51% interests. According to the shareholder’s agreement, Technologies International has the power to govern the financial and operating policies and in this respect the Company accounts for Shanghai P&W as an associate.


(b)The Group’s aggregated share of the revenues, results, assets and liabilities of its associates are as follows:


   Assets   Liabilities   Revenues   Profit 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
2012   4,021,663    3,188,191    2,973,719    103,209 
2011   3,728,129    2,890,540    2,417,786    75,435 










   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Unlisted investments, at cost   323,238    323,238 
Share of results/reserves   94,921    100,018 
    418,159    423,256 


The movement on investments in jointly controlled entities is as follows:


   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
At January 1   423,256    406,170 
Share of results   29,960    31,437 
Dividend received/declared during the year   (35,057)   (14,351)
At December 31   418,159    423,256 


Particulars of the principal jointly controlled entities, all of which are limited liability companies established and operating in the PRC, are as follows:



Place and

date of












        2012   2011   2012   2011      
        RMB’000   RMB’000              
Shanghai Technologies Aerospace Co., Ltd. (“Technologies Aerospace”) (Note (a))    


September 28, 2004





    51 %   51 %   Provision of repair and maintenance services  
Shanghai Eastern Union Aviation Wheels & Brakes Maintenance Services Overhaul Engineering Co., Ltd (“Wheels & Brakes”)    


December 28, 1995





    40 %   40 %   Provision of spare parts repair and maintenance services  
Eastern China Kaiya System Integration Co., Ltd.    


May 21, 1999





    41 %   41 %   Provision of computer systems development and maintainance services  












  (a) Under a Joint Venture Agreement with the joint venture partner of Technologies Aerospace dated March 10, 2003, the Company has agreed to share control over the economic activities of Technologies Aerospace. Any strategic financial and operating decisions relating to the activities of Technologies Aerospace require the unanimous consent of the Company and the joint venture partner.


  (b) The Group’s aggregated share of the revenues, results, assets and liabilities of its jointly controlled entities is as follows:


   Assets   Liabilities   Revenues   Profit 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
2012   494,042    75,883    312,600    29,960 
2011   524,573    101,317    287,822    31,437 










   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Deposits relating to aircraft under operating leases (Note (a))   807,543    749,580 
Deferred pilot recruitment costs (Note (b))   869,082    886,177 
Other long-term assets   281,631    294,077 
    1,958,256    1,929,834 




  (a) The fair value of deposits relating to aircraft held under operating leases of the Group is approximately RMB722 million  (2011: RMB685 million), which is determined using the expected future refunds discounted at market interest rates at the year end.


  (b) Deferred pilot recruitment costs represent the cost bore by the Group in connection with securing certain minimum period of employment of pilots and are amortized on a straight-line basis over the anticipated beneficial period of five years, starting from the pilot joins the Group.




   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Flight equipment spare parts   2,765,291    2,506,388 
Less: provision for spare parts   (677,313)   (950,844)
    2,087,978    1,555,544 


Provision for flight equipment spare parts is made based on the difference between the carrying amount and the net realizable value. The net realizable value is estimated based on current market condition, historical experience and Company’s future operation plan for the aircraft and related spare parts.


   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
At January 1   950,844    986,100 
Provision written off in relation to disposal of spare parts   (170,194)   (61,356)
Provision for/(reversal of) impairment of spare parts(Note 10(a)&(b))   (103,337)   26,100 
At December 31   677,313    950,844 










The credit terms given to trade customers are determined on an individual basis, with the credit periods generally ranging from half a month to two months.


The aging analysis of trade receivables is as follows:


   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Within 90 days   2,851,736    2,381,707 
91 to 180 days   68,488    79,636 
181 to 365 days   35,995    38,382 
Over 365 days   208,770    237,356 
    3,164,989    2,737,081 
Less: provision for impairment of receivables   (202,808)   (233,055)
Trade receivables   2,962,181    2,504,026 


Balances with related companies included in trade receivables are summarized in Note 46(c)(i).


The carrying amounts of the trade receivables approximate their fair value.


Trade receivables that were neither overdue nor impaired relate to a large number of independent sales agents for whom there is no recent history of default.


As at December 31, 2012, trade receivables of RMB137 million (2011: RMB101 million) were past due but not impaired. These relate to a number of independent sales agents for whom there is no recent history of default. The Group holds cash deposits of RMB680 million (2011: RMB627 million) from these agents. The ageing analysis of these trade receivables is as follows:


   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Within 90 days   48,017    31,974 
91 to 180 days   52,997    41,793 
181 to 365 days   35,995    26,920 
    137,009    100,687 


As at December 31, 2012, trade receivables of RMB167 million (2011: RMB198 million) were impaired and fully provided for. The remaining impaired trade receivables relate to customers that were in financial difficulties and only a portion of the receivables is expected to be recovered. The factors considered by management in determining the impairment are described in Note 2(s).










The ageing of impaired receivables is as follows:


   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
181 to 365 days over due   15,490    9,910 
1 to 2 years overdue   22,714    25,873 
Over 2 years overdue   186,057    211,483 
    224,261    247,266 


Movements on the Group’s provision for impairment of trade receivables are as follows:


   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
At January 1   233,055    245,961 
Receivables written off during the year as uncollectible   (30,064)   (13,970)
Provision for/(reversal of) impairment of receivables   (183)   1,064 
At December 31   202,808    233,055 


The net impact of creation and release of provisions for impaired receivables have been included in ‘Provision for impairment of trade and other receivables’ in the income statement (Note 11). Amounts charged to the allowance account are generally written off, when there is no expectation of recovering additional cash.


The carrying amounts of the Group’s trade receivables are denominated in the following currencies:


   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Renminbi   2,510,514    2,124,351 
Japanese Yen   161,020    140,143 
US Dollars   119,362    131,720 
Euro   156,354    121,646 
HK Dollars   66,565    121,089 
Other currencies   151,174    98,132 
    3,164,989    2,737,081 


The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is the carrying amount of receivable shown above.










   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
VAT recoverable   920,135    - 
Rebate receivables on aircraft acquisitions   676,126    836,647 
Amounts due from related companies (Note 46(c)(i))   402,844    249,865 
Prepaid aircraft operating lease rentals   314,600    280,638 
Rental deposits   236,508    222,455 
Others   1,106,486    1,148,628 
Subtotal   3,656,699    2,738,233 
Less: bad debt provision   (288,051)   (327,338)
    3,368,648    2,410,895 




   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Bank deposits with original maturity over three months but less than a year   1,657,568    2,616,057 
Restricted bank deposits   68,683    278,230 
    1,726,251    2,894,287 




As at December 31, 2012, the deposits are primarily denominated in RMB and bore effective interest rates ranging from 2.85% to 4.65% per annum (2011: 0.5% to 5.3% per annum).












The carrying amounts of the Group’s restricted bank deposits and short-term bank deposits are denominated in the following currencies:


   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Renminbi   1,625,891    2,837,308 
Japanese Yen   39,724    24,637 
US Dollars   16,082    16,145 
HK Dollars   15,973    6,895 
Euro   9,818    9,302 
Other currencies   18,763    - 
    1,726,251    2,894,287 




The carrying amounts of the Group’s cash and cash equivalents are denominated in the following currencies:


   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Renminbi   1,933,933    3,249,932 
US Dollars   372,388    520,976 
Euro   38,172    19,753 
Japanese Yen   30,451    5,425 
Hong Kong Dollars   25,528    26,219 
Others   111,224    38,668 
    2,511,696    3,860,973 




The aging analysis of trade payables and notes payable is as follows:


   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Within 90 days   1,473,087    1,761,478 
91 to 180 days   397,815    217,331 
181 to 365 days   675,630    409,475 
1 to 2 years   378,922    153,498 
Over 2 years   149,871    150,842 
    3,075,325    2,692,624 


As at December 31, 2012, the trade payables and notes payable balances of the Group included amounts due to related companies of RMB1,950 million (2011: RMB1,216 million)(Note 46(c)(ii)).


As at December 31, 2012, notes payable amounted to RMB250 million (2011: RMB48 million), which were unsecured, bore effective interest rates ranging from 4.65% to 4.68% per annum (2011: 6% to 8%) and are repayable within six months.










   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Accrued salaries, wages and benefits   2,210,517    2,657,376 
Accrued take-off and landing charges   2,127,855    1,885,898 
Accrued fuel cost   2,175,948    2,223,904 
Accrued expenses related to aircraft overhaul conducted   1,675,056    1,941,007 
Duties and levies payable   1,574,574    1,750,389 
Other accrued operating expenses   2,038,930    1,571,843 
Deposits received from ticket sales agents   680,318    627,006 
Current portion of other long-term liabilities (Note 35)   314,996    398,701 
Staff housing allowance (Note 38(b))   391,358    389,719 
Amounts due to related companies (Note 46(c) (ii))   194,884    96,590 
Current portion of post-retirement benefit obligations (Note 37(b))   85,800    83,483 
Other payables   2,785,989    2,641,371 
    16,256,225    16,267,287 




As at December 31, 2012, the Group had 98 aircrafts (2011: 80 aircrafts) under finance leases. Under the terms of the leases, the Group has the option to purchase, at or near the end of the lease terms, certain aircraft at either fair market value or a percentage of the respective lessors’ defined cost of the aircraft. The obligations under finance leases are principally denominated in US Dollars.


The future minimum lease payments (including interest), and the present value of the minimum lease payments under finance leases are as follows:


   December 31, 2012   December 31, 2011 
   Interest   Present value
of minimum
   Interest   Present
value of
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Within one year   3,004,452    399,183    2,605,269    2,790,844    331,585    2,459,259 
In the second year   3,059,744    355,576    2,704,168    2,846,797    288,703    2,558,094 
In the third to fifth year inclusive   8,685,669    760,777    7,924,892    7,836,047    600,836    7,235,211 
After the fifth year   9,027,940    404,291    8,623,649    8,448,826    440,568    8,008,258 
Total   23,777,805    1,919,827    21,857,978    21,922,514    1,661,692    20,260,822 
Less:   amount repayable within one year   (3,004,452)   (399,183)   (2,605,269)   (2,790,844)   (331,585)   (2,459,259)
Long-term portion   20,773,353    1,520,644    19,252,709    19,131,670    1,330,107    17,801,563 


The fair value of obligations under finance leases of the Group is RMB22,883million (2011: RMB20,866 million), which is determined using the expected future payments discounted at market interest rates prevailing at the year end.










   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Long-term bank borrowings          
– secured(Note (a))   15,780,892    11,988,500 
– unsecured(Note (b))   4,815,271    9,114,963 
Guaranteed bonds (Note (c))   2,500,000    2,500,000 
    23,096,163    23,603,463 
Long-term bank borrowings          
– secured(Note (a))   2,612,055    1,973,744 
– unsecured(Note (b))   7,147,656    4,743,506 
Short-term bank borrowings          
– secured(Note (a))   -    221,948 
– unsecured(Note (b))   8,880,244    11,231,932 
Short-term debentures (Note (d))   4,000,000    - 
    22,639,955    18,171,130 
Total borrowings   45,736,118    41,774,593 
The borrowings are repayable as follows:          
Within one year   22,639,955    18,171,130 
In the second year   7,272,821    8,407,984 
In the third to fifth year inclusive   7,905,631    9,391,440 
After the fifth year   7,917,711    5,804,039 
Total borrowings   45,736,118    41,774,593 




(a)As at December 31, 2012, the secured bank borrowings of the Group were pledged by the related aircrafts and buildings with an aggregate net book amount of RMB22,544 million (2011: RMB18,317 million) (Note 19).


(b)Certain unsecured bank borrowings of the Group totaling of RMB95 million (2011: RMB228 million) were guaranteed by CEA Holding (Note 46(c)).


(c)On August 1, 2011, Eastern Air Overseas (Hong Kong) Corporation Limited(“Eastern Air Overseas HK), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, issued three-year guaranteed bonds with a principal amount of RMB2.5 billion, at an issue price equal to the face value of the bonds. The bonds bear interest at the rate of 4% per annum, which is payable semi-annually. The principle of the bonds will mature and be repayable on August 8, 2014.


The Company has unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed the due payment and performance of the above bonds. 


(d)On September 13, 2012, the Company issued short-term debentures with a principal of RMB4 billion. The debentures bear interest at the rate of 4.1% per annum. The principal and interest will mature and repayable on June 10, 2013.










The terms of the long-term borrowings are summarized as follows:


Currency  Interest rate and final maturities  2012   2011 
      RMB’000   RMB’000 
RMB denominated  Interest rate ranging from 4.86% to 6.4% with final maturities through to 2020   3,953,340    8,844,130 
USD denominated  Interest rate ranging from LIBOR 6+0.03% to LIBOR 6+5.3% with final maturities through to 2022   26,402,534    18,976,583 
Guaranteed bonds             
RMB denominated  interest rate of 4.00% with final maturities through to 2014   2,500,000    2,500,000 
Total long-term borrowings      32,855,874    30,320,713 




The fair value of long-term borrowings of the Group is RMB 32,881 million (2011: RMB30,363 million), which is determined using the expected future payments discounted at prevailing market interest rates available to the Group for financial instruments with substantially the same terms and characteristics at the balance sheet date.


Short-term borrowings of the Group are repayable within one year. As at December 31, 2012, the interest rates relating to such borrowings ranged from 1.11% to 6.56% per annum (2011: 1.30 % to 6.31% per annum).


The carrying amounts of the borrowings are denominated in the following currencies:


   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Renminbi   13,827,340    16,779,919 
US Dollars   31,605,345    24,994,674 
Japanese Yen   303,433    - 
    45,736,118    41,774,593 










   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
At January 1   3,299,126    2,814,503 
Additional provisions   872,770    801,309 
Utilization   (373,134)   (316,686)
At December 31   3,798,762    3,299,126 
Less: current portion   (734,205)   (375,409)
Long-term portion   3,064,557    2,923,717 


In respect of aircraft and engines under operating leases, the Group has obligations to fulfill certain return conditions under the leases. The balance as at December 31, 2012 represents the provision for the estimated cost of these return condition checks which is made on a straight line basis over the term of the leases.




   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Fair value of unredeemed points awarded under the Group’s frequent flyer program   1,624,248    1,424,709 
Long-term duties and levies payable rating to finance leases   209,727    908,406 
Other long-term payables   116,558    112,685 
    1,950,533    2,445,800 
Less: Current portion included in other payables and accrued expenses(Note:31)   (314,996)   (398,701)
Long-term portion   1,635,537    2,047,099 








36. Deferred taxation


Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right of offsetting and when the deferred income taxes relate to the same authority. The following amounts, determined after appropriate offsetting, are shown in the balance sheets:


   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Deferred tax assets          
– Deferred tax asset to be utilized after 12 months   53,708    41,687 
– Deferred tax asset to be utilized within 12 months   853    2,731 
    54,561    44,418 
Deferred tax liabilities          
– Deferred tax liability to be realized after 12 months   (29,326)   (29,326)
Net deferred tax assets   25,235    15,092 


Movements in the net deferred tax assets are as follows:


   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
At January 1   15,092    23,374 
Charged to income statement (Note 14)   10,143    (8,282)
At December 31   25,235    15,092 










The deferred tax assets and liabilities (prior to the offsetting of balances within the same tax jurisdiction) were made up of the taxation effects of the following:


   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB'000   RMB'000 
Deferred tax assets:          
Impairment provision for obsolete flight equipment spare parts   40,408    70,071 
Impairment provision for receivables   23,950    34,745 
Impairment provision for property, plant and equipment   43,222    78,286 
Derivative financial liabilities   20,339    29,201 
Provision for post-retirement benefits   196,580    230,361 
    324,499    442,664 
Deferred tax liabilities:          
Depreciation and amortization   (294,745)   (426,481)
Derivative financial assets   (4,519)   (1,091)
    (299,264)   (427,572)
    25,235    15,092 


Movements of the net deferred tax assets of the Group for the year:


   At the beginning of the year   (Charged)/ credited
to income statement
   At the end of the year 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
For the year ended December 31, 2012               
Impairment provision for obsolete flight equipment spare parts   70,071    (29,663)   40,408 
Impairment provision for receivables   34,745    (10,795)   23,950 
Impairment provision for property, plant and equipment and construction in progress   78,286    (35,064)   43,222 
Derivative financial liabilities   29,201    (8,862)   20,339 
Provision for post-retirement benefits   230,361    (33,781)   196,580 
    442,664    (118,165)   324,499 
Depreciation and amortization   (426,481)   131,736    (294,745)
Derivative financial assets   (1,091)   (3,428)   (4,519)
    (427,572)   128,308    (299,264)
Net deferred tax assets   15,092    10,143    25,235 










   At the beginning of the year   (Charged)/ credited
 to income statement
   At the end of the year 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
For the year ended December 31, 2011               
Impairment provision for obsolete flight equipment spare parts   83,365    (13,294)   70,071 
Impairment provision for receivables   69,063    (34,318)   34,745 
Impairment provision for property, plant and equipment and construction in progress   128,226    (49,940)   78,286 
Provision for return condition checks for aircraft under operating leases   93,740    (93,740)   - 
Provision for frequent flyer programs   44,001    (44,001)   - 
Derivative financial liabilities   29,526    (325)   29,201 
Provision for post-retirement benefits   245,026    (14,665)   230,361 
    692,947    (250,283)   442,664 
Depreciation and amortization   (652,521)   226,040    (426,481)
Derivative financial assets   (17,052)   15,961    (1,091)
    (669,573)   242,001    (427,572)
Net deferred tax assets   23,374    (8,282)   15,092 


As at the balance sheet date, the Group had following balances in respect of which no deferred tax asset has been recognized:


   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Tax losses carried forward   1,542,223    6,168,893    2,428,143    9,712,570 
Other deductible temporary differences   970,616    3,882,464    971,951    3,887,804 
Total unrecognized deferred tax assets   2,512,839    10,051,357    3,400,094    13,600,374 


In accordance with the PRC tax law, tax losses can be carried forward, for a period of five years, to offset against future taxable income. The Group’s tax losses carried forward will expire between 2013 and 2017.


As at December 31, 2012, management carried out an assessment to determine whether future taxable profits will be available to utilize the tax losses and deductible temporary differences. As there are still uncertainties around the Group’s future operation results, such as future fuel prices and market competition, management assessed that there are significant uncertainties that future taxable profits will be available and the deferred tax assets arisen from aforementioned tax losses and deductible temporary difference were not recognized.










  (a) Defined contribution retirement schemes


  (i) Pension


The Group companies participate in defined contribution retirement schemes organized by municipal governments of various provinces in which the Group companies operate. Substantially all of the Group’s PRC employees are eligible to participate in the Group companies’ retirement schemes. The Group companies are required to make annual contributions to the schemes at rates ranging from 20% to 22% on the employees’ salary and allowances subject to certain ceiling as set up by the relevant municipal governments. Employees are required to contribute to the schemes at rates ranging from 7% to 8% of their salaries. For the year ended December 31, 2012, the Group’s pension cost charged to the consolidated income statement amounted to RMB871 million (2011: RMB768 million).


  (ii) Medical insurance


Majority of the Group’s PRC employees participate in the medical insurance schemes organized by municipal governments, under which the Group companies and their employees are required to contribute to the schemes approximately 12% and 2%, respectively, of the employee’s basic salaries subject to certain ceiling as set up by the relevant municipal governments. For those employees who participate in these schemes, the Group has no other obligation for the payment of medical expense beyond the annual contributions. For the year ended December 31, 2012, the Group’s medical insurance contributions charged to the consolidated income statement amounted to RMB391 million (2011: RMB374 million).


  (b) Post-retirement benefits


In addition to the above defined contribution retirement schemes, the Group provides retirees with other post-retirement benefits, including transportation subsidies, social function activities subsidies and other welfares. The expected cost of providing these post-retirement benefits is actuarially determined and recognized by using the projected unit credit method, which involves a number of assumptions and estimates, including inflation rate, discount rate and employees’ turnover ratio.


The post-retirement benefit obligations recognized in the balance sheets are as follows:


   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Present value of funded post- retirement benefit obligations   343,871    350,210 
Fair value of plan assets   (89,819)   (92,450)
Present value of unfunded post-retirement benefit obligations   5,979,600    5,826,053 
Unrecognized actuarial losses   (2,888,323)   (3,140,385)
Post-retirement benefit obligations   3,345,329    2,943,428 
Less: current portion (Note 31)   (85,800)   (83,483)
Long-term portion   3,259,529    2,859,945 











(b)Post-retirement benefits (continued)


Changes in post-retirement benefit obligations are as follows:


   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
At January 1   2,943,428    2,617,284 
Costs charged in the income statement   581,775    478,502 
Payments   (179,874)   (152,358)
At December 31   3,345,329    2,943,428 


The costs of post-retirement benefits are recognized under wages, salaries and benefits in the income statements as follows:


   2012   2011   2010 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Current service cost   193,936    170,493    172,889 
Interest cost   270,177    224,064    211,412 
Actuarial losses recognized   124,184    90,643    101,256 
Estimated return on planned asset   (6,522)   (6,698)   (6,043)
Total (Note 9)   581,775    478,502    479,514 


The principal actuarial assumptions at the balance sheet date are as follows:


   2012   2011 
Discount rate   4.30-4.35%   4.20-4.25%
Annual rate of increase of per capita benefit payment   3.00-5.00%   3.00-5.00%
Employee turnover rate   3.00-3.25%   3.00-3.25%
Mortality rate   9.83%   9.83%
Medical inflation rate   5.00%   5.00%










(a)Staff housing fund


In accordance with the PRC housing reform regulations, the Group is required to contribute to the State-sponsored housing fund for its employees at rates ranging from 7% to 15% (2011: 7% to 15%) of the specified salary amounts of its PRC employees. At the same time, the employees are required to contribute an amount equal to the Group’s contribution. The employees are entitled to claim the entire sum of the fund contributed under certain specified withdrawal circumstances. For the year ended December 31, 2012, the Group’s contributions to the housing funds amounted to RMB607 million (2011: RMB545 million) which has been charged to the consolidated income statement. The staff housing fund payable as at December 31, 2012 is RMB52 million (2011: RMB28 million). The Group has no legal or constructive obligations to pay further contributions if the fund does not hold sufficient assets to pay all employees the benefits relating to employee service in the current and prior periods.


(b)Staff housing allowances


The Group also provides staff housing allowances in cash to eligible employees. The total entitlement of an eligible employee is principally vested over a period of 20 years. Upon an eligible employee’s resignation or retirement, his or her entitlement would cease and any unpaid entitlement related to past service up to the date of resignation or retirement would be paid. As at December 31, 2012, the present obligation of the provision for employee’s staff housing allowances is RMB391 million (2011: RMB390 million).


For the year ended December 31, 2012, the staff housing benefit amounted to RMB171 million (2011: RMB171 million) which has been charged to the consolidated income statement.










   Assets   Liabilities 
   2012   2011   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
At December 31                    
Interest rate swaps (Note (a))   -    4,279    295,005    267,909 
Forward foreign exchange contracts (Note (b))   18,074    86    45,146    65,075 
Total   18,074    4,365    340,151    332,984 
Less: current portion                    
- Interest rate swaps   -    -    (35,813)   (51,063)
- Forward foreign exchange contracts   (18,074)   -         - 
    (18,074)   -    (35,813)   (51,063)
Non-current portion   -    4,365    304,338    281,921 


The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is the fair value of the derivative assets in the balance sheet.




(a)Interest rate swaps


The Group uses interest rate swaps to reduce the risk of changes in market interest rates (Note 3(a)(ii)). The interest rate swaps entered into by the Group for swapping variable rates, usually referenced to LIBOR, into fixed rates are accounted for as cash flow hedges. Other interest rate swaps are accounted for as fair value hedges. As at December 31, 2012, the notional amount of the outstanding interest rate swap agreements was approximately US$929 million (2011: US$695 million). These agreements will expire between 2013 and 2022.


Realized and unrealized gains and losses arising from the valuation of these interest rate swaps have been dealt with in the income statements as follows:


   2012   2011   2010 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Realized losses (recorded in finance costs)   (99,169)   (118,016)   (105,043)
Unrealized mark to market losses               
- cash flow hedges (recognized in equity)   (47,128)   (133,526)   8,103 
- fair value hedges (recognized in gain on fair value movements of derivatives financial instruments)   15,755    9,062    7,602 
    (130,542)   (242,480)   (89,338)










(b)Forward foreign exchange contracts


The Group uses forward foreign exchange contracts to reduce the risk of changes in currency exchange rates in respect of ticket sales and expenses denominated in foreign currencies (Note 3(a)(i)). The Group’s forward foreign exchange contracts for selling Japanese Yen and purchasing U.S. dollars at fixed exchange rates are accounted for as cash flow hedges. Other forward foreign exchange contracts are accounted for as fair value hedges. As at December 31, 2012, the notional amount of the outstanding currency forward contracts was approximately US$ 58 million (2011: US$46 million), which will expire between 2013 and 2017.


Realized and unrealized gains and losses arising from the valuation of these contracts have been dealt with in the income statements as follows:


   2012   2011   2010 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Realized losses (recorded in finance income)   (12,407)   (10,406)   (42,233)
Unrealized mark to market gains               
- cash flow hedges (recognized in equity)   37,917    1,080    (25,119)
- fair value hedges (recognized in gain on fair value movements of derivative financial instruments)   -    10,479    25,587 
    25,510    1,153    (41,765)












Loans and



Assets at fair

value through the

profit and loss




used for hedging




Available- for-sale





Assets as per balance sheet  RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Balances at December 31, 2012                         
Available-for-sale financial assets   -    -    -    234,690    234,690 
Derivative financial instruments   -    -    18,074    -    18,074 
Trade receivables   2,962,181    -    -    -    2,962,181 
Prepayments and other receivables excluding prepayments   2,544,967         -    -    -    2,544,967 
Restricted bank deposits and short-term bank deposits   1,726,251    -    -    -    1,726,251 
Cash and cash equivalents   2,511,696    -    -    -    2,511,696 
Total   9,745,095    -    18,074    234,690    9,997,859 




Loans and



Liabilities at fair

value through the

profit and loss




used for hedging

   Other financial
liabilities at
amortized cost




Liabilities as per balance sheet  RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Balances at December 31, 2012                         
Borrowings   45,736,118             -    -    -    45,736,118 
Obligations under finance leases   21,857,978    -    -    -    21,857,978 
Derivative financial instruments   -    -    340,151        -    340,151 
Trade payables and notes payable   3,075,325    -    -    -    3,075,325 
Other payables and accrued expenses   16,256,225    -    -    -    16,256,225 
Other long-term liabilities   209,727        -        209,727 
Total   87,135,373    -    340,151    -    87,475,524 












Loans and



Assets at fair

value through the

profit and loss




used for hedging




Available- for-sale





Assets as per balance sheet  RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Balances at December 31, 2011                         
Available-for-sale financial assets   -    -    -    240,380    240,380 
Derivative financial instruments   -          -    4,365    -    4,365 
Trade receivables   2,504,026    -    -    -    2,504,026 
Prepayments and other receivables excluding prepayments   1,437,444    -    -    -    1,437,444 
Restricted bank deposits and short-term bank deposits   2,894,287                   2,894,287 
Cash and cash equivalents   3,860,973    -    -    -    3,860,973 
Total   10,696,730    -    4,365    240,380    10,941,475 




Loans and



Liabilities at fair

value through the

profit and loss




used for hedging

   Other financial
liabilities at
amortized cost




Liabilities as per balance sheet  RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Balances at December 31, 2011                         
Borrowings   41,774,593    -    -    -    41,774,593 
Obligations under finance leases   20,260,822             -    -             -    20,260,822 
Derivative financial instruments   -    -    332,984    -    332,984 
Trade payables and notes payable   2,692,624    -    -    -    2,692,624 
Other payables and accrued expenses   16,267,287    -    -    -    16,267,287 
Other long-term liabilities   908,406    -    -    -    908,406 
Total   81,903,732    -    332,984    -    82,236,716 










   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Registered, issued and fully paid of RMB1.00 each          
A shares listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (“A Shares”)   7,782,214    7,782,214 
— Tradable shares held by CEA Holding with trading moratorium   -    4,831,375 
— Tradable shares held by other investors with trading moratorium (Note)   -    288,889 
— Tradable shares without trading moratorium   7,782,214    2,661,950 
H shares listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“H Shares”)   3,494,325    3,494,325 
— Tradable shares held by CES Global Holding (Hong Kong) Limited with trading moratorium(Note)   -    1,437,375 
— Tradable shares without trading moratorium   3,494,325    2,056,950 
    11,276,539    11,276,539 


Pursuant to articles 49 and 50 of the Company’s Articles of Association, both the listed A shares and the listed H shares are all registered ordinary shares and carry equal rights.




During the year ended December 31, 2012, listed A shares of 5,120,264 thousand and listed H shares of 1,437,375 thousand with trading moratorium became listed and tradable.
















Capital reserve

(Note (a))

(Note 39)



Other reserve









   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
At January 1, 2011   17,747,785    (720,057)   (154,492)   77,019    (12,955,507)   3,994,748 
Unrealized loss on cash flow hedges (Note 39)   -    -    (132,446)   -    -    (132,446)
Fair value movements of  available for sale investments   -    -    -    486    -    486 
Fair value movements of available for sale investments held by associates   -    -    -    (2,701)   -    (2,701)
Profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company   -    -    -    -    4,575,732    4,575,732 
Accumulated losses shared by non-controlling interests after capital injection in a subsidiary   426,439    -    -    -    -    426,439 
Acquisition of non-controlling interests in subsidiaries   (12,905)   -    -    -    -    (12,905)
At December 31, 2011   18,161,319    (720,057)   (286,938)   74,804    (8,379,775)   8,849,353 
At January 1, 2012   18,161,319    (720,057)   (286,938)   74,804    (8,379,775)   8,849,353 
Unrealized loss on cash flow hedges (Note 39)   -    -    (9,211)   -    -    (9,211)
Fair value movements of  available for sale investments held by associates   -    -    -    2,188    -    2,188 
Fair value movements of available for sale investments   -    -    -    (351)   -    (351)
Profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company   -    -    -    -    2,953,645    2,953,645 
Acquisition of non-controlling interests in subsidiaries   (490,151)   -    -    -    -    (490,151)
Others   343,786    -    -    -    -    343,786 
At December 31, 2012   18,014,954    (720,057)   (296,149)   76,641    (5,426,130)   11,649,259 












(a)Capital reserve


Capital reserve represents the difference between the fair value of the net assets injected and the nominal amount of the Company’s share capital issued in respect of a Group restructuring carried out in June 1996 for the purpose of the Company’s listing.


(b)Statutory and Discretionary Reserves


Pursuant to the PRC regulations and the Companies’ Articles of Association, each of the Group companies is required to transfer 10% of its profit for the year, after offsetting the accumulated losses, as determined under the PRC Accounting Regulations, to a statutory common reserve fund until the fund balance exceeds 50% of the Group company’s registered capital. The statutory common reserve fund can be used to make good previous years’ losses, if any, and to issue new shares to shareholders in proportion to their existing shareholdings or to increase the par value of the shares currently held by them, provided that the balance after such issue is not less than 25% of the registered capital.


Each of the Group companies is permitted to transfer 5% of its profit for the year as determined under the PRC Accounting Regulations, to a discretionary common reserve fund. The transfer to this reserve is subject to approval at shareholders’ meetings.


No profit appropriation by the Company to the statutory and discretionary reserve fund was made for the year ended December 31, 2012 (2011: Nil), as the Company was in accumulated loss position as at December 31, 2012.




In December 2011, the Group entered into an agreement with a third party to dispose certain aircraft and related engines in the forthcoming 12 months in consideration of high maintenance costs of these aircraft. The aircraft and engines with an aggregated carrying value of RMB482 million (after the impairment loss charge) has been classified as assets held for sale at December 31, 2011. An impairment loss charge of approximately RMB612 million was made against these aircraft and engines by reference to the contracted selling price (Note 10) for the year ended December 31, 2011.


The assets held for sale as at December 31, 2011 were disposed in 2012 and the selling price approximates its carrying value.










(a)Cash generated from operations


   Year ended December 31, 
   2012   2011   2010 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Profit before income tax   3,012,404    4,840,701    5,417,812 
Adjustments for:               
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets   7,509,252    6,911,989    6,726,651 
Gain on disposals of property, plant and equipment   (101,196)   (35,851)   15,893 
Loss on disposals of investment in associates        -    1,013 
Gain on disposals of assets-held-for-sale   -    (2,585)   - 
Gain on disposals of investment in subsidiaries   -    (230)   (45,147)
Share of results of associates   (103,209)   (75,435)   (39,228)
Share of results of jointly controlled entities   (29,960)   (31,437)   (28,154)
Amortization of lease prepayments   47,658    41,777    31,186 
Net foreign exchange gains   (147,836)   (1,872,369)   (1,074,796)
Gain arising from fair value movements of derivative financial instruments   (15,755)   (49,183)   (915,804)
Consumption of flight equipment spare parts   747,268    739,663    601,407 
Impairment/(reversal) provision for trade and other receivables   (6,872)   161,048    1,545 
Provision for post-retirement benefits   581,775    478,502    479,514 
Provision for return condition checks for aircraft under operating leases   792,770    695,415    586,364 
Impairment (reversal)/charges   (13,467)   638,316    405,391 
Interest income   (200,765)   (151,633)   (80,588)
Interest expense   1,697,474    1,462,727    1,501,900 
Operating profit before working capital changes   13,769,541    13,751,415    13,584,959 










(a)Cash generated from operations (continued)


   Year ended December 31, 
   2012   2011   2010 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Changes in working capital               
Flight equipment spare parts   (1,176,365)   (1,023,437)   (776,736)
Trade receivables   (427,908)   104,977    (202,667)
Prepayments and other receivables   (99,757)   1,613,610    1,830,045 
Restricted bank deposits and short-term bank deposits   1,168,036    (945,157)   (1,492,680)
Sales in advance of carriage   (103,222)   619,794    846,502 
Trade payables and notes payables   387,615    (1,601,517)   (3,418,055)
Other payables and accrued expenses   179,263    1,680,679    292,530 
Other long-term liabilities   (383,759)   86,728    569,577 
Provision for return condition checks for aircraft under operating leases   (293,134)   (316,686)   (305,550)
Staff housing allowances   40,361    (144,272)   (166,871)
Post-retirement benefit obligations   (179,873)   (152,358)   (131,581)
Operating lease deposits   (57,963)   107,643    110,366 
    (946,706)   30,004    (2,845,120)
Cash generated from operations   12,822,835    13,781,419    10,739,839 


(b)Non-cash transactions


   Year ended December 31, 
   2012   2011   2010 
   RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Financing activities not affecting cash:               
Issuances of new shares for acquisition of Shanghai Airlines   -    -    9,118,433 
Finance lease obligations incurred for acquisition of aircraft   5,712,958    4,181,145    1,455,152 
    5,712,958    4,181,145    10,573,585 










(a)Capital commitments


The Group had the following capital commitments:


   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Authorized and contracted for:          
- Aircraft, engines and flight equipment (Note)   172,092,301    108,297,645 
- Other property, plant and equipment   1,125,000    568,565 
    173,217,301    108,866,210 
Authorized but not contracted for:          
- Other property, plant and equipment   3,132,616    3,193,495 
- Investment   124,800    - 
    3,257,416    3,193,495 
    176,474,717    112,059,705 




Contracted expenditures for the above aircraft, engines and flight equipment, including deposits prior to delivery, subject to future inflation increases built into the contracts were expected to be paid as follows:


   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Within one year   26,320,538    17,934,594 
In the second year   44,435,072    22,248,728 
In the third year   51,730,954    29,884,980 
In the fourth year   28,830,539    31,362,018 
Over four years   20,775,198    6,867,325 
    172,092,301    108,297,645 










(b)Operating lease commitments


As at the balance sheet date, the Group had commitments under operating leases to pay future minimum lease rentals as follows:


   December 31, 
   2012   2011 
   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Aircraft, engines and flight equipment          
Within one year   3,833,550    3,750,437 
In the second year   3,504,777    3,545,992 
In the third to fifth year inclusive   7,900,135    8,256,751 
After the fifth year   6,438,693    5,368,641 
    21,677,155    20,921,821 
Land and buildings          
Within one year   240,084    241,693 
In the second year   176,726    212,170 
In the third to fifth year inclusive   413,229    335,454 
After the fifth year   2,072,525    2,767,760 
    2,902,564    3,557,077 
    24,579,719    24,478,898 



  (c) Investment commitments


On August 24, 2012, Eastern Air Overseas (Hong Kong) Corporation Limited (“EAO”) (a wholly owned Hong Kong-based subsidiary of the Company) entered into a shareholders’ agreement (the “Shareholders’ Agreement”) with Jetstar International Group Holdings Co., Limited (“JIGH”), a wholly owned Hong Kong-based subsidiary of Qantas Airlines, pursuant to which EAO and JIGH agreed to establish Jetstar Hong Kong. According to the Shareholders’ Agreement, the share capital of Jetstar Hong Kong was amounted to USD198 million and will be contributed equally by EAO and JIGH. As at December 31, 2012, the Group had not yet completed the investment.










The Group is controlled by CEA Holding, which directly owns 42.84% of the Company’s shares as at December 31, 2012 (2011: 42.84%). In addition, through CES Global Holding (Hong Kong) Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of CEA Holding, CEA Holding owns 17.09% of the Company’s shares as at December 31, 2012 (2011: 17.09%).


(a)Nature of related parties that do not control or controlled by the Group:


Name of related party   Relationship with the Group  
Eastern Finance   Controlled by the same parent company  
Kunming Dongmei Aviation Travel Co., Ltd. (“Kunming Dongmei”)   Controlled by the same parent company  
Dongmei Travel   Associate of the Company  
Xian Dongmei Aviation Travel Co., Ltd. (“Xian Dongmei”)   Controlled by the same parent company  
Eastern Import & Export   Associate of the Company  
Wheels & Brakes   Jointly controlled entity of the Company  
Technologies Aerospace   Jointly controlled entity of the Company  
Shanghai P&W   Associate of the Company  
Shanghai Eastern Air Catering Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Catering”)   Controlled by the same parent company  
Eastern Advertising   Associate of the Company  
CEA Development Co. Ltd. (“CEA Development”)   Controlled by the same parent company  
Shanghai Eastern Aviation Equipment Manufacturing Corporation (“Eastern  Aviation”)   Controlled by the same parent company  
Shanghai Hute Aviation Tech. Co. Ltd. (“Shanghai Hute”)   Controlled by the same parent company  
Shanghai Eastern International Aviation Travel Co., Ltd. (“Eastern Aviation Travel”)   Controlled by the same parent company  
Eastern China Kaiya System Integration (“China Kaiya”)   Controlled by the same parent company  
CEA Northwest Co., Ltd. (“CEA Northwest”)   Controlled by the same parent company  
Shanghai Aviation Import & Export Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Import & Export”)   Associate of the Company  
Shanghai Eastern Airlines Investment Co., Ltd.(“Eastern investment”)   Associate of the Company  
Eastern Airlines Travel Investment(Group) Co., Ltd. (“Eastern Travel”)   Associate of the Company  










(b)Related party transactions


(expense or payments)
Nature of transaction  Related party  2012   2011   2010 
      RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
With CEA Holding or companies directly or  indirectly held by CEA Holding:                  
Interest income on deposits at an average rate of 0.39% per annum (2011: 0.50% per annum)  Eastern Finance   45,996    46,242    17,658 
Interest expense on loans at average rate of 5.49% per annum (2011: 5.39% per annum)  Eastern Finance   (87,457)   (51,117)   (61,162)
   CEA Holding   -    (476)   (3,229)
Commission expense on air tickets sold on behalf of the Group, at rates ranging from 3% to 9% of the value of tickets sold **  Kunming Dongmei   (4,858)   (8,285)   (5,173)
   Dongmei Travel   (12,438)   (11,218)   (12,532)
   Xian Dongmei   (2,540)   (858)   (1,092)
Handling charges of 0.1% to 2% for purchase of aircraft, flight equipment, flight equipment spare parts, other property, plant and equipment and repairs for aircraft and engines**  Eastern Import & Export   (78,756)   (57,682)   (59,636)
Repairs and maintenance expense for aircraft and engines **  Wheels & Brakes   (58,483)   (52,098)   (53,949)
   Technologies Aerospace   (194,528)   (169,698)   (176,392)
   Shanghai P&W   (2,009,050)   (1,170,567)   (831,013)
Supply of food and beverages*  Shanghai Catering and its subsidiaries   (783,384)   (737,827)   (544,487)










(b)Related party transactions (continued)


(expense or payments)
Nature of transaction  Related party  2012   2011   2010 
      RMB’000   RMB’000   RMB’000 
Advertising expense **  Eastern Advertising   (38,846)   (18,202)   (20,209)
Media royalty fee **  Eastern Advertising   36,030    12,900    12,000 
Automobile maintenance service, aircraft maintenance, providing transportation automobile and other products**  CEA Development   (121,854)   (102,614)   (39,799)
Equipment maintenance fee **  Eastern Aviation   -    -    (2,974)
   Shanghai Hute   (47,205)   (39,662)   (39,958)
Land and building rental  CEA Holding   (66,763)   (55,140)   (55,140)
Acquisition of non-controlling interests in subsidiaries  CEA Holding   (83,952)   (47,211)   - 
   Shanghai Import & Export   (20,694)   -    - 
Acquisition of  non-controlling interests in associates  Eastern Travel   (13,851)   -    - 
Acquisition of cargo business  Great Wall Airlines   -    (357,261)   - 
Disposal of investment in subsidiaries  Shanghai Catering   -    -    24,064 
   Eastern Import & Export   -    -    57,753 
   Eastern Advertising   -    -    27,264 
Disposal of investment in an associate***  Eastern Investment   93,680    -    - 


*The Group’s pricing policies on products purchased from related parties are based on the mutually agreed prices between contract parties.


**The Group’s pricing policies on services provided by and to related parties are based on the mutually agreed prices between contract parties.


***The Company’s pricing policies on transfer of equity or dispose of investment are based on the valuation prices.










(c)Balances with related companies


(i)Amounts due from related companies


      December 31, 
Nature  Company  2012   2011 
      RMB’000   RMB’000 
Trade receivables  Kunming Dongmei   4,213    211 
   Eastern Aviation Travel   -    11,012 
   Others   4,308    2,340 
       8,521    13,563 
Prepayments and other receivable  Eastern Import & Export   370,125    218,753 
   China Kaiya   19,694    16,189 
   Others   13,025    14,923 
       402,844    249,865 


All the amounts due from related companies are trade in nature, interest free and payable within normal credit terms given to trade customers.


(ii)Amounts due to related companies


      December 31, 
Nature  Company  2012   2011 
      RMB’000   RMB’000 
Trade payables and notes payable  Eastern Import & Export   1,210,603    747,179 
   Shanghai P&W   467,885    278,778 
   Shanghai Catering   134,696    120,260 
   Technologies Aerospace   63,136    28,703 
   Others   73,324    41,392 
       1,949,644    1,216,312 
Other payables and accrued expenses  CEA Holding   73,020    87,115 
   Eastern Import & Export   96,861    1,244 
   Others   25,003    8,231 
       194,884    96,590 


Except for the amounts due to CEA Holding, which are reimbursement in nature, all other amounts due to related companies are trade in nature. All amounts due to related companies are interest free and payable within normal credit terms given by trade creditors.










(c)Balances with related companies (continued)


(iii)Short-term deposits and borrowings with an associate and CEA Holding


   Average interest rate   December 31, 
   2012   2011   2012   2011 
           RMB’000   RMB’000 
Short-term deposits (included in restricted bank deposits and short-term bank deposits)                    
“Eastern Finance”   0.39%   0.50%   1,451,526    2,204,510 
Short-term loans (included in Borrowings)                    
“Eastern Finance”   4.98%   5.02%   675,426    176,425 
Long-term loans (included in Borrowings)                    
“Eastern Finance”   5.64%   5.64%   165,000    135,000 


(d)Guarantees by holding company


As at December 31, 2012, bank loans of the Group with an aggregate amount of RMB95 million (2011: RMB228 million) were guaranteed by CEA Holding (Note 33).




The Directors regard CEA Holding, a state-owned enterprise established in the PRC, as being the ultimate holding company.




