The agency also worked to increase the number of investors it reached while at the same time finding the most cost effective means for communicating with the public. In 2008, the OIEA reached significantly more investors than in 2007 through expanded content on the SEC’s website, use of a direct mail campaign to individuals receiving income tax refunds, and utilizing new media. During 2008, OIEA increased the number of investors reached from 5.9 million to 9.0 million while reducing the cost per thousand investors reached from $61 to $33.

Financial Reporting

For the fifth consecutive year, the SEC received an unqualified opinion on its financial statements with no material weaknesses reported in FY 2008. The agency also received its second Certificate of Excellence in Accountability Reporting from the Association of Government Accountants for the SEC’s Performance and Accountability Report.

Financial Snapshot
Annually, the SEC dedicates over 60 percent of its resources to enforcing federal securities laws.
Enforce Compliance Enforce compliance with federal securities laws

Promote healthy capital markets Promote healthy capital markets through an effective and flexible regulatory environment

Informed investment decision making Foster informed investment decision making

Maximize the use of  SEC resources Maximize the use of
SEC resources
Percent of Total Spending by Strategic Goal FY 2006 to FY 2008 Graph:
Enforce compliance with federal securities laws — FY06=65%  FY07=63%  FY08-64%
Promote healthy capital markets through an effective and flexible regulatory environment — FY06=9%  FY07-9% FY08-11%
Foster informed investment decision making — FY06=11%  FY07=12%  FY08=11%
Maximize the use of SEC resources — FY06=15%  FY07=16%	FY08=14%
Percent of Total Spending by Strategic Goal  FY 2006 to FY 2008