EX-4.27 2 v341666_ex4-27.htm EXHIBIT 4.27


DATED 23rd November 2012



as the seller





as the buyer





as the Consenting Party








as Sellers




relating to











Clause   Page
1. Definitions And Interpretation 2
2. Representations And Warranties 5
3. Agreement To Sell And Purchase 6
4. Conditions Precedent 6
5. Payments 7
6. Engines 9
7. Delivery Procedure And Acceptance 9
8. Total Loss Before Delivery 13
9. Condition Of Aircraft 13
10. Operational Indemnities 13
11. Tax Indemnities 14
12. Liability Insurance 15
13. Termination 15
14. A320 Non-Delivery 15
15. Co-Operation 15
16. Manufacturer’s Warranties 16
17. Benefit Of Agreement 16
18. Waiver 16
19. Remarketing 16
20. Notices 17
21. Miscellaneous 17
22. Confidentiality 19
23. Law And Jurisdiction 19





AIRCRAFT SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT (the Agreement) is made on ____________________________2012




1.CHINA EASTERN AIRLINES CORPORATION LIMITED, a company incorporated and existing under the laws of the People’s Republic of China, having its registered office at Hongqiao International Airport, No. 2550 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200335, the People’s Republic of China (referred to in this Agreement as China Eastern);


2.AIRBUS S.A.S., a société par actions simplifiée incorporated under the laws of France whose registered office is at 1 rond-point Maurice Bellonte 31700 Blagnac Cedex, France (referred to in this agreement as Airbus);


3.CHINA EASTERN AVIATION IMPORT AND EXPORT CORPORATION, a company incorporated and existing under the laws of the People’s Republic of China, having its principal place of business at Hongqiao International Airport, No. 2550 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200335, the People’s Republic of China (referred to in this Agreement as the Consenting Party);


4.CHINA EASTERN AIRLINES, WUHAN COMPANY, a company incorporated and existing under the laws of the People’s Republic of China, having its registered office at 188 Julong Avenue, Panlongcheng Economic & Technological Development Zone, Wuhan, the People’s Republic of China (referred to in this Agreement as CES WUHAN);


5.CHINA EASTERN YUNNAN AIRLINES, a company incorporated and existing under the laws of the People’s Republic of China, having its registered office at Wujiaba International Airport, Kunming, Yunnan Province, the People’s Republic of China (referred to in this Agreement as CES YUNNAN);


6.CHINA EASTERN AIRLINES JIANGSU LTD., a company incorporated and existing under the laws of the People’s Republic of China, having its registered office at Lukou International Airport, Nanjing, the People’s Republic of China (referred to in this Agreement as CES JIANGSU); and


7.SHANGHAI AIRLINES COMPANY LIMITED, a company incorporated and existing under the laws of the People’s Republic of China, having its registered office at Room 511 Building 6 No. 92, Honggangsan Rd., Hongqiao Airport, Shanghai, the People’s Republic of China (referred to in this Agreement as SHANGHAI AIRLINES).




  A. China Eastern and Airbus entered into an aircraft general terms agreement on 15 June 2009 and an Airbus A320 family aircraft purchase agreement with reference CT10002329 on 30 December 2010 (together the “Original Purchase Agreement”).
  B. China Eastern and Airbus entered into a first amendment to the Original Purchase Agreement on 28 June 2012 (the “Amendment No. 1”).
  C ***


Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement
Reference CT1242070


D.In connection with and in consideration of the Amendment No. 2, China Eastern has agreed to sell or procure the sale of the Aircraft (as defined below) to Airbus or its nominee and Airbus has agreed to purchase or, as the case may be, to procure the purchase of the Aircraft on the terms and conditions set out herein.


IT IS AGREED as follows:






In this Agreement (including the Schedules to this Agreement) capitalised words and expressions have the following meanings:




Acceptance Certificate means the acceptance certificate in respect of an Aircraft substantially in the form set out in Schedule 7.


Affiliate means, with respect to any person or entity, any other person or entity directly or indirectly controlling or controlled by or under common control with such person or entity or any of the member companies of the same group as such person or entity.


Airbus Conditions Precedent means the documents, evidence and conditions specified in Schedule 5 each in form and substance satisfactory to Airbus.


Airbus Indemnitees means Airbus, any Airbus Nominee and any of their respective Affiliates, shareholders directors, officers, servants, agents and employees.


Airbus Nominee means, at Airbus’ election and with regard to each Aircraft, any person or entity that has been nominated by Airbus (and notified to China Eastern in writing) to accept Delivery of such Aircraft in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.


Aircraft means each Airframe together with the Aircraft Documents, Engines, parts, equipment and accessories relating thereto.


Aircraft Documents has the meaning given to it in Schedule 9.


Airframes means:


(a)the eight (8) Bombardier CRJ-200 airframes as more particularly described in Part 1 of Schedule 1; and/or


(b)the ten (10) Embraer ERJ-145 airframes as more particularly described in Part 1 of Schedule 1,


(each individually an Airframe).


Approved Provider means:


(a)in the case of a Ferry Flight, the relevant Seller, the Consenting Party or any Affiliate of China Eastern approved by Airbus in writing in advance; and


Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement
Reference CT1242070


(b)in the case of an Intermediate Storage or Longer Term Storage, any person approved by Airbus in writing in advance.


Aviation Authority means the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) and includes any successor agency to the CAAC.


Bill of Sale means the bill of sale in respect of an Aircraft substantially in the form set out in Schedule 6.


Business Day means: (i) any day other than a Saturday or Sunday on which business of the nature contemplated by this Agreement is carried out in Toulouse, Shanghai and the location of any Airbus Nominee; and (ii) where used in relation to payments, any days on which banks are open for business in Toulouse, Shanghai, New York and the location of any Airbus Nominee.


China Eastern Conditions Precedent means the documents, evidence and conditions specified in Schedule 4, each in form and substance satisfactory to China Eastern.


China Eastern Indemnitees means China Eastern and any of its respective Affiliates, shareholders, directors, officers, servants, agents and employees.


Conditions Precedent means, collectively, the Airbus Conditions Precedent and the China Eastern Conditions Precedent.


Delivery means, with regard to each Aircraft, the delivery of, sale and transfer of title to such Aircraft in accordance with Clause 7 (and the term Delivered shall be construed accordingly).


Delivery Condition means the conditions set out in Schedule 9.


Delivery Date means, with regard to each Aircraft, the actual date (being a Business Day) on which Delivery of such Aircraft occurs.


Delivery Location means, in respect of each Aircraft, the location of Delivery of the Aircraft as specified in column 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 1 or such other location as Airbus and China Eastern may agree in writing.


Engines means, together, all of the engines listed in Part 2 of Schedule 1 and, with regard to a specific Aircraft, the two (2) of such engines (of make and model relevant to that Aircraft type as specified in column 4 of Part 1 of Schedule 1) installed on or to be installed on that Airframe at Delivery.


Ferry Flight has the meaning given to it in clause 7.10.1.


Ferry Flight Agreement has the meaning given to it in clause 7.10.4.


Ferry Flight Destination has the meaning given to it in clause 7.10.1.


FOD means foreign object damage.


Gross Sale Price means, in respect of each Aircraft, the amount in US Dollars relevant to such Aircraft specified in column 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 1.


Intermediate Storage has the meaning given to it in clause 7.10.2.


Lien means any mortgage, charge, assignment, pledge, lien, statutory right in rem, right of possession, attachment or detention, right of set-off, title retention arrangement, encumbrance or any other arrangement which has the effect of giving another person any security claim or interest.


Longer Term Storage has the meaning given to it in clause 7.10.4.


Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement
Reference CT1242070


Losses and Loss means as the context may require, costs, expenses, fees, interest, payments, demands, obligations, liabilities, claims, suits, actions, proceedings, penalties, fines, damages, judgements, orders or other sanctions causing pecuniary or other economic loss.


Manufacturer Agreement has the meaning given to it in paragraph (e) of Schedule 5 to this Agreement.


Material Damage means any incident or accident involving an Aircraft which would in have a material negative effect on the residual value or utility of the Aircraft.


Non-PRC Deduction has the meaning given to it in Clause 5.6.1.


Non-PRC Taxes means any and all Taxes imposed from time to time by any political or government entity or taxation authority outside the PRC.


PRC means the People’s Republic of China.


PRC Deduction has the meaning given to it in Clause 5.5.1.


PRC Taxes means any and all Taxes imposed from time to time by any political or government entity or taxation authority in the PRC.


Prospective Lessee or Purchaser means, with regard to each Aircraft, any person or entity that has expressed an interest in writing to Airbus (and that Airbus has notified to China Eastern in writing) to lease or purchase such Aircraft and who may participate in the Aircraft inspection process, limited to a maximum of two such persons or entities for any one Aircraft.


Sale Documents means this Agreement, the Bills of Sale, the Acceptance Certificates, any Ferry Flight Agreement(s), and Storage Agreements(s), any other agreement in writing agreed by Airbus and China Eastern to be a Sale Document and any written agreement amending or supplementing any of the foregoing.


Scheduled Delivery Date has the meaning given to it in clause 7.1, such date being a Business Day (otherwise the Scheduled Delivery Date shall be the next occurring Business Day).


Seller means collectively each of CES WUHAN, CES YUNNAN, CES JIANGSU and SHANGHAI AIRLINES and in respect of each Aircraft the Seller identified alongside such Aircraft in column 8 of Part 1 of Schedule 1.


Storage Agreement has the meaning given to it in clause 7.10.5.


Taxes means any and all taxes, (including, without limitation, gross receipts, franchise, capital, preferences, sales, rentals, use, turnover, property (tangible and intangible), documentary, excise, stamp duties or value added taxes), levies, imposts, duties, charges, surcharges, assessments or withholdings of any nature whatsoever together with any and all penalties, fines, additions to tax and interest thereon or computed with reference thereto.


Termination Event means any of the events or circumstances set out in Clause 13.1.


Total Loss means, with respect to an Aircraft:






Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement
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Undelivered A320 has the meaning given to it in Clause 14.1.


Undelivered Aircraft means each Aircraft in respect of which sale by China Eastern or the relevant Seller and purchase by Airbus or by an Airbus Nominee, as the case may be, under this Agreement has not yet been completed and in respect of which no Bill of Sale has been signed and delivered.


US Dollars and US$ shall mean the lawful currency of the United States.




In this Agreement (including the Schedules to this Agreement), unless the contrary intention is stated, a reference to:


(i)each of China Eastern, Airbus or any other person includes, without prejudice to the provisions of this Agreement restricting transfer or assignment, any successor, assignee or transferee;


(ii)words importing the plural shall include the singular and vice versa;


(iii)any document shall include that document as amended, novated, assigned or supplemented;


(iv)a Clause or a Schedule is a reference to a clause of or a schedule to this Agreement;


(v)any law, or to any specified provision of any law, is a reference to such law or provision as amended, substituted or re enacted; and


(vi)airworthy and airworthiness unless otherwise indicated means airworthiness according to all requirements of the Aviation Authority (passenger transport category CCAR121) and the possession in respect of an Aircraft of a current Certificate of Airworthiness issued by the Aviation Authority.


Clause and Schedule headings are for ease of reference only and shall not modify, define, expand or limit any of the terms or provisions of this Agreement.




2.1China Eastern Representations and Warranties


China Eastern represents and warrants to Airbus on the terms set out in Schedule 2. The representations and warranties in Schedule 2 will survive the execution of this Agreement and will be deemed to be repeated by China Eastern on the date hereof and on the Delivery Date of each Aircraft with reference to the facts and circumstances then existing.


2.2Airbus’ Representations and Warranties


Airbus represents and warrants to China Eastern on the terms set out in Schedule 3. The representations and warranties in Schedule 3 will survive the execution of this Agreement and will be deemed to be repeated by Airbus on the date hereof and on the Delivery Date of each Aircraft with reference to the facts and circumstances then existing.


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2.3No Prejudice


The rights of Airbus and China Eastern in relation to any misrepresentation or breach of warranty by Airbus or, as the case may be, China Eastern shall not be prejudiced by any investigation by or on behalf of Airbus or, as the case may be, China Eastern into the affairs of such other party.




3.1Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, China Eastern agrees to sell or procure the sale of each Aircraft to Airbus or, if applicable, to an Airbus Nominee and Airbus agrees to purchase or, as the case may be, to procure the purchase of each Aircraft by such Airbus Nominee in the Delivery Condition.


3.2Other than in respect of any transfer made in accordance with Clause 17, Airbus will remain bound by the terms of this Agreement to the extent that any Airbus Nominee fails to perform.


3.3Other than in respect of any transfer made in accordance with Clause 17, China Eastern will remain bound by the terms of this Agreement to the extent that any Seller fails to perform.




4.1China Eastern Conditions Precedent


4.1.1The obligation of China Eastern to sell or to procure the sale of each Aircraft shall be subject to fulfilment of the China Eastern Conditions Precedent set out in Schedule 4, on or prior to the date for fulfilment of such China Eastern Conditions Precedent (except to the extent that China Eastern agrees in writing in its absolute discretion to waive or defer any such condition).


4.1.2The China Eastern Conditions Precedent have been inserted for the benefit of China Eastern and may be waived in writing, in whole or in part and with or without conditions, by China Eastern without prejudicing the right of China Eastern to receive fulfilment of such conditions, in whole or in part, at any time thereafter.


4.2Airbus Conditions Precedent


4.2.1The obligation of Airbus to purchase or, as the case may be, to procure the purchase by the Airbus Nominee of each Aircraft shall be subject to fulfilment of the Airbus Conditions Precedent set out in Schedule 5, on or prior to the date for fulfilment of such Airbus Conditions Precedent (except to the extent that Airbus agrees in writing in its absolute discretion to waive or defer any such condition).


4.2.2The Airbus Conditions Precedent have been inserted for the benefit of Airbus and may be waived in writing, in whole or in part and with or without conditions, by Airbus without prejudicing the right of Airbus to receive fulfilment of such conditions, in whole or in part, at any time thereafter.


4.3Non-fulfilment of Conditions Precedent


If any of the Conditions Precedent remain outstanding on an Aircraft’s Scheduled Delivery Date and are not waived or deferred in writing by China Eastern or, as the case may be, Airbus, the relevant provisions of Clause 7.2 shall apply.


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5.1Gross Sale Price


The purchase price for each Aircraft shall be an amount in US Dollars equal to the Gross Sale Price of such Aircraft.


5.2Clause 5.2


Intentionally left blank.


5.3Payment of Gross Sale Price


Airbus shall on the Delivery Date of each Aircraft pay or procure the payment to China Eastern of the Gross Sale Price in respect of such Aircraft, such payment to be made in accordance with the provisions of Clauses 5.4 to 5.9 below.












5.5No gross-up - Airbus




(a) ***


(b) ***


(c) ***


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5.6Gross-up - Airbus






5.7No gross-up - China Eastern




(a) ***


(b) ***


(c) ***






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5.8Gross-up - China Eastern








Airbus shall pay or, as the case may be, procure the payment of each Gross Sale Price in US Dollars in immediately available funds by wire transfer to the following account:


Beneficiary: ***
Account Number: ***
Receiving Bank: ***
SWIFT Address: ***


If any payment would otherwise be due on a non Business Day, it will be due on the next succeeding Business Day.




Each Aircraft shall be Delivered with two (2) of the Engines listed in Part 2 of Schedule 1 installed (of make and model relevant to that Aircraft type). The engine serial numbers ***




7.1Scheduled Delivery Dates


Airbus and China Eastern agree that the Aircraft shall each be Delivered during the quarters set out in column 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 1 *** (each a Scheduled Delivery Date).


7.2Late Delivery


7.2.1China Eastern shall immediately notify Airbus upon becoming aware of any circumstances which could result in China Eastern not being in a position to tender or procure the tender of any Aircraft for Delivery on its Scheduled Delivery Date.


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7.3Delivery Condition


Airbus’ obligation to purchase each Aircraft is conditional upon each Aircraft complying on its Delivery Date with the Delivery Condition.




With regard to each Aircraft, Airbus and any Airbus Nominee shall be entitled to conduct a physical inspection and records analysis in accordance with and in the manner set out in Schedule 9 for the purposes of confirming that such Aircraft meets the Delivery Condition and is otherwise airworthy and in good working order and repair.




China Eastern shall tender or procure the tender of each Aircraft for Delivery to Airbus or, as the case may be, any Airbus Nominee in the Delivery Condition at the Delivery Location on the Scheduled Delivery Date.




Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the receipt or waiver by Airbus of the Airbus Conditions Precedent set out in Schedule 5, Airbus shall be obliged to accept delivery (or to procure that the Airbus Nominee accepts delivery) of each Aircraft when tendered for delivery in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and to execute and deliver (or to procure that the Airbus Nominee executes and delivers) the Acceptance Certificate in respect of such Aircraft, which shall be conclusive evidence of the matters stated therein.


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7.7Transfer of Title


With regard to each Aircraft, upon:


7.7.1delivery to China Eastern of the Acceptance Certificate relating to such Aircraft duly executed by Airbus or by the Airbus Nominee, as applicable; and


7.7.2receipt or waiver by China Eastern of the China Eastern Conditions Precedent set out in Schedule 4,


China Eastern shall pass, or shall procure the passing of, title to such Aircraft to Airbus or, as the case may be, the Airbus Nominee by delivering a Bill of Sale, with full title guarantee free and clear of all Liens.


7.8Risk Passing


The risk of loss or destruction of each Aircraft or damage to such Aircraft shall pass to Airbus or, as the case may be, to the Airbus Nominee upon Delivery.


7.9Exportation & Customs Clearance




7.10Post-Delivery Ferry Flights / Intermediate Storage / Longer Term Storage












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10.3The obligations of China Eastern and Airbus to make any payment pursuant to this Clause 10 are continuing obligations and shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement.










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Airbus shall maintain or procure that liability insurance is maintained in respect of each Aircraft with China Eastern or the relevant Seller, as the case may be, as additional insured during the period commencing on its Delivery Date and ending on the earlier of:






13.1The termination of the A320 Purchase Agreement for any reason in accordance with its terms with respect to any or all of the A320 Aircraft shall be a Termination Event and shall constitute a repudiatory breach by China Eastern of this Agreement.


13.2If a Termination Event occurs, Airbus may, at its option and without prejudice to any other rights it may then have, at any time thereafter terminate all or part this Agreement and any other Sale Documents (including, without limitation, with respect to any or all Undelivered Aircraft), whereupon all or part (as applicable) of this Agreement and any such Sale Documents shall be of no further force and effect.












Airbus requests and China Eastern undertakes at its own cost to cooperate (and to ensure the cooperation of each Seller) fully with Airbus at all times and to provide (and to ensure the provision by each Seller of) all assistance and access as may be reasonable within its power to facilitate the remarketing of each Aircraft by Airbus to any third party or potential Airbus Nominee, provided that such co-operation does not unreasonably disrupt the scheduled revenue passenger operations of each Aircraft.


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16.1China Eastern hereby agrees to procure the assignment to Airbus or, as the case may be, to the Airbus Nominee of any remaining and assignable warranties of any manufacturer, vendor or repairer which may exist at Delivery.


16.2If it is not possible for China Eastern to assign certain remaining warranties of any manufacturer, vendor or repairer which may exist at Delivery, China Eastern agrees to use its best endeavours to procure that the benefit of such warranties is transferred to or is otherwise accounted for to Airbus or, as the case may be, to the Airbus Nominee.




Airbus shall at any time have (i) the right to nominate an Airbus Nominee to act as buyer in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement and/or (ii) the right to assign, sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of its rights and obligations under this Agreement and the other Sale Documents to any person with the consent of China Eastern (not to be unreasonably withheld). The agreements contained in this Agreement are, without prejudice to China Eastern’s right to nominate an Approved Provider under Clause 7.10 or to procure the sale of any Aircraft by a Seller, personal to China Eastern and none of China Eastern, the Sellers and the Consenting Party may assign, transfer, novate or otherwise dispose of any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement or the Sale Documents without the prior written agreement of Airbus.




18.1The failure of any party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Agreement, or to exercise any option herein provided, or to require at any time performance by the other party of any of the provisions herein, shall in no way be construed to be a present or future waiver of such provision nor in any way affect the validity of this Agreement or any part thereof or the right of the other party thereafter to enforce each and every such provision.


18.2The waiver by any party to any provision, condition or requirement of this Agreement (otherwise than by express waiver or a variation in writing) shall not constitute a waiver of any future obligation to comply with such provision, condition or requirement.


18.3The rights, remedies, powers and privileges herein provided are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights, remedies, powers and privileges provided by applicable law.








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All notices under or in connection with this Agreement will, unless otherwise stated, be given in writing by letter or facsimile. Any such notice is deemed effectively to be given as follows:


20.1if by letter, when delivered; and


20.2if by facsimile, when transmitted and full transmission has been confirmed by the sender’s fax machine.


The address and facsimile numbers of China Eastern and Airbus are as follows:


China Eastern: China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited
Address: Hongqiao International Airport
No. 2550 Hongqiao Road
Shanghai 200335
People’s Republic of China
Attention: Manager - Fleet Planning
Facsimile: +86 21 62686393
Airbus: Airbus S.A.S.
Address: 1 rond-point Maurice Bellonte
31707 Blagnac CEDEX
Attention: Vice President - Asset Management
Facsimile: +33 5 61 93 30 37







If a provision of this Agreement or any of the other Sale Documents is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction that will not affect:


21.1.1the legality, validity or enforceability in that jurisdiction of any other provision of this Agreement or the Sale Documents; or


21.1.2the legality, validity or enforceability in any other jurisdiction of that or any other provision of this Agreement or the Sale Documents.




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21.3Sole and Entire Agreement


This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties in relation to the matters referred to herein and supersedes any previous understandings, commitments or representations whatsoever oral or written. No provision of this Agreement may be changed, waived or discharged except by an instrument in writing signed by all parties (or by their duly authorised representatives or agents).




All notices to be given under this Agreement will be in English. All other documents delivered to China Eastern by Airbus or, as the case may be, delivered to Airbus by China Eastern, pursuant to this Agreement will (unless otherwise expressly stated herein) be in English, or if not in English, will be accompanied by a certified English translation. If there is any inconsistency between the English version of this Agreement and any version in any other language, the English version will prevail.


21.5Time of the Essence


The time stipulated in this Agreement for the performance of the payment obligations of Airbus or China Eastern, as the case may be, under this Agreement shall be of the essence of this Agreement.




This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which will constitute one and the same document.


21.7Further Assurances


Airbus and China Eastern each agree from time to time and at the requesting party’s cost to do and perform such other and further acts and execute and deliver any and all such other instruments as may be required by law or requested by the other party to establish, maintain and protect the rights and remedies of such party and to carry out and effect the intent and purpose of this Agreement.


21.8Third Party Rights


The parties do not intend that any term of this Agreement shall be enforceable solely by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 (the Act) by any person who is not a party to this Agreement. The parties may rescind, vary, waive, release, assign, novate or otherwise dispose of all or any of their respective rights or obligations under this Agreement in accordance with the terms of this Agreement without the consent of any person who is not a party to this Agreement.


21.9No Brokers


Airbus and China Eastern each represent and warrant to the other that it has not paid, agreed to pay or caused to be paid directly or indirectly in any form any commission, percentage, contingent fee, brokerage or other similar payments of any kind, in connection with this Agreement or the other Sale Documents or any of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.  Each party agrees to indemnify and hold the others harmless from and against any and all claims, suits, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) asserted by any agent, broker or third party appointed by the indemnifying party in respect of any commission or compensation of any nature whatsoever based upon the Aircraft, this Agreement, the other Sale Documents or any of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.


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21.10Consenting Party and Sellers


The Consenting Party and each of the Sellers signs this Agreement in acknowledgement of its terms and does not, unless otherwise expressly stated, have any rights or obligations arising under or out of this Agreement.




22.1This Agreement (and its existence) and any data exchanged between the parties in connection with this Agreement (together the Confidential Information) shall be treated by the parties as confidential and shall not be released in whole or in part to any third party except:


22.1.1as may be required by law;
22.1.2to appointed legal, tax or accounting advisors who are bound by a professional duty of confidentiality and who need to be involved for the implementation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;
22.1.3by Airbus to an Airbus Nominee;
22.1.4otherwise in accordance with Clause 22.2.2 below.


22.2Without prejudice to the foregoing, the parties agree:


22.2.1not to make any press release concerning the Confidential Information without the prior written consent of the other party hereto; and


22.2.2that each party shall enter into consultations with the others reasonably in advance of any required disclosure of Confidential Information to a third party (the Receiving Party) and that any subsequent disclosure to a Relevant Party shall be subject to written agreement between China Eastern and Airbus, including in particular, but not limited to, the following details:


(a)the contact details of the Receiving Party; and


(b)the nature and extent of the Confidential Information being disclosed.


22.3In the case of a disclosure of Confidential Information by China Eastern, any Seller or the Consenting Party in connection with any filing required to be made with any governmental or regulatory agency, China Eastern, such Seller and the Consenting Party shall use their best efforts to limit the disclosure of the Confidential Information to the minimum that is legally required. China Eastern agrees that prior to any such disclosure or filing, Airbus and China Eastern shall jointly review and agree on the Confidential Information to be filed or disclosed.


22.4The provisions of this Clause 22 shall survive any termination of this Agreement for a period of twelve (12) years after the date of Delivery of the last Aircraft to be delivered under this Agreement.




23.1This Agreement and the relationship between the parties shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law.


23.2The courts of England are to have jurisdiction to settle any disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement and each party submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts with respect to such disputes


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23.3Each party:


23.3.1waives objection to the English courts on grounds of forum non conveniens or otherwise as regards proceedings in connection with this Agreement;


23.3.2agrees that a judgment or order of an English court in connection with this Agreement is conclusive and binding on it and may be enforced against it in the courts of any other jurisdiction.


23.4Without prejudice to any other mode of service allowed under any relevant law:


23.4.1China Eastern, the Sellers and the Consenting Party appoint China Eastern Airlines London Office of 37-39 George Street, London, W1U 3QD, United Kingdom as their agent for service of process in relation to any proceedings before the English courts in connection with any Sale Document; and


23.4.2Airbus appoints Airbus Operations Limited, New Filton House, Filton, Bristol, BS99 7AR, United Kingdom as its agent for service of process in relation to any proceedings before the English courts in connection with any Sale Document; and


all parties agree that failure by a process agent to notify them of the process will not invalidate the proceedings concerned.


IN WITNESS whereof this Agreement has been signed on the day and year first above written.


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Part 1







Serial Number











Delivery Location



Delivery Date



Gross Sale Price







  7571   B-3013   CF34-3B1   Kunming   ***   ***   CES YUNNAN  



  7581   B-3019   CF34-3B1   Kunming   ***   ***   CES YUNNAN  



  7596   B-3021   CF34-3B1   Kunming   ***   ***   CES YUNNAN  



  7647   B-3070   CF34-3B1   Kunming   ***   ***   CES YUNNAN  


Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement
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Serial Number











Delivery Location



Delivery Date



Gross Sale Price







  7684   B-3071   CF34-3B1   Kunming   ***   ***   CES YUNNAN  



  7453   B-3018   CF34-3B1   Shanghai   ***   ***  






  7459   B-3020   CF34-3B1   Shanghai   ***   ***  






  7556   B-3011   CF34-3B1   Shanghai   ***   ***  






  14500839   B-3049   AE3007A1   Nanjing   ***   ***   CES JIANGSU  



  14500848   B-3050   AE3007A1   Nanjing   ***   ***   CES JIANGSU  


Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement
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Serial Number











Delivery Location



Delivery Date



Gross Sale Price







  14500898   B-3051   AE3007A1   Nanjing   ***   ***   CES JIANGSU  



  14500905   B-3052   AE3007A1   Nanjing   ***   ***   CES JIANGSU  



  14500882   B-3053   AE3007A1   Nanjing   ***   ***   CES JIANGSU  



  14500921   B-3055   AE3007A1   Wuhan   ***    ***   CES WUHAN  



  14500928   B-3056   AE3007A1   Wuhan   ***    ***   CES WUHAN  



  14500932   B-3057   AE3007A1   Wuhan    ***    ***   CES WUHAN  


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Serial Number











Delivery Location



Delivery Date



Gross Sale Price







  14500958   B-3058   AE3007A1   Wuhan   ***   ***   CES WUHAN  



  14500949   B-3059   AE3007A1   Wuhan   ***   ***   CES WUHAN  


Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement
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Part 2


Engine Make/Model: CF34-3B1 (16 of the following 19 engine pool)


Engine Serial Numbers
873589 873246
873161 873493
872856 872878
873195 873387
873235 872855
873390 873123
873164 872877
873234 873118
873490 873388


Engine Make/Model: AE3007A1 (20 of the following 24 engine pool)


Engine Serial Numbers
CAE-312818 CAE-312866 CAE-313006 CAE-312963
CAE-312819 CAE-312878 CAE-313014 CAE-312979
CAE-312853 CAE-312854 CAE-312952 CAE-312855
CAE-312938 CAE-312940 CAE-313013 CAE-312863
CAE-312777 CAE-313005 CAE-312957 CAE-312982
CAE-312861 CAE-313039 CAE-312980 CAE-313040


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China Eastern represents and warrants to Airbus that:


(a)Status: China Eastern and each Seller are companies duly incorporated under the laws of China and each Seller is a wholly owned subsidiary of China Eastern;


(b)Power and authority: China Eastern and each Seller have the power to: (i) enter into and perform and have taken all necessary action to authorise the entry into, performance and delivery of this Agreement and the other Sale Documents to which they are party; (ii) to own their assets; and (iii) carry on their business as it is being conducted;


(c)Legal validity: this Agreement and the other Sale Documents to which China Eastern and each Seller are party constitute, or when entered into will constitute, China Eastern’s and/or such Seller’s legal, valid and binding obligation;


(d)Non-conflict: neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement or any of the other Sale Documents to which China Eastern or any Seller is party, nor the performance of any of the obligations contained herein or therein will contravene any law, judgement or order by which China Eastern or such Seller or any of their assets is bound or affected; and


(e)No immunity:


(i)China Eastern and each Seller are subject to civil commercial law with respect to their obligations under this Agreement and the other Sale Documents to which they are party; and


(ii)none of China Eastern, each Seller nor any of their assets are entitled to any right of immunity, and the entry into and performance of this Agreement and the other Sale Documents to which they are party constitute private and commercial acts.


(f)No Liens: at the Delivery the Aircraft shall be free and clear of all Liens.


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Airbus represents and warrants to China Eastern that:


(g)Status: Airbus is a company duly incorporated under the laws of France.


(h)Power and authority: Airbus has the power to enter into and perform, and has taken all necessary corporate action to (i) authorise the entry into, performance and delivery of this Agreement and the other Sale Documents to which it is party; (ii) own its assets; and (iii) carry on its business as it is being conducted.


(i)Legal validity: this Agreement and the other Sale Documents to which it is a party constitutes, or when entered into will constitute, Airbus’ legal, valid and binding obligations enforceable against Airbus in accordance with the terms hereof and thereof;


(j)Non-conflict: neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement or any of the other Sale Documents to which Airbus is party, nor the performance of any of the obligations contained herein or therein will contravene any law, judgement or order by which Airbus or any of its assets are bound or affected;


(k)No immunity:


(i)Airbus is subject to civil commercial law with respect to its obligations under this Agreement and the other Sale Documents to which it is a party; and
(ii)neither Airbus nor any of its assets is entitled to any right of immunity, and the entry into and performance by Airbus of this Agreement and the other Sale Documents to which it is a party constitute private and commercial acts.


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The obligation of China Eastern to sell and deliver an Aircraft or to procure the sale and delivery of an Aircraft on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement is conditional upon satisfaction in full, on the Delivery Date, of the following conditions, each in form and substance satisfactory to China Eastern:


(a)Insurance: ***


(b)Licences, Consents and Registrations: ***


(c)No Default: ***


(d)Representations: ***


(e)Legality: ***


(f)No Total Loss or Material Damage: ***


(g)Gross Sale Price: ***


(h)Opinion ***


(i)Powers of Attorney: ***


(j)Corporate Certificate: ***


(k)Sale Documents: ***


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The obligation of Airbus to purchase or procure the purchase of an Aircraft on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement is conditional upon satisfaction in full, on the Delivery Date (unless otherwise stated), of the following conditions, each in form and substance satisfactory to Airbus:


(a)Corporate Certificate: ***


(b)Opinions: ***


(c)Licences, Consents and Registrations: ***












(f)Representations: ***


(g)Legality: ***


Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement
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(h)No Total Loss or Material Damage: ***


(i)Delivery Condition: ***


(j)Delivery Location: ***


(k)Process Agent: ***


(l)Sale Documents: ***


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For valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, [          ] (Seller), owner of the aircraft described below (hereinafter referred to as the Aircraft):


1.one (1) [          ] aircraft bearing manufacturer’s serial number [          ];


2.two (2) [         ] engines bearing manufacturer’s serial numbers [         ] and [         ];


3.all equipment, accessories and parts belonging to, installed in or appurtenant to such Aircraft; and


4.the documents, data and records relating to the Aircraft,


does hereby sell, grant, transfer and deliver all its right, title and interest in and to the Aircraft with full title guarantee to [          ] (the Buyer) to have and hold forever free and clear of all Liens.


The Seller hereby warrants to the Buyer, and its successors and assigns, that there is hereby conveyed to the Buyer, with full title guarantee, all of the Seller’s right, title and interest in and to the Aircraft free and clear of all Liens and that it will warrant and defend such title forever against all claims and demands whatsoever.


Unless otherwise defined herein, all capitalised terms and expressions used in this Bill of Sale shall have the meanings given in the aircraft sale and purchase agreement dated [          ] 2012 and made between China Eastern, China Eastern Aviation Import and Export Corporation and Airbus S.A.S. (the Agreement).


Except as otherwise provided herein or pursuant to the Agreement, the Aircraft is sold on the basis of an as is, where is sale.


This Bill of Sale is governed by English law.


IN WITNESS whereof, the Seller has caused this Bill of Sale to be duly executed at [          ] am/pm in [          ] this [          ] day of [          ]


SIGNED by a duly authorised representative )  
for and on behalf of )  
[          ] )  
in the presence of:    


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MANUFACTURER’S SERIAL NUMBER [          ] (the Aircraft)


[          ] (the Buyer) hereby certifies that pursuant to the aircraft sale and purchase agreement dated [          ] 2012 between China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited, China Eastern Aviation Import and Export Corporation and Airbus S.A.S. (the Agreement):


(a)[the Buyer has inspected the Aircraft, found it to be complete and satisfactory to it and the Aircraft conforms with the description and is in the condition and equipped as required by the Agreement];


(b)the Buyer has accepted delivery of the Aircraft; and


(c)the Buyer [has inspected, found to be complete and satisfactory to it and] has received all of the documents, data and records relating to the Aircraft as required by the Agreement.


Capitalised terms and expressions used in this Acceptance Certificate shall have the meanings given in the Agreement.


Date: [          ] 2012


SIGNED by a duly authorised representative )  
for and on behalf of )  
[          ] )  
in the presence of:    


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Intentionally left blank.


Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement
Reference CT1242070






At delivery of any Aircraft (the Delivery) the Aircraft will comply with each of the conditions set out below (the Delivery Condition). The procedures for ascertaining if the Aircraft comply with the Delivery Condition are set out in paragraphs 3, 5(b) and 6 to 10 hereunder. Except if and where otherwise expressly stated, the Delivery Condition shall be met at China Eastern’s cost.


All references to Airbus hereunder, in its capacity as buyer of the Aircraft, shall be deemed also to include reference to any Airbus Nominee.


Capitalised terms not otherwise defined in this Schedule 9 shall have the same meanings as are ascribed to them in Clause 1 of the Agreement.


1.General Condition




2.Certificate of Airworthiness Matters


On the Delivery Date the Aircraft shall:






3.Condition of Engines






4.Condition of APU




Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement
Reference CT1242070


5.Aircraft Documents


(a)China Eastern shall provide to Airbus without prejudice to paragraph 12 below:






















(ii)with respect to Engines:-










E.*** and


(iii)With respect to the APU:-














Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement
Reference CT1242070




6.Ground Inspection by Airbus




7.Operational Ground Check




8.Acceptance Flight




Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement
Reference CT1242070




































as long as any such finding still allows the Aircraft to be released for commercial passenger transport operations under Aviation Authority airworthiness requirements.


Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement
Reference CT1242070


For any issues which may be found unresolved during inspection which China Eastern estimates are necessary to correct and/or do not allow the Aircraft to be released for commercial passenger transport operations under Aviation Authority airworthiness requirements, China Eastern shall repair or replace the part or missing item at its expense. Unless otherwise agreed between Airbus and China Eastern, Airbus shall not require financial compensation as an alternative remedy to such findings.


Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement
Reference CT1242070






Intentionally left blank.


Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement
Reference CT1242070




SIGNED by a duly authorised representative )  
for and on behalf of )  
AIRBUS S.A.S. ) /s/ John LEAHY
  ) John LEAHY
China Eastern    
SIGNED by a duly authorised representative )  
for and on behalf of )  
Consenting Party

SIGNED by a duly authorised representative
for and on behalf of



Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement
Reference CT1242070




SIGNED by a duly authorised representative
for and on behalf of
SIGNED by a duly authorised representative
for and on behalf of
SIGNED by a duly authorised representative
for and on behalf of
SIGNED by a duly authorised representative
for and on behalf of


Aircraft Sale and Purchase Agreement
Reference CT1242070




To:AIRBUS S.A.S. (Airbus)

1 rond-point Maurice Bellonte 31700 Blagnac Cedex, France



Bai Yun Airport, Guangzhou 510405, the People’s Republic of China



(the Consenting Party) Hongqiao International Airport, No. 2550 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200335, the People’s Republic of China



188 Julong Avenue, Panlongcheng Economic & Technological Development Zone, Wuhan, the People’s Republic of China



Wujiaba International Airport, Kunming, Yunnan Province, the People’s Republic of China



Lukou International Airport, Nanjing, the People’s Republic of China



Room 511 Building 6 No. 92, Honggangsan Rd., Hongqiao Airport, Shanghai, the People’s Republic of China


23rd November 2012


Dear Sir or Madam,


1.We refer to:


(a)the aircraft sale and purchase agreement (the Agreement) dated today’s date entered into between Airbus, China Eastern, the Consenting Party, CES WUHAN, CES YUNNAN, CES JIANGSU and SHANGHAI AIRLINES (together the Parties) with respect to the sale and purchase of eight (8) Bombardier CRJ-200 and ten (10) Embraer ERJ-145 aircraft (together the Aircraft); and




2.Capitalised terms used in this Side Letter and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings given to them in the Agreement.






Total Loss Side Letter 1




4.Each Lost Aircraft Credit will be granted subject to the following conditions:












5.Notwithstanding this Side Letter, the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect in accordance with its terms.


6.As between the Parties, this Side Letter forms an integral part of the arrangements contemplated by the Agreement and is a “Sale Document”.


7.Clauses 21 (Miscellaneous), 22 (Confidentiality) and 23 (Law and Jurisdiction) of the Agreement shall each apply to this Side Letter as if set out here in full herein, save that references to the “Agreement” shall instead be read as references to this Side Letter.


8.Airbus enters into the Agreement and this Side Letter in consideration of China Eastern entering into the Amendment No. 2.


9.If you agree to the terms of this Side Letter, please sign in acknowledgement and agreement of its terms where indicated below.


Total Loss Side Letter 2




Yours faithfully,


SIGNED by a duly authorised representative
for and on behalf of


Signed in acknowledgement and agreement of the terms of this Side Letter


SIGNED by a duly authorised representative )  
for and on behalf of )  
  )    /s/ John LEAHY
  ) John LEAHY


Total Loss Side Letter 3




Signed in acknowledgement and agreement of the terms of this Side Letter


SIGNED by a duly authorised representative
for and on behalf of
SIGNED by a duly authorised representative
for and on behalf of
SIGNED by a duly authorised representative
for and on behalf of
SIGNED by a duly authorised representative
for and on behalf of
SIGNED by a duly authorised representative
for and on behalf of


Total Loss Side Letter 4

EX-4.28 3 v341666_ex4-28.htm EXHIBIT 4.28


Amendment N° 2


to the


A320 Family Purchase Agreement


dated December 30th, 2010










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Amendment N°2 - A320 - CES


This amendment N°2 (the “Amendment N° 2”) to the A320 family purchase agreement dated December 10th, 2010 is made on the 23rd day of November 2012,




AIRBUS S.A.S., a société par actions simplifiée, created and existing under French law having its registered office at 1 Rond-Point Maurice Bellonte, 31707 Blagnac-Cedex, France and registered with the Toulouse Registre du Commerce under number RCS Toulouse 383 474 814


(hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”), on the one part,




CHINA EASTERN AIRLINES CORPORATION, LIMITED, a company organised under the laws of the People’s Republic of China having its principal place of business at Hongqiao International Airport, No. 2550 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200335, People’s republic of China,


(hereinafter referred to as the the “Buyer”) of the other part.


Each individually being hereinafter referred to as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”.


CHINA EASTERN AVIATION IMPORT AND EXPORT CORPORATION, a company organised under the laws of the People’s Republic of China having its principal place of business at Hongqiao International Airport, No. 2550 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200335, People’s republic of China (the “Consenting Party”), whose roles are more fully described in the payment agreement dated as of even date between the Parties and the Consenting Party, is not a Party to the Amendment No.2, but is acknowledging and witnessing its execution by countersigning the last page.


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A.On June 15th, 2009, the Parties have entered into an aircraft general terms agreement (reference CSC 0800.890, referred to as the “AGTA”).


B.On December 30th, 2010, the Parites have signed an A320 family purchase agreement (reference CT10002329, referred to as the “Purchase Agreement”), together with the AGTA constitute an integral part. The Purchase Agreement covers the purchase by the Buyer and the sale by the Seller of fifty (50) A320 family aircraft (the “First Batch Aircraft”).


C.On June 28th, 2012, the Parites have entered into an amendment N°1 (the “Amendment N°1”) to modify certain terms and conditions of the Purchase Agreement to reflect the Buyer’s Propulsion System selection.


For the purpose of this Amendment N°2, the AGTA, the Purchase Agreement, and the Amendment N°1 shall hereinafter collectively be referred to as the “Agreement”.


D.Subject to the terms and conditions of this Amendment and of the Agreement, the Buyer wishes to purchase and the Seller wishes to sell sixty (60) A320 family aircraft (the “Second Batch Aircraft”). The First Batch Aircraft and the Second Batch Aircraft shall all be deemed Aircraft for the purpose of the Agreement.




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0.1Capitalised terms used herein and not otherwise expressly defined in this Amendment N°2 shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Agreement.


0.2In addition to the words and the terms elsewhere defined in this Amendment and / or the Agreement, the initially capitalised words and terms used in this Amendment shall have the meaning set out below.


Ready for Delivery means the time when the Technical Acceptance Process has been completed in accordance with Clause 8 of AGTA and all technical conditions required for the issuance of the Export Airworthiness Certificate have been satisfied.


Standard Specification means the A319 Standard Specification or the A320 Standard Specification or the A321 Standard Specification as applicable.


US Dollars or USD means United States Dollar(s)


With respect to Second Batch Aircraft only:


A319 Standard Specification means the A319-100 standard specification document number J.000.01000 Issue 7, dated June 20, 2011 a copy of which has been annexed hereto in Appendix A-1, with the following design weights:


MTOW:64.0 tonnes
MLW:61.0 tonnes and
MZFW:57.0 tonnes


A320 Standard Specification means the A320-200 standard specification document number D.000.02000 Issue 8, dated June 20, 2011 a copy of which has been annexed hereto in Appendix A-1, with the following design weights:


MTOW:73.5 tonnes
MLW:64.5 tonnes and

MZFW: 61.0 tonnes


A321 Standard Specification means the A321-200 standard specification document number E.000.02000 Issue 5, dated June 20, 2011 a copy of which has been annexed hereto in Appendix A-1, with the following design weights:


MTOW:89 tonnes
MLW:75.5 tonnes and

MZFW: 71.5 tonnes


Base Delivery Condition Year means 2012


Revision Service Period is defined in Clause 6 hereof


PEP Revision Service Period is defined in Clause 6 hereof


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The Seller shall sell and deliver and the Buyer shall buy and take delivery of sixty (60) Second Batch Aircraft, on the Delivery Date at the Delivery Location upon the terms and conditions contained in this Amendment and the Agreement.


Unless it has been modified pursuant to the terms of this Amendment, the type of each Second Batch Aircraft, A319 Aircraft or A320 Aircraft or A321 Aircraft (the “Aircraft Type”) shall be as set out in Clause 4 of this Amendment.




2.1The Second Batch Aircraft shall be manufactured in accordance with the Standard Specification annexed hereto in Appendix A-1, as may already have been modified or varied prior to the date of this Amendment by the Specification Change Notices listed in Appendix A-2 hereto.


2.2For Second Batch Aircraft only, Clause 2.2 of Purchase Agreement shall be deleted in their entirety and replaced by the following quoted text:




2.2Propulsion Systems


2.2.1The Airframe shall be equipped with a set of either two (2) engines manufactured by CFM INTERNATIONAL (“CFM”) or two (2) engines manufactured by INTERNATIONAL AERO ENGINES (“IAE”) as follows:


    CFM   IAE
A319 Aircraft   CFM56-5B5/3 (22,000 lb) or
CFM56-5B6/3 (23,500 lb) or
CFM56-5B7/3 (27,000 lb)
  IAE V2522-A5 (22,000 lb) or
IAE V2524-A5 (23,500 lb) or
IAE V2527M-A5 (26,500 lb)
A320 Aircraft   CFM56-5B4/3 (27,000 lb) or
CFM56-5B5/3 (22,000 lb) or
CFM56-5B6/3 (23,500 lb)
  IAE V2527-A5 (26,500 lb) or
IAE V2527E-A5 (26,500 lb)
A321 Aircraft   CFM56-5B1/3 (30,000 lb) or
CFM56-5B2/3 (31,000 lb) or
CFM56-5B3/3 (33,000 lb)
  IAE V2530-A5 (30,000 lb) or
IAE V2533-A5 (33,000 lb)


2.2.2Upon selection by the Buyer, any set of two (2) engines, shall be referred to respectively as the “A319 Propulsion Systems”, “A320 Propulsion Systems”, and “A321 Propulsion Systems”.


2.2.3The A319 Propulsion Systems, the A320 Propulsion Systems and the A321 Propulsion Systems being referred to herein collectively as the “Propulsion Systems”.


2.2.4The Buyer shall notify the Seller in writing of its selection of Propulsion Systems type for the Second Batch Aircraft by no later than fifteen (15) months prior to the Scheduled Delivery Month of the first Second Batch Aircraft based on the Aircraft delivery schedule set forth in Clause 4 of Amendment N° 2. Such selection shall be incorporated in the applicable Specification by signature of a Specification Change Notice. If the Buyer does not select its Propulsion Systems type as agreed herein, in addition to its other rights, the Seller will have the right to defer the Scheduled Delivery Months of any or all of the Second Batch Aircraft.


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2.3Clause 2.1 of Purchase Agreement shall be supplemented with the following quoted text:




2.1.4The Seller is considering turning certain items, which are currently BFE in the Specification, into SFE and the parties agree that such BFE items shall be excluded from the provisions of Clause and of the AGTA and, should they become SFE, shall furthermore be chargeable to Buyer.








3.1.1For Second Batch Aircraft only, Clause 3.1 of Purchase Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following quoted text:




3.1Airframe Base Price


3.1.1The Airframe Base Price of an Aircraft is the sum of:


(i)the base price of the Airframe as defined in the Standard Specification (excluding Buyer Furnished Equipment), including nacelles and thrust reversers, which is:




(ii)the base price of the Sharklets, which is:




(iii)the budgetary sum of the base prices of SCNs, which is:




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3.1.2The Airframe Base Price has been established in accordance with the average economic conditions prevailing in *** (the “Base Period”). The Airframe Base Price is subject to revision in accordance with the Airframe Price Revision Formula up to and including the Delivery Date as set forth in Appendix B.




3.1.2Airframe Price Revision Formula Second Batch Aircraft only, Clause 1.2 of Appendix B to the Purchase Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following quoted text.






The Airframe Base Price has been established in accordance with the average economic conditions prevailing in *** as defined by “ECIb” and “ICb” index values indicated hereafter.


UNQUOTE Second Batch Aircraft only, Clause 1.4 of Appendix B to the Purchase Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following quoted text.








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3.2.1For Second Batch Aircraft only, Clause 3.2 of Purchase Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following quoted text:




3.2Propulsion Systems Base Price
3.2.1The base prices of a set of two (2) CFM Propulsion Systems are


CFM56-5B5/3:   ***   for A319 or A320 Aircraft
CFM56-5B6/3:   ***   for A319 or A320 Aircraft
CFM56-5B7/3:   ***   for A319 Aircraft
CFM56-5B4/3:   ***   for A320 Aircraft
CFM56-5B1/3:   ***   for A321 Aircraft
CFM56-5B2/3:   ***   for A321 Aircraft
CFM56-5B3/3:   ***   for A321 Aircraft


Such CFM International Propulsion Systems Base Prices have been established in accordance with the delivery conditions prevailing for a theoretical delivery in January 2012 and have been calculated from the Propulsion Systems Reference Prices, as set forth in Appendix C-1, and shall be subject to revision up to the Aircraft Delivery Date in accordance with the CFM INTERNATIONAL Price Revision Formula set out in Appendix C-1 (the “CFM Price Revision Formula”).


3.2.2The base prices of a set of two (2) IAE Propulsion Systems are:


IAE V2522-A5:   ***   for A319 Aircraft
IAE V2524-A5:   ***   for A319 Aircraft
IAE V2527M-A5:   ***   for A319 Aircraft
IAE V2527-A5:   ***   for A320 Aircraft
IAE V2527E-A5:   ***   for A320 Aircraft
IAE V2530-A5:   ***   for A321 Aircraft
IAE V2533-A5:   ***   for A321 Aircraft


Such IAE Propulsion Systems Base Prices have been established in accordance with the economic conditions prevailing for a theoretical delivery in January 2012 and have been calculated from the Propulsion Systems Reference Prices, as set forth in Appendix C-2, and shall be subject to revision up to the Aircraft delivery date in accordance with IAE INTERNATIONAL Price Revison Formula set forth in Appendix C-2 (the “IAE Price Revision Formula”).


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3.2.2Clause 1.1 of Appendix C-1 to the Purchase Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following quoted text:






The Reference Prices of a set of two (2) CFM INTERNATIONAL Engines are:




This Reference Prices are subject to adjustment for changes in economic conditions as measured by data obtained from the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics and in accordance with the provisions of sub-Clauses 4 and 5 hereof.


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3.2.3Clause 1.1 of Appendix C-2 to the Purchase Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following quoted text:






The Reference Prices of a set of two (2) INTERNATIONAL AERO ENGINES Engines are:




This Reference Price is subject to adjustment for changes in economic conditions as measured by data obtained from the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and in accordance with the provisions hereof.




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4.1Clause 4 of the Purchase Agreement shall be supplemented by the following quoted text:




Subject to Clauses 2, 7, 8, 10 and 18 of AGTA, the Seller shall have the Second Batch Aircraft Ready for Delivery at the Delivery Location within the following delivery quarters:


Aircraft Rank   Scheduled Delivery Quarter   Aircraft Type
Aircraft N°51   ***   A319 Aircraft
Aircraft N°52   ***   A319 Aircraft
Aircraft N°53   ***   A319 Aircraft
Aircraft N°54   ***   A320 Aircraft
Aircraft N°55   ***   A320 Aircraft
Aircraft N°56   ***   A320 Aircraft
Aircraft N°57   ***   A320 Aircraft
Aircraft N°58   ***   A320 Aircraft
Aircraft N°59   ***   A319 Aircraft
Aircraft N°60   ***   A319 Aircraft
Aircraft N°61   ***   A319 Aircraft
Aircraft N°62   ***   A319 Aircraft
Aircraft N°63   ***   A319 Aircraft
Aircraft N°64   ***   A319 Aircraft
Aircraft N°65   ***   A319 Aircraft
Aircraft N°66   ***   A320 Aircraft
Aircraft N°67   ***   A320 Aircraft
Aircraft N°68   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°69   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°70   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°71   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°72   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°73   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°74   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°75   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°76   ***   A319 Aircraft
Aircraft N°77   ***   A319 Aircraft
Aircraft N°78   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°79   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°80   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°81   ***   A320 Aircraft
Aircraft N°82   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°83   ***   A320 Aircraft
Aircraft N°84   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°85   ***   A320 Aircraft
Aircraft N°86   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°87   ***   A320 Aircraft


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Aircraft N°88   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°89   ***   A320 Aircraft
Aircraft N°90   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°91   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°92   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°93   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°94   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°95   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°96   ***   A320 Aircraft
Aircraft N°97   ***   A320 Aircraft
Aircraft N°98   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°99   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°100   ***   A320 Aircraft
Aircraft N°101   ***   A320 Aircraft
Aircraft N°102   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°103   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°104   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°105   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°106   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°107   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°108   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°109   ***   A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°110   ***   A321 Aircraft




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For Second Batch Aircraft, pursuant to Clause 15 of the AGTA, the Seller Representative allocation provided to the Buyer is defined hereunder.


5.1The Seller shall provide to the Buyer *** per Second Batch Aircraft up to a maximum of *** of Seller Representative services at the Buyer’s main base or at other locations to be mutually agreed.


5.2For the sake of clarification, such Seller Representatives’ services shall include ***


5.3The number of the Seller Representatives assigned to the Buyer at any one time shall be mutually agreed, but shall at no time exceed ***




Pursuant to Clause 14 of the AGTA and Clause 7 of the Purchase Agreement, Technical Data shall be supplied in accordance with Exhibit G of the Purchase Agreement on a free of charge basis from the delivery of the first Second Batch Aircraft under this Amendment N°2 until *** after the delivery of the last Second Batch Aircraft as per the original schedule set forth in Clause 4 (the Revision Service Period).


Pursuant to Clause 14 of the AGTA and Clause 7 of the Purchase Agreement, the license to use the Performance Engineer Program (“PEP”) and the revision service shall be provided on a free of charge basis from the delivery of the first Second Batch Aircraft under this Amendment N°2 until *** after the delivery of the last Second Batch Aircraft as per the original schedule set forth in Clause 4 (the “PEP Revision Service Period”).


For the avoidance of doubt, the Revision Service Period for the Technical Data under Clause 7 of the Purchase Agreement dated *** cember 30th, 2010, shall remain applicable to the Aircraft for a period of ***




7.1The Parties hereby agree that this Amendment No.2 shall enter into full force and effect from the date mentioned hereabove.


7.2Except as otherwise provided by the terms and conditions hereof, this Amendment No.2 contains the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all other prior understandings, commitments, agreements, representations and negotiations whatsoever, oral and written, and may not be varied except by an instrument in writing of even date herewith or subsequent hereto executed by the duly authorised representatives of both Parties.


7.3In the event of any inconsistency between the terms and conditions of the Agreement and those of the present Amendment No.2, the latter shall prevail to the extent of such inconsistency, whereas the part not concerned by such inconsistency shall remain in full force and effect.


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7.4The Parties agree that this Amendment No. 2, upon execution hereof, shall constitute an integral and non-severable part of the Agreement and shall be governed by all of its provisions, as such provisions have been specifically amended pursuant to this Amendment No.2. Except as otherwise expressly modified herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall continue to be in full force and effect.


7.5This Amendment No.2 may be executed by the Parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when so signed and delivered will be an original, but all such counterparts will together constitute but one and the same instrument.


7.6This Amendment No.2 is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of England.


Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Amendment No.2 shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by three (3) arbitrators one appointed by the Buyer, one appointed by the Seller and the third one determined pursuant to the selection procedure set forth in such rules. Arbitration shall take place in Paris in the English language.


7.7Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999


The Parties do not intend that any term of this Amendment No.2 shall be enforceable solely by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 by any person who is not a party to this Amendment No.2.


The Parties may rescind, vary, waive, release, assign, novate or otherwise dispose of all or any of their respective rights or obligations under this Amendment No.2 without the consent of any person who is not a party to this Amendment No.2.




Notwithstanding any other provision of Amendment No.2 or the Agreement, this Amendment No.2 and the rights and obligations of the Buyer herein shall not be assigned or transferred in any manner, and any attempted assignment or transfer in contravention of the provisions of this Clause shall be void and of no force or effect.




The Parties agree that the terms and conditions of Clause 22.12 of the AGTA shall apply mutatis mutandis to this Amendment.




This Amendment has been executed in three (3) original copies which are in English and may be executed in counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be an original, but all such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same Amendment.


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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment No.2 was entered into the day and year above written.


Agreed and Accepted   Agreed and Accepted
For and on behalf of   For and on behalf of
Signature:     Signature:   /s/ John LEAHY
Name:     Name: John LEAHY
Title:     Title: COO-CUSTOMERS
Date: 23/11/2012      



Witnessed and acknowledged      
For and on behalf of      


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Appendix A -1 to Amendment N° 2




A319-100 standard specification document number J.000.01000 Issue 7, dated June 20, 2011;


A320-200 standard specification document number D.000.02000 Issue 8, dated June 20, 2011; and


A321-200 standard specification document number E.000.02000 Issue 5, dated June 20, 2011


are attached in a seperate folder.


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Appendix A-2 to Amendment N° 2


List of IRREVOCABLE SCNs for Second Batch Aircraft


These options shall be irrevocably part of the Second Batch Aircraft Specification   A319-100   A320-200   A321-200  



d.c. 01/2012
d.c. 01/2012
d.c. 01/2012
57   Installation of Sharklets   ***   ***   ***  


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Hongqiao International Airport,

No. 2550 Hongqiao Road,

Shanghai 200335,

People’s Republic of China


Subject: Applicability of Letters Agreements & Purchase Incentives


China Eastern Airlines Corp. Ltd., (the “Buyer”) and Airbus S.A.S. (the “Seller”) have entered into an aircraft general terms agreement (“AGTA”) on June 15th, 2009, an A320 family purchase agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) on December 30th, 2010, and an amendment No.1 to the Purchase Agreement (the “Amendment No.1”) on June 28th, 2012, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Agreement”. The Buyer and the Seller have entered on even date herewith into an amendment No.2 to the Agreement (the “Amendment No.2”), which cover the manufacture and the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of the Second Batch Aircraft as described in the Amendment No. 2.


Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Amendment No.2 and the Agreement


Both parties agree that this Letter Agreement, upon execution thereof, shall constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Amendment No. 2 and shall be governed by all its provisions, as such provisions have been specifically amended pursuant to this Letter Agreement.


If there is any inconsistency between the Amendment No. 2 and/or the Agreement and this Letter Agreement, the latter shall prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.


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1Applicability of Letter Agreements of the Purchase Agreement


1.1The following Letter Agreements of the Purchase Agreement shall apply to Second Batch Aircraft:


Letter Agreement No.3, Price Adjustment Limitation

Letter Agreement No.5, Conversion Rights

Letter Agreement No.6, Miscellaneous Issues

Letter Agreement No.7, Customer Support

Letter Agreement No.9, Fuel Tank Inertinq System


1.3The following Letter Agreements of the Purchase Agreement shall not apply to Second Batch Aircraft:


Letter Agreement No.1, Purchase Incentives

Letter Agreement No.2, Predelivery Payments

Letter Agreement No.4A, A319-100 Performance Guarantees

Letter Agreement No.4B, A320-200 Performance Guarantees

Letter Agreement No.4C, A321-200 Performance Guarantees

Letter Agreement No.8, Approval


1.4Amendment to Letter Agreement No.3


1.4.1The first paragraph of Clause 1 of Letter Agreement No.3 to the Purchase Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and replace by the following quoted text:




The following limitations shall apply to the Airframe Price Revision Formula set forth in Appendix B to the Purchase Agreement for Aircraft deliveries that occur prior to December 31st, 2017:




1.4.2The last paragraph of Clause 1 of Letter Agreement No.3 to the Purchase Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and replace by the following quoted text:




The Buyer will bear the full effect of the Airframe Price Revision Formula set forth in Appendix B for all Aircraft delivered after December 31st, 2017.




1.5Amendment to Letter Agreement No.5


1.5.1For Second Batch Aircraft only, the first paragraph of Clause 1 of Letter Agreement No.5 to the Purchase Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and replace by the following quoted text:




In order to provide the Buyer with flexibility to meet its future fleet requirements, the Seller grants to the Buyer the right to convert (the “Conversion Right”) the Aircraft which are scheduled for Delivery in 2015 or later, into A321 model aircraft (the “Converted A321 Aircraft”), or A320 model aircraft (the “Converted A320 Aircraft”) on a one (1) to one (1) basis. The Converted A320 Aircraft, and the Converted A321 Aircraft are collectively referred to herein as the “Converted Aircraft”.




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1.6Applicability of Letter Agreement No.7 and Training Allowances


1.6.1Clause 1 and Clause 4 of the Letter Agreement No.7 to the Purchase Agreement shall apply to the Second Batch Aircraft.


1.6.2Clause 2 and 3 of Letter Agreement No 7 to the Purchase Agreement define quantities of training granted for the fleet of First Batch Aircraft. With respect to the fleet of Second Batch Aircraft, the Seller shall grant to the Buyer an additional training allowance for the same total quantities as defined under Clause 2 and Clause 3 of the Letter Agreement No.7 of the Purchase Agreement, pursuant to Clauses 1 and 2 of Appendix A to Clause 16 of the AGTA.


1.6.3In consideration of the Buyer’s firm order of sixty (60) Second Batch Aircraft, in addition to the quantities of training described in Letter Agreement No. 7 to the Purchase Agreement and granted under clause 1.6.2 above, the Seller shall provide the Buyer with *** maintenance training free of charge for the Buyer’s personnel and AMIC maintenance instructor training free of charge for up to *** pursuant to Clauses 1 and 2 of Appendix A to Clause 16 of the AGIA.


2Applicability of Side Letters of the Purchase Agreement


Side Letters Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 to the Purchase Agreement shall not apply to Second Batch Aircraft.


3Purchase Incentives for Second Batch Aircraft


3.1.Base Credit Memorandum


The Seller shall grant to the Buyer, at Delivery of each Second Batch Aircraft, a base credit memorandum (the “Base Credit Memorandum”) in an amount of:




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3.2.Airline Volume Credit Memorandum


The Seller shall grant to the Buyer, at Delivery of each Second Batch Aircraft, an airline volume credit memorandum (the “Airline Volume Credit Memorandum”) in an amount of:






3.3Customer Support Credit Memorandum


3.3.1The Seller shall grant to the Buyer, at Delivery of each Second Batch Aircraft, a customer support credit memorandum (the “Customer Support Credit Memorandum”) in an amount of:




3.3.2The Seller shall grant to the Buyer, at Delivery of each Second Batch Aircraft, an additional customer support credit memorandum (the “Additional Customer Support Credit Memorandum”) in an amount of:




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3.4.Communication Credit Memorandum


The Seller shall grant to the Buyer, at Delivery of each Second Batch Aircraft, a communication credit memorandum (the “Communication Credit Memorandum”) in an amount of:




3.5.Safety Credit Memorandum


The Seller shall grant to the Buyer, at Delivery of each Second Batch Aircraft, a safety credit memorandum (the “Safety Credit Memorandum”) in a fixed amount of:




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3.6.Special Volume Credit Memorandum


The Seller shall grant to the Buyer, at Delivery of each Second Batch Aircraft, a special volume credit memorandum (the “Special Volume Credit Memorandum”) in an amount of:






3.7.Exceptional Credit Memorandum


The Seller shall grant to the Buyer, at Delivery of each Second Batch Aircraft, an Exceptional Credit Memorandum in an amount of:




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3.8.Strategic Partner Credit Memorandum


The Seller shall grant to the Buyer, at Delivery of each Second Batch A321 Aircraft, an additional credit memorandum (the “Strategic Partner Credit Memorandum) in an amount of:




3.9.Revision of the Credit Memoranda


The Base Credit Memorandum, the Airline Volume Credit Memorandum, the Customer Support Credit Memorandum, the Additional Customer Support Credit Memorandum, the Communication Credit Memorandum, the Special Volume Credit Memorandum, the Exceptional Credit Memorandum and the Strategic Partner Credit Memorandum are expressed in January 2012 delivery conditions and shall be subject to revision up to the Aircraft Delivery Date in accordance with (i) the Airframe Price Revision formula set forth in Appendix B to the Purchase Agreement amended by Clause 3.1.2 of the Amendment No.2 and (ii) any limitation thereto.


3.10Exceptional Price Stabilization Credit Memorandum


The Seller shall grant to the Buyer, at Delivery of each Second Batch Aircraft, a credit memorandum (the “Exceptional Price Stabilization Credit Memorandum”) in an amount of:




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3.11Sharklets Credit Memorandum


The Seller shall grant to the Buyer, at Delivery of each Second Batch Aircraft for which an SCN for the installation of Sharklets has been executed by the parties, and for which no other Sharklet credit memorandum is to be applied, a credit memorandum (the “Sharklets Credit Memorandum”) in an amount of:




3.12Additional Airframe Credit Memorandum


In consideration of the Buyer selecting Sharklets for all sixty (60) Second Batch Aircraft, the Seller shall grant to the Buyer, at Delivery of each Second Batch Aircraft, a credit memorandum (the “Additional Airframe Credit Memorandum”) in an amount of:




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4Delivery Schedule Flexibility


4.1The Buyer shall have the option to postpone the Delivery Periods for Aircraft No. 69, 70, 71, 72 & 73 (the “Flex-Schedule Aircraft”) set forth in Clause 4, as amended by Amendment No. 2 to the Purchase Agreement, to the following delivery positions (the “New Schedule Delivery Periods”) by written notice sent to the Seller no later than 14th December 2012:-


Aircraft N°69 *** A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°70 *** A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°71 *** A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°72 *** A321 Aircraft
Aircraft N°73 *** A321 Aircraft


In the event that the Seller receives such notice from the Buyer *** then the Schedule Delivery Periods set forth in Clause 4 of the Purchase Agreement for the Flex-Schedule Aircraft shall thereby be irrevocably amended to the New Schedule Delivery Periods, and shall henceforth be considered as the original Schedule Delivery Months for such Aircraft.


4.2The parties acknowledge that the Buyer is required by Chinese regulations to obtain approval (the “Government Approval”) for the purchase of all the Aircraft under the Agreement from the relevant Government entities. Upon the written request of the Buyer acting reasonably, the Seller shall use reasonable endeavours to assist the Buyer in obtaining such approvals as early as possible. The Buyer shall provide written evidence of the Government Approval within *** of reception, identifying which Aircraft are irrevocably approved (the “Approved Aircraft”).




5Final Price for Non-Excusable Delay


The Final Price of an Aircraft subject to a Non-Excusable Delay as defined in clause 11.1 of the AGTA shall be calculated as if the Aircraft had been delivered in the Scheduled Delivery Month.




Notwithstanding any other provision of this Letter Agreement, the Amendment No.2 or the Agreement, this Letter Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Buyer herein shall not be assigned or transferred in any manner, and any attempted assignment or transfer in contravention of the provisions of this Clause shall be void and of no force or effect.




This Letter Agreement (and its existence) or any data exchanged between the Buyer and the Seller for the fulfillment of their respective obligations under this Letter Agreement shall be treated by both Parties as confidential and shall not be released in whole or in part to any third party except as may be required by law, or to auditors, legal or tax advisors for the purpose of implementation hereof.


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In particular, both Parties agree:

-not to make any press release concerning the whole or any part of the contents and/or subject matter of this Letter Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party hereto.

-that any and all terms and conditions of the transaction contemplated in this Letter Agreement are strictly personal and exclusive to the Buyer, (the “Personal Information”). The Buyer therefore agrees to enter into consultations with the Seller reasonably in advance of any required disclosure of Personal Information to financial institutions, including operating lessors, investment banks and their agents or other relevant institutions for aircraft sale and leaseback or any other Aircraft or Predelivery Payment financing purposes (the “Receiving Party”).


Without prejudice to the foregoing, any disclosure of Personal Information to a Receiving Party shall be subject to written agreement between the Buyer and the Seller, including in particular, but not limited to:


(i) the contact details of the Receiving Party,

(ii) the extent of the Personal Information subject to disclosure,

(iii) the Aircraft pricing to be provided to the Receiving Party.


Furthermore, the Buyer shall use its best efforts to limit the disclosure of the contents of this Letter Agreement, the Amendment No.2, the Agreement and/or any Purchase Agreement to the extent legally permissible in any filing required to be made by the Buyer with any governmental or regulatory agency.


The Buyer agrees that prior to any such disclosure or filing, the Seller and the Buyer shall jointly review and agree on the terms and conditions of the document to be filed or disclosed.


The provisions of this Clause shall survive any termination of this Letter Agreement for a period of *** after t the date of Delivery of the last Aircraft to be delivered under the Amendment No.2.


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If the foregoing correctly sets forth our understanding, please execute three (3) originals in the space provided below and return one (1) original of this Letter Agreement to the Seller.


Agreed and Accepted   Agreed and Accepted
For and on behalf of   For and on behalf of
Signature:    Signature:  /s/ John LEAHY
Name:     Name: John LEAHY
Title:     Title: COO - CUSTOMERS
Date: 23/11/2012      


Witnessed and acknowledged,      





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Hongqiao International Airport,

No. 2550 Hongqiao Road,

Shanghai 200335,

People’s Republic of China


Subject: Predeliverv Payments


China Eastern Airlines Corp. Ltd., (the “Buyer”) and Airbus S.A.S. (the “Seller”) have entered into an aircraft general terms agreement (“AGTA’’) on June 15th, 2009, an A320 family purchase agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) on December 30th, 2010, and an amendment No.1 to the Purchase Agreement (the “Amendment No.1”) on June 28th, 2012, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Agreement”. The Buyer and the Seller have entered on even date herewith into an amendment No.2 to the Agreement (the “Amendment No.2”), which cover the manufacture and the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of the Second Batch Aircraft as described in the Amendment No. 2.


Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Amendment No.2 and the Agreement


Both parties agree that this Letter Agreement, upon execution thereof, shall constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Amendment No. 2 and shall be governed by all its provisions, as such provisions have been specifically amended pursuant to this Letter Agreement.


If there is any inconsistency between the Amendment No. 2 and/or the Agreement and this Letter Agreement, the latter shall prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.


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1Predelivery payments


With respect only to the Second Batch Aircraft that the Buyer wishes to purchase and the Seller wishes to sell pursuant to the terms of the Amendment No.2, sub-Clauses 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 of the AGTA shall be considered void and replaced in their entirety by the following text between the words “QUOTE” and “UNQUOTE”:




5.3.1       The Buyer shall pay Predelivery Payments to the Seller calculated on the predelivery payment reference price of each Aircraft. The predelivery payment reference price is determined by the following formula:


***     Such Predelivery Payments shall be made in accordance with the following schedule:


***   ***


In the event of the above schedule resulting in any Predelivery Payment falling due prior to the date of signature of the Amendment No.2, such Predelivery Payments shall be made upon signature of the Amendment No.2.


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Each of the Predelivery Payments is due on the first Business Day of the month that such payment is due (the “Payment Date”). However, if the Payment Date falls more than four (4) calendar days after the first day the month, the payment will be due on the last Business Day of the preceding month.




2First Predelivery Payment






Notwithstanding any other provision of this Letter Agreement, the Amendment No.2 or the Agreement, this Letter Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Buyer herein shall not be assigned or transferred in any manner, and any attempted assignment or transfer in contravention of the provisions of this Clause shall be void and of no force or effect.




This Letter Agreement (and its existence) shall be treated by both parties as confidential and shall not be released (or revealed) in whole or in part to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party. In particular, each party agrees not to make any press release concerning the whole or any part of the contents and/or subject matter hereof or of any future addendum hereto without the prior written consent of the other party.


This Letter Agreement (and its existence) or any data exchanged between the Buyer and the Seller for the fulfillment of their respective obligations under this Letter Agreement shall be treated by both Parties as confidential and shall not be released in whole or in part to any third party except as may be required by law, or to auditors, legal or tax advisors for the purpose of implementation hereof.


In particular, both Parties agree:

-not to make any press release concerning the whole or any part of the contents and/or subject matter of this Letter Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party hereto.
-that any and all terms and conditions of the transaction contemplated in this Letter Agreement are strictly personal and exclusive to the Buyer, (the “Personal Information”). The Buyer therefore agrees to enter into consultations with the Seller reasonably in advance of any required disclosure of Personal Information to financial institutions, including operating lessors, investment banks and their agents or other relevant institutions for aircraft sale and leaseback or any other Aircraft or Predelivery Payment financing purposes (the “Receiving Party”).


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Without prejudice to the foregoing, any disclosure of Personal Information to a Receiving Party shall be subject to written agreement between the Buyer and the Seller, including in particular, but not limited to:


(i) the contact details of the Receiving Party,

(ii) the extent of the Personal Information subject to disclosure,

(iii) the Aircraft pricing to be provided to the Receiving Party.


Furthermore, the Buyer shall use its best efforts to limit the disclosure of the contents of this Letter Agreement, the Amendment No.2, the Agreement and/or any Purchase Agreement to the extent legally permissible in any filing required to be made by the Buyer with any governmental or regulatory agency.


The Buyer agrees that prior to any such disclosure or filing, the Seller and the Buyer shall jointly review and agree on the terms and conditions of the document to be filed or disclosed.


The provisions of this Clause shall survive any termination of this Letter Agreement for a period of *** after t the date of Delivery of the last Aircraft to be delivered under the Amendment No.2.


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If the foregoing correctly sets forth our understanding, please execute three (3) originals in the space provided below and return one (1) original of this Letter Agreement to the Seller.


Agreed and Accepted   Agreed and Accepted
For and on behalf of   For and on behalf of
Signature:    Signature:  /s/ John LEAHY
Name:     Name: John LEAHY
Title:     Title: COO - CUSTOMERS
Date: 23/11/2012      


Witnessed and acknowledged,      





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Hongqiao International Airport,

No. 2550 Hongqiao Road,

Shanghai 200335,

People’s Republic of China




China Eastern Airlines Corp. Ltd., (the “Buyer”) and Airbus S.A.S. (the “Seller”) have entered into an aircraft general terms agreement (“AGTA”) on June 15th, 2009, an A320 family purchase agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) on December 30th, 2010, and an amendment No.1 to the Purchase Agreement (the “Amendment No.1”) on June 28th, 2012, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Agreement”. The Buyer and the Seller have entered on even date herewith into an amendment No.2 to the Agreement (the “Amendment No.2”), together with the Agreement cover the manufacture and the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of the A319 Aircraft as described in the Specification annexed to the Agreement and/or the Amendment No.2.


Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Amendment No.2 and the Agreement


Both parties agree that this Letter Agreement, upon execution thereof, shall constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Amendment No. 2 and shall be governed by all its provisions, as such provisions have been specifically amended pursuant to this Letter Agreement.


If there is any inconsistency between the Amendment No. 2 and/or the Agreement and this Letter Agreement, the latter shall prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.


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The guarantees defined below (the “Guarantees”) are applicable to the A319-100 Aircraft as described in the Standard Specification Ref. J 000 01000 Issue 7 dated 20th June 2011 as amended by Specification Change Notices (“SCN’s”) for installation of following engines:


a)CFM56-5B5/3 propulsion system
b)IAE V2522-A5 propulsion system


without taking into account any further changes thereto as provided in the Agreement and/or in the Amendment No.2 (the “Specification” for the purposes of this Letter Agreement).




2.1Take-off Field Length


The JAR take-off field length at an Aircraft gross weight of 64,000 kg at the start of Take-Off Distance Available (TODA) at Sea Level pressure altitude in ISA+15°C conditions shall not be more than a guaranteed value of:


  a) for CFM: ***
  b) for IAE: ***


2.2Second Segment Climb


The Aircraft shall meet JAR 25 regulations for one engine inoperative climb after take-off, undercarriage retracted, at a weight corresponding to the stated weight at the start of Take-Off Distance Available (TODA), at the altitude and temperature, and in the configuration of flap angle and safety speed required to comply with the performance guaranteed in paragraph 2.1 above.


2.3Landing Field Length


JAR certified dry landing field length at an Aircraft gross weight of 61,000 kg at Sea Level pressure altitude shall be not more than a guaranteed value of:


a)for CFM: ***
b)for IAE: ***


2.4Cruise Specific Air Range


The average nautical miles per kilogram of fuel (average SAR) at a true Mach number of 0.78 in ISA+15 conditions under the Weight and Altitude conditions given below:


  Gross Weight (kg) Pressure Altitude (ft)  
  *** ***  


shall be not less than a guaranteed value of:


a)for CFM: ***
b)for IAE: ***


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The Seller guarantees a Manufacturer’s Weights Empty as below:


A319-100 CFM56-5B5/3 ***
A319-100 V2522-A5 ***


This is the Manufacturer’s Weights Empty of the Aircraft as defined in Section 13- 10.00.00 of the Standard Specifications amended by the SCN’s defined in paragraph 1 of this Letter Agreement and are subject to adjustment as defined in paragraph 6.2.




4.1The performance certification requirements for the Aircraft, except where otherwise noted, will be as stated in Section 02 of the Standard Specification.


4.2For the determination of JAR take-off and landing performance a hard dry level runway surface with no runway strength limitations, no line-up allowances, no obstacles, zero wind, atmosphere according to ISA, except as otherwise noted, and the use of speed brakes, flaps, landing gear and engines in the conditions liable to provide the best results will be assumed.


4.2.1When establishing take-off and second segment performance no air will be bled from the engines for cabin air conditioning or anti-icing.


4.3Climb, cruise and descent performance associated with the Guarantees will include allowances for normal electrical load and for normal engine air bleed and power extraction associated with maximum cabin differential pressure as defined in Section 21-30.31 of the Specification. Cabin air conditioning management during performance demonstration as described in Subparagraph 5.3 below may be such as to optimize the Aircraft performance while meeting the minimum air conditioning requirements defined above. Unless otherwise stated no air will be bled from the engines for anti-icing.


4.4The engines will be operated using not more than the engine manufacturer’s maximum recommended outputs for take-off, maximum go-round, maximum continuous, maximum climb and cruise for normal operation.


4.5Where applicable the Guarantees assume the use of an approved fuel having a density of 6.70 lb per US gallon and a lower heating value of 18,590 BTU per lb. Cruise performance assume a centre of gravity position of 25% MAC.




5.1Compliance with the Guarantees shall be demonstrated using operating procedures and limitations in accordance with those defined by the certifying Airworthiness Authority and by the Seller unless otherwise stated.


5.2Compliance with the take-off, second segment and landing elements of the Guarantees will be demonstrated with reference to the JAA approved Flight Manual.


5.3Compliance with those parts of the Guarantees defined in paragraph 2 above not covered by the requirements of the certifying Airworthiness Authority shall be demonstrated by calculation based on data obtained during flight tests conducted on one (or more, at the Seller’s discretion) A319-100 aircraft of the same aerodynamic configuration as the Aircraft purchased by the Buyer and incorporated in the In-Flight Performance Program and data bases (“the IFP”) appropriate to the Aircraft.


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5.4Compliance with the Manufacturer’s Weight Empty guarantees defined in Paragraph 3 shall be demonstrated with reference to a Weight Compliance Report.


5.5Data derived from tests will be adjusted as required using conventional methods of correction, interpolation or extrapolation in accordance with established aeronautical practices to show compliance with the Guarantees.


5.6Compliance with the Guarantees is not contingent on engine performance defined in the engine manufacturer’s specification.


5.7The Seller undertakes to furnish the Buyer with a report or reports demonstrating compliance with the Guarantees at, or as soon as possible after, the delivery of each of the Buyer’s Aircraft.




6.1In the event of any change to any law, governmental regulation or requirement or interpretation thereof (“Rule Change”) by any governmental agency made subsequent to the date of the Agreement and such rule change affects the Aircraft configuration or performance or both required to obtain certification the Guarantees shall be appropriately modified to reflect the effect of any such change.


6.2The Guarantees apply to the Aircraft as described in paragraph 1 of this Letter Agreement and may be adjusted in the event of:


i)Any further configuration change which is the subject of a SCN
ii)Variation in actual weights of items defined in Section 13-10 of the Standard Specification
iii)Changes required to obtain certification that cause modifications to the performance or weight of the Aircraft




The Guarantees are exclusive and are provided in lieu of any and all other performance and weight guarantees of any nature which may be stated, referenced or incorporated in the Standard Specification or any other document.




Should any Aircraft fail to meet any of the Guarantees contained in this Letter Agreement, the Seller will use its reasonable endeavours to correct the deficiency to comply with the subject guarantee.


8.1Should the Seller fail to develop and make available corrective means (including but not limited to kits, procedures, adjustment of design weights) for the correction of the above said deficiency within one (1) year from delivery of the affected Aircraft, then the Seller shall in respect of such Aircraft pay to the Buyer by way of liquidated damages subject to Seller’s maximum liability set forth hereunder on the anniversary date of the delivery for as long as the deficiency remains, the following amounts:


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8.3.In the event the Seller develops and makes available corrective means mentioned above the Seller shall pay to the Buyer the monthly prorated portion of the yearly remedy due by the Seller on account of the year during which the corrective means are made available.






Notwithstanding any other provision of this Letter Agreement, the Amendment No.2 or the Agreement, this Letter Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Buyer herein shall not be assigned or transferred in any manner, and any attempted assignment or transfer in contravention of the provisions of this Clause shall be void and of no force or effect.




This Letter Agreement (and its existence) or any data exchanged between the Buyer and the Seller for the fulfillment of their respective obligations under this Letter Agreement shall be treated by both Parties as confidential and shall not be released in whole or in part to any third party except as may be required by law, or to auditors, legal or tax advisors for the purpose of implementation hereof.


In particular, both Parties agree:

-not to make any press release concerning the whole or any part of the contents and/or subject matter of this Letter Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party hereto.

-that any and all terms and conditions of the transaction contemplated in this Letter Agreement are strictly personal and exclusive to the Buyer, (the “Personal Information”). The Buyer therefore agrees to enter into consultations with the Seller reasonably in advance of any required disclosure of Personal Information to financial institutions, including operating lessors, investment banks and their agents or other relevant institutions for aircraft sale and leaseback or any other Aircraft or Predelivery Payment financing purposes (the “Receiving Party”).


Without prejudice to the foregoing, any disclosure of Personal Information to a Receiving Party shall be subject to written agreement between the Buyer and the Seller, including in particular, but not limited to:


(i) the contact details of the Receiving Party,

(ii) the extent of the Personal Information subject to disclosure,

(iii) the Aircraft pricing to be provided to the Receiving Party.


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Furthermore, the Buyer shall use its best efforts to limit the disclosure of the contents of this Letter Agreement, the Amendment No.2, the Agreement and/or any Purchase Agreement to the extent legally permissible in any filing required to be made by the Buyer with any governmental or regulatory agency.


The Buyer agrees that prior to any such disclosure or filing, the Seller and the Buyer shall jointly review and agree on the terms and conditions of the document to be filed or disclosed.


The provisions of this Clause shall survive any termination of this Letter Agreement for a period of *** after t the date of Delivery of the last Aircraft to be delivered under the Amendment No.2.


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If the foregoing correctly sets forth our understanding, please execute three (3) originals in the space provided below and return one (1) original of this Letter Agreement to the Seller.


Agreed and Accepted   Agreed and Accepted
For and on behalf of   For and on behalf of
Signature:     Signature:  /s/ John LEAHY
Name:     Name: John LEAHY
Title:     Title: COO - CUSTOMERS
Date: 23/11/2012      


Witnessed and acknowledged,






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Hongqiao International Airport,

No. 2550 Hongqiao Road,

Shanghai 200335,

People’s Republic of China




China Eastern Airlines Corp. Ltd., (the “Buyer”) and Airbus S.A.S. (the “Seller”) have entered into an aircraft general terms agreement (“AGTA”) on June 15th, 2009, an A320 family purchase agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) on December 30th, 2010, and an amendment No.1 to the Purchase Agreement (the “Amendment No.1”) on June 28th, 2012, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Agreement”. The Buyer and the Seller have entered on even date herewith into an amendment No.2 to the Agreement (the “Amendment No.2”), together with the Agreement cover the manufacture and the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of the A320 Aircraft as described in the Specification annexed to the Agreement and/or the Amendment No.2.


Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Amendment No.2 and the Agreement


Both parties agree that this Letter Agreement, upon execution thereof, shall constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Amendment No. 2 and shall be governed by all its provisions, as such provisions have been specifically amended pursuant to this Letter Agreement.


If there is any inconsistency between the Amendment No. 2 and/or the Agreement and this Letter Agreement, the latter shall prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.


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The guarantees defined below (the “Guarantees”) are applicable to the A320-200 Aircraft as described in the Standard Specification Ref. D 000 02000 Issue 8 dated 20th June 2011 as amended by Specification Change Notices (“SCN’s”) for installation of following engines:


a)CFM56-5B4/3 propulsion system
b)IAE V2527-A5 propulsion system


without taking into account any further changes thereto as provided in the Agreement and/or in the Amendment No.2 (the “Specification” for the purposes of this Letter Agreement).




2.1Take-off Field Length


The JAR take-off field length at an Aircraft gross weight of 73,500 kg at the start of Take-Off Distance Available (TODA) at Sea Level pressure altitude in ISA+15°C conditions shall not be more than a guaranteed value of:


  a) for CFM: ***
  b) for IAE: ***


2.2Second Segment Climb


The Aircraft shall meet JAR 25 regulations for one engine inoperative climb after take-off, undercarriage retracted, at a weight corresponding to the stated weight at the start of Take-Off Distance Available (TODA), at the altitude and temperature, and in the configuration of flap angle and safety speed required to comply with the performance guaranteed in paragraph 2.1 above.


2.3Landing Field Length


JAR certified dry landing field length at an Aircraft gross weight of 64,500 kg at Sea Level pressure altitude shall be not more than a guaranteed value of:


a)for CFM: ***
b)for IAE: ***


2.4Cruise Specific Air Range


The average nautical miles per kilogram of fuel (average SAR) at a true Mach number of 0.78 in ISA+15 conditions under the Weight and Altitude conditions given below:

  Gross Weight (kg) Pressure Altitude (ft)  
  *** ***  


shall be not less than a guaranteed value of:


a)for CFM: ***
b)for IAE: ***


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The Seller guarantees a Manufacturer’s Weights Empty as below:


A320-200 CFM56-5B4/3 ***
A320-200 V2527-A5 ***


These are the Manufacturer’s Weights Empty of the Aircraft as defined in Section 13- 10.00.00 of the Standard Specifications amended by the SCN’s defined in paragraph 1 of this Letter Agreement and are subject to adjustment as defined in paragraph 6.2.




4.1The performance certification requirements for the Aircraft, except where otherwise noted, will be as stated in Section 02 of the Standard Specification.


4.2For the determination of JAR take-off and landing performance a hard dry level runway surface with no runway strength limitations, no line-up allowances, no obstacles, zero wind, atmosphere according to ISA, except as otherwise noted, and the use of speed brakes, flaps, landing gear and engines in the conditions liable to provide the best results will be assumed.


4.2.1When establishing take-off and second segment performance no air will be bled from the engines for cabin air conditioning or anti-icing.


4.3Climb, cruise and descent performance associated with the Guarantees will include allowances for normal electrical load and for normal engine air bleed and power extraction associated with maximum cabin differential pressure as defined in Section 21-30.31 of the Specification. Cabin air conditioning management during performance demonstration as described in Subparagraph 5.3 below may be such as to optimize the Aircraft performance while meeting the minimum air conditioning requirements defined above. Unless otherwise stated no air will be bled from the engines for anti-icing.


4.4The engines will be operated using not more than the engine manufacturer’s maximum recommended outputs for take-off, maximum go-round, maximum continuous, maximum climb and cruise for normal operation.


4.5Where applicable the Guarantees assume the use of an approved fuel having a density of 6.70 lb per US gallon and a lower heating value of 18,590 BTU per lb. Cruise performance assume a centre of gravity position of 33% MAC.




5.1Compliance with the Guarantees shall be demonstrated using operating procedures and limitations in accordance with those defined by the certifying Airworthiness Authority and by the Seller unless otherwise stated.


5.2Compliance with the take-off, second segment and landing elements of the Guarantees will be demonstrated with reference to the JAA approved Flight Manual.


5.3Compliance with those parts of the Guarantees defined in paragraph 2 above not covered by the requirements of the certifying Airworthiness Authority shall be demonstrated by calculation based on data obtained during flight tests conducted on one (or more, at the Seller’s discretion) A320-200 aircraft of the same aerodynamic configuration as the Aircraft purchased by the Buyer and incorporated in the In-Flight Performance Program and data bases (“the IFP”) appropriate to the Aircraft.


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5.4Compliance with the Manufacturer’s Weight Empty guarantees defined in Paragraph 3 shall be demonstrated with reference to a Weight Compliance Report.


5.5Data derived from tests will be adjusted as required using conventional methods of correction, interpolation or extrapolation in accordance with established aeronautical practices to show compliance with the Guarantees.


5.6Compliance with the Guarantees is not contingent on engine performance defined in the engine manufacturer’s specification.


5.7The Seller undertakes to furnish the Buyer with a report or reports demonstrating compliance with the Guarantees at, or as soon as possible after, the delivery of each of the Buyer’s Aircraft.




6.1In the event of any change to any law, governmental regulation or requirement or interpretation thereof (“Rule Change”) by any governmental agency made subsequent to the date of the Agreement and such rule change affects the Aircraft configuration or performance or both required to obtain certification the Guarantees shall be appropriately modified to reflect the effect of any such change.


6.2The Guarantees apply to the Aircraft as described in paragraph 1 of this Letter Agreement and may be adjusted in the event of:


i)Any further configuration change which is the subject of a SCN
ii)Variation in actual weights of items defined in Section 13-10 of the Standard Specification
iii)Changes required to obtain certification that cause modifications to the performance or weight of the Aircraft




The Guarantees are exclusive and are provided in lieu of any and all other performance and weight guarantees of any nature which may be stated, referenced or incorporated in the Standard Specification or any other document.




Should any Aircraft fail to meet any of the Guarantees contained in this Letter Agreement, the Seller will use its reasonable endeavours to correct the deficiency to comply with the subject guarantee.


8.1Should the Seller fail to develop and make available corrective means (including but not limited to kits, procedures, adjustment of design weights) for the correction of the above said deficiency within one (1) year from delivery of the affected Aircraft, then the Seller shall in respect of such Aircraft pay to the Buyer by way of liquidated damages subject to Seller’s maximum liability set forth hereunder on the anniversary date of the delivery for as long as the deficiency remains, the following amounts:


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8.3.In the event the Seller develops and makes available corrective means mentioned above the Buyer shall reimburse to the Seller the monthly prorated portion of the yearly penalty paid by the Seller on account of the year during which the corrective means are made available.






Notwithstanding any other provision of this Letter Agreement, the Amendment No.2 or the Agreement, this Letter Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Buyer herein shall not be assigned or transferred in any manner, and any attempted assignment or transfer in contravention of the provisions of this Clause shall be void and of no force or effect.




This Letter Agreement (and its existence) or any data exchanged between the Buyer and the Seller for the fulfillment of their respective obligations under this Letter Agreement shall be treated by both Parties as confidential and shall not be released in whole or in part to any third party except as may be required by law, or to auditors, legal or tax advisors for the purpose of implementation hereof.


In particular, both Parties agree:

-not to make any press release concerning the whole or any part of the contents and/or subject matter of this Letter Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party hereto.

-that any and all terms and conditions of the transaction contemplated in this Letter Agreement are strictly personal and exclusive to the Buyer, (the “Personal Information”). The Buyer therefore agrees to enter into consultations with the Seller reasonably in advance of any required disclosure of Personal Information to financial institutions, including operating lessors, investment banks and their agents or other relevant institutions for aircraft sale and leaseback or any other Aircraft or Predelivery Payment financing purposes (the “Receiving Party”).


Without prejudice to the foregoing, any disclosure of Personal Information to a Receiving Party shall be subject to written agreement between the Buyer and the Seller, including in particular, but not limited to:


(i) the contact details of the Receiving Party,

(ii) the extent of the Personal Information subject to disclosure,


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(iii) the Aircraft pricing to be provided to the Receiving Party.


Furthermore, the Buyer shall use its best efforts to limit the disclosure of the contents of this Letter Agreement, the Amendment No.2, the Agreement and/or any Purchase Agreement to the extent legally permissible in any filing required to be made by the Buyer with any governmental or regulatory agency.


The Buyer agrees that prior to any such disclosure or filing, the Seller and the Buyer shall jointly review and agree on the terms and conditions of the document to be filed or disclosed.


The provisions of this Clause shall survive any termination of this Letter Agreement for a period of *** after t the date of Delivery of the last Aircraft to be delivered under the Amendment No.2.


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If the foregoing correctly sets forth our understanding, please execute three (3) originals in the space provided below and return one (1) original of this Letter Agreement to the Seller.


Agreed and Accepted          Agreed and Accepted
For and on behalf of For and on behalf of


Signature:   Signature: /s/ John LEAHY
Name:     Name: John LEAHY
Title:     Title: COO - CUSTOMERS
Date: 23/11/2012      


Witnessed and acknowledged,      





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Hongqiao International Airport,

No. 2550 Hongqiao Road,

Shanghai 200335,

People’s Republic of China




China Eastern Airlines Corp. Ltd., (the “Buyer”) and Airbus S.A.S. (the “Seller”) have entered into an aircraft general terms agreement (“AGTA”) on June 15th, 2009, an A320 family purchase agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) on December 30th, 2010, and an amendment No.1 to the Purchase Agreement (the “Amendment No.1”) on June 28th, 2012, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Agreement”. The Buyer and the Seller have entered on even date herewith into an amendment No.2 to the Agreement (the “Amendment No.2”), together with the Agreement cover the manufacture and the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of the A321 Aircraft as described in the Specification annexed to the Agreement and/or the Amendment No.2.


Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Amendment No.2 and the Agreement


Both parties agree that this Letter Agreement, upon execution thereof, shall constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Amendment No. 2 and shall be governed by all its provisions, as such provisions have been specifically amended pursuant to this Letter Agreement.


If there is any inconsistency between the Amendment No. 2 and/or the Agreement and this Letter Agreement, the latter shall prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.


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The guarantees defined below (the “Guarantees”) are applicable to the A321-200 Aircraft as described in the Standard Specification Ref. E 000 02000 Issue 5 dated 20th June 2011 as amended by Specification Change Notices (“SCN’s”) for installation of following engines:


a)CFM56-5B3/3 propulsion system
b)IAE V2533-A5 propulsion system


without taking into account any further changes thereto as provided in the Agreement and/or in the Amendment No.2 (the “Specification” for the purposes of this Letter Agreement).




2.1Take-off Field Length


The JAR take-off field length at an Aircraft gross weight of 89,000 kg at the start of Take-Off Distance Available (TODA) at Sea Level pressure altitude in ISA+15°C conditions shall not be more than a guaranteed value of:


a)for CFM: ***
b)for IAE: ***


2.2Second Segment Climb


The Aircraft shall meet JAR 25 regulations for one engine inoperative climb after take-off, undercarriage retracted, at a weight corresponding to the stated weight at the start of Take-Off Distance Available (TODA), at the altitude and temperature, and in the configuration of flap angle and safety speed required to comply with the performance guaranteed in paragraph 2.1 above.


2.3Landing Field Length


JAR certified dry landing field length at an Aircraft gross weight of 75,500 kg at Sea Level pressure altitude shall be not more than a guaranteed value of:


a)for CFM: ***
b)for IAE: ***


2.4Cruise Specific Air Range


The average nautical miles per kilogram of fuel (average SAR) at a true Mach number of 0.78 in ISA+15 conditions under the Weight and Altitude conditions given below:


  Gross Weight (kg) Pressure Altitude (ft)  
  *** ***  


shall be not less than a guaranteed value of:


a)for CFM: ***
b)for IAE: ***


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The Seller guarantees a Manufacturer’s Weights Empty as below:


A321-200 CFM56-5B3/3 ***
A321-200 V2533-A5 ***


These are the Manufacturer’s Weights Empty of the Aircraft as defined in Section 13-10.00.00 of the Standard Specifications amended by the SCN’s defined in paragraph 1 of this Letter Agreement and are subject to adjustment as defined in paragraph 6.2.




4.1The performance certification requirements for the Aircraft, except where otherwise noted, will be as stated in Section 02 of the Standard Specification.


4.2For the determination of JAR take-off and landing performance a hard dry level runway surface with no runway strength limitations, no line-up allowances, no obstacles, zero wind, atmosphere according to ISA, except as otherwise noted, and the use of speed brakes, flaps, landing gear and engines in the conditions liable to provide the best results will be assumed.


4.2.1When establishing take-off and second segment performance no air will be bled from the engines for cabin air conditioning or anti-icing.


4.3Climb, cruise and descent performance associated with the Guarantees will include allowances for normal electrical load and for normal engine air bleed and power extraction associated with maximum cabin differential pressure as defined in Section 21-30.31 of the Specification. Cabin air conditioning management during performance demonstration as described in Subparagraph 5.3 below may be such as to optimize the Aircraft performance while meeting the minimum air conditioning requirements defined above. Unless otherwise stated no air will be bled from the engines for anti-icing.


4.4The engines will be operated using not more than the engine manufacturer’s maximum recommended outputs for take-off, maximum go-round, maximum continuous, maximum climb and cruise for normal operation.


4.5Where applicable the Guarantees assume the use of an approved fuel having a density of 6.70 lb per US gallon and a lower heating value of 18,590 BTU per lb. Cruise performance assume a centre of gravity position of 25% MAC.




5.1Compliance with the Guarantees shall be demonstrated using operating procedures and limitations in accordance with those defined by the certifying Airworthiness Authority and by the Seller unless otherwise stated.


5.2Compliance with the take-off, second segment and landing elements of the Guarantees will be demonstrated with reference to the JAA approved Flight Manual.


5.3Compliance with those parts of the Guarantees defined in paragraph 2 above not covered by the requirements of the certifying Airworthiness Authority shall be demonstrated by calculation based on data obtained during flight tests conducted on one (or more, at the Seller’s discretion) A321-200 aircraft of the same aerodynamic configuration as the Aircraft purchased by the Buyer and incorporated in the In-Flight Performance Program and data bases (“the IFP”) appropriate to the Aircraft.


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5.4Compliance with the Manufacturer’s Weight Empty guarantees defined in Paragraph 3 shall be demonstrated with reference to a Weight Compliance Report.


5.5Data derived from tests will be adjusted as required using conventional methods of correction, interpolation or extrapolation in accordance with established aeronautical practices to show compliance with the Guarantees.


5.6Compliance with the Guarantees is not contingent on engine performance defined in the engine manufacturer’s specification.


5.7The Seller undertakes to furnish the Buyer with a report or reports demonstrating compliance with the Guarantees at, or as soon as possible after, the delivery of each of the Buyer’s Aircraft.




6.1In the event of any change to any law, governmental regulation or requirement or interpretation thereof (“Rule Change”) by any governmental agency made subsequent to the date of the Agreement and such rule change affects the Aircraft configuration or performance or both required to obtain certification the Guarantees shall be appropriately modified to reflect the effect of any such change.


6.2The Guarantees apply to the Aircraft as described in paragraph 1 of this Letter Agreement and may be adjusted in the event of:


i)Any further configuration change which is the subject of a SCN
ii)Variation in actual weights of items defined in Section 13-10 of the Standard Specification
iii)Changes required to obtain certification that cause modifications to the performance or weight of the Aircraft




The Guarantees are exclusive and are provided in lieu of any and all other performance and weight guarantees of any nature which may be stated, referenced or incorporated in the Standard Specification or any other document.




Should any Aircraft fail to meet any of the Guarantees contained in this Letter Agreement, the Seller will use its reasonable endeavours to correct the deficiency to comply with the subject guarantee.


8.1Should the Seller fail to develop and make available corrective means (including but not limited to kits, procedures, adjustment of design weights) for the correction of the above said deficiency within one (1) year from delivery of the affected Aircraft, then the Seller shall in respect of such Aircraft pay to the Buyer by way of liquidated damages subject to Seller’s maximum liability set forth hereunder on the anniversary date of the delivery for as long as the deficiency remains, the following amounts:


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8.3.In the event the Seller develops and makes available corrective means mentioned above the Buyer shall reimburse to the Seller the monthly prorated portion of the yearly penalty paid by the Seller on account of the year during which the corrective means are made available.






Notwithstanding any other provision of this Letter Agreement, the Amendment No.2 or the Agreement, this Letter Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Buyer herein shall not be assigned or transferred in any manner, and any attempted assignment or transfer in contravention of the provisions of this Clause shall be void and of no force or effect.




This Letter Agreement (and its existence) or any data exchanged between the Buyer and the Seller for the fulfillment of their respective obligations under this Letter Agreement shall be treated by both Parties as confidential and shall not be released in whole or in part to any third party except as may be required by law, or to auditors, legal or tax advisors for the purpose of implementation hereof.


In particular, both Parties agree:

-not to make any press release concerning the whole or any part of the contents and/or subject matter of this Letter Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party hereto.

-that any and all terms and conditions of the transaction contemplated in this Letter Agreement are strictly personal and exclusive to the Buyer, (the “Personal Information”). The Buyer therefore agrees to enter into consultations with the Seller reasonably in advance of any required disclosure of Personal Information to financial institutions, including operating lessors, investment banks and their agents or other relevant institutions for aircraft sale and leaseback or any other Aircraft or Predelivery Payment financing purposes (the “Receiving Party”).


Without prejudice to the foregoing, any disclosure of Personal Information to a Receiving Party shall be subject to written agreement between the Buyer and the Seller, including in particular, but not limited to:


(i)the contact details of the Receiving Party,
(ii)the extent of the Personal Information subject to disclosure,


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(iii) the Aircraft pricing to be provided to the Receiving Party.


Furthermore, the Buyer shall use its best efforts to limit the disclosure of the contents of this Letter Agreement, the Amendment No.2, the Agreement and/or any Purchase Agreement to the extent legally permissible in any filing required to be made by the Buyer with any governmental or regulatory agency.


The Buyer agrees that prior to any such disclosure or filing, the Seller and the Buyer shall jointly review and agree on the terms and conditions of the document to be filed or disclosed.


The provisions of this Clause shall survive any termination of this Letter Agreement for a period of *** after t the date of Delivery of the last Aircraft to be delivered under the Amendment No.2.


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If the foregoing correctly sets forth our understanding, please execute three (3) originals in the space provided below and return one (1) original of this Letter Agreement to the Seller.


Agreed and Accepted          Agreed and Accepted
For and on behalf of For and on behalf of


Signature:   Signature: /s/ John LEAHY
Name:     Name: John LEAHY
Title:     Title: COO - CUSTOMERS
Date: 23/11/2012      


Witnessed and acknowledged,      





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Hongqiao International Airport,

No. 2550 Hongqiao Road,

Shanghai 200335,

People’s Republic of China




China Eastern Airlines Corp. Ltd., (the “Buyer”) and Airbus S.A.S. (the “Seller”) have entered into an aircraft general terms agreement (“AGTA”) on June 15th, 2009, an A320 family purchase agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) on December 30th, 2010, and an amendment No.1 to the Purchase Agreement (the “Amendment No.1”) on June 28th, 2012, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Agreement”. The Buyer and the Seller have entered on even date herewith into an amendment No.2 to the Agreement (the “Amendment No.2”), together with the Agreement cover the manufacture and the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of the A319 Aircraft as described in the Specification annexed to the Agreement and/or the Amendment No.2.


Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Amendment No.2 and the Agreement


Both parties agree that this Letter Agreement, upon execution thereof, shall constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Amendment No. 2 and shall be governed by all its provisions, as such provisions have been specifically amended pursuant to this Letter Agreement.


If there is any inconsistency between the Amendment No. 2 and/or the Agreement and this Letter Agreement, the latter shall prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.


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The guarantees defined below (the “Guarantees”) are applicable to the A319-100 Aircraft as described in a) the Standard Specification Ref. J 000 01000 Issue 7 dated 20th June 2011 or b) the Standard Specification Ref. J 000 01000 Issue 6 dated 1st March 2007, as amended by Specification Change Notices (“SCN’s”) for:


i)2012 aircraft configuration including Sharklets


ii)installation of following engines


a)CFM56-5B5/3 propulsion system
b)IAE V2522-A5 propulsion system


without taking into account any further changes thereto as provided in the Agreement and/or in the Amendment No.2 (the “Specification” for the purposes of this Letter Agreement).




2.1Take-off Field Length


The JAR take-off field length at an Aircraft gross weight of 64,000 kg at the start of Take-Off Distance Available (TODA) at Sea Level pressure altitude in ISA+15°C conditions shall not be more than a guaranteed value of:


a)for CFM: ***
b)for IAE: ***


2.2Second Segment Climb


The Aircraft shall meet JAR 25 regulations for one engine inoperative climb after take-off, undercarriage retracted, at a weight corresponding to the stated weight at the start of Take-Off Distance Available (TODA), at the altitude and temperature, and in the configuration of flap angle and safety speed required to comply with the performance guaranteed in paragraph 2.1 above.


2.3Landing Field Length


JAR certified dry landing field length at an Aircraft gross weight of 61,000 kg at Sea Level pressure altitude shall be not more than a guaranteed value of:


a)for CFM: ***
b)for IAE: ***


2.4Cruise Specific Air Range


The average nautical miles per kilogram of fuel (average SAR) at a true Mach number of 0.78 in ISA+15 conditions under the Weight and Altitude conditions given below:


  Gross Weight (kg) Pressure Altitude (ft)  
  *** ***  


shall be not less than a guaranteed value of:


a)for CFM: ***
b)for IAE: ***


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The Seller guarantees a Manufacturer’s Weights Empty as below:


A319-100 CFM56-5B5/3 ***
A319-100 V2522-A5 ***


This is the Manufacturer’s Weights Empty of the Aircraft as defined in Section 13-10.00.00 of the Standard Specifications amended by the SCN’s defined in paragraph 1 of this Letter Agreement and are subject to adjustment as defined in paragraph 6.2.




4.1The performance certification requirements for the Aircraft, except where otherwise noted, will be as stated in Section 02 of the Standard Specification.


4.2For the determination of JAR take-off and landing performance a hard dry level runway surface with no runway strength limitations, no line-up allowances, no obstacles, zero wind, atmosphere according to ISA, except as otherwise noted, and the use of speed brakes, flaps, landing gear and engines in the conditions liable to provide the best results will be assumed.


4.2.1When establishing take-off and second segment performance no air will be bled from the engines for cabin air conditioning or anti-icing.


4.3Climb, cruise and descent performance associated with the Guarantees will include allowances for normal electrical load and for normal engine air bleed and power extraction associated with maximum cabin differential pressure as defined in Section 21-30.31 of the Specification. Cabin air conditioning management during performance demonstration as described in Subparagraph 5.3 below may be such as to optimize the Aircraft performance while meeting the minimum air conditioning requirements defined above. Unless otherwise stated no air will be bled from the engines for anti-icing.


4.4The engines will be operated using not more than the engine manufacturer’s maximum recommended outputs for take-off, maximum go-round, maximum continuous, maximum climb and cruise for normal operation.


4.5Where applicable the Guarantees assume the use of an approved fuel having a density of 6.70 lb per US gallon and a lower heating value of 18,590 BTU per lb. Cruise performance assume a centre of gravity position of 25% MAC.




5.1Compliance with the Guarantees shall be demonstrated using operating procedures and limitations in accordance with those defined by the certifying Airworthiness Authority and by the Seller unless otherwise stated.


5.2Compliance with the take-off, second segment and landing elements of the Guarantees will be demonstrated with reference to the JAA approved Flight Manual.


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5.3Compliance with those parts of the Guarantees defined in paragraph 2 above not covered by the requirements of the certifying Airworthiness Authority shall be demonstrated by calculation based on data obtained during flight tests conducted on one (or more, at the Seller’s discretion) A319-100 aircraft of the same aerodynamic configuration as the Aircraft purchased by the Buyer and incorporated in the In-Flight Performance Program and data bases (“the IFP”) appropriate to the Aircraft.


5.4Compliance with the Manufacturer’s Weight Empty guarantees defined in Paragraph 3 shall be demonstrated with reference to a Weight Compliance Report.


5.5Data derived from tests will be adjusted as required using conventional methods of correction, interpolation or extrapolation in accordance with established aeronautical practices to show compliance with the Guarantees.


5.6Compliance with the Guarantees is not contingent on engine performance defined in the engine manufacturer’s specification.


5.7The Seller undertakes to furnish the Buyer with a report or reports demonstrating compliance with the Guarantees at, or as soon as possible after, the delivery of each of the Buyer’s Aircraft.




6.1In the event of any change to any law, governmental regulation or requirement or interpretation thereof (“Rule Change”) by any governmental agency made subsequent to the date of the Agreement and such rule change affects the Aircraft configuration or performance or both required to obtain certification the Guarantees shall be appropriately modified to reflect the effect of any such change.


6.2The Guarantees apply to the Aircraft as described in paragraph 1 of this Letter Agreement and may be adjusted in the event of:


i)Any further configuration change which is the subject of a SCN
ii)Variation in actual weights of items defined in Section 13-10 of the Standard Specification
iii)Changes required to obtain certification that cause modifications to the performance or weight of the Aircraft




The Guarantees are exclusive and are provided in lieu of any and all other performance and weight guarantees of any nature which may be stated, referenced or incorporated in the Standard Specification or any other document.




Should any Aircraft fail to meet any of the Guarantees contained in this Letter Agreement, the Seller will use its reasonable endeavours to correct the deficiency to comply with the subject guarantee.


8.1Should the Seller fail to develop and make available corrective means (including but not limited to kits, procedures, adjustment of design weights) for the correction of the above said deficiency within one (1) year from delivery of the affected Aircraft, then the Seller shall in respect of such Aircraft pay to the Buyer by way of liquidated damages subject to Seller’s maximum liability set forth hereunder on the anniversary date of the delivery for as long as the deficiency remains, the following amounts:


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8.3.In the event the Seller develops and makes available corrective means mentioned above the Seller shall pay to the Buyer the monthly prorated portion of the yearly remedy due by the Seller on account of the year during which the corrective means are made available.






Notwithstanding any other provision of this Letter Agreement, the Amendment No.2 or the Agreement, this Letter Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Buyer herein shall not be assigned or transferred in any manner, and any attempted assignment or transfer in contravention of the provisions of this Clause shall be void and of no force or effect.




This Letter Agreement (and its existence) or any data exchanged between the Buyer and the Seller for the fulfillment of their respective obligations under this Letter Agreement shall be treated by both Parties as confidential and shall not be released in whole or in part to any third party except as may be required by law, or to auditors, legal or tax advisors for the purpose of implementation hereof.


In particular, both Parties agree:

-not to make any press release concerning the whole or any part of the contents and/or subject matter of this Letter Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party hereto.
-that any and all terms and conditions of the transaction contemplated in this Letter Agreement are strictly personal and exclusive to the Buyer, (the “Personal Information”). The Buyer therefore agrees to enter into consultations with the Seller reasonably in advance of any required disclosure of Personal Information to financial institutions, including operating lessors, investment banks and their agents or other relevant institutions for aircraft sale and leaseback or any other Aircraft or Predelivery Payment financing purposes (the “Receiving Party”).


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Without prejudice to the foregoing, any disclosure of Personal Information to a Receiving Party shall be subject to written agreement between the Buyer and the Seller, including in particular, but not limited to:


(i)the contact details of the Receiving Party,
(ii)the extent of the Personal Information subject to disclosure,
(iii)the Aircraft pricing to be provided to the Receiving Party.


Furthermore, the Buyer shall use its best efforts to limit the disclosure of the contents of this Letter Agreement, the Amendment No.2, the Agreement and/or any Purchase Agreement to the extent legally permissible in any filing required to be made by the Buyer with any governmental or regulatory agency.


The Buyer agrees that prior to any such disclosure or filing, the Seller and the Buyer shall jointly review and agree on the terms and conditions of the document to be filed or disclosed.


The provisions of this Clause shall survive any termination of this Letter Agreement for a period of *** after t the date of Delivery of the last Aircraft to be delivered under the Amendment No.2.


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If the foregoing correctly sets forth our understanding, please execute three (3) originals in the space provided below and return one (1) original of this Letter Agreement to the Seller.


Agreed and Accepted          Agreed and Accepted
For and on behalf of For and on behalf of


Signature:   Signature: /s/ John LEAHY
Name:     Name: John LEAHY
Title:     Title: COO - CUSTOMERS
Date: 23/11/2012      


Witnessed and acknowledged,      





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Hongqiao International Airport,

No. 2550 Hongqiao Road,

Shanghai 200335,

People’s Republic of China




China Eastern Airlines Corp. Ltd., (the “Buyer”) and Airbus S.A.S. (the “Seller”) have entered into an aircraft general terms agreement (“AGTA”) on June 15th, 2009, an A320 family purchase agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) on December 30th, 2010, and an amendment No.1 to the Purchase Agreement (the “Amendment No.1”) on June 28th, 2012, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Agreement”. The Buyer and the Seller have entered on even date herewith into an amendment No.2 to the Agreement (the “Amendment No.2”), together with the Agreement cover the manufacture and the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of the A319 Aircraft as described in the Specification annexed to the Agreement and/or the Amendment No.2.


Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Amendment No.2 and the Agreement


Both parties agree that this Letter Agreement, upon execution thereof, shall constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Amendment No. 2 and shall be governed by all its provisions, as such provisions have been specifically amended pursuant to this Letter Agreement.


If there is any inconsistency between the Amendment No. 2 and/or the Agreement and this Letter Agreement, the latter shall prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.


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The guarantees defined below (the “Guarantees”) are applicable to the A319-100 Aircraft as described in a) the Standard Specification Ref. J 000 01000 Issue 7 dated 20th June 2011 or b) the Standard Specification Ref. J 000 01000 Issue 6 dated 1st March 2007, as amended by Specification Change Notices (“SCN’s”) for:


i)2012 aircraft configuration including Sharklets


ii)the following design weights:

Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW) ***
Maximum Landing Weight (MLW) ***
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW) ***


iii)installation of following engines


a)CFM56-5B7/3 propulsion system
b)IAE V2527M-A5 propulsion system


without taking into account any further changes thereto as provided in the Agreement and/or in the Amendment No.2 (the “Specification’’ for the purposes of this Letter Agreement).




2.1Take-off Field Length


The JAR take-off field length at an Aircraft gross weight of 70,000 kg at the start of Take-Off Distance Available (TODA) at Sea Level pressure altitude in ISA+15°C conditions shall not be more than a guaranteed value of:


a)for CFM: ***
b)for IAE: ***


2.2Second Segment Climb


The Aircraft shall meet JAR 25 regulations for one engine inoperative climb after take- off, undercarriage retracted, at a weight corresponding to the stated weight at the start of Take-Off Distance Available (TODA), at the altitude and temperature, and in the configuration of flap angle and safety speed required to comply with the performance guaranteed in paragraph 2.1 above.


2.3Landing Field Length


JAR certified dry landing field length at an Aircraft gross weight of 62,500 kg at Sea Level pressure altitude shall be not more than a guaranteed value of:


a)for CFM: ***
b)for IAE: ***


2.4Cruise Specific Air Range


The average nautical miles per kilogram of fuel (average SAR) at a true Mach number of 0.78 in ISA+15 conditions under the Weight and Altitude conditions given below:


  Gross Weight (kg) Pressure Altitude (ft)  
  *** ***  


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shall be not less than a guaranteed value of:


a)for CFM: ***
b)for IAE: ***




The Seller guarantees a Manufacturer’s Weights Empty as below:


A319-100 CFM56-5B7/3 ***
A319-100 V2527M-A5 ***


This is the Manufacturer’s Weights Empty of the Aircraft as defined in Section 13- 10.0.00 of the Standard Specifications amended by the SCN’s defined in paragraph 1 of this Letter Agreement and are subject to adjustment as defined in paragraph 6.2.




4.1The performance certification requirements for the Aircraft, except where otherwise noted, will be as stated in Section 02 of the Standard Specification.


4.2For the determination of JAR take-off and landing performance a hard dry level runway surface with no runway strength limitations, no line-up allowances, no obstacles, zero wind, atmosphere according to ISA, except as otherwise noted, and the use of speed brakes, flaps, landing gear and engines in the conditions liable to provide the best results will be assumed.


4.2.1When establishing take-off and second segment performance no air will be bled from the engines for cabin air conditioning or anti-icing.


4.3Climb, cruise and descent performance associated with the Guarantees will include allowances for normal electrical load and for normal engine air bleed and power extraction associated with maximum cabin differential pressure as defined in Section 21-30.31 of the Specification. Cabin air conditioning management during performance demonstration as described in Subparagraph 5.3 below may be such as to optimize the Aircraft performance while meeting the minimum air conditioning requirements defined above. Unless otherwise stated no air will be bled from the engines for anti-icing.


4.4The engines will be operated using not more than the engine manufacturer’s maximum recommended outputs for take-off, maximum go-round, maximum continuous, maximum climb and cruise for normal operation.


4.5Where applicable the Guarantees assume the use of an approved fuel having a density of 6.70 lb per US gallon and a lower heating value of 18,590 BTU per lb. Cruise performance assume a centre of gravity position of 25% MAC.


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5.1Compliance with the Guarantees shall be demonstrated using operating procedures and limitations in accordance with those defined by the certifying Airworthiness Authority and by the Seller unless otherwise stated.


5.2Compliance with the take-off, second segment and landing elements of the Guarantees will be demonstrated with reference to the JAA approved Flight Manual.


5.3Compliance with those parts of the Guarantees defined in paragraph 2 above not covered by the requirements of the certifying Airworthiness Authority shall be demonstrated by calculation based on data obtained during flight tests conducted on one (or more, at the Seller’s discretion) A319-100 aircraft of the same aerodynamic configuration as the Aircraft purchased by the Buyer and incorporated in the In-Flight Performance Program and data bases (“the IFP”) appropriate to the Aircraft.


5.4Compliance with the Manufacturer’s Weight Empty guarantees defined in Paragraph 3 shall be demonstrated with reference to a Weight Compliance Report.


5.5Data derived from tests will be adjusted as required using conventional methods of correction, interpolation or extrapolation in accordance with established aeronautical practices to show compliance with the Guarantees.


5.6Compliance with the Guarantees is not contingent on engine performance defined in the engine manufacturer’s specification.


5.7The Seller undertakes to furnish the Buyer with a report or reports demonstrating compliance with the Guarantees at, or as soon as possible after, the delivery of each of the Buyer’s Aircraft.




6.1In the event of any change to any law, governmental regulation or requirement or interpretation thereof (“Rule Change”) by any governmental agency made subsequent to the date of the Agreement and such rule change affects the Aircraft configuration or performance or both required to obtain certification the Guarantees shall be appropriately modified to reflect the effect of any such change.


6.2The Guarantees apply to the Aircraft as described in paragraph 1 of this Letter Agreement and may be adjusted in the event of:


i)Any further configuration change which is the subject of a SCN
ii)Variation in actual weights of items defined in Section 13-10 of the Standard Specification
iii)Changes required to obtain certification that cause modifications to the performance or weight of the Aircraft




The Guarantees are exclusive and are provided in lieu of any and all other performance and weight guarantees of any nature which may be stated, referenced or incorporated in the Standard Specification or any other document.


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Should any Aircraft fail to meet any of the Guarantees contained in this Letter Agreement, the Seller will use its reasonable endeavours to correct the deficiency to comply with the subject guarantee.


8.1Should the Seller fail to develop and make available corrective means (including but not limited to kits, procedures, adjustment of design weights) for the correction of the above said deficiency within one (1) year from delivery of the affected Aircraft, then the Seller shall in respect of such Aircraft pay to the Buyer by way of liquidated damages subject to Seller’s maximum liability set forth hereunder on the anniversary date of the delivery for as long as the deficiency remains, the following amounts:






8.3.In the event the seller develops and makes available corrective means mentioned above the Seller shall pay to the Buyer the monthly prorated portion of the yearly remedy due by the Seller on account of the year during which the corrective means are made available.






Notwithstanding any other provision of this Letter Agreement, the Amendment No.2 or the Agreement, this Letter Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Buyer herein shall not be assigned or transferred in any manner, and any attempted assignment or transfer in contravention of the provisions of this Clause shall be void and of no force or effect.




This Letter Agreement (and its existence) or any data exchanged between the Buyer and the Seller for the fulfillment of their respective obligations under this Letter Agreement shall be treated by both Parties as confidential and shall not be released in whole or in part to any third party except as may be required by law, or to auditors, legal or tax advisors for the purpose of implementation hereof.


In particular, both Parties agree:

-not to make any press release concerning the whole or any part of the contents and/or subject matter of this Letter Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party hereto.


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-that any and all terms and conditions of the transaction contemplated in this Letter Agreement are strictly personal and exclusive to the Buyer, (the “Personal Information”). The Buyer therefore agrees to enter into consultations with the Seller reasonably in advance of any required disclosure of Personal Information to financial institutions, including operating lessors, investment banks and their agents or other relevant institutions for aircraft sale and leaseback or any other Aircraft or Predelivery Payment financing purposes (the “Receiving Party”).


Without prejudice to the foregoing, any disclosure of Personal Information to a Receiving Party shall be subject to written agreement between the Buyer and the Seller, including in particular, but not limited to:


(i) the contact details of the Receiving Party,

(ii) the extent of the Personal Information subject to disclosure,

(iii) the Aircraft pricing to be provided to the Receiving Party.


Furthermore, the Buyer shall use its best efforts to limit the disclosure of the contents of this Letter Agreement, the Amendment No.2, the Agreement and/or any Purchase Agreement to the extent legally permissible in any filing required to be made by the Buyer with any governmental or regulatory agency.


The Buyer agrees that prior to any such disclosure or filing, the Seller and the Buyer shall jointly review and agree on the terms and conditions of the document to be filed or disclosed.


The provisions of this Clause shall survive any termination of this Letter Agreement for a period of *** after t the date of Delivery of the last Aircraft to be delivered under the Amendment No.2.


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If the foregoing correctly sets forth our understanding, please execute three (3) originals in the space provided below and return one (1) original of this Letter Agreement to the Seller.


Agreed and Accepted   Agreed and Accepted
For and on behalf of   For and on behalf of
 Signature:    Signature: /s/ John LEAHY
Name:     Name: John LEAHY
Title:     Title:  COO CUSTOMERS
Date: 23/11/2012    
Witnessed and acknowledged,    



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Hongqiao International Airport,

No. 2550 Hongqiao Road,

Shanghai 200335,

People’s Republic of China


Subject:  A320-200 PERFORMANCE GUARANTEES (Sharklets)


China Eastern Airlines Corp. Ltd., (the “Buyer”) and Airbus S.A.S. (the “Seller”) have entered into an aircraft general terms agreement (“AGTA”) on June 15th, 2009, an A320 family purchase agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) on December 30th, 2010, and an amendment No.1 to the Purchase Agreement (the “Amendment No.1”) on June 28th, 2012, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Agreement”. The Buyer and the Seller have entered on even date herewith into an amendment No.2 to the Agreement (the “Amendment No.2”), together with the Agreement cover the manufacture and the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of the A320 Aircraft as described in the Specification annexed to the Agreement and/or the Amendment No.2.


Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Amendment No.2 and the Agreement


Both parties agree that this Letter Agreement, upon execution thereof, shall constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Amendment No. 2 and shall be governed by all its provisions, as such provisions have been specifically amended pursuant to this Letter Agreement.


If there is any inconsistency between the Amendment No. 2 and/or the Agreement and this Letter Agreement, the latter shall prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.


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The guarantees defined below (the “Guarantees”) are applicable to the A320-200 Aircraft as described in a) the Standard Specification Ref. D 000 02000 Issue 8 dated 20th June 2011 or b) the Standard Specification Ref. D 000 02000 Issue 7 dated 1st March 2007, as amended by Specification Change Notices (“SCN’s”) for:


i)   2012 aircraft configuration including Sharklets


ii)   installation of following engines

a)   CFM56-5B4/3 propulsion system

b)   IAE V2527-A5 propulsion system


without taking into account any further changes thereto as provided in the Agreement and/or in the Amendment No.2 (the “Specification” for the purposes of this Letter Agreement).




2.1Take-off Field Length


The JAR take-off field length at an Aircraft gross weight of 73,500 kg at the start of Take-Off Distance Available (TODA) at Sea Level pressure altitude in ISA+15°C conditions shall not be more than a guaranteed value of:


a)    for CFM:    ***

b)    for IAE:      ***


2.2Second Segment Climb


The Aircraft shall meet JAR 25 regulations for one engine inoperative climb after take- off, undercarriage retracted, at a weight corresponding to the stated weight at the start of Take-Off Distance Available (TODA), at the altitude and temperature, and in the configuration of flap angle and safety speed required to comply with the performance guaranteed in paragraph 2.1 above.


2.3Landing Field Length


JAR certified dry landing field length at an Aircraft gross weight of 64,500 kg at Sea Level pressure altitude shall be not more than a guaranteed value of:


a)    for CFM:    ***

b)    for IAE:      ***


2.4Cruise Specific Air Range


The average nautical miles per kilogram of fuel (average SAR) at a true Mach number of 0.78 in ISA+15 conditions under the Weight and Altitude conditions given below:


Gross Weight (kg) Pressure Altitude (ft)
*** ***


shall be not less than a guaranteed value of:


a)for CFM: ***
 b)for IAE:   ***


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The Seller guarantees a Manufacturer’s Weights Empty as below:


A320-200 CFM56-5B4/3             ***


A320-200 V2527-A5                    ***


These are the Manufacturer’s Weights Empty of the Aircraft as defined in Section 13-10.00.00 of the Standard Specifications amended by the SCN’s defined in paragraph 1 of this Letter Agreement and are subject to adjustment as defined in paragraph 6.2.




4.1The performance certification requirements for the Aircraft, except where otherwise noted, will be as stated in Section 02 of the Standard Specification.


4.2For the determination of JAR take-off and landing performance a hard dry level runway surface with no runway strength limitations, no line-up allowances, no obstacles, zero wind, atmosphere according to ISA, except as otherwise noted, and the use of speed brakes, flaps, landing gear and engines in the conditions liable to provide the best results will be assumed.


4.2.1When establishing take-off and second segment performance no air will be bled from the engines for cabin air conditioning or anti-icing.


4.3Climb, cruise and descent performance associated with the Guarantees will include allowances for normal electrical load and for normal engine air bleed and power extraction associated with maximum cabin differential pressure as defined in Section 21-30.31 of the Specification. Cabin air conditioning management during performance demonstration as described in Subparagraph 5.3 below may be such as to optimize the Aircraft performance while meeting the minimum air conditioning requirements defined above. Unless otherwise stated no air will be bled from the engines for anti-icing.


4.4The engines will be operated using not more than the engine manufacturer’s maximum recommended outputs for take-off, maximum go-round, maximum continuous, maximum climb and cruise for normal operation.


4.5Where applicable the Guarantees assume the use of an approved fuel having a density of 6.70 lb per US gallon and a lower heating value of 18,590 BTU per lb. Cruise performance assume a centre of gravity position of 33% MAC.




5.1Compliance with the Guarantees shall be demonstrated using operating procedures and limitations in accordance with those defined by the certifying Airworthiness Authority and by the Seller unless otherwise stated.


5.2Compliance with the take-off, second segment and landing elements of the Guarantees will be demonstrated with reference to the JAA approved Flight Manual.


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5.3Compliance with those parts of the Guarantees defined in paragraph 2 above not covered by the requirements of the certifying Airworthiness Authority shall be demonstrated by calculation based on data obtained during flight tests conducted on one (or more, at the Seller’s discretion) A320-200 aircraft of the same aerodynamic configuration as the Aircraft purchased by the Buyer and incorporated in the In-Flight Performance Program and data bases (“the IFP”) appropriate to the Aircraft.


5.4Compliance with the Manufacturer’s Weight Empty guarantees defined in Paragraph 3 shall be demonstrated with reference to a Weight Compliance Report.


5.5Data derived from tests will be adjusted as required using conventional methods of correction, interpolation or extrapolation in accordance with established aeronautical practices to show compliance with the Guarantees.


5.6Compliance with the Guarantees is not contingent on engine performance defined in the engine manufacturer’s specification.


5.7The Seller undertakes to furnish the Buyer with a report or reports demonstrating compliance with the Guarantees at, or as soon as possible after, the delivery of each of the Buyer’s Aircraft.




6.1In the event of any change to any law, governmental regulation or requirement or interpretation thereof (“Rule Change”) by any governmental agency made subsequent to the date of the Agreement and such rule change affects the Aircraft configuration or performance or both required to obtain certification the Guarantees shall be appropriately modified to reflect the effect of any such change.


6.2The Guarantees apply to the Aircraft as described in paragraph 1 of this Letter Agreement and may be adjusted in the event of:


i)Any further configuration change which is the subject of a SCN
ii)Variation in actual weights of items defined in Section 13-10 of the Standard Specification
iii)Changes required to obtain certification that cause modifications to the performance or weight of the Aircraft




The Guarantees are exclusive and are provided in lieu of any and all other performance and weight guarantees of any nature which may be stated, referenced or incorporated in the Standard Specification or any other document.




Should any Aircraft fail to meet any of the Guarantees contained in this Letter Agreement, the Seller will use its reasonable endeavours to correct the deficiency to comply with the subject guarantee.


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8.1Should the Seller fail to develop and make available corrective means (including but not limited to kits, procedures, adjustment of design weights) for the correction of the above said deficiency within one (1) year from delivery of the affected Aircraft, then the Seller shall in respect of such Aircraft pay to the Buyer by way of liquidated damages subject to Seller’s maximum liability set forth hereunder on the anniversary date of the delivery for as long as the deficiency remains, the following amounts:






8.3.In the event the Seller develops and makes available corrective means mentioned above the Buyer shall reimburse to the Seller the monthly prorated portion of the yearly penalty paid by the Seller on account of the year during which the corrective means are made available.






Notwithstanding any other provision of this Letter Agreement, the Amendment No.2 or the Agreement, this Letter Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Buyer herein shall not be assigned or transferred in any manner, and any attempted assignment or transfer in contravention of the provisions of this Clause shall be void and of no force or effect.




This Letter Agreement (and its existence) or any data exchanged between the Buyer and the Seller for the fulfillment of their respective obligations under this Letter Agreement shall be treated by both Parties as confidential and shall not be released in whole or in part to any third party except as may be required by law, or to auditors, legal or tax advisors for the purpose of implementation hereof.


In particular, both Parties agree:

-not to make any press release concerning the whole or any part of the contents and/or subject matter of this Letter Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party hereto.
-that any and all terms and conditions of the transaction contemplated in this Letter Agreement are strictly personal and exclusive to the Buyer, (the “Personal Information”). The Buyer therefore agrees to enter into consultations with the Seller reasonably in advance of any required disclosure of Personal Information to financial institutions, including operating lessors, investment banks and their agents or other relevant institutions for aircraft sale and leaseback or any other Aircraft or Predelivery Payment financing purposes (the “Receiving Party”).


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Without prejudice to the foregoing, any disclosure of Personal Information to a Receiving Party shall be subject to written agreement between the Buyer and the Seller, including in particular, but not limited to:


(i) the contact details of the Receiving Party,

(ii) the extent of the Personal Information subject to disclosure,

(iii) the Aircraft pricing to be provided to the Receiving Party.


Furthermore, the Buyer shall use its best efforts to limit the disclosure of the contents of this Letter Agreement, the Amendment No.2, the Agreement and/or any Purchase Agreement to the extent legally permissible in any filing required to be made by the Buyer with any governmental or regulatory agency.


The Buyer agrees that prior to any such disclosure or filing, the Seller and the Buyer shall jointly review and agree on the terms and conditions of the document to be filed or disclosed.


The provisions of this Clause Shall survive any termination of this Letter Agreement for a period of *** after t the date of Delivery of the last Aircraft to be delivered under the Amenament No.2.


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If the foregoing correctly sets forth our understanding, please execute three (3) originals in the space provided below and return one (1) original of this Letter Agreement to the Seller.


Agreed and Accepted   Agreed and Accepted
For and on behalf of   For and on behalf of
 Signature:    Signature: /s/ John LEAHY
Name:     Name: John LEAHY
Title:     Title:  COO - CUSTOMERS
Date: 23/11/2012    
Witnessed and acknowledged,    


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Hongqiao International Airport,

No. 2550 Hongqiao Road,

Shanghai 200335,

People’s Republic of China




China Eastern Airlines Corp. Ltd., (the “Buyer”) and Airbus S.A.S. (the “Seller”) have entered into an aircraft general terms agreement (“AGTA”) on June 15th, 2009, an A320 family purchase agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) on December 30th, 2010, and an amendment No.1 to the Purchase Agreement (the “Amendment No.1”) on June 28th, 2012, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Agreement”. The Buyer and the Seller have entered on even date herewith into an amendment No.2 to the Agreement (the “Amendment No.2”), together with the Agreement cover the manufacture and the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of the A321 Aircraft as described in the Specification annexed to the Agreement and/or the Amendment No.2.


Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Amendment No.2 and the Agreement


Both parties agree that this Letter Agreement, upon execution thereof, shall constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Amendment No. 2 and shall be governed by all its provisions, as such provisions have been specifically amended pursuant to this Letter Agreement.


If there is any inconsistency between the Amendment No. 2 and/or the Agreement and this Letter Agreement, the latter shall prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.


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The guarantees defined below (the “Guarantees”) are applicable to the A321-200 Aircraft as described in a) the Standard Specification Ref. E 000 02000 Issue 5 dated 20th June 2011 or b) the Standard Specification Ref. E 000 02000 Issue 4 dated 1st March 2007, as amended by Specification Change Notices (“SCN’s”) for:


i)   2012 aircraft configuration including Sharklets


ii)   installation of following engines


a)   CFM56-5B3/3 propulsion system

b)   IAE V2533-A5 propulsion system


without taking into account any further changes thereto as provided in the Agreement and/or in the Amendment No.2 (the “Specification” for the purposes of this Letter Agreement).




2.1Take-off Field Length


The JAR take-off field length at an Aircraft gross weight of 89,000 kg at the start of Take-Off Distance Available (TODA) at Sea Level pressure altitude in ISA+15°C conditions shall not be more than a guaranteed value of:


a)for CFM:       ***

b)for IAE:         ***


2.2Second Segment Climb


The Aircraft shall meet JAR 25 regulations for one engine inoperative climb after take- off, undercarriage retracted, at a weight corresponding to the stated weight at the start of Take-Off Distance Available (TODA), at the altitude and temperature, and in the configuration of flap angle and safety speed required to comply with the performance guaranteed in paragraph 2.1 above.


2.3Landing Field Length


JAR certified dry landing field length at an Aircraft gross weight of 75,500 kg at Sea Level pressure altitude shall be not more than a guaranteed value of:


a)for CFM:       ***

b)for IAE:         ***


2.4Cruise Specific Air Range


The average nautical miles per kilogram of fuel (average SAR) at a true Mach number of 0.78 in ISA+15 conditions under the Weight and Altitude conditions given below:


 Gross Weight (kg) Pressure Altitude (ft)
*** ***


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shall be not less than a guaranteed value of:


a)for CFM:       ***

b)for IAE:         ***




The Seller guarantees a Manufacturer’s Weights Empty as below:


A321-200 CFM56-5B3/3        ***

A321-200 V2533-A5               ***


These are the Manufacturer’s Weights Empty of the Aircraft as defined in Section 13-10.0.00 of the Standard Specifications amended by the SCN’s defined in paragraph 1 of this Letter Agreement and are subject to adjustment as defined in paragraph 6.2.




4.1The performance certification requirements for the Aircraft, except where otherwise noted, will be as stated in Section 02 of the Standard Specification.


4.2For the determination of JAR take-off and landing performance a hard dry level runway surface with no runway strength limitations, no line-up allowances, no obstacles, zero wind, atmosphere according to ISA, except as otherwise noted, and the use of speed brakes, flaps, landing gear and engines in the conditions liable to provide the best results will be assumed.


4.2.1When establishing take-off and second segment performance no air will be bled from the engines for cabin air conditioning or anti-icing.


4.3Climb, cruise and descent performance associated with the Guarantees will include allowances for normal electrical load and for normal engine air bleed and power extraction associated with maximum cabin differential pressure as defined in Section 21-30.31 of the Specification. Cabin air conditioning management during performance demonstration as described in Subparagraph 5.3 below may be such as to optimize the Aircraft performance while meeting the minimum air conditioning requirements defined above. Unless otherwise stated no air will be bled from the engines for anti-icing.


4.4The engines will be operated using not more than the engine manufacturer’s maximum recommended outputs for take-off, maximum go-round, maximum continuous, maximum climb and cruise for normal operation.


4.5Where applicable the Guarantees assume the use of an approved fuel having a density of 6.70 lb per US gallon and a lower heating value of 18,590 BTU per lb. Cruise performance assume a centre of gravity position of 25% MAC.


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5.1Compliance with the Guarantees shall be demonstrated using operating procedures and limitations in accordance with those defined by the certifying Airworthiness Authority and by the Seller unless otherwise stated.


5.2Compliance with the take-off, second segment and landing elements of the Guarantees will be demonstrated with reference to the JAA approved Flight Manual.


5.3Compliance with those parts of the Guarantees defined in paragraph 2 above not covered by the requirements of the certifying Airworthiness Authority shall be demonstrated by calculation based on data obtained during flight tests conducted on one (or more, at the Seller’s discretion) A321-200 aircraft of the same aerodynamic configuration as the Aircraft purchased by the Buyer and incorporated in the In-Flight Performance Program and data bases (“the IFP”) appropriate to the Aircraft.


5.4Compliance with the Manufacturer’s Weight Empty guarantees defined in Paragraph 3 shall be demonstrated with reference to a Weight Compliance Report.


5.5Data derived from tests will be adjusted as required using conventional methods of correction, interpolation or extrapolation in accordance with established aeronautical practices to show compliance with the Guarantees.


5.6Compliance with the Guarantees is not contingent on engine performance defined in the engine manufacturer’s specification.


5.7The Seller undertakes to furnish the Buyer with a report or reports demonstrating compliance with the Guarantees at, or as soon as possible after, the delivery of each of the Buyer’s Aircraft.




6.1In the event of any change to any law, governmental regulation or requirement or interpretation thereof (“Rule Change”) by any governmental agency made subsequent to the date of the Agreement and such rule change affects the Aircraft configuration or performance or both required to obtain certification the Guarantees shall be appropriately modified to reflect the effect of any such change.


6.2The Guarantees apply to the Aircraft as described in paragraph 1 of this Letter Agreement and may be adjusted in the event of:


i)Any further configuration change which is the subject of a SCN
ii)Variation in actual weights of items defined in Section 13-10 of the Standard Specification

iii)Changes required to obtain certification that cause modifications to the performance or weight of the Aircraft




The Guarantees are exclusive and are provided in lieu of any and all other performance and weight guarantees of any nature which may be stated, referenced or incorporated in the Standard Specification or any other document.


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Should any Aircraft fail to meet any of the Guarantees contained in this Letter Agreement, the Seller will use its reasonable endeavours to correct the deficiency to comply with the subject guarantee.


8.1Should the Seller fail to develop and make available corrective means (including but not limited to kits, procedures, adjustment of design weights) for the correction of the above said deficiency within one (1) year from delivery of the affected Aircraft, then the Seller shall in respect of such Aircraft pay to the Buyer by way of liquidated damages subject to Seller’s maximum liability set forth hereunder on the anniversary date of the delivery for as long as the deficiency remains, the following amounts:






8.3.In the event the Seller develops and makes available corrective means mentioned above the Buyer shall reimburse to the Seller the monthly prorated portion of the yearly penalty paid by the Seller on account of the year during which the corrective means are made available.






Notwithstanding any other provision of this Letter Agreement, the Amendment No.2 or the Agreement, this Letter Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Buyer herein shall not be assigned or transferred in any manner, and any attempted assignment or transfer in contravention of the provisions of this Clause shall be void and of no force or effect.




This Letter Agreement (and its existence) or any data exchanged between the Buyer and the Seller for the fulfillment of their respective obligations under this Letter Agreement shall be treated by both Parties as confidential and shall not be released in whole or in part to any third party except as may be required by law, or to auditors, legal or tax advisors for the purpose of implementation hereof.


In particular, both Parties agree:


-not to make any press release concerning the whole or any part of the contents and/or subject matter of this Letter Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party hereto.


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-that any and all terms and conditions of the transaction contemplated in this Letter Agreement are strictly personal and exclusive to the Buyer, (the “Personal Information”). The Buyer therefore agrees to enter into consultations with the Seller reasonably in advance of any required disclosure of Personal Information to financial institutions, including operating lessors, investment banks and their agents or other relevant institutions for aircraft sale and leaseback or any other Aircraft or Predelivery Payment financing purposes (the “Receiving Party”).


Without prejudice to the foregoing, any disclosure of Personal Information to a Receiving Party shall be subject to written agreement between the Buyer and the Seller, including in particular, but not limited to:


(i) the contact details of the Receiving Party,

(ii) the extent of the Personal Information subject to disclosure,

(iii) the Aircraft pricing to be provided to the Receiving Party.


Furthermore, the Buyer shall use its best efforts to limit the disclosure of the contents of this Letter Agreement, the Amendment No.2, the Agreement and/or any Purchase Agreement to the extent legally permissible in any filing required to be made by the Buyer with any governmental or regulatory agency.


The Buyer agrees that prior to any such disclosure or filing, the Seller and the Buyer shall jointly review and agree on the terms and conditions of the document to be filed or disclosed.


The provisions of this Clause shall survive any termination of this Letter Agreement for a period of *** after t the date of Delivery of the last Aircraft to be delivered under the Amendment No.2.


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If the foregoing correctly sets forth our understanding, please execute three (3) originals in the space provided below and return one (1) original of this Letter Agreement to the Seller.


Agreed and Accepted   Agreed and Accepted
For and on behalf of   For and on behalf of
 Signature:    Signature: /s/ John LEAHY
Name:     Name: John LEAHY
Title:     Title:  COO - CUSTOMERS
Date: 23/11/2012    
Witnessed and acknowledged,    


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Hongqiao International Airport,

No. 2550 Hongqiao Road,

Shanghai 200335,

People’s Republic of China


Subject: Approval


China Eastern Airlines Corp. Ltd., (the “Buyer”) and Airbus S.A.S. (the “Seller”) have entered into an aircraft general terms agreement (“AGTA”) on June 15th, 2009, an A320 family purchase agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) on December 30th, 2010, and an amendment No.1 to the Purchase Agreement (the “Amendment No.1”) on June 28th, 2012, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Agreement”. The Buyer and the Seller have entered on even date herewith into an amendment No.2 to the Agreement (the “Amendment No.2”), which cover the manufacture and the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of the Second Batch Aircraft as described in the Amendment No. 2.


Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Amendment No.2 and the Agreement


Both parties agree that this Letter Agreement, upon execution thereof, shall constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Amendment No. 2 and shall be governed by all its provisions, as such provisions have been specifically amended pursuant to this Letter Agreement.


If there is any inconsistency between the Amendment No. 2 and/or the Agreement and this Letter Agreement, the latter shall prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.


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1.Listing Matters


The Buyer confirms that it is a listed issuer of equity securities at The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Hong Kong Stock Exchange”) and Stock Exchange of Shanghai Limited (the “Shanghai Stock Exchange” collectively the “Stock Exchanges”). The Buyer confirms that; i) under the relevant governing rules of the Stock Exchanges, Buyer’s purchase of the Aircraft may be a transaction classified as a “notifiable transaction”, ii) such classification by the Stock Exchanges requires the Buyer to comply with the certain disclosure and shareholder approval requirements regarding the purchase of the Aircraft.


2.Shareholder Approval.


The parties understand that the rules of the Stock Exchanges require that, any applicable transaction must be approved by a Buyer’s shareholders general meeting. If required, shareholders approval for the purchase by the Buyer of the Aircraft shall be obtained, following the applicable laws and regulations, including the requirements and procedures defined under the Hong Kong and Shanghai lising rules and the articles of associatikon of the Buyer, as soon as practicable after the signing of Amendment No.2 to the Agreement. The Buyer confirms that it has obtained from its controlling shareholder (which owns or controls more than 50% of the Buyer’s total share capital) written approval for the Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement.


3.Government Approval.




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Notwithstanding any other provision of this Letter Agreement No8, the AGTA or the Purchase Agreement, this Letter Agreement No8 and the rights and obligations of the Buyer herein shall not be assigned or transferred in any manner, and any attempted assignment or transfer in contravention of the provisions of this Clause shall be void and of no force or effect.




This Letter Agreement No8 (and its existence) or any data exchanged between the Buyer and the Seller for the fulfillment of their respective obligations under this Letter Agreement 9 shall be treated by both Parties as confidential and shall not be released in whole or in part to any third party except as may be required by law (provided that the Buyer or the Seller, as the case may be, shall use its reasonable efforts to obtain assurance that such information will be treated confidentially) or by the Stock Exchange, or to auditors, legal or tax advisors for the purpose of implementation hereof.


In particular, both Parties agree:


-not to make any press release concerning the whole or any part of the contents and/or subject matter of this Letter Agreement No8 without the prior written consent of the other Party hereto.


-that any and all terms and conditions of the transaction contemplated in this Letter Agreement No8 are strictly personal and exclusive to the Buyer, (the “Personal Information”). The Buyer therefore agrees to enter into consultations with the Seller reasonably in advance of any required disclosure of Personal Information to financial institutions, including operating lessors, investment banks and their agents or other relevant institutions for aircraft sale and leaseback or any other Aircraft or Predelivery Payment financing purposes (the “Receiving Party”).


Without prejudice to the foregoing, any disclosure of Personal Information to a Receiving Party shall be subject to written agreement between the Buyer and the Seller, including in particular, but not limited to:


(i)the contact details of the Receiving Party,
(ii)the extent of the Personal Information subject to disclosure,
(iii)the Aircraft pricing to be provided to the Receiving Party.


Furthermore, the Buyer shall use its best efforts to limit the disclosure of the contents of this AGTA and/or any Purchase Agreement to the extent legally permissible in any filing required to be made by the Buyer with any governmental or regulatory agency. The Buyer agrees that prior to any such disclosure or filing, the Seller and the Buyer shall jointly review and agree on the terms and conditions of the document to be filed or disclosed.


The provisions of this Clause shall survive any termination of this Letter Agreement No8 for a period of *** after the date of Delivery of the last Aircraft to be delivered under the Purchase Agreement.


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If the foregoing correctly sets forth our understanding, please execute three (3) originals in the space provided below and return one (1) original of this Letter Agreement No8 to the Seller.


Agreed and accepted,   Agreed and accepted,
For and on behalf of   For and on behalf of
Signature:     Signature:   /s/ John LEAHY
Name:     Name: John LEAHY
Title:     Title: COO - CUSTOMERS
Date: 23/11/2012      
Witnessed and acknowledged,      


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Hongqiao International Airport,

No. 2550 Hongqiao Road,

Shanghai 200335,

People’s Republic of China


Subject: Additional Incentives


China Eastern Airlines Corp. Ltd., (the “Buyer”) and Airbus S.A.S. (the “Seller”) have entered into an aircraft general terms agreement (“AGTA”) on June 15th, 2009, an A320 family purchase agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) on December 30th, 2010, and an amendment No.1 to the Purchase Agreement (the “Amendment No.1”) on June 28th, 2012, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Agreement”. The Buyer and the Seller have entered on even date herewith into an amendment No.2 to the Agreement (the “Amendment No.2”), which cover the manufacture and the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of the Second Batch Aircraft as described in the Amendment No. 2


Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Side Letter shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Amendment No.2 and the Agreement


Both parties agree that this Side Letter, upon execution thereof, shall constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Amendment No. 2 and shall be governed by all its provisions, as such provisions have been specifically amended pursuant to this Side Letter.


If there is any inconsistency between the Amendment No. 2 and/or the Agreement and this Side Letter, the latter shall prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.


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12016 CEO Deliveries Credit Memorandum


The Seller shall grant to the Buyer, at Delivery of each Second Batch Aircraft whose Scheduled Delivery Quarter set out in Clause 4 of Amendment No.2 is within 2016, a credit memorandum (the “2016 CEO Deliveries Credit Memorandum”) in an amount of:




22017 CEO Deliveries Credit Memorandum


The Seller shall grant to the Buyer, at Delivery of each Second Batch Aircraft which Scheduled Delivery Quarter set out in Clause 4 of Amendment No.2 is within 2017, a credit memorandum (the “2017 CEO Deliveries Credit Memorandum”) in an amount of:




3Full Flight Simulator Credit Memorandum


To contribute to the acquisition of an A320 family Level “D” Flight Simulator (the “FFS”), the Seller shall grant to the Buyer a full flight simulator credit memorandum (hereinafter the “FFS Credit Memorandum”) in a flat amount of:




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4A319 High Altitude Credit Memorandum


Pursuant to Amendment No 2. to the Purchase Agreement, the Seller shall sell and the Buyer shall purchase and take Delivery of sixty (60) Second Batch Aircraft, some of which may be A319 model aircraft (hereinafter the “Eligible Aircraft”).




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Notwithstanding any other provision of this Side Letter, the Amendment No.2 or the Agreement, this Side Letter and the rights and obligations of the Buyer herein shall not be assigned or transferred in any manner, and any attempted assignment or transfer in contravention of the provisions of this Clause shall be void and of no force or effect.


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This Side Letter (and its existence) (and its existence) shall be treated by both parties as confidential and shall not be released (or revealed) in whole or in part to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party. In particular, each party agrees not to make any press release concerning the whole or any part of the contents and/or subject matter hereof or of any future addendum hereto without the prior written consent of the other party.


This Side Letter (and its existence) or any data exchanged between the Buyer and the Seller for the fulfillment of their respective obligations under this Side Letter shall be treated by both Parties as confidential and shall not be released in whole or in part to any third party except as may be required by law, or to auditors, legal or tax advisors for the purpose of implementation hereof.


In particular, both Parties agree:

-not to make any press release concerning the whole or any part of the contents and/or subject matter of this Side Letter without the prior written consent of the other Party hereto.

-that any and all terms and conditions of the transaction contemplated in this Side Letter are strictly personal and exclusive to the Buyer, (the “Personal Information”). The Buyer therefore agrees to enter into consultations with the Seller reasonably in advance of any required disclosure of Personal Information to financial institutions, including operating lessors, investment banks and their agents or other relevant institutions for aircraft sale and leaseback or any other Aircraft or Predelivery Payment financing purposes (the “Receiving Party”).


Without prejudice to the foregoing, any disclosure of Personal Information to a Receiving Party shall be subject to written agreement between the Buyer and the Seller, including in particular, but not limited to:


(i)the contact details of the Receiving Party,
(ii)the extent of the Personal Information subject to disclosure,
(iii)the Aircraft pricing to be provided to the Receiving Party.


Furthermore, the Buyer shall use its best efforts to limit the disclosure of the contents of this Side Letter, the Amendment No.2, the Agreement and/or any Purchase Agreement to the extent legally permissible in any filing required to be made by the Buyer with any governmental or regulatory agency.


The Buyer agrees that prior to any such disclosure or filing, the Seller and the Buyer shall jointly review and agree on the terms and conditions of the document to be filed or disclosed.


The provisions of this Clause shall survive any termination of this Side Letter for a period of *** after t the date of Delivery of the last Aircraft to be delivered under the Amendment No.2.


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If the foregoing correctly sets forth our understanding, please execute three (3) originals in the space provided below and return one (1) original of this Side Letter to the Seller.


Agreed and Accepted   Agreed and Accepted
For and on behalf of   For and on behalf of
Signature:     Signature:   /s/ John LEAHY
Name:     Name: John LEAHY
Title:     Title: COO - CUSTOMERS
Date: 23/11/2012      
Witnessed and acknowledged,      


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Hongqiao International Airport,

No. 2550 Hongqiao Road,

Shanghai 200335,

People’s Republic of China


Subject: Fleet Rationalisation


China Eastern Airlines Corp. Ltd., (the “Buyer”) and Airbus S.A.S. (the “Seller”) have entered into an aircraft general terms agreement (“AGTA”) on June 15th, 2009, an A320 family purchase agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) on December 30th, 2010, and an amendment No.1 to the Purchase Agreement (the “Amendment No.1”) on June 28th, 2012, hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Agreement”. The Buyer and the Seller have entered on even date herewith into an amendment No.2 to the Agreement (the “Amendment No.2”), which cover the manufacture and the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of the Second Batch Aircraft as described in the Amendment No. 2


Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Side Letter shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Amendment No.2 and the Agreement


Both parties agree that this Side Letter, upon execution thereof, shall constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Amendment No. 2 and shall be governed by all its provisions, as such provisions have been specifically amended pursuant to this Side Letter.


If there is any inconsistency between the Amendment No. 2 and/or the Agreement and this Side Letter, the latter shall prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.


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1Replacement of Side Letter 4


Side Letter No. 4 to the Purchase Agreement is hereby deleted and replaced by the terms set forth in clause 2 herein.


2Fleet Expansion Credit Memorandum


2.1In consideration of the Buyer adding at least twenty-four (24) newly manufactured, incremental, A330 model aircraft, A350 model aircraft and/or A380 model aircraft (collectively the “Wide Body Aircraft”) to its fleet and subject to (i) the Buyer and the Seller entering into fully binding purchase agreements for the manufacturing by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of such Wide Body Aircraft (the “Incremental PAs”), where up to four (4) of the twenty-four (24) Wide Body Aircraft being alternatively subject to the Buyer entering binding lease agreements (the “Incremental Leases”), with such Incremental PAs and Incremental Leases entering into force after the date of the Purchase Agreement, and before 1st June 2013 (the “Expiry Date”), and (ii) the Seller having received all predelivery payments due in accordance with the relevant terms of such Incremental PAs; then the Seller shall grant to the Buyer, at Delivery of each First Batch Aircraft delivered after entry into force of the Incremental PAs and Incremental Leases, a Fleet Expansion Credit Memorandum in a fixed amount of:


USD 920,000
(US Dollars five hundred thousand)


This Fleet Expansion Credit Memorandum shall be applied against the Final Price of the relevant First Batch Aircraft or may be used for the purchase of Goods and Services from the Seller or its Subsidiaries.


2.2In the event that any of the conditions set forth in clause 2.1 herein have not been met at the time of delivery of a First Batch Aircraft, then no Fleet Expansion Credit shall be earned or granted on such Aircraft.


3Fleet Replacement Assistance


In consideration of the Buyer entering into the Amendment No 2 to the Agreement and performing its obligations thereunder with regard to the purchase by the Buyer of each of the Second Batch Aircraft, the Seller is prepared subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the sale and purchase agreement, reference CT1242070 dated on even date herewith, to procure the purchase from the Buyer of eight (8) Bombardier CRJ- 200 and ten (10) Embraer ERJ-145 aircraft in 2014, 2015 and 2016.




Notwithstanding any other provision of this Side Letter, the Amendment No.2 or the Agreement, this Side Letter and the rights and obligations of the Buyer herein shall not be assigned or transferred in any manner, and any attempted assignment or transfer in contravention of the provisions of this Clause shall be void and of no force or effect.




This Side Letter (and its existence) (and its existence) shall be treated by both parties as confidential and shall not be released (or revealed) in whole or in part to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party. In particular, each party agrees not to make any press release concerning the whole or any part of the contents and/or subject matter hereof or of any future addendum hereto without the prior written consent of the other party.


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This Side Letter (and its existence) or any data exchanged between the Buyer and the Seller for the fulfillment of their respective obligations under this Side Letter shall be treated by both Parties as confidential and shall not be released in whole or in part to any third party except as may be required by law, or to auditors, legal or tax advisors for the purpose of implementation hereof.


In particular, both Parties agree:

-not to make any press release concerning the whole or any part of the contents and/or subject matter of this Side Letter without the prior written consent of the other Party hereto.
-that any and all terms and conditions of the transaction contemplated in this Side Letter are strictly personal and exclusive to the Buyer, (the “Personal Information”). The Buyer therefore agrees to enter into consultations with the Seller reasonably in advance of any required disclosure of Personal Information to financial institutions, including operating lessors, investment banks and their agents or other relevant institutions for aircraft sale and leaseback or any other Aircraft or Predelivery Payment financing purposes (the “Receiving Party”).


Without prejudice to the foregoing, any disclosure of Personal Information to a Receiving Party shall be subject to written agreement between the Buyer and the Seller, including in particular, but not limited to:


(i)the contact details of the Receiving Party,
(ii)the extent of the Personal Information subject to disclosure,
(iii)the Aircraft pricing to be provided to the Receiving Party.


Furthermore, the Buyer shall use its best efforts to limit the disclosure of the contents of this Side Letter, the Amendment No.2, the Agreement and/or any Purchase Agreement to the extent legally permissible in any filing required to be made by the Buyer with any governmental or regulatory agency.


The Buyer agrees that prior to any such disclosure or filing, the Seller and the Buyer shall jointly review and agree on the terms and conditions of the document to be filed or disclosed.


The provisions of this Clause shall survive any termination of this Side Letter for a period of twelve (12) years after t the date of Delivery of the last Aircraft to be delivered under the Amendment No.2.


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If the foregoing correctly sets forth our understanding, please execute three (3) originals in the space provided below and return one (1) original of this Side Letter to the Seller.


Agreed and Accepted   Agreed and Accepted
For and on behalf of   For and on behalf of
Signature:     Signature:   /s/ John LEAHY
Name:     Name: John LEAHY
Title:     Title: COO - CUSTOMERS
Date: 23/11/2012      
Witnessed and acknowledged,    


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EX-4.29 4 v341666_ex4-29.htm EXHIBIT 4.29
















Relating to Five (5) Airbus Model A340-642 Aircraft


Agreement No. A0175/CEA-01


with China Eastern Aviation Import & Export Corporation as Consenting Party


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-01







Article 1.   Subject Matter of Sale 1
Article 2.   Delivery of Used Aircraft; Title and Risk of Loss 2
Article 3.   Purchase Price of Used Aircraft 4
Article 4.   Payment 4
Article 5.   Condition of Used Aircraft 5
Article 6.   Aircraft Documentation and Safety Devices 8
Article 7.   Inspection, Technical Acceptance, and Flights 8
Article 8.   Indemnification and Insurance 9
Article 9.   Manufacturer’s Warranties 10
Article 10.   Warranty and Disclaimer 10
Article 11.   Excusable Delay and Termination 11
Article 12.   Assignment 11
Article 13.   Taxes and Customs Duties 12
Article 14.   Reserved 13
Article 15.   Notices and Requests 13
Article 16.   Reserved 14
Article 17.   Miscellaneous 14
Exhibit A.   Bill of Sale A-l
Exhibit B.   Used Aircraft and Aircraft Documentation Delivery Receipt B-1
Exhibit C.   Aircraft Documentation C-1


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-01(i) 






Relating to Five (5) Airbus


Model A340-642 Aircraft




THIS Used Aircraft Acquisition Agreement (the Agreement) is entered into as of _________________, 2012, by and between Boeing Aircraft Holding Company, a Delaware corporation with its principal office in Seattle, Washington (“Boeing”) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. a Chinese company whose principal place of business is at 2550 Hong Qiao Road, Hong Qiao International Airport, Shanghai, 200355, People’s Republic of China (“Seller”).




A.           Seller and Boeing have entered into Purchase Agreement No. 03746 (the “Purchase Agreement”) for the purchase and sale of twenty (20) new Boeing Model 777- 300ER aircraft (the “New Aircraft”).


B.            Seller is the owner of five (5) Airbus Model A340-642 used aircraft which Seller desires to sell to Boeing and Boeing is willing to purchase contingent on Seller’s purchase and acceptance of the New Aircraft,


Accordingly, Boeing and Seller agree as follows:


Article   1.             Subject Matter of Sale.


1.1          Sale of Used Aircraft. Seller will sell and deliver to Boeing and Boeing will purchase from Seller the Used Aircraft as hereinafter defined.


1.2          Used Aircraft. The term “Used Aircraft” means the five (5) Airbus Model A340-642 aircraft bearing Manufacturer’s Serial Numbers set forth in Article 2.1, including;


1.2.1      the four (4) installed Rolls Royce Model Trent 556-61 engines on each Used Aircraft;


1.2.2      the equipment, accessories, parts and other property installed in or appurtenant to each Used Aircraft at the time of delivery to Boeing or otherwise in accordance with this Agreement; and


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-011 


1.2.3      all Aircraft Documentation as hereinafter defined applicable to each Used Aircraft.


1.3          Purchase of New Aircraft. ***


1.4          Seller’s Ownership of Used Aircraft. Seller will have acquired free and clear title to such Used Aircraft prior to delivery to Boeing.


1.5          Seller’s Option and Notice. Upon execution of this Agreement, Seller elects to sell the Used Aircraft to Boeing (Election Notice).


Not less than *** prior to the delivery of the Used Aircraft to Boeing, Seller may elect to retain the Used Aircraft by providing to Boeing written advance notice of such election (Notice to Retain Used Aircraft). In the event a Notice to Retain Used Aircraft is received by Boeing from Seller, the Special Matters Letter Agreement CEA-PA-03746-1107152 will be required to be revised. If Notice to Retain Used Aircraft is not received by Boeing, Boeing will have the exclusive right to sell or dispose of such Used Aircraft.


Article   2.             Delivery of Used Aircraft; Title and Risk of Loss.


2.1          Time of Delivery. Delivery of each Used Aircraft will occur on a four-for-one basis of New Aircraft to Used Aircraft (unless an aircraft substitution is exercised in accordance with the Purchase Agreement (as the same may be amended or supplemented from time to time), and a new ratio determined) and will commence after delivery of the corresponding New Aircraft as listed below. If there is a change to the Used Aircraft Delivery Date in the table below, Seller will notify Boeing of the actual delivery date (day, month, and year) of each Used Aircraft at least ninety (90) days prior to the actual delivery date.


Used Aircraft
    Used Aircraft
New Aircraft
Delivery Date
  Used Aircraft Delivery
A340-642   468   September 2014  November 26, 2014
A340-642   488   November 2014  January 29, 2015
A340-642   514   December 2014  March 31, 2015
A340-642   577   March 2015  May 28, 2015
A340-642   586   June 2015  July 30, 2015


2.2           Place of Delivery. Each Used Aircraft will be delivered by Seller to Boeing in Shanghai, China. ***


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-012 






2.3           Title and Risk of Loss. Title to and risk of loss or damage to each Used Aircraft will pass from Seller to Boeing upon delivery of such Used Aircraft.


2.4           Cape Town Convention. Seller will cooperate with Boeing in the filing for recordation of this Agreement with the International Registry established by the Cape Town Convention. The Used Aircraft (including the Engines) at the time of delivery to Boeing will be free and clear of any mortgage, lease, pledge, lien, charge or encumbrance. After the ferry flight as described herein, Seller will deregister the Aircraft from the CAAC aircraft registry and will take such action as is reasonably requested by Boeing to accomplish the immediate recordation of the Used Aircraft in the name of Boeing with the International Registry.


2.5           Delayed Delivery. ***


2.6           Delivery Documents. Upon delivery of each Used Aircraft, Seller will deliver to Boeing: (i) a bill of sale, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, (ii) a delivery receipt to be signed by Boeing and Seller in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B, , (iii) aircraft delivery conditions and commitment letter, if applicable, (iv) copy of the Bill of Sales that trace ownership of the Used Aircraft back to the original delivery from the manufacturer and (v) such other appropriate documents as may be required, and mutually agreed upon.


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-013 


Article   3.              Purchase Price of the Used Aircraft.




Used Aircraft
Serial Number
   Trade-In Price   Year 
A340-642   468    ***    *** 
A340-642   488    ***    *** 
A340-642   514    ***    *** 
A340-642   577    ***    *** 
A340-642   586    ***    *** 


Article   4.              Payment.


4.1           At the time of delivery of each Used Aircraft to Boeing, Boeing will issue payment to Seller for the Used Aircraft as described in the Special Matters Letter Agreement CEA-PA-03746-1107152, Article 1, by electronic transfer of bank funds to Seller’s account at the following bank:


Beneficiary: China Eastern Aviation Import & Export Corp.

Receiving Bank: Bank of China Shanghai Branch

Bank address: No. 368, 1st Yingbin Road, Hongqiao Airport

Swift Address: BKCHCNBJ300

Account No.: 4033602-8300-00715618093014

Reference: Used Aircraft Acquisition Agreement No. A0175/CEA-01


4.2           ***


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-014 


Article   5.              Condition of Used Aircraft.


5.1           General Condition. At the time of delivery to Boeing, each Used Aircraft will (i) have been maintained and repaired in accordance with Seller’s maintenance and repair program, authorized by the appropriate governmental aviation authority (CAAC) having jurisdiction (“Seller’s Maintenance Program”) and, (ii) meet the following requirements:


(a)         Each Used Aircraft shall be serviceable as defined by the manufacturers AMM and SRM or other OEM documentations (i.e RAS, NTO, TA). Furthermore, if each Used Aircraft can be demonstrated to be ferried to the final delivery location according to CAAC airworthiness regulations the Used Aircraft will also be deemed to be serviceable.


(b)         Each Used Aircraft will be in serviceable condition with all of the Used Aircraft equipment, components and systems functioning in accordance with their intended use irrespective of deviations or variations authorized by the Minimum Equipment List (MEL) or Configuration Deviation List (CDL).


(c)         Each Used Aircraft will be clean by Seller’s commercial airline standards, and will be cosmetically acceptable and complete.


(d)         Each Used Aircraft will at time of delivery to Boeing have, and be in compliance with, an Export Certificate of Airworthiness issued by the appropriate aviation authority having jurisdiction over Seller.


(e)         Each Used Aircraft will not have installed any PMA (Parts Manufacturer Approval) life limited parts in place of OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) life limited parts. This applies to all life limited parts installed internal and external to the installed Engines and APU, landing gear, airframe, and components.


(f)          Each Used Aircraft will not have installed thereon any equipment, components and/or parts which are leased or loaned or otherwise owned by a third party. Prior to delivery of each Used Aircraft to Boeing all leased or loaned equipment, will either be purchased by Seller or be replaced with Seller owned equipment.


5.2           Condition of Airframe. Each Used Aircraft airframe at the time of delivery to Boeing will meet the following requirements:


(a)         The airframe shall be serviceable as defined by the manufacturers AMM and SRM or other OEM documentations (i.e RAS, NTO, TA), irrespective of deviations or variations authorized by the manufacturer’s AMM. Furthermore, if each airframe can be demonstrated to be ferried to the final delivery location according to CAAC airworthiness regulations the airframe will also be deemed to be serviceable. Regardless, of the first two sentences in this paragraph, Boeing and Seller agree that in the event a temporary repair to a removable component is required to be repaired in order to ferry the Used Aircraft, Boeing and Seller will work together and agree on reasonable compensation. Not including the skin of aircraft.


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-015 


(b)         Seller will provide the last overhaul documents for each individual gear. Life Limited Parts will include a trace “back-to-birth” and will be supported by EASA form 1, or FAA 8130-3, or AAC-038 Service Tag, and last overhaul report/supporting documents. Seller will work with Boeing to provide for the installed landing gear: acceptable “record packages” as the documentation is available.


(c)         For airframe Life Limited Parts, Seller will include a trace “back-to-birth” and will be supported by an EASA form 1, or FAA 8130-3, or AAC-038 Service Tag, or CEA Service Tag with supporting documentation. If the trace “back-to-birth” does not include full “back-to-birth history, the LLP will be assessed a “life penalty” according to Airbus Service Letter 32-100 as certified by Seller’s Quality Assurance manager.


5.3           Condition of Controlled Components. On-Condition and Condition Monitored serialized parts as tracked by Seller and installed on each Used Aircraft shall have supporting EASA form 1 tags, or FAA 8130-3, or AAC-038 Service Tag, or CEA Service Tag. Seller will work with Boeing to provide for the installed parts: hard time, serialized, or on condition, acceptable “record packages” as the documentation is available, which may include the AAC-038 Service Tag with wording “Testing, Repair, or Overhaul in accordance with the CMM” on the tag.


5.4           Condition of Installed Engines and APU. Each Used Aircraft installed engines at the time of delivery to Boeing will meet the following requirements:


(a)         ***


(b)         ***


(c)         ***


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-016 




(d.)         ***


5.5           Components, Parts, Equipment, and Items that do not have Criteria for Serviceability. ***


5.6           Interior. ***


5.7           Galleys and Galley Equipment. ***


5.8           Flight Deck. ***


5.9           Cargo Compartment ***


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-017 


Article   6.              Aircraft Documentation and Safety Devices.


6.1           Aircraft Documentation. Concurrently with delivery of each Used Aircraft to Boeing, Seller will deliver to Boeing ***


Article   7.              Inspection, Technical Acceptance, and Flights.


7.1           Ground Inspection. Each Used Aircraft including the Aircraft Documentation will be made available to Boeing for ground inspection by Boeing at Seller’s facilities at Shanghai, China or at Seller’s regulatory authority approved maintenance contractor in connection with the conditions described in Article 5. Seller will ensure that conveniently located, suitable office space with fax, phone and computer line will be made available free of charge to Boeing personnel for the duration of the inspection. Such inspection will commence twenty (20) working days prior to the date of delivery of such Used Aircraft to Boeing. Seller will remove each Used Aircraft from scheduled service and open the areas of each Used Aircraft as required to allow performance of the necessary checks as contemplated in Article 5 and will allow Boeing and any person Boeing designates to accomplish its inspection to determine that each Used Aircraft including the Aircraft Documentation are as set forth in Articles 5 and 6. Seller will promptly correct any discrepancies from the condition required by Articles 5 or 6 which are observed during such inspection and are communicated to Seller.


7.2           Operational Ground Check. Promptly after completion of any corrections required above, Seller will conduct an operations ground check on each Used Aircraft in accordance with the manufacturer’s AMM criteria for the purpose of demonstrating to Boeing that the Used Aircraft is serviceable. Seller will promptly correct any discrepancies that make the Used Aircraft not serviceable.


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-018 


7.3           Ground Inspection. All ground inspections will be at Seller’s expense.


7.4           De-Registration. Upon completion of the ferry flight of each Used Aircraft, Seller will provide the CAAC de-registration document to Boeing.


Article   8.              Indemnification and Insurance.


8.1           Indemnification. Seller will indemnify and hold harmless Boeing, The Boeing Company, Boeing Aircraft Holding Company, and their assignees, agents, directors, officers and employees (the “Indemnitees”) from and against all claims and liabilities, including all expenses and attorneys’ fees incident thereto or incident to establishing the right to indemnification, for injury to or death of any person(s), including employees of Seller but not employees of the Indemnitees, or for loss of or damage to any property, including each Used Aircraft, arising out of or in any way connected with such ground inspection, operational ground check whether or not arising in tort or occasioned by the negligence of the Indemnitees.


8.2           Insurance. With respect to Seller’s aviation liability insurance, Seller will (i) cause the Indemnitees to be named as additional insureds under Seller’s aviation liability insurance policies to the extent of Seller’s undertaking set forth in this Article, and (ii) will furnish to Boeing prior to the start of Boeing’s ground inspection of the Used Aircraft certificates in a form acceptable to Boeing written in English from Seller’s aviation liability insurance carriers stating the limits and terms of Seller’s liability insurance coverage, and showing that the Indemnitees have been named as additional insureds and specifically referring to this Article. With respect to Seller’s hull and war risk insurance, Seller will (i) cause the insurance carriers under Seller’s hull and war risk insurance policies to waive all rights of subrogation against the Indemnities to the extent of Seller’s undertaking set forth in this Article, and (ii) furnish to Boeing prior to the start of Boeing’s ground inspection on the Used Aircraft to be delivered, certificates in a form acceptable to Boeing written in English, from Seller’s hull and war risk insurance carriers stating that the carriers have so waived all rights of subrogation against the Indemnities and specifically referring to this Article. All insurance coverage will end at delivery of the Used Aircraft to Boeing. Insurance for the ferry flight will be handled in a separate agreement.


8.3           At the time of transfer of title to Boeing of the relevant acquired A340 and for *** Boeing shall name CEA as additional insured for all claims and liabilities whether or not such claims or liabilities arise out of the negligence of CEA or otherwise excluding any bodily injury or property damage which has occurred prior to the transfer of title.


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-019 


Article   9.              Assignment of Warranties.


Seller grants and assigns to Boeing the rights and benefits, to the extent that the same are assignable and are not extinguished by the sale of each Used Aircraft, of any warranties of manufacturers other than The Boeing Company, maintenance, repair and/or overhaul facilities, vendors and suppliers, which may exist in favor of Seller at the time of delivery of each Used Aircraft. Seller will use reasonable efforts to secure such rights and benefits in favor of Boeing and will provide to Boeing a list of all existing warranties that are assignable. Seller also grants to Boeing rights and benefits relating to any claim of Seller under said warranties concerning each Used Aircraft which has arisen, but not been settled, prior to the delivery of each Used Aircraft to Boeing other than claims against the provider of the warranty for reimbursement for Sellers’ correction of a warranted condition.


Article   10.            Warranty and Disclaimer.


10.1         Warranty. Each Used Aircraft will at the time of delivery to Boeing, be free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and rights of others.




Notwithstanding the above paragraph, claims by Boeing against Seller for contribution toward third-party injury, damage, or loss which arise as the result of the willful gross negligence of Seller, are not limited, waived, released or disclaimed.


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-0110 


Article   11.            Excusable Delay and Termination.


11.1         General. Seller will not be liable for or be deemed to be in default under this Agreement on account of any delay in delivery of any Used Aircraft or other performance hereunder arising out of causes such as: acts of God; war, armed hostilities, riots, fires, floods, earthquakes or serious accidents; governmental acts or failure to act affecting materials, facilities or Used Aircraft; strikes or labor troubles causing cessation, slowdown or interruption of work; damage to a Used Aircraft; failure of or delay in transportation; or inability, after due and timely diligence, to procure materials, systems, accessories, equipment or parts; or arising out of any other cause to the extent it is beyond Seller’s control or not occasioned by Seller’s fault or gross negligence. A delay resulting from such causes is referred to as an “Excusable Delay”. Seller will promptly notify Boeing of any actual or threatened Excusable Delay in delivery of such Used Aircraft and the estimated duration and cause thereof, and the schedule for delivery of such Used Aircraft will be equitably extended.


11.2        Aircraft Damaged Beyond Repair. If prior to delivery any of the Used Aircraft is lost, destroyed or damaged beyond repair due to any cause, each party’s rights and obligations in relationship to such Used Aircraft shall be immediately terminated. For the avoidance of doubt, any termination pursuant to this Article 11.2 shall not impact the rights and obligations of the party’s under or in connection with the Special Matters Letter Agreement CEA-PA-03746-1107152.


Article 12.              Assignment.


12.1         General. This Agreement will inure to the benefit of and be binding upon each of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. Neither the rights nor the duties of either party may be assigned or delegated, or contracted to be assigned or delegated, in whole or part, without the prior written consent of the other party except that:


12.2        Seller Assignment. Boeing’s agreement to purchase the Used Aircraft as described herein is provided as a financial accommodation to the Seller in consideration of Seller purchasing the New Aircraft and the purchase of the Used Aircraft from Boeing is non-transferable to a third party and requires the continuous operation and ownership of the Used Aircraft by Seller. Assignment of Seller’s rights and interest under the Acquisition Agreement to a subsidiary or affiliate of Seller must have written approval of Boeing.


12.3        Boeing Assignment.


(a)         Boeing may assign all or any part of its rights and obligations under this Agreement, including its title to or any interest in each Used Aircraft or other thing to be delivered hereunder and its right to receive monies hereunder, to a wholly- owned subsidiary of Boeing. Notwithstanding any such assignment, Boeing will remain fully and solely responsible to Seller for all obligations and liabilities as Buyer of Used Aircraft and other things to be delivered hereunder, and Seller will continue to deal exclusively with Boeing.


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-0111 


(b)         Seller acknowledges and agrees that Boeing shall have the absolute right to transfer or assign to any individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture, association, joint-stock company, limited liability company, trust, unincorporated organization or any other entity any or all of Boeing’s rights, obligations, benefits and interests under this Agreement, including, without limitation, the right to make all waivers and agreements, to give all notices, consents and releases, or to do any and all other things which Boeing is or may become entitled to do under this Agreement. Boeing agrees that no such transfer or assignment will materially change the duty of or materially increase the burden or risk imposed on Seller, and Seller waives any provision of applicable law that would or might grant Seller the right to demand assurances or compensation of any kind from the transferee or to require the transferee to take any action on account of such transfer or assignment, other than as expressly required herein. Notwithstanding any such assignment or transfer, Boeing as assignor will remain fully and solely responsible to Seller for all obligations and liabilities as Buyer of the Used Aircraft and other things to be delivered hereunder.


(c)        Without limiting the generality of paragraph (b), Seller acknowledges and agrees that the terms and conditions of this Agreement have been agreed to by Boeing in anticipation of its being able to assign any and all of its rights under and interests in this Agreement and the Used Aircraft. Seller will cooperate with Boeing in connection with any such transfer or assignment and shall, among other things, upon the reasonable written instructions of Boeing: (i) cause insurance certificate substantially in the form of the certificate required by this Agreement (or otherwise reasonably acceptable to the transferee), to be dated, and be delivered on, the date of any such transfer or assignment, with the transferee included as an additional insured, (ii) recognize any such assignment, (iii) accept the directions or demands of such assignee in place of those of Boeing, (iv) do any and all things as reasonably required by Boeing, and (v) execute any documents which Boeing may reasonably request in order to effectuate the foregoing. Any reasonable cost and expenses incurred by Seller in relation to Boeing’s assignment or transfer hereunder shall be borne by Boeing (cost and expenses subject to the pre-approval of Boeing, which shall not be unreasonably held or delayed).


Article    13.           Taxes and Customs Duties.


13.1.        Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Seller shall promptly pay, be solely liable for, and shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Boeing and its respective affiliates, successors and assigns on an after-tax basis from and against any and all transaction based taxes, Chinese export duties, customs, , tariffs, value added (“VAT”), personal property, sales, use, excise, stamp duties, documentary, Chinese Business, income, withholding, counterclaims, consumption, fees, costs, expenses and charges of any nature, whatsoever, together with any penalties, fines, additions and interest thereon (collectively “Taxes) imposed upon, in connection with, in relation to, or associated with the transfer of title, purchase, acquisition, acceptance, rejection, ownership, delivery, nondelivery, importation, exportation, use, possession, repossession, transport, registration, reregistration, deregistration, control, maintenance, repair, insurance, storage or operation of the Used Aircraft or as a result of any other transaction contemplated hereby.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Tax levied or imposed on any transaction contemplated hereunder in any country other than China shall be excluded from the foregoing indemnity and shall be borne by Boeing.


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-0112 



13.2.   If a claim is made by any tax authority against any party under this Article 13, such party shall within a reasonable period notify the other party of such claim.


13.3.   After-Tax Basis. The amount which party is required to pay with respect to any Taxes indemnified against under Article 13.1 is an amount sufficient to restore such party on an after-tax basis to the same position such other party would have been in had such Taxes not been incurred.


13.4.   Tax Cooperation. Each party will cooperate with one another in providing information which may be reasonably requested to fulfill each party’s tax filing requirements and any audit information request arising from such filing. In addition, each party agrees to cooperate with the other party in completion and delivery of tax forms, certificates, affidavits as reasonably requested by the other party.


13.5.   Survival of Indemnities. All of the obligations of the Seller or Boeing (as the case may be) under this Article 13 shall continue in full force and effect throughout the exportation of the Used Aircraft from the People’s Republic of China.


Article 14.         Reserved.


Article 15.         Notices and Requests.


All notices and requests relating to this Agreement will be in English, and may be transmitted by any customary means of written communication addressed as follows:


  Seller: China Eastern Airlines Co., Ltd.

Planning and Development Department

2550 Hongqiao Road, Hongqiao International Airport

Shanghai, 200355, People’s Republic of China

Facsimile: (86) 21 6268 6393

  Boeing: Boeing Aircraft Holding Company
    P.O. Box 3707
    Seattle, Washington 98124-2207
    Attention: Director, Asset Management
    Mail Code: 21-43
    Facsimile: (425) 237-1706


or to such other address as specified elsewhere herein or as otherwise directed. The effective date of any such notice or request will be the date on which it is received by the addressee.


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-0113 


Article 16.         Reserved.


Article 17.         Miscellaneous.


17.1    Headings. Article and paragraph headings used in this Agreement are for convenient reference only and are not intended to affect the interpretation of this Agreement.


17.2    Entire Agreement; Amendments. This Agreement, together with the Special Matters Letter Agreement CEA-PA-03746-l107152 contains the entire agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all previous proposals, understandings, commitments or representations whatsoever, oral or written. This Agreement may be changed only in writing signed by authorized representatives of Boeing and Seller, except in the case of certain changes permitted or required by this Agreement.


17.3    Disclosure of Terms. The information contained herein represents confidential business information and has value precisely because it is not available generally or to other parties. Seller will limit the disclosure of its contents to employees of Seller with a need to know the contents for purposes of helping Seller perform its obligations under this Acquisition Agreement and who understand they are not to disclose its contents to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of Boeing.




Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-0114 


Signed in duplicate as of the date first above written.



/s/ Dennis A Toy

Its Attorney-In-Fact   Its  


Consented by:  





Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-0115 


Exhibit A to

Acquisition Agreement for

Used Aircraft No. A0175/CEA-01




China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Seller), a [country] /corporation/ /company/, in consideration of One Dollar and other good and valuable considerations, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and assign to Boeing Aircraft Holding Company (Buyer), a Delaware corporation, its successors and assigns, the following described property (including all appliances, parts, instruments, appurtenances, accessories, furnishings, or other equipment or property installed on or attached to said aircraft and engines):


Aircraft   Aircraft   Aircraft   Engine   Engine
Manufacturer’s   Registration   Manufacturer’s   Manufacturer’s   Manufacturer’s
Model No.   Markings   Serial No.   Model No.   Serial Nos.
A340-642           Trent 556-61   (1)


TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said property to the Buyer, its successors and assigns, to its and their own use forever.


The interest of the Seller in said property, and the interest transferred by this Bill of Sale, is that of absolute ownership.


THAT SELLER hereby warrants to Buyer, its successors and assigns, that there is hereby conveyed to Buyer on the date hereof, good title to the aforesaid aircraft, engines, appliances, parts, instruments, appurtenances, accessories, furnishings and/or other equipment or property, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and rights of others, and that it will warrant and defend such title forever against all claims and demands whatsoever.


This Bill of Sale will be governed by the laws of the State of Washington and will be deemed executed and delivered at Seattle, Washington, regardless of where executed counterparts hereof may be delivered for convenience of closing.


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-01A-1 


Exhibit A to

Acquisition Agreement for

Used Aircraft No. A0175/CEA-01


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller has caused its corporate name to be subscribed hereto by its duly authorized representative this____ day of________, 20__.







Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-01A-2 


Exhibit B to

Acquisition Agreement for

Used Aircraft No. A0175/CEA-01





Boeing Aircraft Holding Company (Buyer) hereby accepts and acknowledges receipt from China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Seller) in accordance with the terms and conditions of Acquisition Agreement No. A0175/CEA-01 dated _______, 20__, between the parties hereto, of one (1) Airbus Model A340-642 Used Aircraft;


Registration Markings +

Manufacturer’s Serial Number +


with four (4) installed Rolls Royce Model Trent 556-61 engines, Manufacturer’s Serial Numbers:


Position (1) +

Position (2) +

Position (3) +

Position (4) +


together with the Aircraft Documentation applicable to the Used Aircraft as described on Attachment 1 hereto and with the operating times and cycles as accumulated on the Used Aircraft up to the time of delivery as described on Attachment 2 hereto in [place], on [date], at [time] /a.m./ /p.m./ / Seattle / local time.










Attachment 1 and 2


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-01B-1 


Attachment 1 to

Exhibit B to

Acquisition Agreement for

Used Aircraft No. A0175/CEA-01




Title/Description   Identification Number   Quantity


Complete this Attachment 1 to Exhibit B


(Note: This receipt is required for each Used Aircraft delivered to Boeing by Seller. Thirty (30) days prior to each Used Aircraft delivery Seller will list all of the records, manuals, documents and data by title/ description, identification number and quantity (minimum of 1 per Aircraft) which were initially provided to Seller by the Aircraft Manufacturer and Vendors. Seller will also list such additional records/data developed for the Used Aircraft by Seller during the time Seller has operated and maintained the Used Aircraft.)


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-01B-1-1 


Attachment 2 to

Exhibit B to

Acquisition Agreement for

Used Aircraft No. A0175/CEA-01




AS OF_____________, 20_






A.           AIRFRAME:

  Aircraft Total Time (Hours)    
  Aircraft Total Landings (Cycles)    
  Aircraft (& Engine) “A” Check - Time to next check    
  Aircraft (& Engine) “B” Check - Time to next check    
  Aircraft (& Engine) “C” Check - Time to next check    
  Aircraft (& Engine) “D” Check - Time to next check    
  Aircraft Special Check(s) - Time to next check    


B.           + ENGINE - MODEL +:


Module Overhaul/Restoration Status


Engine Serial

(engine S/N)

Time & Cycles Since
*Overhaul (TSO/CSO)
Time & Cycles Since
*Overhaul (TSO/CSO)
Time & Cycles Since
*Overhaul (TSO/CSO)
Time & Cycles Since
*Overhaul (TSO/CSO)


Module Time Since

TSO / CSO or


Module Time Since

TSO / CSO or


Module Time Since

TSO / CSO or



Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-01B-2-1 


Attachment 2 to

Exhibit B to

Acquisition Agreement for

Used Aircraft No. A0175/CEA-01


Engine Status (current)


Engine Serial Number

(engine S/N)


Time Since New



Cycles Since New



Time Since Last

Shop Visit



Cycles Since Last

Shop Visit




C.           +APU - MODEL +:


Serial       Hours Since   Hours Since Last   Hours to Next
Number   Total Hours   Overhaul   Major Check   Major Check


D.           LANDING GEAR:


    Serial   Total   Hours/Cycles   Hours/Cycles to
    Number   Hours/Cycles   Since Overhaul   Next Overhaul
Nose Landing Gear
Right Main Gear
Left Main Gear
Right Body Gear
Left Body Gear
Center Gear (if installed)


[NOTE: Attachment 2 is a sample only. Seller will modify this form at time of delivery of the Used Aircraft to reflect the maintenance program such Used Aircraft is under at that time. Hours and cycles inserted on this form are to reflect the actual hours and cycles on the Used Aircraft as of the date of such delivery.]




  Accomplish “A” Check Every + Hours
  Accomplish “B” Check Every + Hours
  Accomplish “C” Check Every + Hours


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-01B-2-1 


Attachment 2 to

Exhibit B to

Acquisition Agreement for

Used Aircraft No. A0175/CEA-01


  Accomplish “D” Check Every + Hours
  Accomplish Engine Repair Per + Bill of Work
  Accomplish HSI Every + Hours
  Accomplish CSI Every + Hours
  Accomplish APU Repair Per + Bill of Work


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-01B-2-1 


Exhibit C to

Acquisition Agreement for

Used Aircraft No. A0175/CEA-01




Seller will work with Boeing to provide acceptable historical records and documents for the Used Aircraft in the form of “record packagesas the documentation is available. All records initiated by Seller are required to comply with the Seller’s aviation regulatory authorities. The “record packages” may or may not include (and not be limited to) the following:


** 1.Summary and control status of EASA and CAAC Airworthiness Directives – aircraft including engines, auxiliary power unit and appliances and the method incorporation (i.e. service bulletin, engineering order). Repetitive AD’s will have supporting documentation indicating the last date/hours/cycles accomplished and next due. Letter stating that all-applicable EASA and CAAC Airworthiness Directive have been incorporated including certification and signature by an authorized quality assurance representative of Seller. Copies of the completion documents (“dirty fingerprints”) in English which support that the EASA and CAAC Airworthiness Directive was accomplished.


** 2.List of manufacturer’s service bulletins incorporated and method of incorporation (i.e. repetitive inspections, interim fix or terminating action) for airframe, engines and appliances. If the service bulletin calls for repetitive inspections supporting documentation indicating the last date/hours/cycles accomplished and next due will be provided. Where only a portion of a service bulletin is accomplished Seller will so identify which portion was accomplished. Include copy of completed Engineering Order (EO) and the completion documents (“dirty fingerprints”) in English which support that the EO was accomplished.


**3.List of modifications and/or alterations (excluding manufacturer’s service bulletins if accomplished pursuant to the manufacturer’s instructions) accomplished on the aircraft, engines, and equipment /list to be provided in English/ together with one copy of each modification, alteration, engineering order and associated drawings and/or data /with all major changes to be provided in English/.


*4.List of FAA Supplemental Type Certificates (STC’s) /and/or foreign aviation authority approved modifications/ incorporated, together with a copy of each certificate and/or associated data /Lists only, except STC’s are to be provided in English/. Provide a copy of the supporting FAA 8110-3, 8100-9, or Repair Design Approval Sheet (RAS) with definitive approval forms, whichever is applicable and supporting documentation that STC is effective for the Used Aircraft. If Seller has deviated from manufacturer’s instructions, a supporting FAA 8110-3, 8100-9, or Repair Design Approval Sheet (RAS) with definitive approval forms, whichever is applicable will be provided for the deviation.


**5.List of all major repairs accomplished on the airframe, engines, APU and landing gear together with one copy of each such repair, EO, non-routine task cards, and associated drawings or data.


**6.List and status of time, cycle and calendar controlled components to be signed by Seller’s Quality Assurance manager – aircraft, engines and equipment including supporting 8130-3 tags or JAR/EASA form 1 tags, or AAC-038 Service Tag, or CEA Service Tag, and copies of the last overhaul records, as available.


*7.Part tags for all serialized, on-condition, and condition monitored parts that are tracked by operator including 8130-3 tags or JAR/EASA form 1 tags/ or AAC-038 Service Tag, or CEA Service Tag. Seller will work with Boeing to provide for the installed parts: serialized, or on condition, acceptable “record packages” as the documentation is available.


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-01


Exhibit C to

Acquisition Agreement for

Used Aircraft No. A0175/CEA-01


**8.List and status of Life Limited Parts (LLP) – aircraft, landing gear, APU, and engines including supporting “back-to-birth” LLP traceability to be signed by Seller’s Quality Assurance manager. For airframe Life Limited Parts, Seller will include a trace “back-to-birth” and will be supported by an EASA form 1, or FAA 8130-3, or AAC-038 Service Tag, or CEA Service Tag. If the trace “back-to-birth” does not include full “back-to-birth history, the LLP will be assessed a “life penalty” according to Airbus Service Letter 32-100 as certified by Seller’s Quality Assurance manager.


**9.Airframe and engines current inspection status and operating times to be signed by Seller’s Quality Assurance manager.


*10.APU historical records and schedule of overhaul (if applicable), including last shop visit “dirty fingerprint” records and/or last overhaul “dirty fingerprint” records (as typically provided by the APU MRO to Seller).


*11.Current status of APU inspection and operating times to be signed by Seller’s Quality Assurance manager.


*12.EASA-approved Airplane Flight Manual.


*13.Flight Crew Operational Manual currently used by present operator.


*14.Weight and Balance document, including last weighing report.


*15.Aircraft Schematic Manual/Aircraft Wiring Manual, including but not limited to wiring diagram equipment list, hookup list, splice list, ground list, and terminal list.


*16.Manufacturer’s Maintenance Manuals and supplements – aircraft, engines, and APU.


*17.Manufacturer’s overhaul manuals and component maintenance manuals and supplements –engines, if available.


*18.Manufacturer’s structural repair manual and supplements.


*19.Manufacturer’s illustrated parts catalog and supplements – airframe and engines.


*20.Manufacturer’s tool catalog and supplements, if available.


*21.MMEL/Dispatch Deviation Guide.


*22.Quick Reference Handbook.


*23.Miscellaneous documents or manuals pertaining to Aircraft storage, engine handling, and aircraft recovery (if available).


*24.Flight test reports – last flight accomplished prior to delivery (if available).


*25.Last accomplished flight recorder calibration (if the aircraft is to be delivered before any calibration is required to be accomplished, the Seller is to provide the record of the last initial certification of the flight recorder), if available.


*26.Aircraft historical flight logs for the last three (3) months.


*27.Engine trend monitoring data for the last six (6) months prior to delivery.


*28.Inventory list of aircraft loose equipment, including emergency equipment.


*29.List of current equipment in passenger and flight crew compartments and a current interior arrangement diagram (“LOPA”).


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-01


Exhibit C to

Acquisition Agreement for

Used Aircraft No. A0175/CEA-01


*30.Aircraft Utilization log for the last 12 months.


*33.Export Certificate of Airworthiness.


*34.Current operator’s standard Certificate of Airworthiness, radio license, noise certificate, and registration (if available).


*35.Aircraft original delivery documentation, including but not limited to manufacturer’s delivery letter, AD status, aircraft inspections report, rigging manual, and miscellaneous logs (as available).


*36.Altimeter and Transponder calibration, if available


**37.All current updated software necessary for aircraft ground operations effective for aircraft listed in the acquisition agreement.


**38.Letter stating current revisions to all aircraft manuals and software.


**39.Letter detailing any major incident and/or accidents involving each Used Aircraft (if none, the letter should so state). A separate letter shall be issued for the airframe, each engine by engine serial number, and APU by serial number. The letter needs to include a statement to the effect that such Used Aircraft was never submersed in salt water.


**40.Letter confirming that each Used Aircraft has no loaned or leased equipment.


**41.Letter stating each Used Aircraft has been operated and maintained under a maintenance program that is approved by the governmental aviation authority having jurisdiction.


*42.Supporting documentation for the last wheel and brake overhaul that includes the release to service tags and shop “job paper” (if available).


* Copy to be provided in English or a certified English translation for each Used Aircraft.

** Paper copy to be provided in English or a certified English translation and computer disk copy of such documentation and computer disk copy for each Used Aircraft.


Acq. Agmt. No. A0175/CEA-01

EX-4.30 5 v341666_ex4-30.htm EXHIBIT 4.30










China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.


Relating to Boeing Model 777-300ER Aircraft




China Eastern Aviation Import & Export Corporation


as consenting party


CEA-PA-03746   PA Page 1






Article 1. Quantity, Model and Description
Article 2. Delivery Schedule
Article 3. Price
Article 4. Payment
Article 5. Additional Terms
1. Aircraft Information Table
2. Aircraft Information Table
A. Aircraft Configuration
B. Aircraft Delivery Requirements and Responsibilities
AE1. Escalation Adjustment/Airframe and Optional Features
BFE1. BFE Variables
CS1. Customer Support Variables
EE1. Engine Warranty and Patent Indemnity
SLP1. Service Life Policy Components


CEA-PA-03746   PA Page 2




LA-1107140 LA-Aircraft Minor Model Substitution
LA-1207798 LA-Aircraft Cross Model Substitution
LA-1107141 LA-Shareholder Approval
LA-1107142 LA-Boeing BFE Purchase
LA-1107144 LA-EULA Special Matters
LA-1107145 LA-Board Approval
LA-1107146 LA-Liquidated Damages Non-Excusable Delay
LA-1107147 LA-Loading of Customer Software
LA-1107148 LA-Open Configuration Matters
LA-1107149 LA-Performance Guarantees
LA-1107150 LA-Promotional Support
LA-1107151 LA-Spare Parts Initial Provisioning
LA-1107152 LA-Special Matters
LA-1207193 LA-Payment Matters
LA-1207194 LA-Cabin Systems Equipment
LA-1207195 LA-Customer Support Special Matters – Extra Training and Services
LA-1207196 LA-Escalation Capped Factors
LA-1207199 LA-Government Approval
LA-1207459 LA-Aircraft Trade-In Matters


CEA-PA-03746   PA Page 3




Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746




The Boeing Company




China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.


This Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 between The Boeing Company, a Delaware corporation, (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd., a China corporation, (Customer) relating to the purchase and sale of Model 777-300ER aircraft together with all tables, exhibits, supplemental exhibits, letter agreements and other attachments thereto, if any, (Purchase Agreement) incorporates the terms and conditions (except as specifically set forth below) of the Aircraft General Terms Agreement dated as of March 7, 2001 between the parties, identified as AGTA-CEA (AGTA).


1.Quantity, Model and Description.


The aircraft to be delivered to Customer will be designated as Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft). Boeing will manufacture and sell to Customer Aircraft conforming to the configuration described in Exhibit A in the quantities listed in Table 1 and Table 2 to the Purchase Agreement.


2.Delivery Schedule.


The scheduled months of delivery of the Aircraft are listed in the attached Table 1 and Table 2. Exhibit B describes certain responsibilities for both Customer and Boeing in order to accomplish the delivery of the Aircraft.




3.1         Aircraft Basic Price. The Aircraft Basic Price is listed in Table 1 and Table 2 and is subject to escalation in accordance with the terms of this Purchase Agreement.


3.2         Advance Payment Base Prices. The Advance Payment Base Prices listed in Table 1 and Table 2 were calculated utilizing the latest escalation factors available to Boeing on the date of this Purchase Agreement projected to the month of scheduled delivery.




4.1         Boeing acknowledges receipt of a deposit in the amount shown in Table 1 and Table 2 for each Aircraft (Deposit).


4.2         The standard advance payment schedule for the Model 777-300ER aircraft requires Customer to make certain advance payments, expressed in a percentage of the Advance Payment Base Price of each Aircraft beginning with a payment of *** less the Deposit, on the effective date of the Purchase Agreement for the Aircraft. Additional advance payments for each Aircraft are due as specified in and on the first business day of the months listed in the attached Table 1 and Table 2.


4.3        For any Aircraft whose scheduled month of delivery is less than *** from the date of this Purchase Agreement, the total amount of advance payments due for payment upon signing of this Purchase Agreement will include all advance payments which are past due in accordance with the standard advance payment schedule set forth in paragraph 4.2 above.


CEA-PA-03746   PA Page 4




4.4           Customer will pay the balance of the Aircraft Price of each Aircraft at delivery.


5.Additional Terms.


5.1         Aircraft Information Table. Table 1 and Table 2 consolidates information contained in Articles 1, 2, 3 and 4 with respect to (i) quantity of Aircraft, (ii) applicable Detail Specification, (iii) month and year of scheduled deliveries, (iv) Aircraft Basic Price, (v) applicable escalation factors and (vi) Advance Payment Base Prices and advance payments and their schedules.


5.2         Escalation Adjustment/Airframe and Optional Features. Supplemental Exhibit AE1 contains the applicable airframe and optional features escalation formula.


5.3         Buyer Furnished Equipment Variables. Supplemental Exhibit BFE1 contains supplier selection dates, on dock dates and other variables applicable to the Aircraft.


5.4         Customer Support Variables. Information, training, services and other things furnished by Boeing in support of introduction of the Aircraft into Customer’s fleet are described in Supplemental Exhibit CS1. The level of support to be provided under Supplemental Exhibit CS1 (Entitlements) assumes that at the time of delivery of Customer’s first Aircraft under the Purchase Agreement, Customer has not taken possession of a 777-300ER aircraft whether such 777-300ER aircraft was purchased, leased or otherwise obtained by Customer from Boeing or another party. If prior to the delivery of Customer’s first Aircraft, Customer has taken possession of a 777-300ER aircraft, Boeing will revise the Entitlements to reflect the level of support normally provided by Boeing to operators already operating such aircraft. Under no circumstances under the Purchase Agreement or any other agreement will Boeing provide the Entitlements more than once to support Customer’s operation of 777-300ER aircraft.


5.5         Engine Escalation Variables. Supplemental Exhibit EE1 describes the applicable engine escalation formula and contains the engine warranty and the engine patent indemnity for the Aircraft.


5.6         Service Life Policy Component Variables. Supplemental Exhibit SLP1 lists the SLP Components covered by the Service Life Policy for the Aircraft.


5.7         Public Announcement. Boeing reserves the right to make a public announcement regarding Customer’s purchase of the Aircraft upon approval of Boeing’s press release by Customer’s public relations department or other authorized representative.


5.8         Negotiated Agreement: Entire Agreement. This Purchase Agreement, including the provisions of Article 8.2 of the AGTA relating to insurance, and Article 11 of Part 2 of Exhibit C of the AGTA relating to DISCLAIMER AND RELEASE and EXCLUSION OF CONSEQUENTIAL AND OTHER DAMAGES, has been the subject of discussion and negotiation and is understood by the parties; the Aircraft Price and other agreements of the parties stated in this Purchase Agreement were arrived at in consideration of such provisions. This Purchase Agreement, including the AGTA, contains the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all previous proposals, understandings, commitments or representations whatsoever, oral or written, and may be changed only in writing signed by authorized representatives of the parties.


CEA-PA-03746   PA Page 5




By /s/ Rocky E. Weller  
Its Attorney-In-Fact  


CEA-PA-03746   PA Page 6




Table 1 To

Purchase Agreement No. 3746

Aircraft Delivery, Description, Price and Advance Payments


Airframe Model/MTOW:             777-300ER *** Detail Specification: ***
Engine Model/Thrust:              GE90-II5BLI *** Airframe Price Base Year/Escalation Formula: ***
Airframe Price: *** Engine Price Base Year/Escalation Formula: ***
Optional Features: ***    
Sub-Total of Airframe and Features: *** Airframe Escalation Data:  
Engine Price (Per Aircraft): *** Base Year Index (ECI): ***
Aircraft Basic Price (Excluding BFE/SPE): *** Base Year Index (ICI): ***
Buyer Furnished Equipment (BFE) Estimate: ***    
Seller Purchased Equipment (SPE) Estimate: ***    

Refundable Deposit/Aircraft at Proposal Accept: 



Delivery   Number of   Factor                
Date   Aircraft    (Airframe)           Escalation Estimate   Advance Payment Per Aircraft (Amts. Due/Mos. Prior Delivery):  
Sep-2014   1   ***           ***   ***  
Nov-2014   1   ***           ***   ***  
Dec-2014   1   ***           ***   ***  
Mar-2015   1   ***           ***   ***  
Jun-2015   1   ***           ***   ***  
Jul-2015   1   ***           ***   ***  
Aug-2015   1   ***           ***   ***  
Nov-2015   1   ***           ***   ***  
Feb-2016   1   ***           ***   ***  
Apr-2016   1   ***           ***   ***  
Jun-2016   1   ***           ***   ***  
Aug-2016   1   ***           ***   ***  
Oct-2016   1   ***           ***   ***  
Feb-2017   1   ***           ***   ***  






Table 1 To
Purchase Agreement No. 3746
Aircraft Delivery, Description, Price and Advance Payments


Delivery   Number of   Factor                  
Dale   Aircraft   (Airframe)           Escalation Estimate   Advance Payment Per Aircraft (Amts. Due/Mos. Prior Delivery):  
Apr-2017   1   ***           ***   ***  
Total:   15                






Table 2 To
Purchase Agreement No. 3746
Aircraft Delivery, Description, Price and Advance Payments


Airframe Model/MTOW:              777-300ER *** Detail Specification: ***
Engine Model/Thrust:              GE90-II5BLI *** Airframe Price Base Year/Escalation Formula: ***
Airframe Price: *** Engine Price Base Year/Escalation Formula: ***
Optional Features: ***    
Sub-Total of Airframe and Features:  *** Airframe Escalation Data:  
Engine Price (Per Aircraft):  *** Base Year Index (ECI):  ***
Aircraft Basic Price (Excluding BFE/SPE):  *** Base Year Index (ICI):  ***
Buyer Furnished Equipment (BFE) Estimate:  ***    
Seller Purchased Equipment (SPE) Estimate: ***    
Refundable Deposit/Aircraft at Proposal Accept: ***    


Delivery   Number of   Factor                  
Date   Aircraft   (Airframe)           Escalation Estimate   Advance Payment Per Aircraft (Amts. Due/Mos. Prior Delivery):  
Jun-2017   1   ***           ***   ***  
Feb-2018   1   ***           ***   ***  
Apr-2018   1   ***           ***   ***  
Jun-2018   1   ***           ***   ***  
Aug-2018   1   ***           ***   ***  
Total:   5                    














China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.


Exhibit A to Purchase Agreement Number PA-03746


CEA-PA-03746-EXA   EXA Page 1





Exhibit A




Dated _____________


relating to




The content of this Exhibit A will be defined pursuant to the provisions of Letter Agreement CEA-PA-03746-LA-1107148 to the Purchase Agreement, entitled “Open Configuration Matters”.


CEA-PA-03746-EXA   EXA Page 2













China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.


Exhibit B to Purchase Agreement Number PA-03746


    EXB Page 1





Exhibit B




relating to




Both Boeing and Customer have certain documentation and approval responsibilities at various times during the construction cycle of Customer’s Aircraft that are critical to making the delivery of each Aircraft a positive experience for both parties. This Exhibit B documents those responsibilities and indicates recommended completion deadlines for the actions to be accomplished.




Certain actions are required to be taken by Customer in advance of the scheduled delivery month of each Aircraft with respect to obtaining certain government issued documentation.


1.1          Airworthiness and Registration Documents. Not later than six (6) months prior to delivery of each Aircraft, Customer will notify Boeing of the registration number to be painted on the side of the Aircraft. In addition, and not later than three (3) months prior to delivery of each Aircraft, Customer will, by letter to the regulatory authority having jurisdiction, authorize the temporary use of such registration numbers by Boeing during the pre-delivery testing of the Aircraft.


Customer is responsible for furnishing any Temporary or Permanent Registration Certificates required by any governmental authority having jurisdiction to be displayed aboard the Aircraft after delivery.


1.2          Certificate of Sanitary Construction.


1.2.1           U.S. Registered Aircraft. Boeing will obtain from the United States Public Health Service, a United States Certificate of Sanitary Construction to be displayed aboard each Aircraft after delivery to Customer. The above Boeing obligation only applies to commercial passenger-configured aircraft.


1.2.2           Non-U.S. Registered Aircraft. If Customer requires a United States Certificate of Sanitary Construction at the time of delivery of the Aircraft, Customer will give written notice thereof to Boeing at least three (3) months prior to delivery. Boeing will then use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain the Certificate from the United States Public Health Service and present it to Customer at the time of Aircraft delivery. The above Boeing obligation only applies to commercial passenger-configured aircraft.


1.3          Customs Documentation.


1.3.1           Import Documentation. If the Aircraft is intended to be exported from the United States, Customer must notify Boeing not later than three (3) months prior to delivery of each Aircraft of any documentation required by the customs authorities or by any other agency of the country of import.


1.3.2           General Declaration - U.S. If the Aircraft is intended to be exported from the United States, Boeing will prepare Customs Form 7507, General Declaration, for execution by U.S. Customs immediately prior to the ferry flight of the Aircraft. For this purpose, Customer will furnish to Boeing not later than *** all information required by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, including without limitation (i) a complete crew and passenger list identifying the names, birth dates, passport numbers and passport expiration dates of all crew and passengers and (ii) a complete ferry flight itinerary, including point of exit from the United States for the Aircraft.


    EXB Page 2




If Customer intends, during the ferry flight of an Aircraft, to land at a U.S. airport after clearing Customs at delivery, Customer must notify Boeing not later than *** prior to delivery of such intention. If Boeing receives such notification, Boeing will provide to Customer the documents constituting a Customs permit to proceed, allowing such Aircraft to depart after any such landing. Sufficient copies of completed Form 7507, along with passenger manifest, will be furnished to Customer to cover U.S. stops scheduled for the ferry flight.


1.3.3           Export Declaration - U.S. If the Aircraft is intended to be exported from the United States following delivery, and (i) Customer is a non-U.S. customer, Boeing will file an export declaration electronically with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), or (ii) Customer is a U.S. customer, it is the responsibility of the U.S. customer, as the exporter of record, to file the export declaration with CBP.


2.          Insurance Certificates.


Unless provided earlier, Customer will provide to Boeing not later than thirty (30) days prior to delivery of the first Aircraft, a copy of the requisite annual insurance certificate in accordance with the requirements of Article 8 of the AGTA.




Not later than *** prior to delivery of the Aircraft, Customer will provide to Boeing a configuration letter stating the requested “flyaway configuration” of the Aircraft for its ferry flight. This configuration letter should include:


(i)          the name of the company which is to furnish fuel for the ferry flight and any scheduled post-delivery flight training, the method of payment for such fuel, and fuel load for the ferry flight;


(ii)         the cargo to be loaded and where it is to be stowed on board the Aircraft, the address where cargo is to be shipped after flyaway and notification of any hazardous materials requiring special handling;


(iii)        any BFE equipment to be removed prior to flyaway and returned to Boeing BFE stores for installation on Customer’s subsequent Aircraft;


(iv)        a complete list of names and citizenship of each crew member and non-revenue passenger who will be aboard the ferry flight; and


(v)         a complete ferry flight itinerary.




4.1           Schedule of Inspections. All FAA, Boeing, Customer and, if required, U.S. Customs Bureau inspections will be scheduled by Boeing for completion prior to delivery or departure of the Aircraft. Customer will be informed of such schedules.


4.2           Schedule of Demonstration Flights. All FAA and Customer demonstration flights will be scheduled by Boeing for completion prior to delivery of the Aircraft.


4.3           Schedule for Customer’s Flight Crew. Boeing will inform Customer of the date that a flight crew is required for acceptance routines associated with delivery of the Aircraft.


    EXB Page 3




4.4           Fuel Provided by Boeing. Boeing will provide to Customer, without charge, the amount of fuel shown in U.S. gallons in the table below for the model of Aircraft being delivered and full capacity of engine oil at the time of delivery or prior to the ferry flight of the Aircraft.


Aircraft Model   Fuel Provided
737   ***
747   ***
757   ***
767   ***
777   ***
787   ***


4.5           Flight Crew and Passenger Consumables. ***


4.6           Delivery Papers, Documents and Data. Boeing will have available at the time of delivery of the Aircraft certain delivery papers, documents and data for execution and delivery. If title for the Aircraft will be transferred to Customer through a Boeing sales subsidiary and if the Aircraft will be registered with the FAA, Boeing will pre-position in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for filing with the FAA at the time of delivery of the Aircraft an executed original Form 8050-2, Aircraft Bill of Sale, indicating transfer of title to the Aircraft from Boeing’s sales subsidiary to Customer.


4.7           Delegation of Authority.     If specifically requested in advance by Customer, Boeing will present a certified copy of a Resolution of Boeing’s Board of Directors, designating and authorizing certain persons to act on its behalf in connection with delivery of the Aircraft.




5.1           Aircraft Radio Station License. At delivery Customer will provide its Aircraft Radio Station License to be placed on board the Aircraft following delivery.


5.2           Aircraft Flight Log. At delivery Customer will provide the Aircraft Flight Log for the Aircraft.


5.3           Delegation of Authority.    Customer will present to Boeing at delivery of the Aircraft an original or certified copy of Customer’s Delegation of Authority designating and authorizing certain persons to act on its behalf in connection with delivery of the specified Aircraft.


5.4           TSA Waiver Approval.      Customer may be required to have an approved Transportation Security Administration (TSA) waiver for the ferry flight depending upon the Customer’s en-route stop(s) and destination unless the Customer already has a TSA approved security program in place. Customer is responsible for application for the TSA waiver and obtaining TSA approval. Customer will provide a copy of the approved TSA waiver to Boeing upon arrival at the Boeing delivery center.


5.5           Electronic Advance Passenger Information System. Should the ferry flight of an Aircraft leave the United States, the Department of Homeland Security office requires Customer to comply with the Electronic Advance Passenger Information System (eAPIS). Customer needs to establish their own account with US Customs and Border Protection in order to file for departure. A copy of the eAPIS forms is to be provided by Customer to Boeing upon arrival of Customer’s acceptance team at the Boeing delivery center.


    EXB Page 4













China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.


Supplemental Exhibit AE1

to Purchase Agreement Number PA-03746


    AE1 Page 1







relating to




1.          Formula.


Airframe and Optional Features price adjustments (Airframe Price Adjustment) are used to allow prices to be stated in current year dollars at the signing of this Purchase Agreement and to adjust the amount to be paid by Customer at delivery for the effects of economic fluctuation. The Airframe Price Adjustment will be determined at the time of Aircraft delivery in accordance with the following formula:










ECIb is the base year airframe escalation index (as set forth in Table 1 and Table 2 of this Purchase Agreement);


ECI is a value determined using the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Cost Index for NAICS Aircraft Manufacturing - Wages and Salaries (BLS Series ID CIU20232110000001), calculated by establishing a three-month arithmetic average value (expressed as a decimal and rounded to the nearest tenth) using the values for the *** prior to the month of scheduled delivery of the applicable Aircraft. As the Employment Cost Index values are only released on a quarterly basis, the value released for ***




    AE1 Page 2








ICIb is the base year index (as set forth in Table 1 and Table 2 of this Purchase Agreement); and ICI is a value determined using the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Producer Price Index - Industrial Commodities Index (BLS Series ID WPU03THRU15),calculated as ***




















2.          Values to be Utilized in the Event of Unavailability.


2.1           If the Bureau of Labor Statistics substantially revises the methodology used for the determination of the values to be used to determine the ECI and ICI values (in contrast to benchmark adjustments or other corrections of previously released values), or for any reason has not released values needed to determine the applicable Airframe Price Adjustment, the parties will, prior to the delivery of any such Aircraft, select a substitute from other Bureau of Labor Statistics data or similar data reported by non-governmental organizations. Such substitute will result in the same adjustment, insofar as possible, as would have been calculated utilizing the original values adjusted for fluctuation during the applicable time period. However, if within *** after delivery of the Aircraft, the Bureau of Labor Statistics should resume releasing values for the months needed to determine the Airframe Price Adjustment; such values will be used to determine any increase or decrease in the Airframe Price Adjustment for the Aircraft from that determined at the time of delivery of the Aircraft.


    AE1 Page 3




2.2           Notwithstanding Article 2.1 above, if prior to the scheduled delivery month of an Aircraft the Bureau of Labor Statistics changes the base year for determination of the ECI and ICI values as defined above, such re-based values will be incorporated in the Airframe Price Adjustment calculation.


2.3           In the event escalation provisions are made non-enforceable or otherwise rendered void by any agency of the United States Government, the parties agree, to the extent they may lawfully do so, to equitably adjust the Aircraft Price of any affected Aircraft to reflect an allowance for increases or decreases consistent with the applicable provisions of paragraph 1 of this Supplemental Exhibit AE1 in labor compensation and material costs occurring since August of the year prior to the price base year shown in the Purchase Agreement.


2.4           If within *** of Aircraft delivery, the published index values are revised due to an acknowleded error by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Airframe Price Adjustment will be re-calculated using the revised index values (this does not include those values noted as preliminary by the Bureau of Labor Statistics). A credit memorandum or supplemental invoice will be issued for the Airframe Price Adjustment difference. Interest charges will not apply for the period of original invoice to issuance of credit memorandum or supplemental invoice.



(i)The values released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and available to Boeing thirty (30) days prior to the first day of the scheduled delivery month of an Aircraft will be used to determine the ECI and ICI values for the applicable months (including those noted as preliminary by the Bureau of Labor Statistics) to calculate the Airframe Price Adjustment for the Aircraft invoice at the time of delivery. The values will be considered final and no Airframe Price Adjustments will be made after Aircraft delivery for any subsequent changes in published index values, subject always to paragraph 2.4 above.


(ii)The maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal after rounding utilized in any part of the Airframe Price Adjustment equation will be 4, where rounding of the fourth digit will be increased to the next highest digit when the 5th digit is equal to five (5) or greater.


    AE1 Page 4












China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.


Supplemental Exhibit BFE1

to Purchase Agreement Number PA-03746


    BFE1 Page 1






relating to




This Supplemental Exhibit BFE1 contains supplier selection dates, on-dock dates and other requirements applicable to the Aircraft.


1.          Supplier Selection.


Customer will:


Select and notify Boeing of the suppliers and part numbers of the following BFE items by the following dates:


Galley System July 1, 2013
Galley Inserts July 1, 2013
Seats (Suites) June 1, 2012
Seats (F/C, B/C, Premium E/C) January 2, 2013
Seats (Economy class) June 1, 2013
Overhead & Audio System November 1, 2013
In-Seat Video System *****
Miscellaneous Emergency Equipment July 1, 2013


****In-Flight Entertainment (IFE) In seat video system must be selected concurrent with the longest lead seat program.


2.          On-dock Dates and Other Information.


On or before January 2014, Boeing will provide to Customer the BFE Requirements electronically in My Boeing Fleet (MBF), through My Boeing Configuration (MBC). These requirements may be periodically revised, setting forth the items, quantities, on-dock dates and shipping instructions and other requirements relating to the in-sequence installation of BFE. For planning purposes, preliminary BFE on-dock dates are set forth below:


    BFE1 Page 2




    Preliminary BFE On-dock Dates for Planning Purposes Only
Month of
   Qty   Seats  Galleys /
  Antennas &
  Avionics  Cabin
  Textiles /
Raw Material
Sep 2014   1   07/09/2014  07/07/2014  05/09/2014  07/07/2014  07/07/2014  07/07/2014  04/09/2014
Nov 2014   1   09/08/2014  09/04/2014  07/08/2014  09/04/2014  09/04/2014  09/04/2014  06/09/2014
Dec 2014   1   10/09/2014  10/07/2014  08/08/2014  10/07/2014  10/07/2014  10/07/2014  07/11/2014
Mar 2015   1   01/08/2015  01/06/2015  11/07/2014  01/06/2015  01/06/2015  01/06/2015  09/29/2014
Jun 2015   1   04/08/2015  04/06/2015  02/06/2015  04/06/2015  04/06/2015  04/06/2015  01/09/2015
Jul 2015   1   05/06/2015  05/02/2015  03/06/2015  05/02/2015  05/02/2015  05/02/2015  02/07/2014
Aug 2015   1   06/08/2015  06/04/2015  04/08/2015  06/04/2015  06/04/2015  06/04/2015  03/10/2015
Nov 2015   1   09/02/2015  08/31/2015  07/02/2015  08/31/2015  08/31/2015  08/31/2015  06/09/2015
Feb 2016   1   12/01/2015  11/30/2015  10/01/2015  11/30/2015  11/30/2015  11/30/2015  08/31/2015
Apr 2016   1   02/05/2016  02/03/2016  12/01/2015  02/03/2016  02/03/2016  02/03/2016  10/28/2015
Jun 2016   1   04/07/2016  04/05/2016  02/05/2016  04/05/2016  04/05/2016  04/05/2016  01/11/2016
Aug 2016   1   06/08/2016  06/06/2016  04/08/2016  06/06/2016  06/06/2016  06/06/2016  03/10/2016
Oct 2016   1   08/09/2016  06/06/2016  06/08/2016  06/06/2016  06/06/2016  06/06/2016  05/10/2016
Feb 2017   1   11/30/2016  11/28/2016  09/30/2016  11/28/2016  11/28/2016  11/28/2016  08/30/2016
Apr 2017   1   02/06/2017  02/02/2017  12/16/2016  02/02/2017  02/02/2017  02/02/2017  10/27/2016
Jun 2017   1   04/06/2017  04/04/2017  02/06/2017  04/04/2017  04/04/2017  04/04/2017  01/09/2017
Feb 2018   1   12/1/2017  11/29/2017  10/2/2017  11/29/2017  11/29/2017  11/29/2017  08/29/2017
Apr 2018   1   02/06/2018  02/02/2018  11/29/2017  02/02/2018  02/02/2018  02/02/2018  10/27/2017
Jun 2018   1   04/06/2018  04/04/2018  02/06/2018  04/04/2018  04/04/2018  04/04/2018  01/09/2018
Aug 2018   1   06/07/2018  06/05/2018  04/06/2018  06/05/2018  06/05/2018  06/05/2018  03/09/2018
Total A/C   20                      


CEA-PA-03746-BFE1   BFE1 Page 3




3.          Additional Delivery Requirements - Import.


Customer will be the “importer of record” (as defined by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection) for all BFE imported into the United States, and as such, it has the responsibility to ensure all of Customer’s BFE shipments comply with U.S. Customs Service regulations. In the event Customer requests Boeing, in writing, to act as importer of record for Customer’s BFE, and Boeing agrees to such request, Customer is responsible for ensuring Boeing can comply with all U.S. Customs Import Regulations by making certain that, at the time of shipment, all BFE shipments comply with the requirements in the “international Shipment Routing Instructions”, including the Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT), as set out on the Boeing website referenced below. Customer agrees to include the International Shipment Routing Instructions, including C-TPAT requirements, in each contract between Customer and BFE supplier.




    BFE1 Page 4














Supplemental Exhibit CS1

to Purchase Agreement Number PA-03746


    CS1 Page 1







relating to




Customer and Boeing will conduct planning conferences approximately twelve (12) months prior to delivery of the first Aircraft, or as mutually agreed, in order to develop and schedule a customized Customer Support Program to be furnished by Boeing in support of the Aircraft.


The customized Customer Services Program will be based upon and equivalent to the entitlements summarized below.


1.          Maintenance Training.


1.1           ***


1.2           ***


1.3           ***


1.4           ***


1.5           ***


1.6           ***


1.7           ***


1.8           ***


1.9           ***



2.          Flight Training.


2.1           ***


2.2           ***


2.3           ***


2.4           ***


2.5           ***


    CS1 Page 2




2.6           Additional Flight Operations Services:








3.            Planning Assistance.


3.1          Maintenance Engineering.    Notwithstanding anything in Exhibit B to the AGTA seemingly to the contrary, Boeing will provide the following Maintenance Engineering support:


3.1.1Maintenance Planning Assistance. ***


3.1.2ETOPS Maintenance Planning Assistance. ***


3.1.3GSE/Shops/Tooling Consulting. ***


3.1.4Maintenance Engineering Evaluation. ***


3.2          Spares.


(i)Recommended Spares Parts List (RSPL). ***


(ii)Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC). ***


(iii)Provisioning Training. ***


(iv)Spares Provisioning Conference. ***


    CS1 Page 3




4.          Technical Data and Documents.


4.1           Flight Operations.




4.2           Maintenance.




4.3           Maintenance Planning.




4.4           Spares.




    CS1 Page 4




4.5           Facilities and Equipment Planning.




4.6           Supplier Technical Data.




    CS1 Page 5
















Supplemental Exhibit EE1

to Purchase Agreement Number PA-03746


    EE1 Page 1







relating to






No separate engine escalation methodology is defined for the 777-300ER Aircraft. Pursuant to the AGTA, the engine prices for these Aircraft are included in and will be escalated in the same manner as the Airframe.




Boeing has obtained from General Electric Company (GE) GE’s guarantee that GE will extend directly to Customer GE’s warranty, special guarantees and product support services (hereinafter collectively referred to as Warranty); subject, however, to Customer’s acceptance of the conditions set forth in the Warranty.


In consideration for Boeing’s having obtained GE’s guarantee to provide the Warranty directly to the Customer, Customer hereby releases and discharges Boeing from any and all claims, obligations and liabilities whatsoever arising out of the purchase or use of such Engines and Customer hereby waives, releases and renounces all its rights in all such claims, obligations and liabilities. THE WARRANTY GE EXTENDS DIRECTLY TO CUSTOMER IS EXCLUSIVE, AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER WRITTEN, ORAL OR IMPLIED. THERE ARE NO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS OR MERCHANTABILITY.


CEA-PA-03746-EE1 EE1 Page 2














Supplemental Exhibit SLP1

to Purchase Agreement Number PA-03746


    SLP1 Page






relating to




This is the listing of SLP Components for the Aircraft which relate to Part 3, Boeing Service Life Policy of Exhibit C, Product Assurance Document to the AGTA and is a part of Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746.


1.          Wing.

(i)Upper and lower wing skins and stiffeners between the forward and rear wing spars.


(ii)Wing spar webs, chords and stiffeners.


(iii)Inspar wing ribs.


(iv)Inspar splice plates and fittings.


(v)Main landing gear support structure.


(vi)Wing center section lower beams, spanwise beams and floor beams, but not the seat tracks attached to floor beams.


(vii)Wing-to-body structural attachments.


(viii)Engine strut support fittings attached directly to wing primary structure.


(ix)Support structure in the wing for spoilers and spoiler actuators; for aileron hinges and reaction links; and for leading edge devices and trailing edge flaps.


(x)Leading edge device and trailing edge flap support system.


(xi)Aileron leading edge device and trailing edge flap internal, fixed attachment and actuator support structure.


2.          Body.

(i)External surface skins and doublers, longitudinal stiffeners, longerons and circumferential rings and frames between the forward pressure bulkhead and the vertical stabilizer rear spar bulkhead and structural support and enclosure for the APU but excluding all system components and related installation and connecting devices, insulation, lining, and decorative panels and related installation and connecting devices.


(ii)Window and windshield structure but excluding the windows and windshields.


(iii)Fixed attachment structure of the passenger doors, cargo doors and emergency exits, excluding door mechanisms and movable hinge components. Sills and frames around the body openings for the passenger doors, cargo doors and emergency exits, excluding scuff plates and pressure seals.


    SLP1 Page 2





(iv)Nose wheel well structure, including the wheel well walls, pressure deck, forward and aft bulkheads, and the gear support structure.


(v)Main gear wheel well structure including pressure deck, bulkheads and landing gear beam support structure.


(vi)Floor beams and support posts in the control cab and passenger cabin area, but excluding seat tracks.


(vii)Forward and aft pressure bulkheads.


(viii)Keel structure between the wing front spar bulkhead and the main gear wheel well aft bulkhead, including splices.


(ix)Wing front and rear spar support bulkheads, and vertical and horizontal stabilizer front and rear spar support bulkheads including terminal fittings but excluding all system components and related installation and connecting devices, insulation, lining, and decorative panels and related installation and connecting devices.


(x)Support structure in the body for the stabilizer pivot and stabilizer screw.


3.Vertical Stabilizer.


(i)External skins between front and rear spars.


(ii)Front and rear spars including stiffeners.


(iii)Attachment fittings between vertical stabilizer and body.


(iv)Inspar ribs.


(v)Rudder hinges and supporting ribs, excluding bearings.


(vi)Support structure in the vertical stabilizer for rudder hinges, reaction links and actuators.


(vii)Rudder internal, fixed attachment and actuator support structure.


4.Horizontal Stabilizer.


(i)External skins between front and rear spars.


(ii)Front and rear spars including splices and stiffeners.


(iii)Inspar ribs.


(iv)Stabilizer splice fittings and pivot and screw support structure.


(v)Support structure in the horizontal stabilizer for the elevator hinges, reaction links and actuators.


(vi)Elevator internal, fixed attachment and actuator support structure.


(vii)Elevator hinges and supporting ribs, excluding bearings.


    SLP1 Page 3




5.Engine Strut.


(i)Strut external surface skin and doublers and stiffeners.


(ii)Internal strut chords, frames and bulkheads.


(iii)Strut to wing fittings and diagonal brace.


(iv)Engine mount support fittings attached directly to strut structure.


(v)For Aircraft equipped with General Electric or Pratt & Whitney engines only, the engine-mounted support fittings.


6.Main Landing Gear.


(i)Outer cylinder.


(ii)Inner cylinder.


(iii)Upper and lower side strut, including spindles and universals.


(iv)Upper and lower drag strut, including spindles and universals.


(v)Orifice support tube.


(vi)Downlock links including spindles and universals.


(vii)Torsion links.


(viii)Bogie beam.




(x)Steering crank arm.


(xi)Steering rod.


7.Nose Landing Gear.


(i)Outer cylinder.


(ii)Inner cylinder, including axles.


(iii)Orifice support tube.


(iv)Upper and lower drag strut, including lock links.


(v)Steering plates and steering collar.


(vi)Torsion links.


(vii)Actuator support beam and hanger.


NOTE: The Service Life Policy does not cover any bearings, bolts, bushings, clamps, brackets, actuating mechanisms or latching mechanisms used in or on the SLP Components.


    SLP1 Page 4




The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707
Seattle, WA 98124-2207




China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Aircraft Minor Model Substitution


Reference:Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft)


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) amends and supplements the Purchase Agreement. All terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the Purchase Agreement.


Customer may substitute the purchase of Boeing Model 777-Freighter aircraft (Substitute Aircraft) in place of any Aircraft in Table 1 and Table 2, subject to the following terms and conditions:


1.Customer’s Written Notice.


Customer shall provide written notice of its intention to substitute the purchase of an Aircraft with the purchase of a Substitute Aircraft no later than the first day of the month that is *** prior to the scheduled month of delivery of the Aircraft for which it will be substituted, provided that a Substitute Aircraft has been previously certified and delivered to Customer.


2.Boeing’s Production Capability.


2.1           Customer’s substitution right is conditioned upon Boeing having production capability for the Substitute Aircraft in the same scheduled delivery month as the Aircraft for which it will be substituted. Boeing will provide a written response to Customer within ten (10) business days of Customer’s notice of intent indicating whether or not Boeing’s production capability will support the scheduled delivery month.


2.2           If Boeing is unable to manufacture the Substitute Aircraft in the same scheduled delivery month as the Aircraft for which it will be substituted, then within ten (10) business days of Customer’s notice of intent, Boeing shall make a written offer of an alternate delivery month for Customer’s consideration and written acceptance within thirty days of such offer.


2.3           All of Boeing’s quoted delivery positions for Substitute Aircraft shall be considered preliminary until such time as the parties enter into a definitive agreement in accordance with paragraph 3. below.


Aircraft Minor Model Substitution   LA Page 1





3.Definitive Agreement.


Customer’s substitution right and Boeing obligation in this Letter Agreement are further conditioned upon Customer and Boeing’s executing a definitive agreement for the purchase of the Substitute Aircraft within *** of Customer’s substitution notice to Boeing or of Customer’s acceptance of an alternate delivery month in accordance with paragraph 2. above.


4.Price and Advance Payments.


4.1           The Airframe Price, Optional Features Price and, if applicable, Engine Price will be adjusted to Boeing’s and the engine manufacturer’s then-current prices for such elements as of the date of execution of the definitive purchase agreement for the Substitute Aircraft. The escalation indices and methodology used to estimate the Advance Payment Base Price (APBP) will be adjusted to Boeing’s and the engine manufacturer’s then-current provisions for such elements as of the date of execution of the definitive purchase agreement for the Substitute Aircraft.


4.2            If the APBP for any Substitute Aircraft is higher than the APBP of the Aircraft, Customer will pay to Boeing the amount of the difference in Advance Payments as of the date of execution of the definitive agreement for the Substitute Aircraft. If the APBP of the Substitute Aircraft is lower than the APBP of the Aircraft, Boeing will retain any excess amounts previously paid by Customer until the next payment is due, at which time Customer may reduce the amount of such payment by the amount of the excess. In no case will Boeing refund or pay interest on any excess amounts created by virtue of Customer’s exercise of the rights of substitution described herein.




Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Purchase Agreement, the rights and obligations described in this Letter Agreement are provided to Customer in consideration of Customer’s becoming the operator of the Aircraft and cannot be assigned in whole or, in part.


6.Confidential Treatment.


The information contained herein represents confidential business information and has value precisely because it is not available generally or to other parties. Customer will limit the disclosure of its contents to employees of Customer with a need to know the contents for purposes of helping Customer perform its obligations under the Purchase Agreement and who understand they are not to disclose its contents to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of Boeing.


Aircraft Minor Model Substitution
  LA Page 2





Very truly yours,



/s/ Rocky E. Weller

Its Attorney-In-Fact  








Aircraft Minor Model Substitution   LA Page 3




The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707
Seattle, WA 98124-2207




China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Aircraft Cross Model Substitution


Reference:Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft)


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) amends and supplements the Purchase Agreement. All terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the Purchase Agreement.


Customer may substitute the purchase of Boeing Model 737, 747-8, 787-8 and 787-9 aircraft (Substitute Aircraft) in place of any Aircraft in Table 2 only, subject to the following terms and conditions:


1.Customer’s Written Notice.


Customer shall provide written notice of its intention to substitute the purchase of an Aircraft with the purchase of a Substitute Aircraft no later than the first day of the month that is *** prior to the scheduled month of delivery of the Aircraft for which it will be substituted.


2.Boeing’s Production Capability.


2.1          Customer’s substitution right is conditioned upon Boeing having production capability for the Substitute Aircraft in the same scheduled delivery month as the Aircraft for which it will be substituted. Boeing will provide a written response to Customer within *** of Customer’s notice of intent indicating whether or not Boeing’s production capability will support the scheduled delivery month.


2.2          If Boeing is unable to manufacture the Substitute Aircraft in the same scheduled delivery month as the Aircraft for which it will be substituted, then within *** of Customer’s notice of intent, Boeing shall make a written offer of an alternate delivery month for Customer’s consideration and written acceptance within thirty days of such offer.


2.3         All of Boeing’s quoted delivery positions for Substitute Aircraft shall be considered preliminary and quoted STAP (Subject to Available Position) until such time as the parties enter into a definitive agreement in accordance with paragraph 4. below. The Substitute Aircraft will be subject to production, lead time and customer introduction constraints.


Aircraft Cross Model Substitution   LA Page 1





3.Equal Deal Value.




4.Definitive Agreement.


Customer’s substitution right and Boeing obligation in this Letter Agreement are further conditioned upon Customer and Boeing’s executing a definitive agreement for the purchase of the Substitute Aircraft within *** of Customer’s substitution notice to Boeing or of Customer’s acceptance of an alternate delivery month in accordance with paragraph 2. above.


5.Price and Advance Payments.


5.1           The Airframe Price, Optional Features Price and, if applicable, Engine Price will be adjusted to Boeing’s and the engine manufacturer’s then-current prices for such elements as of the date of execution of the definitive purchase agreement for the Substitute Aircraft. The escalation indices and methodology used to estimate the Advance Payment Base Price (APBP) will be adjusted to Boeing’s and the engine manufacturer’s then-current provisions for such elements as of the date of execution of the definitive purchase agreement for the Substitute Aircraft.


5.2           The APBP for the total number of Substitute Aircraft will be higher than the APBP of the Table 2 Aircraft, and Customer will pay to Boeing the amount of the difference in Advance Payments as of the date of execution of the definitive agreement for the Substitute Aircraft.




Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Purchase Agreement, the rights and obligations described in this Letter Agreement are provided to Customer in consideration of Customer’s becoming the operator of the Aircraft and cannot be assigned in whole or, in part.


7.Confidential Treatment.


The information contained herein represents confidential business information and has value precisely because it is not available generally or to other parties. Customer will limit the disclosure of its contents to employees of Customer with a need to know the contents for purposes of helping Customer perform its obligations under the Purchase Agreement and who understand they are not to disclose its contents to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of Boeing.


Aircraft Cross Model Substitution   LA Page 2





Very truly yours,



/s/ Rocky E. Weller

Its Attorney-In-Fact  







Aircraft Cross Model Substitution   LA Page 3




The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707
Seattle, WA 98124-2207




China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Shareholder Approval


Reference:Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft)


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) amends and supplements the Purchase Agreement. All terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the Purchase Agreement.


1.Listing Matters.




2.Shareholder Approval.




Shareholder Approval   LA Page 1





Very truly yours,



/s/ Rocky E. Weller

Its Attorney-In-Fact  




By Z:\Vineyard\Live jobs\2013\04 Apr\17 Apr\Shift II\China Eastern Airlines - 20-F Exhibits_v341666\Draft\03-Production  




Shareholder Approval   LA Page 2




The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707
Seattle, WA 98124-2207




China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Boeing Purchase of Buyer Furnished Equipment


Reference:Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft)


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) amends and supplements the Purchase Agreement. All terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the Purchase Agreement.


Customer will sell to Boeing the Buyer Furnished Equipment (BFE) listed in the Annex to Exhibit A to this Letter Agreement under the terms and conditions set forth below.


1.            Customer will deliver to Boeing a bill of sale for the BFE conveying good title, free of any encumbrances, in the form of Exhibit A to this Letter Agreement (BFE Bill of Sale) immediately prior to delivery of the Aircraft.


2.            The BFE purchase price will be the amount stated on the BFE Bill of Sale applicable to the Aircraft and will be paid to Customer immediately after receipt by Boeing of the Aircraft Price balance and Aircraft delivery, at which time Boeing will deliver a bill of sale for the BFE to Customer at the time of payment in the form of Exhibit B to this Letter Agreement.


3.            Customer will pay to Boeing the amount of any taxes, duties or other charges of whatever nature imposed by any United States, Federal, State or local taxing authority, or any taxing authority outside the United States required to be paid by Boeing as a result of any sale, purchase, use, ownership, delivery, transfer, storage or other activity associated with any of the BFE purchased as part of this Letter Agreement.


4.            The purchase price of the Aircraft will be increased by the amount paid by Boeing for the BFE as shown on the applicable BFE Bill of Sale plus any amounts which are identified at the time of Aircraft delivery to be due to Boeing from Customer pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 3, above. The remainder of any charges due Boeing from Customer pursuant to paragraph 3 will be payable to Boeing upon demand.


5.            Customer will indemnify and hold harmless Boeing from and against all claims, suits, actions, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses for any actual or alleged infringement of any patent issued or equivalent right under the laws of any country arising out of or in any way connected with any sale, purchase, use, ownership, delivery, transfer, storage or other activity associated with any of the BFE purchased as part of this Letter Agreement.


Boeing Purchase of BFE   LA Page 1





6.           Customer will indemnify and hold harmless Boeing from and against all claims and liabilities, including costs and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) incident thereto or incident to successfully establishing the right to indemnification, for injury to or death of any person or persons, including employees of Customer but not employees of Boeing, or for loss of or damage to any property, including any aircraft, arising out of or in any way connected with the performance by Boeing of services or other obligations under this Letter Agreement and whether or not arising in tort or occasioned in whole or in part by the negligence of Boeing.


7.           Boeing makes no warranty other than warranty of such title to the BFE as has been transferred by Customer to Boeing pursuant to this Letter Agreement. The exclusion of liabilities and other provisions of the AGTA are applicable to this Letter Agreement.


8.           For the purposes of this Letter Agreement, the term “Boeing” includes The Boeing Company, its divisions, subsidiaries, affiliates, the assignees of each, and their directors, officers, employees and agents.


Boeing Purchase of BFE   LA Page 2





Very Truly Yours,


By /s/ Rocky E. Weller  
Its Attorney-In-Fact  








Boeing Purchase of BFE   LA Page 3





Exhibit A



China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Seller) in consideration of the promise of The Boeing Company (Buyer) to pay to Seller + U.S. Dollars ($+) hereby sells to Buyer the goods described in the Schedule of Equipment attached hereto (BFE). Such payment by Buyer will be made immediately after delivery to Seller of and payment for the Aircraft bearing Manufacturer’s Serial No. + on which the BFE is installed.


Seller warrants to Buyer that it has good title to the BFE free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and rights of others; and that it will warrant and defend such title against all claims and demands whatsoever.


This Full Warranty Bill of Sale is delivered by Seller to Buyer in Seattle, Washington, and governed by the law of the State of Washington, U.S.A. EXCLUSIVE OF WASHINGTON’S CONFLICTS OF LAWS PRINCIPLES.


China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.  


Receipt of this Full Warranty Bill of Sale is hereby acknowledged by Buyer by its duly authorized representative.




Boeing Purchase of BFE   LA Page 4






Applicable to

Model 777-300ER Aircraft bearing

Manufacturer’s Serial No. <MSN>

Document PED

Issued +

Revision of +


Boeing Purchase of BFE   LA Page 5






Exhibit B



The Boeing Company (Seller) in consideration of the sum of $1.00 and other valuable consideration hereby sells to China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Buyer) the goods described in the Schedule of Equipment attached hereto (BFE).


Seller represents and warrants that it has such title to the BFE as was previously transferred to Seller by Buyer and that it hereby conveys such BFE and such title thereto to Buyer.


This Boeing Bill of Sale is delivered by Seller to Buyer in Seattle, Washington, and governed by the law of the State of Washington, U.S.A EXCLUSIVE OF WASHINGTON’S CONFLICTS OF LAWS PRINCIPLES.




Receipt of this Full Warranty Bill of Sale is hereby acknowledged by Buyer by its duly authorized representative.


China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.  


Boeing Purchase of BFE   LA Page 6






Applicable to

Model 777-300ER Aircraft bearing

Manufacturer’s Serial No. <MSN>

Document PED

Issued +

Revision of +


Boeing Purchase of BFE   LA Page 7




The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707
Seattle, WA 98124-2207




China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Special Matters relating to COTS Software and End User License Agreements


Reference:Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft)


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) amends and supplements the Purchase Agreement. All terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the Purchase Agreement.




1.           Certain third party, commercial off-the-shelf software products are available to perform various functions required in the Aircraft (COTS Software).


2.           The industry practice with respect to COTS Software is to permit manufacturers to install the software in products for sale to customers. The manufacturer is required to pass to the customer an End User License Agreement (EULA), which covers the right to use the COTS Software. The EULA also requires each user of the product to further license the software and pass the EULA to any user to whom he transfers the product.


3.           Because of the described industry practice with respect to COTS Software, Boeing does not acquire title to COTS Software and cannot pass title to COTS Software at the time of delivery of the Aircraft.


4.           Therefore, the parties desire to amend certain provisions of the Purchase Agreement to properly reflect the respective rights and obligations of the parties with respect to the COTS Software included in the Aircraft.




1.           At delivery of the Aircraft, Boeing will furnish to Customer copies of all EULA’s applicable to the Aircraft, and Customer agrees to comply with all provisions of the applicable EULA’s.


2.           Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 6.3 of the AGTA, at delivery of each Aircraft, Boeing will provide Customer a bill of sale conveying good title, free of encumbrances except as provided in applicable EULA’s.


3.           In connection with any sale or other transfer of the Aircraft, Customer agrees to comply with all provisions of the applicable EULA’s, including without limitation the re-licensing of the software to Customer’s transferee and the flow down within such license of the further requirement that Customer’s transferee comply with and flow to other transferees the obligations of the EULA.


EULA Special Matters   LA Page 1





Very truly yours,  

/s/ Rocky E. Weller

Its Attorney-In-Fact  








EULA Special Matters   LA Page 2




The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707
Seattle, WA 98124-2207




China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Board Approval


Reference:Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft)


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) amends and supplements the Purchase Agreement. All terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the Purchase Agreement.


Board Approval.




Board Approval  

LA Page 1






Very truly yours,



/s/ Rocky E. Weller

Its Attorney-In-Fact  








Board Approval   LA Page 2





The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707
Seattle, WA 98124-2207




China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Liquidated Damages – Non-Excusable Delay


Reference:Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft)


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) amends and supplements the Purchase Agreement. All terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the Purchase Agreement.


Definition of Terms:


Non-Excusable Delay: Delay in delivery of any Aircraft beyond the last day of the delivery month (Scheduled Delivery) established in the Purchase Agreement by any cause that is not an Excusable Delay pursuant to Article 7 of the AGTA and for which Customer is otherwise entitled to a remedy from Boeing pursuant to applicable law.


1.Liquidated Damages.








Such interest will be calculated on a simple interest basis and paid in full at actual delivery.


Liquidated Damages Non-Excusable Delay LA Page 1






3.Right of Termination.


Customer will not have the right to refuse to accept delivery of any Aircraft because of a Non-Excusable Delay unless and until the aggregate duration of the Non-Excusable Delay for such Aircraft exceeds *** (Non-Excusable Delay Period). After such Non-Excusable Delay Period, either party may terminate the Purchase Agreement as to such Aircraft by written or telegraphic notice given to the other.




If the Purchase Agreement is terminated with respect to any Aircraft for a Non- Excusable Delay, Boeing will, in addition to paying Liquidated Damages and Interest as described above, promptly repay to Customer the entire principal amount of the advance payments received by Boeing for such Aircraft.


5.Exclusive Remedies.


The Liquidated Damages and Interest payable in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Letter Agreement, and Customer’s right to terminate pursuant to this Letter Agreement are Customer’s exclusive remedies for a Non-Excusable Delay and are in lieu of all other damages, claims, and remedies of Customer arising at law or otherwise for any Non-Excusable Delay in the Aircraft delivery. Customer hereby waives and renounces all other claims and remedies arising at law or otherwise for any such Non-Excusable Delay.




Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Purchase Agreement, the rights and obligations described in this Letter Agreement are provided to Customer in consideration of Customer’s becoming the operator of the Aircraft and cannot be assigned in whole or, in part.


7.Confidential Treatment.


The information contained herein represents confidential business information and has value precisely because it is not available generally or to other parties. Customer will limit the disclosure of its contents to employees of Customer with a need to know the contents for purposes of helping Customer perform its obligations under the Purchase Agreement and who understand they are not to disclose its contents to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of Boeing.


Liquidated Damages Non-Excusable Delay LA Page 2






Very truly yours,  
By /s/ Rocky E. Weller  
Its Attorney-In-Fact  


Liquidated Damages Non-Excusable Delay LA Page 3





The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707
Seattle, WA 98124-2207




China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Loading of Customer Software


Reference:Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft)


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) amends and supplements the Purchase Agreement. All terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the Purchase Agreement.


1.         Customer may request Boeing to install software owned by or licensed to Customer (Software) in the following systems in the Aircraft: (i) aircraft communications addressing and reporting system (ACARS), (ii) digital flight data acquisition unit (DFDAU), (iii) flight management system (FMS), (iv) cabin management system (CMS), (v) engine indication and crew alerting system (EICAS), (vi) airplane information management system (AIMS), (vii) satellite communications system (SATCOM), and (viii) In-Flight Entertainment (IFE).


2.         For all Software described in paragraph 1, above, other than Software to be installed in SATCOM and IFE, the Software is not part of the configuration of the Aircraft certified by the FAA and therefore cannot be installed prior to delivery. If requested by Customer, Boeing will install such Software after the transfer to Customer of title to the Aircraft, but before fly away.


3.         The SATCOM Software is part of the configuration of the Aircraft and included in the type design. If requested by Customer, Boeing will install the SATCOM Software prior to transfer to Customer of title to the Aircraft.


4.         For IFE Software, if requested by Customer, Boeing will make the Aircraft accessible to Customer and Customer’s IFE Software supplier so that the supplier can install the Software after delivery of the Aircraft, but before fly away.


5.         All Software which is installed by Boeing other than the SATCOM Software will be subject to the following conditions:


(i)Customer and Boeing agree that the Software is BFE for the purposes of Articles 3.1.3, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.10, 10 and 11 of Exhibit A, Buyer Furnished Equipment Provisions Document, to the AGTA and such articles apply to the installation of the Software.


Loading of Customer Software LA Page 1






(ii)Customer and Boeing further agree that the installation of the Software is a service under Exhibit B, Customer Support Document, to the AGTA.


(iii)Boeing makes no warranty as to the performance of such installation and Article 11 of Part 2 of Exhibit C of the AGTA, Disclaimer and Release; Exclusion of Liabilities and Article 8.2, Insurance of the AGTA apply to the installation of the Software.


Loading of Customer Software LA Page 2






Very truly yours,  
By /s/ Rocky E. Weller  
Its Attorney-In-Fact  


Loading of Customer Software LA Page 3





The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707
Seattle, WA 98124-2207




China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Open Configuration Matters


Reference:Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft)


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) amends and supplements the Purchase Agreement. All terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the Purchase Agreement.


1.            Aircraft Configuration.


1.1        Initial Configuration. The initial configuration of Customer’s Model 777-300ER Aircraft has been defined by Boeing Model 777-300ER Detail Specification D019W005 Rev H dated August 31, 2011 as described in Article 1 and Exhibit A of the Purchase Agreement. Final configuration of the Aircraft will be completed as described in this Letter Agreement.


1.2        Final Configuration Schedule. Customer and Boeing hereby agree to complete the configuration of the Aircraft using the then-current Boeing configuration documentation (Final Configuration) in accordance with the following schedule:


1.2.1        No later than *** prior to the first Aircraft’s scheduled delivery month, Boeing and Customer will discuss potential optional features.


1.2.2        Within *** after that meeting, Boeing will provide Customer with a proposal for those optional features that can be incorporated into the Aircraft during production.


1.2.3        Customer will then have *** to accept or reject the optional features.


2.            Amendment of the Purchase Agreement. Within *** following Final Configuration, Boeing and Customer will execute a written amendment to the Purchase Agreement which will reflect the following:


2.1        Changes applicable to the basic Model 777-300ER aircraft which are developed by Boeing between the date of signing of the Purchase Agreement and date of Final Configuration.


Open Configuration Matters LA Page 1






2.2        Incorporation into Exhibit A of the Purchase Agreement, by written amendment, those optional features which have been agreed to by Customer and Boeing pursuant to Article 1.2 above (Customer Configuration Changes);


2.3        Revisions to the Performance Guarantees to reflect the effects, if any, on Aircraft performance resulting from the incorporation of the Customer Configuration Changes;


2.4        Changes to the Optional Features Prices, Aircraft Basic Price and Advance Payment Base Price of the Aircraft to adjust for the difference, if any, between the prices estimated in Table 1 and Table 2 of the Purchase Agreement for optional features reflected in the Aircraft Basic Price and the actual prices of the optional features reflected in the Customer Configuration Changes; and


2.5        Changes to the Advance Payment Base Price of the Aircraft to adjust for the difference between the estimated amount included in Table 1 and Table 2 of the Purchase Agreement for Seller Purchased Equipment (SPE) and the price of the SPE reflected in the Customer Configuration Changes.


3.            Other Letter Agreements.


Boeing and Customer acknowledge that as the definition of the Aircraft progresses, there may be a need to execute letter agreements addressing one or more of the following subjects:


3.1        Software. Additional provisions relating to software.


3.2        Seller Purchased Equipment (SPE) and/or Buyer Furnished Equipment (BFE). Provisions relating to the terms under which Boeing may offer or install SPE and/or BFE in the Aircraft.


Open Configuration Matters LA Page 2






Very truly yours,  
By /s/ Rocky E. Weller  
Its Attorney-In-Fact  






Open Configuration Matters LA Page 3





The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707
Seattle, WA 98124-2207




China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Aircraft Performance Guarantees


Reference:Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft)


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) amends and supplements the Purchase Agreement. All terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the Purchase Agreement.


Boeing agrees to provide Customer with the performance guarantees in the Attachment. These guarantees are exclusive and expire upon delivery of the Aircraft to Customer. Customer agrees to limit the remedy for non-compliance of any performance guarantee to the terms in Letter Agreement No. CEA-PA-03746-LA-1107146.




Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Purchase Agreement, the rights and obligations described in this Letter Agreement are provided to Customer in consideration of Customer’s becoming the operator of the Aircraft and cannot be assigned in whole or, in part.


2.Confidential Treatment.


The information contained herein represents confidential business information and has value precisely because it is not available generally or to other parties. Customer will limit the disclosure of its contents to employees of Customer with a need to know the contents for purposes of helping Customer perform its obligations under the Purchase Agreement and who understand they are not to disclose its contents to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of Boeing.


Performance Guarantees LA Page 1








Very truly yours,  
By /s/ Rocky E. Weller  
Its Attorney-In-Fact  


Performance Guarantees LA Page 2





Attachment to Letter Agreement

No. CEA-PA-03746-LA-1107149

GE90-115BL Engines

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Attachment to Letter Agreement

No. CEA-PA-03746-LA-1107149

GE90-115BL Engines

Page 2




The guarantees contained in this Attachment (the “Performance Guarantees”) are applicable to the 777-300ER Aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of 775,000 pounds, a maximum landing weight of 554,000 pounds, and a maximum zero fuel weight of 524,000 pounds, and equipped with Boeing furnished GE90-115BL engines.






The FAA approved takeoff field length at a gross weight at the start of the ground roll of 775,000 pounds, at a temperature of 86°F, at a sea level altitude, and using maximum takeoff thrust, shall not be more than the following guarantee value:


GUARANTEE: 10,600  Feet




The FAA approved landing field length at a gross weight of 554,000 pounds and at a sea level altitude, shall not be more than the following guarantee value:


GUARANTEE: 5,850  Feet




2.3.1Mission Payload


The payload for a stage length of 6,725 nautical miles in still air (equivalent to a distance of 6,600 nautical miles with a 9 knot headwind, representative of a Shanghai to New York route) using the conditions and operating rules defined below, shall not be less than the following guarantee value:


NOMINAL: 102,670   Pounds
TOLERANCE: -5,600   Pounds
GUARANTEE: 97,070   Pounds


Conditions and operating rules:


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Attachment to Letter Agreement

No. CEA-PA-03746-LA-1107149

GE90-115BL Engines

Page 3


The stage length is defined as the sum of the distances for the climbout maneuver, climb, cruise, and descent.


Fuel Density:The fuel density is 6.5 pounds per gallon.


Takeoff:The airport altitude is 10 feet.


The takeoff gross weight is not limited by the airport conditions.


Maximum takeoff thrust is used for the takeoff.


The takeoff gross weight shall conform to FAA Regulations.


Following the takeoff to 35 feet, the Aircraft accelerates to the recommended speed of 262 KCAS while climbing to 1,500 feet above the departure airport altitude and retracting flaps and landing gear.


Climb:The Aircraft climbs from 1,500 feet above the departure airport altitude to 10,000 feet altitude at the recommended speed of 262 KCAS.


The Aircraft then accelerates at a rate of climb of 300 feet per minute to a climb speed of 320 KCAS.


The climb continues at 320 KCAS until 0.8223 Mach number is reached.


The climb continues at 0.8223 Mach number to the initial cruise altitude.


The temperature is ISA+5°C during climb.


Maximum climb thrust is used during climb.


Cruise:The Aircraft cruises at 0.84 Mach number.


The initial cruise altitude is 29,000 feet.


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Attachment to Letter Agreement

No. CEA-PA-03746-LA-1107149

GE90-115BL Engines

Page 4


A step climb or multiple step climbs of 2,000 feet altitude may be used when beneficial to minimize fuel burn.


The temperature is ISA+5°C during cruise.


The cruise thrust is not to exceed maximum cruise thrust except during a step climb when maximum climb thrust may be used.


Descent:The Aircraft descends from the final cruise altitude at 0.84 Mach number until 250 KCAS is reached.


The descent continues at 250 KCAS to an altitude of 1,500 feet above the destination airport altitude.


Throughout the descent, the cabin pressure will be controlled to a maximum rate of descent equivalent to 300 feet per minute at sea level.


The temperature is ISA+5°C during descent.


Approach HoldThe Aircraft holds for 9 minutes at the recommended holding speed at 1,500 feet above the destination airport altitude.


The temperature is ISA+5°C during hold.


and Landing
The Aircraft decelerates to the final approach speed while extending landing gear and flaps, then descends and lands.


The destination airport altitude is 13 feet.


Fixed Allowances:For the purpose of this guarantee and for the purpose of establishing compliance with this guarantee, the following shall be used as fixed quantities and allowances:


Operational Empty Weight, OEW (Paragraph 2.6.3): 391,873 Pounds


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Attachment to Letter Agreement

No. CEA-PA-03746-LA-1107149

GE90-115BL Engines

Page 5


Taxi Out: 

Fuel 1,400 Pounds


Takeoff and Climbout Maneuver: 

Fuel 2,370 Pounds
Distance     5.1 Nautical Miles


Approach Hold 

Fuel 2,020 Pounds


Approach and Landing Maneuver: 

Fuel    540 Pounds


Taxi In (shall be consumed from the reserve fuel): 

Fuel 1,050 Pounds


Usable reserve fuel remaining upon completion of the approach and landing maneuver: 21,420 Pounds


For information purposes, the reserve fuel is based on a standard day temperature and a) a contingency fuel allowance equivalent to 10 percent of the trip time required to fly from a redispatch point 5,411 nautical miles from the airport of origin (based on a Winnipeg initial destination) to the final destination airport, starting at the end of the mission cruise and at a constant 0.84 Mach number, b) a missed approach and flight to a 200 nautical mile alternate, c) an approach and landing maneuver at the alternate airport, and d) a 30 minute hold at 1,500 feet above the alternate airport at sea level.


P.A. No. PA-3746    
AERO-B-BBA4-M12-0206A SS12-0114





Attachment to Letter Agreement

No. CEA-PA-03746-LA-1107149

GE90-115BL Engines

Page 6


2.3.2Mission Block Fuel


The block fuel for a stage length of 6,725 nautical miles in still air (equivalent to a distance of 6,600 nautical miles with a 9 knot headwind, representative of a Shanghai to New York route) with a 97,070 pound payload using the conditions and operating rules defined below, shall not be more than the following guarantee value:


NOMINAL: 258,810   Pounds
TOLERANCE: +6,450   Pounds
GUARANTEE: 265,260   Pounds


Conditions and operating rules are the same as Paragraph 2.3.1 except as follows:


Block Fuel:The block fuel is defined as the sum of the fuel used for taxi-out, takeoff and climbout maneuver, climb, cruise, descent, approach hold, approach and landing maneuver, and taxi-in.


Fixed Allowances:For the purpose of this guarantee and for the purpose of establishing compliance with this guarantee, the following shall be used as fixed quantities and allowances:


Operational Empty Weight, OEW
(Paragraph 2.3.6): 391,900 Pounds


Taxi Out:

Fuel 1,400 Pounds


Takeoff and Climbout Maneuver:

Fuel 2,330 Pounds
Distance   5. Nautical Miles


Approach Hold 

Fuel 2,000 Pounds


Approach and Landing Maneuver: 

Fuel    540 Pounds


P.A. No. PA-3746    
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Attachment to Letter Agreement

No. CEA-PA-03746-LA-1107149

GE90-115BL Engines

Page 7


Taxi In (shall be consumed from the reserve fuel):  

Fuel 1,050 Pounds


Usable reserve fuel remaining upon completion of the approach and landing maneuver: 21,240 Pounds


2.3.3Mission Payload


The payload for a stage length of 7,058 nautical miles in still air (equivalent to a distance of 6,599 nautical miles with a 32 knot headwind, representative of a New York to Shanghai route) using the conditions and operating rules defined below, shall not be less than the following guarantee value:


NOMINAL: 93,860 Pounds
TOLERANCE: -5,720 Pounds
GUARANTEE: 88,140 Pounds


Conditions and operating rules:


The stage length is defined as the sum of the distances for the climbout maneuver, climb, cruise, and descent.


Fuel Density:The fuel density is 6.7 pounds per gallon.


Take off:The airport altitude is 13 feet.


The takeoff gross weight is not limited by the airport conditions.


Maximum takeoff thrust is used for the takeoff.


The takeoff gross weight shall conform to FAA Regulations.


Following the takeoff to 35 feet, the Aircraft accelerates to 262 KCAS while climbing to 1,500 feet above the departure airport altitude and retracting flaps and landing gear.


P.A. No. PA-3746    
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Attachment to Letter Agreement

No. CEA-PA-03746-LA-1107149

GE90-115BL Engines

Page 8


Climb:The Aircraft climbs from 1,500 feet above the departure airport altitude to 10,000 feet altitude at 262 KCAS.


The Aircraft then accelerates at a rate of climb of 300 feet per minute to a climb speed of 320 KCAS.


The climb continues at 320 KCAS until 0.8384 Mach number is reached.


The climb continues at 0.8384 Mach number to the initial cruise altitude.


The temperature is ISA+5°C during climb.


Maximum climb thrust is used during climb.


Cruise:The Aircraft cruises at 0.84 Mach number.


The initial cruise altitude is 30,000 feet.


A step climb or multiple step climbs of 2,000 feet altitude may be used when beneficial to minimize fuel burn.


The temperature is ISA+5°C during cruise.


The cruise thrust is not to exceed maximum cruise thrust except during a step climb when maximum climb thrust may be used.


Descent:The Aircraft descends from the final cruise altitude at 0.84 Mach number until 250 KCAS is reached.


The descent continues at 250 KCAS to an altitude of 1,500 feet above the destination airport altitude.


Throughout the descent, the cabin pressure will be controlled to a maximum rate of descent equivalent to 300 feet per minute at sea level.


The temperature is ISA+5°C during descent.


P.A. No. PA-3746    
AERO-B-BBA4-M12-0206A SS12-0114





Attachment to Letter Agreement

No. CEA-PA-03746-LA-1107149

GE90-115BL Engines

Page 9


Approach HoldThe Aircraft holds for 9 minutes at the recommended holding speed at 1,500 feet above the destination airport altitude.


The temperature is ISA+5°C during hold.


and Landing
The Aircraft decelerates to the final approach speed while extending landing gear and flaps, then descends and lands.


The destination airport altitude is 10 feet.


For the purpose of this guarantee and for the purpose of establishing compliance with this guarantee, the following shall be used as fixed quantities and allowances:


Operational Empty Weight, OEW (Paragraph 2.6.3): 391,873 Pounds


Taxi Out:

Fuel 1,400  Pounds


Takeoff and Climbout Maneuver:

Fuel 2,370  Pounds
Distance     5.1  Nautical Miles


Approach Hold

Fuel 1,990  Pounds


Approach and Landing Maneuver:

Fuel     540 Pounds


Taxi In (shall be consumed from the reserve fuel):

Fuel 1,050  Pounds


Usable reserve fuel remaining upon completion of the approach and landing maneuver: 20,020 Pounds


P.A. No. PA-3746    
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Attachment to Letter Agreement

No. CEA-PA-03746-LA-1107149

GE90-115BL Engines

Page 10


For information purposes, the reserve fuel is based on a standard day temperature and a) a contingency fuel allowance equivalent to 10 percent of the trip time required to fly from a redispatch point 6,369 nautical miles from the airport of origin (based on a Shenyang initial destination) to the final destination airport, starting at the end of the mission cruise at a constant 0.84 Mach number, b) a missed approach and flight to a 200 nautical mile alternate, c) an approach and landing maneuver at the alternate airport, and d) a 30 minute hold at 1,500 feet above the alternate airport at sea level.


2.3.4Mission Block Fuel


The block fuel for a stage length of 7,058 nautical miles in still air (equivalent to a distance of 6,599 nautical miles with a 32 knot headwind, representative of a New York to Shanghai route) with a 88,148 pound payload using the conditions and operating rules defined below, shall not be more than the following guarantee value:


NOMINAL:   268,830   Pounds
TOLERANCE:   +6,790   Pounds
GUARANTEE:   275,620   Pounds


Conditionsand operating rules are the same as Paragraph 2.3.3 except as follows:


Block Fuel:The block fuel is defined as the sum of the fuel used for taxi-out, takeoff and climbout maneuver, climb, cruise, descent, approach hold, approach and landing maneuver, and taxi- in.


Fixed Allowances:For the purpose of this guarantee and for the purpose of establishing compliance with this guarantee, the following shall be used as fixed quantities and allowances:


Operational Empty Weight, OEW
(Paragraph 2.3.6): 391,900 Pounds


P.A. No. PA-3746    
AERO-B-BBA4-M12-0206A   SS12-0114




Attachment to Letter Agreement

No. CEA-PA-03746-LA-1107149

GE90-115BL Engines

Page 11


Taxi Out:  
Fuel 1,400 Pounds
Takeoff and Climbout Maneuver:
Fuel 2,320 Pounds
Distance 4.9 Nautical Miles
Approach Hold
Fuel 1,970 Pounds
Approach and Landing Maneuver:
Fuel    540 Pounds
Taxi In (shall be consumed from the reserve fuel):
Fuel 1,050 Pounds


Usable reserve fuel remaining upon completion of the approach and landing maneuver: 19,870 Pounds


2.3.5Operational Empty Weight Basis


The Operational Empty Weight (OEW) derived in Paragraph 2.3.6 is the basis for the mission guarantees of Paragraphs 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, and 2.3.4.


P.A. No. PA-3746    
AERO-B-BBA4-M12-0206A   SS12-0114




Attachment to Letter Agreement

No. CEA-PA-03746-LA-1107149

GE90-115BL Engines

Page 12


2.3.6   777-300ER Weight Summary - China Eastern


Standard Model Specification MEW   337,200 
Configuration Specification D019W005, Rev. H,     
Dated August 31, 2011     
365 (22 FC / 70 BC / 273 TC) Interior     
GE90-115B Engines     
702000 Lb. Maximum Taxi Weight     
47890 USG Fuel Capacity     
Changes for China Eastern:     
Interior Change to 318 Passengers (4 FC / 56 CC / 258 YC ) *   12,907 
Ref: LOPA-B7713174B     
Selected MTW: 777000 1b   0 
Engine Thrust Rating: GE90-115B   0 
In-Flight Entertainment System (Non-Seat Mounted Equipt only)   1,000 
In-Flight Overheat Pilot Rest (2 Berths and 2 Seats)   1,500 
In-Flight Overhead Attendant Rest (8 berths)   2,460 
Large Aft Cargo Door   955 
Additional Customer Options Allowance   1,700 
China Eastern Manufacturer’s Empty Weight (MEW)   357,722 
Standard and Operational Items Allowance   34,151 
(Paragraph 2.4.4)     
China Eastern Operational Empty Weight (OEW)   391,873 

   Quantity   Pounds   Pounds     
* Seat Weight Included:             26,617     
First Class Singles   4    1,840         
Business Class Singles   56    12,320         
Business Class Monuments   6    720         
Economy Class Doubles   9    873         
Economy Class Triples   44    5,896         
Economy Class Quads   27    4,968         


P.A. No. PA-3746    
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No. CEA-PA-03746-LA-1107149

GE90-115BL Engines

Page 13


2.3.7  Standard and Operational Items Allowance


   Qty   Pounds   Pounds   Pounds
Standard Items Allowance                 8,179
Unusable Fuel             344  
Oil             161  
Oxygen Equipment             91  
Passenger Portable   13    91       
Miscellaneous Equipment             74  
First Aid Kits   4    12       
Crash Axe   1    3       
Megaphones   2    7       
Flashlights   14    20       
Smoke Goggles   4    1       
Smoke Hoods   6    30       
Fire Gloves   1    1       
Galley Structure & Fixed Inserts             7,509  
Operational Items Allowance                 25,972
Crew and Crew Baggage             2,750  
Flight Crew   2    340       
Cabin Crew   14    1,960       
Baggage   16    400       
Flight Crew Briefcase   2    50       
Catering Allowance: 2.5 Meal Service             10,856  
First Class   4    552       
Business Class   56    3,080       
Economy Class   258    7,224       
Passenger Service Equipment ( 318 @ 3 lb. ea.)             954  
Potable Water - (296 USG)             2,477  
Waste Tank Disinfectant             3  
Emergency Equipment (Incl. Overwater Equip.)             2,612  
Slide Rafts   10    2,166       
Life Vests   336    439       
Locator Transmitter   2    7       
Cargo System             6,320  
Pallets   8    2,320       
Containers   20    4,000       
Total Standard and Operational Items Allowance                 34,151


P.A. No. PA-3746    
AERO-B-BBA4-M12-0206A   SS12-0114




Attachment to Letter Agreement

No. CEA-PA-03746-LA-1107149

GE90-115BL Engines

Page 14




The Manufacturer’s Empty Weight (MEW) is guaranteed not to exceed the value in Section 03-60-00 of Detail Specification TBD, plus one percent.




4.1The guarantees contained in this Attachment are based on the Aircraft configuration as defined in the original release of Detail Specification TBD (hereinafter referred to as the Detail Specification). Appropriate adjustment shall be made for changes in such Detail Specification approved by the Customer and Boeing or otherwise allowed by the Purchase Agreement which cause changes to the flight performance and/or weight and balance of the Aircraft. Such adjustment shall be accounted for by Boeing in its evidence of compliance with the guarantees.


4.2The guarantee payloads of Paragraph 2.3.1 and 2.3.3 and the specified payloads of Paragraph 2.3.2 and 2.3.4 block fuel guarantees will be adjusted by Boeing for the effect of the following on OEW and the Manufacturer’s Empty Weight guarantee of Section 3 will be adjusted by Boeing for the following in its evidence of compliance with the guarantees:


(1)    Changes to the Detail Specification or any other changes mutually agreed upon between the Customer and Boeing or otherwise allowed by the Purchase Agreement.


(2)    The difference between the component weight allowances given in Appendix IV of the Detail Specification and the actual weights.




5.1All guaranteed performance data are based on the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) and specified variations therefrom; altitudes are pressure altitudes.


5.2The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations referred to in this Attachment are, unless otherwise specified, the 777-300ER Certification Basis regulations specified in the Type Certificate Data Sheet T00001SE, dated March 16, 2004.


P.A. No. PA-3746    
AERO-B-BBA4-M12-0206A   SS12-0114




Attachment to Letter Agreement

No. CEA-PA-03746-LA-1107149

GE90-115BL Engines

Page 15


5.3In the event a change is made to any law, governmental regulation or requirement, or in the interpretation of any such law, governmental regulation or requirement that affects the certification basis for the Aircraft as described in Paragraph 5.2, and as a result thereof, a change is made to the configuration and/or the performance of the Aircraft in order to obtain certification, the guarantees set forth in this Attachment shall be appropriately modified to reflect any such change.


5.4The takeoff and landing guarantees, and the takeoff portion of the mission guarantees are based on hard surface, level and dry runways with no wind or obstacles, no clearway or stopway, 235 mph tires, with anti-skid operative, and with the Aircraft center of gravity at the most forward limit unless otherwise specified. The takeoff performance is based on no engine bleed for air conditioning or thermal anti-icing and the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) turned off unless otherwise specified. Unbalanced field length calculations and the improved climb performance procedure will be used for takeoff as required. The landing performance is based on the use of automatic spoilers.


5.5The climb, cruise and descent portions of the mission guarantees include allowances for normal power extraction and engine bleed for normal operation of the air conditioning system. Normal electrical power extraction shall be defined as not less than a 212 kilowatts total electrical load. Normal operation of the air conditioning system shall be defined as pack switches in the “Auto” position, the temperature control switches in the “Auto” position that results in a nominal cabin temperature of 75°F, and all air conditioning systems operating normally. This operation allows a maximum cabin pressure differential of 8.6 pounds per square inch at higher altitudes, with a nominal Aircraft cabin ventilation rate of 10,300 cubic feet per minute including passenger cabin recirculation (nominal recirculation is 50 percent). The APU is turned off unless otherwise specified.


5.6The climb, cruise and descent portions of the mission guarantees are based on an Aircraft center of gravity location of 30 percent of the mean aerodynamic chord.


5.7Performance, where applicable, is based on a fuel Lower Heating Value (LHV) of 18,580 BTU per pound, unless otherwise specified.


P.A. No. PA-3746    
AERO-B-BBA4-M12-0206A   SS12-0114




Attachment to Letter Agreement

No. CEA-PA-03746-LA-1107149

GE90-115BL Engines

Page 16




6.1Compliance with the guarantees of Sections 2 and 3 shall be based on the conditions specified in those sections, the Aircraft configuration of Section 4 and the guarantee conditions of Section 5.


6.2Compliance with the takeoff and landing guarantees and the takeoff portion of the mission guarantee shall be based on the FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual for the Model 777-300ER.


6.3Compliance with the climb, cruise and descent portions of the mission guarantees shall be established by calculations based on flight test data obtained from an aircraft in a configuration similar to that defined by the Detail Specification.


6.4The OEW used for compliance with the mission guarantees shall be the actual MEW plus the Standard and Operational Items Allowance in Paragraph 03-60-00 of the Detail Specification.


6.5Compliance with the Manufacturer’s Empty Weight guarantee shall be based on information in the “Weight and Balance Control and Loading Manual - Aircraft Report.”


6.6The data derived from tests shall be adjusted as required by conventional methods of correction, interpolation or extrapolation in accordance with established engineering practices to show compliance with these guarantees.


6.7Compliance shall be based on the performance of the airframe and engines in combination, and shall not be contingent on the engine meeting its manufacturer’s performance specification.




The only performance guarantees applicable to the Aircraft are those set forth in this Attachment.


P.A. No. PA-3746    
AERO-B-BBA4-M12-0206A   SS12-0114




The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707
  Seattle, WA 98124-2207





China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Promotional Support


Reference:Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft)


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) amends and supplements the Purchase Agreement. All terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the Purchase Agreement.


Boeing and Customer wish to enter into an agreement pursuant to which each party will contribute equally to promotional programs in support of the entry into service of the Aircraft as more specifically provided below.




1.1       Commitment Limit shall have the meaning set forth in Article 2, below.


1.2       Covered Aircraft shall mean those Aircraft identified on Table 1 and Table 2 to the Purchase Agreement as of the date of signing of this Letter Agreement.


1.3       Performance Period shall mean the period beginning one (1) year before and ending one (1) year after the scheduled delivery month of the first Covered Aircraft.


1.4       Promotional Support shall mean mutually agreed marketing and promotion programs that promote the entry into service of the Covered Aircraft such as marketing research, tourism development, corporate identity, direct marketing, videotape or still photography, planning, design and production of collateral materials, management of promotion programs, advertising campaigns or such other marketing and promotional activities as the parties may mutually agree.


1.5      Qualifying Third Party Fees shall mean fees paid by Customer to third party providers for Promotional Support provided to Customer during the Performance Period.




As more particularly set forth in this Letter Agreement, Boeing agrees to provide Promotional Support to Customer during the Performance Period in a value not to exceed *** Aircraft delivered to Customer thereafter.


Promotional Support-STD   LA Page 1





3.Methods of Performance.


3.1      Subject to the Commitment Limit, Boeing will reimburse *** of Customer’s payments of Qualifying Third Party Fees provided that Customer provides Boeing copies of paid invoices for such Qualifying Third Party Fees no later than twenty-four (24) months after the delivery of the first Covered Aircraft.


3.2      Notwithstanding the above, at Customer’s request and subject to a mutually agreed project, Boeing will provide certain Promotional Support during the Performance Period directly to Customer. The full value of such Boeing provided Promotional Support will be accounted for as part of the Commitment Limit and will correspondingly reduce the amount of Qualifying Third Party Fees that are subject to reimbursement pursuant to Article 3.1 above.


3.3      In the event Customer does not (i) utilize the full amount of the Commitment Limit within the Performance Period or (ii) submit its paid invoices for Qualifying Third Party Fees within the required time, as set forth in Article 3.1, Boeing shall have no further obligation to Customer for such unused Commitment Limit or to reimburse Customer for such Qualifying Third Party Fees, respectively.


4.Project Approval.


Following the execution of this Letter Agreement, a Boeing Airline Marketing Services representative will meet with Customer’s designated representative to review and approve the extent, selection, scheduling, and funds disbursement process for the Promotional Support to be provided pursuant to this Letter Agreement.




Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Purchase Agreement, the rights and obligations described in this Letter Agreement are provided to Customer in consideration of Customer’s becoming the operator of the Aircraft and cannot be assigned in whole or, in part.


6.Confidential Treatment.


The information contained herein represents confidential business information and has value precisely because it is not available generally or to other parties. Customer will limit the disclosure of its contents to employees of Customer with a need to know the contents for purposes of helping Customer perform its obligations under the Purchase Agreement and who understand they are not to disclose its contents to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of Boeing.


Promotional Support-STD   LA Page 2





Very truly yours,


By /s/ Rocky E. Weller    
Its Attorney-In-Fact    






Promotional Support-STD   LA Page 3




The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707
  Seattle, WA 98124-2207





China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Spare Parts Initial Provisioning


Reference:a) Purchase Agreement No. 03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft), b) Customer Services General Terms Agreement No. 9P (CSGTA) between Boeing and Customer.


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) is entered into on the date below and amends and supplements the CSGTA. All capitalized terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement have the same meaning as in the CSGTA, except for “Aircraft” which will have the meaning as defined in the Purchase Agreement.


In order to define the process by which Boeing and Customer will i) identify those Spare Parts and Standards critical to Customer’s successful introduction of the Aircraft into service and its continued operation, ii) place Orders under the provisions of the CSGTA as supplemented by the provisions of this Letter Agreement for those Spare Parts and Standards, and iii) manage the return of certain of those Spare Parts which Customer does not use, the parties agree as follows.




1.1      Provisioning Data means the documentation provided by Boeing to Customer, including but not limited to the Recommended Spare Parts List (RSPL), identifying all Boeing initial provisioning requirements for the Aircraft.


1.2      Provisioning Items means the Spare Parts and Standards identified by Boeing as initial provisioning requirements in support of the Aircraft, excluding special tools and ground support equipment (GSE), engines and engine parts.


1.3      Provisioning Products Guide means the Boeing Manual D6-81834 entitled Spares Provisioning Products Guide”.


2.Phased Provisioning.


2.1      Provisioning Products Guide. Prior to the initial provisioning meeting Boeing will furnish to Customer a copy of the Provisioning Products Guide.


2.2      Initial Provisioning Meeting. On or about *** prior to delivery of the first Aircraft the parties will conduct an initial provisioning meeting were the procedures, schedules, and requirements for training will be established to accomplish phased provisioning of Spare Parts and Standards for the Aircraft in accordance with the Provisioning Products Guide. If the lead time from execution of the Purchase Agreement until delivery of the first Aircraft is less than *** the initial provisioning meeting will be established as soon as reasonably possible after execution of the Purchase Agreement.


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2.3         Provisioning Data. During the initial provisioning meeting Customer will provide to Boeing the operational parameter information described in Chapter 6 of the Provisioning Products Guide. After review and acceptance by Boeing of such Customer information, Boeing will prepare the Provisioning Data. Such Provisioning Data will be furnished to Customer on or about *** after Boeing finalizes the engineering drawings for the Aircraft. The Provisioning Data will be as complete as possible and will cover Provisioning Items selected by Boeing for review by Customer for initial provisioning of Spare Parts and Standards for the Aircraft. Boeing will furnish to Customer revisions to the Provisioning Data until approximately ninety (90) days following delivery of the last Aircraft or until the delivery configuration of each of the Aircraft is reflected in the Provisioning Data, whichever is later.


2.4         Buyer Furnished Equipment (BFE) Provisioning Data. Unless otherwise advised by Boeing, Customer will provide or insure its BFE suppliers provide to Boeing the BFE data in scope and format acceptable to Boeing, in accordance with the schedule established during the initial provisioning meeting.


3.            Purchase from Boeing of Spare Parts and Standards as Initial Provisioning for the Aircraft.


3.1         Schedule. In accordance with schedules established during the initial provisioning meeting, Customer may place Orders for Provisioning Items and any GSE, special tools or engine spare parts which Customer determines it will initially require for maintenance, overhaul and servicing of the Aircraft and/or engines.


3.2         Prices of Initial Provisioning Spare Parts.


3.2.1     Boeing Spare Parts. ***


3.2.2     Supplier Spare Parts. ***


3.3         QEC Kits, Standards kits, Raw Material Kits, Bulk Material Kits and Service Bulletin Kits. ***


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4.           Delivery.


For Spare Parts and Standards ordered by Customer in accordance with Article 3 of this Letter Agreement, Boeing will, insofar as reasonably possible, deliver to Customer such Spare Parts and Standards on dates reasonably calculated to conform to Customer’s anticipated needs in view of the scheduled deliveries of the Aircraft, Customer and Boeing will agree upon the date to begin delivery of the provisioning Spare Parts and Standards ordered in accordance with this Letter Agreement. Where appropriate, Boeing will arrange for shipment of such Spare Parts and Standards which are manufactured by suppliers directly to Customer from the applicable supplier’s facility. The routing and method of shipment for initial deliveries and all subsequent deliveries of such Spare Parts and Standards will be as established at the initial provisioning meeting and thereafter by mutual agreement.


5.          Substitution for Obsolete Spare Parts.


5.1        Obligation to Substitute Pre-Delivery. ***


5.2        Delivery of Obsolete Spare and Substitutes. ***


6.          Repurchase of Provisioning Items.


6.1        Obligation to Repurchase. ***


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6.2        Exceptions. Boeing will not be obligated under Article 6.1 to repurchase any of the following: (i) quantities of Provisioning Items in excess of those quantities recommended by Boeing in the Provisioning Data for the Aircraft, (ii) QEC kits, bulk material kits, raw material kits, service bulletin kits, Standards kits and components thereof (except those components listed separately in the Provisioning Data), (iii) Provisioning Items for which an Order was received by Boeing more than five (5) months after delivery of the last Aircraft, (iv) Provisioning Items which have become obsolete or have been replaced by other Provisioning Items as a result of Customer’s modification of the Aircraft, and (v) Provisioning Items which become excess as a result of a change in Customer’s operating parameters, as provided to Boeing pursuant to the initial provisioning meeting and which were the basis of Boeing’s initial provisioning recommendations for the Aircraft.


6.3        Notification and Format. Customer will notify Boeing, in writing when Customer desires to return Provisioning Items under the provisions of this Article 6. Customer’s notification will include a detailed summary, in part number sequence, of the Provisioning Items Customer desires to return. Such summary will be in the form of listings, tapes, diskettes or other media as may be mutually agreed between Boeing and Customer and will include part number, nomenclature, purchase order number, purchase order date and quantity to be returned. Within five (5) business days after receipt of Customer’s notification, Boeing will advise Customer in writing when Boeing’s review of such summary will be completed.


6.4        Review and Acceptance by Boeing. Upon completion of Boeing’s review of any detailed summary submitted by Customer pursuant to Article 6.3, Boeing will issue to Customer a Material Return Authorization (MRA) for those Provisioning Items Boeing agrees are eligible for repurchase in accordance with this Article 6. Boeing will advise Customer of the reason that any Provisioning Item included in Customer’s detailed summary is not eligible for return. Boeing’s MRA will state the date by which Provisioning Items listed in the MRA must be redelivered to Boeing, and Customer will arrange for shipment of such Provisioning Items accordingly.


6.5        Price and Payment. The price of each Provisioning Item repurchased by Boeing pursuant to this Article 6 will be an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the original invoice price thereof except that the repurchase price of Provisioning Items purchased pursuant to Article 3.2.2 will not include Boeing’s twelve percent (12%) handling charge. Boeing will pay the repurchase price by issuing a credit memorandum in favor of Customer which may be applied against amounts due Boeing for the purchase of Spare Parts or Standards.


6.6        Delivery of Repurchased Provisioning Items. Provisioning Items repurchased by Boeing pursuant to this Article 6 will be delivered to Boeing F.O.B. at its Seattle Distribution Center or such other destination as Boeing may reasonably designate.


7.           Title and Risk of Loss.


Title and risk of loss of any Spare Parts or Standards delivered to Customer by Boeing in accordance with this Letter Agreement will pass from Boeing to Customer in accordance with the applicable provisions of the CSGTA. Title to and risk of loss of any Spare Parts or Standards returned to Boeing by Customer in accordance with this Letter Agreement will pass to Boeing upon delivery of such Spare Parts or Standards to Boeing in accordance with the provisions of Article 5.2 or Article 6.6, herein, as appropriate.


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8.          Termination for Excusable Delay.


In the event of termination of the Purchase Agreement pursuant to Article 7 of the AGTA with respect to any Aircraft, such termination will, if Customer so requests by written notice received by Boeing within fifteen (15) days after such termination, also discharge and terminate all obligations and liabilities of the parties as to any Spare Parts or Standards which Customer had ordered pursuant to the provisions of this Letter Agreement as initial provisioning for such Aircraft and which are undelivered on the date Boeing receives such written notice.


9.          Order of Precedence.


In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of this Letter Agreement and the terms of any other provisions of the CSGTA, the terms of this Letter Agreement will control.


Spare Parts Initial Provisioning   LA Page 5





Very truly yours,  
By /s/ Rocky E. Weller  
Its Attorney-In-Fact  








Spare Parts Initial Provisioning LA Page 6




The Boeing Company

P.O. Box 3707

Seattle, WA 98124-2207






China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Special Matters


Reference:Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft)


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) amends and supplements the Purchase Agreement. All terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the Purchase Agreement.


1.           Credit Memoranda.


1.1           ***


1.2           ***


1.3           ***


1.4           ***


1.5           ***


1.6           ***


1.7           ***


Special Matters LA Page 1





1.8           ***


1.9           ***


1.10         ***


2.           Escalation of Credit Memoranda.




3.           Assignment.


Unless otherwise noted herein, the Credit Memoranda described in this Letter Agreement are provided as a financial accommodation to Customer and in consideration of Customer’s taking title to the Aircraft at time of delivery and becoming the operator of the Aircraft. This Letter Agreement cannot be assigned, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Boeing.


4.           Confidentiality


Customer understands and agrees that the information contained herein represents confidential business information and has value precisely because it is not available generally or to other parties. Customer agrees to limit the disclosure of its contents to employees of Customer with a need to know the contents for purposes of helping Customer perform its obligations under the Purchase Agreement and who understand they are not to disclose its contents to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of Boeing.


Special Matters LA Page 2





Very truly yours,


By /s/ Rocky E. Weller  
Its Attorney-In-Fact  








Special Matters LA Page 3




The Boeing Company

P.O. Box 3707

Seattle, WA 98124-2207





China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Payment Matters


Reference:Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft)


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) amends and supplements the Purchase Agreement. All terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the Purchase Agreement.


1.           Advance Payments for the Aircraft.


1.1.          Agreed Deferral. It is understood that Customer’s ability to make advance payments described in Article 4.2 of the Purchase Agreement may be impacted due to monetary issues, therefore Boeing agrees that all advance payments due on the effective date of the Purchase Agreement, as specified in Article 4.2, and those that shall become due during the time from the effective date and deferred due date, may be deferred without interest until ten business days after the effective date of the Purchase Agreement, by which time Customer will pay all advance payments specified in the Purchase Agreement as being due on or before that date.


1.2.          Advance Payment Invoices. Boeing will provide invoices to Customer for all advance payments due pursuant to Article 4.2 of the Purchase Agreement, at least *** prior to the due date thereof.


2.           Payment at Aircraft Delivery.


Pursuant to Article 4.4 of the Purchase Agreement, Customer will pay the balance of the Aircraft Price of each Aircraft at delivery. Boeing will provide the invoices for such payment at least *** prior to Aircraft delivery.


3.           Rescheduling Aircraft.


In the event that Customer is not able to make the advance payments described above by the tenth business day after the effective date of the Purchase Agreement, Boeing may reschedule ***


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4.           Effect of Aircraft Rescheduling.


If Boeing reschedules any or all of the Aircraft pursuant to the provisions of 3. above, the Customer and Boeing will complete a Supplemental Agreement to document the revised Aircraft delivery schedules within *** is given.


5.           Default Interest.


If Boeing does not reschedule any or all of the Aircraft pursuant to the provisions of 3. above, and Customer has not brought the advance payments current, Customer agrees to compensate Boeing for the delayed payment of the advance payments described above, and those that shall become due after the tenth business day. Such compensation will be computed on the unpaid advance payment amount, starting from the eleventh business day after the effective date of the Purchase Agreement, or from the date that any additional advance payments become due, until such date as payments are received by Boeing. The agreed rate of interest shall be *** as published on the first business day of each month in the Wall Street Journal.


6.           Alternative Methodology.


In the event that circumstances described in paragraph 5. above occur, Customer and Boeing agree that Customer may exercise an alternative method of compensation to Boeing. Such alternative method is described below.


6.1.      Dollar Day Principal. ***


6.2.      Default Procedure. ***


7.           Confidential Treatment.


Customer understands that certain commercial and financial information contained in this Letter Agreement are considered by Boeing as confidential. Customer agrees that it will treat this Letter Agreement and the information contained herein as confidential and will not, without the prior written consent of Boeing, disclose this Letter Agreement or any information contained herein to any other person or entity.


Payment Matters   LA Page 2






Very truly yours,


By /s/ Rocky E. Weller  
Its Attorney-In-Fact  


Payment Matters   LA Page 3




The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707
Seattle, WA 98124-2207





China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Installation of Cabin Systems Equipment


Reference:Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

(Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft)


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) amends and supplements the Purchase Agreement. All terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the Purchase Agreement.


Customer has requested that Boeing install in the Aircraft the in-flight entertainment and cabin communications systems (IFE/CCS) described in Attachment A to this Letter Agreement.


Because of the complexity of the IFE/CCS, special attention and additional resources will be required during the development, integration, certification, and manufacture of the Aircraft to achieve proper operation of the IFE/CCS at the time of delivery of the Aircraft. To assist Customer, Boeing will perform the functions of project manager (Project Manager) as set forth in Attachment B.




1.1Customer will:


1.1.1    provide Customer’s IFE/CCS system requirements to Boeing;


1.1.2    select the IFE/CCS suppliers (Suppliers) from among those suppliers identified in the Option(s) listed in Attachment A to this Letter Agreement, on or before Jan 2, 2013, or as otherwise formally offered by Boeing;


1.1.3    promptly after selecting Suppliers, participate with Boeing in meetings with Suppliers to ensure that Supplier’s functional system specifications meet Customer’s and Boeing’s respective requirements. Such functional systems specifications define functionality to which Boeing will test prior to delivery but is not a guarantee of functionality at delivery;


1.1.4    select Supplier part numbers;


1.1.5    negotiate and obtain agreements on product assurance, product support following Aircraft delivery (including spares support), and any other special business arrangements directly with Suppliers;


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1.1.6    provide pricing information for part numbers selected above to Boeing by a mutually selected date;


1.1.7    negotiate and obtain agreements with any required service providers; and


1.1.8    include in Customer’s contract with any seat supplier a condition obligating such seat supplier to enter into and comply with a Boeing approved bonded stores agreement. This bonded stores agreement will set forth the procedures concerning the use, handling and storage for the Boeing owned IFE/CCS equipment during the time such equipment is under the seat supplier’s control.


1.2Boeing will;


1.2.1    perform the Project Manager functions stated in Attachment B;


1.2.2    provide Aircraft interface requirements to Suppliers;


1.2.3    assist Suppliers in the development of their IFE/CCS system specifications and approve such specifications;


1.2.4    negotiate terms and conditions (except for price, product assurance, product support following Aircraft delivery and any other special business arrangements) and enter into contracts with Suppliers and manage such contracts for the IFE/CCS;


1.2.5    coordinate the resolution of technical issues with Suppliers;


1.2.6    ensure that at time of Aircraft delivery the IFE/CCS configuration meets the requirements of the Option(s) contained in Attachment A to this Letter Agreement as such Attachment A may be amended from time to time; and


1.2.7    obtain FAA certification of the Aircraft with the IFE/CCS installed therein.




IFE/CCS systems may contain software of the following two types:


2.1         Systems Software. The software required to operate and certify the IFE/CCS systems on the Aircraft is the Systems Software and is part of the IFE/CCS.


2.2         Customer’s Software. The software accessible to the Aircraft passengers which controls Customer’s specified optional features is Customer’s Software and is not part of the IFE/CCS.


2.2.1 Customer is solely responsible for specifying Customer’s Software functional and performance requirements and ensuring that Customer’s Software meets such requirements. Customer and Customer’s Software supplier will have total responsibility for the writing, certification, modification, revision, or correction of any of Customer’s Software. Boeing will not perform the functions and obligations described in paragraph 1.2 above, nor the Project Manager’s functions described in Attachment B, for Customer’s Software.


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2.2.2    The omission of any Customer’s Software or the lack of any functionality of Customer’s Software will not be a valid condition for Customer’s rejection of the Aircraft at the time of Aircraft delivery.


2.2.3    Boeing has no obligation to approve any documentation to support Customer’s Software certification. Boeing will only review and operate Customer’s Software if in Boeing’s reasonable opinion such review and operation is necessary to certify the IFE/CCS system on the Aircraft.


2.2.4    Boeing will not be responsible for obtaining FAA certification for Customer’s Software.




3.1         After Boeing and Supplier have entered into a contract for the purchase of the IFE/CCS, changes to such contract may only be made by Boeing. Any Customer request for changes to the IFE/CCS specification after the Boeing/Supplier contract has been signed must be made in writing directly to Boeing. Boeing shall respond to such request by Customer in a timely manner. If such change is technically feasible and Boeing has the resources and time to incorporate such change, then Boeing shall negotiate with the Supplier to incorporate such change into the contract for the IFE/CCS. Any Supplier price increase resulting from such a change will be negotiated between Customer and Supplier.


3.2         Boeing and Customer recognize that the developmental nature of the IFE/CCS may require changes to the IFE/CCS or the Aircraft in order to ensure (i) compatibility of the IFE/CCS with the Aircraft and all other Aircraft systems, and (ii) FAA certification of the Aircraft with the IFE/CCS installed therein. In such event Boeing will notify Customer and recommend to Customer the most practical means for incorporating any such change. If within fifteen (15) days after such notification Customer and Boeing through negotiations cannot mutually agree on the incorporation of any such change or alternate course of action, then the remedies available to Boeing in Paragraph 6 shall apply.


3.3         The incorporation into the Aircraft of any mutually agreed change to the IFE/CCS may result in Boeing adjusting the price of the Option(s) contained in Attachment A to this Letter Agreement.


3.4         Boeing’s obligation to obtain FAA certification of the Aircraft with the IFE/CCS installed is limited to the IFE/CCS as described in Attachment A, as Attachment A may be amended from time to time.


4.Supplier Defaults.


Boeing shall notify Customer in a timely manner in the event of a default by a Supplier under the Supplier’s contract with Boeing. Within fifteen (15) days of Customer’s receipt of such notification, Boeing and Customer shall agree through negotiations on an alternative Supplier or other course of action. If Boeing and Customer are unable to agree on an alternative Supplier or course of action within such time, the remedies available to Boeing in Paragraph 6 shall apply.


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5.Exhibits B and C to the AGTA.


IFE/CCS is deemed to be BFE for the purposes of Exhibit B, Customer Support Document, and Exhibit C, the Product Assurance Document, of the AGTA.


6.Boeing’s Remedies.


If Customer does not comply with any of its obligations set forth herein, Boeing may:


6.1         delay delivery of the Aircraft; or


6.2         deliver the Aircraft without part or all of the IFE/CCS installed, or with part or all of the IFE/CCS inoperative;


6.3         increase the Aircraft Price by the amount of Boeing’s additional costs attributable to such noncompliance.


7.Advance Payments.


7.1         Estimated Price for the IFE/CCS. An estimated price for the IFE/CCS purchased by Boeing will be included in the Aircraft Advance Payment Base Price to establish the advance payments for each Aircraft and shown in Table 1 and Table 2.


7.2         Aircraft Price. The Aircraft Price will include the actual IFE/CCS prices and any associated transportation costs charged Boeing by Suppliers.


8.Customer’s Indemnification of Boeing.


Customer will indemnify and hold harmless Boeing from and against all claims and liabilities, including costs and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) incident thereto or incident to successfully establishing the right to indemnification, for injury to or death of any person or persons, including employees of Customer but not employees of Boeing, or for loss of or damage to any property, including Aircraft, arising out of or in any way connected with any nonconformance or defect in any IFE/CCS, or in the installation thereof or in the provision of services hereunder, and whether or not arising in tort or occasioned in whole or in part by the negligence of Boeing. This indemnity will not apply with respect to any nonconformance or defect caused solely by Boeing’s installation of the IFE/CCS.


9.Title and Risk of Loss.


Title and risk of loss of IFE/CCS equipment will remain with Boeing until the Aircraft title is transferred to Customer.


If the foregoing correctly sets forth your understanding of our agreement with respect to the matters treated above, please indicate your acceptance and approval below.


Cabin Systems Equipment   LA Page 4





Very truly yours,


By /s/ Rocky E. Weller  
Its Attorney-In-Fact  


Cabin Systems Equipment   LA Page 5





Attachment A
Cabin Systems Equipment


The following Option(s) describe(s) the items of equipment that under the terms and conditions of this Letter Agreement are considered to be IFE/CCS. Each such Option is fully described in Option Document /document number/ as described in Exhibit A to the Purchase Agreement. Final configuration will be based on Customer acceptance of any or all Options listed below.


Option Request Number and Title





Cabin Systems Equipment
  LA Page 6





Attachment B
Project Manager


This Attachment B describes the functions that Boeing will perform as Project Manager to support (i) the development and integration of the IFE/CCS and (ii) the FAA certification of the IFE/CCS when installed on the Aircraft.


10.Project Management.


Boeing will perform the following functions for the IFE/CCS. Boeing will have authority to make day-to-day management decisions, and decisions on technical details which in Boeing’s reasonable opinion do not significantly affect form, fit, function, cost or aesthetics. Boeing will be responsible for:


(i)managing the development of all program schedules;


(ii)evaluating and approving Supplier’s program management and developmental plans;


(iii)defining program metrics and status requirements;


(iv)scheduling and conducting program status reviews;


(v)scheduling and conducting design and schedule reviews with Customer and Suppliers;


(vi)monitoring compliance with schedules;


(vii)evaluating and approving any recovery plans or plan revisions which may be required of either Suppliers or Customer;


(viii)leading the development of a joint IFE/CCS project management plan (Program Plan) and;


(ix)managing the joint development of the System Specification.


11.System Integration.


Boeing’s performance as Project Manager will include the functions of systems integrator (Systems Integrator). As Systems Integrator Boeing will perform the following functions:


(i)As required, assist Suppliers in defining their system specifications for the IFE/CCS, approve such specifications and develop an overall system functional specification;


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(ii)Coordinate Boeing, Customer and Supplier teams to ensure sufficient Supplier and Supplier sub system testing and an overall cabin system acceptance test are included in the Program Plan; and


(iii)Organize and conduct technical coordination meetings with Customer and Suppliers to review responsibilities, functionality, Aircraft installation requirements and overall program schedule, direction and progress.


12.Seat Integration.


(i)Boeing will coordinate the interface requirements between seat suppliers and Suppliers. Interface requirements are defined in Boeing Document Nos. D6-36230, “Passenger Seat Design and Installation”; D6-36238, “Passenger Seat Structural Design and Interface Criteria”; D222W232, “Seat Wiring and Control Requirements”; and D222W013-4, “Seat Assembly Functional Test Plan”.


(ii)The Suppliers will be required to coordinate integration testing and provide seat assembly functional test procedures for seat electronic parts to seat suppliers and Boeing, as determined by Boeing.


(iii)The Suppliers will assist the seat suppliers in the preparation of seat assembly functional test plans.


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The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707
Seattle, WA 98124-2207





China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Customer Support Special Matters - Extra Training and Services


Reference:Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft)


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) amends and supplements the Purchase Agreement. All terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the Purchase Agreement.


1.0       Maintenance Training: In addition to the Maintenance Training provided within Supplemental Exhibit CS1, Boeing will provide the following additional:


1.1       ***


1.2       ***


1.3       ***


1.4       ***


1.5       ***


1.6       ***


1.7       ***


1.8       ***


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2.0Flight Training: In addition to the Flight Training provided within Supplemental Exhibit CS1, Boeing will provide the following:










3.0        Performance Engineering Training: In addition to CEA participation in regularly scheduled courses per Supplemental Exhibit CS1 Paragraph 2.4, Boeing will provide ***


4.0        Maintenance Training System: Boeing will provide ***


5.0        Digital Tools Fund Credit Memorandum: At the time of delivery of the first 777-***


6.0        Assignment.


Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Purchase Agreement, the rights and obligations described in this Letter Agreement are provided to Customer in consideration of Customer’s becoming the operator of the Aircraft and cannot be assigned in whole or, in part.


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7.0        Confidential Treatment


The information contained herein represents confidential business information and has value precisely because it is not available generally or to other parties. Customer will limit the disclosure of its contents to employees of Customer with a need to know the contents for purposes of helping Customer perform its obligations under the Purchase Agreement and who understand they are not to disclose its contents to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of Boeing.


Customer Services Matters LA Page 3






Very truly yours,  
By /s/ Rocky E. Weller  
Its Attorney-In-Fact  


Customer Services Matters LA Page 4








China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Escalation Capped Factors


Reference:Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft)


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) amends and supplements the Purchase Agreement. All terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the Purchase Agreement.


1.Capped Escalation.


1.1        Boeing will cap the Escalation Adjustment for the Airframe Price and Optional Features Prices of each Aircraft for the Aircraft delivery positions set forth in Table 1 and Table 2 (Capped Period), in accordance with the terms of this Letter Agreement.


1.2        ***


2.Determining Escalation for Aircraft Delivering Within the Capped Period.


2.1        For Aircraft delivering within the Capped Period, Boeing will, at time of Aircraft delivery, calculate the Escalation Adjustment of the Airframe Price and Optional Features Prices using (i) actual indices in accordance with the provisions of Supplemental Exhibit AE1 to the Purchase Agreement (Standard Escalation Formula) and (ii) the Capped Factor. The final Aircraft Price will include the escalated Airframe Price and Optional Features Prices utilizing the Standard Escalation Formula or the Capped Factor, whichever is less.


2.2        In the event any Aircraft scheduled to deliver within the Capped Period delivers after the Capped Period, in addition to any other applicable terms and/or conditions set forth in the Purchase Agreement, the Escalation Adjustment for the Airframe Price and Optional Features Prices will be calculated in accordance with the Standard Escalation Formula or the Standard Escalation Formula, as modified in paragraph 3 below (which will utilize the Capped Factor for the last month of the Capped Period), whichever is less.


Escalation Capped Factors LA Page 1






3.Effect on Advance Payments.


The amount and timing of advance payments Customer is required to pay to Boeing pursuant to the Purchase Agreement shall be unaffected by any terms set forth in this Letter Agreement.


4.Aircraft Applicability.


Unless otherwise stated, the terms of this Letter Agreement shall only apply to the firm Aircraft set forth in Table 1 and Table 2 of the Purchase Agreement as of the execution date of this Letter Agreement.


5.Applicability to Other Financial Consideration.


The escalation adjustment for any other sum identified in the Purchase Agreement as subject to escalation pursuant to Supplemental Exhibit AE1, and which pertains to an Aircraft set forth in Table 1 and Table 2 as of the date of this Letter Agreement, shall be calculated using the escalation methodology established in this Letter Agreement notwithstanding any other provisions of the Purchase Agreement to the contrary.




Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Purchase Agreement, the rights and obligations described in this Letter Agreement are provided to Customer in consideration of Customer’s becoming the operator of the Aircraft and cannot be assigned in whole or, in part.


7.Confidential Treatment.


The information contained herein represents confidential business information and has value precisely because it is not available generally or to other parties. Customer will limit the disclosure of its contents to employees of Customer with a need to know the contents for purposes of helping Customer perform its obligations under the Purchase Agreement and who understand they are not to disclose its contents to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of Boeing.


Escalation Capped Factors LA Page 2






Very truly yours,  
By /s/ Rocky E. Weller  
Its Attorney-In-Fact  


Escalation Capped Factors LA Page 3






Attachment A to Letter Agreement CEA-PA-03746-LA-1207196


Airframe Price Base Year: 2011


Jan-14 ***   Jun-17 ***  
Feb-14 ***   Jul-17 ***  
Mar-14 ***   Aug-17 ***  
Apr-14 ***   Sep-17 ***  
May-14 ***   Oct-17 ***  
Jun-14 ***   Nov-17 ***  
Jul-14 ***   Dec-17 ***  
Aug-14 ***   Jan-18 ***  
Sep-14 ***   Feb-18 ***  
Oct-14 ***   Mar-18 ***  
Nov-14 ***   Apr-18 ***  
Dec-14 ***   May-18 ***  
Jan-15 ***   Jun-18 ***  
Feb-15 ***   Jul-18 ***  
Mar-15 ***   Aug-18 ***  
Apr-15 ***   Sep-18 ***  
May-15 ***   Oct-18 ***  
Jun-15 ***   Nov-18 ***  
Jul-15 ***   Dec-18 ***  
Aug-15 ***        
Sep-15 ***        
Oct-15 ***        
Nov-15 ***        
Dec-15 ***        
Jan-16 ***        
Feb-16 ***        
Mar-16 ***        
Apr-16 ***        
May-16 ***        
Jun-16 ***        
Jul-16 ***        
Aug-16 ***        
Sep-16 ***        
Oct-16 ***        
Nov-16 ***        
Dec-16 ***        
Jan-17 ***        
Feb-17 ***        
Mar-17 ***        
Apr-17 ***        
May-17 ***        


Escalation Capped Factors LA Page 1





The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707
Seattle, WA 98124-2207




China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Government Approval


Reference:Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft)


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) amends and supplements the Purchase Agreement. All terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the Purchase Agreement.


1.Government Approval.








2.1        Reschedule Aircraft. Boeing may reschedule any or all of the Aircraft. Boeing ***


The following terms shall apply to the rescheduled Delivery Period Aircraft.


Government Approval LA Page 1














2.2.        Terminate Aircraft. Boeing may terminate the Aircraft by providing Customer with written notice of such termination and shall promptly return to Customer, ***


3.Confidential Treatment.


Customer understands and agrees that the information contained herein represents confidential business information and has value precisely because it is not available generally or to other parties. Customer agrees to limit the disclosure of its contents to employees, officers and advisors of Customer with a need to know the contents for purposes of helping Customer perform its obligations under the Purchase Agreement and who understand they are not to disclose its contents to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of Boeing


Government Approval LA Page 2






Very truly yours,  
By /s/ Rocky E. Weller  
Its Attorney-In-Fact  


Government Approval LA Page 3





The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707
Seattle, WA 98124-2207




China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd.

2550 Hongqiao Road




Subject:Aircraft Trade-In Matters


Reference:Purchase Agreement No. PA-03746 (Purchase Agreement) between The Boeing Company (Boeing) and China Eastern Airlines Corporation, Ltd. (Customer) relating to Model 777-300ER aircraft (Aircraft)


This letter agreement (Letter Agreement) amends and supplements the Purchase Agreement. All terms used but not defined in this Letter Agreement shall have the same meaning as in the Purchase Agreement.


1.Purchase of Used Model A340-642 Aircraft.




Table 1.

Used   Manufacturer           Used Aircraft
Aircraft   Serial   Used Aircraft   Aircraft Delivery   Trade-In Delivery
Model   Number   Build Year   Date   Date
A340-642   468   June 2003   September 2014   November 26, 2014
A340-642   488   August 2003   November 2014   January 29, 2015
A340-642   514   October 2003   December 2014   March 31, 2015
A340-642   577   June 2004   March 2015   May 28, 2015
A340-642   586   July 2004   June 2015   July 30, 2015


2.Used Aircraft Acquisition Agreement.


Boeing and Customer agree to enter into a used aircraft acquisition agreement that will include the provisions contained in Boeing’s standard form acquisition agreement and any additional mutually agreed terms and conditions (the “Acquisition Agreement”). Boeing’s purchase of the Used Aircraft shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Acquisition Agreement, and subject to the Used Aircraft complying with the specified return conditions as set forth in the Acquisition Agreement. Customer agrees to execute an Acquisition Agreement for the Used Aircraft with Boeing at time of execution of this Letter Agreement. If such Acquisition Agreement is not executed within such time period, Boeing shall not be obligated to purchase the Used Aircraft.


Aircraft Trade-In Matters LA Page 1






3.Trade-In Delivery and Title Transfer.


The trade-in delivery and title transfer of such Used Aircraft shall be delivered on the date specified in the Acquisition Agreement (the “Trade-In Date”). Customer shall ensure that the Used Aircraft meets the return conditions described in the Acquisition Agreement at the time of the Trade-in Date. If such conditions cannot be met, at Boeing’s sole discretion, either the Trade-In Price shall be reduced by a mutually agreed to amount or Boeing shall be relieved of its obligation to purchase such Used Aircraft.






Table 2.


Used Aircraft   Manufacturer        
Model   Serial Number   Trade-In Price   Year
A340-642   468   ***   ***
A340-642   488   ***   ***
A340-642   514   ***   ***
A340-642   577   ***   ***
A340-642   586   ***   ***




Aircraft Trade-In Matters LA Page 2






5.Trade-In Delivery Conditions.


Boeing’s purchase of the Used Aircraft is subject to the Used Aircraft complying with the specified trade-in delivery conditions set forth in the Acquisition Agreement.


6.Notice of Election to Sell.


Upon execution of the Acquisition Agreement, Seller elects to sell the Used Aircraft to Boeing (Election Notice).






Boeing’s agreement to purchase the Used Aircraft as described herein is provided as a financial accommodation to the Customer in consideration of Customer purchasing the Aircraft and the purchase of the Used Aircraft by Boeing is non-transferable to a third party and requires the continuous operation and ownership of the Used Aircraft by Customer.




Boeing reserves the unrestricted right to transfer or assign all or a portion of its rights, title and interest in the Used Aircraft and its obligations and benefits under any Acquisition Agreement to third parties. Customer shall cooperate with Boeing in complying with reasonable documentation and insurance/indemnity requirements. Boeing agrees that no such transfer or assignment will materially change the duty of or materially increase the burden or risk imposed on Customer.


Aircraft Trade-In Matters LA Page 3






9.Confidential Treatment


Customer understands and agrees that the information contained herein represents confidential business information and has value precisely because it is not available generally or to other parties. Customer agrees to limit the disclosure of its contents to employees of Customer with a need to know the contents for purposes of helping Customer perform its obligations under the Purchase Agreement and who understand they are not to disclose its contents to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of Boeing.


Aircraft Trade-In Matters LA Page 4






Very truly yours,  
By /s/ Rocky E. Weller  
Its Attorney-In-Fact  


Aircraft Trade-In Matters LA Page 5




EX-8.1 6 v341666_ex8-1.htm EXHIBIT 8.1


Exhibit 8.1

List of Subsidiaries of the Registrant


  1. China Eastern Airlines Jiangsu Co., Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of People’s Republic of China, 62.56% equity of which is owned by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited.


  2. Shanghai Airlines Co., Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of People’s Republic of China, wholly owned by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited.


  3. Shanghai Eastern Flight Training Co., Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of People’s Republic of China, wholly owned by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited.


  4. Shanghai Airlines International Travel Group Co., Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of People’s Republic of China, 86% equity of which is owned by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited.


  5. China Eastern Airlines (Shantou) Economics Development Co., Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of People’s Republic of China, 55% equity of which is owned by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited.


  6. China Cargo Airlines Co., Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of People’s Republic of China, 51% equity of which is owned by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited.


  7. China Eastern Airlines Wuhan Co., Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of People’s Republic of China, 46.46% equity of which is owned by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited.


  8. Shanghai Eastern Aircraft Maintenance Co., Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of People’s Republic of China, 60% equity of which is owned by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited.


  9. Shanghai Eastern Airlines Logistics Co., Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of People’s Republic of China, wholly owned by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited.


  10. Shanghai Airlines Hotel Investment Management Co., Ltd ., a company incorporated under the laws of People’s Republic of China, 89.8% equity of which is owned by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited.


  11. Shanghai Airlines Industrial Co., Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of People’s Republic of China, 88.32% equity of which is owned by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited.


  12. Eastern Airlines Hotel Co., Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of People’s Republic of China, wholly owned by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited.


  13. China Eastern Airlines Executive Air Co., Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of People’s Republic of China, wholly owned by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited.


  14. China United Airlines Co., Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of People’s Republic of China, wholly owned by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited.


  15. Eastern Airlines Yunnan Co., Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of People’s Republic of China, 65% equity of which is owned by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited.


  16. Shanghai Crane International Transportation Co., Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of People’s Republic of China, 40% equity of which is owned by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited.


  17. Eastern Air Overseas (Hong Kong) Corporation Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of Hong Kong, wholly owned by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited.






EX-12.1 7 v341666_ex12-1.htm EXHIBIT 12.1


Exhibit 12.1




I, Ma Xulun, certify that:


1.I have reviewed this annual report on Form 20-F of China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited (the “Company”);


2.Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;


3.Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the Company as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;


4.The Company’s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the Company and have:


(a)Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the Company, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


(b)Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;


(c)Evaluated the effectiveness of the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and


(d)Disclosed in this report any change in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by the annual report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting; and


5.The Company’s other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the Company’s auditors and the audit committee of the Company’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


(a)All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the Company’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


(b)Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.


Date: April 24, 2013   /s/ Ma Xulun
      Name:   Ma Xulun
      Title:     President



EX-12.2 8 v341666_ex12-2.htm EXHIBIT 12.2


Exhibit 12.2




I, Wu Yongliang, certify that:


1.I have reviewed this annual report on Form 20-F of China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited (the “Company”);


2.Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;


3.Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the Company as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;


4.The Company’s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the Company and have:


(a)Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the Company, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


(b)Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;


(c)Evaluated the effectiveness of the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and


(d)Disclosed in this report any change in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by the annual report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting; and


5.The Company’s other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the Company’s auditors and the audit committee of the Company’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


(a)All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the Company’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


(b)Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.


Date: April 24, 2013   /s/ Wu Yongliang
      Name:    Wu Yongliang
      Title:      Chief Financial Officer



EX-13.1 9 v341666_ex13-1.htm EXHIBIT 13.1


Exhibit 13.1




Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the undersigned, Ma Xulun, President of China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited (the “Company”), hereby certifies, to the best of his knowledge, that the Company’s annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2011 (the “Report”) (i) fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d), as applicable, of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and (ii) the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company.


Date: April 24, 2013   /s/ Ma Xulun
      Name:    Ma Xulun
      Title:      President


The foregoing certification is being furnished solely pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, and is not being filed as part of the Report or as a separate disclosure document.



EX-13.2 10 v341666_ex13-2.htm EXHIBIT 13.2


Exhibit 13.2




Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the undersigned, Wu Yongliang, Chief Financial Officer of China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited (the “Company”), hereby certifies, to the best of his knowledge, that the Company’s annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2011 (the “Report”) (i) fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d), as applicable, of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and (ii) the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company.


Date: April 24, 2013   /s/ Wu Yongliang
      Name:    Wu Yongliang
      Title:      Chief Financial Officer


The foregoing certification is being furnished solely pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, and is not being filed as part of the Report or as a separate disclosure document.



EX-13.3 11 v341666_ex13-3.htm EXHIBIT 13.3














April 24, 2013


Securities and Exchange Commission

100 F Street, N.E.

Washington, DC 20549




We have read the statements made by China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited (copy attached), which we understand will be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, pursuant to Item 16F of Form 20-F, as part of the Form 20-F of China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited dated April 24, 2013. We agree with the statements concerning our Firm in such Form 20-F.


Very truly yours,


By: /s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers





Hong Kong





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